#and I really only liked anti-hero off of midnights
rimouskis · 2 months
reestablishing that I Do Not Listen To Lyrics and this is speaking on a purely sonic level
like sincerely I have not been paying attention at all to what ms. swift is saying. anyways. the opinion that follows is unsurprising to me as I don't like ballads and I've always been picky about my swift songs but the only track off the album that had my ears perking up was I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can). interesting instrumentation and I'm very into the percussion on that track. wish she'd throw more power into her voice (I think she was getting there on Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?) but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatcha gonna do
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lakesouperior · 7 months
🐻🐤🐰🦊 just some thoughts on the fnaf movie
🐻the attention to detail that was put into it, with all it’s little details and easter eggs. the posters in the background, (and i haven’t seen anyone bring this up), the guy who got face-mauled by the cupcake wearing a midnight motorist t-shirt. the spring lock scene. the fact that scariest of all the jumpscares (of which there weren’t a lot but it’s kind of for the younger demographic ig they can’t make it too bad) was freaking balloon boy. the highest kill count going to MVP Carl the Cupcake. this is what i mean when i say movies from established franchises should be made by fans, for fans.
🐤 you can tell they put a lot of thought into the child actors. abby is phenomenal. the five missing children? properly creepy and sad looking.
🐰 characters were all really well written and entertaining. the karen aunt, for all that she is an antagonist and very much hateable, still manages to be funny. even background characters are hilarious, like Doug for example, and don’t even get me started on the friggin matpat cameo i nearly screamed in the movie theater.
🦊 vanessa and mike are naturally each other’s narrative foils (and stand-ins for respectively Michael Afton/Elizabeth Afton (MichaElizabeth if you will) and Charlotte Emily imo), and them saying the same line, the “that’s two jobs”, mike at the beginning, and vanessa at the end, TO THE SAME CHARACTER?? TO THE BIG FUCKIN BAD HIMSELF??? WHO THEY BOTH HAVE DEEP HISTORY WITH???? literally this is good writing. i’m not saying the movie is perfect because it isn’t, but this is good writing.
🐻 and vanessa, as much as she kind of is, doesn’t feel like a coward because her worst fear does come true. her own father, the person who she thought the world of, tries to kill her as soon as she steps out of line. her fear wasn’t unjustified. she spent her entire life under his control — has literally never known anything else, and to still rebel after so long must’ve been the hardest, most terrifying thing in the world but she still did it because she’d grown to care for mike and abby.
and this is what i mean when i quote that one post: “strong female characters ≠ characters who are female and punch good, but strong female characters = well-written female characters” like yeah, vanessa’s an antagonist, or an anti-hero i suppose, but she’s still, once again, likeable and mysterious and funny. and the “bring her here again and i’ll fucking shoot you”?? that was probably her first act of true rebellion, aside from telling mike more than she should’ve about the pizzeria.
🐤 mikes arc is a very obvious “let go of the past and learn to cherish the present” which isn’t exactly revolutionary, but i think it’s done quite well though it could be improved a bit. and as much as you think he is an absolute cabbage head for telling them they could have abby for even a second, but you still, once again, get it.
our man’s running on like two hours of sleep and also meds, finally getting to see his baby brother up-close and even touch his face for the first time in probably more than a decade of blaming himself, and then getting told he could go back and see his parents again, the grief over who he probably hasn’t been able to process since he had to take care of abby when they died (possibly even took his own life in the father’s case if he’s supposed to be a henry stand-in like i think and doesn’t that just make it fifty times worse)
and it’s set up that he wants that perfect family back, the kind that he had during his childhood, that abby never got to experience.
and maybe he feels guilty for that. maybe he thinks, in his sleep-deprived and grief-ridden mind, for only a moment, that she would be better off, since she seems to like the animatronics and their ghost children better than him and he still feels like he doesn’t know how to raise a kid.
🐰 speaking of abby, for once Child Character in the horror movie isn’t just there to do some stupid shit for Plot Reasons (cough, The Curse of La Llorona, cough cough). i mean yes, she does go with them at the climax, but she has been given no reason not to trust them and considering the fact that they are other children, it would honestly be more suspicious if she didn’t trust them (also we’ve been shown she doesn’t really have friends before the end, so they’re also her first and only friends, no wonder she’s clinging to them) plus she’s been left alone with the aunt she does not like, possibly still believing mike is abandoning her. you get it.
she’s also very entertaining in her sassiness. like “are you here to arrest my brother?” or “yeah, love you too bro, kinda don’t wanna die tho, can we leave?” literally i can’t stand kids in general, but especially so in in horror movies, but i would give my life for abby.
🦊and the drawing thing? it’s beautiful and sad and really hammers home the fact that these monsters, however scary they have been made by their brutal and cruel deaths, they were, and are, just children who didn’t deserve to die and communicate the same way children like abby do. it also makes abby herself relevant to the plot and actually useful.
🐻and about abby; i have my own Theory there. we know she wasn’t in the picture during Garrett’s disappearance, which means she’s at least twelve years younger than mike. it’s actually quite common for couples who are going through a rough patch to have kids to try to fix it, which i think is what happened here, made even more possible if they also had her as a sort of replacement for Garrett. this, as i said earlier, makes mike’s indecision all the more understandable — if abby doesn’t just look a lot like Garrett, but was actually supposed to be him and would’ve never existed if not for the tragedy.
but that’s Just A Theory. 🐻🐤🐰🦊
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cloudninetonine · 5 months
The Player and the Dollmaker
A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't been as active for the past few months! Life and just general stuff got into the way, plus I've been feel extra anti-social :') But I'm gonna try and get back into the swing of things!!!
This story is based on my friend @next-hero-in-line's awesome new oc, the Dollmaker and by @batrogers's amazing fanfic based on said oc!! The Dollmaker for anyone who wishes to read it!
Warnings: Bad language (as usual to Player), blood/gore, temporary character death, reversed character death, hinted at a slighter darker Hyrule(?), also probably a lot of spelling mistakes I've been struggling with sleep lately piuhgfpiuf
Hyrule’s timeline was…something.
You were expecting it, truth be told, playing the very first Legend of Zelda game came with not only a huge reality check but the rude residents of the traveller’s Hyrule that had you close to tossing your device from the frustration of their snide remarks and coldness. With the troubles that brewed in the depths of the land, you couldn’t really blame the population- but there was no need to be snarled at for simply asking for directions.
“Mark my fucking words,” You growled, tugging at the material of your hood as you wondered through the village, monologuing to yourself like some crazed villain. “Mark them, goddesses, because trust if one of these nasty arse villagers sasses me again it’ll be between them and you.”
Yeah, you were not happy. Having to deal with the terrible crowds all day, your levels of cranky raised to the max and you were not about to deal with another one of these terrible people- even all the children were damn brats!!!
And to top it all off, it was raining, just perfect.
Huffing, you turned another corner, boots squelching against the mud of the (once) dirt path as you made your way back to the village outskirts, the camp resting deep within the crooked woodland that bordered the homes. You could catch the silhouettes of cloaked figures just by the bushes, speeding up your pace the slightest bit with your face relaxing from your raged scowl to a relieved smile.
Splitting up was not something you were fond of, especially in Hyrule’s land but with his flaming reputation with the locals that only further engulfed that of the Chain’s when they had first been seen in public with him would have been worse than just being seen as a weary traveller looking for some food and shelter. The stories of him being chased out of towns, to having rocks tossed his way and worse- you wanted to slam your fist into the nose of the first (definitely not) innocent bystander.
How could they treat their hero like this? Expendable? Like dirt beneath their boots? God, you hated it.
But, unfortunately, there wasn’t quite much you could do, was there?
You raised your hand, a yell at the tip of your tongue as you got closer to the cloaked heroes only for a sudden body to walk ahead of you, walking out from between the homes and right into your path- your yelp their only indication of their mistake as you bumped right into their side and had them near tumbling to the floor.
You were lucky this adventure had gifted you with faster reflexes.
“I’m sorry!” Your hand quickly grabbed their wrist, tugging them back up to a standing position before they could collapse into the mud. “I’m really sorry- are you okay?”
You caught bright blue eyes before anything else- well, eye, the other covered by her lucious, midnight purple locks- her hood did well to hide her features but that you could make out. Not many in Hyrule had quite striking attributes as she did and your mind rolled the many franchise characters in your mind in a curious search to see if she was familiar-
But no, you didn’t recognise her.
The woman blinked, studying you for the moment but her pretty pink lips stretched into a smile.
One you didn’t like.
“Hello.” She grinned with teeth as she once again looked you up and down. “I’ve been looking for you.”
You wretched your hand back like her skin was hot metal, keeping it protectively against your chest as you went to take a step back. “Pardon?”
“You were looking for health items in town.” She clarified, still smiling and still very disturbing before your eyes. “I have just the thing.”
Please don’t invite me back to your home. Please don’t invite me back to your home. Please don’t invite me back to your home- “Oh? And- uh, what’s that?”
Your heart skipped in relief when she dug into the back hanging from her shoulder, plump with her own items and quite loud as she rummaged through until she made a small sound of victory and then proceeded to produce a…a doll. Her eyes looked over it proudly, her eye sparkling with a glee that made your stomach churn in a nervous rut, watching as her nimble fingers quickly straightened out the little toy’s clothing before handing it over to you- all the while still grinning that same smile she had been for the past few moments (had she even breathed?).
“For you.” Her voice was near giddy but still laced with her eerily calm demeanour. “A good healing item.”
“Uhhh, how much…?"
She giggled, airy and light. “A ‘thank you’ will suffice.”
Common sense had always told you not to take things from strangers, especially creepy ones that emerged from dark alleys with smiles that read trouble, eyes like a predator’s that shone with a lust for violence and blood- but, with a quick glance to your companions still waiting just ahead you felt the need to hurry this exchange so that you could return and be rid of this whole damn day.
So, managing to force a grateful smile, you accepted the item. “Um, thank you.”
You held back a cringe when her smile widened. “You’re welcome.”
Your eyes fell to the doll in your hands and you felt the air harshly exit your lungs, mouth a slight gape as you caught the familiar stitched face staring back at you.
“This-” Your eyes raised to meet…nothing. Nada. Zilch. Body twirling frantically to search for the woman who had once stood before you, face still stricken in slight horror before you let out a breath from your nose. “Typical.”
Gently, your thumb ran over the careful thread of the doll, taking in the very obvious features of yourself: your cape, your tunic with it’s gold accents, your hair and the discolour buttons for eyes, stitching of blue running down its face to its stubby little arms and a smile to top it off. Yes, this was you indeed and you knew exactly what this was.
“One up…?” You muttered, feeling dread settle on your shoulders.
Why would you need a one-up?
Your hands shook, thoughts racing through your mind as you continued to stare down at the small doll with anxiety bubbling in your gut. Was this a warning? Your fate decided? Were- were you close to death? Or did this Dollmaker find of your existence and wish to merely meet you? You weren’t quite sure, uncertain if being left in the dark was better or worse about the future with this item-
A hand came to rest over yours and your eyes flew up, meeting the frightened ones of Hyrule. Eyes of brown clashed green stared back into your own, pupils pin pricked with a similar fear to your own before he let out a breath and pushed the doll to your chest, his voice a soft whisper.
“Put it away.” He gently squeezed over your knuckles. “Don’t think about it- I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“It’s okay, I promise you.” He managed to smile at you, not quite reassuring but soft nonetheless. “Nothing will happen.”
You looked at him with apprehension. “...Link, I’m scared.”
His face hardened, eyes shining with a determination that you had seen time and time again. “I will protect you.”
…You couldn’t fight his words, you knew from his tone he would keep him promise no matter what. You knew that look, you knew this man and you trusted him, you could leave your life in his hands and he would keep that promise in his heart until his very last days.
But just because he could keep a promise didn’t mean fate couldn’t take over.
You stuffed the doll into your bag and took his out-stretched hand, letting him lead you back to the cloaked Chain so you could all return to your temporary abode within the woods.
You felt the stare of eyes on your back the entire way.
The past few days had been uneventful, save for the few black blooded and some more cruel Hylians of Hyrule’s homeland, everything had been pretty quiet and tame- yet you could still feel the unnerving tremble in your belly at every waking moment. Glancing around wildly, refusing to step away from the group, you don’t think you had even released Hyrule’s hand for those past few days, too afraid and too cowardly.
Even if the doll was in your possession, even if it brought you back- you would die.
You didn’t want to die out here.
But it seems, like you had expected, fate had decided to take that into its own hands.
It was Legend’s turn to watch for the night, sat in front of the flickering campfire with eyes focused on the surrounding trees and bush. His back was towards you when you woke, blinking away sleep and rubbing at your eyes when you felt the overwhelming need to use the toilet. Well, find a spot behind a tree, after all when was the last time you had seen a proper toilet? You shuddered at the thought.
“Where are you going?” The Veteran grunted, watching as you waddled through the sleeping bodies. 
“Toilet.” Your voice was hoarse with exhaustion, “Don’t worry I’m not gonna converse with the Shadow.”
The man huffed, poking at the fire with a stick. “Whatever.”
That was all you exchanged, carefully manoeuvring through the shrubbery to get a good distance away from the men. Not thinking, your mind still too seeped in sleep, forgetting the doll you had kept in a death grip these past few gruelling days as you hopped and shuffled to get to a sufficient spot to do your business then head back to camp. It didn’t occur to you that this may have been the moment fate needed, nor did you think about it being your last.
Done with your business, you took a few steps back towards the light in the short distance. Far enough that you couldn’t see Legend’s full features but close enough that you were still in sight, the hero had his head down towards the flames, not focused on you at all.
You sighed.
…You felt a burning.
Your whole body tensed- seized as the pain began to grow from a dull throb to a near rolling inferno, your breath suddenly ripped from your body as you felt the sensation of hot liquid begin to slowly bubble up your throat while you looked downed to the cause of the pain- a crossbow bolt punctured right through you, dirtied with red hot blood that idly drip, drip, dripped from the tip of the arrow right onto the dirt below.
Breathing only resulted in the blood to rise faster, tasting the copper in your mouth as you coughed and sullied your white tunic with maroon and felt your body sway as you felt your body quickly begin to lose it’s balance, your vision blurring with tears.
It must have caught your lung…were you drowning in your own blood?
You reached a hand out towards the camp.
You fell to your knees, then to your side, choking on more of the liquid.
Hyrule awoke to a scream.
Loud and violent, his whole body jolted at the sound as he lept into a seated position with his sword pulled ready, eyes scanning the camp frantically for the threat he had expected.
Only to see nothing. Merely his brothers in spirit, jolted awake and alarmed similarly to him as they all glanced around and wondered about the sound that had woken them all from their slumber.
Hyrule’s hand moved towards your body.
And his stomach dropped when he didn’t feel you there.
It was happening.
When the silhouette of Legend began rushing back into camp, bloodied and panicked the traveller knew already what had happened- he didn’t need to glance at the mass in the Veteran’s arms to know it was you, the bolt still protruding through your ribcage as the small blonde screamed for them all to do something- ready the potions, ready the fairies, anything. His hysterics would have been almost comical if the brunette didn’t feel like his world was crashing down around him as he watched your hand limply hang, unmoving.
“Oh dear Three-”
“Put them down, quickly!”
“We must remove the bolt!”
Hyrule pounced when his body finally snapped back into attention, rushing to your side like a bat out of hell when the blonde had carefully handed you towards the Captain and the Old Man- the soldier carefully snapping off the fletching of the arrow to slide the item out of your chest, the horrible bloodied squelch making the brunette’s stomach twist and churn in horror and fear.
He didn’t see Warrior’s fingers against your pulse, nor the slow head shake towards the horrified Time.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you.” He whispered gently, soothingly, as his hands glowed a familiar white.
“Traveller-” Warriors started.
“You’re going to be okay, I’m going to make it stop.” He pressed his hand over the wound, ignoring the blood blooming around his fingers and soaking them in red. “I know it hurts-”
“Traveller.” Time’s voice was firm, his hand landing on his shoulder. “Stop.”
Hyrule held back from decking the old man where he stood. “”WHAT?! NO!! Are you INSANE-”
“They’re already gone, Hyrule.”
Wild’s voice was…gentle. Gentle and pained as he kneeled next to the frozen hero, carefully moving his hands from the puncture wound to stop the man from further staining his hands in your blood. The Champion’s face was broken, ears down turned and eyes blank as he looked over your broken form- the spark that once danced in your eyes now gone with the gentle rhythm of your breaths.
Hyrule waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Your chest did not move.
Warriors hand gently ran over your eyes, closing the lids so that they no longer had to see the dead stare aimed towards the trees ahead. He moved to softly kiss your forehead after with an even softer apology.
“I…..I promised…” Hyrule muttered, eyes glazing over as tears began to blur his vision of your dead body, still warm to the touch. “I promised-”
“I’m sorry, brother.” Wild whispered, moving to hold Hyrule gently. “I’m sorry.”
The silence hanging over them all was heavy, save for the small sniffles and hiccups of the few. Twilight was trying to console a near uncontrollable Legend, bloody hands roughly grabbing the fur of his hide as he sobbed and choked on tears. Wind was turned into Four, the shorter man holding him close and away from the visceral scene. The rest were stock still, quiet and unsure of what to do, of what to say, as they continued to stare at your…corpse.
Warriors bowed his head. “We should give them a burial.”
“No-” Hyrule gasped, feeling both rage and a cold emptiness within him. “No, I- I need to-” “There isn’t anything else you can do, traveller.” Time’s voice was soft but firm. “Our only option is to bury them…and if we find our way back to their homeland, return their belongings to their mother.”
Hyrule perked up, head swivelling round towards your bag a little ways away.
His heart surged and in a moment of pure adrenaline, he shoved Wild to the side and dived towards your rucksack, ignoring his brother’s grunt or the other yells.
The brunette grasped the thing frantically, near ripping the strange contraption you called a zipper as he rummaged messily through your back, tossing your things wildly as he looked for the wretched ‘gift’.
“Traveller, stop this!” The voice of Four called, trying to grab his arm. “What are you doing-”
Hyrule didn’t even feel remorse when he roughly shoved his elbow into the nose of the short hero and sent him flying onto his arse.
More yells of his name were heard but they were quite easily ignored when his eyes finally laid eyes on the doll of your likeness, aggressively snatching the carefully crafted toy with a desperation and anger he hadn’t felt for years. He turned back to scramble towards your body, the doll gripped in his hand like it was his lifeline only for Sky and Time to roughly grab his arms, their voices falling on deaf is as he wildly scratched and bit at them, trying to fight his way out.
“Release me!” He roared, catching Sky by the cheek and causing the Skyloftian to wince in pain. “Let me go! I can save them!”
“Enough of this, Link!” Time yelled, both desperate and firm, his own face riddled in anguish. “They are gone! Let them rest in peace!”
Hyrule’s heart thumped painfully in his chest at the thought of you dead, lost to him forever more before he pushed himself harder until he caught the arm of the Old Man and sunk his teeth into the skin, the Hero of Time crying out in pain and finally releasing him- Chosen quickly diving to aid the blonde as the traveller rushed to your side and pressed the doll against you.
“Do your job!!” He yelled into the night air, “Heal them! Bring them back!”
Wild and Warriors pinned him this time, Hyrule’s face pressed into the dirt with them both keeping his arms down to stop him from swiping or nipping at his brothers once again.
“That’s enough!” Warriors’ commanding voice bellowed, pushing Hyrule’s face further into the ground. “Calm down or else, traveller!”
Hyrule’s eyes bore tears once again, struggling once more with both pleas and threats falling from his mouth, merging into a mess of gibberish the further and further he spiralled into a wobbly heap of tears and sorrow beneath the other Links. This couldn’t be the end, the doll couldn’t be a dud- it was supposed to bring you back. You were supposed to be here! You weren’t dead! You couldn’t be dead! He didn’t want you dead! This had to be a nightmare, conjured by Ganon’s monsters to torture him and break him. You- You-
There was a popping sound behind them and heads snapped towards it.
“What was that?” Time asked, still nursing his bleeding bite mark. “Where did that come from?”
Wind’s eyes were wide. “The doll just…exploded?”
Hyrule’s breath stopped.
Just as yours returned.
Shaky and hoarse, your body moved with a violent inhale of breath, shaking from the strain and following with heavy coughs as you breathed like it was the first time, lungs born anew. The others watched in a curious shock as you continued to hack and heave, pushing your body up from the ground- the doll falling from your chest into the dirt below.
The toy's chest held a puncture, white wool stuffing blooming at the hole with a few stray curls falling into the dirt.
Hyrule sobbed in relief.
“(Name)!” Wind threw himself at you, arms wrapping around your neck tightly as he shoved his face into your shoulder. “You’re okay- You’re okay!!”
You continued to gasp for breath, the many men around you rushing to your side to aid your effort as Hyrule pushed himself to his hand and knees, smiling a wet and wobbly grin as he listened to you, alive, once more- returned to him from the realm of the dead. You were back, you came back and his heart swelled with a plethora of emotions that made his entire being shake.
Hyrule crawled over to you, frozen and still not sure of your own surroundings as his hands came to engulf your face, his eyes looking back into your own- glazed in confusion and lingering fear that made his heart squeeze in regret.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, “I am so sorry- I broke our promise.”
Your mouth opened then closed. Then opened and closed once again. Looking for the words to express the feelings behind your petrified gaze, your throats managing noise but that alone in an seemingly endless cycle of struggle and torment. Only when you whimpered, tearing up with a shaky sob did the man embrace you and hold close- careful to keep the bloody hands off you. He didn’t want you to see it.
The dolls never did quite clean up the mess.
Hyrule trekked through his woodland, bumping through branches and harshly knocking away bushes as a man on a mission. Eyes narrowed with anger, the flickered with the flames of hell and rage as he stomped his way towards his destination.
“Where are you going?” Time had asked, watching the traveller pull on his cloak. “Don’t you think it unwise to leave when they just got to sleep?”
You laid in a comfortable heap in your sleep mat, wrapped in both your own blanket and the brunette’s, Wind and Wild laid comfortably beside you and Wolfie acting as your pillow. All were resting, vanished into the land of dreams with the many other men around camp. They were close too, like bodyguards they surrounded you afraid of what had already happened.
Time was left for watch and Hyrule took his opportunity.
“I have some business to deal with.” His voice was void of his usual softness, a growl of a predator with the malice near sharp as Ganon’s himself. “I’ll be back.”
Time narrowed his eye. “We will search for whoever did this in the morning.”
“That is not what I am doing.”
“Then what is? Tell me, traveller, what could you possibly be doing?”
Hyrule’s hand grabbed the doll, his hand tight enough to near pop its beady button eyes right from its wool skull.
Hyrule pulled his hood over his head.
“I will return soon.”
Hyrule ripped another branch from his face, eyes finally narrowing in on the large house in the distance. Like he had seen it once before, warped beyond comprehension yet still perceivable to his naked eye. It haunted his dreams now, echoes of a horrid encounter that shook him to the core and left invisible scars that still marred his soul-
She was there once again, the exact same spot as the time before, the exact same position, her arms crossed over her chest with a menial smile plastered over her lips that only grew as the Hero of Hyrule stepped out from the shadows of the trees, still tightly gripping the ruined doll within his grasp.
Despite her calm disposition, he could so clearly see the hunger in her eyes, even from his spot. “Did your friend like my gift?”
Hyrule’s hand twitched to his blade, hanging from his hip opposed to his back- easier and faster to draw. “I should kill you where you stand.”
The Dollmaker’s chuckle held a twisted humour like poking a sleeping, starved bear. “You should- but you won’t.”
Hyrule’s eye twitched. “What do you want with them? They have no power- no fighting capability or anything you could possibly want.”
“Ah,” She tapped her nose with the constant smile. “You will come to know. Or maybe you won’t, wouldn’t it be more fun to find out yourself?”
“Stay away from them.” He stepped up to her door’s steps, eyes manic in rage. “Leave them be.”
Her already massive smile grew.
The Dollmaker was not someone Hyrule liked to encounter. When her dolls appeared death usually followed, mostly his own, the many sawdust filled dummies gathering dust in the darkness in his bag as a constant reminder of what you had been through during his adventures. Sometimes he saw different ones, of faces he had only glimpsed at in towns or villages, but he saw them- he had seen one of her own long ago. Saw the damage dealt to it’s surface when he had the unfortunate chance of crossing into her shop looking for some magic items he was already lacking.
She liked to collect them; that was the idea he had conjured anyway.
Raising your doll high, he presented the damaged little soft toy towards her and saw how her pupils grew at the sight. While her hands were gentle to grab it she practically snatched it from his hands and cradled the thing close to her chest, gently caressing the spot where the hole had formed.
“Even a cursed doll, you handle them gentle.” Her comment made him huff, his arms crossing to hold back from doing something he regretted. “I showed them mercy, you know.”
Hyrule ground his teeth. “You think shooting them in the chest is mercy?”
“Compared to what else I could have done, yes.” She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s only fair if I have my fun.”
The Hero turned his head away. “You’re sick.”
And the Dollmaker hummed. “I will return with another.”
She disappeared into the darkness of her house, footsteps gently fading off as Hyrule stood just below the doorway, pearing in and hoping to see the mystery of her disorted abode. No luck however, his eyes only soaked in the dark abyssal, his ears twitching at the sounds of creaking floorboards and groaning wood of the walls, focusing and focusing in a near trance until the sight of her eye peering through the darkness made him take a cautious step back.
When had he climbed the steps?
“Here.” She said, once again both calm and giddy as she presented the doll to him- another little you, with a stitched little smile like the last. “I hope they enjoy it.”
Hyrule carefully snatched the doll away before jogging down the steps and headed back towards the forest without another word.
“It didn’t feel right to use sawdust.” The brunette paused, slightly moving his head in indication that he was listening- not that it mattered. He knew she would continue on, even if he had trudged off. “I felt they needed something a little more…lively and I of course couldn’t brush off the idea of using the finest of sheep’s wool. I think it suited them much more, don’t you agree?”
…Hyrule kept walking.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
TAYLOR SWIFT PROMPTS *  assorted lines from her albums
meet me at midnight.
i'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you.
i snuck in through the garden gate.
they say looks can kill, and i might try.
tell me to run.
sometimes i wonder which one will be your last lie.
i play it cool with the best of them.
love's a game. wanna play?
maybe we got lost in translation.
no one's celebrating.
don't say i didn't warn you.
we're dancing all night.
i didn't choose this town.
i should just tell you to leave.
you can try to change my mind.
we were both young when i first saw you.
let's get out of this town.
i might be okay, but i'm not fine at all.
i'd live and die for moments that we stole.
what would he do if he found us out?
all this shit is new to me.
i could show you incredible things.
i waited ages to see you there.
i miss you.
i should not be left to my own devices.
if i bleed, you'll be the last to know.
please don't go.
get it off your chest.
you look like my next mistake.
you told your family for a reason.
maybe i asked for too much.
can i go where you go?
i know it's long gone.
i think it's time to teach some lessons.
life will lose all meaning.
you're on your own, kid.
what you heard is true.
take me somewhere we can be alone.
everybody wants you.
boys only want love if it's torture.
nice to meet you. where you been?
one day i'll watch as you're leaving.
nothing lasts forever.
you did some bad things, but i'm the worst of them.
i don't remember.
i called a taxi to take me there.
he's gonna burn this house to the ground.
i just sit here and wait.
i can read you like a magazine.
i think i've been too good of a girl.
you might have to wait in line.
close your eyes.
the blame is on me.
save all your dirtiest jokes for me.
get it off my desk.
you started it.
the jokes weren't funny.
i think i've been a little too kind.
you're not sure which is worse.
say you'll remember me.
i'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream.
i'd like to be my old self again.
we're dead if they knew.
you've got no reason to be afraid.
by the way, i'm going out tonight.
i can picture it after all these days.
we never go out of style.
i heard you moved on.
we're young, and we're reckless.
i know you heard about me.
you were everything to me.
i've been dressing for revenge.
can we always be this close forever and ever?
i cried like a baby coming home from the bar.
no one has to know what we do.
what a shame she's fucked in the head.
my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand.
what doesn't kill me makes me want you more.
i don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you.
this is our place. we make the call.
this love is difficult, but it's real.
it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero.
something about it felt like home somehow.
what must it be like to grow up that beautiful?
how's one to know?
i polish up real nice.
you can tell me when it's over.
do you have a man?
the worst is yet to come.
will you please stand?
don't be afraid. we'll make it out of this mess.
i dropped your hand while dancing.
this dorm was once a madhouse.
hey, let's be friends.
don't get sad. get even.
you're talking shit for the hell of it.
you'll never have to be alone.
you love the game.
it's coming back around.
i get drunk on jealousy.
where do you think she got it from?
your opal eyes are all i wish to see.
i remember it all too well.
you wouldn't know what i mean.
don't put me in the basement.
i can make the bad guys good for a weekend.
you'll come back each time you leave.
i love you and that's all i really know.
i don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch.
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perspectivestarters · 2 years
Perspective's Sentence Starters; MIDNIGHTS by Taylor Swift (Part I)
"Meet me at midnight."
"You don't ever say too much."
"You don't really read into my melancholia."
"You handled it beautifully."
"All this shit is new to me."
"I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me."
"I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say."
"I just wanna stay in that lavender haze."
"All they keep asking me is if I'm gonna be your bride."
"The only kinda girl they see is a one night or a wife."
"I find it dizzying."
"You weren't even listening."
"Talk your talk and go viral."
"I just need this love spiral."
"Get it off your chest."
"Get it off my desk."
"I just wanna stay."
"We lost track of time again."
"You were my closest friend."
"How'd we end up on the floor anyway?"
"I see you every day now."
"I chose you."
"So scarlet, it was maroon."
"How the hell did we lose sight of us again?"
"Ain't that the way shit always ends?"
"Carnations you had thought were roses, that's us."
"I feel you, no matter what."
"I lost you."
"Looked up at the sky and it was maroon."
"I wake with your memory over me."
"That's a real fuckin' legacy to leave."
"I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser."
"Midnights become my afternoons."
"My depression works the graveyard shift."
"All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room."
"I should not be left to my own devices."
"They come with prices and vices."
"I end up in crisis."
"Tale as old as time."
"I wake up screaming from dreaming."
"I'm the problem."
"I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror."
"It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero."
"I'm a monster on the hill."
"Pierced through the heart, but never killed."
"Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism?"
"I've realized all this time."
"Life will lose all its meaning."
"She's laughing up at us from hell!"
"It's me, I'm the problem, it's me."
"I saw flecks of what could've been lights."
"It might just have been you."
"Life is emotionally abusive."
"Time can't stop me quite like you did."
"My flight was awful, thanks for asking."
"It's like snow at the beach."
"Weird but fuckin' beautiful."
"This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen."
"I've never seen someone lit from within."
"To hide that would be so dishonest."
"It's fine to fake it 'til you make it."
"I can't speak, afraid to jinx it."
"I don't even dare to wish it."
"Your eyes are flying saucers from another planet."
"Can this be a real thing, can it?"
"It's comin' down."
"Summer went away, still the yearning stays."
"I play it cool with the best of them."
"He's gonna notice me."
"We're the best of friends anyway."
"You're smoking with your boys."
"I didn't choose this town."
"I dream of getting out."
"There's just one who could make me stay all my days."
"I waited ages to see you there."
"I search the party of better bodies, just to learn that you never cared."
"You're on your own, kid."
"You always have been."
"I picked the petals, he loves me not."
"Something different bloomed."
"I'll run away."
"I called a taxi to take me there."
"My dreams aren't rare."
"I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this."
"The jokes weren't funny."
"I took the money."
"My friends from home don't know what to say."
"I saw something they can't take away."
"There were pages turned with the bridges burned."
"Everything you lose is a step you take."
"You've got no reason to be afraid."
"Yeah, you can face this."
"You're on your own, kid. You always have been."
"He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain."
"He wanted a bride, I was making my own name."
"He stayed the same."
"All of me changed like midnight."
"My town was a wasteland."
"But for some, it was paradise."
"My boy was a montage."
"I broke his heart 'cause he was nice."
"He was sunshine, I was midnight rain."
"But for him, it's every day."
"All the love we unravel."
"The life I gave away."
"I guess sometimes we all get just what we wanted."
"He never thinks of me except for when I'm on TV."
"I guess sometimes we all get some kind of haunted."
"I never think of him except on midnights like this."
"I remember."
"We had one thing goin' on."
"I swear that it was somethin'."
I don't remember who I was before you."
"You painted all my nights a color I've searched for since."
"One thing after another."
"Fuckin' situations, circumstances, miscommunications."
"I just may like some explanations."
"Can I ask you a question?
"Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room?"
"Then what did you do?"
"Did you lеave her house in the middle of the night?"
"Did you wish you'd put up more of a fight?"
"She said it was too much."
"Do you wish you could still touch her?"
"It's just a question."
"Did you realize out of time?"
"She was on your mind with some dickhead guy."
"It was one drink after another."
"Fuckin' politics and gender roles."
"You're not sure and I don't know."
"I just may like to have a conversation."
"Does it feel like everything's just like second best after that meteor strike?"
"What's that that I heard?"
"That you're still with her?"
"That's nice, I'm sure that's what's suitable."
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likeadevils · 4 months
I trust your opinion. If you were making bets about what TS11's themes, concepts and sound would be like.. What would you like& prefer? and what would you think Taylor would do?
thank you for trusting my opinion but i am god awful at predicting what taylor is going to do next. that being said:
i think something taylor learned with all too well, anti-hero, and cruel summer is to… trust her instincts, i guess? not that she hasn’t in the past, but she’s mentioned that those songs were her favorites of their respective albums, and she didn’t expect that the general public would enjoy them as much— at least, not to the degree that they have been. but they’ve all been #1s, and more impressively to me, they’ve all broken through into wider pop culture in a way that’s super hard to do nowadays. like can you tell me what’s #1 right now because i can’t. but anyways i think she’ll be following what she wants to hear a little bit more, and trusting that her and the general public’s taste is pretty aligned at the moment. so like, to boil it down into a bingo card prediction, the lead single is going to be taylor’s favorite song on the album
also, bingo square, the color will be white. no evidence just vibes
i think another thing taylor recently learned is trusting that not only her fanbase, but the wider pop landscape would accept complex ideas delivered with a complex vocabulary. in some ways i think she was really burned by me!— she had been taught that it’s the we are never ever getting back together and shake it offs that you send to pop radio, not the all too wells. and then me! got torn apart (deservedly or not), and then the world shut down and it’s not like she needs to find a tour off her next album so what the hell, let’s take out the immediate hooks and replace it with flowery language. and it was a massive hit! twice! but it’s not the kind of music she wants to make forever. so midnights was an added gamble— can you marry the hooks with the collegiate vocabulary? and you can! anti-hero was her biggest chart success ever! so i expect more dictionary/thesaurus starter pack memes in our future, no matter what genre it’ll end up in
that being said, i think she’ll be staying in pop. i maaaaybe could see a kind of pop rock thing happening— think like, the electric guitar she adds to don’t blame me when it’s preformed live.
regardless i do think she’ll be pulling in more rep influences— i’m not super in the buisness of trying to track down when exactly she’s been re-recording, so this is coming from swiftie brain rot not timeline brain rot, but if i had to guess i would say she was mostly recording rep over the summer and with the occasional ts11 track thrown in as well. but i could be wrong maybe she has three albums recorded. idk. i am very interested in what the rep sounds like though, i think that’ll be the biggest clue to what ts11 will sound like
i’m curious how auto-biographical it’ll be. honestly, i could see taylor creating a single character to inhabit and tracking their story throughout an album, which would parallel the emotions she’s going through, but not the exact situations. but that’s me projecting what i would need to do to process the fucking year she’s been through, and taylor has consistently been saying how much she gets from having people sing back the words thought she must be alone in thinking, so like maybe it’ll be intensely About Her, who knows
as for release, i’m a big post eras tour believer. like i know it’s been said a million times but god how impossible would it be to add another set to that thing. like we might get the announcement and lead single while still on tour, but not a full album
i’m also expecting a more talk-y rollout. i would bet we’re getting a couple of print interviews— not anywhere near 1989 or lover levels, but like, you know. rolling stone, vogue, maybe another time, that kind of thing. and in front of camera stuff too— zane lowe, a bbc live longe, some late night appearances, maybe going on kelly clarkson’s show. and maaaaybe a hot wings episode. maybe. i think taylor got a bit burned by the long roll out for lover, and regardless she had other priorities when it came to the midnights release, but it’s been a while and she does like to surprise people by doing something completely predictable. but also this is totally me being like pleaseeeee give interviews they help me with timeline research so much
i predict this every time but visual album!!! if i keep saying it one day it’ll be true!!! it just makes sense she’s been getting so into directing!!!
while we’re in the realm of things that would make me specifically go insane i just think it would be funny if she got paul mccartney to feature on a song. just to be petty. imagine your ex is releasing an album and she gets one of your favorite musicians to play on it. and after the sweet nothing debacle too. oh. so ouchie. also she would have paul fucking mccartney on an album that’s insane in its own right
while we’re throwing spaghetti at the wall. two word title. let’s get crazy maybe 3+ words why not (this is by far the least serious prediction if the title is more than one word i’ll lose my mind)
maybe some religious imagery for the visuals? i’m trying to think of aesthetics taylor hasn’t thoroughly explored. what’s coming to mind is stained glass windows and like, the wild west. this is not at all influenced by me being raised catholic in the american southwest what are you talking about
so to sum up i think i want a pop rock opera with a title along the lines of “the blank of firstname lastname” about a woman in the wild west that has climatic scenes in a cathedral?? i guess that’s the shape i want?? i was not aware that’s what i wanted when i started writing this post okay
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ohgaylor · 1 year
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Hi. Taylor’s the problem. And she knows it. (affectionate)
All right friends. It’s time to dive into an analysis again. I’ve been reflecting on a lot of Midnights and Taylor’s ever-present self-deprecation this era and in my regular fashion, I had to make an extremely long-winded analysis post about a certain motif of hers that I’ve noticed has only grown more apparent this time around. and essentially that is her self-awareness toward her ever-ambiguous signaling in regard to her identity, and where she is positioned in the complicated and delicate journey of coming out, as well as the plethora of emotions that surround that for both herself and her fans and those of us who pick up on the queer coded subtext of her music and art.
to kick off this analysis, may I remind you of this beauty of a quote from Taylor’s 2018 reputation tour pride speech that prefaced Delicate?
I want to send my love and respect to everybody who in their journey and in their life hasn't yet felt comfortable enough to come out ... and may you do that on your own time and may we end up with a world where everyone can live and love equally and no one has to be afraid to say how they feel. When it comes to feelings and when it comes to love and searching for someone to spend your whole life with, it’s all just really really delicate.
That is quite possibly my favorite thing she’s ever said. and what inspired this tag.
Now I need to clarify up front — I am never insinuating a need or even desire for Taylor to come out. Because that’s not our place to say. If you’ve been around my blog long enough, I would hope that nuance would be apparent. I simply point out regular motifs and patterns within her art and how it correlates with queer-coded themes of closets, of almost coming out, of outright queer coding, of rainbows, of keeping a love secret and safe, and on and on and on. The signs are there if you know what to look for (re: “I gave so many signs”) and that’s what I explore on my blog. The point is, I will never demand she come out. But I will stand with her in this complex journey she appears to be on. It’s entirely her journey and however she wishes to navigate that is hers to decide.
but that doesn’t detract from the reality that for those of us who see this beautiful queer subtext of her art and music and visuals and work and self, the ambiguity and constant back-and-forth when it comes to her identity (and the idea of coming out) can in fact be a lot to try and process and understand and ultimately to reconcile as we root for her. Trying to understand where she stands is much like chasing a moving target. (not that she owes any explanation to us, because again, she doesn’t.) her art and creativity are her place of expression and catharsis. however, watching her navigate these complexities and trying to root for her in this sometimes messy space is also, dare I say, exhausting.
hence, the title and general theme of this analysis.
so let’s begin.
First, we have this verse in Anti-Hero which is the perfect setup to illustrate this specific motif,
I should not be left to my own devices They come with prices and vices I end up in crises Tale as old as time
This is essentially the thesis of Taylor’s message, the feeling that her own judgement and actions might be the very cause for certain crises she finds herself in, however enticing those vices and choices may be. In choosing to straddle a glass-closeted lifestyle as an artist at her status and level of fame, all the while heavily queer-coding to her (receptive) audiences, only to be seen by most others as the hallmark of straight women as per her highly publicized bearding, juggling this all can be overwhelming. But it’s also a space that she has essentially curated and perpetuated herself.
An anti-hero is a central character in a narrative who conspicuously lacks heroic, moral qualities:
Although antiheroes may sometimes perform actions that are morally correct, it is not always for the right reasons, often acting primarily out of self-interest or in ways that defy conventional ethical codes.
Identifying herself as the anti-hero in this sense comes as a candid confession, as though she is admitting that maybe she is driven by self-interest. (which again, she is entitled to as we all are in our own lives.) (re: the jokes weren’t funny, I took the money, my friends at home don’t know what to say) Alternatively, and perhaps additionally, acting out of self-interest in this context may mean concealment of parts of her identity for the sake of self-preservation. The nuances behind why she hasn’t chosen to come out are at play here and I doubt any of us can fully comprehend what that is exactly.
I never had the courage of my convictions, as long as danger is near
Pouring out my heart to a stranger but I didn’t pour the whiskey
Combat, I'm ready for combat. I say I don't want that, but what if I do? 'Cause cruelty wins in the movies. I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you … Dark side, I search for your dark side. But what if I'm alright, right, right, right here?
You can easily grasp the intense oscillation as she goes back and forth between these decisions while juggling a myriad of reasons and factors, all of which are incredibly weighted. She knows it’s exhausting for us because it’s that much more exhausting for herself.
So, she elects to pursue a route all too familiar to closeted individuals in the public eye, one of bearding and concealing their identity.
I had some tricks up my sleeve … Perched in the dark, telling all the rich folks anything they wanna hear, like it could be love, I could be the way forward, only if they pay for it … the skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up
I took the money. My friends from home don't know what to say.
The cost at which this lifestyle comes is worthy of an analysis all on its own. But Taylor seems to be indicating that she has found safety and security in her self-made cages and closets of sorts.
I prefer hiding in plain sight
‘Cause shade never made anybody less gay
If the shoe fits, walk in it 'til your high heels break
My town was a wasteland, full of cages, full of fences*, pageant queens and big pretenders. But for some, it was paradise.
In the darkest little paradise
(also, note the *fences. I’ll come back to that later.)
She brings focus to the fact that her town was full of cages and fences, which initially may carry a negative connotation. But here’s where she turns it around and says that for some, it was place of paradise, that the self-made cages brought security and freedom. That the idea of “forever” is in fact the sweetest con. That the good life she was hustling for through the tricks she had up her sleeve is within grasp. That this could be the way forward. Tell me that doesn’t scream a queer-coded experience?
But knowing Taylor and the complicated nature of this deeply personal topic, there is also a level of remorse regarding the said-cages and choices that had put her in crisis.
I cut off my nose just to spite my face, then hate my reflection for years and years
I’ve got a hundred thrown out speeches I almost said to you
I’d pay if you’d just know me
Now, despite the way she has managed to remain glass-closeted, a large subset of her fans and the general public completely miss what she is signaling in regard to her queerness. (re: “I gave so many signs / you didn’t even see the signs”) but it appears she is feeling some remorse for the devices she’s used and the way she’s navigated things because she knows that she’ll be the one paying for it.
So again, Taylor fully acknowledges she’s the problem. She endlessly dances around the topic, sometimes to an extreme (re: “bent the truth too far tonight,” Bettygate and specifying a male perspective despite widespread interpretation of the alternative; similar thing with Lavendergate, etc etc) She writes from “male perspectives” so as to have a way to write female pronouns. She uses pseudonyms for similar motives. She equates herself with gay pride and places herself adjacent to the community repeatedly, and dances in Gaylor Park and rainbow kaleidoscopes. She dresses in rainbow attire and gives speeches emphasizing the delicacy of coming out and on and on, all while also remaining straight-passing. It’s complicated and messy and indeed exhausting.
sending signals to be double-crossed
I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror. It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
no doubt these devices and choices have come at a cost. first, the personal cost of remaining closeted (or in the very least, glass closeted) by her own making. The nature by which she has driven her career, of “taking the money” and pursuing a career (and by extension, following heteronormative cultural standards of remaining closeted), all point to the self-made cages she twists in.
recall the Delicate pride speech…
I want to send my love and respect to everybody who in their journey and in their life hasn't yet felt comfortable enough to come out ... and may you do that on your own time
That is a major theme for her. The idea that through a closeted state, certain freedoms can coexist.
We know Taylor has made a point to emphasize the comfort she has found in keeping elements of her life to herself post her apocalyptic summer. And the way she has largely receded her personal life from the public eye is telling. In an effort to protect the “real stuff”, she is withholding from others and has found safety in that.
Privacy sign on the door and on my page and on the whole world, romance is not dead if you keep it just yours.
She knows it’s not always a world that some would choose to be a part of. She describes it as a wasteland, likely desolate, harkening back to cowboy like me. A place where hustling for the good life, perching in the dark as con artists (or pageant queens and big pretenders) and telling all the rich folks anything they want to hear like “it could be love” is all too familiar.
It’s a painful dichotomy she fully explores in The Archer, recognizing that maybe it’s her lot in life to straddle these lines of staying where she is, perched in the dark, while wanting to step into the daylight and let it go.
and that’s where the second cost comes in — in how those of us who see her for what she is signaling herself to be, are ultimately left to ourselves to make sense of it.
It’s the same kind of essence of this fantastic analysis regarding coney island and her apology of not making us certain subsets of her fans and communities her centerfold.
Being left to her own devices, she has ultimately crafted a duplicitous persona, of which she has spoken about specifically when discussing mirrorball…
Everybody else feels like they have to be on for certain people. You have to be different versions of yourself for different people. Different versions at work, different versions around friends, different versions of yourself around different friends. Different version of yourself around family. Everybody has to be duplicitous, or feels that they have to in some ways, be duplicitous. And that’s part of the human experience, but it’s also exhausting. You kind of learn that every one of us has the ability to become a shape-shifter. But what does that do to us?
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Is it self-preservation? Or self-made self-destruction? (re: “they told me all of my cages were mental” “what a shame she’s fucked in the head” “lost in the labyrinth of my mind”)
Among the various anxieties that plague her in regard to this subject, Taylor makes one fear very clear. And that is for some inevitable day where we will leave her after we’ve had enough of “her scheming”.
'Cause they see right through me, they see right through me, they see right through. Can you see right through me?
I wake up screaming from dreaming One day I'll watch as you're leaving 'Cause you got tired of my scheming For the last time
These desperate prayers of a cursed man spilling out to you for free, but darling, darling, please, you wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking if you knew where I was walking
Will you forgive my soul when you're too wise to trust me and too old to care?
She will get as close as she can to the topic, (“Gay pride… everything that makes me me!” to name just one) only to pull back or leave it ambiguous and devoid of clarity…
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
And I cut off my nose just to spite my face Then I hate my reflection for years and years
…only to feel guilt for skirting around the topic…
You said I was freeloading … I bent the truth too far tonight, I was dancing around, dancing around it … Your picket fence is sharp as knives, I was dancing around, dancing around it
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This to me is the a significant price that comes from her being left to her own devices. Yes, there is freedom that comes from closeting/bearding. But glass closeting brings a more painful mess of emotions for both the closet-er and those seeing it for what it is. This is what she addresses in Anti-Hero with painful clarity.
And sometimes this can come at a painful cost. Take YNTCD for example. In this video, she positions herself within the queer community, dancing in Gaylor Park, and boldly declares herself an advocate for LGBTQIA rights.
But as we know, the video was met by many as out-of-touch (re: “freeloading”), performative and whatever else critics were spewing.
motion capture put me in a bad light. I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone, trying to find the one where I went wrong. writing letters addressed to the fire
Now for a detour.
I want to talk about the purple / blue / lavender glitter for a minute. Here, in the Directors on Directors interview, Taylor describes the glitter as being a metaphor for herself...
It’s supposed to be a metaphor for like, I bleed glitter, I’m not normal, there’s something wrong with me, I’m not a person, I don’t belong, I don’t fit in anywhere.
Recall how I said chasing a moving target?
Let’s talk about the significance of this scene and a handful of others in terms of the lavender glitter.
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[For some queer context regarding glitter]
I’d first like to point out Hayley Kiyoko’s purple glitter jacket above, from the YNTCD video. This is Hayley Kiyoko we’re talking about. The proclaimed Lesbian Jesus. And in this moment, while she is wearing the purple glitter jacket, she is aiming an arrow at a target, signifying The Archer. This moment is key.
And then you have the Miss Americana documentary, wherein Taylor explicitly equates herself with gay pride, while talking about the Me! music video.
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It’s a line of dialogue that screams at me with such intensity. Irrefutable. As a film editor, I know that every line in a film is deliberately placed and thought out and meticulously addressed. And therefore we can trust that Taylor intended for this line to make it into the film. I can tell that surrounding dialogue is seemingly trimmed and crafted in a delicate way. And part of that is the very direct statement that “Gay pride…everything that makes me, me!”
And it’s within this music video that we again witness a massive “ME!” literally jumping out at us on screen, in none other than purple glitter.
A handful of others could sense that the conclusion of Miss Americana felt as thought it was headed in a different direction than the one it ultimately took. And that for whatever reason, Taylor’s political advocacy took center stage while a deeper analysis regarding her LGBTQIA advocacy did not.
Cut back to the Anti-Hero music video where we get The Archer aiming right for Taylor, and striking her, causing her to bleed, yet again, purple glitter.
Pierced through the heart but never killed… did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism, like some kind of congressman
My covert (secret) narcissism (ME!) I disguise as altruism like some kind of congressman (the political turn and advocacy present in Miss Americana)
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In other words, covering up who she is (“gay pride… everything that makes me me!”) under the guise of a film almost exclusively focused on her journey of discovering her political (“Vote for me for everything” pin) activist voice. And what scene depicts this with near precision???
this one.
motion capture put me in a bad light. I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone, trying to find the one where I went wrong. writing letters addressed to the fire
'cause cruelty wins in the movies, I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you
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The subsequent look on her face of absentminded agony says it all. She knows the confusion that comes from rooting for her as (especially if she is seen as an ally who maybe crosses one too many lines if presumably as straight.)
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The inner-turmoil on display for us in The Archer has transformed into a tone all too exhausted in its own right within Anti-Hero. She knows we’re tired. She’s tired too. In a self-deprecating jab, she admits that she is the problem and she knows that everybody ultimately agrees with her on this. Shielded within a pop anthem, her vulnerability is on display. And so, in Dear Reader, with equal parts desperation as well as wit, she concludes…
You should find another guiding light, guiding light. But I shine so bright.
And so it is ultimately within this utterly messy, exhausting, complicated, ever-changing and nuanced journey that Taylor reaches out to those of us who do in fact see through her and who ultimately simply see her, that she asks us in all sincerity…
Who could stay? Who could stay? Who could stay? You could stay.
And I, for one, will stay.
[enjoy my other analyses here]
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iwanthermidnightz · 8 months
Nobody should suppose that “Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour” doesn’t count as establishing her as a movie star, just because it’s a straightforward rendering of an ongoing concert tour that’s soon to become the most successful in history. It’s 2 hours and 45 minutes of nearly nonstop acting, writ large for the back row of SoFi Stadium and, now, Imax and Dolby. What she might do with lengthy dialogue passages someday remains to be seen, but she’s already passing a $100 million screen test.
For most fans, this show isn’t so much about watching her career flash before their eyes — although there’s that — but their own roller-coaster lives. It’s sort of Broadway, kind of psychotherapy/church, and all too well-executed.
What will remain is the sense of how Swift has pulled off something no other superstar really has: creating “bedroom pop” that feels Super Bowl-sized when translated to this massive a circumstance, but then can feel beautifully reductive again when it’s back to headphone time. Wrench’s cameras catch some young fans singing “I’m the problem, it’s me” during “Anti-Hero” — what director or editor could resist that? — and you’re reminded what a weirdly personal and peculiar number it is to have remained a runaway hit this past year. And what other pop superstar would follow that, as she does in the closing “Midnights” portion of the show, by singing about how she’s “only cryptic and Machiavellian ‘cause I care”? Swift is a “Mastermind” and a normie, in some kind of strange, inviting, equal measure. That’s something we’ll never get tired of studying in closeup.
So bring your friendship bracelets, your earplugs (if necessary) and your biggest, most nagging neuroses. Because there’s only going to be one real exorcist on movie screens this weekend, and her name is Taylor.
(click link to read full article)
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mystic-headcanons · 9 months
mystic characters + what taylor swift album i'd think they'd like
what's up gamers it's been like two or three years since i've touched this blog but i'm hyperfixated on mystic again and taylor swift, so. heeeeere we go. under the cut because this became a lot longer than i actually wanted it to T_T
i think zen's favorite album would be 1989. i literally don't have any reason other than style has the cuntiest opening out of any of her songs and i think zen would obsess over it for weeks. you could find him humming it in between rehearsals and throwing it on repeat while he works out. along with style, he'd love clean, this love, and bad blood the most.
yoosung's favorite album is fearless, hands down. he has a very fairytale-esque view on love, and songs like love story and today was a fairytale and untouchable fit that view. while they're not on any of his main playlists, they are on all of the playlists he's made for you. if he's missing you especially hard, then he likes to listen to those specific songs and just. lay there and think about you. he rly is just a teenage girl in a twenty-something year old body.
saeyoung's favorite album would absolutely be speak now. it's whimsical and fantastical and just a little melancholy and sad, and i think it fits his vibe perfectly. he'll put on innocent when he needs to be reminded that he can change, that he can be better than he has been; he'll play castles crumbling when he's in a particularly self-loathing mood. and enchanted gets played on a loop the first time he meets you-- it got so bad that vanderwood threatened to tase him unless he shut it off.
jumin's taste in music is sophisticated and, often times, just straight up classical music. he wouldn't have sought out her music on his own-- maybe he became interested because you listened to paris, or perhaps he heard anti-hero on the radio in one of the rare times that driver kim has the radio on. whatever the reason, it was enough to pique his interest in her. midnights would be his favorite album- and the only one he'd listen to in its entirety. you're on your own kid would be his go-to song, but midnight rain, would've could've should've, and dear reader are all tied for second.
jaehee would love folklore. she'd be a casual taylor fan- not really fond of the singles or the hits, but would enjoy her deeper cuts. folklore would be the first album where she loved every song. this is me trying would play on a loop if jaehee was stressed or had a particularly hard day. the lakes would be her all-time favorite song, but mad woman and cardigan would be close. invisible string is near and dear to her heart because every time she hears it, she can't help but think of you.
saeran's favorite album is reputation, but not for the obvious reasons. while he does enjoy it for its darker sound, reputation is his favorite because it's about finding love in the middle of all the darkness and anger. new year's day would be his absolute favorite song- and the one that he associates with you the most. the 'i'm there through it all, through the good and the bad, and i'll help clean up any metaphorical mess you make' message is what had set it aside from any other song, and saeran listens to it on repeat on all of his bad days. he also really enjoys ready for it, don't blame me, and dancing with our hands tied.
jihyun's favorite album is lover. while he'd really enjoy her other albums, lover spoke to him in ways that the others didn't. the archer and afterglow would be tied for all time favorite song- the archer because it speaks to his generalized anxiety, and afterglow because he especially has anxiety within romantic relationships- always had, but it became intense after rika. he craves a love that is soft and delicate, so daylight would absolutely be up there with the archer and afterglow. daylight gets played often once you and him start dating, and he can and will listen to it for hours while thinking of you or cuddling with you. (you've listened to it so much that you could probably play the entire thing by ear.)
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Stranger Things Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Summary: Loving yourself never comes easy to anyone. For some people, it's harder to understand. After coming out of a relationship, you never fully loved yourself until you met Steve Harrington. He was the one that has always reminded you of how perfect you are. On one particular today, you don't feel like yourself, but Steve helps you remember how perfect you are.
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
Trouble with self-image
Angst (maybe???)
Steve Harrington x-reader
Steve, Robin, and I sat together. I was trying to help Robin study for her calculus final this Friday. She has been a nervous wreck all week. "Okay, what's an integral?" I asked, flipping through her notecards. Her chin sat on her hand, her fingers tapping the table.
I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser Midnights become my afternoons When my depression works the graveyard shift All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room
Steve looked up from his textbook to see if our friend knew the answer. "Um," she cleared her throat, "the reverse operation of a differentiation?" Robin looked at me for approval. I smiled and nodded my head. My friend sighed and leaned back in her seat. Steve chuckled to himself and went back to 'writing' his notes for our next assignment.
I shifted in my seat, wishing I hadn't worn this sweater. I had just gotten it and probably should've washed it before wearing it. "You okay?" Steve said quietly. "Yeah. This sweater is just really itchy," I complained. "Well, you could just take it off," Steve winked. I rolled my eyes and shook his gaze.
Robin's face scrunched at Steve's expression. She dropped her face when Steve glanced at her. Every once in and awhile, my boyfriend looked my way as I began to feel uncomfortable in the sweater. He leaned over and spoke so only I could hear. "I think you look very pretty," he muttered. He nudged my shoulder so I could look up at him.
He kissed my forehead just as the bell rang. The three of us stood up to head to class. Steve and I had our Biology final, while Robin had her Art final. "Good luck, Robin. I know you'll do great," I said. She thanked me and went down the opposite way. Steve put an arm around my shoulders. "You okay?" he asked.
I nodded. Steve dropped it, and we walked into class. He sat on the other side of the classroom while I went to the other. Our teacher decided to separate the groups to see if that would help us concentrate, but I'm not sure if that'll help. "Good afternoon, class," Ms. Smith greeted, "You will have two hours to complete this exam. After you are finished, bring the test to me and go back to your seats."
She took out the packets from her desk. Our teacher separated them by rows and handed them to the people at the front. Everyone passed them back. I pulled out my pencil, leaning over to ask Erica to hand a pencil to Steve. My boyfriend looked over his shoulder and thanked me with a smile.
I winked at him and started my test when our teacher waved us to begin. It was intimidating to see everyone else finishing the test before me, but I was able to finish with just thirty minutes to spare. I began drawing on a separate sheet of paper.
I should not be left to my own devices They come with prices and vices, I end up in crisis I wake up screaming from dreaming One day I'll watch as you're leaving, 'cause you got tired of my scheming
I hadn't realized that the bell rang. I was in my own little world. Steve walked over to me and tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey," he said, "You ready for lunch?" I nodded and stood up from the desk.
"I don't know what's wrong. I'm worried about her, Nancy," Steve said, running a hand through his hair. "Worried about who?" I asked, joining our friends for lunch. He looked up from his pasta. He glimpsed at Nancy. "Oh, he was telling me that he's worried for Robin," she said.
I nodded and took out a sandwich my mom made for me this morning. "I don't blame her. Calculus is hard," I said, taking a sip of my water. Nancy nodded in agreement. She smiled as Jonathan sat down.
Robin soon joined the other side of me, her plate covered in different types of food. I looked at her with raised brows. "What? Art class brings an appetite out of me," she shrugged. "How was that final, by the way?" I asked. "It was fine. I'm hoping my sketches were good enough," she answered. For the rest of lunch, we talked about our midterms and what we were doing over the weekend.
My boyfriend and I planned to take a trip to Lovers Lake with Nancy and Jonathan. Nancy had been talking about it all week; she wanted to provide the snacks, meaning she and her mother would be making them.
"Y/N, Steve. How did the Biology exam go? I need the details before I step foot in Ms. Smith's classroom," Jonathan asked. "It was easy, surprisingly," Steve replied, "It was just those graphs we studied, and we have to label some cell parts." Jonathan nodded, taking a bite of his lunch. I thought it was a little easy. Biology was kind of an okay subject for me.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me At tea time, everybody agrees I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
When it came to different terminology or finding the correct definitions, I'd always get stumped. Nancy had helped Steve and me study for the midterm. I just hoped that was enough to get me a better grade in the class.
Steve noticed that I had grown quiet after the mention of our Biology midterm. Lunch ended, and it was time for us to head to the library, given that we had a free period. I wanted to head home, but I knew my parents wouldn't like me leaving early, especially during midterm week.
The two of us walked back to the library. "Are you sure you're okay?" Steve asked, sitting down across from me. I nodded, not wanting to worry him. But something tells me that even saying I was fine probably made him more worried. Steve knew what went through my head regardless if I told him or not.
He was aware of my problems with self-image, I was getting better, but some days were harder than others. I had a great support system, and I thanked Steve for that every day. Today, for example, wearing this sweater that I thought I liked was really putting me in a different mood.
Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby And I'm a monster on the hill Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city Pierced through the heart but never killed
And Steve could tell just by me zoning out or the constant nodding in assurance or words such as 'I'm fine' and 'I'm okay' with an unconvincing smile. At times, it felt like I was my own anti-hero, taking myself down for no reason. My mom always told me that those thoughts were the cons of growing up.
I mean, I guess she's right. We grow up in our bodies, so why do we treat ourselves badly? I pulled out my textbook to finish my study guide; that way, I wouldn't have to do it when I got home.
Steve promised he would help my brother practice for Lacrosse tryouts, and he asked me to be the ref. Steve never played Lacrosse, but his father did in college, so he's learned a thing or two.
Steve did anything but look at his book. Steve smiled at me when he saw my head stuck in my book. He pulled the edge of the book towards himself, but I brought it back to me. "Don't study too hard. Your eyes will pop out of her head," he teased.
He chuckled when my eyes met his. The corners of his mouth lifted, smiling at my nose scrunching at his comment. "What's wrong?" I whispered. "Nothing. I just think you should take a break," Steve thought. "Steve, we've been in the library for five minutes," I clarified.
Steve rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat. He tapped his hands on the desk, acting like the table was a drum set. I looked over my shoulder to see the librarian scowling at my boyfriend. I hid my laugh with a cough. Steve sunk in his seat and sent a look my way. "Shut up," he muttered. "Make me," I replied, flipping to another page in my book.
Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism Like some kind of congressman? I wake up screaming from dreaming One day I'll watch as you're leaving And life will lose all its meaning
He lightly kicked my leg, causing me to jump at the touch. Steve smirked to himself and finally grabbed his notebook. I shook my head in amusement and went back to my own little world where I escaped every now and then. Another thing my mother would always point out, "Sometimes going into your own reality isn't always a good thing, honey."
I'd roll my eyes at her comment. My father would disagree and claim that's where I get my most thinking done. He's always been someone who has supported me. He's got this carefree and jumpy personality that my brother and I loved, including Steve. Then, my mind goes to another part of my reality that reminds me of how different I am from my family.
I've never been an active person. Sure, I did dance and soccer when I was younger, but now that I'm getting close to college. I have no clue what I want to do with my life. My parents often say that I should do whatever I want with my life, but it's kind of hard to figure that out at age eighteen. Steve tells me not to beat myself up about it.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me At tea time, everybody agrees I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
The last bell rang for the day. Finally! It was time to head home. Steve's arm found its place on my shoulders on our way to his car. We said goodbye to our friends before driving to my place. My brother was still at school, but Steve wanted to set up my yard for Timmy, my brother.
My fingers tapped on the armrest as the radio played. Steve turned up the volume, noticing me bopping my head to the melody. He glanced at me and smiled. We pulled into the driveway and walked inside. "I'm gonna get changed. I'll be right back," I told Steve.
He gave me a thumbs up, stepping into the kitchen to grab a snack. I changed into my father's sweatshirt and shorts, immediately feeling more comfortable in these clothes. I loved the way the soft fabric of the sweatshirt touched my skin. It almost felt like I getting a hug the whole time I wore it.
I rubbed the side of the sleeves as I walked into the kitchen. Steve leaned against the counter, eating an apple and reading a book. I chuckled softly. "What?" he looked up with a portion of the apple in his mouth. "You look so philosophical," I said. His leg was propped on the cabinet, and he wore his favorite red sweater.
Steve looked at his position and attire before looking back at me. He caught on and put the book down. "What were you even reading?" I walked over to him. I noticed it was my grandmother's old cookbook. I let out another laugh. "What? It looked interesting," Steve defended himself.
"The art of making squash soup sounded interesting to you?" I held up the blue and green book. "Yeah," he said, taking another bite of the fruit. I wiped a bit of juice the apple had spread. Steve leaned into my touch.
I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money She thinks I left them in the will The family gathers 'round and reads it, and then someone screams out, "She's laughing up at us from hell"
He looked like he was going to ask me something but didn't know how to properly say it. I took my hand off his face and thought of getting something for myself. I opened the fridge and scanned over the shelves. "Y/N/N, can I ask you a question?" Steve set his foot on the ground.
"Sure. You can ask me anything," I said, picking up a small bottle of orange juice and a cheese stick. Steve sighed and turned to me with his side against the kitchen island. "I know I've asked this all day, but I'd like to get a true response," Steve said, "We're always honest with one another, but today I feel like there is something that you're not telling me."
I closed the fridge, partially knowing what he was going to ask me. I leaned against the appliance with my eyes on the tiled flooring. I traced the triangle pattern along the edges. "Is it something that I've done? If it is, tell me, and I can fix it," Steve stepped towards me with open hands. I shook my head and looked up at him for the first time since getting my snack.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me It's me, hi, everybody agrees, everybody agrees
"I don't think you can fix this," I said. Steve's brows furrowed. I looked up at the ceiling fan to prevent myself from getting emotional. Steve stood beside me but made sure to keep a good distance. "Today's been hard," I spoke, "I know I'm getting better at not looking at myself as the anti-hero, but some days that idea just can't seem to escape my head."
Steve watched me as I expressed what was going through my head all day or all the time. He hesitated at first but laced his hand with mine. "I know you said I can't fix this, but I sure as hell am going to try and fix it," Steve said. He reached down and kissed the top of my head.
"I love you for you," he said, "I love your smart brain. I love the way you look at things differently. And I especially love how you go along with my shitty pickup lines. Robin might think they're stupid, but you never stop to make me smile with your comebacks." He wrapped his arms around me tightly. "I love you too," I said, earning another kiss on the forehead.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me At tea time, everybody agrees I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
Taglist: @b-ritney @ramaalkayyali @midnightstar-90 @nix-rose
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mirrorballsss · 1 year
assign each TLC couple a taylor swift album and why
*cracks every bone im my body* glad you asked
(i’m mentally sane now to answer this after watching eras tour via twitter live tweets last night)
i’ve done something like this before but i’m just gonna do a more in depth version here so here we go:
kaider: midnights- ight i used to say folklore but i’ve changed my mind they’re actually midnights. i feel like the album talks a lot of like the public’s eye of like taylor and her realtionships and i feel liek it really reflects kaider and a lot of songs are literally them and it’s just so UGH like most of the albums are just like feelings it’s not really a super explanation lol
songs to prove my point: lavender haze, anti hero, snow at the beach, you’re in you’re own kid, …question?, (kinda) labyrinth, karma, sweet nothing, the great war
wolflet: evermore and 1989- it’s totally the vibes that make evermore totally wolflet coded lol but liek it just fits them like they just go hand and hand IM SORRY THESE ARE TERRIBLE EXPLANTIONS JUST TRUST ME. but, i feel like 1989 also has some songs on it that really just match their story and work for them :).
songs that prove my point: majorie, evermore, out of the woods (i am so sorry for the limited songs for them they were honestly really hard)
cresswell: fearless or lover- cresswell is very old taylor but also very lover coded. like it’s very like fun and fluffy and there’s a lot of cress pining and she’s also like such a taylor swift coded character so like yeah. but like i feel like the albums both show like love in like a cresswell way? and like it just works I AM ASO BAD AT THIS WTF
songs that prove my point: (kinda) cruel summer, (kinda) i think he knows, paper rings, AFTERGLOW, love story, fearless, all of the girls you loved before
jacinter: debut and folklore- ODD CHOICES IK but i feel like début is very like friends to lovers just like them and like very we’ve-known-each-other-since-the-womb-and-im-in-love-with-you just like them so yeah. and folklore is kinda like word mysterious vibes which gives winter so yeah this is the best explanation out of the four lmao
songs to prove my point: mary’s song (oh my oh my oh my), i’m only me when i’m with you, (kinda) our song, cardigan, seven, mad women (for winter), hoax
and that’s my shitty explantions lol. if anyone has questions about any of this pls ask and i will do my best to clarify everything. it was honestly hard like finding 1-2 albums and like only using songs off of those albums lol.
also if anyone wants to add their opinions on anything your more than welcome too!!
tysm for thé ask @hamduuye i had so much fun doing it honestly!!
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lissasmemes · 1 year
       from taylor swift’s 2022 album midnights.   feel free to change pronouns as needed!
001. lavender haze
“meet me at midnight.” “you don’t ever say too much.” “you don’t really read into my melancholia.” “i’ve been under scrutinty.” “you handle it beautifully.” “all this shit is new to me.” “i’m damned if i do.” “i’m damned if i do give a damn what people say.” “they keep asking me if i’m gonna be your bride.” “the only kinda girl they see is a one night or a wife.” “they’re bringing up my history.” “you weren’t even listening.” “get it off your chest.” “get it off my desk.”
002. maroon
“we were cleaning incense off your vinyl shelf.” “we lost track of time again.” “you were my closest friend.” “how’d we end up on the floor, anyway?” “i chose you.” “ain’t that the way shit always ends?” “i feel you, no matter what.” “i lost you.”
003. anti-hero
“i have this thing.” “i get older but just never wiser.” “all the people i’ve ghosted stand there in the room.” “i wake up screaming from dreaming.” “you got tired of my scheming.” “it’s me, i’m the problem.” “it must be exhausting.” “i’m a monster on the hill.” “one day i’ll watch as you’re leaving.” “i have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money.” “she thinks i left them in the will.” “she’s laughing up at us from hell.” “everybody agrees.”
004. snow on the beach
“i saw flecks of what could’ve been lights.” “it might just have been you.” “life is emotionally abusive.” “time can’t stop me quite like you did.” “my flight was awful, thanks for asking.” “tonight feels impossible.” “to hide that would be so dishonest.”
005. you’re on your own kid
“summer went away.” “he’s gonna notice me.” “it’s okay, we’re the best of friends.” “i hear it in your voice.” “i waited ages to see you there.” “you never cared.” “you’re on your own, kid.” “i gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this.” “the jokes weren’t funny.” “i took the money.” “make the friendship bracelets.” “you’ve got no reason to be afraid.” “you can face this.”
006.  midnight rain
“he wanted it comfortable.” “i wanted that pain.” “it was paradise.” “i broke his heart cause he was nice.” “he was sunshine.” “i guess, sometimes we all get just what we wanted.” “he never thinks of me.”
007.  question...?
“i remember.” “i swear that it was something.” “one thing after another.” “fucking situations, circumstances, and miscommunications.” “i just may like some explanations.” “can i ask you a question?” “what did you do?” “did you leave her house in the middle of the night?” “oh...” “did you wish you’d put up more of a fight?” “do you wish you could still touch her?” “it’s just a question.” “you’re not sure, and i don’t know.”
008.  vigilante shit
“you did some bad things.” “i’m the worst of them.” “sometimes i wonder which one will be your last lie.” “they say looks can kill, and i might try.” “lately i’ve been dressing for revenge.” “i don’t start shit but i can tell you how it ends.” “don’t get sad, get even.” “she needed cold hard proof, so i gave her some.” “she looks so pretty.” “the lady simply had enough.”
009.  bejewled
“i think i’ve been a little too kind.” “putting someone first only works when you’re in their top five.” “by the way, i’m going out tonight.” “when i walk in the room i can still make the whole place shimmer.” “they ask ‘do you have a man?’“ “i don’t remember.” “i polish up real nice.” “i think i’ve been too good of a girl.” “i think it’s time to teach some lessons.” “i miss you.” “i miss you but i miss sparklin.” “some guy said my aura’s moonstone.” “you can try to change my mind.” “what’s a girl gonna do?”
010.  labyrinth
“it only hurts this much right now.” “breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out.” “i’ll be getting over you my whole life.” “you know how scared i am of elevators.” “it can’t last.” “uh oh.” “uh oh, i’m falling in love.” “oh no.” “oh no, i’m falling in love again.” “oh.” “oh, i’m falling in love.” “you know how much i hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back.”
011.  karma
“you’re talking shit for the hell of it.” “you’re terrified to look down.” “you wouldn’t know what i mean.” “karma’s a relaxing thought.” “i’m still here.”
012.  sweet nothing
“i spy with my little tired eye.” “we almost forgot it.” “they said the end is coming.” “everyone’s up to something.” “i find myself running home to your sweet nothings.” “you’re in the kitchen humming.” “this happens all the time.” “you should be doing more.” “i’m just too soft for all of it.”
013.  mastermind
“once upon a time...” “you and i ended up in the same room at the same time.” “i couldn’t lose.” “what if i told you none of it was accidental?” “the first night that you saw me nothing was gonna stop me.” “nothing was gonna stop me.” “what if i told you i’m a mastermind?” “no one wanted to play with me as a little kid.” “i’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since.” “this is the first time i’ve felt the need to confess.” “‘cause i care.” “i told you none of it was accidental.” “you knew the entire time.”
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myfanwymusings · 11 months
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These lyrics come from Taylor Swift’s 2022 album, Midnights. It is her tenth studio album, and the fifth that she has owned fully. Lyrics may be modified to better fit roleplay situation, please feel free to adjust to your needs. Additionally, two solo tracks that were released in this era. This meme includes all standard tracks, Three A.M. tracks, The Late Night Edition vault track, the Til' Dawn Remixes, and any lyric changes in remixes. "Snow on the Beach (Feat. More Lana Del Rey)" was excluded due to no new lyrics.
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Meet me at midnight
You don't ever say too much
You don't really read into my melancholia
I find it dizzying
They're bringing up my history
All that shit is new to me
I feel that lavender haze creeping up on me
I'm damned if i do give a damn what people say
No deal
I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
All they keep asking me is if I'm gonna be your bride
The only kind of girl they see is a "one night" or a bride
You weren't even listening
Talk your talk
I just want this love spiral
Get it off my chest
Get it off my desk
We lost track of time again
You were my closest friend
How'd we end up on the floor anyway?
Your roommates cheap-ass screw-top rose, that's how.
I see you every day now
I chose you
You were the one i was dancing with in New York
It was maroon
How the hell did we lose sight of us again?
How the hell did we lose sight?
Ain't that the way shit always ends?
I feel you no matter what
I lost you
I wake with your memory
I wake with your memory over me
That's a real fucking legacy
I have this thing where i get older but just never wiser
Midnights have become my afternoons
My depression works the graveyard shift
I should not be left to my own devices
I wake up screaming from dreaming
wake up screaming from dreaming one day, I'll watch as your leaving
I wake up screaming from dreaming one day. I'll watch as you're leaving cause you got tired of my scheming
You got tired of my scheming
It's me, hi
I'm the problem, it's me
It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
Sometimes, I feel like everybody is a sexy baby
Did you hear my covert narcissism might disguise as altruism?
Did you hear my covert narcissism might disguise as altruism, like some kind of congressman?
Life would lose all it's meaning for the last time
I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money she thinks I've left them in the will
She's laughing up at us from hell
One night, a few moons ago, I saw flecks of what could've been lights but it might just have been you passing by unbeknownst to me
Life is emotionally abusive
Time can't stop me quite like you did
My flight was awful
Thanks for asking
My flight was awful, thanks for asking
I'm unglued, thanks to you
It's like snow on the beach - weird, but fucking beautiful
You wanting me tonight feels impossible
It's coming down
It's all around
This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen
I searched "aurora borealis green"
I've never seen someone lit from within
Your smile feels like I've won a contest
To hide that would be so dishonest
It's fine to fake it til you make it
I can't speak, afraid to jinx it
I don't dare to even wish it
Can this be the real thing, can it?
Summer went away, still, the yearning stays
It's okay, we're the best of friends
I hear it in your voice, you're smoking with your boys
I didn't choose this town, I dream of getting out
There's just one who could make me stay here for all my days
I waited ages to see you there
I search the party of better bodies, just to learn that you never cared
You're on your own, kid
You always have been
You're on your own, kid. You always have been
I see the great escape
I picked the petals, he loves me not
I'll run away
I called a taxi to take me there
I search the party of better bodies, just to learn that my dreams aren't rare
I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this
I hosted parties and starved my body like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss
The jokes weren't funny,
I took the money
My friends from home don't know what to say
I saw something they can't take away
Everything you lose is a step you take
So, make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it
You've got no reason to be afraid
You're on your own, kid. Yeah, you can face this
He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride, I was making my own name
He stayed the same
All of me changed like midnight rain
My town was a wasteland, full of cages and full of fences but for some it was paradise
For some, it was paradise
My boy was a montage in slow-motion, of love potions and jumping off things into the ocean
I broke his heart cause he was nice
He was sunshine, I was midnight rain
He was sunshine
I was midnight rain
He wanted comfortable
I wanted that pain
He wanted a bride
I was making my own name, chasing the fame
It was the life I gave away
I guess sometimes we all get just what we wanted
He never thinks of me, except for when I'm on TV
He never thinks of me
I guess sometimes we all get some kind of haunted
I never think of him
I never think of him except on Midnights like this
I remember
We had one thing going on and I swear that it was something
I don't remember who I was before you painted all my nights a colour I have searched for since
It's one thing after another
I have to say, by the way, that I just may like some explanations
Can I ask you a question?
Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room?
Then what did you do?
Did you leave her house in the middle of the night?
Did you wish you'd put up more of a fight?
When she said it was too much, did you wish you could still touch her?
It's just a question?
Did you realize out of time?
You're not sure and I don't know
I just may like to have a conversation
Does it feel like everything is just like second best after that meteor strike?
What's that, that I heard? That your still with her?
That's nice, I'm sure that's what suitable and right
Baby love, I think I've been a little too kind
I think I've been a little too kind
I didn't notice you walking all over my peace of mind in the shoes I gave you as a present
Putting someone first only works when you're in their top five
By the way, I'm going out tonight
You best believe I'm still bejeweled
When I walk in the room, I can still make the whole place shimmer
Do you have a man?
I don't remember
Familiarity breeds contempt
Don't put mе in the basement, whеn I want the penthouse of your heart
I polish up real nice
Baby boy, I think I've been too good of a girl
I did all the extra credit, then got graded on a curve
I think it's time to teach some lessons
I made you my world, but have you heard that I can reclaim the land
I miss you but I miss sparkling
I miss you
I miss sparkling
Sadness became my whole sky
Some guy said my aura's moonstone, just 'cause he was high
You can try to change my mind but you might have to wait in line
What's a girl gonna do?
A diamond's gotta shine
Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man
You did some bad things, but I'm the worst of them
Sometimes I wonder which one will be your last lie
They say that looks can kill and I might try
I don't dress for women
I don't dress for men
Lately, I've been dressing for revenge
I don't start shit but I can tell you how it ends
Don't get sad, get even
On the weekends, I don't dress for friends
She needed cold, hard proof, so I gave her some
She had the envelope, where you think she got it from?
Now she gets the house, gets the kids, gets the pride
Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife
She looks so pretty driving in your Benz
Lately, she's been dressing for revenge
She don't start shit, but she can tell you how it ends
So on the weekends, she don't dress for friends
Ladies always rise above
Ladies know that people want someone sweet and kind and fun
The lady simply had enough
While he was doing lines, and crossing all of mine, someone told his white collar crimes to the FBI
Someone told his white collar crimes to the FBI
I don't dress for villains or for innocents
I'm on my vigilante shit again
It only hurts this much right now
Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out
I'll be getting over you my whole life
You know how scared I am of elevators, never trust it if it rises fast
It can't last
Uh-oh, I'm falling in love
Oh no, I'm falling in love again
Oh, I'm falling in love
I thought the plane was going down, how'd you turn it right around?
It only feels this raw right now
I'm lost in the labyrinth of my mind
You would break your back to make me break a smile
You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back.
Just like that
You're talking shit for the hell of it
Addicted to betrayal, but you're relevant
You're terrified to look down cause if you dare, you'll see the glare of everyone you burned just to get there
It's coming back around
I keep my side of the street clean, you wouldn't know what I mean
Karma is my boyfriend
Karma is a god
Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend
Karma's a relaxing thought, aren't you envious that for you it's not?
Karma is a cat purring in my lap, cause it loves me
Me and karma vibe like that
My pennies made your crown
Don't you know that cash ain't the only price?
It's coming back around
Ask me what I've learned from all those years
Ask me what I've earned from all those tears
Ask me why so many fade but I'm still here
Karma is the thunder rattling the ground
Karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter
Karma's gonna track you down, step by step from town to town
Karma is queen
Karma takes all my friends to the summit
Karma is the guy on the screen coming straight home to me
I spy with my little tired eye, as tiny as a firefly, a pebble that we picked up last July down deep inside your pocket
We almost forgot it
Do they ever miss Wicklow sometimes?
They say the end is coming
Everyone's up to something
I come home running to your sweet nothings
All that you've ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
On the way home, I wrote a poem
What a mind!
This happens all the time
Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors and smooth talking hucksters are glad handing each other
All the voices all implore that I should be doing more
I'm just too soft for all of it
Once upon a time, the planets and the fates and all the stars aligned so that you and I would end up in the same room at the same time
The touch of your hand lit the fuse for a chain reaction of counter moves to assess the equation of you
Checkmate, I couldn't lose
What if I told you none of it was accidental?
The first time that you saw me, I knew that nothing was gonna stop me
I laid the groundwork
Just like clockwork, the domino's cascaded in a line
What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
Now you're mine
It was all by design
I'm a mastermind
All the wisest women had to do it this way
All the wisest women had to do it this way cause we were born to be the pawn in every lovers game
We were born to be the pawn in every lovers game
If you fail to plan then you plan to fail
I'm the wind in our free-flowing sails and the liquor in our cocktails
No one wanted to play with me as a little kid, so I've been scheming like a criminal ever since to make them love me and make it seem effortless
No one wanted to play with me as a little kid
I've been scheming like a criminal ever since
This is the first time that I feel the need to confess
I swear that I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian cause I care
I told you none of it was accidental
The first time that you saw me I knew i wanted your body
You knew the entire time!?
You knew that I'm a mastermind
I'm a mastermind and now you're mine
My knuckles were bruised like violets from sucker punching walls,
I cursed you as I sleep-talked
I was spineless in my tomb of silence
I tore the banners down, and took the battle underground
Maybe it was the egos swinging
Maybe it was her
The flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur
All that bloodshed in crimson clover
The sweet dream was over
My hand was the one you reached for all throughout the Great War
We'll always remember
I vow not to cry anymore if we survived the Great War
You drew up some good faith treaties
I drew curtains closed and drank my poison all alone
You said I have to trust more freely
Diesel is desire, you were playing with fire
Maybe it's the past that's talking, screaming from the crypt, telling me to punish you for things you never did
I justified it
The bombs were closer
My hand was the one you reached for
All throughout the Great War
I'll always remember the burning embers
I vowed not to fight anymore if we survived the Great War
It turned into something bigger
Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed
But you looked up at me with honor and truth
I called off the troops
That was the night I nearly lost you
I really thought I'd lost you
We can plant a memory garden
Say a solemn prayer
I'll place a poppy in my hair
There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair
We will never go back
No words appear before me in the aftermath
Every single thing I touch becomes sick with sadness
It's all over now, all out to sea
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
You were bigger than the whole sky
You were more than just a short time
I've got a lot to pine about
I've got a lot to live without
I'm never gonna meet what could've been, would've been, what should've been you
Did some force take you because I didn't pray?
Every single thing to come has turned into ashes
It's all over, it's not meant to be
I'll say words I don't believe
Your ex-friend's sister met someone at a club and he kissed her. Turns out, it was that guy you hooked up with ages ago. Some wannabe Z-lister. And all the outfits were terrible. 2003 unbearable. Did you see the photos?
Your ex-friend's sister, met someone at a club and he kissed her.
It was that guy you hooked up with ages ago
All the outfits were terrible
Did you see the photos?
No, I didn't, but thanks, though
I'm so in love that I might stop breathing
No, I didn't see the news
We were somewhere else
I was taken by the view
We were in Paris
The privacy sign's on the door
Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours
Sit quiet by my side in the shade.
I wanna brainwash you into loving me forever
I wanna transport you to somewhere the culture's clever
I want to confess my truth in swooping, sloping, cursive letters
You said I was freeloading
I didn't know you were keeping count
Put on your records and regret me
I bent the truth too far tonight and I was dancing around it
Put on your headphones and burn my city
Your picket fence is sharp as knives
Do you really wanna know where I was April 29th?
Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?
Storm coming, good husband
I dragged my feet right down the aisle
I'd pay if you'd just know me
It seemed like the right thing at the time
You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love, the slowest way is never loving them enough
You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love
Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
It's never enough
We were supposed to be just friends
You don't live in my part of town, but maybe I'll see you out some weekend depending on what kind of mood and situationship I'm in and what's in my system
You don't live in my part of town
Maybe I'll see you out some weekend depending on what kind of mood and situationship
What's in my system?
I think there's been a glitch.
I'm not even sorry
It must be counterfeit
I was supposed to sweat you out
In search of glorious happenings of happenstance on someone else's playground
It's been two-thousand one-hundred ninety days of our love blackout
Our love is blacking out
The system's breaking down
I'll go back to wanting dudes who give nothing
I thought we had no chance
That's romance.
Let's dance
If you would've blinked, then I would've looked away at the first glance
If you tasted poison, you could've spit me out at the first chance
And if I was some paint, did it splatter on a promising grown man?
If I was a child, did it matter, if you got to wash your hands?
All I used to do was pray: would've, could've, should've
If you'd never looked my way, I would've stayed on my knees
I damn sure never would've danced with the devil a5 nineteen
The God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven
Now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts
Memories feel like weapons
Now that I know, I wish you'd left me wondering
If you never touched me, I would've gone along with the righteous
If I never blushed, then they could've never whispered about this
If you never saved me from boredom I could've gone on as I was
Lord, you made me feel important until you tried to erase us
You're a crisis of my faith
If I'd only played it safe
I would've stayed on my knees and I damn sure never would've danced with the devil at nineteen
God rest my soul
I miss who I used to be
The tomb won't close
I regret you all the time
I can't let this go
I fight with you in my sleep
The wound won't close
I keep on waiting for a sign
I regret you all the time
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts
Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
If it feels like a trap, you're already in one
Get out your map. Pick somewhere and just run
Burn all the files
Desert all your past lives. If you don't recognize yourself that means you did it right
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
You should find another
Bend when you can, snap when you have to
You don't have to answer just cause they asked you
The greatest of luxuries is your secrets
When you aim at the devil make sure you don't miss
I wander through these nights
I prefer hiding in plain sight
These are desperate prayers of a cursed man, spilling out to you for free
Darling, darling, please
You wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking
I'm walking to a house, not a home, all alone 'cause nobody's there
I pace in my pen and my friends found friends who care
No one sees when you lose when you're playing solitaire
You should find another guiding light, but I shine so bright
I washed my hands of us at the club
You made a mess of me
I pictured you with other girls in love, then threw up on the street
They say that if it's right, you know
Each bar plays our song and nothing has ever felt so wrong
Oh my, love is a lie
It hits different
It hits different this time
Moving on was always easy for me to do
It hits different 'cause it's you
I used to switch out these Kens and just ghost
Just rip the Band-Aid off and skip town like an asshole outlaw
Freedom felt like summer then on the coast but now the sun burns my heart and the sand hurts my feelings
I never don't cry at the bar
My sadness is contagious
I slurred your name 'til someone puts me in a car
I stopped receiving invitations
I found the artifacts
I cried over a hat
Curse the space that I needed
I'll trace the evidence to make it make some sense
Why's the wound is still bleeding?
You were the one that I loved
You don't need another metaphor, it's simple enough
This is why they shouldn't kill off the main guy
In the good in the world, you once believed in me
I felt you and I held you for a while
I could still melt your world
I heard your key turn in the door down the hallway
Is that your key in the door?
Is it okay?
Is it you?
Have they come to take me away?
Karma is that girl
Karma is your chеck about to bounce
Karma is a fire in your house
She's about to pop up unannounced
She is never leaving you alone
Now your switching up your behavior
It's okay, baby, you ain't gotta worry
Karma never gets lazy
Keep your head up
I won't let up
Karma is a beauty winning that pageant
I don't understand
I know you don't
We thought a cure would come through in time, now, I fear it won't
I remember looking at this room, and loving it cause of the light
I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time
Do I throw out everything we built or keep it?
I'm getting tired even for a phoenix that's always rising from the ashes and mending all my gashes
You might just have dealt the final blow
Stop, you're losing me
I can't find a pulse
My heart won't start anymore for you
You're losing me
Every morning, I glared at you with storms in my eyes
How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dying?
I sent you signals
My face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick
The air is thick with loss and indecision
I know my pain is such an imposition
You know what they all say
You don't know what you got until it's gone
How long could we be a sad song?
We were too far gone to bring back to life
I gave you all my best me's and my endless empathy
All I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier fighting in only your army
Don't you ignore me
I'm the best thing at this party
I wouldn't marry me either
I'm a pathological people pleaser who only wanted you to see her
I'm fading
Do something, babe, say something
Lose something, babe, risk something
"Choose something, babe,
I got nothing to believe, unless you're choosing me
My heart won't start anymore
Sometimes, I feel like everybody is an art bro lately
I just judge them on the hill
Maybe I'm the problem, it's me
____, you'll be fine
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I'm the Problem, It's Me
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TITLE: I'm the Problem, It's Me PAIRING: Bob/OC RATING: T CHAPTER: One-shot SUMMARY: Storm has trouble with relationships and thinks maybe she’s the problem.
[A/N - I've finally written a fic based on "Anti-Hero" by Taylor Swift. Still trying to get out of my writing slump. I blame starting a new job.]
Storm had never been in a serious relationship. Sure, she’d had boyfriends here and there, but never a serious one.
They usually dumped her after two months or so for whatever reason.
She knew she could be annoying and clingy at times and she never stopped talking. She talked so much that the Dagger Squad joked that she should have been called “Motor-Mouth” instead of “Storm”.
During the day, she was a bubbly out-going person.
At night, it was like a flip got switched. She became introspective and quiet, often staying up past midnight. Her mind going a million miles an hour thinking about the past or people she no longer talked to.
On the nights, she did sleep she woke up with nightmares. She’d woken up Bob, Hangman, and even Rooster screaming in her sleep. Whenever she awoke, she never wanted to talk about it.
But luckily they knew. They knew it had to do with the special mission they’d carried out two months ago. They themselves suffered from nightmares.
Bob, about dying on the mission.
Rooster, about the death of his father and crashing his plane.
Hangman, about losing his team members.
On the nights where none of them slept, they would hang out in the rec room and just talk or watch movies.
Storm, who had been alone for a lot of her life, was glad to not be alone anymore.
On days when they weren’t in the air, the team liked to spend their time at the beach. It was a good way to de-stress and it helped them blow off some steam. Most of the time, Maverick joined them if he wasn’t too busy with Penny.
Storm and Bob were the only two who didn’t strip down or wear swimsuits.
Bob didn’t feel the need to show off and Storm was uncomfortable showing so much skin. She often felt like she didn’t fit in with the rest of the team. All of them were Adonis’ and Goddess’ and she was just Storm. Awkward, weird, Storm.
The squad split up into two teams and started a game of Dogfight football.
Storm sat on the sidelines claiming the teams would be uneven if she played. No one bothered her or begged her to play with them.
Sometimes Storm felt like she was invisible.
Bob was the only one who wanted to ask her to play with them. Bob stared at her until he got hit in the head with a football.
“Bob! Come on!” Rooster yelled.
Bob looked at her a moment longer before rejoining the game.
That night, they went to the Hard Deck after cleaning up from their day at the beach.
Rooster and Hangman started a game of pool while Phoenix, Coyote, Fanboy, and Payback watched.
Bob left the group to get another cup of peanuts from Penny. When he came back, he noticed that Storm was missing. He glanced outside and saw her sitting on the beach. He slipped out the back door and joined her.
“Peanut for your thoughts?” Bob asked, offering her his cup.
Storm chuckled and took a handful. “Just thinking.”
“About what?”
“I think I’m the problem,” she said.
“I think I’m the reason most people don’t like me.”
Bob looked at her like she was insane. Where was this coming from? “What?”
She shrugged. “Maybe it’s me. I know I can be a lot to deal with…”
“Who told you that?”
Storm looked at him. “Everyone. Even my parents. People just seem so exhausted and tired after interacting with me. Even some of our team.”
Bob was quiet for a moment. “I don’t think you’re a lot to deal with.”
“Yeah. I think you’re one the nicest girls I’ve ever met. You don’t tease me or make me feel invisible.”
“You don’t make me feel invisible either. Sometimes I feel like you’re the only person who sees me.”
Bob looked down and blushed.
“You’ll make someone very happy one day,” Storm told him.
“And what I want to make you happy?”
Storm blushed this time. “You do make me happy. Did you maybe…want to make each other happy?”
Most people wouldn’t know what Storm was talking about, but Bob did. It was her own awkward, weird, and unique way of asking him out.
Bob nodded. “I think we can do that.”
Storm smiled. “Okay. Great.”
Maybe Storm wasn’t the problem after all.
Maybe it was everyone else.
Top Gun Taglist: @maverick-wingman @thescarletknight2014
Lewis Pullman Taglist: @tallrock35 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @luckyladycreator2 @justanothermagicalsara @anotherr-fine-mess @airedale17 @xcastawayherosx @khaylin27
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rotisseries · 2 years
uh here's some stranger things music taste headcanons, which is just varying levels of projection, vibes, and the visions I'm receiving from god. also I'm not great with genres so if I say something and you're like "that band is not fucking indie" mind your business. also this is unofficially modern au just so they have access to the full range of music
mike: synthpop king!!! so this is going off of his (semi) canon music taste from his playlist, so that would be bronski beat (obviously) depeche mode, mgmt, etc. i also feel like he'd like indie rock/alt and indie pop stuff, stuff like beach bunny, cavetown (heavy on the cavetown), arctic monkeys (he'd LOVE 505), the smiths, muse, also a little bit of bands like the front bottoms. also when I say something like indie pop what I mean here is that even though conan gray and taylor swift have similar music styles, you could convince me that he'd listen to conan gray, whereas there's no way in hell he's a swiftie. sorry. also I think he'd like lorde? this is based on vibes. he'd prefer the earlier stuff over solar power though. also, once again just based on vibes, I feel like he'd like mcr, it transed his gender a little bit. I also think he'd like a few classic rock bands like journey and queen, and this would be where his and will's music taste meshes, bc otherwise it's not usually that similar. I also think he'd really like narrative songs/albums! something tells me he really likes achilles come down
will: so he's technically got a canonical music taste and it's similar to jonathan, so that's a lot of rock. I also think there'd be a little bit of emo, just bc he likes the cure and what is the cure if not a precursor to modern emo, so he's dabbled in like, fall out boy and early paramore, anyway back to the rock, so that's the clash and the cure (obviously) along with journey, queen, david bowie, pink floyd, arcade fire, nothing more, the foo fighters, muse, etc. also, like mike, I think he'd like narrative songs and albums! which means I really think he'd love coheed and cambria, which is a band that's made comic books of a space opera based on their music. also I think he's a music snob. he's not as bad as jonathan, but he is still a little judgy. HOWEVER. I do think he'd have a guilty pleasure for a few pop songs lamenting being in love with your best friend, just bc the idea of will occasionally blasting you belong with me and it being a secret he takes to his grave is so funny to me
max: she's a pop girly through and through, a pop connoisseur, she listens to pop and all it's subgenres and shoot-offs. she's absolutely a swiftie, she stayed up for the midnights release and she cried to anti hero, which is something the cia couldn't waterboard out of her, she also thinks of lucas when she listens to willow. anyway, she loves the timeless pop girls like britney and madonna. she also likes avant garde and experimental pop, like kate bush (obviously), and she's a rina sawayama stan. she might also like some hyper pop, and she's maybe even listened to some pop punk. she also loves indie pop, and she also really likes the Sad Girl™ genre (BAD GENRE DESCRIPTOR BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN). artists I'm thinking (other than the above) are olivia rodrigo, phoebe bridgers, mitski, bishop briggs, japanese breakfast, dua lipa, billie eilish, lorde, doja cat, florence + the machine, marina, etc. also I just realized I've only listed female artists which wasn't intentional she probably listens to male pop artists too but I bet she is someone who mostly listens to female artists. also I think she's one of those people who endlessly shits on country until before he cheats by carrie underwood is on, or jolene by dolly parton. also I know this is the third time in this post I've said this but she likes kate bush! so she's probably someone who likes narrative albums/songs! I bet she loves the preacher's daughter album by ethel cain (I'm so sorry to assign you ethel cain girlie)
el: I think she's not genre picky in the slightest. for her, she likes music for the experience of listening to it, it's not so much what genre it is and more if she has fun listening to it, who she's listening to it with, or if she has a sentimental connection to it. but she was raised in a lab for years!! music is a new thing for her!! she wants to hear all of it!! however, the music she listens to the most is definitely rock and pop, by virtue of the fact the people she listens to music with most often are max, or will and jonathan. also, although she does like rock, she definitely plays up how much she likes pop to irritate her music snob brothers. she also really likes the punk/riot grrrl genres though! artists she probably likes are taylor swift, madonna, rina sawayama (she loves LUCID. I know this in my heart to be true), dolly parton, david bowie, queen, meatloaf, the cure, the runaways, bikini kill, no doubt, hole, paramore, etc. ALSO I think her and will spend time together playing that game where you play music and take turns seeing how quickly they can guess the artist and/or song and/or album
lucas: similar to el, he's not genre picky, unlike her though, it's the lyrics of a song that decides whether he likes it. I feel like he likes a lot of those yearning songs of someone going on about how much they love their lover, so he likes ricky montgomery (SHE'S A SHE'S A LADY, AND I'M JUST A BOY), mitski (but he's like. casual about it. he's not crying to class of 2013 he just likes lines like "I know I've kissed you before, but I didn't do it right can I try again try again try again. he also likes her let's get married cover) hozier, you get the idea. i also HAVE TO assign him "kiss goodnight" by idkhow but they found me enjoyer. that is just. THEE love song. also likes sunflower by post malone. sorry king I'm projecting. anyway, he also probably just likes a lot of the music max likes, she's probably gotten him to be a casual taylor swift enjoyer if we're being completely honest. he's also definitely someone who pays attention to what someone says their favorite song is and then he listens to it and pays attention to the lyrics to figure out why they connect with it
dustin: canonically wore a weird al t shirt. this guy definitely likes parody music, nerd music, and also apparently polka. I just know he loves the star wars bad lip reading songs. so true king. bushes of love is top tier, there IS a chicken duck woman thing waiting for us. he also likes never ending story, so he probably likes soundtracks and songs from sci fi and fantasy movies/tv shows. debating on whether or not this extends to disney musical enjoyer.
jonathan: has a canonical music taste, which is rock, I feel like he's a bit more Loner™ about it than will is though. (I'm a CREEP, I'm a WEIRDO, what the hell am I doing hereeee), artists are the clash, david bowie, queen, talking heads, radiohead, tame impala, etc. he's definitely the most hardcore music snob around though. absolutely has a superiority complex about it. love that for him
nancy: so I think she likes pop, and like, mainstream rock/classic rock music. so she listens to like, blondie and cyndi lauper, florence + the machine, some taylor swift, pat benatar, and then she also listens to some more popular songs by fall out boy, paramore, meatloaf, bon jovi, billy joel, etc. sorry girl this is looking like my mom's music taste with the occasional modern artist thrown in. oh also I think she'd like early marina (an electra heart stan to her death) and, like mike, lorde! however unlike mike she actually does really like solar power. also I think her and mike would hate to find out that they have that artist in common, but luckily they don't share any of their interests with each other so they don't know that
robin: riot grrrl listener! she bonds with el over this and also being a lesbian! however I think she also likes folk indie/folk punk, and had an emo phase. (not necessarily in aesthetic, just music taste), so artists would be bikini kill, hole, the runaways, the crane wives, the amazing devil, hozier, first aid kit, mcr, fall out boy, paramore, all time low, etc. also I feel like she'd like narrative songs/albums. sorry for pulling that one out again. she's an ethel cain listener. also vibes alone I think she'd like florence + the machine
steve: so I feel like it's damn near canon that steve listens to tears for fears, abba, and wham!, and I can't really argue with that, he likes pop music. however, I think that's mostly from a lack of exposure to other stuff, not that he'd ever not love pop or that showing him rock music would make him suddenly super alt, but I feel like if you played something other than the top 40 around him he'd be willing to listen to it and maybe even find something he likes, so he's ok with the kids playing their own music in his car
eddie: has a canonical music taste obviously! but a thing I've noticed with metal fans is that they're usually metal fans for the instrumentals. they're not usually in it for lyrics or vocals, although that can be a bonus, they're in it for aesthetics and a sick guitar riff, so while he's obviously mostly a metal loyalist, he has appreciation for songs with really interesting instrumentals. I think he'd bond with max over some of the instrumentals in her experimental pop songs, he's absolutely willing to admit that rina sawayama did metallica justice with her enter sandman cover
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cleoselene · 3 months
watching the Eras Tour (Taylor's Version) with Mom
my mom absolutely loves the Eras Tour (Taylor's Version) but she cannot stop saying how much she hates Taylor's bangs lol
she's like "this girl is so pretty but I cannot get over those bangs!! I can barely see her eyes!"
it's the most mom-coded complaint rofl
Mom's favorite song is "Anti-Hero" but she has never been able to understand the lyrics to Taylor songs because Taylor's voice is too high in pitch for Mom's 74-year-old hearing, but watching the concert on D+ with the captions on has been very illuminating for her haha. She's like, "I don't know if I understand it now" after seeing the lyrics to "Anti-Hero" rofl. Lyrically she was most impressed by ATW10, hahaha, she was like "WHOA" at a few different points at the siq burns Taylor delivers on Jake G. She was familiar with a surprising number of songs but really only the more recent parts of the discography ("You Belong With Me" and "Love Story" were the exceptions, she'd heard those). Btw, when it comes to "Love Story": she was DELIGHTED by those lyrics too. My parents were big time Romeo & Juliet stans in the late '60s because of the Zefirelli adaptation (she was horrified when I informed her of the recent lawsuits and how those kids were underaged and nude - she said she didn't even remember the nudity, honestly, which goes to show how unnecessary it was). My parents were so into that adaptation that they almost named my brother "Montague Tybalt" until my grandmother vetoed it hard. But she was delighted at Taylor rewriting R + J to be happy.
She was not at all familiar with Speak Now or anything from Midnights besides Anti-Hero. She was pretty 50/50 on folkmore familiarity (she LOVED "marjorie" as I predicted she would) . She knew all of 1989 and reputation. She didn't know much of Red but she LOVED the songs from it, lol. She was coming off a bad breakup in 2012 and I think Red would have resonated hard with her. She was DELIGHTED by WANEGBT lol.
Anyway Mom loved it because it had subtitles. She's still a P!nk fan first and foremost, followed by Dua Lipa, but especially now that Republicans are targeting Taylor, shes getting on board with Taylor, but she really wants Taylor to do something about her bangs
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