#actually it was cancelled then renewed for a second season and cancelled again and they let them end with a two hour series finale
not even 5 minutes into (a let's play of) a devil in me and I am. feeling things.
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The absurdity and stupidity of all shitflix cancelations lies in one simple question: How many of those canceled shows have you actually heard of before they got canceled?
- Warrior Nun - never heard of it until the moment I started seeing its fans spamming every shitflix post. And that was its second season. It had two seasons, for fucks sake, and most of us have never heard of it. You wanna know whose fault that is? Let me give you a hint. No, it's not the viewing numbers.
- First Kill (or whatever its name is) - Never heard of it until, once again, I saw people complaining about the cancelation under shitflix posts. Once again, guess whose fault that is.
- Santa Clarita Diet - Never heard of it. Didn't even know it was canceled until it made it to the list of pissed of people counting how many of them they axed. Whose fault is that?
- Inside Job - Yeah, never heard of it until it got canceled. Also, canceled after they renewed it. Shitflix: guess we changed our minds.
- Archive 81 - Heard of it when the cancelation was announced.
- The OA - Remember just hearing about it through the fog, even though it came out years ago.
- Sense 8 - know about it only thanks to fans' videos and fanart. I don't remember shitflix ever mentioning it.
- Lockwood & Co - I know about it thanks to fans spamming posts asking for renewal news.
And the list goes on with, I assume, shows I have never heard of.
I've never seen any of these shows, but my open wound is 1899 that I believe got treated the dirtiest of them all.
I have heard of it two years before the premiere, thanks to a 50 seconds long teaser that got me patiently waiting for years because it was my cup of tea. It came from the people who proved themselves before by creating a critically acclaimed show that you can find on a top 10 list of greatest shows of all time. Those people have spent years developing a new filming technique for shitflix. What a way to say thank you.
8 out of 10 people around me have seen 1899. Those people haven't even seen GoT or LotR for fucks sake, the most famous show and movie ever, but they have seen 1899. But not because shitflix promoted it, but because people did.
There was zero promotion, zero cast interviews, zero mentions after the release. It was still watched and talked about by so many people. It has more viewing hours than their hit shows running for 3+ seasons put together. It's a show you can't just binge and forget, you have to actually turn your fucking brain on. It was released in the most busy time of the year, during the damn World Cup and winter holidays. It was still number one for weeks. It was given less than 30 days. They decided to cancel it before it even premiered. They deleted the trailer with 10+ million views from YT.
The same goes with other shows. I have seen zero cast interviews, zero promotion or mentions by their own platform and they still have loyal fan bases that didn't stop talking about them.
But then you have dogshit shows like the Night agent that is getting hyped by shtflix every single fucking day. Fake numbers, pumped up to get people to watch a generic, a hundred times seen before, piece of crap. It got more hype than fucking GoT, and yet I know zero people who have actually watched it. Yep, there is no one I know, in real life or online, that has actually watched this show. So you figure it out.
People who have watched the shows I've mentioned probably have the statistics for them, and have probably seen the viewing hours being blamed for it, which was bullshit.
The latest nail in the coffin was Lockwood & Co. They kept fans waiting for months, and then they announced the cancelation during Eurovision so that fans wouldn't be able to go viral about it because everyone talked about fucking Eurovision.
Shitflix has canceled 26 sci-fi/fantasy shows in the last 3 years. 26! Do you all remember when we couldn't even name 26 shows of all genres put together, let alone watch them?
What all these shows had in common is that they were original and more or less unique and creative, not something you can find at least 6 copies of in either streaming or network TV.
It's like they created all these shows just so they can cancel them, because they are doing their best to actually burn every trace they ever existed.
Shitflix is killing creativity in every form, but in the end, that will be their undoing.
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ekwolfwriter-blog · 3 months
I just want to get this out but I am getting tired of people complaining about Live action Katara's lack of rage in the show. Especially because now, because it is missing from the LA show, there is a general trend of people that were annoyed with her behavior before now are defending it being part of her character. And before people think I am hating on them, no. I am not against people defending her rage, as I liked it a lot growing up and watching the show causally just as the next person. Katara was one of my favorite character of being a kind person while also taking names and kicking butt, she was that awesome. So more defense for her the better. Hell, I would say from just the interviews I have seen of Kiawentiio, she has - to me - the Katara sass and I am living for it.
What I am hating on is that the Live action Katara is getting ragged on for a lot of reasons - some valid, but other are (in my opinion) surface level stupid and not knowing of what actually might have been going on during the filming of season and probably the mindset that caused her character to be deflated. Because there is a lot to consider as to why it had to be condensed either for conveniences sake or - in my personal opinion - was done on purpose by two individuals that have a track records of curving that behavior in Katara to their desire.
Also: DON'T use this as an excuse to attack the actress! She is doing her best and giving her all! She is doing her job and any slander on her will be instantly blocked! I will not take any slander on her or any of the actors!
Also, mid spoilers so read at your own risk near the bottom
First thing we should consider: the amount of episodes. Yes, I am aware of the telling and not showing arguments that are being flown around. I get it. Normally, I am one of the biggest supporters that this show needed time to breath and let be to show than telling. If it had more time to breath, Katara's rage might have been more visible and we could have had more time for her arc to improve. And this is not to say that they could not have been able to do it, but I will say that this show NEEDED more than 8 episodes to be able to get as much in (To be clear, there are some shows that this works for - Amazon's Reacher and Legend of Zorro have short seasons and formatted for hour long content. But it makes sense for those shows because they are working within parameters of their medium and are newer (both are adaptions of older stuff but still) shows that can play around with the format better). For as ambitious as this project is, it has a lot to condense. At least that it is a show and not a movie, but still. Let's not forget that it could have been so much worst if it was a movie.
Now some people will say, "Well if they were good enough writers then they could have done more to show than tell," which fair. I will admit that there are infinite number of ways that they could handled some of the topics: such as Sokka's sexism and Katara's rage that everyone is missing. But with the landscape of media as is where you would be damned if you do damned if you don't if you so much as talk about some sensitive topic and you could be canceled for it instantly! Which leads me to the next point!
Second thing to consider: Multiple season renewal was never confirmed prior. Yes, we can all complain that the shows pacing was out of place. Yes, they cut some filler. And yes, it feels like we are getting too much of the world building through talking and now showing. But can you really blame them? To most people, if you saw the reaction of the cast before the news came out, you can see they were saddened by the fact they thought would not get a season 2. They changed their tune when season 2 and 3 was confirmed, and honestly happy for them. But again, that confirms to me that the writing had failed mostly because if they were never going to get their chance, might as well go all out. And with how easy shows can get picked up and canceled, I can see they needed to try and cram it in.
Which also plays into Katara's rage - they did not know if there was going to be a chance for her to grow and get bending abilities or go through her arc as steady as the animated. Again, I am not saying losing it was good, but that we need consider that if they were not going to get another season, they had to progress faster than usual. (Side note, while I like this show, Amazon's Hazbin Hotel has the same problem. We are steam rolling through what could be slow progression and change but can't slow because of episode constriction and no time to sit and allow the show to progress because it is so easy to drop the show for the studios, might as well end it on a note that at least can feel like it was it's own story.)
Speaking of studios, that would be my next point as well: studio and producer control. While I know directors can have a say in it, we should not forget about the studio that is allowing them to make this show in the first place and what they are asking for. As I keep saying, we don't know about what their restrictions are or if they can have more than a certain amount of episodes, and maybe that is a mandate of Netflix or something else, we as the audience don't know. We don't know what happens on set or behind the filming outside of glimpses and interviews, so for all we know, there was some changes to the script or teleplay to make it seem like they needed to cut Katara's rage to make her more meek. Which if this was the whole show, fine, that is a choice but not one I will have to like. But when watching the 3rd and 4th episodes, seeing Katara being a teenage girl and angry for once and even more open about her emotions was possible. Hell, it was the only times she was allowed to snap. And guess what people: it was because of the writing this time. That feminine rage you all wanted - while faint - was there. So clearly Netflix is not solely at fault - they have many mistakes but writing is not one of them.
But it is when you look who wrote what and where and what they were going for that - to me - puts EVERYTHING into place!
Final point: the original creators being brought on.
This might seem weird because one would think having the creators on the original show should be not as bad. The creators of the show is watching to make sure that the show is just right and that the characters feel the same or at least some of the story beats feel similar enough to enjoy. Why would them being on the set cause issues with the pacing and writing?
To a casual fan, yeah that makes sense. But to those that have been in the fandom, have see what they do post cannon to ALL of the characters - especially how they treat Katara in Legend of Korra - then anyone watching might have realized that that should have been a warning sign. Especially with how they would have wanted to depict the characters. And this is also the reason I think Katara's rage is gone: I think they wanted to make her like the comics version of her being a meek and demure girl that while caring was not getting as angry or as passionate about things because that would go against what Bryke wanted Katara to be in the show.
As I mentioned before, Katara's rage or at least genuine anger was only in for about two episodes out of the 8. And if you take out the 5th and 6th where she has been basically damseled with Sokka in the spirit world, that leaves on 4 more episodes to allow her to have her anger. Typically, one can thing, "Okay we can sprinkle it here or there in the other two and it should world". But all it takes is to see who was writing the episodes that truly not only hinder the world building of the show and breaks the rules of show don't tell or crammed it in so blatantly it feels like cringe and got rid of Katara being the one to free Aang because of her anger - was Bryke! They were the ones that were the head writers of the first episode and the 8th episode. The ones that had the most cramming down your throats dialogue, the clunky explaining of Aang's character out of now where and even curving Katara's rage or ability to be angry or snarky like she was in the show. Because Bryke wrote them, and also teleplayed a few - this being like adding notes and what the camera needs to do and how to frame scenes along side the dialogue. Meaning that they had some hand in making Live Action Katara this way.
If you notice in the episodes they didn't write: Omashu and the Cave of Two lovers - they were the only ones where Katara could be a bit more snappy and a bit more annoyed and vocal toward at least Sokka and Jet - not a lot but it was there. And oh would you look at that, the episode that they did not write had HEAVY hints for a certain firebender and waterbender being hinted at and color coded the lovers more vividly. And also, Katara getting to be empathetic while also not over explaining - which many always ragged on her for - where she could be human for once. Those episodes were the ones that they did not write and the story was somewhat better (Not better but I will take it over what we got prior)
And again, casual viewers might not know why this is a bad thing or probably wondering why I am against Bryke. But all it takes is looking at what they did to animated Katara that you all try to say "Was perfect as she was before" without considering what they did to her after the curtain fell. For any fan that has been following the show, you will find that most fans of Katara - the animated one -did not like what they did to her in the comics that continued their story and Legend of Korra, where she was a husk of a shell of her former self. And how she was all about "What Aang would have done, and what Aang did and oh how I missed Aang, he would know what to do". And yet, if she even showed any anger or negative emotions, she was painted as the bad person - easily look up Katara in the comics with a google search and you can see her being pushed around and flattened almost all the time when she is showing negative emotions that are genuine and not the funny mad in the show. Especially in the show as seen through this post, it did not always paint her anger in a natural thing for her or reinforced her angry as more comedic than actually something to consider as important until someone else stepped in to help her see it *cough* Zuko *cough*.
So to all the people that are trying to come after the live action Katara as being "Not the same energy girl power character who was expressive about her anger" you all "loved from the start'', please consider who and what was behind the scenes to make her this way. Especially since the animated show had other writers besides Bryke that understood Katara better if not more. Bryke wanted her to be more demure even in the pilot, and damsel. And yet the other writers gave her an actual story. Byrke have shown time and time again they do not want and angry passionate water bender that wants to be more active in changing the wrongs in the world, they want her to be more meek and docile and not fight back to let others save her in the comics and after. The OG had other writers that gave her her arc and Mae Whitmen give her the sass that we all love.
Live action Katara is no different. She has been trying to come into her own - with limited time to tell a story, limited time to get her arcs in fearful of cancellation, and with different writers, she can work, but not with Bryke. Same goes for the other characters too, not just Katara, but it seems that everyone pokes at Katara more and it is getting frustrating because some of these people just can never be happy with Katara.
Hopefully with season 2 and 3, we can have more time to flesh out the characters and maybe even have more show don't tell moments and being able to explore their feelings more. But only time will tell.
Rant over, sorry for the rambling mess.
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saltpepperbeard · 6 months
Oh babes I am right there with you panicking about season 3. The way I personally read that article with Taika wasn’t that he was saying he wouldn’t do a season 3, just that he’s not convinced it’ll happen but didn’t want to outright say it so instead focused on how great the story was as is…anyways I’m always afraid :)
oh babe For Sure lol like i'm actually a VERY NERVOUS NELLIE :))). there are just so many factors that are making me ~*~Worried~*~
The first and foremost being that one article/interview/whatever the fuck it was where a higherup from Max was like "Yeaahhhh we can't really say anything definitive at this point because we have to see how it performs and if it's worth renewing." And that just dropped my stomach so so hard because like...what do you fucking MEAN if it's "worth" renewing. Why WOULDN'T it be worth renewing. It's literally the last fucking season lmao WHY WOULDN'T YOU JUST SEE IT THROUGH AND ALLOW THE STORY TO PROPERLY CONCLUDE AND SUBSEQUENTLY ATTRACT ALL THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE SEEING FINISHED, SECURE STORIES??? ((And yes yes, again, probably something that was missing context, but that wording makes me Nauseous lmao c:))
just...The Response (derogatory). it could just seem way louder/bigger than it actually is because it has sunk its tendrils into every little corner, but it makes me worried that the cast/crew are going to feel dejected and won't want to proceed. and i only say that because david recently did an interview, and said something along the lines of "i'll want to continue if it keeps feeling fun." and i'm like...wHAT IF THIS MAKES IT STOP FEELING FUN??? i just really REALLY hope they're all seeing how much love and appreciation there is, as opposed to all of the vitriol.
Max slicing the budget so so hard for season 2. Forty percent man. Forty FUCKING percent. It just makes me so worried about what they consider profitable, what they consider ""WORTHY."" I'd like to think and HOPE that them putting so much effort into marketing and now merch/icons/etc is a good sign. But I still fret over the stereotypical studio "we care more about profits than the art/story."
And also just the general state of streaming. The way SO many stories aren't able to be fully told anymore. The way so many shows get cut after their first or second seasons. The way people can't even really get into new shows because they EXPECT a random cancellation. Like, it sickens me lmao. TV shows used to have SO many fucking seasons, and used to have seasons RICH with episodes. And now it's like...You get 8-10 episodes and now we're cancelling lol get fucked <3
I guess I'm just predominantly nervous because I'm not sure what makes us "worth it" to Max. One would think being declared one of their flagships would, and also being a large LGBT show would. Buuuuuut idk. I just have ~*~distrust and anxiety~*~
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revisitedgrunt · 1 year
Wednesday: What I'd like to see in S2 and the inevitable Wenclair disappointment.
With the announcement that Wednesday has been renewed, I thought about what I'd like to see in season two.
Prior to season two, get Jenna Ortega into the writers room. From everything I've seen and read, Jenna understands Wednesday much more than the writers do. She needs to be in the room so stupid situations like the love triangle, or Wednesday gushing over a dress will never happen again.
During season two, both Enid and Wednesday should come out. We all know Netflix loves to cancel shows that have sapphic girls as the main characters. However, if there's one show that can subvert the trend, it's this one. This show is insanely popular. Maybe it would lose some viewers if they came out, but surely not enough to have much of an impact. I'd also like to believe the majority of people would be fine with it. (Or maybe I give humanity to much credit).
In fact, given the times we live in, having Wednesday and Enid come out would be such a positive message for gay people, and may, in some small way, help other people become more tolerant. The whole point of the show is about being an outcast and how that's not a bad thing, so actually reflect this by making Wednesday and Enid gay, because we are actually treated like outcasts. Just imagine, for one second, a struggling queer kid finding the confidence to be themselves, because the iconic Wednesday Addams is gay.
Now, if the show runners, writers and executives absolutely refuse to have a queer Wednesday and/or Enid, at least have some significant queer representation. I'm sorry, but having minor characters be your only rep doesn't cut it nowadays. We deserve characters that actually matter. Eugene's moms being in two scenes isn't enough.
No romance for Wednesday, at least for season two. I think we should have a season where it's not on Wednesday's radar. Lets have one teenage character that isn't interested in romance, or being pursed by a love interest. I think that for season two, the focus should be on Wednesday's growing friendships with Bianca, Xavier, Ajax, Yoko and Divina. I would also love to see Eugene become even more of a surrogate Pugsley.
However, season two also needs to start pushing forward the romance that makes the most sense, Wenclair. I don't actually want, or expect, romantic Wenclair in season two, but season one established that these two girls are very important to each other, much more important than their male love interests (whether the writers intended it or not). So, season two should be about them growing closer. Have them spend more time together, have the bond they established in season one grow deeper. Have Wednesday become increasing more comfortable around Enid (which still maintaining her Wednesdayness). Have them end season two closer than ever. Then season three can be about them realising their feelings are changing and we can have fun, messy situations/interactions where they're both dealing with their newfound crushes.
Give Tyler and Xavier some much needed character development. Tyler got a tiny bit at the end of season one. However, for most of the season, 90% of their personality revolved around Wednesday. The other 10% was daddy issues. These are not interesting characters and given how prominent they are, they should not be this one dimensional. Have them interact with characters other than Wednesday. Give them some motivation that isn't wanting to date Wednesday Addams. Do something, anything, with them. Give poor Hunter and Percy something to do.
While proofreading this, I've been hit with the certainty that this is going to be one of those situations where two girls would be absolutely perfect for each other, but the writers decide they're just going to be friends. They could have all the chemistry in the world, all this unbridled electricity, obvious sapphic undertones to their relationship, have 90% of the fanbase (and the stars of the show) desperately wanting it, but it's all ignored because the writers have their own story and aren't good enough at their jobs to adapt, change and write the better, more obvious, clearly superior story.
It's especially crazy to me considering these aren't real people. Yes, Wednesday is an established character, but I'm pretty sure she's been too young in previous iterations to have a clearly defined sexuality. So, the writers could make them whatever they wanted. Wednesday is psychic now, Enid is a werewolf! But the two of them being gay is somehow a step too far.
This has the potential to be the best, most popular, sapphic ship I've ever seen. With a show this big, this kind of representation could literally be life changing for people. But I'm now starting to feel that this will be the biggest disappointment and missed opportunity. I really, really hope I'm wrong.
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talkingtea · 8 months
looks like those starz shows has been cancelled and it was just made public. run the world showrunner tweeted this: https://twitter.com/rachellerw/status/1706427706550915513?s=46. and heels just finished its second season run. there’s more than SA’s BS to be fair. the show tried casting several years ago but wasn’t successful. they tried again in 2019 and finished casting. they were supposed to film beginning of 2020 but couldn’t bc of the pandemic. they started late 2020 and finished early 2021, premiered late 2021. they got renewed within 3 weeks. they started filming s2 early 2022 and finished july 2022. then starz & lionsgate ended their partnership the rest of last year (and the result of that made heels only available in the US). so they pushed s2 to the end of this july- a whole year after they finished filming it and two whole years after s1 ended. and it happened to air during two strikes and then SA’s BS happened. I think it was already cancelled and maybe that could’ve explained SA’s behavior, like he was lashing out bc he thought promoting it could save it, but even if it wasn’t already cancelled when that all happened, it definitely was cancelled for a bit before it went public, like the other shows. So, as a fan of that show and the other cast members like Kelli Berglund & Alexander Ludwig, I don’t think it’s 100% bc of Stephen. It wasn’t the only one cancelled either. It feels like the show never had a real chance to gain an audience, as barely anyone has Starz, the pandemic delayed it, SA got covid & broke his back during S1 filming so it took even longer than it was supposed to, the network politics delayed it, & the strike stopped promotion. And Starz wasn’t doing any of the promo itself. It was all the cast during S1. They held screenings for several episodes. And it was actually supposed to do a promotion with a real wrestling network this past July, which was another thing Stephen was salty about on his IG, bc the strike stopped that. But it is ironic that scabbing didn’t save the show , lol. I feel terrible for the rest of the cast 😞 There was another wrestling show but on Netflix that was cancelled a while ago, so I feel bad for the wrestling fans. Even other Starz shows that were really well liked got cancelled before these four shows. I know the ratings weren’t what it should’ve been but those are a lot of factors that costed viewers, I can’t fully blame the show itself.
but it’s definitely SA karma.
It obviously wasn’t all his fault, in fact it probably wasn’t even mostly his fault but at the same time he’s a crappy person so he kinda deserves it. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ We hope other cast and the crew find new jobs soon.
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ladymelisande · 10 months
So wait ppl are angry because the romance has... angst? Bc the show might get cancelled and gaiman just should have listened to the cooperate and tell a more simple story...? Honestly a lot of discourse like this makes me realize you just cannot satisfy people bc they will ultimately find any way to complain. Accusing gaiman for queerbaiting bc there was no kiss btwn the leads and then attacking him again after they put a kiss scene just bc they made it angsty is insane.
Honestly, I think I found the key of why English speaking television is going to hell. It's not only the corporates without soul. The audience is so utterly bland and wants nothing but instant gratification. So of course the corporates are gonna win. How can you not win when your audience is actively rejecting storytelling in favour of soulless consumption?
Yeah, basically they are saying that, that he should have just copied and pasted Season 1 and ended it with Crowley and Aziraphale moving together (in the second of act of the fucking story) because of the possibility of the show not being renewed.
With that fucking attitude, it won't be renewed for sure. And after that they would sure cry and act like victims and say it was Neil's fault because God forbid he wanted to keep telling his and his friend's story despite what the fandom wanted.
Good work, people, the CEOs must love you. Don't worry, they will surely create soulless shows with no clear conflict or structure for you soon. They'll love to know you get angry at actually competent writers trying to tell a story and not them for setting unrealistic expectations in shows and keep hiring dumb hacks that write garbage for little money in little time.
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scienter · 4 months
I have most definitely worn you out with my endless asks but I have a short break from work & tvd nostalgia has sort of taken over me.Plus, I love how analytical your responses are. Please feel free not to respond if you don't want to.
Julie did an interview right before s6 finale where she talked about approaching s6 with two pitches:
1. if Nina decided to continue,they would end the season on a cliffhanger after a mass devastation caused everyone's lives to hang in balance and they wouldn't reveal who wasn't coming back until the end & then spend half of next season saying goodbye to " our character ".
2.If Nina said no,they would do what they had planned for half of next season in just one episode and instead of a cliffhanger,it would be the penultimate episode and then they would spend the finale saying all the goodbyes.In short,everything will be about Elena.
Since Nina left,they went with the second one.Now, hypothetically speaking,if Nina had stayed, who would have been that "our character" they had said goodbye to?You and I both know about the SE-ers claims/argument that SC happened BECAUSE Nina left and apparently PW has given validation to that argument.Taking cue from Plec's post-series finale interviews,it seemed they would have brought back that whole BS triangle all over again and "leave a choice". *snores*
In that case, what do you think would have happened? Would Elena have gone back to her same old "if I choose one, I lose the other" drama leading to the brothers choosing to die together for Elena,as envisioned by Plec and Kevin, when they wrote 2×22 OR, would it have been an entirely different character, depending on renewal &/or cancellation,simply for shock-value?
The first name that comes to my mind is Bonnie Bennett because TVD simply loved killing their sole WOC character.Apparently,Plec had planned her death in s5 and then backtracked.
The most impossible and unexpected one would be Caroline Forbes.As much as we want to believe the writers loved her,I think we all deep down know how much they actually loved baiting the various "shipper" fandoms,who lived vicariously through her,with all the Caroline-relationships.So her death wouldn't have been beneficial.Although,her death would,certainly, have been shocking.Not to mention,how much TVD/television writers alike loved/love killing key female characters left,right and centre either for manpain or to prop up other relationships.
I think Tyler would have been killed off because he was the most “expendable” character on the show.  
The male characters outnumbered the female characters and I think the writers wanted some balance thus protecting Caroline and Bonnie.
Damon and Stefan had plot armor until the finale
JP stated many times that Matt was vital to the show because he was a human (they didn’t want just supernatural characters on the show).
Jeremy and Ric’s deaths were already explored. Killing them again wouldn't be shocking or push the narrative forward in any meaningful way.
Tyler was killed off in episode 8x03. If the writers were willing to kill Tyler off in the story they wrote, then the writers wouldn’t hesitate to kill him off in their possible alternative storylines.  
As you said, killing Caroline would be an impossible and unexpected choice because she was so beloved and central to so many storylines (i.e. Caroline was the center of the most love triangles on the show).  I don’t think they’d have the guts to do it. Think about killing Caroline? Sure. Doing so? No way. Caroline was the glue between TVD, TO, and Legacies. Elena may have been TVD’s protagonist, but Caroline is the keystone holding everything together.  
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flythesail · 4 months
do you think goosebumps will ever be renewed for season 2? Also Lucas and Margot actors are dating irl so cute
I don't know. I hope so!!! But it's been over two months now so I'm inclined to think it's not looking good. :/
Then again, it's not over until they actually say either way. I'm not familiar with how Disney does their renewals either. Like whether they're in batches, how closely they're announced to when a season ends, etc.
It's a poor comparison because Percy Jackson is way more popular than Goosebumps will ever be, yet that hasn't been renewed either. Granted, s1 just ended. But point being Disney isn't in a rush to renew even when a show is that big. So maybe there's *some* hope?
I haven't seen any data for how well it did but one thing in our favor is they actually did some marketing. A lot of streaming shows, I'd never have heard of them if I wasn't on social media. But around Halloween they had a ton of commercials.
Main thing that worries me is it'd be stupid to not continue to pair Goosebumps with Halloween time for marketing purposes, and if they don't renew soon they're running out of time to have a second season premiere this year. But still... it's early in the year and if they aren't moving fast on other renewals... Maybe there's a chance.
If we get to something like six months out without any news that's when I'll assume it's over. The thing that sucks about streaming too is if it's canceled then you have to worry about the show being completely removed from the platform too. Disney did that to quite a few shows last year.
I did hear they're dating!! If anything comes out of the show, it's nice they met :')
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
can i know why the tumblr football community does not like ronaldo and his family? i've been in the midst of twitter football community for too long before joining tumblr so i'm genuinely curious.
sorry if i come off as rude but i genuinely am curious :")
JDNSJDMEKD LOL ITS OKAY!! twt and tumblr r VERY different environments primarily bc most of the toxicity we get on here has transferred from twt. but also most of us r not weird cis men w lil dick syndrome that must unhealthily idolize/defend rich male athletes/celebs.
so to start off w ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against their children okay. kids r innocent to the faults of their parents. u cant choose who raised you. i just hope they're happy and healthy as all children should be.
there's a whole laundry list of things i can say about cr7 including admitting to r*pe, being an egotistical weirdo (slamming his old teams, acting out when he doesn't get minutes, etc.), and other generally weird rich person cringe that a man nearing 40 should not be acting like.
georgina on the other hand idk know much about other than my general distaste for celebs and out of touch weirdos who get their own netflix reality tv series by doing absolutely nothing. i dont like athlete family gossip especially about families so i generally ignore their existence unless the athlete shares that part w the public or it affects my games. she's also just a rlly weird person? i havent watched the "documentary" but from some clips ive seen im like? rlly?? this is what got renewed for a second season but my series got cancelled why??? ik a mutual of mine hate watches the series tho. anyways many ppl just dislike her by association to cr7. they also recently both got an exemption from saudia to live not married to keep them there. like they changed the countries LAWS to fit them bc cr7 can't put a ring on it. whether u agree w the law or not that weird as hell right?? not that im surprised saudia allowed this bc those fuckers r the worst.
at one point (2016ish?) she represented the dream wag life. she met a famous athlete working in retail at a luxury store and then started a life w him after. a lot of ppl still like her. what was her wording again: "i went from riding busses to work to leaving in lambos"
so yah that's just my reasonings on it tho. like there r other ppl in football i wouldn't mind seeing docu series on but that's bc they actually do things that aren't philanthropic events for tax write-offs.
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cringefaildiaz · 1 year
Don't get we wrong, I feel hopeful too, specially with the whole network change because it means the series has an actual shot of going back to the way it used to be. I feel like lately the emergencies don't have that spark anymore, so I'm looking forward to see what ABC does with them. Also, let's cross our fingers and think that they'll actually give a damn about promo and they'll use (at least in social media) what attracts more attention... I mean, if the answer is a couple of firefighters that are raising a child together, I wouldn't mind.
However, what makes me mad is that by the time they were working on the finale they weren't sure if they were going to come back or not. From what it looks like, all the characters will get a sort of happiesh?) ending just in case, because again, the ABC move back then was not a sure thing.
They did that with The Resident. Sure, at first it was supposed to be a season finale, but they still did an ending that could be interpreted as both options: season finale or series finale. Well, it was cancelled so at the end they at least got a chance to leave the characters in a good place.
That's what will happen with 911 this season, I believe, because after almost six years the show at least deserved a decent ending if for one reason or the other they were not coming back.
My point is, we know that it's not going to be an open ending, and that all the characters will be left in a good place. I know there are a lot of possibilities, but we are talking about miss Kristen Reidel, it wouldn't surprise me if Buck and Eddie end this season with Natalia and Marisol, representing a "traditional" conclusion for both characters.
It wasn't hard to leave them single, if she truly didn't want Buddie to happen, but she just had to bring two random characters for the last four episodes of the season, right? If I follow her previous patterns, what will happen is that for the general audience, Buck and Eddie will end in "heathy" relationships with Natalia and Marisol, but they will share a significant moment together that's up to interpretation for the internet. Classic queerbaiting behavior me thinks.
I'm aware that now we are far from losing the war, especially if we consider that ABC has a different target audience and that they actually tend to listen to them. So, Buddie truly has a chance of happening now.
At the end, what I'm trying to say is, I feel optimistic for the ABC move, but I'm also frustrated because if that had been the series ending, that woman would have given a poor conclusion to Buck and Eddie just because yolo?) There was no reason to have those two random characters with them.
Buddie has a second chance, but I hope and pray to the universe that ABC will realize what they have in their hands and even if *she stays, they will overule her bad takes, not only on Buddie, but for the show in general, that move was not a cheap one. If they really want for the series to last, changes need to be made.
It's also sad to think that if they had stayed at FOX or if they had cancelled the series, we never really had a chance to win, huh. Homophobia will always prevail, no matter what.
The thing with this, anon, is that mostly I think it's a really fair reading of what's been going on. I just read the information we have really differently.
I definitely agree with you that the emergencies have been meh for a while now, but to me that's just a symptom of being 6 seasons deep into a procedural; a new network might breathe a little more life into it, and I hope it does, but I've never watched a show through a network switch so I'm pretty 🤷🏻‍♀️ on how much it's gonna affect the actual content. Def hoping for more promo though.
I get what you're saying about all the character's getting a "happy-ish" ending because they didn't know about season renewal but....isn't that always how it is? Like, I don't personally see much of a difference between where it seems they're gonna leave off 6x18 than any of the other finales we've had.
And I get why a finale where one or both of the boys are in a relationship with a woman would be disappointing if we're reading it from a "they thought this might be the last episode they were ever making" angle (but I am BEGGING someone to show me what KR has said or done that makes y'all believe she hates buddie. Because I was watching casually through most of s5, I missed all that. And from the show itself, I don't get that impression at all. I am genuinely asking PLEASE i need context). But, while I've always been a buddie girlie, 6b is literally the first time I've ever thought they might actually do it. And I've been really confident since 6x13 and the interview about the couch being in play until the very last scene of the season (and still am) that the closing shot of this season is gonna be the three boys on the Diaz couch. It's just the only thing I see as a possible resolution. Not to say you can't read that as a "open for interpretation" fan service moment, but until I know exactly why people think KR is fundamentally opposed the idea of buddie together, I'm gonna be reading it the way the text tells me to.
Because while I've become a bit of a buddie truther in 6b, they're not in a place where getting together by the end of the season would make....any sense. A lot of people disagreed with me on that, but that's been my stance since like, early s6. Just cuz there was no development for them in the first half of the season at ALL, and we knew how jam packed 6b was gonna be with other plotlines with other characters. They've got a lot of growing to do before buddie canon would even be satisfying imo. I just really believe we might be on that track now.
And with that in mind, here's my perspective on the ending IF they were writing it thinking they might never write another episode again: Buck can and should end up alone at the end of the season. He should really concretely know what he's looking for, in the way he didn't when he dumped Taylor. Having Buck explore the opportunity to date someone who is fascinated by his experiences but not actually interested in him is a great way to do that, imo. Him walking away from that and realizing he needs to find someone who will, in Oliver's words, meet him where he's at. I really cannot see Natalia being relevant beyond the finale at all, and if I'm wrong, I'm gonna start seriously questioning the writers, because they've told us she's not it for him (like, even my friends who watch the show very casually were screaming "NOOOOO!!!" at the screen every time she was mentioned in 6x15).
Eddie's more complicated though. Let's say, hypothetically, they realized midway through shooting 6b that renewal wasn't likely with Fox, and they didn't know whether or not they'd be picked up by another network. Eddie's been on this little journey of self discovery about wanting a partner, and has accepted the fact that he's lonely. Ending the show with Eddie in his single status quo would be sad as hell for the GA! We have to remember, we are not the only ones watching this show, and the vast majority are not seeing buddie as romantic options for each other. That can change, I really hope it does change, I am optimistic that it WILL change; but it hasn't yet. If they were trying to wrap things up nicely, with everyone in a pretty good spot, I can see why shoving relatively-underutilized Eddie with a nice girl would be a good way to do that. Easy to undo if they got a s7, but also a lot easier to convince the GA of a love interest for Eddie being good for him, just because he's not as big of a deal to the show (which I hate. I love Eddie I want him to have the world. But Buck is the main character on this show, let's be real)
That's not to mention that this is all speculation; we don't have any idea what's gonna happen with these two women. I'm standing pretty firm in my belief that they won't end the season in relationships, but I could be wrong. And if I'm wrong about Eddie, I can see why they'd make that choice and I'm not even a little mad at it. If I'm wrong about Buck, and he ends up in a clearly doomed relationship with Natalia, I'm less cool with that, but I can see the opportunities for s7 and assume that they were working under the assumption that they'd get a renewal somewhere. If Buck ends up in a seemingly perfect and happy relationship with Natalia, my faith in the writers is gonna plummet, not because queerbaiting, but because they told us it was doomed in 6x15, and it would make it clear to me that the writers don't even know what kind of stories they want to tell on a micro, episode to episode level. But I really can't imagine that happening.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Is Walker on the same level as the Winchesters ratings wise?
So let's head off the bait at the pass: to whichever person stared at a chart and saw base indexes looking similar, and decided to send this as a suggestive ask, enjoy getting schooled.
Because no genuine reader would read "the Winchesters will get Renewed, Walker is likely to get cancelled" and then send this ask.
So let's dive in to "issues that take understanding what pretty numbers mean."
At a glance, their averages are running similar--Walker only seems a sliver behind The Winchesters. At a glance, Walker is averaging 0.08 on season and the Winchesters is averaging 0.10, so why would one be near doomed and another near promised?
Issue one: Walker's baseline vs Winchesters baseline
Walker's last 0.10 it managed was the first since early last year, and came from a weird TV shuffle night. Without it the numbers skew worse, and close to an average of 0.07. When Nexstar's DC and NY markets dropped, it was not effected. It shows low value in high value markets.
Winchesters on the other hand premiered high, got cut in half with the market loss--but that 0.07 is close to Walker's *AVERAGE*, and it's the show's low. Winchesters also lost an additional market, Cincinatti, with those numbers, and with Cincinatti back averaged 0.09. No other show lost the Cincinatti market. Even with the other 2 out, Winchesters fares above Walker.
Then you break it all out and markets back, Winchesters is ABOVE that 0.1 that Walker fans were SO PROUD TO SEE. But like. That's just gonna be the average without the market out. This hasn't been Walker's average for a long time. So unless it retains a sudden permanent recovery after a year and a half by virtue of Nexstar's channel decisions, well. Yeah.
Issue 2: +3, +7.
A lot of networks don't only rely on L+SD anymore because of the shift in TV viewing behaviors. +3s are considered Near-As-Good, +7s a bit less. But their numbers continue to double over. By the time +7s roll in, Windy's at 0.08, Walker's at 0.12 and Winchesters is at 0.22. These things aren't competing the same, period. These are the actual numbers advertisers are fighting for, which is why there's such different ad markets for the products.
Issue 3: Digitals
CW used to work off bulk international licensing games which is why the channel operated at a loss. It's a neat game of Hollywood Accounting that Adam Ruins Everything explained over here with the sales announcement--which, by the way, whether SPN fandom lets itself accept or not, like. That boycott and the methods of it were designed to attack CW's infrastructure while they were at the weak point in Netflix<->stacking model transitioning. TLDR, the CW sold because you guys successfully broke it. Congrats, that shit everyone's panicing about is exactly what we were asking for.
So now, it's not about playing infinite license roulette. Products need to be able to make it in market first, then aftermarket second, like a normal network. HOWEVER, ad views on the app, CW app, function the same. They go to CW. Which nexstar owns.
But Windy, Walker have weak digitals. Windy actually does better on the CW app, almost 9x. Most of Walker's 12x is about 8x offseason old views on hbo. the other 4x tops, that's what's on the CW app. Winchesters is pulling like. 30x on the app. Again, how do people think these ads value comparatively.
Issue 4: Licensing
Nexstar is looking for ratings like, AT LEAST as good as Walker's. And that's not a point for Walker. Because Nexstar has a 1M/ep licensing fee base policy, earning upward. Walker costs about 3M to produce as it is, and after 3 years, show salaries bloat with raises, which inflates costs and so on. CBS produces it alone. CBS would have to choose to invest the difference, and the digital earnings and travelability don't match.
The Winchesters is co produced, for CBS and WB choices on additional investment, as well as the Production House or jensen's own financiers, and the fact that it earns higher than the expectation and will be given higher licensing values by Nexstar. The cast and crew are young, the salaries aren't inflated and overhead is low. They're fine.
Walker on paper is outclassed by 20%
In reality with market losses about 50% live
outclassed in digital almost 3x
More expensive for less results.
less production backing
Not even remotely comparable.
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freydheim · 1 year
1899, 1.08- "The Key"
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...Well then. I am just... legitimately stunned? It's pretty much just the mystery left to talk about at this point, and I have to say, this show just kept flipping everything on its head all over again every few minutes, didn't it? I knew they definitely weren't killing everyone off, so I wasn't entirely surprised when it revealed all the characters were in the simulation together. I had started to think that the characters who had died or walked off the boat were parts of the simulation for those who were left, so that was a really pleasant surprise when they Maura finally woke up to find that ALL the leads were in reality as well, while they're in transit to who knows where?
I hardly even know what to talk about. So much of this was just confirming theories and doing the reveal, and then setting up a second season which I have now learned has been cancelled, which was a horribly unfortunate surprise. I really wanted to learn about who these characters are outside the simulation, given that they're all alive. Are they even anything like who they were in the simulation? Are their relationships even the same? I mean, if Maura didn't remember being married to Daniel and having Elliot with him, and she was starting to fall for Eyk, then who's to say that ANY of these characters are related to each other in any way that they were before?
Yeah, I feel like I really need season 2 of this. I had... so much to say about the last seven episodes, but I feel like now it's just... I guess I've already said most of what I needed and wanted to? Most of this was so driven by unravelling the mystery that I feel like there's not a whole lot else for me to say without rewatching it other than commenting on what I did and didn't get right, which would ultimately just recap the episode. And even if I have any theories about where the show would be going, if they're in a second simulation or if they really are now in reality, all that sort of stuff, it feels sort of hollow given there isn't going to be another season? I'm definitely really disappointed in that, but hey, maybe we'll be surprised and we'll yell at Netflix enough that they'll change their mind and renew it, or someone else will pick it up.
This is the first show I've wrapped up on this blog though, which is super exciting! I've got one thing left in my drafts to finish up, and then I'll be on the lookout for my next show, so if you've got any suggestions let me know! I'm super open to hearing them, and hopefully they'll actually get the whole story told- was that too petty? Ah, oh well. If you stuck around for the whole of my reactions to 1899, thanks a ton! I hope you'll consider sticking around for the other shows I'm watching, and if not, then thanks for reading through these!
Until the next one- skål!
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aksbe · 1 year
Waking up to the news of warrior nun being cancelled was not something i expected...
Actually crying so this is a great start to the day already.
Hoping it can be saved cuz fuck you netflix. Back to pirating i go cuz like hell im using your dumb ass subscription again, cuz its fucking obvious they made the decision of not renewing it before second season even came out. istg this is my last straw with em.
Simon better be looking into the possibility of warrior nun being picked up by another network...
im not ready to give up this fight
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alexzalben · 1 year
Hey Alex! I was just wondering if you could explain the process of a show from one platform being renewed by another? I know so many people have lost favourite shows recently and I'd love to know if there's any hope for some of us.
I don't know that I can adequately explain it, because A) every case is different, and B) I'm not involved in those contract negotiations. But the short version is that it comes down to whether multiple parties involved want to make a deal, and contractually can make a deal.
So, for example, Minx: that was a show that streamed on HBO Max, which is owned by Warner Bros. Discovery; but the show itself was produced by Lionsgate, which owns Starz. Though I absolutely don't know this for a fact, presumably when WBD decided to unrenew Minx, they made a deal with Lionsgate to buy back the streaming rights to the first season, as well as the second season, so Lionsgate could air it on Starz (and stream on the Starz app). This is a win for Lionsgate/Starz since they get a critically acclaimed show, and a win for WBD since they were dumping the show anyway, and have to make back a huge amount of money in their budget.
Another example, Girls5eva: again, I do not know this for sure, but it was already canceled by Peacock, and then picked up for a third season by Netflix. For Peacock, it was most likely not driving subscriptions and didn't have the streaming numbers they needed to continue. For Netflix, I would venture that someone(s) was a fan of the show and the talent involved, and were able to make a financial case that buying the rights to stream the first two seasons of the show as well as producing a third season could produce a comedy hit a la Cobra Kai. And NBCUniversal, too, could use a little cash on hand - like WBD and Paramount, I'd guess they're finding licensing their content can make them more money than constantly pouring it down the hole of their own streaming service.
Again, this is two cases, and I don't actually have any inside info, just speculation. But the short answer is that everything is a unique case... The best thing you can do as a fan, since you don't have anything to do with contract negotiations, is watch and talk up shows you love; on social media, and in person... Like you presumably do anyway.
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demadogs · 2 years
I remember you getting mad that all the wlw shows getting cancelled (paper girls huuuh!!) so I wondered... have you seen the spanish show Welcome to Eden? It's not the best show ever or anything but it has a wlw romance in the last episodes that you don't really see coming, with main characters, it actually shocked me when i watched it because we usually never get that! And it's been renewed for a second season. But I didn't see anyone talking about it, probably because it's not american? Anyway I'm actually looking forward to the second season, that I probably wouldn't even watch if there wasn't this wlw couple lol.
ooo i might check it out. a lot of my favorite shows arent english. cable girls is an AMAZING spanish show. i was planning on rewatching that after i finish stranger things again. dark is also one of my all time favorite shows. that ones german. the international netflix originals are really goood.
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