#also i'm eating granola rn
fancy-clam · 16 days
i feel the need to share my collection of “rip [newsie] you would've loved [modern thing]” posts from my priv twitter
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soldier-poet-king · 6 months
U know when ur brain is Like That and whatever it is you have to eat is suddenly Illegal???
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desperatepleasures · 8 months
y'all I'm so fucking hungryyyyyy
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goatmilksoda · 10 months
Some people will see you eat something moderately resembling something healthy and go "omg why are you dieting?? You're so thin!!!"
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erikasnothungry · 2 months
I feel so fake right now what's wrong with me?
am I even ànā? I sure didn't act like it today.
I went to a sleepover with my bsf, we ate Naan bread and curry which I couldn't get out of.
before bed I was offered a granola bar and said yes?? like what? and this morning before leaving when I woke up she made me peanut butter honey toast. I love her sm obviously because like that is the sweetest thing but I'm like AHAHAJAHSVSHEKJR
don't worry guys. it gets worse
we went to McDonald's. my mom got me a mcnugget thing and full cålorie coke. I know she wants me to gain wěįght bc I'm technically under (17.9 bmi) and I love her for it because shes been worried about me. why does everyone have to be such good people?
and fries. I ate fries. I'm such an idiot. I don't know what to do because like I love my family and my bff but they give me sm food and i don't want to drift apart from them. and also bc my mom cooks a lot right and my little brother is super picky (love him) and he's like "this is disgusting" basically every night at supper (by the way its not cause he's spoiled he's just 6 and has autism but he is a good kid lol) and one time my mom was crying because he wouldn't eat anything, so anyways I try to eat a lot to show her how much I appreciate her cooking because in my family that's like our form of affection. and I don't want her to think I'm being ungrateful or that it's bad.
but I just need to st4rve. like its not that hard erika stop being a little glutton
I think I'm a little smaller now than like a few months ago but who knows, because the only scale in my house is in my mom's room and she'd be suspicious if she saw me, also I have like 6 siblings in my house rn so I'm never in the house alone.
I'm sorry this was so long, if you got this far ily, and yall need to be more social like don't be afraid to dm me (if you're under 18) I have a lot of socials too. but yeah that's it
P.S. I love my family I don't mean to be rude. I'm just an idiot 🦒
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chaotic-archaeologist · 10 months
Sorry just a mini rant bc genuinely appalled at the way some of my coworkers talk about not eating during work. Like buddy we're working CRM. It is a very labour intensive job. It's July and frequently over 30°C. The way you talk about not eating anything til dinner (and sometimes not anything beyond a granola bar all day) is terrifying. Obviously money for food can be tight (I'm feeling it rn) but I've spoken with some of them and they have and can afford food and they almost seem to be bragging about making it through the day on nothing. You are going to collapse! You should be eating!
So yeah my coworkers may not listen to me but to any fellow archaeologists please remember to eat! Even if you're staying hydrated that won't be enough if you're also not eating properly for days. Please take care of yourself in the field.
Everyone should be taking breaks to eat, hydrate, reapply sunscreen, and stretch. Yes, even if you don't feel like you need to. Yes, even if other people are "working through it." Toughing it out is not a badge of honor. It is dangerous, and unnecessarily so.
Just because you can go without doesn't mean you should. Your body is not suddenly the exception to the biological necessities of eating and drinking. Keeping your body nourished is part of long term care for your health. No work is worth shortchanging that.
This applies to all work, not just archaeological excavation. If you're reading this and thinking I totally support this for everyone else, not for me though THIS IS FOR YOU. Taking breaks sets a precedent. Because even if you don't need the break, someone else does, and if you take yours, you're contributing to a work environment where that person can take theirs. There's a reason unions have fought for breaks in pretty much every industry.
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bi-bats · 8 months
Hey bitch, it's @chipmunkery <3
13, 32, 40 (no reason in particular 👀), 63, 64 for the ask meme
HEY BESTIEEEEE!! Thank you for sending me an ask even though I'm sure you know the answer to like. half of these questions lmaooooo 💖💖💖💖
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
ooh I actually have to think about this one for a second, hang on
maybe using sensory details and actions to break up dialogue? Sometimes if I think there needs to be a moment between two lines of dialogue but I'm not actually giving the reader a chance to pause by using an emdash or an ellipses, I'll throw something in there to break it up. I have some examples from the damitim fic:
“You’re not talking?”  “No.” “Is that your call?”  Damian puts the teapot on the stove with slightly more force than required, flicking on the burner in the same fashion. “No,” he says flatly. 
okay yeah so in this bit I put that action with the teapot in there as a substitute for a line about Damian pausing, because "he paused" looked boring and felt wrong, so I gave him something to do in that time. This also uses the other bit of advice I posted about the other day about avoiding just saying how a character feels. The action I gave him tells you how he's feeling about it: he's frustrated. But also, he says no flatly, because he doesn't want his words to show that he cares.
Sometimes instead of an action I'll throw in a train of thought because like. If the character has time to notice a smell or to feel something, it creates the breathing room I need to emphasize the dialogue. like here:
“No, I fucking don’t! Damian,” Tim scoffs, as if he’s explaining this to a child, “I’ve been living with Ra’s Al Ghul for the last six years, do you honestly think that Bruce is going to trust me after that?”  And Damian hadn’t thought of that. Hadn’t thought of not trusting Tim, or forgiving him, for even a second.  He is not a fool. He does not think that Tim has spent six years lounging around like a prince in a castle, living in luxury.  That Tim spent six years there and kept his hands clean.  He pretends he does not feel like he’s begging.  “That does not mean you have to leave.”
the time it takes to get from the sentence to the response creates the feeling of the pause even though it's not written anywhere that there is a pause. It just feels like there was a pause while he processed that, and the dialogue is emphasized because of that. Honestly, this is probably the most common thing I do in editing. This actually might not be a common writing tip but I find it works for me and I already wrote all this out and I couldn't think of any common writing tips lol
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
@kieran-granola, @yasmindifference, and @jpeg-dot-jpeg fr this was so easy to answer, everything they write is fucking amazing go read their stuff rn if you haven't already
also honorary mention to you because your stuff is also fucking amazing and I'm EATING IT UP I'VE BROUGHT UP THE JAYBART FIC IN LIKE 4 POSTS AND I'M GONNA DO IT AGAIN RIGHT NOW ADJFAGNAJGLKJF THAT FIC HAS A HOLD ON ME
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Alright well first off anything from this list, but also specifically anything where any of them are covered in blood. The way you draw blood is gorgeous and I'd lose my MIND to see one of my ideas with it 😭 I actually once said to you (half-joking) that I added so much blood to the DamiTim fic because I was trying to lure you into drawing it 😂
So, for you specifically:
that one scene in I Know What My Brother Is where DamiTim (TimDami? I don't really like the order of the ship name mirroring top/bottom dynamics but whatever) are on the bed and Damian's resolve is about to break again
jaytimkon cuddling from the first chapter of Bad Days
that scene in scars & stitches where Tim is leaning Jason back so he can stitch him up and Jason leans back way farther than he needs to
oh my god something from You Hear His Voice Once and You Know It Again like. I'd lose my MIND if you drew lazzied Tim akdjfajkf OOOH YEAH MAYBE THE SCENE WHERE TIM IS HOLDING JASON'S JAW AND JASON IS HOLDING TIM'S WRIST AND IT'S RIGHT WHEN THEY BOTH GO GENTLE FOR A MINUTE
I just really love the way you draw intimacy 😭😭😭 all of these moments are SO intimate you know? Also no pressure to draw any of these, and also anyone is welcome to draw any of these too!! It's just easier for me to pick out specific ones for someone whose style I'm familiar with (and also the ones I'm like. I know for sure I would lose my shit if you drew these lmaooo)
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
I hate the word lover okay I just don't like it I hate it SO much adkjfjafurghgurhgaurhgauhra it upsets me okay it's a me problem whatever
I also don't love the whole 'the older one' 'the younger one' etc. thing, but that's more of a general writing pet peeve than in smut specifically. (It doesn't bother me if it's intentional and like. a kink that someone is leaning into? But it does bother me when it's clear that someone just didn't want to use names again)
64. Something you love to see in smut.
emotional intimacy of any kind. even if it's two characters who are hatefucking instead of being deeply in love. I just. I need them to have feelings about each other it's SO much better that way
also praise kink lol "good boy" are you kidding
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bergarachan · 16 days
Steven being CEO doesn’t give him veto power. It’s a company in which they all own a third of a share and that doesn’t change because they put Steven in charge because Shane and Ryan didn’t want to deal with the financial side of the business. They were all equally involved in this decision and the desperation to absolve the Ghoul Boys of responsibility in this is a total dismissal of reality. Just because Shane has said “eat the rich” on camera doesn’t mean he’s the crunchy granola leftist hero that people have built him up to be - he’s also trying to make his business successful and is a nearly 40-year-old adult man who understands what he’s doing.
i understand that, it's what i'm coming to terms with right now- that the people ive idolized for so, so long may not be the people i thought they were. people can also change, especially in the span of 8 years. im hoping watcher is going to say something abt this, anything, but tbh i kinda think they're gonna see if the hate/attention will die down.
'i think steven came up with this decision and possibly coerced the other two into it' and 'ryan and shane are equally at fault for this happening' are two statements that can coexist. rn i am kind of going through the mental turmoil of 'are these what the people ive been looking up to have turned into/have always been'?
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
I know we all love people looking at sweet innocent and pretty timmy and going "aww cutie, I'm gonna fuck you :)" but consider: pathetic Tim Drake and everyone going "*deathly horny grip* hngh"
He looks sad, he looks pathetic, he looks like he's one bad day away from making a 23 step plan into killing you and making it look like suicide without ever lifting a hand in the mess, rendering him perfectly clean because he can use the excuse that 'he was never part of it. He just did a few things that set of a chain of events where the results are far too gone from his hands it can't technically be his fault anymore'. He looks like a tiny pitiful cat sadly doe-eyeing you into walking out in the rain and petting it only to be hit with it's sharp claws and a strong bite to match.
His eyebags go for DAYS and people fantasize about them being the reason, like they fuck him awake each night until dawn and he's too busy working to sleep any more than 15 minutes after. They wonder if he bites his moans down to keep quiet or if he's the loudest motherfucker with just a sharp tug on his hair. They imagine that it's his sweet hole they fuck in rather than their fist at night and sometimes they wonder if they can get away with drugging Tim and fucking him (they can. Bruce does it all the time.)
Hngh sexily depressed Tim because there's just something so sexy about the despairingly depraved feelings people feel when they look at him and go "he needs my dick in his ass rn. RN."
😂😂😂no because im just imagining someone texting tim "noooo don't kill yourself you're so sexy aha" and tim is just staring blankly at it before blocking their number.
tim was cute and so full of life when he young, but now he's aged a decade in just two years and he's TIRED. he wants to do his work and sleep. that's it that's all he wants. he doesn't have the time or patience for incompetence and he WILL bite. people see him scurrying the halls of titan's tower, the cave, and the watchtower and just bite their lips because he's half hunched over and busy working his little fingers into whatever tool he's fidgeting with.
but he's still so soft looking. he has these big little eyes that are lined with exhaustion and they look up at someone like they're his savior if they offer him a granola bar. it's an addicting feeling. he eats in these little bites and he sways with sleep if he stays still for too long.
he's constantly working looking like he's on the verge of a breakdown and sometimes they wonder if they could sneak up behind tim and pull down his pants and touch him while he was working.
they imagine pressing tim onto his back and fucking into his hot little pussy. would he pay them any mind at all? or would he just keep typing away on a tablet or computer because he's trying to meet a deadline and he has no time to shoo away some horndog humping into his pussy.
tim would let it happen, if it was too annoying to deal with. he's busy working and ignores the hands squeezing his tits and ass, the mouth sucking hickeys into his throat and the cock desperately rutting against the wet seam of his cunt.
the only time that tim is finally still and calm, at peace is when he's asleep or knocked out. tim eats or drinks whatever is handed toward him without a second though. he's so wary yet also so trusting. it wouldn't be hard to drug him, in fact bruce has mastered the art of it.
when he sees tim getting too into his head, when he sees him falling to deep into the abyss. bruce fucks him straight again.
he gives him enough tranquilizer to knock out a cow and fucks him deep and fast and rough. he abuses his clit until it's red, hot, and throbbing. he forces orgasm after orgasm into tim. he feels his insides got tight and clamp down on the cock inside him.
it helps. because tim wakes up sore from sleeping in an odd position but refreshed. he wakes up energized like his body has been hit with a reset button.
bruce just nods approvingly when tim is back to himself. he just needs to be fucked back to normality that's it.
bruce figured it out when tim was dosed with pollen and spent days in pain as he tried desperately to squeeze more pleasure out of himself. all slobber, drool, and tears as he fucked his fingers deep inside.
but when it was done. when it was over. it was like tim had been reviatlized.
some people got fucked stupid but tim? oh tim was different.
he needed to get fucked to be better when he worked all that tension out of his system that was when he could finally get back in control.
it's hard to resist, especially when you see tim struggling to desperately to keep his head above water.
he's an adorable little thing, a cute little animal when he's desperate and needy.
and he's made to be fucked.
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Kaito Tenjo
OK TO PREFACE im only about halfway through zexal rn (on about episode 82) so I don't have the full Kaito spectrum on my plate just yet, but here's my thoughts with what I've got from him so far:
favorite thing about them: like looking at everything about Kaito/Kite on the table, he is....an extraordinarily silly yugioh character, and I adore that about him. He's this weirdo 18 year old beefing with middle schoolers AND he has turbo bad dad problems AND he has a funny little robot sidekick AND he flies around on the robot AND he's a very very sweet big brother (I love his interactions with Hart especially, the way his whole demeanor shifts...really really good.)
least favorite thing about them: ok this one isnt really Kite's fault but oh my Fucking god galaxy eyes decks on duel links are an absolute un-nerfec NIGHTMARE to deal with to the point that every time i run into a Kite main i groan internally because I know the next eight minutes or so are going to Suck. konami nerf that fucking skill PLEASE.
favorite line: ok so in the dub which is what i watch, he only ever calls his father "Dr. Faker", like, exclusively. Except towards the end of zexal I when Faker's about to fall into the Barian Wormhole Black Hole Fuckery Whatever, and Kite says "Now where's my dad?" And that's just such a lovely subtle little choice there with the language, I really like it. I love ygo families so much.
brOTP: I love his relationship with Hart so much, but I also ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO BITS the dynamic he has with Quinton/V/Chris Arclight....like they really clocked me over the head with Surprise Surrogate Siblings Moments with the kite/quinton duel during the WDC and that has me BARKING AND HOWLING!!! MY TYPE OF CONTENT
OTP: idk if i have one rn?? Kind of vibing with aro Kite in general tbh. firing my beam attack (aromanticism)
nOTP: kite/yuma...... nnnnot a fan. You Are 18 Go Date Someone Who's Not a Middle Schooler. Please.
random headcanon: I feel like this guy definitely forgets to eat and will routinely keep like. a granola bar or jerky in his big stupid coat that he inevitably forgets is in there until it's been pulverized to crumbs post-flying around on Orbital adventure.
unpopular opinion: again dont really know whats popular and whats unpopular but kite's like....role in the story does perplex me a little (not in a bad way. just in a I'm Thinking About This Way). Like it's not uncommon for ygos to give the protag secondary rivals (hi jaden) but Kite and Shark are really like BOTH jammed into the Designated Rival slot and it's an interesting choice. wait hang on as im typing this im having the brain blast---is kite supposed to be ASTRAL'S rival, not yuma's??? HANG ON. SECTION CANCELED I NEED TO THINK ON THAT ONE.
song i associate with them: dont have one. maybe sometime after i finish the series....
favorite picture of them: i just really like how he looks here. luv when zexal characters have really tiny irises. <3 reminds me of my art style.
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leclerqued · 2 years
Okay guys hear me out: if you're like me, aka you like fruit but you hate cutting them when you feel like eating one, and also are always afraid they might go bad, so you can't buy too many because of that, but at the same time you can't go every day at the grocery store...
It takes a bit of meal prep, but I got the perfect breakfast (and honestly I've been eating this stuff for lunch and dinner bc I'm obsessed)
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Here is it: bear with me, I'm not the best photographer out there...
So you take a bunch of fruit, like a melon, 2kg of bananas, 2kg of peaches, whatever you want. Sit and be mindful that you're gonna be cutting stuff for 2 hrs straight-
I like to put bananas & melon (bc they're super cheap) but if you find some offers on fruit, just take a bunchhhhh
Also: strawberries. JEEZ, so good. They're just not in season rn and also they're pretty expensive. But gawd they're good.
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Ok, now we wash the fuckton of fruit we've bought, clean it, cut it, mix it (melon and banana is the best mix out there) and put the portions in freezer-safe containers; freezer bags work too but you know, plastic...
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Ok, stuff all that fruit in the freezer. Now, whenever you feel like it, take one lil bag, put it 30-40 secs in the microwave (just so that your mixer doesn't explode), move it to the mixer with a lot of soy milk (or whatever milk you like best, soy milk is light and cheap so I use that) and MIXXXX it to make a sort of milkshake.
Pour that in a breakfast bowl, add cereals (I love granola), chia seeds, almonds, nuts, goji berries, whatever the hell you want. Mix it. Enjoy a refreshing and yummy meal <3
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hwanswerland · 1 year
Well damn. The Twitter evacuation is wrecking chaos on Kpop tumblr. Glad to see that so far most of Atinyblr (and Caratblr) are staying level-headed and keeping things under control. Seems uncomfy though.
Sincerely, a multi-stay who has no idea what Kpop twitter was like, and is hoping the best for you all. Here, have some food from the Breakfast Bike (I used to do this all the time in early 2020 back on v-live before I left. Just pretend it's a food truck for your atiny friends, but it's a motorbike)
We got various coffees, teas, and milk (including chocolate milk and alternatives for the lactose-intolerant crowd)
Various breakfast breads. Croissants, pancakes, waffles, bagels, and bread. You'll need to toast the bread yourself, but I got a toaster too. Plus various butters and jams.
Eggs (fried or boiled. Scrambled is also available)
And this is the custom fruit salad station. We got some corn flakes and granola and yogurt if you prefer parfaits. Fruits include apples, more apples, watermelon, bananas and ananas (multilingual words puns ha), grapes, blueberries, strawberries, and also even more apples for the ribos. (Listen. Usually I have a hard time picking biases. But the first time I heard Jongho's voice it was like 'yeah that's my favourite member'.)
Anyway, help yourself. Same goes for your Atinyblr and Caratblr friends too! And perhaps Stayblr and Monbebeblr too. And basically all the multis. :)
aww yes thank you anon, that's the energy we need!! <33
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ngl i wish that was a real food truck because I would eat all of that rn and have a nice coffe 🥲 so virtually i'm getting some of everything
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athenam · 2 months
I also have a lot of food opinions, so I'm curious to hear what yours are?
hooray!! I get to type my nonsense :)) first of all, chocolate is better than vanilla, I will die on this hill. I say this first cause this is one of the many things that me and my partner have different opinions on.
the rest of this is gonna go under a cut tho cause I have a lot to say and I am someone who needs to give context before I say just about anything so I end up going on tangents
I am a really picky eater and that is mostly because of my severe texture and smell aversions and also sometimes my misophonia gets in the way of that stuff too aka making me lose my appetite or ability to eat because of the effect it has on me
I am such a picky eater that my dad got me a shirt that says "I'll just have the chicken tenders" cause that is one of my only safe foods and it's like the only thing I get at restaurants and I honestly think that most foods, however good they may be, are vile purely because of their texture or smell
I also have a big problem with foods mixing and the clash of textures so that makes me not like a lot of foods like soup, tacos, and salad, there are exceptions to this tho, but there are exceptions to everything
I don't like cheese, in any form besides pizza, mac and cheese, and like goldfish and stuff like that. I think it's because I used to have a slice of cheese every day in my lunch and i had it to much, but one day it just started to absolutely disgust me. I also don't like milk, idk why it just is bad
I don't like most meats, specifically red meats, and that's one of the main reasons I have an iorn deficiency, among others. but I just can't deal with them and idk if it's the look of it, the texture, the smell, or the noise but I can't eat it. I think it also might have to do with the thought of steak being cooked to different degrees and some people basically eating it raw because raw meat is another thing that will actually make me throw up if I have to touch it
I actually like broccoli, but I hate peas and green beans are only good if it's a specific kind
my iorn deficiency controls some of the things I like, such as my habit of sometimes just eating ice or my need for everything to have twice as much salt on it as normal. (this is reminding me to go take my iron pills) I get most of my iron from almonds and raisins, in fact I have a whole bag of almonds that I snack on just randomly in my room rn
I also lack protein in my diet, so I eat protein granola bars and yogurt almost every day, thankfully I like more things with protein in them than iron
sour candy is superior I'm every way. I LOVEEEE sour candy so much, it's amazing, also nerds gummy clusters are so gooddd
Reeses are overrated and the peanut butter in them makes me want to throw up because of the texture, also the ads always have whispering and chewing in them and it makes me want to rip my ears out of my head
Eggs are by far one of the worst textured things in the world, it doesn't matter how you cook or prepare them cause they will ALWAYS feel bad in my mouth and I will spit them out
I don't understand some people's hatred for peanut butter, I think it's fine, but that might be because I grew up on pp&js so idk
anyways, thank you for coming to my ted talk about my food opinions congrats on getting to the end of something that is about as many words as like a 2 page essay please share your thoughts, I would love to hear them :)
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Monday, January 8th, 2024!
11:32am HCI class this morning, really boring still I regret to inform everyone 😂 no tests this semester, just projects. Easy A but a real brain drain. Not letting the brain drain get to me though! Hopped out of that class (9-11am) and now I'm at Panera getting free coffee (it's chilly out!). I'm going to shoe carnival to use a $15 voucher and also other little errands today. I just realized I'm really hungry (I had 2 prebiotic sodas last night and absolutely BLEW UP this morning so I actually don't think there's anything in my stomach tbh haha). I think I should get a snack bc my stomach will pass start hurting soon. Just checking in! New semesters can be overwhelming so I'm gonna keep coming back here.
11:49am have selected bogo bacon mcdoubles for lunch with my coffee :) eating food is good for you! I am very thankful ❤️
2:34pm lol I went down a rabbit hole and I'm about to be off my phone for the rest of the day. But it's worth it bc I looked on Vividseats and found a $20 after tax ticket to see Company at the Straz tmrw. I have heard of this musical before but didn't know what it was or any of the songs. Omg I didn't the last 1.5 hrs listening to the original Broadway cast recording in my car and investigating the plot and I am very excited!! This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about I had no idea that's what I was going to do today and definitely had no idea I was going to see a Broadway show tomorrow night when I freaking woke up this morning, how do I explain to people that this literally is my hobby. Novelty and new experiences is my hobby. Learning about things is my hobby. Listening to new music is my hobby. Reading about how they are being hot and *controversial* about the gender swap in this revival of a 50+ year old play?? I find this fascinating and I am excited AF now about something I couldn't tell you one lick about this morning. This is my favorite thing to do. This is such a perfect example of my idea of a good time.
Do other people never do things like this?? It's spontaneous, but not expensive or dangerous or retarded, it's just spontaneous and interesting to me personally.
4:05pm I actually went to shoe carnival and used the coupon in their email and got a pair of yellow box sandals for $7 even! Just got home, ate a granola bar and am about to take a nap.
11:45pm I want to text him. I'm ALSO FIVE DRINKS IN LMAO. OFC I wish I had a man to fuck rn. I GOT MYSELF DINNER AND DRINKS!!!! NOW it feels like I've been wined and dined and primed to FUCK. But it's literally just me.... I wined and dined myself bc it's the first day of school, things are stressful and they're bound to be more stressful going forward. I wanted to treat myself before I get depressed AF. Is there another man/ woman here?? Fuck NO. I got ME, MYSELF and I BITCH. Dinner was a delicious pizza from king state and a cocktail and 4 shots while I watched "Hair" so yeah ofc I'm COMFORTABLE AND TURNED ON THAT'S LITERALLY ALL IT FUCKING TAKES I'M NOT DIFFICULT BY ANY FUCKING MEANS. one day there will be a man that understands, but until then it's just me, I got me, I know me better than anyone else. All the men I've met are JUST A DELUSION IN MY MIND BRO I KNOW WHAT I WANT AND I *CLEARLY* HAVE NOT MET HIM YET and that's ok,bc ..... I got ME.
1:34am why TF am I still awake ooooorhhg I am killing myself fr.
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i-want-purity-bxtch · 6 months
I'm like so sick rn but it's okay bc I've been eating less lolz.
1st day I was sick I ate
2 packs of seaweed
8 guava hard candies
A plate of spaghetti
1 piece of chocolate
Total cals: 537
Second day I was sick I ate
½ a small bowl of broccoli and cheese soup
½ a bowl of ice cream
Total cals: 400
The third day I was sick I ate (today)
Kfc famous bowl
½ a small bowl of broccoli and cheese soup
Total cals: 852
I was weak very badly today so I ended up eating before I normally would. I have been on the brink of puking my guts out the last 3 days. I'm proud tho bc at least I'll be thinner than I was before the sickness lolz. I can't wait for this illness to be done. I want to work out again before it gets too bad outside. When I am not sick I work out every morning now and I only eat dinner, usually around 6:30 pm -7:00 pm and I walk for about 45 minutes every day. I usually eat mall food for dinner that is usually gyros or again food, so they are lower cals but more filling. Also I eat like 2 Granola bars at work which are 100 cals each so I stay pretty full during the day. I drink lots of water now and I have been working more on routine. So yeah ^^
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maltruenorth · 5 years
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