#and skull wont let her leave unless she keeps doing it
llamagoddessofficial · 8 months
Oh my stars, Im biting the moth boys
How would they react to an Mc that messes with their fluff as a stim?
Sans: He's good at playing it cool. He acts like there's nothing unusual about what she's doing. He's fully aware that she doesn't know the moth significance of mutual grooming, but hey... he's not going to tell her, especially not when she's in the habit of coming right up to him and brushing his fur whenever she feels like it. She clearly enjoys it, petting or combing him, scrunching up the fur, sometimes nuzzling into it... and he loves it too. He very quietly purrs whenever she does it, the only time he eases up enough to make that sound.
Why would he tell her that it's highly intimate? Why tell her its exclusively for family and mates? Why make it awkward, why spoil the fun? The human he adores is being very cosy with him. He's happy.
... Besides. She'll be his, eventually, if all his plans work out. Might as well get accustomed to grooming each other.
Red: He would be very embarrassed, because damn, that's pretty forward of her. The moth equivalent of just coming up to someone you're flirting with and gently caressing their hair. He's already got feelings so the forwardness massively flusters him... depending on how close he is to her, he might even pull away, purely because he's embarrassed at how intense his feelings are and he knows that she doesn't understand the gravity of grooming to a moth.
... If it's a repeated stim, though, sometimes he just might not be able to help himself but but lean into it. If he's tired, or they're alone together, or he's just feeling particularly lovestruck that day... he can't help but let her run her fingers through his fluff. He might sleepily reciprocate, playing carefully with her hair.
Sometimes you just gotta take advantage of the moment. Sometimes, when the cute human you have a crush on puts her soft hands in your fluff, you just gotta let her.
Skull: It's almost as if his fluff is his 'deactivate' button. Like when you scratch a dog in just the right place, and it can't help but fall over. She touches his fur and he immediately drops.
Sometimes, it's good, because it's a guaranteed way to make him totally relax. He'll be cuddled up to her and when she starts playing with his fur he just lets out a big happy mix between a purr and a sigh, and completely eases. But sometimes it's bad, because when a massive clingy moth beast with four arms decides he's enjoying the attention and you're not going anywhere... well, you're really not going anywhere.
Skull's isolation from other moths means he doesn't really understand the importance of grooming each other. All he knows is that he really wants to touch her hair, and he really likes how it feels when she plays with his fur. Sometimes the feelings confuse him a little- if anyone else touched him, they'd lose the arm.
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everyoneprotector · 3 years
Forest SMP Backstory (my character)
They were hungry. It’s the first thing they noticed, waking up that morning. Of course, they’re used to the hunger that eats at their soul, driving them further from the safety of their pond. They’re worried, they don’t want to eat the dead. They are the last of their siblings, the only survivor of their family. They have to leave the pond. They have to find food that isn’t the bodies of siblings who were not strong enough to survive the hunger.
They drag themself out of the pond, shivering in the cold air. They don’t like it, above water, but they suppose it will have to do. They have to leave, they have to find a place to stay. Somewhere with enough food to sustain them. Somewhere safe. 
Deeper. A cave lower will have more fish.
The lower caves don’t have more food. It gets colder and colder as they move down, and the thin shirt and pants that their parents had left (the only thing their parents ever gave them, they bitterly think). The clothes are too big for them, but the clothes are theirs. The pants fall over their feet and are held up by glow lichen, and the shirt sleeves are rolled over several times but still fall over their hands.
They clamber over a block of deepslate, having to pull themself up. They naw on a piece of rotten flesh that an enderman had given them, though they don’t know where it had gotten the meat from. They’re too small to just walk over the block, so they have to climb. They can’t help it, they’re only a foot taller than the block.
An arrow plants itself firmly into the stone wall, and they bark softly, in shock. The eight year old scrambles down the block, running deeper into the tunnels. They panic as more arrows are shot at them. Hostile mobs have never liked them, either because they are an easy meal or because they’re a player.
They don’t know.
But they still flee, barks erupting from their throat in panic. They turn, running into a deep cavern. The cold is painful here, making their limbs freeze up, but they can’t stop. They have to continue.
Something echoes through the cavern, erupting from the ground where their feet land. The ground is soft, although slightly slimy, and every time they bark a little glowing line falls from their mouth and goes to the other sensors. They bark softly, letting the light from their noise guide them deeper into the cave.
A skeleton shoots them, and they scream. Hurts. Hurts hurts hurts, their arm hurts so much.
A roar cuts off their whimper, and then they see it.
The light from the candles disappear for a split second, and then the skeleton is gone. Standing on top of a pile of bones, the skull caved in, is a large creature. Possibly 8 feet tall, maybe taller. It’s chest is hollow, except for the souls that float around in it, and it has two antenna that wiggle as they move.
They bark at it, and it walks towards them. They back up for a moment, but their axolotl half relaxes. Safe. This eyeless thing is safe.
It picks them up, gently holding them, and takes them to a room, lit with candles and filled with chests and a bed. It sets them down, growling gently at them. They bark, stubbornly, before entering the room. They rummage through the chests, pulling out a bottle that is bright pink and smells like sour candy. They drink it, curiously, and watch in amazement as their wounds disappear. They pull out some warm clothes - a black jacket with a delicately embroidered rose on the back, and they throw it on. They begin to layer up clothes until they are warm, and then they pull the thick blanket off of the bed, wrapping it around themself as they walk out to the large creature.
It warbles at them, picking them up and cradling them. They bark, weakly, before falling asleep. Safe. This warden is safe.
The warden kept them in the deep dark for almost five years, teaching them to fight and to survive, but both of them knew it would not last for long. 
There wasn’t enough food for the young axolotl, and though the warden hunts it is never enough. Hunger pangs, something the child is used to, is not something the warden accepts. There were fights, small barks and loud roars shaking the cavernous walls as the child tries to allow the only parent they ever had to let them stay, let them stay home with them.
Inevitably, the choice was made for them.
A group of players, wearing armour that glows purple, though it's made of a grey metal, enters their cavern. The child’s parent hides them, in that original room that their clothes came from, as the fight goes on. 
Two players fall, but the final one cleaves the wardens head off. 
The child barks, running out from the room. They bite the player, crying as the long haired one frowns at them. They’re picked up - still so small, so weak from the malnourishment of their childhood - and she walks out with them in her arms, humming a song.
The woman walks with the small hybrid, climbing out of the cave system. A bright light blinds the child, and they bark weakly before they pass out.
Though, a lone rose dances on the wind.
They don’t know how to feel about the players on this world.
They seem kind, kind enough to help them choose a name, kind enough to teach them to speak, to read, to write. Kind enough to feed and house them, to teach them how to make farms and how to hunt.
But they killed their parent. They kill so many kind mobs. They use them to heal their wounds, and ask them to fight in battles against drowned and guardians.
Protector doesn’t like fighting.
They’re 14, and they’ve fought battles against players and mobs alike. They know that they have a name on the battlefield ‘The angel of healing’. That's what their allies call them, at least. 
‘Demon from the deep’ is what their enemies call them.
They don’t know why they have to fight. They don’t know what they are fighting for. The players who stole them claim that the fight is against evil people, but these players always seem so scared. 
They are small. They are young. They remain a healer until someone threatens their makeshift hospital. They wont fight unless it is needed. They heal. They heal. They ignore the screams of the players that were captured. Of those that the commander has deemed important enough to hold information. They don’t have to heal those players. They want to heal them.
They aren’t allowed to.
There are moments, where they are forced to fight. They hate it, they hate the fear and the blood that coats them. It’s always painful, always hateful. They don’t want to kill, they don’t want to die. They have to kill, or they will die.
The priest stands in the middle of the field, calling the void to the battle field. They’ve seen the injured after the void infects them. After a priest of acolyte sends the void to fight them. They know what they have to do, what they must do, to stop their allies from melting. From disintergrating into the void.
They run up to the priest, and stab him clean through the heart. The void falls to the ground around them, and the battle ends.
It’s night, when they leave. Darkness envelopes the camp, but they were raised in caves, and they were raised by wardens. They know how to disappear, silently, into the dark.
They hide their gills in a dark beanie, and they wear their black jacket, the rose on it kept clean even after all these years. They wear dark pants and fingerless gloves. Taking a deep breath, they escape through the portal and into the world hub.
A single player world will keep them safe.
Maybe now they can live up to their new title. Maybe now they can be Protector, saving themself first so that they can save others. They are 16. They will be safe. They have to.
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turtleskele · 4 years
Thought I’d post a one shot I wrote a while back for the Undertale anniversary. Enjoy!
Pandemic: One-shot of Fell Papyrus x Reader during corona virus:
“You can’t just keep me here Papyrus! They need me!”
The tall skeleton turned and faced her.
“You know damn well I’m not talking about the school Papyrus!”
Papyrus stared at her in shock. She never cursed unless she was REALLY angry and never had it been directed at him.
She took a breath and stepped back.
“I’m talking about my kids. They need me Papyrus. They need some normalcy in their lives to keep them from panicking.”
Papyrus huffed.
He saw her clench her fists in irritation.
“I am not going to die!”
He turned away from her as he felt his own anger rising. He did not wish to harm her on accident.
He heard her breathing pick up. He could tell she was angry now, if she hadn’t been before.
“You promised me-“
He had whipped around, feeling his anger rise. It was all he could do to not simply grab her by the soul and lock her away in their room. But then...he saw her.
She was shaking.
In their time together, he had seen her upset many times. But never had those red rimmed eyes been turned towards him. They burned into him with a mixture of anger, frustration, and...sadness? Or was it hurt? That was when he saw the wetness in her eyes.
He looked away from her stare and groaned.
“Do what? Feel? Well one of us has to!”
That comment stoked the embers of his anger.
“What? Angry?! Like that’s new!”
She took a step towards him, as if to challenge him.
He could feel his sanity slipping away as anger overtook him. He needed to do something fast or he might do something he would never forgive himself for.
The girl blinked and paused.
He turned to leave, only to find his way blocked.
“Like hell it is! We are not done!”
He was fighting to keep himself calm, but he could feel his anger taking over. But the girl wouldn’t budge.
“I’m going to work whether you want me to or not Papyrus!”
She felt something in her chest get heavy. Suddenly she was slammed against the wall.
He felt his hands pinning her arms to the wall.
Why couldn’t she understand, he was doing this for her own good?!
Beneath the pressure of his weight he heard her make a sound that was close to the whine of an injured animal.
That got his attention. He felt a bit of his sanity return and make him look at her face.
She had turned white with fear. Her lip was trembling and he could see flashbacks of old memories running through her mind. Her face was streaked with tears and flashes of pain.
What was he doing?!
Immediately he released her, backing away.
He heard her sniffling as she collected herself and backed closer to the wall away from him. Those beautiful eyes filled with fear...and pointed at him. He looked down at his hands.
He glanced back and saw she had backed even further away from him.
‘No, don’t be scared, please!’
He clenched his fists trying to keep himself together.
With every word he spoke he saw another tear fall from her face. He stepped towards her, putting his hands up to show he meant no harm.
The girl stepped back and shook her head her lip trembling, before finally running towards the stairs and their room.
Papyrus stood there silently, watching her run away from him. He had messed up. He had defiled her trust that he had worked so hard to build. And though he had conflicting feelings on the matter, in the end he knew what needed to be done.
Slowly he walked towards the stairs.
When he arrived in front of their bedroom door, he wasn’t surprised to find he had been locked out.
He sighed, knocking gently on the door.
“Human? May I Come In?
He kept his voice lowered and soft.
“...Go away.”
Papyrus thought of using magic to undo the lock, but knew that would only frighten her more. He sat down next to the door.
He heard nothing on the other side of the door but didn’t hear any disapproval either.
He leaned his head against the door, feeling his cheekbones turn red at this admission. Though he did have feelings, it was very rare that he actually shared them with anyone. But she wasn’t just anyone.
He paused, feeling the grip of the fear he felt very often tighten around his soul.
The very thought of losing her-HIS precious little human-so sweet and selfless and kind. It was more than he could bear.
How he wished he could hold her right now. He wanted nothing more than to cradle her; feel her heartbeat against his chest to reassure him that she was still here. Still with him.
He sighed in frustration, running his hands over his skull.
‘Just let me in.’
He heard a soft rustling sound from behind the door and what sounded like the soft padding of feet. After a few moments he heard the door unlock and gently open.
The girl stood in front of him.
He got to his knees to face her, wanting to be at her level for a change.
“You-...you hurt me.”
Her voice was wavering as if she might start crying again. But she remained strong.
Papyrus was silent looking down at the floor, not wanting to meet those hurt filled eyes.
Slowly, he met her gaze.
The girl was silent, scanning his face for sincerity. Slowly, she stepped forward. She reached her hands, gently cupping his cheekbones.
“I...forgive you.”
Papyrus sighed in relief, leaning into her touch.
He felt her thumbs begin to stroke his cheekbones gently.
“...I know you’re scared Papyrus,”
Her voice was barely above a whisper.
“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared too.”
She leaned in and rested her forehead on his skull. She let her nose come to rest on his nasal cavity.
“But, we cant let fear keep us from living our lives.”
He placed his hands over hers on his face, looking up a her.
“...I promise, I will take every precaution to stay healthy. But my kids need me.”
Papyrus took her hands off his face and placed them over where his soul was.
He watched as a grateful smile splashed across her beautiful face. He felt his soul jump.
The girl sighed, but nodded in agreement. Papyrus grunted with approval. Wasting no time, he stood and picked the girl up bride style.
“P-Papyrus what are you doing?”
He carried her into the room , laying down on the bed. He cradled her to his chest as he laid back.
He began to caress her hair as he pulled a blanket over the two of them. He took in her scent and enjoyed the feel of her heart against his chest.
Despite her reassurances, the thought of her getting sick and him being helpless to heal her, still scared him. But he knew, he couldn’t take that freedom from her...no matter how much he wanted to.
Those kids had better be grateful!
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diddlesanddoodles · 4 years
She watched with a muted fascination at the gathered giants. Though she was really only able to see the world passed the tree trunks of their legs, she was well able to sense their tension. It was almost as though she could smell it, like metal and upturned earth. Guards in their red leather armor stood close to the King, hands resting upon many hilts, ready to lunge and defend their liege.  
Under the thickening dullness of her mind, Nenani heard the wind-chimes. With difficulty, she braced herself against the lipper barrels and forced herself to stand onto shaking legs.  
The metal dome entrapping the serpent rose up, accompanied by the grunting efforts of Farris, Saen, and Avery. A black thing lunged out of the dark, once gleaming black scales now marred with gray and bleeding pot marks and burns in a crisscrossing patterned all over its body. Guards struck down with their swords to block the creature from slithering away between their legs and gave Yale just enough time to move. Yale lunged down upon it as it tried to slither away in another direction, pushing his entire weight down onto the snake’s body and gripped the back of its neck just below the thing’s jaws. It writhed violently beneath him, bucking the giant up and off of it as though he were nothing. Large black coils looped around his neck and squeezed.  
There was shouting and the scurrying of many legs, the unsheathing of swords and there was yelling. Loud enough to drown out the world. But suddenly, she didn’t feel the presence of the lipper barrels against her back and the snake loomed large and enormous before her, its body continuing to curl itself around Yale’s neck and chest and she heard her friend wheeze pitifully. There were many hands trying to pull the creature off of him, swords pointing down at him, aiming for the snake, but far too close to Yale. She weaved around the forest of dark leather boots and broke through the throng of them.
Her hands were up and all she could see was the frightened eyes of her friend as they stared down at her and it summoned from within her a bitter hatred that burned her from deep inside and the angry red and yellows of her flames shifted into a vibrant blue and white that turned the moisture in the air to steam. The fire that had before swirled around like water and vapor hardened into distinct shapes, vines with thick wickedly sharp thorns and they fell upon the serpent, ripping and burning its flesh. Wide furrows were racked across the creature, ripping it open. All around her the giants gasped and involuntarily stepped back, panicked whispers rippling through them in waves.
The snake recoiled at the her fire and she fell back, pulling it with her and she heard Yale take a loud gasping breath as the many hands of his fellow cooks grabbed him and pulled him out of the snake’s weakening hold. Someone was yelling her name.  
The milky white of the serpant’s eyes met her own, close enough to feel the heat of his breath on her face and her arms shook terribly as she held it there, her mind feeling as tight and brittle as a thread pulled too taut and ready to snap.
“You’re majesty! Now!”
The glowing blade of the dagger sunk into the serpent’s skull with a sickening schlk and the milky white of its eyes drained away to reveal deep amber irises just before they rolled back into the dying creature’s skull and a black mist crept out from the corners of its mouth. Maevis began to chant something loudly above her and the black miasma swirled about as though the magician’s words agitated it, hurt it, and then all at once the whole black mass of it was sucked upwards. Upwards and into open mouth of a glass jar held in the magician’s hands. He slammed a stopper into it once the black mist had settled inside. Only then did Nenani release her hold and the blue vines misted away into plumes of white steam and she fell back onto the ground, gasping, and black overtook her senses.
“Hold her still,” said a voice, far off, but familiar. “That’s it. Now we just...”
“Is she breathing?”
“Stand back, dammit!”
“Go sit down, Yale!”
Something pressed up against her chin and forced her head back and something shockingly cold was poured down her throat and she jolted to alertness. It tasted medicinal and spicy and it made her want to gag.
“Easy now, little one,” Maevis said, his voice gentle but tense. “Don’t fight, just drink. As much as you can.”
His voice was oddly commanding and she took several long gulps of air before she allowed more of the medicine down her throat. She felt as though she was drinking gallons of the vile brew before it stopped and she was allowed a respite. Laying in someone’s arms, she gasped and coughed, everything tingled alarmingly and her head swam and pulsed with a painful headache. She opened her eyes to see Farris’s worry stricken face above her and Maevis standing back, slipping a small flask back into his pocket.
“She’ll be fine, Farris,” Maevis said, his face set into a grim frown. “The potion’s done it’s job.”
Farris’s starred down at her and she was at a loss for what emotion she saw. His brows were narrowed, but his eyes were unfocused. She felt his arm around her pull her closer to his chest, one hand curling around her shoulder and rubbing her arm lightly.
“How do we keep that from happening again?” He asked Maevis, voice quiet and not sounding at all like himself.
“I’ll come up with something,” Maevis replied. “Her magic is all out of sorts and unfocused and spills out all at once. It needs a cap or any time she uses her fire...well. She runs the risk of...”
“So she can just drop dead?” Farris growled. “Just like that? Stop breathing and die?”
“It’s a danger all elementals face when they first come into their magic, Farris,” Maevis replied. “If they drain themselves too much too quickly, it could stop the heart.”
“Maevis,” came the voice of the King. “Do you know of a way to prevent her from spilling her magic like that?”
“I have a solution in mind. It’ll only take me a moment to procure it.”
“Then please, see to it. Once you have it, we will convene in the great hall. There’s much we need to discuss about what is to be done now.”
“Your majesty,” Maevis replied and Nenani heard his footsteps grow quieter as he left.  
“Farris,” said the King, “Please see to your staff and all what needs to be tended to. I will have Donal send you some support workers to help get everything back in order. Do not be too concerned with dinner service. We’ll manage well enough with what we have in cold storage and be content. Now, where is Haiyer?”
“I have ‘im here, yer majesty,” came Bart’s voice. “He’s ain’t hurt none, just rattled a good bit.”
“I will send Lolly down in a moment to come collect him. For now, however, I will take Nenani with me. I don’t want Annie to hear of what happened until her daughter is recovered.”  
“Aye,” Farris replied dully and Nenani was shifted about in his hold and laid into Warren’s outstretched hands. She was too weak to protest or ask questions so she laid passive in the King’s arms as he issued several more orders before leaving the cook camp. She closed her eyes for only a moment and then suddenly they were in a corridor, the air much warmer and smelled of dusty tapestries and old wood. Time seemed to slip between her fingers like so many grains of sand and she closed her eyes again for what seemed like only a few seconds before she opened them again and she was no long being held by the King, but nestled in a thick padding of soft fabric on a very large and long table. Glancing up, she found the ceiling to be a dizzying way up, far higher than any other ceiling she had seen in the castle. Many large windows lined the impossibly long room and in between each was a long ornate tapestry that glistened as though woven with gold thread.
“...some sort of fixture, a lantern maybe. Place them about the castle grounds.”
“And these would alert us to the mage’s magic?”
“Yes. We will need a good many of them, but I believe this will be our best chance at preventing what occurred today from repeating itself.”
“Yes, about that. What did we see exactly, Maevis? I don’t recall ever hearing of a Silvaaran fire mage do anything like what I just witnessed.”
“To be honest, sire...I am not entirely sure myself. Her mother’s bloodline is old and to the Silvaarans’ way of thinking at least, pure. Her being a fire mage is hardly surprising given her heritage. Her father’s bloodlines however are, from a magical standpoint, very unassuming. Very little to any magic at all. But the potency of Nenani’s magic I find to be...quite shocking. I’ve never seen a fire mage transfigure their flames like that.”
“When she was revealed to be a fire mage, I took it upon your authority that her fire was harmless. What she did today was far from harmless.”
“She’s only a child, sire. She wouldn’t...”
“Let us not mix words here, Maevis. She is a child with the power to kill. She is an untrained, wild mage.”
“The amulet will help. She wont be a danger to anyone...”
“...unless she feels threatened. Which you know just as well as I how probable that is. Especially now. She experienced that first hand did she not? One of the rangers? When she first arrived?”
“Ah, yes. I believe she did.”
“And if such an incident were to happen again now that she is bloomed? Am I to be content with a dead ranger?”
“I will work with her. She’s a smart girl. She’ll learn how to control it with some time.”
“I do not need to be told of her virtues. Nor do I hold any ill will towards the poor girl. But we must be sensible about this. Annie said that she had put a seal on her once before. Would it be possible to do so again?”
“...If at all possible, sire, I would very much like to avoid that option.”
“Why is that?”
“I’ve already tried once before. The Princess’s original seal broke...it broke weeks ago. When the wyvern attacked.”
“The wyvern?” A long pause. “So it wasn’t you who...”
“No. No I wasn’t the one to kill the wyvern. It was her.”
“...why did you not inform me of this at the time? Why did you lie and say you had slain it?”
“...I was scared for her. I thought...that if I could seal her again, everything would go on as normal. But the seal...it hurt her. She complained of pain constantly. The seals were never designed for the mages’ comfort, quite the opposite in fact, and I hate that I ever did such a thing to her. So if at all possible, I would like to keep her unsealed. I do not know what kind of seal Oira could manage, but...”
“Maevis, I appreciate your devotion to the girl, but we must remember the people of this country, this Kingdom. We serve them as protectors and this mage, Aidus, is a very real threat. We cannot allow ourselves to be distracted this way.”
“I do remember, your majesty. But I cannot turn my back on her.”
“Nor am I asking you to. If this amulet does as you say, then the matter is settled. Once she has recovered some, you will begin instructing her on how to manage her magic and we will revisit this at a later time.”
“She was only trying to save Yale. They are very close, those two. And anger is a very potent fuel for mage fire. She must have buried a lot of it for so much to pour out of her.”
“I do not doubt you, my friend. And the fact that no one else was burned tells me the truth of it. But she cannot be allowed to wield such power without the tools to do so responsibly and safely. As you say, she is only a child. And one who has been through much. In any case, it might prove a useful distraction for her. A constructive outlet...”
Nenani lay within the fabric, numb and filled with emotion at the same time. What had she done? She made the King angry. He sounded so angry…she didn’t mean to do it. But she did and even as she regretted it, she was still all the same glad she had. She couldn’t let Aidus take someone else from her. She couldn’t and she wouldn’t. He couldn’t have Yale. Or anyone.
Never again...
“Nenani,” came the King’s voice above her and she jerked in surprise, looking up to find him frowning at her. “You must calm yourself, child.”
It was only then that she realized she was all aflame and the fire pulsed when the surge of fear hit her.
“I’m sorry...” she said quietly.
Maevis stepped up behind Warren and reached out to pushed the fabric around her away, a gloved hand tucked itself under her shoulders and eased her up so she was sitting. “Don’t be scared,” he told her. “You’re all right now, Nenani. I have something that I believe will help with your flames.”
Something glistened in his other hand and he carefully placed a metal chain around her neck, using the tip of one finger to carefully lay the large amulet down. A familiar fire opal the size of a goose egg rested heavily against her belly, the chain being so long on her. She starred down at it, the colorful flecks of iridescent colors within the stone shining when it caught the light. There was pressure in her belly and a the feeling of something pulling at her and pulling inwards. The flames that danced around her faltered and died as the stone began to glow. After only a few moments, the light died away and she was her normal self.
Maevis grinned in clear delight and relief. “I call that a success!”
The King too looked relieved and nodded. “I am glad,” he said with a sigh and then leaned down slightly to peer at her. “Now, Nenani, did you hear what all we were just discussing?”
Without meeting the King’s eye, she nodded. “I didn’t...mean to do anything bad. I just...He’s taken so much from me already. I wasn’t going to let him take Yale too. I...I don’t even know how I did all that...I just did.”
“Do you know what happened after?” asked the King and she shook her head. “You stopped breathing, little one...”
“I...I did?” she asked looking up at him, her belly doing flips with unease.
“When an elemental uses all of their magic,” Maevis explained. “And I do mean all of it, it’s potentially fatal if emergency actions are not taken. Such as the potion I gave you. You’re newly bloomed, Nenani. And as such, you do not know how to regulate the flow of your magic. So when you used it as you did, it poured out all at once. That potion I gave you was a restorative.”
She suddenly realized why Farris looked the way he had and she bowed her head feeling shameful. After all the time having him worrying over her, she went and did it again.
“But, don’t worry!” Maevis was quick to add, tipping her head up gently with a finger. “I am going to teach you how to manage your magic so it never happens again.”
She nodded mutely. “So...did it work, at least? What you were trying to do?”
Maevis nodded. “Yes, I was able to extract the essence from the serpent. It’s locked up in the library under seventeen layers of protective spells and I may still add more tonight.”
“At least it worked,” she offered inanely.
The King nodded. “It is our hope to have a warning beacon in place soon. Maevis believes he can use the captured essence to create a barrier spells to detect the mage’s presence should he attempt to enter the grounds under guise again.”
“Which reminds me,” Maevis said, looking to Nenani with a serious expression. “How was it that you knew the serpents were Aidus’s avatars?”
“I didn’t. Haiyer did,” she replied and seeing Maevis’s bewildered stare elaborated. “He...he has an imaginary friend who he said told him to hide because there was one of Aidus’s snakes around.”
The King was not able to fully suppress the dubious smile that came to his lips. Looking to Maevis, he asked “Do you think he might be a mage as well, Maevis? That he may have sensed Aidus?”
“I do not think it so, but I haven’t had a moment to study the boy properly,” mused the Magician. “He is of the age where any magical talents would begin to show. Though...foresight is awfully rare and I’ve never heard of it appearing in the Silvaaran bloodlines.”  
    “I don’t...I don’t think it’s him,” Nenani said, earning herself the attention of both giants.
“No?” asked Maevis. “Why is that?”
“When he was telling me about her –his friend,” she said. “He said she was a fairy, but Mama and Lolly said fairies aren’t real.”
Maevis nodded, grinning a little.
“So you don’t think it could be a real fairy?” she asked.
Maevis and the King shared a look. “No, dear,” Maevis replied with a light laugh. “I am afraid it far more likely the little prince merely imagined this fairy friend. They are only to be found in folk tales and children’s stories.”
“But then,” she said. “How does he know who Bertol is?”
Maevis’s patient eyes narrowed and his mouth turned into a sour frown. “Bertol?”
“Haiyer said that his fairy friend lived in the mountains with a giant...named Bertol.”
Beside him, the King laughed. “Bumbling Bertol? Wherever would the boy have heard of him?”
But Maevis looked pensive. “He wouldn’t have. At least, not that I could imagine. If he does have foresight, it might explain him knowing the name. But until I have a moment with him, I could not say for sure.” Maevis tapped his lips idly as he considered the information. “Nenani, that little stone of his. Where did he get it?”
“I gave it to him when we were still out in the wilds with Keral. He was scared so I just picked up a rock that looked pretty and told him it was magic. To help him calm down. It was just a rock I found.”
Maevis’s eye opened wide, his mouth hanging open agape and he said nothing for several long seconds before he then started to giggle. Warren looked to the magician in mild confusion. “Maevis?”
“You just told him it was magic? That’s all?”
“Yes...” she replied, unsure and a little bewildered by the magician’s reaction.
“Oh my goodness,” he said, breathing heavily and then turning his gaze to Nenani, eyes bright with mirth. “My dear child. That was a blue quarts stone! You remember what I said about stones of power? That rock is a minor stone. A quarts.”
Nenani just starred, confused. “Huh?”
“You charmed it,” Maevis replied with a grin. “You implanted a piece of your magic inside when you gave it to him.”
Nenani opened her mouth and then closed it again as the King began to laugh. She regarded Maevis with pure befuddlement. “Wha...what? You...you can do that?”
Maevis nodded, wiping at his eyes. “Yes, dear. You can. It’s the same principal that works with that fire opal there. When presented with magic, it’ll pull it inside the stone. The greater the stone, the more power it can hold. A minor stone cannot hold much, but a simple charm would fit nicely. When you gave little Haiyer the stone, some of your magic was pulled into it. Charming it.”
She sat there dumbfounded and perplexed at the idea which only seemed to make the pair of giants chuckle more.
“But then,” she asked, “How does he know about Bertol?”
Maevis was unable to provide an answer, but decided that once he had a moment and things had settled, he would examine Haiyer to see if the small boy had in fact came into his magic, but instead of another young fire mage, they had a young oracle. And somehow no one bothered to notice.
“Oracle?” Nenani asked, unfamiliar with the word.
“Someone with the gift or foresight. The ability to see the future.”
“So...is Bertol an oracle?”
Maevis snorted distastefully. “Not in the least.”
“I didn’t think Oracles were real,” Warren admitted as he slipped onto one of benches alongside the long table.
“Exceedingly rare,” Maevis replied, taking a seat as well. “But they do appear in contemporary sources. Perhaps the Queen may know more.”
“Why would she know about Oracles?” asked Warren.
“Oracles are almost always found among the water mages. The water element lends itself to foresight. Her majesty would have grown up on tales of water mages, being from Ibronia.”
The King looked thoughtful and nodded. “I will ask her tonight.”
Wherever the conversation might have lead to was interrupted by the large set of doors at the far end of the room flying open and several giants pushed their way inside with quick and deliberate steps. They marched with purpose and brought with them a stiff and uncomfortable air, riddled with anxiety and anger.
“Your majesty!” said one of the giants at the front of the group. He was a giant of medium build, but his form was puffed out by a lavish green coat of fine embroidery with fur lined collar and cuffs. His face was set into a decidedly disagreeable frown and he seemed to be covered in a fine sheen of sweat.
Warren sighed and rose up from the table to meet the group. “My Lords,” he said to them collectively and then to the green coated one, “Lord Eldherst.”
“Is it true?” the green coated giant demanded. Nenani was a little shocked at how brazenly the man was speaking to the King. Lord or not, it seemed horribly rude and Nenani found herself a little offended on behalf of Warren. She knew none of the faces and it was then that she realized all of them were dressed in fine doublets and jerkins and coats. Some had jewels on their hands or around their necks. They were more richly dressed than the King.
“My lords, there is nothing to fear,” said the King, his voice both commanding and reassuring at once. “The threat has been dealt with and precautions are being put into place as we speak.”
The green coated giant huffed through his nose. “Do you mean to say that the fire mage has been cast out, your majesty?”
There was a sickening drop in the pit of her stomach and she tried to duck down into the fabric around her. Maevi’s hand rested on the table not too far from her and he very slowly began to inch his hand towards her, his eyes never straying from the group of Lords. The King stood stiffly, taking in each of their faces, and then addressed Lord Eldherst.
“No, sir. She has not,” he replied cooly. “Nor will I.”
The man did not seem to like that answer at all. “Your majesty, it is dangerous to have that thing on castle grounds!” Brown eyes abruptly turned her way and Nenani ducked into the fabric. Maevis’s gloved hands reached out to her, abandoning all pretense, and pulled her to him and folded the cloth around her more securely. Sweeping the entire bundle up, Maevis rose to his feet. The green coated man’s face turned a strange shade of pinkish purple and he waved an angry and accusing finger at her. “That thing should be brought to the Hill tribes where it’s chaos can be contained in a place of less importance! The west wing is destroyed, the kitchens are still in pieces, and now we have giant serpents coming onto the grounds and attacking our staff! That thing is cursed and we should rid ourselves of it before someone is killed!”
The large group of agitated giant lords all murmured sounds of agreement and someone from the back yelled out, “Here, here!”
“My lords,” said the King, his voice echoing through the hall. “I hear your concerns, but I must remind you all; your grievances are with the one who had caused these misfortunes and I assure you, it is not a little girl to whom your wrath should be aimed. As you all have been informed, what we face is indeed a human mage, but it is not Nenani. The young Princess is not our enemy.”
“Yes, Princess. As you have said, my liege. But is it not true that her mother was struck from the Silvaaran royal house? Her name removed from their records? What debt do we owe still that we haven’t already paid that we should take in and honor the dubious status of a human woman and her bastard?”
“Maevis,” said the King, his words sharp and angry. “Take Princess Nenani to the library and see to her recovery.”
“Yes, your majesty,” Maevis replied with a graceful, if not stiff, bow and he turned, covering her with fabric and shielding her from the eyes of the gathered lords. Underneath, she shivered and swallowed against the lump in her throat. The day’s events played inside her mind and she recalled the look of her fire when it turned blue and took the form of vines with thick thorns, sharp and curved. The gasps from the guards around her. The King’s anger. Lord Eldherst’s fear.
What did she do?
Gods above, what did she do?
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reddogf13 · 4 years
Escape: To Salvation Ch: 18
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Blake X Val
Summery: Blake wakes up in the hell town known as Templegate. confused and alone he must fight through both his past and present for his future. however, hallucinations of festering demons haunt him along with something else more of mortal blood. now he must fight to keep his nightmares and reality separate or succumb to the deadly wilds. however is he truly as alone as he feels in this world?  
status: complete
rated: M - fowl language, sensitive topics, and gore
previous chap: Escape: To Salvation CH:17
next chap: Escape: To Salvation CH:19
~Ch:18 Institutionalized~
“what did you do?!” wicker laughed through the blood pouring from his mouth. Chunks of metal having been blown back into his face. The blood red gun was specially made to shoot any bullets, unless broken. Only able to shoot its own special bullets when in a poor state. The crack barrel, having no ability to fire a different bullet, had burst into an explosion of metal. Wicker getting the brunt end where most the metal was held. Getting chunks of the heated pieces stabbed into his body. Shooting back into an eye, the chest, neck, along with taking one entire arm, half a leg, and half of the opposite hand. He was crumpled to the floor in a puddle of his own blood. Shifting around in shock as he tried getting up. The mushroom causing too much confusion for his brain to recognize its state. Adrenaline followed by shock preventing pain. The mushroom also causing hysteria with him letting out uncontrolled laughter. “what did you do?!” he laughed again as he rolled his horribly injured body on the floor. Pushing with his one arm to finally look at Blake. He gurgled till a waterfall of blood mixed drool poured from his mouth. Grinning widely at Blake with blood colored teeth and almost entirely black eyes. He tried repeatedly to stand, slipping around in his own blood. Spitting out more of the liquid between his laughter. Blake watched in shock at the demonic looking man. Slowly standing up with a shivering body from what just happened. Slowly brushing off the small metal bits embedded in his arms. He watched wickers expression slowly change from happy laughing smiles to angry glares. His quick breaths slowing to more bloody gurgles or long trails of drool. Attempting to furiously rise to his crippled feet. Thrashing around in anger with blood pouring from his body. Shaking it everywhere like a dog. He finally dropped with an intense stare still aimed at Blake. Wheezing out more blood as his breaths slowed to a stop. His dead eyes still holding there stare in the end. Soldiers running in to the area skidding to a halt. “fuck.” a few soldiers spoke, looking at the mess. Half looking over wickers body while the others grabbed Blake before he could move. They dragged him away from the mess to a new cell. “what about Val?” he thought. They didint seem to notice where he hid her. He didint want to tell them where she was either. “but is that best?” he thought. His stitching job being really shoddy in the small time he had. “they didint care about helping her before, why would it change now?” he thought, staying quiet. He was put back into another glass containment cell. Spotting a few familiar patients in different cells across from him. This time he didint have any neighbors to rile up for an escape. He saw nothing else to do but sit down. Hoping Val would wake up alone okay. “Last time she lost this much blood it took 2 days before she woke.” he thought. Hours passed with Blake watching soldiers or researchers running back and forth to catalog things. Cleaning up messes along with transporting bodies down the halls. Watching all of this had Blake calm down enough to begin feeling pain again from adrenaline loss. His body sore beyond belief with almost everything feeling broken. Simply breathing was extremely painful, yet not enough to suppress a need for sleep. He slowly closed his eyes. Going out into a deep slumber in an instant. Opening them again who knows after how long. Seeing the Murkoff workers scrambling in some sort of panic. He looked around for any kind of clue as to what was happening. “no red lights or alarms.” Blake thought, seeing the still normal bright white light in the ceiling. He tried stretching, feeling immediate regret with a sharp pain shooting through his body. Settling back into the sleeping spot he was in with a hiss of pain. The buzzing around slowly going away with groups of staff running toward the main room. Waylon closed his eyes at the sudden silence. 10 minutes passing before he heard the main door opening again. Blake slowly opening his eyes to the sound of many footsteps. One set of footsteps heavily clacking against the tiled flooring. Seeing a pair of black mid heeled women shoes partially covered by black slimming pants. “well Blake Langermann, guess you and your wife discovered this place after all. Ill get out the kinks in leaving footprints behind later. First I have to deal with you.” a menacing women wearing head to toe black clothing spoke down to him. Wearing a black suit top with dark red, almost black, business shirt. Black hair having a sharp straight cut just above her shoulders, framing her pale face with silver white eyes. Blake catching a hint of Russian accent in her voice. “i assume you wont tell me well that hermaphrodite is, will you?” she spoke in monotone down to Blake. Receiving only a wordless glare from Blake remaining in his laying spot. The women sighed with an eye roll at the expected answer. “take him out. Were bringing him to the engine room. Ill have him shipped off later to another facility.” she commanded the guards following her around. It seemed every staff member available was following her. Guards opened the door, hoisting Blake to his feet. Being required to hold him up if they wanted him to stay up. Locking his arms back with a heavy duty zip lock tie. Dragging him along with the group as they went around the facility. Arriving at two metal doors with a metal sign above saying “morgue”. Everybody going in as the leading lady went to a blood dripping table with a covered body. A morgue physician moving the cloth back to allow her to see wickers mangled body. “ugh.” the lady twisted her face in disgust turning to anger. “removed all this metal for scrap. Then throw his body to any patients who seem hungry.” she told the physician. “yes mam.” the doctor nodded, putting the cloth covering back. The group heading out down more halls leading to a heavily locked door. Blake shifting his body weight from one pained side to the other as they waited for her to swipe a card key. “mine only past this door.” she told the mass group following her. Only the bodyguards and those holding Blake allowed to follow her into the small sterilization hall. Leaving after a spray of green air over them. Going down dark halls with only a few ceiling lights to mark the thin pathway. Heavy metal vault doors lining each wall. They stopped at one door midway down the hall. Waiting until a man appeared from the other side of the  hall. Typing in some code to open the door for them. The women standing off to the side for Blake to be shoved in by an officer. Quickly being sat down in the lone chair in the small 5 by 5 foot chamber. Being yanked around with the ziptie to be removed and replaced by real restrains attached to the chair. One locking tightly around his throat to force his head to stay up. “shove some vitamins in him. It'll keep his body more stable after all of wickers beatings.” she told the man who held the door code. He went away for a minute to return with a feeding tube and a cup of strange thick greenish grey slop. At the sight of it Blake tried flinching away with his jaw locking shut. Being forced to open up by multiple guards yanking his mouth open. A tube was shoved down with little hesitation for the thick slop to be poured. The junk settling in his stomach like wet concrete mix. Hacking with a huge need to vomit as the tube was yanked out. His stomach unable to refuse the settling mixture. “congratulations Blake. Your becoming part of something greater. I hope you enjoy your time.” the women mocked as the door slowly closed shut. A loud clunk sounding off as it locked in place. Blake flinching with his stomach twisting into a heavy knot. Another sound echoing in his small room with the one light shutting off to darkness. A bright screen with morphing black imagery shining brightly into Blakes face. He squinted while trying to turn away. The flashing imagery across his eyes causing a growing burning sensation of pain at the back of his skull. The pain slowly growing more and more unbearable the longer he was forced to stay in the room. Even closing his eyes proved useless against the flashing imagery. Time or any focus away from pain was slipping away from him. The pain stopping momentarily when his stomach grew empty. Hazard suit covered men coming in to shove more vitamins down his throat. The flashes returning as soon as they left him. Inside that room Blake had no way of telling time. Suffering with those flashes till more vitamins were pumped. Over and over this pattern repeated. The world eventually going black with momentary sight coming in and out of focus. Glimpses of those men in suits, bright lights, something highly reflective and sharp. A pain coming from his chest that suddenly went away after a moment. Darkness surrounded his mind when the pain went. Hearing mumbles far off in the darkness. A shock of cold water opening his eyes with a gasp. His vision heavily blurred with those distorted images shifting as if burned into his brain. Past it all he saw a blurred figure looking down over his face. He saw hands on either side of his face to hold it straight. Confused as to why he couldn't feel the hands. Trying to instead focus on the blurred figure who was saying something. Still unable to clearly hear the words past some mumbling. He blinked a few times with his eyes focusing. Squinting at the bright white light high above. “blake … Blake. You have to get up. We cant be in here.” Val spoke to him urgently. Patting his face in order to have him focus. “where?” Blake managed to groan out. Throat feeling rough and sore with a feeling of sandpaper. Stretching an arm up stiffly with attempting to move up. Finding everything hard to control with a numb feeling slowly washing away. “doctors place. Move, quickly, I don't know if anybody else is coming.” Val spoke fast as she slowly helped him to sit up. Blakes vision clearing up enough for him to fully see his whereabouts. A morgue like lab, two hazmat suit men with slit throats near a bloody scalpel on the floor. He was sitting on a metal table with upper clothing removed. A bleeding long cut from his collar bone to the middle of his chest showing. Being strangely diagonal like the start of a Y cut. “come on!” Val rushed him, getting him off the metal table. Having Blake almost collapse on his stiff pained legs. Feeling an increasing need to vomit, but the tough layer that settled at the bottom refused to budge. Val paused momentarily at Blake lurching with a few gags. When nothing came up she helped him forward. Bringing him past two double steal doors into a small break room. “ahh!!” Blake hissed at the bright flickering florescent light hanging above. Shutting his eyes tightly as the burning flashes returned. He froze up to cover his eyes being way beyond sick to his stomach. Val helped guide him along to a vent in the wall just a smidgen above the floor. “fuck, this feels like a concentration of whatever in Templegate.” Blake thought with difficulty. Verging on passing out when both settled inside the vent. “whats wrong?” Val asked, slowly removing the hand from his eyes. Blake slowly opening them, seeing the flashes still he closed them with a groan. “i cant see.” he answered. “why? Let me see.” she asked, trying to get Blake to open them. “no, don't! There not cut or anything.” he flinched away, covering his eyes with his hand again. “its that engine. What the tower puts out. … I heard it on the news … what it does.” he explained. Thinking back to those reports on Waylon along with the experiments on him. How they forced him to see the engine for weeks, cutting him open like a dead body. Blake thinking to the cut on his chest. “looks like I got pretty far in experimentation.” he thought bitterly. “ … but the cuts didint come till a week later ...” Blake thought with a nervous swallow. “... Val … what happened?” Blake asked. her being next to him showed a large passing of time based on wound heal age. “i remember sirens and red everywhere before I blacked out. Found out I woke a day later from that lady talking around the place. Shes not hard to miss with a crowd following her everywhere. She talked about you being in a cell. I snuck around till I found these vents. Found where they kept you, but had no way of reaching you till now. In the mean time I was Getting food, medical, even managed to get our stuff back. Found that dead bastard all cut up in a bin. What happened to him?” she finished with a question. “he … tried to shoot me. … that red gun exploded in his hands. … I think he put the bullets in wrong or something. He shot many times before he finally ran out. He had to have reloaded before trying to shoot me again.” Blake thought, a little slowly at first past a headache. “so … its been a day?” Blake asked, finding it too good to be true. “ … four days.” Val corrected. “fuck … I knew it.” Blake mumbled, knowing it was impossible for it to be just a day. “how are you feeling?” she asked. “headache, soreness, scratchy throat, a painful burning in my skull. They forced me to chug something that's settled like a rock in my stomach. “can you eat?” she asked. “ugh, i am afraid too. My bodies been trying to vomit since they shoved the first tube of that junk down. It wont come up.” he said, slowly removing his hand from his blinking eyes. The flashes being gone with no ability to return in the dark vent. “how well can you see?” she continued asking. “okay right now. It gets really bad in bright light. Like my skulls going to split in two.” he squinted more from his headache. “can you eat some of these?” she asked, holding out some lettuce shoots for him. Blake looking at them with another knot twisting in his stomach. “maybe. Either that or ill vomit, but then my stomach mite feel 100 pounds lighter.” he said, taking them to quickly chew down in one mouthful. His stomach spasming painfully at the new food introduced. He doubled over in pain wanting so badly to vomit. Somehow making it through without a gag. He took many deep breaths to slowly unknot his stomach. Sitting up again when he wasint in so much pain. “once we get out I can give you a few things to help you vomit that poison out.” she suggested, Blake nodding at the idea. He wanted what ever they shoved into him out. She handed him his shirt and belt bag. The bags containing various powders he made, knoths ruined journal, and the bag of wolf jerky still almost full. “ … why did you come for me? You could have left.” he asked. “you came back for me. I may as well return the favor.” she shrugged sightly. “ of course ...” he thought, the words unintentionally coming out in a barely audible mumble. His tone filled with pessimism on how Val only returned to repay a favor. “why did you come? You could have left.” she asked him back. irritation in her tone caused from his own tone. “a mass hallucination of bodies and angels suggested I do.” he thought, stopping a chuckle from coming out at the thought. “i guess deep down I thought I should. I did drag you all the way out here” he said quietly. “... yeah ...” she spoke in monotone. “do you know any ways out of here?” he asked. “i think so. I feel fresh air and see sunlight down one of the vents.” she answered. “can we reach it today?” he asked, he wanted out of this place as soon as possible. “you want to leave? Now? You can barely walk, or even see for long. As soon as we go out into proper sunlight what do you think will happen with your vision?” she asked. “i know one person who went through the same thing. It took him like a month to recover. We definitely cant stay here that long. We have to get water, more food, soon they'll see the two dead doctors. We wont be able to scavenge from the vents after that. We have to find someplace to hide outside.” he stressed. “ … okay, but when we reach the end of the vent you say inside. Ill leave to find a hiding place first. Its no good if we come stumbling out with you unable to defend yourself.” she told him. After getting a nod she gestured for him to follow. Leading him down various vent shafts to a more rusted one with roots growing through it. He felt the gusts of wind coming from it. Eyes squinting at the light reflecting across the metal down the shaft. “how are you doing?” she asked, seeing his reaction to the light. “nothing too bad.” he answered. No flashes with only a stinging from the light hitting his eyes. He was sure though that it was only because he had been locked in the dark for four days. Reaching the end having his anxiety of the outcome shrink. Looking outside to the light hadint activated the engine effects. “no spike of pain, thank god for that.” he mumbled, as he looked up at the blue sky. “still, wait here.” Val spoke, slowly coming out of the broken down vent. “is this vent even used anymore?” Blake wondered while sitting there. Looking over all the old rust. Roots breaking the vent sections apart. “hope Val gets back soon.” he thought, smacking his dry mouth. Throat still sore with texture like sandpaper. He would love to get a handful of snow again. Just to swallow mouthfuls of the soothing bits of icy frost. Remembering things like ice cream or Popsicle. “how long has it been since I had one of those?” he thought. “maybe a vanilla drumstick while lynn and I were going on the road for a bit. Following around a rock band bus on tour.” he remembered. They got about 3 city's before heading back to their home town. “add it to my mega food list that ill eat till I vomit when I get back.” he thought. mouth trying to drool, but unable. Looking up the vent from a noise of foot steps. “i found a burrow in the desert. It isint very far from here, But its a spot to hide in till nightfall. Then we can travel back to the river.” Val informed him from the top of the vent. Helping Blake slowly out of it. Giving a moment to allow him to adjust to the bright sunshine. They sneaked low to the ground away from the building. Nervously going around dead bushes barely bigger then them. The dry desert land being so unsafely open. The two sneaking down into a small dirt area dug away by something. The two barely filling into the shaded space. Sitting side by side facing each other with no room for space in between. Backs resting against the walls with legs practically resting on the other. “can we get water from some cacti?” Blake asked, growing annoyed at the sandpaper feeling in his throat. “not all cacti have water, some that do are toxic. We'd have to find a specific cacti for that.” she spoke while looking into her bag. Pulling out one of those mini water bottles that was half full. “you can have the rest of this. Ill be fine till the river tomorrow.” she spoke, handing it to him. Blake being unable to help it, chugged the entire thing down. The dry sandpaper sensation mostly going away. “how'd you get supplies in there for 4 days?” he asked. “i noticed a man with keys unlocking fridges and big metal boxes with windows showing food in them. I managed to sneak the key off him and stole a handful of things. Bottles of water and plastic bags with thin dry cut potatoes. I didint like them that much, they were super salty. They could have used less salt on the drying process.” Val explained. Blake almost laughed at the food description. “those are potato chips. They're fried, not dried in the sun with salt. The salts added for flavor, because otherwise they'd be really plain.” he explained with a smile of amusement. “who likes that much salt. There's no need for that much.” she waved with a disgusted face. “that's how most fried stuff is, super salty. Although some brands, err, sellers don't add salt. Some add simple flavors like just a little pepper. Do you have any more of them?” Blake asked. “take them.” Val spoke, seeming happy to get rid of two mini bags of salted chips. Blake looking like he hit the jackpot with an excited expression at the junk food handed over. “there are also these. I havint tried them, don't know what they are.” she mentioned, holding a bag of extreme cheese flavored chips. “oh, those. They're the same, but with a much stronger flavor of cheese. I reaaaally don't think you'd like those.” Blake told her. “cheese?” she asked him with a look of confused disbelief. “yeah, its … powdered cheese flavor. They pour it onto the chips.” he explained a little further. Val looked interested down to the bag, popping it open to try one. Gaining a look of instant regret at the taste from a chip. Blake trying so hard, but was unable to contain his laughter at the expression of Vals inner soul dying from powdered cheese flavor. She handed the bag right over to him while spitting out the small chip corner to the side. “shut up.” she mumbled, half jokingly. While Blakes laughter slowly died down for him to eat the nacho cheese chips. “cant believe you can eat that. Hope your town food isint all overly salted.” she stated. “no, its just junk food like this. Your really not suppose to eat a lot of this anyway. Its like candy, you only eat it in small handfuls on rare occasions.” he explained while eating the chips happily. Jumping at the sound of an alarm blaring off from the lab. He swallowed his mouth full of chips before slowly looking out of the dirt burrow toward the building. Seeing swarms of guards running out in searching. “must have seen the doctors.” Blake said, hiding back down into the burrow. “sooner we get to the woods the better. This land is far too open for us to hide.” she sighed. Both hearing the men stomp around on the ground above. “after you eat you should sleep. Ill keep watch till its time to go.” Val said to him. “not sure if I can. I don't even know if I slept in that cell. Everything just blanked out in there.” he swallowed the crumbs from his chip bag. Quietly crumpling it up to throw aside.
______________________________________ “whats the point of this facility having cameras if only the outside ones are watched?!” Zandra rubbed the bridge of her nose. Standing in front of a control panel settled in front of a large wall of various camera screens. Guards surrounding behind her in an intimidating wall of protection. “wicker ruined the structure here on his eager chase of the survivors. No one trusts the highers here after he slaughtered so many staff. I can barely communicate with anyone. All of them stupidly stutter at the smallest question. I need fresh blood here, but with the reporter gone I feel this pace is falling too.” Zandra growled to herself. “time to cut losses here.” she said, pressing an income button on a control panel. “in the next half hour. I want ALL data put onto one machine for transport to another facility. No other copies shall be allowed. after all material is backed up to the single system everything must be liquidated. This facility will be merged with another far off. After liquidation all staff shall help pack materials to begin the move. within the next two days I want this facility gutted out with no trace behind.” she ordered in a commanding tone. Ending the mass building announcement. “all of you, I want a few teams assembled. One of trackers, netters, and one who knows the geography well around here. Also, call back the search, I doubt they'll find anything while running like chickens with their heads cut off. They're either still in the vents, in which case the desert sun will roast them out, or they're running outside somewhere. We'll hunt them with more proper equipment for the assembled teams later.” she said to a few lesser guards. The small group nodding as they left her sight. “are we starting fresh? Or going to an already settled facility.” the head scientist asked. “settled one. We cant afford to make any new ones.” she answered. “were getting really small. What about a small town? Like that one in Maine?” he suggested. “tested the area. Lots of problems. Everyone getting easily distracted. Then there's this supposed clown that appears everywhere. havint found this clown, but everybodys scared of him for some reason. I swear there must be something horrible in the water that makes people high as a kite.” she grumbled. “probably best we stay small for now and grow as need be when we get back onto our feet.” she said, going over the outside camera screens for any movement.
_________________________________________ The sunrise filled the sky with blazing colors of orange to golden yellow. Bringing a glow over the forest just like before. With dark clouds outlined with brilliant color. The once hot air now refreshingly cool enough to form small amounts of dew. Blake had been drifting back and forth through sleep in the night. Slightly regretting that he ate those dry chips while no where near water. He was happy to see the river within reach. While Blake sloshed his head in the water to moisturize his dry skin, Val only took a quick drink. “ill go get you that vomiting medicine. Drink as much water as you can, it'll help push up whatever you have.” she said, going down along the river in search. Blake doing as he was told, chugging water down till his stomach grew painfully full. Val returned with some tube like plant piece. Bringing it over to a rock with her knife to carefully cut a small square out of it. Being only the quarter of the size of a dime. “just swallow, don't chew.” she told him while handing it over. “how long till it works?” Blake asked. “its pretty instant. After you swallow your stomach should start feeling a little sour.” she said. Watching Blake stare at the small piece for a moment. Quickly swallowing it down like a pill followed by a hand full of water. Just like she said, his stomach began feeling off. Similar to bad food poisoning kicking in 5 minutes after the first bite in a restaurant. His mouth filling up with watery drool as it got ready for his stomach to reject the contents of it. Time was ticking by with Val growing concerned that nothing had come up yet. “don't try and fight it.” she stated. “iam not, its not moving.” Blake groaned. His body doing a lot of drying heaving with him only spitting out building drool. Deep down his stomach was growing painful. Feeling the sludge ripping free from the sides. Blake hoped it wasint doing it literally and simply felt that way. A few more dry heaves came, followed shortly by a massive wave of thick grey. The pile forming looking exactly like cement mix. The stomach contents missing the mass amounts of water Blake chugged. He could only guess the junk absorbed it all like a toxic sponge. After getting past the vomiting his stomach felt overly hollow. Growling for food without any hesitation as it felt lighter then air again. “any more?” Val asked, ready to cut him another small piece of medicine. “no, I am sure that's all of it.” Blake answered confidently. Spitting out the disgusting flavor settling in his mouth. Washing out with handfuls of water before chugging mouthfuls down again. Hearing that, Val tossed the pipe plant far off into the river. “now i am absolutely starving again.” he chuckled, thinking of what he just went through. “i am sure we'll find some fish for you.” Val chuckled back. Standing up to collect items for a fish trap.
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btsareyandere · 5 years
Omg I adore your work so much! May I request thier reaction so their s/o succumbing to the Stockholm syndrome and becoming affectionate and telling them "I love you"?
Hi baby, sorry for the wait. This is shit and kind of short but so is life. Lol, enjoy. 😘
Yandere jungkook
You're sat at the bottom of the stairs waiting for jungkook to finally get home from a day out with his friends. Usually you'd be in your room trying to fool yourself into believing that he won't come and you don't have to worry about what kind of mood he's in, but lately, you can't help the anxiety that consumes you when he leaves. You're never truly alone, not with all the staff in the house but it's not the same, nothing feels quite right unless jungkook is around.
The staff encourage you to get up and do something, insisting that hours spent in one spot isn't good for you but you can't find it in your to care, you need to be here when he arrives.
The clock ticks agonisingly slowly until you finally hear an engine rumbling up the gravel drive and come to a halt.
You rush to the door and eagerly wait for him to open it so you can feel somewhat whole once again.
"Jungkook!" You shout when the door finally opens and he confidently steps through, forcing you to take a few back.
"Y/n.." he says warily, arching an eyebrow at you.
"I-I missed you. Next time can you take me with you?"
You reach out and wrap your arms around him, attempting to engulf a form much larger than your own.
He allows this and strokes the back of your head but he can feel something is off, "are you sick?" The tone he takes would have the potential to offend you if you weren't afraid of the repercussions of talking back.
"No, no I'm not sick. I promise, I just need to feel you. Jungkook please don't leave me anymore".
You finally look up at him with wide eyes, eyes big enough to hold the galaxy but all they want to see is him.
He finally responds to your touch but not in the way you had hoped, he picks you up and walks you to the living room, placing you carefully on the sofa.
"Don't move" he orders.
You crane your kneck to keep eyes on him as he wanders into the hallway, "jungkook?" You call after him, tempted to get up and follow.
Minutes later he comes back with a member of staff, "so I think there's something wrong with her, she's acting odd."
"No I'm not". Jungkook raises a hand to stop you from talking and you cower in response.
"I'm talking about you, not to you. Sit quietly!"
Realising that a hit isn't coming, you straighten your back and listen as they talk about the best course of action.
"Yeah do that then" jungkook says as he nods his head. "I'll have a guard escort the two of you to the doctor. Make sure he checks her out completely".
You stand from your seat suddenly, drawing the attention of the maid and of jungkook. "No, please. Jungkook are you angry at me? I haven't done anything wrong. Don't send me away. Please baby, I can apologise anyway". Tears pricked your eyes as you dropped heavily to your knees and hugged his leg. "I'll be good, let me be with you. I won't talk unless you say it's okay. I wont cry when you hit me..." your mind wanders for a moment and explores the fact that he hasn't disciplined you in a few days.
Does he not love you? His way of loving you has always hurt but you're not in any physical pain right now.
Sobs begin to choke you as your grip on him gets tighter "jungkook, why haven't you hit me lately? Do- do you n-not love me?" Your voice is small and broken as you hope with all your might that he hasn't lost interest in you.
Anxiety is drowning you from the inside out and only a tiny portion of you is self aware enough to recognise that this behaviour isn't right. Why are you suddenly upset that he doesn't hit you enough?
Jungkook studies you before resting his hand on the top of your head, both of you relaxing at the way you flinched in response to his movement. You feel the weight of his large hand on your skull and bathe in the secure feeling it gives you, wishing you could have more and that it would never end.
"Go get the guard and leave now. She's not acting normal."
Jungkook remains motionless as he awaits the arrival of his man to come and collect you.
Kneeling at his feet, you're oblivious to all that is going on until you feel hands lifting you up under the armpits and it's not jungkook that is doing it.
The tall, muscular man lifts you up fully before pulling you close and wrapping one arm around you, leaving your legs swinging in line with his shins.
"I'll get her there sir".
Jungkook nods and dismisses you all without another word.
You attempt to break free of the hold his man has on you but find that pure desperation isn't going to be enough.
It feels as though your skin is being ripped from your body the further you're taken away from him, the air is too thick to breathe and leaves you suffocating. You need jungkook, you need him for everything, he controls every aspect of your life and it's uncertain whether you'd be able to do anything alone again if he cast you aside one day.
Without his constant input you wound be a hollow vessel devoid of everything that makes someone a person, without him telling you to live, your heart might fail to beat.
"Jungkook!" You scream at the top of your lungs.
"Don't let them take me~". His warm eyes follow your form as you round the corner and disappear out of sight.
All he can focus on now is what he can hear and between the begging and the sobbing, the hiccups and the pleas laced with anguish, comes three desperate words floating along the hall that he never thought you could utter, "I love you".
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@jinnenchimchim @hxfflepxffx @v-2bucky @aria101404
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Hamlet Mariofied Act 5 Scene 1
Bolded names refer to the Mario characters playing the roles. The character role names remain the same in the context of the play and its dialogue.
Iggy = First Gravedigger
Lemmy = Second Gravedigger
Mario = Hamlet
Luigi = Horatio
Bowser = Claudius
Peach = Gertrude
Larry = Laertes
Geno = Priest
The King of Grass Land = Yorick
Act V, Scene 1
Elsinore. A churchyard.
Enter Iggy and Lemmy, [with spades and pickaxes]. Haunty Halls Theme.
Iggy. Is she to be buried in Christian burial when she wilfully seeks her own salvation?
Lemmy. I tell thee she is; therefore make her grave straight.
The crowner hath sate on her, and finds it Christian burial.
 Iggy How can that be, unless she drown'd herself in her own
Lemmy. Why, 'tis found so.
Iggy. It must be se offendendo; it cannot be else. For here lies
the point: if I drown myself wittingly, it argues an act; and an
 act hath three branches-it is to act, to do, and to perform;
argal, she drown'd herself wittingly.
Lemmy. Nay, but hear you, Goodman Delver!
Iggy. Give me leave. Here lies the water; good. Here stands the
man; good. If the man go to this water and drown himself, it is,
 will he nill he, he goes- mark you that. But if the water come to
him and drown him, he drowns not himself. Argal, he that is not
guilty of his own death shortens not his own life.
Lemmy. But is this law?
Iggy. Ay, marry, is't- crowner's quest law.
 Lemmy. Will you ha' the truth an't? If this had not been a
gentlewoman, she should have been buried out o' Christian burial.
Iggy. Why, there thou say'st! And the more pity that great folk
should have count'nance in this world to drown or hang themselves
more than their even-Christian. Come, my spade! There is no
 ancient gentlemen but gard'ners, ditchers, and grave-makers. They
hold up Adam's profession.
Lemmy. Was he a gentleman?
Iggy. 'A was the first that ever bore arms.
Lemmy. Why, he had none.
 Iggy. What, art a heathen? How dost thou understand the Scripture?
The Scripture says Adam digg'd. Could he dig without arms? I'll
put another question to thee. If thou answerest me not to the
purpose, confess thyself-
Lemmy. Go to!
 Iggy. What is he that builds stronger than either the mason, the
shipwright, or the carpenter?
Lemmy. The gallows-maker; for that frame outlives a thousand
Iggy. I like thy wit well, in good faith. The gallows does well.
 But how does it well? It does well to those that do ill. Now,
thou dost ill to say the gallows is built stronger than the
church. Argal, the gallows may do well to thee. To't again, come!
Lemmy. Who builds stronger than a mason, a shipwright, or a
 Iggy. Ay, tell me that, and unyoke.
Lemmy. Marry, now I can tell!
Iggy. To't.
Lemmy. Mass, I cannot tell.
Enter Mario and Luigi afar off.
Iggy. Cudgel thy brains no more about it, for your dull ass will
not mend his pace with beating; and when you are ask'd this
question next, say 'a grave-maker.' The houses he makes lasts
till doomsday. Go, get thee to Yaughan; fetch me a stoup of
 [Exit Lemmy.]
[Iggy digs and sings.]
Iggy. In youth when I did love, did love,
Methought it was very sweet;
To contract- O- the time for- a- my behove,
 O, methought there- a- was nothing- a- meet.
Mario. Has this fellow no feeling of his business, that he sings at
Luigi. Custom hath made it in him a property of easiness.
Mario. 'Tis e'en so. The hand of little employment hath the daintier
Iggy. [sings]
But age with his stealing steps
Hath clawed me in his clutch,
And hath shipped me intil the land,
 As if I had never been such.
[Throws up a skull.]
Mario. That skull had a tongue in it, and could sing once. How the
knave jowls it to the ground,as if 'twere Cain's jawbone, that
did the first murther! This might be the pate of a Politician,
 which this ass now o'erreaches; one that would circumvent God,
might it not?
Luigi. It might, my lord.
Mario. Or of a courtier, which could say 'Good morrow, sweet lord!
How dost thou, good lord?' This might be my Lord Such-a-one, that
 prais'd my Lord Such-a-one's horse when he meant to beg it- might
it not?
Luigi. Ay, my lord.
Mario. Why, e'en so! and now my Lady Worm's, chapless, and knock'd
about the mazzard with a sexton's spade. Here's fine revolution,
 and we had the trick to see't. Did these bones cost no more the
breeding but to play at loggets with 'em? Mine ache to think
Iggy. [Sings]
A pickaxe and a spade, a spade,
 For and a shrouding sheet;
O, a Pit of clay for to be made
For such a guest is meet.
[Throws up another skull].
Mario. There's another. Why may not that be the skull of a lawyer?
  Where be his quiddits now, his quillets, his cases, his tenures,
and his tricks? Why does he suffer this rude knave now to knock
him about the sconce with a dirty shovel, and will not tell him
of his action of battery? Hum! This fellow might be in's time a
great buyer of land, with his statutes, his recognizances, his
 fines, his double vouchers, his recoveries. Is this the fine of
his fines, and the recovery of his recoveries, to have his fine
pate full of fine dirt? Will his vouchers vouch him no more of
his purchases, and double ones too, than the length and breadth
of a pair of indentures? The very conveyances of his lands will
 scarcely lie in this box; and must th' inheritor himself have no
more, ha?
Luigi. Not a jot more, my lord.
Mario. Is not parchment made of sheepskins?
Luigi. Ay, my lord, And of calveskins too.
 Mario. They are sheep and calves which seek out assurance in that. I
will speak to this fellow. Whose grave's this, sirrah?
Iggy. Mine, sir.
[Sings] O, a pit of clay for to be made
For such a guest is meet.
 Mario. I think it be thine indeed, for thou liest in't.
Iggy. You lie out on't, sir, and therefore 'tis not yours.
For my part, I do not lie in't, yet it is mine.
Mario. Thou dost lie in't, to be in't and say it is thine. 'Tis for
the dead, not for the quick; therefore thou liest.
 Iggy. 'Tis a quick lie, sir; 'twill away again from me to you.
Mario. What man dost thou dig it for?
Iggy. For no man, sir.
Mario. What woman then?
Iggy. For none neither.
 Mario. Who is to be buried in't?
Iggy. One that was a woman, sir; but, rest her soul, she's dead.
Mario. How absolute the knave is! We must speak by the card, or
equivocation will undo us. By the Lord, Horatio, this three years
I have taken note of it, the age is grown so picked that the toe
 of the peasant comes so near the heel of the courtier he galls
his kibe.- How long hast thou been a grave-maker?
Iggy. Of all the days i' th' year, I came to't that day that our
last king Hamlet overcame Fortinbras.
Mario. How long is that since?
 Iggy. Cannot you tell that? Every fool can tell that. It was the
very day that young Hamlet was born- he that is mad, and sent
into England.
Mario. Ay, marry, why was be sent into England?
Iggy. Why, because 'a was mad. 'A shall recover his wits there;
 or, if 'a do not, 'tis no great matter there.
Mario. Why?
Iggy. 'Twill not he seen in him there. There the men are as mad as
Mario. How came he mad?
 Iggy. Very strangely, they say.
Mario. How strangely?
Iggy. Faith, e'en with losing his wits.
Mario. Upon what ground?
Iggy. Why, here in Denmark. I have been sexton here, man and boy
 thirty years.
Mario. How long will a man lie i' th' earth ere he rot?
Iggy. Faith, if 'a be not rotten before 'a die (as we have many
pocky corses now-a-days that will scarce hold the laying in, I
will last you some eight year or nine year. A tanner will last
 you nine year.
Mario. Why he more than another?
Iggy. Why, sir, his hide is so tann'd with his trade that 'a will
keep out water a great while; and your water is a sore decayer of
your whoreson dead body. Here's a skull now. This skull hath lien
 you i' th' earth three-and-twenty years.
Hamlet. Whose was it?
Iggy. A whoreson, mad fellow's it was. Whose do you think it was?
Mario. Nay, I know not.
Iggy. A pestilence on him for a mad rogue! 'A pour'd a flagon of
 Rhenish on my head once. This same skull, sir, was Yorick's
skull, the King's jester.
Mario. This?
Iggy. E'en that.
Mario. Let me see. [Takes the skull of The King of Grass Land. Play Grass Land tune.] Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him,
 Horatio. A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He
hath borne me on his back a thousand times. And now how abhorred
in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those
lips that I have kiss'd I know not how oft. Where be your gibes
now? your gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment that
 were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your
own grinning? Quite chap- fall'n? Now get you to my lady's
chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this
favour she must come. Make her laugh at that. Prithee, Horatio,
tell me one thing.
 Luigi. What's that, my lord?
Mario. Dost thou think Alexander look'd o' this fashion i' th' earth?
Luigi. E'en so.
Mario. And smelt so? Pah!
[Puts down the skull.]
Luigi. E'en so, my lord.
Mario. To what base uses we may return, Horatio! Why may not
imagination trace the noble dust of Alexander till he find it
stopping a bunghole?
Luigi. 'Twere to consider too curiously, to consider so.
 Mario. No, faith, not a jot; but to follow him thither with modesty
enough, and likelihood to lead it; as thus: Alexander died,
Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth into dust; the dust is
earth; of earth we make loam; and why of that loam (whereto he
was converted) might they not stop a beer barrel?
 Imperious Caesar, dead and turn'd to clay,
Might stop a hole to keep the wind away.
O, that that earth which kept the world in awe
Should patch a wall t' expel the winter's flaw!
But soft! but soft! aside! Here comes the King-
 Enter Geno and others with a coffin in funeral procession, Bowser,
Peach, Larry, with Lords attendant. Initiate Ending Orchestration from Super Mario RPG.
The Queen, the courtiers. Who is this they follow?
And with such maimed rites? This doth betoken
The corse they follow did with desp'rate hand
 Fordo it own life. 'Twas of some estate.
Couch we awhile, and mark.
[Retires with Luigi.]
Larry. What ceremony else?
Mario. That is Laertes,
 A very noble youth. Mark.
Larry. What ceremony else?
Geno. Her obsequies have been as far enlarg'd
As we have warranty. Her death was doubtful;
And, but that great command o'ersways the order,
  She should in ground unsanctified have lodg'd
Till the last trumpet. For charitable prayers,
Shards, flints, and pebbles should be thrown on her.
Yet here she is allow'd her virgin rites,
Her maiden strewments, and the bringing home
 Of bell and burial.
Larry. Must there no more be done?
Geno. No more be done.
We should profane the service of the dead
To sing a requiem and such rest to her
 As to peace-parted souls.
Larry. Lay her i' th' earth;
And from her fair and unpolluted flesh
May violets spring! I tell thee, churlish priest,
A minist'ring angel shall my sister be
 When thou liest howling.
Mario. What, the fair Ophelia?
Peach. Sweets to the sweet! Farewell.
[Scatters flowers.]
I hop'd thou shouldst have been my Hamlet's wife;
 I thought thy bride-bed to have deck'd, sweet maid,
And not have strew'd thy grave.
Larry. O, treble woe
Fall ten times treble on that cursed head
Whose wicked deed thy most ingenious sense
 Depriv'd thee of! Hold off the earth awhile,
Till I have caught her once more in mine arms.
[Leaps in the grave.]
Now pile your dust upon the quick and dead
Till of this flat a mountain you have made
 T' o'ertop old Pelion or the skyish head
Of blue Olympus.
Mario. [comes forward] What is he whose grief
Bears such an emphasis? whose phrase of sorrow
Conjures the wand'ring stars, and makes them stand
 Like wonder-wounded hearers? This is I,
Hamlet the Dane. [Leaps in after Larry.]
Larry. The devil take thy soul!
[Grapples with him.]
Mario. Thou pray'st not well.
 I prithee take thy fingers from my throat;
For, though I am not splenitive and rash,
Yet have I in me something dangerous,
Which let thy wisdom fear. Hold off thy hand!
Bowser. Pluck them asunder.
 Peach. Hamlet, Hamlet!
All. Gentlemen!
Luigi. Good my lord, be quiet.
[The Attendants part them, and they come out of the grave.]
Mario. Why, I will fight with him upon this theme
 Until my eyelids will no longer wag.
Peach. O my son, what theme?
Mario. I lov'd Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers
Could not (with all their quantity of love)
Make up my sum. What wilt thou do for her?
 Bowser. O, he is mad, Laertes.
Peach. For love of God, forbear him!
Mario. 'Swounds, show me what thou't do.
Woo't weep? woo't fight? woo't fast? woo't tear thyself?
Woo't drink up esill? eat a crocodile?
 I'll do't. Dost thou come here to whine?
To outface me with leaping in her grave?
Be buried quick with her, and so will I.
And if thou prate of mountains, let them throw
Millions of acres on us, till our ground,
 Singeing his pate against the burning zone,
Make Ossa like a wart! Nay, an thou'lt mouth,
I'll rant as well as thou.
Peach. This is mere madness;
And thus a while the fit will work on him.
 Anon, as patient as the female dove
When that her golden couplets are disclos'd,
His silence will sit drooping.
Mario. Hear you, sir!
What is the reason that you use me thus?
 I lov'd you ever. But it is no matter.
Let Hercules himself do what he may,
The cat will mew, and dog will have his day.
Bowser. I pray thee, good Horatio, wait upon him.
 Exit Luigi.
[To Larry] Strengthen your patience in our last night's speech.
We'll put the matter to the present push.-
Good Gertrude, set some watch over your son.-
This grave shall have a living monument.
 An hour of quiet shortly shall we see;
Till then in patience our proceeding be.
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jiilys · 7 years
hello!! i love your writing so much omg! it would be really cool if you did a jily musical theatre au, but no pressure. have a nice day!
‘i dont even like you’ james tells lily, lying, when theyre both cast as leads
james’ only reference to any musical being high school musical and its only then when he realises they never even PERFORMED THE PLAY it was JUST THE CALL BACK and lily tells him to SHUT UP because HES YELLING and also EVERYONE ALREADY KNEW THAT 
lily joined cause music + acting = Her Shit and also slughorn is the director and he insisted on having her audition 
lilys always loosing her script and then taking james’ and trying to make him think hes the one whose lost his lines
sirius heckles every rehersal
remus is on lighting and james tries to bribe him to make it go dark whenever lily speaks but lily hears him and tips her coffee down his front 
in rehersals during the bit where theyre meant to kiss james kisses his hand and lily just squints at him bc the fuck was that rlly necesseary he could have just kissed nothing what a weirdo
james being A Smug Shite whenver he sings bc he knows hes good and lily is so sick of his talent she could physically die 
except like. annoyingly they have the same taste in music so when theyre in their dressing rooms she’ll bang on their shared wall and tell him to turn up Melodrama or smth and he’ll smile a little
at one point sirius paints a fake tree yellow just for The Drama Of It All and slughorn is Next Level Pissed and lily and james cant stop laughing
james: ‘wheres the coffee’ *lily, having drunk the entire pot out of spite earlier that morning bc james said she looked like a falmingo in her pink legwarmers, shaking slightly,: SAY WHAT BITCH
lily keeps improvising funny lines and james trying not to laugh each time
they move out of the rough rehersal stage and everyone knows their lines now and shit is getting real and sirius has been thrown off the props team 7 times but somehow keeps getting back on it 
lily still doesnt like him but like damn. boy is funny. boy can sing. boy looks like that and can do 5 cartwheels in a row. 
 they do arm wrestling and james never lets her win but lily always cheats anyway 
he writes his english essays and shes all ‘youve spelt ‘produce’ wrong how can u even do that’ and ‘stop calling hamlet great ok he did the dirty on opehlia and im sick of pretending like im okay with it’ 
james sitting in the directors chair despite a) not being the director and b) required to be on stage for a scene at the time 
her car doesnt start and theyre standing in the theatre parking lot, everyone else at home, and he wont leave unless she does and she wont leave her car overnight so they sit on her bonnet and talk about hamlet and high school musical and how theyre similar 
lily says i cant hit the high note and james, without thinking says yes you can. youre excellent and everyone is staring at him and he goes bright red
the bit where theyre supposed to kiss only this time theyre v close to each other and its lily can feel his breath on her face. see her reflection in his glasses. she looks winded. she feels like it. 
once he walks out in her costume on stage and she laughs so hard she falls into sirius’ yellow tree which he keeps putting up 
lily skulling coffee and then doing her solo and going off stage while slughorn wipes away tears 
theyre in dress rehersals now and its all happening and even when james is looking at someone else hes really looking at her 
opening night and james is so nervous and in the minute before the curtain goes up she just. grabs his wrist. and suddenly he is a flood of calm 
sirius holding up a sign when it gets to the kiss that says ‘NOW FUCK’ 
there is 11 shows and by show 7 james and lily are honest to god having contests to see who can skull the most mountain dew and then do their solo and slughorn is In Dispair 
the show is still fucking excellent tho
closing night and lilys walking to her car only now shes never going to have another reason to kiss him again and that just. is a huge fucking problem actually 
james being literally shoved up againist the bathroom wall about five minutes later after lily has tracked him down and hes liked her all this time and now shes kissing him for no apparent reason and goddamn hes so lucky 
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impatient14 · 7 years
EMP Theory is Alive and Thriving
I want to preface this post with this: I am in no way trying to offend or upset the people who do not believe in EMP. This show can be read in so many ways, even by the people who agree on most things. I respect everyone’s opinion. This is just mine! 
So, with that said, I want to go through some things I noticed in The Six Thatchers that (to me) are Extended Mind Palace smoking guns. Let it be said that I have only watched the episode twice so there is definitely going to be more to add to this list. 
1.) The story about death in Sumara. It was mentioned multiple times, by multiple characters. Almost like they were all given the same script. And you may be like, well, yeah, they are actors in a show, but writers do not give actors the same brain. But it is like Sherlock, Mycroft, and Norbury all share a brain. They all bring up the story without any of the characters speaking to each other about the story first. Sherlock’s dialogue is a voice over, which is not time stamped. It is possible that Mycroft and Norbury brought up the story and then Sherlock used it in his monologue to the audience, but why did Mycroft and Norbury both think of the story? Because they share a brain. Sherlock’s brain.
2.)  As @tjlcisthenewsexy pointed out, the sharks, CAM, water, and the death story are also very telling. This post/thread sums it up far better than I could.
3.) Intuition, Premonition- these words were used to describe Sherlock’s feelings about The Six Thatchers case. Premonition is defined as a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant. Sherlock is anticipating his death, and his intuition is telling him that Mary is involved. Its almost as if she is responsible for his murder in the first place…
4.) The odd transitions and reality breaks. The water imagery over Sherock’s face and in the background of certain scenes, Mycroft and his office busting just as the MT busts were doing throughout the episode, the overlay of a cracked bust on the side of Sherlock’s face. There is an argument for production style here, but its all so very over the top. Much more so than ususal for BBC’s Sherlock. Its almost like they want you to question what you are seeing…
5.) The Damn Skull. In case you can’t tell. Its glowing, almost like an x-ray. Like, an x-ray of someone who is currently laying in a hospital bed. Its fucking glowing guys. Adding onto the fact that it was blue in HLV, something is seriously wrong here.
6.) Mary and John sleeping on opposite sides of the bed from where they slept at the beginning of HLV.
7.) AJ doesn’t care about killing people enough to slit the throat of one of the Thatcher bust owners (unless it was really Mary who killed her), but doesnt shoot Sherlock when Sherlock tells him he is Mary’s friend and he will protect her. Um. Okay.
8.) Sherlock Holmes. His first and last name was said multiple times, by multiple people. Almost as if the entire world is centered around him. We hear his full name multiple times in his confrontation with AJ at the pool. “Who are you? Sherlock Holmes. Who is Sherlock Holmes? Not a policeman.” (This is a reference to ACD or canon Sherlock Holmes who is always described as “Not a policeman or vigilante, just a logical man with an eye for detective work.”) AJ’s “Goodbye Sherlock Holmes” is haunting me too, and not just because of the cheesy line. Where else have we heard someone say, “Goodbye Mr. Holmes”? (Honest question, I know its significant…help! EDIT TO ADD: A couple people have pointed out that this is what Irene texts Sherlock in ASiB. I do remember this, but it isn’t what I had in mind. I feel like I can hear someone say it…like in a threatening way the way AJ does…any takers?)
9.) “Sherlock the dragon slayer.” Mary says this to Sherlock after she gives him what looks like a wickedly smug smile. First of all, how the hell does Mary know Sherlock sees himself this way. When he and Mycroft had this conversation, she was in the middle of passing out in John’s arms. Unless she knows Sherlock sees himself this way because the conversation with Mycroft took place in Sherlock’s mind, just as this ones does. 
10.)”My Darling.” Mary begins her letter to John in the most old fashioned, cheesy way. Its not the way Mary Morstan talks…but it is the Mrs. John Watson talks- from TAB. “I don’t mind you going, my darling, I mind you leaving me behind.”
11.) Mary’s disguise on the plane was a joy to watch, but it reminded me of someone else. Sherlock. Sherlock loves disguises and theatrics. The vicar from ASiB and the french waiter from TEH spring to mind. 
12.) The number 6. Six months of bristly kisses. 6 months until SHerlock was to die in exile. 6 years that AJ was held in captivity. 6 Thatcher busts. A metaphorical 666 carved into the baby’s head. Highlighted 6 before giving us this:
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The number 6 is important to Sherlock, but why?
13.) John’s blog. There should be multiple blog posts for us to read and yet, there aren’t. Its not that Joe is no longer available, bc they’ve told us he has a project for this series…why stop updating the blog? Because there have been no more cases and John is too busy sleeping by Sherlock’s hospital bed. oH, and The six Thatchers? Already a case Sherlock solved. Years ago.
14.) Scene in Georgia. The ambassador says, “I’ve got something they’d love if I could just get out of here” (Paraphrasing). The man asks what and the ambassador replies, “Amo.” She has love. Just like Sherlock has love and has figured it out and if he could just get the hell out of that coma, out of the damn hospital bed, he could give it to John- and John would love him in return.
15.) The two lengthy rapid deductions Sherlock makes are about Mary.
16.) The white papers of doom. There are three of them. Mary to Sherlock (drugged), Exx to John (temptation), and Molly to Sherlock from John (emotional distress). There was a white note of doom in TAB too. Miss me?
17.) John’s cheating story line. It fits in with TAB (see below), but I think its more complicated than just that. We get him texting someone Hey and them replying with the same.Then we get the night time text messages. They seem to be written between people who are at the beginning stages of their relationship, but are still intimate in some way. The Its been too long and Miss you implies they’ve spent time together, but the Night Owl? implies they don’t know each other very well. So, taken alone, this could definitely be from the bus woman. John then breaks it off with his This isn’t a good idea. I’m not free. Things wont end well. It was fun getting to know you a little. I’m sorry. Then the bus stop girl is waiting for him at the bus stop and he smiles at her and then looks guilty- the same look he had when he decided to keep the paper instead of throwing it away. This is what we see. HOWEVER there is more there. First, when John opens the paper to text Exx for the first time he does so horizontally, however, the image they show us has the number broken vertically, as if the paper were folded vertically and Exx isn’t broken up.
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Then we’ve got Sherlock saying he deletes all messages from John that begin with the word “Hi”, then we see John text someone (E xx) with the word “Hey.” .The paper that the woman (E) gave John was already in her hand when she was sitting on the bus, she was fiddling with it when they made flirty eye-contact. She then wrote something on it before giving it to him, but the presence of the paper beforehand is suspicious. Almost as if she was planning to hand that exact paper to John anyway, before they even flirted. We’ve also got Sherlock telling John and Lestrade, very specifically, to take the bus home from the crime scene. Sherlock set John up. Why? Because that is the part he needs him to play. He needs John to feel guilty while Mary piles on the manipulative hero-worship and then dies in his arms. All of the text messages themselves are off. Almost like they are in code or written to different people. As if it is Sherlock writing for LiR, while channeling himself as well. 
18.) TAB. Basically the existence of TAB is the biggest smoking gun of all. Within that episode, Mofftiss established multiple things. 1.) Sherlock sometimes goes through lengthy mind palace scenarios (with the aid of drugs) to work out a case and we, as the viewer, could be subject to watching them. 2.) A bride fakes her own death with a big splat of blood and drama, then returns to kill her husband- who was cheating on her. 3.)Sherlock made a promise to someone about keeping their spouse safe, and that promise was broken. Lady Carmichael- “You promised! You promised you’d keep him safe!” John- “You made a vow!” Let it be said that Lady C was playing Sherlock there and that she wanted her husband dead all al- OH WAIT. Actually, we never get confirmation that it was Lady C that set up the whole thing. Sherlock makes that deduction, but then Moriarty shows up and ruins the reveal. Either way, its the same story line. Sherlock makes a promise to keep someone safe and fails. 4.) we have the text messages that Sherlock sends John and Mary at the end. Mary’s reads: The Curtain Rises.The Last Act.Its Not Over. John’s is just literal directions as to where to go. He didn’t tell Mary where to meet him. There could be an argument that this would imply that Mary was already in on some sort of plan to fake her death, but the exact same phrasing was used in TAB. 
19.) Mary’s video. A posthumous message that parallels Moriarty’s in many, many ways, which includes the phrase, Save John Watson. Where have we seen the phrase Save John Watson before? It was the answer to part of the skip code in TEH. John or James, indeed.
20.) “You’ve been having a reoccurring dream.” I feel like this might be an actual scene, just placed out of order. This scene might be from after Sherlock wakes up. He explains to her what he went through in his MP and she (as any therapist would do) interprets it as a dream. A reoccurring dream. That’s exactly what TAB and TST is. Its the same dream told differently. He goes to Ella after he has awoken and recovered and asks for her help in figuring out what to do with the emotions he has decided to acknowledge. (EDIT: This may actually be EMP too…read this.)
I think 20 is a good number to stop at. Im sure there will be more in the future. Please feel free to add on at your leisure. 
The most important thing to realize here is that Mary is the villain and Sherlock is figuring out how to best her, protect John, and stay alive at the same time AkA- The Final Problem. 
@monikakrasnorada @isitandwonder @tjlcisthenewsexy @ebaeschnbliah @yan-yae @gosherlocked @the-7-percent-solution @longsnowsmoon5 @tendergingergirl @may-shepard @loveismyrevolution
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minusthecynic · 7 years
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I aint got time for playing games just that chick who sets my heart aflame it aint no mystery what happened with her and me/ how it wasn't meant to be/ how we fell apart like the little statuette I made of my art group leader in his honour cos it wasn't properly prepared for the kiln/ am I ready to endure that blazing tongue licking trial and torture/ don't kick me when I'm down cos you will teach me nothing you will just breed little beasties of resentment in me/ which wrap themselves around my neck and strangle the living daylights out of me/ in Jah I delight if you didn't know already/ rocking steady to this beat/ the music that's playing in my head when I write this/ I wont be defeated by my pitiful circumstances/ they say time heals all wounds but I've still got scabs cos I keep picking them open every time they start to recover/ breaking the bars of my skin cells cracking them open like fortune cookies/ fresh blood flows out my flesh/ I look like a wookie when folks give me stress/ I'm so blessed/ not oppressed by demons any longer/ though you might think otherwise if you saw the way I treat those pretty witty butterflies that come into my net/ live my love life with no regret/ you can make me soaking wet like the sea/ but I crave a deeper intimacy than the kind that your mind could ever possibly provide/ and its deeper than just bumping and grinding for me/ I want that church and steeple kind of love/ I want that sunday morning you in that white wedding dress kind of love/ I want the whole world knowing about us kind of love/ I don't like doing things in the secret chambers of a garden dark/ hey why should we hide our affection from the world we have been doing that for far too long and you wonder why I snapped my link with you/ don't expect to be respected if you aint prepared to show it shorty/ I aint hating on you I still love you but we can never be together again you already know that/ I know you harbour no illusions about the potential of the two of us to be together/ I'm desperately scribbling like an idiot jailbird chewing his last meal to avoid the temptation of another live video broadcast I shouldn't be watching streaming from the lounge room of some cutie I probably shouldn't be friends with but my love for God is endless/ so can I extend a benevolent hand without my motives being twisted all out of shape like pipe cleaners/ some say I'm a dreamer cos I spit that utopian paradise concept I utilize these skills not to pay the bills just to entertain the masses/ some may say I'm classist nah I'm just a classic/ like retro reebok or Adidas sneaks/ I do speak my mind in volumes copious compendiums of the freedom I've been extended by Jesus/ I won't end up like my grandfolks did/ going to hell in a handbasket/ unless they truly turned around on their deathbeds/ I've got to hope what they confessed to my moms n pops was genuine/ cos id sure hate not to see their lovely faces in heaven/ its pretty tricky yo when youre the second generation/ passing on the truth you learned from your ancestors/ I can relate to that indigenous struggle to maintain cultural heritage/ keep the language alive/ keep our songs and dances going/ put our art on blast/ cos we don't want our past to always remain our past sometimes we want it present in our future also/ only the bits that can potentially be redeemed for Jesus/ some say I'm an also ran/ but I aint gonna freeze up just because hate and criticism be on the increase/ shorty knows ive got it locked with Jesus He causes the evil to decrease in me/ less of me and more of you Lord this is my plea/ I know I cheat cos I don't flow to the beat/ just the music drumming in between my own ears/ perfect love casts out all fear/ you can tell I'm sloppy with my rhyme schemes panting for Christs living water like a thirsty deer/ unlike my homegirl channy I don't flow properly/ I do it sloppily but I'm still Gods property/ I dig this rap game ever since I was knee high to a grasshopper/ ive been that wannabe rhyme dropper/ homies hate on the skills got me wondering why don't they go ahead and do it themselves if they want to hear something slightly more endearing/ I would be cheering/ I aint hating for the sake of hating/ big up my homies I be celebrating/ not denigrating/ this is more than a recreational pursuit for me/ I would do it for a full time job but noones dangling golden cash carrots under me/ little wonder cos my thunder got stolen by way too many broken hearts and the molten lava I fell in/ cos my ego got in the way of my progress/ little girls calling me their idol/ people comparing me to my heroes/ as if I could ever be considered their peers and equals/ my head got big and swelled/ I could barely hold it up it was so bursting with pride/ yet when I chose to walk by the side of the lion of zion I realized how little I was without His help/ and what wee amounts of change I could accomplish stranded on my own on a lonely island/ selfishness just gets you nowhere fast/ ive got regrets for the way I used to live/ that die is cast but I broke the mould/ still haven't got a woman to have and hold/ for the rest of my life though when I do I'm gonna treat her like purest gold/ a diamond that's been cut innumerable times made more beautiful by her scars/ she will forever own my heart/ I hate the fact that I cant be with her right now/ I hate the fact that God said no to one girl but He might say yes to another/ plenty fish in the sea for this brother/ I know its a tired stale old cliché but I believe that I don't have to settle for a life of permanent bachelorhood/ and if youre a chick youre a spinster/ don't let them stick that bachelorette trash labelling on you/ whats in a name/ identity distinction/ you aint one of the bros you're your own person/ I give up on myself too soon just like I did with you/ strap me to a billion black balloons let them weigh down this sad faced clown/ fill them up with concrete when its still dripping liquid/ if that's even possible/ descriptive of the way I feel/ like I'm sweating bullets and lead/ scared of the future without a bae to call my own/ unlike that game show I don't aim to claim the throne/ I'm just happy playing follow the leader/ not straying from Jahs calling rounding up those stubborn ones I'm that sheep dog/ prodding cattle to get moving on a journey of self improvement/ no one knows the troubles ive seen or where ive been/ or the times when ive come in between a rock and a hard place/ or husbands and wives/ gossip separates friends/ and causes you to use kitchen knives/ for something other than slicing up animal meat/ I don't want any more blood flowing down our streets/ we already got robbed once I would be a dunce if I ever put myself in a position to allow that to happen again/ now God provided the money so we can claim back on insurance all that got jacked from us/ and so we could tighten our security/ Lord I wanna live a life of purity but you know what these two eyes see/ pretty young things find their way to me when I aint even looking for them/ so ive gotta be extra careful do that dip and bounce with my eyeballs/ when other dudes in seventh grade were making collages of busty babes I was pasting tiny babies snaps to my page/ we didn't even get to use a pen til then/ maybe it was freshman year/ can we live our lives without causing each others eyes to drip rivers of tears/ all of these days weeks months I wasted/ all of the blood on my lips I tasted/ only from my own d n a far as I could tell/ though some share the same  as me/ in some small way linked by code of genetics to all of humanity/ its pathetic how we start race wars and act sexist/ all because were stubborn and pigheaded/ tell ourselves we can't forgive the wrongs of the past but that's a lie of the enemy/ crazy talk like suddenly sprouting legs and trotting round if you're a sea anemone/ I aint a portugese man of war I wonder what I'm fighting for/ instead of delighting in you Lord igniting that holy fire in me/ I'm frightened for what the future has in store/ I don't wanna be the same old me anymore/ but I find myself in wrestling matches with angels / like Jacob pretty soon I'm gonna wind up missing hip bones/ could you change my name to Israel/ so I know God will prevail evey time someone calls my name/ seeing myself as His success upon each occasion when they point out my failures/ and they will know us by the trail of the dead skin cells attached to bloody bandages we leave behind us when we go strolling down the gardens of the ghettos we all know and love/ I've still gotta live with the consequences of my actions this side of heaven/ I'm so dense and intense most cant handle me so they sit on the fence and observe the way my candles lit/ while I collect my dollars and cents and just smile cos Gods a genius/ cracking me up cos suckers and liars said I could never make any money outta this biz/ guess what I proved them wrong even though that wasn't the motivating factor/ saving souls and taking care of my future family was the only reason why I ever wanted to get cashed up/ I talked way too much trash for my own good/ folks misunderstood the way I acted in my neighbourhood/ losers calling themselves outlaws/ if they got locked up in jail how would they feel for real/ bush rangers strangers highway men by way men/ you aint going my way men so I can relax/ and even if you did pull me over to one side and told this kid to give his money cough that cash give it up quick smart like pash rash or risk losing his life you think i'd care to open my wallet for such deviants/ losing my life means nothing to me cos its in the hands of Jesus stupid/ so I aint fretting if you pull a gun on me and stick it to my head tell me that youre gonna pull the trigger on my skull and blast it to smithereens/ cos I know who my king is/ and I know where my future is/ lying beyond the stars/ they treat me like a spider from mars sipping cider from a glass/ eyeball with a hole where the pupil should be/ I'm like john lennon legend and tupac I wrestle with my own vanity/ that's insanity/ but one out of three found Jesus in the end/ at least that's the truth of which I'm convinced my friend/ some say I'm gonna deal with my sorrow tomorrow then they don't live another day there  has to be a better way/ homies who consider themselves sold out for Jesus still watch movies with cussing does that even bear discussing/ why the shortie of my dreams watching scream queens better yet what I'm doing in that haunted house I should ask myself/ why the ski mask or hockey like Jason why I'm chasing that dragon why I'm facing these giants why I see myself  as a dwarf but my God towers over my oppressors/ why I love the fact that He forgives me despite my constant messing round with transgressions and gressors/ how am I supposed to address this/ so much we don't talk about for the sake of love/ like I quit paying out on atheists/ cos I knew that wasn't winning souls for His kingdom/ it wasn't Christs mindset/ even though I don't believe that atheists truly exist theyre such an easy target/ I close my eyes and try to forget/ about all the blood sweat and tears it took to get my homegirl to where she is today/ thank you Lord for all the change you have brought to her life that death for life exchange/ I had to force myself to slow down cos I wasn't getting anywhere speeding too fast through life/ is it cos I drink too much coffee that I'm mentally rushing through this cconversation already thinking of what I'm gonna do with my day once you're up and gone/ why can't I just chill with it and enjoy the moment/ I don't have a remote control button to freeze the sun and keep you here with me shortie so I've gotta lap up the milk of time you're giving me like a happy cat and don't complain/ cos I cant prolong your stay for any longer than you wanna be here/ I'm sincere in my apology for trying to express my love for you in a physical way before you were ready/ I should have stuck with emotional expressions of the deep impression you carved into my heart right from the very start/ I guess I should have been more careful the kind of pics I was allowing my eyes to look at less than an hour before meeting you/ now I'm entreating you have mercy on me/ give me date number two/ or call it business meet/ cos I mix business with pleasure when the two of us are standing on the same street/ I'm demanding your attention never commanding it/ you could conquer the world if you quit hanging with twits/ do I include myself in that category/ guaranteed you could win a game of scattergories/ look at me I'm an allegory/ for what could happen if you trust in Jesus with your whole heart/ quit playing church and pushing HIm to the furthest branch of your birch/ I know sometimes life situations have got you out on a limb/ and I can't even imagine what you went through having to endure refugee camp/ dealing with that cramped space/ though I can relate to starting over in a brand new country where no one knows your name or face/ or the beauty of your personality/ I know it was hard for your folks cos they probably started at the top in your country then slid back to the bottom in ours/ having to begin all over again/ I remember how excited you were on the advent of becoming a citizen/ we've been through some happy times together/ getting higher than Everest/ stoked off that moment enthralled by your cleverness/ when you got into uni and excelled at those good grades/ when I saw you shining like constellations up on stage/ such a sensation I'm amazed/ you were on the line up for a folk festival I only visited as a paying guest/ is it only in my fantasies you lay your head down on my chest in wedded bliss/ baby let me comb your hair/ I love you in everything you wear/ can you do a fashion show for me when you select what you determine to be the best dress for that particular occasion/ you don't need any make up to look gorgeous/ I could wake up next to you every morning and fall asleep with my head besides yours on the pillow every evening/ you got me weeping like a willow cos I only share this double bed with ghosts and memories/ they say the rap  game is a widow maker/ cos cats be onto you pouncing when you shake your money maker and bouncing round the house like that/ every dog on the block wants to chat with you/ wants to lock you in chains make a hood rat out of you/ but you aint going for their smooth talk/ cos your eyes are on your heavenly prize/ not just like some souls whose only goal is to see themselves blaze bright and all the rest of the world can just burn up like a pile of garbage you discarded in your yard cos you couldn't stand the sight of carnage/ they feed people to pigs in my country no really/ they got mafia operating in my local area maybe/ living next door to a bikie gang affiliated lady/ still she can't use her shotgun to make a hole in the foot of an intruder/ its crazy how our laws sometimes protects criminal elements more than it does those who are innocent victims/ I'm sick of chewing humble crow pie eating it just cos evil minded fools won't let sleeping dogs lie and give me peace/ as much as I care about the cause you're fighting for I can do it my own way without your help/ although you asked for mine you didn't want it in the way I was offering/ so I withdraw my assistance/ and I say forget about our friendship if you can't treat me right/ i'm not the scum between your toes/ i'm not a handkerchief you can wipe your bloody nose with/ i'm not that goober dripping from your snoz gonzo/ you think you're the fonz but you're barely fuzzy bear yet alone tonto/ Jah come to my aid pronto get this hate off my mind/ help me stop thinking about the friendships which I'm forced to leave behind/ should have drowned his companionship when my homegirl left me/ romantically though I was the one who hopped on that plane/ I didn't get why wendy Matthews song was sad cos I associated blue skies with gladness even though billy was right they do bring tears/ yet they can also fill you up with cheer/ when you know theres sunshine for days so yall can come out and play/ and I struggle to relate to songs about the sun which stays bright until late in the evening like those catastrophic gothic trolls panicking at the disco  / cos I operate under a different hemisphere but I'm more concerned about concentrating on what unites us instead of what divides/ believe it or not/ I'm ripley praying for those victims of homicide regicide and suicide/ suckers talked about killing God yet He still lives/ despite all of our obnoxiousness such snotty nosed punks He still forgives/ some get drunk off their own pretentions of genius/ yet they forget God is the one who gives their clogs their cleverness and their pants their smartness/ I wont be a bossy boots if you don't shoot the messenger/ did I forget Jesus is in the drivers seat/ I permanently play the role of passenger/ who paid for my passage Yah/ I aint saying things just to massage your ego/ I don't care if the truth is offensive to people/ though I try to speak it in love I don't shove folks in boxes/ without my spirit finding its home in Christ I'm a vagrant with no fixed address having no place to rest like He spoke of Himself in unfavourable comparison to vixens and foxes ❤ 🙂
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