#allyssa talks
littlejohnnyboycrane · 6 months
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Name: Jonathan Crane Alias: Scarecrow, The Master of Fear Nickname: Johnny, Johnny-Boy Sexuality: bisexual, polyamory Love Interest: Riddler & Jeremiah Arkham (polyamory) Family: Harper-Allyssa Moretti (Daughter), Mirela Moretti (best friend & mother of Harper) Diagnoses: DID, PTSD, Psychopathy
He grew up with his great-grandmother, who severely abused him. He was also bullied and ridiculed by everyone else. No one in this world could love and accept him as he was. Scarecrow was his way of surviving. Never judge a person for their actions if you don't know the story behind them! Evil can still decide to change if people don't abandon him and walk towards him. Teach him to take a different path. Finding access to such people takes time and is a process that requires a lot of patience. - 21+ - Crossover friendly - polyamory, open for more love interests - this character is based on DC - this is a German Roleplay Account - You want to start a play? Write me a PN - OOC means Out of Character (when I'm not writing in my role) - I have no problem with OOC (Out of Character) small talk. - OOC friendly! (I like to make new contacts, friendships or more even outside of roleplay and even prefer that) ____________________________________
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bigmack2go · 2 months
Ayyo this fandom need some good news for once in a while and since i was sharing hc‘s anyway, i‘ll be so generous
(All of these are about the c!character! None of these are about the content creators or shipping real people!!)
-Tubbo taught ranboo how to walz
-Tubbo would be super grumpy in the morning
-Fundy had an emophase
-Allyssa left because people have lost so many cannon lifes at such young age where they were and she wanted to live somewhere save and normal. She was super important to dream. So the reason he would’ve gone as far as he did and so much further to bring “peace” to the smp, was so he could convince allyssa to come back.
-Techno has schizophrenia (is this canon?)
-Sapnap is like alyssas sister
-Niki helps fundy raise yogurt
-Hannah and george are siblings
-Tina and karl are siblings
-Max and purpled are brothers
-Punz and alyssa are siblings und purpled and max’s older siblings
-Tubbo would wear Karls clothes all the time
-Skeppy and jack r siblings
-Sometimes (just sometimes) tubbo would call philza dad or dadza (on accident???) and he didnt know how to feel about it but he let it slide
-Tubbos eyes r pink bc he inherited albinism from puffy
-Karl has the tism
-Everyone in the syndicate had greek mythology god code names
-Michael has an eyepatch !!!
-Tommy has adhd (duh)
-Tubbo has adhd-authism
-Sapnap has borderline
-Bipolar w!lbur (fuck wilbur soot btw)
-Q has bpd and borderline
-Karl and Ranboo are siblings.
-Ranboo and tina went apart in a huge fight (similar to quackitys and karls) because he forgot her. They didnt have contact at all for years until karl made them bc he was sick of always having to make sure to not talk about the other sibling. They’re still having trouble but they do their best trieng to be better and get closer again.
-Narcissistic schlatt
-Noone ever questioned whether foolish was puffies biological son even tho shes a sheep and no one in her fam has shark genes
-Yogurt being all white has nothing to do with him being born in snowchester, it’s because dream is his biological dad and Puffy‘s albinism skipped a generation so he inherited it from dream.
-tubbos hair used to be malfoy-level pale blonde but he dyed it and dyes it darker woth every new trauma bc he wants to leave his old self, his past behind (doesn’t work lmfao)
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prossims · 2 years
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Forrest Scott Household
Meanwhile, in the Forrest Scott house, Allyssa was winding down after a long day of work and taking care of the home when she heard Braylon entering the living room. “Mom, are you busy?”
She could hear their voice slightly shaking, indicating nervousness. So she looked up from the tv with a warm smile. “No dear, come in!”
“I..need to talk to you about something,” Bray said sitting next to her in the sofa.
Allyssa turned the tv off and looked at Bray, giving them her undivided attention. “What is it, baby?”
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“Mom, you know how I have been taking a break, thinking about what the next step in my life should be. I think I found something!” Braylon said while pushing their phone towards Allyssa.
“Really? Uh! What am I looking at? This does not look like a job circular.”
“No, mom. This is the announcement of a bachelor challenge.”
Allyssa looked at her child with surprise. She could not wrap her head around it completely. Of course Bray has grown up. They are 25 now. But, to her, Braylon is still a kid somehow. The thought of them entering a bachelor challenge was alien in her book. So she asked the most obvious question.
“Where will it be held?”
Scene continued under the cut
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Braylon’s expression immediately changed to show that this was the question they were dreading.
“It will be in @/akitasimblr's game. Our watcher has been following her for a while and she is a very creative watcher and a nice person. Our watcher believes she will take good care of me, mom.” Allyssa swallowed distinctly, trying to keep her emotions in check. “Okay… so this is the man you will go after? Xavier Harper..hmm.. Here it says that he is a mean sim.”
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“I know, mom. But just because someone has a harsher attitude doesn’t mean there isn’t good in their heart. Xavier seems like a wonderful guy with a deep personality. He is also kinda famous. Her parents are Leo Harper and Judith Ward.”
“Oh really?” Allyssa raised her eyebrow slightly at the mention of Leo Harper. She was actually a big fan of that dude in her young days.
“Yeah mom, and you can’t deny that Xavier is incredibly handsome!” Braylon said, blushing slightly.
This put a smile on Allyssa’s face. “Yeah you are quite right in that regard.”
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After a moment of silence while Allyssa read through the whole announcement, she finally spoke again, “I have to remind you that this BC will be held in a different save file in a completely different game. Which means, we may never see you again. Are you okay with it, Bray?”
“Mom I know.. And it breaks my heart. But, I have not found anyone I like here or in Britechester. I have a feeling this is something I need to do. What if this is my one chance at finding love?”
Allyssa cupped Bray’s face with one hand, hint of tears in her eyes, “Don’t say that, baby. You will find love. You deserve all the happiness in the world. If you really feel like that, you should go. Just remember, your family will be here for you whenever you need, okay?”
“Yes, mom. I know!” Braylon said before hugging their mom tightly as they both tried to suppress their emotions from overwhelming.
Beginning | Next
Disclaimer: this is not an official submission, the submission post will be published tomorrow.
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mybookends · 2 years
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It Starts With Us | Colleen Hoover | 2.75 ⭐️
I will start this out with a VERY controversial opinion
…I didn’t hate Ryle🫣
I actually didn’t care for Atlas in IEWU…
I felt like yes, Ryle shouldn’t have done the things he did like I get it but they both overreacted when she laughed. She shouldn’t have laughed, he shouldn’t have hit her BUT his hands are his career that he’s worked so hard for and it was extremely inappropriate for her to laugh. I also don’t think he pushed her down the stairs. The way it was written was that in the altercation she was a victim of gravity it’s not like he bulldozed her over or something. And EVERY incident stemmed from her inability to let go of Atlas. Lily forced Ryle into a relationship he said from the very beginning he didn’t want to be in when realistically, she never wanted him. She always wanted Atlas. That’s why she moved to Boston in the first place!
This book further proved that she never wanted Ryle. She was always waiting for Atlas (who is gross for having sex with her I didn’t like that part either). She had a schoolgirl crush on Atlas and mistook it for love. Atlas sees her as his savior and has a false sense of love for her too. You’re telling me like 15 years later they are still in love with each other when literally they haven’t seen or spoken to each other in that whole time?? No way dude. I am definitely not the same person I was 15 years ago and if I talked to my best friend from then who I haven’t seen since, today, I wouldn’t know who they are in any capacity.
I don’t think they love each other. I think they think they love each other and if this was the real world, they wouldn’t last.
There is also a line talking about how Allyssa isn’t a ride or die friend or sister as though that’s a negative trait. Trash. Fucking dumb line seriously.
I haven’t even gotten to Ryle. CoHo tried so hard to make it seem like Ryle hadn’t changed at all, but I feel like he very much did. And why did they JUST NOW force him to get help? Why was that not the first step in IEWU?? Yes he shouldn’t have pushed her up against the door but I feel like no one is giving him credit for how absolutely insufferable Lily is lol. Like I do not like her.
Atlas is literally the stem of all of their issues and for anyone to disagree is crazy to me lol.
I will say I did like Atlas’s sub plot with his brother, I thought it was sweet.
If this had been a standalone book where Atlas and lily are the original main characters and lily had an abusive ex baby daddy, I think it would’ve been more believable but having read IEWU and having my own opinions on Ryle and Atlas, it just didn’t give what it was meant to give sadly.
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forestgreenfairy · 2 years
A Teenage Kind of Love (salvis)
Episode 5
( travis) 
I'm staring at my ceiling, analyzing all the patterns in the roof, cracks, paint peeling or water damage, all the things that come with age and houses. For me the things that come with age are far worse than cracking or being damaged. Its feelings.
When you're little you don't feel much besides happy, sad, and mad but as you grow your feelings develop along with your body jealousy, disgust among others, and love. Love is the one which brings me the most distress and anxiety, not becuase im nervous to confess my feelings to a girl or a girl doesn't like me back. It's because I like boys. Something my father could never accept, something that could get me killed. 
There's a loud bang on my door and I shoot up out of my bed. 
“TRAVIS LETS GO '' my father shouts. I get up smoothing my suit and slipping on my black dress shoes. I open the door and he's staring at me with evil eyes.
“Ready?” he questions and I nod following him down the stairs. Allyssa is waiting for us dressed in black from head to toe standing in the doorway. 
“My condolences travis” she says wiping a tear from her face slightly smudging her mascara. 
“Thank you alyssa, but you knew her about as well as i did” i pause “my condolences” i say smiling
“Let's go, they are waiting for us at the church,” my father says, grabbing the keys off the wall. 
The next hours are hard to recall, many people hugged me and said they were sorry to me and my father. Everytime my father would cry or act sad I wanted to scream, I was so angry I started crying. I couldn't take it. Everyone assumed they were tears of sadness but they were tears of complete rage and hatred. 
I helped carry her coffin out of the church and to the hearse, and then from the hearse to the gravesite. A small graveyard exclusively for members of the phelps ministry church, it has a few trails right out front but other than that it is quite barren. 
I set her coffin down and step back and listen to the rest of the sermon my father gives. They begin to lower her in the ground and suddenly it's real. This is my life forever, my life continues on when hers has ceased. My heart hertz in a way I can't describe, I fall to my knees crying. 
People begin to whisper behind me and I know my father is angry, making people talk is one of the worst sins he would always say, But I couldn't care any less than I do know. I pull my golden roasterie out from beneath my shirt and suit and hold the cross in my hand. I slump over head to the ground and for the first time in a long time, I pray. 
Today is Mrs. Phelps funeral and the whole town's talking, talking about how she died and about Mr.phelps behavior leading up to the funeral. Larry says es seen Mr. Phelps with a young woman who he says looks “shockingly similar to young Mrs.Phelps”. 
It's about 12 when churchgoers begin to leave the cemetery grounds and begin to tell the events of exactly what happened at the funeral. 
I talked with a women who live downstairs about it once she got homeA
“It was a beautiful, and extravagant service but other than that there was nothing of note” she says in her sweet soft voice. 
“except for what Travis did when his mom's coffin was being lowered into the ground.” She frowns, eyes full of sadness.
“he started crying and fell to his knees,then he pulled out his rosary and keeled over and while crying, he began to pray. Almost every prayer i knew and ones i didnt he was muttering under his breath.'' She pauses and takes a deep breath.
“His tears are watering his mothers grave like Mary at Jesus's feet '' she says, patting my shoulder.
“Now I really must get Sam.” I don't care to correct her because I'm so concerned for travis. Him hurting so much hurts me, it makes me sad for him. I need to see him, hug him, hold him and tell him it's okay. 
Fuck. i do have a crush on him. But i dont think im totally gay? I mean i've had a crush on a girl before,but i do think i like travis i mean i don't know what else this feeling would mean if i didn't like him. I don't think it really matters as long as I'm honest with him. I mindlessly find my way back to the partment and sit at my desk. 
I pull out a piece of paper and pen. My therapist said when I'm dealing with feelings that are hard to express, I should write a letter to myself or whoever I'm feeling frustrated/sad/upset etc with. I write a letter to travis and it reads:
Dear travis, 
I know you won't know what to do when you read this, if you read this but hanging out with you has made me realize and i don't really know how to say this so i'm writing it but, i like you travis like you. Like I want to hug you and hold you. I want to run my hands through your perfect hair and kiss your perfect face. I want to tell you how I feel, I want you to be able to tell me how you feel, I want you to confide in me. To trust me. I understand if you don't feel the same way about me as I do you, considering your religious beliefs and your personal emotions but you just needed to know. 
Sal fisher. 
I fold it neatly then stick it in the most hidden pocket of my backpack. I don't intend on giving it to him any time soon or even at all but I want to have it just in case. When I do this I see the letter from that boy and I re-read it. I recognize the handwriting but I'm not sure from where… oh my god, this is travis’s handwriting, i remember because one time i had to peer-review an essay of his. My brain wonders thinking of every possible solution and of who the boy he's writing to is. 
Then my heart sent a flutter. Could it be me? I think. Maybe I will give him my letter on monday.
When I get home I'm drained of any and all emotions except for emptiness and sadness. My father does not share these same emotions with me because when we get home he sits me down on the couch to “just talk” with him and alyssa. 
“So travis considering the day we've all had me and your father were hoping to bring some good news” she says smiling and holding onto my fathers arm. 
“Me and alyssa travis we are getting married next sunday” he says beaming down at her. 
My stomach drops and I begin to cry once again, he is a truly evil man. Not only did he kill his wife he is getting married exactly a week after her funeral? I don't understand and I don't understand his reasoning but still I listen when he begins to speak again. 
“We just thought it would be very honoring of your mother for it to be a week after symbolizing a new start” he says looking at me, watching, waiting for a reaction but all i can do is cry.
“Oh don't cry sweetheart '' Allysa says rubbing my knee but I just can't take it. I swat her hand away and stand up. 
“Dad are you fu” im cut off my a swift slap across the face from my father 
“DO NOT use foul language in this house and DO NOT speak back to me in front of your mother boy” he emphasizes the word mother and it all clicks. He wanted the amount of time without my mother to be so slim almost as if she had just left momentarily. He wanted to replace her, acting as if nothing happened. 
“She is not my mother” I breathe. I walk away from them making my way to my room. Neither of them stop me and I go to bed more upset than when  I woke up if that's even possible. 
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magisteramentia · 2 years
The Consultant
“This week sucked,” Allyssa vented out over the phone to Camilo.
He laughed and said the same joke as always, “You should change jobs!” she could hear the sound effects of the video game he was playing in the background, lucky bastard.
“It’s not that easy.” She walked down the street. It was getting dark, and she was exhausted.
“It is!” He said, half paying attention to her. He didn’t have any loans to pay and his job as a consultant (although she never knew what he consulted on, ‘cuz he never talked about it), gave him enough time and money to do whatever he wanted.
“Easy for you to say.” She sighed.
“You could hire me. I could make you win a lot of money.”
“Yeah right. As if I could afford you.”
“You would not have to pay with money.” He said, pausing the game. “Your friendship is enough.”
“As if.” She laughed.
“Are you home yet?” She heard him get up from the couch.
“Almost there.” She said, reaching her apartment, “Just have to climb a few stairs.”
“Why don’t you take the elevator?” There was the sound of him opening a bottle of beer. Or soda, but knowing him, it was the first one.
“I know. I am exhausted, but for whatever reason, I feel like the extra steps and cardio will be good for me.”
He gulped down his drink and chuckled,
“Good girl.” He said mockingly.
Allyssa rolled her eyes, but it gave her some pride when he said that.
“Are you there yet?”
“Almost,” she said, panting.
“I’m going to turn on the computer then.”
“I just want to check something for you. Oh, and don’t forget to take a shower as soon as you get home.”
“I will, mom. I’m here.” She said as she turned the key, “I will call you later, gotta jump in the shower.”
Allyssa opened the door, threw her laptop bag on the couch, and took off her tie. Her white blouse and the skirt went straight to the laundry basket.
“Finally.” She said and looked at her reflection in the mirror of her room.
Raising an eyebrow, she stared at herself.
She was wearing a blue bikini, a bit too tight and small for her.
She turned and appreciated her body. She looked fine, but why was she wearing a bikini under her work clothes?
She shook her head. It wasn’t important; it was almost time. She turned on her computer, took out a pair of blue knotted dildos out of her drawer, and walked to the bathroom.
Water fell on her face and back. It was warm and comfortable, making her drift off. She enjoyed every second. Taking the soap and caressing her body, she massaged her breasts. Her hands drifted down to her belly.
Lower, washing her legs. She bent down and felt like spanking her ass.
She giggled. Why did I do that?, she thought.
There was a small ding coming from her computer.
She smiled.
But something was off. Why was she still wearing the bikini?
She closed her eyes and shook her head, imagining a small audience. She felt like giving a show.
Then she faced the camera and sent them a kiss.
A few more dings came in before she turned off the water and walked out of the shower.
It was time for the main event.
After drying off, she fixed her makeup and her hair. She had to look stunning if she was to…
Why did she need to look stunning in her home? All she wanted to do was have a relaxing evening watching movies and lazing around in her underwear. Well, her bikini.
She walked out to her bedroom and remembered the two dildos she had bought recently.
Maybe I should try them. She certainly felt a bit horny. But both of them?
Why not? People will enjoy them, they will imagine themselves being blown, taking my pussy, or maybe my ass…
Her hands drifted over her body.
She was growing wet.
Yeah, maybe I should. Alyssa thought.
She knew the perfect place to give the show.
Moving around the mirror, she placed one dildo on the floor, making sure the suction cup was firmly attached. She didn’t want to be close, only for the stupid thing to fall off and ruin her orgasm.
Then she placed the camera behind her. People loved her ass, after all.
But then again, people loved to see her tits bounce.
Which people? A voice in her head grew worried, but that didn’t matter. She needed to buy another camera so people could choose which angle they wanted to see.
The second dildo went on the mirror. She had to practice her blowjob skills.
Maybe she could get two men to help her out with the streams. Many people had been asking about it, and maybe some could volunteer.
What streams? The voice inside her was panicking.
Everything was set. All she needed to do was start the VIP transmission and see the money flow.
As soon as the music started, the voice quieted down.
The foreplay was over. It was time for the bikini to come off. All these weeks of practice were paying off. The donations came flowing as she danced and took off her top.
With a hand sliding off her body as her hips swung, she moved the fabric aside to show off her dripping pussy. She turned and bent to show off her ass.
She played with the string, debating herself between taking it off and keeping them on. With so much teasing, she was reaching her limit.
She wanted to try out her new toys.
“Are you ready, guys?” She asked the camera.
The notifications told her they were.
She knelt on the floor, placing her ass just before the knotted dildo. It was her Master’s idea. Something different.
Master? The voice came back.
“Shhhh” she told herself, just enjoy the moment. Alyssa’s body ground her ass against the dildo. “Lose yourself to the pleasure,” she said out loud.
Slowly, she pushed the head of the dildo inside her pussy.
It was perfect. Filling her and pushing all the right places.
“Aaahhh” She moaned, her eyes fluttering.
A familiar voice echoed in her mind.
“Good girl.” He whispered inside Alyssa’s head. She relaxed and pushed deep inside.
“Thank you,” she moaned as her desires took over her.
Her body moved automatically. All that mattered from then on was the pleasure. Her pleasure and the one she could provide.
There was a cock in front of her. She needed to please him.
Alyssa licked her lips and opened her mouth. She rocked her hips as she took the cock inside, licking the underside.
She could picture the two men she had to service, her Master looking down on her with satisfied eyes as she worked on his cock.
His perfect cock.
She bobbed her head as she tightened her pussy.
She could hear the cheers from around her as she gave everyone a show.
Her pussy tightened around the other cock, a new cock like she never had. Thick and hard, making her moan on her Master’s dick.
She worked on both of them.
Moving her ass to the rhythm of the music, grinding as she spread her ass cheeks for everyone to see.
She was growing closer.
Her mouth pussy was drooling, dripping over her tits and all onto the floor.
She pulled on her nipples.
Her Master would be satisfied.
Almost there.
She moved faster. Pushing her Master’s dick deeper into her throat, all the way to the knot.
She moaned.
The alarm rang.
She could finally cum.
Her hips convulsed as the orgasm hit her from the base of her spine all the way to her head.
She could almost taste her master’s cum.
Finally, she collapsed on the ground. The cock slid off her pussy.
The transmission cut-off.
It took Alyssa a few minutes to recover from the orgasm.
Her phone rang.
She crawled on the floor, her mind was still foggy. Her face was plastered with drool and a wide smile.
“Hello Master,” she answered the phone.
“Great job tonight.” Camilo said, “Your fan base is growing, and you made a bigger pot than last week. I will put your share on a trust fund as we agreed.”
“Thank you, Master.” She said droopy, stretching, and recovering.
There was a bit of silence on the line. She could sense something on the other side. Like a bit of doubt. That was unusual for her Master.
“You know,” Camilo said, with a knot in his throat.
Allyssa giggled to herself. She was the one that had a knot in her throat until a few moments ago.
He cleared his throat.
“You know you could drop all of this and move to my place, enjoy a simple life full of pleasure and satisfying your desires, you would not need to work or put on a show for anyone…” His voice quivered, “Anyone else but me.”
Alyssa stretched and got up from the floor to clean the mess she made.
“You could do nothing but lounge around the pool and-”
“Thanks for the offer, Master,” Alyssa said, picking up the bikini top from the floor. “But I don’t think Ally would like that. She loves her job despite how much she complains about it. And I enjoy this. I enjoy my work. I love having people watching me. And Ally loves it too.”
“Right, sorry about that.”
“But that doesn’t mean that we don’t appreciate you, Master. You can always come over. I will suck your cock. We can make a show out of it. Or I can give you a private show, just for you, Master.”
Camilo smiled at his end. It wasn’t perfect, but it was comforting.
“I will call Allyssa tomorrow morning. See you soon.”
“Master?” she called before he hung up. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Allyslut.”
If you want to support my writing habit you can join my Patreon where you can get ahead and read more stories at https://patreon.com/magisteramentia. Or you can invite me a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/magisteramentia
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la-appel-du-vide · 6 months
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I've apparently been living in the moment this month, because I don't have a lot of photos of any of the December/Christmastime activities I've done. But they're still worth talking about!
We had our work party, which was kind of lame this year. There wasn't the usual raffle, which is everyone's favorite part. But hey, there's always next year.
B and I went to see The Nutcracker, which really is one of my favorite Christmas traditions now! It's so beautiful, and the music is the best. I even bought my own little Ballet West Nutcracker this year, so that was fun.
My family, as always, went to see A Christmas Carol at Hale Centre Theater, and I've reached the point in my lesson where it will just always make me cry. I'm trying extra hard to be grateful for who and what I have this year. We went to a surprise birthday lunch afterward for Isaac, and that was cute and fun. Allyssa planned it for our family and her family, as well as some of his friends.
And finally, we had Brayden's first family party. There was a secret Santa gift exchange (Brayden's grandma had me, and she got me two mini book capsules!), dinner, and a couple of games. Then we opened presents from Brayden's grandma, who is always very generous. I got an Avril Lavigne vinyl, a Starbucks gift card, some gold hoop earrings, and tropical color Tenzi, in the cutest golden retriever gift bag.
This week will be so much more Christmas fun, with lots of traditions and parties to come! I just love this time of year.
I'm excited for the gifts I'm giving this year too. And luckily, we haven't had a lot of snow. (Unluckily, if you're Reef.)
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levi-dayne · 1 year
i found this on tiktok and this makes so much sense, it's talking about why people get fakeclaimed online so much.
and additionally to the point that the creator of the video is making, if you see/meet one disabled person, you have seen/met ONE disabled person.
most of my friends are autistic, as am i. we share similarities, but we also have our differences because it is a spectrum and we are not a hivemind.
my brother and i have the same chronic illness. when we were kids, our symptoms were about the same. now that we're both adults, his symptoms are lesser and my symptoms are worse. he can function as normal while i struggle daily with energy and frequently with mobility. disability and illness aren't predictable, nor are two people with the same disability carbon copies of each other.
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mccn-bcys · 2 years
let's talk about the fact that marc has been avoiding layla for months right? she said so herself on the phone with steven in episode one, she said she'd been trying to call him for months.
and two months prior to the show, or at least prior to episode 5, is when marc and stevens lives started blending together. which means marc obviously knew he was london. marc probably helped get stevens flat.
now you're probably: "allyssa, where are you going with this?" well my friends, I have no fucking clue either, but I'll try to get to my point.
if you go back to episode 3, layla tells that lady (pls don't hurt me I can't remember her name but it's the lady at the beginning of the episode helping with the passport) that stevens flat was 20 minutes from their old place.
which means a few things:
1) marc and layla lived in london
2) marc, knowingly, helped (probably) steven get his apartment 20 fucking minutes away from the woman he was trying to avoid
so for at least 2 months, steven has been walking around london and not once in all of those months that marc had been avoiding layla, not once has layla and steven (or marc) crossed paths in london???
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sometimes you dont realize how badly youre fucked up until someone comes to you for emotional support and you spend the whole time stressed and overwhelmed bc its like youre supposed to perform a play without having read the script, and you keep getting mad/frustrated at yourself bc you want to be there for them!! you want to support them through the rough times!! but you never had someone to emotionally support you, youve never even emotionally supported yourself, you dont know what that support looks like so you cant replicate it and are terrified of doing something wrong
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realityfallsapart · 4 years
WHERE is joey batey’s audible contract
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happy ace week!!! also a little update on me! I’ve kind of recently entered a relationship, would anyone be interesting in hearing my experiences (so far at least lol) in a poly relationship as someone who is ace? I’m happy to do it in a post or one-on-one if someone thinks that they would find it educational/relieving/interesting to hear abt! 
okay anyways love you all i hope you guys are doing great <333
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phony-stony · 4 years
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twancingyunhao · 4 years
Heyyyy guys, if anyone wants to talk, shoot me a message because I'm in a damn good mood and wanna chit chat 🤙
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la-appel-du-vide · 2 years
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Bridal Shower - 07•30•22
And then before we knew it, the bridal shower came and went! Set-up that morning went really well (almost). Kena brought me a bride to be sash, and tea sandwiches for our London themed food. Mom and I brought the macarons for the Paris themed food, and the tropical punch we'd made for the Bahamas themed food. Beach brought chips and salsa for the Mexico themed food. We put all the food signs and photos up on the risers, which made them so much more visible. We rearranged the favorite things with an extra suitcase, and stood the rest of our signs up on easels. We filled the back of Berk's roadster with luggage, hung the "Passport Photos" sign pointing to the photo area, and got the cups, plates, and straws set out.
The only travesty... Brayden and Chelle got the punch dispenser put into the fridge for the hour or so while we set-up. When I went out to the fridge later to add a couple more things, I found that the dispenser had been pushed up against the fridge wall accidentally, and all the punch had spilled out - all over the floor and fridge. SO bad. We'd been up into the night making it, and it was all gone. Plus, it was such a mess. Hahah we should have known something like that would happen. Brayden ran to the store to get some pre-made juice instead, and poor Chelle got to work cleaning the fridge out.
It all turned out well in the end though - no one would have known there were any issues. (;
For the first 10 minutes or so, we started to get worried that no one was going to show up. But to our relief, we ended up with a great turnout.
- McKenzie and Jodi Butler
- Lisa Chandler
- Lyndsey and Heidi Brophy
- April Hales
- Mikayla, Beach, and Kena
- Aubrey, Whitnie, and Allyssa
- Jodi Mitchell and her daughter Whitni
- Jess, Bev, and Jocelyne
- Arika and Sierra
- Ann Anderton and two of her daughters
- Jackie
So fun to see so many people I love!
We spent the first hour eating snacks and socializing, and then played some games. We did a Who Knows the Bride Best game, and I missed hearing everyone's answers because I was talking with Jodi. But Kena won! And of course, Beach argued about some of the things I put hahah. Then they did a He Said, She Said game, where they had to mark whether I was more of something or Brayden - like who is the better driver, who is more organized, etc. And Beach won that one so maybe that made up for it. (;
Then we played a "What's in Your Purse" game, where they get points depending on what things they regularly carry around. And Mikayla won!
The prizes were your choice of one of my favorite things. Kena took the Fiiz gift card, Beach took a travel themed notebook, and Mikayla picked ancient world map wall art. Then we had a box of advice cards that people wrote on cute vintage postcards, and I got to draw two out for the final prizes - Sierra picked the Sharpie marker set, and Jodi Mitchell ended up with the bag of movie theater popcorn.
Next came gifts, and I got so many nice things. A crockpot, an Instant Pot, a new dish set, pans, a spice rack, a cookbook, a picture frame, a printer, a wreath, cooling racks, donations to the puppy and furniture fund, a Lowe's gift card, a Barnes and Noble gift card, some cash, etc. People are the very best.
Then we all got to go out and take photos with Berk's roadster, including being able to get in it and blow the oogle horn hahah. So fun.
Our party favor "Baggage Claim" was a biscoff cookie (like an in-flight snack) in a little paper suitcase. Just darling.
Clean-up went super easy, and overall, it was a huge success. My mom is the very best, and I'm so grateful for all the time she put into this to make it perfect for me. She really thought of every detail, including the cutest invitations I've ever seen. It's a day I'll always remember. Being the bride is just so much fun.
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hockeyisit · 2 years
Let’s Go
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Summary: Amelia takes the twins to a game.
AN: hey! Here’s a little something I wrote awhile ago and finally finished! This idea kind of just came to me because I know how rough the Toronto media can be. Also I’ll be taking request and if you want to ask the family anything don’t be shy!
Word Count: 1,643
“C’mon boys,” I said pulling the twins closer to me. We were currently at the leafs game standing near the glass while the team warmed up.
“No wait! Papa hasn’t come over,” Noah whined standing firm where he was. I let out a soft sigh as I nodded my head. I then took the empty seat that I was standing next to feeling exhausted. I was in my first trimester of my third pregnancy and I was always constantly exhausted. I had only agreed to take the boys to the game after a lot of begging on their part.
“Mama can I have my hat,” Kai asked, tugging on my sweatpants. I quickly pulled the hat out of Austons stolen sweatshirt and put it on Kais head. Just as I was finishing, Auston skated over to us. The boys immediately lit up and started banging on the glass. Auston smiled as he tapped the glass with his stick before looking to me.
“You okay?” He asked although the glass muffled it so it was more like he mouthed it. I nodded my head giving him a weak smile. “Tired,” I mouthed. He nodded his head before doing some trick with his stick so that he could pick up a puck. The boys cheered causing all of us to smile. Auston then flipped the puck over the glass for Noah to catch. A little girl next to him holding a poster looked slightly jealous and Noah seemed to notice because he turned to her and offered her the puck. The little girl's face instantly lit up and I felt nothing but pure happiness at what a little gentleman the twins were becoming.
“Sup,” Mitch mouthed, coming up next to Auston. The two talked for a minute before waving to us and finishing their drills.
“Okay c'mon boys it’s time to go to our seats,” I said standing up and grabbing their hands. The three of us made our way over to the stairs but we were stopped by a familiar looking man.
“Your Amelia Matthews right?” He asked placing his hand in front of me to stop my movements. He was wearing a press necklace and dressed exceptionally well for a press man. I pulled the twins back slightly so that they were standing behind me.
“Yeah. We’re trying to get to our seats though,” I said nodding in the direction of the way we were heading.
“Right. I was just wondering why you're not wearing any leaf’s merch,” he said, nodding to what I was wearing. I uncomfortably took a step back, noticing the camera pointed at us.
“Um. I’m not sure that’s any of your business,” I answered.
“Mama, can we go.”
“Yes sweetheart.”
As I went to step around him he moved so that he was still in the way.
“I just find it surprising that you're the wife of the most popular player yet when you come to games you guys,” he paused dramatically to point to the twins before continuing, “aren’t dressed to support the team.”
“What we do is none of your concern. I also suggest that you stop recording my children without my consent,” I told him sternly. “Now please move out of my way before I get security to escort you out,” I continued holding back tears. One of the cons to pregnancy, being overly emotional. Thankfully the reporter stepped out of the way and I quickly pulled the twins along with me to the family box.
“Mama are you okay,” Noah asked noticing that I had started crying.
“I’m fine bud. Just emotional.”
“Emoional?” He asked butchering the word.
“Yeah. I have a lot of feelings and that’s okay. It’s okay to be emotional,” I explained.
“Okay Mama,” he said and then turned to face his brother so they could start talking.
“Hey,” Allyssa the leafs PR said walking into the box. I gave her a wave before turning back to the twins.
“Are you okay? I saw Steve talking to you,” she asked walking over to me and sitting down in a seat away. She set her laptop on the table in front of her.
“I just can’t believe the nerve of some of the reporters,” I answered truthfully tucking my hair behind my ear.
“What was he saying to you?”
“He was upset I wasn’t wearing any Leaf’s merch.”
“Oh my god that’s ridiculous,” she said scowling at her laptop. I just shrugged my shoulders as I turned back to the twins.
“Mama look at Papa skate,” Noah said looking down at the ice in awe. Kai was sitting next to Noah his leg anxiously bouncing. I reached out to steady his leg.
“Everything okay buddy?” I asked softly but loud enough to be heard over the crowed roaring around us.
“Yeah I just want them to win,” he grinned. I let out a laugh shaking my head. It was only the first period and he was already this anxious.
The game went by quickly with a win 4-2 and we made our way out of the box and into the family waiting room.
“Hey,” Auston said walking up to us still in his gear.
“Hi babe,” I said smiling. He leaned into my space and pressed a quick kiss to my lips. When he pulled away my nose scrunched up at the smell radiating off of him.
“You guys have fun?” Auston asked crouching down to be the twins height.
“So much fun!” Noah smiled happily.
“Yeah.” Kai responded softly.
“But mommy cried.” I let out a soft gasp as I looked over to him but Auston was already looking to me concerned.
“I’m fine,” I told him quickly. When he looked disbelieving I let out a huff.
“Some reporter had some comments I didn’t appreciate but were fine,” I repeated. He nodded with a frown on his face.
“He was recording though,” I admitted.
“Who was it?” he asked a deeper frown growing on his face.
“I’m not sure, he was wearing a Leafs crewneck. That’s all I remember.”
“Alright. Well I have to do press tonight so I’ll be home later,” he said standing up from his kneeled position.
“Alright. Boys say goodbye to Papa. Will see him later,” I told them.
“Bye Papa,” they both said.
I let out a deep sigh as I laid down in bed. I had just finished putting the twins to bed and I was now loading up the post game interviews while I waited for Auston to come home. Auston’s interview had already been uploaded so I clicked on it to watch.
It was like any normal interview up until the last minute of the five minute video. A reporter was asking a question and I could immediately see the anger take over Auston’s face as he listened to the reporter speak.
“I just want to say before I answer your question that I find it extremely disrespectful for you to even be talking to me right now. You made my family feel unsafe today and uncomfortable to be here. You had absolutely no right to record my children without the permission of Amelia or I and absolutely no right to comment on what my wife was wearing. As for your question. No I don’t think fan’s comments have any say on how I play.”
I let out a soft gasp before rewinding to listen to him say it again. Just as I was replaying it for the forth time Auston walked into the room still dressed in his suit.
“Hi baby,” he said walking over and kneeling next to the bed.
“No not you, my little one,” he said, reaching out to rub his hand over my belly. I relaxed at his touch and locked my phone, setting it down next to me on the bed.
“You didn’t have to say that to the reporter,” I said, breaking the silence after a moment.
“Yes I did. He had no right to say those things to you or video you guys. I talked to him after and made him delete the footage. I let out a relieved sigh at that. It wasn’t like we hid the boys from the world. I was constantly posting videos and stories of them and so was Auston but having someone record us without our permission had rubbed me in the wrong way.
“I love you,” i said pulling him up so that he could kiss me. He deepened the kiss sliding his hands from my stomach to cup my ass as he climmbed on top of me. He let out a soft groan as he pulled away.
“I gotta shower,” he said looking sad.
“Yeah you stink,” I agreed pushing his chest lightly. He swatted at my hand before climbing off of me and starting to strip down to his boxers.
“I’ll be back,” he announced before making his way into the bathroom to shower. It didn’t last long and not even ten minutes later Auston was walking out in just his towel. He pulled on some boxers before making his way out of the room to do his routine check on the boys. He returned about ten minutes later.
“They weren’t sleeping but they said theyd go to bed now.”
I wasn’t really surprised if the twins new Papa wasn’t going to be too late they would stay up until he got home. It was a habit I desperately tried to kick but was unable to do so.
Auston climbed into bed before pulling me into his arms. He pressed a quick kiss to my forehead as he rubbed his hand up and down my back. I had turned my body towards him so that I was more comfotbale.
“Your bump is starting to show,” he said. I could hear the grin in his voice.
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