#and Opinions
mothgardens · 3 months
desperately need to be devoured by my thoughts so that i can express them
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flemlem · 4 months
okay so, ive been thinking real hard about why i was so like, off put by the original responses to Qtubbos death by the other characters. Like, it makes sense that theyd laugh, especially with how they tend to not take much tubbo says seriously.
I figured it out. Its specifically how they responded to the kids, in this case specifically Phil (but can be seen in Fit too(porbably other as well)) like, I get that phil probably doesnt take death seriously anyway, he doesnt take much seriously. But just, imagine. Your kid is cradeling someones body, virtually unresponsive. Said persons kid is sat in the corner, a little more responsive but not much, said kid also just lightly tried to drown themselves.
It doesnt matter if You know that theyll get back up, it doesnt matter if you think the person is totally fine. The kids Dont think that. Even if someone has just fainted, you wouldnt just laugh and go 'its fine theyre gonna get back up' to a couple of kids that are clearly taking this badly.
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soccerpunching · 10 months
What do you think about ADHD Endou? Could you see him having AuDHD or anything along those lines?
Call me projecting but I'm answering yes to both of them!! Ever since I found out about the terms, I've known that Endou is both. I don't think I have evidences in hand for that rn though but actually, if you don't mind. I want to know what you and everybody else thinks bcs I feel like I'm really biased here. Thank you so much for the ask waaahhhhhh
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sonnburn · 5 months
I've got way more thoughts on this episode than just my initial reactions, but I'm gonna get a little reactive first just to get it out of the way. For the record, these thoughts don't encapsulate my full opinions on the Day & Night backstory. I just wanna vent a little.
Okay? Okay.
Day confirming out loud that Night is at fault for him going blind. We all guessed it, but now we know (score one for us theorists!)
Finally telling Mork the details, Night was drunk and Day went to bring him home. Night's not even a mean drunk in the flashback, at most he's a little passive aggressive
Day was driving the night of the accident. And he got in the crash because Night was almost sick in his car and Day was busy looking around for something Night could throw up in instead of focusing on driving
First emotional reaction, this level of reckless driving ticks me off. Like Day, pull the fuck over! Stop driving and let him be sick on the side of the road, even SIX-LANE HIGHWAYS have a designated shoulder for people to pull over in case of emergencies. What are you doing, you could have gotten both Night and yourself killed!
Also, now I understand why Day keeps bringing up the car so much. He was so concerned with it getting dirty that it literally cost him his eyesight. Maybe it's a materialistic rich-person thing but like, who cares? You can get your car interior cleaned, hell you can probably afford to get it re-upholstered if it matters that much to you. Just letting Night throw up would have been another, safer alternative to taking your eyes off the road and nearly killing yourselves OR SOMEONE ELSE!
Okay, we need to talk about what he says next because I'm still seething a little. Day admits to Mork that he knows it was an accident. He knows it wasn't Night's fault. What he said to his father at the wedding wasn't true and he knows it, he was just lashing out (glad Day knows that much, at least). The reason Day treats Night the way he does is because of how Night changed after the accident. He feels replaced, he thinks Night used Day's disability as an opportunity to become the favourite son. He feels like he lost everything and Night gained it by proxy. He doesn't believe that Night feels sorry for even guilty about what happened since he received so much because of it. That is his reason for why he hates Night (Whether he actually believes this or is just weaving a narrative to justify his anger/bitterness is up for debate)
I'm sorry... but what? What? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!? Day is a flawed character and we love him for that, but holy shit Day this is the most spoiled-brat ass thing you've said in the entire show! You are so wrapped up in your own grief that it NEVER occurred to you that the reason Night changed is because he FEELS BAD!? You immediately jumped to the conclusion that it's all a facade— an act he's putting on for your mom to gain her favour, are you kidding me!? WHAT IS YOUR LOGIC, RICH BOY!? WHO THINKS LIKE THIS!?
I want to shake this man and tell him— DAY, the accident CHANGED YOU. You are a different person now than you were before, not because you're blind, but because you lost something and were traumatized by it. Loss changes us, for better or worse. But you weren't the only one in that car! Is it really so impossible to believe that you weren't the only one changed by what happened!? That you weren't the only one traumatized!? That Night acting different isn't just proof that he was changed by the accident too, as YOU were, but is proof of just how guilty and sorry he feels about it!? That just because Night didn't lose his sight, and "gained" everything you lost as you claim, that means he didn't lose anything!? HE LOST YOU, DUMBASS!!!
A little later in the episode when Day talks to his dad about whether Night really feels sorry, I fail to see why he even asked the question when he'd clearly already decided on his answer: he'll never forgive Night. And he has nothing to say when his Dad tells him it doesn't matter whether he forgives him or not, Night will never forgive himself. Then Day goes on to say he missed his dad and felt like something was missing his whole life. Day forgives his dad (who if you recall left his mom for another woman and went no-contact for like two decades) after a simple apology and an expression of regret for hurting his mom. You don't even remember this man, and you forgive him so easily!? Day, if you were at least consistent in not being able to forgive those who wronged you, I'd accept that, but REALLY!? You'll forgive him but not Night!? Fuck ALL the way off.
I'm glad to finally know what happened in terms of the accident, it's giving me a lot to think about. But despite my thoughts and feelings, we've got to keep in mind that we still don't know how Day and Night's relationship was before the accident. Everything about their past dynamic is up to speculation and therefore can't inform either of their reactions. If there was open resentment between the brothers, that would explain the conclusion Day jumped to regarding Night's personality change, but we don't know that's how it was. For us, the car crash happened in a vacuum and we still don't have all the facts.
We've only got three episodes left. We'll just have to wait and see.
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scar-eyejolteon14 · 1 month
From an au I thought of please check it out in my post!
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Seeing my mutuals post about their favorite ships in this small fandom is amusing (In a "Oh my mutuals posted!" Way) but also just
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Because I feel like I'd be judged if I shared my own ideas, mostly because I don't 'ship' characters as much as I just say "They'd make out"
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thatgirl4815 · 2 years
Good Toxic Vs. Bad Toxic
Good Toxic = KinnPorsche/VegasPete
Bad Toxic = TharnType
In this case, good refers to a degree of self-awareness. “Good” isn’t really good in a technical sense; it’s anything bad that doesn’t delude itself into being something pure—in this case, a model relationship.
No shade at TT fans (I boarded that ship, once), but TT is a relationship that wants to convince you that it’s good despite how evidently messed up it is. I have to call it like I see it: two college students falling in love, but make one horrifically homophobic and the other a proponent of sexual harassment.
KinnPorsche has both of these themes (more so the latter), but it doesn’t portray itself as being anything different. And that’s what allows us, as viewers, to feel okay about shipping characters we know are horrible to each other—because we know that the show knows it too.
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striving-artist · 2 years
Some of you dear followers have warned me that folk are going through my ao3 now. This is exciting. Perhaps they'd like to look for anything problematic I've said in the 315k word, quadra-lingual hobbit fix it fic that took me five years to write? is that overly optimistic of me?
Alas. Probably so, but I do love the excuse to one-line summary my recent fics for y'all. Reverse chronologically, the fics I've written are:
PTSD sucks in many ways. Being homeless sucks, and trauma makes it hard to accept help. Fuck the Police. Respecting someones boundaries sometimes sucks but you gotta do it anyway. Early drafts of scenes from another fic I wrote. Trauma recovery sure is hard when both people have trauma. What if sassy women flirted a bunch and also punched nazis repeatedly? Fluffy meet-cute. Fluffy rarepair vignette. Former crackfic that turned into an epic about Bravery in the face of Despair. Love is built not fated and soulmates are bullshit. Coping with well intended consequences. Mental Health is a bitch and your brain will lie to you, don't trust it. Mental Health is a bitch and will make you lie to others. and last of the recent ones: Wouldn’t it be great if there was character exploration in Marvel?
If any of that sounds interesting, go look.
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lordacne · 9 months
Your tummy is good, you have a good tummy.
thank u sweetie i have a love hate relationship with her
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antique-forvalaka · 1 year
No one can take your canon gay rep away from you.
No one.
Not even a random anon writing het fic for a personal challenge to write purposely 'unlovable' fic, nor a group of people jumping in for fun.
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Merlin Thoughts/People’s idea of male friendship
Ooooooohhhhhh I’ve been waiting to talk about this because I think about it SO much. Basically, I want to talk about how people always say that “Merlin and Arthur are brothers” and “stop trying to make everything queer” and “just because they hugged doesn’t mean they’re gay” and—you get the idea. Today I’ll be hitting the first point, and will be doing two and three in other posts.
Queer interpretation doesn’t invalidate male platonic intimacy
Fiction v. Real Life
Did anything actually change?
To start off, queer interpretation is just that: it’s a different perspective on the same piece of art/whatever. When people try to say that there’s a crisis in male friendship because of queer interpretation, I struggle to see the reasoning. Why does someone saying that a pair on TV seems queer affect the way you see that pairing?
Really, it’s an inadvertent way for many men to accidentally invalidate their own friendships. When men in these intimate friendships become insecure because of a queer interpretation of that same sort of intimacy on screen, and when they try to tell queer people that they shouldn’t be speculating in this way, they give unwanted power to those who don’t want to wield it. All most people want is representation in the sparse land of English film and tv. So what if I think that Merlin and Arthur hugging in that way is gay as hell? You can still hug your male friend as a man in that same way and it not be queer (mind blowing). The point is, just because queer people are interpreting media in a queer way, doesn’t mean they’re trying to invalidate male intimacy and male friendship. And trying to say that there should be no queer discussion or interpretation is like saying that people can’t have any other opinion than a heteronormative one.
Want to also recommend that you watch AreTheyGay’s YouTube video on the “crisis of male friendship”. It’s so well crafted and I draw a lot from it!
part two sooooon. Stay along with me if you want to hear my bit on fiction v. Real life male intimacy!
also, let me know what you think, and if you want to hear about anything else specific. I know this is more serious than normal, but I really wanted to get it off my chest and discuss it. Follow for more thoughts but predominantly merthur hell and whatnot.
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dyscomancer · 6 months
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trans-cuchulainn · 4 months
i do think there is a degree to which certain kinds of Instagram activists have convinced themselves that traumatising themselves in solidarity is a useful form of activism. "I'm having nightmares and crying so much I want to be sick because of all these videos of dying children but I can't look away while people are getting hurt" I mean don't you think you'd be able to help more if you weren't having nightmares and crying all the time?? don't you think this is a one-way trip to burnout? don't you think maybe increasing the amount of trauma going around is counterproductive? I dunno bro there's something to be said for bearing witness but there comes a point where you gotta look hard at yourself and go "am I helping, or am I just making myself suffer so I don't feel guilty for not suffering while somebody else is experiencing bad shit"
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tentacleteapot · 6 months
solved the paradox of the ship of Theseus btw!! turns out the answer was “it depends”. hope that helps, have a good weekend everybody!
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I do. God help me I do
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marisatomay · 6 months
Parents get sooooooo mad when anyone even remotely implies that if we know it negatively impacts adults then it’s probably quite detrimental to the health and development of a young mind to stick an iPad in front of a child any time they show signs of Behaviors. “Are you calling me a bad parent?” Yeah. I am.
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