#and when he's about to kill everyone mike says something like 'will stop'
no because for me the BIGGEST like MASSIVE byler proof is the fact that they've building that up for 4 whole ass seasons so clearly the story will develop more in s5.
and if it's supposed to be a slowburn why the hell should it end up with will being rejected?
the only outcome would be that he becomes a villain, but then the ending could not be considered beautiful.
so yeah, no fucking way byler is not canon.
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anarcoqueer1994 · 11 months
Eddie was going to tell them, he promised Steve he would. Its was easy to tell the apocalypse crew, kind of hard to keep things from a group of people you saved the world with. But telling Corroded Coffin about his new boyfriend was different. Not that they would care that he has a boyfriend. They've known he was queer for a while. What he was worried was who he was dating.
They had spent years in high school touting their superiority over the "conformist, arrogant sheep, and their leader King Steve." Except he had been to harsh, he had gotten to know Steve.... love Steve. And he was afraid if he told Corroded Coffin, not only would they rag on him, but they may say something horrible to Steve. But Steve said he didn't care, that he could handle it. He would "kill them with kindness." He just wanted to be open with Eddie with all their friend groups.
So Eddie promised he would tell. There was a little part of him, though, a superficial part of him, that cared a little more about what his friends think than he should. And so, even though he told Steve he would, he has been dragging his feet. Unfortunately, Steve does not know that. Eddie told a little white lie a few weeks ago that he told them, bringing the brightest, prettiest smile to his face. Eddie had planned to tell them soon after.
But he still hasn't, did not realize the mess he was about to make. Tonight they were having Hellfire at the Wheeler house. Dustin, Will, Lucas, Mike, Erica and the rest of Corroded Coffin were there.
Dustin mentions that Steve would be there soon to bring he, Lucas, Erica and Will home. That's when Garreth says "I still don't see why you guys like hanging out with that guy. He always seemed like an asshole to me." Jeff and Caleb nod their heads.
"He kind of is." Mike jokes. "But he's not a bad dude."
"Steve is cool, man." Dustin adds, obvious admiration in his face.
"Yea, Steve has always been really nice to us." Will smiles. "He is like another big brother." The rest of the party, including Erica, nod in agreement.
Erica gets a shit eating grin(not knowing Eddie has not told Corresed Coffin about he and Steve dating) "And he's cute, right Eddie?" The rest of the guys except Lucas and Will groan in response.
Eddie tries to play it off. "Yea, Harrington is hot. Anyone with eyes can see that."
"Well you must think he's extra hot since he's your...' before she can finish Eddie cuts her off. "I think we are at a good place to stop for tonight."
Everyone notices the quick way he cut her off. Everyone looks confused, even if the younger teens are for a different reason. Jeff speaks up. "What's Steve, Eddie?" He pokes.
"Steve is Steve." He shoots back avoiding the question, slight embarrassment creeping to his cheeks. He knows he should say more, tell them about his wonderful, adorable boyfriend. But maybe he ego is too big to admit he fell for the jock.
"What are you talking about?" Dustin speaks up.
"Why are you being weird?" Mike adds.
Suddenly a chorus of voices chime in, all asking questions. "What is Steve?" "Eddie, why are you being like this?" "Is something up with Steve?"
Finally over the loud voices from his old friends and new friends, he defensively says. "Steve is nothing!" His cheeks are red.
Unfortunately, over the chaos, they hadn't heard Steve come down the steps, having heard Eddie's proclamation. He had come a bit early, thinking Correded Coffin knew. He was carrying a plate of cupcakes, wanting to make a good impression during the first time seeing Correded Coffin as Eddie’s boyfriend.
But he was wrong. They didn't know, and Eddie had lied to him. It hurt. It's not like Eddie’s friends are homophobic, so Eddie was...ashamed to be dating him.
"I'm nothing?" Steve's voice causes everyone to look behind them. Steve looks devastated, like Eddie had just took his heart and stomped on it in front of everyone.
"Steve..." Eddie jumps up, trying to will time to rewind, but he can’t. He hadn't meant to say those terrible things.
But Steve is shaking his head, setting the cupcakes down, before bounding back up the steps.
All the "kids" including Mike, practically shoot daggers at Eddie as they leave, following after Steve.
Eddie is left sitting in the basement, with his three confused bandmates, feeling deflated, knowing he just fucked up the best thing in his life.
Part 2? Let me know if you want to be added to a tag list.
Tag list closed, part 2 here :)
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ladykailitha · 4 months
The Harrington Pattern Part 2
A longer chapter today because it didn't want to end. It's Steve finishing all the costumes.
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Part 1
Steve worked on Max’s costume first. Like Robin’s Max was going to be a pirate. He had the names of a couple of lady pirates in his back pocket for them to pull out if they ran across assholes at the Fair.
Because Max was underaged he set out to find a less form fitting costume then Robin’s.
He found a large men’s black shirt and pants and tailored the waist to fit Max’s slender form. Paired with the boots and the hippie vest he dyed red, she looked bitchin’.
Then he focused on Lucas’s costume in secret. Every time someone came by, Steve would hide it out of sight. He didn’t want anyone to see it before it done.
Whenever anyone would ask about it he would pull out the tunic that he had been working on for his costume.
It was blue and white in a checkerboard pattern. Blue on the right of the top portion and then on the left on the bottom portion.
The pants that he was using for Lucas’s costume were similar to Steve’s for his.
Not loose like Max’s, but not tight like Robin’s. He knows it’s technically inaccurate, but he wants to be comfortable and he’s not about to make a poor little sophomore to-be uncomfortable either.
He finishes it with a week to spare and then picks up the other outfits from the moms.
He throws a party and has them all make their own weapons for their costumes.
Lucas is the only one that didn’t join in.
Steve put his arm around Lucas. “So why aren’t you in there making something, too?”
Dustin is making a spear, Max is making a cutlass, and even El is making healing potions with water and food coloring.
“I don’t know what to make,” Lucas admitted shyly.
“What does your ranger use?”
“A bow,” Lucas said. “But I wouldn’t know even where to start with that.”
Steve smiled. “A bow’s easy. Come on, I’ll show you.”
He helped Lucas build up a stick with toilet paper and aluminum foil.
“Shouldn’t it be curved?” Lucas asked as Steve was putting on the handle.
“Nope!” Steve said cheerfully. “It curves when the bow is strung.” He added the long string and the bow bent. “See?”
Lucas pulled back on the string and the bow bent further.
“It’s more for looks,” Steve said with a wince when the bow remained bent. He straightened it out. “But let’s make you a quiver. No arrows though, your mom would kill me.”
Lucas laughed.
“It’s so cool you know all this stuff, Steve,” Will said. “Why don’t you ever want to join us for D&D? I think you’d be really good at it.”
Steve flushed. “Too much math and I’m not very good at the role-playing part.”
“What would you do if you could play any character?” Eddie asked. “It doesn’t have to be any of the classes or races.”
Steve licked his lips. “You won’t make fun of me for it?”
Everyone looked down at their feet. They were swiftly learning that teasing Steve was one thing, but that they tended to take it too far.
“Go on,” Eddie urged. “If anyone makes fun of you for it, I’ll nuke their character to hell.” He grinned at all the kids.
“That has no effect on me,” Max said, tossing her hair back. “I’m not in your nerd game.”
“Whatever you say, zoomer,” Eddie said with a wink.
She gasped. “Who told?!”
El tilted her head to the side. “Why? Is a zoomer a bad thing?”
Max deflated. “No.”
Eddie winked at El and the girl blushed.
“So Stevie, what would you like to be?”
“The merchant.”
“But that’s–” Mike stopped when he saw Eddie’s glare. He licked his lips. “Wouldn’t it be more fun to be the hero?”
Steve tilted his head to the side and then scratched his cheek. “Um...I’m not trying to brag here. But I’ve been the hero in real life. It’s not fun. It’s terrifying. But being able to armor and arm the heroes? Make sure they have everything they need to succeed? Now there’s the dream.”
Eddie rubbed his bottom lip thoughtfully.
“That’s his DM thinking face,” Dustin said.
“Is that a bad thing?” El asked.
Lucas shrugged. “Sometimes. It can end in us fighting the worst Big Bad ever. But it can just make things more interesting. Like a tidbit of backstory for one of the NPCs.”
“So a former hero who has retired and settled down with the love of their life to sell the fruits of their travels...” Eddie spoke out loud more to himself than to everyone else. “Magic items, healing potions, weapons and armor the shopkeeper is willing to part with now that they’ve settled down.” He looked up at Steve with a grin. “I like it.”
Steve blushed hard.
Will lit up. “Does that mean the next merchant we meet is going to be Steve?”
Eddie’s grin got bigger. “Anybody have a problem with that?”
Everyone turned to look at Mike. “Hey, I don’t care what your NPCs do, man. As long as the story’s good.”
Steve’s blush spread from his cheeks to the tips of his ears and down the column of his neck.
He cleared his throat. “Everyone done with their weapons? Because I think we should do a final fitting so we can make sure nothing needs to be adjusted.”
“Why?” Will asked. “Don’t you think our mom’s did a good enough job?”
Dustin crossed his arms. “Yeah. I thought you trusted our moms.”
Steve sighed. “It’s because you’re adolescences. Your bodies are always constantly changing. Lose weight, grow two inches, fill out in weird areas. I just want to make sure everyone is going to have a good time next week, okay?”
Will and Dustin looked at each other and then nodded.
“Yeah, okay,” Dustin conceded.
“There are three bathroom and four bedrooms,” Steve announced. “So there should be rooms for everyone to change into their costumes.”
They all grabbed their costumes and then dashed for their favorite rooms to try and get there first. Max beat Dustin to the upstairs bathroom, sticking her tongue out at him before slamming the door. So Dustin got Steve’s bedroom.
All the other kids went scrambling for the other bathrooms and bedrooms while Lucas was left standing in the middle of front room, looking down at his sneakers.
“Did you want to try yours on right now?” Steve asked, leaning down to try and look Lucas in the eye.
“I don’t know if I want to be an elf anymore,” he muttered darkly.
Eddie and Steve shared a concerned glance.
“Did someone say something?” Eddie asked. “You were really happy about it when you were making the bow with Steve.”
“Not really,” Lucas said with a shrug. “I just kept thinking about the ears. I know I can have Will draw some really good ones, and he wouldn’t give me shit about it, but...”
Steve sighed. “But you know that Mike would. Fuck, I’m going to kill that kid.”
Lucas waved his hands. “No, no. It’s fine. I’ve got an old pirate costume from a school play I did. I’ll just join Queen Max’s crew.”
Eddie licked his lips. He didn’t have them yet. Jeff was still making them. He shared another glance with Steve.
Steve nodded.
Eddie turned back to Lucas. “It’s up to you, man. But Stevie and I have something in the works regarding the ear situation.”
Lucas glanced between Eddie and Steve but couldn’t find any indication that they were mocking him.
“This isn’t a prank to make me look stupid, is it?” he asked, just to be sure.
“Scout’s honor,” Steve said holding up the correct salute.
Eddie snorted. “Of course you were a boy scout. Could you be any more perfect?”
Steve blushed and ducked his head bashfully. “I’m really not.”
“Anyway,” Eddie huffed, shoving his hands in his back pockets. “Try on the outfit at least. Because you don’t have to be an elf with the costume Stevie made for you. But at least see it before you dismiss the idea completely out of hand.”
Lucas took a deep breath. “Yeah. You’re right. I’m being stupid. I shouldn’t care what they think anyway. Just as long as I’m having fun.”
“That’s the spirit!” Eddie said clapping him on the shoulder. “So where is this masterpiece, my liege?”
Steve walked up to the sofa and pulled out a plastic bag. He thrust it at Lucas’s chest.
Lucas looked down at the bag a moment before taking it from him. He pulled out the warm grey breeches first. They weren’t the broad kind that Steve had made for Max, but they were loose enough that they would hang a little over the top of the boots.
“They’re so soft...” he whispered.
“They’re made out of light weight material to keep you cool,” Steve explained. “There will be absolutely no heat stroke or heat exhaustion on my watch.”
Lucas let out a small huff of laughter and he took that as one for the win column.
He then pulled out the pale blue gambeson, it was trimmed in antique silver ribbon.
“It’s not strictly historically accurate,” Steve said with a shrug. “But I figured I could take liberties considering it was supposed to be fantasy based.”
“Steve...” Lucas said, voice rough from emotion. “It’s perfect.”
He threw his arms around Steve and hugged him tightly and Steve hugged him back twice as fierce.
“Let’s put these away for now,” Eddie said gently tugging them from Lucas’s grasp. “You try them on after everyone leaves.”
Lucas nodded and let Eddie pull them away, but he kept hugging Steve.
Suddenly there was a burst of activity as the other kids came back. Robin, too.
Steve let go of Lucas to take a look at his ragtag crew of misfits. Robin and Max’s costumes he knew would fit to perfection. His exacting standards would bow to nothing less.
The costumes that Joyce and Claudia made were good too. He let out a little breath through his nose.
“Looking great, guys!” he told them. He tugged Will’s tunic a bit. “You grew some, there.”
Will looked down and blushed. “I didn’t even realize.”
“That’s because you’ve been wearing shorts,” Steve explained, “so you just didn’t notice.”
“You were right to make sure the costumes still fit,” he murmured, trying to pull the tunic down to the right length.
Steve’s shoulders sagged. “You were just trying to defend your mom, dude. It’s fine.”
Will and Dustin still shared a look of chagrin anyway.
“I can add a couple of inches to the hem,” Steve continued. “I have some ribbon that will hide the extra material.”
Will nodded.
Steve moved on to Dustin and tugged on the side of his shirt under the vest and then tugged on the waistband too. “Don’t tell your mom this, but you’ve lost weight. She’ll freak out and try to feed you the entirety of your cupboard.”
Dustin blushed. Claudia Henderson was notorious for constantly feeding anyone who came through her door.
“But I’ll just pin it in case your weight fluctuates again,” Steve said. “The hazard of being teenagers unfortunately.”
Dustin nodded with a sigh of relief.
Max’s was perfect, as was El’s beautiful red dress.
But she was looking at the ground twisting her hands together.
“What’s up, Supergirl?” Eddie asked.
She looked over at Will and then down at her feet again. “I don’t want to be ungrateful. Joyce did an amazing job.”
Steve tilted his head. “But?”
She sighed. “But I was wanting a gold trim, but Joyce didn’t have any and I didn’t want to make her buy some...”
Steve held up a finger and then dashed off.
But he was back before they even had time to wonder where he had gone. In his hand was a cloth bag that he handed over to her. “Pick your ribbon. It’ll take me a day to add it to the dress, no problem.”
El looked down at the bag in shame. “Steve...”
He clicked his tongue. “I don’t want to hear it. I have to extend Will’s tunic anyway, adding ribbon to yours would be cinch in comparison. In fact, why don’t you both pick a matching ribbon to be twins.”
Will and El perked right up and the two of them wandered over to the sofa and began sorting through what Steve had.
That left Mike. Steve walked around the outfit. It had a white, billowy top with broad black pants and red tunic to watch El’s dress.
“Looks good, Mike,” he said. “Is there anything you’d want a little different? I don’t mind adding to your costume, too.”
Mike chewed his bottom lip. “There is the one thing. I asked Claudia about but she said she wouldn’t have the time...” He looked over at Dustin and blushed.
“What’s that?” Steve asked.
“Little...” Mike grunted. “I don’t know what they’re called. They aren’t strings or tassels, but kinda a cross between the two to kinda hang down off shoulder of the tunic...”
Steve pulled out his drawing pad and doodled something out really quick. Mike peered over his shoulder.
“A little more spaced,” Mike muttered.
Steve erased and doodled some more.
“Yeah, like that.”
Steve nodded. “I can do it, but you want to see something cool?”
Miked nodded back and Steve left the room again. He came back with a weird little device.
“This is what I use to make tassels,” he explained. “I’m betting Claudia doesn’t have one.”
Everyone looked at Dustin.
“I’ve certainly never seen one if she has,” he replied.
Steve nodded again. “That’s what I thought.” He showed them how to make tassels and Mike’s face lit up.
“This so cool, Steve,” he whispered.
“Do you want to make your own tassels?” Steve asked, gleeful at finally finding a common ground with the prickly teen.
“Can I?”
Steve shrugged. “I don’t see why not. You’ll just have to do it here. I’ll get the leather scraps from the tanners on Saturday and you can come over on Sunday to do it, okay?”
Mike nodded. “Thanks, man.”
El and Will picked out a nice braided gold ribbon and he set it aside, making a note to grab another spool to be on the safe side.
Soon it was time for everyone to leave.
Eddie took home Mike, El, and Will. Leaving Steve to take home Max, Lucas, and Robin.
Steve turned to Lucas. “You okay with these two seeing your costume?”
He figured Max was fine, but Robin might be a no go.
Lucas looked at her thoughtfully.
“I can go make us all lunch if you don’t want me to see it yet?” Robin suggested.
Max hopped up. “I can help. I want to be surprised next week.”
Lucas let out a sigh. “Thanks, ladies.”
Max rolled her eyes and Robin snorted as they wandered toward the kitchen.
Steve tossed Lucas the bag and immediately he began to strip. He put on the costume and ran his fingers over the material.
“Steve you really out did yourself.”
Steve grinned. “Bend, twist. Make sure you can move in it. I don’t want you popping a seam.”
Lucas did as he was told and Steve circled around him.
“Looks good,” he said. “Now go take a look in the mirror. Then tell me what you think.”
Lucas nodded.
Five minutes later Lucas came out with tears streaming down his face.
“Oh no!” Steve cried. “It’s that bad?”
Lucas shook his head and then launched himself into Steve’s arms. “It’s perfect, Steve. Thank you.”
Steve blushed. “You’re welcome.”
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @thespaceantwhowrites @paintgonewrong @mogami13 @beelze-the-bubkiss
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Was having some thoughts about Steve joining Hellfire. They are as follows.
I'm thinking maybe they start him off with smaller weekly oneshots. Unbeknownst to Steve they are also still meeting for their regular other campaign, he figures that out later. That Eddie's been writing one shots for him on top of his other bonkers story he's got going and Steve is like "oh 🥺".
BUTTT! during the one shots, all the kids have their moments of being RUDE to Steve. Mike is the worst (cuz I dislike him and his fucking attitude). But everytime one of them is rude to Steve, and it's like legit mean stuff, like them calling him stupid. Things like that. Steve usually kinda gets quiet. And then, whenever the kids do that, Eddie starts making notes in his notebook. Then whoever said the mean thing, their characters die.
Like, Mike gets the worst of it cuz he's just such an ass. But Eddie's got a SYSTEM in these notes okay!!! There are straight tallys, for actually hurtful mean things, there are wiggly tallys for things he can tell are meant to be teasing but that he can tell definitely still kinda hurt Steve a bit. And then there are stars. People get stars for helping Steve along the way.
Be that helping his characters, or just helping him with his math or helping him understand something about the game when Eddie is busy or "distracted". Cuz he legit always notices when people help Steve. Most of the time it's cuz he hears Steve's genuine thank yous. Lucas, and surprisingly Erica, have the most stars, aside from El. Max gets stars sometimes just for back talking Mike's rudes comments with shit like,
"mike what does it matter? we're all about to die anyway. That sphinx is gonna fucking eat us. Who cares. Leave him alone."
Because her and El have of course been invited too. But they've been playing just a LITTLE bit longer so they know a small amount more. El only has stars because she is legit always helpful. Steve has taken to sitting between El and Erica because they're the nicest to him. Lucas usually sits across from him.
Dustin has lots of wiggly tallys cuz he just can't control his mouth sometimes. But one day Mike gets brutally killed again and starts whining about it and Steve has noticed Eddie making little notes. Has no idea what they are. Cuz he doesn't look through other people's notebooks. Thats rude.
Everyone has noticed the notes. No one has asked. They all have theories. And when Eddie is like,
"I'm trying to teach you a lesson. Not my fault you aren't smart enough to figure out what it is." And his voice has such a BITCHY tone when he says it. Because Mike had JUST been hounding Steve for missing "obvious" clues and not being smart enough to figure it out and walking into a trap.
And steve had gone red from his ears all the way down his neck, he also felt bad cuz he'd gotten El's character hurt. And then Mike had been an ass. Steve was upset. So Eddie killed Mike. And then he's whining and Eddie's about to say something else when El speaks up, looks across the table with a scowl and says,
"just be nicer! It's not hard to be nice. Steve is our friend. Be nice to him." And she rolls her eyes at Mike, puts her hand on Steve's arm and is like,
"I will be fine. Will can heal me." And Will pipes up and is like,
"yeah. I can heal her no problem." But it's El's outburst that makes Steve kind of wonder more about the notes Eddie takes.
He'd never ask, and never look. But he stays behind one day to help Eddie clean up, they have weekly games at the community center.
So Steve's staying after and helping with chairs and tables and getting books and dice and things stored away and Eddie's notebook is RIGHT THERE. Open to the page he's always scribbling on. And Steve just sort of... stops. And looks at it. And it's everyone's names with tallys and marks and stars. Erica has wiggly marks AND stars. But mostly stars. Because she helps him with his math almost every game.
Also she "accidentally" let mike get hit with an attack in the game cuz he was being rude. El's is all stars and scrawled under them in Eddie's chicken scratch is,
"She's a literal angel oh my god."
So Steve's eyes are just wandering over this page and his brow is all creased and he doesn't hear Eddie come back until he says,
"figured out what's missing yet?" In that teasing sweet little voice he uses on Steve that makes him feel a little dizzy sometimes, give him butterflies in his stomach, and his whole body jerks and he looks up and Eddie's leaning casually against the wall near the door. And Steve immediately apologizes and Eddie laughs, shakes his head, walks closer. And is like,
"It's okay Steve. But you didn't answer my question." He licks his lips, steps closer. Steve looks back to the notebook for a second and then back to Eddie.
"My names not on there?" He asks, worrying his finger into the table top next to the notebook. And Eddie is nodding.
"Yup." And Steve's like,
"The tallys are about... me?" And he's frowning. But Eddie steps a bit closer, standing next to the table now. And he smiles, all shy and soft and is like,
"yeah Steve. They're about you. Got kinda tired of all the kids talking shit about you. And to you. So I came up with a system. Anyone says anything about you being stupid, I kill them." He grins, wide like the Cheshire cat and Steve feels kinda pinned down by it. Feels kinda hot all over.
"You didn't- have to do that. It's fine. It doesn't bother me. I mean I know I'm not smart." And he just shakes his head and looks at the ground and Eddie kinda slams his hand down on the table, startling him. He looks up and Eddie looks mad. Not at him. Just, mad.
"You're not though. Is the thing. I mean... you're incredibly good at strategy. I know you don't know enough about dnd yet to know this, but you've been a crucial part in winning like, the last three games." Eddie steps closer, his fingertips brushing the back of Steve's hand.
"You're not stupid. You're just smart in different ways." Eddie shrugs. Gives Steve a little lopsided smile.
"You think I'm smart?" He asks, biting his lip to stop the giddy smile that's threatening to spread. Eddie doesn't stop his smile, just lets it go, lets it dimple his cheeks and make Steve's knees weak. And he's like,
"yeah man. Just cuz some jumped up little tweens can't see it doesn't mean I can't. You're kinda hard to miss." He does bite his lip then, fingers playing with his hair, Steve knows he's trying not to hide behind it.
"I just uh-" Eddie clears his throat,
"I'm really petty. And protective. And it's ridiculous cuz you're not even mine but- I just- felt like I had to protect you. Or stick up for you. Or something? I dunno. Feels stupid now that I'm saying it out- oof!" Eddie huffs when Steve slams into him. Arms wrapped around his neck. He may or may not be crying into Eddie's hellfire shirt. But he gives Eddie a squeeze and then pulls back, looks at him, smiles and says,
"I am though." With a little shrug. And Eddie's like,
"you... are?" Confused. And Steve laughs, light and sweet and says,
"Yours. I am yours. If you'll have me. Or want me. Or- mmfph!" Steve's words end in a high pitched hum as Eddie's lips hit his. Just a firm press. His hand on Steve's cheek. He pulls back fast, pink in the cheeks.
"Sorry I just- if you let me have you, Steve. I may never let you go." He chuckles, giddy. Steve snorts, his head falling to Eddie's shoulder for a second before he looks at Eddie, cups his cheek genlty.
"Who says I want you to?" His brows jump, challenging. Eddie goes redder, down to his neck.
"Wanna try that kiss again?" Steve asks.
"God was is bad? I've never- I'm not... good. At that stuff." Eddie cringes. Steve cups both his cheeks until Eddie's wide eyes are staring at him, his cheeks a little squished.
"It wasn't bad. It was kind of perfectly you. But we can get you good at that stuff. You're a fast learner right?" Steve smirks, Eddie's eyes go impossibly wider as he nods aggressively, cheeks squishing even more.
"Yes, sir." Eddie mumbles between his squished lips. Steve nods, once and then moves forward, slowly, determined to show Eddie just how thankful he is for him. How thankful he is that Eddie sees him.
And protective.
And Steve's.
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sleepyhutcherson · 4 months
mike, who usually shies away from physical touch in public is suddenly touch starved.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
pairing: mike schmidt x gn!reader
word count: 0.8k
contains: established relationship, mike struggles with physical touch, fluff and nothing else really :)
a/n: i restarted this several times but finally got a version i liked. anyway, thank you for requesting ⭐️ anon!! i accidentally deleted your request so i hope you find this <3 also i’ve not seen “anyone but you” so there’s no mention of the movie at all, sorry but i hope you still enjoy it <3 im currently working on everyone’s requests, i have about like 3 mike requests and a billy one soo expect that soon :p
Mike wasn’t usually very affectionate, you didn’t mind that, you understood that it was harder for him than for you. He wasn’t completely drawn from touching you, though, but only when you two were alone, he never really felt comfortable being touchy out in public.
Leaving the theatre room he’s quick to pull you to his side, wrapping an arm around your waist and planting a chaste kiss on your cheek. You immediately tense up, surprised by the sudden touch, you giggle in response. “What?” He asks, a shy smile on his face now, his cheeks tinted pink slightly.
“Nothing,” you reply, a little flustered yourself, honestly. You both walk out of the cinema, Mike’s arm never leaving your waist. Once outside he stops you, positioning himself in front of you, both of his hands on your waist to keep you still.
“What were you giggling at in there, hm?” He asks, raising a brow, trying his best to keep himself from just leaning down and kissing you right there.
Sure Mike wasn’t comfortable enough showing much affection in front of crowds but it didn’t mean he didn’t desperately crave your touch, your lips, your skin every passing second he was around you. He always kept himself contained nevertheless but something about the way you continuously touched him while watching the movie made him absolutely weak. It was dark in the theatre room, barely any people inside, so he was more relaxed when he felt your fingers playing with the end of his curls, or the way traced his arm with your finger…it was too much for him, but of course he didn’t stop you—he loved it.
“It’s just you’re usually so…you know,” you reply, allowing your hands to rest behind his neck. He melts into your touch, you catch the way his body softens from the bit of tension he had from being this intimate outside. It was late out so there was really no one outside but it was still a lot for Mike, he never understood why it was so difficult for him to be affectionate around people but it is, and he feels incredibly lucky to have someone like you who doesn’t pressure him.
“I know,” he replies, sheepishly. His hands are still on your waist, he kneads at the soft skin there covered by the fabric of your shirt feeling a sudden comfort. “I just…” his words fail him, feeling too embarrassed to say anything now.
“It’s okay, Mike. I wasn’t teasing you or anything,” you tangle your fingers with a few of his curls knowing this always eased him. “I’m really glad you felt comfortable to kiss me inside. You did really well, I hope you know that.” You smile with such a proud look on your face that Mike nearly comes undone at your praise.
He turns a bright red and it earns him a laugh from you. “You’re so flustered!” You point out which just makes it worse. He smiles, tucking his face into the crook of your neck wanting nothing else but to hide right now. God, he was so easy to tease, you loved it and you knew he secretly loved it, too.
“You’re going to kill me, you know?” Mike says, you can feel his smile brushing against your skin, it sends shivers throughout your entire body. If anything he was going to kill you.
You run your hand through his hair the way you knew he liked it. You plant a kiss on top of his head before pulling him back to get a better look at him. Your hands are softly pressed against his cheeks, and you notice how hazy and sleepy his eyes look due to you playing with his hair.
“Sleepy?” You ask, staring into Mike’s eyes that look so soft, well, softer than usual. He nods, a small tired smile on his lips. “Let’s go home then and sleep.”
“Okay.” He agrees. He doesn’t let go of you immediately, tucking some of your hair behind your ear, his eyes never leaving you. You were so lovely to him. You were so great, so perfect, and he felt so fortunate to have you all to himself. Without another warning his hands travel up to your jaw, gently holding you for a moment before pulling you in for a small, innocent kiss. His lips are soft against yours in that brief moment, despite wanting more you feel rather pleased by the kiss. There’s a huge smile on his face when he pulls back, eyes still droopy with sleep, and before you know it he’s leaning back in this time for a more passionate kiss, it’s soft, short, and somehow still innocent like the first but it’s so ineffable.
He pulls back with a small laugh, brushing his thumb against the bottom of your lip. “Let’s go home.”
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No Regrets - Part Three
This one got longer than I expected, so it's only about Spring Break. We return to the apocalypse next part.
Part One🦇 Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six
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Waking up again is disorienting. His head aches like the beginning of a migraine. There was something he was thinking about but it's fading quickly. A conversation in a boathouse...? That's not right. The boathouse was empty. The police had beat them there.
No. No conversation in a boathouse. But there was a phone call. He knows he remembers that. Joyce had called last night. Her and Murray sharing a phone between them as Steve- Oh! Right. Steve told them he knew about Hopper in Russia.
"You have to go, though. Hopper is alive and waiting. And there's a demogorgon. Demodogs, too. You have to kill them all. Any connection to the Upside Down left alive helps Vecna. It's like having a tether to here makes him stronger."
"I can't just abandon El," Joyce sounds conflicted, and Steve gets it. He does.
"You aren't. You're going to be giving her back her dad. She's got Jonathan and Will and Mike. Argyle, too, if he wants to be there. Just. Just get them on the road and back here as soon as you can. If they don't leave soon than Brenner will-"
"Brenner? What do you mean Brenner? He's dead. Right? He's supposed to be dead."
"Yeah, well, he's not. He- I don't know the full details, just. I was just given an overview because, y'know, other shit was going down. But he makes El relive a lot of traumatic shit from her past and yeah, it gets her back her powers, but she's just a kid. She's just a kid."
"Her abilities, they aren't gone?" It's Murray who asks.
"No. She's just traumatized, in a different way. It was... it was Jonathan who said this, actually, to me. I mean, he hasn't said it yet, and if everything goes the way I want, he won't need to say it ever, but that's- sorry, that's not important. He said he thinks El blocked her abilities because she lost Hopper. An internal block, you know? 'Cause she couldn't save him with them, so what was the point of having them?"
"And you think bringing Hopper back will free her of that block?" Murray asks.
Steve can't help it. He laughs. "Hell no. I think years of therapy might, but having her dad will help. There's no way it hurts, right? Also, uh, you're the parent here, Joyce, so I'll let you decide what to tell her, but the big, awful thing that Brenner made her relive? It was a massacre. At the lab, when she was there. Another guy, another number, killed a bunch of the people there. It was El who saved the remainder. She stopped him from killing anyone else by opening the first gate to the Upside Down. She tossed him in and closed it. She's not a monster. Oh, that part you have to tell her. She's not a monster."
There's more to the phone call, Steve knows he knows that but there's yelling and it's distracting.
"What?" Steve snaps, both with his shout and back into himself. He's sitting at the picnic in Forest Hills. Everyone is looking at him with varying degrees of concern.
"You okay?" Robin asks, "we've been trying to get your attention for a while now."
"What? Yeah, sorry," Steve says, distracted, standing up and looking around. Eddie's trailer is right there, and Wayne's truck is parked in front. He knows Wayne. Knew Wayne? He's in charge of the gardens at home base. A real green thumb, not that you can tell by looking at the trailer now. "You think that with Fred's death, they'll stop suspecting Eddie?"
"What? We don't know that they suspect Eddie," Dustin is quick to say, "I know he didn't do it, and so do you so-"
"Yeah, I know! I do know that, but Chrissy died in his home and then he ran. Of course, he's a suspect. But he was in jail last night. So. They can't suspect him still, right?"
Nancy purses her lips, giving Steve a look he knows isn't good. "Well, it will depend on when they apprehended Eddie, which we don't even know they did. How do you know he was in jail last night?"
"Good point. I don't, not for sure. But Wayne might," Steve says as he starts walking away. He can hear everyone at the picnic table shouting for him and scrambling to follow. Steve picks up speed, dashing up the steps and pounding on the door before anyone catches up.
"Steve, what are you doing," Max hisses, because she's the fastest and therefore the closest.
"I just gotta-"
"Can I help you?" Wayne Munson greets, voice even. Steve watches as his eyes sweep the group, pausing on Nancy before coming back to Steve.
"Hopefully. Uh, I'm a friend of- well, no that's a lie. I don't want to lie to you. I'm not Eddie's friend, but I want to be, and Dustin here is, so we just wanted to know if you could tell us if Eddie's okay?" Steve says. "You already talked to Nancy yesterday, but she didn't know that we, like, knew him. Have you heard from Eddie?"
Wayne eyes him with suspicion, which is fair, "I ain't heard from him."
"Please," Steve says, because he's got to try one more time. Either Wayne doesn't know for real, or he's lying because he doesn't trust Steve. He's not sure he'll be able to tell which is which, but he has to ask again, "I swear that we just want to help Eddie. Whatever happened to Chrissy wasn't his fault, I know that. I just need. I need to know he's not- not out there, alone and scared. Please."
Wayne stares him down and Steve refuses to look away. Wayne's eyes flick away from him to the single police cruiser still stationed nearby, then back. "Get in here."
He doesn't need told twice. Wayne retreats into the trailer and Steve follows. Immediately his eyes jump to where the gate will form. Currently it just looks like water damage on the ceiling, but Steve knows. No gate yet, but it'll be there tomorrow. Probably fully formed by the time Vecna tries to take Max.
Robin, the last one in, shuts the door behind her gently.
"I told her yesterday that Eddie didn't do this," Wayne nods his head towards Nancy but he never takes his eyes off Steve. "Didn't stop them from arresting him."
"Thank God," Steve breaths out, which is the wrong thing to say, given how quickly Wayne's face morphs to anger, so he quickly adds, "shit, I mean, that means, he was in police custody when they found another victim last night, right? That'll prove he's innocent."
Wayne doesn't respond right away. Instead, he takes his time looking at each and every one of them, lingering on Nancy before settling on Max. "You live 'cross the way, don't ya?"
Max looks surprised to be recognized. "Yeah."
"Did you see anything?"
"I saw..." she trails off, brows furrowing as she thinks. She looks from Wayne to Steve. He doesn't know what she sees on his face, but he watches as she steels herself, a decidion made, before looking back to Wayne and saying, "What I saw is whatever I'll need to have seen to help Eddie."
"You'd lie to the police for Eddie?"
Max and Wayne have a silent conversation following the question, judging by their stare down and raising and following brow lines. When Max does speak, she says, "I've lied to police for worse people."
"Huh," is all Wayne says as he settles back against the counter behind him.
"Thank you," Steve says, even as his mind starts to calculate. They'll probably keep him the full 48 hours, since there isn't evidence enough to charge him. Right? There isn't really any evidence. Except, perhaps, what Eddie might have told them. Shit. Would Eddie say anything? "Can you let me know when they release him? Whatever happened, whatever he saw, probably freaked him out. I don't want him to feel alone. I mean, we don't."
Dustin is looking at him now like he's grown a second head but Wayne. Wayne is looking at him like he's made a realization. Drawn some unknown conclusion that he must approve of because he nods. "Sure, son."
"You got pen and paper? I'll write down my number."
The silence from his friends is deafening and does not bode well for Steve. He just knows they're going to bombard him as soon as they leave the trailer.
Which is exactly what happens. They wait until they're back by their cars before starting in, though.
"Steve, what the fuck was that?" Dustin says.
"How did you know he got arrested?" Max demands.
"Steve, you are acting so strange right now," Robin says, worry painted across her face.
"Explain," is all Nancy says, crossing her arms.
Should he? Does he even know what's happening? No. Not really. He's got memories of a future that's bleak and dark and terrible and he doesn't want it to come true. Are they even memories? Did those events even happen? He doesn't know for sure. All he does know if he wants to do everything in his power to prevent it from happening though. He doesn't want to have regrets about.... about something.
"We don't win," he says. "We don't win this one. Or, we didn't? We might now. Things are different this time."
"What?" Robin asks.
Steve ignores the question, giving instead more of the information he knows, "Hopper's alive. Joyce and Murray are on their way to Russia to save him."
"WHAT?" he's not sure who asked. Maybe all of them.
"And El is- I don't know. On her way, I hope. But she won't have her powers when she gets here. Or maybe she will? If she believes she's not a monster and really is the hero."
"Steve, you are not making any sense!"
"I know!" Steve shouts and drops into a squat. "I know! I'm not the- the figure it out guy, or the plans guy, or whatever. I'm just the guy who knows things he shouldn't, and I can't tell if it's because I actually lived it, or if I was just given knowledge about it somehow. I know the Upside Down has a red storm that never ends, more democreatures that just gorgons or dogs, and that Vecna slash Henry slash One is a goddamn monster who opens a giant hell gate and causes the apocalypse."
"Whoa, whoa," Dustin sooths, and when Steve looks up, Dustin's got both hands up and approaching like Steve's a wild animal. He kind of feels like one right now. "Slow down and explain."
There's a lot Steve could say. Should say. Steve is kind and soft, even in the face of the end of the world, but he's also learning that he's a little ruthless. Not heartless, but enough that he can see where they are, where they need to be, and how to get there in the easiest way possible. His eyes flick to Max. "Chrissy and Fred. They were both seeing the guidance counselor. You've seen them both there, right Max?"
"I- yeah. Yeah, I have."
"And Nancy, you've got a hunch, right? You need to go to the library to check it out?"
She narrows her eyes at him but nods.
"Okay. So, uh, let's use that as proof. You and Robin go check out your hunch, and I'll stick with Dustin and Max. Take Max to see Ms. Kelley and see if she'll tell Max anything that connects them?"
"You already know what we'll find, don't you?" Nancy asks, and Steve shrugs. "You're right. I won't believe you. Not without this proof. So, we'll go, Robin and me. And when we meet up, I expect you to tell me what we learned."
Max is completely silent the entire drive, an exact opposite of Dustin who shoots off so many questions in a row that Steve can barely remember the first by the time he's onto the next. Not that it would matter, because Dustin doesn't pause between any of his questions or comments to let Steve answer anyway.
Max launches herself from car almost as soon as Steve pulls up to the curb with a loudly groaned, "finally" before she slams the door and bounds across the street.
"Steve! Are you even listening to me!?" Dustin has finally lost steam or ran out of breath or something.
"Are you done yelling at me?" Steve retorts.
Dustin lets out a really big sigh then says, "For now. I just- Let's start with this. How do you know that Hopper's alive?"
"Joyce and Murray confirmed it when I talked to them on the phone. They're supposed to be getting El and crew heading back this way while they go to rescue him, but I don't really know how that's going."
Dustin squints at him. "I thought you could see the future now."
"No. I saw the future, so like, lived it or something. And it's like... You watch Back to the Future yet?"
"Okay, so like, the part where his family starts to vanish from the picture? Because he made his mom want to bang him-?"
"That is a disgusting oversimplification of the plotline, Steve."
"-it's like that. Except I want to change the events because we definitely end up in the bad timeline."
"Okay. Say I believe you. You said we don't win this time. Explain that."
Steve sighs. "Can that wait for like, everyone? Explain it all at once?"
"What made it so bad you have to alter the course of all of human existence?" Dustin demands.
"The Upside Down breaks through, man," Steve says, "Like, toxic air and no more sunlight or blue skies kinda bad. Full on, end of the world apocalypse type shit."
"Shit. We, like, lose lose," Dustin says in a small voice Steve doesn't think he's ever heard Dustin use before he huffs and falls out of view with a click and the sound of squeaking leather. Steve watches as Dustin reclines his seat back so he can stare up at the ceiling of the BMW.
"Yeah," Steve says before they fall into silence until Max sprints back, screaming for him to drive before she's even got the door closed behind her and certainly isn't wearing her seatbelt yet.
They all converge at the school, and Steve tells them what Nancy and Robin learned at the library, then Max puts together the thread that connected Chrissy and Fred, and he has to watch, again, as she accepts she's going to die. She even looks to him, as if he'll confirm that with a shake of his head or a nod.
He just blinks back at her until she looks away.
They want answers he isn't ready to give. Not until tomorrow, after Vecna tries to take Max. Given how today has gone, tomorrow shouldn't be much of a change. Nancy and Robin will still go the Pennhurst, and Steve will take Max everywhere she wants to go, but this time he'll be ready. It's not too late, so the little music store down from Melvald's will still be open. Hopefully they have Kate Bush handy. He'll make sure Lucas has a backup cassette player and-
"Wait. Lucas should be told. He should be here. Why isn't he..." Steve trails off, trying to remember why Lucas would be here. He went to party with the basketball team and- and what? There's something he's missing. Something changed. His head hurts and the white noise is back, and it hits him so suddenly he sways and stumbles backwards until he hits a wall.
"Steve!" Robin gasps his name and rushes to hold him up. Dustin is at his other side just as quick.
"I'm ok," Steve says with eyes closed. He can't explain it, but he's changed something. He knows he has. Lucas is with them tomorrow, he remembers that, and there's this feeling that he should be here now. That he should have shown up at the school, but the reason eludes him. Slips from his grasp like he's trying to hold water. "It's- there was something that was supposed to happen. Something that made Lucas find us here at the school. I remember that. I- I almost hit him with a lamp. But he's not here. He didn't- something's changed. Whatever happened before didn't happen again."
"What, like, you changed the past?" Dustin asks.
The laugh Steve lets out is manic, even to his own ears. "I don't know! I can't remember! It's there, the why, but I can't reach it. It's faded, man, like the picture. It's faded."
"Okay, I think it's time we get some rest," Nancy says. "Dustin, you'll radio Lucas tonight and fill him in. Tell him Steve or I will pick him up tomorrow morning to join us. Let's go everyone, before someone does show up."
Nancy takes Dustin and Max, and Robin sticks with Steve. She doesn't even question his detour to the music store, just helps him find the Kate Bush tape. Doesn't even raise an eyebrow when he buys two cassette players, five blank tapes, and a tape recorder.
"Who is the mix tape for?" Robin asks him only once they're at Steve's house and settled in for the night in front of the fancy stereo in Steve's living room. Robin's called her parents already and told them she was staying with a friend, and they had leftovers for dinner from.
"Just in case. Now, shh," Steve says, and once Robin has properly quieted, he pressed record on the tape recorder and play on the stereo. He's already found the track he wants, so it's just a matter of waiting the song out, pausing the tape recorder quickly, then rewinding the tape. He goes too far back, so his finger just hovers over the record button until Running Up That Hill comes back on, and he repeats the process. Over and over again, until the hour long tape is filled with nothing but one song.
Robin watches him do it in complete silence. She doesn't move or shuffle until after he's paused the recording, stilling again once he hits record. He knows she doesn't understand why, but also that she doesn't need to understand. He knows that she knows he'll explain as soon as he's able.
He's just afraid to say too much right now. He can remember tomorrow; the Pennhurst plan, how it is supposed to go based on what remembers Nancy and Robin saying. Max will bully him into driving her around, and they'll end up at Billy's grave. He'll be ready this time, he already knows the answers they're seeking but he doesn't want to risk too much.
He has a plan. And it'll work. It has too.
Because he can't remember what happens after. Patrick dies, and there's... water? A lake? But why is Patrick at a lake in the dark? He isn't, is the thing. It's like there are two memories overlapping in Steve's mind and he doesn't know which is real. Or if either of them are.
There's a memory of... of Eddie? Eddie talking about Patrick floating but there's also a memory of hearing it on the news, Patrick found dead in his room, murdered the same way as Chrissy and Fred with no sign of forced entry in his house. Both memories feel real, but Steve doesn't know, can't tell, which is.
Robin and he falls sleep wrapped around each other that night.
@i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @afewproblems @skepsiss @apomaro-mellow @eddie-munsons-lunchbox @sirsnacksalot @livelifeliketheresnotomorrow @sageclipse @schnukiputz @mbloggotdeletedsothisismybackup @lumoschildextra @juleswashere3 @yet-still-more-banched @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @yearningagain @starlight-archer @chaosgremlinmunson @aol19 @goodolefashionedloverboi @gutterflower77 @moomkin77 @wonderland-girl143-blog @krazyperson @sevenmerrymagpies
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xoxoavenger · 8 months
I Only Need Ten
pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, BestFriend!Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
summary: when Eddie decided to go no contact with Y/N after a drunk night, his worst nightmares come to life at a party (based on scene from Daisy Jones and the Six)
word count: 2896
warnings: drug use (cocaine), over dose, terrible boyfriend (the oc not eddie), a small mention of murder and killing (deserved tho), near death experience
"I think you're delusional." Steve says as him and Y/N walked up to the party, Robin practically running ahead to get there quicker. It was her first time at a party that was barred from high schoolers, meaning it would probably have hard drugs. Parties weren't usually her scene, but she was ready tonight. Y/N had been hyping it up for ages, begging Robin for years to go - since the younger got out of high school.
"Do you ever let anything go?" Y/N asked, already slurring her words. Steve rolled his eyes as he grabbed the bottle from her hands, one of his own wrapping around her arm when she stumbled a bit. "God, I mean, I think if Eddie liked me he would have said something." Of course they were arguing about Y/N's new boyfriend, her rebound from Eddie after they drunkenly made out and passed out with each other's hands halfway down their pants. Eddie made it very clear he wasn't interested after he slipped out before she woke up and avoided her like the plague, not answering any of her calls and leaving her to talk to Wayne awkwardly.
"Maybe he's afraid." Steve said, wincing as he took a long swig of the hard liquor she had procured; he already felt the hangover. Unfortunately the massive amounts of partying he had done in high school did not help as he got older. Just smelling alcohol aged him ten years.
"Please," Y/N snorted, walking through the people that were in the lawn, music blaring even outside. On the patio table someone was cutting cocaine, and before Steve could stop her she was breathing it in and throwing her head back in a laugh.
"Alright," Steve grabbed her and pulled her into the house, hoping she would only do one line. When Y/N was heart broken, she tended to go a little overboard. Her boyfriend wasn't very good at stopping her, and Steve didn't trust him.
"Steve, come on! Don't act like you're such aaaa," She trailed off, not knowing what to say. "I don't have a good comeback." She laughed loudly, and Steve took another swig of the drink. This was gonna be a long night.
"You are such an idiot." Dustin magically appeared at Eddie's side, holding a beer in hand like he did this every night. The two were leaning against a counter in the kitchen, where you could see everyone going in and out.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Eddie yanked the beer away, spilling half of it as Dustin protested, "C'mon, man! I'm seventeen now!"
"And what if Steve sees you?" Eddie knew it was a trump card, since last month Steve had been forced to pick up the kids from a party after it was busted and Will threw up in the roses out front. He hadn't said anything that night, picking them up and taking them to his house, calling Mike's mom to tell her they were all safe and had crashed at his place after meeting up with Eddie. He held El's hair back when she threw up, multiple times, and got them orange juice in the morning while Dustin lived in the bathroom. And then lectured them for an hour and told them that while he would always pick them up when they needed, he was going to tell their parents and let them deal with that next time.
"Steve's gonna be here?" Dustin looked around, but he didn't see Steve. Eddie wasn't even sure how Dustin got into this party; he has seen high schoolers get kicked out at least four times in the last fifteen minutes of him standing in the kitchen and looking for Y/N.
"Yeah, I think he's coming with Robin and Y/N." Eddie tried not to seem weird when he said her name, but Dustin was a perceptive little shit.
"We all know you two have a thing going on." While they all knew that Y/N and Eddie did in fact have some tension, the teenagers were not aware of exactly what had transpired a couple weeks prior.
"You don't know shit." Eddie chugged Dustin's beer, grabbing his arm as he tried to leave before he could go get a new one.
"I know plenty of shit." Dustin rolled his eyes, shrugging Eddie off and walking away, definitely going to grab another beer. Seems Steve's threats didn't work very well.
"Don't say I didn't warn you!" Eddie shouted, leaning against the counter and drinking out of his own cup filled with something a little bit harder.
He wanted to get wasted.
"Where's Blake?" Y/N slurred as she looked around. Her eye caught more coke on a corner counter, and when she lit up Steve felt himself tense.
"Have a cig," Steve pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, hoping it would distract Y/N enough that she would temporarily forget about the cocaine that she definitely did not need. He was just about to light it for her when he saw Dustin walk by with a beer in his hand.
That little punk.
"Dustin!" Steve yelled, mind filling with rage at the fact that Dustin had not learned at all from him. "Hey, come here, you little shit!" Steve was off, looking over heads to track Dustin as he snaked through the crowd.
Y/N immediately forgot about the unlit cigarette as soon as Steve was gone.
"Babe!" Blake threw an arm around Y/N as she came up from snorting a line, not even giving her time to breathe before putting a cold hand to her face and kissing her breathless.
Eddie watched the whole thing, watched as Blake threw back his drink and took a hit in one breath, watched the couple laugh and kiss messily. He couldn't take it, seeing her with him. He knew he had fucked up, that knowing her rejection would have been better than this.
He walked away, going to help Steve corral the other little shits that had snuck into the party before they got into serious trouble.
Y/N wasn't sure what she was laughing at. All she really knew was Blake had just pushed her off the bed they were jumping on, but her head was fuzzy and her body was heavy, so maybe he was doing her a favor. She liked laying on the floor, breathing deeply.
"Do you ever stop laughing!" Blake yelled at her, making her head spin even more. Suddenly, she felt less of the fun fuzzy feeling and more unclear and in the dark. What was going on?
She could barely breathe, she didn't feel in control of her own body. She could feel her brain shutting down as she closed her eyes. The panic set in when she was unable to open them more than slits, but it was quickly replaced by nothingness.
Across the party, El was screaming.
She was yelling incoherently at Eddie, who felt way too sober for everything. Max and Will and Mike were at her sides, trying to get her to calm down, but she was hitting the older man, grabbing his jacket and pointing up the stairs. He almost put her over his shoulder to walk out, thinking she was clearly wasted, when he heard something he knew was actually English.
"It's Y/N!" That got Eddie moving, running to the last bedroom he had seen Y/N go into. He had kept an eye on her, had watched her get progressively more unhinged and high, but he thought Blake had it. He is her boyfriend after all, and the last thing Eddie wanted to do was intrude.
How could he have been so stupid?
Steve marched behind him, the kids bee-lining to follow. Once Eddie got to the door and found it locked, he pounded on it so hard it rattled the walls.
"Blake? You motherfucker, you better get out of there before I break this goddamn door down!" Eddie's voice was deep and loud, making the kids shiver. They had never heard him sound like this. Blake unlocked the door to stick his head out.
"Go the fuck away, freak." Blake said, but he seemed out of breath and his voice was too high.
"Where's Y/N?" Eddie demanded, trying to push through the door.
"She's fine. Everything's fine. Just go." He rushed out, still trying to shut the door on Eddie. "Go, please." He begged, setting off warning bells all throughout Eddie's head.
"Open the door." Eddie seethed, tilting his head in anger.
"No," Blake started, shaking his head and pushing.
"Open the fucking door." Eddie pounded once more against the half open door, red hot rage engulfing him as he could think of nothing else but Y/N. The way Blake had said that she was fine so quickly, wanting him to leave, it didn't sit right with Eddie.
"She's not your's, man! You had a chance," Before he could finish his sentence Steve and Lucas were helping Eddie open the door; it was overkill, and Blake lost the fight quickly.
"Y/N?" He called looking around. It didn't take long to find her on the ground, unmoving. She looked uncomfortable laying there, not right.
Eddie's heart dropped so far it cracked the carpet.
"Oh my fuck," He ran to her, hands cupping her face. "Y/N? Y/N." He repeated her name over and over again as he lightly slapped her face, waiting for her to open her eyes. When she didn't he pressed his head to her chest, but he felt no movement.
"Holy shit," Dustin muttered as Eddie let out a quiet sob, the younger man stepping back slightly as he took in the scene.
"Steve!" Eddie called, not daring to look away from Y/N. "She's not breathing, man!" He could barely get the words out, his throat constricting in time with his wildly beating heart.
"No, no," Max's hands went to her mouth, feeling Lucas behind her. She turned into him and he cradled her head to his shoulder, making sure she wouldn't see the scene in front of them.
"Y/N? All right, all right, all right." He was convincing himself that she was fine, that any second now she was gonna gasp for air and laugh and he would kiss her senseless. He had been stupid to not talk to her, to not hear her out. Now, as he maneuvered her into his arms, he felt sick at the thought that he had lost time with her. "It's okay, I'm here, Y/N." He pulled her around and made sure her head was tilted up, not realizing how much he was shaking. He tried to calm himself by rocking back and forth.
"Dustin, go find a phone, call the cops, don't give any names. If we can't get her awake, they'll help." Steve ordered, taking charge of everyone before they could continue freaking out. "Will, go with him. El and Mike, go find Nancy. Tell her Y/N overdosed, that she's nonresponsive. The rest of you, tell Nancy to give you her keys and go to her car. Keep your heads down, we don't have time to bail any of you out of jail." The kids moved quickly, leaving him, Blake, Y/N and Eddie in the room.
"Y/N? Y/N." He was still repeating her name, smacking her lightly with the arm wrapped around her head, knowing he would do anything to see her chest move again, hear her heart beat.
"It's gonna be okay," Steve said, but Eddie wasn't listening.
"C'mon." Eddie begged, only looking up when Steve yelled out at someone. He saw Blake moving to the door, halfway out of it. "What the fuck are you doing?" Eddie yelled, head melting at the fact that here he was, holding Blake's girlfriend as she died while Blake was leaving.
"I'm sorry, I, I can't be here, so, um, I'll, I'm sorry," And with that stuttering mess Blake ran out the door, leaving Steve and Eddie alone with Y/N. The two didn't have time to be angry at Blake, too focused on Y/N.
"Steve?" Someone called from the hallway.
"In here!" Steve yelled back, and Eddie was relieved to see it was Nancy holding a white cloth.
"Put this here," Nancy slid to her knees in front of Y/N and Eddie, Robin and Jonathan trailing behind her with horror-stricken looks. Nancy pressed the cloth, which smelled strongly of alcohol, onto Y/N's nose as Eddie held her head up, tears beginning to run down his face.
"All right, stay with me. Stay with me." He begged, not letting himself think about what would happen if this didn't work. "Wake up. Wake up." He gripped her tighter, tears falling off his face and onto hers.
"Hold on," Nancy muttered, because this wasn't working. Y/N still lay unmoving in Eddie's arms.
"Please. Please, please, please, please." He had never begged for something this hard in his life, had never wanted so badly to be able to go back in time and change everything. He felt the guilt of this. He knew it was his fault. If he hadn't pushed her away, too afraid to face his fears, he would have been with her tonight. "Please don't, please don't." Someone was rubbing his back, telling him to breathe, but all he could think was that he wasn't the one that needed help. He felt the air draw out of him, the room closing in as more time passed without Y/N opening her eyes.
Eddie pulled her as close to his chest as possible, pressing kisses to her forehead in between muttered prayers and pleas for her to just stay with him, to breathe and open her eyes.
"Please," He muttered once more, raising his head to the ceiling and calling on anyone who was listening to help him. When he looked down again, Y/N's eyes were open - hooded and dilated, but she was responsive.
"It's you." She whispered, looking at him for a moment longer as he put his hand to her cheek before she closed her eyes once more, this time still breathing.
"The cops are here!" Robin called from the window, and everyone started moving. Steve and Eddie picked Y/N up, who's eyes are closing an opening at the rate of a turtle's.
"C'mon, we gotta go," Steve encourages, and Eddie has never been so grateful for someone who knew what to do. Usually, he likes to be in charge, likes to take control of situations, but right now he can't think. He's straining his ears as if he could hear her heartbeat somehow.
"She's not conscious." Eddie tells Steve, who silently leans down to help Y/N up. They had her arms over their shoulders, her feet dragging on the floor as the two boys carry her out.
"I'm gonna fucking kill him." Steve mutters as they get to Nancy's car, people running around and creating the perfect cover.
"I'm getting to him first." Eddie isn't seeing red yet, because he has to get Y/N to safety, but he knows as soon as she's okay he's going to go insane.
It takes three seconds for Y/N to be placed into the care of Robin, who looks up and expects Eddie and Steve to climb in.
"Make sure she's okay." Eddie says. He's already imagining every way he's going to hurt Blake.
"What?" Robin barely says before Steve is slamming the door shut and walking back into the house.
The men are lit by red and blue police lights as they make their way back into the house.
"Hey!" A hand on Eddie's shoulder stops him, which should top them off that they know this person because they went for Eddie's shoulder knowing Steve would wait. Eddie would not have had Steve been the one who was stopped. "What the hell are you two doing?" Hopper is standing there when they turn, arms crossed.
"I have to go kill someone." Eddie says, as if he isn't talking to the chief of police.
"Can I ask why?" Hopper doesn't seem very concerned, but he's sure Eddie is telling the truth by how angry he looks.
"You don't wanna know, Hop." Steve starts, knowing that Y/N won't get in trouble from him but not sure he wants to expose her.
"Are the kids okay?" Hopper asks, concerned.
"We got them out." Steve can tell Eddie is itching to break some bones, and he's not sure how happy Hopper would be about that.
"What happened to Y/N?" Hopper knows that the only reason Steve and Eddie would be marching into a party together is her.
"Hop," Steve starts, knowing that if they tell Hopper he'll probably tell them to leave so he can arrest the jackass. He needs to pummel Blake's face himself. He needs to let Eddie almost kill him and pull him back before any murdering actually occurs.
"She ODed and he pushed her off the bed before he left her not breathing on the ground." Eddie is about to turn around when Hopper grabs his arm. "You're gonna have to arrest me to keep me off of him, and if you're gonna do it you better do it now."
"Listen to me," Hopper says quietly, looking around to make sure the other officers are all doing something else. "I will keep them away from you. Whatever happens in the next fifteen minutes, I don't know about it. When I find him, it better look like a fight gone wrong and not a homicide. Got it?" His voice scared Steve, but invigorated Eddie.
"I only need ten." 
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @one-sweet-gubler @sadbitchfangirl @gloryekaterina @alexshaff2002 @m-rae23 @icequeen1371 @mcueveryday @xxhellfiregirlxx @parkershoco @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @peculiarwren
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wheatnoodle · 1 year
other parts
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
eddie’s squished in the corner of his own couch, mike wheeler’s bony knee digging into his thigh. why couldn’t they pick someone else’s house? code red, group meeting, maybe the wheeler basement? not his tiny trailer?
one by one, they file in. nancy, mike, max, lucas, erica, robin, dustin-…dustin shuts the door behind him. he shuffles over to stand next to robin, scrubbing a hand over his face and staring at the floor.
“i bet you’re wondering why we um…we called this meeting,” dustin clears his throat, adjusts his hat so he has something to do with his hands. lucas looks around and he holds up a hand to stop dustin from continuing.
“everyone’s not here,” he says, leaning around to look at everyone. eddie sits up, takes his own glance at the group and does an internal head count.
“where’s steve?” he asks and sits up to look out his front window. maybe steve was just running late. he could’ve been far away or something, who knows. there’s a choked off sob that has his head flicking over to robin. she covers her mouth with her hand, turns to face away from everyone.
“that’s what we called you guys to talk about,” dustin says after a deep breath. he can’t look any of them in the eye.
“okay…what’s going on? You’re making it seem like he’s…like he’s dead, or something,” nancy scoffs softly. she crosses her arms over her chest, her face taking on a look of concern.
“holy shit, is he dead?” max asks. silence fills the room, all eyes on the pair standing front and center. why them? why’d they have to be the ones to deliver the news? robin wipes under her eyes, releasing a heavy sigh that turns into a groan of frustration. she turns back to face everyone.
“okay…um…a few days ago, at the bonfire, i tried to talk to steve because he…he’d been really quiet all night. like, nance and i were walking back up and he was still sitting there. so- so i went to talk to him. and he just seemed…really…out of it. jumpier than usual…s-sadder than usual?” she paused, needing to squeeze her eyes shut and clench her fists to keep from crying more than she had on the way over. “and he…he wasn’t at work for a few days. guess he called keith and told him he was sick and would be out for a bit.
“day he was supposed to come back, he doesn’t show. keith can’t get in contact with him. i can’t get in contact with him. dustin can’t either,” robin explains. she sounds exhausted.
“alright, now you’re freakin’ me out…did he fuckin’-…is he dead?” eddie cuts in, his forehead creasing in the center. he hears max’s sharp breath in and reaches behind mike to grip her shoulder.
“no, no he’s not- he didn’t kill-…he’s not dead,” is what robin settles on. her fingers are itching for a cigarette, she doesn’t even smoke. “dustin went to go check on him and he’s just…gone? like- like all of his things, his car, his pictures, him. he’s just gone.”
“what, he just packed up and left?” mike asks, his voice edging on anger. he furrows his thick brows, leaning forward on the couch. he looks ready to square up with someone.
“that’s…yeah. that’s what it looks like.” dustin sighs heavily.
“and nobody’s looking for him? after- after everything?” mike scoffs and shakes his head before pushing the long locks behind his ears. he stands up, moves to grab his coat.
“mike-“ nancy tries and rises as well. she reaches out to take his arm but he shakes her off.
“no, nance! look, he’s not my favorite person in the world, he’s your ex and he used to be a dick. but he’s family now, whether i like it or not, and i don’t fuck around when it comes to who i pick for family,” he starts, “also, it’s steve! y’know, hundred and one concussions? you want him just…out there? on his own? with his shit memory and his headaches, hell, he can barely hear! so you guys can sit here, be sad, whatever. i’m looking for steve.”
“‘scuse me,” eddie mumbles, barely even audible to himself before he’s putting his hands on his knees and standing up. he doesn’t meet anyone’s eyes, instead just slips a cigarette from his pocket between his lips and pushes through the small crowd in his living room. he can hear dustin call his name but he keeps going until he can shut his bedroom door and twist the lock behind him.
steve was gone. he may never see him again. he may never see him again. he may never get to smoke with him again and listen to the wild stories from high school that he never seemed to share with anyone else. he won’t get to shuttle the kids to his house or meet them somewhere and listen to the way steve mothers over them, fixing collars and reminding them to walkie if they need anything.
eddie would never be able to look into his eyes again. those big, brown, beautiful eyes that glow like the moon when eddie gives him his full, undivided attention. those eyes that eddie’s realizing he wishes he could look into them forever. and if not forever, maybe just one more time.
he wouldn’t be able to tangle his hands in his hair and feel the way the strands slip like silk through his fingers. it always looked so soft. and now he’d never know. eddie wouldn’t be able to hug him and god, what he would give to smell him right now and what kind of a thought is that to have about your fellow man friend? slow your roll, edster.
not that it would even matter anymore that just thinking about him makes eddie’s heart ache. because steve is gone. steve is gone.
and suddenly, all at once, eddie can’t breathe and he’s drowning in his own saltwater tears. the unlit cigarette falls from his lips and he’s sliding down the door, all dramatic movie style, until he’s sitting with his knees to his chest. broken sobs are yanked from the deepest parts of his chest against his will, collapsing his ribs with the force. he crumbles forward into his knees, pressing his forehead into the skin that sticks out from his ripped jeans. one hand is trying to cover his mouth and muffle himself, the other finds it’s way into his hair.
steve is gone and eddie didn’t know where he went. steve is gone and he left eddie behind. steve is gone and he is going to find new friends. he is going to find someone who makes his heart race and he is going to take them out on cheesy dates and dance in the kitchen at three in the morning and kiss them like his life depends on it and eddie is going to throw up oh my good he’s gonna be sick stop it stop it stop it.
he loves him.
steve is gone and eddie loves him.
steve is gone and eddie was too late. too late too late and now everything makes too much sense. all those nights he stayed awake in bed, staring at his ceiling with thoughts of steve harrington running through his brain. every time he was in the room with the jock, eddie gravitated towards him. he’d stand behind him, prop his chin on a toned shoulder and wrap an arm around his waist. tell himself it’s just because he liked making steve jump when he doesn’t see him coming, but really he just…fits. so well against eddie’s chest. and the blush that rises in his cheeks.
steve is gone and eddie loves him.
there’s a tentative knock on the door that pulls him from his sorrow and has his head snapping up. he smacks his hands against his face to swipe away any tears, scrubbing at his eyes before he stands up.
“eddie…?” it’s robin. she sounds nervous, uncomfortable. shit. they’re probably all listening to him cry like a baby. “it’s just robin. i kicked everyone else out.” is she listening to his thoughts? “um…no, no you’re just…y’know, talking.”
“oh.” he takes steadying breath and cracks open the door, only a couple inches, enough to look at the disheveled girl on the other side.
“eddie…” robin says in a sad sigh, her shoulders slumping as she takes in the sight of him. she wants to reach out and take his face in her hands, wipe his tears and tell him how they still had each other, but she knew it wasn’t the same. and right now, she feels as though she is approaching a wild animal recently caged and cornered. reaching into his space is not what he needs.
“robin.” his voice wavers and eddie’s pulling his wobbly lower lip between his teeth to chew on.
“i’m right here.” she’s quick to reassure him. eddie turns his head behind the door as a fresh wave of tears floods his waterline and he chokes on a whimper. he sticks his hand out of the crack in the door and she tangled their fingers together, letting him cling to her as hard as he needed.
robin rests her forehead on her side of the door, lets her own tears slip as she listens to him feel his world come crashing down around him, the same she had. she wants to scream. wants to smash all of the harrington’s windows in and set the place on fire and run into the middle of the lake with rocks tied to her feet and scream.
instead, she squeezes eddie’s hand tighter and cries with him through his bedroom door.
september rolls around and the kids are back in school. a whole month without steve. that’s how long she makes it before max is cracking open her lined math notebook to a blank page and uncapping her pen with her teeth.
dear steve,
i don’t know if you remember even giving me this address. you were pretty drunk when you did. but, you left, and this is the place i hope you ended up. you seemed happy when you talked about it.
things are different now. we’re different. not a good different, but i have hope. dustin is pretty mad all the time. doesn’t talk except to bitch at people which was funny at first, but now it’s pretty annoying. lucas quit the basketball team. he said that his teammates kept bugging him about what happened to you since they know he was close to you. but hey, now he has time for me to teach him how to skate. (fyi: he’s shit)
part of me wants to be mad at you. like, how dare you leave me, you bastard! but i saw how you were before you left. you were so tired. i’m really proud of you for looking out for you. i would much rather know you’re alive on the other side of the country than dead here because things got too much.
robin misses you so much. she talks about you every day even though it always makes her cry. but she keeps doing it. i think she wants to make sure everyone remembers you. she writes poetry now? all starring you or this girl in marching band. but what i mean is she’s got an outlet at least. which is good. she’s good at it.
eddie…isn’t around too much anymore. he stays in his trailer most of the time which now reeks of weed and has music blasting 24/7. i will say though, he’s been playing a lot of smiths on his guitar. can you believe it?! eddie! the smiths! which brings me to reminding you that your “special friend” seems more than willing to wait.
i hope this reaches you. you don’t need to answer or anything. i just wanted you to know that i’m happy for you. and i’m proud of you. i like you more than the rest.
that random girl,
taggie waggies:
@wonderland-girl143-blog @callme-keys @kgne-k @hagbaby420 @24-7shipping @coolestjoy30 @v3lnys @sirbackpains @definitely-not-cereal-og @alienace @starlight-archer @eli-flower @luthienstormblessed @zerokrox-blog @awkotaco24 @sundead @vintgememry @adankrivervalleynearyou
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lillie98 · 1 month
How to Save the World—Stranger Things 5
I’ve had some time to sleep on the episode titles and think about them, read theories, etc. and I now believe they might be real.
Hear me out: Stranger Things is all about cycles, parallels, tropes happening over and over again. The Duffers love taking a moment and repeating it in slightly different ways to prove a point. The story started with “The Vanishing of Will Byers” because we needed to place a small, innocent child in the center of our story, something to bring our character together and drive them to action. Well, that child is no longer in danger and our team is ripping apart at the seams. It’s almost like we need something similar to reunite everyone and drive them to action again.
Remember: The Duffers love parallels. Will’s disappearance brought his deeply fractured family together, uniting them for a common cause. It also brought Nancy and Jon together when their families needed them most. Now, the Byers are a united front, ready to tackle any monster that comes their way. They are the glorification of the avant-gard family. Now which family is struggling? The Wheelers. The perfect, All-American Nuclear Family: Mom, Dad, 3 kids, and a picket fence. They look perfect to the outside world, but behind closed doors, they are deeply struggling. They don’t communicate, the parents have no idea what’s happening in their children’s lives, and if they’re not careful, if they don’t come together and form a united front—they’re going to lose everything, potentially causing the end of the world. (Why? I haven’t gotten that far yet!)
Now, how do we inspire them to action? Maybe by taking the child who was born to save their crumbling marriage—the one has seen everything but, up until this point, been too young to contribute. Now, she’ll be the same age Will was when he disappeared and Mike and Will are the same age as Jon and Nancy. The Duffers are trying to illustrate the idea of “The Next Generation.” This evil, this Upside Down dimension is NEVER going to stop until someone from the Wheeler and Byers families breaks the cycle. Children will continue to vanish, the world will continue to crumble, until someone steps up and says ENOUGH. The Wheelers and Byers (parents and children) must step up and face their pasts in order to move forward.
The “Stranger Things” are not only LGBTQ+ matters, they are the skeletons we hide in the closet that literally eat us alive. They are the dark, festering parts of ourselves we don’t let anyone else see. The invisible cancers that slowly and silently kill us. Until we face them head on, until we bring them to the light, they will NEVER die. Stranger Things is about owning your past, facing your fears, and finding the light again.
So yes, Stranger Things will end with Will Byers making it home from Mike Wheeler’s house on November 6, 1983, but not in a time traveling way, in a finally letting go of that scared, pained little boy who thought the world was better off without him. It’s Mike accepting his sexuality and place in his family. His role as a leader. It’s Joyce accepting love from Hopper, who must accept that he is not actually cursed, but that sometimes, bad things happen to good people, even when they think they’re doing the right thing (Vietnam). it’s Karen and Ted falling in love again and fighting to save their family. It’s Eleven discovering that love, not anger, should fuel her powers. It’s mourning your stolen childhood while stepping into the version of yourself that child never got to be. It’s stopping the cycle and creating a better world for the Will Byers and Mike Wheelers and Jane Hoppers of tomorrow. THAT’S how you become a Hero.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Brought to you by this post.
Eddie had run through every sort of scenario that could happen with his return. He had especially thought about how Steve would react. The top contenders were fear, disgust, and violence. He was a monster now after all. It wasn't immediately apparent, the only physical changes to his appearance being the fangs in his mouth and how his pale skin turned into a pitch black on his hands, ending with dark claws on each finger.
But on this inside, he was so much more. He was faster and stronger. He thought of consuming flesh and blood and knew there were few forces in the world that could stop him from it. When he awakened, Vecna filled his mind with thoughts of rage and revenge. The town had been the ones to kill him in the end. Had they not treated him like a criminal, he wouldn't have run away, wouldn't have ended up in the Upside Down, wouldn't have tried to prove he wasn't a runner and stood his ground the way he did.
Hawkins had experienced loss, yes, but not nearly enough. When he clawed his way back topside, he was ready to bathe in the blood of his enemies. An army of demobats always flurried around to obey his bidding. And they did so with a bloodthirst that matched their master. Vecna had revealed exactly why he chose each of his victims. Told him the secrets they all held. So Eddie's first stop had been the Cunningham household.
He didn't threaten, didn't spook. Just let his little pets crash through every window and feed on the people who made Chrissy's life hell.
The next night, he did the same to Patrick's household, and that was Steve's first gander at his new look.
After the death of the Cunningham's, Nancy quickly figured out that they should stake out the homes of Vecna's other victims. El, Lucas, and Will stayed with Max in the hospital. Nancy, Robin, and Jonathan kept an eye on Fred's place. And that was how Steve ended up watching Patrick's home with Dustin and Mike. They had been too late to save the parents, but just in time to see Eddie standing over their dead bodies, eyes wild and hands bloodied.
Blood also dripped from his mouth menacingly and he only allowed them the briefest of moments before he was off and away, disappearing into the shadows of the night with the sounds of flapping wings.
When they met back up with everyone that night at Hopper's cabin, the exchange of info had been wild. Steve had mainly kept quiet, thoughts buzzing in his brain while the more take charge members of their party tried to figure out if that had really been Eddie, what he was doing, if Vecna was controlling him, and why he was going after these specific people.
"If that had really been Eddie, there's gotta be a way to get him back to the good side. Make him see the light", Dustin said.
"But what if we can't make him see?", Robin pointed out. "He's already killed. Twice. Technically more than that if we go by actual body count."
"And if we don't stop him, he's going to attack again tomorrow", Nancy said. "We just can't entertain what-ifs right now. The facts we have are he's done this two nights in a row. Which means tomorrow he'll either be going for Fred's family or Ms. Mayfield."
"Nancy you didn't know Eddie like we did!", Mike shouted. "You already left him behind once, we can't give up without trying to bring him back!"
That stung Steve. Not being able to bring the body back had been a terrible regret. And now they were paying for it.
"How are you gonna bring him back?", Jonathan asked.
"By appealing to his humanity, duh", Dustin said. "If Eddie's still in there, he'll recognize us."
Unable to keep his thoughts quiet anymore, Steve finally stepped in. "I saw what he did Dustin. I'm not letting any of you kids anywhere near him right now. But!", he cut off the younger ones before they could protest, "You might be onto something. If we can convince him to come back to us, he could be saved."
Robin gave him an odd look. "I'm really afraid of what you're about to say next."
"Look, I can't-I know it's sounds crazy, but I might be able to bring Eddie back."
Steve was met with a chorus of 'whats' ranging from Lucas' genuinely confused one to Mike's absolutely offended one.
"You think you know Eddie better than us? We were actually friends with him", Mike said.
"I know he and I weren't that close. But during the whole, save the world part we had some...moments." Steve looked to Robin and then to Nancy, hoping they understood. And unfortunately they did.
Robin shook her head. "This has gotta be the stupidest idea you've ever had."
"And you're crazy if you think we're letting you do it", Nancy added.
"Good thing I'm not asking permission", Steve said.
And thus began Steve's solo mission: Seduce Undead Eddie. He got very little support in his plan, but it wasn't like he needed any. He just had to make sure he got to Eddie first and kept the attention on him and not on whoever the target might be.
The others were staking out the possible victims. Hopper and Joyce were even taking Ms. Mayfield out to dinner, in the hopes a public place would keep her off limits for Eddie as long as possible. Meanwhile, Steve had his own hunch that he was following. Based on what they knew, Fred had felt guilty about a car accident, but there wasn't concrete evidence of anyone calling him out on what happened. And Max felt guilty about Billy, someone who was already gone.
Steve's hunch brought him to the Carver household. He still had just enough of his golden boy status to win Jason's parents over and let him into their home, still mourning the loss of their son. Steve didn't need to wait long.
He heard the screeching of bats and then a few of them broke through a window. Steve grabbed the frat paddle he had spied when he entered and smacked them away from Mr. and Mrs. Carver. Seeing as everything was a hivemind, he knew Eddie must have felt before he saw.
"Steve Harrington, as I live and breath", Eddie drawled as he entered the house through the door he had broken through.
Steve had little time to prepare for tonight but he thinks he pulled off the perfect one-two punch with his outfit. His brightest, tightest jeans along with a black shirt that had the sleeves ripped off. Steve leaned against the wall and even let his hips cock out a bit.
"Come here often, Munson?"
In the darkness, he was sure he saw something familiar spark in Eddie's eyes. It was the same light he saw when he'd called Steve metal, or when he flirted while stealing that rv, and that had definitely been flirting.
"Steve", Eddie called out in a weak voice, a cry for help before his features hardened as well as his voice. "You can't save him."
Eddie disappeared but Steve was not deterred because he was right. Eddie was still in there and he could reach in to him.
Steve pulled out all the stops then. The next time they met, Steve was laid out on the lunch table in the dark cafeteria like he was waiting for Eddie to come home after a long day of work. When they came face to face at the picnic area by the school, he sat right on the table, legs spread out enticingly.
When Eddie tried fighting him for the first time, Steve had him pinned to a tree and made sure their bodies were pressed out as close as could possibly be.
Sometimes Steve doubted himself. But he knew he had Eddie whenever he saw that light in his eyes. So he didn't shy away from any part of him, even the newer additions. Whenever he could, he touched Eddie. Wrapped a curly lock around his finger as an excuse to say close. Even kissed those blackened and bloodied hands of his.
When he did that, Steve got a thrill. He didn't forget what Eddie was capable of. If he truly wanted, Eddie could rip him to shreds whenever he wanted. But he let Steve get close. Let him get soft with him.
Victory was his when Eddie finally expelled Vecna from his mind completely. And now they didn't just have a friend returned from the dead. They had an ally with a backdoor to their enemy.
Of course Steve felt absolutely vindicated that his plan had actually worked. But he only felt true triumph when he got to watch Eddie help take Vecna down, rip him to literal shreds actually. And then for him to turn those hands, covered in blood and viscera and gently hold him as they kissed for all the world to see.
So yeah, the Harrington charm still had some juice in it.
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shieldofiron · 2 months
Set You Free
Threw this up on Ao3 too
It sounds like a joke. That thing was in his head, speaking in that stilted voice and once it was gone Billy couldn’t stop talking. Couldn’t stop fucking talking, partially because he was scared that it would turn into the wrong voice, partially because he almost couldn’t believe he had survived.
“I don’t want him here, he hits me,” He told the nurse when his dad came to visit.
And just like that they’d barred his dad from the hospital.
Max had come by with her little boyfriends and he’d talked their ears off, half crying, about the year before, about the monster, making no fucking sense, until the littlest one with the creepy haunted doll look sat beside his bed and patted his hand.
He just couldn’t stop talking, but he had to because Harrington was apparently visiting today with his girlfriend or something.
And so he sat silently as Harrington rambled on about the mall, about some freako sounding Russians and fireworks.
“Anyway. I guess what I mean is I’m sorry, cuz I hit you with that car. And if Mike hadn’t pushed you out of the way you’d be dead, and… I’m real sorry, Hargrove,” Harrington said, “For all of it. Mike and Will are like obsessed with telling me how you saved all of us so, I just wanted you to know that… thank you. And I’m sorry.”
Billy nodded, glancing over at the girl who hadn’t said a peep.
“So you forgive me?” Harrington glanced up with those pretty puppy dog eyes.
Billy nodded again, biting his tongue.
“Great!” Harrington nodded, “I’ll go down and get us some coffee or something, and then we can all catch up. Robin, coffee?”
“Black,” Robin nodded, “And get something that won’t make Billy hurl chunks, please.”
“Got it… uh… ginger ale?” Harrington looked at him.
“Just water. I’m missing like ten miles of intestine or some shit,” Billy grumbled.
Harrington blinked, startled, “Right.”
He left with a few of those kicked puppy dog glances, and then Billy was alone with the girlfriend. Robin. The thing is he kind of liked her before she became Steve’s girlfriend.
“I liked you too. And I’m not, by the way,” She folds her hands in her lap, “Steve’s girlfriend.”
Stupid talking thing.
“You’re kind of interesting, Billy Hargrove,” She smiled, and then she frowned.
They just kind of stared at each other, until sweat started to form on his brow.
“Don’t tell him I’m gay,” He blurted out at last.
He knew it, she knew it. Caught him and Tommy having a… moment under the bleachers a million years ago. Billy used to see big poufy band geek uniforms in his nightmares for weeks, but she never said anything.
“I wouldn’t,” She shook her head.
“But I might,” Billy growled, “You gotta keep him away from me, girlfriend or no.”
“Why?” She wrinkled her nose.
“I’m… gay?” He almost scoffed. What was she not getting?
“Okay. Again. Why would Steve have to keep away from you?”
“It’s fucking… wrong. Wrong to have feelings for him. Disgusting pervert shit ok,” Billy frowned, “I told Max he shouldn’t come.”
“I don’t think it’s wrong.”
Billy bit his lip so hard he thought he might draw blood.
“The kids too. Everyone should just stay away.”
“Even me?” She shuffled in her seat, “Is it dangerous for me?”
He glanced at her, not sure what she was saying. Why didn’t people just say what they meant?
“Listen, I don’t really know what happened to you, but I think you staying away from everyone and everything is kind of what got you into this shit in the first place,” She shrugged. “Just sayin’”
“That’s not why it happened,” Billy muttered.
“Then what happened?”
“I was… trying,” Billy’s throat felt right but he pushed through it, “To be normal. And it didn’t work, because I’m fucked.”
“I don’t think you’re fucked. And I don’t think…” Robin scooted forward, taking his hand, “Look. I don’t think you’re evil or anything.”
“I killed people and I have a gay crush on your friend.”
“Okay, that fucking thing killed people and people get fucking crushes every day,” She shook her head. “It’s not a crime.”
“It kind of is.”
“Only to cops,” She rolled her eyes.
He exhaled, “fine. I still kind of like you.”
“Same to you, Billy Hargrove,” She patted his arm, “just remember. The truth will set you free. Maybe Steve won’t think you’re evil either, you know.”
Billy was about to answer when Harrington swung into the door, “The nurses said you could have one of these dinner rolls too.”
“Course you fucking charmed the nurses,” Billy grumbled, “They fucking hate me.”
Harrington just laughed, gamboling in like a happy puppy and setting up Billy’s table.
“The truth,” Robin mouthed over a fluffy cloud of brown hair, “Will set you free.”
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korumimi · 6 months
Okay so, a while after the purgatory, everyone is back. Everything is fine. Mike is awake, everyone is in Christmas mood. So everything is fine. Pac is fine.
Cellbit and Roier are back and playing with Richas and Pepito while Pac watches from afar. Fit notices Pac and goes near him to say hi and see how everything is going.
Then he notices something. Something in the expression Pac is making. He looks distant. Kinda tired, maybe concerned. He is frowning a little. And before Fit says something Pac puts his hoodie back and warp away.
Fit is confused and goes check on the map where Pac is. He's on chume island. Without thinking he warps there too.
Pac is sitting in his armchair next to the water wheel. His with his knees next to his chest.
"Oi Pac!"
"Oh. Hi Fit!" His expression changes quickly to a happy face.
"Just wanted to check on you. You left without saying anything." Fit seats in the other armchair.
"Oh yeah I was about to go sleep. Organized some things in my inventory and all that stuff. Just seated here to... To appreciate the view!"
"Oh I see I see..."
They stay like that for a moment. Fit is a little worried so he doesn't want to leave yet.
"Do you mind if... If I stay here for a while?"
"No, no, not at all. Feel like this is your home too" Pac smiles.
Fit smiles back but stays quiet, appreciating the view too. He knows what happened in purgatory and Pac said that he even had fun in most of the time. Mike is awake now too. Richas is fine, and all his dads are back too. So he can't see the problem clearly. But he looks with attention and Pac seems a tired. Like he's not sleeping well.
"Are you sleeping good?" Fit asks in a lower voice.
Pac seems a little surprised.
"I thought no one would notice haha" He laughs. "I mean, I even tried to make that trick with the spoons to see if it get better but-"
Pac stops talking and see Fit is serious.
"Sorry Fit... Yeah but... I'm fine. I'm fine! Everyone is back on the island, commemorating the holidays, it's all fine!"
"Is there something bothering you? I mean, I'm here if you want to talk y'know. Like, don't feel pressured though, just- like- I want you to know I'm here." Fit is now inclined in Pac's direction, still sitting in the armchair.
Pac is quiet. First a little impressed but now he seems a little nervous, a little uneasy. He hugs himself.
"Okay so.... Im having these... These nightmares... So I'm not sleeping so well..."
Pac is fidgetting with his gloves and Fit waits for Pac to say more.
Pac sighs
"It's nothing! Like... It's just some dumb dreams, they are not real so don't need to worry about that."
"Do you want to talk about it? About the dreams?"
"I- I don't think... I don't know... Is just like..." Pac is now holding his leg.
"It's okay if you don't want to."
"Okay... Is just that- AAAARGH. I'm just so dumb, why I am like this!" Pac hides his face in his hoodie.
"I'm so useless..." Pac says just like a whisper.
"Don't say that!" Now Fit is next to Pac's armchair, crouching just to try and see Pac's face. "Can you tell me why you are saying this? I can help you Pac."
Pac peaks from his hoodie.
He exhales.
"Okay... So... I'm afraid of... Cellbit..." He hides himself. "You can laugh now, I won't judge, I would laugh too"
"Of course not Pac. It's okay to- to be afraid of things. Your feelings are valid Pac."
Pac stays in his little hideout. And Fit waits.
"Can you tell me why you are afraid of him?"
"Is just... He killed my friends once... He... He took my leg..." Pac grips his leg. Fit only waits with a surprised expression.
"And when we were in purgatory, he-he was there killing my friends! And- and- I-" He's voice is failing now.
"I couldn't do anything... I couldn't save them... I lost all my courage. And I was the lider! I was supposed to protect them!" Pac lifts his head trying to not cry.
"And I even said I could do things for him if he asked... It was like the prison all over again..."
And Pac tries to clean his tears before they fall. He doesn't want to look like this, even more not in front of Fit! But he can't stop crying. Why is he so useless. So afraid. Why he can't just, be strong! And stoic like any of the others! Fit could do that easily but he can't, because he is dumb and useless...
"But when we were together in purgatory you made it! You killed him and fought with him!" Fit tries to say in a optimistic way.
"That was because you were with me... You were by my side and I knew you could kill him. You could help me..."
"But it's okay Fit! You don't need to worry! Is just something dumb like me. Everything in the island is fine now, everyone is fine! So I will be fine..."
They stay quiet for a couples seconds. Pac is trying to clean his face with his sleeves.
"Can I hug you?" Fit is with a worried face.
And Pac is again impressed. Impressed that someone is by his side. Hasn't made fun of him. That someone is worried about him. Even though he's the most unluckiest guys on earth. And maybe he doesn't deserve anything happy. And he is even more impressed that this someone is Fit. He just wants to cry. But he cried so much already. Why is he like this.
But he accepts the hug. They stand up and they hug each other. And Pac cries a little more. But Fit holds him, and holds all the pieces that are trying to break and fall.
"Don't say that you are dumb or useless Pac. You are one of the most amazing person I have ever met. You make so many cool things, you are so smart. You made the fucking cure for that federation pill. You are awesome! You are kind and helps everyone in this island. You sacrifice yourself a little too much even, for the sake of others. Don't say bad things about yourself please... You are really good to me and makes me sad hearing that..."
"Sorry about that..."
"Don't be sorry! That's what fr- That's why I'm here for. I'm here to support you and help you when you need, okay?"
Pac doesn't respond right away. And now Fit is panicking a little. Did he talked too much? Is this going to scare Pac? Did he go too far? Now my heart is beating a little too fast. He will notice. Why my face is so hot. I just said I'm here for him, that doesn't make anything weird, right?
But Fit doesn't leave the hug. But they are quiet. And Fit is sure that anyone could hear his heart beating, so surely Pac is hearing. But Pac also doesn't leave. So maybe is fine. Finally Pac says something.
"Thank you Fit..." And Pac lifts his head to see Fit. "It means a lot to me."
And Pac is with the most honest smiles in his face. And he looks beautiful. The sunset is hitting his face making him glow. And Fit can't think in his panic anymore. Because he's stunned with how Pac looks.
Pac breaks eye contact and hugs Fit tighter, in a way of thanking him. And finally leaves the hug.
"Okay so I will leave for today. But thank you so much for what you said. It really means a lot to me. I know I still have to work on these...things... But I know that I can ask help if I need!" And his smiles so gorgeous.
"O-okay, but yeah! Anything you need just call me!"
"Thank you Fit! Bye!" Pac leaves for the wearhouse.
And Fit is stunned. He just takes his warp and goes back to home. He doesn't move. Just place his hands in his face and blushes. Why is he like this.
On the other side Pac is just blushing and hiding himself inside his hoodie.
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thefirstlioveyou · 5 months
maybe this is more fanfic-y (and yes this ties with lettergate and that sus st writers tweet), but imagine s5 will walking in the woods, and he grows familar with where they’re at - near where castle byers was at.
he begins looking to find the destroyed pile of castle byers, just out of pure curiosity. he was expecting it to be all blown away by now from the cold and windy winter of 1985 he’d probably missed. but when he finds it… he finds it to be put together. well, not exactly how it was before - far from that. but, there was some sort of effort made by someone. couldn’t be just anyone. why would anyone care for something like this?
he gently rests a hand on the top, kneeling to sneak a peak inside, then falls an unsecure stick. his eyes following the stick, a bit buried, but noticable. he grabs it and opens it up.
the paper seems to have been crumbled before.
“dear will,
i’m sorry i hurt you like this. when you left, i couldn’t keep thinking about this. it felt like something wasn’t fixed. i never got to apologize for what i said that day when we were talking about el and the party, about how you don’t like girls. that was way out of line of me, and i didn’t mean it. i sounded just like the assholes that always bullied you i bet.
i guess i was just mad at myself. that whole summer, everything changed into something i didn’t like it. i was trying so hard to fit in with everyone else. lucas had max and maybe i just felt left out. did you ever feel like you were just trying to like things because people say you’re supposed to? i don’t like having a girlfriend. that makes me so weird, maybe crazy. but, i’m telling you this because you’re the only one that can accept my craziness, and because i lied to you and you deserve the truth - i can’t stop thinking about you, and it’s driving me crazy. i feel so wrong, i feel like i’m making a mistake. it should be el that makes me feel like this - any girl. but i don’t want a girlfriend, i don’t want to be popular, i don’t want things to change. i want to be with you playing dnd forever. i want you to be by my side forever. i don’t want to lose you like that again.
anyway i think you’ll like how i renovated castle byers. sorry i couldn’t get it done the way it probably was before, running on memory here. but you mean so much to me i just couldn’t not do anything and it’s been killing me just letting it be. hope this is gonna at least last until whenever you come back. winter’s gonna be strong this year.
love, mike”
will’s just… crying, shaking. he’s a jittery mess as his heart pounds from true happiness. he folds the letter and puts it in his pocket. he felt something had been repaired in his heart. it was at its fullest, had it not been in many, many years.
he sits inside the castle smiling to himself
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solaneceae · 6 months
my battery is low, and it's getting dark.
a codebreakers fanfic about étoiles losing his sight. read on Ao3
It starts off with light blurriness — the kind you get when you forget to remove your contacts before bed, dryness and irritation welcoming you back to the waking world. Étoiles doesn’t wear contacts, although he does don a pair of sturdy, cheap rectangular glasses on occasion, whenever reports have to be read or written in thin leather-bound books for the Résistance’s upper echelon. 
(Upper echelon he’s never caught a whiff off, by the way. Étoiles understands the need for secrecy, for compartmentalization — but damn, it does get lonely here in headquarters, with nothing but his own voice and long-dried ink speaking of codes going rogue and islander alignments to entertain himself with.)
He blinks, once, twice, rubbing at his eyeballs through the skin of his lids. No amelioration. He shrugs it off, readjusts the straps of his slime armor. It’s a shit one, not even the good enchants on it. But he’s been restless lately, antsy. Not quite worried, but something else, something in the negative shape of a beloved, beret-wearing egg. Ants under his greenish skin, a fire only the cold bite of enemy blades and a close brush with Lady Death can fix.
He likes Kristin. She’s funny, with her large brimmed hat and gentle smile and gentler words still. Philza’s a lucky man.
“You are sad,” she would say, in the space-between-spaces he would drift to when downed, just before the ‘doom-doom’ of revival. The crimson bud of her smile would twist into a scowl, as she watched him give her a two-fingered salute. “Is that why I see you so often, starling?”
“I’m not sad,” he would answer without fail — the ache inside his chest wasn’t sadness. Étoiles didn’t do sad. He killed, he destroyed, his body grown in a weapon meant to hurt and maim and be hurt in return. Meant to be wielded by someone worthy. (He thinks of pitch-black feathers and a wheezy laugh, the tingle of wither-decay dancing on his skin, the smell of bone. Claws digging into his bony hips, a litany of trills speaking of ownership-claim, great shadows trapping him in so effectively. His knee guards stained by fresh soil where potatoes are endlessly grown in honor of a great warrior he once crossed blades with. Worship, devotion.)
“I’m not sad,” he mumbles, jumping down the well and into the darkness of the dungeon below. Hopefully it wouldn’t be a shit one, and he could scratch that itch in the back of his mind that demanded blood be spilled, be it his or otherwise. “Maybe I die for real today, let’s goooo.”
He never does. He’s too good at dungeoning, too good at placing blocks and throwing splash potions at his feet, golden apples now a rare last resort because he knows what happens when he eats too many. Aaaah, what a pity, he thinks, as he loses himself in the clash of metal on metal and the grunt of mobs falling at his feet. What a pity, I feel nothing. Bad day for me, bad day.
The blurriness stays. Days go by, sluggish and quiet, too quiet on this shit island, and no amount of sleep or healing potions make it any better. His arm stings with static-burn where the black and green binary tar has spread, higher, creeping up his neck. But it does nothing to hinder his movements, doesn’t dull the sharpness of his mind. So he ignores it. “Maybe you should get that checked out or something,” Foolish pokes at it once, as they sit and talk atop the Titan’s head using the blue and green plush chairs the TazerCraft have sneaked in. Pac e Mike, wow wow, sings a little voice in Étoiles’ mind whenever he sees splashes of blue and green, because those two live rent-free in everyone’s builds and brains.
“It’s okay,” he smiles at the shark-totem, easy and casual and Étoiles. “It doesn’t hurt.” It doesn’t. “It’s not changing me.” He is changing, that softness that Pomme had made bloom inside him eroding away with every day she’s gone. It’s harder to stay still, harder to stop and talk to the others, because half of them are depressed and the other half are going insane. But none of that is the code’s doing. “Look, I’ll prove it! 1v1 stick?” he jumps to his feet, throwing a wooden stick at his friend with a fiendish grin. “1v1, right now, let’s go.”
Foolish chuckles, even though his smile doesn’t reach his emerald-carved eyes. (His features are hazy, fuzziness getting worse every time Étoiles wakes. Doesn’t matter.) 
They fight, Étoiles takes it home with six hearts to spare. And he still feels empty.
Lilacs. Sunflowers. Cornflowers. Poppies.
Flower biomes were Pomme’s favorites. They’re hard to find, but Étoiles is one patient, stubborn cucumber. “T’aurais adoré ça, légende,” he hums, picking another poppy by the stem and stuffing it into his inventory, the frozen subspace keeping it suspended in time and fresh. He can almost hear the pitter-patter of her little cheeto legs in the grass, the rustle of the blades against her shell. The bomp of a red sign being placed, asking for more red, more blue, more of every color to make her siblings flower crowns and dye her trusty scythe like a rainbow.
He can barely make out their shape anymore, only differentiating roses from poppies by tracing their petals with gold-scarred fingers. He sees a blue blur somewhere at his right, oh, cornflower probably. Her secret code.
He lets out a deep, guttural groan and lets his body fall backwards, hitting the plush grass with a thump. A few butterflies flutter out of the way, one of them settling back on the bridge of the warrior’s nose. He glares at it, faded golden stars comically crossed. He only sees the yellow of its wings, stark against sky blue. “Hey, hey. Tu vas rien trouver ici, tu sais. J’ai pas fleuri depuis des plombes.”
The critter’s wings flap once, unbothered. Étoiles blows on it to make it go away, fails. (He’s a failure, at everything. Fails to keep his kid safe, fails to win a 1v1 against an insect.) Soon enough, there is enough butterflies on him to pin him to the ground under the would-be guilt of disturbing them. Étoiles whines, childish and unserious. “Vas-y, j’peux plus bouger. Pas juste. Même la nature me déteste, c’est bon.”
He’s missed this. The warmth of a sunbeam, the scent of fertile soil, the brush of grass blades, the call of the earth below pulling at him. Part of him wants to sink into it, curl up in Her embrace like a child would in their mother’s womb, forget about the world and the Federation and the Codes and all this shit. Maybe he could fall asleep right here. Let his body soak up the sun, let himself bloom again. Let that softness grow out of his skin for all to see, like he used to. Or, he thinks he used to. The memories of Before are static-fuzz between his ears, unreachable unless he looks at them at the corner of his eye, so to speak.
(The freezing cold, then heat as air exploded around him, an impact. Physicality, sudden and unexpected, the song of the stars loud in his ears as he opened his eyes for the first time in front of a bewildered human in a frayed straw hat. He was happy, wasn’t it? He thinks he used to be happy. What happened?)
But Étoiles is a warrior, a weapon, and weapons dull and rust and grow weak if left to rest. So he takes a deep breath, pushes himself up. “Désolé,” he hums to the butterflies as they scatter away. They are but bright, colorful blobs in his dulling eyes. “Désolé,” he says as he warps back home to forge yet another axe. 
His inventory is full of flowers that he’ll forget about, wrapping him in a constant mix of herbal scents that has Cellbit recoiling next time they cross paths. Étoiles doesn’t notice it, the Brazilian’s bothered expression lost on his rapidly-decaying vision.
By the time the Code challenges him to what Étoiles knows will be their last duel for the foreseeable future, his sight is all but gone, everyone and their dog has taken notice, and he has brushed off their concern. “I don’t need to see to click good,” he boasts, slamming down deepslate to launch himself fast and run circles around a disgruntled Pac. “See, see! I’m strafing, I’m doing it, playing the game.” Pac makes a strange sound, one he struggles to guess the emotion behind without body language. “It’s okay, Pac. It’s easy. There’s no problem, at all.”
Phil isn’t here yet, can’t see any names on his comlink but Tubbo told him he wasn’t. Shame, shame he won’t be there to see him die, Étoiles thinks as the rain soaks through his shirt, the boom of lightning bothering him more than he lets show. His ears are ringing as he jumps, ducks, tugs at the string of his bow and sends an arrow flying where he knows the Code is, he can feel it, the only spot that doesn’t smell like anything but void. But there’s no feedback, no satisfying sound of health being chipped at, nothing.
This Code is too strong, his sword winging an off-tune melody as it goes through the binary without ripping or tearing. No damage. Ah, he thinks, so they have finally stopped playing. I see now.
The back of his chestplate shatters into a blast of broken enchant magic and diamond shards, some of them lodging themselves into his flesh. Something cold sinks between his ribs, brushing against his spine in a white-hot flash of pain that irradiates through his whole body, and oh, yeah, it’s over. It’s joever, as Tubbo would say. “GGs,” he gasps through a mouthful of dark green blood. He coughs it up, lets it splash down his neck and paint his shirt. Tubbo’s screaming somewhere, too far away for Étoiles to discern the words. “You- eugh, you slash-kill’ed me, good job you cheater. Easy win.”
The entity growls, a hum-buzz that makes his brain (or whatever he has for brains, maybe lettuce?) rattle inside his skull. The blade slides out, cutting away at him further on its way out, and his body falls into a puddle of rainwater and mud with a wet thud. It hurts, blackered arm buzzing, pain creeping up his neck and the right side of his face, extinguishing the last of his remaining sight. 
He faintly realises that almost nobody knows about his respaw mechanic. Ah, et merde. He hopes they’ll have the presence of mind to ask Antoine, when they realise he wouldn’t just re-pop into existence seconds after his death… or when they noticed his body starting to wilt and decay, if they stuck around for long enough.
(Tallulah knows, he remembers. He told her. But had she told Philza, before she disappeared along with all the other eggs?)
Through his fading senses, his comm buzzes with what he knows is his first death message in a really long time. He can make out the sound of rapid footsteps, clickety hooves and heavy, leather work boots. Tubbo and Pierre. He closes his eyes, not that he needs to anymore for darkness to cradle him. He lets go.
He doesn’t see Kristin this time, only hears a faint sigh and a gentle breath sending him off into the void. He hopes they find his seed soon. He doesn’t wanna stay missing for too long, after all.
His personal death-void is not so bad of a place. Boring, obviously, but there’s a familiarity to it, to the way the darkness shrouds him like a heavy blanket, pushing against him from all sides. Not oppressive but comforting. Cradling, instead of crushing.
It reminds him of the dirt patch he was born in — he had been asleep and new, just ripe for the picking, dirt-stained hands pulling at his stem with the roughness of a long-repeated gesture. He had screamed, he thinks, not in pain, but to show the world he was here and alive, hello, hello sun, hello dirt, hello person! Had given poor old Théo a heart attack too.
Ah. He could remember, now. Théo, his leathered face and kind eyes with crow feet, wary at first before this walking, talking little legume with the night sky in his eyes, flower-covered vine-tail like some sort of umbilical cord trailing behind him as he follows the old farmer around, asking him endless questions in barely-legible French. But… yes, he’d been kind to him, Étoiles thinks. The first face his face saw. Makes sense it would be one of the first things that came back to him. Maybe remembering was easier in the void? Maybe he should die more often.
…Nah. Dying wasn’t his style. And having to regrow a whole new body over a week was annoying. He had things to do in the island! Like talking with people (eurgh), and giving them things (yes) and fighting with Philza (yes! yes! yes!) and have fun!
So he waits, oblivion pulling at him like gravity. The void is a quiet place, sometimes, but more often it’s not, with the song of supernovas and wailing stars far away keeping him aware, listening. He hums along to it with no mouth or vocal chords (not yet, still growing, still so small, unripe), and sometimes he swears he can hear another voice singing with him. Off-key, awful really, almost crow-like, but it sounds like someone he cares about, so he’s happy to listen to its drone.
Other times, he sleeps. And he dreams of tiny hands and quiet chirps and clicks, of the yesyes uncle Phil taught her, of the chrr-chrr-peep that means him, when she calls Étoiles’ name in her own little language. And he curls around the memory, softness, and lets it carry him up into the stars glittering behind still-forming eyelids.
He hums — warmth, the slow beating heart of the earth. The choir of stars constantly burning far, far away. He could listen to it forever, because he had been listening to it since the birth of the first star, he knew.
“Mate. You with me? C’mon, s’been a week already. Come up here, you can do it.”
The voice scratches pleasantly at the back of his brain. But the earth is so warm, so comfy, a cocoon of peace and respite he’s not sure he wants to leave. He sighs with no lungs to breathe, no need for them, when all he could ever need is right there — perfect temp, perfect moisture, glucose, carbon dioxide, rich nutrients all around. Who needs gapples, really. Or thoughts. Or responsibilities. This is the best.
“...Mh. Alright then.”
The voice grates on his ears, ears that try to flick but are stopped by the soil packed around them. He groans in drowsy irritation, curls in on himself in an attempt to shield himself from it and from the world. It seems to work, the noises fading into nothing, and Étoiles feels his thoughts scatter as a faint scratching sound seeps through the earth and into his mind like white noise. Sleep pulls at him again, and he lets it.
He’s startled back into wakefulness by something pulling harshly, somewhere that feels a bit away but is still part of him. His eyes fly open in pained surprise because ow, ow, that’s my— “Come here, you lazy fuck!” That voice — high-pitched, that heavy accent he’s come to love, amusement and exasperation combined, Phil, his Phil, his GOAT, his brother in arms, his Death-touched angel.
Étoiles blinks, unseeing. Étoiles remembers. And with awareness comes something else, something that shimmers and calls his name in gentle whisper-echoes, as he feels himself being pulled up, and up, dirt parting to let him ascend back to the surface. Aah. Goodbye mama. Hello problems. “Get harvested, idiot!” Philza Minecraft grunts with effort somewhere above him, and the tug gets stronger, prompting a pained ow out of him as the ground crackles and breaks above him, and he feels air-sun-outside on his back as he’s forcefully pulled from the ground like the fresh crop he is. He flails a little bit, kicking off dirt and soil (it’s everywhere, in his hair and between his toes and a little in his mouth and nose, bleh!), then rolls onto his back with a groan, frowning up at the sky he knows is there, blue and clear, because it doesn’t smell like rain and the surface soil is dry and warm.
He’s back. And he sees nothing at all. Welp, better close his eyes again then. He feels a shadow fall on him, feels a sandaled foot nudge his side. “Helloooooo. Hello Phil,” he greets the other leaning hard on the deadpan because he knows it makes his friend laugh when he does that. It lands. “What, that’s it?” the elytrian caws, kneeling beside him and poking at his face, talons dulled to a gentle roundness. Étoiles wishes he didn’t trim them, but Phil is too nice, too careful, too eager to smooth himself down for others, for the eggs. Docile.
Étoiles despises it, but he keeps quiet because he knows Phil doesn’t like to talk about those things. “You get yourself killed by a fucking Code of all things,” Phil keeps going, “make everyone freak the fuck out because you won’t respawn like a normal fucking person, and that’s all you have to say for yourself?”
“Antoine knows. And I’m here now, so it’s okay.”
“Antoine barely logs on, you absolute dumbass. You’re lucky Lullah told me about the seed thing, because you would’ve been fucked six ways to Sunday.”
He opens his eyes, if only to shoot Phil a halfhearted glare. And then immediately forgets about it, blinks owlishly. Sits up to get closer to the other man. “Phil. Why are you stars?”
He sees stars. (And not in the sex way, because he doesn't do that.) It’s not night, but there are stars in his vision, where pitch blackness used to be, and the constellation is Phil-shaped.
Philza is a cosmic cluster, a nebula shining bright in the darkness that has become his world. He can see nothing beyond him, not the plants surrounding him, not the long vine attached to his lower back Phil used to pull him out. He can tell it’s there, though, lightly thumping at the ground in agitation. “You, are stars. That’s how I see you now.”
“Wait. Can you, like, see again?” Phil asks, uncharacteristically soft. “I know it was getting… bad. And your eyes are like, all greyed out. Did the code stuff on your arm do that?” Étoiles sees a cluster of stars approaching his face — hand — and feels fingers brushing just under his right eye. He’s a bit startled by the contact, the area usually covered by his trust bandana (he needs it back, needs his stuff back, hopefully someone held onto it for him). Phil draws away, an apology ready from the way his constellation-body shifts, but Étoiles doesn’t let him. “I can’t,” he answers, tilting his head, ear flicking in focus — the stars that make up Phil sharpen, and he can almost make out the shape of the wings bound behind his back. “But I can See. I think.” He also wouldn’t mind Phil’s hand on his face again. It feels nice. Scratches at something long-buried, and denied.
Philza makes a confused sound. “Okay, I heard that capital S there. What’s that mean? Are you pulling a Daredevil?”
Étoiles grins, sharp-toothed and playful. “Oh, oh! He thinks I’m a superhero? He thinks I’m cool, Felipe Minecraft? Big win for me.” Phil rolls his eyes, which Étoiles can tell because the crow always makes that low warble when he does. “But no, it’s not like that. I still need my eyes to see like this, and I don’t hear or smell better than before.” Although his status as a hybrid means his baseline is still higher than the average person’s, but that’s irrelevant. “FF.”
“So no cool blindfold for you, ey?”
“No cool blindfold. I will just do a Pomme and drown myself later, to make up for how uncool I am.” (He cannot drown. No lungs. But he can pretend.)
He squints. There’s a little cluster, right there at the side of Phil’s head. He can connect the dots, identify the shape of the elytrian’s bucket hat, but there’s something else there too. “What’s that on your head, Phil? I can’t make it out well.”
“Oh— here,” the other takes his hand and guides it towards his hair, and Étoiles feels a familiar texture under his pads. He makes a noise of surprise. “That’s. Mine.”
“Do you want it back?” Phil hums, brushing at the large cucumber flower tucked in the band of his hat. “It bloomed this morning, on top of the plant you were growing under. Took it as a sign you were, uh, done cooking.” Étoiles snorts. Good guess. “But uh, I guess the plant was also you, cuz it’s at the end of your tail now. Dragging.” Ah. Yeah. He really ought to cut it. “Is it weird? That I’m wearing a piece of you? I don’t know what… fuckin’... cucumber etiquette is.”
“It’s not weird,” Étoiles says, because he doesn’t think it is. “You can keep it.” He kind of likes it. That Phil’s wearing a piece of him. It makes him, happy? “You know, that I am your weapon. Yes? So it makes sense, that you show it.”
“You’re my friend. Don’t call yourself a weapon, man.”
“Same thing for me.”
Phil’s response is wordless, a simple, noncommittal mmh. But Étoiles can hear the hidden fondness in it. He pushes a little further, crudely imitates that  one bird sound Philza makes when he’s happy. Whoops internally when Phil puffs out his feathers and trills out a yesyes in return. Héhé. “Yes yes, Philza? Fight me, right now?” he slips into his usual stance, just a bit offset by the lack of armor weighing him down. “1v1, no weapons, no armor? Fistfight, let’s go.”
Phil cackles, crow-like. “I am not fighting you right now, you little shit. You menace. What’s wrong with you?”
“Aww, Phil hates me,” the warrior whines. “He hates me. He won’t 1v1 me, he must hate me. Sad.”
“Oh my god, stop being a baby.”
“I was literally born five minutes ago. I am baby, and Felipe Minecraft hates me,” he sasses back, and Phil throws his arms towards the sky in exasperation. “Oh come on. I spent a week protecting your green ass! Making sure you got enough sun and water and shit, it was like doing egg tasks all over again. Antoine even talked me into fucking singing, pretty sure he was pranking me with that one by the way, and still you think I hate you?”
“Nice caulk, Phil.”
He can’t see it, but Étoiles knows Phil’s eyelid is twitching. “Mate. I got a faceful of ass pulling you out of here, you’re on thin fucking ice.”
The cucumber snorts. “Héhé, got mooned by the stars.” That was kinda funny. “You were pulling me by the tail, I do not know what you expected. You’re lucky I’m a plant, or there would have been full cock and balls there.”
“Bruh. I thought it would be connected to your… plant belly button, or whatever, like an umbilical cord.”
“It’s an ass button, GGs.”
“Jesus Christ, please don’t call it that. I didn’t even know you had a tail. You didn’t before.”
“That’s because I always cut it,” the warrior huffs, said tail lashing behind him from the restless energy that always accompanies a new body. Its leaves drag around the loose dirt in little swish-y sounds. “Give me a sword, Phil, it’s already annoying me.”
The crow peers down at the vine, then back at him. “I dunno, man. You look kinda fun with it.” Étoiles squints. He can’t quite make out Phil’s expression like this, all stars and nothing between them, but he can hear the hidden laughter in his voice. “...I will cut it with my teeth then.”
“Won’t that hurt more than with a blade?”
“It doesn’t hurt. Only the base. Like when you pulled on it.”
“Why not keep it? It’s a part of you.”
Because it speaks for me, he considers replying. Because it says and shows things that I don’t want people to see. Even now, it wags, because Phil is here and now brushing stray dirt out of his hair and it’s very nice. (Is he touch-starved? He might be. Pomme is gone, and he doesn’t trust people to touch him, other than with blunt force and sharp diamond blades.) But Étoiles hasn’t kept his tail since he was a child, still wide-eyed and showing his innermost self to the whole world without any shield. He feels weird. Exposed. And it’s okay with Phil, because Phil is Phil, but it’s not okay because they’re out in the open and anyone could come and see. He doesn’t like that. “Because people can grab it, and it gets stuck in things, and it’s annoying. I cut it, now.” He tugs at the appendage, bringing it up to his mouth. “Nope,” Phil snatches it away, and Étoiles hisses at him. “Calm down, dude. At least let’s do it cleanly.”
“Eeeeuugh. Okay.”
”Then we’re getting your stuff back from Antoine’s, good god. You’re still butt-naked and I won’t have you strut around like that.”
“He has my things? Comms, armor, my backpacks?”
“All of it, yeah,” the older man huffs, and Étoiles can hear the telltale sound of an item being summoned of an inventory. Enchanted axe, he parses, recognizing the ozone-y smell of the sharpness enchant and the sound of the air being sliced downward. He doesn’t feel anything when the vine is severed, frowns when he realises Phil left a good… fifty centimeters of it, still attached to his body. “Phil. You misclick? You aim like shit today?”
“You said it hurts near the base,” the elytrian huffs, finality lacing his every word. “Keep it or cut the rest later, your pick, but I’m not hurting you.”
Étoiles’ ear flicks in confusion, and so does his tail. It moves faster, easier now without the rest of the plant weighing it down. “...We fight each other all the time, that hurts more. I don’t care.”
Phil stays silent for a few seconds. Nebula-Phil shifts before him. “It’s. Different.”
Étoiles hums. Philza has the Tone™ again, the one that means he’s thinking of things that hurt. He thinks of clipped feathers, of matted down that he wishes he could run his fingers through and fix, fix, let me fix it, let me do this for you. But he says nothing. Maybe another time, when they’re both ready for that conversation. “Okay.”
“Maybe I keep it this time. Maybe.”
He can hear Phil’s smile in the next word he speaks. “Attaboy.” And he tries to ignore the way his tail wags with renewed enthusiasm at that.
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Eddie Munson (1/13)
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Word count ; 4.0k
Morning classes were finally finishing up. The only things on my mind were tonight’s basketball final and my best friend, Chrissy. Maybe it wasn’t serious if she refused to tell me, but for the last day or so she’s been odd. I could only hope she’d be up for cheerleading tonight, since it was mandatory we were there. 
A few people waved as I passed and I returned the notion. Hawkins High school was a nice place, and despite everything that happened around Hawkins, it was, too. I had a pep in my step since I was still riding the high from my morning coffee.
The cafeteria was crowded. I recognized Chrissy sitting at our normal table. None of our other friends were there yet, so I took a moment to glance around the area.
There were the designated cliches. I was apart of the popular athletes. There were the nerds and the artists and the goths. It was always crowded on Fridays, but it was less so since it spring break started tomorrow and half the school decided to take the day off.
My eyes finally landed on the ‘freak’ table. Sitting there at the head was Eddie Munson, the leader of the ‘freaks.’ Everyone thought that they were some satanic cult because of their shirts and standoffishness, but when I asked my little brother, he squashed the rumors for me. It was just a Dungeons and Dragons club.
Chrissy was staring off into space, so I thought there’d be nothing better than to greet my adorable sibling and embarrass the hell out of him like I did every so often. I marched over to the table. As I walked toward the table, I noticed that everyone was absorbed with the magazine Eddie stuffed his face in.
“…Dungeons and Dragons. At first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, it now has both parents and psychologists concerned. Studies have linked violent behaviors to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even…” He slapped the paper down, his tongue barely sticking from his wide mouth. “Murder.”
His friends laughed, and I took the chance to enter the conversation. I hovered right behind Dustin, clawing my hands down on his shoulders. “Impossible. My cute little brother doesn’t have the upper body strength to kill someone.”
All eyes turned to me, and when Eddie’s did, I noticed all of his confidence faded for a moment. Dustin, however, stole the scene by groaning loudly and trying to shrug my hands off. “Y/n, stop! We’re having a serious meeting.”
“Society has to blame something. We’re an easy target,” one of the friends spoke up, but clearly my existence squashed the topic. 
“Exactly. We’re the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game… But If it isn’t miss queen bee,” Eddie spoke, his deep voice rumbling fondly. He clasped his hands together and eyed me up and down. “What do we have the honor of helping you with on this wonderful day?”
I giggled, finally deciding on stealing Dustin’s cap. “Oh, just the usual. If I’m not mistaken… it’s a campaign finale, or whatever that means?”
His lips curved into an amused grin, and he tilted his head. Dustin slapped me in annoyance in attempt to retrieve his ball cap, but I was taller. “Why, yes. You could say that. Would you care to sit in, sweetheart?”
“You’re a hopeless loser, Ed,” his friend groaned, but I chose to ignore the comment.
I shook my head. “If only. I’m a cheerleader. I have an obligation to go to the basketball finals, especially because my boyfriend - remember him? - is on the team. It’s terrible timing, you know.”
“Uh,” Dustin and Mike spoke up at the same time. They kept stuttering, but it was finally left up to Mike to finish the thought. “That’s w - what we’re thinking, too. I think it would be really cool to, uh, support Lucas - and Y/n! What isn’t fun about dropping a ball into a hoop and pushing people?”
I snorted incredulously. “You two better be there. Poor Lucas has been working toward this for months.”
Eddie’s face fell in realization of what they were insinuating. He hummed, kicking his feet from his chair to the floor and he placed his elbows on the table, leaning forward. He rocked side by side slightly with a quirked brow. His friends groaned in annoyance, but I could tell Dustin and Mike desired to be good friends.
“Hmm,” he started. “I could move it to Saturday.”
My brows raised in surprise, almost shocked at his agreement. Eddie Munson was known for getting what he wanted. I didn’t know him too well, but I knew he was stubborn.
“If,” he exclaimed, holding up his finger pointer and then swirling it in my direction,” you go on a date with me. And before you say no, it’s just one! Just one, doll.”
My jaw dropped and I could feel my cheeks reddening. I let out a few laughs. I should’ve expected that, honestly. I covered my mouth while shaking my head in disbelief. His friends let out a few ‘yeah, right’s, but Dustin was clearly desperate.
He swerved in his seat and grabbed at my cheerleader uniform’s tight shirt. “Please-e-e? I hate Chance so much! He’s a total douchebag! Lucas’ll be pissed if we don’t go.”
I glared playfully at him and then directed it at Eddie, who’d kicked his legs onto the cafeteria table. He was watching me with a grin like he already knew the answer and was just waiting to wear me down. I rolled my eyes. “Maybe Chance wouldn’t be such a quote unquote douchebag if your ruthless leader stopped hitting on me. Sorry, not sorry, but I’m not cheating on my lovely boyfriend so you guys can play a board game at a different time.”
Dustin groaned, releasing my shirt. “But he sucks!”
“Ditto,” Eddie said with a shrug. “I guess Lucas will just have to ditch the game.”
My face fell slightly. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that the basketball team was entering from practice, and that Lucas himself was with them. I knew Dustin and Mike were struggling to cope with one best friend being gone and the other busy with extracurricular activities, but that wasn’t nice of Eddie to do.
I distanced myself and stood near the center instead, not quite disengaging from the conversation. 
“Unless!” Dustin insisted. “Unless he can find a stand in, right? This game is super important.”
Eddie tilted his head and pursed his lips. “I shall consider… But if it isn’t someone worthy —“
“You literally invite my sister daily, man —“
“Shush! If it isn’t someone worthy, he’ll just have to show.”
Dustin let out a sigh, and I could tell the cogs were turning in his brain. I heard Chance’s voice from amidst the crowd, and I glanced over. The team had gotten their food and was coming my way. I waved, about to join them, when my attention was suddenly stolen by Eddie once again.
“See, Dustin, this is just how it is.” He suddenly hopped right onto the table carelessly, raising his voice. “As long as you’re into art or science or parties or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets,” he made sure to aim his voice right to where the team was, which made me shrink in embarrassment,” you’re never going to get the girl.”
Chance, grinding his teeth, made his way right over to me. Jason was right beside him, throwing a crumpled napkin at his chest. “Do you want something, freak?” he shouted.
Eddie still grinning wildly, crouched down. His figure loomed over us as he stuck his fingers to his head and stuck his tongue out wildly. I couldn’t help but laugh at the scene, which made my boyfriend momentarily direct his glare at me.
They maintained a rather awkward glaring session before he lowered his hands. Many people from the crowd shouted ‘loser’, but it always went through one ear and out another. He completely crouched, meeting our level, and his attention shifted to me. He fished through his back pocket.
I knew my face was burning up just from the interaction. Eddie knew what he was doing. He was always like this. I wasn’t the only one he was trying to wear down, but my boyfriend, too. I was confident he was batshit crazy if he preferred to flirt nonsensically with little ol’ me than not getting the shit beat out of him by my friends and significant other.
And then, he withdrew from his pocket a very crushed and destroyed dandelion, along with a few blades of grass. He handed it right to me, and in my stunned state, I couldn’t help but accept the odd token of appreciation.
“For you, my lady.”
“Fucking prick,” Chance muttered angrily, slapping his hand away and taking the weed from my hand. He proceeded to stomp on it, trying to contain his temper, since he knew my brother was sitting at the table. “Hurry up and join us.”
He stormed off, and I couldn’t help but giggle. It was times like this that I was reminded of how cute Chance could be. I knew Eddie made a hobby out of aggravating him. Eddie stood up straight again. He clicked his tongue and sent me a wink before turning to face his people.
“That’s what’s killing…” He dashed to the other side and hopped off, violating an innocent passer by’s personal space. “Romance!”
The group chuckled, and I found myself grinning. Eddie was fun. He was unhinged, but fun none the less. The random girl ran off, and he just shrugged, maintaining his goofy grin. He blew me a kiss and I quirked my brow. Dustin reached over toward me one last time, grabbing my attention.
“Please. We have to move the campaign, Y/n! If there is an ounce of my sister left that hasn’t been taken in by the dark side —“
“Yeah, you know what - oh wait, no, because I’m not a horrible person who would cheat,” I sighed. “Thanks Eddie, for once again ruining my boyfriend’s day and I hope you all enjoy yours.”
I nodded my head and turned, hearing Eddie eagerly shout,” It’s my pleasure!”
I shook my head in amusement, joining the rest of my friends. The cheerleaders and basketball team usually sat with each other. Hawkins was too small to have several sport teams at once, and all the jocks fell in love with basketball. I certainly preferred it to football.
Chrissy was talking quietly with Jason as I scooted next to her. Right away, she met my eyes, and I could tell something was wrong. Jason was a good boyfriend, but he was a meathead. He couldn’t tell when something was wrong unless if you said it to his face.
Chance was in the middle of reciting a competitive speech about how they were going to beat their enemies. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders absentmindedly, adding an ‘I love my perfect gal, Y/n’ in the midst. But I was completely focused on Chrissy.
I leaned over to her, whispering,” Hey, what’s wrong?”
She bit her lip. She was in the midst of chewing something, and her eyes wrinkled in sadness. She sighed. Her face was paler than usual and I was worried. I wondered if she caught a fever, but her dismal expression said otherwise. My smile faded ever so slightly.
She gulped, fiddling with her skirt from underneath the table. “Um, I’m just not feeling too well.”
“Why?” I prodded. “What’s going on?”
I watched her throat bob as she gulped. She wouldn’t even meet my eyes. I’d tuned out the world around me, even if I heard both of our names said several times. I assumed it was our doting boyfriends per usual. She finally managed,” I don’t… I’ll sound crazy if I tell you.”
I officially frowned, reaching over and squeezing her hand. She suddenly tensed and it was like she was withholding vomit. She turned to look at me, clearly upset. Maybe she had the stomach flu or food poisoning. She stood up abruptly, alerting everyone at the table.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” Jason asked, reaching for her arm.
She clearly couldn’t open her mouth, stepping over the bench. I was quick to follow, sending the man a reassuring smile. “She - uh - we need to go to the bathroom,” I rushed. “We’ll be back.”
Jason or Chance or anyone else was unable to get a word in. Chrissy was quick to walk off while clutching her stomach and mouth. Some eyes were drawn to us as we almost ran through the cafeteria. I could feel Eddie’s prying eyes follow us, and we made eye contact for a brief moment. There was something knowing in his chocolate eyes.
Chrissy ran at full speed down the hallway. I speed-walked to keep up with her. When she entered the bathroom, I followed suit. She collapsed on her hands and knees in front of a toilet, having bothered to slam and lock the stall door. I sighed as I heard her start retching, although I didn’t hear anything exit her system.
I leaned against the door, waiting for her to calm herself. I still heard her heaving heavily. I placed my hand against it. “Chrissy, did you catch a stomach bug?”
“No,” she boomed anxiously. “It’s something else.”
The restroom doors opened and in came Max. I felt bad for her. Ever since her brother died in that mall fire, she hasn’t been the same. Understandably so. She noticed me, immediately quirking her brow. Her headphones were on, and she promptly ignored me, splashing her face with water.
“Hey, Max,” I greeted softly, sending her a smile. “How are things going?”
She gave me a ‘why are you talking to me’ look, sending me a defensive glare. “Fine.” 
Her tone was deflated. She wasn’t fine. But I knew I was a stranger to her and didn’t have the right to pry.
I was about to let her be, but retching sounded fro the stall. I heard her actually throwing up this time, and I furrowed my brows. I was about to give her some comforting words, but Max was alerted. She loudly asked,” Are you okay?”
Chrissy was still heaving, and it sounded like she was on the verge of tears when she spoke. “Go away! Just go away, please!”
I sighed, sending Max a reassuring glare. Max was tempted to say something else, but she decided it was best to listen, turning tail and leaving the bathroom. I sat criss-cross applesauce on the ground, reaching a hand under. I pawed at her foot, and as she vomited, she reached back to me. We held hands and I imagined she was holding it as tightly as women in labor supposedly do.
“Chrissy, you need to see a doctor,” I insisted.
She eventually stopped, her grip releasing. I heard her sigh mix with a strangled sob. She pulled away and I heard her knees squeaked across the floor. I knew she was a wreck for whatever reason,  and I got on my hands and knees so I could crawl underneath.
The sight saddened me. She was bawling her eyes out, knees to her chest. Her hands covered her ears and her sobs echoed in the empty bathroom. She was trembling like crazy. 
I slid up to her, placing my hands on her knees and shaking her slightly. “Chrissy, tell me what’s wrong, please. Let me help you. I love you, babe, you know this!”
“I —“ she hiccuped —“I don’t know how to! I’m going crazy, Y/n…”
She trailed off, her expression suddenly going blank. Her trembling stopped and she stared at me. No, through me. Her azure eyes swarmed with fear, and yet it was like she was frozen in place. I grabbed her hands and knees and shook vigorously, wrought with distress. I kept calling her name, but she seemed completely and utterly entranced. Nobody and nothing else was here. 
Tears of concern sprouted to my eyes. Suddenly she gasped, seemingly back to ‘normal.’ However, she burst into tears once more, backing herself into the wall further. She was so terrified. I kept shushing her, but she was completely in shock from whatever happened.
“Chrissy, please! Tell me what’s wrong. What happened?”
She was hyperventilating, but she tried to calm herself. She clutched my hands tightly, her pigtail bobbing in disscontempt. She sprawled toward me and buried her face in the crook of my neck. Her hands instead dug into my back painfully, but I didn’t point it out. I rubbed her back, waiting for an answer.
“I… I’m going crazy. I keep seeing things. Hearing things,” she started. “I thought the bathroom door opened, and then everything went dark, and… and I heard my mother. She was calling me fat and threatening me and… and it was so real! I’ve been hearing and seeing her everywhere! I swear, Y/n, I’m going crazy!”
Shivers ran down my spine and I sighed, rubbing my nose affectionately against the side of her head. “You’re not crazy. Whatever’s going on, you need to see a doctor or you need medicine or - or something and you need it now. Why didn’t you tell me sooner, babe? I’m here for you!”
Chrissy continued to cry into my shoulder, but she suddenly steeled herself and sat up. Her eyes were pleading with me. “I… I know. And I have something set up after school. B - but I want you to be there. Please. Eddie wi —“
“Eddie Munson?” I exclaimed in horror. “You can’t be serious. I said a doctor and medicine, not drugs —“
“Please, Y/n. It would take weeks to get a diagnosis or anything, but Eddie can get me drugs now,” she explained insistently. “And - and if you’re there, well… we all know how much he likes you. Maybe I can get a discount, and…”
I signed. I shushed her, pressing my pointer finger to her lips. “Fine. Under one circumstance. When you get home, you tell your dad and you get an official appointment. This sort of thing can only be… temporary. Do you promise?”
As she wiped her cheeks, she broke into a sad smile and nodded. “I promise… Thanks, Y/n. Just please don’t tell Jason. You know how overprotective he is.”
I laughed quietly and patted her head. “Alright. I promise.”
Cheerleader practice had just ended. Chrissy was serious about the whole buying-drugs thing. As we stepped off the field, I noticed that Dustin and Mike were running off to god knows where. That meant they were busy and that meant Dustin wouldn’t notice that I hadn’t left with Chance yet like I usually did. Good.
She was nervous, and so was I. I was worried for her. I would never say it, but she truly was going insane. All day she was in a daze or a panic, but nobody seemed to notice. Fuck my classmates, I guess.
We rounded the school and ended up by the back forest. Nobody was around, much to our pleasure. There was nothing but the birds and the leaves to remind us that we weren’t truly alone. Eddie was nowhere to be seen, either, but we made it a point to be here immediately after club time.
Chrissy was on a mission. She was walking faster than me. She entered the woods, and I had to speed-walk to keep up. She was panting out of fright, and I was hoping that this wouldn’t lead to another breakdown. Her hands were clasped and she kept looking over shoulders. I did too.
We ended up walking up to an abandoned picnic table. The wind had seemingly caught up and she looked terrified. Almost as terrified as earlier. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as we came to a halt, wanting to wait for the vendor. 
Chrissy shook my arm off immediately, turning to survey the woods. “Hello?” 
Her voice echoed and it sent shivers down my spine. I didn’t like that we were all alone. Because, if something happened, I’m not sure I could do anything to help.
She suddenly gasped, turning around completely. She wasn’t in a trance like earlier, but she was seeing something. I grabbed her shoulder, but it was like my hand went right through her. She was staring intently at a tree. Her breathing accelerated and it was all I could hear in the silent wilderness.
She slowly began walking toward the tree. I was left calling her name, but my voice went right through her. 
All of a sudden, a quiet squeal broke free and she started backing up. I squeaked as she walked straight back into me, which almost sent me to the ground. That is, until I collided with someone else. I turned, frightened and confused, and Chrissy had seemingly become alert of her surroundings again.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey.” I let out a sigh of relief when it was just Eddie, placing a hand on my erratically beating heart. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you girls… I didn’t realize you were bringing Y/n with you.”
I ignored him, turning to Chrissy. She peered over her shoulder toward the tree, and clearly, Eddie had picked up on her fear. “Chrissy, what did…”
“Yeah, you okay?” 
Chrissy exchanged glances with me. “I… I’ll tell you later. Um, I’m okay.”
With that, Eddie brushed it off. His charismatic grin returned, and he pulled from seemingly nowhere a rusty green lunchbox. He placed a hand on the small of my back. “Well, my lovely madam and Chrissy, shall we?”
We both abandoned our backpacks on the ground and sat at the table. Eddie sat on the opposite side, dropping the lunchbox on it. Chrissy’s leg was bouncing and she could barely look past her lap. I leaned across the table, frightened for the poor girl. Eddie was slowly taking off his handmade denim jacket, watching her warily.
“There’s, uh… there’s nothing to worry about. Okay? No one ever comes out here. We’re safe.”
He set it on the table, sliding his legs through and sitting down. He unlatched the box and threw it open. I could tell he knew something was up, but he wasn’t prying. His eyes shifted to me often, and he clearly didn’t know why I was here with her.
“I promise.”
Chrissy steeled herself as the lid flew open, revealing various plastic bags with… weed. I was only acquainted with drugs because of my boyfriend and I only tried it once. “So, how does this work exactly?” Chrissy inquired.
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moonbearmeliox · 11 months
Jaiden and Her Ghosts AU
More in depth thoughts on the Ghost AU I came up with hours ago where Bad, Cellbit and Foolish are ghosts that haunt/protect Jaiden.
Alright first off, Bad isn't a ghost but a reaper who usually helps pass on the souls of people who have died
Cellbit was a previous resident of the island who lived with his son Richarlyson. Cellbit felt there was something off with the island was especially suspicious of the Federation, constantly investigating and theorizing about the Federation. Though his investigating would be his downfall as he was killed by the Federation after breaking into one of their headquarters.
Bad tried to get Cellbit to pass on but Cellbit refused. His soul will not rest until the Federation is taken down and his son is safe, as after his death, Cellbit has no idea where Richarlyson is.
Time passes and eventually a train arrives to the island with a bunch of English and Spanish speakers.
Cellbit and Bad are intrigued by the new arrivals, watching them as they restore power to the island and get their barings when suddenly one of the islanders is caught up in a big explosion that destroys the wall.
Jaiden doesn't die in the explosion. She should have. An explosion that size should have killed her and yet she manages to walk away with just a big scar across her face and a shredded wing.
She doesn't figure out how exactly she survived the explosion until everyone else has split off to explore the island and Jaiden comes across a man and a tall demon.
Cellbit and Bad are shocked that Jaiden can see them and Jaiden doesn't believe that Cellbit and Bad are ghosts at first, thinking they are regular residents of the island. But when she tries to introduce them to the others, the others tell her they don't see anyone, and Jaiden tries to play it off as possibly having head tramaua due to the explosion.
Bad explains that he decided to save Jaiden from the explosion and that action probably caused Jaiden to be able to see Cellbit and Bad.
So now Jaiden can see ghosts, cool!
The Egg Event Happens and Jaiden is paired with Roier and together they adopt Bobby.
Jaiden frets about not being a good enough parent but both Bad and Cellbit reassures her and gives her advice.
Cellbit also becomes a bit infatuated with Roier.
And then Foolish dies.
It catches everyone off guard but Jaiden even more so when she sees Foolish's ghost after he dies.
Bad tried to also get Foolish to pass on but he wanted to stay so he could see Leo grow up as he died just a couple days after he and Vegetta adopted her. Bad reluctantly allowed it.
So Bad, Foolish and Cellbit just kinda haunt Jaiden in a friendly manner around the island. But they're also there to help her during really difficult dungeons like the whole nightmare scenario with the airship.
After awhile the Brazilians arrive to the island, saying they're looking for Cellbit. Before he died, Cellbit had been sending letters to Felps about life on the island and the Federation. When Felps stopped receiving the letters, he, Pac, Mike and Forever decided to set out to find him.
Jaiden unfortunately has to tell them that Cellbit died at the hands of the Federation and while the Brazilians had just arrived to the island, they vow to avenge their fallen friend.
And in a shocking turn of events, Richarlyson is found in the adoption center and is quickly taken in by the Brazilians.
I'll probably write more of this later or start a fic with this AU but these are just my general thoughts and headcannons for this AU. Let me know if you want more.
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