#adam taurus critical
Why the Faunus storyline sucks ass: the personal/character level analysis
This is just my opinion, but to put in perspective how absolutely dogshit RWBY’s Faunus narrative truly is, I’m just gonna rant for a while and compare the storyline to another narrative that I think handled the topic of systematic racism and the cycle of violence due to racism very well: Full Metal Alchemist’s Scar and the Ishvalans. 
Preface: The latter two do so well, in my opinion, because they never truly portray racism as a straight-up allegory in the premise of a fantasy world. By separating a fantasy narrative from completely writing it as a reflection of any specific civil rights movement, it becomes a universal message that everyone can understand and make connections themselves to real-life injustices without inaccurately and/or offensively portraying a sensitive topic such as racism like how RWBY did.
Extremely Long Post Below the Cut. Spoilers for RWBY, Full Metal Alchemist, and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
Trigger warnings for: graphic character deaths, depictions/reference of character deaths, ethnic genocide, war crimes, mentions of abuse, racism, slavery, depiction of a hate crime (branding), reference to child slavery, mild gore, and depictions of violence. 
We shall begin on a personal level, then perhaps move on to the systematic level of how these storylines are so different in the portrayal of racism in another post. Let’s start with the bad: Weiss Schnee and her racism against the Faunus.
I’m gonna be front with ya’ll here: I actually didn’t mind Weiss’ initial behavior at first; it’s obvious where they were going with her character and story: she started off as an entitled, racist and cruel person because of many factors in her life. Weiss came from the wealthiest family in Remnant, with a unique and versatile Semblance that can easily grant her a high status in Atlesian society, However, she is also from a broken and abusive household, with a neglectful mother and a father who was willing to put his heiress through a dangerous trial for her to leave to another nation to find her own path, which resulted in a permanent scarring on her face. 
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[A screenshot from RWBY White Trailer. Weiss Schnee in a dark room, eyes closed in a painful expression while blood trail down her face from a wound from the Armor Gigas]
However, Weiss has expressed quite vocal and malicious racism towards the Faunus, especially Sun during Volume 1 Chapter 15 “The Stray”
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[RWBY Vol 1 Chapter 15 “The Stray”. Team RWBY gathers around an irate Weiss, who refers to Sun as a “riffraff” following his escape from authorities after stowing away on a ship.]
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[RWBY Vol 1 Chapter 15 “The Stray”. Weiss holding up a caricature drawing of Sun Wukong to Penny, depicting him as a violent individual while referring to him as a “filthy Faunus”.]
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[RWBY Vol 1 Chapter 15 “The Stray”. In response to Blake’s demand as to why she was degrading Sun for being a Faunus, Weiss gestures to a trashcan, insinuating that she equates him to being trash/referring to him as “filthy” due to his status as a Faunus]
Narratively speaking, these are condemnable behaviors for a character to possess, let alone one of the main characters of the show. Blake, another protagonist, even criticize Weiss for her racism and defended the Faunus, stating that people like Weiss and Cardin are the reasons why Faunus such as the White Fang have to resort to extreme measures to gain their rights. 
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[RWBY Vol 1 Chapter 15 “The Stray”. Blake angrily declares that it’s people like Cardin and Weiss, in their discriminatory behavior, have caused the White Fang resorting to extreme measures in their civil rights movement]
So, narratively speaking, we should see that Weiss would reflect on her actions later on, and aim to remove herself from such toxic mindsets and redeem herself from her bigotry, right?
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[RWBY Vol 1 Chapter 15 “The Stray”. In response to Blake’s anger, Weiss snapped back, declaring herself a victim in the ordeal with her family and the White Fang. She then recounts the deaths of the supporters of the SDC, the Dust robberies committed by the White Fang, and her father’s reaction, claiming that it had made her childhood difficult.]
Not even close. 
Call me heartless, but while I’m not condoning Jacques’ abuse of his family, I find it insulting that Weiss would see herself as the victim over an entire race of people who are still enslaved by her family, and exploited by those same board members causing them to fight back. 
Sun’s entire kingdom was drained of its resources by her grandfather and the Atlesian kingdom. Ilia, another member of the White Fang, lost her parents in Weiss’ family’s Dust mines after a collapse, then find herself without empathy from her human peers who mocked their deaths. Adam, who was another Faunus character, was enslaved and branded, permanently disabling him for life. 
To compare their lives, knowing subjugation for the majority of it because of the way they were born, to Weiss’ is straight-up stupid. She’s a victim of abuse, but she also perpetuated the cycle of hate on a group of people who were still being used by her father, instead of placing the blame at Jacques’ feet.
What’s even worse? Weiss never apologized to Sun or Blake for being cruel to them in the show canon. You know what’s even more insulting? 
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[RWBY: The Official Manga Chapter 8 by Bunta Kinami. Weiss admits her wrongdoings, and apologizes to Blake.]
That apology was written in a secondary source material, by another author not directly associated with the main writing team at CRWBY. And guess what? This decision will never have any impact on Weiss’ canonical character or the main storyline. This is the same as fanfic, and we will never get that closure in canon. 
Weiss then continued to not apologize, and in Volume 7 seemingly developed a “white savior complex” towards the Faunus racism in her own home kingdom. She told Blake that she wishes that she could “take back all the years of abuse her family committed against the Faunus”, but then went to a movie with Jaune and Oscar instead of a rally in support of a candidate running against her father in the Atlas council election, who was supposedly pro-Faunus. 
Why? Why not have both of them be at this event? Sure, it went to shit, but to show the audience that Weiss has truly changed and Blake wanted to continue to fight for Faunus’ rights, it’s logical to have them go to this rally right?? No, Weiss went to a movie with a guy she dislikes, and Blake went to a club with a team she doesn’t like. Neither of them took initiative to actually change the systematic racism against Faunus in Atlas, the infamously most racist kingdom in Remnant. 
Matter of fact, Weiss and Blake rarely have any development with this conflict between them save for sparse moments that don’t amount to anything and came out of no organic progression at all. They never talk about the ongoing discrimination anymore, Blake blamed her own kind for the way they were treated and placed the responsibility of Adam’s White Fang at their feet, and Weiss never truly did anything to change the Atlesian people’s mindset on the Faunus citizens there. Hell, Marrow, the token Faunus in the most elite unit of the Atlas military, never has another conversation with them about what it’s like being a Faunus in Atlas. It all went to waste. 
Now, let’s compare that to FMA 
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[Full Metal Alchemist. A young Scar faces his people during the Ishval Civil War]
The character Scar is a fascinating one; he’s a survivor of the Ishvalan people who were massacred by the Amestrian government and their State Alchemists to create a philosopher stone (a great form of alchemic power) in exchange for their lives following torturous experiments. 
Scar also lost his brother in the war, who before passing away gave Scar his own arm tattooed with a transmutation array as a legacy. Understandably, Scar was enraged by this chain of events and went on a killing spree to eliminate every State Alchemist as revenge for what they did in the war, even if they weren’t involved at all. 
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[Full Metal Alchemist. A heavily injured Scar awoke to see that his arm has been replaced with his brother’s, who died in the war. His face was twisted in an expression of horror and shock at the revelation.]
But perhaps one of the most interesting differences between Scar’s story from Blake’s, and even to the rest of the Faunus storyline, was that even though Scar’s actions were extreme and he himself acknowledged it with great guilt, especially after murdering a doctor couple who did nothing but saves innocents in his grief, FMA’s narrative never invalidates or demonized his anger. 
Scar was allowed to be angry, to be hateful, to be in emotional pain after a traumatic event in his life without the narrative ever condemning such emotions. The narrative never fully condones his rampant extremism either, especially after the murder of Winry’s parents and orphaning their young daughter in his grief. And despite all of this, Scar was given more to his character than just a man consumed by wrath and blood. 
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[Full Metal Alchemist. Scar places his hand on the amalgamation that was Nina Tucker and her dog Alexander, with the intent of mercy killing them after they were forcibly fused by Shou Tucker, Nina’s father, and a State Alchemist.]
Scar exhibits mercy, sadness, understanding, and empathy towards other characters throughout the series. He was allowed to be a fully fleshed-out character, with more than just the drive for vengeance and the need to destroy out of fury. And once again, he fully acknowledges that his actions were wrongful and do not excuse himself for killing innocents such as the Rockbells. And this is where another important character in his story comes in: Winry Rockbell, the orphaned daughter of his first victims. 
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[Full Metal Alchemist. Scar was surrounded by the Elric brothers while Winry Rockbell aims a gun at him, racked with grief after learning that he was her parents’ murderer.]
When face to face with Winry, Scar never blamed her for hating him. He fully understood her pain and told her that he wouldn’t stop her from trying to shoot him out of vengeance for what he did to her parents. But he claims that he would not just let her, because he has a mission to complete, just like she does. 
But then, Scar’s entire ideology was flipped on its head after this sequence of events:
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[Full Metal Alchemist. Scar aimed to attack Edward Elric, who threw himself in front of Winry Rockbell to protect her. Scar was reminded of how his own brother protected him and hesitated.]
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[Full Metal Alchemist. Winry approaches a bleeding Scar after he told her that she can enact her vengeance. However, Winry surprises everyone by offering to bandage up his wound, claiming that he would bleed to death if he doesn’t tend to it.]
Scar was shown an alternative to end the cycle of violence from the girl who he had wronged, altering his previous mindset of only stopping the cycle by completely destroying a side in the conflict. Winry, instead of continuing it out of retribution like he did, chose mercy and compassion. But at the same time, she refuses to forgive him for the atrocities he had committed.
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[Full Metal Alchemist. Winry declares that while she doesn’t want to kill Scar, he should not misunderstand her actions as forgiveness.]
Compare this to how the characters in RWBY reacted to this sort of conflict; an in-universe minority acted with extreme measures against an oppressive and murderous system, causing them to commit atrocities against innocents that affected another important character in the narrative in major ways. 
What FMA did right was not invalidating either Scar or Winry’s pain and anger, the narrative of FMA never condemned Scar for fighting back for his people, the narrative never judges Winry for not forgiving him, the narrative of FMA did not sacrifice either of their characters to progress the plot and the conflict. 
RWBY did not do anything like that. Blake lost all of the sparks that marked her as an interesting character, who aimed to fight for her people’s rights and calls out bigoted actions, even when it came from her teammates and someone who she will see as a friend. Weiss never apologized to the Faunus she had hurt, nor did she substantially change anything about the way she or her fellow Atlesians think about the Faunus. Weiss did not add anything to Blake’s story, and she never even met the greatest sin her family has committed that we, the audience, saw on screen. 
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[RWBY Volume 6 Chapter 11 “The Lady in the Shoe”. Adam Taurus with his signature White Fang mask off, revealing a branding scar across his left eye spelling the initials “SDC”, permanently disfiguring and disabling him.]
Weiss never saw Adam. 
Adam, arguably the character who underwent the most racial abuse at the hands of humans, at the hands of WEISS’ FAMILY LEGACY, was made into a caricature of an abuser. Despite the fact that this proves that he was a slave, the fact that her family continues to exploit an entire race of people and treated them like property or dirt, despite all of the possibilities of these characters having more to them.
Weiss never saw what her family’s name has done to Adam. And Adam himself was made into someone the audience hated, instead of having the respect he deserved. The respect that Scar had. 
His anger was demonized, even by Blake who knows he has this brand on him, his fury was condemned by the narrative and the characters in said narrative (Ghira, Blake, and Sienna), and his trauma was mocked by the writers when Miles motherfucking Luna referred to his torture as “grab a branding iron and let him have it”. 
And the conclusion to these two narratives cannot be more different. Scar, having gained the knowledge of what truly happened to his people, aimed his anger at the one who was deserving of it the most. King Bradley, better known as the Homunculus Wrath, was the ruler of Amestris and the one who ordered the massacre of the Ishvalan people. 
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[Full Metal Alchemist. Scar, using the arm with the Construction array, delivers a fatal blow to the Homunculus Wrath.]
This outcome was both narratively and symbolically satisfying for Scar’s story, as well as the Ishvalan narrative. Wrath was the one who spearheaded the ethnic genocide of Scar’s people, creating a seemingly endless cycle of violence and pain, giving birth to the man known as “Scar” who was willing to throw himself into hell to enact vengeance for his people. 
But Scar defeated him after altering his view on the cycle of violence, no longer just depending on mindless destruction but to truly changing for the better while never compromising on his righteous fury for his kin. But he aimed it at someone who deserved it, instead of innocents. And it started with a girl who showed him another way to live with grief. To move on. 
So he killed the Homunculus named Wrath and symbolically separated himself from that version of the wrath inside of him. Scar the Ishvalan got the respect he deserved as a character, and subsequently his story, the story of the Ishvalan the fantasy race who underwent horrific treatments that we the audience can see happening in our own real-life history, was given that respect it deserved. 
What did Adam Taurus, the civil rights fighter and the child slave, have in his story’s conclusion?
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[RWBY Volume 6 Chapter 12 “Seeing Red”. Adam Taurus was stabbed by Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long during their conflict with the severed halves of Gambol Shroud, Blake’s weapon.]
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[RWBY Volume 6 Chapter 12 “Seeing Red”. Adam Taurus collapsed onto his knees before the waterfall’s mouth, while Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long watches him.]
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[RWBY Volume 6 Chapter 12 “Seeing Red”. Adam Taurus succumbed to his injuries and fall into the basin to his death.]
This is what Adam was given as a conclusion. Let it speak for itself. And let it speak for what RWBY truly sees about a racism storyline that the writing crew chose to write in their narrative. The narrative that they themselves claimed to be a direct allegory to the African-American civil rights movement in the U.S. during the late 60s-70s. 
This is what RWBY gave to their narrative of a racism plotline. 
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doomalade · 5 months
You know
Now that I start thinking about it
There’s been several “jokes” where Loona is acting like a dog (a whole episode had a B Plot dedicated to it) despite also showing the horror that hellhounds are put in pounds despite them having equal intelligence and free will as the rest of the hell born and overall face extreme discrimination.
Also Striker being written as an underclass and seemingly abused by a royal family as imps also face extreme discrimination, but he’s shown being more and more violent and losing his mind and that violence towards the oppressors is bad.
Jesus fucking hell it’s the Faunus all over again
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fanstuffrantings · 5 months
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Some Adam redesign concepts. I wanted to lean into him actually being a bull faunus.
I'm struggling on an outfit for him because the old one wasn't working with this design. Note: his and Blake's dynamic in this rewrite is familial not romantic.
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rhatatootie · 6 months
Just saw a post about how RWBY became unwatchable after they killed Watts off but like the second he started mouthing off at Cinder I knew he was dead. Like did she need to hear some of that sure but Cinder is not about to take criticism from someone like WATTS.
Cinder is a maiden with the backing of SALEM, a trigger finger and something to prove. Was Watts right? Yeah, but now he’s got to die. He’s annoying and useless. Cinder used him for what she needed and discarded him. He got “everything he deserved.”
And it’s not like he’ll be missed necessarily. He had knowledge of atlas tech but atlas does not exist anymore. He didn’t even have one of the top three semblances on Salems team when it was still whole - those three spots going to Hazel, Emerald and Tyrian - like he was not making it out of volume 8 and I think it’s so funny that people are mad about that. Salem is not about to miss him she didn’t even ask about him :P.
He mouthed off at trigger finger, power hungry, has something to prove Cinder, and then expected her not to retaliate. Yeah okay lmaoooo
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delirious-celebrant · 3 months
Once people 'know' something, whether or not their knowledge is accurate, they treat what they 'know' as sacrosanct. They refuse at all turns to recontextualize what they know if new information contradicts it. In this fandom, we see this most often when people misunderstand what genre RWBY is and let their expectations lead them astray. People somewhat understandably interpreted Adam Taurus as a freedom fighter in the Black Trailer, and lost their way when they ignored everything that contradicted that interpretation.
When Adam was eager to cause civilian casualties on the train, it meant that he was a freedom fighter, willing to get his hands dirty. When he assured Cinder that he would bring the White Fang whatever was coming after the Breach, even though so many of his people had died, obviously he had a plan that would somehow result in greater equality for the faunus. He had to have some view of the bigger picture, didn't he? When he joined Cinder's attack on Beacon and Vale, surely he'd do something to raise the standing of the faunus this time, right? He's fighting for the faunus after all, isn't he?
The big picture where he's somehow helping the faunus cause never materializes.
Looking back, it's easy to see how people led themselves astray, how they missed his characterization, how they missed everything else that was foreshadowed in this show. But it has been many years now. There's no excuse for people who have been spouting 'wasted potential' for the five years (and three days) that Adam Taurus has been dead.
We all miss things the first few times through any piece of media, but it's been so long. We can look back and see clearly how the dominoes were set up to fall. He was never a hero, never had the cause in his heart, never had a plan.
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dragynkeep · 1 year
I think the real tragedy of Blake's character is that people don't like Blake for herself but for her relationships with Adam and Yang. If people really cared for her character on her own, there would be more uproar over her blatant character regression.
literally though. someone else said it & i can't remember who but people don't like blake for who she actually is because it makes them uncomfortable. they don't like the faunus rights activist blake, the angry blake, the blake that won't take discrimination lying down & will call out all of their faves to do so. they don't like the blake that is explicitly tied to racial discrimination & suffering because as a mostly white audience for a show written by white writers, facing that is uncomfortable for them.
they want the blake that goes to parties instead of activist rallies, the blake that giggles cutely for her human girlfriend instead of calling her out for her racism, the blake that simpers & sulks in the corner instead of the blake that's loud & holds her own ground.
for them the character regression is okay because it's blake "being her true self", when this blake is a motivationally whitewashed, non racialized version of herself that has cat jokes made at her constantly with no rebuttal & simpers pathetically after her human girlfriend instead of actually holding her head up high like she's supposed to after supposedly escaping an abusive relationship? this blake is more palatable. that's why they "like" her.
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sorryquality69 · 5 months
Really says a lot that people don’t demonize Neo the same way they demonize Adam when both have abused someone both physically and mentally and both attempted to kill members of the main cast like Yang and Blake for Adam and Yang and Ruby for Neo where Neo was actually successful in causing Ruby to take her own life, yet Neo is still heavily loved by most fans while Adam is hated and made out to be a good for nothing man
It’s pretty ironic
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iceaura39 · 7 months
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The holy trinity of "they're definitely hate sinks within the context of their stories, but the fact that they were written that way in the first place is problematic".
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lilithfairen · 1 year
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saltedsnails · 1 year
listen i will always be forever salty and bitter that they didnt use adam's corpse to turn it into the hound.
because imagine how terrifying it would have been for everyone in the schnee manor if the one guy that's been terrorizing her for years STILL came back as a giant grimm monster
and then weiss being forced to see the SDC mark on some random faunus (idk if weiss or ruby have ever met/talked about adam so im just assuming she doesn't know who adam is)
like i get it why they needed it to be a silver eyed person (to spin the whole 'that must be what happened to mom' convo), but it's a missed opportunity to turn the guy who looked human into the Beast he was based on
Now this, this is what RWBY deserved. The world of Remnant is a twist on fairytales, so make it fucking dark and depraved since RT wanted to be mature so damn badly. Also, from what I remember RW never talked about Adam, let alone knowing his scarring. Even his color pallet matches Grimm to a tee, even though we have Ruby, Summer, and Qrow (too an extent) with those colors as well. I’m just, maaan.
But may I also propose a Silver-Eyed Adam?
You get:
A) A foil to Ruby as a huntress for “good and justice” who hasn’t been discriminated against her entire life and is ignorant to the true tragedy of the world she lives in, versus Adam. A member of a minority race who is a fierce combatant because it’s the only way he’d survive, not because it’s “fun and heroic” like Ruby. He’d get away with being a SEW because he’s a Faunus, and a lot of idiots would think he couldn’t wield his eyes because “Faunus are lower beings”, so but of course he wouldn’t be able to, because Adam’s soooo dumb. /s Also, he has a mask to hide not only his scar he would get from SDC, but hide his eyes as he became higher ranked in the WF.
B) Foil to Yang. It’s really weird but I’m not sure I’ve seen a lot of people touch on this, at least recently. Yang genuinely has (or has had if it’s still an ongoing problem) anger issues. Her lack of thinking and forethought literally cost her her arm in her fight with Adam. It didn’t change much in Volume 4. What the writers could’ve done, instead of brushing it aside because for some reason overcoming trauma is “boring”, is focus more on Yang becoming less of a party girl and more of a planner like her mother.
C) Blake development, because good GOD after V5 she had nothing going for her besides Adam. Like, we never saw how she became so enamored with Adam in detail. Her development with Adam could reverse, between her being a more serious-yet-shy book lover and activist to actually playing a more intimate role within the change for the WF. Not just, “hey why did you guys burn my mansion down, this isn’t right”. Like, Blake is the most privileged Faunus in the show. Her struggles next to what we can glean from Adam is absolutely minimal. Can you imagine, after what Adam did to her new home and found family, what the confrontation could’ve been like? Adam tearing down everything Blake has and spitting in her face? Snarling that she’s always been a coward, never wanting to actually face danger because she’s a spoiled little rich girl, and that she could never be half of what he is. And you know what, she deserves to hear it.
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- 🐌
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farsight-the-char · 8 months
DC/RWBY crossover thing where while in DC-timeline, Blake meets the Titans and Learns Of Terra Markov.
"A wicked assassin kidnapped a teenage girl and abused her into a Thrall?" Probably would set Blake off on a quest to kill Slade with a cheese-grater.
The Paralells between Blake and Terra.....
The fact Slade and Adam both have "fans"...............
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Hahaha I’m totally fine, it’s not like I’ve been plague with the missed opportunity in a Tauradonna thematic parallel where Adam yearns for the blue sky from under the shadow of Atlas and Blake yearns for the blue sea from her isolated home island, reflecting each other’s desires for freedom and interconnected at the horizon symbolizing their shared goal in THEIR fight together in the White Fang. But because they are sky and sea they will never truly connect with each other and has to be separated by fate and their own beliefs no matter how much they represent their narrative in this symbolism Hahahaha I’m not mad at all, Rooster Teeth I just wanna tALK ABOUT IT COME BACK HERE RT I JUST WANNA TALK-
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
What in God's holy name is toxic positivity and how did it get so popular?
Alright, let's start first with the idea of comedy...and shit comedians.
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Here is kinda where it first started.
Racism, Misogyny, transphobia, anti-semitism, homophobia.
Those jokes just aren't funny!
And yet the comedians love to complain that people cannot take a joke when their idea of a joke is so awful and rude.
Rather than admit they're wrong, easier for the hateful people to claim its not their fault, and that their audience is awful. Do you know what I call criticism? I call it being helpful in offering feedback on improvement while also being respectful.
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Unfortunately, that's not how critics operate.
They go more along the lines of
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So basically, the grand majority of critics, such as fatmanfalling, judgmental critter, twiins iink, and of course the RWDE Community.
They just want to hate, or at least corrupt RWBY into their fetishized image.
But they can't allow others to see what they're doing as being bad.
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They can't allow people to see that they truly hate a show and its writers...they want to be seen as victims.
Its easier to get people to hate what you hate, if you claim to be a victim of the show and its fandom.
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So the critics demand the right of criticism over all us.
It does not matter how nasty and deceitful their words are. "Freedom of speech and opinion". Even if they're being hateful and dishonest, the claim that they're being oppressed by others who cannot take criticism is very catchy on social media.
And that's the core belief behind the accusations of toxic positivity.
The belief that no matter how nasty or lying you are, you are within your rights to do so, and the people opposing you for such beliefs are trying to silence you because you cannot take criticism or different opinions.
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Unfortunately, due to so many youtubers willing to defend the worst haters in the show, and promote hate against men and women defending the show?
It is sadly far easier to hate the show and the fandom based on the rampant misinformation.
its why hbomberguy made a 2.5 hour video of lies. Anyone who does 10 minutes of google search will see that Harris was lying the whole time.
But would you rather spend 10 minutes trying to find truth? Or would you rather watch some bald british dude ranting and hating for 2.5 hours?
Most people prefer to hate. You do not see people making videos defending RWBY, though they are there. You do not see people making videos defending legend of korra. You do not see people making videos defending She-Hulk.
No , you only see videos hating them. And the moment people who like all of those shows stand up, the youtubers immediately call upon their followers and demand harassment of the defenders.
"Monty's vision"....You can look to Monty's Tweets as to what he said about RWBY...but not a single RWBY Critic aka RWDE will EVER bring up those quotes... They'd much rather put words in a dead man's mouth, similar to how Christians love to do so with their prophet. Both dead men were very progressive, yet the "vision" people will never respect that
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At the end of the day, these are the critics.
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They have this religious hatred towards rwby and its fnadom
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Clearly the RWDE community can't be at fault, right?
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As TheFloofArtist was putting it.
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Imagine making gore and snuff art to hate on women?
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Imagine making edits targeting LGBT Women?
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Denying that what one does is hateful or malicious, claiming to be a victim.
Its a lot like how Bullies in the school system shame people for standing up against them, and teachers punish not the bullies, oh no, but the bullies' victims.
And this sadly, is the problem.
Toxic positivity...is basically a term used by people who hate on a show and its fandom...as a means of defense against those who disagree with them, and as an intended tool of validation of their hate.
For Gods Sake, RWBY is a cartoon!
Can we stop acting as if RWBY is some crime against humanity just because the villains are straight white males and the protagonists are LGBT-coded females?
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maripr · 2 years
Something that I find extremely funny about RWBY is that both resident cinnamon rolls Penny and Oscar have killed people onscreen (I'm referring to all the ships Penny explodes in vol 1) and they carry on smiling and uwuing like always, while Blake and Yang break down in tears and the experience or killing their shared abuser haunts them months later, you know... Like humans would react.
To be fair, Oscar and Penny also don't react much to being tortured or dying at least once. This is kinda bad writing admittedly, but i think it's a pacing problem. Penny can no longer react*, but i want Oscar to visibly be a little shaken after hours of being tortured and then killing the very same man who did that to him in vol 9, after everything has calmed down a bit.
* unless somehow Pietro rebuilds Penny, which is my greatest fear because it would confirm, in the process, that every new Penny has the same name and memories but it's a different life, so it means Two Pounds (lol) are in the afterlife already, that... That existential dread i do fear. Lol. I mean, his dwindling aura due to rebulding his daughter was introduced so it should go somewhere... Or was that scene just to make us think "well he may die but penny is safe for now at least?" Idk
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It seems to me like some people picked up on the abusive patterns of behavior between Rhea and Byleth before the abusive nature of their relationship was even confirmed, a lot like other people did between Adam and Blake
 I don't know if i make sense but I thought this might be interesting to share
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ironwoodatl01 · 2 years
Adam was abusive. This is blatant in the show, in the subtext, in the intent of the creators…I am seriously scratching my head as to how you are disputing that. There is literally no argument you can make against that without lying or being deliberately ignorant.
Adam was a villain in the show. But did his villainy include abusive treatment of Blake?
This is the RWBY comic:
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You have examples of abuse in stories; Cinderella, Harry Potter, and Hunchback of Notre Dame, for example. Did Adam lock Blake in a cupboard, treat Blake like a servant, or had Blake tied up to a block and pelted with fruits and vegetables?
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Which was kinda messed up really since the people were eviler than the villain of the story at that moment.
In any case, there are clear examples of abuse in our stories, and Adam's treatment of Blake does not seem to fit these examples.
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