#and I believe my CHOSEN TRAINED career SERVES SOCIETY
elodieunderglass · 1 year
I really like the idea that one of the weird lurkers of your blog (like me) just hangs around looking for inspiration to write papers about. Like I realize that's not how it probably actually went down, but 2017 to 2022 seems like a pretty reasonable lead time from reading your post to conducting the research to writing and publishing the paper.
In reference to this:
It’s amusing that the original post only got 22 notes (likes), but when I looked at it again it had 19, which I’m choosing to interpret as the authors sheepishly withdrawing their likes in order to preserve their anonymity.
I think they probably just googled the phrase “friends to lovers pathway” before using it as the title of their paper and pulled up my post, or the other alternative being that the post popped onto their timeline when they were in the early stages of manuscript prep, and it was a moment of academic serendipity. I definitely don’t think I inspired the work in any way - just the quote and title. But it’s funny to imagine being studied.
I should say that I don’t necessarily expect permission to be asked if people intend to prosper or advance their careers from my words or art. However, I do appreciate the courtesy of being told that it’s happened. So far I’ve been quoted in a published book, quoted to name an academic paper, a person is actively selling plushies and other merchandise based on a post of mine while claiming that it’s their intellectual property actually, and screenshots of my work are regularly considered hilarious enough to steal but not pay me for. (the cricket post in particular was screencapped, went viral on Twitter some years ago without reference to me, was shared around BBC journalist twitter, and hundreds of people in the media industry said things like ‘lol we should pay this person to write’ …. in the apparent ignorance of the fact that if they had asked I would probably be open to…. Being paid to write……… and all the other times my posts have broken containment to go viral on other platforms for other people, with comments about how I should be commissioned to write a book; obviously that’s a normal part of online journalism and media, and I’m not naive about it, but it’s a bit much to for these people to be enriching their platforms with screencapped content, without the OP’s knowledge let alone consent, and joking about how they should pay for it or would read a whole book about it, when they’re the only people who could actually do something about it in the nightmare media landscape.) And nobody told me about any of these examples, I always find out by trying to retrieve links to my own stuff, or by friends telling me that someone else has gone so viral with my recognisable work that it got around to them.
Anyway if you do use my stuff in your own stuff, do let me know! I’m not here to prosper, but I am here to connect, and I’m quite willing to link your paper (and write a lay summary for free), buy your book or art, make your acquaintance, promote your work, or just add it to my portfolio - because if I ever DID want to prosper from my work here, which I wouldn’t usually consider except that it is evidently peer-reviewed good-enough-for-others-to-prosper-from, all of that would be valuable and helpful for me to know.
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yawnzzne · 11 months
Shining Bright: The Journey
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“Challenges make us grow. Embrace them and keep moving forward.”
Life has been an adventure, filled with dreams, passion, and perseverance. Through the ups and downs, I have discovered my true calling, and I am excited to take you on a trip down memory lane.
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A Dream Takes Flight.
Since I was a child, music has been my greatest fascination. I was enchanted by the melodies and rhythms that filled the air, transporting me to a world where anything was possible. Singing and dancing became my means of expression, and the stage became my sanctuary. As I performed for family and friends, their applause and encouragement ignited a fire within me, solidifying my determination to pursue a career in music.
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Nurturing the Talent.
With the unwavering support of my family, I embarked on a journey to nurture my talent. I attended various dance classes and vocal lessons, investing countless hours into refining my skills. While my peers focused on schoolwork and hobbies, I spent my time practicing intricate dance routines and harmonizing melodies. It wasn’t always easy, and there were moments of self-doubt, but my love for music propelled me forward.
I said, “Be true to yourself and let your uniqueness shine.”
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The Path to Stardom.
Fate intervened when I mustered the courage to audition for Big Hit Entertainment, a renowned music label. The audition process was nerve-wracking, but I poured my heart and soul into each performance, determined to showcase my talent. The stars aligned, and I was fortunate enough to be chosen as a trainee. This marked the beginning of a life-changing journey filled with training, performances, and immense personal growth.
The path to stardom was not without its setbacks and moments of self-doubt. There were times when exhaustion set in, both physically and mentally, and I questioned my abilities. However, in those moments, the unwavering belief in myself and the burning passion for music ignited a fire within me, urging me to push forward and never give up.
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TXT and a New Beginning.
In 2019, the world was introduced to TXT, a group destined to make its mark in the music industry. Alongside my fellow talented bandmates, Taehyun, Hueningkai, Soobin, and Beomgyu, we formed a brotherhood united by our shared love for music. Our harmonious blend of individual strengths and unique personalities laid the foundation for TXT’s success.
“Crown” serves as a source of encouragement and support for those who may feel like they don't fit in, reminding them that their individuality is what makes them shine. It promotes self-love and acceptance, reinforcing the idea that everyone deserves to be seen and appreciated for who they truly are.
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Striving for Excellences.
As a member of TXT, I constantly strive for excellence. Hours upon hours are spent in the practice room, perfecting choreography, and harmonizing our voices. The pursuit of perfection pushes me to the limits, but it is through these challenges that I continue to grow as an artist. Every performance is an opportunity to showcase our hard work and connect with our fans on a deeper level.
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Connecting with Fans.
Our fans, lovingly referred to as MOA, are the heartbeat of our journey. Their unwavering support and enthusiasm fuel our passion and inspire us to create music that resonates with their hearts. Whether through concerts, fan meetings, or social media interactions, we strive to create meaningful connections and reciprocate the love we receive.
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Dreams Beyond Music.
While music is my first love, I aspire to explore new horizons beyond the realm of melodies and dance. Acting, composing, and engaging in philanthropic endeavors are areas I hope to delve into, using my platform to make a positive impact on society. I believe that through sharing my story and spreading positivity, I can inspire others to fearlessly chase their dreams.
Again, I said, “Success is not measured by popularity, but by the impact you make on others.”
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From my early years as a dream-filled child into becoming a member of TXT, my journey has been an awe-inspiring adventure. With unwavering support from my family, the guidance from my agency, tha camaraderie of my bandmates, and the love of our fans, I have been able to pursue my passion and share my art with the world. I am grateful for the opportunities that have come my way and excited to see what the future holds as I continue to evolve as an artist and person.
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
What is your opinion about the Maidens in RWBY and their importance?
Hello anon!
I like the Maidens and especially how they explore two main ideas:
1) The concept of cycles and generations.
2) The trope of the chosen one.
I think it is clear Ozpin created the Maidens partly because he wanted guardians and partly as a way to grieve his four daughters. He has symbolically dragged them into the cycle with him and Salem.
In a sense, the story keeps repeating. Salem kills Ozpin, he is reborn and his daughters are victims of the conflict between them.
Because of this, the four Maidens have become one of the many symbols of this endless cycle, which is clealry breaking its protagonists more and more.
This is well conveyed by the Maidens having a season theme. Seasons are in fact linked to the repetition of time aka one of Ozpin’s motifs:
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At the same time, the idea of an older woman passing the torch to a younger one can be easily read as a metaphor for a mother-daughter dynamic. This is not always the case, but so far this interpretation is important for two of our four Maidens:
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Penny receiving the Maiden’s powers from Fria is important on multiple levels and it plays on Penny alluding to Pinocchio. Fria (The Blue Fairy) recognizes Penny as a real girl, something she has been struggling with since the beginning:
Penny: Ruby... I'm not a real girl.
And is still struggling with:
Cinder: I don’t serve anyone. And you wouldn’t either, if you were built that way.
That said, Penny is not only struggling with enemies that consider her a robot, but also with the (understandable) overprotectiveness of people who love her:
Pietro: I lost you before. Are you asking me to go through that again? No. No. I want the chance to watch you live your life.
Penny: But dad… I am trying to.
She is not only a robot, who wants to prove she is a real girl, but also a daughter, who wants to grow into her own person.
This idea is made even stronger by Penny having been “created” through Pietro’s aura. She is a part of Pietro becoming someone completely different and independent from him. Still, isn’t it what all children are?
Raven is instead Penny’s opposite since she is not a daughter, but a mother. Not only that, but she is a mother, who fails three times.
She fails her biological daughter Yang by abandoning her and putting her in danger.
She fails Vernal, who dies for her.
She fails the previous Spring Maiden, who clearly looked up to her and was betrayed:
Cinder: Vernal was a decoy the whole time. The last Spring Maiden must've trusted you a great deal before she died. I bet that was a mistake...
This is well conveyed by Raven’s case being the opposite of what should ideally happen. Normally an older Maiden should pass her power to a younger girl, so that the cycle keeps going and that a new generation can keep fighting for good. However, Raven steals the powers of the Maiden for herself, just like she uses her shape-shifting ability for selfish objectives:
Ozpin: Everyone has a choice. The Branwens chose to accept their powers and the responsibilities that came with them. And later, one of them chose to abandon her duties in favor of her own self-interest.
She presents herself as a mentor for young women, but in the end she is a failure because she is too self-centered.
In conclusion, Rwby is both a coming of age story and a story that deals with cycles. Let’s think about the many abusive cycles in the story or the damaging cycles present in society, for example. All these cycles need to be broken and I would not be surprised if this will be the case for the cycle of the Maidens as well.
Up until now, the person who should be a Maiden never becomes one.
a) Pyrrha was destined to be the Fall Maiden, but Cinder stole the power.
b) Vernal is foreshadowed to be the Spring Maiden, but Raven turns out to be the real one.
c) Winter has been preparing herself to inherit the Winter’s Maiden’s role, but Penny is the one chosen by Fria.
Why is that so?
The story is clearly playing with the idea of the “chosen one” and asking some questions.
Are people chosen by destiny:
Cinder: It’s unfortunate you were promised a power that was never truly yours.
Or do they choose it?
Red-Haired Woman: She understood that she had a responsibility… to try. I don’t think she would regret her choice, because a Huntress would understand that there really wasn’t a choice to make. And a Huntress is what she always wanted to be.
What if the chosen person is the wrong one?
Lionheart: She was determined, at first, when she inherited her powers, but the weight of responsibility proved to be too much for the child. She... ran. Abandoned her training, everyone. That was over a decade ago. There's no telling where she could be now.
Finally, is it even right to choose a person?
Weiss: Doesn't it bother you? He practically groomed your entire military career.
Winter: It did at first, when the General first proposed it to me. But the more I thought about it, the more I saw it as a privilege, a chance to do some real good for Atlas. For Remnant.
Weiss: But your destiny was chosen for you, without your input.
So far each Maiden has explored this concept in a different way. Moreover, the story has highlighted many problems with the method used by Ozpin and his allies to select their guardians.
First of all there is the machine used to transmit aura:
Ironwood: We've made... significant strides. And we believe we've found a way to capture it.
Qrow: Capture it and cram it into something else. (gestures to Pyrrha as she takes a second to realize what that means) Or in your case ...
Pyrrha: (to Ironwood) That's...
Ironwood: Classified.
Pyrrha: ... wrong!
This method has been presented in-universe as sketchy and unethical both for the person who is having her aura taken and for the person receiving it.
It is also interesting that this machine is basically the technological equivalent of the Grimm used by Salem and Cinder to steal the powers in the first place:
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One is the product of destruction (The Brother’s Grimms), while the other is the result of creation (in-universe technology is linked to creation). However, they both do essentially the same thing. They steal another person’s aura and change the one absorbing it:
Raven: You turned yourself into a monster just for power.
Secondly, there is the fact that so far several Maidens have died or have been targeted in horrible ways.
Some of them were specifically attacked because young and less experienced than others, like Amber. Some others made their choice without truly understanding it, like the Spring Maiden. And some of them. like Pyrrha, were not even given all the elements to make an informed choice.
In short:
Hazel: You send children to their deaths for a cause that you know has no victory, no end!
It is true that Hazel is a hypocrite that feels anger for Ozpin sending students to their deaths only to be the one killing them. It is also true that he does not respect his sister’s choice:
Oscar: Did she know the risk of being a Huntress?
Hazel: She was only a child! She wasn't ready!!
Oscar: She made a choice! A choice to put others before herself! So do I.
However, the narrative harshly criticizes Ozpin for not giving people all the information, “the knowledge”, they need to make that choice:
Yang: There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay?!
Finally, we arrive at the current volumes where we see how Ironwood has tried to control Penny, Winter and Fria aka all the three people involved in the passage of the Maidens powers...only to fail miserably.
And in this failure probably lies the true mistake which has been made over and over again. The whole point is that probably the whole cycle (thematically) can’t and should not be controlled to this extent:
Goodwitch: At first, the only thing that was certain was that the powers were specifically passed on to young women. But as time went on, it was discovered that the selection process was much more... intimate.
Pyrrha: ... Intimate?
Goodwitch: As we understand it now, when a Maiden dies, the one who is in her final thoughts is the first candidate to inherit her power.
The powers are passed from a person to another through emotions. It is not by chance that the last person in a Maiden’s mind is the one who gets the power. It is because the power is linked to emotions and to ties and you should not try to weaponize them.
Finally each Maiden is clearly linked to the theme represented by her respective relic.
Pyrrha and Cinder are both linked to the idea of destiny and choosing. I have shared some thoughts on them here.
I would say that Cinder wants to be chosen. She wants to be special and to be given value. This is probably why she is serving Salem. It is because Salem has chosen her for an important role:
Salem: When I chose you as my vessel for the Maidens, I put my trust in you.
This is not positive. It is dehumanizing:
Salem: This game is not yours to win, Cinder, it’s mine. Just because you’re more valuable to me than a pawn, does not make you a player.
But Cinder sees this as a chance.
Pyrrha is instead a person, who chooses her own destiny:
Pyrrha: When I think of destiny, I don’t think of a predetermined fate you can’t escape. But rather… some sort of final goal, something you work towards your entire life.
In other words, Pyrrha has an active role in her own destiny, while Cinder so far has accepted it passively.
This might seem ironic because all in all Cinder has been a pretty active character. She was born as nothing and fought to free herself and to become more powerful. However, she is still leaving her own life in the hands of another person, who is specifically coded as an abusive mother-figure. It is probable that her arc will be about taking back the agency Salem is clearly stealing from her.
This might very well be why she is the Maiden of choice. It is because in the end she’ll make an active choice to get her own freedom back.
At the same time, Pyrrha being active in her choices still leads to her demise. This is because she represents a choice without knowledge, as I have stated in the meta linked above:
She had been explained only a fragment of the truth, while the whole point is that one should learn, meet creation and destruction and then make a choice. This is why we have yet to meet the relic of choice.
As a matter of fact it is clear that knowledge and choice are complementary, just like destruction and creation.
This is highlighted also by their respective relics. On one hand the Lamp offers knowledge of the past. On the other hand the Crown gives its user a vision of a future choice.
This is because one has to know the past to change the future:
Bartholomew Oobleck : History is important, gentlemen! If you can't learn from it... you're destined to repeat it.
In a sense, knowledge is the passive condition of choice, while choice is the active goal of knowledge.
This is why one needs both to contribute to the world in the most effective way possible. If one acts without knowledge they might make the wrong choice. At the same time, knowledge without choice is just passiveness, as shown in The Indecisive King fairy tale.
Too much knowledge might lead to indeciveness or even cynism. This is why Raven is the Spring Maiden. It is because she is Pyrrha’s opposite aka knowledge without choice:
Yang: Which is it, mom? Are you merciful, or are you a survivor? Did you let me walk into that trap because you knew I could handle it, or because it meant you could get what you wanted?!
Raven keeps making decisions only to run away from them immediately after. Knowledge did not make her braver, but just a coward.
Finally we arrive to Penny and the idea of creation.
I have mentioned Penny in the meta linked above:
Penny is an artificial human, a creation who was given life because her father loved her so much that he sacrificed a part of his aura for her… twice. She is at the centre of the theme of creation and it represents the good sides of it. She is a creation with a soul, a child, the fruit of parental love. It is because of the love she received that she is willing to protect creation.
Penny is at the centre of the theme of creation in two ways.
a) She is a child, who wants independence.
b) She is a good declination of technology.
On one hand children are new lives that join the world. They are the embodyment of creation.
On the other hand technology is an expression of human creation and a way humans have to change and influence reality.
Penny is both. She is Pietro’s girl and a robot with a soul:
Pietro: When the General first challenged us to find the next breakthrough in defense technology, most of my colleagues pursued more obvious choices. I was one of the few who believed in looking inward for inspiration.
Ruby: You wanted a protector with a soul.
Pietro: I did. And when General Ironwood saw her, he did too. Much to my surprise, the Penny Project was chosen over all the other proposals.
Ironwood choosing Pietro’s project over others is very interesting and ambiguous. Did he choose this project because at the time he understood the importance of “a protector with a soul”?
Probably consciously yes, but the way he has treated Penny since volume 2 suggests also something different. It suggests a desire of domination. The idea that putting a soul into a metallic body would make it easier to control it.
After all:
Ironwood: For the past few years, Atlas has been studying Aura from a more scientific standpoint; how it works, what's it made of, how it can be used. We've made... significant strides. And we believe we've found a way to capture it.
Each one of humanity’s gift has another side of itself. Knowledge can lead to fear and choice is linked to passivity/agency. When it comes to creation, this gift brings with itself the temptation of control.
Why shouldn’t a creator “own” theis creation? Why shouldn’t they be entitled to it? Why should they share it with the rest of the world?
If one looks at Ironwood, at Atlas and at the other protagonists of this volume this way, a lot of things resonate.
Atlas is the most technological advanced kingdom, but instead of sharing its resources it closes off. Ironwood’s embargo is just another declination of this same idea of losing control.
Similarly the Ace Ops and Winter are all repressing their emotions. They want perfect control over themselves. They are taught they should be like drones.
Technology itself is often misused by the characters. Technolofy should be like Penny. It should have humanity and a soul, but Ironwood likes it because he sees it as something logical that can be controlled (and of course he keeps losing control over it). Ironwood wants to become like he thinks Penny is aka a controllable soul. He fails to understand that Penny is special because she has her own free will.
Finally, this same desire of control is present also in familial relationship. It is not by chance that the Schnee Family is in Atlas. Weiss’s story has always been about exploring this specific idea of a family. A family, which is cold and controlling, just like ice. Weiss’s arc is about melting this ice, in herself first and now in others as well.
Technological control and the control of people. In short, the control over two aspects of creation. This is the the idea Atlas represents and this is why it is currently falling.
In short, the creation must be free and it is not by chance the world is in its current predicament because the Gods tried to control their creations with disastrous results.
These are my main thoughts on the Maidens so far. That said, they might chance since the story is far from over as the arcs of all the maidens we have met so far.
As a final note, I find interesting that so far none of our four protagonists is a Maiden. It is an interesting choice and I think that it lets the series make a good use of its ensemble cast.
That said, I wonder if our four protagonists will end up calling back the original Four Maidens instead.
The fairy tale is interesting on multiple levels.
In-universe, it is interesting because it tells us something about how Ozpin was probably inspired by the original Four Maidens to try to save the world again. Ozpin is inspired by four normal people, who are just trying their best to help others.
This is a recurring idea in Rwby and this might be why none of the four protagonists has been selected to be a Maiden yet.
If read as a stand-alone, the story is an interesting tale on how to overcome depression.
The story starts with the old man closed in his house and it shows how he progressively opens up until he himself is able to help others.
Winter is the one who teaches him how to work on his own interiority even when the world is cold.
Springs prepares the terrain for him to come out. It makes the garden more welcoming. It is like when a person has to find the right environment to open herself up.
Summer is the one who finally drags the man out and gives him energy.
Finally Fall is the one who makes the man realize he can now share his new found energy with others.
Theirs is a virtuous cycle and I would say it is very different of the tragic cycle that sees the current Maidens as protagonists. Who knows? Maybe it is about going back to that virtuosity.
Thank you for the ask!
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Some Analysis of the Heaviside Layer and the Jellicle Choice
NOTE: This is mostly going off on the 1998 version, because the story is made more clear there.
Why Does Anybody Want to Go to the Heaviside Layer?
We know that those who are chosen to go to the Heaviside Layer “Can now be reborn and come back to a different Jellicle life”. So, they’re reincarnated. This is based on the idea that cats have nine lives. The Heaviside Layer moves them from one life to the next. I’m guessing that only after living all nine lives do cats actually die. What happens then? Do they remain in the Heaviside Layer? Is there some other sort of afterlife they move on to? Can cats tell which life they’re currently living? Old Deuteronomy has apparently “lived many lives in succession”, all as Deuteronomy, so he’s probably aware, but is that just him, or does every cat know? There are a lot of holes in the lore that can only be filled with “for the purposes of this story, it doesn’t really matter”.
The Heaviside Layer is “full of wonders” as well, so everyone wants to see what’s up there someday, but if it’s not their day, it’s not their day. If Heaven exists, it would be cool to see what it looks like, but that would mean dying and most people don’t want to do that.
The play never explicitly states that any of the cats gathering for the ball want to be chosen. The question they’re asking is “Who will it be?”. They want to know who the lucky cat is and see them off. This is probably the end of that cat’s life as the cat they know, so they all want a chance to say goodbye. The Jellicle Choice has their life celebrated before moving on to the next one, because that’s what most of the musical numbers do.
Who Actually Wants to Go to the Heaviside Layer?
Everyone, someday, but only a few are probably interested in being chosen at the specific ball that the play’s about. Cats who don’t have songs about them aren’t being put in the spotlight, so none of them are up for it. Out of the cats with songs, several of them are also out. Macavity is only sung about because he’s the antagonist and we need a song explaining who he is. Old Deuteronomy’s number is also just musical exposition for a main character.
Some of the musical numbers are spontaneous, while others seem to be presentations being put on for the ball. The cats with songs that are presentations are probably the ones making a case for the Heaviside Layer. So, now we have to determine which is which.
Gumbie Cat:
This one seems pretty planned. There are costumes and special effects. Munkustrap has a Gumbie Cat in mind, right after talking about the Jellicle Choice, meaning that he either thinks Jenny should be picked, or he thinks she will be picked. Jenny is the OLD Gumbie Cat, someone reaching the end of one life, possibly ready to move on to another.
Rum Tum Tugger:
Tugger crashes the party here and Munkustrap isn’t pleased with this. He appears to be the one organizing the night’s events, so if an event annoys him, it probably wasn’t meant to occur. Tugger’s number is spontaneous. Since Tugger is a fairly important character, the song serves as his introduction. It’s a typical musical I Am Song.
Bustopher Jones:
There aren’t any costumes or effects in this one and Bustopher doesn’t even stick around for the ball. But, some of the cats sing his praises when he shows up. He most likely had no intent to campaign to be the Jellicle Choice. He dropped in to say hi and Jenny just started cheering for him, because she’s his biggest fangirl. He probably could qualify for the Jellicle Choice, but he’s clearly not interested. He doesn’t even care who the choice is. Bustopher is not a normal Jellicle cat, not asking “who will it be?”.
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer:
Jerrie and Teazer perform their number to no one after everyone scatters in fear of Macavity. Their number is just them messing around, telling the audience about what they’ve been up to, because it’s fun.
Since Old Deuteronomy probably doesn’t count for the choice, since he’s the judge, we end act one with only one established candidate. Tugger, Jerrie, and Teazer had other reasons for their musical numbers and Bustopher basically declined, “I’m still in my prime, I shall last out my time” meaning that he doesn’t intend to go anywhere, Jennyanydots is the only cat who’s been seriously considered by this point.
And Jenny doesn’t really qualify either! She performed her number before Old Deuteronomy showed up, and by starting up Bustopher’s number, she nominated someone else. If she nominates someone else, she most likely doesn’t want to win, or at least doesn’t care very much. So, Munkustrap nominated her, but Jenny herself isn’t really competing to be chosen. She appreciates that she was given her own number and that she’s admired that much by the tribe, but she’s still got a lot to do in this life.
So, on to Act Two. Old Deuteronomy has seen Grizabella sing Memory by herself and implies in The Moments of Happiness that he’s basically already made his choice. However, he implies it with references to Memory, which the other cats haven’t heard yet, so they don’t know that. Old D is still hearing people out though, so now we enter the “auditioning for the Heaviside Layer” portion of the show.
Gus: The Theatre Cat
Gus is an ideal candidate for the Jellicle Choice. He’s old and frail, he’s lived a long and meaningful life, it would be good for him to move on. Jellylorum nominates him. She’s interesting, because the other cats in her age range were all nominated themselves, but her moment in the spotlight is nominating someone else.
Jellylorum is Gus’ caretaker. She most likely brought him to the ball, intending to plead his case. Gus is far too weak to dance at the ball, so I imagine that he was off napping somewhere throughout Act One.
Gus is the only cat who can really compete with Grizabella and his number is the only one that can really compete with Memory. Jenny had a big show put on for her number, and the amount of energy she put into it shows that she’s got a lot of life left in her. Theatre Cat and Memory are both about cats who are definitely reaching the end of their current lives, not able to put on a show. They’re simple, but emotionally powerful.
Gus isn’t just physically weak, but mentally a bit out of it as well. He’s barely involved in the creation of his own number. He just plays off of what Jellylorum said. He’s not even really present enough to want to be chosen. Jelly is pleading his case for him, not because he wants it, but because she believes that he needs it. She knows that he’s not what he used to be and that it’s probably time to move on. She sings a song to celebrate his life and accomplishments, knowing that if she succeeds, this is the last time she’ll see Gus as Gus. But, she keeps the mood fairly upbeat, keeping any pauses in the song from lasting too long, not wanting anyone to get too sad. The Jellicle Ball is a celebration of life, not a funeral.
There’s a lot going on in this number.
Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat:
So, Theatre Cat has a bit of a downer ending, so Old Deuteronomy decides to change the subject, calling in Uncle Skimble to lighten the mood. The kittens all love his train stories and mentioning his name cheers Jemima up immediately.
This is another number that appears to be a presentation. The construction of the train feels like there were props ready and that this had been rehearsed, only going wrong at the last second. So, Skimble’s another candidate for the Jellicle Choice, but, like Jenny, the energy of his number is proof that he doesn’t really need it. Skimble’s goal at this point is just to entertain. He leads the number himself, so one nominated him, so I doubt he’s being taking very seriously as a candidate. At this moment in the show, everyone’s probably certain that Gus will be chosen.
One interesting detail of Skimble’s number is that he always sings in the past tense. Not every single lyric in the song is in the past tense, but the lines in the present tense are sung by the chorus, not by Skimble himself. The number starts with the chorus in present tense:
There’s a whisper down the line at eleven thirty-nine
But, when Skimble takes over, the tense shifts:
All the guards and all the porters and the station master’s daughters would be searching high and low
The chorus alternates between past and present tense throughout the number, but Skimble stays in the past. He’s mainly telling specific stories about his time on the train, but he also makes more general statements about his time as railway cat:
You could say that by and large it was me who was in charge
Skimble’s time as railway cat is purely in the past tense. He’s retired. The retirement is fairly recent, since the chorus of mostly kittens don’t seem to know about it. My theory is that the humans running the train decided that Skimble was getting too old to do his job and Skimble had to retire. He’d defined himself by his job as The Railway Cat. He was defined by his career, so without his career, who is he?
This is part of a reoccurring thing with several other characters. Many cats have titles of The X Cat, with X being a career or role in society. But, some of them are now too old to play their parts. Grizabella’s looks have faded with age, so she can no longer be The Glamour Cat. Gus is too weak to perform, so he can no longer be The Theatre Cat. Grizabella, Gus, and Skimble are defined by roles that they can no longer play, so who are they now? What do they have left to contribute to society?
The answer is Memory.
Gus and Skimble tell stories from their past careers to the future generation. They inspire the younger cats. The stories of their lives, their memories, are what they have to give. The show has the importance of memory as a reoccurring theme. Skimble clearly figured this theme out on his own, creating his own number to share his stories with the kittens. Gus isn’t quite as aware, but his theatrical career is clearly an inspiration to Jellylorum, who tells the stories when he can’t. The memory can outlast the person, because others hear the stories and tell them to even more people. In that way, Gus will always be The Theatre Cat, Skimble will always be The Railway Cat, and maybe, Grizabella will always be The Glamour Cat in the same way.
This concludes the Auditions For the Heaviside Layer. The remaining character number is another one that Old D isn’t present for and features a younger cat who’s just really getting into his role of The Magical Cat. But, there are still some things worth pointing out:
Mr. Mistoffelees:
The song, despite being as flashy as the rehearsed numbers, is played as spontaneous. Tugger has an idea and then he sings a song to sell the idea, the idea being “Misto can save the day with his magic”.
Up until this point in the show, the only real interaction between Misto and Tugger is Misto calling Tugger a “terrible bore”. If he had a planned number, Misto probably wouldn’t have picked Tugger to sing it. The opening of Gumbie Cat implies that he would’ve wanted Munkustrap to do it. He thought Munk was going to sing about him, but he sung about Jenny instead. So, Misto thought he’d have a number, for whatever reason, and that Munk would sing it.
It doesn’t make sense for Misto to want to go to the Heaviside Layer. He’s just become an adult and is still trying to prove his worth as one. He wouldn’t want to have to start over. Misto is very competitive, so he might think of being chosen as winning a competition, and he just has to win, wanting the victory, not the prize. He also might’ve wanted his own number, not as an audition for the Heaviside Layer, but purely for a moment in the spotlight and the validation of someone wanting to sing about him. He wants to put on a show for the party and show off his magic tricks. He assumed that Munkustrap was in on that plan and would give him his own special number, but he didn’t. Munkustrap arranged a number to nominate Jenny for the Jellicle Choice and didn’t really have anything for Misto to do.
Misto wouldn’t expect Tugger to give him a number. The number is exactly the sort of number Misto wanted, a chance to show off his magic with a long break to show off his dancing. He didn’t expect Old Deuteronomy to be kidnapped, and the trick to bring him back is one he’s never done before, so it isn’t all fun and games, but the fact that he gets a number gives him confidence. So, Misto shows off a lot and gets to be a hero and the adults take him seriously now and this is basically his dream come true. It’s not about the Jellicle Choice, but it’s still a big deal.
In many productions I’ve seen, when Misto does his Conjuring Turns, the UFO that Grizabella rides to the Heaviside Layer starts to descend. He’s powerful enough to open the gates to the Heaviside Layer and might not even know. Munkustrap is Old D’s son and heir, but Misto will be the one who sends cats to the Heaviside Layer in the future, because he can. The importance of his magic might give him co-ruler status with Munkustrap!
So, the candidates for the Jellicle Choice are:
Jennyanydots (declines, nominating Bustopher instead)
Bustopher Jones (declines)
Gus (loses out at the last minute)
Skimbleshanks (didn’t expect to win and didn’t)
Grizabella (last minute nominee and winner)  
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krisingtons · 3 years
Happy Birthday Toshinori Yagi / All Might!
To celebrate the Symbol of Peace's birthday, here is my take on Toshinori's potential astrology natal chart, complete with explanations and reasoning. Buckle up for the highly specific, mashing up two niche interests post that literally no one asked for.
For BNHA Fans:
I will do my absolute best to explain the chart below step-by-step. If there's anything you want to know more about, feel free to ask or consult an online resource with the terms I used.
All the placements I've chosen are based on what we know in canon. Any new information we receive in canon may change this post.
The only official astrology information we have in canon is Toshinori's Sun sign, which is Gemini based on his June 10th birthday. (I'll get into this.)
After looking at some of the Sun signs Horikoshi gave to different characters, I'm convinced the man knows at least a little bit about astrology because they're very on point for everyone.
For Astrologers:
I only focused on the seven personal planets, even though I believe the generational planets have a big impact on the BNHA universe. It was just more than I could focus on.
I did not bother with the decans other than to vaguely have a sense of it, especially for the angles. I messed a few up slightly.
I also did not bother with retrogrades, even though I suspect Toshinori has one or two (I suspect Mars in particular).
I use Whole Sign Houses. To calculate houses, start with the AC, then move one sign counter-clockwise for each house. (Here, Leo is the 1st, Virgo is the 2nd, etc.)
For the moment of truth...
Toshinori Yagi's Astrology Natal Chart
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(Yes, I drew it by hand. I'll zoom in for specific parts)
Sun, Moon, Rising
Since the only piece of information we have to work with from canon is Toshinori's Sun sign, let's start there.
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The bigger circle surrounding the smaller circle represents Toshinori's Sun. Born on June 10th, this makes him a Gemini Sun. The Sun represents the ego, how the outer world sees us, and Geminis are very talkative, sociable, playful, and charming, but can be reluctant to engage with deeper feelings and are often restless for activity. As far as an astrological starting point goes, well done, Horikoshi. These themes clearly show up in Toshinori/All Might's external identity, and as I'll share, it plays a big part in his career, too, since I put it in the 11th house of community and serving others. (Note that conjunct MC, astrologers.) Next, let's talk about Toshinori's Moon.
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This is the symbol for the moon. I feel pretty strongly that Toshinori has an Aquarius Moon. The moon represents our emotions, our inner life, and sometimes our mother. Aquarius is all about society, community, an unconventional way of doing things, and an idealism for what could be. Aquarius' often feel a push and pull between needing independence and needing to connect with others emotionally and intellectually. Not only does this seem to cover Toshinori's inner life well, but his mother figure served those ideals, too. Let's move on to the Rising Sign, also known as the AC. The Rising Sign indicates what sign was on the horizon at the time someone was born.
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I placed his Rising Sign in Leo for two reasons. First, Leo is ruled by the Sun, and since Toshinori clearly embodies many of the traits of his Sun sign, it made sense to double down on that. Second, Leo Rising perfectly places his Sun in the 11th house of friendship, community, hopes and wishes, and social goals.
Mercury and Venus
Moving on to Mercury and Venus, these two planets go well together because they have rules about their distance from the Sun. Mercury can never be more than one sign away from the Sun, while Venus can never be more than two signs away due to their physical proximity to the Sun from our viewpoint on Earth.
First, Mercury.
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Mercury is the symbol next to the Sun that (ironically) looks like it has bunny ears. Mercury indicates how we communicate things and how we learn. It is at home in Gemini, and people with a Gemini Mercury are often witty and knowledgeable. With it so close to the Sun and the Midheaven (which we'll get to later), it indicates how much his words were a part of his "brand" in his career, both through catchphrases and through frequent media appearances.
Now, Venus.
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This was probably the toughest one to place for me (and for the astrologers paying close attention, I probably placed the degree too far from the Sun, my bad). I decided to put it in Aries in the 9th house for a couple of reasons.
First, Venus rules Toshinori's 10th house of career, and the 9th house represents, among other things, international travel and higher education. All Might's career was largely based on his time studying abroad and branding himself with symbolism from a country other than his own. Venus also represents things we love and our creative energy, and All Might clearly has a love of all things American.
Then, I placed Venus in Aries because Aries is ruled by Mars. It's a sign and planet of action, demonstrating Toshinori's drive in his career. However, Mars is also a planet that is considered violent, symbolizing war and things that literally cut. This pairs well with where I've placed Mars as shown below.
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Alright, Mars is important canon-wise. As I just mentioned from Venus, Mars is a planet that cuts, which indicates war. And I've placed it in Cancer, which is Toshinori's 12th house. The 12th house, among other things, indicates service, sacrifice, mental health, and enemies. Toshinori literally sacrificed himself, his body, his life, by fighting a long-time enemy, an enemy he trained years to fight (hello again, 9th house Venus). Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which pairs well with his sense of service, too, since it's in Aquarius.
Jupiter and Saturn
Here's where we get into the meat of canon.
Jupiter first.
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Jupiter is at home in Pisces, a sign that's all about dreams, saving the world, charitable giving, but also elusiveness. Jupiter, meanwhile is one of the best planets in Toshinori's chart, not only because it's in Pisces, but because Jupiter is all about good fortune, blessings, and opportunities. I've put it in the 8th house, which, among other things, signifies things that are inherited. That's right, my take on Toshinori's astrology indicates him getting One for All.
Planets in the 8th house can also indicate how someone handles a crisis, and Jupiter gives Toshinori the strength and positive attitude to handle a crisis well.
Finally, Saturn.
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Saturn is like the Dad of the sky, indicating structure, discipline, and order. I've put it in Sagittarius, which is Toshinori's 5th house. Jupiter also rules Sagittarius, doubling down on the power of Jupiter in his chart. More importantly, the 5th house represents children and other ways we leave our legacy in the world. Saturn in the 5th house often indicates people who raise children that are not their own. This can be through adoption, step-parenting, or... mentorships. Hello, Izuku!
People with Saturn in the 5th house also are not inclined to relax, choosing to work more in lieu of leisure time.
What about all those lines?
Alright, I admittedly don't want to get too much into the aspect lines (the red and blue ones) because that goes more in-depth than I wanted, but they are purposeful. If you're interested in aspects, I encourage you to look up Squares, Trines, and Oppositions in particular.
I will mention the Midheaven, though. The Midheaven (MC) is the highest point in the sky, but not an actual physical body.
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The MC represents a person's calling or vocation. If the Midheaven is not in the 10th house of career, it imports the themes of the house its placed in into someone's career. I've placed it again in Toshinori's 11th house of community since that's obviously a big part of his career. I also did that because the MC is always countered by the IC, which indicates someone's home and family life. Tumblr won't let me add another image, but if you go back up to Saturn, you can see the IC is also in Toshinori's 5th house, doubling down on the idea that mentor/mentee relationships play a big part in his sense of family.
As one final note, some of you may have noticed that I did place the north and south node in Toshinori's chart in the 5th and 11th house respectively. I won't get into detail here, but I wanted to give you the term in case you wanted to look it up. It's actually pretty significant this year, though, because the nodes indicate which signs eclipses happen in for that year, and it just so happens that there is a Solar Eclipse in Gemini today!
There you have it! I hope you enjoyed my wildly specific birthday post for Toshinori Yagi, better known as All Might. I'm wishing the happiest of birthdays to our favorite sunflower!
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A false chosen one
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Now we go onto Ironwood's early years of his Huntsman career. Okay not much history or details to explore about the huntsmen academies other than their secret purpose. So we can just assume Ironwood did and completed his 4 years of education and enlisted soon after. But we can guess that he at least participated in 2 Vytal festival tournaments during his curriculum.
My best guess during his first tournament he most likely met his fellow future headmasters(Theodore and Lionheart) for the first time as well as to be noticed by his other hero as well(The Warrior King of Vale).
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Now you’re asking why would a past Oz incarnation be his hero? Will to start the warrior king pretty much set and laid the groundwork and structure of the current modern world of remnant that every kingdom most likely tells to their next generations. And let's be honest any child would be at awe about a story of a king let alone one with an epic tale of war and POWER(emphasis on the power for Atlasians).
Now picture this;
You're the perfect model of an Atlasian citizen. You are training in one of the world's most prominent careers  where you are exposed to the outside influences of other kingdoms and societies that yours has taught you are beneath you. But you are stunned and amazed by how lower societies have accomplished so much that your left wondering is my kingdom the greatest?
And you perform so well that the current Oz incarnation notices you. And you amazed him so well that he invites you and gives you the promises of grandeur and the ability/power to help aid/change the world for the better. And soon after accepting his proposal and endorsement he lets you in on the secret; That he is the reincarnation of your hero and asks for your help with his war.
That could serve as a first meeting between a young Ironwood and the man with two souls. Now you're wondering why I say past oz incarnation instead of the king or Ozpin? With the new information confirming(sorta) Ozpin's age and dialogue of Ironwood inV2 & V7 it is in my theory that there have been 4 Oz incarnations that have affected the current rwby story and characters at present
The Warrior King of Vale/ Founder of the Huntsmen academies and ended the Great war
Ozpin's predecessor/ Recruited the current members of the secret brotherhood of Oz (STRQ) and Raised Atlas to the sky
Ozpin/ Teacher of STRQ The Headmaster of Team RWBY  and guider of the events of V1-3
Oscar/ The Current incarnation and bystander of V4-present
Given this it is quite possible (since we don't know his age) the King had died sometime prior to ironwood's birth or childhood. Leaving a new incarnation to meet and recruit him. Now why would middle Oz choose Ironwood? A random nobody that hails from the world's most faccist inhuman warmongering kingdom that engages in periods of isolationism and hoarding power with the potential intent of starting a new war. Well that's probably it.
We don’t know much of the Treaty of Vytal but we can assume it's like the Treaty of Versailles of WW1; were harsh penalties had been emplaced on the losing side which led to loss of territory, economic distress and demilitarization, and a very large amount of humiliation in the years to come. Which led to the rise of Hitler and the Nazi’s as well as WW2
Now we know Mantle had nearly depleted its natural resources which led to economic instability and despite how well advanced their technology was they still lost to Nations that they considered below them. Another comparison is despite the “ quote on quote” gifting to the world their assets it could be intrepid as a subtle demilitarization act forced upon Mantle by the rest of the world as to limit their Military strength to ensure that they would not be able to start a new war.
Now what does this have to do with Ironwood? Just like how the treaty of Versailles screwed Germany and led to the rise of the Nazi’s and WW2 the treaty of Vytal screwed Mantle and led to the rise of Atlas and the conflicts of RWBY.
Mantle passed on its toxic ideology to Atlas and now it buys its time to wait so that it can make its grab for power in the future and achieve what Mantle couldn’t; the World under their rule.
The current Oz at this point in time has already seen the signs of this and is trying to avoid war in the most subtle way possible as he no longer has the status of the Vale king anymore and figures that the potential warmongering Mantle would listen and be swayed by one of their own instead of a forgein leader that has yet to earn their respect.
Insert the Vytal festival tournament with Ironwood participating for the first time. From the perspective of this Oz he sees a potential candidate to be his political figure head of an unstable kingdom with a war is the answer mentality. This Oz doesn’t want a figurehead because he wants to but because he needs to if he wants to uphold the fragile peace that his past king self had accomplished and tried to maintain.
But sadly due to reincarnating he has lost that influence and has to rebuild it which takes time, time that he does not have. So he must elevate others to be able to influence people that he can’t.  This is where Ironwood comes in as a native of Mantle and born during its social transition to Atlas Oz hopes that he can make this promising huntsman into someone that can help carry and pass on his ideals of peace and stability in hopes of avoiding another war for Salem to take advantage of.
Ironwood now being informed by the introduction of secrets to get him hooked and joining Oz’s group is more than willing to help. Especially after believing Oz’s promises to him. Now you're wondering what promises. My evidence is what said Qrow in V6;
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No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good… Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life…
Oz appeals to and makes promises to those that he recruits whether or not he follows through on them is up to debate. From this we can assume he promised ironwood something similar.
The only difference between the 2 is that one had a very unhealthy opinion of himself and tried to search for meaning in his life while the other is a stark contrast by being sorta healthy with himself and had found meaning by serving and later leading his Kingdom. As well as the difference between their relationships to the man with two souls.
Ironwood was more or less loyal to the incarnation before Ozpin as he saw this as his hero back from the dead to ask for his help. Even elevating him to positions of power and status that he may not have been able to achieve on his own just to do that. This is probably why Ironwood didn’t just freak out and overreact immediately and lash out because this is coming from a man who he hopes was the man who had kept his promises to him and rewarded him.
While Qrow was more or less buddy, buddy with Ozpin during his time at Beacon, who had offered him a place with meaning and purpose to replace his world of loneliness and self pity as well as redemption. But when the truth is exposed he just condemns Ozpin ignoring Oscar for empty promises instead of realizing the truth that Ozpin was only meant to show him the path and that he was the one who to take it. To put it quite simply Ozpin was there to help guide Qrow to see the good that he already is as well as deal with his issues in a healthy way.
(Now that I think about it Qrow and Ironwood actually parallel one  another in terms of narrative and character.)
Point is Ozpin’s past incarnation had a major influence over Ironwood to the point the he along with his Atlasian brainwashing had led Ironwood to believe  that he was this chosen savior that he was the hero that was destined to win that he can do no wrong because his ideals and heritage told him so or at the very least didn’t correct his thinking.
When in reality OZ wanted a guardian that would keep the status quo not the Soldier who wanted to change the world as he saw fit. (Hence the section title a false chosen one) In Doing so he ended up instigating all of the conflicts of rwby under the intentions of good only to lead from bad to worst if not catastrophic.
Simply because Oz didn’t keep his ambitions in check and make it clear that he was meant to be a loyal lap dog that heels to his owner. Instead Ironwood became the rabid dog that's all bark and no bite. This has resulted in Ironwood developing a false sense of chosenness and that it is either his way or the highway.
Another thing to look at is even though this  Oz had his influence on ironwood he was however too late as the ideology and philosophy of Mantle/Atlas had already consumed his mind so much that even though he was willing to embrace the outside world his mind would be forever locked and kept to the kingdom he hailed from.
Now with the outside influences outside let's see the opinion of how he sees himself and why he would think of himself as this chosen savior and the potential events that led to that mindset.
I’ve survived Now I’m Invincible
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thephantomcasebook · 4 years
Matt’s “Reasonable” Downton Abbey Movie Sequel Pitch
Since I’ve been known to take extreme flights of fancy ... maybe wedding Downton Abbey continuity to Pulp and Classic Adventure stories in the past ... this time I’m gonna pitch something that is plausible on the Silver Screen.
The Summery:
Set in the Mid-1950′s. Lady Mary Talbot hosts a house party at Downton Abbey, like the old days, before the war. However - during the party - a maid is found dead. Miles from competent investigators, Edward Pelham enlists the help of his childhood hero and older cousin, the Earl of Grantham, George Crawley. Once a famed adventurer and war hero - no one has seen or heard from him since the war ended. He has chosen solitude and exile in the seclusion of Crawley House with his young son and his faithful butler Thomas Barrow. 
Together, with the help of old friends, the two cousins try to unveil the murderer that is on the loose in Downton Abbey looking to avenge an old sin from the past. 
 Lady Mary, Lady Edith, and Tom Branson -  Michelle Dockery, Laura Carmichael, and Allen Leech 
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Lady Rose Aldridge, “Dowager Countess of Sinderby” - Lily James 
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Mrs. Lucy Branson - Tuppence Middleton 
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Anna Bates - Joanne Froggett  
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Thomas Barrow & Richard Ellis - Richard Collier & Max Brown
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Captain George “The Comet” Crawley, Earl of Grantham - Henry Cavil  
Crippled during battle while Storming an SS held Austrian Castle in May 1945, George Crawley chose seclusion rather than Downton Abbey. For the last ten years he has retreated from the world. Surrounded by Libraries of ancient texts and Medieval Chronicles - glass cases filled with trophies and artifacts from his adventures -  George broods darkly over the death of his men and a betrayal by the one he loved most in Matthew Crawley’s old chair by the fire..  
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However, his young idealistic cousin rouses the once heroic and valiant adventurer back to action with the encouragement of his son Jason Crawley and Thomas Barrow, who believe George has sat idle too long and must become the leader and man of action he once was.
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“Well, well, well ... if it isn’t Captain George “The Comet” Crawley himself. The most Dangerous Man in the whole Empire, this one was ... Once. 
“Yes, I dare say, and how are you holding up these days, eh, Old Boy?!” 
“With a cane.” 
Ms. Sybil “Sybbie” Branson - Jessica De Gouw  
A Genius Mechanical Engineer, Sybbie was once the partner and companion of George Crawley on many adventure and stayed by his side throughout the war. However in 1943, during a mission with their SOE Commando Team in Greece, Sybbie Branson turned coat on the Allies and  was revealed to be a Nazi Agent ... Her betrayal caused the unintended death of John “Johnny” Bates Jr. 
Captured in Austrian Castle in May of 1945 at great cost in George’s blood and the lives of his men by her fanatical suitor and body guards, Sybbie was tried at Nuremberg for helping design super weapons for the Nazis. However, just before her execution, at the last moment, she was reprieved and recruited by “Operation Paper Clip” ... some believed sparing her life was the last thing George did before going into seclusion.
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Ten years later, Ms. Sybil Darcy splits her time in Hollywood as an Oscar winning actress and a Southern California Military Base where she helps develop rockets for a fledgling American Space Program. It is only by chance that on another guilt ridden drinking binge that she awakens at the doors of Downton Abbey - her childhood home - where her International Playboy fiance was invited to Lady Mary’s House Party.
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“When I’m in his arms all I can think of is home, and when I think of home all I can think of is you. I know what I’ve done is evil and can never be forgiven. And I don’t ask for it from you ... all I ask is that you wait for me ... please, don’t leave me here alone. I don’t remember what this world was like without you in it, And all I know is that I cannot live in such a world. I know you don’t want to hear it, but I love you, and I’ll never stop ... Never.”
Lady Marigold Fraser, “Countess of Tarahill” - Elizabeth Henstridge 
During the “Battle of Britain” and “The Blitz” Corporal Marigold Crawley served as a operator and airwoman in the RAF control room. When George and Sybbie’s squadron was sent to break the Siege of Malta and fight in the North Africa Campaign , Marigold would not be left behind. Thus, she resigned commission and became a War Corespondent for her Mamma and Aunt Laura at “The Sketch” - covering George and his men’s exploits from the ‘safety’ of Sybbie’s mechanic’s hanger. Later, during Sybbie’s arch betrayal, Marigold used her media and diplomatic pass as a Marquess’s step-daughter to rescue a hunted George with the help of local resistance. She went on to cover D-Day, Market Garden, and the Battle of the Bulge while attached to a much darker and violent George and his Commandos, 
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Marigold was vaulted as a “Female Pioneer in Journalism”. But falling in Love with a Scottish Colonel in the British Airborne during Market Garden, she chose marriage rather than her career. But 10 years later the call of adventure is stirred in the societal matron’s blood once more upon her reunion with best friend George and a Mystery to solve.    
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“Do you ever think of it, George?”
“The war?” 
“Would you think me terrible if I told you that I miss it?” 
“What particularly do you miss about the Ardennes or Arnhem Bridge?”
“It’s not the places, not the snowy woods all bundled tight together in our freezing foxhole under artillery fire, or escaping Holland on rubber rafts in the middle of the night ... I miss our men, I miss ... waking up in the morning and knowing that we were apart of something, that it was you and me, and the old chaps, against the world ... I miss being useful, George. I guess, I’d rather like to feel that way again.”  
Ms. Caroline Talbot - Daisy Ridley 
Beautiful, Spoiled, Clever, Selfish, and Effete, the co-heiress to “Branson & Talbot Motors” has spent her life attempting to get a rise out of her mother. As most desirable of debutantes and Crown Princess of British High Society, Caroline spends her days scheming and contriving against other society girls, of whom she loves to torment. Her nights in nightclubs spent drinking and dancing, waking up in different beds throughout the poshest London Houses. 
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 She loathes her mother, and blames Henry’s death on George, whose Spitfire shot down the German Bomber that crashed into Henry and Bertie’s train during “The Battle of Britain”. With George and Sybbie having never gotten along with, or been able to stand, Henry - Caroline believes George plotted her father’s death.
However, her arrogance and anger is dropped only in the presence of her best and only true friend, her cousin Edward. The only person in her unhappy life of whom she knows she truly loves.
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“JUST SAY IT, MAMMA! WHY CAN’T YOU SAY IT! Why can’t you just say you didn’t love him! I’m certainly not the first unloved child ever born to a widow looking for a cheap thrill! I guess I owe you enough thanks for at least marrying Daddy!”
“Oh, pipe down, you spoiled little bitch!” 
“Shut up, you Nazi whore! You two ran off to have your little adventures and you never stopped to think, just once, about me!” 
“Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ! Here we are again! What could you possibly want more of?! Huh? You got everyone’s attention!” 
“George, leave it!.” 
“No, no more, mom! She got everything I didn’t! She got a mother and father, parents! You left me behind so that you and Henry could start your trendy new fashionable family! You took their side against me! You and Uncle Tom! Just so you can continue to play grab ass with your pathetic little trio! I spent years away from home, Christmases at Aunt Edith’s, all because Henry didn’t want me here! MY OWN HOUSE! And still, after all that, his brat wants more! So, what, Goddamnit!?  What do you want from me, Caroline!?” 
“YOU! I wanted my brother! I loved you and I needed you! And you left me with HER!
Lord Edward Robert Pelham, “Marquess of Hexham” - William Moseley
Upright and just minded, Lord Hexham grew up on the stories of adventure and mystery that his older cousins, George and Sybbie, were famous for. At the death of his father in the war, he looked up to his cousin George as a male role model. 
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Thirteen years later, while on break from Oxford - he is not sure what to do with his life. Determined to save his beloved best friend Caroline from a nose dive of alcohol and sex turning into a death spiral, he finds himself at Downton Abbey - a guest of his Aunt Mary - when a murder takes place. But when the Killer leaves a message that it would only be the first. it seems everyone turns to him - as senior peer - for guidance. Unsure what to do, he goes to find his old mentor, George - who has much more experience in this kind of danger and mystery.  
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“I don’t know, Marigold ... sometimes I think I’m the wrong man for this job.” 
“Nonsense. In fact, rising above the bias of an older sister and the person who helped raise you, I just happen to think you’re the perfect man for the job.”
“I feel ashamed sometimes. There are lads out there that don’t have two pounds in their hands. And here I am, a Marquess, leaving Oxford, to snuggle up to my big sister’s beast, because, I’m frustrated.”
“Well, they are fantastic breasts.” 
“I’m serious ... I just, I keep telling Caroline that there’s more in life. But I feel like it’s all just words. Neither Mummy nor Papa were ever so ambitious. And it’s not that I want more power, how could I? It’s just ... I feel like there’s something out there, waiting for me to get into its shouting distance.”
Jason Matthew Crawley, Lord of Downton - Unknown (I don’t know child actors)
Born in 1944 to an unknown mother of whom George refuses to speak of to anyone. Mary and the rest of the family were shocked and confused to find George return from the war hobbled on a cane and carrying a toddler that was unmistakably his son.  
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Ten years later the blue eyed raven curled boy attends the local Downton school, but is often pursued by high ranking academies for his extremely high intellect. But George refuses to entertain sending him away. Spending most days with Mary,Tom, and Edith, the boy is famed around the county for his Holmesian deduction skills ... and aptitude for machinery - which his father refuses to allow him to pursue. Serving as his father and ‘Uncle Edward’s’ assistant while investigating the murder, they find him a much bigger help than they thought possible.
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“You listen to me, Cowboy ... cause I’m only going to tell you once. You stay away from Sybbie, do you understand me?”
“I was just saying that she’s beautiful -” 
“Under no circumstance do you go near her or even speak to that woman.”
“But what does a movie star want with me?”
“This conversation is concluded, mind what I say.” 
“But, Pop ... wha -?”
“That’s an order, Cowboy.”
“Ye- yes, Sir.”
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
Bloodlines/VA Lore
Okay let’s see if I can compress 12 books of lore for you all as some background for my OCs universe and because vampire lore can be just about anywhere so its nice to know exactly how this one looks.
Okay to start Bloodlines/Vampire Academy is a book series that was written by Richelle Mead and takes some of influence of Eastern European vampiric lore. I could not tell you how much is her creation and how much from the original lore as I have not looked that deep into it. Below the cut though you will get a general idea of the races along with the organizations as pertinent events of the series will be explained within the writing as needed given that Hypatia has very little knowledge of them happening. There has now been a list of important characters also in this list!  
If anything isn’t making sense or want to talk about it more feel free to dm me anytime!
Living vampires that can die via any human means, they can live longer than the average human. This race of vampires need blood but nothing in the levels of killing and can go a little while without it, though it is recommended to not go past a week at most as they get weaker without it. In terms of the sun yes they can go out and not burn/turn into dust, however the sun does make them uncomfortable very quickly and also makes them weaker. And due to their typically paler skin they are prone to sunburn. When it comes to their bite they cannot change someone else into a vampire, their bite does produce a high when they drink from a person. The last notable feature of this race is that each one is connected to one of the five elements and can perform magic. The most common ones are Air, Water, Fire, and Earth, the rarest of these is Spirit which has the ability to heal, look into minds, see auras, and telekinesis. These powers can range from person to person with everyone having specialties, so to speak, there is a downside that their other fellow Moroi do not have in relation to their magic, and that is the toll that it takes on the mind. Many fall victim to the psychological effects resulting in various forms of mental illness, many temper this by taking medication, limiting their usage of it, or turning Strigoi in some cases. Notable physical features that are typical includes pale skin, slimmer build, and some extra height, seen especially with females.
tl;dr- Living, born with magic, can be in sunlight, need small amounts of blood daily(though can go a while without it)
This race was bred from when humans and Moroi intermingled and while there has been a seperation of the races dhampirs still remain as they can reproduce with Moroi but not other dhampirs. Now this would lead one to believe that they just become more vampire than human but nope, they still stay half human half Moroi. Given their vampire heritage they get things like higher agility, stamina, strength, and reflexes. Because of these traits they made for the perfect guardians to the Moroi that are hunted by their undead counter parts. Many are trained from young ages to be lethal in preparation for a life of serving as protectors. In reccent times there has been a shortage of dhampirs as there is a slight taboo of Moroi sleeping and having children with them(gotta love those kind of judgements), this also isn’t helped as many women choose to raise their children themselves rather than be on duty and letting their children be raised by the schools. This race does not need blood and do not have fangs. There is no aversion to the sun in anyway as this is where their human side really kicks in. 
tl;dr- Living, mix of human and Moroi, agile and deadly, trained to be protectors and can easily kill a person, blood not needed for survival, no aversion to sun.
Humans are well humans like you and me. Anything special that comes from them is worked for. Typically humans do not know about the existence of vampires and their whole little world, the ones that do are either a part of an organization(which I will have next) or are employed in some way by either the living or undead ones. Humans serve a purpose among the Moroi as feeders, these are people that are willingly giving up their blood for them and are well cared for typically(there’s always those people), in exchange they get to live in a state of bliss due to the endorphins in their bite. When employed by the Strigoi they are promised the eternal life in exchange for their help in their bidding, ranging from luring prey to taking down magical wards preventing them from entering a place to just house keeping. Some humans learn magic and are classified as witches, this is something that one must have a natural inclination along with proper training as to perform spells. Witches are less known among all races.
The undead, the vampires of your nightmares. This race is one that can be created by choice or by force. To be created by choice a Moroi must kill when feeding drinking to the last drop, creation by force involves a Strigoi to drink from their victim and then have the victim drink some of their blood. The latter method is what is used for choice among dhampirs and humans in this matter. They are the strongest of the races and get strength as they live longer along with feeding on dhampir and Moroi blood. They will kill when feeding as they drink the full person, while they can go a few days without blood many opt to not do that and feed daily. Their bites also produce the same high as their living counter parts. This race will absolutely burn when exposed to the sun and it will kill them. There are three other methods to kill a Strigoi if you can’t just push them into sunlight, you can either set them on fire, cut their heads off, or (and most commonly used method) using a silver steak imbued with the four elements right to the heart. This method is most commonly used as this is a specialty that is taught to dhampirs when becoming a guardian and are given a stake upon graduation. Strigoi that were once Moroi can no longer tap into their magic once becoming part of the undead, because of this Strigoi cannot cross over the magical wards placed around buildings. There is one way to save a Strigoi from this life, if you get a Moroi that specialized in the element of spirit that drives a steak through their heart while wielding their magic it will return them to their living selves. This is something that is rare to see as Spirit is a rare element to specialize in and it takes a great toll to be wielding that much magic and has harsher consequences. Other notable physical features is their dead pale skin and red eyes, along with the addition of fangs if they were once human or dhampir. 
tl;dr- Undead, sun kills them, blood is needed and will kill their victims even if its slowly, needs special methods to be killed, cannot perform magic. There is one way to save them but it takes a toll on the savior and is rarely done. Once a Strigoi has been restored to life they cannot become one again.
Moroi Royalty
The Moroi are an old race and have kept to traditions which includes having a sort of monarchy. There are 12 royal families of which the king or queen is chosen from using a series of challenges along with a vote from the council between those that passed the challenges after the passing or stepping down of the predecessor. The eldest of each royal family is given the title of prince or princess and is on the council that helps in making decisions for the whole race of Moroi, with the tie breaker and ultimate say coming from the ruling king or queen. Current Queen is Vasilisa Dragomir. Should be noted that not all Moroi are royal, but are allowed to attend the same schools as them even if it seems like a private school.
Dhampirs are trained to become guardians from a young age and upon the completion of their high school education will be assigned to a royal or royal family for their protection. Once gaining some seniority and experience they can become professors and help in the guarding of their schools around the world. They do not get much say in their lives and are at the whims of their assignments. There is a gender disparity among them as many women choose to raise the children they have and do not take to being a guardian. These women will typically band together and have communities that soon take on stereotypes of being equated to whore houses to put it bluntly. The women that do become guardians and stay that way, don’t always have children and if they do typically give them to someone else to raise while they return to work. They are typically seen as the career focused business women trope. You can usually tell the difference in if someone is a guardian by the tattooed promise mark on the back of their neck paired with a mark for graduation. Dhampirs will also gain tattoos on the back of their neck for the killing of Strogoi whether promised or not.
The Keepers
The Keepers are groups of people that live off the grid and do not adhere to the same rules and customs of their races as their communities comprise of humans, Moroi, and dhampirs. They keep to themselves away from the royal politics, train everyone to fight and defend themselves, and keep away from modern society mostly. They are not a known group to many and are really kept an eye on via The Alchemists that provide supplies and care when needed. These people also do have the same silver stakes and warding to help in their protection from the Strogoi. And yes there is some polyamory among them to help keep a balance of the races.
The Alchemists are a group as old as the Moroi have been around. This is a group based in science, religion, and paper work. Their primary goal is to keep the outside world from knowing about vampires and their doings. They have both a mixture of field agents and those that are behind a desk. Many in this organization are born into it and most training starts at home and many will start off in the organization as teenagers. The marking of an Alchemist is a golden tattooed lily on their left cheek that is imbued with some magic from the Moroi. These tattoos help in the longevity of a human along with a spell preventing them to tell anyone about the vampiric world unless the person already knows about it. While they work with the Moroi, they do not like them or dhampirs and find them as evil as their undead counter parts, tis a necessary evil for the protection of humanity. It is frowned upon to be even slightly friendly to them and doing so can be cause for a trip to their Re-Education Center. Some have gotten out and brand themselves with an indigo tattoo to help negate the magic in the golden tattoos. 
The Sun Warriors
This a group that are very active in hunting down vampires with the primary objective being the undead Strogoi. They were bred from The Alchemists but severed ties as their methods of dealing with vampires did not match up. Many are also born into this profession, but are trained to fight and kill. If the Alchemists are the brains, these guys are the brawn. They are marked by a sun tattoo that can be placed anywhere. They hold many of the same beliefs as the Alchemists and also do hold religious connotations still. 
There is no formal organization for this group as many involve themselves with their smaller covens with some being bigger than others. There are rules that are followed by all and ways to deal with what happens when rules are broken. Some are born into this life while many are brought into the life via a skilled witch who takes someone with raw magic and makes them their apprentice. These are skills that are learned later in life and are less known to others, though they keep an eye and many know of the existence of vampires.
Important Characters(This will be Updated as needed)
Rose Hathaway
Rose is a dhampir guardian that was the main protagonist in the Vampire Academy series (the books being told from her perspective). She was a teenager when she died in a car accident wherein her best friend, Lissa brought her back from the dead via spirit magic this caused her to be Spirit Bound to her. Once her love interest becomes a Strigoi she drops out of school (again) and goes to hunt him down to kill him. She is unsuccessful in this endeavor but does find out who her father is. She and Lissa do find out about how to restore Strigoi and restore her love interest Dimitri. She was then falsely blamed and accused of killing the former Queen Tatiana. Her innocence is proven wherein she suffers another near death(technically dead for a little bit there) experience where in she is no longer Spirit Bound to her friend and the new Queen Lissa, with whom she becomes a guardian too.
Vasilisa “Lissa” Dragomir
Current Queen of the Moroi and the youngest being only 18 when elected, she is one of two remaining heirs to the Dragomir line, the other being a half-sister named Jill. She had a specialization in Spirit magic and is the reason as to why Rose came back to life after the car accident that killed the rest of her family. Lissa was also the one to restore Dimitri to his former self after becoming Srigoi. 
Dimitri Belikov
Eddie Castile
Sydney Sage-Ivashkov
Adrian Ivashkov
Abe Mazur
Marcus Finch
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prince-liest · 4 years
Hawks is interesting to me because of how he became a hero. Horikoshi could have just kept it entirely as him being a lucky talented kid. Specially chosen, straight road to success. Just born that way, into a fortunate heroes origin story. Because really, in today's world there are definitely those rich families. With a lot of connections, giving actual support to their children. Those kids having ways to get higher up the ladder in life. (1)
Heck, I hear about some opening their own companies in their freakin teens. All amazing prodigical feats when there's people without support who struggle and sometimes can't make the cut. They aren't lucky like that. But Hawks' story isn't entirely that. Sure getting to be the No.2 hero sounds privileged. He's getting recognized by the overseers of the heroic world, gets to be trained by them. Sounds like a great opportunity hard to come by. But that's not the truth at all. (2)
It wasn't a straight road to success. He started off in the bottom of society, in poverty. Alcoholic parents and a criminal. They aren't proud parent applauding him, this isn't some scholarship. It was totally other reasons. If U.A does background checks would they have accepted him as a student? I mean, in fics you always see so many issues about accepting Bakugo. Bc he was a middle school bully of all things. A kid related to a villain would be harder to accept no? (3)
Or do all Hero students come from safe family backgrounds. Not a mark on their record. Something so nice, simple and happy in their own character too. Easy progression, talks of inspirational heroic ideals. You can have people so idealistic, who adore heroism and are so loud and clear in what they strive for. Your classic shonen determination thing. Then theres Hawks, who does it out of necessity. Hes so quiet in it. Fast, getting the job done. Even kinda impatient and grumpy during patrols. (4)
It's such a stark contrast. Things weren't all shiny for him, but he works hard anyways. You'd think being a hero would just be a job, but he still cares so much. And for the students! For everyone to smile! Even with whatever caused his opinion on things to change so much through the years. He's doing good, saving lives. That what makes him an efficient hero, even if he can't put people at ease how he wanted originally. But he still thinks of that? When he accepted to be a spy? (5)
And things are about to get worse for him with the fallout of this raid. There's so much he has to shoulder by himself, really doesn't make the whole 'prodigy kid' story, sunshine and rainbows. Guess it's why I like All Might and Deku too, starting off at the bottom, having suffered, and worked hard to get to where they are. Their careers will and did make them suffer more, but they move forward anyways. And about being stuck in a system. Take the educational one for instance. (6)
Teachers can be compared to heroes. They gotta follow whatever the education department says, they even gotta attend some training sessions sometimes. I remember my teacher being absent for those. Regardless of what they like or think, they can't oppose 'the higher authority.' When it comes to what to do with the students, or teaching plans, the way tests are done. There are no exceptions of any sort. And the heroes in bnha are probably the same. (7)
They shouldn't really question anything or go against it. They can't run things as they like. But you see Hawks questioning and disliking the Hpsc's decisions a lot. He digs around for information he isn't privy to. He still ends up following them, (granted, when we were shown, it was another necessity.) so I hope one day he does what he believes in instead of what others do. There's no way of knowing whether Hawks liked heroes as kid. He didn't like All Might when everyone did. (8)
But he did like Endeavor after he saved him. Which then turned into liking his perseverance. And I'm very curious to know why he does. After all, that keep striving attitude to get out of being stuck in a certain place is also what students from less fortunate backgrounds need to do to reach a good place like say, Med school. Which Hawks doesn't need to do anymore since he's already the No.2, but looking at a guy who used to be No.2 trying to do that. (9)
When he's already so high up, what would have happened if little Keigo tried to strive for something, did his best in school to get out of the poverty-stricken situation he was in. Ah but he won't have that question answered, the HPSC intervened so soon. Sorry this is a whole mess and I think I shifted from what I actually wanted to say a lot. Bah, Hawks just had to get my mind walking in circles. I could talk more if I try, but I feel bad for sending ten asks T.T tried to keep them few. (10)
I hope you don’t mind me putting this under a cut, anon, it was a delight to read but I feel bad killing people’s dashes with it!
I think you make a really good point - we have plenty of characters in the manga that resent others for being born with opportunities, like Shinsou says to Midoriya or how the League sees heroes like Hawks. Ironically, in both cases, the accuser is speaking to someone whose backstory they are unaware of and in fact turns out has suffered similar injustices or hardships prior to getting to where they are now.
This isn’t to say that they haven’t been blessed with opportunity - getting All Might’s Power or having a powerful quirk like Hawks does are both extremely integral to their success - but it does serve to highlight how even the seemingly quite successful individuals in BNHA have suffered at the hands of their society. I feel like a lot of the discussion we see with regards to BNHA meta is very oriented around the heroes versus the villains, but I’ve always kind of seen the situation as a doomed, mutually destructive fight of the status quo hero society versus the villains’ vying for domination and destruction where the intended “side” to rise up at the end isn’t either of those but rather the newest generation of heroes represented by Deku and the other students.
They represent hope, not only for protecting people from the likes of All For one, but for creating a hero society that is more genuine and less selfish than the one designed by the Hero Public Safety Commission. Because the current state of things does rely on people to be lucky, both in what they’re born with and who decides they’re worth anything, and that hurts everyone involved, not just those on the villainous fringes of society.
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Irene Dunne DHS (born Irene Marie Dunn; December 20, 1898 – September 4, 1990) was an American actress and singer who appeared in films during the Golden Age of Hollywood. She is best known for her comedic roles, despite being in films of varied genres.
After her father died when she was fourteen, Dunne's family relocated from Kentucky to Indiana and she became determined to become an opera singer, but when she was rejected by The Met, she performed in musicals on Broadway until she was scouted by RKO and made her Hollywood film debut in the 1930 musical Leathernecking. She starred in 42 movies and made guest appearances on radio and in popular anthology television until 1962; she was nominated five times for the Academy Award for Best Actress – for her performances in Cimarron (1931), Theodora Goes Wild (1936), The Awful Truth (1937), Love Affair (1939), and I Remember Mama (1948) – and was one of the top 25 highest-paid actors of her time.
In the present, Dunne is considered one of the greatest actresses who never won an Academy Award. Some critics theorize that her performances have been underappreciated and largely forgotten, overshadowed by movie remakes and her better-known co-stars. Dunne once fled across the Atlantic Ocean to avoid starring in a comedy, but she has been praised by many during her career, and after her death, as one of the best comedic actresses in the screwball genre. She was nicknamed "The First Lady of Hollywood" for her regal manner despite being proud of her Irish-American, country girl roots.
Dunne devoted her retirement to philanthropy and was chosen by President Dwight D. Eisenhower as a delegate for the United States to the United Nations, in which she advocated for world peace and highlighted refugee-relief programs. She also used the time to be with her family – her husband, dentist Dr. Francis Griffin, and their daughter Mary Frances, whom they adopted in 1938. She received numerous awards for her philanthropy, including honorary doctorates, a Laetare Medal and a Sepulchre damehood, and was given a Kennedy Center Honor for her services to the arts.
Irene Marie Dunn was born on December 20, 1898, at 507 East Gray Street in Louisville, Kentucky,
Following her father's death, Dunne's family moved to her mother's hometown of Madison, Indiana, living at 916 W. Second St., in the same neighborhood as Dunne's grandparents' home. Dunne's mother taught her to play the piano as a very small girl — according to Dunne, "Music was as natural as breathing in our house," — but unfortunately for her, music lessons frequently prevented her from playing with the neighborhood kids. Her first school production of A Midsummer Night's Dream began her interest in drama, so she took singing lessons as well, and sang in local churches and high school plays before her graduation in 1916. Her first ambition was to become a music teacher and studied at the Indianapolis Conservatory of Music and Webster College, earning a diploma in 1918, but saw an audition advertizement for the Chicago Musical College when she visited friends during a journey to Gary, and won the College scholarship, officially graduating in 1926. She hoped to become a soprano opera singer, relocating to New York after finishing her second year in 1920, but did not pass the audition with the Metropolitan Opera Company due to her inexperience and her "slight" voice.
Dunne took more singing lessons and then dancing lessons to prepare for a possible career in musical theater. On a New York vacation to visit family friends, she was recommended to audition for a stage musical, eventually starring as the leading role in the popular play Irene, which toured major cities as a roadshow throughout 1921. "Back in New York," Dunne reflected, "I thought that with my experience on the road and musical education it would be easy to win a role. It wasn't." Her Broadway debut was December 25, the following year as Tessie in Zelda Sears's The Clinging Vine, and she took leading role when the original actress took a leave of absence in 1924. Supporting roles in musical theater productions followed in the shows The City Chap (1925), Yours Truly (1927) and She's My Baby (1928). Her first top-billing, leading role Luckee Girl (1928) was not as successful as her previous projects. She would later call her career beginnings "not great furor." At this time, Dunne added the extra "e" to her surname, which had ironically been misspelled as "Dunne" at times throughout her life until this point; until her death, "Dunne" would then occasionally be misspelled as "Dunn." Starring as Magnolia Hawks in a road company adaptation of Show Boat was the result of a chance meeting with its director Florenz Ziegfeld Jr. in an elevator the day she returned from her honeymoon, when he mistook her for his next potential client, eventually sending his secretary to chase after her. A talent scout for RKO Pictures attended a performance, and Dunne signed the studio's contract, appearing in her first movie, Leathernecking (1930), a film version of the musical Present Arms. Already in her 30s when she made her first film, she would be in competition with younger actresses for roles, and found it advantageous to evade questions that would reveal her age, so publicists encouraged the belief that she was born in 1901 or 1904; the former is the date engraved on her tombstone.
The "Hollywood musical" era had fizzled out so Dunne moved to dramatic roles during the Pre-Code era, leading a successful campaign for the role of Sabra in Cimarron (1931) with her soon-to-be co-star Richard Dix, receiving her first Best Actress nomination. Her role as the determined but ladylike mother figure of Sabra reflected her later persona and the films she starred in afterwards, such as the melodramas Back Street (1932) and Magnificent Obsession (1935). The latter had the best critical acclaim and the melodrama she reportedly did the most preparation for, studying Braille and working on posture with blind consultant Ruby Fruth. This was after she and Dix reunited for Stingaree (1934), where overall consensus was that Dunne had usurped Dix's star power. The 1934 Sweet Adeline remake and Roberta (1935) were Dunne's first two musicals since Leathernecking; Roberta also starred dancing partners Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, and she sang the musical's breakaway pop hit "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes." In 1936, she starred as Magnolia Hawks in Show Boat (1936), directed by James Whale. Dunne had concerns about Whale's directing decisions, but she later admitted that her favorite scene to film was "Make Believe" with Allan Jones because it reminded her of Romeo and Juliet. It was during this year that Dunne's RKO contract had expired and she had decided to become a freelance actor, with the power to choose studios and directors. Dunne was apprehensive about attempting her first comedy role as the title character in Theodora Goes Wild (1936), but discovered that she enjoyed it, and received her second Best Actress Oscar nomination for the performance.
Later years of Dunne's film career became diverse. She starred in three films each with Charles Boyer and Cary Grant in screwball comedies (The Awful Truth (1937), My Favorite Wife (1940)), romantic dramas (Love Affair (1939), When Tomorrow Comes (1939)), drama (Penny Serenade (1941)) and comedy (Together Again (1944)). She starred in fictionalized dramas Anna and the King of Siam (1946) and later The Mudlark (1950) as Anna Leonowens and Queen Victoria, respectively, was in the comedies Unfinished Business (1941), Lady in a Jam (1942) and Over 21 (1945), and the war movies A Guy Named Joe (1943) and The White Cliffs of Dover (1944). She also starred as mothers Lavinia Day in Life with Father (1947), and Marta Hanson in I Remember Mama (1948). Marta required her to wear aging makeup and body padding, and she wore prosthetics to portray Queen Victoria.
Dunne's last three films were box-office failures. The Mudlark was a success in the UK, despite initial critical concern over the only foreigner in a British film starring as a well-known British monarch, but her American fans disapproved of the prosthetic decisions. The comedy It Grows on Trees (1952) became Dunne's last movie performance, although she remained on the lookout for suitable film scripts for years afterwards. On the radio, she and Fred MacMurray respectively played a feuding editor and reporter of a struggling newspaper in the 52-episode comedy-drama Bright Star, which aired in syndication between 1952 and 1953 by the Ziv Company. She also starred in and hosted episodes of television anthologies, such as Ford Theatre, General Electric Theater, and the Schlitz Playhouse of Stars. Faye Emerson wrote in 1954 that "I hope we see much more of Miss Dunne on TV," and Nick Adams called Dunne's performance in Saints and Sinners worthy of an Emmy nomination. Dunne's last acting credit was in 1962, but she was once rumored to star in a movie named Heaven Train, and rejected an offer to cameo in Airport '77.
Dunne appeared at 1953's March of Dimes showcase in New York City to introduce two little girls nicknamed the Poster Children, who performed a dramatization about polio research. She was later present at Disneyland's "Dedication Day" in 1955 to christen the Mark Twain Riverboat with a bottle containing water from several major rivers across the United States. Years before, Dunne had also christened the SS Carole Lombard.
In her retirement, she devoted herself primarily to humanitarianism. Some of the organizations she worked with include the American Cancer Society, the Los Angeles Orphanage, and the American Red Cross. She was also president of St. John's Hospital Clinic and became a board member of Technicolor in 1965, the first woman ever elected to the board of directors. She established an African American school for Los Angeles, negotiated donations to St. John's through box office results, and served as chairwoman in 1949 for the American Heart Association's women's committee, and Hebrew University Rebuilding Fun's sponsors committee. She appeared in 1955's celebrity-rostered television special Benefit Show for Retarded Children with Jack Benny as host. Dunne also donated to refurbishments in Madison, Indiana, funding the manufacture of Camp Louis Ernst Boy Scout's gate in 1939 and the Broadway Fountain's 1976 restoration.
Dunne reflected: "If I began living in Hollywood today I would certainly one thing that I did when I arrived, and that is to be active in charity. If one is going to take something out of a community — any community — one must put something in, too." She also hoped that charity would encourage submissive women to find independence: "I wish women would be more direct. ...I was amazed when some quiet little mouse of a woman was given a job which seemed to be out of all proportion to her capabilities. Then I saw the drive with which she undertook that job and put it through to a great finish. It was both inspiring and surprising. I want women to be individuals. They should not lean on their husbands' opinions and be merely echoes of the men of the family.
In 1957, President Eisenhower appointed Dunne one of five alternative U.S. delegates to the United Nations in recognition of her interest in international affairs and Roman Catholic and Republican causes. Dunne admired the U.N.'s dedication to creating world peace, and was inspired by colleagues' beliefs that Hollywood influenced the world. She held delegacy for two years and addressed the General Assembly twice. She gave her delegacy its own anthem: "Getting to Know You" because "it's so simple, and yet so fundamental in international relations today." Dunne later described her Assembly request for $21 million to help Palestinian refugees as her "biggest thrill," and called her delegacy career the "highlight of my life." She also concluded, "I came away greatly impressed with the work the U.N. does in its limited field — and it does have certain limits. I think we averted a serious situation in Syria, which might have been much more worse without a forum to hear it... And I'm much impressed with the work the U.N. agencies do. I'm especially interested in UNICEF's work with children[,] and the health organization[.]"
Dunne was a lifelong Republican and participated in 1948's Republican convention. She accepted the U.N. delegacy offer because she viewed the U.N. as apolitical. She later explained: "I'm a Nixon Republican, not a Goldwater one. I don't like extremism in any case. The extreme rights do as much harm as the extreme lefts." Her large input in politics created an assumption that she was a member of the "Hollywood right-wing fringe," which Dunne denied, calling herself "foolish" for being involved years before other celebrities did.
Dunne's father frequently told Dunne about his memories of traveling on bayous and lazy rivers. Dunne's favorite family vacations were riverboat rides and parades, later recalling a voyage from St. Louis to New Orleans, and watching boats on the Ohio River from the hillside. She admitted, "No triumph of either my stage or screen career has ever rivaled the excitement of trips down the Mississippi on the riverboats with my father."
Dunne was an avid golf player and had played since high school graduation; she and her husband often played against each other and she made a hole in one in two different games. She was good friends with Loretta Young, Jimmy Stewart, Bob Hope, Ronald Reagan, Carole Lombard, and George Stevens Jr., and became godmother to Young's son, Peter. Dunne also bonded with Leo McCarey over numerous similar interests, such as their Irish ancestry, music, religious backgrounds, and humor. School friends nicknamed her "Dunnie" and she was referred to as this in Madison High School's 1916 yearbook, along with the description "divinely tall and most divinely fair."
One of Dunne's later public appearances was in April 1985, when she attended the dedication of a bronze bust in her honor at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica, California, for which her foundation, The Irene Dunne Guild, had raised more than $20 million. The Irene Dunne Guild remains "instrumental in raising funds to support programs and services at St. John's" hospital in Santa Monica. The artwork, commissioned by the hospital from artist Artis Lane, has a plaque reading "IRENE DUNNE First Lady Of Saint John's Hospital and Health Center Foundation."
Between 1919 and 1922, Dunne was close to Fritz Ernst, a businessman based in Chicago who was 20 years older than her and a member of one of the richest families in Madison, Indiana. They frequently corresponded over letters while Dunne was training for musical theater but when Fritz proposed, Dunne rejected, due to pressure from her mother and wanting to focus on acting. They remained friends and continued writing letters until Ernst died in 1959.
At a New York, Biltmore Hotel supper party in 1924, Dunne met Northampton-born dentist Francis Griffin. According to Dunne, he preferred being a bachelor, yet tried everything he could to meet her. To her frustration, he did not telephone her until over a month later, but the relationship had strengthened and they married in Manhattan on July 13, 1927. They had constantly argued about the state of their careers if they ever got married, with Dunne agreeing to consider theater retirement sometime in the future and Griffin agreeing to support Dunne's acting. Griffin later explained: "I didn't like the moral tone of show business. [...] Then Ziegfeld signed her for 'Show Boat' and it looked like she was due for big things. Next came Hollywood and [she] was catapulted to the top. Then I didn't feel I could ask her to drop her career. [I] really didn't think marriage and the stage were compatible but we loved each other and we were both determined to make our marriage work."
When Dunne decided to star in Leathernecking, it was meant to be her only Hollywood project, but when it was a box-office bomb, she took an interest in Cimarron. Soon after, she and her mother moved to Hollywood and maintained a long-distance relationship with her husband and brother in New York until they joined her in California in 1936. They remained married until Griffin's death on October 14, 1965, and lived in the Holmby Hills in a "kind of French Chateau" they designed. They had one daughter, Mary Frances (née Anna Mary Bush; born 1932), who was adopted by the couple in 1936 (finalized in 1938) from the New York Foundling Hospital, run by the Sisters of Charity of New York. Due to Dunne's privacy, Hollywood columnists struggled to find scandals to write about her — an eventual interview with Photoplay included the disclaimer, "I can guarantee no juicy bits of intimate gossip. Unless, perhaps she lies awake nights heartsick about the kitchen sink in her new home. She's afraid it's too near to the door. Or would you call that juicy? No? No, I thought not." When the magazines alleged that Dunne and Griffin would divorce, Griffin released a statement denying any marital issues. When Griffin was asked about how the marriage had lasted, he replied, "When she had to go on location for a film I arranged my schedule so I could go with her. When I had to go out of town she arranged her schedule so she could be with me. We co-operate in everything. [...] I think a man married to a career woman in show business has to be convinced that his wife's talent is too strong to be dimmed or put out. Then, he can be just as proud of her success as she is and, inside he can take a bow himself for whatever help he's been."
After retiring from dentistry, Griffin became Dunne's business manager, and helped negotiate her first contract. The couple became interested in real estate, later investing in the Beverly Wilshire and partnering with Griffin's family's businesses (Griffin Equipment Company and The Griffin Wellpoint Company.) Griffin sat as a board member of numerous banks, but his offices were relocated from Century City to their home after his death, when Dunne took over as president.
Dunne was a devout Roman Catholic, who became a daily communicant. She was a member of the Church of the Good Shepherd and the Catholic Motion Picture Guild in Beverly Hills, California. Both Dunne and her husband were members of the Knights of Malta.
Dunne died at the age of 91 in her Holmby Hills home on September 4, 1990, and is entombed in the Calvary Cemetery, East Los Angeles. She had been unwell for a year and became bedridden about a month before. Her personal papers are housed at the University of Southern California. She was survived by her daughter, two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Dunne is considered one of the best actresses of The Golden Age of Hollywood never to win an Academy Award. Roger Fristoe pointed out that "a generation of filmgoers is mostly unfamiliar with her work" because some of her movies had been remade, including Love Affair (remade as An Affair to Remember), Show Boat (remade in 1951), My Favourite Wife (remade as Move Over, Darling), and Cimarron (remade in 1960). Dunne once noted that she had lacked the "terrifying ambition" of some other actresses, explaining in 1977, "I drifted into acting and drifted out. Acting is not everything. Living is." The Awful Truth was voted the 68th best comedy of American cinema.
Although known for her comedic roles, Dunne admitted that she never saw comedy as a worthy genre, even leaving the country to the London premiere of Show Boat with her husband and James Whale to get away from being confronted with a script for Theodora Goes Wild. "I never admired a comedienne," she said retrospectively, "yet it was very easy for me, very natural. It was no effort for me to do comedy at all. Maybe that's why I wasn't so appreciative of it." She ascribed her sense of humor to her late father, as well as her "Irish stubbornness." Her screwball comedy characters have been praised for their subversions to the traditional characterisation of female leads in the genre, particularly Susan (Katharine Hepburn) in Bringing Up Baby and Irene (Carole Lombard) in My Man Godfrey. "Unlike the genre's stereotypical leading lady, who exhibits bonkers behaviour continuously," writes Wes D. Gehring, "Dunne's screwball heroine [in Theodora Goes Wild] chooses when she goes wild." Biographers and critics argue that Dunne's groundedness made her screwball characters more attractive than her contemporaries; Maria DiBattista points out that Dunne is the "only comic actress working under the strictures of the Production Code" who ends both of her screwball movies alongside Cary Grant with a heavy implication of sharing a bed with him, "under the guise of keeping him at bay." Meanwhile, outside of comedy, Andrew Sarris theorized that Dunne's sex appeal is due to the common narrative in her movies about a good girl "going bad."
Dunne was popular with co-workers off-camera, earning a reputation as warm, approachable and having a "poised, gracious manner" like royalty, which spilled into her persona in movies. She earned the nickname "The First Lady of Hollywood" because "she was the first real lady Hollywood has ever seen," said Leo McCarey, with Gregory La Cava adding, "If Irene Dunne isn't the first lady of Hollywood, then she's the last one." Ironically, this title had been bestowed on her when she was a little girl when an aunt cooed "What a little lady!"[159] This ladylike attitude furthered Sarris' sex appeal claims, admitting that the scene when she shares a carriage with Preston Foster on the train in Unfinished Business was practically his "rite of passage" to a sex scene in a film, theorizing that the sex appeal of Dunne came from "a good girl deciding thoughtfully to be bad." On the blatant eroticism of the same train scene, Megan McGurk wrote, "The only thing that allowed this film to pass the censors was that good-girl Irene Dunne can have a one-night stand with a random because she loves him, rather than just a once-off fling. For most other women of her star magnitude, you could not imagine a heroine without a moral compass trained on true north. Irene Dunne elevates a tawdry encounter to something justifiably pure or blameless. She's just not the casual sex type, so she gets away with it." When approached about the nickname in 1936, Dunne admitted that it had grown tiresome but approved if it was meant as "the feminine counterpart of 'gentleman'"; a later interview she did have with the Los Angeles Times would ironically be titled "Irene Dunne, Gentlewoman." She would also be made a Dame (or Lady) of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. The Los Angeles Times referred to Dunne's publicity in their obituary as trailblazing, noting her as one of the first actors to become a freelancer in Hollywood during its rigid studio system through her "non-exclusive contract that gave her the right to make films at other studios and to decide who should direct them," and her involvement with the United Nations as a decision that allowed entertainers from movies and television to branch out into philanthropy and politics, such as Ronald Reagan and George Murphy.
Dunne later said, "Cary Grant always said that I had the best timing of anybody he ever worked with." Lucille Ball admitted at an American Film Institute seminar that she based her comedic skills on Dunne's performance in Joy of Living. When asked about life after retiring from baseball, Lou Gehrig stated that he would want Dunne as a screen partner if he ever became a movie actor. Charles Boyer described her as "a gracious house," adding, "the best room would be the music room [...] Great music, and the best of good swing, and things by Gershwin would sound there always. The acoustics would be perfect. Guests in this house would be relaxed and happy but they would have to mind their manners." A two-sided marker was erected in Dunne's childhood hometown of Madison in 2006.
Dunne received five Best Actress nominations during her career: for Cimarron (1931), Theodora Goes Wild (1936), The Awful Truth (1937), Love Affair (1939) and I Remember Mama (1948); she was the first actor to lose against the same actor in the same category twice, losing to Best Actress winner Luise Rainer in 1936 and 1937. When asked if she ever resented never winning, Dunne pointed out that the nominees she was up against had strong support, believing that she would never have had a chance, especially when Love Affair was against Gone with the Wind.
However, Dunne was honored numerous times for her philanthropy from Catholic organizations and schools, receiving the University of Notre Dame's Laetare Medal, and the Bellarmine Medal from Bellarmine College. She received numerous honorary doctorates, including from Chicago Musical College (for music), Loyola University and Mount St. Mary's College (both for Law). In 1953, she and her husband were made Lady and Knight of the Holy Sepulchre, respectively. For her film career, she was honored by the Kennedy Center, a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6440 Hollywood Blvd, and displays in the Warner Bros. Museum and Center for Motion Picture Study.
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26: what are the most underrated books?
 Good fucking question, anon, let’s start
Covenant Series by Jennifer L. ArmentroutThis is definitely my favorite on this list, it’s like Percy Jackson meets Vampire Academy (which is also on this list). The link will take you to the Goodreads for the first book but there is a novella prequel and a novella after the third one, both are kind of important.The Hematoi descend from the unions of gods and mortals, and the children of two Hematoi pure bloods have godlike powers. Children of Hematoi and mortals–well, not so much. Half-bloods only have two options: become trained Sentinels who hunt and kill daimons or become servants in the homes of the pures.Seventeen-year-old Alexandria would rather risk her life fighting than waste it scrubbing toilets, but she may end up slumming it anyway. There are several rules that students at the Covenant must follow. Alex has problems with them all, but especially rule #1:Relationships between pures and halfs are forbidden. Unfortunately, she’s crushing hard on the totally hot pure-blood Aiden. But falling for Aiden isn’t her biggest problem–staying alive long enough to graduate the Covenant and become a Sentinel is.If she fails in her duty, she faces a future worse than death or slavery: being turned into a daimon, and being hunted by Aiden. And that would kind of suck.
The Testing Trilogy by Joelle CharbonneauAnother great one with no fandom, please read it and come talk to me about it, I have a lot of feelings and nowhere to put them.Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Isn’t that what they say? But how close is too close when they may be one and the same? The Seven Stages War left much of the planet a charred wasteland. The future belongs to the next generation’s chosen few who must rebuild it. But to enter this elite group, candidates must first pass The Testing—their one chance at a college education and a rewarding career. Cia Vale is honoured to be chosen as a Testing candidate; eager to prove her worthiness as a University student and future leader of the United Commonwealth. But on the eve of her departure, her father’s advice hints at a darker side to her upcoming studies–trust no one. But surely she can trust Tomas, her handsome childhood friend who offers an alliance? Tomas, who seems to care more about her with the passing of every gruelling (and deadly) day of the Testing. To survive, Cia must choose: love without truth or life without trust.
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny HanI know it’s gotten a lot more attention since the movie came out but I still feel like it deserves to be on here because a lot of people still don’t know it was a book.To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is the story of Lara Jean, who has never openly admitted her crushes, but instead wrote each boy a letter about how she felt, sealed it, and hid it in a box under her bed. But one day Lara Jean discovers that somehow her secret box of letters has been mailed, causing all her crushes from her past to confront her about the letters: her first kiss, the boy from summer camp, even her sister’s ex-boyfriend, Josh. As she learns to deal with her past loves face to face, Lara Jean discovers that something good may come out of these letters after all.
Vampire Academy by Richelle MeadI’ve loved these books since like middle school and it has a fandom but it’s still pretty small.Only a true best friend can protect you from your immortal enemies … Lissa Dragomir is a Moroi princess: a mortal vampire with a rare gift for harnessing the earth’s magic. She must be protected at all times from Strigoi; the fiercest vampires - the ones who never die. The powerful blend of human and vampire blood that flows through Rose Hathaway, Lissa’s best friend, makes her a dhampir. Rose is dedicated to a dangerous life of protecting Lissa from the Strigoi, who are hell-bent on making Lissa one of them.After two years of freedom, Rose and Lissa are caught and dragged back to St. Vladimir’s Academy, a school for vampire royalty and their guardians-to-be, hidden in the deep forests of Montana. But inside the iron gates, life is even more fraught with danger … and the Strigoi are always close by.Rose and Lissa must navigate their dangerous world, confront the temptations of forbidden love, and never once let their guard down, lest the evil undead make Lissa one of them forever …
Bloodlines by Richelle MeadThis is a spin off of Vampire Academy and I definitely like this series more than the first one (mostly because Adrian) but it also has a very small fandom.I wasn’t free of my past, not yet.Sydney’s blood is special. That’s because she’s an alchemist - one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of humans and vampires. They protect vampire secrets - and human lives. But the last encounter Sydney had with vampires got her in deep trouble with the other alchemists. And now with her allegiences in question, her future is on the line.When Sydney is torn from her bed in the middle of the night, at first she thinks she’s still being punished for her complicated alliance with dhampir Rose Hathaway. But what unfolds is far worse. Jill Dragomir - the sister of Moroi Queen Lissa Dragomir - is in mortal danger, and the Moroi must send her into hiding. To avoid a civil war, Sydney is called upon to act as Jill’s guardian and protector, posing as her roommate in the unlikeliest of places: a human boarding school in Palm Springs, California. The last thing Sydney wants is to be accused of sympathizing with vampires. And now she has to live with one.The Moroi court believe Jill and Sydney will be safe at Amberwood Prep, but threats, distractions, and forbidden romance lurk both outside - and within - the school grounds. Now that they’re in hiding, the drama is only just beginning.
The Nightworld Series by LJ SmithThis series has been one of my favorites since middle school, which is exactly how long I’ve been waiting for the last one to come out. There are nine books, you will likely find them in 3-in-1 books so each physical copy has three of them in it. It has pretty much no fandom and I’d love it if someone could please come talk to me about Ash Redfern.Vampires, werewolves, witches, shapeshifters – they live among us without our knowledge. Night World is their secret society, a secret society with very strict rules. And falling in love breaks all the laws of the Night World.
Everything, Everything by Nicola YoonAnother one that got a movie so it’s a little more popular now but I still don’t see much of a fandom here on Tumblr. I rarely like stand alone books but this is a definite exception. The book is way better than the movie by the way, as it always is. Btw I’m totally in love with Olly.My disease is as rare as it is famous. Basically, I’m allergic to the world. I don’t leave my house, have not left my house in seventeen years. The only people I ever see are my mom and my nurse, Carla.But then one day, a moving truck arrives next door. I look out my window, and I see him. He’s tall, lean and wearing all black—black T-shirt, black jeans, black sneakers, and a black knit cap that covers his hair completely. He catches me looking and stares at me. I stare right back. His name is Olly.Maybe we can’t predict the future, but we can predict some things. For example, I am certainly going to fall in love with Olly. It’s almost certainly going to be a disaster.
Thank you so much for asking, this was a really fun question!
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atreef · 3 years
Crush Your Future NOW | Quick Exercise For Smart Goal Setting
What you will get from this article:
Learn about your brain
Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI
6 simple steps to keep your mind sharp
Goal setting
Smart goal setting
Let's Start with the basics. The overlooked Secrets that only success hungry people will use 🧐
T The number of considerations given to topics such as personal growth, self-improvement, and self-development is just astounding. Virtually millions of people desire to enhance their lives in some shape or form! And each person deserves to be capable of changing their life. Thus, Here is the most overlooked approach that will serve anyone well on their journey.
"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek."  -- Mario Andretti
The Power of your brain 🧠
Years ago, the Nobel Prize winner Dr. Albert Schweitzer, “Doctor, what is wrong with people?” The renowned doctor was silent for a while, then he replied, “People simply do not think!” Why do we limit the use of our brains and limit our thinking? The brain is truly a superb mechanism. It is competent in processing eight hundred inputs per second for seventy-five years without depleting itself. 
Scientists suggest that we as humans use approximately 2 percent of our brainpower that is available to us. Also, keep in mind that we are all equal and have the same 2% all across. As a society, a remarkable number of us have chosen not to utilize this powerful tool. We chose to let others do our thinking for us. Why is this? Ask yourself this question.
Have You Ever Wondered 💁
But is he right. I like the question that he has asked, but how much of your brain do we use in reality? If you have ever believed in the 2 or 10% brain myth, you might be shocked to hear that we, as humans, actually use virtually all and every part of our brains. Furthermore, throughout an average day, you use nearly 100% of your brain.
"The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe."  -- Michio Kaku
Researchers who have examined the brain with magnetic resonance imaging or (MRI) technology have discovered no dormant brain parts. Most of our brain is active virtually all of the time, and it is actively processing information.
This all makes sense when you acknowledge the significance of your brain and its power to our life. Even though your brain only makes up 3-5% of our body's weight, it uses up an unbelievable 20% of its resources in terms of oxygen and glucose.
😌 So, Don't think that you don't have the power. Actually, you do! All that you need is powerful steps in order to utilize the entire brain 😌
6 simple steps to keep your mind sharp at any age 😇
Everyone has expressed the moment that they may be gone into their room, and now they can't remember why or even at times can't remember a name during a simple conversation. This is because their mind is not trained and not focused. Out memory, lapses can happen at any time, age, or situation, and remember that aging alone is generally not a cause of the cognitive decline we experience. 
However, when vital memory loss happens among older adults, it is usually not due to aging but an organic disorder, brain injury, or even neurological illness. Research has revealed that you can help counter cognitive decline and decrease the chance of dementia with some basic good habits:
Stay active
Get enough sleep
Stop smoking
Have good social relationships
Limit your alcohol intake
Eating a healthy diet
Our memory and other cognitive changes can sometimes be frustrating, yet the good news is that you can now learn how to prepare your mind to stay active due to decades of research. There are many approaches we can use to help maintain our cognitive fitness. So, set your goals and keep up with them. 
Keep learning
Use all your senses
Believe in yourself
Prioritize your brain use
Repeat what you want to know
Never stop growling 
Now let’s talk about goal setting 🪴
Goal setting is truly vital to all of us since it can help you decide and even focus on what is important. Effective and realistic goal setting also lets you measure every progress you make, even overcome procrastination, and help you visualize your dreams. If you are unsure what you like to accomplish, you can't create a plan to get there. But if you follow on advice, you can master your life and start the life you dream of having. This is the process, and it is the most overlooked secret to getting what you want.
"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success."  -- Pablo Picasso
Goal setting can seem somewhat varied depending on an individual’s lifestyle, decisions, and meaning of success. Your goals are truly unique to you and don’t require you to look like anyone else’s.
Traditionally the classic goal-setting definition surges down to the method of recognizing something you want to achieve and setting measurable objectives plus realistic timeframes on them to help you achieve such goals. Goal setting can assist you in several areas of your life, from reaching financial independence to even assuming a new healthy diet. When we learn how to set goals in our life, it becomes easier to set them in other areas.
Setting common goals that provide small wins encourages you to move on to larger accomplishments. These small goals lead to growth. In the video below, I clearly explain how one needs to set goals and find the right goal that can help them achieve their ultimate freedom.
What are some goal examples?
Lifetime goal: Move to California and find a job in media and grow my youTube channel!
Long-term goals:
Graduate from school.
Get accepted into a program.
Save up money.
Get certification.
Learn how to speak a foreign language.
Learn a music instrument.
get in shape.
Short-term goals:
Research a program that I like.
Start a language course.
Be minimal.
Start waking up early.
Open up a savings account.
Do more yoga
Get a part-time job.
You get the idea, we have 3 type of goals, see what is it that you like and start making your list.
"A goal properly set is halfway reached."  -- Zig Ziglar
The SMART goal setting 🤩
Bam! Now can you see how precise, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound a smart goal was? This approach can seriously help you visualize precisely how to achieve them—and be the person that you always dreamed of being!
Now no doubt you should understand and see the power of setting a SMART goal. Want to score high on your exams or start a new career, or do what you always wanted to do. Whatever your goals are, know they are truly reachable. All you need is the right plan of action.
Word of advice: it is quite normal not to reach a goal on day one. Goals can be fluid, or sometimes they end up taking a bit longer than you planned. It happens, well, it happened to me. But know that this is not the end of the world or your ambitions. If I want to be successful, I have learned that I must learn to re-group, adjust or even make a new smaller goal, and keep them the SMART way.
The Science & Psychology Of Goal-Setting 101
All effective goals are:
A – Achievable
B – Believable
C – Committed
Goal-setting is a psychological means for enhancing productivity that concerns five rules or criteria, known as the S-M-A-R-T rule. George T. Doran issued this rule in 1981 in a management research paper of the Washington Power Company, and I have to say that it is by far one of the most famous propositions of the psychology of goals.
Need Help Setting Goals? I Can Help
As goals are set, it’s essential to ensure that they’re measurable and have a designated time frame. As you hold yourself responsible for a plan in place, you’ll likely observe that each step wasn’t as daunting as you thought it would be, and every achievement brings you one step closer to success. 
And, if you just need a little more push, let me help you. I am here to guide you, provide you the tools, resources and even be a sounding board along your way. Learn more about my programs and the power that they can bring to your life.
0 notes
Best Data Science Course in Hyderabad
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sonofhistory · 6 years
Part I: Thomas Hutchinson Before the Revolution
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Despite his lack of training as a lawyer, Thomas Hutchinson had been appointed by Governor Bernard to replace the chief justice who had passed away. In Boston, Massachusetts, few men represented entrenched privilege more than Thomas Hutchinson. The Hutchinsons had been successful businessmen for generations, and Thomas had been brought up to be a member of Boston’s ruling class, although he had problems within the family. His father suffered from nervous disorders that kept him shut up in his house for weeks and from chronic insomnia, and he had lost two favorite sons and a daughter to smallpox and consumption.
By the time Thomas Hutchinson entered Harvard College, two months before his twelfth birthday, his character was already formed. Thomas would remember his Greek lessons with clarity but loved history the best and wept at the account of Charles I’s beheading. At college, Thomas began his business career by trading several hundred pounds of fish his father had given him. By graduation, he had built that capital into nearly five hundred pounds sterling. When he married, at twenty-three, Thomas was six-foot-tall and his seventeen year old bride was the daughter a man who had been the Hutchinsons business partner for four generations. Thomas was normally aloof, but it was a good marriage. He would remark that the intimacy he found with Peggy Hutchinson was proof that he had a soul.
Hutchinson turned naturally to public service and in 1737, at the age of twenty-six was elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives, ignoring his father, who warned him, “Depend on it, if you serve your country faithfully, you will be reproached and reviled for doing it.” Hutchinson used his mastery of economics to defend Boston’s aristocrats against challenges from a growing party of workers and shop keepers. When Boston went through periods of inflation, Hutchinson antagonized much of the town by advocating hard money politics. The economic contractions that followed turned his name to a curse among the town’s working people. When his house caught fire, crowds gathered, shouting, “Let it burn!”
Hutchinson remained within a close circle of family and prosperous friends. He considered it contemptible to seek a wider popularity and described the multitude as “foreign seamen, servants, Negroes and other persons of mean and vile conditions.” His conservative fiscal policies cost him a seat in the house and the Governor named him to the council. In 1754, Peggy Hutchinson did at the end of her twelfth pregnancy. Hutchinson had always believed that religion was essential to a well-ordered society. He buried his wife and moved with his four children and new daughter.
When Hutchinson returned to public life, he served first as an aide to the royal governor, then as his lieutenant. He fought successfully to preside over the Council. He was also a judge of probate, a justice of common pleases and governor of Castle William. He planned to publish his version of the history of Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Hutchinson’s constant appointment not only bugged John Adams but was disturbing to James Otis. When the Chief Justice died in September, Otis had called on Hutchinson to ask his help in achieving an appointment to the court for his father, speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Hutchinson swore later that he had told Otis candidly that he had considered the appointment but that he wasn’t sure he would accept if offered to him. Otis left convinced Hutchinson said he would turn it down. When Otis became speaker of the house, Hutchinson said it was only because he had done “little low dirty things” that no reputable person would stoop to doing.
Two months passed after James Otis’ appeal to Hutchinson until, mid-november when Governor Bernard told Hutchinson that he wanted him as chief justice. Hutchinson warned him he might be courting trouble by disappearing the Otises, and he added that around town James Otis was threatening violence if his father was not chosen. But Bernard offered Hutchinson the job and added that whatever his answer, he did not intend to appoint Speaker Otis. Hutchinson accepted the position. 
As lieutenant governor, Hutchinson was already the colony’s deputy executive. As president of the Council he was its ranking legislator. Now he would told the highest judicial post. When he heard about the appointment, James Otis was enraged. Thomas Hutchinson soon concluded that whenever Otis was annoyed by anyone, anywhere i the colony, he would take his revenge on Hutchinson. Otis wrote an antagonist antigovernment statement to the Boston Gazette and Hutchinson considered suing for libel. 
In reaction to the Stamp Act, Hutchinson worried that a concerted action by the colonies was likely to bring together every demagogue on the American continent. To stop letters against the Act to be send, Hutchinson, acting a lieutenant governor, shut down the session. Another time, King George III was burned in effigy and Hutchinson sent out Sheriff Greenleaf with order to cut the effigy down. The rioters soon broke open stables and dragged out public officials of loyal to the crown. Hutchinson collared Greenleaf and demanded they force the rioters to disperse. Hutchinson had barely begun to speak to the crowd when a shout went up: ”To your arms, my boys!”. Hutchinson and Greenleaf were soon pelted with stones an forced to retreat. 
When the assault finished, they then hurried to Hutchinson’s house. Hutchinson has counseled London against the Stamp Act, but his attempt the night before to quell the rebellion made it easy to believe he supported the tax. Hutchinson heard fits beating on his door and the voices demanding that he come onto his balcony and swear that he had not endorsed the act. His courage, or pride, prevented the lieutenant governor from bowing to the will of the mob. He braced for the worse and gave no answer. Before any ransacking could begin, a neighbor called from his window that he had seen the family in their carriage, heading for the country house. 
After the family returned from there country house a while later, his friends reassured Hutchinson that he house would not be hurt nor his family. On August 25th 1765, in the early morning, Thomas Hutchinson, by afternoon, was hearing rumors that a mob was being raised again. He even knew it would attack officers from the Custom House and the Admiralty office. Friends said his courage in the rocks and insults won the mob’s respect. However, for some reason, thought filling with anxiety, Hutchinson believed their words. 
At supper that evening, the night was warm and he was dressed informally in a woolen jacket over his waistcoat. Around him at the table was his sister-in-law, Grizell Sanford, who had raised his children since his wife’s death; his eldest sons Thomas Junior and Elisha, graduates of Harvard who were training to become merchant; Sarah, a daughter; Billy, Hutchinsons’s youngest son; and Peggy, her father’s favorite, only eleven years old and already acting as his secretary. 
As the family ate, a friend burst in through the door to warm them that the mob was indeed heading their way. Hutchinson sent the children from the house and bolted the doors and shutters, determined to wait out the assault. But Sarah came running back to say that she would not leave unless he came away with them and her father did not resist before hurrying away to a neibours house. A few minutes after his escaped, the mob descended upon the Hutchinson home in a fervor for hatred and violence. One of the Hutchinson sons was near enough to witness and hear the axes splitting the front door and heard a cry into the night: “Damn him! He is upstairs! We’ll have him!” 
Some men ran at once to the top of the house, while others swarmed into the drawing room and raided the basement for liquor. Merely breaking windows and furniture was not enough for the pulsating crowd. Instead, the men shattered inner does, beat down the walls and crashed the chandeliers. Standing in the upstairs windows, then they split open all the mattresses and covered the lawn in a “summer blizzard” of features. After two hours, they left. 
Word reached the Hutchinsons in their hiding place but the crowd “picked up his scent” and he wound his way through neibouring yards and gardens to a house even farther away. he stayed there unsleeping until four AM; by then, the mansion was splintered to a shell. Near dawn, men were still crouched on the roof prying up the wooding. Every fruit tree had been cut down to a stump. A strongbox had been broken and nine hundred pounds was stolen as well as clothes and books destroyed. 
The next morning, Hutchinson’s fellow justices took their places in court when he arrived. he was wearing what he had fled in. He was pale after a sleepless night and his clothes were “trampled in the streets.” He received pity, even from Josiah Quincy. Quincy described it in his diary, “thus habited, with tears starting from his eyes and a countenance which strongly told the inward anguish of his soul.”Hutchinson rose to speak and rejected any suggestions he was speaking for sympathy. He had come to count because “there wouldn’t of been a quorum without him.” Hutchinson in the words of A.J. Langguth “demonstrated[ed] that the patriotic leaders had no monopoly on eloquence.” But he added “some apology is necessary for my dress,” he said, “indeed, I have no other. Destitute of everything: no other shirt, no other garment but what I have on, and not one in my family in a better situation than myself.” 
He wished to acquit himself, “I am not obliged to give an answer to all the questions that may be put me to me by every lawless person, yet I call on God as my witness–and I would not, for a thousand worlds, call my Maker to witness a falsehood–I say I call my maker to witness that I never, in New England or Old, in Great Britain or America, either directly not indirectly, was aiding, assisting or supporting–in the least promoting or encouraging–what is commonly called the Stamp Act but, on the contrary, did all in my power, and store as much as in me lay, to prevent it. 
“This is not declared through timidity, for I have nothing to fear. They can only take away my life, which is of but little value when deprived of all its comforts, all that was dear to me…” Hutchinson hoped the people would see how easy it was to spread false reports against the innocent. But violence was wrong, even against the guilty. “I hope all will see how easily the people may be deluded, inflamed and carried away with madness against an innocent man.”
“I pray God give us better hearts!”
The governor raised three hundred pounds the bounty for identifying the mob’s leader. Hutchinson was not surprised when the reward went unclaimed and the sheriff arrested nobody. Otis riled the crowds so much they were disappointed that Hutchinson no longer had a house for them to destroy.  Ever since his house was destroyed, Hutchinson thought of spending some time in London and now his friends were assuring him that his life was in danger. Hutchinson rode into Boston, expecting to find such turmoil that he would have to escape immediately to New Hampshire and book the next passage to England. Instead, the town was sullen but peaceful. 
Consulting with the governor, Hutchinson found another way to advance his family’s fortunes. Even if he didn’t go abroad, he would leave the court temporarily and allow his brother to take his place. Suddenly, after this change, Otis wasn't willing to appear in court and Hutchinson fabricated a reason to be out of Boston during this. In accordance to his misfortune, Hutchinson only wishes that the same misery could be visited upon James Otis, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, William Molineux and another fifty patriots he could name. Hutchinson could never appreciate that Americans are not longer children and would not pretend to be. Hutchinson forwarded to London an affidavit from Richard Sylvester that accused Samuel Adams of open calls to rebellion agains the English troops. 
Throughout much of his life, Hutchinson had wanted to be governor. Now, when the job was worse than worthless, his wish was being granted against his will. He had asked to stay on merely as Chief Justice, but London ordered him to assume Bernard’s duties as we'll. Since no announcement has been made about Bernard remaining in England, Hutchinson’s title would be acting governor. The Boston Gazette upped its attack more frequently after this news because public. In Hutchinson’s Council, he refused to authorize used of British troops to put down rebellions or disturbances. 
When the nonimportation agreement ended officially, on New Year's Day, 1770, Thomas Hutchinson and his two sons were eager to begin turning to profit. Hutchinson’s sons rejected the new restrictions, however, saying nothing could go on sale before it took a ship to sail to London and returned. They broke off the locks that the Committee of Inspection had fastened to the doors of their warehouses and moved the tea to a hiding place. Thomas Jr, thirty years old, and Elisha, twenty-five lived with their father. The next morning they send away the wagons that patriots had brought to collect their tea. Leaders including Otis and Molineux gathered outside of his home and from a window Hutchins asked them what the wanted. Molineux said, “it is not you but your sons we desire to see.”
One of the sons came tot and beside his father at the window. Hutchinson invoked the king’s authority and warned the crowd to leave. No one moved. Hutchinson chided Otis for lending himself to an illegal assembly. The acting governor said that he would make out six or seven of the men who had helped tear dow his house four and a half years old. “Gentleman,” Hutchins started, “when I was attacked before, I was a private person. I am now the representation of the greatest monarchy on earth, whose majesty you affront in thus treating my person.”
After the mob left, Hutchinson encountered more resistance. He wanted to use troops to disband Samuel Adams’ irregular assemblies in Faneuil Hall but the Council continued to refuse his request. The next morning, Hutchinson send word over that he would see that his sons turned over their tea, along with any money they had received from that already sold. It was the bitterest moment of Thomas Hutchinson’s political life. Even the destruction of his home, he wrote afterward, had not distressed him as much. 
On Monday morning, March 5th, 1770, Hutchinson laid before the council a letter complaining about the town’s mood towards the British soldiers there to keep order. The Council replied that the people would never be satisfied until the troops were removed. In response to the Boston Massacre, it was Hutchinson who suggested John Adams be the defending lawyer for the British soldiers of whom had fired their weapons on the people and killed five. “The law shall have its course!” Hutchinson cried, “I will live and die by the law!” Hutchinson may have chosen Adams because he had observed him in court and believed he was the best lawyer for so difficult a case. 
In retaliation for Josiah Quincy denouncing Hutchinson’s administration, and, as Chief Justice, Hutchinson denied Josiah the long robes of a barrister; instead, he had to plead his cases in street clothes. By the end of March, Hutchinson sent his resignation to Lord Hillsborough in London. The job of governor, Hutchinson wrote, demanded a man of greater powers that his. He asked only to be allowed to resume the post of chief justice. His letter was late in arriving. In the meantimes Francis Bernard had lobbied to have Hutchinson named as his replacement. When Hutchinson’s resignation reached London, they wrote to assure him that no one had ever given London more satisfaction than he. It Hutchinson accepted the governorship, he would never regret it. Against his instincts, Hutchinson allowed himself to be persuaded. 
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How This Year's 10 Global Good Fund Fellows Are Saving The World
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How This Year's 10 Global Good Fund Fellows Are Saving The World
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The Global Good Fund is a nonprofit organization that supports high-potential social entrepreneurs in more than 25 countries globally, collectively impacting the lives of over 8.5 million people.  Since its founding in 2012 by Carrie Rich, a faculty member at George Washington University in Washington, DC., the Fund has supported 105 Fellows from three continents with over 18,000 hours of mentoring and coaching. Entrepreneur.com has named The Global Good Fund one of its Top 30 Startups to Watch.
Here, meet The Global Good Fund’s seventh cohort of Fellows. This select group of ten social innovators, chosen from among thousands of applicants, come from around the globe. Yet each of them is striving to create a ripple effect of change around our world’s most pressing social issues, including health, education, and finance.
Michelle Arevalo-Carpenter is the CEO and Cofounder of IMPAQTO.
Francisco Alvarado
Michelle Arevalo-Carpenter, CEO and Cofounder of IMPAQTO
IMPAQTO has developed a network of social innovation spaces in emerging cities in Latin America, places that hold promise but are often overlooked. Currently, a new generation of change agents are seeking to build a new, sustainable economic model. However, the mortality rate for most startup businesses on the continent is exceptionally high due to lack of access to capital, high rents, low social mobility, and gender-based obstacles.
IMPAQTO assists Latin American entrepreneurs by providing co-working spaces, business acceleration programs, and social innovation consulting. In addition, IMPAQTO Network & Consulting serves leading public and private sector organizations, such as Nestlé and the City of Quito, thereby helping to sponsor scholarships for entrepreneurs in incubation programs.
Seven years ago, CEO and Cofounder Michelle Arevalo-Carpenter returned from a powerful job in Switzerland to her home country of Ecuador with the dream of starting an impact business around affordable housing. However, reality quickly set-in. “In a polarized society like Ecuador, the idea of a social enterprise was an oxymoron,” she says. “People questioned my enthusiasm and optimism.”
Nevertheless, she networked to discover a cofounder, and together they started hosting meetups for the change-maker community. Through this process, Arevalo-Carpenter found her life purpose: Empower an entire generation of Latin American changemakers in furthering the social innovation revolution.
To aspiring changemakers, Arevalo-Carpenter offers this advice: “Surround yourself with a community that inspires you and understands your mission. Your work as a changemaker will sooner or later put you to the test. When you run out of fuel, when the context seems too complex, when you doubt yourself, having a community to rely on is what will help you back on your feet.”
Hyasintha Ntuyeko is the CEO and Founder of Kasole Secrets.
Kasole Secrets
Hyasintha Ntuyeko, CEO and Founder of Kasole Secrets Company, Ltd.
Kasole Secrets develops and distributes organic sanitary napkins. The company also consults and runs menstrual hygiene management campaigns at a national level in Tanzania.
Although trained as a telecommunications engineer, Founder and CEO Hyasintha Ntuyeko started Kasole Secrets due to her own personal challenges. “My discomfort during my menses made me decide to dedicate my career as an entrepreneur to improving the menstrual experience for women and girls in Tanzania,” she says.
When she started advocating for menstrual hygiene management in her country, Ntuyeko faced many obstacles. “People thought it would be a losing battle,” she says. But she kept at it, working tirelessly for nearly a decade to push her agenda. And now, she feels that Kasole Secrets has managed not only to change the narrative in Tanzania but also to have a ripple impact across other countries.
In addition, Ntuyeko had to confront family and community members as well as potential partners and customers telling her that she was too young to be an entrepreneur. However, she remained consistent in her dedication to the task and eventually was able to win their trust. “Everything is possible if you are willing to walk the distance, focus and commit your full self to it,” she says.
Rachel Connors is the CEO and Cofounder of Yellow Leaf Hammocks.
Yellow Leaf
Rachel Connors, CEO and Cofounder of Yellow Leaf Hammocks
Artisan activity is the second-largest employer in the developing world, yet the vast majority of global artisans are mothers living in extreme poverty. When you combine that fact with women’s power to wrench their families, and by extension their communities, out of poverty, it becomes clear that the artisan sector needs to be brought into the 21st century as a tool for ending global poverty.
Yellow Leaf transforms “bottom of the pyramid” communities through sustainable job creation for women. By working with artisan mothers, the company produces hammocks that improve employees’ as well as customers’ lives. “The mothers we work with are able to make long-term investments in the health, nutrition, and education of their families,” says CEO and cofounder Rachel Connors. “This manifests in incredible ways. 100% of their children are able to go to school instead of working in slash and burn fields, and the first group ever are now attending college based on their mothers’ savings from weaving work.”
Bootstrapping the business from the beginning proved a huge challenge to Connors and her team. At the same time, it forced Yellow Leaf to be results-oriented. “When you bootstrap, you’re very in touch with your customers and your supply chain, which leads to a higher level of intelligence about every aspect of a new business,” she says.
“Bring your A-game,” Connors says to aspiring changemakers. “It’s not enough to have good intentions. You need to make sure you have the skills, hustle, and dedication to live up to your mission.”
Vaibhav Lodha is the Cofounder of ftcash.
Amanda Bensel
Vaibhav Lodha, Cofounder of ftcash
Every year, millions of people into poverty due to health problems, financial setbacks, and other shocks. Most of those living in or near poverty lack even the most basic banking services. This means they use cash, physical assets, or informal providers such as money lenders to meet their financial needs—from receiving wages to saving money. However, these informal mechanisms can be insecure, expensive, and complicated to use.
ftcash, one of India’s fastest-growing financial technology ventures, converts cash to digital payments and provides pre-approved advances and loans that can be disbursed at the click of a button. After a successful launch in India in 2015, the company was incubated by PayPal and accelerated by MasterCard. By enabling small businesses to accept electronic payments, ftcash empowers lower and middle class individuals, giving more people access to better health, education, and nutrition.
A series of early failures in the corporate world led Cofounder Vaibhav Lodha to re-examine his ideas about success in career and family. “I started to explore my true north, and aligned myself to more people who share a common purpose: To empower lives and create a just society,” he says. “Through entrepreneurship in financial inclusion, I believe I am doing good.”
Lodha compares life to a series of trapeze swings. “We are either hanging onto a trapeze bar trapeze bars,” he says. “Most of the time, we hang onto the same bar. But every once in a while, we look out into the distance and see another trapeze bar swinging toward us. It is our next step, our growth, our aliveness coming to get us. We know that we must release our grip on this present, well-known bar and move to the new one. Each time, we are filled with terror. This is where we need to rely on ourselves. Hanging onto that old bar is no longer on the list of alternatives. Transitioning to the new bar is the only place where real change occurs and we truly grow.”
Abbey Wemimo is the Co-CEO of Esusu Financial.
Johnny Vacar
Abbey Wemimo, Co-CEO of Esusu Financial, Inc.
Esusu uses data to financially empower marginalized Americans, students and immigrants. A smartphone app helps individuals save more money and access larger sums of capital through the digitization of rotational peer-to-peer savings and loan practices that are popular in immigrant communities. And by reporting rental payments to credit bureaus, Esusu helps individuals boost their credit scores. Both service offerings work to help more people gain access to affordable credit.
Co-CEO Abbey Wemimo was inspired to create Esusu by his personal experience. He immigrated to the USA with his mother, a single parent, when he was young. She had no credit score, and without that, she struggled to access bank loans and establish a financial identity. As a result, Wemimo is passionate about promoting financial inclusion for all Americans, regardless of their background. “It is easier for people to pursue their dreams when they are not burdened by crippling debt and when they are not ignored and shunned by mainstream capital providers,” he says.
The biggest challenge Wemimo faced in starting Esusu was winning over the trust of prospective customers. After some time, the company adjusted its go-to-market approach to partnering with nonprofits, community development organizations, and colleges in order to reach the core customer base. “The key takeaway: be persistent, nimble, and humble,” he says.
As an African-born American, Wemimo is fond of an old African proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” He advises aspiring changemakers to “surround yourself with people who inspire you, and who you can collaborate with. Teamwork will sustain you when the going gets tough.”
Kevin Gibbons is the Cofounder and Executive Director of Health Access Connect.
Ronnie William Kyazze
Kevin Gibbons, Cofounder and Executive Director of Health Access Connect
Health Access Connect is a nonprofit organization that links Ugandans living in remote areas with healthcare resources. Through its Medicycles program, Health Access Connect uses micro-financed motorcycles to transport health workers to outreach clinics, where they focus on anti-retroviral treatment, HIV testing, antenatal care, family planning, and other essential health services.
“It is often difficult to see the global implications of our work because we spend so much time managing the day-to-day operations and trying to find funding and partners,” says Cofounder and Executive Director Kevin Gibbons. “But one of our main goals is to set up an open-source system for sustainable healthcare delivery that can be applied to many countries around the world.”
Gibbons joined the US Peace Corps as a volunteer after graduating from college in the US. He lived in the Philippines for three years, working for a small forest conservation nonprofit in remote communities. “I was never happier or more fulfilled than when working toward a goal larger than myself,” he says. Later, when traveling to Uganda to conduct Master’s research, Gibbons noticed that people kept mentioning the lack of access to healthcare. He decided that there must be a way to get the free, life-saving healthcare offered just a few miles away to people in more remote areas.
The biggest obstacle Gibbons has faced with Health Access Connect is funding. “We don’t quite fit into the way that donors give money,” he says. “We don’t build hospitals or give out medicine. We set up a sustainable way for communities to get health services. It is difficult to get people to understand that vision when they do not live in Uganda.”
To people thinking of starting a business or nonprofit, Gibbons recommends first working or interning at a similar organization. “Try to understand how work gets funded, what the important facets and vocabulary are, and how the organization is managed,” he says. “If you understand those three things (not easy!), you’ll be well-placed to make the change that you want to.”
Eyitayo Ogunmola is the CEO of Utiva.
Eyitayo Ogunmola, CEO of Utiva
Utiva is a talent accelerator that seeks to rapidly develop Africa’s motivated young people with skill sets to transition into entry-level positions within startups and large corporations. The company is currently working with students across 25 universities.  “When you teach someone to be successful, she becomes a model of excellence to others,” says CEO Eyitayo Ogunmola.
Ogunmola himself was jobless after graduating from school and “almost lured into cybercrime,” he says. “I grew up in a community where most bright young people graduated from school without any opportunity in the job market. I experienced the same thing and I know the reality.”
 Two years later, Ogunmola met a mentor who helped him chart a new direction. He started learning new skills and got a job in consulting in Lagos, Nigeria. “I was excited, but I felt a deep sense of frustration because other youths around me were left without hope,” he says. “I discovered that unemployment in Nigeria is not caused by a lack of jobs but the unemployability of the youth population.”
The first struggle Utiva faced was finding quality faculty to commit time and resources to students. So, Ogunmola started doing the trainings himself. Within a year, he had found over 50 volunteers, professionals from different backgrounds. Today, Utiva has partnerships with firms and brands working to train college students through staff volunteers. 
“While it is easy to do small things because they make a difference, building scale into your model should be your focus,” Ogunmola advises to aspiring changemakers. “ From day one, think of how to scale your intervention. We need to create solutions that address big problems at scale.”
Tonee Ndungu is the Founder and CIO of Kytabu Inc.
Mwangi Kirubi
Tonee Ndungu, Founder and CIO of Kytabu Inc.
 Kytabu Inc. is an education technology company that provides students in Kenya with affordable access to required textbooks via their mobile devices. With an increase in access to both devices and data connectivity, more students are looking for technology solutions to access learning content. Kytabu has influenced the Kenyan government to pursue a digital policy that allows devices in schools.
Founder and CIO Tonee Ndungu grew up dyslexic and with ADHD, so he knows from first-hand experience the challenges students in the Kenyan education system can face in accessing affordable, relevant and relatable content. He hopes to scale his technology to a country-wide level in order to improve education for the young people of his country.
Fundraising is a huge challenge for an African-based African founder, according to Ndungu. “The majority of angel, venture capital, private capital, and seed investments come from Europe and the Americas. Most funders invest in those they can relate to. This has sidelined a majority of African founders,” he says.
 His advice is to practice “patience, persistence, and planning. With a clear and tested strategy, in those three words are the totality of starting and running a meaningful intervention.”
Neha Arora is the Founder of Planet Abled.
Planet Abled
Neha Arora, Founder of Planet Abled
Planet Abled, which recently was named one of the best innovative practices by the Zero Project Conference at the United Nations, provides inclusive travel solutions to people of all disabilities and the elderly. “A lot of times people with disabilities and senior citizens are apprehensive of traveling in India because they are at a loss of information about accessibility,” says Founder Neha Arora. “Planet Abled strives to break that barrier. One can travel solo, with family, as an institution or organization or join a group tour at over 35 destinations across the Indian subcontinent.”
When she first started Planet Abled, Arora says, people would look down upon their travel groups and make rude comments because it was something they’d never seen before. So, the company organized get-togethers at coffee shops and in pubs, at cultural places and festivals. “We’d go in large numbers, with a mix of people with various disabilities and people without disabilities all enjoying their time together. These get-togethers were then joined by other disability-focused organizations across the country,” she says.
Arora herself wasn’t able to travel much as a child owing to the disabilities of her parents. This is what inspired her to found Planet Abled. Nevertheless, she worried about the company’s commercial viability, laying the groundwork for three years prior to launch.
“If you find a problem and feel that you can solve it, do not wait for the perfect time and perfect circumstances to do it,” advises Arora. “It will never be right. Jump into it and get your hands dirty. The solution and problem both will evolve.”
Hitesh Tolani is the CEO of Virtudent.
Jeffrey Danford
Hitesh Tolani, CEO of Virtudent
Today, 40% of Americans can’t access basic oral healthcare. Virtudent makes high-quality dental care convenient and easy to access through a combination of onsite and telemedicine technologies. As the trusted onsite dentist for Fidelity Investments, Wayfair, LogMeIn, Hubspot, and many other companies, Virtudent is able to take a portion of its proceeds to serve 5,000 children who otherwise wouldn’t have access to basic oral healthcare.
CEO Hitesh Tolani, a child of immigrant parents, fell into “immigration limbo” for 22 years. During this time, he lost his father, his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, and his family was left destitute. Fortunately, their story went viral throughout the U.S. and 35,000 people wrote to their Congressmen and Senators to help Tolani’s family. “As I watched people go to bat for us, I wanted to do the same one day for others,” Tolani says. “I am a pure product of their generosity. As a dentist, I feel I have the ability to pay it forward.”
Although Tolani faces obstacles daily with Virtudent, he is determined to work hard, be tenacious, be kind, be humble, ask for help, and keep going. “No is not an acceptable answer,” he says to aspiring changemakers. “Respect rules, regulations and laws, but to get where you want, dig deeper. You have to look beyond and find the path that leads to the ‘but.’ No, but you could… that is when you know that you’re on the right track.” 
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chriswhitewolf · 4 years
In response to recent social issues. These are my views on how our country is reacting to social injustice, and how we need to change our actions in order to find solutions and end this pain. These words come from personal experience and my knowledge of psychology and problem solving methods that are known to work.
I am appalled by the actions of people in this country in these days. Extreme actions by both those supporting police and those opposing them are absolutely disgusting to watch. Let me explain.
The officers who have done such horrendous acts as to use excessive force and cause wrongful death deserve prosecution. They are acting immorally and illegally, and I can only hope that the more sensible protests can spur justice on.
But the extreme protestors, not to mention rioters, who are sweeping the country are equally disturbing. I have heard claims that all police are bad, that the system of law enforcement is a complete failure. The same people who have claimed these things are stating that one legal historical death of a black American by officers doesn't mean the rest of the deaths are okay. If this one instance of the police being right does not define all people of color in America, neither can the illegal acts of corrupt members of law enforcement define all officers as murders and racists.
Let me be clear here. I support police reform, and the idea that we as a country and a people need to do more to combat lingering racism. But I do not support the people who are using half-truths and limited facts to claim that every member of our law enforcement agencies is immoral or evil, nor do I support that we need to defund or disband law enforcement.
You complain that officers use excessive force and are not well trained in deescalation and non-violent tactics. Give them training. Give more funds to the agencies and get officers the training they need to be able to respond more appropriately, because defunding or disbanding will only cause more wrongful deaths.
If we remove funds from our police, they will have less training and fewer officers. So when a call comes in for an armed robber in a grocery store, there will be no officers who aren't already at another location with another crime. You are now risking the lives of every single person - regardless of gender, race, or age - because you demanded there be less funds to the police force. "Have social workers do some of it." Social workers are neither trained to do police work, nor willing. They have chosen their career as a social worker - despite the incredibly low pay in the field - because that is what they want to do with their lives. They did not, as police officers, choose to risk their lives to rush into active crime scenes to try and stop criminal acts. You are asking these already underpaid civil servants to do twice as much work - work they do not want to do - for the same, or at best mildly increased, pay. I won't even mention how many criminals and murderers will go on crime sprees should police and law enforcement agencies be completely eradicated.
I am not saying there are not flaws in our system of law enforcement, because there are. Of course there are, because our officers and supervisors are human. Humans make mistakes, often big ones, and do wrong or even evil things. But that is not the fault of all officers. It is the fault of the corrupt and overall despicable humans who find their way into the police force. We need to do something to help prevent more incidents like we have seen, to keep the corrupt and evil officers from maintaining their position on the force. But we cannot remove the system entirely, nor can we limit it, without causing even more wrongful death.
I also want to address an issue with supposed "justification" of the wrongful death of Americans such as George Floyd. The media is flooded with reports of Floyd's criminal history, and some claiming that bringing it up is an attempt to justify his wrongful death. In no way am I attempting, in the following sentences, to claim or affirm that Floyd deserved death or that his death was not horrendous and wrong. But we cannot go around claiming that Floyd was a saint, or an innocent person, because he wasn't. He should never have died on that pavement and with those officers, and I am rooting for the justice system to agree that these former policemen have committed the severest of crimes in causing his death. But I am appalled that our society would so quickly deny and alter the proven facts of his nature in an attempt to justify their belief. The belief of our needing change does not need such attempts, making them only serves to lessen support to our cause. Let's say what is true, rather than ignore or attempt to alter fact in favor of being completely right. George Floyd was a criminal, who was sentenced to jail time for crimes ranging from failure to identify to an officer, to drug possesion and distribution, to a single case of robbery with a deadly weapon. He did those things, and he served his time for them. He did enter a woman's home with a gun, pressed the barrel of the weapon to her abdomen, and searched her house and stole from her. That's a fact.
But that does not mean his death was not illegal and wrongful. It does not mean the men, the horrible, immoral men who caused his death were in any way correct in the actions they took. Both sides of this acted wrongly at some point. George Floyd refused to enter the car once handcuffed, effectively resisting arrest; and the former officers were illegally and excessively forceful. Neither side was fully in the right, but Floyd should not have died.
We see so often in the media the Black Lives Matter organizations name. I agree with a lot of what the movement stands for, and disagree with a good part of the more extreme views.
I still proclaim myself as being All Lives Matter. Just because I believe that people of color and black Americans are being treated wrongly does not mean I do not also advocate for the safety of all people, police included. Black lives matter. People of color's lives matter. Police lives matter. Civilian lives matter. We need to address the issues in our country without pitting ourselves against each other, and without putting the lives and livelyhoods of other Americans at risk. We don't need to agree all the time, we can have differing opinions, we should as humans and as individuals. Disagreeing does not mean fighting, nor does it mean that one side is completely right while the other is wrong.
It only means we are human and comes from different lives, backgrounds, and world views.
For too long we have distracted ourselves from solving the issues in our society by fighting against groups who don't completely agree with us.
An example of such distraction is the arguments of raising wages. It should not have been raise the wages of food service workers versus raise the wages of social workers. It should have been how can we as people and as Americans improve the lives of our fellows by increasing the money given to workers who are underpaid.
We have convinced ourselves that it is always Us vs. Them; it is not. There is no Us, and there is no Them. We are one species, one planet, and need to find a way to work together for mutual benefit despite our differences. We are all human, all people, and while none of us are the same we are all struggling through life. Improvement does not come by degrading or ignoring one group, but by working in tandem to help solve the issues that can be solved, and by helping our fellow men when they are in need and we are capable of reaching out.
No one is exempt from Life's struggles, we simply face different ones. Until we can accept that no one is free from pain and hardship, we will never progress past our current state. Understanding breeds compassion, and listening is the first step to understanding. Without holding compassion for our fellow men, and for their hardships and strife, we can never hope to improve the condition of our world. Action comes from a desire to change, and change happens with help from others. One person cannot change the world, not overnight. But one person speaking up for the right thing? One person inspiring someone else, who can inspire another? We create change from the bottom of our society up, and we do it as a common people. One person cannot change the world alone, but their attempts can bring an army of people who will stand with them and change the world together. When governments stand for the people, the changes we as communities make push upwards until the government has no more ability to ignore our cries for legislation.
Change also does not happen by setting vague goals far in the future. It does not come by saying we will do this next year, and in twenty years we will be changed. Because these goals are easily ignored or forgotten, and setting such vast and far-off landmarks and goals makes it too easy to retract your words when the goal is not met. Setting a goal for five years out only means that four years from now, when nothing has changed, you can easily and guiltlessly say "we will start again, and meet the goal in another five years from now."
Set a goal you can reach, one that starts with one action every day, and you will find the change you thought impossibly far off has come in only a short while. Setting goals you don't need to focus so intently on only serves to delay any change. Decide that this change needs to happen, and that you will help it to happen by your daily actions. Once you have decided that you will not stand for it any longer, that change is within reach.
Let us work together, as a common people, with a goal of creating a country - and a world - where no one need fear for their life or well-being because of their race, or religion, or gender. We are all human, and we cannot in good conscience watch idly by as our neighbors and fellow men suffer at the hands of injustice. We need to be united in our cause to make our homes, our cities, our countries, and our world safer for everyone.
As President Abraham Lincoln famously said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." This applies to us now, as we once again pit ourselves against on another with agitation and violence where we need to listen and discuss and find commonalities that allow for a United call for change. Lincoln said, in this same speech at the Illinois's Republican State Convention of 1858, "I do not expect the house to fall - but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other."
We are at a crisis point in our history, and our actions as Americans towards our fellow countrymen will be the determining factor in weather this house of our country will become one of justice and safety or one of violence and fear. We will, I believe, come to a point where, regardless of whether we fight for social justice or for police support, violence will battle nonviolence, and one will reign victorious. It is our choice as individuals whether we choose to follow in the footsteps of the famous Civil Rights Activist Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., Who risked his life and eventually died in peaceful protest that changed America, or if we choose to follow a path of violence and destruction that will surely give way to more fear among our people.
People respond to violence in kind, and such battles can only result in one side being victorious. Peace and calm discussion are the pathways that allow our arguments to be heard, and allow us to hear the view from the other side. Such discussion allows for a solution where both parties are satisfied with the end result, and peace can remain in the face of the changes we implement in our society.
Only through nonviolent methods can we hope to establish a system and find a solution that will not fall apart by challenges from those who feel unheard and unseen in the decision.
Will you choose to turn our country to violence and hatred, or to find solutions that leave us more united as a people?
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