#also in a sense. not to get personal but i do find comfort in nurse/doctor ocs and med themes bc of irl health issues and stuff
medicasino · 2 years
also i hate that one of my biggest “i want to research this SOOOOOO bad” interests is the medical field/nurses/doctors because like i literally. how am i supposed to infodump about it bc like people are going to assume i am giving medical advice which is untrue and also what if my info is/gets outdated. im passing away. also like genuinely WHO would even want to listen to me talk about The Medical Field. Dude. at least casinos interest people
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enhadiares · 2 months
Hiiiii ❤️ Little request 🥰👉👈
can you do Enha Jay # mafia something like that it's kinda rare to find fics like that
love your fics so much sorry if i bothered you
🕷️A/N: IM SORRY IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO ANSWER YOU I REALLY AM 😭🙏 I HOPE YOU FORGIVE ME AND LIKE THIS ☹️☹️ I'll make a part of this if people like it and make it more yandere.
🕷️Warning: YANDERE THEMES , mentions of gun shot
🕷️ Pairing: mafia!Jay × doctor!reader
🕷️Synopsis:In the heart of a bustling city, Dr. (Reader) a renowned surgeon known for her unwavering commitment to saving lives, finds herself entangled in an unexpected situation when a notorious mafia leader, Jay Park, is brought into her emergency room, bleeding profusely from a gunshot wound and what's worse is that , he gets obessed with her.
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It was a usual day for (reader). The sun shining brightly, doing it's job perfectly showcasing her . How she was at her workplace again right on time . Very punctual indeed. With being punctual (reader) was also very hardworking.
She's a doctor at the be:lift hospital. She loves her job . It gives her a sense of comfort knowing she helps people heal , maybe there's a chance that she would save someone from dying.
Life is a very valuable thing which you can get just once . There may be second chances and she's here to give people just that. Second chance to live their life again , this time while taking care of their mistakes , learning from them and not repeating them again.
Second chances , very fascinating and amusing aren't they? Some people get second chance while some don't , it's upon fate .
Back to (reader) , she had just completed an operation successfully , saving yet another life. She felt at ease knowing she gave someone another chance to live .
Suddenly her peace was interrupted by loud noises , people were screaming in a hospital? Oh how rude - she thought. She was going to go stop them and ask why they were screaming in a hospital in the first place , they should know that it might disturb the patients.
But just as she was about to open the door she heard footsteps , they were getting louder as seconds passed by implying that someone was coming towards her . They also sounded like they were in a hurry . Maybe someone is very serious! - a thought crossed her mind and without any further ado she opened the door only to be my by 6 men , all in a similar attire : a black shiny and shimmery blazer , colour like that of a black hole with shining black boots where one could see their reflection. Upon studying their faces , she could sense they were panicking.
“Are you the doctor? Hurry up , he got shot!” one of the guy stated. He looked young yet authoritative, like he had some power.
(Reader) quickly nodded , it was about someone's life! She has to save him. She called out for some nurses and took the injured patient to the operation ward while the other waited outside for them.
He got shot? How would he get shot? He isn't dressed up like a cop. Is he a criminal? Her eyes widen at the thought but she wasn't sure about the assumption she's making . Should she prioritize saving the life of a potential criminal , or adhere strictly to her oath as a healer?
As Dr. L/n and her team work tirelessly to stabilize the patient's condition, tension fills the air. The presence of the person's six brothers, each with a intimidating aura as his own, looms over the hospital.
As the operation progresses, Dr. L/n is faced with unexpected challenges. The bullet has caused severe damage, and the patient's condition deteriorates rapidly. Despite her expertise, she fears that his chances of survival are slim.
With time running out, Dr. l/n makes a bold decision. Drawing upon all her skills and determination, she pushes herself to the limit, refusing to give up on her patient. In a high-stakes gamble, she performs a risky procedure that could either save the patient's life or seal his fate.
As the operation reaches its critical moment, a hush falls over the operating room. Every second feels like an eternity as Dr. L/n and her team fight to wrestle the patient back from the brink of death.
Finally, the monitors beep with renewed vigor, signaling a glimmer of hope. Against all odds, his heart begins to beat steadily once more, and his breathing stabilizes.
The surgery is a success.
A sigh of relief escapes her as she removes her mask to breath properly.
She goes out to inform the six individuals outside the room , awaiting for their companion to be saved.
“The surgery was a success. The patient is out of danger now”
She could hear multiple sighs of relief. They all felt like they could finally breath again , their tensed shoulders relaxed a bit after hearing the good news.
“You'll have to come with me now , I have some questions to ask" said Dr. l/n . She needed to know what exactly caused this.
“We need to see hyung first” the young yet intimidating guy proclaims.
“sure this way , but only two of you can enter as we can not have he patient feeling overwhelmed” (reader) sighs yet expresses her duties.
“I"ll go check on him guys” states the young guy
“I"ll accompany you !" Another voice asserts . He looked mature , maybe he is the eldest .
Dr l/n leads the way to the operating room where he patient lies . Upon reaching the guys rush towards him while she stays back just to observe.
Meanwhile Jay finally regained his consciousness back and opened his eyes , to be met with a sight of an angel , or so he thought.
Was he already in heaven? Oh he can't be with the number of crimes he has committed. So who is this angel like individual?
Upon seeing his eyes open , the other two individuals rush towards him.
“Jay! Are you okay?” questions the elder guy
Oh so his name is Jay - thinks (reader)
The younger one hits him “ofcourse he is not fine heeseung hyung , would you be fine if you were shot?”
“I'm just trying to be caring Jungwon!”
There goes their introduction too.
Despite the chaos and danger that surrounds him, Jay is captivated by her grace and skill, feeling a stirring within him that he's never experienced before.
As Jay awakens in the recovery room, his thoughts are consumed by Dr. L/n . Entranced by her beauty and kindness, he becomes obsessed with the idea of making her his own, convinced that she is the one who can bring light into his dark world afterall she's the one who brought him back to life right?
Jay is occupied with the thoughts of his newfound obsession, but his is brought back to reality by his two companions inquiring about his condition. To which he replies that it's fine because he can't seem to focus on anything else than the angel standing infront of his eyes.
He's observing her - Her beautiful face as if carved especially by God , every inch of her face and body screams perfection to him. Her shiny black lucious hair which turns brownish under the lights , her small button nose , or her eyes - she possesses brown almond-shaped eyes, framed delicately by medium-length eyelashes that accentuate her gaze. Her lips, adorned with a soft shade of pink, exude a subtle allure, adding a touch of warmth to her features.
Oh he was down bad for her . Was this what people refer to as love at first sight?
A knock interrupts all their activities.
“We all need you outside , the patient needs to rest and we need your statement” says a nurse
They bid their byes and inform him that he'll be out soon but all he can think about is how to get his hands on his angel and make her his.
The interrogation is stopped. The individuals were influential people and so they can do whatever they wished and they did not wish for this information to be out so they hushed everyone with their power. They wanted jay to be safe so they commanded for him to be shifted at their house where a doctor would help him if needed and fortunately for Jay , (reader) was chosen since she operated on him.
The next day , Jay is shifted to the nursery that is located in his big mansion. (Reader) was surprised at how big the mansion was , so they were rich rich.
Upon entering she also noticed alot of individuals wearing black blazer with guns in their hands . Were they that rich that they needed bouncers? The girl thought .
She helped Jay get comfortable and brought him lunch in time . While feeding him , she decided to interrogate him personally, maybe he could provide her with some information.
(Reader): Mr. Jay, can you recount the events leading to your injury?
Jay: It was a confrontation with a rival organization. We were negotiating a business deal when things turned violent.
(Reader): Were there any specific triggers that escalated the situation?
Jay: It seemed like a premeditated ambush. They were armed and ready when we arrived at the meeting point.
(Reader): Did you have any indication of hostility prior to the encounter?
Jay: Not explicitly, but tensions have been escalating between our groups for some time.
(Reader): I see. And how did you manage to escape the altercation?
Jay: I made a split-second decision to flee when the gunfire erupted, sustaining this injury in the process.
(Reader) : and what exactly do you do if I may ask?
Jay: You'll get know soon.
He expressed making (reader) frown . Why is it not the right time? What does he do that can't be spoken casually? Her thoughts are interrupted when someone comes barging in the room.
“Jay hyung I'm glad you are alright, we are planning to make them regret their actions by acquiring their company and killing them”
Her eyes widen at the word killing that the younger individual just slipped so casually. Was she in danger? Are these criminals?
“You should really read the room and check your surroundings before you speak Niki” said Jay rather calmly .
“i know I said soon but i didn't know it would be this soon , but now you know I guess. I am Jay Park - a mafia , a criminal or whatever your vocabulary describes individuals like me, but don't be scared , we won't harm you” he said with a eeire smile
All the words went from one ear and escaped through another , all (reader) heard was that he's a mafia. Confused and terrified, she finds herself thrust into a nightmare as Jay reveals his true identity but she knew better , she needed to act smartly and calmly. She took a deep breath .
“That's none of my business Jay , although I'm glad that I'm reassured about my safety”
Despite her initial fear, she senses a vulnerability within him so she doesn't ponder further . Niki mutters an apology and quickly leaves before he gets yelled at.
“I"ll be leaving tomorrow either way” speaks yn
“No you're not” Jay replies casually as if it was supposed to be common sense
“Umm yes I am , a nurse would be replacing me tomorrow” She filled him in with the necessary information
“No you won't ever be leaving me , this is your house from now on”
Her eyes widen at the words that left his mouth but later she started laughing.
“Omg you had me there Jay , I must say . You have a great sense of humour” she stopped laughing when she noticed Jay's face remained monotonous and serious . No sign of humour could be sensed from him.
“you're joking right?” questions yn in disbelief
“Whatever you want to think but you aren't going anywhere . If you can't piece it together , I'll piece it out for you . I love you and now you are mine ”
Would reader give Jay a chance ? Or would he need a second chance?
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stevieschrodinger · 9 months
It was a fucking miracle that Eddie survived the upside down. He stopped breathing a couple of times, had lost more blood than Steve even thought was in a whole person.
Hawkins was a fucking shambles and the hospital wasn't any better, so a lot of protocols had gone straight out of the window. When they asked Steve, still covered in blood and upside down, what his name was, he'd told them. The Beta nurse had scribbled Steve's name down as Eddie's next of kin and in the thick of it all, absolutely no one questions it.
Been nearly two weeks on life support, covered in wires and machines and a tube down his throat to breath for him. Two surgeries, stealing skin off his thighs and ass to keep his guts in.
But Eddie is alive. And it still says Steve's name at the top of Eddie's notes, even if Wayne has told them he's Eddie's uncle and he's been trading off with Steve to keep watch over Eddie.
Which is why when a doctor pulls Steve aside to talk about Mr. Munson, Steve's kind of used to it and Wayne let's it slide since he can't be there as much as Steve, anyway.
"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, Mr. Harrington," and Steve starts to panic, but tries not to since he saw Eddie two minutes ago and knows he's doing pretty well, all things considered, "because of all the damage, it's very unlikely your Omega will ever carry a pup to term."
Steve sits. He sits hard.
"We haven't informed him as yet, he's still quite delicate. I wasn't sure if you felt the news may be better coming from you?"
Eddie's an Omega.
The newbie doctor standing in front of Steve thinks that Eddie is his Omega.
Eddie probably won't ever be able to have pups.
Steve drifts back to Eddie's room without really answering. He sits and watches Dustin and Eddie play cards. They look at him, now and then, because Steve has no clue what he must scent like but...fuck.
Eddie. Eddie who Steve left alone in the upside down is an Omega. Eddie who's managed to hide his designation this whole time. Eddie, who must be coated in hospital standard blockers right now...which makes sense. The scent of a distressed Omega in pain would fuck up every Alpha on this floor of the hospital, so standard practice with blockers makes sense; helping to hide Eddie's secret.
And now Eddie probably can't ever have pups. And that's probably Steve's fault.
"Hey, Steve, man, what's...what's up?". Dustin. Standing right in front of Steve and Steve has no fucking idea what to do except he knows he needs to face up to this.
"Can I get some time with Eddie? Just us?"
Dustin looks like he's about to argue and give them both shit, but there must be a look on Steve's face or something in his voice or something in his scent, so Dustin doesn't. Packs up his shit and very carefully hugs Eddie goodbye.
And Steve's got no fucking idea what to do or say once they're alone, so he finds himself perching on the edge of Eddie's bed, holding his hand. And sure, Eddie lets him, but he's also looking at their joined hands and then looking at Steve like he's lost his damn mind.
"The, the ah, doctor, they still think I'm next of kin, your, uhm, your Alpha."
Eddie, slowly and carefully, pulls his hand out of Steve's, watching with wide eyes, frozen, like he doesn't know what to expect. Like this could go any way. Like people who know Eddie's secondary gender haven't reacted too well in the past.
Steve swallows thickly, "they don't think you'll be able to have pups, Eddie."
Eddie plays with his own fingers in lieu of his absent rings. "Oh," he says, and then starts to cry. Covers his face for a moment and sobs a broken noise, but just as Steve reaches out for him, tries to offer comfort, Eddie pulls his hands away and straightens up. He wipes his face abruptly, "doesn't matter, probably never have any anyway. Never going find a mate," Eddie shrugs, "doesn't matter."
Eddie scoffs, still crying and wiping at his leaking nose, "come on Steve, if there's a diametric opposite to a good Omega, it's me."
"Well...maybe no Alpha even gets a chance to change your mind if they don't even know you're an Omega, Eddie."
Eddie just scoffs again.
"This is my fault -"
"Don't," Eddie snaps at him, "everything I do I choose to do, this is not your fault."
"Yeah, but-"
"What? If you'd known I was an Omega you wouldn't have let me go? Don't you fucking dare! I chose! It's up to me what I do, and maybe shit like this is the exact reason I hide!"
Steve holds his hands up in defeat, at least Eddie is angry enough to have stopped crying. His lashes are still damp though, and the anger has brought the first colour to Eddie's skin that Steve's seen for weeks. Steve always thought Eddie was pretty; at least now maybe he knows why.
Now is not the moment to say that to Eddie though, but maybe, maybe later. Maybe now it's all over. Maybe once Eddie's back on his feet.
"Stop fucking staring at me, Okay! I'm still just Eddie! This doesn't mean anything, nothing has changed."
"Right," Steve says, "no, of course. I won't tell anyone." That seems to appease Eddie, at least.
Enough that when Steve reaches his hand across the bed again, Eddie starts playing with Steve's fingers other than his own.
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candyheartedchy · 2 months
Some info about my Fallout sona if anyone was curious.
So for my sona, I like the idea that she’s naive to everything. That when she was hired to deliver the Platinum Chip, she was easily ambush by Benny and his men because of her gullible nature, which resulted in her getting shot in the head and left for dead. After being found and nursed back to health by the town’s doctor, she was hesitant about retrieving the stolen package and finishing the delivery job, avoiding going outside for a few days because of the incident. Eventually after some persuaded survival training and talking with a few of the locals, she heads out to find Benny, determined to get the chip back, curious to why the package was so important to begin with.
She quickly finds herself constantly sidetracked, either barely escaping the dangers of the wasteland at every turn or helping folks that crossed her path. After a while she gets more cautious, almost paranoid, about her surroundings, but still fumbles with her weapons, missing a few times here and there out of panic.
Eventually when she meets Yes Man, she’s taken aback by his cheerful nature and smile, finding comfort in him right away through the whole experience. Yes Man reveals that he was the one who set her up for Benny, not realizing she was the Courier who got shot until she tells him, making him not only deeply sorry by it, but also intrigued by not only the fact that my sona survived the gunshot to the head, but also her by innocence, wondering how she made it this far.
Almost immediately, Yes Man decides to help her, that unlike Benny, my sona treats him like a person and not a pawn, respecting him and his opinions on things. Of course a few time he gets annoyed with my sona’s lack of confidence and common sense, but finds it cute that she only seems alerted when he’s explaining something to her. The two would soon look forward to seeing each other after their missions, resting and talking about what they did while away from each other. Yes Man would always look her over and patch her up whenever she got hurt, embarrassing my sona each time he got close to her. A few times my sona would try to help him be more assertive, until later on after the battle on the dam, Yes Man later upgrades himself to do so. Eventually my sona takes control of New Vegas with Yes Man by her side, finding herself balancing her new power, but also her crush on the AI. After a while, with his new upgrades, Yes Man becomes not only more assertive, but also bolder and more flirty, finding ways to fluster my sona at every chance, knowing deep down that the feeling was mutual.
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radarsteddybear · 5 months
My favorite thing about Margaret Houlihan has always been that she is an excellent nurse no matter what. No matter how annoying and obnoxious she finds Hawkeye, Trapper, BJ, et al., no matter how much she loves Frank, she never lets any of that get in the way of doing her job to the absolute best of her ability. She will not hesitate to call out and correct Frank (or any of the other doctors, for that matter) when he does something that could potentially harm the patient(s). She shows real respect for the medical abilities of the doctors. She reassures patients by telling them how great said doctors are, even when she's talking about someone she doesn't generally get along with (see: Aid Station). Even the way she treats the enlisted men of the 4077th changes (for the better) when they become patients (see: Radar in "Mad Dogs and Servicemen"). She is 100% able to compartmentalize her personal relationships in order to be the best nurse there ever was, and I think it really speaks to her character.
I also think that it speaks to the way she's able to grow and evolve as the show goes on while characters like Frank are not.  She has a certain amount of respect for the medical professionals she works with regardless of what their personal relationships look like, and that, in turn, allows her to eventually become friends with characters like Hawkeye and BJ.  Frank, conversely, is a mediocre surgeon and knows it, deep down.  He didn't become a surgeon so that he could help people; he became a surgeon for the wealth and prestige the job comes with.  
He's also spent his life, it seems, having a very difficult time getting along with those around him,  He's a snitch with a sour personality, someone who became a bully to fight back against those who've bullied him.  He doesn't really know how to connect with people (except for Margaret, and they only seem to work due to their sexual compatibility and their mutual dislike of everybody else in camp), and he never truly learns how.
And I think it's really telling that there are moments prior to Frank's leaving that Margaret is able to have genuine moments of connection with Hawkeye, Trapper, and BJ while Frank never is.  Sure, there are a few times when Hawkeye/Trapper/BJ extend something resembling an olive branch, which Frank, desperate for friendship, grabs on to, but it's never genuine, and it never lasts very long.   It can't last very long.  Frank's values simply don't line up with those of Hawkeye/Trapper/BJ.  He's more concerned with making sure that those around him are following the rules to the letter while Hawkeye/Trapper/BJ are more concerned with helping people and reducing harm.  Frank feels like the whole world is out to get him, so he tries to get the whole world first.
With Margaret (and maybe this thought is colored by the fact that I've watched the whole series), you get the sense during these moments of friendship that, without Frank around, without the stick up her behind, she could be a really great friend.  She sees her patients above all else as patients, people.  While she does think that rules are important and that everybody should be following them, above even that, she is a nurse, and she takes seriously her job of making sure that those in her care are as comfortable and well taken care of as she possibly can.  This is what allows her to see those around her as human beings, to come to understand that the human experience is wide and varied and that people don't deserve to be punished simply for being different or for making a mistake.  Frank could never come to this realization, and sure enough, once he leaves, Margaret does become a really great friend, which is only able to happen due to the mutual respect she and the doctors have for each other from the beginning.
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kandisheek · 3 months
Breaking Tony by AvocadoLove
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 6,385 Tags: Dubious Consent, Voyeurism, Orgasm Denial
Summary: In a world where everyone is born beta, leaders chosen by newly founded packs become alpha. Omegas are not born or made, they are broken. Steve wants Tony to become the Avenger's omega.
Reasons why I love it: I really like this take on A/B/O. The worldbuilding about all the ways people can be "broken" into omegas is super interesting, and the one Steve chooses makes complete sense to me, considering who he is as a person. Plus, that nod to Steve's ulterior motive at the end is like a nice cherry on top. I love this fic, and if dubious consent isn't a dealbreaker for you, then I bet you will too!
Against The Norm by justanotherStonyfan
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 13,004 Tags: Fuck or Die, Mutual Pining, Mating Cycles
Summary: When Steve and Tony wake up to find that they've been captured, they assume things can't get any worse. They're wrong.
Reasons why I love it: 'Bad guys made them do it' is my not-so-secret pleasure, and this one scratches that itch so goddamn well for me. The smut is hot as hell, but what really gets me is how desperately Steve is trying to hold himself back. His inner monologue is perfect, and I absolutely adore how, after everything is over, Tony comes to Steve's rescue. This is definitely one of my favorite fics in this fandom, so I hope you check it out for yourself!
In Tandem by RurouniHime
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 8,695 Tags: Mpreg, Illness, Heat Cycles
Summary: “Want a blood test,” Steve manages, because on the third night of their Week, he can think more clearly than he’s been able to for days. Tony’s scent is strong in his nostrils, cloying in a strange, sleek way he yearns after like a tune he nearly recognizes. “If you’re getting sick—” “God.” Tony shifts bodily up into him, clenching around him. “Yes, Mom.”
Reasons why I love it: This one is so fucking good! Steve and Tony really get dealt a shitty card by nature here, but the way they handle it is amazing. They're terrified, but they support each other, and that is just beautiful to me. The companion piece to this fic is also wonderful, in that it shows just how hard Steve tries to give Tony everything he needs, but also how Tony returns the favor. This verse is incredible, check it out, I bet you'll love it!
Inkling by Cluegirl
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 9,373 Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Outdoor Sex, Attempted Kidnapping
Summary: "Enough!" The doctor snapped, no trace of chummy comfort left in his voice as he shoved the hypospray at another of the nurses. "We have orders! MPs, get topside, now. Hooper, get another fifty of Xyladine into the Captain. Dacy and Roccio, prep the gurney. Seames, wipe your goddamned face off and prep for blood draw." "But Major, the muster-" Steve felt the cuff on his right arm begin to tear, blood slicking his wrist against the metal's bite. The doctor rounded on his aide, teeth bared. "Did. I. Stutter?" Another one tried, "Sir, the alphas will need-" "The alphas will fight, Corporal," The doctor snatched the hypospray back. "Rut haze or no, they'll fight. That's what we keep them around for, now get that man unconscious, or I will-"
Reasons why I love it: Rut-crazed Steve is one of my favorite things, and this one is just beautiful. I love how Tony instantly swoops in to take care of Steve, and the smut is hot as all hell. The rest of the Avengers are wonderfully written as well, and the first scene sets the mood perfectly. I love this one a lot, so I hope you check it out for yourself!
Never is a Promise by manic_intent
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 9,976 Tags: Bonding, Knotting, Alpha!Tony/Omega!Steve
Summary: Steve had to admit that he had some reservations about how the New Century handled the social balance between alphas and omegas.
Reasons why I love it: Taking the usual A/B/O trope and flipping it on its head. I love it! Steve is really amazing in this, and his inner monologue is super well-written. Poor Tony being a slave to his instincts makes for some incredible smut, and you know I always love a good "oh-shit-fuck-we're-compatible" storyline. This one is fantastic, and I highly recommend you read it!
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Hi there supersonic person! I see in your off line lists you have some new caretaker/doctor John. I’d love to see those please. Thank you.
Hi Lovely!!
AHHHH I DO I DO I DOOOOOO! Here are the fics I've got for ya on that new list! Feel free to add more friends!
See also:
Doctor / Caretaker John
Doctor / Caretaker John Pt. 2
Doctor / Caretaker John Pt. 3
Doctor / Caretaker John Pt. 4
Sherlock is Sick/Hurt (Sherlock Whump)
Sherlock Whump Pt. 2
Sherlock In An Accident
My Unfortunately Average Sized Cranium by Haelia (K+, 996 w., 1 Ch. || Humour, Headache, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Implied Past Drug Use, Doctor John) – In which Sherlock has a migraine. ALMOST Johnlock. Not quite.
Mizzle by MrsNoggin (K, 1,233 w., 1 Ch || Friendship, Fluff, Platonic Johnlock, Humour, Slice of Life) – John can't decide if it's raining or not. Sherlock doesn't understand.
You're a Doctor, Fix me by edken (K+, 8,792 w., 2 Ch. || Humour, Romance, Sick Sherlock) – Sherlock doesn't do anything halfway, and that includes getting sick. John nurses a very sick flatmate back to health using cuddles, forehead kisses, and a massage. Humor, and fluff promised as always, but also some character analysis because who doesn't love that?
The Slow Dance and Death of a Carbon Copy by batslikepastel (T, 15,576 w., 8 Ch. || Angst with Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, Mental Health Issues, Mary is Not Nice, Idiots in Love, Eventual Fluff, Developing Relationship, Alcoholism, Love Confessions, BAMF John, First Kiss) – He hasn’t talked to Sherlock outside the bedroom since that first night. Today, though, when Sherlock painstakingly makes John’s favourite breakfast- eggs Benedict- he smiles delightedly and kisses his cheek. “Thanks, Mary.” The first sign of delusion.
Division by MrsNoggin (E, 19,542 w., 11 Ch. || Coffee Shop AU || First Kiss/Time, Fluff, Barista Sherlock, Clingy Sherlock, POV John, John’s Limp, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Sleepy Cuddles, Sensuality, Touching, Virgin Sherlock, Insecure John) – John likes mysteries. And every morning he dips into the local independent coffee bar with his newspaper and ponders another... one Sherlock Holmes.
How To Unfold a Heart by elwinglyre (E, 25,477 w., 7 Ch. || Post S4 Fix It, BAMF John, Mentioned Eurus, POV First Person Sherlock, Case Fic, Fluff, Slow Burn Topping from the Bottom, 3 Yr Old Rosie, Introspection, Sexual Fantasies, John Worship, Ogling, Hand Holding, Kidnapping, Domesticity, Sherlock Whump, First Kiss/Time, Doctor John, Caring John, Soft Sherlock, Sensuality, Touching, Crying, Love Confessions, Anxious Sherlock, Rimming, Toplock, Fingering, Bossy Bottom John) – To Sherlock’s dismay, John’s return to Baker Street with Rosie is only temporary. Sherlock’s daily visits to Regent Park with John and Rosie illuminate his lost childhood memories and missed opportunities. But with each trip to the park, Sherlock also feels a growing sense of hope. That is until the past horrors return unexpectedly in a cryptic note folded in the shape of a heart. To decipher the message, Sherlock must uncover the nature of the hearts around him, including his own.
Lucifer's Gardens by ampersand_ch (E, 32,679 w., 12 Ch. || GERMAN VERSION|| Romance, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Murder, Poison / Drugging, Mystery, John Undercover, Academic Club, Therapy, Rituals, Jungian Archetypes, Doctors & Physicians, Grief/Mourning, Esotericism, Hospitals, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, John Falls In Love With Another Man, Jealous Sherlock, Crying, Doctor John, Hand Holding, First Kiss/Time, Mysticism, Hugging, Touching) – John goes undercover for an investigation as a favour to Lestrade in a village in Suffolk. The events surrounding the case awaken deep-seated fears in Sherlock. While John begins to come to a realisation of what he needs in Lucifer's Gardens, Sherlock tries to find a way to reach John – in more ways than one.
The Hollow Woman by ScopesMonkey (M, 51,335 w., 22 Ch. || Post-TRF, Major Character Death, Mystery, Romance, Friendship, Family, Angst, Crime, Reunion, First Kiss / Time, Nightmares, Doctor John, Jealous Sherlock, Jealous John, BAMF John, Angry John, Dub-Con, Rough Sex, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Villain Mary, Open Ending) – Forced to return to London sooner than expected, Sherlock falls into a case too close to home. Part 1 of the Hollowverse series
Lunar Landscapes by J_Baillier (M, 57,046 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || S3/TAB Fix-It, Slow Burn Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Confessions, Drugs, Pain, Medical, Injury, Sherlock Whump, Mental Health Issues, Panic Attacks, Romance, Secrets, Tragedy, Trauma, BAMF John, Doctor!John, Drug Addict Sherlock, Injured Sherlock, Grieving John, Idiots In Love,  Protective John, POV John Watson, PTSD Sherlock, Sherlock is a Mess, Medical Realism) – An accident forces John to face the fact that Sherlock's downward spiral had started long before his flight to exile even left the tarmac.
Gold Rush by ShirleyCarlton (E, 71,783 w., 17 Ch. || Post S3 / No Mary, Friends to Lovers, Mentions of Past Sexual Abuse, First Kiss, Case Fic, Slow Burn, Alternating POV, Switchlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Marriage Proposal, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abduction, Anxious/Insecure Sherlock, Miscommunication, Emotional Lovemaking) – John has divorced Mary and pops round to 221B one evening to find Sherlock in the middle of a case. As Sherlock tries to find the identity of a young woman’s stalker, John realises he can no longer deny his feelings for Sherlock – which then, to their befuddlement, turn out to be mutual. Shy kisses and tentative embraces ensue. But will Sherlock be able to cast off a shadow from his past that he thinks might prevent John from wanting to stay?
Swallow the Night by ArwaMachine (E, 87,873 w., 15 Ch. || TSo3/Stag Night Fix It, TAB/S4 Divergence, Toplock, Mutual Pining, PWP, Drunk / Public Sex, Anal Fingering/Sex, Alcohol-Induced Amnesia, Everyone Knows Except Them, Emotional Love Confession, Demisexual Sherlock, Internalized Homophobia [John], Parentlock with Rosie, First Kiss, Drug Relapse, Infidelity, Texting, Masturbation, Oblivious John, Emotional Love Making, Angst with Happy Ending, Dreams and Nightmares) – “Do you know how long,” John panted, his cheek scraping against the wall, looking back at Sherlock through half-closed eyes, “I’ve wanted this?” Sherlock pressed himself against John’s back, biting at John’s ear. “Not nearly as long as I have,” he whispered.
The Summer Boy by khorazir (T, 94,706 w., 6 Ch. || Post S3/Post TAB/Alternate S4, Friends to Lovers, Asexual Sherlock, POV Sherlock, Flashbacks, Bullying, 1980′s Kid Sherlock, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Inexperienced Sherlock, Grief/Mourning, Pining Sherlock, Case Fic, Sherlock’s Past, Awkward Conversations, Anxious Sherlock) – About half a year after the fateful events at Appledore, Sherlock and John embark on a private case in Sussex. For Sherlock, it’s a journey into his past, bringing up memories both happy and sad that he has locked away for almost thirty years. For John, it means coming to terms with the present – and a potential future with Sherlock. Part 1 of the The Summer Boy series
The Lost Special: Family Matters (As Do Relationships) by ShirleyCarlton (M, 144,688 w., 40 Ch. || S4 Fix It Fic / Meta Fic, Unreliable Narrator, John’s Mind Bungalow, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending, Demisexual Sherlock, Holmes Family, John Whump, Gay Mycroft, Misunderstandings, Drug Addiction, Parenting, TFP is a Nightmare, Virgin Sherlock, Slow Burn, Minor Character Death, Switchlock, John’s Past, Sherlock’s Past, Eurus, Love Confessions) –Sherrinford is not really the name of some high security prison. That was just a figment of John’s frantic coma dream. And Eurus is not actually Sherlock’s sister. That’s just something random she said to John before shooting him. Sherlock and John were never actually estranged. That was just their act to cover up what really happened to Mary – or Rosamund Moran, as her real name has turned out to be. Sherlock does have a secret sibling, though, and his name is Sherrinford. After finally eliminating Moran – though in a rather dramatically different way than they had envisioned – and exposing the truth about Eurus, John encourages Sherlock to delve into his past and to find out whether the reasons to keep Sherrinford away from Sherlock were the right ones, and to discover what really happened in 1981. Along the way, Sherlock and John gradually, finally, stop keeping each other at a distance, and eventually become a proper family of their own.
Fallen Series by Belladonna_Q, mamishka (T, 222,094 w. across 3 works || Winglock || Angel!John, Angels & Demons, Faes, Christianity, Changelings) – In a world where myth, mystery, and the supernatural flourish beneath the veneer of modern civilization, Sherlock is a master of magic as well as science and deduction. But there are some things that he cannot see, riddles he cannot unravel, even when they walk right beside him in the form of one John Watson…
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The MAGA GOP firmly believes that violence and violent threats against their fellow Americans is the surest path to power. As David French explains, that's a huge problem. In 2021, Reuters published a horrifying and comprehensive report detailing the persistent threats against local election workers. In 2022, it followed up with another report detailing threats against local school boards. In my own Tennessee community, doctors and nurses who advocated wearing masks in schools were targets of screaming, threatening right-wing activists, who told one man, “We know who you are” and “We will find you.”
My own family has experienced terrifying nights and terrifying days over the last several years. We’ve faced death threats, a bomb scare, a clumsy swatting attempt and doxxing by white nationalists. People have shown up at our home. A man even came to my kids’ school. I’ve interacted with the F.B.I., the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security and local law enforcement. While the explicit threats come and go, the sense of menace never quite leaves. We’re always looking over our shoulders. And no, threats of ideological violence do not come exclusively from the right. We saw too much destruction accompanying the George Floyd protests to believe that. We’ve seen left-wing attacks and threats against Republicans and conservatives. The surge in antisemitic incidents since Oct. 7 is a sobering reminder that hatred lives on the right and the left alike.
But the tsunami of MAGA threats is different. The intimidation is systemic and ubiquitous, an acknowledged tactic in the playbook of the Trump right that flows all the way down from the violent fantasies of Donald Trump himself. It is rare to encounter a public-facing Trump critic who hasn’t faced threats and intimidation. The threats drive decent men and women from public office. They isolate and frighten dissenters. When my family first began to face threats, the most dispiriting responses came from Christian acquaintances who concluded I was a traitor for turning on a movement whose members had expressed an explicit desire to kill my family. But I don’t want to be too bleak. So let me end with a point of light. In the summer of 2021, I received a quite direct threat after I’d written a series of pieces opposing bans on teaching critical race theory in public schools. Someone sent my wife an email threatening to shoot me in the face.
My wife and I knew that it was almost certainly a bluff. But we also knew that white nationalists had our home address, both of us were out of town and the only person home that night was my college-age son. So we called the local sheriff, shared the threat, and asked if the department could send someone to check our house. Minutes later, a young deputy called to tell me all was quiet at our home. When I asked if he would mind checking back frequently, he said he’d stay in front of our house all night. Then he asked, “Why did you get this threat?”
I hesitated before I told him. Our community is so MAGA that I had a pang of concern about his response. “I’m a columnist,” I said, “and we’ve had lots of threats ever since I wrote against Donald Trump.”
The deputy paused for a moment. “I’m a vet,” he said, “and I volunteered to serve because I believe in our Constitution. I believe in free speech.” And then he said words I’ll never forget: “You keep speaking, and I’ll stand guard.”
I didn’t know that deputy’s politics and I didn’t need to. When I heard his words, I thought, that’s it. That’s the way through. Sometimes we are called to speak. Sometimes we are called to stand guard. All the time we can at least comfort those under threat, telling them with words and deeds that they are not alone. If we do that, we can persevere. Otherwise, the fear will be too much for good people to bear.
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roosterbox · 6 months
Heyyyyy how about another Steddie thinky thought? You know ‘em, you love ‘em!
This one’s theme: Hanahaki. Yes, the Flower Sickness that makes any unrequited love as actually physically deadly as it feels.
This one’s a bit older than the rest. I posted tiny bits on the discord a while back, and may in fact eventually expand it into an actual story, but for now, this.
Also under a cut because, yet again, my hand slipped, lol. Warnings for, uh, more Steve pain I guess. Sorry about that. Kind of.
Hanahaki AU
Steve loves Eddie. But Eddie doesn’t love Steve (or so Steve thinks…). He has resigned himself to this, to just being friends. Good friends. The only person he tells is Robin, who encourages him but is sympathetic. He gets the Flower Cough. Which grows (heh) increasingly worse as time goes on. And Robin gets even more insistent that he tells Eddie. So eventually Steve just… gives her a half truth/half lie.
He tells her, “Eddie’s not interested in me.” Half a lie, because she takes this to mean that he actually DID talk to Eddie and got rebuffed (he did not). But it’s also half a truth, because that’s what Steve truly believes - that Eddie wouldn’t be interested. No way, why would he? Pick your favorite flavor of Steve Harrington insecurity and insert here.
Eddie, meanwhile, is more than a little distraught. Everyone knows Steve has the Flower Sickness, but every time anyone asks about who it is, he waves them off with “they’re not interested.” And this blows Eddie’s mind because he’s been madly in love with Steve for years now, so how could anyone with half a brain or heart turn him down? In Eddie’s eyes, Steve is perfect.
The sickness gets worse. Steve ends up in the hospital. Everyone is there, waiting on the doctor’s word for when they can go in to see him. Eddie rushes in, scared and sick to his stomach, afraid that this is it. And at the sight of him looking so forlorn, even though (she thinks) he’s the one who caused this, Robin finally explodes.
“You’re a fucking asshole, Munson!”
Eddie, of course, is absolutely clueless. “What the fuck?”
“You think you can- fuck!” She’s angry, she’s stressed, she’s heartbroken, she’s distraught. There are tears streaming down her face. And for a moment, Eddie’s never felt so intimidated. “How can you just show up here like this?”
“Like what? Birdie, can you please start making more sense, because I am at a fucking loss here.”
She gears up for a verbal beatdown the likes of which have never been witnessed before, but then a nurse comes out. Tells them that Steve is okay (relatively speaking of course), and that they’re just making him comfortable now. And that she’ll be back out with the doctor soon to talk about visiting. This update deflates some of Robin’s bluster, and she sinks down into one of the chairs.
Eddie is still confused, but slightly relieved that Steve is alright. For now.
Under his breath he laments, “god, I wish it were me.”
It’s so quiet, but Robin hears him. Of course she does.
“Wait, what?”
He startles, surprised at being heard, and maybe a little nervous about speaking something so close to his heart in front of this ragtag group of people. But, he tells himself, they all love Steve here. So maybe… maybe it’s time to be brave.
“I wish it was me. The person who…” he gestures vaguely. “For Steve. If it was me, this might not-“ He swallows, hard, and looks away. His eyes sting but he’s not gonna cry, dammit.
Robin is just. Staring at him, eyes wide. “Eddie. What do you mean?”
It takes a moment, but he finally looks back at her.
“If it were me this wouldn’t have happened. Because I love him. I love him so fucking much, Birdie. And when I find whoever it was that broke his heart, I’m gonna-“ he clenches his fist. Clenches and unclenches. Perhaps unable to quite articulate the truest depths of his feelings.
Robin, to yet more of his surprise, bursts into fresh tears.
“You are both. Such. IDIOTS.” But before he can ask, again, what the fuck she means, she says, “it’s YOU.”
Eddie’s brain just fucking STOPS. Crashes. Like a freight train with a girder dropped in its track. “Me? What about me?”
“You, you idiot.” She’s up now, crying and shoving at him. But they’re half-hearted at best. And… is she smiling a little? “You, you, you! He loves you too.”
“Loves… me? Rob, you’re not making sense again.”
So she tells him. Everything. Perhaps breaking Steve’s confidence in the process, but if this miscommunication were to cost her best friend - her platonic soulmate - his life? That’s a small price to pay, she reasons. By the end of it, Eddie’s lost his battle against his tears. Dustin is hugging him as he babbles out, “but why would he- How could he think- I wouldn’t have let him-“
The nurse and doctor appear, taking in the scene, but not knowing the finer details of course. They tell the group that they can see him, but only one at a time. “For now,” they emphasize, with small, encouraging smiles.
Through a silent exchange, Robin is selected to go in first.
Steve is sitting up against the pillows of the hospital bed. There are various lines and monitors attached to him. Beeping at a steady, if not quite normal, level. He’s awake, and smiles a bit weakly at her when he sees her.
She smiles back.
“Hey dingus. How’re you feeling?” She sits down on the bed and reaches out, pushing the hair out of his face. It’s damp, soaked through with sweat, but she doesn’t mind.
“I’m f-“
“Don’t say you’re fine,” she cuts him off. Gently. Still touching him. Her hand drops to his shoulder and squeezes. “Not after this.”
They look at each other, an entire silent conversation passing between, before Steve sighs. The deep breath causes him to cough a little, but nothing comes up this time.
“Okay. I’m not fine. But Robin-“
She shakes her head. “I love you, you know?”
“I love you, too,” he replies almost automatically. Because he does.
“And,” she gets up, “because I love you, I hope you can forgive me.”
Steve’s expression turns confused. And a bit worried. “Forgive…?”
She backs up. Towards the door. “I’ll be back in a little while. But for now, I think there’s someone else who you should talk to. And who needs to talk to you.” At that, her gaze hardens. “And you better actually talk this time.”
She leaves, and Steve is alone again. He has a minute or two to be terribly confused before the door opens.
Oh fuck, it’s Eddie.
Eddie, who only glances at Steve as he comes in before pointedly looking away. He leans against the door, arms wrapped around himself. It’s the quietest he’s ever been, for as long as Steve’s known him. It’s unnerving.
“Eddie?” Steve asks. “Are you…?” He trails off, unsure of what, exactly, he was trying to ask.
Eddie says nothing. But then-
“You’re a real piece of work, Harrington, you know that?” He sounds angry. Maybe even livid. His voice is practically vibrating with it. Steve focuses on that, missing the undercurrent of tears in the words. For him, this is exactly what he thought would happen. She must have told him. Of course she would. And though he wanted to be mad, he couldn’t blame her at all. If, god forbid, their positions were reversed…
Eddie was talking again. “So you, what, rather die? Rather die than just, oh jeez, fucking say something to me?”
Steve wishes the bed would swallow him whole. He looks down at his hands in his lap, fidgeting. Picking at threads in the linen. His heart monitor had picked up a bit.
Eddie was slowly inching forward until he was right next to the bed. His eyes were also drawn to Steve’s hands. At the IV line affixed to them. At the nails, bitten short. At the bloodstains still lingering against his skin.
“You stupid, self-sacrificing son of a bitch.”
Steve winced. This was it. The worst nightmare he’d had since everything with the Upside Down. Only it wasn’t a dream any more.
“I’m sorry, Eddie,” he whispers. Sorry, he implies, for falling in love with you. It’s okay that you don’t-
“Sorry? Steve you’re-“ Eddie chokes a bit. He sniffles. Steve finally hears the other underlying emotions his friend is struggling with. Is he… crying?
He absolutely is, and wiping furiously at his eyes. Part of him wants to grab Steve by the shoulders, to shake him, to scream at him. To demand to know why. What were you thinking? But then again, he already knows, doesn’t he? Robin told him.
“Why,” he asks, “why would you ever think that I wouldn’t want you?”
Now it was Steve’s brain’s turn to just… stop.
Very slowly, quietly, he whispers out a “…what?”
Eddie’s hands are gripping the bed railing tightly. He itches, how he itches, to reach over and take the other man’s hands in his. To twine their fingers together. But if he does, he knows that he’ll never want to let go again if he can help it. So before that, he takes the scariest plunge of his life. Lover’s Lake has got nothing on this.
“Steve,” he says, their gazes finally meeting, “I love you. I fucking love you, you idiot.”
Steve is shocked. Flabbergasted. Maybe this is a dream, he thinks. Or maybe I’ve finally fucking coughed myself to death. His mouth opens and closes soundlessly for a few seconds, minutes maybe, before finally, he manages to ask, “since when?” He swears he can actually feel the flowery vines in his lungs growing tighter.
Eddie smiles at him through watery eyes. “How long have I known you?”
Steve just fucking breaks. He cries, weeping into his hands, curling in on himself. Can’t breathe, he thinks desperately before strong arms wrap around him. Drawing him in against a solid chest. Eddie hugs him, tucking Steve’s wet face against his neck. He’s crying too.
“It’s okay, Stevie,” he says. “It’ll be okay now.” He hopes that this is true. That whatever fate may be, it doesn’t make him a liar. “I’ve got you. I’m here. I’ve got you, sweetheart.”
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stayimpact · 1 year
Omegaverse - Chapter 4
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Pairing : OT8 x Reader 
Genre : Omegaverse 
Warnings:   Angst, Felix is really jealous, smut, minor dni
Word count:   ~2,8k
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When you regained consciousness, everything was blurry and confused. You were lying in a hospital bed with an IV attached to your arm. Your whole body felt sore as if you had been beaten. You tried to move but you were too weak. Indistinct sounds reached your ears, but you couldn't understand them and they hurt, your senses were still very sensitive.
Then a nurse came into the room. She smiled when she saw you awake and went over to you to check your vital signs. You tried to speak, but your voice was weak and hoarse. She handed you a glass of water that you drank eagerly.
"How do you feel?" she asked in a soft voice, almost whispering as if she knew which state I was in.
You nodded your head to say you didn't know. You were so sore all over that you couldn't tell what was normal and what wasn't. "You were unconscious for a few hours," she said.
"You have been unconscious for several days. Your body has undergone major changes," she began, you didn't understand what she was getting at and she must have understood your confusion and gave you a sympathetic look before continuing, "You are now an Omega, and we must take precautions to keep the Alphas away from you," the nurse explained.
You didn't understand what she meant, but you had a strange feeling. Your skin seemed more sensitive and soft. You felt as if your whole body had been reset, that you had become a new person.
"Why did I become an Omega...?" you asked, becoming more and more worried. "But how can that be? I mean, I was a Beta a few days ago and now you're telling me I'm an Omega?!" you pounded your fist on the bed in frustration "What am I going to do?! I have to work, earn a living in order to live! I don't want to be an Omega!!!" you cried and screamed.
The nurse hesitated, "I'm sorry ma'am... We don't really know even with the tests we gave you when you were unconscious..." she said, bowing her head, probably feeling useless and desperate not to be able to give you, her patient who was obviously in shock, any answers.
You had always been a Beta, independent and living a comfortable life that you enjoyed. Now that you were an Omega, submissive and vulnerable. A prey to the Alphas. You didn't know how you were going to cope with this new reality that had completely turned your life upside down, sweeping it away.
The nurse decided to leave the room to give you a few moments alone to gather your thoughts and reflect on the situation and returned a few minutes later with a tray of food. You were hungry and ate greedily. The food tasted strange, sweeter, and saltier than usual. You found it hard to identify the flavors.
You spent several days in the hospital, confined to a special ward for Omegas. Alphas were not allowed in, as their smell could disturb you and put you in danger. The nurses took great care of you. They wore masks to mask their smell and gloves to avoid direct contact, and a complete disinfection was done each time they entered and left the room.
Guests were not welcome inside, they could communicate with you through a secure glass window by texting or writing, microphones were removed from the room as a precaution, and an Alpha could probably endanger your life with just his voice.
You realized that your body had changed significantly. Your skin was softer and more sensitive, your hair was shinier, and you had gained a few pounds. You also noticed that you had a strong urge to reproduce, to find an Alpha to protect and cherish you.
It was a strange feeling that came over you as if someone was trying to manipulate you to their will. You didn't like it, maybe it was due to your change of sub-genre, but you still had the mind of a Beta, and it was fighting a power struggle with your new Omega side.
You had been isolated from everyone in this white room for several days, and after the doctors checked on the progress of your physical changes several times a day, they decided to explain to you what life was like as an Omega.
You learned that you were part of this 5% of the world's population, a very low number which surprised you because you thought that Omegas were at least 20% of the population. The doctors looked sadly at your remark, which you did not understand.
"In the last 30 years the number of Omegas has dropped drastically, for no reason at all," the gynecologist began, examining you, "On the contrary, the number of Alphas has increased by about 9%. The problem is that an Alpha can only breed with an Omega as you must already know." you nodded in confirmation "Being a species that has become... rare." he coughed to clear his throat "You Omegas have become a source of desire for them. A kind of trophy, a possession that drives them crazy and they fight to have you and keep you," the gynecologist explained as he finished his examination.
So your worries proved to be true. You had really become the prey in the cat-and-mouse game. But maybe it was the Omega in you that was controlling you, but the fight the day you fell unconscious with Felix didn't make you feel as uncomfortable as before. You even began to understand his reaction and it made you happy that he cared so much about you.
The next few days were quiet, but your transformation continued slowly but surely. His doctors had explained to you that you would soon go into heat, a very difficult time for Omegas when their bodies were in need of mating. They had also explained that Alphas would be even more attracted to you during this period and that you would have to be very careful.
You had a few options. You could either go into your first heat alone, or you could have a low-level Alpha look after you during this period. Unfortunately, the low-level Alphas were older people, as the pheromone level decreases with age.
The second solution made you want to vomit so you accepted the first. You wanted Felix to be there with you so much more than a stranger at your grandfather's age. A small tear came to your eye, he still hadn't come to see you in the hospital because of your fight with him the week before.
A few days passed and you began to feel the effects of your first-ever heat, the sensations were the same as at the presentation, your whole body was burning with desire and excitement.
You felt restless, and anxious and had abdominal pains. You felt a growing tension inside you, an irrepressible urge to feel the presence of an Alpha close to you, inside you. It scared you, but at the same time, you couldn't stop thinking about it. You needed their smell, their presence, their physical contact, you wanted to intoxicate yourself with it and stay there for the rest of your life.
You had heard that the heat lasts about a week and that it is very difficult for the Omegas to bear. You understood that you had to stay away from the Alphas during this critical period and that it was dangerous to leave the hospital before your heat had completely passed.
You had made a nest with the blankets of your hospital bed, a seemingly natural reflex for Omegas, in order to seduce an Alpha and mate to give birth to pups.
Despite the risks, you felt like your head would explode if you didn't find an Alpha soon. You had tried to distract yourself by reading books and watching movies, but nothing could calm your burning desire so you decided to take matters into your own hands.
The nurses had kindly brought you some sex toys to help with your heat after you refused to see an Alpha and you intended to use them. You stepped out of the nest you had created to close the curtain of the secured glass so that no one could see you and returned to the nest before removing your stockings.
You ran your hand between your folds with a moan, very sensitive to the touch. You rubbed your clit with one hand and massaged one of your breasts with the other, sometimes pinching your nipple which made you squeal.
You were soaking wet before you even started and you gently inserted one of your fingers, moving back and forth a few times before inserting another. Desire burned in your veins but it wasn't enough to satisfy you. You felt like you were going to go crazy.
It wasn't enough, you needed something else, something bigger and thicker. So you took off your top and threw it on the floor before grabbing a sex toy. It was shaped like a penis and reminded you of Felix's sex. You salivated at the sight of it and began to suck on the tip to lubricate it as you continued to push your fingers inside you, making you moan louder and louder.
You took more of the sex toy into your mouth, even choking slightly as you made a deep throat. You withdrew your fingers and the sex toy from you before getting down on all fours, your breasts resting on the mattress, and inserting the fake penis into yourself as if it were Felix penetrating you.
You let out a sigh of pleasure and closed your eyes, imagining that it was him pounding into you incessantly. You imagined he was grabbing your hips as he slammed his pelvis against yours on the floor, burying his sex deep inside you.
Your free hand grabbed the sheets, and you held them tight. Almost tearing them with your strength. You squealed loudly, powerfully. You imagined he suddenly grabbed your hair and kissed you, pushing his tongue in and wrapping it around yours.
A knot began to form in your stomach, and you moved back and forth more quickly with the sex toy. Your mind was foggy and you could hardly tell the difference between your fantasy and reality.
Your juices flowed down your thighs and you picked up a fast pace, tilting the sex toy so that it brushed your sweet spot with each stroke which made you scream as you drooled on the sheets, tears welling up in your eyes as it felt so good. The knot got tighter and tighter, and you felt you were about to cum.
You used your other hand to retrieve some of your juices to use to rub your clit quickly, your orgasm hit you almost instantly and the wave of heat invaded your whole body and you let out a long high pitched moan. You used the sex toy to prolong your orgasm, and gradually you came down from your height. Slowly coming to your senses.
Your heart was pounding, you had sweated profusely and you clearly needed a shower. You pulled the sex toy out with a wince, covered in your juices. You absolutely had to clean this up before the nurses came back.
A feeling of dehydration then set in, and you reached for your bottle to hydrate yourself. You emptied most of the contents before putting it down. And you lay down in your nest, falling asleep instantly.
However, you didn't know that there were several witnesses who heard everything from behind the glass. Felix felt he was going to go crazy when he heard you moaning earlier, a huge erection could be seen through his pants. So did Minho and Han, who had decided to visit you to check on you.
They used their hands to hide the tent in their pants and walked away from Felix who was glaring at them angrily "She's mine!!!" he muttered with a growl before walking to the door to enter the room to join you.
He was quickly stopped by the doctors and nurses but so caught up in his pheromones and your moans from earlier, he punched one of the doctors in the jaw to let him through. So that he could finally be at your side, taking care of you.
He fought hard, using his Taekwondo techniques to fend off the nurses and doctors. However, they were too many for him and he was quickly overpowered, a pain shot through his arm and he saw a syringe attached to it, a nurse had injected him with a sedative and he screamed in rage before passing out from the drug.
You had no idea of the turmoil that was going on behind the door of your hospital room, you were sleeping peacefully with your earlier activity that had completely exhausted you. Several days passed and you repeated your activities in the hope that it would stop. After 5 days it was finally over.
You stayed a few more days for observation, to make sure that your body had finally finished its transition and that your health was not affected. You were finally able to welcome visitors, provided that they took suppressants to avoid triggering a second heat.
Felix paid you a visit, he cried with joy when he saw you and threw himself into your arms. You stroked his hair as you cooed, letting him calm down. "I missed you Y/N!" he said as he cried, tears streaming down his cheeks, unable to calm himself.
You wrapped your hand around his cheek and kissed him gently in the hope of calming him down "I'm here... I'm here..." you cooed. You held back a small laugh, it was more his job to reassure you at this moment.
He calmed down after a moment and looked at you with red eyes. "Y/N I..." he began, stammering, his gaze avoiding yours. You waited patiently, a feeling of anxiety rising in your throat. "I'm so sorry, for the last time..." he said, wiping away a tear. "I was horrible to you on the day of the presentation. And...and I wish I could have been there for you when you needed me the most," he continues, grabbing your hand and kissing it.
You smile slightly, tears welling up in your eyes as well, his pheromones giving off sadness and you knew he meant it.
"I'm sorry I wasn't any help. I'm sorry I left you alone all that time without coming to see you. I was a jerk and I feel so bad about it," he said, his gaze still avoiding yours. You didn't answer, knowing he still wanted to say something else. "Even though your sub-genre has changed now, you are and always will be Y/N to me. I love you and will always love you," he finished with his lips quivering.
You didn't answer immediately and that made him sadder. "I'm sorry, you probably need time to think," he said as he stood up and walked towards the door, sniffing.
"Felix." you say simply, he stopped but didn't turn to you, clearly afraid to face you. "My Lixie," you say again, in a soft voice.
This time he turned to you. "Come back and sit down, Lixie, please," you ordered in the same tone, and he obeyed, returning to the chair near the bed, where he had been a few moments before.
You smile fondly as you look into his eyes and place your hand on his cheek. "You don't have to apologize, Lixie. You're here now and that's all that matters to me. You're still the one I love and will always love, no matter if you're an Alpha or an Omega," you said sincerely, your voice trembling slightly with emotion.
He looked into your eyes, tears still streaming down his cheeks, but this time with a smile of relief.
"I was actually afraid, afraid that my becoming an Omega would disgust you," you said and Felix looked at you wide-eyed from his chair, he was about to say something but you interrupted him, "But seeing you crying for me right now makes me realize that I was wrong to doubt you. »
He took your hand and squeezed it gently. "I'm so relieved to hear that. I love you, Y/N." he said with conviction. You smiled again and moved closer to him to kiss him gently on the lips. "I love you too, Lixie. And I'm so glad you're here with me now," you whisper against his lips.
He held you close, the tears had stopped flowing. "I'll always be here for you, Y/N. Always. Always," he said with determination. And you knew it was true. You had found each other, stronger and more in love than ever.
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A/N: I did wrote smut again omg
Tag list: @mal-lunar-28
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musashi · 1 year
I find it interesting that you associate being seen as caring or healing with being seen as like, soft and weak. I'm not saying that to dismiss the idea that people are wierd about this stuff sometimes or anything. obviously the whole 'soft bean' thing and the weird infantalising energy is a real thing on tumblr especially and it's got to be super insulting to have that directed your way, but to me seeing someone as healing is not at all something I would automatically equate with being 'soft' and certainly not weak. like, paramedics are healing and they break people's ribs. I've never looked at a doctor and thought UwU smol bean. combat medics are healers. plague doctors were healers (or trying to be anyway) and their aesthetic is menacing af. healers are people who go up against brutality and decay and gore and somehow manage to come out on top. nothing soft about it.
i... don't. that's not what i said at all. there is nothing weak about being soft, or kind, or caring, or anything of the sort. and there is certainly nothing even close to weak or soft about the medical profession--in fact quite the opposite, i could never in a million years do what medical professionals do, i have medical trauma so bad that i have to warn nurses i might pass out while i'm getting unremarkably vaccinated, lol. i can't even look at a little bit of blood without feeling faint.
i was just inquiring as to why SO many people pegged me as a healer, because it runs contradictory to not only my aesthetic but also my personality. i have a whole tag just for my interest in deadly poisons, fatal diseases, & nuclear disasters. i have another, separate tag i made to cope with being diagnosed w/ pyromania when i was a teenager. i collect livestock whips and crops and dress like i just crawled out of hell. and i am an incredibly abrasive person, the living personification of corrosion. people are sacred of me, i know because they tell me, or at work they tell my bosses. intense, bossy, mean, and intimidating are all words i have heard used to describe me many many times.
almost all of this makes me really, really happy. it feels nice, to cultivate an identity after years and years of being no one or being unhappy with yourself, and then you can just live in that identity and be comfortable with yourself and who you are.
so like, you can imagine, getting on the website where i am most openly myself and then asking ppl to do a fun maymay where they assign me magic and like most of them say i'm this healing force, and then i ask why and the answer i get is "oh well you're so soft and sweet" just, like, sucks? it has nothing to do with those qualities not being a good thing, and everything to do with those qualities not being me.
i have a disorder that basically makes it so i have no solid identity, so stuff like that--where i'm forced to confront that even if i have made strides in feeling like i have a solid identity, i don't actually, and it's all in my head--that stuff can bum a person out. it's a bit of a shock, is all.
so i was just asking why people felt that way. because i do not like wasting time feeling miserable about things. when i am upset i am finding the most efficient way to fix that upset. currently, it is gathering data on why people see me this way so that i can confront the aspect of my outward personality that gives them that impression of me and fix/rearrange/eliminate it. i cannot see it on my own--i have tired--so i need help, which is why i asked tumblr. tumblr is the website i get the MOST infantilization and/or "omg ur so friendly sweet and soft smol bean" on, i encounter it a lot less irl or in other social communities, so it just makes sense to me to ask here.
also, you have to understand that i am doing EVERYTHING with the ever-present threat of infantilization. people on this website are... INCREDIBLY ableist. they do not think autistics are capable of... being competent adults, at all. every day my ask box is filled with people who talk to me like i was born yesterday, like i cannot stress ENOUGH they will give the affectation of very calmly setting me down to explain to me that the sky is blue. i delete a LOT of these asks because they make me so fucking angry, but just try to understand that i'm coming from a place of repetitive reinforcements that not only am i a soft sweet bean, but also i am a wholly incompetent toddler instead of, like... a whole ass adult with a desk job who pays taxes and votes and fucks. until ableists stop being ableist, there is no way for me to use this website without everything moving through a filter of ableism.
anyways thats a lot of information about a lot of things, i appreciate this ask and what you're trying to do with it and you're 100% correct. but i feel like people are missing the point and i'm repeating myself a lot. if anyone had said to me what you're saying now, i'm sure they would have said it exactly like you did here, not just uwu soft friendly bean does healing magic hehe
[OPERATION: help me figure out why the fuck a bunch of people assigned me healing magic on some reblog meme]
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nightfallsupon · 2 months
When you say "mental health" what even do you mean? Are we talking someone's brain, emotions, feelings, pain, grief, loss, trauma? Then why don't you just say that? Or are we trying to define someone's pain in a limited sense of two words that don't really mean anything.
Today we ask, how is your mental health? And what do we mean by this? A pie in the sky, a fixation upon a concept, not a distinct and obvious feeling. Well I can tell you what psychiatry means by it...
Are you a danger to yourself? Do you have any thoughts of harming yourself or anyone else? Do you hear voices? Do you see things that aren't there? Do you feel unsafe?
And by psychiatries laws (a law to their own), if they decide any of these answers to be yes, the reason is untenable, for I need now to put you in a 'hospital bed' or in other words a prison, until you can act convincingly enough that we believe the answer is no. But in the mean time we will break you just enough, so that you begin to learn lying is the only way to feel free, and get away from people that are making you feel much, much worse.
Start asking people, what is hurting you? Why are you in so much pain? How can I help you? What would make you feel better?-Apart from a pill or a needle, a drug, that is addictive and will come with a black and grey kaleidoscope of side effects.
You see what the mental health industry does not understand (candidly) is that you cannot separate mental health from physical health. The two are not mutually exclusive. Health is health. Stop distinguishing between the two, and treat a person as a whole and complete canvas. 'You're in pain'...'where does it hurt?' Because I can guarantee there is a place in that persons body that is in unbearable pain. And a drug with physical side effects is only going to make things worse. Heal the person. Don't drug what you judge to be unusual. Have humans ever been so black and white?
Well yes, to psychiatry we are. We are black and white. We engage in this behaviour, it fits into this box, we say this thing, we belong here. This method of simplifying complex and colourful life forms to labels, is destructive at best, deadly at worst.
And how is this behaviour, yes the behaviour of "doctors" and "nurses," who have never healed a person in their entire life, fuelling the "mental health crisis?"
Because to them a solution comes in the form of a pill. But to anyone that is in pain, what they need is community, support, family, love, attention, understanding, care, kindness, and to be listened to, and offered constructive solutions - like real safety (where you can walk outside, where you know no one is going to hurt you), and conversations which don't place blame on you or your past. You do not receive these things within the "mental health industry." They fixate upon the things we have done, (perhaps mistakes, perhaps not), are content with studying and analysing our behaviour in the most unobjective ways, abuse us with their words and actions, then hand us back to the arms of our families, oftentimes also abusive. These are people who find comfort in controlling other people. I have been a part of it for twelve years now, and I have never found a single one of these things that would have helped me, from the people claiming they are making me "better."
The pharmaceutical industry is making billions of dollars upon peoples' sickness and the pyschiatrists and nurses all feed into this ideal, that a pill or liquid in a needle, is the help you need. While remaining completely and willfully ignorant to the pain these things cause, because they don't listen, discredit us, and also never feel that pain from these drugs themselves. They keep themselves thoroughly in caves, disregarding the truth we tell them about the way they make us feel.
And nothing will ever change, until the world is ready to acknowledge that the mental health industry is fuelling the "mental health" crisis. Like they say in advertising, you can't polish a piece of shit. So in conclusion, stop trying.
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julie--kim · 3 months
About the Muse + the Blog
Writer: Alex/Lex (she/her); 29; EST
Muse: Julie Kim (she/her); 32; private nurse
FC: Bae Suzy (alt: Han Sohee)
Associated Personal Blog: moonstonewrites.tumblr.com
Will not write: smut (I will only do fade to black), rape/dubcon, incest/stepcest, extreme violence/gore, self-harm, daddy/mommy kinks, major age gaps.
Will not interact with krps, celebrity rps/celebrity muses.
Will not write with muns or muses under 25. Do not lie. I will block you.
Multi-shipping is accepted.
Will utilize trigger warnings and content warnings as follows: “trigger tw” and will tag for violence, blood, gore, abuse.
Inspiration for Julie
Astrid Magnussen (from White Oleander), Yoon Jin-Myung (from Hello My Twenties), Jeannette Walls, Alex (from Maid)
About Julie
TW: Child Neglect, Early-Onset Alzheimer's
Julie Kim's mom was only a mother in the loosest sense of the word. A true hedonist, in endless pursuits of her various "passions," her daughter was just another adoring member of a curated audience. But she was the only parent Julie had and no one gets to pick who they're born to.
As a young child, Julie loved the constant cycles her mother went through. Some months her mother was all about dancing, then it was painting, then glass blowing. Each new hobby came with a new home, a new city, and a new man.
Child Julie was less enthusiastic about the latter, but her mother was happy. Her mother was fun and loving despite being unreliable. She was more like a friend at best.
With each move, Julie found herself surrounded by more adults than children her own age. Teachers often used the age old descriptor, "an old soul," to describe Julie, but none of them seemed to notice that Julie was the parent to an immature adult.
The only constant in her life was change and schoolwork. Although, Julie could never quite resent her mother's ways, things got lonely (bringing other kids home meant explaining what her mother was doing sprawled out on the couch at 2:00pm on a Wednesday). There was also the added factor that her "friends'" parents forbade them from coming over to a house with no rules. So, Julie buried herself in her studies.
In the end, the combination of studying hard and her mother's lack of job security served Julie well. She wound up with enough scholarships to attend college. Much like before, Julie devoted her time to her studies and stayed at the top of the class.
Away from her mother's whims and woes, and surrounded by the same group of people for more than a few months at a time, Julie finally made some friends her own age.
Her mother, no longer the center of Julie's world, wasn't exactly thrilled and the bond between mother and child slowly faded. At least that was what Julie thought. It wasn't until late 2022, after Julie insisted she'd help her mother move, that she realized her mother's distance and disdain stemmed from more than jealousy.
Her mother's health was less than perfect. The fact became apparent when Julie ran into her mother who insisted she was lost. It was after a few trips to the doctor and then the neurologist -- all appointments that Julie scheduled and brought her mother to -- that a diagnosis came through: Early-Onset Alzheimer's.
The thing that most people don't know about Early-Onset Alzheimer's is that the decline can be swift. As a licensed nurse, Julie knew what to expect, but her mother's deterioration was anything but easy.
With her work schedule at the time and her own expenses, and her mother's distinct lack of a savings account, Julie wasn't sure if she could find quality long-term care for her mother.
So, it was a blessing in disguise when the offer to work as a private nurse for a politician landed at her feet. Julie knew they picked her for a variety of reasons, but the main one had to be her distinct lack of personal ties. Sure, she had her mom, she had a handful of friends, but nothing too close for comfort.
Things change, though, and now that Julie’s begun to lay roots in the place she used to call home, she may find herself with more personal ties than she ever wanted.
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I find university to be riveting. I wonder to myself what life would have been like had I experienced this sooner. Where and who would I be. I would not be me who I am today which I think would be tragic. I notice a familiar face and snag a seat beside her. We sit in a circle and begin the morning with medicine. We are taught that when you smudge with sage you should always start with the top of your head - from infancy to around age 7 that part of your head is soft and represents a connection to spirit. Then you sage your eyes so you can see the beauty of the day, your ears so you can hear the messages you’re meant to receive, your heart so you can open up to the universe and allow love to flow and then proceed to move down your entire body focusing on any ailments, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The room was filled with folks who work in cultural healing, housing for at risk populations, nurses, social workers and myself who does overdose response. I learn that the first law of many indigenous cultures is called, “ SAKIHITOWIN” , which means love. The word , “ WISAKACIHOWIN” loosely translates to: your spirit and whole being feels deep pain, deep pain that ripples” - J.Cardinal and E. Roan.
We discuss how each persons language of love is different and that love can be disrupted, sometimes for generations. The teacher tells us of her own experience growing up with a father who struggled with active addiction. How sometimes we aren’t even aware that we’re angry, we don’t know that it’s ok to feel that and many people will ask of us to stuff it down inside, to be quiet. That all it takes is one person to say it’s ok to be angry about what happened to you.
They play a meditation which includes a poem they’d written for their father after he passed. “ it’s not your fault” , they repeat.
I grow uncomfortable shortly after I’m instructed to get seated comfortably. My chest grows tighter, my fists clench and I bite my lip the second I feel my eyes fill up with tears. I don’t allow myself to be upset. I swallow it down, I look at the ceiling. I glance around the room. Other people are crying. It’s so obvious who’s had adverse experiences and troubled relationships with their own fathers. I’m angry. It’s not your fault. I’m angry, it’s not your fault. I repeat silently in my head.
We learn that anger is our human response to trying to make sense of a traumatic event. It’s the first processing point. When we are traumatized and also when we are triggered as a result of what’s happened to us- our body reacts with over 1500 chemicals to protect us from danger.
I begin to recognize how many feelings I can physically feel from the upset of my pain.
We light more sage and I follow it with my eyes as it billows to the sky.
I still struggle to know what to do with so much.
They teach us about the invisible backpack theory. How if you placed ziplock bags containing rice , rocks, etc and loaded the backpack up with a bunch of ziplock bags representing the ways we’ve been hurt, our losses … it would take its toll on us physically to carry it around every day. Our shoulders, our back, our knees would ache.
Pain is such a profound thing- we all carry it.
I think I align so deeply with indigenous culture because unlike western medicine they have remembered that pain damages our spirit in ways that many doctors or therapists cannot even fathom to treat.
And yet it is there we must begin and end with.
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chericarlisle · 3 years
You asked for Carlisle Cullen requests and I am here to deliver❤️ can I ask for a fic where the reader finally confesses to Carlisle they are in love with him? Preferably fluffy with some kisses 😌, I would also prefer the reader not be a doctor or nurse if possible! Thank you so much!
𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐞 || 𝐜.𝐜
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: carlisle cullen x human reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2k
𝐚/𝐧: i hope you enjoy this! i tried to think of a way to get the two to meet, but have it still correlate! so the reader will be Alice’s friend :) thank you for requesting <3 please know that the reader is NOT a minor!!!
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For the years that you had attended Forks High, you had grown close to a certain Cullen daughter, Alice. Her personality was that of a pink rose and its symbolism. She was more than one could want in a best friend, and between her amazing advice or sense of fashion, there was never a dull moment. 
Unlike a majority of the students, Alice was genuine and welcoming, causing the two of you to grow close as friends. It made you feel like high school wasn’t so bad after all.
As you talked more and more with Alice, you often wondered why the rest of her family was so reserved. They rarely interacted with any one else who didn’t share the last name ‘Cullen’. Alice, though, was the exception, having branched out to you.
 It seemed that being friends with Alice was something that was a package deal because on occasion, she’d bring along her boyfriend Jasper. You didn’t question their family dynamic as Alice had already explained in simplest terms who they were. It was a much better definition than what Jessica had told you and the rest at that table on the first day. Looking back, it was more petty gossip than it was useful information.
For the first summer, you didn’t see much of Alice and rather texted her much more. You’d invite her over, but it appeared that they were on a long family vacation that summer. It was then that you truly realized that you knew nothing about Alice, let alone the Cullens, aside from what you had been told at school. 
There was something that constantly affected Alice’s decision making, along with her siblings, but you didn’t yet know that factor, and you wouldn’t for a while. Instead, you let your mind consume the harsh option that Alice wasn’t exactly the person you thought she was. Maybe she really was just like the rest of the Forks High students. 
Fortunately, your fears were consoled that next school year.
After much consideration, Alice eventually invited you over to her house where you officially met the rest of the Cullens. Edward, Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper acted so much differently than they did at school in the way that they even acted at all. Normally, they would just go through the school day rarely interacting with any one or anything else but themselves. It made you curious as to why they weren’t like this at school. They seemed to be such lovely people so why would they be so monotonous for eight grueling hours of the day. 
You were able to see where they got those characterful values from. Well, more so who.
Dr. Carlisle Cullen, their adoptive father who looked too young to be a father at all and was so perfect that he must’ve been a hallucination. 
Since that moment three years ago, you’d gone over almost every other weekend to do whatever extravagant thing Alice had planned for you. She hadn’t had a real friend in so long that she wanted to make up for all the missed time. 
Over the course of time, the man, who you knew only as Dr. Cullen, had caught your eye. His compassionate mannerism and old fashioned style was something that just seemed to make you fall head over heels. At the mere sight of Dr. Cullen, the heat of your cheeks would make itself known and you wanted nothing more than to slap some sense into yourself. Whenever he spoke, you shamefully latched onto every word, his voice ever so comforting. The small smile resting on his lips whenever he spoke to you added even more charm and there was no hope left for you. This man made you swoon and you were so embarrassed over the fact that he was the adoptive father of your best friend. 
High school graduation arrived in no time and along with it a huge family secret. A family secret that wasn’t yours, but once again, relating to the Cullens. 
The family revealed it at a dinner, which was a rare occasion, considering that you hadn’t ever really seen them eat. You came over to their house like any other visit, except this time, the inviting smell of a freshly cooked dinner greeted you at the door. 
The lovely dinner and charming smiles were all just the calm before the storm. Playful conversation ceased and suddenly Carlisle was speaking on behalf of everyone at the table. In a matter of seconds, it went from ‘casual family dinner' to ‘game show questionnaire' that was borderline an interrogation with the lack of feedback you were receiving. None of the Cullens, not even Alice, would confirm or deny any inquiries that left your mouth, leaving you to your own judgment. It was almost like your speculation was crucial to ending the slew of questions. 
Eventually, you drew up the conclusion that they were vampires. You said this with such lighthearted intent that you were waiting for the big joke until you scanned the tables and saw their emotionless expressions.
All that you could really remember was falling from your dinner chair with Carlisle, who was sitting right beside you, catching your fall before you became close friends with the hardwood floor. 
Needless to say, it took a moment to process this information, but you still continued on with Alice and her family. They were still the same Cullens you had known since the beginning and a small sliver of their real life wasn’t going to change who they were to you.
A couple of months later, you were spending the night with Alice for the weekend. She wanted to go visit Seattle for the day and do some holiday shopping. You readily agreed, remembering that you had to get some gifts for your own family. Shopping with Alice was always an experience, but an entertaining time nonetheless.
You had gotten there Friday night as both you and Alice planned to leave the next morning. There was no point in leaving now as the stores had been closed for at least a couple of hours. 
Walking in the living room, you saw Emmett and Rosalie thoroughly invested in a comedy on tv. You had invited Rosalie to go shopping, but long hours with Alice in a store was not an activity for the less patient and she knew this. Edward was apparently missing from the scene, but Jasper, who was standing afar, greeted you and said that he was out with Bella. Jasper had finally loosened up around you, and after the family’s confession, you understood why he looked so uncomfortable all the time. The willpower these people had astonished you. 
Alice had disappeared after letting you in and it wasn’t until she returned with Dr. Cullen in tow, that you truly noticed she was gone. You bashfully greeted the doctor to which he returned with his signature smile that could make you melt. 
“I know this is bad timing, (y/n),” Alice walked to stand beside you, “But I have to go hunt, as do my siblings. You’ll stay here with Carlisle. He doesn’t need to go with us right now and we can't leave you alone.” By the end, the petite vampire was smirking and you jokingly scowled at her little plan. She knew of your silly crush on Carlisle and would relentlessly tease you about it, as a best friend would. 
Before you could even answer, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, and Alice were out of the room without so much as a peep. You shook your head at Alice’s sneakiness, forgetting for a second that a certain someone was left with you.
“How about I make you some dinner, (y/n)?” 
The way he said your name was something you could never handle. It just rolled off his tongue like any other word would, but with the hint of his accent, it sounded so lovely.
“I don’t mean to be a nuisance. Dr. Cullen.” 
Already flustered with the whole situation, the last thing you wanted was to bother Dr. Cullen any more than you thought you’d already done. 
As if he could read minds, the blonde stopped in his tracks to face you. “Please, call me Carlisle and you are never an inconvenience, (y/n). Besides, I’ve already hunted so I’m more than happy to be here with you.” 
Carlisle, being kind as usual, shouldn’t have said such words because your brain was currently going into a frenzy as his thoughtfulness. If it was possible, your heart must’ve been beating faster than what would be considered healthy for someone actively working out. 
You weren’t able to find the words, but instead able to offer what you hoped was an endearing grin.
In the kitchen, Carlisle searched the desolate fridge in hopes of finding some food. The kitchen and its appliances were more of decor than they ever were useful. 
After a minute or two, Carlisle closed the freezer door of the fridge, a pack of steak in his hand. 
“It seems steak will have to do tonight.” 
You shot him a pleased look. “You can’t go wrong with steak.” Famous last words.
While you insisted on cooking your own food, Carlisle returned the same persistence and eventually you gave in. 
The two of you carried on a conversation while he cooked. Talking with him seemed so natural that for a moment, you weren’t nervous about talking to this man.
Carlisle plated the steak and brought it before you, an excited look painted on your face. He sat down beside you and eagerly waited to see how the steak turned out. At first, you felt a bit bad that he wasn’t going to eat anything, especially after all the trouble he had gone through.
“Carlisle, are you sure you’re fine? It just feels so wrong eating in front of you like this!” 
He chuckled, quickly placing his hand on your own to reassure you. “I’m fine, truly. I just hope it’s edible.” 
You grabbed the steak knife, jokingly rolling your eyes at his statement. Upon cutting into the steak, an unpleasant rush of cow blood came out revealing that the steak was far from even being rare. 
Immediately your plate was being scooped up and brought to the kitchen counter where you joined Carlisle. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, it’s been some time since I’ve cooked anything and it seems that I haven’t caught up with modern cooking principles.” Carlisle looked a bit sheepish at the moment and you couldn’t help the giggle that slipped from your lips. You weren't sure if it was the unintentional term of endearment or his adorable attempt at cooking. Either way, Carlisle was relieved to see that you weren’t upset, but rather enjoying this moment. 
You stepped up beside Carlisle at the stovetop, shoulders touching as you reached across for the seasonings. “Here, we should probably season the steak a bit and clean off the pan.” 
As you continued to do your own thing and guide Carlisle in cooking, he carefully took each word of your advice.
“See, you did everything right, Carlisle. It was just the heat and time that threw off the doneness of the steak, a bit.” Your words ended with a small twinkle as you turned to face the man who’d been so intently watching. He seemed to be so entranced at the moment… and by you. 
It was like time was frozen and everything moved in slow motion, something you’d only see in a cheesy movie scene, except you were living it. Suddenly, life sped up and Carlisle’s cold hand was cupping your face and bringing you in for a kiss. You were happy that this was how you’d “confess” your love to Carlisle because words weren’t exactly your strong spot given the circumstances.
You two stayed lip locked for the longest moment in time, just pure bliss. It seemed like the kiss would never end until the smell of burnt oil hit your nose. Carlisle could feel you smiling against his lips and you began to peep out a small laugh. 
“I think we overcooked this one a little too much.”
a/n: i’m sorry if this is cringe-worthy, i wrote this at 12:30 am. i swear it will get better lol i just need to stop writing at ungodly hours of the night--
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unoriginalmess · 3 years
A Second Mask: Chapter 4
Did that just happen?
Hello guys! It's me. I'm finally writing again. Sorry about the delay. I'm going to explain more at the end of the chapter, but I'm just going to keep the beginning short. So here is chapter 4:
To say Adrien was concerned would be a huge understatement. He was downright disturbed. Its been weeks and still Marinette hadn't changed back to the happy, peppy, nice girl that he knew. AND SHE WOULDN'T EVEN TALK TO HIM ABOUT IT!
He tried to talk to her for a whole week after her original trasformation, but after the repeated firm rejections, he stopped altogether. He figured that maybe with some space, she might be able to work through whatever she was going through, but at this point, he's losing hope.
When he is feeling this distressed about something, he usually turns to his lady, but she has been acting weird too. Ever since she suggested they start sparring, she's started to show that she is going through kinda a rough time as well. She is the same ladybug when everyone is watching, but when it's just the two of them, she looks sad and tired. She has also started saying some concerning things while they are sparring. She has started talking about how she has started taking being Ladybug and the Guardian more seriously, and how she has less distractions now, which would be a good thing if she didn't say them so sadly.
The good thing is, the sparring has given him a chance to get out his aggression because of the whole Marinette-situation and his anger at his father in a safe environment. He didn't like the idea of hitting Ladybug at first (especially in the face) but with her not holding back on her hits, he felt more comfortable doing the same. It has helped them fight better too. He hopes that whatever Ladybug is going through in her civillian life will work itself out soon, but until then he will be there for her. He just needs to figure out how to be there for Marinette.
Felix was making good progress with Marinette. After they first asked marinette about (insert fashion question of your choice here, I legit know nothing and I didn't have time to research anything for this chapter), she had started answering their questions on a daily basis. After a couple of days of that, she had started to rant to them about different things in the fashion world that were bothering her, exciting her, or confusing her that particular day. In response to that, they had started to respond to her rants with their own opinions on the subjects and even start their own rants.
It had gotten to the point where Felix would now consider them to be friends, though they know that Marinette would never call them as such, it was fine with them. They know she has trust issues, and they can understand why, so they are fine with being friends in everything but a name.
Felix was looking forward to their daily banter as they waited in their seat for Marinette to arrive. When she did, she was followed by a very pissed-looking Alya. Felix turned to look at her and noticed that she had what looked to be tears forming in her eyes. What they didn't notice was the little black butterfly that had entered through the window in the back of the room, and was making a beeline towards her.
Marinette walked to school in yet another one of her newest fashion creations: a pair of oversized grey ripped jeans and a navy blue sweatshirt. She was actually really liking her new look, and the comfort that it offered was just an added plus.
She was actually feeling excited to talk to Felix about Gabriel Agreste's newest fashion flop. They were the only person that she had met that actually cared about fashion as much as her. It made her happy to talk to them. It kind of scared her how excited she was. Shouldn't she be distancing herself from everyone? she thought to herself. No. Felix isn't my friend, they aren't close to me, they are just someone I talk fashion with. Like a coworker, yeah. Totally. Felix is just a coworker. ("Liar" says the inner voice in her head)
She was shocked out of her thoughts when she was pulled to the side by someone as she entered the courtyard. Her mind immediately thought of an akuma, when the person spoke.
"Marinette! Girl," Oh it's just Alya. Wait Alya? "How long are you gonna keep up this cry for attention? Are you really THAT jealous of Lila? I know that Adrien likes her, but that doesn't give you the right to act like this! And you are hanging out with Felix, who accused her of sexually harrassing Adrien on their first day here-?" She looked absolutely furious at her, but Marinette had heard enough. She cut Alya off in the middle of her presumably long rant.
"ALYA!" Said girl jumped at both the inturruption and the tone of voice used, "First of all, this isn't a cry for attention, if anything its a cry for leaving me the fuck alone. Second of all, I'm not jealous of Lila. I'm not in love with Adrien anymore, and haven't been for a while. You knew that I was dating Luka right? Why would I care who Adrien likes? Lastly, I am allowed to hang out with whoever I choose, whether you like them or not. It's none of your fucking business Alya, and if you think that I'm just some jealous, attention-seeker why do you even care?" With that last question she stormed off to the classroom, leaving a speechless Alya behind her.
When marinette sat down in her seat, she just kept thinking about how Alya was just talking to her. How could she think that about her? They used to be best friends, and Alya wasn't even concerned about her not talking to her anymore, she was just concerned about her being "jealous of Lila". It made her so furious that she could feel tears trickling down her face. She sees the black butterfly out of the corner of her eye and without hesitation grabs it out of the air.
(Next part is taken from this post by @bigfatbreak)
"Go ahead and akumatize me- See what happens, Hawkmoth!" She screamed the words with a slight madness that the energy of the akuma was giving her, "Every leash has two ends! I just have to pull until I find where you're holding it!"
At this point, the entire class was frozen in place watching her and listening to her crazed-sounding voice threaten an actual terrorist. Marinette felt Hawkmoth's confusion and terror through the bond. What in the- She's sensing me through the Akuma?! The akuma then started to fly away, and when it couldn't it zapped her hand like it was made of lightning and fluttered through the same window it came from. Marinette felt like she had failed yet again and collapsed down on her desk, muttering, "Uuuuggghh. It escaped anyway... What a waste. I didn't realize that Hawkmoth was such a coward. He usually likes grandstand..."
She was startled when her hand was picked up by Felix's, "You likely scared him off by managing to locate him like that... A risky move, I should mention. I would ask that you not attempt that a second time. No one knows what his akuma is truly capable of. You'll want to keep off of this hand for a while, too."
"Oh, are those the doctor's orders? Why, Felix, it almost sounds like you care about meeee." Marinette was all too amused by Felix's concern for her. She also liked to tease them... AS COWORKERS DO.
"I have an investment in your presence. Now don't be cheeky and let's get you to the nurse's office," They said while holding her wrist and gently pulling her in that direction.
Marinette scoffed, "'An investment in my presence'??"
Felix chuckled while still semi-dragging her by the wrist towards the front of the room, being careful not to hurt her injury even worse, "What did I just say about being cheeky?"
On their way out of the door they passed a VERY distressed-looking Adrien. He seemed to be sharing the sentiment with the entire class of: Did that just happen?
And thats chapter 4. It is VERY LATE! I know. I've been swamped with work, and when I went to write it, I had zero ideas on how to write this chapter. I never ended up getting those ideas. I just went where my writing took me, so if it doesn't really match the characters that's why. I will try to be better at updating regularly, but it probably won't happen. Sorry to everyone with a normal sleep schedule, but this is the time that I write things. Also I didn't have my outline with me while writing this chapter, so it might not have everything I planned to write in it.
I would like to thank you all for all of the support I've been getting on this fic. Despite all of the chapter delays, you guys have stuck with me through all of it, so thank each and every one of you. I love seeing so many people loving this au as much as I do. Without you guys this story wouldn't exist, and I would've stopped writing it after the first chapter.
As always, constructive criticism is always accepted. I love being able to improve my writing whenever possible.
Thank you for reading. Have a nice day/night/whenever you are reading this. See ya next time guys, gals, and non-binary pals.
@queer-illusion @apasponsor @heckinggremlin @1-ahiro-1 @hewantedbeefintheparkinglot @sassakitty @lennauts @rianoel @dorkus-minimus @khneltea @welp-that-was-unexpected @mlnchlymrshmllw @lovelyautumnsunflower @chariphrasis @lovesbooks @komatsuna-yuki @polyvirnl @innocentlyguiltyfrenchfry @qhobias @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole @hammalammadamdam @cloudydaysomewhere @alcoholic-barney @basenikon @xxbehindthemaskxx @corporeal-terrestrial @shadowymemoirs @moonlight-densetsuu
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