#ancient astrology
sensualnoiree · 22 days
The April 8 Total Solar Eclipse in Aries brings a potent new beginning, marked by intense energies and a focus on self-awareness and healing. The Sun, Moon, and Chiron at 19° Aries emphasize the need for self-care and addressing insecurities. The Mercury-Eris conjunction at 24° Aries encourages us to have courage in our convictions, supporting long-term themes and the development of new healing methods.
Emotionally, this eclipse may be intense, especially when Luna conjoins Mercury and Eris later in the day. The eclipse marks a time of establishing something new, initiating a new karmic cycle, and addressing past issues related to anger or missed opportunities for taking action. It's a time for personal transformation, akin to the energy of the Fool's card in tarot, where we are called to choose differently and embrace healing and change.
Aries Rising: This eclipse heralds a profound period of self-discovery and personal reinvention for you. You are being called to redefine your identity and how you show up in the world. Embrace your courage and pioneer spirit, as this is a time to boldly step into new beginnings and embrace your authentic self. The eclipse may stir up deep-seated desires and insecurities, but it also offers a powerful opportunity for healing and transformation. Use this time to explore your true passions and set intentions for a future that aligns with your deepest values and aspirations.
Taurus Rising: The eclipse activates your inner world, urging you to delve deep into your subconscious mind and spiritual beliefs. This is a time of profound introspection and healing, where you may confront past traumas or buried emotions that are holding you back. Embrace the opportunity to release old patterns and embrace a new level of spiritual awareness. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition, as they may offer valuable insights into your subconscious mind. Trust the process of inner transformation and allow yourself to surrender to the flow of life.
Gemini Rising: With the eclipse in your 11th house, your focus turns to your social circles, friendships, and long-term goals. This is a time to connect with like-minded individuals who share your vision for the future. Embrace opportunities to expand your network and collaborate with others towards common goals. Your aspirations may undergo a transformation, leading you to reevaluate your long-term plans and make necessary adjustments. Embrace the power of community and collective action, as you work towards creating a more harmonious and inclusive world.
Cancer Rising: The eclipse highlights your career and public image, signaling a period of significant transformation in your professional life. You may feel called to pursue a new career path or take on new responsibilities that align with your true calling. Embrace the opportunity to step into a leadership role and showcase your skills and talents to the world. Trust in your abilities and have faith that the universe is guiding you towards a path of success and fulfillment. This is a time to embrace your ambitions and take bold steps towards achieving your goals.
Leo Rising: This eclipse inspires you to expand your horizons and seek out new experiences that broaden your perspective on life. Embrace the spirit of adventure and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. You may feel called to explore new philosophies or belief systems that resonate with your soul's purpose. Trust in the wisdom of your intuition and follow your heart's desires, as they will lead you towards a path of greater fulfillment and enlightenment. This is a time to embrace the unknown and welcome the opportunities that come your way with open arms.
Virgo Rising: The eclipse brings a period of deep transformation and regeneration, urging you to release old patterns and embrace a new way of being. This is a time of intense introspection and inner healing, where you may confront deep-seated fears or insecurities. Embrace the opportunity to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace a new chapter of growth and renewal. Trust in the process of transformation and have faith that the universe is guiding you towards a path of greater authenticity and empowerment. This is a time to embrace your inner strength and resilience, as you emerge from the shadows into the light of a new beginning.
Libra Rising: With the eclipse in your 7th house of partnerships, relationships take center stage. This is a time of significant growth and evolution in your personal and professional relationships. You may experience changes in your relationship dynamics, leading to greater harmony and balance. Embrace the opportunity to deepen your connections with others and cultivate more meaningful and authentic relationships. Trust in the power of love and partnership, as they will support you on your journey towards greater fulfillment and happiness. This is a time to open your heart to new possibilities and welcome the blessings that come with deep and meaningful connections.
Scorpio Rising: The eclipse signals a time of positive change and transformation in your health and daily routines. You may feel inspired to adopt healthier habits and make positive changes to your work environment. Embrace the opportunity to prioritize self-care and well-being, as this will support you in achieving your goals and living a more fulfilling life. Trust in your ability to create positive change in your life and take practical steps towards improving your health and well-being. This is a time to listen to your body's wisdom and honor its needs, as you work towards creating a life of balance and vitality.
Sagittarius Rising: This eclipse sparks creativity, passion, and self-expression, urging you to embrace your inner child and indulge your creative instincts. This is a time of inspiration and innovation, where you may feel called to start a new creative project or pursue a new hobby that brings you joy. Embrace the opportunity to express yourself authentically and share your gifts with the world. Trust in your creative vision and allow yourself to explore new avenues of self-expression. This is a time to cultivate a sense of playfulness and spontaneity in your life, as you rediscover the joy of living in the moment.
Capricorn Rising: The eclipse falls in your 4th house of home and family, signaling a time of transformation and renewal in these areas of your life. You may feel called to create a more nurturing and supportive home environment for yourself and your loved ones. Embrace the opportunity to connect with your roots and cultivate a sense of emotional security and stability. Trust in the process of change and have faith that the universe is guiding you towards a path of greater fulfillment and happiness. This is a time to honor your emotional needs and create a home that nourishes your soul.
Aquarius Rising: With the eclipse in your 3rd house of communication and learning, you are being called to expand your mind and embrace new ways of thinking and communicating. This is a time of intellectual growth and curiosity, where you may feel inspired to start a new course of study or engage in stimulating conversations with others. Embrace the opportunity to share your ideas and opinions with the world, as your unique perspective has the power to inspire and enlighten others. Trust in your ability to communicate effectively and express yourself authentically. This is a time to embrace the power of words and ideas, as you explore new avenues of self-expression and personal growth.
Pisces Rising: The eclipse falls in your 2nd house of finances and values, signaling a time of reassessment and realignment in these areas of your life. You may feel called to reevaluate your priorities and make changes that align with your true values and beliefs. Embrace the opportunity to cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth and financial security. Trust in your ability to create abundance and prosperity in your life, as you align with the flow of universal abundance. This is a time to honor your values and invest in yourself and your future, as you create a life of abundance and fulfillment.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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soberpluto · 9 months
Explaining Dignities: Exaltation
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The reason why I want to talk about them is because I've actually seen dignities play a big role in readings, as they do describe how well or adverse certain matters can play out for the querent...so here's a little analogy to understand them better!
Context: In Hellenistic (traditional) astrology, exalted planets are said to be like the favorite guests of a given sign (host), so the resources they have at their disposal are equal or even greater than the host's. In other words, imagine a queen or king being invited to a neighboring kingdom, they will be treated with the greatest of honors and commodities! In a practical aspect, this means that the qualities of that planet (the guest) will be able to shine at their maximum, making that particular area of life (house) easier or more fortunate for the owner of the birth chart.
*Mind that below I’m speaking metaphorically of “house” as the SIGN the planet is exalted, and not the astrological house as such (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). *
Sun in Aries: Sun is a friend of Mars, as both rule fire signs and are leaders by nature. Mars is delighted to receive his royal friend, as he’s anxious to show him how noble, honorable, brave, and pioneer he is, and just how much he has achieved on his own. His job is to win wars for the kingdom after all! He’s thrilled to share his best tactics and borrow his friend his most treasured weaponry. The Sun feels comfortable because he has all he needs to command freely in this household, as his creativity, charisma, leadership and authenticity are praised by his friend. Together, they come up with solutions and strategies to conquer whatever they want! They are not afraid of competition or enemies, as both are equally ambitious and powerful in their own ways. Mars trusts the Sun, as he believes nobody is as visionary and talented enough to lead as he does. The Sun, in return, feels even more driven and powerful to accomplish his goals, as he has access to an incredible arsenal and his mission is thoroughly supported by his friend’s energy and fiery ability to execute his plans.  
Personality keywords: high self-esteem, passionate, entrepreneurial, courageous, independent, self-reliant, proactive, resourceful, inspiring, competent, combative, non-stoppable.
Moon in Taurus: The Moon feels really welcomed in one of Venus’ places, as both value beauty, security, domestic life and emotional closeness. They speak the same language, as both love to connect and celebrate relationships. They allure through tact and sweetness instead of brute force as their counterparts (the Sun and Mars) do. The Moon loves Taurus’ palace since she’s fascinated by beautiful art, exquisite food, overgrowing nature, dreamy romance, and abundant wealth… she’s just so inspired and fulfilled with this kind of luxury and magnificence! In here she has firm and solid grounds to step on, so her moods and emotional needs are stable as well. The Moon is able to relax and enjoy life effortlessly as she becomes more in tune with her physical senses and the things that bring her genuine pleasure. With Taurus’ gentle and grounded approach, the Moon lets her love flow naturally in all directions without the fear of being judged, ridiculed, or getting hurt. Like her friend, she is moved to become the glue between the people she’s fond of and attracts what she desires through her feminine and gentle nature. The Moon is so pampered and taken good care of that she’s able to channel her emotional depth and excellent organizational skills towards the growth and embellishment of her relationships and surroundings in a lasting way.  
Personality keywords: soothing, calming, relaxed, adorable, loyal, possessive, down-to-earth, practical, trustworthy, maternal, cozy, warm, gentle, nourishing, wealthy.
Mercury in Virgo: Mercury is always eager to pay a visit to Virgo´s realm, as he feels productive and useful here. As the guest, Mercury has all the mental and practical resources to give his thoughts structure and build all the great things he imagines into reality. Virgo gladly grants her friend access inside her huge library so he can explore his wide range of interests and gives him the key into her laboratory and workshop, places where he can experiment and practice all his learnings and become an expert on what he chooses to. She knows how anxious and critical he can get when he doesn’t rest or when things don’t go his way, so she also allows him to use her gym and provides him the best doctors and nutritionists to ease his stress. Virgo is pleased to see that Mercury quickly understands the importance of wellness and health, as she knows he cannot get his job done without proper self-care. Once relaxed and restored, he feels inspired to be of service, as he believes his quick wit and knowledge are put to good use. Mercury, thus, is motivated to grow, upgrade himself, achieve mastery and share his gifts with the world to make it a better place thanks to the wisdom, tools and care her friend borrows.
Personality traits: methodical, skilled, expert, wise, smart, discerning, perfectionist, high-standards, inventive, detail-oriented, practical, productive, industrious, quick wit, self-made.
Mars in Capricorn: In this sober and ancient residence, Mars is forced to cool down a bit and think before he acts. He understands that there is no one to conquer or outdo but himself. As guest in other households, Mars, as explosive, impatient and ambitious as he is, sometimes can get lost in the way, initiating projects and strategies that he later on drops because he gets bored quickly or doesn’t get the immediate results he wants; he also throws tantrums and whims when this happens, and his anger makes him do reckless and foolish things at times, something other hosts find puzzling or repulsive, where they either encage him or make him submissive, something that irritates and demotivates him even more. Capricorn, his patient and wise host, on the other hand, knows just how impulsive and enthusiastic his friend gets, so he kindly but firmly teaches him the art of discipline to achieve his goals, explaining him that violence is of no use here, but instead, self-control and resilience. After many trials and tests, Mars sees how his dedication pays off, and finds out that with constancy and practicality, his immense passion and drive can get him to unimaginable heights! Capricorn teaches him the required organizational and leadership skills to leave a renowned legacy well beyond his years. With his inborn initiative and fiery spirit channeled into the material realm, Mars is ready to raise an empire if he wanted to!    
Personality traits: ambitious, self-made, responsible, go-getter, director, powerful, resilient, pragmatic, dedicated, strategist, organized, efficient, problem-solver, relentless, strong.
Venus in Pisces: When Venus enters the sacred and watery temple of Pisces, she is mesmerized by the enthralling type of beauty she finds in here. His generous and candid host takes her for a walk throughout the entire temple and reveals to her the mysteries of the universe. He grants her access to his secret chamber, where he teaches her the art of magic and spiritual healing, and lectures her about ancient and mystical knowledge, long forgotten to humankind, but very present and real nonetheless … these are wonders she didn’t knew existed before! Pisces knows how to inspire her soul in the most delicate and virtuous ways by reminding her of her true nature, that of divine precedence. Venus cannot help to spill what’s in her heat, so she asks her friend the tools to create beautiful music, paintings, and poems so she can share them with the world. Magnanimous and wise as he is, Pisces grants all her wishes, but also shows her the secret suffering that people are burdened with, and how cold the hearts of men have become before this pain. Awed and deeply touched, Venus’ empathy and understanding grows, and she starts to see the veil between the material and spiritual realms dissolve before her. She’s never felt such calling before! She knows her mission is to spread beauty, compassion and kindness, and she does this with unconditional love and devotion.    
Personality keywords: romantic, good-natured, fair, balanced, connected, spiritual, creative, artistic, imaginative, warm, gentle, generous, understanding, devotional, forgiving, tolerant.  
Jupiter in Cancer: When Jupiter enters the sanctuary of Cancer, he becomes even more lucky and faithful in life. He radiates joy and candor! This is because Cancer teaches him that without love, good-will alone is not enough to make himself and others truly happy. Jupiter is aware of this, but he sometimes can lose himself in fantasies and utopic scenarios, where he wishes things could be different instead of trying to build them into reality. He dreams and preaches, but he can sacrifice practicality in the process. When Cancer has him over, she shows him how to extend the bridge between good intentions and actions, as she’s amazing at ordering her surroundings and making a heart-felt home wherever she goes because of her innate gift for nurturing. She also helps his friend to tap into his intuition and use his common sense to tame his emotions, which can be boundless at times. She does this by treating him with praise, understanding and acceptance, so he can practice them with himself and others. Jupiter finally feels a sense of belonging, as his good intentions are not abused, misunderstood, or minimized... they are used to make good things happen. Through accessing his more feminine side, Jupiter is compelled to give selflessly more of himself to others, and since he’s in a house that governs creation and karma, what goes around comes around multiplied. By practicing morality, ethics, charity and unconditional love without expecting nothing in return, as Cancer does, he finds out that he attracts the best of fortunes.
Personality traits: kind, compassionate, loving, caring, sympathetic, cheerful, charisma, altruistic, supported, rooted, lucky, fortunate, cozy, happy, benevolent, comprehensive, soft, guided, protective.
Saturn in Libra: When Saturn is in Libra, his sobriety and coldness start to wash off and trade for diplomacy, elegance and a profound pursuit of justice and fairness. In the friendly home of Libra, Saturn feels the need to connect, as her host reminds him the importance of friends, allies, and partnerships. After all, he cannot get ahead in life alone! Saturn’s industriousness and wisdom are channeled into building loyal and lasting relationships, where all parties get what they need equally. Libra knows his reputation well, and although she recognizes that his friend can be a bit stubborn, stern and gloomy at times, she loves to lighten him up and remind him of his noble character, and how it can create enduring and strong bonds. She gives him the mission of justice and impartiality, as she knows nobody is better suited than him for his seriousness and sense of responsibility. Saturn protects and respects Libra and feels empowered because she realigns him with balance and high ideals. He does not feel rejected or lonely anymore. Libra teaches him to relax a bit and to seek pleasure from the warmth of social interactions, and in consequence, Saturn learns to apply his maturity and discipline to persuade others into creating a kinder, fairer and wiser world.   
Personality traits: noble, just, dignified, committed, loyal, elegant, eloquent, responsible, diplomatic, mature, moral, impartial.
That's all! Thanks everyone for reading!😘
Book personal readings here: https://starintuitivehealing.etsy.com
Written by @soberpluto
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celestialxtasy · 10 months
planetary archetypes: ancient astrology
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𖤓 hierarchy of the cosmos 𖤓
the luminaries [sun & moon] are the brightest celestial bodies that emit the most light. the moon ☽ is the sun’s ☉ mirror, reflecting solar light and illuminating the night sky
the following planets are in order according to their distance from earth.
moon ☽ ➝ mercury ☿ ➝ venus ♀➝ sun ☉ ➝ mars ♂ ➝ jupiter ♃ ➝ saturn ♄
sun ☉ diety: sol [roman] hēlios [greek] shamash [babylonian] surya [indian] is the light of the mind, perception of the soul, the source of energy. its creative power is absolute. at a personal level, sun expresses itself as self-esteem and confidence, sense of purpose, ambition and determination. associated with the symbolism of an emperor with his central authority, leadership. illuminator. so[u]l.
moon ☽ diety: luna [roman] selēnē [greek] sin [babylonian] chandra [indian] is a cosmic mirror, reflection of solar and creative light, thus the analogy with multiplication, reproduction, and chaos. it is constantly going through its phases and cycles from new moon to full moon. associated with the mother and nurturing principle. body.
mercury ☿ diety: mercurius [roman] hermēs [greek] nebu [babylonian] budha [indian] is the writer of destinies, the scribe god, bestower of intellectual and practical wisdom. interpreter of dreams. mercury rules the mind and as the fastest moving planet, it symbolizes the speed of thought. messenger and trickster.
venus ♀ diety: venus [roman] aphroditē [greek] ishtar [babylonian] shukra [indian] is the goddess of love, femininity, beauty, music, art, and sexual pleasures. venus is the yin side of libido, passive and dark. venus is magnetic and seductive, she knows how to make things happen without actually doing anything tangible. brings harmony and softness. affinity with artistic endeavours, aesthetics and creativity.
mars ♂ diety: martus [roman] arēs [greek] nergal [babylonian] kuja [indian] is the god of war, the warrior, the rage, anger, passion, vitality, will to fight; the will to live. it is violent aggressive. the yang side of libido, active and light. mars brings destruction and chaos when not disciplined. mars is sharp either physically or mentally.
jupiter ♃ diety: jove [roman] zues [greek] marduk [babylonian] brihaspati [indian] is the sage of wisdom, abundance, optimism, faith, luck, philosophy, and higher knowledge. jupiter is the biggest planet in the entire solar system, symbolizing expansion and growth. jovial and hopeful.
saturn ♄ diety: saturnus [roman] kronos [greek] ninurta [babylonian] shani [indian] is elder, the authoritative figure who puts you in solitary and through long-lasting punishments. saturn makes you or breaks you, for the greater good in the long-term. the visible rings around saturn symbolize constraints and restrictions. what bounds you can also be your key to freedom.
classification of the planets:
hot - sun ☉ mars ♂ jupiter ♃ venus ♀ changeable - mercury ☿
cold - moon ☽ saturn ♄
dry - mars ♂ sun ☉ saturn ♄ changeable - mercury ☿
moist - moon ☽ venus ♀ jupiter ♃
planets can be classified as hot, cold, moist, and dry
benefic - jupiter ♃ venus ♀ changeable - mercury ☿
malefic - saturn ♄ mars ♂
planets can be classified as benefic, "doers of good", or malefic, "doers of bad".
masculine - sun ☉ jupiter ♃ saturn ♄ mars ♂ androgynous - ☿
feminine - moon ☽ venus ♀
diurnal - sun ☉ jupiter ♃ saturn ♄ common - mercury ☿
nocturnal - moon ☽ venus ♀ mars ♂
planets can belong to either the diurnal (day) sect or to the nocturnal (night) sect.
what planet is your chart ruler? what condition is it in? let me know in the comments!
made by yours truly <3
- @celestialxtasy
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orphic-muse · 1 year
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Astrologer's Zodiacal Board and Cover
2nd century CE
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virginiadre · 1 year
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A delve into ancient scriptures over the astrological studies we're doing today. I take the time to reveal what the Greeks and the Jyotish had to say over the 12th zodiac. Curious?
We all know Pisces is a mutable, water sign ruled by Jupiter. Signifying unconditoonal love and abundant compassion, as it's the exalted domain of Venus. Yet what else could be shared about on this in-depth?
A 2nd century hellenistic astrologer, Vettius Valens, based in Alexandra, penned down his research over the dual signed constellation. "Pisces is the celestial sign which is feminine, moist, quite wet, bicorporeal, with many offspring, mossy, scaley, sinewy, humpbacked, leprous, two-formed, mute, motile, with rough skin, in conflict with itself because one Fish is northern, the other southern. It is moist, downward-trending, servile, changeable, with many offspring, bicorporeal, sociable/lewd, with some limbs missing, the cause of wandering, varied."
"Men born under this sign are unsteady, unreliable, changing from bad fortune to good, sexy, theivish, shameless, prolific, popular."
"As a whole, Pisces is cool and breezy. By parts it is as follows: the first parts are temperate, the middle moist, the last destructive and worthless. It has…stars. In the north the rest of Andromeda rises with Pisces, as well as the rest of Perseus—the parts on the right—and Triangulum in Aries. In the south the head of the Southern Fish rises. Neptune, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter. In the south Ara and the rest of Hydra set <when Pisces is rising>; in the north, nothing."
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The Greeks and Romans had their own backstory for the fish constellation. Rather over what it ruled, lands and territory.
"Pisces lies toward the north wind. It also lies toward the zone of the Red Sea, having not a few islands under its control, above which lie India and the so-called Indian Ocean. In its eastern parts Pisces touches Parthia, the land of the Indies, and the Eastern Ocean; in its northern parts, Scythia. In its western parts it washes with its waves Myosormos, Orthosormos, and the surrounding cities."
"The following zones are subject to Pisces: to the front, the Euphrates and the Tigris; to the middle, Syria and the Red Sea, India, mid-Persis and the neighboring lands; to the tail, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, and the Borysthenes river; to the tie of the Northern Fish, Thrace; to that of the Southern Fish, Asia, Sardinia."
~ Now let's look over to India. What more could be divulged about Pisces? As they call it, Meena, sanskrit word meaning 'fish'. The BPSH narrates the primary traits of the water sign, deemed the birth sign of Goddess Lakshmi.
Meena resembles a pair of fish , one tailed with the head of the other.
This rashi is strong at night.
It is a watery Rashi and is predominant with Sattva-Guna (pure)
It denotes resoluteness and is a water-resorter.
It is footless and has a medium build.
It rules the North and rises with both head and back.
It is ruled by [Jupiter].
Another ancient text, Parashara, details piscean characteristics as follows:
They are very happy when they can spend their money to help others through charitable causes.
These persons are not steady .
They may change from one profession to another.
The married life of a Meena native is generally happy but they have a jealous nature."
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lesewut · 11 months
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Claudius Ptolemy (100 - 170) King of Astrologers and his famous work “Tetrábiblos” (Four Books) also known as Apotelematika (~ On the effects). The main key-question of Ptolemy can be summarized in one question: To what extent do changes in the world correspond to the positions of the stars?
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Over ten centuries this work influenced the astrology of the occident. In critical processing Ptolemy is reconditioning Ancient Egyptian, Babylonian and Greek astrology by collecting the astrological knowledge and by "cleansing" the systems of (religious) mythology. It was discussed for centuries, if Ptolemy is the original writer, as it was common to publish under famous pseudonyms. Today we have evidences to locate the time of origin between 139 - 161. Ptolemy is particularly critical against all indefinite claims, where he shows the spririt of the real scientist, by emphasizing, that all astrological knowledge is based on hypthothesis, as it will stay impossible to conisider and know of all the influences, effecting on the galaxy, the planets and the region, the human-being lives in. The Bible of Astrology by the so said Pharao and Priest Nechepso and Petosiris, can be considered as a negative example: Boundless interpreting of fixed stars, predictions used for sensation, motivated by lucrative and therefore false means. Ptolemy also rejected the Doctrine of Decane as 'tangled rhapsody'. Astrology is not an evidence-based science, but similiar to laws of nature, the researcher can built principles by observing and translating the phenomenon into a formula.
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The main works of Ptolemy Megale Syntaxis and Constructio mathematica are known under the Arabic title Almagest. Camerius was the first book binder, who published the first flawless translation of the Tetrabiblos syntaxis in 1533. Melanchthon writes 1300 years after the publicition to Erasmus Ebner about the Tetrábiblos and is praising the scientific significance behind the astrological work of Ptolemy and with regard to Plato, underlining that we can (re-)find God in the most multifarious and mellifluous ways and that God has given the human-beings science and retained it also in the creation, so it can still shine through the manifold circulation of being.
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This wonderful velvet edition is the rare version of Camerius, provided by Melanchthon. It is huge luck in historico-cultural way, that Ptolemy could have saved those testimonies from the fires in Alexendria, as he has, similiar to Euclid, the special merit to have collected and preserved knowledge, that would have got lost. The book is, as the title assumes, divided into four parts. The first book deals with the basics of astrology, describing the system of general predicitions, conditions of the stars and the movements of planetary orbits. In the second book Ptolemy is presenting the geographical astrology and the meteorology, here we learn the different constellations and their influence on earth. Similiar to the calculation of the nativity, it is necessary to set the region of preditional purpose into relation to deduce the astrological devination into forecast. It is exciting how geometry is used to calculate under which planet and stars the region is reigned. The Method of Angular House (in German Eckhäuser, in Greek Kentra) is also used in the system of Cabbala. In all likelihood, those methods came from Egypt, through Alexander the Great and the expansive work and travelling of the Priest of Marduk and Belus named Berossos (~ 280 BC), who is not only the most significant beholder of Babylonian history, but also an astrologist, who gave birth to the Hellenistic Astrology. It is likely, that due to the long period of astrological research in Babylon and India, that the knowledge wandered slowly into the European continent/culture under the mass migration. Small reference to King Sulgi (* 2092 BC), it is written that after "death" and the Ascension [!], he has become the Star of Sulgi: "Shepherd I am, may they praise me in prayer like a star." In astrological history it is generally said, that the Ancient Egyptians are the Masters of Trigones (relativeness between planets and the sign of zodiac, equal distances between right angles to the tropic point = Equinox) and the Chaldean (who where also living in the Mesopotamian region, but seem to have "dissapeared") are considered as the Masters of Angular Houses. This whole calculation could take books of explanation, it will not be possible to establish a holistic examination of this huge theme. But this system of calculation is the basis for white and black magic aswell. The hylegialic points of the Angular house give signs about the descendent spirit, later Paracelsus is defining the punctum ascemdens as the rising point of the ecliptic. Those methods are obligatory for the next book, because in the books three and four the astrology of birth is the main topic. Ptolemy underdraws the two sides of being: There are effects of necessity, which can not be changed (Laws of Nature) and there are effects of convertibility (diseases by unhealthy lifestyle). Ptolemy is comparing the aim behind predicitions in the prohibition of bad events, he takes the Egyptians as an example for connecting astrology with medicine. Actually the system of astrology is prioritising the moment of cenception for a 'valid' prediction of future, as we have the tendency to rather not know the circumstances of our procreation, the interpretation of our fate is scheduled in our natal hour. It is believed that all crafts in heaven have an impact on earth (just think of the moon and its effects on earth, the sun as life-giver) and that the constellation in the galaxy is also forming the seed and therefore the skills and handicaps. All regions are under the influence of different planets, each planet has different characteristics and therefore effects on our earth, ultimately on the single individual. By interpreting the sublunary basic elements and putting them into the context of natural origin in the cosmos, it is possible to set up a thesis for henceforth forecasting.
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Just as a reminder: There is no solid knowledge, errors can not be prohibited. Until this time, parts of astrological prediction are used in weather forecasts, but we all made the empirical experience, that the weather can break rapidly, when the winds, who are also the impulses of reigning planets, are changing. Empirical it is also indisputable, that the region, we are born in, has a massive impact on our personality, on our physical development, on our chances for mobility and education. The relevance of the first moments and years, after our birth, are getting more and more attention due to neuro-physiological findings. As there is much for which our power is limited, there is enough to upheave ourselves, to find new forms of break-throughs, when we are chained, to nurture the hope to carry on and bring sense into our life. And if it is just a little twinkling star far faaar away from our stretched out arm, as we live in this symphony of creation, we should strive to bring all those different wonderful tones into accordance, after every single one was able to find harmony within himself.
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inlakinslabyrinth · 9 months
The Ancient History of Astrology: Early Civilizations and The Stars
Astrology, an ancient practice that has captivated civilizations for centuries, holds a rich history deeply intertwined with the development of human civilization. From the earliest recorded civilizations to the present day, astrology has played a signifi
Astrology, an ancient practice that has captivated civilizations for centuries, holds a rich history deeply intertwined with the development of human civilization. From the earliest recorded civilizations to the present day, astrology has played a significant role in shaping our understanding of the cosmos and our place within it. In this blog post, we will delve into some of astrology’s earliest…
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narasimhabhakti · 1 year
I post this for information, as the lunar mansions are applicable for the tropical zodiac. I am sidereal astrologer and for magic and in general my preferences are for the fixed stars.
When you desire to perform your work in the day, arrange that the Moon be in the Ascendant, and that a diurnal sign be rising; if it is done at night, let a nocturnal sign be rising. And let there be rising a sign of direct ascension, for works of magic which are light
[i.e., trivial] and certain; and let there be rising a sign of tortuous ascension for more serious works. And for that reason let the helpful [planets] be in a fortunate aspect [to the working]; for if there ascends a sign of direct ascension and an infortune is present therein, the work is destroyed and spoiled.
These lunar mansions are based on the tropical zodiac. They are not applicable on the sidereal. For the sidereal zodiac for the purposes of astral magic and the creation of talismans you may use the fixed stars of Hermes.
The First Mansion
Name: Al Nath (The Butting)
Star: Sheratan and Mesarthim
Zodiacal Measurement: 0° Aries 00′ – 12° Aries 51′
Talismanic Image: A black man with his hair wrapped and encircled, having in his right hand a spear in the manner of a warrior.
The first mansion is for destruction and depopulation and this Mansion is called Alnath. While the Moon is passing through this Mansion, make the image of a black man with his hair wrapped and encircled, standing on his feet, having in his right hand a spear in the manner of a warrior. Make this image in a iron ring; and suffumigate it with liquid storax. Make a seal with the ring in black wax and say: “You, Geriz, kill N son of N, or N wife of N, quickly and speedily and destroy them.” Heed this and it will be as you wish. Know that Geriz is the name of the lord of this mansion.
The first Mansion of the Moon is called Alnath. It is begun from the starting point of Aries, through the 12th degree, 51st minute and 26th second of that sign. And the wise men of India will begin journeys and give medicines when the Moon is in this Mansion. You also ought to place [the Moon] in this Mansion for all images you intend to fashion that you might travel on the road and be returned home safely. They also account this sign [Mansion] good for the creation of discord and enmity between a man and wife, and for the creation of enmity between two friends. The foundation of all acts for good purposes is an observation, namely to see whether or not the Moon is in a good condition, and is safe from [aspect with] Saturn, Mars and from combustion with the Sun. And do the opposite in all works of evil, namely [set the] Moon in combustion with the Sun, and Saturn and Mars aspecting the Moon (or at least one of them).
The Second Mansion
Name: Al Butayn (The Little Belly)
Indicator Star: Botein
Zodiacal Measurement: 12° Aries 51′ – 25° Aries 42′
Talismanic Image: A crowned king.
The second Mansion is Albotayn and is for the removal of anger. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, take white wax and mastic and melt them together over a fire. Then remove this from the fire and make the form of a crowned king. Suffumigate it with lignum aloes, and say: “You, Enedil, drive away this anger from me, and let me be reconciled with him, and let my petition be satisfactory to him.” Keep this image with you, and it shall be done. Know that Enedil is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The second Mansion is called Alkatayn. It is begun in the 12th degree, 51st minute, 26th second of Aries, and is completed in the 21st degree, 42nd minute and 12th second of the same sign. In this mansion you should fashion images when you wish to pollute rivers and waters, or find hidden treasure, and for the production of much wheat, and by which may be accomplished the destruction of houses before they are complete. And likewise you make images in this [Mansion] for creating anger between one man and another, and also for making strong the prison in which are held captives.
The Third Mansion
Name: Al Thurayya (The Pleiades)
Star: Alcyone (The Pleiades)
Zodiacal Measurement: 25° Aries 42′ – 8° Taurus 34′
Talismanic Image: A seated woman with her right hand above her head.
The third Mansion is Azoraye (that is, the Pleiades) and is for the acquisition of all good things. Make the figure of a seated woman with her right hand over her head, and wrap it in cloth, suffumigate it with musk, camphor, mastic and aromatic oils. Say: “You, Annuncia, make it so.” Make the image in a silver ring with a square table, and put it upon your finger and it will be as you wish. Know that Annuncia is the name of the lord of this mansion.
The third Mansion is called Acoraxa. It begins in the degree aforesaid, and is completed in the 8th degree, 3rd minute and 2nd second of Taurus. In this Mansion should be fashioned images for the salvation of sailors and their safe return, and for strengthening the imprisonment of captives, and for works of alchemy and for all operations which are done through fire, and for hunts in the country, and for the creation of love between man and wife.
The Fourth Mansion
Name: Aldebaran (The Follower)
Indicator Star: Aldebaran
Zodiacal Measurement: 8° Taurus 35′ – 21° Taurus 25′
Talismanic Image: A knight riding a horse and holding a serpent in his right hand.
The fourth Mansion is Aldebaran and is for obtaining enmity. Take red wax and when the Moon is passing through this Mansion, make the image of a knight riding on a horse, holding a serpent in his right hand, and suffumigate the image with red myrrh and storax. And say, “You, Assarez, make it so and fulfill my request,” and ask for things pertaining to hatred, separation and ill will. It will be completely done as you have requested. Know that Assarez is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The fourth Mansion is called Aldebaran. It is begun in the 8th degree, 3rd minute and 2nd second of Taurus, and is finished in the 21st degree, 25th minute and 20th second of the same sign. In this mansion you should fashion images for the destruction of a city, villa or any other building which you desire not to endure, and they shall proceed to their destruction; and
that a lord shall disagree with his advisor, and for the creation of discord between man and wife, and for the destruction of fountains and waters. And you may discover treasures hidden below the earth [in this Mansion], and destroy and bind all reptiles and venomous animals.
The Fifth Mansion
Name: Al Haq’ah (A Circle of Hair on a Horse. Supposed to be a reference to a crown)
Star: Meissa
Zodiacal Measurement: 21° Taurus 26′ – 4° Gemini 17′
Talismanic Image: A head without a body. More contemporary artists have depicted it as a crowned head to differentiate from the decapitated head that is the image of Algol. That’s probably wise.
The fifth Mansion is Almizen and is for receiving good from kings and high officials. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion a figure from silver and in it sculpt a head without a body, and above the head write the name of the lord of this Mansion and your petition and suffumigate it with sandalwood, and say: “You, Cabil, do such and such for me and let my petition be granted and let me receive good things and the best from the king and his councilors.” When you have done this carry the seal in a box, and your request will be fulfilled. When you wish to see something when you sleep, place the talisman under your head at night when you sleep, thinking always in your mind about what you wish, and you will get an answer for what you seek. Know that Assarez is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The fifth Mansion is called Almites. It is begun in the 21st degree, 25th minute and 20th second of Taurus, and is finished in the 4th degree, 17th minute and 20th second of Gemini. In this Mansion, make images for the teaching (?) of the arts and mysteries to young men, and for the safety of travelers through other countries, so that they swiftly return and so that sailors may travel safely. Also, [make images] for the strengthening of buildings, and for the destruction of alliances and friendships, and to create good will between man and wife. And do this when the Moon travels through a humane sign and is rising; and save [the Moon] from Saturn and Mars and combustion with the Sun as we have said before in the first Mansion. And these are the [humane] signs: Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.
The Sixth Mansion
Name: Al Hanah (The Camel’s Brand [as one would brand cattle]), Al Tahayi (The Rainbearers), or Al Maisan (The Shining one).
Star: Alhena
​Zodiacal Measurement: 4° Gemini 18′ – 17° Gemini 08′
Talismanic Image: Two images each of one person. The two images are then tied together.
The sixth Mansion is Achaya and it is for putting love between two people. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, make two images from white wax, make them embrace each other, and wrap them in white silk. Suffumigate them with amber and lignum aloes, and say: “You, Nedeyrahe, bring together so and so and so and so, and place between them friendship and love.” It will be as you wish. Know that Nedeyrahe is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The sixth Mansion is called Athaya. It is from the 4th degree, 17th minute and 20th second of Gemini to the 17th degree, 8th minute and 36th second of the same [sign]. In this Mansion fashion images to destroy cities and castles, and for exercises placed around them [i.e., besiegement of them], and for enemies of kings to be revenged on them [the kings] , and for the destruction of crops and trees, and to bring friendship between two allies, and for excellent hunting in the countryside, and for the destruction of medicines, so that the wise did not give it [at this time].
The Seventh Mansion
Name: Al Dhira
Star: Castor and Pollux
​Zodiacal Measurement: 17° Gemini 09′ – 0° Cancer 00′
Talismanic Image: A man clothed in robes with his hands
The seventh Mansion is Aldira and is for the acquisition of all good things. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion a seal of silver, and sculpt the image of a man clothed in robes and with his hands extended to heaven in the manner of a man who is praying and supplicating; in the breast of the image write the name ofthe lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate it with sweet smelling things, and say: “You, Siely, cause such and such to happen, and grant my petition.” Ask for whatever you wish that pertains to good things. Carry the image with you and it will be as you wish. Know that Selehe is the name ofthe lord of this Mansion.
The seventh Mansion is called Aldirah. It is [begun] from the 17th degree 8th minute 2nd second of Gemini, and is ended at the end of this sign. In this Mansion, fashion images for the increase of trade and of its money and for good travel, and to cause friendship between enemies and allies, and for when you wish to drive away flies and prevent them from coming in, and for the destruction of high offices. And it will be good for approaching the presence of the king, or for any other you like, and for fashioning
for inclining to benevolence the king or whatever other lord you may desire.
The Eighth Mansion
Name: Al Nathra (The Tip of the Nose of the Great Celestial Lion)
Star: Praesape
Zodiacal Measurement: 0° Cancer 00′ – 12° Cancer 51′.
Talismanic Image: An eagle with the face of a man.
Thee eighth Mansion is Annathra and is for gaining victory. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion from tin the image of an eagle with the face of a man, and on its breast inscribe the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate it with sulfur, and say: “You, Annediex, do such and such for and grant my petition.” When this image has been completed in this fashion, take it with you into battle and you shall be victorious and shall prevail. Know that Annediex is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The eighth Mansion is called Nathra. It is begun at 0 degrees 51 minutes 26 seconds of Cancer. In this Mansion fashion images for love and friendship, and that one may travel and go upon the roads safely, and for the creation of friendship between two allies, and that the imprisonment of captives may be strengthened and fortified, and for the destruction and prostration of captives, and to drive out mice from whatever place you may desire.
The Ninth Mansion
Name: Al Tarf (The Eye of the Great Celestial Lion)
Star: Alterf
Zodiacal Measurement: 12° Cancer 51′ – 25° Cancer 42′
Talismanic Image: A eunuch holding his hands over his eye
The ninth Mansion is Atarfa and is for causing infirmity. When the Moon has passed into this Mansion, make a lead image of a eunuch holding his hands over his eyes, and on his neck inscribe the name of the Lord of the Mansion. Suffumigate the image with pine resin and say: “You, Raubel, make N son of N die of sickness or N son of N’s blood to flow.” Ask for which one of these two that you wish, it will be completed if you follow the right path as we have explained above. And know that Raubel is the name of the lord of this Mansion
• The ninth Mansion is called Atraf. It is begun in the 12th degree 50th minute and 26th second of his sign, obviously Cancer. In this excellent mansion you may fashion images for the destruction of a harvest, and for the making unfortunate of all those who travel, and to do evil to all men, and to cause disputes and enmity between allies, and to defend yourself from other men.
The Tenth Mansion
Name: Al Jabha
Star: Regulus
Zodiacal Measurement: 25° Cancer 42′ – 8° Leo 34′
Talismanic Image: The head of a lion.
The tenth Mansion is Algebha and is for the cure of infirmities and to make childbirth easy. When the Moon is in this mansion, fashion from gold or brass the head of a lion,, and above it write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate the image with amber, and say: “You, Aredafir, lift up sadness, slowness and infirmity from my heart and body and whomever consumes or drinks liquid in which this seal has been washed.” And on whatever day you have suffumigated it, then it shall be carried to the sick or the infirm and wash it with another substance to be consumed against illness or for women who have had a difficult birth. Know that Aredafir is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The tenth Mansion is called Algebhal. It begins from the 25th degree 42nd minute and 51st second of Cancer, and is finished in the 8th degree 34th minute and 18th second of Leo. In this mansion you may fashion images to create love between a man and woman, and for the destruction of enemies, and for the goodwill of allies, and alternately for the assistance of them.
The Eleventh Mansion
Name: Al Zubra (The Mane of the Great Celestial Lion)
Star: Zosma
Zodiacal Measurements: 8° Leo 35′ – 21° Leo 25′
Talismanic Image: A man riding a lion with a lance in his right hand while his left holds the lion’s ear.
The eleventh Mansion is Azobra, and it is that you will be feared and receive good things. When the Moon is in this Mansion, make in a table of gold the image of a man riding a lion, holding a lance in his right hand and holding the ear of the lion with his left hand, and in front of this figure write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Say: “You, Necol, bring glory to me that I shall be feared by men, and so that their fear shall cause them to tremble when they behold me; and quiet the heart of the king and of lords and of men of high estate that they may grant me honors and dignities.” Carry this tablet with you, and it shall be as you have requested. Know that Necol is the name ofthe lord of this Mansion.
The eleventh Mansion is called Azobra. It is begun in the 8th degree 36th minute and 18thth second of Leo, and is finished in the 25th degree 2nd minute and 44th second of that sign. In this mansion you may make images for the release of captives, and for the setting of armies to cities and castles [i.e., besiegement], and for the strengthening of buildings, and to enlarge the wealth of allies.
The Twelfth Mansion
Name: Al Sarfah (The Change or Diversion)
Star: Denebola
Zodiacal Measurements: 21° Leo 26′ – 04° Virgo 17′
Talismanic Image: A man and dragon fighting.
The twelfth Mansion is Azarfa, and it is for the separation of two lovers. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion in black lead the image of a dragon fighting with a man, and in front of this figure write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate the image with the hair of a lion mixed with asafoetida, and say: “You, Abdizu, break apart and separate such a one from such a one.” Bury this image in the place that you wish, and it shall be as you desire. And know that Abdizu is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The twelfth Mansion is called Acarfa. It is begun in the 25th degree 2nd minute and 44th second of Leo, and is completed in the 4th degree 17th minute and 6th second of Virgo. In this Mansion, you may fashion images for the increase [of the harvest and of plants, and for the increase of destruction, and for the destruction of ships, and for the betterment of allies and learned men , [and for] captives and servants to be made fast and to give good service.]
The Thirteenth Mansion
Name: Al Awwa (The Barker)
Star: Zavijava
Zodiacal Measurements: 4° Virgo 18′ – 17° Virgo 08′
Talismanic Image: Separate images of a man and woman tied together
The thirteenth Mansion is Alahue, and it is for the liberation of men who are not able to come to women and for putting love between men and women. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion from red wax the image of an erect man (that is, with an erect penis); and let it be in all ways the image of a man desiring to couple with a woman. From white wax fashion the image of a woman. Bind the two images together face to face, and suffumigate them with amber and lignum aloes, and wrap them in a piece of white silk which has been washed in rosewater; and on either image write the name of the one you desire. If a woman shall carry these images with her, she will be most strongly desired by the man whose name is upon the image – which is to say, when he sees her. If another is tied or bound, who is not able to perform with women, if he shall carry the images with him it shall be dissolved and he will be able to perform with women. Know that the name of the lord of this Mansion is Azerut.
• The thirteenth Mansion is called [Alahue]. It is begun from the 4th degree 17th minute and 6th second of Virgo, and is ended in the 17th degree 8th minute and 36th second of this sign. In this mansion you may make images for the increasing of trade and your money, the increase of harvests, that buildings may be completed, and for the liberation of captives.
The Fourteenth Mansion
Name: Al Simak (The Uplifted)
Star: Spica
Zodiacal Measurements: 17° Virgo 08′ – 00° Libra 00′
Talismanic Image: A dog with its own tail in its mouth.
The fourteenth Mansion is Azimech, and it is for the separating of men from women. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion from red wax the image of a dog with his own tail held in his mouth. Suffumigate it with the hair of a dog and the hair of a cat, and say: “You, Erdegel, break apart and divide such a one from such a woman through enmity and ill will.” And name whatever persons you wish, and bury the image in the place where they are. And know that the name ofthe lord of this Mansion is Erdegel.
The fourteenth Mansion is called Alcimech. It is begun in the 17th degree [8th minute and] 36th second of Virgo, and is complete at the end of this sign. In this mansion may be made images for the love of men and women, and for curing the infirm, and for the destruction of harvests and plants, for the destruction of desire, and that sailors may have good [conditions], and for the love of allies.
The Fifteenth Mansion
Name: Al Ghafr (The Covering or Coat of Mail)
Star: Syrma
Zodiacal Measurements: 00° Libra 00′ – 12° Libra 51′
Talismanic Image: A seated man holding scrolls as if he were reading them.
The fifteenth Mansion is Algafra, and it is for the acquisition of friendship and good will. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, make in ink the figure of a seated man, holding scrolls in his hand as if reading them. Suffumigate it with frankincense and nutmeg and say: “You, Achalich, do such and such for me, and accomplish my petition.” You may ask him for the joining together of friends and lovers, and any thing, which pertains to them, and this image should then be carried with you. And know that Achalich is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The fifteenth Mansion is called Algafra. It is begun in the first degree of Libra, and is finished in the 12th degree, 51st minute and 26th second of that sign. In this Mansion may be fashioned images for locating treasure, and for the impeding of travellers that they may not be able to go to their journeys, and for the separation of a married man from his wife, that they may never be joined one to the other, and for the creation of discord between friends and allies, and for the destruction of the houses of enemies.
The Sixteenth Mansion
Name: Al Zubana (The Claws of the Scorpion)
Star: Zuben Elgenubi and Zuben Eschalami
Zodiacal Measurements: 12° Libra 51′ – 25° Libra 42′
Talismanic Image: A man seated on a throne holding a scale in his hands.
The sixteenth Mansion is Azebene, and it is for the making of money (which is to say, in selling and buying). When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion in a plate of silver the figure of a man seated in a throne and carrying a scale in his hands. Suffumigate the image with fine odors, and set it out under the stars for seven nights, saying each night: “You, Azeruch, make such and such happen for me, and accomplish my request.” Ask of it pertaining to selling and buying. Know that Azeruch is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The sixteenth Mansion is called Acubene. It begins in the 12th degree 51st minute and 26th second of Libra and is ended at the 25th degree, 42nd minute and 52nd second of that sign. In this mansion you may make images for the destruction of wages, crops and plants, and for creating discord between a man and woman, and for the liberation of captives from prison.
The Seventeenth Mansion
Name: Al-Iklil (The Crown)
Star: Acrab and Deschubba
Zodiacal Measurements: 25° Libra 42′ – 08° Scorpio 34′
Talismanic Image: A monkey with its arms up over its shoulders.
The seventeenth Mansion is Alichil, and it is so that thieves may not enter into the house and other criminals likewise. When the Moon has entered this Mansion, fashion the figure of a monkey in an iron seal, holding his hands above his shoulders. Suffumigate it with the hair of a monkey and the hair of a female mouse, and wrap it in a monkey skin. It should then be buried in your house, while saying: “You, Adrieb, guard all my things and everything that exists within this house, nor let it be entered by thieves.” When the foregoing has been done, thieves will flee from your house. Know that Adrieb is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The seventeenth Mansion is called Alichil. It begins in the 25th degree, 42nd minute and 52nd second of Libra, and is ended in the 8th degree, 36th minute and 2nd second of Scorpio. In this mansion you may fashion images for the placement of armies, and for making buildings strong and stable, and for the safety of sailors. And in this Mansion make
for loves which are of ordinary durability.
The Eighteenth Mansion
Name: Al Qalb (The Heart)
Star: Antares
Zodiacal Measurements: 08° Scorpio 34′ – 21° Scorpio 25′
Talismanic Image: An adder holding its tail above its head.
The eighteenth Mansion is Alcab, and it is for taking away fevers and infirmities of the belly. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion from wax the image of an adder holding its tail above its head. Suffumigate” it with the horn of a stag and say: You, Egribel, guard this house of mine that no serpent may enter nor any other hurtful beast.” Place the image in a vessel which should be buried beneath your house; when the aforesaid has been done, then no serpent will be able to enter nor any other hurtful creature. If the image is to relieve a fever or illness of the belly, carry this image with you and it will cure you. Know that Egrebel is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The eighteenth Mansion is called Alcakl. It begins in the 8th degree, 36th minute and 2nd second of Scorpio and endures to the 21st degree 25th minute and 44th second of that sign. In this Mansion you may make images for victory [over] your enemies, and to strengthen buildings, and to destroy friendship.
The Nineteenth Mansion
Name: Al Ibrah (The Sting) or Al Shawlah (The Tail)
Star: Shaula or Lesath
Zodiacal Measurements: 21° Scorpio 25′ – 04° Sagittarius 17′
Talismanic Image: A woman holding her hands in front of her face.
The nineteenth Mansion is Axaula, and it is for bringing on the menses in women. When the Moon has passed around to this Mansion, fashion from heme (which is a kind of bronze) a seal, and engrave in it the image of a woman holding her hands before her face. Suffumigate it with liquid storax and say: “You, Annucel, cause the blood to flow from such and such a woman” – name her here. And it shall be as you ask. If a woman keeps this image tied about her waist, she will give birth quickly and without danger. Know that Annucel is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The nineteenth Mansion is called Exaula. And it begins in the 21st degree, 25th minute and 44th second of Scorpio and is ended in the 4th degree, 27th minute and 10th second of Sagittarius. In this Mansion you may make images for the placement of armies outside of cities and advancement upon them, and for the increase of crops, and for the capturing of fugitives, and for the destruction of ships.
The Twentieth Mansion
Name: Al Naaim (The Ostriches, a reference to an old asterism formed by what we now see as the bow of Sagittarius)
Star: Ascella
Zodiacal Measurements: 04° Sagittarius 17′ – 17° Sagittarius 08′
Talismanic Image: Figure having the head and arms of a man, body of a horse with four feet, and holding a bow and arrow.
The twentieth Mansion is Alnaym, and it is for hunting on land. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion in a plate of tin a figure having the head and arms of a man, the body of a horse with four feet and having a tail, holding a bow in its hands. Suffumigate it with the hair of a wolf, and say: “You, Queyhuc, cause me to take all I hunt in the world, and let them come to me swiftly.” Carry the image with you and you shall easily take anything in the world that you hunt. Know that Queyhuc is the name ofthe lord of this Mansion.
The twentieth Mansion is called Nahaym. It is begun in the 4th degree, [27th minute and] 10th second of Sagittarius, and is ended in the 17th degree, 8th minute and 26th second of this sign. And in this Mansion you may fashion images for the animals wild and domesticated, ad for the destruction of disagreements between friends.
The Twenty-First Mansion
Name: Al Balda (The Place, Town, Or City)
Star: Albaldah
Zodiacal Measurements: 17° Sagittarius 08′ – 00° Capricorn 00′
Talismanic Image: A man with two faces; one facing forward, the other facing behind.
The twenty-first Mansion is Albelda, and it is for destruction. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion the image of a man having two faces, with one facing forward and one facing behind. Suffumigate it with sulfur and carob, and say: “You, Bectue, depopulate such and such a place and destroy it.” Then place the image in a small bag and place sulfur and carabe with it along with some hair, and bury it in the place that you wish, and it shall be as you have requested. Know that Bectue is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The twenty-first Mansion is called Elbelda. It begins in the 17th degree, 8th minute and 48th second of Sagittarius and is ended at the end of the sign. In this mansion you may make images to strengthen buildings, and to separate women from their proper husbands.
The Twenty-Second Mansion
Name: Sa’d al-Dhabih (Luck of the Slayer)
Star: Prima Giedi
Zodiacal Measurements: 00° Capricorn 00′ – 12° Capricorn 51′
Talismanic Image: A man with winged feet wearing a helmet.
The twenty-second Mansion is Sadahaca. It is for binding tongues so that they do not say anything bad about you. When the Moon is in this mansion make an iron ring and engrave in it the figure of a man with winged feet wearing a helmet and suffumigate it with mercury. And inscribe this image in iron for the safety of fugitives. And say: “You, Geliel, bind these tongues so they cannot say bad things and make me secure and let N. escape safely from his enemies.” Carry this ring with you and make a seal in black wax with the ring to bind tongues. Know that the name of the lord of this Mansion is Geliel.
The twenty-second Mansion is called Acadaldeba. It begins in the first degree of Capricorn, and endures to the 12th degree, 51st minute and 26th second of this sign. In this Mansion, you may fashion images for the safety of those who are ill , and to create discord between two [people].
The Twenty-Third Mansion
Name: Sa’d Bula (Luck of the Swallower)
Star: Al Bali
Zodiacal Measurement: 12° Capricorn 51′ – 25° Capricorn 42′
Talismanic Image: A cat with the head of a dog.
The twenty-third Mansion is Zaadebola, and it is for destruction and devastation. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion a seal of iron in which you should sculpt the image of a cat having a dog’s head. Suffumigate it with the hair of a dog, and say: “You, Zequebin, drive out everyone from such and such a place, and destroy and devastate it.” When this Mansion has come to the Ascendant, set this seal out under the stars, and the following night bury the aforesaid seal in the place, which you wish to destroy. It shall be as you desire. Know that the name of the lord of this Mansion is Zequebin.
The twenty-third Mansion is called Caciddebolah. It begins in the 12th minute, 51st minute and 26th second of Capricorn and endures to the 25th degree, 42nd minute and 52nd second of this sign. In this Mansion you may make images for the curing of the sick, and for the joining of men with wives.
The Twenty-Fourth Mansion
Name: Sa’d al Su’ud (Luck of the Lucks)
Star: Sadalsuud
Zodiacal Measurement: 25° Capricorn 42′ – 8° Aquarius 34′
Talismanic Image: A woman holding a child in her arms as if she were nursing.
The twenty-fourth Mansion is Caadezod, and it is for the increase of herds. When the Moon has passed into this Mansion, take the horn of a castrated ram which is well cleaned and made appropriate, and in it fashion the figure of a woman with her son in her arms, in the likeness of one who is nursing. Suffumigate it with the scrapings which have been taken from the aforesaid horn and say: “You, Abrine, improve and guard this herd.” After this, hang the image about the neck of one of the rams of this herd; if you wish to work with herds of cows, fashion this image in the horn of a bull, and hang it around the neck of a bull, and the herd will be augmented as has been said and death shall not overtake it. Know that Abrine is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The twenty-fourth Mansion is called Caadachahot. It is begun in the 25th degree, 42nd minute and 52nd second of Capricorn and endures to the 8th degree, 34th minute and 28th second of Aquarius. In this Mansion you may make images for good will between men and women, and for the increase of trade.
The Twenty-Fifth Mansion
Name: Sa’d al-Akhbiyah (Luck of the Tents)
Star: Sadalbachia
Zodiacal Measurement: 8° Aquarius 34′ – 21° Aquarius 25′
Talismanic Image: A man planting trees.
The twenty-fifth Mansion is Zaadalahbia, and it is for the protection of orchards and crops from evil accidents. When the Moon is in that Mansion, fashion a seal in fig wood, and sculpt in it the figure of a man in the likeness of one who is planting trees. Suffumigate it with the flowers of these trees, and say: “You, Aziel, guard my crops and my orchards that any destruction or ill fortune may not befall them.” Place the aforesaid image in one of the trees in the place, which you wish to guard. While the image, which was made continues there, destruction shall not befall the crops. And know that Aziel is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The twenty-fifth Mansion is called Caadaladbia. It is begun in the 8th degree, 34th minute and 28th second of Aquarius, and ends in the 21st degree, 25th minute and 17th second of the same sign. In this Mansion may be made images for the separation of women from their men, and for the repair of buildings.
The Twenty-Sixth Mansion
Name: Al-Fargh al-Muqaddam (The Preceding Spout), Al-Fargh al-Awwal (The First Spout)
Star: Markab
Zodiacal Measurements: 21° Aquarius 25′ – 04° Pisces 17′
Talismanic Image: A woman washing or combing her hair in a vessel.
The twenty-sixth Mansion is Alfarg the Former, and it is for the creation of love. When the Moon is passing through it, take white wax and mastic and melt them together; from these fashion the image of a woman with her hair unbound and before her a vessel placed as if to receive her hair. Suffumigate it withe sweet-smelling odors, and say: “You, Tagriel, bring me to the love and friendship of such and such a woman.” Place the image in a small bag, and place with it also some of the most sweet-smelling of substances; carry it with you, and it shall be completed as you have requested. Know that Tagriel is the name ofthe lord of this Mansion.
The twenty-sixth Mansion is called Almisdam. It is begun in the 21st degree, 25th minute and 17th second of Aquarius, and ends in the 4th degree, 17th minute and 10th second of Pisces. In this Mansion may be made images for the goodwill of men.
The Twenty-Seventh Mansion
Name: Al-Fargh al-Muakhkhar (The Following Spout)
Star: Algenib and Alpheratz
Zodiacal Measurements: 04° Pisces 17′ – 17° Pisces 08′
Talismanic Image: A winged man holding a perforated dish, raising it towards his mouth.
The twenty-seventh Mansion is Alfarg the Latter, and it is for the destruction of springs and wells. When the Moon is passing through it, take red earth, and in it fashion the image of a winged man, holding a perforated dish in his hands, and raising it to his mouth. Afterward put it into the fire until it is hard. After this place in the vessel asafoetida and liquid storax, and say: “You, Abliemel, destroy such and such a spring of such and such a man,” and name him here as you wish. Throw the image into his spring, and it shall be destroyed and the spring shall no more come forth. And know that Abliemel is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The twenty-seventh Mansion is called Algaafalmuehar. It begins in the 4th degree, 17th second and 10th second of Pisces and ends at 17 degrees, 8 minutes and 36 seconds of that sign. In this Mansion may be made images for increasing trade, and to obstruct [the construction of] buildings, and for the endangerment of sailors.
The Twenty-Eighth Mansion
Name: Batn al-Hut (Belly of the Fish)
Star: Mirach
Zodiacal Measurements: 17° Pisces 08′ – 00° Aries 00
Talismanic Image: A fish with a colored spine.
The twenty-eighth Mansion is Arrexe, and it is for bringing fish together in one place. When the Moon has come to this Mansion, fashion of henc (which is a kind of bronze) a seal, in which you should fashion the image of a fish having a colored spine on which you should write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate it with the skin of a sea fish; after this, tie a string around it and throw it in the water in the place where you wish the fish to come together. All of the fish in the area nearby will immediately gather together about it, and allow you to harvest them. And know that Anuxi is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The twenty-eighth Mansion is called Arcexe. It begins in the 17th degree, 8th minute and 36th second of Pisces, and lasts to the end of that sign. In this Mansion may be made
for the increase of trade and the creation of peace and agreement between man and wife, and for strengthening the imprisonment of captives
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cosmicspiritauntie · 1 year
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Who is this deity and what do they have to do with Mars? (And ancient astrology for that matter.) Curious?
Come participate in a low-cost beta run of my new seminar where we dive deep into the original Greek of the Orphic Hymn to Ares/Mars (don’t panic—I’ll walk you through it word by word).
We’ll uncover the hidden esoteric language and teachings of the Orphic Mysteries—including how they impacted the cosmology that underlays all of Hellenistic astrology.
And also hopefully have fun in a nerdy sorta way. Details are on my substack page. Only three spots in this small-group class are left!
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
astro notes: sun saturn mercury conjunction 💫
With Saturn and the Sun approaching conjunction on February 25 this triple conjunction includes a debilitated Mercury, making the reset moment powerful. The actual rebirth occurs around February 28. Saturn's symbolism includes death and rebirth, different from Pluto's or Uranus's. Saturn is a gateway, representing a threshold between the known and unknown, the seen and unseen, the traditional and the transcendent. It signifies a moment of letting go and crossing over, especially significant in a double-body water sign like Pisces, bringing a sense of insignificance. Embracing insignificance can be valuable, as it levels things out and prevents self-righteousness. Holding the tension of opposites, which Saturn rules, is crucial for understanding the deeper meanings of life and enlightenment.
Aries Rising For Aries rising, the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn falls in your 12th house, indicating a time of unconscious processing and spiritual renewal. You may find yourself confronting hidden fears or subconscious patterns that are ready to be released. This is a time to let go of old ways of thinking or being that no longer serve your highest good. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition, as they may offer valuable insights into what needs to be released. Use this energy to connect with your inner self and engage in practices that nourish your spiritual growth and emotional well-being.
Taurus Rising With the conjunction in your 11th house, Taurus rising, you are likely to experience changes within your social circle and group affiliations. Old friendships or associations that no longer align with your values may fall away, making space for new connections that support your personal growth. This is a time to reassess your long-term goals and aspirations, focusing on building a supportive network of like-minded individuals who can help you achieve your dreams. Embrace this period of transition as an opportunity to align your social life with your authentic self.
Gemini Rising For Gemini rising, the conjunction occurs in your 10th house of career and public image, indicating a period of significant change and restructuring in your professional life. You may feel a strong desire to reassess your career path and long-term goals, seeking greater fulfillment and purpose in your work. This is a time to take on new responsibilities and challenges that can help you grow professionally. Embrace the opportunity to redefine your public image and reputation, aligning them more closely with your true self.
Cancer Rising With the conjunction in your 9th house, Cancer rising, you are likely to experience a shift in your beliefs and worldview. Old belief systems or philosophies that no longer resonate with you may fall away, making room for new perspectives and ways of thinking. This is a time to explore new ideas and expand your horizons through travel, education, or spiritual pursuits. Embrace this period of growth and discovery as an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the world and your place within it.
Leo Rising For Leo rising, the conjunction occurs in your 8th house of transformation and shared resources, indicating a period of intense personal growth and change. You may find yourself confronting deep-seated fears or emotional patterns that are ready to be released. This is a time to let go of old ways of relating to others and embrace a more authentic and vulnerable approach. Use this energy to deepen your connections with others and cultivate a greater sense of intimacy and trust in your relationships.
Virgo Rising With the conjunction in your 7th house, Virgo rising, you are likely to experience changes in your partnerships and relationships. Old relationship dynamics that are no longer serving your growth may come to the surface, prompting you to reassess your approach to relating to others. This is a time to cultivate more authentic and balanced relationships, based on mutual respect and understanding. Embrace this period of transformation as an opportunity to deepen your connections with others and create more meaningful partnerships.
Libra Rising For Libra rising, the conjunction occurs in your 6th house of health and daily routines, indicating a period of focus on your physical well-being and habits. You may feel a strong desire to overhaul your daily routines and self-care practices, seeking greater balance and harmony in your life. This is a time to prioritize your health and well-being, making changes that support your overall vitality. Embrace this period of renewal as an opportunity to cultivate healthier habits that nurture your body, mind, and spirit.
Scorpio Rising With the conjunction in your 5th house, Scorpio rising, you are likely to experience changes in your creative expression and romantic life. Old creative projects or romantic relationships that no longer inspire you may fall away, making room for new sources of joy and self-expression. This is a time to embrace your creativity and passion, allowing yourself to be more spontaneous and playful. Use this energy to explore new creative outlets and cultivate more joy and pleasure in your life.
Sagittarius Rising For Sagittarius rising, the conjunction occurs in your 4th house of home and family, indicating a period of focus on your personal life and emotional well-being. You may feel a strong desire to create a more stable and nurturing home environment, rooted in your values and sense of security. This is a time to connect with your roots and family history, seeking a deeper understanding of your past and how it has shaped you. Embrace this period of introspection as an opportunity to create a more solid foundation for yourself and your loved ones.
Capricorn Rising With the conjunction in your 3rd house, Capricorn rising, you are likely to experience changes in your communication style and immediate environment. Old ways of thinking or communicating that no longer serve your growth may fall away, making room for new ideas and perspectives. This is a time to embrace a more open-minded and flexible approach to communication, allowing for greater connection and understanding with others. Use this energy to expand your mental horizons and engage in meaningful conversations that broaden your perspective.
Aquarius Rising For Aquarius rising, the conjunction occurs in your 2nd house of finances and self-worth, indicating a period of focus on your material resources and sense of value. You may feel a strong desire to reassess your financial situation and cultivate a greater sense of abundance and prosperity in your life. This is a time to redefine your relationship with money and material possessions, seeking a more balanced and sustainable approach to financial security. Embrace this period of reflection as an opportunity to cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth and abundance in your life.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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astrosolutions · 10 months
Ancient Astrology: Unleashing the Power and Relevance in the Modern World
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Ancient astrology refers to the practice of studying celestial bodies and their movements to gain insight into human affairs and the natural world. It has its roots in various civilizations dating back thousands of years, including ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and India. In ancient times, people observed the positions and movements of the sun, moon, planets, and stars, believing that they held significant influence over human lives and events. Astrologers developed intricate systems to interpret these celestial patterns and make predictions about various aspects of life, such as personal characteristics, relationships, health, and even political and societal events.
Article Source Link
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1medis · 1 year
It's really funny to be an astrologer cause last year I remember seeing the transits of 2022-23 ahead and with the Mars retrograde in Gemini in my 7th house, I was like what if I just decide to be single during that time, lay low, avoid dating and so avoid the stress LMAO but ofc it didn't work out that way and feels like most stressful parts of it are over, and as always, when you are just living your life, you find ways to adjust and deal with things that come up or the uncertainty and scattered brainedness to the quality of relationships in these months. But dear lord is it also so entertaining to be in the middle of this transit and seeing how perfectly the transcript in the sky synchronistically describes the flavour of the time
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orphic-muse · 1 year
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Sigils of the 36 Decans from the Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum, a compilation of translations of Greco-Egyptian magical texts on the Decans and their uses.
The names of the Decans as given in the catalogue:
[Capricorn is missing]
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astrology-manna · 2 years
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therealkristalyn · 1 year
There will be a Hellenistic Void of Course Moon this weekend
This Friday through Sunday might be a great time for a do-nothing sort of weekend since the Moon will be Hellenistically Void of Course the entire time. This is a different type of VOC than the one we might normally hear about as it doesn’t happen quite as often as the Medieval definition, but sky is stacked to allow it to happen multiple times this year, including this Friday through Sunday afternoon.
What is a Void of Course Moon?
In general, a Void of Course Moon is when the Moon makes no Ptolemaic aspect to one of the other six Traditional planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury. Because the Moon has nothing to translate, she has less energy to maneuver through the darkness and we in the Sublunar sphere have less energy to make world go brr. Typically, this is not considered an ideal time to start new things or to accomplish things as they will lack the substance to be fulfilled.
Definitions of Void of Course
There are two definitions of Void of Course Moon. The more commonly occurring and frequently used in modern day is the Medieval Void of Course which is when the Moon doesn’t aspect any more of the other traditional six planets before she changes signs (Christian Astrology, Lilly), and is one of the Considerations Before Judgement in Horary Astrology. Inevitably, then, the Moon is Void of Course for some time every three days or so, even if it’s just for a few hours.
The Hellenistic definition is less common. The Moon must be Void of Course - not forming any Ptolemaic aspect with any traditional planet - for a full 30 degrees, or the span of an entire whole sign, and roughly two to three days (Chapter 23, Introduction to the Tetrabiblos, Porphyry).
When is it happening?
This time, The Moon will square Jupiter at 28Pisces from 28Sagittarius on Friday, November 25 at around 2:21pm ET and won’t aspect another Traditional planet until she then forms a sextile with Jupiter from 28Capricorn on Sunday, the 27th at 3:11pm ET.
Here is another helpful article on the two definitions of Void of Course.
This isn’t a doomsday event or anything, but it is a fine time to rest and not try to push things too hard. Enjoy your food comas and leftovers!
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books-astrology · 2 years
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Find Great Collection of Astrology, Vastu and Religious Books at Bookkish.com, one of the largest distributor of Astrology and Religious Books in India. Categories: Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Vastu, Tarot, Lal Kitab, Self Help, Spiritual Books and Lots more…
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