#and my brothers definitely think they’re superior to me
comradekatara · 1 month
it’s pretty funny to me that when katara positions herself as the more mature sibling in the pilot, a lot of people just take her claim at face value?? as if every single person in the world doesn’t think that they are infinitely smarter and more mature than their sibling(s). sokka also considers himself smarter and more mature than katara, he just doesn’t vocalize that belief as explicitly. but in truth, they’re both mature and immature. neither katara nor sokka has a monopoly on maturity and competence, or lack thereof. sokka is cynical, condescending, and neurotic, but he’s also selfless, responsible, and loyal. katara is impulsive, naive, and recalcitrant, but she is also brave, resilient, and caring. and they’re both strong, courageous leaders who are brilliant, innovative, and skilled in their respective domains. it’s not a competition.
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Peter Pan & Wendy (2023) - Thoughts
A little bit of brief background here; I’m a huge Peter Pan fan. I grew up loving the Disney animated film but the 2003 live action has always been the superior Peter Pan adaptation to me; Peter Pan holds a special place in my heart as my late nan who I was close with used to take me to the panto every Christmas, and my favourite ones were always Peter Pan.
So without further ado: I watched the new Disney’s Peter Pan & Wendy that came out on Disney+ this weekend!
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First, some live watching thoughts:
This movie is literally carried by Ever Anderson as Wendy, like no disrespect to the other cast but she literally carried this film in my opinion
By the way, anyone complaining about it being Wendy’s story is an idiot because the story has ALWAYS been Wendy’s story, ever since Barrie wrote the play and novels. Regardless of which version you watch, it always starts with her lamenting about not wanting to grow up and ends with her acceptance of the fact she must grow up - it’s HER journey, her development.
I have no idea why Disney/Lowery chose to cast two separate actors as Mr Darling and Captain Hook but I’m NOT a fan of that choice. Even in the animated film, they’re voiced by the same actor - it’s a part of Peter Pan tradition to have the actor play both roles, so it’s baffling that it’s not the case here.
I really wish this film had spent a little bit more time BEFORE Peter arrived to show us more of each of the children and also the relationship between the children and their parents. The film opens with a nice little scene of John and Michael sword-fighting whilst Wendy prepares to head off to boarding school, and then she joins them and their father scolds her for “this is how you choose to spend your last night in the nursery” and “you’re too old for this sort of fun”, which definitely works… but it’s very quick paced and it rushed by so quickly, like the film kind of just spends only a few minutes establishing “Wendy is being sent to boarding school the next morning; she doesn’t want to grow up; her parents want her to be a better role model to her brothers” and that’s it.
Also interesting to note that Wendy is not in a nightgown in this version but some kind of pyjama-ish undergarment outfit, plus a dressing gown
Wendy aggressively reading a book in her bed… same though
Nana appears but only in brief moments 😭 WE DESERVED MORE NANA! In this version she’s kind of more just a pet - they never mention that she’s the Darling family’s nursemaid and looks after the children, and there’s a brief flash where (I think) you see a young Wendy cuddling her as a puppy… like??? She’s not just a dog, she is not just a pet, she is the finest nursemaid on four paws because the Darlings can’t afford to hire one.
“I want things to stay the way they are.” “Perhaps I don’t want to grow up.” — same, Wendy, same
“Just imagine all of the things you would miss out on if you didn’t see where it took you… and all the things the world would miss if you weren’t there to do them.”
Mrs Darling’s lullaby was lovely by the way
Yara Shahidi as Tinkerbell is BEAUTIFUL. I love her facial expressions, and even though there’s less attitude and she’s not jealous in this version, I still love her
I know that the film was supposed to film in 2020 but Covid shut things down so they didn’t film until a whole year later, and obviously children grow very quickly… but Peter’s voice is so deep in this version, you can tell Alexander Molony hit puberty during lockdown. I feel bad for criticizing a kid about it because it’s not his fault, but it can’t be denied that he’s older than Peter is supposed to be. Ever Anderson was also 13-14 when filming actually happened, and while it’s slightly less glaringly obvious with her, she’s definitely a tiny bit older than most versions of Wendy. I think it’s more obvious with Alexander though because of the deep voice.
This version makes it seem like Mrs Darling is the storyteller and Wendy isn’t, which kind of bugs me to be honest but oh well
Let’s be honest, no adaptation will ever top the “Flying” scene from the 2003 version - that was a whole masterpiece in itself. This version does do a nice enough job though, all things considered, even if the CGI doesn’t always look quite right
I don’t want to slam how Neverland looks because I’m aware it was filmed in Newfoundland in Canada, which I don’t doubt is a beautiful place - what I will say is that I don’t know if there was some kind of ultra real gritty filter added on it if it’s something else, but to me it just wasn’t colourful enough. Neverland is supposed to be magical and vibrant and like a dream, not 100% rigidly realistic. They could have made Skull Rock shaped at least somewhat like a skull for God’s sake, just as an example
“Smee, make a note my cabin needs a new door.” “Yes… might I say, captain, that’ll be your third door this month-“ “and it won’t be the last.” — okay, I had a little giggle here, I won’t lie
Jude Law’s version of Hook has heterochromia which is definitely interesting - I wonder why it was included though, like what purpose does it serve the story
Wendy meeting the Lost Boys changed from Tink telling the boys to shoot her out of the sky and them nearly murdering her, to her washing up alone and running into them and Tiger Lily, which is definitely a choice
I am genuinely still on the fence about the Lost Boys including girls but at the end of the day… whatever. It’s not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. I still find the “but you’re not all boys” “SO?!?” exchange cringey though, not gonna lie
Wendy’s response to the above being “well I guess it doesn’t really matter”, so true
I think it’s a good thing that the Lost Boys include non white and disabled kids (Slightly has Down syndrome) but also I really hope those kids stay off social media for a while because the absolute nastiness being flung around about them (especially Slightly) is disgusting
The Lost Boys being like “she’s too old” “she’s too grown up” 💀 that and Mrs Darling’s “darling, you barely fit in your bed” comment feel oddly meta and about the actors growing while filming was delayed
Wendy Moira Angela Darling realising her brothers have been captured by pirates: “…oh dear” 💀 the timing of it was perfect though lmao
Tell me that Smee did not just use the phrase “compatriots of you-know-who” in front of a man who played Dumbledore 💀
John: We don’t care about your rules, we came with Peter Pan! // the entire pirate crew eavesdropping outside: *groaning/gasping*
Peter Pan really disappears from this movie at about 20 minutes in (after appearing for the first time only 10 minutes beforehand) and doesn’t reappear until a whole 15 minutes later?!?
“I’ve found you guilty of being a child - and we can’t have children in Neverland” — IS HE FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!?!? (Hook was in fact deadly serious)
Who the hell did Peter think he was tricking with that absolutely terrible disguise, it looks like stuck a mop on his chin for god’s sake?!?
Wendy being shocked that Peter is showing off as if that isn’t his whole personality summed up 😶
“Oh brother, Hook’s singing again” - I CACKLED IM SORRY
“Proud and insolent youth, have at me!” — I GASPED I TELL YOU, GASPED
“Oh, Wendy… you’re still alive!” ASDFGHJKL
“For to die would be an awfully big adventure” - THAT’S THE MONEY LINE RIGHT THERE
“SHE’S A WENDY!!!”, and all that ran through my mind was the Barbie meme:
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Wendy finishing Hook’s sentences and cutting him off each time ASDFGHJKL we love a know it all
AHHHH ITS TICK TOCK THE CROC, I was so scared they’d forget about the crocodile so I’m happy he’s here
“It was an adventure, wasn’t that what you wanted?” “Yes but I didn’t think it meant being shot out of the sky by pirates” — yeah, that’s a valid point I guess
Poor Tinkerbell just twinkling and getting absolutely ignored :/
“You have a magical fairy that makes you fly! And a gaggle of children that do your bidding with a princess that cleans up your messes while you’re off gallivanting with pirates” — OOF, also Tinkerbell and Tiger Lily both smiling and nodding their agreement of Wendy’s words asdfghkl love to see girls supporting girls
Wendy throughout this whole movie is pretty much just the “I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now” meme
You’re telling me the Lost Boys hideout is no longer hidden in a tree but a GIANT tower?!? Not exactly hidden now, is it?!?
Wendy and Tiger Lily together having one of the best scenes in this movie, you love to see it ❤️
So what I’m getting from this adaptation is that instead of the Lost Boys actually getting “lost” and not claimed, Peter waits for them to say “I don’t want to grow up” then whooshes in and brings them to Neverland…
Okay so Wendy is still kind of seen as the storyteller in this version…? The kids ask her for stories so…?
“Wendy can be our mother” “goodness no! I don’t even know if I want to be a mother!” — I have thoughts about this??? On the one hand, I’m a book purist and for me I’m like “she does agree to be their mother tho??? That’s why she was brought to Neverland???” (And also she canonically has a daughter called Jane) but on the other I’m like “fair enough” because a) she’s a child and b) you can’t force people to have children if they don’t want them. Idk
Im 90% sure Wendy’s hair changed from a side parting to a middle parting at some point but I don’t know where or when it happened
Wendy singing a lullaby, which is actually a nice callback to her singing “Your Mother and Mine” in the animated film
You’re telling me Hook and the pirates have never found their huge ass tower hideout and that Wendy’s gentle singing was loud enough to reach the pirates and alert them of their location?!?
JAMES?!? As in Hook?!?
“It’s a kiss - I made it for you” — ITS AN ACORN NECKLACE IM-
Peter and Hook used to be best friends?!? Hook was the first lost boy in this version?!? Lowery doing his own canon at this point, oh my god
This film really missed a trick, like it could have really heavily leaned into the dark side of Peter Pan with the whole “you must never leave” stuff he says 👀
This film really wanted to be the 2003 version so bad, like the moment where Peter walks away after their conversation about Neverland not being what she expected and Wendy calls “Peter!”… it wanted to be the Fairy Dance scene WAY too bad
Imagine walking down their stairs into a room, turning around and seeing your brothers/the whole gang of lost boys tied up and gagged 😳
Hook saying Wendy’s full name and later dragging his hook over the door was creepy ngl
“Captain Hook… I don’t think I like this adventure” *falls down 20 feet* — EXCUSE ME???
You’re telling me Peter survived a) a slash to the chest and b) a 20 foot drop?!? I mean I know he’s magical and all but…?!?
Eyyy Tiger Lily to the rescue, the women truly run this film
“Then listen… *hums awkwardly*” - I genuinely can’t tell if this film is supposed to be this weirdly hilarious or not
Mr Smee was the one who found Hook and rescued him, I’m-
“This is what growing up looks like.” “No. This is what it looks like when you grow up wrong.” - OOF
“Execute every last one of them” sounds so much worse than “become a pirate or walk the plank” like sir all they did was be kids who haven’t managed to hit puberty yet and you’ve got them all screaming like they’re about to be mass murdered (which they are) 💀
Wendy offering herself instead, “they’re only children, let them live!” - ma’am you are also a child?!?
“Let them live, they’ll be good pirates - especially those two” (meaning John and Michael)… I love Wendy stepping up and looking out for her brothers, especially given at the beginning of the film she full on blamed them for the whole mirror situation
Peter being super injured and unable to fly so Tiger Lily has to help him 🥹
Why does this pirate shanty as Wendy walks the plank actually slap hard though?!?
Tinkerbell lifting her little prison up and smashing Smee on the head so she can help Wendy, we love to see it
The fact that Wendy thinks happy thoughts stepping off the plank and it’s not just her childhood memories anymore (like in the flying to Neverland scene)??? She imagines growing up and the things she could do if allowing herself to grow up?!? 😭
The utter silence after she steps off the plank followed by Hook being like “… hang on, there was no splash?!?”
Tinkerbell damn near used every single bit of fairy dust in existence just to lift up the ship and play what is essentially a huge joke on the pirates is such legend behaviour lmao
“You have the boy’s magic.” “No, this magic belongs to no boy!” — HELL YEAH WENDY YOU ARE ALWAYS THE MAIN CHARACTER
I’ll be honest, for a film where Peter is billed first he has done VERY little besides a small duel, get stabbed and nearly die twice
The depressed pirate who goes “well wake me up before one of them kills the other… again” is such a mood lmfao same
It’s interesting that it’s Wendy with the flight skills as she fights and Peter without the flying I guess??
Wendy and Tiger Lily are literally saving every single other character’s asses at this point, like they’re the only reason anything has happened in this film
Rotating the entire ship was not something I thought I’d ever see and yet here we are
Peter falling off the upside down ship and Wendy catching him?!? And the fairy dust rubbing off onto him??? (Literally what even has Peter done in this film I feel bad for saying it but…)
I kind of like the idea that Peter and Hook intentionally don’t kill each other because both of them live for their battles and it’s almost like a game, a cycle, that Neverland lives off of? Idk if that makes sense lol
“Oh captain… Grow up.” - I CHOKED SHE GAGGED HIM
Peter grabbing Hook by the hook so he won’t fall and saying “I’ve got you James, just think happy thoughts”…???
I’ve literally only just realised that the Teddy has a fork as a prosthetic arm 💀
“It’s time to get these lost boys home” - what she REALLY means is “let’s take them back to my place and I’ll tell my parents I’ve adopted ten children on their behalf” 💀😂 that part always makes me laugh in any adaptation/version of the story, I won’t lie
So basically no time has passed in the real world while they’ve been in Neverland? No Mr and Mrs Darling keeping the window open for when their children return???
You’re telling me Peter lived in the exact same house as Wendy as her brothers???? That’s why he kept returning to that house, not because Wendy believed strongly in him or he liked her stories but because it was his old home?? 😶
“I’m just a story, told to any child who’ll listen” - oof true. Kids today don’t really know Peter Pan anymore, which is super sad - they know Tink but they’re not as familiar with Peter Pan these days
“You know, Peter… after all this… I think that to grow up… why, it might just be the biggest adventure of all. Just think of all of the things that could be right around the corner that you’re missing out on. Think of what the world is missing out on with you not being there to do them.” 👏👏👏
Wendy crying as she says goodbye to Tink 😭 “and please don’t forget about me”
Wendy carving her name under Peter’s so now it says “Peter Pan + Wendy” 😭
Hook is still alive?!? I don’t know why I’m so shocked at this point lol
The way Hook and Pan smiled at each other when Peter returned, oh boy here we go again
The end credit animations are so pretty omg
So, overall… it’s not the worst Disney remake. It’s truly not that bad, at least not enough to warrant racist morons bombing it with one star reviews. It’s definitely not a patch on the 2003 version, at least not in my opinion - that one will always reign superior, at least to me.
Some things:
I definitely feel like this film was carried by Ever Anderson as Wendy, she literally did the most and seemed the most well suited for her part overall
Jude Law was actually better than I thought he would be as Hook, Jason Isaacs is still my favourite but Jude is alright
I think Alexander Molony had the right spirit, I just think that he wasn’t given all that much to do and also it was very noticeable that he was on the cusp of adulthood already. Had the film been filmed when intended and not delayed, I think his performance would have come across better
The other kids and the pirates were super fun too, but not really given a lot to do either, which is sad. Would have loved to see more of Jim Gaffigan as Smee though
Yara Shahidi as Tinkerbell and Alyssa Wapanatahk as Tiger Lily were also amazing and big standouts, shoutout to them both!
Mentioned this above but will mention it again: I don’t understand what the point of casting a separate actor to play Mr Darling was. Yes, as I mentioned, there’s the dual casting thing - but also Mr Darling was in this film so little that there was zero sense in hiring a whole other actor to do the part??? He’s literally got a total of like one and a half minutes screentime?!?
Putting the crocodile in just the one single time was a fucking crime, I tell you! Why was he only in one single scene?!? 🐊
The CGI wasn’t the worst I’ve seen but it definitely could have been a bit better
Here’s the thing: the original animation was 1h21 and this one is 1h46… and yet this one felt way more rushed for some reason? It’s like the film hits the basic plots, like ticking them off, but doesn’t actually embellish or explore them properly. It’s just so rushed and the film suffers for it
I truly think this film would have benefited from letting us get to know the Darling children even better at the beginning before Peter arrived, because the most developed of the three is Wendy and all we know about her is she’s going to boarding school and her parents want her to be a better role model/set a better example for her brothers. All we know about John and Michael is that they’re Wendy’s brothers and they like to play fight - they don’t really feel like proper characters, they’re literally just there
I’m still waiting for a Peter Pan adaptation to just bite the bullet and give us that flash forward of Peter visiting an older Wendy, meeting Jane and taking Jane to Neverland - the 2003 version did film it but it’s deleted and the special effects aren’t done on it (you can watch it online but still)
I want to know where in Barrie’s text it says Wendy wanted to become an airplane pilot or that she actually fulfilled that ambition… ?!?!
The soundtrack was good - not the masterpiece that James Newton Howard’s is but still pretty good
Overall, I’d give it a 6/10 maybe. It wasn’t the worst Pan movie or adaptation out there but it’s not the best either, at least in my opinion. It IS one of the better Disney remakes though, and if it had been a bit longer and had a better budget then I’d say it should have had a theatrical release because the cinematography is STUNNING. It’s just that it very much feels like they rushed the story and had a smaller budget than hoped for.
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visenyaism · 8 months
Sorry not to be insane but the Renly post got me thinking and ik everyone has already beat to death the Robert and Rhaegar parallels and it's only half cooked in my brain rn however I think the Viserys and Dany dynamic parallels to Stannis and Renly are soooo insane actually. When for so long the two younger siblings have nothing to rely on but each other and they idolize but also resent the idea of their older brother in their head and also like Robert dying without true heirs thrusting Stannis back into the role of heir he hadn't had in years and is similar in my head to Viserys being thrust into being the heir after the war bc his brothers kids are killed. Baratheons fucked up dynamics under explored fr fr.
hmmmmm so i think they definitely have the idea of being a child/teenager and suddenly having to raise your little sibling in common but I think they’re sort of operating on two different character foil binaries:
Stannis around they both went through this period of seige and starvation where Renly only had Stannis and then they both responded to that differently. Stannis has his whole thing about discipline and self deprivation, whereas renly dealt with it by leaning really hard into excess and attention-seeking.  the love and power that they have is conditional on Roberts love, but the big problem for them is just that it’s unequal between them?
like in contrast the thing that viserys and daenerys are trying to cope with is not having ANY power or privilege because it was forcibly taken from them when they were ousted. Viserys copes with this by leaning into his own misrembered family history and the targaryen self-mythologization as dragons and superior beings, because he cannot give up the idea that he is destined to be king and everyone will defer him one day and then they’ll all be sorry. Daenerys copes with a childhood of not having any power or status by trying to elevate the powerless and eliminate systemic injustices once she GETS a ton of power.
Most important takeaway for me is that Stannis uses his magical shadow child to kill Renly in this act of pride and sense of duty winning out over love whereas Daenerys names, her magical dragon child after her big brother to carry on his memory in what’s very clearly an act of forgiveness.
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yuikomorii · 2 years
I hope this doesn’t bother you, Admin-chan, but I just find it odd how Ayato and Ruki are your top boys taking account they’re rivals and well…Ruki wronged Ayato in many ways and I don’t wanna be that person but he’s one of the least problematic Diaboys so I don’t get why Ruki would treat him the worst out of them all. I mean, shouldn’t all Sakamaki’s be a threat to him, why only be so mean towards Ayato? That’s what I can’t understand.
// Don't worry, it doesn't bother me! I know Ayato and Ruki have very different personalities, and I've stated several times why I love Ayato, but Ruki is my second best boy because we share many interests and a thirst for knowledge. I'm actually in the mood to write an essay about it, so please excuse the length 👉🏻👈🏻
Ayato & Ruki Analysis, let’s go!
I love Ruki; he's such an intriguing character, but his attitude towards Ayato irritates me at times, especially because he sees Ayato as some sort of privileged brat who gets everything served on a silver platter, despite the fact that we know that’s exactly the opposite taking account that this guy had been mentally, emotionally and physically abused for decades.
The Mukamis are my favorite family, but I dislike how they constantly dismiss the Sakamaki brothers' trauma and adopt the "I've got it worse than you!" mentality.
Going back to Ruki, yes, what happened to him was indeed heartbreaking but the thing is, they wanted to show how Karma hit him. We know young!Ruki was a cruel child, he punished his servants for every little mistake and considered himself superior because of his position. Now, let’s talk about young!Ayato. He was literally Ruki's polar opposite; a kind child who didn't care about his Prince status and treated everyone equally, such as the butler, who was shown caring a lot for Ayato in LE and YB.
I usually like rivalry when it’s good portrayed; I really enjoyed the Shu x Yuma and Kou x Subaru ones, I think they were really well written. However, in Ayato’s and Ruki’s case… that’s a whole other story.
Ayato despises Ruki primarily because of romantic jealousy. Ayato may appear narcissistic and confident, but many people fail to realize how insecure and low his self-esteem is. Ayato is shown in MB to believe that no one will ever love him back. He is aware that if he falls in love with someone, that person won’t reciprocate his feelings, and thus he will get hurt. That's why Ayato kept rejecting Yui there and eventually let her go with Ruki. He clearly knows Ruki is better than him in every way, he just won't vocally admit it; he knows Ruki can easily win Yui's heart, and that's why he's a threat in his eyes.
Ruki's hatred for Ayato stems mainly from power jealousy. Ruki's main goal is to become Adam, but he can't because he isn't a pure-blood vampire, so he projects his insecurities onto Ayato, who, as the main guy, is considered the true Adam. Throughout the routes, Ruki appears to be impressed by Ayato as well. He once questioned whether Ayato truly is special, but quickly dismissed that thought. Another reason is that, as mentioned in his MB brute end, Ruki believes Karlheinz loves Ayato and his brothers. He is very insecure too; he knows Ayato is stronger and has a better chance of having Eve.
I’m honestly sick of how many times Ruki has called Ayato “unworthy” of being Adam but little does he know that’s not something he chose. I suppose people really overlook the fact that Ayato doesn’t want the powers, he couldn’t care less about Karl’s plan, he just wants Yui’s love. He was literally cursed to become Adam, that’s definitely no blessing. Have you seen his awakening symptoms in MB? The guy couldn’t even control his blood thirst anymore; he was literally ill.
And, while we're at it, what exactly did Ruki do to be "worthy" of the Adam title? His orphanage plan already failed because Kou, Yuma, and Azusa were all shot, and if Karlheinz hadn't shown up, he would have most likely been gone. He basically took care of them in Eden and "trained" them, which essentially means telling them the details of his plan, while his biological children were going through nightmares.
Anyway, I'm relieved Ruki is no longer obsessed with the Adam and Eve plan. In CL, he seems less addicted to it and I'm glad CL demonstrated that Ayato would indeed help Ruki if something happened to him; he became concerned when he suddenly fainted and was eager to save him and others as soon as possible.
I doubt they'll ever become friends because their personalities clash, but it's nice to see they don't hold grudges against each other anymore.
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bettysupremacy · 9 months
Let me rant please;
I think this is unpopular but I literally love carol and Tommy, please let me explain.
Also please don’t attack me I am just a girl and I will cry. These are my opinions.
The duo= Tommy and Carol
They’re friends with Steve and everything is fine. Steve’s happy, the duos happy. I mean they literally share food in the cafeteria. That’s so adorable. They must have been friends for a good while. Then Nancy comes in. Nancy with her good grades, Nancy with the (sorry) definitely superiority complex, who never talks ill of someone, I’d be a little annoyed too. Who are you to come into my friend group and start calling us cliche ? girl I’m about to fight u.
They literally shit talk like normal teenagers I promise the world will be fine even though they talk behind peoples backs. At least it’s not to their face? idk LMFAO. A little gossip is healthy. Also Steve always seems to think what they say is funny until Nancy ruins it😒 (that was a joke please don’t hurt me)
Also it wasn’t tommy and carol who peer pressured their best friend into shotgunning a beer.. just saying.
I think everyone also started to think they were mean kids ( I mean kinda ) when they broke J’s shit, but they were so valid to do that. Like yeah they could’ve gone about it better, definitely less property destruction, but they’re 16 and they just found out (what they think is a) perv (sorry Jonathan) took photos of them partially undressed, and they just broke his camera. I’d have ruined his life!😭 if you took photos of me about to have sex with my boyfriend from my window I literally would have made sure you never got into a college, and I’m dead serious.
“I was looking for my brother” tell that to the police babe.
Also the thing about Steve getting upset with Nancy because she told the police or whatever. He doesn’t know the gravity of Barb missing like we the viewers or Nancy do. He’s a teenage boy with an abusive father who doesn’t want to get in trouble if the father finds out about him having friends over. No, he should not have told that to Nancy, but also he was valid in his feelings when he was scared for his dad to find out.
ALSO STEVE APOLOGIZING TO NANCY IM GONNA BE MANIC. “I panicked, I mean I was a total dick.” “Yeah, you were.” WHAT??????????😭 Steve may have panicked and broken the kids camera, yeah he should maybe think about apologizing for that (even though he really doesn’t need to because the kid used the camera to take photos of him naked), but he was NOT a dick for standing up for himself I’m gonna freak out. And Nancy not accepting his apology like she’s a saint in this situation? girl go to hell omfg.
And Nancy KNOWS what Jonathan did was wrong because she calls him out in the woods, oh lord.
I know someone’s gonna hate hearing me say it, but even though what Nancy did definitely was not cheating, it was most certainly disrespectful to Steve. Like here’s this boy that she knows he hates, here’s this boy that she knows definitely has some feelings for her (because he took photos of her naked while she was unaware?) and Steve comes over to apologize to his girlfriend (when he really has nothing to apologize for; besides the camera) and she blatantly lies to his face about where she’s gonna be! Like ok yeah she definitely couldn’t have told him she was going “monster hunting”, but she’s hiding the fact that she’s going to be with someone she knows her boyfriend doesn’t want her hanging around. 😭 I love Nancy tho, don’t come for season 3 or 4 Nancy I’m serious.
Another thing is when Steve and Jonathan got into that fight or whatever, they were being good friends to him ?!? honestly if I got into a fight like Steve, my best friend would have been shouting for me to kick his ass too, maybe even getting in because she can fight and I cannot, but that’s not the point. And when the cops came, they helped Steve escape. It’s just they had a poor choice of words at the gas station, but honestly their words were valid. And Tommy was a good boyfriend for defending Carol. Like, we as the viewers know Nancy didn’t cheat, and was deeply traumatized to be alone that night, but they don’t! They divulged in his delusions, let him drive to her house to check in on her, he caught her “cheating”, honestly the shit that I would have said if my bff’s boyfriend cheated on her? Hell no. Sign him up for the military, pop his tires, put mashed potato mix in his lawn before it rains, I would’ve done worse than the movie sign. But Steve cleans the sign cause he’s sweet and has better morals than me.
Honestly Steve is just plain better than me for saving J and Nancy cos if u had “cheated” on me and now intergalactic monsters r after u? have fun!!!<3 I am NOT saving your ass! And if he had listened to the duo, his heart wouldn’t have been broken 3 episodes later in season 2
In conclusion! Tommy and Carol weren’t assholes, they were teenagers, and that doesn’t make Nancy and Steve saints for seeing sense and growing up quicker. That also doesn’t make Steve and Nancy villains. None of these teens should be villainfied (is that a word ?) for being the way they are, because they’re teenagers who still have to grow and mature and some just do it quicker than others. Please stop attacking my best friends tommy and carol. They were just ride or die frl. This show is easily my favorite for the way they portray teens. It’s so incredibly accurate it hurts.
Nancy and Steve aren’t the villains but they could easily be painted to be. Tommy and carol aren’t the villains, but they could easily be painted to be. It’s point of view, which everyone has, and by that definition everyone is a little in the wrong, but that doesn’t make them world class villains and the others heroes. You’re literally the hero of your own story. I’m getting heated now I’m gonna post this ♡
Also I didn’t like barb don’t shoot me.
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heartlyrins · 16 days
I wasn’t able to catch the comments on the actual fic but judging from the ones on your post addressing this…it’s very safe to say that none of them actually read the fic. Which is fine, and I’m never going to be happy about making people read stuff which violates their boundaries, but it really doesn’t help their case when they try to claim moral superiority…(and yes that is what they’re doing. The immediate aggression and like. Not even attempting to understand the other perspective outside of their pre established expectations and stuff really doesn’t hide it)
what I don’t think people realize is that the act of tagging dark content as *dark content* is a direct acknowledgment that the work treads into ‘impure’ or ‘immoral’ grounds—which is to say that it’s an acknowledgment that this shit isn’t to be condoned IRL or anything. Like, I’m sorry, if someone is genuinely into incest (to clarify, by that I mean someone who’s like. Into it. Brings it with them IRL? Idk how to exactly define it but I think most of us know what I mean) was tagging the work, they’d wouldn’t really tag it like dark content, nor would it really carry the sinister undertones and sense of ‘offness’ that the large majority of dc fics have in my experience. I’ve gone ahead and read the thing and sure enough IT IS PROPERLY TAGGED AND ACKNOWLEDGED AS DC BY THE TAGS AND WITHIN THE NARRATIVE. THE FIC IS LITERALLY ABOUT HOW TERRIBLE AND TOXIC CODEPENDENCY IS AND AVEN AND READER’S RELATIONSHIP IS A WORST CASE SCENARIO OF TOXIC CODEPENDENCY—
Which, is to say, the way people just act on their assumptions like this is depressing. Lots of Twitter migration tho so not super surprising but it still is. Honestly I could write a whole post or essay on this because there are layers to this…like a delicious onion. but it’s really tiring seeing people just go for the throat whenever they see anything remotely ‘immoral’. Just look at the shit that went on with Andi and Leilei. They’re remaining within their own bubbles and really don’t bother to again, understand dc creators. You did link cinnamonest’s excellent post, but I really doubt any of them read it. It’s just a mob mentality, which thrives off of the immediate dopamine and adrenaline rush whenever they condemn ‘evil’ and whatnot. Idk. But also I suspect that some of the ppl who left those comments have at least read some of ur prior works, and if that’s the case…ah, yes. How I love it when people place horrendous things against each other to argue which ones more immoral. Seriously. Why should you be worried if noncon or if incest is worse?????? Both are bad and that sort of conversation is really morpnic. Are these people actually having these consequences? Yes and no. Not IRL, but there’s definitely stuff happening internally in order to, as always, justify the individuals actions. Again there’s a ton more I can say but this is getting long. I’m personally conservative with tags (tumblr search engine tags) which helps minimize it and stuff. At the very least you’re taking it in stride—I personally wouldn’t interact with them much. In another note, it’s good to see you aren’t turning a thing into a thang. If those people aren’t even going to bother to put on a veneer of courtesy, there is no reason to take them seriously
This^^^ I've been putting warnings and things on my post and I even made a whole post about if you don't like it, don't read it but they still went ahead and read it. (which I'm not even sure if they did)
Some of them immediately goes to reblogging and commenting that I erased his entire personality like I'm sorry that I'm not hoyoverse 😭
Also some of ya'll need to know the difference between having intrusive thoughts and really thinking abt it.
LIKE I DO NOT LIKE MY BROTHER, AT ALL. In fact I'm disgusted by him, the way he acts, the way he looks but still some of the Anons in my asks proceeded to tell me that my brother should get a restraining order against me??
60% of my asks are requests, 30% are people supporting me, 10% are anons who tell me to kill myself.
If you want to send me a Death threat at least don't half-ass it and don't click send anonymously, come at me haters I do not give a fuck plus ya'll thinking I actually sexually like my brother is disgusting and dumb, learn to differentiate between intrusive thoughts and controlled thoughts x
Anyways I don't want to reply to these haters anymore, I'm going to continue writing fics 🙏🏻
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alphinias · 5 months
“The girls that get it get it”
The kiss scene had me feeling HOT might have re watched a few times… wouldn’t mind a season 2 as long as they’re end game. No chemistry with the other brother I’m afraid, if anything came across creepy and gave off Jeremiah vibes, big ick for me.
Nice easy watch if you like that kind of stuff!
I rewatched the kiss several times and definitely plan to revisit it. IT WAS SO GOOD. The pulling each other in and the hand on her neck 🤭 even if the show is too trashy for you I’d recommend checking out the jackiecole kiss because!!!
I waffled back and forth on how I felt about Alex (between mild aw and wow he’s insufferable) and liked him the least in the middle of the show. I think he was mostly a nice guy and the way he was nicest to Jackie and his little lord of the rings obsession was cute, but I always get irritated fast at younger brothers who resent the cooler older brother to the point of “oh so you actually hate him yikes”. I think he’s more justified than Jeremiah but agree he gave me the ick a little at times and definitely picked up some similar vibes between the two of them. At the end of the day it’s just obvious he and Jackie aren’t right for each other and it’s one of those cases of “if you like him, why would you ship him with her?”
Superior chem aside I think it’s clear the narrative is pushing Cole. If Jackie was my friend or little sister, I’d tell her to stay the hell away, but I’m all for it in this kind of media lmao. I think he’d be endgame, at least eventually. The plot getting too out of hand for even me? Could be a possibility but I’d check it out regardless. I have serious doubts we’ll get a S2 which is why I’m really glad they at least gave us that kiss if nothing else.
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jlawbenn · 25 days
If I could pick the AFL captains:
Adelaide - don’t know enough about them but Josh Rachelle should be somewhere up there just because I like saying his surname, also he looks like he has Daicos genes in him
Brisbane - can’t stand Lachie Neale or James Hird’s metaphorical son Harris Andrews so dump them both (although I see why Lachie is up there with the multiple Brownlows) I reckon Josh Dunkley is a very good leader and he loves his club and plays wherever for the benefit of the team so he should climb up the leadership ladder, Charlie Cameron a main goal kicker I can’t stand him because he thinks he’s the superior Charlie but I’d put him up too. Also Dev Robertson for the eye candy.
Carlton - drop Cripps instantly, remove Weitering from leadership team. I’d like to see Cerra up there like deputy, Jack Silvagni because he’s so loyal to the club and the club history and loves us, I reckon TDK in the leadership team couldn’t hurt because he’s so good and seems so caring of his teammates, oh also remove Walsh from any leadership duties because he’s just too inconsistent. Not sure who I’d have as captain but Cerra is certainly always improving. Also sack our coach.
Collingwood - no change with the captain, I’m happy with Darcy Moore. But I’d definitely drop Maynard and Quaynor. It’s surprising that there’s no Daicos in the leadership team.
Essendon - I love Zach Merrett but I feel like his appointment of captain isn’t legit enough, he’s been known to play like a thug and hurt other players deliberately and I feel like that’s not very good for a captain. Very happy with Andrew McGrath as vice, would prefer him as captain but I guess the Essendon faithful don’t agree. Dyson should still be in the leadership team, I don’t get why people hate on him so much?
Fremantle - Nat Fyfe overrated but I prefer him as a captain to that creepy Alex Pearce. Don’t know much else about the team, surely Brayshaw should be up there.
Geelong - who else to take over Joel Selwood’s long reign than Dangerfield 🙄 I think Tom Hawkins or Mitch Duncan should have captained the team. But Geelong have so many good players even if they’re older, like even Jeremy Cameron. Idk I just don’t like Dangerfield. But I guess they can’t appoint a blonde because everyone would be playing ‘spot the captain’ at the games
Gold Coast - I have no care for this team but Touk Miller annoys me on another level because whenever he’s playing, my brother ALWAYS screams his name out and it’s irritating. Idk what a Jarrod Witts is. Idk I liked David Swallow there I guess no change other than drop Touk. Definitely don’t appoint Casboult he’s a proven traitor.
GWS - TOBY GREENE IS THE WORST DECISION AS AN AFL CAPTAIN SINCE RYAN GRIFFEN AND TEX WALKER! Like are you kidding me, he has to go, he’s a professional thug and a horrible opponent and never plays fair. Stephen Cogniglio should have been captain before him, and I don’t like him either. Not a fan of GWS and their backwards agenda at all.
Hawthorn - I’ve seen some absolute thuggery out of James Sicily before, especially when he was bleach blonde but idk I love Chad Wingard, id rather Chad as captain but is he still there? Does he ever play? I feel like I haven’t seen him in a million years. I don’t know many other hawthorn players but I can safely say Ginnivan in leadership role is not a good idea.
Melbourne - HATE max gawn! What a creep. Definitely think Petracca should be captain, even that Viney plate face guy, basically anyone besides Gawn, May, Hunter and Fritsch.
Norf - I love Jye Simpkin as captain but it’s so weird without Zieball, he’s been around forever but he seems so young and his retirement was so random. I don’t like MacDonald but definitely Simpkin, and I reckon Sheezel and fisher would make excellent leaders too.
Port - Idk what a Connor Rozzee is but I don’t really like Port at all, Travis Boak is a legend and it’s sad he stepped down. Maybe the 3 named one that also played for Norf, Horne Francis? He could go up there
Richmond - Dion Prestia gives me the heebie jeebies idk why. Oh wait it’s Nankervis who’s captain and he’s even worse!!! Idk, Tom Lynch could be captain but he’s such a thug so that’s not fitting. Idk, it’s hard with these young teams, some choices seem to be right out of desperation.
St Kilda - Jack Steele is an excellent option even if I can’t stand him and he has a head like an accountant. Can’t see anyone else other than Jack Higgins doing the job, and Jack seems so young, like he never ages? But also Liam Stocker would be a FANTASTIC leader but I guess because of his depression it’s too hard.
Sydney - idk what a Callum Mills is, wasn’t Paaarrkeeerrr captain? At least it’s not Heeney or Papley. ESPECIALLY Papley.
West Coast - Well they’re always tanking so I guess they’ve got the right captains!!! As long as it’s not Jack Darling I’m happy.
Western Bulldogs - super controversial opinion here but I can’t stomach Bont. Never have, never will. And there’s definitely plenty of players who could take over, like Adam Treloar (unfortunate for me because I can’t stand him either), Taylor Duryea who has the experience + hawthorn premierships, Jamarrah definitely, but sack Bailey Smith PLEASE.
No offence intended I just genuinely like sharing my backwards mean opinions lol
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birthdaycakeplate · 2 years
Earth Bot culture is having semi violent arguments over which Scooby Doo movie is the best💕
Bulkhead: Ooh, ooh, ‘Scooby Doo Meets the Boo Brothers’!
Mixmaster: Booze Brothas, definitely!
Scrapper: Yeah! I second that!
Dirtboss: You’re tha third, ya dunce.
Bumblebee: That one’s a classic, but it’s not the best. The best is-
Blurr- ‘ScoobyDooAndTheCyberchase’!
Starscream: YES! Yes- Cyberchase, all the way! It’s honestly the only Scooby film I can stand-
Bumblebee: It’s good, but it’s not the best!
Blitzwing: I actually like ze more recent Lochness Monster one.
Ratchet: Eh, I guess I do, too.... But I think ‘Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School’ wins at best Scooby Doo film, Starscream.
Blackarachnia: Finally, we agree!
Starscream: Fine, I take it back. That’s the best one.
Soundwave: Ghoul School; Superior.
Bumblebee: Ok, yes, but-
Blitzwing: Ohh, Ja! How could I forget I like zat one, too!!
Bumblebee: It isn’t about every single one that you like! It’s about which one is the best! Holy spark-
Waspinator: Waspinator like ‘Scooby Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf’ best.
Blackarachnia: I think you’re unwell....
Slipstream: Yeah, yeah, whatever. That ones worthy, I suppose. But check this out- ‘Scooby Doo and the Legend of Vampire Rock’~
Ratbat: *Shrieks*
Grimlock: That Grimlock favorite! That one best!
Bumblebee: But-
Grimlock: No contest!
Thundercracker: Certainly. Unless it’s competing with ‘Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders’, of course.
Skywarp: Oh my god, I’m in love with that movie~
Starscream: Over rated.
Thundercracker: It’s massively under rated!
Bulkhead: I liked the romance in that one.
Lockdown: I liked that it had a jackalope in it. Those are rare.
Prowl: Those are mythical....
Optimus: ....I, ah, like The Witches Ghost best....
*sudden collective screaming*
Soundwave: Obsession: Hex Girls.
Prowl: Excellent contribution. The animation quality, as well as the-
Blackarachnia: They stole my look, but I totally don’t mind~
Starscream: You wish you were as hot as Thorn, Rosie from Bug’s Life.
Blitzwing: I prefer Luna.
Sari: Ok, ok, wait! I actually can’t choose between The Witches Ghost or ‘Scooby Doo on Zombie Island’!
*More collective screaming*
Ratchet: Dammit... they’re both, too perfect. Velma really makes that movie.
Scrapper: I guess those two are in a tie for the best then-
Lugnut: No! I say The Witches Ghost is the best!
Grimlock: Grimlock disappointed in big plane with small brain.
Blurr: Why isn’t Cyberchase getting the appreciation it deserves? WHY?!
Waspinator: Waspinator changes mind to Cyberchase.
Blurr: Oh spark, ThankYouSoMuch-IWasBeginningToThinkYouAllHadSufferedProcessorDamageAtSomePoint-
*Terrified screeching*
Starscream: NO, BUT HE’S ABOUT TO BE!
Blackarachnia: You could have said anything! You could have said ‘Chill Out Scooby Doo’! Or ‘Scooby Doo and the Monster of Mexico’! Why would you do this to us?!
Bumblebee: Would you have accepted, ‘Scooby Doo and the Monster of Mexico’?
Blackarachnia: Yes! The characters are actually lovable and sincere! I would have accepted frgging ‘Scooby Doo in Where’s my Mummy’, not-
Megatron: I like the live action Scooby Doo actually.
Ratchet: Why don’t you go to hell?!
Megatron: .....The Witches Ghost is good, too....
Sari: Why don’t you just stand next to me for a while.
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merlinxmagic · 1 year
My thoughts on the s2 soundtrack
1. On the run: definitely alina mal in some dramatic chase scene in ep 1
2. Market chase: Mal (and possibly alina) running in the village in the sneak peak we got in september
3. Tolya and Tamar: Alina and Mal meet Tolya and Tamar
4. Wylan: No explanation needed but AHHHHHH. says a lot that he’s the only character with the track as simply their name. superior king
5. Come Sail Away: Dramatic moment on Nikolai’s ship, where they first set sail or smth
6. Brother: Jordie flashback (SO SOON THO, assuming the soundtrack is in order). 
7. Arriving at the Island: Nikolai’s ship docks at an island where they look for the sea whip, I haven’t read S&S in a hot minute so don’t count me on this one
8. Crows ambushed: :( Probably involves Pekka
9. Return of the Useless Grunt: No idea who this is... definitely something to do with Ketterdam and the Dregs tho
10. I’m Here for the Killers: Kaz related I’m guessing, perhaps him talking to the crows and reminding what they’re here for, inducing a ruthless mindset
11. Matthias fights: Hellgate scene ay
12. The Night We Met: Christina Strain posted this on twitter with an explosion emoji so I think we’re safe to assume it’s for wesper!! so we ARE getting tannery scene?? I’m so confused haha
13. Become the Blade: It’s mal doofuses
14. Jesper’s Past: AHHHHHH
15. Hope is Dangerous: Inej, a darker moment for her character this season (perhaps the way she is ‘tested’ that Amita referred to in an interview a long time ago?). Or maybe this is the scene in the trailer where she is fighting the Shu warrior?
16. Shu Han: Party arrives in Shu Han I’m guessing, the crows are involved too I bet since they seem to be in Shu Han in the trailer
17. The Disciple: Something to do with s&b, possibly the apparat? I need to reread that series before s2
18. I Can’t Lose You: Malina (perhaps alludes to Darkling’s remark “Are you prepared to sacrifice that which is most precious to you?”)
19. Deserve Her: Kanej or Malina, could be Helnik but I have no idea where they’re going with Nina and Matthias and if they will even meet other than in Matthias’s dreams
20. Chased: Not sure, either crows or Mal and Alina again
21. Battle at the Moat: Was this where Wylan was with Kaz and he was throwing a bomb at Tamar? I was never sure if Tamar was actually part of that scene or if they were different ones. Either of those shots are definitely involved her though
22. Stronger Than An Emerald: I’m guessing this is related to Pekka (Emerald Palace), and definitely is true since Kaz ended up refurbishing the place and renaming it The Silver Six (adorable btw). But if so, does that mean the crows have now returned to Ketterdam? Or has Pekka Rollins joined them in Shu Han? Or did they never go to Shu Han in the first place?
23. We Can Do This: Perhaps the scene with Kaz, Jesper, Wylan, Tolya, Tamar, Nikolai, and Adrik where they are watching the nichevoya and about to attack?
24. Final Goodbye: Crows part with s&b crew, or maybe the darkling and alina. Or if they reach the end of r&r and mal is about to sacrifice himself for alina?
25. Let Me Be Your Monster: Darkling, move on
26. Loss ad Sacrifice: Never mind, THIS is probably where mal sacrifices himself?? Or maybe Genya and the nichevoya?
27. Hope for the Future: Ending theme, perhaps ties in with the Inej track
28. How Will You Have Me: this is going to be the best scene in the show. 
29: Rise And Fall: idk man probably s&b related
- this season is going to be INSANE. i’m really excited and scared because I’ve been waited for this for two years and... wow. 
- no Nikolai track? Maybe ‘come sail away’ is for him?
- hyped for march 10 when i will be able to listen to them and analyze all of these further!
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juipterjim · 2 years
synopsis:  where Mikey is the one who sacrificed himself instead of Leo.
Leo’s POV …I failed…. and just when I was starting to understand what it meant to be a leader too… “MIKEYYYYYYYYY!!!!!” my voice was getting exhausted just from screaming that loud as I was practically free falling. My arms and legs move around frantically trying to gain my bearings. Eventually, I managed to face forward as I quickly drew out my odachi to open a portal. The blue light that I’ve come to love so much as a way to escape, I’ve never despised so much. As I went through the portal, I landed roughly on the ground. After lying for what felt like forever, I slowly sat up, despite my ribs being in pain and the cuts all over my body, and tried to gain a better look at my surroundings. I was clearly on a remote street with debris everywhere. Cars were destroyed, streetlights lost their light, the street cracked and the windows of buildings shattered. That was when it really hit me: my little brother is OUT THERE with that THING ALONE. Just the mere thought of him torturing my brother makes me feel sick to my stomach.
“Le…Leo…come in Leo! LEO COME IN!! LEO!!” I hear Raph's voice.
“ Yea... Yea I’m here I’m here.”
I could hear the relief in his tone. “Alright. I’m just glad you’re okay. Is Mikey there with you?”
I automatically freeze up. Not sure how to tell him without breaking down in the process. So I stayed silent.
“...Leo?....where… IS MIKEY?!?” his voice gradually got louder. I know it’s not out of anger, but fear. I can’t even imagine how Donnie's feeling right now.
“He um…. He’s… still up there…” “...what did you just say?.....”
complete and utter silence is on the other end. I’m glad I’m not there with everyone to see their facial expressions cause I don’t think I could handle it. The silence continues to last for one second…two…three…
“WHAT?!?!?! HOW-” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE’S STILL UP THERE?!?!” Donnie cuts Raph off completely.
“UM, IT MEANS EXACTLY WHAT IT MEANS GENIUS!!” I know that was uncalled for, but I'm already freaking out too much to care.
Automatically, I hear Raph's voice trying to contact Mikey. “MIKEY?!? COME IN MIKEY?!?! MICHEAL!!!” ….
Mikey’s POV I slowly begin to catch my breath after somehow miraculously dodging that hit the krang was aiming for me. When I saw Leo taking the hit for me, I was already freaking out. “LEO NOOOO!!” I cry out. Luckily, I saw him make a portal so I know he managed to make it out, but just the thought of him all bruised up because of me really did something to my insides. But I have no idea if Raph and Donnie made it out okay. In anger, I turn back to the one that was responsible for this: that horrible, HEARTLESS krang. “SUCH a shame that he couldn’t handle my SuPeRiOr strength and skill. He’s not suited for the image of KRANG!!” I heard it say with so much confidence
“....how could you?....” I mutter quietly
It turns its head to me. I REALLY wanted to wipe that SMIRK off its stupid face and decimate his armor that he really only has going for him. I can feel my alternate persona, Dr.Delicate Touch, surface out of me. “HOW…. COULD YOU?!?!” my voice completely lost its usual joy and cheerfulness and took on a more serious, darker tone. If my brothers were here right now, their legs would be quacking cause they’re definitely not used to seeing this side of me. It’s something that I try to repress.
Its face turns into one of mockery. “ awwwww. Are u wUpSeT that YoUr BrOtHeRs ArE GoNe NoW?” I can detect the fake sympathy a mile away.
“ YOU’RE NOT LEAVING HERE ALIVE…” I slowly whip out my nunchucks and draw out the mystic energy from them. The orange glow radiated brightly from it.
“Is that so? You won’t stand a chance against me. You’ll join your brothers down there soon enough” he declares, beginning to enter into a battle stance, then dashes towards me at the speed of light.
“We’ll see about that…” I dash towards him as well…
Raph and Donnie’s POV
While Raph was continuing to scream Mikey’s name, I was frantically searching for a light post, a lightbox, literally ANYTHING that had wires so I could reach my little brother. My battle shell was completely drained from its power, but I couldn’t find anything. That is until I managed to find a lightbox. I rapidly pull out the wires, and just smash the wires into my battle shell, my hands just shaking. I couldn’t connect the ends correctly with my trembling hands.
“What?!! WHAT?!?!”
Raph just looks at me with a frantic expression, but his voice is surprisingly calm.
“ I know you’re worried. I’M worried too. But we gotta try to calm down and think of something so we can save him” I already know he turned on his big brother mode just by saying this.
Big arms suddenly wrap around me. I quickly stiffened. Raph knows that physical affection isn’t my thing so why is he doing this?
“ You know it’s not all on you. I’m the oldest. It’s my responsibility to keep the family safe. We WILL think of something. Mikey WILL come back home to us”.
My eyes threaten to come up with tears, but I somehow manage to suppress them and I slowly hug him back. He guided me through some breathing techniques to get me to calm down. We stayed like that for a good two minutes.
Once his arms unravel from me, his face looks more resolved than it did before.
“Now…what’s the plan Donald?”
Let me know if y’all want a part two🙃
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fukuokanodivision · 2 months
Eko’s Thoughts On MIHANSA
Tumblr media
Sanyu Inouye-
“Another Chuohku experiment? What have those ‘lovely’ ladies done this time…Man, And I thought I’ve been broken to pieces, But Inouye-san, She’s got it way worse. While I’ve been the “superstar” walking the streets of Fukuoka like I owned the world, I could’ve actually done something with my life. She’s one strong person who’s definitely got the guts to speak her mind, a trait I like about people.
Tasuku Kawanoe-
”Ah, ‘Fukuoka’s one-eyed bastard’ as they say. To be completely honest, I’ve learned about this guy from Mai a lot. I remember them telling me about him when they picked up Kawanoe-san’s team member from work, But it still pangs in me for him being judgemental, ‘Weak’ and ‘Scrawny’, seriously? Nevermind, He seems pretty mysterious, Like one of those ‘phantoms’ just drifting through the streets.”
Ming Kawanoe-
“Aside from her brother, Kawanoe-chan I’ve also heard of from Mai too. As I remember, They were performing on the streets and next thing I know, they’re teaching dance at a nearby school. The students seem very nice to them and even ask about me, but that’s not the point. Not to be rude, but Kawanoe-chan has to be the nicest out of the 3, Unless Inouye-san is less ‘dominating’ and Kawanoe-san holds his tongue. She’s pretty sweet and I like that about her.”
“Oh, have we got a solid set of challengers here! Originally, I know they’ve been forced into the DRB first by those ‘lovely’ ladies in Chuohku, so it’s no surprise they’ve been through way more than we have. To be honest, My minds telling me we should just drop out and let them take the crown. Not like I’m cut out for this, but they were the early birds that got the worm. Besides, I think I have too much of a superiority complex over my idol work and after all, I’m just one and a billion faces of idols in Japan. There’s no point now, I know we’ll have to face them. Only one team can represent Fukuoka, Maybe they’ve been through how much, but it’s time I give them a little taste of a true mic’s power if they have to represent our division in the end…”
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crowlore · 9 months
lately i’ve been lingering on thoughts about how i’ve failed as an older brother. i was never the worst, sure. but now that all my siblings are adults i’m again confronted with the reality that i haven’t been much of a guide or role model in nearly a decade. my youngest sister goes away to college in a few months and i find myself drafting up all the lessons i would have wanted to share with her but petrified by the idea of actually reaching out.
being in the autumn birthday group of my class often made me the oldest in the friend group throughout my school years, which made me feel really cool as a kid combined with always being told i was so mature for my age, etc. some of you are definitely familiar with this sentiment.
when i dropped out of high school and enrolled at my community college instead, i was suddenly the youngest person in every class i attended and i realized quite harshly i wasn’t actually that mature or well read or intelligent. i had been, more so than others my age, but i struggled for a long time to accept i still had things to learn from others. and that’s something you have to be wary of your entire life, really - that there will always be someone who can show up and tell you you don’t know as much as you thought you did. it made me begin to unlearn my superiority in a way that wasn’t productive or healthy, instead being replaced by inferiority and doubt.
the trick against embittering yourself is to see it as an opportunity for growth. if you love learning new things like i do then it’s much easier to remind yourself there’s always something new to learn from others. accept ignorance, ask forgiveness if you overstepped your bounds, and open your mind to new information. otherwise, rely on empathy. the experiences of others can inform your worldview just as much as their own if you allow it. biases aren’t innate, they’re taught, and you can unlearn them through emotional sincerity and connecting with others.
i’ve been out of college for years now, though i’ve learned far more outside of it than i ever did during six years of it. my baby sister is stubborn, just like me, just like our mother who made us that way. i like to think she’s not as resentful of change as either of us though. i also hope that she can teach me something next time i see her.
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silverbladexyz · 1 year
hellooo congratulations on 100 followers!! I would like to request a matchup
name: Benni
mbti: enfp
pronouns: she/her
hobbies: writing and reading stories, drawing (mostly random poses) and gossiping
I get along with most people, except ignorant people who think they are superior.
Interesting fact: I have a lot of energy spikes and anxiety. I love old stuff too.
I know about all the novels, don't worry
Hii Benni my fellow Stormbringer fan! Tysm, and I hope you like your matchup ^-^
The images do not belong to me. They belong to their original owners.
Your parent figure is... ICEMAN!!!
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-He’s a pretty chill dad actually; the chillest out of all the Flags
-You’re also one of the few ones to see his good-natured side. When he’s not killing or being professional for his work, he’ll just chill around with you and have a few conversations with you
-Iceman doesn’t really have a lot of spare time, but he would be totally down to try out some of your hobbies! He’ll go out to libraries and book stores to get some books to read with you, and even read to you if you wanted him to. I headcanon he has a deep but smooth voice that’s perfect for putting you to sleep
-He would like to read your stories, and when you tell him that you thought it was bad, he didn’t understand. Literally was like ‘why would you call a good piece of writing trash?’. Does give you feedback for your writing and what he would recommend to do to improve it
-Draw him!!! Iceman would be a bit confused on why you would suddenly sit beside him while sketching on a piece of paper, but when he sees the end product he is pretty impressed. Definitely hangs it up on his bedroom wall, along with your other drawings
-Gossiping? Fill him in on all the juicy tea girl!!! Iceman is the type to lay back and not intervene into other people’s business, but he would like listening to you talk because he is 100% a listener. Please keep him up to date with the dramas that’s happening, because Lippmann is getting tired of filling him in on the Port Mafia gossip lol
-I feel like Iceman would find your energy spikes refreshing, because he is quite taciturn most of the time. Think of it like an ‘introvert-extrovert’ vibe. However, if you were to have an energy spike when you are trying to sleep, he would be perfectly happy to brew you some chamomile tea, and read a few stories to help you fall asleep. Damn Iceman you should be my sleep therapist
-He would teach you self-defence if you asked him to. He wouldn’t teach you how to kill people, but Iceman would inform you on what each hit could do and it’s severity to the human body. Since he works in the Mafia, he doesn’t want any enemies coming after you, even though he probably is capable of killing them
-Speaking of enemies, Iceman would kill anyone who hurt you. No questions asked. Don’t bother talking him out of it, because if anybody hurt someone he cared for, they’re already dead to him
-Anxiety is an emotion that Iceman has not felt for a long time, but he will try to calm you down if you were feeling very anxious. He would listen to you talk, make you tea and even hug you if you wanted him to. He’s the best at calming you down, and he would never be tired of comforting you too
-Old stuff? Iceman loves listening to his old records, and he definitely likes old things too. Takes you out shopping at old antique shops, and would definitely keep some stuff that reminds him of you
-Takes you to visit the Flags sometimes, and they all love you. Albatross would sometimes laugh at how you and Iceman were so different personality wise, but still had the strongest bond with each other. Pianoman talks to you about art, Doc just chills around with you, Chuuya looks after you like a brother figure, while Lippmann gossips with you (he has a LOT of tea to spill). It secretly warms Iceman’s heart to see you getting along with the Flags
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asianonymous · 2 years
A few nights ago, I entered a tournament for the first time. It’s a small shop near where I work. I’d been eyeballing it for a couple of weeks now; the shopkeeper advertises its tournaments on the buy and sell group. A few things drew me towards it - the fact that it was close to my work but also, it had reported very low numbers, and it happened on a Friday night. Perfect! I wanted it to be small so I wouldn’t be overwhelmed by a sea of people and the noise; and I wouldn’t have to go to work the next day. Surprisingly enough, I won. We played 3 rounds of swiss; it started around 8 and we finished by 9 which was perfect. I was incredibly nervous at the beginning, made a few misplays / illegal moves but people were really nice about it. It’s helped me learn, to be honest. The only problem is I finish work at 3… so there’s a 5 hour wait in between. I don’t know if I can wait that long. My friend said I should go watch a movie. I’ll see if I can catch up with people as well. I’ve also started spending more money on buying things I want. I guess I’ve given into hedonism. Mind you, I’m not spending out of my means but I’ve definitely spent quite a bit this past month, catching up on older cards that I never bought. It’s a bit embarrassing to admit but… I honestly felt superior to my brother for being able to control my spending. I thought it meant that I had good self control for being able to not give in to hedonism. I saw hedonism and spending money on yourself as a bad thing. I’d been consuming media telling you not to buy liabilities and that you should save and invest. I definitely have a lot of pent up frustrations - from both not indulging myself by buying overpriced cardboard as well as not playing as much as I’d like to. I read a quote about living life to the max… it was acknowledging that one Saturday in our lifetime might be our last; nothing is permanent so why not live life to its fullest? At the end of the day, you can’t take anything with you so one might as well enjoy it while you can. Why let others judge you for how you spend your money? Also, why judge yourself so harshly? I think I’ve been sleeping a lot better because I’ve given in to retail therapy. I’ve definitely spent less time thinking about the cards I want to buy, now that I’ve purchased them. I guess it’s buying a piece of mind; the price one pays for neuroticism. I’ve done the same thing for a virtual card game. I thought I’d never spend money on pixels but I used to binge play the game, spending hours and hours on end, trying to get in-game currency, just to buy one pack; then trying to save in-game resources. All of that was super stressful. I just wanted to have fun. So I gave in and haven’t looked back. I can now enjoy the game and support the developers. I spend less time worrying about the in-game resources. I do feel guilty about spending a bit but it’s freed up a lot of my time trying to grind resources and worrying over how to spend them. I think I’ll be invincible once that nagging voice that makes me feel bad for ‘wasting’ money disappears. It’s the price one pays for comfort. I can’t help I’m drawn to such avocations; I should be glad they’re not out of my means.
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sugrbugz · 2 years
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𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑠 + 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑒𝑠
hello darlings! i hope you all had a good holiday and i wish you all a lovely new year! <3 here’s some of my kink headcanons for the demon brothers + a few undateables !
cw: mentions of cnc, somno, piss kink, lactation, and other bdsm dynamics!
contains: dom!lucifer, harddom!satan, switch!mammon, switch!asmo, sub!levi, top!beel, top!belphie ;) 18+ ONLY!
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breeding - the little shit thinks he’s so much better than anyone else. that being said, he love to hold you in a mating press where you simply have to just take his babies
degradation - this one sorta explains itself. like i said in the first one, lucifer sees himself as superior: especially to humans. he’d say things to you that he doesn’t mean of course, things like “silly human, you think you can ever be as good as me?” and “pathetic, weak, excuse of a demon. look how you crumble below me” <3
power dynamics - this also ties in a little bit with corruption. lucifer would like knowing/pretending that his authority is higher than your own. things like student/teacher, master/pet, doctor/patient: he’d like that stuff more than he’d like to admit.
pet play - do i even need to explain this? yes yes i do. of course his favourite would be the kitties but he loves his puppies and bunnies just as much. he’d get really really into it. sometimes he forgets you’re actually not an animal. he’d buy you collars all the time, toys for when you’re in petspace and even a big cozy bed for you to lay on at his feet when he’s reading <3
impact play - i don’t care what anyone wants to think of satan, that man would never hurt a hair on your head unless you asked for it. so when you’re sobbing across his lap, cheeks red and swollen from being smacked so much just remember it’s because you asked for it. he’d be so fucking condescending, “awh what’s the matter? does that hurt? you poor little thing. how about ten more? that’ll really shut you up huh?”
public sex - specifically, sex in places where he knows you two could easily be caught. i’m not talking in a stall in the bathroom, i’m talking the middle of a restaurant, library, mall, wherever. the idea of someone catching you guys does more to him than he’d like to admit. always just pushing your panties to the side and slipping in whenever he wants <3
praise kink - HIS ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE!! this is both giving and receiving. specifically with receiving however, he would literally melt the second you told him he was doing good, calling him a good boy, even just moaning his name followed by curses is enough for him. he could cum untouched just from your compliments <3
sugar mommy/daddy - not exactly a kink but definitely a fantasy. he’d love having someone pay for his own expenses, taking him on lavish trips and shopping sprees. he’d be so grateful, doing whatever he can to make his mommy or daddy happy…and get some extra grimm in his pocket.
thighfucking - oh my diavolo he would simply lose his mind. mammon really just has a thing for grinding in general. he loves fucking his pillows, pretending they’re you’re luscious thighs. he just wants to sink his teeth into them, mark them all up and tear them to shreds. sometimes instead of asking to be inside you he’ll beg to fuck your thighs instead, taking out load after load out onto them until they get slick and sticky with his cum <3
forced feminization - he likes this a lot more than he’d like to admit. asmo already doesn’t have a problem with dressing more feminine, i think he believes clothes have no gender. however..putting him in a skirt, thigh highs, and a little bralette while he sits in your lap, you doing his makeup with a vibrator shoved so nicely into his ass? he could fucking cry.
corruption - i simply believe asmo would love watching innocent people turn into absolute lust hungry beings. he’d love the power it fills him when he watches an innocent pretty little baby beg him for more and more of his pleasure and time. bonus points if you give him those sweet puppy dog eyes, showing off just how ready and aroused you are for him.
aphrodisiacs - this is a little bit like cnc, he would of course ask for your consent before doing anything like this. he’d wait until you were tired, having been fucked already so much by him that you almost don’t feel anything from the waist down. he’d sit beside you, running a hand through your hair before whispering, “my poor thing..you look so worn, but i’m not ready to be done..let’s say you take this pill and let me do what i want okay? you’ll be a good girl/boy/baby right?”
roleplay - aaaaaaaah where do i even start? levi would LOVE acting out as someone he isn’t, especially in bed. it lowkey all started when you found his ruri-chan cosplay. being his dom, you forced him to wear it for you, putting on a whole cute little idol show with a vibrating cockring pleasing him the whole time. he’d never admit it but it was the hottest day of his life.
piss kink - OKAY BEFORE YOU ALL START YELLING: this boy is an absolute menace okay? he would have so many ‘gross’ and considered taboo kinks due to all the fucking hentai he consumes. so when he asks you to piss on him? you had to fight michael AND diavolo not to laugh. he’d pout and beg for it..that’s when you’d give in. let’s just say it wasn’t all that bad for either of you, you just enjoy making your little perv happy <3
cbt (shibari as a bonus!) - aaaah please step on his pathetic cock with your heels!! he’d love it so much. the tears that would be streaming down his face but the way his cock twitches so eagerly under you is enough to make you want to ruin him. you’d also do this mostly when he’s tied up all pretty for you so he can’t pull at your foot or make you stop in any way, just wiggling under you helplessly as he should be !
lactation - okay listen..i don’t see beel as a particularly kinky guy. he’s more on the soft and gentle side of things and definitely treats you like fine china. so when you’re curled up in bed with him, this massive compared to your size demon, would absolutely be sucking on your chest like his life could depend on it. even if you weren’t in a position to actually make milk he’d sure as fuck try. he thinks it would just taste so good <3 not even realizing what he’s giving away when he tells his brothers human milk tastes good. <33
food play - the obvious! however there isn’t enough beel food play on this app! he’d be so cute about it, terribly shy to even offer it up. he doesn’t really say much, just slowly pulls out a can of whipped cream, pinning you back, and going to town. he’d put it everywhere. your tummy, chest, thighs, ass cheeks, tongue, anywhere. sometimes he’d even use something like strawberry syrup, mumbling on and on about how he was so hungry for you, absolutely ready to devour you <3
breeding kink - okay so unlike lucifer, his breeding kink is more domestic. watching his partner interact with little kids, maybe even cooking a meal for him in the kitchen with your apron on. you could literally have this man by the balls while fully clothed. so when you question why you’re seeing your usually rather sweet boy so gentle when he fucks you absolutely ruin you till your shaking? it’s because he just wants to see you be domestic with his babies <3 aaaah i love beelzebub <33333
somnophilia - we all saw this one coming i know, but allow me to elaborate. belphie with you pressed deep into his chest as the little spoon just trying to sleep when you feel something twitching against your ass. he can’t help but grind to make himself feel good, who could even blame him? eventually he’d feel even worse when you let out a few tiny whines of fatigue. “shhh..it’s okay..let me take care of you alright? you don’t have to wake up yet just be a good girl/boy/baby for me okay?”
cnc - similar to asmo, he would simply manipulate you into wanting more of him. he’d use his own magic on you, terrorizing your dreams with images of himself absolutely tearing into you. watching how you squirm and even sometimes try to touch yourself while dreaming of him? is so hot to him sometimes he just starts fucking you without permission. he knows you won’t mind. sometimes he even puts sleeping meds into your nightly cup of water so he can take out all his pent up feelings from the day into your sleeping body <3
breath play - so we all know he’s got a thing for choking, but i would take it further than that. i think he’d love to make the decision on when and when you can’t breathe. he’d never let you die of course and it would take so much care and dedication but for you it’s worth it. he’d squeeze hard at first watching your body’s natural response to giggle, then watching as your face turns pink..then red..and soon almost pale before he lets go, allowing you to gasp for air. he does it in-between deep thrusts, his timing matches with how he fucks you. on occasions when you have passed out he would stop the scene immediately however and make sure you’re okay with some water. it was definitely embarrassing to explain to his brothers why you have hand marks on your neck.
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aaaah that was so fun to write, it’s my first time writing more taboo kinks so please forgive me if it’s a little bit off! :3 can you guess who my favourite brother is? hehe
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