#aemond accidental kinslayer
cambion-companion · 2 years
what do you think made aemond be alicent’s favourite child?
Ya know...I think his evident love for his momma really played a big part in that. And just him being a good boy all around. Helaena is an angel but she finds it difficult accepting affection from Alicent, as we've seen. Aegon is just a mess and I'm sure causes Alicent no small amount of stress. Aemond is dutiful and studious. Until the events of Storm's End, Aemond has definitely been the easiest child for her to show her love to, as we've seen he is very tender with her. Aemond clearly understands and values how Alicent vouched for him the night he lost an eye and I fully believe that means everything to him. He is 💯 a mommy's boy and I love that for him.
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Aemond: It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon
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derangedthots · 2 years
a jacemond fic idea i probably won't do anything with for a good long while but that's been in my docs for over two weeks:
jace is departing from the eyrie, he and vermax momentarily grounded for a flight rest, when he looks up and sees vhagar's shadow blacken the sky. as his uncle dismounts, jace keeps one hand on his sword but half his mind away to his mother's oath.
messengers not warriors. i swear by the seven.
aemond's body is one long line of tension as his gaze meets suspicious brown eyes, and his words are terse. in the forests by the vale, jace's world tips off its axis.
"prince jacaerys velaryon, out of respect for your brotherhood and our shared blood, i came to bear you this news personally. prince lucerys velaryon has died by my hands this day."
OR aemond, his honor, and the breaking of brothers
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barbieaemond · 13 days
As the world retreats|teaser
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x brothel employee!reader (to put it nicely)
Warnings: angst, misogyny, mentions of SA to a minor because alas this is Westeros, smut, accidental voyeurism, blindfolding (more to be added)
Author’s note: it goes without saying that this is not about the brothel lady from the show 💀
Coming soon!
Sneak peek
It brings clarity, the stench, like a bucket of cold water from above.
Piss and vomit tell him that it is not an illusion; he is really treading these filthy streets. He will soon sully much more, namely his word, but also all his good will, to be better, to be different.
No matter how much the hood is pulled down over his head, there is no veil that can hide this weakness. The gods look with contempt on the sins of the flesh, but more on those of the soul. And they have stopped looking at him now, have they not? Fallen too low to be brought back up. Kinslayer.
Why should they care about his weakness? He cares. His religion, the altar to which he has vowed himself, sworn to a book of failures and shames, not his own. But they feel a little bit his own too, it is his blood after all. And perhaps the same weakness that pollutes his brother's blood is plaguing his own.
In the walls of his temple there is a crack; in his garden where he nurtured duties as sharp as thorns he has found an apple, red and plump and glittering, as all poisonous things are.
He had bitten once, and then twice, each time tasting rottener. Spit it, he'd thought. Spit it. Spit it. Instead, he chewed and chewed and swallowed.
He didn’t have to taste it on his tongue, this bad seed, this sweet poison had festered his whole garden, all the paths his blood flowed. Even the mere looking was an act of blasphemy. To him, not to the Seven.
“She said you would never set foot here again.” The old woman, that woman, said as he stepped into the dingy foyer, reeking of cheap perfume, sweat and sex.
“Where is she?”
“Where do you think?”
He had climbed a secret staircase, ending in a narrow corridor with nothing but a hole in the wall, a peephole, feature of all the brothels, for all the damned who loved to reach their peak by watching others doing so.
“No shame in watching, your Grace. The eye is just another door to taste. To see is to devour.”
He’d never thought he’d give credit to a whore, but it felt like it as he pressed his face to the wall. As he watched, parting his lips, twitching, with contempt, with hunger.
The sweetness rolled like saccharine. Lurid. Wretched. Whore.
And then the poison. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.
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bidonica · 6 months
👀 Oh, can you show wip for Alicent fic sequel fic, please? I really liked your Only Blood fic! It was so..Alicent, let say so. You are really talented😊!
Here you go, kind anon! It's a sequel in the broadest sense as it takes place after Rook's Rest, but... spiritually... it picks up where the other left off. Also Alicent has a scene at the bedside of a wounded son in this one as well, so:
“Now that he is wearing my crown, is he also fucking my wife?” “Don’t be crass, Aegon.”  “But he always wanted to, Mother, are you so blind to never see it? Or maybe he already did. Who can tell? Helaena’s children looked like Targaryens and that’s all that matters. You taught us well in that respect. It's all you used to talk about when we were little.” Something shrinks in Alicent's chest. It all seems so distant and petty now, yet it reverberates on the present. Slipped through my fingers. “Still. You shouldn’t assume the worst of your own family. It can lead one down a dangerous path.” “Some say that assuming the worst of people is a sin, but that you will be proved right more often than not,” Aegon says. His voice is growing hoarser, his grin grotesque. “I keep thinking of how accidentally Vhagar crashed down on me while going for Meleys, just like she accidentally snapped Lucerys in two.” He snorts. “There is no man as accursed as the kinslayer, so what difference does it make if you do it twice rather than just once?” Alicent stands. “Pain is making you say things you don’t think,” she says curtly. “I’m going to call the maester.” Aegon twists what remains of his face into a look of wide-eyed innocence. “Mother, I’m sorry I spoke ill of dear Aemond. Surely some milk of the poppy will make me more agreeable.” “I will see you on the morrow, Aegon,” Alicent says, coldly. She cannot bear to look at him anymore. Among her children, he’s the one who looks like her the most; if his hair were auburn rather than silver, he’d be her spitting image, and this notion always unsettled her. It was always like looking at a warped mirror, and now even more so. She turns her back on him. “I love you too, mother,” she hears him say as she pulls the door behind her.
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tallglasofwater · 2 years
I think there's enough text and subtext to support the idea that Otto made Alicent a surrogate spouse and then Alicent turned around and made Aemond a surrogate spouse, until he took up with Alys. I don't think sex was involved in any of this, just emotional abuse.
It makes a lot of sense that Aemond would become smitten with Alys Rivers, an older woman, given that Aegon being crowned probably ruined his mommy-and-me dyad, as did disappointing her by becoming a kinslayer (accidental or not).
On that note, Alicent is constantly raging at her kids to meet her emotional needs and expectations. It's so heartbreaking yet entertaining to watch.
Someone on twitter conjectured that Alicent married Helaena to Aegon because she couldn't bear to have her daughter leave her household. The emotional enmeshment makes everything so much worse for them.
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redsnow-whiterose · 2 years
A few hours later, I considered the scene in Storm's End more seriously and unemotionally. We saw Aemond's sapphire, his threats to Luke and the chase. Those were great scenes. However, Strong's accidental death infuriated many fans, myself included.
But on the other hand, it's a good change if in season 2 the showrunners will properly reveal Aemond's arc and show how he became a book version after all these events.
Aemond hated Luke and trained for war, but he never fought in it. This is his first kill. And he clearly did not intend to kill him, but only to take the eye. However, Luke's eye is lost and Aemond has become a kinslayer.
Moreover, Arrax is a young dragon. He sensed his rider's fear and experienced it himself. No wonder the dragon is out of control. Vhagar did participate in many battles, she felt Aemond's anger towards the hatch, so she decided to finish the job to the end.
So in some ways... these scenes are quite logical. Not in 100%, but in TV series they have justified. It was difficult, but I accepted these changes. Especially if they develop properly in season 2. Time will tell.
Maybe this episode just beggining before the real storm aka dark Aemond.
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⚠️ Spoiler
OK I'm not OK
Him speaking in High Valyrian *chefs kiss*
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But also...
Was it supposed to be by accident?
Aemond the *accidental* Kinslayer?
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You know my favourite part about Aemonds slaying of Lucerys being accidental instead of purposeful? Its that no one is going to believe him
Look at the perception of their relationship from an outsiders perspective prior to this: Luke took his eye as a child, and at the dinner, Aemond is angry and bitter, displaying hostile and aggressive behaviour towards him. Aegon is crowned, and it firmly establishes them as being on opposing sides. At the Lords hall, there are witnesses who see him demanding Luke’s eye and attempting to attack him. Then he follows him out of the hall and chases him on Vhagar into the storm, even after Luke explicitly states that he will not fight him as he’s merely come as a messenger. 
Taking all of this into account, absolutely no one is going to view this as accidental, no matter what he says. All anyone is going to think is that Aemond slayed his kid nephew in cold blood to assuage his pride and deal a blow to the Blacks. 
This is purely for the audience, to add depth to his character, a humanizing moment, to show how a momentary loss of control over his dragon began a civil war, and makes the happenings of blood and cheese all the more tragic. But as for his public perception, all anyone will see him as is a kinslayer.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 26 days
I have that theory, Aemond seeks comfort in the brothel after what happened to Luke (which is why he looks withdrawn/sad) and then he just quite literally puts on his breeches and allows himself to sink into his kinslayer persona..
My theory is that he’s taken to the brothel by Aegon to celebrate killing Luke, and in the aftermath lets slip to Mysaria accidentally about the secret passageway into the Red Keep, and that information is used to facilitate Blood & Cheese. But we shall see!
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captainpikeachu · 2 years
if I was Aemond I’d be pissed, if I was gonna be called kinslayer and start a war I’d want it to be my intentional choice, not because my dragon got mad and did an oopsie 🙃
accidental kinslayer and war starter just doesn’t have the same ring to it 🤣 it ruins the mystique
the awkward convo when he gets home to his mom, must be sad to be the disappointing child for once 🥲
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cambion-companion · 2 years
Never thought I'd be jealous of a saddle...yet here we are.
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virgil-dantes · 2 years
Don’t u guys just love Aemond, the guy also known as accidental kinslayer 😻
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lya-dustin · 1 year
Someone will remember us
Chapter 54
Taglist: @stargaryenx @mercedesdecorazon
Gif by @alicenthightowerdaily
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He stays with her for that night and each one after, can’t escape with handmaids there and he was a better bedmate than any of them and even Helaena.
Better they think they have reconciled than risk getting caught.
Aemma can’t help but look at the man sleeping beside her, relaxed and looking as if nothing had changed.
Still looked more like a boy than a man, more like the Aemond who spouted bad poetry after a few drinks than the one who’s hands are drenched in the blood of her little brother.
Easy to pretend nothing had happened and all this was a nightmare she’d wake up from.
But she can’t do that.
No, because the moment he touches her all she sees is her baby brother’s bloated corpse drifted ashore.
And yet, tomorrow evening she will leave and never see him again.
He will die fighting Daemon, because he is going to die anyways.
At least, then you won’t have to see me die, he said as if she hadn’t seen him die in her nightmares.
Aemma doesn’t stop herself when her hand moves of its own accord and gingerly caressed the side of his face as she mourns what was and what could have been.
“Hen lantoti ānogar, va sȳndroti vāedroma.” Blood of two, joined as one, she whispered softly.
Aemond finds himself thinking everything has been some fucked up nightmare he has finally woken up from.
He inhaled the scent of Aemma’s hair and pulled her closer like he always does.
She loves him, but she can’t ever forgive him.
“Ñāqes, Aemee.” He nuzzled her neck, wanting to kiss her and tell her how awful his nightmare had been, and it is when she recoils at his touch that the spell is broken and Aemond is once again confronted with the reality.
Monster! Aemma had screamed as the midwives and the Maesters had tried to soothe her.
He killed her brother; she hates him, and this had been a mistake done in their sleep.
Their heads know its over, but their bodies do not. A small consolation, the one-eyed prince thinks as he mutters an apology to his wife who at least isn’t turning her back at him again.  
His princess isn’t moving away like she has done this past week either, and Aemond hopes that this was a deliberate thing and not accidental.
“You won’t have to worry about this happening again.” He added and wondered if this is the last time, he will have held Aemma.
“Baratheon has declared himself neutral.” Otto said with distaste and looked at Aemond who took the seat of the Prince of Dragonstone.
Aemond had never been his favorite, never gotten along with him for longer than necessary and frankly, he hopes Daemon takes great delight in beheading the man who singlehandedly led everyone to their deaths.
“I know.” It isn’t said in an angry tone, more like resigned and even sad.
“Rhaenys and Aemma are his blood, father, to rise against Rhaenyra’s heir is to make himself a kinslayer.” His mother deflected the blame against Aemond even she regarded him with suspicion these days.
Aemond tries not to flinch at the word kinslayer.
Aegon had called him kinslayer with pride, his mother with horror and Aemma with hatred.
He hated the word, but he wore it as a sign of his fucking shame.
He, a man of seven and ten, had killed his own nephew because he had let his anger and resentment control him instead of controlling it.
“He made no mention of it when we negotiated the price of his loyalty, grandsire.” Aemond toyed with the black round stone set to mark his place on the table.
The king had a clear diamond to represent all of Westeros, the Prince of Dragonstone had black jet with swirls of burgundy for House Targaryen.
The king was not here, at least father did not miss council meetings until he was too ill to even rule from his bed. Aegon refuses to do anything useful, he’s taken up training once more, but that has been just about it.
“Lord Strong’s sources speak differently, your highness, they say he offered his loyalty to you.” His grandfather dismissed the queen with a wave of his hand.
“Which I refused.” He had said nothing. He had not said yes either, so his silence could be interpreted as a no if he wished. “Am I to blame for Highgarden’s neutrality and Lord Hightower’s inability to rally his own vassals too?”
Had Cole not killed Beesbury, maybe Lyonel Hightower would have not embarrassed them further.
The vassals demanded Cole’s head in exchange for their loyalty, the High Septon made no move to bring his flock to their side after Aemma made sure everyone knew Aegon had forced himself on women and his mother covered it up.
The only great houses backing them were Hightower and Lannister and Oldtown was sworn to the Tyrells of Highgarden anyways.
Aegon the Usurper, Aegon the Unworthy, Aegon the Undeserving, for every epithet Otto had tried to attach to his brother’s name, three truthful ones appeared.
Aegon the Drunk was the newest one.
“If you are not careful, one would doubt your loyalty to your brother, the rightful king.” The Lord Hand coolly warned.
“Let them, I know Aemond is loyal to me and my opinion is all that matters, Lord Hand.” Aegon sauntered in with his crown only slightly tilted, eyes rimmed red from drink and his surly attitude worse than it had been in days.
He wanted war, real war with blood and a body count, not ravens and letters begging for help.
The only thing that kept Otto Hightower as Hand was that there was no real excuse to sack him, and Aemond knows him helping Aemma escape might be the thing that does it.
Not that a change in the council would help them, they were destined to lose anyways.
“I will be taking the children to mother after supper, you should leave then.” Helaena whispers in Valyrian as they finished adding little dragons on the sleeves of Jaehaerys’ nightshirt.
She knew, she had been the one to ‘suggest’ to Aegon that Silverwing did not need to keep wearing chains.
All of the people here would be dead because of one man.
She’s as docile as a lamb, Aeg, she probably thinks Alysanne is still alive, she had told Aegon who out of guilt never denies her anything.
Helaena and the children are the only people in this fucking place she will miss.
“You could come with us, Hel.” Aemma suggests and her best friend and goodsister sadly shakes her head.
They stop on their tracks when they hear the all to familiar sounds of the Queen Mother and the new Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.
“Geros ilas.” Goodbye.
“The Queen Mother, your grace, your highness.” Ser Willis announced, and Helaena took her leave.
“You don’t have to leave, Helaena.” Alicent said, but Hel protested and said she had other things to do.
And for the first time ever, Helaena hugs her. embraced her tightly as if this was the last time they would ever see each other.
“I see you have forgiven Aemond.” Alicent mentions after dismissing Criston and her guards.
“I have not, letting him in my bed is not the same a forgiving him, your grace.” She corrects her.
If you ask Aemma they are far from reconciliation and yet the handmaids noted less fighting, them sleeping together and even bathing together.
Criston has noted no change in his protégé, but the words ‘I would not hold my breath’ were uttered.
“Then why get his hopes up?” the queen asked the girl who looked at her curiously.
“Opening the path to reconciliation does not mean I forgive him for killing my brother, your grace. He knows and accepts that.” Alysanne never forgave Jaehaerys for refusing to make my grandmother his heir, never forgave him for banishing Saera and yet they reconciled.
They did always think themselves the Old King and the Good Queen. Doomed to suffer for defying duty and tradition.
Alicent prays nightly that the birth goes as it should and if the Mother is merciful, that the child be female.
A boy would be a threat, a girl would make a fine bride for Jaehaerys and solve all their problems.
“I know you do not believe me, but I am sorry for your loss and I am sorry that the king and the lord hand will deny you your child, you do not deserve the suffering fate has given you.”
Tara had overheard them speak about it, Aemond vowing to fight for them to keep their child, assuring her that they mattered more than Aegon and his mother.
“I would rather die than let you raise my son. How glad am I that it will never happen.” The princess grumbled thinking she cannot hear her, but for Aemond’s sake, the queen pretends to not to have heard.
Aemond couldn’t be seen as a turncloak. Aemond’s loyalty could not be questioned further. It is only a matter of time before her father makes her sons turn against each other over.
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gojuo · 2 years
Unpopular opinion: I don't like how Aemond is being whitewashed like this in the show . i like him btw , but i feel it's unfair how Aemond is being whitewashed and becoming more complex character than he was in the book while aegon in the other hand is being reduced into a one- dimensional rapist. Like why they didn't spend this time developing Aegon's character too and his relationship with helaena or his mother or anyone really. They showed Aemond bonding with vaeghar , flying with her , but they never even bothered to show sunfyre in the first place. Like this will do so much damage to Aegon's character since he is supposed to be "the main claimant against rhaenyra" so he is probably is going to be Rhaenyra's main antagonist or perhaps the protagonist of the other side or whatever. He supposed to be IMPORTANT but now i feel he will become Tommen 2.0
I don't think Aegon is one-dimensional tbh. Take away the Dyana scene + that dumbass child fighting pit scene and Aegon will still be a boy who believes his family hates him therefore he hates his family back, a boy who does not know whether his mother loves him, a boy who has been publicly neglected by his father all of his life leading him to become severely alcoholic and insecure, etc. but put those two scenes back in and he's still that boy who believes his family hates him therefore he hates his family back, a boy who does not know whether his mother loves him, a boy who has been publicly neglected by his father all of his life leading him to become severely alcoholic and insecure, etc. etc. Those awful scenes weren't put in the story to actually mean anything to Aegon's character development/arc beyond showing the audience "do you see? do you see how miss Maegor with Teats is a better person/monarch/girlboss than this piece of shit!!!! Stan Rhae Rhae not Egg!" So I really don't or even cannot take the choice they made in writing those scenes into the story seriously. Besides, I am of the opinion that Rhaenyra herself is a rapist even if the show refuses to acknowledge this.... So I don't think Aegon is a one-dimensional character.
However I do agree with how absolutely ridiculous it is that we have not had a single scene between Rhaenyra and Aegon. This is because the show has made Rhaenyra and Alicent the main characters of the Dance or at the very least the first season, which is... okay. I'm not against it. But it is the fact that the final showdown is between Aegon and Rhaenyra, they are the representatives of this war and their factions, and the writers just let this season finish without having either the younger or the older actors interact with each other. And then the war starts the only scene we will ever have between them in this entire show is ... the final showdown. Like come the fuck on... How do you get the rights to adapt the Dance of the Dragons and then not even have a dynamic between the two heads of the faction YOU HAD A WHOLE SEASON TO CREATE THIS RELATIONSHIP AND YOU FUMBLED THE BAG THIS SEVERELY..... Ugh and next season will open with B&C but we have gotten 0 scenes developing Aegon and Helaena's relationship too. WRITERS WHAT ARE YOU DOINGGGGG?? I'm sorry but this refusal to develop Aegon and Rhaenyra's and Aegon and Helaena's relationships is just straight up bad writing, there is no other word for it.
About Aemond... I actually do like what they have done with him. At the end of the day, Aemond accidentally killing Luke is not going to change anything in the narrative and plot, because he still killed him. What changes is what it means to Aemond's character personally. His own personal struggle with himself is what it becomes, but to the outside world, nothing changes. He's still a kinslayer that chased his nephew out into a storm and killed him. And I like it because Aemond was just a cartoon villain in F&B but this brings depth to him in a way which I can only describe as good writing (lol).
The issue is they've made Aemond and Aegon both much more profound than their book counterparts, but for Aegon they have given him these two fucked up scenes which were only meant to, like I've said before, draw a line between the sand. Garbage and manipulative writing, but we stan Egg 2 (TGC version) on here anyways.
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cjbolan · 2 years
(No spoilers since it's changed from the book) I feel the change to accidental murder would weigh heavily on Aemond. He's blamed as a kinslayer and it drives him to a point where he snaps and goes "you want kinslayer? I'll show you kinslayer". and I imagine he wouldn't ride Vhagar for some time, becoming afraid of her, which gives the Blacks some upper hand now the Greens' biggest asset is basically out of comission.
I can see that! And it goes back to what I said earlier, about the Greens assuaging Aemond's possible regret over Luke's sudden death.
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