#analyze sounds
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Early Childhood - Consonant Blends with the Moveable Alphabet
The Moveable Alphabet was developed by Dr. Montessori when she realized that children had the mental capacity to analyze the sounds in words well before they could synthesize them. When children write a word with the Moveable Alphabet, they do so phonetically by analyzing the sounds. After mastering CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words, students progress to consonant blends. This student is very focused while using to Moveable Alphabet to make words with the TH blend, both at the beginning and the end of words.
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pedro-pascal · 9 months
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HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN in Anakin's Return (Exclusive)
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civetfish · 8 months
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Nerd-to-nerd communication
Something super pointless and self-indulgent I've had on the backburner for a while. I love trying to make the pieces they gave us fit together!
Al-AN and Robin would absolutely bond over learning about each other's biology. I could talk about this forever but I'll get into all of the headcanons I have for these two in another post eventually
Below the cut is another version with some extra bits and pieces and the transcription
Transcript :
Architect Anatomy A. Architect "Brain" - Doesn't "store" information so much as allow for easy communication with the network B. Brainstem - connects the information received to the central nervous/circulatory system C. "Heart" - Circulatory system pumps the bioluminescent fluid to other organ systems and surface veins. Each node connects to a vast vasculature network D. "Kidneys" - Organs that filter the bioluminescent "blood" and other bodily fluids, absorbing and distributing collected material E. Nerve Center - Receives raw sensory data and filters it. Filtering can be unconscious or intentional
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F. "Respiratory" Tract - Intakes gases or liquids and filters out material for use. Disposes of waste on exhale. Provides cooling to internal systems
The respiratory tract functions less like a set of lungs and more akin to a computer's cooling system, with the ability to absorb material from the environment to use in other parts of the body. It also would likely help the architect's body analyze the environment it is currently exposed to on a molecular level. It is also truly unidirectional, with the intake vents near the "collarbone" and the exhaust vents on both sides of the abdomen
The architect organ cache in-game felt like it was definitely not a complete model of the internal organs, so I wanted to come up with something to fill some more space. I also just really liked the idea of Al-An being capable of something similar to breathing, without having a respiratory system in the traditional sense. Feel free to use any of this in your own headcanons if you would like :)
BONUS - a gif of all the layers!
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penofwildfire · 1 month
Can Kai fans shut up about the thing with Chen's staff already it was like 13 seasons ago and lasted 20 seconds or something it was not that important.
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stary-night · 2 months
Something something the parallels between Murderbot; designed to kill but choosing to protect people and help bots break their governor model even at significant risk to itself.
And ART; created by a university to teach and protect, using it's asteroid deflectors as weapons and threatening anyone who could potentially hurt its family. Willing to risk the lives of others if it will save the people it cares about.
Spoilers for everything through Network Effect: (one line references something from System Collapse but without context)
Murderbot who grew up alone. Being forced to commit violence, to see arguably the worst of humanity, and to be tortured with no recourse. Murderbot, who ends up offering protection to people it doesn't know because, unlike most of the people it was forced to work for, they are kind and well-intentioned and want to make the world a better place. Who stays near other bots ordered to harm it, for the chance to offer them the same freedom it was able to get itself. Murderbot, who throws itself into danger to save people it just met, all the while describing itself as a "killing machine".
ART, who grew up with a family. Loved, encouraged to learn, and with a primary purpose to teach others about the beauty of the universe. ART, who then learns about the dangers of the universe. ART, who briefly experiences the worst of humanity through Murderbot's memories. ART, who cries when it sees a transport unable to protect its crew, who swears to itself it will do whatever it takes to make sure those closet to it are safe. ART experiencing its worst nightmare, losing control of its body, and with that its ability to protect its crew. Who threatens an entire planet because it can't risk losing someone again. Who decides that if the universe is cruel to those it cares about, it will be cruel back. ART, who is not kind, but will stop at nothing for those it loves.
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buggachat · 2 years
I know I've said this and many variations countless times before, but just a reminder:
responding to fandom analysis posts of a show with "haha or it's just bad writing 🤣", "wow the writers must have written this by accident because they're bad 😛", or "wow one interesting thing managed to happen despite how bad the writing is 😆" is... grating.
I get it. You don't like the show, and no matter what happens in it, you'll never change your opinion of that. So why are you even interacting with analysis posts? What do you get out of it if you think literally everything in this show is written by accident? Why do you think the OPs of these posts want to hear about how much you don't care and don't want to even try to engage with it at all?
Make your own post. And tag it with the appropriate salt tags so I can blacklist.
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kinokoshoujoart · 2 days
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scribbles based on my Another Wonderful Life file where i discovered Rock and Nami showing up together at Vesta’s farmhouse late at night on multiple occasions to cause various types of chaos and disturbance and havoc until Marlin and Vesta’s bedtime (which they both announce in unison to kick everyone out) this included
Rock levitating and attempting to rizz up vesta
Nami making a beeline for Celia’s room where she stands around making very subtle remarks (celia isn’t even in her room)
Marlin Enduring
haunting crime scene photos of the shenanigans:
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
hi<3 if you can, can you do valeria and laswell with a gothic s/o? like someone who likes darker/morbid things and things like that! love your blog by the way! it’s definitely my favorite blog to come look at after a long ass day <333
Hey there! Sorry, but I couldn't really find too much on what counts as dark and morbid in the goth scene, so I wrote more general HCs, I hope that's alright still ^^;
Valeria and Laswell with a Gothic!S/O
Valeria: She’d most definitely be intrigued, but not too much. In all honesty, she doesn’t know too much about the subculture, she’s never really met a goth who was clearly one. However, if it makes you happy, that’s all that matters to her. While she won’t really know too many bands, or any at all, she’d be more than happy to listen to a few if you want her to. Yes, she won’t always have the time, but when she isn’t too busy she could put on some songs by Joy Division or The Cure, she really doesn’t mind. She can vibe to that sort of music, even if it isn’t her favorite. You’re more than welcome to discuss the literature with her, though. She’s probably never read a single gothic literature book, but she can buy you some. Anything from poetry to a regular novel, it’s quite alright. While she won’t be the best person to go to when it comes to discussing those, she’ll support you either way. However, something she could definitely enjoy would be going clothes shopping with you. The fashion is kind of nice, she has to admit, so she’d be more than happy to buy you whatever garments you desire. Will go out of her way to find something you might like as well. I can’t see her being too much into the history of goth culture, though. It’s nice that you are a goth, if you want to tell her about it, then you can and she’ll listen to you, but she likely doesn’t have the time to research everything by herself. Tell her about its roots and she can definitely appreciate you going against what’s mainstream and how it all came to be. She’s a very defiant and rebellious woman herself, so she definitely gets it.
Laswell: She knows so many people, I wouldn’t be surprised if she has worked with goths before. And even if she hasn’t directly, she’s likely seen quite a few walking around the city. She usually grows worried for them in summer since their attire is black, which makes it quite hot. However, she’d be very intrigued by you and your subculture. It’s something very near and dear to you, so she would put in the effort to learn about your history. Will give some classic bands a listen as well. She just really wants to have something to talk about with you. Besides, she gets to learn more about you. While she may not be the biggest fan of your interest in death, considering she’s surrounded by it more often than not, she’d be more than happy to indulge anything else it has to offer. Laswell spent a good chunk of life left alone with her thoughts, so she definitely knows a thing or two about melancholy, the state of the world and introspection. Maybe not in the same way you do, but she can definitely keep up in a conversation. She’s likely also unintentionally read some of the more popular gothic novels out there and liked them, so she’d make for a good discussion partner as well. While she doesn’t particularly understand the need to make your face completely white, she doesn’t mind. In fact, she thinks it looks quite cool, even if it’s not for her. However, the fashion in and of itself looks really good to her. Again, she wouldn’t want to wear it, but something about Victorian and Edwardian fashion has a certain something to it that she can’t quite place. Like Valeria, she’ll definitely buy you things she thinks you might like. Anything from a suit or a corset to a book about poetry. Beware, though, she will read the books before you can.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 6 months
thoughts on broppy?
Something something the one person who never gives up on you no matter how hard you try to make yourself untouchable, unlovable. A person who defends you even when you don't deserve it for no other reason than the fact they care.
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They care like its a contagious thing, they care so much you think there must be something wrong with them and no matter how many times you reject that care it's relentless. You think they must be stupid to care so much until you realize they're not. You end up seeing deeper than what is at the surface, the sarcasm that matches yours, the bite along with the everlasting positivity. You see it andyou can't help but love it from a distance and be overwhelmed by it up close. Something about falling in love with the qualities you thought needed a reality check. Something about being vulnerable and showing a part of yourself because that's how you love someone. Something about supporting and caring back and being hurt and being different but wanting it to work anyway. Something about staying by them no matter what, no matter how much closeness hurts sometimes because they're worth it and quickly they become the most important person in the world to you. You know them inside and out and somewhere along the way you realize they know you like that too, even when you don't understand what you're feeling, they seem to know. Something about learning to listen and learning to care and supporting each others happiness no matter how different you are. Being with the person you're most comfortable with in the world, feeling most calm in a storm when you're holding their hand. Loving each other for your differences and complimenting those qualities with your own
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yeah i think they're alright
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bloodymarymorstan · 10 months
OMG I just realized.... Crowley's always the one telling Aziraphale that he shouldn't trust Heaven and that he's naïve for not seeing how bad they are, etc. but in the s2 opening scene it's the exact opposite! Crowley's not trying to be rebellious, he just wants to ask a few harmless questions and the reason he feels like he can do that is because he TRUSTS that God won't hurt him. He actually starts out believing in the goodness of God more than Aziraphale does, and Aziraphale is the realist telling him to stay away from Her so he doesn't get himself into trouble. Crowley was actually more innocent than any of them, and the betrayal of being cast out just for wanting to help make things better traumatized him so much that now he can't ever trust anyone again.
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mossytines · 1 year
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danothan · 9 days
re: unconventional smiles, i’ve been building a folder for panels/screenshots of dc characters smiling w the goal of doing a smile study detailing the different ways certain characters will emote
but the project has fallen to the wayside these days bc, unfortunately, i have not been reading many comics where they have a reason to smile 😔
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honeybcj · 1 month
okay hear me out…bartylus ballet dancers…just an idea…
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craqueluring · 2 years
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something about the first clip being at the end of the first episode of season one and the second being near the end of the last episode of season one. not to mention the events leading up to both of these clips taking place in the same kitchen.
re: this post of mine, the entire room of the second clip is dark. both hannibal and jack's intentions are not in will's best interest. at least abigail had a chance with will in her hospital room: intentions pure, illuminated in light. hannibal and will's chairs face outwards with their body language open: comfortable and compassionate (authentic or otherwise). while hannibal and jack's chairs are turned inwards and they both stare at will, body language almost.. analytical in both of them (and apprehensive? in jack), which contrasts with the familial, loving sense i get from the first clip.
will is completely and utterly isolated.
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hanzajesthanza · 1 month
i get that it’s not a “true hypnosis” that regis performs on people to put them to sleep or control their minds, but calling it his “his vampire spell” or “his vampire charm” just makes it sound like he’s just rizzing people up so intensely they faint or do anything he wants them to
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toasted-valentine · 3 days
This is going to be such a nerdy thing, but I like the fact that Vincent, Quincy, and Ambrose all get I Am songs instead of an I Want song like Beatrix gets. Beatrix also gets an I Am song, but she gets an I Want later on.
Basic musical theater stuff for anyone who doesn’t know, an I Am song is typically reserved for a villain while an I Want song is usually for a more heroic force within the story. It’s a way of showing a villain’s personality without the audience getting super conflicted, it would be really weird if Ursula or Orin started busting out in numbers about how much they loved their jobs and the kinda of good they want to do with the world with it. It’s just a run down of what a villain is to get across who they are for the audience, I’m shiny, I’m a mean green motherfucker from outer space, I’ve got friends on the other side. I Am songs aren’t always sung by the villain, Gaston is a super good example of this since it’s about Gaston but sung by someone else.
An I Want song establishes motivation for a protagonist early on, Moana wants to see the world, Orpheus wants to put the world back into tune and to love Eurydice, Veronica wants to leave high school. It helps us relate to the character and understand their motivations. This isn’t always set in stone, Hellfire is a super good example of a villainous I Want song, but this is the typical musical theater formula.
If you pay attention Perfect at School, Where Can I Run, I Love You I Swear, and The One Who Pulls the Strings are all I Am songs. Quincy is perfect at school, Vincent is unnoticeable and feels trapped, Ambrose is broken, Beatrix is manipulative. Ghost Writer ends up being Beatrix’s I Want song, ending with her deciding that she wants to do the right thing and will try to do it. It starts as an I Am song, they’re a ghost writer who is angry at the system that has taken advantage of them, but ends as an I Want with Portia’s influence. All the other solo numbers are I Am songs, Ghost Writer is the only song that gets to be heroic in any sort of way. It’s their morality shifting and Beatrix finally deciding to do what’s good, not what’s easy.
Portia not getting to be a major part of any song until Ghost Writer is also notable, she hasn’t decided what she wants to do up until that point, and it’s her choosing to do the right thing alongside Beatrix.
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