#but we dont talk about that
ohvun · 3 months
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D E V I L C H I L D >:D
I just think it'd be cool if her demonia fleur was a lil more grotesque yk?
Got super inspired seeing this post by rly cool @wigglesdtuff about a year ago and finally finished it!!:D
I ended up using a picture of a figurine to get the wings to work better bc I was s t r u g g e l i n g ;-;
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forsaire · 3 months
"Not all men-"
You're right. Hershel Layton, professor of archaeology at Gressenheller University, would never.
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symphony-calamity · 8 months
Thinking about Ivy Alexandria ❤️
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a-wondering-thought · 14 days
Im a professional at being sentimental, im actually outstanding in my field, yes if you need me i'll be at my desk reminiscing
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aroacewolfic · 15 days
the pain of being both a shadow hunters chronicles fan and a Hazbin fan is real when the name Alastor/Alastair comes up but your also dyslexic so it takes you a good minute to figure out which fandom/context you're reading the rest of the post in.
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skoulsons · 1 year
Sarah getting a life threatening injury and joel fails to save her life, hence her dying and causing him to spiral down a violent road and a life of emotional unavailability, failures, and stoicism
Joel then getting a similar life threatening and Ellie is the one to save his life. And she succeeds, not causing a similar road for herself
But I can’t help but wonder if joel was having flashbacks. Or thinking back to that night. How him dying would send her down a similar road that he was on for twenty years. How he held out for her, to keep her from experiencing a life like that. To save her from the emotional unavailability and failures. To save her from being like him
As much as she was physically saving him here, how much was he saving her from from trying to hold out as best he could?
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studyinginthestorm · 1 year
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Writing maths today! Let's hope all the paying attention, notetaking, homework doing and revising will pay off!
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scribstiaa · 10 months
happy birthday Jimmy novak, hottest man to get possessed in the history of ever
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thund3randrain · 3 months
playing ddlc for the first time at night in the dark was not my best move i will admit
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I fantasize every single day about having my own house, decorated in a bright flourish of colors and filled with fun silly knickknacks and the comfiest furniture. I'll have a dishwasher and a washer/dryer set, and enough windows to let the light in. I'll have ac and heat, and a fan just in case. The lamps will have fun shapes, like flower bulbs, and there will be a clock that makes noises every hour like the one in my parents house.
My bed will be a queen size, and it's gonna have fun sheets and covers and maybe even something crocheted for the top (I would have the money to buy someone's work, to pay them what they deserve.) I'll put up glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, and do wallpaper on some walls and paint on others. No carpets, but a couple of rugs and mats with pretty patterns.
One of the rooms will be a small library, only half- filled because I have so much more I want to read. It'll also have a work desk maybe for my computer and a sketchbook, and there's plushies peeking out off some of the shelves.
There's gonna be a basement, and that's where all my art stuff will be. An art studio, but it's not fancy, and it's going to be messy as all hell, but I'll get to work with clay on the wheel again, paint things on a big canvas, or just draw. Maybe accidentally drink paint out of my mug. There'll be a fan in the basement window to keep the air down there from becoming too bad.
I'll have one dog and one cat. The dog will get training and get to go to a groomers and he'll protect the house but also get so many kisses and snuggles, and when I walk in to get a cat I'll ask who's been there the longest and who needs the most help, maybe an elderly cat, and I'll love it forever. It'll have toys and a cat tree and two litter boxes. I'll make time to walk the dog every week, and we can go to a dog park for many zoomies.
I want a guest bedroom that's clean and always ready to go, so my friends will always have a safe place to be if they need it. They can come over for fun times and we can make food together, and some of them will get antsy and ask to do dishes with me cause they want to help, so I'll rinse off the dishes and they can put them in the washer, or vice versa. They'll never have to, because they're my favorite guests in the whole world, but I'd never let them stew in anxiety over a couple of plates.
I don't have a green grass lawn. I hate mowing. There's gonna be flowers everywhere instead, and I'll have a bunch of written notes about where the sunlight goes and how much shading there is so I can make sure each plant gets the proper amount of light. I'll have a list in my big binder, all the flower names and where they are and what they need. I know it'll take me years to get everything set up and grown, but it'll be a really big reward to have butterflies and birds. There will be a big multi-feeder like my grandma has, and a squirrel feeder opposite side of it to keep them separated. I want a gooseberry bush so I can make a pie. I'll have a composter. I'll have overwhelming amounts of zucchini and sheepishly offer them to my neighbors every year. I want to be friends with all my neighbors.
I'll know all the people in the neighborhood and their kids, I'll say hi and give them food and be a part of the community. When the kids go out and play on our street like I did as a kid, they'll be safer cause I'll be an adult worth trusting. My dog will always be happy to see them and I'll never be mean and yell at the kids when they get too rowdy. If a neighbor wants to be left alone I'll leave them be, but I'll make sure they know I'm here if there's ever an emergency or they need a working phone, like our old neighbors did for us.
I'll have a ramp and no steps to get into my house, because I want my friends on wheels to be able to easily get inside my house. If I gotta have stairs inside my house, I want to someday afford one of those wheelchair lifts so they're not stuck to one floor. The floor space will be clean and open enough for the chair to zoom everywhere. I'll have a shower that's handicap accessible like the one in my family home now, along with a huge bathtub. I'll make my home accommodating in all the ways they suggest so I can have my friends be safe and comfortable when they're with me.
I could have a pond out in the back, like my grandparents did. Get toads every summer, get some fun plants to make it a diverse ecosystem. It would be lined with big rocks and the birds would like it, even if the water isn't clear. Could also get a bird bath. I'd take my grandmother's books about identifying birds with me, so I can learn about which ones are coming to my garden. I'd learn about all the different insects scuttling through the dirt.
There'd be two medical kits, one in the bathroom and one in the kitchen. Everything would be organized so I don't have to go rummaging through drawers at 3 am for a bandaid.
It wouldn't always be the cleanest place, because I know myself, but once a month I could hire a cleaning service and pay them to help me. It might be a little awkward at first, but I'll be very nice to them and check to see if I can leave a tip for the hard work, and maybe offer them zucchini bread.
I don't watch TV, but I'd probably have a small one in the living room that has a DVD player, perched in one of those wood shelves that have cupboards filled to brim with movies and shows and even music I like. I'd have them on in the background while I do things, cause I need the audio. I won't have to pay for streaming sites because every show I love I can hold in my hands.
I can never bring myself to hang my clothes up in a closet, so I'll have a couple baskets of clean clothes I can look through. I'll learn how to iron. I'll be able to pay to have my clothes tailored to fit me. The closet will have Legos in it instead, or some very soft nerf guns, or board games I know I love. I'll make messes I won't clean up for a week, but I'll be able to build a Lego city with my friends when they come over or build marble towers.
I'll host tea parties where we can have fun and dress up in pretty clothes, and costume parties where my friends can come and show off their cosplays. There'll be good food, maybe potlucks. I'll learn how to be a good host and maybe my friends will make friends with each other sometimes. Every holiday and season will get its own special flag that I'll hang outside my house. I'll have a welcome mat at the door.
I'll have pictures of my friends hanging up on the wall. I'll have paintings from artists I love. I'll have figurines and interesting rocks I found.
I'll have my friend's favorite sweets in the pantry for when they come visit. My fridge will always have food in it. There's vanilla ice cream in the freezer. The fridge won't have any fancy computers and alexas inside, none of my stuff ever will, but it'll have a long lifespan and be easy to repair.
I'll have the family piano and my violin case on top of it. My guitar will be safe in its stand. They'll all be clean, tuned, and well cared for. I'll never be forced to play an instrument ever again, but I can always pick them up again, and it'll be my choice.
There will always be clean water. I can walk around my whole neighborhood safely. I can go to the park and climb something. A grocery store might even be within walking distance! (But there will be a bus line that can take me there if not, or maybe a train, if the future is kind.)
The roof will be well tended. I might have solar power and a backup generator. The house's siding will be nice and clean. I'll have a nice fence that doesn't go too high so I can chat with my neighbors if they like.
I'll have a calendar on the wall to mark off each day, and even if there will be bad days (cause there will always be bad days) at least I know that I lived through another one. And that's definitely good enough.
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poly-star-trio · 4 months
opinions on marty 🤔
what a guy. just a fella
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How Long
How long do I have to sit in agony and look the way I do?
How long do I have to wait until my friends call me by preferred name?
How long do I have to wait until I can move out of this wretched country?
How long do I have to wait until I'm not considered a criminal in several countries for who I love?
How long can I resist the urge to cut and dye my hair in the bathroom in the middle of the night?
How long do I have to wait to find someone who will not leave?
How long do I have to wait to actually be diagnosed with being neurodivergent, not just 'out there' or 'spacey'?
How long do I have to wait until I get to be happy for more than a few hours?
How long do I have to live in this decaying world?
How long do I have to wait to make a difference?
How long do I have to wait until I don't have to see civil rights movements and woman's rights movements in my day-to-day life?
How long do I have to wait until I'm treated equal to my male contemporaries?
How long do I have to wait until I can love someone who loves me back?
How long must I hold back whatever these feelings are before I tell them how I feel?
How long will it take to live in a world where disabled individuals and queer individuals and coloured individuals and women aren't looked down upon?
How long will it take until genuine equity is obtained?
How long will it all take?
How long will it be until those men are shoved from their thrones of lies and treated how they should be?
How long do we have to live here, dealing with it all?
How long must minorities be abused before the majorities do something about it?
How long?
I want anarchy. I want to watch them all burn. Gods, I want to not be overlooked. I want to tear down the government and watch them as they cry and plead, but never get mercy. I want them to feel how I have felt for so long. I want whatever the hell I can get that's better than this. I want to burn this country to the ground and build it again from its ashes. I want to destroy the patriarchy.
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stiffyck · 1 year
trhhis is my first day on tumblr erm. what is your username.
It used to be stiffyck. The war has changed me
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archivedbyebye · 1 year
Parents!Rayllum would totally fill the box of "embarrasses their kids on a daily basis"
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demonholdingalillie · 3 months
The amount of people in the Fandom that immediately took Needles as their blorbo/skrunkly/skrunklo is hilarious
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tykobelike · 5 months
fun fact about me:
when I was a kid doing the "they loves me, they loves me not" it didn’t take very long for me to figure out that I should only pick flowers with odd numbers of petals, buttercups being my most frequent pick.
And then I felt like that was cheating so I picked flowers with numbers of leaves to many for me to bother counting, daisies, and then i went back and forth depending on my mood.
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