#also she’s being very like. manipulative at the moment i have no clue what has changed recently but she’s so exhausting to be around i just.
treecakes · 2 years
i feel like as of late my mother is constantly looking for an argument like she hyperanalyzes everything i say or do and she keeps claiming that i think she’s a terrible person and i hate her and don’t want to be around her which. if she keeps this up then yeah i don’t want to be around her…. it’s exhausting!!! :/
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crooked-wasteland · 5 months
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Stolen from @pinkandpurple360 anonymous ask.
"Blitz still has a long way to go with character development”
That's great. I can't wait to never see it.
This was an issue I tried working into my Fizzarolli Dissection but it kept feeling less about the character and more an overarching writing issue, so let's just take it here.
Every bit of character development in the series is inconsistent or entirely spontaneous. Stolas being in love with Blitz seemed like a slow burn until out of nowhere in Ozzie's he is so head over heels for Blitz in specific. Asking why Blitz only now is asking him out "after all this time", like he has been waiting on and expecting it despite that never being a thought towards their dynamic before. Going from being entirely obsessed with their sexual contract and seeing Blitz as a sex object to suddenly wanting cuddles on the couch with no strings attached?
That change was never shown in the series. It was never developed. There is no character growth, they merely are different to suit the new direction to the plot.
So again, I'm so glad Blitz has more character development to go through, can't wait for it all to be implied off screen like every other ounce of character we've been gaslight into believing has "grown".
If you never show it on screen, the dynamic, the relationship, the change, it never happened. Loona at the end of Queen Bee seems to get closer to Blitz but the next time we see her she's trying to assault him. We never saw any moment of change following the end of Queen Bee where we felt her character actually develop. Even after calling Blitz dad in the episode, she ignores him in favor of strangers at the party. She expressed clear disgust with Blitz before leaving with him, and her mild softening towards him at the end could just as easily be seen as nothing at all as it could be a character growth.
However growth requires reinforcement. If you never reinforce that moment meant something, it isn't growth, it's a cheap emotional scene to get a reaction from an audience. A short scene of Loona simply telling Blitz good morning to show some kind of change was all that was needed, but it was not as important to establish change in the characters as it was to have the most cringe scene in existence. Priorities.
One of the biggest issues with the series is how blatant the meta agenda of the writing is. They never allow the space to establish characters or change, instead citing these one off moments as “proof” of story when they do not amount to anything at all. There is unfortunately a distinct difference between a story and a scene, and it is painfully obvious by how Medrano and Nylan utilize these scenes that it is entirely for a superficial effect.
The relationship between Fizzarolli and Blitz similarly is extremely vapid and has no foundation to establish what their dynamic actually was growing up. Additionally, the two scenes of them being younger are fundamentally contradictory. Younger Fizz from The Circus is assertive and confrontational. He threatens to punch Blitz for being annoying and not playing the way he wants to play. He's bossy without necessarily being mean and not only knows he's popular, but also how to utilize it as manipulation, seen in how he draws attention to himself to spare Blitz the embarrassment of his failed joke. This Fizzarolli actually lines up also with the Fizz from Ozzie's. It's hard to claim that Ozzie's Fizz was "just an act" when as a literal child he has all the same traits
Then in the Special he is insecure, timid, has very little self esteem and is an anxious people pleaser with a mousy voice. There is nothing to establish this as the same person at all, and all the narrative context clues around his popularity does not support the direction of change this character has experienced. Fizzarolli has only gotten bigger between being what appears to be six years old and what I can only assume to be thirteen based on his cracking pubescent voice and gangly limbs. All we can go on is context clues and extrapolation, but arguing of a non-existent event that humbled Fizzarolli to this extent, while maintaining his stardom prior to ever meeting Mammon, is founded on nothing, when there is a much simpler answer.
His whole personality has taken a 180 turn for the sole purpose of the episode’s narrative. Fizzarolli being the pathetic whump he is in the episode is not founded anywhere else in the show, but we need that so people feel bad for him. There is no confidence in this writing. It shows that instead of believing the character is likeable as a whole for a complex personality, the only way anyone will like him is if he is just the softest jellybean in the bunch.
It is only this way because it suits the episode right here and now. And when his character changes, it isn't founded on any concrete narrative of growth and actions having consequences, but on what the writers need to get the audience to feel a certain way. So I say it again:
That's nice, I can't wait to never see it.
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calypsolemon · 9 months
okay let’s try and analyze anthy’s reactions during duels and why she sometimes is just completely still and other times she’s like “utena watch out!!” and other times she’s full on interfering. also how her relationship with utena and vice versa changes during the whole season
Lune you had no clue how much you were asking for when you sent this partway thru our watchthru lmaooo
I think the easiest question to answer here is "why she is completely still sometimes" and well it's that... most of the time she doesn't need to do anything. Anthy has been acting as the rose bride for what is clearly a looong time, and her "job" (her real job, as commanded by Akio, not what she presents to the duelists) essentially amounts to subtly manipulating people into projecting their desires onto her, so they will fight to own her. Usually, by the time they are at the arena clashing swords, Anthy has already done everything she needs to - the pawns are in place so to speak, she only needs to watch them play out their parts.
Beyond that, Anthy is generally emotionally disconnected from what goes on in the duels, despite the fact that they influence who she is going to have to live with. Though some duelists may, on a surface-level, treat Anthy better than others, and that might lead her to attempt to subtly push duels in her favor when she can, she ultimately sees her abuse at the hands of duelists as an inevitability, just another Thursday in the life of the Rose Bride. Therefore, apathy is the default Anthy emotion for any given duel.
So lets talk about the times when she is Very Much Not Apathetic
From the very first duel, she actually does express shock at Utena winning the duel with just a wooden sword. I will be honest, I dont actually put much weight onto this moment. I think its just sort of a natural reaction to someone so uninvested in either Anthy or the power she represents, winning the duel in such a dramatic way. I'm not even sure at this point she's clued in to Utena embodying Dios.
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More notably, we have Miki's duel, which is the first true sign of mid-duel intervention by Anthy. By this point Utena has had an actual moment of "Dios coming down from the castle to possess her," which... depending on your reading means either Anthy, Akio, or both see some sort of potential in Utena. So she blatantly throws the duel for Miki by directly contrasting the idea of protecting her she's purposefully built up till this point.
The most notable reaction from the first arc, though, would be in the second duel against Touga.
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This is after we get one of the only direct confirmations in this arc that Anthy is actually beginning to care for Utena; the scene where she is sitting alone, imagining Utena across from her at the table. In this moment, when Utena is fighting for her princely ideals despite the risk of actual death, Anthy is (for lack of a better term) triggered into recalling when Dios was gravely injured and still attempting to act as prince. And whether it is through the protective instincts of those memories, or just straight up being pulled out of concentration of what she's doing, it causes her to accidentally throw the duel for Touga, by rescinding her power from his sword.
So, we basically have two precedents set for Anthy reacting during duels: She sometimes consciously interferes as a strategic move, and she sometimes has a genuine emotional reaction, usually in relation to her memories of Dios being triggered and/or potential care for Utena. I don't actually think these two things are mutually exclusive, however, and they become muddled as we move into the Black Rose Arc.
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Anthy definitely begins to be a lot more lively during these duels, from interacting with the objects on the tables, to giving Utena's sword the blessing, to yelling for her as she catches her mid-air. Is this because she genuinely cares for or is concerned about Utena? Is projecting Dios onto her? Or is it just because Utena winning is what is necessary for the duels to function? Maybe some combo of all? Who knows
The most notable Black Rose Duel reaction, to me personally, is when Anthy downright demands Utena pull the sword from her against Wakaba. Its very uncharacteristic of her, and I believe its because, despite the Black Rose Duels being something she has a hand in, she may genuinely be concerned for her own life here, as she has built up Wakaba to be actually, murderously jealous of her personally, and Utena is actively refusing to fight.
As we move into the final arcs of the show, we get one of the most blatant Anthy duel disruptions to date:
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The sword of Dios disappears mid-battle, and instead of remembering Dios in the face of fighting against impossible odds, it is now Utena's words of friendship that spur her to jump in front of her, and draw her own sword from her chest. I really think this is one of the most significant mid-duel actions Anthy takes besides the final duel. It shows that Anthy's emotions are no longer being spurred on by simple relation back to Dios, but rather by the genuine care that Utena is showing her. Even if their relationship is about to be mired in turmoil thanks to Akio's interference, it was starting to become something real, and it was also starting to break down Anthy's carefully built walls.
I'm getting eepy and also this is getting long, so I'm going to stop the analysis train there. I could get into the final duel but quite frankly I think thats an essay in and of itself. Anthy's reactions during duels is really a fascinating topic and you could probably go on forever talking about it (just like everything else in this show)
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lady-phasma · 1 month
I have been wondering about Dune 2 scene with Feyd being seduced by Lady Margot. In the book Feyd is already physically attracted to Margot, fom my understanding without her having to use her powers on his mind...so in the movie I was wondering if he was already physically attracted to her, but she used her powers to make sure he wasn't going to hurt her? Your thoughts? Also kinda felt like the Reverend Mother just basically sent Margot into a potential dangerous situation with Feyd full knowing that she could be harmed!! I love your thoughts on this pairing!!
So in the book Feyd is very taken with her immediately and is a cocky asshole and I love him for it. He's also a little besotted. I can't find the quote but, essentially, Feyd asks her for her hand in marriage before the arena fight in front of her husband. She declines and it's actually a slightly humorous scene.
In the film... well, I may have an unpopular opinion but the way I see it, he's probably attracted to anyone as pretty as she is. I'm not saying that he can only be viewed this way, but I do think that is part of why Margot was selected. She is beautiful and the Reverend Mother knows that Feyd could be easily manipulated.
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but she used her powers to make sure he wasn't going to hurt her?
I really dig this part of your question! I honestly hadn't thought about it exactly like that, but now that you mention it I think that could definitely be part of it. Fans disagree on how far into this scene Feyd was under the influence of the Voice. Personally, I think he was under her control for 90% of it. Until he put his hand in the box. Perhaps after that it was consensual, but we can't know because it isn't shown in the film.
I think his ability to try and fight the Voice is evident when he has this moment of frustration and rage: "Do not mock me woman!" Additionally, when he wakes from his hypnosis briefly outside her room.
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I love an opportunity to make a new gif, thank you for that.
There are really two parts to your question: would Feyd have "hurt" Lady Margot at all and, if so, did the Reverend Mother put her in harm's way?
My headcanon isn't that he wouldn’t harm her in any way outside of a sexual situation. (That may have been exactly what you meant.) I also don’t feel that he would have assaulted her. But this is something we have to consider: was Margot consenting? Think of this as her job. Yes, she went to Giedi Prime with the plan to become pregnant but plenty of people perform sex acts as part of their job and there is a lot of debate as to whether or not that is consensual. Additionally, I fall on the side of the argument that Feyd, himself, was not fully consenting. We can't know the type of sex they engaged in, but I don't believe he was able to make that decision entirely for himself in that moment.
Had Margot not used the Voice on him, I fully believe he would not have been submissive, but he would have been consenting. Of course, in fanfiction writing we can write that scene however we want. However, based solely on what is presented on screen there is no evidence that either of them truly consented.
Was the Reverend Mother complicit in this? Completely. All of the Bene Gesserit would be. Would Feyd have, potentially, been less compliant without the Voice? I believe so. He is "sexually vulnerable," according to their assessment but they never explain what that means. There is an additional clue that I have yet to make my mind up about: "he longs to be hurt." I'm not sure where I stand on the interpretation of this, but my initial reaction is that the Bene Gesserit (Margot included) never intended him to consent outright. If I apply that interpretation to the final outcome then, perhaps, neither the Reverend Mother nor Margot ever felt Margot was in any danger at all.
That may not be as concrete an answer as you wanted, but I think that there are many ways to interpret "hurt" and it seems to me the mostly likely hurt for any parties involved in this scenario isn't physical but emotional. Neither of them is emotionally stable based on this interaction so they both have the capacity to inflict damage on the other.
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queenofmalkier · 7 months
Egwene and Being "Ignored" in the Tower
I actually have a lot of thoughts about this and I think this is a very good instance of Egwene being an unreliable narrator in terms of what she thinks is happening and what is actually going on. (I was reminded of wanting to go on a tangent about this by a recent post.)
For starters, Aes Sedai are all very, very good at manipulation. We're not supposed to know in the beginning just how invested in Scheming they are, even though the text and to some extent the show tells us over and over. We're supposed to believe it's an exaggeration, playing on our own knowledge that woman are generally painted in a bad light when they have power. It's wickedly clever.
They're all a lot older than Egwene and have seen a lot of things. From the moment she put on that novice dress it was easy to peg her as someone who not only wanted to be one of them, but also had an instinctive need to be noticed. That shaped how they were going to train her.
Now wanting to be seen? That isn't a bad thing! Everyone likes to receive praise! But this is the tower. Part of their training is to break down the girls who enter and rebuild them into the image of an Aes Sedai and Egwene's obvious pride and need for praise are easy targets for them to start doing just that.
You can't tell me they don't have plans for her and you can't tell me any part of her novice training is unintentional.
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For starters, as a fairly new novice she's cleaning the Amyrlin's study. I think this is a subtle way to remind her of her goals and aspirations, to see what she could be if she applies herself. This also allows Siuan to keep an eye on her - even when she's away from the Tower, Siuan naturally has other means of doing this through Leane or her personal staff.
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Which Leane is doing. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but did she really need to carry that cup around just to toss it in Egwene's bucket? We see cups left all over the place throughout the episode, yet Leane makes a point to take hers to Egwene.
That she ignores Egwene while she tosses it is classic Aes Sedai behavior. Think back to the books - Moiraine conditions the boys after they've been away from her for too long by getting them to do chores until they don't question it.
By ignoring Egwene, Leane is able to both check on her and also help work on breaking her down a little. It's not malicious - it's just how they operate. Had she remained by the time she was Accepted she would have craved their approval and notice, and would be very loyal to the tower. That's just how conditioning works.
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Madeleine Madden does a great job of showing all of this on her face and with her body language. She's a kicked puppy, arms crossed, curled in on herself. This isn't what she wanted at all. Why don't they notice her? Didn't Moiraine say she was special? She needs to work harder. Do better.
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We next see her in Alanna's room, basically being treated as if she's invisible. On the one hand, it's shocking to a fairly sheltered country girl (Which Alanna very much knows - she tells us later she wants to get Egwene to be less uptight later in the weird meeting they have after the kitchen scene), but again, it hurts her feelings and sets her off-balance. Alanna does give her some notice, but Egwene is so uncomfortable she books it.
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The first clue for the audience that she's missing out on the subtle ways she very much is being watched is after she passes the novices watching the warders. There's two blue sisters just casually talking in the hallway. As a viewer you might think that's normal, but why are they there? There's plenty of places to post up and they just happen to be in Egwene's path? Both of them take notice of her immediately, and presumably begin discussing her once she passes.
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To Nynaeve she defends the Tower policy, even if she doesn't believe it, she's trying to believe it. And naturally all the spies in that kitchen happily report that back. (Liandrin later actually gives away the game, though Egwene is too upset and angry to realize Liandrin is saying outright she's being watched.)
Another way they're trying to break down Egwene is by using Nynaeve as a really big convenient stick. I dislike the term break because I feel like it comes off as negative, but I don't mean it that way.
To be an Aes Sedai she needs to be able to control her emotions, to hide what she's thinking. Right now she's too obvious and that's a weakness. (Although I think they want to break down her pride so another reason - she needs to accept that she's a baby compared to them and has a lot to learn. She doesn't have anything to be proud of just yet in their eyes.)
So, yeah. I don't think Egwene is nearly as invisible as she thinks she is to the women in the tower, she's just too young and not really away of the games going on around her yet. And I like that she doesn't notice, because she shouldn't. Not at this point in her life.
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thetravelingmaster · 9 months
Rewarding Experiment
Outside Point of View - Brainwashing - Conditioning - Hypnosis
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*The mouse slowly moves to the sideways triangle before a single click initiates the video file. The black screen flickers to life and a cute girl, wearing a simple baggy shirt, can be seen sitting at a kitchen counter.* ​ “Ok...” A male voice says from behind the camera. “And we’re rolling!”
​“Great!” the girl says with a smile, but it soon turns into a light frown. “So... huh... What should I say exactly?” “Why don’t you start with your name, age and date?” the male voice offers. “Ok!” the girl says before looking straight at the lens. “Hi! My name is Lisa Fincher and I’m 31 years old! Today is... Yeah... Today is July 12th, 2021!” “You are doing great!” the male voice whispers, making the girl smile. “Now tell everyone what we are doing.” “What ARE we doing?” the girl says innocently. “I have no clue what you are talking about!” The girl winks and we can hear the male voice chuckling off screen. “Don’t be a brat!” The male says. “You know exactly what we are doing. It was YOUR idea, remember? Just tell everyone what we talked about!” “Fine...” the girl says, rolling her eyes. “We are starting a pretty wild project and Matt here wanted to record everything for posterity!” “As well as for your future self!” the male voice reminds her. “Right...” the girl says. “Because of the nature of our project, I guess it makes sense.” “Of course it makes sense!” the male voice exclaims. “Plus if this project works, I want to make sure you know you volunteered for this and I didn’t coerce you into doing it.” “Who says I’m not being coerced?” the girl asks in mock concern. “If someone is seeing this... Please help me!” The girl stares intently at the camera with big puppies dog eyes. A few moments of silence pass without the male responding. The heavy static is finally broken by the girl bursting out in laughter. “Oh god!” the girl says. “You should see your face!” “Ha... Ha... Very funny Liz...” The male voice says, clearly not amused. “Now stop dicking around and tell everyone I’m not coercing you! Or should I understand by your current attitude that you don’t want to go forward with this project after all?” “No no...” the girl says, wiping tears from her eyes. “Don’t worry... I want to do this as much as you do!” The male chuckles again. “Yeah... You and I currently know that... But not everyone watching this does. So be a dear and tell everyone ok?” the male voice says.
“Keep your shirt on...” the girl says before taking a long breath. “Like I said before, we are about to start a very wild and interesting project. The goal of which is to determine if mental manipulations and changes can be done without the subject being aware of it happening. We are talking about covert brainwashing where the subject thinks it is undergoing relaxation type therapy.” “Like meditation audio files for example?” the male voice interrupts. The girl looks off screen with a hint of a scowl. “Am I telling them or would you rather tell them yourself?” “Sorry...” the male says. “Shutting up.” The girl smiles and winks. “ANYWAY...” she says with flair. “The purpose of this experiment is to see how much we can change someone before they notice that something is being done to them. The goal is to explore the covert side of behavioral manipulation to see if it’s possible to change a person’s views and morals while making them think it’s their own idea.” “Exactly!” the male voice chimes in. “Which is also why I wanted to make sure you record yourself volunteering for this because if the project is successful, I want to make sure you know you signed up for it!” “I know...” the girl says. “But I still think it’s going to fail so why bother?” “What?” the male voice says, sounding more than a little surprised. “I thought you believed that the methods will be... How did you put it... SUPER effective!” “Oh no...” the girl says with a smile. “You misunderstand. I KNOW the techniques we’ll use will be very effective. The mental manipulation and moral changes will take hold for sure. I just think that I’ll be aware that parts of my mind are changing and realize what the brainwashing is doing to me.” “Oh!” the male voice exclaims. “Got it... Well, like you posited, I crafted the new idea so it will seem like your own and not something that is being implanted by an outside force.” “And that’s where we disagree and the exact reason why we are doing this project, right?” the girl asks. “Right!” the male voice says. “So anything else you want to tell your future self?” “Hey Lisa!” the girl exclaims to the camera. “So if you are seeing this and you find yourself believing that Gothic Architecture is stunning, then you would be wrong and the brainwashing has been effective! I hate EVERYTHING that’s even remotely Gothic!” The girl bursts out laughing and the male voice joins in. “Oh god... Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of trying to change your views on THAT!” the male voice says. “Besides... The project will start with small ideas, remember?” “Yeah yeah...” the girl says as she waves him off. “Besides, the whole goal for you will be to try and figure out what is being implanted.” the male says. “That would be too obvious!” “Yada yada...” the girl says as she rolls her eyes. “So can we get this project started now?” “In a second....” the male voice says. “Just to be crystal clear here... You are consenting to being brainwashed with visual and audio without knowing beforehand what is going to be implanted inside your mind, correct?” “Yes!” the girl says with a smile. “I consent to being mentally manipulated for the goals of this project and also consent to NOT knowing what this project will implant inside my mind. However, WHEN I discover the new idea you are implanting into my mind, the project stops. Agreed?” “Agreed.” the male voice says. “But... Just to be clear, you already know that our little project will include steps to make sure the subjects don't get disinterested with the files.” “Oh sure!” the girl says. “You’re talking about implanting a desire to keep listening to the files so the brainwashing can become effective over multiple repetitions, right?” “Exactly.” the man says. “So if you notice that particular desire growing, it doesn’t count.” “One could argue that it could count!” the girl says with a mischievous smile. “I mean... If the subject realizes that they have an unhealthy addiction to the files, wouldn’t that defeat the purpose?” “You make a good point...” the man says. “But for you, it will be hard to know exactly how much you would notice since you already know it will happen. Unless we do this with someone that’s blind to our intentions, we won’t really know how that will play out for someone. And since consent is harder to acquire for that...” “Yeah yeah...” the girl says, rolling her eyes. “That’s why one of us is doing it instead.” “Anyway...” the man says. “Now that we have that recorded, are you ready to begin your first ‘meditation’ session?” The girl giggles and picks up a pair of sophisticated headphones that are attached to VR goggles. “Sure am!” the girl says. “Let’s see how much you can play around in my brain before I notice!”
​*Stop* *The mouse moves and clicks the ‘x’ on the video window. As it closes, a file organizer is revealed and the mouse moves to the video file below the one that was already highlighted. The mouse double clicks on it and a window opens to play the video.*
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lara-prism-light · 11 months
Redesign(and rewrite) of Alya and Rena Rouge for my Miraculous rewrite.
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The original design was too generic for me and didn't look like a girl who has a blog. I know a Ladybug themed t-shirt that she would start wearing after the heroes' popularity kicked in, She wears a plaid jacket, jeans and boots. I chose this style because I thought it suited her a lot, and yes, I made her hair curlier, and a thousand apologies if it turned out bad, I'm still trying to learn how to draw curly hair TwT
As you can see I also moved the mole a little above her eyebrow, the original position would be covered with her hair. And yes, I decided to dye her hair orange at the ends, I don't know, I thought it would look cool, let me know what you think.
Alya is still Marinette's classmate, and in the beginning she has a very empty blog with very few followers (who would be her closest friends) but before the Ladyblog she would talk about heroes about heroes from other countries, since at the moment Paris would not have heroes yet. She takes a liking to Marinette after helping and defending her from Chloe and showing off the rest of the school (in this rewrite Marinette is a new student at the school as well as Adrian).
She and Nino are very close and she likes superheroes a lot and wants to be a journalist when she grows up. As soon as Ladybug and Chat Noir arrive, she begins to document everything about them, to the point of becoming an obsession of hers that ends up consuming part of her life. Her family and friends, especially Marinette would try to bring her back to reality but she would be trapped in her obsession of discovering who her beloved heroes were.
That was the perfect motivation for Hawkmoth to send an akuma to her, turning her into lady wi-fi, which would go after the heroes looking for their dear answers. She would be defeated and Ladybug would explain how important their identities were, which Alya, after learning that her best friend Marinette was very dejected by her selfish actions, realizes how wrong she was, almost giving up on her dream but being motivated by ladybug to keep dreaming, and that one day she would be an amazing journalist.
Even more inspired by Ladybug, and even more affected by her amortization, Alya begins to change her investigation focus, she no longer wanted to know the identity of the heroes, but that of the villain. She would start balancing her normal life with her little investigations into where the villains came from and who was behind them, and seeing her family, friends and boyfriend being akumatized, She grew to hate Hawkmoth, and wanting to bring justice to those he hurt and manipulated. This attracted the attention of the curious and treacherous Trixx, who felt curious about the number of times he saw her close to danger looking for clues, but he could also feel a desire for justice coming from Her. And then one night, during an akuma attack, she got tired of being useless and tried to help, even though she knew it would be dangerous, but was told to stay out by Ladybug and Chat Noir. Trixx appeared to her and gave her the Miraculous of Illusion, so that she could help her idols and protect her beloved city as Rena Rouge!
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I didn't change much in the design, out of all the designs on the show this is one of my favorites but I still added road details. She now has an orange jacket, her knees have white diamonds, and her wrists and heels have fur. The ears are now like a bow for her ponytail, and the cream colored part of the ear contains a dark tone in the middle. Other than that, everything else is the same, just with some additions of different shades of orange.
Trixx gets a tuft of hair too, I thought it would look cute :3
Her flute still has the power to create illusions, mirage is still her main and strongest power, but now she needs to focus on the illusion to keep it as realistic as possible. Her illusions are now much more realistic, when using her illusions she can almost warp reality enough to make her illusions semi-physical(like the phantom ruby ​​from Sonic forces) The more intense the illusion the more she needs to maintain focus.
She can also use camouflage, it's practically the ability to become invisible, but for that she would need to hold her breath. I based it on the fact that foxes are known to be sneaky, and with that Rena would be able to sneak past enemies without being noticed.
Like ladybug and Chat Noir, it also contains a special effect, this effect would be the hallucination effect, With that effect she would play a melody on her flute that would cause a mental confusion in the akumatized that would make them hallucinate for a few minutes until the music stopped. It's more of a distraction but depending on the akumatized it could very well be dangerous. More additions to powers can be added, like a Ktsune-based power or something like that. Tell me what other powers she could have.
As a character, Rena Rouge would be the type to play pranks on other heroes in her spare time such as on patrols and important meetings. She would be close to Ladybug and Chat Noir and would follow any of their orders, but at the same time respect their privacy when she could. She would always go out at night to investigate Hawkmoth alone, but would start to be accompanied by Chat Noir who would also go out at night to patrol alone.
She was always going to interrogate the akumatized about their conversations with Hawkmoth but didn't get much out of them. That is, until a whole group of villains appeared who seemed to be much stronger and had a greater connection to Hawkmoth, filling her with even more questions and leaving her exhausted from investigating.to the point that she couldn't even post anything on the blog, seeing it as something not very important anymore.
Much more is yet to be rewritten about Alya and Rena Rouge, stay tuned!
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cbrownjc · 4 months
I love the way you write about writing, so I have a writing question.
How do you think the inclusion of Armand in the interview itself will affect the narrative? In the book, part of the devastation was that neither Louis nor the reader saw the betrayal coming, since Armand is all mysterious and shit (until you realize he's basically an Unseelie faerie). Having Armand's side of things be relatively open, even if he's still hiding a lot, could take away some of the impact of that reveal that he was behind "the thing." It's not an absolutely necessary reveal, but Louis being the POV character who gives us facts as they come means that if they're open about Armand's plotting from the start, the audience can get frustrated with Louis for not seeing it coming. But there will be at least some clarity provided by Armand, if he's willing to talk about his Children of Darkness days in such a way where he looks positively feral (/pos) in the promo pics.
How do you think they can pull this off?
Hi! Sorry for the short delay in replying but, as I said, I wanted to think about this for a bit before I answered.
Warning -- Spoilers for the books and possibly Season 2 below:
So, of course, the key here will be how they structure when the reveal of not only "the thing" (and I'm assuming you mean the Claudia thing) happens. But also the reveal of Armand's backstory, especially the Children of Darkness stuff.
I can only speak for myself, but the way I think/suspect they will do it is to have the first few episodes play out exactly like the book does, with the majority of it being from Louis' POV; adding in Claudia's POV (via her diaries), and with the added bonus of Armand's POV sprinkled in as well, mostly being when he's interacting with Louis -- and with Claudia when she's with Louis. No indication there is anything amiss with the way he's acting toward either of them. (Claudia's diaries, of course, are missing more pages during this time.)
If done this way, then you'd only see of Armand what mostly Armand wants Daniel (and via Daniel, the audience) to see and perceive of him, mainly through his and Louis' POVs.
And all we, the audience, see of Lestat during this time is via Louis' hallucinations of him for the first few episodes.
Then, when Louis and Armand start telling the tale of Claudia's fate, play it so that THAT is the first time real!Lestat shows up, at the trial. However, there'll be something very off in what Louis and Armand (mostly Armand) are telling Daniel about this moment.
And that is when Daniel pounces and calls them out on trying to BS him again. (Bonus points if it's a memory from during the Devil's Minion Era that helps to give Daniel a clue that they are BS'ing him.)
And it's after this that the show starts showing the flashbacks, not only to Armand's Children of Darkness days but specifically his interactions with Lestat during then.
It's at this point where it is also revealed that Lestat made it to Paris from New Orleans before Louis and Claudia did (which is what happened in the book) and that Armand has kept him locked up in a dungeon the whole time, manipulating him to testify at the trial and all that.
And, of course, then we get the real flashback of the trial and Armand's orchestration of "the thing" (including the major reveal of the head thing he did to her).
If you structure and set things up this way, not only do you keep the reveal that Armand was behind "the thing" the whole time up until it happens, but you reveal the context as to why Armand is the way he is when you do so at the same time.
I could be wrong, but I think the show might very well structure things this way in Season 2. Doing the story this way not only explains Armand's line at the end of Season 1 ("When you hear it you'll be ashamed of yourself, ashamed of what you say to him now!") but also what we know about the show revisiting things from Season 1 again.
Doing things this way has you do all the revisiting/truth/twist revealing during the last 3-4 episodes or so of the season, after what amounts to a misdirect during the first 3-4 episodes of it.
Because I don't think Armand, at the moment Season 2 starts, will have any desire to tell the full truth to Daniel about all of these things at the start. I think he is very much in the mode of protecting Louis (in his eyes) from the truth of what happened in any way he can still think of. So he'll obfuscate as much as he can after Daniel broke through the narrative Rolin Jones said Louis came up with and told himself via what Armand has told him.
I said before I think Armand knows very well what Louis would/will attempt to do -- i.e. what he does toward the end of the book Merrick -- if he remembers everything and how it actually happened, particularly wrt Claudia. Which is why these false narratives exist in Louis' head the first place. And now, with the confirmation after TCA24 that Louis wants to remember the truth, (and wants Daniel to help him do it), I think that is what it's going to take for Armand to finally stop obfuscating things (along with Daniel calling him out as well IMO).
After that is when I think Claudia's missing/cut out diary pages will finally be produced, and we'll get the things that were only glossed over before from them (mainly her feeling for Louis matching up with what they were revealed to be in Merrick). Along with this being when Armand's full Children of Darkness backstory is revealed, as well as the full reveal that he was behind "the thing" concurrent with that.
So yeah, I think a misdirect right up until the trial wrt the narrative, and then a full revisit of the narrative -- with Armand's cult background fully revealed then -- is how you can structure things without giving away Armand being behind "the thing."
That isn't to say that we wouldn't/won't see anything about Armand's Children of Darkness days before that but, if we do, I think it would be presented way more sympathetically at first -- leaving out things like what Armand and the cult did to Nicki, which is what made Lestat come in there and bust Armand's cult up in the first place. If it goes like this, then Nicki actually being there would be revealed later, during a revisiting of that moment during the second half of the season.
I think this would be the way to pull it all off and could be easily done so in the eight episodes we have for Season 2.
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mr-payjay · 26 days
big taco analysis ramble i did at like 3 in the morning last night
it's hard to know if Taco cares about Pickle or not because the letters are "instructions" which possibly implies they're cold. reaching for the portal and wanting a second chance could mean she wants to have another chance to win. repeating the same thing she did in s1 with Mic now could mean she just tries to repeatedly manipulate people over and over. it's difficult! because she is so. so. sooooooo closed off. she has lied so many times to so many people including herself to the point she has absolutely no fucking clue who she is other than "bad". she has aspd too so she doesn't feel much remorse. but at the same time she still cares. but!! that goes against her Badness. which she believes in. she "knows" she is bad, she's always believed she's a bad person and that's the only consistent trait she believes in. so she tries to avoid thinking about Pickle.
the closest she's ever gotten to loving herself was around mine your own business. because she started to care about Mic and hadn't realized it yet. but she didn't want Mic to Leave her. "I could stand to be a bit more open." she was actually trying to change her behavior this time, to ensure Mic stayed, even if it was subconscious (likely on purpose, in a way. trying to avoid Thinking about it because she doesn't like caring about people so she ignores those feelings and once again LIES to herself!!!!).
see what's so weird is that. at a first glance. it just seems like Taco is repeating the cycle. she teams up with a partner, she exerts control over them in some way or another, she befriends them to get their trust, and then eventually it fails. but the way she handled Pickle and Mic is. so so different.
with Pickle, her whole thing was advertising herself! she was trying to show themselves as a cute duo by being sweet friends with him, being silly and stupid for the audience, and controlling him very subtly mostly by heavily helping with certain challenges to keep him in the game or manipulating the audience rather than him. the big thing was Fake Friendship. and in the end, Taco left him. as she was planning to all along. it was a very self centered plan where Pickle was a sidekick to her that she used as a way to get further in, then dropped the moment she didn't need him anymore. doesn't mean she doesn't care about him though. but that's for later (if i can figure out how to word it).
now, with Microphone, her situation was completely the opposite in many ways. she COULDNT advertise herself! she put herself out there as much as possible in ii1 but in ii2 her entire existence is in hiding. she is not falsely befriending Mic to please an audience, but rather gaining her trust to use her as a puppet in a show she is no longer able to participate in. the way she controls Mic is much more aggressive than with Pickle. she's quite an angry person, it seems. anyway as you know, she tries to demand Mic do certain things (even if she is uncomfortable with them) and will reprimand her if she refuses to follow her plans. she kind of assumes everyone is stupider than her, including Mic at first. when Microphone manipulates Balloon using a better strategy than Taco had set up, she's impressed! she always expects that she's the smartest person in the room, Tricking everyone around her. this is part of why she sees herself as Bad while also being Superior. smarter and sneakier and cut out for manipulation.
anyway as time goes on she grows to actually trust Mic and see her as almost an equal, to the point she is willing to budge on things she would've never even considered changing before (such as being more open, actually listening to Mic's ideas, etc). she still struggles a lot with overstepping boundaries, such as in hatching the plan where she promises Microphone she won't physically hurt anybody and then immediately breaks that promise as they get on the ship because it's "necessary". it's not something Mic would understand, she thinks. she is just trying to get Mic further into the game. Taco doesn't seem to see Mic's discomfort either because she's very self centered, even if it is FOR Mic. Taco is trying to get Mic some praise and appreciation and a chance to win now. and that's what changes, that's what's odd. before this, she didn't actually care if Mic was getting Praised by the other contestants or not. she was manipulating and controlling her as best as she could, on her own. she didn't really care as long as she could get further in. and i would have a different view on this IF she didn't start talking about how good it must feel for Mic. because you could say it's so that the contestants wouldn't vote out Mic. but Taco didn't actually say anything about that. she was hoping Mic would be happy. she made sure the mission went as well as possible so that Microphone was clapped for and so Taco could, at the same time, feel good about herself for doing everything right and getting everything done Properly. her plan was Better than Mic's. it did everything right. they were both on the right path and now Mic was going to be happy and thank her for being oh-so-smart and would listen to her even more from now on. naturally that did not happen. Taco Wants to win. she wants the prize so, so badly. but in s1, she wanted to win alone. in s2, she wanted to win *with* Microphone.
[checked her for npd at this point and found it to be positive]
Microphone is someone who could actually be Taco's friend, someone who Maybe, would Listen to her Genuinely, and Want her around for once. Microphone wanted her to be more open and so she said she would be. she's far off from being vulnerable with anyone just yet but her heart aches for it. she's so lonely.
and especially because she deceives people so often, Taco ALWAYS feels like people love the mask but not her. when Microphone leaves her, it's like. impostor syndrome. she thinks that she's been deceiving herself all along into thinking she's Not a bad person. when clearly she is. because the only person she shared some of her Real Personality with, now hates her. so she must've been wrong to think she could ever be good, that she could ever be better than this, that someone could ever care about her. she's destined to be bad and she's going to accept that.
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wundrousarts · 9 months
I was going to save this until I reread Hollowpox, but that last ask reminded me that I should share this here, so I present:
Musings on Maud: Why is she considered so powerful, how does this affect her dynamic with Squall, and why is he so scared of her?
(Bonus: How can I connect it to Silverborn?)
Two disclaimers: I haven't reread Hollowpox in ages, so if there's anything that could prove or disprove stuff in this post, send it my way. Honestly send any discussion my way. I love discussing theories. Second, this was originally a reply to a Reddit comment on a post, to which you can find here. The comment discussed Maud being a signatory for a Squall safeguard, so since this comment is copied verbatim, it references that.
If it’s not outright stated, it’s at least heavily implied that Squall helped create/build up the Republic. It’s only existed for about 90 years, and Squall has been exiled for about 100. He mentions in Hollowpox how he knows that Maud’s plan is to take over Nevermoor/The Free State, because the Republic took over the other states in the realm and he “helped them do it.” However, unless Maud is immortal and also 100 years old, she is not the one who started the Republic from the side of the Republic. Also, no clue how long it’s been around, but Squall Industries has likely been around for awhile as well (this is how he gets his connections and power in the Republic), with Squall just constantly grandfathering himself in with the vampire trick or something.
Interestingly, Squall says two things in this scene (Chapter 34 of Hollowpox) that stick out to me:
“I made the so-called Hollowpox,” he raised his voice above hers, “because I was asked to. Because I was compensated handsomely for it. And because when the most powerful person in the realm asks for a favour, even I don’t refuse.
“But you’re a Wundersmith.” Morrigan was utterly baffled. “Why can’t you just stop them if they’re such a problem? I don’t understand!” “Do you THINK I HAVEN’T—“ Squall shouted, then cut himself off abruptly.
He also mentions how the Hollowpox was initially meant for the Republic, but Maud snuck in an infected otter across the border into Nevermoor— “That was never part of our deal.”
There’s definitely a business relationship between the two of them of likely consistent deals, one favor for another, quid pro quo. However, we also see that Squall can’t really go against her, something he seems to have tried before. Two chapters before this scene (Chapter 32), has this moment:
“Yes, shush. Maud said the Wintersea Party might help if there was a squid crow po.” “Quid pro quo?” “Right, one of those. She said they won’t do something for nothing, but if we could convince Prime Minister Steed to meet with her, just to have a conversation, then she would try to convince her party to share their cure.”
While it could be easily explained as part of her job, Maud seems to get most of her power and do things by extracting deals from other people. Maybe she’s knackless, or maybe she has some sort of connection to Puppeteering or a knack related to that. Not Mesmerism, but something that allows her to be persuasive, manipulative, convince people of things, and get them to do what she wants. A sort of parallel or companion to Squall’s connection with Puppeteering that we see in Wundersmith.
It’s interesting that when we first meet Maud, there is this exchange directly after she tells Mog that the Wintersea Republic would only agree to help the Free State if there was some sort of deal:
“But they’re your party,” Morrigan pointed out. “Aren’t you the one with the power? Maud stiffened slightly and cast her a wary, calculating look.
And then soon later she says this:
“Even if I could persuade my party to do the right thing – and I’m not saying I won’t try – there’s no guarantee Steed and his government would come to the table.”
The whole exchange seems very manipulative, like, “oh, I’d LOVE to talk and get this figured out, but I can’t…” There’s a big focus on conversation. Maud is wary when Mog mentions power— she thinks she means a magical power, something secret that gives her an advantage, when really she just means politically— so I wonder if she was worried for a moment that Mog realized she had some sort of coercive power.
I wonder what exactly her power is that makes Squall so scared of her, and why it possibly makes it so that he can’t fight make and overthrow her. Aside from their business relationship, which allows Squall access to Wunder and being a Wundersmith, there’s this other layer as well.
As for safeguard: I don’t know if Maud would be a signatory for a Squall safeguard, as that seems to just be for Wunsoc students, but I think that whatever their deal is and whatever her power is allows her to keep him in check. Jess said that we will learn more about safeguards in Silverborn, and I think it would be interesting if Mog learns more about them from Squall instead of Jupiter— and maybe it does end up being similar to whatever he has going on with Maud, who knows! I don’t really have any safeguard theories myself, but I will keep an eye out for what you add to your comment.
A Silverborn “silver” side note: A “silver tongue” means that someone is persuasive when they speak….. perhaps this idea, theme, power, etc. will be expanded upon in the future 🤔
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foxingpeculiar · 9 months
This is about the WoT show—Verin, specifically—but I’m gonna take a minute to get there.
I read WoT for the first time around ‘98 or ‘99. I remember the year specifically because I remember having… it was either tFoH or LoC on my desk in freshman history and this dude looked at me with… impressed surprise? and said “you READ all that?” And in my head, that was one of those moments you have as a teenager when you start to realize not everyone thinks like you do.
Anyway, I stopped reading, I think in the middle of aCoS, because that was the last one I had (I think tPoD had come out but wasn’t in paperback yet). And like, that’s kind of a sloggy bit, especially if you don’t know how long it’s going to go on. So I was like “screw it, I’ll read it when it’s done.”
Cut to 14-15 years later, aMoL is out and my roommate is actively devouring it, which reminded me what I told myself back then, so I tell him I’m gonna start in on it. He offers me a few pieces of advice (eg: read New Spring after tFOH; it’s a nice breather and it’ll mean more).
But he also says he’s going to spoil one important thing for me. Because the series is so long and dense, and there’s SO much to pay attention to, he says, this particular bit is very subtle and too easy to miss, to not remember enough about it when the reveal comes to appreciate the genius of how well it’s done.
*spoilers to follow for show-only fans or anyone who has not completed… I forget which of the last books it happens in (I think aMOL, but maybe ToM) but it’s endgame stuff—obviously*
He tells me to watch Verin and spoils that she is, in fact, Black Ajah. (He does not, however, explain that there’s more to it than that, which left some surprise in it—I appreciate the way he did that; it was artful. I am obviously not being so elegant here). And that was one of my favorite threads in the books, watching that, which I would absolutely have missed otherwise (cos fuck man, 2787 characters!)
So I was excited to see Verin in the show. And this episode tells me I’m gonna get what I want out of that. I enjoyed her coming in with the very-carefully-calculated “fun auntie” vibe. I really enjoyed her iykyk conversation with Sheriam (*cough*), but the scene that really got me on board was Verin and Yassicca after spying on Sheriam’s log.
Cos like, Verin already absolutely knows what’s going on: where the girls are, who took them, and why. That’s the whole reason she’s doing what she’s doing, is to know things like that (or at least have very solid theories about them, as I believe the case is here). But she can’t tell anyone without explaining how she knows, so she has to put on this innocent face and guide the people around her toward what she wants them to know without them realizing she’s doing that. This includes both people in the light AND other black ajah.
And these are Aes Sedai, the craftiest, sneakiest, most manipulative people around (with the possible exception of the Cairhiens, but the Aes Sedai have a more widespread and visceral reputation). The point being that the standards for the kind of 3D chess she’s playing are particularly high, and yet NO ONE has a clue what she’s up to until she decides to tell Egwene.
So, with that in mind, I am struck by the kindness of the character in that scene—how gentle she is with this earnest little rabbit of a girl. When she brings up compulsion, you can almost feel her regret at having to mess with a naif’s whole worldview. (But only almost. It’s just beneath the surface.) She’s lying and manipulating with the worst of them, but she’s not a cruel or selfish person. And Meera Syal is doing a great job at loading all of that in there, which is a fine line to walk.
Anyway, that’s my fan ramble for today.
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goqmir · 5 months
i kind of like maybe just a little adore the new clue set cards like. the clue set itself is a weird and overpriced product and the physical cards themselves are definitely gonna be stupid overpriced because nobody wants to buy a board game to crack packs but like. the cards themselves? kind of fire?
i kind of adore that theyre not just all rares and we are getting clue set commons and stuff :3 its cute! and we're getting a new lonis too-- its not a super interesting card but i adore lonis and im very excited to play with more of her. and we get an interesting new land cycle in the cluelands too! the art for them kinda blows at the moment but at some point in the future i assume they'll be reprinted in a set that gives them fun and interesting art? maybe? please? im not exactly itching to play them but ill never turn down another cycle of duals teehee
id love to talk about some individual cards from the lineup so far that i adore! these are just my top picks but id recommend going and looking at the full list spoiled so far on scryfall :3
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for starters, my favorite card from the whole spoiler season right now i think has to be scuttling sentinel. i dont think i want to play her in any commander deck, but in my opinion this is like one of the top cards for cubes in 2024 period-- like cankerbloom tier of cube card. she's awesome! a crab elf which is such an awesome creature type, playable with green or blue, puts 1/1 counters on things and its main draw is just being a decent body that offers protection :) she's great!!!! ive already slotted her into the cube ive been piecing together recently. i like her a lot.
resonance technician is such a cool spell copier <3 every part of it is kind of expensive so im not really sure where youd play it but it does a lot of cool things all at once on a single card which is fun! the flavor is cool-- we all love weirds here-- and the functionality is useful and cute. cool card. big fan
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we also have portal manipulator who is like one of the weirdest and strongest combat tricks ive ever seen? this is like if aetherize also fucked your shit in. so i can absolutely see this seeing a lot of play honestly. but lets be real here this card just has amazing art. thheres portals around her skull !!! god shes so cool.
corporeal projection gets a shoutout because what a fun effect <3 it being izzet is awesome and on-flavor and the card itself is both an interesting choice to give your creature myriad for extra damage and a fun wincon :) im glad theres a simple and convenient way to give one creature myriad now that isn't a brick to run in my commander decks because it has a high-cost endgame mode. yay!
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finally it wouldnt be a goqmir set review if i didnt shout out the new cards that work well in Naya Cast From Exile :3 Boros Strike-Captain seems kind of mid but it's important to remember that the card never goes away, and you can cast it any time after when you attack with at least 3 creatures even if BSC is off the battlefield. big fan of this one! im not sure if i can find the space to jam him in my Rocco Street Chef decklist but he's a very playable option.
Personally, i think Headliner Scarlett is the winner this set. She's a very good hit pretty much any time-- you're always gonna get a minimum of 4 free damage when she sticks, and if you play her early you get some pretty strong card advantage, which turns into very very strong card advantage in both Rocco and Prosper. if you pull her late, she can win you the game straight up by allowing you to swing out uninhibited-- though i can't speak for Prosper players, this will pretty much always be at minimum a knock out if you pull it lategame in Rocco. definitely making room for her in my decklist.
anyway thats just some cards i liked from the weird product thats coming out :3 i was and still am iffy on purchasing the product and expect the cards to be a little too expensive but as far as designs go they're pretty cool and im very happy that they exist! um sqrrk <3
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Group B, Round 1, Poll 1:
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Propaganda under the cut
Girlbossing for the last ten thousand years. She says stuff like “ough” and “pfaugh” like actually saying the word. She (with the help of a colleague) seduced god to steal his jizz. She has memorised the entirety of human biology so that she can appropriately fuck with people using her wizard powers. She doesn’t know the difference between an 18 year old and an infant. She fantasises about putting god in a jail and filling the jail up with acid for every time he made a frivolous remark or ate peanuts in a meeting or said “what would I know I’m only god” and leave him in there for a thousand years. She often thinks about this.
Soyo Nagasaki
Ok to start with this is largely a joke submission, since I saw a whole post talking about how she was totally a gaslighter and the worst person ever when she is just a 15 year old girl who lied for a while (it was an actual list of her "crimes". If you're curious the list, in order, is (using exact phrasing) gaslighting, lying, manipulative, playing the victim, messing peoples psychology, severe coping and apathy), plus several viewers I saw actually wanting her dead for that. Anyways so Soyo sure is a character. She was part of the band CRYCHIC, and was truly happy for the first time in ages because of it, except one day it disbanded and she kind of had no clue what to do about that, especially since she entirely lost touch with most of the band, with the exception of Mutsumi, their guitarist. Then she met Anon, reunited with her old band's vocalist and drummer, Tomori and Taki respectively and ended up forming a band with them. Except she didn't really want this new band.
Her master plan was just to let it run for a while, then convince Mutsumi and their keyboardist, Sakiko, to rejoin, hope that Anon and later Raana (the band's second guitarist) would leave and then have CRYCHIC back together. Ignoring that Mutsumi had said she hated every single second of being in CRYCHIC when they disbanded and Sakiko had been actively avoiding Soyo for a while. I'm going to say maybe this is gatekeeping because generally she just did not want anybody but the original members in this ideal scenario of hers and was choosing a band full of people who didn't want to be in it over a band where everybody was pretty happy except her. Anyways, so after some foreshadowing, both in just the ways this series loves using lighting tricks for specifically her and also her just generally noting that she was happy to be in a band with Taki and Tomori a little too often when never bringing up the members, plus a scene which might come up later where everybody promises Tomori that the band will remain after their first live despite the fact that Soyo did not want that at all, they had their first live, and both Sakiko and Mutsumi were watching from the crowd. Then they began an impromptu performance of Haruhikage/Spring Sunlight, a song originally belonging to CRYCHIC and one of the first major steps they had taken as a band due to it being their first song and what made Tomori their lyricist. Sakiko was very upset by this and left, Soyo noticed that she left and spent the rest of the performance having a category 5 girl moment and, after things were done, she began yelling at everybody over them playing that song despite it not being on their setlist, because reclaiming something which once made you happy and also upsetting Sakiko are both forbidden concepts as far as Soyo is concerned. Anyways, she stopped seeing them all, and, after spending some time away from school, began telling Mutsumi how ungodly selfish she is and how she's too prone to speaking her mind over not wanting to stick with something which made her very unhappy and also, in that moment, not telling her Sakiko's address the millisecond she asked. Then she talked to Sakiko after mentioning that yeah she kind of forced Mutsumi to bring her to her and Sakiko pointed out that Soyo was kind of only thinking about herself there. And overall her chances of CRYCHIC getting back together weren't super existent afterwards.
She ended up telling Taki all about how she lied to all of them once Taki managed to track her down (since she'd been avoiding and ignoring everybody from the band), which Taki obviously was not super happy about. The fact that Anon and Raana were kind of meant to be lost as CRYCHIC reformed also got back to Anon, which broke apart what remained of the band for a bit. Anyways all of this next stuff is this week's episode (as of writing it, because there's still a few more to go) and I'm happy I waited because I think it's funny that there's a while scene where, after chasing after Soyo up to her home and then being invited inside, Anon points out that Soyo sure does tell a not of lies, and says that she has a malicious side to her, and Soyo immediately asked if she was trying to start a fight, though this did ultimately turn to Anon trying to bring her back to the band. Soyo does try to point out how much of Anon wanting to be in a band was just her trying to look good as a jab but Anon did not take it. Soyo ends up going to the band with the sole intention of ending it with her own two hands, because technically Anon and her were the reason it started, but then she was immediately told to quit her quitting plan and rejoin their band, and it does kind of seem like she'll start recovering from her everything soon, since she ultimately took up her bass for a performance and had a nice little cry about it. So she's getting better from the gaslight gatekeep things but she still has problems
AND I'M SO SORRY THAT GOT LONGER THAN I EXPECTED. Anyways, for an overview, the gaslight component is why I submitted this largely as a joke but she is pretty manipulative in general, gatekeep I guess could work for her perspective on CRYCHIC and the idea of reforming it without the additional members they'd gained along the way with their new, to-be-MyGO!! band and girlboss.... yeah, I'm not sure actually, because while I'm sure somebody could argue she has girlboss moments, she is flopping so hard and taking so many Ls that I'm not sure.
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tw-episodereactions · 9 months
Teen Wolf 1x09
The Chemistry teacher cleaning off what looks like an already cleaned chalkboard and sighing about it is hilarious to me. Have him kicking the photocopier after it errors out for the third time in the middle of making 200 copies of something, it would be way more realistic.
So I’m guessing this is Adrian Harris then, and he does actually know something about what’s happening.
The Alpha has fairly neat handwriting, good for them. 
The little red x’s somehow make it funnier than crossed out names. Like, this dude went and found a different pen color for the drama.
Are we supposed to think that all the other Harris’ are dead or just not the right Harris? Could go either way with the Alpha.
Eliet is the weirdest way to spell that name that I’ve ever seen.
Oh, I’m sorry, Professor Adrian Harris. So this dude either taught college and got fired/lost his job but insisted on hanging onto the title or he’s got an advanced degree of some kind and doesn’t want to (or maybe can’t) get hired at a college. Yeah, he’s got enough of an ego that that tracks. 
Eeewww, why is his hand wet?
Oh, hey, Laura Hale wrote that list! Clearly dramatics run in the Hale family.
First time we hear the Alpha! Absolutely no way to figure out who it is from the voice. But waiting so long makes this particular moment seem incredibly important.
Also, I’m assuming it’s only Alpha’s that go into this much larger, stereotypical werewolf shape, and that they’re the only ones with red eyes and voices that change.
Still don’t know why Scott and Fuckface have two different eye colors, and still don’t know why Laura was in the form of an actual wolf.
More than halfway through with the season and we still basically don’t know anything about werewolves. Awesome. Love that world building. Why would you have a werewolf mentor character and not actually use him for exposition about werewolves: their abilities, their culture, their history? Oh right, cause Derek is a fuckface, not a mentor.
I don’t buy that the cops got there when they did. They haven’t been very good at their jobs thus far, and there’s no reason to think that they’d spend all that manpower to surround the whole school.
Also, like, we didn’t get anything of importance so why the fuck did the Alpha even speak? That was badly done, imo.
It would have been funnier if Fuckface just holed up in the school and waited until the next day. Again, I don’t think they have that many cops and that school’s huge.
Also, didn’t the lacrosse field back up to the woods? Like, I feel like he could have snuck through the woods. But, whatever, we have foot chase, I guess.
Lol, poor Scott trying to drive Fuckface’s car while being chased by Kate. Awful position to be in, why are you even here?
Again I say, poor puppies.
So what we’re supposed to be getting from this is that Kate isn’t a very good driver and Chris isn’t a very good shot, right?
It’s fun how Fuckface takes absolutely no responsibility for the position he’s in. Completely blames it all on Scott, who, may I reiterate is a sixteen year old boy who literally did nothing wrong. Who was violently attacked, beat up multiple times, shot, stalked, had his mind manipulated, and threatened with murder.
All, while Fuckface did, what? I mean, like, obviously he came to Beacon Hills to follow his sister, found her dead, buried her and then did what? Like, Laura at least had a list of names and probably more than that. She was following some sort of clues, doing some sort of investigation, but all Fuckface has been doing was randomly tracking the Alpha’s scent, stalking Scott, threatening Scott, beating up on Scott, yelling at his comatose uncle, attacking Deaton, and almost getting dead twice. 
How is it that he has way more puzzle pieces than Scott does, is way older than Scott, and yet is looking to Scott for plans, then getting pissy when those plans don’t work out? Like, he’s sixteen, back off. Fuck.
Sooo, Fuckface has had two months to talk to Harris or look through his shit and has done nothing with it? Sounds about right.
Aaand, now we have Allison’s necklace. Let me guess. They’re going to make Scott ask Allison about it instead of Stiles. Because it’s not like Stiles hasn’t been known to fixate on weird things and wasn’t the one recently broken up with.
Why aren’t the just researching the symbol like Allison did? Again, Stiles loves a good deep dive, why do we even need to start with the necklace that she only just started wearing like the week before.
Also, I reiterate, Fuckface has had two months with this knowledge and done nothing with it,
So did Fuckface infect Jackson with his memories? Or is Captain Douchebag a Hale by birth? Actually that would make so much sense considering his personality.
Oh, so this is a hallucination. Got it.
So Fuckface poisoned him. Lol. 
Jackson just asking a nurse to look something up on her computer is hilarious. I mean, the physical security has been a little lax, so I can’t imagine the computer security is much better, but still. 
OH MY GOD, NO, WTF MRS MCCALL?! I expected you to say no! Massive breach in protocol: HIPAA violations, ethics violations, security violations. Anything he does under your password you would be liable for! You are breaking federal law!
Christ Jackson, you are a rich bitch and you couldn’t have looked that up on your own computer?
Oh good, a medical billing summary. SO MANY VIOLATIONS.
Also, the time on the computer reads 2:59 am.
Jackson does the same thing Fuckface does, he’s cruel and a bully to those he thinks are weaker and meek against those he thinks are stronger than him.
Funny how he both thinks Scott is weaker, but also thinks Scott is a werewolf.
So, one thing I really hate in this show is that no one tells anyone their plans before they do them, and it always ends badly. Like, I get that you want to keep the audience from knowing the plan, but it’s so stupid how everyone essentially works in silos so no one really knows what anyone else is doing. It’s like they’re working together, but not actually working together. I hate it.
Did Scott & Allison switch English classes or did Stiles & Lydia? Because this is the lady who ran the parent teacher conference for Lydia and Allison, but she is not the teacher in the pilot who was teaching Kafka to Scott, Stiles, and Allison.
Maybe she’s like a drama teacher? Sure, we’ll go with that.
Also, Othello is an interesting choice. Like, not for the jealousy part. But. The man of color marrying a white woman without her father’s approval who ends up killing her because of the machinations of someone else? I’m not, like, casting Fuckface as Iago here, but I’m not NOT casting him as Iago either.
Oh, poor Allison.
Scott is so clueless here. He shouldn’t be, but he is. You broke her trust, kiddo, which can often be much more fragile than love. You’re going to have to work to get that back.
Scott you are correct that you know nothing about girls, but she is being super rational from her point of view, not psychotic. Don’t be a dick just because you don’t understand.
Again, why should Scott steal the necklace? Stiles has stolen like at least three things successfully that we’ve seen. Wouldn’t it make more sense if it was him?
There are so many close ups on Jackson this episode I’m afraid the camera’s just going to go down his throat one of these scenes.
Funny how Jackson keeps calling Scott a cheater, but it’s clear that he doesn’t actually care about cheating because he wants the same abilities. I mean, I know he’s just using it as manipulation, but I hate entitled shits like that.
If they win tonight they’re in the semifinals after two months of playing? What kind of half assed season does lacrosse have?
I mean, I don’t like Lydia either and they totally shouldn’t be dating, but again, this cruelty for cruelty’s sake is so frustrating to watch.
Oh. Good. Fuckface is making more terrible choices. And still throwing teenage boys against walls and threatening them.
Once again, 16 year old boys are doing more investigating than the grown man. And once again this is more like a procedural than a werewolf show. I mean, I guess that’s a choice.
Scott, breaking into a hunter’s house that is also you ex girlfriend’s house is not a good idea, and I know that you’re not, strictly speaking, doing this for Fuckface, but I also need you to recognize that he would never do this for you.
Goddammit Stiles, I don’t even care that you’re technically helping, this is a personality trait of yours that I truly hate.
Why the fuck would Fuckface be in the room with Danny when he’s a known fugitive. Like, it’s not like I knew the faces of known fugitives when I was in high school, but if I was a baby hacker and someone attacked my bff and his girlfriend, I’d probably have a good idea of what he looked like.
Also, is Fuckface reading the dictionary? Yeah, that’s subtle.
So either Fuckface knows what’s happening and is playing along or he really is a complete moron.
Once again, I feel like he should be taking pictures of the book instead of looking up words he doesn’t know. Although he didn’t get caught, so go Scott, I guess.
Honestly, Melissa’s pretty lax with her computer security. It could be anyone. I wonder how the Alpha got from the school to the hospital and back again in such a short period of time particularly since the school is at least a mile away from anything as per a previous episode.
Bets that the Alpha has an accomplice?
Oh shit! Hold up. Is the Alpha actually Peter Hale and the accomplice his nurse? The nurse would have no problem walking into a hospital and using the terminal, but mostly we’ve seen her and Peter several times with no follow up so far. They have to be important.
Kate being, like, Hey, you don’t have to be psychotic to be a killer. And then she does something, uh, really freaking creepy. I think the sex and violence wires got intertwined in her brain.
Again, what is it with not sharing information? Scott didn’t mention the book, and Stiles didn’t mention the info about the text. Sharing info is better, my dudes. Informed decisions are better.
Nope, nope, NOPE. Goddamn this guy.
So, he got what Stiles was doing, went along with it, but then punished him for it violently later.
I hate everything about this guy and I hate that they’re working with him. Can’t we just leave him to suffer and die in his burnt out house?
Why does everyone act like Scott should know things that are not obvious? Like, I’ve known people for years who don’t know what my name means. And, like, people aren’t stupid just because they don’t know French or whatever.
Question, did Jennifer, like, clear the building? Why is there no one anywhere?
Well, I mean, has Peter given up on Scott killing his ‘pack’ so that he can join Peter’s? Cause if not, then Stiles is safe. Fuckface isn’t safe, though, Peter, feel free to kill your nephew.
Also, did Peter turn Jennifer?
Apparently not.
His mind and personality was burned out of him and he killed Laura on instinct. Okay, that’s plausible. But, uh, the deer with the revenge spiral was three months ago and clearly was one of the things that got Laura looking into things back in Beacon Hills. Was that instinct too or was that premeditated to pull Laura back there to kill her and get the Alpha powers to push you over that plateau? I feel like the second is more likely.
So Harris had a drinking problem. Maybe that’s why he’s teaching high school now. And he knows nothing about werewolves, just twitchy about the Hale fire. I might buy that. I might not.
They show an awful lot of Fuckface crawling on the ground. He’s not very good in a fight.
Do you think Stiles ran? Probably not, but wouldn’t it be great if he did?
I was going to wait for dramatic flair, he says, being dramatic. Ugh. All of these Hale’s suck. I mean, I don’t know about Laura, but I’m guessing.
Kate’s gross. And also dumb. If Jackson had turned those scars would be long gone by now. Scott’s wound healed in less than 24 hours and it was much worse.
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Standing at ur door politely asking for more oc lore
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HIHI HELLOOO!! it seems this is a rite of passage for many mutuals (they have all gotten this oc lore hehehe) So sooo i’ll try to make it as short as possible :]]
The story is set in Beckenshire, a fake town in florida! This world is literally just ours but with monsters/cryptids. And they’ve been here since the dawn of time but ever since the discovery of nuclear power, they seem to be drawn to nuclear plants/nuclear sites, and Beckenshire is an old mining/nuclear facility town so they have a lot of monsters!
so the main three characters are Ryan (he/him), Carmela (she/her) and Dana (they/she)!
Ryan is a basketball and dnd player who is the son of Adele and Josh Beckett and he has an older sister called Claire. What happens to him in the story is that his arm gets cut off by his gf Carmela D: and he gets a werewolf-ish bite which causes him to get yellow pupils, horns and pointy teeth :]
Carmela is a soccer player and her parents are Maria Luzardo and Daniel Rivera. Maria moved away three years ago after a fight with her husband. Carmela is not doing well in the story (well nobody is really lmao)- she gets emotionally manipulated into cutting ryan’s arm off and joined a cult (the cult made her cut his arm off btw)
Dana!! Love them soo much!! She runs a weather station for the town :]] Her parent’s are Noah B and José! Noah married José some years after his wife, Dana’s bio mum, died. Later in the story, a Fetch (monsters that take the form of a loved on to kill you) pretends to be Dana’s mum and tries to drown them and mermaid-ish monsters steal Dana’s left eye!
I have very lengthy lore for all the parents but i shall focus on Janette, Adele, and Josh (the polycule ever if they were good peoplee). So Adele and Josh started dating in highschool and Josh is transmasc but found that out in his late 20’s so they began as a sapphic couple. Adele is very transphobic (girl nooo) and blames Josh for Ryan also being transmasc (josh just break up with adele it’d be easierr)
Janette Biswar is the leader of the cult that Carmela joined! I love janette actually she’s amazing <-she’s evil but shshshhs. So janette and adele end up in a weird situationship/relationship thing?? Janette’s aro and she tells Adele that when they meet like ‘heyyy no romance please’ and adele is like ‘yeah sure sure whatever’ reminder that adele is cheating on her husband and janette has no clue about this!! Adele ends up falling in love, it could be obsession idk if its love but here we are shsvkshdkdn, with janette and she uses the ‘your heartless’ line which is like GIRL NOOO
Putting aside their drama, Janette uses Carmela’s mum against her to blackmail her into cutting off Ryan’s arm. Janette dies twice in this story, first one being burnt alive inside the cult building. Adele is the one who lit the place on fire btw. The second time is quite gory if you think about it soo here we go:
So one of the monsters in this world is called Sprites! They are little spirits that inhabit inanimate objects and you can give them sweet treats to get the object back! There is another type of them which I’m calling Sprite 2.0 at the moment which inhabit dead bodies or making deals with people on their deathbed (literally and methaporically). Janette makes a deal with them when she’s dying in the burning building.
The catch here is that the sprites will give your body energy and like magic fuel but that energy is so rich with magic that bright blue flowers with thorns that grow under the skin of the person. They are always trying to get out of the body, but they aren’t able to break the skin by their own. When your skin gets cut, all the flowers will rush to the cut and push their way out of your body.
So Janette gets shot by her son/nephew (that’s complicated but yeah its her sister kid she adopted) and its in the chest but just above her collarbone so if she got to the hospital she’d be fine. But the flowers under her skin rush towards that wound and tear the skin away to let them out. They tear away at her heart, lungs and windpipe, but grow reallyyyy slowly so she’s just lying there slowly dying while Adele’s like ‘hahhaa L imaginr fuck you’ basically.
Uh yeah. that’s a short rundown if you can believe it! I could go into soo much more detail on every character mentioned so yeyeyee if you have any questions, since this was very confusing, pls send them my way since i love talking about these guys! (obviously as you can tell lmao :]])
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justaduckarts · 1 year
I wanna try to compliment the SH fic in the least spoilery way possible but i will most likely fail but WOOO TIME FOR A RANT
Starting off, Star Holder
Everyone is so worried that Eclipse or Pluto will manipulate them when Aurelia has already done that. She's the reason why they are so traumatized and meek and so easily gullible. And now here they are, in between several gods while they are all pulling on different limbs in different directions trying to tell them to go their way and to not listen to the others. I don't blame Star Holder for being so god damn anxious about every single conversation. Every conversation could literally end up in a war if they say something wrong.
That cheeky fuck. I love him so much hes such an asshole(/aff). He's just a silly guy doing silly things and he might want to kill you but it's okay because he's just a silly guy! His back story is tragic and perfectly explains why he is the way he is. I also love how open he is to his plans. Is he using you? Yes, but at least he's honest about it. A true gentleman.
God damn. That's all I can say. Just- damn.
Okay but in all seriousness Moon is great. Maybe not great to others (after hearing what Pluto said about the star-) but he's a great character. Very anti-social and quiet but he can have fun if he wants to. *quiet chanting* Moon in a dress! Moon in a dress! Sorry, my demons. Anyway. He's definitely trying his best, but he's not very good at it. E for effort, F for execution.
Sun. Dear lord Sun-
Again, he's trying. He just has no fucking clue what he's doing. He's incredibly oblivious it's almost painful. I don't know if I want to give him a hug or slap him. I could do both. Hug then slap. That'd be nice. But anyway, he's very interesting but after learning more about his past I just keep thinking "hypocrite". Talking about how Eclipse is trying to manipulate Star Holder (which he may have at first) only for the star, but he made the star for the purpose of controlling his own brother. That doesn't seem fucked up to him I guess. Of course there's reasonings but it's still so incredibly wrong. But I think that's enough about Sun.
Oh how I love her. She seems like the only one (besides Eclipse) who truly cares about Star Holder and doesn't want to use them. The moment Sun and Moon found out that the star was growing they immediately jumped to "we need to know how to use it." Though, Eclipse also seems to have a similar thought process, so he's not much better. Is it possible that Pluto is using Star Holder? Maybe. But lets be honest, so many gods are trying to use them that you can barely even tell which ones are actually sincere of their promise that they care. She is so lovely though. I love how she is actually trying to give them the choice of using the star for good and not just using it to control people (as it was originally intended) She seems genuinely good and it'd be devastating to find out that she isn't... concrete turning noises to stare at my angst loving self. Anyway.
He's my babygirl and no one can tell me otherwise. He is a pathetic traumatized stray cat that everyone thinks has rabies but is actually just starving and wanting love and affection. Okay! But in all seriousness! I love him. The more we find out about his past the more we realize "maybe the good guys aren't as good as we thought." They accused him of murder and didn't even let him explain. Sun didn't even try to use his gift? Although, Lunar did say that it's harder to use the gift when upset so I guess that makes sense. But I'm still annoyed cause I'm a whiny bitch. They seem to just never give Eclipse any slack or any benefit of the doubt. Though, we still don't know his entire story, so there is still likely something that changed things a lot (besides Moon's mother's death.)
I'm gonna stop here since I could go on forever. TBH all my thoughts of the characters could be totally wrong in my perception of them. If that's the case, I formally apologize, I don't think much as is so when I do it's not always the best thing. BUT YEAH. THESE ARE MY THOUGHTS. If you want more there is plenty where this comes from just say the word and I'll flood your ask box again with an entire tangent.
Anyway, this is Birdcage signing off dramatic bow
skips away like a goofy goober
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Thank you so much this was so sweet. I love hearing people's thoughts and theories on the story and acvsgvsgvdth MAN. I don't want to give too much away. I will say that things are about to get interesting *looks at Saturday's chapter*
Anyway, thank you so so much!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I love getting asks so feel free to share your thoughts whenever (I may take some time to reply).
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