#actress Brienne
melancholypancakes · 11 months
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I might as well flat say this and confirmed it.
Warning: Heavy angst, racism, cruelty, mention of parent death, Yvette’s troublesome family life
Actor AU belongs to @frillsand
In the Actor AU, Brienne Velvet is a puppet made from her biological mother asexually but in a way that her mother would not be around….
Yvette Moreau was a French human woman, she left her family’s rich life from France to America to start a new life.
Yvette met her neighbors, two puppets Archie & Margaret Velvet; although at first Margaret was not welcoming Yvette was.
She understood why Margaret was suspicious of her, how can she not be?
Humans and puppets may lived together in “Harmony” but racism and cruelty still existed.
Archie was too nice and welcomed Yvette to the neighborhood, sound familiar?
Yvette was happy, she had a new life but she was still a rebel and wanted to change the world for the better.
The Velvet couple knew about this idea and thought it was impossible, Bringing Humans and Puppets to peace?
Isn’t that ridiculous?
After some time Margaret considered Yvette a friend much like her husband and started to believe in her dear friend’s cause.
Yvette was all over the place preaching and demanding peace between the two species.
It almost worked the peace Yvette dreamed about…if it weren’t for the government and police.
Yvette still prevailed, she still had her two friends, the humans and puppets who join her act.
She also knew, some who followed her met their fatal fate by humans…
Yvette to, knew that she was going to die rather by her own kind or….her creation.
You see, Yvette was never able to have children which was a disgrace to her family in which she fled.
When Yvette started making her creation, it was a daughter she could never have “Brienne”.
A Clone just like her but to her it was someone new…an experience. At first Margaret and Archie didn’t understand.
She explained that Brienne was her daughter and when she’s comes alive; Yvette wouldn’t be….around anymore.
Yvette always wanted a daughter, “Brienne” a girl that was noble, kind and caring.
Yvette was going to become a part of Brienne, her very essence was going to be inside Brienne so she would be alive.
Of course, Margaret and Archie tried to reason with Yvette but she was stubborn.
Yvette knew that her “Rebellion” would bring her demise by her own kind and they would treat her like scum by her act of peace with puppets.
Margaret and Archie knew they couldn’t change her mind, they didn’t want to lose their human friend.
The only woman who was kind to them and their kind; when they met Yvette they’re were struggling in the world financially and victims of racism.
So, Yvette put the couple in her Will, which made the, break down more as they crawled into Yvette’s arms for the very last time.
They held each other for a long time before Yvette asked the couple for a favor, they swore they would accept anything she had to asked.
“Take care of Brienne for me…please?” Yvette asked as a plea. She wanted the couple to adopt her daughter as there own.
Yvette knew Brittany would love to have a little sister, and she knew Brienne would be able to do what she couldn’t do in her life time.
After Yvette’s death, a funeral was held for her by the couple and they welcomed their adoptive daughter to the real world.
Brienne was just like Yvette almost a full puppet version of her of course, but she was curious and joyful just like Yvette.
Brittany enjoyed having a little sister especially one who wasn’t afraid to try new things.
Unfortunately, Brienne was too much like Yvette and that worry Margaret….
Author Note: the Velvet family is rich but wasn’t doing so well in finance when Yvette met them, since humans were in charge of them the bills went up but thanks to Yvette they were going to be alright.
Only in the Actor AU Yvette is Brienne’s biological mother, in the human AU they are the same person. In the OG I will reveal in time 😈
I am going to make a comic of a mention of Yvette but it takes a long time to do.
So I have a fanfic in mind :)
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My villain origin story is D&D completely changing Brienne and Arya attitude towards girlhood.
There is NO WAY Arya would say "most girls are stupid" in the books. Even the Sansa/Arya "hate" is INSANE because book Arya thinks often about her sister and she misses her. The ones putting Arya against Sansa were the people that were comparing them (Sansa looks like her mother and she's more skilled in dancing, singing and knitting, while Arya looks more like her father, so less "feminine" and less cut out for those activities). Also for the record, she never thinks Sansa is dumb or stupid because she's more feminine, but instead feels bad that she can't be like her. She doesn't hate girlish activities or think they are stupid, she just doesn't feel able to do them. Also in the last seasons we see Arya becoming a "killing-robot", while in the books she has a DEVELOPING emotional sphere since SHE'S 9! NINE! at the beginning of the books.
This whole argument can go for Brienne too. We got show Brienne calling Jaime a woman as an insult, while book Brienne would NEVER say that. Like Arya, Brienne suffered from the pressure of not being able to meet those unrealistic standards that rule the lifes of all the women in the asoiaf world, mostly because of her physical appearance. She learned how to fight because she felt like becoming a knight was her only choice.
Why did D&D felt like Arya and Brienne needed to dislike their gender in order for them to be good at swordsmanship? I would REALLY like to know.
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cakexblankett · 4 months
Gwendoline Christie
AU where Gwendoline is a writer.
You looked up at the sky, the sun shining bright above your head. Although it was still February, it was warm and the sky was clear.
It reminded you of the day when it all happened, when the start of the end took place.
You entered the library where the signing was at, and went in line. You kept thinking of her, wondering if she'd changed or if she was still the same, good looking and witty woman you used to love.
You waited for the person in front of you to go away before taking two steps forward. Coming into view was her, Gwendoline, smiling. She looked up and that smile faded.
You grinned, putting your copy of the book on the table. It had been long since you last saw eachother, so her surprise was normal. You hadn't talked in quiet a while too, you almost forgot what her voice sounded like. Almost, because you kept hearing her calling you in your dreams.
She blinked, astonished. She couldn't believe her eyes, seeing you there could only be a miracle or a prank. But it didn't matter, because she missed you like you missed her, and seeing you there, dressed fancy like you were about to go to a red carpet, she didn't know what to do. There were a lot of things she wanted to say, a lot of "I'm sorry" and "forgive me", but it wasn't the place nor the time.
You gazed at her, at her deep, blue eyes, at her red, plump lips- you wondered if she was wearing the lipstick you gifted her months ago, before your breakup. Your eyes went to the small scar on her upper lip.
"It was nice of you to come here today."
Her voice shook for a moment and she had to cough to regain her composure. She couldn't possibly let you see how your presence was making her crumble. She thought you were gone from her life, forever, altough she had always harboured a small hope in her heart, hope that you would come back to her, hope that she didn't messed up things that badly for you to walk away. You were gone for so long, that hope had gotten smaller and weaker every passing week, yet there you were, with your suit and tie on, looking as beautiful as ever.
"I couldn't have possibly missed this oppurtunity."
You knew you were making a mistake, going back to the one who broke your heart in millions of small pieces, but maybe she changed, maybe you were wrong for thinking she didn't love you or miss you. Maybe it was time to let it all behind and start from scratch.
She took your copy of the magazine and autographed it. You remembered when she used to tell you how wonderful it would be if somebody would read her book, how awesome it would be if her name became famous. You smiled to yourself, seeing her now, with hundreds of people waiting in line for her to sign their copies of her book, the one that she made you read in advance as she was writing it.
She looked up, her eyes locking with yours. You stayed there for a second, still, in complete silence. It felt like hours, you saw your future in those eyes, you felt calm and somehow, all your worries and thoughts about the past disappeared. You only saw her, her blonde locks of hair cascading beautifully on her shoulders. You almost went to touch her, to feel the smoothness of her hair in your hand, maybe caress her while she talked about her day and how she missed you.
But then her eyes darted away from yours and the moment of peace faded. A man approached her and told her to move faster, since there were still a lot of people in line. She nodded, apologizing.
You smiled. You missed hearing her voice, you missed hearing that english accent that made her sound refined and sophisticated, which she was. She was a queen, born to rule and to be served and admired, and you were eager to be the peasant who bringed her gifts and who made her feel loved when her king couldn't.
You grimaced. A king. A flashback of that day came into your mind, your thoughts clouded with tears, screams, sadness and anger. You tried to shake the thoughts away, anxiety and remorse and fear washing over you, like it was happening again, in that exact moment.
She looked up at you and, when she saw your face, she knew what you were thinking about. She felt small, powerless, weak and, above all, sorry. She knew what she did was wrong, she knew it would have made you suffer, yet she continued seeing him, even when you two were a couple, happy and content with the life you had. She felt so stupid, so embarassed of her actions, but the past is the past and she couldn't change her choices. She couldn't make your suffering go away, even if she wanted to. And she did, she would have done anything to make those dark thoughts running in you head disappear, but she didn't know how. So it was better if she walked away from your life, forever.
"Thank you again for coming."
You nodded, taking back the book. Your hands touched for a second, but it was enough for a jolt of electricity to run inside your veins. You felt your blood boil at the thought of her hands touching another person, her soft and delicate fingers run along another person's hair. You remembered the wonders her touch did, when you two used to lie naked on your bed, kissing and touching eachother, searching for love on her body while she searched it on yours. And you were sure she found it, you certainly did. But maybe it wasn't the case, since she soon started to search it on someone else.
"Thank you for signing the book. It was very well written,  congratulations."
She smiled, a forced smile. You couldn't decipher her expression, if she was annoyed or simply trying to not cry. You returned the smile and walked away with the book in hand. She watched you exit the library, her eye lingering on your body. She loved you, the way you walked, the way you talked, the way you looked at her, with so much passion and love. It was all gone, though, and it was too late to do anything about it now. So she watched you leave, regret eating her alive.
You glanced back for a second, seeing her greet another person, with a fake smile plastered on her graceful face. Since when she became so good at faking? She used to be the most sincere person in the world, or, at least, that's what you thought. But she cheated on you, hiding it for so long. You felt so stupid, how could you not see it, how could you not have sensed that she wasn't being real with you?
You blamed yourself for so long, you felt like it was your fault. Maybe you didn't love her enough, maybe she wanted more than you could gave her. But you swore you gave everything you had, your love, your loyalty, your attention, your devotion. Everything.
Her name became famous, she was happy with someone else, she didn't need you anymore. You were so dumb for thinking that, maybe, you still had a chance. You immagined that, walking in that library, she would have said "sorry" and hugged you, asking you to come back. But her heart was in the arms of someone else, there was nothing to do.
You walked away from the library, sad and angry at yourself. Seeing her only made things more difficult. How could you forget her? How could you not love her? She was perfect, she was kind, funny, smart, and so full of love. You remembered all the evenings spent laughing and joking while you two shared a glass of wine, trying to solve riddles or playing board games near the fireplace. Sometimes you watched horror movies, your bodies pressed one against the other, the movies didn't seem so horrific with her.
You turned around, seeing Gwendoline run towards you, her high heels clicking on the concrete. You took in her running figure. She was taller than you remembered, maybe it was because of the shoes. Her brows were furrowed, a small line forming between them. You loved her little wrinkles.
She gazed at you for a moment, reminiscing all the splendid moments she had with you. Your shared appartment, with two small kittens playing around, while she made you breakfast while you still slept. She used to love watching you sleep just after she woke up. Your messy hair, your half opened mouth, while her hand cupped your face. She was joyous of her life with you, but something was missing, and she soon started to searching it in someone else.
You two were still, one in front of the other, your face looking up while she looked down. She didn't find that something in anyone, but she couldn't abandon him, especially after she made him think he was the most important person in her life. But he was wrong, because you were, and she knew she would find that something only in you. Maybe she should have asked, she should have talked to you about it, but she was scared.
"Don't leave."
You smiled.
"I would never."
She returned the smiled.
Things would be different, things would work out fine. She just needed to ask you and you would give, she just needed to talk and you would listen, she just needed to like you and you would love her. Forever.
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“Woman?  Is that meant to insult me?”
Happy International Women’s Day.
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 To all of us.
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sapphicobsesssion · 8 months
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Editing ppl with opposite features is now my favourite hobby 😭😭😭
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pixelside · 11 months
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Gwendoline Christie -Photo © Christian François -
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𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚕𝚋𝚞𝚖 𝚘𝚏 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝙶𝚠𝚎𝚗 𝚠𝚑𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚍𝚘 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚖𝚢𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏!
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zoanzon · 1 year
Scrolling back up through the liveblog comments I was sending to a friend when I originally watched Wednesday and I think I forgot to share the way my brain jumped tracks with associations and:
Modern!AU, “Arya Stark, Teen Investigator”
Just...imagine the sheer chaos.
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2rats1gogh · 2 months
although i REALLY like the cast of HotD I can’t help but criticize the fact that they all are a little off for their canonical ages.
And it creates A LOT of problems.
Whenever I look at Olivia as Alicent my brain just cannot comprehend the fact that she is supposed to be the mother of Aegon, Aemond and Helaena. She looks like their older sister. I get that they were trying to go for the effect that “she was too young when she had her children” which is valid but still, she looks five years older than them at best. She is supposed to be almost 20 YEARS older than Aemond, yet in some shots of them together he looks like he’s older than her. It just makes it not really believable.
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Rhaenyra is also supposed to be much much older than her siblings, yet they all also look just like three years apart. They don’t look like a woman in her mid to late thirties fighting with a man in his early twenties which is what it should’ve been. It takes away the drama and puts them on the same level.
Ewan Mitchell is amazing as Aemond but he looks so so much older than the actor who plays Luke. During Storm’s End, like many people have said, it actually looks like a grown ass man chasing a small kid, when the characters are supposed to be like four to five years apart. Where Luke is believable as a 14 year old, Aemond absolutely does NOT look 19.
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Rhaenyra and Daemon also look fairly the same age because obviously there was no Daemon recast. They did a good job to make Paddy (Viserys) age throughout the years, but they kinda forgot to make Daemon age as well. And therefore Matt Smith looks the exact same in ep 1 and in ep 10, even tho these two episodes are like AT LEAST 20 years apart?? Matt Smith was in his early forties when they were filming, but by the end of season 1 Daemon is literally supposed to be in his mid to late fifties. The fact that Emma and Matt look around the same age, maybe having a 5 year age gap max, makes many people forget that they are two fully different generations of people, being around 20 years apart in the show, and hypothetically could’ve been father and daughter.
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And obviously Laena. Other people have already talked about this, but I also find it super weird that the show tried to convince us that Laena went from (1) to (2) in like, i don’t know, two years maybe? And then after a timeskip of only like one decade, she suddenly looks like she aged 20 years? The actress is literally older than Emma, and Laena is supposed to be younger than Rhaenyra.
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It just doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t really have a problem with changing some of the characters’ ages, but you have to consider casting the right actors as well. They did a fairly good job when adapting Game of Thrones, because they kinda aged up everyone and kept the same actors without having any timeskips. The only exceptions are probably characters like Brienne, because although I LOVE Gwendoline Christie, Brienne should’ve been a literal teenager.
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bri-sonat · 1 year
NSFW Questions About Gwen's Big Five - Part Two
Questions are taken from this. The original poster deactivated their account, so it's the reblog that is linked. All the questions are modified and some are removed (either because the question had already been answered or because it referred to hetero relations.)
NSFW Questions About Gwen's Big Five Masterlist
What better way to celebrate this holy day than some questions about sinful things. A delicious team effort between @daydream-cement and I. With the occasional assistance from my beloved @na-shoba.
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What does their favorite sexy underwear look like?
Brienne: She doesn’t have any. She can’t see herself putting them on and actually feeling sexy, so she’d rather not spend money on something she won’t wear. Her favorite sexy underwear is one of her partner’s favorite sexy underwear, if they have one.
Larissa: Her favorite is this lacy light green set that matches one of her favorite dresses. She thinks it looks incredibly flattering and the color coordination makes her feel powerful. 
Lucifer: They have a long sheer nightgown that they will wear from time to time for their partner. They believe they look attractive in everything, so they don’t give it all that much thought.
Phasma: She does not have any. She thinks sexy underwear is a good sports bra and matching panties, the same color and stuff. She doesn’t believe in the concept of “sexy clothes.” She thinks she always looks sexy in whatever she wears.
Miranda: She has two. A very intricate black lace lingerie set and a little silk nightgown that shows off every inch of those long legs.
How often do they have sex?
Brienne: If she doesn’t have a partner, never. Maybe once in her life ever, MAYBE. If she has a partner, it depends on her partner’s desires. After the long-awaited first time (by mostly her partner), it can vary from two to five times a week, depending on time and availability.
Larissa: When she isn’t in a relationship, she may seek out a partner a few times a year. When she is in a relationship, it is very dependent on her partner’s desires but she is satisfied with 2-3 times a week.
Lucifer: If they do not have a partner, Lucifer enjoys sex as the desire arises. If they are in a relationship, their sexual appetite is very much dependent on their partner’s. They will certainly indulge in having sex frequently if that is what their partner desires or they are content with infrequent sex as well.
Phasma: Depending on her duties. She has sex at least once a week. If she is stationed on Starkiller Base and not sieging a planet or fighting for the First Order, three times a week. It didn’t take long for her to have sex with every single woman on the Starkiller and she doesn’t know how many times she has gone through all the female co-workers on base at this point.
Miranda: When she isn’t in a relationship, maybe a fling every couple months. When she is in a relationship, 3-5 times a week, depending on work hours and stuff.
Is there anybody right now they’d like to have sex with?
Brienne: No.
Larissa: Not many expect Larissa to have celebrity crushes, but she has a huge crush on Viola Davis. She finds her absolutely gorgeous and a brilliant actress. After watching her in ‘The Woman King,’ Larissa wanted to have sex with her.
Lucifer: They are always interested in the corruption of a few different little mortals.
Phasma: Anyone of her old superiors. It’s all about the power play. Really wants to dominate them and make them submit to her sexually.
Miranda: Deanna Troi from Star Trek: The Next Generation. She has been Miranda’s crush since she was a teenager.
Do they prefer giving or receiving oral sex?
Brienne: She likes both after she has gotten over the initial insecurities. Prefers giving. Really wants to please her partner in any way she can.
Larissa: Receiving. Especially when it’s urgent oral sex with her dress pushed up around her hips.
Lucifer: Giving. They love the power of (consensually) holding their partner down and making them come until they are overstimulated.
Phasma: Giving. Loves to draw it out. Sometimes she only does it for her own pleasure. If her partner gets an orgasm or not, doesn’t matter to her. She can lick, suck, and kiss for hours until she is satisfied. Leaving her partner either extremely overstimulated or orgasm denied.
Miranda: Early in life she would have said giving as she didn’t gain much pleasure from receiving. When she was finally with partners who knew how to give head properly, Miranda absolutely loves receiving oral sex.
Most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to them during sex?
Brienne: Either being so anxious that she is not able to cum, or that she is so pent-up that she cums almost instantly. The most embarrassing thing to her was the first time she took her clothes off.
Larissa: Most definitely when she was caught having sex in the showers of the girl’s locker rooms after gym when she was in high school. François was sworn to secrecy afterwards to never tell a soul what she saw Larissa and Morticia doing.
Lucifer: They have never been embarrassed a day in their life.
Phasma: She doesn’t know embarrassment.
Miranda: Definitely her first time with Adrian. It was extremely clumsy from the beginning, not to mention that she had to bring herself to orgasm because he struggled too much with the task. Much of the embarrassment she feels around this experience is second-hand embarrassment. She regrets this affair immensely.
A song they’d listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex?
Brienne: She doesn’t have hard or rough sex. And she doesn’t listen to music during sex. She wants to hear her partner’s affirming and assuring noises. She just wants to hear their noises.
Larissa: She doesn’t really have one, but if her partner did, she would be happy to play it. 
Lucifer: No music. They want to hear the sex that’s happening. 
Phasma: No music. The music is the recipient's noises. Whatever they end up being.
Miranda: Pick one? She has a whole playlist if her partner wants. 
A song they’d listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex?
Brienne: No music. Unless her partner wants it. But she really only wants to hear their noises. Would accept music to drown out her noises if she’s unable to stay quiet.
Larissa: She doesn’t really have one, but if her partner did, she would be happy to play it. 
Lucifer: They might have some type of sexy instrumentals. 
Phasma: No music here.
Miranda: I See Red by Everyone Loves An Outlaw (Slowed) specifically, but she has a whole playlist. Ask her about it. 
Are they into dressing up for sex?
Brienne: She’ll try it once if her partner really wants her to, but will end up not doing it again.
Larissa: She is happy to wear her lingerie for her partner, but she isn’t particularly interested in dressing up for role-play.
Lucifer: They might consider wearing something other than their robes at their partner’s asking, otherwise no.
Phasma: No.
Miranda: She is willing to try most things once. When she was young, she used to write fanfiction and do a lot of roleplaying, so she is comfortable with the idea of dressing up for role-play scenarios. 
Would they prefer sex in the bath or sex in the shower?
Brienne: Bath. It’s so much more intimate, soft, and romantic.
Larissa: BATH. God, Larissa loves bathtub sex.
Lucifer: Bathtub sex in a grand clawfoot tub.
Phasma: Filthy shower sex.
Miranda: Shower sex purely because she thinks it is so hot to have the water running over her and her partner.
Do they/would they use sex toys?
Brienne: Uses the strap for her partner when they want her to.
Larissa: Definitely. She loves receiving the strap and has a vibrator for lonely nights.
Lucifer: They would use them with a partner if their partner desired.
Phasma: Yes. She has an… extensive collection.
Miranda: Oh, 100%! Miranda has a few different options in her nightstand. Vibrators and a couple of dildo options.
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Gwendoline Christie joins mudlarks of the Thames as a detectorist
When Gwendoline Christie played Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones, she wielded an elaborate steel sword. As Captain Phasma in the Star Wars franchise, she was armed with an enormous gun. In real life, however, she prefers to wield a metal detector.
The West Sussex-born actress has revealed that she enjoys mudlarking, a pastime dating back centuries in which people scavenge for treasures on a riverbank when the tide is out. Modern mudlarkers use metal detectors to try to find hidden artefacts.
“There’s something secretly thrilling about unearthing slivers of artefacts, tokens of another age, further reaching through time to touch a connection with our ancestors,” Christie said.
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cakexblankett · 4 months
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A quick sketch of young Gwendoline
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visenyaism · 10 months
What's the casting choices you dislike the most in GOT / HOTD. Personally I think Mance looks too serious and tall. He's just a silly little guy in my mind, Ramsey has no business being hot he should be disgusting. And Brienne I like the actress but come on she's a model 💀
this is going to be extremely controversial but I could never personally really get behind Emilia Clarke as Daenerys. She did alright especially as the show went on but something about it was always just a little bit off from what I had imagined reading the books. They cast a pretty good Victarion to play Euron for some reason and that didn’t work but that was just kind of a baffling writing choice too. Also making renly like a scheming twink for homophobic reasons sucked but the actor did a good job with what they had.
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melancholypancakes · 11 months
This could be seen as OG Wally Darling & Brienne Velvet or Actor! Wally Darling & Actress! Brienne Velvet @frillsand
I love this picture so much lol ☠️☠️☠️
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kingpreciouswrld · 1 year
Ayo! How are you doing?
I absolutely love the fics you write!!! 🤌😘
Can you write me one? About Gwen? 🫣
Something like reader is a nurse and they meet after Gwen gets hurt while filming. Reader takes care of her, Gwen asks her on a date. And like after a few years Gwen asks reader to marry her?
Thank you 😊
Pairing: Gwendoline Christie x Reader
Word Count: 965
A/N: Ayooo I'm doing good thank you! I'm sorry this took a while hun, but have a happy holiday! I hope you like it :)
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After becoming a CNA, the last thing you would've thought you'd be doing would be patching up actors. You've done it for a while and the pay has been pretty good. It was mostly stunt-doubles you patched up but on the rare occasion actors did their own stunts, you helped them instead. The bright side to working in the film industry was that you didn't have to deal with grumpy old people who were frustrated about their waiting time.
You originally started working on sets when your director friend needed some medical assistance on his set. His actors and stunt-doubles kept getting hurt and the best the crew could do was act like a school nurse; slap on a bandaid and send them in their way. He wanted someone who knew what they were doing and that's where you came into play. Since then, you've been asked by his company to oversee all action and thriller projects.
Never knowing who you'd be working with until they came into your trailer (yes, you had your own trailer as a CNA), you were caught off guard when one of your favorite actresses walked in. 
Gwendoline Christie.
Today's schedule was for Game of Thrones and although you knew Gwen played Brienne of Tarth, you didn't know she did her own stunts. As a 6'3" woman, you assumed that that would be gruesome work.
"Hi, are you Nurse L/n?"
"I am! Please, take a seat," Gwen did as told and you rolled your chair around your desk to sit in front of her, "How can I help you today?"
"Well, there was a mishap in the props section," you nodded as you listened, looking over the actress, "and they stupidly gave my co-star a sword with a sharpened blade instead of the fake ones."
You nodded in understanding. Looking over the older woman, it wasn't hard to distinguish the real cut from the fake ones. You put on your glasses and sterilized your hands before putting on gloves, "So it's just that one cut by your hairline?"
"Well that and I think I have some bruised ribs, I don't know if you can do much about that…"
You grabbed some gauze and an alcoholic wipe before standing up. You realized that Gwen was too tall for you to work on while sitting so you stood between her legs and went to work.
"Well the best I can do for those is give you a cold press every 20 minutes and some pain killers. They won't heal for about 4 weeks to be honest but hopefully they'll take that into consideration when they put you in armor."
Gwen winced and flinched away from the alcohol wipe which in turn made you roll your eyes, "Oh come on, I just have to make sure it's clean." You held her head still, petting her hair back from the wound.
"You know, I never had a nurse man handle me before," you scoffed playfully, "I've also never had a nurse who was this cute."
After taping the gauze down onto the cut, you took a step back and looked down at Gwen with a raised brow, "I'm sure you tell all your nurses that."
You went to step away but a hand on around your wrist stopped you, "I'm serious L/n…maybe we could get a coffee sometime?"
Oh how could refuse such a face.
— — — — — — — —
The relationship you two had was amazing. You started making time for each other off of set and your love for each other bloomed.
You continued working on set during the filming of Game of Thrones and it was wonderful seeing Gwen in action. She could be so goofy one second then professional and serious the next.
And you were right, watching Gwen perform her own stunts was a bit rough to watch, seeing a bigger than average woman get thrown around and down to the ground wasn't very pleasing to you.
You also got to follow her and work with her on sets from time to time. When you weren't on a different project, you were working beside Gwendoline and you wouldn't have it any other way. You followed her when she booked Top of The Lake, The Hunger Games, and Star Wars. 
It was when she booked Wednesday that you didn't think you'd be able to go with her. To your surprise, Tim allowed you to come, so long as you helped everyone maintain COVID protocols on set.
It was on a particular day that you were called to set from your trailer, Gwen had a nasty fall and couldn't make it to your trailer. The poor woman over exerted herself, you thought.
When you arrived, the crew and casemates were surrounding her and so you couldn't see her. Was it that bad? You were told she accidentally swallowed some of the fake acid from her scene and that she wouldn't stop coughing and gagging.
"Gwen! Is she okay?"
As you walked closer, the team huddle around your girlfriend parted and in the middle knelt your girlfriend, well, your girlfriend in Larissa Weems regalia.
"Y/n L/n, from the moment I laid eyes on you I knew it in my heart and mind that I needed you in my life. You make me feel things no other human being can make feel, you help me to become a better version of myself and push me to give everything my all."
You had started to tear up and you weren't the only one. Gwen started to have tears roll down her cheeks. You couldn't bear to see her cry so you took a step forward and held her hand.
"Will you do me the greatest honor, and marry me?"
Again, how could you refuse?
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~ͯGͯͯwͯͯeͯͯnͯͯyͯ ͯPͯͯhͯͯoͯͯtͯͯoͯ ͯaͯͯlͯͯbͯͯuͯͯmͯ ͯpͯͯaͯͯrͯͯtͯ ͯ2ͯ~
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ͯLͯͯoͯͯvͯͯeͯ ͯuͯ ͯmͯͯaͯͯmͯͯaͯ~✨
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