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2022-poet · 2 years
Twenty-One Love Poems [(The Floating Poem, Unnumbered)]
Whatever happens with us, your
will haunt mine—tender, delicate
your lovemaking, like the
half-curled frond
of the fiddlehead fern in forests
just washed by sun. Your traveled, generous thighs
between which my whole face has
come and come—
the innocence and wisdom of the
place my tongue has found there—
the live, insatiate dance of your
nipples in my mouth—
your touch on me, firm, protective,
me out, your strong tongue and
slender fingers
reaching where I had been waiting
years for you
in my rose-wet cave—whatever
happens, this is.
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lindasaccoccio-7 · 1 year
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The second of two paintings after the poetry of Adrienne Rich This one after, “Axel, in thunder” The two paintings were supported by the music of @olafurarnalds 25 January 2023 Gouache & Watercolor 10”x7” #abstractart #contemporarypainting #color #poem #adriennerich #california #lsaccoccio7 #olafurarnalds #collectart #january #2023 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn8FuMUvVBP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kimmccreight · 1 year
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Sunday morning. 📚☕️ “No one lives in this room without confronting the whiteness of the wall behind the poems, planks of books, photographs of dead heroines. Without contemplating last and late the true nature of poetry. The drive to connect. the dream of a common language.” Adrienne Rich #writer #writerlife #sunday #outofoffice #authorsofinstagram #authorlife #poetry #adriennerich #amreading #amreadingpoetry (at Park Slope Neighborhood) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnKHhCNrmC3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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casalcova · 2 years
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#adriennerich - GHEZZIZACCHINI - @ Fondazione Longo Alessandria
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dhaaruni · 2 years
22 & 25?
Already did 22!
25. What reading goals do you have for next year?
To read a book that's neither nonfiction nor a romance novel lol.
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radicalesbian · 4 years
“Históricamente, las lesbianas han sido privadas de una existencia política a través de la “inclusión” como versiones femeninas de la homosexualidad masculina. Equiparar la existencia lesbiana con la masculina porque cada una está estigmatizada, es negar y borrar la realidad femenina una vez más.”
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ceejayheff · 3 years
aunt jennifer’s tigers
Aunt Jennifer's tigers prance across a screen, Bright topaz denizens of a world of green. They do not fear the men beneath the tree; They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
Aunt Jennifer's finger fluttering through her wool Find even the ivory needle hard to pull. The massive weight of Uncle's wedding band Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer's hand.
When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by. The tigers in the panel that she made Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.
Adrienne Rich
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ever-real · 4 years
“Splittings” by Adrienne Rich
My body opens over San Francisco like the day –
light raining down each pore crying the change of light
I am not with her I have been waking off and on
the presence of the past destructive
to living here and now Yet if I could instruct
myself, if we could learn to learn from pain
even as it grasps us if the mind, the mind that lives
in this body could refuse to let itself be crushed
in that grasp it would loosen Pain would have to stand
off from me and listen its dark breath still on me
but the mind could begin to speak to pain
and pain would have to answer:
We are older now
we have met before these are my hands before your eyes
my figure blotting out all that is not mine
I am the pain of division creator of divisions
it is I who blot your lover from you
and not the time-zones or the miles
It is not separation calls me forth but I
who am separation And remember
I have no existence apart from you
I believe I am choosing something now
not to suffer uselessly yet still to feel
Does the infant memorize the body of the mother
and create her in absence? or simply cry
primordial loneliness? does the bed of the stream
once diverted mourning remember the wetness?
But we, we live so much in these
configurations of the past I choose
to separate her from my past we have not shared
I choose not to suffer uselessly
to detect primordial pain as it stalks toward me
flashing its bleak torch in my eyes blotting out
her particular being the details of her love
I will not be divided from her or from myself
by myths of separation
while her mind and body in Manhattan are more with me
than the smell of eucalyptus coolly burning on these hills
The world tells me I am its creature
I am raked by eyes brushed by hands
I want to crawl into her for refuge lay my head
in the space between her breast and shoulder
abnegating power for love
as women have done or hiding
from power in her love like a man
I refuse these givens the splitting
between love and action I am choosing
not to suffer uselessly and not to use her
I choose to love this time for once
with all my intelligence.
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genybuzz · 4 years
An honorable human relationship — that is, one in which two people have the right to use the word “love” — is a process, delicate, violent, often terrifying to both persons involved, a process of refining the truths they can tell each other. It is important to do this because it breaks down human self-delusion and isolation. It is important to do this because in doing so we do justice to our own complexity. It is important to do this because we can count on so few people to go that hard way with us.
Adrienne Riche
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sororitelf · 4 years
Qui sommes nous ?
Qu'est-ce que Sororité Lesbienne et Féministe (S.L.F.) ?
S.L.F. est une association lesbienne [1] lilloise en non-mixité lesbienne avec quelques événements en non-mixité femme. Notre but est de créer des espaces communs pour nous les lesbiennes. Nous souhaitons nous inscrire dans la lignée de penseuses lesbiennes telles que Monique Wittig[2] et sommes pour un lesbianisme radical et politique. Nous voulons permettre à toutes les lesbiennes de se définir elles-mêmes en tant qu'individue mais surtout en tant que communauté afin de s'organiser et de lutter ensemble pour leurs droits.
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Ainsi, ce que nous voulons proposer :
- Des découvertes de textes autour du lesbianisme (et d'un thé) - Des ateliers d'écriture - Des soirées ou sorties en journée (sorties culturelles, jeux etc.) - Des groupes de parole avec partage d'expérience - Des séances de création d'affiches et de collages - Des actions de préventions des risques sexuels - Des cortèges pour des manifestations
Nous voulons aussi constituer et entretenir une véritable archive lesbienne en ligne. C'est pour cela que toute donation nous est précieuse.
Nous sommes une association de lesbiennes, de toutes les lesbiennes, qu'elles soient cis ou trans, dyadiques ou intersexes, blanches ou racisées, chrétiennes, juives, musulmanes ou athées, voilées ou non voilées, valides ou handicapées, grosses ou skinnys, butch ou fem, etc.
Lesbiennes radicales, nous posons le sexe et le genre comme construction sociale[3]. Lesbiennes radicales, nous nous rallions au message de la tribune de Toutes des femmes[4] et apportons notre entière sororité à toutes les femmes trans.
En ces temps où la ROPA (Réception d'Ovocytes par la PArtenaire) va être interdite ("pas autorisée") pour les couples lesbiens[5]. En ces temps où le gouvernement refuse de lever la différence d'abstinence entre les donneurs de sang hétérosexuels et homosexuels[5]. En ces temps où l'anonymat des donneurs va être partiellement levée[6]. En ces temps où nos familles sont attaquées et sacrifiées sur l'autel d'un biologisme immonde[7]. En ces temps où la présence d'homme, et donc du patriarcat, veut être imposée aux couples lesbiens[8]. Partout et tout le temps, il nous faut une sororité lesbienne et féministe.
[1] Nous parlons de lesbiennes car nous sommes des lesbiennes politiques et que nous sommes une association lesbienne radicale. Les femmes bies/pans peuvent venir à condition de ne pas se faire le porte-étendard et les défenseures de l'hétérosexualité ou des relations hétérosexuelles. [2] voir ses œuvres et notamment La pensée straight. [3] Chapitre II : Sexe et genre, in L'anatomie Politique II : Usage, déréliction et résilience des femme, Nicoles-Claude Mathieu, La dispute. Notamment : "Les sociétés humaines, avec une remarquable monotonie, surdéterminent la différenciation biologique en assignant aux deux sexes des fonctions différentes (divisées, séparées et généralement hiérarchisées) dans le corps social en son entier." [4] https://toutesdesfemmes.fr/tribune/ [5] https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2020/08/01/loi-bioethique-l-assemblee-adopte-le-projet-de-loi-en-deuxieme-lecture_6047874_3224.html [6] https://www.rtl.fr/actu/debats-societe/loi-bioethique-ce-qui-va-changer-pour-les-donneurs-de-sperme-et-leurs-enfants-7800700167 [7] https://lcp.fr/actualites/bioethique-l-assemblee-rejette-la-ropa-et-la-pma-post-mortem-31684 : "Pendant les débats, l'opposition de droite a également mis en cause la ROPA, qualifiée de "don dirigé" entraînant un "glissement vers la GPA". Annie Genevard (Les Républicains) a dénoncé "une volonté d'évincer une réalité biologique"." [8] https://lcp.fr/actualites/l-assemblee-nationale-adopte-en-deuxieme-lecture-le-projet-de-loi-relatif-a-la : "On va créer des orphelins de père", lui a répondu le député Les Républicains Patrick Hetzel. Les élus de droite se sont opposés au texte, craignant que celui-ci n'ouvre la voie à une prochaine légalisation de la gestation pour autrui (GPA)
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thecpdiary · 5 years
Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work.
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redardesco-blog · 5 years
Whatever happens with us, your body will haunt mine—tender, delicate your lovemaking, like the half-curled frond of the fiddlehead fern in forests just washed by sun. Your traveled, generous thighs between which my whole face has come and come— the innocence and wisdom of the place my tongue has found there— the live, insatiate dance of your nipples in my mouth— your touch on me, firm, protective, searching me out, your strong tongue and slender fingers reaching where I had been waiting years for you in my rose-wet cave—whatever happens, this is.
by Adrienne Rich (1929-2012)
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casalcova · 2 years
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Stanotte nessuna poesia servirà
giovedì 7 luglio presso Fondazione Luigi Longo Alessandria
👉🏻 Stay tuned
#poesia #teatro #recital #kabukista #GhezziZacchini #stanottenessunapoesiaservirà #natodadonna #recital #alcova #silviazacchini #francescoghezzi #kabukistateatro #loveislove #makelovenotwar
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lalectoracomun · 5 years
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#hello again #adriennerich #wisdom https://www.instagram.com/p/B0EaQ7qoQfO/?igshid=gs9fef8xmtnm
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TSL Day 19 - Asleep; just not sleeping- Near-death experience poetry
TSL Day 19 – Asleep; just not sleeping- Near-death experience poetry
I’m not going in order while sharing the poems I wrote for the Facebook group, TSL in the month of April. Instead, I decided to share poems that got a good review from those who read them. The prompt for the 18th day was “asleep but not oblivious of the unslept, unsleeping”- Adrienne Rich. Below was my take on the poem. I Tap, tap, tap, on the tile floor Tick, tick, tick -on the wall, the…
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