#and I called my mom!!! best offspring
flintandpyrite · 11 months
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bones4thecats · 5 months
Being Married and Your Lives Together
Type of Writing: Poll Result Characters: Fellow Honest, Baul Zigvolt, and Kifaji Name: Being Married and Your Lives Together Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: This is my first times writing for all of these characters, so they may end up being a bit out of character, just warning y'all! Anyways, I do hope you guys enjoy this. I'm just gonna write each part of the poll as it goes, since it's pointless waiting daily on the next part. Now, enjoy my bubbles🫧
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🦊 Fellow Honest and you grew up together with Gidel by your side, working together to provide a decent life for the younger beastman, despite the hardships
🦊 Gidel adores you to the point where you were basically another sibling to him, which led to Fellow beginning to see you as a co-raiser of the cat-man
🦊 You and Fellow eventually began to work at Playful Land together, with the assistance of your younger brother
🦊 When your relationship started, you guys just began working at the theme park with one another, only using the relationship as something to put the walls of the visitors down to nothing
🦊 But, Fellow began to notice how when the visitors walked away with you guiding them around to show them the place so they were more at ease, he would glare at one of them if they tried something inappropriate
🦊 While you guys to eventually marry, not making it into any paperwork, obviously, you cannot allow your occupations to be let out, he still is protective over you, since fox-beastman have one partner for their lives
🦊 Your occupation working at Playful Land is very shady and if caught, can put you all in serious danger, which prompts Fellow to guard you and Gidel with his life, no matter the cost
🦊 Despite popular beliefs, Fellow does not want children unless he had a stable life with you and Gidel, he doesn't want his offspring to go through the same amount of pain he, Gidel, and you went through
🦊 If you and him had one unexpectedly, he would put everything into you, his brother, and his children, since you all were the most important things in his life, he could wait, you could not
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🐊 Baul never saw any point for a relationship, but, when he met you at a young age, he saw more potential with you than he did anyone else
🐊 He has a fiery personality, but, unlike many, you adored that part of him. And, due to his more aggressive tendencies, he is a very protective and possessive husband, pushing you behind him during any threat
🐊 During the war, he kept you away from it all, and sending you as many letters as he could in between battles
🐊 Once the war calmed down, he found out you were pregnant and was having a daughter, the only child you would ever have during your long lives together
🐊 He raised your daughter with such high-honors that it was a hint overwhelming for the young fae, but, what did you expect from an ex-military member?
🐊 You are by far the more approachable grandparent of the Zigvolt family, you were the one that Sebek would come for to get advice, and you would always tell him to embrace what his father gave him, his humanity
🐊 While Baul and you have some rough-patches that you cannot seem to fully sand down, he always tried his best to keep his composure, and he had tried his most when your daughter brought her future husband and father to her children home to meet you both
🐊 He was horrified of Baul Zigvolt, who told him to only call him Mr. Zigvolt, while he was far more at ease with you, as you just said he could call you 'Mom'
🐊 It's basically the 'Cool and Intimidating x An Absolute Sweetheart' dynamic, and it's hilarious for your family and friends to watch
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🕊️ You worked with Kifaji as a chamberlain for the Kingscholar family growing up, and he would just watch as you would help Farena take a small break from his homework to mess around
🕊️ Kifaji also would love watching you just try getting Leona to do something other than nap around growing up, it was quite amusing
🕊️ He and you were childhood friends, and eventual lovers who married and began to work alongside one another. Your husband then began to work for the Kingscholar family, with you joining him later on
🕊️ This guy gives me the vibe of a good father for some reason
🕊️ Due to this, he and you had two children, two boys to be specific, and oh boy does he adore his dearest boys to the end of the world
🕊️ He taught them everything they needed to know, and because of your ages, you had the first son around a year or so before Farena was born and then your second son when the oldest Kingscholar was a couple years old
🕊️ Kifaji tries to take some days off of work to be with you and his sons as they grew up, but as they aged and began their own lives, he tried spending as much time as he could with his grandchildren
🕊️ Leona loves to taunt you by being asleep in the most random places, prompting your husband to show, allowing the lion-beastman to get you flustered more
🕊️ Age comes with wisdom? Then he must have been 70 when he was really 28, and you would vouch for that, like I mentioned, this guy taught his children and the Kingscholar's children, what do you expect?
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AITA for asking my parents to pay my tuition for the semester, lying about how I lost my scholarship, and then planning on lying to my dad regarding his requirements in exchange for him paying the tuition?
My (20X) college has a scholarship for offspring of faculty members, and I was lucky enough to have my application accepted by the college that my dad (53M) works at. This means that I get a full ride scholarship; if I graduate within 4 years, I won't have to pay a single penny to my college (books and supplies not included, of course).
Unfortunately, the scholarship does have two requirements; I need to have taken at least a certain amount of credits semester before (not a ridiculous number), and for that semester, I need to have gotten over a 2.0/4.3 GPA. Easy enough, right? Who can't get a GPA over 2.0?
Well. I suffered a mental health downfall the past semester and I ended up failing half my classes. I was unable to sit my finals. I know this wasn't smart of me, and I think I should've done something about my academic situation other than just wait for the semester to be over, but I had quit a semester due to my mental health decline previously and I didn't want a repeat of that. In any case, I got a GPA of about 1.6. I'm not on probation but I did receive a warning.
Fortunately, this doesn't mean I lost my scholarship for good. I just need to fulfill those requirements in the upcoming semester and I get it back.
I realized I did need to pay my tuition this semester two days before tuition fee acceptance closes and I debated telling only one of my parents. My mom wants me to finish college no matter what, and my dad has told me that he does not care anymore as long as I don't stress him out. He's also told me he no longer has any expectations for me whatsoever. I did also consider talking about it with my brother and borrowing money from him to put together the tuition fee.
I figured I'd bite the bullet and just told my dad, who I know has been stressed about my future and how badly I'm doing in college. I just casually dropped it as I was making breakfast for myself and then we had a lengthy conversation that my mother (51F) joined when she got back home.
I don't remember much of the conversation (I may have memory problems) but the AITA mentioned part is that I lied to my parents and told them I did sit all my finals and try my best. I didn't. I tried that for mid term exams but I had nothing to write, so for finals I didn't sit them at all. This happened with three of the classes I was taking. I just didn't take my finals. My dad was suspicious of my claim; he said that as a professor himself he wouldn't fail students who at least submitted homework and sat their exams to write anything at all, but I maintained that I tried.
The conclusion was that my dad would be willing to pay my tuition if I got my shit together and also deleted my social media, which he thinks is a drain on my time and energy. He's not wrong. I deleted my Twitter accounts immediately afterwards (which my parents don't know about) because I've been thinking about it, but I can't really bring myself to get rid of Discord, where so many of my friends are. People I've met while studying internationally, long-term friends who moved to other countries; Discord is the only way to contact these people.
This is the AITA part; if my dad follows up on that particular requirement to check if I deleted Discord, which he particularly dislikes (he has previously confiscated the electronics I bought with my own money that I earned, after he saw me on muted call at night with some friends), I plan on deleting the app/program on my devices but using it anyway as a website. This would be a betrayal of my dad's trust in me, but there's no love lost between us anyway. He's already told me he doesn't love me unconditionally. (Yes, I'm his biological child and he did raise me.)
I also feel like an asshole because I could've settled this with the help of my brother; I'd pick up a job during the winter break to pay him back, but it would have been done eventually. Or I could've just gone to my mom. She works her own job, and we could've figured it out together without telling my dad. I told my dad anyway, wanting him to pay the tuition, even though I knew that talking about having to spend money on his kids stresses him out deeply.
My mom also told my dad to go to therapy (in detail, so I know it wasn't just something she said as a throwaway thing) during the conversation. It did get heated. I don't disagree, but I don't know if that'd be okay; mental health is stigmatized where I am, and my dad as a grown adult man and a respected professor if seen going to therapy could have his reputation kind of effected. It wouldn't have happened if I just brought up this whole situation quietly up to my mom, or just my brother.
So I lost my scholarship, I lied to my parents about the technicalities of how that happened, and I'm asking for some amount of money from my parents but also planning on lying to them in regards to the terms they set out. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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yaut-jaknowit · 5 months
Hi there! I wanted to say that I love your work and I’m really enjoying seeing all the good shit you put out! Tbh me and my twin have been eating up the story with We’ar-ow! We’ve sorta created our own character to fit in as the reader, and we chat about each update after you post them! It’s a fun little book club in a way! If you ever end up publishing any books, be sure to tell! I love your writing style it’s so distinct and enjoyable!
Also! I wonder how yautja would react to a real short s/o (imma dude and being 5’2 sucks a lot, my mom had to fuck a short king sigh) I had to grab something next to my couch that’s only 2 feet off the ground and I almost flipped my body over reaching. I can’t even wrap my arms around my knees when sitting either
I am able to reach a lot of small things hidden around my house, and I’m really good at anything small with my hands like sewing- tbh that’s the only upside
also quick yautja question- do you think they’re able to produce twins or triplets? Mostly asking cuz I’m one! :p
also I’m so thankful for you writing for readers who aren’t female! it really warms my heart <3 sometimes it can hard to find non female readers and x male readers help with my dysphoria
Short King
Pairing: Uihoy (Male Yautja) x Mas!Reader
Word Count: 692
Summary: After the countless times you've fallen off of places or even found yourself somewhere you're not suppose to be, your wonderful mates have gotten you a step stool. Uihoy understands the frustrations himself. But he doesn't want you getting hurt.
Author Note: I'm so thankful and love this message so much. And the fact you chat about my writings?! Seeing this message for the first had me squealing and kicking my feet like a school girl. I hope one day I'll publish books but for now, I stick to writing fanfics about being dicked down by aliens.
P.s. Gonna be honest, I never knew how many AMABs liked Yautjas. I'm used to fangirls since I'm one myself. But I'm happy to help fill in the hole for the lack of AMAB writtens
Knowing some Yautjas out there, they have a size kink. So you being much smaller than them goes burr for them.
They can also wrap themselves around you easier. It makes for the best cuddling sessions because they can probably almost encase you completely. That way, they can protect you better!
They also wouldn’t treat too much different either. They might ensure your items are closer to the ground so you don’t have to climb as much to reach them.
A step stool around either their ship or hut on Yautja Prime is necessary. They wouldn’t want you to go without it either. Less climbing means less danger for you! Safe on the ground floor where you can’t bust your head open.
After one close call with a fall, your mate wouldn’t want you to even think about getting on the damned counters again. So, he got you a step stool.
Once in awhile, you’ll see him use it too. Don’t let him know or say a damn word about it.
Plus, imagine those with the size difference kink. You desperately trying to reach something too far above you. They come up behind you, squishing your body to either the counter or wall. That day ended up differently than you originally thought.
Seeing the way your hand barely fits in their palm. They’re purring up a storm and holding you close.
As for the twins and triplets: yes, it is possible but a very rare occurrence. With their head structure, it’s already hard to push out one. It also puts a huge strain on their bodies. Some go through with the pregnancy if they believe they can endure the journey. Others don’t to save them either the downfall of an unnecessary death of themselves or their children.
I believe in some cultures of the Yautja, it’s celebrated if a female produces more than one offspring and survived. It is a feat that many don’t endure or survive.
Hands encased your hips and pinned you to the counter. A heavy body draped acrossed your back. Hot air caressed the shell of your ear. “What does little hunter think gonna do?” a grumbly voice spoke, slightly scolding you for what might have been a dangerous action. At least in those bright orange eyes of his.
Your entire body jumped at the sudden feel before relaxing, head titling to the side. Uihoy’s profile met your gaze. “I have no idea what you mean,” you brushed off. “I’m just trying to grab a bowl.” That was only thing that was the second shelf they hadn’t moved yet. You best believe it will be after today.
Uihoy snorted then reached above you and grabbed hold of the item you were attempting to take. It was placed before you on the counter in front of you.
The hand left on your hip drifted up to clasp hold of your throat. A finger was used to tilt your head back. Uihoy leaned over you to look you in the eye. “Next time, use the stool,” he scolded and pinched the column of your throat in warning.
Your shoulders sagged, eyes rolling with attitude. “But Uie! I was fine. Three feet off the ground ain’t gonna kill me,” you complained and leaned your weight against the short Yautja. His body barely even wavered at the added weight.
“No, but Uihoy might if little hunter doesn’t listen.” There was no bite in his words. You groaned.
His hold on you slipped away. He took a step away from you. You snatched the bowl off of the counter in front of you and marched over to the refrigerator-like device in the wall.
As you pulled out the stew made yesterday to consume as a mid-day lunch, you narrowed your eyes on Uihoy. The Yautja still stood in the kitchen, leaning against the island. With a spoon, you pointed it at him, non-threatening. “You’re lucky I love you enough I won’t smack you for calling me short,” you pouted and poured some of the stew to fill half the bowl.
A disgruntled grunt sounded from the elder. “My heart is yours, little one.”
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the-horizon-lounge3041 · 10 months
A Special Request
Told by Elisabet Sobeck
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My life is flashing before my eyes, I can’t think straight, my heart is pounding, my body is shaking, I can’t breathe steady as I get off my goodbye to my Zero Dawn allies call. This…this was it….the world was about to end…I…I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Gaia has everything thing ready to repair the biosphere. As I wait in my childhood home I think of everything….my mother, Tilda, Ted, everyone who was on board with project Zero Dawn….and Gaia…probably one of the things I’m most proud of and thankful that she learned to feel.
I sit still thinking about her all while looking at my old family photos of me and my mom on the farm together….suddenly I hear echoes in my mind. “You often tell stories of your mother…but you are childless.” Gaias voice echoed. “I never had time…guess it was.. for the best” I replied. I don’t know what got into me but I started crying, I really wish it didn’t have to come to the apocalypse for me to get upset about never having my own offspring. I found my self repeating what I told Gaia.
“I guess I would’ve wanted…her…to be..curious. And willful…unstoppable even…but with enough compassion to…..heal the world…just a little bit.”
I shed many tears after saying that, thinking of what my little baby girl would’ve been like, what it would’ve been like to hold her…to take care of her…to be there for her when she needed me. I sat in silence for a while, then a thought hit me, I immediately called Gaia and was about to ask her something I never thought I’d ask.
“Greetings Elisabet. Are you all right? Everything is set in place for your plan..” Gaia spoke, I replied that I was fine and I have a massive favor to ask her, this might be a lot to ask but I have a special request.
“Oh! And what might that be?” Gaia hummed gently.
I took a deep breath and spoke.
“I want you…to give birth to my daughter using the Eleuthia 9 cradle that will rebirth the human race….I know it sounds crazy but…I never had time to embrace motherhood as I wanted to years ago…I…I just want to give my daughter whoever she may be in the future a life and a chance… and if she finds this message…I want to tell her: I love you…and I am your mother.”
Gaia gently smiled and agreed, she already had my DNA sampled and she told me that she was already planning and recreating her creator in some way, and I told her that I want her to be her own person not just a complete redo of me…she is her own person and will make her own choices, I know I unfortunately won’t be there to guide you little girl…but Gaia will once you find her, and when you do I hope you find this message as well….
I thanked Gaia and fell asleep…for the last time ever probably…
I love you little girl, and I can’t wait for you to see the world when you are born.
Dr. E. Sobeck’s suit: initiating cryogenic sleep….
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krystaldeath · 3 months
Cotl Auuuuu
It’s modern time babeyyyy
* This au does take place in modern day but it technically “starts” in the late 90s bc it’s a Narinder and Lamb were childhood best friends au :))
* I honestly have the most ideas for when they’re in high school but I’ll get to that in a bit (also should say this was inspired by that one prom post from redcrowncafe where Lamb talks about their prom date who was an asshole and wishes they knew Narinder then so they could’ve gone with each other. Saw that and thought “okay but what if they did” and that spiraled out of control)
* I’ve yet to say that my personal headcanon for Lamb’s family is that they had two moms, and three younger siblings (a sister about 12 years younger, and 18 years younger twins; one male one amab gender-fluid). The twins don’t show up till Lamb is, well, 18 tho so they won’t come up much yet
* The Bishops (Bishop is just their last name here) are all foster siblings who have shitty foster parents. Shamura stays even a bit into their early 20s because of this since they don’t want to leave their younger siblings alone with those two. The foster parents’ were abusive in multiple ways, and they also kept any money the Bishop’s respective parents might’ve left for their offspring to themselves (spoiler: Shamura’s in particular were LOADED and so when the Bishops are finally away from these two they’re pretty much set for life). It’s after a particularly scary night where a two year old Leshy and a six year old Heket are threatened while Shamura and the parents are arguing that something in Shamura snaps and they begin to plan to murder their foster parents. Yay!
* I don’t have the details but they in fact /do/ kill them. Thing is they’re super smart about it and hardly any evidence can be traced back to them. It is a small town though so there aren’t too many suspects and overall the one who would have the motive and probable method would be Shamura (unless they wanna try and pin it of 13 year old Kallamar or 8 year old Narinder). Thing is, their foster parents? No one liked them. So no one’s gonna point fingers. The police try and press people to give a suspect but no one does. So the case goes cold. But, even though no one liked the two, murder is still frowned upon by most so the siblings move away.
* But BEFORE all that let me explain a bit about Nari and Lamb’s friendship: they met in kindergarten (idk why they’re in the same grade when I hc Lamb to be a year older but shhh) and while Narinder tried to act “cool” and “aloof” Lamb was having none of it and dragged him along on little kid adventures like playing in the mud and pretending to be power rangers. Also almost from the get go Nari had a little crush on Lamb lol. Since Nari and his sibs move away when he’s 8, these two knew each other for 3 years. Idk what all happens in that time. Like I said most of what I’ve thought up for this au (mainly about Narilamb) happens in their high school years. It is thanks to their play dates at each others houses that Lamb figures out that being nonbinary is a thing from Shamura and is like “Wait… Me too???”
* After the move, Nari and Lamb stay connected through letters and phone calls. They also send pictures of all kinds of things, mainly of themselves so the other “won’t forget what I look like!” Neither make many lasting friends, at least, not ones around the same age as them (Lamb befriends Ratau and his buddies. Narinder befriends kind library assistant Forneus and her two twin sons).
* Lamb is loud and proud about who they are, which unfortunately makes them targeted for bullying, though it’s not just for their gender, it’s also because of their - Idk a better word than quirky Sorry - personality and the rumors about their long distance best friend; there’s multiple rumors, like that he doesn’t exist (this comes from those who don’t know much about the whole Bishop family scandal) or that he’s a murderer, just like his older sibling (this comes from those that /do/ know, ofc)
* Btw over the course of these years they’ve been apart Nari’s crush has only grown and Lamb has also gained a crush on Nari themself
* OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY TIME FOR THE BIT I HAVE THE MOST OF AN IDEA FOR GET READY (it’s super cheesy and corny and honestly feels like a Disney channel original movie but this fandom could use a little more of that imo so let me live)
* So, I know some schools would let Juniors have their own prom. Let’s say Lamb’s school does that. They had been asked by some guy to be his prom date and figured “why not?” and accepted. Thing is the guy asked if they could buy his ticket, and being the nice person (yet to decide if this is also a human au or if they’re still all animals) they are they do so. The guy then just takes the ticket and tells them to get lost. Lamb didn’t like the guy but it still hurt to have their kindness taken advantage of. They tell Narinder all about it and admit they probably won’t even go to the prom, even though they already bought a ticket and outfit. Nari, who Lamb can’t see bc it’s just a phone call, is absolutely SEETHING.
* Now Narinder has a mission: Get a tux, flowers, and other gifts. Convince Shamura to let him go in his truck (yeah he drives a truck in this au, idk it’s just the car I imagined when I thought it up lol) and be away from home for a few of days (it would take about a day to drive there, then he’d want to stay for at least one or two, then another to drive back). Shamura is reluctant (that town holds a lot of bad memories and him being so far away when he’s only 16 is scary), but seeing the determination in his eyes makes them relent.
* He calls Lamb’s moms and lets them know his plan, but wants it to be a surprise. They both agree to convince them to go to prom even if they will be going alone, without letting it slip that they will have a prom date after all.
* Prom night comes around, and Lamb, who is dressed in a tux-dress combo, is confused as to why their moms, who were so insistent that they go, aren’t ready to take them? (Projecting my reluctance to learn to drive onto them here, so that’s why they can’t drive themself). Then the doorbell rings. They answer and see Narinder (who is now like a foot taller wow couldn’t tell that in the photos he sent) in a tuxedo holding a bouquet and corsage. He’s got a nervous smile on his face as he says “I know it’s a little last minute, but will you allow me to accompany you to prom?”
* Almost a full minute passes in silence, making Nari sweat and begin to regret doing all of this. Then he gets jumped by Lamb into a hug that topples them both to the ground as they scream “YES!!!”. Thankfully they aren’t hurt and their formal wear is alright, though they wouldn’t notice otherwise, their focuses only on each other’s laughter and presence.
* When he opens the passenger door for them there’s a basket of treats, jewelry and a black cat plushie. “Ohh, Narinderrrr! You’re making me feel like I’m royalty!” “You are, to me.” *pause as they look at each other in flustered silence* “A-ANYWAYS WERE SHOULD GET GOING RIGHT?” “OH YEAH YOURE RIGHT. Uh, help me up?” He helps them climb into their seat, close the door, and silently screams about how dumb that was (while Lamb is inside internally screams about how sweet that was and oh no they think they’re falling for him)
* They get there (Yeah I realized Nari doesn’t have a ticket but let’s say somehow there was enough for him to buy one at the entrance) and they’re having a good time (only barely noticing the looks they’re getting and the whispers of “Isn’t that one of the Bishop siblings? Figures Lamb would have to settle for a murderer to be their date.”), dancing, eating and drinking the possibly spiked punch. I’m sorry to say some hurt is about to happen
* They have a run in with the guy who tricked Lamb and Nari almost breaks the guys nose before Lamb pulls him away saying it’s not worth it. He’s about to disagree and say something embarrassing again like “maybe /he’s/ not worth it but /you/ are and he hurt you so he deserves to be punched” when a girl “accidentally” spills her whole cup of punch onto Lamb’s outfit. Everyone around them laughs and Lamb, barely blinking back tears, runs out of the building. Narinder growls at them all and runs after Lamb.
* He finds them curled up by a tree outside, and sits down next to them. He tries to comfort them but they sob out “Just take me back home.” He agrees to do so, but tells them to go wash up a bit in the bathroom while he gets something. As they’re washing up he knocks on the door and asks to come in. They let him and see he’s holding a box. He tells them he planned on giving it to them later after Prom for something else he had planned but figured they’d just go now since Lamb didn’t want to stay anymore. He hands it to them and says he’ll be waiting outside.
* Surprise! It’s another outfit :)) It’s a bit more cozy than what they were wearing before, but still fit for “royalty”. And a black crown with a big red jewel inlaid in the middle-front
* They get dressed and marvel in the mirror before going back out. Narinder’s heart skips a beat when he sees them.
* Idk what to put in between so let’s skip ahead to when they’ve arrived at a spot out in the open wilderness where it’s easier to star gaze. He sets up the trunk bed to be comfy and reveals he had a cooler and basket of food for them to have a night picnic under the stars.
* After they’ve eaten some, one thing leads to another, and then Lamb pulls Narinder into a kiss. They both confess and spend the rest of their time cuddling (until Lamb gets a phone call from their very nervous moms because of how late it’s getting and they’re not home yet lol)
* I have more ideas but to sum them up for now: The rest of this AU is just Narilamb long distance relationship angst & fluff. Eventually the Bishops move back to the small town and then it’s not long distance narilamb (and eventual leshycat and whatever else).
* I will say this: Another murder will happen, this time it’s Lamb who commits it. That’s all I’m giving y’all ;))c
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
what are you into besides dinosaurs/birds? or is it just that?
I recognize how many could come to that conclusion but I promise I'm into other things besides paleontology and ornithology!
I'm really interested in Judaism and almost became a Rabbi. Some of my friends still call me a Dinosaur Rabbi
I'm very musical; I can sing, I can play a few instruments, and I'm always listening to punk & alt music. Favorite band is Rise Against. I also really enjoy Fall Out Boy, the Offspring, Nirvana, Paramore, Silversun Pickups, Jimmy Eat World, Mother Feather, Veruca Salt... plus a lot of Jewish music like Pharaoh's Daughter and Nefesh Mountain
I'm from Chicago and I'm very passionate about my hometown. I'm sad I don't live there now.
I loooooooooove computer games. I play them waaaaay too much.
I'm a writer! Been writing fanfiction and original fiction since... I was 10? That sounds right
I love marine biology! I'm a sucker for cetaceans. Orcas are so beautiful and Vaquitas make me sob like a baby.
Ecology & the Biosphere in general are fascinating to me. I love learning about how life and the planet come together to make the interesting world we live on.
I also love history! Certain periods I find boring but history in general is very fascinating just as prehistory is.
I enjoy books and I have way too many of them. I'm just always reading *something*.
I'm an anarchocommunist and I do have a strong interest in politics and political activism. I blame my communist parents, I never had a chance. I knew who Fred Hampton was before I knew how to do multiplication.
I also just love learning about queer theory and queer history beyond that. I'm intersex, nonbinary, demiromantic, and pansexual. So queer stuff is a big part of my life. Also, disability activism, because I'm hella neurodivergent and I have mobility issues.
I am passionate about my friends and my chosen family (and my mom). I have some really great people in my life - my spouse (whom I have been with for 10 years), my best friend forever (whom i have been friends with since high school), and so many other wonderful friends both "in real life" and on the internet. I also have five parrots, which unfortunately do not count as a separate interest lol
I enjoy a lot of comedy shows because they help me forget my ~traaaaauma~ while I watch. So Parks & Rec (I have been called the Leslie Knope of Paleontology by multiple separate individuals), The Good Place, Abbott Elementary, Community, etc.
I like to bake! I'm pretty good at it. I also enjoy cooking some food, but I'm a really picky eater so it's limited.
and those are the major things! look at that, scientists are people too!
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bodyalive · 5 months
When it comes to settling down young children, parenting advice focuses mostly on one tool: What to say.
If the toddler starts to have a tantrum, say this. If a child can't go to sleep, say that. And if you wind up yelling in the process, well, there's even a script for how to apologize.
But all around the world, many parents turn to another tool to soothe a crying child and settle them to slumber. And it's totally silent.
Instead of talking, many parents touch their child. But it's not just any type of touch. Oh no! This touch occurs at a particular speed and with a particular pressure.
After decades of research, neuroscientists are beginning to understand how our skin senses this specific type of touch and how that sensation lights up regions of the brain to alter our emotions.
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Jose Grajeda and daughter, Victoria. "If I wanted to go to sleep as a child, I would go cuddle with my mom and she would give me piojito," he says — Spanish for "little lice." The late Peruvian linguist Martha Hidlebrandt described piojito as "gently scratching the scalp of a child as if he were being relieved of the itching of imaginary lice" — hence the name.
Jessica Lutz /for NPR
How to give piojito
In Korea, parents call this type of touch yakson. In Taiwan, they say 秀秀(xiù xiù). In India: "we have different languages in different parts of the country, but in Delhi, it's called malish," says Dr. Sarika Chaturvedi, who studies infant massage practices at Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth College in Pune. "This type of touch is so ingrained in our culture. It's all about avoiding frustrations in the child and enhancing the pleasurable connection."
But in Latin America, parents may just have the best name of all: Piojitos, which literally means "little lice."
"If I wanted to go to sleep as a child, I would go cuddle with my mom and she would give me piojito," says Joe Grajeda, age 40, who was born in northern Mexico and now lives in Alpine, Texas, with his three young children (Joe owns a coffee shop in Alpine and is a good friend of mine).
"Now I love giving my children piojito," he says, smiling brightly. "My sons like to sit there and just kind of enjoy the moment. Victoria – my daughter – loves it when she's ready to go to sleep."
With piojito and other types of soothing caresses, the key is not to go too fast or too slow. And don't press too deeply. "You scratch someone's back, or their head, with the tip of your fingers. And you do it very lightly and softly," Grajeda explains. "You want to make the skin kind of crawl a little bit." (The late Peruvian linguist Martha Hidlebrandt described piojito as "gently scratching the scalp of a child as if he were being relieved of the itching of imaginary lice" — hence the name.)
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Jose Grajeda gives his daughter the same kind of soothing caress that he got from his mom when he was a child.
Jessica Lutz /for NPR
How a gentle caress affects the nerves
When you give a child piojito, the gentle stroking turns on special nerves, in the hairy parts of our skin, called C-tactile fibers. So yes, that includes your head, back and arms.
These nerves are tuned to detect a specific speed of caressing, says Ishmail Abdus-Saboor, a neurobiologist at Columbia University. "If you rush across the skin surface too quickly, a person may actually perceive the touch as aversive," he says.
All mammals have these special neurons. And all mammalian parents use a stroking touch or licking with their young offspring, Abdus-Saboor says. "There's evidence these neurons also respond to maybe even warmth as well," he explains. "So these neurons have the ability to detect social cues between two mammals as they caress, touch and embrace one another, such as a mother with her offspring."
Of course, human parents have been doing this type of touching "forever," Abdus-Saboor says. "This rubbing and stroking is something that we do almost innately with children. And I think it's because our system is wired to tap into this network [in the brain] that provides soothing and relief."
For some kids with autism spectrum disorder, this type of touch might not feel good, Abdus-Saboor notes, and may even feel bad. "A cardinal symptom of autism is hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, like auditory and tactile stimuli," he says. "The relationship between touch and reward can be greatly altered."
Back in February, Adbus-Saboor and his colleagues published a landmark paper in the journal Cell showing how activation of these special neurons, in mice, lights up the dopamine pathway in their brains. This pathway motivates animals to seek out the touch again – to seek out togetherness, cuddles or grooming.
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Jose Grajeda and his daughter, Victoria, cuddling before bedtime in Alpine, Tex. "I love piojito," he says — that's the soothing caress his mother gave him when he was a kid. "I ask my mom now – and my kids – to give me piojito now," says the 40-year-old father of three. "I think it's my language of love."
Jessica Lutz /for NPR
In people, activating C-tactile fibers not only feels good, it reduces the perception of pain in adults and babies and lowers their heart beat rate, studies have found. There's evidence that activation of these nerves may also trigger the release of naturally occurring opioids in people's brains, such as endorphins.
"These endorphins relax you and cause you to feel at peace with the world," says psychologist Robin Dunbar at Oxford University. And they help to bond or connect you to the parent who's caressing you. "They make you feel very trusting with the individuals doing the gentle stroking."
Neuroscientist Helena Wasling isn't convinced by the studies linking caressing to endorphins. But she thinks, rather, this type of touch is critical for helping children's feel safe and as if their bodily needs are met.
"Being touched is just a basic need, like having dinner when you are hungry. You need to have this touch in order for you to reach a good, steady state in your body. You need it so you can feel safe enough to go out and explore the world." says Wasling, who has studied the neuroscience of touch for more than a decade and now is a physiotherapist at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden.
The dawn of the anti-touch era
During the end of the 19th century, many European pediatricians actually advised parents not to touch their children because they said it would weaken them and make them dependent. This idea hit a fever pitch in the 1920s when the psychologist John B. Watson wrote a parenting book, "even though he knew basically nothing about parenting," Wasling points out. In the book, Watson advises mothers to stay away, physically, from children: "You could give them a pat on the head if they did something really special, but when you greet them in the morning, you could give them a handshake."
Watson thought that lovingly caressing children – as parents all over the world have done for thousands of years – would prevent them from becoming independent, self-sufficient adults. By touching, parents would be "building up a human being totally unable to cope with the world it must later live in," Watson wrote in the book Psychological Care of Infant and Child, published in 1928.
Watson believed that by not touching young children and toddlers, parents teach them to be independent at an early age, Wasling explains.
"But then it turns out that the opposite is actually true," Wasling says. "Children who get a lot of touch, support and closeness from their parents are actually the ones that dare to go out and explore, as they grow up, because they have a basic safety that they can rely on. They have a solid foundation."
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princess-ibri · 1 year
Are there any delight ideas of how you would interpret the Hades and Persephone Myth in Hercules?
I kinda like to know on how or what version would you go for on how Zag and Mel's Parents met.
Also, have you ever heard of Another Offspring who's supposedly Hades' Daughter that was once mentioned in "Suda" who's called "Macaria"? She's different from Melinoe who is said to be the Goddess of Blessed Death and even a Concert towards Thanatos.
I know that the original idea for the Hercules tv show was to have had Hades and Demeter be exs and Persephone was their kid in a custody battle which would have been a clever way to work around the kidnap aspect, but I'm kinda glad they didn't do that cuz it does leave room for my own interpretation x)
I could 100% see Disney Hades kidnapping Persephone but Disney Zeus wouldn't back up that claim he's too nice a guy, he'd much more likely help Demeter stomp on Hades.
So I think maybe how I'd do it is take a page from some modern interpretations were they reorient the myth to be about how a girl has to break from her mother to become a woman and Persephone chooses to go with/stay with Hades.
So in my hypothetical Hercules TV show episode:
Persephone is tired of Demeter kinda of helicopter parenting her even though she's basically an adult god now, and just wants to get out from under her wing for a while.
She happens one day to see Hades busting his way out from the Underworld on route to do some evil shenanigans (or possibly just getting back from some and getting a flat chariot wheel or something this is Disney Hercules x) and in a fit of pique she sneaks into the back of his chariot and so gets taken back to the Underworld.
Hades is less then thrilled to find her there, especially since her whole pastel flower motif really clashes with his doom and gloom decor, and tries his best to scare her away but Persephone actually finds the Underworld incredibly interesting and slowly her appreciation for his loathsome domain starts to wear Hades down--And it doesnt hurt that she is definitely very pretty x).
Cue Hades vehemently denying he's growing feelings for this little flower power goddess possibly with a dark parody of "I Wont Say I'm in Love" where Pain and Pain get repeatedly blasted.
Meanwhile Demeter is frantic looking for Persephone and the world is starting to freeze over because she's not doing her godly duties. So Hercules of course volunteers to try and help find Persephone. And eventually they run into Hecate, who seeing an opportunity to make trouble for Hades and possibly nap his job, tells them that Hades has taken Persephone down to the Underworld.
Technically true but told in a way that makes it seem all the worse for Hades who for once has done nothing wrong and sends Demeter spiraling as she thinks about what horrors her poor baby could be going through.
Meanwhile Hades and Persephone are dancing to a dark parody of Beauty and the Beast badly sung by Pain and Panic or something.
Well Hercules once more heads down to the Underworld to rescue Persephone while Demeter goes to Mount Olympus to get Zeus to flashfry Hades. But when he gets there he sees that Persephone and Hades actually seem happy together and wonders if there's been a misunderstanding, manages to sneak over and talks with Persephone and lets her know whats been happening above ground with everyone freezing since Demeter's been looking for her.
Persephone realizes she'll have to go back and tells this to Hades, who of course is more then ready to let the whole world freeze as that just doubles his property values but Persephone pulls her Demeter voice on him and he hastily agrees she should probably let her mom know she's fine.
And at that point Hermes shows up to let them know anybody who's not already dead should probably clear out as Zeus is getting ready to basically nuke the Underworld to make Demeter happy to save the Earth from freezing( and the gods from starving to death when there's no more sacrifices)
Hades of course freaks out about that and Persephone not wanting her new found love to get burned to a crisp hastily demands/Demeter voices Hermes into marrying them. Hades is both flattered and confused but figures hey they're all about to die anyway and he'd rather die married then a bachelor-- so he promptly strong arms Herc into be the witness and Pain and Panic are the ring-bearer/ flower girl--so now none of them can run away either.
Hermes does so in the quickest ceremony possible which they top off with pomegrante martinis and then Persephone tells him to fly up and tell everyone she's married to Hades so she 's tied to the Underworld now and they fry her as well if they continue the attack --oh also Hercules is here too.
(Imagine all this time Zeus has been having Hephestus super charge his like, mega lightning bolt or something)
So the attack is quickly called off, and once they get the all clear, the impromptu wedding party heads up to the surface and tells her mother that if she promises to unfreeze everything then she'll come and stay with her for the summer so she wont be alone.
Demeter agrees, smites Hades with a literally frosty brush off when he tries to make a "mumsy-in-law" comment, but Persephone gives him a kiss which thaws him out and Happy Ending
(They'll definitely need couples councling later on and by the time he's taking over Olympus they're on their way to geting a divorce but hey that's life sometimes :/ )
And yes I have heard of Macaria! If this was my own Greek Myth retelling I would have included her but since I was going off of what Disney has I decided to only use Melinoe as Disney Hades only has two mentioned kids and "Mel" sounded closest to "Mal" for the Descendants reference
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blvssomed · 4 months
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[  cillian  murphy,  cis  man,  he/him  ]  —  whoa!  SILAS  WILDE  just  stole  my  cab!  not  cool,  but  maybe  they  needed  it  more.  they  have  lived  in  the  city  for  32  YEARS  ON  AND  OFF,  working  as  a  MEDICAL  EXAMINER.  that  can’t  be  easy,  especially  at  only  44  YEARS  OLD.  some  people  say  they  can  be  a  little  bit  BRUSQUE  and  CRITICAL,  but  i  know  them  to  be  CLEVER  and  SEDULOUS.  whatever.  i  guess  i’ll  catch  the  next  cab.  hope  they  like  the  ride  back  to  MANHATTAN!
full  name:  silas  fionn  wilde
title:  doctor
nicknames:  only  silas
born:  dublin,  republic  of  ireland
citizenship:  has  dual  citizenship  between  the  united  states  &  ireland
age:  forty4
sexuality:  bisexual/biromantic
height:  5’8”
marital  status:  divorced
occupation:  medical  examiner
children: maeve wilde ( daughter - age 20 )
born  into  the  wilde  lineage  where  the  majority  of  offspring  would  inevitably  pursue  a  career  in  the  medical  field,  silas's  life  has  been  full  of  expectation  before  he  even  appeared  into  the  world  on  the  stormy  evening  of  october  5th,  1980.  his  parents  were  introduced  by  mutual  friends  while  at  university  where  old  money  flirts  with  old  money.
silas's  father  continued  to  add  to  the  wilde  wealth  through  his  illustrious  career  as  a  plastic  surgeon,  while  his  mother  dealt  in  rare  art  and  antiquities.  their  travels  often  called  for  a  nanny  to  watch  over  silas  and  his  eventual  younger  siblings,  but  dublin  was  home  base  —  where  they  would  inevitably  return  to  no  matter  how  many  transatlantic  plane  rides.
for  as  much  as  silas  didn’t  mind  burrowing  his  head  into  a  book  and  memorizing  his  way  through  the  dictionary  to  pass  the  time  once  he  made  his  way  through  his  father’s  library,  eventually  his  father  announced  he  sold  their  home  and  they  were  relocating  to  new  york  city  after  silas's  twelfth  birthday.  apparently  it  was  a  more  accessible  city  to  capitalize  off  of  people’s  insecurities.  from  his  father’s  enthusiastic  retellings  over  dinner  as  the  lines  by  his  mother’s  mouth  downturned  and  her  eyes  lackluster,  money  was  not  the  problem  at  hand.  
his  mother’s  attitude  shifted  with  the  move,  becoming  more  agitated  and  more  often  than  not,  narrowing  silas  as  the  main  target  for  her  sour  moods.  these  turbulent  moods  would  come  in  unexpected  waves,  before  his  mom  would  be  pulled  away  to  some  european  city  for  another  bidding  war  over  antiquities.  as  a  teenager,  silas  wasn’t  entirely  certain  what  caused  these  shifts  in  his  mother,  but  he  could  only  assume  the  rise  of  his  father’s  career  came  at  the  slow  decline  of  his  mother’s.  or  perhaps  she  thought  a  flourishing  family  meant  less  traveling,  less  exploring,  and  less  freedom  for  her.  silas  doesn’t  think  he’ll  ever  know,  but  he  did  his  best  to  shield  his  younger  siblings  from  her  wrath.
academics  proved  easy  for  silas,  his  natural  proclivity  for  picking  up  on  theories  and  dates  helped  him  stay  at  the  top  of  his  class  at  the  private  academies  his  father  had  him  and  his  siblings  enrolled  in  upon  their  arrival  in  new  york.  his  spot  as  valedictorian  of  his  graduating  class  was  secure  and  despite  many  others  who  would  think  the  expectation  of  a  medical  career  as  a  noose  around  the  neck,  it  merely  made  silas  think  outside  the  box  regarding  which  career  would  not  only  keep  him  intellectually  stimulated,  but  not  have  him  regret  his  decision.
his  college  years  and  twenties  seemed  to  slowly  inch  on  once  silas  settled  on  wanting  to  become  a  medical  examiner.  it  checked  off  the  box  of  a  medical  career,  while  also  ensuring  that  he  wouldn’t  have  to  directly  deal  with  people  like  most  others.  while  unfortunate,  his  patients  silence  would  be  a  blessing  for  him  in  fending  off  unnecessary  interactions.  a  bachelor’s  degree  in  forensic  science,  following  into  medical  school,  and  once  he  passed  his  medical  licensing  test  with  flying  colors,  he  gained  a  residency  back  in  new  york  city.  said  residency  led  to  a  coveted  fellowship  with  the  medical  examiner  of  the  nypd.
the  trek  to  becoming  a  medical  examiner  was  long  and  winding,  having  to  sidetrack  his  time  as  a  forensic  pathologist  and  network  meticulously  in  new  york  until  a  position  opened.  this  position  took  the  form  of  a  friend  of  his  mentor  retiring  in  the nyc  office of the chief medical examiner.  silas's  networking  skills  were  put  to  work  and  with  a  glowing  recommendation,  silas  secured  an  interview.  silas  has  been  in  nyc  for  the  past  34  years,  but  has  been  a  medical  examiner  for  the  city  for  seven.  he  has  his  sights  set  on  the  role  of  chief  medical  examiner,  but  he  still  has  some  time.  
silas  is  someone  who  takes  his  work  extremely  seriously,  a  bit  of  a  workaholic  who  values  what  he  does  and  the  importance  it  brings  to  many  people’s  lives.  unfortunately,  this  has  come  at  the  cost  of  his  own  personal  relationships  which  led  to  his  divorce  a  few  years  back  with  his  ex-wife.  they  wanted  silas  to  pull  back  from  work  and  start  a  family.
having  met  in  college  and  found  the  other’s  ambition  charming,  silas  and  his  ex-wife  married  not  long  after  graduation  and  both  agreed  that  their  careers  were  their  highest  priorities.  while  silas  never  particularly  desired  to  become  a  father,  when  his  wife  suggested  they  try  then  he  agreed  for  her  happiness.  their  agreement  was  only  one  child  and  that  was  the  way  it  was,  up  until  a  few  years  later  when  she  began  dropping  less  than  subtle  hints  about  expanding  their  family.  for  as  much  as  silas  loves  his  kids  and  holds  a  fondness  for  them  like  no  other,  his  line  was  drawn  at  one  and  so  he  put  his  foot  down.  his  wife  used  to  see  his  ambition  mirrored  in  herself  and  while  silas  never  shied  away  from  being  called  a  workaholic,  the  term  came  in  tenfold  when  his  wife  told  him  he  valued  his  career  more  over  their  family.  after  nearly  a  decade  of  marriage,  and  following  the  fifth  birthday  of  their  kid,  silas  and  his  wife  signed  divorce  papers.
overall,  silas  is  more  quiet  than  most,  choosing  to  be  observant  and  analyze  a  situation  first  before  offering  his  thoughts.  he’s  dedicated  to  what  he  deems  as  important  and  may  come  across  as  brusque  in  conversations  since  he  tends  to  get  straight  to  the  point.
he’s  definitely  learning  some  patience  bc  his  daughter and niece/nephew  are  currently  living  with  him  as  they’re  attending  the  nearby  college  and  deem  themselves  above  a  dorm  room.  so  instead,  silas  is  playing  host  and  (  un  )  fun  dad/uncle  as  he  gets  a  taste  of  what  parenting  two youths is  like.  he  feels  grey  hairs  coming  in  and  has  taken  up  morning  yoga  to  help  level  out  the  frayed  wires  going  off  in  his  brain.  but  it’s  fun  bc  silas  is  slowly  learning  to  loosen  up  a  bit  and  not  take  things  as  seriously.  you’re  allowed  to  have  fun  silas  !!
any  hookups  tbh  he  works  a  lot  and  juggles  that  and  looking  after  his  daughter  mauve  and  his  niece/nephew  now  that  both  are  living  with  him  in  his  upper  west  side  townhouse,  so  his  personal  time  is  a  bit  limited.  not  to  mention  he  isn’t  looking  for  a  committed  relationship  after  having  been  divorced  since  he  finds  being  single  easier,  so  he  settles  for  hookups.
a  blind  date  that  maybe  a  mutual  friend  set  them  up  on  and  silas  went  on  to  get  them  to  shut  up.  maybe  your  muse  was  actually  interested  and  was  bummed  when  silas  didn’t  follow  up  with  them  so  now  your  muse  side  eyes  him,  or  maybe  your  muse  also  went  to  appease  their  mutual  friend,  so  it’s  generally  amicable  and  they  have  no  issue  with  one  another
going  off  above,  maybe  the  two  of  them  pretend  to  see  one  another  or  use  each  other  as  a  default  date  when  said  mutual  friend  is  involved  or  have  defaulted  the  other  as  a  plus  one  for  any  real  event  they  need  a  date  for.  they  get  along  and  have  enjoyable  conversation  which  is  why  they  default  to  one  another
friends  !!  give  silas  some  joy  in  his  life  w  friendships  bc  this  man  needs  it
maybe  someone  silas  unintentionally  pissed  off  with  his  resting  bitch  face  and  judgemental  little  eyes  lmao  he  has  that  effect  on  people  <3
someone  who  frequents  the  same  gym  as  him  or  even  someone  who’s  in  his  weekly  yoga  class  and  they’ve  developed  an  early  stage  friendship  from  being  next  to  one  another
a  bar  hookup  bc  im  trash  and  the  whole  seedy  vibe  speaks  to  my  soul.  whether  or  not  silas  and  your  muse  acknowledge  each  other  can  be  discussed.  though  i  will  say  the  idea  of  silas  being  a  dumbass  and  not  recognizing  them  and  your  muse  hating  him  for  not  remembering  them  is  on  brand  for  him  so  there’s  that  lol
fellow  upper  west  siders  !!!
anything  really  pls  i  love  plots
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lutawolf · 1 year
Never Let Me Go D/s breakdowns Ep 8
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Is threw him his shirt and is helping him button it. And fixing his hair. Palm is loving this. Eating up the attention because he so rarely gets it. If your nose got that close to my food, I wouldn't be able to eat it. Just no. Ew. Him dusting right behind his back is so cute. Palm is really enjoying this relationship.
Aw, we're having super cute moments. Making drinks and shopping. Buttering us up before they gut us. Normally the gut doesn't come till episode 11. Palm wiping Nueng's eyes and then hugging him from behind in the water. I'm getting all the feels! "Mr. Nueng, what are you reading?" The fact that he still calls him Mr. Nueng is very subby. I personally don't do titles, though some of my subs give them to me. That's kind of what this feels like. Palm wanting to give him that show of respect.
"Why do humans do everything for love? Humans have been madly in love since ancient days." "Tell me more. What you learned from the book." "There’s a story. It explains the origin of love. When gods created the world, Human beings were created to have two bodies connected. They had four arms and four legs. The male and female kind, They were the offspring of the moon. The female and female kind, They were the offspring of the earth. The male and male kind, They were the offspring of the sun. One day, human beings made gods angry. So a god punished them. He struck lightning on them. Bang!" "That hurts." "So the humans were split into two halves. He also created a storm. To separate their other halves so that they could not find each other. This is the myth explaining why people are trying to find their other halves." "Mr. Nueng, do you believe that your other half is searching for you?" "Not really. It’s just a myth, but it’s kind of romantic." Then he goes on to tease Palm. To distract from the fact that he does indeed believe because why else did he start reading the book?
This actually seems to foreshadow a lot. That there will be a separation and that it will hurt Palm badly. That though Nueng is romantic, he tells himself it isn't real because it can't hurt if you don't believe, but then Palm is the type to go in search of what he wants.
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It's kind of interesting, isn't it. Nueng is romantic, the type to read and watch a romance but denounces it as not real. Because he is also the type that doesn't feel he can have it. Palm is far more pragmatic, he lives the romance, makes it happen. Palm is used to having to achieve his own happiness, so to him, love is the same way.
Yes! Merch! This is the best product placement ever! Fuck Palm has gotten braver. "Thank you, Mr. Nueng." See, it's become an endearment. Then we get to a trashed hotel and Palm's first instinct is to protect Nueng. Thank you. I don't wish harm to your mom, but she shouldn't come before Nueng. Just saying.
See, people never think of the consequences of their actions. I sold him the video, but I wasn't the one that spread it. I'm so fucking sick of the lack of responsibility in so many people. Are parents and adults unable to teach. You don't have to be the one to pull the trigger to have played your part in the destruction and harm of another human. Example: You see a boy getting beat and you do nothing. Then that boy is later found dead, and you were found to have not done your civic duty, guess what, you are just as responsible as the one who killed him. Sorry not sorry. Stop, pause, and ask yourself about the consequences of what you are about to do. Be it be good or bad, but the real question is, will what I'm about to do harm another human being. Are you in danger or someone else in danger, what justification or right do you to have to harm someone who isn't endangering you or a loved one?
Well that was a rant… My bad. Well damn. At least she's honest and take responsibility for being a jackass. "One day, you will understand. When life forces you to choose between your duty and your heart." Ahh... but his duty and his heart are the same thing. So what are they trying to tell us? Hmm.
Are you fucking for real. We are supposed to believe that Maggie just happened to find them on accident? Are we coconuts? Don't answer that. Did he really say okay to taking Maggie around the Island. Nueng is like, you coconut. Meanwhile, Maggie is side eyeing Nueng with a smile. Is she purposely trying to stir some shit up? It's interesting. Palm is pretty secure in this relationship. The one he doesn't trust is Maggie. Not that Maggie is helping with that.
"How long do you need to be his bodyguard?" "Until Mr. Nueng is safe and the problem back in Bangkok is solved." So you have other plans, Palm?
Oh! Nueng to the rescue! "After spending a lot of time with Palm, I realized I need to learn these things. It’s good that he had a chance to protect someone else other than me." Oh yeah, he isn't happy. "You can lie to yourself, but you cannot lie to me." 🤣🤣🤣 So she always saw it. She just decided to be a brat.
Palm comes back to mommy getting beat up. Ugh! I only vomited a little at that scene. Okay, so I don't necessarily agree with her life choices, but yeah, I'm with Nueng. Don't leave her to get assaulted. He trusts you, but he's worried about you. Awwwww. Bless Palm's heart. He is torn between his mom and the threat to her and protecting the love of his life.
Look at him walking in like a Boss. That was hot. Tell me that wasn't hot, cause you'd be a damn liar. And the way Palm is freaking out is hot too. Cute family moment. They are adorable. She called him on calling her mom and Palm just smiles! I love it!!! Good cover Nueng, good cover.
The shrimp!! But let's also talk about Palm using a very good sub tactic. I mentioned earlier in an Ask. Doms don't take commands well, and some don't take suggestions well. But really good subs know the way around this. Iffy is the queen of this. It's about explaining in such a way that the Dom sees it your way. "Peeling a prawn is a thing that lovers do for each other." Palm know his lover is romantic and he played into that. Palm is love this! I find the way they are eating hilarious. You always know the people who live on the water vs the people who don't. Wash hands with lemon water and peel with your hands. If this were crawfish, get ready for some really messy hands. Nueng over here with a fork and spoon, which I've seen people do because they hate the smell of shrimp on their hands.
"I need to apologize to you." "Apologize for what? You did many wrong things to me." I'm adoring the communication. "What else did I do wrong to you? You can tell me." "I’ll give you more time to think about it." Hahaha! Bless Palm, he is really thinking and can't figure it out. "Did Maggie leave for Bangkok?" That beautiful smile comes out. He loves it. "Oh I see. You are jealous because of Maggie. Should I apologize to you for that?" "Why? Can’t I feel jealous? I’m your boyfriend. I have a right to feel that way. It’s okay. I get it. For you, our dating is just a casual relationship while we are on the island. I can’t stop you from viewing it that way. I can’t force you to feel things that you don’t. You do not belong to me."
That back hug!!! So cute! "What do I need to do to show that you belong to me?" Now normally it would be a Dom that says belong to me, but this sentence feels more like. What must I do to prove that we aren't pretend. "I love you, Mr. Nueng." "I think I love you." "If that’s so, Can I express my ownership of you?" Yeah, I feel like this isn't actually ownership as they are using the word but more like, we aren't faking this. We are real and I want to express it. Oh, buddy, are they showing it!
Notice that Nueng does have the lead. He takes the shirt off and pushed Palm back. Palm is watching him with adoration, you can do anything to me. Damn, that was hot!
I don't want off the island! You can't make me, okay wait, you can make me but why are you!!! Noooo!!! I want to stay in the love fest. *Pouts* The foreshadowing is killing me, guys. It's killing me. Why? Because it simultaneously gives you hope and takes it away. Guess we'll have to wait and see. Hope you guys enjoyed this. 💜💜💜
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datlokibumtho · 1 year
I just saw a post that brought up the fact that Ed totally has to have a scar from that time in Brotherhood when he got impaled, and I was like "oh I totally forgot that was a thing" and my fiance didn't quite hear me so I told him about the post and he thought they meant that time in 03 when Envy was a dick because he forgot about Brotherhood too. (I watch more 03 than Brotherhood because I personally think Envy is hotter in it, the Homunculi have more depth of character, and it was my original FMA jam so it holds a special place in my heart) That led to me reminding him and then this bit of shower/gremlin thoughts on my part:
1.) Envy was very rude for stabbing Ed in the chest.
2.) A bonding opportunity for them was missed by him doing so.
a.) Ed could've been like, "Man, I don't really like our dad all that much either, to be honest."
Envy could've been like, "Oh, God, he's the fucking worst"
And Ed would be like, "I know, right?!"
i.) They'd just be sitting there, bonding over their mutual dislike of Hohenheim, but it would be super awkward because it's all happening in that city under Central.
ii.) Gluttony is still eating Al
iii.) Al's like, "Bro, what the hell? I'm literally going to die here"
iv.) Dante's like, "Wait, no, Envy, you actually improving your dumpster fire mental health is not how this was supposed to go, knock that shit off i still need a minion that won't eat me on sight"
v.) Rose is mind controlled into oblivion
vi.) Her baby's crying because, let's be real, he messed himself forever ago and no one seems to fucking care
3.) The last couple episodes are legit just Ed and Envy bashing Hohenheim for not being able to handle situations involving his offspring in a proper and considerate manner, and Envy calling Dante the worst mom in the history of Amestris.
a.) Eventually, they figure out how to stop Gluttony from eating Al and use the Stone to get his body back.
b.) Al thinks the whole thing is super awkward because Envy and Ed are getting along, and he legit can't process that specific level of buggery right now.
c.) The series ends with Winry freaking out about there being a Homunculus around, Pinako being totally nonplussed because she's old and nothing bugs her anymore, Al slowly coming to terms with the fact that they appear to be stuck with Envy for the foreseeable future, Ed and Envy being total bros with eachother, and Den being nominated Best Good Girl In Amestris.
4.) This is better than the original ending and I will hear no other opinion
a.) Fight me.
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lablass-2882 · 1 year
The daughter’s of Clones.
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Part one of my crazy ass Clone Kids au that has fully taken over my brain. Anyway, here are the daughters of the 10+ person group I am working on.
Why did I do this to myself again?
I’m calling it Clone Kids Au or Clone Squad Au.  
First things first, most of them are the biological offspring of Clone soldiers. The rest are adopted, children or Foundlings. And honestly, some of the kids just so up. The clones rarely make a fuss about this. Most of the kids that come to them have nowhere else to go, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Meh, free kid.
The surviving clones have made up their own unit in the Rebellion, and for the most part, they just do their own thing. Several Rebel units are wary of working with the Clones, which also extends to their kids. But they make it work. The different squads have proven to be effective strike units, scouting teams, and recovery groups. So the Rebellion isn’t complaining.
These are also some of the characters I am writing in the crack fic. I’ll link it below.
Characters.  (Left to Right.)
Capt. Taliyah (Tally) Fett. Code name: Tally-Mark. Tally is the daughter of Clone from the 212th and an Infernal Woman (aka Space Tieflings.). She was adopted by Commander Cody after her parents were killed in an Imperial attack. This event was also when she lost her legs (she has prosthetic ones now), broke her horn, and earned her nickname of Tally-Mark. She has a running tally of near-death experiences. Tally is second in command for her unit and is one of the best hand-to-hand fighters in the Rebellion. 
Short tempered.
Very good at paperwork. 
Commander Aurora Fett. Code name: Frost. Aurora is the daughter of a Clone from the Coruscant Guard and a Pantorans woman. Her father’s dying breath was to tell Fox about his secret daughter. Fox finds her two days later and had three million panic attacks about being responsible for a small child. He loops Thorn into the mess, and the three of them start planning to desert the GAR. Several poorly times plans later, all three end up in the Clone Rebellion. Aurora is currently in charge of the Squad and desperately needs a nap. 
Tea and Coffee snob.  
Is actually kind of shy 
Hates paperwork with a passion. 
Nyx Rime. Code name: Night. Nyx is half Nautolan and Clone. Like Tally, her father was a part of the 212th. Nyx never knew who her father was until the Rebel unit came to her home world, but once she found out, she was all in. Her mother’s family was less than thrilled but reasoned that they could stop her from running off. She is one of the older kids in the Squad, but you wouldn’t know it by how she acts. Nyx currently works for the Fulcrum unit alongside Fae.
Is a major flirt.
Scary good at reading people. 
Loves sweets.
Faelynn Kin. Code name: Stripes. Fae isn’t biologically related to a clone but was raised alongside the other kids in the Rebellion. Not that any of the kids really care about that distinction. Everyone gets treated like a sibling in the different squads, regardless of genetics. Fae is a Lasat who was found abandoned by a Clone soldier from the 501st and taken to the Clone Rebellion. She is deeply grateful for this act of kindness and wants to pay that kindness forward. She is currently working for the Fulcrum unit with Nyx. Fae isn’t happy about it, but she doesn’t want Nyx to be working on her own, so she sticks around the team anyway.
Team Mom
Is protective of her family.
Gets drunk super easily.
Sev'eere'nuruodo or Sparks. Code name: Glitter. Strap in cause Sparks has a very fun backstory. For starters, Sparks is the daughter of either Comet, Sinks, or Boost, but no one who did the deed. Sparks’ mother was a Chiss courtesan on some outer rim planet and had “relations” with all three clones. When the Wolfpack returned to the planet, Spark’s mum just sorta…. dropped Sparks off with them and left. Que, one very understandable freakout and one very frantic call to Woffle for advice. Sparks is aware of all of this but just doesn’t care. She has her dads, her siblings, and her inventions. What else does she need?
Causer of problems. 
Is actually very smart.
Is the baby of the group.
Branch Fett. Code name: Duo 1. Branch is the Twin sister to Twig and is the daughter of a Trooper from 501st. She is half Twi’lek and is very proud of her heritage. She and Twig were brought into the Rebellion by Numa when the Empire attacked their home. The two were later placed within the Squad. Branch can be a bit of a loudmouth and shit disrupter when bored. Branch is a pilot /mechanic for the Squad and is one of the best. She is a Hera fan girl, btw.
Gossip Girl.
Only trust her twin to co-pilot.
Runs a not-so-secret betting ring. 
And that is all for now. 
Here is the link to crack fic.
The guys are up next and then probably a round-up of any loose characters that are in my head for this crazy AU that my brain is building up.  Hopefully, I will be able to draw them some more.  
Anyway, have a good week y’all. 
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lilitophidian · 2 months
@hellbornprincess ; [ from Charlie] " Mom? Where have you been this whole time?! Did you get my calls????"
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Silence boomed across the room as she brushed her blackness over the floor. Her eyes scanned her offspring briefly as she listened to her concern, her cries concealing her desire for her mother before an answer burst out the tiny demon.
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" I have had a hectic schedule. This kingdom is not governed by your father. "
The words would eventually pull forth. Her eyes awaited any spit of wrath from what she had produced in her womb so long ago. Surviving her fury as soon as the head emerged from the entryway into brilliant lights.
" I am grateful that I raised such a questioning daughter, Charlotte. As your mother, I am not required to explain everything I do. It is, after all, in your best interests. "
She seemed unconcerned, and perhaps a part of her had not comprehended her anxiety. Could she be blamed? It was not like she had any experience; she would never meet a genuine parental guide unless you considered the earth to be your mother and father.
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a-prawn · 10 months
Prawn, what's your favourite Data episode (or moment)? My personal favourites are Phantasms, just for the shot of data answering his own phone, and Thine Own Self. x
OOKKKKKKK i started answering this last night and it took me so long bc i have brain problems re: data and i had to go to bed before i could finish it so i saved it as a draft and tumblr deleted it so ok here we go again thine own self fucking slaps, it's like top three data eps for me if not top three tng eps. his little tights. getting his face ripped apart. getting murdered in the town square <3 wow i love that for him!!! datalore/brothers/descent 1/2 OBVIOUSLY bc anytime data and lore are on screen together i'm in a frenzy. noonian being there in brothers is an added bonus. the first 10 minutes of brothers when he's taking over the enterprise is, like... erotic... that sounds insane but it's true. i love it when androids malfunction, it's hot. any episode where data is malfunctioning or being opened up or ripped apart or plugged in to something is like... (chef kiss)
measure of a man (FUCK BRUCE MADDOX).
the offspring :^( clues is an underrated data classique. picard threatening him that he'll be stripped down to his wires? ummmm-
best of both worlds when he's plugged in to locutus? "processing.... processing..." LOVE IT. obsessed with that scene.
fistful of datas. actually any time data and worf get screentime together i'm psyched. especially if worf ends up having to carry him around bc he got his shit wrecked. which reminds me that the iconia episode is great in season 2, whatever it was called. i'm too lazy to look it up. contagion?
i also love any time data and riker get screen time together bc riker is obviously in love with that android. data's day is great, i love just seeing him be a weird little guy. calling geordi lunkhead. ruining o'brien's day. "i am not nervous. i AM confused." uhhhh whatever the episode is where he starts dreaming. birthright. if we're talking about data dreaming episodes, i actually prefer this one to phantasms, even though phantasms also rules. i loooove watching him and julian create a category 5 autism event on the enterprise. also data being like i had a crazy vision, please electrocute me again so i can give it another shot. and even though i hate noonian and want to smash his head with a brick, he is beautiful and i love getting to see him.
hero worship is great. as with the offspring, it's another, "wow data would be a great dad" episode.
love quality of life just in general. it's obvious that picard cares about data like all of his crewmen but they do frequently end up at odds with eachother, so this episode along with measure of a man really stand out to me bc i love seeing picard so enthusiastically being on data's side. he can't even make small talk with data on the turbolift but by god is he ready to die so data can prove some little robots are fellow sentient beings.
the most toys </3
SPEAKING OF TURBOLIFT SMALL TALK, i know starship mine is technically a picard episode but data's parts in it are all great. love that statistically data is either the only guy who can solve a problem or is the guy directly responsible for the problem.
the episode with his mom is sweet even though in my mind it's non-canonical bc i don't believe that noonian soong is capable of um... caring about a fellow human being enough that he could convince someone to marry him (i hate noonian soong. have i mentioned that? actually i hate the entire family except the androids, they're just all terrible people).
uhh and then any episodes that feature data getting his mind hijacked and the entity who does it being like, "this body rules i'm going to beat the shit out of/choke the shit out of picard specifically". thank you... good stuff.
deja q gets 1000000 bonus points bc it is a great q episode AND a great data episode and i wish we got more of them being bfffs.
masks sucks so bad but the, "what does it feel like when one is losing his mind?" scene breaks my heart every time.
also this is not episode specific but data's fascination/love of therapy is awesome i love it i love that he wants to go to therapy every day and i'm glad that (even though picard the tv show sucks) data got his wish of daily therapy sessions with troi in season 3. good for him. GOOD FOR HIM!!!
this post is deranged sorry. this is not even a complete list i am sure i'm missing something. (i know the sherlock data episodes are like fan favorites but i don't... care for them. i'm glad he's having a good time though. sorry :^()
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randoauthor · 2 years
Love Letters to No One (B.B)
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Part 7: Give Em' Hell
Pairings: Rooster x Fem!Reader, Platonic!Maverick x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SO many, 18+ for sure, minors DNI. Sex, Oral!Fem reviving, probably some others. Fluff, some swearing
Word Count: 1.8K
Author's Note: Here's part 7! I had a blast writing this one so I hope you guys enjoy it! Sorry, it kinda ends on a cliffhanger.
Summary: Mav finally decides whos joining him.
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Bradley and I stayed out until the sun was merely peaking over the horizon, headed home hand in hand to get even a mere moment of sleep.
By the time we had stumbled into the briefing room that following morning dad was nowhere to be found. The pilots we standing or sitting a flurry of soft talking filled the room before Admiral Simpson came in causing all of us to take our seats.
"Captian Mitchell is no longer the Captain in charge of this mission." He said. The blanket of silence fell heavily upon the room. The Admiral was happy with the response we were giving him, I felt Bradley's arm reach for me as the breath was sucked from my lungs.
What happened to my father?
I go to stand up as Bradley's grip tightened, his eyes drifting from the Admiral to the screen behind him where a small blinking light appeared, signally that someone was running the course.
It was him.
Dad's voice comes through the intercoms, he's running the course.
That course was not even I could complete. I glance quickly around the room each and every pilot staring in awe at what my father is doing.
No one has ever completed the course and in a minute fifteen no less. Admiral Simpson gave an all-knowing smile and that's when I knew dad was gonna be in deep shit.
And he absolutely was.
But at the same time, dad walked out of Simpson's office with a smile bigger than the day of his wedding.
"Dad?" I say as I see him exit the office, he turned to me before running over to give me tight hug.
"Let's go do this mission." That was all he said before quickly stalking off.
That night I put on my very best outfit before I heard a honk to signal to me that Bradley was here. I threw on my mom's old aviator jacket before running downstairs, kissing my dad on the cheek, and headed out the door.
Bradley was waiting by his car for me with a bouquet of flowers, a big smile plastered to his face as I kiss his cheek, climbing into his car.
"Where are we headed Braddles?" I ask after he climbs into the car, he flashes me his signature smile before saying very proudly.
"Sailing Away."
Dear Bradley,
I hate the water. I hate that I can't see the bottom of the ocean and I hate to think about what might be lurking below me. I think that is why I always enjoyed flying because I knew whatever was in the water couldn't get me when I was all the way up there. I still can't believe I got into the Academy, I feel like Uncle Tom may have had a say in it because honestly, I feel like it probably would have been better if the Academy had just turned me away, banishing any form of Pete Mitchell offspring seems like a smarter idea then accepting me and just praying that I am nothing like my father. It's a poor decision really because what they don't know is I am exactly like my father and they are absolutely screwed. I wish you could be here to see it. I wish you were here to experience this stuff with me. Dad says you'll come around eventually but with the fact that your letters are growing less and less frequent, I highly doubt that.
Hopefully one day I can take you into the sky. I can show you what I am made of, I need to prove to someone that I am better than my father.
I wish you all the best Braddles,
I will always kick myself for never sending him the letter where I said I hated water.
I shutter a little at the thought but there is no turning back now. Yet somehow I feel surprised when we pull up to a bar that is not *at all* the ocean. But a small dive bar called Sailing Away. Country music poured out from inside and I watched as Bradley's eyes sparkled in the moonlight.
"What is this Bradshaw?" I shoot at him playfully.
"This my lovely date is a Line Dancing Bar. And we are going dancing." He says very proudly of himself.
There are two things in this world I hate:
The ocean or any deep water.
Bradley and I use to joke when we were younger that it wouldn't matter if I had a wedding or not because I wasn't gonna dance regardless.
"Bradley," I say calmly, looking at him. "I would rather give you head the go into that bar and dance."
And somehow those simple words got him and me back in the car, and in a safe hurry back to his barracks room.
He didn't even wait to get us past his door before I was being peppered with kisses from my lips down to my neck.
"You taste so good Lem," He mumbled into me as he shut his door behind us, pushing me up against it to make sure it latched. I let out a soft whimper as his hand slipped under my shirt, finding my boobs in no time as my head tilted back to meet the door.
"Fuck Bradshaw," I whine as he picks me up with ease setting me down gently on the bed before hovering above me. I grab him by his neck and pull him down to meet me again, our lips colliding in a frenzy as he tries to take my top off. I help him a little before fumbling with the hem of his shirt pulling it quickly over his head before finding his lips again and pulling at his bottom one with my teeth.
This drives him wild.
In a mere matter of moments, Bradley has removed my bra and while his lips attack my tongue, his hand goes to find a boob playing gently with my nipple. I squirm slightly but the mere pressure of him above me stops me from going too far. Bradley gives me a soft smile before gently removing his hand to rest it on my cheek.
"I am so sorry Lem," He said gently, I look up at him to meet his eyes which have since glazed over.
"Bradley," I say gently, before giving him a soft kiss."Make up for it."
Bradley meets my gaze with a surprised look. And for the first time ever I am the one who makes the first move.
Our lips crash together and I somehow manage to flip us over, his shocked gasp made me laugh, his shirt came off with ease and I spend a minute admiring his chest, scars that I remember him getting and scars that appear to be new since I've seen him last.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He teased at me, I shut him up quickly by grinding down on his still-clothed bottom half, he let a low groan rip through him and his head tilts back. A whimper threatens to spill past my lips but I manage to stay quiet.
"Lem," he warned, "If I am not in you in one way or another here very soon I am gonna flip us." I let a mischievous smirk fall upon my mouth as I moved again, this time letting a whimper fall out, and in a matter of mere moments, I was under him again, except this time my pants were coming off, leaving me in just my panties. Bradley hovered over me for a moment before moving down to my heat below. I move a little as I feel his fingers move my panties aside his lips leaving marks along my inner thigh. His kisses grow closer and closer to my core and my hand finds his curly hair to tangle themselves in.
And I just about came undone when his tongue finally licked a long slip up to find my clit before sucking on it gently. My back involuntary arching as my grip on his hair grew tighter, sending a groan to me, allowing an involuntary shutter.
"Bradley, as good as this feels, I want you," I whine,
"Lem, my love, you have me," He mumbled into me.
I shutter again.
"No Bradley," I pull on his hair enough that he'll look at me, "I want you in me."
Bradley's eyes grew wide as he fumbled to meet me face to face attacking me with a bunch of kisses as he tried to remove his pants faster than he was.
His jeans came off with ease, and his boxers on the other hand were still on.
"I want these off Bradley," I say through breathless gasps. He didn't miss another minute before discarding his boxers and removing my underwear with ease.
"I will stop if I need to Lem," He said softly, I nodded as I felt himself push into me, my head fell back my eyes fell closed.
And holy shit did he feel amazing.
He let out a soft moan as I give him the okay to move, he starts off slow. Each thrust was used as a way to apologize for everything he has put me through. Each thrust grew harder, and each thrust grew more impatient. I could feel myself nearing my climax and at the same time, Bradley's moments told me the same thing. In a whirlwind of moans, skin slapping against each other I somehow managed to find his lips. I kiss him with passion in a need I haven't experienced in my life before.
"Bradley, I'm gonna-" He responded by quickening the pace and letting my climax rip through me. He followed shortly after before collapsing next to me and pulling me close.
"I love you, Lem," He said softly as I nuzzle into his warmth.
"I love you more, Bradley," I say with a yawn before letting myself fall asleep.
I awoke the next morning with a start, panicking as I throw on whatever clothes I could find that was mine. Thankful that my locker in the hanger has clothes in it.
"Bradley, we have to go," I say in a panic before we rush out of his room and into his car, practically speeding to base.
Rushing into the briefing room praying that we weren't noticeably late. That prayer however wasn't answered as we earned glances from everyone in the room.
"Next time," Admiral Simpson says, "come in one at a time, it makes it less obvious."
I feel my cheeks heat up as Bradley and I take our seats, watching as my dad steps up to the podium, preparing to give us the same speech we always get.
"Captian Mitchell," Simpson interrupts again, "just tell them who you pick."
My father nods before staring across the room.
"Dagger One will be Phoenix and Bob." The pair looked at each other shocked.
"Dagger Two will be Payback and Fanboy." The boys shared an excited grin.
"And who will be your wingman?" Simpson asked, I stood up straight, kept my head high, and waited for my name to be called. Dad looked at me and gave me a sad smile.
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