#also u fucking troll
zrllosyn · 10 months
Hiiiiii Enn you reblogged an ask meme 👀
5 n 9?~ 👀
Annnddd 17? :3c
yea no sorry i reblogged it twice bcs i forgot to tag it and. i tried to tag it on mobile. and tagged it and reblogged it. instead. whoobs
5. What are some of your OCs biggest fears?
I guess i'll go with the ocs i've mentioned so far?
AIS: She's the one i remember the least, but I'm pretty sure she has a healthy fear of just. Death. missing out. Never amounting to much. Never being enough.
Lilyan: God. Uh. Definitely also not being enough but also like. Failure. So much fear of failure. Death. Violence. She does not want to loose anyone else. But she also fears what they will become. Also she fears she is also the monster she fears the most.
Haru: Rejection. Being forgotten. Lack of connection. Being unloved? Uncared for? He desires connection and fears being alone.
Th fonttale bastard is au dependent so. Yeag.
9. Favourite OC?
they are siblings i love them
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leverage au.
Theyre presenting very fem in this particular doodle
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17. What are some tropes and character dynamics found in your wips?
Like. In fics? time travel, fixing what cant be fixed, loosing everything and gaining everything at once.
The struggle against fate? depression? i GUESS?? I DONT KNOW MAN, MY OCS DO END UP SIMILAR THOUGH
god this one is hard
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maskyartist · 6 months
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amethyst-halo · 17 days
i need to draw it so bad but i decided that b&b au branch and kismet meet because branch gets taken to the beach once a week to dig holes for enrichment™ and the other kismet boys, who are on vacation there, come up while he’s digging and are like “heck yes a hole can we help” as boys do
branch ends up enjoying their company more than he wants to admit bc they’re very helpful in his bunker digging. but when they reveal that they have to go home soon he sorta breaks down and shuts them out completely bc he’s 7 and traumatized. bruce talks him (and their parents) into letting the boys be pen pals bc he thinks it’ll be really good for branch, and they write letters for each of the other boys
branch meets them before they leave to hand over his letters, but one of the parents- upon seeing branch is gray- says “no absolutely not you are not interacting with a gray troll” and drags their kid ablaze away, who’s trying to break free and insist branch is a friend. branch is, understandably, very upset by this and runs off, but the other parents and kismet boys promise bruce that ablaze will write even if it has to be secret.
and they do!!! branch keeps up with them regularly and they try to come visit as often as they can convince their parents to and they are friends forever and ever :]
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was gonna say it in the tags of my last reblog but it was such a heartwarming post i didn’t want to put my Grumpy Fandom Whining on it lmao
but like augghg when there’s a post discussing izzy and his connections to racism/colonization (both from the implicit biases of his character and the meta themes of his narrative role) and izzy stans crawl out of the woodwork to be like “well if you hate izzy for being racist you MUST hate stede for also being racist!! you’re being a hypocrite!!!! stede is just as bad!!!!!!!!!!”
but like 1. i don’t hate izzy bc he has racist implicit biases and 2. i have never denied that stede doesn’t have a LOT of growing to do
it’s not about the biases. it’s not about characters being Problematic™. i just don’t like izzy bc he’s MEAN!!!
THATS IT! THATS LITERALLY IT!!!! he’s mean and bitter and that does not appeal to my personal taste in blorbos!!!!! i don’t CARE if he’s in deep unrequited love with ed i don’t CARE if he’s surrounded by idiots and he’s tired and exasperated I! DONT! CARE!!! i don’t like characters who are just viciously mean to everyone around them no matter what!!!!! he is mean and unfunny except when he’s being laughed at and i find that deeply unappealing!!!
and if you like izzy, that’s literally fine. like congrats! im glad you have fun with your little asshole antagonist!!! liking mean characters is totally valid!!!! but oh my GOD to come onto an analysis of izzy’s racism and be like “okay but what about stede-” stede has a lot he needs to work on, but my hatred of izzy isn’t about how i focus on his flaws and my love of stede isn’t about how i ignore his.
STEDE, man. this guy set out to build a family at sea and he gladly shares everything he has with people and wants his crew to have fun and express themselves and yeah sometimes he can be self absorbed and ignorant but by GOD he CARES about building a little community on his ship!!! and despite all his flaws and all his room for improvement, it works!!!!!!! and that’s what everyone completely MISSES when they try and defend izzy by shitting on stede!!!!!!!!
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hazardsoflove · 7 months
lifehack: if you stayed up too late and have to get up early and know if you went to sleep you would sleep through all of your alarms and not wake up on time and definitely be late just stay up the whole night. there are no downsides you definitely won’t experience the horrors and you can listen to cool songs like no children at 7:30am
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fairytypingg · 3 months
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termagax · 1 month
i dont knowwwwwwwwwww i just. my thing is that i think the changelings could have an interesting place in the narrative given jims whole conflict is about trying to navigate his place in two worlds neither of which he completely fits in but both of which he needs to be his complete and authentic self. but they shoot themselves in the foot by making strickler the main one and they get sooooo close to doing this with nomura before getting bored and doing it again but worse with strickler. so in my mind i think this is why i was so set on addy being a changeling because i want her to fill that narrative role of someone who's ACTUALLY chill about this dichotomy and who really loves this part of herself without the baggage inherent to nomnoms situation (not acknowledging strickler he did most of that to himself). i just think he needs someone who can show him that its actually genuinely very possible to have both halves of his heart especially post-potion. but man. you cant really get there without dancing around the janus order stuff. and i know if she was real it would just be a cheap lampshade like "welllll shes a polymorph so. no familiar no problem" but that opens up a can of worms that i feel responsible for. and just in general the entire thing has so much baggage. i wish this show was GOOD.
#like i like the concept that the changelings were troll babies tortured with dark magic i think for me it justifies arrghs fondness for her#because hes in an extremely similar situation and i think him watching it happen under his command would be enough for him to say hm. i can#do this anymore goodbye. and i like those kinds of dynamics a lot#so i feel like you can just take that aspect and run with it#instead of the familiars give them some sort or mild innate mental magic? so they can write their identities into peoples lives#so you can still get that sense of like. an invader where its not supposed to be#without having to touch goblin baby kidnapping#'but that ruins the whole plot with claire' idgaf figure it out. i would do somwthing wlse with that anyways#they retroactively imply claires magic is innate later on in wizards anyways#so if youre gonna do that just make her brother also have it in some way which would make him a valuable asset if noticed by someone like#strickler. make it smt with the bridge or some other thing where they neeeeeeeed a magic user and itd be too risky to like. kidnap a studen#so they cant take claire. or nobodys noticed she has powers yet#make it so the baby goes missing and nobody seems to remember him at all EXCEPT claire#bcz strickler mind powers. which tangent but u can also use later for his thing w jims mom#and makes the whole 'we have to erase her memories of him' less convoluted bullshit#anyways back on track. just have the baby at the bridge ceremony for magic power reasons and in the conflict smth grabs him and takes him#thru the portal in the hopes of opening the bridge frm the other side#anyways.tthey had options is all im saying and they chose to do it in the worst way possible#just scrap the janus order im not touching that#it was so fucking pointless anyways. they didnt DO anything not one single thing
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lovelyrotter · 4 months
to this day i cant believe how many people full heartedly dont want any kind of conflict or antags doing antagonistic things or even just well written, nuanced, realistic teenaged characters fucking up and making bad choices in HS. like are. are we reading the same thing. have we been reading the same thing. yall didnt pay attention in eng lit AT ALL i see
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mcl38 · 7 months
At least your self aware. we have been hearing about that ugly troll being a future wdc for 5 years and he can not even capitalize on any chance to win without bottling it
id actually argue lando was rly slept on in terms of wdc material for the first 3ish years he spent in f1, and i think theres a couple reasons for that. first, like, he just didnt have a compelling enough narrative - when u compare it to his fellow 2019 british rookies, one of them was the champion of formula williams bc that car was so far behind anyone else, and the other one got promoted to a top 3 team within half a year, meanwhile lando was just kinda quietly collecting midfield points in a difficult-to-drive car, not rly much artifice in his rookie season. and then also, bc of his adolescent charisma, it was rly tempting for pundits and fans alike to shoehorn lando into this weird category of like court fool, where he gets to do his little quips and jokes and giggles and everyone gets to forget that he also like, drives a car.
but the funnest reason for this initial underrating imo is that lando's not had a typical driver performance trajectory. ive talked abt this before, but his progress in f1 has been SO amazing to watch bc he just keeps getting better bro. ppl like charles and george got the label of prodigy or championship potential bc they came into f1 guns ablazing, ready to fuck shit up in their subpar cars, and only after years in the sport do we see that, in top cars, that same crazy determination can easily turn into desperation and overshooting. lando, meanwhile, came into f1 a shy driver. i don't mean in terms of personality, but in terms of racecraft - he tended to lose positions after the start, give up slightly too easily in wheel to wheel battles, choose to save tyres over fighting for position, etc (traits that he still somewhat displays). but then, over his 5 years in the sport, he's sort of quietly and methodically developed niche skills like tyre management, race pace, and outlaps / inlaps (as well as the bigger ones like overtaking lol), and now he's in a top dog car and people r surpised to see that he's like consistently a threat, consistently on the podium, hasnt crashed into a wall once this season, hasnt ever had a driver error dnf. why? because he started off cautious (and therefore unimpressive), which turned into calculated, so he can figure out exactly where he can push and where he can't afford to. which is exactly what mclaren want and need in a top car driver
so like yes i understand that the nowins jokes arent gonna stop until he does actually get a win. but at the same time, he's currently sitting in front of the only non-rbr race winner in the championship with a car thats only been fast for half the season. and why is that? because he bottles races? nope. because he doesnt
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YAYYYY DRREAMSTUUCK HOURS!!!!! are there any specific headcanons you have that wont be explicitly included in the fic ?? things like. idk worldbuilding or little details that are so obscure that writing about them would be clunky or hard to fit nicely into plot. stuff like that etc :]
YES YES. YES I DO. okay first of all dstuck tommy is canonically trans so write that down. it's not really mentioned because wilbur straight up did not introduce the concept of gender to this kid and just called tommy he/him because he knew paradox space was going to give him a son no matter what, so when tommy learned what gender was and said "hey i'm a man >:3" wilbur was like sure ok. thog don't caare!! it is alluded to though and it will be heavily implied in my guardian wilbur oneshot that i'll prolly post sometime in the next couple months after i introduce our fourth beta player :3 (SPOILERS it's aimsey our fourth player is aimsey i feel like i've mentioned it before but yeah. fourth player aimsey :3 the session needs a knight so AIMSEY!!!)
ERET. they will not go crazy go stupid during murderstuck, they are not one of the murderers, but the concept of betrayal and redemption is very important to eret's character so they do have a backstory where they tried to hand skeppy over to the empire and get him culled. it will be mentioned!! probably will expand on it more in meteorstuck if possible, but for now it's barely there. there's SO much to include in dstuck it's insane
ponk lives in a tree because they ran away from the neighborhood they used to live in. someone got culled by some drones and in a panic, ponk ran away with their lusus and disappeared into the woods, where they met sapnap!! they were two of the first ones to meet, followed by sam, bad, and skeppy. they were the original five of their group before everyone else came in!
giving u some beta kids lore rn that will be expanded on in my guardian oneshots :3 tubbo started coding things at like three years old. GENIUS KID! PRODIGY!! he can also just kind of feel when other people are nearby? schlatt never caught him awake at night because tubbo without even hearing him would hide his book or device under his pillow when schlatt is just THINKING of checking on the kid. insane. ranboo is constantly aware of the space around him. try to trip him?? he's hopping over your foot without even realizing it. throw something at him?? he's dodging or catching it without looking up. because of this he has near perfect aim. would KILL IT in baseball!!! also would make a great marksman! unfortunately his weapon of choice is a sword, but he'll get really good with that as well and may even throw his blades in a strife. always hits his targets. tommy can keep perfect time without a metronome. knows exactly what time it is without looking. knows exactly how much time has passed since something happened last, down to the second. would make a wonderful dancer for the way he keeps time, but wants to be like his bro and become a musician!! kind of unnerving when he says "it's 1:32 pm" without even looking up from his keyboard when wilbur asks what time it is. aimsey. kind of a terrifying kid to raise! there one second and gone the next. shadows are their friend. constantly disappearing somewhere, not like they're invisible, but like they're just. completely unnoticeable until they speak. your gaze just sweeps right over them, thinking they're another shadow in the corner. kristen wakes up in the middle of the night thinking no one is in her room and then aimsey says "grandma i frew up" suddenly standing at the end of her bed. it's a got damn wonder that kid didn't give her a heart attack before the game
OOH another very little thing. ranboosprite? from the doomed timeline? not dead. :3 they'll be back :3 hehehehehehe
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oh-no-boi · 10 months
i think..... mike sheppard (brokenwood) is.. my blorbo
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trollbreak · 10 months
Wild how I was like ok I can have 1 new character. And then dreamed another
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astrumocs · 1 year
//waddles in// Hey null :] I brought you.. 💐 some flowers! Happy spring! They've started to sell tulips and hydrangeas in stores.. smells wonderful.. though I hope you don't mind me asking.. Do you perhaps know of someone name Seifer? I know you're a friendly type that knows a lotta faces.. and sorry for always asking.. but whats your opinion on the guy?
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Ah, how kind of you, GG! These are beautiful... you're truly very thoughtful- I wish I'd known you would bring them by so I could get you something in return. I hope you'll forgive me this once."
"And a happy spring to you as well, I am hopeful it will treat you softly."
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"Seifer? You know, I've been asked about him before, I believe... I'm afraid I don't know much outside of him being a member of the Fleet many sweeps before I even hatched. He was declared deceased when things came to their conclusion, as far as I recall."
"You may have more luck searching a library for information on The Exchange and his crew, I'm not the most well-versed in fleet history. Apologies that I couldn't be of more help."
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voidrots · 1 year
i took two Benadryl like thirty minutes ago be really nice if theyd fucking kick in
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hyunubear · 2 years
I still can't forget that wonho instagram live-
i couldn't even if i wanted to, with everything that's still going on over on Twitter ☠️
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queerspacepunk · 2 years
Can you please fucking tag your Izzy Hands posts properly so that I don't have to see you drool over an abusive homophobic racist?
I was hoping this would make more sense once I'd had some coffee but it doesn't so uh, i have genuinely no idea what you're talking about. The very last thing I want to do with izzy hands is drool over him?? he's a stinky little rat bastard and i hate him and I'm not quite sure where you got any other idea? my pinned post literally says i want to put him in the plinko machine like a horse and i do not mean that in a fun way.
if it's the post about "things people say they want to do to izzy that I vibe with"...... i meant like "putting him in a jar and studying him like a bug" or "putting his brain in a salad spinner" ngl thinking that equates to drooling over him feels a lot more like a you problem not a me problem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
he's a great antagonist and the result of some spectacular writing -- generally when i hate someone as much as i hate izzy hands i want them gone and out of the plot and out of the show but actually i do want to see him in s2 PURELY so i can witness him getting stuck in a bespoke hell of his own making.
i completely understand not wanting to see "pro-izzy" content, i really do, but given that's not what i'm about, i'm the wrong person to be asking if u wanna avoid it and if you want to completely avoid izzy hands content fullstop then... uh... good luck? i mean that sincerely because that's gonna be hard but more power to you.
i don't tag my shit "izzy hands" bc all the blacklisting shit i'm aware of will pick up both tags and post text, and given i usually say "izzy hands" when referring to him i didn't see the need to also tag for, uh, one of the show's main characters?
had you just asked me to tag izzy hands so you could block it i would have said yeah sure and done it. not even saying you needed to be POLITE or friendly about it, just could have saved yourself some typing and avoided the (frankly, baffling) insinuations. and i'll be honest with you, i probably will start tagging him because i'm a big supporter of doing low effort things like that to help other people out and allow them to maintain boundaries. THAT BEING SAID i am also a petty little bitch and right at this moment i don't feel like indulging you at all, so we'll see i guess.
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