#and while i dont condone it i do love his little shit moments
plan-3-tmars · 7 months
this meme fits malevolent ridiculously well, this is only 3 out of . many possibilities
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rinbowaman · 10 months
could u do a heethan reaction / comforting reader who has cptsd related to sexual abuse? i know it might be vv uncomfortable to write about so it's okay if u don't feel comfortable with it, but i wanted to try my luck 🥺
Of course, this actually is an important topic and I feel like Heethan will help teach us a little something on the matter (i know it sounds hypocritical given what he does to reader all the time) but he does love her and in a way i always imagined that deep down, reader never really truly means 'no' even when she's hesitant, not towards heethan. with samuel, gabe, or scott, it was definitely "NO!" but with heethan, she knows so (this does not make any sense and i dont condone to sexual harassment or sexual abuse.....i just love heethan and readen. if you get it, you get it.) they are soulmates. and just like with alot of the drabbles, heethan does teach us some valuable life lessons while helping readen cope.
FYI, in case if readers haven't read HHP, this covers the events from chapter 11-13/14. Readen actually did go through some shit and some of the stuff wasn't even seen by Heethan, so that's just to fill you in to avoid confusion. I highly recommend reading at least those chapters before reading this drabble.
“Within Time.”
Jolting up from the bed, casted in the pitch darkness of the night, your chest felt the pain of losing breath as you realized that it was only a dream.....at least....it was right now.
Glancing over to the side, you saw that Heeseung remained asleep soundly, his hand gently resting on your thigh as you caught your breath. It's funny just how safe you feel with him by your side, you wish that on some days that you didn't have to sleep.....for there were times where your dreams were a harrowing reminder of what happened months ago....with Scott.....
Granted, the man was no longer around...you recalled vaguely, as if it were a dream, that you could view the happenings of the event that unfolded through a black, narrowed tunnel that piped your vision as you allowed Eden to remain fully present, leaving you to 'rest' in the backside of your mental capacity. You saw what Heeseung did.....and there were alot of times...you wish he could do it over and over again.....all because the mark that Scott left on you, was painfully eternal.
The feeling of his hands squeezing your breast, his tongue licking your neck as he held you down, trying to take it further. His hands......not Heeseung...not your man...your husband...your soulmate.....but another man was touching you, going against you, licking you and tasting your skin. You......the territory of your loving partner.
Was it any wonder you felt so tainted? Despite Heeseung and Jake arriving just in time, it still haunted you.....what if they hadn't?
That is where your nightmares came in, for some nights, you not only relived the moments of you avoiding his kiss, while your body was forced to feel the touch of his hands as he grabbed, squeezed, licked, and kissed breasts. Sucking on your neck, and even biting on you. No matter how many times you've showered, scrubbed, and soaped yourself down, you always felt as if his hands were on you still....
Your nightmares forced you to relive all of that.....and also show you just what would have happened had Heeseung not been there to save you.
The view of Tiff's face laughing as you could feel Scott thrusting, his sweat dripping on your face, his voice groaning amid your piercing screams as your arms are held down, your body shifting upwards from absorbing the impact of him tearing into you.......why?......
Why was this in your head? You did your best to not think about what could have unfolded, let alone what actually had happened......was this the effect of just being traumatized? It was all so terrible.....as much as you love Heeseung and want to remain with him forever......you couldn't lie to yourself when admitting that the nightmares were becoming too much.......some nights, you just wanted to fall asleep forever and never wake up again.
The thought of taking your own life saddened you, not only because you want to live....your life was so decent before experiencing that terrible experience........but for Heeseung......you want to spend your life with him. You love him more than anything else in life....was it so bad that you grew sad and angry for wondering just why things had to go that way? What was wrong with you just being happy and living your life without meeting Scott and Tiff? Why did they have to take you away? Why did Scott have to say those words to you?....
"Are you on birth control? If you're a virgin, I need to know right now because that would be a huge bonus."
Some days...you wonder if the scenarios in your dreams are real and the life you live with Heeseung are unreal. It became hard to determine what was actually happening and what was just a mirage. The nightmares kept coming, and they grew more vivid, haunting you with the touch and showing you the alternative fate you would have succumbed to. So many days, you wanted to tell Heeseung of what happened.....how fearful you felt......how your mind drifts off and reminds you that had your lover not find you, you would have been raped, abused, and forced into the most degrading acts ten times over while each man would have taken his turn, recording the entire event. But you couldn't bring yourself to tell him.....you break before you could even speak on the matter.
Shuttering, your body trembles as you forced back the tears. Usually you succeeded in keeping them at bay, this time......you weren't strong enough. You cried.....and you cried hard.
Moaning out your sobs as you placed our hand over your eyes, you felt the tears drench your face, coating it with stream after stream, forcing you to slip further into despair as you wished deeply that you could forget....that it never happened. You would never have these thoughts if only the universe could change the course of events....if time could revert and if things could be different...if things could have remained and been the way without Tiff and Scott.......
You woke up to the movement of subtle shakes and heard the cry of the bell-tuned voice.
Raising up, your grogginess faded instantly at realizing that she was sitting with her chest pressed up to her thighs, knees bent with her arms looped around underneath. Cradling herself in, she sobs with a haunting tone emitting from those beautiful lips of hers.
"Y/n whats wrong? What happened?"
Pulling her in, you embraced her. Why was she crying? Who hurt her? You swore that you'd not only kill whomever would dare hurt her, you'd make it everlasting and painful for them.
Little were you aware.....you already had killed him. Yet his acts remained, and you never knew...until tonight.
"Y/n, please pretty baby. Dont cry, tell me whats wrong? Who hurt you?"
Sobbing, gasping for air, forgetting to breathe over and over again, she whimpers and bursts into a new set of tears every other second as she tried to find the words, yet her sobs grew more frantic and violent as she began to scream out your name. God.......it broke your heart.......you swore, it felt as if someone was digging into your chest cavity with pliers, ripping your heart out piece by piece the moment she cried out your name, knowing that you wanted to help her, you were willing to, you would do anything for her....you just didn't know what or how as she couldn't find the words to breathe out other than your name. Desperate for you to hold onto her, her body shakes even more, her hands spider crawl the sheets, searching for your hands as her face hangs low, her forehead pressed against her kneecaps.
"I"m here. I'm right here, please......tell me whats wrong."
Desperate for some closure, you voiced your words to try and get her to tell you. That's all you needed....was a name.....of whoever hurt her. Everything else, you already knew how to handle and had a plan...you just needed....the name.
"Who hurt you? Tell me!" Embracing her tightly, your body began to tremble on its own from the fury that was building up deep inside you. "Tell me.....and I'll ruin them."
"Y....you can't....." she whimpers out.
"Yes I can...and I will. Tell me y/n."
"N.....you cant.........you can't...."
Getting angry and irritated, you gritted your teeth as you demanded an explanation. "What are you talking about? Tell me and I will. You know I will, tell me right now."
"You wont be able to.......Heeseung..."
"Because you already did kill him.....but he still haunts me...."
The last piece of your heart.....dragged out slowly from beneath your ribcage. You knew....you knew what she had meant.
Yet a sense of confusion took over. You not only killed Scott, but you had also protected and saved her from him. Was it from when he took her? From when he slapped his hand against her soft cheek, staining it red from the sting? What was it?
As you started to softly speak her name, that's when it happened....she broke....for the first time since the incident, your otherwise usually happy, smiling, sweet darling y/n, who was always cheerful, gentle, and reflected just pure joy and love......finally broke.....in a way that you never wanted to see her reach ever again.
She slaps her skin, peeling away what she sees were Scott's hands.....but you watched as she desperately grabbed hands full of air as she pushes away.....nothing......but it wasn't nothing. There definitely was something. You knew that...no one else could understand...just you.
Grabbing onto her wrist, you cradled to her and let her sob as she began hyperventiliating. Guiding her, you walked her through her breaths, helping her to gain control of her body once more.
"Baby breathe...look at me...breathe baby...breathe.....thats it......breathe."
The room was dark with only the light peering in from outside, the streetlight's pale blue glare seeps into your window, casting a dimmed tone into the room as you witness the shine on her cheeks. The tears were relentless.......but no more. You were going to take care of that for her.
"Baby....breathe...." you didn't ask her, you only kept helping her to breathe again. Honestly, you felt that asking her any further was something that wouldn't help, but you were surprised when she opened up fully, gasping out the events that took place right before you arrived to bring her back home...
"I'm...i'm sorry........I.....I....I couldn't let him....he tried but i wouldn't let him kiss me......but i couldn't stop him from touching......I....I can't forget how it felt....he touched.......he did things......that only you should have done......and if you hadn't came.....he would of.....he...he. and his friends...they...they would have held me down and-"
"Shhhh....y/n come here."
Turning her to face you, you laid her head on your chest as you cradled her in your arms. Rocking her, you caressed her cheeks until nearly forty minutes after the fact, she finally succumbed the exhaustion of sobbing and fell back asleep. You however, remained awake for the entire night.
You woke up to find that Heeseung was still awake, cradling your body as he stared out the window, watching the sun come up. Reaching up to grab the collar of his t-shirt, he glances down and lovingly cradles your cheek in his palm.
"You okay?" he asks.
Nodding slightly, you felt like crying again noting that he hadn't slept at all since your episode. The way he looked at you with nothing but love in his eyes, you felt shameful for keeping him from peacefully sleeping.
"I'm sorry about last night..."
Shaking his head, he switches his gaze on the bedding as he furrows his brows. "Don't be. You did nothing wrong and you have nothing to be sorry about...."
Sniffling, you relaxed and steadied your breath as you tried to hold back the tears you felt coming back up. When suddenly his voice spoke out, completely shocking you...
Switching to a sinister gaze, one that was not displaying that eerie and malicious smile that he always wore, instead, it was the look of a cold blooded killer. Ethan remained facing the window as he rested his chin in his hand, elbow propped against the window sill.
"Have you been having bad nightmares.....of Scott?" he carefully asks.
Nodding, you buried your face into his chest. Once again, you steadied your breath as you felt your body shake from bursting into tears any moment.
Placing his hand over your head, he pets the back of your hair as he looks down and watches as you remained plastering your face against him.
"Have you been thinking of going to heaven?" he placed the words delicately, already figuring the answer, but needed to be sure.
Shocked at his question, you nodded as you kept your face burrowed into his pectoral muscles, not wanting to look him in the eye.
"kay......come on get dressed......"
You were confused but didn't ask questions as you got ready and followed Ethan to the car. Strange, normally when you were upset or feeling down, Heeseung always aided you in coping, yet this time, he switched over to Ethan...which was.....quite shocking considering the issue you were experiencing....was something that despite being out of love and fulfilling your deepest desires, Ethan himself had done far more than Scott ever did......
Driving, you recognized the area that Ethan took you to. It was the farm that he and Heeseung brought you the morning after your first night. It was the farm, "Terres de Nice". He knew how much you loved being here, it was so beautiful, peaceful, and calming. Parking the car, he took you by the hand and for the first time, since your many visits to the farm, he walked you around the pasture. As the cows, sheep, and horses grazed over the wide spread of fresh green grass, he walks you up to the large barn. You were somewhat nervous, as you wondered if the owners were okay with two random people coming up on the property without permission. Yet the moment you both entered the barn, an older woman greets him, instantly recognizing him.
"Heeseung, long time no see."
Wide eyed, aside from you and Jake, you never heard anyone else call him by his birth name. Ethan remained, never switching back which made things even more confusing as you watched him develop a calming expression, his sinister gaze slightly fades as he develops a look that was more human than demonic, yet he still was.....Ethan.....
"아줌마, 그동안 잘 지내셨어요?"
The woman, who was what you assumed of Korean descent as she and Ethan conversed in the shared language.
"난 괜찮아, 대학은 어때? 거의 끝났어?"
"네, 그렇습니다. 졸업 후에 한국에 가서 가족을 볼 거예요."
You stood by as you listened in as they spoke, Ethan gently pulls you in and introduces you to the elder woman.
"제 아내이고 이름은 y/n입니다."
The woman smiles and walks up, gently taking you by the hand and she gently shakes it while smiling and speaking in broken English.
"I so nice to meet you. Very nice."
You smile back whole heartedly, she was so frail and nice, her hands were boney as she gently rubbed your palm while greeting you. With the bit of Korean that Heeseung, and Ethan had taught you, you applied what you've learned and spoke back in her native tongue.
"안녕하세요, 만나서 반갑습니다."
"ooooh!" the lady gasped out in a pleasant expressive tone. Looking over to Ethan, she smiles as she tells him "매력적인 젊은 여자." Facing in your direction once more, she tells you "So very pretty." As she pats Ethan on his back.
Smiling, as he pulls you in by the waist, Ethan asks the woman, "내 아들이 먹고 있니?"
Nodding, the woman replies back. "예, 그는 우나와 함께 있습니다."
Taking a couple of handheld, wooden brushes off the wall, Ethan takes you by the hand and trails you away from the barn after thanking the elder woman and admitting a slight bow, which you did the same as he walked you further into the pasture. Whistling out, loud and harshly, the high pitch of his whistle pierced your ears as it ringed through the sky. Immediately after, a loud neighing echoes right back, as if it responded to Ethan's call.....and it did.
Whistling out once more, this time in a patterned tempo, the neighing responded as you heard the gallop of the creature coming in closer and closer. Looking from afar, you watched as the black stallion came up, galloping towards Ethan.
"Come here boy." Ethan calmly calls out as he extends his hand and receives the creature as it halts to a slow stop, right as it's snout touches Ethan's hand. "Good boy!" Ethan rubs the creatures snout and forehead, gently moving the hair away from its large eyes as he kisses the horse before patting it's neck. Taking you by the hand, he walks you over, around the front of the horse and towards it's side, placing and keeping your hand in contact with the large animal. Taking one of the wooden brushes, Ethan slips the leather strap over your hand as glides your fingers through, resting your palm on the wooden backing. Placing it back on the creature, he leads you with his hand over atop of yours, and sets the pace as he guides you in brushing the animal's back and stomach.
"This is Connor." Ethan speaks calmly into the back of your head as he continues to guid your brush strokes.
"Is...he yours?"
Ethan smirks as he looks as he tilts his head back and looks at Connor's face while the animal neighed out. "In a way. When he was born, back in my first year of college, I visited him often to play with him. So the owners let me name and claim him."
At peace and feeling the effects of tranquil and joy, you continued to brush Connor, never knowing until now that the creature existed. After a moment or two, another horse gallops up close, a beautiful red mare with a white diamond pattern on her forehead with black hair draped over her neck, matching the soft strands of her tail.
"Ah, this is Una." Extending his hand, Ethan gives a small whistle as Una trots right up to him, placing her snout under his hand just as Connor had done. "She's....Connor's girlfriend." he chuckles out, petting her neck as the two horses began softly necking each other.
Taking you to Una, he guides you to brush her, while taking the second brush and begins tending to Connor. In a standstill moment of time, you both brushed, fed, and walked the two horses around the pasture, conversing about anything and everything. He never asked you about what your nightmare was about, but you could tell it wasn't because he didn't care....he did. That was why he didn't ask. Instead, he knew, that the hauntings of your thoughts.....the events that could have transpired, the feeling of being stained by Scott's hands was something he couldn't change, yet he took it away by taking you to visit Connor and Una nearly every other day. He showed you how to saddle the horses, and taught you to ride them through the trails that he often took Connor to whenever he had time off from school. Little by little, you felt yourself feeling healed and drifting to the reality of your world, your life, living new experiences as Ethan, and Heeseung would take turns showing you the ropes of the pasture and even showed you some of the other farm animals.
Later in the upcoming months, you both would aid the owners in picking fruits out of the orchard, prune the trees, and play with the dogs. It was comforting, touching, and so........free.
Yes, free. Just as the horses galloped freely in the wide open, you felt free.....and it was exactly what you needed as you realized you were trapped in the dark cloud of trauma. But each time Heeseung brought you to the pasture, or when Ethan would take you horseback riding, you felt yourself breaking away from that cloud, and enjoying the freedom of feeling how you wanted to feel. Happiness. Comfort. Warmth.
Just as Connor took to Heeseung and Ethan, Una took to you just the same. Taking in the responsibility of caring for her, loving her, and cherishing her, you felt that your life had meaning and a purpose, which was something you never really felt even before the incident. But with the bond that you were developing with your pretty little mare, the feeling of having something to live for...something that was, for once, an entity you provided care for, instead of being the one that needed protection, you found a sense of fulfillment. Sensing your new found glory of emotions, he knew he succeeded....
"A long time ago, I saw a pretty, delicate flower...it was the most beautiful flower i've ever seen. Picking it from it's root, I took it and planted it in my own garden, where I cared and nurtured it on my own. I watched it grow and bloom....I watched as it shed it's petals and fall dormant during the cold months of winter, before greeting me the moment spring arrived. I watched as the sun would rise, expanding the highlight of its beauty, and watched as the moon kissed it's color as the night dew mirrored my unconditional love for it. A moment of despair nearly killed me, when a man stumbled across my pretty little flower, and clipped its stem, taking it from me to wilt away from afar. I felt as if i was withering away.....I lost my pretty flower.....my garden was empty, lacking color and joy for my flower was no longer there. Out of despair, i tore the fence and destroyed it, unable to view at how stark dead it looked, for my pretty flower was the only thing that brought my garden to life. It brought me joy and happiness, but no more as it was gone. for months, even years, the weeds and grass swarmed what was once my own little patch of contentment. Eventually, it became congested and harrowing as the broken fence line and posts were choked out by the ever spreading vines, and the tall thorny weeds that blocked out the sun. It reflected the lack of life and beauty my garden once had.....it was forever gone....my garden...no more. Until one day, as I went to set the entire region aflame, unable to bear the view of ugliness that continuously presented itself to my sight, i caught a slight glance of what initially, i couldn't believe.....I tore out the weeds, pulled out the grass and peeled back the vines, and there she was.....my pretty flower grew back for me....stronger than ever with bushier leaves, larger petals, and multiple blooms in various colors. My pretty flower has come back to me....because she never left. Her roots remained, and though she was cut deep......she still grew back because she knew i needed her.....just like she needs me. Through all the blockage of the ugliness that surrounded her, she still grew and became everlasting....she triumphed over the ugliness that concealed her away from me.....she is strong...she is bold....and she is alive and well, never letting the clipping prevent her from blooming for me. She has become more beautiful and thriving....I realized, that while I may not have been there for her....my flower has always been there for me......it took her a while to regain her stem and her leaves......but she made it. There is nothing that my pretty flower can't overcome, through wind and storm, my pretty flower will remain and continue to bloom for me.......if you let her....if you give her a chance.....my pretty flower will always come back.....time, will heal all wounds....." - Heethan
Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️ 
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miikewazowski · 1 year
i HOPE you see this.
disclaimer: this post is filled with all the hate i could possibly emit. it is everything i want to say to him, so please excuse my french. it is the punch to his nuts that i should have given him then. it is the mental pain i wish i could have reciprocated in the moment. 
other disclaimer: i am not a violent person. i do not condone violence. this post is simply my demons having a little freedom for a moment. they are running amuck in my head. i need them out. i never abused anyone, i was always the one BEING abused.
you fucking suck. you are probably the worst human i have ever met. youre fucking crazy. you should be a mental patient. and if you need proof of that, i have it sweetie. i will have it until the day i die. in case your dumbass tries some shit in the future. “wHy ArE yOu ReCoRdInG” fucking dumbass. i have all your little meltdowns on tape. you yelling at me, you scaring my DOG. you PUNCHING YOUR OWN DOG, you telling lies, you pulling out the GUN, should i keep going? you cant be trusted. and we ALL know you have your fucking family wrapped around your little finger. you treat them like SHIT and they still care about you. they still think theres something there worth saving. first hand i can tell you, you are a shell of a human. YOU KNOW HOW FUCKED UP YOU ARE AND YET YOU STILL REFUSE TO BE HELPED. so fucking be it bro. what really pisses me off is you just fucking got away with ALL OF IT. i called the cops on you TWICE and both times you stopped me. i WISH one of them went through. i was on the phone with the girl while you were screaming. hoping you wouldnt see me on the phone. i couldnt put it up to my ear. do you know HOW BADLY i wanted her to trace the call. i was BEGGING for the universe to save me from your insane ass. you are a piece of shit. karma is on its way to you. i manifest it every day. i hope your life is awful. i hope nothing ever goes your way. i hope you rot in hell, oh how i wish hell was real. people like you deserve to live there. burning. in constant agony. YOU NEED TO ATONE FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME. YOU NEED TO BE PUNISHED FOR YOUR ACTIONS. YOU NEED TO OWN UP TO THEM. I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO LIVE IN SILENCE. THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW YOUR FACE, YOUR NAME, YOUR ENTIRE BEING.
takes u to court for emotional turmoil
bitch i would sue you for everything you OWN
i should have taken bucket. youre going to kill that dog one day. for fucks sake you punched him full force in the head because he tried to lick your popsicle. then threw him across the room like a football. i should have called the animal police bro. you cant even take care of yourself, why are you being trusted with a helpless dog? i dont give a fuck about you. let me make that clear. you dont deserve anything in this world as far as im concerned. but that dog, that dog needs to be saved.
you are LUCKY that you still have your family, unfortunately for them. but they are all you will ever have. you are a gaslighter. and i hope to fucking GOD that you dont entrap ANYONE else. live alone, die alone. 
that being said, you pussy ass bitch, if you MIRACULOUSLY decide to admit yourself and become a GOOD PERSON, then MAYBE i will consider manifesting positivity for you. but if you are still the same abusive asshole that i lived with, then i will continuously wish nothing but hell for you.
but heres the thing about GASLIGHTERS. its in your DNA fuckhead. your brain is LITERALLY fucked up. so you cant change. and i doubt you will. because you are “fine”.
well, YOU DONT GET TO GET AWAY WITH THIS. the more i heal, the more i see the truth. you manipulated my entire life. i became a pet to you. a pet that you abused. im basically bucket. i loved you unconditionally, and you abused that love. YOU ARE AN ABUSER. YOU ARE DANGEROUS. you need to be stopped. and i will live with this pain for the rest of my life because of you. i will ALWAYS remember what you put me through/did to me. if i EVER see you on the street, i WILL catch a case I. DONT. GIVE. A. FUCK.  DONT YOU ever STEP IN MY LANE AGAIN. you are dead to me. i was the best thing you ever had. i hope you think of me. i hope you miss me. i hope your heart aches from the loss of me. i hope the pain is as unbearable as the pain you caused me.
now heres where you misunderstood me.
you took me for a fool. someone that you could manipulate endlessly. you must have thought i was dumb. LMFAO. i love HARD but i am NO idiot. i saw you. i KNOW the real you. and it gets clearer every day. you cant run from who you are. and if i have to let the world know who you are too, i will. so stay low. dont make any noise. dont hurt another SOUL. or i’ll pop up. you dont get to hurt anyone else. i refuse to let it happen. i crave justice and revenge. only thing keeping me quiet now, is i dont want to be a bad person. i dont want drama. you aint worth it motherfucker. but im ready for anything. you can not be trusted.
so keep telling your lies. keep everyone thinking you have a halo. keep abusing people. keep it up. i know you will end up where you are supposed to be. people like you dont make it very far in life. 
just know, as long as im alive, you have an enemy walking this earth.
fuck you w, d.e.
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riphimopen · 2 years
i'm watching the Halloweens for the first time these days (skipping the third one and the sixth one bc fuck off obviously) and you're the michael expert in my eyes i wanna know EVERYTHING you think of him and how do you feel about the rob zombie version etc etc <3 thank youuuu
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IM THE EXPERT????? OH BOY IM SMOOCHING YOU no youre making the right choices FUCK 3 6 and FUCK rz. ok here we go let me just talk abt the movies first
west coast best coast first movie best movie PERIOD obv im all for expanding on mikes character and shit etc but 1978 said THERE IS A FUCKED UP GUY PERIOD. THATS IT. and i really admired their dedication to lack of detail. like if i was just gonna watch one and done? first movie has mike, jamie lee curtis, and murders, and thats really all you need. plus obv cinematography and soundtrack
H2 is where we get BALLING its got explosions doctors MORE JAMIE LEE CURTIS and ofc...... my favorite plot twist on da planet lol <333 personally i love the sibling twist bc its funny as SHIT. h2 is a good one. ending wild as shit
h3 not real #girl
h4 and 5......... UGH ok i love jamie lloyd sm she a baby fr and one of the best things to happen to the franchise. WE DO NOT TALK ABT THE THORN CURSE OR H6 THEY R NOT REAL overall 4+5 as a package deal are solid and have some good moments, if you can get past the stupid druid shit and the man in black theres lots to expand on mikes character and make you HATE sam loomis
h20 is the FUNNIEST SHIT on the planet. PERIOD LMAOO LIKE??? this was really the Laurie Off Tha Shits movie and i think they were SO brave for that i personally dont keep it main cannon in my little brain but its extremely funny and i love the emphasis on sibling dynamic. its so good and by the end ur yelling like YES thats what horror characters SHOULD have done
resurrection................... GOD well. i wish jlc couldve done the whole thing but she didnt. and mike gets electrocuted in da balls by Busta Rhymes so thats really all there is to that one
now on the rob zombie shit. asides from the EXTREME amount of nudity and sex scenes in that shit, asides from all the other things that dont work w those movies, THE THING THAT IRKS ME IS THAT HE TRIED TO REMAKE JASON. he tried to make michael into a hulking sympathetic giant with an abusive childhood who can talk to his mothers vision and is heavily motivated by his grief trauma and emotions like. We Literally Already Have Jason Thank You. myers is meant to be some batshit 5'10 dude completely off his gourd and ASIDES FROM ALL THE WEIRD MISOGYNY AND VIOLENCE of the rzs, they just do a shitty job of recharacterizing mike
AND LASTLY THE 2018 TRILLOGY..... ok so 2018 was solid. kinda dumb, but we get laurie for the lesbians and bald asf myers. kinda stupid asf to be hyping him up if they're picking up right after the first one, and im bummed they didnt keep the sibling plot, but whatever
KILLS, however. this movie is true to its name and has good kill scenes but thats ALL i can say in its favor. it's muddled commentary on mob mentality and policy brutality completely overshadow any point it may have made about ableism within the horror genre and it ultimately ends up advocating for the police to murder unarmed citizens while simultaneously being extremely preachy in condoning mob violence, encouraging the public to leave things to the cops and encouraging cops to be more violent. BUT: mike takes out all those firefighters and it fucks hard so its ur call to balance
and u want 2 hear what i think abt mike..... ugh i luv u ok. so ive said it before and ill say it again i LOVE two dimensional evil characters who are just SHITTY and villainous and nothing behind their eyes. but since michaels establishment in the very first film, we are given too much of his background to properly categorize him as one of the above. this is a medically abused severely drugged young adult breaking out of a decade and a half of serious trauma and going off the shits one night; one can hardly take a character one meets as a helpless child and condemn it to the label of monster. my design and interpretation of michael are heavily based on my experience with mental illness because, when u really boil him down, he is a mentally ill person who was never given the help he needed and was in fact exploited, abused, and mistreated, and went off the rails bc of it. its largely a critique of the medical field: i hate doctors. the way i see michael is as literally just some guy, some complete rando, who was dealt shitty mental health at a young age, handed over to abusers, and was able to achieve the catharsis and vindication of becoming the monster theyd told him he was bc. well i love rage killing and excessive violence lol
deep sigh anyway thank u SO much 4 asking dont take any of this as law and make sure to formulate ur own opinions ofc donate a billion dollars to ur local mentally ill person AND REMEMBER: horror movies is for laughing and going "AH!" and thats all there is 2 it.
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smolanon · 3 years
A Little More Than Tipsy (Wilbur x Reader)
Hey! This fic has technically been in the works for months, I just only got around to doing the final push and finishing it today! This one is gonna have some extremely irresponsible actions in it, so I just wanted to say:
Do not use alcohol as a coping mechanism, drink responsibly, and absolutely DO NOT drink and drive. I do not condone any of the actions in this fic. I have also been around very few drunk people, so I'm sorry if its unrealistic or played up too much. Stay safe, babes!
Type: friends to lovers, hurt/comfort
Word count: 4,018
How did you get to this point? "This point" being sat on your kitchen floor, an empty bottle of an alcoholic beverage in one hand and your phone in the other, crying your eyes out.
It all started a couple hours ago when you were thinking about your ex. You hadn't been with him for about a year, but you still missed him quite s bit. You knew he had moved on, and it hurt like hell. It wasn't like your relationship ended because of a fight or any toxicity, he just fell out of love for you. You'd tried dating around but you didn't really click with anyone. You knew deep down, you still had feelings for him, even though some similar feelings had started to blossom for a friend of yours. These conflicting feelings caused many late nights thinking and being frustrated.
You were feeling particularly lonely, pacing around your kitchen and scrolling through social media. You don't know what came over you, but you soon found yourself on your ex's account. You don't know what you were expecting to find, but it certainly was not the video of him proposing to his now fiancee. All your movement halted as you stared, mouth agape, at the video of him professing his undying love for her. Undying love that he would never feel for you; you began to wonder if he ever did feel that way for you.
You could hardly remember what happened between the fridge and the floor, but all you knew now was that you were sloppy drunk and sobbing. Your mind felt fuzzy as you stumbled to your feet, letting go of the empty bottle as you placed it into the sink. You felt alone, so very alone. You didn't want to be alone. Who could could make you feel better? Who could make you feel not alone? You wracked your brain as you headed out of your house and fumbled with your keys, getting into your car as a person finally popped into your head. The dear friend who gave you butterflies and rested his arm on your head. The guy who ruffled your hair constantly and laughed so sweetly.
"Wilbur." You whispered to yourself, starting up your car.
You felt a little guilty as you drove, trying your very hardest to bring clarity to your clouded mind. You got to his home safely by some miracle, parking as well as you could. You tried getting out of your car to walk to the door, but found it to be more challenging than you'd have liked. You settled for pulling out your phone and texting Wilbur.
Wilbur had just finished editing a video and was getting a drink of water when his phone buzzed in his pocket.
'I'm ougtside com get me plese' the text from you read. His brows furrowed with concern and mild confusion. He walked to the window, peeking behind the curtains to see your messily parked car and very drunk form leaned against said car. His heart dropped a bit at realizing the state you were in and quickly headed out to you.
"(Y/N)?" He said as he approached you. "What are you doing here?"
Your red, tear stained face split with a wide grin. "Wilbur!" He shushed you. "How are you?" You spoke in a slurred stage whisper.
"Did you drive here?" He said, panic evident in his tone.
"You didn't answer my question." You pouted up at him, leaning forward a bit more than you had planned and stumbled into his chest. He caught you, sighing and placing his hands on your shoulders to steady you.
"C'mon, let's get you inside." He walked you into his house, guiding you to sit at the kitchen table. Never before had he seen you so drunk, and you two drank together more than you did alone. He grabbed you a glass and filled it with water. "Drink this and give me your keys."
"Why?" You blinked up at him, staring vacantly with red, puffy eyes.
"So I can park your car, since you did a proper shit job of it." He chuckled a little as you giggled in response.
"Oops." You said as you patted yourself down. "I think I left them in the car."
He sighed and shook his head. "Stay here." He went back outside, relieved to see the drivers door still open. Many worries ran through his head as he parked your car. Why were you so drunk? Had you hit anything with your car? Had you been crying? Why were you crying? Who had done this to you?
When he walked back inside, he saw that you had drank about half the glass and were now running your finger along the lip of it. Your head snapped up when he entered, the grin returning to your face.
"Hey stranger, come here often?" The words did not come out of your mouth as eloquently as you had meant, but it earned you a chuckle that felt like a "good job". It lit up your chest in the way only he could.
"Oh, every now and then." He sat across from you, placing his hands on the table. You reached around your glass to place your hands on top of his, messing with his fingers absentmindedly.
"So...what's wrong?" He spoke up after a moment, a light pink dusting his cheeks.
"Hm?" Your eyes lingered on your conjoined hands as you tilted your face up, not meeting his worried gaze.
"While I wouldn't want you going to anyone else at late-late hours of the night in a drunken stupor," he spoke carefully, "I can tell there's something up. You look like you've been crying."
You stayed quiet for a moment, not tearing your eyes away from your hands. The rings on your fingers clinked together lightly, filling the silence. You considered pressing a kiss to his pretty knuckles for a moment before he enveloped your hands in his.
"Hey," you finally tore your gaze up to meet his, "what happened?" His voice was soft and his dark eyes held concern. His gentle tone, his warm hands, his worried, deep eyes, it was enough to break the thin veil of fineness you had tried to put up. You burst into tears, sobbing and quivering under his touch. He quickly stood up, moving to your side and pulling you into his chest in a warm hug.
You let it all spill out like a shattered tea pot, pouring every feeling, be it the sharp glass of anger and resentment to the bittersweet liquid of being happy to see him happy, but hurt at how he had moved on. Everything. You gripped his soft, yellow sweater in your hands as you held onto him for dear life.
"I-I just feel so alone and I-I dont think anyone-" a hiccup cut off your speech, "will ever love me again!"
"Hey, hey, don't say that." He rubbed your back as he spoke softly. "It's not true at all. You're not alone, and there's plenty of people out there who love you better than he ever did."
"You r-really think so?" You turned your face up to him.
"I know so." He said, an odd smile on his face that was a mix of knowing and sadness. Soon, you calmed down from crying. Somehow, the two of you had ended up sitting on the floor. You were somewhat in his lap, being held tightly to his chest as he combed through your hair with his fingers. It felt so...right. The two of you just felt like two puzzle pieces finally clicking together. Wilbur felt slightly guilty that he felt so content holding you, especially since you were struggling so much emotionally. It was just so nice to hold you in his arms the way he had dreamed of for so long.
You stayed like that for a moment before you looked up at him again. He looked down at you, your eyes meeting, causing his heart to flutter. Your faces were so close, he could smell the alcohol on your breath. Although the scent wasn't all too pleasant or romantic, the moment just felt so right. Then, you pulled yourself up a bit and kissed him.
Fireworks exploded in his chest, and he couldn't help but reciprocate the kiss for a moment, before the guilt from before doubled. He knew this was wrong. He placed his hands on your shoulders, gently forcing you back from him. Your eyes fluttered open, drunken confusion on your face.
"Why'd ya do that?" You spoke, voice slightly rough from all the crying. Wilbur shook his head, his cheeks hot from your previous actions.
"You're so incredibly drunk, (Y/N). You need to go to bed." You pouted at his words, they obviously didn't penetrate much because you pulled him down into another kiss, this one much more passionate. Nothing tore him up more inside than having to tear his lips away from yours once more. You certainly weren't making this easy on him. "(Y/N), no." He put as much force as he could into the word, and you finally released your grip on his shirt. He moved you out of his arms and off his lap, using the table to pull himself to his feet.
"Nnnnooooooo!" You responded, grabbing onto his leg like a fussy child. His heart softened, not being able to stay upset with you for long.
He smiled halfway, chuckling at your actions. "C'mon, you can have my bed." He leaned down, offering you his hands for help to your feet.
"Boo." You pouted, but took his hands anyway. He tugged you to your feet, and your legs collapsed beneath you. "Woah!"
He bent down and scooped you up into his arms, eliciting a giggle from you. He smiled a little as your small form clung to him. He carried you to his room, tucking you into his bed.
"There you are." He patted your head and tried to leave the room. You quickly reached out and grabbed his hand.
"No! Wilbur, please don't go!" You tugged at him, although your touch was all he needed to stop. "Please sleep here with me." You begged, pressing his hand to your cheek.
He swallowed thickly, the offer very tempting, with the bed looking so warm and you looking so scared and him being so tired... He shook his head, both to clear it and signify his answer. "You know I can't, (Y/N). Too much can happen, and I don't know if it's the alcohol or really you talking."
Your lips started to quiver and you started to tear up once more. "Please don't go..." You whispered softly, "at least stay here until I'm asleep, so I don't miss you."
You were really making this difficult for him. He absolutely did not want to see you cry again. He bit his lip, thinking very hard.
He sighed, "Alright," you perked up a little, "I'll stay here until you're asleep." He pulled his hand away and pulled a chair up alongside the bed. Your hand hung out of the blankets and off the side of the bed, blindly grabbing for his hand. He let you grab onto his hand again, touched by the relieved expression it brought to your face. You had rolled onto your side, your other arm tucked to your chest and your cheek pressed to his pillow so that only one of your eyes were open.
He hummed softly to you, rubbing the back of you hand with his thumb. You smiled sweetly and squeezed his hand a bit.
"I've always loved your voice." You mumbled, halfway into the pillow. He smiled down at you lovingly as he continued to hum.
Your eyes shut first, then your breath steadied, and finally, your hand went limp and started to slip out of his. Shortly after, you began to snore softly. He let your hand go, standing up to stare at your now peacefully sleeping form. He gently tucked your arm under the blankets beside the other one and pulled the blankets up on your shoulders. He pushed a few of your stray hairs behind your ear and bent down, placing a soft kiss to your temple.
He tugged the curtains shut, knowing your hangover would probably thank him in the morning, and brought a glass of water and some pain killers to set at the bedside table. He turned off the dim light finally and shut the door behind him, a sigh leaving his lips.
He stared down at the hand you'd held, blush dusting across his face as he headed to the couch, grabbing a couple spare blankets on his way. He thought about your hands gripping his shoulders, handfuls of his sweater in your fists with the ghost of your touch on him as he adjusted the couch into a makeshift bed. Finally, as he laid in the darkened livingroom, his long limbs hanging uncomfortably off the sides of the couch and his head resting on a throw pillow, he reached a hand up to touch his lips. The lips you had pressed your own to.
He didn't regret pushing you away, but he so wished you had been in a different mindset and state when you kissed him. Maybe then he could have pulled you close to his chest, gripping you with every bit of fervor within him. Then he could have kissed you like he always wanted to, stealing your breath and leaving you gasping for air between your swollen lips. Maybe then he could have said what he always wanted to. The big L word. Maybe then you would have said it back. He tried to blink away the tears pricking at his eyes and let a final, shaky sigh leave his chest. You two definitely had to talk in the morning, when you weren't drunk and he wasn't dead tired.
When you awoke the next day, your head felt like someone had taken a meat tenderizer to it. You pulled the blankets over your head, letting out a groan. You touched the sheets, they were not the ones you were used to falling asleep in. Slowly and hesitantly, you lifted the blankets from your head to see a room that was not yours, but was far from unfamiliar. You slapped your forehead, gritting your teeth at the splitting pain that shot through your skull.
"Wilbur." You whispered to yourself, guilt and shame rising up in you. Luckily, you felt your clothes still clinging to your body, so you hopefully hadn't done anything too damaging to your friendship. You took notice to the drawn curtains, glass of water, and pill bottle beside the bed as you sat up. Your heart warmed at his consideration. You reached over, taking a few of the pills and sipping lightly at the water for a bit.
If you were being completely honest with yourself, you knew you were avoiding facing him. Everything between your kitchen floor to Wilbur's bedroom was a blur, and you'd probably said and done some stupid things within that blur. You felt bad for having dumped yourself on him. You felt that you really didn't deserve him.
You huffed out a sigh, emptying the glass and swinging your legs over the edge of the bed. "Act like an adult for once in your life and own up to your actions, ya big baby." You scolded yourself, slowly rising to your feet and heading to the door.
You peeked out, wincing at the bright shine of sunlight that finally reached you. You made your way out of the room, heart twisting at the image of Wilbur halfway off the couch, snoring loudly, looking very uncomfortable. You walked over to him, debating on if you should wake him up or not. The guilt that bubbled up was enough to pull you from beside the couch and into the kitchen. The least you could do was make breakfast to repay him. There was a half empty glass of water on the table. You made your way around the kitchen sluggishly, getting ingredients and combining them.
"(Y/N)?" You jumped at the sound of your name at the entrance to the kitchen, nearly dropping the egg in your hand. You turned your head quickly to look at Wilbur, wincing at the piercing pain it caused. You placed a hand over your eyes, groaning at the feeling.
"Good morning." You cleared your throat as you spoke. You heard him chuckle and peeked through your fingers. You could tell he didn't have very restful sleep on the couch. His hair was messy and he had bags under his eyes. His voice was groggy and rough. He looked...extremely cute, all sleepy and disheveled. You blushed and mentally swatted away those thoughts as you turned back to the stove.
"You could have put me on the couch, you know." You spoke up, testing the waters of whatever the hell happened last night.
"Nah, I'm fine." He yawned as he walked up next to you, resting an elbow on your head. Your heart skipped a beat at his closeness, he was still warm with sleep.
"That couch can't be comfortable to sleep on."
"First you drive to my house in a drunken stupor, then you insult my couch, what next, my hair?" He clicked his tongue in a teasing manner.
"I drove here???" You said, mouth falling open. You groaned and hid your face in shame. "That's so reckless and dumb, I'm so sorry."
"Hey, don't sweat it. You can't go back and fix it now."
"I could've hurt someone, all because I can't handle my stupid ex getting engaged." You sighed, dragging your palms down your face and rubbing your temples.
"Well, you certainly shouldn't do it again, but your car looked undamaged so I don't think anything happened. Just...don't do that again. You could have gotten hurt." He put a hand on your shoulder and rubbed comforting circles into it with his thumb.
You nodded quickly. "Of course not! I don't normally drink that much, especially not when I'm alone. You know that." You glanced up at him and he flashed you a small smile, concern still in his eyes. The two of you finished making breakfast, joking back and forth. Soon enough you were sitting at the table, eating and chatting.
"So...I need to talk with you about something that happened last night." He finally spoke up, sliding his empty plate away and propping his head up on his hand.
"Uh oh." You got tense, sliding your plate away as well.
"Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked, tapping nervously at the table.
"Nothing from here." Your spit thickened in your mouth, bouncing your knee in an attempt to get the panicked energy out somewhere.
"Well...something happened, and I can't just pretend it didn't, but I don't know how to say it."
"Oh fuck, please don't tell me I did something embarrassing." You hid your face in your hands once more.
"Y-you didn't! Well, I mean...it depends on a lot." He reached over the table to put a comforting hand on your forearm, but pulled away quite quickly.
"Just tell me what I did." You groaned, just wanting this whole situation to end.
"Well, you..." He cleared his throat, hesitating and stalling, "you kissed me." He spoke each word slowly.
Your jaw went slack again, eyes wide and face hotter than the stove. "I...I kissed you?"
"Yeah. Twice." He rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks tinted pink.
"I-I'm so sorry! I'm such an idiot!" You slapped your forehead, regretting your decision to push him to tell you. "Gosh, I really just can't stop fucking up, can I?"
"O-oh...I mean- yeah." His voice sounded almost hurt. You pulled your hand away to see him staring into his hands, jaw tense and lips pressed into a thin line. He looked really upset, and suddenly you realized how bad what you said was.
"W-wait, no- shit, that's not what I- I mean- I didn't- I-" You let out a frustrated groan, dragging your hands down your face. "Is there something you want to know?"
"No, I think you already answered my question." He said, voice tight and strained.
"Ask me anyways, please?" You begged, hoping to salvage the situation. There was a moment of tense silence before he lifted his gaze to meet yours. His eyes were glossy and you automatically felt even guiltier. You moved your hands across the table to cover his, attempting to comfort him, but he tugged his hands away.
"How do you feel about me, (Y/N)?" His gaze burned into yours, making it impossible to tear your eyes away from his. You opened and closed your mouth multiple times, trying to find the words to explain how he made you feel.
"Wilbur, I..." You swallowed the lump in your throat, bringing your hands to your lap. Fuck it. "I don't know if I have ever loved someone as much as I love you."
His cheeks lit up with blush, and the hurt started to leak from his eyes. His lips parted slightly, taken aback by your sudden forwardness.
"I didn't mean k-kissing you was a mistake, I just...wish I didn't do it when I was drunk. I wish I could remember it, because- because I have thought about doing it so many times and the one time I get the guts to do it, I'm too intoxicated to even remember it and I hurt you and-and-" You spiraled into your thoughts, standing up and pacing the kitchen. You ran your fingers through your hair frustratedly, tugging at the strands on occasion.
"(Y/N), hey." he said your name and your heart stopped, along with your feet. He stood and walked over to you, placing his hands on your shoulders. "Calm down, you're going to give yourself a panic attack." He chuckled softly.
You stared at your feet, cheeks burning with embarrassment. "I never meant to hurt you, Wilbur...I just, don't want things to be awkward if you...don't feel the same."
"(Y/N)," He gently grabbed your chin and tilted your head up so that your eyes met once again, "you have no clue how long I've wanted to hear you say something like that." His eyes were full of something else, now. He leaned in, your faces nearing eachother.
"Y-you have?" You said, nearly breathless. He nodded, sliding the hand on your chin up to cup your cheek. Your noses we now touching, and you placed your hand over his.
"Are you sure I'm actually what you want, though? Are you really over...y'know...him? I don't want to just be a rebound." His eyes held worry along with longing. You nodded quickly in response.
"Wilbur, I've felt this way about you for a very long time. I just was too scared it would...I dunno, ruin our friendship? It sounds kinda dumb, now, but...I want you, and nothing else." The confession came easier with the heat of his touch. His eyes searched yours, looking for truth in your words.
He must have found it, because the next second he was pressing his lips to yours. You returned the kiss fervently, curling your fingers between his. His lips were soft and warm; they seemed to slot perfectly with yours, like they were made for each other. Fireworks exploded through your bloodstream. It had been ages since you felt so happy with a pair of lips moving against yours. A small sound left his throat and you pulled away to shoot him a grin.
"So, does this mean you'd want to go out on a date with me?" You teased, rubbing your nose against his.
He laughed warmly and pretended to think for a moment as he placed a hand on your hip. "Hmm, I guess so." Then, he leaned in to kiss you again.
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interstellarflowers · 4 years
wish you were sober | billy hargrove x reader x steve harringon |
wish you were sober
billy hargrove x reader x steve harrington
summary: parties weren’t your thing, and maybe billy wasn’t either
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a/n: hey everyone this is my first shot at writing a stranger things fic, and obviously my first time writing billy so i hope it’s okay! just a disclaimer, i dont condone billy’s behavior in stranger things and if you find yourself in an abusive relationship romantic or otherwise, please seek help! that being said this is inspired by conan gray’s wish you were sober i suggest listening to it while reading, also! the gif isn’t mine! im honestly not sure who made it but credit to them! 
song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHyE_erqAe0
tw: angst, language 
This party's shit, wish we could dip
Go anywhere but here
Parties were so not your scene. Alcohol wasn’t your thing, dancing anywhere outside of your room was out of the question and the music was deafeningly loud. So why were you here? Oh right, Billy fucking Hargrove. How could you even begin to describe your relationship with Billy Hargrove? The only way that you could think to describe it was the same way that you would describe Billy himself, soft in the middle, rough around the edges and full of fluctuations. One second you would feel like you were on top of the world, and the next you would feel as if you’d hit rock bottom. If you got to close you were sure to get cut but the closer you got the better it felt, the more it opened up. Sometimes you weren’t sure if you were talking about Billy or your relationship, sometimes you weren’t sure of anything. 
Tonight, everything was on a downswing. 
The day had started out fine, Billy drove you home from school and had managed to talk you into accompanying him to the party. 
“It’ll be fine (y/n)!”
“What if it’s not?”
“It will be. Now go put on something nice so we can get going.” You sighed but complied, you knew that you’d do anything for him because you had just always assumed that he’d do the same. Assumed.
Not even ten minutes were you at the party and he was already at the keg stand doing exactly what Billy does best, being a reckless little shit. Having left you for alcohol so early on you found yourself frozen, so here you were. 
“(y/n)!” Steve made a beeline for you through the crowd.
“Hey Steve.” you responded meekly,
“What’s up?”
“Oh you know, Billy.” you responded dryly, Steve’s face fell in disappointment.
Steve knew all about your dynamic relationship with Billy, the ups, the downs, but mostly the downs. Steve had been a good friend of yours since diapers so it was only natural that he would know everything about you and Billy,
“What now?” You nodded over in Billy’s direction as you and Steve watched him stumble towards you,
“Harrington.” Billy slurred shooting Steve a look that could kill.
Don't take a hit, don't kiss my lips
And please don't drink more beer
“And that’s when Steve makes an exit,” Steve says patting your back and disappearing back into the crowd,
“What did he want?”
“Nothing Billy, he’s my friend, you know that.”
“I don’t like him.”
“I know you don’t like him Billy.” 
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing Billy,” you shifted your gaze to the floor, refusing to look Billy in the eye, you didn’t feel like expressing your disappointment in him, you just wanted to make it through the night so that you could just go home,
“I know,” Billy gave you one of his classic smirks failing to notice how you looked down, “You need a drink.”
“Billy, I don’t really drink-”
“Oh? So you don’t want to drink it?” Billy moved his face closer to yours, lifting your chin up, his breath smelt of beer and something else that you were pretty sure you could place as weed.
“Billy please don’t-”
He did anyways, he tasted how he smelt, and you didn’t like it. You waited for him to pull away and watched as he turned to get more beer,
“Billy.” you said over the crowd with a soft tone,
“(y/n).” he turned around, sending shivers down your spine, and not in the way you liked,
“Please don’t drink more beer.” He only laughed and continued walking away. 
I'ma crawl outta the window now
'Cause I don't like anyone around
Kinda hope you're following me out
But this is definitely not my crowd
As the night went on it only got worse, Billy seemed to have an inhuman tolerance for alcohol as he downed one after the other. Ignoring you, leaving you to sit alone. 
You sat at the edge of the pool, your shoes off with just up to your ankles submerged in the chlorinated water. You were taken out of your thoughts when someone over by the porch screamed,
You quickly stood up stumbling to put your shoes on as you rapidly searched the crowd for Billy, failing to be able to see him through the masses. You finally got your shoes back on and pushed your way through everyone still searching for Billy, you kept searching until you found yourself face to face with a certain someone everyone had been running from-
“(y/l/n)?” Hopper stared at you astonished to see Jane’s on and off babysitter at a party like this,
“What are you doing here?” Tears started to well up in your eyes as you struggled to create sentences,
“I want to go home…” you managed to squeak out. Hopper nodded silently before briefly leaving to scan the grounds, having found that everyone else had managed to escape, you followed Hopper to his car.
“Thank you.” you said quietly as you strapped yourself in,
“It’s no problem,” Hopper paused for a second testing the waters, “But I really have to ask (y/n), what in the world were you doing there?”
You shook your head at him and Hopper respected that whatever your reasons were that you didn’t want to talk about it. He decided not to press further, he knew that you were a good kid, so whatever you were doing there, he trusted you.
On the drive home the car was silent but your mind was buzzing with thoughts of Billy. You swore that you could still taste the alcohol from his lips. Every minute or so you couldn’t help but look out the rear view window, wishing that Billy was following you home to say that he was sorry or to at least say goodnight.
“Here we are,” Hopper pulled over in front of you house,
“Thank you.” you said as you got out of his car,
“(y/n)?” you turned to look at him, “Don’t let anybody make you do anything you don’t want to do, okay?” You nodded firmly and thanked him again before shutting the passenger seat of the car door and quietly letting yourself into your house. 
It was dark, good. The last thing you needed was to deal with your dad tonight, his bedroom door was shut and the lights were off in there too, which meant that you were safe. You took note that your parent’s car wasn’t in the driveway which meant that your Mom was out with one of her men on the side...again. 
You lightly padded down the hallway and let out a sigh of relief as you finally shut your bedroom door. 
“(y/n).” It was him, you turned your head to the right taking notice that your window had been left open.
“Billy.” You couldn’t lie, you were relieved to see him, but you couldn’t hide the hurt in your tone. 
Nineteen but you act twenty-five now
Knees weak, but you talk pretty proud, wow
Ripped jeans and a cup that you just downed
Take me where the music ain't too loud
Trade drinks, but you don't even know her
Save me 'till the party is over
Kiss me in the seat of your Rover
Real sweet, but I wish you were sober
“(y/n),” Billy was hammered, “I didn’t realize that you didn’t escape too, I would have driven you home. So I came here and I’ve been waiting for you.”
“Billy, did you drive here?”
“Yeah, parked down the street.”
“Billy, you’re drunk.”
“(y/n), you’re pretty.” He gave you another classic smirk that only Billy Hargrove could do and placed a kiss to your lips. Alcohol still on his breath. You frowned,
“What’s wrong (y/n)?” you sighed and started to change into your pajamas,
“It’s nothing Billy.” you saw Billy watching you take your clothes off out of the corner of your eye but you didn’t really care in this moment all you could think about was how little Billy seemed to care about you.
“It’s not nothin’, you’re pissed.” Billy put his hands on his hips and faced you as you sighed and sat down on the edge of your bed, 
“What is it (y/n)?” Billy moved in closer to you and kissed your forehead, “You’re so pretty, you know that?” He was too close right now. It was too much. You could feel the aftermath of the sound system in your eardrums and it still felt like a train was running through your body, the closer he got the stronger the stench of alcohol was, it was seriously too much, you forced your gaze away from him and your eyes fixated on a crack in your wooden floorboards,
“You’re sweet Billy, but I wish you were sober.” 
I wish you were sober
Wish you were so, wish you were so, wish you were sober
I wish you were sober
“But (y/n), it was a party.”
“I know Bily, I’m sorry, I just, I just wish you were.”
“Sober?” he rolled his eyes at you, “I wish you were drunk.”
“I don’t want to be.” you said quietly as you continued to fixate your gaze on the floorboard.
Tripped down the road, walking home
You kissed me at your door
Pulling me close, begging me to stay over
But I'm over this rollercoaster
Billy’s face faltered and he ran his hands through his hair,
“Look, (y/n), I’m sorry okay? Let’s just go back to my place, and I’ll have you back before your dad even notices you’re gone, okay? Please?” 
“My dads not home, and Max is at her friend’s, it’ll just be you and me, and we can, we can just...We can just do. You know? Let’s just go (y/n), come on.”
“Billy please.”
“(y/n), let’s go. Love you, you know?.”
Billy never failed to put the “I” in the relationship never failing to completely leave behind his narcissistic ways despite this, Billy Hargrove never failed to leave the “I” out of “I love you.”
“Billy, I love you...I really love you but I’m over this rollercoaster. I’m sorry.”
“(y/n), what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I can’t do this anymore Billy.”
“Do what? (y/n), yes you can, you just said so.”
“Billy I’m sorry, but you have to leave.” 
“(y/n), you love me, you can’t-”
“Yes Billy, I love you.”
“See? So why-”
“I love you but you’re killing me.”
Billy opened his mouth to respond, but quickly closed it again, he looked at the ground, at you, and then at the ground again before making his way out of your window, leaving you to sit on the edge of your bed tears falling onto your floor. 
I'ma crawl outta the window now
Getting good at saying, "gotta bounce"
Honestly you always let me down
And I know we're not just hanging out
Billy had taught you how to do a few things without even meaning to. He taught you how to get good at hiding disappointment. He taught you to get really good at responding to “gotta bounce.” He taught you how to hold on tight on a rollercoaster. But most importantly he taught you what it was like to die without taking your final breath. 
Nineteen but you act twenty-five now
Knees weak, but you talk pretty proud, wow
Ripped jeans and a cup that you just downed
Steve Harrington. You swore he was a different breed. He was eighteen but he acted like he was twenty-five, yeah, it was obnoxious sometimes, but just by looking at him you could tell that it was warranted. He never did tell you about what had happened in the past two years, all you knew was that there were just some things that were better left unsaid, and you were okay with that, you could understand that. 
Steve Harrington was something that you could understand. 
It started slowly, Monday morning after the incident Billy pulled up to your house in the morning only to see you getting into Steve’s car, smiling lightly as Dustin pouted in the backseat.  Billy felt a pang in his chest but ignored it, figuring that all of this would blow over in a week, you loved him after all, and he did love you.
Steve Harrington drove you to school for the rest of that week, and the weeks following, weeks turned into months, and it was March. Three months since the incident and Billy never failed to loop around your block, just in case. Still in denial. 
On the other hand, you had never felt better in your entire life. Steve was a breath of fresh air after breathing in smoke for so long. He had a special mixtape to sing along to on your morning commutes together, he would bring you coffee some mornings, and every day he would greet you with a bright smile and a, 
“Good morning love.” There it was. You smiled at Steve, getting into his passenger seat. Billy had seen you smile before, but never like this, you smiled with your eyes.
“Gross” whined Dustin, “Get a room, and drive me to school already.” Steve chuckled and rolled his eyes,
“Aye aye captain.”
“Another party?”
“Yeah, I know you don’t like them,” you sat on Steve’s bed staring at the ceiling, “But I promised that I’d go and I don’t want to leave my best girl alone on a Friday night.”
“Not your girl Steve,” you giggle and Steve smiles and rolls his eyes making his way over to look you in the eyes,
“And I promise that I will not leave your side.” 
Take me where the music ain't too loud
Trade drinks, but you don't even know her
Save me 'till the party is over
Kiss me in the seat of your Rover
Real sweet, but I wish you were sober
He didn’t. Steve Harrington didn’t leave your side the whole night. Regardless, you let him do his thing, zoning out and following him around like a lost puppy dog. Billy watched from a corner of the party, you and Steve seemed to be getting on nicely. Billy wished that he could say that he was happy that you were happy, he had always wished he could be someone like that, but he couldn’t. He downed his eighth drink of the night as he followed you with his eyes and all he could feel was hurt. 
“(y/n)?” Steve had pulled you into a quieter part of the house,
“Steve.” you smiled up at him, wondering why the sudden shift in attitude,
“(y/n),” Steve took a deep breath looking you in the eye, “I need to tell you something. It’s really important and I’ve been meaning to say it for a while so, here it goes...I love you.” 
Your chest squeezed before you masked your feelings, giggling and rolling your eyes at him,
“You’re drunk Steve.”
“Completely sober actually.” You met Steve’s eyes again,
“Are you for real?”
“Completely and one hundred percent real.”
“Well Steve, I love you too.” Steve smiled at you before leaning down to kiss you. His lips were soft and they tasted like cherry chapstick and rain. 
a/n i hope you liked it! thank you for reading! please reblog and like if you enjoyed! should i make a part two?
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katedoesfics · 4 years
Shadows of Hyrule | Chapter 78
Link quite literally slept through the next two days, only getting up when his stomach demanded that he eat. When his phone alerted him to a call or text, he lifted his head enough to check to see who it was from. Unless it was Mipha, he mostly ignored these alerts. He would have slept through the rest of the summer if he had the chance, but there was still one last thing he needed to; return the Master Sword. The Triforce on hand was a reminder of that. It was dim, but it had been pulsing softly ever since he and Zelda sealed Ganondorf away. He knew he couldn’t waste any more time, but a part of him was sad to part with the sword. It wouldn’t be there waiting for him, leaning against the wall in the corner of his room. As anxious as he was to get back to his normal life, normal life seemed rather dull.
Still, Link finally pulled himself out of his bed, and without a word to his father or his friends, he left the house with the sword and made his way back to the forest where he had found it. If it were still there. The last time they tried to close the portal, the forest seemed to have mysteriously disappeared with no explanation at all. This time, however, the forest was there, just as he had remembered it, seemingly waiting for the return of the Master Sword.
There was no voice to call to him, but he didn’t need it to guide him like he had the first time he wandered through. It was as if he had navigated his way through the bizarre forest time and time again; he knew the path like the back of his hand, picking his way over the brush, weaving in and out between the trees. He was unfazed when a fog crept in around him, but just as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared, and soon the forest opened up into the meadow. In the center, in the light of the sun, was the pedestal that homed the Master Sword.
Link looked down at the ancient pedestal, covered in dirt and moss. There was a deep slit in the center where he had pulled the sword six months ago. And now, it was time to return it, though it felt as if he were saying goodbye forever to a very close friend. He turned his gaze to the sword in his hand and let his fingers run over the blade. He turned back to the pedestal and before he changed his mind, he placed the sword back into its hold, pushing it in until it would not go any further. He kept his hand on the hilt for a moment, then pulled upwards, but the sword did not budge. He let a light sigh escape his lips, then worked off the string of the charm his father had given him and slid it into his pocket.
“ Goodbye, Master... Thank you...”
Link looked down at the sword and smiled. He saluted it casually before turning his back on it and making his way out of the forest. Once he was passed the treeline, he looked over his shoulder, expecting the forest to disappear. Though it remained, he was sure it would be gone soon enough, protecting the precious weapon that now slept within.
When Link returned, Daruk, Revali, and Teba were waiting for him.
“Where the hell have you been?” Daruk asked.
“Yeah, way to ignore our texts,” Revali said. “Now that you got a girlfriend you’re too good to respond to us?”
“Yeah,” Link said. “Because those group messages were so important.”
“I don’t know how I got dragged into that,” Teba said. He sneered at Revali. “Why the hell did you add me to that?”
“But if you weren’t in it,” Link started, “you would have missed all those gems like.” He paused and fished his phone out of his pocket, scrolling through the messages. He grinned and pointed at the screen, reading the text out loud. “When someone says ‘hold your horses’ they are telling you to be stable.”
“It’s true!” Revali said. “I just realized that!”
“Were you high?” Daruk asked.
“Yeah, probably,” Revali said with a grin.
“What do you want?”
“We are here to discuss the official disbanding of Hyrule’s Champions,” Revali announced.
“Excellent,” Link said. “Just in time. I just dumped the sword.”
“Aw,” Revali said. “Now you’re not cool like the rest of us.”
Link rolled his eyes.
“Do you think you can handle the city this year while we’re off being awesome?”
“Don’t be like that,” Teba said. “You know he’s gonna miss us terribly.”
“We are the only friends he’s got,” Revali said with a frown. “Poor Link.”
Link shrugged. “I’m sure I’ll survive.”
“He’s got a girlfriend now,” Daruk said. “He’s already doing better than you.”
“But does he get laid?” Revali said. “At least I got laid.”
Teba snorted. “When was the last time that happened?”
“Hey,” Revali snapped. “I’ve been a little busy saving the world.” He turned back to link. “Speaking of the Yiga Clan.”
“No one was talking about the Yiga Clan,” Teba said.
“Look,” Link started. “I talked to him, alright?”
“And?” Daruk asked.
“And,” he said slowly. “He told me not to worry about it.”
“That’s exactly what they say when we should be worried about it.”
“He has it under control,” Link said. “We don’t need to be involved.”
“Maybe he’s the one with the Yiga Clan,” Revali said.
“Shut it,” Link growled. “I’m staying out of it. I trust him.”
Revali nodded. “Alright. Fine. If Mr. Hero says it’s fine, then it’s fine.” He wiped his hands together. “Won’t be our problem, anyway. Just remember, you’ll be missing half your crew. Don’t get into trouble. Or killed.”
Link smiled. “You take the fun out of everything.”
“I’m going to miss this,” Revali said, then shrugged. “I’m sure I’ll find someone in college to pick on.”
Link frowned. “You’re replacing me? I thought we had something special.”
Revali winked and threw him two finger guns. “Come on, men” he said, turning away. “I still got some partying to do before I gotta ditch this city.” He turned to Link over his shoulder. “Not you.”
“It’s fine,” Link said. “I’m gonna go get laid.”
Revali threw his hand up in the air, half of a high-five. “Nice!”
Teba shook his head and lowered Revali’s hand for him. “Come on, Idiot,” he said. “Or I’m ditching you to get laid, too.”
Daruk followed them out of the driveway. “I can’t believe everyone’s getting laid except me.”
The rest of the summer went just as Hyrule’s Champions hoped it would go. They stayed out late and slept through the mornings, more often than not in each other’s company in one way or another, and usually with three extra tagalongs; Aryll, Riju, and Teba. They spent their days roaming the city or keeping the local restaurants open with their bottomless pits. And from time to time, they dropped by their favorite arcade, only to be chased out by the owner an hour later after an unruly game of laser tag.
And everywhere they went, they were recognized. Children ran up to the for autographs. Teens asked for selfies. Even the older crowd seemed to regard them with a respectful nod, despite the varying degrees of gossip and arguments that had ensued following the first media outbreak. And when it got to be too much for them, they escaped the city to the countryside, returning to their favorite lake with a case of beer.
But the summer quickly came to a close, and before they knew it, Urbosa, Daruk, Revali, and Teba parted ways with their friends to begin their first year in college. Urbosa moved south to the Gerudo region to study law at a prestigious college. Daruk went to Akkala to a school known for their boxing and wrestling teams, which he decided to get into, proudly stating to his friends that he would have to hold back, otherwise there would be no challenge for him.
And despite his father’s refusal to help get into college, Revali managed to follow Teba to a school in Hebra, stating that he would have a babe on each arm and a suit made of ‘hundos’ when he graduated. As far as the group knew, he simply went in with the intent to get a degree in business, but whether he would actually graduate was an entirely different story, considering the college was known to be one of the biggest party schools in the kingdom. “Well, there’s nothing else to do up there,” was Revali’s defense.
The city - and their lives - were much quieter once their friends left for college. But senior year was quickly approaching for Link, Mipha, and Zelda, with promise of heavy work loads and one final push for college applications. It would be enough to occupy their minds and give them a normal life once more, but still, they couldn’t help but to miss the way things were a year ago when the group was whole.
But the night before their first day of senior year, they were all dragged into another group text message, courtesy of Urbosa.
My little babies are seniors tomorrow. Pack a healthy lunch and study hard! I’m looking at you, Link!
Revali didn’t hesitate to jump at the opportunity to tease Link. Let’s be real here. He’s not going to college. He’s gonna milk the hero thing for the rest of his life.
Teba’s response was next. Why am I a part of this…
Because youre our cheerleader, bitch, texted Revali.
Revali we’re sitting next to each other. There was a lull in the chat for a moment until Teba texted again. Revali punched me.
Urbosa responded with an emoji shaking its head.
You bitches are coming to my first fight, Daruk texted.
Link doesn’t condone violence, Revali said. Make love not war guys.
Dude, Link replied. Youre like a 3 days drive away.
Its a 4 hour drive, loser. Dont you miss me?
Link replied with a heart emoji. So much.
Why dont you stick it in his butt, came Revali’s mature reply.
Don’t be jealous of our relationship, Link said.
Does Mipha know?   Teba asked.
We have an open relationship, Mipha finally chimed in.
Does that mean youre open for business? Revali said.
Eat shit, Link quickly replied.
Link and Mipha sitting in a tree, Revali texted.
Oh shit, Link said.
Revali finished the song with a series of kissing emojis and various other symbols that suggested more than kissing.
Omg dont tell her that Link said.
Link, we’re dating.
He responded with two blushing emoji faces.
Where the fuck is Zelda, Urbosa texted.
After a moment, Zelda’s text came through. Hylia, why have you put me into this insufferable group of people.
You love us, Revali said.
Destiny,  Daruk said. Isn’t that kinda her thing?
We belong together, Revali texted.
Revali is singing, now, Teba said. I cannot believe I’m stuck with him for the next four years.
Welcome to my hell, Link said.
I’m muting you all, Zelda said. Some of us have school in the morning.
Suckas, Revali said.
Revali, you do, too, Teba said.
I didn’t come here to go to school.
Good night idiots, Zelda said.
Good night my precious lil babies, Urbosa texted. I love you all and i hope you have a good first day of school! Send mama pictures! And BEHAVE!!
What happens if we don’t behave? Revali asked, following that with a series of winking faces. Are you going to spank me?
Zelda left the chat.
Mipha left the chat.
Link left the chat.
Urbosa left the chat.
Daruk left the chat.
Teba left the chat.
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survivorsunsetrodeo · 3 years
Ep 9 | I’d Rather Make Moves When I Need To - Emma
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Okay, I am so sad Brandi is gone, but at the same time, it's not the worst thing for my game.  The good part of it is that we tried to make a move on Emma, we flushed an idol, and we weren't detected. I think this twist is actually super helpful in these moments because if you try something, and it fails, no one knows unless it gets leaked.
Another good thing is that Taylor's closest ally is now gone. I know that Taylor is super close with Ari, which is good, but I also want her to be super close with me. Not just for strategy reasons. She's also super cool and I like talking to her! Apparently she did tell JABARI of all people the vote was on Emma, so no wonder they knew how to idol tonight lmao.
Idk I feel pretty okay about my position in the game playing the middle rn I just need to not spread myself too thin and keep the targets in front of me. 
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Soooo Tribal went off without a single hitch. brandi went home despite playing both of her advantages and Jacob wasn’t even near getting voted out. The main clownery of the night happened right after tribal. Ali started going on about how he felt like Brandi didn’t deserve to go home, when there were people currently in the game who didn’t care. If you think she deserved to stay, maybe you should’ve given her your immunity? Or better yet, volunteered to go home? And while we’re on the topic of who cares, haven’t you either flopped in or just not submitted in multiple challenges? Since I was still on the tribal call, I asked him who he was talking about, even though I kind of had a good idea of who it was already. He said Emma. and since Emma wasn’t there, we are aligned, and I know she was going through some things, I felt the need to stick up for her. I found it pretty disrespectful that Ali would say that so it did make me a bit mad. I of course alerted Emma right after it happened because I feel like she deserve to know, and she confronted Ali about it in the call after tribal. I’m sure everyone knows Emma and I are working together now, but I couldn’t let her be dragged through the mud like that. I’m really worried Ali and Taylor, who I know are aligned, will try to target me now. I understand where Ali was coming from though. I’m also a person who is driven by my emotions and I tend to say stuff without thinking about it first.
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WELL all things considered that vote went pretty alright! i didn't manage to mist emma into using an idol for jacob so they could get blindsided, but other than that, things worked out pretty much how i hoped. jacob was saved, an idol (and lots of money) was flushed, and i can plausibly tell both sides that i voted with them even tho actually i voted ali for insurance purposes >:~) also we got major info about the location of the other idol when brandi didn't play it and it didn't go back into the shop, i.e. jabari MUST have it because there's no other possible place it could be. i know none of my people have it, and nic was so convinced that me/jacob did that i have to believe none of that group have it either, which leaves little old jabari who's been asking soooo many questions about everyone's funds and where items could possibly be. color me a little shocked but honestly kudos to her! now she gets to stay alive another round since that gun is an idol again.
other shop updates are that taylor's gonna buy something next round and so is dan probably, which will be great for getting them out of other people's hands and knowing for sure where they are. i can't believe i own shares in 2 of the 3 items currently in the game, how cute of me honestly. everyone else is now broke so that's delightful, i prob should've extorted myself for even more money so they'd think i was fully broke too but ah well what can you do.
i am a little worried about how ali's antics last night could potentially reflect back on me this round but i think i've done a pretty good job of covering my tracks there - i talked to both nic and emma immediately after and was like yeah i don't condone that behavior, and josh knows i wanted ali out over jacob because i got him to throw a vote that way with me, and obviously none of taylor/dan/jacob are gonna let me get targeted for that either sooooo i think i'm all good. once again, jabari is a wild card but i think i trust her a little more after my call with her yesterday and i don't think she would have the pull to do anything anyway.
so at last i can have a day of peaceful rest while i await these awful touchy subjects results! me taylor and ali are making a music video so that'll keep me busy for a while. overall feeling very grateful and blessed to not be stressed at this current moment in time!!!
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Not mr ali making me regret voting off brandi out should of been ali oh well no point in voting him out now tbh that would be a waste things i think are slowly getting better for me i am talking to jacob and ari more idk how to approach taylor because ik we on different sides but ik we may or may not need eachother soon i feel so bad about brandi she was probably the nicest person here i said this about megs but brandi for second chances.. Yeah i just need to think of something that will seperate my gameplay from josh and nic if im stuck with them eventually that means i could get myself voted off its hard to like make moves rn but i rather make moves when i need to make moves.
also maybe ali should of put his immunity on brandi and not ari >:)
i also hope i break the record for most wasted idols im coming for that record im also so nervous about the future of the game i dont wanna just follow ppl around but like i kinda fucked myself over due to reasons out of my control oop
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I just sent my nightly hellos to people and that’s already too much social interaction for me
I’m already fricken paranoid about this round and we haven’t even gotten immunity results ugh. I think it’s because I know I flipped that mastermind comp. like I really could have done much better than I did.
Additionally everyone was so quiet today so I’m just assuming everyone hates me and wants me to die. 
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am i playing a good utr game or do people just forget i exist? i've got a lot of good (but conflicting) info from Dan and Taylor and I want to sit down and compare notes with Ari BUT WHERE ARE THEY you can't expect me to remember all this by tomorrow. I feel like I have somewhat of a good relationship with everyone aside from Ali and Jabari and I feel like I've gotten a few info that I find personally relevant moving forward but I need someone to compare this with. I think I'm playing a much more smarter game than before.
[Tumblr Survivor Riau reference] I feel like I was in a position like this before where I had the opportunity to play a good game being in the middle but fucked it up and sent one of my allies home because I was vetoed by my actual alliance [end Tumblr Survivor reference] so I'm doing the same thing this time around but keeping my sources a secret. The only person I am 100% honest is Ari and I hope it's mutual. I obviously can't take Ari with me to FTC but what I need the most are honest opinions and legit information and i think both of us are providing just that with each other.
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ali needs to stop saying dumb shit to nic because it ALWAYS gets back to dan and i have to be like "omg lol im sure he didnt mean that" while running to ali and being like "hushhhhhh"
anyway i think the best thing i can do today is sit back and let everyone else tire themselves out scrambling and stressing!! it'll all resolve itself eventually and if it doesnt then oh well
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I wasn't going to be making a confessional because I didn't wanna get an OTTN5 edit and also I felt like it was obvious I was going home and I had nothing to really say. There is a tiny bit of hope now, and it lies with Jabari and Dan. If everyone is telling me the truth, I will be staying. And if I do, I'd love to create a 5-person majority alliance with me, Dan, Jabari, Emma, and Josh. It'd honestly be perfect. I really like them all and am comfortable with them all.
If I go home, I wont be mad or anything, I'll just be sad that I didn't really come across the way I had hoped to in this ORG. I feel like a lot of things didn't come across correctly, and a lot of things were just pinned on me that were outside of my control.
Oh well. Let me remain positive. This is me being positive :] (Also I'm forever thankful for having Josh and Emma as allies without them I would've gone crazy by now. Thank you for everything you do.)
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Power Rankings: ONE - DAN (+2) Threat: 8 (+2) Trust: 8 (+3) Dan’s at the top of the rankings this week because he’s in the position that I wish I were in. Despite losing Brandi, who was Dan’s #1 idled out by the minority alliance, he still was approached by the minority to vote with them. He knows each plan and he can decide whether he wants to flip or not. He decides who goes home this round. TWO - ARI (-1) Threat: 10 (+1) Trust: 9 (+1) Ari ranks #2 because they know everything that’s going on and they know it first. They’re the first to hear about any messiness or change to a plan. They aren’t included in it necessarily, but they hear about it. Ari’s threat level though is through the roof and hiding behind them as a meat shield is going to be key for my game. They should want to take a shot at Ari before me, and I plan to keep it that way. THREE - TAYLOR (-1) Threat: 7 (NC) Im starting to lose grasp and hold on my power as more of my allies leave. If the minority perception and gameplay wasn’t so awful I would have a lot more control over what goes on this round. Its just bad survivor gameplay to assume someone would never work with you because you voted their allies out. Because what they fail to see is that regardless of if im included in their plans or not, I still find out. I had 3 different people approach me that me name was out as I woke up at 9am this morning. It shows I have control, I just wish they’d include me so I had the power to deal with it rather than relying on others. FOUR - JABARI (+3) Threat: 3 (+1) Trust: 2 (-2) Jabari is here because she seems to want to give the minority.a chance. I don’t really understand her logic because regardless she’s at the bottom of an alliance. The one round where the majority wanted to count on her to prove she’s with us, she jumps. And she doesn’t even know that she’s completely fucking her game because of it. On top of that every suspects she has an idol. She only ranks 4 because of the information she is receiving, but she’s no threat because her gameplay is poor and everyone believes the rumour of her having an idol. FIVE - JACOB (+1) Threat: 7 (+1) Trust: 8 (NC) Jacob does know what each side is going to do, but unfortunately hes always the last to find out. Im not sure if its because of how late he sleeps in, or if hes everyones last resort but either way it’s not good for his power ranking. Jacob’s smart, hes going to be seen as an immunity threat sooner rather than later. SIX - NIC (+3) Threat: 3 (+1) Trust: 0 (NC) Nic is in 6th because hes the only one trying to steer a vote on the other side. He isn’t doing it successfully, but hes trying. If only he could put as much effort into challenges and he would trying to get people to save him. I dont trust him at all, he threw my name out. He has a little influence over Jabari, but that’s not too big of a success. SEVEN - ALI (-2) 
Threat: 1 (-2) Trust: 9 (-1) Ali unfortunately just doesn’t have the power he needs to get himself out of situations like he is in this round. When the name was between Ali and I it should have easily landed on me. But Ali doesn’t have the social capital that I do, which is why I had multiple people tell that side “lets do Ali over Taylor”. Not to mention Ali made a hugeeee mistake buying the dress for literally no reason. But I trust him I guess? EIGHT - JOSH (NC) Threat: 4 (+2) Trust: 5 (+2) Im starting to see a little fire with josh come out this round and im happy. Hes not willing to do anything about it, but the gears are turning in his head. I think our relationship will be important down the line but as of now he has no power and just follows everything Nic says. NINE - EMMA (NC) Threat: 0 (NC) Trust: 0 (NC) I literally don’t have anything to say about Emma. She doesn’t talk, doesn’t do the challenge, doesn’t care. Not worth my time.
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I feel like im not winning this game unless if nic goes and josh goes right after idk im feeling a bit bad how im playing i was planning to go balls to the wall but like i find it really hard to do that when i am a known goat for something i could not control i try hard to change what people to see but idk how to do it anymore im totally not gonna stab josh and nic in the back at this point i just cant write their names down.
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This vote is for all of the victims of the people that nic has voted off, nic is going home I know of it. All he's been doing has been working against me and for that ciao Bella 
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GOD. What a day. I was pulled back and forth about this vote by both sides and this vote.
Ari/Jacob/Ali/Taylor want me to vote Nic Jabari/Nic/Josh/Emma want me to vote Ali
Neither option is ✨great✨ for my game. But we can’t vote out Jabari for personal reasons so here we are.
I’m worried about idols and such, but at the end of the day, I can’t get too in my head. If the idol comes out as long as they don’t end up voting for me instead of Ali... we’re good!
I’m voting for Nic because I don’t fuck with people who try to make you feel like you’re gonna lose if you don’t roll with them.  Even on OG Pearl he didn’t take a ton of time to get to know me and even now all he wants to do is talk game. In comparison, TSL has known me two rounds and I know so much about her.
Obviously voting out ANOTHER OG Pearl probably isn’t wise, but at the end of the day, New Pearl and OG Beeho seem to be the people I bond with the most and trust the most. And I might be dumb, but I am enjoying their company and would be proud losing to any of them. 
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greyfix · 3 years
Requesting Rules
Hi! It’s Grey. 
So I do have some limits, as to what I will put up here on Tumblr. 
I am willing to write smut/nsfw/18+ content, put I only post them on patreon, because not only are they a lot of work, I don't want to risk getting burned by people who aren't ready for those things, or minors being caught reading it. I don't care if you are a minor, all you have to do is join patreon. It's not particularly expensive, I understand that not everyone has the money to pay for the content they want, but this still is my only source of income at the moment. And before y'all ask, yes I will write whatever kinks you want. BDSM is cool with me, as long as you pay for it. (I know its a pain in the ass, but I gotta do what I gotta do to support myself.)
I will write Sebastian x Ciel, but within reason. I do not condone pedophilia, and I'm not trying to give that impression. The conditions in which i will write Sebastian x ciel is years and years in the future. Ciel and Sebastian are stuck together for eternity, so eventually Ciel will be older, and I will write content like that. But I'm not going to write a child with an old man. It's gross.
I will write any LGBTQIA+ content you guys want. (here's where you are going to get some information about me) I am gender non-conforming, omnisexual, and polyamorous. I am supportive of all identities, and if you need that comfort fic to help you keep your sanity through some hard times i'll give that to you. I understand that, and if anyone needs to talk to someone outside the situation, i'm here to talk. I understand it's hard to talk to some involved in what you're going through. So I will write the gayest gay shit and the straightest straight shit and everything in between. I just enjoy writing.
I will write AU's. Though sometimes they're tricky for a few reasons. One, it's difficult to keep the characters in character. Different environments change the way people act from a scientific point of view, which makes it tricky to write AU's while still being realistic. Two, it makes for some really complicated story lines, and usually they call for being pretty long. Meaning I would have to spend a lot of time, not only on writing it, but creating an elaborate plan for how the story is going to go, and essentially 'editing' the characters to fit the scenario. Three, alot of people want gang au's and feud au's and fantasy au's, things like that. And I love those, I read them to death. The minus side is, there has to be an antagonist. Which usually means taking one of our beloved characters and making them seem bad. Which almost always makes me seem like the real bad guy, and gets a lot of hate. This doesn't mean that I won't write those AU's, it just means that the ones that would require months of work, and could get a lot of hate, I might not do here. I may, however do them if you ask on Patreon. In other words, though I try to do as many requests as I can, I'll probably be a little more selective when it comes to AU's.
Now, if you want a series, it is very likely that I wont to it on Tapas. Series take a lot of planning and effort, i'm talking months to years. I have yet to write a successful series without at least two months for just a simple outline, let alone an in depth plan. I know I say I have a lot of time, but just writing a quick 2k word oneshot is very different than writing 100 of those to make a 200k series. 
I will also write reader inserts. There is no elaboration on that one. I just wanted to make it clear that it is something that I am willing to do. I have done it before, and they're very successful most of the time, but I know that a lot of authors don't do them so I figured I would put this in here to let you know. 
And that's it guys. I dont have very many limits. And since I don't have much of a following on this platform, It is very likely that I will write a lot of your guys' requests, especially now. Thank you for all of your support, we love every single one of you, even if Emma isn't around much right now. Find us on instagram @grey.and.emma where you'll see teasers and some polls about what I am currently working on, and what I am thinking about starting. If you are thinking about requesting something patreon exclusive, want the benefits that come with being a patron, or just want to support us the link is: https://www.patreon.com/GreyandEmma  We will welcome you with open arms wherever you find us! Our linktree with all of our platforms is here. 
0 notes
The beginning of the heartless bitch.
What’s more interesting than a love story? ... a heartbreak.
I met this guy, lets call him “Alex”, in late 2014. We pretty much hit it off quickly. He seemed like such a sweet guy, but still sort of a badass. The traits that I was attracted to at that moment in my life. Looking back on it I don’t know what I was attracted to. His personality was very self centered, he wasn’t physically attractive (not that THAT is the most important thing, but), and all around he was immature. The moment I met him I was actively talking to his friend. His friend was everything I wanted (still is now). He was athletic, funny, caring, such a giant sweetheart. I had known him for a year and had a HUGE crush on him ever since the first time I talked to him. We will call him “Brandon”. Now Brandon and I had mutual feelings for each other. I’m not totally sure why we didn’t instantly pursue those feelings. Now I can’t say we never did anything with those feelings. I specifically remember one night staying over at their house until 2am just hanging out on the couch with him watching tv. I still hold onto that moment today as pathetic as that sounds. We even had work the next day at 5am. So once I realized what time it was I headed back to my barracks and proceeded to change into my uniform and gather my gear for our shift.
*Side note* We were all law enforcement in the Army. So for work we would get there an hour and a half early before shift started, put on our gear, drew our weapons, and went over stuff for the day. ***
This story isn’t about Brandon, but about Alex. I can go into more detail about the Brandon situation at a later time. But at this moment. Alex and I were merely just friends. We hung out a little, talked at work, did normal friend things. NOW somehow this guy catches my attention. I honestly don’t know what it was about him. Maybe it was the fact that he gave me the attention that I needed at that moment. But he got it. After that..we hung out everyday. We hung out more and more, and then we started dating. A couple of months went by and I moved into his house with him. Awkwardly enough, Brandon lived there as well. I stopped talking to Brandon (such a REGRET). And Alex somehow talked me into not liking Brandon even as a person anymore. I’m not even sure WHY!? Now after months of dating Alex.. my trust for him was never truly there. When we went out I would consistently catch him staring at other women. I get it, it’s a natural thing to have a wondering eye sometimes....but not every time you go out as a couple. That would irritate the shit out of me. It started to make me feel insecure like maybe I wasn’t good enough. I devoted so much of my time into that relationship that I started to lose myself. Fast forward to a year into the relationship. His birthday to be exact. Now I usually never care to look at a significant others phone, but I had suspicions that him and this one girl were talking. I had heard it from multiple people.. I approached him and asked which he lied and said they never hung out. I believed my friends over him..because why would they lie. So something in me told me to just look at his lock screen. Sure enough. I find a text from that one girl. So fuck its just a simple text. If nothing is going on then why would it matter if I just took a peek (I dont condone this behavior whatsoever now, ive definitely matured since then). Turns out he has been talking to this girl in an intimate way..calling her baby/babe/honey/sweetheart. Things a boyfriend really shouldn't be doing. I approach him and he threatens that if I dont give him his phone back he was going to leave me and head back to the barracks (at this time I had my own house and he had moved into mine). Remember that whole insecure thing earlier in the story..this is where it comes into play. I was so afraid of losing him because I didn’t believe I could be happy by myself or be attractive physically/emotionally for someone else to approach me. So stupidly I gave him his phone back and went to sleep on the couch. A couple of days pass and he decides he would not be staying in my house for the time being. So he goes and stays at *his barracks*. I put stars on that because eventually I find out he was staying with the girl. BITCH I KNOW. So you’re going to be mad at me. I stay with this man. I was all for second chances back then. So I gave him another chance. Now ill never know if he actually physically cheated on me, but emotionally cheating is the same thing in my book. It takes multiple mistakes to cheat..its not just one. Fast forward through our relationship to 2017. Two. Years. February 2017.. I find out I'm going to be stationed in South Korea come March 2017. He of course gets all lovey dovey. But our love had dwindled by then.. once trust is lost..its like a wrinkled piece of paper. No matter how much you try to flatten it and make it perfect again, you will always have some hint of wrinkle in it. March comes.. and I fly 14 hours straight. Atlanta --> Tokyo --> Seoul. Now mind you..he also was going to be stationed in Korea just a week or two later than me. So that time comes that he is in Korea. Everyone comes to the same place once they get to Korea to in process for their units. I was lucky enough to stay in Seoul. He was not. He was placed in a unit 4 hours away from me. But while he was in Seoul he visited me. It was ...bland. The love between us had truly vanished. He was protective, but too protective to the point where I couldn’t have friends without him questioning me. It got too much. 
A month or two passes by. Our relationship is hanging on by a thread basically. He would barely text or call anymore. So being the investigator I was. I checked his snapchat.. turns out he was sending sexual messages to a girl that was in my company. He denied the hell out of it, but I had seen the proof. I talked to a mutual friend that was in his unit..which he confirmed that Alex would go around asking other guys who all the single girls were so he would try and sleep with them (what a dick right?). After that I was done.. I broke it off with him. He pleaded and begged for me to stay with him, but it was the last chance. I was emotionally stronger than ever, and ended it right then and there. He would continue to message me on every social media platform he could, to the point where I had to block him on everything. Now I cant say that I didn’t cry for a complete week after this happened, but I was finally happy in my life and contempt with being single. Finally able to go out with the girls without feeling like I had a babysitter. Everything was going so well. 
Until I met him....
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jojuarez26 · 7 years
We fell in love in a hopeless place part 13
Divergent fanfiction: Eric/OC
Mature content and strong language
I do not own any part of Divergent
@pathybo @tigpooh67 @lunaschild2016 @beautifulramblingbrains @clublulu333 @badassbaker @captstefanbrandt @emmysrandomthoughts @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @jaihardy @iammarylastar @kenzieam @frecklefaceb @sparklemichele @mom2reesie @ariwolff14 @ericdauntless @scorpio2009
I awoke to the mother of all headaches. My skull felt like it was split in two. The tidal wave of nausea that rolled over me was about to be my undoing. It became clear almost instantly that I was neither in my bed nor the infirmary with Sam.
I managed to crack one blurred eye open only to unsuccessfully identify my surroundings. When I finally managed to crack the other I was not impressed with what I realized.
How the fuck did I end up in a holding cell? Two of the three other bunks were occupied as well, Four being one of the men occupying them. What did we get into last night?
Everything was a blur after the third round of tequila. I faintly remember a brawl. Looking down at my hands it was obvious it wasn't just an innocent tussle either. As I attempted to work my jaw it was painfully obvious there was going to be a bruise there.
The cell door slid open and Max entered. He wore the look I'm sure most disappointed father's wear after there son fucks up majorly. Shit I won't hear the end of this for weeks I'm sure.
"Eric what the fuck were you thinking?" He asked sternly.
I just shook my head because honestly, right at this particular moment I had no clue.
"So you weren't obviously. What the fuck would posses you and Four to pick a fight with the entire crew of the East wing of the wall?" He had a slightly amused all though still pissed off look on his face
"You know it was bad enough the fights were epic when you fought each other, but nobodu stands a snow balls chance in hell when you idiots decided to fight together. Jack ass's?" He was shaking his head and really trying not to laugh.
He got serious again rather quickly though. I could tell I wasn't going to like the next part of this conversation.
"You know I could demote you and have you locked up for several days for what you did to Kyle. What the fuck Eric? I thought all that shit between you, him and Dara was settled years ago. So tell me, why did you break his nose, jaw and arm almost four years later?" His eyes took on a worried look.
It was time to tell someone. This shit had been eating me alive for days. Add the weighted stress of worrying about Sam and the shit Four and I uncovered last night, it was a recipe for disaster. I pulled the picture I had been carrying in my vest pocket for the last three days out and handed it to him.
Max looked at the picture, at me then back at the picture. When realization dawned on him it was a look of shock that took him over.
"Shit. Are you sure? You have definitive proof other than an uncanny similarity."
I put my head in my hands and drew a deep breath. Here goes nothing.
"I'm positive. Ninety-nine point nine five percent positive. I'm Adam's father. Not Kyle. I've known for sure for three days now." I felt the anger rising to the surface again.
"Damn it Eric. What made you decide to figure this out now, three years later? Something must have happened."
"Oh it did. An old friend came to me when he started over hearing whispers at the wall. Rumours that Kyle was thinking of leaving Dara. Rumours that Dara had been making deals with the devil. So of course I started looking into it."
"What kind of deals and with which devil," Max had a very worried look on his face at this point.
"Apparently Jeanine found out by accident he was mine while Dara was still pregnant. In order to keep her secret for her she had to give that evil bitch something in return." I had to stop and calm myself down. I was on the verge of snapping.
"Jeanine has been using Adam as a lab rat basically since he was born. To make it even worse, she moneterial compensates Dara for it too." I had to stand. I started to pace the room.
"Fuck. So, what are we going to do about it?"
I couldn't help the small smile that graced my lips at the use of the word we. Even if he didn't always understand it or approve of my methods on something, Max had yet to let me down. He has had my back from the start. Which is why I have always had his as well.
"I don't chief. What I do know is that it has to be stopped. I wouldn't condone what is being done if it was to a factionless child. I sure the fuck aren't going to stand by and let her do this to MY son." I was seeing red again.
"Go home and get yourself together. Than go see Samantha, she's been asking for you. Get some healing serum first, you have a black eye and a bruised jaw. After that, we call a lawyer in Candor and look into our legal options." Was he giving me the day off?
"Coulter, sometimes in life we find things that are more important than just being a leader. Go see the girl, then, we work on saving your son. Alright?" I just nodded my head.
As Max turned to go I couldn't helo the words that tumbled out of my mouth.
"You're an amazing superior officer, but an even more amazing friend. I don't have too many of those. Thank you."
"Always Eric. You just have to let me in. That's all." With that he turned and left.
I stopped and talked with Dr.Marx before seeing Sam. She was doing pretty good so far today. I really wanted to get a treatment plan established and get her the hell out of here. I wanted her somewhere I could keep her safe. I wanted her home, with me.
I'm not sure when I had decided I wanted her living with me. Even worse I wasn't even sure why. But the excuse was of course safety first.
"Hey sweetheart. You look like you're having a better day," I smiled.
She was curled up reading a book and was actually dressed in her own clothes today.
"You look like you need to find a better hobby. Less dangerous to your pretty face." She sported a huge grin over that.
I still had a faint trace of bruising to my face. I couldn't help but chuckle. I was amused by a sassy Sam. It added to the appeal.
"Is that so? Well, what if I told you I was hoping you could help me with that." I sat on the bed and as usual grabbed her hand.
Her head cocked to the side as she tried to figure out what I meant. After a moment and still no idea she finally asked.
"How am I supposed to do that. Don't say be your sparring partner either, that answer would be fuck no. I'm crazy not stupid," she smirked.
"Oh you have jokes today do you. Well I have a proposal to make. It has absolutely nothing to do with sparring." An unfamiliar nervousness was setting in. I am not use to anything making me nervous any more.
"I want to make it clear ahead of time there is no hidden agenda or ulterior motives in what I am about to ask you. I have no expectations of you and I simply want to offer you this because I can, and I think it is the safest option available to you at this time," I felt my words starting to rush out. I stopped to breath and give Sam a minute to let the words sink in.
"Ok. What are you getting at Eric? Like you told me once before, I don't speak in riddles," a playful smile tugged at her lips.
"I want to set you up with out patient therapy. I would also like it if you would move into my spare bedroom for the time being. You won't be alone and I can keep you safer this way." I held my breath and watched her.
At first she looked a little shocked and unsure. But the more she thought about it the more she looked pleased with the idea.
"I'd be ok with that. But, are you really sure you are? I don't want you regretting it and decide that I'm not worth the trouble," she put her head down and looked away.
"Oh no you don't Samantha. Look at me. Hey, eyes on mine sweetheart." I tilted her head up and took her face in my hands.
"You'll always be worth it to me. No matter what. If you haven't already figured out I don't do anything I dont want to do. Let me remind you. Selfish, asshole, never makes a choice I don't want to. I choose you. I want you with me. I don't know what this will turn out to be. Maybe you'll be just my best friend, maybe you'll be mine. I don't know. But I would like to find out, that is if that's what you want too?"
"I do. I want to be some place safe with someone who makes me feel safe. You're that person right now. It feels right, for the first time maybe, ever." She squeezed my hand tight and leaned her forehead on my chest.
I took my other hand and wrapped in her hair massaging her scalp. A content sigh escaped her lips. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head and leaned back to look at her.
"Let's get a plan of action set up and then let's get you home."
"I like the sound of that," she wrapped her arms around and we just sat there and enjoyed the moment.
I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. I decided it was time to take a few chances in life and let a few people in. I just hope this is a good thing and not the biggest mistake of my life. I also knew if I wanted to know if I had any chance at taking care of Adam, I needed to prove to myself I was capable of doing the right thing with Sam first. If I could not handle an adult, I would be foolish to think I could ever handle a child.
The next few days or going to make or break me as a person, as a leader, as a man. I really hope I am up to the challenge.
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himbowelsh · 7 years
What's your first thoughts when you hear every bob character name? What are your feelings towards them?
okay, let’s give this a try.
Richard Winters
actual team dad
lowkey i love richard winters so much?? mostly because he was just this KID. he was a guy, still in college. he wasn’t particularly special or talented, he wasn’t wealthy but wasn’t poor, he wasn’t all that driven… he wasn’t even a leader in school. he was just this generic guy who happened to be a good dude with some good principles, and then the war happened.
that’s when dick really grew up. he came into his own, became the man he was meant to be. he grew into himself as a leader and figured out who he was. 
and it turns out, he’s a really great guy.
he’s the sort of person not built for war or violence. he just does his duty. that’s what he’s good at, and he still goes above and beyond for the people he’s leading. that’s what makes dick winters stand out more than anything else.
he’s such a noble guy, and so humble. he deserves all the credit he gets.
Lewis Nixon
the thing about nix is that he has a lot of issues?? and i really feel like the fandom both pays too much and too little attention to them. or pays attention to them in the wrong ways. i dont know.
nix is an alcoholic. this is a disease, and he struggles as it worsens throughout the series. he also probably suffers from PTSD, or at least some pretty heavily guilt, and i think he lays a lot of that blame on himself.
overall, nix is a very interesting, very HUMAN character. he was portrayed in the show masterfully – i think the real lewis nixon would have been proud to see himself on screen.
i love nix at his best – witty, charming, and happy. at his worst (see: why we fight) he’s a lot harder to love, but through it all he’s very human and very vulnerable. i think he’s an exceptional and interesting character.
Carwood Lipton
okay, first, why is his name what it is (is that?? a thing??? what the hell is a carwood??? like, what does it mean??)
besides that, carwood lipton is a fantastic dude
lip bears the responsibility for a lot of other guys. that’s just the sort of guy he is. he’s willing to lead, but mostly he protects others, and is willing to put his own wellbeing on the line to do it.
lip is a team player, but he’s also very shrewd. he knows how to talk to people. he’s able to tell them what they want to hear, and make himself seem nonoffensive while trying to get his men what they need. the way he handles himself in the ardennes with dike is so careful, but he advocates for them masterfully.
lip is also not afraid to speak up if he feels he can make a difference. he’s not afraid of a lot of things, but he’s far from a reckless man.
he’s also??? such a great guy?? so levelheaded and good.
i really appreciate carwood lipton, okay
Ronald Speirs
my first thought about speris was, “hmm, his name sounds stabby.” lo and behold, he was.
i’m so interested in speirs. i think he’s an incredibly complex character and it’s hard not to be fascinated by him. he just kind of draws you in.
he’s... unnerving. a little scary. weird, intelligent, startling, clever, and so, so fascinating. no matter what, he’s an enigma, and i feel like no one can ever truly figure out ron speirs.
that said, he’s a hell of a fun puzzle to try to solve.
Harry Welsh
i fell in love with harry the moment he did his little “thunder” thing, and flashed that smirk which send me head-over-heels. 
there’s just… something about him, okay?? he’s a shamelss romantic, he’s a tease, he’s so dedicated and sharp and funny, and i… i love him.
he’s a crazy bastard, has got the luck of the irish, and is almost as short as me. harry is my guy and i’d kill someone for him.
Eugene Roe
i just knew roe as the medic at first, and i read a lot about him before i actually started to know him. i knew he was cajun, was sort of serious, and that bastogne was his episode
i actually find gene really interesting because of everything he keeps locked away. he’s the definition of “still waters run deep” and i find his internal struggle between saving lives and having blood on his hands fascinating.
he’s also so humble, and clever, and will put himself on the line for the men it’s his job to save. he takes his job seriously, and is the best medic easy could ask for.
he’s so... compassionate?? so great?? he’s fantastic.
Babe Heffron
i’ll admit when i first heard babe’s name i laughed out loud, because??? “babe?? his name’s BABE?? tell me that’s not his actual name”
it wasn’t. i was a little relieved.
aside from that
he’s so great!! so great! 
he’s such a good guy, and so genuine. there’s nothing artificial about him. he’s true to himself and to others, and maybe that’s what i love most about him. 
he’s very upfront, very loyal to his own feelings and motivations – esp to his people. babe is fiercely devoted to his people.
he’s also such a nice guy. he actively goes around trying to encourage other people, to make them feel better, and he’s not afraid to show his own emotions. he’s tough, he’s firey, but he’s also very genuine and that’s why i think he’s such a cool guy. (also he’s a dork, so that helps.)
Bill Guarnere
i actually couldn’t recognize him by face for a while. all i pinned him with was “squeaky voice guy” because he does have… a very distinctive… voice. (babe is just as bad, though. those south philly boys, i swear…)
aside from my first impression, i really didn’t like bill for most of the first episode. the whole “he’s a jew” incident left a horrible taste in my mouth, and i thought, “well, this guy’s gonna be a jerk.”
bill surprised me, however. he could be a jerk, but he was also a great guy when it counted. he’s a good man in a storm, and it was around episode four that he really started to grow on me.
bill is loyal to a fault, he’s fearless, he cares so much. he’s a tough guy, but when something matters to him, he doesn’t give up on it.
if it wasn’t for bill, easy company’s camaraderie would not have lasted over the years. bill did so much, he was such an amazing guy, and i really appreciate him a lot.
bill guarnere rocks, okay
Frank Perconte
he’s so small, petty, and bitchy. he’s literally me.
i have such a soft spot for frank, okay? i don’t talk about him much but i’d go ride-or-die for him, because i RELATE, okay? i’m that friend who’s always worried about how i look, who complains a little too much, but who’s always there when his friends need him. sometimes i overreact, sometimes i’m stubborn, but i’ll do my best for my friends
(i’m like a really weird hybrid of web and perco. i don’t know.)
George Luz
i actually barely noticed him until i started scrolling through tumblr after watching the first episode. the first BoB blog i found was devoted to george, so i got a crash course in how great he was. i developed a healthy appreciation for my boy.
now, what would i do without george luz?
george is the heart of easy co, and keeps up their spirit in the darkest times. he’s supportive, he’s witty, and he boosted the morale of the entire company. without them, things would have been a whole lot darker.
he’s also not afraid to get sassy, which i appreciate. he tells it like it is.
he would shoot a chicken for biting him. while i do not condone this, i respect him for it. i, too, might try to kill someone if they bit me.
how much do i love george luz??? a hell of a lot.
Skip Muck
long before i knew his name i recognized him as the guy from supernatural, so i was like, “holy shit, it’s THAT guy!” then i read his name was skip, thought about the character, and was like, “yeah, sounds about right.”
i love skip, okay? he’s just the best guy. he’s the best friend, the most caring parson -- he’s heroic, he’s charming, he’s optimistic and funny.
skip never lost his faith in a brighter future. he loved his friends and family more than anything else. he died trying to bring his friend to safety, and if there’s an honorable sort of death, that would be it.
i would do anything for skip muck. he deserves so much better.
Donald Malarkey
my first thought when the show introduced us to malarkey was, “well, someone got the short end of the naming stick.”
i don’t feel as strongly about malarkey as i do about the other characters. i like him, to be sure, i just... he never stood out to me as much.
he’s a really great guy, and the emotional journey he goes on is shocking. he starts the war as one man, and ends it as another. seeing all that malarkey loses is terrible.
Joe Toye
it actually took me a long time to recognize joe in the show! i remembered him as “puppy dog eyes” for a little while tbh
i thought of joe as a tough, gruff, sort of stoic guy from the beginning, and that’s not too far off. he is tough as nails, that’s for sure.
but i find joe most interesting because of the softer side that he isn’t as willing to show. joe is a guy who’s deeply affected by things. his loyalty to his comrades is his strongest trait, but he also has an intense emotional side.
joe struggled with self-esteem issues. he cared for others with all his might. he took the events of the war hard enough that it took him years to recover.
joe’s emotional side is the most fascinating thing about him, in my opinion, and i love him for it.
Joseph Liebgott
the first ever clip i watched from BoB was the concentration camp scene, ft. winters shouting liebgott’s name very loudly, multiple times. “well,” i thought, “that sounds like a german name. this guy must speak german.” then i saw liebgott’s face, and it all spiralled from there.
joe liebgott is a complicated guy, okay
he’s so angry, and has every right to be. liebgott’s rage manifests itself in the most gut-wrenching, heartbreaking ways. the scene in the concentration camp is the most powerful of the series, and ross plays it so well. liebgott’s range of emotions in that scene is awful to watch.
aside from that, liebgott is an angry guy in general. he’s a little cruel, and he takes his emotions out on others. he’s by no means perfect, but he’s also sarcastic and charming and kind of a brat.
i think you learn the most about liebgott by seeing his interactions with others -- with winters, with webster, even when he offers to blow up sobel. he’s a conflicted, complex character who stands out because of the shades of grey in his own morality.
(he’s also gorgeous. superficial, but true.)
David Webster
the show (and ambrose’s book) were really kind to webster, okay? he wasn’t actually as important as he’s portrayed in the show -- he didn’t play a role in the patrol, he wasn’t on the drive with liebgott -- but i am very fond of the character we were given.
webster is a bit too relatable, okay??
he’s a writer, a little socially awkward, with obsessive interests. he likes thinking he’s smarter than he really is. he’s lazy, but he tells himself he’s following his own morals. he’s also a gifted writer with a strong set of principles and beliefs, who isn’t afraid to speak his mind.
i empathize with webster a bit too much, to be honest.
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Different Year Same Story: BLACK MAN KILLED BY POLICE
      “We have made incredible progress, this year we have seen the beauty of America’s soul.” –Trump 
(Pops gum) Great we would like to think that every person in America that watched or listened to the State of The Union Address felt that way. While it was great to touch on how law enforcement is cracking down on gangs, and government is going to be pro-active in their support of improving military to fight ISIS, 45 never mentioned the fight on corrupt law enforcement.
31 days into the New year there has already been 105 deaths by police. We not sure if that’s good or bad compared to 109 last year this time. Since November there has been 292 police involved killings.
The site (www.killedbypolice.net) reported that out of the 105 deaths cause by police half of those people were black men. (We didn’t even count the ones that looked like they were mixed but could easily identify as black males.) The list which complies death by year and month has a staggering amount of information concerning the deaths and how they were killed. Out of the 50 something BM, only five were killed either by restraint/physical force or vehicle. All by the gun. Let’s add after spending hours reading each story only one of the killings were ruled an accident.
I must say I put the cup down and had to pop a couple of anxiety pills to get thru this article. I felt so many emotions researching these families that had to endure the pain of loosing a loved one at the hands of someone who swore to protect and value us.
“Let’s side aside of differences for a common ground, to summon unity we need to deliver for the people we were elected to serve.” – Trumps 2018 State of Address
December 28th 2017 Corey Bailey, 30 years old was shot in Indiana by police in an attempted car jacking. (www.wsbt.com) he was the 82cd black male to die by police gunfire in December.
Devon Stevenson, 30 was struck by a police car as he turned in front of the officers vehicle. (wwwuspa.com)
Shaquille Roberts just 24 of Texas, died on December 19, shot by police. (www.dallasnews.com)
Derrick Staton, the youngest person on the list was killed just four days into the New Year, when a K9 unit struck his vehicle in Brandywine, Maryland. (www.killedbypolice.net)
The 57th person to die on January 17,2018 was Bryant Gregory was 33. When a routine traffic stop went wrong. Also on the 17th of January Donte Shannon, 26 of Wisconsin was fatally shot 30 times by police officers after a chase ensued during another routine traffic stop. Officers claim Shannon pulled out a gun; as investigation is ongoing no details have been released as to if Shannon fired at police officers. Both stories are available on (www.killedbypolice.net)
Looking at this list, it was pure craziness how some of these incidents were no different than what we call ,”senseless” act of violence. Fear set deep in the depth of my soul for every black man in America at that very moment. As a writer, a reader; I could feel the panic these men must have felt. The racing thoughts of, I am about to die. Take for an example Nathional Edwards, 43, of Illinois, stopped by police and ordered to get out of car; witnesses said, “He didn’t comply but he was not resisting.” The witness stated, “I heard one shot, I closed the door two more shots, pop!pop! When I opened the door the man was still sitting in the car.” Autopsy show he was shot several times in the back. He was the 96th person to die in 2018. (www.ourquadcities.com)
What makes a particular officer feel that they have to shoot to kill versus kill to disarm? No one can take away that police officers and law enforcement have hard jobs. Hard is a mediocre word. Even a down play to what these men and women go through but how can we respect the difference in cops when we are all treated the same. The next couple of victims were said to have been approaching officers. The problem?  To our eyes these stories read like the victims had mental conditions. But you can decide for yourself. What is not up for debate is that these men are dead.
Todd A. Stone 48 of Michigan made threats to shoot up his neighborhood. Neighbors say he was troublesome but when police arrived they opened fire on victim fearing for their life as he pulled out a hatchet.  Police said they were forced to shoot. Noella Fe says, Does that call for them to shoot to kill. It was clear he was very known to police and had a mental illness. (www.detroitnews.com)
Corey Moble, 38 was said to have had a dispute with someone at the gas station in Florida. Cops arrived to the scene, where Moble left. Cops followed Moble to an undisclosed addressed. There witnesses said, Moble went behind a house. Before coming out the victim yelled, he did not have a gun. Police state he yelled he did have a gun and opened fire when he appeared from behind the house. www.mysuncoast.com
Another very interesting find was that there were a lot of shootings involving off duty policeman. Do nurses carry I.V.’s home just in case someone falls out and needs one? Do teachers walk around with college applications just in case someone wants to apply to school? Do bankers take home the fucking money? Say what you want but there is no reason an off duty officer would use force to control a situation. I have seen plenty of videos where civilians have done a better job apprehending a suspect. So either those civilians need to be hired to serve or to train….
Also fatally killed by police in a mistaken identity, Dennis Plowland, just 25 years old was followed my an unmarked police car, thinking his vehicle was involved in an earlier homicide. Plowland was shot in the head as he sat on the curb with his hands in his pocket unarmed. (www.nbcphiladelphia.com) He was the 78th person to die in December 2017 by police fire.
Many people around the world knew who Thomas Yatso was on Jan.13,2018 when he was fatally shot outside of a bowling alley in Charlotte, NC. after being kicked out. At the age where most young adults are just becoming legal, Yatso took his last breath at 21. He was the 47th person killed by police this year.
Thomas Aiken, the 28th person to be shot by police was 43, killed in Arizona on Nov.10, 2017. Willie Floyd McLord, 42 from Washington, was number 1141, he was the 41st person in December to lose his life to policeman.m Officers said they had several run in’s with him before. They had no choice but to shoot when he opened fire as police approached his car. (www.seattletimes.com)
Paul Jones, 25. 34th person killed in November of 2017. (www.salisburypost.com)
99 Black men died in November 2017 amongst them Augustus Crawford,20 years of age; his number was 14.
The craziest most confusing death by police for the month of November is the story of Eddie Patterson, 49. As reported by the chicago sun times; What started as a routine traffic stop turned tragic, leaving suspect and officer dead. Details are still sketchy as to how the car crash happened in which the officer died, but the victim was shot several times.
I didn’t have the energy to look really deep into this case, as I literally read over 200 cases, I felt powerless, like what the hell am I doing , what could I be doing, shit is there anything I can do?…. I could write and inform you that this issue is much bigger than black and white, its more us and them. It’s no fairy tale that we all can turn on the t.v. and see how the little white boy shot those kids up or the older woman who was wielding a knife at cops, in both cases they were taken into custody without a scratch… I banged my head on the wall at the cruelty in which black people, especially black men are treated with.
The same as slavery bore and fed civil rights; this is the baby that the civil rights carried and bore. That baby is all grown up and is uncontrollable because no one ever corrected that baby; they pacified it and held it when it was wrong, and made laws to justify the wrong doing. This baby was hidden away while we cried for the survivors of the Holocaust and for countries we didn’t know exsisted. While atrocities were covered by american flags instead of being outed. No one ever slapped that baby’s bottom, or whipped its ass when it got to the age of smelling itself. Now a grown ass problem, it can’t be contained. Just like a dog that has turned on family members; it must be taken out and laid to rest.
“If there is a mountain we must climb it, if there is a oppurtunity we must take it.” – Donald Trump, 2018 State of Union Address.
We didn’t know how to take this one, but this shooting made the list because of the unique situation. Deputy Sheriff James Hawkins 35 years old was shot on Jan.15th 2018 by his wife, Deputy Sheriff Rataba Hawkins. He was the 51st person to die by police fire.
“We celebrate military & veterans as heroes who deserve our total unwavering support.” – President Trump 45th president of The United States of America
Noella Fe says, its Black History Month.
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