funneypup · 2 months
evil how so many of the porn bots are tagged with children's media
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radoncanyoncryptid · 2 years
i was meaning to make a joke about how I liked approximately two izzy-related things and tumblr went "oh, so you like Izzy huh? you're an Izzy fan? you want your dash covered in content featuring Israel Fucking Hands?"
but uh. as it turns out, tumblr was correct. so.
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zeboute · 1 year
Comment vivez vous avec les algorithmes ?
Petite histoire de l'algorithme et du big data. Une nouvelle tour de Babel ? #TransfoNum
Les algorithmes tout le monde connait. Ou pas ? Vous vivez avec, puisque vous êtes connectés dans notre beau monde numérique. Alors, votre compagnon algorithmique, le connaissez vous ? Comprendre et domestiquer ce petit animal particulier, c’est ici ! (more…) “”
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View On WordPress
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dyst-blogs · 11 months
me: i wish spotify had a truly random, non-algorithmic shuffle button
spotify: great news! we added MORE algorithms to your fucking shuffle!!! theres 2 shuffles now and they both are algorithmy as fuck!!! bitch!!! get algorithmed stupid cunt. give us 20$ a week for the right to not get punched in the throat
my dumb ass: yes ma'am
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itsolie · 11 months
as someone who has only browsed tumblr through r/curatedtumblr i gotta say this is so incredibly freeing. i was honestly expecting it to be similar to twitter (idk why! everyone said it was different but i guess i didn’t believe them!) but already i can tell there’s a different atmosphere. like, twitter feels so algorithmy, constantly bombarding me with tweets from people i don’t follow who get 50k likes from content they definitely stole from a big book called Jokes To Say On Twitter To Get Everyone To Love You. meanwhile tumblr feels like a drug dealer slipping me “the goods” in an empty bar on a foggy tuesday evening. do you understand
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kaisumisu · 8 months
no nyt tuli aika valittaa tyhjyyteen ku mua tympäsee tää asia.
yleensä kaikki mitä luen ja katson netissä on enkuks, ja eihän siinä sinäänsä mitään ongelmaa ole ku kuitenki sitä osaan melkeinpä nii hyvin ku suomee itse, mutta kyllä mäkin haluisin joskus käyttää nettiä suomeks ja nähä muiden suomalaisten videoita jne
mut on niin helvetin hankalaa löytää muita suomalaisia jotka MYÖS puhuu asioista joista mä on kiinnostunu.
esim suomitumblr tägi on olemassa kyllä ja sielt helposti löytyy suomalaisii, mut jos mä vaan sillä etin nii eihän sieltä tule esiin ku täyttä politiikka tai muuta random paskaa johon en oo yhtään kinnostunut.
mut mä en pysty etsimään esim rain world + suomi posteja koska tän sivun hakukone on nii täysi vitsi.
sama ongelma youtubessa, vaikka sen hakukone on paljon parempi, nii jos mä yritän etsiä pelejä niiden nimellä JA suomi/videopeli/läpipeluu, ni eihän sieltä siltikään perkele tule esille muuta kun enkun kielisiä videoita, ja youtube ei anna sun saneerata hakuja valitsemalla minkä kielisiä videoita haluaa katsoa, vaikka videot antavat sun täydentää infoa siitä minkä kielinen se on ku sä laitat sen youtubeen.
tiedän että osa ongelmaa on se et mä oon käyttäny tätä nettiä enkuks nii paljon et se vitun algorithmi ei anna mitään muuta ku sitä, mut mä en edes tiiä mitenkä vääntä rautalangasta tarpeeksi et se tajuis et mä haluun myös suomi kontenttia.
ja sit ku niitä suomalais kättäjiä löytyy, nii voi voi jos se tapa mitenkä ne tekee videoita ei oo sun juttu koska sulla on niin niukasti vaihtoehtoja et saat vaan mennä suohon uppoamaan.
tää kaikki menee nii hauskasti ympyrässä ku tämä oli just se syy miksi mä opin enkkua nii hyvin nii pienest asti+ koska millään peleillä ei oo hyviä tai minkäänlaisia suomalaisiä käännöksiä olleenkaan, nii tääpäs nyt on tämmönen "self fulfilling prophecy" helvetistä.
✨no ainakin sit ku ne random suomalaiset löytyy samoista fandomeista nii siinä on aina hauska yllätys ✨
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ei oo mitään hajua kuinka moni mun seuraajista on suomalaisia mut jos joku on niin herrajestas auttakkee
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sabbyywabbyy · 8 months
Did the thingie wingie for algorithmie wiwi
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furfcozy · 1 year
can i just gush about rss though?
rss is so fuckin rad those who don't know what rss is: RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is basically a standardized way for websites/blogs to send news and updates to any program or app that supports it it's a standard that's almost 25 years old, but has so many perks of using it over all kinds of other stuff in this world of everything trying to grab your attention in the most hostile of ways
super easy to add sites! — some rss readers have a built in list of sites with rss support that you can pick and choose from to get started, most rss-friendly websites have a link that you just copy-paste into the reader and it adds it
no algorithmy shit! — you get to pick and choose which sites, blogs, subreddits, youtube channels, etc. and it's all delivered chronologically
no accounts needed! — nearly everything that supports rss just lets you add their feed without an account
no fuckin ads in your face! — feeds generally don't have advertisements in them, with some possible exceptions i personally have yet to see, and it depends on the if reader app you use has their own built in ad delivery system, but for the most part it's ad-free
far more control! — readers typically let you tweak and customize all kinds of things like how often your feeds refresh, if you want similar feeds grouped together in a folder, if you want to be notified when feeds are updated, etc.
no doomscrolling! — big thing that's helped me personally: readers aren't built like modern apps where the point is to get you to stay in the app for disgusting amounts of time; readers are built mostly like an email app or client. you don't scroll down an endless feed of nonsense that may or may not be relevant to your interests. there's no social junk, no comments, no arguments, nothing but what you want to see in a little package every hour or so, wrapped up in a nice bow.
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yes, i know my own reader looks like something straight out of windows xp and outlook express, but that's why i wanted this specific reader
the downside to rss is that it's not been nearly as popular as it once was, meaning a lot of websites don't even have it anymore. why don't they have it anymore? because of the reasons above. it doesn't try to trick you into stay on their website for hours, it doesn't shove ads in your face, it doesn't force you to make an account for them to sell the data.
i highly emplore anyone who wants a break away from a lot of the clutter and garbage to try rss at least once. don't think of it like a social media app, think of it like an email app without the spam or ads.
some sites to try rss with:
some subreddits you like (just add .rss to the end! e.g. reddit.com/r/cozyplaces.rss)
your local news sites
news sites relevant to your hobbies
youtube channels (just copy the channel url!)
if all else fails, check out sites that let you convert the front page of a website to rss (yes they exist, but sometimes they do need an account/subscription so be aware!)
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peppermint-moss · 2 years
Do you ever look at how many subscribers you're at on youtube? I noticed that you're almost at 30K! Love your animations!
wah!! im so bad at gauging what numbers are high or not in terms of subscribers n algorithmy view whatever stuff dsjklgh but wowie thas p good i think hehe thank yall !!
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corvidry · 2 years
So I’m a fan of all the new tabs staff added for content discovery, I think tumblr has needed that and I’m grateful they found a way to do more algorithmy things without harming what we’re all here for (simple chronological dash featuring only content from people we’ve elected to see and care about), I think it’s gonna be good for artists and creators etc etc because discovery via the tag system is kind of clunky and stagnant and obtuse but that said
I can’t figure out for the life of me why I’m getting recommended so much Hatsune Miku in the for you tab. She’s fine, I don’t dislike her, I just want to know why. What have I told tumblr to make it think I want lots and lots of Miku?
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severalowls · 8 months
why is my dashboard the same post for like the same 2 weeks im new to tumblr how do i do this help im following multiple ppl
Uuh one post? The way the dashboard is set up by default for new users is completely weird to me but, I can't help in accurate detail because I'm away from home but check your settings page and there's a big list of stuff you can toggle that I don't remember the details of but I'd recommend switching off stuff like 'put popular stuff you 'missed' first' and 'insert random unsolicited garbage at random like its twitter'. Somebody else might have a link to more details, there's definitely some guides out there
But the big thing sounds like you may have switched to a custom dashboard tab with jack shit on it. Iirc the default for new users is some kind of algorithmy 'For You' feed but the actual tumblr experience is the 'Following' tab. If you're on something other than those two then that may be the issue.
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vieraslaji · 9 months
oho, puoli tunnen mittainen video joka kertoo 10 things I hate about you:sta
youtuben algorithmi saattaa olla hyvää juttua loppujen lopuksi
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dungeonmistrix · 9 months
Hey kids! Just a PSA that I am also now on Cohost (@ dungeonmistrix as per usual ^^) and I’d love to make some more friends on there!
If you’re not on Cohost and you’re interested in joining, some things that may tempt you:
It’s not algorithmy, the timeline is actually chronological :’)
You can add badass CSS to your posts to make ‘em look cool!
No ads!
It feels *so* much like old-school tumblr where you can comment, make reblog/repost chains, and people make long comments in the tags. Like obviously we do that here but it’s so much more cluttered now. I’m old.
You can also add ALT TEXT to your images (peeping at Tumblr…) and it’s friendly for 18+ content with a great filter/CW system.
This is not a sponsored post OR a comprehensive overview lmao I just like it and want to see it get off the ground as opposed to corporate Twitter-likes :’)
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queen-fuckbxy · 10 months
I agree twitters been getting more ick but I feel like tiktok is too algorithmy like when everyone was talking about the submarine that all Id see on my fyp
i need to start getting back into tumblr. i was obsessed in high school; not sure what changed.
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pussytendr · 1 year
i live without instagram 90% of the time because every time it updated it got worse and worse and then one of my friends would convince me to redownload it and sometimes i do. just bc lol look ppl up look at pictures whatever and then i remember the lack of profile customization infense algorithm listening to my real life open follower count celebrities unfunniness nazism as soon as i open it like. whyyy did i use this again tricked again. whyyy do u my friends use it. but also a new thing that kept me staying is the reels. i know it's musical.y tiktok's ugly step sister along with facebook shorts or whatever copy of a copy type media but honestly the reela feel so much more funny less algorithmy i think bc it's so randon it shows me stuff i actually want to see soooo often actually listens to my likes. instead of tiktok it tries SOOOO hard to know u but like i can't explain..tiktok would show me really intense annoying stuff CONSTANTLYYY. like robot voice lady. annoying person talks sternly to camera idiotically. normie trad type person. skinny ppl wearing ugly clothes. stuff like that like it'd only be funny for 3 seconds then it wouldn't show me anything i liked LITERALLY. i like only funny entertaining things wtf stop. so yeah ig reels r funny tiktok never works 4 me
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southernstudyposts · 5 years
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4.15.2019. Monday.
I enroll in my Fall classes later today! I'm taking cell biology and introduction to personalities, which personally sound 1000x more interesting than physics. And as an extra bonus, I get to keep my amazing Latin professor for another semester!
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