#also i just want solos of all the songs so i can mash them together hee hee :)
bmpmp3 · 1 year
SUCH a shame that the 12 member versions coming out of all those nijigasaki songs don’t really rearrange the solos so mia lanzhu and shioriko can get their own lines. i like the way they sound ‘cause i love the choir-like sound of a 12 member group but like....let tha monster girls have a turn ;-;
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fallingsunflower · 10 months
My thoughts on Harry's break part 2/2
I want to share some of my thoughts that I've kept bottled up over the past couple of years but it seems pertinent to share them now.
For those who don't know - hi, I'm Sunny. I run this blog but I also have a background in psychology. I have 2 degrees, have worked in several schools and a psychiatric hospital, and have done extensive research in multiple areas of psychology that overlap with what I'm about to outline.
Celebrities aren't my area of expertise. This is just an educated opinion.
You can read my opinion on what Harry's been up to here. I outlined it like that because I wanted to show that Harry's been on the move for a reallllly long time. He keeps busy and busy and while although I think a break is necessary, I don't think it's as simple as that.
Love On Tour consisted of 2 eras - Fine Line and Harry's House - mashed into about 5 years. I think the emotional ending to Love On Tour was partially due to Harry finally saying goodbye to these eras. It was probably mentally exhausting for him to cope with that. In my opinion, the song he composed for the last show wasn't a goodbye song but rather a thank you song to express what words cannot (I often say Harry isn't very good at words). So I think he wanted to express himself via song to end a very good and emotional time in his life.
This was also only Harry's SECOND world tour. I know it felt like a lifetime but he only did Love On Tour and Live On Tour. So when he says it was the time of his life and he'll never forget it, that's because it was LITERALLY HIS SECOND SOLO TOUR. Both his tours were great but I'm sure this one was probably more enjoyable for him. He seemed to fall into a groove and grew in popularity and success. He was selling out stadiums and I think he realized he was creating something incredibly good - such as the good part of the fandom that came together like a family. I think he felt loved and appreciated.
Piggy-backing off of that into more of a psychological route, there's a lot that happens when an artist is on tour. They're surrounded by people 24/7. They have people telling them every day how much they love them. They are also doing something that they love to do. Harry specifically said performing is his favorite thing in the world to do.
So when the lights go down and the tour ends and the artist goes home, it's probably quiet. It's something we struggle to relate to. There are no more people around. There's no more of that extreme love. There's a pause in doing something really enjoyable.
I suspect it's depressing and maybe even a little bit scary. I don't think Harry likes being alone. I think he likes to be busy, even though I think a break will do him good. I just hope he has a good support system. A lot of artists struggle with the in-between time. I won't go into details but I've always worried a little bit about it.
With all that being said, I think it was just plain old emotionally hard for Harry to leave that stage. I think he longs to go back even though it was tiring because sometimes staying busy is better than being left alone to your own thoughts. So I think we're seeing a lot of that aftermath.
Now idk if Harry is going to be taking an extended break. He COULD be but I really just think it was an emotional end for him. I don't think he's retiring or will be gone for a suuuuper long time. I'm also not sure what his Marvel plans look like but I just can't see him putting music on the back burner. He said over and over on LOT that music is his favorite part of his job. Rumors of his retirement have been circulating for months.
This was a pretty long post to explain something but I think it's a complicated subject and people are taking it in multiple extremes. It's also hard to have a convo on Tumblr lmao I prefer in-person but obviously that's not possible (how fun would that be though LMAO)
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ilgaksu · 10 months
I know they’re not really in all the shows (😢) but are there aspects of different adaptations’ versions of heihua that you draw on for particular personality traits (or I suppose if you want are there adaptations that you feel mischaracterized them)?
I've mentioned this in private conversation with people but I've realised recently that not everyone is aware that when I'm writing my heihua, it's deliberately a mash-up between Liu Yuhan's Xiao Hua (Ultimate Note) and Ji Chen's Hei Xiazi (SH, award-winning heihua movie, etc) and I did this for multiple reasons!!
so, the ~ilgaksu heihua extended cinematic universe~ or whatever we're calling it is actually very deliberately taking place in a very limited time-frame. It starts directly post-UN, when Xiao Hua is around 24/25, and ends when he's about 31. Literally every fic, bar On Anatomy, is designed to take place in that time-frame. It's basically me writing the early years of a marriage, as well as a bildungsroman from Xiao Hua's POV. The idea is that if you read the fics and try and flip the POV that they're in, they're actually telling very different love stories.
Xiao Hua's version of their relationship is the experience of a big first queer love and reckoning with how that contextualises a lot of his life he's been trying to emotionally suppress rather than reckon with (childhood, grief, gender, family; the emotional damage of growing up the only trans kid he ever knew and therefore a permanent anomaly under pressure to perform a role to survive in the family in his actual gender). It's about someone who effectively is recovering from emotional hypothermia. So, for me, it had to be Liu Yuhan because his Xiao Hua is so painfully young and so clearly grappling still with what it means to be Xie Yuchen, and we see a framework for how Xiao Hua behaves around people he loves which we don't see as much of in other adaptations (because SH really robbed Lay in giving him very limited interactions with characters he really cares for and focuses on how he operates solo. I think it's robbed because I think Lay's performance is deeply underrated).
Hei Xiazi's version of their relationship is basically the terror of having been on this ride before, and the rollercoaster of it broke your legs, and you're still choosing to try and get back on it again. It's basically this song. And Ji Chen's Hei Xiazi is just so much emotionally heavier. I feel flippant to say he's giving off divorced single dad energy who eats alone far too often in SH, but honestly he's giving that off nonstop. There's a real exhaustion and self-awareness and irony in his performance, and both a mixture of the potential for violence and the choice to withhold it. I think a lot about how he behaves around Liang Wan and Su Wan when they jump off the cliff together, and how telling it is that in a situation where he feels he's walking them to their deaths, he takes their hands.
Simultaneously, both of them are living through the reality of being loved as a person, when I would argue both of them have been depersonalised and unpersoned through their lives, and are viewed in terms of what they symbolise to people, or what they can supply. The cost of being a person in a world that doesn't want people like you to even be alive is really something I want to explore with them, and so it matters to me that visually you have Xie Yuchen as someone very young, who doesn't understand how not to fight for it and that he can stop fighting sometimes, and Hei Xiazi who has given up fighting for it and is being forcibly compelled back into it.
Also - I think when the age difference is so visibly codified by having a 20something visual against a 40something one it matters in terms of how they address it - it's always permanently in the room without any ability to not see it. I've been told it also emphasises the care and tenderness my Hei Xiazi is showing to Xiao Hua - it's not just someone loving someone younger, but an older queer man whose experiences of it are different reaching across literal generations.
I pull on other aspects too - some bits from the novels, some of the way UN structures HeiHua's dialogue (although I tend to work off analysis of linguistic features of LYH's and Ji Chen's and splice them against each other) and knowing that, in my head, Ji Xiaobing is the reality of my Xie Yuchen at 40, and figuring out how he'll get there. I think that arguments of mischaracterisation come down to what aspects of the character are being explored - I think we see in some series Xie Yuchen as opposed to Xiao Hua for example and I can rant about that some if people want, but this ask is REALLY LONG ALREADY.
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openingnightposts · 3 months
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tooruluv · 4 years
Tooru Oikawa x F!Reader ( part 2 )
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❝ my love for him is much like winter, a skeleton for the world to see. too bad he never liked the cold. ❞
description: being the neighbor and lifelong best friend of tooru oikawa definitely had it’s perks. you were never an outcast, always had a seat at lunch, got into volleyball games for free. the problem was, however, that being in love with him outweighed those perks. you would never tell him that, though, even if it hurt like hell.
genre: best friends to lovers, angst, unrequited love, fluff if you squint hard enough
word count: 2,029
warnings/notes: the “party scene” so mentions of alcohol, underage drinking, weed, getting high, and some mentions of sex, mentions of throwing up, strong language (per usual), lots of angst, i based a lot of the experience on american high school simply because it’s easier for me to write
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Now, the exact day you fell in love with your best friend didn’t exist. There was no specific day, no specific realization, no “I had a dream about him”, no sudden “I see him in a different light”. It was a messy timeline of a million things, a mixture of waiting and wanting compiled together into what you determined to be love.
“How long have you been in love with him, anyway?” Iwaizumi asked you one evening.
It was after volleyball practice, and the two of you were sitting on your bedroom floor. He was leaning his back against your bed, one leg bent at the knee, his practice jersey still on, moonlight dancing off of his skin.
You would be lying if you denied his attractiveness (Like, c’mon, have you seen him? Seriously, there must be something in the volleyball water.. anyway..). You just never viewed him as anything other than a friend, a good one.
You were laying beside him, legs propped up on your bed and your head on the floor.
“I don’t know.” you told him honestly.
It was at that exact moment that you realized something else: you never openly admitted your love for Tooru Oikawa. Not once had the words slipped past your lips, to yourself or to someone else. The longest secret kept, in your opinion.
“I guess it all kind of mixes together, in the end.” you explained, deciding that the ceiling is the most interesting thing to look at. “Do you remember, when we were kids, and we were playing outside? And I brought that tub thing of peanuts?”
“Yeah, I remember that.”
“And ‘Kawa called me stupid for bringing it because it wasn’t…”
“It wasn’t peanut butter and why have peanuts when they weren’t spreadable?” Iwaizumi finished with a small laugh.
“Yeah. I think that was one moment that I was like “oh”. He even threw them at me.”
The two of you sat in silence for what felt like half an hour. It was a comfortable silence, one of processed memories and fondness.
“He does still call you nut.” Iwaizumi spoke into silence. You smiled.
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“I should beat your ass! You scared the shit out of me!”
You were walking out of class when hands clasped around your sides. Your immediate reaction was one of both terror and putting your guard up, which ended up with you jumping and going to punch whoever just attacked. Luckily, it happened to be the tall, brown-haired volleyball captain.
“You’re cute.” he walked with you.
“What do you want from me, ‘Kawa?” you asked, pausing in the hallway in front of your next class.
“What could you possibly mean? I can’t just scare the shit out of my best friend?”
This fucker.
“You can scare me until I pee.” You crossed your arms, looking into his eyes. He always seemed to stand too close to you. “But you never call me cute unless you need something from me.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about. You are very cute. The cutest.”
You squinted up at him, trying to see through his lies. He smirked.
“Soooo… there is something I want to ask you. Completely irrelevant from me calling you cute. That would have nothing to do with this request. Have I mentioned that you look good in the uniform? It really…”
“You’re a dork. Ask.”
“Do you still talk to that one guy from across town? The guy you buy alc from?”
“You want me to buy alcohol for the party.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement. He pursed his lips. “Yes, I can get it. Now get to class before you’re late.”
Oikawa smiled, eyes squinting and tongue between his teeth. “You’re the best!” he exclaimed as he picked you up in a hug. 
You watched as he jogged down the hall.
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You knew your way around. It was a gift you had: the ability to just talk up anyone and find a way to get what you’re looking for. You knew people all over Japan, to be honest, that could help you in basically any way. It had been that way since you were younger.
The first time you ever bought alcohol is when you were thirteen. And it wasn’t even for drinking. You and your friends (when you had a million friends and not two) wanted to play spin the bottle and figured it would look cooler if you were to use an actual “drink”. You gave it to your mom as a gift after.
Since then, you had bought drinks for various things. Parties, get togethers. It was only when Oikawa’s older brother wasn’t able to get it for you guys, of course.
This was one of those times.
There was this little shop a little ways away (in Torono, to be specific) that never ever ID’d anyone. You would always go there to buy since you found it at thirteen, to the point that you and the owner were on first name bases. Sometimes you would have actual conversations, if he was in the mood. Sometimes you barely spoke, but he would still bag the bottles for you.
His eyes only lifted from what he was reading for a moment to catch yours as you entered the Sakanoshita Store. You were already by the alcohol.
“You’re still not of age, kid.” he spoke through the cigarette.
“You’re still smoking.” you joked. You placed like ten bottles on the counter. “I thought you were going to try and stop. Health and all.”
“I know you’re not talking to me about health, you little alcoholic.” he sat up, running a hand up his hair to fix his headband. “Just give me the money before someone comes in.”
The exchange was fast, per usual, and you were leaving with a black bag of fun. “Thank you, my darling Keishin!”
“Get out of my store. Don’t die.”
And he was back to reading, cigarette still hanging from his lip.
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The volleyball tournament ended the exact way Oikawa thought it would: wins. So, that meant that the party was already in full swing before the sun was down. You were moving between crowds, cup in hand.
It was not a secret that you were Oikawa’s, and (by association) the rest of the volleyball team’s, best friend. You sat with them at lunch, you interacted in the hallways, you let some of the boys copy your homework. It was quite obvious. That was the main reason so many people approached you. Their main goal was popularity through the most popular and successful sports team at the school. You didn’t mind.
It was when the girls would come up to you asking you to put in a good word for them to Oikawa that you had to put on a fake smile and say “yeah!” or “of course, I’ll give him your number!”. They never made it past your memory.
“What do you think?” The man of the hour asked from his position beside you. You were watching the party from the kitchen, the already drunk laughs and conversations blurred into a single volume. “How much cleaning do you think we’ll have to endure?”
“Ah, definitely hours.” You took a sip from your cup. You offered him your cup, knowing whatever’s in his cup is nonalcoholic. “You might as well live a little. Take a guzzle, you earned it.”
“You know I don’t drink.”
“But you’ll get high.”
“That I will do.” He took a sip of his cup. Maybe he put his drink in a red solo cup to look like he’s drinking, or maybe he just did it because it was better than drinking out of an actual juice box. You didn’t bother him with it. “Speaking of getting so high I forget everything around me, I gotta find Hanamaki.”
“Have fun!”
“Without you? Unlikely.” he joked. Your stomach turned.
You didn’t know if it was because of the alcohol or the love.
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“Technically, you’ve kissed Oikawa.” Iwaizumi told you as you both sat in the corner. You were both definitely tipsy, but not quite drunk yet.
You scoffed. “What are you talking about?”
Tooru Oikawa has kissed you, sure, but never once had it been on the lips. He had left kisses on your forehead, cheeks, temple, top of your head. Even one time on your hand. But never lip to lip. And Iwaizumi bringing it up out of nowhere made your cheeks heat up. You blamed whatever was in your cup.
“We played spin the bottle before. I kissed both Oikawa and you. And by contact, your lips were also on his.”
“You are a shitstain in my underwear, Iwa.”
“Ah yes, that was the most ladylike sentence I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth.”
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“Dance with me!” you pulled Oikawa with you to the dance floor. It was freshman year, and both of your families were invited to a wedding. It was some woman your moms were friends with, you don’t remember.
But he agreed, and let you drag him along as you danced. The songs were fun and fast, and a majority of the reception guests were dancing their hearts away on the floor.
“You’re really beautiful, you know that?” he told you that day, in the midst of the summer sun.
That was one of those moments. Those blurred moments you wished you could record to memory as the beginning of your love for him.
“You’re not too bad yourself.” You told him, but your mind screamed you’re beautiful too.
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The night was something between a blur and random scenes mashed together. Several drinks later (why did the vodka taste like water?) and hits from multiple joints, you were staring in tunnel vision.
You remember a snippet here, a minute there. You danced with Iwa for a bit, before he went to do something. You hung out with some people on the couches for a bit, and there was definitely a lot of laughing. You remember laughing.
What were you doing again?
Oh yeah, you were trying to find Oikawa. You didn’t know what exactly you wanted so desperately to tell him. You figured your drunken mind would find out what you wanted when you found him.
Scanning the crowds, you couldn’t find the boy. The house wasn’t that huge, he had to be somewhere. Come to think of it, you hadn’t seen him at all since he went to get high with some of the boys.
Finally catching a glimpse of him, you smiled to yourself. You were going to do it. Maybe today, maybe at some trashy party Oikawa threw, would be the day you would tell him you were in love with him. Maybe not. You didn’t really know. You just knew that you missed him and needed, desperately, to talk to him. Hear his voice.
Maybe you were pretty drunk, mind drifting away.
And he just happened to be your anchor.
Everything was moving around you. In slow motion or way too fast, you couldn’t really tell. That was, until everything froze at once.
Oikawa was standing in the far corner of the party, with someone else. He had his tongue down her throat, lips chasing hers in some passionate dance you only wished you knew what felt like.
You only stood there as he groped her, and her hands in his hair. You didn’t recognize her at all. But he was unmistakable. Even with his hair sweaty and in front of his face, he was undeniable.
You were going to throw up. 
You had to find Iwaizumi.
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“Takahiro Hanamaki!” You waved to the man. He immediately caught your eye and came to you.
“What’s up? Oh, shit you’re drunk.” He helped as you nearly stumbled. His arm stayed under your armpit as he stood in front of you.
“Have you seen Iwa? Need to talk to him. Best friend emergency.”
“I thought Tooru was your best friend.” Hanamaki looked behind you, eyes scanning over the people for you. You almost threw up on the spot at the sound of his name.
There was a huge difference in hearing about Oikawa’s girls and hearing about who was in his bed, and seeing it with your own eyes. It made you sick to your stomach. You lost all breath, all feeling in your body. You didn’t know to be mad or jealous or upset. You decided that you were going to be all three.
“The last time I talked to Iwa, he went that way. He might be throwing up somewhere or something.”
“Okay, thanks my little wing spiker. My little outside hitter. My stoner boy.” you pinched his cheek.
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” he asked before letting you go. “You look like you were crying.”
Were you? Did you cry? You didn’t think you did. But it was definitely a possibility as you have been trying not to do just that for the past ten minutes.
“I don’t know, I think I’m just red from being crossed. I can’t even see straight. Ha ha.”
Hanamaki didn’t press it further, but he did give you a smile and hand you a water bottle. You liked being friends with the team.
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The volleyball team were always the nicest towards you. They greeted you with smiles whenever they would come across you in the hallway, always made sure you had a smile on your face.
They all knew, too. It wasn’t hard to see how out of the entire team, Oikawa had you wrapped around his finger. (Unintentionally, of course). They tried to get him to notice. “She looks good today, right, Oikawa?” or “It’s Saturday, don’t you have plans?”. Not that their efforts helped.
Maybe one day Oikawa will know too.
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You found Iwaizumi in a closet near the stairs. The party was still in full effect, but it was quiet near there. The only problem was that he was not alone, and was, in fact, preoccupied with someone's tongue down his throat.
“I swear to everything that is holy, I am so sick of finding people like this.” you sighed. “The second time today and I’m going to seriously vomit all over the place. I’m not kidding.”
Iwaizumi gasped, pulling away from whoever he was with. It wasn’t until they were both apart that you realized who it was.
You got pulled into the closet, the door slamming behind you.
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kingstylesdaily · 4 years
Stevie Nicks Answers All Our Questions About Harry Styles
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Of all the disciples to worship at the altar of Stevie Nicks, none have managed to capture the attention of rock’s reigning priestess quite like Harry Styles.
The 26-year-old rocker (who this week received three Grammy nominations) is the Gucci-clad poster boy carrying the torch for a bygone era of music history that the Fleetwood Mac frontwoman helped crystallize. Styles recently cited the group’s 1977 (and still charting) classic “Dreams” as one of the first songs he learned the words to growing up. Their friendship began in 2015 after the former One Direction member presented his idol with a hand-piped birthday cake after a Fleetwood Mac gig in London. (“Glad she liked carrot cake,” he later said.) The years since have seen the duo’s mutual affection blossom into one of pop culture’s most cherished bondings.
Last year, when Styles inducted Nicks into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, he proclaimed the 72-year-old “everything you’ve ever wanted in a lady, a lover, in a friend.” Nicks has gushed about him in interviews as everything from “the son she never had” to her “love child” with bandmate Mick Fleetwood. Styles earned her official seal of approval after covering “The Chain” every night of his first solo tour in support of a record that sounds closer to Crosby, Stills & Nash than anything he released under his prior band.
“Harry could’ve lost a lot of fans, but he didn’t,” Nicks recently told Vogue over the phone. “I’m so proud of him because he took a risk and didn’t go the One Direction route. He loves One Direction, I love One Direction, and a gazillion other people do too, but Harry didn’t wanna go the pop route. He wanted straight-up rock and roll circa 1975.”  
Nicks has been embracing some of the busiest years of her dual careers as both Fleetwood Mac frontwoman and solo sorceress—and doing so amid a global pandemic. Since she last performed with Styles at the Forum for his Fine Line release show in December, she’s released a 24 Karat Gold concert film and “Show Them the Way,” her politically minded single and first piece of original music in six years. After Miley Cyrus asked for Nicks’s blessing before releasing her “Edge of Seventeen”–tinged “Midnight Sky,” the two joined forces for an exhilarating new mash-up titled “Edge of Midnight.”
In honor of Styles making history as the magazine’s first solo cover boy, Nicks caught up with Vogue to answer all our questions about their cosmic connection. Currently beachside with her quarantine bubble in Hawaii, she’s been doing what one would expect Stevie Nicks to be up to during a pandemic: writing new music, dancing around her house to “Watermelon Sugar,” and “casting little spells.” As befitting rock’s foremost storyteller, our intended 30-minute chat turned into a two-hour confessional about her love of Styles, working with Cyrus for the first time, joining Fleetwood Mac, the president-elect Joe Biden, the Met Gala, betta fish funerals, and much more.
ksd note: edited to only include Q&A about Stevie and Harry!
Did you get a chance to look through Harry’s cover story yet?  
Right before I called you, I sat here and looked at all the pictures on my new iPad. What can I say? That’s my Harry. I think the thing that’s most wonderful about him—and I’ve told him this, and sometimes I think he takes it the wrong way—is that he’s such a kooky guy. He’s the type of person you’d wanna live next door to. He’d look out the window, see you having a hard time planting flowers, and rush out asking, “Can I help you with those roses?” “Sure, but you are Harry Styles, right?” That’s who he is.
I really only know him to a certain extent, but I have gotten to experience some big moments in his life, like when he released his first solo record at the Troubadour. I always think of Tom Petty saying, “So, you wanna be a rock star or you wanna be a pop star?” It’s two completely different things, and he really could have gone pop like his friend Zayn [Malik]. I was sorry that Zayn didn’t keep going more because I thought he was really good. But he took the pop route, which I think was right for him. Harry could’ve lost a lot of fans doing rock and roll, but he didn’t. Harry did a long tour with that first record and said, “I’m a different person now. I have a full-on rock band, and this is what I’m gonna do.” With many of my records, I’ll stuff down peoples’ throats until they like it, and that’s exactly what he did. Then he went away and wrote Fine Line, one of my favorite records.
What were your immediate thoughts listening to Fine Line for the first time?
Me and four of my friends sat with Harry in his living room  in London and listened to it a few times before it came out. But it wasn’t really Fine Line yet. The first time we listened to it, nobody really said anything. The second time everyone started to go, “I think this song is great, but it should be second in the sequence.” By the third listen, it was five girls screaming, “Well, Harry really now, I think you need to take these four that are called Harry Songs and do this and that—” while he’s sinking in his reclining chair thinking, Are these women ever gonna leave? Thanks for your opinions, but oh, my God, stop already.  
What changed when you heard the record in it’s finished form?
This record means a lot to me. When it was all put together, I listened and said, “Oh, my god, the Beatles live.” A whole lot of people live in these songs. Fleetwood Mac lives there. I live there. When I listen to “Fine Line,” I hear melodies that would’ve worked on “A Day in the Life. “It has that same kind of complexity. I think the Beatles would’ve thought, Here we’ve influenced a young man who took some incredible things from us and made them his own years and years later.
Earlier this year you posted a message saying that Fine Line is Harry’s Rumours. Can you elaborate on what you meant by that?
When Harry asked me to do “Landslide” with him at the Forum, I asked why, and he said, “Because I want you to be there. You were there for my first night at the Troubadour for the first record.” That night I wrote him a letter that said, “This is your Rumours so you have to really respect it and adore it because these kinds of records sometimes don’t ever come again.” Fleetwood Mac went on to make many great records, but people would bet their life on the fact that Rumours was the one. And this might just be the one for Harry. We were all kind of the same age when we made Rumours. I was 28, and Lindsey [Buckingham] was 27. I actually don’t even know how old Harry is—he’s that timeless to me.
Do you have a personal favorite of his songs?
Every one represents a different thing to me. “Sunflower” is such a great little song. He loves to do crazy videos, and one time I called him and said, “I have an idea. You’re gonna be a bee, and the sunflower would be your girlfriend, and you guys would get married and live in a beehive with your little bee children. You’d sing the lyrics ‘kiss in the kitchen like it’s a dance floor duh duh duh’ and show this entire bee relationship.” 
What did he think of that pitch?
When I finished, the other end of the phone was silent. I said, “No, really, think about it. It’ll be fantastical like a Francis Ford Coppola movie.” He’s like, “Yeah, okay...” [laughs]. I also love the “Adore You” video with the little fish because I have my own special relationships with fish.
In what sense?
I always have two beta fish, but they have to be separated otherwise they’ll kill each other. I stick my finger into their aquarium, and the blue one will swim around my hand like a little dolphin. When my fish get old and suddenly die, I have funerals for them in my backyard where I play Celine Dion. I have them filmed, and everything [laughs]. It’s too much, but I thankfully haven’t had any recent fish deaths. I haven’t even been able to sit down and show Harry the videos of my little fish, so when I saw the “Adore You” video, I couldn’t believe it.
Why is it important for you to foster these relationships with younger artists like Harry who’ve been so openly influenced by you?
I’m inspired by them. I’m inspired that Miley wants to make music with me. I’m inspired that the Haim girls are my biggest fans—and I theirs. A lot of these kids are making the amazing records I’ve been waiting for them to make. I’m not like other 72-year-olds. I listen to current music because I want to be current. When people find out how old I am versus the music I’m listening to, they think it doesn’t gel at all. I’ve been collecting musical knowledge since I was in the fourth grade listening to the singles my grandfather used to bring home. I listened to Buddy Holly and the Everly Brothers until the sixth grade when R&B radio became Top 40. I said goodbye country and hello R&B, so it’s not like I’m ever stuck on one thing. What I love about Harry is that he’s very old school but still modern. And that’s kinda like me.
You both also transitioned from massive groups to equally massive solo careers rather seamlessly.
When I decided I wanted to be a solo artist, I’d only been in Fleetwood Mac for a few years. I tried to figure out a way to do it gracefully because I didn’t wanna break up the band. I just wanted to sit at my piano and write poetry. After we did a record and a really long tour, the band scurried off to different parts of the world while I’d just be home writing songs for a year and a half. What did they care what I did while they were all on vacation? I’ve always said all the way through these two careers I’ve had: If you’re in a band first, never break it up.
Do you think One Direction would ever reunite?
I think it’s a good idea. For all we know, One Direction is completely broken up forever. But I think those guys are friends, and five or ten years down the road, they could all go, “You know what, wouldn’t it be really fun to do a One Direction tour?” Because that’s what people do. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did reunite at some point just because they can. And because it would just be fun. Harry is the kind of person who would never stomp on that idea. He would never say, [imitates posh English accent] “Never! I would never do that again!” Because why not just keep the door open?
Was there any particular detail or passage in Harry’s cover story that stuck out to you?
According to this article, he can get in a car with his friend to drive all over Europe then drive back by himself. I stopped driving in 1978 because my driver’s license expired and I’d already made a lot of money. I very smartly thought, “You know what, if someone even hits you and it’s not even your fault but you’re a little drunk, you are done. You’re finished, and the fortune that you’ve made is gone, so why should you drive anyway?” By then me and Christine were very cloistered, but Harry’s able to live a freer life because he’s a guy. He’s like Mick. He has a free life.
Would you say that you don’t?
I’m only comparing us in the way that Harry goes off to the Bahamas to work on songs, then flies back to L.A., then London, then Italy—I can’t do that. I can’t do that by myself. He’s able to do whatever he wants by himself, and it’s a whole different way of life. Being that Harry is a guy, he’s able to be a loner more than I am. As a woman, I’m not free to do all that. Even when I was his age, I couldn’t just get off anywhere I wanted. When we were on the road, Christine and I didn’t have a clue in the world what the boys did. We went to our rooms with security guys standing outside. It’s not like we ever escaped to go club-hopping in downtown Manhattan. We never got to live that life, so freedom as Harry knows it is very different than it’s been for me.
Did you ever have any figure in your life who provided some sense of mentorship the way you have to artists like Harry?
I didn’t really have anyone. If I had any guiding force at all, it probably would’ve been Christine McVie because she was five years older than me. And five years is five years, you know? Chris was friends with Eric Clapton and knew all the famous musicians in London. She’d married John [McVie] and done a bunch of records with Fleetwood Mac before I came along, so she’d been in the music business for a long time. I was breaking up with Lindsey when she was breaking up with John. She was my therapist and my go-to person for just about everything. We had each other to get through that really difficult situation where no one was gonna quit the band. Christine and I kept the whole thing together by telling the three men, “You quit because we’re not stopping” Thank God I had her, but on the other side of that, thank God she had me. We really were a force of nature.
** I’m curious to what extent fashion plays a role in your and Harry’s relationship. Have you** gifted him any accessories that were significant to you?
I actually gave him a ring at the Forum thing. It’s very masculine and has a pink stone in it. I told him it was a pink diamond, but it really isn’t. It would’ve cost $5 million. It was mine, and I really loved it, but I thought, This should be for Harry. You can see it on his hands in the “Falling” video where he’s playing the piano. If Harry and I were in a band together, we’d be trading all kinds of crazy stuff.
What are your thoughts on him being the first solo male cover in Vogue’s history?
It makes me feel so inspired. I’m extremely jealous he’s on the cover of Vogue because I’m 72 years old and have wanted to be on the cover my whole life. I’m such a magazine hag, so I’m incredibly jealous of Harry, but I’ll get over it. As far as all the crazy things he’s wearing, you do whatever you have to do to be on the cover of Vogue. I’m very proud of him, and I think it’s great that there’s a man on the cover…but I should’ve been in the corner off in the distance [laughs]. Did you know I’ve never been to the Met Gala?
We would be honored to have you at the next gala and every one after that. I’m putting this in the article to make sure it’s in the public record.
As Mick Jagger says, “We still have our freedom, but we don’t have much time.” I would like to be not much older than I am now so I can wear a fantastic outfit and entertain everybody. It’s a dream of mine, and most of my dreams have come true, but I need to not be 90 when it happens.
Harry and you could perform together.
We wouldn’t even have to rehearse. We’ve got a couple of duets that are really great. We do “Landslide” and “Two Ghosts” together really well. We actually have five or six terrific acoustic numbers that we could do at the drop of a hat.
You hinted earlier this year that there might be a role for Harry in the miniseries based on the stories of Rhiannon. Is there any update there?
This is probably the third-biggest thing I’ve ever done in my life after Fleetwood Mac and my solo career. There’s a lot to be done in the movie business before I can start riding my horses across the mountains of Wales. I’ve signed with a movie company—I’m not gonna tell you who—and we just signed a writer. I’m not gonna tell you who that is either, but there’s an amazing part for Harry. My favorite character in the series is the only man who goes through all four books. He’s a magician who doesn’t wanna be king, and I think Harry would just be so perfect.
Have you and Harry discussed collaborating on any future music together?
We’re open to making music together because we’ve been very successful when we go onstage just to do one song. I would love to be in a band with Harry, but even if I never saw him in person again, he’s made a record that breaks my heart in a million places like Fine Line. As far as music goes, there’s plenty of fun things that he and I could do. We can just reach out to each other and do it. I’m always ready to slip back into those high-heel black suede boots and become my alter ego.
via Vogue.com
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hlupdate · 4 years
Of all the disciples to worship at the altar of Stevie Nicks, none have managed to capture the attention of rock's reigning priestess quite like Harry Styles.
The 26-year old rocker (who this week received three Grammy nominations) is the Gucci-clad poster-boy carrying the torch for a bygone era of music history that the Fleetwood Mac front-woman helped crystallize. Styles recently cited the group's 1977 (and still charting) classic “Dreams” as one of the first songs he learned the words to growing up. Their friendship began in 2015 after the former One Direction member presented his idol with a hand-piped birthday cake after a Fleetwood Mac gig in London. (“Glad she liked carrot cake,” he later said.) The years since have seen the duo's mutual affection blossom into one of pop culture‘s most cherished bondings.
Last year, when Styles inducted Nicks into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, he proclaimed the 72-year old “everything you’ve ever wanted in a lady, a lover, in a friend.” Nicks has gushed about him in interviews as everything from “the son she never had” to the “love child” of her and bandmate Mick Fleetwood. Styles earned her official seal of approval after covering “The Chain” every night of his first solo tour in support of a record that sounds closer to Crosby, Stills & Nash than anything he released under his prior band.
“Harry could've lost a lot of fans but he didn't. I’m so proud of him because he took a risk and didn’t go the One Direction route," Nicks recently told Vogue over the phone. "He loves One Direction, I love One Direction, and a gazillion other people do too, but Harry didn't wanna go the pop route. He wanted straight-up rock-and-roll circa 1975.”
Nicks has been embracing some of the busiest years of her dual careers as both Fleetwood Mac front-woman and solo sorceress—and doing so in the midst of a global pandemic. Since she last performed with Styles at the Forum for his Fine Line release show in December, she’s released a 24 Karat Gold concert film and “Show Them the Way,” her politically-minded single and first piece of original music in six years. After Miley Cyrus asked for Nicks's blessing before releasing her “Edge of Seventeen”-tinged “Midnight Sky,” the two joined forces for an exhilarating new mash-up titled “Edge of Midnight."
In honor of Styles making history as the magazine’s first solo cover-boy, Nicks caught up with Vogue to answer all our questions about their cosmic connection. Currently beachside with her quarantine bubble in Hawaii, she’s been doing what one would expect Stevie Nicks to be up to during a pandemic: writing new music, dancing around her house to “Watermelon Sugar“ and “casting little spells.” As befitting rock’s foremost storyteller, our intended 30-minute chat turned into a two-hour confessional about her love of Styles, working with Cyrus for the first time, joining Fleetwood Mac, the president-elect Joe Biden, the Met Gala, betta fish funerals, and much more.
Did you get a chance to look through Harry's cover story yet?  
Right before I called you I sat here and looked at all the pictures on my new iPad. What can I say? That's my Harry. I think the thing that’s most wonderful about him—and I've told him this and sometimes I think he takes it the wrong way—is that he’s such a kooky guy. He’s the type of person you'd wanna live next door to. He’d look out the window, see you having a hard time planting flowers and rush out asking "Can I help you with those roses?" "Sure but you are Harry Styles, right?" That's who he is.
I really only know him to a certain extent but I have gotten to experience some big moments in his life like when he released his first solo record at the Troubadour. I always think of Tom Petty saying "So you wanna be a rock star or you wanna be a pop star?" It's two completely different things and he really could have gone pop like his friend Zayn [Malik]. I was sorry that Zayn didn't keep going more because I thought he was really good. But he took the pop route, which I think was right for him. Harry could've lost a lot of fans doing rock-and-roll but he didn't. Harry did a long tour with that first record and said “I'm a different person now. I have a full-on rock band and this is what I'm gonna do.” With many of my records I’ll stuff down peoples' throats until they like it and that's exactly what he did. Then he went away and wrote Fine Line, one of my favorite records.
What were your immediate thoughts listening to Fine Line for the first time?
Me and four of my friends sat with Harry in his living room  in London and listened to it a few times before it came out. But it wasn't really Fine Line yet. The first time we listened to it nobody really said anything. The second time everyone started to go "I think this song is great but it should be second in the sequence." By the third listen it was five girls screaming "Well Harry really now, I think you need to take these four that are called "Harry Songs" and do this and that—” while he’s sinking in his reclining chair thinking "Are these women ever gonna leave? Thanks for your opinions but oh my god stop already."
What changed when you heard the record in it’s finished form?
This record means a lot to me. When it was all put together I listened and said "Oh my god, The Beatles live." A whole lot of people live in these songs. Fleetwood Mac lives there. I live there. When I listen to "Fine Line” I hear melodies that would've worked on “A Day in the Life.“ It has that same kind of complexity. I think the Beatles would've thought “Here we’ve influenced a young man who took some incredible things from us and made them his own years and years later.”
Earlier this year you posted a message saying that Fine Line is Harry’s Rumours. Can you elaborate on what you meant by that?
When Harry asked me to do "Landslide" with him at the Forum I asked why and he said "Because I want you to be there. You were there for my first night at the Troubadour for the first record.” That night I wrote him a letter that said “This is your Rumours so you have to really respect it and adore it because these kinds of records sometimes don't ever come again.” Fleetwood Mac went on to make many great records but people would bet their life on the fact that Rumours was the one. And this might just be the one for Harry. We were all kind of the same age when we made Rumours. I was 28 and Lindsey was 27. I actually don't even know how old Harry is—he's that timeless to me.
Do you have a personal favorite of his songs?
Every one represents a different thing to me. “Sunflower” is such a great little song. He loves to do crazy videos and one time I called him and said “I have an idea. You're gonna be a bee and the sunflower would be your girlfriend, and you guys would get married and live in a beehive with your little bee children. You’d sing the lyrics “kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor duh duh duh” and show this entire bee relationship.”
What did he think of that pitch?
When I finished the other end of the phone was silent. I said "No really, think about it. It’ll be fantastical like a Francis Ford Coppola movie.” He’s like “Yeah, okay...” (laughs). I also love the "Adore You” video with the little fish because I have my own special relationships with fish.
In what sense?
I always have two betta fish but they have to be separated otherwise they'll kill each other. I stick my finger into their aquarium and the blue one will swim around my hand like a little dolphin. When my fish get old and suddenly die I have funerals for them in my backyard where I play Celine Dion. I have them filmed and everything (laughs). It’s too much but I thankfully haven’t had any recent fish deaths. I haven't even been able to sit down and show Harry the videos of my little fish so when I saw the “Adore You” video I couldn’t believe it.
Why is it important for you to foster these relationships with younger artists like Harry who’ve been so openly influenced by you?
I'm inspired by them. I'm inspired that Miley wants to make music with me. I’m inspired that the Haim girls are my biggest fans—and I theirs. A lot of these kids are making the amazing records I’ve been waiting for them to make. I’m not like other 72-year olds. I listen to current music because I want to be current. When people find out how old I am versus the music I'm listening to they think it doesn't gel at all. I’ve been collecting musical knowledge since I was in the fourth grade listening to the singles my grandfather used to bring home. I listened to Buddy Holly and the Everly Brothers until the sixth grade when R&B radio became Top 40. I said goodbye country and hello R&B, so it’s not like I'm ever stuck on one thing. What I love about Harry is that he's very old-school but still modern. And that's kinda like me.
You both also transitioned from massive groups to equally massive solo careers rather seamlessly.
When I decided I wanted to be a solo artist I'd only been in Fleetwood Mac for a few years. I tried to figure out a way to do it gracefully because I didn’t wanna break up the band. I just wanted to sit at my piano and write poetry. After we did a record and a really long tour the band scurried off to different parts of the world while I’d just be home writing songs for a year and a half. What did they care what I did while they were all on vacation? I’ve always said all the way through these two careers I've had: if you're in a band first, never break it up.
I know Beyoncé because I spent a day with Destiny’s Child making the “Bootylicious” video. I owe them a debt of gratitude because that’s the one time I ever got to pretend I played rock-and-roll guitar! But when Beyoncé made the decision to be a solo artist she did not see herself going back to Destiny's Child every couple of years. And that's a perfectly acceptable decision because sometimes that's what people wanna do. I, on the other hand, said why not have the ability to go back to Fleetwood Mac whenever I want? Being a Gemini I get bored really easily, so being able to have those two careers was great.
Do you think One Direction would ever reunite?
I think it's a good idea. For all we know, One Direction is completely broken up forever. But I think those guys are friends and five or ten years down the road they could all go "You know what, wouldn't it be really fun to do a One Direction tour?" Because that's what people do. I wouldn't be surprised if they did reunite at some point just because they can. And because it would just be fun. Harry is the kind of person who would never stomp on that idea. He would never say (imitates posh English accent) "Never! I would never do that again!" Because why not just keep the door open?
Was there any particular detail or passage in Harry’s cover story that stuck out to you?
According to this article he can get in a car with his friend to drive all over Europe then drive back by himself. I stopped driving in 1978 because my driver's license expired and I'd already made a lot of money. I very smartly thought "You know what, if someone even hits you and it's not even your fault but you're a little drunk, you are done. You're finished and the fortune that you've made is gone, so why should you drive anyway?” By then me and Christine were very cloistered, but Harry's able to live a freer life because he's a guy. He's like Mick. He has a free life.
Would you say that you don’t?
I'm only comparing us in the way that Harry goes off to the Bahamas to work on songs then flies back to LA then London then Italy—I can't do that. I can't do that by myself. He's able to do whatever he wants by himself and it's a whole different way of life. Being that Harry is a guy, he's able to be a loner more than I am. As a woman I'm not free to do all that. Even when I was his age I couldn't just get off anywhere I wanted. When we were on the road Christine and I didn't have a clue in the world what the boys did. We went to our rooms with security guys standing outside. It's not like we ever escaped to go club-hopping in downtown Manhattan. We never got to live that life so freedom as Harry knows it is very different than it’s been for me.
Did you ever have any figure in your life who provided some sense of mentorship the way you have to artists like Harry?
I didn't really have anyone. If I had any guiding force at all it probably would've been Christine McVie because she was five years older than me. And five years is five years, you know? Chris was friends with Eric Clapton and knew all the famous musicians in London. She’d married John [McVie] and done a bunch of records with Fleetwood Mac before I came along so she'd been in the music business for a long time. I was breaking up with Lindsey when she was breaking up with John. She was my therapist and my go-to person for just about everything. We had each other to get through that really difficult situation where no one was gonna quit the band. Christine and I kept the whole thing together by telling the three men "You quit because we're not stopping” Thank god I had her, but I think on the other side of that thank god she had me. We really were a force of nature.
I’m curious to what extent fashion plays a role in your and Harry’s relationship. Have you gifted him any accessories that were significant to you?
I actually gave him a ring at the Forum thing. It’s very masculine and has a pink stone in it. I told him it was a pink diamond but it really isn't, it would've cost $5 million. It was mine and I really loved it but I thought "This should be for Harry.” You can see it on his hands in the "Falling" video where he’s playing the piano. If Harry and I were in a band together we’d be trading all kinds of crazy stuff.
How did you come to decide on your all-black stage uniform?
I started getting paid when I joined Fleetwood Mac but up until then I didn't have any money to buy food. All of a sudden we were going on tour so I just packed up my normal clothes. We started eating because there was room service and there I was gaining ten pounds in the middle of the tour. I didn't fit in any of the clothes and I didn't have time to shop so when I got home I said “I can never do this again.” I knew a friend who knew a designer and I told her I needed a uniform because I can't be thinking about what I wanna wear every night. It makes it so much easier since everybody that's in Pittsburgh isn't necessarily gonna be in Philadelphia. Harry's done the same thing with his white pants and pink shirt.
What are your thoughts on him being the first solo male cover in Vogue’s history?
It makes me feel so inspired. I'm extremely jealous he's on the cover of Vogue because I'm seventy-two years old and have wanted to be on the cover my whole life. I’m such a magazine hag, so I’m incredibly jealous of Harry but I'll get over it. As far as all the crazy things he's wearing, you do whatever you have to do to be on the cover of Vogue. I'm very proud of him and I think it's great that there's a man on the cover… but I should've been in the corner off in the distance (laughs). Did you know I've never been to the Met Gala?
We would be honored to have you at the next gala and every one after that. I’m putting this in the article to make sure it’s in the public record.
As Mick Jagger says, "We still have our freedom, but we don't have much time." I would like to be not much older than I am now so I can wear a fantastic outfit and entertain everybody. It's a dream of mine and most of my dreams have come true, but I need to not be ninety when it happens.
Harry and you could perform together.
We wouldn't even have to rehearse. We've got a couple of duets that are really great. We do "Landslide" and “Two Ghosts” together really well. We actually have five or six terrific acoustic numbers that we could do at the drop of a hat.
You hinted earlier this year that there might be a role for Harry in the miniseries based on the stories of Rhiannon. Is there any update there?
This is probably the third-biggest thing I've ever done in my life after Fleetwood Mac and my solo career. There’s a lot to be done in the movie business before I can start riding my horses across the mountains of Wales. I've signed with a movie company—I'm not gonna tell you who—and we just signed a writer. I'm not gonna tell you who that is either but there’s an amazing part for Harry. My favorite character in the series is the only man who goes through all four books. He's a magician who doesn't wanna be king and I think Harry would just be so perfect.
Have you and Harry discussed collaborating on any future music together?
We're open to making music together because we've been very successful when we go onstage just to do one song. I would love to be in a band with Harry but even if I never saw him in person again he’s made a record that breaks my heart in a million places like Fine Line. As far as music goes there's plenty of fun things that he and I could do. We can just reach out to each other and do it. I’m always ready to slip back into those high-heel black suede boots and become my alter ego.
This interview has been edited for clarity and space.
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runicmagitek · 3 years
For the meme -- Eizen?
Ah my favorite pirate! 😍 It’s been some time since I’ve played Tales of Berseria (and it’s the only Tales game I’ve ever played), but hopefully I can recall enough stuff for him. Many thanks for the ask!
OTP for them: Hmmm, I don't really ship him with anyone intensely enough to consider it an OTP :\ flings and stuff, sure, but Eizen has always struck me as a solo guy.
BROTP for them: 100% him and Rokurou. I always enjoyed their banters! Also enjoyed him as a mentor to Laphicet. And while I'm not familiar with the other Tales games, I did like what we saw with him and Edna in Berseria. While I've had a lot of it spoiled for me, I'd love to play Zestiria just to get more backstory, even if it's a sad :\
Other ships: Again, I really don't ship him anyone, but I could see him having a fling Velvet or Rokurou (or both together - you know, get it out of their systems).
What kind of fic I’d write about them: Honestly? Anything with Eizen being an art nerd. Maybe even an AU where he just runs his own art gallery. I remember I died of happiness when I realized he, too, was in love with art. What a guy!
A favorite canon moment: Oh geez, it's been a while since I've played Berseria, but off the top of my head I remember the ending FMV with him on the ship and that got me all teary-eyed.
Color that reminds me of them: Bright orange! I know he's all about that goth look, but the bit of his orange shirt that peeks out always makes me think of him when I see the color elsewhere.
Song that reminds me of them: Oof, I'm gonna have to pass on this one (probably with most of them, honestly) - if I'm not thinking about any fictional character a lot, I don't really have songs that come to mind. I'm sorry :(
A headcanon about them: I remember playing this with my boyfriend and at one point I mentioned how Eizen is clearly bi and when he asked me how I came to that conclusion, I just went, "Well, he's voiced by Taliesin Jaffe (who is also bi), so of course he is." And then he was all, "Oh right, of course he's bi."
A random AU I think up on the spot for them: ART NERD AU. Also, AU where he doesn't die apparently? D:
Anything else: As much as I loved Berseria, holy crap was the combat system a bit too complicated for me D: I always wanted to play Eizen, but I... just couldn't. So I let the AI take over while I mashed buttons on Eleanor and hoped for the best.
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
Tumblr media
//haikyuu but i make them idols. captain edition//
Notes: @icyhearts​ got me obsessed with Fallen Flowers.  I’ve actually been listening to it on repeat for like two days now.  So, icy bby, this is for you and thank you for reminding me just how H A R D k-pop hits🤧
Sawamura Daichi
10/10 the leader of the group.  There is no doubt in my mind about this
R A P P E R 🥵🥵
ngl he’s probably the one that i would stan if this were a real au.  i always gravitate towards the rappers without fail.
He doesn’t have the best stage presence, especially compared to the others
But, he’s really good in interviews. Super charismatic, knowing exactly what to say to really boost the groups image.
He’s the member that most people are convinced is super pure and sweet because of how he presents himself in interviews
Then ��👀 there was the comeback.
It was a darker, more sensual vibe and he did one (1) hip thrust in the MV and all of those soft Daichi stans?  H A R D S T A N S.  honestly that’d be me no cap
But, if he’s ever asked to do it outside of a performance or practice?
He’s actually so embarrassed and it’s really cute.  His face will go bright red and he’d be covering his face with his hands, just shaking his head, like “please don’t make me”
But the rest of the group is egging him on and next thing he knows, Bokuto and Kuroo are right there next to him to do the choreography with him.
Oikawa Tooru
absolute visual king
always has the softest make-up and never fails to look absolutely breath-taking. 
B U T not only is he visually the prettiest-
He has the best voice of the group.  He has this really smooth tenor voice and can hit some really high notes when the music needs it.
Has definitely released a solo album full of really beautiful ballads
Definitely has the most fans. Not only the most but also the most hard-core fans
Like, there are thousands of fanpages just dedicated to him
Millions of fanfictions about him
He’s always doing live streams where he just interacts with the fans and he’ll talk about his day or just answer questions that the fans have.  He’s definitely the most active within the fandom.
Oikawa is one of the songwriters for the group.  He can’t really write the music, but he can string together some really incredibly lyrics.  He has a journal full of song ideas or little snippets of verses that he wants to implement in a song some day.  
Kuroo Tetsurou
He’s another rapper 🥵🥵
But also?? He can sing pretty well too.  His voice is definitely lower than Oikawa’s.  So, probably like a baritone.  Kuroo’s voice adds a really nice mix into the chorus and mixes really well with Oikawa’s.
I smell a sub-group tbh oml they call themselves Knock Out because K.O. 👀
anyway.  Kuroo also has a really large number of fans because he fits the bad boy aesthetic of the group (both visually and how he presents himself in interviews) and that just has the fans f l o c k i n g
but like?? soft kuroo stans?  N O.  hard stans only.
Then they saw some random video that Oikawa posted on the group’s twitter of him playing with a bunch of cats and everyone was just 🥺 soft kuroo hours 🥺
He’s kind of like Daichi.  Kuroo has zero shame when he’s on stage.  He’s willing to aggressively grind and hip thrust as much as the choreo needs him too
hahahaha too bad he literally cannot dance
like, he’s not awful or else he wouldn’t even be in the group, but boy has really long limbs and he just struggles to move his legs fast enough.
Catch him in the studio with Bokuto for hours after their long day is over trying to nail the dances
Bokuto Koutarou
he’s a dancer 😌✌
no it is not just because @nekxrizawa​ and I have been drooling over dancer!bo since we met okay yes it is
he’s trained in hip-hop, so you’ll catch him fronting the group in any dance breaks in their super upbeat songs
Bokuto helps write the choreography (do you write choreo? idk i can’t dance) sometimes, but sometimes he forgets that he has more experience in dance than the others and will just casually try to add a backflip into the song and the choreographer has to be like, “bokuto- no.”
insert dejected bokuto here
He’s the most high-energy of the group, so he tends to be a fan-favorite and a host-favorite.  He’s always talking and he goes all out during any variety show games.
Bokuto’s always willing to do extra practice with anyone who wants to meet up before or after their day in the studio.  He understands that some things just don’t come as naturally to other people.
Trades dance lessons for vocal lessons with Kuroo, no lie
He has the best stage presence out of everyone.  He’ll hype up the crowd and you’ll see him bending down to hold hands with the fans when security isn’t looking.
Bokuto doesn’t sing a lot, but when he does, his range aligns with Kuroo’s, so they’ll double every now and again on verses.  
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Surprisingly- vocal line
Ushi has the deepest voice of the group, singing in a bass register that makes all of the fans 🥵🥵 whenever he opens his mouth
The mash-up you get when his voice mixes with Oikawa’s?? heaven.  It’s so beautiful and I can guarantee that management is using their sheer differences for marketing.  
Oikawa may take the lead for more pop-centric songs, but Ushijima is fronting the darker songs which is just hitting everyone different
He’s another song writer for the group, but he focuses on the actual melodies rather than the lyrics, so he and Oikawa collab on songs a lot.
The fanbase sees him a super hard and scary all of the time and they’re all low-key intimidated??
But then they see him in an interview and they’re all like lol nvm because he’s high-key really kind and polite and will do anything if asked tbh
The host wants him to wear a flower crown?  He’s asking which one.  He’s asked to talk about the process for their newest song, and Ushi will ramble on for a good fifteen minutes about his writing process.
He’s really passionate about his music and everyone can tell, so it leads to a lot of the fans seeing him in a new light and gaining a lot more respect for him as a member.
{Taglist: @nicka-nell​ @moncymonce​}
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sinceileftyoublog · 3 years
Wobbly Interview: Going for Happy
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Thurston Moore Ensemble/Negativland band member Jon Leidecker has been releasing electronic music under the moniker Wobbly for over two decades now. In Chicago experimental label Hausu Mountain, he seems to have found kindred spirits, matching his far out idiosyncrasies. 2019′s Monitress and its follow-up, Popular Monitress, which came out earlier this month, are albums about and by machines, as Leidecker ran his music into pitch trackers and synth apps on his phones and tablets, embracing the errors and randomness that were produced along the way. While the source material on Monitress was mostly improvised, the songs on Popular Monitress are more structured and composed, resulting in songs like “Authenticated Krell”, which follows a comparatively clean synth arpeggio before being enveloped by texture, or “Lent Foot”, where the various instruments trail each other. It’s remarkable just how familiar certain sounds are even if not traditionally instrumental ones, like the typewriter clacks of “Illiac Ergodos 7!” or the zooming notes of the thumping title track. Blurring the lines between what’s instrument and what’s not, and even further, what’s composed music and what’s not, Popular Monitress is a defining statement for both Leidecker and Hausu.
I was able to ask Leidecker about various songs on the album and their inspirations. Read his answers below!
Since I Left You: You chose to write more structured songs this time around before running them through the pitch tracker. Do those nuggets of recognizable structures make the final product all the more disorienting?
Jon Leidecker: Hopefully! On both albums, the main thing is keeping the focus on just how live those pitch trackers are. It’s Monitress as long as you can hear how they’re listening. For years, it was strictly a piece for live performance--I needed to be improvising myself, and able to respond instantly, to really underline just how spontaneous the machine responses are. So the first record tried to keep more of that sense of flow. Large stretches of it are simply baked down from stereo recordings of concerts & radio performances of it. Overdubbing more layers of trackers seemed legal, as long all the voices were following that one original sound.
Of course, when you play a tune, something composed or even quantized, it definitely becomes easier to hear what they’re doing. The exact same code running on each phone will respond in very different ways to the same source audio, and you get a chorus of individual voices. They play a lot of wrong notes, but oddly, if you feed the trackers lots of consonant, major chords, it stops being dissonance, and you can tell they’re going for happy. You hear these weird things, trying to sing in unison, and..the result is just pure delight. Weirdly emotional! What’s a mistake? What’s music?
SILY: How did you come up with the song titles? For instance, is there anything particularly Appalachian about "Appalachian Gendy"?
JL: They’re mostly mashed up references to landmark works in the field of generative & algorithmic composition, from the 50’s up to the early 90’s. The recent push of stories on AI musical tools seems to be about automation and labor-saving, but the field of how to develop tools for more creative ends goes back all the way to Bebe and Louis Barron going to the Macy Conferences on Cybernetics and designing their first self-oscillating feedback circuit.
So while my tracks aren’t really in the musical style of the works they reference--something like  “Appalachian Gendy”, which sprung up a fantasy Spiegel/Xenakis tribute, got paired to that stompdown track, and once it did, I added a solo on iGendyn.
SILY: To what extent is your music here inspired by the inner workings of the brain?
JL: Once you get a grip on just how simply neurons and synapses interact, how reassuringly physical thinking is, the electronic music I’ve always found most inspiring often involve feedback systems, self-playing devices, generative music, things that learn rather than settle. Music that helps you model thought. The whole East Coast/West Coast 60’s divide in synth design boiled down to Moog reducing your options until you could easily dial in what you already know you want, and Buchla designing uncertainty machines to be networked together until they approach the complexity of an unknown brain.
SILY: "Synaptic Padberg" and "Every Piano" have moments of recognizable instruments as opposed to alien instruments (strings and piano, respectively). Was that just a product of the errors/randomness of the music-making, or purposeful?
JL: It's supposed to sound orchestral, so I hit my Mellotron and Chamberlin apps pretty hard with this piece. Not like anything remains plausibly real once they're getting hammered by the trackers. That is a real grand piano, however: me playing the tune at SnowGhost Music in Montana. Brett Allen deserves an engineering credit, but I also wanted the first listen to make you wonder.
SILY: There's almost a funky rhythm to "Motown Electronium". Do you envision folks dancing to this record?
JL: Would have been plain wrong to put that title on an unworthy beat. What would a room full of people dancing to this even be like? Maybe in Baltimore.
SILY: Do you think "Training Lullaby" is what a computer trying to write a lullaby would sound like?
JL: Not that relaxing, is it? That’s ten seconds pulled from a five minute live improvisation, just a little burst of fury in the middle. Which I’ve heard enough now that I can sing along to it; so now, for me, it is calming.
I finally had to admit to myself that I’m a fan of the OpenAI Jukebox stuff. It’s right at that stage where their results are still primitive enough to remain a little mysterious. All the context and relationships intrinsic to what humans call music is irrelevant to those GANs. They don’t need culture to make music, they just need waveforms. What does it tell us that simple pattern analysis and brute number crunching on a large enough data set can produce those sounds? They’re training us. I have twelve hours of their Soundcloud dump ripped to my phone, and I play it a lot, though I wouldn’t play it for anyone under four. Can definitely sing along to some of the weirder ones by now.
SILY: How did you approach the order of tracks on the record? I'm struck by, for instance, the chaos of "Grossi Polyphony" following the comparative lull of "Every Piano".
JL: Just trying to show the range, and keep the surprises coming. Perpetual variety becomes monotony so quickly, so there is a very careful balancing act to play between shorter and longer tracks. I like a record where on first listen, any new section that begins, you feel like there are no guarantees how long it’ll last, eight seconds or eight minutes. Even things that sound like they should be songs: no guarantees. I still remember the first time I heard The Faust Tapes as a teenager.
SILY: Did you actually use musical dice to write "Wurfelspiel"?
JL: “Wurfelspiel” is just name-dropping Mozart’s generative piece--again, a real piano, but no musical dice involved.
SILY: The beats towards the end of the album--the pseudo hip-hop of "Cope By Design", techno of "Dusthorn Sawpipe", krautrock of "Help Desk"--seem to me to be far more propulsive than anything else here. Do you see a connection between those tracks?
JL: The album hits you with all these miniatures in the middle to keep things moving, and those three are the last little barrage of them before the shift into the final stretch with the longer, more hypnotic pieces. Can be tough to sequence an album when you’ve got so many short tracks, but it’s also total freedom.
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SILY: How did you like getting the Hausu Mountain album art treatment?
JL: Totally family. All the Monitress packaging has always been iPhone panorama mode artifacts, visual glitches not entirely unlike what my phone’s trackers do to what they hear. I gave one of those images to [Hausu Mountain co-founder Max Allison] to work with the cover of the first Monitress, and he sent back this image, saying, “Here’s the initial stage: Your photo reduced to color blocks I’ll carefully render out later.” So when the second hyper-detailed one came back in a more proper Hausu style, they already seemed like a sequence, and this second one was already in place, so it all clicked. Any version of Monitress, the music is different, but it’s always the same piece. I’m really happy they asked me for something. [Label co-founder Doug Kaplan] and Max are just coming from the good place.
SILY: Are you doing any live streams or socially distant shows any time soon?
JL: Multi-location live streams are a blast. The time modulation inherent in all streaming is deeply psychedelic. The kind of listening you have to do when you know that the relationship of sounds together in time is different for each musician involved? I’m learning utterly new tricks, and it’s astonishing just how live the result is. I sat in on a live stream with Thurston Moore Group a few months ago, the four of them in London, and me hooked up to an amp not far from where I normally am when I play with them. And everyone agreed: It felt like I was there, right up until the instant I quit the app.
I’ve been pre-recording some home live sets for Hausu, Curious Music and High Zero Foundation. Negativland is putting together an hour long performance with Sue-C for the Ann Arbor Film Festival in late March. I finished an album mostly recorded outdoors with my old friend Cheryl E. Leonard for Gilgongo, and we’re going to try to a few outdoor concerts, too.
SILY: What else are you currently working on/what's next?
JL: The second album with Sagan, with Blevin Blectum & J Lesser, is coming out in late April. That one took 14 years to finish. There’s a trio record with Thomas Dimuzio and Anla Courtis coming out on Oscarson. Doing a revision of the last episode of my podcast on sampling music, Variations, to incorporate that OpenAI music. Some Negativland releases tying together the last two albums. There are about four of five other albums that might be done, though it takes time to be sure.
SILY: Anything you've been listening to, reading, or watching lately?
JL: This month has been Maryanne Amacher’s collected writings, Keeping Together in Time by William H. McNeill, Ministry For The Future by Kim Stanley Robinson, important even with happy ending. Interview with Karl Friston - Of Woodlice And Men.  Listening to a lot of “Blue” Gene Tyranny, Xenakis & Lang Elliott, and last week every Ghédalia Tazartès album in reverse chronological order. I don’t care what anybody says: That guy’s immortal.
SILY: Anything I didn't ask about you want to say?
JL: Thank you for your questions!
Popular Monitress by Wobbly
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thekidsarentalright · 3 years
PLEASE explain why they are depressing. i love reading your analysis :')
ahh ok ur wish is my command!!! i'm gonna put it all under the cut tho, just so it isn't too long <3!!
miss missing you- miss missing u is so depressing to me for multiple reasons, the easiest one to explain being the music vid. To go deeper than that, the song was originally something Patrick started to write for solo music but thought it sounded like a fob song, meaning that the lyrics are a mish-mash of patrick's voice AND pete's which is like . ah. and then its my belief that the song is Very Very much so a song about the hiatus like talking about missing the feeling of missing someone? on the album right after the hiatus? feels very hiatus-y to me! and emotionally destroys me! it's just disguised as a romance-y breakup song. that aside, the lyrics themselves are just so sad, "sometimes before it gets better, the darkness gets bigger / the person that you take a bullet for is behind the trigger / oh, we're fading fast" is just . very obviously sad . and then the 2nd pre-chorus "I will sing to you every day / If it will take away the pain / Oh, and I've heard you got it, got it so bad / 'Cause I am the best you'll never have" strikes me as particularly devastating bc the whole song is painted as like this person is finally moving on from this relationship but clearly still thinks abt whomever they left and still Misses that person in a way . they would Still sing to them every day to make them happy!!! they WERE their picket fence i mean . feelings like that don't vanish!!! it fucks me up!
fourth of july- fourth of july is sad for similar reasons to mmy, i think. it's about a fleeting relationship, possibly a summer fling, that is obviously over at the time of the song. the relationship was just a 'what-if', though, that the narrator obviously felt Deeper about than the other half did. and the narrator knows this, questioning what that summer meant to the other person and Admitting that they miss their company, as if that's a bad thing to be honest about. but then the narrator goes back and says they didn't mean it, they were just being dumb and young and well, it was just a fling! it wasn't meant to be! the narrator says they'd never miss them, but it looks they were wrong. the second verse flips it and the narrator suddenly sounds Very cocky, talking about how the Other person must miss them and need them bc the narrator is holy water and stuck in their ex's head. the narrator Knows the other person cried about the relationship ending. But once again doubles back and says it means nothing UNTIL the bridge where they say "I wish I'd known how much you loved me / I wish I cared enough to know / I'm sorry every song's about you / The torture of small talk with someone you used to love", showing that they wonder if they were actually holy water to the other, that they regret not making feelings clear before and feel bad for writing about them. the entire song is just. my god. my fucking god i don't have words. the relationship was fleeting and yet meant the world to the speaker. thats so sad.
favorite record- fav record is awfully depressing to me bc it follows similar themes as the last two? the first verse is all a question, right? the narrator is asking if the other person remembers driving under purple skies, listening to rancid, if they remember when the narrator confessed to them and they danced. it seems like a lovely recollection of a love confession that the narrator remembers SO well, every detail is laid out. but then the chorus reveals that maybe the confession didn't go so well, where the narrator is talking about the person in the past-tense, you WERE the song stuck in my head, every song that i ever LOVED... it paints a very sad picture of the outcome of that relationship. the narrator felt so strongly for this person and loved them so much, associated them with all their favorite music and it just... didn't work. The second verse is super sad too bc they then say, 'i Cant remember just how to Forget' which is like... the opposite message miss missing you is sending. The narrator can't remember how to forget this person, or how they danced and how they were asked how they were doing by their old love as if they Know their doing better now or something? but the narrator isn't. they still miss them. All of that is just so... the picture it paints is so sad. Especially the lyric 'you can get what you want but its never enough'... the relationship might've worked for a bit, as the narrator wanted. but it didn't work.
heaven's gate- so this is like fobs most romantic song but also simultaneously SO sad bc . the whole idea of the song is that the narrator is so in love with this person that they want to be with them forever, even after death. And they're convinced their lover will make it into heaven no problem, but are equally as sure they themselves won't get it. No, they'll have to sneak in, they want their lover to sneak them in so they can be together. but the narrator is just so sure they themselves are heaven bound but are SO in love, their lover is just the one habit they can't kick, after all. It's sad and romantic all twisted up in such a beautiful package, thinking about the song for too long gives me brain damage <3
jet pack blues- to me this song is really like . about one side of the relationship dying which is off the bat So fucking sad ok so go w me here: the narrator is dealing with grief of their partner dying (could be considered a real or metaphorical death of the relationship idk), they're walking around the city thinking of their love and the relationship... if the relationship was real, if they were ever in love or just lonely, how they remember the person begging for them to come back n now it's just all gone. their the last one their love will ever remember. "Don't you remember how we used to split a drink / it never mattered what it was, i think / our heads were just that close / the sweetness never lasts you know" is very retrospective, very much telling that the narrator has a lot of regrets in the relationship and is aware now that the sweetness of a new relationship is fleeting. So fuckin sad.
just one yesterday- this is the most obvious sad one i think? the entire song is just the narrator having guilt and regret about Something, and wishing they could just go backwards in time to relive Before things went wrong, before the person they're singing about thought they were bad news which they Know! they know they're bad news but still would save everything for the person they're singing to, and just... wishes so deeply they could go back and have just one more yesterday. i think the bridge might very well be the Other person singing to the narrator, saying they could spill everything they know about the narrator but that it'd be devastating to them and their reputation. clearly this is about a relationship that ended poorly, with one person resenting the other while the narrator recognizes what they did was wrong and wants it all back- but will never get it back. ow <3
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vcg73 · 4 years
Glee Memories
Someone reblogged an old post to which I had contributed this run-down of my entire Glee fan experience. It made me laugh to read it, because I cannot deny ANY of the reactions even now. This is truly what it was like to watch the show in original air date Fox TV real time - endless mid-season hiatuses and all. Reposting just my own section:
Season 1 - SO good and fun! I want to see more of this!  Kurt, I love you. You’re so funny and I especially loved the second half of the season when you started singing solos and being a Cheerio!  Even the characters I didn’t really embrace I still want to learn more about. And the songs, and the hope for next year’s competitions…  Damn you, summer hiatus!
Season 2 - OMG, not as fresh as last year but still some amazing stuff!  Burt and Carole are cute together, though a little oblivious. Why didn’t we ever get any blended Hudmel family scenes?  Especially at Christmas.  *pout* Didn’t care for Kurt being basically sidelined at Dalton Academy for half the season, and his crush is kind of an oblivious jerk, but I have hope. Things much better by the end with Kurt back at McK and no joy to the bullies. Can’t quite make up my mind if I want to forgive Karofsky. He was awful, but also terrified. I’ll make up my mind next year. Aw, Jean Sylvester has died, I liked her.  Finn, a funeral should not inspire you to dump one girl and chase another. You big drip. Too bad about Nationals, but it’s okay that they didn’t go straight to the top. More reason to put out all the stops next year!  I liked this season a lot overall. Damn you, summer hiatus!
Season 3 - What the fuck has happened to this show? Blaine transfers in, acts like a dick, steals opportunities and insults people, but by the end every single character is completely up his ass. Wha-?  Wait, are Finchel a couple again for the 4,869th time, or are they broken up again?  I can’t keep up.  Am I really supposed to care about the suddenly evil Warblers and their smirking meerkat boss? Cause I don’t.  Warbler Council I miss you.  Shue, you’re horrible, get off my screen. Sue, go with him, you’re not funny anymore. Kurt ends up stuck in Lima with no prospects, while Rachel of the world’s worst audition gets his spot at the fancy performing arts school? What the hell!  And what do you mean, he only applied to ONE school, that makes no sense given his historic ambition to escape Lima, and determination to help Finn get out too. Someone at NYADA is a lazy bastard who couldn’t be bothered to send out the acceptance letters until JUNE, so most of their prospectives have probably accepted other offers by now.  This entire season made no sense and left a bad taste in my mouth. Thank God for summer hiatus!
Season 4 - Better in some respects. Really stupid in others. Kurt does an amazing audition and gets a second chance (that he should have had the first time) to get into his school.  I’ll take it.  Blaine, you’re a lying, cheating, selfish sack of shit and I’ve given up hoping you’ll ever improve. Just go away and stop horning in where you don’t belong. Adam Crawford, you’re a cinnamon roll too good for this world, but no way too good for Kurt. :)  I’m not usually a shipper, but you’re forcing me to ship hard.  New Glee Club, your boring clone selves need to step it up and show some originality if you want anyone to like you. Uh, wow, did that nasty Cheerio girl really try to kill the other girl by making her anorexic and totally get away with that with no consequences? Epic fail. Shue, you’re revolting. Oh, Unique. I like you, but why did you leave a star position at Carmel only to be meek about being shoved into the background at McKinley?  Really thought Blaine might get offed in that stink-bomb of a school shooting episode. It would have had emotional resonance for others and retired that character with a shred of dignity. Wasn’t that the point of having people declare Blaine teen angel/Jesus-standin for half the season? But no. Nothing happens and they chuck Becky-used to be cool but now is just super annoying-Jackson under the bus instead. (Also, why did nobody on the New York side even seem to know this headline-making event even happened?) Rachel, taking insensitivity and selfishness to new heights in New York. Why is Kurt suddenly your care-taker and general servant? Blech. Sarah Jessica Parker, completely wasted from great starting potential. Did Sam’s brain fall out in the deep end of the swimming pool and float away? Cause, whoa. Finn? Finn! Pay attention, dude. Cut your losses and go to your classes at Ohio state (or wherever). Burt, thank you for squashing that stupid proposal idea. But where is Adam?  Come back, adorable little cupcake!  Summer hiatus, thank you, I need a break but kinda like where everyone finally ended at the last of this year. This has definite potential.
Season 5 - Dead Finn = sadness. I kind of wish they had just retired him to off screen college somewhere. Wait, what?  God Damn It Writers! You can’t just transplant Finchel’s planned storyline to a totally different couple and expect it to make perfect sense, especially with no work or real character improvement to the horrible hair-gelled menace!  Copy glee club remains boring, and I don’t give a rat’s ass about their wash-rinse-repeat romances or lifeless competition performances. What the heck has happened to the timeline of this show?  Where did Adam go? Oh hey, it’s Demi Lovato and Adam Lambert!  Aww, I really like Elliott. It’s about time Kurt got a genuine friend. Rachel, just go away. I can’t deal with you anymore. Burt has been replaced by a pod-person. Creepy puppets more lifelike than most of their human counterparts by now. One Three Hill, I love you!  But I can already see that this is another great start with soon to be wasted potential when the contracts run out.  Damn it, writers! Don’t put Blaine in NYADA, that makes no sense at all.  If this school was as particular as you claimed, he wouldn’t have even made it to the audition round. Combat Jocks are all hot for Kurt, YESSSS!  Santana, I’ve never liked you because you’re horrid to everyone but you’re finally starting to grow on me a little. Aw, Chris Colfer’s episode plays like old time Glee!  Fun. More, please. Shirley MacLaine gives me the creeps as the old cougar lady. And we’re taking an early hiatus after shedding viewers like snake-skin all season. Can’t say I’m not relieved. I’m determined to see this show through, but my god…  
Season 6 - Only a dozen episodes this year? I can make it.  Ooo, Kurt dumped the albatross and sent him packing. That’s promising.  Rachel’s ego blew up in her face and she’s back in Ohio. Even more promising.  New New Directions, I surprisingly actually like you guys a little, though I liked One Three Hill much better. (And the Apples, whatever happened to those folks?) This could actually end with a bang instead of a whimper!  Aaand, I spoke too soon. Kurt get your cute butt out of Ohio, you can do so much better in New York, preferably single and dating new appreciative men!  Whoa, Sue is full on demented and dangerous this year. Why is she still in a teaching position again? Shue, you’re useless. Get off my screen. Santana previous potential goes right to hell in one fell swoop. Nice briefly knowing you, emotional development. Kurt, I’m serious, go back to NYADA and find whatever locker you left your spine in please. DO NOT take that asshat back for the 8,937th time, please!  He’s not worth it.  You … what …?  Oh my God, he did it, and fucking Dave Karofsky actually helped them along.  *beats head on wall*  No, please tell me everyone isn’t about to bend over backwards to put Rachel back on top of the heap again!  *sigh* That’s it. I’m done. 7 episodes left of this series and I just can’t take it anymore.  The writers-room monkeys have mixed pieces from 10 different puzzles, mashed them into a frame with a mallet, eaten the finished product, shit it into their hands, and tossed it at the few remaining fans still watching through the bars.
And that’s what you (lucky souls) missed on Glee!
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openingnightposts · 3 months
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daxwormzz · 3 years
@weyounbathwater tagged me in this game thingy oh man oh man here i go
Name: Malcolm! or Mal, sometimes my friends even call me milk boy for some reason
Gender: Beleagured Academic sitting on an antique leather armchair passed down to him from his grandma in the middle of his own personal library, utterly surrounded by books he uses in an attempt to fill the ever-growing proverbial cavernous emptiness in his soul. He dreams of one day faking his death so he can leave the country and become the clown he always yearned to be.
Star sign: Leo
Height: 5,6" & 1/2"
Time: 1:25 PM
Birthday: July 28th
Favorite band(s): oh boy uhhhhhhh thats a good questiooonnnn i listen to so many different bands its hard to choose (and plus my opinions on everything changes constantly so if i do put my current faves here they'll most likely be outdated in a week or two) but here goes nothin: Will Wood & The Tapeworms, The Paper Chase, Jukebox The Ghost, They Might Be Giants, Insane Clown Posse, CAKE, and Mother Mother.
Favorite solo artist(s): (same stuff about my opinions changing a lot goes for this too) Fiona Apple, Lemon Demon, Yung Spinach Cumshot, Talkshow Boy, Penelope Scott, Marina, aannnnddd Shayfer James.
Song stuck in my head: My Chinchilla, by Cub
Last movie I watched: The LEGO Batman Movie
Last show I watched: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999)
When did I create this blog: uhhhhhhhmmmmmmMMMMMMM liiiikkeeee 2017 ish i think? something like that
When I post: Everyday like all of the time, or just kind of whenever i want i dunno man i never schedule stuff
Last thing googled: how old do you have to be to rent a Uhaul truck
Other blogs: wouldnt you like to know weather boy
Do I get asks: a couple every now and then, i do wish i got more cause whenever i get them they're always really nice and funny
Why I chose my URL: i was just like "fuck dude what are words that mean huge nerd loser whos annoying and talks too much and goes into too many details and specifics???" and then i just mashed the two words together when i found them.
Followers: 886 currently :)))))))
Average hours of sleep: hmmmMMMMMMM like, some days its 3 other days its 10 and there is no in-between.
Lucky number: 3! i dont actually know if this number is lucky for me i just really like the number 3
Instruments: I play Clarinet! and i used to know how to play the drums but ive certainly gotten rusty by now, and i've been meaning to learn Guitar some time soon ish.
What I’m wearing: khakis and a weird button-up with a wacky print on it
Dream trip: A big couple-week-long summer roadtrip with me and all of my online besties i havent met in person yet!
Favorite food: okay please dont bully me for this but its,,,,, Potato chips and ketchup. or Blue cornchips and ketchup both are really good
Nationality: Native American! but like there's also a bunch of different stuff mixed in there as well but prodominantly native
Favorite song: Every Single Night by Fiona Apple
Last book I read: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman
Top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: all i can reaally think of is star trek tbh, all of the other universes my favorite media takes place in tends to kinda suck a lot in some way and i mean star trek's world has its problems too but id say the good outweighs the bad.
Favorite color: i like all colors so its a bit of a context thing i'd say, buuuuuutttt if i HAD to pick more specific colors then i'd say green and warm yellows.
all of the people i would have tagged to do this sort of thing have already been tagged so i have.................. nothin...
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Did I hear dancing? Did Dee, Remus, and Virgil like to dance? I need all the details!!
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Oh for sure they danced together!
Mod (thats me) is a huge fan of dance so there will be a lot of it in this AU, probably ^^
(explanation is long so I’m putting it under a cut, also I have no control and have started some sketches on this, will post them later if y’all are interested in seeing them but they’re very self-indulgent and sappy lol)
    Remus isn’t an amazing dancer, but him and Virgil cutting it up are a goddamn sight to behold.
    As soon as Remus found out Virgil had never heard of dancing before meeting him, it became Remus’s personal mission to teach Virgil All Of The Dancing. He and Roman were extensively trained as children, and goddammit he was going to use those classes somewhere
    Virgil wasn’t a huge fan of the simple/gentrified slow dancing, like the box step or waltz, cause you’re “basically just standing there wasting time,” and he didn’t like the boisterous town ball line dances either, cause that was too many people. But, he liked the solo and duo stuff, like tango and ballet:
They were more athletic, so his brain likened them to his training, instead of a recreational or romantic thing. For Virgil, dancing is “exercise where you have fun with a friend and show off your personal skill”  
ballet was easy for him because he was flexible and strong, and it wasn’t incredibly different from the stretches he already did. (“I can implement this in battle,,,, don’t laugh I’m being serious”)
Tango or Lindy hop or other energetic/acrobatic dances were with one other person who he trusted, not a group of strangers, and it was definitely a workout
    So he and Remus sort-of started combining them. Imagine a sort of crazy ballroom dance: lots of footwork, tosses and lifts, very intimate, requires total trust in your partner. Remus could throw him way high up in the air for crazy ballet catches, and Virgil could show off his downright ridiculous flexibility. Some sort of cross between spider-monkey shenanigans, crazy stupid stunts, and very close, romantic dancing. It is the craziest shit to watch them do in person, it’s like watching a car crash but the crash never happens. 
    And of course, they were best friends for sixteen years; You can feel the energy and trust between them. They have undeniable chemistry, even if it’s purely platonic, and it’s viscerally visible when they dance.
    Dee would NEVER attempt it, but he cheered them on for sure. He definitely got very very flustered watching Remus and Virgil dance, poor gay baby. (There was quite a while after he first joined them that Dee was just a demisexual disaster between his oblivious asshole boy crushes, with Remus having absolutely no sense of personal boundaries and Virgil being completely desensitized to the human body and oblivious to romantic gestures. Eventually, he got used to their bullshit.)
    And it’s not like this was a rare thing for them; it was one of the sure-fire ways Remus and Virgil would spend time together and show affection to one another, what with both of them being a little weird with words and full of energy (or nerves, in Virgil’s case). Any fast-paced/dramatic song starts up at a tavern they’re hanging out at, and there’s an abandoned patch of floor? Dee already knows where they’re going, doesn’t even have to look up from his drink.
    Dee danced with them too, of course, just not anything as wild as what they would do together. Dee is a good dancer, but he just doesn’t enjoy it as much as they do. Dee and Virgil don’t like to make big shows of themselves in public, but for Dee its more like “I don’t want to be a spotlight” and for Virgil it’s “I don’t want to be around strangers.” So, if it’s a small group of people, Virgil’s fine with getting a little performative, but Dee still doesn’t want to make a big fuss.
    Dee and Virgil didn’t dance often, but that’s because Virgil would tire Dee the hell out. Virgil took the lead when it was just the two of them, and they would do more swing/tap-style dances, like what he did with Remus but less intimate and intense (still very much a workout, though).
    Remus and Dee liked to slow-dance. They did the soft, swaying-and-spinning ballroom dances that bored Virgil. It was much more Dee’s speed, and Remus didn’t mind slowing down for him. It’s like the stuff parents do in movies. where by the end of the dance they’ve basically devolved to just hugging and stepping from side to side. Gentle and affectionate. They do this a lot when they’re drunk, and Remus is feeling uncharacteristically vulnerable and sappy.
    Growing up practicing these dances with other students, Remus was always frustrated with his partners. No one trusted him enough to really get to the fun parts, like lifts and dips and spinning around, and no one could really stand him long enough to do the sweet, slow ones, except for his brother, Nico, or Mom. So, he could never really let loose, which is what dancing is for. Dee and Virgil, though - at the time when this became a thing for them - trusted him, and Virgil was spry enough to keep up with him during the more energetic routines. Remus really appreciated that.
    They have tried to all dance together at the same time, but it’s usually a disaster. Remus and Virgil both want to lead, Dee doesn’t know what they’re doing, and it ends up looking like three kids goofing around, but they are having the time of their lives. It usually ends with Remus pulling That Move where he just picks them both up and spins and spins and spins around until he makes himself dizzy, and they fall over into a silly hug, smiling like idiots.
As a small note I couldn’t figure out a good transition for, lmao:
    Dancing was definitely a part of Yuan-Ti culture, and done often during festivals and cult rites. The type of dancing they would do was a sort of mash between belly dancing and bharatanatyam, and Dee and Marissa both know how to do it. Now you have that mental image, you’re welcome. uvu
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
What do you think are the most underrated glee songs? Like, they’re awesome and why doesn’t fandom love them more?
Oh this is such a neat ask! Let’s see, I think I’m going to list performances that I think are pretty good, but I don’t see people talking about as much.  You’re not going to see much Klaine on this list -- mostly, at least around these parts, I think their performances do get the recognition they deserve.  
Season 1: 
Push It (Showmance) - It’s really quite funny
Bust Your Windows (Acafellas) - Mercedes first gets to shine
Maybe This Time (Rhodes Not Taken) - Lea and Kristen Chenoweth kill this one. 
Dancing With Myself (Wheels) - I just like this Artie solo
Smile (Mattress) - I think both versions in the episode are pretty good, and one is a rare Finchel duet I enjoy
Hello (Hello) - Lea and Jonathan Groff are amazing together
Open Your Heart/Borderline (Power of Madonna) - I just wanna talk about all the Madonnas in the hallway
4 Minutes (Power of Madonna) - Kurt and Mercedes get their sexy on, and I don’t feel like that’s appreciated enough
Run Joey Run (Bad Reputation) - I mean, you guys, this might be one of the funniest things they show ever did, and the fact that the point was missed by so many made sure the show rarely did straight up comedy numbers again
Dream a Little Dream of Me (Dream On) - Artie w/Tina and Mike dancing, it’s cute and bittersweet
Season 2 
Sing (Duets) - It’s a super cute duet between Tina and Mike
Forget You (The Substitute) - Idec that it’s Holly, I love this one
Make ‘Em Laugh (The Substitute) - I don’t think Matthew Morrison gets enough credit for how talented he is.  
Just the Way You Are (Furt) - I’m not a huge fan of Finn’s singing - so I kinda of like to acknowledge when he does a good job, and I really like this one. 
The Living Years (Special Education) - The Hipsters rock it, man
Only Child (Original Song) - It is what is, okay?! 
Jesus is My Friend (Original Song) - I’m giggling just thinking about it
Bubble Toes (Night of Neglect) - Mike’s dance number is fantastic
Ain’t Now Way (Night of Neglect) - Merecedes’ numbers end up in the worst episodes, and it’s a shame, because sometimes they get overlooked. 
I’ve Gotta Be Me (Born This Way) - this song gets forgotten among the true gems during this episode, but it’s a nice Finn and Mike number
Nice To Meet You, Have I Slept With You (Rumours) - This is another hilarious original song done by April and Will often forgotten. 
Friday (Prom Queen) - As a boy band song, it really works
Season 3
Anything Goes/Anything You Can Do (The Purple Piano Project) - it’s truly amazing -- especially for an unknown guest start that’s basically one and done. 
Spotlight (Asian F) - Another Mercedes solo that I think flies under the radar. 
You and I (Mash Off) - Will and Shelby duet, the adult stuff often gets overlooked I think. 
We Are Young (Hold Onto 16) - It was probably over played on the radio at the time, but I think they did a fantastic job with the cover, and it works well as a group number. 
We Found Love (Yes/No) - Wemma gets a bad rap a lot of the times, but I think this actually really works, and is a nice scene
The Rain in Spain (Choke) - You guys, it’s a heavy metal cover of a classic song, I’m not the only one who finds that hilarious, right? 
Mean (Props) - Beiste and Puck singing a duet that fits their story well, but since we don’t talk about these storylines much, this rarely comes up. 
Starships (Nationals) - Unique is on fire, and I liked VA’s set more than ND’s.
Season 4
Call Me Maybe (The New Rachel) - idec, I love it and find it amazing and it energizes me, shut up. 
Busters Get Popped (The New Rachel) - still giggling
Chasing Pavements (The New Rachel) - I think Melissa Benoist got a raw deal having to be paired against Lea Michele, but I think she has a lovely voice, and really brings this one alive.  
Everybody Talks (Role You Were Born to Play) - it’s a nice song and a nice duet between Kitty and Jake
Whistle (Thanksgiving) - okay it’s not a good song, but my god does it make me laugh every time I hear it
O Holy Night (Swan Song) - Clearly, I’m not putting Rachel songs on this list, but this one -- I’m giving her this one.  This is beautiful and fantastic in all the right ways, and one of my favorite Rachel solos of the series.  One of the few times she’s not over emoting a serious song, and it’s a nice relief. 
Don’t Dream It’s Over (Swan Song) - It’s a bittersweet song that I think really works for the tone of the moment.  
Torn (Naked) - what another Rachel solo?? Yeah, visually, the duet with herself is really striking
Not Getting Married Today (I Do) - Let’s give Jayma Mays a second of recognition for her ability to do this one.   
You’re All the World to Me (Girls and Boys on Film) - Will and Emma duet that is notable for the choreography alone
How to Be a Heartbreaker (Feud) - the cinematography and choreography is unlike anything else on the show, so I find it fascinating. 
I Still Believe/Superbass (Feud) - I mean, let’s give Jane Lynch credit for spoofing Nikki Minaj, I mean, c’mon
Everybody Hurts (Lights Out) - I don’t like Ryder, and I really don’t like the actor who portrays him, but this acoustic version of the song is really fantastic. 
Superstition (Wonderful) - Mercedes, Blaine, and Marley on this Stevie Wonder classic that, again, flies under the radar a bit
Rainbow Connection (All or Nothing) - Glee snuck in a cover done by a third party participant at Regionals that’s really good, and you probably didn’t even know it. 
Season 5
If I Were a Boy (End of Twerk) - A lot of the newbie stuff gets (understandably) overlooked, but Unique’s version of this is emotional and haunting and often forgotten about
What The Fox Says (Puppet Master) - I don’t think this is as bad as everyone would have you believe.  
Away In a Manager (Previously Unaired Christmas) - I rarely give props to this episode for anything, but this was really well done, and the only song from this episode that I’ll listen to. 
Don’t Rain on My Parade (Frenemies) - Yes, it’s a jazzier/pop version of the song, but I think Santana does better with it than people give her credit for. 
Hold On (Trio) - I freakin’ love this group number.  It’s amazing. 
Toxic/Defying Gravity/Valerie (100) - lumping them together because I actually enjoy all of these better than the originals.  Oops. 
Loser Like Me (New Directions) - Yes, the lyrics are terrible, but I love this arrangement of it
LoveFool (Opening Night) - Omg, another Rachel solo - this one is also hilarious
Season 6
Tightrope (Homecoming) - Jane can really sing, these new newbies bring it
Home (Homecoming) - I think it’s a super tight group number that doesn’t get mentioned often, but really works. 
Bitch (Hurt Locker 1) - There has never been a more perfect Sue song.  Not sure if it’s underrated? But wanted to point out that it’s notable. 
At Last (A Wedding) - really the best part of that ceremony 
The Final Countdown (Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester) - It’s nice that they included one last comedic performance
Listen to Your Heart (We Built This Glee Club) - I’m glad Rachel and Jesse got one last number together
Take Me to Church/Chandelier/Come Sail Away (We Built This Glee Club) - I think the New New Directions last competition set list was pretty good! 
So, uh, yeah - didn’t see it on here? I probably really loved it and everyone knows that or I don’t think it’s that great to be remember, lol 
What are your favorite underrated songs? 
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