#and i remember near the end of season 1 when he was basically not in any of the episodes
hetalia-club · 10 months
Breaking down America's raw power
I think the best way I can describe how I see Alfred's strength is that of a Mantis Shrimp. Like imagine how strong a Mantis shrimp is but in human size. Never heard of Mantis shrimp? Let me lay it out for you. A mantis Shrimp can throw a punch at 50 miles an hour and when it swings its hand the kinetic force around it makes the water so hot that it boils. The average Mantis shrimp can punch with a force of being hit with 340 lbs of force. Just in one tiny little claw. and that is the average shrimp not one that is seasoned and has been at it awhile the big ones can get u to 1 ft long and the bigger they get the stronger they get. If their punch happens to form a bubble underwater when the bubble pops it is as hot a the surface of the sun. If a human gets punched by one apparently it feels like being shot by a .22. They can easily fracture human bones. People do keep them as pets but they don't make that great of pets because they can shatter aquarium glass.
Now I don't feel like Alfred utilizes this strength very often but that being said I do fully believe he has the strength to punch a hole through someone's chest if he wanted to.
Let's just sort of break it down a little.
Alfred First Discovery:
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Has the ability with little to no effort to pick up a full grown bull bison and swing it over its head.
The weight of an average bull bison is 2000 lbs.
Alfred 1940's:
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Drug around England car with a single hand for over an hour because he simply wanted to drive it. Again this looks like a Ford model A of some kind and the typical weight for that kind of car in this time period was about 2,500 lbs. Mind you when America finally found England he was not out of breath or even sweating. This was just a regular Tuesday for him.
I think it is just something the Hetalia fandom doesn't really play off of much and everyone just kind of forgets that America is basically a superhero when it comes to strength. I think of him as having One Punch man level strength where he can be as strong as he needs to be for parody's sake.
I have this theory that the reason that the cold war happened (I am talking Hetalia here not IRL) Is simply because America and Russia were bored. Because I firmly believe America is not alone in having this massive strength though his might be the most intense. I believe Russia has it as well.
We never 'see' it on screen we do get to hear about it from other nations and when Russia was late to a meeting he did tell America that he "Got a raw deal, I had to stop tanks with my bare hands" Everyone was surprised except except America who just said. "Dude that's sick". He wasn't impressed or afraid by it and simply was like "That's a cool way to spend the afternoon". Then in the same instance when they were acting like they were going to get in an actual fight both France and England had to separate then both seeming extremely concerned while doing so like they were trying to prevent a DBZ style fight.
The cold war was just trying to get the two of them not to get into a fist fight because everyone else was afraid what would happen if they did.
There are a couple others who are rumored to have this strength Sweden being one of them. I think Finland said there were a couple more but I can't remember who. Himaruya said before that Italy is extremely powerful but doesn't often show it because he's a 'coward' Now if we think about it, it would be true based on history. He has beaten a lot of powerful nations by himself. Turkey, Spain, Austria, Empire, France, His brother, Hungary-Austria and many others. Italy has historically won more wars than they have lost by a land slide. Epically after they were unified. They were damn near untouchable after that. In fact Italy has lost very few wars and a lot of wars they have fought have ended in a forfeit which there is nothing wrong with understanding when you've lost and throwing in the towel. It's stupider to keep fighting when you're continuing to lose.
People seem to think that the UK follows America into battle whenever they go but that's simply not the case if you look up American wars you will see a little green, white and red flag with us even when the UK and Canadian flag isn't there.
I know I'm rambling but I fully believe what I'm saying is true. Maybe starting my HFC poll is sparking it in me thinking just how strong they would actually be.
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captainsophiestark · 8 months
Grant Ward x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Marvel
Day 1 Prompt: "It's not too late, let's go."
Summary: The scene with FitzSimmons and Garrett on the Bus at the end of Season 1 if, instead of FitzSimmons, Grant had found and captured his long-time best friend, partner, and girlfriend.
Word Count: 4,158
Category: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of abuse. No depictions of it, but the mention/realization that a character has been abused in the past, while staring at/standing in the same hallway as the abuser.
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
This had to be a nightmare.
With each step I took, one foot in front of the other, I willed myself to wake up, to realize everything had just been a bad dream. And with each step, I was forced closer to the realization that my situation was heartbreakingly, terrifyingly real.
The past week, I'd had a line of similar thoughts, hoping and praying that the fall of SHIELD and the betrayal of my best friend and boyfriend, Grant Ward, had been some insane fever dream. That I'd wake up in the med pod on the Bus, the team happy to see me awake, and that I'd realize everything had been some horrible concoction of my imagination instead. But just like now, I'd been forced to come to terms with the fact that I was wide awake.
First, I thought the nightmare was Hydra's infiltration. Then it became Garrett, Grant's mentor and basically surrogate father, being a traitor. Then it was discovering Grant was a traitor. Now, it had reached a whole new level, as Grant frog-marched me toward the Bus that he and Garrett had taken over, my hands tied behind my back and his gun forcing me to keep moving forward.
"Grant... what are you doing?" I breathed, trying to keep the tears out of my voice as we neared the ramp of the plane. Garrett had taken things over in the name of Hydra, and he clearly had some hold over my boyfriend. Every step towards that ramp lowered my odds of making it through this.
"We can't have SHIELD following us, that's all," he said. He kept his voice level, trying to convince me he was being reasonable, like I'd heard him do with our enemies on missions countless times before. I shook my head.
"You are SHIELD, Grant," I said. "Please, please remember that."
His grip tightened slightly on my forearm as he led me to the base of the ramp, a comforting squeeze more than anything threatening. A week ago, it would've put me at ease.
"I'm not the man you think I am," he muttered. I sighed heavily through my nose, a little bit of irritation finally flaring up.
"I know you better than anybody else on earth, apparently including you," I huffed. Grant didn't respond.
As soon as we entered the garage bay, where Lola used to sit, Grant and I were flanked by three other agents, who followed us up the stairs. Grant moved ahead, leading me through the physically wrecked and shattered hallways of the plane we'd spent a few, blissful months calling home, and my heart squeezed tight in my chest. How had everything gone so wrong?
"Here she is, sir," he said, and a second later I saw John Garrett's stupid, shitty face staring back at me. I narrowed my eyes and scowled, unable to contain my hate and anger enough to keep a neutral expression.
"What's the matter?" he asked, his tone light and teasing in a way that made my blood boil. "Cat got your tongue?"
"Maybe I've just got nothing to say to you," I replied. He had the nerve to laugh.
"Well, that's fine then. I don't know that I have much to say to you either, especially now that you're here. Thanks to Ward, you won't be much of a problem for me anymore."
Over Garrett's shoulder, I saw Grant's expression flicker and shutter. Like a kicked dog, caught between someone he loved and someone who scared him. An anger I'd only ever felt when our enemies threatened Grant welled up in my chest.
In my entire, almost fifteen-year career at SHIELD, I had managed to get through it without killing anyone. Ever. Even before I had the Icer to knock enemies out instead of shooting them the old-fashioned way, I'd made a point of using non-lethal force. It mattered to me; it felt important to find a way to do my job without killing people in the process.
Grant had never had the same reservations. It didn't bother me, and although we'd talked about it once or twice, I'd never expected him to take up my same system when we'd been partnered on missions, when we'd become good friends, or when we'd started dating. Time and again, he'd gone to the mat for me, tearing apart anyone that existed as a threat to me with a force I'd never have imagined using.
For the first time in our lives, in our decade and a half of friendship, the tables had turned.
Thanks to the rest of Coulson's team, I knew John Garrett had significant organ failure. A Cybertek device in his chest was the only thing still keeping him alive. He'd abused Grant for longer than I'd known him, and for the first time, I could see clearly how it affected Grant, in real time. For both our sakes, I couldn't let this go on any longer. I didn't know if it would kill him, and I still hoped it wouldn't, but for the first time I didn't care enough to make sure it wouldn't. I needed to get away from Garrett, and more importantly, I needed to get Grant away from Garrett. Even if it was for just a few minutes.
The Bus's engines whirled outside, and I felt us lift off the ground. An added complication, for sure, but not enough to change the plan I'd just formed in my head. I took a deep breath in and out, steadying my heartbeat and readying myself for the action ahead, like Grant had taught me years and years ago. Then, I jumped as high as I could, bringing my handcuffed hands under my feet and around to the front of my body as I did. Before anybody could register my movement, I darted forward and struck Garrett in the chest as hard as I could, putting all my weight and momentum behind both of my hands.
Garrett went down like a sack of bricks. He doubled over, gripping his middle as he groaned. I brought my knee up and hit him again before anybody could stop me, and then I took off running through the familiar passages of the jet that I used to call home.
"Garrett!" I heard Grant cry, distress in his voice that sent a pang running through my chest. I ducked around a corner at the sound of thundering footsteps behind me, and soon the agents that'd followed Grant and I from the minute we set foot on the Bus came rushing into the small common area in front of all our bunks, one room over from Garrett and Grant.
I heard shouting from the other room, and Grant's voice faded as he told Garrett to wait just a second. I tried to keep a piece of my attention focused on that while I engaged the three agents who'd decided to chase me. Even with my hands tied, they weren't much of a match for me.
I wrapped my arms around the neck of the one who'd come in last, using him as a human shield against his friends as I held him in the sleeper hold.
One by one, I worked through my three assailants, until they were each unconscious on the ground. As soon as the last one was down, I paused to tune back in to the goings-on in the other room, and heard Grant's voice as he assured Garrett that he would live. Apparently Cybertek was preparing to treat him in Miami.
I made the quick decision that I had enough time to make sure these three wouldn't continue to be a problem, so I dragged them into my old bunk (right next to Grant's) and then wedged a loose piece of the dining table's structure into the door so it couldn't open again. It likely wouldn't hold them for very long, but it was better than nothing. I took a few extra seconds to wrestle out of my handcuffs, my mind working as I did.
With Garrett and his three goons incapacitated, I had decent hope of getting Grant alone. I heard Raina, an inhuman we'd been struggling with, promising to stay in the room with Garrett and keep him safe. And then, I heard Garrett's voice hissing at Grant, barely above an ugly whisper.
"I need you to put her down."
I straightened, hands on my hips as my handcuffs finally dropped from my wrists, and frowned. There was no mistaking what he meant, but I couldn't imagine he actually thought he'd get very far ordering Grant to kill me.
"What?" Grant's voice, barely louder than Garrett's. I shifted a little closer to the doorway to hear better. "No. There's plenty of time. I won't leave you."
"And I'm telling you to cross her off for me. It's not a weakness, is it?"
The silence seemed to stretch for years. Then, finally, Grant's voice:
I turned on my heel and ran.
The nightmare continued, apparently, as the man who'd saved my life more times than I could count anymore had apparently just agreed to be my murderer. I couldn't believe he'd actually go through with it, but I also couldn't believe he'd entertain Garrett to this point. I couldn't take any risks, not now.
I slid down the ladder between the sleeping compartment and the cockpit, landing in the maze of pods in the hull just as I heard heavy footsteps overhead. My heart started racing in my chest, a fear like I'd never felt in all my near-death experiences at SHIELD gripping my chest.
Grant wouldn't actually kill me, would he?
I darted between the pods, and just like in a horror movie, I heard Grant's voice call out my name from behind me. I sped up, finally ducking into one of the pods and locking it behind me as I heard his footsteps closing in. My hand slammed on the locking device and it turned from green to red just in time. A second later, Grant appeared before me, his hand on the glass separating us.
"Open the door," he said, his eyes locked on mine. I could only see one of his hands, and my heart raced in my chest as I realized the other was likely level with his hip. I took an involuntary step backward.
"Grant... you're scaring me," I breathed, tears at last rising to the surface and threatening to fall. I'd fought them back once, but this time, I didn't think I'd be able to.
"Y/N, just open the door."
"No. I heard what you said, I heard what Garrett said. You... you wouldn't actually kill me. Would you?"
He grimaced, his jaw setting in the expression I recognized as him dealing with something he DID NOT want to deal with. My heart broke a little more in my chest.
"Just open the door."
"No! Grant, are you kidding me?" The tears were coming now, streaming down my cheeks, and I stepped towards Grant again, pressing up against the glass to get as close to him as possible. "I love you! You're my best friend, you're my partner! You're supposed to have my back through anything! I... I'd started daydreaming about marrying you! About the two of us, having the SHIELD careers recruits would be hearing about for the rest of time, before finally retiring somewhere nice together. Every time I thought about my future, Grant, you were in it... and now I might not have a future because of you? Are you kidding me?"
His expression flickered, and he couldn't keep some sadness and regret off his face when he looked at me through the glass this time. The tiniest spark of hope fluttered in my chest. If he felt bad, maybe I could still talk him off the ledge. Maybe I didn't have to lose the love of my life.
"I'm sorry. I tried to tell you... I'm a bad man. I'm not the man you thought you fell in love with."
"Bullshit!" I cried, slamming my fist into the glass in front of me. Grant jumped a little, surprise registering on his face. "You are exactly who I think you are. I know you, Grant, I've spent the last fifteen years of my life with you. Garrett may think he knows you, but he's wrong. He knows who he wants you to be. But I know who you actually are."
"You don't-"
"The sugary, caramely coffee drinks you secretly love but refuse to let anybody else but me know you drink?" I said, interrupting him with a hand on my hip, my eyes locked on his. "How invested you got in The Circle when I made you watch it on Netflix? All the time we spent planning what our strategy would be if we ever went on the show together?"
He grimaced, but I didn't give him a second to respond.
"The face mask you did with me that you loved, and all the stupid pictures we took together with the masks on? Your aggressive hatred of the Patriots even though you're from Massachusetts? The fact that you sleep best with a sleep mask, and that you have to take your socks off right before you get under the covers? Not a moment before, and definitely not after? All of that shared history, all of those things we've shared and that I've gotten to see, and you think I don't know you?"
Grant just stared at me, looking at a loss for words. I let mine hang in the air for a minute, then continued.
"I highly doubt John Garrett could list even one of those things. And those little things that you do every day, that you can't fake? That's you Grant. I know you. I know you've saved me more times than I can even count, from the demons in the real world and the ones inside my own head. So I get that Garrett's got you believing you're some kind of secret evil supervillain, but I know enough to know how ridiculous that is. You're the best man I've ever met, Grant. Please, believe me over that piece of shit upstairs that never cared enough to know the real you."
Grant still didn't speak for a few long moments, but this time, I just let the silence hang. I held his gaze, the tears having finally stopped. I didn't wipe away the remnants as they slowly dried on my face. Finally, Grant sighed, breaking eye contact to look down at the ground before returning his stare to me.
"And how exactly do you see this going?" he asked, his voice low. He'd leaned in a little, like we were co-conspirators, and I swear I felt a weight lift off my chest. The glimmer of hope had turned into a full light. "What do you expect to happen next, after all this? Don't tell me you still see a happy ending, with us retiring after full careers at SHIELD."
I sighed through my nose and rolled my eyes up to the ceiling, before fixing Grant with a look. He raised his eyebrows, and I had to fight back a laugh, mostly at the relief for that small moment of our relationship back to normal.
"Well, no, I don't think that's in the cards anymore," I deadpanned. "But the only important part of my vision of the future has been you, Grant. I don't care if we get mentioned in SHIELD classes years from now or if we're labeled as failures, examples of what not to do. All that matters to me is you."
He stared at me for a few more long, silent moments. For most people, he would've been unreadable, but I recognized the slightly-wider eyes, the deer-in-headlights look he got whenever I admitted big feelings that he didn't expect me to share. It was a good sign, and when he swallowed and cleared his throat, his expression had all of the grim defeat gone, replaced instead by a shaky hope.
"So what are you suggesting?"
"I'm suggesting we run," I said simply. "It's not too late, let's go. Let's ditch it all, and go somewhere we can start a new life together. Screw Garrett, screw SHIELD, screw Hydra. All that matters is you and me."
Grant stared at me like he didn't believe I was real. Slowly, swallowing heavy again, he nodded. I raised my eyebrows and smiled.
"Yeah," he finally managed, nodding again, more sure this time. "Yeah, let's do that. You're... you're all that matters to me, too."
My small smile broke into a full-on grin, and at last, I hit the lock on the door. I slid it open the moment the lock flashed green, darting forward to close the space between me and Grant and wrapping him in a bone-crushing hug. I buried my face in his chest, and after a moment, he wrapped his arms around me in return.
"Well. I guess she was a weakness."
Grant and I's heads snapped up in unison to find John Garrett standing just down the hallway from us. I narrowed my eyes. Of course he'd picked this moment to show up.
Grant stiffened under my arms, and I could feel the stress radiating off of him. Garrett took a small step towards us, but I didn't dare move, lest Grant feel anymore trapped than he already did. Besides, holding him tight in a hug we'd shared during and after a thousand traumatic experiences felt like the best leg up on Garrett I could get.
"Agent Ward, I didn't train you to be a pushover. I trained you to be a man who could go in and do the job that needed to be done," said Garrett. "It's not too late. You don't want to disappoint me, son."
At the same time Garrett's words washed over Grant, he took another step closer, and his hand flexed at his side. Grant flinched under me, and I saw red.
In almost fifteen years, Grant had never flinched. Not like this. When something came flying at his face? Sure. When an especially good jump scare happened in a horror movie and he tried to hide how badly it had scared him? Always. But when someone stood apart from us, subtly threatening him? Never. Not once.
Garrett had clearly manipulated him, badly. I knew that. Throughout the course of this interaction, I'd assumed Garrett had crossed the line into mental abuse, too. But now, I realized it had gone even further. To mental and physical abuse. Garrett had hit Grant enough after Grant "failed" him, that my boyfriend, who'd stared down some of the scariest people in the world without fear, stood next to me trembling, caught between a rock and a hard place.
"Think things through here, Ward," said Garrett, continuing his slow walk towards us. "Either you kill her, or I do. Weaknesses are unacceptable, especially now that we've come out of the shadows. A happy ending doesn't exist to this love story that came from your lies at SHIELD. So don't be stupid, son. Don't make this worse on yourself than it has to be-"
My hand moved before my brain actually registered what I was doing. I grabbed the gun out of the holster at Grant's waist, the one I thought he might've decided to use on me only about ten minutes ago, and I levelled it at Garrett. I was aware enough to realize this wasn't an Icer; this had the ability to do lethal damage. And for the first time ever, I decided I didn't care. I shot John Garrett in the chest, twice. He dropped to his knees, the life quickly fading out of him, leaving a crumpled heap on the floor.
The gun fell out of my hand and clattered to the ground, my hands were shaking so bad. I dropped to my knees, a wave roaring in my ears as I stared at Garrett's dead body. Vaguely, I registered tears streaming down my face. What had I just done?
A second later, Grant dropped next to me. His arm wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me to him. Not only had I just killed someone, I'd killed someone important to Grant. In front of him. His abuser, yes, but that wouldn't make it much easier to watch the man he thought saved him die before his eyes.
"Grant... I'm so sorry," I breathed, the words coming out broken around sobs and gulps for air. I shook my head and buried it into his shoulder, the reality of everything washing over me again and again, like waves pounding into the shore. "I can't believe... I just killed someone. I'm so sorry, I... I've always found another way. Always. All life is precious and important, but he was just so rotten- And he was hurting you- I'm so sorry."
I broke, words failing me as I shook, sobbing, head buried in Grant's chest. He wrapped his other arm around me and held me tight, which only made me feel worse. We stayed like that for a few moments, until I finally got a hold of myself enough to look at him. His eyes remained on Garrett's broken form, and it felt like a punch to the gut.
"Grant... how can you be comforting me right now? After what I did to someone you care about, I-"
I broke off again, the words turning into choked sobs as I ducked my head back into his chest. I squeezed my eyes tight, waiting for Grant to come to his senses enough to pull away. Instead, he sighed, and pulled me closer.
"Come on, is that even a real question?" he asked, his words as shaky as both of us combined. "The same way you forgave me for everything I did. I love you. And... if you, of all people, decided the right decision was to shoot John Garrett? ...Well, I don't know. Maybe he was having a worse impact on me than I realized."
I cried harder at that, relief and sadness and a thousand other emotions that had been warring in my chest all day coming together to be processed as one. After a few moments, I felt Grant's shaky breathing and a few drops of wetness on the top of my head as he cried silently with me. Grief for a lot of things gripped us both, but at least we could cling to each other.
A few long minutes later, we finally pulled apart and helped each other to stand. We were both still shaking, and I did my best to stand between Grant and Garrett's body. It felt wrong to keep my back to Garrett, to let myself avoid facing what I'd done, but I just couldn't make myself do it.
Wordlessly, we wandered back up to the main level of the Bus. Raina still waited here somewhere, but we didn't see her, and we didn't seek her out as we headed for the cockpit. With a few looks, we both knew exactly what we wanted and needed to do. I held Grant's hand tight in my own as we had the Quinjet set down immediately, in the middle of a field in Oklahoma. Neither of us wanted to be on board a second longer.
We walked out of the cockpit and towards the ramp in the back, avoiding any of the cargo bay where so much had happened. We found Raina in the living room, but she didn't try to stop us. Hand in hand, Grant and I walked off the ramp and out into the field. A moment later, the plane took off again, continuing on its original course and leaving us behind.
Grant tugged me closer to him and wrapped an arm around me, and we leaned on each other as the plane disappeared into the sky. Both of us still shook a little, and we were each the only thing keeping the other standing. After a minute, once the plane completely disappeared from sight, Grant spoke in a quiet voice.
"So... what do we do now?"
"...I guess we just start walking."
I looked up at him and our eyes connected for a few moments, holding each other's stares and trying to promise the other that everything would be okay. With Garrett gone, now more than ever, there was nothing stopping us from leaving all the hurt and bad memories behind, and starting over somewhere new. With any luck, Raina would tell people we were dead along with John Garrett, and that would be the end of our involvement with SHIELD and Hydra.
For now, though, none of that mattered. All that mattered was the man standing beside me as we turned, our backs to the plane and its path, and started walking towards our new future, hand in hand and one foot in front of the other.
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie
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isagrimorie · 4 months
for the ship ask game
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I think I shipped them in the first episode of Voyager. But it kicked off during the episode when they were both stranded on the planet.
I’m a multishipper so Chakotay isn’t the only one I ship with Janeway, but Chakotay is the first person I shipped with Janeway.
For the longest time, I remember in the 90s when we only had seasons 1 to 3, my focus was very much Janeway/Chakotay oriented. Most of the fic I consumed were Janeway/Chakotay oriented.
But what re-ignited my shipping for Janeway/Chakotay was Year of Hell and the waistcoat pocket watch Chakotay gifted Janeway for her birthday. She rebuffs his gift out of practicality.
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But Chakotay disobeyed her order and kept the pocket watch. Janeway finds it months later, after Annorax kidnapped Chakotay and Paris. I love the inversion where its Chakotay and Tom Paris who are both damsels in distress, and basically playing the honey pot who works over the bad guys for their own ends. .
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And then, later near the close of the episode, when Janeway orders her crew to other ships and after saying her affecting goodbye to her oldest friend, Tuvok, Janeway looks at her pocket watch.
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Janeway holds the pocket watch and looks at it as she walks towards the command chairs.
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Janeway looks at Chakotay’s chair to her right and looks at it, her expression unreadable. And yet, we sense what she is feeling— the absence of Chakotay.
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Janeway looks at Chakotay’s chair to her right and looks at it, her expression unreadable. And yet, we sense what she is feeling— the absence of Chakotay.
Still clutching the time piece Chakotay gifted her. For luck. For something else, maybe, we will never know.
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And with that Janeway sits down on her Command chair. Her throne. A lone queen in a ruined landscape. She will go down with this ship, a Captain to the end.
Also, I can’t help but think of the Ozymandias poem. Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I do love their mutual respect for each other, but also that Chakotay is willing to be second-in-command to Janeway. It’s really quite a thing for something during the 90s that we know Janeway is in charge and Chakotay is her second-in-command. And even though they would disagree, Chakotay will do his damnest to support Janeway.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don’t know if it’s unpopular but — as I am a multishipper— I ship Janeway with both Seven and Chakotay. I wouldn’t mind a story where they manage to work it out.
Also, I wouldn’t mind reading an angsty story about the 23 years in the Delta Quadrant where all three are miserable because Chakotay loves Janeway, Seven loves Janeway and Janeway loves both but because she can’t allow herself to love anyone while she’s a Captain… it does end up becoming Chakotay and Seven. And its a messy, complicated thing they end up in. Especially if Seven died where none of the two realize that Seven also loved Janeway and Chakotay became the shell of who he was because he felt guilty for loving Janeway while mourning for his wife, who he liked and cared for but didn’t love.
And Janeway also has to contend with the grief of losing Seven but also the relief of not seeing both people she loves together. But at what cost?
Or even an angsty story where the 23 years happened but it ends up happily where they do figure out that there is such a thing as a poly relationship. It would be an interesting story where Janeway has to contend with the realization that she loves two people at once and that she can’t choose.
She loves both Chakotay and Seven equally and differently.
But somehow they do figure things out and they live it all out happily.
So… I guess that’s… unpopular as opinions go.
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billyhargrove-s · 2 years
Lifeguard on Duty |B.H.|
a/n: sorry it's been a minute, life's been busy!
warnings; mentions of drowning, minor descriptions of drowning/near death (they're not too bad)
relationship: Billy Hargrove x Reader
word count: 1.7k
Summers in Hawkins were brutal, some days felt like you were in the ninth circle of Hell they were so hot. Reason #1 as to why everyone flocked to Hawkins pool every single day, weather permitting. Reason #2? There was next to nothing to do in the small town of Hawkins. Despite there being a brand new mall for people to spend their time at, season passes for the pool were a lot cheaper to buy for their kids than something new at the mall every day. 
Meaning you were stuck babysitting your siblings every day. Watching them safely from the poolside chairs, on land, while they wrestled with one another in the shallow end. They’d learned early on to stop begging you to get in the water with them. Realizing that the accidental dip in the pool you’d taken when you were 7 scarred you for life from getting in. You shivered at the thought, vividly remembering the way water began to fill your lungs and how nobody seemed to notice until the last possible second. The incident kept you from even learning how to swim, and you made it your duty to avoid bodies of water at every cost.
Sweat covered every inch of your skin, and your bright purple one piece was clinging to you because of it. You had your eyes closed as you laid in the sun, and only opened them when you noticed a shadow covering you, two shadows to be exact. Your brother and sister stood over you, blocking the sun. 
“Y/n.” Your sister Monica said. “Can you get us some snacks, please?” 
“And drinks?” Your brother Elliot added. 
“Do you have snacks and drink money?” You asked, knowing they had conned you many times before. 
“Yup!” Monica said, popping the ‘p’ and showing a toothless grin. Elliot walked over to the swim bag, pulling out a bunch of crumpled ones, handing them to you. 
“Where did you get this?” You asked, looking at the wad of ones in your hand. 
“Mom.” Your sister said, shrugging her shoulders. 
“Uh-huh.” You said eyeing your siblings suspiciously. Deciding not to question them further you put your sandals on, preparing to walk to the concession stand. Your eyes found a golden chest and your cheeks grew hot. Consciously, you blamed the sun that was beating down on you, subconsciously you knew the reason was because of a certain lifeguard making his way out of the break room. 
Billy Hargrove was attractive, and he knew it. The way he sauntered out of the shade of the breakroom into the sun that magnified his looks for everyone watching proved that. Looking at him made your days a little more bearable, he was basically the reason you agreed to watch your siblings every day. Even better, he was heading your way. You’d spoken to him before, in school for a group project. While you weren’t best friends, it seemed like he didn’t dislike you like most people in Hawkins. 
“Y/n.” He spoke, his voice like music to your ears. So you’d admit it, you had a crush on Billy. So did the entire town. That was obvious by the amount of heads turning to watch his every move. The wandering eyes were currently burning a hole in your swimsuit. 
“Hi Billy.” You said, trying to play it cool. 
“How’s the water? You’re looking a little hot, you should probably cool off…” His eyes drifted over your body before falling to the water where children had resumed playing. You shifted on your feet, attempting to keep your cool. Was he complimenting you?
“I’m not a big fan of getting my hair wet.” You said cooly, refusing to tell him the real reason was that your near death experience from a decade ago meant you didn’t touch water deeper than a bathtub. Ever. It was embarrassing and you weren’t about to give the most popular guy in Hawkins that kind of information. “Besides, I like the sun on my skin.” 
“Can’t argue with that,” Billy said, gesturing to his own mullet full of curls that were styled to perfection. He eyed you seductively, before looking at the clock on the wall of the main pool house. “I’ll see you around.” 
With that he gave you a smirk, what seemed like a wink under his sunglasses that framed his face perfectly, and made his way up the lifeguard stand. You heard him yell at a kid to “stop running or be banned for life” but you were too focused on the short conversation you had with him. Attempting to regain your composure you made your way to the concession stand. 
Handing the person working the window your money in exchange for two sodas and bags of chips that were surely to get left out in the sun while your siblings got distracted by bickering with one another in the water. At least you’d have something to munch on. You weren’t aware of Billy’s eyes watching you from the lifeguard stand as you went back to your chair, only you never made it to your chair. 
Instead, you felt a force knock into you. Ultimately sending the items in your hands to the ground and you to the pool. There was a child practically sitting on your stomach making you sink. Your fight or flight response never kicked in, instead your mind went straight to when you were seven. Water filling your lungs and the top of the water seemed miles away. After an agonizingly long second, you began to panic fighting to get to the top of the water. Panicking made it worse though, and you were beginning to lose hope until a pair of arms wrapped around your torso and pulled you to the top. 
Your breathing was heavy as you broke through the surface. Clutching the shoulders of your savior you took deep breaths, trying to regain your cool once more.
“I got you, you’re okay Y/n.” The calm collected voice belonged to Billy, who was obviously trying to calm you down. “You don’t like getting your hair wet huh?” 
A short laugh escaped your lips, and you held onto him a little closer. Extremely aware of how close he was holding you to himself. If he had noticed, he said nothing, only taking you to the edge of the pool where he got you out first before following suit. 
“You okay?” He asked, his voice was softer than before and you felt like every single pair of eyes was on you, and you wanted to cry. Billy turned to look around, before blowing his whistle at the watchful eyes sending everyone back to doing whatever it was they were. The kid who was running had already been reprimanded, sitting behind the desk at the front gate and you noticed it to be the same one running before. “Don’t worry about them, just focus on me.” 
“I’m not okay.” You whispered. “I’m actually anything but, and the fact that my legs are still dangling in the water makes me feel like I’m going to be dragged in again and not come up.” 
“Let’s get you away from the water then,” Billy laughed softly before standing up and grabbing your hand to follow. Your siblings were sitting on your chair, watching as Billy led you inside. “I’ll need to fill out an incident report, but it shouldn’t take too long hopefully, but you’re more than welcome to stay inside with me afterwards.” 
“That sounds,” You paused trying to find the right words and settled on “nice.”
“So, you don’t know how to swim?” He asked bluntly. 
“Believe it or not, that isn’t the first time I’ve been dragged out of a pool.” You laughed pitifully, and he echoed it. “When I was seven I nearly drowned because I was pushed in by my cousin when nobody was watching. Scared me away from learning.” 
“Sounds like a dick.” Billy said, lighting a cigarette as he pulled out a clipboard. 
“He was, I don’t talk to him anymore. I think he was arrested or something.” You shrugged, scowling at the thought of your cousin. 
“You know, I could help you get over your fear of water.” He said, perking up slightly as he looked over at your form curled up underneath a towel, his lifeguard jacket draped over your shoulders. “I teach kids how to swim all the time.” 
“Yeah Billy but I’m a lot older than most of the kids you teach. Do you know how embarrassing it would be to have 4 year olds outshine me?” You asked him, laughing in disbelief at the thought of it
“Think of it more as a private lesson, we go at your pace.” He suggested. “Even if it's just a toe in the wading pool.” 
“I appreciate the offer but I don’t know…” You told him. “There’s a lot of fear of water that comes with me, and today didn’t help that, it won’t be an overnight miracle.” 
“Baby you doubt my skills.” He said with a chuckle, and the pet name he used sent shivers down your spine.
You thought about it for a moment. Billy, your crush, the guy you’d been ogling everyday of the summer was offering you swim lessons, even after pulling you out of the water like a wet rat. This could be your chance to get to know Billy, and get over your fear of the water. 
“Okay…” You said hesitantly. “But you can’t make fun of me.” 
“I wouldn’t dream of it darling.” He sent a wink and once more you shivered, pulling his jacket closer to your body, and adjusting the towel on your legs. Trying to play it off as being chilly, rather than his words having an affect on you. “Can you stay after we close? We can start then.” 
“I have to take my siblings home first, but I can come back.”
“Perfect.” Billy said, flashing a grin and putting his lips close to your ear. “I’ll see you then.”
His breath tickled your skin, and you could’ve sworn his lips placed a kiss on your cheek. You didn’t think about it long though, as you were now making your way back towards your worried siblings. Although, they weren’t worried about the way you almost drowned. 
“Is that Billy’s jacket?”
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Posting headcanons on here cuz that's what the cool people do on this app (or so I've heard)
Mystreet addition!
• Travis and Sasha are cousins, that didn't know they were cousins until post season 3 (I basically looked at them both and basically said; "this would be some good family drama")
• Dante got a tongue piercing because Gene dared him to get one
• Travis and Sasha used to sneak off Friday nights to hang out without anyone knowing
• Aphmau and Zane had SOME feelings for each other post season 1 (I adore Zanemau)
• Katelyn and Travis were pretend dating for like the majority of mystreet
• Travis was given SO mucuch money by Michael even tho Micheal was only giving Travis a SMALL portion of his money per month, Travis still has too much money till this day
• Garroth can't and I mean CAN'T be trusted near a stove
• Laurance semi knows how to cook, he knows the basic at least because of Cadenza
• Zane is a baker and cook
• Vylad took a part-time job that ended up becoming his job for like 2 years (he was working at a flower shop) until he moved to a fashion industry with Zane
• Zane was a designer when he signed up for a fashion industry and then got into modeling due to one of his work colleagues convincing him to try it
• Zianna taught his 'sons' how to sew stuff
• Lucinda is just the same Lucinda from mcd, she's immortal okay?
• Michael is very ancient and used metal rulers to punish Travis, most times about lower than average grades that he gets (aka anything under an A)
• in middle School Travis was the definition of "President perfect" he was likeable by everyone he was naturally pretty and was always one to show up early also a straight A student
• Dante till this day still doesn't understand how he and Travis became friends in middle School, Travis is like this goddess while Dante was some late average grade normie
• Laurence took ballet
• Gene almost got sent to a violin academia by his mom cuz he was so good at violin
• Dante had a 'little' crush on Travis but decided to just back away from that she tried to ignore it since Travis and Katelyn are "Dating"
• In high school Zane and Vylad betted on how gay Garroth was, whoever won that bet even if it's years later had to do whatever the person who won said, and if it's something expensive then it'd be a one-time
• Garte is actually better in my universe (I can't fully defend him yet, all I can say is that he did help Zianna through tough times)
• Vylad and Zane has the same father but Zane is still older then Vylad by a few Days
• Vylad and Zane are twins even if they don't look like it
• Vylad and Zane would hang out in secret always anytime they can hang out
• all the Ro'maeve brothers are multilangual
• Travis speaks so many languages, (list; English,French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, mandarin, Malaysian, Italian,German,Tagalog,Arabic,Russian,Thai, Vietnamese,Icelandic,Polandic, that doesn't include the fact he knows sign language and Morse code)
• Travis and Gene both knows sign language and would talk shii about people and also gossip in private while not being in private
• Sasha knows sign language but doesn't bother to tell anyone she's here for the gossip
• Dante and Zenix is fed up with Gene and Travis and started communicating through
• Travis understands Morse code only because Dante taught him, but Dante thought Travis forgot how to do Morse code which was his own problem
• Travis barely remembered anyone from the street when he first moved in with the guys, it was so strange that even other people that barely knew Travis was interested
• Lucinda try to figure out what was happening with Travis but had no idea, her magic doesn't extend to ancient magic anymore since she has modernized her magic. Even with the blockages she has she tries to figure out what's wrong Maybe by a potion but she found no specific potion that could do it most of those potions were illegal and she sense no specific potions she sense Magic
• but Lucinda never stopped searching for why Travis didn't remember anyone besides Dante, since there was no record of any major accidents involving Travis or the valkrums
• Micheal gave Travis a box of crystals cuz he had a obsession with crystals (still do) and Travis was shocked by the amount of emeralds there was in that box there was around 50 something emeralds if counting the broken shards, if counting the whole emeralds there would be like 35 which is still a lot
• Terry once threatened Micheal to turn his physical form into a relic due to a factor that Michael was trying to erase an important memory and Terry wasn't having it that day
• Travis would endlessly rant about crystals to Vylad which had started to make Vylad actually interested in crystals and start looking into them and then got obsessed over it with Travis
• Dante as a teen was a hoarder, he grew out of it eventually
• Gene, despite being a horrible person in general in high school, he tried his best to be a better person around Dante trying not to influence him cuz he is far much more aware the fact that Dante can be influenced by him and he does not need Dante to be on his level of trouble
• Gene is far nicer to Travis than other one of Dante's friend, most likely due to the fact there was already this out of nowhere trust bond that existed when Dante first introduced Travis to Gene
•Zane had braces throughout freshman year and no one noticed cuz he had a mask on, then he got retainers mid season 3
• Zane is diagnose autistic
• Garroth and Aphmau is undiagnosed ADHD even though Travis has multiple time told them to get diagnosed due to the fact of the symptoms they had visibly and every time they always have this conversation;
"well are you a psychologist?"
"then how can you see the ADHD symptoms?"
"Cuz I have ADHD!"
"oh..uhm well you pay for a psychologist then!"
And then Travis actually gets them appointed to a psychologist for a ADHD diagnose and they got an actually official diagnose because of Travis and his ridiculous amount of money
• Vylad is dyslexic and Travis would spend hours after school in the library with him teaching him stuff, even if that means getting home late which Michael usually don't mind cuz he's never home until midnight Vylad got his permission card to stay late from his mom
• Vylad is the reason Zane is into my little horsey, Vylad actually introduced Zane to so many cartoons that now they can binge watch any kind of cartoons that Vylad puts on the platter
This whole post is just me ranting about stuff I wish were canon but isn't Canon, but hey no one can really stop me from posting this :]
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pixiedust-poppers · 2 months
Okay I'm not sure what show this is, but should I start watching it? I'm seeing Peter pan and Captain hook stuff, so I'm guessing it's like, a Disney show?
Oh hello!! The show is Jake and the neverland pirates? It’s another extension of the Peter Pan franchise, made specifically for the Disney junior program. I’m pretty sure it was also made to introduce Peter Pan to a newer generation. It already had its debut in 2011 and for 4 seasons, it ended in 2016.
If you’re expecting EVERYONE to be there (like the the lost boys or native Americans or the other Disney fairies) they will NOT show up. Wendy, her brothers, Peter and tinkerbell are characters who show up in specials.
Should you watch it? You’re asking a person who watched every episode from beginning to end, so ofc I say yes lol! BUT. I need you to know going into it let me reiterate that this show is MADE for PRESCHOOLERS, the show is supposed to teach about basic morals and lessons like teaching others to share, don’t steal, counting, etc (this eventually stops near the end of season 2 and starts to be more about their adventures S3 and onwards) and they do try to be that interactive Dora the explorer type show for maybe 1-2 seasons. Season one is abit stiff but it’s just trying to get its barrings :(.
As for Hook (and smee too I guess) he his dumbed down BECAUSE this is once again for preschoolers so no he will not shoot the kids in broad daylight or smoke a cigar infront of their faces. He isn’t as cruel as his original but he is definitely still a major asshole to the kids and inhabitants as well.
Tdlr; Yes, you should if it interests you! It’s not mind blowing or anything but it’s still enjoyable show even if the on nose lessons will make you eye roll. You just have to be patient with it and remember when a solution comes up that is a little too morally good, that it was made for the preschool demographic back in 2011.
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I love everything about the scene where Ed and Oz meet for the first time. There's something to it idk
The way Oz goes in there walking like the prettiest boy there, in search for Jim like fucking always, literally hoe behavior I don't even remember why he wanted to see Jim and it's not important- no actually it is he wanted to personally give him the invite cus Falcone gave him Fish' old club, he think he's all cool and all cus he's openly working with Falcone and the boss gave him a lil club
but the fucking way he walks around the gcpd like there weren't already numerous murders and other crimes under his name
And he's fucking pissed because Jim who's job literally is about walking around all day and not be at his desk- surprise is not there. Terrific. How dare Jim not be there when Oswald wanted to see him. How dare he make Oswald come at another time into this cops filled building.
And then Ed spots him. Because a place can be as crowded as you want, you'll fucking spot Oswald that's for sure especially with season 1 hair. And he just- decides to study him basically.
I don't know if Oswald actually feels like he's being observed, idk what the funniest option is.
Oswald decides to retreat for now, pissed as he is that Jim is not there, so he walks back to the outside and he gotta be all fancy about it because that's what he does.
And the fucking sequence of Ed progressively getting more near him like a ship getting near the marked point on a radar
They have this conversation where Ed thinks he's playing a game and not understanding Oswald isn't interested at all in said game. Because yes this whole dialogue for Ed is a game is all hehe gonna give a little riddle to this criminal connected to the biggest mafia bosses in town!! I know who he is~ oooh dangerous guy this is so fun!! I know his nickname is Penguin!!! I know penguin facts!! Let's give him a penguins fact!!
The fucking way Oswald slowly looks at Ed- I love this scene. The stare- like he's actively trying to kill Ed with nothing but a look. Because how dare this guy speak to him, how dare he stand too close to him, how dare he say stupid riddles and penguins' fun facts!! He's an extremely dangerous criminal and what does this random guy want
And Ed doesn't read the room. He stands there like the little ray of sunshine he is in this part of the story, smiling at the most dramatic goth criminal in the city, currently giving him the most murderous look ever
"isn't that neat?"
And to remain fancy and polite like he always tries to be when he puts on a facade, Oswald tells him basically "nice meeting you, keep moving" because a "fuck off" isn't really in his style.
First encounter ends like this. Iconic.
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 9 months
just marathoned the infatuation sungchan story <//3 i love sungchan too much sorry renjun if i see him in the pet store i would have fallen head over heels
i kinda wanna see the infatuation series to be like flipped (??) idk how to explain but yn is basically the yandere one or theyre also a yandere w him obsessing w eo
like yn and somi going to the pet store and he gets infatuated by sungchan with how cute he is and completely forgotten theyre getting stalked and becomes obsessed w sungchan
but also a part 2 of the recent sungchan drabble sounds good it may be angst but also comfort fluff w yn becoming guilty over leaving sungchan and even though somi and renjun is near they ran cause what is happening w sungchan? they see him crying and they comfort him (u could make it seem like somi and renjun followed yn idk)
INFATUATION thats a name i haven't seen in my inbox in a hot sec (aside from that one req) but also ugsdfhgfdjhg no me too Sungchan u caught my heart boyo!!!!
But also you know what I actually toyed with an idea similar before but with a different idol group, ATEEZ. It's in the drafts rn, but the whole thing is Seonghwa is the first Yan while YN goes through some descent into madness but yeah fun stuff! Maybe that will be a spooky season thing hehe
But no yeah that's a solid idea! There was a time that I planned to do a silly after-end thing once I finally sat down and finished Johnny's ending buuuuut we'll see hehehe anyway a part 2 👀 sure why not?
Infatuation AU Pairing: Yandere!Sungchan x Reader TW: Unsettling themes, Blood, Implied Self Harm Notes: I can see the need for a good ending but these infatuated boys will never know joy >:) [Part 1]
"Oh my god, (Y/N)!" Somi's arms wrapped around you tight, not letting you go for a minute, even when you eventually separated her hand still held yours. "Where have you been? We've been so worried!" She clasps her hands over yours now across the booth. You'd both decided to meet up at the Starbucks by campus, it was just the easiest place to pinpoint, you'd spent almost all of your undergrad there together and, for some reason, it seemed to be the safest place right now.
"I... I don't even know where to start, Soms..." you shook your head slowly. "I missed you guys so much..."
"Where were you?" Her eyes were desperate.
"Do you..." You looked around. "Do you remember Sungchan?"
"That kid from the pet store? What about him?" You were silent, and Somi pieced the story together herself. But, before she could say anymore, the door to the cafe opened and someone rushed in.
"Somi! I came as soon as you called!" Renjun was frantic, but he seemed to calm down as soon as he saw you. And you felt your heart melt at him. "(Y/N)..." your name was fragile on his lips. "Oh my god, (Y/N)," he reached for you and, for some reason, you flinched back, and Renjun's heart broke.
"Sorry," you muttered, rubbing your wrists habitually. Renjun fell into the seat next to Somi.
"What happened?" If Somi was desperate, Renjun was crazed. "Months, no contact, no sign, we've been looking for you nonstop and here you are... okay," he says. You didn't blame him for looking this way, hell, he's never looked worse.
"It's such a long story," you said. Then, your phone rang. And you answered it before Somi and Renjun could even think of looking at it.
"Hello?" You said quietly. The other two listened with baited breath.
"... Where are you?" Sungchan's voice was quiet too. You hesitated.
"At a Starbucks," you didn't exactly lie.
"... where?" He asked again. You swallowed harshly. "Please come home, I'm sorry, I know I said you could go, but... I didn't think you'd be gone this long. Please come home. I don't know what I'm going to do without you here. Come home, (Y/N)."
"I," you looked at your friends and you couldn't read their expressions. "I'll be right there." You rushed out. You remembered the last time this happened, the last time you were gone for just a bit too long and at that time you were just in the pet shop with the bunnies, imagine now, you're in a whole other town, and you had to take the taxi just to get home.
You were fumbling with the keys to the apartment when you realized the sheer ridiculousness of your statement. Home? When did you consider this hellhole your home? You didn't know. You didn't even have time to close the door when you ran in.
"Sungchan?" You looked around the apartment. It was quiet, too quiet. You started opening doors and cabinets, anything you'd think to check regardless of whether it was plausible or not, until, finally, you looked in the bathroom. You threw open the shower curtain, and Sungchan sat in the bathtub, legs pulled up to his chest and shirt twisted in such a strange way that you couldn't even fathom how it got like that in the first place. Sungchan looked up at you, phone still in his hand as if you were still on it, and he relaxed. "Oh..." you pitied him. And he reached for you, wrapping his arms around your legs and pressing his head against your thighs. You bent down slowly, adjusting so he was holding your shoulders instead. "It's okay, I'm here," you reassured him.
"I'm sorry," he says.
"It's fine, it's fine," you comforted him.
"I thought I was ready."
"It's fine," you ran your hands through his hair now.
"I..." Sungchan is cut off by a gasp. You look to the door and Somi has her hands over her mouth and Renjun... he was just quiet.
"Blood... blood," Somi's voice was muffled. You pulled Sungchan away from you for just a moment and near gagged. How did you not see that before.
"What the fuck..." Renjun mutters. "This? This is what you've had to do for months? Oh fuck..." he mumbles. His hand clutched his phone. "I'm calling the cops."
"Call an ambulance first! Oh god!" Somi panics.
"Sung? Sungchan?" You held his face in your hands and you look down at his arms again. "Why?!"
"You took too long."
General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville  
Infatuation: @lune1897 @beefchippp @nawkamoto @shiningstar-byulxx @treasuretaeil @jaesspresso @huangberryyy @yutafrita
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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staunr · 11 months
A random thought occurred to me
So if The Lady Bone Demon made Wukong, whose a stone monkey, and MK is also a stone monkey, then that would possibly mean that LBD also made Mk. Making Wukong and Mk kinda sorta brothers. And remember how Ink dude said: “The chaos and destruction we’ll bring upon the world will make Wukong’s run seem like nothing!”
What if it wasn’t wrong?
If LBD made the stone monkeys, then it wouldn’t be to bold to assume(I think) that she made them to fulfill her goal. Wukong being the first, and Mk somehow being the second.
But the LBD was sealed when Mk was formed, so who made his stone statue?
Well it couldn’t be LBD, Mayor, or Wukong. Here’s why:
LBD: she was sealed away, so she would be unable to make any new ‘vessels’.
Mayor: Even if he has LBD’s powers I don’t think he’d be strong enough to make new life with those powers. But then again I don’t know exactly how powerful he is.
Wukong: while maybe he could, I don’t think he would. I also don’t know if Wukong even knew before s4 that Mk was a stone monkey. Part of me thinks- Well maybe he did, he had observed Mk for sometime. But the other part is like- he probably just sensed Mk’s power and observed him to make sure he wasn’t a threat.
So if no one else could have made Mk or would want to, who did?
My dear little planets and stars, I think it could be the next main villain or a new character in s5. And before someone says: we won’t get one!
Yes we will, while I may not have twitter. I have enough brains to know when there’s cliff hanger, you can not(possibly) tell me that the ending scene was not a cliff hanger.
Speaking of the ending scene, I will now be moving onto that. What it could mean and who the voices possibly are.
In the beginning of the season, we see some random cloaked figure with two marks near the cheek area taking the Memory scroll, and the, possibly, same person returning the scroll.(from the way they turned back around I would assume that it’s the same person. Maybe not)
In the weird temple place that the scroll is housed is around eight people whom I’m going to name,
*drum roll*
The Council! Creative I know..
Anyways, this council was unaware of the entire ordeal and has no clue of who it could be. Maybe they do, I’m just going off the clip we were given.
Doing more research into the scrolls form JTTW, the scrolls are presumably called Hell Scrolls
Doing more research into that, there seems to be 24 scrolls in all. Each representing a different hell. There’s 8 great hells and 16 lesser hells,
8 hells:
1. The Hell of Excrement: I think it mean a shit load of human dung. I translated the text next to it and that’s literally what it translated to, shit and poop. I’m not joking.
2. The Hell of Measures: this one was a little confusing, because the translation was just- Measures institute, kanryohso, and contents.
3. The Hell of Iron Mortar: now at first I was like, “wtf is mortar??” Then i was like, “… daaamn, that’s painful.” Now Mortar is apparently the stuff people use when glueing bricks together. So. Yikes.
4. The Hell of the FLAMING ROOSTER: A the name suggest, this hell consists of a giant FIRE BREATHING ROOSTER.
5. The Hell of Black Sand Cloud: as vague as the name is, this hell is only just where people burn down others houses as black rain clouds rain burning sand.
6. The Hell of Pus and Blood: According to a single source that will be listed, this hell is for murders and murders only. Except, it’s only if you kill animals :). I bet Miss Katy would be proud. But I to also for those who are selfish essentially, like if someone stole from a elderly person. This is the only thing I could find on this hell. THE KNLY THKNG.
7. The Hell of Foxes and Wolves: Now this one is a little tricky as well, and the only CLOSE I could find was just dogs and no foxes. This hell is for those who start disputes or cause trouble to retain power. Stuff like that. And basically your hunted down for sport my dogs. Also your naked, eeewww.
Now I CAN NOT find ANYTHING on the eight hell, so if anyone could help I’d really appreciate that. Coooonnntinuing on!
What seems to be housing or gateway to each hell are hallways each ruled or owned by a king. Because I’m kinda going off track here, I’ll do all the scroll hells in a different post because this intrigues me.
Now I also could not find anything on a memory scroll, so maybes that’s sometime specifically in JTTW? I’m not sure.
But that LONG tangent does hopefully say something about what the scrolls purpose is, to punish those who’ve done wrong. Which is why Peng and Yellow Tusk(YT) were placed in there. To think about what they’ve done, which clearly neither of them have learned anything. They should’ve just have gotten therapy.
Who is the council? Well, I don’t know exactly but if I have a guess. And maybe you have as well. I think it’s possibly the kings of each hall. And there ten, not eight. (This next part is actually from Tumblr: @yamayuandadu , good work btw, also, GO CHECK OUT THEIRS!)
King 1: Qinguang Wang or Shinko- this dude basically shows where people go for the time being before they get re-birthed.
King 2: King Chujiang or Shoko- basically his hell is where you drown! In stinky and yucky liquid with floaty things in it! Fun :D! But wait! There’s more! The second on is a shit load of ice where you turn into a popsicle, yum. But your still alive. And hungry. And thirsty.
King 3: King Songdi, or Sotei- this one’s really bad, basically if you’ve been a shitty person you get hung upside down! but wait! THERES MORE! KNEES GET CRUSHED, SKINNNJNG, AND EYEBALL TORTURE! And! If you raid tombs you get fried like a pig! How fun..
King 4: King Wuguan or Gokan- BLACK POOL DUDE! Aka.. uh.. ‘dark red of freshly congealed blood’ pool.. nice.. anyway. This one varies from crime to crime, so I’ll sit copy and paste because my brain is running on two Kraft mac n cheese bowls and a singular apple with music: “This is where forgers, counterfeiters and cheats end up. Tax evaders, false vendors and people who write warranties for electrical goods also get punished here. Punishment varies according to crime, with cheats being clobbered with hammers and dodgy Ebay merchants getting the full crush-to-a-pulp treatment. The Pool of Blood is always hungry, so Wuguan Wang also takes care of family matters. Disrespectful daughters and rude sons are mashed into theiir component parts with great gusto.”
There also BEE TORTURE!
King 5: King Yanluo or Enma- I couldn’t find much, but he’s basically the judge for anyone whose about to be re-birthed. So. Yeah.
King 6: King Biancheng, or Hensei- This one is basically= sexual sins? GET RATTED ON! OMNIMBIM. You get gnawed on by rats. Are you a liar, or gossiper, or a slanderer, or a deceiver or someone who twist words? Here, have an iron nail through the mouth :)! There more, but I don’ wanna rn.
Anyways. King 7: King Taishan, or Taizan- Meat jam hell..?? WHAT ARE THESE NAMES??? Basically: arsonists, deceivers, terrorists and traitors are fed into the mincing machine. The resulting mess is known as meat jam.
The site I’m using didn’t go into more detail. I don’t want more details.
King 8: King Pingdeng, or Byodo- basically another judge. Just this time your stuck in a giant iron web. If you’ve sinned then you stay there. If not you leave.
King 9: King Dushi, or Toshi- basically if you don’t believe in the gods your cooked alive. Hell’s actual kitchen. Nice.
King 10, FINALLY: King Wudao Zhuanlun, or Godō Tenrin: I don’t know. I can’t find anything. Someone help.
Alright! I am so sorry for how long that is..
That’s all actually. It was an interesting ride. Whether this’ll be correct or not is not likely and I’ve just spent around more than 3 possible hours researching this. ANYWAYS BYE!
God it’s like I unlocked my inner osp.., I’ll label the link later…
Link 1: JTTW reference of the hell scrolls
Link 2: The wiki of the hell scrolls
Link 3: Hell of the flaming rooster
Link 4: ‘introduction of the painting on each hell’, aka every single hell scroll and king+ more
Link 5: Yamayuandadu’s post
Link 6: Chinquang Wang
Link 7: Chujuang Wang
Link 8: Wuguang Wang
Link 9: Yanluo Wang
Link 10: more Yanluo Wang
Link 11: Biancheng Wang
Link 12: Taishan Wang
Link 13: Pingdeng Wang
Link 14: Dushi Wang
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ghost-tripitaka-au · 5 months
Welcome to the Blog!
When Mysterious circumstances arise, Tripitaka is somehow a ghost haunting Tang for reasons unknown.
Now Tang has to continue the journey with a ghost nagging at the side of his shoulder.
“Tang don’t write that.”
“What? It’s true!”
No Toxicity
No Homophobia (Unless it’s story-wise)
No Bashing on Tripitaka please, I know some of ya’ll hate him but please don’t go too far.
Be nice!
Have fun!
Do not blame me if he’s inaccurate.
Characters to ask in Arc 1
This is inspired by @countinglegoclowns AU as well.
It just has its own plot-
Arc 1: The journey begins long before the pilots! Drama, adventure and excitement awaits in these new cast of characters.
Arc 2: The pilots start to form! But what’s this? a change in the timeline? Oh who knew?
Arc 3: DBK strikes again, this time his plan to overtake Megapolis is a success, without a Monkie Kid or his team of heroes, who shall tip the scales of balance now?
Arc 4: It’s the election for Megapolis’ mayor and the Monkie Kids have decided to strike! Will they succeed, will they fail? I dunno, something’s gonna happen.
Arc 5: While finding Rin, DBK heads for Flower Fruit Mountain to consult Wukong unaware of the horrors beyond.
Arc 6: You want a summary? Basically Season 3 Ep 1-2 but with SHIT ton of more lore.
Arc 7: The gang try to find a way to get the Samadhi Fire while Mathias is experiencing some HECTIC side effects from the mask.
Arc 8: The Amnesia episode to the Lantern,to the ritual, basically nearly half of Season 3, were close to Season 4 and nearing my favorite arc that I’ve been planning for a while. So buckle up people.
Arc 9: Looks like Season 3 has ended, what awaits us next folks? Also remember that the next arc is supposed to start with Tang, can’t call it ‘Ghost Tripitaka AU’ when Tang and Tripitaka ain’t there.
Arc 10: The gang get a side quest to save Mathias. Meanwhile Tang gets stuck somewhere…Deja Vu to the max.
Arc 11 part 1: Tang gets trapped in the multiverse…what’s this, *Gasp* a @mentality-of-wukong-au reference?!
Arc 11 part 2: Still trapped, but something happens that changes the course of history.
Arc 11 part 3: You know what this is getting old. (Be nice Tang)
Arc 11 part 4: At this point I might as well be Tripitaka waiting for my rescue. (At least I was quiet about it) Oh HAHAHAH, shut up.
Arc 11 part 5: The end of this universe. Wonder what awaits us in the next…what you thought it was like Mow and we’d only go through one universe? Yeah no fuck that.
Arc 12 part 1: In a new universe where the Traffic Light Trio have become the new dictators of society.
Arc 12 part 2: The past is shown about the circumstances of the Bull Family.
Arc 12 part 3: Wukong’s finally here and oop-! Looks like some drama going on here
Arc 12 part 4:Err looks like Director and Assistant got bored…welp! Unto the next world! Jesus, it’s hard to be the Head of Entertainment! Look at me Shiny! Inferior to the Clone known as Mow! Yet I’m over here making movies for the Old married Couple that could otherwise be our mothers…well technically they adopted the Blue one…I think…? Er, anyways, next arc I suppose.
Arc 13 part 1: Into the Fnafverse we go in a colorful cast of horror and fun!
Arc 13 part 2: Hey! More fnaf! And more fun!
Arc 13 part 3: <̷̼̫̝̙̯̻̟̲͈̬̜̈́̈́̀̑̔͆͑̅̌̈́̚͝͝͝͝Ă̵͙͚̎̓̐́̋̓n̷̪̈́͒͝ ̸̙̱͔̗̟̯͇̹̖̭̭̺̫͒ͅȄ̴̦̗͔̰̠̱͚̝͍̲̙͔̽̄̉̃̈́̉̅̂̐̊̕͝͠ͅr̸͇̙̔͂̃r̴̡̛̗̘͉͕̜̫͈͔̀̌͑̑̋̓͒̾̈́̉̊̾̚͝ͅo̵̜̱̳̦̮͚̥̳͉͚̠̬̎r̸̙͓̞̠̂͗̇̅͋̈́̄͐̂́̌̕͘͝ ̷̧͎̬̖̭͔̇̑̾̀̆̆ͅh̸̨̦̘̦͔͓̬̳̥̿̃̑̈́̔͂̌̕ͅa̶̮̠̎͜͝s̷̨̼̮͖̗̞͓̦̟̳̆̐̿̀̿͘̚ ̵̛̗̣̳̘͔͎̐̏̀̑́̍͐͊͝ͅȎ̴̡̮̱̗̺̣͉̏̽̽̄ĉ̷̨͓͍̘̤͓̪͚͚̦͎̟̒̑̀̃̿͊̄͛͜͜͠c̴̡̧̛͎̪͇̻͓̣͇̼͔̼͑͝ų̷̤̪̹̖̑̔r̸̡̡̩̲̺̺̪̼͉͈̺͐ͅŗ̴͉̼͈́̚ę̶̳̭̙͈̱͍̃̈́̏͆͊̀͗͑̈́͋̍̒͛̄͘d̶̛͖͕͗̍͊̎͂͊̃̽̾̾͒͗>̶̦̫͕̾̏͆͋̀͛͆̊̋̈̊̔̾͝
Arc 14: [Error: Program Overriden]
Arc 15: Welcome to season 4 folks.
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tsintotwo · 2 years
(Part 2/4)
Second post talking about Tom Sturridge in his projects (Part 1 here).
Remainder (2015)- Plot: Dude has an accident and is in a coma for months. Afterwards, he's forgotten a lot but weirdly, is remembering things that seem to have never happened. This dude is Tom. Now, I have to give it to the director- Tom has been shot GORGEOUSLY in this. The movie is slow at the start and honestly I was ready to happily treat and view this as a 2-hr modeling exercise feat. him. But things did get interesting, and I ended up kinda enjoying the movie. Tom's character gets slowly unhinged, and he portrays that so well. The voice, the attitude, the inevitable sexual tension- all of it had me mesmerized. He kisses a woman and a man. This 2nd kiss might just be, without any exaggeration, the hottest thing I've ever seen in my whole damn life. What's great about this is when he's kissing this man, it's not just like 'oh yeah sexy times!!1!' Basically his character had been trying to recreate a scenario (that happened with the 1st kiss) for months and with this man in this moment it's all come together- so he's ecstatic and almost delirious: that's the scene here. Idk how much the actors really got into this irl 'cause most of the kiss looks quite close-mouthed, but that matters zero per cent because HOLY FUCK they, esp. Tom, sell it like there's no tomorrow. He's just so. fuckin. INTENSE. I can swear to you right now: I will NEVER be over this. (Sorry for a longass kiss analysis; not tryna be pervy, it just really made an impact.)
Mary Shelley (2017)- Kissing husband in front of wife, flirting with said wife, making out with mistress, and then introducing everyone to his twink, all under a minute. Meet Lord Byron, ladies and gentlemen, a veritable chaotic devil. In the movie for, like, 15 mins, but Tom just rolls up and SETS THE HOUSE ON FIRE. Playing such an outrageous character, it might have been easy to make it a caricature. But Tom makes it believable, and you can kinda tell he's having fun with this. The effect is electrifying. Just, perfect casting.
Velvet Buzzsaw (2019)- I'd watched the movie when it came out 'cause I'm into horror/thrillers, but the only thing I remembered is not particularly liking it. I did go and look at Tom's scenes again (who, until recently, I'd totally forgotten was in this movie). He plays a hipster art critic, complete with pretentious scarves. It's a small role, and unremarkable. He does what the job asks of him. There's no lasting impact. (Did he come into the movie 'cause he's friends with Jake Gyllenhaal?)
Sweetbitter (2019)- Series on Starz. New adult girl, Tess, comes to NY, starts working at a high-end restaurant. Falls for bartender Jake immediately. But he's childhood friends+ with two-faced queen B Simone who's very territorial about him. Tess gets close with both of them, and you just know there's a clusterfuck coming. Which we didn't actually see arrive because the show got cancelled after 2 seasons. I did mostly watch this- interesting enough, but riddled with problems. That aside, Tom plays Jake and I have to say this is the only time ever I've thought him less than perfect. The character is a walking NA instalovey-romance trope with near zero redeeming qualities, that's one thing. But a. Tom's American accent was off (which is weird 'cause he's pulled it off decently enough in other things), and b. (I feel like this is the showmakers' fault)- this character is supposed to be a thirst trap: broody asshole, a player with tattoos, a classic bad boy- and I KNOW Tom can do that, be that. And yet, he kind of... wasn't, 100%? The show just failed to present him that way, and it's SUCH a missed opportunity. I mean, dude's got the looks, the charisma, has done awfully well in bad news/lusty devil roles before. So what gives? Just, frustrating. The intimate scenes in the show are VERY nicely done tho. Worth watching just for seeing Tom fuckboy-shoving and kissing a girl against a wall tbh (A taste here)
Irma Vep (2022)- HBO show. Actress separates from actor husband after cheating on him with a woman, goes to France to film a remake of a classic movie called 'Irma Vep' and reflect on life and shit. Yeah, I wasn't gonna watch this. So, I watched the parts with Tom. He's the ex-husband, now on friendly terms with the MC. I loved him in this: something so natural about both when he's having a quiet, regretful convo with his ex wife and being playful and upbeat with his young new gf. There's this scene when he's hurting, goes to the MC for comfort, and they end up sleeping together. It was SO well done- hesitation, hurt, desire, wanting each other, but still really looking for comfort... masterful, from both actors (Tom with Alicia Vikander) and the director.
Bonus: See Wall/A Life (2019)- Two monologues from Tom (Sea Wall) and Jake Gyllenhaal (A Life) at Public Theatre and on Broadway. They both got Tony noms for Best Actor for this. It kills me that there's no way to see it now (check out the trailer on yt, you'll regret too), but there's an audiobook for this done by them on Audible which I got. I just love Tom's voice, okay? Love the way he speaks, even when he's not being Morpheus. And him telling me a 36 min story where he gets hyper and then quiet, excited and then devasted, is in love, is heartbroken- and I can replay it as many times as I want? Just, gimme. Any day, anytime. I'm so happy this exists.
That's it for this post. I've watched more stuff, so there will be a next installment.
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 9 months
It occurs to me that since I originally intended for The Hedgehog's Dilemma to be a one-shot and never updated the summary when it started spawning new chapters (and I'm not going to. Summaries are the bane of my existence) no one else actually knows what chapter 3 is about. Since I'm awake at 5:30 in the morning thanks to this migraine, I'm going to sort-of-but-not-quite explain it by instead explaining why chapter 3 exists in the first place.
There's basically two interconnected sides to this: the Roy side and the Jamie side. On the Roy side, we have a conversation which takes place around the middle of chapter 1 when they're driving from Manchester to London: Jamie asks why Roy is helping him, and Roy says it's because he's intrinsically deserving of help just by being a person. This is the thesis statement of the fic, and also my thesis statement for like. life in general (socialism? in my Ted Lasso fanfic? It's more likely than you think!) but I wasn't sure if I should actually include that line since it's not something Roy believes about himself, particularly at the point where THD is set near the end of season 1. But then I was like, Roy's not above being a hypocrite. So when I decided there was going to be a chapter 2 to wrap up some of the lose ends in Jamie's story arc (confirming that he stays at Richmond, reuniting with his mom), I figured I could have a nice closed circle moment with the whole "you deserve help automatically because you're a person" thing, this time from Jamie to Roy, in the epilogue of chapter 2.
If you have read THD, you may remember that there is not an epilogue to chapter 2. This is because it mutated into chapter 3. The basic idea of that epilogue was that it would take place after 1x10 and is about Jamie taking care of Roy after he fucks up his knee and has to retire, because at that point it was pretty much guaranteed to happen even if in this AU it obviously doesn't happen tackling Jamie (who isn't playing in the match since he's still on loan from Man City). But obviously if you set something in 1x10 and that something is a fanfic about Jamie's relationship with his dad, you have to deal with the James Tartt Sr. of it all. So I was thinking about how Jamie would deal with his dad 1) coming to London to watch the Man City v. Richmond game, and 2) finding out that he's transferring teams. Thinking about it eventually produced a 13-point outline and partway through that I was like... hmm. Maybe this isn't an epilogue. Maybe this is just another chapter, and thus chapter 3 was born. (Chapter 3 also has an epilogue but this one is actually an epilogue and not secretly an extra chapter).
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noperopesaredope · 1 year
SvtFoE Rhombulus Rewrite (Pt. 5)
Me: *Falls from the ceiling and onto to floor*
Me: “Hey my amazing Chimeras, it’s been a hot minute, huh? About...” *Checks calender before ripping it up* “......at least a day.”
Sorry I’ve been gone for so long. I wrote the first few parts a while back during a week or so long hyperfixation spree before hopping to something else. But I’m mostly back now! Still might take a bit to get some of the other parts out, since planning the episodes out has been a bit of a challenge, and that will also be the case for the other parts. But I’m gonna try my best because I legitimately like this AU I’ve created and feel that the people who enjoy it deserve an ending. I can’t just create a character arc and not go through with it, after all! *Side-eyes the OG show*
So, this is Part 2 of Season 4 for my Rhombulus Rewrite! Thank you so much to everyone who has liked, reblogged, and followed along with all my past posts describing this AU thus far. If you do enjoy this AU, then please remember to like all of those posts! Now, I need to explain something important before getting on with the rest of this thing: I have two potential endings for Season 4 in my Rhombulus rewrite. That’s why I will be making a Part 6, which will have one of the alternate endings (this ending I have dubbed “Closest to Canon”), and then a Part 7, which will have the other, slightly more fun and good ending (this ending has been dubbed “Canon is My B*tch Now”). This post will be a continuation of the previous one, but the endings will split off at “Mama Star”. Hope you enjoy this part!
Season 4 (Part 2):
- So I forgot to add something important to my last part of the rewrite. Well, okay, the particular episode isn’t all that important, but the part I’m adding might be a bit important. So, as I said in my last post, in “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” (an episode that I made), it is revealed the the MHC basically want Rhombulus to spy on Eclipsa, so I decided to add some stuff to actually show that a bit, starting with “The Ponyhead Show!”
- Rhombulus might offer to host a small segment on the show as an excuse to follow Eclipsa around. In the background during certain scenes, we might be able to see Rhombulus hiding behind things or sneakily taking notes during Eclipsa scenes. He’ll also seem a bit nervous around he, probably due to feeling guilty about spying on her.
- Back to the actually ones that I should be talking about.
- I was not planning to add Rhombulus into “Cornball!”, but oh my god, I’m so glad I did. This isn’t even really gonna be a Rhombulus episode, but it’s gonna have some stuff for him in it. First off, he decides to check out the cornball match because 1) Star asked if he wanted to come and he had nothing else to do, 2) he really likes cornball, and 3) he was curious to see how this Monster-Mewman intergrated teams cornball match would go. He realizes he doesn’t really have a strong understanding of Monster-Mewman relations and wants to learn more about the whole mess, especially since he and the MHC are so highly involved in it.
- Rhombulus tries to find a seat, but some monsters recognize him and choose to avoid him. He then tries to sit near some Mewmans, but is not fully recognized and is seen as a monster. This is the first time Rhombulus has ever fully experienced what it’s like to be a monster in Mewni, and it shakes him a bit at how cold and even cruel Mewmans can be. This whole sequence is done without Rhombulus ever saying a word.
- He decides to just sit somewhere by himself behind the statium, when a small monster girl appears next to him and compliments his snake tails, saying they look cool. Rhombulus awkwardly thanks her, and compliments her tail as well.
- He then asks where the kid’s parents are (as this child is extremely small and should not be alone). The child casually responds that her mama is dead. This is a very awkward thing to hear, so Rhombulus carefully asks where her dad is. The child says “he got crystalized. I haven’t seen him in years, and I’m pretty sure I’m never gonna see him again. I miss him a lot.”
- Rhombulus softly asks why her dad got crystalized. She says that she doesn’t know. She and her auntie tried to find out, but they were denied. But whatever it was, she knows her papa is innocent, and someday, she’ll save him.
- This is important. Very, very important.
- One important thing about Rhombulus is that since he represents childhood, he is really great at getting along with little kids. So he asks if she wants to do something else besides sit around.
- The little girl jumps up at this, and she takes him over to meet her friends, who are joining in on the match. She asks if he wants to play too. Rhombulus says he’d rather just watch, but that he’ll cheer her on. She nods and runs off to join the game.
- As he watches the kids play, Star might ask Rhombulus what he thinks of all this. He pauses a moment before saying “kids are wiser than adults, aren’t they?” Star agrees.
- Before he leaves, Rhombulus asks the little girl what her name is, and she says that her name is Alita. He asks her what her dad looks like, and she tells him. Rhombulus then tells Alita that he knows the guy who crystalizes people, and maybe he can talk to him and see if they can let her dad go. Alita asks him to promise he’ll get her papa home as soon as possible if he gets freed. He pinky swears, and they part ways. This will come up again later.
- So I included Reynaldo in my all new original episode; “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”. And because he’s in “Meteora’s Lesson”, I might as well talk a bit about that. There is a chance Reynaldo will mention that Rhombulus visited, which Glossaryck will only barely react to, saying that he’s not surprised. Reynaldo also mentions that it’d be nice if Glossaryck came to visit him every once in a while, but Glossaryck basically waves it off. :(
- Rhombulus and Star will not get into a fight during “Junkin Janna”, and Rhombulus will actually appear to feel bad for wasting Star and Eclipsa’s time, and won’t be accusatory towards Eclipsa. So that’s that episode.
- I also decided to add a change that is both major and minor, because as you will see this season, I am changing more than just Rhombulus. Sure, I’m not gonna change everything that I don’t like about Season 4 or feel like they should have changed, but I decided to use this opprotunity to make a few things just a little bit better in my eye.
- This is that change: Kelly and Marco will not break up. Now, I will explain this decision more in my rewriting of the climax/finale, but I just want to stop the shipping drama and change things up a bit, as well as make most fans a bit happier in the process. Kelly was done dirty and deserves better. Starco ended up being a mess and it ended up ruining the impact of the finale for me. So I decided, why not just keep Kelco together?
- The next episode Rhombulus appears in is the extremely important “Cornonation” of course! Now, for this episode, a lot of things will stay the same and a lot of things will be different, particularly the ending.
- While the first half of the episode will remain mostly the same, little details all throughout it will be different.
- First off, Rhombulus won’t get very accusatory of Eclipsa. In fact, he might at some point take the rest of the MHC aside to try and convince them that Eclipsa is innocent. Hekapoo says that there is no way she isn’t the one who did it. Rhombulus swears that he’s been keeping an eye on her the whole day, and at no point did he see Eclipsa try to free Globgor.
- Hekapoo insists that there are no other person it could possibly be, so they will still need to keep an eye on her, which Rhombulus is very reluctant about.
- While guarding her, Rhombulus (while stroking his tails and looking away no less🤔) tells Eclipsa that, for the record, he thinks she’s innocent. She looks at him a bit funny, but thanks him. He also lets Star talk to Eclipsa alone with no questions asked.
- When Star comes back with Globgor, Rhombulus looks kinda nervous and afraid. Rather than Rhombulus proudly declaring that he will crystalize Globgor, Omni will prompt Rhombulus to perform the crystalization process, which he will be slightly reluctant about.
- While Eclipsa and Globgor see each other again and have that cute moment, Hekapoo will say “all right, enough stalling. Rhombulus, crystalize her.” Rhombulus will panic for a second, before starting to crystalize her, causing Globgor to break out, and the whole fight thing will ensue, with all that stuff being mostly the same.
- When Globgor says that the MHC can crystalize him, as long as they let his family go, Rhombulus will hesitate at this, clearly conflicted, before slowly aiming at Globgor. That’s when River inturrupts and makes the whole small speech about being a dad.
- Omni and Hekapoo protest this, saying that Eclipsa needs to be imprisoned for her crimes. But, in a surprising turn of events, Rhombulus speaks up against this, saying that the MHC (including himself) are pretty bad judges, and probably shouldn’t have a say in this. Plus, he’s pretty sure Eclipsa didn’t do it.
- Omni says that it is their duty to imprison the couple, but Rhombulus reminds them that actually, that’s RHOMBULUS’S job, and only he has the power to crystalize people. And he refuses to use it on them without at least giving them a fair trial or something like that.
- Everyone is slightly shooketh, and there is a pause until Eclipsa suggests letting the people decide. Then the whole scene plays out mostly the same, and it all pretty much works out. Omni and Hekapoo are a little moody about it, but accept this.
- After the cornonation, Globgor approaches Rhombulus in private room away from prying ears to ask him a small, simple question: “Why did you free me?” Rhombulus nervously chuckles, asking if he meant why he didn’t recrystalize him during the Cornonation.
- Globgor says no, and that Rhombulus knows what he really means. Rhombulus denies this at first, but he’s never really been good at lying, and Globgor pushes him into confessing that yes, he was the one to set free Globgor at the Monster Temple.
- Rhombulus admits he’s made mistakes in the past, and there’s probably a lot of people he unjustly imprisoned. He realized this recently and felt really bad about it, and because of his impulsive nature, while standing in the Monster Temple, without thinking, he decided to free Globgor. What was the worst that could happen? As soon as Globgor stormed off, Rhombulus immediately began to regret his decision, but didn’t know what to do about it. So he didn’t say anything.
- Globgor understands this, and thanks him for reuniting him with his family, even if it all ended up a little messy.
- I’m not exactly sure how to end “Cornonation”, but pretend I wrote down a good ending to the episode. Maybe some Mina foreshadowing or something. I’m such a good writer. Totally not just telling people to finish the rest themselves. Amazing. Fantastic. I’ll win all the awards.
- Instead of “Britta’s Tacos”, we should have gotten an episode centered around Tom and his trip, which will explain his decision to break up with Star. Wouldn’t come to the conclusion that he should break up with her, but would come to the conclusions that lead up to him choosing to break up with her. I’d like an episode like that. But I’m not gonna write it down, because I feel like someone else should do it. Still, pretend that in this AU, that episode exists.
- Sidenote: The B-Plot to that episode would be Marco coming back to Earth to introduce Kelly to his family, and maybe Star comes along? During that, we can catch up with the characters we left behind on Earth. The joke about Mariposa being a Starco baby will not happen, because ew wtf.
- “Gone Baby Gone” is a cute episode. But it is also expendable. Which is why I shall be replacing it with a different wholesome episode centered around Rhombulus character growth and also Alita. I’m not sorry.
- This new episode is called “Crystal Children”. The synopsis for this episode would probably be “Rhombulus follows through on a promise.” That’s basically the episode in a way. But it’s also so much more than that. It’s the near completion of his whole arc up to this point.
- We start out with Rhombulus talking rapidly in front of a bulletin board that looks more like a conspiracy theorist board. He is talking about ways they could change the justice system in Mewni. This part is a bit short, but very rambling and slightly confusing. He finally says, “so, watcha think?” and we cut to Hekapoo and Omni, who are sitting on chairs as his audience. There is a pause before Hekapoo says “no” while Omni says “absolutely not.” Rhombulus, clearly devestated, exclaims “WHAT?! But why!?!”
- Omni states that Mewni’s current system works perfectly fine, and there is no point in overcomplicating things and changing it. Hekapoo agrees, and Rhombulus is forced to pack up and go home.
- In the next scene, Rhombulus sitting in his lair and looking around at all the frozen monsters, which he feels bad about. He sighs and says “I wish I could free you guys. Then I could make up for everything.” He sits there for a few seconds before popping up and exclaiming “wait! I control the crystals! I can do whatever I want!” He runs over to a crystal and is about to unfreeze it when one of his snakes holds him back and reminds him that it’s probably a bad idea to just randomly unfreeze anyone, and he needs to think more carefully.
- They decide to instead freeze someone that they are much more sure isn’t evil. Rhombulus remembers Anita, and goes to look for her dad. He wanders around the lair for a bit before spotting him. Anita’s dad is admittedly pretty scary looking, and there is a moment where Rhombulus questions if this is really her dad. But he checks around, and it really is him. Rhombulus then has a moment of unsurety about freeing Anita’s dad, but he gathers his resolve and does it anyways.
- Anita’s dad wakes up in flight mode and immediately begins to scramble away from Rhombulus, who is also caught off guard. But Rhombulus manages to calm him down, and explains that he is taking him back to his daughter again.
- They then have a little escape adventure thing together (IDK I don’t have a full plan for this episode and really just wanted to get this post out) in which Rhombulus learns more about monsters and Anita’s dad (who will be named Crelin) learns about Rhombulus.
- It ends with Anita and Crelin being reunited, and Anita thanks Rhombulus for doing the right thing.
So that’s the end of this part! Hopefully my next part will come out soon!
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rosettastarlight · 1 year
More headcanons I made up for the crossover au where Vance Hopper moves to Hawkins because I’m having aniety attacks and writing out stuff aout my comfort characters calms me.
This is more about, I guess the dynamics in the Hopper family.
If this took place during season 1, I don’t imagine Vance really having that big a part in it other than being a part of Hopper’s past and storyline as he tries connecting again with his estranged son and remembering how he wasn’t there for him before while searching for Will.
This is both because he doesn’t have much connections to the Party yet and because I think Hopper would do his absolute best to keep Vance out of it, especially near the end when he starts to realize this is bigger than he thought involving the upside down and the government.
He knows Vance is still just recovering from a very traumatic event and doesn’t want to put him through anything else, he doesn’t want to risk losing him again, and he most certainly does not want the government’s eyes on him, too.
Whether or not this actually worked and Vance actually stayed out of it has yet to be decided in my brain.
Although I do like to think, to some degree, that if he did have a part, it would be mostly with the Byers with intersections in with Hopper since that is his dad in this au and he’s going to come home or get picked up by him.
It was not a good time and even a bit of a setback in Vance’s and Jim’s relationship when he came home to the aftermath of that scene where Hopper had been drinking again and even tore apart some of the house, the drinking part he found out from his mom who called back frantic after Vance plugged back in the phone.
Jim and Diane talk more in this au, but she makes it clear it's mostly just business and for Vance, calls only to ask about their son and how he's adjusting or doing since she knows Vance will just tell her what he thinks she wants to hear. If Jim starts talking about their own relationship and she thinks it might go down the road it usually does, she makes an excuse and hangs up.
Vance searched through the house after that and afterwards would randomly do searches for, and throw out any if he found it, any alcohol in the place. Jim drinking stresses his mom out, low-key stresses Vance out, which comes out in more anger, and is a place he is determined not to go back to since he still remembers when Jim would call drunk trying to get back with his mom.
Overall, Vance and Hopper's relationship became more strained for a while after that incident, although they're both trying their best to make it work since it does comes from a place of love. It's just that neither of them know how to express that properly.
It also very much takes a bit of a nosedive when El comes into the picture.
Depending on how much Vance knows about the events in season 1, he did think it was weird in the winter how Jim would leave in the early mornings with a box before coming back like nothing happened.
If he stayed out of the majority of the chaos, when Hopper came back one day with a strange girl, Jim lied through his teeth that she was the kid of an old friend who would be staying with them for a bit.
If Vance knew enough to know who El was, he'd be surprised at the very least to see she's still alive.
Either way, I can't see Vance's relationship with El, at first at least, being anything but complicated.
I mean, you're putting two stubborn, traumatized kids with anger issues that come out in ways you don't really want to be on the other end of (and El had anger issues as well, as a response to her trauma in the show) in the same small cabin who have no real ties to each other but their caretaker who's basically demanding they coexist and get along.
Vance also might probably feel like Hopper's trying to replace Sarah as time goes on with how he treats her. Especially since in his mind, his dad could apparently pull himself together for a girl he barely knew, but it took three years and Vance nearly dying to get Hopper to try.
Depending, once again, on just how much Vance would know post season 1, add in all this to being constantly left in the dark and lied to with vague, sketchy explanations he knows means something is up but can't prove it.
Overall I think he'd kinda resent her for the above reasons, but at the same time, he definitely sees the similar signs she was also hurt, her limited vocab, hair, and wonder at the simplest things set off a few alarms, and he kinda feels bad she has to stay in all day and knows how easy it is to go crazy with just your thoughts.
So it's like he won't openly antagonize her, but he's pretty cold at first and closed off, ignores her when he can, is more passive aggressive towards her when he can't, but he still somewhat cares about her being okay.
While Vance can't tell anyone about El apparently, he still complains about her to his friends in Denver over the phone, just keeping out the main details.
El also has accidentally crossed his boundaries once or twice since she doesn't know any better and she really does want a friend.
They've absolutely had the "get out of my room" argument.
El isn't too happy a camper either with the situation, Vance overall isn't the easiest person to live with and sometimes the arguments he has with Jim can scare her since they can get pretty loud even though that's just how they are.
She very much still does want to be friends with Vance, but sometimes her efforts can actually make things worse than better, and Jim will insist to give him space and let him come to her like he waited for her.
El can get jealous, too, that Vance is free to go whenever he wants but she can't, and it's been a topic of one of her own arguments with Hopper why she can't go or talk to her friends, but Vance can.
Vance is actually on her side for those since he thinks it's pretty unfair, too, if her going out alone is a problem, he could literally just go with her, she's not going to spontaneously combust the minute she steps into town.
The moments where Vance and El team up against Hopper are his nightmare, like, yes, he wants them to get along, but not when he's the common enemy.
They start to warm up to each other over time, but their relationship at first is pretty complicated, and by s2, they'd be a little better after almost a year, but there's still more downs than ups until they realize how much they have in common
Small off track note, Vance is that older sibling that'd probably lay down on you after winning a fight.
That's all I've got for right now.
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owlhousetarot · 11 months
I saw your post about the remaining cards you still have to do, and I would like to put out two ideas of mine that I think fit.
Card 1: The Magician
I think Adrian Graye (illusion covenhead) could fit this card. Granted I'm tapping more into the illusion magic aspect but it could work.
Explanation: The main aspect of him is that he is creative with his illusion magic and is no doubt the most skilled in illusion magic being a Covenhead afterall. (Besides Gus who is 12) He is resourceful in his own way of having the coven scouts be used as "actors" (in the way he directs them like a director) as well as figuring out that placing an illusion of Belos would stop Hunter in his tracks to catch him. He also was willing to do anything to achieve his goal (capturing Gus and Hunter and going as far as to psychologically torture Gus to get the location of the galdorstones). In terms of the reversed meaning, he can be a bit out of touch because he's seen to basically abort his own mission from Belos and instead used his magic/resources as an opportunity to do something for his own personal gain (getting Gus) at his expense. He also stops himself (unknowingly) as he knows what he wants/expects from his scouts, yet he gives poor/not clear feedback to them. Which is often misdirected which causes their illusions to be detected by Gus.
Card 2: Justice
I think Raine Whispers and at most Eda too pictured could work.
Explanation: Raine is a morally good character who who seeks to know the truth of The Day of Unity as well as disassemble Belos’s plan for it. (And at most tell others about Belos’s lies) This is because they care about the freedom of witches and deep down, they know its right to put a stop to Belos. They do feel a bit conflicted about it as they have to sacrifice their relationship with Eda by either dying in action in Eda's Requiem or by not talking to her to avoid Eda's safety being put at risk. I think in terms of the reversed meaning, the last thing stated could tie into a lack of communication/ accountability as they didn’t talk to Eda. In terms of the reversed theme of corruption, Eda's magic corrupted Raine's music and is what allowed them to come up with the suicide mission they were on to take down Darius and Eberwolf (and by extension The Day of Unity). The theme of corruption can also be tied to Raine pretending to be brainwashed, as they had to (kinda) lie to Eda about playing the part in Follies at the Coven Day Parade.
Card 12: The Hanged Man
I think the specific scene of Luz saying bye to her mom near the end of Yesterday's Lie could tie into this card.
Explanation: this is going to be shorter (I hope). Luz in the scene is literally hanging from a rope and has to let go of her mom to get back to Eda. She's sacrificing seeing her mom again. Then when comes back to Eda, she has to think about what her next action is (tell Eda and Amity about what her mom said to her coming back). If I remember correctly, I think this was the last episode of season 2A, so the audience watching was on pause/waiting for the next episode to see what Luz was going to do. This also bleeds into the reversed meaning as Luz (in Follies) was fearful of telling Amity and her friends of what happened. She was a bit indecisive and didn't know what to do.
Card 21: The World
I'm thinking more literally on this one and I think the entire 9 Covenheads pictured would be cool. Or just the idea of covens in general.
Explanation: The idea of covens when Luz first saw them was in a positive light, saying that there was a sense of community/ integration with witches and having a sense of belonging. This would also fit with the double meaning of harmony/unity as a tie with the Day of Unity. In terms of the reversed meaning, the covens are always trying to gain new members, so they're never fully complete as Belos wants as many witches in them. Another thing is that witches lose the rest of their magic and it may even lead them to feeling incomplete without all of it/ the magic being restricted.
I hope this doesn't come across as a lot, I just saw this post and had to share my ideas. (Also can you tell I'm hyperfixating on this show lol I love it to peices)
Also I just saw this now so I have no idea how old this post is, but I hope you at least enjoy my ideas if you haven't started the these cards already.
(Also I'm totally going to get this deck when it comes out I love it already)
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Aaa I ADORE your ideas!! I was actually REALLY close to using that exact scene for the hanged man card, but ended up with the design I have because Yesterday’s Lie works really well for a later card and because I needed more King in the major arcana (especially since this deck is already gonna be so Luz-heavy lol)
And while yes unfortunately I have already made all of these cards, I enjoyed reading through your ideas! (And if anyone were to make art of these, or any other cards in the deck, I would love to be tagged so I could see it 👀)
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shadowsong26x · 6 months
So I was looking up some stuff about Caprica (the series) for reasons side note does anyone actually remember how many husbands Sr. Clarice has because I Cannot Find a hard number lol and also referring back to some of my rewatch notes for unrelated reasons and. I remembered How Little Sense the retcon re: Bill's Age makes.
Buckle up, I did Math for this XD
Okay, so. We are going to, for the purposes of this analysis, Ignore Tigh's flashbacks in...I think it was Scattered? That bit in the Kobol arc when he was remembering how he and Bill met, mostly because it Complicates the Math in ways I don't want to deal with, lol. Also ignoring Bill's flashbacks from Razor; they provide a little bit of additional context/support but a) I don't feel like looking up the specific numbers, and b) they don't really change the math.
This means that our evidence comes from five episodes with relevant timestamps:
Lay Down Your Burdens II
Unfinished Business
So, the relevant timeline as presented in Caprica is as follows:
The show starts 58 years before the attacks
It starts with a bombing on a commuter train, where Joseph Adama's wife and daughter are killed.
At this point, Joseph has a ten-ish-year-old son called Willie.
Willie is killed towards the end of the series.
Joseph, with his second wife, has another son who is named William in honor of his dead brother; this is the Bill we know and love.
Citing this timeline, people will give Bill's age as 58 as of the miniseries. There are already a couple problems with this, namely a) Joseph's emotional state; and b) the realities of human reproduction. Basically, I don't really see him hooking up with/impregnating his second wife within three months of the train bombing, which, assuming Bill was full-term or near-term, would be required for him to be 58. So, a more reasonable estimate would be 56, maybe 57 at the absolute oldest.
And then we get to how this conflicts with the timeline information in the main series.
Time for Math! :D
The flashbacks in Unfinished Business take place 17 months before the frame story, which is stated to be 8 months before the occupation begins.
Occupation opens 134 days into the occupation, or about 4.5 months. LDYB2 says the Cylons turn up on day 380 of the settlement, or a little over a year. We'll round these numbers to 4 months and 1 year for convenience/ease of numbers.
So, this means that the frame story of Unfinished Business takes place roughly 5 months after leaving New Caprica: 17 months - 4 months of occupation - 8 months prior to that = 5 months.
Hero takes place shortly before Unfinished Business; specific timestamp not given to the best of my recollection. We'll use that same marker of five months post-Exodus to account for the rounding we did in calculating that number.
Hero also states that Bill has been in the military for 45 years at that point.
(NB: There are timeline issues with Hero in general, mostly because the fallout from Bulldog's story kind of conflicts with Boomer's timeline, but in terms of the dates for Bill's career, it lines up with other parts of the main series so we're using it as evidence anyway.)
I don't have in my notes any official timestamp for LDYB, but I believe it's something like 280-285 days after the attack, with Downloaded taking place around day 270. So, the first two seasons take somewhere between 9 and 10 months. We'll round up this time and go with 10, again because we rounded down before and this will help even things out.
So, now let's count the total time between the miniseries and Hero. We have 10 months + 12 months + 4 months + 5 months = 31 months, or two years and 7 months.
This means that, as of the miniseries, Bill had been in the military for somewhere between 42 and 43 years. If he's 58, that means he enlisted somewhere between 15 and 16.
And, look. We don't have any canon information on coming of age/voting age/age to join the military/etc. But given how closely those general cultural background details mirror US practices, it's not an unreasonable assumption that you have to be 18 to join. It is a possibility that Bill lied about his age to enlist early, and might have gotten away with it at 16, depending on how the war was going at that point, but it's a stretch. (Especially since, given other less concrete aspects of his background/career/etc., I think it's more likely that he joined after going to a military academy rather than enlisting that way, which would put him at 21/22 when he officially joined.)
But remember what I said earlier about the Caprica timeline actually indicating he's more like 56? That would put him at 13-14 when he joined the military which. No, sorry. I can maybe see someone that age sneaking into the military (or, slightly more plausibly, as a prodigy with the Very Right Specific Skillset into a high-value civilian position) under the desperate circumstances the Fleet faces after the attacks (maybe), but the first Cylon War, I really can't see that happening. And pretending to be 18 when you're around 16 is maybe workable, but at 13???
So, yeah. Given details presented in the original series, Bill has to be at least 60/61 as of the miniseries, to have joined at 18, and 63-65 is more likely.
As with all things, when different canon sources conflict, I tend to go with the one I like better/that seems more plausible to me, so yeah, I go with early-mid sixties. And the thing is, this is not hard to reconcile, lol. Just. Assume that the 58 years earlier is a typo, change the 5 to a 6 and then everything works! Of course, that would have given away the Willie-Bill twist too early; assuming it was planned from the beginning, but that's another conversation entirely lol.
...so, yeah, there's my rant for the day XD
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