#and itll be your first playthrough
ria-starstruck · 4 months
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does this crossover make sense? no. are the games similar at all in core themes message or story? like not really i guess. would the characters even get along? not at all! did i draw them anyway? sure did!
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neproxrezi · 7 months
it's always great in elden ring when the exact moment a character's plot relevancy expires they drop dead on the spot
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cale-alchemist · 3 months
The snow queen has been my favorite fairy tale for a while, and I’d love to hear more about it in your magical girl akechi au!!
It should be noted that they did use it in P5S but it was pretty forgettable imo
Tbh I've only ever played/watched playthroughs of the mainline games (p1-p5royal) and none of the side games like strikers. But I'll look into its appearance in P5S! Itll probably help with design and figuring out its skillset (I'm not much of a persona designer. I've always focused more on human designs than creature ones) thanks for telling me!
I still need to re-read the snow queen before getting any more concrete thoughts but I'll probably expand more on it when I work on the design for the outfit and persona!
Rn I really like the idea of the actual persona being the boy. Or having the queen be the persona and akechis outfit based off the boy.
I feel like the story of the girl going to save the boy, who had the mirror shards and had been kidnapped by the ice queen. Could work for a metaphor for Akira's attempts to save akechi?
Beyond akechis and akiras relationship though I'm thinking of it as the hermit arcana because I feel like the boy, sitting alone in the ice queens palace for months with the shards corrupting himself fits akechi really well. And it fits the hermit since the hermit is about being alone and analyzing oneself.
This au very much is going to be a akechi redemption one. And I think he'd get this persona around when he's first starting to actually realize that he isn't happy with betraying the thieves killing shido and then most likely being killed by a associate of shido or killing himself. Which eventually with the help of the hermit confidant turns into a new spirit of rebellion for him (I'm not sure who I want the hermit to be yet. Futaba I'm definitely leaning towards. I don't think he had a social link with wakaba but he definitely knew her due to her working under shido on the metaverse. I also imagine she was one of the very first people he killed.)
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druckers · 1 year
Andreas maler and/or magda for the character questions?
answering both because they are my friends ^_^ (spoilers obv)
for andreas:
first impression honestly its been about 6 months and ive done 3 other playthroughs since my first so i dont have the best memory of it. i was very charmed by him as a protagonist but i think it took me until my second playthrough to really get a good feel for who he is
impression now i adore him and adore how well his character arc is finished up. everytime i go back for a replay i put more and more little things together about him and he feels like someone i know. i love following him throughout the story and grieving with him and just going through all of my goddamn emotions playing as him. i shit you not i think hes just one of my favorite videogame protagonists ever
favorite moment i feel like its a little cheesy saying the windmill with ulrike and little andreas because its the last proper scene in the game but everything about it gets me.. its a very small ending but i feel like its perfect. theres a routine in it being right before supper. hes spending time with the kids and getting their energy out for maybe a half hour before they sit down and eat... it shows how well hes settled into tassing and how hes recovering and how he really is loved by the people there i think.
idea for a story with the nature of pentiments setup in acts with timeskips inbetween i think you can do a lot to fill in the blanks. i want to know more about josef and daniel and the rest of his family or how he tried to raise august or how his first week or so with caspar was or how he got to know magdalene for the few months before she left for prague. i have something drafted (no idea if itll ever get finished though) thats about him and the druckers before the events of act 1 and how you go about integrating a traveling artist into your family unit
unpopular opinion see the nice thing about pentiment being kind of niche is i havent seen any really shit opinions that end up as Major Shit Opinions but i will always have contempt in my heart for the people who say andreas never dying doesnt do anything for the story
favorite relationship sorry this is a garrett tumblr user druckers moment but his friendship with claus (and with marie and bert before they died- the lines talking about how fond they all were of eachother get me) HIIIIIITS i love how perfectly they parallel eachother and how those parallels highlight the differences that led to them falling out. and i love how they both still really care for the other despite everything. goddamn!!!!
favorite headcanon weird thing is i really dont have a lot of headcanons for most of the pentiment characters? hes bisexual though
for magdalene:
first impression also dont remember it very well for previously listed reasons but i Also feel like i missed out on a lot of act 3 my first goaround. but i got attached to her very fast in both acts. was very very very charmed when she waddled over to caspar in act 2 and said hi to him that entire interaction is adorable...
impression now she is my EVERYTHINGGGGG act 3 is my favorite out of all of them and i love her as a protagonist i love (similar point to andreas) putting so many little things about her together when i go back and play the game again. shes the character i connect with the most and everything about her story hits an extremelyyyy personal spot for me. following her progress on the mural and how its a rite of passage for her and how it connects her to both her mother and her father. waaah
favorite moment exploring in the abbey in act 3... seeing her trying to work through everything that happened the night of the revolt :-[ i feel like it gives you a lot of tiny insights into her character. also cool mural parallels wrt preserving history. to me that entire sequence reads as her rummaging around in the remains of the abbey for both her own research and for any bit of closure she can find because its her first time being there in 18 years. the music (which even lyrically fits her, i think) and the general atmosphere has just like. gotten itself stuck in my mind. its my favorite scene in the game.
idea for a story written letters between her and everyone back in tassing with little bits inbetween showing how her and the sommerfelds are getting along in prague. i have another thing drafted (unsure if it will ever be finished) with her and andreas on the night claus passes.
unpopular opinion repeat of the "niche videogame so there are not a lot of bad opinions that are widely agreed upon" point but anyone who insists shes too bitchy or shes not a good protagonist compared to andreas is getting a personal throttling courtesy of ME. act 3 is everything to me.
favorite relationship sorry garrett druckers moment. saying this as a son who spent most of his life as a daughter everything about her and claus makes me cry and throw up i see myself in her and i see my dad in him. they love eachother so much and all of the tiny ways its shown through lines of dialogue or animations or expressions.. the hardest i have ever cried over a videogame was during the conversation they have after the feast. ive been working on typing up an entire post on the mural and how its significant to both of their characters but given how much time i spend thinking about them it will probably take a very long time to actually finish writing. i want to say more but alas it will probably end up deeply personal... just please take away that claus and magdalene are some of the most important characters to me ever. (shoutout to esther too i adore her. her letters and how much her and magda love eachother.... never EVER forget it) (also shoutout to baltas also all 4 of my playthroughs had tinkerer as one of her skills and i love hanging out with him. i go back and bother him as much as possible trying to find any other bit of dialogue i can)
favorite headcanon shes a lesbian :^]
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rabbitgardens · 1 year
welcoem to my fuck house
Red | 20 | it/its | main blog
making this sideblog to meet people to play games with and justify my ffxiv subscription!
I dont have very much experience with mmos, and my histories with both gw2 and ffxiv are Falling Madly In Love With It Before Ive Even Beaten The Tutorial and Buying All The Expansions and immediately falling off because of some kerfuffle or another game catching my attention. But i wanna get back into them now!
this blog is a big fat work in progress so mind the dust, I’ll make a proper character list with art/pictures and shit Later
(current list under readmore!)
Revylin- it/any sylvari, cycle of dusk,mesmer. Just call it Revyl! My current main im using to relearn the game! Got converted to the nightmare court as a sapling for its higher than usual magical aptitude, had an Awful Time and was rescued by the Wardens before it could become a knight. Now travels around tyria pursuing a wyld hunt he cant remember (itll be fine!! itll come back to him itll be fiiiiiine) working as a dancer/storyteller before getting tangled up in the Plot
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Irysel- she/they sylvari elementalist. max level commander from my original 2019 playthrough! idk if i’ll ever play her again but i remember having such a blast with elementalist i’ll probably try her again eventually
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Rika Sunstalker- he/they ash legion charr thief. old dnd character made gw character! the campaign he was in stopped so now he only exists here! a gladium, formerly rika sunblaze, who got his warband killed?? Somehow??? and took the stalker name/joins a pirate crew of other disgraced charr to travel and see the world (still working his details out adldjd)
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(I havent made these next few characters ingame yet, but plan to once im farther along!)
Irene- he/she sylvari, cycle of noon, guardian. Warden turned adventurer turned revyl's travelling partner (and eventual co-commander and lover!) Very devout dreamer with a strong sense of justice and desire (read: overwhelming uncompromising need) to be the pale tree's most devout, prized, heroic son. Travels around tyria working up the ranks of the vigil, trying very very Vewy hard to fuffil a wyld hunt she cant remember (all he knows is that it Must be tied to revyl. thats why she feels that way whenever revyl looks at her, right?)
Toymaker Tazzi- she/it/they asura, college of dynamics, necromancer. toymaker who wants to Optimize fun. wants to algorithmically derive the perfect way to Have The Most Fun. do not let her get in contact with revyl shenanigans will ensue
Captain Ashlynn Wednesday- she/any blood legion charr elementalist. another old dnd character hit with the Youre A Charr Now beam! gladium, originally a warrior who nearly drowned during a mission and made a pact with a (dead god?? sea spirit?? sea demon??) to get her elementalist magic, potentially terrifying amounts of magical power held back by the fact that shes a Little Stupid and more likely to blow herself up than anyone else-
Ciel D’luxe- he/they viera summoner/archer hes my little meow meow so full of problems. hes a drag queen. he has trust issues. hes trying to find love even though he thinks hes the wettest most miserable man in eorzea. his ex is hunting him for sport. the only reason he became a summoner was because he saw a carbuncle for the first time and Lost It. hes a bitch hes a lover hes my little booboo bear
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(havent made these characters ingame yet but plan to!)
alta haragin- she/it au'ra pugilist/lancer (or pugilist/gladiator? i know i can technically have all three but shes gotta have two Mains yknow), Rapscallion Criminal turned pit fighter turned adventurer turned ciels girlfriend and co-captain of ciels adventuring party
drakaz verkach-he/him hroth hhhhheavy armor class of some sort. maybe he'll be the gladiator. the beavis to altas butthead. just here for a good time! please pay no attention to my myriad mental health issues/simultaneous identity crises
(this last guy is a joke character but i honestly cant gey him out of my head maybe ill make him a retainer like i wanna do with kaz)
nagayuki ittetsu-any pronouns au'ra(?) spellcaster who wants to ammase enough power to Become A Primal. he is always and forever getting tricked by ascians/beast clans/random fucking guys and gets Almost Murdered several times-
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antarctite · 2 years
hihi hii ant!! asking u bc u the only Inscryption enthusiast i know :] /lh
what is the better experience of the game? watch the playthrough or play it myself ? /gen
srry if i answered this rlly late i just woke up <//3
i watched like. 5 complete playthroughs before playing the game myself and its still a wonderful experience, so if you decide to watch playthroughs first and then play it i dont think itll effect your experience much !!
but, if you want to figure out the mechanics and puzzles for yourself, go with the game first !! theres also kaycees mod which u can play after the base game n its a lot of fun so definitely do that also
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
Hey, question!
Does Viewtiful Elvis from the godhand game counts for your collection of silly failure men?
Just asking.
i literally gasped upon seeing this ask: YES!!!!
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of course he counts!!!! he's an absolute goof, he's got a great voice, and he's such a fun design. he's honestly gotta be my favourite out of the main 4 demons of the game. like if you watch or play the game, he's such a fun character, like there's a moment when you first encounter him and he smokes his cigar, then just tosses it to the floor and stomping it out to look cool, before kinda stumbling a bit to pick it back up and going back to smoke it, it's very charming to me and i love him.
i ESPECIALLY love how his demon form looks, like i genuinely love his design so much i can't put it into words, like you don't understand:
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he shoots fireballs n stuff from his mouth and bites you if you don't dodge him from the front, it's a very fun fight (just from watching it atleast). i think i just really like characters with a monster form a lot, just look at Zarbon for example!! i just gaze and smile :)
one thing i absolutely love in Godhand near the end is the respect Gene has for him, even quoting "If you weren't a demon, we could've been friends", and saying stuff like "If you see the big guy in hell, tell him I said hi" and like anytime i rewatch gameplay of Godhand and hear those quotes i get emotional 🙄👋 (me fanning myself to hide my tears)
i love a clumbsy character, and viewtiful elvis is such a good contender for silly failure men. but he's not a failure to me babes :)
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givrali · 2 years
hi gamers im pretty much finished with my playthrough of pokemon shining pearl, i have about 80 hours on there right now so heres my review!
i dont normally post game reviews but since many of you know me as that sinnoh loving guy i figured reviewing a game i wanted for such a long time, a remake of one of my fav generation's pokemon games would make sense, and its easier to post that kind of thing on tumblr so here it goes. also this whole review is spoiler-free.
summary - i really like this game and i recommend it to anyone who loves diamond and pearl or has interest in playing them for the first time! they fix a lot of issues with the originals however there are many missed opportunities thatll talk about under the cut. this game is a good return to form of the adventure that many of us older fans felt when we first played these games as kids. i do not want this to seem like a huge blow to these games but they are not without flaws either.
I know the chibi art style was a huge miss by many fans when it was first shown off, but ive always found it cute and fitting of the game. in its final form, the graphics of bdsp are very charming and cute and the natural scenes and backgrounds are better than theyve ever been in a mainline title. this game really does feel like how we would have imagined it as kids! the top-down style works best for this type of game and its very polished. if you still arent sold on the style, i promise that if you just get into the game and start playing it for a bit itll convince you. also this game lacks screen tearing that the originals had (yay!) and the overworld is a lot nicer to look at color-wise.
I have to say i was kind of worried about what they'd do with the music, because it is probably my favourite out of the whole series, but its actually breathtaking and many tracks are a million times better than they were before. they really emphasized the jazzy-ness of this game's music which i really appreciate haha. they even added some new tracks for the post-game area and also the DS sounds key item which is so so great.
new additions:
bdsp greatly expands on the underground feature by letting you catch pokemon down there! this is a feature i never knew we needed but now that we have it oh man i could never go back. its so fun hunting for pokemon down there and digging for statues. i do kinda wish there was more multiplayer stuff you could do down there, cos rn all you can do really is dig together, but honestly thats fine by me since i didnt even get to do That in the originals.
this game also changes how contests work compared to the original dppt. i do kind of miss being able to dress up your pokemon but i do have to wonder how that would even work in a 3d game. anyway i do like the new "rhythm game" approach to pokemon super contests. they are a lot faster to do than they were before so you can do more of them in less time. sometimes the old one felt like rng cos you had to perform moves to a judge and just kinda hope no one else picked the same judge as you. i havent done a whole lot of the new contests just yet but as of now it seems like a welcome change.
bdsp also introduce walking pokemon in the overworld in almost every area, when before you could only walk with a select few in amity square. i think walking pokemon is always a welcome addition but its a bit strange to me how it was done in bdsp. its a huge upgrade from sword and shield (dlc) though i have to say. it really kinda sucks in those games because your pokemon will run to catch up with you and constantly bump into you. they dont do that as often in bdsp but there are times where if you have a slower pokemon they will just never walk with you and are always teleporting about. i think hgss really mastered the walking pokemon because they were always at the same rhythm as you were, and it just seems very half-baked into every other game they've tried to add it into since. (except let's go....it's actually pretty good in let's go.)
also, its worth mentioning that the sinnoh games are no longer extremely slow. youve all seen the meme with blissey and close combat right? yeah that doesnt happen anymore, neither does saving a lot of data (rip), and you surf faster than a snail now.
but the biggest and best feature that bdsp added was the hidden moves app in the poketch. basically, you no longer need to teach a pokemon an hm move (a field move that cannot be forgotten under normal circumstances) you can just open your watch with the R button and use a hidden move from there. its extremely handy and id recommend these games over the originals just for this feature alone. dppt have the most hms required at once time out of the entire series and not having to worry about them anymore is a HUGE plus. you can also access your pc boxes out in the overworld too instead of having to go to a pokemon center, which is awesome.
missed opportunities:
ok, now as we get into some more negative parts I have to say, yes I am aware that this game was never supposed to be a platinum remake. its a faithful remake of diamond and pearl, it is exactly what it says on the tin. (i have to say this phrasing has bugged me since the start, though, it feels like an oxymoron. of course a remake is going to be faithful?) and you know, they did add some platinum dex mons into the game via the underground feature i mentioned earlier. but my issue is, why did they only add some of them and not all? why pick and choose which pokemon we can access when the entirety of the platinum dex IS IN the game? we already know about the rotom in the old chateau and the gift eevee from bebe so why not let us access those? they seem to be walled off for absolutely no reason. and there are still so many of gen 4's added evolutions that you just cannot access within the main story, such as gliscor that you have to wait til postgame for. there is no point to these restrictions so why have them? it was literally not like that in platinum, so why go back to it? and i also like some of the changes to the gym order and designs inside the gyms they did in platinum. but plat is my fav pokemon game of all time so of course i am biased in that regard.
i also have to say that not using platinum teams for trainers like flint and volkner was a missed opportunity too. i like that gym leaders added new moves and abilities onto their team members to keep the battles fresh, but why did we have to go back to these stinky teams when we did it right in platinum? it just seems like two steps forward, one step back to me.
and this is a pet peeve to me but....where is looker???? he hasn't been in gen 8 at all???? he was introduced in gen 4 so....why not bring him back now? and where is the battle frontier gamefreak i want answers.
as for the story, ORAS is one of my fav pokemon games and i love how they freshened up the hoenn region in that remake, and i would have loved for something similar in BDSP. they ended up not doing that and we still have a good game on our hands here with bdsp, but i do think it could have been even better. i think remakes should set out with the goal to transcend the originals and create a definitive version of that generation's game. i think bdsp fell a little bit flat in that regard. we still have legends arceus coming out in about a month though. I do think that this is going to be the game that transcends and im really excited for it! but i think bdsp could have been more too.
also, why did they go back to single use tms? who is responsible for this??? i need a word.
another peeve of mine is that they did not add any pokemon past gen 4. as a kid i desperately wanted to bring my gen 5 favs into sinnoh, so that was a huge blow. again, they should have done it like oras. i dont think anyone would have minded if most of the later-gen mons were post-game anyway. and im not going to mention megas much but i like them and they would have fit so well here ok bye
glitches and crunch:
if youve been following these games since launch you know that they come with their fair share of glitches. of course, most pokemon games do. they are known for it, really. and most of them, even in bdsp, dont really come into play during your actual playthough, you have to actually go out and initiate them, and many of them are being patched right now. however, this game was also released unfinished, with a day 1 patch being required to download in order to get all of the cutscenes, music, and more. now personally i dont agree with that practice...i grew up in the sticks with the worlds slowest wifi, and i was also the type of kid who wanted to play their new games on the ride home. if your game needs an internet connection to download half of your game, that's just annoying. i know that's just the way nowadays...other consoles do it all the time, when you buy a ps4 game on the disc you have to wait for it to download too. in the age of internet its easier to patch games. back when the gba games had a glitch in them (look up ruby and sapphire berry glitch) you had to send your game back or go to a special kiosk to fix it. now you can just leave your switch on at night to download the updates. so while i definitely disagree with this decision, i can see why they did it. i really hope that doesnt become a mainstay for pokemon games going forward. its a real hassle, and encourages the harsh deadlines that nintendo and gamefreak have in place to continue.
challenge level/difficulty:
this game has a....weird level curve in it. it uses the gen 7.5/gen 8 experience share, which means that every pokemon in your party gets experience after you defeat or catch a pokemon. you are not able to turn this off, but you can put pokemon into your pc boxes to stop this effect. anyway, the original games did not have this, and were not designed around it. Around the 3rd gym or so i really felt the effect of it. my team was really getting up there in levels, and it doesnt help that the 3rd and 4th gyms are the same levels, either. so yeah it was getting clear that i was overleveled and the gym leaders and boss fights started to get kinda easy. ok, you might say, of course they were, its a kids game and a game and one that ive played before. not everyone is going to have that experience. however, the pokemon in the underground scale to your badge level, meaning they are typically around your level or higher when you go down there after a gym battle. meaning. you are going to get your ass handed to you down there. but then...not by any of the trainers in the story? probably not until the elite four, who each have ev-trained pokemon (this means they have really beefed up stats that compliment what moves theyre gonna use) with competitive battling move-sets and items. and then the champion, who has a completely cracked competitive team with items on all 6 pokemon. now many of us were thinking that they would dumb down the champion battle, but they beefed it up so so much. as an adult player of the series i really do like this level of challenge. even if youre just doing a vanilla playthrough its bound to be a little difficult. i mean it took me 3 tries! and then if youre a kid playing this game....well its never been easier to grind in a pokemon game than in gen 8. so...i dont know what to say about this i just think the difficulty in this game is kind of lopsided at times.
should you play?
as a new player: yes! these games are more accessible than the og diamond and pearl, which go up WAY past the $60 msrp if you want a legit copy. and with the additions in quality of life i think they are definitely worth it. also, they have online play which the old ones dont anymore. you can emulate, sure, i won't stop you, but if you do emulate either dppt or bdsp you wont have the multiplayer aspect either way. multiplayer adds a lot of mileage to a pokemon game.
as a veteran player: yes! these games miss a lot of content from platinum and are basically the same story, i won't deny that. but they are full of nostalgia for if you love gen 4 and have felt like newer games have been missing the mark. and if you didnt like gen 4, a lot of its issues are solved here like the hm one. this is a good opportunity to give it another chance.
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colourful-void · 2 years
my meta psychological horror game concept because my father was not impressed by it.
meta games like undertale that mess with ur playthroughs r great, and ddlc does that And has cool stuff in the files and OneShot is the king of messing with playthroughs and files and meta on your computer! its really amazing how meta these video games can get.
but here are some things i wanna see in a point and click style viddy game like that that aims to be as under your skin disturbingly real as possible. this is my euthanasia coaster, my theoretical psychological horror game.
again this is a theoretical game, this does not exist in any capacity, and i currently have no plans to bring it into reality.
- OC it's gonna detect ur playthroughs via hidden files, and detect if a file was there and then deleted - its gonna detect what version of the game ur playing on (if there's like,, windows ver vs mac ver etc) and then make fun of you for it. if you get one ver of the game and then use another the game knows and it taunts you - self crashes for days ur gonna get so tired of rebooting this thing itll be like malware fake crashes too!! - one time you'll be forced to make a choice and all the options will seem bad and then like,, a little bit after but not immediately, just enough for you to get a taste of the concequences, at a seemingly random time (maybe there's a window in there oo that'd be fun), it'll close itself under the guise of a crash, and then you'll have to make the awful and hard choice again. and if you choose something different ur characters are like 'haven't you made me suffer enough? are you hell bent on seeing me in pain?" - i wanna make the window! look! like! it's! dripping! a character exists the window later because they're so angry with you they can't contain it. - pop ups on the actual computer screen - you get a neat little cursor in game and then at some points it starts moving on its own - the in game close button will move itself if you try and click it. - the game has second person narriation for flavour text and things and sometimes it'll go first place with smething jarringly different than what you expect the player cjharatcer to say and then when you click it again its "normal" (like, say its been established over and over that the player character loves oranges and then u click on something orange related and the narrations like 'disgusting things id love to seen smashed to pieces and consumed by maggots' and then u click it again and then its like 'you appreciate the painting of an orange fruit =D" - you can't play the game again once its finished because theres a little file hidden on your computer so when u open it its a dark screen or something and if you delete it ***there's another secret back up file*** and it punishes youb for deleting it or mocks you or something - graphics are all pixels and such until it decides to switch to photo realistic for sake of freakyness, i know its classic but its banger - yes we r detecting ur name and calling you by it but i will also allow u to change ur name with no concequence because Trans Rights - you WILL play the game in windowed mode and if you move the window outside the boundries of the moniter the chaaracters will cry and scream about the darkness and the horrors beyond the walls. - can we change the background to ur favourite character and then glitch em out? why yes we can you clicked the disclaimer u knew this was coming. - it's gonna ask u a whole bunch of innocuous questions about ur preferences and some of them will come back and some wont but some of em will be like "favourite colour" and some will be like "choose one body part to save legs or arms" and when the favourite colour question comes back its gonna send so much distress to the player but the other questions not coming back lmao its just there to scare you - there are voices in the audio tracks and they get added in and taken away. they are saying things for real but they're heavily distorted - there r no jumpscares btw its all atmosphere, jumpscares r cheap im more epic than that.
theoretically if i had the coding skills i would make a video game i woulsn't be able to stand playing myself
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kevinwastaken · 3 years
okay so idk if anyones done this yet, but this has been in my mind ever since i got into omori lmao
so uhHhHhhh heres my idea for an identity v omori crossover! just because i think it would be neat
this is going to be a super long post (probably), so if you want to read it, just hit read more or whatever
i also want to say that some character choices are gonna be taken from my friend, @/kami.rikki on instagram. but she didnt think as hard on these as i did so like idk
there Will be spoilers for omori, so just be warned of that lmao
so as i said before, this has been on my mind for a HOT minute. and i think it would be a cool collab
for starters, this crossover will be split up (as is every other crossover) in two parts, with one hunter two survivors. i know essence usually have one hunter three survivors, but theres not enough characters for that, and six can be split up evenly sooo
i was thinking that the skins could be like the ones from the persona 5 crossover. like, they can be “awakened” in a sense. the base costumes will be the dream world versions of everyone, while the awakened costumes will be the real world versions. i wasnt here for the persona 5 crossover, so idk how many of those spirit things you had to collect, but i Do know that omoris spirit things could be. uh
well actually i dont know. initially i was thinking lightbulbs, like the one in white space, but the lightbulb isnt too important in the game i dont think? and im not sure about clams either. i know theyre dream world currency, but??
oh actually, maybe you can collect Something to awaken the costumes. because something is a representation of the truth in sunnys mind, and by awakening the costumes, you get to see the characters as their real selves. yeah lets go with that, you collect something from the essence
i swear ive been thinking this out shut up
the hunter costumes wont be awakened though, and i have a reason for this
part one
the characters that will be present in part one are sunny, basil, and aubrey. i chose them first because. ofc, sunnys the protag, basils his best friend and helped cover up maris death hes important to the story but anyway, and aubrey is <<33 yuh
so heres whos going to be who:
sunny/omori as wu chang
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so let me preface this by saying that im not a hunter main. never have been, never will be. and ive never played wu chang. but i swear thisll make sense, im doing research
wu chang is actually composed of two characters, with two different stats: xie, the white guard, and fan, the black guard. i cant tell the difference while im playing, considering the fact that my ass is either running away or decoding. but theres a difference i looked it up
sunny would be the white guard. xie is a fast chaser, but has slow attack speed. ie, slow hits, slow pallet breaking, that stuff. this reflects how sunny is in the real world. he can run, yes, but hes still physically weak due to being locked in his house for four years and spending all his time sleeping. he would be better for chasing than attacking
omori would be the black guard. fan is the opposite of xie, having slow chasing speed but faster attack speed. this reflects in omori. omori is Very apathetic, and really, i dont think he would care to chase anybody unless it was for a quest. though, i guess killing survivors Is a quest for hunters, but. anyway
in battle, omori is a good fighter. his attacks are strong, (although not as strong as say. aubrey or kel. but who am i to say, the playthrough i watched had omori constantly sad) out of him and sunny, omori would be the attacker. so theres my choice for them
the umbrella can probably be switched for a knife. maybe an elongated knife. im not entirely sure, but i know the umbrella wont stay as an umbrella
basil as kurt frank
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so i know what youre thinking. why is basil “the explorer??” hear me out this is actually a really good idea
the true best choice would be emma, since shes the gardener, but idv doesnt like giving characters skins of the opposite gender if you know what i mean. anyway
basil isnt a fighter. hes an assist, yes, but that was only for a crime four years ago. not my point, he wouldnt want to be in the action
i think he’d be a really good decoder. especially a good kurt
i originally wanted him to be prisoner, out of no bias whatsoever (/j) but kurt is a good fit for him
basil hides. he hides from things. he hides from the truth just like sunny, and he hides from others. albeit he still goes outside
i will not lie, i have a very personal grudge against kurt players. i dont want them to have anything because every kurt main ive come across was toxic to me specifically. but anyway
so one of kurts abilities is that he can go smaller to run around undetected and/or hide. i find this perfect for basil, because. yknow. hiding
his other ability is to find password pages and use them to decode ciphers faster. i think this would be funny because basils existence in headspace leads sunny to remembering the truth about maris death. i mean, if he werent in headspace, omori and the gang would continue going on adventures like nothing is wrong, so basil sort of speeds up the acknowledging process
this sounds dumb actually. but it makes sense in my head
anyway, the book would be turned into basils photo album, and he wouldnt have a backpack like kurt does. theres my answer
and finally,
aubrey as margaretha zelle
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aubrey was actually really hard to pick out. none of the female survivors really fit her, aside from maybe coord, but i dont know what her gun would turn into. i will admit that her section wont be as detailed as basil or sunnys. but anyway my choice is with margie
aubrey imo would be a good kiter. she has strong stats all around, so i feel as if she’d be a great fit for margie. not to mention her speed boost when falling from large heights, which would make her a faster runner and harder to chase if used right. aubrey would be more physically fit since shes a fighter and seems to do a lot of stuff with the hooligans, which also helps prove that she should be a kiter. ANYWAY
so margie has these music boxes that can mess with the hunter, right? some of aubreys attacks can mess with enemies iirc. soooo theyre kind of similar in a way, arent they?
im not exactly sure what the music box can be turned into. maybe a small piano? aubrey cares about mari a lot, and the reason shes so pissed at everyone and rebellious is because she felt like everyone had forgotten about mari and moved on with their lives. so the music box could be a tribute to mari
i dont know how many changes they made with ann tamakis costume in the persona crossover, other than cosmetics for the skin only, so im not sure if the music box was changed at all. i can dream though
in the case that its changed, the blue box could be the song from the playground in headspace (yknow the one) while the red box could be the final duet song. but just with the piano, not the violin
because yes, i thought about the essence too
of course, aside from the skins, there will be other stuff in the essence too. so itll be as follows:
for portraits, theyre going to be the neutral battle portraits from headspace. aside from basil and mari, who do not have battle portraits. theirs will just be of their neutral expressions with the neutral emotion backround behind them. i would add pictures, but the character pictures add up to six, so i’d run out of room before reaching part two
for graffiti, im not really sure. maybe everyones overworld sprites in headspace? along with maybe one of Something
for accessories, i actually have an idea of what thesell be. theyre going to be character exclusive accessories, just like how tpn did theirs
for aubrey, she’ll have mr plantegg. i was thinking of maybe having her bat as an accessory, but
OH ACTUALLY her bat could be a shop accessory that changes the music boxes!! probably an a tier tbh
anyway, the essence accessory for her is mr plantegg, and its there strictly for cosmetic purposes. for basil, he’d get either a pair of garden shears, or a basil plant, since yknow. his names basil. this is also for cosmetic purposes
they all are. i should say that now, the accessories are all cosmetic except aubreys a tier shop bat
finally, for sunny, im not entirely sure what to give him. i could give him a knife, sure, but then he’d have two knives because of the umbrella. maybe a steak? or a pair of red hands? im torn on this
and that concludes part one
part two
part two consists of mari, hero, and kel. do not separate them </3
here are my character choices:
mari as yidhra
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so i know yidhra may seem like a weird choice. i originally thought of maybe mary, but this makes sense to me
yidhra herself will be mari. im not sure which version, but even though i have real world mari in the photo, maybe headspace mari would be better. nobody can see her anyway lmao
yidhras servants will be, again, mari, but she looks as she did when basil and sunny hung her on the tree. her hairs covering her face, with her right eye being visible. kind of like the girl from the ring, but anyway yeah
yidhra is the dream witch. she haunts your dreams and she haunts mine when i go against her. maris death haunts everyone, especially sunny and basil (whom know the truth of what happened,) so this just seems like a perfect fit
her death is “leeched” onto everyones minds (pun entirely intended), so attaching herself to survivors with only her death appearance visible is mmmm
instead of an axe, maybe her weapon can be the jump rope she was hung from? and it can be used as a whip? that makes the most sense to me idk
im not good at explaining things, but if you were to see dream witch in a match, youd know how good this would work
also brings a new meaning to “my thoughts will follow you into your dreams” HELLO
hero as norton campbell
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so hero was kind of hard for me to pick too. i wanted him to be a support character, but looking around, there are. barely any that would work. my closest choice was victor, but?? the letters???? they dont correlate
hero doesnt give me kiter vibes, but nortons good at rescues too, as long as youre in an area with obstacles. and usually, when someone dies in battle, hero can make life jam to revive the fallen party member
nortons magnets are used to either bring the hunter closer to him, or push the hunter away. both can be used to stun with obstacles. while hero doesnt have any stun attacks that i can remember, he does have charming abilities that can be used to take damage for the other party members. so similar stuff? idk
i guess his magnets can be turned into chocolate chip cookies, since thats what he uses to heal everyone. if not cookies, then i dont know
oh actually one of nortons abilities is called “attract.” thats so funny if you put hero as him lmao
heros section is kind of short, my bad
kel as william ellis
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come on. who else were you expecting me to use? its the basketball man as the football man
while kel is a fighter in battle, he can also be used as a backup healer. aubrey is the main fighter of the group, and hero is the main healer. so hes kind of a catch-all in a sense
kels an athlete. he plays basketball. williams an athlete. he plays football. need i say more
im not gonna lie, this is kind of a don tpn situation where it just Makes Sense that kel would be william
the football will probably be replaced with either a rubber ball or a basketball, depending on which skin youre using. the former is for headspace kel, the latter for real world kel
the buffs and debuffs for william makes sense on kel too. kel would probably have trouble with something as (probably) complex as the cipher machines, and the struggle and vaulting buffs show off his athleticisim
same with the football, using rush to rescue is such a kel thing to do
for part two, there will be about the same things as part one
the portraits will be the neutral battle portraits, this time with the real world counterparts of everyone. basil and maris will be their neutral expressions on the neutral battle background. though, since mari doesnt have Real real world portraits, i guess they could use the one from the one i used on the mari yidhra picture
for graffiti, it can be the real world overworld sprites
in terms of accessories, theyre still cosmetic and character exclusive. maris can be the white egret orchid, since thats the flower that represents her. heros can be a spatula, as thats his weapon of choice in headspace. for kel, im not sure. hes using the ball as a weapon so???
maybe he can get a cactus, because thats his assigned plant
in terms of shop items, i think i know the perfect thing
mewo as a pet
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mewo my beloved. nobody could ever forget you
mewo would be a hunter pet. she would be cool for survs too i guess, but considering both her owners are hunters.....
mewo would probably follow the hunter around, not really doing much. i think it would be Extremely funny though if every time a survivor was chaired, she just chilled next to them in the pose shes always in in white space
thats pretty much it. if you got this far, thank you!! i spent like two hours writing this whole thing out LMAO damn
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mensajeroseis · 5 years
Thanks so much for your reply on Overworlds! So insightful and thoughtful. I agree towards the point of being iffy of comparing it to fallout even though that is the closest AAA game comparison just bc like... fallout hasn't been that good in over a decade. Do you think you'll find yourself replaying it as often as some of the other fallout games? Do you think itll work its way into your art/oc creating habits? No pressure of course I just really value your art/opinion so I'm curious.
I’d agree to disagree on Fallout not being good over the past decade, Fallout 3 and New Vegas stand up very well within the series. OFC fallout 3 isn’t perfect, but given that it had no reference wrt being the first 3D Fallout, and introduced majority of the fanbase to the series, it deserves more than the shit it is given. (yes F:NV is obviously the better written and mechanically tweaked ; before fnv stans get on my ass) I think with Fallout 4 people realized Bethesda wasn’t reaching a full potential with the IP (in story mainly), and then 76′s PR fuck up has done no good lol. So like, just the past 4 years, but mainly this past one. 
And uhhhh couldn’t say ? I feel like I might, because I actually restarted and am playing with my lone wanderer character for my first TOW playthrough, embarrassingly enough lol…. So maybe next go around, I’ll get into having a TOW oc good and proper. I like the companions and other NPCs well enough, so not far fetched at all that i’ll draw them whenever I have the time. But I’ll definitely know better once I finish the game firstly and get more entrenched with the world building. Also very sweet of you to value the viscous thoughts that come out of my brain/mouth ! 
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dahniwitchoflight · 6 years
Watching your playthrough of the friendsim atm and your observation on time-players got me thinking. Them all having immense problems with actual personal tragedies makes a lot of sense to me on like a narrative or even poetic level, like can you imagine something more scarring to them, than something they can't go back and change? Also, is there some kind of schedule you have for playing these?
oh you mean Skylla as a Prince of Time? I meant more to draw the comparison between Princes since that was the thing that needed figuring out, we knew she was a Time player from the ezodiac thing
but yeah that would be very poetic, Time players would be a lot more hung up on past events that they couldn’t change,. because they would be so USED to being able to go back and change things that went wrong, things that feel wrong, that they were told that were wrong
but bad things that happen because of the alpha timeline? Bad Things that theyre essentially told are “correct” the “way this should have happened”
that can make you think all kinds of bad stuffs, like the people involved in that bad event on some level always actually deserved whatever bad event happened to them, even if thats not what is meant by the alpha timeline existing
it what all Time players might eventually take away from it, so yeah, there’s definitely a potential for all kinds of situatiuons involving tragedy there, especially if theyre a really good Time player, so there very used to things going there way (though you can say this of all players really, its just in terms of past/future events for time players, and current events for everyone else)
as for my schedule
i did recently start a new job, and its amazing, as in amazing how little brain power i actually need for it lol
call centre, but no outbound and no sales, customer service/it help line, and since were tier one all our resolutions are heavily scripted/black and white and end up in one of 3 ways at the end of the day basically lol
i literally just read through an exact script for every call and the customer answers basically just dictate which part of the script i go to next lol
for now, my training schedule this month is a straight monday to friday 9 to 5, with i think the last week this month actually starting our actual work schedule
but itll still be basically 5 work days and 2 days off, just whenever ill have days off will change month to month
so going forward, I’m gonna actually try to do some streaming on this upcoming Saturday to catch up with some hiveswap friendsim stuff ive definitely missed
this job ill get my schedules month in advance, and ill basically try to pick one day a week, trying for a weekend (Saturday or Sunday) or close to it if not like Monday or Friday, and ill just have to figure out what exact time is good a bit later
but yeah, one weekend-ish day a week is my rough schedule for streaming for the foreseeable future (choosing Saturdays first, then Sundays if not Sat, and then Fri if not either, or Mon as last resort day)
the June 30th, July 7th, July 14th, July 21rst is basically the next 4 saturday streams that I’ll be aiming for, I’ll update this with an exact timeframe when I figure that out (most likely early morning/afternoon EST roughly)
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pkmncornerstore · 2 years
spose ill make an intro post! as the title may imply, this is a pokemon blog!  -my favorite pokemon games and the ones i play most consistently are omega ruby/alpha sapphire. its likely if im doing anything bigger itll be in these games. shiny hunting, dex completing, whatever it is.  -i have *every 3ds-switch pokemon game. xy/oras/sm/usum/swsh/bdsp -i also have dppt on cartridge! -as for ~pirated~ games, i have everything. i wont be playing any of the ds games for a while (i wanna get these on cartridge to play w my sibling first!) but everything on the gameboy and gba ive been big on recently.  so? what will i be posting about? -pokemon. --no, but in all seriousness, my biggest goal right now is to get a living nat. dex in gen 6. im constantly working towards this (usually..)! -im also doing an all bug types playthrough of emerald off and on! -(and off and on as well im completing ruby for my lets play, but this isnt what ill be blogging about because thats mostly it’s own thing!) -hell, ill probably be sharing a lot of random pokemon related (or in rarer cases generally game related?) thoughts and whatnot! -im also shiny hunting off and on in several games. diamond, y, and omega ruby! that sure is an intro post! enjoy your stay at the corner store<3
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chikkou · 3 years
Do you recommend playing lisa for the first time or will just watching a playthrough do it justice? I have no spoilers but am seeing the in depth analysis and wondering if it will fuck you up emotionally x
this is a really good question! i honestly think it depends how well you do with heavy subjects in a game, as well as somewhat difficult gameplay
i would say you can definitely get away with just watching a playthrough of lisa the first - its a really short game so it wouldnt take you long to do it yourself, maybe an hour tops if you get lost (which can happen LMAO), but if you dont want the story to be hampered by some of the really shitty gameplay segments (i.e. the marty spiders) a playthrough will do just fine! theres no secret content to find aside from the vhs tapes, and theyre not really “secret” or difficult to find so most video playthroughs are going to show them anyway
with the painful, though, i think youll be better off playing that yourself. the gameplay is so engaging that it really just HAS to be experienced, and because its possible to get locked out of certain content depending on your choices, you might find yourself frustrated if you watch someone else play and they screw up or do something you wouldnt have done in that situation; i found that happening quite often for myself, and it drove me crazy LMAO
the joyful is a pretty straightforward game too; its short, approximately 5 hours of gameplay, and its only $5 on steam (and less if you get it bundled with the painful). up to you whether to play it or not, but i personally think if youre gonna drop money for the painful you may as well get the joyful too. otherwise a playthrough should be fine, there arent that many  branching paths in the joyful
as for if itll “fuck you up emotionally” i cant say for sure; i think that the comedy and weirdness of the painful is enough to keep the blow from being TOO brutal. it is still a very tragic story at its core, of course, and the baseline backstory is absolutely soul-crushing, but if you know anything at all about the games and still find them interesting enough to want to try them i think youll be ok! austin makes sure to balance the really sad or fucked up parts with great comedy, so you never really feel super overwhelmed by whats going on imo. if you want any trigger warnings feel free to im me (or message me anon if ur uncomfortable LMAO) and ill list them out for you without spoilers!
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burgermiester · 7 years
My (public) private life, 4/11/17
Might as well write a bit about me to fill the time.  Its the topic I know best after all.
This turned out to be way longer than I expected so Id better read more it.  My life ramblings under the cut.
From now until about a month from now I have an extra 3 and a half hours on my shift.  Ill be really tired but I really can use the extra money so I am happy about it. Mostly.
Speaking of money, this job is over in a month, and I havent gotten a single interview from the dozens and dozens of applications I have sent out since August when this temporary job started.  Really hoping that changes soon, because every day it gets a little more stressful.  Adult life is grand.
The wall noise seems to have stopped.  It was a plumbing issue from the downstairs deaf old ladys apartment so it took her a few days to pick up on it.
Still losing my mind with Echoes hype.  Only 9 more days until I get to play it in a language that I dont understand!
Finally started Nier Automata, I didnt get much farther than the prologue that was the same as the demo I already played but it still seems great.  Considering how I cant play action games for very long stretches of time I dont think I will get too far before Echoes comes out but itll be good to come back to after Echoes time dies down a bit in June.
Still hyped for XII Zodiac age in July.  Its the only thing I am currently anticipating amid the scorching heat and boiling humidity and seemingly inevitable unemployment of this summer.
Probably will get Persona 5 after that if I actually have money.
Been watching Chloe play Mass Effect Andromeda.  Goofy animations and many many glitches have kept us giggling the whole time but damn if it doesnt still have pretty good game feel and very solid party members.
I miss Chloe.  It feels silly to say since shes just visiting her family for 3 days and will be back wednesday night but everythings harder when shes not around.
Wedding planning seems to have stalled.  She still cant find a location she likes thats within our (mostly her parents) budget.
We also started watching the anime Konosuba the other day.  I was a little worried that watching it the same day as Your Name would make it pale in comparison but not everything needs to be a super serious story, silly stuff is good too and I am enjoying it.
I’m not in the groove of anime yet but I do seem to be getting more used to the medium and generally enjoying what we watch more than I used to.  The weirdness of the medium is less weird than it used to be.  Give me a few more years with Chloe and ill be a weeaboo for sure.
The only thing keeping me from making a honest-to-god youtube video about FE is editing, everything else is done.  But editing means dragging my lazy ass to the library when I’m not at work, and thats just so hard.  Does anyone else feel like its enormously draining to go into your place of employment when you arent currently on the clock?  I cant stand it tbh.
I also wrote up a whole big post about bows the other night and saved it to drafts but the more I look at it the more shitty and pointless it looks, which is generally how I feel about all my writing which is why I always try to post written things immediately so I dont have to look at them again.  idk.  maybe ill post it sometime.
Debating whether or not I want to surprise my parents with a visit this weekend for Easter or tell them ahead of time. As always I am both dreading the 5 hour drive (one way) and looking forward to the peacefulness of long drives in the country.
I feel bad I havent streamed as much recently.  Ive been a lot more tired with my new hours and especially after the wall sound incident.  Im still not really recovered from that just yet.  I think I am nearing the end of FFIX, relatively speaking.  Ive broken the hell out of it with grinding in any case, so its just about experiencing the story from here on out.  Still only about halfway done with PoR so thatll be going good for a while.   Im thinking I might want to do my first ever playthrough of Tear Ring Saga on stream next, if that sounds interesting to anyone (if anyones even read this long, my goodness).  That start after I finish PoR; not sure If i want to alternate with games again or just do one at a time.  If I want to alternate again I have to decide what game id want to play after IX (probably another rpg I think.)
I think thats about it for now.
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dulltwig · 6 years
So I’ve been playing God of War (the new one) for a while now and I wanted to share my thoughts on its gameplay, its themes, and how holy cow guys how did it go so wrong? Also be warned this 100% contains spoilers from all parts of the game so here we go!
So before i dive into the message of the game or anything i wanna jsut put it out there ive played the first GoW, some of the third, I’m halfway through this one and ive watched a playthrough of the full main story line of the the newest installment, anyway! So the game is fucking pretty, let me tell you that much. You can tell a boatload of time was put into so many meticulous details there’s literally no way youll see half of them. not kidding. like, i find it to be RIDICULOUSLY contradictory that this game is going for some cinematic experience, and then wants the gameplay to be fast paced and destructive! Like, wow these norse ruins filled with symbols and statues are neat -HEY KILL MORE DRAUGR THAT YOUVE ALREADY KILLED 3000 OF- ok but i want to look at that -YOU NEED TO BLOW UP THIS THING SO YOU CAN MOVE ON- ok but like this room is really neat -HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE HERES EVERY MINIBOSS IN THE GAME RESKINNED FOR THE FIFTH TIME THAT YOU NEED TO BEAT ALL OF IN A REALLY SLOW SET OF BATTLES ONE AFTER EACH OTHER- alright god fine i wont look at your fucking game ill just mash r1 and then r3 to tear open the same guy in the same way for god knows what number time!! it’s just, its fucking stupid. there’s so much attention to detail that you’d expect it to be a more narrative driven game, which it tries to do, but the fucking core gameplay is so opposite everything that it builds that you dont notice jack shit going on in the environment unless theyre like forcing it to be a part of how you need to progress. Also, with the game’s little hide and seek for what are in my opinion relatively necessary health and rage upgrades, it makes the player 1000x less concerned with the actual environment and instead like theyre parsing a 3d where’s waldo book to destroy the 6TH FUCK C URN WHERE IS THAT MOTHERFUCKER I SWEAR TO GOD! like hm cool these statues definitely have a story but god fuckin damn do i not give a shit unless theres an urn i need to break to get the next ibunn apple!! its just, i feel bad for all those people who put all this work into making it look gorgeous and needed to resort to a game of i spy to make the players actually look at it. its a fucking shame. Also, i mentioned reskinned enemies? let me tell you! theres a lot of those! i mean, like, with the exceptions of the valkyries (and even then ive only fought one so i might be mistaken) youre essentially fighting the same enemy with one or two moves added since you last faced it for the entire game. even the final boss of the game is the first boss fight but with added moves!! its repetitive as shit! and most of the difficulty that the game does have, coming from someone who plays video games probably too much, is super fucking artificially added through bullshit enemy levels and OHKO’s if you dont spend hours grinding side content. WHICH LEADS TO MY NEXT POINT!
It also makes this weird rift in gameplay where its super punishing to go after side content and explore the world because the difficulty of side content is DRASTICALLY different from the main quest. At the time of writing this, im taking on level 2-4 enemies in the main game, just about everything has a green health bar (indicating it should be an easy enemy) or a yellow health bar (indicating it should only be a little difficult), but the side content im running into enemies that are consistently level 5-7, and even at max health and equipment that puts me at level 4, i can still get killed in two or three hits on normal mode. Maybe im pushing too much into side content early but for a game that wants the player to get immersed in the world and yadda yadda i feel its really offputting that the player essentially gets punished (gasp!) for exploring (bigger gasp!) its so dumb and just a totally unnecessary thing to do, especially when you go for a realm tear and it can either drop like 2 level 3 guys or 3 level 8 guys and there’s literally no indication as to what itll be until youve already activated it! its dumb! NOW ITS TIME FOR THE NARRATIVE THAT I DONT HAVE A SMOOTH TRANSITION FOR! OH BOY DO THEY TRY TO REDEEM KRATOS!! like, wow, this dude fucking singlehandedly killed the entire greek pantheon and then some! oh, and his own family! and, like, im not sure about this but im pretty sure he kills like a whole fuckin civilization of innocent people? but like yeah, sure, let him learn how to be a father, thatll redeem him sure! NOPE! they didnt even do that right! kratos was singlehandedly responsible for fucking ruining atreus. i mean, the guy just doesnt fucking know what a child is, in like a really just fucking dumb, toxic masculinity kinda way. like, kratos fucks up. even when atreus learns hes a god because kratos is a god and yadda yadda, kratos isnt even like “HEY BOY STOP ACTING HIGH AND MIGHTY, JUST BECAUSE YOURE A GOD DOESNT MAKE YOU ANY BETTER THAN THESE MORTALS”, he jsut fucking lets the kid parade around on an altar of superiority and tomfuckery. it even goes so much to his head he just fucking kills Modi because he can and modi shit talked once, like if i killed everyone that shit talked me id be in jail for the death of hundreds, you cant just do that shit and have it be ok. kratos is just fucking dumb and the violence of the game really, uh, goes against the whole, like everything theyre trying to do to be like “aw kratos isnt so bad and atreus isnt gonna kill him for being a dick”! i can seriously only see two routes for the next game that they set up REALLY. HARD. AND IN YOUR FACE. 1) atreus (now known as loki because itll be the next game and thats the end of game reveal) kills kratos at some point because he learns of everything that Kratos has done in greece, because, idk hes loki he’ll figure some shit out, or 2) Kratos dies trying to protect Loki from Thor because Thor is the Next Big Baddie and we need a reason to continue using God of War in the title and what better way than to make Loki a rage filled hateful character that needs to exact revenge on an entire branch of mythology because they killed his dad, who wasnt even that good a guy, but he was still his dad so fuck them all, you know? It’s gonna be fuckin dumb whatever it is, but there’s no way Kratos survives the next God of War, assuming that’s what it’s gonna be called, like jsut from a sheer narrative standpoint, and the fact its teased in one of the final cutscenes of the game that he’s gonna die in loki’s arms, but i dont know what the fuck that snake looking shit it so im not gonna try to guess u feel me i dont know norse mythology. but uh, yeah. also the whole ragnarok thing, that’s, uh, next game i guess? but i dont mean to be here talkign about whatll come sooooo... i swear i had more to say but quite frankly ive been typing this for more that 30 minutes and im not spending more time figuring out what it was gnight yall but yeah this game fucking doesnt know what it wants to be thats the tldr for ya
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