#also low key tsundere
sailorstarr-chan4 · 2 years
Okay, so I'm catching the "omggggg I want to write fic of this ship now" feels for Mao x Nanoka because of course I am, HOWEVER, I am floundering on one simple thing:
Mao himself !! 😩
If I thought writing Inuyasha was hard (because let me make one thing clear: he is, without an shadow of a doubt, 1000% OOC in my fics lmao), Mao is on a whole other level, but for very different reasons.
Inuyasha was hard because writing a good tsundere is HARD. It's easy to make cookie-cutter "it's not like I like you or anything BAKA" types, but Inuyasha had some angst and guilt and other layers to him. But it also isn't fair to paint him as a Brooding Angsty Boi because that is most certainly NOT Inuyasha lmao. I'm good at recognizing tsunderes, but writing them is..... a challenge for me. Finding that balance between hot-headed idiocy and nuance??? Yeesh, no thanks >.<"
Mao, on the complete other end of the spectrum is........ stoic. But complex. Angsty, but kind. Enormously kind. But also emotionless. Mysterious AF. Honest but hidden. Calm, collected, wise, pragmatic, protective. He's an enigma which makes him an amazing character to read, but boy howdy, I have not idea how to write his voice 😭😭😭
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charismaofobedience · 3 months
Nu carnival is a great game because you have so many things being represented such as
Garu and Karu - System rep with a pretty good writing and a trauma behind their system forming. dumb puppyboy rep
Rei - Hypersexuality and the dehumanization of self to the point you view sex as nothing more than a coin for a certain time. brat power bottom who can't shut up
Olivine - Religious guilt and finding your own place in society without others expectations. huge tits (bottom version)
Yakumo - The struggles of controlling oneself to not hurt those who you love while also learning to accept others love. constant struggler disorder
Edmond - Repressed sexual desires and learning to embrace those and be yourself among those you trust. anime tsundere disorder
Aster - Being 'born' out of necessity and need to someone to eventually have them leave you with no reasonings or explanations with you having to solve things on your own, without someone you depended on. capitalist transmasc twink
Morvay - Same as Aster but also being constantly equated to just your sexual self and having others treating you as simply that or how dumb you are when you're so much more than that. slutty bimbo (male) (not a himbo) rep
Blade - Being deemed as defective due to the way you simply behaved when still young while noticing the nature of others during that time and being made to fit the others ideals of you so you weren't left aside. being just a silly goofy guy :3
Dante - Having to assume heavy responsibilities at a young age and how this affects one in their future while also having those who don't know you judge you for your harshness when you are simply trying your best. bad dick game
Quincy - Having others taking your help while at the same time being afraid of you and keeping you at distance due to this fear. huge tits (top version), sleepy disorder
Kuya - Feeling ostracized by those you know by your simple nature and who you are as a person, being left all alone by simply feeling like no one could understand you. knotting and mpreg kink
Eiden - Growing up in an orphanage. Being in a low-key shitty workplace. Suddenly being dragged to a new place you don't know anyone in and having to adapt yourself to it. Being put responsibilities and titles upon you that you simply weren't prepared for. having others hopes put upon you while at the same time others doubt your own aptitude to the job. Being compared to someone who came before you and how you are nothing when compared to them. and perhaps the most important thing the struggles of sluts in modern gay society and having to deal with your polycule where all the members are lowkey freaks
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thebluester2020 · 2 months
Stardew Bachelors x Rude!Farmer Reader Headcanons
Summary: A new farmer has moved into Stardew Valley and...wait, how come they're always seen with a scowl on their face?! And why are they so mean?!
Warning(s): Fluff, Mean! Farmer, Doesn't contain all the bachelors! (I've only included Elliot and Sebastian since I didn't want things to become too long!), Farmer is low-key more of a tsundere to be honest, Slight favoritism to Sebastion at the end, !not proofread!
Note: As much as I love sweet-hearted farmers. I also love my mean, tsundere-esque farmers as well <3
:: Elliot had heard about the rumors a week before you arrived. That the grandchild of the late deceased farmer, who once cared for the old farm a little ways away from town, would be moving in soon. He thought a new face around town would be nice. After all, Elliot was fairly new to the town himself! He thought the two of you could share in your common experience of being new to the environment and possibly build a friendly bond.
At least…until the week you were supposed to arrive rolled around.
The rumors of you being rude. He swore they spread faster than you had actually been here.
First it was from overhearing a conversation between Gus and Lewis on Friday.
The way Lewis described you was like hearing a weary night regale his tale of how he narrowly escaped the fiery breath of a dragon. “They’ve…definitely got an attitude.” Elliot heard Lewis say.
“I’m struggling to find the resemblances. Looks aside, they’re rude! They threatened me the other day when I tried to ask if they could do me a favor!”
Elliot wouldn’t exactly deny that the possibility of you being rude made him nervous. Everyone in town was so nice that having someone mean would be like a black sheep sticking out in the middle of white sheep, you just wouldn’t belong. Yet when he had happened upon you once fateful morning on the beach/
“The hell you lookin’ at Prince Charmin’” You spat in his direction when he stared too long.
His eyes widened. “N-Nothing! Forgive me, I’ve never seen you before.”
“I’m new here, that’s why.”
He cleared his throat. “So I see…” He stood in place a little while longer, observing you as you crouched down to collect items from the beach. Your appearance didn’t match your attitude, he thought. Your appearance was like that of nobility to him, graceful with certain details accentuating personality and your life on the farm.
From slightly muddied knees and a few scraps here and there.
But your tongue was like a freshly sharpened knife.
“The fuck?” You hissed at him again, snapping him out of his trance. “Who the hell you looking at? Got a problem?”
“N-No!” You dropped your bag full of items before you walked right up to him, your mouth nearly curling upwards like an angry feline.
“Yeah? You sure? You’re staring mighty hard for someone you A. Don’t know and B. Is just trying to go about their day! So what’s the problem?!”
Elliot chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry once again, it's just- I think you're really gorgeous to look at. The tales of your fiery temper did nothing to speak of your beauty as well." You paused at the compliment, your cheeks beginning to redden as your temper started to ease down considerably.
Besides the compliments towards the farm and your weapon prowess when you first joined the Adventurer's Guild. You didn't hear too many compliments about yourself, the only thing you'd hear was
"That new farmer is scary aren't they? They're completely unlike their grandfather!"
"Why did her grandfather entrust the farm to them? With their attitude, they'll probably soil the crops just from their glare."
To say it didn't hurt from time to time was an understatement. It wasn't your fault that you had a mean scowl on your face 24/7 and sometimes you had a habit of speaking about how you actually felt about someone before thinking about your words!
So, to hear a compliment? You couldn't help the way it made your heart flutter and your chest begin to warm.
Not that you would let this lonely beach writer who talked like some actor from Medieval Kingdom know that.
"...Thank you." You finally mumbled under your breath.
A smile graced Elliot's features. "You're welcome."
There was a comfortable silence for a few minutes before you turned around to quickly pick up your backpack before walking off. But, not before Elliot could get another line in. "You should visit my cabin sometime! I love visitors!"
Although there was no response, for the next few months afterward, however, he kept strangely receiving duck feathers and ink bottles at his front door every other day...
:: The first time he had even heard the rumors of a new farmer. He was talking to his mother about her day and also alerting her that he would be out for a while riding his motorcycle. His mother had made sure to tell him to "be safe!" and likes before she told him that someone new would be moving into the old farm a little ways from town.
He hadn't thought much of it.
'Just another face in the crowd' he thought while also wondering why someone would even choose to go to this town where the most interesting thing that happened was when a slime got loose in the middle of town a while ago!
Until...the words of how rude and snappy you were began to pop up.
"That new farmer has no manners!"
"They're so mean..." He also heard Lewis say. "All I asked was for them to retrieve a...special item from Marnie's house and they said 'Get it yourself'"! Sebastion didn't see anything wrong with the supposed 'attitude' you were giving people in town, in his mind? He thought it was about time that someone had tried to bring a different energy to the town besides being yet another happy-go-lucky person who wanted to help everyone and anyone!
And even when he bumped into you one midnight evening...a sword in his hand as he wanted to go exploring the mines in order to try and put himself to sleep, his opinion of your supposed attitude remained the same.
Though, as he saw the piles of dead Shadow Brutes around...he did have a mind to be a little more weary of you. No one had told him that you were capable of slaying multiple Shadow Brutes on your own.
"You lost gloomy?" Were your first words to him as you pushed your hair back out of your face, snapping him back to reality.
He glared at you. "I could ask the same of you. Whose out fighting Shadow Brutes at midnight?"
"Me," You responded. "Something that I wouldn't expect you to do seeing how you're as skinny as a twig."
His mouth dropped a little, his annoyance with you growing as well as his interest of you. You were mean, that was no question but...unless his ears were playing tricks on him due to him not interacting with too many other people besides his friends.
He could've sworn there was a little bit of playfulness in your voice.
"I may be skinny but I've been down these mines before." He said, walking past you with a grumble as he started to look around the area for anything valuable.
As you looked Sebastion over, your mouth cracked upward a little more in an amused smile. You had just arrived at the valley, and joining the Adventurer's Guild was a good way to blow off some steam and clear your mind by fighting mindless monsters. You hadn't really thought about talking to any of the residents besides the essential ones such as Pierre, Robin and sometimes Lewis from time to time.
But, you were beginning to change your mind.
"You managed to make it all the way down to level 100 in the mines gloomy, maybe you wouldn't mind accompanying me to level 120?"
Sebastion looked back at you with a huff. "You probably wouldn't want a 'twig' coming with you."
"Even twigs can have their usefulness, don't be a wuss."
His eyes narrowed. "I'm not a wuss."
You stuck your tongue out playfully. "Then prove it! Killing those Squid Kids can be a tricky process at times." As you walked passed him, you playfully shoved him as a cocky laugh escaped you. "Who knows? Maybe you'll even upgrade from a twig to a branch."
He could've ignored you, he wanted to ignore you but...as you sauntered away cockily, climbing down one of the ladders into the next level. He couldn't deny that you were interesting despite your need to tease him despite the two of you just meeting, you may have had an annoyingly high urge to tease but...strangely enough?
He liked it.
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mareposie · 1 year
Damian got a Stella because he was about to crap, I am so proud of him. Becky and her daddy is the healthiest father daughter relationship we’ve seen here. Loid did his “For the mission” tsundere act one more time and everyone in WISE is about to bully him about it.
Yor running, Yor running past Melinda’s car is peak comedy. Sy-on boy made his friendship with Stubby legs official, another win for Damianya nation. Honestly I expected Yor to get the two of them home. I need a Yuri “In Denial” Briar update.
Anya being like mommy’s baby girl was unexpected but this is the fan service we’ve been asking for. Also Damian being a mommy’s boy is what we wanted to see. Melinda and Damian low-key being a team against that ugly man, I assume Demetrius and Donovan are the other team. Nah I feel bad for Anya because she heard all of that and my baby girl was confused.
The most important thing is the fact that Ewen got his hair from his momma.
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wannabegwenstacy · 1 year
Eden's Favorite Scoups Tumblr Fics
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updated: 5/2/2023
A/N: check out the full svt fic recs masterlist for some of the other members. warning i'm a baby carat so its not super full yet and i currently have only some members posts created currently. will be updating with more fic recs periodically. :)
A/N: Also, I don't have a lot of fics linked yet. :( Will continue reading and updating periodically.
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Terrifyingly Innocent by @twogyuu
Pairing: Seungcheol x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, angst, fake dating, slowburn, older brother’s best friend!Seungcheol, badboy!Seungcheol, innocent!reader, older brother!Jihoon, non-idol!au, university!au, low-key Crazy Rich Asians!au (Seungcheol is RICH - implied chaebol lifestyle, Jihoon and reader's family aren't chaebols and are commoners but well-off)
Warnings: PG-13, specific warnings will be listed per chapter.
Summary: Fearful of losing her, yet unwilling to leave; this agreement between Seungcheol and his best friend’s little sister was meant to be casual and temporary, yet he finds himself growing more attached to her day by day.
push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) by @dontflailmenow
Pairing: Seungcheol x fem!reader
word count: 50,301
genre: smut (18+), enemies to lovers, camboy au, angst (with a happy ending)
Warnings: adult language, excessive use of petnames, copious amounts of banter, e2l antagonism/shenanigans, camboy!cheol, strength kink, size kink, blink and you miss it sir kink, reader likes being a brat and cheol is into it, brief discussion about/hints of potential sexual power dynamics (but they're pretty tame imo), two instances of ass-swatting, mutually consensual possessiveness, semi-public touching, explicit sexual content: masturbation (m. and f.), manual stimulation (m. and f. receive), oral sex (m. and f. receive), protected and unprotected sex + creampie.
Summary: thirsting over your ex’s best friend in general is a bad idea. given that you and seungcheol have never gotten along, it’s even worse. when you accidentally stumble across his stream, though, and he finds out? all bets are off.
baguette by @bwinnies
Pairing: choi seungcheol x reader
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: FLUFF , some cursing , food is mentioned (they’re in a grocery store) , seungcheol may make u kinda weak ngl
FINE DINING 101: STEP ONE (s.c) by @ncteez
Pairing: seungcheol x afab reader 
Wordcount: 3.6k
Warnings: pussy eating (he gets in there), masturbation in the form of humping the mattress and then into his hand, finger fucking, there isn’t any penetration or anything but like– maybe in a part two they can actually do more??? idk it depends on if y’all want a part two.
Summary: Is it weird that no man has ever given you some good head and your best friend is a bit annoyed by that? Probably not. Is it weird that he offers to eat you out after a particularly bad date? Oh yeah, for sure. You’re still gonna let him though. 
or the one where seungcheol proves to you just how good he is at giving head.
Remind Me by @milfgyuu
Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 2.7k
Genre: fluff, humor
Warnings: mc gets drunk, cheol sleeps in underwear only (u can fight me on this), like one (1) unintentional innuendo.
Summary: You’ve had a little too much to drink at your sister’s wedding and can’t understand how or why Choi Seungcheol of all people is assigned to babysit you.
ice cold, cabin fever by @smileysuh
Pairing: Seungcheol & Mingyu x afab!Reader
Rating: 18+ explicit
Wordcount: 25.9k
AU's: e2l, s2l, step brothers Jihan, non idol, ski resort, roomies, etc...
Warnings: threesome, daddy issues, mean/tsundere cheol, wet dreams, spanking, marking, dirty talk, choking, unprotected sex, pain kink, dacryphilia, breast play, praise, degradation, fingering, oral, hand job, blow job, multiple orgasms, overstim, edging, orgasm denial, manhandling, size kink, cumplay, finger sucking, spit roasting, hair pulling, voyeurism, | petnames: (hers) princess, bitch, whore, baby (s.coups) cheol, douche, dick, daddy (mingyu) gyu.
Summary/Preview: "come on, let’s just go back to snakes and ladders and you can pretend we’re not snowed in with no firewood and a dude you hate locked in the bathroom."
inflection point series by @lovelyhan
Pairing: jeonghan x reader x seungcheol
Wordcount: 6.3k + 8.3k + 7.6k
Tags: unresolved emotional tension, friends to lovers on the hannie side of things, lovers to exes to enemies to lovers again on the cheol side of things, established relationship, angst, smut
Warnings: | pt.2 : implied alcohol consumption, graphic sexual content (minors dni!!) | pt.3 : graphic sexual content (minors dni!!)
Summary: you love yoon jeonghan. no, scratch that. you fucking adore yoon jeonghan; so much that the moment he asks you to be in an exclusive set-up with his current partner, you accept the offer in a heartbeat. what you fail to consider, however, is who your boss’ boyfriend actually is.
Bite That Lip | One-Shot (Seungcheol) by @beahae
Pairings: Seungcheol/S.Coups x Reader(f)
Rating/genre: M18+, friends-with-benefits to ???; smut 💖, mild angst/fluff
Word Count: 6.3k
Warnings: Explicit smut, unprotected vaginal penetration, spanking, dom!Cheol and sub!reader, finger sucking, Cheol and Mingyu both lift and carry reader, reader wears workout clothes (sports bra, leggings), sorta sweaty sex, creampie, degradation, kind of breeding kink (depends what you consider a breeding kink to be), reader is referred to as ‘brat’ and ‘a hole’, pet name ‘baby’, begging, possessiveness/jealousy but it’s like hot and not crazy in my opinion, reader is a tease and brat but only before the smut lol
Summary: Seungcheol knows you're really close with his whole friend group. But now that things have... quietly been developing between the two of you, he would love it if you'd cool it with the heavy flirting with the other guys.
in the eye of the beholder by @cheolism
Pairing: choi seungcheol x fem!reader
Wordcount: 6.2k
Tags: boyfriend!cheol, dom!cheol, possessive cheol. wall sex, fingering, oral; unprotected sex. worshipful sex. cheol's crude mouth, dirty talk. crying during sex from pleasure, mating press, spitting, hair pulling, consensual choking (just a little). pet names (princess, baby, sweetheart, angel, pretty girl, beautiful). simp seungcheol, his real spending addiction. he's going to tell you you're beautiful until you believe it.
Warnings: MDNI. fat/chubby!reader, insecurity, internalized fatphobia, anxiety. mentions of fatness, stretchmarks, love handles.
Summary: when you don't like how you look in the mirror, your boyfriend decides to take it upon himself to worship you.
F*ck, Marry, Kill: With the Experienced by @bitchlessdino
Pairing: fem!reader x ex!mingyu x seungcheol x wonwoo
Genre: smut
Wordcount: 5.6k
Tags: poly, exhibitionism, voyeurism, degradation, pet names (princess), unprotected sex (except cheol), praise kink, spanking, clit slapping, fingering, oral (rec. and giving), u, pussy slapping, ass play, triple penetration
Summary: one dumb party game makes a comeback.
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Haikyu headcanons: cuddling with them
Characters: oikawa, kuroo, Sugawara and tsukki.
BIG SPOON. He would munch on your cheeks, leaving tons of little kisses. Both of you talking for hours about random shits and telling dumb joke y'all come up with on the spot, doing that for hours. He would tickle the back of your neck with his nose, then snuggle in it like he didn't do anything. Oikawa is one of the sweetest boyfriend, he is pretty clingy and be ready to cuddle him for hours while working. He is shameless tho he will gladly burry his face in your chest. He definitely tangles your hair.
Kuro tetsuro
He would lay on your chest after pratice, snuggling in your boobas or neck. He give me lovebites and hickeys vibes while cuddling, but he would also munch on your cheeks. I feel like the cuddle would go with him sliding his head in between your arms while your playing on your phone. You would rest your hand on his back while playing, not minding his affection but he would always leave unexpected kisses over your whole face at really random times. These alway tickle and you end up bursting out laughing, that was a melodious sound to the ears of kuroo.
Cuddles with sugawara are pretty chill, you two would tangle your legs together while he press tenderly your head on his chest or neck. He would gently massage the back of your scalp, you could fall asleep, new talent of sugawara discovered; massages. But sometimes when you guys are cuddling while on a chair, so basically when he studying you would be comfortably installed on his lap. Your arms wrapped around his shoulder, head buried in his neck while humming his scent. Most of your cuddling session were either a complete comfortable silence, or it was you rambling about your days and pouting over small things. But when you were fast asleep on his lap, he would never dare wake you up, he would only enjoy the cute little thing on his lap and sometime slightly rock you. Sweetest boy peace out my heart 🥰
Tsukishima kei
It would be you begging him until he gives in. But when he cuddling with you, he's legit more implicated than you are. You would be comfortable on his chest, your hand behind his head, messaging his scalp lightly while he would massage your back. He was so good at it you could fall asleep, it was amazing. Tsukki would probably scroll on his phone while massaging your back with one hand. It was alway in a comfortable silence or you were talking about your day in a low and sleepy voice. He sometimes told you about his, his voice was alway calm and posed. He almost never looked at you, little did you know when you would fall asleep he would just stare at your cute face and occasionally leave forehead kisses. Once he dropped his phone on your face, you lifted your face and your face was just adorable, eyes barely adorable with a very sleepy expression. He swore a cupid just aimed an arrow straight to his heart. Being the tsundere he is he would never tell you that.
Hope you enjoyed the hc.
I was supposed to have finished those like 40 minutes ago.
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aiura-stan · 1 month
Here we go, the first proper chapter of the Saiki K manga, 1-1!
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Manga Saiki my beloved. How I missed you. I won’t comment on every single panel because I don’t want to spend —that— long talking about trivial things in this manga. But I’ll do my best to be annoyingly thorough in this re-read. Since I figure it will probably be my last proper re-read from end to end, sequentially. (Because quite frankly this manga is long. And I have other things to do. Hopefully.)
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I’m not sure “lax” is the word I would use here? But I don’t like the anime’s use of “airheaded” much either, so?? “Considerably low key” maybe? In any case, the next panel sums it up “They both were the type not to think that deeply about things.” Let’s see… it says かなり緩かった. That seems to be about right, translation wise.
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Also, it implies hypothetical strict parents of psychics exist, which… ironically enough, simply doesn’t exist in the Saikiverse. Come on Asou sensei. Give us an official continuation so we can meet some new psychic kid who meets this requirement of having grown up with strict parents.
I love how the very first page shows Saiki committing some selfless act with his powers. And yet he still gives us the spiel about how much psychic powers suck with his signature chronic >:(. Yes; Saiki has been a tsundere since the very beginning.
Saiki’s tsundere-ism aside, I have always liked how Asou sensei explains how psychic powers might be a significant drawback as much as a strength. The metaphor of a domestic dog who is fed and therefore doesn’t have the skill to hunt for itself, and the spoiled child who is given everything and thus robbed of agency, are both particularly good ones. (The curry and spoons one just makes me think of Mob psycho. Do you think One sensei read Saiki k???)
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Saiki just lists all of his powers here. That certainly saves time. Though people who have already read the oneshots have the advantage of knowing exactly how these powers work (if we assume them properly canon.) There’s details about Saiki’s powers that get changed from the oneshots to the manga proper, like the timer on his spirit-body separation ability and his “clairvoyance” being called x-ray vision. Wait, no, that was the oneshot. Well, my point still stands.
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I also like this part about a sense of achievement being impossible for him, since everything is too easy. It’s rather depressing if you think about it too much. Saiki definitely doesn’t belong in the “normal” life role that he forces himself into. But given his alternatives (Allow himself to become a government lab rat and subject himself to experimentation? Become a worldwide celebrity who fixes the problems of the world and maintains peace, essentially becoming a human god?? hang out with his amoral genius older brother who hates him???) his attempts at normalcy are understandable. And very entertaining.
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No extreme emotions… I hope Asou sensei knew the can of worms he was opening by having Saiki say this. But I’m guessing he didn’t.
And the first of Kusuo’s problems in his titular disastrous life is the very normal problem of having to unlock the door for his father, who locked himself out of the house. But at this point, we the readers have no idea the extent of his powers and just how much his full potential is underutilized.
why doesn’t Kurumi have a job..? their mortgage is probably expensive and her son is an older teenager and fully capable of taking care of himself… i guess she just wants to be the doting mom for her son.
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Ah!? Is that where Saiki gets his standards for how he uses his powers? Makes sense.
Sigh. watching your parents wrestle while waxing eloquent about coffee jelly. Never change Saiki. (and he never does.) He is really making me crave coffee jelly.
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so cute.
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XD his father’s thoughts are so ~kawaii~. Teehee.
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Also, I never see anyone use forced telepathy in fics! More stuff that has so much damn potential… note to future me reading this.
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The word used here in the manga is “psi user.” Let’s see… In Japanese, it is 超能力者(chyounouryokusha). Exactly what I expected; the same term as used on the cover. And that’s the word he uses in the anime, too, but in the subtitles, it’s translated as simply “psychic.” For those wondering, he says: 見せてやろう…超能力者の力おな… ‼︎ I am too low level to properly translate this, but I’d say it’s something like, “I’ll show you… a psi user’s power!”
Our translators: “I shall show you… the power of a psi user…!” (and they keep the punctuation and spacing used in the original Japanese.)
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:,) He smiles… I love it when he smiles with the sparklies and the shine comes into his eyes. He doesn’t make this expression but a few meager times in the comic. And one of them is at the very end.
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Papa also has a temper?? Ugh. He’s such a spoiled child. I can’t blame Kusuo for being a brat when his dad is like that.
And then Kusuo immediately smashes every window in the house using his psi powers out of coffee jelly induced jealousy. Another turn of events that just doesn’t make sense in the anime!!!
The translator note at the end is very sweet. I feel lucky that such a good scan team took on Saiki k; they really put effort into it, even the untranslatable stuff.
Alrighty, (wii fit meditation announcer guy voice) that’s… the end. It took me the better part of four hours to read and touch type all of this on my smartphone. Time well spent. (though I really should have used my computer. No, actually I’d better not, or all of my posts are going to be the length of 0-6…)
end of 1-1💫
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propertyofwhitney67 · 7 months
I want your personal whitney head cannons- like where he lives his relationships with the other li and his freinds and how he interacts with your pc-
I am honored you want my hcs for Whitney <3
General hcs
I love the idea he comes from a rich family that doesn't give a shit about him and only gives him the bare necessities to stay alive
He definitely has scars from all the fights he gets in
He's such a tsundere and is so bad at feelings
Desperately wants someone to care for him but will never voice it
We know from Vrel that some of his 'friends' actually care for him but I don't think he notices. He's so insecure and has to keep up his image that he just doesn't see it or is in denial that anyone would actually care for him
Is actually smart but doesn't give a shit about school
Used to read a lot to escape what goes on at home
now he just runs around causing chaos, drinking, and smoking
Relationships/how he feels about the other LIs
Relationship with Robin-
he doesn't like nor hate them
thinks they are beneath him
hates that PC pays their debts for them
does like their hot chocolate
Relationship with Kylar-
hates the creep
doesn't want them anywhere near PC
hell doesn't even want them to think of PC
Relationship with Pure!Sydney
Finds they annoying
hates when they manage to get marker on them for destroying a book
Shits on them for losing their virginity to a slut
but is also pissed it was his slut
just a lot of angry emotions
Relationship with Corrupt!Sydney
Still finds them annoying but in a different way
Now they have the courage to stand up to them and for PC
Is a lot angrier about them losing their virginity to PC bc Sydney rubs it in his face
Relationship with Alex
Who? Some country bumpkin, why should he care?
As long as they don't touch what isn't theirs he doesn't care
Relationship with Avery
Hates them and that PC is their sugar baby
But learns he can get money out of it and lets PC go with permission
covers you in writing and hickies so they don't get any smart ideas
Relationship with Eden
Is low key kinda scared of them but will never show it
Also hates them for taking PC and using PC without his permission
Only he can collar PC
With my PC
Loves them but hates to look weak so only shows it in private
My PC is very submissive and has high Exhibition and promiscuity so he loves that
Loves to show them off. Only look, no touching unless he says so
takes pictures of PC when they aren't paying attention
loves to be dominant but secretly would love to have slow soft sex once in a blue moon (I need to peg this man I want him crying and whimpering under me)
likes to steal buy them things he thinks they would like and lingerie he would like to see on them
Loves seeing them all dressed up for him. Only for him, not some old rich fuck.
Scared that PC doesn't actually like/love them
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borderlinebox · 1 year
hii i don’t know if your requests are open rn if not just ignore this! but if they are i wanted to request chishiya x reader with social anxiety :)
Chishiya with S/O who has Social Anxiety Hcs!
Pairing ; chishiya x reader | a/n ; Honestly this was great asf for me to write cause i have social anxiety too. | warning ; fluff, comfort, a bit of teasing chishiya, a little trailed off, not proof read, season 2 spoilers
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chishiya would understand your situation.
but I think he'd be a tad bit annoyed with you as well.
both of you met each other in a game and you were forced to team up with somebody
you were too reluctant on going up to somebody and decided to wait until everyone had a partner or you'd go to the last person who was available
or they'd go to you
like chishiya
from afar, chishiya would have already noticed you weren't the one for social gatherings
since you were kinda squinting at everybody in mild disgust, fear and anxiety
brows furrowing as you bit the bottom corner of your lips and fumbling with the insides of your pockets
yeah you were probably fucked
chishiya would come up to you smoothly, figuring out a way to not startle you
you'd prolong a small 'uh' and quietly return his introduction, not wanting to shake his hand
honestly through out the entire game, he was the one who talked
and he barely talks!
he was just explaining what the games probability would be and making out tactics
you definitely know what he's talking about about but you didn't say much other than a small hum
chishiya would then turn to you and be like 'you understand dont you?'
being torn from either replying because you think that he'd think you were stupid and not replying because.. of the same thing
but later on he'd find out you're actually quite clever and/or strong.
you just prefer to keep it low key
now we all know chishiya doesn't normally chat with others
but since he thinks you were competent as being his partner in that game,
expect as many waves that you'd have to awkwardly return
that's why when he found you in the beach he was honestly quite surprised
like how tf did you get in there
chishiya knows how smart/strong you really are, you just didnt like everyone around you nor you wanted them to think badly of you
when you become something of 'friends'
he'd subtly praise you by giving you an awkward thumbs up when you're doing good
has to watch you mentally make a list of the food you want from the buffet so that you wouldn't look dumb when picking food
or anything like that
honestly it kinda hurts him to watch you
but wouldn't show it (now added with concern for you believing that he's judging you)
but but but
chishiya actually thinks there's perks to you social anxiety
like, well, mentally listing stuff down and fixating on details in order to make his plans work
he also admires your acting skills when you try to get away from social situations
again, really good asset, just a bit too terrified
once you start becoming comfortable being by his side, he's very patient and would listen to what you'll have to say
also has to reassure you that he understands your opinions (omg rare)
soon enough you'll almost be like a whole new person and chishiya now has to deal with this puppy
he knows all the things that ticks you off or triggers the anxiety
would comfort you by helping you escape to somewhere less crowded
oh oh oh
and if you both like each other
neither of you is going to confess
chishiya is busy being a tsundere and being in denial
hile you're sulking in anxiety AND denial
kuina literally has to come out and put both of you in a candle lit dinner it's so goofy
it's so painful for her to watch both of you pine for the other
she's practically clawing her eyes out
once you guys get together, chishiya tells you to keep it a secret
which you could definitely do.
and oh my lord when arisu and usagi come by
the anxiety is once again high
and even higher when people start killing each other
you're standing there all cool, arms crossed, watching the many cctvs
and kuina and chishiya start subtly accusing each other that they are the witch
you'd start having a breakdown internally but you're standing there like its all goody gum drops
i think im trailing off
either way, chishiya would definitely just tease you how your anxious
but he'll tell you everytime that you're gonna be okay
plus holding hands when y'all are hiding
him coaxing you for anything sometimes
he'll not say but he'll be pretty honored that you became comfortable with him
honestly he would treat you like how he treated ippei (with extra credit)
and again, he'll just subtly praise you
soon it'sprobably gonna be a habit in his system
if you know what i mea-
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ad0rechuu · 1 year
★ MILKY WAY. ━━ (000) profiles: sanrio trash
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@ST5ROFFICIAL. ━━━━━ STAR (Start To A Revolution) is a 5 member kpop girl group under pnation that debuted in 2019 with their hit song Ponzona. STAR consists of Seulgi, Fatou, Yn, Swan and Yuna. their fans are called shooting stars and they just came back with a new album called Stamp On It!
KANG SEULGI. ━━━━━ leader, main dancer, main vocal: mom(my) of the group, has the patience of a saint, leader but doesn’t stray away from fun and her juniors feel very comfortable around her. most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse
FATOU SAMBA. ━━━━━ main rapper, sub vocal, center, 1/2 of the foreign line: low key the groups tsundere, pretends to hate affection but everyone knows she actually loves it. yn was her first friend when she came to korea! also she is convinced that she is a aggretsuko, so stop calling her cinnamoroll (she’s wrong)
YN LN. ━━━━━ lead vocal, lead dancer, lead rapper, 2/2 of the foreign line: in one word unique, she’s a little bit of a punching bag for the kpop community but goes viral every like week anyway. her nickname is The 4th gen lead girl (like it girl). in love with her fellow music bank host.
PARK SUJIN, SWAN. ━━━━━ main vocal, 1/2 of the maknae line: swan seems shy and timid but don’t be fooled, she can be awfully honest and self aware. she’s still deemed the groups sweetheart. also the smartest in the team and not a big fan of yuna’s memes
SHIN YUNA. ━━━━━ lead rapper, main dancer, sub vocal, visual, 2/2 of the maknae line: the most maknae-est maknae to ever maknae according to herself, enjoys being the youngest and adores her members (yn in particular even if they squabble sometimes). impulsive and a big fan of her own jokes
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NOTES. (every member of this grp is my one of my actual ults lol) yn is a ‘00 liner and i won’t attach a country to her but she’s not from sk originally, i will be using pictures but yn doesn’t have certain look it’s just for the story. also don’t u just think that the sanrio theme is adorable, the users are a bit lame but i don’t know what i’m doing either, still i’m kinda proud of the idea! these are secret accs btw, only their manager knows about these. ps: i would advice u to listen to the playlist to kinda understand their sound ‼️ spotify also adds songs but i added only 12 and the sumni song is the last one ^_^ thank u
TAGLIST. @bunnystrm
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20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @dandywonderous
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
19. I'm fairly new to fanfics, I only started reading and writing them in 2020.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm currently writing for The Sandman, but most of my works and my WIPs are for Twisted Wonderland, and I had written one chapter of a fic for Love Never Dies.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Granting Favors (Twisted Wonderland) 2. The Two Princes (Twisted Wonderland) 3. A Way In (Twisted Wonderland) 4. Tomorrows Over Centuries (The Sandman) 5. Post-Gala Celebration (Twisted Wonderland)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I love interacting with my readers in the comments section~ Sometimes it takes me days to respond sdkjfkdslfj but I do respond! And I'm trying to make a habit of replying sooner.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, I always write happy endings, but currently The Repertoire Continues (Love Never Dies) and A Dragon's Soft Spot (Twisted Wonderland) have angsty endings, but only because so far I've only written their first chapters 😅
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Tomorrows Over Centuries (The Sandman). Mostly because almost the entire fic is the characters just having a fun time. (Also it's Explicit because of the third chapter, just a heads-up in case you wanna check it out.)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
So far no. I'm actually low-key scared of getting some, haha.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yup. All smut I write have a lot of Feelings, even if there's no plot to the fic. It's always romantic smut. It's just fun to write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
So far no. Though I really wanna write a The Sandman and Good Omens crossover someday. The idea itself is a bit daunting for me, haha, but I've read a fic with that crossover, and I genuinely wanna attempt it myself.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, that would be super cool, though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, I've co-written a few fics with @patchyegg87~
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling (The Sandman) Azul Ashengrotto/Jamil Viper (Twisted Wonderland) is a close second!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I would like to believe that I can finish all of my WIPs, haha. But the one that would probably take the longest to finish is The Repertoire Continues (Love Never Dies), which I realize is ironic given the title alskjdfsldf. I rarely see any other content from the fandom so my brainworms for it don't get activated. I would still like to finish it someday, though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and emotions. Character voice is one of my favorite things to write, discovering how different characters would have various reactions to the same situation. I've often had to modify outlines because I'd realize that the original flow of the scenes didn't make sense anymore because the characters' reactions wouldn't lead them to that outcome. And bringing emotions out of characters is fun too, especially the stoic and tsundere characters. It's why I like writing Hurt/Comfort, haha.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing descriptions for places, outfits, and food 😣 Especially places. I have a hard time imagining what a place might look like. That's usually what I ask @patchyegg87 for help with when we co-write fics. And she has recently taught me how to use Pinterest as a reference when writing descriptions for stuff, and I'd been practicing that. I really wanna get better at writing visual descriptions, it's always so cool when I read a fic that has such vivid imagery.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have no problem with it. The very first fic I'd written, A Rival in Scarlet (Twisted Wonderland), has some French sentences in it that were translated into English when the POV switched to the French speaker's. Fanfics are for having fun, and sometimes part of that is incorporating another language you know or are trying to learn~
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Twisted Wonderland
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ooh, I don't know, that's a hard one. Granting Favors (Twisted Wonderland) would always have a special place in my heart because it's my first multi-chapter fic and I honed much of my writing skills in that one. "I Do": The Long-Term Deal (Twisted Wonderland) is also very fun to write and that's the fic where I really learned to write character voice well because it's post-canon and the characters have aged a few years, and it was fun to figure out how they had changed in that time while retaining their core personalities. And of course Tomorrows Over Centuries (The Sandman). I'd read a lot of Dreamling fics before writing that one, and I was so happy to finish a Dreamling fic of my own. I love them, Your Honor.
and anyone else who wants to do this!
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Saw one of those 'only in Japan' shorts on my mom's feed and thought, "hey, that's WHB Belphie."
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The og photo and another (shorter) WHB Belphie discussion under the cut!
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He seems so goofy-coded but I love him 😭 I'm definitely going to be scaroused and maybe more than annoyed when he comes out lmao. To me, he kinda seems very '🤪' but also like very parental/caring but in an aggressively affectionate way (to MC, at least. I know he acts much more distant to his nobles and people). Much like what we have with Lucifer if he was more, uh, expressive.
I've said before that he seems kinda mean-ish when he interacts with mc, kinda like one of those tsunderes who begin to act up when their crush is with them. It's very cute ! And also like, him being cold to his nobles but nice to MC is just 🏹💞💘
Oh and no, I don't condone bullying nor the 'bullying your crush to get them to like you' behavior. It's not okay. It's only okay because I'm talking about a fictional character. I don't condone most of this silly game's antics in real life 🪼
Also, anyone else farming red keys/keys in general? I'm late to this (I only have like ~200 red keys and 48 golden keys ATM) but I've seen people farm their red keys for the upcoming pancakes shop update and I'm dreading it 😭
Because like, what if the update arrives at the same time as Belphie?! Also, why the update in the first place!! They could've just made the nightmare pancake shop an extension of the current pancake shop but with better items to buy!
Lile here's an idea, PB; the new normal pancake shop should sell resources like low-tier candies, gold keys, Solomon tears and the jellies and then the nightmare pancake shop will sell high-value stuff like the red keys, (limited amounts of) Solomon seals, the advanced candies and the pies! It doesn't solve the unnecessarily confusing amount of in-game currencies but it gives better rewards than exchanging S-grade and below cards into more useless grimoires and gold!
Do you know how much of each I have? 10 million. It's stupid. And I only have that much because I'm trying to farm the other book currency that I use to exchange daily into Solomon tears.
Nightmare pancake shop can also just sell one piece per month of high grade cards/artifacts. But I guess that defeats the purpose of the pop-up shop/Azatoth's shop that does the same thing.
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fandomflotilla · 8 months
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See I don’t really see it that way? Because if I know the term right, Tsundere implies they’re into each other from the get-go and the anger is just an excuse to get to know each other.
For Alabastards their ship dynamic is default White Knight, only instead of developing a mutually respectful relationship, they instead diverge into a more toxic direction.
They genuinely do not like each other for basically most of the time up till their hatefucking and a good chunk of time after.
Jaune got off on the wrong foot with Weiss, so she’s just constantly lambasting him.
And Jaune eventually got fed up with Weiss giving him shit even after he stopped propositioning here.
I’m thinking he gets mad at her after seeing her be mean to Ruby. Ruby obviously forgives weiss basically immediately, but Jaune had already went “fuck this shit.” And cussed a bitch out.
And they realized as they were arguing that
a) both of them have ludicrously thick skin because of family/hate crimes and 7 sisters, respectively so it’s nigh impossible to get them actually angry if there’s no malice behind their words
b) they’re pretty much always going to be in close proximity because Ruby and Jaune genuinely love hanging out together, and their teams get along incredibly well
And c) it’s really, REALLY fun to rile the other up.
The rest of their teams are fucking baffled by how seeing each other just turns them into complete assholes, even with all the character development. But also they work incredibly well together when they have a common goal?
Eventually it’s less they hate each other and more they just got used to sniping at each other.
…wait…fuck, I suppose in the end it is kinda two tsunderes who are into each other. Lol
Idk. The vibe still feels different to me? More like belligerent sexual tension than tsundere vibes. Where it’s not that they both secretly love each other and they use anger to cover for it, but it’s more they both love making the other angry/worked up. More hatefuck than reluctant/embarrassed date.
Someone made a lovely comment on one of these posts that mentioned “The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s apathy.” And those two are anything but apathetic to the other.
…also I’m debating adding other ships/assholes into the Alabastards type AU’s. Low key wanna do one where Ruby demonstrates why she’s best friends with both of them, and one where Pyrrha fucking roasts someone. I’ll have to be careful tho otherwise I’m gonna indulge in my polyshipping tendencies and someone is going to get in the middle of an Alabastards sandwich.
Though tbh it’s not really a full AU or anything, so I’m always open to ideas if people want to have them! Feel free to add some in the notes below!
(Also, guys, if you want me to respond to you directly, please submit an ask or reblog the question. This is a sideblog and I can’t answer replies like in the screenshot without exposing my main.)
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sunghun · 2 years
enhypen as your best friend
requested; yep :p
warnings; mentions of food in jay and niki’s, minor mention of bullying in sunghoon’s
note; this took me so long to write 😭😭writer’s block is truly a bitch, but hopefully i’ll be posting more often in the near future!!
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희승 - heeseung;
for some reason i see him as being that low-key annoying hipster friend
that you lovingly put up with <3
has a song for you to listen for literally every occasion
he’s also the friend that makes you wonder how he even survives
bc you swear he just never sleeps??
you could text him at any time
and he always answers within a few minutes
so either he has some kind of sixth sense for when you wanna talk to him
or he has no life and is always awake waiting for you to message him
and ofc you like to tease him about it
“wow heeseung i didn’t know you were so obsessed with me”
“well i can’t let you have another breakdown at 3am by yourself now can i”
you guys also go on lots of platonic ‘dates’
so many midnight coffee runs
and you’ll just sit on a bench in some park and talk until the sun is coming up
the best friend that’s always there for you
제이 - jay;
the grandpa friend <3
always complains about being out too late
scolds you if you do anything dangerous
impromptu lectures on life even tho he’s like the same age as you
but you know he only does it bc he cares <3
if you’re nervous about doing smth he’ll immediately offer to do it with you or for you
but also encourages you to go out on your own and do things for yourself :))
likes to use you as his “guinea pig” when testing out a new recipe for something
which you honestly don’t mind bc his cooking is just chef’s kiss tbh
definitely the friend who just buys stuff for you
“what’s this?”
“that necklace i saw you looking at in the store for like 5 minutes”
he’s low-key kinda tsundere about it sometimes tho
“hey y/n what do you want?”
“oh no i’m good i didn’t bring any money.”
“did i ask if you brought money?”
“What Do You Want?”
so yeah
even if he’s a lil rough around the edges
at the end of the day you both know that you’d do anything for each other
the best friend you can always count on
제이크 - jake;
being besties with jake means you question why you’re friends with such a dumbass
legit has the humor of a 12 year old boy like the amount of stupid memes he sends you…
rip my dude
but he’s also the sweetest guy you know so!!
i guess that evens it out
comes over so often he practically lives at ur house
like he just worms his way into your family so subtly
suddenly it’s not a complete family reunion if jake isn’t there
but you also like to hangout at coffee shops/cafes!!
especially the aesthetic looking ones
ur number 1 hypeman
takes the best pics of you for ur social media
“yes y/n! work it bro!”
lots of sleepovers where you’ll stay up watching movies or playing video games until the sun is coming up
you guys probably volunteer at a pet shelter too
and you have to talk jake out of adopting every single dog there almost daily
even if you don’t physically see each other every day
you still text and call each other every day
bc the two of really are like family to each other
the best friend that makes you feel loved no matter what
성훈 - sunghoon;
to this day people still wonder how you and sunghoon are friends
bc like. you’re just so opposite??
plus when you first met you both hated each other
and for literally no reason too
but one day you guys found out there was some dickhead bully at school that you both hated more than you hated each other
like they’re just talking shit about you until suddenly sunghoon walks up and starts defending you?? like what universe did you land in
but anyways ever since then you two got closer and now you’re bffs
people mistake you for a couple all the time mostly bc you’re the only person sunghoon will allow to hold his hand
he isn’t the most affectionate person but if you are he’ll begrudgingly allow you to cuddle up to him when you watch a movie
is so so so observant
which means he always gets you the best gifts
lots of hanging out at the mall bc you both enjoy people watching
so you’ll usually get some coffee and then just sit on a bench and rate people’s outfits
when you guys first started hanging out sunghoon was pretty shy
but the more you got to know each other the more he came out of his shell
and now he tends to match ur energy <3
the best friend that always understands you
선우 - sunoo;
the best bff you ask for
literally the first person you tell anything to
if you’re there you can bet sunoo isn’t far off
the two of you haven’t gone a day without speaking since you became friends
and you both love making fun of each other
all in the name of love, ofc <3
lots of good natured bickering and fake arguing
you guys go on lots of walks and like to have little picnics
and weekly movie/drama nights are definitely a thing
where sunoo will catch you up on the latest rumors and gossip around school during the boring parts of whatever you’re watching
you two also call each other pet names a lot
whether it be normal ones like babe or weird, over the top ones like snuggle bunny-poo
he also likes to randomly surprise you with flowers every once in a while
just because <3
you guys know everything about each other and know that you can always trust the other with your secrets
the best friend that you sometimes wish was more
정원 - jungwon;
is basically ur adopted sibling whether you like it or not
he can either be your favorite person or the person u loathe the most
he lives next door so you both are at each other’s house constantly
and your mom may or may not low-key like him more 3
which he loves to rub in ur face /3
but it’s okay bc maeumi likes you more <3
which you love to rub in his face <33
you both like to go on ‘adventures’ whether it’s going to mcdonald’s at 3 am
or exploring the woods by your house in the middle of the day with a backpack that only has a couple juice boxes and some fruit snacks in it
you also build pillow forts in rooms all the time!!
bc it makes the sleepover experience 10x better, can confirm
he’s always the first person you send the weird videos you find late at night to, and vice versa
and you both love to give each other random little gifts from time to time even if they seem really weird to other people
sooooo many inside jokes
the best friend that you know you’ll always have
니키 - niki;
literally the most annoying person u know
u call him brat affectionately <3
and he calls you his grandparent not affectionately 3 (jk jk)
bc even if you’re the same age or younger than him
i can assure you he is going to tease you about your age/the way you act
also you both will occasionally ghost each other for a few weeks
like sometimes to the point where ppl wonder if you’re still even friends
but when they ask ur like “wdym we’re literally bffs??”
and then continue to talk like nothing ever happened
you guys make fun of each other all. the. time.
lovingly of course, but still
like you guys will be at a thrift shop or smth
and riki will find the most horrendous looking stuffed animal there and buy it
and when you ask him why he got such an ugly thing he’ll just be like
“bc it reminded me of you! ^-^”
jokes on him tho bc a few weeks go by and suddenly he can’t sleep without it so
also lots of park hangouts in the evenings!!
especially in the summer like you guys will get some ice cream or popsicles and just hang out at a playground
pushing each other on the swings or seeing how long you both can hang on the monkey bars
the best friend that makes you feel like you never have to grow up
taglist: @mochisnlix @yizhoutv @heatrache @vantxx95 @enhacolor @sunoo-bby @ilandsghost @hiqhkey
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ujimoo · 2 years
Things I think of when I think of: SKZ
notes: these are things I think of when I think of the members of stray kids. these are my own opinions. some of these things may also be a bit obvious, but anyway.
permanent tag list: @plutominho @jooniesrose @soobin-chois
skz | seventeen
Bang Chan:
sharing headphones, late-night studio sessions, songs written about you, random kisses just because, hot coffee, homemade food (as well as him cooking and feeding you if you went to a KBBQ restaurant), voice notes, a stuffed animal named after him, a photo album just of you, random ‘i love you’ messages through the day, looking at each other from across the room with smiles of comfort.
cats, flirty banter, sassy text messages, tsundere, peak grumpy sunshine trope, shows his love in action more than words, glaring at anyone who tries to mess with you, overly sweet nicknames just to try and annoy you, cooking for you, him acting as if cuddling you is such hard work but he actually loves it (he needs it to survive), pillow talk.
gym sessions, piggyback rides, hand-holding, his arm around your waist, feeding each other, baby/babe - doesn't call you by your name ever, pouting when you don't pay enough attention to him, follows you around because he can, brings you to the studio again because he can, random notes in his phone about you and the things you like, having you as his lock screen.
fairy lights, paint on every piece of clothing you guys own, wearing his shirts, matching items, painting/drawing you, trying to be cute to him but it ends with him judging you, flowers just all over the place, picnic dates, couple lock screens, a meme folder full of bad photos you’ve taken of each other, dramatic 2am texts of how he needs attention and you haven’t given him enough.
bad pick-up lines, oversized jumpers/hoodies, personalised ringtone/alarm tone, matching pfps, watching your name weekly, trying to watch a new series and getting halfway through before you go back to what you normally watch, low-key couple pictures, getting him to look at you as you record him with filters, him calling you his favourite person, playlists made for each other.
fuzzy polaroids, gaming whilst sitting in his lap, feeding him, midnight adventures to the store for snacks, cheek kisses, back hugs, cuddle sessions, entwined pinkie fingers, drawing lines that connect his freckles, good morning/good night texts, (along with jisung) matching pfps - bonus points if it's anime themed, pillow talk and long sweet kisses, my sunflower/my sunshine.
pranks, doing anything to make each other laugh, taking bad photos of the members to use as memes (also sends them to felix too), puppy filters, random 'i thought of something and I think you'd like it' texts, spraying his perfume onto your things before he goes away on tour (also buying a bottle when the smell goes away), him calling you baby regardless of if you’re younger or not.
knowing glances across the room, blushing cheeks, teasing from the other members, candid shots, being his personal photographer, cute couple photos, comparing hand sizes, encouraging messages throughout the day, will only accept you babying him, but even then only in private. babe/love pet names. cooking for him and his members. showing love in other ways instead of saying it a lot.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Arven Headcanons (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet)
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Whoops look who I got attached to today kakjraejrje I mean- I was already attached but now he’s stuck like glue and that makes me happy.
Tickly headcanons below the cut!
First of all- FIRST OF ALL. Can we talk about this man? Can we just take a moment to appreciate how much of a sweetheart he is? Sure he can be a bit prickly at first, but once you get to know him you learn pretty much immediately how great he is. Like- I had a gut feeling I was gonna like him and here we are.
Okay now for the tickles:
- Ridiculously ticklish- this man cannot handle it. He’ll collapse into giggly “Noo, don’t!”s and flail backwards trying to put distance between him and the ler.
- Worst spot is his belly! I headcanon that he’s a bit pudgy there. Squish it and you’ll get you the absolute best reactions ever- Squeals, yelps for mercy, maybe the rare profanity cackled out. He’ll absolutely die if tickled there and it’s majestic.
- He’s also ticklish in the usual spots- I feel like he’s got tickly armpits? Oh and he dies at climbing- his ler just walking their fingers up his ribs slowly towards his armpits? Dead- he’s a mess. He’ll get all kinds of frantic in his giggle fits before exploding- and you don’t even have to touch him yet. Ghost tickles there feel nearly as bad as the real thing- that with the added flustering of realizing he hasn’t even been tickled yet is top tier.
- I feel like he’d have a Rengoku- like laugh; loud and Jovial like? Something like a grand Belly laugh that matches his energetic vibe. Also a squirmer- he’ll try to push hands (or in Pokemon’s case- their paws and snouts) while digging his heels in the dirt, never wanting to accidentally kick someone but also can’t stay still for the life of it. He also get’s really red when tickled and I think that makes him cuter.
- Snorts. Pig snorts with little “hee hees” mixed in. Enough said.
- I feel like he can handle baby talk fairly well- it’s when you start calling him cute and complimenting him that he’s done for. If you tell him his laugh is wonderful or that his smile is really nice, he will fight you through his laughter, arguing that “he is NOT cute and shut your face-GAH!” Just one big mess of giggly laughter from our sandwich guy.
- As a ler he acts more menacing than he is. He tries to come off all tough and relentless but his tickles are super soft and comforting. It’s enough to get his lee laughing but he’ll never go all out and will stop immediately if you ask.
- As a tease? He’s great at them! “This spot here? Great place to massage for digestion. Oh and here? This one will help with your joints!” He also likes to say he’s “helping the herbs digest” while giving really soft belly rubs and tickles to whomever he’s tickling. He also can’t help but laugh along with you- he’s one of those people that if you laugh he’ll laugh.
- Acts low key like a tsundere post tickles if he really likes you. Nothing severe- just weak protests if you cuddle him. “Well I guess you can use me as a pillow- oi, don’t fall asleep!” He’ll never push you away though- lee or ler, he’ll just grumble and pout until he admits to himself that he rather likes the physical attention after.
Thanks for reading!
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