#and zouis is MIA
crinkle-eyed-boo · 1 year
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You know it’s a crinkle-eyed-boo fic when...
Thank you to @disgruntledkittenface​ @becomeawendybird​ and @allwaswell16​ for tagging me to make a moodboard that captures the vibe of my fics. This was DEFINITELY harder than I thought it would be and I still don’t know if I got this right. I went with: 
- Long Haired Harry, my beloved. 
- Zouis are usually besties
- Lots and Lots of self indulgent pop culture references. 
- Niall is the floater between Louis and Harry. 
- Real menus from restaurants that I study and pick out dishes from
- Lirry are usually besties
- Lots of coffee
- Odes to Louis’ eye crinkles, hence my username. 
I’ve been a bit MIA so I don’t know who has done this? @greenfeelings​ @indiaalphawhiskey​ @infinitelymint​ @daggerandrose​ @sadaveniren​ @lovingstheantidote​ @louandhazaf​ @uhoh-but-yeah-alright​
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lululawrence · 2 years
I usually only read larrie fics but I wouldn't mind trying some zouis fics, do you have any favorites? (I don't know if you even read zouis but you are the only "fic" person I follow that reads other ships so I thought it didn't hurt to ask!)
Oh nonnie yes!!! I LOVE zouis so much!! I’m on mobile, so this list isn’t going to be great, and my reasons for loving each aren’t going to be long because my toddler is a terror at the moment, but here’s a basic list for you to start with!
First, my own because self promo? Haha
Kiss Me Or Not - this was part of my birthday Drabbles series for Harry where I was offering to write Drabbles for anyone who donated to Harry’s birthday drive and I wrote some zouis! It’s short and sweet and was my first attempt hehe I love it though
Hope I Start Talking Crazy (before you understand me) - this one is technically zouiam, but there’s a lot of zouis in there as it’s all building up to the finally ot3 hehe it’s also a/b/o (alpha ZAYN and Liam who are already mated and omega louis), Louis moves in next door to ziam, and it’s just. It was so much fun honestly hehe it was for the zouis fest that ran last year!
Finally, You and I (Collide) - I wrote this as a gift for @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed who also loves zouis (and who has also written zouis and does a fab job!!) it’s a five times fic involving adventures in baking that Louis gets to be the taste tester for hehe
Okay and now for everyone else! Here are some of the zouis fics I’ve read most recently and loved:
You Only Fall In Love Twice by @beanno28 - okay so this fic is zourry, but since you usually only read larry fics I wanted to include this because sometimes having your usual pairing as part of it can help ease the way for you haha this was written for the Big Bang this year and is a famous/non famous fic and I loved it so much for so many reasons. It really focuses on all of their relationships and growing into the poly relationship together and it’s just. Wonderful. There’s also a focus on the poly aspect and adjusting to it and the difficulties they might face as they get used to it all that you don’t often see in poly fics, so I hugely loved having that in this one.
we’re still the kings of the Friday nights by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed - this was written for zouis fest as well and ITS SO GOOD OMG!!! Friends to lovers, all the pining, that little hint of angst as they figure things out… it’s just. Everything good in a fic basically haha it’s a lot about self discovery as well and the way Mia writes about emotions is beautiful so of course that means this is impeccably done.
darling just dive right in by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed - I told you she loved zouis, didn’t I? Haha I actually read this one as part of her birthday episode of @podfic-pals as a surprise for her, I love it that much. This is kind of… ex-friends with benefits to lovers? Haha I guess exes to lovers is more succinct and accurate to what they were but it’s so much pain. Soooo much pain. And then all the fluff when they realize their mistake. It’s just. So good. And royalty au!!!
New York Kiss by @quelsentiment - this fic. WHEW. Famous/non famous… kinda. Haha it takes place during Covid with quarantine and the uncertainty of the beginning of the pandemic especially playing a fairly large role in all of it and continuing as a strong undercurrent for their building relationship, so if that’s a trigger for you then stay safe, but I’m telling you this fic is art. The way every piece is put together and expounded upon, the way information is given, the emotions depicted, all of it just hits so perfectly and I love it so much.
Situations Like These by @quelsentiment - okay so I’m not going to list all of this author’s zouis fics even though I want to, but they are honest to goodness one of my very favorite rare pair fic authors ever and they also give incredible aspec representation, so just. Check them out. But this fic was just. It means so much to me I love it very much a lot. The ace rep is FAB but also the way that Louis is just trying so hard to figure out what he’s feeling and what it means and not scare ZAYN off in the meantime and it’s just so very relatable to me! The way it’s all crafted is wonderful, so I defo rec this one along with the previous fic in this list lol
Sigh. I was going to leave you with just two of their fics but I can’t. I am listing three more cause I love them too much to leave off.
Favourite Boy - PAIN. FEELS. FWB (acquaintances with benefits?) to lovers!!!!
Dancing Barefoot - zouiam!!!! On a student field trip as parent supervisors!!!
driver’s license - enemies to lovers ft driving instructor ZAYN who distracts hopeful driver Louis enough that he keeps botching his driving test lmaooo
Unplanned Circumstances by @haztobegood - this one is technically not finished yet… or is it just a really open ending? Lmao it’s SO GOOD THOUGH so read it and shower praise on jinny and maybe she’ll finish it for us someday? Lol
Okay there’s. So many more I could include but I’m cutting myself off because it’s gotten long enough lol but here you go! I hope you enjoy!!! Be sure to leave kudos and nice comments for the authors in thanks hehe
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magic-number-3 · 2 years
URL Mixtape Game
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL then tag the same number of blogs 
Thank you @captain--sif for tagging me 😊✨ this was v fun to do
M - Mamma Mia , specifically from the Mamma Mia 2 soundtrack when its sung by Lily James 😩
A - A-O-K by Tai Verdes
G - Girl by Jukebox the Ghost
I - Icee Pop by Nic D
C - Casualty by Lawrence
N - nothing else i could do by ella jane
U - UGH! by The 1975
M - Mission by Catfish and the Bottlemen
B - Buzzkill by Baby Queen
E - Ends of the Earth by Lord Huron
R - Roses by The Band CAMINO
3 - 3 Nights by Dominic Fike
and for those that would like to ! I’m tagging @grapejuicebluess @izloveshorses @zouis-exes-to-lovers @seylaaurora @royal-misfits @aralisj @scoopsahoyharrington @asecretshekept @halflingkima @satinechristian @iamcon-fu-sion @thenightwemetnatural and @pascalbatched !
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
👱🏻‍♀️Thurs 12 Nov ‘20🎸
Niall and Ashe’s performance on yesterday’s Late Late Show was, of course, gorgeous! No other songs, unfortunately, but the interview did give Niall a chance to run through all of his RAH talking points again, as well as describing the odd circumstances that had brought him and Ashe together. Ashe said they instantly felt like old friends, and then they compared the situation to a reality dating show, cue awkward chuckling all around. Oddly enough, I almost think they had more chemistry through zoom than they do irl, sigh. Guess it's all right we can’t all meet our online friends: sometimes distance truly does make the heart grow fonder! In what could perhaps be called the end of the HBW era, Niall has changed his twitter layout to pictures of himself during the RAH show. The question now becomes: is this just the end of an era, or the beginning of a new one as well? He's been clear that NH3 won't happen until the circumstances of the world change (change back?) so what would that mean? Anne-Marie, who was working with him earlier this month, said that they wrote three “brilliant” songs in the studio that day (she was like “wow, you’re actually talented” when Niall began showing off his instrumental prowess). Niall + blond female collaborator/promo tour BFF has proved to be a winning formula many times over now, perhaps we can mark time in these uncertain months by how many of these collabs we see from Niall! He is also donating a signed guitar to Wishio (an app that connects celebrities with causes) to raise more money for We Need Crew. I wonder if this guitar will sell for more or less than the $28k Harry's did, do you think, and will this one actually sell to a fan? Whatever it goes for will just be the icing on top of the over £2 million the RAH show ended up bringing in for the cause.
Speaking of $28k guitars and the people who signed them, we learned a bit more about H’s project with Gucci: it’s a seven episode mini-series that follows the character of Silvia (presumably Not Harry) through her “eccentric morning routine” in her home in Rome before “the arrival of an unexpected visitor”, who seems to work some kind of magic, and her day becomes a surrealist experience in a Gucci-filled reality. The titles of some of these episodes are “The Theatre”, “In the Cafe” and “The Neighbours”, none of which sound very COVID-friendly to me, but at least there is one called “At Home”. The series, which will be streamed online from the 16th to the 22nd (which, holy shit, that’s next week, how are we not still in July?), and is called “Ouverture of Something That Never Ended”, which would be a stunning alternative title to Fine Line, tbh. It is unclear which exact episodes Harry will appear in, or who will be playing the part of Silvia, but I have created a Gucci account to receive regular updates on this thing (the things I do…) so you will all know when I do! Harry has also been nominated for, uh, EVERY category of J-14′s 2020 Teen Icon Awards, Niall is in almost as many, and Liam and Louis and Zayn are each in one. Gotta say, I think J-14 is a bit obsessed. It’s okay, love, we’ve all been there. 
Abby Roberts, the Spooky Makeup Queen, put up a ‘Day in the Life’ video on YouTube with some fun bloopers and behind the scenes from the LP show, which means we got to relive the moment where Liam admitted that Louis dared him to pull Harry’s pants down, and the Tik Tok live, which broke several times, because it’s not a 1D event without the full array of technical difficulties. Liam continued his celebration of the armed forces today with a one on one golfing outing with ex special forces/current TV personality Jason Carl Fox. The picture is of them standing around, and WHOA Liam’s beard is REALLY growing (uh, pun not intended, but please feel free to take it that way). Is this a picture evidence of a flagrant disregard for the UK’s  lockdown? Uh, it appears to be, yes, but I’m happy to see Liam happy, at any rate. And, in true supportive Liam fashion, Liam sent out an email reminding people that Tom Felton will be doing a Veeps “19 years later” watch-along at 12 PT, ft. Willow, Tom’s dog. Liam asks us, “I’ll be watching along, will you?” 
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sonofaraven · 2 years
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Cover me in sunshine
Art for the fic by TheMipstaz, for @zouisfest
Rating: E, WC: ~10k In which Louis has spent twenty-nine years trying to wrangle his aggressive feline familiar, Zayn has spent twenty-eight years trying to discover how to live a familiar-less existence in a world built on soulmate-familiar principles, and a coffee shop encounter might solve both of their problems.
Based on Prompt 96: soulmate au where everyone has a familiar and your familiar has to find their soulmate in order for you to be able to find yours. too bad yours happens to hate all other animals and leaves the room as soon as another familiar enters it.
See the author’s post here.
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I'm sorry, it's sad hour time and I'm using your blog for it but I need to get this out of my chest.
Sometimes I see Louies saying things like, "I'll love him and support him no matter what happens." And it makes me so happy. But then I see Larries be like, "If he's not with Syco anymore then why is 'babygate' still a thing? Why doesn't he acknowledge his relationship with Harry?"
And I'm like, "You ever thought that maybe he's not with Harry?"
If he's really dating Eleanor or if he's dating another man, how do you think they feel when apparently everything he does is about Harry?
We know he wrote some songs about Zayn after he left the band, while Harry only wrote one song that is implied to be about him. That one song is always used to prove how "devastated" Harry was about Zayn leaving the band. While Louis' songs about Zayn are used as Larry proof. Yeah, ignore the fact that every time Zayn was brought up Harry made it a joke while Liam and Niall turned to check on Louis. Ignore the fact that Harry continues to joke about Zayn while every time Zayn is brought up you can hear and see the pain in Louis' voice and eyes. Yeah, okay. Zarry is real but Zouis is not.
We know he wrote songs about his mom, oh never mind, they're about Harry too! How do you think he feels about that? How do you think his siblings feel about that? That song is probably very special to them as a family. But no! It's about Harry!
We know that he wrote a song about how it felt coming back home after 1D and realizing that everything changed except him. But, oh no, that's about Harry too.
Imagine that in LT2 he finally gives us a honest to God love song after all these years, imagine him writing that, showing it to the person he loves, being excited to share it with his fans, how special it is for the both of them, then people making that song about Harry.
Imagine we get the Two of Us version of his sister, another very special song for his family. No, wait! It's about Harry!
How do you think he'll/they'll feel? This man can't love anyone but Harry, can't date/marry anyone but Harry, can't have a kid with anyone but Harry (never mind the fact that's not possible). It doesn't matter how much he tries, he can't never tell the true, whatever that might be because if he does people he loves are gonna suffer.
Just let him be happy, my God! It's his life!
Do you know what I mean?
In Larryland, both positive “proof” and negative “proof” are used as Larry proof. For example, whether they’re in the same city or different cities (countries, continents)— both are used as “Larry proof.” They are never seen together— Larry proof. They have no friends in common— Larry proof. You see reblogs of timelines where both men are MIA 90% of the time, tagged “love that for them.”
The assumption that Larry is the priority in either men’s lives, the way this idea is obsessed over and fantasized, is insane.
Therefore, as you mention, there’s nothing that can disprove a negative. If I told you that Louis was watching invisible green men last night, but any attempt at photographic capture would self-destruct, you can’t disprove me.
Most of the time, this ends up with assumptions of Louis following Harry around or structuring his entire philosophical framework, work ethic, professional ambition, creativity, and artistic taste around one man— Harry.
For Larries, Harry has autonomy, career ambitions for himself, an entire staff that cares about him only. Not Louis.
Which… if you have a favorite and want to lie to people, that’s fine. But the most insidious and abusive thing Larries proselytize is that “Louis doesn’t want a relevant career anyway, because he likes following superstar Harry Styles around like a heartsick fan.”
Bitch, please.
Louis curated an entire festival for 10k people with his own money, and set a world record with his livestream. And we heard him say that he’s been thinking about giving fans a free festival since 1D.
He has a seven month tour coming up with continuous expansion during the pandemic (according to his tour management). Louis added arenas to his tour and sold them out within 24 hours. He doesn’t want an international career?
Louis tweets about writing his next album nearly every month. He comes online to interact with fans about his music. He is an enthusiastic advocate for other musicians. But he really wants to stay at home and take care of kids?? Wtf?
As a friend said, Larries better go out and date some people, because their idea of a healthy relationship is in the dumpster. Fanfiction is fantasy, not real life. It can be fun to read, but the way they fantasize about Louis and Harry is revolting.
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zot3-flopped · 2 years
I always thought it was a little baffling that people were still really into Zouis as a friendship - when Zayn left, from what we could infer from what was said by all of them, they didn't realise how hard a time he was having. I thought he and Louis were best mates, shared the same bus, bffs, reality is they were likely just permanently stoned with one another & while I don't imagine they hate each other, much like everyone in the band, they aren't or weren't ever that close.
Louis clearly had zero understanding of Zayn's social anxiety, or he'd never have expected him to show up at the XF and face not just Louis but the other three guys, Simon Cowell and all their old team.
Harry did go to the XF and to this day gets way more hate for not doing the jump with Steve Aoki than Zayn does for being MIA altogether. And how Louis was in the mood to jump laughing into the air and then go out clubbing until 4am, I have no clue at all.
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bakagamieru · 4 years
Gami I have been MIA for literal YEARS. How are you?? Have there been any major developments in ot5 land?? Any reason to be optimistic for the boys?? Or is stuntmaggedon still in full effect? Basically google search indicates there is still f**kery afoot
I’m doing ok.  I’m glad you’re checking in after so long XD
There hasn’t been anything major in OT5 land unfortunately.  With the last round of promo, the talk about Zayn has gotten unnecessarily negative… again.  It tends to happen with every round of promo, but it was even worse this time with Liam saying things like “I can tell you the truth now about what happened” (then going on to imply things were bad and that One Direction will never return as OT5) and Louis saying “Zayn and I are too immature to ever make up”.  
These things, of course, make no sense since no matter what Liam is made to say, it will never match up to what we actually saw happening at the time: 
Zayn was trying to get better at making speeches to the crowd during OTRA (with the other boys’ help)
Zayn was just as affectionate with the other boys as he’s ever been during OTRA and them with him
Zayn only said nice things about the boys and vice versa until the stupid obviously-staged promo-related Twitter fights
Zayn never said things that were more negative than neutral about the boys in his in-person interviews despite the discrepancy with his print interviews, etc.
Not to mention all the logical inconsistencies with Zayn leaving and all the shade the boys threw at the stunt of Zayn leaving and the hints at Zayn’s return.  
It’s just frustrating for Liam to say what he did because it feeds directly into the mindset of the people who never questioned Zayn’s leaving - “clearly everyone was being polite in previous interviews, but now the juicy sordid truth is being revealed”.  That sort of thing.  I’m sure that was calculated because it’s a smart move for anyone trying to control the narrative.  It plays to the possibility of Zayn actually being estranged from the other boys no matter how unlikely that actually is given the evidence.  I don’t blame Liam, but it’s sure disheartening to hear it come from his mouth.
Then there’s Louis.  What exactly does it mean that he and Zayn are “too immature” to make up?  Zayn has always been relatively mature (see how respectful his diss songs about 1DHQ “Truth” and Perrie “Lucozade” are), Louis has had to grow up and be responsible an unfortunate amount since his mother died, and both Louis and Zayn always tried to look out for each other and the rest of the band in their self-proclaimed position as the “big brothers”.  Also… see the fact that Louis and Zayn have made up publicly at least 3 times since 2015.  This continuing “we’ve made up”, “no, we never made up” narrative is just plain idiotic.
Then there’s the happy stuff: 
Louis included OT5 in his Walls music video.  There’s a scene where 4 figures (plus Louis) are silhouetted on a stage and then Louis goes to fill the empty space left for him and there are 5.  He didn’t have to do that and he in fact didn’t have to include One Direction in that song at all.  The lyrics are pretty clearly about a single relationship and closeting and the rest of the images in the music video align with that.  To me, the inclusion of One Direction is an outlier in the video and that means that he damn well just wanted to include OT5.  Don’t believe some people if they try to tell you that “Zayn disappears in smoke” from the line-up.  He doesn’t.  The figure closest to the smoke machine gets engulfed by the smoke when it turns on, but that’s just because that’s how smoke machines work (Louis, too, would have soon been enveloped had the scene gone on for a few more seconds) and you can still see the outline of the person through the smoke anyway, so they definitely didn’t disappear.  There’s no guarantee that particular figure was the Zayn look-alike anyway (although I do kind of think it was based on the front picture all the look-alikes posted together).
Oh yeah, and Louis said at his recent signing that Bus 1 is his favorite tattoo because it brings up memories from the tours.  Bus 1 clearly being a Zouis tattoo referring to him and Zayn being the two who hung out on the same bus during that tour reinforces my belief that Louis was deliberately trying to be OT5-positive during his Walls video.
Ooh, I was looking through my “OT5-is-everything” tag and I forgot that Liam also included Zayn in his thank you note to the 1D boys on his first album LP1.  If you want to look for other little things, that’s probably the best tag to search on my blog: bakagamieru.tumblr.com/tagged/ot5-is-everything 
Anyway, there really hasn’t been much going on otherwise.  Zayn barely exists as far as fans are concerned most of the time because he barely posts on social media and he just isn’t seen all that much.  There was a period when he and Gigi were supposed to be done, but unfortunately she’s back again.  But the upside to Zayn barely existing is that at least that means he barely has to be seen with Gigi.
Overall, I would say stuntmageddon is still very much in effect.  It’s the same-old same-old as far as the narrative goes.  The soonest I can see the band getting back together is 2021 at this point just because of all the scheduled tours, but maybe late 2020 would work too.  That’s not to say that I expect it to happen that soon though.  There haven’t been any particular hints that we’re headed that way yet.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Tues 1 Jan! (pt 1)
New Year's roundup! Liam partied all night in Ghana and went to watch the sunrise, Niall did idk what in L.A. but ended up good and hungover today so I can guess the general outline if not the particulars, Louis and his lads hit the clubs (well, a club) in Amsterdam, and we don't know what Harry did in Tokyo but he made sure to tweet in the new year, with good wishes to boot.
Diligent locals have mapped out Louis' holiday pretty thoroughly (Hollywood themed NYE party, but maybe just because it was the only club that offered a secure enough area for a star like our boy, burgers, weed, and sources say he's at an Irish pub tonight) but the question that remains is, is Eleanor there? Some fans are sure that one of the pixelated blobs in the available video is an E-squatch but there is, at press time, no evidence of her presence. Some also ask, why so much Amsterdam? Possible answers are, it's convenient, it's pap free, it's got weed, or just that Louis likes it there, but I enjoy the theory that it was because he was meant to be there to promo Always You but the release kept being pushed back so he keeps having to go there again! It's just stupid and slapstick enough to be a 1D related reality.
Jordan Green posted with a surprised and pleased tone about how amazing the candle Louis gave him is- mark down another convert to the 1D fancy candle cult, ft guru and head candle raconteur Harry Styles.
If you're looking to ring in the new year with real and manip Larry footage and very real Zouis tears, there's a new freddieismyqueen video! I'm guessing a few of you are into that judging by how it TRENDED WORLDWIDE on Twitter like DAMN good work imagine trending when the stars you're fanning aren't even
Speaking of Zayn, if you've noticed his absence lately, you're not the only one. Is he choosing to be MIA for a bit? Possibly. It's not unusual for him. But it is an unusual way to launch a new album, and that coupled with a number of public supportive tweets from family and friends have fans concerned about his well being. Are they letting him know they have his back in the face of label sabotage or the public Zigi breakup (or just the Zigi publicity), or is something worse afoot? We don't know anything, but all our love and may this be a good year for all our boys.
And in today's photo leak news, someone "stole" and posted a large number of pics of the Clark/Jungwirth family with Freddie Reign. Yes I KNOW, literally no-one at all cares, but listen! I think the logic conundrum of this is hysterical! This leak gives you two choices of what to believe- either it's fake, which strongly suggests a tie to the previous two leaks in the last ten days (in all three cases the photos were said to be taken from FB by someone who was friends with the poster) and thus implies that they were also fake and serving a single fake narrative, OR this is a real leak of family photos covering like a year's time, in which Louis appears exactly zero times, which makes the oft used claim that he's spending time with Freddie privately look a little weak. Sorry, both versions point in a single direction (😉) and hey is this a good time to remember that Louis neither mentioned nor interacted with a single member of that family nor acknowledged the idea of that baby as his child even once in 2018? Happy new year indeed.
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lordendsavior · 4 years
I also skip most of Lilo cause idk it just doesn't hit as zarry does and it's a bit too much in your face plus I hate how the bias for Louis is so obvios like his pussy is made of gold like zayn still misses him even when he finally got Harry uuuugh but I loooove mia in both stories and amir's journey. I thought I would hate it and here I am reading non stop and crying lol it's pretty complex and complete and I love that
i actually like the zouis stuff, or maybe not always ‘like’ but it does make sense, the kind of relationship they have (cause like in the sliding doors verse, for example, it’s not so much abt louis’ magic pussy, but abt the toxic co-dependency they have and it makes so much sense to me that it never really goes away).
and you know, i’ve largely skipped the parts where the kids are grown up, like i know most of the plot, esp amir (zayn as amir’s father is one of the most interesting aspects of his character for me). maybe i should give them a try
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ao3feed-larry · 5 years
Own The Scars (Italian Translation)
by crinkle-eyed-boo (KimmieRocks), Sweet_CreatureHL
"Ma io non appartengo a questo posto," insiste Louis. "Perché dici così?" Chiede James. "Queste persone sono tutte tossicodipendenti o alcolizzate", Louis fa spallucce. Qualcosa scintilla negli occhi di James. "E tu invece non lo sei?" --- Louis non si è mai sentito abbastanza. Per il suo patrigno, per il suo migliore amico, per la vita che avrebbe dovuto desiderare. Dopo un incidente che quasi gli costa la vita, i genitori decidono di mandarlo in riabilitazione, dove sarà costretto ad affrontare i suoi demoni. Sulla lunga e difficile strada che dovrà percorrere, Louis affronterà anche le verità che ha evitato per tutto questo tempo. La verità sul suo futuro, sulle sue relazioni e soprattutto sulla sua autostima. Perché prima di poter amare chiunque altro, deve prima imparare ad amare se stesso. PS: la storia non è mia, ma è una traduzione della storia di crinkle-eyed-boo (KimmieRocks) su ao3. Lei è stata solo molto gentile e carina a darmi il permesso di tradurla.
Words: 3850, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Italiano
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, James Corden, Nick Grimshaw, Jay Tomlinson, Mark Tomlinson, Perrie Edwards, Jesy Nelson, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, Jade Thirlwall, Ed Sheeran, Steve Aoki
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: American AU, Drug Addiction, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, drug overdose, Coma, Rehab, Recovery, Intervention, Therapy, Therapist James, Alcoholics Anonymous, Most of the Drug Use is past tense, It only happens once in the present, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, So much angst, But there is fluff too I promise, Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles - Freeform, Louis Tomlinson/Nick Grimshaw - Freeform, larry is end game, please, So don't let the Tomlinshaw scare you off, It's evident from CHAPTER ONE, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, Slow Burn, like the slowest burn, i'm not even sorry, you're gonna suffer, but you'll be happy about it, Happy Ending, Only Child Louis, glasses harry, Shy Harry, Rich Boy Nick, Hair Stylist Zayn, Punk Zayn, Niall is sunshine, Liam is a Good Friend, zouis friendship, nouis friendship, Is there an acronym for Louis/Zayn/Niall, there should be, Cause those three are TIGHT, lirry friendship, Lilo friendship, So many pop culture references, Eventual OT5, Louis loves Chris Evans, because that should be a thing, Lots of Larry Easter Eggs, Everyone drinks a lot of coffee, so much coffee, Coffee is practically a character TBH, Eventual Smut, They earn it, Anal Sex, Don't ask who tops cause they share that, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Emotional Sex, Morning Sex, I'll put more warnings in the notes for particular chapters, but I don't want to give away the farm with tag spoilers, anyway, This fic is intense right from the start, so buckle up, and gird your loins
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' http://bit.ly/2DAyZhz
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Mia!!!! So much bravery from louis and so much support from zayn!!!! absolutely lovely to read 😍😍😍
Hellooo!! I am so glad you liked this chapter!! Zouis is my ultimate friendship OTP!! I am so glad you like it as much as I do!
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quelsentiment · 3 years
hi pal! wow tumblr truly is the worst haha sorry you got so many duplicates last time. i'll probably sen you a bit of a longer one this time too to make up for being so MIA lately. we just finished finals week at my uni and i was so exhausted all this week. thank you so so much for understanding though im so soft :( i hope youve been doing well!! tell me all about what's new with you! angst and fluff is my fav. i honestly dont even know what my ideal design would be. i used to think maybe i(1/?)
would get my name in my mom's native language (thai) or maybe something floral? i never put much thought into it tho bc ive never had any intention of actually getting one haha. what about you? oh, writing with a friend is the best! def makes it so much more fun and keeps you on track. i love that! getting matched with your artist sounds SO exciting. and how fun will it be to see art for your fic baby soon! omg! yeah writing has really kept me here even when i would be busy/uninterested my all time fav fic ever is Just Me, You, and this Box of Matches. it's such a fun, fast-paced read. what are some of your faves? yeah teaching has been great but i was def nervous to start! im in my 2nd year of my phd rn. oh linguistics is awesome! i took a class in ling in undergrad and it was fascinating. do you know yet what your plans are for once you finish? i went straight into my phd without a gap.. i suspected (i think correctly) that if i took a gap or worked i wouldnt go back LOL for the holidays i'll just be going to visit my parents! usually we'd get the whole family together but covid, so it'll just be us. im still excited tho. plus it'll be a great break to just chill, write, and sleep ahaha! my lab is really great but i only joined it about 2 months before covid really hit so i think it would feel way more home-y if we were in person. hopefully someday soon we will be! saame haha im so introverted it has hardly changed much for me - just no more eating out lol louis' concert!!! aah its been so long since i last messaged you im so sorry! he was AMAZING though. his VOICE! esp having been around for so long, my heart was so full it was bursting. i missed seeing him more than i realized! i hope you had a really great week and now that im done with finals and grading i should be wayyy more active and chat with you so much more. thank you though for being so understanding and lovely! i'm so excited to get to know you more too. ily!! xx 
hi pal!!
glad to see you back, and i’m happy you’re done with finals! i hope everything went well 💕
i’m doing good, my parents actually joined me where i live a few days ago, so we’ve been catching up! and my sister should come here tomorrow as well, so i think it’s gonna be my turn to be a bit unavailable in the next few days, sorry in advance 😌 otherwise i’m almost done with TA-ing for this term, but i’m also preparing a talk that i’m gonna do in mid-january at an online conference, so that should keep me busy throughout the holidays!
oh i love those design ideas!! but same, i haven’t thought about it that much, i guess ideally i’d like something small and cute, like a simple animal drawing or something...
i never heard of that fic, but i just checked the tags and it sounds so fun!! i’ll add it to my tbr, even though i’m hardly reading anything these days... i think one of my favourite fics is actually a zouis fic (i’m a sucker for this pairing 😌). it’s called About The Sea and is beautifully written, quite angsty as well!
yes, linguistics is pretty cool, it’s a very diverse field, and the perfect mix of science and humanities for me! but i’m not sure i want to stay in this field forever, tbh i’m kinda lost as to what to do afterwards, because i’m not sure academic research is really the way to go for me... what about you? are you planning on making a career in academia once you’re done with your phd? and do you have candidacy exams or something along the way? my ex-roommate was doing a phd in poli sci, and telling me about all she had to do, it sounded like A LOT :/
ah yes i feel you, working in person is much more fun and motivating, so i do hope your lab reopens soon!
YES seeing him was so calming and refreshing, and he sounded so good!! still can’t believe it happened, actually 🥺 what were your favourite songs from the set?
it’s always so nice to read your messages, but don’t worry if you’re busy, i totally understand!! weirdly the holidays tend to be the busiest time of the year haha
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alexenglish · 7 years
@vampirezayn replied to your post “where is louiisssssssssssssssssssss?”
zouis are mia together bless :)))
ohhh you right you right you right
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overwhelmedbyfeels · 7 years
Or maybe it was 'proof' that Zayn wasn't there. Don't forget, he was pap-walking in and out of Gogo's place the week before, conveniently disappeared, and then reappeared in NY a few days after Louis's performance. No one can convince me Zayn wasn't there, specially after fans claimed to see Z at Heathrow airport!
Or even both, nonnie. But yeah, I’ve thought about pushing the fake beef for Zouis, too. First of all I don’t even know why that was filmed. It’s nice that they were there to support him (and anyone that doesn’t buy into those 5yo fake spats would know it), but you have to wonder why record it and make it public.
Everything with 1D has this tendency of coincide with something else. So the question is: what’s the angle here? Remember how it was meant to be about Louis and not the boys being there? Well, that video certainly defeated the purpose. None of that was meant for our eyes.
I’m with you regarding Zayn. Even if we were to believe that fake beef, that’s the kind of thing that goes above any spat. Jay seemed like a great woman, too. Add that to Z’s ability to go MIA... you know where I’m going with this. ;)
Oh, and since we’re on this, I remember seeing a post with “20 most iconic feuds” (or something) this week. I’m not familiar with snapchat or instagram (nor do I know where it comes from), but three of those “feuds” listed involved Louis: vs. that guy from The Wanted, vs. Naughty Boy, and vs. Zayn.
If that article or whatever is from this week (and maybe from a big outlet), it’s sure helping bring attention to 1D/Louis/OT4 vs Zayn, don’t you think?
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missandrogyny · 7 years
it's pretty silly ok but like... a princess diaries au? but where like, louis and his mom live alone until one week after the king (of their country, its all in england) publicly died his grandma comes to tell him that when hes 21 hes gonna become king, bc (its fanfic ok shhh) women cannot rule if they dont a husband and even if hes not royally recognized like the princesses he's the only one able to rule bc lottie is 17 + a woman... so he starts to be "trained" to fit in and lottie rlly (1+)
doesnt like him bc she was "trained" her whole life to be queen and she really wanted to rule but bc the parliament is outdated louis' the one whos gonna. louis is best friends with gemma who has this dorky younger brother whos in love w/ him but hes oblivious to it bc he's got heart eyes to the bad boy zayn malik but then everything works out and louis discovers zayn is dating liam and hes in love with harry... but the plot twist is he doesnt wanna be king, and on the day hes gonna (2+)
(3) properly introduce himself to the world (hes a "royal secret" like mia), he renounces and says its stupid bc his sister is way more capable than him and the parliament is outdated for keeping women "away" from power and Women Are Smarter and lottie is gonna be a great queen and they all hug and he finds harry (i couldnt come up w/ a reasong for the angst but louis fucked up and harry was mad at him) n they runaway for a roadtrip in the us before they star college
omg this is actually really cute??????? larry w a teensy bit of zouis....i love it someone write this asap :((((
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