#a) she's living happily ever after with her wife and DOESN'T have to deal with Hyperion drama
claptraprights · 2 years
There is a theory on reddit that Athena was at the Teed-Talk because she's now CEO of Hyperion and I hate it :(
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jadeite-art · 5 days
I have been thinking a lot about the entire Coop-Barb-Janey subplot, not only from a viewer's perspective but also a writer's perspective and here's some thoughts of what we might expect in S2 and/or S3:
☢️ Similarly to S1, S2 could open with a scene set in 2077 showing Coop separating from Janey. It'd be safe to assume that at one point Barb swooped in and took Janey with her to one of the good vaults.
Henry/Hank, being Barb's assistant, might have been directly involved. It would explain why Coop later thinks he might know where both of them are
Coop probably doesn't know that for a simple reason: contrarily to the experiment vaults, the location of the high management vaults must be top secret and the entrance must be well disguised and well protected
Side note: Barb and Janey are definitely not in vault 31. They are not listed on the terminal that Norm checks in one of the scenes
☢️ I think that throughout the season/s we'll get some flashbacks of Coop and Barb from the moment he found out about the bombs all the way to their divorce
I theorize Barb was the one to file for divorce, and one of the reasons was she feared his association with "commies" would lose her (and by extension her daughter) the spot in a good vault
I saw an affair angle being mentioned. I'd say it's not out of the realm of possibility. Still, if there was a third man, it would not be Hank but some high ranking executive, someone who could grant Barb that spot in a good vault.
If there was an affair and it was mostly calculated, I think there could still have been an element of genuine attraction there. The way in which Barb accuses Coop of being an ingenue, makes me think she'd be inclined to develop an attachment to someone who is the opposite of that, someone who'd make her feel safe and supported
Side note 1: the affair angle would tie nicely with the fact that Coop appears to think of his family as having been taken from him
Side note 2: ghoulcy shippers might find it interesting that the side of Coop's character that Barb seemed to resent, is the one Lucy would probably appreciate the most
☢️ All that said, Coop will most certainly find Barb and Janey at the end of S2 or at least will find out where they are and will only literally find them at the end of S3. @earthgenre made an interesting post exploring what might have happened to them. I personally am convinced they were cryo-frozen and one of the following will turn out to be true:
They were awakened, lived and died a long time ago (or were just never frozen in the first place) and Coop will have to deal with the fact that they are just... gone.
They were awakened some time earlier but by now Barb is dead and Janey is all grown up, perhaps with a husband and child/ren, or alternatively she's already old. It could make for a heartfelt reunion but in the end, the two would have to go their separate ways.
They are both still in their cryopods. Coop gets to see his wife and daughter again and is faced with a choice to either awaken them or let them sleep. It would be a test of character for him. If this one came true, I think he'd either let them sleep or awaken them just for a moment of closure and then let them go back to sleep again in wait for a better tomorrow.
You may have noticed I didn't include any scenario in which they reconcile and walk together into the sunset. This is simply because I don't think it's really an option. I mean, could you imagine Barb, the clean-cut corporate exec, traveling across the wasteland with her ex who now is also a radioactive flesh-eating ghoul? And dragging their little daughter along with them?
On the other hand, Coop wouldn't subject them to that. Yes, he's been looking for them all this time but it would be very silly of him to expect them to reunite and just go live happily ever after. And he's a lot of things but silly is not one of them. I don't think he wants to get them back. He just wants to know what the hell happened to them. Closure is what he wants and what he'll probably eventually get.
As much as I'd love to see Coop get back what he'd lost, I recognize that it wouldn't make much sense, narratively speaking. Cooper's journey appears to be about two things: regaining his lost humanity and letting go of the past. He cannot turn back into a human but he can become a better man (ghoul?) with strong(er) morals. Similarly, he cannot get his family back, not really, not even if he finds them alive, but he can always get himself a companion - someone whom he could cherish and protect, someone whom he could literally live for - and the narrative so far seems to imply that companion is meant to be Lucy. I won't elaborate further on that because there's already a gazillion posts quoting various parallels and foreshadowing elements than seem to be pointing somewhere in that direction.
At the end of it, I just wanna say, there is no way back, but there is always a way forward and that, I think, is the lesson Cooper is supposed to learn.
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lxdymoon0357 · 3 months
Here's a crossover idea. Sovieshu and Minho friendship in modern au. Sovieshu is from way richer and powerful family than wookyung and he helps Minho by hiring him as Gloryem's tutor. Slowly they become close friends and wookyung still tries to destroy Minho but Sovieshu protects him. I mean canonically Sovieshu has a thing for helpless being and likes to help them. Maybe they'd form a brotherly bond and Gloryem would get an uncle. Rasta is the best sister in law.
(..This is one crossover I can love!!! I need my best bois to be with each other, honestly if Sovieshu was in actor AU, I'd like to believe he was twins with Minho!! Also Sovieshu has a good relationship with Rashta and doesn't like Navier in any romantic way, she's his sister figure! Ian and Gloryem are both with Sovieshu and Rashta!)
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Parallel lines...
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╟ Minho met Sovieshu as he was friends with the principle of the school despite not liking the man cause Sovieshu found him annoying knowing he was only sucking up to the boy...when his eyes fell on another black haired boy, quite pretty he was....Sovieshu couldn't lie, and he looked so small and sensitive despite being so well-built and having such an intimidating face...
╟ Definitely easily befriended Minho and they became close and learning of his great teaching begged Minho to tutor Gloryem and Ian...Minho was worried for scaring the girl, but Sovieshu comforted him saying they won't be...They're Rashta's kids after all and Rashta.....she either never learnt what fear was or she wasn't intimidated by scary facial features....and the kids inherited that...
╟ Minho agreed, albiet a bit nervous to get mad at the kids, but he followed the address Sovieshu gave him and arrived at one of the most grandest houses he's ever seen, tall with a palace like feeling with a dark turquoise and black columns... Leaving Minho FLABBERGASTED...my mans was too stunned to speak..but softly knocked on the door
╟ He expected the door to be opened by Sovieshu, but was instead pulled open by one the most gorgeous women he's seen; pale skin, white-blonde wavy hair, gorgeous, large, grey doe-like eyes and dresses in a soft white dress with the brightest smile he's ever seen...she reminded him of himself as a kid... she happily welcomed him and introduced herself; Rashta, wife of Sovieshu and mother of his two kids..
╟ Rashta spoke happily in a bubbly explaining how Sovieshu often talked highly of him, as she called two kids to meet him, seemingly Sovieshu's genes decided to put up not a single speck of fight as the kids were carbon copies of her and were just as bright and bubbly, especially the girl; Gloryem...
╟ He had a talk with Rashta who decided on the timings, syllabus and what to teach the kids. He agreed and she had him stay for dinner; he wanted to leave but Rashta wouldn't take no for an answer and so he stayed as Sovieshu and Rashta happily served him dinner...
╟ He started tutoring the two kids, and Sovieshu began inviting him for drinks or things like that and they got close, during this time the situation with Doona and Wookyung happened and the first person he told that to was Rashta who cried with him in her arms and raised hell until her husband did something about the situation.
╟ Sovieshu first told them to wait as there was a business deal going on, but a argument and two crying session from Rashta later, he called up his company in anger and called it off while Rashta simply winked to Minho with a cheeky smile with her crocodile tears still streaming down her cheeks...
╟ Basically becomes his sister and mother, always gifting him things like a mother, Rashta is rather protective of Minho, making sure his inner child is safe, he reminds her of himself when living with his abusive father..she doesn't want him to experience that, he has gone through enough in his life in her opinion..
╟ Whenever she introduces him, she calls him "Dear brother, Minho-ssi" and she never lives it down, she refuses to say he's Sovieshu's brother, even though people believe Minho is Sovieshu's brother and even if Sovieshu claims that Minho is his brother, Rashta will refuse to believe it because she likes being his sister. It's a petty thing, she rubs of off Minho ...
╟ Rashta is most likely to be a fashion model, on top of trends, the trend-setter and maker and she has Minho as her top model, they're called "the moon and sun twins" because of how much of a moon Minho looks and how bright Rashta...they go viral on insta for their matching photos!
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bella-rose29 · 3 months
episode 3 - Doubt Thou the Stars
major spoilers for the show and books, swearing, I go feral on multiple occasions, spent most of this simping for cam/lockwood and I'll apologise now for some of the things I've said (multiverse of George I'm blaming you for a couple)
I would just like to reiterate that this is not a proper analysis of the show, this is my immediate reactions to what happens in the show. barely anything constructive is actually said in here 👍
a ring is what we're looking at
Georgie I love you
hands (oh dear starting early)
hands again
"which you stole illegally" honey-
you have me in a chokehold lockwood
hehehe fairfax
"George, this... negativity, it's why I don't tell you things in advance" first of all I am weirdly obsessed with the way he says that, second of all I wanna give George a hug
ok but who gave cam the right to look that good
"miss Kingston got her hair done special" George I love you
"straight into the office. that's a classy move"
omg I love lucy's jumper
his cheeky smile omg
"you lie like a politician" yeah bc he has to
you can do any job for me lockwood
hands and ring
absolutely we have a deal I'll do anything for you
hands (omg I need to stop)
they're children how did they get alcohol
bottle opener thingy scene
omg Georgie in his apron and gloves 😭
so sad we didn't get the "nice... towel" scene
barnes is so sinister sometimes
I love lockwood and george's friendship, just yelling at each other about cleaning
ooo green lighting when she's taking the keys
tut tut
"I visit my gran in Sidcup" "...sidcup is in London"
"you've got a real hard-on for him, haven't you" "well, if... you wanna put it like that"
"I'm practically a serf" aw lockwood honey
all I can think is the Traitors castle even though I know it's not the same
lockwood's so pretty
oh lord what the hell was that look lockwood don't lower your head with that intense gaze wtf
"apart from anything else, we've got much better flares" 😂
don't you just love it when someone who doesn't have any clue about your job tells you how to do your job
lots of smashing
he's fishing (where tf did he get a fishing rod from)
his grin omg
oh crikey this boy needs sleep I can see his eye bags even though the lighting is dim and my room is bright
"What, and deny us all this... beautiful moment?" you're a beautiful moment- wait that doesn't make sense
his smile I am on the floor
aaa suspense I don't like it
omg we get to see George's Touch again I love that
ew cobwebs
well that was silly
oh no
you can disrespect me anytime woah what is happening to me holy shit
ewwww cobwebs
I could never be an agent I have arachnophobia
ok those special effects were awesome
"probably wanted to warn us not to go down there" *proceed to go down there*
Lockwood say what's on your mind
ok I get why Ali said that the monks were terrifying that chanting haunts me still
turn your torches off you'll see the ghosts better
ohh I don't like this
Lucy no
aw the boys saved her
"make a wish" I wish for you to marry me and we live happily ever after
"my cheek hurts"
husband calls out pathetically for wife after waking up, she crawls over and he reaches desperately for her hand
"oi, where's his slap?" fair
hahaha the way they just drop to the floor
you look so silly in those goggles
lockwood's voice is doing Things to me
I love that you can see Ellie rethinking as Fairfax goes on
"we don't travel round with it, we're not insane" *while focused on Lucy*
"you're just a performer too, aren't you?" we love a masking king
"She stole it again, Lockwood" yep
I love that you can sort of make out the flowers on her dress
oh christ that was scary
ew old man burning
heavy breathing lockwood (I blame the multiverse of George chat for that)
"I'm working with maniacs" got room for another one?
why did Ellie think it would be a good idea to try and run straight through the middle
"Shut up!" their faces afterwards
kipps pls stop sounding so smug
dw I believe you lockwood
punch me like that wall pls
barnes looks so sad
omg he's being a protective dad
ohhhhh lockwood in a proper suit 🪣 (bad timing for it I know)
"do you know my name?" George I love you
"that's a shame, she was a fool but... she really fitted in there actually" *lockwood nudges him* George I love you even more and I think we would be the bestest of friends
I love the lavender in the pockets of Penelope and Ellie
omg Lucy's drawing! like she said her hobby was in the books!
hand + ring
*George casually pulls out stolen evidence*
I want lucy's jumper
the way lockwood's sat on the chair has me weak
"You belong here" *stares at her with heart eyes*
oh dear
why does he keep sprawling on the chair
I don't want to talk about the sound I just made at that one frame of lockwood
"She's good, and... she's finally starting to get me" aw Georgie I love you
"she's a lot tougher than you think" *thumps as Lucy passes out*
seriously who gave him the right
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Look, I didn't want to be "that" person
who criticizes something just because "it was different in the books".
But I love PJO just way too much to not feel frustrated at the tendencies of modern adaptations that I think new series is suffering from. And I feel much more frustrated because in others aspects the new show is great.
First of all, what's with this downplayed brutality of PJO world? The moment Sally started her speech about Perseus I smelled trouble. In her story, in her reasoning she named him after Perseus because of this beautiful story where happy ending is just something that happens. While in the books thats a huge deal that Percy is named after THE ONLY HALF-BLOOD HERO that had that happy ending. That fact is supposed to highlight the mortality rates and that for most of these demigods happy ending is pretty much NOT IN PROSPECT. Like, despite that rambling post I'm usually fine with some differences that are made in adaptations, most of them I usually can understand. But why do you need change the message of "I named you that way because I hope you will live happily ever after despite being in constant danger" to "I named you that way because it's a beautiful story about a mother and a son"? Especially when they absolutely could do both?
Secondly, the Gabe issue. You see, Percy Jackson books were great because they were able to discuss with children some pretty heavy themes without downplaying them - like domestic abuse. And that scene with poker players and Gabe getting from Percy money was brilliant because it showed that Gabe was so awful that he took everything he could even from a 12 y.o. There were also heavy implications that he beat Percy. But now Gabe is just your usual jerk who is lazy and doesn't have a good relationship with his stepson and argues with his wife all the time. Look, I know, that is awful too, I know that. But the point of Gabe that he was absolutely the worst. That he's the worst of the worst that's why he smells on this metaphysical level and is able to hide Percy. That he kinda deserved what happened to him in the end. And now I sure that we won't get that end because apparently that stuff is too brutal for kids. If they're afraid that much younger audience would get shocked by it they could at least do that in hints, you know. Old shows were great with things that you didn't understand as a child and then later while rewatching them you finally could get the message.
And what's with this Grover thing? Okay, I understand they probably didn't have the time for establishing why Percy would feel betrayed by his teacher but wanted to save this "low point" for Percy's character. But why? Why? How Percy as a character and we as viewers are supposed to feel that amazing friendship if it started for us with betrayal? That just sucked.
Also, personal flaw - they really could insert "This is a pen" line when Brunner gave Percy the pen. They really could and that would be so awesome. But they didn't.
And the sad part is that now I understand that there was no way they could include this important stuff in the series. Because Disney is too afraid to show domestic abuse. They afraid to show Sally Jackson that put up with heavy abuse just to keep her son safe. They afraid to show that literal children die in PJO world. That that half-blood stuff is no game - as Percy said in the very first minute of the series. For fuck's sake they didn't even mention him having ADHD! They implied that by saying that he was being weird! That was so so so so important that those things that kids with ADHD are struggling make them so special and strong in their own way. And now that message is gone too.
And all of that is because Disney doesn't have any balls left. It's like they sanitize everything they make into that 0+ versions of stories while sometimes the point of the story is in discussing something from a real, sad and unsanitized world.
The stuff I listed is just from the first episode and I don't know if the show will go that way, if this tendency of sanitizing the story will continue or not. I'm just really afraid that all of that means that they decided to leave out all the brutality that made Percy Jackson so iconic. It is like watching this new version of Harry Potter where he doesn't live under the stairs - that maybe doesn't change much story-wise but it's just not the same Harry Potter that way.
I want to like the show, I really do. Walker is so amazing is this role. Other actors are really great. I see the effort, I see how people tried to make this adaptation as close to books as they could. The show looks truly amazing. The fight with minotaur was absolutely stunning. Ending sequence is a masterpiece. I have so many good things I can say about it. But those little things they changed - they weren't little at all. A huge chunk of what made those books so special at least for me is gone (especially in comparison with Harry Potter books). And I can't help feeling sad.
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kokomikitsune · 6 months
So I've been getting some pretty nasty comments on my Warhammer stuff on other sites and messages. Read more I guess if you wanna listen to me go on about it.
Guess I'll keep the Warhammer stuff to myself...
It's actually not a surprise I get bs comments and messages from people in any fandom but the amount of ridiculousness that has come out of something I'm just doing for fun has been the worst I've ever seen it.
"Go kys" "Now draw her getting impregnated" V: "We need to gatekeep harder, this is fucking stupid" x18-23 and counting "I fucking hate the kriegsmen because of this shit." x3- and counting And several photo memes of body injury aimed at me, not the work. There's so much more but I think I'll just leave it there...
People really know how to make others feel unwelcome in their fandom and it's typically the people who can't keep a relationship, abusers, and boys who don't understand the concept of "Hey, I'm someone's wife trying to be a part of something my husband enjoys." But I guess they'd never understand that, would they? No, I don't know much about Warhammer and no, I shouldn't let it bother me but it's the first time I've been back into a fandom since the 3rd season of MHA. It's been a hot minute. And I gave fandoms the middle finger because of it. Now I'm getting messages to go kill myself because of something silly? That's not something to brush off...
I can tell them to go fuck themselves, I can ignore them and keep posting my stuff but dealing with depression already, this just puts icing on the cake and I really don't like the idea of having to deal with this shit all over again... My husband has been trying to keep my mood up by saying "but the people that matter are the ones that like it." Yeah, that's not how depression sees it. It sees one or a hundred upsetting comments and messages and says "yeah no. I don't want to do this anymore."
But whatever. If you read this far, thank you. ily. Here's the stupid story of our characters in TL;DR
Lyra and Reid meet on the battlefield. Reid gets possessed by the emperor because it's the two of them against a chaos lord. Lord dies, blows up, and severely injures Reid, they make it out, get investigated, and get pulled into the Inquisition. Whatever.
They experience things that bring them closer together. Yada yada... Get told by their holy idol himself that he doesn't want half the shit they're told he wants. Sends them on a mission from god. har har
They have a baby, psyker baby gets taken by the black ships, lyra's upsettie spaghetti, things start to spiral a bit.
Reid goes MIA and is pronounced dead. Lyra loses her shit. Finds out from Tzeentch that he's still alive and he'll tell her where he is if she does something for him. Yet to be determined. She says fuck it, yolo, and does it just to save him. They go the rouge traitor route and live happily fucking after, the end.
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am-i-tho · 6 months
hate reading fanfic where they have to demonize women in favor of the mlm ship literally stfu why would Mrs. Hudson say "that woman" SHE IS A WOMAN GIRL
the only time people do it right is when addressing the very obvious flaws Mary's character has- it being that she is selfish and even after seeing John deal with grief in real time during the 2 years he spent away, she still was willing to shot Sherlock and actually kill him for real this time. And does this because of course in her old line of work and living her old life demanded it from her and of course it makes a person have a different perspective in what a life costs. And John is the same!!! He killed a man for Sherlock 1 day after meeting him!!! He's a soldier!!!
At the time, Sherlock was as much as threat to her lifestyle as Magnussem bc both of them now had her secret and that's why she did it. And, at the time, the cabbie was the Enemy to John and represented a threat to someone on "his team"(or the very concept he was fighting for or was loyal to).
Mary kills to protect herself, whatever she is fighting for. John kills "bad guys", kills to protect people. He's a doctor. Sherlock kills after there's no other option, he killed a man for John.
There's so much to explore here!!! Mary isn't just a throw away concept bc she gets in the way of Johnlock, her very existence in John's life is already so telling and interesting
(John is addicted to a certain lifestyle and Sherlock provided that > after he is gone he meets Mary and convinces himself he wants and is ready to live a normal life > except no he isn't and sherlock is alive(+Mary is the first girlfriend John has that doesn't make him choose between herself or sherlock) > sherlock throws him in a life or dead situation, forcing them to reconcile before dying > they do but oh haha it was a joke you're such a dick man we were both safe all along (sherlock shows him he can still give him that adrenaline rush and John LAUGHS afterwards) > he then throws himself entirely in the wedding planning ("if i keep him happy with her then maybe my presence won't be so unbereable") > he leaves the wedding early (+theres a baby on the way!) > they don't speak for months, sherlock goes back to drugs, John distorts a junkie's arm > john's wife is actually an ex-assassin who used to work for the government > she tries to kill sherlock > they all have a row > sherlock pleads john to forgive her > he does > sherlock kills Magnussem > he's exiled > tarmac scene, they don't even hug > has an overdose in the plane while reading John's blog entry of when they first met > dreams of John saving his life, killing the personification of everything he fears > he comes back! > waiting for something to happen, doing so much all the time trying to make most of his time before something big happens > the baby is born> > John "cheats" on Mary > Mary dies, saving Sherlock's life > John blames him > they don't speak anymore > sherlock is back on drugs almost dying bc a Mary told him to do so in a message + John talks to "her ghost" constantly > John beats Sherlock in the hospital > John is saying goodbye > he sees Mary's message > he saves Sherlocks life > they talk and John cries "it is what it is" > Eurus plot yada yada > "this is family" "that's why he stays" + mycroft, moriarty and sherlock know who sherlock would choose between mycroft and john > Victor Trevor parallels > happily ever after (?) They're raising Rosie together)
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xevrq · 1 year
Wings Of Freedom
Ft. Venti x Gn!Florist reader
Cw : Hurt/No comfort, some grammar error i think? Ooc venti maybe, I HATE WRITING RAAAGH, english is not my mothertounge so sorry if some of the word are amiss.
Summary : You've always dreamed to be a florist, tending and caring a flower is what you've always liked to do. Even after you opened up your little flower shop it always has an upside downs, Customer comes and go but not until a certain green bard came abruptly to your life.
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Having to tend a little flower shop by yourself isn't always the easiest, picking up flower on starsnatch cliff by midnight and feeling the strong wind of mondstadt creeps up to your bone and then planting a seed of mondstadt native flower which grows into a beautiful flower then wilts the next day or either the pot falling from the balcony of a small rented house you're living in, then having to deal with rude customer.
Then again you remembered, this is the life you've always wanted.
Since little, You have always happily helped your parents with their little generational bakery. Either you were running around and delivering the freshly made bread to person that ordered it then getting a lot of compliment about how enthusiastic you are, it has always been the happiest day of your life. You wished that you could stay on that timeline of your life forever.
Sadly, one day. Your parents generational bakery comes to its end, as much as you can remember somebody blacklisted your parents bussines and making the bakery to be put out of business.
The day after it happened, it was a total chaos your parents were running here and there looking for a job vacancy to apply in. Your father said that he himself got a high paying job on snezhnaya and said that the job he applied in is pretty much dangerous and he had to move out of mondstadt to Snezhnaya leaving you and your own mother behind.
That night, he left you and your mother alone and left a letter saying..
"My dear beautiful wife, and my beloved child today is the last night i could see you with my own eyes. Worry not my dear family if the day ever comes that i wasnt in your arms remember that, i'll soar the sky and be with you as the wind of mondstadt. So fret not my dearest family."
You remembered how loud your mother cry were, after all when your father left your mother was very ill, You tried to use every allowances your parents gave you to look if theres a doctor who could treat her illnes, but your mother said...
"(Name) this sickness is uncureable, no matter if you search at the most smartest doctor. They cannot cure this generational illness, my own mother your grandma has this sickness too. Unfortunately she said that this illness has been going on our family tree since the first generation to our own. (Name).. im very scared if you caught this illness too, what if i was not there to tend to you? How would you survive by yourself?..." she holded your hand tightly while a little drop of tears falls down through her cheek.
Her word echoes through your ears frequently, even after her passing you could remember how her tone were laced in fear.
Mother... mother i miss you so much..
You doesn't even realize how your eyes water to the bitter memories when your mother passed away.
You tried to remember correctly about the symptoms your mother had when she was sick, first... she was pale.. and weak and then sometimes she.. coughed up blood wait why were you trying to remember the symptoms?? Perhaps, you were scared.
What if you caught the same illness your grandmother and your mother was? After all if you look at yourself correctly at the mirror you could see that your body were showing the same symptoms your mother had.
You turned your head to the dark sky of mondstadt, right.. its time to pick some cecilia
you got out of your so beloved bed you could feel the cold of the wooden floor hitting your bare feet, Maybe Midnight its a bad time to go pick out some cecilia, but deep down you know that you wanted to feel the mondstadt air and ease your mind for a little while.
You took one of your basket that you usually use to gather neither herb or flower and walked yourself up to the starsnatch cliff.
The midnight air was cold yet comforting, with every step you took you couldn't help but reminsice the old days when your beloved mother would take you to a night stroll on the starsnatch mountain. Often she tells you that sometimes a bard would play his lyre and sing a beautiful melody of a mondstadt poem. Said she that she would often gave up the idea of picking out the flower and admire the bard melody instead.
You wondered, was his melody really that good? So that your mother who has always hated bard fell in love with his melody. She even said that bard shouldn't sang their tune and stops being drunk.
Was he and his melody really that majestic?...
Indeed you were lost in your thought, until something or someone snapped your thought the more closer you walked the clearer the source was, its a... melody?.. was it the bard your mother tells you, From afar you could see a certain green bard sitting on the edge of the cliff and sang a certain melody.
What is he doing? On the middle night like this, does he not know the mondstadt air is too cold these day? And i was trying to enjoy my time picking out flower alone too. –You grumble down to yourself
The more you got closer to the cliff the more you could hear his melody, honestly his melody was beautiful. You were struck admiring him and his melody not caring about how the cold air is hitting you to the bone.
"Hoho~ is someone admiring the bard and his tune?" The green bard stopped playing and turned his head at you, "Was my melody beautiful that it made you stop your track and listen to it?" His feet dangling on the edge of the cliff.
"Ahem! Of course no, i was uhh here to pick out some flower see??" You bend yourself down to pluck some cecilia
"Lying is bad you know? But i'll let you do whatever your doing" said he as he continues to strum his lyre down and sang an old mondstadt song
What a weird bard –You muttered down to yourself
"Anyway Since this is midnight, what kind of a bard would see himself at the cliff while singing some mondstadt song or poem and not singing drunk at the angel share?" Again you said while picking up a batch of fresh flower while occasionally shivering from the cold air.
"Well, singing here made me remember some of the beautiful moments i shared with my late friend ehe, and honestly stranger seeing you here reminds me of a certain person, Hm.. which person was it eh?~" Said the bard with a cheeky tone, "Ah! I remember, it was that woman that would often came here to pick out some flower! Just like you." He got up from the cliff and walked towards you, "Though picking out flower at midnight isnt good is it? You should go home soon."
Damn.. who is he to tell me to do something?...
"Of course stranger, i will go home after i finished, and i diddnt quite catch your name, whats your name?"
"Im Venti the number one bard in the wholee teyvat! And what's your name stranger?" His aqua green eyes met yours
"Im... (Name) its a pleasure to meet you."
"No need to be so formal (Name), I'll be going now. See you somewhere!" He waves his hand at you while walking down the mountain.
Hmm, his name sound quite familiar i wonder –You continued picking out the flower, Today flower is so fresh~
After you finished on picking out the flower for tommorow sell, you descended your way down the mountain, again feeling the cold air of mondstadt hits your bone. Though seeing that bard makes you wonder if he is really the bard that your dearest mother mentioned, his melody were really beautiful.
After a little journey down the starsnatch cliff to your little rented apartement you set down the filled bucket with flower in it down and started to plant them down one by one on a little pot you got from flora.
Today flower is really fresh, im sure flora would like it~ —you muttered down to yourself
Though you wonder how you ended up being a florist, when all you dreamed was to be an adventurer, just like your father.
Your father had an pyro vision that light up brightly just like his own heart, said he when he got it, he felt disappointment arose on his heart. When he wanted an Anemo vision, so why does the god grants him an pyro one instead?
That pyro vision often burned his hand, you remember one time your mother dared him to cook by himself since apparently he made mother mad and ended up (almost) burning the whole kitchen and made your mother even more mad.
But, Again when you rethink of what your father said when he was disappointed of getting an pyro vision instead of anemo, you wanted to be mad you really do. Even after numerous of pray you did to the gods to grant you a vision, you never got one. Imagine how fun is it to have vision with you?
Like maybe cooking is easier when you have a pyro vision with you, or maybe the Anemo one! You could clean the leaves near your home by swooshing the wind.
Tsk, why was that old man so ungrateful. —you grumbled while aggresively patting your hand to get the dirt off.
You plopped yourself down to the bed and made yourself comfortable.
I hope tommorow is better.
The next morning came pretty quick, the ray of sunlight seeping from the curtain stirs you awake. The first thing that came in your mind is.. work.
Flora must been waiting, better hurry..
After you've done your usual morning routine, you picks up 2 pot of cecilia and walks outside your home, as usual you being you still being popular despite the incident that occured on your family.
You walked and walked to the mondstadt gates while occasionally saying hello to the people outside.
"Flora! I brought the flowers from last night, they looked really fresh today." You squatted and puts down the flower pot arranging it under flora's table
"When did you picked this up?" Flora asked
"As usual you know, on midnight. Though the wind was really freezing me up last night!"
"(Name)! I told you to stop picking up flower at midnight, who know a monster might get you or maybe the wind will freeze you!" She kneeled beside you, "Im worried about you (Name), dont push yourself, your sickness Its– " she paused, her eyes showing worries.
"You shouldn't be worrying me too much flora! I can take care of myself, im very strong no monster and wind could make me succumb to my own knees." You got up and offered your hand to her, "Now cmon! The work is waiting."
"Alright alright! Just dont overdo yourself." Said flora as she takes your hand and got up to her foot.
As time went by, the sun has set down. Leaving you and flora alone, Time to pack everything– you muttered to yourself but you noticed that, a certain bard has been watching you from afar. Though you paid no mind since ur eyes is starting to give up on staying awake.
"Aaaa im too tired, why does these weeks seems so tiring to me flora?.." you stretched your back while whining a little, "I gotta go rest.."
"Yea, you definitely should (name). Plus you gotta go check that illness of yours, its been a while since you paid a visit to that doctor." Flora turned her eyes to you whilst organizing the flower pot in front of the stall, "now go home (name), leave the rest to me!"
"Alright.. thanks flora, you too dont go home too late." Said you as you packed your things and walked yourself home.
The walk to your home wasnt that far since the place your staying in is near flora's flower stall, when you arrive at your doorstep again you realize that someone gaze has been eyeing you since you walked yourself home.
Eerie... –was all you could thought
The moment you entered your house you feel that something is wrong, your head was spinning abruptly and your vision was blurry, your palm were sweating.
"Hey! You alright??"
You could hear someone voice? When you turned your heels to see who it was.
Oh.. its that green bard– was all you could mutter before collapsing into the floor and your vision darkened.
You do not remember how long you were gone, but what you remember is that when you woke up you could hear 2 person mumbling about something, what is happening?? –You asked yourself
You started to open your eyes little by little, while sometimes you squinted your eyes trying to adjust to the lights around you, when you started to observe your surrounding. You realized that you were laying in your bed.
You turned your head to see where the mumbling noise was, flora?..
"(Name)! Thanks the archons you're awake, this green bard was running to me saying that hey! Your friend collapsed! –to which i replied WHO?!" She said whilst removing the ice pack on your head.
"Ehe! Glad i've spotted you on time, sorry about breaking into your house though." Said the green bard which if you remember correctly, his name was Venti.
"Must've been whatever this sickness is.. right??" You turned your head to flora.
"Anyway, (Name) ill go get your food from my house alright? You stay put here with venti. Venti dont do anything weird to them, remember what our agreement is." Flora said while she got on her heels and walked herself through your home.
And now what left is just you and the bard whose his position right now is sitting on your bed, "So how do you feel (Name)?" He opened his mouth to speak.
"Do i know you?" You muttered
"Aww cmonn dont pretend we're not close! (Name) its not good that you're starting to forget your savior!" He said crossing his arms
My what?! I diddnt even known him for long!
"Okay okay i–" your own voice was interrupted by a fist of cough coming down from your own throat, that hurted..
"Take it easy (Name), just rest i'll watch you." The bard said, "Should i sing you a tune then, its free dont worry." He said summoning his lyre, as he started to strummed his lyre down you realized how familiar the melody was, it feels as if you were listening it for the second time ever.
When you looked at his face, your mind suddenly went nostalgic. He reminds you of a certain someone? But.. who?
"Do i.. know you?.." for the second time again you muttered to yourself, you tried to recollect any memories that involve this certain green bard but there was none
"Have i ever met you before that time on starsnatch cliff?" You blurted the word out of your mouth, to your surprise the bard choked on his own melody. Seeing how surprised and weird his look was you began to ponder even more.
"Ehh i wonder.. what do you think then (Name)? Was i that weird bard who you met on the starsnatch cliff last time?" His aqua green eyes meets yours.
To which you shrugged your own shoulder as a response, "i dont know... venti.."
"You dont have to remember its fine, anyway flora will be here soon with your medicine, maybe to pass the time should i tell you a story?"
You only nodded your head in response.
"At last there was a story—"
Where a bard met a mondstadter who piques his interest, their hobby of dancing and their hobby of baking intrigue him.
There comes a day when he started talking to them, to which on his own surprises! They share the same hobby as him... Which is Singing. Everyday they would be running around the town singing music, every night they would sat together on the startsnatch cliff and tells eachother funny stories.
The moon is beautiful today isn't it? They blurted out, in which the bard responses, I know.
But sadly there comes a day when the bard partner had accident, their family bussines went out of bussiness. The bard never knew what his partner was dealing with, until one night it all ended.
"Alright! Thats it, the another part of story can wait another time (Name), flora is here already." He said standing up from your own bed, "I'll get going if you want to know the continuation meet me at the starsnatch cliff Ehe! See you"
Again he waved his hand at you and left, somehow your heart aches when he left something felt amiss on your heart.
"Flora who is he?." You turned your head to face her.
"Not important (Name) go eat first alright" she said
Who.. is he? Why does he feel so familiar
This time you could only bottle the feeling down to yourself, even flora persist that she's not gonna give you an answer. Should i try asking the bard??..
Ironic isnt it? Seeing your own lover started to gradually forgets you? Just because of your little mistake everything started to went downhill.
The only thing that brighten up your life, Gone. Even when you tried so hard to make them remember who you are, you failed.
Because of your own mistake, now you cant do what you used to do with them, holding hands, hugging, laughing with each other, and maybe even being affectionate with each other.
Merely, they were nothing but a stranger to you now, all because of your own mistake.
It was your own mistake Venti, if only at that time you were quick enough they wouldn't forget you.
Ty for reading whatever this shitty ahh post, gn im gonna go sleep ty.
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So Daeron is fostered in Oldtown and he does not like his cousins. They do not like him either and they hate him for being a Targ, they hate Tessarion for being 'unnatural' and Daeron is constantly being forced to the Sept to 'be cleansed of his unaturalness and to strengthen his noble Andal Blood".
Rhaenyra is a little more politically adept in this and she has a network of spies that she sets up with the Velaryons, specifically keeping an eye on the Faith and the Citadel
So when she gets word of suspicious movements and infighting between the more tolerant parts of the Sept and the conservative parts she decides that she needs to it for herself and decides to go there on the basis of visiting Daeron and Maegelle (who has been feeding her info and has also expressed concerns about Daeron)
She very much leaves the telling them she's coming part to the literal last minute and as such when she arrives and demands to see her brother Daeron is undergoing a 'cleansing ritual'
The Hightowers cant stop her from rushing off to find him (there may be some Targ mystic bad feelings pushing this) and when she comes across Daeron being ceremonially whipped to 'cleanse his wicked blood' while he prays to the Seven for forgiveness she may or may not threaten to burn them all down while Syrax backs her up by landing on the roof of the Sept.
There's not a whole lot that they can do against the threat of Syrax so they have to bow to her demands to release him and, after prompting from Daeron, to take her to Tessarion. Syrax is still circling above them, getting dangerously close to the buildings and being very menacing. She happens to be the one who laid the egg Tessarion hatched from and is very protective of her hatchlings. As such when they see the small cage shes kept in and the marks from chains and old injuries it is only Rhaenyras desire to bring Daeron and Tessarion back to Kingslanding and into the care and protection fo the Dragonkeepers and their family that keeps her from burning Oldtown down.
Daerons pretty much shut down by this point, hes just hanging onto Tessarion and trying not to panic as the sister he has been told will kill him for the throne puts him on her much larger adult dragon and just flies off with him, while also hoping that this means that he doesn't have to go back.
When they get to Kingslanding the Keepers immediately sweep Tessarion away to look after her - though they are followed by a very protective Syrax. Meanwhile their riders head to the keep where they are met with Alicent whose confusion at Daeron being here being swapped with horror and concern at the state hes in. They rush off to the maesters and Rhaenyra explains whats happened to a horrified Alicent who had no idea what was happening.
They get the rest of the family involved and start planning on how to deal with Oldtown. This goes along with very tearful screaming matches that end in Alicent and Rhaenyra reconciling, awkward convos where Rhaenyra assures her siblings she has no plans to kill them, Daemon being forced to behave by his wife, cousin and niece, Viserys getting ignored when he says something stupid and Daeron alternating between being held by someone or holding Tessarion.
Every lives happily ever after except for the Hightowers and the Faith.
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weatherman667 · 1 month
Rewriting Girlfriend, Girlfriend
Girlfriend, Girlfriend is the story of one high school guy, and the four girlfriends that move into his house. Which the anime seems confused about. You see, the anime tries to focus on one high school guy and his two girlfriends that move into his house, but then adds two more characters for the full run of the story that are also in love for him. The intro makes it extremely obvious that these two are future haremettes. The main goal of the story is the four becoming a harem together, which means that the primary antagonists should be the ones that stop this from happening.
But the primary conflict from the story is from wanting to be an mff story while writting an mffff story. They skip straight passed the parents objecting, and explicitly have the latter 2 haremettes falling in love with the protagonist, along with the protagonist falling in love with them.
So, what does Girlfriend, Girlfriend decide to do? Subvert expectations by having the primary antagonist be one of the haremettes. And it's not enemies to lovers, but her literally falling for him like an anvil, and trying to break up his relationship so she can be his girlfriend. And since this is the only real conflict that lasts in the story, she becomes more and more psychopathic about it, to the point she literally, repeatedly drugs and kidnaps him. She even tranq'ed her little sister. And this is like Family Guy, where if you keep the same joke about abuse, it just stops being funny. It stopped being funny after her showed up. Not because of him, but because after this she became more and more unhinged.
So, the easy answer is to NOT skip passed the parents.
Saki literally lives next to the protagonist, and once they started going out, her mother just started seeing wedding bells. So, her response to them moving in together is "Finally!" followed by "Grandbabies!" Of course, it doesn't have her dealing with the fact that Naoya moved in with his two girlfriends.
But then, all of the other parents are against this relationship. Which is reasonable. The anime deals with it fleetingly, and then... doesn't have any real conflict for the story. It also frames it as being bad to oppose their daughters trying to get with someone who was already two-timing.
Let's start with Minase, because she was the first one to move in. If you daughter disappeared, and you discovered she was living with a man AND his live in girlfriend, he'd be lucky she didn't call the cops. This is Japan, which is still quite happily Patriarchal. You can't do that to the parents until she's 20. So, have Naoya talk to her mother, and then talk to her father. The father is busy at work, so this could be drawn out for quite a long time.
Then Mrs. Saki, (she named her daughter Saki Saki), having to deal with the fact her daughter's one-true-love turned into a threesome. At least one good episode out of this. She eventually convinces her husband it's a good idea to let them try. Folly of youth. She also knows that Naoya's relationship with Saki is ironclad and won't fail, so the most that might happen is the third gets kicked out.
Then who do we introduce first? Shino is already in love with him. I understand why they have Rika be the first one introduced, but doing this also seriously drags out. If we have Rika first, thence have Shino, and have them parallel arcs that end with Shino convincing Rika to stop acting like a super villain, (long before we go to the drugging part).
And then you have two more families to deal with.
And then Naoya's future school finds out, and it puts the whole thing in jeopardy.
But wait, kept mistresses are perfectly legal. If the old men in charge are a little jealous about how openly they can do it. So, he has to choose which one will be the true wife. He then convinces them that he won't treat the others as lesser than the wife.
And they all lived happily ever after.
One of the reasons I've so harsh is that I love all of the characters, and there are some absolutely fantastic elements of it. Until Rika starts acting like a super villain, which then lasts for the rest of the show.
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raeflora · 2 years
it could stay this simple
[a series of thanksgiving moments for chuck, blair and their family ♡ rated m]
Thanksgiving on the Upper East Side usually comes with turkey, pumpkin pie, and a heaping side of drama. Blair is determined to avoid that this year. After all, they only have one chance to host a first Thanksgiving dinner as a married couple. They've waited this long, and nothing is going to ruin it.
Blair exhales through her nose, keenly watching from the living room as the caterers set up. She clutches her clipboard tightly and starts checking items off. Dorota comes past, stack of plates in hand, and eyes her suspiciously. Blair frowns, shooing her away. It's not her fault that her favourite time of year brings so much chaos, she simply has to do everything in her power to avoid it.
Chuck comes down the stairs, and softly lifts her clipboard out of her grasp.
"Hey!" she cries, trying to get it back, fingers darting out.
"The only thing you need to do right now" he starts, setting it down on their coffee table, "is to go and get dressed"
"But I need to make sure they're doing it right" she protests.
Chuck takes her hands in his, "Dorota can do that. Besides," he leans in so that his lips brush her ear, "I was hoping that you'd be willing to repeat the only part of Thanksgiving I enjoyed last year"
Blair tilts her head up, mouth ghosting against his jaw, "without your pouting?" she teases.
"I wasn't pouting"
Blair hums, kissing his jaw as he tenses it, "you were. It was very sexy though"
"I wasn't" he insists, dipping his head to kiss her, fingers sliding down to her waist, "but thank you"
Something clangs from their dining room, breaking them apart. Blair whips her head around, ready to berate whoever's ruining her day. Chuck carefully tries to pull her towards the stairs, trying to hide his smile at her frustration.
"Dorota will deal with it" he assures her, lacing his fingers with hers.
"But they're incompetent!"
"Now who's pouting" he challenges, eyes sparkling at her.
Blair huffs, "fine. But if one thing is wrong when we come back-"
"You can make sure they never work again, and I can watch as my wife destroys them"
Blair smiles, "see, you're even more sexy when you're not pouting"
He lifts her into his arms, kissing her as he carries her up the stairs, "if you think that's sexy then you have no idea what you're in for"
Blair laughs, and it doesn't matter whether or not the caterers are competent or every item on her clipboard is crossed off. This Thanksgiving will be perfect because she and Chuck are married. That is more perfect than any dinner or table centrepiece could ever be.
Blair sings lightly, the morning sunlight casting a soft glow around the room and making her task much easier. Henry kicks his legs out, squirming on his changing mat. Blair continues her off-key song.
"And then we wrap this around and stick it down- ah no, Henry, hold still sweetheart, mommy's almost done, I promise- and there!" she beams, "all done! Isn't that so much better?"
Henry smiles back, bringing his little fist up to his open mouth, and kicking his legs again, this time in appreciation. Blair holds his sock clad feet, tapping them together and bending over to pepper kisses over his plump cheeks. Henry gurgles happily, smile growing at her actions.
She hears Chuck come back in, his surprise early morning phone call from Serena clearly over.
"Look Henry daddy's back" Blair chirps, moving aside so Chuck can stand next to her.
"There's my boy" he murmurs, eyes focusing purely on Henry's beaming face.
Although at 3-months-old Henry is far off saying his first word, Blair wouldn't be surprised if their beautiful boy says dada first. She's even more surprised that she wouldn't mind it as much as she thought, the connection between Chuck and Henry making her heart swell with joy.
"I think he knows that something's happening today'" Blair muses, gently picking Henry up in her arms, "don't you?"
Henry lifts his hand up, Chuck holding it to his lips in a soft kiss, "look how clever you are"
Blair adjusts Henry in her arms, bouncing him gently, "I don't think there's any doubt about what mommy and daddy are most thankful for today"
"Actually I'm thankful that you woke up first to change him"
Blair playfully rolls her eyes, stage whispering to Henry, "it looks like daddy doesn't want any pie this year"
"I wouldn't go that far"
Henry's cries distract them, both immediately fussing around him. Blair settles herself down on the plush glider chair, carefully undoing her robe. Chuck strokes Henry's soft smattering of hair in an attempt to calm him until Blair is ready.
"It's ok Henry" she soothes once her pyjama top is unbuttoned, angling his open mouth towards her nipple, "mommy and daddy are right here. You're going to be all fed soon- that's it, good boy"
While she feeds him Chuck sits on the other armchair, unashamedly watching her. It isn't lust in his gaze, though, but awe. Blair hums contentedly as Henry continues sucking, his little cheeks no longer red. Although downstairs is filled with noise and anticipation, there is no sign of it in Henry's room. Instead there is love, overwhelming love, radiating from them all. That is what Blair and Chuck are most thankful for, that they get to have this, and not just for one day a year, but for every day.
It isn't anyone's fault, exactly, that Henry decided today was the day he didn't like turkey. Or mashed potatoes. Or carrots.
Well, Blair maintains it's because the potatoes came from Brooklyn, but that hasn't been proven yet.
Chuck sighs, trying to distract a scowling Henry while Blair and Lily find more appealing food. Henry's little hands clutch his favourite stuffed bear, eyeing the potatoes on his plate with contempt. Chuck bounces him in his lap, kissing the top of his head idly. Maybe pushing Henry's afternoon nap back was a bad idea after all.
"Dada" Henry squirms impatiently, "down" he gestures towards the floor.
"Not yet Henry, mommy's almost back" Chuck points to where she stands, fresh plate in hand.
Henry's gaze follows his hand, pointing his own little finger out, "Mama"
"That's right, you're so clever" he kisses Henry's head.
Blair comes back then, sitting next to Chuck, Lily sitting across from them. She hands the offending plate off without a care, settling the hopefully more edible food in front of Henry.
"Here we are, see doesn't this look much better?" she coaxes, Henry still looking warily at the plate.
Experimentally he lifts his spoon, scooping the potatoes into his mouth. Blair moves his bear onto her lap, save another incident like her mother's birthday dinner. He pauses. Chuck locks eyes with Blair over his head.
Henry babbles appreciatively, the entire table releasing a collective breath. Serena claps lightly, encouraging her nephew to keep going. He does, no longer offended by the turkey or carrots or potatoes, but Chuck does note that the broccoli is entirely untouched. They take their victory though.
"I told you" Blair says after their plates have been taken and dessert is on its way, "how could we expect him to eat food from-" her nose crinkles, "an outer borough. He's not used to such low quality"
"The potatoes weren't actually grown in Brooklyn" Dan interjects from the other end of the table, "you, uh, you know that right?"
Blair ignores him, "thank you, Lily, for giving him actual food though"
Lily smiles fondly at Henry toddling around, "well I couldn't exactly let my grandson go hungry on Thanksgiving"
Chuck strokes up and down Blair's arm, both of their eyes trained on Henry as he walks. As the caterers start placing desserts on the table Blair picks Henry back up, kissing his cheek.
"My big boy" she coos, sitting him back in his high chair, "look what's ready"
"Pie!" Henry happily states, reaching for the steaming slice in front of him.
Chuck smiles, catching Henry's fingers, "careful, it's hot" he blows on Henry's fingers to make sure he understands.
Blair takes her own slice, laughing as Henry digs into his own. Pumpkin smears around his mouth but he doesn't seem to care, only fussing as Chuck wipes his face with his napkin.
"At least the pie's going down better" Serena says, her plate full of pumpkin and pecan and apple slices, "he's got good taste"
"Of course he does" Chuck responds smoothly, taking Blair's hand in his, "he's our son"
"And now" Harold says, gently holding Henry's hand around the spoon, "we mix"
Henry stirs the mixture enthusiastically, wooden spoon banging into the bowl. Blair holds the edge, making sure the pumpkin doesn't spill out onto their countertop.
"Mommy!" Henry beams with glee, "I'm mixing!"
"You are, good boy" Blair fixes his hair, "you're even better than I was when I was your age"
"Sticky" he says in awe, watching it slide around the bowl.
"But delicious" Harold says, guiding Henry's movements, "and it's all in the mixing"
Henry continues stirring until Harold declares it's perfect, and together they pour it into the waiting pastry case. Blair helps them both place it into the oven. Now, they wait.
Blair takes her apron off, carefully folding it. She adjusts Henry's apron, and wipes at his flour stained cheeks with her thumb. He giggles, before peering into the oven.
"When's it ready?" he asks, little face close to the glass.
"It'll take an hour and a half" Blair says, crouching to look at it with him.
"So long" Henry sighs.
Blair laughs, "that's why we make it now, so it's ready by the time we've eaten dinner"
Henry considers her words, nodding once before lifting his arms up. Wordlessly Blair picks him up, his sticky fingers almost going in her hair.
"Excuse me" she says with mock seriousness, "who's this messy boy?"
Henry giggles again, "me!"
Blair shakes her head, "my Henry isn't messy"
"It's the pie!"
Blair wipes one hand with a cloth. Henry darts out of her arms before she reaches his other one, his smile telling her everything she needs to know about his newfound distraction.
"Daddy! I made pie!"
Chuck lifts him up easily, "you did? It'll be the best pie, then"
"Mm-hmm. You like mommy's pie" Henry muses, "I heard you"
"I do" Chuck keeps his eyes on Blair, "I love it"
"It's my favourite" Henry agrees.
"It is"
Blair avoids her father's judgemental gaze, coming to wipe Henry's other hand instead. She kisses his palm, Henry kissing her cheek like he's seen Chuck do.
"Someone needs to get cleaned up" Blair sighs, poking at the splattering of pumpkin on Henry's sweater.
"I'll take him" Chuck responds, pressing his own kiss to her cheek, "and I eagerly await your pie" he whispers into her ear as he pulls back.
With that they leave the kitchen, Henry explaining the importance of mixing the pie. Blair turns back around, finding Harold leaning against the counter. She tries to hide her laughter.
He holds up one hand, "Blair-bear what you and Charles do is none of my business, and we should keep it that way"
"He really does like pie" she tries, tidying the bowl and spoon up.
"I'm sure he does"
Blair hides her smile as they leave the kitchen, Eleanor simply sighing as she recognises the look in her eyes. Thankfully, Chuck brings a newly clean Henry back down, and she is suitably distracted by her beloved grandson before she can comment on anything. Blair discreetly takes Chuck's hand, squeezing it once. Although Thanksgiving pie will always be a family tradition, Blair does enjoy their decidedly un-family friendly take on it.
In between wanting to be sick from the smell of cinnamon alone and wanting to cry at Henry proudly presenting his pie, there has been one thing thrumming through Blair's mind today. One desire.
She watches him undress, the slow way that he puts each button through their holes. She wants to rip them off.
Blair comes to sit next to him, tucking her legs underneath herself. She runs her fingers down the collar of his pyjama shirt, Chuck catching her hand.
"Henry had fun today," she murmurs, letting her fingers circle the top button of his shirt.
"Did you?" he asks sincerely, resting his hands on top of hers.
Blair nods, "apart from almost throwing my dinner up, but it's worth it" she sighs, both of their gazes drifting to her stomach.
"Do you still feel sick?"
"No" she takes a breath, "just... needy"
"Then how may I serve you?" he whispers reverently.
Blair kisses him slowly, letting her tongue trace his. Her hands run down his chest as his hold her waist, fingers tracing her silk slip. She starts unbuttoning his shirt, an entirely different hunger coursing through her now.
Chuck moves her so she straddles his lap, effortlessly pulling her slip up over her head. His hands cup her breasts as she bites his lower lip between her teeth. He groans against her, thumbs stroking at her breasts. Blair shifts forwards, pressing herself further into his touch. She gasps as he runs his tongue down her neck, sucking softly over her pulse. Her head tips back, her fingers gripping his silk clad shoulders.
She pulls desperately at his shirt, craving him more with every second. Carefully he wraps one arm around her waist and helps her take his shirt off, tossing it next to her slip on the floor. He bites at her neck and collarbone, her moans only encouraging him further. Her hands run down his body until she reaches his pyjama pants, and rests her palm against him.
At her hurried strokes he grunts into her neck, sliding his hands to her underwear. He rips her panties off in retaliation. Blair cries out indignantly.
"I'll buy you more" he husks, kissing down to her breasts.
Her anger fades as her eyes roll back, his tongue working over her. She reaches her hands underneath his waistband, pulling blindly. He helps her, shifting his pyjama pants and boxers down until he can kick them off.
Chuck steadies one hand on her waist, his other dipping between her thighs. Blair moans as he strokes, rocking her hips down. He guides her hips down further, letting her control the pace he enters at. She holds his shoulders, gasping softly until she shifts slightly. At last.
They find their rhythm quickly, Blair moaning freely as she moves her hips. She keeps her pace steady, Chuck matching her movement for movement. Her back arches, her hands holding his shoulders for support. His fingers grip her thighs tightly, wedding ring pressing into her skin. It doesn't matter, though, not when he's pressing there, there, there.
"I suppose" she gasps out, thighs starting to shake, "you should get used to this"
"I did enjoy satisfying your very creative needs last time" he groans into her neck, "so whatever you desire, I'm game"
Blair moans again as he slips his fingers between her thighs once more. Her eyes fall shut, hips grounding down instinctively as he strokes her again.
"Come on, baby" he whispers against her damp skin, "show me what you want"
His words make something snap inside her, the coiling heat inside of her unfurling and spreading throughout her body. Her orgasm builds, hips stuttering and thighs clenching until Chuck's name bursts out of her. She hazily feels Chuck's own release, her name coming from his lips like it is sacred.
After they clean up Blair curls into his side, skin drying and body thoroughly satisfied. She stretches her toes out, her legs tangling in his. Chuck absentmindedly strokes her hair, his touch calming.
"Next Thanksgiving we'll have another baby" she murmurs into his chest.
"You and Henry can teach them how to make pie"
"He'll love it"
"I love you"
"I love you too" Blair yawns, eyes fluttering closed, "happy Thanksgiving Chuck"
"This" Henry starts solemnly, little hands carefully holding the plate, "is mommy's pie. It's very sacred"
His baby sister gurgles, waving her arms excitedly from her position on Chuck's lap at the new food.
"Can you say pie?" he tries.
She smiles in response, teeth just starting to show.
Henry smiles back, "close enough"
He climbs up next to them on the couch and offers her a slice. Blair gently stops him, sitting on his other side.
"Grace is still too young to eat the pie, sweetheart. But I'm sure she'd love it if you tell her all about how delicious it is"
"It tastes like pumpkin" he says, swallowing his spoonful, "and cinnamon and it's really nice and we made it together"
"Good job Henry" Chuck praises, lifting Grace up to pass to Blair.
"Will you be ok with daddy while I feed your sister?"
Henry nods around another spoonful of pie.
"Good boy" she kisses his cheek, before carrying Grace upstairs.
Chuck lifts Henry up, making him laugh, and settles him on his lap. At 4 he suddenly seems a lot bigger than he was just a week before, but for as long as he wants to sit on Chuck's lap or be carried then that is what they will do.
"You're being very good with your sister" Chuck says, adjusting Henry's hair like Blair does, "are you having a good day?"
"Uh-huh. Will Grace be big enough to eat pie next year?"
"She will"
Henry smiles brightly, "I think she'll like it"
"So do I"
Henry cuddles up to Chuck once his pie is all gone, the plate on the end table. Chuck strokes his hair as Henry tells him all about the adventure he and Monkey are going on in Central Park at the weekend. It's very well planned.
Blair comes back with a now fed Grace in her arms, sitting next to Chuck on the couch. They all stay like that for a moment, Henry gently holding Grace's tiny hand.
"I'm thankful for Grace" he declares, kissing her head softly before smiling up at his parents.
"And Grace is thankful for you" Blair says, pressing her nose to his, "she's very thankful for getting the best big brother in the world"
Henry dips his head, a gesture inherited from his father, "really?"
Blair nods, "and mommy and daddy are more than thankful for both of you"
Henry beams, pressing kisses to Blair and Chuck's cheeks. He laughs as Chuck tickles him, the sound filling their living room.
At his laughter it dawns on Blair that this is all she wanted from Thanksgiving. Her family, her heart, together and happy and content. The food on the table doesn't matter. The inevitable argument over something stupid doesn't matter. The heaping side dish of drama that is traditional for an Upper East Side Thanksgiving is no longer required. It has been replaced with joy. And that is what makes everything, finally, perfect.
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fatherramiro · 7 months
may I enquire after "wyllstar anastasia AU"? please and thank you!
this began as me saying casually to my wife "wyllstarion Anastasia AU when?" and then it grew from there. more beneath the cut because im just rambling my entire plot at you im so sorry
the premise is that this is a no tadpole AU, and about ten years before the events of the fic, duke ravengard's only son disappeared during some sort of attack on the ravengard estate. now, ravengard is offering a very hefty reward for anyone who can return his son to him. enter astarion, who is still a vampire (this time with a handy ring of walking in the sun or whatever the actual item is called in the lore) and who goes off to find the aforementioned son so he can collect the reward.
the twist? astarion isn't technically going of his own accord. cazador, who is trying to gain and keep more power in baldur's gate, has sent him to find the duke's son so that astarion will bring him back to be used as a hostage/bargaining chip. see, cazador was behind that attack on the ravengard estate years before, and astarion "accidentally" let the boy escape during the chaos. this is his chance to make it up to cazador. astarion Does Not Want to do this but he's tired of trying to fight back after 200 years of garbage so off he goes.
he's somewhere around the emerald grove when he runs into the blade of frontiers, who happens to have the same name as ravengard's son. wyll is all of 24, has been on his own for as long as he can remember (which isn't that long, he can't remember anything before he was 14), and he desperately wants to find his family and where he belongs and hopes that maybe he'll find that on his heroic journey. he is currently pursuing a devil named karlach per his demonic patron (because mizora, the jackass, found it so easy to manipulate wyll into taking a deal. she will get her ass kicked in this story). so after that sidequest gets resolved, wyll and astarion (as well as karlach) set off for the gate as astarion promises wyll that he can find him answers about his family, etc.
shenanigans ensue! wyll's trauma is actually addressed in a meaningful way and astarion and karlach get him out of the pact with mizora by the time they reach the city! wyll and astarion fall in love! and when they reach the gate, and astarion realizes that this is very much the real wyll ravengard, and also accepts the depths of his feelings for him, he does what he hopes will be the last selfless action of his entirely too long and miserable life. he doesn't bring wyll to cazador, and instead brings him to his father and then walks out of wyll's life forever. (or so he thinks)
im working in a political plot involving gortash and reasons why others might not want the grand duke's son returning to the gate, and obviously this all culminates in a dramatic series of events in which wyll makes choices that grant him agency and he chooses the life he wants, and he and astarion absolutely wreck cazador's shit. finally free from both mizora and cazador, the pair run off together and live Happily Ever After.
its very dramatic. im very obsessed with it, and right now have written a couple bits but am mostly working on fleshing out wyll's arc and the adventures en route to baldur's gate because fuck if i'll write a story in which wyll's journey and interiority are not addressed with equal importance to astarion's. and im very excited to write this tbh.
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 10- Pegging
Now I know, again, I'm like literally a week late. BUT. I got more Final Fantasy 15 Magic and Miracles Modern AU goodies for you.
This time featuring Tedd Furia and Stella Nox Fleuret, who is actually now, in this moment in time Stella Nox Fleuret- Furia. Yes, the cousin on their father's side to Ravus Nox Fleuret and Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from the Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive universe.
But in my AU- where only a few people die but otherwise EVERYONE LIVES AND GETS A HAPPILY EVER AFTER DAMN IT. It's where Sylva is still alive and a BAMF. Who OWNS a hospital in addition to being a doctor and a surgeon herself (hello, oracle and healer= doctor and CEO and owner of a state of the art hospital).
And instead of in the Kingsglaive universe where Tredd is a traitor. (Granted in the beginning of Magic and Miracles- there's a nod to this in canon) But in my AU- no, he's actually just really smart, a realist, but opportunistic with childhood trauma, a pyromaniac which has since been channeled into him being a firefighter. With untapped potential that Sylva sees and she adopts him and brings out the best in him and helps him be the best version of himself that he can be. And she lets hiim legally play with fireworks and teaches him how to also be a healer (EMT) and a helicopter pilot. Both for the hospital and for the fire department where he can make BANK. Because Stella- is herself- a trust fund doll. Which is why Stella's parents initially HATE Tredd cause he thinks he's after her trust fund. But we know that's not the case. And to quote Deadpool "Your crazy matches my crazy". Which is SO THEM. Because just because you're rich, doesn't mean you too can not have trauma too. Which Stella, Ravus, and Lunafreya all have and deal with it in different ways.
And for those of you that have been following my Magic and Miracles and BEYOND storyline, you'll notice the easter egg that is the mention of Selena's accident. (I promise I have not forgotten or abandoned it, life is just being really mean to me right now and I don't wnat to take it out on anyone in that story any more than I already have (I'm sorry Selena))
But you don't have to know or follow any of that to enjoy this juicy lemon of Tredd getting railed by his wife, Stella and they are the epitome of kinky. And when I saw this prompt I IMMEDIATELY knew "oh yeah, that's Tredd and Stella. Stella is gonna peg Tredd and he's going to LOVE IT".
Everything else is under the cut because I don't want to get flagged by censors.
Again, a million and one thanks to @starsandskies for sharing kinktober. Yes I feel like I'm cheating with pulling pairings from previous stories. But that's simply to keep it short and sweet and get to the good part already.
Now, because of the graphic nature of this particular prompt. The moodboard is under the cut along with the story. Also You'll notice that I'm using the actual actor who did the motion capture and was the face of Tredd Furia in Kingsglaive. Stella I had to cast as Dakota Fanning. Enjoy!
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Kinktober Day 10- Pegging
Tredd woke up to the smell of his wife making breakfast and a smile spread on his face because his wife Stella, being French, was hands down the best cook he had ever known and while she used almost heart clogging levels of butter. It was still delicious and amazing. 
And while his shift as a firefighter was exhausting, he had come home and happily crashed into bed. But he was getting the next two days off. Which he had gotten off because today was the day before his anniversary. And he knew that Stella surely had some amazing plans for their anniversary. 
She too had taken the same days off of school. Considering she was currently in medical school to become a doctor. The fact that thier busy schedules lined up that they both had the days off, was damn near a miracle. But one he was grateful for. He got out of bed and made it down the stairs of the condo that they had gotten while thier house was being built. 
Honestly Tredd had lucked out. Because not only was Stella hot as fuck. Her crazy matched his. And before she came into his life, he was sure he was going to probably end up just like his mom. A homeless junkie. Or like his dad, a damn near alcoholic who barely had enough money to make ends meet and spent more on alchohol and cigarettes than he did food for him and his son. 
And then Stella came along and everything changed. And for the better.
Because for once, they both found another person who understood them. Sympathized with them and they could be safe being vulnerable with. And while Stella’s parents had hated his guts- at first. Because to them, he was just a no good son of a bitch who played decent football but was otherwise a gold digger out to take their daughter's trust fund. And honestly, in beginning, yeah that was an appealing factor. But now, her trust fund meant nothing to him because he could afford to take care of both of them without it.
And that was because Stella’s aunt Sylva Nox Flueret- Caelum- saw potential in him. And instead of dismissing said potential. She invested in it. She invested in him and saved him from hemself and all the other horrible influences in his life. And adopted him like she had practically adopted all of her children's friends. Like Luche Lazarus. And Noctis, who she actually really did adopt. Along with Ignis, and Prompto, and Gladdio, and Nyx, who was now her son in law. And Selena, her daughter in law.
Sylva was the one that helped get him into being a firefighter because he had already been a bit of a pryro anyway. And he loved it actually. He never thought he would ever have a job he actually liked and loved and got paid decently for it too. And the positive changes didn’t stop there. Stella and Sylva helped him get clean. Get him off of smoking and other drugs. 
And then when their friend Selena got into a near fatal car accident, he threw himself into becoming an EMT too. And becasue Sylva owned Miracles Hospital, she had the means to also get him holicopter flying lessons.
So now between being a firefighter and an EMT. He was primed to become both a helicopter pilot for the hospistal. And also work with forest fires by flying helicopters to hold either water or fire retardant. And Sylva always put him in charge of all the fireworks she set off for all the weddings and the all the other functions she hosted. Which he downright got giddy for because he had the license and the proper training for it too.
And to top it all off. He was also young enough that he got roped into going into the elementary schools to teach fire safety. And for some reason- kids flocked to him. And he could use that to see all the other kids that had the potential to be great, but just had shitty homelives and no one else to give them the chance and opportunity to show off that potential. Which he used to help get those other kids the help they needed and the stability and resources to succeed. The same way Sylva had done with him. And that felt really awesome as a way to pay it forward because there was no way he could ever pay Sylva back for all that she had done for him. But Sylva never wanted to be paid back, but him paying it forward was all she could ever want in return.
It was a second chance to redeem himself and prove to both himself, his family and especially his inlaws- that in the world of who could have married their daughter, they could have done worse. And they were slowly but surely easing up on him. Especially when Stella and him officially got married and she stayed in medical school and was not currently pregnant.
Even though it seems all their friends were getting pregnant and having kids left and right. But once his friend Crowe had her baby Raven. When he got to hold her, something inside of him changed. It was the first baby he had ever hold that he felt was beautiful and the one that got him to realize that he needed to be a better man if he wanted one of his own and being her adoptive uncle made him beam with pride. 
Of course, at the time, he had jokingly cussed Crowe and Libertus out for making such a precious little angel and Libertus damn near had to arm wrestle him to get his daughter out of his arms as Tredd cried, granted cried happily all the same. But swore all the same that if anything happened to her, if anyone ever dreamed of hurting her, he'd kill them himself. Which gave Stella the assurance that underneath everything, that Tredd was a good guy. Even when no one else but her and Sylva could see it at first.
But today, was the day before their two year anniversary. He got out of bed and went down to the kitchen to see Stella still finishing up the last little bits of breakfast. 
“Good morning Gorgeous.” He cooed as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight and kissed the crux of her neck and shoulder before giving it a teasing bite which got her to squal. 
“Good morning Handsome.” She cackle in response before she turned the stove off and turned around to kiss him good morning properly. 
“So, how early do you want to start our celebrating for our anniversary this year?” She asked when they pulled apart when they needed the air to catch thier breath. 
“As soon as you want to.” He answered with a happy and excited smile. 
“Good, eat breakfast, and get some good food as fuel. You’re gonna need it.” Stella teased licensiously. 
“Yes Ma’am.” He growled as he grabbed each of her butt cheeks in her hand and gave them a hard but appreciative squeeze before he helped her gather all the components of an amazing breakfast onto thier table as he practically wolfed it down because he knew he’d be spending the rest of the day in bed and banging his smoking hot wife. 
He even helped put all the dishes in the dishwasher before he practically picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and carried her like that up their stairs again as she laughed heartily at his over eagerness. 
He used his hold on the back of her legs to heave her from over his shoulder to the bed as she bounced off the mattress a few inches which got her to whoop and holler in delight. 
“Before we get to caught up. I want to try something new.” She said as she stopped his hands from stripping her pajamas off of her. 
“Like sex toys new?” He guessed hopefully.
“Like the triple A, double A, C, or D battery variety? Or the two stroke engine type?” He asked, trying to guage just what size of toy she had in mind. 
“Double A.” She answered before he rolled off of her to grab for the drawer that she liked to keep her sex toys she used for herself. 
“Nope, not that one.” She said before he went through them all and she just kept smiling wider and wider as she shook her head no. 
“So you got something new.” He realized.
“I did. And it requires a harness too.” She hinted. 
“Yes!” Tredd cheered before he got off the bed and got into the drawer in a dresser where they put the really fun toys and the harnesses before she openned a different drawer to pull out a new set of harnesses. 
“Put this on.” She told him before he obeyed and was too caught up in putting it on before he noticed that she had put one on herself and put a special dildo into it so that she had a vibrator inside herslf but could change out the cock she could put into the harness to mimic herself having a cock too. And she was currently wearing a literall horse cock in her harness and suddenly that’s when he seemed to realize what she had in mind. 
“Uh, what, what’cha got there?” He asked a bit nervously when he saw the literal horse sized horse cock she had put into that harness. 
“Your surprise. Happy Early Anniversary Baby.” She cooed. 
“No.” Tredd immediately shook his head adamantly. Becuase sure they had played around with stuff in any and every oriface they both had but he had never let her peg him with something that big before. 
“Ok. So how about we start out small and work our way up.” She ventured as she pulled it out and changed it out for one of the smallest ones they had first used and started out with. 
“Ok, that’s better.” Tredd offered.
“But not before you put this on.” She said as she attached a new cock sucking and swirlling thing on his own cock and secured it into the harness he was currently wearing and turned it on for him with her own remote.
“Oh fuck.” He had to bend over and steady his hands on his own bent knees as this thing had to of cost a few hundred dollars but was worth every penny. Becuase it felt like-he couldn't describe it as anything other than fucking amazing.
“On the bed, ass in the air and spread em.” Stella ordered before she got him into position and used him getting into position to get her variety of toys ready for him and lubed up his pucker before she eased the first one in and knew she got that prostate when he moaned and shuddered and after a few strokes and he had relaxed and openned up more for her. And that’s when she traded the smaller one for the medium sized one and began to fucking him with it as she scratched hard down his neck and smacked his ass before she grabbed his hips and pounded her own dildo into him. 
“Oh Jesus Fucking Christ.” Tredd graoned and moaned before he came in the toy currently sucking and swirling around his cock but it seemed she wasn’t done because then she switched out to the larger one. And Tredd was on the verge of becoming overstimulated, especially when she turned on the vibration settings as strong as they could go and just as he was about to come again, she pulled out, leaving him whining and wanting more. She then changed into her latest purchase and eased it inside of him and then rather torturously turned on the vibration settings and Tredd came again in the toy that was using his own cum as lube. 
Then she turned her own up to it’s highest setting thanks to her remote and turned his onto it’s highest setting and Tredd came and then his cum overflowed it the sleeve as he felt like he could feel this horsecock into his colon through his stomach. But he loved it. He loved all of it. He loved his wife most of all though. 
“Beavus, Beavus!” Tredd finally yelled, since that was her cousin’s nickname that they- as more of a sick twisted joke, made that nickname thier safeword for when they were done and didn’t and couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Ok Babe.” Stella relented and turned the vibrator off and pulled out of him and helped get his harness and put the toys in the bathtub for a thorough cleaning before they would be put away. 
“Fuck.” Tredd groaned as he laid on his side and tiredly took off his own harness and this wonderful thing that sucked and swirled on his own cock off and handed it off to her so she could clean it out while she traded it for a pack of cottonelle wipes so he could clean himself off and the mess on the bedspread. 
“See! You could take it. It just took a bit to work up to it.” Stella cooed as she came back with the now clean huge thing in her arms.
“Tonight- it’s your turn with that monster thing.” Tredd insisted. 
“Oh I know, I can’t wait.” Stella giggled gleefully as she put it away along with the others. 
“Thanks for indulging me though.” Stella thanked him. 
“You’re…you’re welcome.” Tredd smiled tiredly as he tried to recover.
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morgana-ren · 2 years
God the 😻 🦋 I get when reading what your ocs are into. Love it. Your kinks a line with mine almost perfectly!
Do you have one scenario/fantasy with them that you're into more than the others? Or at the top of your list right now
I'm super fond of all of them, but there are specific things about certain ones that I really love.
There's a modern AU I love because there's something absolutely hilarious about 3 guys who live in ye olde medieval times™ learning the ins and outs of modern technology and severely abusing it. Too many emojis and a tenuous grasp on modern slang. Using the internet to stalk love interests and having way too much fun with their phones-- especially the camera function. Annoying each other with late night texts, abusing the GPS system. Reaver getting involved in crypto and shady business deals and having a self indulgent instagram and a twitter rivalry with fellow real-life evil oligarch Elon Musk. Dodging cops with ease after the slew of murders cause magic and also... they don't technically exist. Astarion going batshit for everyone with vampire kinks and trying to get the hang of sexing. Nighty having to hide his true form because we're just not used to tall purple half-dragon tieflings running around with horns and tails although he cannot be persuaded to stop dressing like a pirate whore unless the circumstances are absolutely dire. All three of them using Pornhub but absolutely refusing to admit it except Reaver who will unabashedly watch at the dinner table with the volume up.
There's one that gives me a heart tickle where Nighty gets his happily ever after and actually has the children he wants so desperately with a wife that loves and adores him (and Astarion loves and adores her but isn't allowed to touch her and just has to pine from the sidelines forever although that rarely stops him from trying.)
There's a particularly mean one where Nighty decides he wants his brother's (a different, actual brother, not mentioned here) girlfriend and taks her for himself himself behind his brother's back but erases her memory so she doesn't remember and can't tattle but ends up slowly actually falling for her and ends up in a real jealousy-fueled pickle.
Nighty joins the PTA and becomes king shit of fuck mountain among all the moms and absolutely despised by the dads. He murders and eats all the abusive parents in his downtime and tries to cover it up (he has a serious soft spot for families and kids so if he catches wind of a parent hurting their child or something else that's sinister, those parents don't last long). Wears leather pants and an unbuttoned shirt constantly to said meetings and never misses one. Is literally in the history books the kids read from as history's biggest pirate villain and does not bother to hide it except from his wives and three adopted daughters who he does not want finding out about some of the stuff he's done (spoiler, they do.) Reaver is the reluctant actual uncle in this one and pretends he hates it but does genuinely love the kids even if he won't admit it but will not go as far as to proclaim to be their father unless something is happening he really doesn't like.
I also love when they pull stunts and blame it on each other. Like one will do something particularly heinous and go out of his way to blame it on one of his brothers ie Nighty shapeshifting to look like Reaver before he does some disgusting, horrible thing or one of them getting the others drunk to get some form of blackmail (happens a lot, they do a lot of horrible shit and do try to conceal it.)
They're absolutely dreadful when they work together but they're arguably so much funnier when they work against each other. Look, they love each other but they're all assholes and have no problem throwing each other under the bus. There is an ongoing joke when one of them fucks up that the other ones proclaim "Ha, you're out!" meaning they are out of the polycule for good. Never seems to stick though.
Anything that takes place on the pirate ships is always so good. Nightmare squawking like a high-strung Mormon pretending he isn't into something that he clearly is. Reaver dragging the others down to his level and trying to shoot anything that inconveniences him, including them. Astarion being forced into being the rational one (which he hates.) Nighty having to be physically stopped from adopting every wayward child he comes across (believe it or not, he's a great dad. Just a horrible love interest but he's pretty good at separating the two). Reaver ending up paying 8000 different child support payments to random families because Nightmare has eaten their horrible parents.
They have literally done every horrible thing under the sun between the three of them.
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readingforsanity · 4 months
Rock, Paper, Scissors | Alice Feeney | Published 2021 | *SPOILERS*
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Things have been wrong with Mr. and Mrs. Wright for a long time. When Adam and Amelia win a weekend away to Scotland, it might be just what their marriage needs. Self-confessed workaholic and screenwriter Adam Wright has lived with face blindness his whole life. He can't recognize friends or family, or even his own wife.
Every anniversary, the couple exchange traditional gifts - paper, cotton, pottery, tin - and each year Adam's wife writes him a letter that she never lets him read. Until now. They both know this weekend will make or break their marriage, but they didn't randomly win this trip. One of them is lying, and someone doesn't want them to live happily ever after.
Ten years of marriage. Ten years of secrets. And an anniversary they will never forget.
Rock Paper Scissors is the latest exciting domestic thriller from the queen of the killer twist, New York Times bestselling author Alice Feeney.
Marriages are hard work, which is what Amelia and Adam Wright are finding out. Hoping a remote getaway to a chapel in Scotland can either make or break their marriage, they head off with their dog, Bob, in hopes of righting the wrongs. Adam suffers from a condition called propagnosia, where he is unable to recognize the faces of people around him. He uses other defining features, such as hair color or glasses, to recognize those people closest to him.
The trip starts off on the wrong foot. After having won the weekend getaway in a raffle from the Battersea Dogs Home, where Amelia works, they are met with darkened roads and a winter storm. But they arrive to the foreboding looking former chapel turned home for their getaway.
The chapel is spooky, and many doors are locked and they are unable to get inside. They try to make the best of their time together, but being spied on makes it difficult to relax, as Amelia is sure she has seen someone watching her outside of one of the stained glass windows.
Interspersed with the story are letters written to Adam from his wife, over the course of their 10 year marriage. We see the ups and downs, to the eventual downfall of the marriage leading to where we are now. Unfortunately, Adam and his wife had suffered a miscarriage after trying desperately to have a child, leading to one round of unsuccessful IVF to a successful round that led to the miscarriage; Adam's work as a screenwriter kept him busy, particularly when he began working with acclaimed author Henry Winter in adapting some of his novels into movies or TV shows. His wife feels that Henry is impeding on her marriage with her husband, and for good reason.
Back to the main storyline, we also meet Robin, the supposed "caretaker" of the property. She lives in a small hut on the property with her pet rabbit, and after Adam and Amelia's dog, Bob, goes missing, the couple attempt to seek Robin's help in order to find Bob, but they are unable to get in touch with her as she ignores their pleas.
At this point, we learn that Robin is actually Adam's first wife, and the writer of the letters we have been reading throughout. After having found Adam in bed with Amelia, she left, returning to her father's property in Scotland after having been asked to return by him as his health was failing. Her father is non-other than Henry Winter himself, and the reason that Robin was so hellbent on staying away from him is because Robin believed that he had killed her mother while she was just 8 years old, and that he frequently bullied her until she finally left at 18 and never looked back.
But, Robin has learned a great deal about Amelia. When Adam was only 13 years old, he witnessed his mother being hit and killed by a hit-and-run accident while she had been out walking his dog. Despite it being his responsibility, he never cared for the animal himself, hence why she was out, wearing her signature red kimono that she always wore when she had gentleman callers and is the only defining feature that he remembers about the accident, because his condition makes him unable to recognize the person behind the wheel of the car.
Henry, after Robin and Adam married, hired a private detective to follow them, and did so for many years until Robin left after Adam's affair. But it was during this time that the private investigator, named Samuel Smith, found out that Amelia had once lived in the same flat building as Adam when they were teenagers, and that she had been the individual behind the car. Robin's motive for inviting them to this Scottish getaway was to win her husband back, and get rid of Amelia for good.
In a letter that she finally lets Adam read informs him that she was in fact Henry's daughter, and that she never mentioned it to him previously simply because the man was a monster and always treated her horribly growing up. She changed her surname to her mother's maiden name after she left in order to escape him, but after Adam began struggling with his career, Robin requested her father's help and set Adam on the relationship journey with her father that she never expected.
After he died, she finished the novel he had in progress and had it published in his name, so nobody knows that Henry has been dead for the last two years. She now plans to write another novel, titled Rock Paper Scissors, just like the manuscript he had written so long ago and was so fond of, to be written in Henry's name and will state that Henry requests that Adam turn it into a film or TV adaptation as soon as possible, but only if Adam leaves Amelia, and she explains why in her letter.
Adam reads the letter, pushed through the door as Amelia and Adam try to leave and in her haste to try to rectify the situation, Amelia runs at Adam with a knife but is stopped by Robin.
Six months later, Robin and Adam are back together living in their quaint London home, together again at last. Neither discuss what happened in the Scottish mountains all those months ago, but it is clear that one of the two of them murdered Amelia and left her there, after it was clear that Amelia used her friendship with Robin to get close to Adam to make up for what she had done all those years ago.
But, in Adam's POV, we learn that HE had actually been the one driving the vehicle that had killed his mother, but after the accident, Amelia had pushed him out of the car and drove off, and because of his condition, he couldn't give a proper ID on her to put her behind bars, and never admitted his own wrongdoing.
Eventually, Sam, the private eye, goes to Scotland in order to let Henry know that Robin and her husband had gotten back together himself, as he was sure this would make him happy. A woman working in the grocery store provides directions, but not before stating that Henry's daughter had left many years ago because she had been a little out there, going so far as to cut her own hair when she had not gotten her way, and that she used to get in trouble for making up stories, especially stories about witches. When Sam arrives at the property, he finds Henry's gravestone in the cemetery behind the chapel, along with a fresh grave indicating that Amelia's body is also buried on the property as well. He also notices that the paper crane, an emeraldn ring and a pair of scissors shaped like a stork, the weapon used to murder Amelia, are in a glass box on top of Henry's gravestone, and Sam swears that he hears the sound of someone whispering his name three times into the wind...just like the woman at the grocery store said he would.
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 8 months
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99¢ HISTORICAL ROMANCE COLLECTION! You will swoon, and you will sweat. The Domestic Discipline Quartet by Golden Angel Romances is the historical romance box set you need right now...And it's only 99¢ for a limited time!!
Universal: https://geni.us/TheDDQuartet BLURB:This box set contains all four books from the Domestic Discipline Quartet - set in Victorian England, the four books interweave through all four couples leading to a guaranteed HEA for everyone... with a few hot bottoms on the way.
Birching His Bride - Eleanor knows exactly what kind of man she wants to marry, and Lord Hyde doesn't fit the description at all. Unfortunately, he has his own plans for their future.
Dealing with Discipline - Irene has always loved her childhood friend Lord Brooke... how can she possibly make a marriage with Viscount Petersham work? And why does her husband's mere touch make her heart beat faster if she loves Lord Brooke?
Punishing His Ward - Wesley, Earl of Spencer, has always been a rogue and a scoundrel... but he's met his match in his ward, the lovely and unrepentant Miss Cynthia Bryant. Suddenly he finds himself in the role of stern guardian - and he's starting to think very unguardian-like thoughts.
Claiming His Wife - Lord and Lady Brooke are the scandal of the ton, having lived separately for years. When her estranged husband turns up on her doorstep, Grace assumes that Alex has finally come to his senses and is ready to be rid of her through divorce... but Alex wants his wife back and he's ready to do whatever he must to reconcile with her.
Four alpha males with hard hands to mete out stern discipline to their sassy and stubborn wives, these four couples have friendships and romances for the ages.
About the Author:
Golden Angel is a USA Today best-selling author and self-described bibliophile with a "kinky" bent who loves to write stories for the characters in her head. If she didn't get them out, she's pretty sure she'd go just a little crazy.
She is happily married, old enough to know better but still too young to care, and a big fan of happily-ever-afters, strong heroes and heroines, and sizzling chemistry.
When she's not writing, she can often be found on the couch reading, in front of her sewing machine making a new cosplay, hanging out with her friends, or wandering the Maryland Renaissance Fair.
Find Her Online! Amazon: http://amzn.to/2DplX3X BookBub: http://bit.ly/2G68e3O Facebook: http://bit.ly/2Ds7c0e Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2rt4rdL Instagram: http://bit.ly/2CkqiqZTikTok: 
https://bit.ly/3sJhOod Twitter: https://bit.ly/37RSd1B Website: http://www.goldenangelromance.com
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