#also I got sn ask here I didn’t even know it was for this blog
ihatetiktoks · 2 years
Bakugo with only daughters moment
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
Hey, thank you so much for answering my previous ask. I love reading your blog and what you have to say. Also I forgot to mention the person who thinks Sasuke fucked Karin also talked about what you said on your blog with someone else, https://dushman-e-jaan.tumblr.com/post/663748673413464064/i-saw-a-post-where-anyone-who-says-that-sasuke-and I'm pretty sure that's your post bc I read it. They're basically making fun of the whole thing and again slapping the "brothers" label onto practically everything you said 😭 What are your thoughts on this?
Woah, yeah, that is my post. I wrote it a long time ago, I had no clue that they got this triggered by it, that they went through it line by line, as a response to me, replying to every statement I made in second person and didn’t even tag me. If it weren’t for your ask, I would never have found out about it. Well, I am going to take it as a compliment, whether they like it or not. Lol. 
I don’t generally write my content to defend my takes, I give all the reasoning and cite evidence within my posts, and if someone has a problem with it, I generally reply to them in the comment box. But since this aforementioned post seems like it has gone some way into the anti SNS fandom, and because I wasn’t even aware of it, I will address some of these issues. 
Okay. Gear up, this is going to be long.
First things first. They are offended because they don’t agree with my statement :
“Well, at least you are being consistent. Because people who think Sasuke and Naruto are brothers are the same people who think Sakura and Hinata are feminist role models.”  
And they want to make it clear that there are other fans who don’t think highly of Sakura and Hinata, but still consider Sasuke and Naruto brothers. Well, I will give them that. I am aware there are additional fans who consider them brothers, CASE IN POINT. My bad. 
Honestly, there’s a lot of stuff here, that just doesn’t require my response. Like my mention of Tarkovsky. It was used as a figure of speech by which I wanted to say that decoding Sasuke and Naruto’s romance wasn’t rocket science, it’s a straight statement, I don’t know why they gotta twist it. I think the mention of Tarkovsky threw them off, because they feel that only they have the authority to talk about more brainy things. Lol. So I am going to sidestep all the fountains of their insecurities and come to the point. 
Okay so, they insist that Sasuke and Naruto are spiritual brothers, mainly because their chakras are reincarnation of Indra and Ashura’s chakras who happen to be biological brothers. And they take great offence to my statement that people who think of them as brothers are heteronormative and homophobic. I will come to that part later, I will address the reincarnation part first. 
I honestly thought we were past this non-sensical and juvenile non-argument of them being brothers for the aforementioned reason. These antis use such big words and cite academic papers and articles and then, flip right over to say something so counterintuitive and irrational, without even considering any alternative understanding, it hardly seems like an argument and more like intellectual masturbation. Which it is. 
Okay. This is their argument to support their stance. 
“However, this story includes chakra, Indra, Ashura and is very much tied to spirituality. Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism deal with that. Kishimoto took his inspiration from there.Hindu scriptures exhort spiritual people to lead exemplary lives, control their sexual desires and abstain from sex, just as they are expected to control all desires and practice renunciation and detachment with their minds absorbed in the contemplation of God or the Self.” 
And it doesn’t stop there, this rambling goes on and on and on…phew. I appreciate the amount of effort they have seemed to put in their arguments. Sadly, it's all as misguided as it can be, lol. 
While I agree that one can see the myriad influences of various philosophical schools of thought and spiritual belief systems in Kishimoto’s work, NONE of it proves their brother argument. Why? Because it’s all out of context. I see this a lot, the pitfalls and trappings of sticking to one’s projection in one’s favourite piece of art/literature and bending text and context to their will, with citations, whether it’s relevant or not. 
Such mental gymnastics, lol. I have seen this kind of response by student film theorists when they analyse Ozu's films. Oh why did he put that vase in the centre of the frame, what did he want to say by showing that vase? Did he mean to depict loneliness or does it indicate the effects of capitalism and consumerism in an insular, collectivist, traditional Japanese society of the times, or is it about the soul that is trapped in the material prison of flesh etc etc etc. Over analyzation. Which they apparently have accused me of, hahaha. 
Unfortunately, that’s not how storytelling works. And it definitely doesn’t work in Naruto’s case. They would do well to remember that writers are not out to con you. Any writer worth his salt uses a combination of narrative tools to tell his story. Sad thing is most fans in this fandom just don’t understand how stories are written, the specific tools that a writer uses and the narrative devices that guide and lend a certain flow and approach to the story. Kishi is just like any other writer, in that context. So when he wants to give a certain narrative or visual information to the audience, he will use these common tools to drive his point home. For example, foreshadowing. What is foreshadowing? 
Sourced from Wikipedia : 
“Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story. Foreshadowing often appears at the beginning of a story, or a chapter, and it helps the reader develop expectations about the upcoming events. A writer may implement foreshadowing in many different ways.”
And do we see this foreshadowing in Kishi’s plot? You bet, :).
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And this is Chapter 3. Lol.
If Kishi wanted to depict Naruto and Sasuke as brothers, he would not have made them kiss. Even if accidentally. This scene, right at the start of the manga, indicates the very romantic nature of their relationship. I wonder why these stans don’t find it suspicious that even though this kiss is supposed to be accidental, both Naruto and Sasuke think of this kiss as a precious memory, not as a joke, but something significant, something that contributed to develop their dynamic in the manga. I have seen hundreds and hundreds of films in my life, but I have never seen anywhere where two likely brothers were made to kiss like this, for the sake of developing their dynamic. Only in romantic relationships. 
Let me state it out in as clear words as possible. - In a macro sense, the overarching narrative of this manga includes a clear intention by the author to push the characters of Naruto and Sasuke to give an appropriate name to their relationship, continuously harping on defining and redefining their relationship with plot points strategically appointed to affect their dynamic that further propels the central narrative of the story.
Simply put, Kishi forcefully insists on weaving this story in a way that forces the protagonist to think and rethink the meaning of what he feels for Sasuke, as instigated by Sasuke himself, who every time they meet, insists Naruto answer his question as to why Narutio is so hell bent upon following him, why does he care so much so that he is ready to leave his training and the people he loves behind, just to bring Sasuke back. And everytime Naruto even breathes the word ‘friends’ or ‘brothers’, Sasuke’s either annoyed or surprised or displeased, never satisfied, never convinced. The satisfaction comes at the end of the manga, in chapter 698, when Naruto finally gives some explanation as to what he means by it. Shippuden didn’t end with the war arc, it ended with Sasuke and Naruto’s reconciliation. It didn’t end on the note of an ideological conflict and its eventual resolution, it ended on the note where Sasuke asked Naruto :  But what does being friends mean to you?
And Naruto said with a clear sense that he understands what Sasuke is asking of him and so after thinking for a very pregnant pause, says : Even if you were to ask me that, I don’t think I would have an answer. But when I see you carrying your burden, it hurts me, so much so that I just can’t take it. 
You really don’t need a PhD to see the nuanced significance of this text.
Point is, this going back and forth trying to define their relationship is not an isolated incident, it basically makes the backbone of the story. Which is why the aforementioned dialogues make sense, as they form the conclusion of this story.  If they were brothers, why would this element exist?
Everything in the story serves to contribute to the central narrative and for the sake of character development of its main players. 
That Kishi saw a need to even discuss why they were not friends, and that they were not brothers, but that Naruto feels immense hurt at seeing Sasuke hurt, is indicative enough that Kishi was definitely not trying to portray them as brothers. That these stans consider them brothers, when this art made by Kishimoto himself exists, is proof enough that they are highly indulgent of their self projections.
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They are so motivated, for their own projections, to ignore the nuanced characterization of Naruto’s closeted gay self, or Sasuke’s oft pointed disinterest in women, that their understanding comes off as extremely lacking.
Ask yourself, why would Kishi even write these nuances in the way of visual imagery and strategic scenes where Naruto is made to react so strongly to even mild and unintentioned homoerotic moments? Why would Naruto be written to overcompensate to cover these moments up with something distinctly heterosexual? Why would Kishi even put so much effort in writing these characters this way if Kishi only wanted to portray them as brothers? What would even be the point of it?
Every single chapter goes through multilayered scrutiny by editors after it’s written, which means anything that is unnecessary or extraneous to the narrative is taken out. It’s supposed to be concise, and yet have the desired effect on the readers. Why keep those texts or panels that don’t serve the story? Instead, why do these elements serve to develop the characters? They obviously mean something, don't they? They are there for a reason, and anyone who has seen the portrayal of homosexuality in media will instantly recognise it. Those who haven’t can at least wonder why and venture to find out instead of giving their relationship names that are incongruent with their actual dynamic. 
No other brotherly dynamic in the manga itself is even close to Naruto and Sasuke’s. Honestly, I have seen so much Japanese media outside of manga and anime in the last year, and I didn't see two men or boys depicted as brothers who make kissy faces at each other, or stand side by side looking like they are giving each other hand jobs and orgasming, or where one man’s mouth is deliberately drawn over another man’s crotch. To say that this indicates they were depicted as brothers, is not only counterintuitive, but downright ridiculous and plain stupid. It’s some real heavy duty denial. 
If Kishimoto meant for them to be brothers because their chakras were reincarnation of Ashura and Indra, he would have made some character say it out loud in some context. Like I said, writers are not out there to con you. They will make sure that their intent is clearly shown to the audience, through text, subtext and visual language. And everything about Naruto and Sasuke, everything that contributes to their dynamic, whether it be dialogues, orchestrated situations, plot points, visual imagery, some of which exudes sexual tension, in no way indicates a platonic relationship. Those who have the presence of mind to pick it, will pick it, those who don’t would spout non-sense like our antis here. Lol.
Kishimoto knows how to use foreshadowing. Case in point.
He gives us an advance hint of what’s to come, and the narrative takes its twists and turns, being developed with this thread in mind, and then the arc ends with a conclusion of the underlying idea foreshadowed earlier with the hint. NONE of this is accidental. It’s all part of writing, it’s a literary tool, a narrative device. Hell, it isn’t a coincidence that Kishimoto keeps repeating this element over and over and over again, where Naruto goes through a whole range of situations and emotional upheavals in order to understand his feelings for Sasuke. First, he wonders if Sasuke is like a brother, or a friend, or more. Kishi can’t say it explicitly, but honestly, he doesn’t need to. These antis look for all sorts of reasoning and proof OUTSIDE the manga. If they were a little more honest with themselves, they would see that one really doesn’t need to do that, all the pertinent information that one needs to decode the nature of their relationship is inside the manga, in panels, visual imagery, dialogues, narrative development and notes.
Like I always say : First rule of deduction : Work with what you have. Facts, use what’s is available to you in the source material. 
It is absolutely valid to look for outside source if you see a solid and legitimate reason to, which is congruent with the source material, like in the case of Chikamatsu. It’s already established clearly that Kishimoto is his fan, he has put a lot of effort to pay tribute to him in his own manga, he makes sure that this element is clearly present in the context and text, and the editors have talked about it in the notes. And ALL of that makes it a legit link, for one to connect it with Shinjuu. 
The antis talk of irrelevant sources such as Jainism and Hinduism and whatnot, lol, it honestly looks like a super desperate attempt to twist and deform and bend the narrative to their interpretation where they conveniently ignore all the relevant panels where Naruto clearly says that him and Sasuke aren’t really brothers to Hagoromo, where Sasuke makes it a point to say to Sai that he only has one brother, clearly implying that he doesn’t consider Naruto a brother. All these extra interpretations that antis force upon the narrative is a result of their own projection. It's as simple as that.
If Sasuke was satisfied with the explanation that they were brothers, why would he keep asking Naruto the same question again and again? Doesn’t that indicate that he isn’t satisfied with Naruto’s understanding of it? And he is only convinced of it at the very end, when Naruto is bleeding out, about to die, when he finally, with much visible reticence, admits that he doesn’t know how to explain it?
Think about it, if they were just brothers, why would there be this hesitation? Being brothers is not a controversial thing, it’s not a taboo thing, it’s not abnormal, opposite in fact, given how much the characters of this story are shaped by their familial bonds. Instead of thinking of the most obvious things, these antis round up obscure and entirely irrelevant articles to sound smart and intellectual, as if that’s gonna make a difference. How is this extraneous intellectual regurgitation gonna help your case if your basic premise is wrong? That’s not how dialectics work. Lol. 
Then they said this.:  “(Considering Ino to be a closeted queer who only went for Sasuke to gain Sakura’s affections would be another one of these hilarious mishaps.)”
I honestly don’t know who they are referring to, because I have never said or implied anything even close to it. Maybe they are just assuming things. It’s not the only time they assume things. They also think I am some Western Man with my capitalistic and consumerist takes on Naruto. hahahaha. 
Damn, I can't help but notice that whenever someone disagrees with them, they instantly label them as Western. Well, they are wrong on both counts, because neither am I western, nor a man. In fact, my socio-cultural understanding of the world is pretty close to Japan’s. I would also like to mention that my community practises the same religion that happens to be the official religion of Japan. But of course, I have never needed to flex on that, because it’s just not needed. The information that I got from the manga itself, plus my own experience of media is enough for me to make my points. I am able to qualify my content with the evidence found INSIDE the manga, and if I see clearly delineated references to outside material in it, I point them out. Like I have done here. 
Honestly, it’s as simple as that. No need to twist your head at a 180 degrees to prove your point, if you are trying that hard, it becomes clear you have no legit leg to stand on and you are making shit up, just to validate your headcanon.
Don’t act against intuition, don’t act against text and visual language, don’t act against what is both explicitly and implicitly given in the manga because that is the opposite of examining something objectively. But well, people do worse to keep sticking to their denial.
Anyway, this foreshadowing can be seen in the first arc, where the central theme is ‘protecting one’s precious person’ and how one can unlock special hidden strengths when one is motivated to protect the person most dear to them. This element is foreshadowed in the relationship between Zabuza and Haku and through twists and turns, is finally concluded at the end of the arc, where Sasuke almost dies to protect Naruto and both unlock special powers for each other. Not rocket science. Kishi is a generous author that way, he wants this reader to know what he is saying and what he means by it, and so he will supply enough textual and visual information to make sense of the overarching story and themes. To simply ignore that for one’s head canons is a gross injustice to the story and the artist. If you have to ignore what he is saying explicitly or drawing explicitly, why even bother to engage with this manga? lol. What a waste.
It is not a complicated thing at all, in fact, it would have become a lot easier for Kishimoto to write this story if he could just have explicitly written them as brothers, a lot of effort would have been spared, no? And it would have all been believable, because it makes total sense that Naruto would want to save and protect his brother. The story would not change at all. Then why the hammer like insistence on having this whole brother or friend or comrade dialectic? Why? You know why? 
Because they are NOT brothers. 
Next, they said this : The problem with a lot of western readers is that they discard any and all relationships, familial and platonic, in favor of their romantic obsessions and delusions of “freedom” in a capitalistic society,................... ... the widespread consumption of amorous rituals constitutes the core of contemporary romantic love, reinvigorating capitalism and lovers alike.” 
And this goes on and on….I am not going to put the entire thing here, it’s basically unnecessary blathering and intellectual masturbation. 
Snickers, Delusions of freedom in a capitalistic society. Bwahaha. Where is this even coming from? Entirely irrelevant. Reminds me of my younger self when I would deliberately attach esoteric sounding citations to my papers to impress the professor and would still get a B. Lol.
I have written enough on the subject of the importance of familial bonds which shape the characters in this manga, so they are definitely wrong on that count. But well, they think they are the authority on Japanese media, what can I say? Sidestepping what’s actually in the manga and supplementing your argument with entirely disproportionate and irrelevant pointers only indicates that they are floundering. When you have no legit foundation for your argument, this happens. Lmao. I am no stranger to it, thankfully I got over it in my teens.
Then they claimed this : (Remember, Kishimoto comes from a very small village and is from a different generation altogether; so the odds of him penning anything even close to the “sexual categorizations” of the post-modern western sexual-domains are less than the second coming of Christ.)
Hahahahahaaha, I know you can’t tell, but I am literally wheezing here. 
These stans literally talk like Kishimoto is a hundred year old man. Like…the lack of reason and logic in this statement is so apparent, I am surprised that they thought it would be worthwhile to make this comment. Lol. Sexual categorizations of the post-modern western sexual-domains??? What crap!!! Hahahah. Just say you are a straight homophobic woman who wants Sasuke’s dick and go! 
So what if Kishi comes from a small village and a different generation? Does that mean he doesn’t know what homosexuality means? He doesn’t know sexual categorizations of the post-modern western sexual domains? What a bunch of hooey, lol. These stans talk of homosexuality like it’s some kind of western propaganda. Go ahead, tell me it’s not homophobic, heh. PoSt mODerN WEsteRn SexUal DomaiNs. Lololol.
Truth is, pre Meiji era, Japan was perhaps the most progressive of all cultures when it came to sexual categorizations. Here, this post is educational. Funny how these stans call SNS western and then do the same thing that most western fans do, who know absolutely nothing about history of sexuality in Japan. Here, they should maybe learn about it before sounding this ignorant, the video is pretty self-explanatory. 
Edo period Japanese culture accepted homosexuality as the purest form of love that could exist between two samurais. Young men were allowed and even encouraged to have young male lovers, and after a certain age, they were expected to get married to women. A lot of men chose not to. And even though it was frowned upon,  it wasn't a punishable offence.
Hell, one doesn’t even have to go there, check out Edo and Meiji period art, you will find lots of peculiar, very creative art with homosexuality as its subject. I would put those pictures here, but it would make this post x-rated, lol. The sexual imagery is off the charts, like Japan’s imagination is mind-boggling, like woah. They might be a small country but the scope of their imagination is huge. With the advent of Meiji era, that changed, as homosexuality became illegal, but this art was still produced underground.  
Hell, a lot of the most celebrated artists in Modern Japan have created art about homosexuality. Film makers such as Nagisa Oshima, Takashi Miike (Shinjuku Triad’s Society, Big Bang Love, Juvenile A), Toshio Matsumoto (A funeral Parade of Roses), Akira Ogata (Boy’s Choir, a film about two orphaned boys who study at the same institution, and eventually fall in love with each other), have made excellent cinema on the subject matter. And these aren’t your run of the mill commercial yaoi creators, these are serious film makers whose films have done their rounds in national and international film festivals, earning awards and accolades from critics and audience alike. 
The film, ‘Funeral Parade of Roses’ is a story about a young, gay, cross dressing boy who is in love with his father, a modern day adaptation of Oedipus Rex, only flipped. And this film was released in the 60’s. A product of the Japanese new wave cinema, it is considered to have influenced Stanley Kubrick’s ‘A Clockwork Orange’. It was considered quite a controversial film for its time in the west. It took over forty years for ‘Hereditary’ fame film maker Ari Aster to make a film on the subject, ‘The strange thing about the Johnsons’ in 2011, and the audience was shocked to their core with it. Japan was doing this shit in the 60’s. Lol. Oshima belonged to a small region in the southern Okayama prefecture called Tamano, founded in the 40’s. So? Kishi also belongs from the Okayama prefecture. What, people from small villages remain ignorant throughout their lives? They can't learn? They can’t be exposed to stuff? 
Oshima was a pioneer of Japanese New Wave cinema, going forward to become one of the most celebrated film makers in the world, with a beautifully distinct voice. He made films on themes of homosexuality, and his stories were inspired by real life events in Japan. He made Gohatto, a Jidaigeki film (which basically translates to Japanese period drama, usually set in the Edo period) which is about Samurais lusting after a bishonen boy, training at the Shinsengumi, organization of Samurais. People of Japan are more than familiar with the tales of Shinsengumi, they grew up with it. He made ‘Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence’, which also features homosexual themes, starring David Bowie btw.
Kishimoto wasn’t even born or was of legal age when some of these films were released. Japan was experimenting in the fields of cinema and various subject matters, including unsimulated sex in a legit film.
They think he wouldn’t be aware of these films, Kishimoto who happens to be a film buff himself? Honestly, how insular do these stans think the Japanese are? 
These people talk like the Japanese are some dumb, ignorant group of people, who don’t know shit about what’s going on in the world. Honey, that’s you, not them. Kishi is a well read, well exposed, well rounded writer. 
Like yes, Japan was quite insular at some point of time, but after the second world war, they were forced by the allied nations to open up their borders. And the influence of western elements and themes can be seen in their art. In fact, western influence had already taken roots since Meiji era. The men even had to cut their hair for it. Even kabuki wasn't left alone. And it's not like this is some well kept secret. Kishimoto’s manga is definitely very much Japanese, but it has a cross cultural appeal as well. I don’t think one is doing their due diligence when one simply ignores that factor.
Okay. Let’s talk of Kishimoto’s influences. 
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These are a few excerpts from Kishimoto’s interviews, the Western influence is pretty clear. Does this look like some dude who doesn’t know what he is talking about? Does this look like someone who is inert and insular and ignorant?
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Look how inspired Kishimoto is by Akira and its mangaka, Katsuhiro Otomo.
For those who don’t know, Akira was the anime that opened up the western markets for Japanese animation and manga. The film was made for the express purpose for Japan to open the western markets for her products, show off their goods to the world, that this is what they can do, and as it turned out, it was better than anything western audiences had ever experienced in terms of animation and storytelling at that point of time.
Cartoons were earlier considered to be for kids, the common perception was that animated media was supposed to be infantile, catering to a certain target audience. Akira changed that perception. The legacy of Akira is humongous. It opened up doors for other animes and mangas such as Dragonball Z, Ghost in the shell, Naruto even. This was the time in late 80’s when Japan was experiencing an overall good economy for the first time in 20th century, their financial shares were soaring. This was the time when corporations had opened up in Japan, and anyone who was ready to become a salary man could take advantage of the financial benefits resulting in significant disposable incomes. So people had more to spend on entertainment, and so production companies were chasing talented mangakas left and right to adapt their work into anime. Japan was so committed to this great enterprise of Akira, they formed a committee to finance the very high budget that a commensurate and successful rendering of the manga’s adaptation would require. The committee consisted of Kodansha, Mainichi Broadcasting System, Bandai, Hakuhodo, Toho, LaserDisc Corporation and Sumitomo Corporation (if you can’t tell, these are big, huge corporations) who all forwarded money and promotion towards the film, and appointed the mangaka himself to direct the film, because who else would be able to tell this story better when so much was at stake?
Otomo worked his ass off, drawing hundreds of storyboards to condense the 120 chapter long manga into one film. And he did it, and what a film it is. Like wow, I was blown away. Akira, being a cyberpunk manga, also has that cross cultural appeal, even though its major themes are still very much Japanese, but if you look closely, this film tells a story the entire world can benefit from.
Kishimoto is inspired by American film makers such as Michael Bay, Quentin Tarantino. He talks of Takeshi Kitano, lovingly known in Japan as Beat Takeshi, a very popular figure in the west, who also was a regular in Oshima’s films, having played major roles in his gay films. These stans think Kishimoto, a cinephile himself, isn’t aware of these films? Bullshit. Lol. A lot of mangakas want their work to be recognized by the entire world, especially in the west. It speaks of their global success, why would they want to just keep to their native audience? 
Truth is, otaku culture evolved in a very specific way. The second world war, especially after Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed, drastically affected the ethical and emotional landscape of the collective Japanese psyche. While the reverberations could be seen in their media, unfortunately, it wasn’t in the mainstream media where these effects were manifested, rather it was in alternative media, in the subcultural genres. You don’t have to take my word for it.
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Takashi Murakami, a product of Otaku culture himself, talks about this, someone that Kishimoto himself has paid a significant tribute to in his manga (Deidara’s aesthetic is super flat, which is basically a socio-politico-cultural art movement pioneered by Murakami). And I saw for myself what he was talking about. Japan is a collectivist society, there isn’t much freedom for individual expression. Japanese emperor Hirohito, who is directly held to be responsible for the Japanese contribution to second Sino-Japanese war and the second world war by many historians, was considered to be a God by the Japanese, literally. Like Kim Jong Un style. No one questioned him. But after Japan’s role in the war as the predator and subsequently a victim, it broke the Japanese in a major way. Turned them humble, repentant. This collective grief and shock and widespread devastation brought the people together, they forgot their differences for the moment, to somehow pick up the pieces and go on living their lives, with gratitude for what they had. But yes, it’s not as explicit in their mainstream media as others. I mean the amount and variety of films based on the second world war that I have seen in European and American cinema, like damn. Japanese cinema on the other hand? Pretty tame in that regard.
Takahata made ‘Grave of the Fireflies’ on this subject, a heart rending and deeply disturbing story about two orphaned siblings living during the war, is considered as one of the most effective anti war films ever made in the history of cinema, as said by Roger Ebert, the man himself. Anyone who has seen the film will know it is an anti war film. But when Takahata was interviewed about it, he denied it. He said he didn’t make an anti war film, he wouldn’t even talk about it and later, stopped giving interviews about it altogether. Never underestimate the censorship of the Japanese administration. Oshima, a staunch modernist himself, a huge critic of Akira Kurosawa’s old world values and humanism, equally critical of the right wing and extreme left wing politics of Japan, made heavily political films, broke up with the studio system that launched his career, because of how left leaning, political and individualistic his voice was. His films were often banned or taken off screens, he was subjected to numerous court cases. But he persevered and even a stroke couldn’t stop him. But that’s Oshima. Oshimas are a rare breed. 
So what couldn’t be seen in the mainstream media, you saw them in alternate or subaltern media. Akira is a direct testimonial to this. Akira is a story about a bunch of orphaned kids living in a dystopian world, that has been devastated by a bomb blast, past which Tokyo, now Neo Tokyo, is submerged in corruption and civil wars. The administration uses children as weapons to protect their own borders, but is eventually destroyed by these same children, when they couldn’t handle their powers. The reverberations of the post war atrocities can be viscerally felt in the themes of this manga, prompting a myriad of ethical implications and queries, questioning one’s understanding of a nation, of responsibility towards one’s people, love, hate, revenge borne of that hate, power, megalomania, philosophical implications of technology and the destruction borne of it, conflicts between different ideologies and so on and so forth but it’s resolve is quite familiar.
The resolve is about love, redemption, atonement and peace. That wars happen because there is love and hence there is hate, it's the people that make wars happen and it’s the people that pick up the pieces and go on living. That one can be hopeful even in adversities. No one is singularly condemned, no one is singularly held to blame even though it’s not difficult to see that things could have been handled better. But it’s not as black and white as that. It’s complex. World is complex.
But what we do see is that Tetsuo, an orphan who lives on the streets, who loses himself in the quest for power, fuelled by his need to be acknowledged, finally gives up on destroying everything when his lover Kaori dies protecting him, and at the urges of his best friend Kaneda, Tetsuo finally sees light, for the sake of his love for Kaori and Kaneda, and so he repents before dying. That all his passions come to nought when he loses the one thing he held dear to him, love for his friend and girlfriend, the only people that made him feel like he mattered. 
Similar themes can be seen in another manga Kishi is influenced by. Ruruoni Kenshin, basically a romance manga in shounen, written by Nobuhiro Watsuki. Battosai, the political assassin, falls in love with Tomoe, a spy, basically two people from opposing ideologies. Tomoe sacrifices herself for Battosai, even after Battosai has discovered her true identity. The manga  is structured with themes of ideological conflicts of love, revenge, love for one’s nation and adherence to one’s philosophy/belief systems, as it's set in the time period of transition between the Edo and Meiji era, but the resolution is similar. That love trumps all, that true love is greater than all the constructs made by humans. 
Is there any wonder we see similar themes in Naruto? Kishi uses similar effects and themes for his world building in Naruto and Shippuden. A dystopian society where children are barbarically used as weapons, where gross injustices happen, but people go on living. This world imagined by Kishimoto is a reflection of the real world, richly dramatised with similar themes of love and conflicts and ideological differences and war and devastation and revenge and human ethos and peace and atonement. Similar resolve? I would say so.
And I won’t even dismiss that Sasuke’s character is definitely left leaning. Sasuke is partially based on Sasuke by Sanpei Shirato, a popularly known leftist voice in the manga industry. It’s pretty clear for anyone with half a brain to see that Sasuke is anti-establishment, and for good reasons too. The collectivist, utilitarian, highly corrupt system of the shinobi world leads to utter devastation and genocide of his entire clan overnight directly under the noses of the citizens and leaders of Konoha, and whose body parts are then commodified in the name of protection of the same nation that was built around the philosophy of ‘Will of Fire’, which was supposed to protect them but instead who slaughtered them in their sleep.
Sasuke’s interests and need for justice stands in sharp contrast with the ways of the shinobi world, and where no one could understand him, Naruto finally does. He is the only one who tries. He is the only one who is capable, who is made to be capable by the way of the narrative where Kishimoto develops his character accordingly. Naruto is naive and simple minded to start with, but he is written to learn and evolve and understand different points of view. To learn from people’s tragedies and losses and grief and motivations. He is exposed to the way of this world through anti hero archetypes such as Nagato and Obito and Zabuza, where after Naruto, through his own inherent moral and humanistic code, begins to understand a world that is founded on love turned hate, which further paves the way for revenge, but is determined to put a stop to it. By proving his love for Sasuke, and Sasuke accepts his love. Sure, had it not been for Sasuke, he would have let it continue or have simply died with Sasuke before he could witness a better world.  But my point is, similar resolve : Love trumps all, peace, redemption and atonement. 
This is not to say that I approve of the ending, I do not. I hate it. Firstly, if the theme of Naruto and Shippuden was already established and concluded as 'love trumps all else including the socio politico cultural structures and institutions made by humans ', then why the hell were they made to marry women when they are clearly gay? And secondly but equally importantly, Sasuke should have gotten his dues, he deserved it, so did Neji and Naruto. The truth of the Uchiha massacre should have been revealed, and Konoha should have taken accountability and repented, these are after all, some major themes in the manga. Kishi broke all sorts of storytelling rules at the end and I am mad as hell at him for that. But unfortunately, I didn’t write this story and couldn’t have had if I tried. Doesn’t mean I will look for things in it that aren’t there. Kishimoto is not a communist or a right winger. He is Japanese. Both extremist interpretations of manga are misguided. Tobirama was a bigot that plotted against the Uchihas, Hiruzen was a complacent failure of a leader who let things happen in his regime that by no means indicates good leadership, Uchiha clan was discriminated against. But Kishi could not have made Sasuke reach his goals, not if Naruto, the protagonist, was supposed to be of any consequence, which essentially makes Naruto hold a moderate position. I also don’t like the fact that the ending and consequently Boruto, diluted Sasuke’s belief systems and very justified goals, I wish they could have modified it to a conclusive ending where him and Naruto could have worked towards changing the status quo, but I don’t think it would have materialised, Shonen Jump is strict about these things, namely pedagogic values appropriate for a certain target group. 
The conflicting ideologies definitely serve to make this manga drama and intrigue rich, but let’s not go overboard and look for things that aren’t there, which is what these stans seem to do. There’s no use in chasing shadows. 
Then they said this : “He (Miura) actually does talk a little about the sexual tensions between Guts and Griffith! Must’ve been one of the parts I was having a hard time putting into decent English. Basically Miura says that he doesn’t really agree with how people read sexual tensions into the Guts-Griffith relation, because men can have passionate feelings about each other without it being like that……..Yet none of this is meant to be “romantic love”. There’s passion here, intensity, obsession, but it isn’t sexual. ”
Truth is whether it be western or Asian media, the concept of misinterpreting homosexuality as brotherhood is quite well explored in global media. Don’t believe me? Here. All facts, no frills. 
One doesn’t even have to go very far, just look at Clamp, and you would be lucky if you were able to find more than five heterosexual characters in their entire range of mangas, lol. And honestly, their example of Berserk actually works in my favor and not theirs? GriffGuts is a valid gay ship. But of course, if they can reject SNS, it’s likely they would reject GriffGuts. Kishimoto and Miura, no matter what they say in their interviews, why is that more important than the story itself? Not like Kishimoto sounds all that confident in his interviews either, when he talks of them being more brothers than blood brothers.
I have not looked very deeply into Berserk, so I would like to invite veteran blogger @maoam to shed some light, one of the very few bloggers that I find with one of the most balanced and informed takes on Naruto and other relevant mangas.
Going ahead, let’s see what Miura says of boys.
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Really Miura? Now what is this 'tingling' feeling?
What does this remind me of?
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Lol. Now this isn’t the most accurate translation. This is the accurate translation, I am not sure of the source, I got this screengrab a long time ago, but I know for a fact it is legit.
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Btw, the 'kyun' sound effect used here is used in Hentai to denote sexual arousal, lol.
Tell me what kind of brothers feel these feelings for each other? I have seen numerous Japanese films whether it be family dramas, Jidaigeki films, Japanese LGBTQ+ films, and I have never seen brothers behaving with each other like this once. Not once. What spiritual brothers? Lol. Why go against reason, intuition, narrative, visual imagery and cultural context to prove something using irrelevant sources? 
Like I thought we were past this Brother argument, it’s the 21st century, there are more discussions on homosexuality, the subject of homosexuality has gained more exposure and a lot of talented and individualistic creators have explored this subject. So why is Naruto fandom this backward and narrow minded??
I find it hard to believe that despite Kishi’s subtle but not really, and repetitious ministrations on the issues surrounding a stigmatized subject such as homosexuality, is that invisible. All you need is an open minded approach, that is all. You do that and the manga will unfurl itself so you will be able to see things that you so conveniently ignored before to satisfy your headcanons. Is it that unfair of a request?
Do these fans think they know everything about everything? They couldn’t have missed something? Something as glaring and apparent as SNS? Before they claim that they are some omniscient, all-knowing being, maybe watch some LGBTQ+ media, and compare notes? Analyse tropes? Give themselves some credit, that they have done their due diligence before spouting things they obviously do not understand? Or is that too much to ask for?
Maybe they have learnt everything in the world that is to be learnt and there’s just no free space in that highly evolved noggin of theirs. 
Maybe we are all just stupid fans who don’t know what we are talking of, even if we give the most objectively valid reasoning and evidence found inside the manga. Maybe they know best, maybe that’s why they think Sasuke slept with Karin, even when he shows no interest in her apart from maybe once or twice protecting her as his teammate, something he also does with ALL his other teammates? And generally, gets really annoyed and uncomfortable with Karin’s over the top sexual proposals, and then doesn’t think twice about getting rid of her when she is used as a bait to have him captured. Hmmm, I see their logic. They must really be the all knowing omniscient being, the Arahat, the wise one, the one who finally achieved Nirvana, proper enlightenment and all huh? Damn I feel so small. (A tear rolls down my downy cheek as my bosom trembles in humiliation). LOL.
Interestingly, the way Miura talks of boys, that they give them a ‘tingling’ feeling, makes me think. Keep in mind, Miura never married, there is no evidence of him having had a girlfriend. But let’s not speculate, even if it sounds fishy. 
Understanding homosexuality in a conservative society is crucial in order to understand the SNS dynamic. There’s no doubt that Kishi wrote Naruto as a closeted homosexual and Sasuke as a homosexual boy. If one denies this, I can’t even take them seriously. 
But it reminds me of an anecdote my gay friend told me. He is a national award winning filmmaker, an intellectual in his own right, and works a lot with the trans community in my country. A conservative, ultra religious, non-western country. As a young man in his twenties, when he had just come out, he would date men who would simply not identify as gay. He would sleep with them, and do what do people sexually attracted to each other do. But sleeping willingly with a man and accepting the gay identity are two different things. Where my friend understood these nuances even then, as having come from a conservative society himself, he would not force them to come out. These men would never even acknowledge that being attracted to men and not women makes them gay, it was not even a part of their understanding. Rather, they would think of it as something that ‘certain’ men do. Doesn’t mean it’s weird or uncommon, even though they knew straight men did not do this. But they would simply not go there. They would just chalk it up to something temporary, something that they needed to do before they got married to women they didn’t feel anything for, because that’s how it’s done. It’s not like they weren’t aware of the gay dialectic, my friend would talk to them about it, but they would simply not acquiesce, the denial was so strong. Till date, these men don’t admit to it, now they are married and have children. But still look for sexual relationships with men outside of it. 
Which brings me to my next anecdote, told to me by another friend of mine. He is a stylist, absolutely flamboyant and openly, proudly gay. Very adventurous and experiment loving. He told me that in his experience, the best carnal fun he had was with Muslim men. And that most men who approached him for sex were Muslim men. (This is not an attack or criticism of the religion or community, it’s just something my friend told me). He would be approached by these men who would have the most voracious of appetites and tastes, and my friend went with it because he preferred to suck circumcised dicks, lol. Quite a lot of them were married, but my friend didn’t discriminate. He told me the same thing, these men would never identify as gay, not even during intimate moments, nope. Accepting your sexual identity is a more than a matter of sex. People in conservative societies face a lot of challenges and obstructions before even coming to certain realizations about themselves, it’s not that easy. In many ways, my country is even more conservative than Japan. Homosexuality is quite a taboo, hell, I didn’t even know the concept myself till I was well into my teens, and even then, I was only told the most stereotypical of things. I also grew up in a small town. It was later, when I went to the city to study, when I came into contact with people from all walks of life, nationalities, tastes, and sexual orientations, that was when I understood them as people, and not categories and labels. And now I have a friend who works as a dominatrix for a living and I still learn a lot. 
I refuse to judge people on the most basic and stereotypical of preconceived notions. 
The reason why I consider these fans to be homophobic…. Honestly, what gives them so much confidence to consider Sasuke and Naruto as brothers despite everything that is in the manga? Everything, from characterisation to plotting to the overarching themes to visual imagery to cultural context to text indicates their very romantic relationship, not platonic. Naruto admires the way Sasuke looks physically more than once and effectively calls him hot in Gaiden, what kind of guy thinks of his brother in those terms? 
These stans are so pressed to label them brothers without even looking at gay media, or gay narratives, without even paying attention to nuances in the manga, or Japanese historical context or their own gay media, appropriating everything for the sake of their projection, dismissing or ignoring loads and loads of text and panels and characterisation, why? Why can’t they at least entertain the idea for once and reread the manga with that approach? You can’t be so sure of your projection, c’mon, you know it’s counterintuitive, it just simply doesn’t gel with what’s in the manga. So why this extended stubborn denial? Give me proof that reincarnated chakras make two people brothers. Where does it say in the manga? Show me. I can show you everything that I claim, it’s all inside the manga. Where’s yours? So just because it satisfies your ego, it’s a valid take? Why are you this sure of your takes? Given you have gotten multiple things wrong? Like objectively wrong. 
Look, I understand denial is a strong factor, when we don’t want to see things we don’t like, our minds act like blinders. It would restrict your vision and make you see only what you want to see. And what a sad way that is to live, what a waste of time. I don’t believe in living that way, not in my media and not in my real life. But this obstinate refusal to accept SNS as romantic, is nothing but one’s desire to not accept Naruto or Sasuke as homosexual because you think it’s icky? Undesirable? Unattractive? Different from shounen norms? And because you want them to be straight so you can self insert? Whatever the reason, as long as you ignore real evidence and real proof, I will see you not only as heteronormative but also homophobic, you don’t gotta be overt, your underlying beliefs reek of prejudice and bias, especially when you haven’t done your due diligence, something that you mandatorily should have done in order to analyse this story. Doesn’t take a PhD degree to see that. 
Like Denis Diderot said - We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us. But we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter. 
My advice to them? Give yourself a break. Give yourself enough credit that you are open minded enough to entertain an alternative understanding, even if just for the moment if nothing else, and see where that takes you. Watch more media, watch gay media, talk to people, listen to their stories, try and understand their point of views, read more, compare notes, learn more. And ask if you don’t know. There’s no shame in admitting you might not know something. Because you obviously don’t. 
I am always of the mind of learning more and more, and I know I have strong opinions, but give me reason and logic and evidence, and you can bet I will listen, and even acquiesce to you, if I find it satisfactory. Because that’s how things should be, if we can’t grow and learn from what life teaches us, what’s the point? We all have a lot to learn, don’t we? 
Anyway, there’s some more shit that they claim which is essentially written in a similar vein, more or less, albeit in the same condescending tone. Lol. 
But I am done for the day, I am tired. So imma stop, this is me. 
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the-himawari · 7 months
A3! Promotion Event Translation - Haunted Western-style House (8/9)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Masumi: (I couldn’t scope out for my date at all since I could only go to the places I was guiding…)
Tsumugi: Ah, Masumi-kun. You finished changing first?
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Masumi: Kumon and I finished cleaning up our last station early, so we went ahead and changed and came out.
Tsumugi: Oh, I see. Ah, by the way… I’m glad it looked like that boy you gave love advice to was able to make up with the girl he had a crush on.
Masumi: Yeah. He had a good look on his face when we left the Horror House. (Both him and the other couples who came all looked satisfied after experiencing the Horror House.) (I’m sure this Horror House is a great date spot…)
Izumi: Great work, everyone! Awesome job for getting through it without a hitch.
Masumi: Good job.
Tsumugi: Job well done.
Kazunari: There were tons of visitors on the first day~!
Tsuzuru: Right. I bet it’ll continue to get even more popular as one of Veludo City’s newest spots.
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Horror house manager: Thank you very much for your work, everyone. Thanks to all of you, we were able to wrap up the first day of business with huge success. We truly appreciate it. Everyone’s performances as they were giving the tours were a huge hit. I think we’re going to start incorporating those tomorrow.
Kumon: Huh, our performances?
Juza: We just did that naturally. Did people like it that much…
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Tsumugi: I’m happy to hear they’re going to incorporate them after this.
Masumi: Yeah.
VELUDO editor: So you see, we were secretly filming all of you as you were working as staff members. We will sent you the data afterwards, so please do check over it.
Izumi: Also, sorry. I know that all of must be tired from the early morning photoshoot and helping out… But we made a sudden decision to have all of you try out the Horror House and shoot a promotional video. Are you guys okay with that?
Masumi: ! I have no problem with that. I’ll do anything if you ask me to.
Tsuzuru: That reply was kinda quicker than usual…
Masumi: …I’ll be able to scope out the Horror House this way.
Tsuzuru: Hm? Sorry, I didn’t catch that. What did you say just now?
Masumi: It’s nothing.
Kazunari: I’m still raring to go too!
Kumon: I’m stoked to get to explore the Horror House! Woohoo!
Juza: Good for you, Kumon.
Tsumugi: I’m glad. I wanted to try out the Horror House as well.
Tsuzuru: It sounds like everyone’s on board.
Izumi: Thanks, guys. Once the videos are done, they’ll be uploaded onto each of the Horror House’s SNS accounts. Keep an eye out.
Cameraman: Alright, to keep it easy, I’ll ask everyone to form pairs… then Director-san and I will accompany each pair.
Kumon: Dibs on going first! Let’s go together, nii-chan!
Juza: Sure.
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Izumi: Alright. Everybody else, please wait here. We’ll be off!
Kumon: We’re back~!
Tsumugi: Welcome back. How was it?
Juza: There were ghosts in more places than I thought.
Kumon: There were some scary parts too. But I had a blast!
Izumi: Alright, next up is…
Kazunari: I can’t wait anymore! Let’s go, Tsuzurun!
Tsuzuru: Why me!? H-hold on a second!
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Kazunari: Whew, that was fun~! I never thought a ghost would be walking beside Tsuzurun!
Tsuzuru: Yeah. I didn’t think it would get that close, so it surprised me…
Tsumugi: It looks like last up will be Masumi-kun and I.
Masumi: I’ll do my best for my date with Director.
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Izumi: Date…? I have no idea what you’re talking about, but do your best to advertise it, alright!
Masumi: You got it.
Masumi: …
Tsumugi: Hey, Masumi-kun. Did you see? There’s a ghost over there.
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Masumi: I noticed.
Izumi: (What should we do… they’re going to reach the exit pretty soon, but they haven’t showed any trace of being surprised or scared yet…) (I can tell the cameraman and manager of the Horror House aren’t feeling it…) E-excuse me…! Could you please stop for a second?
Masumi: ?
Tsumugi: Hm? Is something the matter?
Izumi: Um, remember… this is a promotional video for the Horror House. It’d be great if you could look scared or surprised, even if it’s just an act.
Tsumugi: Ah! G-good point. I was just enjoying myself… sorry about that… Okay, I will give it a shot.
Masumi: I’ll do it perfectly too.
Izumi: Thanks for understanding!
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Masumi: …Tsumugi, there’s a ghost on your left.
Tsumugi: UWAHH!? You’re right. That gave me a heart attack… Err, there’s one on you too, Masumi-kun!
Masumi: WOAH, when did that get there!? And this one doesn’t have a face…!?
Tsumugi: Yikes. I wonder if there’s any more ghosts around…
Masumi: What do we do… I bet there’s way more…
Tsumugi: Don’t say that. Don’t run off, alright, Masumi-kun?
Masumi: Same here. Don’t leave me behind, alright?
Tsumugi: I would never do that…!
Horror house manager: Amazing… it looks like they’re genuinely frightened. As expected from actors of MANKAI Company.
Izumi: Thank you.
Horror house manager: We’ve finished everything we had planned! Thank you so much for all your work today since the early morning.
Izumi: Thank you very much as well.
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Cameraman: I had a lot of fun getting to take great photos and videos this time as well! All the photo and video data we shot today will be sent to you later. Please check them out. We will be in touch again once the schedule for posting the videos onto SNS has been decided.
Izumi: We look forward to it.
VELUDO editor: Great work today, everyone.
Troupe members: Thank you very much!
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hi, I love your blog and I read it every day... ❤️
I have a question, do you think that Sakura, Hinata or someone from the village knew or suspected the true feelings of Naruto and Sasuke?👀
That's right, in the manga, when Naruto is talking to Sakura about Sai, Naruto gets nervous or something like that, however the face that he puts in the manga is as if he was putting it to the test.
I don't know maybe I'm just hallucinating but I want to know your opinion. I'm sorry if you don't understand, my language is Spanish.
Aahhh!!! Insanely interesting ask, Anon. I love this one!!!!
I think no one suspects their feelings between them but they know Naruto and Sasuke feels ‘something’ about each other to the point when something happens to one of them, the other would react in an intense manner. 
I mean, Kishi cannot put a scene , say Sakura, doubting their feelings for each other otherwise it would stir up a lot of trouble, that is, it would confirm something’s really going on between the two. (Which is not ‘typical’ of Shounen. Sigh!!!)
However, Kishi does things in his own way by making it as a joke or a casual thing. And I am going to include everyone from the Narutoverse, not just someone from Konoha.
Alright, people, Here ‘Ship’ means not in a romantical sense. But in a platonic or friendly sense.
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When I watched this series for the first time, I always wondered ‘What made Haku think that attacking Naruto would make Sasuke fall into the trap?’. 
Then I realized Sasuke was carrying Naruto around to protect him from Haku’s senbon attacks at any cost, which made Sasuke expose his weakness and Haku just fount it and used it against him. 
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Some other shippers claim ‘Forest of the Death’ Arc belonged to Ms.Pinky. But Orochimaru and Kabuto’s analysis proves it otherwise. But what did he found there?
Designing a lengthy password which Naruto cannot remember to lure Orochimaru out.
When Naruto came to save Sasuke, he panicked and asked Naruto to ‘Run Away’ and gave up the scroll.
Fought back Orochimaru after seeing Naruto got knocked out.
Kabuto found that Sasuke was overusing Sharingan even to the point of enduring Cursed Seal’s pain to protect Naruto.
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“Hardly behaving as a man”... LOL. 
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This whole battle is to provoke Naruto using Sasuke’s name. And when Orochimaru used the word, ‘My Sasuke-kun’... Naruto just got deranged to the point of sprouting 4 Tails. 
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Sasuke is Naruto’s strength. Kakashi said it. It’s canon, Guys.
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It’s surprising that Kiba also knows that Naruto gets Hot-Headed when it comes to Sasuke. 
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Gosh!!!! These Orochimaru and Kabuto duo maybe absolute trash. But they do know something about Naruto and Sasuke.
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LOL.... How did Nagato know about Naruto chasing Sasuke??? Is this some International news? 
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I always wondered as to why Itachi posed this particular question to him? A question which forces Naruto to choose an option. An impossible option which Itachi chose and endured a lot of pain for. Naruto protecting the village is obvious. Why did he ask Naruto about Sasuke? What did he saw?
The answer is in part 1. When Itachi visited the village after Hiruzen’s death, he ‘planned’ to kidnap Naruto. When Sasuke came in between, Itachi just beat the crap out of him. 
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But Naruto was so furious to draw Kyuubi Chakra to protect Sasuke. Itachi noticed this very well and hence came to this conclusion. That’s why Itachi didn’t pay any attention to Sasuke. LOL. Which made Sasuke go crazy.
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This doesn’t need any explanation, does it??? Probably Sasuke might’ve reacted to his name and Karin noticed it. Who knows? Anyways, it’s interesting that a person outside of Konoha could able to connect Sasuke with Naruto, meaning, Karin could able to see something’s going on between them.
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ROFL..... There’s no one better in this world to ask Naruto, this particular question, other than Kurama.
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“What kind of flavour did that Sasuke’s lips have?”.... Gosh!!! This is such an useless scene. Most importantly, Naruto is getting Nose Bleed here. 
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No doubt, Itachi is the No.1 shipper of SNS. He knew Naruto can change Sasuke.
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Well, Obito was right about one thing... Naruto’s death can bring powers to Sasuke. But he was wrong about underestimating both of them, that is, they will fight on Obito’s accord. 
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One of my favorite underrated SNS scene. There is no mention of Pink Trash or anyone else. Well, he lived with him for 3 years. He is the only person who can read Sasuke’s expression perfectly. 
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Gosh!!!!! This!!!!! This is just an alien level shipping. Tobirama, a person who rarely compliments, but when he does, it must be damn excellent. Like he was so happy to see Minato was so fast in performing Hiraishin no Jutsu, a jutsu he invented. He openly admitted his admiration 3 times. 
When he complimented the ‘Level of Unison’ achieved by two 16 year old boys, which takes YEARS to achieve is so heartwarming. Because, only we, the audience, knew that Naruto and Sasuke fought together for the last time way back when they were 12 in Land of Waves arc. Even then they could team up together without any direct communication. 
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This is another underrated scene and Orochimaru scores for SNS. We saw Naruto was crying rivers when Obito sucked everyones’s chakra. Sasuke’s face seems to be in a bad mood. 
Orochimaru really is the Mood Finder of Sasuke.
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Damn!!!! This is my all time favourite!!!!!! 
This is when Ebisu Sensei, fondly remembers how Naruto has grown from a Deadlast (in Episode 1) to an Hero (End of Pain Arc). During one of his memories, People of Konoha appreciates Naruto for stopping Gara from Invading Konoha and Bring Tsunade as Fifth Hokage. When it comes to retrieving Sasuke, this panel appears.
Even people of Konoha themselves knows that Naruto will be depressed if Sasuke is not there in Konoha with him. 
I mean, for every achievements Naruto made, the villagers praised him. When Jiraiya was dead, the villagers felt, ‘Naruto will not lose heart, He’ll keep on going, like always’. But when it comes to Sasuke, the villagers implicitly felt that Naruto will be depressed. 
Kishi is showing us that everyone in Narutoverse understands the feelings between Naruto and Sasuke, but he didn’t drew the extent as to how far it goes. He just left it ambiguous. 
But one thing is sure,
‘Everyone knows that they both are connected somehow and both of them have certain influence on each other which no other person has in Narutoverse and they know that one will suffer without the other.’
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Memories of 2020 - Initial asks and a small discussion
*cracks knuckles* Here we go.
If any of you have spent any amount of time today on any ARMY sns platform, I’m sure you’ve seen the mess which, as seasoned ARMY, I can tell you was the exact same mess we see...every single time. I can’t particularly say I’m surprised by any of it, especially when watching the entire process, as in the first clips hitting the TL and then the rest slowly following suit like a flood building steadily as the hours went by.
From anon: be ready for insecure vminies 😂
I’m pleased to report it wasn’t actually as bad as I expected, though now that I’m typing this I probably jinxed my own luck and the flood of asks will come soon enough, but maybe not. I’m holding on to the latter.
Based on the cycle in which these things happen every time, as in that the first clips that hit the ARMY spaces are Xkook ones, followed by vmin and other ships, and lastly more OT7 content, I expected our asks to go haywire after that clip, you know which one I mean. But we’ve only gotten two (?) about it, kind of, so I guess most people understood that it was just for laughs and nothing serious that anyone would have to get insecure over.
From anon: Sigh. This is my first memories of bts as army and i'm already tired of how all of twitter seems to be about 1 j*/k*ok moment now. There were so many j*n/kook m*ments and hugs and a sweet h*pe/k*ok backhug moment and a good number of vmin moments including slow dancing so why is the focus always on that one ship?
Here’s the thing, maybe my TLs are just well curated, I don’t know, but on mine no one really focused on that moment? Even non-shipper OT7s just briefly had a chuckle and then moved along to other things, awww’ed at vmin moments, there was lots and lots of talk about J*nk*ok being super cute and there being so much content when it comes to their interactions, there was a lot of chatter about basically every duo and OT7 moment. I know ship specific spaces went nuts, Xkookers butting heads like their lives depend on it, but outside of them?
“All of twt” is an exaggeration and I know, believe me I do, that Xkookers have the ability to make it seem like everyone just cares about their moments because they themselves (the shippers) are loud and seemingly everywhere, but when you look past them, that isn’t the case. Shippers have a tendency to generalize, especially those who follow a lot of their fellow shippers, but when you step outside of shipper spaces, things look very differently.
Like anon said, though I’d like to preface this by saying that I haven’t seen the entirety of Memories of 2020 so I can only go by what I have seen though I’d say I’ve seen nearly everything that was posted on twt or at least as much as I could find (including Xkook things), there were a lot, and I mean a lot, of amazing moments between basically all the members, regardless of who your favorite duo might be, I’m sure there was something for you there. Even those who are supposedly a rarity. And even as vminnies, this time around we had a feast with so many amazing vmin moments, some funny ones, some random ones, some super cute ones, whatever you want, there is something there for you to find. And the same can be said about so many other duos, we even got Yoongi and Hobi FaceTiming each other, and Yoongi saying they look like a couple while looking at the pictures Hobi chose for the coffee truck he sent to Yoongi’s Daechwita MV filming set.
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There’s one discussion I’d like to get out of the way below the cut, but after that I will have another post very, very soon in which I want us to just have some fun and look at vmin, namjin and the other moments because there is just so much to find. And this is just day one of people having the DVDs, these discussion will continue for a while because, like I mentioned before, Memories are a treasure trove for OT7 content and fun stuff, and there’s more than eleven hours worth of it to be watched, discovered and discussed.
But, okay, let’s get into that moment since anons wanted to talk about it and know my thoughts on it, so let’s do just that. And yes, other anon from a while ago, I remember you once mentioning how I shouldn’t talk about other ships and shouldn’t “debunk” them and their moments, though I’d hardly call this debunking, but as I said many times since our first post, I’m ARMY before I am a vminnie and namjinist, and our blog is called thoughts on Bangtan and, as far as I’m aware, both JK and Jimin are part of Bangtan, so I don’t see a reason why I can’t show my perspective on it and also voice my grievances with shippers when it comes to that moment. And, before anyone comes into our asks to yell at me for being toxic/problematic or only doing this to make my ship look better or whatever, no, that isn’t the point, like at all. 
“Debunking” moments makes literally no difference whatsoever in the grand scheme of things and doesn’t affect reality, all I am doing is having a chat just like everyone else. I’m not even asking you to agree with me, you’re more than welcome not to, I can’t and won’t stop you. Also, just so you know, my initial reaction was just to laugh amused by it, no hard feelings, so I’m not the bad guy.
That being said...the Xkook moment.
Here’s the thing, when it first surfaced many hours ago, the moment itself was cut down to show just the moment of Jimin leaning close to JK and JK leaning back and turning his head away so his cheek faced Jimin...and cut, some even cutting off the video before JK turned his head. That’s it. People, as in shippers, freaked out, and everyone else had a good laugh and moved along to other things, even vminnies were joking about it and everything. I saw none of my fellow vminnies getting angry or insecure about it. Then, as time went by, someone else posted that scene but this time also showing the things leading up to it, so putting it into context instead of removing it. With the context suddenly the whole thing looked and felt completely differently since moments prior Jimin was pretending to stab JK with the pointy end of his mic and then acted as though to check if he was d*ad, as in the end of the scene. Turns out it was just for giggles and not some grand romantic moment in a room full of people and a camera close to their faces.
By that time, of course, those who cared most about that moment had long decided what meaning this holds and didn’t care once context was shown. Gifs and art had already been created, the yelling was loud, and the fights between Xkookers were reaching levels of toxicity I hadn’t seen in a while, which was disgusting and fucked up the say the least. But, the thing is, I don’t think the moment itself was the issue. In context and as rational ARMY you know it was just Jimin playing around with JK as they usually do, things we’ve also seen other members do in similar (though not quite like this) fashion, and after eight years since debut and nine of knowing each other, this isn’t shocking or new in any way. No, the issue were Xkookers and the way they treated this moment, some even going as far as taking screenshots and editing them to make it seem like they were about to kiss, as in they changed the placements of their heads to fit their narrative, as well as others making gifs where they play the moment backwards (leaving out the part where JK leans his head away and to the side) and thus they created their own version of the moment which was different from what had actually happened.
That is my biggest issue with this whole thing. The blatant manipulation of moments to create narratives that don’t match reality, twisting them and using them in stupid pointless fights. But imagine vminnies were to do any of that, all hell would break loose and we’d be attacked without mercy because how dare, and yet they don’t follow their own “logic” and “rules”. It’s more than okay to find any and all moments cute, we all do, to make jokes and whatnot, but twisting context, manipulating it and basically creating your own version of it goes too far. 
Take what we are given as what it is, instead of what you want it to be.
So, now that that’s done, please fellow vminnies and ARMYs, don’t be insecure or let people ruin your mood and fun over it. It’s not worth it. Instead let’s check out and have a talk about some of the fun vmin and OT7 moments we got, along with other ones, including my reply to another anon when it comes to namjin. Of course what I will mention in the post (HERE) is basically just the tip of the iceberg since tumblr has a limit on pictures and everything, so just know there is so much more still left to see than just that.
Before I’ll go, for those who still feel a little insecure/doubtful/whatever else, while I was working on this post and the other one, another anon sent in this well timed vmin ask:
From anon: I have to say this as a Vmin supporter. Whatever is going on with Vmin we can rest assure what they is special/untouchable. They graduated HS & college together, going for Bachelors together. Jimin-ah I like you the most. I want to live with my lovely Taehyung for the rest if my life. Their future is together, friends/soulmates or more they said it. I won’t tear down other members closeness (good for them) their bonds don’t erase Vmins. I’m just happy with the moments Vmin allow us to see.
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fourangers · 3 years
Hi Fourangers,
First of all, I love your blog so much. It's like going through a history back when Naruto Manga chapters were released weekly and your reviews were so Golden, Hilarious and spot-on. Am a new fan though (especially an SNS fan), I just got into this fandom only this year. I don't know if you'll answer my ask, but I just wanted to try and ask you few questions and I pray that you might answer me....
1. Since you've written in a post that you were active in the eastern part of the fandom, How was chapter 698 received in Japan? Because this is the chapter I inherently realized they both love each other. Yeah, I was too late but somehow whenever they interact with each other in previous chapters I always find them to be 'Weird' for just to be friends. Chapter 698 is just blatantly obvious that they love each other. Considering Homophobia and Shounen genre, I have no idea how it was perceived over there back then in 2014.
2. Which scene made you to ship SNS?
3. As an SNS'er how do you feel about the ending, where everyone was married off when they were just 19 just to make some shitty sequel??? As a new fan, I felt betrayed and It would've been perfect if they had stopped at chapter 699, leaving an open ending.
4. How do you face with the accusation about Naruto and Sasuke as brothers and we, SNS'ers are Incest shippers??? I don't care about that Indra and Ashura thing. But Naruto himself told he considers Sasuke as his Brother couple of times. And in Chapter 699, Sasuke acknowledged, 'He finally understood what it meant'.... It's the only thing that confuses me and I don't even have an answer!!! Plus, Kishi himself gave an interview that he based Sasuke on his Brother... I really wonder how he gave such an interview when he literally made them wear necklaces with each other's faces.
5. How was Naruto and Sasuke's sexuality perceived in the fandom back then??? Man!! Kishimoto just made lot of comic reliefs on their sexuality by making Sasuke on Sai jutsu, Naruto not interested in Icha Icha but making Reverse Harem no Jutsu, Naruto was angry when Konohamaru made Boy on Boy jutsu whereas he had no problem with him doing it. LOL. And all those homoerotic posters. What do you think about their sexuality, personally??
6. Why did Kishi had to develop their bond as Soulmates with some unintentional or intentional romantic undertones, if he was eventually going to pair them up with girls??? He easily could've gave many such romantic tropes to other girls and keep the bond between N and S as purely friendship or brothers. It still would've made sense.
7. Final one, Was Naruto really Nosebleeding when Kurama made a joke about Sasuke's kiss in Chapter 572???? We had a lot of heated discussion with other shippers where they claim that it was just a splotch of snot.
Sorry for the lengthy ask....... I am so eager to know your answers and I don't want to spam your ask box by sending multiple asks.
Thanks 😊😊😊
Hey yo! Welcome new SNS fan! I'm so glad that you joined us and I'll try to answer as best as I can. I'm not very active here on tumblr (except browsing lol) but your ask was such a delight to read.
1. I honestly don't remember. I think I didn't follow the japanese boards until the eventual 699-700 disaster. People were craving for reactions and I was curious about it too lol. And well...it's been years, I doubt I'll be able to find the reactions from that time. Imo, most readers don't care much about pairings, they just wanted to read about power-ups and abilities and the basic Naruto Vs Sasuke. Though there are some backhanded jokes about how gay Naruto is for Sasuke.
2. Hah. It's going to be very anti-climatic but it was when Naruto and Sakura were eating in Ichiraku Ramen. Naruto just used Rasenshuriken against Kakuzu and he busted his arm. Sakura was healing his arm and her attention was focused on Naruto. I used to be a NaruSaku shipper so I thought "Oh hey! This is the moment that Naruto would have a candid romantic moment!" But nope. He talked about Sasuke. And I was already getting suspicious about Sasuke's feelings towards Naruto ya know? And the whole "SASUKE IS MIINEEEEEE" in Orochimaru's lair. It was that moment I thought "you only have Sasuke in your head don't you, Naruto?" and started shipping SNS.
3. Hooo boy was I surprised when it was suddenly revealed that they had the basic heteronormative, boring marriage with bunch of clones of themselves. Everyone thought that it was almost like a bad fanfiction come true and some thought that it was fake. It was a pandemonium lolololol. I also thought that it was too lame to be true and lo and behold, when it came true I was floored. And then whenever Kishimoto threw new material, I got insanely pissed off because S*arada and B*ruto becoming pairing material is ok because they are a girl and a boy, and then they paralleled with Naruto and Sasuke which are only FRIENDS because they are both men. ARGH. Open ending was what Kishimoto planned from the very beginning but wrote a sequel to earn more money.
In that aspect, I made peace with it because of the whole anime/manga industry. I learned that, as a mangaka, you don't earn a lot of money with selling books, but rather with merchandise and profiting with sales right. And that guy have a family to raise, have two kids (which is hilarious about how B*ruto movie is his self-insert story), he needs a steady income. Also, I read reports about how anime studios are so poor and animators don't receive a decent income not to mention they are overstaffed and tired, and B*ruto is a good money cow for them to earn money so they can invest later on other anime they have more passion about it. So even though I hate this story with a strength of thousands suns, they are putting meal on people's tables and making them pay rents. I'm ok.
4. Lemme roll my eyes because in the Last movie they said that Hinata is related to Kaguya and so is the Uzumaki and Uchiha clan so they are all related woo hoo. But in the aspect of brothers because reincarnations bla bla bla, didn't Naruto himself said that he's no longer that brother, he's himself? Hmm...I gotta re-read it. One day. Maybe. lol. But I'm sure that he said "Sasuke is not my brother but I'm sure we'll understand well as friends" so there. Honestly, there are a lot of interviews out there and a lot of them are fake, so I'd always take the interviews with a grain of salt lololol. I do know from artbooks that Kishimoto wanted to create Sasuke as a rival-esque character and that was it. As he was developing Sasuke and Naruto's relationship, since he liked the whole yin-yang concept, whenever he wrote Naruto's story, Sasuke's was developed at the same time as his shadow.
5. I can tell from Naruto Forums (I used to participate back in that day) MOST of the non-shippers thought it was gay as hell, but you know...it was a relic of that time. While they thought it was gay, they didn't put too much thought about you know? Because it was shounen, and we knew that it was a joke that it couldn't be taken seriously. Of course, in the SNS fandom, we did make more analysis and there were a lot of instance when Naruto and Sasuke's sexuality was questioned. Some other non-shippers also thought that Naruto was totes gay for Sasuke (including a IRL friend).
Imo, Naruto is definitely bisexual in my view. Sasuke I think he's asexual or gay. He's attracted to Naruto, but mostly because of his connection to him, not because of his physical attributes, so yeah...asexual. Or Pansexual. Sasuke is more complicated lmao. Imo, Naruto could be pansexual too, come to think about it. Yeah, I guess both being pansexual can be valid.
6. He developed Naruto and Sasuke being soulmates from the very beginning, that was proven in his comments in artbooks and in the manga. He probably created with the intention of making it purely platonic, going beyond physical ties. Then he shot himself on the foot by drawing Naruto thinking about Sasuke on bed, talking about how Sasuke is cool, meanwhile Sasuke waxing poetic about how Naruto saved him. What gives? Lol. Yeah, I think he got too enamored writing their relationship that he didn't have time to write romantic ones. What I noticed that Sakura's popularity never was really high, so I could see some editors putting their fingers all over it and making her less relevant. Also, Kishimoto didn't know how to handle her, so when she got her time to shine was the whole fake confession disaster. Coupled with Kishimoto sexism and, in his words (Kurenai's flashback), women are useful to spout more babies, women was never really relevant in his story, unfortunately. Even Kaguya who was technically the big bad boss, was never really fleshed out in comparison to Madara. So the null het romantic moments it's not because he wanted to elevate SNS moments, it's more about how he's incompetent about it. It's either Hinata slowly elevating to a relevant status because forced interaction (Pain's sacrifice and Neji's death) or Sakura being obligated to be pining over Sasuke because she's a girl. It's even more painful to see that, if we ignore B*ruto, both girls are shown to be just talking with their kids and dusting shelves, basically being housewives, even though thorough the story (especially Sakura) it was implied that both of them have much more potential than being their husband accessories.
7. It was a splotch of snot. I can confirm myself lol. Whenever the chapter is out and fans would scan it to scanlate it, the editor usually would amp up contrast to max. So usually the lines get much more thicker than usual, when you read the official release which gets straight from the source, you can notice how the lines are more delicate.
Oh lol...but then we also have a lot of controversy about translating style. THAT one is a whole new can of worms to open.
Man I had fun answering your questions! Please send more :P
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Kaoru at  Joe Yokomizo Channel 10th Dec Translation/Notes
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Joe Yokomizo Channel Special program
Guest: Kaoru (Dir en grey)
Notes before reading: This is a translation/summary of the livestream on Joe’s Niconico channel with Kaoru as a guest last 10th December. I wanted to do a full translation of it, but I messed up some of my files and the program isn’t available anymore so, in the end, I could just transcript the first 30-40 min of the program approx. and some bits. Besides that, I included some interesting parts from the notes I took.
Feel free to correct me if you spot any mistake or any confusing parts. Links or credits to this post when the content is reposted or captured in other SNS are appreciated :)
Joe:  Hello everyone, welcome to Joe Yokomizo’s channel live program in Niconico, I’m the MC, Joe. Thank you for watching! (Joe makes a brief description of how the program is going to be structured and encourages people to write comments during it!) Joe: Let’s introduce our guest for tonight…. Tonight’s guest is…. should I introduce him? Tonight’s guest is…. this person here! Kaoru: Hello, I’m Dir en grey’s guitarist Kaoru. Joe: Thank you for being here! Kaoru: Thank you! Joe: Are you feeling shy?  Being just the two of us…makes you feel shy? Kaoru: No, not at all. Joe: That’s good. Some people may have realized and other may didn’t but…. the clothes we are wearing…. (Joe and Kaoru open their jackets a bit to fully shown the Tokyo Sports’ hoodie) Kaoru: It’s Tokyo Sports’ (hoodie)… Joe says he didn’t know if Kaoru would be wearing the hoodie or not, so it’s good he brought his hoodie so they both can wear it. Joe: It was a good that I brought mine….
Kaoru: (You brought it) Just in case…. Joe: Have you being wearing it?
Kaoru: Today it’s the first time….
Joe: I have been wearing it even at my house…. Kaoru: Ah, I wore it at the program (The Freedom of Expression) for a picture we took after recording…. Joe asks for comments or questions for Kaoru at the chat. Then, He asks Kaoru about how he is doing if something has changed or not…. Kaoru says he is doing as always, making songs as usual. Joe cuts him reading a comment about the beer (you can see one beer on their table, Kaoru’s beer is behind the tablet they have on the table). Joe: Beer…. the staff brought us beer before …. Let’s drink…. let’s drink our beers…. we are going be chatting for two hours more or less. They open their can and toast. Joe: This year due to Corona as we couldn’t go somewhere and eat something, at least we can toast with everyone, if you have a beer or a drink, please toast with us….. Kaoru: Yes…. Joe: So, what could we talk about now? Ah…. what did you do today? Kaoru: Today.....well….I was recording in the morning….so it was really busy …. Joe: Really busy…. what time do you get up usually in the morning? Kaoru: About 10/ 10:30…. Joe: Is that so? Sometimes, we chat through Line at 2 am in the morning….do you like doing that at that time? Kaoru: That’s possible (laughs) It’s feels rather calm at that time…. Joe: Is that so? I feel the same. Doing that before going to sleep…. sending emails and so, thinking about this or that...…..so, you said you were recording today… Kaoru: Yes. Joe: What were you recording? Kaoru: Ah, for Zaza (TheTheyday, Kaoru’s blog) Joe: Ah for Zaza, you were recording for Zaza….so I guess one day it will be uploaded there…. Today, I’m here drinking and chatting with Kaoru, spending some time with you all, so your comments are welcome……As we talked about UFOs before, should we do a survey? Like we could ask everyone if they think UFOs exists or not in a survey…. maybe we could ask them if they have seen a UFO or not. Kaoru: That’s it…. Joe: We are going to do a survey about if you guys have seen a UFO or not….is it ok for the staff, to do one?....Ah, ok, it’s going to take a bit….meanwhile….have you ever seen a UFO, Kaoru? Kaoru: There was something (I saw) that looked like one…. Joe: You had?  When was it? Kaoru: When was it?.....I was overseas at the time I saw it… (People in the comments point out he told this story before and it seems that it happened in China, when they were touring there for the first time?) Joe: Overseas? Ehhhhh! It wasn’t in Japan… Kaoru: It was Toshiya who spotted it…. a stranger thing that was moving around at the sky….*Kaoru reproduces the movement of the thing with his finger* Joe: Something that was moving… Kaoru: So, I looked up and saw it……I don’t know what it was…. Joe: So clearly, it wasn’t something like a plane or so…. Kaoru: No, because of the way it was moving….. Joe: So, it clearly wasn’t something that you recognize… something like that… Kaoru: It was at night…. Joe: So, it wasn’t a living thing…. More like physical object moving for sure…. Kaoru: I think so… Joe: I see….a UFO spotted by Toshiya (laughs)…. Kaoru: There were more people there…. Joe: It wasn’t jus the two of you….. but talking about Tokyo sports, Tasai appears at your YouTube channel, right? He is at the program with us…..usually Tokyo sports covers stories about UFOs, Kappas(Japanese folklore creature)…. What else....that kind of things…. Kaoru: Fantasy stuff, right? Joe: That’s it, they usually cover that kind of fantasy things…..Do you read Tokyo Sports? Kaoru: Sometimes…. when there is something that I’m interested in….but in the past…..I would always read it… Joe: What did you like to read? Kaoru: Those kinds of things (fantasy stuff)….. They both laugh. Joe starts reading comments. Joe: The comments……”I just joined the livestream”…..ohhh welcome!, we are having a drink while chatting so, if you who are watching us want to drink with us, please join us!.....about the survey….can we go….? *Joe looks at the staff waiting for indications*......oh can we?....so, we want to take a survey about if you have seen an UFO or not….*Joe looks at the comments*….”I’m getting ready to drink”….everyone, if you want to watch the full program and the contents, you have to subscribe to the channel….you can still do it so please….also you can send us gifts (a function in Niconico, similar to Youtube)…..let’s check the comments…..Kaoru please…. Kaoru: I feel like reading comments…. there are a few… Joe: Everyone, write more comments! For Kaoru…..*Joe starts reading some comments* “I just subscribed” ohhh thank you…..”Kaoru, you are so handsome!”….”I haven’t seen a UFO or a ghost”…. Kaoru: A ghost…. I haven’t seen any…. Joe: You haven’t? I haven’t seen any ghost either but I experienced sleep paralysis once ….when I was in middle school….at home we had a prefabricated shed at the garden, I lived there ….so when I was at that shed, the door suddenly opened, a person came in and jumped over me…..grabbed me by my neck….it was a woman….I got scared but my body didn’t move…..I was internally screaming for help….”help me, help me”…. It was like that for like 10 min or at least that how I remember it….it felt like 10 min….then, I thought that she had killed me….but she was still there, she left, closed the door….I was like….what have just happened?..... Kaoru: Sleep paralysis? Joe: Sleep paralysis….I think that ghost was due to sleep paralysis….that girl that I remember….*Joe mumbles something* Sorry, just…..*he hands the tablet they have on the table to the staff, Joe is offscreen, leaving Kaoru alone for a few seconds* It’s hot here *Joe I mumbling something to the staff offscreen and then comes back taking his jacket off* Kaoru: I’m thinking about this…. the ability to sense supernatural things….I don’t think I have it…. Joe: You don’t? Kaoru: But maybe I talked about this before but, in the past, something weird happened when we were doing a shooting a clip overseas…. Joe: Something strange happened… Kaoru talks about an episode of after recording, when he got into the room, he felt as if his head was spinning in a weird way?.
Joe: Ah, the survey is ready….so, everyone, have you ever seen a UFO? Today we both are wearing the original Tokyo Sports’ hoodie…..it’s an original hoodie by Tokyo Sports in collaboration with Don quijote… Kaoru: That’s it… Joe: That’s why we both are wearing it right now…..asking you all if you have ever seen a UFO or not….we should do a research in the next The Freedom of Expression along with that Tokyo Sports person (Tasai)… Kaoru: Is he watching us? Tasai…. Joe: Ah, Tasai….I wonder if he is watching us….let’s go with the survey…..*The options for the survey appear on screen* I think he is watching us but I don’t know for sure…. People started to write “Tasaiiii Tasaiii” at the comments Kaoru: I talked to him (by phone) a while ago… Joe: Oh you did? It’s being a while since I saw him so I want to meet him soon….so, have you ever seen an UFO? We are asking this while wearing the Tokyo Sports’ UFO hoodie…..what results do you think we are going to get, Kaoru? Kaoru: I think the “No” is going to have a huge percentage…. Joe: As expected… Kaoru: Like a 70%(no)-30%(yes) Joe: Between having seen one or not, I would say “no” is going to be the most voted answer….Hiranabe…..*Joe is reading comments* He couldn’t come today….so, Kaoru’s prediction was a 30% for people who have seen a UFO and 70% for the opposite…so, let’s see it in one,two, three… *(Hiranabe used to appear in The Freedom of Expression when it was a radio program)* *The options on screen disappear and suddenly they are back with a 100% for yes, 0% for no* Joe: A 100% for yes? Ah, it seems that there was some mistake…..let’s do it again…I got scared with the results…..is everyone a fan of Tokyo Sports?....*Kaoru laughs* Have you seen a UFO or not? Kaoru saw one once when he was at overseas…. Kaoru: That’s true… Joe: Spotted by Toshiya…. why was Toshiya looking at it… Kaoru: I have no idea…. Joe: I wonder why…..the survey is again at the screen…..I’m sorry that it didn’t work before but now you can vote again…..let’s see the results…..*the results don’t appear* Ok…..OK?.....*the results appear, 23% yes, 77%no* Ohhhh…. Kaoru: That’s it…a big percentage… Joe: But a 23% of the voters have seen one….that’s good for Tokyo Sports…..that’s their target market…. Kaoru: But surely among the people who haven’t seen one, there are people who are interested in them…. Joe: That’s true, that’s true…. Kaoru: Maybe they are interested in them… Joe: By the way, I want that 23% of people who voted that say they saw a UFO, tell us where did they see it….so we can, with The Freedom of Expression, go there to check…. Kaoru: Yeah but, we can go there but having to wait for it, that’s  bad…. Joe: That’s right, there is a chance that the three of us come there and nothing appears…. Oh, someone said they saw it at Chiba…..”I saw one once I was walking back from work”…..Oh,where is your workplace?....”I saw one in Miyagi”…..Miyagi….In Okinawa, Shinga….there is no one that has seen one in Tokyo?....if there is someone that has seen one in Tokyo, the two of us can go….”At Sapporo when I was going from the airport to the hotel because I was attending a Dir concert there”……”At Saitama”…..ehhhh….Saitama…where? please give us more details….there are a lot of people that saw one, but not on Tokyo…. Kaoru: There aren’t….. Joe: “Sendai”…..”Kagoshima”…..please if you have seen one, please us at the comments….So, let’s change the topic to music….this year….due to Corona, a lot of plans had to be cancelled….*Kaoru nods* Kaoru: That’s right… Joe: As expected….we are going to put on screen Dir’s schedule of this year….you will see it on screen….*Dir’s events from this year appear on screen*….In January/February, Corona wasn’t still around, it was before Corona became big…..you had an overseas tour…. Kaoru:Yes Joe: Which countries did you visit? Kaoru: Countries?  Well, it was in Europe…it was about 10 days…. Joe: At that time, I heard from a interview you did that you said it but…..masks were still strange/weird at that time even at airports…. Kaoru: Yes, no one was wearing masks…. Joe: No masks at Europe at that time….but, how were the lives?, thinking about it now….it was a live with audience….and since that time…. Kaoru: It was the last one…. Joe: That’s it….how was it for you?.... Kaoru: They were good…. Joe: Berlin’s live was really good….that country especially…. Kaoru: The previous tour to this one (2018), we did a tour with lots of troubles at the lives….like the songs would have to be stopped in the middle of it and we couldn’t finish them properly….so, what we wanted to play or express at that time, couldn’t be done….so this time we did it with the feeling of revenge…we wanted that this feeling reached the people who came to see us ….so this time it was good… *Joe’s mic seems to not be working properly* Joe: So, you guys played at London one more time…. Kaoru: Yes. Joe: So, you guys could complete your revenge there this time….so, is there any episode or something interesting that happened overseas? If there is any, this time at Europe…. Kaoru: Something interesting? Joe: Like when you were drinking or so…I want to hear it…. Kaoru: Mmm…..is there any?.....mmmm…. Joe: You don’t remember? Kaoru: I remember but something that was interesting…..mmm….I don’t know if it is interesting or not….but sometimes the staff of the venue we are playing in takes a pic when it’s the rehearsal or so and upload it to the Instagram of that venue…. Joe: Yes, yes…. Kaoru: So, when I’m checking my Instagram, the pic appears and I see it….so, when I saw it…..Toshiya is in the picture!....*Joe laughs*….I was like “Eh??” when I saw it, “Is he aware of that?”…that he is in the picture…so, we got them to deleted it and then, we were in the rehearsal again, and thought  isn’t it careless?.....didn’t they know he was part of the band?....like, they saw him rehearsing…. did they think he was part of the Japanese staff?.... Joe: They didn’t know that! Kaoru: They didn’t…. Joe: It’s really careless…that episode….is there any episode with Takabayashi?... Kaoru: With him?....what could it be?.... Kaoru says something they did to him? But I can get it. Joe gets shocked and asks if it’s ok to tell it, but Kaoru said it was 10 years ago, when he was a roadie. Kaoru explains he became a manager before Inoeu left. Joe: “Is Fujieda ok?” *Joe reads a comment* Kaoru: He is fine…..*Joe points at where Fujieda is, behind cameras*…. The talk about the European tour is over, and they show again the Dir’s schedule of this year on screen. Joe: Next is something all of you saw…..in March?.....yes, it was the 27th of March….a livestream of a concert….a concert without audience….what do you think about it now? Kaoru: It’s something we wouldn’t have done if it wasn’t for these circumstances….we never have done it and we wanted to try….but due to these circumstances, it became part of our memories, part of the history of Dir en grey….we felt that way… Joe’s mic has fallen but he didn’t realize it, so his voice sounds so low and far away. He asks Kaoru about the reasons to do a livestream, Kaoru answers again that due to the circumstances. He says that looking at a screen while playing is tiresome even if he knew that there were people watching it, also he was nervous about it but not as nervous as when they played live cause its not the same.  They (dir) want to think about interesting things they can do during these times, but not being able to do lives as they want, and create the atmosphere they want,  it’s what make them not playing lives. Joe: So, in other words,  when it comes to expression,as long as you can’t create the world of Dir en grey, you don’t want to play lives. A part of me, misses that sound and emotion but also knowing it can’t be done in its complete form… Kaoru: But we keep thinking about things we can do in these circumstances…. Joe realizes his mic has fallen, finally. Joe: Oh, my mic has fallen…..*puts it again properly* Can you hear me now?, the staff just told me…..well…..Tasai….are you watching us?.... Kaoru: He is! Joe: Yes, is there something you want to tell him? *laughs* Kaoru: Are you working out? Joe:  Do you work out? Kaoru: I don’t… Joe: I did after a long time….I didn’t for two weeks….I didn’t train with my personal trainer for two weeks and today….he told me today to do some exercises that…..*grabs his backs and then his chest*….”Tasai, Tasai” *Joe reads the comments* Tasai is really popular….
Kaoru: The opposite of you…. Joe: That’s true….He is for sure the most popular….because everyone is typing “Tasai, Tasai”….if you have any question for Tasai….but how can I ask him?, I can message him through Line…. Joe says, then, they are going to talk about the digital release of the single. ------ People started asking in the comments if “Yamo-chan” is watching the livestream. After many comments like that, Joe looks confused and asks, “who is Yamo-chan?”, making Kaoru laugh. He explains that “Yamo-chan” is Shinya and that they started calling Shinya like that in a previous band. Kaoru adds Shinya usually watches everything so that’s why ppl are commenting that. They talk about Shinya more, mentioning the fax story Kaoru told in the livestream of May. Joe remembers that Shinya is really into board games, and suggests that they could do a board game special or something like that. People start writing in the comments that they should do it with Shinya, and others, that they should do it with “the whole band”. Joe says it would be complicated to do it with the 5 members. D.T.S appears in a comment and people starts commenting “D.T.S” “Do it with D.T.S”. Joe looks again confused and ask who is “D.T.S”. Kaoru explains that it’s Die, Toshiya and Shinya and it was something they did for the fanclub magazine.  Some people start commenting D.T.S.K, adding Kaoru’s to the name lol  ----- Joe and Kaoru start talking about “The Freedom of Expression”.  They do a survey asking if the people watching the live stream watch it/have ever watched it. Kaoru says he thinks that “a 80% is going to say no”. The results are really good, more than 90% (I think it was 96%?) say that they watch it. Later, they do another survey asking if they are subscribed to the channel or not. There are 3 options; “Yes” “No” and “No, but I’m going to subscribe right now”.  Results are again quite good, about a 85% say they are subscribed, “no” gets around almost a 9% and  “no, but I’m going to subscribe right now” gets almost a 6%. Joe asks Kaoru to say some encouraging words to that people who said “no”, so they finally subscribe. Kaoru just say in a plain voice, “subscribe to the channel”, making Joe laugh. ------ Joe talks about the Kaoru interview he did for his site, “Kimi ni tou”. He says he realized how international Dir en grey was a band, cause it’s the interview on the site with more visits from overseas and the English version is the most visited on the site. The interview is also in Chinese, and of course, in Japanese, but he was really surprised of how many people read the English version as well ---- At some point, Joe leaves for the toilet, leaving Kaoru alone. Kaoru is just staring at the screen reading comments and mumbling some answers. Someone ask him to show his hands, or ask him about his haircut, very random stuff. He looks kind of awkward , like not knowing what to do. He is also watching when Joe is about to come back, and when you can hear Joe’s footsteps: Kaoru: So, that was my Top 5, yeeeeeehhh *and starts clapping, the staff joins him clapping as well* Joe: No, no…..you are lying….you are lying….*Joe is still not on screen* You didn’t do it now, I’m sure…. Kaoru: I just did it…..look at the comments…. Joe: What are they writing?.....*Joe starts reading the comments* Is that so?....I couldn’t hear it….People clapping at the comments….it can’t be….*Joe points at some comment saying “evil”* See? You didn’t do it…. Kaoru: They are talking about you…. Joe: Me?.....* he mumbles a bit and keeps reading comments*….”What an amazing Top 5”….Really???.... Kaoru: See? Joe: “Amazing songs”….is that so?....what does that mean?....*Kaoru laughs*….”Amazing”….”I expected these songs”….Did you really tell them?.... Kaoru: I told you (I did). Joe: ”I’m sorry for you, Joe”…. Am I the only one who didn’t hear them?.....”Only great songs”….”great choice”…..Could he really tell them in such a short time?....*Joe looks at the staff looking for a confirmation* He did? the staff just nodded….  ----- After Kaoru played this prank on Joe about revealing his TOP 5, now it’s his turn to go to the toilet, leaving a drunk Joe alone. Joe: Everyone, before he gets back, let’s write “sing Rokkouoroshi” (Hashin tiger’s song, Kaoru favourite baseball team)….everyone say “sing Rokkouorsohi” for me, please….I couldn’t hear it….at Tora no Ana (Kaoru’s event for his birthday)…I told him to sing it…but he didn’t….so today….using everyone’s power…..using the power of alcohol….let’s write “rokkouroshii”….this year, it seems that Haishin tigers are not doing well, also there are no events to sing it but….let’s write rokkouoroshi!!!....”Joe, you are the best”…..don’t say those things at me….this is our power….*Joe looks at the staff* I received a question at line…thank you for it….thank you everyone for sending questions to my Line….ohh someone sent a gift *a function in niconico*…..Let’s make him sing it!!!:….let’s make this wish….if he receives this request from you all…..he is about to come back so let’s make this wish…rokkouoroshiii…rokkouroshiii…..ROKKOUOROSHIIII……why did I scream?....let’s do it together…*Joe realizes Kaoru has prob heard him, so he whispering encourages everyone to write the request* Ok, let’s go….*Kaoru is still not in screen but he is coming back* Well, let’s see what do you want to ask Kaoru….your requests…I just asked everyone what they want Kaoru to do….let’s see…..Oh oh oh!....what is that?.....Everyone wants you to do that….they are writing “rokkouoroshi”!!!!! Kaoru, they are writing “rokkouoroshi”!! Kaoru: Because you told them…. Joe: I didn’t! Oh! This is amazing! Check! Everyone is saying it… .Kaoru: Because of you….it’s not the first time… Joe: Me?....oh….Beer…..*Joe holds Kaoru’s beer and checks it’s empty* He doesn’t have a beer….please bring one!!! Kaoru: This is not the first time (you tried this)…. Joe: No,no no….let’s sing Rokkouoroshi… Kaoru: Should I tell them my Top 5? Do you want to hear it?       Joe: I don’t want to hear your Top 5....Rokkouoroshi…Rokkouoroshi…. *The staff brings Kaoru a beer* Joe: This year the Hashin tigers didn’t do well so that’s why you didn’t sing it but….next year?.... Kaoru: Next year….let’s sing it next year…. Joe: Next year….is that a promise?.... *They are about to toast, but Kaoru stops* Kaoru: If they win the competition….that’s what I told you at that time…. Joe: I see, so if next year, Hashin tigers win the competition, you are going to sing the full song… Kaoru: *makes a face *The full song? That’s imposible….*he turns to the other side* Joe: Well, well….wait wait….don’t turn your back to me….if they win the competition….sing just one phrase…. Kaoru: No, that’s imposible… Joe: Wait wait… Kaoru: I’m not going to sing it…. Joe: If they win the competition, just one phrase… Kaoru: I’m not going to sing it… Joe: Let’s toooooasttt…….*like toseal the deal lol* Kaoru: I’m not going to toast…..*turns his back on Joe* Joe: Just wait a bit… Kaoru: I don’t sing…. Joe: Then, what can we do?....let’s dance to Rokkouoroshi… .Kaoru: I’m not going to do that…. Joe: *with a pitiful voice* but they are asking for “Rokkouoroshi”…..*pouts* Kaoru: I’m not going to do it…. Joe puts a sad face like a small child and start making noises of complaint as if he was having a tamtrum…. Joe: But you have to do it!....somehow….in some way….next year, if they win the competition….let’s do it… Kaoru: Maybe we could do an event and gather with everyone…. Joe: *reading a comment* “Play it with the guitar”….. Kaoru: Playing it with the guitar is really tiresome…. *Joe is drinking his beer and almost spills it due to the laugh* Joe: Right now…..*reads a comment* everyone is with me, saying “ganbatte Joe!”…. “kaoru is so cute”….”in an event…”, that’s it, let’s do it at an event….next year, if it’s possible… Kaoru starts to mumble in a low voice. Joe makes gestures of dancing. He keeps trying to get a commitment from Kaoru to do it but Kaoru doesn’t accept. Joe: I’m sorry everyone, the negotiations failed.  ------ After the pranks and teasing, Joe says it’s about time for Kaoru to reveal his Top 5 songs of 2020 according to Spotify. 5. X-Japan “Without You” (Unplugged) Kaoru says he has been listening to it recently and mentions that this song is part of the soundtrack of the documentary of X japan. Joe talks about Hide, and how important was his existence to Kaoru’s life. Kaoru mentions the first concert of them he went. Joe asks Kaoru what he thinks that Hide would think of him if he was alive. Kaoru doesn’t seem to want to give a proper answer and says he doesn’t know. Joe says he thinks Hide would be like “you are cute” and happy/ proud of him.  Kaoru talks about when he met Hide at a restaurant (ikinari steak?) while he was eating with his manager. He talked about this in his book “Dokugen”. People starts commenting “that story is so sad”, “I read it at Dokugen”. Finally, Joe asks Kaoru what he would say to Hide if he was alive, Kaoru just says that he is not a person that it’s good at making conversation so probably nothing. 4. Merry “Fukurou (梟) Next song is from Merry. Kaoru says he heard it live and he liked it. Joe asks the name but Kaoru doesn’t know how to read the kanji and he struggles for while. He shows it to Joe but he doesn’t know either. Kaoru tries to describe it, but someone for the staff comes and tells him the title. After the description of the kanji, people were already commenting “it’s Fukurou!” and Joe reads it.  Kaoru says the name of the song and apologizes for not knowing how to read it. Kaoru: I’m sorry I didn’t know the reading (of the kanji)  3. Dir en grey “Downfall” Third position comes for a Dir en grey song, which surprises Joe. Kaoru says he usually listens to their songs to remember some parts/riffs. Joe says that having so many songs must be hard to remember all of them and ask Kaoru if he does (remember all of them). Kaoru answers he obviously knows the songs but not every part.  2. Dir en grey “Rinkaku” Kaoru says he was rehearsing this song and when he was about to play it, he realized he had forgotten most of it, so he had to listen to it several times and copy it to remember.  1. Dir en grey “Sustain the Untruth ”Before announcing #1, Joe asks the viewers which song we think is it. Kaoru kind of teases about it, not saying it waiting to someone to guess it right. Most people think is going to be “The World of Mercy”, as Kaoru says he listens to the songs to practice. Joe: Why does everybody think it’s “The world of mercy?” Other comments say “Ochita no koto ga aru sora” Joe: But you haven’t played that song live yet, right? Someone in the comments gets it right. Kaoru: Yes, it’s “Sustain the Untruth” ---- One of the last things they talk about, it’s a “unexpected”/” surprising” picture that Kaoru has in his phone. In the end, it’s a picture of the Mike Tyson energetic drink “Black”, with his face and the line “Empower yourself”.   And that’s all ;)
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dojae-huh · 3 years
You and some readers brought up Johnny going through sth before and I agreed with you all. I also agree Johnny has moved out permanently or he probably just stayed somewhere else a few months back. Idk but Haechan said Do woke up him up during gimme gimme and Johnny was strangely quiet during cafe midnight too. I wonder why no one talked about it on twt or did I miss it? Your blog seems like a safer place to ask and be curious about what the fandom might find unpleasant or get defensive lol I may not agree with everything here but I’m a fan of your observation skill and logical thinking and i’m very grateful you try to answer most readers.
Seems Johnny’s feeling better or already got over it tho. What do you think? He’s back to being active on sns and teasing Do on cam. Looks like Do’s been trying to interact with him more and cheer him up too. Kinda like before Nct 2020.
Anyway i know you consider some JaeDo “crumbs” bread but I do miss the blatant bread sometimes lol Do’s ig live, the jp interviews and their interactions in high school and secret agent contents seem like a long time ago even tho they aren’t lol
Problematic topics? Like Doyoung’s habit of scratching his groin and adjusting himself with cameras on him? Lol. You are right, I have no problem with them.
As I’m not subscribed to any Johnny stans, if it’s not about JohnJae or JohnDo, Johnny dissapears from my tl. I’ve noticed the absence of mentions about Johnny being MIA during Midnight cafe and the moment with Hyuk, but due to the nature of my tl, I wouldn’t know if it was the case in the fandom at large.
Johnny definetely looks better. Maybe it’s Spring and sunlight, maybe there is a new direction for him, a new trajectory. It’s always easier to understand things in retrospect, when new developments help to make sense of events and mood changes in the past (like 2017 for JaeDo). 
Many will disagree with me, and it’s only my impression that I can’t prove to you with anything, but I get a feeling Doyoung doesn’t want to take on Johnny’s problems (like he does with Taeyong). Like he wants and expects Johnny to sort it himself. And a reason why Johnny found company in Ten and not Do during NCT2020 is that Do was so busy, he didn’t have time to pay individual attention to Johnny (plus his beef with Ten), make him a priority. Doyoung always pushes Tae to be the leader, often refusing to take the mic or reminding him to stop playing and go work. Do said once he gave up on changing Tae’s habit of being late to work, which means he tried to fix it, they had an ongoing conflict over it. Another thing, Doyoung sends money to Dreamies instead of buying BD gifts (except Jeno and Hyuk). A type of “take care of yourself yourself”. 
I do miss old Jaedo. I’m just being realist, no whining will help, so why waste emotions. It’s true that some moments, that many shippers overlook, are “bigger” for me, because they have more implication and hidden meaning. Like the carpet scene, for example. The fact, that Jae is wearing his thic brecelet everywhere again. Or even Jae’s long hair, which makes me remember Do’s love of Jae’s manbun during Neocity in Japan. 
This, defnetely “bread”, moment was like two days ago. What short memory you have, anon! Haha. 
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Here, be reminded of this one. 
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amitds · 4 years
so I lurked through an old/inactive Tumblr Blog which was extremely critical of Naruto(both the character and manga) and only liked a select few characters,and funnily enough I agreed with most of their critiques about story being incoherent/inconsistent/incohesive and the supposed main bond of the story- naruto/sasuke - being poorly done,etc but they also said that team7/sannin parallels shown in the war arc were bs as the hype for sannin had not been kept consistent throughout the story in terms of feats(they were pro sakura but said her equalling sasuke and naruto was bullshit as they were too op), I know you have shown us through databooks and manga statements that she was indeed equal and she meant what she said but if we look at only manga feats and background(outside hype),can you justify her equivalence to SN duo, I mean kishimoto says in his interviews that he had planned to give her an arc but ditched it for god knows what reason...also can you explain her emotional plot relevance and do you think it's needed/positive,I mean there are many retconned things in this manga that elevate stagnant,minor and blank canvas(eg:rin) characters to plot importance(he also retconned Itachi so..) so I would like to know how sakura,a dynamic and major character effects the plot!! I know this ask was all over the place but I would really love to know your thoughts here,if you wish you could make a post on this or maybe ignore this altogether if you feel this is unneeded!!! Thank you!
“so I lurked through an old/inactive Tumblr Blog which was extremely critical of Naruto(both the character and manga) and only liked a select few characters,and funnily enough I agreed with most of their critiques about story being incoherent/inconsistent/incohesive and the supposed main bond of the story- naruto/sasuke - being poorly done,etc but they also said that team7/sannin parallels shown in the war arc were bs as the hype for sannin had not been kept consistent throughout the story in terms of feats(they were pro sakura but said her equalling sasuke and naruto was bullshit as they were too op),”
I don’t understand that sannin part. Are they saying the sannin’s hype hasn’t been consistent as in they were not portrayed as equals throughout the manga? Are they basing this strictly on feats? If so then they are mistaken and are, like so many, mixing loud Western fandumb talking points ( eg.OROCHIMARU IS THE STRONGEST SANNIN. TSUNADE CAN ONLY PUNCH AND HEAL) with the actual canon series where from what I read the sannin have always had consistent hype (outside of Itachi’s statement which can be due to him being secretly good and for the village). 
It’s always: 
It takes a sannin to beat a sannin
The power of a sannin
Each of the sannin have special powers
I’m one of the sannin (Orochimaru said this in the present Boruto timeline to hype himself)
He’s one of the sannin 
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Like what’s not clicking for these people?
Tsunade had chakra reserves comparable to a tailed beast with her seal, regeneration like Hashirama and her super strength affected incomplete susanoo and was beyond the raikage’s when he was lightened by Onoki ,according to Madara himself. Are those feats not comparable in these fans’ minds to Jiraiya’s incomplete sage mode with his odama rasengan that couldn’t break through a susanoo rib cage when naruto used it vs Madara or Orochimaru’s featless 8 branches technique? 
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The thing is, Sakura equaling them was not bullshit. First of all it is the author who makes the power scaling, not us. So this ‘rule’ wherein Sakura CANNOT equal EMS Sasuke and KCM Naruto in skill and power because fans view them as too OP is ridiculous. 
They were not AS overpowered as the fandom makes them out to be. The same people who say they were so overpowered etc. are the same ones who argued that Sasuke was still under Itachi even when he got EMS vs Itachi’s MS. Lol! The same people don’t want to admit that Edo Minato is stronger or a little weaker than KCM Naruto. So you’re telling me someone above the sannin and alive Minato cannot be on par with someone </= Itachi or >/= Edo Minato, especially when the author says it? 
Do they think EMS Sasuke and KCM Naruto were Hashirama leveled? No? Okay then what’s the issue with someone above the sannin, Hiruzen and Alive Minato being on their level? Why can’t someone above the sannin and alive Minato not be comparable to Edo Minato and KCM Naruto? 
It also doesn’t help their point when we remember that while EMS Sasuke and KCM Naruto were struggling along with Edo Minato, Tobirama and Hiruzen vs Obito, that Sakura was healing the army and giving it chakra. So we never got to see her fight at full power with the boys after she equaled them in skill and power (her taijutsu and medical prowess). This makes the claim that she couldn’t and didn’t equal them even more unfounded. 
They talk about lack of feats for her equaling them but actually there’s lack of feats for her not. I mean we didn’t ever see her at full power after this AND when we did see her with them again they were Gods facing off against Madara and she was low on chakra. 
“I know you have shown us through databooks and manga statements that she was indeed equal and she meant what she said but if we look at only manga feats and background(outside hype),can you justify her equivalence to SN duo, I mean kishimoto says in his interviews that he had planned to give her an arc but ditched it for god knows what reason..."
Well I don’t personally feel that we need to find feats to justify something that already has been stated and shown as fact i.e. if Sakura and Kishi say she’s on par with them, the fandumb doesn’t have to power to invalidate this by their stupid explosion watching, physics calculations or vs hypotheticals BUT since I actually do like to debunk people soundly I’ll bite. 
Sakura doesn’t have feats in a particular battle per se however, even if we totally ignore the databook entries about her equaling them:
Sakura’s strength is beyond Tsunade and Ei’s which they used on incomplete susanoo. EMS Sasuke uses an incomplete susanoo. That is a direct comparison between their abilities. Even if we want to argue that Sasuke’s incomplete susanoo was above the ones Tsunade/Ei broke and fought, Sakura’s strength is beyond theirs so where does that leave us? Her strength while not at its zenith was able to break Kaguya’s horn and injure here more severely (she had a swollen eye) than God leveled Naruto’s physical strength boosted by the 5 tails power to give ‘unparalleled strength). 
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Sakura reacted to Kaguya’s chakra arms and evaded for a while, while low on chakra. Kaguya’s chakra arms were stated by God Naruto to be super fast and he warned God Sasuke about it, to which he agreed. This is Sasuke who could teleport and Naruto with Minato like speed or above, so... 
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With Sakura’s seal she was able to heal and army and give it chakra 2 times (2nd time with Tsunade) and then she had enough chakra by the time she needed to help save Sasuke. She had more chakra while low and nearly depleted than one of God Naruto’s clones. She was able to fuel Obito completely on her own even though Naruto’s clone went with them to help give chakra and Sakura, as I said, was low on chakra. 
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With the seal Sakura and Tsunade were able to access the byakugo no jutsu which, acc. to Madara and DB 4 is similar to Hashirama’s healing ability. In fact DB 4 explains in detail that Hashirama’s ability is due to his massive chakra reserves which Tsunade lacked. Therefore she needed the seal to access regeneration for a long time like him. Sakura boasted that she doesn’t use chakra from her seal 24/7 to keep her body young. This gives Sakura 2 abilties comparable to Hashirama i.e. chakra reserves and regeneration. 
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It should be noted that Hashirama himself said that KCM Naruto had almost as much chakra as he did so Sakura’s seal granting her comparable chakra reserves to Hashirama also puts her reserves in this ball park in the original series. So this is another direct comparison to one of the boys. Along with Sasuke’s susanoo and her strength, we have Sakura and KCM Naruto’s chakra reserves being compared to Hashirama’s in the databook and manga, respectively. 
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I think it’s funny that Sakura has 2 abilities/powers/characteristics that are comparable to Hashirama’s most notable ones (chakra reserves and regeneration) and which are beyond Tsunade’s versions of them, and people (not you) think it’s a gotcha question to ask what feats/powers she has that compares to EMS Sasuke and KCM Naruto (even though a lot of feat comparisons are SUBJECTIVE, even mine here). 
Keep in mind that these feats are not from her actually fighting and only supplement Kishi in the databooks and the manga and Sakura stating and showing that she was equal to Naruto and Sasuke when she got her seal. 
What I usually ask people when they come with the whole ‘she never caught up to them’ BS is:
How can you prove it?
What feats do you see that proves that she wasn’t on par with them?
What statements are there to prove this? 
Then you see people bend over backwards to pass off opinions about blaze release, odama rasenshuriken and ‘punching’. It’s hilarious. 
“also can you explain her emotional plot relevance and do you think it's needed/positive,I mean there are many retconned things in this manga that elevate stagnant,minor and blank canvas(eg:rin) characters to plot importance(he also retconned Itachi so..) so I would like to know how sakura,a dynamic and major character effects the plot!! I know this ask was all over the place but I would really love to know your thoughts here,if you wish you could make a post on this or maybe ignore this altogether if you feel this is unneeded!!! Thank you!”
I don’t really feel the need to go into detail with this. Simply put IMO.
Sakura deserved better.
She deserved a unique power along with her powers surpassing Tsunade (genjutsu + slug sage mode)
Sakura, and even Kakashi, IMO should have played a more important role in Sasuke’s redemption. 
Sakura should have gotten her own arc(s) like fucking Shikamaru a side character, did. 
Sakura IMO didn’t need to be like Rin, Itachi or Minato or any side to affect the plot. I am fine with her getting more fights and helping Naruto and Kakashi more along with having more of a role in bringing Sasuke back being what gave her plot importance. I don’t need a big back story for her. Just more missions and maybe some of what Kakashi got?
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janiedean · 4 years
Hi! I'm the Plato anon for before. First of, thank you so much for your offer, but I think I managed on me own. Second, could you elaborate on the "analysing as YA" vs "analysing as an adult" approach? I assumed that "discourse people" on this website generally don't go beyond "antagonist is bad because they are against the hero!" out of ignorance/lack of interest except to score Internet Fame Points, not that it was due a specific mindest. I also don't really read YA (except Tiffany Aching)
TIFFANY ACHING!! T_T ANON LET ME HUG YOU it’s like the only YA I actually liked in my entire life apart from nick hornby’s one book but that wasn’t typical lmao
THAT SAID, well your discourse people point is pretty much part of it but since I’m here and I can rant have the entire thing I was too tired to hash yesterday ;) so, in order:
first thing, we need to establish that ya books and **adult** books generally have different target audiences which is fine and good because obviously if you want to write a thing you’ll do that for An Audience That You Have In Mind; this doesn’t mean that adults can’t read ya or that teenagers can’t read **adult books** because everyone can read what they want (and personally for one I never cared for ya in my entire life not even when I was the target audience), but it simply means that some books are meant to be liked by one category first and eventual others later and they need to be talked about in that specific context first and everything else later - then there might be books that are aimed for kids/young readers or sold like that or that can be read on more than one level which can be appreciated for different things later in time (for example I read huck finn at sixteen and I absolutely loved it but it was a book that here is seen as good reading material also for eight year olds, and at eight I wouldn’t have liked it for the reasons I did at sixteen, and if I read it now I would still like it, while a bunch of the books for kids I read when I was seven is stuff I enjoyed then but forgot now and probably was good for that age but didn’t stick with me);
second thing, that means that when I discuss a young adult book aimed at teenagers I will never hold it to the standards I would hold a book aimed at a general adult audience, especially if it’s the kind of ya like dunno as stated the vampire diaries aimed at teenage girls which is obviously the kind where you have the fantasy world with the hot dark guy who swoons the high schooler protagonist off her feet etc because that stuff is basic teenage girl fantasy 101 and like... I’ll expect a bunch of romance tropes, the usual push and pull, the guy eventually being into her, the protagonist being someone a fourteen year-old can see herself in, probably a few sexual elements thrown here and there and so on, because that’s the shit marketed at fourteen year-olds who want to read that and like... it’s really not that deep. I can’t ask the vampire diaries to be moby dick because it’s not meant to be. or, if I read percy j/ackson - which is another thing I have zero interest in but I know about because I see tweets from the author - I expect to have a bunch of teens coming into their own coming from different backgrounds because the author wants to represent properly a lot of categories so most of his readers can have someone they can see themselves in and like if a thirteen year-old who suspects being lgbt or whatever sees themselves in the gay kid from per/cy jackson guess what that’s what that book is for, so I won’t judge it on like... being a faithful representation of greek myths or how good the style is or whatever, because even if to me it’s not top notch writing or has a plot idc about it has to be for teenagers and pre-teens, not for me, a thirty year old who again didn’t even like pre-teen aimed literature when she was a pre-teen;
third, I can extra clarify it using the damned hp discourse, as in: when I say I’m tired of people not reading anything else or reading everything like hp, it means that they read it when they were growing up/were teens and it was aimed at them which is fine, but then twenty fucking years later when the people in question are way beyond their twenties (guys I’m almost 32 and I remember when the first one came out come on) when talking about any single piece of media in existence (movies, comics, other books) use hp characters/situations as the terms of paragon - like guys I had to read sn/ape comparisons with theon and ky/lo ren on the basis that THEY’RE GREY CHARACTERS as if sn/ape is the only grey character that ever existed, people keep on talking about vold/emort as the only bad guy that ever existed and so on, and like... you can’t talk about, idk, asoiaf or any book aimed at an adult audience like you’d talk about hp, because at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if I read comparisons between sn/ape and ivan karamazov and I think I don’t need to specify how completely nonsensical that would be;
now, with all of this explained, what I mean is: ya in general - which is not a fault per se of the genre since it’s aimed at teens and pre-teens - tends to have... very fixed narrative schemes depending on which teens it’s addressing - like, stuff like tvd or twilight is obviously the romance teenage girl fantasy where you have the girl fighting to be with the dark beautiful supernatural creature in question, per/cy jackson is more like I’ll give you a bunch of relatable characters having cool adventures against bad guys with the occasional redemption so we can see that people are redeemable but you still have right vs wrong, hp is sort of like that in the sense you get relatable-ish protagonist with relatable friends growing up throughout the entire thing and fighting on the good side vs the evil side including the usual death of the mentor plus people who seemed bad actually not being bad™ except that PJ has more povs and better rep from what I gather but that’s not the point so it’s basically the growing up journey for the young protagonist(s) the kid sees themselves in, then there’s stuff like hunger games where you actually have the dystopian worldbuilding just written to be enjoyable by younger people who don’t want to get too depressed (and ngl I haven’t read the books but I’ve seen the first two movies and guys the way everyone ignores the classist commentary in thg to discuss the love triangle is... a staple of the problem tbh) but still try to introduce deeper themes and have more nuanced characters and at the same time are still written to be enjoyed maybe by the more adult side of the target, and at the same time I can’t say that thg is the same as 1984 when it comes to target audience because 1984 doesn’t make the ugly dystopian themes more accessible using the love story/teenage protagonist etc;
at this point the problem is: if you only ever read ya and nothing else in your life (which is what a lot of people here do - guys again when I got here in 2011 if people didn’t discuss hp they discussed john gr/een, the only *adult*-aimed book I see discussed on tumblr is asoiaf... because of got X°DDD) then you end up seeing every other piece of literature expecting what you do out of a young adult and then you expect adult literature out of young adults/ya to approach certain implications the way an adult novel would, which is... frankly ridiculous;
specific examples: I see blogs which are principally about like ya fantasy books ie acotar or shadow/hunters or whatever shitting on grrm because AAAAH HE’S PROBLEMATIC/MISOGYNIST/HE HAS VIOLENCE AND RAPE IN THE BOOKS BLAH BLAH and like... spoilers: if I wrote a fantasy series aimed at fourteen year-olds who want their fantasy romance with the hot dark guy who is maybe a tiny bit problematic but turns their leaf for them I would hold back on blood and violence, if I wrote a fantasy for adults where I want to be realistic about misogyny I will not, and the fact that grrm gets judged on what happens and not how he writes it (and again, saying that a guy who has 1/3rd of his pov characters female except that it’s actually 50/50 because there are no throwaway povs except for mel while guys have a lot more of them and all the female povs have narrative weight [and mel has it before she gets one] and all of them have a different personality and he also has the same trope [brienne and arya] in two people with wildly different personalities and needs which is basically a goddamned miracle is a misogynist because there’s misogyny in his fantasy world is ridiculous imvho) which is.... exactly expecting of asoiaf what you’d expect out of acotar, when grrm and acotar’s writer write for wildly different audiences. now, if I had read acotar at 15 and asoiaf at 15 I’d have had no doubt re asoiaf being more my thing because again the subgenre acotar goes for is not my thing because I never related to that fantasy while brienne is my rep, but in general a 14yo girl who likes the acotar-like stuff will not care for grrm.... which is normal because grrm writes for adults of both genders, not teenage girls (I mean teenage boys also have their own subgenres for which the same rules are valid), and someone who likes percy jackson (aimed at both genders but like... pre-teens early teens) who doesn’t gaf for grrm won’t because it’s not aimed at them unless they like grrm for other reasons ie idk they realize that they relate to jon snow idk but you see my point, so like tldr that’s what I mean with if you only read ya you’ll expect adult writers to handle their themes like ya writers would and like... sorry but if I write stuff for adults I won’t feel the need to specify that the bad guy is B A D with neon lights because an adult should grasp that from the narrative, I don’t need to make sure it’s obvious bc it’s aimed at kids;
reverse: when I see people saying ‘the vampire diaries is problematic because it’s about people who are a hundred years old preying on teenage girls so we need to stop teenage girls from reading that kind of thing because it makes them think it’s okay to go with someone that much older than them’, we’re at the opposite problem in the sense that you’re asking a young adult novel what you would ask of AN ADULT NOVEL when there’s no point in it. like, a teenage girl knows perfectly that damon salvatore doesn’t exist and vampires don’t exist and werewolves don’t exist - the entire point of tvd is that she gets to fawn over the hot supernatural dude who changes for the better thanks to the female protagonist she most likely sees herself in and she gets to have a few nice fantasies about that which is like... normal for people who are developing their sexualities, most people wouldn’t actually want damon salvatore the way he’s exactly in canon irl because they know it’s a fantasy and so it should stay. like, sorry but as someone who watched the show because ian somerhalder is hot in her twenties and tried the first book and gave it up at page 30 because I couldn’t do it, I can 100% assure anyone that the biggest issues with tvd books are that the writing is really fucking bad (for my standards at least), with the tvd show that from S4 the writing spiraled downwards and no one wanted the magical vampire pregnancy witch twins ridiculousness, but none of the content actually was shit that anyone would take seriously like that and I wouldn’t expect tvd to approach that subject realistically. if I read a vampire book aimed at adults who actually wants to write such a relationship as creepy WELL YES OF COURSE I’D EXPECT IT TO BE OBVIOUS ABOUT IT BEING CREEPY, but if it’s aimed at freaking teenagers... it’s a fantasy and not really that deep, take it for what it is and let teenage girls enjoy thinking about smooching damon salvatore (or stefan or whoever) without assuming they need to be protected from Horrible Vampire Fiction™, same as no one goes bitching about unrealistic sex scenes in serialized romance books because people read them because they’re unrealistic and escapism, not because they expect nobel prize worthy exploration of themes from them;
now, ^^^^^^ would not happen if people actually read variedly and studied some decent lit analysis in school - but like, after I had to read I think at some point that of mice and men is ableist... THAT’S the damned point - with ya you can take a lot of the plot at face value, with adult lit you can’t and you have to see motivation beyond the action of the characters and you can’t do that if you only read books aimed at pre-teens/teenagers where obviously that’s... more spelled out than it would be in a book aimed at an adult audience;
that by the way also means wildly missing actual adult themes discussion in ya, because again, I haven’t read thg but from the two movies I’ve seen it’s fucking obvious that the whole thing is an anti us-classism commentary from how the districts are built to how the games are rigged to pretty much everything in the worldbuilding, but all the discourse I see on tumblr is about either the love triangle or katniss being miscast or president snow being a jerk and whatever else, but I never once saw anyone saying ‘heeeeey the people in katniss’ district are an in your face metaphor of poor people in the us of a belonging to certain categories while the first few districts are absolutely the 1% and the entire point of it is that she wants to tell you A CLASSIST SOCIETY IS BAD AND WILL LEAD TO REVOLUTIONS’, which to me was... like, glaring, it was literally what 90% of the entire thing was about and no one ever discusses it in a fandom-wide sense (I mean... I saw a bunch of hg posts back when the movies came out, I never saw this brought out), which... is a problem because it means that the moment people are put in front of a ya product that actually tackles that kind of issue.... they go and worry about the love triangle (which seemed to me the excuse to draw the people in the story) not about the social commentary, and like, maybe a twelve year-old won’t catch on the social commentary, a twenty-year old especially from the us should, and I don’t see that happening;
and sorry but that is because if you only engage with content aimed at a younger audience than your target first you assume that every piece of literature should be consumable/readable/enjoyable by a younger audience (and sorry but no, some of us don’t want to write stuff making sure teenagers like it) and then ask of actual ya media to cater to their *adult* needs and not to the needs of the target audience because wow obviously if you’re 25 you won’t want out of literature what you wanted at fourteen;
and this also is valid for children’s media because again, I’m cutting it short, but adults watching st/even universe and sending people death threats because they don’t agree with their opinion of a cartoon aimed at an audience that’s at moooostttt eight years old is a thing that shouldn’t even fucking exist, and if you think steven/universe is that important at an adult age you need to re-assess your priorities;
tldr: adults should not expect media aimed at kids/teens to cater to their interests and shouldn’t analyze it the way they’d analyze a piece of media aimed at an adult audience and should not presume that every piece of media should have the scope/schemes of medias aimed at kids/teens because some of us don’t want to read that.
now, I’ll leave you with a nice short anecdote which hopefully will further clarify what I mean and add to another point which would be, kids and teens don’t give a fuck about what you, an adult, do: when everyone was in a frenzy about my little pony back in 2013 or so I had to see a ton of posts like ‘AAAAAH MEN/BOYS WHO ARE INTO MLP ARE STEALING THE SHOW FROM YOUNG GIRLS HOW DARE THEY ENJOY IT WE NEED TO KICK THEM OUT’ with added people saying that a ten year old male kid who tried to kill himself bc his friends bullied him bc he liked mlp deserved it and the likes, my only thought was that... when I was 8-10 in elementary school and was actually the target for cartoons and stuff, sailor moon was the rage between all girls my age me included, we’d spend recess playing pretend (and I’d get stuck playing sailor mars bc no one wanted her, sad) and our hugest first world problem in existence was that we needed technically a mamoru and of course no self-respecting boy in elementary school would have admitted under death threats to watching sailor moon because it was a girls’ thing (aaaaah gender roles in the early-mid 90s, how fun) so everyone despaired because ofc no one wanted to play mamoru... and the few times any guy actually showed up like HEEEEY I WANNA DO IT BUT PLEASE DON’T TELL MY FRIENDS I LIKE SAILOR MOON we’d all be like OMG YOU’RE OUR NEW FAVORITE PERSON PLEASE YOUR SECRET IS SAFE because we couldn’t believe we found the magical boy™ who wanted to do it, and if anyone had told us that the kid in question was stealing sailor moon from us we’d have laughed in their face.
kids don’t ask of media what you, an adult do, and it’s unfair of you, an adult, to ask children’s/ya media to cater to your damned interests, which are amply catered to by the tons of adult literature around which also forces you to push on your views and read more challenging things and to not read/watch stuff at face value, which is why I would really appreciate it if the amount of 20yo people on here who I consider adults engaged with more adult media and let themselves be challenged instead of just going back to ya/kids’ things, which are good for teens and kids and can be enjoyed by everyone but should not be the only goddamned genre you measure all other literature against because then you get people saying that lolita is pro-pedo when it’s exactly the goddamned contrary, but if you think that pov character = protagonist = good guy (which is... staple kids/ya stuff for obvious reasons) then you decide that humbert humbert is someone you’re supposed to root for. too bad that you’re not and the author was an actual csa victim so it’s a completely ridiculous reading that wouldn’t happen if you didn’t read lolita the way you read hp.
... okay, I’m done, sorry for how long this was, I hope it cleared things for good xD
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rkmeiqi · 4 years
Tumblr media
—may 24th, 2020.
today is a very important day for me! ♡ and so, i come with an extremely long and semi-emotional post (for me, at least) that follows under the cut.
three years ago today, i was accepted into my first tumblr krp ever—rookies. ♡
it was a difficult decision moving to tumblr rp. for starters, i was a 16 year old who had never tried properly rping, and that too on a platform like tumblr. so everything was completely new to me. and, quite frankly, it was scary. and while i dabbled in fic writing, at some point i felt like it wasn't enough for me. i wanted to challenge myself and my writing. luckily, my sister convinced me to give rookies a shot, because it had been running for a while and she had heard good things about it. so, after about three weeks of convincing, we joined together: me with rkmeiqi, and my sister with meiqi's now-npc cousin, vivi.M/small>
the experience was quite overwhelming. in a good way, because everyone here has always been so welcoming, and i've noted that with every second muse i have brought in since i first joined. however, it was extremely overwhelming in a bad way too, because i was a teenager with bad anxiety and it was an unfamiliar environment and i didn't know anyone. everyone was older than me and i couldn't help thinking "no one wants to write with a kid like me."
because it was my first time in a tumblr krp, i was so self-conscious that i didn't even know what to do with rkmeiqi; i had to look at everyone else's old acceptances and blogs to see what was normal—what i should do—instead of deciding things for myself. i didn't know how to write for rp, or what a script was, or how to plot. i was a mess. you could see that much in my app (and i apologize to the mods for making you read that shit).
honestly speaking, if you look at my acceptance and compare it to the threads i write nowadays, the change and growth is glaringly obvious. it's a little embarrassing, to tell you the truth. scratch that—it's super embarrassing. but it's also kind of amazing to see the struggling newbie blossom into someone who can pump out a 5-paragraph reply in less than half an hour. sometimes i don't even recognize myself.
i wanted to drop rkmeiqi so many times, i even made polls on twitter to ask you guys if i could! surprisingly enough, it's my sister who yelled at convinced me to keep going no matter what, because i had already lasted a few months and if i dropped rkmeiqi, i would lose all that progress (the gall my sister has, forcing me to keep rkmeiqi when she had dropped her muse within the first few weeks!).
so i held on. i kept holding on, and then meiqi got signed by nova in december of 2017 and i was over the moon. but i also felt guilty, because i hadn't been in rookies for too long and i didn't put in half as much effort as some other people, but i was getting an offer too good to pass up.
i still feel guilty sometimes, because i've been extremely lucky with rkmeiqi—she got signed pretty early on, she got big opportunities like the sn project, and now she's a debuted idol with and*roma. all in the span of three years. it feels surreal, and it's also a little unnerving to think that i've actually done all this, and that i've been in one place for so long. this has never happened to me before!
along the way, i tried my hand at various second muses, since i love rookies so much, but i always failed with them. only recently have i picked up hangyulrk, but he's lasted longer than any other attempt. i love writing for him as much as i love writing for rkmeiqi, and i fully intend to keep him around for as long as i can. (please plot with him♡)
i guess what i'm trying to say (and failing at saying, because i'm too caught up in emotions and reminiscing and it's 3am as i draft this post) is that these past three years have been... pretty darn good. i can't think of any other way to put it. while stressful at first, i have really blossomed in my three years here. rookies has given me the chance to develop my writing to a level i never thought would be possible; rookies has given me an outlet and an escape from real life; rookies has introduced me to a lot of wonderful people.
while my muse (just rkmeiqi, because i haven't decided to torture hangyulrk just yet) has definitely grown and changed, it's not an exaggeration to say i've also grown and changed while here. it's only three years, but i've gone from a high schooler who struggled to get out of bed in the mornings, to an adult who has learned that the world isn't perfect but it can still be nice once in a while. i've learned a lot of things in the past three years, and i've overcome so many hurdles, and i couldn't be happier to be celebrating all this progress—both in my life and with my writing—with you guys.
i never thought it would happen. but i'm here, i'm grateful, and i hope i can continue to write with all of you for many more years to come.
to everyone at rookies, whether we talk daily or we’ve never even interacted, each and every one of you in this beautiful rp, thank you for making the past three years into something that is precious to me! ♡
love, sunny!!!
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Summary: Nishikage could never have guessed how Nosaka would make that day the happiest and most special of all.
Pairing: NishiYuu (Nishikage x Nosaka)
Word Count: 1655
A/N: Today (February 10th) is Seiya Nishikage’s birthday! Here’s my gift for him and for all of you. This story is also availabe in brazilian portuguese. Rated G for general audiences. 
Warnings: Fluffy, romance
P.S: This story takes place after episode 16 of Orion no Kokuin.
It was certainly a melancholic day. Nishikage was lying on his bed, holding the back of his head and covering his ears with his arms, waiting for time to pass by while feeling the warmth of the sun's rays coming through the bedroom window. Everything had been very quiet lately.
Since the new advisor to the Emperor of Tactics had been appointed, Nosaka spent his time with Ichihoshi, discussing new strategies, devising new plans and having meetings to talk about the opposing team's skills and how to overcome them, and the boy found himself alone in most these days. It was not a very easy feeling to deal with at first, after all it seemed that Nosaka was abandoning him to be with someone else, but Nishikage soon realized that it was not like that.
Nosaka would never forget him that easily. He was the Emperor's knight, after all. Just because he had gotten a new “squire”, it didn't mean he would put his most loyal companion aside. And most important of all, the strategist had been very happy since the international championship started, and Nishikage knew how much soccer had an important role in his life now. Much more than helping him to achieve his goals, the goalkeeper wanted his happiness at all costs and would fight to the end for it. There would be nothing to compare with the value of his smile when he played. If Ichihoshi was also part of that, then Nishikage would be forever grateful. There was no reason for anger or jealousy.
But still, he missed his friend. Especially on days like this. As there was never much to do, he had already hung out with several team members during the week, had already gone to the gym, trained, and now he was just bored. Maybe it would be a good idea to see how his partner was doing, after all.
Suddenly, a slight knock on the door caught his attention. Immediately, he recognized the voice that spoke right away:
- It's me. May I come in?
Nishikage quickly sat on the bed to properly welcome him.
- For sure.
Nosaka Yuuma gently opened the door, warming up his friend's chest as he entered with a smile, something significantly unusual. He carried a medium-sized white box, tied impeccably with a red ribbon, indicating that he had made it himself. In the other hand the redhead boy carried three balloons of different colors: blue, yellow, and another one white, the same colors as the team’s jacket.
The youngest one pulled the chair from the desk and sat near the goalkeeper. Strangely, he hadn't brought his tablet and was way too informal for the occasion. Nishikage wondered what it was all about, while watching him tie the balloons to the chair’s arm. Even if he did not understand, the presence of his admired emperor was very comforting.
- They’re nice, aren't they? - Nosaka's voice got his attention.
- Yes, very nice. - Nishikage replied.
- I tried to find some other colors, but those were all that I could find around here. I hope you like it, in any way.
- Nosaka-san, should I ask... what this is all about?
The redhead looked puzzled at his companion, and then gave him sort of a gracious laugh.
- You don’t know? -  The strategist asked.
- No.
- For real?
Negative. Nosaka kept the smile on his face as he handed him the gift.
- Happy birthday, Nishikage.
Before meeting Nosaka, Nishikage had never celebrated his birthday properly. Negligent parents and the fact that he spent most of his time away from home never provided such things. Upon entering the Ares education system, it was taught that birthday parties and other celebrations were nothing special. They were superfluous events and only suited for mediocre people. Gradually, he started to not care about his day. But there was Nosaka, giving him that cute little gift box and holding those balloons as if that date was the most important thing in the world.
There was no way he could describe how surprised Nishikage felt at that moment, taking the gift that his companion had extended to him, with his trembling hands. Putting it on his lap, he swallowed when his heart beating strongly, while staring at the beautiful red ribbon.
- N-nosaka-san...
Nosaka sighed.
- I must admit I was a little uneasy about it. I've never done anything like this before. - He looked at his friend. - I wondered you should be feeling lonely lately, and I thought I could...
He cleared his throat and restored his almost lost composure. At that point, Nishikage did not know what to do other than pay attention to every word coming out of his mouth.
- There are some things I want to say to you. Birthdays are important occasions, right? So it took me a while to plan this. Still, it's not like I have experience in the matter.
He was unexpectedly quiet, so the emperor continued.
- Nishikage.
- Yes?
He kept his gaze serious when saying the following words:
- It really is not like me to do and say such things, but I want you to know that... it is a privilege and a pleasure to be with you. I am grateful for all of your work, and your company is important to me. I offer you my congratulations and I wish your happiness today.
A broad smile took form on the older one's face. Happiness had flown throughout his body when he heard his emperor's kind words. This was, without a trace of doubt, one of the best days of his entire life, and one more time, all thanks to that person. Meanwhile, Nosaka felt as if a load had been lifted from his shoulders when he realized that he had managed to make him happy. He had already admitted being nervous, and the truth is that he would not have known what Nishikage's reaction would be to something so sudden. There were things that not even the great Emperor of Tactics could predict.
- Aren't you going to open it? – Nosaka broke the silence, taking them out of their trance, just looking into each other's eyes.
- Yes, of course! - He replied, awkwardly.
Nosaka watched as the goalkeeper carefully undid the bow and opened the box.
- Chocolate. It's your favorite, isn't it? - Although Seiya never told him that directly, Nosaka never missed any details. - I wanted something we could share, and I thought you would like it.
He did not answer.
- Nishikage?
Nishikage didn’t wish to be too emotional, but after opening that box, he could no longer fight the tears, which ran down his face. His eyes were shining brightly, and his face had taken on a slightly reddish tone, unsettling the redhead in front of him.
- What happened?
The youngest one got up from the chair and sat down next to Nishikage on the bed, trying to find out what was wrong. Nosaka was immediately very surprised to see that the phrase written in red syrup on top of the beautifully decorated with chocolate icing cake was "I love you", instead of "happy birthday".
He knew that asking Asuto and Ichihoshi to bake the cake had been a bad idea.
- N-n-nosaka-san ... - He stammered, incredulous.
It was the emperor's turn to blush. He partially covered his mouth with his fingers trying to look for a way to justify the mess. Meanwhile, Nishikage's heart was racing wildly, wondering if that was true, but without the courage to ask.
Although he did not accurately know the meaning of love, Nosaka dared to say:
- Well, that was not my intention, but there is no lie in those words.
Nishikage's grayish eyes turned to his emperor, not believing what he had just heard.
- It may not seem so, Nishikage, but do I care a lot about you.
Hesitantly, he put his hand over the older one's hand and took a deep breath, something he had never done before, manifesting that there was something very important to be said. He looked up seriously until he met Nishikage's eyes, and said:
- Even if I don’t unveil that... Nishikage, you are the most important person in my life. You were always by my side and changed my world like no one ever did before. If those words can tell you that, Nishikage, I do lov...
He was interrupted when the older one threw his arms around him, pulling his body close to his in a tight hug. The tears that had already dried up fully returned, now in the midst of sobs and the laughter that insisted on coming out, without knowing or caring if he should or was authorized to do so. Since he met him, Nosaka had never seen Nishikage so happy, and he had also never been hugged that way. And feeling that heat was a good and brand-new sensation. Something he could get used to from now on.
Getting carried away, Nosaka put his hands on Nishikage's back and hugged him back, allowing himself to close his eyes and enjoy the funny feeling of being in someone's arms. It didn't take long for the redhead to smile too.
When he was released, Nishikage wiped away his tears and admired once again the beautiful gift that his friend had given him. Nosaka looked at him cornerly, trying to understand the mixture of feelings that ran through his veins at that moment.
- Nosaka-san... Thank you so much! - And that was all he managed to say, in a kind smile.
The emperor put his hand on his knight's shoulder.
- I’m the one to thank you. Happy birthday!
In fact, Nishikage could never have guessed how Nosaka would make that day the happiest and most special of all.
A/N: This is it! I hope you liked it! I’m proud to bring my first fanfiction to this blog. Thank you all, and happy birthday, Nishikage Seiya! 💞💕🎉✨🎂
Edit: I’d like to tag some of my friends and inspiration. @sn-u @misutorekun @krimkl @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 and @peachesandglitter. Their lovely art, good work and support helped me a lot 💗 I would be honored to dedicate this fic to them. Thank you all a lot 🌺
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lgcyiseul · 4 years
the dispossessed
                                  “if you can see a thing whole,” he said, “it seems that                                   it’s always beautiful. planets, lives... but close up, a                                   world’s all dirt and rocks. and day to day, life’s a hard                                   job, you get tired, you lose the pattern. you need                                   distance, interval. the way to see how beautiful the earth                                   is, is to see it as the moon. the way to see how beautiful                                   life is, from the vantage point of death.”                                                                                                           u. k. le guin
july 12 / you’re called to hyuncheol’s office before your first lesson of the day. you find him behind his desk with an unreadable expression. he looks neither delighted or angry, which is never a good sign. “sit.” his voice cuts like a knife. you do as told and take the seat in front of him. “when i got a report about your filming of date lottery i could not believe what i was told. the part about you having a bad attitude, i already know. you’ve shown very little growth on that aspect since you joined. i didn’t think you were absolutely thoughtless, though. that came as a surprise to me. i thought you at least had enough decency and dignity to keep your horrendous personality to yourself. or maybe i had faith that you would realize your faults by yourself and change. are you a hopeless case, taesung? is that what you are?”
he crosses his arms and stares at you. he’s remained calm until now, but his body looks tense, like he’s repressing his anger. “you think this show is meant to be your own tinder date that you give yourself the right to treat your partner so poorly? you’re supposed to be respectful at all times, it doesn’t matter if you think the cameras are filming or not. you think the crew doesn’t keep a close eye on you and would let you wander off as you want, and say whatever the heck it is that you want? i’m really starting to regret us believing in your potential. you got a good role in cram school and your attitude doesn’t reflect that you deserve it at all. we’re not just looking for talent, taesung. we want artists that have good character and you really lack in that department. it seems as if you doesn’t care at all, or you never in a million years would have behaved the way you did during date lottery. this is a professional environment. the way you treated her was unacceptable. you not only made her cry but you insulted her more than once. you thought that what, we wouldn’t find out? we wouldn’t care? we would let it slide, maybe?” hyuncheol is now fuming.
“you will be strongly punished this time, taesung. we want you to understand that we can’t debut someone with such poor judgement and character. unless you undergo some serious changes, you’re in trouble. you will be banned from participating in date lottery for this season at least, as well as the new babysitting show. we can’t trust you with them at this point in time. same goes for your vlive show. i feel bad for the guests that were already supposed to be on, but we can’t allow you to host a vlive show after the behavior you displayed. and just so i’m sure you take this period to reflect, you’ll also have mandatory counseling sessions every sunday morning for the next three months at least. in the afternoon, you’ll sit right here in my office and do nothing. no phone, no distractions. you’ll have plenty of time to think about your actions and how you will write your apology letter to han allie. you might think i’m enjoying this, but i’m not. you might think this is unfair or disproportionate, but that’s exactly the reason why you need this punishment. just so you know, i don’t hold grudges. if you show me you’re willing to grow and learn, we can both move forward. now i’m ready to dismiss you, i’ll see you sunday.” he leans back in his chair and waits. “if you wanna say something, it’s now or never. i’m listening.”
he’s pissed. god, he’s so fucking pissed.
it’s a subdued kind of rage—one that bites into his skin, slashes at his muscles. leaves his jaw clenched, his facial expression frozen—nails dig so deep into the arms of his chairs that, he swears, he’s close to drawing blood. he can feel his body shaking, literally, from extinguishing his anger, embers of sheer hatred bubbling deep in the pit of his stomach. they say a child who’s not embraced by a village will burn it down to feel its warmth, and inside taesung resides a certain kind of fury—one that threatens to set everything around him ablaze, even if he himself will get engulfed by the flames.
he’d do anything to shove this stupid, goddamn lecture up hyuncheol’s own fucking—
but taesung knows better, despite how much others would argue otherwise, and decides against talking back, rolling his eyes—he’s a man of survival, after all, not social suicide.
and when hyuncheol asks, he has to hold himself back with a literal bite on his tongue, without a care if the other notices or not. in fact, the whole situation makes him want to scoff or, better, laugh, for taesung knows the tactics—this whole ‘intimidation’ technique to arbitrarily draw lines between ‘good’ and ‘bad’. it’s pathetic and, honestly, a load of bullshit—how dare he, how dare they, characterize him as some caricature villain in their own self-prescribed fiction for a story. don’t they see how hypocritical it is?—he doesn’t make the rules, so why the hell is he the only one getting punished for playing the game?
silence is seen as resistance, so taesung finally speaks when he’s calmed himself down enough to not immediately lunge for hyuncheol’s throat. “i don’t have anything to say. i apologize for my abhorrent behavior, and i thank you for giving me another chance. i’ll see you on sunday, sir.”
out of character / as you can see, taesung has been punished following his behavior during the filming of date lottery. if you do not receive any other prompt or update about these before the start of the next trimester (october 4), you can consider that his punishment will be over.
he keeps his cram school role since filming has already started. 
his vlive show is canceled for this trimester, kept in waiting list for next trimester. he also can’t be a guest on other shows for this trimester.
he can’t participate in date lottery or babysitting services this trimester, or any other vlive show.
he can participate in side events or the appropriate monthly schedule, but keep in mind that he will be under close supervision.
he can’t post on sns for the month of july (if by then his july post has already been posted, he will miss august instead).
he gets mandatory counseling with a professional on sunday mornings for at least 3 months. 
he will also spend sunday afternoons in hyuncheol’s office for 1 month, to reflect and write a letter of apology to han allie (if you wish to have him write it, submit it to this blog and it will then be sent to allie after review). 
if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
“Let’s BTS” asks about “I like you the most” and Jin’s reaction
by Admin 2
First of all, I want to wish you all, far away in the world of Vmin and BTS, a healthy and peaceful Easter, if you celebrate it, and a nice weekend for those who don’t! Since Admin 1 is quite busy right now and currently also participating in Camp NaNoWriMo, I (Admin 2) will take over our blog for a little while though Admin 1 will still be lurking and checking comments etc. I want to emphasize right away (you will probably notice it anyway) that I have no literary talent compared to Admin 1. I'll try to worthily “replace” Admin 1 for the time being and talk to you about Vmin and more.
Unlike Admin 1, I am not so careful with shipping discussions (and I even like them) as long as everything is done respectfully and we’re all sticking to the truth about the BTS members. I don't like criticizing other shippers because I understand that other fans may love their favorite members and ships just as much as we love Vmin or Namjin, but sometimes it’s inevitable that I have to say something.
So, I invite you to a discussion. I am open to discussion.
We got two interesting questions about “Let’s BTS” and specifically Jin’s reaction to vmin and I want to discuss them.
From anon: Hi, just wanted to see what you made of Jin’s reaction to Tae’s message to Jimin on the Let’s BTS show. I’ve seen some people say he looks so done and even annoyed with it. I can understand him looking apprehensive at first because Tae is a bit of a loose canon, but everyone’s reaction after is to laugh and smile and shout but Jin is very stoic. I’m kinda new and wondering whether he isn’t a fan of Vmin’s brand of declaring their love on national TV. Although when I think of how he behaves with Joon - I’d struggle to wonder why he doesn’t like it. Any thoughts?
From anon: Hi, I cannot believe what I’m reading about Tae on some platforms. What is wrong with people? Anyways I wanted to ask you what you thought of Jin’s reaction to Tae’s message for Jimin? I’ve started seeing people saying that Jin hates the fact they’re close that’s why his reaction was weird. I’m a vmin shipper but Jin is my bias and I can’t get my head around the fact that Jin doesn’t love them both dearly. He did look “apprehensive” perhaps but I’d say with Tae being Tae; that isn’t surprising.
In order to answer these two questions and to form my opinion on the matter, I’ve looked at the situation with regard to Jin and other members several times.
I admit that I’m surprised myself that Taehyung went this far. Actually, it's not even about the content of his words, but about the whole circumstance and the atmosphere that he created around his "confession". I don't know who added the music, whether it was a Taehyung hint or simply something the editors and PD thought of, but the whole situation and phrase gained even more "meaning" and "seriousness" through it.
I seemed as though the background music was supposed to make the moment remind everyone almost of a scene from a K-Drama (or one of vmin’s playful roleplays), but it only added to the effect of this being a serious, sincere and weighty moment instead.
Taehyung joked around by turning the table and pretending the envelope was not intended for Jimin, but this just led to an increase in the tension displayed by the members and the moment itself, and yet still Jimin was immediately convinced that he was the one for whom the envelope would be. Everyone was acting (which makes it sound like they were faking it which isn’t what I mean) like they were curious, but you could clearly see everyone's tension and nervousness, especially when looking at Jimin. Taehyung added that the contents of the card within the envelope were for Jimin's eyes only, emphasizing the seriousness and intimacy of what he was about to say. As a result, Jimin’s reaction led to uncertainty, nervousness, and at the same time an awareness of the sincerity and seriousness of Taehyung's words.
The words "I like you the most" are (on a superficial surface level) nothing big when compared to "I love you", but they still had the biggest reaction. Jimin wrote "I love you" to Suga and absolutely no one reacted nervously, everyone joined in on the declaration, and the situation was relaxed and even funny. Why did Taehyung’s words cause such reactions then? Why?
My thought is this: When the envelope was revealed to be for Jimin, it was met with tension by both members and Jimin. We all know that Taehyung can be a bit of a loose cannon sometimes, even on national television, when it comes to Jimin.
Jungkook immediately commented that "it’s about friendship", Suga laughed nervously and loudly, as if he wanted to end the situation quickly, and Jin had a serious face that didn’t seem all too positive or eager about what would happen next.I'm not going to go into Jimin's reaction here, but rather Jin’s, since that’s what the anons were wondering about.
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In my opinion, Jin doesn't like situations that slip into seemingly too private matters. He is definitely the kind of person who gives up the least private information. The situation with Vmin clearly didn't suit him. And not because Jin doesn't like Vmin (because that’s simply not true), but because he knew this program would be broadcast nationally and streamed worldwide, that it would be debated, that every word would be analyzed, and most importantly, because the team that recorded the show wasn’t their own but one that belonged to KBS. Jin doesn't want anyone to have access to BTS's private life, after all he even asked the You Quiz editors to cut what he saw as too sad/depressing about his answers so clearly he thinks about and considers many such things. I think Taehyung didn't care all that much, but Jin did care.
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Perhaps I will go too far in my analysis and imagination here, but let's not forget that in the near future Jin is going to have to leave for his military enlistment in the highly conservative Korean army, which holds very homophobic views. Any shadow cast on any of the BTS members (even if some of them are already suspected to be queer) can endanger Jin or make it even more difficult for him to perform his service well and safely. The suspicion that two of the members might be in a relationship with each other would make Jin an accomplice, since they belong to the same group and would lead to him also being suspected of being queer, guilty by associating basically. This is my opinion at least.
Jin is the oldest and feels responsible for BTS, much the way Namjoon does as leader, for everyone including Taehyung, because Jin is aware of the wave of hatred that will be/is poured onto Taehyung across sns after such a public statement. According to Jin, in my humble opinion, this is neither the time nor the place to take such a step in such serious manner. As long as everything was done in form of jokes and witty answers, Jin was joining in and having fun, but when it was Tae's turn his face became serious, as if to warn Taehyung. Jin knew that "Taehyung's atmosphere" could/would fluster Jimin and the entire team, and could become the subject of rumors spread by the staff that isn’t their own.
So no, Jin’s reaction wasn’t because he hates vmin or anything like that, because that’s not true on any level, but because Taehyung’s words about liking Jimin the most were perhaps too sincere for the setting they were in, raising too many brows, and that’s potentially why he reacted the way he did. After all, if you watch the 5th Muster concerts, and especially the one in Seoul, when vmin stand at the very end together, Jin approaches them and throws water at them as though to pull them out of their bubble and back into reality. All in good fun and because he simply cares a lot about them.
Also, an alternative and even more simple answer could be that Jin’s face has no relation to anything I just said and doesn’t tell us anything about what he thought about Taehyung’s words. After all in some interviews he also just sits there quietly and watches/listens to the other members and that doesn’t mean anything at all, or at least nothing negative. But since you asked for my thoughts, here they are, though they don’t have to be right.
I actually have no idea what the reactions are to this show in Korea and among the general public, but I've seen the reactions to Tae’s words across various sns, which one of the anons also mentioned so I’d like to talk about those for a moment as well.
My hair stood on end when I read some of the responses/posts about Taehyung. I never thought that people who call themselves ARMY or fans of BTS would have such opinions about any of the members. A wave of hatred literally flooded Taehyung, like Admin 1 previously mentioned in their answer to an ask.
I just wanted to cry. It shocked me how far shipping can go (literally playing with actual, living people with no regard to their own words and thoughts) that it can cause such extreme emotions in "fans". It's hard to say which is more negative and alarming for some, Taehyung potentially really having (romantic and reciprocated) feelings for Jimin, Taehyung's feelings not being for the “right” person, or the mere fact that Taehyung's feelings are for a person of the same gender.
It’s also interesting to see how deceptive some are. I don’t even mean that “Taehyung and Jimin like each other most” is ignored, which it is, but rather that those mutual feelings were manipulated to twist them into a completely different direction and to another person, or turned into mere jokes or sarcasm. As if all of this simply never happened.
On the other hand, the fact that Jungkook unbuttoned his shirt before going on stage for “My Time”, as opposed to him not doing so during rehearsals, has become very important and an example of J*k*ok being in a relationship, how that’s now even clearer than ever before and is an indisputable fact, according to shippers. Apparently, J*k*ok were flirting with each other throughout the entire segment and show and only had eyes for each other. Somehow Jungkook imitating Jimin is the final piece of evidence to prove everything shippers ever claimed and thus, according to them, everyone must now see that they love each other romantically.
I've carefully watched this show three times, this particular segment and everything else too, and frankly I haven't seen anything that could be called anything even close to flirting when it comes to the two main ML ships. I'm mature and I think I know what flirting is and I can “read” the simplest human behavior, but I really couldn’t see any of it. In my opinion, Jungkook imitating Jimin is clear and open and not a secret. I fully understand Jungkook, I would also follow Jimin in his place :-) Jimin's dancing and looks, as well as his professional work ethic, are truly breathtaking, inspiring and worth imitating. However, this has absolutely nothing to do with romantic affection or a romantic relationship between them, in my opinion.
Hence, I fail to understand these behaviors which in turn lead to a wave of hatred against Taehyung and the, repeated, disregard, belittlement and erasure of Jimin’s and Taehyung’s friendship and relationship bond, and even some going as far as pretending anything vmin was simply not there at all just to make their ship seem more real, booo.
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putschki1969 · 4 years
You say keiko seems like someone who keeps her distance from fans the most out of the 3 of them, but how would you explain her being the one who would post on the blog the most often by far out of the 3 of them back in the day? Like you said, she posted almot daily and that blog was a platform with the exclusive point of interacting with fans. I'm not attacking you, I actually agree with you otherwise but this part of it has always confused me and I was curious what your take was
Hi there!
OMG, this reply is SO late. I don’t even remember what exactly you are referring to in your ask. I think you sent it after I made THIS post here but I am not sure. Anyways, forgive me for taking so long, things have just been really hectic.
Don’t worry, I am not seeing this as attack or anything. Your point is actually valid, it does seem a bit contradictory at first glance. I’ve got a few thoughts on this topic so let me explain a bit.
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It’s true, Keiko did blog a lot back in the day (although Hikaru actually wrote more posts than Keiko) but let’s not forget that blogging was pretty much part of her job, a requirement so to speak. It always happened in a controlled environment, it was pretty much a one-way street. I am sure she didn’t mind it (she always seemed very genuine) but that sort of blogging ensured that she was able to keep her distance while still making fans believe like they got closer to her.
There are three types of “stars/idols/etc” I think:
The ones that revel in the attention and who will literally go out of their way to show their gratitude to the fans
The ones that are grateful and who will kindly do all the things that are required of them but other than that they simply do not care all that much because it’s just a job for them
The ones that don’t give a shit about their fans and who are generally assholes
I believe Keiko belongs somewhere in the second category. Whenever she describes her personality in interviews, she always says that she never really had an interest in other people until she met Wakana and Hikaru. I guess you could say she is a little bit arrogant or at the very least quite self-centred. Keep in mind, this is coming from a hard-core Keiko fan, I am not saying this to make her look bad or anything, that’s just how she is and it’s totally fine, I am certainly not judging her for it. But I think this lack of interest is also reflected in the way she is distancing herself from her fans.
Singing is a form of expression, a form of communication. As such, it can be a great way to connect with the audience. Whereas Hikaru and Wakana have always been very expressive singers, Keiko has never really shown a lot of emotion during live performances. She is certainly a fantastic entertainer and she can put on a great act but she pretty much used to be a paint by the numbers kind of singer without a lot of expression. Throughout the years that changed slightly but still, for me it always felt like she was the most distanced among the three.
I am not sure if you have ever attended one of their lives but if you did you might have noticed that she hardly made any eye contact with the audience. It’s not just something I have noticed, many fans have told me they had made the same observation. There is also the fact that she doesn’t want to show her vulnerable side to the audience, she tries her best to hide her tears, in many ways that also distances her from us, there is pretty much an emotional barrier between us.
Last but not least, her behaviour in situations like the airport greeting in Taiwan clearly showcases that she very much prefers to keep her distance (which is her prerogative of course!) She has no interest in interacting with us since it is not a controlled environment. In contrast, I heard she was very open and kind during the fan club event.
So yeah, if you combine all of that I do think she is the most distanced Kala-member and it might be one of the reasons why she has not launched her own SNS account yet but that’s just speculation and as we all know, I am not a big fan of speculation.
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popopretty · 5 years
[Important] Piko’s Latest Updates
After more than a month without any updates, today Piko has posted a tweet regarding his own situation and his activities in the future. It’s a long message so I have translated it here.
I also have to apologize for any mistakes because I myself am still in shock after reading this. So I hope you understand.
I will have to say that due to this, there will not be many Piko updates on my blog for a while. But I will keep updating everyone with his conditions whenever there is one. And I hope everyone who has been following me for Piko contents, will continue to support him and this blog. Thank you.
“I’m sorry for the lack of updates recently.
It’s Piko.
I’m very sorry for not posting any updates for a long time and making everyone worried. 
First, I’m going to write about my conditions in details. 
My physical health has become worse since March of this year, and by May, I have been feeling extremely exhausted whenever I had to move around for a long time. At first I was like “Is it from the album making and the live tour?”, or “Is it the spring fever”, and didn’t care much about it. But when the condition has not improved at all even in June, I started to think that something was not right and consulted with my parents. So since it looked like the symptom of a weak kidney, I went to have a health-check.
The diagnosis said “Final stage kidney failure”.
I don’t know the exact cause of it but it has become worsen and building up for the last 10 years, so I was not able to notice at all. 
After that, I went for the second check in another specialized hospital, and was asked to be admitted as soon as possible.Since the end of June I have been staying in the hospital. 
I have been having hemodialysis through an artificial kidney 3 times a week, and tried out other medical treatments, but unfortunately there has been no results. So the other day I have gone through an operation for the maintenance dialysis called “internal shunt placement”. 
About the things that come next...
As I have stated above, a long term treatment will be necessary. Now I know that the tonsil does have a bad effect on my kidney so I plan to have it removed. Also, a very fortunate thing is that my parents are willing to become my kidney donor, so if the type is compatible, I can go through the transplantation without any problems. If the transplantation goes well, the range of activities can be broadened a lot. I feel so bad as a pathetic son who only causes troubles to my parents, and even takes their organs from them, so I want to get better soon and return their grace ten times more. 
Due to my unstable health condition, I will have to take a break from lives and events for quite a while, but in the future, I will try to do what I can do, a little at a time. I also plan to continue posting updates on SNS so I would be happy if everyone can check it.
Finally, please let me talk about my feelings.
I’m sorry for such a late announcement, on such a thing like this this time. I sincerely apologize to everyone who has been looking forward to the events that I have announced but won’t be able to take part in. 
When I first received the diagnosis...
At first, my mind went blank. After that, a lot of thoughts started flowing in.
What will happen from now on?
Why didn’t I realize it sooner?
I might never be able to sing again.
For the first time in my life, I felt despair.
But the me who doesn’t want to give up no matter what is still here.
I don’t want it to end like this.
I have so many dreams that I have not fulfilled.
I still want to sing in front of everyone.
The days went by and I kept thinking like that. 
During those days, I also received a lot of messages of worries and encouragement from my fans and I was extremely happy. Thank you so much.
Also, to the friends who have contacted me, to the ones who have come visit me and told me “Get well soon! We will definitely wait so you have to come back!”, thank you very much.
I feel sad that I will not be able to see everyone for a little while, but I’m going to face the disease and concentrate on the treatment with everything I’ve got. And I will definitely be back. Until then, please wait for me.
I will try my best so I can sing to everyone, make noises and laugh with everyone, becomes sweaty and ugly with everyone, and make the best moments on stage again. 
Thank you so much for reading until the end!
2019.08.15 - Piko”
Source: https://twitter.com/piko_niconico/status/1161976316775694337?s=20
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