#also love that Etho was almost dad
mapbookboi · 1 year
Get me started on how everyone is scared of the cryptid that is Etho during the life series and yet Etho is TERRIFIED (/j ofc) of Cleo, I beg of you!
And now think about how Cleo is now mother to two of the (arguably) most chaotic people in every single season.
(Think Scar dying a lot n being on red first during third life, BDubs being a dramatic home wrecker in double life)
Like I know it wont translate to fighting or handiwork with traps, but the mind games that could be done!! Think about it! BDubs is a home wrecker and Scar’s still stuck in that ring and trying to flee all ties to that very first win he could have had. He’s the one that betrayed BDubs in the end, not Grian. Adding Cleo in is a good deterrent, but who’s to say when someone die? What if she dies first?
Siblings fight, y’know. Parents can’t stop that no matter how hard they try.
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hybbart · 10 months
Since jimmy boy is one of your favs (atleast im pretty sure he is) do you have any underrated pairings/duos with him that you really like? This doesnt have to be characters btw it can be whatever. My fav underrated pairing is jimmy and sneegsnag. I cant put into words why i like it so much they're just so silly and goofy i love it. Alternatively i also really like seeing jimmy and fwhip bickering its hilarious
Not really? Nothing underrated at least, i don't think. I like ranchers and I like his sibling dynamics with Lizzie, Grian, and Pearl. I like his friendship with Martyn cause Martyn seems to be the only one able to tease him and make it... tasteful isn't the right word but we'll go with it. Not-too-much about the jokes.
Him and Joel have a very bros type relationship that reminds me of my brother and his best friends when they're playing cs:go tbh. Scar and him also have a nice friendship, it's quite similar to Grian's dynamic with him but not quite as charmed, more so thinks he's cool. He... I know it seems almost too perfect to be true but he really does treat Scar like his older sibling's friend who's also his friend by extention in that weirdish sorta way siblings bffs are family friends, y'know? That's my take on it. Jimmy is very good at making himself everyone's little brother.
His weird relationship with Etho is also funny. It feels very much like Grian and/or Joel gave him a primer on Jimmy and his bullyableness before introducing him and he very easily fell into the role of teasing him. He just likes to sneak up on him and pull a prank or scare him and leave before they can have any deeper interaction.
Impulse kinda feels the opposite. He feels like he was taught to bully Jimmy by Grian but isn't very good at it. I imagine Jimmy activates the helpful dad in him, literally making games where Grian and Joel have to say nice things about Jimmy and giving him reedstone tutorials and going easy on him when the rest of the southlanders are teasing him. (And then inadvertently dealing the biggest blows when he doesn't mean to) I imagine if he teamed up with Gem, Pearl, and Grian the collective power of their sad puppydog eyes could get Impulse to do literally anything.
Him and Skizz are quite cute, fellow failures going easy on each other and supporting each other, in the few interactions they've had. (Which unsurprisingly leaves his approval at 3/3 for the Roaving Pack Of Dads Squad)
Thats really all the ones I can think of right now tbh.
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ep2nd · 3 months
Anonymous reminder to talk about you pj mcyt au! (I was told to name a smp in the tags so… fable? Do you have fable smp? I ask, knowing the answer is probably no) anyways! Have a good day, I love reading headcannons
Sadly, I did not put Fable in here, have herad of it, and maybe I'll dig into it and add it later
Athena and Ares Kids
False- Favored daughter of Athena. Best War strategist, greatest Archer of her siblings. Her father died when she was young, leaving her defenseless. Single-handedly got to camp at the age of 6. Oldest member of camp. Joined the Hunt at 16.
Etho- Always planning something. Typical gray eyes, used to have black hair. Went on a quest and came back with a scar, white hair, and very broody. Disappeared after a few years- unknown.
Gem- Gets along great with the Demeter cabin. Came to camp with Sausage, Fwhip, and Zed and now they are all honorary found family. Great swordswoman. Joined the Hunt at 14.
Impulse- Smart. Great tinkerer and craftsmen. His Dad was an inventor, and alive. Can craft almost anything, honorary brother of Hephaestus cabin and Skizz. Tango and he get into lots of fire trouble. Not the best at being strategy smart, or good at fighting, but great with people.
Pearl- Greatest daughter of Ares. Blood-thirsty. Has several mood swings. Great with plants, love playing pranks, and loves fighting the best. Knows how to weild several weapons. Once fought her own father and won. Came to camp when she was 8. Don't talk about her dad.
Puffy- Great strategist, fighter, and people person. Loves kids. Will fight anyone for the kids. Veteran Camper. Came back to help.
Reddoons- showed up at camp, found out he was a son of Ares, then disappeared. May or May not be working with the enemy.
Tapl- great Archer, and that's kinda it. Knows how to get out a situation. Very bored. Wished his dad was Apollo.
Techno- Greatest son of Ares. One of the few people who can beat Pearl, Liz, False, and Dream. Wished he was a son Athena. Doesn't like his dad. Tries to not be bloody thirsty like his dad, but in the heat of battle- well. Was brought to camp by Phil. In college. Mom died at War.
Xisuma- Veteran camper. Basically the adult supervision. Has the best plans. Took False in and helped her, along with several others, dubbing themselves as Hermits. Has a stygian sword, gift from Hades and Joe after helping them in the Underworld- yes he's been to the underworld, he's been to several places. Waves the fans off- but let's be real this guy was SICK back in his day.
Bek- strongest Ares kid. Both physically and will. Doesn't use weapons- only fists.
Welsknight- Doesn't like his dad, but understands the honor and need of War. Man came from a line of knights, holds up chivalry. Veteran person. Visits sometimes. Best friends with X, went on several adventures with him, like that time he held up the sky or killed a hydra or fought a Titan- ya know stuff.
Quig- Uses sword and only sword. Quick, in everything. Doesn't like to talk much. Great friends with Pete. In college. Dad died in shooter stampede. Hates guns.
Pete- Veteran camper. Earned a chariot in battle. Has pet birds. Great Archer and sword fighter. Green eyes that can peirce the soul or make you eat your vegetables.
Pigical- Also doesn't like his dad- surprising I know. Uses fast and nimble combat. Tries to be a pacisft. Weak. Very kind though. His mom banished him.
Boffy- most cruel son of Ares. Uses a scythe. Great fighter, but also very dangerous. Rumors said he tortured his victims, enjoying death. Disappeared. No one knows where, hopefully not to the enemy.
Muka- carries a gun. Son of Ares with modern weapons. Has a pet mechanical wolf. Disappeared, but more of a loner. Found the other camp, kinda just chills. Great mom visits regularly.
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amethystfairy1 · 2 months
Hi there, new anon here bc I don’t use tumblr like, almost ever. apologies for the rambling about how I love ur AU’s that’s incoming. Or if I did this wrong. Idk how to use tumblr.
Ok SO, I’ve been following your AUs on AO3 for the past few months and first of all, love it, I love your continuity with metaphors or specific descriptors that span across works, like Grian’s banded wings, glamor as heat haze on tarmac, scott having hair like spun sugar, just AUGHHHH so good I love. Little details like that make me as a writer and ofc fanfic enjoyed foam at the mouth. It’s so vivid I can picture it in my mind, I love the eclectic feel of the undercity, the mechanical lore things like wagons in Traveling thieves or rail carts and labs in TTSBC! Don’t even get me started on the peice about Doc and Etho in the depths, that one is so so good.
And your phenomenal foreshadowing? Like first read through never guessed that avian at Fremeere’s was skizz, but I went back after your recent upload and wow it totally is! Or how first read of TTSBC I never thought the two directors were the same because I hopped around in the reading order, but now it’s wayyy too similar! And now I get why a past and long dead antagonist would have such a specific and recognizable speech pattern… eerie. I love it. Can’t wait to learn more about that storyline!! I wonder how much Tango knows about Doc’s history with the labs and if he realizes the connection after talking with Zedaph. Zedango my beloved! Or just tango content/lore in general hehe. (Also, I find it humorous that Grian and Tango’s boyfriends have almost the same trauma as their dad, lol) Also, love how close the characters are to being reunited in Traveling Thieves!! They’re so close!
Anywhoo, just stopped by to say that Cub is litterally providing scar/Hot Guy with weapons in Scar’s new episode, only to see that you already saw that ofc. I was litterally kicking my feet and squeaking about it bc it’s just like TTSBC and your AU makes me so genuinely happy to read and has me in a chokehold. But the rocket arrows?? That are Hot Guy brand color coded! And expensive and I can see character!Cub being exasperated about scar’s trigger happy use of the rockets in the same way he doesn’t call the lab the Hot Cave, hehe. Or Scar showing off to Grian that he’s not the only one who can shoot sparkly projectiles!
so yeah, ik you already saw that, but i wanted to share that it’s so perfect for TTSBC or else my brain would not leave me alone lmao
I'm so glad you love my little tells for the characters! Heat haze on tarmac, hair like spun sugar, stuff like that just feels like it helps make a certain trait pop and so I try to make sure every character has at least one of them! I'm so glad you enjoy the mechanical ascept of the AUs! Both TTSBC and TT have their own little things, moving parts that keep the worlds going!
I love trying to layer in foreshadowing when I can! Skizz appearing, but I purposefully didn't tag him as a character because, thanks to avian culture, he doesn't use his name, and so it's not until we get to see from his POV that we actually get confirmation that's him!
I have no idea what you're talking about with the director, tho, because she's totally dead! She died 24 years ago during the Anarchy! Any odd vocal ticks and specific dislikes for hypothesis is completely coincidental and should be, should be, should be disregarded. 😑
They do, don't they? Whoops. I guess Doc has a lot to relate to when it comes to his future sons-in-law, huh?
Thank you so much for your rambles I absolutely loved reading them!!!! 💖
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bone0yard · 10 months
So I’ve seen a bunch of sporeling au oc’s so I made my own, he’s bases on the inky cap mushrooms.
Made him in Gacha cause I can’t draw, he’s my adorable emo boy.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
His name is Ink
Age: 15
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 6’6
Personality: Lazy, quiet, loves to read, fav sporeling Etho, sleeps like a cat, heavily dislikes Scar, trust issues
Now lore time! Mother Spore found him wondering the streets of hermitville after his father kicked him out, she asked if he had a place to stay and when he said no she took him in.
Whenever he’s at the mansion he’s almost never seen, he’s like a cryptid of the mansion never seen yet always there. The only one who can really ever find Ink is Etho, when you can’t find Etho then him and Ink are reading/sleeping in the attic or somewhere on the island.
Ink also loves to follow Doc around the island but he stays in the shadows with his eyes glowing in a very creepy way, Doc has screamed a few times when he looks over to see two glowing purple eyes staring him down.
He also likes to follow Mother Spore when he takes the younger sporelings out to hermitville from the shadows much like he does with Doc except Mother Spore always knows he’s there.
He rarely ever interacts with Scar and when he does he looks like he might attack the mayor, his dislike for Scar comes from the fact that his dad was a business partner of Scars. (His dad moved away after he kicked Ink out)
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variousqueerthings · 9 months
@autistic-puffin Alright, one episode left of season 1 [insert screaming]
So, some of my favourite things about nine:
the way they're clearly relearning how to interact with any kind of person, only really good at conversation at the beginning if there's danger
doctor internal monologue: "what would be the best thing to show rose - a woman I've just met - to make her think I'm so cool? I know, I'll show her her planet exploding!"
the fact that they're really so fragile and learning to be again and scared of rose leaving them on the one hand, but on the other is so scared of getting too close (the "domestics") and opening up for fear of what will happen (and what happens... well, we know...)
but also will have a whole trauma response the second time they ever met ("we're falling through time, you and me, and if we let go...")
in retrospect with the war doctor, the way they interact with the dalek in the last sequence of that first episode almost feels like they can't access those memories, like there's that "version" of them locked in some part that could have been re-released if not for rose, but what's left is these half-spoken sentences that just trail off and into "oh rose. they're all dead." and that sense is there anyway, but as a metaphor with the later war doctor reveal, that performance hurts all the more
the way they smile when they say "fantastic" is like a new person being revealed
nine knew from early on in the episode "father's day" that the way to save everyone was for rose's dad to sacrifice himself, and never even had it as a consideration, never mentioned it to anyone, even said they had no idea what to do (until the tardis key), even though that was an option
"It's brilliant! I'm not sure if it's Marxism in action or a West End musical."
(in reference to wwii) "Beat the Germans, save the world - don't forget the welfare state!"
this is reading into it, because I fully didn't realise all those dancing references in empty child/doctor dances were meant to be sexual (the bits about jack, sure, but all of them? and it doesn't even make sense, anyway) point being, I always read it as a way of showing the doctor coming back into themself, learning to hope and have fun and not always worry about the other shoe dropping. joie de vivre as it were. so I love the bit at the end where nine says they can dance and I will continue to read it as I always have done
nine's very direct way of inspiring people and seeing people once they've started coming out of their shell -- the way they talk to the bride-and-groom-to-be in father's day, to cathica in the long game, to jabe, to gwenyth, to harriet jones, to nancy, to lynda with a y (also so often it's women in RTD's stories). the journey nine goes on is so vast, from rebuffing rose several times in the first episode and thinking the worst of people, to remembering why people are amazing and inspiring better versions of them
I'm always somehow just. sad. and touched. by the way nine talks about the pig that was experimented on and then shot. they were so upset by the callousness of it. nine cares about peoples names as well. they're consciously making a point of life and death mattering
by contrast the conversation with blon in "boom town" about being a killer. nine is doing better, consciously. nine has seen violence on a massive scale and is choosing not to perpetuate that and is learning (also in contrast to "dalek")
by the time "lynda with a y" came into the picture it was like they were ready for a whole family -- rose, jack, the more the merrier
and coming up I know in the last episode: "Coward or killer?" "Coward." and "you were fantastic, you know that. absolutely fantastic. and you know what? so was I."
generally nine was so imbued with a sense of vulnerability that's begging to be seen and coming from being so raw and hurt and closed to the beauty of living because of the violence they've experienced, and then relearning it and re-embracing the classic ethos of dw, as well as that fair play for all idealism that feels quite inspired in some ways by eccleston's own socialism and rtd's ideals (did enjoy the "no third term for thatcher" socialist signposts to indicate the 80s, I feel like we need to bring that energy back into dw again)
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calronhunt · 5 months
didnt want to be extra annoying and ask this on your art blog so ill settle for just being annoying.. was anything in wac inspired by the life series? like designs or well, anything! discovered ur stuff on youtube and went ooooh and then snooped through all the art i could find and was repeatedly reminded of the sillies that occupy my brain. sorry 2 be weird! ik its the worst question to be asked sorry but its hurting my brain wondering and not knowing
Aw shit ya caught me. I was gonna reveal this fact much later down the line bc ive been kinda open that WAC started out as an AU just not for what. Primarily the reason for secrecy is bc i don't want people to look at this story i put a lot of myself and my experience into and go "I can't believe you tricked me into reading about minecraft men" bc the story has expanded a lot past these intial inspirations.
So before i go into all the inspirations, I wanna make this perfectly clear. WAC's plot is almost completely original, baring some small scenes inspired by events in the Life series and the basic set up. It's a three act story that is mostly about me and my partners problems regarding abuse and personhood. The Life Series au was a starting point and it kinda spiraled out from that lollll.
(Also I saw your other ask and it doesn't bother me at all! Its been something ive wanted to talk about anyway simply bc i find the inspirations funny. Plus I promised myself if someone realized and asked I would talk about it. Also i just love talking about inspiration and seeing how you got from one thing to the next, maybe others would like the same.)
1. "Why are they cats?" This started as an au once again but i felt too embarrassed talking about it publicly as a mcyt au so I gave them cat designs. That's the only reason lol
Lain - Inspired primarily by 3rd life and lim life martyn in regards to both his devotion to the king (ren) and mariner (scott). Lain and Mariner originally started as Majorwood shipping cats but then became more about their unhealthy power dynamics and two people being stuck together it spiraled into what we have now! Especially since I believe Martyn killed Jimmy (Canary) in 3rd life? Or at least scott accuses him as such so that's where that came from.
Mariner - 3rd/lim life scott! His obsession with the sea, his name, his relationship to Canary, his ties to Lain, and his design is pulled from scott. That's about all that's similar now though. His personality is completely different. Hes a shitty fuckinh dude.
Canary - 3rd life Jimmy Solidarity but like fucking barely and just bc hes married to mariner (flower husbands). Took his name from the fandom calling him a canary because he always dies first and that's basically it. Also worked with the bird name theme i was starting to go with
The King - 3rd life ren but again fucking BARELY except for his relationship with Lain and being a king and trying to conquer shit. That's like. It.
Condor - he's just mr good times with scar. Hes like, the closest to his mcyt counterpart probably and im not even sorry. Took primarily from 3rd life and lim life once again though in regards to his relationship with Crane (Cleo), Warbler (bdubs), and Scout (Etho) (and also the fact the group is called the flock is a cheeky callback to the family being called the clockers)
Crane - stated above, Cleo, but only bc shes mom in the clockers family. Nothing else.
Warbler - limlife bdubs but again fucking BARELY. I think the bdubs skin is the most i drew on for her design with the fucked up eye and teeth.
Grouse - mr 3rd life grian. Dating condor because desert duo and feeling indebted to him for that as well. And just. Generally little guy vibes.
Scout - etho. Just for chill vibes. Dating Crabe because hes "dad" in lim life and dating Wolf (Joel) bc of double life halfslab.
Wolf - Primarily last life joel with the living alone in the woods thing and joel just being a like. Maniac in the life series with the murders and such. Dating scout again bc of double life. The her having canary's skull thing is just for my friend who is a big fucked up smallidarity shipper.
Sycamore, coal, and aster are original characters i made specifically for the story.
I would again like to state that the story is BARELY tied to things that happen in the life series, and its mostly my personal experiences and silly thoughts. The silly minecraft men were just the jumping off point and all of their arcs are original so there ya go <3
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franciskirkland · 7 months
Do you have any pink genre recs in terms of music? I want to get more into the genre.
-Hypermobile Françoise anon
hello!!! do you have any idea how hard this is for me to answer. i love rambling and being pedantic and going off on tangents. almost as much as i love punk music...
tl;dr i compiled a playlist for you, containing 3 songs from (most of) the bands mentioned below, plus a few extra from miscellanious artists bc 54 is my lucky number. it was hard to choose just 3 from some of my faves but i feel like this is a good introduction. long post to follow <3
instead of simply giving you a list and sending you on your merry way, i am absolutely going to spout off bc thats what i do and ur gonna regret asking. do you think you were gonna get off that easy? you absolute fool. sit ur ass down ur about to get schooled.
disclaimer; this isn't exhaustive. i'm not rattling off every single punk artist that's ever existed. just a few of my favorites.
the clash, the quintessential punk band in my opinion. defined the genre and embodied the political ethos. explored different subgenres througout their expansive discography. they were probably my first introduction to music as a whole since they're my dad's favorite band. i may be biased but i'd definitely say start with the clash. i'd recommend listening to their third album, london calling, first.
the pogues - the folk punk band of all time. NOT folk-punk like some smelly white man with dreadlocks screaming over poorly-tuned guitar. you'll know exactly what i mean when you hear it. they have a unique sound that just can't be replicated. and shane macgowan is actually such a beautiful person. their lyrics are also politically tinged, kinda gritty and edgy (i.e. gratuitous slurs) so not for senstive ears.
(i actually have a playlist of my fave pogues/shane macgowan songs)
the cure, in my opinion, invented goth or at least popularized it. their earlier stuff had more of a punk sound but every one of their albums is a perfect 10 to me. they're one of my favorite bands of all time and i could go on about them for hours so i'll leave it there. joy division, also more goth/post-punk but i love them, i have one of their album covers tattooed on my forearm lmao 19 year old decisions. no regrets (i also love the smiths, but they're not really punk punk.)
before you ask, no sex pistols!!! don't get me started on how much i hate the sex pistols i will throw up! god they suck. to me at least.
a lot of punks also listen to ska - no, not that kind of ska. 70/80s ska that originated from rocksteady/reggae. some of my faves in that arena being madness, the specials, bad manners, and the beat.
and as for across the pond - american punk artists.
johnny cash. no, seriously. man was punk before punk was defined.
my favorite band is probably social distortion. they're pretty different than those mentioned above, owing to their unmistakable americana sound and aesthetic. to me they're the quintessential rockabilly revival band, heavily influenced by country and blues. great guitar licks. think wistful and reckless all at once.
their frontman mike ness is an outrageously gorgeous man. he has two solo albums that absolutely slap. the happiest day of my life was seeing them live a couple years ago and he winked right at me - i promise i'm not delusional i swear he really did. ok i digress.
dead kennedys - hilarious lyrics and sick ass bass lines, very political and generally pretty iconic. one of my dad's faves. the cramps and the misfits. two bands overlapping goth + punk + psychobilly. pioneers of a campy subgenre known as horror-punk. i also really like danzig, the misfits frontman's solo career.
the velvet underground/lou reed - great example of american proto-punk. very NYC vibes. the pixies are a more grungy, later punk band. one of my mommy's favorites <3 i would unironically name my child velouria. definitely iconic but i find them overplayed sometimes, as in you've probably heard them at the grocery store.
this barely scratches the surface btw but i think that about covers it for today. sorry if i bored you to death pls come back and keep me company. peace and love on planet mpregfrance <3
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simple-seranade · 1 year
Family Cemetery (No Epitaphs for the Graves)
Time runs out. He wasn’t ready. He wasn’t ready.
TW: death! lots of death. also a bit of explosions but mostly death.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
They- they were supposed to be together. They were never supposed to be alone. He was never supposed to be alone, not at this point, not with so many numbers left ticking away on his wrist.
Scar was supposed to go first. One of the first red names, the one most preparing for the time to come. He was supposed to fall. And everyone was sure he was going to, especially as swords trained on them all and arrows flew.
Then Cleo blocked the hit. Then the next one, then the next one, again and again and again-
They didn’t even have a body to bury. It dissipated the second the numbers on their wrist finished their mad race to zero.
Scar had broken beside him, because what were they supposed to do now? How can they continue? What do they do now, what can they do now, nothing seems right to do because- because-
Mom was dead. Mom is dead. Nothing to be done. Nothing can be done.
He was sure they didn’t have much longer. Even with the Bad Boys on their side, TIES despised them. Impulse dropped the TNT, Tango laughed with glee as it ravished their home in an explosion of orange and heat. Skizz congratulated his team on a job well done, and Etho-
They don’t know what happened. They don’t know what happened.
Maybe someone shot him off. Maybe it was simply clumsiness. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe…
All anyone knew was Etho lost his balance, falling off of the Skynet with barely a shout.
He didn’t respawn.
Scar didn’t take it well. Of course he didn't, he had just lost his mom- they both did, and now their dad was gone too.
He never apologized. None of them did. There wasn’t time for apologies.
Still, Scar wrapped his arms around him, holding him close as they drifted off into sleep. He didn’t think of the words his brother had said, the whispered reassurances and the soft “I love you”s that passed his lips. He simply slept.
Then he woke. There were no arms around him, no sign of his brother anywhere.
His time had run out in the middle of the night.
It was at that moment he broke, a choked scream scratching its way through his throat as he sobbed. He- he was right there! Why didn’t Scar kill him? He would still be here… he- he-
He sobbed then and he sobs still, even as the numbers tick away, too many, too many. He rocks back and forth, hands clutching his shoulders. If he tries, tries with all he has, he can almost pretend it’s their hands on his shoulders.
Bdubs’ clock continues to tick.
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siobhans-roy · 1 year
What did you think of the Ted Lasso finale? It was very emotional but everyone in my dash right now seems to have strong opinions about it, either good or bad, and I was wondering what your opinion since you haven't really said.
it had a lot of issues but i guess i feel mostly positive about it (and the whole season in gerenal). i think the more i rewatch nitpick it the more i'll find those loose treads, and there were definitely choices i didn't like, but overall i never felt the ethos of the show was really compromised???
my main issue with this season was time-management and pacing. back when it was still airing, during the fist half of the season, i kept feeling like they were wasting precious screentime on new, under-developed side characters, but also kept hoping it would all tie itself together in the end. there were also a lot of misleads i didn't really understand. looking back, it’s not that they were wasting time, it’s that a lot should just have been cut. the episodes were very long. i think maybe they were worried about balancing the comedy and the drama, but they excelled at that in the previous seasons in a way that didn’t seem organic in s3… but in terms of the actual main character arcs i’m not that mad, personally. i understand that, considering where s2 left things, a lot of us were expecting a more “confrontational” season (nate and ted, rebecca and rupert, jamie and his dad, even roy and keeley) with more tension filled scenes that would end up driving the narrative forward by way of friction. i’m sure that would have been satisfying in it’s own way, and yet there’s something about their refusal to be antagonist, the softness of coming into yourself and your role and your worth on your own, with just the right push…. i mean that’s the whole ethos of ted lasso right there.
like. it’s the general message of “love people for who they are and forgive them for who they aren’t”, but it’s also “i give you a job, the life part is up to you”. the entire spirit of the Lasso Way is that it’s just the initial domino that sets off the effect. there’s no guidelines, other leading with his heart and creating a support system that harnesses people’s talents. ted doesn’t drag people kicking and screaming into being a better version of themselves, but it’s just that much easier to do when you know you’ve got someone in your corner. which after two years culminates in a final season that, in my opinion, is all about finally having the confidence to shed negative self-thoughts, motivators and coping mechanisms, even if some storylines were certainly clearer and more well-executed than others: roy sheds self-doubt and petty hang-ups and manages to step into his leadership role more confidently. colin breaks free from his fear of not being accepted by his peers by coming out to them. keeley relinquishes some of her internalized shame, inferiority-complex and the stigma of her public image, being able to conciliate it with being a taken seriously as a business woman. rebecca let’s go of her hatred of rupert, jamie of his hatred of his dad, and nate of his self-hatred. and ted finally unshackles from his incapacitating fear of abandonment and of not being a good father to his son.
but, i think when it comes down to it ted himself was almost more cathalist than character for the narrative/message. he comes into these people's lives and he changes it forever, but it's not really his home, "it was never really about him". and i can understand people disliking this, finding it a bit cruel. i think i do as well, a little. but what u gonna do abt it 🤷🏻‍♀️ i'm choosing to not let it take away from the actual spirit
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art-i-know-yes · 1 year
Just. y'know. spoilers for Limited Life. Just an. overall for all episodes i've watched
r.i.p bread bridge.
yellow mellow did not last long
literally supplied. like. most of the server with food.
im horrifically saddened.
oh. wonderful.
grian almost went with it
don't mess with the bread boys. they're mourning.
"im confused. you're not in your bad boy outfit"
they're so genuinely upset
so am i
love that he literally could not focus on them before the horn
this family tree is fake
he said no plz don't
grian is so distraught
Pearl kills Judge Judy and Executioner
so quick with it
"The Family" is such a mafia vibe
scott and Martyn are trying the catch the dolphins
this funeral is wild
Martyn nearly DIED during that
im so sad
ties was so WILD this episode
mourning gifts. my fav.
where are you putting it on that FLOOD
"say it back!" "say it back!"
oh it's for whenever you set that off
the laughter and stress RADIATING off the boys
babes tried
"so you CANT SEE MY TEARS" so aggressive
i fogor about those
it's bad time for bad boys
he actually called him jim
how. how did NO ONE see that.
you can jump off any and every part of the...ex bread bridge... and land in water
you put a spoiler on it
plz be wary
grian and fishing rods are always bad
"grian. grian. no. it was etho"
"i want to wait and see scar" "oh he's not coming back"
"we should make the m-rye (?) ladder a podcast"
scott flashing later into the episode after saying time of yellow peace
wow they bluming did it
secret bread
gg bad boys
these are the weakest alliances i've ever seen. the most loyal everyone has been to their own team. and the almost most crazed part of the series.
jimmy just saying stuff and slipping
martyn's death at the end was so...
the mean gills are so fun together
babe needs his cake
his carrot cake
Jimmy is very bad at this thing
"my cows"
oh yeah this bet
i would love to think Jimmy is being like. strategical. but i know it isn't
no wonder they didn't see martyn steal their stuff
wow scott was there
tango was so against bdubs being first letter
"nervous?" *gets poisoned*
bigb being afraid for the cat
he's the sane one
people tried TWICE saying Martyn was going against Scott
it is TERRIFYING every time they blindly jump off that bridge
absolutely ditched martyn
the fear in Martyn's voice when Scott said that he saw their names
pearl really said no alliances
water bucket save
"oh yeah we found out that trap"
bigb is REGRETTING working with pearl
"they killed jimmy's frog" the gasp cleo gave at that was wonderful
well they've betrayed everyone
awful invention from scott. great idea. horrible execution.
as they were talking about it
Martyn with no hesitation was like "bet"
wipe their hands clean
it took scar so long to find the door
he didn't even relate he was muted
so that's how they ended up there
skizz is self-aware
"im looking back at these videos and im realizing something." is so funny
but being allied with ties is baaaad news
"accident" "that's not gonna fly in court sir"
"i refuse to be gaslit by jimmy"
it's saaaaaaffffeeeeee
oh that was them
the mean gills looking at each other as etho complains about people staying
bad boys in mourning
ooooohhhkaaayyyy i see what happened. jimmy doesn't know words
no organization. though im sure you can tell if you've watched the same episodes as me. i watched Martyn first.
tango's speedy with the uploads.
also. remember. short attention span. i must consume at least 3 forms of simulation to be properly overstimulated.
like a respectable mentally ill person.
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bluiex · 2 years
ok, I have some stuff for our deer sweet ethub babies! as well as names cause I needed a way to tell the apart haha
so the babies are bud and bee (I picked them cause i was picking letters from etho and bdubs and these were the cutest i could get)
bud hatched first and a few seconds later bee hatched
bud is able to teleport. they cant control it for like the first week, so there is a very tired and worried bdubs and tired etho for a while
bee is able to float a little off the ground. this leads bdubs to getting etho to moving anything breakable or just not for babies to higher areas where they can't be reached
bud gets flowers that bloom in their hair
bee doesn't like eye contact unless its bud, bdubs or etho
bud is sensitive to water like etho, so the flowers that they bloom are those that cactuses and succulents would get :D
bdubs and ethos first discovered bud's sensitivity after a bath when they saw bud itching their skin almost raw. etho had suggested doing quick showers to fix the problem, and it did
both bud and bee have lil ender fangs, bee's are ever so slightly lopsided, but they even out as they grow up
bee has heterochromia with one brown eye and one blue eye, and when doing anything glare or ender related, they will glow mossy green and purple. bdubs and etho find this adorable and bee likes being like dad :D
bud's eyes glow mossy green when doing anything ender or glare related
bud's flowers and eyes will also glow whenever really happy or excited. bee loves to give bud pretty flowers because it makes them start to glow
if bud ever cries, the tears need to be wiped off of their face as they come to prevent severe discomfort
bee likes to pick up blocks, especially when stressed out. etho will often let them ride on his shoulders when they just want to walk around with their block
bud has lil pointy ears like etho and bee has lil round ears like bdubs
bee has a lil tail like etho but it's like a vine and bud has no tail
bee is able to tell when a build or area isn't spawn proofed
bud will often ender walk, and this leads to even more worried and tired bdubs and tired etho.
bud doesn't teleport when ender walking, it that doesnt stop etho and bdubs keeping an eye on bud when they are ender walking around the cave nest
bee gets a lil bit of moss growing on them like bdubs. bdubs helps them to make their own lil moss cloak
both bee and bud can make plants grow, but it's more limited and specialized because they are less glare than bdubs. bee can grow flowers whenever they want and bud can grow cactuses and succulents whenever they want
that's what I got for them so far :D I want to make some like official designs for them because the more I think about them he more i need them haha
Those names are perfect omg
Buds little flowers he gets 🥺 I love them.
Gaaaah they're so cute. I would die for them. Bdubs an Etho sure got their hands full though
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Jan 24th 2024
I forgot to write anything down for the 23rd oops ig
i haven’t slept at all today, untangled yarn and crocheted for 5 hours, scrolled on tumblr for the rest, watched a few episodes of rats, i had to miss the bus and be driven in by my dad while feeling, mildly delirious, and a little dazed, i’ve been listening to crywank for a bit, i don’t remember when i started, i actually love my tumblr mutuals sm like i look at tumblr and all of a sudden i have 26 activity notifications from one person, i love that sm. i did my makeup at like 3 so it’s probably all gone now, i have no idea what to read, but i feel like i need to read something so that’s just great
1st, we finished presentations then did a thing on character building that i have to finish, my characters name is harold he’s a comic book writer. i definitely did not name home after a minecraft minecart
2nd, we walked, and walked, and i talked to myself about how im kinda sick of people making fun of my brother like it’s shit they are shit
3rd, we had our test and good gods almost no one finished, we are going to finish them tomorrow,
lunch, we talked about speech patterns kinda, i love linguistics, we also talked about how people talk to me and im not great at responding, kinda embarrassing for me but whatever
4th, we took notes on ethos(lab)(im so funny) logos, and pathos, then we read, i finished reading chapter 4 ages ago but y know
5th, we took notes about early african history, i liked when we talked about mythology and gods, i feel like im about to pass out
6th, while i was walking here my vision got all blurry and i started to hear the words t the song i was listing to which isn’t weird normally but have been struggling to pay any attention to any outside of my head i don’t know if that made even the slightest amount of sense. we study for the test tomorrow, i guess ill do fine, my vision went really blurry again and i almost fell asleep
7th, i was in a state of half consciousness for the entire period i don’t remember a single thing that happened other than that feeling of falling that oh so helpfully woke me up like 5 times
i keep running away from my friends, it’s honestly a bit embarrassing but i don’t think i could care less right now. i ran into caleb earlier and good gods i can’t stand them
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troglobite · 6 months
okay separately i watched season 3 of hilda and was a sobbing mess for the last 35 minutes of the final episode.
also i would bet money that netflix shortchanged them and said "FINE you get ONE more season. but it's only EIGHT episodes, because fuck you."
because season 3 could easily have been 2 more seasons on its own. like come the fuck on.
they introduced AND resolved their ENTIRE FAMILY LORE in fucking EIGHT EPISODES. that's shitfucking absurd.
but also i cannot begin to comprehend how AMAZINGLY they executed that to make me a sobbing, blubbering mess at the end. absolutely fucking destroyed me.
something about hilda just. really. fucking hits me. which is wild because i don't identify with her at all. i find her mildly annoying because, like my mom, when children recklessly endanger themselves by ignoring their friends and parents in media, it drives me UP THE FUCKING WALL.
i got immune to it as i watched, and the world of the show also goes out of its way to demonstrate that realistically, in this world, nothing's gonna happen to hilda. the consequences are always otherworldly or strange or narrative, and she can tumble down as many cliffsides as she wants and be fine. and so can everyone else! absurdity. but it means that when she doesn't listen, it's like, well yeah i guess to you your mom WOULD be overprotective, because you've scaled sheer cliff faces and tumbled to what, in the REAL world, would be sure death, and come out almost entirely unscathed. so yeah i get it. lol
and it matches the fantasy/magical world of the show so it works.
but anyway point being i don't relate to her in any way, or any of the characters, really. and i'm not someone who HAS to to care about or enjoy a piece of art or media, CLEARLY.
but i mention it to say that something about the show, story, characters, art, ethos and thesis, etc. just absolutely gutpunches me.
the deerfox episode? bawling every time i watch it. absolutely emotionally devastating.
and i don't cry at every episode. i am COMPELLED by it, though. it makes me FEEL and THINK. it's just so well done.
and the series finale, all 80 minutes of it, just absolutely destroyed me.
it was a situation where i could see all the narrative beats and the "twists" before they were revealed, but all that means is i'm an adult watching a children's show and they're incredibly good storytellers for me to know what's happening.
and knowing it, and knowing likely how it would end, etc., i was still absolutely devastated.
and they make you reckon with SERIOUS SHIT in the finale. even though everything ended up being okay, they really made the stakes REAL. and it was HEAVY!
and just so effective.
i was bummed because in looking up who the voice actor for mr. pooka was, i got spoiled for some plot points and i was REALLY annoyed about that.
but then they ended up being relatively minor plot points because it didn't reveal anything about the CONTEXT of those reveals, so they were still incredibly impactful.
oh one thing, though, and i guess spoilers for season 3 if you haven't watched it (and i HIGHLY recommend it. seasons 1 and 2 and the movie are AMAZING, and season 3 is DEVASTATINGLY good)
when her dad shows the fuck up out of nowhere and is like "haha i'm cool, right? :D you take after me! let's go do things! haha i'm completely broke! let's go out to eat! i have a weird job to do, yeah, come with me! haha lemme let you drive at an unreasonably young age! we're out in the middle of nowhere, it's fine!"
let's just say i sat stonefaced or grimacing through that entire episode, reliving some extremely identical memories of my own. lol
spoilers over
anyway, something about the heart of the show is so profoundly moving, and i absolutely love it. i highly recommend it, and i am in awe of how much they accomplished in season 3.
also miriam margoyles is in it!
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amoveablejake · 10 months
Album of the Week: 'get a job' by Lush Crayon
Stand out song: 'L I S A'.
One of my earliest memories is sitting on my Dad's lap at the screen of his Mac computer. Apple as a company is incredibly powerful and influential but in ways that are perhaps unexpected or rather aren't focused on as much anymore. Apple now, in 2023, is an all consuming technological behemoth that is reaping the rewards of years of expansion and development. But, it wasn't always like that. Apple used to be the underdog, the weird 'other'. Well, I say weird. It was weird, always was and really, should always be when it comes down to it but more than that Apple was cool. Its designs were, and are but we're focusing on days gone by for now, cool. Its ethos, was cool. Its technology was cool. But cooler than all of that, were its advertisements and its through those adverts that Apple really gained its cultural resonance. Those Apple adverts of the past can now inspire true nostalgia for a different time. They are key aspects of our memories and our cultural makeup. Those early days of Apple have inspired films and oh so many books but alongside them, I have recently found that they have inspired an album. A record called 'get a job' by Lush Crayon and what an album it is.
After the last couple of years where I have listened to my music across a wide array of platforms, I felt that for my digital music at least, this year I would focus on one inparticular to try and bring some cohesion to my listening experience and so my Spotify wrapped would be, hopefully, a little more accurate. The downside to that is that on Spotify, there is not as much Vapourwave music as I would like and 2023 has been a year that so far has had considerably less Vapourwave music than in 2021 and 2022. But, when I have found new Vapourwave albums on Spotify this year, they have been heavy hitters and none more so than Lush Crayon's 'get a job'. As I was on the train on Saturday morning I stumbled across the record and it immediately clicked. This is not the sort of Vapourwave album that forces you up onto your feet, but rather the sort that should soundtrack you as you take the train somewhere and look out at the city approaching you, as you read or as you dream about wandering the streets of Japan. I was looking for an album to serve almost as an ambient one for me, whilst not actually being ambient music this time around, and 'get a job' does just that. It is calming enough that it can exist in the background but it also contains moments that draw you back to it to then lose yourself in the music. It is a great example of how diverse and rich the Vapurwave genre is.
The relationship that I have with Apple as a company is one that does mean quite a lot to me. Its funny to say that as Apple is ofcourse a huge, world dominating company but I do have this relationship with it which came from my Dad and his love for the California based tech giants. Apple always make me think of him and this record 'get a job' does too. It reminds me of the days of Apple before it became what it is today. When, dare I say, it felt even cooler. Or as some harsher critics may say, when it was cool, when it was different. The samples that are used on this record and the audio recordings of Steve Jobs are time capsules that serve as much needed reminders of Apple's journey and how we as users have traveled along the road with the company. I honestly have no idea how Apple will continue to expand and how it will inevitably grow and innovate but I am thankful that 'get a job' exists as it will always act as an anchor in my mind for the company that I knew and what I hope will always be at its core.
-Jake, a man still trying to find a copy of 'Shin Ultraman', 07/08/2023
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dangermousie · 3 years
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Here it is - the moment my heart switches from like to love, for Crichton and the show, on every rewatch.
It is such a little moment. Aeryn and John escaped and Aeryn made contact with Crais, her superior officer. Of course, neither John nor Aeryn know that Crais wants to kill John because of the accident which killed Crais' brother (And this is so the Farscape ethos - John is doomed and hunted for a moment of pure bad luck that happened the moment he ended up here, a moment he did not know about and cound do nothing to change. As he said in a much later episode, they’ve basically found the map to the cruelty of the universe.)
And there is the scene. John is captive, peacekeeper guns all around him. Crais circling him like his personal piece of property (Poor John. This is only a start. This is not the Aurora Chair, not Grayza, not Scorpius, not Scarrans, not Harvey). John watchful and realizing the wrongness (and OMG his innocence breaks my heart) and Crais telling him he'll dissect him. And Aeryn speaking up and telling Crais (and I love this. She didn't have to say anything. She didn't have, she should know it's a risk in such a society) that she didn't believe John was capable of killing Crais' brother because he is not intelligent or brave enough. And Crais, crazy Crais, fixating on her and asking her in this tone 'just how much time did you spend with this human?' And. And. And. This is the moment I fell in love with John Crichton all over again. He gives this quick, intense glance at the situation and he speaks up (to Crais), quietly and a little bit desperately: 'Not much, not much at all.' Why? It's so hard to put into words. I think because in the middle of all this (where there is the probability of him being killed in a gruesome fashion) he speaks up for Aeryn automatically, without the second thought. Maybe because even though as an alien he has no idea what is going on, he catches on so quickly, judges it so quickly, recognizes the danger to her, before she does herself. Maybe it's the seriousness, and the intensity, and the reassuring little nod he gives to her. Even utterly helpless himself, he tries to save Aeryn. This Crichton is not yet the Crichton that will literally turn the galaxy upside down to save the woman he loves, not someone who will make impossible choices and bear it all, but it's all in there already, all the qualities, and you can see that. In a way, knowing how all of these people will end up makes it even more delicious. Seeing Crais, all neat and orderly, before he went so crazy and AWOL (and his dishevelment definitely paralleled his fall from grace) and way before he redeemed himself. Seeing D'Argo as a self-concerned, immature, angry being. Seeing Aeryn as Peacekeeper Aeryn Sun, not a complex evolving human being yet, not a woman, not a being of her own will. But the seeds are still there. I cannot imagine other peacekeepers speaking up for John, trying to save him a bit. When John says 'You can be more' that is the thing. There is a 'you' in her to be more. There is something to start with. She has a soul that is not warped past return. And the chemistry between the two? Amazing. Even in this first ep, where they are nothing more than reluctant allies at first, disdain on her part and confusion on his. Btw, that first meeting? I love it love it love it so much. I watched 'pilot' after I've seen S4 and I remember going, as Aeryn threw him against the bulkhead and hit him and then demanded his rank and serial number. 'John, meet the future mother of your child.' Heh. God. It amazes me how far the two will come and yet how organically. And it's so true about all the relationships. Watch D'Argo and Crichton interact here: the anger on D'Argo's part the 'he is crazy' on John's. They don't even tolerate each other and yet by the end they are the best of friends. I love that Farscape, even though its romantic relationship was so crucial (didn't David Kemper or someone describe Farscape as a 'love story') also had all these incredible, well-developed, organic, fascinating other relationships: friendships, familial. Another thing I love? John saves the day with his brain. God, how much do I love that. He is a scientist, not a military guy, not a 'space jockey' like his Dad. He is a scientist. And that is why he can never get used to collateral damage, to killing, no matter how much of it he does, he is forced to do. And the show never forgets that. Farscape is one of those rare fictions (because I am not just talking about shows, but movies and books as well) where I do get convinced that John is indeed brilliant. And that he loves the science, he loves discovery, he loves the work. Despite wormholes being tainted so much with everything else, he is genuinely excited, involved in working on them. I keep remembering the S3 finale where even though he is pretending to work for Scorpius, he can't help but get into it, where equations literally pour out of him in scribbles everywhere, on windows, on pieces of paper, writing on his own arms. John is an obsessive. Here it is yet small: he wants to prove his theory. And even in the middle of the escape he is excited that it's proven. His obsessiveness will of course be brought out spectacularly by his stress later on, and his feelings, but it's already here.   But to get back to what I was saying: I just love that he gets to win with his brain. And that is consistent. Because that is why he becomes the defacto leader of Moya. Not his amazing fighting prowess. He becomes quite competent in the later seasons, but he will never be pure warrior the way D'Argo or Aeryn are. It's his brilliant, crazy, completely creative plans. That, and the power of his conviction. John's conviction is an utter, absolute, contageous thing. It's not brought out fully yet, but I am struck by the foreshadowing of when he tells Aeryn to come with them, tells her she can be more, changes her life. It's the same conviction that will later have him walk into a Scarran station, unarmed, most wanted man in the galaxy, to get Aeryn out. And getting the Moya crew to come with him.   But then, all of John is already here, just not forced to the surface yet. His crazy humor as way of coping with the insane universe about him. The core of steel (he is lost and dazed in this new word which is great because he is in a way proxy for the audience, but he doesn't bend before D'Argo e.g. and he is adamant to D'Argo about taking Aeryn with them or no one escapes), the inner decency and basic kindness (that kindness will be almost beaten out of him but shadows will always remain) when he tapes up the broken eye-stalk of the DRD - “merely” a mechanical critter on Moya. Oh. GUH.
@mousieta I am so glad we are doing this!
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