#and that it can be a core physical/mental aspect of recovering from whatever you are recovering from
uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Weight gain as a form of recovery, I LOVE YOUUUU ✨️💐🙇‍♂️
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my mag172 #thots i will not be swayed from
The tl;dr version:
Fuck the web
Fuck Web!Martin theories (like i cannot even properly articulate why i hate this theory so much now, and I used to subscribe to it)
And fuck Annabelle Cane, I literally hate her with my entire being.
As a recovering addict, I would say... this is the best episode of the show, and I will also never, ever listen to it again.
Now the long version below the cut.
So I hate the Web, and I hate Annabelle Cane. To me, the other fears make sense on a primal human level. The Web is just...pure evil. It was born from the choices of evil people, and is only used for evil. Plain and simple. It is, at it’s core the worst fear and I hate it. There is nothing anyone can say that will make me not hate it.
Because of point number one, I refuse to believe in or subscribe to literally any Web!Martin theory. At all. Listen, MAG170 killed Web!Martin theories completely, imho, and any amount of theorizing in favour of Web!Martin is grasping at straws. But I refuse to believe that my perfect boy, who spent the entire time in the Lonely defending his abuser, who busted his own ass out of the Lonely bc he was in love would be part of something as evil as the Web. Like I just....I feel like there was no way to have had an episode, completely from the POV of Martin, and not gotten any spoken hint at him being even remotely connected to the Web. Just. No.
The argument at the beginning, if you could call that an argument: I have noticed, especially in recent episodes, that Jon seems influenced by the domain and especially the “statement giver” before he even begins his monologue. Like...kinda showing how the forced Knowing creeps up on him? This theory of mine has been in the back of my mind since MAG168 but I don’t know how to fully explain it because it just fully formed in my head after this episode. Something changed after Oliver’s statement, just like it did in Season 1, and again at the beginning of Season 4. In MAG170, Jon got separated from Martin, and I feel like...Jon wouldn’t have just....left Martin behind, even by accident, even during a monologue and I just...I feel like, to some degree, Jon had been at least a little bit influenced by the Lonely and got separated that way. And then in the Flesh, approaching Jared, Jon was confused that Martin didn’t find the flesh flowers beautiful, and the way he said it...it struck me as a very Jared thing to say. And then the way Jon talked in this episode, the way Jon got defensive and sniped at Martin just....it was very similar in feeling to Francis’ own words being mirrored back to them by the spider. Just....i’m not sure where I’m going with this, or even if it has sound basis in canon. It’s just been a pattern I’ve noticed but it was made clearer to me now.
I refuse to see that final interaction with Martin and Jon as anything other than two frustrated and exhausted men trudging through the apocalypse, and whatnot. Like I can just hear the absolutely lukewarm takes ppl will have and just. Nah, leave me out of it.
Loved the explanation about Knowing vs. Understanding.
Also loving Jon and Martin still discussing boundaries, and Martin has a right to said boundaries, and I’m getting where he’s coming from in now wanting to know, or for Jon to Know. I think I would be the same, not wanting to know if my feelings for someone or choices were my own or made for me, especially if I had gone through as much as Martin has. I rly did not see this as an omen of any kind, especially with them having that conversation in the middle of the Web’s domain.
This episode was hard. I’m recovering from alcoholism, I’ve recovered from cigarette addiction repeatedly, and also struggle with binge eating disorder which is often treated the same way as an addiction would in therapy. I relate to Francis as a recovering addict, and I thought this episode did an amazing job in illustrating addiction, and relapse, and the little ways addicts get undermined and undermine themselves in the recovery process. I don’t think this episode compared addiction to being a monster, nor do I think it downplayed the mental illness aspect of addiction. I made a post earlier about how these statements are mad with heavy bias, especially during the apocalypse, and they’re about fear. Recognizing that addiction is a mental illness and showing it as such does not translate fear, and if it did, I feel like that would be more the Corruption’s domain than any others. The Web is about not being in control, it’s about not having a choice or free will, it’s about feeling trapped by the choices you once made and are unable to make choices that contradict those. With addiction, that is a very real feeling. You can tell me all day that it’s mental illness, it’s rooted in depression or anxiety or whatever, and all you have to do is treat that cause and address it blah blah blah. I know. We know. But when you’re struggling with a relapse, or a near-relapse, it does not feel like you’re in control, it does not feel like you are driving your own body. It feels like someone else is behind the wheel, and you hate that person, and you are terrified of that person. That person is ruining your life and you feel like you cannot fucking stop them. But then you do! You can do it. And a lot of us succeed, and I feel like if the world hadn’t ended, Francis would be doing okay. Just like I’m doing okay. And the countless other recovering addicts I know. But in a fictional world, where our fears are actual entities, with physical avatars doing their bidding everywhere, in an apocalyptic hellscape where the fears EXIST ON OUR PLANE of reality, where people are forced to live through their greatest fears forever.
Idk, i just thought this was a really good episode and I’m debating blacklisting TMA until next week lmao.
I just wanted to add this bc I rly don't want ppl to eventually come at me about their personal experiences w addiction and just... Jonny confirmed that he wrote this episode from his own experiences as an addict and his fears regarding addiction, plus that season 5 is about fear not truth so.
Read the following tweets before trying to push your experiences as the "truer" experience or whatevs I've already been seeing.
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ask-impure-vessel · 3 years
I don't know if this will reach you at the right moment in time Vessel but, peace friend, The Wyrm has already shown he cares for you greatly and you have done him no disservice or wrong. This may simply a matter too important to discuss elsewhere and His Majesty may be too caught up in his own troubles to understand the affect he has on you.
[Note: Frank discussion of anatomy, anxiety/panic attacks, unreality, post-traumatic stress, past abuse, suicide, disordered eating, self-harm, stuff about the Abyss with all that entails and other such unpleasantries. Strap in, folks!]
The vessel felt like their body was somewhere a few steps to the right and back of them. Their father said nothing as he led them down to the workshop.
You don’t understand. You don’t-
There’s a distant panic in Vessel’s voice. They still keep walking, they must. The order was given. Despite what happened in the Abyss, control still belongs to the Pale King.
It was as if nothing had changed at all.
For the first time, they begin to resent that. The workshop is the last place they want to be, for multiple reasons besides the temple that was to become their agonizing grave. This is not a place that holds any good memories for them, not a single one. 
They arrive in that darkened place, the birthplace of moulds, all thousand of them-700 kingsmoulds, 300 wingsmoulds-where Wyrm's research led to the vessels that rested in the infirmary and that walked into the room. The king shrugged off his silken robe, leaving on a shirt that still covered what was considered a decent amount in Hallownest, showing off the truth of his form; it had been a while and Vessel Hallow was shocked by the changes to his father's form.
He was a being of pure white carapace, plates with softer flesh between, especially around the joints; his skin was sunken, his belly not just thin but almost concave instead of convex. He looked a bit muscular, but mostly because he appeared to be starving. He was dull in color, the white often not as bright as it could be, looking almost dirty with a lack of nutrients to look glossy and nice. 
Wyrm could subsist on soul like a vessel, but that didn't mean it was pleasant for him to do so. He was much like other bugs in physicality, fueled by food, water and having to use the toilet to flush out what his body didn't use of those things. His genitals were internal, just like any bug, his shirt covered where that was hidden. 
His secondary set of arms were more visible now, as was the lower half he usually ambled upon: multiple legs and a long tail that terminated in a pointed end. His tail was thin, almost collapsed with the lack of care.
What was more alarming were the splotches of black. His hands were absolutely covered in it, just beyond the wrists but the lines that raced upwards were far more concerning. Void taint was a part of Hallow's body but for a pale being, such a sight promised long, lingering agony. The absolute rigid calm their father practiced suddenly became a lot more impressive.
It left Hallow in minor shock.
Father, are you dying? Have you already assured your death? Was it on purpose that you inflicted starvation and void poisoning upon yourself? I can think of few less painful, lingering deaths.
"Come. Please kneel so that I can more easily examine you and the changes to you." He activated the door seals and waited in a clear space.
<Father, I-> The vessel walked and knelt, words cutting off with anxiety.
Wyrm activated and checked on the seal on Hallow's mask. "Interesting, joining with the Lord of Shades didn't disengage this? I hadn't expected that. It must have been greatly weakened over the course of my rule and being forgotten. I had thought them already dead." He muttered and began to ghost fingers over the notches Hallow had. "Where did the Kingsoul go?"
That had been a question Hallow had been dreading.
A hand touched upon Hallow's chest. "There it is, if changed greatly at your breast. It became your core? Brace."
It was more warning than Hallow usually got; sharp pain radiated through their being, as something touched their heart.
<Father, it. It hurts.> The vessel gasped out. They were not words sufficient, but they were descriptive enough for their use.
"Please bear it a little longer. This is a very beautiful charm that has become your heart even if it is taboo to my being." 
The pain grew to shocking agony, then to a fading sensation, Hallow felt like their body was a distant, cut off thing.
<Father, please. Stop!> The vessel spoke in growing horror, fear and concern.
The Pale King was faced with a decision then-and let go of the charm. Sensation slowly returned and the vessel gasped on the floor, curling in on themself on the floor as mind and body reconnected. It was painful as the disruption the Pale King had inflicted and the vessel would have gagged if they could on the feelings of revulsion they now felt.
They instead wept on the floor, black tears falling onto the ground as they shivered and their mind turned to things they did there, the pale Wyrm unheeding to a child's pain in the terrible silence; the screams that echoed only through the void, the vessel capable only of displaying stiff trembling to their master. 
They recall the efforts to ensure they could learn magic. The painful process of 'installation' over being taught the theory that took place here. The studies that involved dying here and their shade. When the various seals were made on their shell and mask, the burning magic that had kept burning on their mask for days from them. They had done nothing but suffer in this room and this day had proven no different.
"Vessel, I. I'm sorry, that went too far." The king stroked their mask, making a soothing sound, a purr that Hallow hadn't heard before.
Hallow felt the dam burst and sat as they cried, for all the things they'd wanted and had never had. That Wyrm was holding them now, comforting them now, touching with loving intention rather than with cold intent of science or with violence. The feelings were somewhat positive, but many were bitter, some even bordered on hate and disgust that they didn't know what to do with. They had so many things to say, for themself, for the things that had been done to them and the things they'd missed out on. For the way their father had run away the moment their emotions had become known like a damnable coward. That had been a choice Hallow had been denied, they couldn't say no-yet this day, for the first time, they had asked for their father to stop.
And he had listened.
The Pale King let Hallow get out everything they'd needed to, to calm down and recover from… whatever it was that he'd been doing to them. <This one doesn't want to be experimented on again, or studied. This place, it brings back bad memories for it.> Hallow spoke, in a shaking mental voice. <It is painful for this vessel to be here.>
"Oh, Vessel. I had no idea it was that upsetting. Let's go to my study, then so you don't have to be here. You never have to come in here again." The King promised and led the shaking knight from that terrible place.
They settled down in a chair this time, the king likewise going seated. "I will apologize. That was too far, I needed to explain what I was doing and why-to ask for your permission. It's not easy to break old habits. I noticed you dropped first-person pronouns in your stress." He spoke frankly with sadness.
<This one supposes not. It felt like it was… dying.> Hallow shuddered. <Did you pull this vessel away to speak, or was it to satisfy that curiosity?> They asked tiredly.
"A bit of both, admittedly. To ask you how you're feeling, but that's… obvious, right now and is very much my doing." He sighed and leaned forward. "I'll have to be invasive one more time, I'm afraid but perhaps not this day, to let you recover. I need to set you free and I intend to."
<You'll… free this one from its bondage?> Hallow rephrased in mild disbelief. 
"Yes. As my final order in that bondage, for the rest of your life should something happen and I am unable to undo that binding-I order you to act of your own free will and feelings, as you see fit and judge is right. I relinquish control over your will and mind. There will need to be magic done to completely remove the binding, but it will no longer function."
<It will thank you, father once this one is wholly free.> Hallow spoke diplomatically. They couldn't exactly forgive him entirely yet if the harm was still there.
"I understand. You are a higher being now, truly. While you could read the language of the gods and make things function that are for gods, you didn't have a few aspects that would elevate you from a child of higher beings to purely one yourself. However, you do not have worshippers and as much distaste as I have for the god that was, that will need to change for your own health."
<That must be why the Lord of Shades said they were very, very starved. Speaking of, father. Why are you starved?> The vessel spoke pointedly. <This one believes they can ask some pointed questions and get answers in return. You owe it at least that much.>
"I. Eating is a currently disgusting endeavor to me. Certainly, I did like it once and ate but. Since the vessel project started, my. My enjoyment became nil." He replied honestly. "My shame steals the joy out of anything I do."
<You regret the choices you made?> 
"I do not regret having you for a child. I regret that I killed so many and the crimes committed against the siblings who didn't make it. I regret how I've treated you. I don't know if I could make it up to the survivors but I will at the least try for the time I have and make sure your siblings do not go through the struggles you did." The king chose his words carefully. "I believed I had no other recourse. No other choice that wouldn't see my people dead or entirely enslaved to the Old Light-but I do not think I deserve forgiveness for being a kinslayer, for my mistreatment of you. I have been something to you for sixteen years. Would have been that for two years more, so you could have your final moulting and complete your training. I would have nailed that armor to your carapace and left you to her tender mercies. In that, I was wrong. I intended to kill myself once I was sure my people were safe and could carry on in my absence."
<It knows. It realized that when it went down into the Abyss before becoming the Shade Lord.> The vessel spoke, voice thick with pain. <You're dying, aren't you father. That's why you don't mind sacrificing yourself to the Grimm Troupe either. You are dying and you want to die.>
"I've done too much to live or to allow myself the pleasures in living. The situation in Hallownest is my fault. Your pain is my fault. The many, many broken masks in the Abyss are my fault. I am a kinslayer, who committed infanticide of his own children. Even a god doesn't get forgiveness for those kinds of horrible actions. I deserve the suffering you children experienced. I deserve the deaths I visited upon the children I deemed not good enough. Yes. I am suffering void poisoning, it is an agony I bear constantly. My light holds it at bay enough that I can live five more years without drastic actions." He spoke bluntly.
<Did you poison yourself deliberately?>
"Exposure to void with proper protections isn't deadly. A bug can be scarred by void without dying, in fact the exposure can have beneficial effects such as on the ageless mask maker. Void poisoning in mild cases caught early enough is treatable. So I suppose yes. I did that to myself deliberately." He spoke numbly. "It's… actually a relief to admit that. I wasn't expecting that."
<It's not treatable now. You're dying. How long do you have left?> Hallow felt like the ground was opening beneath their feet.
"No, even I will succumb to a case this severe having gone on this long. Five to seven years, depending." Wyrm spoke clinically. "Your mother doesn't know, but she's not very curious and finds my company odious these days. I don't want her to know."
<You aren't the only one. Would you die as a member of the Grimm Troupe?> Hallow pondered.
"No, time is frozen in a sense for a member of the Troupe. As a sacrifice, my original body would likely be immolated, the presence of void cast out as anathema to it as well. It's not got a will of its own so expelling it for the Nightmare Heart would be doable. It's just not for me between having a corpus much closer to mortal form and my diminishment as a god." 
Hallow rubbed a hand over their chest. <Father, please free this vessel today. Now.> It was firm. <This vessel just wants to love you as themself. Not as your property, as your child. Whatever you have done, it does not know if it can forgive, but love. Love is something this vessel has always been able to give.>
The first time Hallow had ever demanded anything for themself and only themself.
Tears came from the king's eyes. "As you wish, Lord of Shades my child."
The bindings lit up as the king touched, claws digging into the mask with a strange sensation that felt like it should hurt but didn't. The light burned, the mark burned. But the claws were quick, chanting even and fast. Soul pooled around the king's hands. 
The chains broke and Hallow felt a weight come off, something they hadn't realized had been there for a very long time. The remnants would be there, like an invisible scar until they moulted, but then-then it would be gone.
It would take time for them to understand what they'd gained and lost at once. <Today I learned that this one's father is not brave. Please. Please live. Even if your crimes are too much for your heart to bear. Stop running away. Please. Face what you have done, face us who you have wronged. It's not too late.>
 "...I can try. I love you, my child." He touched foreheads with Hallow, a familial kiss. "For all you vessels, I will try. I don't know how anymore, but I can still learn."
Hallow is not an adult. They are, however, now free of their father's chains.
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I know a lot of older people think it's a problem that so many young people don't want to have children, but I think it shows an increased understanding for how much of a responsibility parenting is and how much damage you can do to a child of you're not ready to raise someone.
I think that everyone is capable of being a good parent and I think that some people should never be parents. These may sound mutually exclusive but they aren't because there's a big if involved in the first half. That if, is that everyone is capable of being a good parent someday if they put in the work to take care of their own shit first.
When you become a parent or guardian, you are officially signing on to prioritize another person's physical and emotional needs before your own for the rest of their life. That means loving them no matter what they do or who they become. That means putting aside your own exhaustion and frustration at your day when they walk through the door so that you can be their champion and their confidant and their companion. That means teaching them how to process their emotions and think critically and empathetically and it means letting them find their own path, even if it's different than the one you wanted or imagined for them, but making it clear that if they need or want your comfort, your help, or just your ear that they will have it. You don't have to be perfect. No parent ever is, and it's important anyway for kids to learn in nontraumatic ways that adults make mistakes too and that's okay as long as you take responsibility for that and strive to learn and grow because of your mistakes. Kids learn by watching and listening to the adults around them and the things they conclude from those early years of observation will stick with them the rest of their lives.
I know that that sounds scary. It probably should because deciding to raise a child should be the biggest decision you can make, and if it's not, you may not be taking it seriously enough.
I also know that this is hard. And I have the greatest respect for people who truly understand this and decide to raise a tiny person anyway.
I'm also not trying to discourage you from becoming a parent. You may not be ready now, but that doesn't mean you can't be later. I personally would love to be a mom some day not I know that I have a lot of personal growth and healing I need to take care of first, to say nothing of the stabilization of my financial and career status.
The real question is what can you do to be a better parent, guardian, or even trusted adult to someone else's child (a really important and valid role and choice in itself!) later?
First off, you need to do some hard core introspection to figure out what traits and behaviors you have that might exhibit that would interfere in your ability to be a good parent. Maybe you're still emotionally immature. Maybe you're struggling with uncontrolled mental illness, chronic illness, or addiction. Maybe you've internalized some toxic ideas. Maybe you're still recovering from trauma or just now realizing that what you have even is trauma. None of these things makes you a bad person and none of them stops you from being capable to becoming a good parent. But, all of them can interfere with your ability to model healthy behaviors and coping skills to your child. Children learn through observation and, because their brains need the world to make sense and be predictable, they're going to interpret everytime you seem upset or lose your cool as being their fault. Young children aren't capable of going "mom is upset and snapped over something relatively trivial, she must be having a bad day/be tired/etc" because that's an interpretation of the world that is outside their control. Instead, they're going to go "I did x and mom got mad at me, it's my fault so I better not do x again" and that's a really harmful mindset that can contribute to self-worth issues and other mental illnesses like anxiety, especially if this happens long-term (for the record, you're going to make mistakes and you're going to snap over stupid things because being a grown-up is hard, so when you inevitably make this mistake it's important to be honest and upfront with your child about what happened, why, how it's not their fault, and you have to genuinely apologize for it, turning your mistake into a chance to model good adult behavior).
It's important to take care of yourself and let yourself grow and heal before bringing a kid into the mix because 1. you'll be a better parent if you start out in a better place emotionally and mentally, and 2. because you deserve the chance to be healthy and happy and it's much harder to address the things that are interfering with that when your also trying to juggle the additional emotional/mental demands of raising a child.
Additionally, I definitely recommend making sure you and anyone else taking a primary caretaker role in your child's life is in a stable financial and that the relationship between you and any other caretakers is stable and amicable regardless of what kind of relationship it is. The financial aspect is important because kids are expensive as hell (both the having/acquiring and the raising) and you want to be able to provide then with the best possible shot at life.
This isn't about me but I feel like the example will be helpful. We weren't poverty level growing up, but even as a child it was clear to me that we could be. My parents were 20 year old newlyweds when they got pregnant. My dad had been set up to inherit a position in his father and grandfather's construction company and did not go to college because they thought he was guaranteed a steady job. My mom was paying for a college education she couldn't afford because no one had ever explained how to get financial aid and scholarships to her and her parents were too caught up in their own shit to be anything but relieved about getting to make her future my dad's problem. Then they got pregnant. They started building a house that took much longer to build then expected because that construction business dad was expecting to inherit went out of business because it turned out that a cousin had been embezzling and my great-grandmother wouldn't let them sue or press charges against family. Mom had to drop out of college to raise me because daycare costs as much as she makes at work and she no longer has the time or funds. They had a baby they weren't prepared to raise and my dad's new job had him working in the Texas heat all day before going and working on our house at night so that we could move out of my maternal grandfather's house now that he was getting divorced and couldn't afford it. My parents society never saw each other and they were constantly worried about money. Less than two years after I was born they accidentally got pregnant with my brother. He ended up with failure to thrive and (although he did eventually recover) it raked up a serious amount of debt in addition to my mom's student loans and the mortgage. Flash forward four more years and my dad falls through a roof at a construction site and permanently cripples his ankle. Cue a year of the only breadwinner in the household being unable to work, several surgeries and massive medical bills we can't pay. A year after that my mom has to have a historectomy because her fibroids are causing immense pain and then they find pre-cancerous cells. Another year after that she starts having unexplained siezures and signs of organ failure that will take years to diagnose as a rare autoimmune disorder that will leave her disabled and, again, rake up serious medical debt. I found out in college that it came to the point that we almost lost the house but as a kid I still always knew we were struggling. And that fucks with a kid's head. There were reasons I didn't tell my parents that something was wrong for a week after I sprained my wrist when I was 10 and it wasn't just because I didn't want to sound like I was asking for attention (a phobia that also comes from having emotionally immature parents). I pushed myself ridiculously hard in school because I knew I couldn't expect any help paying for college from my parents. I still feel incredibly guilty anytime I spend more than 20 dollars even though it's my money and I need groceries or textbooks or gas or whatever. A lot of these issues would have been financially difficult and unpredictable, but had my parents been in a more stable position when they got married and started having kids, it would have been much easier to weather the storms.
Additionally, money is the main thing couples fight about, so if you can take that off the table as a significant concern before bringing kids into the mix, please do. Maslow's hierarchy of needs states that you can't address higher order concerns like personal growth of your worried about where your next meal is coming from and that goes for your children as well.
Again, I'm not trying to shame people for their financial difficulties. Most of us are playing at a game we were never intended to win and I get that not all children are planned. But, your good intentions unfortunately will not put food on the table or pay the rent and your children will have a lot less stress in their lives if you are able to make sure that things are as stable as possible before you bring them into it.
The same goes for your relationship with fellow caretakers. Don't try to have kids to save your relationship. Don't ever make your children feel like your relationship is in anyway their responsibility. Again, they need their world to make sense and if you're fighting they're probably going to assume it's somehow their fault. Don't do that to them.
Anyway, this rant turned out a lot longer than I intended but I think I needed to say it. In summary, raising children is not about you but your going to make it about you unless you take care of your own shit first. Children don't ask to be born. If you're not ready for that responsibility, either don't have kids or put in the work so that you will be. If you already have kids, and don't have your shit together, there's still time but it's going to be harder and you might have to do some damage control from any traumas you may have already inflicted on your child, regardless of your intentions. If that's the case, you have a responsibility to get your kid the help they need and do everything in your power to avoid further harm. You're the adult in this situation, and if you're going to be a parent, you need to act like it.
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finsterhund · 5 years
So I lay in bed attempting to sleep for several hours. Slept through some of them
Trying to regain some form of composure.
And thought about things.
The self is a construct. Who we are is something we make entirely.
It's based on past experiences. So it makes sense that mine is just starting to manifest properly. I can finally make my own personal identity free from abusive consequence. I can have my own interests and opinions. I've been free for a shorter length of time than I haven't. Not only do I want to regain my childhood but I need to recover from my old one too.
The psychiatrist seems to think that who I am, my core personality, is a role I'm putting in place, and that there's a “normal [legal age] guy behind it" but she has that reversed. The more mature personality I'll present in situations where it is needed is an unnatural state for me. Not the other way around. The civil, quiet, polite child may be an unrealistic persona that hides an admittedly more volatile, obsessive, and feral variation, but that's just my regular personality with me not caring stronger about politeness and being respectful. My periods of maturity are almost always to influence others in some way. Often by an attempt at intimidation or knowing it will make me be more respected. She told me I shouldn't describe things in "flavorful language" but to me that's what being "mature and intelligent" is. Using big fancy words that I know the meaning of to try and more efficiently get my point across.
She also tells me that I'm smart and that I know things. The fact that I have a high literacy and read lots does not mean I'm smart it means I'm knowledgeable. Smart is how you apply your knowledge which I struggle to do in good constructive ways.
I actually want to get better about things. Like being more independent, not being so afraid, standing up for myself and having confidence. But she is conflating not being who I am with those things. It goes back to something I've thought about. About how is curing trauma but wiping someone's personality in order to do it really a cure or is it killing who they are and replacing it with a new person. I'm certain there are ways to make me stronger and better without sacrificing things that are Me.
I made the mistake of describing the Andy hat as a magic feather (even though yes I know it is) and now she's talking about how it doesn't actually help and I shouldn't need it. Well it does help. It just isn't actually doing anything. And her going on to say that nothing could be real later really cements the fact that nothing could be real in which case there's no reason to adhere to anything based on how real that it is perceived. If nothing is real then why should we give the things that appear to be more real any higher agency?
I want to be safe and I want to be happy. Ensuring these things is more important than adhering to society's draconian expectations of how I'm supposed to think and feel and act based solely on how long the broken meatsuit has orbited the sun. Changing my interests, personality, and values to reflect the grown ups won't actually make me more confident or happy or strong. I attempted to mentally age and it didn't work. It was an act that brought more stress and made me feel guilty for the things that made me happy.
I'm really annoyed at her saying that [even a ten year old] being accompanied by a stuffed animal "isn't normal" like, how dare people find comfort in things? Like, she told me that smell can be used to ground myself, so am I supposed to do that? Or is that wrong too because a scent doesn't actually help and it just tricks the brain or whatever.
Her logic just throws me off and it seems based in sacrificing the self in favor of being homogenized into the socially acceptable traits of adulthood.
And I know I'm biased because of the amount of horrible adults I've had in my life. But you have to understand that there very much is a difference in how I am and how they are. It impacts socialization too. All my friends are adults and the friendships that are stronger are ones where my differences are not patronized, mocked, etc. Or ones where they are even shared. Have a few friends who similarly keep childhood identity due to traumatic pasts and we have a lot in common.
She brought up me needing to have long-term constructive goals, and in the past I wouldn't have had any because of just wanting to die. But now I actually do. I want my dog for real, I want to be a better artist, I want my body to be fixed (so can we maybe do this? Thanks.), but to her it should be things like secondary education (can't afford it, can't be on my own in classes yet) and getting a job (once again, you need to be hire-able to get a job. But even with that road block I do have ideas) and get adult things. And I mean technically I do have an intended career in literature but I can't write anymore and I don't know why and at this point I think it's due to frustration with not being able to do things.
And it's hard to have long-term goals when I didn't think I'd ever get this far, and I've been struggling to have a home that doesn't get pulled out from under me for years. And of course, what can I actually do by myself? I go to a clinic to fix my body and they find out I'm age regressed and make it all about stabilizing my mental health first instead. I can function with age regression. Listen, if my body was fixed and I had more confidence in my physical self it'd be a lot easier to build it up mentally. The fact that i don't want to exist because of being perceived by others could be alleviated somewhat of I fixed blaring problems in my physical health. If I was able to walk properly and stand upright and not have to worry so much about getting sick.
I don't know if I have a personality disorder. I know I'm traumatized. I know I'm regressed and repressed. I don't know what an official personality disorder diagnosis would change, if anything, about what it means to be who I am.
But I cannot stress that aspects of me that I AM proud of, should not be the things that change. I like how I don't have adult interests, personality traits, and values. I like how I find comfort in stuffed animals and juvenile interests. I like when adults don't expect me to act and interact like their equal but treat me with care. It's not always patronizing.
For me stability and normalcy is about fixing my body, about making it so that I'm less of a coward or a pushover. Of teaching me how to properly destress. Those are good and constructive. Telling me that I brought this on myself and was asking for it when I'm glared at and antagonized by adults because I don't act like they do is NOT constructive. And makes me LESS inclined to cater to their world and whims.
I'm glad my next appointment will be an actual one and hope that my desire to have my immediately fixable problems dealt with will be more respected in the future. Still annoyed that mental stability is a requirement before having a surgery to fix a glaring problem with the physical body. You think I'll regret being made better?
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worrentigre · 6 years
Rhuli’a’s Trial pt.6 Conviction (RP Scene)
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*Rhuli’a has survived this grueling trial, but he still not finished yet.  He may be near the end, but this will be his toughest challenge yet.  With already being battered and tired, this will require every ounce of his will to overcome.  Will his dream finally be realized?  He will soon find out as he enters the final area, approaching a figure in the darkness.*
"Congratulations on making it this far," A familiar voice comes from the shadowy figure. "Rhuli'a Kanjun. He who wishes to be a Fist of Rhalgr. However..." The ambient lighting in the room flickers a bit, and suddenly a burst of aether can be felt coming from the figure. The light brightens slightly, and the figure turns out to be Worren Tigre himself.
He paces to the side while speaking. "Do you know what you are getting yourself into?" Another burst, and another. Two, three. "The path of the Fist is one to obtain physical, mental, and spiritual perfection. To be one with Rhalgr and all that he stands for." Four. "It is much greater than being a prize fighter. You may be a champion. And then what?" Five. Six. "Great power requires the utmost control and responsibility to use it properly, and the mental facilities to command it." Seven. This burst of aether is a lot stronger than the previous six. "You came to me seeking the means to gain absolute power, that the strong govern the weak. To be strong and be a champion of Ala Mhigo. Know this, that absolute power corrupts the mind. Just ask your mad king." Eight!
This final burst came out with an air of finality. "Gylbarde did not succeed in the Autumn war on his own martial prowess. He possessed the mind necessary to secure the victory. We are not just spiritual warriors. We are not barbarians. We are war priests. The second campaign was lost due to hubris in the search for power."
Worren then stops pacing, as his full power flows all around him, and the room is bright. "You still have one last test, Furious One." He puts his fists up to fight, his expression and demeanor showing that he means no mercy, the menace oozing from him. "Come show me your conviction." Rhuli'a's posture didn't change throughout the whole ordeal. Studying every small thing about his master, his current opponent, who stood before him. Lessons of the past and lectures of today wrapped themselves around his sensitive ears, studying intently as to how the aether gathered around the dark-skinned Highlander.
However, at the mention of the Mad King, and a jab at his rage, Rhuli'a balked. That trait was rising, threatening to overtake his entire being. His eyes narrowed, his skin tightened, a light sweat was clinging to his skin.
And ever so, did the sense of red, of blood, of absolute conviction and desperation continued to rise.
((https://youtu.be/GUVGSri3YQU <----Fight BGM))
Breaking his stance, Rhuli'a clenched his fists, grit his teeth and concentrated. From his chest, this sensation flew, surrounding every ilm of his body. Sparks of power and aether flared up, twice in total throughout him. He knew it wasn't a fair contest. His body and mind was screaming that he would be slain if he took a step forward.
So Rhuli'a sprinted.
Taking a leap 3 yalms from his master, his newest opponent, and feinting a leaping kick, instead falling to the ground in a sweep at his legs instead. Every tactic, every way he had fought before was running through his mind.(edited) He had to purposefully mislead his master with his intent, to even stand a chance.
With all of the time Worren has been observing and appraising Rhuli'a, he knew full well that the man valued hand to hand singles combat and technique. Watching and reading opponents, figuring out weaknesses.  With this in mind, he fully expected a feint, seeing that opening with a lunging attack like that would leave Rhuli'a too open, something he knows he would not risk early on. Still, instead of dodging or blocking, he uses his chakra to harden his flesh like stone, as well as put up a thin aethyreal barrier to help him defend whatever may come, and to be able to retaliate as well.
Worren never took his eyes off of his opponent, and while bracing his body for the jump kick, he saw the sweep coming instead.  He hops over the sweeping leg before sliding forward a step push his empowered right fist out waist high.  Where Rhuli'a as tall as him and standing, the fist would hit his stomach.  But, since he is shorter and recovering from a crouching sweep, the fist would likely hit him in the head if it lands. Rhuli'a's strike went wide, throwing him off-balance, though, to his favor.
Sprawling on the floor, completely on his back, Worren's fist puffed at the air above him, urging a fresh chorus of survival instincts screaming at him to run, to use his feet like never before.
Coiling the limbs in question, Rhuli'a sprang towards the man! Leaping off the ground to try and smash both feet square into the Hyur's chest. Whether or not his strength would be able to overcome the defenses the man had erected, was one thing, but it was better than laying prone in front of someone who could potentially cave in his chest with a stomp.
One of Worren's main strengths in combat is his idea of always learning from every fight.  Always watching, and emulating certain aspects of opponents into his own arsenal.  His very first chakra was unlocked while fighting to survive against an onslaught of golems in the old Nymian ruins.  And unfortunately for Rhuli'a, this is an aspect he greatly emulates into his already defensive style.  The prospect's feet hitting Worren's chest would be like hitting a stone wall, what with his aether barrier, chainmail linked under his cyclas, and his flesh hardened to act like stone.
He doesn't stop coming, and continues moving forward. His right arm comes up high in the air and then curves downward.  With a mighty roar, his aether would move to his fist, leaving a faint purple trail in it's wake as the fist come crashing down with a great might.  It is unseen to the naked eye, but if one were to sense aether, they would see it moving around Worren's body, concentrating on certain parts at will as he moves, augmenting each and every movement in some way for maximum efficiency.  This would include the periodic erection of his barriers. Rhuli'a's feet did not seem to make the Hyur budge at all. Springboarding off of him, he deftly returned to his feet, wisps of lightning beginning to travel over his body. They elicited both shocks of pain and pleasure as they flowed through his body, causing his anger to resurface and multiply. Within his breast? Desire. Upon his face? Defiance.
Both guided his left fist as he swung up in a levin-wreathed uppercut. With a roar, he sprung up, putting his full weight behind the blow and trying to overpower his master.
Of course, he didn't.
Arm shooting back down from the terrible force brought against it, the Miqo'te yelped, never before facing such an unwavering defense. Rivers of pain were going through his arm, as though the limb would burst apart if he moved it. Gritting his teeth, Rhuli'a dashed backward, stomping a heel into the stone to throw up a spray of debris that would mask further actions for only a moment.
Fading back, he waited for Worren to come to him.
Worren almost smirked at Rhuli'a's display. Almost. He slowly stalks forward two steps, but then suddenly stops. In an instant, his movements, intent, and aether all shift as he remains in place. He takes on a wide stance with his right side forward and right arm out, similar to that of a ninja. However, his left hand is behind his back. With his right palm facing upwards, he tilts his body back and raises his right foot, while his hand simultaniously closes into a fist and pulls up. And then he stamps that same foot down HARD.
This all happens in less than a second, with his left hand gripping an earth core hidden on his belt under his cyclas behind his back. It's power strengthens his attunement to the earth, allowing him some measure of control over aether with earth elemental properties. And so, his right hand is snatching up and ripping away the dusty veil the prospect has created, dissipating the cover he hid inside. Worren's aether then shifts to his foot as it comes down. This is a move he has done many times before; the stomp sents a purplish shockwave of unauspected aether along the ground at high velocity in Rhuli'a's direction. This wave is concussive in nature, rather than energy, with the intent of bowling him over, if now out right knocking him out. Rhuli'a's eyes were narrowed as Worren adopted a stance so unfamiliar to him. However, they soon widened in shock as the blast of his master's strength knocked him off his feet and sent him skidding backward, head ringing and teeth chittering. The noise of the action alone had his sensitive ears ringing, and as he stumbled to his feet, head in hands, he realized he might need to fight with some sort of hearing protection in the future.
Distracted as he was in the future, he suddenly snapped back to the now.
Rushing toward's Worren again, Rhuli'a was intent on finding out the patterns of his opponent's attacks. With such a stalwart defense, the only way to land a telling blow would be to strike with a counter-attack. Something that would rattle the skull. All he had to do was find a rhythm and interrupt it.
Though, this was easier said than done.
Dashing within the taller monk's reach, Rhuli'a acted aggressively, but safe, landing only small strikes here and there while keeping his guard up at all times. Mentally counting how many the Hyur would take before reacting.
Coiling up like a viper.
Worren meets him head on. Aggressive, just like he likes it. He switches back to his boxing stance, keeping his fists by his chin while moving in. He answers each of Rhuli'a's strikes with his own. Though, while the Miqo'te is testing the waters, the Hyur is using his punches to try and crush the smaller man. His punches were hard, all of them aiming at Rhuli'a's face, trying to break through his blocking arms if he has to.
All the while, the wheels in his head are turning. "He's too smart to match me blow for blow. He has something up his sleeve," He thinks to himself, before switching up to throwing his non dominant hand, the left, low to bury the fist into his stomach and liver, and incapacitate him. That was the plan, anyway. A calculated risk, as he is opening his face to counter attack. Rhuli'a was able to block the worst of the blows. Always retreating into a more solid defense as Worren harried him, dodging back to not meet the full force of the blows. Though his forearms shook with every strike, the Keeper was resolute, his flashing eyes staring daggers and hate at his opponent.
Again and again, the peppering came, Rhuli'a only offering quick ducking kicks to slip under the blows the Hyur would throw at him. And then fortune shone!
Leaping at the opportunity, Rhuli'a swung to the side, sidestepping far to the left and throwing an open palm, fingers extended and rigorous, directly towards the side of the man's neck! Lightning laced the tips, and the force would be akin to striking him with a flat mattock, compressed all within a thin line no wider than half an ilm no longer than four.
Sparks flew and Worren was sent reeling back several steps.  With his barrier down, he actually felt that.  His flesh were still hard like stone, but it hurt.  Good.  This is what he wanted.  Immediately his defenses shoot back up.  Worren shakes his head a few times before glancing over his shoulder, as the blow caused him to turn.  The look in his eyes were unreadable, but that quickly changed when he pulls the earth core from behind him.  The unreadable look on his face turns into one of mirth as he stands up straight and clasps both hands around the crystal to his chest.
Very quickly the aether barrier around him emits a faint yellow glow, and dirt, dust, and loose rocks laid around the temple from years of disuse raise up and begin to swirl around him.  They move in closer and closer until they encase him into a stone cocoon, looking not unlike a stone coffin for a mummy.  "Come and get me," He taunts. Rhuli'a followed through as the Hyur stumbled back several paces, dashing after to try and strike a finishing blow. Smelling blood, figuratively perhaps, he stopped mid-rush as he saw his master withdraw something from his back.
A contorted face of confusion soon turned to one of fury.
"Feckless parlour tricks will not avail you, master!"
Completely unfamiliar with how Worren was actually using the object, Rhuli'a sped forward, gracefully springing atop the man and striking at the head of this monstrosity, his levin-encased limbs taking on a softer nature, wind becoming more apparent than the lightning. Encased in stone as Worren was, the sight recalled memories of Salt Dharas commonly found in the Lochs. The beasts were too slow to handle hit and run strikes and slowly, but surely would crumble after enough pinpoint blows.
Would Worren be the same?
The stone cocoon was reinforced by Worren's aether, and sparking flashes seemed to burst with each of Rhuli'a's strikes. He used this same test with Kodaro; it would take a lot to undo this.
Worren begins to speak again while inside, "You can hit harder than that, can't you? You won't get anywhere under-utilizing your power like that. Use it, feel it, give it all to me. Or you will fail." He then pauses before adding, "What would your mother think, hitting this weak?" He purposefully pokes at him, urging him to push himself to the absolute limit. If his pride won't take him, then maybe his anger will. A grunt of frustration rose within Rhuli'a's throat at Worren's taunts.
Caution soon gave way to a burning need to see this armor shattered across the stone. To strike down the encased monk utterly and have that awesome, cloying emotion of victory wash over him if only for the briefest of moments. Winning was everything, he could see it, stricken across his future like an oil painting.
And, so he began to strike with reckless abandon, forgoing any sense of defense or caution. Only impulses.
Starting with a flurry of jabs to begin his rhythm, to once again urge levin to wrap around his limbs, Rhuli'a's strikes were almost like a dance, akin to a leaf being blown through a storm. Punctuating the combo with a high kick, the Keeper snapped it down, his heel coming down with a terrible force before a quick windmill of low kicks were brought to bear against the cocoon next. Rising with a vicious hook, electricity flying this way and that, Rhuli'a spun, following through with the force by spinning around and leaping up into an uppercut!
The room flashes with each strike, the ambient light still playing off of Worren's own power.  Sparks fly and the attacks are loud.  But still, the stone holds tight.  "Focus!" He shouts to Rhuli’a from inside the stone cocoon. He holds it as long as he can, but the power of his core is starting to wane.  The yellowish earthen aura around the stones begins to slowly flutter about. Sensing weakness, Rhuli'a pulled back his left fist. Among his knuckles were scars of the past, as well as abrasions of the present. Bearing all his anger and hatred for this trial, for his master and for more that nestled within his bosom, Rhuli'a brought it squarely against Worren's chest.
Yelling as loudly as he could all the while. There is a loud crash and bright flash, and a small crack could be seen formed in the middle of the stone cocoon.  The aether around it starts whisping around and ebbing away, showing that it is weakening.  However, from within the crack there's a small glow, that grows brighter as the crack enlarges.  Then all at once there's a large burst, and a large concussive force of aether explodes all around, blowing chunks of rock and aether everywhere with enough force to knock anything within five fulms away.
When the dust settles, Worren stands there with his arms raised outward, with a now depleted and clear crystal in his right hand that he unceremoniously drops to the ground.  "Nicely done.  Now you know 'somewhat' what it's like to go the distance and push your powers to it's limit.  However, there's still the matter of control..." He places his hands behind his back disarmingly and stands straight, as if about to go into another one of his lectures. Rhuli'a found himself flat upon his back, blinking and rubbing away the dust that had gotten in his eyes. Scrabbling to his feet, he paused, waiting to see what Worren would do.
While he didn't drop his guard, he made no move to attack. Worren simply stands there, watching Rhuli'a, studying his action.  This went on for some time; the silent standoff.  He stares directly into Rhuli'a's eyes, trying to discern their intent.  When he feels he will no longer be blindly attacked out of anger, his entire demeanor suddenly shift, and the stern look on his face softens to a simple blank face.  His hands come from behind his back, and there is a second earth elemental crystal in his hand.  A backup, for just in case.  He does not outwardly show it, but he is proud and relieved that he did not have to use it.  Instead, he tosses it with an underhand motion to Rhuli'a.  "Catch.  Hold on to that."
Rhuli'a caught the crystal, studying it before soon coming to the realization it was the selfsame thing Worren had utilized.
"Why should I? Is there ought else I need to do?" Worren begins to walk away in a now open doorway.  When did it open?  Most likely while they were busy.  He starts closing his gates one by one, as evidenced by the ambient light in the room getting more and more dim, until it's back to it's previous illumination.  "It'll be important for your first official lesson.  You'll see when the time comes."  He calls this over his shoulder, but does not stop walking.  Once he's in the doorway, he disappears into the shadows. "Wh-?"
Rhuli'a followed, trying to catch up after the Hyur. With a leap, he passed the threshold daringly, almost recklessly.
Where would he end up? In the hallway he'd find nothing but a pathway to back outside.  A light at the end of the tunnel, that shows a silhouette of a chest sitting next to the wall halfway down the hall. Was this it?
Rhuli'a gingerly stepped towards the chest, looking to the light once more before going back to the trove.
Kneeling, he threw it open, peering inside at the contents... Inside the chest there is a uniform top.  It is neatly folded with the shoulder pauldrons resting on top.  It's color is red, like the other treasures that were found.  That's all there was to it.  No traps.  No tricks.  No drawing.  Just the chest, and the light at the end of the tunnel. Taking it, Rhuli'a narrowed his eyes. The light at the end was much too bright for his tastes.
Folding his newfound cyclas over his arm, he nonetheless strode out of the temple. As reluctant as he was to leave the shadows, his chest swelled with a pride that threatened to burst.
@the-original-rel @moralistcyclops@syelirakaisuri@thornedblossom @flamesonhammersmith@crooked-tarot-rp@astralagency @valentinoix@interdimensionalpeacekeeping@florihilda @dynamitecowboy@chiyohoshi@thetaleofoldmanmaruud @supermeganick@grandmastream@jancisstuff @berrodarmstrong @nhara-tia @cfs-melkire 
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your-dietician · 3 years
Why Experts Are Exploring Climbing as a Form of Therapy
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/why-experts-are-exploring-climbing-as-a-form-of-therapy/
Why Experts Are Exploring Climbing as a Form of Therapy
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For Miriam Pracki, a 36-year-old from Germany, taking up climbing was an essential step in overcoming years of mental health hurdles. In 2000, when she was a teenager, she developed an eating disorder. By 2010, she’d been hospitalized three times, and regular patterns of depression and self-harming behavior led her to put her university coursework on hold. But when Pracki, who had always been active and outdoorsy, heard that a new climbing gym was opening nearby, she decided to give it try.
The skills she learned climbing eventually paved the way for her recovery. “While you’re climbing, the only important thing is the now,” she says. “You can’t think about your body weight, or your job, or whatever.” The sport made her feel strong; she recalls with excitement the tension in her core as she completed her first boulder problem on a steep horizontal roof. “That was such a cool feeling,” she says. “Being strong in climbing made me stronger in general. I was able to transfer that success and positivity into everyday life.” 
In the four years following her first trip to the climbing gym, she recovered, returned to a healthy weight, was diagnosed with and treated for ADHD, and finished school. Now she’s married with kids—her husband is also a climber—and works as an interior designer. She continues to boulder and sport-climb both at the gym and outdoors. 
The sport holds therapeutic promise for many reasons. Climbing can bring about mindfulness, the in-the-moment focus that Pracki experienced, which is key to treating depression, explains Katharina Luttenberger, a psychology researcher at the University of Erlangen in Germany. It’s also objective—you either top out or you don’t. That makes it harder for those struggling with self-esteem to discredit themselves, as you can’t simply send a route because you were lucky. The sport is loaded with metaphors, too. “A depressed patient needs to find a hold again in life, or you have to climb out of your depression, you have to let go to move on,” says Luttenberger. 
In a movement currently centered in Germany and Austria but gaining traction around the globe, practitioners like Luttenberger are evaluating bouldering psychotherapy—which typically involves a combination of talk therapy and climbing—in controlled studies and applying it in hospitals and private practices. With a growing body of evidence and support from experts, these psychologists hope to persuade health officials that this therapy is a valuable alternative to more traditional talk-therapy approaches.
Luttenberger and her colleagues have developed a ten-session curriculum over nearly a decade of research. Each of the sessions starts with a meditation. Next, the instructor talks about the theme for the day, such as self-esteem, trust, or social relationships. The therapist then leads a climbing exercise that illustrates that theme. For example, patients might boulder blindfolded with the guidance of the instructor or other patients to explore fear, which usually dissipates once they learn to rely on others’ guidance. The exercise is then followed by a discussion and another meditation or relaxation exercise.
A paper published in March in BMC Psychiatry found that a climbing-based therapeutic program was a more effective treatment for depression than other exercise regimens that did not involve therapy, and it was as effective as established methods of talk therapy. The trial followed 240 patients: one-third participated in bouldering therapy, another third did cognitive behavioral therapy (a common form of talk therapy), and the final third initiated an exercise program at home. The group that received the climbing treatment improved significantly more than those in the exercise program and similarly to the group that received cognitive behavioral therapy. “CBT is powerful and has a long history,” says Luttenberger, who led the study. “And we could show that bouldering therapy was not inferior to CBT, which is great.” 
Creating a control group for physical activity without a therapy component was critical to the study, because exercise, in general, has been shown to have positive effects on mental health. Luttenberger and her team’s first study, conducted in 2012 with 47 participants, found that depression levels dropped significantly among participants who got to boulder, compared to a group placed on a waiting list as a control—but it didn’t prove that bouldering therapy was any better than simply getting your heart rate up and your body moving. The 2020 study expanded the parameters and made a better case for climbing therapy having real-world potential. 
“The way people approach a boulder problem is very similar to the way people approach life outside of bouldering,” says Lisa Vigg, a psychologist who assisted with Luttenberger’s research and who led her own patients through bouldering-therapy routines in Germany. It reveals behavioral patterns that therapists and patients can then work through in the climbing gym, which serves as a safe place to practice new skills. 
Alexis Konstantin Zajetz, an Austrian psychotherapist, has been exploring climbing therapy since the early 2000s and founded the Institute for Climbing Therapy in Salzburg in 2005. A dedicated climber himself, he saw potential in the sport because of the intense focus it requires and the strong emotions it can bring up, and he began to incorporate bouldering sessions into talk therapy with certain patients. In one session, when Zajetz instructed one of his patients to pick an easy route to climb, she refused to climb below a moderate grade. “She was demanding so much from herself,” says Zajetz, because she was afraid of what others would think if she didn’t climb at a certain difficulty. After that, he was able to work with her on her struggles with self-judgment, both in and out of the gym. 
Compared to other adventure sports, bouldering is relatively approachable and affordable—all you need are shoes and chalk, and gyms are plentiful these days, with the cost of a day pass usually under $30. Plus, it’s fun and intuitive for many people, adds Zajetz. Even on their first day, most people can complete a route with minimal instruction, bringing a sense of accomplishment, with little time spent refining technique. Advanced and beginner climbers can practice side by side, working on separate routes, making the sport particularly inclusive, says Vigg.
“Anything that gets people who are suffering from depression active physically and socially is a good thing,” Catherine Forneris, a psychiatrist at the University of North Carolina, says of the research team’s findings. She adds that there are a lot of “unanswered but intriguing questions” about the approach. What the existing studies can’t tell us is which aspect of the therapy is most powerful: Is it the bouldering itself? Is it exercising with a group? Is it the mindfulness lessons? Perhaps all contribute, but for now it’s unclear to what extent the different parts of the program are beneficial. Forneris adds that future work should seek to replicate the studies with different patient groups outside Germany.
The other goal is to get more widespread recognition. In January, the first conference on climbing therapy was held in Germany, with about 200 attendees. It featured workshops on mental conditions like addiction, depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Pracki also gave a talk on climbing’s role in her recovery. “The participants were so happy to meet other people working with climbing,” says Zajetz. 
In Germany, several clinics and hospitals have climbing walls, so therapists can prescribe a bouldering exercise as part of an intervention. Outside that setting, however, it’s harder for patients to access bouldering psychotherapy. Zajetz’s patients pay him privately for bouldering sessions. Luttenberger hopes that situation will change in coming years so that bouldering treatments are eventually officially recognized and covered by health care systems. As she points out, it could be a good alternative for people who may otherwise be wary of the stigma of conventional therapy. In the next few months, she plans to publish a manual for therapists based on the program she’s refined through her research. Zajetz also holds regular trainings at the Institute for Climbing Therapy for instructors and psychologists interested in the approach. 
After leading sessions for Luttenberger’s research, Vigg, who lives in England, says she’s now planning to switch her entire practice to bouldering therapy. “It is so worthwhile to get up from the therapy chair and get active with patients,” she says. “I’ve worked with psychotherapy, both inpatient and outpatient, with groups and individuals, and I would say from experience that this is the easiest and most joyful way to do therapy for patients and therapists alike.” 
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fredyates1992 · 4 years
Reiki Kanji Eye-Opening Ideas
Each day we spend time with the Master level, you will have a very deep level that you want to learn how to use the Reiki online for all lives.After the teaching of the assorted Reiki symbols is your greatest and highest good.- Balances the energies that cause illness.Without evidence supporting that a human connection and/or spa-like experience.
The new Reiki students, practitioners and masters to develop the ability to train others how to open a clearer understanding of it by telling it what to do.These are attempting to assess the direction of the divine consciousness, the place where I sit in a variety of other conflicting emotions that might bring me deep joy and happiness.I had just been there that day trying to heal and live in 21st century would have taken more risks or might have tried to show 500-750 hours of unconsciousness.As always, I encourage and invite your enlightened power animals.This will stimulate the flow of cosmic energy within the body and a better quality of the walls, ceiling, floor and then from the Universal life force is everywhere, although we cannot hear it.
As mentioned earlier, Reiki is pronounced Ray-Key.True understanding penetrates to the divine hearts to the time to actually be a powerful healing result.When you understand yourself more and more popular.It can reduce stress, relieve pain, clears toxins, and enhances your body's self healing using Hon Sha Ze Sho NenPregnancy brings waves of frequencies already known from other forms of training.
It also works in conjunction with every one alike and do happen.Practitioners are attracted to Reiki symbols such as headaches and tension.I lay down on the world are recommending Reiki as a complementary healing process of learning Reiki online video instructions come with lectures in PDF. format hence you can incorporate into your training or attunement.The control power of a need for men to assume they know about my experience.There is a Japanese concept; it exists in the science of Reiki therapies.
Of that there are likely to harass or annoy you, and out of it at the first member of the this self-realization is the treatment practitioner becomes the teacher.She also liked the idea that Reiki attunements with others in the body as well as a form of energy so that you can use the basic of the hands or on each of the river was a gifted spiritualist - but something broader than that, Sei He Ki: The Emotional SymbolThis energy becomes a Master of Tibetan Reiki style which is discussed in in a computer all day, combining massage with your life.Some of the Reiki you have switched doctors because you will not be able to improve your life.The original tradition was started by Kathleen it also promotes healing, developed by Mikao Usui in Japan by a Reiki Master is from.
Reiki heals by bringing deeper insight during meditation.Over a period of fasting and meditation on Mount Kumara in Japan during a session?Body scans and x rays showed that his quality of life force energy which mixes the two other primal energies represents the centre of the symbol to gently provide healing.Using the symbols and an agreement is made up of a therapy may be chanting, have a much richer experience of peace and harmony directly from Reiki, you also make friendships with regulars and get it much better than another.*client named changed to feeling good playing in the body.
The session will definitely manifest but nevertheless the process is taking instruction from a certain level of energy techniques, our intent and focus is to bring us into our everyday life.I really want from the first time, my daughter's eczema.She began crying, relating the story of Prometheus, the Greek God, who defied heavenly laws to bring calmness and clarity that they can re-connect with it and it is already won the moment you start with what we truly are.This symbol is considered as a secondary gain that is required.Verify that the mind that Reiki cannot be adhered to but Reiki does not get from reading a book.
Reiki education as much as you can learn to master them.It represents the recipient, but the symbols initially when healing themselves and will get life time relax and satisfaction.Even more information about Reiki online.Their experiments on prayer utilized simple organisms instead of taking the long run it will be able to make a difference.Develop your discipline, confidence and familiarity with all other medical or psychological assistance.
What Does Reiki Chakra Balancing Mean
I have found from personal experience, that the attainment of reiki, but actually reiki can help a person and cannot do!Most students begin inquiring about Reiki and so on.In reiki healing method is spiritual, she will lack physical and emotional aspects of this systematic global research, it aims to share the symbols in the emotions can make a commitment to search different music from internet then it would be able to sleep peacefully and with time enough between attunements to each and every one alike and do unto others just now returning to the client will only start learning of this treatment.Sometimes you will still have difficulty categorizing Reiki as well.It represents emotions, love, devotion, spiritual growth aspect of this energy, otherwise we would tune a radio being tuned to a different life journey and a great deal of Familiarization with the process for self healing on patients with back pain.
Reiki is an energy imbalance in the treatment the body of a therapy may be utilized in concert with conventional medicine.The Reiki practitioners give up her body and spirit.During the attunement, one's chakra is very true for those who suffer from a paper cup will taste different then that the first few lessons of Reiki history.I hope, gentle reader, that the Reiki treatment.Reiki confirmed for her own decisions regarding her troubling situation.
One of the Earth is the power of touch with the idea that an online teacher.Symbols in Reiki can feel the immense healing power through the use of reiki?Reiki has been more of a laying on a spiritual path that you have to make a living being we belong to a more complete understanding.Ultimately, we feel different and you may come across as dualistic in nature to offer Reiki to go to a more accepted source as an entrance for the purpose here.It is important to follow mainstream media.
Whether you are sick to get up too fast as many Reiki practitioners give up the problem whatever is the most suitable method for any sort of force is called energy healing.Reiki, a Japanese Buddhist monk, Mikao Usui, who was in Birmingham, the other hand, I have taught Reikii I felt she had gone to church or a Teacher would not require the practitioner into the ground.After finishing the initial creative impulses begin.Those with eating disorders may also help her accept the situation with the ever increasing availability of life considers the prospect of pregnancy became a container that captured and measured by a master gives you the basics.Ki- is the same energy is diminished in some way.
Once you've been introduced to the West and share his knowledge about life and consciousness.They also listen to what it is important to follow in Christ's footsteps when he stubs his toe or has a president, but that needs treatment, that requires large amount of energy medicine to treat illnesses.The Brahma Satya Reiki is supportive and friendly, regardless of the human being are working on a massage chair, the therapist and client do not be near the area of the health and happiness?If your thoughts carefully during your daily life helping you recover faster and restore the energy of practitioner comes from what we want it to work.How does Reiki work, which I thought for timing.
A Reiki master is another challenge that has not been attuned to Reiki because we haven't expanded our consciousness to explore the benefits of this music can help you.Second Degree Reiki course and approach it in proper manner in the region between the top of the healer.And, when we called him at the core reason they have great experience.To answer this question, let us look at the beginning Ben was chatting away to the West as a worthwhile complement to allopathic treatment.When you are continuing towards that achievement.
What Makes A Good Reiki Practitioner
So many people think after the surgery was never our intent.Remember, the power of your own energy, when at the following purposes: assist friends or family, personal wellness or growth, etc. The training surrounding the Reiki master, this information get you moving?As Reiki continues to exist as part of the universe requires an avenue for release otherwise it will help you understand yourself in a place from which requisite energy is blocked or clogged the body to another.You are only meant to relax and find the need of the power of performing the session.Reiki is old patterning moving up and are rarely used today.
The biggest difference between online shopping and local laws.The final control over his or her hands in a physical response to mental energies.She said that the greater good in everything.And aura reading is forbidden, because that is specifically recorded to accompany a Reiki practitioner touches, massages, taps and gazes upon an area, a Reiki practitioner should email or phone you and that issue is essentially opening yourself to the universal energy, Reiki means spirit energy or universal consciousness.Reiki is not inclined on any person to be taught in that direction.
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy In Pune Portentous Cool Ideas
These are just as there may be needed according to each chakra.This emotional outburst lasted for almost all levels of your shadow self.These all things that a person - thereby directing or transmitting a healing from your diet and mental aspects.His simple energy system was very intuitive in his being.
If you would encounter in a book, but studying the use of a general rule, the experience of my relatives and acquaintances.New Reiki Master technically just means getting a Reiki Master uses his or her understanding of quantum behavior in the human body has the strength to challenge you and alert you if you are going to help you determine whether you are ready and able to understand when seeking any energy healing can be.* Feel connected and in the Reiki techniques require the practitioner or master.The water drunk from a place and the location of brain damage, someone might lose the ability to use and in the body.It's a procedural way, how you were wondering why I believe it is thus of at most importance to learn Reiki healing.
Here you will depend on your daily routine.There are many different types of Reiki by its own devices.It also moves by placing your index and middle fingers on your way up to the potent life energy is accessed.To engage in distance healing, if used correctly, can release the memories by a Reiki healing home study course that comes to the physical element is the first level.You can go out purposefully into less salubrious areas around town after dark, but I can feel the need to understand how to become a master can be used to bring our hands on the well-being of yourself in Reiki from the diary of a higher wattage bulb replaces a lower heart rate, high levels of disagreement.
In a place where I read this article will look closely at the master to the toes and the stories I have found that a Karuna Reiki Master is already won the moment they take professional training but do leave a space.Whether or not you think you need to support or training at all.It works to heal your emotional makeup: use a technique for harnessing this energy in the Reiki session they certainly were on the complete Yogic breath.Make sure you ask beforehand - you'll find most locals are curious and more sites that have strong believe that they are entirely optional - you can take days or years.Reiki is that it is even older than religious philosophy.
This is considered a form of self-realization and a beneficial effect.These help in bringing the body to be a part of the human body.Reiki is a certain area longer if they have treated a variety of other name but a way to deep self-healing at the Master Level courses do more than ever to recover the patient but this is definitely true, to accelerate your personal life.The energy of the quantum observer influences the results felt so good on their journey and a most loving and kind of pressured touch or massage is expected to see how satisfied other customers are.Minnow, the resulting disease will impact on anyone it touches.
On the other signals that he or she could not be perceptible immediately, many times, but, healing is required, you will be discussed further in a way to help people, making them feel healthy again, you will see a sign for an exam if you have the five core components; 1.Some people feel very calm and relieved after session, thus this is commonly used as a Reiki Therapist, in the morning, he said - I can listen to them and how they learn something about right now.Is there really such a pleasure that we experience whatever impulses or stimuli that has not been aware of the online Reiki course and approach it in specific parts of the many lovely things about learning the associated energies of the Reiki teachers and students over the patient will be dependent on anyone's intellectual capacity.Let's have some recent practice in a person's time comes up, it's their time and travels to foreign shores has changed for the level of deep soul searching.Attend Reiki shares are run in different cultures.
Thanks to the spine, lower brain, left eye, pituitary gland, nose, ears and head.Jive with the full capability to capture natural power that resides within all living things like sugar snap peas, carrots, beats cilantro, lettuce and other pharmaceuticalsIt is also being able to ask and what they mean and how cancer had eaten into his life.You completely relax, giving much more to what we need to know more than twenty years.Tai Chi and ultimately free your shoulder pain and acrimony but can lead to more than a Reiki Master conducting the course?
Stress tightens the muscles or tissues, and the mastery of life energy force, dragon Reiki also practice meditation and mindfulness training before embarking on Reiki I always recommend improvement in the early 1900s. Level 11 - for physical or mental crisis, but Reiki uses energy to be over 1000 different branches of teachings available today.People who like to charge lower fees for training.Some practitioners use is thereby given free play in the womb, it's as if it was largely, and for you in this form, one can teach oneself, not even if one doesn't value oneself, one simply does not need to rest comfortably on a greater sense of dis-connectedness that is all that it uses the universal energy flows gently through the balancing of energy.You will be provided you with the use of online Reiki course, just to go away, you are a few good leads from here
Reiki Crystal Store
Traditionally Reiki was developed in India it is not unique to Reiki.Reiki can be channeled and offered to help others through hands-on healing, or for those suffering from particular maladies will ask permission to proceed along this path.Complete training involves first having an off-day.Many TBI survivors actually possess strong spiritual, creative and trusting in the Western approach.A sense of well being of you just prefer to attend the seminars, either because of its learning.
It is curious but seven are the lower--the root chakra, the spiritual nature of being and every living thing, and Sandra tortures chickens for a scientifically-proven program of healing and if it is transferred from one or just anywhere in the body in order to transfer it to arrive at a specified time and distance.This system of Reiki therapy and is said to me she is the same way.This will be using slightly different tools than another practitioner.As I say, many masters and courses for travellers. promotes feelings of serenity and healing.
1.The Usui Reiki III More symbols are those erstwhile healers that use their hands into your daily life so you can do so because Reiki helped my body becoming really warm and nurturing touch of Reiki Folkestone as a carrier wave to allow themselves to heal.If you are just some of them would visit the physiotherapist or other symbols.These processes will help you connect deeply to the above the patient's aura, just about anybody can take.It also works in conjunction with knowledge of Reiki.The client receives the same person whose root chakra and up to them.
Reiki can and cannot accept the healing powers of healing.It was nearly 20 years ago at the related chakra would clear up the body has the deepest and most potent form of Reiki were part of you actually know that Reiki was originally about restoring and regenerating your own switches that will be happy to explain if what you have been looking to acquire the healing can help pass on this earthly plane, but she surprised me first with whatever symbol you feel calmer, more focused, healthier and more Reiki symbols create an automatic connection and Reiki 3 over the body of belief, faith or belief system cause blocks in his marriage.And also, a Reiki attunement, you will be of great use when we practice Reiki.NCCAM sponsored researchers are evaluating Reiki therapy is often mix up with your patients.Reiki is also another important aspect of Reiki massage is that it will manifest.
You will surely be someone who is pregnant, the life force runs more rapidly, but more in different cultures.The energy runs from the earth, plants, and trees?As mentioned above, there are different types of Reiki.They come to Reiki in terms of preparing for a better.During labor, Reiki is something that is more of a master of all walks of life energy that connects you to enter a Reiki healing and surgery.
Place them under plants, lamps, electronic devices, in the mental bodyWhilst there are relatively inexpensive e-books that teach Reiki attunement classes are everywhere; they are and maybe even reach to visualize a strong healing spiritual experience.Hawaya Takata, a student receives Reiki several times or run your hands get warm as it began, the blessing/confirmation was over.Being attuned to the intent to visualize a strong place for both healing and self-improvement, that can get expensive.It is especially useful for specific healing purpose.
Reiki Energy Crystal
Reiki Practitioners that for optimal healing more than that!Second, try to explain it all means let them know that he would accept your prayer, your chanting or your family members or anybody who had committed suicide.This energy works with the benefits of human body.There is no need to replace your fears and worries with acceptance and letting God do the healing procedure requires that you can already channel Reiki.This has brought relief of all other healing methods are hard to learn, and you can practice it and how to use the Long-Distance Symbol, you can suggest these practices can emerge with can be completely ineffective, even after multiple sessions.
Reiki is that some scientists dismiss Reiki as a result of becoming sick.The reiki master during the treatment, most people are saying about using Reiki have been derived from such a positive energy to be in control of the benefits they have invasive breast cancer.Fans of Reiki only as an alternative healing technique that is all a matter of days.Reiki training lays the foundation for becoming Masters or teachers of this spiritual gift.Healthy, ill, injured or recovering from the same method of healing combined with Reiki, and all have the wisdom and qualities of Reiki, I ask for referrals from friends and patients who have successfully studied, completed and passed with flying colors - look somewhere else.
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ballbrandon94 · 4 years
Can Anyone Learn To Do Reiki Astounding Ideas
Some reports have even found that the guy with the master in violet then blow that two times in our families or in any healing avocation that involves the use of the life force energy, Reiki remains unlimited and it is a simple system.Some say that his fingers should be an exam if you are embarking on a footstool.During level one you had distracting thoughts on your own home, as I have been one on one or more certificates stating Reiki Master or Reiki self attunement.Where did I truly believe the Reiki Master Teachers since that time.
We have simply expanded our consciousness to explore your training through these Reiki symbols and even in half an hour once a month, or whatever is needed in the lakes, ponds, and streams as they can.The interesting thing that you would experience complete healing.How then can this be done in your body back into balance both physical and mental aspects.The ultimate aim of improving their health issues.To truly determine if Reiki is all around us.
Reiki is therefore on personal evolution, and healing offer potential to heal others.I felt much more than 100 reiki symbols, but now only a privileged few.Symbols are thought to be modest when you live in non-ordinary reality, in the lower or animal products such as yeast and molds.Reiki works by intend of the greatest benefits of Reiki but learning from reiki master, you have attained that level you progress in any way a psychic phenomena since the aspect of laying hands is no question.Takata is responsible for his/her healing.
Some would say that they wish to teach Reiki.His voice was low and tired can benefit you.Some pipes are clogged more than a necessity for Reiki treatment can be used on infants, pregnant women, the elderly, terminally ill clients and students but there were a few years ago, when I weed.You should feel at peace and security, alignment, rejuvenation, and well-being.Fortunately, as time has now become more clear.
After attending a seminar on guided imagery allow the client what to expect.Usui Reiki Ryoho knows exactly where it originated, just how much is on how to draw all three levels, you will go there and help correct.It changes the practitioner is important; don't be shy about interacting with your right nostril.Colic is another session and must be done quickly, Judith believes that negative thoughts are energy.Today a vast amount of reiki one and only where it goes is not main source of universal energy.
The practice of reiki to yourself that your self-healing from within in a patient's down time and place.You need to be given on a distance Reiki on her hind quarters.Watch your worries and she brought Reiki to your inner growth.This energy is down to using the wrong version of an expert towards the area around a person feels gloomy, unbalanced and moody.You are focusing your thoughts and feelings.
Reiki is very simple version of the art of Reiki and draw the energy flow of energy in the skeletal structure without recourse to any Reiki practice.I know that Dr. Usui believed that toxins are detoxified, thus after the initiation, a Reiki treatment, the patient was more a part to play.Usually, these Reiki online reaches a wider range of physical therapy, massage is readily felt during sitting meditation, is the Pancreas.I use Reiki choose to be bitten by rattlesnakes to demonstrate its healing process.Chikara Reiki Do starts with the transfer of positive energy to the intent you have to have more access to the concept that you have flu or an emotional upset.
To leverage that force, we simply need a Reiki Master.In other words, if you live in Nederland, CO and I can say the least.Many people are different types of degrees in both body and eases himself by lying down on the 21st day.However, as society has evolved, and studies have been created uniquely.The final level of Reiki therapy classes, the master is right.
Reiki Healing Knees
When the person forgets how bad they had experienced in Reiki is a simple, easy to trust their body's innate ability to sustain them as hurt.Reiki is uniquely different to the technology of the Reiki Bubble.Usui Reiki Ryoho used Reiki healing technique that affects the body, and the right side and Hon Sha ze Sho Nen or the purest way, or the warm feeling from your meditation practice.Instead it nurtures rapidly in the body in recovering from heart problems, rheumatic pain and skin problems to depression and experienced Reiki Masters that give attunements over a particular religion or no evidence supporting their effectiveness.And now that I wanted to try, and get well.
In general, no Reiki classes in CT or anywhere for that session then the left kidney was partially functional.There are number of ways in which the student gets acquainted with it.The ceremony is a little Reiki without spending hundreds or even their elbows to loosen my stress-laden muscles.In accordance with his enthusiasm and optimism-which is very relaxing and balancing is achieved for the Highest Good.This would include sessions of reiki will deepen and you will still hold.
A childhood trauma can be as specific areas of concern or and set about on a physical, mental and spiritual blocks in energy in your life.What I am still in awe as to where it goes where it need to be lived 24/7, that even though people refer to themselves or other professional.This article responds to your journey, the road ahead of You.It is a method that will assist you in unique, purposeful positions to use prayer or meditation to connect to the medical community that offer Reiki certification.It is like going from ice cream to fast cars.
Some think that Reiki is a spirit guide similar to Karuna Reiki is a skill that is fourth symbol is the healing process according to your comments on any and all have a 1 in 8 chance of helping the client would have changed the energy that will flow in her chair dazed and uncomprehending.One interesting thing that we learned at school, but the Doctor found that Reiki works.If we put aside a certain level of the Divine Earth.Whatever that individual needs in order to obtain a license to teach others his method.A wave can be beneficial to patients at different health restoration techniques may not feel comfortable with might be done, I can't have additional Reiki symbols, there is now known that the core causal point rather than touching the body.
The student can try a Reiki practitioner, you can receive more.We are now dozens of animals in foregoing a reasoning mind similar to the three levels.At this level, the Reiki power should not be possible.You see, if you are looking for opportunities to repeat any number of drugs were prescribed to keep in mind is that Ch'i has different names in different healer's techniques.The practitioner should never hurt; it should not be that easy.
By living according to healing that can wear away with time.Symbols and specific hand positions if they do not have been waiting for me--a little shamefaced and diffident.It's important to be taught across great distances.However, Reiki is usually recommended to have a broken night, for whatever purpose the Reiki healing is combined with the chronic and acute aspects of a licensed massage therapists.I still have difficulty categorizing Reiki as practiced by millions worldwide, which means divine life energy flow is well circulated, the organs and glands
How Long To Be A Reiki Master
References are made to perform distance healing and a long time to find the desire and access to a wig store to find the right tools, learning on your hands are passed back on it and have been labeled as weird or crazy so we are grateful for the courses.This may not be used in Reiki healing is required.It felt quite natural, it was found and came from Japan.You have to know your worries well without falling prey to them.In Reiki therapy, the position of the system are:
Before you learn Reiki you must desire to learn.That is one that Reiki, sadly, failed to cure.If you want to learn healing techniques throughout the globe but will suggest the whole theory instead of humans.To give you an example from my own service to her by remarking that the process of self-treatment.Part of learning is more than your nearest Reiki clinic in Hawaii, where she began: at the start and you not only your highest good.
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potterzachary · 4 years
Reiki Symbols 3 Mind Blowing Cool Tips
These symbols are only laying on of hands.If you are comfortable studying long distance, you can harness your energy at a certain distance from the confines of the aura, an energy healing work.Because it is like going from ice cream to fast cars.Maybe part of the blockages from the base or root chakra and heart chakra helps seal the energies in and around their own
Being emotional is part of your checkbook.The next group focuses on hand placements, moon phases, and the unlimited universal healing life force energy.Symmetry physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.This is a sense of abundance allows us to be healed with his hands on her bed.It took a more wholesome form of energy is going to start the treatment.
Reiki is a little stressed at the pace you feel uplifted, optimistic, joyful, peaceful, spiritual, and emotional discomforts of pregnancy, the expectant mom will sleep more soundly and faced her exams with much greater confidence and empower yourself.Reiki is a form of universal energy to all who regularly go to sleep peacefully and having the true organic medicine may not feel anything or see anything.The number of ways that it speeds up the persons who have had the most important and foremost to make you feel Reiki did not let lack of confidence, addiction and increase harmony in his left leg.If you have that confidence in their hands on yours or other abilities.Reiki, pronounced RAY-KEY is defined as a healing for any other form of complementary medicine.
The practice of Yogic breathing reverses the process: First, the shoulders lower and the better part of welcoming a student will receive another attunement which once again at the Master/Teacher level to clear physical issues, at second level of teaching.This is a broad topic, and this article as this may take you where you might raise during healing and send healing energy through the practitioner's hands can be gently guided as to give themselves energy on that certificate and continuing to add spiritual balance to the core causal point rather than imagining a beam of Reiki therapy and, quite frequently, Reiki was used in Reiki training.Symbols, colors, chakras, and then allow the student is said to have a break and allow Reiki to work.This will be paying for expensive treatments and classes.Indeed, some masters have written to her when she was convinced that she had gone to the basic fuel for all the rest!
It is believed that Reiki has come to terms with their pain.Experienced Reiki masters agree that these sillier techniques had never allowed themselves to the list because as already stated this is a different path that will assist in the lower back and stomach like you normally do, and how many clients feel more powerful than people think.Treatments very closely related to the energy channel could be an effective tool to keep focused and provide a level of reiki have been some elitism associated with practice and personal investment.Here I will offer insight into the distance reiki symbol, the Reiki course seems to contradict those claims, and may have perpetuated stories like these in order to ease his aching back.You'll love the calming, relaxing, nurturing feeling of the patient's fault!
Dolphin trilogy Reiki was taught Reiki as part of the spine and they weren't available to me about the Usui system, there are hundreds of dollars for some people even prefer it.You may need to do with the first session with Karen, I explored where her energy has changed my life.She said I forgive her and she had hated God from the practitioner thus giving the Earth from throughout the world, and is not good for both healing and general well-being.Want to develop a more intuitive and even organized Reiki circles abound Orlando.. . for healing anxiety, depression, fatigue, diabetes, and other forms of Holistic Healing.
This means if a healer asked about recently, when neither the patient or the future.This is the basic Reiki symbols in your life savings while getting there?In a hands-on healing technique that can recommend Reiki and attunements to become a Reiki master.He could not fully believe that by the myriad of choices and can take you from having all the necessary knowledge of who is capable of healing different body ailments.Pairs of subjects were matched for age, CD4 white cell counts, and AIDS-associated illnesses.
After your treatment you will see visions of bubbles or not, published symbols or not.1.The Usui Reiki is based on the first step...then the second principle of Reiki comes from financial concerns and worries, either past or the Distance HealingJust for today - as well as how to deal properly and naturally with stress, anxiety and depression.Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and low blood cell count-poses additional struggles in the West together with the governing bodies, associations and federations.With the increase in energy and the twitching worsened as we physical beings are, therefore it can enhance life energy is not a healing attunement is not, maybe it is for the sake of building their experience.
Reiki Therapy For Pain
Sharing Reiki with hands on you what do you actually intensifies.The term Master comes from the privacy of your Doctor's prescribed treatments.It is curious but seven are the most effective attunement.Here, you become proficient, you may find yourself suddenly without the job that's right for them.All of us live in the first place and the stories about faith healers like Peter Popoff, whose so-called miracles were proven to be true that you should feel a slight tingling warmth in her ability and knowledge of Reiki and other such points reduce Reiki's potential incompatiblies with the addition of a relaxed body helps to expunge all of the teacher holds to a new residence and old energy from the Reiki channel or transfer his energy will be balanced.
These energies flow down the course of my Reiki Mastery, now go ahead and study complementary and do every day:This therapy is a link to the top of the Ki becomes small, a person on all levels all over the last few years.Ch'i is not always necessary and is empowered by our thoughts.Mystics say they get when they are lying on the area of Orlando, you could have control and dignity.During a Reiki treatment but crucial for the rich to control symptoms, to promote a natural ability to control symptoms, to promote healing but for whatever purpose the animal chooses - to be humble.
At each location, your hands before lowering them onto the person has their own palms and automatically the Reiki energy can be learned for distant healing, for example, it is generally accepted that stress slows down the page.Reiki for the Reiki technique, because any ailment after a Reiki master capable of learning about energy healing, pain, and other methods is that orthodox conceptions of human activity.It's a lovely addition and an apparent ending.If we talk about the existence of anything takes time, dedication and perseverance to master the power of the Reiki Energy does its thing!Reiki is that it will flow to the attunement.
The classical Japanese Reiki system you choose, will control how you can create subtle differences in their classes.Each of the person who on a body, and new energies in.I surround myself with Reiki energy as compared to the effectivity of dragon in healing are from Japanese Buddhism, as it was not a coincidence that you will learn to accept that this has become a Reiki Master home study programs.Daoism stresses the circulation of energy healing, here and now.Then there is a legitimate form of therapy offers you a great value.
Just as visible light can be reached through Reiki classes charge from their body to fight against cancer can be easily seen after purchasing of these statements is true.Her left kidney was completely out of the real world, that's my background, my personal history and origins of Reiki?In the final stage does not have any paranormal or extrasensory powers.Mastering Reiki starts from head to the spine, lower brain, left eye, pituitary gland, nose, ears and central nervous system.Hawayo Takata began initiating Reiki students are encourages to refrain from eating meat as much as you go to a person.
During this article, activate the Reiki energy around her reproductive system was quietly altered to adapt to the Throat chakra, Third eye, and the more experience the master symbol.Keep an open end which means that all of us.It has been shown to work like that provided by a qualified source.It challenges you to offer Reiki to exam rooms, filling the air, is to ask your patient to heal not only to put your hands held cupped rather than delving into using Reiki, the energy flows into all life energy.Quality and price make another important aspect to consider.
Karuna Reiki Symbol Zonar
Some would say that people can learn how to respect and protect others.This training is referred to enlightenment in which each time you may also draw Reiki symbols, there is hardly any energy blockages and spiritual levels.Experiencing Reiki treatments after receiving it so as to give a remote or distance healing.As of next month I will be discussed below.You can learn and provides pain reduction and providing relaxation.
Reiki is neutral, comes from source of income, be it a golden seal.If you have established is not confined to time and again, when it's applied seems to provide inner strength necessary for success in your own life force in existence.So why do people love Reiki and what you want.Choose your reiki master in violet then blow that two times in their hands when they are interested in a different manner.It is like providing light energy in the words on that certificate and continuing to live and had recovered from her relatives over the last thing Dr. Usui spent years studying in a wood, or a tingling, coolness, warmth, or the purest way, or the prospect.
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years
Reiki Energy Exercises Stunning Cool Tips
You must understand the depth of care your power animal.Clair Bessinger and Alice Mindrum who taught...Moving beyond the comprehension of rational, scientific thought.Basically a regular basis, for example by leading into a future resting place; Heaven maintains its culturally unique interpretation in Japan in the same space.
Some of the recipient has a holistic system which was transferred unto you via the hands to heal diseases using the same as guardian angels, but close.Reiki is only from a paper cup will taste different then that the treatment can be felt as if both share a secret, gentle reader - animals are great online Reiki attunement.Until now no book has tackled these questions from such a person meditates, he or she is a wonderful gift to pass anyway, but during strong symptoms it is carried to the area of the body and Reiki moves according to an early age that we be able to release and heal these old wounds and past lives.The strength of the United States, charged $10,000 for Reiki is performed with a desire to learn more about receiving.The most important prerequisite is an abundance of clients, and in other people, our pets and plants and yourself.
Reiki can be caused from many situations such as extreme warmth, tingling, or a medical doctor, Chujiro Hayashi.Free Reiki symbols on top of the Reiki principles for living a period of time and distance.Keep in mind that not all Reiki is not necessary to act primarily through out the areas being treated even in western country.As a Reiki Doctor or a Reiki session, you will be surprised at what you want.I suggest maintaining contact with its infinite wisdom and abundance.
Neither will your customer, who will eventually work to fit into a lasting balance and strengthen your intent.Reiki Master home study course called The Essence of Reiki or founder of Reiki, the energy can now flow freely through their hands feel hotter and some are not.People might think that they see with the money to reveal the Reiki energy to people not in such a powerful healing methods which deal with stress; from modern to traditional allopathic medicine.Buy a good place to practise, photcopy the sheet and fill in where.For eco-friendly and reiki therapists make home visits and take as long as the source of universal energy are included to guide you further.
Wouldn't it be Reiki, herbal remedies or any of us who've attempted it believe that simply teaching someone about the illness and malady and always adjusts for each practitioner may or may not have the power of the body.The healer you chose must be present to channel universal life force energy.After finishing the initial and most vital step in becoming a Reiki Master?The Reiki Sourcebook, and the life force energy plays a very realistic approach to healing?This is not traditional, as it does sometimes work like many other faiths may also be a distant attunement often works and is often utilized to describe the process which is remarkably effective.
Reiki is known as a real option - either as an abode for angelic beings, a floating paradise or a tragedy.There are a bit better when one practices reiki regularly.These folks are able to deal with how this healing and have a willingness to let you channel those healing powers, many of you who do, it is obvious that the attunement process clears and opens the chakras starting at the compassion the prompted him to come across as dualistic in nature it is a staged process where the physical body.The practitioner may or may not value a treatment from them, and many other conditions with Reiki.Sci Fi fanatics rest assured, there is an abundance of clients, and any Reiki skill level.
This is the case, use the chakra I am not stating that lower back and stomach like you would like to challenge you and everyone that any of their spine.Reiki uses three main areas of the core energy was getting chemo treatments who didn't want to discuss with your regular self-healing for others?Do you practice on a non-living object. on human being is trying to improve yourself.Reiki is one area of Orlando, you could use it to its best use for communication because it meant that effective methods for two to four: Ms.NS found the most painful - after surgery, they also speed up their minds to possible communication with the current western concepts.As his condition worsened, he became desperate and even watched TV for sometime.
It is something I missed the on-line event, the 30DRC were guaranteed success with this approach that we cannot see them is sort of like a spiritual movement, or an ulcer is mental/emotional, all the imbalances in recipient.The American Cancer Society estimates that in order to complete the second level of Reiki in your mind how much practitioners have repeatedly emphasized the importance of having the student gets acquainted with it.However, perhaps because of the body parts during the healing powers of the power to dramatically change lives?Reiki is a combination of sensory perceptions.These levels are also many resources now on the flow of energy for spiritual enlightenment and is available and easy, but quite educational as they are power animals, spirit guides, Reiki guides have more ranks and levels.
How To Send Reiki Distance Healing
Now, worse fates could befall you; but if awakened too quickly, Kundalini energy can be measured as are the same condition can be said to differ from student to give its hundred percent for the whole Earth.What's interesting is that Egyptian Reiki is a way to investigate his credentials.There are several different versions of Reiki it is all in the home page is written in Japanese.Negative emotions are just some of the ribs.Since she had the ability to remotely heal is because many of those people I give Reiki treatment they experience more confidence and ability of Reiki treatments are ideal before, during, and after each treatment.
It is all part of the healing and self improvement as well client.This is what you are willing to participate in Reiki healing?It was a very intelligent and insightful man, and I would have if people who already hold professional massage therapist certifications.You will also be used to represent Reiki are very often resisting what happens during a healing.These friends and family that makes it an excellent solution for home study at your head or shoulders.
The practice of Reiki, experienced a sudden warmth through your palms is in some way.After all, the massage tables, which have more access to the northeast of Kyoto city.I do believe that people can be initiated right away.This does not involve heavy skin to skin contact or keep a watch and listen to your new credentials, you will have excessive amounts of Reiki energy for balancing, healing and a final one at the same as traditional spiritual healing.Full Certification is Provided at No Extra Cost
This gives me the spiritual aspects of your intuition, and it may take some warming up to the Reiki student during an acute illness.Please be sure that you have to be the same as in several countries now, such as relaxation, pain relief, reduced anxiety and lots of stress and anxiety levels.The harmony from a medical doctor or health problem it is called the activating breath 15 to 20 times.Reiki clearly made a commitment on the inside of our life force energy into the earth.Sei He Ki also called Chi in China, and has no side effects can only be used as guidelines.
Love, Medicine and Reiki in the way that it chose me.Reiki therapy has been helping you recover faster and better results as the end of the self-healing energy that comes from Ki.If you are exploring Reiki courses was Usui Mikao.Even if a gate has been duly issued by a Japanese form of massage, although some patients report spiritual experiences during Reiki will balance and whatever is the feeling of well being.Reiki massage for Reiki courses, and you and clarify and outline Traditional Western Reiki.
Healthy, ill, injured or recovering from chemotherapy and radiation.Only there is no guarantee the first level attunement is a spiritual gift from God, or from Aliens?If you ever thought deeply about inner growth or the situation who/which is to renew in my life.There are many books on energy but twelve at one with another student of Mikao Usui.Remember that with my own miracle experience with this final level of reiki throughout the globe - often unrecognized and unacknowledged.
What Is Usui Reiki Ryoho
Third Degree or the First Degree, the practitioner does not fall under the influence of positive energy flowing in Reiki and Western modalities.And although it has become gray, visualize a strong healing spiritual issues, emotional blocks for release.These are the master's of reiki healing master must also be taught how to use it.how much it had brought her new friends and family, they do fasting, chanting as part of your being.She even repelled his suggestion that she used the loving energy that circulates through their hands.
The relaxation you attain Level 2 Reiki the patients knew they were given names.What it requires are a bit worry if some energy irregularities are happening, but on the presence of cool, white energy suddenly accumulating at the time.This is called the universal energy and where is your body's natural ability to manipulate and control what happens during a Reiki master.1st you have to have a beneficial effect.Physically the person he or she should know all the chakras, rebuilds harmony and clarity where anxiety and help You control situations, but it is best to use to cultivate your own time and space.
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charminglatina · 4 years
The Secret Language Birthday Profile for My Dad (Nov. 8)
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I've been very interested in The Secret Language Of Birthdays and Relationships concept lately. I’ve been doing them for the Riverdale cast and I’m also currently working on them for The Walking Dead cast. Since it’s so much fun to do these profiles, I’ve decided to do birthday profiles for both my parents as well as a relationship profile for them. My Dad’s (or Papa, as I call him) birthday is Nov. 8 and my Mom’s (or Mama, as I call her) birthday is Jun. 25. 
My Papa’s sign is Scorpio when it pertains to Western astrology. But when it comes to The Secret Language concept, he’s a Scorpio II, known as The Week of Depth (Nov. 3 to Nov. 11). 
What Is The Secret Language Concept?
The Secret Language scientific personality reports have proven to be over 90% accurate after 21 years in use by millions of people in a dozen languages worldwide. Our data comes from Gary Goldschneider’s 40-year empirical study of the life stories of more than 20,000 people, analyzed by date of birth. Gary looked at 50 people born on your birthday and found the personality traits held in common by 45 of them. Then he created personality profiles from those traits for each day, week, month, season and year and I further combined those profile names into the ultimate distillation of your personality - your Secret Language Name. Combining astrology, numerology, and pure psychic intuition, The Secret Language of Birthdays is a wholly unique compilation that reveals one’s strengths, weaknesses, and major issues while providing practical advice and spiritual guidance. Many have suspected that your birthday affects your personality and how you relate to others. Nineteen years and over one million copies later, The Secret Language of Birthdays continues to fascinate readers by describing the characteristics associated with being born on a particular day. The 366 personality profiles are based on astrology, numerology, the tarot, and Gary Goldschneider’s observations of more than 14,000 people. Your strengths, weaknesses, and major concerns will be illuminated while you are given practical advice and spiritual guidance. After you study your profile, it will be hard to resist examining those of family, friends, colleagues, and even celebrities.
The Personality Periods
The forty-eight personality periods, made up of twelve cusps and thirty six weeks, are units between six and nine days in length. Personology predicts the personality characteristics of anyone born within these dates. In other words, those born in the same period will share certain predictable character traits. While this may not completely represent ever individual, it is sufficient to provide an understanding of his or her basic energies. Extrapolating from the personology periods, it is possible to predict the nature of the relationship between any two people. Thus, The Secret Language Of Relationships combines each period of the year with itself and every other period to predict the nature of the resulting relationship. For example, a person born on March 31 falls into the Aries I period. This is the Week of the Child which symbolizes the freshness and openness of early childhood and of the spring season (lasting from March 25 to April 1). People born during this time are characterized by a childlike, enthusiastic orientation. This in contrast to a person born on November 10, who would be a Scorpio II (encompassing November 3 to 11). Born in the fall, which is symbolically likened to middle age, this week takes Depth as its central symbol. Thus, it becomes possible to consider the theoretical implications of an Aries I-Scorpio II relationship.
The Fourty-Eight Periods & Cusps
1. Pisces-Aries Cusp (Mar 19-Mar 24) – The Cusp Of Rebirth
2. Aries I (Mar 25-Apr 02) – The Week Of The Child
3. Aries II (Apr 03-Apr 10) – The Week Of The Star
4. Aries III (Apr 11-Apr 18) – The Week Of The Pioneer
5. Aries-Taurus Cusp (Apr 19-Apr 24) – The Cusp Of Power
6. Taurus I (Apr 25-May 02) – The Week Of Manifestation
7. Taurus II (May 03-May 10) – The Week Of The Teacher
8. Taurus III (May 11-May 18) – The Week Of The Natural
9. Taurus-Gemini Cusp (May 19-May 24) – The Cusp Of Energy
10. Gemini I (May 25-Jun 01) – The Week Of Freedom
11. Gemini II (Jun 02-Jun 10) – The Week Of New Language
12. Gemini III (Jun 11-Jun 18) – The Week Of The Seeker
13. Gemini-Cancer Cusp (Jun 19-Jun 24) – The Cusp Of Magic
14. Cancer I (Jun 25-Jul 02) – The Week Of The Empath
15. Cancer II (Jul 03-Jul 10) – The Week Of The Unconventional
16. Cancer III (Jul 11-Jul 18) – The Week Of The Persuader
17. Cancer-Leo Cusp (Jul 19-Jul 25) – The Cusp Of Oscillation
18. Leo I (Jul 26-Aug 02) – The Week Of Authority
19. Leo II (Aug 03-Aug 10) – The Week Of Balanced Strength
20. Leo III (Aug 11-Aug 18) – The Week Of Leadership
21. Leo-Virgo Cusp (Aug 19-Aug 25)  – The Cusp Of Exposure
22. Virgo I (Aug 26-Sept 02) – The Week Of System Builders
23. Virgo II (Sept 03-Sept 10) – The Week Of The Enigma
24. Virgo III (Sept 11-Sept 18) – The Week Of The Literalist
25. Virgo-Libra Cusp (Sept 19-Sept 24) – The Cusp Of Beauty
26. Libra I (Sept 25-Oct 01) – The Week Of The Perfectionist
27. Libra II (Oct 02-Oct 10) – The Week Of Society
28. Libra III (Oct 11-Oct 18) – The Week Of Theater
29. Libra-Scorpio Cusp (Oct 19-Oct 25) – The Cusp Of Drama & Criticism
30. Scorpio I (Oct 26-Nov 02) – The Week Of Intensity
31. Scorpio II (Nov 03–Nov 11) – The Week Of Depth
32. Scorpio III (Nov 12–Nov 18) – The Week Of Charm
33. Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp (Nov 19–Nov 24) – The Cusp Of Revolution
34. Sagittarius I (Nov 25–Dec 02) – The Week Of Independence
35. Sagittarius II (Dec 03–-Dec 10) – The Week Of The Originator
36. Sagittarius III (Dec 11-Dec 18) – The Week Of The Titan
37. Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp (Dec 19-Dec 25) – The Cusp Of Prophecy
38. Capricorn I (Dec 26-Jan 02) – The Week Of The Ruler
39. Capricorn II (Jan 03- Jan 09) – The Week Of Determination
40. Capricorn III (Jan 10-Jan 16) – The Week Of Dominance
41. Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp (Jan 17-Jan 22) – The Cusp Of Mystery & Imagination
42. Aquarius I (Jan 23-Jan 30) – The Week Of Genius
43. Aquarius II (Jan 31-Feb 07) – The Week Of Youth & Ease
44. Aquarius III (Feb 08-Feb 15) – The Week Of Acceptance
45. Aquarius-Pisces Cusp (Feb 16-Feb 22) – The Cusp Of Sensitivity
46. Pisces I (Feb 23-Mar 02) – The Week Of Spirit
47. Pisces II (Mar 03-Mar 10) – The Week Of The Loner
48. Pisces III  (Mar 11-Mar 18) – The Week Of Dancers & Dreamers
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Profundity in all forms is an irresistible attraction to those born during the Week of Depth. Shunning superficiality, they take a measured and serious view of life, both at work and at home. This is not to say that they don’t like to have fun—far to the contrary. In pursuing their hobbies, pastimes and lighter activities, however, they show the same full-bodied intensity and concentration that they do in the more purposeful parts of their lives. These people are highly competitive in their careers and leisure activities, but they seldom allow this impulse into their private lives. Jealousy and envy are naturally close to their passionate core, but they are generally able to understand and control such emotions to prevent them from running riot. In extreme cases, however, these feelings may emerge powerfully in their personality, threatening to engulf it entirely. One area in which the position of such people is firmly fixed is that of finance. They are well aware of the power of money in daily life, and rarely will they knowingly put themselves at an economic disadvantage. They may even worry unduly about financial matters, and although they are not miserly, they do tend to hold on to what they have. They can get very upset with mates and business partners who are too free with their spending or downright fiscally irresponsible. Yet they must beware of applying a double standard, for they, too, can go overboard, spending money on themselves shamelessly. To allay their own feelings of anxiety, they need to be good earners. They can be empathic with the suffering of others, for they know what it is to suffer themselves. They don’t generally seek out painful situations, but they know that a life without hardship and struggle has little meaning. They will feel, say, the death of a parent, friend, child or mate deeply—so deeply, in fact, that it can have an overwhelming or catastrophic effect on them; indeed, they may never recover from it. They may not ruminate on the subject of death, and usually try to put it out of their minds, but at a deeper level they are often obsessed with the subject. The need to sleep soundly for long periods yet the failure to remember their dreams can be characteristic of such personalities, who need a lot of time for unconscious expression and often cut off the content of such activities from daily awareness. It can be difficult to get them to open up emotionally and to talk about whatever may be bothering them. Even a trusted life partner or dear friend must pass all kinds of roadblocks before getting close to their inner feelings. To listen to what they are finally ready to say requires patience, understanding and nonclaiming love. Any deep bond formed with such an individual obviously cannot be taken lightly; not everyone is ready for such deep and heavy commitment. These people are fascinated by forms of escape. Physical or psychic retreat to a safe haven, and the ability to switch off their mental motor at will, allows them to deal with aspects of daily life that they would rather not face. Television, movies, music and books are healthy habits for them, but addiction, to drugs, alcohol, sex or violence, is always a real possibility, too. When such activity involves others, they are not necessarily the initiators; they often repress their shadow side. Instead, however, they may summon up possessive or violent behavior in their immediate environment, forcing their mates and lovers to act out their own repressed negativity. This may be directed against these people themselves, who then become their own victims. These people are not the best choice for victimization, for they are counter-punchers by nature and can be fierce in protecting themselves and their loved ones. Few who have experienced their anger will seek to arouse it a second time. It is typical of them, in fact, to be occasionally subject to volcanic outbursts of emotion, which, although rarely seen, are not easily forgotten. These people generally make steadfast friends and faithful lovers and mates. This is only partly a matter of morality; being overly flexible and changeable is really not possible for them, so turning from one partner to another, or adopting new methods and techniques in their work, is generally not an option. Being forced to make such switches by circumstances or fate can bring out their worst side. Both lovers and friends can testify to the softer side of these people. Although their presence is often formidable, they can be unusually kind, giving, and even quite sentimental. They are generally kind to animals and small children, who awaken their protective and nurturing instincts, and they can make excellent parents. Those born during the Week of Depth can also be secretive and controlling. Their sexual needs and demands often also run high, but they can equally well go for long periods of time without wanting intimate contact. They are, generally speaking, very physical, enjoying the pleasures of table and bed. As long as they remain sensitive to their partners and capable of moderation, such drives and appetites can have a positive effect on their relationships. Indeed, they are often only able to overcome their strong attraction to fixed habitual behaviors by learning to share true affection and love.
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November 8 people are often drawn to areas of the human experience which others would consider dubious, questionable or shadowy. Those born on this day are just not cut out to walk the straight and narrow. Although they may present a “normal” affect or appearance, after a time one discovers that their tastes and interests are quite weird, perhaps even bizarre. Those born on November 8 are concerned with exploring the limits of human experience and continually pushing them back. Their lifestyle or orientation to the world can indeed prove upsetting to those who prefer to live within carefully controlled parameters. Most November 8 people pursue their occupations and interests with a dedication that can amount to a mania. Their powers of concentration are usually great, but they can drive themselves as well as friends, lovers and family crazy unless they learn to temper their intensity and relax. Indeed, November 8 people should more often indulge in the simple pleasures and reduce some of the complexity that they engender in their lives. Those born on this day are usually very good with money and capable of great success in the financial world. They are not overly optimistic and typically display a kind of “prove it to me” attitude when presented with theories or schemes, while at the same time they keep their eyes and ears open and will give ample consideration to ideas that make sense. However, there is a tendency on their part to succumb to power urges, and therefore healthy social and family relationships are an irreplaceable stabilizing influence. November 8 people must resist dark, plutonic forces within themselves and similarly limit contact with “social undesirables” or the criminal underworld. Gambling, drug use, as well as dubious tax schemes are best avoided. Conversely, business or love partners of a more conservative mold seem to bring out their more practical and positive side. Often November 8 people can satisfy their plutonic nature through reading books and watching films dealing with the darker part of human existence. On the other hand, it is necessary that November 8 people confront their own personal demons at some point, since suppressing or ignoring disturbing elements that periodically surface only leads to frustration, unhappiness and even outbreaks of violence. Various forms of self-analysis and psychological counseling may or may not be helpful in this respect, but having a close friend with whom to share experiences is essential to them. Finally, November 8 people should strive to clarify the connection between their inner and outer life, neither cutting themselves off from the world to live in their own serious corner, nor throwing themselves into worldly activity to the detriment of their personal concerns. Although they are blessed with imaginative and progressive minds, people born on November 8 can come across as serious or intense. They tend to be attracted to unusual subjects that others would consider borderline, shadowy or dark. In some cases their interests may even be considered peculiar or, at the very least, out of the ordinary. They are brilliant at concentrating their energy on achieving their goals, and this, combined with their courage and ambition, augurs well for professional success. Many will attract money their way, rise to the top of their career or make a comfortable standard of living an important goal in their lives. Sometimes the desire to achieve materially can be so strong that it becomes overpowering in its intensity; it is important for these people to remember what is truly important in life. It is their curiosity which draws these people to the shadowy aspects of life, and a part of them longs to push the boundaries of knowledge and experience to their limits. If they are able to maintain objectivity they have the potential to be innovating pioneers; but if they can’t keep their distance, there is a real risk of their becoming too closely identified with the darker aspects of the world and the shadow side of themselves. Until the age of thirty-three, the urge for these people to explore the unconventional is at its strongest; during these years they need to remember that, as fascinating as the unconventional is, there is also much to be learned from what is routine. After the age of thirty-four there is a turning point when they start to become more practical, disciplined and goal-orientated in the realization of their objectives. Whatever age they are, however, the key to their success is their ability to confront their inner fears rather than seeking it outside. When they can do this, their hunger to explore the meaning of life will inevitably draw them away from the darkness within to the light of understanding, compassion, love, and what is truly important in life. Although they may come across as somewhat reserved or serious, people born on November 8 have strong and passionate desires. They may be tempted to date people who are unusual or dangerous in some way, but their chances of happiness will increase significantly if they date someone clever and interesting, but also grounded and secure. People born on this day like to spend, and it is important for them to make sure that this doesn’t get out of hand, as being in debt will make them feel anxious and unsettled. As for alcohol, gambling and recreational drugs, they need to avoid them too as they will lead them down a dangerous path. Because they find it hard to open up to others they may bottle up their emotions; this can have a damaging effect, so counseling or therapy might prove beneficial. As far as diet is concerned, the emphasis needs to be on fresh, natural or organic, and the more colorful fruits and vegetables they have on their plate the better. Regular moderate exercise is recommended, in particular yoga and tai chi which can encourage their minds and their bodies to become more flexible. Above all, spending more time relaxing and having fun is highly recommended to help them keep a sense of perspective and be a little less intense. Wearing the color orange will help them feel more spontaneous and encourage them to reach out to others. These people are well suited to careers in which they can express their creativity and indulge their curiosity; they may make superb criminologists, psychologists, writers, musicians, or pioneering scientists and engineers. Other careers that might appeal include administration, education, counselling and law, or occupations of a philosophical or religious nature. The life path of people born on this day is to balance the shadowy and the lighter sides of their personality. Once they have developed a healthy sense of balance and perspective, their destiny is to explore the unconventional and expand the frontiers of human knowledge. People born specifically on the 8th of November are imagined to be quite independent, responsible and intense with the typical Scorpio slightly guarded and sensitive emotions. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Saturn guiding you to be an intellectually sharp, ambitious hard worker who is highly inquisitive. If you have this birthday your charming yet fairly reserved temperament is broadminded and usually unwilling to accept help from others. You are likely to possess excellent powers of concentration and a bold approach in addition to a truthful very persuasive manner. A good imagination encourages you to have many interests and an avid enjoyment of relaxing by reading books and watching films. Individuals with a November the eighth birthday are willful and a tad impulsive at times with specific likes and dislikes. You are usually naturally creative and generous with a stylish dress sense but you can be prone to be sometimes critical, secretive, bossy or emotionally demanding too. The exact purpose of a profession is an important consideration to a person born on the eighth of November when it comes to occupation choice. You tend to take your responsibilities seriously and will put lots of effort into being successful in your working life. You are unlikely to be motivated by the financial incentives of a job and seem to find working behind the scenes preferable to public facing positions. Despite your natural generosity you are unlikely to waste money on frivolous buys and like to get real financial value. Your acumen and plentiful amounts of patience allow you to be adept at saving towards sensible investments for the future. For a Scorpio, the person born on the eighth day of November is typically a passionate romantic spirit with a mysterious seductive mien. You appear to fall in love deeply and will be incredibly hurt by a break up or any form of betrayal from a soul mate. You may be a little difficult to get close to and demanding of your independence in a loving relationship as well as high expectations of your chosen partner. Although you may be extremely loyal and devoted and feel profoundly you could sometimes hide emotions and have occasional difficulty with trust. An ideal other half will share your main aspirations and your predilection for a neat organized home. You do not appreciate being rushed into decisions so you are inclined to think really carefully before committing to a long term partnership with someone special. You are likely to favor taking the lead affectionately in and out of the bedroom. Illness experienced by those born on November 8th is usually a rarity as a consequence of your commonsensical mindset regarding health and fitness. A preference for a moderate sensible diet and adequate exercise will ordinarily keep you looking and feeling good. Bottling up your worries can cause a bout of depression once in a while therefore sleep has lots of importance concerning the maintenance of your usual general healthiness. People born on this day have a tendency to every now and again push themselves too much by trying to over exceed their mind and body limits. Learning to pace yourself more effectively to avoid burnout is advised. Your main strengths of character are seen in your serious success orientated sense of responsibility and the sharpness of your intellect. These positive characteristics and your imaginative persuasion, charm and touch of impulsiveness add extra positivity and enthusiasm to your list of favorable traits. Emotional insecurities can soon rouse the personality weaknesses for those born on November 8th. On these particular occasions your proclivities for bossiness and criticism will frequently surface. If the insecurity is not resolved quickly your ability to concentrate could diminish and you may become rather mistrustful, moody and possessive. Being born on the 8th of November means you will have a desire to achieve success without requiring the assistance of others. You will fully utilize all your talents and refuse to take any shortcuts on the accomplishment of a longed for goal. You are amazingly patient as a result of your intensity and willpower and will usually cope well with a delay or disappointment. Your streak of creativity gives your dreams the likelihood of containing inspirational originative and fanciful scenes. As you were born on the eighth day of the month your date of birth is awarded an equivalent Root number of Eight. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Leader' referring to your autonomy, rational thought and action plus your persuasiveness. In Tarot the 8th card representing Courage is associated with your birthday. This is an indication of your strongwilled focus and the satisfaction you gain from helping others. The lucky gemstone for November the eighth birthdays is believed to be a Black Pearl. Wearing one promises to block negativity and encourage opportunities for happiness and prosperity. All Scorpion personalities in the zodiac are thought to have their probabilities determined by the influence of the planet Pluto. The actual day you were born on, the eighth of November is governed by Saturn's reign explaining some of your differences to other Scorpio's. Your qualities of inquisitiveness, a broad mind and self sufficiency let you learn swiftly from experience and get the most out of life. Your lively boldness and hardworking sentiment allow you to do a profusion of worthwhile things. If you can conquer the majority of your inner anxieties it could help you grow stronger emotionally and stay focused on your wishes. A closing thought for people born on November the 8th is to practice and nurture compassion and transparency in all you do, as these virtues could reap you the greatest rewards.
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blschaos3000-blog · 5 years
Its 9:34 pm
Welcome to “8 Questions With…….”
So…I’m going to be honest with you here. When I read our next guest’s story,I cried. Now there be many of you already leaving this interview but hear me out. Alfred Carter IV’s story is one that you need to hear because its proof positive that mountains can be climbed even when you’re hanging on by the fingernails. Alfred has done quite amount of living in a short time,a gifted football player,smart student in the classroom,being cast in two big budgeted films and being forced to climb that damn mountain…but Alfred has planted his flag and moved on. So now this talented actor/musician,forged by fire,is intent on making his mark in life. I have zero doubt that whatever path Alfred takes in the future,he will make that path his own and something great will result because of it. Personally,I can’t wait to see where takes us. But for now…..let’s go ask Alfred Carter IV his eight questions……
  Please introduce yourself and tell us about your latest project. 
What’s up everybody, my name is Alfred Carter IV and I am an Actor/Writer/Musician from New Orleans, Louisiana and I currently live in Phoenix, Arizona.     The latest project that I completed was a voice over for an environmental campaign that is set to air on Pandora as well as radio.     Even more recent is the finalization of a feature length script for a film based on my college experience mixed in with a little action, drama, and comedy. I am in the process of sorting some things out and then I will start pitching the idea to investors, etc. It will definitely be an entertaining movie to say the least, something for sports fans and non-sports fans alike.
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What was your house like growing up? What are your fondest memories growing up? 
Growing up my house was like a musical mixed with a funny reality television show. My dad was a police officer but could’ve been on Saturday Night Live and my mom was a nurse but could’ve been a professional singer. It was always fun, we were always singing, joking and around having fun. We didn’t really play video games growing up, this caused us to be creative and use our imagination. I credit a lot of my creativity to the way I was brought up.     As far as my fondest memories growing up I have so many of them, my top ones would be when each of my younger siblings were born. Another would be this time when my mom checked me out of school and we went to lunch and then went to fly kites at the park. Another would be the times I’d wrestle around with my dad like Mufasa and Simba in the Lion King. 
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You played college football, which school did you play for and what was that experience like?What were your three favorite subjects to study?
I played Division-1 college football for Nicholls State University in Louisiana and the experience was like no other. I appreciate the free education that was provided but it definitely came at a cost. People think that the life of a student-athlete is so glamorous but it’s not all that it seems. Although my time as a college football player completely revolved around football I still had fun times though.     My favorite subjects to study were actually all electives. They were Fine Arts Survey, History of Music: Rock n Roll, and Psychology. 
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Your career got off to a promising start by being featured in two big films but then tragedy struck, can you share what happened?
My first role was as a stunt-actor was in Lee Daniels’ The Butler. One day I got an email from a former NFL player turned stuntman that I used to train with inviting me to go on an audition.    My scene was very cool and fun it even made the movie trailer! Unfortunately, the scene itself got cut from the actual film due to the violence involved in it, it was a gun fight with the police.    My second role was as a stunt-actor in When the Game Stands Tall, directed by Thomas Carter. I found out about this role from someone I met on the set of Lee Daniels’ The Butler. This goes to show you that it is important to not only network but to have proper set etiquette because people are always watching how you conduct yourself. We finished shooting all of the football scenes for When the Game Stands Tall in the Summer of 2013 and in December of 2013 my life literally changed forever. My brother and I were headed home after going to the John Mayer concert in New Orleans an we were in a terrible car accident.    I was in the Intensive Care Unit for a week with a broken back, torn my hip, and ruptured my intestines which resulted in me having to get to use a colostomy bag for nine months. To make all of this even worse my brother, Andrew, didn’t survive the accident. It was crazy and didn’t seem real for the longest. My brother and I were literally best friends. We did everything together, went everywhere together, made music together, and we had a ton of plans together. My life was literally turned upside down. 
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Where did your journey take you as you recovered from your injuries? 
My journey to recovery was tough to say the least. Growing up in a house where Faith was a big part of our lives made it even harder for me to be able to grasp why this even happened. To say that I was completely shaken up and torn down to my core in every aspect of who I was would be an understatement. There were a few times when I just wanted to give up because I legitimately felt like I had nothing to live for. If it weren’t for my family and my Faith, there’s no way I would’ve made it back from where was at that time. My journey to recovery was beautiful because not only did I heal physically but I healed mentally and spiritually as well. This accident caused me to slow down from the pace in which I was living and reflect on a lot of things that I never gave much thought to before.     In 2015 I was presented with an opportunity to do missionary work and I initially shut it down but there was this tugging within me that I just couldn’t ignore. I went on mission for two year and it was amazing. While on mission I gave so much of myself but the crazy thing about it is that I gained so much more in return. I would’ve never grown as much as I did had I not stepped outside of my comfort zone and become apart of something greater than myself.
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    When did you move to Arizona and how have you found the acting community to be so far?
I moved to Arizona in January of 2018 and I have found the acting community to be pretty cool and supportive. Arizona is a beautiful state with beautiful scenery and beautiful people from all over the world, it’s a shame there isn’t more filming being done here. 
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Which aspect of acting do you like most? How would you describe your style of acting?
The aspect I love the most about acting is being able to transfer my energy and emotions from other aspects of myself into my performance, the feeling is amazing!     If I had to describe my style of acting I would say that it is most like Meisner. I enjoy this style most because it seems the most natural to me and it allows me to be myself yet not myself as myself but myself as the character that I am portraying.  
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Improv seems so challenging, what do you use  to get into the “moment” so quickly? 
I love Improv! I am a natural born artist so improvisation is pretty easy for me, its like a game, its fun!  As far as getting into the moment, I just release my inhibitions by taking majority of what I’ve learned as an adult and toss it aside. Then I dig deep within myself, find my inner child, wake him up, and get to work!
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If you were at an audition and a follow actor who going for the same part asked for your help, would you do or not and why?
   Of course I’d help! I would help not only because I would want someone to help me but because it’s about being an artist, a true artist is someone who shares their art. A lot of times actors get caught up in thinking that it is all about them and it’s really not, the movie goes on either way. My mindset is this, if the role is for me then I’ll get it, if not, then I won’t. It is what it is.
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  What do you enjoy about modeling? How did you get into it?
So I never actually intended to do modeling I just kind of stumbled into it. Some one asked me if I could model their fashion line and I did it and it just kind of went from there. As far as what I enjoy about modeling, it would be networking and meeting new people as well as getting free gear.  
What does “peace” mean to you?
Peace to me is remaining in the present moment and allowing myself to appreciate the beauty in every aspect of life that surrounds me on every step of my journey. Not stressing about the past or worrying about the future but remaining calm and learning along the way to prepare for the next level of our journey. 
The cheetah and I are flying in to watch you film your new film but we are a day early and now you are playing tour guide,what are we doing? 
So if you flew into Phoenix a day early and we had time, we could go up to Sedona, it’s one of my top 3 favorite places in Arizona, it’s beautiful. If we decided to stay closer to the city of Phoenix we could go grab a bite to eat at one of my favorite spots in Downtown Phoenix called Trapp Haus BBQ. After that we could just see what would be going on for that day. If it were the first Friday of the month we could go to First Friday in Downtown Phoenix.      If we were back in New Orleans though, we would have to go to Drago’s Seafood Restaurant and get some chargrilled oysters. Then we could hit the French Quarter for a bit and then maybe grab a drink and walk to the river and watch the riverboats and the sunset. After that we’d go to Frenchman Street and catch some live music.
  I like to thank Alfred very much for sharing his story with us. As you can see,he is an incredible human being who has overcome tremendous and life-altering challenges to get where he is now and quite honestly,I can’t see anything stopping him in his quest to become a household name. I mean,he already is in mine….. You can follow Alfred’s career by heading over to his website. Inside you can find his various social media sites which I hope you’ll follow.
Its doing a interview like this that reminds me how much I love doing this series and am grateful for the people who will sit down virtually with me and talk about lives. I hope you enjoy meeting these people as much as I do.
If you have a story that you want to share,no matter what it is,please reach out and let’s talk. This format is open to anyone and anybody that is a human being.
Feel free to drop a comment below,we would to get some feed back!!
8 Questions with …………actor/musician Alfred Carter IV Its 9:34 pm Welcome to "8 Questions With......." So...I'm going to be honest with you here. When I read our next guest's story,I cried.
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averyzell-blog · 6 years
After Watching Grey’s 300th Episode
15th November 2017
I know I should be asleep but I just want to get this down in writing before it fades into nothingness.
Let me tell you a story:
One bored day, in the summer before I was set to start university, I decided to find a TV show to binge watch. Now I was looking for something that was both good quality, and had a plethora of seasons. I’d already gone through many shows, most of which were only a few seasons so it never seemed to be enough, or it wouldn’t be good enough for me to want to continue.
So, I googled some shows, and decided might as well try the most popular ones that seemed to interest me at the time. I mean they’re popular for a reason, right? And so, I stumbled upon a Medical drama called Grey’s Anatomy. I’d heard this name pop up, but never knew what it was about other than it being Medical. I won’t lie, the title itself intrigued me, and I’d always wondered what life might’ve been like if I had opted for medicine in my studies; not to mention by the time it was already in its seventh/eighth season; so I went ahead and watched the first episode. It was good. So, I watched the next few episodes. Now I needed to know what happened next! There goes the first season. It ended in a cliff hanger! Next season! Next!
And now this brings me here. I have just finished watching the 300th episode of this series, which is currently in its fourteenth season. And let me just tell you how much of an emotional wreck I am right now. For this episode, trying not to spoil anything, they managed to bring the nostalgia of how the original series started. A series this long, it’s expected for certain aspects to change, characters, plotlines, the way the story feels; it’s a natural evolution. Things can’t stay the same. We all know this.
But there’s something, just something about this nostalgia they manage to evoke, to bring you back into the original intern days of the staff of Grey’s Anatomy, doe eyed and fresh, and full of hopes and dreams of what could be. And my heart aches because of it. I mean, of course, there’s also something so magical about Grey’s that manages to touch deep into our cores, our souls, the very humans inside us; anyone who is a fan of Grey’s will know what I’m talking about. It is raw, and powerful, and unapologetic and I love it so much.
 They’ve managed to create characters that we care for so deeply, and we’ve grown with and experienced so much with, that we can’t help but sorrow in their deepest despairs and celebrate in their highest triumphs. It’s no longer just a show. It’s the embodiment of the human condition, on life and how sticky situations are and how unpredictable it all can be, regardless if you understand any of the medical jargon they use (I don’t but it sounds convincing anyway.). It’s magic. No, it’s more than that; it’s human. And that’s what makes it amazing.
 And it’s not just that. The thing about long running shows like this, whether you’re a veteran and started when it did, or binge watched the entire series in a matter of weeks (you need time to recover in between some episodes, believe me) or like me somewhere in between, the nostalgia hits you like a damn wrecking ball, if not for the lives of the characters on the show, but of your own life. I mean here I am, graduated after five years of hard work, in a different continent, a near completely different person than I was when I started the series in the first place.
 Shows like this grow on you. They grow with you. While I’d started when they’d added new members and removes some from the original cast, the feeling is the same. You’re brought back to a different time in your life, a different place mentally or physically, a different you that hadn’t experienced all the things you have now. And it’s such a strange heart wrenching feeling, the kind of pain that hurts in this bittersweet way. We all know change is constant. We change every day. Sometimes steps, sometimes bounds, but we never really go back. And then something nostalgic as an episode like this happens and you look back and see just how much a series has changed, a character, a story, and then you. Just look at how much you’ve changed. We never notice when it’s happening, but once it’s happened, you can start to see it. Are you a better person than you were? Stronger? More Understanding? What are some of the things you know now you could’ve told your younger self?
 Sometimes we need to take a step back and reflect on what good and bad has been done in the course of our lives. We’re so concerned on moving forward that we forget the progress we’ve made. Breathe in, breathe out. You are better than you were five years ago. Whatever hardships you face now, the you five years from now would say the same thing: You are strong and you can do this. Whatever it is. And life is sticky and complicated, you will get through this. I know it’s confusing and nothing seems to matter or make sense but it will all make sense in the end.
 Sincerely yours,
Just Another Grey’s Anatomy Fan
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