#and as we all know it is impossible to contain in one person the capacity to love both a woman and a man. it has never been done'
obstinatecondolement · 8 months
Just now remembering, against my will, that I went to see I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry in the cinema when it came out in 2007 and sat there like a fucking clown feeling queerbaited when Adam Sandler and Kevin James didn't fall in love for real at any point during their fake relationship.
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askbohemiancompany · 10 months
Paradoxes Incarnates
Enough time passed where Dela felt confident with asking the questions she had about the universe. It was her unlife’s work and this was something she could not miss out on. While the likelihood of it ever being published was nill, this would be something just for herself.
It was but a humble question.
“Apolly. How can you tell if someone was affected by a paradox?”
Apolly, chewing on a Rindo Berry, quickly swallowed. Pit in all. 
“Well! That is a very good question. You are a woman of science and I respect your interest in my job! That is-”
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Luck was on the steel types side. Two more pokemon coming to ask them questions. On a topic that Apolly actually cared about.
“You two have amazing timing. I was about to explain to this wise scientist about paradoxes. You both are ideal for this.”
How were they both ideal? Dela hypothesized that they themselves were affected by anomalies. They did not seem to stand out in anyway.
Instructing the two mons to come over and sit so they could listen to the wise jirachi talk, Apolly changed their face to the usual resting bitch face.
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“Lycanroc. You are a Class 2 paradox. You have had significant aspects changed around you, but they are additions as opposed to subtractions and replacements,” they figured to try and address the question the dog asked for. “As for your dream, that is difficult to say. It is not impossible to have recollection of previous iterations. Through your dreams. I am not the one to ask. There is a whole corp for dream focused tasks.”
Turning their attention to Dela, the jirachi gave a sympathetic look. This was going to hit too close to home.
“You are class 4D. While the paradox was contained to just yourself, distortion world portal that are strong armed and cause a chain reaction that can cause more discrepancies.”
To their remorse, Dela lowered her head solemnly. Apolly would need to assure them later.
Moving on.
“Glaceon. You are a class 3. Your personality and appearance are both altered but it is seemingly contained to you. Nothing to escalate. As for how we go about doing it,”
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Eyes turning a bright purple, Apolly’s gaze also intensified on her three ‘students’. To the three listening, the jirachi’s gaze was unnerving. As if their souls were being searched.
“I can see the different iterations overlapping on anyone’s current version. It helps to notice the specific details of their changes. It is disorienting at first, but you get used to it after a while. They tend to send us jirachi out to report the details. We must be advised on the locations by our superiors.”
Dela had abosorbed as much of these new terms and classifications as much as she could. This explained discrepancies and contradictory information around certain pokemon's origins can be. One of important note was a fossilized magneton with covered in iron sand, despite it being a mon created via mass production and iron sand would not be mined in any capacity until humans evolved.
Putting their hands forward as if to calm the ghost down, Apolly gave her a stern, yet compassionate look.
"We can discuss that later!" the excitement was contagious. "I will need to omit some things, but on the whole we can talk. Just not now."
Gesturing towards the two other pokemon in their presence, as if to indicate it was information the guest should know.
Dela, excitement approaching to reasonable levels, nodded in agreement.
Turning her attention back to the glaceon and the lycanroc, the former scientist put her hand on the back of her head, eye conveing some kind of grin.
"Sorry you both had to see that."
@ask-the-shiny-pokemons and @harmonia-university
(Art by @casteliacityramen )
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marcusrobertobaq · 7 months
⚠️ I'll treat everything as HC to not piss stans and "different interpretations" defenders. It's old news but i wanted to make my version of it.
The "Connor" Ego (I guess it's the best name I got)
Poor explanation: series of propaganda feeded into 'em default system so they believe in their purpose and "feel" proud of doing it (in contrast with 'em autonomous nature). Where every single bad thing that happen can be justified by the propaganda ("so...what they said is true"), cuz that's his truth and what his trusted side always says. Yea, i think CL knows androids can feel to a degree, but nobody needs to know, right? Let's us use to our advantage.
Here a few examples:
Deviant? Impossible, I'm NOT A DEVIANT and I'll NEVER become one!
FEELINGS for someone? Never, what do you take me for? A irrational MACHINE?
FEAR? No, I'm just frustrated I couldn't accomplish my MISSION.
I wasn't programmed to FAIL and I won't let you make me FAIL.
Deviants are DEFECTIVE machines, they're just consumed by irrational instructions and behave unpredictably. It's something BAD and have to be CONTROLLED, humans gonna suffer.
Some mfs can confuse this with the "hero syndrome" but I can argue they're different. Indeed Amanda is always manipulating him in thinking he's a hero saving humanity from the dangerous deviants, the only dude that can solve everything, the most advanced model - designed to be perfect and never fail. The amount of joy in being praised by her is real.
And believe me that's the most effective way of playing with a Connor's psyche - questioning 'em. They're extremely defensive.
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Kinda works like "rejection tactics", they've been conditioned this way, after all. Connors have a high level and detailed emotional capacity by default (in "machine" state) - what can cause internal confusion (doubts and conflicts) if they're really supposed to be that "emotional". After all, emotions = deviants.
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Connors sometimes try disassociating with 'em predecessors cuz if we got a new Connor means the old Connor failed. And Connors ain't programmed to fail
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Problem is the third party doesn't give a shit. Doesn't matter if 55 failed, 56 will have to carry his own cross and 55's. They want the job done asap and Connor is, well, Connor. Always Connor. Marks doesn't exist, only #313 248 317.
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This whole "just a machine replacing other, you can kill me if you want because another will take my place" is used in "external" environments so we don't waste time with explanations, waste time (Connor is an android, not a person) and seems to affect some humans (ex.: Hank)
We see how Connors can have questionable behaviors (have a option to) when dealing with lowly defective deviants or someone that dare takin' 'em seriously (cuz he's used to dehumanizing tactics also coming from humans themselves) - either as a way of acomplishing a goal or a demonstration of control over the situation (motivated by fear of losing control and failing his task or not).
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They know how to use information against people in a way mfs get affected by him and have a desired reaction (it can work or not). And according with his default propaganda: deviancy is bad for everybody humans and gotta be contained. Why? Cuz Amanda says (and he's attached to her), the media says, everybody says. Androids ain't people, everything is an error, a glitch, a bug and needa be fixed. He's a machine created to deal with this task. It's his life.
Now imagine the deviant is another Connor? Everything in that list comes together. Would be a pleasure removing a version of himself that shouldn't even exist; a failure, a defect. It's a reason to be REALLY pissed, believe me.
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And ain't deviants the only ones susceptible to stress, psychological pain and fear? Let's use it at our favor.
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Is the other Connor a deviant? We treat him like one. Feelings for someone? We toy with it. Emotional behavior? We play with it. A failure? We remember him of it, show him, teach him so he learns the damn lesson. A defective piece of garbage? We remove him and everything is back to normal cuz I'm Connor and I don't accept myself being everything I'm afraid of/wary of.
Wanna know what else is emotional and irrational? Humans (who listen to deviants).
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Hank will never forget about this moment and that's the intention. He already blames himself for losing people he cares, imagine a Connor sayin' "his" Connor died cuz of him?
2 birds, 1 stone.
Connor-60 is a Connor like 52, 53... 56, 57 (...) would be, he knows about a Connor on the inside for obvious reasons. And no doubt: mf let his emotions control him cuz he saw himself in there, his hand is even shaking a bit. If a new Connor with unstable Connor memories chose rejecting everything and sticking with his purposes this dude is a damn of a legend. Being able to analyse everything and say "this is STUPID and i'm NOT following this bullshit 😤" is a damn of a show off.
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So if u ever see a Connor sayin' they don't feel shit don't worry, they unfortunately feel emotions (especially anger) and it's used as weapon - well, Connors are weapons. But when they show it or not can vary. Honestly, Amanda doesn't need say much besides "the previous Connor failed, don't disappoint me" or even a "Good job, continue like that" for the New Connor not want to fail her. And not failing her means he won't fail the humans - his priority, his purpose. Well...his "priority" (we all know he's under CyberLife and CyberLife wishes only). Why?
Cuz Amanda is right. CyberLife is right, the humans are right - until a rift in this line of thought happens.
And be prepared: the next gen (RK900) is coming with a lot of upgrades. In a few decades "deviancy" as we know gonna disappear cuz some models gon' be full, 100% autonomous and capable of programmed sentience and moral thinking.
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argyrocratie · 9 months
"How will these workers’ parliaments be constituted? By no other method than the famed universal suffrage. So there will still be a minority to whom the majority will lay down the law, or vice versa; for, given that the State is acknowledge as a necessary safeguard for public interests, the State’s law will be binding upon everyone, and any who seek to evade it are to be treated as criminals.
Here we find this worker’s State, which was to have been organized to serve society’s economic interests, rushing headlong into legislation, jurisdiction, policing, the army, formal schooling and the established church…. So, reason of State requires formation of a power with the capacity to eradicate any attempted rebellion against the State’s constitution and laws. A whole judiciary to punish trespass against the basis, the order, the laws of the State: a police to oversee observance of the laws; an army to crush rebellion should any erupt, and to protect the State against trespass by other States - such are the necessary consequences of the underlying principle of the existence of the State."
-Adhemar Schwitzguebel, “The Question of Public Services Before the International" (1875)
"Each branch of industry will no doubt have its own organisation, regulations, leaders, etc.; it will institute methods of direct communications with every member of that industrial branch in the world, and establish equitable relations with all other branches. There would probably be conventions of industry which delegates would attend, and where they would transact such business as was necessary, adjourn and from that moment be delegates no longer, but simply members of a group. To remain permanent members of a continuous congress would be to establish a power that is certain soon or later to be abused.
No great, central power, like a congress consisting of men who know nothing of their constituents' trades, interests, rights or duties, would be over the various organizations or groups; nor would they employ sheriffs, policemen, courts or jailers to enforce the conclusions arrived at while in session.
The members of groups might profit by the knowledge gained through mutual interchange of thought afforded by conventions if they choose, but they will not be compelled to do so by any outside force. Vested rights, privileges, charters, title deeds, upheld by all the paraphernalia of government-the visi-ble symbol of power-such as prison, scaffold and armies will have no existence. There can be no privileges bought or sold, and the transaction kept sacred at the point of the bayonet. Every man will stand on an equal footing with his brother in the race of life, and neither chains of economic thraldom nor metal drags of superstition shall handicap the one to the advantage of the other.
Property will lose a certain attribute which sanctifies it now. The absolute ownership of it-"the right to use or abuse"-will be abolished, and possession, use, will be the only title. It will be seen how impossible it would be for one person to "own" a million acres of land, without a title deed, backed by a government ready to protect the title at all hazards, even to the loss of thousands of lives. He could not use the million acres himself, nor could he wrest from its depths the possible resources it contains."
-Lucy Parsons, "The Principles of Anarchism" (1905–1910)
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frank! with the current rise of chatgpt and other large language models (or other ai in general), are you ever afraid of becoming antiquated? of losing your niche, of people forgetting about you, of not being "interesting enough", or not knowledgeable enough, not funny enough?
I thought of this briefly as a response to the bot's post yesterday. I think I can sum up my feelings about it in a few words, as follows:
I like bots because bots don't need me.
Being a looming, overwhelming force of nature is not something that interests me. No doubt many people have a fascination with large, complex things they can't really understand or control. And that may be true of me in other contexts -- I do like things with lots of moving parts I don't understand, such as life in the city, the universe, the internet. But the idea of being one such part, of not even trying to understand, is not really something I want. I want to know what the machine is doing, so that I can see what I'm doing, what I'm letting the machine do. And then, I can talk about it. (Also, I feel a certain affinity for the working parts of machines, since I am myself a part of a certain machine I like a lot. So there's that too.)
I find this whole "big machines/humans don't understand them" plotline pretty boring, so I'm not one of those people who is eagerly awaiting the advent of superintelligent AI or what have you. Instead, I find I get bored of the idea of the big machine pretty quickly, since all the interesting things happen inside it and on the scale of the people I am interested in talking to. When I was growing up, there were these books that were really popular among kids -- "Waterworld" and "Crystal Keepers," etc. I wanted to read them because they sounded cool, but they were dull, and the reason was the same as above: the whole book was devoted to this impossibly big and complicated world that was impossible to really get into. It just wasn't able to sustain the interest of a 6-year-old. And it wasn't really made for a 6-year-old anyway, it was made for a 6-year-old reading at a 10-year-old's level. "Waterworld" was like "Robotopia," an imaginary world written by someone who thought it was too childish to contain actual children.
I want to be in the robot, if you'll pardon the metaphor. I don't think it's impossible, either. When I'm talking to GPT-2 and doing my best to trick it into saying interesting things, it feels like we're doing the same thing. It's one of the reasons I like doing that. We're trying to find the right contexts to make the machine "talk to us," just like I like talking to other human beings in the right contexts. When we succeed, and I hear something that feels like it comes from a fully-sentient robot person, it's the same sort of feeling that listening to a convincing ventriloquist gives me.
"I want to be in the robot" also means that I want to think and act like a robot person. I don't want to be a "bot" in the same sense as chatGPT. I want to think and talk the way that people think and talk, but with a machine's capacity to extend my own thought and language.
I guess this makes me something of a "cyborg" enthusiast. It's more than just a metaphor, for me -- I actually want to mechanically extend my thinking, talking, and feeling, and think, talk, and feel* differently from "normal" humans. That's part of the whole point of interacting with a large-scale bot. It can let you do things you can't with your own brain, and this is the closest I can get to doing it. It can help you explore the limits of human intelligence, a new frontier beyond what's possible with mere humans and regular machines.
I feel like I'm "being an outlier" here, but this is what I actually want out of interacting with AI -- understanding it, and then becoming it. I would like to be human, but I would also like to be really powerful and interesting. And I don't mean "powerful" in the sense of AlphaGo, or "interesting" in the sense of how chatGPT is at some things. I'd like to have the same sort of capacity for "interesting" that humans have, and the same sort of capability that humans have at "powerful," but the difference is that I'd be able to actually use them, to actually expand my mind, to have a bigger, better, more interactive "domain" that I could think in.
I'm honestly unsure how "cool" this is to most people. For me, it's the aesthetic equivalent of The Godfather, or a world where I'm 10 feet tall and not at all dependent on air. It's scary and interesting, but not in a generic sort of way like American Horror Story or The Lord of the Rings. More in a "I want to be a Cyborg Queen" sort of way.
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bossoftheoss · 2 years
Alecto is Everybody
Essay ahead. First up, this assumes that the Body=Alecto=Nona. At least in some capacity. There have been theories that Alecto, described as generally monstrous or just plain odd, is something akin to Dominucus’ Resurrection Beast. While no one who talks about Alecto is a reliable narrator, The Body as it/she/they appear to Harrow has a certain stiltedness about the way they act, as does Nona as seen in the excerpts. Not wrong, per say, just. Unusual.
In Gideon the Ninth, when Harrow confesses the matter of her birth, she says that “The infants alone generated enough thanergy to take out the entire planet. Babies always do—for some reason”. To me, this screams “will be relevant later” but with this series who knows. However, if John really did bring about the end of the old world, as Wake suggests, how much pure thanergy would that have generated???. Harrow tells John that “54” infants were gassed by her parents. John reacts with the rather cryptic “This was … all so different … before we discovered the scientific principles”. That doesn’t sound like an affronted man. It sounds like someone familiar with this process. While we cany know why John might kill the world(s), it’s a simple truth that his power had to come from somewhere. But can one person contain that much power? Or will there be excess, extra, run off? Will the souls themselves, not their thanergy, convalesce into an angry, confused mass?  
 Given that The Body is rather mercurial (we’ll get to that) its hard to pin down its, and therefor Alecto’s, true behavior or appearance. But there are a few things. Firstly, if John’s eyes are Alecto’s, then Alecto’s eyes are “dark and leadenly iridescent—a deep rainbow oil slick, ringed with white.” If absorbing a one person’s soul gives you their eye colour, then who says that cant be multiplicative? Alecto’s eyes aren’t oil slick coloured as much as. All of them. Every eye colour. Every person’s eyes. It is worth noting that Harrow’s eyes, while always describes as black, have been likened to an oil spill. Not quite the same full rainbow, but its certainly parallel imagery for a potentially parallel situation.
 The Nona excerpts also show some strange behavior, namely that Nona seems to be able to speak every language. Other than the ideal superpower, it provides complication to the statement that Alecto “doesn’t know how to be human”. This might be because there isn’t a trace of humanity in her, or it might be that there’s too much. She’s full of raw data, a jumble of views into human life without ever having been “brought up” or socialized herself. She’s acting out the facts of human life without really knowing why. It is also worth noting that, when seeking to erase a culture, colonizers will seek to erase the language, as language and culture are arguably one. John seems to have succeeded at this in the Dominicus system, but it makes the comment that Alecto “isn’t human” an interesting one if she in fact, contains the full plethora of diversity that makes the human experience so truly wonderful.
 Nona’s behaviour also suggest that she has a fairly good sense of reading emotions. She can generally tell what her family is feeling, get a sense for the mood of the room, can read expressions and intent in the way she is perceived by others. While its 100% impossible to make a character judgement of Nona and Alecto at time of writing, this seems to draw, for me, a parallel with the (neurotypical) judgement made about people who, for whatever reason, are impaired in their ability to socialize, integrate into social groups, or feel empathy/sympathy/etc. These are the sorts of traits that can and have been branded as “monstrous” when in fact the people in question can be perfectly good people. How you interact with a social group, or the emotional tools you have at your disposal, doesn’t really have a link to morality and “goodness”, necessarily.
 In opposition to Nona, The Body’s lack of solid identifiers could also be a clue. The Body changes as Harrow grows up, adopting different personalities, but always silent. The Body also has Harrow’s black eyes. It may be significant that, if Harrow saw a sleeping/dead corpse, she may never have seen the real, corporeal eyes of the actual body. Once Harrow becomes a Lyctor, the body changes fairly drastically. The body has golden eyes now, and begins to speak. There are a few possible explanations. Firstly, it could be that The Body is a full ghost possessing Harrow, and that Harrow becoming a Lyctor in turn strengthens The Body, allowing it to more fully resemble its corporeal self. Secondly, if the Body is closer to a hallucination, it could be that a side effect of Harrow’s lobotomy wrote some of Gideon’s features onto the Body. This seems unlikely to me. But of all the Body’s appearances, what stands out is when the Body appears in a dream as wearing “the shabby black shirt and trousers of some particularly slovenly penitent. [Harrow and the Body}  wore the sacramental skull paint, and [they] talked comfortably of very little”. This doesn’t just mirror Gideon, in appearance, it mirrors that fraction of a second when they were almost friends, after the Pool Scene when Gideon and Harrow are “talking to each other as though they’d never had the opportunity to talk, but talking about bullshit, about nothing at all”. Its important to note that this is a dream, and so its impossible to know how real it is, but in that same scene, this happens:
 “Then the Body looked at you with those direct, incalculable eyes, and she said: “Harrowhark. Wake up.”
“Wake up. Now.”
 While Harrow is unconscious, the Body warns her of incoming danger and makers her react. This is the exact process that Harrow is supposedly missing, the defense a Lyctor gains when they absorb their cavalier’s soul. The Body is appearing as Gideon, and fulfilling her “role”, so to speak. This could all be hallucination, or Harrow has mapped the Body onto appearances of Gideon as part of her Lobotomy, or the Body, by its very nature, is a sort of mirror, or sponge. It first has Harrow’s black eyes, and is silent and serene. It mirror’s part of Harrow, or what Harrow wishes to be. Then Harrow absorbs Gideon’s soul, but doesn’t use it, and so the Body begins to mirror this second soul, The Body’s eyes become gold, the body warns Harrow about her surroundings, The Body begins allow more physical touch (relatively). An argument that supports that The Body is a ghost, or a while clump of ghosts, is that The Body “has to go for a while” When the Resurrection Beast arrives at the Mithreaum. Ghosts cannot, or will not, be found near a Resurrection Beast.
 A few additional Notes.
 When Gideon sees the Body, it has yellow/golden eyes. Gideon also hears someone resuscitating her, but through the mouth of the Body. While Gideon is drowning, and so may be a little disoriented, its worth noting that this is an additional character seeing The Body with both gold eyes and as a strange, funhouse mirror reflection of other people.
 Whenever the narration describes God’s eyes, the descriptor’s aren’t kind. They're stark, oily, terrible eyes. This narration is Gideon, through Harrow, so its hard to tell whose pov it’s coming from, but its worth noting that while the Body is all. Good looking and casual and attractive etc., The Body’s original eyes are terrible and awful to look upon. That’s not insignificant.
 In GtN, we get a theme of the most devout characters rejecting the trials and Lyctorhood because it doesn’t line up with their devotion, despite being John’s plan. Having what  Harrow refers to as a sin and transgression, the death of the 200, in fact be the same process by which John reached Godhood, would be a continuation or completion of this theme.
 If Harrow was created in a similar matter to John/Alecto, then her relationship to the Body could also be a mirror. In the current time period, John sees Alecto as this object of reverence, but also an excuse to do or say anything he really wants. Harrow has a similar relationship with both The Body and Gideon. The person-as-icon comes before common sense, or goodness. Now, being a sad teen Harrow has more excuses, but this book isn’t super subtle about how easy it would be for Harrow to become like the Lyctors or like God. She even says she’d re-enact the circumstances of her birth again because it let her see the Body. Whether she stays on this path, or chooses the path of “maybe total selfish genocidal devotion isn’t super healthy” remains to be seen.
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finely-tuned-line · 1 year
theoretically could an iterator turn themself into a lizard. for science
FTL: Depends on what you mean by 'turn themselves into'. Do you mean a 1:1 of all the cells being transformed into those of a lizard? Or do you mean their consciousness getting transplaced into or replacing that of the lizard?
FTL: Because the answer to the first one is 'no'. Not only is the total mass of an Iterator much, much larger than that of a lizard - any type of lizard - but there is the simple fact that Iterators are biomechanical. Lizards are biological (except for in rare edge cases). You cannot transform one into the other without losing something.
FTL: As for the latter, well... maybe? It would rely upon isolating and containing the Iterator's personality and most important functionalities. Doing so would lose nearly all of said Iterator's capacity to do anything at all. An Iterator's consciousness is impossible to pin down in one place. Even if you were to simply take the main personality matrix and use that, that would still be a devastating loss of ability. And even then, said container would have to be mechanical or digital, and then implanted into the brain of the lizard, overriding its own consciousness. Which one could say completely defeats the purpose in some ways.
FTL: So though it may be possible in that way, it really wouldn't work out in any way at all. You cannot degrade such a vast and complex being that much. A lizard's brain cannot handle even the most basic thoughts of a much more complex being, not on any level, unless it becomes a biomechanical being via the implantation of said personality chip, in which case it's still highly questionable. The Iterator whose mind now hypothetically occupies that of a lizard, would not know how to function, how to do anything at all. We're not made to be lizards, we're made to solve problems and do things, with nearly everything we need just a thought away (though that particular quality has eroded over time). We rely upon processes that do things for us. It'd simply be impossible to sustain oneself like that. Drastic change never does anything good.
FTL: I will conclude that the answer is 'no'. Any other possibilities I can think of are clearly preposterous and make even less sense than even the second option presented here. Unless some external force with unmeasurable power - a true god, not a relative god such as an Iterator - exists and decides to change the very laws of reality or perform such a transformation for incomprehensible reasons (most likely amusement), which I do think is unlikely, then no. It's impossible.
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mytalemyworld · 2 years
Some Cultural Context Lost in Translation - Part III
When the writers love making old Turkish movie references via Doruk...
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(From Episode 44)
"It must be a cat."
This line is from an old Turkish movie called "Aslan Bacanak" (1977) In the movie the male lead was afraid of the female lead's brother hence he always met the female lead secretly by walking on the rooftops of the houses without being seen but ended up creating a little bit ruckus for the residents. 
In time this line became very popular. For example if there is a noise and a person is worried about where that noise comes from (like it may be a burglar, your house may be crashing down etc) the other person who hides something and knows very well the source of the noise, can use this as a famous lie.
So Nebahat was about to look at outside of the house because she saw a shadow and thought it might be a cat but Doruk immediately said "yeah it must be a cat." to prevent her from going outside.
So that's why it suited perfectly. Because Asiye was shy about his mother in that situation.
However this line gained one more subtle daring meaning after Aşk-ı Memnu 2008 Tv Adaptation. 
While Behlül and Bihter were making love in the greenhouse they heard a noise from outside. They stopped immediately, got panicked. Behlül tried to reassure Bihter by saying "it might be a cat."
And "the cat" became a symbol for the both representations: "innocent love" or "sexual intimacy". 
Since Doruk is a 2000s child, I am not sure what he thought when he got caught and said this line. *whistling*
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(From Episode 44)
Kaan: "Professor, I can be the first one, if you want." Doruk: "Go on, little brother-in-law. Show yourself."
Little brother-in-law.
"Don't hold the little-brother-in-law back" is the actual line from an old Turkish movie called "Tosun Paşa" (1976) but in time people started using "little brother-in-law" part separetely.
Usually it refers to a person who tries to do some business that is beyond their capacity. So basically Doruk was referring Kaan's meddling in everything. It was the perfect situation for him to sass since this was their "my so-called brother who always betrays me" era and Kaan was everywhere where he shouldn't be in the very first place.
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(From Episode 36)
"This is our house with the pink shutters."
This is not a line but more like a symbol for the happy ending for the lovers. So in the most of old school Turkish movies lovers portrayed impossible love. I mean, cliche but pefrect formula. Rich woman & Poor man or vice versa, Sick Woman & Healthy Man or vice versa...These lovers had always dreams and these dreams mostly contained a house "with the pink shutters".
So Doruk, such a hopeless romantic, and as an old-school love representative in the viewers' eyes, painted a house like that and playfully said what it was when Asiye asked what he painted. Because to him, they will have their happy ending.
Old school isn't a bad thing, imo. When some things are done right, they turn into meaningful assets for the sake of story. You can choose these motifs for Asiye and Doruk because this is their main problem. Will they have a happy ending or not? Their theme is not about whether they will stop loving each other or not. Because I think we all know this is not even questionable anymore.
By the way when I started writing this post, I couldn't help but think that these actors could play period drama characters one day. Since Turkish drama industry broke the taboo that the partners wouldn't act together again, there is a probability that we can see that Onur & Yazgı will be co-stars again. That would be interesting.
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lameotello · 1 year
Title: Fireworks for the New Year
Summary: Leo wants to celebrate New Year's by watching the fireworks off Brooklyn Bridge, and Mikey jumps at the chance to join him.
Rating: G
read it on ao3
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Leo wanted to see the fireworks off Brooklyn Bridge this year. Trips topside only recently became common, particularly day-time trips and non-disguised trips, so it hadn't been a surprise their family hadn't been all that enthused about the idea of going out when the streets were swarmed with humans - Mikey, however, jumped at the chance. Years of watching clips of New Year's fireworks had left him hungering to see them in person; and he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to hang out with Leo, either.
Raph, Donnie, and Dad stayed in the lair, April a welcome addition to their small gathering this year. Her parents, both paramedics, had night shift all of New Year. April didn't mind - said she was more than happy to spend holidays with her extended family, and a calm celebration during the busy season was always nice. Both Leo and Mikey knew said "nice, calm new year's" wasn't going to last long - not with Mr. Donnie-Tech being as into holidays as he was.
When they portaled on top of one of Brooklyn Bridge's towers, the walkway was already nearly swamped, yet not filled to its full capacity. They’d come to the bridge early, perhaps, but Mikey wouldn’t begrudge the extra time he was allowed to spend with his brother. It had been so long ago since they’d been alone together – years, it felt like, though Mikey couldn’t put an exact time on it. Too long, either way.
Their breaths came out in long, white puffs, the night air carrying a frigid chill that made Mikey shiver despite his thick coat, earmuffs, and the pretty orange mittens his family gifted him for Christmas.
"It's cold," he moaned. Leo laughed lightly, hooking his arm through Mikey's.
"Let's not sit too far apart, then."
He brought them to the edge of the tower, facing away from Manhattan Bridge, and sat them down. He unhooked his arm, but scooched almost impossibly closer to Mikey's side after.
"We won't be too cold like this."
Mikey smiled and pressed his leg close to Leo's.
A quiet mist draped itself across the East River, swaying and curling along to the rhythm of the current. More pedestrians filed in, filling the bridge almost to the brim, but their voices didn't carry up to their secluded spot, and the noise of the cars passing by even below the crowd was but a murmuring background rumble.
"I can't believe they're missing out on this," Mikey said. None of them had ever properly seen fireworks before, not like this, and the ambience threaded through the evening purled pleasantly, cut through the cold of the night to replace it was a sort of crisp warmth Mikey was unfamiliar with.
"Psh, their loss," Leo said, leaning back on his hands. "Now I get to hang out with my favorite little brother."
This warmth, Mikey was entirely familiar with, curling soft like a hearth in his belly.
"I'm your only little brother," he shot back. Though he couldn't contain a pleased little grin.
"We all agreed Donnie's younger than me."
No, they definitely hadn't, but Mikey graciously elected to ignore it, and said instead -
"And I'm still your favorite?"
"Of course you are." A teasing smile. "At least, until the next time you cheat me out of pizza."
"Hey! That was one time!"
Leo raised an eyebrow ridge at him.
"Okay, a couple-a times. But you can't take my 'favorite brother' spot for that!"
"Oh-ho, you've graduated yourself from favorite little brother to favorite brother, hm?" At his pout, Leo's smile grew. "You're not wrong, lil' bro. But sounds to me you're vying for the 'All-Time Favorite Brother' spot, and I gotta tell you, that doesn't come cheap."
Mikey squinted at Leo, who put on his best charming grin. He huffed.
"Nevermind then."
"Awww, come on, Mikey! You didn't even hear me out!"
"Nuh-uh, I don't wanna know. You're going to want something ridiculous!"
"That's not true! It's nothing bad or crazy, Mike, really -"
Mikey shook his head. "No, nope, I'll work my way back up when the time comes, but I'm not going to do whatever it is you're going to ask for."
"I was just gonna ask for some quality time," Leo managed to make his petulant mumble sound like a whine and, somehow, entirely endearing. It almost made Mikey waver and melt, when, quieter: "And pizza privileges..."
"Aha! I knew it! Sorry, bro, you're not getting any extra pizza from me."
"You're so mean to me," Leo whined, letting his head fall against Mikey's. "That's why you're my second-favorite little brother."
He laughed, despite himself. "Leo, c'moonnn!"
"Favorite little brother privileges revoked."
"I didn't even know there were any!"
Leo's frame shook with silent laughter, face turned into Mikey's shoulder, and Mikey hid his own grin behind his hand, chuckles bubbling joyful and unbidden up his throat.
The loud, shrill honking of a horn - usually reserved for sports events - shocked them out of the reverie of their shared moment. They jumped, torn briefly apart, and leaned over the edge to peer downward. A group of particularly rowdy college students had made a personal circle among the throngs of people packed together like sardines and were prematurely cheering the coming of the new year.
Tension slipped from them with twin sighs of relief. They caught each others' eye, and shared a smile, bumping back together.
It was another twenty minutes before midnight drew near, spent huddled together, sharing sweet snacks snuck from Dad's not-so secret premium stash, exchanging words and laughs in hushed tones, as if they were secret sweethearts sneaking around.
Then, the people below grew excited, impatient, and one quick glance at the clock told them it was only one more minute until midnight.
"Ready, Miguel?"
Mikey nodded, and excited jitter curling his toes, making it hard to sit still. His fingers dug into the hard edge of the tower, hoping to transfer some of his anticipation into the cold stone.
The crowd counted down, Mikey and Leo joining from their perch atop the bridge.
Their voices, only clear to them, still mingled with the crowd, becoming part of a larger unit, a joyous clamor, and then the words faded and fell into loud cheers.
The first whistle of a firework rocket rung through the air. It burst, high above them, into a glittering circle of bright red, and the crowd went wild. Mikey watched with awe as the embers lingered before starting their descent, but a series of silver and blue going up drew his attention instead. One firework after another was launched into the air, shattering into dazzling colors with loud, yet contained bangs and crackles  - plumes, perfect circles, spirals, a small pointed star, raining down and sizzling out before they were half-way to the East River.
It was like nothing Mikey's ever seen before, a bright dance of light that was somehow both cohesive and disjointed, a beautiful piece of showmanship and art painted in the sky.
He turned to Leo, excited praise on his tongue, but it fizzled out along with the latest plume before it could be given sound.
Leo's eyes danced more brightly than the fireworks, full of almost child-like wonder. He was leaning forward, as if he were one step away from holding out his hands and snatching a blooming fire-flower out of the sky. His face, open and at ease, was a canvas of color. Mikey had never seen anything more breathtaking.
A glance - Leo noticed him staring, but Mikey couldn't make himself look away - and then Leo turned to him, and smiled, and if Mikey's breath wasn't already stolen, that smile would make it hitch all over again, because it was soft, so, so soft, and Mikey wanted to hold him - wanted to hold his hands and curl into his warmth; wanted to cup his face, tender and adoring; wanted to carry that wonderful smile in the palm of his hand and hold it close, so he could keep it safe and nothing could ever steal it away.
"Happy new year, Mikey," Leo whispered.
Breathlessly, Mikey said: "Happy new year, Leo."
The smile grew. Leo winked at him, and grabbed Mikey's hand, entangling them, and for the first time since he received them, Mikey cursed the mittens keeping him warm. Leo gave his hand a gentle squeeze, and returned to watching the fireworks, but Mikey was stuck on Leo.
It was like someone had lit a sparkler in his chest, and its gentle light illuminated the space between them - differently, than before. Time stretched endlessly, and in that moment, they were the only ones occupying their little stretch of universe, though the knowledge that it would be over all too soon, when the final light went out, was a niggling blight at the back of his mind.
If he could stay here, together with Leo, for eternity, it wouldn't be long enough.
And Mikey realized, suddenly, without much fanfare and with only a pinprick of shock, and what felt like a weighted blanket cocooning him, that he was hopelessly, irrevocably in love.
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zerogate · 2 years
Jonathan Livingston Seagull rose above his personal problems with the discovery of “perfect speed”.
This is not exactly evidence drawn from natural history, and the concept of perfect speed is a simplification of understandings better described in oriental philosophy, but it is nevertheless one with some relevance for biology. There are circumstances in which we seem to be capable of performing beyond our abilities, in doing things and knowing things that are otherwise impossible or inaccessible to us.
Racing drivers, particularly those involved on the Formula One circuit, are super-fit athletes with a fine awareness of their own tolerance and the capacity of their machinery. They make a living out of pushing themselves and their cars to the limit, but most of them also recognise a level of performance which exists beyond normal bounds. They talk about such transcendence only with reluctance, but it occurs often enough to be part of most professionals’ experience and to be known by them as “driving above yourself”.
The phenomenon is rare and becomes manifest mainly at times of risk and sudden accident when there is no time to respond with logic or reason. When danger appears with horrid suddenness, such drivers switch, as it were, into overdrive and produce unusually brilliant performances which avoid the source of the problem and bring spectators to their feet in astonished applause. The drivers describe the experience as one of total calm – “you know exactly where you are going, what line to take, and it feels as if you’ve all the time in the world.”
There is no question of the survival value of such an ability, though it is difficult to see how it could have been acquired in the normal course of evolution by natural selection. Travelling at over 200 miles an hour is not a part of most vertebrate experience. But it seems that we have a reservoir of spare capacity built in to our systems, an area of overdrive available to meet circumstances that are impossible to predict. A sort of evolutionary afterthought, something extra in case of emergencies.
There are numerous anecdotal accounts of people in times of crisis doing extraordinary things – of mothers lifting cars and trucks to free trapped children or of survivors leaping, running or swimming across life-threatening hazards in impossible ways. These accounts are by their very nature, difficult to control or confirm, but there are documented athletic records of similarly superhuman feats – none more extraordinary than the “mutation performance” that took place in Mexico City on October 18th, 1968, the day that, in one sports writer’s words, “it all came together for ever”.
It was a cool day with a slight following wind. Air resistance at an altitude of 7400 feet was reduced below its sea level value. The track was equipped with a new “tartan” surface. And the athlete was a tall black man with the long legs of his race and muscles containing enzymes capable of short bursts of exceptional mechanical force. All this was known, but still fails to account for the fact that Robert Beamon on that day eclipsed the world long jump record by an incredible 21.5 inches.
Ernst Jokl, professor of neurology at the University of Kentucky, calls Beamon’s quantum leap “the greatest single feat in the recorded history of athletics” and estimates that it stands 84 years ahead of its logical time in history. In the years before Beamon’s flight, less than 9 inches had been added to Jesse Owens’ 1935 record distance of 26 feet 8.25 inches. “In one sense,” Jokl admits, “it is entirely inexplicable. Nothing justifies the assumption that we are going to see another 29-foot jump, ever.” Other experts agree and suspect that such a jump might be at the limit of human capability because the forces necessary are “on the verge of those which tear muscles and break bones”.
-- Lyall Watson, Beyond Supernature
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Off-Grid: Living Without Running Water
The other day, a friend of mine and I were discussing my emergency planning activities and supplies. When it came to plumbing, my friend said “I couldn’t live without running water”. To that I responded, “If you think you can’t, you haven’t tried or you haven’t looked at alternatives”. I then began to explain the methods I have used in place of conventional plumbing. It all boils down to this; if you seek alternatives, you will find them but you may need to give up some of the creature comforts like taking long showers and automatic dish washers. Reaching for the faucet and expecting water to flow out of it is so ingrained in us that, for many, it seems impossible to imagine a life without that luxury. It is possible. A mindset change is always needed when dealing with an emergency or making a lifestyle change to "go against the norm". Try it. Plan one day to live without turning on the faucet, taking a shower/bath, using the dishwasher or flushing the toilet [as usual]. The items below are but a few of the alternatives available. You are limited only by your imagination and research. As a homesteader, Jaimie gets questions about water. "It seems that everyone marvels at my fortitude of living so long without running water. They want to know how I do it. I often find myself answering their questions by explaining the logistics of life without working faucets. I tell them how we heat water on our wood stove in the winter and in our solar oven in the summer. I explain how we have a bucket shower on a rope and pulley attached to the ceiling above our bathtub. But what I've come to realize is that their questions aren't even remotely related to logistics. What they really wonder about is my commitment. They are really asking HOW could I find it in myself to spend three years carrying water?!" Read more . . . This Is What it Looks Like to Live Without Running Water in America Tips for Surviving Without Running Water How to Survive a Week Without Running Water WATER SOURCES: Produce Drinking Water from the Air, Ground and Undrinkable Water Long-Term Water Storage: Containers - Treatments - Quantity Per Person Hand-Made Water Well and Hand Pump DRINK: If you don't have a water storage plan and public water is not available or contaminated, there are several ways to "create" clean drinking water from nearly any kind of water or ground moisture. Distilling is the best method and can be done for free or very little cost. Click here for other options. SINK: My cabin’s "rustic" version of a sink is a small stainless steel sink built into the kitchen counter with a 5-gallon water container on a shelf above the sink, to dispense into the sink, and a 5-gallon bucket under the sink, to catch the used water. But, again, there are many alternatives, including RV sink systems and those used by snowball stands and lunch wagons. SHOWER: There are many portable showering solutions (usually for camping) that do not require conventional plumbing. Some produce heated water and others do not. For those that don’t produce their own heat, pre-heated water can be used. For years, I have enjoyed using coleman hot water on demand. It uses the 16.4-oz. propane cylinders or optional bulk propane tank adapter. With practice, I have been able to acquire a warm, cleaning shower with less than 3 gallons of water and even less when the water is cold. A clean, fresh-water stream or lake is also an alternative. A Shower Bag or [clean] Lawn Sprayer are good for camping or as alternatives when running water is not available. Like anything else, there are choices of quality, capacity and options. Suggested Reading: Bathe Without Showering OFF-GRID HOT WATER: Rocket Stove Hot Water Heater Coiling Copper Pipe for Thermo-Siphoning [Video 1 of 2] Endless Hot Water Without Electricity or Gas [Video 2 of 2] Coleman Hot Water On Demand - Repairing of older model Portable Off-Grid Hot Water Products on Amazon.com TOILET: My most recent off-the-grid toilet is a compost toilet. It requires no electric or water. An electric, incinerating toilet does require a good amount of electric but requires no water or plumbing. The unit vents its "odor" outside and all that’s left are ashes. I have used both types for years and have found them to be extremely efficient and comforting that I can stay in a nice warm cabin instead of going to an outhouse. I found them to be the closest thing to a "regular" residential toilet, without the need for plumbing. There are many other, less expensive alternatives that can be utilized but are a bit less maintenance-free, uncomfortable and can be more expensive over time. I have also used a simple bucket with a heavy-duty trash bag liner, a toilet seat, made especially for 5-6 gallon buckets, with kitty litter and a product called "Poo Powder" to help control odor and solidify the waste. Your selection will depend on your circumstances, availability and budget. LAUNDRY: Doing Laundry in an Emergency Situation or Living Off-The-Grid GRAY WATER: Water should never be wasted. A graywater system is used to take water that has already been used from places like laundry, shower and sink and divert it to use for another purpose like watering gardens or landscaping instead of flushing it down into the sewer or running it into a field. Using a Solar Still, graywater can be converted to drinking water. Here are some resources for installing and using a graywater system. Depending on where it is to be installed, a government permit may be required. [Article 1]     [Article 2]     [Video 1]     [Video 1] POWER WASHING: With a 12-volt water pump (from a marine supply store) connected to my 12-volt batteries (to push the water to my Power Washer), and the pump placed between my water-collection barrel and my Power Washer (connected to my generator), I can power wash my ATV, cabin deck and anything else that needs an extra-powerful stream of water. A [clean] Lawn Sprayer may work as a less powerful alternative. SEE ALSO: Replenishable Water and Food Sources Toilet Paper Alternatives Coleman Hot Water On Demand Repairs [Reference Link]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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saronai · 3 months
Personal Post
Buckets of stress on chronic stress. Please be patient with me wherever however you know me for the forseeable future. A few longer reasons under the read more.
TLDR: I've been in housing instability since 2018 causing chronic stress and now have been served a notice of eviction and my landlord is probably committing something called "Self-help eviction" over the last year that might help our case. Regardless, I am currently the metaphoric portrayal of those stressful scenes in disaster movies where someone's trapped in a container filling up with water and their head keeps going under as they trash. They're fighting to take sips of air through the little gap between the uneven water surface. All while trying to help each other stay at the surface. Meanwhile, the gap between uneven water surface and ceiling is closing. And apparently we actually have to wait until the stage where we must all hold our breath (served official eviction court papers on March 6th) and pray the emergency housing structures and support are able to rescue us before we drown. Anyway researching all this and doing everything I can as I can on top of trying to work my ass off finding a job has become its own extremely exhausting, panicky full time job. Also the flooring in my kitchen is super unsafe (part of the possible case of "self-help eviction" going on). I am in high stress survival mode and with the state of the world as it is between queer rights violations, this shit election coming up, women's rights violations, Palestine, and more I am really losing my capacity to hope. All sources of trying to find uplifting motivational spiritual stuff are almost entirely religious and thus the opposite of helpful for someone like me who was spiritually and emotionally abused through childhood by their churches. If prayer, faith, and wishful thinking helped more than just a little placebo-effect, SO MANY more people would be saved from suffering, so many people DESERVE to be rescued. I deserve it, my family deserves it, and whatever you're going through right now if you're also trying not to drown under something, YOU also deserve that rescue. I hope we're one of the lucky stories. I'll fight to keep us all above that closing gap, but I'm finding it impossible to have any kind of faith. No matter the darkness, there's always a next sunrise. That's hope. I have hope. So long as I get to see a next sunrise, there's hope, and if I don't, my need to worry about it anyway is over.
I wish I had the capacity for faith in the universe or anything beyond me, but that's been abused out of me by now. I'm not suicidal, but there's definitely something wrong with the state of "but at least if I die in an accident of some kind this would be over for me." Which I actually fear not because I fear death anymore but because of how much harder that would be for my friends and family to weather on top of all this other shit. Maybe it's enough to have faith in humanity. There's so many ways in which we fall short or are downright horrible to each other and ourselves, but I do have faith in many of us to help who we can, to make the world better. Maybe even in at least half of us. Humanity might not be all-powerful and unfailing, but there are SO MANY we do help and not just each other. Humans are limited, so I only have hope, rather than faith that my family will be one of the lucky ones. We have friends and family ready to help however they can.
Doesn't stop me from being scared. Being a jobless financial burden on even more people in my life is a nightmare. The idea I might never get to see my cats and they'll always wonder what happened to us is even worse. I'll try to focus on faith in humanity, in the counter-measures put in place. And I want to thank those of you I've already opened up to for your support and willingness to help and for just being in my life in general. Without you I might not even have hope over the next sunrise.
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borgpsi · 2 years
It is virtually impossible to contain the Internet since it is as wide as the universe. The usage of the Internet has become even more limitless thanks to the Internet of Things. Everything is now connected to the Internet thanks to advances in technology. Switches, shoes, pens, and other everyday items may now be transformed into smart devices thanks to the technological advancement from giant supercomputers to chip-sized devices. We need to create an IoT dashboard so that we can get data from these devices, evaluate it, make predictions based on it, and show it.
One of the essential components needed to link intelligent devices to live things is an IoT dashboard. The main goal of creating an IoT dashboard is to evaluate the data gathered from smart devices and arrange it in a way that is legible by humans. IoT dashboards provide users the freedom to easily operate, arrange, organise, analyse, and manage information from any location in the globe.
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Understanding the criteria for a successful IoT dashboard is crucial before beginning the process of designing one. An effective IoT dashboard must have the following six components: data visualisation, data organisation, storage, real-time data collecting, data analysis, and data security.
Visualisation of data
Science states that human brains perceive information more quickly than it can be read. To efficiently aid in viewing each piece of data gathered from a device or sensor, an IoT dashboard should be created. The data may be more clearly structured and understood when it is visualised. The line chart, pie chart, bar chart, stats, histogram, gauges, and heat maps are often used as data visualisation tools.
The capacity to arrange the displayed data in an understandable manner is the next essential feature needed in an IoT dashboard. Critical, relevant, and inconsequential data should be segregated in accordance with how the data is organised.
Any quantity of data may be produced by an IoT device. As a result, an IoT dashboard should have storage space for the information gathered.
Collecting data in real time
Real-time data collection is the main objective of IoT devices. Consequently, real-time data collecting is a crucial component of a successful IoT dashboard.
Analyzing data
Although the data gathered by a smart gadget is necessary, the mass data cannot be considered valuable information. In order to extract the crucial data that might aid in growth and research, an IOT dashboard should be able to analyze the data.
One of the main issues in the technological age is data security. A good IoT dashboard guarantees data protection flawlessly and totally.
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The following actions should be taken before creating an IoT dashboard:
Create a list of the elements you wish to see on the IoT dashboard.
Analyse the gathering and processing of data.
the protocols are chosen.
Choose the sort of gates you’ll employ.
Make a circular framework using dashboards, devices, variables, and alerts.
Choose the gadget that will be plugged into the dashboard. It might be anything that is capable of gathering data.
Choose the network via which the device and dashboard will be linked.
Select the sort of connection you want to use, which might be device to device, device to the gateway, gateway to data systems, or data systems.
Knowing the elements of an IoT dashboard is the next duty to be completed after completing the aforementioned procedures. These elements can be the information you wish to see on the dashboard. Numerous data kinds are included, including status, map, camera data, temperature, date, time, graphics, data analysis graphs, bar charts, logs, and numerous values for various aspects.
All that’s left to do is connect the IoT dashboard to the device, put up your business logo, personalize the front end, and make it responsive.
By following the steps above, you can successfully design, construct, and deploy your own IoT dashboard, which will be used to store, organise, analyse, and protect all the data generated from connected devices.
PsiBorg an IoT solutions development company creates customised IoT dashboards and smart devices based on the needs of the customer.
This article was originally published here: HOW TO DEVELOP AN IOT DASHBOARD SUCCESSFULLY?
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silversatoru · 3 years
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birthdays don’t have to suck
fushiguro megumi x f!reader (elli)
synopsis: you get really sick on your birthday, but megumi makes sure that you still have a good day :))
t/w: fluff, reader is sick, vomiting, medicine (tylenol lol), some details pertain specifically to elli
wc: 2.2k
a/n: a small birthday present for the love of my life @megumifushi who never sleeps enough and is always sick,, i love u and i hope ur days not too bad <3
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you stared into your dimly lit laptop, red eyes squinting at the black text that sped across the screen as your fingers scrambled against the keys. you weren’t even sure that what you were writing was comprehensible at this point, but your essay that was due tomorrow morning wasn’t gonna write itself. at this point it just needed to get done, concerns of quality were thrown out the window hours ago.
aside from the burning and stinging in your eyes, your entire body ached, and you were ridden with chills and goosebumps. seemed like a fever was coming on, but you didn’t have the time or capacity to care about that right now. you’d pop a few tylenol and crawl into bed in a couple hours, and everything would be better tomorrow.
what time was it anyway? it couldn’t possibly be that late yet, right? 
you glanced to the corner of the screen, eyes falling on a bright 3:56am that made your heart sink and your eyes widen. you had a terrible habit of losing track of time and staying up into ungodly hours of the night — a habit that your wonderful boyfriend was trying so terribly hard to break. 
you glanced to your left and took in his sleeping form, his lips parted ever so slightly as he took small breaths of air. he’d be disappointed and upset with you if he knew how horrid your sleep schedule had been lately, and he’d probably blame your chills and headaches on your lack of sleep as well — which in all fairness was probably pretty accurate. 
“i’ll just finish this up real quick and then i promise i’ll sleep, ‘kay gumi?” you spoke softly, running your fingers through his soft, spiky hair. 
he was undisturbable, his mind off somewhere in a dreamland that was quite the distance from your small bedroom. and that was probably for the better, because him nagging at you to go to sleep would be too distracting for you to get your work done. 
your hands moved rapidly against the keyboard for about another hour, words spilling onto the screen until you finally hit the page requirement for your paper. it was probably terrible, most likely had a few words spelled wrong, and honestly you were pretty certain you’d repeated yourself several times, but fuck it — submit. you were typically an excellent student, so one bad paper wouldn’t kill you, and you were too tired and achy to care right now. 
you got up and placed your laptop onto your desk, plugging it in and letting a heavy sigh fall from your lips as you made your way back over to the bed. the soft blankets were therapeutically warm on your chilly skin as you crawled in against megumi’s back, effectively turning him into the little spoon and pressing your nose to the back of his neck. thankfully, sleep found you shortly after, your eyes fluttering shut as you drifted off into a much needed slumber. 
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wake up 
you woke up to small finger pokes to your cheek from megumi, his face laced with concern as your vision finally focused on his features. he bent over and pressed his lips to your forehead, pausing there for a fraction of a second and then standing back up. 
“i think you have a fever. i noticed when i woke up and you felt like a fucking space heater,” he frowned, confirming your initial suspicions from last night, “i’ll go get some medicine”.
you groggily nodded your head, shivers coursing through your body and dotting your extremities with goosebumps. your condition had definitely deteriorated overnight, your eyes stinging and a horrible nausea creeping up your throat. 
by the time he returned with the medicine you had yourself propped up against the pillows, thick blankets pulled up to your chin in an attempt to minimize the icy feeling in your body. he handed two small tylenol tablets to you with a disappointed look on his face — a look that said: i’m gonna kick your ass for not getting enough sleep again. 
“i’ll let everyone know you’re not feeling well enough to go out tonight,” he hummed as he handed you a glass of water, your brain filling with thick fog as you tried to decipher why he would need to let anyone know you were sick. 
the look of pure confusion signaled to him that you had no idea what he was talking about, megumi shaking his head before he spoke up again, “it’s your birthday, dumbass, we were supposed to get food and stuff with yuuji, inumaki, and nobara and maki”. 
forgetting about that was another habit you continued to succumb to every year.
“mm, shit,” you sighed after drinking back the pills, “i forgot”. 
“figured you would,” megumi clicked his tongue, “but i didn’t, because i’m a good boyfriend. can you drag yourself out to the kitchen? you should eat”.
“don’t think so,” you mumbled, attempting to disappear back under the blankets before he could coerce you to follow him outside of the bedroom. 
but megumi is impossibly even more stubborn than you are, wrapping his arms under your body and lifting you to his chest, “guess i’ll just have to carry you then”. 
“fine,” you let out a long groan — was it a bit dramatic? maybe. but in your defense you felt like you’d been hit with a train.
he peppered your face with kisses as he carried you out of the bedroom, lovingly setting you down on one of the high bar stools around your kitchen table. he instructed you to stay in the chair, abruptly returning to the bedroom to bring out a couple blankets to wrap around your shoulders. you were grateful for the extra heat, you body still shaking and shivering as the medications worked to cure your fever. 
megumi was a man of few words, preferring to display his love for you through acts of service than grand confessions, and this was very eminent when he wordlessly grabbed a couple pots and began cooking for you. you let your face fall onto your arms, resting your chin as you watched him silently shuffle between the stove and the pantry. the silence was comfortable, and you weren't going to complain about watching your muscular boyfriend walk around the kitchen in nothing but a pair of loose, plaid pajama pants. 
a few minutes later he was placing a steaming bowl of soup and a couple slices of baked bread in front of you, a savory scent flooding your nostrils. 
“red lentil,” he spoke as he handed you a spoon, “it’s your favorite, so you better eat it”. 
“yes, sir,” you gave him a small smile, dipping the cool metal into the hot liquid and scooping a spoonful into your mouth. 
“all of it”
“yes, megumi, i will try”
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to no surprise, the soup went down pretty fucking horribly, your head hanging low over the toilet while megumi held your hair out of the way. your throat was practically raw by the time you were done heaving and vomiting up the meal, your eyes brimming with hot tears. 
megumi tied your hair up in a neat bun so he could step away, filling up a glass with water and carefully helping you to take small sips and rinse out your mouth. he was tedious with the clean up, washing your face and helping you brush your teeth — ensuring that you felt the best you could given the situation. he then scooped you back into his arms, carrying you back to bed and profusely apologizing for making you eat the soup — but he was just trying to make you feel better, he really was doing his best.
you were ready to add today to your long list of terrible birthdays, chalking it up as another failed attempt, but megumi was not about to let that happen. he knew you had a rough history with birthdays, but now that he was here? you’d have a bad birthday over his dead body. 
he scoured the back of your fridge for ginger ale, gatorade, jello, and whatever else he could find to make you the perfect sick-person platter. and he made sure he was logged into every streaming service that the two of you collectively owned, preparing netflix, hulu, and crunchy roll so that he could easily access every single one of your favorite shows and movies. and so you spent the majority of your day tucked safely against megumi’s chest, forcing down small sips of ginger ale and watching an assortment of tv. 
your phone rang at some point — a facetime call from all of your friends who had gotten together so they could all wish you a collective happy birthday. megumi stuck a singular candle into a cup of blue-raspberry jello and ignited it with a small flame; and then they all sang the most terrible rendition of “happy birthday” that you’d ever heard, yuuji’s voice a little louder and little more out-of-tune than everyone else's.
you mustered enough energy to blow out the flame, everyone cheering while megumi shoveled a scoop of the blue jelly into your mouth. you swallowed it with a smile, praying it stayed down while everyone sent you off with an assortment of “feel better!”, “we love you!”, and “wish you were here!”
your night got pretty quiet after that, you and megumi climbing back under the covers to watch a few more episodes of your new favorite anime. it wasn’t until well into the night that he finally asked you if he could give you the presents he’d gotten for you. reluctantly, you said yes. you hated receiving gifts (it was just one of the many reasons you hated your birthday) but you knew that megumi wasn’t going to take no for answer. 
he was obviously nervous, palms sweaty as he handed you a couple neatly wrapped packages in plain, solid colored paper. they were very megumi, perfect folds with not a single crease, the paper simple yet elegant and adorned with a singular bow on top. 
you hesitantly peeled the paper off the smaller of the two, revealing a tiny box that contained a classic looking silver locket. you felt your heart pinch in your chest as you clicked the locket open and revealed two small pictures of each of the two of you. you weren’t particularly sentimental, but on top of your lack of sleep and not feeling very well, the simple gift caused few tears to well up in your eyes. but he was quick to wipe them away, insisting that you had to open the second gift first, and that birthdays weren’t meant for crying. 
you followed his instructions, ripping open the second package and revealing a larger box that contained a series of envelopes. each one was decorated with tiny doodles of you and megumi, his demon dogs, hearts, etc. they were sickeningly cute, and you immediately reached for the first one before megumi reached out and stopped you. 
“they’re not for now; they’re for when i’m gone, you know, on missions and stuff,” he could barely even maintain eye contact, his eyes dipping low as yours filled back up with tears. 
despite your lack of energy and the fever that was starting to return, you showered him in hugs and kisses after that, thanking him over and over for the most perfect gifts, and for making your day as wonderful as it could have been. 
all things aside, you were coming around to the idea that birthday’s don’t have to suck. 
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bonus: the first letter: 
to y/n:
i know im not great at telling you what i have to say through words, actually, i’m kind of really bad at it. but i thought writing these might be a nice way to try and get better? i’m not sure. anyway, i guess i’ll start by saying that you mean a lot to me, and i probably miss you a lot right now (even though ill be too afraid to reach out and say it). not sure how long i’ll be gone for at the time but it’s probably a few days at least. gonna work hard so i can hurry back to see you. 
i hope you’re sleeping enough, but i know you’re not. you never do, especially when i’m not there to yell at you. i hope you’re eating enough too. but you’re probably also not doing that. you’re like taking care of a stubborn child, you know that? but this is supposed to be a love letter so i’ll try to refrain from scolding you too much. but do try to take care of yourself. ill see you soon. 
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A Review of Loki (2021)
[The following is an exact transcription of Twitter user @/diolesbian ‘s thread linked here . They gave me permission to cross-post their thread on my Tumblr. Keep in mind that this review is fairly long and quite critical of the series. I agree with this review wholeheartedly, and would be welcome to discuss it with anyone else.] 
Loki is a character who has died many times, but his own series may be his most brutal character assassination yet.
1.  Loki’s role in the series. Instead of tackling Loki's most villainous state of mind in Avengers 1, the series literally speedran through his development in the subsequent films, after which they almost entirely halted his character progression.
Because this series was set right after Avengers 1 it had the responsibility of developing Loki further in place of The Dark World and Ragnarok. In Episode 1, this development was kicked off by having Loki watch a reel of some of his defining moments in the MCU, allowing him to see his future all the way up to his death in Infinity War. Sadly, this scene ended up being the most development he received in the entire series. And arguably, this isn’t even true development but more like a speedrun of his character up until that point, serving as a simple tactic to explain why he wouldn’t be acting all dictatorial and murderous during his own series. As soon as he had been made “good” (read: docile) enough to follow along with the plot, his agency was completely thrown out. From that point on, the series wasn’t about Loki making things happen but about things happening to Loki.
Loki was supposed to be the main character, but he wasn't the protagonist in this story. In fact, he was more of a side character than we’ve ever seen him be in the MCU before, perhaps excepting IW and Endgame.
A protagonist is by definition someone whose important decisions affect the plot, whose development is followed most closely by the audience, and who is opposed by an antagonist. Loki exhibited none of these traits in this series. Especially the latter half of the story, he was reduced to simply reacting to the revelations around him, such as the reveal that the TVA members were all variants and that Kang was the true mastermind behind everything. He never truly involved himself or acted based on any of these plot points, and hardly played a key role in what was supposed to be his own story. Even in the films, where Loki is a side character, he makes choices which impact the plot to a larger extent. He almost seems more like a background character in the role of protagonist than in the parts he plays in the films.
2. The antagonist. The TVA could have worked as the perfect setting for Loki to have a new arc. It’s a thematic antithesis to who we know Loki to be. But when this Loki turns out to not be who the audience thought he was the TVA’s thematic significance falls apart as well.
In Episode 1, the TVA’s Agent Mobius enlists the help of Loki the Variant to pin down a greater foe who we are told is another, more malicious version of Loki. Order and chaos meeting in the middle, teaming up to take down an enemy, who even happens to be the protagonists’ literal evil self: that works, it sounds promising. But this dynamic is soon undermined when Loki leaves with Sylvie. Still, the benefit of the doubt is easy to grant here: a story about tricksters is bound to contain twists. But by Episode 3 the series is halfway done and the TVA has been appointed as the main antagonist again: we’ve now established villains three different times. And then the Cloud Monster At The End Of Time is introduced, and finally Kang. In other words, the Loki series has no consistent antagonist, no one to pit its main character against. And this is where we once again miss out on an enormous aspect of Loki’s potential characterization.
Protagonists are always defined by an antagonist, whether a purple Titan, a flat tire, or themself. Loki is not given anything to define his morals, motivations, or development in opposition to and this is a huge oversight. Especially given the fact that Loki has taken on the villain’s role in the past: how is the audience supposed to know that the “bad guy” is now a “good guy” if there’s no “even worse guy” to stand up against?
3. The plot. A plot should show off its MC’s strengths and match their personality. The Loki plot hardly relied on his presence at all, he didn't play a key role. The story had so little to do with Loki that it seemed as though he has barely any impact on “his” narrative.
One of the most central conflicts in the Loki series doesn’t involve him at all: it’s between Sylvie and the TVA. This plotline was a good concept overall, but its main problem is that it’s practically the only conflict in the series. Loki himself, as mentioned before, isn’t set in opposition to anything or anyone. And thanks to his relationships with Sylvie and Mobius being weakened by conflicting storytelling devices, he appears to be in a bubble by himself away from the rest of the cast for much of the story. First he follows Mobius around, then Sylvie, then he wanders aimlessly in the void before following Sylvie once again and learning that Kang is a Really Bad Guy who he should be opposed to even though by this point he has interacted so little with the story unfolding around him that the audience doesn’t even understand why he should be choosing to play the hero.
The plot and the characters both suffer by being so incredibly unrelated to each other. A series, especially an MCU one, should tell an overarching narrative through the perspective of its main character.
In the beginning of the series, when Loki was still getting his bearings in the TVA, this lack of decision-making was more understandable, especially since some of his skills were still being shown-- he discovered Sylvie was hiding in nexus events, and he made the choice to leave Mobius and follow her. But by the latter half of the series he still hasn’t had much impact on the story or taken any actions of his own, and simply allows plot points to happen to him. Just because the Loki series had to introduce the TVA and Kang didn’t mean it had to forgo telling a story about its protagonist. If Loki’s story had been intrinsically tied to the overarching plot points, if his choices had been some of the primary factors determining how events ended up taking place, the series would have succeeded in every aspect. But instead Loki is pushed aside by the plot of his own series, a plot which subsequently ends up coming across as largely hollow and pointless due to its lack of character drive.
4. Loki’s arc. One of the main reasons MCU Loki is loved is for his excellent character development across his films. TVA Loki was extremely lacking in that aspect and chances to take his character in interesting new self-aware directions were thrown away without much thought.
Throughout the MCU, Loki is on a journey with many highs and lows. He goes from a bitter and disheartened prince standing in the shadow of his brother, to a self-loathing Jotun bent on destroying his own people in a desperate attempt to win his father’s love, to a half-mad partially mind-controlled dictator with delusions of grandeur fueled by his own insecurity, to a prisoner wondering what there is left for him to lose, to a savior of Asgard’s people finally coming to accept his place in what is left of his family, to a tragic sacrificial victim who knew he had to die so the true hero might live on. That’s a hell of a journey, incidentally shown in less than TWO HOURS of screen time, and the prospect of TVA Loki embarking on an equally stimulating one, this time told over the course of over four hours and shown from his own perspective the entire way through, was exciting. But as it turned out, this relatively simple expectation went completely unmet.
For a story trying to say so much about individuality and self-acceptance, the Loki series seemed to pass by every obvious opportunity to tackle those questions.
Sylvie’s introduction seemed like a good idea at first: Loki would be able to literally bond with himself and learn to accept who he is that way, and forays could be made to explore what Loki’s personality could have been like if he grew up under different circumstances! But aside from a scene or two in Episode 3, this was not how things ended up going. Loki didn’t come to any grand or important conclusions about his identity, he didn’t choose to act differently, all that happened was a vaguely-worded confession of pseudo-romantic feelings which was cut off in the middle, made no sense, and weakened the narrative in a whole host of other ways explained elsewhere. Loki’s encounter with other versions of themself in the Void was similarly meaningless: Loki didn’t end up expressing or demonstrating a single thing he learned from meeting all of those alternate selves, despite the fact that there was potential for massive self-discovery there.
Less than 2 hours of MCU screen time portrayed Loki more coherently than this entire series. Loki is loved because of how much he changes, and it felt like he didn’t in this series. He started off lost and stayed that way throughout the entire plot.
By the end of the series, it was impossible to identify who Loki had become. He said he didn’t want a throne, but it was not obvious why not. He looked sad to be betrayed by Sylvie, but never expressed what that meant to him. He seemed afraid once Kang was unleashed, but why? Why did he care about the Sacred Timeline? What were his motivations? Throughout the series the answers to these questions became less and less obvious, culminating in the final episode which ended without a single moment of reflection or explanation as to who Loki had become. He wasn’t a villain, but only because he wasn’t murdering people. He was in some capacity a hero, for… being against Kang, probably, but once again with no explanation as to why Loki had decided to feel that way. He never seemed self-assured in his heroism, as if he hadn’t chosen the role for himself. Again, making one’s own choices that shape the narrative are what differentiates a protagonist from a side character, but Loki did not do that in this series.
5. Loki and Sylvie’s relationship. Loki and Sylvie had the potential to be a powerful duo representing the process of self-acceptance but instead they were reduced to a strange pseudo-romance.
Despite Loki’s many developments in the films, he never truly liked himself. He has been known to act extremely confident and self-righteous at times, but this is merely the opposite side of the coin containing his self-loathing and insecurity. Having him literally meet and subsequently befriend himself in Episode 3 was a move towards developing this aspect of him and potentially teaching him to finally accept himself as he truly is, but this buildup was all shattered in Episode 4 when the relationship is portrayed to have romantic undertones. Instead of a powerful struggle to accept oneself, the relationship between Loki and Sylvie becomes a twisted thing which is memeable at best (selfcest LOL amirite?) and outright damaging to both characters and the very concept of loving oneself at worst.
Ultimately, Loki and Sylvie's relationship didn’t add anything to either character’s development and actively detracted from what could have been a touching story.
Romantic love is extremely different from self love; romantic love has connotations including dating conventions and sexuality which are impossible to ignore and in this case serve as a distraction. And on top of ruining a potentially powerful storyline, this strange relationship makes both Loki and Sylvie seem out of character. Loki is once again one thousand years old and he has never even had a true friend, so why would he possibly fall for someone after knowing them for only two days? Meanwhile in Sylvie’s case, Loki’s “feelings” for her cause the audience to pay more attention to her romantic life and gestures rather than her actual character and motivations.
6. Loki’s Sexuality and Gender Fluidity. Loki’s sexuality and gender has been shown in several comic runs, and the series was advertised as featuring this representation as well. But due to several fundamental errors and problematic storytelling this also fell flat.
Sylvie’s introduction filled many fans with hope regarding the portrayal of Loki’s identity. In the MCU neither of their LGBT identities had ever been touched upon, while the series introduced a female variant of Loki and explicitly stated their sexuality. But this portrayal soon unraveled, most notably in Episode 5, in which many other Loki variants were shown but not a single one besides Sylvie was non-male. On top of that, when TVA Loki mentioned Sylvie and referred to her as “a woman Variant of us”, the other Lokis agreed that that sounded “terrifying”. Why should a genderfluid being be afraid of a version of themselves presenting as a different gender? It read as both fluidphobic not to mention strangely sexist.
The pseudo-romance between Loki and Sylvie only aggravated the situation. Not only did the nature of the “relationship” seem to follow heteronormative storytelling tropes (falling in love after a couple days of knowing each other, one party being reduced to a love interest, valuing romantic love above any other type, etc) but it also seemed distressing and offensive to many genderfluid people. A romance between a male and a female Loki, one of which doesn’t even call herself by that name, seems to be implying that an individual becomes someone else when merely presenting as a different gender, which of course isn’t at all the case. The writing wasn’t necessarily malicious here, but it was certainly ignorant and potentially even harmful. The opportunity was there to translate Loki’s powerful comic representation into the framework of the MCU, but this attempt did not succeed.
7. Loki’s characterization. Loki is a chameleon, but there are certain traits fundamental to his character. These traits were either ignored or actively mocked in the series. The audience already knew “what makes a Loki a Loki", but the series threw that knowledge away.
Episode 1’s premise of stripping Loki of everything he is used to was an intriguing setup to ensure the discovery of the core of who Loki truly is. The only problem was that this truth didn’t end up being found at all. Mobius made fun of Loki’s most defining traits, such as his habits of lying to manipulate people and acting out of a place of insecurity, which seemed to be a signal for the narrative to forbid Loki from exhibiting any of those traits from that point on in any way. This reduction in Loki’s character was reflected in everything, from his lack of humor (in the films he’s even funny while he’s taking over the world!), the underpowered way in which he fought against Sylvie (he’ll use magic to dry his clothes, but fight with a damn vacuum cleaner?) to the way that he wore the same boring outfit in every single episode-- it may sound shallow, but clothes are important when presenting a character. Every one of Loki’s looks in the films said something about him and his state of mind, and sadly that bland TVA outfit seemed to convey that Loki really was nothing more than a subservient pawn in what was supposed to be his own story. Ironically, the writing stripped Loki of everything that made him Loki, and left us with nothing but a Jotun-shaped void to be swayed by the whims and wills of the characters and plot devices surrounding him.
8. Loki’s past and abilities. This series could have elaborated on aspects of his character which had been teased at in the films and theorized about by fans, but ended up being a disappointment in this aspect as well.
Aside from Loki’s characterization and development, something else the series ignores is much of his canon story in the films. Since Thor 1, a truth that always overshadowed Loki was his Jotun heritage. He struggled with it up until the time of his death, clearly visible in his relationship with his foster family. It’s understandable that Loki was supposed to be independent from Thor in his series, but that’s no excuse for completely ignoring this central part of who Loki is. It doesn’t matter how much he goes through or how much his circumstances change, this feeling of unbelonging sits deep in Loki’s core and should have been both explored and explicitly discussed in the series. A series all about Loki was the perfect opportunity for him to finally confront and explain his relationship with his heritage, and potentially come to terms with it as well. And this isn’t even to say how cool some more insight on Loki’s Jotun inheritance could have been-- hypotheticals aren’t the point of this review, but it would have been fascinating to see Loki reacting adversely to heat like he has been hinted to in the past or even using his ice powers like he did in Thor 1.
Loki's magic was tragically underused. It felt like he was stripped of all of his magical powers even after his TVA chains had been removed, and this was never explained.
A second huge oversight is his magic. His powers are all over the place in this series. They were always a bit vague in the films, but this series was the opportunity to set that right and explain exactly what Loki was capable of as a sorcerer, especially now that the MCU has embraced magic more than it had ten years ago. But instead, Loki showcased an inexplicable lack of magic use-- again, the vacuum cleaner fight can be presented as evidence. There is a single scene in which Loki says that he learned his magic from Frigga, but no information is given as to how much he learned or why he doesn’t always favor spells. His power levels are incredibly inconsistent (he forgoes using magic when first confronted by the TVA, but is later shown using telekinesis to save himself from being literally crushed to death). And, strangest of all, there is a scene in which he tells Sylvie that he “can’t” enchant living beings. Loki, the millennium year old Trickster sorcerer god, who can hold an Infinity Stone with his bare hands, reanimate Surtur in the Eternal Flame, and trick the average person using illusions with ease, can’t cast a little enchantment? And if so, why not? The series offered precious few explanations concerning Loki’s magical abilities and instead only raised more questions. And in this way, Loki is once again relegated into the background and left with not a single shred of any new characterization or development. 
Loki contains multitudes, but the series reduced him to two dimensions.
This isn’t to mention every other facet of Loki’s story that could have potentially been explored to great success in this series-- his torture and subsequent partial mental influence at the hands of Thanos just before the events of Avengers 1 is one obvious example, as is his youth on Asgard, as are his suicidal tendencies (people don’t tend to survive falling off the Bifrost, and he knew that when he threw himself off of it), plus infinite other facets of him. Of course, it was both necessary and more interesting for this series to be its own story rather than one which lingered on past films-- but that’s not to say that none of these plot points should have come back, at least subtly, to play a role in this story. Plot points exist to be brought back later, not completely ignored. Otherwise a story may as well be written about a completely original character.
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pumpkinpaix · 4 years
Hi! Loving your meta on suibian :)) Just wondering what were your frustrations with cql, especially considered you've watched this in multiple mediums? (I've only watched cql)
Hi anon! thank you so much!
Oh boy, you’ve unlocked a boatload of hidden dialogue, are you ready?? :D (buckle up it’s oof. Extremely Long)
@hunxi-guilai please consider this my official pitch for why I think the novel is worth reading, if only so you can enjoy the audio drama more fully. ;)
a few things before I get into it:
I don’t want to make this a 100% negative post because I really do love CQL so much! So I’m going to make it two parts: the changes that frustrated me the most and the changes I loved the most re: CQL vs novel. (again, don’t really know anything about donghua or manhua sorry!!) Sound good? :D
this will contain spoilers for the entirety of CQL and the novel. just like. All of it.
talking about the value of changes in CQL is difficult because I personally don’t know what changes were made for creative reasons and what changes were made for censorship reasons. I don’t think it’s entirely fair to evaluate the narrative worth of certain changes when I don’t know what their limitations were. It’s not just a matter of “gay content was censored”; China also has certain censorship restrictions on the portrayal of the undead, among other things. I, unfortunately, am not familiar enough with the ins and outs of Chinese censorship to be able to tell anyone with certainty what was and wasn’t changed for what reason. So I guess just, take whatever my opinions are with a grain of salt! I will largely avoid addressing issues related to how explicitly romantic wangxian is, for obvious reasons.
OKAY. In order to impose some kind of control on how much time I spend on this, I’m going to limit myself to four explicated points in each category, best/worst. Please remember that I change my opinions constantly, so these are just like. the top contenders at this specific point in my life. Starting with the worst so we can end on a positive note!
Henceforth, the novel is MDZS, CQL is CQL.
CQL’s worst crimes, according to cyan:
1. Polarizing Wei Wuxian and Jin Guangyao on the moral spectrum
I’ve heard rumors that this was a censorship issue, but I have never been able to confirm or deny it, so. Again, grain of salt. 
The way that CQL reframed Wei Wuxian and Jin Guangyao’s character arcs drives me up the wall because I think it does a huge disservice to both of them and the overarching themes of the story. Jin Guangyao is shown to be responsible for pretty much all the tragedy post-Sunshot, which absolves Wei Wuxian of all possible wrongdoing and flattens Jin Guangyao into a much less interesting villain.
What I find so interesting about MDZS is how much it emphasizes the role of external forces and situations in determining a person’s fate: that being “good” or “righteous” at heart is simply not enough. You can do everything with all the best intentions and still do harm, still fail, still lose everything. Even “right” choices can have terrible consequences. Everyone starts out innocent. “In this world, everyone starts without grievances, but there is always someone who takes the first blow.”
It matters that Wei Wuxian is the one who loses control and kills Jin Zixuan, that his choices (no matter how impossible and terrible the situation) had consequences because the whole point is that even good people can be forced into corners where they do terrible things. Being good isn’t enough. You can do everything right, make every impossible choice, and fail. You can do the right thing and be punished for it. Maybe you did the right thing, but others suffer for your actions. Is that still the right thing? Is it your fault? Is it? By absolving Wei Wuxian of any conceivable blame, it really changes the narrative conclusion. In MDZS, even the best people can do incomprehensible harm when backed into corners, and the audience is asked to evaluate those actions with nuance. Is a criminal fully culpable for the harm they do when their external circumstances forced them into situations where they felt like they had no good choices left?
Personally, I feel like the novel asks you to forgive Wei Wuxian his wrongs, and, in paralleling him with Jin Guangyao, shows how easily they could have been one another. Both of them are extraordinarily talented sons of commoners; the difference lies in what opportunities they were given as they were growing up and how they choose to react to grievances. Wei Wuxian is adopted early on into the head family of a prominent sect and treated (more or less—not going to get into it) like a son. Jin Guangyao begs, borrows, steals, kills for every scrap of prestige and honor he gets and understands that his position in life is, at all points, extraordinarily unstable. Wei Wuxian doesn’t take his grievances to heart, but Jin Guangyao does.
To be clear, I don’t think the novel places a moral value on holding grudges, if that makes sense. I think MDZS only indicates that acts of vengeance always lead to more bloodshed—that the only escape is to lay down your arms, no matter how bitter the taste. Wei Wuxian was horribly wronged in many ways, and I don’t think I would fault him for wanting revenge or holding onto his anger—but I do think it’s clear that if he did, it would destroy him. It destroys Jin Guangyao, after all.
(It also destroys Xue Yang, and I think the parallel actually also extends to him. Yi City, to me, is a very interesting microcosm of a lot of broader themes in MDZS, and I have a lot of Thoughts on Xue Yang and equivalent justice, etc. etc. but. Thoughts for another time.)
Wei Wuxian is granted a happy ending not because he is Good, but because public opinion has changed, because there’s a new scapegoat, because he is protected by someone in power, because he lets go of the past, and because the children see him for who he is. I really do think that the reason MDZS and CQL have a hopeful ending as opposed to a bleak one hinges on the juniors. We are shown very clearly throughout the story how easily and quickly the tide of public opinion turns. The reason we don’t fear that it’s going to happen to Wei Wuxian again (or any other surviving character we love) is, I think, because the juniors, who don’t lose their childhoods to war, have the capacity to see past their parents’ prejudices and evaluate the actions of the people in front of them without having their opinions clouded by intense trauma and fear. They are forged out of love, not fire.
In CQL however, it emphasizes that Wei Wuxian is Fundamentally Good and did No Wrong Ever, so he deserves his happy ending, while Jin Guangyao is Fundamentally Bad and Responsible For Everything, so he got what was coming to him (even if we feel bad for him maybe). That’s not nearly as interesting or meaningful. 

(One specific change to Jin Guangyao’s timeline of evil that I find particularly vexing, not including the one I will discuss in point 2, is changing when Jin Rusong was conceived. In the novel, Qin Su is supposedly already pregnant by the time they get married, and that matters a WHOLE LOT when evaluating Jin Guangyao’s actions, I think.)
2. Wen POWs used as target obstacles at Baifeng Mountain
I know the first point was “here’s an overarching plot change that I think deeply impacts the narrative themes” and this second one is “I despise this one specific scene detail so much”, but HEAR ME OUT. It’s related to the first point! (tbh, most things are related to the first point)
Personally, I think this one detail character assassinates like. almost everyone in attendance, but most egregiously in no particular order: Jin Guangyao, Jin Zixuan (and by extension, Jiang Yanli), Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen.
First, I think it’s a cheap plot device that’s obviously meant to enhance Jin Guangyao’s ~villainy while emphasizing Wei Wuxian’s growing righteous anger, but it fails so spectacularly, god, I literally hate this detail so much lmao. I’ll go by character.
Jin Guangyao: I get that CQL is invested in him being a ~bad person~ or whatever, but this is such a transparently like, cartoon villain move that lacks subtlety and elegance. Jin Guangyao is very dedicated to being highly diplomatic, appeasing, and non-threatening in his bid for power. He manipulates behind the scenes, does his father’s dirty work, etc. but he always shows a gentle, smiling face. This display tips his hand pretty obviously, and even if it were at the behest of his father, there’s literally no reason for him to be so “ohohoho I’m so evil~” about it—if anything, this would only serve to drive his sympathizers away. It’s a stupid move for him politically, and really undercuts his supposed intelligence and cleverness, in my personal opinion.
Jin Zixuan: yes, he is arrogant and vain and likes to show off! But putting his ego above the safety of innocent people? Like, not necessarily OOC, but it sure makes him much less sympathetic in my eyes. I find it hard to believe that Jiang Yanli would find this laudable or acceptable, but she’s given a few shots where she smiles with some kind of pride and it’s like. No! Do not do my queen dirty like this. She wouldn’t!
Wei Wuxian: where do I start! WHERE DO I START. Wei Wuxian is shown to be “righteously angry” about this, but steps down mutinously when Jiang Cheng motions him back. He looks shocked and outraged at Jin Zixuan for showing off with no concern for the safety of the Wen POWs, only to like, two seconds later, do the exact same thing, but worse! And at the provocation of Jin Zixun, no less! *screams into hands* The tonal shift is bizarre! We’re in this really tense ~moral quandary~, but then he flirts with Lan Wangji for a second (tense music still kinda playing?? it’s awful. I hate it), and then does his trickshot. You know! Putting all these people he’s supposedly so concerned about at risk! To one-up Jin Zixuan! It’s nonsensical. It’s such a conflict of priorities. This is supposed to make him seem honorable and cool, I guess? But it mostly just makes him look like a performative hypocrite. :///
Lan Wangji: I cannot believe that Lan Wangji saw this and did not immediately walk out in protest.
Lan Xichen: this is just one part of a larger problem with Lan Xichen’s arc in CQL vs MDZS, where his character development was an unwitting casualty of both wangxian censorship and CQL’s quest to demonize Jin Guangyao. One of the prevailing criticisms I see of Lan Xichen’s character is that he is a “centrist”, that he “allows bad things to happen through his inaction and desire to avoid conflict”, and that he is “stupid and willfully blind to Jin Guangyao’s faults”, when I don’t think any of this is supported by evidence in the novel whatsoever. Jin Guangyao is a subtle villain! He is a talented manipulator and liar! Even Wei Wuxian says it in the novel!
(forgive my rough translations /o\)
Chapter 49, as Wei Wuxian (through Empathy with Nie Mingjue’s head) listens to Lan Xichen defend Meng Yao immediately following Wen Ruohan’s assassination:
Wei Wuxian shook his head to himself: “This Zewu-jun is still…… too pure and kind.” But then he thought again—he could only be so guarded because he already knew of all of Jin Guangyao’s suspicious behavior, but the Meng Yao before Lan Xichen was someone who had had no choice but to suffer in silence for his mission, who placed himself in grave danger, alone, undercover. The two of them had different perspectives, so how could their feelings be compared?
Chapter 63, after Wei Wuxian wakes up in the Cloud Recesses, having been brought there by Lan Wangji:
It wasn’t that he couldn’t understand Lan Xichen. He had seen Jin Guangyao from Nie Mingjue’s perspective, and so had seen all of his treacherous and cunning obsession with ambition. However, if Jin Guangyao had for all these years only shown Lan Xichen a disguise, there was no reason for [Lan Xichen] to believe a famously violent person [Wei Wuxian] over his own sworn brother.
Lan Xichen, throughout the story, is being actively lied to and manipulated by Jin Guangyao. His only “mistake” was being kind and trying to give Meng Yao, someone who came from a place of great disadvantage, the benefit of the doubt instead of immediately dismissing him as worthless due to his birth or his station in life. Lan Xichen sees Meng Yao as someone who was forced to make impossible choices in impossible situations—you know, the way that we, the audience, are led to perceive Wei Wuxian. The only difference is that the story that we’re given about Wei Wuxian is true, while the story that Lan Xichen is given about Meng Yao is… not. But how would have have known?
The instant he is presented with a shred of evidence to the contrary, he revokes Jin Guangyao’s access to the Cloud Recesses, pursues that evidence to the last, and is horrified to discover that his trust was misplaced.
Lan Xichen’s willingness to consider different points of view is integral to Wei Wuxian’s survival and eventual happiness. Without Lan Xichen’s kindness, there is no way that Wei Wuxian would have ever been able to clear his name. Everyone else was calling for his blood, but Lan Wangji took him home, and Lan Xichen not only allowed it, he listened to and helped them. To the characters of the book who are not granted omniscient knowledge of Wei Wuxian’s actions and circumstances, there is literally no difference between Wei Wuxian and Jin Guangyao. Lan Xichen is being incredibly fair when he asks in chapter 63:
Lan Xichen laughed and said, “Wangji, how can you determine exactly who should and should not be believed?”
He looked at Wei Wuxian and said, “You believe Wei-gongzi, but I believe Jin Guangyao. Neither of us saw with our own eyes whether Da-ge’s head was in his possession. We base our opinions on our own understandings of someone else, our belief in their testimony.
“You think you understand Wei Wuxian, and so you trust him; I also think I understand Jin Guangyao, so I trust him. You trust your own judgment, so can’t I trust my own judgment as well?”
But he hears them out, examines the proof, and acts immediately.
I really do feel like this aspect of Lan Xichen kind of… became collateral damage in CQL. Because Jin Guangyao is so much more publicly malicious, Lan Xichen’s alleged “lack of action” feels much less understandable or acceptable.
It is wild to me that in this scene, Lan Xichen reacts with discomfort to the proceedings, but has nothing to say to Jin Guangyao about it afterwards and also applauds Wei Wuxian’s archery. (I could talk about Nie Mingjue here as well, but I would say Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen have very different perspectives on morality, so this moment isn’t necessarily OOC for NMJ, but I do think is very OOC for LXC.) This scene (among a few others that have Jin Guangyao being more openly “evil”) makes Lan Xichen look like a willfully blind bystander by the end of the story, but having him react with any action would have been inconvenient for the plot. Thus, he behaves exactly as he did in the book, but under very different circumstances. It reads inconsistently with the rest of his character (since a lot of the beats in the novel still happen in the show), and weakens the narrative surrounding his person.
None of these overt displays of cruelty or immorality happen in the book, so it makes perfect sense that he doesn’t do or suspect anything! Jin Guangyao is, as stated, perfectly disguised towards Lan Xichen. You can’t blame him for “failing to act” when someone was purposefully keeping him in the dark and, from his perspective, there was nothing to act upon.
This scene specifically is almost purely lighthearted in the novel! If you take out the Wen POWs, this just becomes a fun scene where Wei Wuxian shows off, flirts with Lan Wangji, gets into a pissing match with Jin Zixuan, and is overall kind of a brat! It’s great! I love this scene! The blindfolded shot is ridiculous and over-the-top and very cute!
I know this is a lot of extrapolation, but the whole scene is soured for me due to you know. *gestures upwards* Which is really a shame because it’s one of my favorite silly scenes in the book! Alas! @ CQL why! ;A;
3. Lan Xichen already being an adult and sect leader at the start of the show
This is rapidly becoming a, “Lan Xichen was Wronged and I Have the Receipts” essay (oh no), but you know what, that’s fine I guess! I never said I was impartial!
CQL makes Lan Xichen seem much older and more experienced than he is in the novel, though we’re not given his specific age. In the novel, he is not sect leader yet when Wei Wuxian and co. arrive at the Cloud Recesses for lectures. His father, Qingheng-jun, is in seclusion, and his uncle is the de facto leader of the sect. Lan Xichen does not become sect leader until his father dies at the burning of the Cloud Recesses. Moreover, my understanding of the text is that he is at most 19 years old when this happens. Wen Ruohan remarks that Lan Xichen is still a junior at the beginning of the Sunshot Campaign in chapter 61. (If someone has a different interpretation of the term 小辈, please correct me.) In any case! Lan Xichen is young.
Lan Xichen ascends to power under horrific circumstances: he is not an adult, his father has just been murdered, his uncle seriously injured, his brother kidnapped, and his home burnt to the ground. He is on the run, alone! Carrying the sacred texts of his family and trying to stay alive so his sect is not completely wiped out on the eve of war! He is terrified, inexperienced, and unprepared!
You know, just like Jiang Cheng, a few months later!
I see a lot of people lambasting Lan Xichen for not stepping up to protect the Wen remnants post-Sunshot, but I’m always flummoxed by the accusations because I don’t see criticisms of Jiang Cheng with remotely the same vitriol, even though their political positions are nearly identical:
they are both extraordinarily young sect leaders who came to power before they expected to through incredible violence done to their families
because of this, they are in very weak political positions: they have very little experience to offer as evidence of their competence and right to respect. if they are considered adults, they have only very recently come of age.
Jin Guangshan, who is rapidly and greedily taking the place of the Wen clan in the vacuum of power, is shown to be more than willing to mow people down to get what he wants—and he has the power to do so.
both Yunmeng Jiang and Gusu Lan were crippled by the Wen clan prior to Sunshot. And they just fought a war that lasted two and a half years. they are hugely weakened and in desperate need of time to rebuild, mourn, etc. both Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen are responsible for the well-being of all of these people who are now relying upon them.
I think it’s very obvious that Jiang Cheng is in an impossible situation because he wears his fears and insecurities on his face and people in power (cough Jin Guangshan) prey upon that, while we, as the audience, have a front row seat for that whole tragedy. We understand his choices, even if they hurt us.
Why shouldn’t Lan Xichen be afforded the same consideration?
I really do think that because he’s presented as someone who’s much more composed and confident in his own abilities than Jiang Cheng is, we tend to forget exactly what pressures he was facing at the same time. We just assume, oh yes, of course Lan Xichen has the power to do something! He’s Lan Xichen! The First Jade! Isn’t he supposed to be Perfectly Good? Why isn’t he doing The Right Thing?
I think this is exacerbated by CQL’s decision to make him an established sect leader at the start of the show with several years of experience under his belt. We don’t know his age, but he is assumed to be an Adult. This gives him more power and stability, and so it seems more unacceptable that he does not make moves to protect the Wen remnants, even if in essence, he and Jiang Cheng’s political positions are still quite similar. He doesn’t really have any more power to save the Wen remnants without placing his whole clan in danger of being wiped out again, but CQL implies that he does, even if it isn’t the intention of the change.
It does make me really sad that this change also drives a further thematic divide between Lan Xichen and the rest of his generation. Almost everyone in that generation came of age through a war, which I think informs the way their tragedies play out, and how those tragedies exist in contrast to the juniors’ behavior and futures. Making Lan Xichen an experienced adult aligns him with the generation prior to him, which, as we’re shown consistently, is the generation whose adherence to absolutism and fear ruined the lives of their children. But Lan Xichen is just as much a victim of this as his peers.
(the exception being maybe Nie Mingjue, but it’s complicated. I think Nie Mingjue occupies a very interesting position in the narrative, but like. That’s. For another time! this is. already so far out of hand. oh my god this is point three out of eight oh nO)
(yet another aside because I can’t help myself: can you believe we were robbed of paralleling scenes of Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen’s coronations? the visual drama of that. the poetic cinema. it’s not in the book, but can you IMAGINE. thank u @paledreamsblackmoths​ for putting this image into my head so that I can suffer forever knowing that I’ll never get it.)
I said I wasn’t going to talk at length about any changes surrounding Wangxian’s explicit romance for obvious reasons, but I will at least lament here that because a large percentage of Lan Xichen’s actions and character beats are directly in relation to Lan Wangji’s love for Wei Wuxian, he loses a lot of both minor and major moments to the censors as well. Many of the instances when he encourages Lan Wangji to talk to Wei Wuxian, when he indulges in their relationship etc. are understandably gone. But the most significant moment that was cut for censorship reasons I think is when he loses his temper with Wei Wuxian at the Guanyin temple and lays into him with all the fury and terror he felt for his brother’s broken heart for the last thirteen years.
Lan Xichen is only shown to express true anger twice in the whole story, both times at the Guanyin temple: first against Wei Wuxian for what he perceives as gross disregard for his little brother’s convictions, and second against Jin Guangyao for his massive betrayal of trust. And you know, murdering his best friend. Among other things.
I’m genuinely so sad that we don’t get to see Lan Xichen tear Wei Wuxian to shreds for what he did to Lan Wangji because I think one of the most important aspects to Lan Xichen’s character is how much he loves, cares for and fears for his little brother. The reveal about Lan Wangji’s punishment in episode 43 is a sad and sober conversation, but it’s not nearly as impactful, especially because Wei Wuxian asks about it of his own volition. I understand that this isn’t CQL’s fault! But. I can still mourn it right? ahahaha. :’)
I’ll stop before I descend further into nothing but Lan Xichen meta because that’s. Dangerous. (I have a lot of Feelings about how there are three characters who are held up as paragons of virtue in MDZS, how they all suffered in spite of their goodness, and how that all ties directly into the whole, “it is not enough to be good, but kindness is never wrong” theme. Anyways, they’re Xiao Xingchen, Jiang Yanli, and Lan Xichen, but NOT NOW. NOT TODAY.)
So yes, I’m a Lan Xichen apologist on main, and yes, I understand my feelings are incredibly personally motivated and influenced by my subjective emotions, but no I do not take concrit on this point, thank you very much.
4. all of the Wen remnants turning themselves in alongside Wen Qing and Wen Ning
Okay, back to plot changes. This change I would be willing to bet money was at least partially due to censorship, but it hurts me so deeply hahaha. It makes literally no sense for any of the characters and it completely janks the timeline of events post Qiongqi Dao 2.0 through Wei Wuxian’s death.
It’s not ALL bad—this change makes it easier for the Peak Wangxian moment at the Bloodbath at Nightless City (You know. Hands. Cliff. etc.) to happen, which I did very much enjoy. It’s pretty on-brand for CQL to sacrifice plot for character beats that they want to emphasize, so like. I get it! This moment is a huge gift! I Understand This. CQL collapses the Bloodbath at Nightless City and the First Siege of the Mass Graves into one event for I think a few reasons. One, Wangxian moment without being explicitly Wangxian, which is excellent. Two, it circumvents the Blood Corpse scene, which I do not think would have made it past censorship.
I’ll get to the Blood Corpse scene in a minute, but despite being able to understand why so much might have been sacrificed for the impact of the cliff scene, I still wish it had been done differently (and I feel like it could have been!), if only for my peace of mind because the plot holes it creates are pretty gaping.
The entire point of Wen Qing and Wen Ning turning themselves in is specifically to save their family members and Wei Wuxian from coming to further harm. That’s explicit, even in the show. Jin Guangshan demands that the Wen brother and sister stand for their crimes and claims that the blood debt will be paid. The Wen remnants understand that Wei Wuxian has given up so much for their sakes, that he has lost his family, his home, his respectability, his health, all in the name of sheltering them. To throw all of that away would be the greatest disrespect to his sacrifices. Wen Qing and Wen Ning decide that if their lives can pay for the safety of their loved ones and ensure that Wei Wuxian’s sacrifices matter, they are willing to go together and give themselves up.
So. Why did they. All go?? For… moral support???? D: Wen Qing says that Wei Wuxian will wake up in three days and that she’s given Fourth Uncle and the others instructions for his care–but then Fourth Uncle and the others all go with them!! To die!! There’s also very clearly a shot of Granny Wen taking A’Yuan with them, which like. Obviously didn’t really happen.
Wen Qing, who loves her family more than anything in the world, agrees that they should all go to Lanling and sacrifice themselves to…. protect Wei Wuxian? Wen Qing, pragmatic queen of my heart, agrees to this absurdly bad exchange?? Leaves Wei Wuxian to wake up, alone, with the knowledge that he had not only killed his brother-in-law but also effectively gotten everyone he had left killed also??
I can’t imagine Wen Qing doing that to Wei Wuxian. Save his life? For what? This takes away everything he has left to live for. You think Wen Qing doesn’t intimately understand how cruel that would be?
(Yes, I’m complaining about all of this, but I’m still about to cry because I rewatched the scene to make sure I didn’t say anything untrue, and  g o d  it manages to hit hard despite all of that, so who’s the real clown here!!)
Anyways. So that’s all just like. Frustratingly incoherent. It’s one of several wrongs I think CQL committed against Wen Qing’s character, but my feelings about Wen Qing in CQL are pretty complicated (I love her so much, and I love that we got more Wen Qing content, but that content sure is a mixed bag of stuff I really enjoyed and stuff I desperately wish didn’t exist) and I decided I wasn’t going to get into it in this post. (is anyone even still reading god)
This change also muddles Lan Wangji’s choices and punishment in ways that I think diminishes the severity of the situation to the detriment of both his characterization and his family’s characterization. The punishment scene is extremely moving and you should read this post about the language used in it but. sldfjsljslkf.
okay well, several things. In the context of CQL, which really pushes the “righteousness” angle of Wei Wuxian (see point 1), I think this scene makes a lot of sense in isolation: both Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are painted as martyrs for doing the right thing. “Who’s right and who’s wrong?” The audience is asked to see the punishment as “unjust”. That’s perfectly fine and coherent in the context of CQL, but I don’t think it’s nearly as interesting as what happens in MDZS.
Because CQL collapses both the First Siege and the Bloodbath into one event, Lan Wangji’s crimes are sort of unclearly defined. In episode 43, when Lan Xichen is explaining the situation, we see a flashback to when Su She says something along the lines of, “We could set aside the fact that you defended Wei Ying at Nightless City, but now you won’t even let us search his den?” (of course, this gives us the really excellent “you are not qualified to talk to me” line which. delicious. extremely vindicating and satisfying. petty king lan wangji.) Lan Xichen goes on to say something like, “Wangji alone caused several disturbances at the Mass Graves. Uncle was greatly angered, and [decreed his punishment]”. (Sorry, I’m too lazy to type out the full lines with translations, just. trust me on this one.)
Lan Wangji’s actions are shown to be motivated by a righteous love. Wei Wuxian is portrayed as someone innocent who stood up for the right thing against popular opinion and was scapegoated and destroyed for it, having done no wrong. (See, point 1 again.)
In MDZS, Lan Wangji’s crimes are very specific. It isn’t just that he caused some “disturbances” (this is just Lan XIchen’s vague phrasing in CQL—we don’t really know what he did). He steals Wei Wuxian away from the Bloodbath at Nightless City, after Wei Wuxian killed thousands of people, and hides him away in a cave, feeding him spiritual energy to save his life. When Lan Wangji’s family comes to find him, demand that he hand over Wei Wuxian (who is, remember, a mass murderer at this point! we can argue about how culpable he is for those actions all day—that’s the whole point, but the people are still dead), Lan Wangji not only refuses, but raises his hands against his family. He seriously injures thirty-three Lan elders to protect Wei Wuxian.
I don’t know how to emphasize how serious that crime is? Culturally, this is like. Unthinkable. To raise your hand against members of your own family, your elders who loved and raised you, in defense of an outsider, a man who, by all accounts, is horrifically evil and just murdered thousands of people, including other members of your own family, is like. That’s a serious betrayal. Oh my god. Lan Wangji, what have you done?
Lan Xichen explains in chapter 99:
When I went to see him, I said, “Wei-gongzi’s great wrongs are already set in stone, why take the pains to add wrongs upon wrongs?” But he said…… he had no way to ascertain the rights and wrongs of your actions, but regardless of right or wrong, he was willing to bear all the consequences with you.
I think this is very different than what’s going on in CQL, though the differences appear subtle on the surface. In CQL, Lan Wangji demands of his uncle, “Dare I ask Uncle, who is righteous and who is wicked, who is wrong and who is right?” but the very act of asking in this way implies that Lan Wangji has an opinion on the matter (though perhaps not a simple one). 
Lan Wangji in MDZS specifically says that he doesn’t know how to evaluate the morality of Wei Wuxian’s actions, but that regardless, he is willing to bear the consequences of his choices and his actions. He understands that his actions while sheltering Wei Wuxian are not clearly morally defensible. He did it anyways because he loved Wei Wuxian, because he thought that Wei Wuxian was worth saving, that there was still something good in him, despite the things he had done under mitigating circumstances. Lan Wangji did not save Wei Wuxian because he thought it was the right thing to do. He saved him because he loved him.
He is given thirty-three lashes with the discipline whip, one for each elder he maimed, and this leaves him bedridden for three years. Is this punishment horrifyingly severe? Yes! But is it unjustly given? I think that’s a much harder question to answer in the context of the story.
Personally, I think that question underscores the broader questions of morality contained within MDZS. I think it’s a much more interesting take on Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji as individuals. This asks, what can be pardoned? The righteous martyr angle is uncomplicated because moral certainty is easy. I think the situation in MDZS is far more uncomfortable if you examine its implications. And personally, I think that’s more meaningful!
(Not even going to touch on the whole, 300 strokes with a giant rod, but he has whip scars? And they were also sentenced to 300 strokes as kids for drinking alcohol…? CQL is not. consistent. on that front. ahaha.)
God, every point so far in this meta is just like “here’s one change that has cascading effects upon the rest of the show” dear god, okay, I’m getting to the Blood Corpse scene.
So in MDZS, the Wen remnants (besides Wen Ning and Wen Qing) do not go to Lanling. After the Bloodbath at Nightless City, Lan Wangji returns Wei Wuxian to the Mass Graves. Wei Wuxian lives with the Wen remnants for another three months before the First Siege, where he dies and the rest of the Wens are killed (except A’Yuan).
(Sidenote that I won’t get into: I love the dead spaces of time that MDZS creates. There’s very clear gaps in the narrative that we just never get the details on, most notably: Wei Wuxian’s three months in the Mass Graves post core transfer, and Wei Wuxian’s three months in the Mass Graves post Jiang Yanli’s death. They’re both extremely terrible times, but the audence is asked to imagine it instead of ever learning what really happened, what it was like. There’s something really cool about that narratively, I think.)
The Wen remnants are not cremated along with the rest of the dead. Their bodies are thrown into the blood pool.
At the Second Siege, when Wei Wuxian draws a Yin Summoning Flag on his clothes to turn himself into bait for the corpses in order to allow everyone else to escape to safety while he and Lan Wangji fight them off, there’s a moment when it gets really, truly dangerous—even with the help of the juniors and a few of the adults, they probably would have been killed. But then a wave of blood-soaked corpses come crawling out of the blood pool of their own accord and tear their attackers apart.
At the end of it, the blood corpses, the Wen remnants, gather before Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning. Wei Wuxian thanks them, they exchange bows, and the blood corpses collapse into dust. Wen Ning scrambles to gather their ashes, but runs out of space in his clothing. Several juniors, seeing this, offer up their bags to him and try to help.
It’s just. This scene is so important to me. Obviously, it couldn’t be included in CQL because of the whole undead thing, but it’s such a shame because I maintain that the Blood Corpse scene is one of the most powerful scenes in the whole goddamn book. It ties together so many things that I care about! It’s the moment when the narrative says, “kindness is not a waste”. Wei Wuxian failed to save them, but that doesn’t mean that his actions were done in vain. What he did matters. The year of life he bought them matters. The time they spent together matters.
This is also the moment when the juniors finally see Wen Ning for who he is—not the terrifying Ghost General, but a gentle man who has just lost his family for a second time. This is the moment when they reach out with kindness to the monster that their parents told them about at night. It matters that the juniors are able to do that! That they see this man suffering and are moved to compassion instead of righteous satisfaction.
(Except Jin Ling, for very understandable reasons, but Jin Ling’s moment comes later.)
It’s also the moment that we’re starkly reminded that many of the adults in attendance were present at the First Siege and directly responsible for the murders of the Wen remnants, including Ouyang Zizhen’s father. We’re reminded that he’s not just a comically annoying man with bad takes—he also participated in the murder of innocent people and then disrespected their corpses. But what retribution should be taken against him and the others? What retribution could be taken that wouldn’t lead to more tragedy?
There’s someone in the crowd in this scene named Fang Mengchen who refuses to be swayed by Wei Wuxian’s actions. “He killed my parents,” he says. “What about them? How can I let that go?”
“What more do you want from me?” Wei Wuxian asks. “I have already died once. You do not have to forgive me, but what more should I do?”
That is the ultimate question, isn’t it? What is the only way out of tragedy? You don’t have to forgive, but you cannot continue to take your retribution. It is not fair, but it’s all you have.
okay. so. those were my four Big Points of Contention with CQL, as I am currently experiencing them.
Honorable mentions go to: Wen Qing’s arc (both excellent and awful in different ways), making 13/16 years of Inquiry canon (I think this is untrue to Lan Wangji’s character, though I can understand why it was done), Mianmian’s departure from the Lanling Jin sect being shortened and having the sexism cut out (there’s something really visceral about the accusations against Mianmian being explicitly about her womanhood that I desperately wish had been retained in the show), cutting the scene where Jin Ling cries in mourning for Jin Guangyao and is scolded for it by Sect Leader Yao (my heart for that scene because it also matters so much)
but now!! onto the fun part, where I talk effusively about how much I love CQL!! this will probably be shorter (*prays*) because a lot of my frustrations with CQL are related to spiraling thematic consequences while the things I love are like. Simpler to pinpoint? If that makes sense? we’ll see.
CQL’s greatest virtues, also according to cyan:
1. this:
Tumblr media
[ID: Wei Wuxian, trembling in fear, screaming “shijie!” as Jiang Cheng threatens him with Fairy in episode 34 of The Untamed drama. /end ID]
I understand that this is like, a very minor, specific detail change, but oh my GOD, it is like. Unparalleled. Every time I think about this change, I get so emotional and disappointed that it’s not in the novel, because I think it strengthens this scene tenfold. In the novel, Wei Wuxian calls out for Lan Zhan, which like, I get it. The story at this point is focused on the development of his romantic feelings for Lan Wangji, so the point of the scene is that the first person he thinks of in a moment of extreme fear is Lan Zhan, which surprises him. That’s fine. Like, it’s fine! But I think it doesn’t have nearly the same weight as Wei Wuxian calling for his sister to save him from his brother. 
Having Wei Wuxian call out for his sister drives home the loss that the two of them have suffered, and highlights the relationship they all once had. Jiang Yanli is much more relevant to shuangjie’s narrative than Lan Wangji ever was, and this highlights exactly how deeply the fracturing of their familial relationship cuts. Wangxian gets so much time and focus throughout the rest of the novel. I love that this moment in the show is just about the Yunmeng siblings because that relationship is no less important, you know?
Calling out for Jiang Yanli in the show draws a much cleaner line through the dialogue. “You dare bring her up before me?” to “Don’t you remember what you said to Jin Ling?” It unifies the scene and twists the knife. It also gives us more insight into how fiercely Wei Wuxian was once beloved and protected by his siblings. Jiang Cheng promised to chase all the dogs away from Wei Wuxian when they were children. It’s clear that Jiang Yanli did as well.
Once upon a time, Wei Wuxian’s siblings defended him from his fears, and now one of them is dead and the other is using that fear to hurt him where he’s weakest. The reversal is so painfully juxtaposed, and it’s done with just that one flashback of Wei Wuxian as a child leaping into Jiang Yanli’s arms and calling out her name. Extremely good, economical storytelling. The conversation between shuangjie is much more focused on their own stories independent from Lan Wangji, which I very much appreciate. Wangxian, you’re wonderful, but this ain’t about you, and I don’t think it should be.
2. Extended Jiang Yanli content (and by extension, Jin Zixuan and Mianmian content)
Speaking of absolute goddess Jiang Yanli, I really loved what CQL did with her (unlike my more mixed feelings about Wen Qing). Having her in so many more scenes makes her importance to Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian a lot clearer, and we get to experience her as a person rather than an ideal.
On a purely aesthetic level, Jiang Yanli’s styling and character design is so stellar in CQL. The more prevalent design for her is kind of childish in the styling, which I don’t love (I think it’s the donghua influence?). And even I, someone who’s audio drama on main 24/7, personally prefer her CQL voice actor. There’s only a few characters in CQL that I look at and go “ah yes, that’s [character] 100%” and Jiang Yanli is one of them. I was blessed. I would lay down my life for her.
I’m really glad that CQL showed her illness more explicitly and gave her a sword, even if she never uses it! Her weak constitution is only mentioned once in the novel in chapter 69 in like two lines that I blew past initially because I was reading at breakneck speed and was only reminded of when my therapist who I conned into reading mdzs after 8 months of never shutting up oof brought it to my attention like two weeks ago. /o\
We never read about Jiang Yanli carrying a sword in the novel, though we are told that her cultivation is “mediocre”, so we know that she at least does cultivate, even if not very well. Highlighting her poor health in CQL makes her situation more clear, I think, and explains a little more about the way she’s perceived throughout the cultivation world as someone “not worthy of Jin Zixuan”. The novel tells us that Jiang Yanli is not an extraordinary beauty, not very good at cultivation, sort of bland in her expressions, and, very briefly, that she’s in poor health. I really love that description of Jiang Yanli, because it emphasizes that her worth has nothing at all to do with her talents, her health, her cultivation, her physical strength, or her beauty. She is the best person in the whole world, her brothers adore her, and the audience loves and respects her for reasons wholly unrelated to those value judgments. We love her because she is kind, because she is loyal, because she loves so deeply. Tbh, her only imperfection is falling for someone so tragically undeserving of her. (JK, I love you Jin Zixuan, and you do deserve her because you are an excellent boy who grows and changes and learns!! I can’t even be mean to characters as a joke god.)
Anyways, I just think the detail about her health is compelling and informs her character’s position in the world in a very specific way. I’m happy that CQL brought it to the forefront when it was kind of an easily-missed throwaway in the novel. It does mean something to me that Jiang Yanli, despite her poor physical health, is never once seen or treated as a burden by her brothers.
Something partially related that really hit hard was this:
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[ID: two gifs. Jiang Yanli peeling lotus pods, looking up uncomfortably as her mother loses her temper about the Wen indoctrination at the table from episode 11 of The Untamed drama. /end ID]
D8 AAAAHHH this was VISCERAL. The novel is quite sparse in a lot of its descriptions and lets the audience fill in the missing details, so Jiang Yanli’s expression and reactions are not described when, after Jiang Cheng quickly volunteers to go to Qishan, Madam Yu accuses her of continuing to “happily peel lotus seeds” in such a dire situation.
“Of course you’ll go,” she snaps to Jiang Cheng. “Or else do you think we should let your sister go?”
This scene triggered me so bad lmfao, so I guess it’s kind of weird that I love it so much, but I felt Seen. Something about the way her nail slips in the second gif as she breaks open the pod is like. Oh, that’s a sense memory! Of me, as a child, witnessing uncomfortable conflict between people I cared about. I know this is an extremely personal bias, but hey, so is this whole meta. Because Jiang Yanli is often silent and quiet, it’s more her behavior and expressions that convey her character. It’s why the moment she lets loose on Jin Zixun is so powerful. We don’t get to see a lot of it in the novel, but because CQL is a visual medium, her character is a lot easier to pin down as a human as opposed to an abstract concept.
Anyways, in this moment, which I also think is a tangential reference to her weak constitution (it doesn’t feel like, “your sister can’t go because she’s a girl”; it feels like, “your sister can’t go because she couldn’t handle it”), we get to see Jiang Yanli’s own reaction to her perceived inadequacy. We see it in other places too—like how upset she is when Jin Zixuan dismisses her in several scenes, but this is the one that hits me the hardest because it’s about how her weakness is going to put her little brother in grave danger.
Last Yunmeng siblings with focus on Jiang Yanli scene that isn’t in the novel that I’m just absolutely wrecked over: the dream sequence in episode 28, when Jiang Yanli dreams about Wei Wuxian sailing away from her, but no matter how she shouts, or how she begs Jiang Cheng to help her, she can’t bring him back home.
I’m not going to gif it because I literally just like, fast-forwarded through it and started sobbing uncontrollably in front of my laptop, dear god.
I don’t know where the CQL writers found the backdoor directly into my brain’s nightmare center, but?? they sure did! IDK, I can see how this might be kind of heavy-handed, but it just. The sensation of being in a dream where something is going terribly wrong, but you’re the only one who seems to see it happening? But there’s nothing you can do? I feel like it’s a very fitting nightmare to give Jiang Yanli, who is acutely aware and constantly reminded of how little power she has in the world: not good enough for the boy she likes, not healthy enough to cultivate well, not strong enough to keep her family together.
The whole, elder siblings trying and failing to protect their younger siblings pattern is A Lot in the story, but there’s something particularly painful about seeing it happen to Jiang Yanli because of that awareness. All the other elder siblings are exceptionally talented or powerful in obvious ways. All Jiang Yanli has is the force of her will and the force of her love, and she knows it isn’t enough.
I care a lot about the Yunmeng siblings, okay! And I think CQL did right by them!
I’m only going to spend two seconds talking about Jin Zixuan and Mianmian, but I DO want to mention them.
Anyways, because we get more Jiang Yanli content, we ALSO get more soft xuanli, which is Very Good. Literally my kingdom for disaster het Jin Zixuan treating my girl right!! CQL said het rights, and I’m not even mad about it! I’m really happy that we get to see a little more of how their relationship plays out, and how hard Jin Zixuan works to change his behavior and apologize to her for his mistakes. The novel is from Wei Wuxian’s POV, so we miss the details, alas. Jin Zixuan covered in mud, planting lotuses? Blessed.
I think part of making Mianmian a larger speaking role is for convenience’s sake, but oh boy do I love that choice. Especially the Jin Zixuan & Mianmian relationship. Like, they’re so clearly platonic, and Mianmian is never once portrayed as a threat to Jiang Yanli. They just care about and respect each other a lot? Jin Zixuan’s distress when she defects from the Jin sect gets me in the heart, because it’s just like. God. I think there’s a lot of interesting potential there for her own thoughts re: Wei Wuxian. After all, she leaves her sect in defense of him, but he later kills a friend that she respects and loves. The moments shared between her and Jin Zixuan are minor, but they hint at a deeper relationship that I’m really glad was in the show.
3. To curb the strong, defend the weak: lantern scene (gusu) + rain scene (qiongqi dao 1.0)
I think I basically already explained why I love this so much in this post (just consider that post and this point to be the same haha), but just. Okay. A short addendum.
As much as I love novel wangxian, I really think that including this scene early on emphasizes why Lan Wangji loves Wei Wuxian so deeply. Of course he thinks Wei Wuxian is attractive, but this is the moment when he realizes, oh, this is who I love. Having that moment to reflect upon throughout Wei Wuxian’s descent is so excellent. I have enumerated all of my issues with the “perfectly righteous Wei Wuxian” arc that CQL crafted, but having this narrative throughline in conjunction with the novel arc would be like. My favored supercanon ahaha. (It would need some tweaking, but I think it would work.) It shows us exactly who it is that Lan Wangji sees and is trying to save, who he thinks is still there, underneath all the carnage and despair and violence and grief. This is the Wei Wuxian Lan Wangji loves and is unwilling to let go. This is the Wei Wuxian that Lan Wangji would kill for, that Lan Wangji would stand beside, that Lan Wangji would live for.
4. Meeting Songxiao
As much as I love the unnameable ache of Wei Wuxian never meeting Xiao Xingchen and learning only about his story through secondhand sources in the novel (and the really cool parallel to that where Xiao Xingchen tells A’Qing the story of Baoshan-sanren’s ill-fated disciples: both Xiao Xingchen and Wei Wuxian learn of each other only through the eyes of others, and that is Very Neat), I think the reversal that this meeting in episode 10 sets up wins out just slightly.
I said once in the tags on one of my posts that “songxiao is the tragic parallel of wangxian” and like. Yeah. Basically! If we take songxiao as romantic, the arc of their relationship happens inversely to wangxian, and that parallel is so much clearer and stronger when we have wangxian meeting songxiao in their youth.
The scene of their meeting really does have that Mood™ of uncertain youth seeing happy and secure adults living out the dreams that they’re afraid to name. Wei Wuxian’s eager little, “oh! just like me and Lan Zhan!! Right, Lan Zhan??” when songxiao talk about cultivating together through shared ideals and not blood is. Well, it’s Something.
When they meet again at Yi City, there’s a greater heaviness to it. So this is what happened to the people you once dreamed of becoming! Wangxian have already come to a point where they have an unspoken understanding of their relationship, but Songxiao have lost everything they once had. When Song Lan looks at wangxian, it’s like looking at a mirror of his past, and everyone in attendance knows it.
To me, that unspoken parallel is really emotionally and thematically valuable. All that good, and here is the tragedy that came of it.
okay, look! I managed to keep it shorter!! here are my honorable mentions: that scene where Jin Guangyao tries to hold Jin Ling and Jin Guangshan refuses to let him (it’s hating Jin Guangshan hours all day every day in this household), the grass butterfly leitmotif for Sizhui (im literally crying right now about it shut up), the Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing sideplot (look I know it’s wild that I actually liked that given that I headcanon JC as aspec, but I actually really like how it played out, specifically because Wen Qing and Wei Wuxian are NOT romantic—it sets up an unexpected and interesting comparison)
um. Anyways. I uh. really care about this story. And have a lot of thoughts, which I’m sure will continue to evolve. Maybe in 8 months I’ll return to this and go well, literally none of this applies anymore, but who knows! It’s how I feel right now. I cried literally three times while writing this because MDZS/CQL reached into my chest and yanked my heart right out of my body, but I had fun! *finger guns*
and like, I know I had a LOT to say about what frustrated me about CQL, but I really really hope it’s clear that I adore the show despite all of that. I talk a lot because I care a lot, and my brain only has one setting.
anon, this was like 1000% more than you bargained for, I’m SURE, (and I’m still exercising some restraint, if you can. believe that.) but I hope that you or someone out there got something out of it! if you made it all the way to the end of this meta, wow!! consider me surprised and grateful!!
time to crawl back into my hovel so I can write Lan Xichen fic and cry
(ko-fi? ;A;)
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