#and see you tomorrow is so whimsical I love it so much
moonstruckme · 5 months
whimsical muggle reader who loves taking note of strange occurrences (i swear my shoes weren't here! like luna basically lol) and marauder bf who can't tell her yet about magic but loves doing some tricks for her to find. (you can pick which marauder! i was gonna go remus but i'm biased lol)
Omg I had so much fun with this, thank you for requesting!
Sirius Black x whimsical!reader ♡ 657 words
“You’re such an old woman, Moony,” Sirius says. “Is that a gray hair I see?” 
“Your fault,” Remus replies mildly. 
“We’re not all obligated to go clubbing whenever the fancy strikes you,” James argues on Remus’ behalf. “I’ve got a match tomorrow, and our poor Moony’s head is hurting him. Give us a rest.” 
“No rest!” Sirius cries, standing from the couch as if he’s addressing a weary army rather than two reluctant men. “Rest is for the elderly and geriatric.” He looks at you hopefully. “You want to go out, don’t you darling?” 
“I’m not partial to clubs,” you reply, but your attention is already elsewhere. “Remus, if you have a headache, you should have Sirius make you some of his tea. He made me some when my head hurt last week and it set me right as rain.” You glance at your boyfriend, considering you with peculiar smugness. “And the same happened when I had the hiccups a few days ago. He has a remedy for everything.” 
James cocks an eyebrow. “Does he?” 
You hum in prideful affirmation, but Sirius seems almost sheepish as he sits back down on the couch, tucking you against his side. “I’ve always been good at brewing,” he says to James with a shrug. 
“You should make him your tea,” you urge softly. 
Sirius kisses the side of your head. “Moony’s headaches are a bit tougher than yours, angel,” he says, adding at your troubled look, “but I’ll make him some later if he likes.”
“Hey,” James says brightly, “what if we go to the pub on fifth? It’s usually quiet in there. We’ll just stay an hour or so.” 
You’ve been dating Sirius long enough to know how this goes with his friends—one hour will turn into four before any of them notice—but nod complaisantly at the hum of assent that goes up from the other boys. 
“Let’s go.” Sirius hops back up before anyone can change their minds. He grabs your coat from the hook by the door, holding it out for you. 
“Oh.” Your mood sinks slightly as you remember your coat. “I should probably go get another from my room. I tore that one yesterday, remember?” 
“I fixed it for you.” 
Sirius gives it a shake, signaling for you to take it from him. You do, looking at him in awe. 
“Really, Siri? That’s so nice of you.” You feel along the hem of your jacket in search of the split you’d made the day before. You can’t find it, nor any of the smaller blemishes the garment had acquired after years of wear. “How did you do this?” 
“I sewed it,” he says breezily, shrugging on his own well-loved leather coat. 
You run your fingers over where you could swear the tear had been. “There’s not even a line or anything.” 
Remus shoots him a look you can’t decipher, and Sirius gives you a somewhat thin-lipped smile. “What can I say? I’m magic with a needle and thread. Put your coat on, baby.” 
You realize then that all three boys are already waiting for you at the door. 
“Oh, sorry.” You carefully pull on your newly impeccable jacket, following them outside. “Thank you, Siri.” 
“Anytime,” he vows, hand finding its way into your back pocket as James leads you all to the pub. 
“You’re so good at fixing things,” you murmur, almost to yourself. “My coat, and when you glued my mug back together so well, and when my peperomia came back to life.” 
Sirius chuckles. “It didn’t come back to life, angel.”
“It was dying,” you reason. “I couldn’t get it to stop wilting, but then all of a sudden it perked up.” 
“You must’ve nursed it back to health,” he replies, and his tone is blasé but the smile he shoots you is oddly pleased. He gives your ass a playful squeeze. “Stranger things have happened, sweet thing.” 
Around Sirius, they certainly have.
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maeby-cursed · 8 months
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a/n: okay, this was supposed to be a quick drabble but i have an essay due tomorrow and decided to write eight hundred words of pure nanami fluff instead. (also, nanami is yuji's legal guardian in this because yolo).
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✧ synopsis: nanami doesn’t fall in love. until a new coworker shows up on his office floor and turns his world upside down.
✧ pairings: kento nanami x f!reader
✧ wc: 890
✧ rating: pure self indulgent fluff !
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Kento Nanami swears he doesn’t fall in love.
Falling in love is irrational, illogical. It’s a silly, whimsical infatuation experienced by childish people; like his work colleague – and constant annoyance – Satoru Gojo. People like him cannot control their feelings and always act upon instinct, that’s their problem.
But Kento Nanami doesn’t fall in love, he doesn’t smile sheepishly or giggle like a schoolboy, he doesn’t have time for such nonsense. He’s got taxes to do.
He doesn’t fall in love even when you come into the office that first day of August, with a pretty bag and shiny heels and a kind smile that stabs him in the stomach; the place where he keeps all things soft and unknown.
He doesn’t fall in love, yet when you come into his life, weird things start to happen.
He begins making extra coffee in the mornings, and he tells himself that it’s because his work days keep getting longer, but if he were honest to himself, he’d admit that he just packs it to offer it to you.
“I made extra but I don’t want it. I assure you.” Is what he says to you the first time you talk, stopping you on the way to the coffee machine.
He begins to feel excited about work, even if it’s just to see you walk by his desk on the way to the elevators twice a day, and he hides his smile poorly when you do so.
He combs his hair and shaves carefully and irons his ties. He pays attention to the idles chitchat his coworkers make, hoping to hear anything about his lovely new colleague.
He comes home and checks his emails, scouring them in search of your name.
He spends an entire evening researching a recipe he heard you mention during lunch and when he finally realizes what he’s doing – five hours deep into it – he cannot convince himself to care. Instead he tries to find out if you like wine the next day. And carnations. And men with blonde hair who never fall in love.
Five months go by since Kento Nanami meets you and of course he’s not in love.
Yet Gojo seems a little smugger nowadays, always leaning against your desk with his stare set on him. And Geto always seems to need to vacate the room whenever you enter, leaving you two alone. And Yuji begins to ask for you when he comes home late at night. 
Does he really talk about you that much? 
Eventually, you realize how strange his behavior is with you.
He glares at Gojo when he makes a harmless tease about you and Kento looking good together. He runs after Geto when you’re in the breakroom alone with him. He hides Yuji in his office whenever he drops by.
Does he really dislike you that much?
Eight months go by since Kento Nanami meets you and he begins trying to stay away from you, acting like it’s not a struggle.
You’re not used to people avoiding you for no reason, and his change of heart doesn’t go unnoticed, especially with how nice he was those first few weeks.
So when late February rolls around, cold and bitter, you knock on his office door.
“Mr. Nanami?” You call, shyly, from the outside of the room. You feel weird calling him mister, he’s barely older than you, but you don’t want to anger him any further.
“Come in.” He says, starting to panic. Why are you here? God, did you notice how weird he is around you? Did you catch him looking at your employee access card’s picture again? Did you figure out why you are the only one who finds a cup of coffee on her desk every morning?
“Uhm, I’m sorry to bother you so late, sir,” you say, your voice quiet and your gaze soft. It is late. About to be 10pm and he’s yet to pack his things; he was waiting for you.
He’s not in love.
“But I was just wondering… uhm, have I done anything to upset you?” His mouth falls slightly agape at your words and a frown settles deep between his eyebrows. It doesn’t suit him at all. You try to rectify. “I mean, it’s just… you seem a little odd lately! Not odd odd, just…” You groan and sigh. “I just feel like you’ve been avoiding me for the last few weeks and I’d like to know if I’ve done something, if I could fix it… sir.” You add with a small smile.
He looks at you dumbfounded, the first pure emotion you’ve seen on his face since you’ve met. His eyes find yours in a desperate attempt to crack you.
You think he’s angry? You think he’s bothered by you?
He’s infatuated, he’s smiling and giggling like a fool whenever you walk by, whenever you smile, whenever you drink his coffee and look into his eyes. Did you never catch him gazing at you? Don’t you know?
His resolve breaks at the confusion present in your face. 
The whole world has centered into that kind smile you have and he cannot fight it any longer. He’s not a stupid man, he knows when he’s lost, and when he’s about to win.
Kento Nanami is in love – with you. And it’s about time you know.
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© 2023, MAEBY-CURSED — do not copy/repost/edit.
(reblogs are appreciated !!)
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candyheartedchy · 4 months
Just a little snippet from my CoralBob wip fic because it’s cute and I wanted to share something from it so far.
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Sitting side by side, a little yellow sponge and purple sea monster were on their third bowl of triple goober berry sunrises. Their laughter filled the air as the bartender kept glancing over in dread while cleaning a glass.
"Okay, ready?"
Sticking out his tongue a bit, SpongeBob tired to balance a cherry upon his nose as Coraline did the same on her snout. This was quickly followed up by an angry shout of defeat by the sea monster as a cherry fell onto the floor.
"I guess I won." SpongeBob said.
"I bet you can't do it with a spoon."
Turning around smugly, the sponge smiled over with his spoon now balancing straight up on his nose.
SpongeBob laughs.
Digging into their ice creams, the pair had soon found themselves becoming quiet.
Taking in a spoonful, the sponge turned, "Hm?"
"Do you think it’s safe to go behind our bosses backs?”
“Why not?”
“Aren’t you worried about getting fired?”
SpongeBob swallows before putting his spoon down, “Well, maybe a little… but what about you? Aren’t you worried about getting fired?”
“Yeah, but I can always find a new job… somewhere… You love your job though, and how much it means to you. I just worried this will all blow up in our faces.”
SpongeBob brows narrowed a little, “So, do you not want to hang out anymore or-"
“NO! I DO!” Coraline shouted before pulling back, embarrassed by her sudden outburst, “I just… I don’t want to be the reason you lose your job.”
“It’ll be fine, Coraline.” he smiled.
“I hope so.” she signs, “I already feel like I’m gonna mess this up.”
SpongeBob grew quiet, looking away with a troubled expression. The two didn't speak for a few seconds until the sponge finally did.
"Well," he paused, tapping his fingers along the table as he sat there, "They say sponges are great for cleaning up messes." SpongeBob smiled sheepishly over, causing Coraline to laugh softly at this.
"I do want to thank you though."
"For what?"
"For always being kind to me. Even through I’m a monster.”
"Are we speaking literally or figuratively?"
"Both?" Coraline sighs, running her fingers through her short hair, "I mean, I know I'm a monster. It's who I am. I just... don't want to be treated like one, you know?”
“Or like how everyone treats me like a kid…” SpongeBob breathed.
Coralline frowned, “How come you let people walk all over you all the time?"
“People don’t walk all over me?”
“SpongeBob, I literally saw Mr. Krabs use you as a ramp the other day.”
“The floorboards were broken.” SpongeBob stated before Coraline grabbed his shoulders.
“SpongeBob, please, I’m being serious… You need to stand up for yourself more.”
“I do stand up for myself.”
“But you always brush it off!” Coraline then glance away, shy now, “I hate seeing you treated like your dumb. Like sure you’re more…” she paused, “whimsical than others your age, but that’s your charm.”
“Yeah.” Coraline then blushed, “It’s cute.”
SpongeBob pointed his spoon at the sea monster, "If you think flattery will help your chances at getting the secret formula from me, think again.“ he teased before Coraline started to panic.
“What? No! I’m not trying to get to formula-” she explained before feeling a soft hand rest on her’s.
“Coraline, I was joking.”
“You worry too much.”
SpongeBob couldn’t help but stare at the sea monster, smitten as he watched her turn a deep shade of purple in her cheeks, making her more shy before catching himself.
“We better get going before it’s gets too late. Those patties aren’t gonna flip themselves tomorrow.” the sponge laughs awkwardly.
Watching him, Coraline soon followed after before noticing the sponge wobbling a bit before she rushed over to catch him from bumping into a chair.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, this always happens when I eat a few triple goober berry sunrises.” the sponge smiled up, drunk before placing an hand on the sea monster’s cheek, patting it, “It’s fine.”
Blushing from the touch, Coraline laughs lightly before tucking the sponge under her arm, heading out the door, “C’mon, let’s get you home.
The bartender watching the pair leave as he exhaled, wiping his brow.
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sokkigarden · 1 year
hi!! i am a sucker for the fake dating trope and i was hoping you could do a Jamie x reader fake dating thing? i would literally die <3
me and @whimsical-roasting were LITERALLY JUST talking about this tee hee so shoutout to her! i’m also obsessed w fake dating i hope you like this anon! <3 this is sorta the beginnings so maybe i’ll write part 2 if y’all like it ? lol
jamie tartt x reader | fake dating au drabble
it would start out at a bar or something definitely. you don’t know much about football but suddenly this really hot guy is draping his arm around your shoulder to get this creep to leave you alone. “hey babe, sorry it took so long,” he’d say and tuck some hair behind your ear, making eye contact with you so you know he’s playing it up to get this dude to leave.
the guy finally gets the hint and leaves you alone with the mystery guy. he’s looking at you expectantly but you don’t really know what to say.
“you have mates around here somewhere?” he asks, and you’d point to your friend who was presently making out with some guy in a corner booth. this bar was kinda exclusive and she’s dragged you along because she wanted to see some celebs and you hoped whoever she was kissing was at least mildly famous for her sake.
“no way, the blonde? she’s snogging my teammate,” he replies
“yeah, i’m a footballer.”
“ohhhh, like professionally?”
you clearly don’t know anything about football if you don’t know him, but the question makes him laugh as he nods. your cluelessness is honestly endearing.
you thank him for helping with the creep and he offers to buy you a drink which quickly leads to spending the rest of the evening hanging out with him. you ask him stupid questions about football and then start trading stories about life.
it was a pretty platonic night aside from some light flirting but you couldn’t help but flirt with a fit footballer you’ll probably never see again.
until a picture of you next to him at the bar ends up on twitter. and your face is now trending.
you expect that it’ll pass by after a few days but then you see your face on the telly. followed up with a statement by jamie saying he’s happy with his new gf and would prefer people to stay out of his love life.
which is why you end up at the afc richmond training facility front desk asking to see your “boyfriend”
“why did you tell people i’m your girlfriend? are you insane?”
truth be told the richmond boys had been ribbing him about the picture and he hadn’t wanted to deny it. and then some nosy reporter asked him about you in a pub and he thought a simple comment asking for privacy would be enough to calm things instead of fueling the fire.
jamie didn’t know what he was thinking. but the press hadn’t been super nice to him recently so he thought dating a nice low profile girl would help his image.
“and were you… i don’t know… ever going to mention this to me???”
“oi, Jamie, is this your girl? she coming to the match tomorrow?”
one of jamie’s teammates clapped him on the shoulder and smiled at you before going into the locker room. his words intrigued you though. already a plan was forming in your head.
“would you… be able to get me tickets to matches? in exchange for being your fake gf?”
realization dawned on jamie’s face at your proposal and he nodded.
“i can get you VIP tickets, you and a mate? i’ll throw in a tartt jersey too. if you wear it, people might stop giving me so much slack. see i’ve changed.”
you held out your hand for him to shake and he did, squeezing it instead of letting go immediately. you looked into his eyes.
this plan could clearly mean trouble if you thought too much about how pretty he was. and how nice he seemed. and the feel of his hand in yours.
you were in so much trouble.
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lieblingspulli · 1 year
Starlight: SKZ
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W.C: 2.6k
Hyunjin x Reader
Summary: You meet a rather eccentric group of guys at the movie theater while trying to find your seat!
A/n: This one is such a guilty pleasure of mine lol, I LOVE Howl's moving castle. I just was watching it one day and thought of Hyunjin (for obvious reasons). Enjoy!
SKZ Masterlist
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You stepped in through the movie theater doors and breathed in the fresh smell of buttery popcorn. You smelled the faint scent of bubblegum and pizza slices. By all means, the different smells should have come together to create an odd scent, but strangely, it was comforting. 
You had come with a high level of excitement, a feeling you hadn’t had since you were a kid. The studio ghibli fest was being held in theaters for today and tomorrow. When you heard, you jumped for your laptop, determined to get tickets to at least your favorite movie, Howl’s Moving Castle. Unfortunately, none of your friends could make it to both dates, so you opted for one singular ticket- which made the process of getting tickets much easier. 
Howl’s Moving Castle has always been your favorite movie, ever since you could remember. You recalled watching the dvd so much that it would skip scenes, you had at least 6 copies of the movie by the time you were fifteen. It was your comfort movie. You watched it whenever you got sad, whenever you were bored, or whenever you felt like having a relaxing night in. Even through college, you kept the movie close, watching it with your roommate. Mayazaki really outdid himself with this one. 
Everytime you would see Howl on the screen for the first time, you would internally squeal, his voice warming up your soul. The romantic gestures and whimsical spells only made you yearn for more than what real life could offer. Whenever you watched it, you wished you had a handsome wizard to conjure up a flower field for you. Sophie’s determination made you giggle, and you would imagine you were her whenever your mom told you to clean your room. 
As you stood in line for a bucket of popcorn, you got giddy. You always did, no matter how many times you watched this movie. The theater was packed with people your age, probably feeling the same feelings you were. These feelings were amplified by the cool decorations the staff had put up. There were cardboard cutouts of the movie characters, even a full scale Turnip Head. There were some backdrops from the movie, cool shiny streamers, and special edition popcorn buckets in the shape of the moving castle. 
Suddenly being there alone was starting to be to your benefit: you could act as excited as you wanted without judgment. As you paid for a popcorn bucket and cherry icee, you watched as several other couples and people with children were smiling and having fun looking at the decorations. Several couples were taking photos with the backdrops. You even saw a child dressed up as Markl. You sighed in happiness before the cashier handed you your bucket, snapping you out of your observations. 
After getting your snacks, you had a bit of time to kill. You could have opted to stay in the lobby, but the open theater doors were just begging you to step inside. So you did. 
The theater was brimming with people. You had to stop and assess the situation. Most of the theater was taken, but luckily you had pre-selected your seat. Unfortunately, it was quite close to the screen. You hoped you wouldn’t be seated next to rude strangers. Your seat was the last single seat you could find. You listened to people chatting and whispering as you walked down the aisle to find your spot. 
14c. That was your seat. But 14c was preoccupied. Not your seat anymore. 
You saw that a long line of guys were sitting in the row you had chosen your seat in. There were 6 of them. All of them were sitting smack dab in the middle of the aisle, completely encasing your (now taken) seat. You made a face to yourself, sighed in defeat and contemplated the situation. There were people behind you, walking in your direction, so you could either politely ask them to move or try finding a spot, risking the same situation these boys had put you in. 
Thinking of the seating chart and how full it was when you saw it online, you opted for the former. 
You got real close to the nearest guy you could see, and attempted to get his attention. He had really wide eyes and was talking to his buddy next to him really enthusiastically about the movie. 
“Dude, I’m so excited to see this. It’s my first time going to a Ghibli Fest!” He whisper-screamed. 
“Yah, but did you have to drag all of us out here for a cartoon?” The second guy complained. “I could be like at the gym or something. I don’t know, anything else. Also, why didn’t Chan and Jeongin come? Why am I here?” He pouted. The first guy smirked. 
“Consider it bonding time. Team activities you know-” The first guy began saying, but was interrupted as his buddy nudged him and nodded his head in your direction. He flipped his body around to face you. 
“Hey, excuse me, sorry if I interrupted.” You stammered. He smiled and shook his head. 
“No worries. Just trying to get my friend to shut up here.” He laughed. The second guy looked offended and mumbled, “You can’t even shut up yourself,” under his breath. The first guy smiled widely and waved his hand behind him. 
“Don’t mind him, he’s always grumpy.” You smiled and shyly pushed your hair behind your ear. 
“I’m really sorry, but I think my seat is right in the middle of your group. I can move if you want, I just don’t want to cause other people to lose theirs too.” You tried to lean over to speak over the loudness of his friends talking. He nodded as you spoke and then his eyes widened even more as you mentioned your seat. His mouth made an O. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry, let me move for you!” He scrambled to get his things up. You frantically waved your hands and tried to stop him. 
“Oh no it’s okay! If you guys can just move one down, that’s fine with me!” You observed him dropping his candy bag. The guy next to him noticed the commotion. 
“Yah, Han Jisung. Those are my sour patch kids! What-” The guy started to protest. 
The guy next to him looked over. 
“Bro, why did you drop Changbin’s candy? I was gonna steal from those!” ‘Changbin’ ( you assumed his name was) frowned and yelled, “hey!” ‘Jisung’ looked up at you before looking at his friends. You could visibly see the wheels in his head turn. 
He suddenly looked back at you and asked, “Are you alone? What seat did you pick?”
You stammered with your words, startled by the totally normal question. There was just something about these guys that gave off chaotic vibes. You barely got to answering your seat number before the movie ads began to fade away and the usual rule ad came on. You visibly panicked and Jisung did too. 
“Oh shit-” 
“Hey! Hyunjin! Scoot your ass over a chair!” Jisung reached over Changbin and whisper-yelled to some blonde dude. Changbin was less than satisfied at Jisung, being as he was currently squished below him. The blonde guy looked over with bewilderment and a skinnier guy next to him started to shoo him away, sensing Jisung’s urgency. 
“What- I just sat down-” Hyunjin complained, but he grumbled and moved over anyway. Jisung looked satisfied and motioned to your now empty spot. 
“Ta-Da! The movie looks like it’s gonna start so you might want to hurry.” He laughed. You just stood there, dismayed at the prospect of having to sit in between 3 dudes on either side of you. But the credits began to play and you had to hurry, as Jisung had said. You sighed and mustered up some courage as you squeezed past 3 random dude’s knees, each one of them were careful not to stab you with them. 
Just as you plopped down on your seat, the blonde dude: Hyunjin, started to whisper to his friend across from you on the other side. 
“Yah, Felix, pass the Dr. Pepper.” You looked at Felix, who was in the process of taking a bite of his pretzel. He wordlessly nodded, and handed the soda to Hyunjin, right in front of your face. 
You looked at both of them. Felix smiled at you and shrugged his shoulders in apology. Hyunjin happily took a sip of his soda and made eye contact with you, his eyes widening a bit in embarrassment. 
“Woah, I thought you were Leeknow for a sec.” He said nervously. You could hear the title song start to play. Man, you just wanted to enjoy your movie. 
“No, I’m Y/n.” You begrudgingly said. Felix loudly chewed on his pretzel. You could smell it. 
Hyunjin took another sip before placing his Dr.Pepper down. 
“I’m Hyunjin by the way. Sorry for taking your seat.”  He apologetically said and reached his hand out. You stared at it. The train sound of the movie filled your ears. You reached out and lightly shook his hand before observing what Hyunjin really looked like (or as best as you could in the dark). Hyunjin’s blonde hair stood out in the dark. Although you could barely see, you could still make out his features in the movie. His face was soft, and his features were delicate. The soft movie light made his skin glow. You found yourself snapping out of it, realizing you were still shaking his hand. You nervously chucked and mumbled a “nice to meet you” before quickly turning back to the screen. Hyunjin chuckled and looked back at the screen too. 
Before you knew it, you were engrossed in the movie. As always, Howl’s introduction in the beginning made you sigh and smile, his voice never failed to make you swoon. As you watched, you found yourself unconsciously thinking about the man next to you (not Felix). Howl’s blonde hair was vaguely the same as Hyunjin’s and that stuck with you. As the movie passed, Hyunjin and his friends mostly kept to themselves. Except when the movie began to ramp up. 
As Sophie began to change and discover Howl’s true nature, you could hear Jisung mutter things about how it was “so unfair for Sophie, she has to be a hag while Howl gets to be pretty,” or you would hear Hyunjin pout about how sad a life Sophie had. You laughed at the occasional commentary and surprisingly rude remarks Felix had stored up for the Witch of the Waste. 
When Howl sent Sophie to the Castle, Hyunjin and his other friends, Seungmin and Leeknow, were all on the edge of their seats. It was only after Sophie’s and Howl’s escape did they cheer and sit back. Felix cursed out the escape of the Witch of the Waste. You giggled. You felt the same about her too. 
You easily ate your popcorn and Icee as you watched Howl slowly fall in love with Sophie. Their love story never failed to truly entrance you, and the soundtrack didn’t help with that. As the flower garden scene showed, Hyunjin accidentally touched your hand with his as he reached for his soda, which was on the same side as your Icee was. 
You blushed and muttered “sorry.” He didn’t say a word. The flower garden seemed so enchanting and the music just really set the scene for love. You smiled, happy at your decision to book this ticket. 
By the end of the movie, you lost count of how many times you heard one of the boys sniffle, laugh, cry, complain and curse out at characters of the movie. Felix even asked you if you were a Turnip Head stan after he tried to save them at the end. You nodded solemnly, jokingly wiping a tear and saying, “He’s their savior!” Felix just laughed. You smiled as the end neared, your favorite scene coming up. 
Just as Howl woke up and proclaimed, “Sophie! Your hair looks just like starlight!” You got a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Hyunjin nudged at your arm with his. You looked over, still smiling from the scene. 
“Your hair looks kinda like Sophie’s don’t you think?” He whispered at the quietest level. You blushed, and didn’t know what to say. The ending scene kept going as you quickly turned to avoid his gaze. This random stranger just compared your hair to Sophie’s. Was that a compliment? 
You looked back at Hyunjin, but he was already joking with Leeknow, who was arguing that Sophie was the true hero of this movie. Seugnmin was arguing for Hiel, the dog. Hyunjin was gushing over the love story. You started to think you were imagining what just happened. 
Sooner than you wanted it to, the lights to the theater slowly flickered on and people began chatting, creating a buzz of conversation. Some people exited the theater, others stayed to talk. You contemplated just leaving, but Felix began to talk to you about the Witch and what you thought of her. He seemed quite passionate about it, so you stayed. 
Just as Changbin suggested they leave for dinner and everyone began to collect their things, Hyunjin called to you. 
“Hey, Y/n?” He smiled and waited for you to finish putting your bag over your shoulder. 
“Yes Hyunjin?” You teased with his name. He blushed and Leeknow pushed past him, complaining about rude, tall, blonde men always being in the way. You laughed and gestured that you would follow him out. Hyunjin nodded and waited for you at the end of the aisle as you picked your way past empty popcorn buckets and trays. 
All the guys were chatting as they led the way out the door, but Hyunjin stayed behind. Right after you waved bye to Felix, you paid all your attention to the man in front of you. 
“Did you need something?” You politely asked, curious as to why he waited. 
“Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come out to dinner with us?” He blurted out. Now it was your turn to blush. The theater was now completely empty and the lights were on. The feeling of having watched a good movie was still flowing through your brain. 
“You don’t have to be with all the guys, if you feel uncomfortable we can just go together? Or maybe Felix can come too?” He stammered. You laughed. 
“Sure, why not. You guys seem cool anyway.” You barely got to finish your sentence as Jisung came running back in, yelling, “Hyunjinnie!” You giggled and Hyunjin seemed really embarrassed, his ears turning red. 
“I’ll be right there!” He yelled behind him. Jisung stopped dead in his tracks as he saw you standing in front of him. 
“Oop, sorry if I interrupted your moment-”
“Go away Jisung!” Hyunjin snapped and hid his face behind his hands. Jisung smiled and winked at you. He mouthed and motioned with his phone, “get his number!” You smiled and nodded. Jisung sprinted off and you could hear his voice as he got further. 
“Guys! I think Hyunjin has a girlfriend now!” 
You could hear laughs and protests, presumably by Leeknow or Changbin. You looked back at Hyunjin who was groaning into his hands. 
You pulled out your phone and peeled his hand from his face, placing your open phone on his palm. 
“I’ll only go if you kindly give me your number.” You stated. He glanced at the phone in surprise before looking back at you smugly. 
“I hope you’re hungry then.” He laughed and inputted his number and name. As he gave it back to you and you walked out of the theater with him to meet with the boys, you glanced at your new contact. 
It read: “Knock off Howl ❤️”
 You laughed and he continued talking about how wonderful it would be to be able to conjure your own moving house. 
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lawstudentreads · 10 months
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07.08.2023 | monday
hi friends! it's been a while. i was supposed to go back to studying on the 1st, but the laziness and anxiety really took hold of me for a while longer. i'm taking a property law exam in the beginning of september, and it's the last one i need to pass in order to graduate. i really don't want to stay in that uni for one semester longer. not to mention i already made it into the master's i want to do. so i have to do well, but i suck at this class. it's a bit overwhelming, to say the least.
that being said, i still have one month of time to study and i studied a bunch today! i'm also making sure to take days off so i don't burn myself out before the master's starts. if i keep this up and stay on track with the studying schedule i set up, i think i'll be okay. wish me luck!
also, as far as reading goes, i'm almost done with Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor. i've tabbed it a bunch, as you can see. i love it so much so far. it's incredibly whimsical but also heart-wrenching and beautiful all at the same time. Laini Taylor really did something special, here. i can't wait to finish it, tomorrow (although i'm simultaneously sad that it's going to be over).
i hope everyone is doing okay <3
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ashestoashesjc · 9 months
Heather looked busy. That was important. Keeping up appearances. Dragging icons around on her desktop, typing nonsense into blank Excel spreadsheets. She picked up the shiny black office phone, mimed some casual discourse, replaced the receiver, repeat. No one would know what she was actually up to. 
Not even she knew. Not really. But her orders had been clear. Behave as you ordinarily would. Greet co-workers. Take lunch. Answer calls. Above all: act natural. Await further instructions. 
They’d come in the middle of the night, this first ominous set of directives. Not through email, not over the phone or via text message. Who knows who else would have listened in?
Heather had been lying in bed, unable to sleep. A few hours earlier, she’d taken half a dozen melatonin tablets, but in a self-sacrificial act of rebellion, her mind remained attentive, buzzing. The sheep, she’d lost count of somewhere around five hundred. 
She struggled to remember where she’d left off. Instead, tomorrow’s meeting with Jensen, head editor at the publisher, sure to be a massive ego-fueled shitshow, drifted always to the forefront of her consciousness. 
Then: 548.
Heather froze. Who was that? 
It was a thought, certainly. It bounced around the confines of her skull with the intimate tenor of a thought. 
But it wasn’t one of hers. Of that, she was sure. 
She’d never really noticed before, had never paid it much mind, but her usual internal dialogue had a familiar timbre. Not her own necessarily. Maybe her mother’s? Maybe the daycare assistant from her youth with a face and voice like a fairy’s. Maybe some whimsical, maternally judgmental amalgamation. But there was safety in recognition. 
And this voice was altogether new. 
Deep, crystalline, cutting, like a beacon through dense fog. It spoke with a certainty warmed by a patience that, even wrapped in enigma, had an oddly soothing effect on Heather. 
548, the strange voice repeated. 
Heather grappled with the implications of responding. What would it mean if she did? What would it say of her mental state? Had she taken too many melatonin or not taken enough? 
Finally, “549,” conceded Heather in her own internal voice. No harm talking to yourself, she told herself. 
They continued, Heather and the voice, for some time. 633, 782, 805…
Heather had begun to nod off. Her eyes sealed tight, her breathing slowed, longer and longer intervals stretched between replies. She was right on the precipice of total submersion. 
Are you awake, said the voice. 
She started. One eye squinted ajar. “Now I am.”
It’s always difficult for me to tell, it said with apologetic notes. 
She wondered to herself, “Always?”
And then the voice said, How are things at work?
Heather so loved discussing the source of her stress-induced insomnia, particularly with disembodied delusions. “Peachy.” 
I can sense that things are not, in fact, ‘peachy.‘
“Then why’d you ask?”
It’s the polite thing to do. 
Heather felt the polite thing to do would be to not mention work at all. 
How long have you been there?
If there was one thing Heather couldn’t stand, beyond subway cars packed like pop-tab cans of Vienna sausages or men who falsely added inches to any applicable measurement, it was first dates. 
She found the idea of concentrating yourself and all your hopes and dreams and desires into capsule form unthinkably depressing. Interviewing for a life partner. What do you do, what are you looking for, do you like dogs, how many dogs do you see in your future, would you be willing to move to a farm, one with animals, where the only animals are dogs, check these boxes ‘yes’ if soulmate. Bleak shit. 
But at least with first dates there was the ever-lingering option of sex, to bestow or withhold. Right now her strongest desire was to be asleep and alone. 
The voice sighed. 
Let me be frank, it said. 
“Frank, John. You can be whoever you want to be, pal.” Slurred and mumbled, the melatonin had begun to make her a bit delirious. 
The voice took a moment, carefully selecting its next words. 
What if I told you… things are not as they seem?
Heather scoffed. Thinking you perfectly understand the world was something you either grew out of or didn’t, and very often those who hadn’t made careers of extolling their wisdom to the insanely gullible. 
“Were they ever?”
Quiet. I’m serious. 
There hadn’t been much in the way of levity to its voice to begin with. Here, though, the temperature dipped to freezing. 
Heather didn’t know why, perhaps it was the kiddy gloves with which she was being handled, maybe it was the precious moments of rest she was losing going back and forth with a voice in her head, but she prickled.
“Well, so am I,” she said, alert with defiance. “Weird, unexpected shit happens constantly. Every week there’s some new species discovery or unidentified flying whatever-the-hell. Last month, NASA figured out dark matter. Or antimatter. One of the two. I’m desensitized to the scope of how much I don’t know.” 
The voice didn’t respond. As the silence lengthened, Heather sighed. The voice was gone, dissipated into the ether with every other Ambien hallucination and ill-conceived one night stand. 
There she was: floating, delicately gliding, into that blurred pastel haze that precedes slumber. Deeper, deeper, deeper… 
Your Earth is due to be replaced.  
Heather was awake. 
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aiura-stan · 1 month
Onto the first volume proper: volume 0, of course!!
First of all, Aso sensei’s note is so cute. I love how he says he’s been expressionless the entire time, but he really is happy. Relatable.
Aaaaaand the cover image of Saiki sure is interesting. what’s with the pipe?? I seem to remember it being a reference to another work of his somehow.
Also, volume zero announcement Saiki is very cute. His expression reminds me of a cat.
Even from the first oneshot to volume zero, you can see how much Aso sensei’s artistic abilities have improved.
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That said, baby Saiki still looks very strange… I can’t overemphasize how much he improved as an artist over the course of Saiki k in drawing human characters looking natural, in pose and their clothing, expressions, etc.
I like that volume 0 Saiki’s father actually kind of looks like him. Ah… well maybe it would all be a little too real if Saiki’s family resembled him a little more. It would certainly be less whimsical. Imagine Kuniharu having black hair. Imagine Kuusuke *not* being a blonde. That would be more uncomfortable somehow. I’m glad Asou sensei made up the thing about anime hair being a result of Saiki’s powers.
More examples of why Kusuo thinks people are terribly insincere… using the most extreme of unsavory unstated thoughts.
And here we get a slightly more liberal estimate of how much time it would take for a normal person to go insane… three days instead of three hours. I think Asou sensei likes the number three, since later on he mentions that it would take Saiki three days to destroy the world if he really wanted to.
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Here we have the first frontal closeup of the Saiki Scowl, after he explains the hassle of telepathy. Really, I think it’s the most taxing power on him, mentally, for obvious reasons. It really is cool that Asou sensei was able to make a “surly” character like Saiki into such an interesting protagonist. (Mostly because he’s well written.) He’s definitely not a typical manga protagonist, but he functions very nicely in his (comedic) straight man role.
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Also can I just say this is one of my favorite panels of Saiki in the entire manga, and it’s not even part of the series proper… Yes, why did he, Saiki? I also want to know… I can see why this was left out of volume one. It’s not funny exactly (maybe in a kind of dark way) but god. Baby Saiki saying this tugs at my heart strings.
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Head always full of thoughts of the intelligence agency organization that kidnapped him at age four… that he erased, along with the unnamed nation…
good grief.
Kuusuke would have been six at this time; maybe old enough to help with the coverup so something like that didn’t become world news. Or maybe young Saiki just decided to use mind control, since he didn’t have any compunctions about that at the time.
I dislike a Nendou with readable thoughts, or a Nendou called a “violent, foul mouthed delinquent” instead of an idiot.
That said, I really like this Saiki side eye… it’s a thoroughly Saiki expression.
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LOL. Nendou would be me in the situation though. If so many people accuse you of something that you didn’t do, it’s hard not to doubt yourself a little, right?
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Yeah, we get a pretty good picture of Saiki’s pretty rational moral compass. Someone like Nendou definitely deserves it, but even so, he shouldn’t be punished for a crime he didn’t commit in Saiki’s eyes. Especially when the heinous perpetrator is right there all along.
Also, Takahashi’s (saiki-caused hallucination) angel counterpart looks just like him, but female. Interesting.
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That Saiki can manipulate someone like this by altering their moral compass sure is something. Makes me think of this post.
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Lastly and certainly not least, Saiki isn’t escaping the gay allegations even in volume zero… lol. That’s a priceless facial expression. “This power is useless except for getting idiots to like you” smh, so unappreciative of the new friend, Saiki. XD
That will do it for vol. 0-1!
I’ll be back tomorrow for 0-2.
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avalynlestrange · 10 months
Hello sweetie! Your writing is absolutely fantastic! I was wondering if you had any recs? I am bored to death so I'm looking forward to anything that you can recommend. I love your fan fictions to the moon and back 💜
Hi there 😊 Thank you so much for that compliment!
I’ve been curating some of my fav fics for a post but it’s not ready yet so here’s the top 5 blogs that I love, and inspired me to get back into tumblr and start writing:
@dreamcubed Masterlist
They’ve written a lot of wonderful x reader fics I’ve reread on my safari before I got my tumblr. my absolute favourite of theirs is ‘Delicate’ 💞 which is a Theodore x Reader strangers to lovers fic.
@cassiopeiasdaughter Masterlist
Another author whose fics I keep rereading! I just love it so much! I just adore their Midnights series is based on a second wizarding war au with Theodore x Reader 🥰
@acosmis-t Masterlist
Their fics are delicious and I gobble them up. I’ve read ‘Our Secrets Buried Shallow’ (another Theodore x Reader) so many times I can’t even count it on my fingers anymore.
@patrophthia Masterlist
I read their fics like no tomorrow when I was on safari. My fav is ‘red ears, and redder string’ ♥️ I love soulmates AUs
@sereinegemini Masterlist
Their mood boards and fics are whimsical. They have a series called ‘Two Dark Princes’ and is one that I anticipate and reread. It’s a Theodore x Reader and a Draco x Reader.
I know my favs have been mostly Theodore fics (I’m just so obsessed with him atm) but these authors do write for other characters and in other eras. Some even write for different universes. So be sure to check those out too 💞
And to the authors I’ve mentioned. Thank you so much for sharing your fics 🥰 It brings people so much joy and comfort ✨🥹 And you might not even get to see it as they might be like me before reading in incognito.
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cathchicken · 9 months
Ok yay another round of first impressions!!! Again, spoilers for Fionna and cake below the cut! (Episodes 5 and 6)
Episode one:
- I became more invested in this episode the further it went, I ended up liking it a lot!
- farmworld society is real neat. I like how ice Finn became some demonic figure to everyone
- I liked the character if the main Finn kid (forget his name already damnnn)
- the forbidden romance was funny, but they left that universe so quickly, I want to know what happens!!
- Simon curses
- what thr hell is up with the pink goop
- Farm Finn mentions his wife is dead (CMONNN). Not sure exactly who she could be, but I’m guessing farm huntress wizard, based off of a few of the kids designs. Specifically the one with ginger hair and green eyes. The soup thing is interesting too
- and I love that Cake actually likes him like aughhhhh
- (this is hurting my soul)
Overall solid episode!
Episode two:
- yeah I know what’s gonna happen. Tumblr prepare yourself
- wait I forgot about the yaoi subplot haha
- anyways time to see photos of half naked Marshall everywhere for a week now too
- ok real meat: winter king. He’s a lot more cunty than I thought. The song and animation was gorgeous!!
- why did they draw his crotch like that. WHAT cmon I can’t be the only one. It’s so… well defined. Anyways
- the whimsical gunters were perfect. Especially the fairy
- the ice Marcy??? What??
- FUCKING. CAKE. SAYING WINTER KING AND SIMON SHOULD MAKE OUT AT THR END KF THE SONG. like damnnnn she is freaky. That would have been quite something though
- oh god. Wait, is this gonna be the oncest thingy now..? Fandom wise… cake you’ve doomed us all!!
- ahem
- oh yeah bubbaline! (Garylee..?) it was a very cute montage!! And I like Gary’s candy kingdom esque idea for his bakery.
- MORE LEMONFEMS (Lemoncarb?? I don’t know how to spell it)
- idk about you guys but I like them. Well, I don’t like how they did Gary. But still. Very good
- ok back to fionna
- yes!! Candy… queen! (The name to no one’s surprise haha) she pretty much was exactly what I expected. I love her
- her song was also great!!
- unfortunately I guess her existence is short lived lol
- won’t stop me… with the power of fanart!
- I like the scene where she rolls off the bed
- yeah at this point I was sort of suspicious of winter guy
- lobotomy… thr best remedy…
- the way winter king just lets Fionna embrace him right in front of actual Simon is fucking crazy haha. I’m sure cake was loving it
- well, the team handles trauma together….
- interesting, this universes pb is like, exactly the same haha.
- oh yeah, Fionna ain’t straight at all. You saw how she reacted when pb caressed her
- oh yeah final winter king impressions: I hate him
- also the fact he acknowledged Betty died and couldn’t give a shit. Fuck him forever
- csnt lie I’m a little sad it’s not a direct swap universe like my little theory. But ofc that’s not a problem at all, just me predicting stuff wrong
- not letting that go tho. Passionpeachy I won’t fail you. Doomed yuri is always the answer
Ok that’s pretty much it!!! Overall I really enjoyed these episodes, and I’m gonna have a good time seeing everyone else react to them :3 but now I get some sleep. I got school tomorrow
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ashtrologys · 2 years
(This is stripped from my Wattpad account I don't use much anymore. This is from a one-shot book I had started but cancelled. I also just love him so :)
Character: Steven Grant
Word Count: 907
Contains: Cuteness/Fluff
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It was a beautiful evening. Y/N had decided to head to the museum to marvel at the 'artifacts'. Well that's what you told yourselves but really you had a massive crush on the gift shopist that worked there.
You walked into the halls and softly lowered your hands into your pockets. The marble walls were illuminated by the slowly darkening sky that was leaking through the open entrance. It was as if light and dark were at war and here was where everything stood still
You were lost in thought before a familiar voice brought you out and back to the real world
"Y/N, is that you?"
You spun around to look over at the gift shop counter, and a smile went across your face. Steven was just standing there waiting for someone to help him out of this pool of boredom he had to endure everyday. You walked over, still smiling.
"Hey Stevie! How's life?"
Steven chuckled softly "Still the same as yesterday"
He scooped up one of the Tawaret plushies and placed it down with a soft smile.
"Today's free souvenir, don't tell Donna or she'll murder me" He let out a small giggle, which caused you to slightly fluster up.
You picked it up and placed it in your bag. You never really understood why exactly he decided to give you something for free everytime you visited, but it was pretty cute to say the least. You looked at him to see him moving some of the things on display around
"So, I'll see you tomorrow Stevie?" You asked smiling
"Probably yeah. Ain't like I'll be anywhere else really" He chuckled softly "I feel like I'm trapped in the duat"
You let out a soft laugh and he laughed too. Both of you being nerds about egyptian mythology meant you could both makes jokes that only you'd understand. You both smiled at one another, your cheeks and his flushing bright red before you looked away.
"I'll see ya tomorrow Y/N" He said, packing up his bag
You chuckled and started walking away. As you did you turned back around and shouted "Laters gators!" To which he responded "In a while crocodile" with a cute dorky smile
You took one step outside, half expecting it to be pitch black because it felt like an eternity with him. You'd always have small talks with him, that you wish would drag on and on, all through the whimsical and harrowing night and into the dawn of day.
You decided you'd head off to the cafe nearby to get a bite to eat. You looked back at the museum smiling and walked away. You knew it would likely be a whole day until you'd see him again.
And you had been right. That night and the rest of the next day went by as if it never happened. And then you found yourself standing on the steps again. You tightened your bag and walked inside.
Once again it was evening, like it had been the days before. Steven looked up from the same counter he worked at and smiled
"Good evening Y/N" He said. Oddly he was a lot more quiet than usual, and he seemed to be slightly stammering over his words. You shrugged it off
"Hiya Stevie!" You exclaimed, happiness filling you to the brim.
He once again picked up one of the souvenirs on display. This time it was a beetle plush and he placed it down. However he'd also made sure to put it onto some piece of paper. You looked at him confused to find him blushing softly before rubbing the back of his neck
"Souvenir time" he said, pushing both the beetle and paper close. You picked up the plush and placed it inside of your bag. You realised you hadn't even taken the Tawaret one out from the day before so you smiled to yourself. You then picked up the piece of paper, turning it around and unfolding it. The folding was a mess. But that was the charm of it.
On the back, in soft scribbled letters (that were obviously rubbed off over and over again), were the words
"Would you go out with me?"
A large smile went across your face as you reread the words over and over again. You looked up at Steven, who, because you had been reading it so much, was now a whole array of emotions. He was lovestruck, nervous, terrified. You'd never seen him like this before.
You smiled and placed the note down, taking out a pen yourself. You wrote on the bottom "yes", before handing the note back. Steven looked down at it and did a little jump, beaming proudly and bashfully. He looked at you and smiled.
You giggled and smiled
"We'll work out the date day, don't you worry" you chuckled
He leant against the counter looking at you, his hands up against his chin "Tomorrow, here, same time?" He asked
You let out a laugh and nodded
"Like normal, same time, we'll get details sorted" You patted his hand and readjusted your bag to your side. You stood up and started walking away. You turned back and heard "Laters gators!" Damn he'd beaten you to it. "In a while crocodile!" You retorted back chuckling.
You walked off. This large feeling of happiness and joy filled you as you walked. You were both in love.
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nancypullen · 10 months
82 Days Until Halloween!
That has nothing to do with this post, I'm just excited about it. Eighty-two days, some of which will be spent on vacation, will fly! I have absolutely nothing to post about, there's nothing happening at Casa de Pullen. I wake up, make the bed, do my stretches and stuff, scoop the kitty litter, sometimes start a load of wash, and then head downstairs. Rinse and repeat.
I'm fortunate that I get to look out of this window while I make breakfast. Hummingbirds and bumble bees zip around the blooms and it's the best show in town.
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I'd planned to cut down some of the sunflowers that are already drying and drooping, but the yellow finches have arrived and love them. I can't deprive them of their favorite treat. Brace yourself for some out of focus bird pictures. This was snapped from inside the car as I pulled in from the grocery store. There's a little yellow finch lunching on those sunflowers by the porch. I waited to get out of the car so I wouldn't scare him away.
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I do sometimes snip one of the flowers to sit in this sweet bud vase (a gift from a kind friend in TN). Sunflowers are so cheerful.
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I moved the hummingbird feeder to the front flower bed so that I can enjoy their antics while I sit at my desk making whatever I'm making that day. Turns out it's very hard to get a photo from inside, through a window and a screen, of a very fast birdie. There he is, hovering just over the feeder. There are a couple that battle for the hooch and they're fierce!
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As you can see, nothing much has changed. I'm still watching birds and bees. There's a fat woodchuck that wanders around our yard occasionally, that's it for wildlife. This guy...
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loves hanging out at our house. Pardon my muddy garden shoes, and yes, that's a bowl of water that I put out for the our visitor. It would have been rude not to offer refreshments. This is like a flashback of how my romance with Willie started. Apparently I'm a magnet for big ol' chunky boys. His collar says he lives two houses down, but I think we're due some child support or at least daycare fees. Who am I kidding? Send me all the cats. I'll feed them for free and love them until they beg for mercy.
Other than bird, bee, and cat watching, I've been busy making earrings and trying to get ready for Artisans on the Choptank. It's going to be embarrassing if nothing sells. You'll all get boxes of earrings for Christmas. I also painted the vanity in the Halloween bathroom. Flooring goes in tomorrow - hooray! The master bath vanity is just a creamy color, but since the Halloween bathroom is a more whimsical, jolly sort of room, I went with a shade of greeny-gray. Best of all, I found pumpkin knobs to add to the doors!
Here's the vanity color...(pardon my mess)
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and these are the knobs (you can see them on the counter).
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How cute is that? I'll be so glad to have these bathrooms finished. I want to paint for fun again! I'll share pics of the completed bathrooms tomorrow when the banging stops and the dust settles. So there you have it. My very small, probably boring to others, life. Quiet days, but they're filled with creativity, and that makes me content. We'll have the grandgirl for the weekend so things will liven up around here soon. We're taking her to Workhorse Farm to pet kangaroos and meet camels. Then we'll hang around the house and let her swim in her "mermaid lagoon", we'll have popcorn and movie nights, and we'll be thoroughly exhausted when we give her back. It's a good kind of tired. I hope that you're enjoying a balance of fun and peacefulness. We need both, don't we? A lack of either takes a toll. I'm off to soak in the tub and look at that ugly floor for the last time. Sending out loads of love. XOXO, Nancy
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For real though, I remember my grandmother’s house so vividly, even after all these years, no matter how much it’s changed, I can still “smell” each room in my memories.
That house, that space, it meant so much to me.
It felt so whimsical, and yet, it was simple.
Even after she was gone, and, well, she has been gone for nearly two decades now, two more years than my mother, but you could still “feel” her presence.
It’s quite something.
How one person can saturate the very air of a place that, long after it has been empty, you still sense their presence there.
After all this time, though I knew her for such a small part of my life... 
One day.
One day, I would hope to be loved so much.
To have gone so gently.
And to have lived a long, good life in spite of what I have endured, and the troubles I have yet to glimpse...
On days when it’s hard to see past today to even imagine tomorrow, I want to grow old.
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resmarted · 11 months
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we are in an endless coming of age story, except i never learn my lessons or grow up at the end, it’s just some sick cycle of the same harmonies that haunt me into my a belated adolescence. did i tell you i found some old love songs? i started writing them last year before my heart was ripped from my throat and i forgot how sweet i once was on you. they have new meaning now, it seems the subject often changes over the years but the sentiment stays the same. how do i keep accepting these people into my life who can’t bring themselves to reject the people who hold no real place in their own? i am so good at it that i can’t help but snub and scoff anyone who can’t see clearly and cut the fat where it needs to be snipped. i will not exhaust myself for anyone, especially one who keeps these demented vampires surrounding them like cartoon birds after a great blow to the head. i may be slow to grow up but have spent far too long outgrowing people i know serve no purpose but to fill space that i don’t necessarily have to offer and you can block your own aura, fine, but don’t expect me to meet you down there. elevating is a constant process and sure, i am more whimsical and free for it, but mostly i am too smart not to and if you really sit with yourself in honest integrity you can admit you are too.
protect me from the beggars and hounds scraping and clawing at the door for my energy, waking me from my sleep and invading my dreamspace when i do. they sneer and howl and get louder when i am in earshot because god forbid i dont hear them, how they bend over backwards and lift their voices as loudly as possible to ensure i will be made aware of their uber impressive remarks and less than subtle digs so that i may clap for them like dogs and say good job! i knew you could do it! have a treat. it's exhausting, but unfortunately very normal. it comes from every corner, the so-called allies are the worst of all, and the ones who feign offense need the most attention. but you know me by now, don't you? you know I protect my peace at all cost and am seldom concerned with the gadfly of the hour as there will be ten more in its place tomorrow. what I want to know is how you managed to see past all of them and were able to stare directly through my soul without so much as a pin drop? how were you the only one ever brave enough to ignore the fodder and look past the vigorous campaigns waved against me like a salem witch in spanish harlem? i am forever indebted, even if you never make it past that last step, i don't blame you for giving up and will always admire you for how far you got. it was a hell of a lot more than anyone else who dare to slay the dragon or tame the beast, most others just became them, another head added onto the hive mind, soaking in the relevance while it lasted like bored vultures hungry to pick at anything left before moving on with the same anger they carried in with them, if not worse than before. playing nice does nothing but make it worse, and yet being indifferent seems the greatest crime of all. I can't help it though, i've got a lot on my mind.
like how did you know all of my hiding spots and how to coax me out with those big bashful eyes? where did you learn how to do that and how many others did it work on before me? probably all of them. probably everyone falls smitten for those soft blushing cherub cheeks and curious eyed stare like a darling deer just searching for its mother. people line up to wash away in your silence and bathe in the warm glow of that sweet little laugh and precious pout. you know it and i know it and everyone else acts like they don't know it because they do a similar thing to you where they don't want to be caught caring so they act like they don't see all your good qualities or that they even see you at all. but everyone sees you. they find their positions before you approach so they can meticulously appear aloof when they're dying to look at you from the corners of their eyes and downplaying how happy they really are to see you. i don't have time like that to waste. i have too many dead friends and too many regrets for the things i never said or did while they were still around, and i'll sure as hell be damned if i let the confines of some obscure social realm dictate how I behave towards the ones i love and care about. i love and care about you probably more than i have for anyone in a very long time, maybe ever. i sit like a broken soldier outside your home guarding it as if it weren't already made from walls and walls of brick and steel, the highest of fences and the most complicated of labyrinths and riddles just to cross the threshold. i'll still defend your honor like everyone doesn't already love you to pieces, as if what i say could even make a lick of a difference, still a loyal sheepdog just the same. i miss you so much it kills me. i have since the day we met, and all the days that came before that. my entire fucking life before you is one big painful blur and if it stays that way after you, i'm fine with that. i remain sedated in even our smallest memories, so may i die knowing the sweetest relief. that's a little dramatic, okay sure, you got me. but something tells me you wouldn't have it any other way.
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lam-ila · 1 year
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I posted 3,495 times in 2022
865 posts created (25%)
2,630 posts reblogged (75%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,722 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#maleeha reblogs hockey - 699 posts
#habs lb - 423 posts
#maleeha reblogs marvel - 238 posts
#maleeha reblogs star wars - 143 posts
#fic rec - 127 posts
#maleeha (finally) finishes stranger things - 123 posts
#maleeha reblogs baseball - 119 posts
#maleeha rambles - 91 posts
#maleeha answers asks - 89 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 75 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#also i changed replies to only mutuals who’ve been mutuals for at least a week can reply bc people don’t know how to not be islamophobic
My Top Posts in 2022:
Three Days || Matthew Tkachuk
Summary: A call with Matthew after game three of Calgary’s first round in the 2022 Stanley Cup Playoffs
Word Count: 420
Maleeha’s Masterlist
a/n: this is gender neutral. hope you enjoy this! feedback is appreciated
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The game was tough. Calgary lost 4-2 against the Stars and now were loosing the series 2-1. It was a rough game, the Flames and Stars added up 45 penalties and 124 penalty minutes in the first three games of the series. Matthew came out of the game with an assist and a bloodied hand.
About an hour or so after the game ended, you got a text from Matthew saying that he was ready to call you. You ran over to your shared room and called him as fast as you could. It took a couple rings for Matthew to pick up, but once his face popped up on the screen, you couldn’t help but smile.
Matthew greeted you with a wave- with his hand that was hurt during the game- and winced. Your smile dropped and you went into doctor mode.
“Matthew did you take medicine?” You questioned. 
He looked up in thought before answering “Yeah, I was given Advil when I went to the locker room.”
“How much does it hurt?”
“It doesn’t hurt too much.” He looked around the room he was in to avoid your concerned look. You knew Matthew too well to believe that what he said was true and remembered his wince when he waved to you. 
“Matthew,” you called his name calmly. “You can talk to me.” 
“I know.” He looked back at you and took a deep breath before confessing the truth. “It hurts. A lot more than I’d like to admit.” You opened your mouth to say something, but Matthew cut you off. “I wish it was a home game. I’d do anything to be in your arms right now.” 
“Oh love, I wish you were in my arms too.” You watched him softly smile as you calculated how long it would be until he was home. “Three more days until you’re home.”
“Call your boss, you are not going to work.” 
“Matthew, I can’t-”
“Please?” He looked at you with pleading eyes.
“I’ll try to see if someone can cover my shift on Tuesday. One day off can’t hurt.” You looked at your screen, seeing Matthew fighting to stay awake. “You look tired, go to sleep.”
“But I want to talk to you. How was your day?”
“We’ll call tomorrow, okay?”
“Alright. I love you”
“I love you too.” The call ended and you looked at your phone background, a picture of you and Matthew when you surprised him at an away game. “I’ll see you in three days.”
See the full post
126 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
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[image description: a screenshot of a tweet that reads “1/3 of Pakistan is currently underwater. The nation is facing far more than a national emergency, but a human catastrophe. If Pakistan were in Europe or North America - the whole world would be galvanized to help the 40 million facing death, disease, and disasters. /end ID]
152 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
Understand || Steve Rogers
i used the prompt “you've been in a fight, your lover has already gone to bed, without resolving it, but you still whisper 'i love you’ before crawling into bed, because it's something you always do before going to sleep, and this fight doesn't change anything bonus: your lover isn't actually asleep, and pulls you into their arms” from this prompt list. changed it a little but that’s okay
Summary: You and Steve got in a fight while making dinner
Word count: 995
Read time: 3 minutes and 38 seconds
Maleeha’s Masterlist
Warnings: an argument, Steve’s kind of an ass
a/n: this is gender neutral. hope you enjoy this! feedback is appreciated
thank you @2manytabsopen for talking with me about this fic. kesh is amazing and this fic would not exist if it wasn’t for her
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Dating an Avenger was difficult, but dating an Avenger who’s name was Steven Grant Rogers was way more difficult than dating any other Avenger. You loved Steve for many reasons, he was headstrong, determined, and he stood up for the things he believed to be true- even if standing up for it was illegal.
Since the beginning of your relationship with Steve, you both agreed that you would be open about whatever was on your minds, but after the fight with Ultron, Steve began to shut you out. You gave Steve some space for a few days after he came back from Sokovia since he normally was more distant after a big fight, but he continued to be distant. He was barely home, only staying to quietly eat and sleep. You did whatever you could do make him relax, mostly by cooking whatever he was in the mood for. 
You kept this up for about a year, cooking, cleaning, and hardly talking to your boyfriend. After Rumlow blew himself up and Wanda deflected the blow into a nearby building, everything started to spiral out of control. The UN was preparing to pass the Sokovia Accords- which Steve was not wanting to sign-, the Avengers split up, Peggy passed away, all while Steve was trying to bring his best friend back from being brainwashed. 
Steve was surprisingly home and spending time with you, cleaning up and washing the dishes while you cooked dinner. You were making grilled salmon, something you had made plenty of times before. There were no words being spoking between you two, the only exception being “excuse me” and “here you go”. Usually, cooking with Steve was fun and relaxing, but you had a million thoughts going through your head at once. You were worried about Steve, and your relationship with him. You didn’t want to admit it, but your relationship was deteriorating right before your eyes. 
“You’re doing that wrong.” Steve said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked over at him, giving him a questioning look. “You need to add at least double the amount of pepper.” Glancing down to the bowl that held your spice mix, you re-assessed how much pepper you put in.
“No, I put in the right amount.” You corrected. “Don’t worry, I’ve made this dish thousands of times, I know how many spices to put in.”
“But that’s not the right-” Steve scoffed, cutting himself off. “Fine, I guess we’ll have bland salmon.”
“I put in one and a half teaspoons and that’s what the recipe says. If you want, you can check the recipe.” You reasoned. You studied his faces worriedly as he angrily glared at the spice mix. “Steve, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” He harshly answered. “Why would something be wrong?” You hesitantly walked over to him, placing your hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at you.
“You’ve just been,” you paused, carefully thinking of the proper word to use. “distant.”
“Distant?” He pulled out of your comforting touch. “Of course I’ve been distant. My life is literally shattering before me.”
“People are expecting me to do what’s right, but I don’t think signing the Accords is ‘what’s right’. I’m expected to be this perfect man, this perfect hero, but I’m not. I’m held up to unrealistic expectations and it’s taking a toll on me.”
“How can you say that?” You retorted, disbelief completely present in your voice.
“How can you say that,” you repeated. “while you expect me to be the perfect partner.”
“What do you mean?”
“You expect me to cook, and clean, and comfort you, and say the right things at the right time.” You listed. “I know it’s cliché, but I need you to realize that no one is perfect. You don’t need to hold yourself and those around you to such high expectations.”
“But I need to be perfect. So does Tony, and Nat, and Sam, and everyone else. We’ve had to be perfect since the day we became the heros.”
“No.” you sighed. “You don’t have to be perfect.”
“You don’t understand.”
See the full post
171 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
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[image description: a screenshot of a tweet that reads “95% of Muslim-majority countries don’t mandate hijab. This is not about Islam, which is beautifully diverse with centuries of rich history and intellectual achievement. No state should police women’s clothing. Period. That’s what this is about. #MashaAmini” /end ID]
2,053 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
There are over 33 million people affected by floods in Pakistan with at least 1000 people killed and over 180,000 people displaced. Please, if you are able to, donate to help and if you’re not able to donate, please reblog this.
https://islamic-relief.org/appeals/pakistan-floods-appeal/ (Has a lot of information about the floods and is also a trusted place you can donate to)
12,452 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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junkshop-disco · 1 year
For that writers thing, can you tell us 13, 18, 57 and 68? Thank you!
I just answered 13 in way too much detail here but also forgot to mention that my top three playlist-able songs for fic writing purposes of all time, and across all fandoms, are:
The Promise, originally by When In Rome but I also really like this version by Samia. Fade into You, originally by Mazzy Star but I also love this version by Blonde Maze. And Just Like Honey, originally by the Jesus and Mary Chain but also this version by Headless Heroes and this version by Annie.
Like if you want to sum up what one of my fics is about, it's all right there. We've got friends to lovers, dawning realisation, and a sort of baffled by feelings thing. That's it. That's the fic lol. This is a tangent, but Terry Hall died recently and that reminded me what a huge influence he was on me as a writer. His lyrics just have a way of cutting to the chase of romance and being so open about the hopeful/hopelessness dichotomy of falling in love. Some of my fave lyrics are Sense 'I'm standing high on tiptoes looking over fences, waiting for somebody like you to kiss me senseless.' Thinking of You 'Who knows, maybe tomorrow, we can share each other's sorrow, and compare our graveside manner as we wave our lonely banners.' And Forever J 'Uncertain, coy, and hard to please, she kisses me through gritted teeth, but when I'm weak, she whispers dreams.' Pretty much everything I want to do in fic is built on my love of Terry Hall's words.
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
I do now, although it wasn't always so. A Matter of Time is probably the most research I've ever done, because it's set in 1927 and heavily features clockmaking and clock repair as a plot. So I gave myself a crash course in the history of clocks, the different type of clocks available at the time, how to take them apart, and how to repair them. I like to think it enriched the fic not to fudge the details. All the clocks in it are real, apart from the one right at the end, which is a sort of amalgam of two different clocks because I couldn't find one single clock that was whimsical enough and tricky enough to repair for what I wanted it to do in the narrative. I also did a lot of research for general historical accuracy, including at one point looking up whether drainpipes existed in 1927 for a one line, throwaway joke.
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
It depends on the fic tbh. I've written a few fics like Learning to Speak the Language of Flowers where the symbolism is very much key to the fic itself (literally all the plants and flowers mentioned in the fic Mean Something) and in my current Fate fic, there's a bit of foreshadowing because it's just that sort of fic. There's a lot of runes chat and fortune telling with cards plays a part in it, so there's a little dusting of foreshadowing because it sits well thematically I think. Mostly I do that sort of thing for myself, though, and if anyone else picks up on it it's a bonus. I think a fic should be readable and enjoyable without it.
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
So many. Two of my all time faves are Derryere's RPF of Doom (which is no longer available) and Minor Hue's The Good Times Are Killing Me (which you need an LJ to view but that link is to podfic of it). They both have lines I think about all the time and a real sense of rawness to them, they capture what desire and confusion and heartbreak feels like in a way that's genuine and fresh. I'm also a huge fan of Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach by Nmn, which is genuinely one of the best things I've ever read. It is quietly devastating in a way you see coming from the first chapter, and yet are still unprepared for when what you knew was going to happen happens. Idk if they influenced me so much as inspired me. Reading them was like... yes, this is what I'm trying to do, this is the bar to aim for.
Thank you for playing 💛
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