#and think of the data mining!
dadbodbensisko-moved · 6 months
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gulducock · 2 years
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look at this pic i found on twitter
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levil0vesyou · 5 months
Writer: Look at this "emotionless" (but secretly emotion having) non-human character I made!
Autistics: just like me fr
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animentality · 7 months
I have joined the steel watch discord, link here, where people talk about Gortash and Durgetash with the same sort of brainrot intensity that I have, and in the data mining channel, it was mentioned that there are lines referencing the steel watch potentially being a summonable ally in the finale of the game.
And also that, potentially, maybe, after you kill Gortash...he'd be sent to the House of Hope.
Where you could rescue him. And make him an ally.
And now I must kms.
Because how the fuck am I supposed to live now...????
Knowing that there might've been a world...where I could've fixed him...???
Where I could've saved him from his tormenter...
I just.
I'm like imagining the dark urge killing him for his netherstone, but then saving him by murdering Raphael and voiding his contract...
And him saying why would you save me...you were the one who killed me...
And they'd just say you were the only one who saw me as something more than a monster. You gave me a chance.
Now I'm giving you the chance to be something more than a monster.
And then they fucking...I don't know, kiss or something.
Help me.
What am I supposed to do, thinking about seeing Gortash in the House of Hope...without his fancy robes...in those hideous debtors' outfits...
Feeling like a scared little boy again, and thinking that all of that work, everything he did, was useless because in the end he was powerless, just as he was always afraid of...
And then you come and you kill the person he was most afraid of...
And then...only then can you make him a true ally.
Like I'm not. I'm supposed to live with this, until I die???
How about I die today?????!!!
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agni-ignition · 1 year
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aquitainequeen · 5 months
Hannah Ritchie used to be convinced that she didn’t have a future to live for. Now, a new book by the myth-busting data expert and climate ‘solutionist’ shows how we can all replace the ‘deadweight’ of endless unsolvable problems with useful, urgent optimism Posters in hand, a 13-year-old Hannah Ritchie stood before classmates at Falkirk high school gloomily forecasting runaway global warming and rising oceans. This much of the planet would be flooded at two degrees, this much more at three degrees. The world was slipping into a watery abyss, she told them. Now 29 and a renowned environmental scientist, Ritchie’s work speaks to audiences of hundreds of thousands, and instead of being laden with doom it is radically hopeful. After diving deep into the data on some of the world’s most pressing problems, she’s surfaced as a rare, positive, fact-based voice. For the first time in humankind’s history, Ritchie argues, true sustainability is tantalisingly within reach.
Read more from Robin Eveleigh!
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ride-a-dromedary · 8 months
You know, I was kinda robbed of a Halsin and Minthara surface enemies to tentative alliance under the player character arc, and that the two of them will likely never see fully eye to eye on anything, and primarily seem like complete opposites of one another, but fundamentally they are both born of tragedy and shaped by a robbery of agency and loss, and their similarities ghost begrudgingly in and out even as their differences scream the loudest - Son of the Sun and Daughter of Darkness and all that.
And they both think Baldur's Gate is the pits so they could have just been mad about that together.
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r0semultiverse · 11 months
Okay but there should be a free 1000 posts badge & 10k, 100k, etc.
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tj-crochets · 3 months
Hey y'all, I am blanking on a word so hard I am even blanking on the words to describe that word What's the term for like...groups of colors? color palettes but more specific? I'm looking for the generic term, but the specific words that are versions of that generic I can think of are things like earth tones, jewel tones, pastels, and maybe brights/neons I'm trying to figure out other categories like those but I cannot figure out what the word is to search
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tvckerwash · 6 months
thoughts on ct's fighting style and her position in pfl because I can (utc bc it's long lol):
okay so I like to jokingly refer to myself as THE wash meta/analysis guy, but I also absolutely love ct if anyone wasn't aware (she's my 2nd fav character behind wash if you couldn't tell lol), but as much as I love her it's honestly pretty difficult to write any sort of 'objective' meta or analysis posts about her because we don't know shit about her. so while this is meant to be a companion piece of sorts to this wash post, I just wanted to make it clear that a lot of this post is going to be based around my personal interpretation of ct (though I will try and be as objective as possible where I can be).
so much like wash, I think ct is also fairly unique among the freelancers for a few different reasons. one of them is that she's one of the few freelancers to wear a unique set of armor instead of the usual mark iv, and I think that ct's armor can actually tell us quite a bit about her skill set and what kind of role she possibly held. ct wears the eod helmet and chest which is primarily designed for protection from explosives, but when it comes to ct the more important information is that the eod armor was designed with less available grabbing surface than other armor variants. she also wears the scout shoulders, which is a variant that is focused on stealth capabilities.
from this information, we can easily deduce that ct's skill set primarily revolves around be slippery and sneaky, and when paired with what we see in the show it's pretty clear that ct is an intelligence operative. I think that ct is specifically a cyber operations specialist, and that prior to being recruited for freelancer she worked in ONI's section one (the actual intelligence gathering sector of ONI that is used by other UNSC branches).
another unique aspect about ct is that she is the only freelancer to consistently arm herself very lightly, with her primary weapon(s) of choice being two M6G magnums, and her other weapon(s) being two combat knives. this goes inline with what I've said above, and due to how lightly she arms herself I believe that ct generally isn't involved in any heavy combat scenarios. this point is supported by team b's failure to retrieve the briefcase with the access code during the heist in s9 (seriously, who tf thought it was a good idea to put 2 snipers and an intelligence operative all together as one team for a smash and grab retrieval mission??).
now to actually break down the whole 1.5 fights ct has in s10, I think that she probably somewhat shares wash's more grounded and pragmatic approach to combat as a whole, with the exception of her preference for duel wielding (which I personally headcanon is a thing she chooses to do because it makes her feel like an action/spy movie protagonist).
in both of her fight scenes ct seems to rely very heavily on her ability to plan ahead and get the jump on her opponents to take them by surprise (dropping from the ceiling to take out the two marines when she met up with the innie leader in the scrap yard, and using her armor enhancement to conceal her real position which allowed her to pin tex's arm behind her back), and I think it's safe to say that she probably isn't the kind of cqc fighter than can mow people down left and right like carolina can.
as mentioned above, I think ct's main goal is to take her opponents out in the quickest, quietest, and most efficient ways possible, much like a spy or an assassin, and while her loadout is great when she is in ideal circumstances where she's able to sneak around and avoid unnecessary combat, I don't think it's very good when it comes to drawn out encounters. we see this in her fight against tex and carolina, as while she handled herself pretty well it seemed like the longer the fight lasted the sloppier ct ended up getting, and eventually she made enough minor mistakes that carolina was able to knock her off her feet and disarm her in a single move, and tex, who was now aware of ct's armor enhancement, was able to cut her down.
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aptericia · 3 months
More thoughts on the AI discourse
hrmmm ok. gonna try to keep this brief-ish.
Like I genuinely get why people dislike AI-generated art. I find most examples of it repulsive because they fall into the uncanny valley for me. But something about the criticisms people make of it reeeeally rub me the wrong way. All this emphasis on “it’s not human!!”, “it’s inherently evil because it works by stealing!!”, etc feels honestly quite silly and overreactive (although I will admit that accusations of “inhumanity” and the whole concept of “evil” are upsetting to me for personal reasons). If someone plagiarizes my artwork by copying it directly and trying to get money and/or recognition for it, I’m going to be exactly the same amount of annoyed regardless of if they used “inhuman” tools to do so. I agree that AI-generated images’ lack of humanity makes them poorly suited to a lot of jobs, but that means they are a tool, not that they are “inherently evil”. And I feel like all this discussion of whether it’s “right” for computers to be trained on image data at all distracts from the fact that it’s still humans committing the plagiarism. Data training is just like any other technology or science; it builds upon the collective effort and skill of our species. Yes AI art is a technology that’s actively being used to hurt people, and yes I think there should be laws made to combat that. But forbidding it, or even socially shunning it because of its supposed “inhumanity”, is not the way to do so.
TL;DR I believe that AI-generated imagery has significant shortcomings and is being handled badly by our society. However, most of the arguments against it are based in deep-set disgust and fear, which, while perfectly understandable emotions to have when faced with new challenges, cannot be the basis for moral arguments. AI art is not “evil” for learning from existing work or making it easier for already shitty people to do shitty things.
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youssefguedira · 1 year
tog fandom today i'm curious about yalls favourite tog cast movies (even if it's a minor role but you watched it because they were in it). doesnt necessarily have to be the one you thought was the best just the one you liked/enjoyed the most. its for science
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Ok but could Mine ever actually bring him to hit his beloved Daigo? Kill him, sure, but hit?
see that's a hard question to ask not because i doubt that mine could hit daigo if he's willing to kill him while he's in a coma, but it's the fact both mine and daigo are considerably really diplomatic men who would just talk out whatever grievances they have with each other and so it's hard for me to imagine any situation where they're kicking the shit out of each other
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yonpote · 6 months
dnp really got me watching cheap reaction content on their sellout gaming channel like who am i
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callisteios · 1 year
Ehat us ur house md spreadsheet about? I am so honestly sincerely interested
Well since you asked so sincerely….
The prologue
The house spreadsheet began because I had two hypotheses (about the episodic medical mystery show; Sherlock Holmes where the diseases are the murderers (for the lost)). 1. It’s cancer like half the time. 2. The show is known for its patients getting better then worse, this is a trope used gently in early seasons and then overused in later ones.
These answers aren’t just something you can find online. So I decided, ok, should be easy enough. let’s track this…
The fool
So I ran into many problems. It was boring tracking these few things. What if I was wrong and I waste several months of life proving a false hypothesis. So ok I said. We’ve got a good basis but let’s expand.
So I came up with another hypothesis. Those epiphany moments on the show? I bet those are majority sparked by Wilson.
So I created categories which I shall now show you:
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Great beautiful wonderful categories. Problem however. It’s still kind of boring and I’m not paying enough attention. So let’s add some more (the fool says)
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And now i am nearly 100 episodes into this television show and must keep track of all these factors to keep my spreadsheet accurate.
The point?
There was a point but I can’t quite remember it. Oh! The points! It turned out that giving and taking away points to the characters was by far the funnest part of the experience so I have many graphs planned from that!
The point point though is that the house spreadsheet is an exercise in foolish ambition, boredom, and shame. It’s a fun concept taken to far. It’s something I talk about too often because I have used too much of my time alive contributing to it
I will post it when it is done for the few strange souls who might be interested
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butch-reidentified · 4 months
so funny to keep saying things like "I shouldn't argue with you because you'll never change your minds" when I earlier had a whole paragraph in one of my replies to him about how I reassess my views pretty much 24/7 but nothing he's said has been new information or insight to me, so why would it change my mind? all he does is continue to lie about me, insult me, ignore what I actually say in favor of his projections, and on the rare occasion he actually tries to make a proper argument, it's the same shit I used to believe years ago and turned away from because.... I got new information proving it wrong. what about any of that would change anyone's mind?
I'm like, the EASIEST person to change the mind of. legit all you have to do is present new evidence. evidence I've been familiar with for a decade or more isn't new lol
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