#and again mercedes has the best of intentions
tuiyla · 1 year
You might have not have an opinion on this but I’ve been rewatching Grilled Cheesus and I feel like the framing is so weird?? It’s fundamentally about Kurt and his dad and since they start the whole religious thing FOR Kurt to support him, the issue shouldn’t be religion. As soon as Kurt said he didn’t everybody to pray for him in school, and that it made him uncomfortable enough to complain, it should just be done. Everybody can pray themselves, leave the Hummels out of it. Thoughts?
I have thoughts!
I have a vague memory of debating this with people on the sub, back in the day because the framing is so weird. It's that Glee problem of feeling like they must suddenly be a PSA and present all angles, even at the cost of character and a satisfying narrative. The other glaring instance I can think of is the suicide discussion scene with the God Squad in 3x14. Why must they always do this with Kuinn?
The problem with Grilled Cheesus is that it's trying to be Kurt's story but also wants to present this middle road of "religion works for some and not for others". And there aren't any inherent problems with that messaging. It's perfectly valid for people to seek comfort in religion and equally valid for others not to want anything to do with it. But this is Kurt's story and he makes his feelings clear. It's frustrating to watch characters cross his boundaries and insist that he's being ungrateful when he's already going through an extremely traumatic time. I honestly don't know why Glee thought this was the way to achieve balance.
I think everyone is being kind of a prick to Kurt in this episode, frankly. Even sweet Mercedes whose good intentions I appreciate and I usually stan is being way too pushy with her closest friend. All Kurt needed was her support and respect and Mercedes is usually excellent at giving that but the episode uses her and Quinn as religious spokespeople. They're ideas in Grilled Cheesus, not people. At least Mercedes is still more respectful than Quinn but even she's being way too pushy. No should be no. And even if some of Kurt says is harsh, he's still allowing people to do whatever they want with their faith and is just asking them to leave him and Burt alone. The prayer scene in the hospital feels particularly disrespectful. Because yes, who knows how Burt feels and it can't hurt, but Kurt has explicitly asked them to back off. Pray at home or at church, ffs! And no, I don't think Carole had the 'authority" to overwrite Kurt's wishes in this particular case. If anything, Carole should have stood behind Kurt.
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The characters advocating for religion or even a conversation really betray that they aren't truly in it for Kurt. Otherwise, they would have left well enough alone the moment Kurt expressed discomfort. There's a time and a place for civil debates but right after his dad's heart attack ain't it. And I love Quinn and write a lot about how dirty she was done and all that so I feel I have permission to say this but she just really sucks in this episode. She feels so entitled and makes it clear that her making a statement about faith is more important to her than Kurt's feelings. I wouldn't say someone like Sue who is ardently on the opposite side is much better because she doesn't have Kurt's best interests in mind, either, but she's at least a little more supportive. And she's supposed to be the villain! And don't get me started on William Shitecester who takes this as an opportunity for dialogue. What a shit teacher you must be to prioritize a lesson over the wellbeing of a student in crisis.
I also dislike how people ignore Kurt's valid reasons to dislike religion, again a sign of hypocrisy. Because yeah, Kurt is being kinda harsh but who wouldn't give him a pass in this situation, and the ignorance of the Glee Club to not consider the church's historic distaste for gay people is infuriating. Easy to say god welcomes everyone or whatever when people like you haven't been persecuted for hundreds of years. And as all this is going on Kurt is getting severely bullied at school for being gay so what excuse do they have for not taking his identity into consideration? That they don't really care. Everyone is so self-absorbed and self-righteous in this episode it's painful to see.
The audacity of people to call Kurt ungrateful and intolerant is what pisses me off the most. On the one hand, the episode works well to establish how alienated Kurt is starting to feel even within the New Directions and it builds towards him going to Dalton, which I like and consider good storytelling. On the other, it's incredibly frustrating to watch this kid be so isolated when he would need his friends the most just because Glee decided (and in-universe Schue) that they wanted to preach about religious tolerance. Just leave the damn kid alone. It's just one of those instances where we should not be having philosophical discussions; literally who gives a fuck, Kurt might lose his only living parent! So Grilled Cheesus as a whole is a frustrating watch despite me appreciating certain storytelling elements.
If anything, Anon, I have too many opinions on this. Some of it is strong feelings about the injustice and hypocrisy of it all but the rest are just frustrations on a story level because it feels so unnecessary. But the bottom line is that Kurt was right and his friends should have respected him more than their religious preaching. And again, just pray at home or go to church and discuss it with your pastor. Not the time to try and convince your friend that religion can be good, actually. Who gives a fuck, literally read the room Stacy.
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
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oscar's logan's girl * ls2 op81
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oscar truly never thought he would ever see the girl that was the cause of his first ever heartbreak
pairings: logan sargeant oscar piastri x fem!reader
notes: first of all, i want to thank everyone for liking the first part to this huhuhu i PERSONALLY think this is one of the fics i've written for an individual driver that has gotten this much feedback and responses... i never thought, in the 6 hours it took me to write that, that people would even like it so much... thank you for the kind words u guys <;/3
and now i would like to apologise if this did NOT go the way you thought it would... i couldn't bear hurting either logan or oscar, and holding grudges seemed like such an unlikely thing for a man of oscar's caliber... sorry if it doesn't go the way you thought <;/3
word count: 2.3k
(oscar's girl) // (f1 masterlist)
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you let out the heaviest sigh, clutching onto the almost empty mercedes cup in your hand. you look over your shoulder, watching lily and carmen walk away without you in the direction of where the boys would be.
you stare at the unfamiliar, yet somehow most familiar, pair of brown eyes boring into your own. in the back of your mind, you remember the hushed giggles and how his hand used to feel in yours while you were in the streets of melbourne. you can almost remember what he sounded like when you were just kids, and the man that stands in front of you barely looks like what you remember of him.
you were devastated when you lost oscar's phone number. when you moved away to inevitably stay in the united states, you had every single intention of keeping the friendship with oscar. you just needed a week of settling in. you barely made any other meaningful friendships worth keeping in melbourne; all except the one that you had developed with oscar.
arguably, you could have done more to find him again. you could have gone on instagram, or any other social media site to try and keep the friendship alive. but you thought, after all those tears you shed before your departure, it would be better to stay away.
you only ever thought of oscar once in the past couple of years. the night before your first date with logan: you couldn't fall asleep from the nerves and anxiety. you had gotten along well over the phone, the williams driver playing his cards right every single time he would send you a text message and had your cheeks hurting from smiling too much and kicking your feet in the air.
you came across pictures of you and the young boy in melbourne, tucked away in a dusty photo album that you kept stored under your bed. you don't reminisce much: the memories you had up until you were 16 are a blur in your head. too much had happened, and the only memory that you keep with you is the fact that you moved around more than the average person.
"it's been a while," you finally speak, readjusting your shirt. the wet patch on your shirt, now slightly cold from the weather, your jacket doesn't really do much now to keep you warm. "how have you been?"
you can physically see the gears in oscar's head turn. his eyes bore into yours as he contemplates what he will say to you. if this had happened sooner after you had stopped talking to him, he would know what to say to you. because he spent his nights, and logan's mornings, talking about what he would say to you.
oscar presses his lips into a thin line. he has two choices now: unload the frustration he's forgotten about as he grew into an adult, or just be civil with the girl he could have sworn was the love of his life at 14. you never left his mind, even after all of these years, up until the moment that he met his now girlfriend, lily. he's a firm believer that you would have lasted forever if you had just stayed.
"i've been good. i'm a race car driver now," he smiles, gesturing to the paddocks around him. he's just going to try and ignore the fact that you're dating his literal best friend. "i told you."
you throw your head back with a laugh, making oscar drop his smile in the slightest of ways. he feels his chest close in on itself at the sound you're making. sometimes he fears that he'd never truly gotten over you, but that seems more like an overreaction in normal circumstances.
oscar wasn't aware of the fact that it could very well be the truth right now.
"you always did tell me you're going to be a racer," you agree with a smile. you remember going along with him to an obscure go-kart establishment once when you were growing up. it simply wasn't your thing, but you supported him through and through even as a young 14-year-old. "small world, huh?"
oscar nods with a small smile. "so, um. what happened?"
you tilt your head. "what do you mean?"
"you stopped answering my text messages out of the blue one day after you moved," oscar laughs softly, shrugging. "did i do something wrong? what happened?"
you sigh, closing your eyes as it hits you. there is something about the way his eyes are turned down slightly, and it doesn't take a genius to tell that he's trying to smile through whatever emotion he is feeling.
and you understand it if you were to put yourself in his shoes. it's genuinely all on you: you had promised that you wouldn't drift away from him before you left. you promised him, back then, that there would come a time that would bring you back together to give your relationship a fighting chance.
keeping in contact was very essential to that promise.
you don't think of oscar. but now that you do, you can see the scene of when you were about to leave playing vividly in your head. he had asked you for one simple thing: not to drift away so that someday, you can meet again and give yourselves a real fighting chance.
because realistically, at 14, there was not much to fight for but the overwhelming surge of emotions you have for something that is often categorised as puppy love.
but oscar knew even then that there was definitely something more.
"i dropped my phone in the lake. i got a new phone and a new number," you whisper dejectedly, trying to avoid the intensity of his stare. and you're prepared to receive the brunt of his anger, understandably so after you had unintentionally ghosted him. "i'm sorry. in hindsight, i should have done more to reconnect with you - social media is powerful, after all."
oscar nods, his lips pressed into a polite smile. though you can notice him clenching his jaw as he tries to force himself not to cause a scene in such a public setting.
a setting where your boyfriend, his best friend, would be involved. and his girlfriend who doesn't deserve this type of scandal tied to her name.
"we were just kids," oscar shrugs. but there's a bitterness in his mouth that he cannot ignore for too long. there is a bubbling urge from the deepest part of his gut to scream at you for all those days he swore he was going to go crazy from the pain of suddenly losing you. "i was bummed, though, when i lost you."
bummed is an understatement. the degree to which he grieved is unspoken between him and logan.
he doesn't blame logan for being overprotective of him when lily started to come into the picture. he was sat down by the american, by the sidewalks during their morning run, asking him to think long and hard about this.
it's the only time they had spoken of the instance that oscar almost lost himself. oscar waved off his concerns and said he was sure of what he has with lily, and that's a decision that he is still very proud of.
"i was devastated. but i was also scared," you whisper with a smile. "we were 14, but what i felt for you at the time... it was bigger than us, oscar. we had no fight against something like that."
oscar smiles. "logan is good to you, i hope?"
"we only just got together a couple months ago," you nod, "but he is amazing."
oscar nudges his head towards the direction that lily and carmen had walked towards earlier. you hop off your spot to catch up as he starts to walk by his side. "i've got a girlfriend of my own now. her name's lily too."
"doesn't that get confusing when you're all together? with alex's girlfriend and yours?"
"sometimes. but we don't hang out with the older drivers often," oscar admits with a scrunch of his nose. you have to bite back a laugh at his habit, seeing that it's something that has never left him. "it's a bit awkward. logan and i are typically together more often than not."
"how come?"
"we've only got each other," oscar shrugs. " we met at a karting race when we were really young. we kept in contact when we were apart. i think i may have told you about him a couple of times - my best friend living in florida."
you purse your lips, trying to rake at your brain for a time that oscar said that to you. unfortunately, your memory doesn't go that far back into the details of what you had. "wow. there's a lot i must have forgotten. i didn't know you went way back."
oscar smiles. with the little bit of resentment he has towards you, he completely understands (at his big age) why you don't seem to remember it as well as he did.
which is why he hated that he fell in love with you. he had made you his world and the meaning of his life, causing him to fall apart and crack at your goodbye.
you were an integral part of his life, but he was just a sliver of a memory in one of the places you had stayed in for a year or two. it had taken a while to start seeing it the way he does now. he hated you for what you did for years until everything started to fall into place for him in his head.
suddenly he understood why you were hesitant to befriend him in the first place. it must not have been easy to keep leaving friends behind.
"nah, it's alright. if i had such unstable environments like you did growing up, i'd have turned out much worse than you," oscar laughs. "did you move again after you moved to washington?"
you nod again. "one more time. we moved to la after three years - you know my dad. but it wasn't as severe as moving end to end of the world from australia to the united states, i guess."
"ba- oh." you calmly turn to the side, beaming when logan approaches you with confusion on his face. "i was looking for you all over the place. lily and carmen told me you ran into an old friend?"
logan had noticed oscar before you, the bright papaya orange that oscar sports all year around is not easy to miss. "i see you met oscar! what a coincidence."
"yeah, we," you laugh, rolling your eyes playfully as you meet him halfway, "funny enough, babe. we used to go to school together. in melbourne when my dad had business there when i was younger."
oscar presses his lips together, shoving his hands into his pockets and rocks back and forth on his feet. he knows it won't take long for logan to complete the puzzle.
"oh?" logan furrows his eyebrows at you, one hand on your back protectively. "small world. oscar's actually my best friend - he's on the family fridge back in florida."
"yeah, he mentioned!" you beam, wrapping your arms around his. "who would have thought that the oscar you keep talking about is the same one i know?"
logan smiles, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "right! so this is my guest for the weekend, man. my girlfriend - we met over the winter break. i can't believe you guys go way back! this makes it so much easier, doesn't it?"
oscar wants to run away. doesn't matter where, or how he will get there, because all he can focus on is the way you're leaning into logan's touch and the way logan's smile is so bright that it could be seen by the stars.
you clearly just had that effect on people. he's just another one of those people who fell for the welcoming aura you emit.
"did you guys know each other well?" logan asks.
oscar shares a glance with you. but he knows logan, more than you, perhaps. if logan finds out the history that you share, he will not be able to live with himself. he would leave you, leaving all three of you devastated.
so as you open your mouth to respond excitedly, oscar speaks over your mutter. "not really, just had a couple of classes together," oscar lies with a smile. he reluctantly settles for logan's excitement instead of your confusion. "we bumped into one another, i thought she looked familiar."
"oh, yeah! have you got an extra shirt i could borrow? i spilled coffee all over my top," you laugh, pulling down the zip of your jacket slightly to show him the patch.
"mate, i need to go and find lily," oscar says, reaching out to pat his friend on the shoulder. "i'll see you tonight. dinner afterwards, right?"
truthfully, he wants to ditch it. but you were both 14. it's not fair to keep holding it against you when all the odds were stacked against you both.
"absolutely. i'll see you tonight, man," logan smiles, waving at him as he walks away.
he can briefly hear your conversation as he fought all urges to turn around and glance at you.
"are you sure you want to borrow my shirt? i've only got my williams team shirts in my driver's room. i can ask someone to go out and find you one, if you'd like."
"no, of course not! i want everyone to know i'm with the williams driver, you know? announce it to the world."
logan sounds so into you, and he can't fault him for that. you've got a way with people that just reel them in. he should know - he was one of those people that were wrapped around your finger.
oscar's girl, as logan would tease during karting when he was resigned to a corner to text you after the race.
but in his head, you will always be his girl, because that's what he used to call you. that's the memory of you that will live in his head forever.
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fuckmyskywalker · 6 months
❄️ 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑𝐫𝐝 : 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫.
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— CW: Age gap. Sexual innuendo. Dad's best friend!Anakin. Reader is in their early 20s, Anakin is in his 40s. Mentions of divorce. No smut. | Word count: 1k (not proofread)!
— a/n: I always write smut but somehow I wanted to change things up a bit.
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“Are you sure? I don’t want to trouble you, dear.”
Anakin said as you fasten your seatbelt. 
“It’s not a problem at all, Mr. Skywalker.” You replied with a nod, offering him a soothing smile. “Holidays can be quite stressful, if I can do anything to help you, I will.”
Anakin sighed in return, patting your thigh affectionately. “Thank you, sweetpea. Your dad raised you well.”
His words shouldn't make you blush, neither should the brief touch on your thigh… but it does. You are aware of how wrong it is— Anakin has been your father's best friend since high school, he was there throughout your childhood and he offered your father a place to stay after the divorce. He had been nothing more than nice, always bringing Christmas and Birthday gifts, always showing interest, asking questions, offering a shoulder to cry… how can a man twice your age be more lovely and caring than any guy your age? 
The trip to the mall wasn't even a long nor tedious one. The only problem was the 30 minute line to the cash register… and even that wasn't a problem itself— Anakin made sure to keep you entertained, making you laugh and giggle again and again so you totally forgot you were even waiting. 
You weren’t allowed to carry any bags, of course not! Anakin carried the six bags in one hand, while placing a hand on your lower back as you two crossed the large street towards his parked vehicle. Despite your thick sweater, you could feel his fingers and how they left burning spots in their wake. A strange feeling of guilt crosses your mind— when you offered to go with him to buy some last minute gifts you didn't have such intentions in mind, but whenever you were alone with him, it was as if your mind flipped a little invisible switch that caused you to look at the man who was the closest thing to an uncle… the same way you'd seen a man. 
You avoid eye contact for a while, continuing your little chit chat until it becomes noticeable how silent you are. Or perhaps were you being paranoid? Only God knows. You feel suffocated inside Anakin’s black Mercedes despite the cold winter weather outside, and, unbeknownst to you, he noticed it.
“Hey,” Anakin called your name, stopping at a red light to turn his attention to you. There’s concern etched on his handsome face, and you cursed yourself for those lingering eyes that went from the small furrow of his brows, the slight wrinkles around his eyes, and the way his blue orbs scanned your expression. “Is everything alright? You are eerily quiet.”
“Yes,” Your reply was quickly, perhaps too quickly to even be believable. “Just… tired, I woke up early.” It was a lie, but it seemed to do the trick. Anakin nodded, although the worry stayed. 
Relieved to see he finally reached the residential area, you focused on the Christmas decorations in every front yard, not noticing how Anakin began to slow down— before stopping the car a few houses away from his. 
“Mr. Skywalker?” You asked but he quickly cut you.
“Anakin. Call me Anakin.” One hand remained on the steering wheel while the other touched your forehead with the back side. “Well you don’t have a fever, so there must be something else going on.”
You swallowed, suddenly nervous. If the car felt suffocating before, now it was a goddamned sauna. “I’m just tired, I told you.” 
“I don’t believe it.”
His tone changed swiftly as his hand traced your cheekbone, stopping at your chin to raise your head. Anakin leaned closer, inspecting your face, scrutinizing every detail. The atmosphere shifted, there was something else happening but you couldn't quite put a pin on it. The older man took a deep breath, before cutting the distance between your lips.
The kiss was barely a kiss, it was more of a gentle brush that caused your breath to hitch in your throat. A surge of confusion and excitement ran through your veins— it wasn't going the way you expected, but you couldn't complain either.
“Interesting,” Anakin whispered against your parted lips, his hot breath mingling with yours. “And here I thought you were getting sick.” He chuckled. How could he be laughing after he just kissed you?
Unable to mutter a single word, you stare at him dumbfounded. Your face is burning, he kissed you. And he acted as if it was the most normal thing ever.
“Are you going to keep staring at me, or are you going to kiss me?”
“But— you… you are married.”
“And?” Anakin shook his head, chuckling again. “I know your father tells you everything I say; you know I'm signing those divorce papers soon.” He was right. You did know that. If there was anything your dad loved more than cars and beer, it was gossiping. 
“And don’t try to deny it. I've seen the way you look at me. You are quite discreet though, I have to give you that,” Anakin kissed you again, so casually it turned you into a dizzy mess. “You aren’t prancing yourself in short skirts, or trying to play innocent, or even doing that ridiculous thing of bending in front of me… no. You are a smart girl, not a slut. But you can’t hide that look in your eyes, how your whole face brightens when you are next to me, or the interest you have in me, and it’s quite flattering.”
Anakin talked while you stared at him with a dumb expression. You feel exposed and in the worst way— you could swear you weren't being obvious.
As if he was able to read your mind, he caressed your chin to soothe you. “I wasn't sure at the beginning. I felt… quite guilty for thinking of you in such a way, doll. But the more I observed you, the more I noticed those little details. And those little details only drove me crazy…” Daringly, his kisses followed a path down your jaw, smirking against your skin when you crooked your neck instinctively to grant him more access. “You drive me crazy.”
“Anakin,” You finally manage to speak. Your voice is meek and ashamed, you feel like a thief being caught and ready to be sentenced. “I… I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s alright, doll,” Once again, Anakin seemed to know what to do. Somehow everything about this man is correct. “There’s other sounds I'm more interested in listening to than words.”
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— ❄️ Taglist! : @offthethirlwall | @pockcock | @shellxrls | @anisdoll | @wifeofasith | @anakinsgirlfriendreal | @anisgurll | @mortalheartache | @arzua10 | @haydensgirlaela | @bimbo-baggins86 | @https-luvaviva | @bunnylovesani | @glazelilies | @slvttedoutmars
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Pairing - Jackson Rippner x fem!reader
Summary - You’re house sitting your friend’s whilst her family vacates. Her dog manages to get you into a dangerous situation.
Warnings - Noncon, dubcon, stalking, groping, humping, f! touching, animal abuse?
Word count - 2.2k
Notes - Jackson, oh Jackson. How your toxic soul has my weak heart. @paradiseprincesss hope you’re hungry !!
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“Calm down Spike!” You exclaimed as you were yanked down the pavements with an overstimulated boxer charging on the other end of the leash.
What was meant to be a simple daily walk had turned into an endless brutal game of tug and war which you were pathetically losing. The rope around your wrist will leave a permanent mark if this animal doesn’t lead you to a fatal encounter by how dangerously you were crossing the roads. 
Firstly Spike’s eyes were set on a pigeon, then when the harmless bird flew off into the clouds, Spike’s mind and impulses were full steam ahead. How long had it been, a mere few minutes or almost a third of an hour? If you knew he’d be such a nuisance you would have convinced your father to walk him, or even stretched beforehand. 
They say your life flashes before your eyes before you die, and you believe it almost did. It all happened so quickly, you yanked back the leash with all of your strength which made Spike halt at the intersection of two suburbian streets as you fell onto your behind. The black Mercedes Benz slammed on the brakes, the tyres screeched as the bumper stopped shorter a footlong to your face. 
All sound was muffled to your eyes as all you could hear were your thoughts. The driver kept his hand on the horn, his jaw clenched as his blue eyes bore into your soul. Spike barked at him viciously, his paws locked into place as if he was prepared for battle. When you realized the man had no intention of releasing his heavy palm, your eyes darted around the empty streets and you hobbled up and had to beg Spike to calm down whilst tugging him away. Awkwardly you waved your hand in apologies as you tried to steer Spike back to his home. 
However, you quickly noticed that the same car rolled behind you, he was tailing you and it made your heart pound in your chest. Every time you looked back, his eyes were locked onto you, his brunette hair parted to either side of his forehead. Spike took no notice in this, his attention elsewhere now. 
When you ended up having to cut through a small field in between to homes to get to the opposing side of the suburb, you desperately tried to get Spike to run again to force you to run as fast as you could. But he strolled away gradually, breathing heavily with his mouth hung. 
Every few seconds, your head shot back to ease your anxieties of the Benz finding you again. For a moment, you feared you had lost your way. You were housesitting your best friend’s house whilst her family was vacating interstate. 
When you noticed the familiar double story home, you hurried inside, giving one last look before you shut the door. Spike plotted down the hall and you breathed out deeply, your back pressed against the wooden door. Just to ease your anxieties, you poked your head out of the window, confirming the empty road. 
As the sun slowly set, you sat in the guest bedroom, your coursebooks in hand as you had Mozart gently playing on your laptop. You breathed out, your pen tapped on the paper as you read through your essay draft. 
Spike started barking again and you grunted out as you slammed your laptop shut. This dog will be the death of you. As you jumped up from your seat, you headed towards the alfresco when your movements paused after you heard Spike cry out. 
Within a snap, his noises had silenced. It was too quickly to be considered normal and you felt your heart rate begin to pick up again as the fear washed over you. In nothing but your pajama shorts and tank, you slowly tiptoed towards the massive window sliding doors. The back light was turned off, which you remember keeping on. You could hardly see out there, as your finger rested on the switch you gulped as you flicked it on. 
Spike laid unconscious on the deck. A heavy gasp left your lips as you lunged towards the sliding door but you froze in your steps as you saw him in the corner of your eye. He sat at the outdoor dining table, a cigarette in between his lips. Quickly you recognised him, the driver from earlier today. He looked to be in the same suit as earlier today, he leant back in the chair as he casually waved towards you. 
Just when you were going to bolt for the home phone, he pulled out a clean knife from his jacket as if he already knew your next move. It almost sparkled and the stranger pointed it at Spike, a mere few meters away from him. Frozen in your feet, your body wobbling like jelly as you looked back at Spike. Your eyes searched for a pool of blood, a slight sensation of relief as you couldn’t spot it. 
When you dared to look at him again, he stood from the chair and inhaled deeply before flicking the dart towards Spike. The man approached the door and tapped on the glass with the tip of the blade. Naturally, you sobbed out as he tilted his head towards you. 
“I’m not going to hurt you” he assured, the blade vanishing back into his jacket as if to ease your distress. “Unless you don’t unlock the fucking door” he grinned to you, his hand propped against the glass over his head. 
Your eyes were darting from him to Spike like a table hockey puck in play. As you cried, you begged for Spike to get up and run away. But to your stress, he continued to lay still. 
“Come on baby doll, it’s cold out here” he said smugly as he rubbed his shoulders dramatically. 
As your hand rested on the lock you tried to make sense of the situation. Were you really going to let this dog be the death of you? Or was this frightening stranger true to his word about not hurting you. An unrealistic idea came to mind as you forced yourself to unlock the door. 
He wasted no time in pushing open the door and stepped inside. Typically you took three steps back. As he closed the door and locked it, he slowly looked back over to you. 
“You know, your parents should have taught you better about road safety” he grinned as he took a step towards you. 
In a flash, you bolted for the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife in the block. He laughed as he approached you and pulled his much smaller yet much sharper knife back out of his jacket. You pointed your knife at him sternly as he backed you into a corner. Whilst staring at you blankly, the blade spun and flipped in his hand elegantly. It made your hold shake, there’s no way you’d win this. 
“What do you want from me!” You mewled out as you found your body slowly slipping back against the cupboard doors. He didn’t answer you as he intimately stepped to you. “Please don’t hurt me!” You begged for mercy. 
The knife slipped from your hold and it clanked onto the floor. Quickly, your body curled up into a ball as you rocked yourself. You sobbed viciously as your heart pounded all the way up to your head. 
“Don’t give me a reason to baby doll” he cooed as he squatted in front of you after kicking the kitchen knife away. You buried your face into your forearm and his cold hand petted your soft hair. “Look at me” he ordered kindly. 
Fearfully you peaked back up to him. He held his hand out, his knife had vanished once more. You blinked as you stared at him up close. You didn’t realize how charming on the eye he was, it made you gulp harshly. “Please… My parents are going to be home any minute” you lied pathetically, sniffling heavily. 
“Baby doll” he tutted as he gently shook his head towards you. “This isn’t even your fucking house” he laughed, casually pointing his finger to one of your friend’s family portrait on the wall. “Now come on, no more tears… Only little girls cry, I want you to be a big girl for me tonight” he condescended as he gestured for you to grab ahold of his hand. 
“What do you want?” you asked weakly as you grabbed ahold of his hand. 
“To talk” he nodded as he lifted you up. He petted your hair to the side and smiled softly to you. “Well, for a little bit anyways” he added, a gentle shrug of the shoulders. 
Your eyebrows furrowed but you didn’t question him as he led you to the lounge room. Your gaze landed back on Spike, who was perfectly still just as before and you found yourself weeping again. He wrapped his arms around you from behind as he shushed into your ear. 
“Relax, relax, a simple sedative… I hope I got the dosage right, I usually sedate people, not dogs” he whispered into your ear, smirking to himself as you weakly resisted against him as you whimpered out. 
Your head shot down, the guilt of Spike being too much for your conscience. He guided you to the couch and pulled you onto his lap. Your body squirmed on top of his, but he kept you locked in. 
“What are you doing?” you whined. 
But he only hushed you and thrusted his hips up. Instantly, you felt his growing erection underneath you and you froze on him. 
“You gave me a massive fright today, you know that?” He sighed, his hands on your hips as he rotated them in a circular motion. 
Your body shivered as you felt your teeth chatter. “I’m sorry… I tried to control him” you explained through heavy breathing. 
“Yeah I know. A little too strong for you, aye?” He chuckled, his hands squeezing your hips harshly. You nodded your head quickly as you tried to focus your mind elsewhere, but it was pointless by the way he was rubbing his cock against your core. “But then, you know… You just looked so sweet and fragile that I just wanted to make sure you got home safe…” he admitted as one hand ran up your spine. 
“You took an interesting short cut. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to find you. But then, I saw you in the distance, running up the driveway” he laughed softly as he hand slid to your breasts.
You gasped out as both hands kneaded them before they slipped underneath your thin tank. His fingers rubbed circles over your nipples and your head fell back next to his and you tried to silence your clear as daylight arousal. 
“No bra? Naughty girl” he groaned by your ear, his tongue slithered around your earlobe. 
After a moment of groping you, his hands slipped down from your torso as you trembled on him, based on a horrific mixture of fear and desire.  
“I want to apologize” he suddenly professed. 
“What?” You panted. 
“For scaring you. I’ll admit, I lost my temper a little bit… You just scared me so bad, baby doll. How would I have felt if I didn’t brake in time?” He explained himself, his smooth jaw nuzzled against yours. 
But during this confession, his hand slipped into your shorts, right into your panties as he stroked your wet pussy. 
“I’m sorry for scaring you too!” You cried out, your heart thudding against your ribs as you found yourself rocking your hips. 
“No, no… You don’t have to tell me how sorry you are, you just have to show it” he moaned, a smug look on his face as a digit easily slipped inside of you. “We can do it wherever you want to, baby doll… Here, in the kitchen, we can get into my car if you really want and I can take you for a ride. It’s an expensive car” he grinned as he forcefully flexed his hips up making you cry out. “But if you want me to make it special for you, take me a bed, any bed. I’m not picky…” he exhaled as his free hand moved back up to your tits. 
“No, please!” You objected, logic dripping out of your aroused state. You were willingly grinding yourself on a stranger, an intruder, a man much older than you. You were in your senior year of high school for crying out loud. It forced you to try to free yourself from him. It only made him laugh and he wrapped his arm around your waist as he pressed his nose to the side of your heated face. 
“Baby doll… Look at yourself, you’re trying to fuck my hand right now” he pointed out. 
All you could do was sob out in humiliation as his fingers pumped inside of you. Your ass rubbed against his hard on whilst he kissed your bare neck. 
“My name is Jackson by the way” he introduced himself, a satisfied grin on his lips. You told him your name through a heavy gasp as his fingers went knuckle deep inside of you. “I already knew that” he whispered into your ear as he felt your walls clench tightly around his hand
Every dog has its day, but unfortunately for you, today was not that day.
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
stand by me // mick schumacher
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summary: the past few seasons have been rough on mick, and sometimes all y/n could do was reassure him that she was there. because sometimes, standing by someone is the best that you can do.
pairing: mick schumacher x female reader
warnings: haas, guenther steiner. mentions of serious crashes. sad mickey, burning of old haas merch, angie makes an appearance
when the night has come, and the moon is the only light we see. i won't cry, no, no, no, i won't shed a tear. just as long as you tell me, say you're gonna stand by me.
it was one thing to watch your boyfriend hit a barrier at two hundred kilometres an hour.
it was a totally different thing for every mechanic in the garage to simply roll their eyes instead of expressing some iota of concern.
“what the fuck is wrong with these people.” y/n huffed, moving to push past the viewing desk, fully intent on fighting guenther in his own garage before louise pulled her back
“it’s not worth it.” the older woman reminded her as she tried to keep a clear head.
micks headset wasn’t working; it was like gary was talking to a wall. nobody knew if mick was okay, and the only reaction she could see from guenther was annoyance. even kevin had come over the comms to ask if mick was okay.
y/n took her headset off, stumbling over to gary as she tried to keep her emotions in check. getting upset wouldn’t be good for anybody, but that crash was bad. the car had essentially split in half, taking mick with it as the session was red flagged.
“gary, is he okay?” she asked shakily, reaching for something to hold on to. “gary, i need to know.”
“i can’t hear him talking, but I can hear movement. i think he’s trying to climb out, which is a good sign.”
she didn’t start breathing again until she knew he was out of the car, knew that her mickey was safe. when they brought him to the medical bay, louise helped her there on shaky legs, and she sat with mick while he called his mom, and then they both cried together.
but from that moment on, they knew his days with haas were numbered.
“gene called me a dead man walking.” his voice sounded so small. he had been transferred to a hospital and taken in for extra observation. his mother was flying in from switzerland, and the fluorescent lights were giving him a headache.
“gene haas better watch his fucking back.” y/n scowled. “what does he know about this goddamn sport? he’s a tax criminal!”
but that day changed things. even though he knew he had y/n in his corner, you could see the clouds in mick schumachers eyes, the little glimpses of his father coming through. he would t talk to her about it, insistent that he could somehow change gene’s mind.
next race weekend, she walked with sad eyes and a heavy heart towards the mercedes motorhome and the one man that she knew would never steer her wrong.
toto wolff had become something almost like a surrogate father for y/n once she had started hanging around the track more. the older man looked out for her when mick couldn’t. toto knew she had never felt at ease in the haas garage, that there was something about the atmosphere in guenther steiners garage that made her uncomfortable.
“hey, toto.” she sighed, sinking into the austrians arms as he opened the office door.
“hey, kiddo. how’s mick doing?”
she frowned, following toto into his office. “he won’t talk about it. he still thinks there’s something he can do, and he shuts me down every time I suggest he start talking another team. I think guenther is stringing him along.”
it hurt that mick was emotionally firewalling her. yes, they still talked, but never about his career. he always shut her down with that sad look of his, or a suggestively placed kiss, attempting to distract her from the topic with the thought of something else.
she was dead worried about him.
“the air is thinner where gunther is from. it’s impairing his ability to think properly.”
she snorted. “toto, I’m worried sick about mick, he needs to talk to someone. you knew his dad. so did bonno. maybe talking to someone who knew micheal will help. I don’t know, but I can’t let this keep going on.”
“I’ll give him a call. you’re doing the best you can, y/n. please don’t beat yourself up over doing or not doing enough. it’s going to take time for mick to feel like himself again.”
“I know. I just wish that there was more I could do.”
later that week, she and mick flew to texas to visit his sister and her boyfriend ian at the family ranch. the moon was high, refracting off the water and illuminating the evergreens. mick and ian sat outside by the fire pit, angie scampering around their feet. gina and y/n were inside the house, stuffing a cardboard bankers box full of old haas merch. it had become glaringly clear to both women that mick wasn't likely to have a seat the following season.
and mick wasn't taking it well. he was still processing it, but there had been times where she felt like the man she loved would cry himself to sleep. she had the suspicion that once she went to sleep, her lover began to cry, so that she would never see him in such pain.
gina and y/n came outside, two cardboard boxes in hand as they met the men by the fire pit. they had beer bottles in hand and sad smiles on their faces as y/n rejoined her boyfriend, sitting on his lap before gently kissing his cheek.
"don't think about it, mickey. you've talked to toto, right? and jost? you aren't completely out of options for next year." y/n frowned, running her thumb over mick's bare arm. "don't give up hope just yet."
mick kissed her softly, resting his cheek against her skin. "why did you put all of my old haas merch in a cardboard box?"
"because we're burning it." she said matter-of-factly, getting to her feet and grabbing a baseball cap from the top of the box. "it'll be cathartic."
she stood in front of the fire pit, listening to the wooden logs crackle and pop as she frisbee-threw the cap into the fire, watching the fabric catch fire. she flipped the bird at the burning object with both fingers, shouting insults at guenther steiner as she watched it burn.
“take that you old austrian bastard. I bet gunethers cock is like, minuscule and that’s why he has to call his boyfriend gene before he makes any decisions.”
mick laughed a little, pulling a polo shirt out of the box.
“I mean come in now, he calls gene more than he calls his wife.” gina added. “who fucking does that? if I was his wife I’d be asking for a divorce right about now.”
mick balled up the shirt in his hands, punting it into the fire as if it was a baseball. the fabric caught fire instantly, swallowed by the orange flames as they spread across the royal blue fabric, leaving blackened ash in its wake.
“you’re right.” mick exhales, putting an arm around his girlfriend . “that felt really good.”
lifting their beer bottles to the sky and turning up the stereo, all summer long by kid rock blasting loud enough that the speakers shook, the family sang along, throwing various haas-related memorabilia into the fire and watching it go up in a cloud of dark grey smoke.
“they made ugly-ass merch anyways.”
“uh, guys, is it supposed to smell this rancid?” ian asked, scrunching up his face at the smell of burning plastic and fabric.
“oh fuck.”
“we didn’t think this through! ian, come help me get some water to put this out with.”
ian and gina ran off to get water, angie barking after them as mick and y/n fanned at the fire, laughing crazily as they used their sweaters as fans, hoping to tamp down some of the blaze.
“hey, babe, I want to tell you something.” mick smiled. “I want you to be the first to know.”
giving up on fanning the fire, as the oxygen was making the situation worse, y/n paused, her wool sweater falling limp in her hands as she looked at her lover.
“toto wants me to sign as a reserve driver next year. he’s already lost nyck to alphatauri and I think stoffel is going to aston martin. if haas drop me, I still have options. I can still come back to the field somehow.”
“oh, mickey, that’s wonderful.” y/n gushed, throwing her sweater down on a deck chair before moving over to mick and wrapping her arms around him. “I’m so proud of you.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you.” mick reminded her, kissing her softly, cradling her body in his arms as they swayed back and forth to ‘hero’ by enrique iglesias, the song playing softly in the background as they kissed in the stinky firelight.
angie padded towards the couple, nuzzling into y/n’s leg as they stared lovingly into each others eyes.
“I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, mickey.”
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @oconso @lorarri @scuderiamh @sidcrosbyspuck @thatsdemko @scuderiasundays @silverstonesainz
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endofthelinexx · 2 months
Roses and Flame | 10
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Pairing: Female!Driver!Horner!Reader x Toto Wolff
TW: Language, smut, oral(receiving), fingering, Toto being hot, everything is consensual
Rating: Mature, 18+
AN: OMGGG IM BACKK! So much crazy stuff has happened in my life, I've just been so busy, but when I happened to check my Tumblr I saw how many of you wanted this story to continue. It made me so happy so of course I had to come back. comment to be added to the taglist!
Word count: 3.9k
Mini Summary: Collins Horner is the eldest of Christian and Geri’s children. She has been raised to be the fastest female racer Motorsport has ever seen and to despise Mercedes while doing it. But what happens when her world turns upside down?
*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it or parts of it, and claiming it as your own.  
| chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 |
The next morning you woke up to the smell of bacon and the absence of Toto’s warmth. The feeling of your slightly messy hair made your cheeks warm up from embarrassment, wondering if you could fix it before he found you out of bed, you got up and snuck into the bathroom before you started desperately looking for a hair brush.
Trying to be quiet while throwing open drawers and cabinets was not easy but you were doing your best. There was no hairbrush to be found, you sigh and try to start fixing your hair with your fingers. You were interrupted by quiet laughter, turning around you saw Toto standing there with breakfast.
“I’m going to go ahead and assume your hangover is gone?” He laughed a little.
“I was just trying to fix my hair, but yes the headache is finally gone,” you looked at the plate and pointed, “is that for me?
He nodded, “Come lay back down so you can eat it in bed as I intended.”
Something was kinda hot about him telling you what to do, of course, you weren’t going to give up your stubborn tendencies, you were Christian’s daughter of course.
“Hmmm.. Make me.” You grinned mischievously.
He stared at you for a second, “Fine, I’ll just eat your portion too.”
“Wait! No, I was kidding,” you quickly ran past him and hopped back in bed.
He laughed and followed you, giving you your plate before going to get his own and taking his place next to you. When he came back in you took a minute longer to take in his appearance, he was wearing slacks and a wife beater, and he looked like a god. The things you wanted this man to do to you, your face got red once again, but this time he was there to notice.
“What are you blushing over there about?”
“Oh, nothing... I’m just thinking about something.” ‘Of course, he had to notice’ you thought.
“Mhmm.” He smiled and went back to eating.
You both spoke as you ate, when you were both done he took the plates and came back. You eagerly motioned for him to get back in bed, which he did. Almost immediately you crawled onto him, straddling his lap, putting your hands on his chest. You felt the toned muscles as you moved your hands down, he watched you intently. You opened your mouth to say something to him, but he grabbed your messy hair and pulled you in for a kiss. A squeak from shock replaced the words that you were going to say and you felt him smile in the kiss as it got more passionate. Both of you breathing heavily, his hands moving to your thighs, as they moved higher you pulled away.
“We need to wait a little, remember?”
He nodded, “I’m sorry, I can’t help it when you look at me like that.”
Now that you weren’t kissing you could feel his bulge pressing through his clothes on your inner thigh, it was like your skin was on fire. 
“Oh my god,” you breathed, eyes wide. “I should move.”
“Shhh,” he whispered, moving his hands to your hips and guiding you to grind on him, you let out a moan as he let out a low grumble.
You ignored all of the voices in your head begging for more, getting off of him, mumbling, “I should probably go home.”
“I shouldn’t have done that,” He began to apologize, but you cut him off.
“Please don’t be sorry, it was really hot, that’s why I should go before things get a little out of hand, it just makes me nervous because of my dad and everything.” You spoke as he nodded in understanding.
“I get it, I have a business meeting I need to leave soon for anyway,” he smiled, “you might’ve made me late if you didn't get up.”
You laughed before realising the only clothes you had were the ones you got here in, and you definitely couldn’t wear Toto’s clothes. Immediately Pierre popped into your head, “I think I’m going to stop by Pierre’s to get some clothes.”
“You better hurry then, I heard they have a team meeting soon as well.”
You nodded, feeling a sense of urgency, giving him a quick kiss, “I’ll see you later!”
Hopping out of bed, you grabbed your clothes that were still on the floor in his closet and booked it out the door, hurrying to Pierre’s so no one would see you. When you got there you started banging on the door before a half-naked Pierre opened it.
Immediately covering your eyes, you spoke, “Do not ask me any questions, do you have any clothes a girl might’ve left here?”
“Umm, yeah, you want to come in?”
You nodded, pushing past him, “could you put some clothes on as well?”
“You realize you're wearing a t-shirt, no bra and from what I can assume no pants either?”
“I’m wearing men's boxers”, you pulled up your shirt to show them.
He looked, still confused as well as in disbelief, “Are those Ralph Lauren boxers? Who did you sleep with last night that would wear Ralph Lauren boxers?”
“I said no questions, and no one you would know, almost every man that lives here would wear RL boxers.”
“More like every old man maybe.”
“He’s not that old,” you mumbled.
“Nothing, clothes please.” You put a fake smile on your face.
“There’s a box of women's miscellaneous items in my closet, don’t take any bras or underwear, they are mementoes.”
“Ew, but okay.”
You went into his room and started digging through said box, finding a cute sundress, and quickly slipping that on, “Thanks!” You gave him a high five and left.
When you got back to Lewis’, your father was sitting on the couch, “Oh fuck.”
He looked over, looking disappointed, “Collie, we need to have a discussion.”
“Where’s everyone else?”
“Upstairs, come sit.”
You nodded and moved over to sit in a chair, “what’s up Dad?”
“When this season started I didn’t figure this was something I would need to tell you, I thought it was pretty clear. You can be friends with whoever you want, I don’t mind, but you absolutely cannot fuck around with my drivers.”
“Excuse me? I didn’t ‘fuck around’ with anyone, if this is about Checo he stayed here because he was upset with his wife who to my understanding is cheating on him. He practically forced his way into sleeping in my room with me, he had hundreds of excuses as to why he couldn’t sleep on the couch or stay with Max. If you need to have a conversation with anyone it’s him.” You huffed.
“I already did, but I just figured I would relay the message, where have you been anyway?”
“A cafe, do you mind going now, Audrey and I were going to go to the beach when I got back.”
He nodded, “I’ll see you at the practice race this weekend.” 
He left after that and you went upstairs, “no warning?”
“He just got here.” Audrey shrugged
“Okay, I’m gonna shower and then beach,” you gave them a thumbs up and went back downstairs.
Toto was busy for the rest of the week, so he didn’t have time for many more dates and you were having a blast shopping and at the beach. Of course, it was sunny out, at least up until race weekend and it was on and off raining most of the time. Sunday quickly rolled around. You started in 4th, which has been your best starting position yet, you had a good chance at this race. There were several red flags at the beginning of the race due to the rain but finally, after 45 minutes it had cleared up. You ran a great race, getting up to second place, right in between Charles and Carlos. Just as the Ferrari team messed up their strategy you took first, knowing for sure Charles was yelling at his team over the speaker.
“You’re doing a great job, Collins.” You heard Micheal through your radio followed by your strategist Paul.
“Carlos is hot on your tail, you might want to quicken up the pace, but be safe.”
You nodded to yourself, “How many seconds behind?”
You kicked it into high gear, focusing on trying to create a larger gap between you and Sainz. 32 laps in, Mick Schumacher hit the barrier, causing a red flag for repairs to the wall. Micheal understandably took a step away from the team to go check on his son, luckily all was well. It was a crazy crash, probably could’ve been fatal so it was a miracle he was alright. After clean-up was done, the race continued, Carlos hot on your tail, followed by Checo. The laps carried on, but the race was drawing to a close. Lap 50, Carlos tried to pass you many times, but you got away. 20 Laps later you saw the checkered flag, crossing the finish line to gain your first win. The rush of extreme happiness filled your body, you could scream. You saw your team cheering for you as you passed the pits.
“Oh my god!” You yelled over the radio. Pulling up to the large 1st sign and parking, quickly jumping out and raising your hands, you jumped off the car and ran to hug Micheal and the rest of your team, taking off your helmet. You headed over to get weighed, and you then waited for your turn to be interviewed. Finally, it was your turn, you stepped up, taking the microphone from Carlos, a smile on your face.
“What a great race Collins! What is going through your mind right now?”
“So many things, I just can’t believe I’m standing here right now.” The smile ceased to fade away, looking over you made eye contact with Toto who gave you a discreet thumbs up.
“How does it feel to not only bring home the first win for Porsche but be the first woman to win a Grand Prix, especially at such a historical track like Monaco?”
“It’s the best feeling I could ever imagine, I just want to thank my team for making such an amazing car and allowing me to be here. I want to be the woman that all the girls in go-karting can look up to with pride knowing they belong in this sport, and it makes me so happy that just standing here right now, knowing I’m making girls feel like they belong as I speak.”
“One more question, how do you think you’re going to celebrate this first victory?”
“I’m going to have so much fun with my friends tonight, and I really can’t wait to hug my mom,” you laughed, waving at her.
“Well congratulations, go have a fun celebration on the podium!’
“I will! Thank you!” You smiled and went into the cool-down room, immediately hugging Carlos.
“You did so good,” he smiled and hugged you back.
You laughed, “Hey, you almost got me there in the end.”
“It’s too bad I didn’t,” he laughed.
After a little bit of talking, you were directed to the podium, a smile still on your face as you took the spot of first. They started handing out the trophies, you got yours last, holding it up in the air to hear everyone cheering, and you held back tears. They played the British national anthem and you couldn’t help but tear up to the song, just so proud of yourself for this accomplishment. Carlos playfully swatted you with his hat when the song ended. Then it was time for the champagne, without hesitation you hit the bottle on the ground, immediately spraying Micheal as the two boys sprayed you. Of course, you got them back before drinking a little bit of what was left in the bottle, holding it up in the air, causing everyone to cheer once again.
A little bit after, you had just gotten out of the shower in your room in the Porsche paddock. That champagne got sticky fast, you’ve never been so desperate to dodge all of the journalists in your life. You wrapped yourself up in your towel and stepped out of the bathroom to see Toto Wolff sitting on the couch of your private room.
You let out a gasp, “how did you get in here?”
“The door,” he spoke, turning to look at you, smiling. “Congratulations Schatzi, that’s a big win you know.”
You giggled, all giddy, “Yes I do!”
You almost jumped into his arms before he could even get off the couch, he laughed before you kissed him, and when you pulled away he spoke, “Technically I’m supposed to be upset because Lewis or George didn’t win, but it was difficult for me to hide my smile in the pits as I watched you overtake Checo, hopefully, they didn’t catch that on camera.”
Grinning, you replied, “I’m glad my win could bring you some joy.”
“Of course,” he looked at you, “you’re so beautiful.”
You smiled, blushing and glancing over the door which you realized he had locked when he came in. You knew people were waiting for you, your mother and siblings, the team, and your makeup artist, but maybe they could wait for just a moment. You moved to pull him into another kiss, he wrapped his arms around you, and you quickly snaked your hand behind his head to run your fingers through his hair. This kiss was different than the ones in the past, causing Toto to pull away and look up at you with dark eyes full of want and need.
“What do you want, Schatzi?” he whispered.
You let go of your towel, letting it slowly fall, “I still want to wait and have sex with you, but I think a little playing around wouldn’t hurt?”
“There are people out there waiting for you,” he breathed, watching as the towel fell from your body, revealing all that he had imagined.
You crossed your arms playfully, covering your breasts that he didn’t seem to be able to look away from, “well isn’t this what the guys do when they win, I want the whole experience.”
“Mmm, I see, so you want me to eat you out then?” He spoke, looking back up at you. Your face got red, you were super confident just a second ago, but the act was over.
“Why that specifically?” You managed to get out
He smiled, “Well the boys normally get to get a quickie in, of course, you understandably aren’t ready to do that with me yet, so oral is the second best thing.” As he spoke he moved you to lay down on the couch comfortably, grabbing a throw pillow to put behind your head, this had to be the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. He ran his hands over your exposed body like he was memorizing it, you could cry out already and he hadn’t even gotten to the main event. He grabbed your legs, about to push them up when you stopped him.
“Wait, one more kiss please,” you asked, and quickly he was over the top of you, pressing a kiss to your lips, you wrapped your bare legs around his clothed hips, feeling his hard-on pressed up against you through his slacks causing you to gasp.
“You’re going to have to be a little quieter so they don’t know I’m in here,” he whispered and you nodded as he went back down to his previous position, he moved back to lift your legs to rest on his shoulders and you let out another small gasp when you felt the cold air hit your pussy. “Oh my god you’re absolutely beautiful,” he spoke quietly, almost to himself as he looked at you, “so wet for me already and I’ve barely even touched you.”
You let out a whine as he lightly ran his finger over your clit, before moving to tease your hole, covering his finger in your juices. Your body has never been so tense with want, your arousal growing. A moan escaped your mouth as he slowly slipped his finger inside you, looking up to see your reaction. He grinned and lowered his head, slowly licking your clit as he pulled his finger out, you covered your mouth with one of your hands as you moaned. He lifted his head back up to look at you once again.
“Don’t stop, please,” you whined, sitting up a little to make eye contact with him. After about a second of eye contact, a grin appeared on his face as he pushed his finger back inside you, your head fell back, going to cover your mouth again. He lowered his head back, tongue flicking your clit, causing you to arch into his mouth. A moan muffled by your hand managed to slip out of your mouth as he continued to pump his finger in and out of you as he ate you out. This had to be the best head you’ve ever received, you didn’t think it could get any better until he slipped in another finger.
“Oh my god,” you breathed, your free hand grabbing his hair. You could feel your orgasm brewing already, ‘that’s embarrassingly fast’ you thought to yourself, but your thoughts were cut off when he pulled his fingers out, quick to replace them with his tongue.
“Oh Toto,” you moaned loudly, unable to stop yourself. At this point you didn’t care if anyone heard, you were so overcome by the feeling of pleasure. He didn’t seem to care either because he didn’t stop, your orgasm building fast. “I’m so close,” you whined as he pressed his thumb to your clit, applying pressure as he fucked you with his tongue. Your thighs tightened around his head as you reached your climax, moaning and breathing heavily as you came. Your body almost instantly relaxed and he sat up, sweat on his forehead, and a smile on his face.
“So much for being quiet Schatzi,” he spoke, clearly proud of himself.
You swatted at him, “Oh hush!”
He laughed and leaned forward to kiss you, you could taste yourself on his tongue. He pulled away and grabbed your towel, wiping his mouth off, “you were delicious.” He moved to clean you up, and you felt warm on the inside, loving how gentle he was with you after. 
“That was so good,” you sat up when he was done wiping up the mess he made, and you moved to undo his belt.
“Mmm, what are you doing baby?” He grabbed your wrist and you looked up at him.
“I need to see it and then I need it in my mouth,” you spoke like it was obvious.
He smiled, “I see, well, you know we don’t have enough time for that, I’m sure you have plenty of people waiting on you.”
You huffed, standing up and going to grab a clean towel, “You’re right, my makeup artist is right outside I’m sure. How are you going to leave?”
“I’m sure everyone will be out of here the second you are, I don’t mind waiting, I brought my book actually.” He picked it up off a side table and you smiled.
“Okay, be careful when you leave.” You kissed him before walking out of the room.
Your eyes immediately meet Florence, your publicist, then immediately shoot to Ellie-Mae, your makeup artist, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Oh no,” Florence put her face in her hands.
You looked at her then back to Ellie-Mae, “what?”
“We might’ve heard a little.”
“Who’s in there, is it just like a random or do I need to prepare myself for some big leaked story?” Florence looked at you, you could tell she was clearly concerned as you sat in the makeup chair. ‘At least they didn’t hear me moan his name,’ you thought.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it Flo, we can talk about it later if we need to.” You spoke and she nodded.
“Well congrats, on the race, not your private post-celebration,” Ellie laughed and you joined her.
After you got your hair and makeup done you got dressed in your cute little Porsche uniform and stepped outside to see your family, immediately going to hug your mother.
“I’m so proud of you Collie!” She hugged you tight, you almost immediately started crying, you were so happy.
“Well don’t cry now, you just got your makeup done,” your dad teased and you let go of your mother and went to hug him. You butted heads a lot, but you know it was because he really cared about you.
The rest of the evening, you did some interviews, and clearly Toto got out fine cause you saw him talking to Lewis in front of the Mercedes building, you couldn’t help but grin at least until you saw Tayla walk up to them, saying something and putting her hand on his arm. This is when being secretive stung, you wanted to walk up so bad, that bitch drove you crazy. Florence stood next to you and saw where you were looking, you figured she could help you out and it probably wouldn’t hurt to give her a hint of what was going on.
“Flo, can you go get someone to do something about that for me please?” You looked at her and she nodded, walking over to Tayla’s publicist and saying something, her publicist's eyes widened and went walking over to Tayla.
When she got back, you looked at her, “What did you say?”
“I might’ve dropped Pierre’s name but I didn’t do anything crazy.”
Tayla looked at her publicist when she walked up, clearly unhappy about being interrupted, but soon walked away from the two and back over to the interview area. When you got back to Lewis’ Audrey congratulated you.
“Girl, that's so awesome that you won in Monaco of all places.”
You hugged her tight, “I know!”
She hugged you back, “Now we have to go party and celebrate, I am living vicariously through you!”
“You’ll win soon enough, if I let you that is,” you laughed and she gave you a light push.
Lewis walked in shortly after with a hug and congratulations, but the conversation didn’t get too far before you asked Lewis, “What did Tayla want earlier?”
Audrey looked at you slightly confused and Lewis made a face, “Well I guess according to Toto Tayla might’ve seen him walking into the Porsche building and I guess she made an assumption.”
“Oh lovely, she’s just the perfect person to know that information.”
Audrey scoffed, “she can’t say shit, she’s sleeping with Carola.”
You and Lewis turned to look at her, eyes wide, you spoke first, “What?!”
“You heard me, she’s fucking around with a married woman, I mean we love diversity, but not when it’s an affair.”
Lewis nodded in agreement, “damn, that's crazy, how did you know that?”
“I’m her teammate and I might’ve snuck a glance at her phone, I’ll blackmail her if need be.”
“Well, thanks, Audrey..”
She nodded, “so what was Toto doing at the Porsche building?”
Your face got red, “I’ll tell you while we get ready.”
@laura-naruto-fan1998 @fxshernoizu @ricciardosheart @idkiwantchocolatee @ggrapejuiceblues @pierre-gasssllyy @itssherlockedontheinside @pleasantducktimetravel @indieclarke @tispys-blog @hoely-maria @flippitygibbitts @ashf1 @allinestarr
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fictional-babes-inc · 5 months
Take Out & Teasing | EA69 & LN4 (ft. EJ21 & MV1)
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Summary: Lando trying to take care of his pregnant wife and plan dinner with his in Laws turns into a teasing session for Max.
Author’s Note: Hi there! This is a lil snippet from my F1 DR that my best friend ( @shellybee456 ) and I wrote about our OC’s after they get married. Both girls are racers in the grid and are sisters.
~Elena Camille Jimenez~
Elena is Emilie’s older sister,she has been racing since 2018 with Mercedes, took a break from 23-25 to be Emilie’s Race engineer for Redbull then joins Ferrari in 2026. Elena was born Feb. 7th, 1997, she is the same age as Max and Charles and raced in karting with them. She is Spanish and Monegasque.
~Emilié Rosalie Auclair~
Emilie is Elena’s younger sister, she started racing in 2022 with Redbull taking over Checo’s seat. She races with them until 2025 then races with Andretti in 2026. She wins the 24, 25, and 26 WDCs. She takes a break in 2027 when she gets pregnant with Lando. Emilie was born on Sept. 3rd, 1999. Emilie is just Monegasque because the girls have different dads.
April 2027
Melbourne, Australia
"Émmie?" Lando called out as he entered their hotel room, only to be answered with silence.
A bit surprising considering Gearbox usually greeted him at the door irregardless of what Émilie was doing.
A quick search found Émilie curled up in on the couch fast asleep, Gearbox only lifting her head to receive a few head scratches.
The days of constant travel and lack of caffeine had finally taken its toll, leaving her utterly exhausted, enough so that she'd finally admitted defeat that morning and stayed at the hotel to nap, letting him go to the track and media day by himself for the first time since the season had started.
Clearly, Gearbox had picked up on it too if the Australian shepherd hadn't even gotten up to greet him.
He watched her for a few moments, unable to stop the way that a small smile crept across his face. Émilie was always pretty, but she looked truly beautiful asleep like this, features relaxed and the evening sun casting her in a golden hue.
She was wearing one of his McLaren hoodies, her hair tied up in a now loose bun with the blanket pulled up to her shoulder.
Lando moved closer and knelt down, placing a light kiss on her hair.
She made a little noise and burrowed further into the bedding, hiding from the cool air of the room.
He couldn't help but chuckle as he rose to his feet, Gearbox hopping off the couch, following him into the bedroom to change out of his team kit and into comfier lounge clothes.
While in the bedroom he texted Elena and Max, letting them know that ��milie was sleeping and that he'd ask about dinner later. Gearbox rested her chin on his knee.
It was silly really, but sometimes he couldn't believe he was in a relationship with Émilie. Like a genuinely real one, not the stupid friends-with-benefits-ignoring-their-feelings thing they had going for so many years. Not just that, but they were actually married. And Émilie was pregnant with their baby, a little girl.
It made him giddy still, just thinking about it. They'd have a baby by summer break and less then 2 years ago they weren't even talking to each other anymore.
He checked on her again once he'd changed, still finding her asleep.
Lando hummed to himself and moved into the small kitchenette, picking an apple and peanut butter from the counter with the intention to cut it up and eat it. Once she awoke he'd ask about dinner.
Halfway through he considered the fact that she probably hadn't eaten in a while, so he grabbed another apple to cut up for her.
Halfway through the second apple(the first still wasn't finished) he cut his finger, which meant a trip back to their room to dig through Émilie's bag to find her first aid kit for a plaster.
Once he'd cleaned and covered his cut, Lando returned to the kitchenette and cleaned up the blood before returning to his task of preparing a snack for them.
While he continued his task, arms wrapped themselves around his torso and a weight was rested between his shoulder blades.
He couldn't stop himself from grinning, "Hi princess." He was rewarded with a noise more like a bear then his wife.
Continuing his task, Lando finished cutting up the apples, shuffling a bit in her arms to grab two bowls, placing the apple slices and a spoonful of peanut butter in separate bowls.
Once everything was finished, he turned in Émilie's arms, cradling her face in his hands to give her a soft kiss before grinning at her.
"Why do you have a plaster on?" Emilie yawns out cutely when she notices it on the Brit’s finger.
He grimaced and showed her his finger, which made her wrinkle her nose. "I promise i didn't get anything on the apples, plus i cleaned the knife before continuing."
She sighs and tucks her head under his chin. "What am i going to do with you?" He shrugged, "I'd say marry me but you already did that."
She snorted and pulled back to give him another kiss before letting go and grabbing the apples. "Come on."
He followed after her, arching a brow when he realized she was not just wearing his hoodie but also a pair of his sweatpants.
"Are those mine?"
She paused and looked down, making a face when she looked up, "I need to buy new clothes."
He sat down and winced on her behalf before pulling her down into his lap. Lando peppered her in slobbery kisses, his arms wrapped around her waist keeping her from attempting to run away from him. "I like you in my clothes."
He grinned at her, when she gave him an unimpressed look, setting the apple bowls on the side table and wrapped her arms around his neck placing her own kisses on his cheek, "you're a menace."
He opened his mouth to say something but then his stomach growled, interrupting the moment.
She laughed at him before reaching over and grabbing an apple slice that she fed to him.
"I was supposed to ask you what you wanted for dinner." He explained once he swallowed.
She hummed and offered him a shrug, "There's an Italian place nearby that Oscar and Logan like that I've wanted to try, we could order that."
He nodded and grabbed her phone off the side table and handed it to her, "Use my card."
"I made more than you last year." She mumbled, looking up from the restaurants website on her phone.
"But yet that hasn't stopped you from requesting my card in the past."
She made a noise of indignation and smacked his chest, both of them laughing.
Their phones buzzed and Émilie looked at the message, muttering under her breath in French. Lando placed his chin on her shoulder and read the message, snorting.
Elena: do you want us to pick up dinner and bring it over since Em is sleeping?
Elena: and pregnant... 🤭
Émilie: fuck you too Lena.
Elena: oh you're awake.
Elena: what do you want for dinner?
Émilie: I want chicken parm and Lando wants chicken Alfredo.
"I do?" Lando remarked raising his eyebrow at his wife.
The smartass remark earned him an elbow to the ribs.
Émilie: and Mia wants fucking Tuna.
Max: are you sure Lando will still want to kiss you if eat fish?
Elena: The real question is, are you sure he's gonna want to keep the kid if she's a fish eater?
"She's got a point." Lando murmured, "I don't know if I can accept our baby if she eats fish."
Émilie groaned, "I hate you all."
He laughed, pressing a kiss to her neck. "My parents would kill me if I they didn't get to meet their newest grandchild. You know how they are with Mila and Athena.”
She sighed and looked back at the chat.
Émilie: he doesn't get a choice if he wants to keep up with his family, his parents would disown him and keep me and Mia.
Lando huffed indignantly, nipping her ear before grabbing his own phone, "behave Émmie."
Lando: Slander and lies, don't believe a word she says.
Max: Unfortunately, the only lies I see here are yours, buddy.
Elena: do the lies include her dinner order?
Émilie: I'm going to kill all 3 of you if my fucking Italian isn't here when you 2 shit heads get here.
Lando gasped, placing a hand on his chest in mock offense. "Wow and from my own wife."
Émilie huffed and set her phone down, ignoring whatever his sister-in-law retaliated with.
"If they don't bring my food-"
"Our food-"
"I am going to strangle her and leave Max a widower and Ferrari without their second driver." She pressed on, completely ignoring his correction.
She huffed, "you should have married someone else if you wanted a passive wife."
She paused a moment before patting his bicep, "now tell me about the day while we wait."
An hour later there was a knock at the day, and Émile shifted off Lando's lap so he could answer.
"We have your food!" Max called as he an Elena entered the hotel room. "Please don't hurt us."
Émilie rose to her feet and joined them all in the kitchen, eyeing the grocery bag on the counter with contempt before hugging her sister and brother-in-law.
"I'll decide what to do with you after I eat."
They ended up spreading out in the living room, Elena and Émilie on the couch while the boys pulled chairs in from the dining room.
"So, what's the latest gossip in the paddock?" Émilie asked once they'd all settled.
"Rumor has it Charles isn't driving for Ferrari next year." Elena said, making both Émilie and Elena stare at her.
"No way." Émilie gasped, not seeming to care about the food she flicked onto the floor when she leaned forward. "He's been with them forever!"
Gearbox happily cleaned it up.
Elena nodded, "I know! When I was in contract talks with legal they didn't mention him like they normally did. And when I asked about him they side stepped my question."
She paused and watched Gearbox, "they also asked who else I'd like to drive with if given the opportunity."
Lando tilted his head, "who'd you say?"
Émmie smiled, clearly happy with that statement. Lando couldn't help himself from also smiling.
She was so pretty when she smiled like that, cheeks dusted pink in happiness.
"You know seeing you both so helplessly in love with each other now makes all those years of listening to Lando pine worth it." Max grumbled, distracting Lando's train of thought.
Elena scoffed and ignored Lando, "if you thought he was bad you can not imagine what Émilie was-"
"I literally have so much dirt on the both of you," Émilie interrupted. She pointed her fork at Elena, "I'm your sister," she pointed the fork at Max, "and I was your teammate. I suffered the most."
Max turned a bit red, "I wasn't that bad." Lando snorted, "yes you were. Especially after she started dating Oscar." Émilie huffed, "that was bad, and I was getting an earful from Logan about it too."
Max was bright red at this point, pointedly not looking at his wife. "Ok so maybe-"
"There were so many times we were on the phone together and Max would just waltz into your drivers room and start complaining." Lando talked right over Max, not caring that his brother-in-law was trying to talk. "It was good gossip."
"All I wanted was a few minutes of peace with my fiancé and instead I got to play therapist to my ex-boyfriend." Émilie grumbled, pulling a pillow into her lap. "While on the phone with my fiancé!"
Elena was doubled over laughing now, "oh my god you were such a dork! I can't believe you went to my sister of all people about your feelings."
"And Charles." Max mumbled, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment, "and Danny. Lando too I guess."
"Awe that's so sweet, you were such a lovesick dork." Elena giggled, wrapping her arms around Max's neck, then kissing his cheek. Max turned his head to kiss his wife fully. Knowing that he was helplessly in love with her and even if they would tease him forever at least he had her to himself now.
Gearbox whined and attempted to shove her nose between them, making everyone laugh.
“Well I guess that’s our queue, let’s go eat dinner.” Elena chuckled as she pulled away from Max to go get dinner ready. She could already tell it was going to be a great night.
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omgkalyppso · 8 months
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Fae isn't my oldest Fire Emblem OC but they're certainly my most personal. They've not changed as much as it may seem, but my ability at splicing and editing sprites has improved since I started out.
@fe-oc-week Day 1: Introductions
Fae is often my My Unit / Byleth OC, with the Crest of Flames and the child of Geralt (intentional misspelling), but more lately I've been exploring them through a Student AU where they have a stronger connection to their culture (the Oghma people), they have polyamorous parents, and their genderfluid brother Zoran; not to mention their Major Crest of Cethleann.
It's AU's galore for this oc. Canon-compliant, existing in the background of timelines that more strongly feature friends' oc's, magical and monstrous, modern and indulgent.
I haven't yet properly written for them and my My Unit / Shez OC Avery, but I think of them, and speak of them with friends.
All of Fae's au's feature Claude, Hilda and Lorenz however, the quartet often referred to by people who know me as my ot4 (no other qualifiers needed) (an ot5 now with Avery, when he's around). I also like featuring a strong relationship - friendship or familial (cousins) between Fae and Linhardt when there's room for it.
As a student, they would start in the Golden Deer House, and would be strongly inclined to VW. Despite being Adrestian by birth, Fae probably would only otherwise recover from their post-war heartaches in AM.
I'll save more for Relationships and Backstory day.
Here's some extra content:
Bad: Sorry. Could you explain it again?
Critique: Thanks. I’ll add it to a list.
Console: I appreciate that.
Great: You know? This is fun.
Great: Now this I’ll remember.
Perfect: Your guidance goes a long way.
Praise: Don’t worry about saying all that.
Favorite Tea: Honeyed-Fruit Blend, Almyran Pine Needles, Rose Petal Blend
Subject Strength: Sword, Authority, Faith
Subject Weakness: Flying, Horseback, Bow
Budding Talent: Reason
Lost Items:
Beaded Mittens. Description: Worn mittens with sheep beaded on the palms. They probably belong to someone who is used to hand-me-downs.
Cloth Swimming Bonnet. Description: A cloth bonnet to prevent one’s hair from tangling. It probably belongs to someone who is fond of swimming.
Used Notebook. Description: A notebook full of lists, like recipes and books to read. It probably belongs to someone who is prone to forgetting details.
Gifts: Gemstone Beads, Watering Can, Ceremonial Sword
Dining Hall:
Favorite Dish: Sweet and Salty whitefish Sauté
Disliked Dish: Fish Sandwich
Primary: Authority
Secondary: Faith
A seminar on practical etiquette for celebrating cultural diversity across Fodlan and beyond.
I argue it isn't entirely unreasonable based on the description of Mercedes' seminar, "A seminar on connecting with other people and helping them explore how using magic best suit them personally." I'm sure from Goneril, to Gautier, to Enbarr, there's enough difference to discuss politics at a commoner's level and have some fun with religious holidays, etc. Give me Petra and Sylvain as active members of the class and Dedue and Ferdinand as quiet observers mechanically; and Fae needing to shout over the class leaders when this inevitably backfires narratively.
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thetwelfthcrow · 7 months
hi love!!! for the trick or treat, i love your insights on how the grid feels about established relationship 4433 and george’s reaction interested me the most bc i never thought of it that way fjskxnskcn i wanted to know how a lovey dovey interaction between max and lewis before a race where they’re kissing each other good luck and flirting would go and how george would react 🤭👻🎃
ohhh mild apologies for potential george slander
"Still feels weird, you know. Good, but weird." Lewis squeezes Max's hand softly, then lays his head on Max's shoulder as they wave at the grandstands that they're passing by. The wind is warm and gentle, just cool enough to be relaxing. They're both wearing their team shirts, highly aware of all the fans and the cameras, even the one on this bus. A driver's parade like any other, really, and somehow it feels like a fundamental change has occurred. And yeah, the best drivers of this era coming out and showing that they're in a relationship together is somewhat fundamental, but it's also just another workday.
"Hm, what feels weird?" Max asks, and his voice is just loud enough for only Lewis to hear. He puts his waving hand down and leans on the rail behind him.
"I don't know, just, being so free after hiding for so long."
Max smiles, "I like it," and really it is as simple as that. He seals it with a soft kiss to Lewis' crown. Lewis kisses Max's shoulder in return. Max waves at the grandstands again.
"I like it too," Lewis says, gets his head away from Max's shoulder and turns to chat with some drivers that are near him. Max takes another second or two to wave at the grandstands, let the moment dawn in on him as well. Lewis is right, yeah, this is weird and good. The biggest risk of their lives paid off, and that's nice.
The other drivers, with whom Lewis and Max now form a group, have been really nice about their announcement. Lando's only jabbing Max for the age gap, and has been calling Lewis a grandpa with the fondest eyes that get Lewis to rub him back about a certain win-count. Carlos, Charles and Pierre are just talking about the foods they've had since arriving here, a small note about basketball and then back to chit chat.
Lewis' hand is warm and steady in Max's, it grounds him. This all is real, it's happening, and they're very proud of who they are as individuals and as a couple.
The bus finishes its round, parks, and the drivers are getting off. Max and Lewis walk off together, feeling free to be as inseparable as they've always wanted. Inseparable as they've always avoided, in fear of seeming too close together. Everything feels new, like it's the very first driver's parade they've ever done. New, like joining another team and having to readjust to everything that come with it, despite the workplace and routine being the same. New, like being born in new skin despite it having the same characteristics as ever. New, but refreshing.
Still hand in hand, the two champions walk back to their respective garages, the Mercedes garage is first. Toto may be okay with this, he will not be okay with a rival in his garage. Max knows this, so he keeps a respectable distance from the actual garage. He has no intent on gathering any information anyway, he'll lead from turn one onwards and win this race. He has more faith in his own team's strategising and car-building than in Mercedes. But he respects Toto's wariness.
He doesn't miss the side-eyes that George is shooting them, though. He'll see if he can chat up with Lewis' teammate later.
"You were right, by the way. On the bus. This is weird, and good, but weird nevertheless." He feels like he should've said it, even though he didn't realise it when Lewis did.
"Right!" Lewis smiles, "I like it too, I really do. I enjoy every moment of it, every good one." He swings Max's hand in his own and it's cute and childlike and so very loving that it swallows Max whole for a second.
Max blinks a few times, smile still present on his face. He leans down to press a kiss to Lewis' lips -- he can do that now! even if there's camera's! -- and runs his thumb over Lewis' cheekbone. "I hope to see you with me on the podium."
"I'd like to be one step up."
"If you can catch up, maybe I will give you a shot."
"Oh what's this I hear, race-fixing? How unsportsmanlike of you." Lewis jabs Max's side, "I appreciate it."
"I do not think I will do it--"
"I don't think you would, either. I don't expect it, either. The thought is very sweet though." Lewis kisses Max on his nose, reassuring. He may have noticed the glint of panic in Max's eyes from a promise he never meant to make. He knows Max well.
George comes walking up to them, Max nods at him, Lewis doesn't acknowledge him. George crosses his arms, a smile on his face that isn't kindness, "Now, Max, I don't think you're allowed to be here."
Max turns his head to George, frowns, then sees how serious he is. Max just shrugs, tries to eye Toto and wave at the man. Toto waves back, perhaps not with the kindest face, but that's asking a lot from the Austrian man who hates Max's (team's) guts. Max looks at George again, "I think I am fine, otherwise Toto would have dragged me by my ear out of here already." He looks at his feet, he isn't even in the garage either, the most disturbing he could be doing now is to stand in the way from a car that makes a pit stop, but... there is none, since the race hasn't started and neither Max, Lewis or George would be here if that was the case. "I am not even in the garage!"
George just huffs, "Don't we have to get ready, Lewis?"
Lewis wraps an arm around Max's waist, "Yeah, in a minute, I think."
George squints his eyes, switching between Max's and Lewis'. Max just wraps his arm around Lewis' shoulders and presses a kiss to his crown again, eyes half on George.
George opens his mouth again to make a comment, and Max half-braces himself for something along the lines of mooom, Lewis and Max are being clingy again comment. Yes, to the tune of the Phineas and Ferb intro.
Lewis is quicker than him -- not unusual -- and says, "I think I'd know what I'm doing and what the schedule of our team is, and what Max is and isn't allowed to do here, George." And, since he was raised a polite man, he adds: "But I appreciate your concern, dearly."
Max nods as well, "Your timekeeping is great indeed, you are almost as strict as Angela was to Lewis."
George's face is priceless -- it's a mix between offended and put in his place. He raises his chin, "I suppose I will see you two on track, then." and he walks away.
Max leans closer to Lewis to whisper in his ear, "What place is he starting again?"
"I do not really think I will see him on track, then."
"Max!" Lewis slaps him playfully, other hand in front of his mouth, "That is not nice to say about my deeply concerned, timekeeping teammate."
"I am a little bit sorry, I think he means well. But also, he is a little jealous and does not like me, I think." Max shrugs, then kisses Lewis' cheek, "He is right about the time, I should go."
"He'll warm up to you," Lewis says, then adds softer, "I hope," with a wink. "Good luck today, love."
"You too, I hope to see you on the podium."
Lewis stands up on his tippy-toes to kiss Max's lips, "Yeah, and you'll let me win, right!"
Max hurries away from the garage, carrying as much irony in his tone as he can possibly muster: "Suuuure!"
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lincolnmkicks · 2 years
more hero is larks daughter ramblings and predictions under the cut spoilers for s2 of dndads!!!! also this was like. at 1am. so any typos or anything are just bc i was soup brained sorry ;;
people forgetting hero exists drive me crazy. i cannot see a way that norm is actually larks son unless hero was born out of wedlock (bc i think they mention explicitly lark slept with rebecca the night before sparrow married her???? or smth??? let me go back. OKAY WENT BACK AND HOLY SHIT apparently lark just only now told sparrow abt fucking rebecca and larks like “oh i knew but it was too awkward to talk about so i let it slide :)” and lark explicitly states he fucked rebecca while shr was engaged to sparrow) which. idk i feel like. sparrow is so desperate for normality would he really not jsut. marry rebecca the second he realizes shes pregnant with hero?
so to me. i think narratively my prediction. if we go with the hero is larks kid theory. and not scary is larks kid. is that. so hero was an unexpected baby. hero wasnt intentional. maybe she was born on a day that made it plausible she was either of their kid. sparrow, never quite sure and never able to BE sure bc he and lark r twins obv. named hero. well hero incthe most petty move EVER. a constant reminder of what lark Did. not just sleeping with his wife but a reminder of the unsung hero needed to release the doodler. hero is not just a reminder of larks guilt snd mistakes. shes a reminder of *henry*. and maybe that inadvertently makes sparrow distant from her as well. i dont know which way sparrows relationship with henry went. part of me wonders if maybe lark was closer wjth mercedes and sparrow was closer with henry. who knows. im ramblings and off topic but anyway.
maybe sparrows distant with hero bdcause shes not his daughter. becaude he *knows*, potentially, she might Not be his. and sparrow doesn’t want that because thats not *normal* its not *conventional*. this also explains him marrying centrist rebecca (does not explain what wa sin her pussy to make lark wanna hit it too if im correct abt him being closer to mercedes. maybe im off and he was closer to autumn. idk). maybe hero already felt eldest daughter syndrome, compounded by the fact that her birth dad feels shame and guilt not just bc of her name and the circumstances of her brith but also bc he just doesnt feel worthy of bejng a father. arms length and all that.
and so. NORMAL. normal is guaranteed sparrows son now. in this version of events. and its perfect now its fine because normal is his normal is his son and not larks. sparrow is happy. forget about hero she doesnt count because shes mayeb not his. forget her. and then normal isnt. normal. hes weird. he wears a mascot suit all tbe time. he doesnt realize people laugh at him not with him. and thats not okay. thats wrong. thats Out of the Ordinary that interrupts the daily flow and its JJST BARRY AGAIN. its JUST barry but maybe even WORSE. because barry believed his son superior. sparrow thinks his son is lesser.
sparrow likes his son fine but hes not proud of him. he doesnt wanna show him off. LARK. though. uncle lark is Everytbing. theres no shame attached to normal liek there js to hero. hero’s his brith child and hed mess it up but hey. he cant do worse to normal than sparrow has. and maybe lark sees a bit of himself in norm. sees a kid who wasnt accepted by his father. who wasnt as Respected because sparrow was a love wolf and lark wasnt. lark looks at normal and can see him get crushed under a giant pyramid. lark looks at normal and worries hed be the next lord of chaos.
so lark. co parents. he cares for norm. he pretends fo be his brother to apologize for the bullshit he said. he does—in his fucked up, traumatized way—his best to prepare norm for things he might experience. theres no shame attached to norm like there is hero because hero’s birth almost ruined sparrow. ruined his perfect life with hsi perfect wife. so lark can step up when sparrow. cant. or doesnt. lark supports norm. maybe to make up for whst he cant do for hid actual daughter.
also im biased but i like lark having a daughter a lot. in a show where everyone has sons ofc the one who has a daughter (a BIRTH daughter, too, so still a first even if i love terry and scary) is LARK. fhats prob why i prefer lark ebing hero or scarys dad to norms. anyways.
where does that leave hero? who doesnt have sparrows adoration and attention because she might not be his. who doesnt have larks because she MIGHT be.
well…………………. maybe scary breaks free from willy’s manipulation. maybe willy needs somebody to help him pull the strings from his side. maybe willy can step up not for taylor, but for somebody else. somebody who has TWO male adults in her life who push her aside for her baby brother. and willy really needs daddy magic. so maybe. maybe just maybe.
willy finds an unsung hero in a different way.
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wejustvibing · 7 months
Hello again!
Sorry for being in here so much! I wanted to ask your opinion on something about Lewis and his interactions with people he is interviewed by or who he meets for the first time. What i mean is, when Lewis met Takashi Murkami and he described him as a nugget of love or something of those words or when the Mercedes E Sports boys met Lewis and Marcel said meeting Lewis is like an experience you can’t put into words (again im not sure of his exact words) what do you think it is about Lewis that makes people feel that way? Because no offence, i don’t often see anyone else being spoken about in this manner, so I wonder what it is about Lewis that has people feeling this way. And in your opinion, why do you think, despite this, people still want to call his character into question and imply or blatantly say he is the opposite of what so many other people have said he is?
I also would like to ask, what are a couple of things about Lewis that you appreciate?
Have a good day!
hey you! sorry for getting to this so late. i needed a breather. yes!!! people's reaction to meeting him is my absolute favorite thing. the way murakami has described him is a masterpiece in itself. it's so overwhelmingly priceless. he must be magic, this guy <3
well i've never met him so it wouldn't be right for me to try and guess the feeling or vouch for any of these experiences. at least not without bringing out my inner parasocial crazies. but in my opinion, aside from the obvious personality and aura, he's highly intuitive and excellent at reading energies around him and more often than not he reflects them back, probably drawing people in. he's super respectful and attentive when they're engaging him which must be refreshing. also he never ever does what's expected of him—including expectations based on perceptions, media reports or hearsay that always paint him a certain way. it probably surprises them the most i guess?
i appreciate and love a whole lotta things about him but let me try and stick to the topic and context here. i love that he is compassionate and often tries to show it through actions. he will ask interviewers about their day or lives, in a curious yet respectful way. will try to make them feel comfortable by being calm and soft-spoken. will try to make time for fans and not just through sheer obligation. i like that he's intentional with every single thing he does in public eye. it comes from hard learned lessons i'm sure and must take a whole team of people to make it work so well. but i love it, especially when you know the level of unnecessary scrutiny he faces.
i love the fact that he's not perfect. don't think i'd be a fan if he was. as someone learning to live with maladaptive perfectionism i take solace sometimes knowing it's okay to be less than perfect and it's okay to learn and improve, it's okay to keep striving in ways that might never reach perfection. you're allowed to be wrong and you can always be/do better the next time. i love it when he's spontaneous, lets out normal human emotions and passionate reactions. i love that he's one petty mf if and when he decides to be. love that he's always curious and ready to learn. he's not afraid of expressing himself, being himself (anymore), i really admire that. he could have easily gotten jaded by now with the amount of success as well as negativity but instead he's elevated himself beyond both and has nurtured his heart to be the best version of himself and enjoy the journey he's on.
but, one thing that i love the most about him is how easy he makes everything look. if there's one thing about him it's that he is going to make everything look effortless—hard work, driving, winning, success, fashion, attitude, reaction to criticism & hate, and most of all living (and living rent free in so many heads). it's probably what pisses some people off too. must need heaps of discipline, focus and strength to achieve it. but he does it anyway and you have to appreciate that.
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leqclerc · 1 year
honestly i think that with a car like THIS and a team like THIS that fact the charles "struggles to perform/makes mistakes" (let's assume this as a fact and not talk about how the same number of mistakes are differently perceived for the two drivers) was bound to happen. i feel like he has no trust in the team, because the team seems to not have trust in him, despite fred's presence. I know charles is very good at compartmentalise and reset, but this situation is the result of months if not years of things piling up. I think he still hasn't given up and he will still try, but the moment is uhm delicate and difficult like nothing else in his ferrari years
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No because when people said Le Mans was like an indoctrination event to keep him invested in the team/brand 😭😭😭 Might be onto something tbh 🤔
It's really hard to make sense of it when you're hit with two conflicting narratives. On one hand both he and others around him keep reiterating that he's committed to the team, that they intend to pursue a future together... but then on the organizational side we keep running into the same issues and topics that were a problem already last year, there's still lots of miscommunication and dissonance. Despite bringing it up over and over again and despite assurances that they're doing something about it, it doesn't seem he's being listened to any more than he was this time last year.
Like, okay, the championship is firmly out the window this year if you're not a Red Bull driver. With the gains Aston and Mercedes have made third overall would be a huge success; fourth in the Constructors' is probably the more accurate and realistic prediction. But if you don't have the car to make it work, at least try to improve and make up the difference elsewhere? I mean last year they fell into the trap of making mistakes because they were under pressure with the championship. Now they've got the relative leniency of being in the midfield and everyone kind of knows and understands it's a transition year for them and it's going to be a largely forgettable season. I don't understand why it's so hard for them to just... apply what they seemingly keep internally discussing with Charles. Because the thing is, it doesn't seem to even be a matter of "okay we heard your suggestion and crunched the numbers and we think this is the best approach..." it's more like whatever he says just goes way over their heads and they have no intention of even considering it, because the ~simulations or [checks notes] whatever Max is doing at the moment is more important. They're very inflexible in that way. Not to mention the weird narratives allegedly coming from the team about whatever the hell happened in Spain, for example. 🤨
Charles has the patience of a saint when it comes to the team and refrains from putting them on blast (also, drivers who were vocally critical of the team in the past, even with good reason, tended to pay the price...) so when even he is letting frustration loosen his tongue like that, you know it's not great. In the post-qualy statement he chalks his frustration up to knowing the pace was there and knowing they could've and should've done better all around, and there we have him reiterating yet again that he loves the team (boy, we know 😭). But surely...there will come a time when love isn't enough of a glue to hold this partnership together, especially if he continues to not be given the support, trust and consideration he feels he needs in order to perform at his best.
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mickcedesagenda · 1 year
23.02.2023 | PRE-SEASON TESTING - DAY 1
Finally! Testing started! Unfortunately, the morning session begins at 3.00 am (VET), and I refuse to wake up so early for something I can't even watch because I don't have F1TV.
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Red Bull looks so good, considering the penalty they're supposed to have. Max had the best time practically all day. Good for him! Max is a total beast. The rear wing shook side to side in some turns, but it got better in the afternoon session. Max's lap time was 1:32.837.
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Carlos was great in the car, remained in the Top 3 for a long time, and ended up P3! The problem is the car was bouncing, which is scary. I cannot imagine how stressful it would be to deal with all the bouncing again. Although Charles had good a time, he ended up behind Carlos anyway. Carlos was P3 (+0.416s) and Charles P4 (+0.430s), with a +0.014s gap between them.
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George did 69 laps. Funny. He was P5 in the morning and P9 the rest of the day, which is not ideal. But the car had no problems and no evident bouncing. It seems they just took it easy in this session. I have hope in them. Lewis excited me, I'm not going to lie. He spent a lot of time in the garage and with bad times, but then he improved! He ended up being P6 because Lando improved almost at the end of the day, but the W14 doesn't look that bad. Lewis was P6 (+0.671s) and George P9 (+1.337s), with a +0.666s gap between them.
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My problem with Alpine is that I hardly pay attention to them or have something to say. It's not my intention! My brain just blocks them. They didn't have great lap times, but I always trust them to stay in the points, so I don't worry about them. Pierre was P16 (+1.985s) and Esteban P17 (+2.034s), with a +0.049s gap between them.
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Oscar made me sweat. We prayed for McLaren's downfall so hard that now my baby is struggling. I hate McLaren as a team, but his lap times were not the best in the world, and it worries me. Lando ended P5, which is fine, but after so many problems. The team is aware of how bad the car is. Lando was P5 (+0.625s) and Oscar P18 (+2.051s), with a +1.426s gap between them.
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ZHOU WAS IN THE TOP 5! He made me so happy. He ended up P8 (under Red Bull, Ferrari, and Mercedes… understandable). Unfortunately, Valtteri was only P12, but I don't lose hope in this duo. Guanyu was P8 (+0.886s) and Val P12 (+1.721s), with a +0.835s gap between them.
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Aston Martin made me nervous with the electrical problem. In the first 10 minutes! Felipe had to stop, and they spent quite a while trying to solve the problem. Felipe was last but then improved! He later said the car was smooth… really, Felipe? Are you sure? I'm happy he has this opportunity, and I wonder if he will be at the race too. I thought it would get better for the team, but they were practicing pitstops and broke the floor? …my man Fernando will never know peace. But he ended with the 2nd best time !!! You don't understand how happy I am. Fernando was P2 (+0.029s!!!) and Felipe P14 (+1.727s), with a +1.698s gap between them.
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Hülkenberg and Kevin were P11 and P19, which is not good, but tbh I didn't pay them much attention, so I don't have much to say. Hülkenberg was P11 (+1.587s) and Kevin P19 (+2.250s), with a +0.663s gap between them.
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Nyck and Yuki's positions are quite low and typical AlphaTauri behavior, which worries me. It's one of the few teams I don't have much hope in. Nyck was P13 (+1.722s) and Yuki P15 (+1.834s), with a +0.112s gap between them.
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I'm an Alex Albon believer! ALEX ALBON WAS IN THE TOP 3! He ended up being P7, but it's still promising. Obviously, the times during testing don't mean much throughout the season, but I like to be delusional when it comes to Alex Albon's rights. Logan also did well and had the best time among the rookies. That scares me because I have an Oscar Piastri Rookie of The Year agenda. Alex was P7 (+0.834s) and Logan P10 (+1.487s), with a +0.653s gap between them.
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slow-button-off · 1 year
I have a question after reading what Alex Albon said about his RB experience.
So he confirms that the car is manufactured around Max and the second driver has to deal with it.
Now once Max is confortable they try to make life easier for the 2nd driver too. And maybe if they are dominant with Max they have the means to then focus on the 2nd driver….
So is Red Bull the only team with that philosophy ? Do Mercedes do that too or do they go the Ferrari route and make that neutral fast car ? Isn’t redbull forcing other teams to go the same way as them ? Have a really dominant driver ?
But it also seem like RB do not care as much about the WCC as Ferrari for example. Their full focus is on WDC with WCC being the big bonus.
I don’t know if you follow Moto GP too but it’s the same story with Honda and Marc Marquez. The bike suits him only (but it’s not to say it’s the best bike as RB has the best car because like Max, MM has abilities beyond others. I think it’s actually worst than Max with Marquez : on equal bikes he would win everything. While for Max, Lewis at least would be dangerous and i like to think Charles, Alonso and maybe George too )
It's all a bit complicated. It's not like the engineers start with the intention of making the car hard to drive, they at first just try to make the fastest car that they can in the new regs.
But the longer the regs go on the more the cars are developed into specific directions. There are always multiple different things that can be changed and developed on a car that can also change the characteristics and if RB are faced with two options that make the car also faster that are wanted by the two different drivers or suit them more they are always going to pick Max. And so eventually you end up with a car that primarily suits Max.
But it's a bit complicated to say whether other teams do that too or not. I think it really depends on the situation.
RB especially the last few years either had drivers that like the same thing or their only real chance of competing with a very dominant Mercedes was to give Max what he wants even more. Daniel wasn't struggling with the car but then Pierre was and he was struggling a lot which at that point changing the philosophy was probably just out of the question too.
Mercedes and I honestly don't know if they did or not, weren't really in that situation up until 2021. They've always had a decent margin over the others especially with Lewis so there was no trouble in maybe helping out Valtteri here and there. But honestly idk.
I mean for all teams F1 is essentially one big marketing opportiunity but their interests are imo not totally the same. For a car manufacturer winning the wcc can be equally important because that can matter to them.
But for a brand like RB it kinda doesn't matter, they can't sell anything with that because nobody remembers the WCC if it's not the same team as the WDC. What people remember ist the WDC winning driver and team.
Ferrari and Merc can I think get more out of a WCC win than RB but again the WDC probably does more. But it matters more to them.
I don't watch moto GP I watched a few races because one of my ex-flatmates is a huge Marc fan and I was kinda forced into it. But I know what you mean!
But in general they are never ever going to put stuff on the car if they don't think it'll also make it faster.
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Highlights from the pre-season testing recap:
It's predicted that Alex Albon will easily be a midfielder at the start of the season. The Williams car has improved performance.
Alpha Tauri are predicted to stay the same as last year if not a bit slower, but it was implied that this may have been due to intention sandbagging.
All the drivers seem really exhausted. Let them leave.
Journalists asking the drivers about how reliable they think the cars are seems redundant. Of course the drivers will say the cars are reliable, they're not going to publicly discuss any cracks that may be showing.
Haas is in a similar position to last year and predicted to do about as well.
There was a bit of porpoising, but it's predicted to have been due to the track rather than the cars themselves. If so, this is great news!
Aston Martin is apparently one of the most improved teams based on reactions and times. They're predicted to be very close to Mercedes this season.
RBR and Ferrari are expected to be the top teams this year, with RBR taking the lead again (I am hoping for close racing this year, I do not want to see another season where rbr are 20+ seconds ahead of everyone it was so boring and I also don't want to see another season where Ferrari and Mercedes aren't actively competing for championship titles, personally).
Mclaren has "fundamental issues" with their wheel brows and pace. They'll likely make upgrades as soon as possible. Piastri said the team is where they expected to be in terms of current standings.
Alonso is backing up earlier claims that Aston will likely be on the better end of the midfield and one of the more competitive teams.
They're just talking about how good rbr is now and I don't care tbh. I'm over it and I've been over it.
Alpine are ahead of Mclaren as of now, but they're considered an unknown entity. It could go either way for them at this point.
Mercedes is thought to be improved from last year, though they've still seen technical issues over the past several days. One journalist predicted they're going to be further back in the midfield (closer to best of the rest). He doesn't think it's a competitive car with rbr or Ferrari. I hope he's wrong.
Lewis says they have a mountain to climb and they're all working hard. Reliability is generally good, so that's a good start! He says they aren't where they want to be yet, but it's a good starting point. Compared to last year, the team feels less defeated and more determined. They know they have some areas to improve on, but it's better overall. They're staying positive and continuing on. The journalists think Mercedes are sandbagging and bluffing, even with the journalists. Lewis dodged one of the questions about pace and smirked a bit. Toto also apparently implied that the team has more speed to come, so those things combined...let's not get our hopes too high, but it is a possibility.
It is unknown as to whether or not the Ferrari will actually be competitive with rbr this year. One of the journalists says rbr is still ahead of Ferrari, but they might be able to steal a few wins away (I can't do this again I really can't if they're that far ahead of everyone again it's going to be so boring).
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yesterdayiwrote · 2 years
Ok, I will drop this here in anon form because I need to vent a little and though I'm trying to be as rational as I can, there are so many thing that are adding on top of one another as of late that I'm starting to really dislike. So, I read Lewis' newest bbc interview, and ok, I'm not a team insider so wtf do I know, right? I still don't like they wording he used when talking about George's technical work within the team. I can't help but feel it a bit belittling tho it makes perfect sense 1/2
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Hey anon! Feel free to vent! I feel your pain, I’m a chronic over thinker and so I do find myself deeply analysing this stuff on the regular so trust me, you’re not alone.
I’ve always had some questions over the “Lewis sacrificed everything to run experimental set ups and George did nothing” narrative. Was Lewis forced into running experiments by the team or did Lewis choose to run experiments out of sheer determination to find the answer. People have automatically jumped on the first but this article makes it sound more like the latter? And sure it doesn’t matter really, but it does if it’s being used as a stick to beat the other with. George chose to run conservative set ups and benefitted from it, but equally Lewis’ data is worthless without the standard data from George’s car for comparison. It’s still team work.
I think some of the wording is unfortunate and a bit clumsy and I would hope not intentional however I do feel like Mercedes are incredibly bad at protecting their drivers when it matters. They make a big song and dance about Valtteri all the time now, but they very much hung him out to dry last year when he was really struggling and I worry slightly because I can see the same happening again with George. Of course Lewis is their star attraction, but George is their driver and they also have a duty of care towards him.
Toto is the one making comments about them all being little kids left in the rain, but he’s simultaneously harping on about tough love and I think there’s definite limits to that that he maybe doesn’t always recognise. We don’t see the full workings of everything behind the scenes of course but as people have started turning on George it’s almost felt like it’s come from all angles. He’s stated a few times recently that he’s suffering from self doubt, and so seeing Toto contribute to that, along with everyone suddenly saying he’s the worst driver and simultaneously undermining what he has achieved in order to acknowledge that maybe Lewis hasn’t done as badly as everyone tried to imply at the start…it’s not very nice seeing all that happen at once because it feels like a fast track to some kind of spiral if you’re not equipped to deal with it.
I think it’s sadder to me because George is SO vocally outspoken on supporting Lewis and Mercedes, even downplaying his own results at the start of the season, that it does feel kind of sad not seeing that entirely reciprocated whether that’s verbally or via the team social media or whatever. Although I think it’s easier to ruminate when you’re in a fan position and you end up ultimately reading and processing everything that’s said about a driver you like. It is very easy to feel parasocial about it, even if it’s from a protective place. Not worrying about things I can’t control is still something I’m trying to master so I’m not the best person to advise in that sense! At the end of the day, we know he’s had a great season all things considered, the rest of it. The results will go in the history books and the ultimately meaningless discourse won’t 🤷🏼‍♀️
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