#and can draw the connections between their respective chapters
aroacehanzawa · 1 month
whats ur beef?
My favourite manga lost the plot so now i cope by being a hater 👍
#long answer is i have beef with the direction that the bsd manga has taken#it only superficially resembles the beloved mystery and character-driven detective agency story with atsushi as the main character#i'm dissatisfied with major developments like killing off fyodor and reviving him and pulling this#PSYCH his ability wasn't what you thought it was. with zero foreshadowing or buildup#because the manga has become full of marvel-movie type plot twists that serve little to no coherent narrative purpose except shock factor#it cheapens the story and it cheapens the development of characters and it cheapens the reader's experience#because we can't speculate and we can't draw connections and parallels and engage with the story on a deeper level#what connections there exist (for example between manga and anime) are shoehorned in after the popularity of the anime and#specific characters (e.g. fyodor who was shoehorned into untold origins in the anime) and mostly the characters who bring in money#i.e. fyodor and dazai and chuuya and their relationships especially soukoku. all this at the expense of characters like atsushi or#the majority of the female cast. who have been MIA for god knows how long and who were barely given frame each in the anime's finale#bsd treatment of its female characters has been subpar shounen level at best and now they're completely sidelined#as with most of the original cast and the original themes of the story. in fact i struggle to identify a coherent overarching theme#for the current arc. other than military action scifi movie go brrrr#compared to early arcs where each chapter had a meaningful message to say about the importance of living and what it means to stay alive and#keep going and why we are fighting to keep important people in our lives and to keep ourselves alive#and what it means to belong somewhere and what it means to be good or bad and how your place of belonging affects that#as a long term reader i just feel betrayed and disappointed. by how a story with complex and vibrant characters has become another#generic cashgrab shounen. and i mourn for the lost potential it had and everything the series has build up#only to have plot points abandoned at a whim.#so that's why i'm a hater now 👍#i know a lot of my bsd mutuals are still big fans of bsd so i try not to be obnoxious about it and mainly keep it comedic#like i don't actually hate the manga. because it's so important to me. and i respect the creators of the manga and anime#but it's frustrating to watch a train wreck in real time. and it's my blog i can hate what i want 😔#sorry if there are typos i wrote all this on mobile and can't edit the tags. i didn't wanna put any of this in the main post
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explodo-smash · 3 months
Katsuki as the Light & Izuku as the Dark- Love and Harmonious Totality in The New Era
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This meta analysis’ purpose is to make the case for KT/DK existing as Light and Dark in each other’s stories respectively, and explain how this dichotomy challenges black & white thinking in the narrative. 
This meta analysis will also explore how this Light/Dark dichotomy lays the groundwork for why Katsuki/Izuku as a unit represent a “New Era" in the story.
[Can also be found on twitter]
Whether by Save to Win/Win to Save, or the fact they are osananajimi, the story frequently draws our attention back to Katsuki and Izuku’s complicated, influential and powerful bond. Despite all the changes they’ve gone through in MHA up until now, both individually and together, one thing has always remained constant: they are as symbolically connected as they are physically/mentally/emotionally.
We argue that one of the ways MHA’s narrative connects them symbolically as polar, balanced parts of a larger whole is through a sense of DUALITY. 
Furthermore, we argue that the use of contrasting Light/Dark motifs act as both visual and text metaphor to create this duality, with Katsuki representing Light and Izuku representing Dark.
It's important to note that by Light/Dark, we aren’t referring to their moral clarity, goodness or badness. Rather, we will explore Light/Dark as a metaphor that builds on themes in MHA while creating tension (contrast, conflict leading, fear and rejection) and harmony (balance, unity, love and acceptance).
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Note: the Light and Dark comparisons/metaphors between Katsuki and Izuku used in MHA sometimes get lost in translation in the anime. Here are some examples….
For Izuku:
Izuku is often encased in shadows in Katsuki’s POV since the beginning.
The word used for quirk (kosei) meaning “personality”, with quirkless meaning “lack of personality”, evoking the absence of something
Character design leaning on “dark” shades (dark/filled in hair, eyes including dark pupils early in the series)
Izuku’s “Dark Hero” arc as it’s officially titled.
Izuku’s prototype/beta name “Yamikumo” meaning Dark Cloud and his personality type tending toward facades/anxiousness
Blackwhip being the OFA quirk that resonates with Izuku’s emotions (particularly his rage)
His recent “power up” moment in the current arc involving blackwhip is denoted by claws, fangs and black tendrils. This form is officially called “overlay” but Hori also calls it “carnage” in his head.
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And for Katsuki:
Izuku’s description of Katsuki as someone bright and blinding, often bringing light into his eyes as an artistic consistency.
His quirk “explosion” emitting light, his move “stun grenade” literally a blinding flash of light.
Character design leaning on “light” shades (light hair, eyes aren’t filled in)
Prototype/beta ‘Gogo’ Katsuki’s light clothing and his personality type overall being bubbly and overprotective (toward Yamikumo).
Katsuki’s death chapter titled “Light Fades to Rain”, and his revival evoking that visual of a bright light.
His recent “power up” moment in the current arc is denoted by flashing lights and explosions all around his body - highlighted with laughter, and glee.
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Katsuki and Izuku connect with all the various opposites attract concepts that draw on the Light/Dark duality (sun/moon, yang/yin) but the first mistake people make is approaching these concepts with black & white thinking in mind.
The meaning
The Light/Dark imagery/descriptions/metaphors with KT/DK exist as a set piece that subverts expectations by challenging binary/black & white interpretations.
Katsuki’s ‘light’ is confident and inspiring - but it can also be blinding, harsh, and overwhelming.
Izuku’s ‘darkness’ is almost like a blanket. It’s comforting and sympathetic - but it can also be scary, unnerving, and mysterious.
Initially, Katsuki wanted to get away from the ‘darkness’. Izuku was like his shadow, following him relentlessly. He misinterpreted Izuku’s behavior as secrecy or deceit. 
Izuku dragged in as much ‘light’ as he could, by both observing Katsuki closely as well as refusing to part with the nickname ‘Kacchan’. His pursuit was a combination of hope for the future and a fascination for something he didn’t have (envy). 
Both of them have a capacity for unending love and selflessness, but also uncontrolled rage and violence.
The point of this contrast is for us as readers to highlight and dismantle the surface level perceptions of these characters in the same way Katsuki and Izuku progressively do for each other. 
Building on the themes 
In the same way Izuku always saw, and admired, Katsuki’s “light”, Katsuki could see, and feared, Izuku’s “darkness”. This contributed in building tension between the two, both literally and narratively. Where another story may have framed them as opposing forces, however, MHA frames them as dual forces. Where the source of tension for opposing forces may be fundamental differences, the tension between Katsuki and Izuku comes from a REJECTION of their fundamental parts. By extension, this became a rejection of their potential for harmony.
There’s enough evidence to suggest the defining concepts for prototype/beta Katsuki and Izuku(Yamikumo) weren’t entirely discarded, but rather modified and layered upon. One of the major differences was how prototype KT/DK got along, with one of the earliest scenes drafted for MHA being a scene where they fight together.
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It’s ultimately a mistake to presume Izuku is purely a positive ray of sunshine just like it was a mistake to assume Katsuki was hiding a bitter and villainous darkness within him. It’s the neglect of their core that causes them to dig their heels in and become their worst selves: 
Katsuki as egotistical, harsh and tightly guarded with a tendency to lash out, against Izuku as obsessive, obstinate and habitually repressing his emotions.
Society shaped their “quirks” (their power, outward appearance) but time and relationships informed their “individuality” (their ideals, hopes, inner drives). 
Izuku's unwavering belief in Katsuki’s light was a tether that enabled Katsuki to embrace and flourish into it. Katsuki grew to understand the darkness in Izuku by confronting that which scared him. This allowed him to empathize with Izuku’s complex thoughts/feelings during a time where Izuku was at his worst (“Dark Hero” arc–onward) and dedicate himself to making sure Izuku didn’t carry the weight of the world and its burdens on his own. 
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In other words, the inevitable payoff for KT/DK facing and dismantling the tension within themselves and between each other is the harmonizing of the dual/complementary themes they’ve been written to represent, which ultimately mirrors the main messages and questions posed by MHA.
‘The New Era’
As two major pillars of the story, Katsuki and Izuku are in many ways microcosm(s) of MHA society at large.
Katsuki and Izuku as complementary forces and not opposing ones seems obvious until it is put into practice. Some characters in the story and many readers in the audience alike have struggled with understanding their multifaceted nature and reconciling what they know of KT/DK from the outside with the seemingly contradictory information KT/DK have given us about themselves over time. Rather than a fluke, this contrast is an intentional writing choice evidenced by elements like their Light/Dark symbolism.
The lines at the main center of conflict in MHA - Heroes vs. Villains - has been long since blurred. In much the same way Heroes vs. Villains has complicated good vs. evil and challenges black&white thinking, KT/DK’s relationship as counterparts is representative of a greater duality that paints a clearer picture of MHA’s philosophies on the nature of heroism, societal progress, and the difficult process of inner growth. This picture is coming to a head with the story situating them as the beginning of “A New Era.” 
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MHA understands people as collections of thoughts, feelings, experiences, abilities, ideals, hopes, drives, etc., and that contradictions and tension between them are inevitable.Through KT/DK, MHA has developed a beautiful narrative where strengthening oneself involves strengthening each other and broadening our understanding of who we are.
“There is a false saying: “How can someone who can’t save himself save others?” Supposing I have the key to your chains, why should your lock and my lock be the same?”
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ashesandhackles · 11 months
Goblet of Fire Reread (Part 2)
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Chapter 17,18,19, 20,21,22,23
"It struck him how very tall all of them were" Harry thinking this about the champions one moment and then being angry at being called "a little boy". Accurate teenage boy behavior.
Snape stepping in to stop Karkaroff and Maxime insulting Dumbledore by insulting Harry instead, "Don't go blaming Dumbledore for Potter's determination to break rules" XD
Fleur really cares about the honour of representing her school.
Hints of Barty Snr under Imperius: both in his behaviour + imagery (skull like appearance in the darkness)
Violet, the witch painting went up to Fat Lady to gossip. We shall hear of this friendship again in HBP.
I really really love Hermione's insight into Ron's feelings here, because the implication here is that she noticed that he doesn't talk about it. "He's always shunted to the side when people see you, and he puts up with it, never mentions it" and how she contextualises it with how he feels around his brothers. She has an understanding and kindness about this that is very sweet.
Fleur flirting with Cedric while some creepy paunchy man watching her. Damn, what it must be like to be sexualised every moment of your life and what harmful ideas have you internalised?
Harry noting that Fleur was part Veela to tell Ron only to remember The Great Tragedy that Ron isn't speaking to him.
weighing of wands chapter to set up the priori Incantentem at end of book, to remind us of Harry's connection with Voldemort's wand.
Hermione trying to force Harry and Ron to talk to each other, poor thing. I can really feel her anxiety building over this and she is so impatient, "you miss him, he misses you". Hermione on Ronarry agenda. She even tries to sneakily make him meet Ron in Three Broomsticks and then Harry cottons on. And then her getting irritated, Harry having to resist the urge to poke Ron is peak trio content.
Harry getting cheered up by the fact that Cho wasn't wearing a support Cedric badge. Also, it's a nice shade to her character - she is nice. She recognises the badges for what it is and doesn't take part in it.
his face breaks into the first smile in days cos of Sirius and Sirius redirecting attention away from himself and focusing on Harry - "never mind me, how are you?" Harry is so vulnerable with him that he talks about Ron with him.
Sirius' respect for Moody is very interesting, he displays more of this in Padfoot Returns chapter where he talks about how Moody captured DEs and not killed them. I believe @leogichidaa and @artemisia-black have had a tumblr discussion on this.
Ron doesn't come up to bed after Harry lashes out at him for interrupting his conversation with Sirius. Poor bean - wondering how things got this bad between him and Harry.
BCJ is so chilling on reread- essentially admits that he is keeping track of real Moody via the Foe Glass. "I'm not really in trouble until I see the whites of their eyes. That's when I open my trunk."
BCJ talking about Maxime and Karkaroff but also himself - 'They want to win. They want to beat Dumbledore. They'd like to prove he's only human'. And he laughs.
Ron catches Harry's eyes, but Harry is too resentful to care. Ron trying, in his own awkward way, to let Harry know that he is on Harry's side again.
Harry not needing to hear Ron apologise to forgive him. Clearly Hermione feels the same as I do, because she burst into tears, hugs them both and goes off to cry alone LOL
I saw this tumblr post about how Fleur dealt with the dragon was the most compassionate one - trying to put it to sleep - that she and Charlie would get along cos of it. Cute hc.
Pigwidgeon falling 12 feet down before flying with the letter is so funny. Also how cute that Harry's letter to Sirius had a "blow by blow" account of how exactly he swerved, circled and dodged the Horntail. Sirius would have found that very endearing.
LOL at Dean drawing Cedric with his head on fire for party banners. (apart from drawings of Harry dodging Horntail)
Harry calling out Hermione for bending of rules is so cute. When she says, "he is supposed to work out the egg on his own" when Lee picks up the egg, and Harry reminds her in undertone that he was supposed to work out the dragon alone too, and she "grins guiltily"
I am very disappointed in Dobby, whose political consciousness that shone and drove the plot of CoS is done to "acceptable" levels of radicalism. He tried to save Harry, explicitly against harry's wishes, because of his idea that Harry is a symbol of hope to the "enslaved dregs of the magical society, who are treated as vermin" and that defeat of Voldemort ensured that his kind are treated better. (he is still endearing, but speaks to the message of the books - he can be radical but cannot question the existing institution too much)
Winky's loyalty to Crouch is treated as pitiable, while Hermione's overzealousness with some gentle ribbing because JKR seems to find it endearing. We will probably get into white saviorism later, because I have THOUGHTS.
Ron and Harry sword fighting with fake wands, which are tin parrot and rubber haddock respectively, is hilarious. (Ron's parrot got the haddock's head)
Cedric telling Hufflepuffs to leave Harry alone. Looks like he was so grateful for Harry's tip, he steps in on the bullying.
Cho's words about who she is going to the ball with echoing with each step Harry took. Peak teenage experience. End of the world your crush has been asked out by someone else.
so funny that Ron keeps trying to ask Hermione who she is going to the ball with at unexpected times to surprise her into answering
love that Hermione was simultaneously appalled by fake-Moody making Malfoy a ferret while also not above referencing that incident to get Malfoy off her back. ("twitchy little ferret, aren't you Malfoy")
Ron notices Hermione's teeth is no longer the same. And Hermione is all sly and mischievous about the fact that she let Madam Pomphrey carry on a bit.
ok this is such a cute description: Hermione sitting to watch Ron and Harry's chess match which had recklessly brave pawns and a violent bishop
Dobby gets socks as presents from both Ron and Harry (reminder Ron also puts socks over his dead body) and Ron's Christmas jumper.
Dumbledore referencing Room of requirement. (he makes a joke that makes Harry snort and Percy frown- I guess he thinks the joke isn't appropriate for international magical cooperation?)
Parvati goes off with a Beauxbaton boy because Harry wasn't paying attention to her. She also lead him while dancing -so much so he felt like a show dog. Love how alpha she is xD
Percy glances at Harry about "hitch with Goblet of Fire" : indication of his coming arc where he doesn't believe Harry. (Also, while Percy is socialising with Bagman, he chooses to sit with Harry and Ron, which is indicative of how awkward he feels i think)
Snape and Karkaroff's conversation will get referenced in Prince's Tale, where Dumbledore grants him -"i think we sort too soon".
the image of Maxime storming away with fairies parting bushes is a very striking.
Chapter 24, 25, 26,27,28
Hermione drops key family history for Harry without either of them realising it: she used Fleamont Potter's Sleakazy's. Also at the implication that Harry asked about her hair LMAO.
Ron and Hermione reaching an unspoken agreement about sidestepping the big fight which involved FEELINGS.
the unicorn preferring a girl's touch is tied around the myth of pure creatures comfortable with "pure souls". I am really not sure how to read the gender politics of this book using this aspect of mythology.
lol, at Parvati being very "cool" towards Harry since the ball. Her retort actually makes him reflect - "perhaps I should have paid her more attention" and then, "ah well, she had a good time anyway". Honestly, stan Parvati.
Harry's so suspicious of Bagman offering him help, and rightly so. I love him putting Bagman on backfoot with his questions.
really curious about goblins and their hierarchy in the wizarding world. they are the marginalised who "fight back".
Rosmerta looking at James Potter, "who used to make her laugh"'s son yelling at a reporter in the middle of her pub XD
Love that Gryffindors get food related passwords like "banana fritters" and poor Ravenclaws have to solve a riddle every time they need to get in.
Where is the fanart of Snape with long grey nightshirt? Where?
Snape shutting Filch up when (in his mind) Moody came in, BCJ using Moody's distrust to check his office. Excellent stuff. My favourite part of the scene is Snape angrily declares Dumbledore's trust in him, and BCJ reminds him of "spots that don't come off". And Snape clutches his Dark Mark (and immediately hates himself for doing it xD)
Okay, Snape conceding power to Moody in this scene is so interesting. When Snape tries to look for Harry, BCJ makes him back off by saying "meaning Dumbledore is very interested to know who's got it in for the boy!" and Snape answers in a forced calm.
the tension between Snape and fake Moody can be cut through with a knife. Love how menacing the scene makes Moody, with Rowling using visual pictures of Moody's scars in the darkness
Lmao, Neville sending Professor Flitwick flying across room in class. And the description of "Professor Flitwick went whizzing resignedly past them" when the trio are talking. The implication that Flitwick just let Neville do his thing… XD
Hermione answering Harry's grim dark joke seriously. Nerd XD so much so the next time she takes Harry's joke seriously, he had to tell her that he is joking lol.
Harry goes off food when he is stressed or upset: a hangover from Dursley days when punishment is "no food".
"Your Wheezy, sir, your wheezy - the thing Harry Potter sir will miss the most!" LOL. The way this book is designed for Ronarry feels.
Merpeople have pet Grindylows. (also the chief is a woman)
Harry actually tries to yank the spear away from merman when they refused to help him, and hits Krum when Krum failed to realise that his shark teeth would hurt Hermione. My little feral boy.
Percy, "who looked very white", splashing out to meet Ron <3
Poor Krum - he is trying to engage Hermione and she is too busy either asking Harry about his task or cheering him for his marks to listen.
I love how much Harry gets so cheered by Sirius' letters. And even as he is tense that Sirius would get caught, he enters Potions classroom happy XD
'Scarlet woman'. It speaks to the generation Molly comes from that she has these ideas, and that Ron has noticed and picked it up.
Hermione, being also aware that Ron's regard for her is less than platonic, "determinedly avoiding Ron's eyes" when she mentions Viktor did invite her. (Also funny that Hermione is trying to puzzle out how Rita heard her, and Ron is like, "nvm, what did you say about Viktor's invitation?" lol)
@urupotterwrote a nice meta about how Snape was deliberately provoking Harry (after harry moves tables) to read his mind. Right when Harry angrily looks up, Snape's eyes bore into him to check if he had broken into his office.
Sirius made them climb a mountain for half an hour lol. He believes in outdoorsy kids.
Sirius having a fuller face, and looking like he is taking care of himself when Harry met him at the fire - but now he is back in his prison robes, his hair is longer and he is thin again. When Sirius broke into the fire, he was clearly at a place where he could hide better and take care of himself. He is living off rats.
And he notices the anxiety on Harry;s face and explains why he is here (he is very good at reading harry's face and just answering his thoughts. He does it again later in the scene). He is worried about how fishy things look, and it is clear one of the reasons of his lack of care for himself is hyperfixating on Harry's safety and circumstances surrounding the tournament. (he also moves a lot when he is thinking - it's part of why he makes for such a strong scene presence. There is either note of how he takes space, or his eyes)
Sirius backs Hermione here about Barty Crouch Snr's treatment of Winky ("if you want to know what a man's like.."). This is important for Hermione's complicated feelings about him in the next book. He was the only adult on her side - even Hagrid, who she counted on, didn't agree with her.
Sirius projecting all his family issues over Barty Crouch Jnr.
Sirius' description of Azkaban is just extremely solitary and drenched in death, and suffering. He can see and hear things that are near his cell or out of the window (he could see Dementors burying who he thought was BCJ outside the fortress). Speaks to the immense violation Barty Crouch Snr has committed by sending him there without a trial. (There is also the fact that Azkaban is horrible, and no one deserves it)
Snuffles, enuff said. He also allows them each to pat them on his head before they leave. how cute.
"If he thought we are standing in way of his career"..ah, seeds of Percy arc of OOTP. Hermione believes in him while Ron doesnt lol.
I haven't mentioned in my notes because it would get too long - but Sirius' exposition about the First War, I think, is important for the atmosphere that leads to friends turning on each other.
also, I really love the note of Sirius, as always, admiring the morals of Mad Eye Moody for trying to bring Death Eaters alive, versus his condemnation of Barty Crouch Snr's methods. This shade of him - combined with the fact that he would have absolutely killed Peter after Jily death if he had the chance, or even the previous book. @artemisia-black wrote about her interpretation of it in this meta.
House elves should be "seen, not heard" philosophy, where they have internalised that anything showing discontent from where they are is undesirable.
Hermione pulling a Blinky episode here XD if the worldbuilding wasn't so shitty, I would actually enjoy a critique of Hermione's impatience here because it is very in line with steam of young activists finding roadblocks within the very people they want to help.
Chekhov's gun: the eagle owl Harry observes flying over Hagrid's hut - the same owl we see in Harry's dream with Voldemort later.
Maxime is apparently trying to make up to Hagrid - she watches Hagrid's class and even tries to engage him in a conversation prior to this. Maybe she feels sorry about how the story about Hagrid's mother come out in the Prophet and wants to bond? What did Maxime face because of her parentage?
Ron being upset that the gold he paid Harry back with vanished, and how he hates being poor and how both Harry and Hermione don't know what to say: Hermione tries to cheer him up by saying she will get him a Niffler for Christmas, how cute.
harry regularly sending Sirius food and little notes with them. I CANT. they have my heart, they are everything.
love that Fleur and Cedric are apparently friendly enough that she keeps going on about underground tunnels to him, and how Fleur beams at Harry when he comes.
Harry and Cedric being jocks, and how they are less than happy with the state of the Quidditch pitch lol.
Dumbledore uses the Patronus to summon Hagrid. A known method of communication between the Order. ("a ghostly bird")
love the dynamic of Fred and George arguing: George seems to be the more cautious one of the two, saying putting something like that in writing is blackmail, while Fred is like, "You're not going to complain once we get the pay off, would you?" But the moment Ron asks what's up with them, George backs Fred and sends the letter himself.
I also really loved the moment of the trio confronting the twins. It was hilarious. it shows all their priorities - both Fred and Ron with confrontational and surprised, "what are you doing here?" and Harry and George on defensive, "sending letter?" and both Fred and Hermione with a suspicious, "What, at this time?"
Hermione still uncomfortable with the idea of breaking laws: "This isnt some silly school rule, it's the law". Given where they all end up in DH (honestly even OOTP), this is interesting. She even advises Ron to reach out to Percy to stop whatever the twins are doing, and Ron's like, "Are you mad? He would probably do a Crouch and turn them in!" XD
Harry being annoyed at Sirius being an Overbearing Dad XD "Who is he, to lecture me after all the stuff he did at school?"
Chekhov's gun: insect buzzing somewhere behind the curtain. Rita Skeeter.
Also seeing Crouch Snr struggle against the Imperius put on him by Voldemort tells us how incredible it is that Harry throws it off in the graveyard
Harry connecting the magic of Pensieve with the diary through means of his experience. Could be a cool worldbuilding detail if we want to think about how Tom preserved his "memory" in the diary, along with it being a container for his soul.
important to understand how Voldemort operates: he alone knows who works for him, and others get exposed to each other via shared jobs or connections. This adds to what Sirius says in Padfoot returns chapter.
Mulciber specialised in the Imperius, as per Karkaroff's testimony. Could he have done something in similar vein to Mary MacDonald? It could also be talked of as a "laugh" since students do find Moody's control of the spider in Unforgivables class darkly funny.
"He is no more a Death Eater than I am": Dumbledore's vouching of Snape is strong. I would love a fic that explores Snape and Dumbledore's equation in First War, and how Dumbledore sees bits of himself in a young man who also thinks he is brilliant, and wants power, but ends up hurting the person he loves in his blindness.
The trial essentially feels like a gladiator ring, with the accused chained to the chair. (Of course, Bagman doesnt get chained to the chair due to the relative popularity with the jury)
Ah, BCJ. His reaction here depends on how you read his involvement with Longbottoms - whether he actually did it, or whether he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course, the book, with Cruciatus scene with spider, heavily suggest that he was indeed guilty. So, it is interesting to see his terror here - he is genuinely terrified of going to Azkaban, but he is also using his genuine terror to appeal to his parents, to get out and be free. (He does similar things throughout the book - use his real dislike of Malfoys, Snape but misdirect you about his motivations). It's a nice manipulative streak.
"You're no son of mine!" "Take them away, and may they rot there." I need a Crouch family deep dive, because it is essentially a version of Walburga burning her son's name off after he ran away. which is: "I want to pretend you don't even exist."
a very astute reader pointed out on reddit how Moody is not present for the Longbottoms trial (and his eyes were intact on both trials before). So the hc is that Bellatrix took out Moody's eye and he was recovering in the hospital at the time.
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untoldreader · 2 months
Entangled Hearts
Wanda Maximoff x Reader x Natasha Romanoff
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The bond between Wanda, Natasha, and Y/N deepens, igniting a passionate and complex love triangle. Their hearts become entangled in a web of desire, leaving them torn between their feelings and the consequences that lie in wait
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@nayarianna1302 @alexawynters @tigerlillyruiz
Chapter 3: Entangled Hearts
As our journey continued, the bond between Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, and I grew stronger with each passing day. We found ourselves entangled in a web of emotions, navigating the complexities of our evolving relationships.
One evening, we gathered in Wanda's cozy apartment, seeking solace in each other's company. The room was filled with a mixture of anticipation and unspoken desires. We knew that the time had come to address the growing feelings that simmered beneath the surface.
"I can't deny the depth of my emotions for both of you," I admitted, my voice filled with vulnerability. "Wanda, your warmth and compassion draw me in. Natasha, your enigmatic allure captivates me. I feel torn, caught between two extraordinary women."
Wanda reached out, her hand gently resting on mine. "Y/N, we understand the complexity of your feelings," she said, her eyes filled with empathy. "We, too, have found ourselves navigating this intricate dance of love and desire. It's not an easy path, but we're in this together."
Natasha nodded in agreement, her expression a mix of understanding and longing. "Y/N, your presence in our lives has awakened feelings I thought were long buried," she confessed. "But we must tread carefully, for love can be both beautiful and destructive. We need to find balance."
The weight of their words settled upon me, and I realized the challenges that lay ahead. Love had the power to heal and destroy, to bind and break. We had to navigate the delicate balance of our hearts while honoring the trust and respect that existed between us.
Days turned into weeks as we explored the depths of our emotions. We laughed, we cried, and we shared moments of intimacy that transcended the physical realm. Our love triangle defied conventional norms, and we forged a unique connection that was both exhilarating and terrifying.
Yet, shadows loomed over our budding relationship—shadows of our pasts and the secrets we carried. We knew that in order to move forward, we had to confront the haunting whispers of desire and the lingering doubts that threatened to tear us apart.
"It's time we face the truth," Wanda said, her voice filled with determination. "We cannot build a future on a foundation of lies and unspoken secrets. We owe it to ourselves and to each other to be honest."
Natasha nodded in agreement, her gaze unwavering. "We must trust that our love can withstand the revelations that lie ahead," she added. "Only by embracing the truth can we truly find the happiness we all deserve."
With renewed resolve, we embarked on a journey of introspection and revelation. We bared our souls, unveiling the hidden corners of our pasts and the fears that held us captive. It was a painful process, but it also brought us closer, strengthening the threads that bound our hearts together.
Chapter 3 marked a pivotal moment in our story. Through heartfelt conversations, we acknowledged the complexity of our emotions and the challenges we faced. We recognized the importance of trust, honesty, and confronting our pasts as we sought to find balance and forge a path forward. Our hearts were entangled, and we would navigate this love triangle with open hearts and unwavering determination.
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gloryy-vs · 1 year
Huntress’ Call
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chapter 7 : between two
prompt: you’re an aggressive warrior, praised by the clan and close to the sully family. neteyam caught your eye but you’re convinced you’ll never be as mighty or honorable as he is. you also caught neteyams eye but he assumes he will never be as truly dedicated to the warrior life as you are. ao’nung slowly begins to fall for you, and you return the feeling. but you know that things between you and neteyam are not so simple as done.
ratings: sfw, violence, war, angsty, enemies to friends to lovers, warrior, aggression, not proof-read
characters: Neteyam x na’vi! reader, Ao’nung x na’vi! reader
Your head was bustling with anxious thoughts as you and neteyam made your way to the shore where Tsireya and her brother were. You glanced over at Ao’nung, and his eyes darkened when he saw Neteyam beside you, guiding you with a hand on your waist. Tsireya could sense the thickening tension between the three of you, deciding that it was for the best that she took on training you today. Girls with girls, boys with boys.
With a gentle smile she took your hands, “Come, you will be with me today.” Tsireya said, her voice like silk to your ears.
Both Neteyam and Ao’nung protested, reaching their hands out to you and causing them to touch. Both retracted their hands, glaring at each other with a strong hate. You looked back at both of them, your eyes stern and you mouthed.
Neteyam grinned, nodding respectfully as his braids fell past his shoulders again. It earned a smile from you. Seeing this, Ao’nung stepped forward slightly giving you a big smile.
“Of course I will.” Ao’nung mouthed back.
Neteyams face dropped, side eyeing him with annoyance. Ao’nung sauntered to his ilu, clicking his tongue and whistling to draw its attention. They were both annoyed with being around each other.
“What do you intend to do with her?” Neteyam popped the question first.
The Metkayina man stiffened, his broad shoulders tensing to show off the muscles.
“I intend on making her my mate. She’d be a perfect tsahik. She’s a profound warrior, everyone will respect her. She learns quick, knows how to hold her own.” He kept going, hoping to get a rise out of Neteyam.
“But she doesn’t. She doesn’t want to be just a warrior to somebody-“ Neteyam was stopped, Ao’nung pushing against his chest.
“How would you know? You pushed her aside all these years and now that she’s happy you wanna take that from her?” His voice was laced with venom, Ao’nung was fighting back the urge to tackle Neteyam.
“I’m the one who grew up with her. I’m the one who watched her make a name for herself. I’m the one who triggered that change. You’re just a fish lipped asshole who knew her for two seconds before you wanted to get it in.” Neteyam was fuming by now, offended that Ao’nung would accuse him of wanting to make you unhappy.
Scoffing, Ao’nung turned his head to the side, popping his neck in the process before he looked back. “Get it in? Don’t be mad that I can do it in a week when it took you…what? 19 years to even reconcile.”
Neteyam didn’t even think twice like he usually would, and reeled his fist back to land a punch straight in Ao’nungs eye. The reef Na’vi didn’t take it too lightly, tossing himself at Neteyam and bringing them both down. Each boy throwing punches at one another in the sand, the tide occasionally hitting them as they fought.
You and Lo’ak on the other hand were fishing for shells that Tsireya threw down for you guys. a way to practice swimming quickly and breathe control. Her praise was genuinely the only thing keeping Lo’ak going. You were glad that the two shared an instant connection by the will of Eywa. You surfaced with the pink and green shell in hand, showing Tsireya you managed to catch it.
“You did it! Good job!” She said, a big smile forking on her face that showcased her defined dimples.
Tsireya looked up towards the sun, as if calculating the certain angle. “It is time to eat, I also have training I must complete with my mother.” She said hastily, taking Lo’aks had to swim out of the water with him.
You followed beside them, poking your head out as you neared the shore where you last left the two boys. Emerging from the water, your face dropped, mouth hanging wide open as concern flooded all senses. In front of you, you saw two badly bruised men, standing apart from each other to catch their breath. They looked like they would pounce on each other again. You ran through the sand as well as you could, hands going straight to Neteyams chest. Your childhood friend looked down, his eyes filled with shame as he looked at your disappointment.
He looked badly beaten, a bruise on his cheekbone already forking and a split lip. Turning your head, you reached out to Ao’nung, hand holding his. He looked even worse, cuts all over his face, a bruise forming around the eye he could now barely keep open. Tsireya ran over, seeing her brothers state.
“Ao’nung! What has happened?” Tsireya cried out, forcing Ao’nungs head to face her, but his eyes remained trained on you, then your hand holding his while the other was on Neteyams chest. Slowly, he made eye contact with his sister, putting a hand on her arm so she could lead them away.
“I am sorry for my brothers behavior. I shall go take care of this. I will see you all tonight and the feast.” She said, haste and hurry in her voice.
You hesitantly let go of Ao’nungs hand, seeing him turn his back to you and walk away with his younger sister. Your attention turned to Neteyam again, remembering he was still hurt.
“You skxawng! What is the matter with you!?” You yelled, raising your hand to slap, hit him or do something to take the anger you felt out. But you tensed your arm up, shifting in the air for a bit before dropping it down in defeat. You couldn’t hurt him. Lo’ak stood in silence, processing the fact that he beat the shit out of Ao’nung.
He lowkey wished he did it first.
Taking his ear, you yanked down, dragging him with you. He stumbled, wanting to protest to the pain but he knew better than to tell you off after you specifically told them both to behave with each other. Your own ears perked up at the sight of his parents. Letting go of his ear, you nudged him to the opposite side of you.
“Don’t let them see, just act natural. I don’t want you to get in trouble.” You said softly, holding onto his arm tightly as you two walked by them.
Jakes own attention turned to the two of you, he was about to call your names out until Neytiri slapped the back of his head. “Let them be. It’s been too long since I’ve seen them like that.” She said, her eyes glancing at you two with adoration. It reminded her of when she first mated with Jake.
You were thankful for being able to get by them without a glance in your direction. You shoved Neteyam into the Marui pod and rubbed your face angrily.
“Ma’ Teyam is this what you wanted? Look at you! Over what?” You paused, staring him dead in the eye with a frustrated expression showing through your cat-like eyes. “Why did you both start this?”
He wiped at his lip with his thumb, and your stomach grew tight. He did look enticing with a few marks and bruises on him. You mentally slapped yourself, knowing it wasn’t the time nor the place. Neteyam looked annoyed with himself, but decided to phrase it as nicely as possible.
“Inappropriate things were said about you. Things I didn’t want to hear coming from another man.” He said, staring down at your smaller frame.
His broad and muscular build tended up at the thought of what Ao’nung said. What hurt most was that he believed it was true. His golden eyes searched your face for any reaction.
“What did he say..?” You asked, not sure if you wanted to hear the answer or not. It was just difficult to believe that Ao’nung would say something so bizarre.
Neteyam shook his head, dramatic braids swaying back and forth before resting on his shoulders. “I cannot say.” He stepped forward wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his cheek on top of you head.
His heart ached for you, he was afraid all this time, all the miscommunication lead you into another man’s arms. You placed your hands on his upper arms, ready to protect because you were still upset that he got into a fight with the other na’vi in the first place. A silence swelled between you both, his arms tightening around you as horrid thoughts swirled in his head. Images of losing you to Ao’nung. Your happy smile, eventually mating with him and having children of your own.
You saw from behind him, his tail would pause, then swish around slowly. An obvious sign the Na’vi was agitated. You rubbed his arms soothingly, heartbeat slowing down as your breathing synced with his subconsciously.
“Neteyam, tell me. What is wrong? Speak to me.” You said softly, moving your head to look up at him.
“You must choose one of us. I cant live like this, I cant live not knowing wether you’ll take me as your mate or if you’ll take him.” He said, eyes void of any happiness or certainty.
You never imagined it would come to this.
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kinokoshoujoart · 9 months
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scribbled down a relationship chart for the forgotten valley bros to collect my thoughts after snooping into their dialogue files, because i’m crazy over the barebones scraps of tiny interactions between them that we are given they’re a neat group of lads and i want to see them in lots of wacky situations together
rambling explanation and screenshots under the cut. spoilers for dialogue
gordy and gustafa are bffs and i love them!!!!!
they have mutual respect for each other… gustafa clearly admires and understands gordy’s art, and gordy seems to view gustafa as his closest confidant, he even gets you and Gustafa the new kitchen if you enter chapter 2 without being able to “afford” it yourself
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they only really mention each other and don’t have anything to say about the other two boys
no one has anything bad to say about gustafa, which is exactly how it should be. blessed bard. it’s extra sweet to me that he’s the most well-liked bachelor both in and out of the game given one of the npc gossip lines your son can tell you— he grew up without many friends (in the original game the secret was that he was bullied). he deserves all the happiness in the world
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matt opinions
matt shares his Opinions (slander) on gordy and rock specifically if you show him your kid with them, but has no slander for gustafa… his line for gustafa is instead just copied from what he says about the bachelorettes’ kids. so i count that as a gustafa win
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i had to stretch to find any mention of gustafa by matt, the closest thing is that he comments that he doesn’t usually go to the starlight concert
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i want gustafa and matt to interact!!! i want gustafa to give matt a tomato when he’s being gruff like he did with nami (matt: “th-thank you…..*blush* i already have ten billion of these”) matt also has lines about farm work being easier when you’ve got music accompanying you if you show him a record so i’ll count that as a very flimsy positive connection (matt IS friendly with gavin, due to frequenting the bluebird café, but is a bit reticent to make friends on his own)
rock opinions and social diseases
rock is extremely excited about hearing gustafa play music and calls him a wizard at the guitar and says he never gets tired of hearing him play. he also likes wandering over to gustafa’s yurt and listening to his music along with tei on market days (his most normal bachelor to bachelor interaction)
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the only guy who gets no positive comment from rock is matt, instead rock goes to town roasting him in his fourth heart event out of envy for a completely imaginary situation and argues that he’s worth a hundred matthew’s (source?). he also likes to go into the already crowded farmhouse at night on market days and make it even more cramped, but he usually leaves right before matt gets home
finally rock has what i can only describe as a really odd one-sided crush on gordy!! he meanders into gordy’s trailer at 12:45 AM (AM) every market day and loudly, obliviously asks why there’s so much “trash” everywhere (you’re the trash, rock!!!!!!). thankfully rock is quite literally beneath gordy’s notice, however this seems to make rock sad and he tries to come up with wacky stunts to get gordy’s attention like drawing on gordy’s face and… holding his breath? (maybe, i dunno WHERE that dialogue triggers). he has a line celebrating gordy finally noticing him, i’m not sure what causes it though (for his part, gordy has no lines referencing rock)
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finally, if you show rock your kid he will tease them by bragging that he was waaaay cuter at their age… but ONLY if it’s a bachelor’s child. rock your complex is so obvious that it’s more of a simple
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in summary,
rock seems to think highly of each of the guys (except matt), unfortunately this manifests in him making really odd attempts to barge into their houses at strange hours and by trying to assert dominance in annoying ways. thankfully no one really notices anything he does (except matt)
matt doesn’t generally say nice things about anyone except cecilia (which makes the nice things he says, like about nina, more meaningful…) so unsurprisingly he has nothing nice to say about any of the guys, but he doesn’t have anything negative to say about gustafa. however he seems to want friends to do stuff with (he complains about how no one in the valley wants to go swimming…..hhhgg i am desperate to force rock and matt to spend time together. a friendship where you can’t stand each other but you’re the only two people who enjoy doing the same hobby so you put your differences aside and splash around in the water) like with rock no one really seems aware of matt’s existence except rock who is Extrwmely Aware to the point of knowing about matt’s crush on ceci, but unlike rock matt is not exactly jumping at the chance to go socialize with others
gustafa and gordy are friends with each other (and also both are friends with nami) and they support each others ambitions. i have no source but i’m confident that when gustafa visits gordy he’s also bringing him water and soup (he also visits daryl so i think it’s cool and fun if gustafa drops in on the local lost-in-thought creative hermits with hydration reminders and care packages)
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fandombrainrots · 1 year
I didn’t post this on the wrong account you did-
Chapter 2: investigations and superstitions
Inside the Watchtower, the League was fighting over who should go to Amity. Flash was the first one to speak up, slamming a fist on the table for everyone’s attention. “We need supers there! It would be safer considering we could properly fight without much risk!” Hal huffed out on the other side of the room, glaring at Barry.
“Are you kidding? The town has reports of possession! What’s gonna happen if a super gets possessed?” Everyone hushed at the thought of being possessed, the situation slowly sinking in.
“I will go.” Batman spoke up from the head of the table, all eyes turning to him.
“I can take some of the Robins with me, and disguise it as a charity event. I’m the most reasonable to go since I would have an alibi.”
The table went silent at the statement. Batman watched as the idea slowly set into everyone’s heads. “That might actually work. Afterall, he has kids who would be able to get close to Danny, and as they do that, Bats here would be able to get close with the locals and find out if it's truly just a kids trend.”
“Yooo Danny, did you see that your video went viral?” Tucker casually dropped over the comms as Danny was patrolling around Amity.
“I’m sorry, it went what?” Danny halted in the hair for a minute before dipping down into the park. “Ya dude! The Zone has been trending for a while now, and someone found yours. Everyone has left comments saying that you’re the ‘chosen one’ cause so far you have the only clear footage inside.” Sam started to laugh over the comms as Danny let out a groan. “Dude! You accidentally made a parody of your parents!” This time Danny wasn’t able to react fast enough to the comment, slamming into a wall as a result.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. I did not.” He quickly sat down on a roof, pulling out his own phone before pulling up the video he posted only a week ago. He made it because tears in between the two realms were becoming more common, and as Phantom, he had already had to help a few people escape. It wasn’t meant to go viral, just help. Although getting attacked by Shulker at the end and leaving it in probably wasn’t the best idea. Danny also knew that his parents were still decently active on their channel, and while he could see their videos, Tucker had worked it out so that they could never see his. While he hadn’t watched their videos, Sam and Tucker did, explaining why they found the connection.
Do you think people will realize we are related?” Danny asked as he looked over the town. He fiddled with his phone as he did. It had now been two years now since the accident, and most of the rogues respected him enough now to leave him alone during the school day. He had finally gotten his grades back up to a decent level, though they still bothered him at night. “I doubt that they won’t. Your parents’ videos are already pretty popular since, even though they are wrong, they were the only videos explaining what the zone even was.” Tucker explained over the comms as Danny snapped out of his thoughts. “What if you did more though?” Sam cut into the conversation. “Did more of what?” Danny asked her, deciding that he could head home now.
“Make more parodies of your parents' old videos! You can correct their theories while also drawing attention. And by not outright saying your relation to them, you can become this online cryptid of the Zone.” Sam explained, clicking being heard on her side of the line as she started typing something.
“You're telling us that Danny should make a youtube channel about the Zone? Isn’t the whole reason we haven’t posted about it before is to keep it safe?” Tucker asked Sam, confusion lacing his voice. “Well why not! We obviously don’t give away the major bits and pieces, like the fact that ancients are real, and maybe nothing about phantom for safety, but we can explain how it's dangerous, and why people shouldn’t actively try to find the zone. Sure Danny’s first video might confuse them, since he willingly went inside, but if we take it down and start anew, we could make safety psa’s on what to do if it does happen!” Sam exclaimed with an excited voice, Danny’s gears grinding in his mind at the implications. “I think that’s a good idea… Tucker, how fast do you think you can take the old video down?” Danny phased through his wall, landing in his room before transforming back and rushing to his computer.
“I can get in down in ten minutes, do we want a proper channel name this time?” Tucker replied, clicking now resounding from his end. “Oh, oh! Call it ‘Into The Zone!’ It can add to the cryptid vibes that you're gonna try to give off.”Danny grinned as he opened YouTube,“Do it!” He called out over the call, watching as the video he posted only a week ago disappeared, the fifty thousand views it had gathered disappearing down the drain with it as well.
“We need to script the next video, and find a video of your parents’ that we can take from and fix.” Sam said, pulling up his parents' old channel as she went through their videos to find one they could steal. “We should probably make the psa video first, a channel intro of sorts that explains the danger of the zone before they watch anything else.” The trio set to work writing a quick script, planning out the new channel late into the night.
“Battsssss! We’ve got a problem!” Flash called out, the youtube video he had been reviewing now gone from his screen.
@dannyphantomphan @letsbegoblingods @thexfile4o4 @d-j-t-15 @queen-of-the-grapefruits @wildbacon @itshype @arend000-blog @elvesandlanterns @mimilikey @may-rbi @miraculousandmore @luffyrose @aroanorth-west @lunaria618 @blackrabbitt3t @mnemovoid @ultimatebluff @kgne-k @stargirl1331 @arc-777 @ghoststoneguard @dolfay @midnightenigma @trainer-sean @evana-47 @d4ydr34min9 @kyrianclawraith @thegatorsgoose @britcision @jesimilu @tealty @eonic @newgraywolf @fisticuffsatapplebees
I hope I didn’t miss anyone!
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ladythot · 11 months
What is ur opinion on all the Yuenchi characters that appeared so far?
Now this is a very great opportunity for me to introduce some of the cuties in the gaiden but let me just show you this unnamed boxer cutie before startin off with a few characters—
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*heart eyes, dick hard*
We'll call him boxer cutie, I recall he appears in 12th chapter but anything pass 11 of yuuenchi is almost nonexistent 'less you're desperate like me to go on reddit and scourge for the rest. I love his chill, free and easy personality. But one thing that bothered me is (cw spoilers) my guy already experienced his last moments before mumon could even become a bodyguard at his place and lost to one of those vacuum palm users aka nincompoops like yanagi, hopefully he atleast gives us his name before he rests in peace kek
Mumon Katsuragi :aka the bakiverse inosuke
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He's a natural cutie. I find it intriguing how his lips have more color than the rest of the male characters in the gaiden and female characters usually have those, right? I like it when people ask if he's a woman as soon as he takes off his cap. He probably wears it to look more manly and convincing. Besides that, I realize how close the connections are between presumably distant characters and characters he had raw connections with aka Tokugawa/taizan/rofu/kozue etc. They all know about katsumi and it makes me wonder if there's a time where lil informations about eachother are occasionally brought through random moments as they think about that time in the circus
I'd also like to say since he left the circus; there's one panel where kid katsumi can be seen crying over him and his dad, he slipped during his performance because he was worried about mumon and this goes back to that one canon detail where katsumi still appreciates his biological mom despite her having to leave him the same way—This small angsty detail burdened me with profound woes and made me feel bad for my boy katsumi because mumon never planned turning on his heels once as he left daw fuck me bro, me thinks what ifww katsumi held a grudge on him instead and they fwight epicly at the very end
Overall? He's such a good boy, but in the latest chapters....? He became feral after his trauma was relived (chapter 16)
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Taizan Matsumoto
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Best dad no words. He raised mumon so well—no better dilf could simply replace his raw capability as a functional parent in the bakiverse. Not only does he headlock properly, he takes things to another level by being the solid mvp of the gaiden. Mumon would simply stay as a famishing stray kid without him, what more is there without this man prior to recent chapters? None. He's such a good father figure to both mumon and kozue, but good things come to end sooner than bad earnings—Itagaki why indeed.
I think he's the reason why mumon likes hanging out under cherry blossoms? someone mentioned that and I'd like to take the lovely idea to heart without correcting myself or the other person in hand
Rofu Isomura
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Interesting character. Love him and the faces he made with kid mumon, their interaction, growth and everything. Anything about their interaction was wholesome and it showed mumon's unspoken aptitude for quick learning and being a genius at mastering techniques at such a young age. He's funny too, so unpredictable yet enjoyable
Mizuchi Koganemaru
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Ya really need my opinion lastly on this silver spoon? His talent for nude sculpting is pretty impressive and we're not hinting at the sculpture of lady in the corner of his room. I think he's so mysterious, I like it. But also, there haven't been enough source for the recent chapters nor updates so I can't tell much about my opinion on him. One thing I wanna know is, what's he doin sculpting mumon and holding the manmade cement head huh.
I vouch yuuenchi for the unique art style and well written details for the manga artist to consider drawing in the upcoming chapters :heart emoji: they have all my respect in terms of making mumon and the rest. The more the merrier innit for the main anime?
There are a few more characters I've had peeks of in the latest chapters which is really hard to find by the way, but this is all I could say for now lawl
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0alix0 · 6 months
sith inquisitor story is boring... let's fix it
so... i've been thinking about what exactly was wrong with it and how it could've been improved, and one of the things was that writers really failed the whole "old ways vs new ways" dynamic between inquisitor and Thanaton, because despite them being a slave (most likely from non imperial space, probably alien, who discovering force much later in life and never even heard about it before) it's INQUISITOR who actually relies on the old ways (literally ancient ghosts) and just so happens to be from an old powerful bloodline as an (absolutely unneeded) explanation for inquisitor being able to shoot lightnings out of their ass.
SOooo instead, try to imagine this:
Inquisitor is still a slave, but that's it. no distant fancy bloodline, no ghost grandpa to save the day, nope! you're on you own BUT you have a lot of raw power, which naturally draws Zash's attention.
Instead of getting random artifacts the whole first chapter (which you do but about it later), the plot is about inquisitor kind of learning about Vitiate and Zash theorizing about how does one manage to live so long. And to spice things up, from time to time she says stuff like: "well maybe his body DID get old, he just changes them... oh well :)". So they still go to planets, but this time they're picking up valuable information related to Vitiate and immortality, maybe relics that make you (who isn't dumb) VERY suspicious about Zash's intentions.
THANATON IS THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE USING GHOSTS, and inquisitor is the one who should be searching for possibilities to cut his connections to them! So they have to use the most unorthodox things (at least by empire standards) to win: alliance with aliens, imperials (that most sith have a very low opinion of), non-force sensative people, technical weapons, traps, anything that is considered "weak" by the """true""" sith.
and your companions would actually make much more sense: Ashara - there are things to learn even from your enemy, Xelek is a proof that you can be any species and be powerful non the less, Talos, a talented historian, helps you to learn what artifacts/ghosts Thanaton uses (despite being non-force sensitive), Andronicus as an unconventional ally that most sith would dispose of immediately or at least wouldn't even consider keeping him around, but you gain more by just being a good and respectful leader. and Khem... maybe Khem is learning to adapt in a new world? And you constantly challenge him to stop concentrating on his past?
you know make the story really show how stagnating the empire actually is. LS inquisitor actually tries to improve things, meanwhile DS inquisitor is just like malgus, war is a war we have to win no matter what BUT also inquisitor (as a former slave) is much more cruel and manipulative especially towards high ranking imperials and sith traditionalists. Cycle of abuse and all that.
and in the end of it all, you also help some dark consul members (with diplomacy on Voss, and with your unorthodox mini army of aliens on Correlia like JC) so you're allowed to face Thanaton on Korriban like SW faced Baras. Using your new knowledge, you cut his connection to force ghosts showing that his power wasn't really his own, and that to become stronger you have to be able to learn and change
...anyway thanks for joining me in my "bioware just hire me" rant, i'm here every day of the week
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Destiny & Deliverance: Chapter 9
Destiny & Deliverance Masterlist ||| Dieter Bravo X OFC New as of 7/28/2023
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Series Rating: Explicit (18+)
Series Summary: Natalia Cohen is experiencing major life changes, beginning with leaving an emotionally abusive husband. She is learning how to navigate life on her own while dealing with high functioning anxiety, depression, and mild PTSD. Everything is looking up for her. She is a highly respected consultant for a major LA firm, has her best friend, Lauren, by her side, and is on her path to healing. Everything changes when she meets a handsome and broken stranger on a work trip. He turns out to be a well-known actor, with a heart-breaking past. They quickly develop a connection that will forever alter their lives. 
Warnings: Themes dealing with mental health, emotional trauma, alcohol use, and discussions about suicide. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn type of story. Read at your own risk.
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Chapter Quote: “He says he’s a friend from New York.”
The next day, I had to go into the office for a few meetings with staff to catch up on where they were with their accounts. I was actually happy about this because I knew it would be a good distraction. I threw my blow-dried wavy hair up into a loose updo, applied a small amount of make-up, and I got dressed in a black pencil dress and blazer. Then headed out the door for my short commute.
Around eleven fifteen, my office phone rang. I heard my assistant, Kerrie, yell that it was Lauren. I picked the phone up.
“Don’t you ever get tired of talking to me?” I said as I answered.
“Don’t be silly. Also, I love your new assistant. I think we’re going to be besties. So, I was thinking…we should go grab some lunch.”
“Well, I’m happy you feel that way and it sounds like I need to tell her to ignore your number when it pops up.”
Lauren laughed.
“As for lunch, I don’t have enough time to go out. I have a meeting at 1:00.”
“Boooo. You suck. Do you need me to bring you anything?”
Before I could answer, Kerrie walked into my office, leaving the door slightly ajar. Her eyes were wide with a shocked look on her face. She was doing a small wave with her hands to get my attention.
“Hold on Lauren, what is it, Kerrie?”
“Umm, there is a gentleman here asking if you’re free for lunch?”
“A gentleman?” I said, confused. 
“He says he’s a friend from New York.”
“A friend from New York?” I said, still confused. 
She watched the realization set in on my face. I momentarily lost my words. She leaned over toward me and whisper-yelled, “Why didn’t you tell me you knew him!” Meanwhile, I could hear Lauren on the phone asking very loudly who was here. She had clearly pieced it together from the tone of her voice. 
I sat motionless, feeling my heart rate pick up. My breathing turned shallow as I broke out into a sweat. I shook my head from side to side and took a deep breath trying to pull myself together. 
“Get rid of him. I can’t, I have a meeting.” I said sternly. 
I heard Lauren shouting from the phone, “NO! What the hell are you doing! GO WITH HIM!”
Kerrie stood stunned, surprised at my answer. “I can reschedule it for you. It’s just Steve.”
“No. I can’t go.”
Kerrie didn’t move. 
“Is there a problem? Handle it please.” I said out of frustration. 
Lauren was still yelling nonsense on the phone while Kerrie just stared at me, shaking her head.
“I can’t tell him no,” she whispered with a stubborn look on her face.  
The door started to inch open further as Dieter slowly walked in, immediately noticing the phone a few inches from my ear. My eyes met his. He paused and mouthed “sorry” once he realized he was potentially interrupting something. Kerrie’s head swiveled back and forth between us, waiting for someone to say something. I could feel my face tighten and my brows draw together. I’m pretty sure I looked pissed more than anything, but it was actually pure panic. Dieter instantly looked beyond nervous. Lauren was still yelling on the phone, asking me what was happening. I was suddenly feeling over-stimulated between the three of them and couldn’t focus. I put the phone all the way back to my ear.
“Shut up. I’ll call you back.”
I could hear her telling me I better talk to him as I moved the phone away to hang it up. 
I looked away from him, lowering my head. I noticed my hands were starting to shake. I gripped the arm rest of my chair tightly in an effort to make them stop. 
“What are you doing here?” I said in a rather assertive tone, trying to keep it together. I glanced back up at him. He looked like he was about to say something, but snapped his mouth shut. My tone had taken him off guard. He glanced over at Kerrie, looking slightly panicked himself. 
“Mr. Bravo stopped in to see if you’re available for lunch.” 
I gave her a pointed look. 
“I have a meeting, so no, I can’t. I’m sorry.” I replied as I looked back over to him.
“Steve actually requested to reschedule it earlier this morning. I just haven’t updated your calendar yet.”  
My eyes darted back toward Kerrie. She gave me a wicked smile before continuing. 
“So, you’re actually free for the next two and a half hours.”
I exhaled, then touched the fingers of my right hand to the side of my right eye that had started to twitch. 
“Ok, thank you for that update, Kerrie. I guess I’m going out to lunch then. I’ll be back shortly.” My tone was clipped. I gave her a tight smile, dismissing her. She continued to give me a wicked grin as she walked out of the office, leaving Dieter and I alone. 
We sat in silence for a moment, avoiding eye contact. I didn’t know what to say to him. This whole situation had caught me off guard and I was not handling it well at all. Yet I still managed to notice how amazing he looked in his dark fitted jeans and black t-shirt. He had sunglasses hanging from the collar of his shirt.  
“I’m sorry, I probably should have called instead of just showing up.”
I continued to stare at him, unblinking. 
“I mean, I did try to call several times, but I chickened out and hung up on whoever answered.” he added, sheepishly.  
I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding, reached down to grab my purse and phone, and walked toward the door.
“Come on. Let’s go,” was the only response I was able to give him. 
I walked down the hallway, noticing several of the ladies staring. 
“Don’t you all have work to do.” I said loudly, looking around as I walked through. They quickly pretended to busy themselves while giving sideways glances. 
Dieter was following behind me as we went toward the back exit to the staff parking area. When I pushed the door open, Aubrey stepped back from the outside of the door to let me exit. I walked out and her eyes immediately shot up to Dieter, then back to me with a questioning look. 
“I’m going out for lunch. I’ll be back at some point,” I said dismissively, walking past without really looking at her. I heard Dieter give a polite hello as he walked past, still following closely behind my brisk pace. 
I walked over to my vehicle, hitting the unlock button on the handle twice to unlock both doors, then we both got in. 
I started the car, then sat there for a moment and sighed. 
“I have a feeling I’m going to face an inquisition when I get back.”
Dieter let out a small laugh, but then stifled it, like he wasn’t sure if it was ok to laugh at it. 
“Did you have a place in mind you wanted to go to?” I asked him quietly. I stared out of the front window. Not really looking at anything. Trying hard to keep my breathing calm. 
“No. I mean I noticed a place down on the corner if you want to go nearby.”
“I’m not going there.” I said, still staring out the front window. I could feel him looking at me. I slowly turned my head to look at him, not exactly meeting his eyes. I couldn’t. 
“I know the owner. I got him fired from his previous place of employment, unintentionally. The company downsized on my recommendation. He doesn’t like me much.”
“Oh…it sounds like hanging out with you might be kind of dangerous,” he said, laughing nervously. 
He was trying to ease the tension, but I was so wound up, that wasn’t going to happen. I just gave him a small smile and put the car in reverse. 
I picked a small cafe about 10 minutes away that typically wasn’t very busy at this time of day. Lauren and I were regulars, so we usually got pretty good service. They let us sit out on the small back patio that was enclosed by tall hedges. We were the only ones sitting outside, which was probably a good thing, because I didn’t know what was about to happen. 
I reverted to old habits, ordering a Long Island Iced tea, water, and a salad with grilled chicken. I had a feeling that I was going to need some liquid courage to get through this conversation. Once we finished ordering and got our drinks, we were silent for a few minutes. Neither of us really knowing where to start. I could feel that my jaw was clenched, I could only imagine what my face looked like. He finally broke the silence. 
“Look, I’m sorry I just showed up. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“How did you even know where I worked?”
“I never even told you my last name.”
“I.. I saw it on your security badge. I-It was on your nightstand. I swear I wasn’t snooping or anything.” 
I shook my head up and down, I had no argument with that. It has been out in plain view.
His hands caught my attention. They were bigger than I remembered, but the feel of them was still ingrained in my memory. He had the fingers on both hands tracing the grooves on the glass of his drink. He was obviously anxious too. Without thinking about it, my hand went up to my collar bone and started rubbing as I looked around. This was so fucking awkward. He broke me out of my thoughts by grabbing my hand and pulling it to the table. I looked at his hand sitting atop of mine, then pulled mine away gently, sitting it in my lap. 
“Did I do something to make you mad in New York? I don’t understand why you’re acting so pissed at me.”
I propped my elbows on the table, putting my fingers on either side of my temple, rubbing, with my eyes shut. I sat like that for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts before answering.
“I’m not mad at you. You did absolutely nothing wrong. I’m just…kind of on autopilot mode right now… trying to keep myself in check. You did catch me off guard showing up at my office. You’re the last person I expected to walk through that door today.”
I opened my eyes to look at him and our eyes met for the first time since leaving the office. I noticed the sadness was there again and he looked like he hadn’t slept well in some time. I felt even more guilt for treating him so badly today. I continued speaking.  
“I didn’t have time to prepare for this, so my anxiety kind of spiked on me because I didn’t know what to expect given everything that happened. This is just me trying to manage it. I actually feel like shit for not reaching out to you afterwards. I completely ghosted you; I know.” 
“Honestly, that makes me feel a lot better. The way you were looking at me when I walked in, I thought you wanted to rip my head off. I think I officially got the full dose of the ‘fucking scary’ side of you.” He chuckled at himself. I finally broke a smile too, which caused him to visibly relax some. 
“I’m sorry, I know, I really do need to work on that. My face kind of has a mind of its own though.” I shrugged. 
“So do you want to talk about why you ghosted me?”
“That’s a little more complicated…”
The waiter appeared at that time to drop off our food and refill our drinks. After he walked back inside, Dieter picked up the conversation.
“I’ll be the first to admit that whatever that was in New York freaked me out a little. I’ve never experienced something that…intense before. Honestly, when I didn’t hear from you initially, I was kind of relieved.”
I raised my eyebrows at him, trying to figure out where this was going. He noticed the look on my face.
“BUT, after a few days, I was actually a little hurt by it. I felt like we…I dunno…maybe it's a delusion, but I felt like we connected. You know what I mean?”
I continued to stare at him, trying to digest what he was saying. My face giving nothing away. He looked down at his glass before he continued.
“At the same time though, I’m not sure I’m in a place that I can process and deal with whatever that was. At least I definitely wasn’t at the time. I felt like my fucking soul had been ripped out of me and laid bare in front of you. It was a lot for me and something I just wasn’t prepared for or have ever experienced.”
He understood it more than I ever thought he could. He felt it too. I could feel my chest tightening as my eyes fought to hold back the tears that wanted to fall. I took a deep breath reaching up to grab one of his hands away from his glass. He relaxed further and I immediately felt better as a result. 
“Dieter, I…I actually get it. You put that into words better than I ever could have. I felt the same way. It was…overwhelming and scared me too. I think that’s the biggest reason I just left it all in New York. I couldn’t process it. I was seriously so fucked up at that point from my marriage, I didn’t even know who I was anymore. And to be clear, hooking up with random people is not something I have ever done before, so I was a little shocked and embarrassed at myself for that.” 
“I was a little shocked at myself too because that isn’t something I do on the regular either. I was worried you thought I was a big man whore after that.”
“Why, because you’re currently one of the biggest celebrities in the world right now and could have any woman you wanted at any time?”  
He sucked in air between his teeth and gave me a tight smile. 
“So, you figured that out huh?” He laughed nervously. 
“Hard to miss your face plastered all over billboards.”
“I’m sorry, I should have been honest about that. I was kind of thrilled by the idea of someone not knowing who I was. It helped me feel a little more at ease with you.”
“I figured. I won’t hold that against you.” I smirked at him.
“So how are you doing these days,” he asked. 
“Well, I’m still kind of a mess, but I’m better than I was. I’m still working on things though.”
We sat in silence for a moment, both unsure of what to do with that information. I had to admit to myself that it was good to see him and good to know that he wasn’t mad at me. I watched him for a moment as he released my hand and started to shuffle his food around, my mind playing through all the scenarios this situation could lead to. I was more open to some of them than I would have thought. Dieter raised his head, giving me a questioning look.
“What’s going through that mind of yours right now?”
I gave a small laugh, “What isn’t?”
I leaned my head into my hand that was propped on the arm of my chair and shook my head, inhaling deeply. I wasn’t sure how to proceed. Dieter smiled back at me; he looked as deep in thought as I was. 
“How about we just start over? Try to forget about New York. Clearly neither of us are really in a place for anything too serious, but that doesn’t mean we can’t just be friends. Right?” he asked.   
“You’re seriously going to be able to forget about what happened in New York?” I asked with doubt in my voice and a small smile on my face. 
“Well, no. It’s impossible. Those images aren’t going anywhere, but I can behave myself and just be here for you. However you’ll have me.”
I laughed at him. At least he was honest. I wasn’t going to be able to get those images out of my head either. 
“Do you think we can really be ‘just friends’ after that?”
“Look, I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like you’re supposed to be in my life. It’s a feeling I can’t shake, and I think we can be good for each other. If it means it’s just as friends, then fine. I’m cool with that. I honestly didn’t expect anything more and I would love to have at least one friend that’s supportive of me getting my shit together.”  
“Alright, so we’re gonna do the friend thing then,” I agreed. Feeling a sense of relief and a little excitement at the thought of him being a constant in my life. He did have a way of making me feel more relaxed. He nodded in agreement.
“So can you text me your number now?” he asked with a smirk on his face and a playful glint in his eyes.   
“About that…I actually deleted your number as soon as I got on the plane in New York.” 
I covered my face with one of my hands, then gave him an apologetic look through my fingers. He feigned shock.
“I knew if I didn’t, I would’ve called you,” I added. 
“Damn, you are ruthless. You didn’t even give it a few days,” he said in disbelief as he shook his head at me. Then he reached over to pick up my phone, quickly held it up in front of my face to unlock it, then went to typing as I gave him a dirty look. 
“Excuse you.” I said as he started to laugh, eyes crinkling as he did so.   
“I’m putting my number in your phone again.” 
A few seconds later, his phone buzzed. 
“I’m also making sure I have your number this time. No more ghosting.”
“Oh, trust me, I can still ghost your ass if I wanted to,” I said laughing. 
“Somehow, I don’t doubt that.”
The remainder of our lunch was filled with jokes and laughter. It was almost like we picked up where we left off, minus the flirting and sex. I was acutely aware that this was meant to be a friendship and I wanted to be cognizant of that line. I couldn’t cross it again.
Once we finished eating, we drove back to my office. He walked me to the back entrance, then stopped.
“Is it ok to give you a hug?” he asked timidly. I laughed at him and nodded yes. He wrapped his arms around me completely, pulling me in close. His face was in my hair, and I could tell he inhaled deeply. I wrapped my arms around his back and buried my face in his neck, taking in his scent. We stayed like that for a minute, before he kissed the top of my head, then pulled away. Our actions always saying what our words wouldn’t. We had missed each other, more than either of us would like to admit. 
He smiled at me before turning to leave. “I’ll text you later this evening,” he yelled as he walked away. I watched him jog across the street to where his vehicle was parked. Once he reached his car, I went inside. 
When I walked in, Aubrey and Kerrie were standing in the reception area. They paused and looked at me. They had been watching us through the window. I could tell they wanted to ask me a million questions. I stared at them and rolled my eyes.
“He is just a friend. Don’t get any crazy ideas.”
“That hug lasted a little longer than socially acceptable for a friend,” Aubrey said with a smirk on her face. 
“He’s a friend I haven’t seen in a while,” I shrugged. 
From the looks on their faces, you could tell they didn’t believe me. 
“Anyway, I have things to do, so excuse me,” I said, walking to my office.   
My last few afternoon meetings dragged on painfully slow. Through all of them, Lauren was texting me, asking for updates. She was going to be mad that I made her wait all day. It was driving her insane.  
When I pulled into the driveway around five, Lauren was there waiting on me. I should’ve figured. I just laughed to myself and shook my head. I pulled into the garage as she got out of her car and followed me inside. I smiled at her and gave her a quick “hi” as she stared at me expectantly.  I didn’t say anything else as I walked inside and sat my things down, keeping my phone in my hand. I went to the kitchen and pulled one of those cold coffee drinks out of the refrigerator and offered her one. She was still staring at me expectantly and did not respond. 
“Can I help you with something?” I asked her, with a sarcastic tone.
“You have GOT to be kidding me. Come on, out with it! What happened?”
My phone pinged in my hand, and I glanced down at it without answering her. I chuckled, seeing the name that popped up. He didn’t list his number under his name. He put it under “Guy from the Bar”. I unlocked my phone to read his message, still ignoring Lauren.
DIETER: You home from work yet?
ME: I’m sorry, I am not sure which guy from this bar this is. Can you clarify? 
DIETER: You’re HILARIOUS. Figured I would get creative to make it harder for you to delete as soon as I was out of sight. 
ME: Now who’s the funny one…but to answer your question, yes, I’m at home. 
DIETER: Can I call you? I hate texting. 
ME: Yes.
I glanced up at Lauren who was looking at me like I had three heads. 
“What is happening right now?” she asked. I smiled and shrugged as I walked toward the table to sit down. My phone rang and I answered. 
“Hello mysterious stranger from the bar,” I said with a laugh. I could hear him chuckling and I felt it to my core. I was getting butterflies. 
“Hello. What are you up to?”
“I am sitting here with Lauren, who looks like she wants to choke me because she has no idea what’s going on.”
He laughed again while Lauren flipped me the bird as she sat down in front of me. 
“Who is that?” she mouthed to me. I waved my hand at her dismissively. She sat back in her seat, crossing her arms and eyed me grumpily.
“So, does Lauren know about me?” 
“Yes, somewhat. She knows we met in New York. She’s the one I was on the phone with when you came into my office today.”
Lauren smacked her hand on the table with force while saying, “I KNEW IT” very loudly. Dieter heard her and started laughing again. 
“That makes sense, I was wondering who you told to shut up.”
We both laughed at my earlier behavior. 
“So, what are you doing tomorrow evening? Want to hang out?” 
“Well, Lauren and I usually have dinner and hang out on Fridays.”
Lauren perked up, “Invite him over, I wanna meet him,” she whisper-yelled at me. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that or not. I gave her a warning look.
“What did she say?” he asked, chuckling.
“She wants me to invite you over to hang out with us. Do you think you can handle that? I’m warning you; she’s probably going to interrogate you.”  
“I think I can handle it. What time?”
“We usually eat around six, but you can come earlier if you want. She usually helps cook or just hangs out until it’s ready.” 
“Cool. I’ll do that. Can’t wait to meet Lauren. I think she and I will get along great.”
“Yeah, that’s my concern,” I said laughing. “You two better not gang up on me. I can see it happening already.”
They both laughed. 
“Well, I’ll let you go since you have company, but I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Can I bring anything?
“Just yourself.”
“Alright, text me your address. See you tomorrow.”
“Will do, bye.”
After I hung up, I sent him a quick text with my address. Lauren was still eyeing me.
“So are you going to tell me what happened? Clearly it went well.”
“Just so we’re clear, he and I are only friends. Starting over. So, no suggestive jokes about me and him ok? I don’t want this to be weird.”
“Just friends? Really? Yeah, we’ll see how long that lasts.”
She rolled her eyes at me and laughed. 
“What are you gonna wear tomorrow?” 
She was gauging my reaction. I shrugged. 
“I don’t know, something comfortable. Let’s keep things chill. I’m not trying to impress the guy. Pretty sure I already did that.”
I gave her a wicked smile at my joke. 
“Oh, you’ve got jokes now. Ok. I like the funny you. Keep those coming.”
My phone pinged with a text message and Lauren saw the name pop up. She started laughing. 
“Is that him?”
“Yes, he said that’s how he put his name in my phone so it would be harder for me to find and delete it as soon as he was out of sight.” 
She continued to laugh as I opened the message to check it. It was a screenshot of a map with directions. I stared at it for a minute, my brows knitting together, slightly confused. Another message came through. 
DIETER: You literally live four streets over from me. 
ME: No fucking way.  
DIETER: Apparently so. LOL
ME: That isn’t weird at all. 
Lauren was looking at my confused expression. I sat my phone down. 
“I don’t think I want to tell you this.”
“What? Why?!”
“Because you’re going to start going on about fate or whatever again.” 
She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. She wasn’t going to let it go. I sighed, before giving a slight chuckle. 
“He lives four streets over from me.” 
“I can’t believe you all haven’t run into each other before now. I’m telling you, read the signs woman. The ‘powers that be’ have a plan.”
I shook my head, “Stop that.” 
I got up and started straightening up the kitchen some. I should probably give the rest of the house a quick once over, I thought. Lauren got a text as I was running through everything I needed to do. She stood up saying she had to go, mumbling something about having to close the shop that evening because somebody’s kid was sick. As she was leaving, she mentioned how she couldn’t wait to meet her new bestie tomorrow and was looking forward to giving me hell. I gave her the bird as she pulled the door shut behind her, cackling loudly. 
I spent the rest of the evening cleaning and prepping for the following day. I had to admit that I did feel nervous about him coming to my house. There was something so personal about him being in my space. You can tell a lot about a person from seeing where they live. I wondered what he would learn about me. 
Even though I tried to play it cool with Lauren about what I was going to wear, I was completely stressed about it. I finally settled on dark denim shorts, a white tank, with a loose fit light purple long-sleeved mesh top. It was casual, but cute. 
Around ten, I finally decided to call it a night and settled down in bed to watch some TV. Soon after, my phone pinged with a text message.
DIETER: Wanted to send you a quick good night message. Friends can do that, right? Can’t wait to see what you’re cooking for me tomorrow. 
I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. I wasn’t sure how well this ‘just friends’ thing was going to work out, given our history, but we needed it to. At least for now. 
ME: Pretty sure that is acceptable for friends to do…good night. Make sure you rest up. You’ll need it for the interrogation that is sure to come. 
He sent me back a thumbs up and a sleeping face emoji.
I laughed at him before setting my phone down. I set the TV timer and turned my nightstand light off. It didn’t take long before I was out.     
Next Chapter
Tag List: @rhoorl
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ashitakaxsan · 1 month
Revisiting the Heartwarming Flashback
Professor Henderson and Martha Marriot's Wholesome Bond in Spy x Family 💼💖 Step back in time with the latest chapter in Spy x Family, where the tender relationship between Professor Henderson and Martha Marriot comes to life in vivid detail. As we journey through their shared memories, we're reminded of the power of friendship, kindness, and the bonds that endure through the ages.
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It was a question about what sort of story do housemaster Henderson and Marriot share.I was wondering about it.
Below:Chapter 72. They know each other well!
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They know each other,each one calls him wit his little name.
Now with chapter 97 Endo sensei gives us their shared backstory. Back during their years in Eden College Martha as the quite talented ballerin sparked to Henderson the word "Elegant".
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Eventually Henry was saved by the severe bullying of his classmates,thanks to the amazingly agile Martha.The incident led him to seek Justice,so this awful mentality wouldn't ever get repeated. But in his Dismay the seeds of Corruption,within the Well respected Eden College,had really blossomed to flowers of Evil(:
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"Even the teachers at Eden have been corrupted. I'll not let that happen to me". That'a great line of a man ,believing in moral Integrity.He would seriously protect this vital Element.He had made up his mind:In order to protect it,and make Active Defence of Integrity he would become a great Educator.
But being fixated with it,in the way he pursued his ideals,to seriously change the world(as far as i can tell it's pointless to change the world.the point is let go, keep an open mind, and give the universe room to show itself as it is-Taoism) he forgot to keep being with those close.Or accurately he saw it as useless.Ditching way the simple things that provides us joy isn't that great.These are Friendship,laughter,a sense of humor(:
(The arc displays us the volatile mentality and unscrupulness at Eden. How come the Disciplinary Committee got too lax? Where was madam Donna Schlag? She's always strict,dismissing the aggressive language too. Below:She was around the same time with Marriott)
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Below:The panel displays the joy od the graduates-except of Henderson.See somone noticed it:That Henry sees these things as a burden,he seems stonecold.
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That's how he left Martha behind,to her it really mattered that he walked way,with out him started the sorrow(:
Man,how Endo sensei makes it give us an intence scene of her sad tears.She's heartbroken. She was more than interested on him: She's In love with him,head over heels. Yet he was clueless about her feelings.
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"The next day I went to the garden thinking that he'd be there.I had the innocent believe that someone important to me would always be there": Martha Marriot.It did take the better of her,dragging her down -not being her usual self:The Lively,early bird.
It's intriguing how Endo sensei draws a subtle connection,between the corruption at Eden and the escalating tensions between Westalis and Ostania.Namely they're interrelated problems.
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Maybe in the next chapter we'll see more about them: How did each one sense the war,how did each one react,and particularly Martha's decision for a path as Defendor-not a coldblooded killer.
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picnokinesis · 1 month
(A mild panic on the topic of: This is not a question, oh god, this is NOT a question. This is a recommendation of a fandom at BEST.)
So I was reading a fic one day and my brain went very quickly in succession:
a) /Oh/, this is the good stuff
b) No wonder you think so, remember spydoc telepathy edition (And you, Taka, are like an ambassador of that land in my mind)
c) Actually many fics from this fandom are like this
d) Do we think…?
So I had two facts:
1. This is a thing someone I have a great respect for would probably enjoy.
2. There was no indication Taka has seen or engaged in the fandom of Pacific Rim. Despite its notoriety in this neck of the woods due to the concept of drifting in particular.
And what I am doing with those facts is telling you this. I think you are great and I think you would like the fics of Pacific Rim. So if you feel like checking it out, it’s very low effort on entrance. Only one movie to see. Or two. Depends who you ask.
Here are two excerpts to judge for yourself. (Is this a spoiler? I know people for whom this would be a spoiler. For me it’s a tester.)
1) What’s a Little B&E Between Friends? By VoiceOfNurse (Part 20, Chapter 1)
No need to reach for the void, when he was so complete, nestled up against the part of Them that was Hermann. 
Newt was aware, in as much as Hermann was aware. It was difficult to separate himself out, when Hermann’s mind was locked around him like a steel trap made of numbers and chalk dust and spite. They were one organism in two parts- four lungs, drawing breath, two hearts beating in time. There was cold, and there was pain, but it was far away. 
There is no room for (masters-monsters-precursors) here. They are (insects-vermin-insignificant) when faced with (memory-language-connection). We are (brilliant-unstoppable-rockstars). We are (music-logic-science). We are (Newt-and-Hermann) and they are nothing. 
2) What’s a Little B&E Between Friends? By VoiceOfNurse (Part 20, Chapter 2)
They were Drifting. Tendo couldn’t quite work out the whys and hows of it, especially now that he was being bitten to within an inch of his fucking life, but he was certain. He’d hurt Hermann by moving too fast, probably jostled the guy’s leg, actually, which was folded weirdly under him with Newt on top, but the closest set of teeth bit him. Newt wasn’t even conscious in the traditional sense of the word, but Hermann was. Hermann was, and apparently Newt’s teeth were available to rectify the situation. Newt’s urges, too, because Tendo didn’t really picture Hermann as a biter. 
HELLO MY FRIEND oh my days I'm SO sorry but I'm laughing so much because this probably happened because tumblr search function is useless but 'no indication' sksksksk, oh my sweet summer child: here's the pacific rim tag on my blog LMAO - or, even better, the entire pacrim au I came up with for s12 of doctor who one time. Also. Also. Buddy. This is so funny, I love you so much. Are you aware that I'm obsessed with the works of one of the biggest Pacific Rim fanfic writers ever? I did, to be fair, literally take their name off my blog description yesterday to replace it with Bloodywood instead, and I'm more on the Stargate Universe side of things these days - but cleanwhiteroom is one of my favourite authors, and I read Designations Congruent with Things before I touched any of their Stargate material. If, my dear anon, you've not heard of cwr, then I really highly recommend their stuff, but I'll add a link below and see if I can dig up the other fic that I really loved from back in the day. Thank you for the fic rec though!! Those excerpts look excellent haha, I shall check that fic out when I get chance because you're absolutely right I love that kind of thing.
(also, absolutely DELIGHTED that you read this sort of stuff and thought of me - that is SUCH an honour oh my days! Like...rancid spydoc telepathy ambassador....what a title, I'm dead chuffed at this haha bless you!)
I think this is just so funny to me because - you couldn't possibly know this, of course, but like you know where I got this from? This love for writing weird, messed up mental connections between people?
Pacific Rim fanfiction HAHAHAHAHA
(and, later SGU - but I mean, mostly just cleanwhiteroom tbh. I was 16yo and I imprinted okay. But there were also other fics too, and they had an influence. Guh, Newt/Hermann post-drift fics are PEAK man)
Okay but actually let me tell you the story of how I got into pacrim because I think it's hilarious. So most people get into fandoms by like, yknow. Watching the film, reading the book, seeing the show, etc. I mean, how else would you do it? I'll tell you how. I was pottering about on deviantArt, back in the the grand old year of - oh, it must have been 2014. 2015? Something like that. Anyway, I stumbled across some Newt and Hermann fanart, and I didn't know the fandom but I was intrigued and REALLY liked the artstyle (I think the artist was feriowind?) - anyway I went on their profile and was MORE intrigued when I found they'd done some gorgeous cover art for THIS FIC, which got me so curious that I decided to read it. Without having watched the film. What I did was: read the plot summary on wikipedia, watched a couple of newt and hermann fanvids/clips (LIKE THIS ONE) so I could see them/hear their voices right, and then just blitz on through the fic with google images open in another tab so I could google thing like 'the shatterdome' and 'the LOCCENT pacific rim' and stuff like that for visual reference SKKSSK. Damn this is a throwback, I'm having a great time. ANYWAY. Read the fic. Loved it. Read the sequel. LOVED IT. Started looking for more fanart and stuff like that - and found a bunch of people kept on mentioning this fic called Designations Congruent with Things. Searched it up, found it on ao3, read the first 6 chapters and it almost melted my brain LMAO so I stopped. Then I couldn't stop thinking about it and I came back to it and oh my days. Oh my days. It fully rewrote my brain and DAMN I was obsessed. By this point I was vibrating in place at the mere thought of actually SEEING THE FILM, YKNOW. The film I'd read hundreds of thousands of words of fanfic about. Anyway, my friend who got secret santa for me that year literally had the easiest job on the planet HAHAHAHA so I watched it on Christmas Day and it was so so funny because like. You probably are aware of how much damn lore this film has. Like I knew the names of most of the jaegers that aren't even mentioned in the movie, I knew about Caitlin Lightcap and Sergio D'onofrio, but I had NO IDEA what was extended canon and what was fanon and what was actually. Y'know. In the film. So when I watched it I was like BUT WHERE'S LIGHTCAP for most of it HAHAHAH, but yeah it was great. SO GREAT. Guh I love the concept of the drift SO SO MUCH it's absolutely fascinating and just. AHH!! So so good.
Anyway. Absolutely losing it, bless. Sorry this is all over the place, I'm very tired but my goodness. Yes. Talk to me about drift bonds any day of the week, I'm here for it. If you want cleanwhiteroom fics, you can find them here. I linked the other one above, but there were a couple of others I read too...like I read a LOT of fics, and this was before I had an ao3 account rip so I don't have it in my fic reading history. There was one called Occam's Razor that I read a lot of, but I don't think I finished it. OH but I also liked this one (that i thought I found but it turned out to be the wrong one, am looking again now lol), from after Pacific Rim 2!! Which, as a film, I mostly consider to just be like. A fanfic with an exceptionally high budget ksksksks so yknow. I don't hate it because I don't consider it canon as much as I consider anything outside the original film canon. ANYWAY LOVE YOU
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kidflashimpulse · 2 months
(Hi, it's me, the overexcited rambler dambler)
Because listen, just like you wrote, him appearing to not have scars sells the story of future tourist so well, BUT LITTLE DO THEY KNOW THAT THERE IS ONE HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT
I do kinda wish that Jay told someone, or managed to come through to Bart and have a real heart to heart with him instead of being roasted for being concerned (Bart "livestock get branded, it's literally common knowledge, I was about as important as a pig" Allen I'm looking at you, maybe you haven't acknowledged/realised it but there is SOMETHING hiding behind that titanium wall of yours)
It doesn't even need to be Jay, but maybe some day Bart will feel comfortable sharing this scar with Ed or Jaime (though Jaime would probably, like, want to fling himself to the sun if Bart ever told him) and just get some form of comfort out of it
(A funky addition would be that Ed found out by exploring if ya know what I mean🤭)
But that also leaves me wondering, like, since that brand is pretty unique in his time, how would Bart have passed in the camps after/if he escaped the Scientists? Did he draw a fake brand on his neck? Did the Scientists send him there after being satisfied with their tests and just knowing where he was/being able to pull him back whenever they desired?
Also his connections with the prostitutes was really clever, they're the ones who can coax information out of important people after all, allowing Bart to gather some necessary tech for his time machine. Genius genius genius. I'm just imagining a 12-year-old Bart casually vibing/downing booze with these people and nobody suspecting a thing when in reality he's plotting to break their reality down
omg it’s the return of an icon ❤️
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honestly (hes unaware of it though) Jay seems to be respecting Barts very much unsaid wishes (bart doesn’t think he cares about who knows, but he seems to prefer the fewer the better approach in this case) by not telling anyone. I don’t think it’s intentional on his part, but u knw sometimes u do (or don’t) do things without realising
genuinely, it’s the funniest thing ever to me how everyone read that scene as bart roasting jay like 😭 he was just keeping it real but with his unshakeable attitude 😂 which honestly yeah that is basically sass, love it when characters and scenes take on a life of their own sometimes truly it’s so entertaining and such typical bart behaviour lol
idk if Jaime knows 👀 if he does i feel like itd be cause of Bart for some reason thinking it would be funny to show it to him and then Jaimes just like
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yeah Ed 100% knows and for the exact reasons u mentioned 😂 i mean besides being at the dentists that’s pretty much the only other socially acceptable reason for someone to look into barts mouth at this point
i won’t go too much into the timeline of bart’s captivity as a lab rat vs him being in the camps as a slave, but they’re two very different stages of his life (he’s much younger as a lab rat whereas being a slave was closer to him leaving his timeline, a lot of stuff went down in between). I should’ve probably elaborated a bit more on it in the chapter, but whilst it was unique it wasn’t completely unheard of to not be branded on the neck, especially since a lot of their subjects were meta humans, there’s bound to be some variety of people that have it elsewhere. all that mattered was that u had the brand
“when in reality he’s plotting to break their reality down” that line goes incredibly hard, i’m obsessed ! love how that’s genuinely what he did though, like he’s crazy for real
thank u for sharing ur thoughts with us and for reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i appreciate it so much 😘
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baek-at-it-again95 · 1 year
Walk The Plank (KHJ x fem reader)
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Chapter 10: Your Story
You had grown up hearing tales about the infamous pirate crew ATEEZ—the fearless, power-hungry men that roamed the seas in search of the most valuable treasure they could lay their hands on. You almost didn’t believe the stories your mother had told you as a child...not until you wound up on their ship  
Warnings for this chapter: romance haha, cursing, violence
A/N: Wow...I had begun writing this with the thought that this would be the final chapter, but I wanted to leave room for more potential storyline and now we have this. I guess we have a long way to go now. I seriously cannot thank you all enough for reading this story :) Even if it's just a hand full of you, I appreciate you to the ends of the world! Have a lovely night/day, and see you next week? ;)
Previous: Chapter 9, Masterlist
Chapter 10: Your Story
After arriving back at the ship, the crew is overjoyed and ready to celebrate your victory with a long night. The sun has just begun to set, and preparations have been made to set sail towards the mainland at dawn. There, you will all be able to rest for a bit and recover from your journey at sea. Perhaps you would be able to write to your mother and father to let them know you're alright...they must be worried sick. 
On the main deck, everyone clinks their celebratory drinks together and exchange their words and laughter. You get to see San and Wooyoung dance around and fall over several times, making you laugh so hard you can barely breathe. You have a feeling you would witness them dance like this even when they're not drunk. 
Deciding that just one drink is enough, you sit back and take in the pleasant scene of everyone enjoying themselves. You sit on the steps to the quarter deck with your side resting against the railing, reminding you of the night that Hongjoong had told you a story under the moonlight. You smile to yourself and look out to the sunset.
"Miss Y/N."
Seonghwa appears in front of you. "You do not have to call me that, Hwa." 
"Right. I will get used to it m-....ahem...Y/N." His behavior is odd, his eyes not meeting yours for more than a second at a time...like he usually does when he talks to you about Hongjoong. You think you had finally connected the dots, noticing that he becomes a sputtering mess when he talks to you about one matter and one matter only. The captain. He must have something he's hiding...and you will take the opportunity to play dumb in the hopes that he lets something slip. 
"My, Seonghwa, you truly worry me. Are you feeling ill again?" You stand up to raise your hand to his forehead, but he steps back and avoids contact.
"Oh, no. I am well." He clears his throat. "The captain requests your presence."
"Ah! Why have you not said so?" You smile, tucking a piece of his hair behind his ear. "He seems to do that a lot. Thank you, Hwa. Rest well tonight, hm? You deserve it." Seonghwa looks as if he has something to say in reply, but he stops himself, simply smiling and giving you a respectful bow. You head to the captain's cabin, not really sure what to expect. 
As you enter, Hongjoong stands up from his desk. "Y/N," he greets.
He smiles. "I hope I am not interrupting your celebration, my lady."
"Not at all. Why do you ask for me?"
"Well, I have not quite gotten to thank you yet." 
"You have thanked me enough, Captain," you insist. You just now observe how lovely the man in front of you looks in his white button down, his skin like honey in the warm light of the oil lamps in the cabin. Suddenly it's harder to breathe. He takes a few steps forward and you remain in place. "Perhaps you have another reason?" you ask hopefully.
Hongjoong slowly draws closer, the gap between you closing until you are mere inches apart. You don't dare meet his eyes, preferring to look at the necklace on his chest as it rises and falls with his breaths. "You must be aware that since boarding my ship, you have been on my mind day and night." Your eyes find his in surprise and a soft gasp escapes your lips.
"You are a treasure unlike anything I have desired before, Y/N. I have not met anyone as impressive or intriguing as you. You are brave. Your knowledge is expansive, and you have this incredible ability to be kind to anyone. You are beautiful." His fingers gently trace your jawline before cupping your cheek.
"I must confess," you tell him. "You have also been on my mind." His eye seems to sparkle at this. "You are charming and respectable, Hongjoong."
"Thank you, darling." Hongjoong's gaze slowly falls to your lips. You quickly close the distance and bring your lips to his. He tastes faintly of rum and you smile between his kisses, thinking about how you must taste the same. His hand leaves your cheek and his arm finds your waist to pull you closer.
When you pull away to catch your breath, you smile at Hongjoong shyly. You bring your hands to his face this time, gently tracing over the leather of his eye patch, his cheekbones, and his lips that you already crave more of. 
"Shall we go and continue celebrating with the others?" you ask.
"No." He laughs. You pout, giving him another quick kiss. His lips follow yours desperately as you try to pull away.
"Yes, my lady?"
"I demand that we go and celebrate."
"Are you the captain now?" He raises an eyebrow. You clear your throat.
"I see. Aye, my lady. Let us go." Hongjoong holds out his elbow and you take a hold of his arm with a grin.
You sigh after a long while of sitting curled up in the crow's nest, stretching out your back.
"What are you doing, Y/N?" Wooyoung asks, head appearing over the side as usual. You gently shut the journal in front of you, confident enough that the ink has dried.
"I just finished writing about our journey, Woo." 
"May I read it?" he asks eagerly. "I've been practicing with San every day."
"Sure, love." You hand the journal to the curious boy as he sits next to you. You help him flip to the page you had started on, scooting closer. 
"The first of them...that I met was...Wooyoung," he reads slowly, finger sliding across the page as he speaks. He chuckles. "You were so cute, I felt bad scarin' ya."
"And you tell me that now?"
"You're welcome." He looks back down at the page and continues reading. "He and Yunho...d...dragged me onto...their ship. They...b...brought me to their captain. I made a deal...with him in order to keep my crew safe. I did not know then...that I would end up being a pirate. It just worked out that way. Maybe it was m...meant to be." Wooyoung looks up from reading again to meet your gaze, his smile mirroring yours. You're so proud that he's getting better at reading. "I say it's fate!"
"I think so, too." 
"The captain..." He stops as he giggles. "Has taken a liking to you." 
"Wooyoung!" You cover your face as your cheeks start to get warm.
"I see the way he acts, sweetheart. He has always had the individual interests of his crew in mind, but your interests are of highest importance. He makes sure you're safe before anyone else. He talks about you when you're not there. Y/N, he is starstruck."
"Ah!" You hide your face in Wooyoung's shoulder. His body shakes as he laughs his adorable, contagious laugh. "hm tld mh of hs flngs lst nght."
"What?" Wooyoung asks, pulling your head away from him.
"He told me of his feelings last night." 
"And?" he asks, eyes wide.
"And what?" You ask nervously, looking away from him.
"I knew it! You have fallen for him."
"Woo!" You cry, burying your face right back into his shoulder. 
"Now that we have the Cromer, the next step is to discover how to harness its power. And that next step is proving to be quite difficult." Seonghwa sighs, scribbling down something in a notebook with his quill. "It figures that a magical artifact would be protected by confusing magic."
"The most stubborn I've ever seen," Hongjoong mutters, tapping on the hourglass with his hook.
"Joong," you sigh, pulling his arm away from the fragile object. It's been a frustrating time trying to uncover the powers of the Cromer before arriving to the mainland. You know the two are growing tired as they shuffle around the cabin, and you don't think it's necessary stress for them. "Let us take a moment away from this." You take Hongjoong's hand and rub small circles with your thumb, hoping it will bring him some peace. "You too, Hwa." You turn and gently take the quill from his hand. He gives you a tired smile, relieved to stop. Hongjoong places a light kiss to your temple.
"Yes?" you ask.
"Yes, what?" Seonghwa asks curiously. 
"Did you not just call my name?" You look between Hwa and Hongjoong and they exchange confused glances in return.
"No, love," Hongjoong says calmly. 
"Y/N." You step back from Hongjoong, confused. You don't think he had said anything. You look over to Seonghwa who has now stood up, looking worried. 
"I heard it again," you say. You all quietly glance around the room before you start to move, first walking toward the door. Maybe Wooyoung is calling you from outside. Or perhaps San is searching for you to help him with something. You slowly open the door and peek out, only to see neither of the two. You shake your head and shut the door, now questioning if you had even heard anything in the first place.
"Y/N." You snap your head towards the Cromer. Seonghwa and Hongjoong look, too. 
"From there?" Hongjoong asks. You nod, cautiously walking up to the hourglass. When your fingertips touch the top, a chill runs down your spine. You feel compelled to pick it up. As you lift it from the desk, you feel a bit strange. You blink a few times, your eyes adjusting to the dim room. Had it been this dark before?
"Hongjoong I-" When you look up, your heart practically stops. He is not there. Seonghwa is not there. In fact, you are not in the captain's cabin of the ship. You seem to be in some kind of building with a high ceiling; something that you have never seen before. Like it is from a different time. "Hongjoong?" you whisper into the quiet. Fear had begun to mix with your panic, freezing you in place.
A sound from outside brings your attention to the large open door, and you realize just how vulnerable you are at the center of this room. You look around for something to hide behind, spotting a large pile of wooden boxes in the corner. You run for them, trying to steady your breathing as the noise gets closer. A minute passes before a person dressed in all black clothing rushes inside, a hat shielding the view of their face. Following close behind is a large figure in white, a mask covering their entire head and neck. They look as if they are from opposite worlds. The figure in white catches up to the other, grabbing them by the back of their coat. In the process, the person's hat falls to the ground, leaving you in shock. It's Hongjoong. Well, someone that looks just like him. His hair is slightly different, but even in the dark, his features are unmistakably the same. And now he is struggling for his life against this mysterious figure in white. 
He is going to be hurt if he continues. A part of you wants to stay hidden, but you simply can't sit and watch. Your hands shake as you abandon your hiding place, running towards the center of the room. "Let him go!" you shout. Both figures turn their attention to you.
The person in white throws the other man to the side and heads straight for you. "Shit." You just barely manage to dodge them as they lunge to grab you. You back away quickly, but they've recovered faster than you expected. They run straight for you again, and you're not sure you'll be able to dodge them this time.
"Move!" The man in black pushes you out of the way and you both tumble to the ground.
"Y/N!" Someone shouts. You manage to break free and jump to your feet, feeling dizzy when you see you're back in the captain's cabin. Hongjoong and the seven of his original crew stand before you. You rush over to the familiar captain whom you had left behind just moments ago, gripping his arms as you hide behind him.
"H-he..." you can barely form a sentence as the man in black rises from the floor where you just had. As he stands to full height, the color drains from everyone's faces. "He's you."
>>chapter 11
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jellymellydraws · 2 months
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Masterlist ~ <<Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter >>
Astarion x Dark Urge Chapter 16 Rating: E Tags: Angst, Fluff, hurt/comfort, slow burn, two guarded people fall in love so hard it makes them stupid
Chapter Summary:
Tensions rise as the party enter the Selune Temple. Alfira comes face to face with what The Absolute and her followers are capable of. But before their composure can fall apart, they have an audience with the Drow in charge.
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The atmosphere grew heavier, weighing on their bodies and minds. The thudding in her head grew unbearably painful. The clear image of the Chosen were now blurred as her vision struggled to maintain its focus.
“I am the Absolute,” the voice echoed around them, “my word is your will.”
The Absolute demanded a bow. Respect. Rose’s nose was pressed to the ground against her will.
“My power grows.”
When her tadpoles pressed its influence upon those pathetic little goblins— was it the same sensation she was forced to endure now? If she asked them to bow, would it be no different if she’d put her boot to their back and forced them to the ground?
If this was The Absolute, what powers did her Chosen hold?
It was almost too funny. She’d laugh if she wasn’t straining against the building pressure in her mind. To think: her lowly wretched self capable of fighting something akin to a God.
“My forces gather.”
With no memory of herself? No recollection of her life before the kidnapping?
Could she entrust that she was ever meant to be anything but a pawn with a purpose?
Maybe she was made to be a monster, after all?
The Absolute didn’t care. She wouldn’t cast her aside for the murderous thoughts that plagued the amnesiac. There was use for a broken minded assassin, regardless of what she remembered. The Absolute would not abandon her.
The Absolute loved her. She would embrace all who obey.
”The reckoning draws near.”
A soft prayer formed on her lips, silently mouthing words. She tried to do this once before, standing in front of a dying Kagha as her blood spilled between the cracks of stone flooring. 
Now, the words were returning; Forming upon her lips and rolling silently off her flicking tongue. Though the taste was bitter, the sweetness of another connecting piece made up for it.
The Absolute awaits thee.
The Absolute embraces thee.
None escape The Absolute.
“All will be one, under The Absolute.”
A high pitched wizzing zipped above her head. Metallic plates and knobs shifted and twisted, softly clanking out of her view. The heavy darkness lifted away as a burst of golden light allowed her to rise. The fog faded from her thoughts. The pounding weakened.
The Absolute’s voice began to fade into the distance.
Quieter and quieter. 
Until it was a whisper. Until it was no more.
Gone, entirely, from her mind.
Sitting on her knees, Rose was piecing together what in the hells just happened. How much of her thoughts belonged to her? How much to The Absolute? Was she truly freed from their influence or was it a matter of time before The Absolute claimed her?
The headache returned, to warn her against digging too deep into the recesses of her mind. She wouldn’t let the thoughts be lost to the void of her amnesia. The journal was pulled from her pack with haste, caring little for where she was as she scribbled in its back pages. Every little detail that lingered, would be committed to the page.
The elf, the human, the woman. The impressions she had to each Chosen stuck with her. They were staring right at her, as if directly connecting to her. An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach, but she had to move on. No time to linger on mysteries. Not yet.
Not now.
There was the way hearing The Absoluet made her feel that was unignorable. The feeling of loss and comfort. How, for a second, she was convinced succumbing to the voice was the right move.
It would’ve been that easy, wouldn’t it?
To let go?
The mysterious puzzle box zipped past her face, nearly slashing her hair as it went. She snarled at the mysterious item as it flew into Shadowheart’s palm. Everyone’s eyes were on that prism, which slowly dimmed its golden light.
“What in the nine hells was that?!” The bard cried.
Rose would like to know the answer to that, too. 
Alfira helped her to her feet as Shadowheart scrambled to hers. Amber eyes narrowed towards their secretive cleric.
”Don’t look at me like that,” Shadowheart defended, “I don’t know what just happened anymore than you do. We should keep going.”
The cleric’s stance was tense. Both hands held the prism close to her, guarded. The entire party began to crowd towards her. Some had questions about their brief hallucination, others, like Alfira, were more confused and concerned by the suddenness of it all.
The pounding in her chest found its way to her eardrums. Synchronously, the thudding matched the rhythm of her persistent headache. The assassin took a moment to inhale.
Easy, Rose. Don’t lose it. 
You need answers. 
She needs to trust you.
“I know those symbols,” Lae’zel hissed, “githyanki runes. Ancient as Vlaakith herself!” She stalked towards Shadowheart, “why do you carry it?!”
”That’s none of your business!”
“I think we’re past that,” Rose stepped calmly between the two. “That thing saved us, didn’t it?”
”How many of my people did you kill for it?!” Lae’zel continued to shout, held back by little except their leader’s extended arm. The bones would snap like a twig if the gith wanted to force herself through.
”Not enough,” Shadowheart shot back with hatred behind her eyes, “not enough to make up for what your kind did to them.”
This couldn’t go further. Any wrong step, and there’d be daggers to throats.
”Shadowheart!” Rose shouted above the two, “Did you know that thing was going to protect us? Yes or no!?”
Shadowheart hesitantly shifted her eyes to the party surrounding her. Then, they lowered to the ground. Rose kept a close eye on her, in case there were any attempts to leap off the bridge. Finally, she met her leader’s gaze.
”I didn’t, not exactly. All I know is it’s important I get it back to Baldur’s Gate. At any cost.”
“For your Goddess?”
”Lady Shar, yes.”
”Well, a Sharran!” Astarion chimed, casually draping an arm around Shadowheart’s shoulders. “My my, no wonder you’re so dark and broody. Why didn’t you say anything sooner? I’ve heard a thing or two about the Dark Lady— not quite to my tastes though, but I hear her clergy is stylish.”
”Blimey…” Gale shifted uncomfortably, keeping his response to himself in a soft voice, “I never thought I’d find myself traveling with a follower of Shar. Least considering how our goddesses do not get along.”
“I don’t care about the details of your holy mission,” Rose cut through the added commentary. “Tell me more about the artifact.”
”That’s all I know. My memories were suppressed before we departed, and I won’t get them back until I meet with my contact in the city. That’s the truth— all I remember anyway. For whatever that’s worth.”
“It’s worth plenty. Right, Lae’zel?”
Lae’zel’s leered with gritted teeth. Her breathing was controlled, slow. A fierce creature on the verge of pouncing. Alfira hesitantly approached, hovering her hand over the warrior’s back but careful not to touch.
”C-come on now,” she stammered, “shouldn’t this be a good thing? You were all in pain before right? And after that box came out, you were fine! I’m pretty sure that’s what I saw.” 
Wyll put his hand on the bard’s shoulder, shaking his head at her failed attempt to calm the infuriated woman.
“You felt it too, didn’t you?” Rose addressed her as neutrally as she could maintain, “That voice? That power?”
“Of course,” Lae’zel spat. She was on the very edge of losing her complete and total shit. The hand on her hilt was warning enough.
”Lae’zel, listen to me: this artifact saved us. Whoever those chosen are, they want it, but they haven’t found it yet. It’s in our best interest to keep it safe.” She extended an arm towards Shadowheart, who was peeling Astarion off her, “Shadowheart intends to keep it safe— So: we’re still on the same team.”
Speckled yellow eyes focused on the artifact in the cleric’s hands as it shifted into her bag.
”…So it seems,” Lae’zel admitted, “But in due time, half-elf, your crimes will be paid for.”
”I just saved your life,” Shadowheart snipped, “but I shouldn’t have expected gratitude from you.”
Lae’zel bucked forward, ripping her blade from its sheath. Several hands latched onto her armor, holding her back as she took a swing. Rose pulled her dagger from its sheath, narrowly avoiding the swing of the longsword. A few strands weren’t so lucky.
Violet hued magic enshrouded Shadowheart’s hand as the cleric stepped forth. The gith struggled against the strength of Wyll, Alfira, and Gale, cursing in her native tongue. The cleric took another step forward. The dagger leveled with her throat.
“We’re not doing this!” Rose snarled. A second dagger was pointed towards Lae’zel in warning. “It’s over! It’s done! We’re moving on!”
”But we were having such fun,” Astarion muttered from off to the side, disappointed.
“If the goblins and drow are looking for that damned box, we have bigger problems than this bullshit spat. Get it together!”
Tension hung in the air, thick as miasma. Neither side would be the first to stand down. Nor would Rose, if they were unable to put the conflict aside.
On the other side of the bridge, the temple’s courtyard stirred with activity. Goblins poured out from the large temple doors, talking amongst themselves as they moved about. Her eyes shifted between the temple, the gith, and the cleric.
”Chk.” Lae’zel lowered her blade, “we’re wasting time.”
“Finally, something we agree on.” The cleric waved the magic away, briskly pacing towards the temple.
The gith was freed from the hold of her companions. A dirty look was shot towards Gale, who responded with a kicked puppy type of expression. Pointedly, she stepped by Rose’s side.
”Let us go,” she ordered.
She wasn’t the one to give orders here. She’d let it go for now.
The rest of the party entered the courtyard. Goblins gave them a passing glance but otherwise paid them no mind. Another perk of being a True Soul, it seemed— they could go just about anywhere they wanted!
To claim there were expectations on what they would find while inside was the greatest lie she could’ve told herself. The place was trashed to the hells and back. Wooden furniture and debri was stacked along the walls, some in various piles. Goblins pulled wood from various heaps to nail together next to the stone towers, forming some type of elevated walkway. Posts for archers, she assumed.
The symbols of Selune were thoroughly desecrated with paints and blood. Perhaps they were one in the same, considering the dark red tones. One repeating marking caught her attention. She saw it painted on almost every surface that had room. Upon closer examination, she noticed a goblin or two wearing the same symbol. Even the brand upon their skin matched this mark! The damned thing was everywhere!
A handprint, in which the palm was represented by a skull, and framed in a triangle. The mark of the Absolute.
Alfira froze in front of one of the stone walls, dotted with the bizarre sigils. She gripped the neck of her lute hard enough to turn her knuckles white. The disappearance of jingling prompted Rose to stop. The others quickly followed suit, turning their eyes towards the shaking tiefling behind them.
”Alfira?” Wyll asked, breaking from the group to check on her. Rose did the same, brow creasing with concern.
A single tear ran down Alfira’s blue cheek. Then another. Soon her cheeks were streamed by tears, but a fire in her eyes blazed. Wyll looked over her shoulder, concerned.
“They killed her…” the bard whispered shakily.
The usually bubbly bard’s teeth were bared, saying nothing as her shoulder lifted and fell with her breathing. Rose reached a hand for the woman’s shoulder, hesitating for a moment.
A guttural growl left the tiefling, Wyll’s eyes widened and looked to the purple haired assassin.
“We’ll exterminate this place, Alfira,” Wyll said, “that’s why we’re here.”
“We have to,” Alfira sniffed and wiped her face on her sleeve. “Every last one of them.” When the bard’s face started to dry, she was faced by an array of faces staring at her questionably. Well, probably a little shocked to see a murderous side of her show. At first, she put on a smile, but quickly dropped it, “sorry I…I saw this symbol before. When we were on our way to the city, we tried to avoid the goblins by traveling through the Risen Road. One night we made camp just inside a cave. We hadn’t realized that the area was occupied by gnolls, though. No one heard them coming before it was too late. We lost so many trying to run back, my teacher was one of those who didn’t make it.” Her voice quivered again, “I remember on one of them, they wore an amulet with this symbol. I-I didn’t think anything of it but now…”
”No one said anything about gnolls working with the Absolute,” Rose’s brows furrowed. The list of groups worshiping the ever powerful voice was growing. Did The Absolute find it easier to manipulate creatures that leaned closer towards the monster variety? “Are you sure it was this same symbol?”
”I’m positive.”
“The drow made sense,” Gale began, “but illithid haven’t been known to kidnap and tadpole gnolls.” He drew his fingers into the beard along his jaw, “Come to think of it, tadpoling goblins is also outside their usual patterns.”
“We haven’t seen a goblin tadpoled yet— there might be another method the Absolute uses to spread her influence.” Rose glanced up at Alfira, who looked back with unwavering certainty: the Absolute, somehow, was behind the gnoll attack. “Let’s see what we can learn today.”
She pulled the journal from her pouch and flipped to a page towards the back. Marked with a small fold in the bottom corner, a running list of tasks and names waited to have another line filled. At the bottom was now a new name, ‘Alfira’ and a brief note scribbled next to it. The image of their marked up map floated in her mind, and a dotted line formed from their current position towards the last known location of the gith patrol. The Risen Road was in the opposite direction. 
“We don’t have time for any more distractions.” Lae’zel’s glare burned hole into her back. The impatience of the gith grew, transmitted through their tadpole connection. 
Another headache was coming on.
“You’re jumping to conclusions, we’re still not sure what we’re dealing with.” Rose thought in response. Whether it transmitted was a mystery to her. Another thing to add to the long list of tasks: learn how they can leverage the tadpoles as a team. She closed the journal with a firm snap, pointedly tucking it away.
The ogre who guarded the temple doors noisily opened them with a groan. More goblins poured out from the structure carrying wooden furniture and engaging in their own conversations. Among them, two humanoid figures stood taller, carrying wooden boards, and approaching the stone well.
The redheaded woman spotted the crowd and gasped with recognition. Hurriedly, she ran to the open well and covered it with the boards in her arms before she jogged up to Rose. Brynna, the woman they met on the road, greeted the True Soul with a respectful bow.
“True Soul, I am glad to see you made it safely.”
“Same to you, I was unsure if I’d see you after that storm.” Rose crossed her arms over her chest and looked past Brynna. A calculated gesture. As if she had just arrived, she scanned the area for a face she was certain was lost. “Where’s Sazza?”
“I’m afraid she didn’t stick around, ma’am. She went inside to give her report, and walked out grumbling something about catching up with Dror Ragzlin’s raid. I’d presume she followed them up north.”
This would have displeased her, as a True Soul. Her brows pressed together as a heavy sigh left her, slightly forceful to drive in how unacceptable this news was. Brynna stiffened.
”So who’s left that I can speak to about Absolute matters?”
”Priestess Gut, and Minthara,” the redhead quickly answered, “this way, I’ll escort you, True Soul.”
It was too easy. As soon as her back was turned, Rose let the smirk stretch across her face. She gestured for the others to follow her, reveling in the way Astarion and Shadowheart smirked back at her show. Even Lae’zel looked impressed, despite the permanent scowl. The ogre opened the doors for their approaching party, saying nothing as they passed. 
Standing torches lined the long hallway, stretching to the central sanctum. Only two doorways to pass, but Goblin guards stood at the ready, eyeing the newcomers with caution.
“Oi, what we got here?” One of the guards squawked at Brynna, “food for the spiders?”
“A True Soul!” Brynna gasped, horrified. The goblin’s eyes widened immediately.
”Apologies ma’am! The Absolute blessed us with three— never would I have thought we’d be graced with a fourth! I didn’t mean to offend!”
Brynna looked back at Rose, a smirk no longer on her face as she watched the conversation transpire. She took slow deliberate steps to the goblin guard, examining her from behind her nose. Despite the fear in her eyes, the guard stood upright and braver than the ones before. The brand on her eye glowed with a familiar sense of power. Authority .
All it would take is a little push, and the pest would do whatever she asked. Tempting.
Her tadpole wriggled eagerly behind her eye. At the back of her mind, she felt the nudge from her companions as they waited for her next move.
One second.
She waited. 
The goblin swallowed a lump in her throat.
”I’m feeling merciful today,” Rose flatly stated, “consider yourself lucky.”
The guard bowed low, “Thank you True Soul. It won’t happen again.”
She nodded curtly before looking to Brynna expectantly. The redhead continued down the hall, escorting the party to the depths of the temple.
The scent of burnt flesh wafted towards them, filling their nostrils. She salivated at the thought of how tender a meal she could have. But nothing was properly cooking there, except for the iron brands resting next to a decorated goblin. The Priestess, she presumed. Their eyes met briefly, and that same tugging sensation urged her tadpole. She felt a brief connection to the goblin before it was severed. A look of realization crossed her face, then a wicked grin as she nodded to her fellow True Soul.
Priestess Gut anointed another goblin, briefly saying some Absolutist prayer before grabbing the heated iron brand and pressing it into the hand of the kneeling goblin. He hissed in pain but thanked her for it. 
Gold was exchanged between the hands of a goblin and a halfling, who looked over to the passing group with an intrigued smile. She offered a quick two finger salute towards the assassin before she walked up the steps to meet with two others. Their clothes were similarly dyed— likely from some type of guild. Curious to see anyone else working with the goblins. Perhaps the Absolute had its own merchant guild supplying her forces.
Continuing past the sanctum, Brynna walked the group up a set of stairs and to an open room. Shelves lined the walls of part of it. But as expected, there was structural damage there. A partially collapsed wall had a ladder leaned against it, acting as a shortcut to whatever was on the other side. The room looked like it had once been larger, but a chasm split the space in half. The only thing that connected the ground was a flimsy wooden bridge. It wasn’t even bolted down! The damned thing was a series of planks nailed together and layed flat.
A dark purple orb floated around the room. Once it turned to Rose, she could see a slit pupil taking up its center, and mystical swirled extending away from it like an iris. 
A scrying eye…someone’s keeping watch on this place.
“I tire of your excuses, wretched goblin,” a firm voice carried from the otherside of the room. Brynna guided them straight towards it. “The only one to return from your scouting party was Sazza— all the good she was. Nothing but excuses for her cowardice.”
The corner of the room looked oddly similar to their command center— a large table was before them with a map rolled out, the shelf against the wall included various jars, books, and writing utensils. Rather than a charcoal stick to mark their map, a quill and inkwell waited patiently for their next use.
Elven silver glistened in the torchlight. The metal plates of armor were molded into folded feathers, which hung on the body of the drow woman. Her violet face was framed by strands as white as webbing. Blood red eyes narrowed as she scolded one of the goblins by her table. 
“Sorry, mistress. We mucked up!” The goblin was hunched apologetically.
The drow towered over him, her shadow engulfed his shrinking form.
”Perhaps you need another motivation,” she smirked with a glint in her eye, “until their sanctuary is found, I will take something precious from you. One thing for every hour that passes. A trinket. A tongue.” Then, darkly, “a limb.”
”I ain’t no use without my limbs, yer ladyship! I know the lads’ll make the prisoner squeal soon enough, I swear!”
Her command resonated through the room. All movement stopped, except for the wandering eye. No one dared to speak. Gods forbid anyone of them sneezed.
“If your men do not have an answer before the raiders return, I will see to it that my spiders are well fed that day.”
”Yes yer ladyship.”
The goblin bowed low before scurrying past the party. Impatient red eyes trailed after him until he passed the approaching party.
”Tough day, I take it,” Rose smirked, confidently crossing her arms as she spoke. She was a True Soul, of course she would have the rank to speak so casually. At least, she hoped. 
“I wasn’t expecting guests,” the drow’s eyes narrowed.
“Minthara, Ma’am—“ Brynna stepped forward, offering another bow to the woman, “this is the True Soul that replaced Edowyn.”
“I ordered Sazza to tell you I was on my way.” To speak with one of the same rank, confidence was key. She was supposed to be there. She belonged there. So long as she maintained that atmosphere, she hoped to pass as one of the cultists.
The drow’s eyes shifted, considering her words for a moment.
”So she was telling the truth? Hm,” the drow hummed, though her face was unamused, “well, at least she got something right.”
Rose nodded before looking to the redhead that had escorted her into the sanctum, “Brynna, you may go.”
Brynna bowed to the both of them before scurrying off, weaving her way between the rest of the party that stood behind the authoritative women.
As the drow, Minthara, examined Rose, their thoughts began to mingle. The feeling of a cold hand caressed her mind. Quickly, she tried to push back the discomfort, being reminded of the cool touch from her nightmare. The room around them fell away, leaving them in a dark nothingness. 
A small vision appears between the two of them, with the drow listening as the pale elven woman whispers to her. 
One of The Chosen.
Her blood began to boil once more, but she fought back. Their tadpoles connecting did not give her confidence that her thoughts were safe. Whatever this unprompted rage towards The Chosen were, it risked blowing her cover. She couldn’t allow that. 
They were so close.
Too close.
The vision faded, and the darkness fell away. They were back in the temple.
”Praise be,” Minthara sounded relieved, “are you here to join my hunt?”
With a firm nod, Rose closed the gap between them.
“Fill me in.”
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Rereading The Terror
Okay, I've had a couple of days to process it since reading ahead last week. I'm still not over it but nevertheless I persist.
Suicide is, of course, a prominent theme in this chapter so I'll put everything under the cut again I think.
Chapter Fifty: Bridgens
Bridgens reflects on how, over the years, he's often likened his life to different works of literature. He compares his youngest years to works like Canterbury Tales which implies perhaps a search for meaning and identity with Bridgens casting himself as various characters, both heroic and otherwise.
In his twenties, anxiety and indecision again seem to come to the forefront as he compares himself to Hamlet: "...suspended between thought and deed, between motive and action, frozen by a consciousness so astute and unrelenting that it made him think about everything, even thought itself."
More specifically, this unsurety, this 'to be or not to be', centres around Bridgens feelings about his own sexuality and his thoughts about suicide. Unhappy with his life, unhappy in pretending to be something he was not, Bridgens contemplated ending his own life but seemed to have overthought his way out of doing so in the end: "...miserable that he could only think about ending his own life because the fear that thought itself might continue on the other side of this mortal veil, "perchance to dream", kept him from acting even toward quick, decisive, cold-blooded self-murder." I think this is very much worth noting. That he's contemplated suicide before but was always stopped essentially by the idea of not knowing what was on the other side.
In his middle-age, Bridgens compares himself to Odysseus and comes to think of his skill and knowledge as a Steward as a kind of shield, a means of self-preservation - "He used his craft to become and to stay invisible."
Back in the present, Bridgens compares himself to King Lear and around him, the march continues. They intend to follow the southern coast of King William Island, set up another camp, and watch the strait to see whether the ice will break up enough or whether they'll have to haul across it toward the mouth of Back's River. Bridgens does not intend to join them in this.
As mentioned in a previous post, he sets his own journal away inside his sleeping bag and carries only Peglar's with him as he gets ready to leave. :(((
Interestingly, Goodsir is aware of his leaving and aware, at least in part, of Bridgens' feelings and his intentions in setting off into the landscape. He makes a rather Classical sort of reference to suicide: "You sound like a Stoic, Mr Bridgens. A followed of Marcus Aurelius. If the emperor is displeased with you, you go home, draw a warm bath..." Which is just gut-wrenching all round as - I believe - that refers to the death of Seneca, who drew a warm bath and cut his wrists in it at the behest of Emperor Nero. And, again, it's interesting too given the manner of death Goodsir himself chooses later in the show... :(((
There's great beauty though as well as great tragedy in the understanding and connection Goodsir and Bridgens have clearly come to share. Goodsir brings things full circle in many ways by referring back to Hamlet: "...I just wish to take a walk this evening. Perhaps a nap." "Perchance to dream?" said Goodsir. "Aye, there's the rub," admitted the steward.
He then encourages Bridgens to stay, but doesn't belabour the point too much, simply expresses again great understanding and respect: "There are other men who can help you, sir, and who have hands far steadier - and stronger - than mine" "But no one as intelligent," said Goodsir. "No one I can talk to as I have with you. I value your advice." :'))) And right enough, Bridgens imparts an important bit of advice as the two men part ways that's really stuck with me since: "I've always agreed with St Augustine when he said that the only real sin is human pain."
Bridgens makes his way out into the wilderness and stops before it gets dark. His last meal is a stale ship's biscuit - "it was one of the most delicious things he'd ever tasted.". And if ever we needed further proof of the peace and tranquility that's overcome him in his final hours, we know that he thinks of a comforting past more than a miserable present as he enjoys his final sunset - "the kind of sunset that Odysseus, not Lear, would have seen and enjoyed."
He reads through Peglar's papers one final time, reflects again on "one of the most intelligent human beings he'd ever known". Whatever fear Bridgens might once have had about the Great Unknown that follows death, it's gone now and replaced, I think, with a certainty that whatever the afterlife may bring, Harry Peglar will be a part of it. At that, he lies down for his final rest. "John Bridgens was asleep before the last of the grey sunlight died in the south.
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