#also i didn’t proofread these
maybeimamuppet · 1 year
"For the record this is self-destructive/ For the record I'm aware of that" w rejanis
send me a song lyric and a ship and i’ll write something based off it!!
tw for self harm/scars
mentioned outing/general homophobia
“I need a second before we go in, I’m gonna run to the bathroom real quick. I’ll meet you inside,” Janis says just before she and Damian enter the doors for Spring Fling.
“Ew,” Damian eloquently responds before he shoves her off in that direction and goes parading through the double doors. Janis rolls her eyes and clunks her way down the hallway towards the ladies’ room.
It’s kind of weird, being somewhere she’s been so many times before this late at night. She can hear the music from the gym thumping all the way down the hall, and all the lights but one are out. Almost like she’s in another dimension.
The one constant in every dimension is Regina George.
Janis is reminded of this as the blonde steps out from the stall furthest away from her and struts up to the mirror. She’s still unfairly gorgeous even in that spinal halo.
Janis tries not to let her shoulders tense as she pointedly refuses to acknowledge Regina’s presence. She touches up her dark lipstick, combs through the ends of her straightened hair.
“Janis,” Regina says, sounding almost surprised. Janis sags against the sink a little. Shit.
Regina pulls a tube of glittery lip gloss out of her purse. She puts the tube in between her lips to unscrew it and swipes it on that way. She’s put her lip gloss on like that since they were in sixth grade. It’s almost comforting to know that some little details of her former best friend are still in there. It’s muffled around the tube when she says, “You look nice.”
Janis blinks in shock. Did-did Regina George just compliment her?
“I just said so, don’t be thirsty,” Regina tuts. So Plastic Regina is still there too.
“No, I mean- thanks, I guess,” Janis says. “But after everything you’ve done you’re just gonna say that like… nothing ever happened?”
“Yeah,” Regina shrugs. Well, as best she can with the halo. “Look, I know I have to change. I know I’ve been a bitch-”
“You can say that again.”
“But how am I supposed to start?” Regina says softly. “Unless it’s with you. I’m also, like, off my face right now, so I don’t really have a filter and now felt like a good time.”
Janis blinks at the pink-tiled wall behind her. Someone has brilliantly sharpied ur fuckin gay across it. And in a strange way, it makes Janis smile.
Because she is fuckin’ gay, and she’s proud of it now. And all it took was… the worst experience of her entire life, and the girl in front of her.
“You never cared,” Regina continues softly, knocking Janis out of her trance and back to the gross bathroom they’re in. “About anything I did to you.”
“What?” Janis says, unable to contain a dark laugh. “You seriously think I didn’t care? Did you miss the part where I tried to kill myself and was out of school for a year?”
“…You what?” Regina asks.
Janis shakes her head and undoes the buttons on the cuff of her navy blue sleeve. As she rolls it up she sighs, “Unbelievable.”
Regina reaches out a tender, immaculately manicured finger to run over the white, raised scar tissue permanently etched into Janis’ flesh. Space dyke. Cut as deep as the words did.
“That’s why you were in art therapy,” Regina says. Janis looks at her in confusion when she notices her voice is thick with emotion and sees tears rolling slowly down her face. “And I made fun of you for it.”
“Yeah,” Janis agrees softly. She feels like she’s dunked her head in a bucket of ice. Regina George is touching her scars. Janis hasn’t even let Damian touch them.
“I loved you too,” Regina says suddenly. “I-I panicked when you told me you liked me. You were so brave, and I’ve always been… such a coward. And I took all of it out on you. And you never deserved any of it. I’ve always loved you. And-and I still do.”
“I have too,” Janis says softly. Regina looks at her, icy blue eyes reddened by tears and probably a significant amount of painkillers. “Do you have any idea how fucking irritating it is to still be in love with the girl who ruined your life?”
“No,” Regina says. “But I know how much it hurts to hurt the one you love.”
“Then why did you keep doing this?”
“I couldn’t stop,” Regina says. “I got… hooked.”
“For the record, that’s self destructive.”
“For the record, I’m aware of that, thank you very much,” Regina huffs. “You’re a fucking boss, Janis Sarkisian.”
“You’re high,” Janis scoffs.
“Hohoooo, yeah,” Regina agrees with a goofy huffed laugh. “But I’m serious, too. You’re a fucking phoenix. You rose above everything I ever did to you, and now look at you.”
Janis does, turning to look at herself in the mirror. She can’t really see in the weird lighting, but she… likes what she sees looking back. She hasn’t felt that in a long time. Since the before time. “Phoenix.”
“And I wish I wasn’t the one that set you on fire, but I’m glad it made you who you are now,” Regina continues. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too,” Janis says. “For everything Cady and I did this year. I know Cady’s been eating herself up about it, too.”
“Does that girl ever sleep?” Regina chuckles.
“I don’t think so,” Janis laughs back. “But hey, first apologies for both of us are done. Makes letting her apologize easier.”
“True,” Regina says softly. “Can we be okay?”
Janis is quiet. She’s hit with wave after wave of memories and feels like she might drown. She looks in front of her and sees a life preserver.
She surges forward and kisses her. Regina gasps, but carefully maneuvers the halo to a good place to kiss her back.
“I think we can be okay. If we work on it,” Janis gasps when they break apart.
“For the record, this is self destructive,” Regina teases.
“For the record, I’m aware of that.”
But I don’t think it is.
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bobbile-blog · 6 months
Not sure if anyone’s said this yet but now that we have Laterano events plural I’m fascinated by their (imo) very deliberate choice of protagonists, and there are almost a couple of layers of narrative going on there. I struggle a little figuring out how to get this into words but specifically I think they’re chosen to be people who can carry a narrative without contradicting the orthodox morals of the church. There’s a LOT of vaguely anti-authoritarian rambling below the cut so please kindly bear with me and my English major brain.
I can’t really start there though. One of the reasons this is so brain hurty is how deeply it’s woven into the storyline, so to start, I have to verbalize how Laterano and Arknights writing more generally is different from other, similar settings. Because like, I hear the words “morally negative church in a grimdark setting” and my brain immediately shuts off. Come on, that’s so far beyond low-hanging fruit, if you’ve seen any grimdark setting ever you know exactly what that looks like. And sure, it was fine the first two or three times you saw it, depending on your tolerance for that kinda thing, but it gets boring quick and even when it was new it was kinda uninteresting story-wise. “Religion is always fake because it inspires hope which means everyone who takes meaning from it is either a corrupt grifter or naive and misled” isn’t just edgy nonsense, it’s also basically useless as an actual critique. It tells you absolutely nothing except how to tune out a particular kind of story, and a story that tries to get you to hear less is doing its job wrong.
So, Arknights does something different. Instead of denying the premise of the church entirely, it actually takes it at its word. Laterano is, in almost every definition of the word, a paradise. It is basically unmatched in terms of actual quality of life, with its only competitors being the Durin cities and maybe Aegir, and is worlds apart from now much the rest of Terra sucks. More than that, though, the paradise is specifically tailored to the worldview of a religion with a strong central authority - when I say it takes it at its word, I mean the authoritarian bits too. Laterano is a city that lives in perfect order and peace because everyone follows the law perfectly and they all understand each other and never fight. Empathy is really important for this, as it allows for a believable amount of superhuman societal order. Laterano has very little crime, political drama, or quarrels in general. It’s the promises of a strict higher authority actually taken at face value: everyone follows the rules and that means they have effectively unfettered freedom, because they don’t want to break the rules and therefore they can do anything they want.
Laterano is specifically written to be a believable paradise in a setting that has none, so that when the story then turns around and criticizes that setting, it has significantly more weight. Even when the promises of paradise are taken at face value, there are still issues that cannot be addressed because the system is inherently flawed even in the imaginary scenario where it works. Even worse, the problems that poke holes in the imaginary perfect scenario are the same problems that they face in the real world, like “how do you deal with the interpretation of scriptures” and “hey there’s this racism thing I keep hearing about should we be worried about that or what”. Because of the way this imaginary perfect system works, we then look back on our real world in a new light and understand it a little better. It’s good critique.
Okay so how did we get here and what does this have to do with the protagonists? Well, this starts with Fiametta in Guide Ahead, because she’s a really weird protagonist. This is a cold take at this point but despite being the character on the front of the box, she has very little to actually do with the central conflict of the event. Most of the conflict is handled by Ezell first and Andoain second, and Fiametta mostly putters around putting holes in people until the finale where Andoain receives the answer he’s been looking for, he turns to explain it to the world, and he runs into the only person in the whole of Laterano who does not care about his motivations or his revelation. Her role, in other words, is to replace the climax of Andoain’s story with her own, and in doing so she makes it much harder to actually get a resolution and a meaning out of the story (this should not be taken as a criticism of her character, let me cook). Guide Ahead’s ending is hazy, with only small piecemeal resolutions to its conflicts, and for the longest time that was just the way the event was written and it stood on its own.
But now, Hortus de Escapismo is out and the monkey brain see patterns. Specifically, with the choice of protagonists. Because Executor is definitely different from Fiametta as a protagonist, but there’s one particularly important connection between the two, and that’s that as I mentioned in the beginning, they allow for stories don’t contradict orthodox morality. Fiametta we went over, as she’s uninterested in any of Andoain’s morality and just wants him dead. Executor, though, is purely focused on his mission and views the world through that lens. He only wants to achieve his objective, and while helping the needy is in line with the stated objectives of the church and he does do so when able, it’s secondary to his assigned task. He does change as he gets further into the story, and we’re not gonna ignore that, but we’ll be back to it later. What I mean is more that he is designed as a person who is able to lead a story that doesn’t contradict with the morals of Laterano. He sees the injustice and suffering around him, but that’s not his job, so he doesn’t need to solve it to have a complete story with a happy ending.
This is where it really gets complicated, so I apologize if I don’t explain this very well. I see this as us dealing with multiple layers of fiction: the events of the story, the perspective of the church, and our perspective as readers. Back to the first point - authoritarian institutions almost always use stories to sell people on their brand of order. Simple stories, simple enough that even calling them myths seems like overselling it a little, your “Saint George slays a dragon” kinda thing. This is the point of the second layer, the perspective of the church. I don’t really have an in-world justification for this layer - maybe you could make the argument that it has to do with Law’s perspective on things, but I don’t totally buy that - I think it’s more in a weird narrative transition space for people who don’t read very carefully. Regardless, Fiametta and Executor’s shared indifference to the questionable circumstances surrounding them is designed to let them tell a story to prop up the existing order. Their protagonist status and their missions are specifically constructed to allow them to ignore the suffering around them, and as such ignore the larger questions that might poke holes in the larger order. They’re both playing out the story of Saint George, where they go and find a bad guy and kill them and that’s all there is to it. The story is designed and told specifically for that “that’s all there is to it”.
But, as we said earlier, this is a good critique, and as such it intentionally undercuts this story with the third layer: what we actually see as readers. We are shown the suffering and the injustice, and then get to see our protagonists ignoring that to pursue their goals. This is what gives Guide Ahead’s ending its unique texture, which sets it apart from every other event with a vaguely unresolved ending. We have seen the actual issues with Laterano, and also watched our protagonist explicitly ignore them in favor of her own story. It’s unsatisfying in a way that only really makes sense to me if we as the readers have an understanding of intentional authorship. Whether it be Yvangelista XI or Law or The Actual Real Life Pope, there are issues here that we want to see a resolution to but people are choosing not to address them. Again, it’s good critique. Not only does it push the reader to unpack and understand the actual real-world technique, but it also helps blunt it. You have just seen a plot and protagonist ring uncharacteristically hollow. You then look around to see why that is, and you realize there are many things that should have been resolved that weren’t. The next time you see a story resolve with that same hollow-ness, you know where to look. Surprise! Harry Potter was propaganda the whole time. It’s okay, it was never good, you were just twelve.
I guess the last thing is where we go from here, because Executor’s story breaks this mold somewhat. In Hortus de Escapismo, he has to deal with a mission that isn’t actually bounded by his normal rules, and because of that he actually does have leeway to help the people around him. He starts as someone who is totally mission-focused, but by the end of the event he’s done a total 180 and is blocking Oren’s attack, which makes the mission harder but helps the non-mission-critical civilians of the monastery. He breaks from the rigid thinking of “kill the bad guy and that’s all there is do it”, and gives his attention to the people he isn’t supposed to see. I think this is an indication of the direction we’re going to be headed in the future with Laterano events. The events aren’t going to get better - they’re going to keep being just as morally murky and complicated as in the past - but the characters are going to get better at handling it, and when they do, they’re going to actually start to change things for the better.
Goddamn that was a lot of writing for 1 AM. I still have a. Lot of thoughts on this event with stuff like empathy and Lemuen and Federico being an autistic icon(my beloved) but I’m going to leave things there, I think, because if I write for any longer my phone is going to crash when I try to post this. Anyway if you actually made it to the end thanks for listening to me rambling and I hope that made sense. Cheers.
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clourey · 1 month
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synopsis : how do genshin men process a rejection?
featuring : neuvillette, wriothesley, al-haitham
cw : mentions of blood
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- he was.. content. not with the rejection, of course— neuvillette’s melancholic air or the way his antennae drooped so sadly did not go unnoticed by anyone, not even the melusines.
- but he was content in that he was able to love you. he was at terms with the fact that he wasn’t able to have you or give himself to you.
- he just felt pleasant knowing that he’d carry his love with him, as a reminder of what a blessing you’ve been in his life.
- and though he wasn’t depressed, he still found himself leaning back in his chair, shutting his eyes and dreaming of a world where you let him in your arms.
- when the melusines curiously observe him, they can’t help but inquire, “monsieur neuvillette, why do you always say their name when they aren’t even here?”
- ah, so he’s been caught again, mumbling your name under his breath.
- “i.. i fear that i do not entirely understand why i do so myself, but i believe this is what humans call.. ‘yearning’.”
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- he thought he was prepared for a rejection. he wasn’t.
- he overthinks it, wondering if there was something he did wrong that make you reject his confession.
- and everytime he dwells on it, he’s subconsciously chewing at his bottom lip, not realizing until there’s sour blood on his tongue.
- he’s forced to rub it off on the back of his hand so sigewinnie doesn’t notice and begin to question him again. he doesn’t like her questions.
- “do you want them to talk to you?”
- “do you want to see them?”
- “do you want to hold them?”
- yes. that’s exactly what he wants.
- but he can’t say that, he can’t make that happen. because more than wanting to be with you, he wants to respect you.
- regardless of the abyss of doubts he’s pushed into, he doesn’t want you to doubt him.
- if you asked to end your friendship, he’d end it. no matter how his chest constricts at the mere thought of not ever being able to talk to you again, no matter the scoldings from the head nurse after his sleepless nights, no matter his crushed hopes.
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- hey, al-haitham could just turn off his emotions for a bit. distract himself from a little miscalculation, couldn’t hurt right?
- his plan was a success, partially. he ignored until he just couldn’t anymore.
- the moment his pen wrote the letters of your name on a document strictly for noting work-related information, he felt tears prick his eyes.
- what was he crying for? that was all he thought whilst gathering his papers, and ironically, the thoughts only made more tears emerge.
- annoying. irritating. he’s frustrated.
- as if crying was going to make you miraculously reciprocate his feelings. there was no rational, logical reason in crying over it. so why— god, why was he looming over the table watching as his tears stained the wood? why was he feeling so helplessly weak that he had to use his arms to support him? why did he have so many questions and the answers to none?
- “uh.. al-haitham..? why are you..”
- kaveh. how characteristic his timing was.
- “go away.”
- in the end, the only way he knows how to cope is by suffocating all his feelings. isolating them and leaving them to die.
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galaxysgal · 4 months
just started s10 when tami is pregnant asf so now i’m thinking about lip with a lovey needy pregnant gf 🧸🩷 ((not edited + been awake 24hrs+))
“good morning baby,” you croon, watching lip come sleepily down the stairs. he runs a hand through soft, messy curls and waves to franny, who had started giggling the moment she saw him. you sat at the table with her while debbie was in the shower, filing out your crossword and letting franny ask you questions she had about her new baby cousin in your tummy.
“what uh-, fuck, what time is it? how long’ve you been up?” lip asks, rifling through the cabinet for a half-eaten, half-stale box of cereal. he’s tired, you can see the dark circles from across the room. you’d made the decision to let him sleep in, leaving him in the morning with a sweet kiss on his cheek before drawing the curtains and shutting the door.
you shrug, “about noon… been down here since seven. this baby sure is a gallagher, ‘cause he’s real hard headed and stubborn,” you say, playfully pointed at your baby bump.
“baby gallagher,” he mumbles, almost in awe as he pours two bowls of cereal.
you stand, one hand on your back to ease the constant weight of your pregnancy belly, and make your way over to lip. he smiles knowingly as you hold out the fruit basket to him, and takes a banana to cut up in your cheerios. just the way you like it.
he’s thoughtful in that way, knowing what you wanted, what you needed, understanding you in a way no one has before. while lost in thought you feel his arms wrap around your middle, hands resting gently on your baby bump. then, you feel your son kick right under lip’s hand. sure, there’s discomfort attached, but it’s all worth it when you look back at the sweet smile on your boyfriend’s face.
“hey buddy, how ya doin’ in there? hm?” he murmurs down toward your tummy.
“he’s been rowdy this morning,” you confess. you’d barely slept because of your son’s constant kicking. “i think he’s ready to be outta there, aren’t you little man?”
lip laughs softly at that, moving to finish slicing up the banana for your cereal. “you should’ve woke me up. i could’a helped try and get ya comfortable or somethin’,” he tells you, turning his head towards you with concerned eyes.
you just shake your head with a dismissive smile. “you needed the rest, lip. i let you sleep in.”
“hey, look at me will ya?” he says, reaching a hand out to guide your cheek. you meet his eyes, seeing him softly search your face. “you gotta rest too, mama.”
you shrug him off, but fall in at his side as grabs the milk from the fridge. “baby keeps me up, then i think about all the shit i gotta do and-“
“nuh uh, none of that, we’re in this together yeah?” he says bluntly, cocking an eyebrow at you.
“of course,” you respond with a kiss to his cheek. his skin is still warm from sleep, and you breathe in the scent of tobacco and cologne.
lip nods, satisfied. “there we go, end of discussion. you wake me up next time, you hear me?” he says playfully. he turns around to grab the shaker of cinnamon but you reach out and catch his sleeve, pulling him in so your faces are nearly touching.
“thank you,” you murmur to him, hand coming up to stroke his cheek. “and i love you. so, so much.”
you can feel lip heat up at your words, but he kisses you softly instead. the two of you are so close together, the world falling silent as you lived in this brief, shared moment.
“yeah, yeah,” he murmurs, laughing softly, but after a moment his shifts into a genuine expression as he adds, “i love you too. so much.”
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brattybottomdyke · 11 months
the smell of warm spices and homemade sauce flooding our apartment greets you as soon as you cross the threshold, finally in your safe place after a long day at work. you find me in the kitchen, oversized t-shirt and tiny shorts, dancing along to some music you can’t quite make out. standing in the doorway, you watch me as i mind the simmering pot on the stove, adding a little wine to the sauce before topping off the glass in my hand and a smirk pulls at your lips. a little for the food, a little for the chef, after all.
next thing i know, you’re behind me, your strong, warm hands finding my hips. i lean back into you, humming happily. “hi baby!” i tilt my head back to find your lips and kiss you. you return my smile as i shift my focus back to the meal im preparing, your hands never leaving my hips. “hi baby, smells good. you’ve been busy, huh?” i nod, kissing your lips with a smile quickly before turning back to face the stovetop.
i feel your hands start to move, gripping my hips a little firmer as you gently start to sway me against you. i bite my lip, but i can’t help but let myself sink into you. your fingers massage into my hips, still rocking my back against your front. “baby….” i whine. “i have to finish the food…” i can feel you smile against my neck before your lips graze my warm skin. “im not doing anything to stop you, love. finish whatever you need.” i know you’re not gonna give up, so i try to regain some composure and return to the food in front of me.
your hands start to wander, inching dangerously lower, making me a little weak in the knees. “babyyyyy,” it comes out whinier than i expected and again, i can feel you smirking against my neck. you don’t say anything, just squeeze my hips a little and i know you’re expecting me to finish our meal. your lips and teeth keep working at my neck, trying to distract me and it’s working. almost.
one of your hands finally sneaks into my shorts and down the front of my panties. your fingertips find my clit, hard and slick under your touch, and i can’t help but let out a quiet moan. your lips plant another kiss against my neck before you find my ear. “don’t stop. or i will.” i mumble a quiet fuck under my breath, thanking myself that the hardest part of the preparation is over. your fingers start slipping across my clit again, teasing my wetness. i bite down a squeaky moan, attending to the food in front of me while you continue to tease me. you’ve got me so worked up and you just started touching me…im trying to steady my legs, all with your hand still moving between my thighs where i need you most.
moments later, i can feel two of your fingers teasing at my entrance, barely slipping into me as you sink your teeth into my neck and i hiss, “baby, as much as i don’t want to stop you, i have to move these pots…” you circle around my clit a little more deliberately before you take your hand out of my soaked panties. “whatever you say,” you reply, your hand returning to my hip. i adjust the food, transferring things from one vessel to another as quickly as i can, growing desperate for your hands on me again. i push everything aside, knowing it can stay warm because my focus is lost.
i turn around to face you, throwing my arms around your neck and kissing you deeply. you groan into my mouth, your hands squeezing my hips so hard i think you’ll leave bruises. “maybe it’s time for dessert first,” i breathe against your lips. you respond by catching my lips with yours, one of your hands finding it’s way to my neck, holding, squeezing gently. a small gasp gets stuck in my throat and i feel you smirk against my lips. you kiss me even deeper, harder, squeezing just a little more around my neck. “i think you’re right, doll. screw the rules, dessert first.”
you back me up into the cabinets, locking me in place as your knee settles between my thigh. before i can even realize it, your fingers are back in my panties, playing with my clit once more. i moan louder than i had all evening, finally able to actually focus on your hands on me, your lips on mine. i start grinding against your hand, your thigh between my knees adding delicious pressure against my core. im so wet for you, your fingers are slipping around, feeling every inch of me melt under your ministrations. before i can realize it, you plunge two of your fingers into me, filling me up quickly. my arms tighten around you, nails digging into your shoulders as i throw my head back and moan loudly.
your fingers continue to pump into me, moving quickly while your thumb grazes my hard clit. “fuck baby, fuck fuck fuck oh my god,” my mouth is at your ear, spilling sinful moans as your fingers keep moving inside of me. “baby, please. please don’t stop.” i can feel you add another finger and start moving faster, your wrist pumping into me and im getting dangerously close. “you’re gonna make me cum. oh my god you’re gonna make me cum so hard for you, darling.” your teeth sink into my neck, bracing yourself against me as you fuck into me faster and faster. “cum for me, princess. i want to feel you cum on my fingers. cum for me,” it comes out in a groan as you feel me start to clench around you, my orgasm right. there.
“cum. now.”
your command sends me over the edge, my cunt pulsing around your fingers, almost pushing you out of me. i can’t help but moan out your name loudly as my nails dig into your shoulders, cumming around your strong fingers. “fuck, fuck baby,” im so overwhelmed and overstimulated, trying to come down from the orgasm you gave me. your fingers stay inside, not moving, but keeping me full.
your head rests against mine for a few minutes as we come down together, breathing heavily and kissing each other gently…you pull your fingers out of me, making me whine at the emptiness. you pull back from me, dark eyes blown wide with desire, searching for something in my own eyes. i bite my lip, the stare growing too intense, causing me to look away, for only a brief moment.
“i’m not done with you yet…” it sounds like a threat, a promise of a good time, something that makes me weak in the knees. with a squeak, your arms hook around me and lift me onto the counter. im, in a way, taller than you now and can’t help but giggle at the perspective shift. i hum with satisfaction, my one hand reaching to tangle in your hair. “i like this view baby,” i say with a smirk and a slight tug on your hair.
i yelp in shock and pleasure as your teeth sink into my thigh. “remember who you’re talking to, angel.” “or what?” i can’t even stop myself from the bratty response, head still swimming as i feel you bite my soft thigh again and i let out another moan, wiping away any attitude i had left. “or else, i won’t let you cum again. i’ll still fuck you, but you won’t be allowed to cum.” i hate to be denied and my resolve to brat is slowly melting out between my legs and i give you a sheepish grin, biting my lip in a silent promise to behave.
you mercifully stay between my legs, your fingertips grazing over my thighs and legs as you tilt your head up to kiss me. “good girl.” you break the kiss and i whine, but soon i realize your head is lower now, settling between my thighs. “scoot down a little. i need the best angle to taste you.” carefully, i wiggle my ass to the edge of the counter, my dripping center now almost directly in front of your face. even just the light whisper of your breath is driving me wild, my need for you growing. “baby, please don’t tease me. please, i need you.” you look up at me for one brief second and i can see the glint in your eye and i bite my lip again. “please?”
that seems to be all it takes before you dive in, your tongue parting my lips, drinking me in. i practically scream instantly, the warmth of your mouth and the force of your tongue overwhelming me. you drag your tongue from the bottom of my entrance up to my clit in one motion before wrapping your lips around my sensitive bud. you begin to suck and lap at my clit, my eyes almost rolling back in my head. your hands hold me still on top of the counter, fingers digging into my soft thighs and preventing me from moving too much. one of my hands finds it’s way to your head, fingers wrapping around your hair, not pulling but keeping you right where you are.
i feel you moan against me which only makes me wetter and i know there’s gonna be a little puddle on the countertop. you release my clit, returning your tongue to the rest of my drenched pussy. you alternate between long, slow licks, tasting every inch of me, and short thrusts, your tongue fucking my hole. “fuck, fuuuuck, fuck. please. please. pleaseeeee.” you pull away from me, the tension in my hand failing from the pleasure and your eyes are devious, face covered in my slick. “please what, princess? do you even know what you’re begging for?” im panting, my chest heaving with my short breaths as my body tries to adjust to the lack of sensation. “i-i, fuck. i know what im begging for baby. im begging,” - my head is swimming and i can hardly get the words out - “im begging you to make me cum again. i want to cum for you again.”
“your wish is my command, angel,” and with a cheeky wink, your face is once again buried between my thighs, making quick work of where you left off. i moan for you again, getting squeakier and more high pitched and your fingers dig into my thighs and i know im gonna be deliciously sore when you’re done with me. i almost feel like im getting close and you must know because you start slowing down. feverish and almost erratic fucking turns into long, lazy laps at my wetness. it almost feels like torture as you suck my clit into your mouth again before releasing it almost as quickly as you started. “baby, please. i need it. don’t tease me, please baby.”
i feel you laugh against me and i open my mouth to complain before you resume your original pace and all that comes out of my mouth is a choked out squeal. your tongue is lavishing me, coaxing more and more wetness from me. you pull away for just a second, catching your breath but planting soft kisses on the tops of my thighs, littering them across my slick lips. i’ve barely got my breathing slowed down when i feel your mouth circling my clit once more and two of your fingers fucking into me. i don’t even have the slimmest of chances to last and my walls start tightening around your fingers almost immediately. you groan against me, drunk on the feeling of me clenching around you, of me dripping down your chin. “don’t stop, oh my god, please don’t stop. im gonna cum. baby, oh babyyyyy, im gonna im gonna -“
your fingers continue to move faster, your mouth more firm around my clit as i cum with a scream against you. moments pass and you slip your fingers out reaching up to me and i gladly take them into my mouth, moaning again at my own taste on your fingers. your mouth is still on me, tongue moving slowly and delicately. every brush against my clit is almost too much, still reeling from the orgasms you gave me.
“baby, c’mere. up here…” you pull away from me and take your hand out of my mouth and move it to my neck, holding me steady as you kiss me softly. my own hand reaches for the back of your neck, holding you there gently. “wow…” is all i can manage as i wrap my legs around you and you pull me down from the counter. my legs feel like jelly now that i have to stand on them again but you never stop holding me steady. “sit down, princess. i’ll plate everything up. you need to rest, you were so good for me, my angel.”
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thasorns · 4 months
I cannot shake my thoughts about this and I’ll know I’ll keep this drama close to my heart. The fact that Myung ha’s ‘sunbae’ opened the riff to the world with the question “would you change it for me?” Also the fact that Myung ha’s alternate universe/game world started with the sound of an ocean tells already a lot about it but we won’t know until Episode 8 why. Throughout the series we watched Myung ha doing everything in his power to make Yeo woon happy while he himself couldn’t rely, couldn’t trust, couldn’t open himself up to him. We know the phrase of his ex gf “you don’t know how to love anyone.” left a deep scar in his soul which he carried with to the alternate universe/game. I try to think the system errors which occurred during the game was a way to change Myung ha’s mindset to not make the same mistakes and/or go on with his habitual habits he did in his life before he drowned himself. Also the different tasks was it actually for Myung ha to realize that he’s the one who makes Yeo-woon happy (which he didn’t). He retreated himself from Yeo woon because he couldn’t choose between the most important persons in his life as we saw his grandma died in real life which makes me think if he also knew that because in one sequence in the game/au it asked him if he wants to bring back some memories of Myung ha’s life. Also the last I love you from Yeo woon was the cherry on top to let the system completely crash where he distanced himself from Yeo woon. “I want to spend my remaining time making Yeo woon happy as best as I can. But it seems the more I try, the more unhappy I make Yeo-woon.” Which Myung ha remembers what Yeo-woon said: “whenever I see you, I both feel good and want to cry. I feel so much about every little thing. But I’m not happy at all right now.” Which again I try to think it is about why Myung ha doesn’t rely more on him? Why he doesn’t open himself up to him? A relationship is based off of trust, give and take… etc. but Myung ha goes into this relationship with deep rooted traumas which causes lack of self love. If one loves not itself enough how can they expect to love someone else which what explains Myung ha’s last phrase in the same scene so much. “Why did I think I could make you happy?” It’s as if he doesn’t think that a loner like him could be the one to give him love and happiness. What follows after is that he choses Yeo woon’s happiness even if he’s not his happiness… which again brings me to the beginning where Myung ha thinks “but I prefer lonely supporting characters to happy protagonists.” In this case he’s the lonely supporting character to our happy protagonist Yeo-woon. “But being fated to live that kind of life… is just so unfair.” He knew/knows how cruel life can be so he chose his happiness over everything and got vanished from the game. He realized by now that Yeo-woon is/was more important than he wanted to admit. Yeo-woon is/was a glimpse of happiness in Myung ha’s life. What brings us to the tragic backstory of his life and how he lived. All the obstacles he endured and went through led to his drowning (at this point we saw Yeo-woon’s obstacles in the alternate universe/game at least in my opinion). This is the turning point for Myung ha. “I was hoping if you saw yourself from someone else’s perspective, you would learnt to love yourself. I thought if you learned to love someone, you would be a little happier.” I want to make a reference here to the title itself “Love for Love’s sake” because all the sacrifices he did and cared more for others than himself… but he found happiness. In Yeo-woon. And he chose his own happiness for once. It’s the way he chooses all these things for himself, to open himself up for him, to rely and be cared for. “It would be nice to have someone. Someone who cares by my side. Someone who gives me chances when I fail and feel hopeless. It would be nice to have someone who always gives me love.” Which they found both in each other.
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
I think Bakugou likes being babied, even if it’s just a little bit. Acts like you’re such a bother whenever you coo over him, but pouts even harder when you don’t.
Likes when he’s eating and admittedly talking the entire time, distracted with his fussing about how Denki screwed up his capture today. Doesn’t realize that there’s a bit of sauce or crumbs in the corner of his mouth or under his bottom lip or on his chin. You don’t stop him, just reach forward with an out stretched thumb, wiping it away, listen to how his words die in his throat at the act. You lick your thumb clean, nodding, telling him to continue, and he’s so flustered and huffy about it that he forgets where he left off and starts all over again.
Likes when you comb your fingers through his hair as you wash it, despite smacking you away and telling you he can do it himself. Tells you he doesn’t need you to comb it out after the shower, but sits there on the seat of the toilet and lets you, holds your hips in his hands. His eyes are closed and his jaw is relaxed as you comb through the strands, even parting it down the middle to make fun of how funny he looks this way.
Likes when you spoon feed him on days where he’s really tired from hero work. When you feed him bites of his food, holding a hand under his chin to catch the crumbs, pecking his cheeks when he chews. Asking him, “good?” every few bites when he hums, smile when he grumbles about it just being “okay.”
Likes when you pat and rub him to sleep. His face buried in your neck and his body wrapped right around you, your hand smoothing circles into his bare skin until his eyes flutter. Rubbing at his jaw and scratching at his scruff, skimming your fingers soothingly along his strong shoulder blades until they relax into pure putty beneath you. When you hum to him, singing like some mama putting her baby to sleep, and he finds it embarrassing, but it always helps him fall asleep again after a nightmare pulls him from slumber.
He just likes being babied by you in return for how much he does the same for you. Secretly very spoiled, but if you tell him that, he’ll turn his nose up at you, while also demanding you pat him to sleep again tonight in case the terrors come again.
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Hello Nevermore webtoon fandom. I’m very obsessed and have some thoughts and questions and I’d like to see other ppl’s too. So. I’ve seen it commonly theorized that many of the chara’s come from different time periods. If this is true, why is it that they, specifically, end up at this particular time in Nevermore? (This is mostly me rambling lol.)
We know it’s not the case that there is a certain quota of people dying who fit whatever qualification there is to be at the school before a new term starts. This is because Theo was in a previous class, and he lived well after Prospero for example (judging by his plague doctor motif) and died before Lenora. Yet, Theo is not in the same class as them, so the makeup of classes doesn’t seem to have anything to do with overworld chronology of when they died.
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So maybe instead, people who die and fit the qualifications for Nevermore are kept in some sort of stasis. Then when a new term starts X amount of them are selected (randomly? On purpose by some entity to create a class with a particular characteristic?) and join that class? If this is true, then what the Raven tells Lenore would mean that this was not always the case.
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Look at the words “recently departed.” If this was the way of doing things, then there would be no people from the 17th century mixing with people from the 20th century. Yet, there are, as “things are different now.” Somehow, someone (the Deans?) have changed the way Nevermore works so that people who died in very different time periods are in Nevermore at the same time.
Interestingly, Lenore (and presumably Annabelle) very much “wash up” on the shores of the southern island:
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They also arrive late to class, meaning that maybe for some reason, they were set to follow the old process of making the pilgrimage to the other side of the island, before they were guided by the Wisps to Nevermore. This idea is messed up tho by the fact that at this point, they were not “recently departed”: Other students who died at later times were already in Nevermore. So idk where I’m going with this particular point, but I feel like it’s important that Anabelle and Lenore were shown to be something of anomalies.
Another related point was how the Deans didn’t seem particularly worried about the fact that two students were missing before Annabelle and Lenore showed up. This shows that they don’t have complete control over the system and have grown accustomed to that fact. Interestingly, this contradicts what the Raven says to Lenore about leaving Nevermore Academy:
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Again, the world “recently” in “recently departed” would imply that Nevermore exists in a particular time in relation to the overworld. We know Nevermore HAS time—there are mentions of sunsets, it gets dark at night, the raven says that Merry and Mourn are relatively new to Nevermore, etc—how tied is it to the overworld though?
Is there a direct equivalent, like, it is 1980 CE in the overworld so it’s 1980 in Nevermore?
Or is time related but compressed or expanded, like, 1 overworld year is 5 Nevermore years?
Or does time in Nevermore exist completely separately. Ie, when it’s 1980 in the overworld it’s 3000 in Nevermore, and when it’s 2000 in the overworld it’s 900 in Nevermore, and when it’s 2020 in the overworld it’s 1500 in Nevermore. (This could make Annabelle and Lenore “recently departed”)
Nevermore exists in a state of complete stasis. The days and nights are only there to mimic the real world, but time doesn’t actually exist.
Or something else?
I’m wondering how time in Nevermore relates to time in the real world because I want to know what the year will be if Lenore and Anabelle get back to the world of the living. Will they have a second chance at the exact lives they were living before? Will they be the same people in a different time? Will they be reincarnated into different people in a different time?
Also! New point! I assumed earlier that there was some criteria for getting into Nevermore. Looking the cast, this seems like the case: they’re all young, didn’t seem to expect to die for a long time in life, and are from a relatively more economically developed area in the world. However, many more people who fit those traits than the cast died and it would take an extremely long time to get through all of them given the class size so there are four options that might exist at once:
There is some other trait that gets them into Nevermore
it’s random who goes to Nevermore
There are multiple Nevermore academies
The time works like option 2 mentioned above, so the Deans have a lot more time to process all the students
(Note: the fact that all the character’s we’ve seen seem to come from more economically developed areas could just be chalked up to authorial bias, rather than having some in-universe reasoning)
Another, vaguely related point: what do the deans gain from changing the way Nevermore’s system works? (What’s their currency?) It seemed like in the past, all recently departed souls could try to make the pilgrimage to return to the overworld. Sure, some would get eaten, but I’m guessing that a lot more would make it through. The current system limits the amount of people who can get through a lot, since 1. the criteria for going to Nevermore excludes a large portion of the population, and 2. only one student in like 30 or whatever the class size is can go to the portal. They also hide the portal from students, as they’ve closed down the wing that has a view of it. I’m not even sure if the portal is used to send the one student back, or if there’s some other method. So why would the deans (or whoever set up the Nevermore academy system) try to limit the amount of souls that can come back? I have some ideas:
The underworld wants a higher population. We know that there is some sort of administration there, as there are trains and train tickets, so it would make sense for them to have an interest.
Using the portal takes energy away from something, and whoever set up the Nevermore academy system would like to limit the energy that’s being lost
It’s a metaphor for capitalism
The creatures in Nevermore gained something from the previous system—having pilgrims to eat, something to do with the use of the portal—and the creators of the Nevermore academy system don’t like the creatures having power
anyway, these were some thoughts I had. They’re not particularly well organized, so I might make some of them into their own post. Please tell me your thoughts! I would love to have some people to talk to about this webtoon.
tl;dr because this was some of the least linear thinking to ever think
It’s not clear how the makeup of classes are decided
Time is screwy
Nevermore hasn’t always operated this way, and someone has an interest in keeping up the current system with the academy
Lenore and Annabelle are, at least at first, slightly outside of the system
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p1nk-syr1nge · 1 year
Vacation Buddy. [Platonic! Sniper x Reader]
Sniper notices you’re under the weather n takes you on a road trip. :] Sorry i’ve been so inactive. I’m sooo busy and have little motivation. But here’s some food !! **throws this out like bread crumbs for birds**😚
┌─── ∘°🏩°∘ ───┐
Sitting in the camper van, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt and pondering what adventure lies ahead. It was all so sudden.
Sniper, who was currently outside, was filling up the gas tank. He’d barely spoken since last night, and this morning when.
Even if you both spent much time together, it was always silent. He’s always been a man of few words, but that never really bothered you. It already meant a lot that he trusted you enough to even be around you. Wordless sessions of sitting on the swinging bench outside the base, just looking up at the stars.
Nothing spoken. Nothing needed to be said, the company, and soft exhales of cigarette smoke was all that was exchanged from him.
It was a bit of a surprise when he gently shook you awake last night, saying “I’m going on a trip. If you want to go pack up.” For one, he almost never really goes INSIDE the base unless it’s for a meal.
And a trip…? Those are almost sacred to him. A special time to escape his wretched, loud, and exhausting teammates.
But you went ahead and packed, I mean. It was a sign of trust. In your opinion at least… that or he had enough of you and he was finally disposing of your body, but you weren’t gonna worry about that until later.
Again, it was all rewinding in your brain as he closed the gas tank and climbed back into the car. He was busy just adjusting before he motioned to the glovebox.
“Reach in there, will ya?” He requested. And you complied, pulling out a few cassettes and holding it in his direction to pick from. “Huhh… let’s see…” He grabbed one eagerly and slipped it into the radio slot.
Oh….Bee-Gees. Kinda made sense when you thought about it.
But that wasn’t your main thought. While you were both hitting the road now, no exchange of words for a good fourteen minutes. But curiosity got the better of you.
“Hey, Sniper?”
“Where are we going?” He looked a little dumbfounded at the question. Like it just hit him.
“Oh. We’re just goin’ to a range for a bit. Then the city.”
“It’s just nice to—“
“No, no. I mean, why are you taking me with you?”
“Oh, well…” He seemed to be in thought for a while. Really pondering upon his words before spoken. He never really just said things, there was an anxious precision to it. “The company’s nice. And besides, you’ve looked terrible recently. Thought’d be nice for ya to get some fresh air.”
“Oh wow yeah thanks…” You sigh, rolling your eyes slightly. But he’s right. You haven’t been at your peak. It was kind of heartwarming that he took notice, regardless of the bluntness. 
It was quiet again. But not in an awkward matter. The music playing in the background, the large exhales he let out every now and then, with the humming of the van on the road. It was nice. Tranquil. Better than the constant gunfire and loudmouth, and sometimes crude, coworkers. 
But he was right. It was nice to get out. A long road trip with sights to see. The company was nice too, like he said.
You got some better tips on your aim at the range, and a few souvenirs from city.
It was nice… Now you just gotta convince him to take you again. 
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hexgirlnatural · 2 years
what if when dream comes back hob has a boyfriend. like not something serious a chill relationship with great sex. so chill in fact that hob doesn’t even mention him in that first meeting.
anyway dream comes to see hob at the new inn one day and sees them all cozied up so he turns to leave immediately (he isn’t jealous or anything hob is obviously busy) but hob sees him and calls him over and dream reluctantly does. and he’s just a salty little bitch the whole time. (hob maybe even thinks he’s homophonic at some point?)
(a little bonus something i thought of is the bf introducing himself and hob kicks dream under the table to do the same so he’s like “…Morpheus.” and the boyfriend is like “omg i looove greek mythology percy jackson is still one of my fave reads” and dream is either confused or seething and hob is trying to hold back his laughter)
ANYWAY so it goes on for a couple of months where every time dream tries to visit hob the boyfriend is there and he’s sick of it (not because he’s jealous or anything he just wants some alone time with his bestie buddy pal)
so dream starts showing up at purposely inconvenient times and at first it isn’t obvious to hob (the bf is suspicious from the start but he doesn’t really mention it bc dream is important to hob and he’s trying to be supportive)
he crashes a movie night and he’s never actually seen a movie before but that’s not the point
he crashes a themed night at the inn and holds hob’s attention for the most of it
(the bf tries to mention it to hob then but hob is like “he’s really broody and antisocial usually i’m just excited to see him out and enjoying himself”)
he interrupts them a few more times but the last straw is when he knocks on hob’s door just when things are getting good between him and bf… hob goes to shoo whoever’s at the door (though honestly hob who could it possibly be)
“dream!… it’s really late”
“you weren’t in the dreaming yet and i wished to speak with you.”
“yeah i’m actually a bit busy”
(cue bf “robbie come back to bed!”)
“i see. i shall wait for you here when you’re done.”
“……..that’s not exactly what i meant”
(dream got the hint perfectly but the good thing about being an anthropomorphic personification is being able to pretend not to understand human social conventions)
so dream waits on the sofa and hob sheepishly explains the situation to bf who (understandably) completely loses it and demands hob sets clear boundaries with dream or he’s leaving. hob stalls for a bit because what if he tries to talk to dream about him and dream decided they should go back to centennial meetings??? and of course he can’t tell his bf this so bf is rightfully pissed and breaks up with him.
after bf is gone hob sits with dream (who is totally not smug about the whole thing) on the sofa and asks him what it was dream wanted to talk about. at which point dream realises he didn’t come up with a good excuse. and hob is like….. huh?? wait. OH.
and then they get together and live happily ever after :)
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the-travelling-witch · 3 months
I actually really like the thought of Xiao and his relationship being a bit darker I mean didn’t Xiao kill thousands of “people” and creatures for him? I’m not educated on his lore but I know Xiao was some type of warrior to Morax when he was a god? Archon?
Holly I would love to hear your thoughts on it
okay where do i start with this… no seriously where do i start
You said you don’t know much about Xiao, so let’s start there (coming from someone who might know a little too much about him jshsh).
Basically, yes, you are correct that Xiao was fighting for Morax alongside the other Yaksha and Adepti during the Archon War after Morax saved him from his enslavement to an ancient god and gave him the name “Xiao”. Because of his gratitude to Morax, Xiao took on the duty to protect Liyue, something he still does to this day.
Now, what I think is important to mention here is that Xiao is still referred to as a “young adeptus” even in present times, so during the Archon War approximately 2700 years ago, he was much younger still, meaning he was enslaved from a very very young age. (My personal headcanon is that he had golden wings originally and that they have been cut off/ clipped/ ripped out by the ancient god when he was first enslaved.)
But Xiao was not alone in protecting Liyue. He had four fellow guardian yaksha, who were all very dear to him, but who tragically passed after succumbing to what is known as “karmic debt”. Karmic debt is the residual wrath of slain gods, whose hatred and power remain after being defeated due to them being immortal. It causes a physical and mental toll on those who are subjected to it, especially continuously over long periods of time, like the yaksha.
(There were more than these five yaksha, of course, like Pervases, but I’m talking mostly about the five guardian yaksha.)
In the perilous trail quest line we learn more in depth about what happened to the four other yaksha; Indarias succumbed to madness and fear, Bonanus and Menogias killed each other in battle and Bosacius fought in the Chasm during the cataclysm after even forgetting his own name.
Xiao wasn’t unaffected either. Had he not heard Venti play the flute, he would have lost himself to his karmic debt too, which is not unsurprising considering he has been fighting the remnants of gods from the Archon War all this time.
(I feel we are now leaving hoyo’s plane of storytelling and entering my plane of angst, so everything from here on out is interpreted through the messenger that is me… but you guys love my angst right)
And Zhongli isn’t the harmless, senile grandpa who forgets his wallet all the time (which he totally does on purpose) as he makes himself out to be. When Xiao first met him he was the Warrior God, Morax.
Surely, during a war, for someone like him, the first thought on his mind wasn’t how the people around him felt but how he could best utilise the weapons at his disposal to ensure victory.
And Xiao happened to be one of those weapons.
If you look at what Xiao did during and after his enslavement, it’s not much different, is it? He still, as you said, slaughtered and slayed countlessly, just under a different leader.
And sure, the difference here is that Xiao accepted it willingly this time around, yet, as I explained earlier, I think that he was still very much within his formative years (decades? centuries?) back then, where he, for one, learnt that apparently killing is what he was good for. But also, of course, he would perceive Morax as this “good” person who freed him and who he wants to support; and at first glance, there’s nothing wrong with that.
We also see, however, that Xiao holds Zhongli in a higher regard than pretty much anyone else. Even nowadays he still refers to him as Rex Lapis and dares anyone to speak ill about him (or Morax for that matter) though Zhongli has retired both of those names already. Yet Xiao of all people clings to it.
Also what kind of (good) father would let his son literally work away to the brink of insanity?
Yes, I’m aware that Zhongli inquires about how Xiao is doing and that he has medicine made for him (which he doesn’t deliver himself), which is fine and all but also… too little too late huh? It also means that Zhongli is aware of the state Xiao is in and he never bothers to walk his old ass over to Wangshuu Inn and tell the guy to stop? We went over how loyal Xiao is to Zhongli; you’d think he’d listen if he earnestly told him to rest, the old geezer is the reason Xiao does all this protecting in the first place.
And don’t think I forgot about the chasm quest, oh no. I know Zhongli saved Xiao just in the nick of time and we all cried at the cutscene, and I cried so much but also… why does this retired grandpa have to show up so late? He couldn’t have stopped looking at silk flowers two minutes earlier, before Xiao took on the physical and mental toll of sacrificing himself? Sure… if you say so…
(Though probably not his intention, you could read it as another sign of “You are still here because of me” or Xiao could be encouraged in feeling like he once again owes his life to Morax.)
But, what is even more heartbreaking, is how Xiao had been ready to make the ultimate sacrifice this entire time (shown by how he asked Yanfei about what a will is and if anyone could make one). Where do you think that mindset came from?
(Okay, Holly, calm down. Don’t throw hands with the geo grandpa… leave some for Neuvillette.)
And I’m not saying that Zhongli would still make the same decisions today that he made back then or that he is proud of what he has done. Actually, I think he’d feel quite guilty now that peaceful times have been established and he is in the position to take a step back and reevaluate, which is probably where his attempts at healing come from. I’m not saying he is a fundamentally bad person.
(Zhongli: “We did not measure right and wrong during the days of the Archon War in the same manner as we do today.”)
I’m saying that the circumstances of their first meeting lastingly formed the base and nature of their relationship.
I don’t think Zhongli has bad intentions, yet he also doesn’t address their past dynamic either and after what we established, we can assume Xiao wouldn’t either, which is probably why Zhongli reckons it is okay to let the topic rest.
(comment by @watatsumiis: “i feel like xiao literally isnt equipped to bring up these sorts of conversations. he just thinks how hes living is totally normal. like if you were to really twist it, YEAH their relationship could be like a father and son dynamic but in the way that like.. zhongli is a more mature and well rounded person than xiao is and because of his emotional experience he should be the one taking the lead and helping to guide xiao in these situations, even if that means starting the hard conversations.” Thank you for putting into words what my 1am brain couldn’t <3)
When he tells Xiao to go and make and meet friends he probably has very good intentions and there is care there. But we also know making connections is something Xiao is very afraid of, no matter how much he craves having a connection to someone, because he is scared to taint them with his karmic debt.
I also want to reiterate that the god who helped Xiao most with fighting against his karmic debt was Venti, who Zhongli labels as a useless drunk… just saying.
You could say that Zhongli tries to move their relationship from master and weapon to something more familial but his attempts are a little clumsy, probably because their history just runs very deep and old roles are hard to let go of.
To me, Xiao is a character with childlike curiosity but also the resoluteness and stoicism of someone who was forced to grow up too fast. And in a happier ending, someone close and dear to him (me, it’s me) can help him reevaluate his purpose and bring more nuance into a pretty black and white view on things.
However, @/watataumiis and I have been moving into a completely different direction ofc and I won’t spoil what it is here but I’ve been thinking about it a lot since then (and naturally I immediately started self shipping shenanigans bc I can’t not insert myself when Xiao is involved :])
And with that I conclude my crazed ramblings <3
(Again, not saying Zhongli is a bad person or anything, and this also not necessarily the basis on which I write him in x reader fics; you know me, I just like exploring avenues like this. Also I feel like I’m forgetting half of what I wanted to say, but that’s kinda typical; just know that I feel like there are more angsty thoughts under the smooth surface of my late night brain.
And while it’s not my cup of tea, I’m not trying to put down anyone who does see them as a functional father/son dynamic; there is nothing wrong with wanting that fluffy found family comfort ^^)
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kingdom-dance · 1 year
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TY @asian-ascian​ for this @shepherds-of-haven relationship chart that I spent so much time on 💙 it’s fun to be insane about these little guys. Anyway under the cut as promised is more about Chase and Niamh’s relationship because I’m super normal about them.
Chase gives Niamh much needed permission to be just a little selfish for once. He protects her from her fate as a martyr, as she is inclined to become, keeps her from pouring from an empty cup, and uses his own to fill hers without complaint, without expectation of return. Niamh is a lighthouse,not an anchor for him. She won’t stifle him, but she is that constant that he can come home to. Safety, a beacon of sorts. She is often stuck in her own head with her thoughts and Chase is very good at pulling her out of that and knowing when she needs it. I think also they are very in-tune with each other, and anticipating the other’s needs (not wants) is a big part of it. I think to her, Chase is most willing to see her as a person and not this holder of enormous power or some mysterious creature. He knows her without pretense, and she, with some patience learns him just as well.
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pollenallergie · 1 year
ok ok ok so
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the year is 1987, it’s your second semester of your freshman year at college, and you’re super fucking nervous about taking chem 101 because 1) you haven’t taken chem since you were like a tiny little bitty bopper in high school and 2) the last time you took chem, you totally sucked ass at it.
so on the first day you’re like praying to god that the professor will let you guys work in pairs and by some miracle, he does.
here comes the hard part:
who do you pair up with??
you lock eyes with the girl at the lab station next to yours. she’s a cute, tiny, strawberry blonde with a blue scrunchie in her hair that perfectly matches the blue of her eyes. it’s 7 o’clock in the morning, so, she’s fresh-faced with not a lick or makeup on. however, if you had to guess, you’d probably say when she does wear makeup she tends to stick to the pretty baby blues and pinks. she looks like every popular girl from your old high school, but somehow prettier, with kinder eyes and a warmer smile. you think there’s no way in hell she’s gonna pick you as her lab partner, so you quickly avert your eyes and resume your search of the laboratory for a potential partner.
however, your search is swiftly interrupted by the sound of a soft, sweet, timid voice call out your name. your eyes quickly flit back to the girl on your left only to find her looking at you expectantly, albeit a little shyly.
“that is your name, right? it’s, um, it’s written on your notebook,” she says, pointing to the lab notebook you’ve set out on your station.
“y-yeah,” you stutter back. you response earns you a sweet smile from her, she seems oddly reassured by how nervous you are.
“i’m chrissy,” the strawberry blonde introduces herself timidly, as she holds her dainty hand out for you to shake.
you accept her hand, shaking it quickly, nervously, before dropping it in favor of picking at your own cuticles. “nice to meet you,” you respond simply, though not unkindly, as you muster up a small smile to offer her.
“do you want to be my partner?” chrissy asks.
“me?” you reply dumbly, mentally berating yourself for being so awkward.
“yeah,” she responds with an easy chuckle. “i noticed you already have all your stuff set out,” chrissy clarifies as she gestures towards the goggles, lab notebook, calculator, and two number two pencils you have set out neatly at your station. she continues, “i like having a partner who’s as prepared as me; shows you’re going to take this course seriously.”
“yeah, y-yeah, definitely,” you stutter, “i, um, i’m majoring in biology so i kinda really need to pass this class.”
“really?” chrissy asks, perking up excitedly. “i’m a bio major too!” she explains giddily. “are you premed?” she asks.
“no, no. i wish had the brains for that, but, um, i actually prefer environmental sciences,” you reply. somehow the smile on her face only gets brighter.
“me too!” she all but cheers. “are you taking principles of biology this semester?”
“yeah, i’m on my second semester of it. i have professor hughes,” you reply.
“so do i! i’m in her 3 o’clock class!” chrissy says excitedly as she unthinkingly reaches forward gently grasp your arm, unable to contain her joy; you think she’s somewhat like a golden retriever in the regard, especially given her luscious strawberry blonde locks. she blushes when she notices how forward she’s been, murmuring out a quiet “sorry,” as she releases her featherlight hold on you.
as if to placate her, you smile at her brightly, her excitement serving as a balm for your nerves.
“unfortunately i have her at 10,” you remark, “wish i would’ve signed up for her afternoon class so we could’ve been partners there too.”
chrissy’s bright smile swiftly returns at your words, any lingering shame fading away as her excitement renews.
“well, if we can’t be lab partners there too, maybe we could get together and study sometime? i’ve heard the first couples weeks of this semester focus more on viruses and bacteria, and, well, microbiology really intimidates me,” she admits.
chrissy’s offer takes you by surprise; mere moments ago you would’ve guessed that someone like her would simply turn their nose up at you and now, here she is, asking you to be her study buddy in addition to being her lab partner. maybe all the clique-y high school shit really does get left behind when you graduate.
“yeah, i’d like that,” you agree.
you don’t miss the way she blushes slightly and bites her lip before bashfully responding, “great! m-maybe we could meet at the café here on campus this friday and get a head start on studying?”
“yeah, that sounds great. i have some free time in between bio and my 1 o’clock psych class if you want to meet up around that time,” you offer.
“sure, yeah! it’s a date!”
for the rest of the week leading up to your meeting on friday, you hyperfixate on those last three words as well as the way chrissy kept sneaking glances at you during the remainder of the lab. <3
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mayahawkins · 1 year
byler + 27💛
hello!! thank you for the prompt. i realise that they don’t actually share the umbrella for much of this but alas, this where my brain decided to end it.
byler + sharing an umbrella in the rain
“How was I the sensible one here?” Mike says, laughing as he pulls an umbrella out of his backpack. It was absolutely pouring rain as they stepped out of the movie theatre but stayed under the cover of the entryway. “You’re the one that told me to bring an umbrella!”
“So I knew you’d have one for me to share.” Will says, quick as ever.
“Ah,” Mike says, “so this was your plan all along?”
“I didn’t want to carry my backpack today.” Will says with a shrug and a smirk.
Mike simply laughs and shakes his head, “you’re terrible, Will Byers.”
“You like it,” Will says, kissing Mike on the cheek. Mike’s stomach swoops and his cheeks redden slightly, the way they always do anytime Will kisses him, or does something cute, or looks at him. Mike wonders if he should be worried that there’s something wrong with him, like physically, since they’ve been dating for several months. But then Will looks at him again, and every thought on the subject promptly leaves his mind as his stomach swoops again like it couldn’t be any other way, like Will Byers will always make him feel like he’s on a roller coaster he doesn’t ever want to get off.
“Get a room, losers.” Max says as she shoulders past Will in the entryway, jostling him into Mike. Mike catches him with an arm around his waist, cheeks blushing at the contact. Lucas is following behind her, patting Will’s shoulder as he moves past them.
“Wow,” Mike says, sarcasm thick in his voice, “Stop being so homophobic, Max.”
Max doesn’t even look back as she holds up her middle finger back at them. “C’mon, we’re going to the diner. I want a milkshake.” She continues walking into the rain, saved by her rain jacket
“In this weather?” Will asks incredulously, looking to Mike.
“At least it’s only a few blocks,” Mike responds, shrugging because the diner is closer than his house which meant less time in the rain.
“I guess,” Will says.
“C’mon, let’s go before she yells at us for being too slow.” Mike says, opening the umbrella. They step out into the rain. Will wraps his arms around Mike’s as they follow after Lucas and Max down the street to the diner.
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anoddopal · 7 days
🐰 Thoughts: Dynamics With the BB Pirates [1/?]
Potential Trigger Warnings: Mentions of mental illness, depression, thoughts of death
☞ Silva wouldn’t have agreed to go along with the Bla.ckbeard Pirates when they left Mock Town had she been in a better state of mind at the time. The reality was that bun didn’t think there were really any other options left for her- her dream for the future had crumbled, her heart was shattered, and she was spiraling fast. Bun had lost hope. Silva’s decision to leave with them could have easily been the death of her. [And frankly? Bun was kind of counting on it.] And when that didn't happen, she decided to stick around anyway. Bun knows the #1 rule of nature: only the strong survive. Therefore, if she was going to continue onwards, she needed to align herself with a powerful force. ☜
☞ Yet despite being amongst a group of very dangerous people, Silva isn’t in inherent danger. [At least she isn’t in the kind of danger that she’s personally worried about.] Just so long as she stays out of their way, her biggest concern is avoiding getting bowled over/stepped on. [Everyone who makes up the crew is more than twice her height and easily several times her weight. Bun has to watch out! Though most of them are so loud she can hear them coming a mile away...] ☜
☞ Bun is merely there as D.oc Q’s assistant [and does other odd tasks here and there] in the beginning. She’s far too weak to be an actual member of the Bla.ckbeard Pirates. …. At first, anyway. ☜
☞ It isn’t until after the battle of Marineford that Bun is invited to become an official Bla.ckbeard Pirate. She accepts- aside from her pets, the crew was all she had left. The original five members of Teach’s crew are so proud when bun’s first official wanted poster is released. Look at how far their Bun has come! ☜
☞ Silva is regarded as lucky amongst the crew. Even though she doesn’t see how that alleged attribute applies to her, the others seem to emain firm with their opinion. A few even perceive her as a being that brings luck their way; a “good luck charm” of sorts.
And perhaps some credence can be leant to this belief. Bun avoided getting poisoned by Magellan because she refused to go to Impel Down with Bl.ackbeard's crew. And like Teach, Bun also escaped being frozen by Ku.zan when the crew randomly encountered him at a bar in the New World. Whenever something unfortunate happens to the group as a whole, Silva always manages to circumvent the circumstances. ☜
☞ Despite Bun’s various differences with the rest of the crew, none of them are unfriendly with her. In fact, it could be said that she’s decently liked by them. [Though she was quiet and meek when she first came aboard. It wasn’t until she hesitantly agreed to drink with them one night that that a bit of her hidden self slipped out, and Bun’s upbeat, playfully witty side came out to play. Heeey, turns out that seemingly shell of a person has a fun side! Whadyaknow, she does know how to smile!] She's affectionately regarded as the crew's resident little creature™️, and without her around, hijinks cannot properly ensue. Bun's individual relationships with the main members are as follows:
Spouse, Soulmate [or so he insists]: La.ffitte
The Best of Friends: D.oc Q + Stronger, Ca.tarina Devon, Ku.zan + Camel
On Good Terms With: Jesus Bur.gess, Sa.njuan Wolf
It Depends on the Day: Van Au.gur, Ma.rshall D. Te.ach, Av.alo Piz.arro
Avoids: Sh.iryu [he kinda reminds her of someone...🐊]
Refuses to be in the Presence of: Va.sco Shot
☞ Bun is allowed to have bad days around them. She’s allowed to be flawed, to be all the parts of her that she doesn’t like and tries so hard not to be. Those ill moods and dour states of mind are handled with a surprising amount of grace by her crew mates. It still surprises her after 2+ years of being around them. Bun has known "better" people who have left over much less... ☜
☞ Teach knows right away - from the moment they meet - that Bun has immense potential hidden within her. Sure, she comes across as a weakling, but he can tell she is stronger than she lets on; she is stronger than she knows. And she for sure has much more knowledge and awareness in that mind of hers than she lets others believe. With time, bun could develop into a very valuable asset. Teach keeps an eye on her.
He is one of the first to figure out that she has Conquer’s Haki [it’s how she is able to tame animals so easily]! Teach was also the first amongst the crew to find out about Bun’s past with Crocodile. Though this wasn’t due to intuition. Instead he found out she was kinda-sorta wanted by the World Government when he briefly became a Warlord. They wanted to… ‘question’ her about her knowledge of the Alabasta incident and… silence her so the truth behind their coverup wouldn’t get out. But all they had was a photo of her on Crocodile’s arm. Fortunately her identity was a mystery. Teach had no reason to sell her out to them, but he certainly ribbed her about her former love life the next time he saw her: “Zehahaha, hey Bun! When were you gonna tell us you used to f*ck Crocodile?!” >:)
In a way, one could go as far as to say that Bla.ckbeard personally finds Silva endearing. They've had quite a few philosophical late night talks when neither could sleep due to insomnia. He finds her sass hilarious- to the point of letting her get away with talking back to him. He always laughs her mouthiness off. Zehahaha, that little firecracker really does have the heart of a rabbit! What’s the worst she could do to him, nag him to death?
… Aw hell, she actually probably could- ☜
☞ On the topic of nagging, Bun isn’t afraid to speak her mind when it comes to scolding the recklessness of her peers. Actually, said tendency to nag becomes part of her job in the future. Post Timeskip, Bun often works alongside her husband as something of a secondary support to the Chief of Staff, often smoothing out petty issues amongst the crew or nipping potential problems in the bud before they have a chance to make their way up to Bla.ckbeard. Bun often handles matters in a constructive way, and she does her best to be pragmatic and fair. Everyone knows they can expect Bun to speak with straightforward, well-intended honesty. On the other side of the coin, Bun can verbally tear a person to shreds when she’s in a genuinely bad mood or if the actions of another have personally pissed her off. Most would agree they’d rather deal with Bun as opposed to La.ffitte when some constrictive criticism is in order… but there are some that would actually rather take their chances with the Demon Sh.eriff when they see that trademark grimace twist up Silva’s facial features. Heaven forbid anyone screw up to such a significant degree that they have to deal with both spouses at the same time. ☜
☞ Silva is not a Titanic Captain, but she does keep a very close proximity to a few of them! Those captains being her friends, of course! Bun bounces around between the 5th, 6th, 9th, and 10th Ships. It goes without saying that the majority of her time is spent with La.ffitte on the 5th Ship. Bun's official profession is 'Beast Wrangler', though as mentioned prior, she assists with staff management and still pops in to assist D.oc Q when she can. ☜
☞ Several of the crew members [aside from her spouse] refer to Silva with terms of endearment- such as “Honey Bun” or “Varmint”! 🖤🖤🖤✨ If I listed all of La.ffitte’s pet names for her, we’d be here all day. ☜
☞ Bun will allow only a VERY SPECIFIC FEW of them to pick her up and carry her. A VERY. SPECIFIC. FEW. Usually Bun prefers to be plucked up and balanced upon her friend's shoulders, but of course La.ffitte opts to hold her in his arms instead. ☜
☞ TL;DR? The super simplified explanation of the Forbidden Fruit AU tag on this bog can be found here. ☜
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adanseydivorce · 17 days
when you want to finish writing a meta post you feel passionate about before said passion dissipates vs assigned remote work and that one last paper to finish you should prioritize
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