#allegory of the night
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Juan Antonio Ribera y Fernández (Spanish, 1779-1860) Alegoría de la Noche, c.1819 Museo Del Prado
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fishercatking · 1 year
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Pastel Allegory of the Night
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onlinesweetheart · 9 months
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lionofchaeronea · 5 months
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Allegory of Night, Léon Frédéric, 1891
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solcattus · 8 months
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Allegory of the Night
French school, 19th Century
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coyoteclan · 7 months
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I'm a little late to the party but man. What a cool cat huh
@fallenclan's Lee as a (not so quick) warm-up :)
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the-evil-clergyman · 8 months
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La Nuit by Jean-Louis Hamon (1866)
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lepetitdragonvert · 2 months
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Night and her Daughter Sleep
Artist : Mary Lizzie Macomber (1861-1916)
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offbeat03 · 11 months
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Behold, my sister location designs!!!
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corpsentry · 7 months
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franklespine · 6 months
The scene at the start of All Hell Breaks Loose where Dean talks to Sam's corpse in that shack in the middle of nowhere is soul crushing to an incomprehensible level that the show hardly ever manages to reach again.
Firstly, what is revealed about Dean as he spills his heart open is devastating on a whole other level. Like there's grief and then there's this - it's like a piece of him has been torn out and he's left unable to literally function. It's not really a new idea in the series up to this point that Dean has centered his life around his family, in particular protecting Sam. As he starts off, he wishes so desperately that Sam didn't start asking questions about their family so Dean could preserve his innocence just a little bit longer. No doubt John put a lot of pressure on Dean to protect and look after Sam, but taking on this role was something that was all but written inside him, as he says, John didn't even have to tell him to do it, Sam was his responsibility. The tipping point in this scene is when Dean finally asks "what am I supposed to do" - how can he even begin to move beyond this? He doesn't care if the world ends anymore, doesn't care if Azazel wins and he never gets revenge. In asking this question Dean realises that he is incapable of letting go of Sam, of the responsibilities to his family he has built his life around like the grain of sand at the centre of the pearl, and of the crushing guilt that comes with 'failing' these responsibilities. The only way forwards is to force the laws of nature to bend for him and bring Sam back from the dead, no matter the cost.
Secondly, this is heart wrenching to me for Sam too. Here he is, 23 years old and lying dead on a dingy mattress in a shack in the middle of nowhere - the only escape from his dark destiny found in death. But the primary reason it seems that Dean makes this massive sacrifice to bring him back isn't because he's 23 and has so much of life he deserves to live, but because he is incapable of living under the weight of his guilt in failing him - that he is Dean's responsibility that he can't live with letting down. And this is not to say that Dean doesn't also bring him back because he loves and care for him as a person, but it's not like Dean was sitting there talking to Sam saying you didn't deserve this, we were so close to ending this, you deserved to go on to have a life that hasn't been built around and in grief and revenge, hell, you could've even gone back to university and had your happy ending. You know? It's like selling your soul for someone is a crazy batshit insane thing to do - the ultimate sacrifice. But same as with John, it seems that the reason behind it wasn't just pure love and desire for that person to live just because they didn't deserve to die. John needed Dean to be there to ensure Sam didn't go darkside - to kill him if he can't save him. In both cases it was out of love, but in this weird objectified way.
It's just so fascinating how this dynamic between the three Winchesters, love and sacrifice plays out in the early seasons. How supernatural finds selfishness at the centre of this seemingly sacrificial selfless act. The selfishness in martyrdom.
That's why this scene is just heart wrenching in my sad insane little head. Sam and Dean were crazy codependants before this but this scene marks a turn for the worst (in codependence) for them. This scene is like the solidification of Dean's belief that he is worthless and incapable of functioning without the responsibilities he holds to his family and solidifies that Sam is the little brother possession for Dean to protect and regulate until his time runs out and he's shipped off to hell - leaving him at the centre of his massacred family with all the fingers pointing in his direction. His mum was collateral damage to his anti-baptism by a demon, his Dad sold his soul for his brother's life to be the final yes or no in the decision of whether Sam deserves to live or not, and now his brother's gone and done the same for him. But hey, at least when Dean gets dragged down to hell it isn't with the weight of guilt that he failed his responsibilities.
(spoiler alert: he feels guilty for leaving Sam anyway and Sam spirals anyway).
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noughtlux · 4 months
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Weave a Garland of Stars Mixed media 2024 (Lic.: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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eirene · 2 years
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Evening and Night allegories, 1880s
William Bouguereau
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phantomrose96 · 8 months
Obsessed with the death imagery around Sampson btw. Smelling like a dead rat, skulking like a ghost. The last survivor of a dead world, only he's barely surviving, certainly not living. The idea of these cultural ascetics is super cool but feels unfathomably sad to me.
(938 Seconds Per Second)
-slams hands on the table- YES.
Sampson is a detached limb of a dead body. He's a lopped-off finger dropped in formaldehyde and declared "See! The flesh persists!" of a body that has perished.
There are many ways to be tragically and beautifully dead in metaphor. Sampson is not that. Sampson rots. He's off-putting. He disgusts. He's isolated and alone and just... exists half-dead and half-rotten, has to exist, no one is allowing him the dignity to deboard the ship, and live the rest of his human life, and die a human death as the last death of his culture.
He dies more, rots more, when Carson steals and destroys his tome, because Sampson is nothing but the aimless vestige of his culture, alive only to keep it alive... and what is alive? No one is learning the culture. It's not spreading. It's not growing. It's not being studied and remembered and appreciated. ...It's just Sampson, whose only duty is to persist, and persist as long as long as long as possible... as if infinite persistence is the same as life...
Carson was not joking when he said Sampson would kill himself in the wake of the cargo getting ransacked. Carson was dead-fucking correct to think Sampson would kill himself. Those cultural artifacts are all that Sampson stays half-alive for. They're all he is. If they were stolen on his watch, ostensibly by his own fault... Carson was dead-fucking correct.
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lionofchaeronea · 7 months
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Nyx, Night Goddess, Gustave Moreau, 1880
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starry-night-author · 6 months
Take Me to Church
My submission for @thepenultimateword's Song-Story Writing Challenge Extravaganza! I got @save-the-villainous-cat's submitted song, 'Take Me to Church' by Hozier!
Villain would always say that they were annoyed beyond all reason that they’d wound up in a forbidden romantic relationship. Not because they had to hide it- but because of course they would fall into the most overused trope of all time. 
“My very life is the same annoying cliche story that’s been told throughout history,” they’d grumble. “All for loving you.” 
Hero would barely pay attention to their forbidden partner’s complaining, only noticing that Villain had admitted to loving them. Their stern, grumpy, difficult to read, gorgeous, funny, wonderful Villain loved them.
So they let Villain complain, if only to hear those words again. 
That was part of what made it worth it. Knowing Villain loved them, was in this for them, made it easy for Hero to face every horrible thing about a forbidden relationship. The running out of alibis for where they’d been when they’d really been seeing Villain. The juggling they needed for their schedule to find time to spend with their beloved in the first place. The secrets, the hiding, the lying, the inability to talk about their love life with their fellow heroes because if anyone found out about this they were both dead. 
It was all so unfair, and being around anyone at the agency made it harder. With every passing day, it was harder and harder to go back to them.
There were always constant reminders there of just how wrong Hero’s relationship was with Villain. There was always talk of how nasty all villains were, how vile, how horrible. The rhetoric drilled into all of their minds that spilled easily from their throats without thinking. Without considering that it truly hurt Hero to hear it. Made them sad, made them angry. How dare they talk about Villian that way. Hero’s Villain wasn’t like that, if only they knew!
But again, Villain always made it worth it. It was worth it just to see them. Their smile, their movements, their stunning eyes, their gorgeous hair. It was worth it just to feel them- their touch, their hands surprisingly soft without their rough gloves, their warm skin, their arms around Hero. And their voice, the way they grumbled, the way they spoke softly when it was just the two of them alone, the way they laughed. 
Hero couldn’t get enough of it. If they were going to be hated for liking a villain, for this worship of a false, fallen idol, then so be it. Nothing would be able to tear them away from their love. 
It was the nights when Hero’s hurt, their anger, their guilt got the strongest. With or without Villain, it always crept up on them. 
But Villain always made it better. They would’ve drowned in it if not for Villain. Lying next to them in the dark, awake long after they’d gone to sleep. Watching their lover’s relaxed face, their body rising and falling from their gentle breathing. The way the moon outside outlined their features in a gorgeous silver, a halo lit behind their head.
They were irresistible. 
Hero could never stop themself from reaching out to touch them, ghosting their fingers down their skin, sometimes leaning in to kiss their forehead. Moving close enough to feel Villain’s exhales against their neck, their warm body pressed close to Hero’s. There was always the need to touch them, to feel them close, to know they were here and they were safe. They were loved. 
Tonight, Villain stirred. Shifting partly onto their back, adjusting the blanket. Accidentally revealing more of their stunning figure Hero could gaze at for hours. “Hm?” 
“You’re pretty,” Hero breathed into the room. 
“Y’woke me up jus’ta tell me that?” Villain’s brows furrowed, though their eyes stayed closed. Their voice was thick with sleep, their words sliding together. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” Hero moved close once more, tucking their face into Villain’s neck. “I’m sorry.” 
“Y’should be,” despite their annoyed words, Villain’s hand came up to gently hold the side of Hero’s face. Hero turned their head, kissing their palm. “What time is it?” 
“I’m not sure,” Hero murmured. “Late.” 
“You’re still up?” “Couldn’t sleep.” 
The hand on Hero’s face gently patted their cheek. “You okay?” 
“Yes,” Hero wrapped their arms around them. “I don’t want tomorrow to come. I don’t want to go back to the heroes, where they’re just going to keep telling me how wrong it is that I want to stay here with you forever.” 
Villain turned their head, kissing Hero’s forehead. “If this is so wrong,” Hero could feel their lips against their forehead as they spoke, “then why does it feel so right?” 
“That’s what I want to tell them.” Hero hugged them tighter. “But they’ll never listen. They’ll never change. They’ll throw me out.” 
“Hmm,” Villain’s hum was sympathetic, yet sleepy. Hero knew they were barely awake. They felt the criminal swallow, felt their head sag further against Hero’s, their soft breathing slow. Already back to sleep. 
Hero lifted their head, kissing Villain’s forehead. “G’night, love.” 
If only Hero could find it so easy. They pulled away, only to gaze at them once more. Admiring. Idolizing. Worshiping. 
God, they were everything to Hero. Hero knew they would go back tomorrow, they would face the agency. All to be safe enough to go another day seeing Villain again, without the agency getting suspicious. It was better this way. The safest place to swim was right beneath the shark. 
Closing their eyes, Hero took a deep breath, then opened them again, not wanting to look away from Villain for a moment. Memorizing their features in the darkness, the way the moonlight spilled over their face, their hair, their neck, their shoulders. Taking a mental snapshot, never wanting to let the image go. 
They let themself truly sink into the feeling of being with Villain, holding them close and taking another deep breath. They could have this, just for now. Tomorrow would be hard and the days after would get worse, but right now it was alright. 
With Villain, they were okay.
That assurance was enough to let them finally sleep.
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