#and how it will affect aerodynamics
monstermoviedean · 2 years
dean on an over-40 rec softball team
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its-avalon-08 · 1 month
hi !! can you do headcanons max verstappen X senna’s daugther!reader?
thank uuuu
hii !!! if i were to imagine senna's daughter!reader she would be so talented. she isn't a driver because of her built up trauma. (im fully aware that the timelines don't add up, don't add logic into it <3) she is an aerodynamic engineer, mainly responsible for making the car. she is secretly in love with speed and racing.
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max and y/n met when they were just kids. max was a menace on track and y/n was terrified of racing. she saw speeding cars as a reminder of her father's passing. being good friends, y/n has a tradition of kissing max's helmet as a feeble attempt to keep him safe.
they started dating in 2019, and have been together ever since. y/n being the absolute genius she is, continues to work in redbull and delivers top of the line car designs leading to the dominance as seen on track.
max leaves a single, perfect red tulip on y/n's desk every race weekend, a silent promise to return safely.
y/n hides little notes in max's helmet before qualifying, each one a technical insight phrased like a love letter.
max, despite his aversion to early mornings, wakes up before y/n on important presentations to make her breakfast, his way of calming her pre-work jitters.
y/n, who finds airplanes stressful, uses a calming app max downloaded for her whenever they travel together.
max, after a particularly grueling race weekend, finds y/n curled up on the couch with a book about aerodynamics. he joins her, listening intently as she explains a new concept she's been working on, his full attention the sweetest victory lap.
max knows how deeply the lack of a father figure affected her, causing under-confidence and a constant need of validation. max knows this and never stops giving her words of affirmations.
everyone of the grid adores y/n. they see her spirit and her beautiful face reflect senna's in so many ways. max is fiercely protective of y/n, often defending her from questions about her father and his death.
y/n hates jos verstappen from the bottom of her heart. she is not scared of yelling at him when he berates max. she whispers affirmations into max's ears after a bad race (which was rare but not impossible)
when max crashes, y/n is the first to suffer from the highest intensity of a panic attack. she shivers and trembles until max gets out safely. after the crash in 2021 with hamilton which caused max to fall over in the medical center, y/n angirly stormed towards the cheerful hamilton, shouting angrily.
here's what happened ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
the smile evaporated as y/n marched towards him. it wasn't a walk, it was a storm surge. "congratulations? you call pushing max off the track at 200 mph congratulations?" her voice, usually calm and collected, was a tightly leashed fury. lewis blinked, his smile morphing into something defensive. "it was a racing incident, y/n. we both went for the corner." her voice cracked. "racing incident? you call leaving him stranded on the gravel, risking his life, a racing incident? do you have any idea what it's like to watch someone you love walk away from a fireball?" the room held its breath. lewis's face paled. "y/n, i…" "no, you don't," she cut him off, her voice thick with emotion. "you don't get to pretend you know what it's like to see your dreams vanish in a cloud of smoke. you don't get to understand the terror of every single corner, every single race because you haven't lost anyone on this damn track!" tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the accusing stare she fixed on him. "max is more than a rival, lewis. he's a friend, a teammate, a human being. and today, you gambled with his life for a trophy." the silence stretched, suffocating. finally, lewis spoke, his voice devoid of its usual bravado. "y/n, i… i didn't…" "you didn't think," she finished the sentence for him, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. "just like some people never think about the consequences of their actions." turning on her heel, she stormed out of the room, leaving behind a stunned silence and a champion stripped of his celebratory air. as y/n reached the red bull garage, she found max emerging from the medical center, a sheepish grin on his face. relief washed over her, so strong it brought her to her knees. max rushed to her side, his concern a warm balm on her raw emotions. he held her close, whispering reassurances into her hair.
well i hope you liked it! thank you for sending in your request and do send more <3 happy reading!
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race-week · 15 days
The effect of wind on an F1 Car
As F1 cars have really sensitive aerodynamic components they are typically very sensitive to the wind, specifically the direction that the wind is blowing in regards to their direction of travel.
These wind directions can essentially be broken down into headwinds, tailwinds and sidewinds, and if there is wind at a circuit, a driver is likely going to be affected by all 3 at different points on the track.
Some circuits are more affected by wind than others namely Bahrain, Jeddah, Silverstone among others, and also some cars are more sensitive to the wind than others and that’s usually something to do with the inherent design of the car and can be tricky to try to dial out.
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As the above drawing shows, this is when the wind is hitting the car head on, so it travels from the front of the car to the back.
A headwind makes it harder for the car to accelerate, meaning that they will have a lower top speed, and the car will also consume more fuel in order to try to overcome this resistance. Aerodynamic drag will also increase. However a headwind is not all bad, if a headwind occurs on a straight, it’ll actually make DRS more effective, and the increased resistance will actually help the car to slow down when braking, which allows the drivers to brake later than they would without a headwind.
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A tailwind occurs when the wind is coming from the back of the car, the gusts of air will push the accelerating car giving it more speed in less time. This actually reduces the fuel consumption of the car but allows it to reach faster speeds. However when there is a tailwind, drivers have to brake earlier and they have to judge how much earlier in the moment. Also if there’s a tailwind in a corner it could result in the car experiencing a sudden loss of downforce which could case the car snap unexpectedly.
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When the wind blows towards the side of the car, it is called a sidewind or a crosswind. These don’t come with any advantages unlike headwinds and tailwinds, and they are also quite hard for the drivers to predict. When the wind blows sideways it can cause the car to yaw (move left to right) which is specifically hard to deal with whilst cornering. There is also the risk of a gust of wind causing a sudden loss of downforce resulting in the car oversteering.
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illustromic · 1 year
My thoughts on drawing wings (an unofficial tutorial)
Do you want to get better at drawing your favorite winged character? Do you have winged OCs? Just want to learn something new? I can't promise this post will help, but maybe it'll give you some helpful tips.
I know, I knowww, wing tutorials have been done to death. I don't care. This was initially inspired by a conversation on twitter, but actually I've wanted to write down my notes on the topic for a long time lol. Basically wings are one of my special interests so it's very important, for me, to draw them both nicely and also realistically.
On that note, let me first show you my resume *distant sound of floodgates opening*
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Like what you see? Read on! (Oh, and I will only be covering feathered/avian wings bc those are the type I know best.)
Now, I'm not here to give you a step-by-step guide on wing anatomy and aerodynamics, because there are plenty of other resources that cover this already, and I'll list my faves at the end of the post. Right now, I'm going to give you some easy guidelines and tricks that I wish more artists knew.
1: Wings do, in fact, have bones (crazy, I know) and are actually very rigid because they have to support the weight of a living creature. There are some positions you cannot physically force a wing into irl.
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2: Flight feathers are not placed willy-nilly on the wing, because then they wouldn't catch the air properly. Again, like the bones, they are rigid and strong, so don't draw them like fur or ribbons. All wings have the same pattern of feather placement, with slight variation depending on species. If you learn the feather sections, it will automatically improve your drawings a lot.
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2.5: Feathers overlap each other like a handful of playing cards, and this looks different depending on which side of the wing you're drawing. They always do this unless they're extremely untidy.
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3: The size of the wingspan is important if you're going for a more realistic design. There is no "scientifically accurate" measurement when it comes to fictional creatures, but my general rule is when in doubt, you probably need to make them bigger. Personally, for my original winged human species, I give them wings that can be up to 12 feet long each (the artistic sacrifice is that it's really hard to fit the wings on the dang page lmao, so make your own call).
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4: Get used to drawing folded wings. Most of the time, birds keep their wings folded because it prevents them from getting damaged and it conserves energy. The trick is to get good at visualizing how the joints bend and overlap (look at plenty of photos!) In general, they can fold much tighter than you think.
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5: Wings and feathers take a lot of patience to draw, but the results are worth it. I've seen so so many incredibly beautiful and skillful artworks that are---well, maybe not ruined, but still negatively affected by a pair of wings that look like an afterthought, or not even like wings at all. You have no idea how much a little extra time and practice will add to your work until you see for yourself.
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Finally, some notes on "stylized" wings: Of course it's perfectly ok to draw more simplified/cartoony wings if that's your preference!! BUT there is a difference between a stylistic choice and a lack of effort/poor understanding of the subject matter. Even cartoonists have to learn the fundamentals of realism so they know how to make their designs logical and appealing. Here are some examples of more stylized wings that I feel retain the core principles of anatomy/aesthetics:
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And last but not least: A list of helpful links I use personally for reference and inspiration!
I made this pinterest board for general artsy inspo, and this board to curate my very favorite tutorials/refs/information, focusing on the scientific aspect of wings and flight in general. Feel free to use both! (I also suggest pinterest in general for pose refs and such, but try to only practice using photos at first and not other drawings.)
I highly recommend this blog and this blog if you want examples of artists who draw more realism-based winged creatures!! They are both huge inspirations for me and I think you should totally follow them even if you don't plan to draw wings lol <3
If you're REALLY serious about it, my favorite ref books are: Winged Fantasy, a lovely drawing book by Brenda Lyons; Proctor & Lynch's Manual of Ornithology; and Angelus vincens by R. Spano, which is essentially an artbook by someone who (I believe) designed biologically plausible "angels" for their senior thesis.
Ok, idk how to end this lol but I hope it helped! I know it's not my normal kind of post but I'm super busy with college stuff rn and this was all I had time for. If you guys have any questions or feedback, please let me know!!!
-Aloe <3
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pucksandpower · 1 year
Series Masterlist
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2000 — Age 5
“Hello, Y/N. How are you enjoying race day so far?” Martin asked, bending down to her level.
Y/N grinned mischievously, “Oh Mr. Brundle, I love it! But you know what? I've been to so many races that I think I know this place better than you.”
Martin chuckled, intrigued by her confidence. “Is that so? Well perhaps you can give me a guided tour sometime.”
Y/N's eyes sparkled with excitement. “Deal. But first you have to catch me!” With that, she darted off into the paddock.
“Hey, where are you going?” Martin called out, chasing after her.
But Y/N was already gone, her laughter echoing through the air. Martin found himself in a comical game of cat and mouse, weaving through the paddock, trying to keep up with the energetic young Senna.
Finally, after a series of twists and turns, Martin managed to catch up with Y/N. She was standing by the side of the track, giggling uncontrollably. “Gotcha!” she exclaimed, clearly proud of her mini-adventure.
Martin gasped for breath, a grin forming on his face. “Y/N, you really gave me a run for my money. You're as fast as your father on the track!”
Y/N smiled in delight, her small chest puffed with pride. “Thank you, Mr. Brundle. I'm just getting started.”
2004 — Age 9
Spotting Y/N near her father's memorial, Martin approached her with a smile. “Hello, Y/N. How's the karting going?”
Y/N's eyes lit up and she eagerly launched into a passionate monologue about her karting experiences. “Mr. Brundle, you won't believe it. I had this incredible race last weekend. I started from the back but I overtook one kart after another and finished on the podium!”
Martin listened intently, captivated by Y/N's enthusiasm. “That sounds like an amazing race. It's clear that the racing genes run strong in your family. Your father would be proud.”
Y/N nodded vigorously, her ponytail bouncing with excitement. “I want to be the best, just like him. I practice every day and study every race I watch.”
Martin couldn't help but smile at Y/N's determination. “I have no doubt that you'll achieve great things. Keep pushing and one day we might see you in a Formula 1 car.”
2008 — Age 13
On the grid, Martin spotted Y/N intently observing the mechanics working on the cars. He approached her with a smile, ready to engage in a conversation about the technical side of the sport.
“Y/N, it's great to see you here. What fascinates you most about Formula 1?”
Y/N's eyes sparkled as she replied, “Hi, Martin! I love everything about it. The aerodynamics, the engineering, the strategies — it's like a puzzle waiting to be solved. Did you know that the airflow around the car affects its performance? It's amazing!”
Martin raised an eyebrow, impressed by Y/N's knowledge. “Well, you certainly know your stuff. I might have to come to you for technical insights in the future.”
Y/N beamed with pride. “Absolutely! Anytime you need a crash course in this side of F1, just let me know.”
Martin chuckled, enjoying their banter. "I might take you up on that offer. Just be prepared for a barrage of questions."
Y/N nodded eagerly. “Bring it on, I'm always up for a challenge.”
As they continued their conversation, Martin couldn't help but notice Y/N's genuine passion and curiosity for the technical aspects of Formula 1. It was clear that she had inherited her father's analytical mind and thirst for knowledge.
“Y/N, you remind me so much of your father. He had a similar fascination with the technical side of racing,” Martin remarked, a touch of nostalgia in his voice.
Y/N's eyes widened with excitement. “Really? That means so much to me. I've always looked up to him and admired his approach to racing. If I can carry even a fraction of his dedication, I'll be happy.”
Martin smiled warmly at her. “You're already making your own mark. Keep nurturing that passion and who knows where it will take you?”
2012 — Age 17
Martin found himself amidst the bustling paddock, searching for the now seventeen-year-old Y/N Senna. He spotted her in deep conversation with her future team, a determined expression on her face.
Approaching her with a smile, Martin congratulated her on signing her first Formula 1 contract. “Y/N, congratulations on your contract! How does it feel to be back in the paddock but as a driver this time?”
Y/N's face lit up with joy as she replied, “Thank you, Martin! It's an incredible feeling — a dream come true. I can't wait to show what I'm capable of on the track.”
Martin nodded, his excitement mirroring Y/N's. “I have no doubt that you'll do amazing things. Your journey has been incredible to witness, from that mischievous young girl to the talented racer standing before me today.”
Y/N filled with gratitude, her eyes glistening with determination. “Thank you. Your support means the world to me. I'll give it my all and make my family proud.”
Martin patted her shoulder, a paternal gesture filled with encouragement. “Remember, you carry the legacy of a true racing legend. Your father's spirit and passion live on through you. Embrace the challenge, enjoy every moment, and keep making us all proud.”
As the interview concluded, Martin couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and anticipation for the upcoming season, where Y/N Senna would make her Formula 1 racing debut.
With a playful twinkle in his eye, Martin leaned closer to Y/N and whispered, “You know, your father was known for his incredible speed and skill on the track. But you seem to have inherited his mischievous spirit too.”
Y/N laughed, her eyes shining with a mix of innocence and determination. “Maybe I got it from him. I can't promise I won't give you another run for your money someday, Martin.”
Martin chuckled, his heart filled with warmth. “I'll be ready for the challenge. Just make sure I have my running shoes on.”
With a final wave and a shared laughter, Martin left the grid, eagerly awaiting the moment when Y/N would grace the Formula 1 circuits as a driver. He knew that her journey would be filled with triumphs, challenges, and the unwavering support of so many motorsport legends.
As the engines roared and the lights dimmed on the current season, the motorsport world brimmed with anticipation for the next. They eagerly awaited the day when Y/N Senna, with her father's legacy as her guiding star, would step into her racing car and write her own chapter in the history of Formula 1.
And so, the world watched with bated breath, knowing that the story of Y/N Senna would unfold in the seasons to come. With every lap, every victory, and every challenge she faced, Y/N would make her mark, continuing the legacy of her father while creating a legacy of her own.
And through it all, Martin Brundle would be there, cheering her on, sharing in the excitement, and forever grateful for the lighthearted moments they shared during those unforgettable grid walks.
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Taglist: @xeliaaaa @cl16version @aileeincomplexity @uh-oh-spaghetti-oh-my-gosh @ninifee1802 @oprantodomar @vanishingcherry @ferraribabe @magicalcowboyarbiter @materialgirl01 @miureiz @kavyaas-world @noodle81937 @cl16gf @laura-naruto-fan1998 @stillbreathin @alexisquinnlee-bc @chiliwhore @itachissneakylink @lxverboy-333 @nim360 @celestialams @chimchimjiminie16 @saturnsrinqs @sharllec @sticksdoesart @ivegotparticulartaste @kruellaaa @multifandomfanfic @love4lando @lunehlana @judeswifey22 @gentlemonsterjennie1 @spencerrxids @eugene-emt-roe @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @g4ns3y @notleclerc @magical-imagination-kgp @ru-kru @christianpulisic10 @paigem00 @paletragedydreamer @fluffyspaceprincess @ironmaiden1313 @dr3lover @deviltsunoda @belennasif @honethatty12 @idkiwantchocolatee @omgsuperstarg @jwilder0406 @ruleroftheuniverse @chonkybonky @angelulls @daniellarogers @ocyeanicc @serenityleah @dazecrea
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bad268 · 1 year
Could u write a princess of Monaco and Arthur lecrelc , I see this being written so much for Charles and none for Arthur
thank you :)
Queen of Monaco (Arthur Leclerc X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Formula 2/3
Requested: Clearly (haha we have the same mind bc I was already drafting this before you requested it)
Warnings: death of parents and brother (mentioned), google translate, the Monaco curse is affecting Arthur now and that's a warning itself bro. I am in denial about the race results today, so I made this to make me happy.
Pronouns: She/Her
W.C. 4108
Summary: The beginning of the relationship between Arthur Leclerc and the Queen of Monaco.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(@/Arthur's insta from January 29, 2023)
It was a normal day in Monaco. It was not a race week, and there were no pressing matters to attend. I had just returned to Monaco last week after attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, but I just received my Bachelor's degree and wanted to return home before starting my Master's. I decided to take my first semester online, so I could go home and spend time with my family.
When I got back, my parents urgently began to train me for the throne even though I was not next in line. Despite having an older brother who was scheduled to become the King of Monaco after my parents, he had to serve in the military before he could move forward. They wanted to have me prepare in the event that something happened to him in battle. 
I had never really been in the public eye due to my brother being the next in line. He was always the one attending meetings, trainings, and keeping up appearances. I was free to do as I pleased for the most part, but in 2015, they sent me to a training school in London. It taught the basics of monarchy and the foundations of how to run a country. It was the same one my brother attended. Even in my spare time, I found my passion in mechanical engineering and aerodynamics. It took some persuasion, but my parents allowed me to attend MIT after my graduation because they were so sure that I would not be needed. My brother is in the final stages of the training. All he needed to do was finish the last few months of military training, and then he would be crowned. 
Upon my return, I learned that my mother was ill, so they wanted to get my brother crowned quickly. However, they practically had to start from square one since I was provided very minimal training in London. My father was furious, not at me, but at the situation they had been placed in. They told me the best thing I could do while they prepare the training is to memorize Monaco as it had been nearly seven years since I had been here. 
I was walking down the pier, looking at all of the little shops that lined the pavement and the boats at the dock. There was a small ice cream shop, a couple of clothing stores, a few restaurants, and a salon. I realized that I had not had my hair professionally done since before college, so I thought it would be a good idea to treat myself.
“Bonjour, comment puis-je vou aider? (Hello, how can I help you?)” A lady greeted me as I stepped through the door. It was a small shop, no one else was in there, but it was cute and welcoming other than the fact that I could not remember French for the life of me.
“I’m sorry, my French is no good,” I replied sheepishly, fully prepared to leave, but the woman stopped me.
“Oh, not a problem, dear. My name is Pascale, what can I help you with?” She smiled, kindly, leading me over to one of the chairs. 
“Well, I haven’t gotten my hair done in almost four years, so I think it’s time to freshen up,” I explained. 
“Oh perfect, I can most certainly help with that,” She laughed, placing an apron around my shoulders. “Are you thinking about dye, highlights, trim, cutting…” She started listing more but I couldn't follow along with all of the terminology. 
“Uh, probably just a trim,” I chuckled, “my parents would kill me if I showed up with short, dyed hair.”
“Not a problem at all,” she grinned and began cutting the ends, little by little, as we made small conversations. “What do you do for work?”
“I actually don’t have a job at the moment,” technically, “but I just came back from the United States. I was at MIT for the last four years, getting my bachelors in mechanical engineering and aerodynamics, and before that, I attended boarding school in London.”
“That’s interesting,” she hummed, “Sounds like you like Formula 1?”
“Not so much the races. I just like the cars,” I laughed in response. “I like learning what could make the cars better, faster, stronger, and safer, but the actual races aren't something for me. I watched one too many accidents end badly, so I can never find enjoyment in it anymore. The last race I went to was in Japan, and I lost my best friend.”
“Oh, I’m sorry about that, dear. If you ever need to talk, I’m here,” Pascale consoled. I looked at her confused through the mirror. She just set the scissors down just as her phone got a notification. She pulled out her phone and opened the notification. It was a text message with a picture. “That is my son, Charles, and his best friend, Pierre. They’re in Formula 1. They went out karting today, and he just sent me this.”
“Oh, Charles Leclerc and Pierre Gasly! I know them,” I recognized immediately. “That’s your son?”
“Yeah, he’s always had this passion for driving, so I’m proud to see him living his dreams,” She smiled, putting her phone back, and resumed cutting my hair.
“Well, I’m proud of him too, and I don’t even know him.” I laughed. 
“Maybe, if you’d ever change your mind, you could join us for a race,” Pascale offered. “Only if you’re up for it.”
“I’ll have to see, but probably not,” I declined nervously. 
“It’s not a problem, dear,” She said, patting my shoulders. “But you are all done. How do you like it?”
My hair was shorter by a couple of inches, but it felt so much lighter and healthier than it did earlier today. “I love it so much, Pascale! Thank you so much! How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing, just promise you’ll think about joining us? It would do you some good to get to know more people, and you could even check out the cars before the race! If you’re not comfortable staying for the race, you can always leave. Just promise you’ll think about it before immediately rejecting it?” She pleaded.
“Fine, I’ll think about it,” I laughed, “but only because you were so persuasive!”
The next time I was out in the streets was nearly a week later. My time was being packed with different trainings and attending private events, but nothing public yet so as to not stir up controversy. I decided to go to a local bakery and get some tea and some food. The food in the castle just did not compare to my favorite bakery. Not by a long shot. 
When I walked in, there were not a lot of people in there. It was a small shop with only two tables and a counter. There was the person behind the counter, Ella, and three people at the tables. One sat by himself and the other two occupied the second table. I approached Ella and ordered a tea and sandwich. She said she would bring it right over once it was finished, and I approached the man sitting by himself.
“Bonjour,” I greeted, my French was slowly coming back to me but not enough to carry a full conversation. The man looked up from his phone at me. He had blue eyes and shady blonde hair. He had airpods in and took one out as I approached the table. “My name is Y/n. Would it be alright if I sit with you? The other table is filled.”
 “Of course,” He responded immediately, moving the bag that was hanging on the other chair to the floor. “I’m Arthur.”
“Nice to meet you, Arthur. Thank you for letting me sit with you,” I laughed, taking the seat that he pulled out for me. “I really appreciate that.”
“It’s my pleasure,” He chuckled along, “It was just empty anyway.”
That was the start of an inseparable bond. It was strange having someone so close again because even though I had some friends in school, they were never as close as Arthur was. For the first couple of months, any time that was not filled with training was spent with each other. Whether it be chilling in his apartment, driving around Monaco, boat rides, and random trips around France and Italy, we were content with doing random acts of entertainment. It didn’t take long before he asked me to be his girlfriend.
One thing we knew would be difficult is the time commitments. With his recent change from Formula 3 to Formula 2 and more royal training for me, we knew it was going to be more time-consuming. That didn’t stop us, however. Tuesdays were the most random day of the week, but neither of us had any responsibilities.
One day in particular, the day before he was set to go to Australia, we were at his apartment, and I was helping him pack since he *conveniently* forgot. We had gone to get smoothies and acai bowls earlier that morning before heading to his apartment. Then, after we ate, we put on some music as background noise while we packed and conversed back and forth.
“Would you ever come to a race with me?” He asked as he pulled a couple of shirts out of his closet. “I know you didn’t have a good experience at the last one, but would you be willing to give it another time?”
“I don’t know, A. I get anxiety just knowing you’re racing,” I explained. Moving to fold the shirts he’s pulling out. 
“That sound like an improvement!” He laughed, jumping over and wrapping his arms around my shoulders as I put the folded clothes in the suitcase. “When we first started talking, you said no immediately. Now, you’re saying you don’t know.”
“What can I say?” I leaned back into his embrace, “You are pretty persuasive.”
“What are the chances of you coming to the Monaco Grand Prix with me?”
“The odds are in your favor since I don’t go anywhere,” I laughed in response. He turned me around in his arms. He was pouting and had his head tilted slightly. “No, don’t do the puppy face. You know I can’t say no to that face.”
With a heavy sigh and a joking eye roll, I caved. I was about to vocalize my decision, but my phone started ringing. This time, my sigh was out of annoyance after seeing it was from Mila, my personal guard and trainer.  “I need to answer that, but yes, I promise to go to the Monaco Grand Prix with you.”
“Of course,” He exclaimed, kissing me all over my face. “I will take care of everything. You go take the call, and I’ll finish packing in here.”
With a small smile, I walked out of his bedroom to the living room and stepped out onto the balcony before answering the phone. “Hi, Mila. What did I forget?”
“Nothing, but are you near the palace?” She responded. Just the tone of her voice made me nervous.
“Not really, I’m about 20 minutes away. Do I need to head back?” 
“Yes, let me know when you get here.” And with that, she hung up. I walked back in to see Arthur with his suitcase fully packed by the door.
“I need to head home,” I started. “Something’s not right.”
“That’s fine,” He reassured, pulling me into a hug. “I’ll need to head out for my flight soon anyway, so I’ll walk you to your car.” 
During the drive back, my mind wandered. Was there a meeting I missed? I couldn’t remember having anything scheduled on a Tuesday. Most meetings were on Mondays or Wednesdays and policy training sessions were Thursdays and Fridays. Maybe there was a last-minute meeting.
Pulling through the gates, I texted Mila once I parked in our car park, and a few guards were waiting for me. “Hi, what did I miss?”
“Y/n, we need to talk,”  one of the guards, Chris, said, and right then, I knew things were worse than I thought. We walked through the corridors to reach one of the meeting rooms, but the only person in there was Mila. The guards immediately turned around and left the room.
“Have a seat,” She cut me off, gesturing to the seat next to her. I took it hesitantly as I looked at her skeptically. “So, I’m not going to beat around the bush with this. As you know, your mother, the queen, was sick.”
“I assume she died then? That’s what this was for?” I cut her short. However, there was something on her face that said she wasn’t finished. “Okay, I’ll let you continue.”
She shook her head dismissively, “No, it’s fine, but you’re right. She passed away early this morning.”
“So my brother will be crowned when he comes back?”
“That’s the next news,” Mila paused. I encouraged her to just rip the bandaid off because I was getting impatient. “Your father went to the base to get your brother, but there was an explosion. There was a gas leak, and somehow the building they were in exploded. We’re still waiting on the details.”
“Wait, so my entire family…” I trailed off, but she knew where I was going. She just nodded solemnly as she pulled me into her side. “So that means…”
“It means you are to be the queen.”
Third POV
Ever since the Melbourne Grand Prix, Arthur has been talking about how his girlfriend was going to join him on the paddock for the Monaco Grand Prix. To say that his friends and brothers teased him would be putting it lightly. Any chance they could, they asked questions about this “girlfriend” of his that they had never heard of, and Arthur was willing to spill all of the details. On the Thursday before the Monaco Grand Prix when he was driving to the track with Charles, he accidentally let it slip that he actually had not heard from her recently. He asked Charles to check his phone to see if she had texted him recently.
“Wait, you haven't heard from her in over a month and you’re not at all worried?” Charles asked, very concerned for someone he’s never met.
“No, we’ve definitely texted recently,” Arthur responded in disbelief. When they pulled up to a red light, Charles showed him that the last message from her was April 1. “No, we’ve definitely talked.”
“Here, pull over. We’ll switch, so you can call her, and I’ll drive us the rest of the way to the track,” Charles said, already getting out of the car as soon as they were on the shoulder. He immediately dialed her number, and after a few rings, it went to voicemail. He thought about leaving her a voice message, but she was already calling him back before he could start.
“Hey, traffic is hideous, but I’m almost there,” She started her explanation. She was sitting in the backseat with a couple of guards, and Mila as her driver took them to the track. “Are you already there?”
“No, we’re not there yet,” he laughed. “Charles and I are still stuck in traffic, but we noticed that I hadn’t messaged you since the Australian Grand Prix. Thought I would call to see if you were still coming.” Charles was half listening to the conversation, but he was smiling to himself, hearing how lovestruck his younger brother sounded.
“Oh, definitely,” She chuckled. Mila nudged the girl with a knowing grin. “I’ve just been insanely busy recently, but I promised. On the bright side, I finished my training!”
“No way, I’m so proud of you, ma chéri!” Arthur cheered. Charles was a little confused as he pulled into the track, but let it go, knowing Arthur would explain it later. “Does that mean there will be a ceremony or something?”
“You could call it a ceremony, yes,” She giggled. She noticed that they were only a few blocks away from the car park of the track, so she turned her phone away toward her shoulder as she directed a question to Mila, “Could I jump out and meet up with Arthur before the race? I promise I’ll be careful, and I’ll be in the box before it starts.” Mila turned to discuss it with one of the guards who was entirely against it. “Please, I won’t leave Arthur’s side, and you know he’s trustworthy.”
“I won’t let her out of my sight, Mila!” Arthur’s voice could be heard through the phone despite it not being on speaker. She gestured to the phone at her shoulder as Mila tried to reason with the guard.
“I’ll go with you,” Mila said as she started collecting their passes and jumping out of the car that was stopped in the traffic going into the parking lot. Y/n immediately climbed out of the back, pulling her phone back up to her ear.
“Alright, Arthur, where do you want us to meet you?”
First POV
“You seem to have gotten shorter since Melbourne,” I laughed as I ran into Arthur’s arms from where he was waiting at the Dams garage. 
“You’re wearing heels,” he pointed out after we pulled away. “What are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?”
“You say that like you don’t like me in heels,” I teased back.
“Ok, lovebirds,” Mila pulled our attention away from each other, “I am going to head up to our seats. Don’t tell anyone I left.”
“Your secret’s safe with me. Thank you, Mila,” I responded as she started walking away.
“You have seats?” Arthur asked.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to rely on you for the passes for Mila, so she bought us hospitality seats,” I explain. It wasn’t the whole truth, but I could not just tell him that in the open. “Is it possible to talk somewhere away from the cameras?”
“You’re not breaking up with me, right?” He immediately jumped to conclusions.
“No, no, no, no,” I quickly shut down. “Je t’aime trop pour partir, mon amour. I just want to tell you something. (I love you too much to leave, my love)”
“Je t’aime, ma belle, (I love you, my beauty)” He whispered, pulling me in for a light kiss before leading me back towards the driver’s room he shares with Ayumu. “Make yourself comfortable.”
I took a seat on one of the beanbags as Arthur sat right next to me. I took a deep breath before deciding the best way to tell him was just to say it fast. “Arthur, I need to tell you about my family.”
“Are you trying to have me meet your family already? You could meet my brothers and maman today if you want,” He rambled.
“I can meet them, but you won’t be able to meet my family. That day you left for Australia was the day I found out they passed away.” I paused looking at his reactions. He looked sorrowful as he grasped my hands and ran his thumbs across the backs of my hands. “Maman had an illness, and papa went to get my brother from the base.”
“Your brother’s in the military?” He asked.
“Was,” I answered. He looked even more confused at that before I continued. “He was serving in the military as his last stage of training. Kind of like my trainings, he had to serve in the military.”
“What kind of training did you need to do? Was this part of your degree or something?”
“No, that’s the big secret I haven’t been able to tell you,” I whispered, putting my head down as I felt guilty for not explaining this sooner.
“Anything you have to say, I will accept you either way,” He reassured me as he pulled me into his chest and kissed my head. “I understand that you have your reasons for hiding some things, so whatever this is, it is not going to stop me from loving you.”
“What if it is complex with more spotlight than you already have?” I asked, throwing my head to rest on his shoulder and looking into his blue eyes. “What if it’s a big change?”
“When we go public, it will be a big change, but I’m willing to do anything for you, ma princesse.”
“Reine, (Queen)” I whispered.
“Quoi? (What)” He responded just as fast.
“What if I told you my parents were the king and queen of Monaco? And my older brother was the prince of Monaco? And now that they’re gone, I will be the queen of Monaco? What would you do?” 
He went silent for a few seconds before whispering, “Are you serious?” My silence was enough of an answer for him to jump up, pulling me with him as he starts laughing and spinning us in circles. He set me down after a couple of spins before holding me at arm's length,  “I would completely understand. I mean you probably didn’t plan on taking the throne because of your brother, and you’d just come back from studying. I only tell people who need to know, and when we met, I wasn’t someone who needed to know. We haven't talked since you found out, so I could never be upset with something like that.”
“But now, if we tell people, you will be heavily scrutinized as people will see you as a potential king,” I signed, happy to know he isn’t upset with me, but still wanting him to see all sides before completely agreeing to move forward. “You’d have more on your list.”
“The only question I would have is if it would interfere with racing,” He turned serious.
“I would never let them keep you from your passions,” I laughed. “They have to respect it by order of the queen.”
“Well, then I would see no issues against continuing to be by your side, ma reine,” he chuckled with a mocking bow.
“Merci mon beau prince, (Thank you my handsome prince)” I mocked back, “now by order of the queen, go win this race.”
“And Arthur Leclerc passes Fredrik Vesti in the final turn of the race,” Crofty shouted over the radio during the final lap of the race. I was up in the hospitality seats with Mila and the guards but headed down to the pitlane a couple of laps before since I was going to be presenting the trophies. I was standing at the pit wall with Charles, Lorenzo, and Pascale, who I met (again) just before the race. “The Monaco Curse is broken for Arthur Leclerc as he wins his first Monaco Grand Prix!”
 I left the pit wall to meet everyone at the podium and stopped to meet up with Mila on my way over. She and the guards escorted me through the crowds. “I’ll tell you now, one of you will need to tell Arthur not to out our relationship when I give him his trophy.”
At the podium, I stood behind the steps as Alice announces the winners. “In third place, we have Théo Pourchaire! In second place, we have Frederik Vesti! And in first place, breaking the Monaco Curse, the home favorite, Arthur Leclerc! Presenting the trophies today is the future Queen of Monaco, Y/n.”
“I’m proud of you,” I said to Arthur as I handed him the trophy.
“Merci, now if only Charles could win,” He joked, taking the trophy and posing with it.
“I’ll tell him you’re talking crap about him,” I teased back, moving away to grab the next trophy for Dams. I handed them all out and expressed my congratulations to the other two drivers before posing for the picture and immediately ducking back as I knew Arthur would try to spray me. I walked down the stairs to meet up with Charles before he heads back to Ferrari for his own race. “Arthur’s talking shit about you. You better win.”
“I’m starting sixth, so we have hope,” Charles responded as he rolled his eyes.
“Just don’t box for hards at the last lap again and you’ll be fine,” I laughed as if it were really that simple. 
“Maybe I broke the curse for both of us or maybe I just had some good luck today,” Arthur said, coming up behind us and throwing his arm around my shoulders.
“Oh yeah, what good luck did you have?” Charles teased, punching Arthur into me.
“Maybe just the future queen of Monaco.”
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blubushie · 1 year
(Cheers to @kreidxpriz for asking this in the replies of my other post!)
Many people don't actually know what a bullet is.
These are not bullets. These are cartridges.
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THESE are bullets.
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Bullets go into the casing to make a cartridge. Inside the cartridge are what the bullet needs to operate: gunpowder and the primer. The primer pushes inward, strikes one side, and that ignites the gunpowder which explodes and propels the bullet out of the barrel of the firearm.
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This is what they look like separate. (Those coloured tips on the bullets are polymer points that assist in cutting through the air which lessens the amount of tumbling and also with penetrating the target. The colour isn't important and is often different depending on who manufactures the bullets.)
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That piece on the bottom is calling the casing or shell. That's what ejects from the bolt of a firearm when you cycle it. Some firearms cycle automatically (the automatic family of weapons which includes automatic and semi-automatic, where pulling the trigger will fire a bullet, eject the spent casing, and automatically chamber another round), and some have to be cycled manually (bolt-action rifles, where pulling the trigger ONLY fires the bullet and you have to pull back the bolt to eject the spent casing and allow another round to move into the receiver, then pushing the bolt forward chambers that round).
Why am I explaining this to you? There's different between a bullet and a cartridge. So, dear artists: YOU NEVER PUT A BULLET IN YOUR MOUTH. Many bullets do NOT have metal jackets, meaning the bullet is not fully encased in metal, most commonly copper. The casing is usually brass. Why encase the bullet to start with? Inside the bullet is usually lead. Lead is soft and doesn't penetrate very well, so full metal jackets (FMJs) and total metal jackets (TMJs) are used for better penetration. Because the lead is encased and doesn't "fold," they also have much better trajectory and strike more accurately. Point is, don't put a grey bullet in your mouth unless you want lead poisoning.
Additionally, holding a bullet in your mouth will bugger up something we call ballistics, which is how the bullet travels through the air on its path to its target. Any scratching on the surface or minute dents from your teeth that you can't even see will effect the aerodynamics of the bullet, causing the round to tumble. This throws off accuracy and affects how the bullet strikes.
On that similar note: PEOPLE DO NOT CARVE ANYTHING INTO BULLETS UNLESS IT'S ON THE BASE OF THE BULLET. That's this flat part. (Note that this is a TMJ. An FMJ leaves an exposed bit of lead at the bottom of the bullet.)
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The flat part is the ONLY part on a bullet that isn't influenced by aerodynamics, so it's the only "safe" place to carve. That said, it's a small bloody space, so good luck carving anything into that. TMJs are VERY difficult to carve and can only be effectively "scratched." FMJs are easier to carve thanks to their exposed lead, which is a much softer material. VERY rarely you'll see people carving an "X" into the very tip of the bullet so that it fragments better, but this takes time and buggers up the accuracy so it's very uncommon (and when it is seen, it's usually only in handgun-calibre rounds where you're not firing over long distances).
What people DO sometimes do (if they have a real grudge) is scratch into the CASING of the round. Some places even imprint them for mementos. This has no real effect on the round or how it fires, so it's safe to do.
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Point here is that people don't hold bullets between their teeth. If they're holding anything, it's the cartridge. When I need to reload quickly, I hold the cartridge between my LIPS with the primer against the flat of my canine tooth or incisors so it doesn't get tapped by accident.
That's all and happy drawing!
As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an ask!
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42bakery · 27 days
Hi do you know what the new regs mean? Or why these changes have been made?
Hi there anon 👋👋👋👋.
Let's start with the second first because it will lead to the second one okay?
So why are those changes made? The regulation was always going to change, but thanks to the COVID, it got delayed, and then aero started (with all their issues) and then the regulations where scrapped and made new ones according to what was going on track. The core of these regularization, that we only got the summary and not all the small details, is the rider's safety and sustainability.
Since 2020/2021 aero has become the main point of innovation and concern on the paddock due to the lack of real regulations surrounding them. Aero is making the racing and overtaking difficult and at the same time it's making the top speed reaching new levels and breaking records every weekend, but also makes crashes worse (way worse as riders carry more speed and gravel can't absorbe it making them reach barriers). Aero prevents the overtaking because it allows bikes to be bigger but also with all the forces that surrounds the ground effect more difficult to maneuver (this is also why riders have more hands/arm injuries and arm pump issues, as well as new type of arm punt issues (Raúl was affected in 9 muscles for example)). Plus the bike is not 600mm wide with all the forces it migh be like 700 or 800 making the tracks single line, so no overtaking or dangerous/aggressive maneuvers needed for the overtake to stick.
The initial plan was to ban (completely or partially) or limit the aerodynamics to the minimum to avoid all of this, however certain teams (ejem Ducati) where highly against it and instead suggested a limit on the engine capacity. Ash ( @motocorsas ) did a break down why it's a bad idea and what meant when it was done in the past, so I recomed you to read it.
I do know some agreement have been reached because there's some aero limitation, with the dimension of the wings.
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This is said to help reduce the top speed on the straight, but what it's more important is that it will help a bit with the bikes being so physical and with the close racing. Less material is supposed to make the wings sturdier and not make them break at the minimum contact, which we know it destroys tons of races. Also as I said it will reduce how much space those bike will occupies on track with all the surrounding forces.
The back of the bike will finally be controlled and this is also important because it means teams can't do as much as they want. I think some teams bring like 2 options per weekend of this things and use both.
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As I said a compromise was made, and this is personal opinion, but I think Ducati used the new concession system to avoid the banning of aero and push for the engine capacity to be lowered to reduce speed. We all know that the new concession system (as this regs too probably) needed all manufacturers agree with them and to be honest Ducati not being able to do wildcards is bad, so I guess they accepted it to keep aero. Also as I said, we don't know the full extension of the regs, so maybe there are some little details on how this aero can be and where can be placed too. Or maybe not
The hole shot/read height device is banned again for safety reason and I'm so glad that this one is out. So many times it got struck and made riders retire or being unable to ride a bike (someone said it was wrestling an alligator but I can't remember if it was Redding with only one of the front wings, Brad in the same situation or Brad with the high device stuck, or all of them). I also remember that Ducati said they could use as some kind of DRS and I thought they where delusional, so I'm glad is out. Just as more info on this, Honda used to have such an reliable rear height device that Álex Márquez had to learn a manual way to realize it, which pretty informative on how many times it happened. And then, some times even that manual realize didn't work.
The other changes are mostly related to the new engine capacity that will reduce consumption and also allow more mileage. I'm a bit iffy with the fuel, not that it's a bad idea, which I do love, it's just that we are currently at minimum of 40%, and we know teams won't put more than the necessary, to 100% in only 3-ish years. So I just hope that it doesn't cause a lot of issues in general as in F1 lead to engines losing power horse and it'll be difficult to handle. Actually that wouldn't be so bad from a safety point of view as it will decrece the velocity too.
About the GPS thing, what I understood is that teams will be able to obtain the data after the sessions, and I think the idea will be for teams to see where they are strong and where their rivals are weak to kind of make potential overtaking, and help with the racing aspect. But in my opinion will cause chaos and havoc. Like just imagine Marc letting his rival know where does he break and what is his line. He will definitely do something different in the race.
To sump up, those new regs are DORNA's intervention and how to make the racing safer with a bit of aero banning and lowering the top speeds. I think more could have been done, but again, I think Ducati had the upper hand in the negotiations by trading the concessions and keeping the aero.
I also think that MotoGP is trying to remember that even if they are prototype racing, the idea is that some day what they do is going to end on the streets and that top speed is not the main point in here but rather sustainability and safety.
MotoGP/DORNA made this video to explain this changes. I recommend you to check it out
Ups I went into a bit of a rant, but I hope this explains whatever doubt you had and helps create your own idea about them.
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morporkian-cryptid · 4 months
Hey, y’all wanna see some more Very Inadvisable Gun Practices by Daisuke “Supposedly The Best Gunman In The World” Jigen,
the same absolute madman who brought us timeless classics like “shooting over your shoulder with the hammer right next to your ear”, “shoving a loaded gun into your waistband”, "twirling a loaded gun by the trigger guard", and of course “using the wrong ammo for so long that your gun just blows up into pieces and buries itself into some guy’s chest”?
-cracks knuckles-
Suppose you are stranded in the Middle Ages (thanks Mamou); Middle Ages People have stolen your gun and used up all the bullets, before kindly returning the now useless gun to you. Do you:
Use your gun to bash people on the head
Acquire a crossbow or perhaps a slingshot
Forge new bullets out of some random metal you melted over a campfire and poured into a hole in a block of wood, then shove them into your used bullet cases, presumably with some gunpowder that you just found somewhere
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I sent these pictures to J (@whosayscrimedoesntpay), my Friend Who Knows Guns™, and he was kind enough to give me a detailed run-down of what exactly is wrong with Jigen. I will now hand the keyboard over to him, so he can explain why, in his own words, “there’s… so much wrong here… so much…”
What the fuck is that metal? Why are you able to melt it over a normal fire?? Why doesn’t the powder flash deform it if that’s the case?
How did you just… find a bullet-shaped hole?? Did you make it?? How did you do that so it was the right size and shape? The wood grain would affect the aerodynamics!
Pouring water on it is just a questionable idea in terms of physics. It could cool weird and possibly deform, if not have water trapped in it.
WHY DOES HE HAVE NO BULLETS, BUT SPARE BULLET CASINGS? [NB: the answer is that he had the spent cases from already fired bullets, which sent J into even more hysterics]
SAME FOR THE POWDER [NB from your local Japan History Nerd™: this movie takes place in the early 1500; firearms were introduced to Japan in 1300 so it’s not completely impossible that Jigen would have acquired some, but then again the villagers there were very clearly established to Not Have Firearms, so…]
Is he… hammering it?? Into the case?? With a rough object?? Risking deforming the bullet?? See point 2 for my point about aerodynamics.
If he doesn’t have spare cases and he’s just using old ones that he’s spent already, no he’s not. THAT’S NOT HOW THAT WORKS.
Expanding on point 7: the whole way a bullet works is the hammer hits the base of the case, either on the rim (the flared bit) or on the center (no flare on those so these are likely rimfire, unless the animators don’t know that either) [NB: .357 Magnum bullets have a flare on the base, so yes the animators did indeed get that wrong.]
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That silver bit in the middle of the base houses the “primer”, which is the thing that initially causes the heat/spark that sets off the powder. Depending on if your gun/ammo is rimfire or centrefire, the pin will either strike the rim or the center. On the picture of the spent case (on the right) you can see a dent in the little silver bit.
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If they’re spent, you can’t just reuse the exact same case. The primer in the rim/center is spent. You can’t replace that.
Well, technically you can reuse centrefire cases, but you have to replace the bullet (which Jigen did, very badly), the powder (did he?? We didn’t see him do it) and the primer (same here). In the end, the only problem Jigen had with these bullets in the movie is that the aim was very bad, even though the fact that his gun even fires at all goes against the laws of physics.
TL;DR: Jigen is once again defying both science and gun logic. According to J, it basically boils down to “even if the metal is suitable (which it isn’t) and the bullet is made correctly (which it isn’t) and he just… has gunpowder up his ass, he STILL needs a new primer”.
Thank you for tuning in to this new installment of “Daisuke Jigen should not, in fact, be trusted with a gun”!
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mooniwrites · 1 year
I only fear God and... (teaser)
Pairing: Max Verstappen x blackfem!Reader
Summary: Max girlfriend is everything people never thought he would end up with.
WC: 786
Warnings: curse words, mentions of an accident, violent impulses, Christian Horner (yes, he is a warning himself), lmk if I’m forgetting something!
Author’s note: I haven’t write anything in a very long time, so please be kind! Also, English is not my first language, and I’m not a 100% fluent in it, so I’ll probably have spilling/writing errors. Constructive (and kind) criticism is received and appreciated. Also, this might become a series(?) but I haven’t decided anything yet!
Christian: “I only fear god.”
Toto: “and Max’s girlfriend.”
Christian: (laughing) “yes, and Max’s girlfriend.”
If anyone would have told Max a year ago that he not only would be dating, but seriously thinking in marrying a 5.2” brown skinned girl with curly hair, too much attitude and no fear, full with god’s rage, he would have laughed at their face, because for that Max Verstappen, that wouldn’t even be possible. Max preferred (or so he thought) dolls-like girls, and his exes where the proof of that. Always presentable, very fashionable in a classy and girly way, polite, good mannered, calm. And then a braided tornado came into his life and put everything upside-down, stealing his heart in the process.
Y/N L/N was everything people thought he wouldn’t like. She didn’t hesitate to speak her mind and was willing to throw hands at anyone who dared to speak ill of him (his dad and his team principal have been victims of her rage once and that was enough for them to be afraid of her). Used bold colors with prints, wasn’t afraid to show her melanin and be proud of it, was capable of pulling off the weirdest, craziest and sometimes ugliest clothes that this earth has seen.
That’s why it was such a surprise when they announced their relationship, seeing them arrive at the paddock holding hands, Max wearing his typical Red Bull merch, and her with high boots, a short dress and a denim jacket personalized by herself with Max’s numbers and a red bull (in a deeper shade of red, since Y/N has beef with the original red of the brand logo). Brows were raised, mouths were wide open and words scaped everyone who was witnessing the moment. And then it came the questioning, when, how, why? She wasn’t a match for him, he wasn’t enough for her, she was better with someone like Lewis. Those types of comments became so frequent that the driver started to believe them, which affected their relationship, and Y/N could see it. Never one to run from problems, especially when something as precious as their relationship was being affected, the girl decided to take matters into her own hands, which threw Max off because he thought he wasn’t being obvious neither he was prepared for that type of talk, which lead to an argument between them.
“Because sometimes I think they are right! That you would be better with someone that can give you a more normal life, unlike me that I’m travelling the world day in and day out!”
“And don’t think that if I would want a partner like that, I would have look for one? But no, Max Emilian Verstappen, I want you and your crazy schedules and different time zones and rants about aerodynamics and corners and cursing the FIA. I want you and I don’t see that changing any soon.”
“But why would want me? When you could be with someone like, I don’t know, Lewis, he at least it’s a fashion icon and have an amazing personality and a life beyond formula 1, unlike me.”
“Because you are enough!”
At that moment there was a pause, a moment of silence where you could hear a pin drop, and, if you payed enough attention, Max’s walls began to crumble.
“Wha-what did you just say?”
“That you are enough, Max. That I prefer our little dates in my kitchen than going out, that I love hearing you talk about races and strategies and spending time at the sim because that’s what you love, and I love you, all of you, even the parts that the world told you where unlovable.”
“No one has ever told me that.”
“What of all that I just say?”
“That I… that I am enough. I have never felt enough for anyone, nor anyone has told me that I am enough for them.”
“Well, I am glad that I am someone very important. And you better get used to it because I plan to tell you that every day for as long as you need it to get through that thick, prideful and stubborn head of yours.”
“You’re welcome baby.”
“Oh! By the way, you too.”
“Ah? Me too what?”
“You are enough for me. More than enough. I am not good with words, but you are enough, and I do love you like that. All of you, even the parts that you dislike.”
“I am going to remember that the next time that you deny me of adopting a pet!”
“Y/N I love you more than racing, but we still can’t have a moose as a pet! I don’t even think they are legal in Monaco!”
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dobbiamo-capire · 1 year
The topics that will be under the cut will be: the reason behind the dnf of Charles and why we should be worried for all season and how this and Sanchez’ firing could be connected both with Binotto’s departure, which goes actually back from summer break of 2022
Also I’m really really tired from work, my English will be the worst, it could not make sense but I’m not in my best shape to translate this possibly huge and intricate scandal
First of all, let’s start with the most probable reason of Charles’ DNF
Apparently the problem was that the way they put the EC and the other electric components in the car and their wires were putted in a way that with the bouncing and porpoising were shaking that component so much that it went against the wires that hurted that component and it was kinda a circle of hurting all due to the bouncing. So yeah the first component is safe but the second went kaboom because the wires disconnected and without electric power the engine doesn’t work anymore. Where that component must go is also an aerodynamic issue because when you remodel a car you need to move also the components inside and that was not the place for the EC (this is an important info for Sanchez later). We now don’t know how much work they can do and in what time to fix this problem: it could mean a 3h solving problem or an entire season problem, we won’t know, but it basically was all a “wrong placed” component. They put it in a way that it bounced more than prev years and since ferrari is apparently the car that bounces more it affects them more than other teams, also apparently the way wires were putted in is a factor in that kaboom problem, I didn’t really understand how and it’s in arcaic italian so I won’t translate this part because I don’t understand either but yeah it’s just bouncing + wrong placed EC + missplaced wires
What does this had to do with Sanchez’ departure? Because yeah they basically fired him “it doesn’t have anything to do with Bahrain dnf” my ass. From this source that also gathered previous infos, Binotto’s departure was almost sure since summer break. That meant that everyone that was close to him (Sanchez in primis) knew that their heads could have been the next to follow. So since developments of miss F1-75 since France 2022 to the project of the next year (sf-23 nowadays), they could have by purpose sabotage both of those projects, knowing they won’t get the credits of a good job since they’ll be fired. And they knew that the sf-23 wouldn’t be born in a good environment since a long time, and this is kind the confermation they needed before releasing this “mediatic bomb”
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f1-ferraero · 15 days
Hi! People said the upgrades didn't work but an article pointed out there was an improvement in aerodynamic load. I am curious though, Charles mentioned that the car couldn't take on as much kerb as the RB, is this something we can see an improvement on from the upgrades later on? Also, why won't upgrades take on full effect from the get go?
Hello! Very good questions :)
I will start by just saying that the upgrades definitely work, but people and media have hyped them up to the point that people expected total domination.
I will ALSO say that it's impossible to accurately judge an upgrade package after only one race, even more so after less than that. Not even the teams themselves can do that. People have a tendency to jump to conclusions way too quickly.
That is also the reason why the upgrades don't take on full effect immediately: because the team needs a couple of races to fully understand how they work in order to optimise car setup. Some people also refer to Imola not being a very good track for Ferrari, so we might not see the car at its full potential.
RedBull, McLaren and Ferrari are incredibly close at the moment, but they have different strengths and weaknesses so performance between them will likely be very circuit dependent.
It is true that Ferrari definitely has gained an improvement in aerodynamic load. As this graph demonstrates, RedBull has a lot of lateral grip (they are good in the high-speed corners), but are very weak in longitudinal grip (braking). McLaren is the opposite, with good braking but bad cornering. Ferrari has found a nice compromise where they are very good in all areas.
The improvement in aerodynamic load allowed Leclerc to reportedly (I have not seen the data myself) have the highest percentage of full throttle around the lap and the lowest percentage of breaking, as well as the lowest deviation in speed around the lap.
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Additionally, we've only seen qualifying and the free practices (which looked very promising), at a track that isn't suited to Ferrari. The qualifying performance of the f1-75 and the sf-23 has also, I think, affected the perception of this car. Compared to them, the sf-24 has much better race pace than qualifying pace. Starting first is great, but starting 3rd and 4th is also good if your race pace is equal to, or better than the cars in p1 and p2.
But looking at the pace difference in qualifying it was very very marginal. Again, Imola is more suited to McLaren than Ferrari and the sf-24 is more of a race car than quali car. The Ferraris didn't manage to get their tyres into the window properly for their last runs, and Verstappen received a slipstream from Hülkenberg that gave him around 0.15 tenths, but this is the closest we've been to pole this season. A great improvement.
The race simulations in practice also showed very good pace. This data (below) was from fp2 (no comparable running in fp3). RedBull was 4th but they probably had their engine turned down a bit more than the others. The consistency can also be a sign of targeted lap times.
This is also slightly misleading, as @/fdataanalysis has chosen to combine Leclerc's and Sainz's times. He should probably have separated them like the McLarens, because Leclerc was on average 1:20.6/7 and Sainz 1:20.8/9. This, and a few very fast laps from Charles, is the reason for the inconsistency in the bar for Ferrari. Piastri was on the hards, so that's not comparable, but both Norris and Leclerc was on mediums at the same time. If the times are representative then on race pace Leclerc was on average -0.1/2 seconds faster. But again, only practice and it's very marginal.
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Regarding the sf-24's ability to take kerbs: this is more circuit specific as Imola has some very high kerbs that you need to take in order to maximise the lap. The kerbs haven't been a big issue on other tracks, so I don't see it being a big problem. However, I would need to read up on it a bit and look at more data to say anything with certainty. If it turns out to be an issue I will make a post about it :)
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local-littleguy · 6 months
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There’s something wrong with Grian.
Maybe it’s the way he has such odd beady eyes. Or how he’s got paws and feathered antennae, even though avians have neither of those things. Nor do parrots have clawed wings.
Or the way he always knows the goings-on. The way his pranks always mange to cause so much chaos, the way he always seems short and stubby.. even though avians have far more aerodynamic figures.
Maybe it’s how he doesn’t seem to always open his mouth when he talks, or how he never blinks, or how he seems to feel far too comfortable with the death games.
The Hermits enjoy them, yes, but there is something in the corners of the victors’ eyes. Like they came back wrong. Like there are eyes forever watching them.
Maybe it’s that he isn’t affected by the Void. Maybe it’s that he can eat chocolate, even though avians can’t. Maybe it’s that his form seems like a puppet pulled by strings, almost seeming to .. glitch in the corners of your vision. Maybe it’s that his laugh echoes like he’s in a huge empty room, no matter where he is, or that his feathers and hair always ruffle in a wind that isn't there.
There’s something wrong with Grian. So why don’t the Hermits notice?
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simpforlh44 · 1 year
Yours Or Mine
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x eng!Reader x Max Verstappen
Summary: Switching Teams seemed like a bad idea until it wasn't? Or was it?
Genere: Angst, little fluff here and there, I feel like there will be some drama along the way lol
Warnings: strong language I'll add more along the way if there's any
Word count: 520
Chapter one: The Begging of the end
Mercedes was the dream. the one you worked all your life for, so why they are letting you go now?
"listen to me, I hate to see you go but look at the good side it'll be for one season only"
' no cause what the hell are you talking about lew? I feel like I'm getting thrown away and to who? To red bull? To max? really?'
"it's not like that, we're not throwing you away, you're the best aerodynamics engineer we have"
'then why letting me go lewis? Why?' at this point, you've lost it, you're eyes are getting teary and it's hard to see already
"because that was the deal, you know if it was up to me I would never do that to you. now stop crying please let's not make this harder" he said while hugging you.
When you first came to Mercedes you were in an awe, achieving your dreams and all inspired you to work hard to prove yourself, you kept your interactions with everyone friendly at first until one time...
The whole team went out to celebrate after lewis won a race. It was a fun night where you all danced and had drinks.
You and lewis shared a deep conversation that night and since then the people who were once your coworkers became your family, your new home.
So that's why it hurts, having to wear a red bull t-shirt for the season hurts.
You've never liked max as a person, it's just something about his aura that felt off to you. So even if you accepted the term of changing teams, you'll never accept working directly with max it doesn't matter which team he's in. Working with him was definitely out of your list of wishes.
When you went home, the thoughts of starting the season with a new team filled your mind. You knew you had to keep it professional, you have to accept it, but in the same time you didn't know if you are capable of doing that.
The sound of your phone ringing disturbed your thoughts...
"how are you doing now?"
'still terrible lew' you heard him sigh once you answered him
"I'm sorry.."
'don't.. It's not your fault there's nothing we can do but to accept this'
"but you know it doesn't change anything between us right? You will always be ours"
'I know...but not for this season'
he sighed again, the way he said your name gave you goosebumps. You and lewis always had this thing between you two. The affect he has on you, it's like electricity every time he says your name specially when he says it like that.
'I'm just saying the truth lew'
"I know.."
You both stayed silent for a few moments, just listening to each other breath until lewis decided to speak again
"I'll miss you" you felt your heart bounding fast like the race cars you see almost every day
'I'll miss you too lew'
Working with max sucks but not being able to see or talk with lewis again definitely sucks more.
A/N: for the first time writing here that wasn't too bad hehe, the reader literally hates max for no reason but she'll come around soon 🤫 please be patient with me I promise it's full of surprises and I would really like to hear your thoughts on this chapter 💕
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kymuryacademia · 7 months
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November 11th, 2023
Today was a fun day, I basically stayed in my room coding🤡
But It waw fun, I'm learning more about 3D graphics and started studying about Machine Learning for my Data Science project.
About the boat project, I will need to do an aerodynamic simulation to see how the wind will affect the structure. I'm excited to get started!
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ichorblossoms · 2 months
for the ask meme can i get uhhhh yarrow + face, serena + motion, grimm + favorite
HI HELLO JANE!!!!! sorry this took awhile to get around to answering i wrote all the text and told myself i was gonna draw pictures for these and then i got distracted because i wanted to draw. other pictures instead :,D BUT without further ado !!
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
i don't trust my writing skills enough to write a description. their face:
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i talked a little bit abt their facial features in this ask, but yeah, the Bee Stuff is definitely what people notice first. yarrow's modification was an experimental one, so while most people are kinda used to seeing humods with fur on their faces or weird ears or maybe horns and whatnot, invertebrate features are rare and jarring. this does cause issues when you're trying to be discreet, so yarrow tries their best to wear bandanas or masks. even pre-modification they actually wear something to the effect of a bandana or surgical mask often; partially because They Are A Doctor and also because they live in a mining town that doesn't give a shit about how much dust is kicked up from the open-pit mining
pre-modification i'm not sure what people would notice first; they have a few small defining features like their dimples, yellow-gold eyes, straight teeth, patchy facial hair, and mole on their right cheek, but overall nothing out of the ordinary. i think it's less features people notice, and a general impression of openess? he's quick to smile, talkative, and expressive, so people usually feel like they can approach him
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
having trained in martial arts for most of her life, serena's very coordinated and flexible! she also has a muscular stature and she can make herself very difficult to move if she doesn't want to. she's aware of her size and generally has a slouch to her posture and walks with a bit of a trudge and lope if that makes sense? she has enough control though to where she can move almost freakishly quiet and it scares people on occasion
ofc she doesn't wear clothes, but she does have her prosthesis!
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she's got both an everyday and a sport prosthesis, so while her movement isn't necessarily affected by that, she's less willing to run or do anything intense if she just has her everyday prosthesis on (that's the one i draw, i need to look more into sport prostheses for humans and adapt a design from there)
bc she's a congenital amputee, the only real adjustment she's had to do irt her leg is adapting to a new prosthesis every few years, so she has a solid sense of moving with or without it on. i've been trying to determine if she has smthin like an adapted wheelchair as well, but since dragons are quadrupeds and she's only missing part of a limb, it may not be necessary when she also has her tail and wings to help counterbalance during movement...? there's also the factor that she doesn't have a lot of money, so regardless of what she has to assist her, it's not always top-quality and she's learned to live with a certain level of discomfort and pain
speaking of wings, flying is something dragons can do, but it's a lot like running where most ppl can't do it for longer periods of time unless they train. it's not as necessary in modern society, so most dragons can fly for short bursts if needed/for fun. with the exception of a few who do things like, idk fly to work, most rely on transit bc it's easier. serena's ability to fly is Okay, she's accumulated some damage to her wings over the years (side effect of martial arts where other people have claws and horns), which makes her less aerodynamic and more easily tired out. she's got a good handle on her body and how it moves, so she's actually pretty graceful in the air and not aware of that fact at all. overall, she prefers not to fly, but still maintains a healthy habit of working out those muscles so they don't atrophy, which is a thing that happens with modern dragons.
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
am i allowed to saw wrench here. i'm gonna say wrench
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saying wrench is grimm's favorite accessory is actually a stretch bc it loathes wearing it, but adores wrench as a companion but if we are purely talking abt clothing here, grimm's not the sentimental sort, so it doesn't hold on to things once they're to worn nor does it worry about wearing things out. which is the boring answer
wrench is only worn as armor a handful of times in-story and in dire circumstances (that i. have not quite figured out yet <3). grimm fucking hates wearing it, hates the way it takes them back to their past, hates the way it doesn't quite fit their body anymore and hurts if they wear it too long, hates why they even have to wear it, but it's protection and a weapon in one, and they don't have many options.
i talked abt wrench a little bit when you asked abt it here, but wrench is both an artifact of grimm's past and a dear friend. as an animal companion/robot grimm does maintain wrench to an extent and it's a good dog that doesn't age like normal animals, they have a close pet/owner bond. when it comes to "wearing" it, transforming (so to speak) doesn't cause any wear and tear on wrench itself, since that is one of the purposes it was built for, but the situations in which grimm would don wrench may result in damage and there's also an element of wanting to keep wrench safe. aside from being armor, wrench can also do stuff like jam signals for short periods of time and sense heat signatures, so it does have an interest in preserving wrench for its own work and safety as well, but it's also a pet, yknow?
post-story i'm p sure grimm and yarrow would get something equivalent to married. yarrow's the romantic and the one to suggest it ofc, but grimm's like "hell, if i'm going to symbolically tie their life to someone else's it wouldn't be anyone but yarrow" and whatever sort of wedding band/necklace/wearable symbol they choose would become grimm's favorite, esp since it represents a version of themself they like being
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