#actually you’re the first named anon ive ever had so welcome !
saotoru · 1 year
AAA I'm so glad you liked my puppy Leon and Dante spew💞💞 (I just love me some Capcom men alskdmsmsmk) AND TAKE YOUR TIME LOVE!! I got all the patience in the world and understand that it can be exhausting to write a long cook if you do start an anon list can I be "👺 anon" since its a emoji used for a strap-on LMAO
I LITERALLY LOVED IT !! you rlly wrote me a whole ass fic ♡♡ puppy leon using your mouth actually killed me … your mind is so large
dante and leon are so similar ive always wanted to write for the both of them at the same time, and now i have a reason to 🫶🏼
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
dropping by to tell u that ur my favoritest yan fic writer out there and your yan genshin updates give me life MUAH
thank you so much nonnie!!!! 😘😘😘 i appreciate you!!! i’ve absolutely loved writing for genshin, so i’m glad that the community is thriving with so much content aaaa ❤️ warms my heart...
anon 2 asked: I’m not sure if this has been asked before or not, but have you read/watched Togashi’s other work Yu Yu Hakusho? If you haven’t, I think you’d definitely like Kurama.
i have heard of it but i haven’t watched it before! i looked up the design for kurama and wow... he is a very pretty boy. he has these mysterious vibes that makes me think i would like him. if i ever get around to watching it i’ll keep an eye out for this boy 👀
anon 3 asked: If you don't mind me asking, what other games do you play besides genshin?
my cycle of playing games is kind of messed up by genshin right now since that’s the main game i play whenever i get hit with Gamer Urge. however, the games ive enjoyed the most recently other than that would be divinity original sin 2, darkest dungeon, pokémon, animal crossing, and fire emblem!
anon 4 said: it's nice to see a fellow hu tao simp! i was so excited to see you make a yandere hu tao x reader,, i rarely see any x reader content of her so i just silently suffer most of the time 💔 ty for feeding us hu tao simps good food op i will be reading that story religiously everyday 🛐
we need more hu tao in this world, i fully agree. every time i see her i just can’t help but smoke... i think it’s the super cute hair. long pigtails 🥺 ANYWAYS you have god tier taste anon. i trust anyone that loves hu tao.
anon 5 said: i am going to kiss u on the forehead as gently as i can,,, that hu tao fic was absolutely delicious❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
THANK YOU NONNIE!!! i was worried at first over how much macabre hu tao typical dialogue to incorporate into a fanfic, but i ended up content with the balance. she can be soft when she wants to, after all. i’m happy that you enjoyed it!
anon 6 said: You posted the harem HCs right after I finished work and it was such a treat to read. I love them. I know you obviously didn't write them for me in mind but thank you for brightening up my day!
PHEW what good timing!! i end up working on my writing on and off throughout the day and finishing it around the time people (in american) time zones would be getting home. i’m glad that you were able to enjoy the headcanons after a day of work!!
anon 7 said: I loved the Liyue reverse harem, how can you be such a good write???Xiao being a puppy is actually cute and I love this concept
i was looking forward to including vigilant xiao watching over his crush the most 😭 it’s just an adorable sight to picture. he’s such an intimidating figure, it can’t help but melt your heart that he’s there to ensure you’re always safe. the main trick is writing the most self indulgent stuff, anon. that is what produces the best you have to offer because you’re having such a good time writing it.
anon 8 said: akfhdsh Lock why was that Zhongli fic so hot🔥?? Ahh I haven't been able to get it out of my head ALL day & 5000 words? You are superb 😍 I can't help but feel so sorry for poor darling. Having to do that with him on the very first night, man didn't even give her a break/a chance to settle down. Either way I'd love for you to throw some concepts here & there if you can 👉👈 or share your afterthoughts ^_^  the universe in this one felt especially great! I wish you the best of luck, take care <3
it’s all because of the random zhongli dream anon 😭 i couldn’t get him out of my mind until i wrote a loooong fic for him. the idea of his darling being with him since the archon war days is my favorite! i’ve always had a soft spot for it, ever since i was trying to figure out what a yandere zhongli might look like back in november. it’s just... genuinely horrifying to imagine being stuck with that for thousands of years. especially when people view rex lapis so highly in liyue, darling feels even more alone on her festering feelings. there’s no relief to be had.
i think i’ll do a big ol headcanon post because the world for yan zhongli and his god darling is so big, i’ve given it a Lot of thought. but the main gist of it is how darling deals with the inaccurate portrayal of their history together. and of course, she interacts with others, since zhongli has the reassurance from the contract that she won’t try to escape. so there’s a lot of angst there. 😭
anon 9 asked: Hey! any plans for more Hu tao content in the future? your last story was just really gooood, she's such an interesting character! I've also been hooked to Rosaria and I'm wondering if you plan to write for her aswell... hopefully no one asked this already lol
i’d love to write more for hu tao!! she is a character that i adore a lot. currently, i don’t have any ideas for her that would get me going, but once i see one or get hit with inspiration she’ll make a reappearance. i do have a few hu tao requests so hopefully those will help inspire me. AND ROSARIA... 🥺 WHAT A WOMAN. i want to learn more about her!! i’ll write for her when her stories and voice lines are all out, that way the characterization is more accurate. she captured my heart with that distant attitude and those listless eyes 🥰🥰
anon 10 said: hi hi!! i just wanted to say i discovered genshin impact bcs of you! i saw your yandere genshin posts back in november, i didn't know anything abt genshin or their world but i read it and just googled their names to know their appearances lmfao and until then i just fell into a rabbit hole of genshin. i eventually grew tired of not knowing anything abt genshin and its lore so i craved around early january and downloaded the game despite me not rlly being a gamer™ and now i'm here at ar 51, a hu tao main and no, i haven't touched grass since downloading the game 😭
ah yes, welcome anon, to what could be considered heaven or help depending. if you were able to get hu tao then i’d say you’re in the latter camp (aside from having to grind for her ascension materials, that is pure suffering). it’s a fun game to get into during this quarantine/spotty lockdown time, so i hope you’ll enjoy your time with it! i’m glad that mihoyo releases content often enough to keep us well fed.
anon 11 asked: Lock dearest, have you ever watched Jujutsu Kaisen?
i like that super cute girl with short finger hair!! i’m planning on watching the show when it’s completed, which i think is soon? ill binge watch it. i’ve recognized a lot of my favorite voice actors from the clips i’ve seen posted, so i’m excited to give it a shot.
anon 12 asked: You watch Demon Slayer? It's really great 🤯
i’ve seen clips of the amazing animation before! it’s currently on my list of shows to watch. 👀👀
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jimlingss · 4 years
pt.2 of yesterday
I don’t want to flood people’s dashes, so hopefully answering your messages here will suffice!
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anonymous asked: Hi! I wanted to tell you how much I love your work and how you make me enjoy every Monday thanks to your regular updates ! I saw a previous anon telling you how your writings lacks of emotion and I totally disagree with them... obviously everybody won’t like it but your stories just DON’T lack of love or emotion this is madness I want to thank you for publishing your amazing stories freely here for everyone to read. (Sorry if my English is weird I’m french ejfjekfjd)
“this is madness” LOL
You’re hilarious, anon. And your english is perfectly fine!!!
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anonymous asked: Hello! Im the culinary student anon who sent you an ask a while ago and i saw you received an ask about the lack of emotion from your stories. I read kitchen romance and i actually really really like it and don’t quite understand how it lacks in emotions as I interpreted the stories more like the beginning of the oc and jin’s love story and they are only starting to open up to each other so i guess thats why anon might feel like it lacks romantic vibe from both of the characters. (1)
Anonymous said: Just want to tell you that you’re one of the best writer and ive been following you for 2/3 years now, you never failed to amaze me with your writings!! All your stories are so well written that i sometimes wonder how do you come up with such an amazing plot every single time and your stories are always nice to re-read and the effort you pour into creating your stories is also admirable (2)
while i was reading kitchen romance and ive only started s&c (currently on chapter 4) i can say that its pretty similar with how it is irl (and the part where we find out jk is an iu fans reminded me of my ex-crush whose also a culinary student, i would like to tell you a story about it but ill just waste your time lol) , just want to send you a few encouragement and love for you and your writings *sending virtual hugs* (3) -👩🏻‍🍳anon
You’re too kind, thank you (and also, welcome back!). I’ll be frank, there was a hot second I was considering taking down Kitchen Romance but I didn’t cause I don’t want my efforts of editing it to go to waste asdfghjkl. I can’t believe you’ve been sticking around me for so long :’) it’s always nice to know some folks stay. Anyway, I’m glad that Sugar and Coffee is pretty similar to how it works irl since I tried my best to do research. I definitely love a good storytime as well so don’t worry about wasting my time :>
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Anonymous said: a good majority of your fics display an unfathomable amount of DEPTH. regarding character development. plot. even the shortest lines of dialogue reveal so much more to the character and unveil their true emotions. i personally think the more REALISTIC side of love may be perceived as 'bland.' ‘emotionless.’ whatever you want to call it. nothing’s wrong with portraying a relationship that isn’t overboard with a whole lot of tooth aching fluff or lowkey annoying pda. +1
Anonymous said: there’s nothing wrong with taking out a bit of emotion to fit the PERSONALITIES of the characters. some people out there don’t necessarily feel a lot of emotions. so it’s honestly not really a mistake if a story lacks it (unless it was unintentional). subtlety is an art that is hard to master, but you’ve done it! and to respond to the anon, sometimes, if you skim through a fic without reading every word the author intended for you to read, +2
Anonymous said: then it’s quite common to not feel the full extent of the emotions you were supposed to feel. just a thought but no hate. we’re all entitled to our opinions. but besides that, kina, you write on a vast scale ranging from hardcore angst to diabetes-inducing fluff. and you do it beautifully. sure there are some stories that are better than others, but i believe a LOT of it comes down to personal preference and taste. +3
Anonymous said: even if you are feeling creatively limited, you work hard to continue writing for your readers, and your determination and diligence wILL NOT GO UNNOTICED. i just want you to know that you write amazingly. your syntax is practically immaculate, your characters feel real… the endings of your stories always wrap something up and the strings are tied—even if it isn’t necessarily a happy ending. you can convey hundreds of different characters through WORDS. +4
Anonymous said: i’ll have you know that it’s hard to write. it’s even harder to write about people who aren’t YOU. so as someone who looks up to you a lot, i want to commend you for your writing. some of your fics that i read on a monthly basis: tears of a villain, a piece of the moonlight, head over heels to hell, ghost in the machine, a mark of betrayal, a kiss of poison, until yesterday, the truth between us and arcadia. +5
Anonymous said: to be fair, there were way more fics but i didn’t want to make this message any longer than it already is LOL. i find these pieces wonderful. heart wrenching. and SO DAMN EMOTIONAL IT PLAGUES MY MIND FOR DAYS. also you’re literally one of the few fucking people who can use the em dash correctly. thank you so much for sharing your talent with us! +6
Oh my goodness. I don’t even know what to say, anon. This is a whole damn thesis and it’s about my fics :’> You know, it’s easy to brush off fanfiction as a ‘whatever’ thing and indeed, it isn’t that big of a deal compared to some things in the world. But I really do take all my stories seriously and put forth a lot of effort - so to see it recognized and appreciated it makes me beyond happy. It’s good to know that my efforts haven’t gone to waste at all and that there are people out there who will support me no matter the endeavours I take. Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me.
((Also, honestly I picked up the em dash usage after I wrote The Truth Between Us with gukyi who used it. I’m pretty sure I’m not using it right but to hear that I am, god damn that’s a breath of relief right there))
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backtobleuside submitted: Are you kidding me!? Your stories don’t lack love at all. They’re the kind of fics that you read, soak it all in and then come back for more. I’ve cried so much when I read Beyond reach, Boo-lieve in me, A piece of the moonlight, His name, Tell me lies etc. etc, and also laughed and felt the emotions of not just the OC, but also the other characters. Kitchen Romance was also so fluffy and sweet and personally, I don’t think that anything needs to be added to it. Anyway, your fics do not lack emotion—you’re probably the first author I send a message to because your stories impacted me a lot and left a strong impression on me. I even imagine your characters as real people who have real lives that continue on even after the story is done.
asdfghjkl thank you :’) I see you every week and sometimes several times at that. I really appreciate your consistent feedback and following. You never fail to send me a message too which I appreciate a lot. I’m glad you’re enjoying everything I’m producing!!
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youngfleurever said: Would just like to say that your fics do in fact make me violently sob to the boy where my eyes are so swollen I have trouble opening them the next day and I wake up feeling like there’s sawdust in my mouth because I’m dehydrated.
oh my god. please keep yourself hydrated hahahahhaha more importantly, how do you know what sawdust in your mouth is like. WHAT have you been doing LOL
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Anonymous said: I’ve felt emotions that I’ve never felt before when I read your fics.... so as a person that has read your entire masterlist, I DO NOT think that your fics lack emotion.... I hope you don’t feel disheartened because you’re one of my favourite writers, not just on tumblr but like, evER 💓💓💓💓💓💓
Please, even if I was disheartened, the overwhelming amount of feedback and praise has completely overridden it :’)
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joonie-mono said: when tumblr deletes the first part of your ask 🙄😌✌️
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haylo4ever said: Sorry had to add my 10 cents. You're such a talented writer,,, I WISH I could write a smol smol 1/1000000000 that you write,,, like I remember when I followed you bc I was in awe of your writing.... I mean?? Sure maybe not every fic hits it with someone but it's just ridic to name drop (a friend nonetheless) when you're all extremely talented writers.
Trust me, writing comes with practice!! I should honestly just tattoo that on me. God knows my first fanfic was absolutely GARBAGE. I didn’t know pacing, didn’t know that I should separate chunks of paragraphs, how to write dialogue or describe scenes properly. I went in blind. Even my second, third and fourth fanfic was garbage. You could definitely get to “my level” or even far surpass it with enough dedication and practice. I mean I’ve been writing for four years, so thank GOD there’s been improvement. I wouldn’t be natural if there wasn’t. But clearly the more you practice, the better you improve! That applies to anything.
The me in ten years will certainly be better now.
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Anonymous said: Hi kina! I’m here in support of kitchen romance! I actually didn’t feel like it was missing a ton of fluffy moments (and I say that as a huGE LOVER OF FLUFF) but the story was just as entertaining in the whole chase of them getting closer to each other! It’s honestly one of my favorite one shots I’ve read lately and I’m not saying that lightly! Also, that anon that said your work lacks emotion has probably not read like half of your masterlist bc oO MAN QUEEN OF MAKING ME CRY- black heart anon🖤
Thank you :’]
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Anonymous said: Ok I’m very offended wow the audacity!Specially coming for my baby kitchen romance like that story made me feel so much and it’s only one of the many fics you have written kina like I’m literally baffled like dynasty has made me cry scream happy and hot all at the same time and I was literally just thinking about it that whole weekend and this anon has the nerve to say your stories lack emotions?When you are literally the queen of show casing all types of emotions in your stories!You did it all
Anonymous said: Also 😭😭😭😂😂😩hoooooooow and whereeee did they see any lack of love and emotions like have you read jungle park???? Inside my mind??? FREAKING SUGAR AND COFFEE (like this fic is made with love and I- ) Actually you know what , just read the whole masterlist😩😩💗💗💗
LOL tbh I didn’t expect Dynasty to receive the love it has. I was actually kind of wary when posting it cause it’s kind of Wild. 
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bangtans-peaceful-piegon said: just gotta say u handled that whole anon thing so well which not only makes me admire u as a writer but even more as a person :] (i mean i knew u were gr8 before the whole deal but yeah love ya 💛)
tbh, I’m not sure how well I handled it cause I was flooded with over 30 messages afterwards (evidently) ;_; which I love and appreciate but I’m not really as hurt as some people think hahaha criticism should be received well but it’s still hard not to take personally tbh. It’s gonna have to be something I work on or perhaps it’ll be one of those things that I’ll take better with age.
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Catching Up Part XII
A Joe Mazzello x Reader Fic
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Summary: Reader is a writer for an entertainment news network and after Joe comes in to do an interview, they reconnect. Unexpectedly, they’re having a child together.  
Word Count: 4K (its a dramatic one)
Tag List: @crazylittlethingcalledobsession  @jennyggggrrr, @somethinginthewayiam, @grandaddy-roger-trash, @rogerloveshiscar, @hopefully-aesthetically-pleasing, @danamaleksworld, @mrsmazzello, @reedusteinrambles, @rexorangecouny, @caborhapch, @kurt-nightcrawler, @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls, @queendeakyy, @hotttspace, @anxious-diabetic, @someone-get-a-medic, @psychosupernatural, @lizvxx, @cobra-anon, @anotherhystericalqueen, @mazzello-lee-jones-malek It’s not over quite yet! Let me know if you want to be tagged!
A/N: Y’all ready to meet Joey?! Here he comes!
Part I  Part II  Part III  Part IV  Part V  Pat VI Part VII  Part VIII  Part IX  Part X  Part XI
Part XII here we go!!!
You and Joe returned to New York, where the cold was a shock after the warmth of California. You were happy to be back in your house, which you decorated for the holiday season. You spent Thanksgiving and Christmas with the Mazzello’s. They adored you, and the feeling was mutual. They were so sweet and welcoming and incredibly excited for you and Joe.
His mother was an actual angel, who just doted on you. She was thrilled you liked the ring, since it was inherited from her mother. She told you the rich family history of it, and it made you all the more honored to wear it. Although, you told her it was getting rather tight around your swelling fingers, so she gifted you a gold chain to wear it around until after the baby was born. You thanked her over and over again. She helped you put it on and told you how beautiful you looked. You thought you might die of happiness.
They did take a few moments to grieve Joe’s father. You felt a bit like an outsider then, since you never knew him. You’d met him briefly when he came to pick Joe up from school back in those days, but you never knew him well enough to mourn. You started to excuse yourself, but Joe took your hand, holding you close to him, needing you.
When you got home, it was after New Year’s. Your belly was becoming a nuisance to you now that it was too round to bend over or turn around in a narrow hallway. It made you thankful you were no longer in your apartment. That space was much too small. Joe was still travelling since Bohemian Rhapsody was nominated for so many awards. But he would be with you the entire month of February. You told him that was fine, but he had to go to the Oscars. The baby would be a newborn, but it was something you insisted he couldn’t miss.
February began and you and Joe were so excited you could hardly talk about anything other than the baby’s arrival. Dr. Jones was finally back from Kenya, which you were incredibly thankful for because Dr. Barrow was just so rude. You wouldn’t actually see her until your delivery though. Until then, you and Joe were putting together Joey’s nursery.
“Baby, do you want to do anything for Valentine’s Day?” he asked as you handed him the next part he needed for the crib.
“Huh,” you said, thinking. “I forgot about Valentine’s Day.”
“It’s just that it’s our first one together and I was wondering if you wanted it to be special,” he pointed out.
“Honestly, Joe, Valentine’s has never meant very much to me,” you explained. “The restaurants are crowded, people are annoyingly in love, other people’s feelings get hurt. It’s always seemed a little silly to me.”
He shrugged. “Alright, then, we won’t make a big deal out of it.”
“Please don’t say that now and plan a big surprise for me,” you said. “Really, I mean it. It’s not a big deal. Plus it’s less than a week from Joey’s due date and I don’t wanna go into labor or something if we’re in public.”
He chuckled, leaning over and kissing your forehead. “Alright then. No Valentine’s plans. Although, Ben’s gonna be in town by then. Rami and Lucy will be here too.”
“Honey, I’m sure Ben will be your Valentine if you ask him nicely,” you teased.
“He’d be lucky to have me,” he returned with a smirk. “But since Rami and Lucy will probably be together, maybe we could have Ben here and tell him the good news.”
“Oh, that’s a great idea!” you agreed.
You and Joe had talked a lot about Joey’s godparents. You had already named Christy the godmother, and she was honored to accept. Joe, however, had a difficult time deciding on a godfather. In the end, he chose Ben. It surprised you, but you supported him one hundred percent.
“What about Gwilym?” you asked.
“He’s flying in on the fifteenth early in the morning,” he said.
“Well, alright, we can have Valentines with just us and Ben,” you said. “That’ll be fun.”
A couple weeks went by, and it was the holiday of love or bitterness. Ben agreed to come over to you and Joe’s for dinner and stay with you two in the guest room. He loved the house and the nursery.
“Really, you guys have done an incredible job,” he praised. “It’s so...you guys.”
“Thanks, man,” Joe returned. “Y/N, is dinner about ready?”
You nodded. “Should be.”
You all went downstairs, Joe helping you with your slow pace. You served dinner and when there was a lull in the conversation, Joe cleared his throat.
“So, Ben,” he began, and he took  your hand. “There was something we wanted to ask you.”
Ben raised his eyebrows at the both of you. “Okay?”
“We’ve thought about it a lot, and we wanted to know if you would be Joey’s godfather,” Joe said.
A smile erupted across Ben’s face. “Really? D’you mean it?”
“Yeah!” you assured him. “We think you’d be wonderful!”
Ben laughed. “I thought...I thought you’d pick Rami for sure. I can’t believe it!”
“So you’ll do it?” Joe asked to clarify.
“Of bloody course I will!” Ben cried. “I’m honored!”
He stood up and hugged you both.
“Sorry your Valentine’s Day was just us,” you said when he kissed your cheek. “But I hope we made it okay.”
“Are you kidding?” he replied, still grinning. “This is the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had. Thank you so much, guys.”
At that moment, you felt a small contraction. Your breath hitched in your throat at the feeling. You’d been having them every few days since you were so close to your due date, but  you knew when you would need to go to the hospital and it wasn’t time yet.
“Alright?” Ben wondered.
“Another contraction?” asked Joe.
You nodded. Ben shot Joe a worried look.
“Not yet,” Joe said with a laugh. “It’s just that he’s close.”
“Yeah, he could come any day now,” you said. “I have had more contractions today than before. Maybe it will be his godfather that brings him out.”
Ben smiled. “I’m so excited.”
“Us too,” Joe said.
You took a deep breath. “I think I will go up and lie down. Do you guys mind doing the dishes?”
“We can take care of that,” said Joe. “Besides, you cooked, so I clean. Those are the rules.”
“I’m still getting used to it,” you said with a laugh, and reached out to give Ben another hug. “I’ll go ahead and tell you goodnight. Thanks for being here, Ben.”
“I wouldn’t miss it,” he replied, kissing the top of your head.
You pecked Joe on the lips. “I’ll see you upstairs.”
“Love you,” he said.
He was thankful - for years afterward - that those were the last words he said to you before you closed your eyes that night. He stayed up with Ben, catching up on the couch as they each had a beer. They laughed and talked as if they had never been apart at all.
“I really am amazed you’re about to be a father, mate,” Ben said.
“And you’re gonna be a godfather,” Joe returned. “As well as Uncle Ben.”
“Seriously,” Ben said. “You’re gonna be a great dad, Joe. You’ve supported Y/N through so much, even beyond the pregnancy. You and her are like the dream team.”
“I think so,” Joe agreed. “I’m just ready to be married to her now. Maybe have another pretty soon.”
“You’ll have the perfect little family.”
“Honestly, Ben. It’s like, cosmic that she and I found each other. It was like I’d known her forever, just seeing her when we walked into that newsroom. Like we’d stayed friends and nothing else had happened.”
“Everyone wants what you two have. To be that sure about a person...I’m jealous.”
“I’ve never been more sure about anything,” Joe said. “She’s it.”
Ben opened his mouth to reply, but they both stopped when they heard you cry out like a wounded animal from upstairs. Both men leapt to their feet and stormed up the stairs to your bedroom. When they burst through the door, they found you thrashing on the bed, crying and yelling.
“It hurts!” you cried. “It hurts!”
“Y/N!” Joe called to you, crawling up beside you on the bed. “Y/N, can you hear me?”
You paused, panting, just barely opening your eyes.
“Joe?” you breathed.
“Has it started?” Ben asked.
“I’m not sure,” Joe returned.
“Wha...what’s Ben doing here?” you wondered blearily.
“Honey, he’s been here all night,” Joe said, brow furrowing. “We just had dinner.”
You started to answer but shouted again. “Fuck! My head! Joe, it hurts!”
“What’s happening?” Ben cried.
“I have no idea!” Joe said.
You shrieked beside him, writhing again. More tears spilled down your face. Joe’s heart broke at the sight. He felt so helpless.
“Should I call an ambulance?” Ben asked.
“No, let’s just take her ourselves,” Joe instructed. “Help me lift her, I don’t think she can walk.”
He pulled back the covers, and he tried to touch your face to tell you they were going to carry you. You couldn’t open your eyes, though. And you were clutching your head too tightly for him to touch you.
“Joe,” said Ben darkly. “Look.”
He followed Ben’s gaze and saw the dark spot between your legs. Your water was broken. You were in labor and you didn’t even realize it. Worry shot through his heart. What was going on with your head that could make it so bad you couldn’t even feel contractions?
“We gotta be fast,” Joe said, and he put his arms underneath you on one side.
Ben took the other side and together they lifted you off the bed. You moaned with pain, but you weren’t screaming anymore, either. You turned your head into Joe’s chest and whimpered into him, tears dampening the cotton.
“Stay with me, baby,” he said. “We’re gonna get you some help, okay?”
You didn’t answer. You just moaned again. They carried you to the car and placed your carefully in the back seat. Joe told Ben to get in with you so he could drive.
“Are you sure?” Ben asked. “I can drive if you want to sit with her.”
“I’ll be faster, I know where I’m going,” Joe insisted.
Ben did as he was told. Joe gave you one last desperate look before climbing behind the wheel and taking off as fast as legally possible. It was pretty late, so traffic was light, but he still felt his heart rate taking off the closer you got.
You gave another pitiful moan, grabbing your head again and yelling.
Joe’s throat became thick as he heard you scream once more, “Ahhh! My head!”
When he pulled up to the hospital, he and Ben helped you inside. He told the nurse you were in labor and they got you set up in a room to prepare you for delivery. Your headache subsided as you got settled, but you couldn’t remember getting to the hospital now. Joe frowned, confused at your confusion.
“Okay, Dr. Barrow is already here so he’ll be down in just a minute to check on you,” the nurse said. “First I’m gonna take your blood pressure.”
Joe watched as you held out your arm and the nurse recorded the number.
“Okay, it’s pretty high, but nothing to worry about yet,” she said.
“What about the headaches?” Joe asked. “And where’s Dr. Jones?”
“Dr. Jones is on her way,” she told him. “And Dr. Barrow can tell you about the headaches and if it’s anything to worry about.”
She left and Joe began pacing. Ben took the chair next to your bed. You closed your eyes and winced when you felt a contraction.
“Did my water break?” you asked.
“Yes, baby, we told you in the car,” Joe said. “You’re in labor.”
“It just doesn’t really feel like it,” you said.
Joe and Ben exchanged worried glances.
“Rami and Lucy are on the way,” Ben said. “I texted them. Gwilym’s on the plane, so I haven’t heard back from him yet.”
“Is Christy coming?” you questioned.
“Yeah, I texted her,” Joe answered.
“Good,” you said with a sigh.
At that moment, Dr. Barrow came in.
“How are we doing?” he asked cheerfully. “Ready to have a baby?”
“Things are fine,” you said tiredly.
“What?” said Joe. “No, honey, they’re not. Dr. Barrow, we had to come tonight because she’s having severe headaches. She didn’t even realize she was in labor her head hurt so bad.”
“Women often exaggerate -” he began.
Joe cut him off. “Doctor, she was screaming.”
“This can happen during labor,” Dr. Barrow said. “For now, we’ll monitor her contractions and dilation.”
He left and Joe groaned.
“He’s kind of a prick, isn’t he?” Ben remarked.
“More than that,” Joe said. “He’s ignored every concern we’ve had. I think he just doesn’t want to deal with anything that could go wrong.”
“He’s in the wrong profession for that,” Ben said.
“I’ll say,” said Joe.
In another five minutes, Rami, Lucy, and Christy had arrived. They all looked happy, but the smiles faltered when they saw Joe and Ben’s faces.
“What’s wrong?” Christy asked.
“We don’t know,” Joe said. “But it’s something.”
“Hey, guys,” you said from the bed.
Christy stepped over to you and took your hand. “Everything okay, sweetie?”
You nodded. “I think so. It’s probably too early for you guys to come to the hospital. Joey won’t be here for another few hours.”
“Don’t be silly,” she returned. “We want to be here for the whole thing.”
You looked at your hand in hers. “God, my fingers look huge.”
Christy blinked. “Don’t worry about that right now. Just focus on getting your baby out safely.”
“Has the doctor seen her?” Rami wondered.
Joe nodded. “Yeah, but it’s not our primary doctor, and he’s not taking it very seriously.”
You choked on the next thing your were about to say to Christy as another headache came over you. You squeezed your eyes shut and howled with pain.
“MY HEAD!” you shrieked. “JOE! IT HURTS!”
You slammed your fist down onto the bed, writhing again. Joe grabbed your hand.
“Hey, stay with me, baby, we’re gonna figure this out,” he said, stroking your arm in an attempt to soothe you.
Christy ran and got the first nurse she saw. Luckily, she was approaching with Dr. Jones. When they heard your cries, they came running.
“What’s happening?” Dr. Jones called over your yells.
“I don’t know!” Joe returned. “She’s had headaches all night and she’s completely out of it!”
“Oh, God,” Dr. Jones said. “Has her blood pressure lowered since I saw you?”
“The nurse said it was still high when she took it a minute ago,” Joe explained.
“I need to test the latest sample of her urine,” she said. “I’m gonna take care of that and I’ll be back soon. This looks like preeclampsia, and if that’s the case we need to get her an IV of magnesium to prevent her from seizing.”
“She could have a seizure?!”
“Not if we act fast,” she said. “If we’ve caught it soon enough, then we can also avoid a c-section.”
“If it we didn’t catch it on time?”
“We won’t worry about that unless it’s true,” she said. “For now, try to keep her focused on labor.”
She left to run the tests. You were recovering again, taking deep breaths as sweat coated your skin. Your eyes were red and puffy from your bouts of crying. Tears still rolled softly down your cheek and you reached for Joe. He knelt down and took your hand, fighting back tears himself.
“Joe,” you whined. “I’m scared.”
“I know, baby, I’m scared too,” he said. “But we’re together. Just stay with me, okay?”
You only nodded. Then Dr. Jones poked her head inside and called Joe out. You looked at your friends around you. You reached one hand out to Christy and the other out to Ben, knowing you had to tell someone, and it might as well be Joey’s godparents. They each took your hand.
“What’s up, Y/N?” Christy asked.
You swallowed thickly. “If something happens, and I don’t make it through the night -” “Don’t say that,” Ben said gently.
“Please,” you said. “If I don’t, tell them - and Joe - to do whatever it takes to save my son. Even if it puts me at risk. I don’t know what’s going to happen, and I’m going to try my hardest to get through this. But if I can’t…” you trailed off, emotion taking your voice.
“We’ll save Joey,” Christy assured you after swallowing hard.
“We promise,” Ben agreed, stroking your hand lightly.
Lucy couldn’t stand it. She buried her face in Rami’s shoulder. He rubbed her back, wiping his eyes with his free hand.
“Where’s Gwilym?” you wondered.
“He’s on his way,” Ben said. “His plane doesn’t land for another two hours, though.”
“We told you, honey,” Christy added. “You don’t remember?”
“I think so,” you said, but you really couldn’t remember talking about Gwilym.
“It’s okay,” Ben told you. “We’ll remind you of anything you forget.”
Meanwhile, Joe was outside talking to Dr. Jones.
“I’ve just gotten some test results back,” she said. “The protein level in her urine is high. That paired with high blood pressure, swelling, headaches, and muddled mind tells me this is a pretty severe case of preeclampsia. How long has she been having headaches?”
“The intense ones only started tonight,” he said. “But she’s been having them since the second trimester.”
Dr. Jones’s eyes went wide. “Did she tell Dr. Barrow?”
Joe nodded. “Yes. Several times. He said everything was fine.”
“He made no notes in her file that she had complained at all,” she said. “I’m so sorry, Joe. Clearly, he didn’t see all these symptoms together, and now she’s at risk.”
“Is - is she gonna be okay?” he wondered.
“I believe so,” she said. “I’ve already ordered her IV to keep her from having a seizure, but the only cure for preeclampsia is to deliver the baby. Luckily, she’s already in labor and we don’t have to induce. I’m going to keep her on magnesium and see if we can successfully deliver the baby vaginally. I’d like to avoid a c-section if possible.”
The nurses walked by with the IV bag, saying nothing as they closed the door again.
“I can’t make any promises,” Dr. Jones continued. “But what I can say is that preeclampsia is rare, but very treatable. It makes delivery more difficult and maybe a little more painful, but not impossible. We don’t need to worry until it develops into full eclampsia. And even then, we’re already at the hospital and ready to treat her if she seizes.”
“But once the baby is born, she’ll be fine?” he asked.
“Should be,” she replied. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to have a few words with Dr. Barrow. The fact that he missed this is pretty alarming.”
Joe watched her disappear down the hall. He felt a little better but he was still worried. He squeezed his eyes shut, but he couldn’t forget the sight of you thrashing around and the sound of your screams. He shook his head to clear his mind and then returned to the room.
The IV was attached and you seemed to be doing better. You didn’t look so weak anymore. He walked over and explained to everyone what Dr. Jones told him.
“So, everything’s gonna be okay?” Christy asked.
“Dr. Jones seemed pretty confident of that,” Joe said.
She sunk into her chair and let out a shaky breath. “Oh, thank God.”
Time slipped by. Your headaches had ceased as one hour passed into two. When you were seven centimeters dilated, it was almost time to push, so Dr. Jones told everyone but Joe to relocate to the waiting room. They did, and waited anxiously. While they were out there, Gwilym arrived, looking worried and breathless. Ben and Rami updated him on everything that had happened. He looked relieved that you were going to be alright and that he hadn’t missed Joey’s arrival.
Before too much longer, Joe emerged, grinning so hard it was a miracle his face wasn’t split in two. He was laughing, but tears spilled down his cheeks. Everyone got to their feet, smiling back at him.
“He’s here,” he managed to say. “He’s ready to meet you all.”
They surged forward to hug and congratulate him. Christy was the first to break away and head to your room. Joe shook hands with Gwilym and told him he was glad he’d made it. Then they all followed Christy and came in to see you looking exhausted but happy, and holding your baby in your arms. He let out a little gurgle and you beamed at him. Your heart felt full. You’d never known a love so powerful as what you felt when you looked at your son.
Your friends surrounded you and you smiled at them.
“He’s beautiful, Y/N,” Christy said, deftly touching his head. “I’m so proud of you.”
Joe took a seat beside you on the bed and kissed your cheek. “You did wonderful.”
“Thank you,” you said. “Do you guys want to hold him?”
They nodded. You handed the baby to Joe, who passed him first to Ben. Ben looked a little terrified and you almost laughed. You held back, not wanting to make him feel bad. He held Joey close to his chest. He looked so small in Ben’s arms.
“I’m so tired,” you said with a yawn. “I hate to be rude, but I’m going to sleep a little.”
“Go ahead, baby,” Joe said, tucking you under his arm. “You’ve earned it.”
You closed your eyes and dozed against his chest.
Ben passed the baby to Rami next. He stirred and just barely blinked up at Rami.
“He’s got your eyes, Joe,” he said.
“He’s so cute,” Lucy cooed, looking down at him in Rami’s arms. “He might actually be the cutest baby in the world.”
“I agree, but I’m probably biased considering I helped make him,” Joe returned.
Rami passed him to Lucy. “Well, she didn’t,” he said lightly. “So I think it’s a fair statement.”
They continued to pass Joey around. They snapped a few photos to put on social media later, but didn’t post anything yet. Joe also requested they not take any of you while you were asleep since you weren’t able to give them permission. They respected that. Gwilym sent photos of Joe holding the baby to Brian and Roger, who had asked for updates after the child was born.
At one point, Christy left to get everyone coffee. It was the middle of the morning now so everyone was starting to crash a little from being up all night. When she finished passing them out, everyone felt at ease. Ben was holding Joey again, claiming godfather rights. Suddenly, your eyes snapped open and you looked at Joe’s face.
“Joe -” you began, but cut yourself off with a strangled cry, grabbing your head again.
“Shit!” Joe yelled getting to his knees to try and hold you still.
Christy and Lucy hurtled out the door to fetch the doctor.
You squirmed on the bed. Your screaming stopped when you found yourself gasping for air. You couldn’t fill your lungs. Your vision blurred.
Joe looked on in horror as you wheezed, head thrown in the pillow, and eyes beginning to roll back into your head.
“Y/N, breathe!” he cried desperately as he took hold of your hand and held it to his chest. “Stay with me! Come on!”
Your body jerked some more as your face started to turn blue.
“No, no, no, NO!” Joe yelled. “Don’t leave me, Y/N! Please stay with me!”
The jerks slowed to small twitches. Your head started to slump to the right. Your hand became limp in Joe’s.
“Stay with me, Y/N!” he continued, grasping your arm as if it was what tied you to this world. “Baby, PLEASE!”
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theshinobiway · 5 years
Hey there! Ive always wondered how the members of team Gai would react to being tickled? Who's the most ticklish and who would be most likely to tickle back? I love your blog and writings so much, keep it up!
Anon, I was cracking up at this request and trying so hard to make it through when I was writing it. There were a lot of times where I had to pause, take a laugh break, then try to get back to it. I got a little ridiculous with it, but I figured this is what you were looking for anyway.
Also, thank you so much for the kind words! It really means a lot!! Thanks as always for contributing to the blog!
Headcanons: Tickling / Being Tickled by Team Gai
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Might Gai
Ø  Uh, what? You want to tickle who?
Ø  Son, this man has ten inches of steel. No, not there—well, of course there but that’s not what we’re talking about—I meant he has ten inches of steel in the form of muscle that covers his entire body. You think this man can feel a tickle?
Ø  He’ll play along, though. If he notices you trying to tickle him, he’ll act like he is. Poorly. He doesn’t want to discourage you from trying because he thinks it’s adorable—S/o or not.
Ø  You’ve tried everything, from getting the jump on him to using a variety of tools. Nothing. Gai just looks at you with confusion.
Ø  You try with backup one day (probably in the form of his team plus Naruto) who are too morbidly curious to pass up on the chance to figure it out for themselves. Neji and Tenten justify it by saying it might be to their advantage to learn one of their Sensei’s weaknesses.
Ø  You manage to capture him and try every method you possibly can. Naruto makes clones and tries every spot he can. Lee flails around. Neji attempts a modified version of 8 Trigrams. Tenten uses any object she can think of. All end in abject failure, no matter what you do. (Why does this play out like a Rock Lee Spinoff Skit? Hire me already, VIZ.)
Ø  Hold on, you try his feet. He’s wincing, he’s squirming, this might be it! He’s opening his mouth and he…!
Ø  Sneezes. Are you kidding me.
Ø  However, the minute Gai gets drunk, he’s ticklish everywhere. It scares the crap out of you because it’s so unexpected.
Ø  His laughter wakes the dead. It’s not even subtle, he’s screaming. Scream-laughing. The village hates you now. Stop tickling him before Tobirama Senju rouses from Konoha graveyard himself and kicks your ass for disturbing his death.
Ø  Drunk Gai is ticklish everywhere. You could poke him and he’ll collapse, wheezing.
Ø  “The Wind! It’s tickles!! It will be my undoing!”
Ø  “Fuck’s sake, Gai.” – Kakashi Hatake
Being Tickled
Ø  You can tell he find the idea of tickling entertaining. The only way you get tickled by Gai as a non-s/o is if it’s part of a joke routine.
Ø  He’ll do it in public too, so you might have to physically fight him for embarrassing you.
Ø  He’ll probably launch a surprise attack during a training routine, or if you’re too sluggish during a training session he’ll attack you to liven you up. Gai’s methods are always unorthodox anyway, there’s nothing abnormal here.
Ø  Try to launch a counter-attack and realize that God is dead. Since Gai isn’t ticklish, he’ll stare at you in confusion before lightening up. “Oh! It seems your energy has returned once more! Now, time to unlock the full potential!”
Ø  Uh. What.
Ø  OH HELL NOW HE’S GOING AT IT. RIP you sad soul, your first mistake was laughing. Now he thinks it’s a valid way to wind you up for exercise.
Ø  A relationship with Gai involved regular tickle fights. It actually becomes a regular occurrence. Gai’s relationship is lighthearted. He’s the kind of s/o that you’re best friends with (move over Kakashi) and that doesn’t get upset pretty much ever.
Ø  Gai memorizes where you’re ticklish and sometimes will tickle you as a greeting to get the jump on you. He thinks it’s hilarious no matter how much you (playfully) throw fists at him to complain. Now he can’t even resist.
Ø  He always stops when he realizes you need a break. He’s pretty good at noticing when a sweet, funny moment can easily turn into not-so-fun. He doesn’t let the mood get ruined.
Ø  His tickling also comes with incessant teasing. Oh, and cheek kisses. Lots of cheek and face kisses all over while he goes for your weak spots.
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Rock Lee
Ø  Lee is ticklish everywhere. The repetitive motion of tickling is what does it for him, he has a weakness for it. But gosh, is it so hard to tickle him.
Ø  He squirms around like no other. Limbs fly in every direction. His face turns red with laughter and he can’t hold still. You almost feel bad because he gives you puppy-eyes when you try.
Ø  Those puppy-eyes guilt you into stopping every time.
Ø  He pretty much can only manage to say “Nononono” and maybe your name if it’s not too long.
Ø  Lee can take a lot of punishment tickling. He doesn’t have any hard feelings about it either, he’s mostly just bewildered by what just happened.
Ø  He might suggest regular tickling as part of a training routine to up his endurance. Okay, cool, so you try multiple times. Does it actually increase his endurance? No, but you get more of cute, giggling Lee, so it’s worth it. (HIRE ME VIZ.)
Ø  Getting tickled by his s/o is something that warms Lee’s heart. It reminds him just how much he can be himself around you and how easygoing your relationship is. He doesn’t mind any jumps on him (unless it causes an accident, then he’s just concerned for your safety first.) and welcomes the notion that your relationship can be full of little everyday surprises—big or small.
Ø  Once or twice, he holds his breath and kisses you to make you stop. God Lee is just so sweet. Of course you stop, but now Lee’s giggling because he’s kissing you. It’s a win-win.
Ø  Occasionally he’ll pout if you launch a full-on tickle attack while he was doing something, but he’s just joking. Give him more kisses and you’ll see that right away.
Being Tickled
Ø  Lee will probably only try to tickle his s/o, unless someone convinces him—FOR SOME REASON—that so-and-so needs to be tickled as part of a…whatever, training, mission, bar mitzvah, funeral, look. Lee is not a hard boy to convince.
Ø  At first he… doesn’t really know how to tickle? You’re laughing because he looks so ridiculous doing it. He literally just wiggles his fingers a bunch and hopes it does something. He’s so easily tickled he doesn’t understand just how it works.
Ø  When Lee learns how to tickle, he’s the master. Once he tried it on Neji. Both of them agreed that doesn’t count as an official victory in Lee’s favor. Only because it wasn’t really a ‘match.’
Ø  He is the Beautiful Blue tickle monster Beast of Konoha. None can withstand his fury.
Ø  It’s canon that he has tickled at least one of his opponents to victory.
Ø  As an s/o, tickling can be a regular occurrence with Lee. He loves getting the jump on you and hearing your laugh. He will literally do anything to make you laugh.
Ø  If you hate tickling, he’ll honestly be kinda miffed about it because he thinks it’s a cute couple thing to do. He’ll let you do it to him still, though.
Ø  Lee nuzzles you before, after, and sometimes during a tickle attack. He’ll giggle along with you because he thinks that your laughter is infectious. If you’re seriously trying to pry his arms away, he’ll let you.
Ø  Once or twice he’ll blow raspberries on you if you both are really in a goofy mood. It makes his heart flutter when you can’t hold back your laughter.
Ø  It doesn’t matter if you’re newly dating, long-term, or married: Little moments like this don’t die off with Lee.
Ø  Lee will pass the habit of tickling to your children (if you have any.) He’ll even teach them to attack you, thinking it’s adorable when you get caught off guard. Of course, the only valid response is to team up with your kid(s) to get back at Lee.
Ø  God you all have such a fluffy dynamic. It’s the envy of Konoha.
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Ø  Do you want to die? This is how you die.
Ø  Needless to say, trying to tickle someone with an entire army of weapons saddled on their hip at all times isn’t for the faint of heart.
Ø  Tenten isn’t as ticklish as her teammates. But she is very ticklish on her lower stomach and her feet.
Ø  There are three ways this can go: You’re her s/o and don’t go too hard at it the first time you attempt, you’re her s/o and launch a full scale tickle attack, or you’re not her s/o and you simply try at all, (maybe with help)
Ø  You can tease her about being ticklish, but she’ll pout about it. It’ll be really cute when she does.
Ø  If you’re her s/o and blow raspberries on her stomach, she’ll giggle. Then you die.
Ø  She doesn’t even like your breath anywhere near her stomach. It’s that bad. Even during more intimate moments, she prefers if you just skip her stomach entirely.
Ø  Catching Tenten in a serious tickle attack is asking for it. Even if you can pull it off, she’ll have broken up with you at least three times during the attack. Give her lots of love after until she comes around.
Ø  Now, Tenten appreciates a good prank. More than the other members of the Konoha 12. She doesn’t always like being pranked, but that’s the name of the game. Prank wars are a regular occurrence with her in a relationship. If this falls in with that, she’s more forgiving.
Ø  She has the cutest giggle. Part of her is trying to be furious with you, but she actually enjoys being tickled a little. She thinks it’s a really cute way to be playful with your s/o.
Ø  If you’re not her s/o and you tickle her: You’re getting beaten, strung up, and left to hang in one of Konoha’s many training grounds. You had better hope someone finds you, because she isn’t coming back for you. Same goes for anyone that tried to help you in the attack.
Ø  Three days later, you (and your accomplices) have acknowledged that the weapons mistress of Konoha should probably be the next Hokage.
Being Tickled
Ø  Tenten does not forget the time you got the jump on her and has plotted her revenge accordingly.
Ø  She gets creative. Really creative. She stalks you for a few days, mapping out your patterns, taking note of all of your habits. She has your entire day down pat before launching a counterattack.
Ø  You sit down for lunch one day, then the next moment you wake up in an unknown location.
Ø  “Did you drug me?” “DID YOU TICKLE ME?!”
Ø  We will not speak of the horrors that occur over the next twelve hours.
Ø  You never tickle anyone ever again after that incident. And every time you so much as see a feather or someone makes a tickling motion with their hands, you may or may not have flashbacks.
Ø  With her s/o? What are you talking about? This is the privilege of being her S/O. Non-romantic parties get left in the woods.
Ø  If it was part of a prank, then given Tenten’s extremely playful nature, tickling can be a regular-not-as extreme occurrence.
Ø  You can get away with cute moments of tickling her now and then if you don’t go for those spots. Her sides aren’t nearly as ticklish, but they’re enough to make her giggle. You’ll get loads of cute moments laying in bed, joking with each other, and the occasional tickle to punctuate a joke aimed at one another. Those are the best moments.
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Neji Hyuga
Ø  Okay first off, hats off to you if you can catch the man with 360 degree vision unawares enough to launch a tickle attack. Because that’s the only way you’re going to get close enough.
Ø  Neji is calm, often stoic, and proper. That being said, his self-control is through the roof. If he catches you, even for a split second, he can “turn off” his tickle response. The only way to successfully do it is to make contact and initiate your attack without him realizing what is happening until it’s too late.
Ø  Neji’s sides are extremely ticklish if you catch him. He practically drops to the floor on contact. You’ll never hear him laugh so hard, it’ll be a sight to see. If you’re relentless, he’ll have tears in his eyes and he’ll try to shove you off, but he won’t have the strength to do it. He’ll squirm around a lot, though.
Ø  His laugh is so cute? Neji never bursts out laughing hard, ever. His face is so flushed and, despite the fact it’s an automatic response, the smile won’t come off his face, even for a few moments after the tickle attack. He’ll be gasping for air and begging for you to stop, but he can’t really take in air to get the full words out.
Ø  He’s also ticklish behind the knees, but there’s a high chance he’ll knee you in the face—probably intentionally—if you try.
Ø  If you’re his s/o he’ll be super peeved and you’ll get the silent treatment for many days after, but you have a higher likelihood of forgiveness. If you’re not, your existence will conclude in less than 24 hours.
Ø  If you’re his s/o he will never admit in a million years he found your ‘attack’ so stinking cute, even if it annoyed the living hell out of him. He has a certain weakness for the little cute things couples can do, but man does it destroy his image.
Ø  If you’re not his s/o, your day ends either in the hospital or the morgue. If you had accomplices, such as Naruto or Lee (or both) and tried to sneak up on him, he has no problem sending three bodies to the same place. Which one? Depends on how merciful he feels that day.
Being Tickled
Ø  It’s hard to imagine Neji as the kind to tickle someone, and for good reason: he might do it once in his entire life.
Ø  The only way he’s going to do it is if you’re his s/o and you’ve launched a surprise attack before. He’ll have been giving you the silent treatment for a few days, still visibly annoyed you tried something so ridiculous and humiliating on him, but then he gets an idea: revenge, and a taste of your own medicine.
Ø  He’s calculating about it too. You’ll have just gotten home and you’ll say hello, fully expecting that he’ll give you a courteous nod and nothing more (like he has been for the last few days.) But he’ll actually say hello and hold his arm out, gesturing you to cuddle on the couch while he’s reading. Of course, after a few days of silence, the invitation is all so tempting.
Ø  You poor soul.
Ø  The minute you sit down with him, you know something’s off. You don’t get a chance to react. Now you’re in his lap and in a death grip, and Neji whispers something along the lines of “You’ve made a poor decision, haven’t you?”
Ø  Neji attacks every single ticklish spot you have in a flash. His hands move so fast it’s almost simultaneous. No matter how hard you wriggle, you can’t get away. He avoids every single thrash. The tickling only ends on his terms.
Ø  It occurs to you between gasps of air and laughter that he wasn’t giving you the silent treatment: He was plotting revenge. Oh shit
Ø  He doesn’t stop until you’re about to pass out from oxygen deprivation from laughing so hard. Mercy isn’t a word to him. There are no safe words. You chose your fate.
Ø  Bruh, why did you launch a physical attack on someone who can shut off all 361 tenketsu in a split second?
Ø  Once the debt is paid, the situation falls into the past. You have two options: turn this into an all-out war (…why would you?!) or resolve to let this be a lesson to you.
Ø  In the future if you get any more mischievous ideas involving him and he can tell, Neji will definitely brush his hand over your ticklish spot and give you the look as a warning. The cold shiver that runs down your back when he does helps you reconsider.
Ø  You’ve reconsidered. You’re not doing it.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
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anon: The artist @franeridart answers all of their asks in one mass post with a read more link so maybe you could try that as well. That way you could answer everyones ask but not spam anyones dash with all of your replys
you genius anon, and you genius artist! I just feel like as of late I have been getting a lot more things in my askbox, and I dont want to overwhelm anyone with spam. so, I will be creating these! unless it’s for y’all thirsty hoes asking for extra parts or whatever from very recent posts, expect this to happen every so often! the rest will be below cut. also first time using photoshop? how’d I do yall??? and also like.... let me know if you like this idea??? if not i’ll just resort to spam :)
oh season four episode one, you may have been a filler, but you made me so happy to watch. honestly ngl, I was pretty surprised when he said kiri, not because he has no potential, but because it seemed like the top 4 from the sports festival, bUT FUCK YEAH KIRI AND TOKOYAMI!!!!! IN A DIFFERENT WORLD IT COULDVE BEEN THEM!!!!!
anon: Makeup smut for villain Deku should be good. 100% tender, no chicken
honestly, my favorite thing at this point is seeing you all crumble in fear if i’ll even give you a happy ending, and tbh idk if it will be for villain!deku >:)
@ohmycolie: So it’s Saturday night and I’m just sitting at home 🤦🏼‍♀️ could you maybe do a scenario where Bakubaby and Kiri decide to bring Kami into their sexcapades and after their little adventure Kiri is like “can we keep him?” 🤤💕
hi bby, while I can imagine something of this sort I am only a “x reader” blog :( so while its good thirst, I won’t be writing anything about it, sorry :( ily tho!
@michealsheep: Honestly is shiggy ended me after an intense nut like that I’d just thank him
honestly, I want shiggy just to end me??? whatta way to go. death by fucking nut.
bigdickkiri: I don’t get ship wars. Why do people wanna be so mean? It’s so easy to not be a part of any a that.if everyone appropriately tagged their posts, blacklisted rags they don’t like and didn’t act bitchy then they wouldn’t be an issue. - bigdickkiri
neither do I honestly. they’re just people looking for drama at this point, and it’s like... come on... you’re 25... stop
bigdickkiri: What a fantastic evening to tell my favourite writers that I adore them and that they're amazing! Look after yourself and have a gorgeous day! ❤️💙❤️💙 - bigdickkiri
I’m literally the worst. but um, I adore you so much, and I think you’re amazing!!!!! its 2am rn, but I can’t sleep anyways
🍒💥anon: Girl, your blog is having a glo up!!! I love it!! So pretty 👌 How are you doing today? Are you taking care of yourself? *sending good vibes and virtual hugs your way* -🍒💥
teehee, thank you for noticing!!!!!! i’m not 100% happy with it rn, but I haven’t had the time to get it perfect!!! wait a few more weeks and when I have actual down time, im fixing it >:) also, I am doing well, a lot of caretaking today! I never take care of myseld! *accepts the good vibes and virtual hugs because I am touch starved*
anon: I'm part of the protect uraraka squad!!! ♡
me too boo! you wanna fight me on my mochi loving girl meet me on the corner of my fists and in your faCE!!!!! (is this considered cyberbullying?)
this was in regard to my fic “because of you” which I posted because I was in a crying mood. HAHAHAHAHA YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO FEEL SAD I WINNNNNNNN
@joyfullydawn: I just wanted to say you're heccin' amazing??? The fact you named that roommate one "And they were roommates" I just--yes. This is more than ok. This is excellent. Please keep being awesome aaaa
and they were roommates was the first series I had, and the thing I did in celebration for 100 followers.... jesus that feels so long ago and not in fact less than two months ago!!!!!!!!!!! maybe I should reblog my old works so you newer lovely followers can read them!!!!!
anon: would u ever do a part 2 to under the mistletoe with aizawa? its so sad and i just want them to be HAPPY
I am planning on doing it!!!!! it’s in my requests, so no worriesssss ;)
hermana anon: hermana that todo angst 🥺🥺you’re literally the best angst writer jdjdbd
okay but for real do I write actually good angst??? asking for a friend..... and HGAIGHJIAORGHUOG THAKN YOU FOR THAT COMPLIMENT!!!! PLEASE RECOMMEND ME ANGST FICS BECAUSE I LOVE CRYINGGGG
🍒✨ anon: this has literally nothing to do with anything that’s on your account right now but do you think that dabi sends shoto happy birthday messages? i like to think he does because even if he’s a villain, he still lowkey care about his siblings - 🍒✨
this was from a very long ass time ago, and im sorry I never responded to you sparkle cherry anon, but I definitely do believe that he sends birthday cards. with his baby bro’s increase in his fangirl club, he now is unafraid to send shouto a card. its always the only one that catches shouto’s attention when he goes through them because they’re weirdly personal. shouto, being a smart yet dense idiot, believes its someone in the class pranking him.
~ I won’t be posting these messages, but they were from awhile ago when I was hitting a rough patch with my insecurity as a writer and my ability to give my all to you. there are many of you, 19 messages in total, where you told me why you loved my writing. I never responded to them because they make me cry even now looking back at them. to each and every anon, I thank you for saying those kind words. to @saladsharkz, @thecryingsombra, @olivenight17, @shutupwylow, @expressyourstarstruckrebel, and @awkward-theaterkid thank you as well. there is another non anon, but they asked not to be revealed. thank you so sososo much.
~ I will not be posting these as well, because again, drama from awhile ago. but this was in regard to the anon who did not like the kinklist I had created for kinktober. while now I think I am doing a pretty damn good job, and no one has said otherwise, to the 2 anons, @connors-my-boy, and bigdickkiri, thank you for fighting an anon that was never your responsibility to take <3
@w0w-s0-3dgy: u make me uwu so much🥺❤️ I LOVE YOUR PAGE BABE I HOPE YOU’RE DOING WELL!
anon: You followed me and idk if it was just to be nice or if you want to be friends or what hdhakanskenebdhsiq
im starting to follow back people that make me happy. it’s been awhile since ive been on a followspree, but I follow you back when i see kind messages from you, when I see that you’ve liked so many of my horrible posts, when you reblog my things with the most amazing tags. I follow you because I want to be your friend, you’re always welcomed to be my friend!!! hell you can literally be like “bitch listen to this” and never once having spoken to me I will respond with “give me the fucking chisme my queen”
anon: *gives u an encouraging and comforting yeehaw*
now.... now I can conquer the world, thank you
anon: Hi! I love the way you're writing things for kinktober, and I'd personally love if you could reblog what you're writing multiple times because I'm at uni most of the day so I miss out on a lot. Pd. I absolutely adore your writing! Please keep up ❤
heathers anon: Its the anon who sent the Dabi heather au. I send it because i know your popular and a lot of popular blogs check your blogs. And I honestly struggle with other blogs because they ignored most of my asks.
teehee, I appreciate you thinking im a popular blog and that other popular blogs check mine, but thats not true!!! sorry for never responding back, but i’m sure they’re not meaning to ignore you on purpose. there’s just so much happening things get buried!
@sinnaminsvga : we're both alyssa so it's really interesting to see the nicknames u use bc i see you use lyssa and i got the nickname ari and i think that's pretty neat how we both have the same name but wildly different nicknames
it don’t matter, we be alyssa twinsies!!!!!!!!!!
anon: I was just going through your master list, cause I’m in a stunning mood and why not make a good mood better? and I saw bakugous “sickness and that word I can’t spell” got hella happy for a sec CAUSE YES THAT WAS SO ADORABLE AND I LOVED IT. Then I remembered the heart shattering angst that came with Todos side. So like. Ily but you a meanie.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA WE LOVE SUFFERING!!!!!! I just... really have a thing for angst it seems... don’t tell my followers though, im in denial over it...
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lassieposting · 5 years
Hey so I'm pretty new to this fandom and was just wondering why is there so much hate for Valista? I thought at first it was just a ship war thing but it seems like there's a bigger issue I'm missing?
welcome to the fandom, anon! im sorry you only found it after it all went to shit
for me personally it’s not a ship war thing. i ship both ghanith and tanguine, and i have other ships for skug and val even if valdug is my otp. if i liked the ship, and thought they had chemistry, there’d be nothing stopping me from shipping valitsa and valdug. i live in a multishipper’s paradise.
but honestly? 
- i hate militsa as a character (along with most of the phase 2 characters, tbh). she has no personality outside of “really annoying boundary stomper”. all the phase 2 characters are flat, one dimensional and have very poor character development. i dont even remember most of their names or who has what power.
- almost every militsa fan/valitsa shipper i’ve ever come across has been some godawful little early-teens nuisance starting shit in the valdug tag, which makes me dislike her more. i’m totally okay with people not shipping what i ship or even shipping things i hate - i have my fandom sandbox and you have yours, and we don’t necessarily have to build the same castle - but if you deliberately seek out shippers of a thing you hate in order to fling abuse at them or start fights, then I have a problem with you, and it doesn’t make me like their ship very much either. 
- i don’t like bi!val. Dirty Laundry wrote her as an obnoxious thirsty straight girl for a decade, and then randomly decided to change that to get Representation Points and look progressive. what he’s actually done is make her seem totally ooc and force a badly written, awkward as hell, rushed “romance” he didn’t think through with someone she actively told to leave her alone to begin with and who then totally ignored that and steamrollered her anyway. if he wanted to give someone a girlfriend and show a f/f relationship, china and tanith are right there, have both been canonically bisexual for years, and are both single rn. either one of them would be better than going back on 10 years of how he’s written val. 
- ive seen so many lgbt friends/people in the tag expressing disgust/discontent with valitsa and how it’s written and how forced/awkward/ooc it is, along with bi!val in general. and it seems really shady that dick just? doesnt care. like surely if you’re wanting to be more diverse and do it well, you should listen to the groups you’re trying to represent when they say “this isn’t what we want”. the militsa fans seem to be more of the opinion that any rep is good rep, but they’re also all like 14 years old and don’t know any better. 
- im actually really bitter china didn’t get a girlfriend you dont even know i will fight landy, she developed so much over phase 1 and i would’ve been so here for her falling for someone and instead we get this mess that i cant even think about without feeling nauseous and ughhhhhhh
- the “chemistry” is….non-existent. the pet names?????? “pETAL”?????? i actually threw up in my mouth a little im not gonna lie it’s disgustingly ooc for val to let people call her shit like that and all their interactions are so forced and stiff and its just. yikes. i cant even read that shit. it’s like reading a preteen’s bad sp fanfic ft. their annoying oc, like some ffnet circa 2008 type shit. 
so like. long story short, idk what other people’s reasons are but tbh me shipping valdug does not stop me from also shipping val and skug with other people, so it’s not a shipping war thing. i just don’t like militsa, valitsa, or val/female love interest in general. and the “bigger issue” you mentioned, at least for most people i’ve talked to, is the shitty writing/how forced and ooc it is. 
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edwad · 6 years
If you had to choose 10 marxian econ books for someone who has only read marx, what would you recommend
by “marx” i have to assume you mean capital because that really is the root of “marxian econ”. it won’t suffice to just have read the manifesto or something like that and i don’t want to recommend books that will be saying things that you’re totally unfamiliar with because you’re skipping straight into the secondary literature which already largely assumes a reader which is familiar with capital. anyway, heres a list, which isnt in any particular order and which includes a few things that i’m still working through for myself:
1. essays on marxs theory of value - isaak rubin 
hugely important book which essentially all value-form theory derives from. written by an extremely knowledgeable marx scholar who had a much better idea of what marx was doing in capital than most marxists today. last month brill published a book called “responses to marxs capital” which includes some of rubin’s other writings, most of them being published in english for the first time. hes a huge figure in the literature and definitely worth looking in to. 
2. marx, capital, and the madness of economic reason - david harvey
i was obviously going to put something of harvey’s in here and i think his last book is a fairly good summary of the best of what hes done up to this point with some welcome additions (the visualization of capital, the stuff on anti-value, etc). not perfect but he definitely provides a good framework for how to understand the geography of capital which doesnt require necessarily agreeing with him on everything. honestly, if you keep up with harvey at all you’ll be able to tell that its mostly just typical harveyisms with the inclusion of some stuff from his recent talks (which have all been almost exactly the same). 
3. in the long run we are all dead - geoff mann
maybe this looks more like a book on keynesian rather than marxian econ, but its real argument is that keynesianism as a long historical project (meaning long before and after keynes himself) has been an immanent critique of liberalism and revolution and that keynes is to us what hegel was to marx. a really great book that covers a lot of ground which isnt always explicitly economic, but definitely worth the read if you have the patience. if you want a longer review, i left a pretty lengthy one on amazon a few months ago where you can get a better idea of what i got from this book, what its limitations are, and why i think its so important. 
4. monopoly capital - paul baran & paul sweezy 
an older book which hasnt exactly aged well, but its thesis has become extremely popular again since the crisis. written by baran and sweezy, the fathers of “the monthly review school” of economics, its played a huge role in the direction of marxian debates from the 1960s up until today. the authors were both tending in the same intellectual direction in their earlier works (sweezy’s theory of capitalist development and baran’s political economy of growth, the former still being considered one of the best introductions to marxs work and its relevance to the 20th century, with much controversy of course) and this was the result of them coming together to talk about what they saw as a monopoly capitalism which was fairly different in character than the “competitive capitalism” of marx’s day and therefore had to be dealt with differently. 
5. capitalism - anwar shaikh
probably the most ambitious work the left has seen in a long time which tries to thoroughly critique neoclassical theory and develop an alternative economics which is rooted in what shaikh calls the “classical” school (”classical-marxian” would probably be more appropriate but i think hes trying to downplay his reliance on marx). in it, shaikh takes a good look at many of the competing schools of thought (neoclassical, post-keynesian, sraffian/neo-ricardian, etc) and sees how they stand up analytically and empirically, taking issue with their underlying assumptions and the inevitable problems which arise from building a theory on false foundations. 
one of his bigger points is that the neoclassical theory of “perfect competition” is nonsensical but wasnt thoroughly combatted by heterodox economists, who only made it so far as asserting the “imperfect” nature of competition, which, in shaikh’s eyes, is to simply add imperfections after the fact into the theory which necessarily begins with the absurd assumption of perfection. the book’s argument is that the theorists of “imperfect competition” still rely on the theory of “perfect competition” as their starting point and never really manage to escape the latter because they havent actually created an alternative way of thinking about competition, they’ve just inserted a complication into a theory which was a completely unrealistic assumption to begin with. much of his attack is directed at the monthly review school and the idea of a “monopoly capitalism” which is supposedly different in form than the allegedly “perfect competition” of capitalism during marxs life. in this sense, this book serves as a counterbalance to the MR approach and is also probably the most successful attempt at situating marxs TRPF within an empirical study of kondratiev waves. 
hes also got a website with a bunch of resources and a lecture series from a course he did on the material in the book which is pretty interesting, but it assumes a good deal of familiarity with economics. 
6. a history of marxian economics - michael howard & john king (2 volumes)
this is a pretty thorough history of the internal debates among marxian economists ever since the death of marx all the way up to 1990. it covers a lot of ground and doesnt shy away from controversies where marx didnt come out on top. of course, a good amount of this is subject to the interpretation of the authors and they definitely have a great deal of input, but its a very impressive work which i frequently use as a marxian encyclopedia of sorts. 
7. the making of marx’s capital - roman rosdolsky
despite some problems, rosdolsky’s classic book on the development of marx’s critique of political economy is easily one of the most important marxological works ever written and it still holds a lot of sway. taking the grundrisse as its starting point, the author unpacks marx’s project and constantly asserts marx’s method and in particular his explicit reliance on hegel’s logic, pitting marx (as he was in his drafts) against the then contemporary thinkers and critics which were prone to misusing or misunderstanding the arguments in capital. as a disclaimer and partial criticism of rosdolsky’s portrait of marx, i dont believe that we can simply say that marx in the late 50s was identical to the marx of the 60s and 70s that wrote and published capital, but i also dont think that means we necessarily have to discount the grundrisse (or theories of surplus value, etc) simply because they werent written at precisely the right time for marxs thinking. 
i only just got my own copy a couple of weeks ago so i cant say too much more but i have skimmed through chunks of the pdf and its totally unavoidable in the secondary literature so im not totally unfamiliar. its one i plan on tackling in full very soon.
8. moneybags must be so lucky - robert paul wolff
another marxological one, this tiny book is a literary analysis of capital and in particular the first part of volume 1. wolff does a great job of deconstructing the arguments in chapter 1 to try and clarify what marx is doing and why with a lot of humor and philosophical tangents. one of his biggest points is that marxs heavy reliance on irony was the only adequate way of capturing the contradictory nature of capitalism and is therefore part of the theory itself, rather than simply being a way to dress up the theory and make it more palatable to readers. i approached this book after id already “read marx” too, but it was extremely useful because it wasnt until i read it that i finally started to actually understand marx. for that reason, i dont feel particularly bad about recommending it to anyone thats already familiar with capital because it does a great job of making the most difficult part of volume 1 infinitely more exciting and comprehensible – especially since its never enough to just read capital once. 
9. the production of commodities by means of commodities - piero sraffa
against my better judgement, i’m putting this on the list knowing full-well that i’m going to be harassed by an anon which has been on my ass for about a year now ever since i first recommended sraffa’s book in a reading list despite the fact that ive never finished it (barely even read it to be more precise). i do, however, know that its had a huge influence on the trajectory of marxian thought since 1960 and that many of the thinkers are still trying to recover from the theoretical displacement implicit in sraffa’s thesis. 
its a math-heavy book (which is why i havent been able to wade through it) and its status as a work coming from the “marxian” approach is hotly contested, but its certainly had its way with the marxian school (not to mention the neoclassical school, which has an easier time simply ignoring sraffa entirely), generating countless debates among scholars, many of whom simply wish that this book had never been written. for a short summary of the debate and whats apparently at stake, ive got an old post where i worked out some of the initial responses to sraffa and how this has snowballed into the controversy that it is today. ive got it on this list because of how unavoidable it is. you cant go into the secondary literature at anything resembling an intermediate level without knowing sraffa’s name and why everyone feels so strongly about him.
10. an introduction to the three volumes of karl marxs capital - michael heinrich
i dont quite like that im ending this list with a book that presents itself as an “introduction” when we’ve already established that this is a bunch of recommendations for someone thats already acquainted with capital, but sadly this is the only full-length book that heinrich has in the english language and its reading of capital is so unorthodox that it feels totally alien against all the traditional interpretations of marx. honestly, it doesnt feel like an introduction in the first place, reading more like a challenge and an intervention into the secondary debates about what marx is saying in capital which derives from the german debates which constitute the parameters for the “neue marx-lekture”, or “the new reading of marx”, which sits uncomfortably among the more typical marxisms that surround it on all sides, especially among non-german theorists/readers. 
as far as the dominant reading of marx goes, nearly everything this book says betrays marx’s project, but heinrich knows marx very well, better than most of us (as even his biggest critics readily admit). this may be considered reflective of a “new reading”, but that doesnt mean the old ones are any better or that this one is necessarily a “revisionist” project as many claim (or at least, i wouldnt consider it to be revising marx even if its guilty of revising “marxism”, which is by no means necessarily a bad thing). on the contrary, i think heinrich has the best understanding of marx out of pretty much everyone else right now and thats why i wanted to end with this one. yes, you should read all of the others, especially since you cant understand the way we read and think about marx without coming across the work of people like sraffa and sweezy, but that doesnt really change the fact that heinrich points to a big problem with the way we read and think about marx, that the debates have been getting it wrong all along and largely misunderstanding marxs actual project, miscontextualizing it and falling into dogmatism for various political or academic reasons. 
what heinrich does is to show how the way marx is read and interpreted often misses or downplays the most crucial elements of what marx is actually trying to get across. marxs critique of political economy simply gets converted into a newer, more correct political economy which simply builds on the classical school (shaikh), or it suffers in the hands of those that believe its foundations need to be updated as if it isnt all that relevant anymore (sweezy and baran), or that many of its categories are lacking utility and can simply be done away with (sraffa). rubin’s work plays a big part in establishing the NML reading and harvey draws on heinrich’s scholarship a lot, but nobody really does it as well as heinrich himself and i genuinely think hes lightyears ahead of everyone else. a lot of people are starting to agree and i was one of the most recent converts on the heinrich hype train which has been growing for the last couple of years. 
any day now, we should be getting one of his older books, the science of value, in english and i plan on devouring it as fast as i can, but sadly its been in limbo for several years, with its initial release scheduled for 2014 (if i remember correctly). in the mean time though, we’ve only got his introduction to capital and a bunch of shorter pieces/videos.  
so i guess thats my list of 10 things to read after marx with some explanations on why i think theyre important, culminating in ideologically correct heinrich-worship. this was sorta fun and if you have any other questions feel free to ask. 
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You are a wonderful person, artist, and writer!! Seeing notifications from you always brighten my day!!!
Anonymous said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: You know what's awesome? The top of a blueberry muffin. And also you. You're awesome
Anonymous said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: You know what's wonderful? You. ♥️
vicereine said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: hey there cool kid, i know you just said you dont like showing weakness & stuff and you probably have people to talk to BUT im offering my virtual ear because i think you're really great and i'm all about helping and supporting great people. i'm so glad you've kept this blog running for so long, you're so creative & write the characters so well & so much you've written has given me comfort, i can only hope my thanks offers you some in return
hybrisanaideia said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: You're a wonderful, funny person from what I can tell, who writes rib-busting works I can revisit time after time and still find them as good and hilarious as the first time. I think you're pretty brave to be able to run an imagines blog since I usually have to stick to Anon to do stuff with them, and you're incredibly industrious! I mean you've likely written over 200k for this blog? It's amazing honestly. I'm sorry you feel upset by having to interact with that person. but I hope this helps.
Anonymous said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: i know that feeling, dear, and i hope you can get out of that situation asap, get a nice warm cup of tea and feel better soon! you are only human too and it's okay to show these emotions. here are some things i love and appreciate about you (as far as a follower can see): your humor, wit, creativity, mind, knowledge, how well you can analyze people and characters to the core, how nice ypu treat all of us and that you give it your best despite everything going on in your life 😄😘 
ikeistheallstar said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: I heard you needed support rn so I'm here!! It's totally okay to ask for it when you need to especially if you're going through a rough time! Ive always loved your headcanons since you are so creative and amazing at writing! I'm always happy to see a new post from you even if it's not headcanons! I'm excited to see you show yourself more on this site since I'm curious, but not in a weird way, like your interests and passions! I hope this made you feel better, and that you have a great day!
ihavenotfallenyet said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: Vanderbabe I would literally knife most of the world's population for you jsyk
Anonymous said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: You are wondeful and your writing is amazing, I love that you used vanderwood in your name. This sassy bpy deserves more love.
Anonymous said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: Your writing has helped me through a lot and I wish I could help you properly right now in this trying time but all I can offer is reassurance that the world has a way of working things out and you'll be alright, I wish I could do something more.. just know me and a lot of other people are here routing for you. Sometimes when I'm sad I think about how when we're cold it's really just our bodies trying to warm up the rest of the world. Idk if that helps but it makes me smile sometimes 
Anonymous said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: You are amazing and are so kind, I kind of look up to you when I write things ^^ so to me, you're amazing and awesome and yeah :) 
i-am-thou-thou-art-i said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: Hello!! So your blog is one of my favourite blogs and your writing style is actually beautifulll and just makes me so so so happy!! I'm not acc that interested in mysme anymore but I still check your blog regularly because that's how amazing it is. I saw your post and I just want to say don't feel bad about venting on this blog x what's happening to you is awful and you don't deserve it x I think I speak for all of your followers when I say we love and respect you so vent as much as you need to
krogans-give-the-best-cuddles said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: Hey you're amazing!! You're a good writer and artist and I have your notifications turned on so that way I never miss a post of yours! Thank you for existing and making this blog 
ashnable said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: I know you don't know me, but seeing your post, I had to reach out. Please, don't ever feel weak or weird for feeling the way you do. It sounds like whatever this person did to you, you probably have a very good reason to distance yourself from them. Whatever you do, however you choose to handle it, just be sure that it is best for you!  
damnedcat said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: You are loved here and we wish to see you happy. You deserve to be happy, to have the chance to dream and grow, to be yourself and do the things you love, do the things that make you you! You are so special, and this may be a difficult time but you have friends here, willing to lend you an ear whenever you need it. We love you and support you. ^^Anonymous said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: You're my favorite writer in just about any fandom I've ever been in! You're an incredible person and I really loved your rant about apple too lol. I hope you manage to feel better soon!
✿ I’m so... overwhelmed by all of this positivity, love, and support. Not only do I appreciate every single one of these heartfelt and kind comments, but I just - want to let anyone else know, anyone who’s going through a hard time, that not only is the world filled with generous and gentle people like the ones who have messaged me today - but that I support you too, because it can be rough out there. Not only have you given me comfort, but you helped me pull myself out of an anxiety-cycle and instead do more productive things. like pet some animals. and cuddle a dog. and write some V stuff.
Anonymous said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: Can I draw you something?? If I draw you something can I dm it to you? I'm uncomfortable posting my work publicly but I love u and want to do something for u
✿oh my god, if you did, i promise you i’d treasure it. i always save everything people draw me, it just.... makes me so happy to be thought of with such kindness!!!
Anonymous said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: can I just say that zen and yoosung's friendship in the new route is the best thing in the world and I never knew I needed it
✿ i KNOW thinking of it makes me so happy. ugh. it’s in other routes too and I just??? it’s so precious?
i-am-thou-thou-art-i said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: so random story: there's this cat that we see around our street a lot. then one day I look out the kitchen window into the gArden and there that cat is. so for visuals, our garden is a overgrown unruly mess like think baby jungle. and so the cat is just sitting on the ledge and is just staring at a spot and doing nothing. just staring. it stayed there for like 15 mins, left then did the same thing the next day. I like to think the cat felt like a tiger in those moments in its own little jungle
✿ I LOVE CATS. that’s so ADORABLE. what a precious angel 
Anonymous said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: my brother calls me the other day when he's out with a friend and I'm like what's up? and he goes to me 'tell my friend that it is NOT normal to go into his house for cash and come out with a plate of food instead and eat it on the street'. my response was ofc its normal (BC trolling ym brother is way too much fun) (but seriouslsy my brother has the weirdest friends istg)
✿ Haha! It’s like a house restaurant! I love it.
squiggl3 said to anyway-i-love-vanderwood: I always love seeing your writing and your art on my dash, you have such a distinct warm style that in any or your works it feels welcoming. You're an amazing mutual who is hilarious and talented, and I am so happy I got to meet you and become mutuals with you ♥♡💜 
✿ AHHH, SQUIGZ! ♥♥♥ The feeling is mutual, my mutual! You know, it made me so happy to see you following my MM works. You (and your art!!!!!) are both so delightful. 10/10 would follow forever. 
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kiingmango · 7 years
11 questions meme
1. always post the rules. 2. answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 (or however many) people to answer them.
I was tagged by @notbrogues @thisbirdhadflown and  @embersofimagination  thank you! (under a cut because this will be looong)
notbrogues questions:
1. Describe your least favorite character
Okay so if I’m being completely honest, my least favorite characters all really come down to just plain irritating behavior. Daisy in Bones has a sort of insensitivity to her that bothers me, and Sophie in the BFG due to her almost blunt treatment of the BFG.
2. A go-to comfort meal/snack/treat
Noodles and Rice because I’m the most Korean to ever Korean
3. Describe a perfect vacation, with no limit on funds or how long you can stay there.
Honestly I would probably take a vacation in Europe, touring all the sites there and traveling between Germany and France and England with only a car (Is this how people travel between countries though? I feel as if Ive been misinformed)
4. Do you listen to podcasts? If so, what are you favourites?
I have to say that I do not listen to Podcasts. I actually don’t understand what a Podcast is exactly?
5. One widely accepted fanon headcanon that you just don’t agree with?
The name of Eggsy’s younger sister. When i first came in I thought it was canon but now I’m kind of eh about it. What if they change her name in the second movie? 
6. One story/movie/song/album/piece of art that resonated with you and that you will never be able to forget?
Really for me I have read multiple first-hand account stories of people experiencing an array of different situations. that I won’t forget that I probably couldn’t choose one. (I find it hard to emotionally connect with music, and I’m not really a big art person)
7. If you have a day off, no responsibilities or pressing matters to attend to: what are you doing for the rest of the day?
I’m probably playing some soft music, reading for a while with a comfy blanket. Alternatively, I’m hanging out with my family 
8. Favourite past trend that you are most nostalgic for?
When everyone had DS’s (I’m pretty sure this is a trend..?) IDK I miss when I could whip out my DS and play Mario Kart and then switch to message my friend to come battle me. Technically, I could do that on my phone but my DS was pink and I had a cute carrier for it
9. What’s a hobby/skill you’ve always wanted to learn?
How to defend myself. Like i can throw a basic punch, and fight off someone if I need to but I’ve always wanted to learn how to box, or do karate or something super cool. (Idk don’t ask me I’m strange)
10. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Done with school, and maybe with a family. I’ve gotten quite a few of my life goals done and now I’m ready to settle with someone :)
11. What was your first fandom? First OTP? First NOTP? Any memorable experiences from those early days?
My first ever fandom was Avatar the Last Airbender. My first ever OTP was Katara and Zuko, and my first ever NOTP was in the Avengers fandom, being Cap and Natasha. I just could only ever see them as friends, or in a brother/sister way
thisbirdhadflown’s questions:
1. We all did embarrassing things as teenagers. Share a story!
So there was a lot of fake piercings in sixth grade that I made from key chains and a nail file.
2. What is a headcanon for one of your OTPs?
Im going to go with Hartwin on this one. For them it’s a lot of lover’s squabbles about not wanting to do the dishes, folding laundry, and then kisses and smiles and deciding they would do it together. 
3. One book that had a huge influence on you?
I read this book called Wonder by RJ Palacio that I found helped me when I was younger to understand people who were different from me, and it opened some doors for me to understanding people’s disabilities and what they needed. 
4. Who is one misunderstood character?
Probably Natasha Romanoff. I feel like because people who watch the movies have such little information on her background that she’s easily misinterpreted. 
5. What are your pet peeves?
Lying. I mean, sometimes lying is necessary, but most of the time if you’re lying to me I’ll be very annoyed. 
6. One thing you wish you knew as a child/teen that you know now?
That I can wear what I want and it doesn’t matter what other people think. I struggle with it even today, but back then it was a lot of loose t-shirts and pants. Now, I feel more comfortable wearing dresses and crop tops. 
7. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
I’m comfortable not being famous, and really I have little desire to. But if I was famous I would have to say I would want to be famous as a movie producer, or script writer. 
8. Best part about getting older?
I’d have to say independence. 
9. One thing you really enjoy and one thing you really dislike about fandom?
So I am going to base my answer off Kingsman since that’s my main fandom right now. I really enjoy the talent and creativity, and the people in it are all friendly and so welcoming! I really love how simple things like how OTP’s spend their down time can bring people together. I also love how little drama this fandom has. However I dislike the occasional anon hate that we get, and of course like in every fandom we have the “we don’t have enough of this but I’m not going to do it so YOU have to do it” 
10. What makes and breaks a fic for you?
I think it’s the flow of the writing, I really can’t read choppy writing. It makes my brain go “huh? why?” 
embersofimagination’s questions:
1. Do you prefer tea, coffee, or neither?
Neither. I’m more of a juice person really. Although occasionally I’ll have some fancy coffee with my mom 
2. Do you go through “phases” with fandoms? Where you are all about one fandom for days, weeks, months, etc. then go onto the next or do you have one primary fandom you don’t stray far from?
I feel that I’m actively in multiple fandoms, but I switch my focus. If something is happening with Sherlock that’s where all my attention will be. I’m pretty much knee 
3. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
A bit of both. I can really only handle one or two people at a time, but I will go out with more. I always come home from those days absolutely exhausted so then I spend a few days by myself. I love talking however, so yeah. A bit of both
4. Do you have otps? If so, name three.
Ah yes, I have many. Hartwin, Merwin, and Stony (from marvel)
5. Why do ship what you ship? Ex: they look pretty together, they compliment each other’s character, just for the lolz?
I ship Hartwin and Merwin for the same reason. Not only does Eggsy look good with both of them (ugh Merhartwin is swoon worthy also) but there’s so much to play with! Physical Hurt comfort? Emotional hurt comfort? fake/pretend relationship? Domestic fics???? #Blessed
6. What is one thing you learned/know that you wish more people knew about?
How to cook honestly. I get a lot of “I burn water” and sometimes people can literally not cook anything. But a lot of the times people just never had anyone to teach them how 
7. Are you a morning person or night owl?
Night Owl. Which in turn makes me hate mornings haha
8. Do you like tropes or trope subversion?
I think I enjoy both. I love a twist at the end but I also love when a scene plays out like I wanted it to.
9. What inspires you?
Other people inspire me. I think it’s the idea that other people believe in me and want me to succeed just as much that pushes me. Of course, I try my best to return the favor, and it’s that mutual system of support inspires me. 
10. Do you have an aesthetic? If so, what is it?
I think it would probably be rainy days and warm kitchens. Also, copper pots. (Oh god I love copper bottom pots)
11. Favorite season (if you have one)? 
Autumn! Sweaters make me so happy <3
Thank you guys for tagging me! I had fun answering your questions! Now here are my 11 questions :)
Favorite Character? Why?
What’s the weather like where you live?
Do you have a major goal in life you haven’t completed yet?
Do you have something from your childhood that you miss? 
Favorite memory from school? 
Any strange phobias?
Are you a hugger or a no touch kind of person?
Describe something that made you happy this week
Do you get motion sick/carsick/airsick?
Is there a special skill you have that most people can’t do?
What’s a phrase you say a lot?
I'm gonna tag people in the next post!
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mobsterkara · 7 years
okay so since @starcrossed-comets doesn’t tag me when she talks about me, I’m a lil late to the party, but im still gonna respond to this post she made (imma just copy and paste but I have receipts if any of you want em) because this is just.. ridiculous honestly.
‘I know everyone here have had heard about the drama involving me and some anti. Here’s my side of the story. If anyone is trying to offend me the first thing I’ll do is to defend myself. Trying to hurt me by talking about my fave and comparing it to yours, will not get sympathy from me. I’m not going to apologize for what I did when I’m the one who got provoked on the situation. Poke the tiger and the tiger will bite back. And to the antis who don’t like to be called out names. Maybe you should do the same too and stop calling out me names just cause you don’t like my ship. Respect goes both ways. I’m not going to bow down to some haters just cause I hurt their feeling. cause when you think of it none of them apologize when they attack and bullied me and hurt my feelings.
No one apologize to me when they called me homophobic -I’m a trans woman No one apologize to me when they called me white racist cis - I’m Filipino born from a Chinese mother and a Spaniard dad No one apologize to me when they called me a nazi sympathizer - my grandma was a WWII survivor who almost became a comfort woman to Japanese soldiers when they invaded Philippines No one apologize to me when they called me abuse apologist - I just escape a 10 years toxic abusive relationship and I’m still recovering from it No one apologize to me when they called a rape apologist - I was rape by my filthy landlord when I was 18 and no one was there to help me Ok not saying this to get sympathy. I’m saying this so I can explain why I reacted the way I reacted to the anti. I had enough. I had enough of their drama and their bullying. So to my followers if you were offended by what I did. You are welcome to unfollow and block me if you wish. I’m not going to stop and change your mind or say the right thing just to earn a follower. This is me and this is who I am. If you don’t like me for who and what I am. Unfollow button is just right there. I am a bitch to a person who is a bitch to me. I’m not fake I’m not going to sugarcoat anything just to appear perfect in your eyes. I am human I could make mistake and say the wrong things, but one thing for sure I’ll admit to my mistake if there is and I would not play the victim. I’m done being the victim.
And to the anti, almost a good job trying to turn my fandom against me. You guys can’t push me away so you guys resorted to acting like the victim and making me look like the evil incarnate. And like you guys have done nothing wrong at all. And asking the karamel fandom to block me. Nice try. But your not getting rid of me that easily. Whether you like it or not’- @starcrossed-comets
 ‘the drama involving me and some anti.’- this drama being that I wrote a poem in critype about the fact the kremlins were talking about my URL change and her then proceeding to call me ‘disgusting’ and a ‘nasty pig’ to anons she says I sent there to ‘stalk’ her… bby, just unblock me and go look at what I’m posting cause all of it was dank memes and none of it mentioned you so… also ‘some anti’ henny just say my fuckin name so people can go look at what actually happened..
‘If anyone is trying to offend me the first thing I’ll do is to defend myself.’- okay?? But when exactly was I ever trying to offend you??  You weren’t even the only one in that screenshot that I talked about.. I laughed because you called me an anti, I laughed cause there were people who felt as though I was out to get them when I really, truly, am not… babes idk what I ever did to hurt you.
‘Trying to hurt me by talking about my fave and comparing it to yours, will not get sympathy from me. I’m not going to apologize for what I did when I’m the one who got provoked on the situation.’- bby, the whole ‘when will ur fave ever’ thing… thas a meme boo, and i… I never said shit to you.. idk if you noticed, I mean you’ve mentioned it a few times, but you blocked me for reasons I can’t recall?? So I cant.. send u anons.. nor would I tbh.. I don’t think the anon was trying to hurt you I mean they legit just said ‘karadanversbitch throws a piping hot load down my mouth every night when will ur fave ever’… firstly that obviously wasn’t me because a. im blocked and b. idk the logistics of me doin that to myself??? But go off
‘I’m not going to bow down to some haters just cause I hurt their feeling. cause when you think of it none of them apologize when they attack and bullied me and hurt my feelings.’ – im sorry people have treated you like that.. sincerely I am, but I have never?? I have never attacked or bullied you or set out to hurt your feelings.. you cant just say shit like this and not have examples of times I did this, which you don’t have cause.. ive never done it
‘No one apologize to me when they called me homophobic -I’m a trans woman No one apologize to me when they called me white racist cis - I’m Filipino born from a Chinese mother and a Spaniard dad No one apologize to me when they called me a nazi sympathizer - my grandma was a WWII survivor who almost became a comfort woman to Japanese soldiers when they invaded Philippines No one apologize to me when they called me abuse apologist - I just escape a 10 years toxic abusive relationship and I’m still recovering from it No one apologize to me when they called a rape apologist - I was rape by my filthy landlord when I was 18 and no one was there to help me’- once again, I am terribly sorry those things happened to you, but it wasn’t me, the teenager you called a ‘nasty pig’  I have honest to God never done any of these things… to anyone?? And just because you’ve been through some awful shit does not give you a free pass to say and accuse people of whatever you feel like.. you’ve been abused? Join the fuckin club, but you don’t see me out here calling people names unprovoked.. I have literally never in my entire life done anything to you, ever.
‘Ok not saying this to get sympathy.’ Hunty, there was no other reason to say it
 ‘I’m saying this so I can explain why I reacted the way I reacted to the anti. I had enough. I had enough of their drama and their bullying.’- once again.. I literally did nothing.. but once again, go off?? 
say the right thing just to earn a follower.- so you agree that this is the wrong this to say?
 I am a bitch to a person who is a bitch to me.- good for you, but my darling I legit did.. nuthin???
I’m done being the victim.- she says.. still having another paragraph of being the victim to go :/
And to the anti, almost a good job trying to turn my fandom against me.- I just asked.. to.. talk to you? Because you called me a nasty pig?? And im still curious as to why??
  so you guys resorted to acting like the victim and making me look like the evil incarnate- I just posted some screenshots babe.. if those are making you look like the ‘evil incarnate then maybe you should rethink what you’re posting???
 And like you guys have done nothing wrong at all.- I mean.. legit.. I don’t think?? I did?? But pls, tell me what I did. I have no fucking idea what I did to you?? So if ya could hmu and tell me?? That would be really great??
here’s her callin a minor a nasty pig and i guess when i provoked her?? idk
here’s  my beautiful poem 
here’s her saying i send my ‘minions’ after her even though.. i have never
here’s her saying i’m unstable
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alexmarie29 · 7 years
Saving Grace - Ray Palmer
Tumblr media
- Y/n = Your Name
- Y/L/N = Your Last Name
 Prompt- "Legends of Tomorrow imagine with Ray and the reader where the reader is kind of villain, but is trying to help the team (because world destruction is too much for her) and they fall in love eventually?" -anon
 Word count - 1,746
    When Rip informed the team that they were welcoming one of their biggest enemies to join the team, no one was excited. You weren't exactly excited either, but when Rip had explained that they were trying to prevent the world from being destroyed, you decided to put your differences aside and offer to help. Sure, you were a villain, but you certainly didn't want the world to become destroyed. If the world was destroyed, who would you mess with?
You had some time to think about the news while you sat alone in the brig. The team had finally captured you a few days ago, Rip had wasted no time trying to convince you to help them out, and honestly, it didn't take much. Yeah, you chose to be a villain, and you loved it, but sometimes you wished you could be the hero for once. You wish you could have friendships, maybe even a relationship. Being a villain, you couldn't have any of that.
All that preparation you had done to toughen yourself up for when Rip had announced that you were joining the team, hadn't helped at all when it actually happened. The hatred was radiating off of everyone the moment that you walked into the room, and you hated it. You should be used to it, seeing as this is how they always act around you, but it didn't hurt any less. It still hurt to know how much they hated you.
You really didn't even do much to make them hate you. It's not like you threatened anyone close to them or anything, you just liked to mess with them. Feel powerful for once. You had never actually hurt any of them too badly. You always made a note in the back of your mind to not kill any of them or do something they couldn't come back from. Yeah, you teased them a little, but you never said anything that would seriously hurt them.
Now that you thought about it, you weren't that great of a villain. You weren't remotely on the same level as Vandal Savage, heck you looked like an angel compared to him. Although, for some reason the team acted like you were the worst person in the world. You hated it. What you saw as playful banter and some sparring sessions, they saw as you practically trying to murder them.
So, you made it your priority to get them to like you. To show them that you weren't really all that bad and that you could help the team out. They weren't having any of that. They constantly belittled you, insulted you, and were just outright rude at every moment. After a few weeks you had finally had enough. You had to say something, especially because with the way they were acting, you were no help; if you were going to be the hero, you were going to help.
So you started standing up for yourself. Demanding to go on missions with the rest of the crew. It worked for the most part. Everyone still hated you, but at least now you were getting off the ship instead of just being stuck there doing nothing. It wasn't until one day, you had saved Ray from getting stabbed in the back by one of the people you were fighting. You jumped in front of him, getting stabbed yourself.
The pain burned, but you just winced and kept fighting. You fought through the searing pain in your abdomen, hoping and praying that they didn't hit anything major. Not trying to stop the wound from bleeding before continuing fighting was a bad idea. You were quickly losing blood and you felt really lightheaded; before you knew it the world was black and you were falling onto the ground, only a few feet from the Waverider.
When you awoke, the bright lights blinded you. You let out a groan and moved your arm to land over your head. You whispered for Gideon to turn them down, which she promptly did. You almost went back to sleep, until you heard the doors open. You move your arm slightly to see Ray, which makes your roll your eyes and move your arms from over your eyes, looking at him as you wait for him to speak.
"Thanks." He mumbles, taking a seat in the chair next to you. You just smile slightly at him, adding a small nod to the end.
"You're part of the team, I'd take a hit for any of you." You explain, sitting up in the chair and rubbing your head, a headache appearing. You let out a soft groan, Gideon immediately sending some pain medication through the IV that's attached to your arm. After some scolding from Gideon, you end up leaning back in the chair once again. Ray promised to stay with you until you could get up and going again, which you thanked him.
You didn't realized how much you had missed being able to just talk to someone. Between being a villain and being hated by everyone on the team, you were extremely deprived from human contact, and that really wasn't a good thing. Actually, you becoming bad had lead from all of your friends suddenly cutting you off. You had self-deprecated yourself bad. After realizing all your horrible thoughts about yourself had come from them, you decided to fight back.
After talking with Ray for a few hours, you realized that he really wasn't all that bad. You honestly didn't think that any of them were that bad, but they had judged you so quickly that you never had a chance to actually talk to any of them and get to know them. You were so happy that Ray had decided to stay with you and talk. It was nice to finally have someone that didn't completely hate your guts.
It only took those few hours for your wound to heal enough for you to get up. You weren't sure what exactly Gideon was pumping into you, all you knew was that you were thankful for the future medicine that you had access to. Normally healing from a stab wound this deep would take weeks. With this stuff, it took a day, maybe. Ray had helped you get back to your room, just making sure that you didn't collapse out of nowhere.
You hoped that since you had taken that hit for Ray, the rest of the team would finally start treating you like you were and equal. You were wrong. They still treated you like crap, and you were finally completely over it. You understood at first, but it had been over four months. They should've been over their dumb grudge against you. So, you decided to finally say something about it.
"Okay guys, are you serious? I'm not just some piece of trash that you can throw out." You grumble, crossing your arms and wincing slightly as you accidentally apply pressure to your still healing wound.
"Actually, this is a team discussion, and last time I checked, you weren't part of the team." Kendra sneers, crossing her arms and sending a glare in your direction. You open your mouth to reply, but Ray beats you to it.
"Hey, y/n is a part of this team just as much as you are." Ray walks over and stands next to you, smiling at you as you send him and thankful look.
"Are you serious Ray? You're standing up for her?" Kendra replies, moving her glare from you to Ray.
"She took a hit for me yesterday. If that doesn't prove that she's different than what you guys think, I don't know what does." Ray retorts, smirking at Kendra as he watches her face fall. Just as Kendra replies, Sara pipes up from behind you.
"I'm with them. She's done nothing but prove herself since she got here." You send the former assassin a thankful smile, which she quickly returns.
"I'm sorry too Ms. Saunders, but no matter what you or anybody else has to say, y/n is part of this team." Rip mumbles as he rushes out of his office and into the bridge, a few papers in his hand. As he starts going over the plan, you begin to pay attention to his words. You didn't notice Ray staring at you as you listened, although you wish you had.
    Ray had fallen in love with you and he didn't know what to do. You had become better friends with most of the team, but there was a few of them that still didn't trust you, and for a good reason. When they had first started this crusade, you did nothing but mess with them. He should hate you just as much as they did, but he couldn't. You had pulled him in and made him fall head over heels.
What Ray didn't know was that you reciprocated his feelings. Ever since that day in the med bay, you had started to fall for the chemical engineer. He was literally one of the nicest people you had ever met, and to you that was a breath of fresh air. He made your heart race faster than normal, your palms would start to sweat when you were around him. His smile was actually one of your favorite things.
You weren't going to admit your feelings towards him. Then, you found out that he was going to sacrifice himself to save the world. You knew you had to tell him before you lost the chance to ever tell him. So, after shouting at the team to cover you, you went to stand by Ray, who was holding the self destruction button down. You began to tear up as you walked up to him.
"I'm in love with you Raymond Palmer." You mumble, your hand reaching up to hold his cheek, him instantly leaning into your hand and staring at you, tears welling up in his eyes.
"I'm in love with you too." He replies, a smile appearing on his face as his free hand goes to grab yours. You stand on your tip toes as you kiss him, his hand falling from yours and wrapping around your waist as he pulls your closer. Tears stream down both of your faces but you didn't care. As you pull away, you sniffle, your hands wiping the tears from his face as a smile appears on his face.
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scriptmedic · 7 years
Scripty Saturday #3 (Part 2): Everything NOT Mrs. Scripty
Whew! You guys sure did like to send questions this week!
Let’s keep it rolling on in.....
Dog Questions
princessofharte said: HI AUNT SCRIPTY! I JUST WANTED TO SAY THANK YOU AND ASK YOUR OPINION ON SHIH TZUS. What is your opinion on shih tzus?            
My opinion of Shih Tzus is that they, like most dogs, are Good Dogs and deserve Pets and Treats.
And you are most welcome for whatever it is I did!!!
pomrania said: Scripty Saturday: re dogs, do you prefer floof or curls or short coat? Large enough to hug, or small enough to fit in your lap? Affectionate or standoffish?
I tend to like bigger, sweeter, affectionate dogs, though coat doesn’t matter so much to me. My ideal dog would be a hypoallergenic pibble, because they’re SO CUTE AND SWEET, but I have the immune system of the Devil himself, so I’m allergic to pretty much everypuppy. I would also love to have a mastiff who thinks she’s a lapdog and just glompfs on me, because that is basically my idea of heaven.
Scripty and Mrs. Scripty and Pupper make 3. Except between my allergies and my landlord, pupper has to be an imaginary pupper.
(By the way, Mrs. Scripty is OBSESSED with the name Steve for a dog. Any dog. Doesn’t matter what type, what sex, she will name our first dog Steve or die trying.)
Anonymous said: What's the silliest thing your dog has ever done? Have you ever considered getting a different pet (fish, cat, bird, turtle, lizard)?
Sorry to say, anon, Steve the Pibble is only in our imagination. (See? She’s even got ME calling it Steve!!).
I grew up with cats and dogs--my first resuscitation attempt was on a dog I considered my brother, and I only recently had to put down my other (feline) brother, a cat who lived to be old enough to drink.
But the dog, when he was around, was named Pirate, because he would anchor himself in the doorway between the kitchen and the dining room in order to trip his humans and acquire Noms(TM), which are basically a dog’s sole purpose in life. So that was pretty cute.
Lizards and birds just don’t do it for me, I’m afraid, I think I’m a mammals kind of girl. Though the trend towards cute sneks on Tumblr is making me pretty happy.
Miscellaneous Questions
pomrania said:   Scripty Saturday questions: What superpower do you think would be the most useful for particularly your work? (Like, not medics in general, but you with the particular stuff you get frustrated with or whatnot.) What superpower would you like to have, unrelated to work?
Oooooh, this is a good one, Pomrania!
I think for work something akin to X-ray (really closer to CT) vision would be very helpful when it comes to making diagnoses, but if we can step away from the superhero archetype ones for just a moment, I’d really like the ability to lay on hands and heal. I think that would be stupendous.
As for non-work related ones... I’m not entirely sure. I’ve learned in life that doing anything different, and particularly if you do something especially well, it automatically makes a kind of loneliness, which is something I already feel too much of.
I really wish that I had more friends, and had basically anything in the way of social skills at all. To me, people who can socially adapt and fit in and not push all the time are the equivalent of superheroes, so I’ll go with that one.
starlightswitch said: This might be a Scripty Saturday question? It's definitely not a consult. The question is: In your answer to the bloody cough question, you referenced "the most estoteric medical show ever written" as if you had a particular show in mind. If so, what was it?
I was indeed referencing House MD. Because it’s the most esoteric, randomly.... medically strange show going. It’s so far past the level of comprehension of even most medical providers (in terms of the medicine) that I’m not entirely sure how on or off accuracy most of it is. So I can still watch it, shrug my shoulders and go “sure, magic medicine” while still actually enjoying the show, especially the first couple of seasons.
But it is indeed the most esoteric medical show that possibly will ever air.
firecoloredwater said: For Scripty Saturday: what's your favorite place/time to write?  And when/where do you actually do most of your writing?
It’s interesting, because I don’t have a solid answer for this. I haven’t yet found my optimal workflow. (Even when I was answering a dozen asks a day, I hadn’t found it yet).
I work at the endcaps of the day--either in the morning or at night after Mrs. Scripty has gone to bed. It makes it easy for me to be alone with my thoughts. So for example, I’m writing this at 4am (I got up about 9 today, and will again tomorrow).
Mornings are hard because the ScriptX Family Discord chat is always very active, and it makes it hard to get work done, because there’s constantly something going on: something to celebrate, a troll to roll our eyes at, a Bucky to d’awww over. But when I can shut that out I get a TON of work done.
I definitely do not ever write in an ambulance. NOPE. Neverrrr. (Actually this is basically true; it’s been so godsdamned busy I barely get time to think let alone write...)
Anonymous said: For the Saturday thing: What are some life experiences that you're glad you learned/lived through?
Ooooooof. This is such a hard question. It’s a very worthy one, but it’s hard.
My first real relationship came at a truly vital time in me figuring myself out, and I’ll always love and cherish my ex for supporting me in that timeframe. He’s a great guy, and I’m so excited because he’s getting married soon! (He was at my wedding too, so relax, Mrs. Scripty likes him also). I’m  glad I lived through our relationship.
I.... so much of my life has been bad, in a way that I don’t know how to justify? So I can’t say I’m glad I lived most of my life.
I’ve had a lot of depression, lots of suicidal ideation, some really rough patches with my family life,... Each individual piece of it is hard to swallow as “glad”, but together they’ve made me strong and resilient. And I’ve achieved a lot of what I’ve achieved in spite of them.
I’m really proud of my mom for the way she reacted when I came out, and I love her a lot. And I’m glad I came out, and chose to be myself and love who I love. It took so much time to get to that point, but that’s how I feel.
I’m glad I took a chance on a girl from across the country and let myself fall in love.
I’m really, truly glad that I dropped out of college. Both times, actually. Because it wasn’t right for me, because I wasn’t right for it, because it was deleterious to my mental health. Because I’ve done better than most of my friends who did finish college.
Here I am, a college dropout, but I’ve got the top certification in my field, I’m doing a fellowship no other paramedic has ever done before, I’ve got a good income and a wonderful, happy marriage, and a blog that’s taking off well beyond what I could have imagined or hoped for.
And in all that time, in all those nights of fear and loneliness... I’m glad I chose to live. Life has been so interesting these past.... 20+ years since the first time I mentioned suicide.
pomrania said: Scripty Saturday: what type of flower do you think looks the best, and what type of flower do you think smells the best?
The flowers that look best are the red and white roses my wife and I wore as pins on our wedding day (she wore a shirt and pants, I wore a dress), and the flowers that smell the best aren’t flowers at all, but the crook of her neck when we hugged for the first time as lady and wife.
I will always cherish that day.
Anonymous said: What's your favorite book? What do you like to write? Thank you for answering so many questions!            
My very absolute all-time favorite book is American Gods by @neil-gaiman.
As for writing... I write a lot of things.
Apparently I write, and am successful at, nonfiction work.
But in my original dreams of making it as a writer, it was always with fantasy and science fiction. Typically it’s lesbian urban fantasy (I wonder why), but I’ve experimented with crime/thriller type writing, sci-fi, and angel noir.
Then there’s culinary fairy tales for children, of which I wrote one story (which is really really good, actually, I’m proud of it, except I need to cut like 20% of it).
Blog and Writing Questions
Anonymous said: Scripty Saturday question: do you ever resent that the ScriptX family blew up and a whole bunch of others came from it? I remember at one point you said something like people making new ScriptX blogs was "fucking awful" or something, but now you guys all seem to be okay. I just am super grateful that you all exist, but I'm wondering if you ever don't like it?
First of all, I went back and checked. I never used the words “fucking awful”. I never even came close--I didn’t even use the word “awful”. This is a very open post about my feelings in the moment: http://scriptmedic.tumblr.com/post/154336495611/for-the-first-time-ever-ive-let-my-queue-run
So some of you are new to this blog, and won’t understand the question. I actually had someone tell me they wish they’d found the ScriptX blogs when they were younger, which made my heart go all twitterpated, because I’ve only been around for 3 months, and most of the other family members, for less than two.
For those who don’t know the story, the ScriptX Family did not spring out of the ground fully formed and cohesive and happy. When it started, it was kind of a mess.
Once upon a time it was just me. I started ScriptMedic, I answered questions, I was happy, I was healthy, I was fine.
Then about a month and a half in, along came Jess from @scriptlawyer​, who asked (very nicely) if she could start her blog with that naming convention. We talked, I was excited! My blog was having a baby! And so I said yes.
And then... came another. And another, and another, and they stopped asking first. By this time I had a couple thousand followers, almost a thousand posts, and I had busted my ass to get where I was.
So all of these blogs, cropping up, naming themselves after me, was... hard. It was complicated. They were nice, and wanted to do a good thing. But it was also my name, a thing I had built. They wouldn’t be naming themselves that if it wasn’t for me. And there was a lot of pride there--imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and I was inspiring all these people to help writers with everything.
But also it felt really disrespectful to piggyback on my name and not even drop me a line, in a lot of cases. It hurt.
I still call this time the Blitz, because I think there were something like 30 blogs in about 72 hours that cropped up before I finally started broadcasting PLEASE STOP MAKING SCRIPTX BLOGS all over the place.
And then I went back and organized. I talked to the bloggers. Some changed their names; many stay and are the family we know and love today. Some blogs were asked not to use the ScriptX moniker. Some changed for other reasons, and we miss them, like @sciencefic-to-fact (formerly ScriptPhysics) and ScriptGambling.
But out of this.... this chaos, this madness, rose the ScriptX Family. And it really is a family. Most of the blogs are involved in a BIG group chat on Discord (though some choose not to join in; we miss you in there, guys!!).
And I’m really proud of that family. We have content guidelines. We have ethics guidelines. We do cite sources and check facts, we don’t reblog fandom or give real-world advice. We do try to distill huge concepts in our fields down to what writers need, we don’t judge or yell at our audience (though sometimes we get trolls, and it gets hard not to).
We built an application process, and we’ve been able to be pretty strict about it. We’ve even started implementing a mentoring program to make sure that new blogs are up to snuff on quality and technical prowess.
And that means that the blogs we do approve have been really high quality, solid, writer-oriented information blogs.
So there was a period where I felt super stressed by them, bombarded and overwhelmed and scared and angry, but what’s come of it is this tremendous resource for all of us. And it’s just... it’s amazing. And I’m so, so proud of all of them!
If the word resent comes up now, I think it’s only about people who have the audacity to just go “I’m Script.... Whatever!” without talking to us first, and I can only think of only a couple of blogs that have started up without talking to us. In those cases we’ve reached out and been like “hey, there’s a system in place for this if you want to be a part of the family”.
Because the truth is, a lot of people want to start these blogs because they’re trendy, not because they have a passion for educating  writers. And behind the scenes we’ve bounced some blogs that weren’t there, or were obviously there to poach our audience and not for actual writing advice. We’ve had some near-misses on things that could have been disasters.
But as for the Family? I love them. I’m glad I met them, and I’m so, so proud to call them my second family.
Whew! That’s it for January’s Scripty Saturday!!
Thanks so much to everyone who wrote in!! We’ll see you back here in February!
Do you want to see this again every Saturday? Did you have a follow-up question? Throw them in the comments or drop me an ask!
xoxo, Aunt Scripty
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gorgeousdan · 7 years
oo baby, baby
Inspired by a prompt from anon:  Prompt idea: Dan and Phil do the baby food challenge as a way to anounce to their viewers that they were accepted for adoption and are soon adopting a child :)
summary: dan has baby fever and will do anything in his power to make sure that phil doesn’t find out. word count: 1,502 warnings: panic attack, existential crisis, comfort
Dan’s in the shops when it happens.
It’s been happening for at least a few weeks now. He’ll be perfectly fine, living his life as a normal bloke in London, albeit he’s an internet personality, when he’ll stumble across a baby or a baby advert or baby clothes or baby food and he’s down for the count. It happens now. A mum in front of him in the shops is holding the hand of a little baby girl. The girl turns to Dan and waves. Dan doesn’t wave back but he does squeeze the bottle of orange juice just a little harder.
Dan has always been someone that’s loved children. He melts every time he sees a baby, could spend hours talking to toddlers, but he’s never seen himself as someone who could actually be a dad. But recently, for some reason, he sees a baby and can't help but feel a pull in his heart.
He's got it bad.
Dan pays for his orange juice and is about to leave the store when he comes across a row of stuffed animals. He lets his fingers trace over the soft material of a little stuffed elephant. His finger must catch for a moment too long because a stop associate is suddenly behind him. “Have a child you’re shopping for?”
This is the first time Dan’s ever been caught in his sudden guilty pleasure. “Erm, my son.” Dil’s birthday is coming up, this is justifiable. “It’s his third birthday soon and I was thinking of getting him something.”
“Oh,” the shop owner smiles innocently at him. Dan feels like he must know. “Well we’re having a deal on these. They’re half off. Five pounds.”
Dan finally picks one of the little elephants up. He strokes the little elephant’s ears between two of his fingers and feels his heart fall to his stomach. “Okay.”
He walks out of the shops with a glass of orange juice and a stuffed elephant. He considers giving the little elephant to Phil as a joke, as a gift, just to say he felt awkward not buying one because he lingered too long. But he gets home and he chickens out. He brings the bag to his bedroom and shoves the little elephant under his bed and then he sits on the bed and he wonders what’s wrong with him.
Dan loves the Lesters. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt so comfortable with someone’s family before. The Lesters are welcoming and hilarious and they make him feel warm and loved every time he visits. They’re up north today for Phil’s cousin’s wedding. Phil’s mum calls them handsome and Dan relishes in being able to kiss Phil in the car on the way to the church.
At the reception, Phil asks Dan to dance. Here, no one knows who they are or what they have to hide. They’re simply Phil and his boyfriend, and with no charade or camera or fans, Dan accepts his offer. They sway together on the dance floor, Dan’s hands around Phil’s neck, his head against his boyfriend’s shoulder. Phil holds him close with his hands linked behind Dan’s back. It’s nice. It’s calming. It’s exhilarating
Suddenly, a young girl runs up to the two of them. She’s young, maybe three years old, with long blonde hair in pigtails. She runs to Phil, who scoops her up in his arms as the young girl squeals. “Uncle Phil!”
“Hi Eve!” Phil greets. He turns the girl towards Dan. “Have you ever met my boyfriend, Dan?”
Eve shakes her head with a wide smile. “Hi Uncle Dan!” She holds out a hand. “My name’s Evelyn.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Evelyn.” Dan shakes her hand with a smile. His heart warms at the sight of his boyfriend with a child. Absently, he can hear Phil chatting the young girl up, talking to her about school and her drawings and her singing voice, but Dan feels like he’s underwater. He’s filled again with the sudden and inexplicable fear that someone will find him out.
“Dan.” Dan’s broken out of his own mind by Phil’s voice. He’s given Evelyn back to her mum now. Phil puts a hand to Dan’s thigh and strokes lovingly. “Are you alright?”
Dan takes a second to reply. He puts his hand over Phil’s and runs his thumb over Phil’s knuckles. “I’m fine,” he answers. He gives Phil a small smile. “I was thinking.”
Phil rolls his eyes but he gives Dan a smile in return. “You think too much.” He leans forward and presses a kiss to Dan’s lips. It’s exhilarating that they’re somewhere where they can finally do that. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Dan says softly. As Phil presses in close to him again, Dan finds he can’t get the thought of Phil with a little girl all their own.
When Dan wakes up, he knows it’s gonna be one of those days. They happen every few months. After so long of work and pushing and being social, his brain shuts down, reminds him that he’s worthless and tired and that one day everyone he loves will be dead. Usually they stay inside on days like these, and today is no exception.
When Dan doesn’t get out of the bed by noon, Phil goes to check on him. He finds his boyfriend curled up in a ball, sobbing in great, heaving breaths. Phil sighs softly, closes the door behind himself as he goes to join Dan in bed. He runs a comforting hand down his boyfriend’s back, shushes him softly. Dan melts into the affection, leans heavily against Phil as he weeps. Phil knows that his jumper will be tearstained, but he doesn’t mind.
“Shh, shh, Dan, it’s okay,” Phil comforts in a low voice. “You’re okay. I’m here.” He squeezes Dan’s shoulders tightly. “What’s wrong?”
What’s wrong is the fact that Dan thinks Phil maybe doesn’t want a family with him. After all, Phil is bi, maybe he has an idea of a perfect wife and biological children and a house with a white picket fence and settling down with someone his age. Dan’s just a nerd in his mid-twenties who has matching hair to Phil’s and occasionally has meltdowns. Dan’s just a child himself. How could Phil possibly want a child with someone like him?
“Nothing,” Dan replies, his voice soft.
Dan’s fairly sure Phil knows that’s bullshit, but Phil also knows when to pick his battles. “Okay.” He kissed the top of Dan’s head. “I’m gonna get you some hot chocolate.”
“Okay,” Dan answers. “Okay.”
When Dan wakes up, he notices Phil isn’t curled into his side. He lets his limbs stretch, feels so much better. Phil was right, as always. A nap always makes him feel better. Dan notices a light coming from the lounge and follows it. “I’m starving,” Dan announces as he walks in the room. “I’m gonna or-” he pauses. “Is that my laptop?”
Phil looks up from the soft glow of Dan’s laptop. “You want a kid?” He asks. His voice is soft and unreadable. Dan mentally curses out his boyfriend’s ability to keep a straight face.
“I-I mean,” Dan splutters, tries to think of a reason, any reason that would make sense. He draws a blank. “I have no explanation,” he says after a minute.
Phil sighs. He closes Dan’s laptop and puts it to the side. “You should have come to talk to me,” he reprimands gently. “We could have had an actual, grownup conversation about this.”
Dan sighs. He figures he’s safe, so he sits down in Phil’s lap. Phil brings a hand to stroke the skin of Dan’s back revealed by his sweater riding up. “You know I’m not good at grownup conversations.”
Phil brings a hand up to run through Dan’s hair. “You don’t have to get lost in your mind.”
“I know,” Dan says, and usually when he says this to people it’s just a way to get them off his back but he does, he does know, he trusts Phil with his life and everything that happens in his head. When Phil draws him in for a long, loving kiss, Dan thinks maybe he’s not so alone after all.
A few months later, a video goes up on danisnotonfire. It’s simply titled “Baby Food Challenge & Big Announcement!” At the end, covered in baby food and smiling like idiots, Dan and Phil reveal that they’ve been accepted for adoption.
Then, a little while after that, their names are called in the waiting room of a hospital. They get up hand in hand and rush to meet their daughter. Emily Howell-Lester is born at three in the morning, and though Dan’s exhausted, he doesn’t think his heart has ever pounded harder. He grabs Phil’s hand and squeezes, and as Phil looks over at him with a gentle smile, Dan knows he has it bad.
He wouldn’t want it any other way.
“seb, you’re-you’re writing? and it’s not ficlets? whaaaa? you’ve written an actual fic?” 
so i know i’m horrible for not having filled prompts in literally over a month, and i also know i’m awful for going out of order but you’ll forgive me.
this is the first part of a dan and phil parent ‘verse i’ve been wanting to start for forever and i thought this prompt was perfect for it! i’ll start filling prompts in order i swear.
please please reblog as it helps to spread the word about the blog
(tbh i don’t even know if this anon follows me anymore. that’s how old this prompt is. i hope they do, though.)
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