#a story by Caedmon
malohkeh-artblog · 5 months
Traduction : Thistlewood Lane (by Caedmon)
Traduction d'un OS de Noël écrit par Caedmon
Dans Thistlewood Lane, la maison voisine de celle d’Aziraphale est vide depuis un bon moment. Il espère voir arriver une jeune et gentille famille, ou bien une personne avec qui il pourrait s'entendre. Ses attentes sont réduites à néant lorsqu’un véhicule débarque à toute allure dans sa paisible rue résidentielle, beuglant une odieuse musique à plein volume.
Aziraphale s’apprête à exposer sa façon de penser au grossier personnage, quand il découvre, un peu désarçonné, que son nouveau voisin est plutôt séduisant. Cela ne change cependant rien à la situation : gardant chacun une mauvaise première impression de l’autre, ils se lancent dans une véritable guerre de voisinage.
A quand le cessez-le-feu ?
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windermeresimblr · 9 months
The Scotsman and the Culdee of Innish Breacaimsir, Chapter Two
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“Yes. I get supplies every so often from one of the brothers on Iona,” Caedmon said.
“Iona!” Alasdair said, standing up and wrapping the blanket around himself. He at least knew where Iona was, although there was a strange feeling at the back of his head, as if he wasn’t remembering something correctly. “And how far by boat is that? When will the brother arrive?”
“Oh…” Caedmon said. “Uh, on the quarter-days and cross-quarter days, usually. He last came in on Saint John’s Eve. And it’s just after Lammas…so he’ll next be in on Michaelmas.” 
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“So that’s a month,” Alasdair said. He looked again at the cell they were in–there was barely enough room for one of them, and he was much taller than Caedmon. Certainly there was only one pallet. And he had stolen the blanket to cover himself. It would be a very long and disagreeable month, especially with only a blanket for clothing.
“It’s fine, I can sleep in my robes,” Caedmon said before Alasdair could say anything. “I do that often in the winter. Otherwise I might wake up dead from cold. And we can split the pallet. I’ve been too vain, sleeping on such thick hay.”
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“Do you not have any other clothes I could wear?” Alasdair asked.
“I’m a hermit,” Caedmon reminded him. “I’m not supposed to have a lot of clothes.”
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“I can’t take your blanket!”
“Saint Martin gave his cloak to the beggar without expecting the beggar to give him anything in return,” said Caedmon, piously crossing himself. “And it’s much too cold here for you to walk about without anything on. Even if it is summer.”
“Well, what about food? I don’t want to eat you out of house and home in the meanwhile.”
“I am happy to share my bread with you, and water is in abundance.”
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Alasdair groaned. The man was irritating him more and more. “How’s the fishing around here? I can at least fish for myself, and give you some.”
“I see lots of fish, and lots of sea-birds. There’s deer in the forest on the other side of the island. Once I even saw a whale, the kind of fish that ate Jonah.”
“Whales aren’t fishes,” Alasdair said. “They’re mammals.”
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“They live in the sea. They’re fishes.”
“Not according to–never mind that. How long does it take the brother to arrive from Iona?”
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neil-gaiman · 7 months
Dear Neil Gaiman,
You may recall writing an introduction to an anthology of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories some years ago. In that introduction you suggest that Poe's writing is best enjoyed when it is read aloud. After reading some of his stories and poems aloud to myself, I realized that you had an excellent point.
During the month of October, I have made a habit of spending some extra time reading stories and poems by my favorite Gothic author. Instead of reading to myself or asking the nearest person to read to me;* do you have any suggestions for good audio versions of his written works?
Thank you in advance if you are able to answer this question!
*This request has never produced a positive result. In my experience after you reach "a certain age," people no longer wish to read to you.
You need a better group of friends. Ones that like reading aloud to you, anyway.
But until you find them I recommend this:
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caedmonfaith · 1 month
I have, once again, failed to promote my current project here. Let me rectify that.
Whickber Street is a human AU, enemies to lovers (but only one of them is an enemy), grumpy x sunshine (and Crowley is the sunshine), in which many of the side characters we all love are getting a little more attention than usual. I’ve tried very hard to balance a lot of emotional topics, including grief, bias, and parental trauma, with a healthy dose of comedy. It is also a love story (bc it’s me), but not solely a love story for our Ineffable Husbands! There are multiple other couples who will find love! Features Tracy as a sex shop owner, Shadwell as an aging rock star, Fergus as the bartender, and Jim as…Jim!
Anthony J. Crowley doesn’t think he’s ever been so happy. He’s finally quit his old job and is opening his childhood dream: a comic book shop. All of the neighbors are great, but the bookseller seems to hate him…
Aziraphale Eastgate grew up in his great grandfather’s shop. Now he runs it and lives above it. He loves everything about his life on Whickber Street…. but the new proprietor down the street has him terribly, terribly vexed.
Sparks fly when these two meet, and Aziraphale vows to hate him forever. Fergus, meanwhile, sets a timer.
Looks like Cupid has come to Soho.
Writing this has been a personal journey for me, and it’s been very healing. I would be deeply honored if you would give it a look. Updates regularly on Mondays and Thursdays (and I have only missed one scheduled posting day since early 2017! You can trust me!)
Thank you for your time! 🥂
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aziraphales-library · 1 month
Helloooooo again! Hope you are doing well! I have a request for some fics and I was wondering if you happen to know if there are any where Aziraphale and Crowley get married in Vegas after a drunk night (this is a very specific niche so if you can’t find any that is perfectly ok!) and it doesn’t even have to be in Vegas, just accidental marriage fics are cool too. Thank you!
Hi! Here are some drunken Las Vegas marriage fics...
to have and to hold, probably by seventhstar (G)
They have long, drawn out arguments about this, if they can even be termed arguments; onlookers inevitably describe their tone of voice as 'fond' and their mode of communication as 'bickering'. The wine is passed back and forth between them. Marriage, Aziraphale argues, is divine. It's about love. It's about making promises, and keeping them. It's about faith and hope and devotion. Marriage, Crowley replies, is infernal. It gives two people who love each other endless opportunities to ruin it. It's about power and money and pain; it's caused more evil than it ever has good. Or, the one where they get drunk married in Las Vegas.
Waking Up In Vegas by Supergeek21 (T)
Crowley and Aziraphale wake up hungover after a night out in Vegas.
Ouroboros by FriendOfLoki (T)
“We should get married!” Crowley blurts out. His face is burning the moment the words leave his mouth and enter into the night. He’s not quite sure how he got here. Or, the story of how Aziraphale and Crowley drunkenly marry each other one night in Las Vegas.
Oops! by Mimsynims (E)
This must be a dream. A fantastic, soul-crushing dream. That’s the only explanation. Right? “Aziraphale, did you hear me?” Bugger. Not a dream. “Pardon, what was that?” Aziraphale reluctantly dragged his eyes from the simple yet perfect ring on his left hand. A ring that matched the one on Crowley’s left hand. His friend, Crowley. Best friends Aziraphale and Crowley are on holiday in Las Vegas. After a getting a bit too drunk the night before, they wake up with wedding rings on their fingers. Sounds like it should be easily dealt with, or is it..?
Veni Vino Vegas (I Came, I Got Drunk, I Got Married) by A_N_D (T)
After a whirlwind drunken evening, author Az Fell came home from Rom-Con without his heirloom pinkie ring – but with a wedding license from a 24-hour Las Vegas chapel. Elsewhere, book fan Tony Crowley woke up with a hangover, vague memories, and a brand new ring he’s only seen in author photos. Mutually attracted, mutually terrified the other one thinks it was all a regrettable mistake, they turn to their dear but anonymous online friend to vent and ask for advice. …Maybe they should tell each other their screennames someday.
Waking Up Married by Caedmon (E)
"So you’re telling me that my options are either to convince this man I just met and drunkenly married to stay married to me for six months or lose two thirds of a billion pounds?” “That’s exactly what I’m telling you,” Fergus said. “Fucking shit,” Crowley spat. He hung up the phone and stared at it for a moment before rubbing his eyes with his fists. Now his job would be twice as hard. He needed to talk Aziraphale into staying married for six months. Should he try begging or bribing? This was a huge ask, and Aziraphale would be well within his rights to tell Crowley to fuck off. But Crowley was prepared to offer him pretty much anything, up to half of the trust, if that’s what it took. He didn’t care. But that was only part of his concern. Even if he got insanely lucky and Aziraphale agreed to stay legally married to him for the next six months, how the hell was he going to talk Aziraphale into dating him during that time? And was it foolish to even try? One thing at a time, he decided. First, he needed to convince Aziraphale to stay legally married to him. Then he could set about wooing his husband. He hoped.
- Mod D
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foolishlovers · 5 months
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CHRISTMAS FIC RECS: Below you can find a quick list of all the Good Omens Christmas fics I’ve read this year so far.
I thought some of you might want to indulge in some cosy reading as well!
You can request more fic recs here.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree How Terrified Your Branches by Supergeek21 (1.2k, G)
As their first Christmas in their cottage approaches Aziraphale asks Crowley if he wants to get a proper Christmas tree. He's surprised to learn the demon already has one.
Christmas Angels by TawnyOwl95 (1.8k, T)
It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas in London and that means there are lots of angels about. Aziraphale does not handle this well.
A half-penny will do by penny_archer (2k, G)
It’s Christmas in Victorian England and Crowley is trying not-very-hard to hide the fact that he’s been giving pickpocketing lessons to the disenfranchised youth of London. Oh, and he has a cute gift for Aziraphale that’s totally not a big deal.
The Nice List by GaryOldman (2k, T)
When watching Christmas movies with Anathema, Crowley can't work out why no one else seems to believe in Santa when he's been receiving gifts for years.
A Christmas Miracle by Santillatron (3k, M)
Crowley gets irritated at couples kissing under a holly arch. One thing leads to another, and a sprig of mistletoe makes a timely appearance.
Well, it's bad luck not to, isn't it?
Taking the Cake by Caedmon (3K, T)
Aziraphale has noticed his handsome neighbor, but hasn't had an excuse (or the nerve) to talk to him. He gets his chance, though, when a bakery delivers a package to the wrong door a few days before Christmas and his neighbor comes knocking.
And All Was For An Apple by Lindewen (3k, T)
The second winter after the Apocalypse didn't happen, Crowley and Aziraphale are out for some sightseeing and Christmas shopping along the south coast, simply because they can. But Crowley also has a secret errand to run--and, as it turns out, he can't always balance very well in his human form...
All The Lights That Light The Way by FeralTuxedo (8k, E)
On the run from a disastrous work Christmas party, Anthony Crowley encounters an angel singing in the streets of Soho.
Of Love and Lattes by edna_blackadder (9k, G)
A.J. Crowley, part time barista at Madame Tracy's Coffee Shoppe, only wants one thing for Christmas, which is to get through the joyous season without his head exploding. His coworkers are already not helping, and then the proprietor of the bookshop across the street develops an unfortunate addiction to seasonal espresso beverages.
Secret Santa by AppleSeeds (18k, T)
On the advice of his therapist, Crowley signs up to be a 'Secret Santa', an anonymous gift-giver for a community initiative aiming to bring some Christmas joy into the lives of people going through a hard time. He's partnered with Aziraphale, a librarian who has lost his home and bookshop in a fire. Through the power of Christmas Magic, Crowley ends up meeting Aziraphale in person when he takes his nephew to the library and is immediately smitten. He becomes determined to use his expertise and influence to give Aziraphale the only Christmas present that could really make a difference, but are some things too important to be kept secret?
muddle through somehow by curtaincall (27k, T)
Aziraphale Fell runs a successful food blog, Celestial Comestibles, where he shares mouthwatering recipes and heartwarming stories about his happy domestic life in a cottage with his husband and son. As promotion for his upcoming cookbook, his publishers run a contest: one lucky winner will get to spend Christmas with Aziraphale and his family.
What the publishers don't know is that the real Aziraphale Fell is a single city-dweller. And if he wants to keep up his happily married persona, he'll have to acquire a cottage, husband, and son before Christmas.
As it happens, his friend and neighbor Anthony Crowley has his nephew staying with him for the holidays. One fake marriage proposal later, and everything seems tickety-boo--as long as Aziraphale can keep from developing inconveniently real feelings for his pretend husband...
First Class (Hons) Christmas, University of Tadfield. by heloluv (41k, M)
Dr. A.Z. Fell is a renowned literature tutor at the prestigious University of Tadfield. December is upon the University, and Dr. Fell is leading the Christmas Charity Drive. He needs volunteers.
Dr. A.J. Crowley is a skilled plant ecologist who recently began his tenure at UoT. He can't stand Christmas, and nothing at all could ever possibly convince him to partake in "festivities". Until a certain literary expert catches his eye.
A Christmas and New Years fic, in which Aziraphale teaches Crowley how to enjoy the most wonderful time of the year.
bonus: The Christmas fic I wrote this year
The Anon Before Christmas by foolishlovers (58k, M)
When Crowley’s friend, blogging buddy and business partner Anathema announces her annual Secret Santa Exchange on Tumblr, she is very adamant Crowley should join this year.
The old-fashioned (but admittedly compassionate) man he gets assigned to send anonymous messages to every day until Christmas sounds awfully similar to the fussy bookseller that his friends adore, yet Crowley tries to avoid at all costs.
But surely his friends would have mentioned if Aziraphale had taken an interest in the Bad Omens fandom as well… right?
Or: An Enemies to Lovers Secret Santa Tumblr AU.
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di-42 · 15 days
So, I thought I had a, however slight, preference for season 3 fics but this month I've not read a single season 3 fic. I started a couple but found that I wasn't in the right mood and I'm keeping them for later. I guess there are phases in life and I must be going through a phase where I need to read things that put a smile on my face and certainty in my heart. I'm in need of fun and trust. I'm in need of comfort and familiarity. And where to better find all those feelings than in the outstanding creativity of the Good Omens fandom?
April's amazing fiction
My Heart Was Always Yours by AddledMongoose.
It's a slightly alternative universe where Aziraphale and Crowley have somehow never met each other until the present day and each thinks the other is a human.
Each of them has been tasked by their respective head offices to retrieve Raphael's trumpet and each of them wants to find and destroy it. The trumpet will be sold on earth at an illegal auction and in order to gain entry to the auction they have to pretend to be married.
This fiction has it all, characters' personalities are spot on, humour, wit, dynamic, romance, everything.
At the beginning you might feel slightly put off by the first person narrative but give it a couple of chapters and it will flow.
You won't regret it!
We have got to that point in the story where the plot is really interesting! This fiction gets better and better! Rated M
The Escort by VinyamaDN
Human AU where Crowley is an escort and meets Azirapahle via his job. This fiction has a deep level of introspection, it can go from very angsty to very funny in a matter of two lines and it's a wonderful journey! Rated E
Whickber Street by Caedmon
Human AU set, yes you guessed it, in Whickber Street. Aziraphale owns a bookshop in Soho and Crowley opens a new comic book and geek shop a few doors down the road. Honestly, how dare he?
Absolutely lovely from-one-sided-enmity-to-(it's-a-WIP-so-we-can't-know-for-sure-but-come-on!)-lovers story! All our favourite side characters are there and everybody's best friends who we've never met in real life Fergus and Ella!
If you're in need of a smile, go and read it! Rated E
Complete works:
Drop By Drop by green_grin.
Alternative universe fiction in which human Aziraphale discovers and accidentally activates some sigils on his bookshop's wall. He meets and gets to know the demon Crowley who can't leave the plane of hell.
This one is angsty, with mentions of depression and self harm but it does have a happy ending. Rated E.
Mon Horrible Chéri by ghostrat.
I do have a soft spot for enemies-to-lovers AU. This one doesn't disappoint one bit. Crowley and Aziraphale teach science and literature in the same high school and they hate each other (aw... how cute are they when they hate each other whilst being attracted to each other?). When Beelzebub is injured just before the school trip to Paris, Aziraphale has to step in to replace them. When he agreed he didn't know that the other teacher accompanying the children was Crowley. Everything you're looking for in a sweet, funny, romantic enemies to lovers fiction ensues. Highly, highly recommended. Rated E.
Warmth by Dannye Chase (HolyCatsAndRabbits), HolyCatsAndRabbits.
Human AU where Aziraphale lives in a small town and one day a mysterious and very handsome man pays a visit to the library where he works. The two men become friends but Aziraphale knows that friendship is all he can hope for. Or is it?
A little angst with a happy ending. Really sweet and heartwarming. Rated E.
Waking Up Slow by the_moonmoth.
Excluding my favourite WIP, this is the best fiction I've read this month. Human AU set in lockdown... in a cottage... aawww. Aziraphale knocks a stranger apparently unconscious and gives him CPR. Only after does he remember he has been exposed to covid. Funny, witty, sweet, hot, this fiction has it all. Rated E.
Stories To Brighten Up Your Day by HotCrossPigeon.
If you need some lighthearted, incredibly funny and extremely sweet read, this series will do what it says in the title. Your day will brighten up and you'll have a big smile on your face. If you need something to cheer you up, that's for you. Rated Teen and up.
One shots:
Ars Daemonium by ObligateWeirdo.
Crowley is in a grumpy mood. We learn why through his conversation with Aziraphale. This lovely piece gives us hints at how being an immortal being stationed on earth must feel like sometimes. Rated Teen and up.
My own little one shot:
In Vino Ludus
It's the year 2030. Crowley comes to the bookshop drunk. An as of yet canon divergent fluffy night in the life of an angel and a demon. I was struggling with a chapter for a longer fiction and needed a lighthearted, fluff-filled, angst-free break. Rated E
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themculibrary · 8 months
Budapest (Clint & Natasha) Masterlist
Belize was First, but Budapest was Better (ao3) - bellinibeignet clint/natasha N/R, 8k
Summary: In which Clint hits his head, Natasha’s legs are weapons of mass distraction, and Tony Stark is just so fucking cool.
(What is there to say? It’s another story about what happened in Budapest.)
Blindsided (ao3) - mariusette clint/natasha T, 2k
Summary: Obviously, she'd lost it. Listening to the man who tried to kill her is already crazy enough, but actually tending to him after causing his somewhat fatal wound is downright bat-shit insane.
She sighs, again.
Fucking Budapest.
Budapest (ao3) - JunesPegasus N/R, 4k
Summary: Clint Barton aka Hawkeye is sent to eliminate a Russian assassin: Natasha Romanova. But he is soon enchanted by her seductive charme and things turn out way different than he planned.
Budapest (ao3) - MercuryWilliamson (MementoMoriPontifexMortis) clint/natasha E, 2k
Summary: It's Budapest and shower sex in a SHIELD safe house - well more like a SHIELD outhouse but it's enough for them - and Natasha learns what Clint's been hiding and she also learns more about herself.
Budapest (ao3) - ReginaNocis clint/natasha T, 2k
Summary: In which Clint and Natasha bring up Budapest increasingly often, but in completely random situations. It doesn't add up, and they're not explaining.
Three times Clint and Natasha reference Budapest, and one time they explain why.
Budapest (ao3) - LokiOfSassgaard T, 1k
Summary: Every SHIELD agent has that one mission that all other missions are compared to. For Clint and Natasha, it was Budapest that set the bar.
Confirmed Mutual Admission (ao3) - AliceinChainmail clint/natasha E, 7k
Summary: You can take her out of Russia, but you can't take the Russian out of her. However...you can take her someplace safe.
Here We Go (ao3) - Caedmon clint/natasha N/R, 1k
Summary: Natasha finds Clint in Budapest and confronts him.
How Clint Barton saved the Black Widow (ao3) - CharonKatharsis G, 538
Summary: A short take on what might have happened in Budapest.
I Need You. I Trust You. I Love You. (ao3) - TeyrianTimelord clint/natasha T, 2k
Summary: Hawkeye and Black Widow remember Budapest very differently, but there is one part they both remember crystal clear:
The moment Clint and Natasha truly surrendered themselves to one another.
Love is for children (ao3) - solrosan clint/laura T, 6k
Summary: Natasha and Clint trust each other with their lives, but what will it take for them to trust each other with the rest?
Never Gonna Give You Up (ao3) - leiascully
Summary: Clint and Natasha remember Budapest very differently.
The House in Budapest (ao3) - Belle_Schuyler T, 483
Summary: Clint and Natasha meet for the first time, aka: what actually happened in Budapest.
The Octopus (ao3) - The_Peverells T, 4k
Summary: The Black Widow and Hawkeye first met in Budapest. It didn't go well.
To Remember (Differently) (ao3) - iamazonian clint/natasha G, 826
Summary: Hindsight is a useless superpower for the grieving, but Clint Barton would trade his unparalleled hawkeye vision if it means he'd never forget.
Two Truths and a Lie (ao3) - hannasus clint/natasha T, 11k
Summary: Clint and Natasha remember Budapest very differently.
What Happens Here Stays Here (ao3) - shadesfalcon clint/natasha T, 2k
Summary: "It’d taken Clint four days to find her. They hadn’t been gentle with her, really laying on the psychosis-inducing drugs. That, combined with the rough physical treatment, meant she’d lost all memory of the last month. Which, in turn, meant that she absolutely couldn’t remember what had happened in Budapest."
What Happens in Budapest…Comes Home to Roost (ao3) - MarbleGlove clint/laura T, 4k
Summary: Found family and unexpected allies, monsters that needed killing and recovering from brainwashing, … yeah, the New York alien invasion really did remind Natasha of Budapest.
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that-banhus · 1 year
Ten Books To Know Me
Rules: 10 (non-ancient) books for people to get to know you better, or that you just really like.
Tagged by @landwriter​, whose list I am pillaging for reading tips. In no particular order: 
Paladin of Souls - Lois Bujold. Cordelia Naismith is still my favourite of her characters, but the World of the Five Gods series is so kind. Bujold does religion better than anyone, and in a deeply humanist way. The exact inverse experience of reading Maria Russell’s The Sparrow, though both are phenomenal. 
Labyrinths - Jorge Luis Borges. The short story collection version of someone leaning in and going “would you like to hear a fucked up thought about set theory? No? Time?”
Watership Down - Richard Adams.
I was (understandably, I think) leery of books with rabbits after my Mom insisted that the first time I’d broken down sobbing over The Velveteen Rabbit was a fluke, and I’d misunderstood the point of the book, and then tried reading it to me another two times. I cried every time. HER point is that the bunny became real at the end, so it’s a happy book. MY point is that to the boy, the bunny was real the whole time, and that from his point of view it was essentially one of those horribly moralising 19th century fairy tales where the main character’s best friend dies horribly half way through but they go to Heaven so you’re expected to be happy about it. Except in this case, they’re burned alive. Watership Down was the runner-up for most traumatic childhood book about bunnies, but it made no bones about what it was. It knew when it was being brutal, and did it on purpose and well, and I love it still. It also was one of several deeply formative books for introducing me to my favourite trope: stories-in-stories.
The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien. Yes, I know, everyone’s favourite, etc etc. Still, I read it young enough to sort of grow up along it as a trellis. I can’t put any of my favourite medieval works on this list per the rules, but Tolkien’s the reason I could read them as an adult and go oh, but you’re familiar. Also, the older I get, the more the whole ‘no kindness is ever wasted’ element makes me verklempt. 
Jackalope Wives - T. Kingfisher. I know, it’s not a book, but you’ll forgive me for that once you’ve read it, for free, right here: https://apex-magazine.com/short-fiction/jackalope-wives/
How good was that? Right?
Gaudy Night - Dorothy L. Sayers. I’ve never related to anything or anyone more than Harriet Vane as I read this, belly down on the grass in the Oxford botanical gardens this summer, in the middle of having a Bad Fucking Time romantically. Sayers’ characters are complicated and human, a little too smart for their own good sometimes, and prone to self-sabotage and overthinking. This book is so profoundly good at capturing the absurdities of love, and the negotiations of self that requires, while still being very tender about the whole thing.
American Gods - Neil Gaiman. I’ve never been in the US for longer than three months at a stretch since I was three, and growing up, it was largely mythological to me. America was Where Stories Happen. I read Stardust first, and possibly like Good Omens best of Gaiman’s, but American Gods put words to a lot of the experience of looking at the US from a one-foot-in-the-door-one-foot-out perspective.   
Caedmon - Denise Levertov. Once again cheating, this time it’s a poem:
I’m also a tremendously basic poetry person in terms of liking Donne, Blake and Eliot. Mmm, weird feelings about God and/or WWI.
The Lacuna - Barbara Kingsolver. Possibly my favourite ending in anything I’ve read ever? I can’t say anything concrete without spoiling it, but the book starts out big, and then, at the end, gets narrower, and narrower down to a fine point, and - look, it’s very good. It has opinions about how we tell stories. The Bean Trees is also very good, though it’s been near a decade since I read that one, and I remember it less.
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley. Look, it has stories within stories, and a big, gothic, sweep of thought and emotion. It feels big, and deep, and bigger and deeper every time I go back.
Special mention because almost everyone who follows me is into Sandman: Doomsday Book - Connie Willis.
Would you like to CRY about the middle ages, and how people were people always and how no kindness is wasted? I bet you would. Maybe only read this if you’re feeling stable about pandemics again, though. I’m giving it another few months personally before going back.
I am, as usual, a tiny bit late to the tagging game and have lost track of who’s already been tagged. HOWEVER, I have a bunch of lovely amazing mutuals and new followers and if you want, please consider yourself tagged (that way I can also see who’s interested in maybe being tagged in the future, and get to know you better?)
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e1igius · 1 year
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the universe creates in threes. the sun. happiness and contentment , vitality , self-confidence and success. the moon. hidden enemies , danger , calumny , darkness , terror , deception , occult forces , error. the stars. new hopes and splendid revelations of the future , insight , inspiration , courage and enlightenment of the spiritual self / ft. @prettybrawler &. @kinghaargrove
they are the same side of the coin. broken homes , bright blonde hair , bad attitudes and wrought with trauma. they are the same story , told with slightly varying embellishment , each more devastating than the last , in an endless cycle of pain & misery. a perfect example of the importance of nurture , a perfect argument for the rigidness of nature. a calamity waiting to happen , as all the elements align in a once in a lifetime event. maybe that's why the universe had brought them all together. three perfectly parallel narratives. if not to end the world , to save it.
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caedmon is everything huckleberry wants to be. he's conventionally attractive , irresistibly chnarismatic &. able to build relationships and mean something in them. the boy smiles and faces turn , but even at his worst he's still surrounded by found family , and those that care. the man has a strength that is difficult to capture , and while the texan isn't not strong , it's the heart behind caed that causes the jealousy to endure. caed is cocky , and ruthless in his honestly to himself. all things that are impossible for huck to mimic. all things he wishes he could be.
william is everything he wishes the world could be. he's proof of hope & human growth. that beauty can exist even int he darkest of places. that even in a need of survival , it is possible to inspire and care and not waste away in animalistic instinct. his ability to understand others and bring them the courage and insight they need is enchanting to huckleberry who is never able to understand the human psyche quite like this. he wishes the entire would could be like william. that they all could try to adapt and grow with one another. but he knows it'll never happy , so billy is just a dream.
he hates himself more than any other emotion. huckleberry hates most things about himself. he knows , more than he would like to admit that the voice in his head speaks too much like the devil. that the endless venture into inhumane thoughts will eventually lead to their execution. he hates that he doesn't want to change it. that bathing in the terror he bring his own fears keeps him safe at night. he hates that he has to lie. to smile and pretend to have friends , and that he's alright , and that nothing is ever wrong.
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a single thought replaces anger. they are good. he is not.
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (28 May-3 Jun 2023)
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🥰Where You Are (lemonoclefox) - 45K, modern no powers stucky - a sort of 'Falling Inn Love' AU [reread]
🥰Waking Up Slow (odetteandodile) - 44K, shrunkyclunks - single dad Bucky, living in a isolated lighthouse in Canada, finds an amesiac, just thawed Steve Rogers washed up on his beach… [reread]
🥰👂‍Legends & Lattes (Legends & Lattes #1) (Travis Baldree, author & narrator) - delightful, warm fantasy about retired orc barbarian Viv deciding to open a coffee shop and the found family she accrues along the way - when i started listening to this i was like, whoa this author is a really good narrator and it turns out that's his other profession.😆so yeah, excellent audiobook
🥰Pages To Fill (Legends & Lattes #0.5) (Travis Baldree) - prequel short story (also included after the main text of L&L published book)
🥰Calico Skies (musette22, author; britbrit99, artist) - 52K, shrunkyclunks - super hot carpenter Bucky, demisexual steve [reread]
😊So Alive (GottaSaveBucky (Cosmic_Entity_1of4)) - 109K, stucky no powers modern AU - bookstore mgr baby bucky, comics writer/publisher daddy steve - very schmoopy, a tiny bit silly & OTT, good smut; a bit of copaganda for plot reasons (i.e. the cops are friendly and on their side) but still enjoyable
😊At Last (Caedmon) - 69K, BlackBonnet modern AU, wedding planner Stede+caterer/bar owner Ed
💖💖 +262K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Slide To Answer series (relenafanel) - MCU: stucky, 13K - very funny & cute modern wrong number AU [reread]
I Wanna Kiss You (But I Want it too Much) (xiaq) - Stranger Things: steddie, 13K - loved this! - all outsider POV, especially loved Wayne's OC boyfriend
wanna have fun (and be in love with you) (CoraRochester) - MCU: stucky+thor, 15K - modern no powers AU, established stucky adding thor - very, very hot [reread]
some of them want to use you (some of them want to get used by you) (voxofthevoid) - MCU: stucky+thor, 14K - mer!bucky/hydra!steve, A++ quality hot tentacle sex [reread]
Um, Actually - s3, e8-12
Ted Lasso - s3, e12
TJ Alexander | Chef's Choice (in conversation with Cat Sebastian)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tick Collection
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - Trusting Ted Lasso to Stick the Landing (with Alex McDaniel)
Re: Dracula - Bonus 2: Victorian Class and Gender
⭐The Soundtrack Show - E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial - the Music (Parts I-III)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Woman with the Handbag
Shedunnit - The Villa Murder
Re: Dracula - May 31: New Scheme of Villainy
⭐Vibe Check - Dear Prudence with Sam, Saeed, and Zach
ICYMI Plus - The Only People Who Made Money From Tumblr
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Koutammakou
Ologies with Alie Ward - Black American Magirology (FOOD, RACE & CULTURE) with Psyche Williams-Forson
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tonopah Mining Camp
⭐99% Invisible #415 - Goodnight Nobody [rebroadcast]
Welcome to Night Vale #229 - The Accused
Song Exploder - Feist "In Lightning"
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - KG • Paul on Ted Lasso
Into It - What Was 'Succession' Really About? And Is 'Ted Lasso' Over or Not?
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - OK, Lamp!
Switched on Pop - Listening 2 Daft Punk: Human After All / Alive 2007
Films To Be Buried With with Brett Goldstein - James Lance
Off Menu - Ep 194: Tim Minchin
ICYMI Plus - Meet NPR’s TikTok Boy
⭐You're Dead To Me - Medieval Irish Folklore (Live)
Presenting Tina Turner
Juliana Hatfield Sings Olivia Newton-John [Juliana Hatfield]
Juliana Hatfield Sings the Police [Juliana Hatfield]
Xanadu (The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Presenting Olivia Newton-John
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (Music From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Southern Culture on the Skids
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult
Homework [Daft Punk] {1997}
Discovery [Daft Punk] {2001}
Human After All [Daft Punk] {2005}
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windermeresimblr · 9 months
The Scotsman and the Culdee of Innish Breacaimsir, Chapter 1
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Alasdair awoke again, lying on rough sheets over a thin and poky pallet, aching as though he’d fallen from a cliff. Perhaps he had. His hands had scrapes on them (not terribly different from normal) and he could feel bruises and knots forming all over. His eyes felt a little swollen; he hoped he hadn’t broken his nose yet again. He shivered, trying to wrap the blanket (one blanket, and rough wool at that) tighter around himself. Worse still, he was totally naked, once again without his awareness of the matter. Where were the clothes he had been given? Where was he? He looked about for his belongings, but none were found. 
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The surroundings were unfamiliar–the ceiling was thatch, the walls and floor rough-hewn stone, and–it was cold and dark, lit only by a candle perilously close to the straw and some light from a door, if it could be called that, some distance away; it was made of rough planks, open at top and bottom. He could see a cross hung on the wall, with some kind of prayer-book on a low table below it, but there was otherwise no ornamentation or other signs of a person living there. 
He was reminded of the sheilings on his cousin Matthew’s estate, although this building was much smaller than any he’d seen in his youth. It was more like one of those round prison-cells found in the south. But the ‘door’ was definitely not meant for a prison-cell; he could have crawled out through the gap at the bottom if he was less sore and disoriented.
“Foolish, to leave a candle burning like this,” Alasdair said aloud, if only to reassure himself that he could still speak. “I could have turned and knocked it over.” 
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At this, the door swung open; Alasdair flinched and blinked at the blaze of light. A man in a monk’s robe entered and made his way to the pallet; he was speaking in some very strange variant of Gaelic, by the few words Alasdair could make out. There was a buzzing, itching feeling in his ears, making him dizzy, and he screwed his eyes shut and leaned back on the pallet for a moment. And suddenly, he understood what the man was saying, with another wave of vertigo and buzzing. 
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“...you’re awake, praise be to Saint Colmcille, I was sure you were dead when I found you…” He had a gap in his teeth that made him whistle while talking, and the stubble on his tonsure was somewhat overgrown. Alasdair was unsure whether being in a monastery was a good sign or a bad one.
“Who are you? Where am I?” he asked. 
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“I am Caedmon, the hermit of Innish Breacaimsir,” the monk said. “Although I suppose I’m not such a hermit anymore now that you’re here. Even if I’m supposed to live in seclusion, I can’t very well ignore someone washed up half-dead at my well!”
“You’re a hermit,” Alasdair said, feeling his stomach drop. Outside of men hired to live in rich landowner’s follies, or perhaps Robinson Crusoe, he’d never met a real hermit before. As far as he knew, there hadn’t been a religious hermit in Scotland since after the Reformation. And where was Innish Breacaimsir? He’d never heard of such an island.
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ngkiscool · 2 years
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Buck up, people, another round of NSFW!
As always, all the fics are focusing on supporting characters, this round they are M or E. The description includes rating, word count and main characters. This week there are cw, please mind the tags!
Next week is open to suggestion - would you like to focus on a character that hadn’t got enough attention? Continue with the vibes? Please send ideas and recs for stories that focus on supporting characters (as in, Aziraphale and Crowley are not the main ones). Self recs are encouraged!
What You Can't Get From Books by souljelly - rated M, 644 words, focusing on Anathema and Newton. Summary: For the Good Omens Kink Meme: Anathema/Newt, library sex.
Heaven Incorporated by Langerhan - rated M, 1.9K, focusing on Gabriel, Michael, Sandalphon and Uriel. Summary: Michael is the first one of them to be granted a corporation. Her fellow ineffable beings are fascinated by it.
When You're Standing Oh So Near by orphan_account - rated M, 1.2K, focusing on Gabriel and Sandalphon. Summary: The thing about Heaven, was that you didn’t need miracles. Things happened to be where you needed them, and didn’t happen to be where you didn’t need them. A table, as a surface to place a photograph, that ceased to be when you turned your back and no longer needed it. An office that was only an office when you opened the door. The door, which was only sometimes a door, and usually wasn’t there at all.
An Average Day for R.P. Tyler by Caedmon - rated M, 619 words, focusing on R. P. Tyler and OC. Summary: R.P. Tyler is a perfectly respectable pillar of the community. Just don't stoke his ire.
Purgatorio by AEpixie7 - 8.3K, rated M, focusing on Michael, Lucifer and Gabriel. CW - Emotional Manipulation, Lies, Trauma, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism. Summary: Michael is sent to Earth on a forced vacation due to her bad attitude following the foiling of Armageddon. She finds herself in the employ of a mysterious businessman, but he is more familiar than she realizes.
I Can Still Recall.. Our Last Summer by BeezandBitches - rated M, 16K, focusing on Anathema and other characters. CW - Recreational Drug Use. Summary: A series of oneshots about Anathema and her lesbian relationships with the most powerful forces of Heaven, Hell, and Earth. (A summer prompt series inspired by a post by @luke-x-percy on tumblr)
Our Side Yule: Transition by vampydoo - 1K, rated M, focusing on Sergeant Shadwell and Madame Tracy. CW - brief mention of injections, brief body changing mentions, Minor Sergeant Shadwell/Madame Tracy, Subtle mentions of sex work. Summary: Little fic for the Our Side Yule Prompt "Transition"."She danced and sang with the crowd she felt the safest in, joining hands and screaming out loud to Christmas songs. She saw romances blossoming and comforting happening, as tears rolled down her cheeks. They caressed and cooed over her, wiping away her tears, as she realised the community she finally had.
The Third Quarter by WaldosAkimbo - rated E, 1.5K, focusing on Eric the Disposable Demon. Summary: One of Erics many many strange tasks in Hell is the Third Quarter Office Activity. Let off some steam. Get to know your neighbors. And the Erics? Oh, they have a hell of a time.
i met her at church, but she can be satan. by thundersfox - rated E, 1.7K, focusing on Adam from Eden, Adam young and Lilith. Summary: I'm not human. I have no man's pride to lead me like this, and I'm not interested in fighting. It's entirely the weakness of your sex, not mine. I'm a woman. I use any and all weapons to get what I want.
Unsafe At Any Speed by @copperplatebeech - rated E, 4.5K, focusing on Michael and War. Summary: Gabriel’s fellow archangels decide that just because the last charge didn’t happen, there’s no reason they can’t ride. A clandestine call to the Horsepersons and some quick selection of gear later, they’re ready to try touring the famous Mountain Course on the Isle of Man. War remembers old times in the field alongside Michael and decides she has more to teach her than riding.  “Well, they’ve left you to me,” said War with a slow, broad smile, the breeze lifting her vivid hair as she held Michael’s eyes with a thoughtful gaze. “War and the Angel of Battle. Good pair. Let’s show you what it’s like to burn some road, shall we?”
Authors - if you wish that your Tumblr account will be tagged, instead of the AO3, please comment or DM me the handle. Thanks :)
Bonus - master list with all past recommendations!    
Thanks for reading, and remember - sharing is caring!
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caedmonfaith · 4 months
i just lost my little fucking mind over your new fake dating fic oh my god it’s perfect i’m so excited for the rest, whenever that might come out !! obviously no pressure i just hope you enjoy writing it because the premise is awesome and the first two chapters are incredible :)))
Thank you so, so much!!! I am really excited about this story. It’s been a ton of fun, and I have a lot of funny (and romantic) stuff planned!
For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, it’s called Plus One.
Summary: Aziraphale Eastgate’s wealthy family have finally come to tolerate the fact that he’s gay in the last couple of years. However, to their mind, he’s in his mid-thirties and should be settling down with someone… acceptable. So Aziraphale tells them he has a boyfriend whom they haven’t met -and doesn't exist. Now his older brother is getting married, and Aziraphale has been given a plus one. They're expecting to meet his imaginary boyfriend, so he’s got to find a date. Fast.
He takes his problem to his best friend, Fergus, who suggests his mechanic, Crowley. Much to Aziraphale's surprise, the gorgeous (and likely straight) mechanic agrees to go to the Tadfield Estate for the whole five-day event.
Simple, right?
It’s rated E for later chapters and I will be posting every Monday and Thursday until mid-March! 💛 I would be honored if you’d like to check it out!!
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aziraphales-library · 9 months
I use your blog and i love finding new stories Thank alot for that and every work you do. I was wondering if there were "stranger to lover" fic
Hello and you're welcome! Here are some strangers to lovers fics...
One night in Paris by orphan_account (G)
He called me “love”, I didn’t mind. He grabbed my hand, my knee. He put his head against my shoulder, laughing, dropping ash from the cig on the trousers. I didn’t mind either. We were drunk, that’s what drunk people do, and we were in Paris, which gave it a lovely touch. 
Perfect To Me by Aziwaphale (G)
Two strangers meet at a charity gala and fall for each other, except they weren't sober enough to trade phone numbers, so they have no way to contact each other. But fate works in mysterious ways.
That never takes the chance by DreamsOfAlexandria (E)
Aziraphale Fell had a problem. Anathema was about to get married in two hours and the wedding singer had just been transported to the hospital. Where to find a singer on such a short notice? Ideas, anybody?
On the Way Home From Rome by Caedmon (E)
Aziraphale is on the way home from Rome, looking forward to crawling into his own bed in London, when he meets an attractive - and maddening - man.
MatchMade! by amaruuk (E)
Crowley tests a new dating app for an online publication. When his match dumps him for another man's match, he and his fellow dumpee take a chance on each other.
Gourmet Espionage by Arielavader (E)
Aziraphale never expected his dinner to be interrupted by a handsome man, but he's more than happy to help. Hopefully he hasn't gotten in over his head ...
- Mod D
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ethanjhake · 2 years
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“So you’ve found yourself a pair of wings?”
Concept art for yet another new character, Caedmon
he’ll be in the same story as the winged girl from the other post
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