#and put them through dangerous situations
guacemolyarts · 2 days
please please tell me how u perceive ellabs 😭😭😭 from a shipping standpoint😭😭 also i love ur art so much
Abby has always been number one. From being Jerrys daughter, to becoming the WLFs top Scar killer, to leading her entire friend group into a murder plot with her, etc. Abby has always been the one to take the lead and do whatever she wants by her own command because she has never not gotten what she’s wanted. When that attitude got the best of her in the end (her friends turning on her, realizing what they had participated in was fucked up, etc.) she became prideful and cowardly. Lev was able to reinvent that attitude with her by giving her a purpose to protect and love someone more than herself. Lev let her have a break for once, gave her a chance to have her guard down, and not always have to feel stoic. She stood up to the only person who could crumble her *just* a bit (Isaac) and Ellie, who unknowingly had been leading her down a death trap. Even when figuring that out, Abby never backed down, Abby still got the upper hand, Abby still had what Ellie wanted- someone to care about her and her life.
Now Ellie on the other hand? Ellie has NEVER had it easy. Grew up an orphan, was a bit of a loner without Riley, was regarded as a “sad kid” by Winston, the only adult who ever really gave her the time of day. This girl has been searching for love and support her entire life. Despite her bratty attitude and hotheaded tendencies, no matter what, shes always a softie. And when she gets fixated on anything, it becomes her purpose and the force that pushes through whatever situation shes in- on a lighter note, Savage Starlight quotes, on a darker note, Abby. Ellie finds strength in just *doing*. She doesn’t need to force anyone to abide by her order (unless you wanna argue Nora, but even then, what a sloppy attempt at getting her way). She steam rolls any situation she thinks is gonna get her to her goal (jumping off the bridge into the water with Joel, the entirety of Seattle Day 2 and 3, becoming a deadbeat).
And together? You get two women who come from remarkably different upbringing’s and backgrounds, who in the end, crave to care for and to be cared about. Abby who has the explicit need to put herself in any dangerous position, knowing she can get out of it unscathed, with the entire goal of making sure what she cares about makes it through safely. Ellie, who has only ever fought through survival, to not have to do it anymore. Who can just feel protected and at peace. Abby, who is meticulous in her planning and execution, Ellie, rough around the edges and will figure it out when she gets there.
Despite how opposite they are in those regards, they are similar in their unifying need to find inner peace and strive to do their best. Both of them are incredibly strong people- and together, in any dynamic and in any situation they must get through together, I perceive Abby to be the one who is more level-headed, less inclined to blindly walk into Ellies fire, and to take the reigns in any struggle they get themselves in. To guide Ellie down the smarter, albeit longer path, and for Ellie to complain and annoy her to every end because she thinks being safer is worse than being in a rush. Ellie, the tough, agile little moth who learned everything on her own and by Joels hand, who can cut through 7 men at a time and is quick on her fight or flight. Abby, the trained in combat ex-soldier who can wipe out any path she needs to get through just by one intimidating scowl.
This is an interpretation based on canon, i could talk in circled about them for hours. So heres a little tidbit of what i perceive them as as individuals but how those traits work together.
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biolumien · 2 days
keep you safe
reno ichikawa x gn!reader existing, established relationship. a bit of described gore, but its all kaiju guts word count: 1841
you and reno ichikawa were like night and day. reno had always been a bit reserved, and you’d been his bright counterpart, the extrovert that had adopted him as the two of you became fast friends. he’d opened up to you slowly, bit by bit, and the two of you were usually inseparable.
on your end, at least, friendship turned to admiration, something like adoration. you liked touching his face sometimes, brushing your knuckles across his hand and watching him flush a bit, turn away from you with a mumbled excuse on his lips. eventually, he’d dared to be a bit bolder, intertwine his fingers with yours, lean into touches with a soft, shy smile across his face.
“i want to become a defense force officer,” he’d said shyly, to you. he spun the straw of his drink around, not looking at you.
“oh?” you’d asked, leaning on the railing of the small apartment you lived in. “isn’t that dangerous work?”
“well, yeah,” reno murmured. “but i want to do it. i’ve wanted it for forever. to be out there protecting the people i love.”
he’d smiled at you, then, and you laughed.
“are you confessing to me, reno?”
reno’s violet eyes met yours, and you realized there was largely sincerity behind those eyes—you say largely, because he also seemed nervous—hesitant. almost worried.
“… yeah,” reno said. he fell silent for a moment. “i—i just wanted to, because—well, you know. i could-i could die, out there… and i think i would’ve beaten myself up if i got into a situation and realized that my one regret was not telling you how i feel. because that can so easily be changed if i—just… yeah, since i just told—”
you leaned up close to kiss the words out of his mouth, and he startled a little bit, his hand shifting, not sure where to put it, but you clasped his hand soon after, and you smiled into the kiss, realizing how sweaty his palms were—he must have gotten in his head about the confession, but you were so happy he’d gotten over the hurdle and just—said it, put it out in the open.
“i love you too, silly,” you responded against his lips. “i’m not gonna stop you from becoming a defense force officer if that’s what you want… but…” you raised your arms up, wrapping them around his neck, resting your forehead against his. his breath was shuddering, warm against your lips. “don’t forget me when you make it big, okay?”
reno laughed.
“of course not. how could i forget you?”
you spent days sitting alongside him as he studied for the entrance exams, watched as he applied for the cleanup crew job in preparation for the second phase of the exam.
his face was alight with determination that you couldn’t help but admire—reno had always been quiet, kind of forlorn. you’d tried your best to bring him out of his shell—and he always seemed to, around you, but now there was something different. a burning desire to become stronger? to chase after a tangible, difference-making dream? whatever it was, you wanted it to pull through.
“you’re okay, right? i heard that kaiju no. 8 attacked the hospital you were staying in,” you murmured. you stared out the window, at the faintest eruption of smoke in the distance. “and there was a honju attack, too—one after the other… are you really okay?”
“yea,” reno sounded a little sleepy from his side of the phone. he’d texted you that he’d ended up in the hospital on his first day of work—a yoju had attacked his coworker, and in an adrenaline-infused rush, he’d ran up to protect him, and both of them had barely gotten away with their lives, or so it seemed. “i’m okay. don’t worry about me.”
“but i do,” you replied. “all the time, you know that.”
“i know.” you heard the rustling of sheets. “if you don’t want me to—”
“no. no, you should. i want you to,” you replied. “don’t let my worry stop you from doing this. you helped your coworker, right? i’m sure you were super cool. i’d love to see you in your uniform.”
reno sounded flustered for a moment on his side of the phone, before he shifted again.
“today’s just been crazy,” he said. “but i really want to protect people. it just feels like—like it’s what i’m supposed to do. i guess it sounds kind of—embarrassing, now that i’ve said it, like i believe in fate or something, but—”
“i don’t think it’s embarrassing at all,” you said fiercely, squeezing a pillow on your bed close to your chest. “you’re super cool, reno. i’m happy my boyfriend’s the coolest guy around.” the last sentences are teasing, and you hear reno make another strangled sound.
“come on, you’re flattering me,” reno sounded muffled, as if he’d shoved his head into his sheets. “i’m not that cool. you could’ve done so much better than—someone like me, who got super reckless and thought he-he could take a yoju down with a street sign.”
“that sounds like literally the coolest thing ever, reno,” you replied.
you fell silent for a moment, adjusting your phone.
“i wish you were here,” you admitted after a moment. “i want a hug.”
“you know i’d be there if i could,” reno replied, sounding hesitantly shy. “once i get discharged?”
“sure,” you replied, the smile clear in your voice. “i’m looking forward to it.”
you wonder who’s going to save you now.
a large honju, its bulging eyes fixating on the fact that you’re horribly alone and isolated, the rubble collapsing around you making it impossible to run away and hide—but even if you could hide, there’s too much open space. you’d sprained your leg trying to run away the first time, before you’d underestimated just how fast this damn thing could fucking run.
it had pushed you into this corner, practically—toying with you as you realized far too late that you’d been completely backed into an area you couldn’t escape, about to become this honju’s next meal—though maybe that was inaccurate. you doubted you could even be a meal at all—just a tiny, insignificant snack on this monster’s rampage.
you wished fervently that you were stronger. maybe if you were a defense officer, too—but could you really kid yourself, thinking something like that? you rose up on shaking legs, trying desperately to control your breathing. you weren’t going to die. you couldn’t die. that would break reno’s heart, wouldn’t it? you didn’t want to break reno’s heart, you didn’t. you didn’t want to imagine a future where reno’s face would screw up with pain—a future where he might shed tears over you. he didn’t deserve that.
you remembered, desperately, for a moment, that they’d sent out the third division to deal with the current kaiju threat. surely that meant—no.
it’s not like civilian casualties weren’t common. you shudder to think of the possibility that you’d end up as another statistic—but you shuddered, terrified of the possibility that reno would find your lifeless body. you wanted to be alive to hug him, to press your head into the crook of his neck as he held the back of your head, just desperately glad that you were alive. you wanted some kind of happy ending—not death from some fucking honju.
the honju’s gigantic hand reached out for you, and you braced yourself for the worst, squeezing your eyes shut—
the resounding bang that rang through the air made your ears ring, and you felt something wet hit your face—as you opened your eyes, you touched your face, pulling it away to find your hand stained with blood—but not your own.
the honju shrieks, doubling back—and you realize with belated horror that its hand had been completely blown off, viscera scattering across rubble. the sight of the gore makes you collapse, practically, as your knees gave out.
“i’m sorry i’m late,” a familiar voice says, and you blink hard as—
“reno,” you say, almost dazedly.
he looked—good, in any case, dressed in the defense force suits you’d seen on television once in awhile when you’d watch a bit of the televised kaiju war effort. he pulled down his respirator mask for a second, giving you a small smile.
“you’re okay,” reno says, before turning back to the honju with deadly focus. “cover your ears as best you can, alright?”
you did as he asked, upon which several more loud bangs rang out, each rattling your very core, your ears ringing with the impact. the honju shrieked as each bullet punctured it, until it eventually gave out and collapsed against the ground, its shriek a death knell that almost made you want to curl up into a ball on instinct to hide from it—you were shaking, horrified at the sounds, the sight of the gore—the fact that it even stained your face.
reno lowers his gun.
“command, come in,” he says, his hand tapping his in-ear receiver. “i’ve killed the honju in this sector. recovered a civilian as well. i’ll oversee transport to the nearest medical facility. thank you.” he lowers his hand, kneeling down to wipe the blood from your face.
“reno,” you say weakly. “you saved me.” your shaking breaths turn to sobs as you press your face against his chest, your shoulders shaking. the surface of his suit is hot, almost burning, but you don’t care as your fingers barely dig into its surface. “i’m—i’m so—i was so scared—”
“i know,” reno says, hoisting you up with ease. you remember that he used to struggle to do that—not that he couldn’t lift you up, just that there was always more effort involved. he coaxes your legs to wrap around his waist, his hand coming up to stroke the back of your head, pulling you closer to him. “i know. i—i’m sorry. i should’ve—i could’ve come sooner, i knew we were being dispatched to-to the site, and—”
“it’s okay,” you cling to reno as your lifeline, pressing your cheek to his. “i’m just—i’m just—i’m so happy you came.”
reno looks at you, his violet eyes brimming with tears as he presses his forehead to yours, a shaking breath leaving his lips.
“i’ll always protect you, okay?” he says, his voice choking up. “i’ve got the strength to do it now—to protect the people i love. to protect you.”
you toy with the hair at the nape of his neck, kissing the tip of his nose.
“i know,” you say, quiet fondness creeping into your voice, despite everything. “i love you, reno.”
“i love you too,” reno says, and you’re flustered for a moment by how sure he sounds—he always used to hide away behind his hand when he said it, shy and unsure of himself. but the way he looks at you, with pure dedication and determination—your heart flutters again, and you laugh.
“kiss me, please,” you say, and reno kisses you so softly, and you melt into it, safe in his embrace.
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rinhaler · 2 days
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I Pick a Tail Number and We Could Be Tourists
CHAPTER SUMMARY: you're stranded out of town and it's all Megumi's fault. Time to find a hotel to crash in!
boyfriend!yuuji itadori x f!reader x bully!megumi fushiguro
WARNINGS : 18+, alcohol consumption, arguing, name calling, strong language lmao, PG chapter tbh!
WORDS : 9.2k
notes : dangerously close to running out of old chapters to edit and repost LOL
Megumi didn’t wait for you as he re-entered the aquarium and you had to work double time to keep up with his brisk strides.
He said that you should go inside together so you could figure out this mess you found yourselves in; and yet it sure feels like he’s trying to leave you behind.
He only slows down when he starts to text, which of course, piques your interest. It’s probably his dad or his sister, letting them know what happened and asking for a ride. He comes to a complete stop as you arrive at the café. Megumi pulls out a chair, he intended it to be for himself, but when he looks up and notices your worried gaze, he gestures it to you and takes another seat.
You must look terrified if even Megumi is showing you that much kindness.
“Are you texting Toji?” you ask him, and he scoffs immediately.
“No? Why would I?”
“Because we are fucking stranded and you said we were going to plan what we are going to do!” you whisper-shout at him, doing all you can to remain level-headed and keep your fury to a minimum. You’re so overwhelmed and angry you know the smallest push will have you freefalling into tears.
“I’m gonna call that asshole teacher of ours and see if they can turn around.” Megumi tells you, scrolling through his phone until he lands on your lecturer’s phone number. You hear a faint ringing through the speaker again and again. A vision of rage flares across Megumi’s features as the ringing goes to voicemail.
“Call Toji!” you demand. It prompts Megumi to kiss his teeth and roll his eyes to look at you, he studies your body language and expression, and he has to hold back a smile when he sees how serious you are. “Or I will.” the threat causes Megumi’s vague amusement to fade into annoyance as he adjusts his seating position to sit up straight.
“Go on then.” he challenges, moodily. He rests his ankle over his knee and slouches more in his seat, avoiding eye contact with you as he proceeds to play on his phone and ignore the gravity of the situation you’ve found yourself in. You tut, quickly finding Toji’s name in your contacts and dialling.
Ring… Ring… Ring…
“What did he do?” he huffs, answering the phone sounding a little out of breath.
“N-Nothing, Toji. Well he, I guess he—“
“What? What’s going on, princess?”
Megumi’s eyes are burning into yours as he warns you to choose your next words carefully. Part of you wants to protect him; you aren’t sure if it’s out of guilt for your tattling earlier this morning or if it’s out of fear for what he’ll do to you. Your mouth hangs open as you consider, and then turns to a smile that you’ll hope Toji will hear through the phone.
“He’s been fine. But, uh, we missed the bus home.”
“Was it his fault?”
“W-Well, umm…”
“Just tell me sweetheart. Was it his fault you missed the bus?” he questions, a stern, authoritative tone in his speech. You do all you can to remain composed and not expose yourself to Megumi. A small little gulp travels down your throat as you find the confidence to croak out a singular word.
“Put him on.”
“Put him on the phone right now.”
He’s never spoken to you like that before. It was a condensed version of how you hear him address Megumi. You quickly hand the phone to his son and hear a quiet ‘for fuck sake’ under his breath as he presses your phone to his ear.
He looks cute, you think, with a pink love heart phone case on the side of his head. With this and the colouring book, you’re starting to think he’s not all bad.
Maybe he even has a softer side.
He at least has a sort of nice side if today is anything to go by.
You’re brought out of your soft ideation as you see a vein bulge against Megumi’s temple and his teeth grit whilst his father screams bloody murder at him down the phone. Even without speaker phone turned on, you can still hear him.
“Enough!” Megumi bites back, finally, and Toji actually pipes down once he hears his son snap. “Can you come get us or not?” he hisses through his teeth. His eyes bulge open as he hears a response he hadn’t expected. “What do you mean no? Where the fuck are you right now? It’s loud.”
“I mean no, shithead. I’ll talk to you about it later, I can’t get you though. I’m sorry, kid. Tsumiki is at work too so she can’t.” Toji tells him. Megumi sighs and shakes his head in your direction. It’s odd, considering Toji said he’d drop anything and everything to rescue you if needed be. But you suppose things happen, life gets in the way, it can’t be helped. You know he would if he could. “Give her the phone back.”
He does, holding it out for you to take. He gets up, trudging towards the barista to avoid listening to whatever his father is going to say to you.
“I’m so so sorry I can’t come get you, baby. You’re a credit card kid though, right? I’ll be able to wire you the money tomorrow if you wanna get a cab back. It’s only fair I fucking pay since it’s my dumb kid's fault.”
“Three hours in a cab? I can’t, I’m not really talking to my parents right now and I’d feel obliged to if I spent that much money on their card.” you tell him. He nods, despite you being unable to see it. He understands. “Megumi’s gonna try and ring our teacher again, maybe they’ll come back for us.”
“Yeah, maybe.” he responds, “I know it isn’t ideal but… if there’s no one else, maybe you could book a hotel room for the night or something?”
“Oh! Absolutely not!” you reply. The chipper tone in your voice with such a funny answer makes him snicker down the phone. “I’ve just remembered Gojo exists, I’ll call him!” you beam, impressed with yourself as the idea strikes you.
“N-No, princess, wait—!”
“Bye Toji!” you hang up, albeit a little guiltily. But you waste no time searching your contacts for Gojo.
You jump a little when you hear the sound of glass thump against the table you’re sitting at. He got you and himself milkshakes. Banana for you and strawberry for him. There’s something quite endearing about Megumi and the colour pink.
“Thanks. Did you know banana is my favourite or was it a guess?”
“I’m gonna try that fucking idiot teacher again.” Megumi speaks, totally ignoring your question. There’s no way he could have known it was your favourite, you’ve never told him and you doubt Yuuji had. He gets up and walks away from the table as he listens to the mind-numbing ring of his phone attempting to connect him.
Your call to Gojo is useless. His smarmy voice immediately grates on you as he asks how you got yourself in such a predicament. It only edges his theory more that you have a thing for Megumi now that you’re stuck with him. And you are stuck, since he’s also unable to help.
“Didn’t think you’d need me today so I’m out of town. How about your favourite Papaguro?” he taunts.
“He can’t. I don’t know what he’s doing but he said he can’t.” you tell him, coldly, hoping your tone of voice will quell his curiosity and put an end to his teasing.
“Oh really? How interesting. Let me talk to Megumi—”
“Goodbye, Gojo.” you cut him off before he can continue anymore. Your blood is boiling, but you manage to relax as you see a stream of texts from Toji begging you not to call Gojo.
Megumi returns, tossing his phone onto the table. You think if he fell into his seat any harder he might have put a hole through the floor. He looks furious. A face like thunder and his arms folded across his chest. His foot begins tapping against the floor speedily, almost like a tick of some sort and soon it travels up his leg so that he’s bouncing it. You don’t stare, but you look over to him wondering when he’ll be ready to talk. He looks at you when you lean forward to sip the straw of your milkshake.
“I thought it was weird that they left without us,” he starts, copying your actions and slurping the pink liquid he purchased through his straw. “Whenever I’ve been on trips in the past. They say a certain time to be back, but they never actually leave until everyone is accounted for on the bus.”
“Right? But this isn’t like school, we’re adults. It’s university. So they don’t fuck around when it comes to this stuff, I guess.” you respond. He shakes his head though, disregarding your statement.
“I went on a trip with my old university and they waited for a bunch of mature students who were late back to the bus. Like, thirty minutes late. They don’t leave students behind on trips, ever. Unless…”
“Guess what that useless excuse for an educator just told me.” Megumi smirks. You shake your head, giving up on his little game before you even begin. You see his eyes roll over white before he leans in closer to you across the table, his chest almost spilling his milkshake over. “Apparently I sent a text to those stupid ugly girls telling them that we caught a ride home from Toji. And that idiot believed them.”
“Did you?”
“Did you text them, Megumi? Because this seems like something you’d definitely do to try and fuck with me.”
“Don’t be dense. I’m not fucking with you anymore, am I? If I was fucking with you I would have left you here alone.” he assures you. You nod, finding his explanation believable enough to dispel any doubt. You’re at least glad he isn’t angry with you for doubting him; he’s given you more than enough reasons to, after all. “How was your call with Gojo?”
“It’s a no-go,” you smile. You even manage to coax a little smirk out of Megumi as well. “He’s out of town, busy. And I assume a charming boy such as yourself doesn’t have any friends who could get us.”
“I assume the girl who pissed herself at Independent doesn’t have any friends either.” he bites back. He scrunches his eyes as soon as the words leave his mouth. Regret, you deduce. You look away from him to stop yourself from crying, and you know he won’t apologise to you for saying it.
Keep it together. Don’t let him see you cry.
“Call your parents.” Megumi demands.
“I said no. I’m not fucking talking to them and you’re not going to bully me into doing it. Especially after what you just said. I cannot believe I thought—”
“Don’t fucking start. Sorry, alright? Just slipped out.” he mumbles, and you huff out a sigh. It’s a huge deal, honestly. You didn’t think he was capable of apologising. Hell, you didn’t even know he knew the word sorry. You shake your head, dismissing him and his bullshit as you try and come to terms with your situation. “No Toji or Gojo or bus coming back. No cab. No friends. What’s left, O’Keeffe?”
“I- Toji suggested something but I said no to that, too.” you hesitate to tell him. He looks at you, curiously, waiting for you to elaborate. A scoff escapes you as you recall the idea and debate on telling him or not. It can’t hurt to mention it, you suppose. “A hotel.”
“He’s smart sometimes, I’ll give him that. Why did you say no?”
“I don’t want to stay here any longer than necessary with you, let alone share a room.” you tell him bluntly, and he laughs at your brazenness. He catches himself, though, his face returning to the stoic expression it’s used to. He can’t let you think he finds you funny.
“Why would we share? The rooms will be dirt cheap. It might not be what you want to hear, but, we’re stuck here for tonight at least.” he tells you. And unfortunately, you’re starting to think he’s right. You’re shit out of luck. There’s no escape from him and you are stranded in town until someone can come and get you both. Of course, the reasonable thing to do would be to call your parents and just get over your petty grudge and talk to them. But it wasn’t a viable option.
You can’t.
You just can’t.
You pull your laptop out of your bag and connect with the hotspot on your phone. Megumi is squinting incredulously. As if you’re the type to come up with evil plots and schemes.
“I’m looking up hotels in town, apparently there’s only three. Do you want to call?” you wonder. He grabs your laptop and turns it to face him, dialling the number for the first hotel. You start calling the second and it rings for an awfully long time.
“This one’s fully booked, give me the last one.” he demands, you turn your screen for him to see and he attempts the next number.
“Oh hello, I was wondering if you had any rooms available for—”
You’re cut off by the most unwelcome answer you could have possibly imagined. The look on Megumi’s face is telling you that he doesn’t have a much better answer for you either. His teeth are grinding and his face is almost completely red. Instead of one bulging forehead vein you think you can see three of them.
“No rooms.”
“I— We’ll take it. Is it okay if we pay on site? I’m not sure how many days… Yeah, sure. That’s fine, uh, Fushiguro for the booking, I guess. Thanks so much.” you sigh, hanging up the phone.
“Nice one, O’Keeffe. And you’re putting it in my name so Toji has to pay, real smart. At least we’ll have our rooms for the night and we can get some—”
“Our room.” you correct him.
“They only had one fucking room available for us.”
“It’s two double beds so it’s not like we’re sharing. Listen, I’m not thrilled about it either, Megumi.” you snipe at him, unwilling to tolerate his attitude when you’re already in a foul mood.
“If you weren’t being such a petty, stuck up, bitch, your parents could have—”
“You can eat shit along with my parents. Fuck this,” you moan, standing to your feet and heading for the exit. You’re quickly stabbing the letters of the address into Google Maps so you can walk your way to your hotel.
Megumi knows he’s going to have to catch up with you at some point, but he’s stubborn, unable to admit defeat or appear weak.
But he is at fault for everything. He is the one that got you both into this mess and he is the one that keeps pushing your fucking buttons.
He does get up, though. It takes him a while to see you when he gets outside into the pouring rain. But when he does, it doesn’t take long to reach you. And almost as if to protect his fragile masculinity, he deems it necessary to overtake you like he’s leading the way. Guiding you to safety.
He doesn’t even know where he’s going, looking over his shoulder every few seconds to make sure he’s going the right way. He stops at an intersection looking completely out of his depth. You don’t help him, if he’s so insistent on leading the way then he can take it from here.
You don’t mind catching hypothermia in pursuit of proving a petty point.
His eyes wander around. And suddenly they settle. He knows he’s lost and clueless about what he’s doing. But ever the bullshitter, he comes up with a valid excuse for a pause in the journey.
“Should we get some clothes?” he asks. You scrunch your face up, not understanding why such a random question left his lips. He points in the direction of a department store, hoping to clarify his reasoning. “We only have what we came in and we’re drenched. I hope you aren’t planning on sleeping naked since we’re sharing a room.”
You suppose he has a point.
“Fine. Let’s go, I’m not buying your shit, though.”
“Bank of Toji, O’Keeffe. A pair of piece of shit credit card kids stranded in the middle of nowhere. Classic.”
“I’m not a piece of shit credit card kid, Megumi.” you inform him.
“Oh yeah? Who’s paying for that cosy little love den again. You and Yuuji must be working so hard to pay the bills.”
That shuts you up fairly quickly. Maybe he’s right. Are you really nothing but a trust fund baby? A useless girl who can’t get by without help from her parents. You never thought about it before, but it seems that way the more you think about it.
They’re the only reason you’re able to spend as much as you want at the drop of a hat.
They’re the only reason you have a nice house to live in instead of a gross little shoebox dorm room while you’re studying.
Megumi is a lot of things. A lot of awful things you couldn’t even begin to list. But it’s not often that he lies. And it’s even rarer that he’s wrong.
The store is nothing special. It’s nice and cheap which makes you feel real good inside. You may be spending your parents’ money, but at least it isn’t anything for them to call you up about.
You pick out a few outfits and some pyjamas to wear in the hotel room. You look over one of the clothes rails and see Megumi flirting with one of the shop assistants.
You feel hot all of a sudden. Angry. Why is he fucking flirting with her? Is now really the time to be doing this? He’s acting like everything is fine. Normal. Like you aren’t stuck here for however long.
You aren’t sure why, but something snaps in you. Before you can even ask yourself if it’s a good idea you’re marching up towards the girl and Megumi, rudely intercepting their conversation.
“I’m done buying stuff. Have you got everything?” you ask him.
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t— Is this your girlfriend?” she asks. You scoff quickly and Megumi laughs at her assumption.
“Long story. Here, babe,” he smirks as he holds her hand and pulls a biro out of his back pocket. He scribbles his phone number on the top of her hand and winks at her. “Might be in town for a few days, call me up if you wanna have some fun.”
“Ugh.” you mutter, earning an elbow in the ribs from him.
“O-Okay, Megumi. I’ll call you. And nice to meet you, uh—”
“Bye.” you speak, assuming she was about to ask your name. You had no intention of giving it to her and watching them drool over each other for a second longer. “Not very professional of you, is it? Flirting with customers?” you tell her as you walk towards the checkout counter. She scoffs lightly, looking at Megumi for reassurance.
He does nothing but laugh, shrugging his shoulders as he walks after you. He’s silent for a while as he watches the woman at the counter ring up your purchases. You’ve got a face like thunder and he can’t even begin to describe how amused he feels. He waits for you to pick up your shopping bags before putting his own clothes down and waiting for the same service.
“What’s wrong with your face?” he asks you.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re pissed. Clearly. But I’ve never seen you look like that before. Is it…”
“Don’t you dare.”
“You’re a fucking idiot. I’m not jealous. I don’t want you bringing girls back to our hotel room and listening to you cum in thirty seconds and think you’re impressive.”
He picks up his bags and heads for the exit. You know he’s winding you up on purpose when he winks at the girl again. It’s like he’s pouring salt and vinegar into a wound just to see how long it will take you to scream. You’re already fragile. Vulnerable. Lonely. He’s treating you as if you’re some social experiment to see how much he can get away with. He knows it’s a lot. He’s put you through a lot already.
What else is left?
You finally make it to the hotel.
Megumi had given in and decided to let you show him the way while he attempted to get through to his dad again. It took a few calls until he answered. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary either, both of them yelling and getting angry at each other until they finally got down to what they needed to talk about.
Paying the front desk.
He hands the phone to the man checking you in while he takes down his card details.
“Could you speak up, sir? It’s a little loud.” he requests.
“I said that earlier. Where the fuck is he?” Megumi wonders, facing you. You shrug your shoulders, assuming he didn’t actually expect you to answer.
How are you meant to know? It’s not like you're in cahoots with Toji just because he has an attentive interest in you and your wellbeing.
Megumi might annoy the life out of you and make your life hell at any opportunity, but you’re not the type of girl to keep information from him just to get the upper hand.
“All sorted. We’ve got his details, enjoy your stay.”
“Can I ask why it’s so busy? I noticed a lot of uh… interesting clothes at the store. And this was the only hotel with a room, is there a reason?” you ask him.
“It’s our big town festival this weekend. The anniversary of its founding. We get dressed up in gaudy clothes. Hold a parade. A beach party. Don’t be fooled by the weather, it’ll be scorching for the parade.”
“We need the key to the room.” Megumi states, bluntly. Clearly not giving two shits about the upcoming festival. The man nods and holds the key out to him.
“There’s a shop around the corner that sell condoms and lube.” he tells you both.
“He’s NOT my fucking boyfriend!” you yell, storming towards the stairs with your bags. Megumi laughs, again, saying goodbye to the receptionist as he follows after you. “The fuck do I look like? As if I’d date someone like him.” you mumble to yourself.
“You’re gonna hurt my feelings.” Megumi teases.
You ignore him, picking up the pace and running up the stairs so you can escape him. You know you need him to unlock the door to the room, but you need at least a few seconds of peace from him.
You can’t stand it.
You can’t stand him.
He doesn’t chase you. He doesn’t pester you anymore. You rest your back against the wall beside the door to your room as you wait for him. You’re almost at your breaking point. You can feel it brewing. Your chest is aching and your mouth is filling with water. You can even feel your jaw begin to ache.
What could you have done to deserve this?
Megumi arrives and doesn’t say a word. You’re thankful. You aren’t sure if he’s doing it for his benefit or yours. Does he know if he prods at your sensitive skin any more you’ll crumble to dust?
The room is quaint. You take the bed closest to the bathroom; leaving the one nearest to the window to him. Both of you drop your bags on each of your beds. He’s pacing around a little while you sit on the mattress.
Looking around is getting to you.
This is real.
You’re really stuck in a fucking hotel room with Megumi Fushiguro. What would Yuuji think if he could see you now? What were you fucking thinking by giving him the benefit of the doubt? Maybe you’d have been better off if you let those girls bully you on the coach and harass you in the art gallery.
At least you’d be on your way home.
At least you wouldn’t be stuck with him.
The spiralling thoughts in your mind are the final straw. You burst into tears and you couldn’t be anymore humiliated if you tried. Megumi looks over his shoulder to see you sobbing.
He feels awkward.
He’s not used to seeing anyone get emotional, let alone you. He’s only seen you like this because of him. And he can’t deny that this is his fault as well.
So, why can’t he find it in him to feel bad?
He goes in the bathroom and picks up some toilet roll for you. He doesn’t hand it to you, though. He just throws it at you. It makes you laugh a little. It’s just so him. You have to admit despite his obscure approach, he’s really been trying with you since the coach trip. You get yourself a handful of toilet roll and start dabbing it at your cheeks.
“Why did you do this to me, Megumi?” you ask so quietly it’s barely audible. “You keep fucking with me. And… this was without trying. Or was it planned?”
“Shut up. What good is this doing, huh? We’re in this, now, there isn’t shit we can do about it so suck it up.”
“You walked out of the aquarium and fucked everything up. You said you were going to piss but you were outside on the phone! Who was it? Tell me!”
“I won’t tell you again, princess. No business of yours so shut your fucking mouth.”
“It is my business when you get me into a situation like this because of it. You made this happen. And now you’re planning fucking dates and doing all that you can to make this experience even more miserable than it already is!” you yell, eyes and nose running quicker than you can keep up with. You must look a total mess and it’s making you even more embarrassed. It’s just more ammunition to fuel him with, more he can hold over your head and make you feel shit for.
“Who I’m on the phone with is my business. Who I go on dates with is my fucking business. Stop being a bitch. Are you on your fucking period? You’re so quick to shut down any chance of you being my girlfriend but you’re acting like you are since you’re being a nagging cunt.”
“Shut up.”
“Please… Please, don’t bring her back here.” you beg quietly. It makes him huff in annoyance as he turns away from you. You see him shaking as he grabs hold of the wooden dressing table as he tries to stabilise himself. “You at least owe me that, Megumi. You’ve done so many fucked up things. Unforgivable things, but here we are. I’m… I’m sobbing in a hotel room that I’m sharing with you. I’ve never asked you for anything other than to stop bullying me. But please, please don’t bring her here.”
You see his eyes screw shut in the mirror. He’s biting his lower lip as he thinks everything through.
You’re right.
He knows you’re right.
There’s an awful lot that he’s done to you and you’ve forgiven him without him even saying sorry. It shows how big of a person you are. How kind and sweet and genuine you are.
But he doesn’t care.
He just doesn’t fucking care.
Why does he get such a kick out of making you suffer? There’s something so enthralling and hypnotic about you that he can’t get over. You’re always in his fucking head and even seeing you bawl your eyes out he can’t find it in him to feel bad.
“FUCK!” he shouts, angrily trudging over to his bed to pick up one of the bags.
It’s the bag he held up earlier outside of the aquarium when you finally found each other. You never got a chance to ask what was in it. It had the logo for the aquarium on it, but you were too distraught and angry to question what he had purchased.
“Here.” he speaks, hurtling the bag towards you. You duck out of the way before it can hit you.
“Megumi!” you yell back, wiping your tears with your hands as your eyes widen in anger at him. He’s not paying attention though. Searching through his pockets for a cigarette and heading towards the exit.
“Goin’ for a smoke. Sick of the sight of your miserable fuckin’ face.” he tells you, slamming the door behind him. You throw yourself backwards so that your head is in the pillows. You’ve never felt so alone as you practically wail into the desolate hotel room.
What you’d give to have Toji pick you up right now and take you home.
To tell Megumi off for being so cruel to you again. Or even just to have Yuuji hold you in his arms. You’d kill to hear his voice. Hell. You’d even settle for a text at this point.
Why is he avoiding you?
You manage to calm yourself down the longer Megumi is gone from the room.
Deep breaths. One. Two. Three. Four.
You get up and look at yourself in the mirror. You’re thankful you packed some of your makeup into your tote bag for emergencies. Your face is a mess, you look like you’ve just been dumped on your wedding day.
You decide to go to the bathroom to rinse it off completely. The cold water splashing on your face almost stops your heart. But once your face is clear, you dab the water dripping down with a towel.
As you steady your breathing, you run your fingers through your hair once you leave the bathroom. The bag that Megumi tossed at you catches your eye. He threw it like it was yours. But you didn’t get anything from the aquarium. You’re approaching it like it’s a fucking bomb. He’s probably put insects in it to bite you or filled it with something else equally disgusting.
But you can’t help having a curious nature.
The bag is light when you pick it up. A single tear rolls down your face when you look inside.
“Oh, Megumi…” you sigh.
It’s the shark. The shark plushie from the aquarium you thought was so adorable. It doesn’t excuse everything he’s done. Anything he’s done, actually.
It certainly isn’t worth being late for the bus.
It isn’t worth you being stuck in this hotel room. It didn’t excuse everything he’d done and how he treated you in the past. But you can’t help but wonder how different things could be if he had shown this side of him from the start.
You get cosy in bed and cuddle your shark. You decide to name him Gerald. He’s softer than you remember him being in the gift shop, and that is by no means a complaint. It’s such a nice feeling to have something so adorable and soft to hold.
There is a split second you think your heart might have actually stopped when you hear Megumi open the door. You jump out of your skin but remain comfortable lying under the covers of your bed. He walks in, chuckling, when he sees you. He shakes his hand through his hair, messy water droplets falling from the ends.
“Thank you for Gerald, I love him.”
“S’not a gift, you owe me for him,” he tells you. At that, you sit up. Wide eyed and humiliated that you actually thought he’d do something so nice for you. You set down Gerald and open up the quilt to go and get your purse. “It was a joke. Gerald, huh?”
“Yeah, I don’t know. People names on animals is funny, I guess.” you answer. He nods lazily, like he isn’t fully committing to agreeing with your opinion. He throws his jacket to the ground and sits on top of his own bed. “Why did you do this for me?”
“I saw you left him when I went back to find you.” he speaks, “I- you seemed like you really wanted it so I just got it for you. That’s it. You’re welcome.” he finishes, leaning backwards on his elbows as he stares you down. It’s incredible how uneasy you can feel in such an instant whenever those intimidating green eyes study you.
It’s like you forget how to breathe.
How to be.
How should you act when you’re worrying whether or not every action you take may be used against you?
“I’d… look, I have a lot of thoughts and I just can’t say them without feeling stupid.”
“I don’t think you’re stupid, Megumi. You’re just a dick.” you laugh, and he laughs back. You aren’t wrong. “I’m scared of you, I don’t think I’ll ever get over that feeling with you. You’re compelling. Forceful. Dominant. It scares me, but getting me a plushie… standing up for me with those girls… colouring a fucking kids book in with me. They’re such kind, human things I didn’t expect you to be capable of.”
“Human? Do you think I’m a monster?”
“Sometimes. Most of the time, Megumi. You became a monster under my bed that kept me up at night.” you tell him. He shakes his head at that. You can’t decipher whether it’s self-reflection or disregard of your statement. Maybe he thinks you’re just being dramatic. “I don’t know what we are right now but I’d never think you’re stupid. So, if there’s anything you want to talk to me about or tell me I won’t… I won’t judge you for it. But if you want to keep it to yourself that’s fine too. Thanks for giving me a gift.”
“The girl from the store sent me a text. She asked if I want to go on a date tonight.” he admits. The admission takes you aback slightly, not expecting that to be the thought he was wanting to speak of.
“I’m not bringing her back here. You’re right, I owe you that much. And I… I told her I can’t go on a date, ever.”
“’Cause it’s my fault we’re stuck here so I shouldn’t leave you alone, right? You’re fucking me up, O’Keeffe. Got me growin’ a fucking conscience suddenly.” he complains, but it makes you smile.
“I can look after myself, you know. Don’t let me stand in the way of you getting a nut.” you smile. He shakes his head putting another cigarette between his lips. He only left the room to smoke because he wanted space and to give you the same, not because it’s a rule of the hotel. There’s even an ashtray on his bedside table for him.
“Don’t care if you can or not. I don’t want to see her, anyway. I wanna go out with you.” he tells you.
“I’m sorry?”
“Get ready. The receptionist told me there’s a bowling alley nearby, ‘m not sulking in this shit hole room all night so get dressed.”
He’s a little jealous that he didn’t think of your genius idea of buying a raincoat. He did buy an umbrella, though, not that it did much to protect his new clothes or his hair. The bowling alley is a fifteen-minute walk away from the hotel. You’re glad you had opted to wear your favourite trainers instead of a pair of heels for your trip. Walking around today had been a breeze. And you were both hoping this would be the type of bowling alley that allows you to wear your own shoes.
You’ve always enjoyed places like this. Arcades that are dark with neon lighting. You look over to the lanes while Megumi pays for both of you and see an assortment of neon-coloured pins.
“Could we have a lane with pink pins, please?” you ask, sweetly. Megumi looks up from the card machine to grimace at you. But the man nods kindly, agreeing to your request.
You’re guided to the furthest lane away, right next to the wall. The desire to take a few pictures is too strong to ignore. Megumi scoffs but doesn’t comment. You get a few snaps of him while he’s entering your names into the system. It shocks you that he’s letting you go first. There might be a gentlemanly side to him, after all.
“Do you need the sides up?” he asks, patronisingly.
“Don’t be a dick about it. Yes, please.” you respond. He rolls his eyes but does as you ask. The sides come up for you to take your turn, and they’ll retreat for his. “Ah this is so cool! I didn’t know lanes could do this now.”
“Hurry up and take your turn. Does princess need a pink ball to match her pink pins?” he questions. Whenever you bowl, you always choose the lightest weight. Either a six or an eight. There’s only an eight here and it’s a hideous lime green colour. But it’s fine. You watch the ball zig zag off the sides before knocking down seven pins. “Not bad.” he hums. You saunter back to the bowling balls and pick up another. You only manage to hit one pin, but it’s one more than you had expected.
“You’re up, Fushiguro. See if you can beat that.” you tease, sticking your tongue out.
He swaggers over to the machine with as much confidence as an A-lister. He picks up the heaviest, pink, ball with ease. He raises his eyebrows twice in quick succession, like he’s gloating he got to use a pink ball and you didn’t. He poses triumphantly before he’s even rolled the ball. Like he’s some sort of fucking pro.
The ball flies from his hand and skids down the lane quicker than you can blink. It doesn’t roll until it connects with the centre pin. One of his legs is dramatically behind the other, a position he chooses to hold until he sees each and every pin knock down.
Megumi turns around and grins at you, smirking with pride and the state of shock your face is currently displaying. You point to the lane and then back to him as your words get jumbled in your mouth. He lazily points back at you, a fake look of contemplation overcoming him.
“So, out of curiosity, do you think I beat that?” he teases. He takes a seat and waits for you to take your next turn, casually looking through the drinks menu that had been left for you both to peruse.
“Are you some sort of bowling prodigy?”
That’s it. That’s all he’s giving you as he orders himself a beer on the screen menu. He orders a drink for you, too, though he doesn’t tell you that. You take your turn again and manage to somehow get a spare.
By the time your drinks come he’s taking his next turn. You’re surprised that he ordered you a strawberry and lime cider, but it isn’t unwelcome. Maybe he’s trying to get you drunk so he wins even easier than he already is. He comes back, swigging his beer and silently gloating about his second strike of the evening.
“Thanks for the drink.” you smile. He nods and he drinks, his Adam’s apple bobbing dramatically with each glug of his beer. “Are those strikes just luck, then?”
“Does it matter?”
“A little, I guess. Did you just bring me here so you could feel superior?”
“Take your fuckin’ turn. You need to get it into that thick head of yours that not everything I do is about you.” he speaks sternly. It feels like you’re five years old being scolded by your parents. You tuck your hair behind your ears and get up to bowl again. You’re elated when your ball zig zags perfectly enough to earn a strike. It fills you with false confidence, a belief that you might actually be able to keep up with Megumi.
You sit and sip your drink as you watch him take another turn. He lets his head loll backwards as he exhales in annoyance.
“Unlucky.” you mock, as he cranes his head to face you. A split. He manages to get two out of the three pins left standing. You wonder for a second if he might have done it on purpose to placate you, and then you remember who you’re dealing with.
As tense as the atmosphere seems to be between the two of you, you’re managing to make fun for yourself. The music is loud, something you’d hear in a nightclub. You can’t help but shake your hips whenever you get up to roll. You drink your cider a little quicker than intended and you start ordering more. They go down smoother than water and your turns become messier. It’s going to be an easy win for Megumi, but it doesn’t stop either of you trying.
“Let’s go again!” you yell before gasping when you realise what song is playing. Love Myself, by Hailee Steinfeld. “I LOVE ME! GONNA LOVE MY—”
“That’s enough,” Megumi interrupts as he yanks you away from the lane. He’s holding your hand impossibly tight, guiding you in the direction of the exit. You can tell he’s embarrassed but your tipsy mind decides it’s a good idea to keep pushing his buttons anyway.
“Aw, Megs, don’tcha wanna teach me how to bowl? Since you’re such an expert?”
“I- I don’t want to do that. Shut up, we’re going home.”
“I wish we were going home. You fucking idiot. Letting us get stranded here because you had such an important fucking phone call that’s such a big God damn secret.”
“Oh for crying out fucking loud.” he says, stopping in the middle of an alleyway he decided to take to save time. “You’re so lucky you’re you right now, you have no fucking idea.”
“W-What does that mean?”
“I hate you. I hate you nagging and bitching in my ear constantly. But most of all I hate how pathetically weak you are. I could leave you here, you know. In the middle of this shady alley to let whatever piece of shit do whatever the hell he wants with you. And I’d sleep just fine. Do you understand? I despise you.”
“But you’ve been so—”
“So nice? The only reason I’m not gonna do that is because you’re you. Let me say it simply enough for your stupid little mind to understand. I don’t wanna deal with your family, my family, Gojo, and fucking Yuuji jumping down my neck because I left a spoilt bitch to rot in the middle of nowhere.”
“You’ll never change, will you? Why do you keep doing this to me?”
“Enough.” he hisses, clenching your wrist and pulling you out of the dingy alleyway and back onto the main roads. The streetlights glittering as rain lashes down across the yellow bulbs. You’re crying, again. You probably would have been able to hold it together if you were in your own sober mind.
How could you be so stupid? After what he did to you last time there was alcohol involved, you’re such an idiot for letting your guard down for a second around him. Granted, he didn’t do anything particularly evil to you. But he definitely has a way with words that make you feel like you’re a speck of dust in the grand scheme of the universe.
You’re nothing.
He shoves you into the hotel room ahead of him and slams the door behind himself. The hideous flickering fluorescent lights are making you feel sick. You’re wobbling on your feet without Megumi guiding and supporting you. You begin to lean, to slope. Your feet are staggering until finally you collapse onto the ground.
“You are a fucking embarrassment. Get up. You need to sleep this off.” he demands. You get onto your hands and knees and start crawling towards your shopping bags searching for your pyjamas. He watches as you feebly rifle through them before he gets sick and helps you. He pulls out the purple fluffy vest and shorts you purchased and throws them in your face. “I didn’t have you down as being such a lightweight. It’s hard to watch, should be ashamed of yourself.”
“Didn’t use—”
“Didn’t used to be, Megumi… I haven’t touched a drop since you…”
You begin to sob as you think about what a fool you’re making of yourself in front of your bully. It humbles him, though, hearing the reason you couldn’t hold your alcohol is another thing that’s down to him. He almost feels sorry for you. It’s enough for him to help you to your feet and lead you into the bathroom to get dressed in private.
“Fuck!” you yell, knocking over a multitude of complimentary bathroom products as you stumble to the ground yet again. Megumi rushes in to see you on the floor, still fully dressed and struggling to get your clothes off. You’re sobbing, now, face shining with sticky tears and regrets. “Megumi, I can’t—”
“Alright.” he picks up your pyjamas and sits on the ground with you, pulling you between his legs. Your shirt is lifted over your head for you before he replaces it with your new soft vest. “Bra on or off?” he questions.
“O-Off, please.” you answer. His hands slip under your vest as he unhooks it. He pulls down the straps and reaches around your front and under your clothes again. It’s awkward. Intimate. But he doesn’t cop a feel. He’s being a genuine help to you. Yanking away your black bra and tossing it aside. “Thank y-you.”
He stands up and helps you to your feet as well. You’re forcibly turned to face him as he undoes the button on your jeans and pulls down the zipper. He turns you again to pull them down to your ankles.
“Do you sleep with your panties on or off?”
“Um, I—”
“I won’t look, just want you to get ready for bed.”
“Off…” you sigh, nervously. You look over your shoulder and see him nod. He keeps his gazed fixed on the bathroom tiles as he hooks his fingers into your simple black thong. They’re pulled down so you can step out of them and into the purple shorts. You wiggle your hips so he can put them onto you comfortably. You’ve still got socks on. You’d managed to force your trainers off when you fell over next to your bed, but who knows if you were able to keep them together.
Megumi stands up and throws you over his shoulder, carrying you to your bed and throwing you onto the mattress. He takes your socks off for you and tucks them into your trainers, leaving the beside the door to the hotel for you to find tomorrow.
“Under the covers.” he instructs, and you obey.
“Why are you so… it’s like you’re two different people.”
He ignores you, tucking you in until you look comfy enough. You’re cuddling Gerald and he hates the way his heart flutters when he sees how sweet you look with the gift that he got you. What the hell was he thinking? He goes to the bathroom and comes back with a glass of water, setting it on your side table in case you need it during the night.
“Megs, I’ve got some aspirin in my tote. Would you mind?”
He gets it for you and throws it your way. It hits off the glass, spilling a little water but nothing too damaging. Megumi starts to undress, uncaring of your presence. He bought himself a pair of sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt to sleep in. He walks around, turning out all of the lights before he gets into his own bed.
“’m not tired.” you tell him.
“You will be. Lie there and be quiet ‘til you fall asleep.” he tells you, not that he thought you’d listen to a word he had to say.
“Can we talk until we sleep?”
“I wanna know why you’re so nice to me one minute and awful to me the next. Please, tell me why?” you request. He just grunts, though, not liking the thought of having to listen to you drone on until you pass out.
“You annoy me.” he says simply. It’s clear it isn’t a good enough answer when he’s rewarded with silence. But it’s the truth. You do annoy him. Like nobody else ever has before. “You piss me off and you make me feel angry. But you’re nice so it fucks me up, alright? I don’t know how to act around you because you make me feel too many things.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Drop it.”
You wrack your brains for something else to talk to him about. You’re sure talking about yourself isn’t a good idea, and talking about him might be even worse. Anything to do with Toji has the potential for an all-out war in the hotel room. You think asking about his history with Yuuji might be a sore subject, too.
“How come you’re so good at bowling?” it’s perfect. It’s about him but it’s not a heavy subject that can trigger him into another fit of abuse and rage. And it’s a valid question, too, considering he just schooled you at the bowling alley. He rolls onto his side to face you, and you do the same. He can see Gerald peeking out of the duvet and grins.
“Practice. Used to skip school a lot and play at the arcade.”
“Ever the bad boy, ‘Gumi.”
“Cut that shit out right now. I hate that nickname.” he demands. It makes you laugh knowing four letters has such a heated reaction from him. “Wasn’t doing it to be bad, just didn’t like school. Or people.”
“Were you… bullied? Or something?”
“No. Just didn’t care about shit. Toji was in and out and I was just angry about it. And I lost my mother and didn’t really have anyone to— Why am I telling you this? Stop asking me dumb shit.”
It’s the first time you’ve heard Megumi even come close to opening up about his mother. When you hear the vulnerability in his truth, you can almost forgive him for taking his anger with the world out on you. Toji is incredible to you, but the same can’t be said for his son. To abandon him right after he lost his mother is unforgivable. Of course he’s fucked up like this. He had nothing and no one. Not a shoulder to cry on or a word to say. Why would he care about his education or school when nothing in the world gave any care for him?
“Tsumiki isn’t your real sister, is she? So how did she—”
“Her mother and my father had a thing after mine died. So she’s not technically any relation of mine but we were all a family, only for a little bit. But after our parents ran off, that’s when Gojo took us in.”
“Wait, what? Gojo, as in—”
“Yeah, Satoru Gojo. That’s why I was surprised he was giving you a ride home that day after class. He’s like my weird other dad. That’s why him and Toji hate each other. Toji’s possessive and I’m his. But Gojo is the one who actually raised me most of my life.”
“Fuck. That’s so… fucked. Seriously heavy drama. Plus, I can’t imagine Gojo as a father. He’s annoying as hell and so immature.”
“He is. But he was good to us.”
You roll away and face the wall, happy with your answers and the conversation you’ve had. Your eyes are feeling heavier, watering with desperation to sleep. Yawns evade your lips and it makes Megumi chuckle. When your mouth is closed your teeth begin to chatter. Maybe shorts and vest wasn’t the best idea for sleepwear given the current weather conditions.
Despite all your best efforts to conceal the volume of your teeth, Megumi hears them. He doesn’t react, though. Not straight away at least. He isn’t sure if he wants to get involved. The worry of saying something pointless swirls through his head. What could he say, anyway? It’s not like he could do anything to make it better.
“You’re cold.” he says, plainly. He curses himself immediately. Why did he state it as a fact as if you aren’t already fully fucking aware of what temperature your body is at? You’re covered head to toe in goosebumps and worried you might actually freeze into a statue.
“Uhm, I… a little.” you confess, weakly. He clears his throat. His mouth is moving faster than his brain can tell him to shut up. It’s a mistake. A colossal mistake he needs to stop himself from making. But he can’t. The words are already pouring out. What the fuck is wrong with him?
“We, uh, do you want to get in? With me. Share body heat until you warm up.”
It shocks you, significantly so. He’s offering to spoon with you. What would Yuuji think? What would anyone think, actually? What do you think?
You think it’s absolutely ridiculous.
You’re constantly at each other’s throats and now he’s offering you comfort and warmth in such an intimate way. Yuuji wouldn’t be happy. Would any man be happy about their girlfriend getting into bed with someone else? No matter how innocent it is. You know he wouldn’t like it.
But you know it’s innocent. You don’t want anything from Megumi. Just…
“Okay.” you whisper. His eyes bulge, he hadn’t been expecting you to agree to it. He opens his duvet up for you. You pick up Gerald and rush into bed with him. Your body moulds against his and you immediately feel better. He’s so warm. You’re cuddling Gerald and his arms are wrapped around your waist as he holds you close, attempting to transfer as much as his body heat as he can onto you.
“Feel better?” he mutters after around ten minutes. You nod, and he holds you even tighter.
“I feel your… your dick is hard, Megumi.” you groan back, he snickers, uncaring.
“I know. Sorry, your ass keeps grinding against it. Just ignore it ‘n go to sleep, princess.” he commands. You giggle back at him. It isn’t his fault. If anything it’s yours. You should have said no to getting into his bed. You shouldn’t be letting him hold you like this. How a lover should.
How Yuuji does.
It’s so wrong and inappropriate. But you’re so toasty and warm, you really don’t care.
“Sweet dreams, Megumi.”
“Night, O’Keeffe.”
© 2022 fuwushiguro | © 2024 rinhaler
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timeagainreviews · 12 hours
Bursting Your Bubble
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Liam Lynch once said- “The internet is a glimpse into how rude people will be in the future.” At the time it felt like just another funny little line from his song “Internet Killed the Video Star,” (not to be confused with the Limousines’ song of the same name) but nowadays it feels prophetic. Just this morning I made the mistake of reading the comments section and it’s thrown my day off considerably. From the comforts of our keyboards, we can write horrendous things. Treat strangers with contempt. It’s sometimes easy to forget there are actual people on the other end of our glowing screens. Insularity breeds contempt for the different. We live in our little bubbles.
It would be easy to blame the posters, the content creators, the influencers. A few bad apples spoil the bunch. But as psychologist Philip Zimbardo would say- don’t blame the apples, don’t blame the barrel, blame the barrel makers. The people who put the apples into the barrel in the first place. Despite everything Russell T Davies’ “Dot and Bubble,” is trying to say, one question hangs over it and the rest of this season- who is the barrel maker? Things in Finetime are anything but fine, but by whose design? One might assume it’s Susan Twist’s character, but who is she? This is the overarching question of season one, but is the question beginning to feel a bit drawn out?
From the outset, “Dot and Bubble,” acts as a sort of Black Mirror version of “Blink.” We’re given a young blonde woman who finds herself in a dangerous situation that requires her to look at something she would usually ignore. All the while, the Doctor and his companion are forced to talk to the young woman through a screen. The difference here is that while Sally Sparrow had gumption, Lindy Pepper-Bean is about as useful as a wicker toilet. She lives in “Finetime,” an actual bubbled world. Her “Dot,” device then creates yet another bubble around her head. It’s bubble inception. The bubble tells her when to wake up, how to walk, and even when to pee. (Shout out to my boy Dr Pee!) Because of this, Lindy lives an unobserved life where hard questions need not bother her.
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Everything about Finetime is a hyper-realistic nightmare of overstimulation. It’s like “A Clockwork Orange,” meets “The Stepford Wives.” Lindy can ignore her problems when there’s always a new Ricky September video on the horizon. As Frank from Brad Neely’s “The Professor Brothers” said- “We danced like those people in the hyper-tight light of fried chicken commercials.” Lindy and her “friends,” can completely ignore the fact that their friends have slowly begun disappearing. They don’t even seem to notice when they’re the only ones in the room, how would they notice gigantic slugs eating each other?
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With Ncuti Gatwa away filming season four of “Sex Education,” the show had to do a couple Doctor-lite episodes. These are usually hit-or-miss among fans, but as “Blink,” proved back in 2007, they can become fan favourites. The Doctor and Ruby’s roles are reduced, but this episode does a good job of making them feel like a recurring part of the story. Even though they spend the bulk of the episode in what looks like the intro to “The Brady Bunch,” it never feels like we’re being underserved.
Lindy’s friends float around her like talking heads in her holographic bubble. But she keeps getting interrupted by the Doctor and his bad vibes. Even though Ruby is also invading her privacy despite not being on her friend list, Lindy is willing to hear her out. We’re not told why up front, but there is a reason Lindy can believe Ruby might feasibly be tech support, but the Doctor could not. Due to Lindy’s impatience, Ruby is forced to talk to Lindy as if she were a child, but not so much that she catches on. Anyone who stops Lindy from either working or playing is a massive drag to her. She really just wants Ruby and the Doctor to go away. How do they not know how society works? Why are they asking such stupid questions when the answers have been drilled into everyone since they were children?
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We learn that Lindy’s mother is Penny Pepper-Bean, but she’s actually another Susan Twist cameo, so she could be anyone. Thankfully, both the Doctor and Ruby recognise her this time, and it’s not in an aborted timeline. I saw someone mention on Facebook today that they felt the Doctor recognising her felt rushed, and I couldn’t disagree more. It was high time we got something from this storyline. While it has been nice to genuinely be curious about Doctor Who’s mysteries again, this one has felt like a lot of the same. With the Doctor and Ruby now clued in, we have somewhere else to go in the future. Maybe now Susan Twist will come out from behind the mask and we can learn something more about her. Maybe now the Doctor will start looking into her involvement.
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I’m usually not interested in fan theories as they’re often filler content when YouTubers and bloggers don’t have anything else to talk about. But here I believe we’ve been given quite a lot to work with to formulate a theory or two. I know I said “It’s probably not the Rani because it’s never the Rani,” but at this point, if she’s not the Rani, they’ve wasted their biggest opportunity to reintroduce audiences to her that the show has ever had. At this point, it would be weird if she wasn’t the Rani. The things she’s been involved with have all of her usual hallmarks. We have genetic manipulation in “Space Babies,” humans are being treated like lab rats in “Dot and Bubble,” and then there’s the whole disguising yourself in plain sight aspect. At this point, the bigger question isn’t whether or not she’s the Rani. The bigger question is why wouldn’t she be? Why would the show come so close to revealing her and then pull back?
Ruby finally convinces Lindy to look beyond her bubble where she witnesses her co-worker being eaten by one of the Man-Traps. Usually Lindy could just ask her Dot to guide her to safety, but for some reason, it feels more than ready to direct her right into the open mouth of a Man-Trap. Lindy must walk without the aid of her Dot, and man does she suck at it. She quite literally cannot walk talk and chew bubblegum at the same time. Part of me was worried the episode was going to spend all of its time making fun of young people and their phones. It’s cliched and honestly, I’m tired of it. But within the context of the episode, Davies isn’t attempting a technophobic condescension toward the youth of today. Instead, the episode endeavours to highlight the danger of relinquishing your thoughts and actions to outside entities. If we let others tell us what to like, who to like, or how to live, you may as well become worm food.
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Having narrowly escaped death by slug, Lindy is forced to bumble about outside while the Doctor and Ruby direct her like the most exasperated form of Google Maps ever. An interesting aspect of this scene that I’ve not heard anyone talk about is the greenish-blue blood seen from a body being dragged away. You may not know what I’m talking about, but I’ll post a picture below. You may look at that and say “That’s not blood, that’s slug goo.” But where else in the episode do we actually see the Man-Traps leave behind any kind of snail trail? I’m going to go out on a limb and say I think the people of Finetime are blue-blooded, and considering what we learn about them, it makes sense. Blue blood is often a symbol for aristocracy, but it can also be used as a way to imply an inbred nature. In this case, we could infer that the citizens have blue blood because they don’t “dilute,” it with the blood of non-white people. Oh did I not mention the Finetimers are racists? More on that in a bit.
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Throughout most of this episode, only one of Lindy’s friends seems to be concerned with the fact that people are going missing, and that’s Gothic Paul. Gothic Paul was a nice little addition to the episode because a trans man plays him and they didn’t make a big deal about it. He wasn’t even killed for being trans. He was killed for being delicious and too dumb to notice. A diversity win! Compare this to Chibnall’s gay representation where a character says “By the way, I’m gay,” and then spiders eat her face. LGBTQ+ people are allowed to exist in such a manner that it doesn’t feel like “kill your gays,” when they kill our gays. Representation has been so good that it’s not even problematic that a drag queen made a child disappear. You know, the thing all of those conservatives are worried about with drag story hour? That’s just the Maestro’s schtick. 
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After the battery in Lindy’s Dot goes dead, she’s basically a sitting duck. That is until she hears a familiar voice call out. A voice belonging to none other than the dreamy Ricky September. Maybe it’s the insular nature of being a pop star, but Ricky isn’t bogged down by his Dot. Instead, he’s learned to appreciate existing offline. Because of this, Ricky reads things about their people’s history. And even luckier for Lindy, Ricky can actually walk and move about in the world. After a bit of starstruck awe, Lindy takes his hand as he leads her away from danger. It’s almost sweet if you don’t suspect what’s coming.
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Ricky leads Lindy to Plaza 55 where a door leading to the river flowing beneath the bubble can lead them out into the Wild Woods. Knowing a bit about coding, Ricky simply needs to type in two digits every five seconds and the door will come open eventually. With no Man-Traps about, Lindy needs only to sit tight and let Ricky work his magic. While she waits, Lindy is able to charge her Dot which enables the Doctor and Ruby to contact her again. The Doctor infers that the Dots can see the Man-Traps, but willfully encourage people to walk directly into their mouths. As it turns out, the Dot hates Lindy and her friends about as much as the audience does. The AI has gone rogue and it’s taking these airheads with it. Sadly, this is also when the episode starts to get bogged down by the season's overarching plot.
The Doctor deduces that the Man-Traps are eating the people in alphabetical order. This leads him to believe that the AI must have created the Man-Traps, otherwise they would eat whoever, whenever. The reason I feel this feels bogged down by the overarching plot is that I can’t imagine these golfball-sized Dots being capable of growing creatures in a laboratory. The most they can do against Ricky and Lindy is act as a projectile. They don’t even have thumbs. Because of this, it’s logical to imagine that there is a third party involved. It’s not hard to imagine who that third party is, considering Susan Twist’s cameo. But in the meantime, we as an audience are left in a state of limbo where this is either part of some greater plan, or an unsatisfying plothole. Albeit, not an incredibly episode-breaking one. After all, the Daleks manage quite a bit with only a plunger.
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With Lindy’s Dot trying to bash their brains in and Lindy being next in line, alphabetically speaking, we are finally introduced to who Lindy actually is as person. Using her mega fan knowledge about Ricky September, she informs the Dot that Ricky’s name is a stage name and his real name is Coombes. Ricky can barely believe the betrayal from the woman he’s tried so very hard to save. But her gamble pays off as the Dot refocuses its attention on Ricky, giving Lindy enough time to escape to the river while the Dot strikes down poor Ricky. As face turns go, this is one of the worst in Doctor Who history. However, it’s not entirely without warning. Certain lines of dialogue have clued us in to Lindy’s true nature throughout the episode.
Before we leave him behind like Lindy so callously does, I’d like to take a moment to talk about Ricky September, as I don’t think we’ve seen the last of him. It was hard to tell what the Dot does to Ricky because the camera looks away, but he could have survived. Why I think this is because they spend a lot of time building Ricky up as a character. Both the Doctor and Ruby have shown a romantic interest in him. There have even been rumours that there would be a sort of love triangle between the Doctor, Ruby, and Ruby’s boyfriend. On top of that, we’ve got another blonde-haired blue-eyed person with RS for initials. Even further, the S in both names indicates a point in time- September and Sunday. And just because Ricky comes from a community of racists doesn’t mean he is one. Like he said, he does a lot of reading. Perhaps he’s learned better. Or I’m wrong and he has a Dot-sized hole in his head.
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Finally, we get to see the Doctor and Ruby in the flesh. Even more finally, we get to see them both in the costumes they wore in their first costume reveal! Lindy gives the Doctor and Ruby some shitty excuse about Ricky turning back to save more people. She even gives a begrudging thank you to them, but ultimately can’t bring herself to let the Doctor help her or her friends. Lindy and her fellow survivors can’t bring themselves to interact with the Doctor because he’s black. It’s as heartbreaking for the Doctor as it is infuriating to Ruby who can only stand there and watch her friend experience this ugliness. But the Doctor is still the Doctor and he’s a bigger man than their small minds. He continues holding out a lifeline to some of the most undeserving group of spoiled narcissists to ever grace the screen of Doctor Who.
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I’ve seen people complain that the Doctor does this. That it doesn’t mesh with the same character who once punched a man who was racist toward Bill. But that was the Doctor drawing a line and defending his friend’s honour. The Doctor’s compassion is so great that he’s willing to forego his sense of self-respect to save lives. This is the same man who tries to reason with racist genocidal aliens, he doesn’t stop just because they look human. I know I would have let them die, but the Doctor is a better person than me. That’s not to say any of this is easy for him. It very clearly cuts him to his core. Ncuti Gatwa gives an earth-shattering performance here, and when you consider this is the first scene he filmed after the Giggle, it’s fucking astounding. This is the exact type of range I was hoping they would bring to his character.
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As a white member of the audience, I am left with a lot of uncomfortable realisations. Like, I barely batted an eye at the fact that Lindy’s friends were all white. I’m also left wondering how many people the Doctor has saved in the past who might have also treated a black Doctor differently. But I also feel like this ending took me by surprise for a different reason than my own ignorance. I simply never expected Doctor Who to go there. The topic of racism is not new to Doctor Who. Martha experiences quite a bit of it, especially in “Human Nature.” But even their more recent attempt with “Rosa,” fell short by implying that in 3000 years, no other black person would stand up for their rights. It was an oversimplification of the civil rights movement that left me wondering if Doctor Who was capable of tackling such heavy issues. I never felt like the show properly addressed the Doctor being a woman, so believe me when I say how much I appreciate them addressing the Doctor’s race. Even further, I loved that it ultimately isn’t the Doctor who will suffer from their racism. Their prejudice has doomed them without anyone else’s help.
It’s weird to look at this episode on the TARDIS wiki and see the Dots and Man-Traps listed as the main enemy. Because really, it’s Lindy who is the real monster. It’s Hoochy Pie and her wack-ass trumpet. Also, can we not come up with a better name than Man-Trap? What about Erascists? They erase e-racists. Just some good little sluggy bois taking out the trash. I stan a king. The Dots hate those evil trust fund dickweeds, and honestly, same. Evidently, the name Man-Trap was introduced in Doctor Who Unleashed, which for the 4th week in a row, I’ve forgotten to watch. One of the side-effects of Doctor Who’s screwy release schedule is that now I completely forget Doctor Who Unleashed even exists. One benefit, however, is that I often get to rewatch the episodes the next day with my partners who didn’t want to stay up late. The benefit is that I’ll notice things I missed the first time. It also allows me to experience the stories for what they are, as opposed to what I expected them to be.
Being able to watch “Dot and Bubble,” with hindsight has given me an even greater appreciation for this story. Over time, I feel people will eventually regard it as one of Davies’ best. Its tone and themes remind me of something you would find in the Seventh Doctor era, which is high praise coming from me. Ricky feels like the promise of a character like Pex from “Paradise Towers,” properly realised. Hopefully, like the graffiti says- “Pex lives.” Dylan Holmes Williams does a fabulous job directing as the episode wastes nothing. It’s a Doctor-lite episode that manages not to waste a moment of screen time with the Doctor. In less than five minutes, Gatwa manages to be the command performance in an episode of solid performances. But much like “The Fugitive of the Judoon,” this strong episode remains feeling unresolved due to the plotline still hanging over its head. Once we have the hindsight of knowing how it fits into the greater storyline, it could appreciate in value. One can only hope.
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knightyoomyoui · 2 days
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“LIVING WITH VAMPIRES: UNDER THE VEIL OF NIGHT” By knightyoomyoui Commissioned by: nchris00 Part: CHAPTER 2 | “Uncanny Nature” Word Count: 5,491
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I was dragged like a carcass to get rid of from a gladiator battlefield by these group of hostile women who are about to enjoy every part of me to add to their stock of blood or probably human meat for the upcoming days.
I was still shouting from the top of my lungs if there would be a miracle somehow that an occupant from another room out there would try to check up and discover me getting tormented by these weird creepy coven of vampires.
But my voice began to lower as I developed the thought that I might put somebody in danger just by sticking their nose into our current situation right now, and just by the look of their mystically shining eyes and sharp fangs about to be pierced through my thick skin, they are not open to greeting other people right now when they’re currently busy attending to their victim.
Back in the living room, I felt my body being rolled, and the close-up look of Chaeyoung slurping her lips while cackling devilishly took me off guard. I covered my face with my arms as I braced to defend myself hopelessly.
“Please, don’t. I don’t want to die! I-I’m not telling any-”
“LIAR! ”She roughly slammed her palm on my mouth to cover it. I felt the inhumanly cold temperature of her skin, which added to her uncanny nature. Just stay there; this will only hurt a little.” She was about to purse her head closer to me and show off her sharp fangs when I heard a voice that prompted Chaeyoung to follow her orders. “Quit it, bro. Leave the guy alone; he already had enough trauma.” I leaned my arm very little for my eyes to be uncovered. Everyone was standing in front of me, looking down. One by one, I looked at them. Nine beautiful girls, I had to say. From left to right, it was Jihyo who acts as their leader. Next to her was one who chewed gum, and thanks to that, I could see her front teeth. I thought she resembled a bunny at first glance. An angry bunny with crossed arms, but her stare made me switch my gaze quickly to the next one as I started to visualize again the blood stains around her mouth.
The next one was the tallest of them and had the beauty of a crown princess, but she showed no sign of emotion. The expressions that came closest would've been disgust or judgement. And who would blame her, considering what state I was in?
Then the small one from before who cries for her Jihyo-unnie and despises me that much. She had her arms flailed and tried to look tough again but failed at it, if I'm allowed to say it at this point. She was just too cute for that. Until my sight landed, I saw the Snow White girl holding this Chaeyoung by the shoulder while the latter looked upward. Describing her further, she had her hair loose; the color of it was entirely contrasted to how pearly and smooth her skin was. Her eyes were crescent-shaped, and her smile was maybe even brighter than Sanas. Speaking of her, she just smiled cutely at me. “Tss. Fine, you killjoy. And duh, I’m not gonna drink from him. I won’t even dare to get my tongue dumped into him. He probably taste rotten. Disgusting.”
She rolled her eyes which the colors around her iris disappeared too at the movement, like it served as a transition back to her normal state. Her fangs too got shorter as she starts to close her mouth.
She removes herself out from my side as Snow White took the vacant spot by silently pleading at the rest who still has their hands on me.
They all let go and now its just me and Snow White girl who are very close to each other. I whimpered and squirmed away from her.
“No…no…no… please, I beg you. Don’t bite me-”
She looked at me and gave me a very unexpected slap right to my face.
“Dahyun! What was that for?” The hamster girl perturbedly asked her friend’s sudden aggressiveness.
“Aww! That stings!”
“Nothing; I just felt like it. Your screams are annoying, so you can shut up now.” Dahyun giggled at me, which I find hella weird. She then glared at Chaeyoung, who knew that she was about to be blamed. “And you shouldn’t have teased him too much! Poor guy, he must’ve been more afraid of us now.”
"Yeah, you shouldn’t have done that, Chae. We can’t talk with him properly about it unless we assure him that everything’s fine.” My savior named Mina agreed with the Snow White’s argument, who’s name was revealed to be Dahyun.
“Alright, fine. I’m sorry, but I’m contented enough that I made him look more stupid than he looks.” Chaeyoung sneezed and lured her gaze away from me who felt a bit pissed off at her bullying.
“Aside from the rudeness of what she told about you, she’s actually right.” Dahyun returned her focus on me. “Even if you get out of here, you won’t get to call a help quick out there. We are at the top of the building, the penthouse of this estate.”
I just stared at her, speechless. I don’t know anything but to ask anymore other than why are they like this and how come vampires actually does exist in the real world.
“You want to know the answer, we’ll give it to you and I want you to hear us first, please.” Dahyun calmly said. “We are indeed vampires.”
My heart raced as my throat gulped as I looked around at their serious demeanors, all targeted at me. I don’t know what’s going on in their minds, but I have to make myself very attentive to my surroundings. I must not be fooled by them, even if they keep on telling me that they won’t hurt me or whatever. Perhaps it's another trap that I've foolishly fallen into.
As of now, I have to exercise caution around them.
“Alright, that’s enough.” One of them came forward and went near Dahyun and Charyoung to break things up.
“You can leave this to me now, girls. Dahyun, I appreciate you calming him down but, I can handle him on my own.”
“Sure, unnie.”
“Go back to your places, now.” Wolfcut commanded everybody who then unhesitantly followed her including Jihyo who left with a last message to whisper to me before she approaches Chaeyoung to tell her something.
She then looks down at me and tightlipped. I just stared at her still breathing fast, I feel like I’m getting suffocated at how oppressive the atmosphere here knowing that I’m currently in a room with bunch of vampires around me.
“Hold my hand if you want, just get up from there.” She offered her free hand to me and I looked at it for seconds until I gradually accepted her assist to pull me back from my feet.
“Join me upstairs, let’s talk to my room. Privately.” She nudged her head to the direction we are taking. She lets me go first, still sensing how I still not trust them completely. I went upstairs while she is following me from behind.
As we reached the second floor, she opened the door and its lights which wasn’t that bright enough, presenting me her room which has 3 beds on it, meaning she doesn’t just own this one on her own. Through the walls were some cabinets, a desk and some shelf that I recognized it was filled with displays of LEGO figures.
“I see that you like them.”
She said from my back after she was done smoothening her bedsheet.
I didn’t replied verbally, I just nodded as I still proceeded to check out some of her collection.
“You haven’t build one before?”
“I-I was.” I corrected her. Her face then showed curiosity.
“Hmm, seems like you also have a story to tell on your own.” Jeongyeon hummed and nodded. She sat first on the bed before she patted the empty side. “Cmon, sit with me.”
I nervously complied and sat gently beside her, but I moved my butt to apply some more gap from between us as I grip the edge of the bed, preparing myself in case she does something ghastly.
Wolfcut noticed what I did and I nodded, popping her mouth and formed a twitching smile. “You are a deeply mistrusting person too… and I respect it. Do what you want to do to feel unharmed.” She said as she surrendered, raising her hands up.
“Anyways, we’ll get to that later. For now, I know it’s about us.”
I let her continue to speak. “And for sure you have a lot what’s going on in your mind right now, which I’ll give you the opportunity to ask me anything you want to know, if that will make you feel less anxious of the unknown.”
I nodded as I understood her point. “So, y-you girls really are… vampires?”
“Yes.” She answered without hesitation. “I’m sorry with how they acted a while ago, especially Chaeyoung and Momo… maybe Nayeon too. The first two I mentioned, well let’s say they are the “hard to get” type ones amongst us. And I couldn’t blame them for being like that because of what we’ve been through.”
“So yeah, back to what you asked. It’s the truth, you already saw it yourself from how Chaeyoung transformed, and we can do it like that too.”
“I still couldn’t believe that I really did saw that” I said while staring deeply, pre-occupied at the flashbacks of my traumatic first encounter with them earlier. “Though a part of my still wants to deny it.”
“Want to see it again from your own eyes?”
She didn’t wait for me to answer. She just gritted her teeth then widened her mouth in which I’ve saw her fangs to have its length to emerge. I just watched her transformation as I stare at her eyes which kind of developing some sort of like colorful hue in her iris.
“Everything… is real. You weren’t hallucinating or dreaming. What you found out there, it occured. Dahyun meant it when she revealed that we are vampires” Jeongyeon declared.
“I-It’s so absurd.” I said while I shook my head with my hands touching each side. “Like… how? I… t-thought vampires were complete fictionalized characters that I see from movies or cartoons. I never thought that you all would be exist in real life.”
She just chuckled amusingly at my mind-boggled state. She lets me digest everything that runs in my mind so that I should still keep my cool during our conversation, because she wants it to be peaceful and mutual as far as she can.
I looked at Wolfcut as she is still smiling neatly at me. I took her nonchalance within myself, well she does look like harmless along with Mina. Can’t say the same for the rest, but they are all still the same. They’re vampires. They have all the time in the world to kill me.
But for now, I’ll just get along with her and try to relax.
“You good?”
“Yeah.” I nodded. I straightened my posture before I asked another one. “So all of you consume blood and not just Nayeon?”
“Yes. I can’t say that we’re addicted to it, well if that’s what you’ve seen through how Nayeon drank it but like she said, its to aid hangover and we did… drank lots of beer last night so that’s why.” she explained.
I stratched my hair as I got nervous again imagining Nayeon’s dead stare with blood-stained mouth at me. She looked like she just killed an innocent victim and I do happen to caught in which she noticed and now has her predator eyes locked at me next to silence me.
I huffed heavily and slightly slammed the cushion underneath me. “How am I gonna be assured that I’m not gonna be killed for like the next 10 minutes the moment I turn my back on you or maybe later with those girls down below if you girls like blood a lot? It’s gonna be the same thing as the cartoons, isn’t it? You all prey into humans to suck blood?”
She leaned her back at the headrest and cupped two fingers to her chin, thinking about it. “Hmm, good question. Well that’s because yes it’s like the cartoons however, we don’t like human blood. We’re all into animal’s blood instead. That’s the one Nayeon drank from the fridge.
We’re not like those characters where we like… only spend the night just to hunt humans for blood. Most of us are too lazy for that.”
“Okay… well that’s disgusting but kinda nice to know…” I said as I shyly looked away from her, intaking the relief that was put into me.
“But besides, even if we wanted to, you wouldn’t be able to wake up from that couch and meet us one by one anyway.” My eyes widened as I saw her smirking and a glimpse of her teeth where her fangs grow gained attention from me. I quickly stood up and set distance from her.
She then suddenly burst into laughter and calmed down. “Just kidding, sorry.”
“Ahh… haha… okay, yeah nice joke…” I faked my laugh at her before my face gets serious, wanting to remind her that this isn’t some sort of a game for me to play. “THAT WASN’T FUNNY!”
“Okay, fine. Sorry.” She gestured me to calm down which I tried to do, even though I was looking at her irritably. “Now back to serious business. What else?”
“Do you girls hate garlic?”
“What? It’s delicious, come on.” she puffed her lips. “Oh, you mean if its like also in the cartoons where garlics were used as some sort to lure us away from humans? Sorry but that’s false. Jihyo loves garlic in her food too.”
Wolfcut stood up from her bed, which caught me off guard. “Wait, oh i just remembered something.” She then ducked and search through under the bed until she pulled something out. It was a paper bag with a LEGO brand on it.
“I still have an unfinished LEGO figure to build. Do you want to join me while we talk?”
“Nice.” She then placed it on the bed and arranged it well for us to easily pick it through procedure. “Okay, ask more.”
“H-how are you not so… against of me? Like…are you really nice as how you treat me right now? Or this is some sort of a trick?”
“What am I to you, a magician?” she chuckled. “You’re probably wondering why I look like I trust you, right?”
“Y-you can say it like that.”
“Let’s say I’ve lived too long enough to memorize the different kinds of human nature for a part of me to tell that you’re trustworthy.” She shrugged. “Especially that I heard you rescued those kids back at the orphanage even though you knew it would cause you to get knocked out or probably way worse than that, yeah.”
I nodded as I understood her point. “What do you mean by you lived long enough at the start?”
“Wanna know what my age is?”
“Which is?”
“What the-… wait really?” I paused at attaching the bricks on my hand. “You look so… young though?” I said as I traced her features.
“Hehe. Thanks, appreciated that. Well, taking good care of our body is just the secret for that.” She snickered cutely after my compliment. “But in all honesty, we just age differently than humans.”
“That makes you all immortals then?”
“No, we just age slowly. Really slow.” She emphasized it also through her voice.
“I see.” We both fell into silence as we kept ourselves busy building the LEGO bricks for minutes until she broke it when she took the turn again to speak.
“Can we make it fair? I told some information about me, mind if you share some about you?” she asked without bothering to look at me. “You build LEGO and you comprehend the manual like you’re highly familiar with it, and you’re a beggar on the streets -no offense by the way. I suppose there might be a reason?”
I stopped playing for a while as my mood slightly decreased as I remember again everything that happened to me which led me to this demise that I never even deserved at all.
She noticed me frozen on my spot and checked up on me. “Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah… I am.”
“It must be deep. Don’t force yourself if you can’t.”
“No, really I’ll be fine.” She just let me with it since she couldn’t insist if I’m willing to do it.
“I wasn’t like this before.” I started. “I had this lifestyle, same as yours.” I said as I look around, reminiscing my home that was almost look like the same as its interior. “Then I thought that my life is good, I should let anybody enter mine, be a better person in exchange of my daily gratitude on having this kind of life.
Then I met this girl. She was different than my friends, made my heart feel unique only when it comes her. And as we got closer, I didn’t know that I also made her feel the same as me.
I thought we were going to be real.” I smiled bitterly at Wolfcut in which she just stared at me, probably with pity. “I thought I finally accomplished everything, because I got the one thing left that I never experienced before. Love. Didn’t expect that it would bring me a different outcome on how my life is going to be while having her on my side.”
“The one thing I thought would complete me, instead became the one who turned me to become empty.” I lowered my head as my eyes became watery. Wolfcut knew what’s about to come so she went closer towards me and placed her hand on my shoulder.
“Okay, that’s enough. Save it for another time. All I know is that it was the reason why ended up on the streets.” she nodded.
I raised back my head and looked at her which I nodded. “Sorry. I tried not to be emotional.”
“It’s normal for every living breathing being to get emotional, because crying is always a good way to overcome sadness. The same could be applied for you, who seems like you have devoted your heart for that loved one who rather betrayed you in return.” Wolfcut gave me a caring smile. I accepted her comfort and assured her that she can stop worrying about me now.
“I haven’t learned about your name yet.” I said to her out of nowhere. “I only know you so far as Wolfcut.”
“Oh my hairstyle caught you first?” she grinned as she bounced her hair on her palm. “I thought it’s my face first. You should be calling me Cute rather.”
I unexpectedly blushed at her slick move in which she teased me while slapping me on the arm. “Just kidding. The name is Jeongyeon by the way.”
“A fellow Jeong too! Maybe we’re meant for each other?” She then grabbed my hand and squeezed it as she cuddled it on my face.
My face is now now intensely getting red at how flushed I am at her good skill of flirting towards me. My heart is not racing anymore because of my fear and anxiety towards these vampires. Right now, my heart is beating rapidly because of how alluring this woman is.
“Ehhh, Jeongyeon-noona, are you really like this?”
“Not really, I just want to lighten up the mood.” She laughed. “And it seems effective.”
“Yeah, very.” I smiled. “You did look cute.”
Jeongyeon blushed and playfully hit me. “Nice to meet you, Jeonghoon. And oh, about us… you don’t need to force yourself to interact with us. I know you still have to get yourself used here, well so far we still don’t know what are we gonna do to you.” Okay, I take back my word, what my heart felt for her became temporary.
“But you can have my word that I won’t let them be cruel to you. I’ll make them convince to let you stay here with us for now.” Jeongyeon assured me.
“T-thank you, Jeongyeon.”
“You’re welcome.” She sweetly responded. “Now let’s go back and finish this, come on.”
I continued to play with Jeongyeon for, like, almost 20 minutes. My mind is focused on two things: the LEGO we are building and what would be my fate in this house with them except for Jeongyeon. I admit that Jeongyeon is nice, but I can’t say if I have to fully trust her yet. I still don’t know that much about her, and I guess I’ll let my progress of creating connection with to her develop that.
I’ll still stick to my agenda for now, for the sake of my safety or survival here. I must not be distracted from the fact that I’m literally living with vampires right now, who can be violent or unforgiving about anything they may feel like.
So far, Jeongyeon is the only one I can approach openly which is a good sign.
I didn’t know that after we laid on the bed to stretch our bodies after we finished the LEGO set, I fell asleep due to how tired we were from our sitting posture. I woke up maybe hours later, and I don’t find Jeongyeon with me anymore.
However, I noticed that there’s some piled-up clothes beside me with a note that says, “Take a bath and use these - JY.”
I learned that it was from Jeongyeon, and once again, I feel thankful for her kind deed. I went to another bathroom in her room and started taking a bath. I wore the jogging pants and oversized T-shirt that she lent me, which kind of fit my style and proportion of my body.
As I walked out of the room, I encountered Chaeyoung who is about to go downstairs. She stared at me and gritted her teeth in annoyance in which I just avoided. “Invader.”, she muttered before she left my sight.
I just neverminded her, as I don’t feel like pissing somebody else off too much. I saw a glimmering light from inside the room she exited. Opening the door a bit more to peek at what is it. I saw the girl who saved me facing her computer with headphone on her. Based on how fast her eyes move along with the clicking of the mouse, she’s too focused on what she’s playing right now.
I knocked at the door twice to respect entering her room. She looked at me and smiled before she looked back at her computer.
I stepped in carefully and went beside her to see what she’s playing. It was familiar to me. I didn’t know she loves playing Minecraft.
She removed her headphone as she continued playing. “It’s called-”
“Yeah, I know.” The girl whose name is Mina if I remember correctly looked at me surprisingly.
“You know this?”
“Yeah.” She looked suspiciously at me. “Looks like I owe you guys some story too.”
Mina agreed and went back on her monitor. “You did. I suppose that’s part of what you and Jeongyeon-unnie talked about.”
“So you used to have these?”
“I did, and it was fun.” I said to her as I roamed around her room. She has some similarities as Jeongyeon’s area only that the difference is that hers was a lot more collection of different figures not just LEGO.
“But not as much as what you have.” I was stunned the interior of her room.
The room I woke up in before which belong to Jeongyeon and two others was actually bigger but also pretty average. It looked overall more mature, nothing stood out.
Minas' room was nothing that I ever imagined to see in that house.It had a triple bed which means she also shares this one with two other roommates with her, one of it must be that girl who hates me a lot.
But what stood here out the most was the gaming corner on the far right and a huge cabinet with lots of action figures on it. A black desk in a 90 degree angle in the corner. On it two big monitors and a computer case. The inside and the spaces between wall and desk were lighted with red neon light cables.
The bed in the far left corner with a black nightstand was a normal bed. A black frame, a white mattress and some sort of light pink bedclothes. On top of it maybe ten plushies, most of them penguins. Directly to my left was a huge closet that almost reached the bed. The walls were a simple white and finished off was the room with a double door in the middle of the far wall onto a balcony. There’s so many things going on in her room and it was quite fascinating.
“Damn, you must be rich.” I said while I remained my mouth gawking at her figurines.
“Most of it were from my family, that’s why.” She said. “That’s why it holds much meaning to me, so I take care of them by keeping them in place.”
“It looks awesome, to be honest.”
“I would love to hear some of your memories from these.”
She nodded and smiled quickly. I continue to find her very interesting to play coming from once an avid gamer like her. It had me to return back to t those times where I used to have a PC set of my own and some casings of CDs for various games that I played before.
Then a thought came into me that she then became quiet while playing. I shouldn’t even be here. It’s her personal space and even though I requested permission to enter, that doesn’t mean I can’t stay here for long.
Sensing that I might be making her uncomfortable or distracted, I excused myself to her. “Sorry, I’ll be going out now. You can continue playing.”
I was about to head out of the door when Mina spoke. “No, you can stay here if you want. I don’t mind.”
I looked at her and she is smiling at me softly. I nodded sheepishly. “O-okay.”
I sat at the spare chair on her other desk, watching her patiently. To cut off the awkwardness that we feel, she started to talk.
“Sorry if you might get bored of me, i’m not that much of a talkative person.”
“No worries.” You said it with utmost consideration.
“I’m Mina by the way.”
“I don’t want to gossip but… what did you and unnie talked about there, if it’s okay to share?”
“It’s just about her confirming that you girls are a vampire, then she proved it by answering some of my questions to her.”
“Ahh.” She reacted. “So how does it make you feel now after knowing our true identity?”
“A bit satisfied to learn something what is a myth or not about vampires but… still somehow scared.” I said. It was obvious enough through our distance from each other. I’m sitting behind her, almost at the corner of the room.
“I see.” Mina smiled. “I’ll let you be but I could tell you that you don’t need to be when I’m near with you. I won’t do you no harm, I swear.”
I just went silent, I want to believe her but it’ll took me some time to rightfully have then earn my trust.
“All you have to do is to get to know us more. Just try to get along with us as a fellow human, because… that’s just exactly what we only wanted to be. To be treated normal.”
“I’ll take note of it.” I smiled lightly at her. “By the way I haven’t been able to thank you for helping me after I got beaten up out there. I know I didn’t asked you that much for you to do this especially that I’m just a stranger to you but… you still did, and I acknowledge you for that.”
“You’re welcome, Jeonghoon. Take it as a repay for saving my friend’s children from those bad guys.” Mina took it well. “Oh, did I notified you already that Mr. Moon wants you to come there again? He wants to thank you too personally, and even the kids. They wanted to meet you.”
“I can?”
“Yeah. I can lead you there if you want.”
I was touched that those people considered me already as a good samaritan and knew the worth of it. Somehow, I felt like I was able to determine my purpose again despite losing the life I once had.
“I would be happy to.”
After that, another information I’ve learned from Jeongyeon caused me to pique my curiosity on Mina also in order to continue the flow of our small talk and to avoid making ourselves uneasy.
“Uhm… can I ask how old are you? Because I asked Jeongyeon a while ago and she said she’s 243 which I thought she’s like in her 20’s because of how young she is. So I just wonder on… what’s yours?”
“Oh, is that so.” Mina said. “I’m 70 years old. I was born in 1951 and ended up here in Korea when my parents decided to migrate after the second world war happened, which heavily took a toll on Japan at that time.”
“And what’s the age you use as part of your disguise then?”
I nodded, she exactly looks like it so its a good choice. It also mean that she’s younger than Jeongyeon-noona, which had me surprised and be in awe. I honestly thought at first she’s just as the same age as her and Jihyo because of how sensible and mature her understanding is.
“You look so young, even around at my age so it fits you.”
"Yeah. My body is roughly 25. Maybe 22, maybe 24. I don't really know. No one really knows. My current ID says I'm born in 1997."
“How do you girls based your age though?”
“Oh, we came up of it based from how the group started and the order when we first met ourselves.”
“Then what year did you became part of the group?”
“1997.” I computed the years in my mind and now it makes sense. She met the group in that year and now that it’s 2024, then she’s right that she’s 27 years old.as of now, well let’s say that her “non-vampire” age
But wait… if she was originally born in 1951 and she met the girls in 1997, then that means her age at that time was-
“I don’t know if this was mentioned, but I wasn’t always like this as you too.”
She spoke without enthusiasm unlike earlier. This time, her tone went sorrowful. I because perplexed at what she just admitted, probably setting up some story from her side to tell me which I got curious to know.
“What do you mean by that, Mina?”
She weakly looked at me and was about to narrate whatever she had in store for her to reveal and for me to interpret when we heard some knocks on the door.
We went to see where that sound came from, and the face of the blood-drinking bunny girl who is the root of my new trauma, named Nayeon, appeared on the doorframe, peeking to look at us.
I couldn’t tell what kind of gaze she was throwing at me, but it switched my attention to the words she told me after.
“Sorry to interrupt you two but… Jeonghoon, Jihyo asked me to take you downstairs. We have something to talk regarding about having you here in the dorm.”
I looked at Mina and she encouraged me to go with Nayeon first, as she knows it's important, especially since it comes from their leader’s orders. I started to become nervous and scared about what their decision was going to be about. Nayeon gestured for me to follow her, and I did. I looked at Mina one more time, and she assured me that she could wait for me to have some other time for us to talk later, which effectively assured me.
With Nayeon in front of me leading the way and following her steps, we went back downstairs to meet Jeongyeon and Jihyo on the kitchen counter, separated from the rest who were in the living room watching TV while Mina was left in her room, presumably sharing the same inquiry as mine.
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crguang · 20 hours
Hi, I've been reading your fanfics lately and I've become obsessed with your writing! I'm not good at English so I keep to myself.
I wanted to share my feelings, because I think you should know what a great job you do! Not only did you make me have a different perspective on Kafka, you also made me see character development more clearly! (I also write a lot, and it's one of my difficulties.)
It's incredible how his stories gave me an addictive feeling, something I haven't seen in any other Kafka fanfic! Please keep it up!
In fact, I have ideas in my head about how Kafka would react to R's death? Or what exactly would make her cry? I wonder, and I think your point of view would be quite accurate.
first of all, don’t worry about your english!! it’s great, and it’s not my first language either so i understand the struggle. thank you for your kind words i cant believe my writing has inspired/helped you in any way, im especially happy it changed your mind about Kafka hehe. trust meee i understand how tough characterization is, i focus way too much on the details and it can get pretty frustrating. i take it seriously too, so when something doesn’t go my way or i can’t portray a scene the way i see it in my mind, i lose it a little bit.
ouhhh, kafka and death is a pretty intimate affair in my opinion. she deals with it all the time but we don’t know if she’s experienced it— she sees suffering as something euphoric, fascinating. we know she doesn’t care for her victims because of it, that and the fact that she’s following what she truly believes is destiny. if it was their destiny to die by her hand, why would she mourn? i think it would take a lot to make her cry, she’s very resilient and can withstand a lot + she doesn’t feel fear and there are lots of complex emotions born from it (anxiety, dread, panic) so in my opinion she’s not very attuned to these as well. i’ll expand on the “not feeling fear” thing because its absolutely insane; its a primal instinct that makes us do or not do so many things. it’s connected to so many other emotions— we feel sad because we fear losing people, we feel helpless because we fear not being good enough, etc. kafka wouldn’t be able to understand all of that in a visceral way. we know she worries to an extent (for the trailblazer, for blade) and that also stems from fear but so far, it’s been somewhat superficial. she checks up on them like once and that’s that. here again, following and believing in a scripted future makes it so that she doesnt have much to worry about. it makes me believe that she would often realize things after they’ve happened, like “oh, i don’t like this…”
losing someone she genuinely cares about might paralyze her, at least at first. death doesn’t obsess her because fear is self-preservation and she cant feel that. she is logical though, and knows not to put herself/others in certain dangerous situations. she doesn’t fear her s/o dying, she just knows she doesn’t want it to happen. what she can feel though is sadness, and that only happens during/after the fact. grief is soo complex, that’s why i think it would paralyze her afterwards— she’d feel this immense loss that she hasn’t prepared for, and kafka is rarely caught by surprise. she wouldn’t know what to do and her logic won’t save her; so many things don’t matter when you’re dealing with emotions that feel all-consuming, she knows death is inevitable, so what? she knows this was always a possibility, so what? that doesn’t tell her how to deal with it. she’d go through the motions as usual because life didn’t stop for her but she’d have this constant tightness in her chest like fingers curled around her heart. the tears would find her on a tuesday morning as she’s cleaning her gun or putting on her boots. to me, her feelings have a little lag; she doesn’t feel apprehension much so they would have to hit her afterwards. in my most recent fic im writing about her being a player for laughs but i still make her fall for the reader at the same time they fall for her, she just realizes it way later. this is long as hell im so sorry but to sum up i do think she would cry a lot because she almost never does and her body would need the relief.
im yapping im sorry😭 your question was super interesting and it really got me thinking but let me stop lmfao. i hope i kinda answered it along the way😭
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forsaire · 4 months
"Not all men-"
You're right. Hershel Layton, professor of archaeology at Gressenheller University, would never.
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nyctocollective · 5 months
friendly reminder that plurality is caused by trauma. trauma is defined as an event that has a severe negative impact on oneself. there are going to be dark parts of plurality that no one wants to talk about. the brain created you to cope with what it went through. it's okay to have parts (or wholes) that have “twisted” desires, attractions, innerworld or external relationships, sexual or emotional needs, etc. other people might call you disgusting, evil, immoral, but it's just part of being traumatized. it's going to be unpleasant or unsightly.
read the tags.
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cjskribblez · 10 months
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Tuvok & B’Elanna - Poor Coping Mechanisms - Vicious Cycles “You need to find some other way to deal with this” “I don’t know how.”
Heavy Balloon by Fiona Apple // Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath // Stubborn love by the Lumineers // New York Movie by Edward Hopper // under the burden of adversity by Theodor Axentowicz // Birthday Present by Sylvia Plath (cut)
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void-botanist · 2 months
Thade Adventures: Parkour
OCs: Thade Orech-Pabat, Caladea Ores-Pabat, and Pirianus Orech-Pabat
Words: 500
Content warnings: heights, getting kinda made fun of in front of your crush
Taglist: @vacantgodling
“Do you think it’s possible to parkour all the way down to the ground floor from here?” Thade said, leaning against the railing at the edge of the open space that cut all the way down to said ground floor.
“Maybe,” Caladea said, barely looking up from her phone.
He grinned.  “You think I should try?”
She looked up for real.  “No, you can’t parkour.”
“I can totally parkour,” he said, pushing himself up on his arms so that his hips rested against the top of the railing.  He brought one sandaled foot up between his hands—he wasn’t going to go further than crouching on the rail, because he couldn’t parkour, but his foot slipped out from under him and his arms betrayed him and he found himself bent double over the railing, clinging to the slats, his feet barely skimming the carpet.  The fourth floor suddenly looked very high up.  
“Okay, I take it back,” he said.  “Can you help me?”  If he’d been with anyone but Caladea, they probably would have left him there to think about his actions for a while, but she came over right away to haul him back up by his pants waistband.  Which would have worked if he hadn’t chosen this moment to be wearing sweatpants.  Instead of helping, she just pulled down his pants, and he suspected also his boxer briefs.
“Oh no, I’m sorry,” she said like it was an accident, but she was also giggling.  
“Callie, you better not be filming this.”
“I’m not.”  Giggle giggle.  She must be, because she certainly wasn’t helping him.  He kicked his legs a little bit and felt a cold rush of fear as he shifted forward on the rail.  Well, this was fine.  He could just work his way back up the slats with his hands, and he would eventually slide back onto the floor.  It wouldn’t be easy, but it would be faster.  He’d hardly started when he felt familiar rough-edged hands on his hips and he was ungraciously pulled back upright.  As his blood stopped pooling in his head, he beheld Pirianus standing there, frowning as always.  That is, until Caladea showed him something on her phone, and he cracked a tiny blue-edged smile.
“Thanks,” Thade said with zero gratitude, pulling up his stupid sweatpants.  Before he could escape these two chucklefucks, though, Caladea turned her phone on him, and he was met with a photo of himself stranded over the rail, his panicked face looking through the slats, and his hairy asscrack surrounded by ironic hearts and sparkles.  Across the top was the word PARKOUR flanked with party poppers and flames.
“Great, thank you,” he said with a fake smile.  It should have been funny.  He should have been laughing—he could take a joke at his expense any day of the week—but instead he felt his cheeks burning.  “I’ll get that put on my calling cards.”  
He didn’t look at her or Pirianus as he walked away.
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frostise · 1 month
7 + 16
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𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄   ┇   accepting ♡
7. Would your muse ever get married?
omfg this is a hard question! uhm...i think louise has thought about marriage at random times of the day but it's not a top priority right now because prioritizing her vengeance against firestorm will always be her ultimate life's goal (as depressing as that realisation is). but of course, louise has other important things to do in her spare time then try to kill him because there are a bunch of his other villains trying to end his career too. mostly her life involves T.A.B since she works for them on a daily basis until death arrives at her doorstep.
however, i do imagine it starts to get pretty lonely entering her various penthouses with nobody to greet her and it would explain why she's super close to criminals or monsters she befriended over the years and hangs out with them frequently just to fill the emptiness she's been feeling ever since crystal's death. louise's pride wouldn't admit it but she's actually lonely in the love life department because of her abandonment issues plays up in most of the relationships she's been in the past. there's never a moment where she thinks a long-term relationship will result in a marriage. it has always been casual relationships frost was familiar with over the years.
so personally speaking—i don't think she's ready for marriage. at least not until firestorm is eliminated. the concept of marriage does sound rather enticing, serene, a happily ever after if you will. well...that's if she was still young and carefree. i do think there's a alternative version of louise who never lost crystal. she would've actually considered marrying her on the spot but unfortunately crystal never felt the same way about her, so louise would never marry anyone who never really saw how monstrous she can get and accepted that nature with open arms.
in other verses where firestorm is dead, she will stop obsessing over him and refocus on working on her second goal which is to be happy even if it's without crystal and her own family. this will eventually lead to marriage at some point with someone she deems worthy of her time and trust. my current version of kf is just a conflicted mess of emotions and riddled with major abandoned, trust and commitment issues she's still trying to resolve even though it's a slow, arduous process to cope with. this doesn't mean she'll cheat! she just has doubts and paranoia about her partner leaving the marriage if they show a single hint of rejection.
16. Does your muse believe in soulmates?
that actually reminds me of her canon quote: "in a world where aliens can fly and regular men stand up to the gods. what are the rules of physics? is it now so tough to imagine them bending...to imagine them breaking?"
from louise's perspective, anything is possible in a world full of gods, monsters, magical gateways and metahumans cosplaying as hero/villain amongst the multiverse. she would believe there are soulmates out there somewhere in the world but she personally never experienced 'meeting the one' and even if it was a real thing? louise would rebel against fate. she would prefer to meet someone on her own accord, not follow a red string blindly just because the all mighty 'god' of whatever chose to seal their fates. plus, gaining 'true love' for a mere stranger is very unsettling as you can imagine lmfao. louise would want to actually know the person first! she hates it when people rush a relationship!
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princekirijo · 4 months
You know thinking about it Riku could also be a Lovers Arcana character. His story + arc very much revolves around his relationships with other characters (particularly his family and most importantly himself).
Captain is ultimately his arcana however because I feel like his stubbornness and his like willingness to keep going is what makes him a Chariot character (as Captain is an alternative to Chariot). He's also a very devoted/emotional character and I think that plays into it too!
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
hey is it just me or does SRK turn every speech he gives in a film into either 1. a love confession, 2. a motivational message or 3. the most devastating/terrifying news you've ever heard come out of his mouth at any given time
#film: billu#billu#billu barber#srk#shah rukh khan#local gay watches Bollywood.txt#disclaimer: whether he's hot af during said speeches varies based on the situation#on the one hand sometimes it's two of these at once with him being a pathetic little man and us saying nothing#or it's him being a despicable little man and putting our loins in danger but on the other#i just got through with the school speech/house conversation in Billu#and while i am known for taking my little bisexual hands and painting everything with the Gay ™#i sat there and thought 'sir this sounds like you're crying about your best friend in childhood who you may or may not have had a crush on'#sure afaik both he and Irrfan were playing married characters in this but#calling a man 'your support/your companion/blessing from your God' (generally paraphrasing here) and then telling him he could have#asked for your address when you eventually meet up again like a lover pining is very much Not Straight imo#how could i forget him getting to the part where he says he went back to look for him and found out he wasn't there#bby boy you broke down and went through every stage of grief#while you stood in front of a crowd and told them that you just wanted to hear his voice one more time#are you sure you didn't kiss him at least once in your childhood and he never said anything and you never said anything#and if you didn't kiss him are you sure you didn't sit there during that trip to Mumbai and wish you had#are we certain about that#look my brain has been chemically altered since KHNH i look at this man and try and figure out if there is any hint of bisexuality in him#in any of the other roles that he plays#even if there is not i will create it if the need arises#excuse me while i mourn over this being the only film that i know of with these two working together before Irrfan passed#it hurts and it's wrong and i needed them in more things *sobs*
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sovaharbor · 1 year
tbh all i want to write is a fic where all the x-men student classes sit in a circle and talk about their traumas
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citrusinicake · 2 years
finally catching up to the rest of the dl povs and man now that team ranchers out i really hope martyn and cleo gets the win
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