#a platform that she ONCE used to talk about the importance of believing victims
shitswiftiessay · 7 months
swifties are becoming sexual assault apologists for taylor 💀
let me repeat that again because it sounds unbelievable that even swifties would sink that low. but it needs repeating.
swifties are becoming sexual assault apologists for taylor.
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“aggressive kiss” she was grabbed by the throat 3 times as he stuck his tongue down her throat without consent. it doesn’t need to be said that if somebody did that to TAYLOR they would DEFINITELY be calling that assault and they would be petitioning for him to get the fucking death penalty. but swifties proce time and time again they DON’T GIVE A FUCK about any women or sexual assault victims unless it’s Taylor. MOST DISGUSTING MISOGYNISTIC FANDOM EVER.
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The New Humanitarian | The Gambia’s ‘MeToo’ year breaks silence on rape
‘The culture of silence comes from family honour being more important than the survivor.’
The Gambia is beginning to confront a culture of silence around sexual violence, led by a group of women breaking taboos by revealing the alleged abuse they endured at the hands of some of the country’s once most powerful men.
The catalyst for change came in June last year when 23-year-old Toufah Jallow accused former president Yahya Jammeh of rape – a bombshell additional charge to a 22-year reign known for its extrajudicial executions, torture, and disappearances.
She was quickly embraced as the figurehead of The Gambia’s “MeToo” movement. Young activists created an #IamToufah hashtag and peacefully marched on the streets of the capital, Banjul, calling for an end to the silence on speaking out against rape.
“When Toufah Jallow came out, we saw more people share their stories of sexual abuse publicly,” said Sirra Ndow, who set up an online platform supporting survivors of sexual and gender-based violence. “The Toufah movement has given survivors courage.”
Jallow’s allegation was part of an investigation by the NGOs Human Rights Watch and Trial International. She went on to testify in October at The Gambia’s Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC), investigating human rights violations under Jammeh, who was overthrown in 2017.
Barriers and stigma
Rape is universally under-reported, but it is especially difficult for survivors to speak out in The Gambia’s close-knit and patriarchal society, where victim and perpetrator are often connected.
“The culture of silence comes from family honour being more important than the survivor,” said Haddy Mboge Barrow, a community nurse pioneering the development of the country’s response to sexual and gender-based violence.
“They think they are helping the survivor by not talking about it,” Barrow, coordinator of the Network Against Gender-Based Violence (NGBV), told The New Humanitarian.
“It’s a culture that really protects the perpetrator,” said Ndow. “Some of us in Gambia are in denial of the extent to which sexual violence happens.”
“I was saying to myself, ‘this is the most powerful man in Gambia, who am I for anybody to listen to’.”
But witness accounts at the TRRC of alleged sexual assault by former government officials and members of the security forces have exposed how sexual violence thrived under Jammeh – who is living in exile in Equatorial Guinea after losing the December 2016 presidential elections and being toppled by a regional military intervention a month later.
Jallow, who lives in Toronto, Canada, returned to The Gambia to give her eagerly awaited testimony to the TRRC on 31 October.
In her five-hour public hearing, she described in detail her accusation that the ex-president raped her at State House during a Ramadan festival, as punishment for not accepting his proposal that she become his second wife.
Jallow had allegedly caught his eye after winning a beauty pageant in 2014 when she was an 18-year-old college student.
“It was the longest night of my life, and I was saying to myself, ‘this is the most powerful man in Gambia, who am I for anybody to listen to’, and believe this; and where do I say this, and, when I say this, what am I expecting is going to happen?” she told the commission.
A system of impunity
Jallow’s feelings of powerlessness after the incident were echoed by other witnesses who spoke before her, as a picture emerged of a system that enabled men in positions of authority to sexually abuse women with impunity.
"He was taking advantage of how vulnerable girls were; he used that to abuse women,” said a former protocol officer, who spoke as an unidentified witness via a Skype audio link and explained how she had been enticed to work for Jammeh with the promise of a scholarship – as Jallow had been.
“He would give protocol officers some attention and gifts, sometimes a house or a car, but then treated them like his own property,” she said.
“It was an oppressive regime, clearly ruled by powerful men in an atmosphere of impunity, and Jammeh was showing the way,” Marion Volkmann-Brandau, a human rights consultant, told TNH. She led an 18-month investigation into sexual violence on behalf of Human Rights Watch and Trial International – a probe that informed the TRRC’s own inquries.
Even before meeting Jammeh, the former protocol officer said she had encountered attempted sexual assaults by a religious leader when she was aged 12, sexual harassment by a former government minister, and another attempted assault by a government official – who is still serving today.
“Poverty put us at high risk of abuse,” she told the commission.
“Most people don’t understand the psychological and emotional impacts, and sometimes the physical consequences of being raped.”
In December, the TRRC concluded its first year of publicly televised hearings. Its deliberate focus on sexual violence is all the more important because the culture that enabled the abuse did not disappear with Jammeh’s exile.
“These were crimes committed using the power and the resources of the state, but it also shines a light onto the wider societal problems [in The Gambia] that rape goes under-reported,” said Reed Brody, legal counsel for Human Rights Watch, which is part of the Jammeh2Justice Coalition, campaigning to bring Jammeh to trial.
Witnesses spoke of their sense of isolation after the incidents and how this had affected their mental health. “I’ve had overdoses; I cut myself; I wanted to get rid of myself,” the former protocol officer told the commission when asked how she had been impacted by her experiences.
“There’s not the appreciation of the gravity of sexual violence,” said Ndow, whose online platform supports survivors of sexual violence. “Most people don’t understand the psychological and emotional impacts, and sometimes the physical consequences of being raped.”
Challenges remain in how victims who speak out are treated by the public, as they face the real risk of re-victimisation. The TRRC had to issue a warning that it would use the law to clamp down on those who discredit witnesses after a politically motivated backlash against witness Bintou Nyabally, who alleged she was raped by two Junglers – Jammeh’s notorious death squad – while in detention.
Jallow has also faced scorn from people trying to discredit her allegation. She is constantly attacked on social media, and told TNH that her family in The Gambia have been threatened.
She suspects Jammeh loyalists are behind the intimidation. At a rally in November, a spokesman for Jammeh’s APRC party, Ousman Rambo Jatta, appeared to directly threaten Jallow. "We are waiting for the recommendations of the TRRC. That's when we shall decide what path to take with you,” he reportedly said.
Speaking before her hearing, Jallow had said she was bracing for this reaction. But she felt compelled to testify, not just for herself, but to “address this epidemic [of sexual violence] that is so prevalent yet very discreet within [our] society”.
With the nation glued to their TVs and smartphones watching her testimony, Jallow seized the moment to challenge the culture of silence on rape.
“I had to redefine myself and tell my story in this culture and in this space, and to take whatever backlash comes with it, so that the next person will be getting lesser and lesser of a backlash,” she said in her concluding statement.
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transphilza · 2 years
on second thought, i’m gonna talk about the situation Once, right here. don’t mind me!
i know i said i wouldn’t discuss this extensively but i am at core a researcher and someone who prioritizes knowing as much as i can about a situation before deciding anything about it. so i’ve done my digging into the accusations and things and i’d like to summarize the main points as well as discuss how things have played out a bit. i won’t be answering asks about this, i just wanted to put it all in one place, cause this is how i process information, lol.
there are two aspects to these allegations: dream is being accused of housing an abuser, and manatreed is being accused of being that abuser. <- this is important. i’ve seen some dteam mains, who probably haven’t seen the extent of the original posts, stating that these allegations only affect manatreed and that He is the only one who needs to explain, but he isn’t, sadly. as of now there is no way for manatreed to defend himself without doxxing himself - which is what op wants. op specifically asked manatreed to post a redacted version of a license if he wanted to prove himself innocent… despite the fact being that even while blacking out parts of it, it is incredibly easy for a license to be traced. for manatreed as of right now there isn’t anything he can do other than doxx himself or proceed with legal action.
dream’s situation is…. a bit messier. there’s the court records linking the abuser to an address which has been associated with dream and sapnap. i cant say whether or not this actually is their address, of course. this past address (with sapnap) has been doxxed, and old private photos been uncovered in an attempt to link him to this person (the abuser) who is believed to be seen in childhood photos with dream. people have also doxxed his family members - if you weren’t aware, this is why dream’s private twitter was deactivated, because people were responding with doxxed information about his sister. i don’t even know what dream is supposed to do here, honestly; his side of things is a lot more confusing because it isn’t as cut and dry as just “is he or isn’t he this person on these documents?” … it implicates him in extremely personal matters. the doxxed information could be incorrectly linked or otherwise fabricated, sure. i’ve read some people saying that the timeline op uses doesn’t line up, and that dream/sapnap may have lived at that address but at a different time than the abuser. dream could’ve actually been housing this person with the criminal record; but he may or may not have been aware of such record even existing and may have been simply trying to help a friend. he may have been lied to or misled by this person. the absolute worst case scenario, which obviously at this point is just as impossible to prove as everything else, is that dream knowingly housed an abuser and created a several-month-long ruse to eventually give said abuser a platform. given dreams past (without saying anything more than that he has past experiences with domestic abuse, which i believe were also discussed in the past due to another doxx) i find this to be unlikely. he immediately removed a previous dsmp recruit for abuse allegations before. it would be career suicide for him to do this knowingly, and dream is really stupid sometimes but i seriously don’t think he’s that stupid… but that judgement also comes back to the fact that i have my own biases toward dream, so.
the other most important thing i think people are ignoring is that THIS DID NOT COME FROM A VICTIM. this was not a victim speaking out. do not say “believe the victim!” for this situation — the victim likely never wanted this information to be publicized, and she is being doxxed too. this came from people who intentionally dig up personal information about people and spread it on social media, not a victim.
for me, the allegations themselves are far more important than how dream (and sapnap by proxy) and manatreed have responded to them. although the lore stream does make me feel sick: at first i figured it must have been scheduled and they were just shit at reading a room, but given dream tweeting about an hour before asking what he should stream and no prior hype being given by sapnap, who likes to plan and hype his lore streams…. it’s fair to assume this was really shitty and insensitive damage control. in terms of the initial tweets, however, i understand why dream at the very least responded how he did: this is an absolutely terrifying situation where a lot of extremely private and personal information about both himself and his family is being broadcasted to the internet, where a lot of people dislike him. i seriously don’t blame him for that “i’m scared for my family” thing - i don’t think that was him playing the victim, i think it’s just… true. this is scary, whether he did or didn’t house the abuser.
lastly, i want to talk about the future, which for most of us is the scariest implication of it all. i’m going to tell you the two outcomes in terms of my blog as well
best case scenario(s): manatreed isn’t guilty, or if manatreed is guilty, dream publicly renounces their association. the documents linking his address to the abuser were either false or there were extenuating circumstances to why dream was housing them (i.e. dream was unaware of their criminal record). and honestly, for me, even if he was somewhat aware of their record, i don’t think it’s immoral to try and privately support someone you know who has done bad things in an effort to make them better. a court record doesn’t tell us everything about this situation; there could be many reasons dream would want to help someone get back on their feet despite a criminal offense. in my opinion, if this abuser is not manatreed, then it’s none of our business. in this case; my blog remains entirely normal, i will continue to support dream and his community on here (albeit perhaps less frequently, depending.)
worst case scenario: manatreed is proven guilty and dream continues to associate with him. and/or: it’s proven that dream was aware he was an abuser this whole time. dream choosing to give a platform to this abuser is what i worry about most. who he chooses to let sleep in his house is none of my fucking business; who he chooses to lend his massive audience to is. if this were the case, this has serious implications for the dream smp as a whole, and as such, would change this blog’s content. in this situation, i would no longer post about dream nor anyone else associated with the situation. i would continue to post about the dsmp should it continue, or in any form that it does continue in, focusing primarily on characters less connected to dream.
this blog, as much as i post about the dsmp, has always been cc-centered though. in terms of me, as long as wilbur and ranboo (among a few others; mostly sbi/bench trio) continue to make content, i’ll be around. but yeah
here’s hoping things work out
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1plus1kiyoomi · 3 years
Chapter 9: Plans
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“Hey, love. I saw this Tiktok...” You sigh heavily as you hear the words come out of Kuroo’s mouth. Every time he shows you a video from that app, he follows it up with a, “let’s do it.”
“What is it this time?” Your eyebrows are furrowed, expressing your disagreement already. You’ve been peacefully relaxing on the bed and your husband really wants to destroy that peace of yours.
“So you rate my exes, and I rate yours. Out of 10,” Kuroo says and you squint your eyes at him in suspicion. There has to be something behind the sudden interest in remaking it.
“Why?” is all you can say at his request.
Kuroo shrugs, a smug look on his face. “Why not?”
He takes out his laptop and opens a social media platform. Placing his laptop on his lap, he pats the space beside him, a sign that he wants you beside him. You sit beside him and he immediately types out a name.
“This was my first girlfriend back in middle school.” He describes and clicks on one of the girl’s posts.
“She’s so pretty. Is that her kid?” You point at the child his ex is holding in picture. Kuroo nods. “So was she nice? I have to rate her through her personality.”
“She was nice. But she left me for a college student,” Kuroo explains.
“Oh, so she’s a victim?” You snicker, and Kuroo chuckles at your statement. “A 6/10. She's pretty and she looks nice. But minus points for dating a college student while she was in middle school.”
He proceeds to search for his next ex. “I know her,” you say as soon as you see the picture. “I was the one who planned her wedding a year ago. I believe she gave birth just a month ago.”
“She did. She was my upperclassman in Nekoma when we dated. I think I was in my last year of middle school and she was graduating high school,” Kuroo elaborates and you laugh. “What?”
“You’re also a victim.” With that, Kuroo starts laughing with you. It takes some time before the two of you stop giggling like kids.
“Since I know her, a 7/10. She was really polite when I was planning her wedding,” you explain while panting, recovering from your fit of laughter.
“This is the last one,” Kuroo says as he searches and you look at him in shock, not believing him.
“You only dated thrice?” You ask him and he nods proudly. “But you did have a lot of flings so still a bad boy,” you tease and Kuroo rolls his eyes. He shows you his screen and you look at the girl in the picture intently.
You glance at him and then his ex, and then him again, then back to the screen. “You’re lying.”
“About what?”
“Are you sure you dated her?” You point at woman at the screen.
“Yes. Ask all of my friends. They’re witnesses.”
“You dated a famous idol...”
“Was an idol,” he corrects you. “She’s quitting the industry because she’s pregnant.”
“I love her group’s songs. I give her a 10/10. But I still can’t believe you managed to pull someone like her. Kenma said that you weren’t famous amongst girls in high school...” you state, remembering his best friend’s words when you had dinner together just a few nights ago.
Kuroo simply shrugs, “I guess she really liked me then.” He lays his gadget on your lap, waiting for you to type in. You become nervous. How are you supposed to tell him that you’ve only dated seriously once in your life? And it’s someone he sees quite often in your workplace.
“I only dated once,” you tell him calmly, trying to conceal your shaky fingers as you type. Pressing enter, your eyes immediately look away. “You know him, right? He’s our cake maker at work.”
“How was he as a boyfriend?” Kuroo simply asks and you nod nonchalantly. “He seems like a nice guy whenever I see him at your office.”
“Really sweet. Baked me goods everyday and even brought me lunch boxes,” you reply rather confidently. “We dated back in high school.”
“9/10.” Kuroo rates with a pout. He knew he was going to get jealous, but he still dug his own grave for his. His plan being:
‘To subtly hint that he wants a baby.’
All of his exes now have children, and he is not competing with them at any means, but maybe you’ll get an idea about his baby fever if he shows you that most people at your age have children.
Now that his Plan A has failed, he’ll have to proceed to his Plan B.
Kuroo patiently waits for you at his car, ready for your first date after a long time. As he sings along with the song on the radio, he scrolls through his Instagram and sees Sakusa’s post about her daughter.
“Must be nice to have a kid,” Kuroo sighs. Seconds later, he realizes what he said and puts his phone down. “No. No. No. I can’t feel this way yet. It’s too early. But we’re already in our mid-20s so a kid won’t be weird. No... Does she even want kids? My kids?”
A knock on the car window disrupts his soliloquy. He turns his head to the glass and sees you waving outside. He quickly unlocks the door, allowing you to enter. “Hi, love. Who were you talking to?”
“I was talking to Kenma,” he reasons before he leans in to capture your lips into a greeting kiss. “How was work?”
“It was tiring. The Kitas sent an invitation by the way,” you answer as you pull away from him. “It’s for the triplets’ first birthday.”
“Should we buy their gifts today?” Kuroo asks you, starting the engine of the car. “I think we’ll find something while roaming around. What about you? You said you had to buy something.”
“Bikinis,” you say nonchalantly and don’t see Kuroo’s eyebrow raise from your response.
“Are you going somewhere?”
“I forgot to tell you. I’m going to Okinawa with my high school friends next week. You know them, right? Makki, Mattsun, Iwa, and Oikawa,” you respond and Kuroo becomes silent, not knowing how to react. He doesn’t care that you’re going with guys, but how did you forget to tell him something important?
The ride is serene. Kuroo’s hand not leaving your thigh the whole time. Your hand is on top of his, your fingers tracing the protruded veins in his arms. Landing on his ring finger, your eyes scanned the body part. You don’t have a wedding band yet. The two of you have never thought of getting a pair.
The two of you arrive at your destination so get out of the car. Kuroo takes your hand immediately, sliding both of your hands into his jacket’s pocket. You smile at the romantic gesture, something you’re yet to get used to.
“Should we buy your stuff first?” Kuroo questions, looking down at you. Nodding, you lead him to a bikini boutique.
As soon as you enter, Kuroo closes his eyes. The store you entered doesn’t only sell bikinis, but lingerie as well. He has to keep his lids shut or his imagination will go everywhere. Noticing how wary he is about the surrounding, you smirk.
You hook a finger on his collar and pull him down. “Choose anything you’d like to see me in.”
After the not so quick shopping trip at the garment store, you have noticed how fidgety Kuroo is. He wouldn’t stop squeezing your hand and giving you cheeks kisses. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Just excited to see you in this,” he reasons, lifting the paper bag with sets of lingerie he has chosen. You hum, your attention going back to the racks of baby clothing in front of you.
While you’re focused on the baby items in front of you, Kuroo is panicking. In his mind, he’s about to explode. You in lingerie + his baby fever= a kink he thought he’ll never have. He’s trying so hard not to think about your mini me’s, but seeing the tiny pieces of garments is making it hard for him.
“My love, the triplets are boys. But knowing the Kitas, they wouldn’t mind dressing up their sons in that dress you’re holding,” you point and Kuroo snaps back to his senses. He looks down and sees that he is holding onto a yellow dress with ribbons and ruffles. He didn’t even know how he got the dress on his hands.
“Oh,” he chuckles awkwardly, putting the dress back on the rack. “I just thought it was cute.” You raise an eyebrow at him in confusion and he forces out a laugh. “It would look cute on Sakusa’s daughter. The two of us are kind of close.”
“Really? I always see him post about her. She would look very cute in that. Should we buy it?” Your confusion about his actions are thrown away by his reason. He sighs in relief as you look away, the dress now in his cart.
‘Our daughter would look cuter,’ Kuroo thinks and he smacks his cheek, causing you to look at him in shock. It was a rather loud and heavy smack. “Mosquito.”
His Plan B is a fail.
You’re eating lunch together the next day at your office as usual. It’s quiet before he flashes his phone screen in front of you, showing you a picture of three familiar small boys. “Look at the triplets.” You continue to eat after taking a look at the picture, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. Kuroo hums happily. “Aren’t they cute?” You only nod to his question.
“Look at Sakusa’s daughter. I met her last time and she’s such a charmer,” Kuroo narrates, letting out a giggle. The interaction replaying in his head. The interaction that caused his sudden baby fever.
It was a busy day at work since the Olympic team had to take their profile and poster pictures. Kuroo was talking to Bokuto when a child suddenly latched onto the spiker’s leg.
“My favorite teammate, you’re here!” Bokuto beamed and picked the child up. As she rested in his forearm, she looked at Kuroo in curiosity. Normally, children would get scared of him, but she wasn’t, which made Kuroo happy.
“Hi. My name’s Kuroo. What’s your name?” Kuroo asked the girl. She smiled at him before answering.
“Kia! Do you have a girlfriend?” Kia asked, taking Kuroo aback. It’s not everyday that a 4 year old would ask you about your relationship status.
“I don’t have a girlfriend, but I do have a wife,” Kuroo replied, which made the little pout.
“Since you only have a wife, I can be your girlfriend,” Kia proclaimed. Kuroo smiled at her statement. The girl suddenly made him think what his daughter would be like if he ever gets to have one.
“I’m sorry but my wife would be upset if I have a girlfriend, so I can’t be your boyfriend,” Kuroo explained to her, hoping she’ll learn something from it. You could subtly teach them about what’s right and wrong at a young age.
“Then, I’ll date your child, father-in-law,” Kia claimed which Kuroo patted her head for.
“I’ll remember your words, future daughter-in-law.”
“What are you smiling for?” You ask Kuroo and he looks up to you, his attention now on you.
‘It’s now or never. This is the perfect chance.’ Kuroo thinks, placing his chin on the palm of his hand. “I was just thinking about how cute our children would be.” You ignore his words and proceed to clean up your lunch box. As result, Kuroo frowns. He mirrors your actions, keeping quiet. Maybe it was wrong to mention it.
Your secretary knocks on your door before announcing that your client is already waiting outside. Kuroo put back the chair back to its proper place before walking over behind the table to give you a quick hug. You can feel his sadness radiating off him and you’re sure it’s from your silence.
His baby fever wasn’t unnoticed. In fact, you knew about it the moment you saw him scrolling through baby videos. He wasn’t very subtle about it, too. From showing his exes, to bringing you to the baby store, to sending you pictures of babies, to mentioning children all the time, you definitely knew about his baby fever.
But you don’t want a baby yet. You had just gotten steady recently, and having a child will wreck that steadiness for sure. You want to keep him to yourself as much as you can, and a child will take your time with each other away. Yet, you don’t know how to tell him that, because he’s determined to have one as soon as possible.
“I’m leaving now. I’ll pick you up later,” Kuroo speaks. He plants a kiss on your forehead before turning away. The way he turned his back at you, the way he frowned a little, it broke your heart. So you grab his hand and pull him back towards you. “Yes, my love?”
“Should we start trying for a child?” You look up to him with shaky eyes, and he saddens at your expression. He wraps his arms around you, your head falling onto his abdomen, while his hand pets the back of your head.
“Love, I’m not asking for a child immediately, so don’t get pressured. Just take my baby fever as a promise that I want to start a family with you and only you,” he reassures you, but you know he’s partly lying about it. Kuroo is a man who doesn’t give up until gets what he wants.
Kuroo’s Plan C has failed. He has no choice but to do his Plan D. (Will be posted soon 😉 if you know, you know.)
Fevers turn on the body's immune system. They help the body fight infection. Normal fevers between 100° and 104° F (37.8° - 40° C) are good for sick children.
Fevers only need to be treated if they cause discomfort. Most fevers don't cause discomfort until they go above 102° or 103° F (39° or 39.5° C).
Most fevers from infection don't go above 103° or 104° F (39.5°- 40° C). They rarely go to 105° or 106° F (40.6° or 41.1° C). While these are "high" fevers, they also are harmless ones.
Fevers that don't come down to normal can be caused by viruses or bacteria. The response to fever medicines tells us nothing about the cause of the infection.
Taglist: Still can’t tag smh T^T the app keeps crashing every time i tag more than 5 people 😭
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jimmiedatbootie · 2 years
It might be weird to rant about this on what is intended to be a diary blog, but this feels pertinent to me and I want to get out some thoughts.
The Depp/Heard case is a fuckin’ mess.
There is no way anything good comes out of this. Already I’ve seen a change in positions and attitudes which will only make it harder in our society for victims. 
And before I get into it, I want to be absolutely clear, I do believe Depp.
I have evaluated the evidence, and given the sheer amount and its congruency, Depp’s is the most persuasive. Perhaps its inappropriate to apply Occam’s Razor to such a complex situation, but when presented with the testimonies, the audios, the pictures and the texts, it becomes apparent that the simplest explanation is that she lied. 
And yet I still think this trial is a mistake - not because it gave opportunity to clear Depp’s name, but because what will follow in its wake. The public + media now have their perfect boogeyman in the guise of Amber Heard - she is the once mythological figure discussed in bad faith debates over sexual assault, now made real. Every victim standing forward will now have face further resistance and scrutiny as they have to prove they are no “Amber Heard”. It is no mistake that you see right-wing figures step up and speak about this trial - it fits their narrative perfectly, and they will not discriminate a 1 in a million circumstance from the general and very terrifying picture in which victims are often truthful and often silenced.
 It scares me when I see those who support Depp thoughtlessly platform people like Candace Owens, Donald Trump Jr. and the alike, simply because they spoke the same words as them. This verdict will be used to indoctrinate people, you have seen it already: insulate communities have popped up, spouting their “expertise” on the case; social media has gone crazy, making the trial (and the biased coverage of it) inescapable and, most sadly, charities, educators and movements, such as MeToo, have had their reputation dragged through the mud.
I know this is Amber Heard’s fault and I know this case is important to the often ignored male victims of domestic violence, but I’m afraid it must come at the price of constant vigilance for the invasion of misogyny, right-wing politics and lies about victims.
For instance, to take it back to social media, I don’t find the simple fact of the mass attraction of DV case as appalling as I do the way it is talked about. Instead of conversations about our attitudes toward DV, SA or rape; their mechanics and how this interacts with the legal system, or even just debates about the evidence produced, we have strawman arguments, immature mocking and psuedo-science. 
Body language experts are the first thing that comes to mind. I have a guilty pleasure for behavioural science given that as both a STEM student and amateur actor, a scientific viewpoint on human behaviour is very attractive to me. However, I acknowledge that in reality, there is very little scientific basis to the claims of most “behavioural scientists” and whilst I find their insights useful in informing my performances on stage, they fall consistently short, when applying their techniques to situations such as these. Body language is complicated- something formed by a million unforeseen factors in both person and context. To be able to determine if someone is lying from body language alone, would require you to have an intimate knowledge of all these things which is impossible. And yet, despite this, I see the body language of both Heard and Depp be used as “evidence” as proof of their guilt or innocence. As you might have guessed, or have seen, this often comes with a lot of ableist undertones. I swear if I have to hear “so and so means they are a narcissist” one more time I’m going to leap off a cliff. I am sincerely sorry for those living with cluster-b personality disorders as well as those suffering with addictions for how you have been represented this trial.
But by far the most terrifying aspect is the legality of the case: those who speak about their abuse to the public can be taken to court and trialled under civil law, to determine their statement’s truth. This will be abused. Victims will be silenced because of this. It worked great for Depp who had a wealth of resources and evidence behind him but other victims will not...they will not be able to meet the demands and their abusers will know that. And in a world where abusers are so often installed in the highest points of power, that is a terrifying concept.
I could go on about how the notion of the “perfect victim” has been used to bash people or how the damaging lie of “mutual abuse” has permeated too far into people’s mind but I just want to leave my statement on this note:
We are fucked.
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clearsky · 3 years
My Top Comfort Characters/Kins and My Main HCs For Them
(Note, not all my kins/comfort characters are on here, just the ones I have more than 5 hcs for)
CW: Korekiyo Shinguji (DRV3), Himiko Yumeno (DRV3), Shinsou Hitoshi (BNHA), Kyoko Kirigiri (THH), Tsuyu Asui (BNHA), Entrapta (Spop), Ibuki Mioda (SDR2), Celestia Ludenberg (THH), Funtime Foxy (FNAF), Peril (WOF)
Korekiyo Shinguji (DRV3)
He/They pronouns
Chains and loose accessories are for stimming
Likes the feeling of silk and cotton
Can't stand the feeling of anything rough or bumpy
He likes collecting small trinkets and the bones of small mammals
Can't stand anything salty. He'll eat it but he certainly won't enjoy it
Dating Rantaro
Can flirt, but only if he doesn't try
Petnames are a hell yea
Gets sunburnt really easily
Group dates with Celesnaegiri and Ikuzono
Can't cook for s h i t
Had a scene kid phase in middle school
Went to the same middle school as Celeste and Maki
Knew them when Celeste went through her "I'm not like other girls" phase and Maki was a Band Kid™
Himiko Yumeno (DRV3)
She/Her pronouns
Can force herself to fall asleep within seconds regardless of where she is
100% forces herself to fall asleep when she doesn't wanna listen/talk to someone
Himiko/Angie/Tenko relationship. I'm calling them the Traffic Light Trio
She likes taking naps in the forest
She prefers enclosed/tight spaces more than open ones
Has several hundred stress balls and squishies laying around
She overheats easy
Shinsou Hitoshi (BNHA)
Questioning his gender, but goes by any pronouns
Knows he's Asexual, at least
Has no clue what his romantic orientation is though
The kind of person to carry treats in his pocket just in case he runs into a cat
Will stop to pet literally every cat he comes across
Great at reading people
Doesn't talk unless it's 100% needed
Hangs with Tokoyami, Jirou, and Denki most often
Aizawa has 100% unofficially adopted him
Fosters kittens
Not a big fan of physical touch
He is 100% in the bakusquad. Anyone who says he's in the Dekusquad is a c o w a r d
He and Tsuyu vibe
Knows a bunch of random facts
Dark humour? Dark humour
*skates backwards into his therapist's room slowly sipping from an absurdly huge cup of coffee* Candice you're not gonna BELIEVE the shit I just went through
In case I forgot to mention it, he skates
Kyoko Kirigiri (THH)
Bi with female preference
Burns go up to her shoulders/collarbone/chest
Prefers to just listen as opposed to saying anything
Knows a ton of random trivia about everyone else in her class
She keeps a notebook she fills with all the trivia
Doesn't celebrate her birthday. She just doesn't see the point of it
Doesn't hate sugar/sweets, but if given the choice she would choose literally everything else
Cuts her own hair
A cat person
Permanent dark circles
T-Tall 😳
Like,,, 6'1 at LEAST
Only person taller than her is Yasuhiro (6'3)
Canon no longer exist
Ahahaha healthy life habits? What are those?
Can't handle horror games
She's the kind of person you'd go to if you needed to rant but didn't want any advice
Polyamourous yo
She's a dom yall are just scared to admit it
Tsuyu Asui (BNHA)
They go by They/Them
They and Ochaco are dating
They like to hang with Shinsou
Which mainly just means the two sitting in one of their dorms in near total silence doing whatever
Can speak English and French as well as Japanese
Learned English from cartoons
Picked up French bc they thought it'd be fun
Prefers to stay neutral in the whole Bakusquad / Dekusquad thing
They're invited to all outings/events by/for both squads
They like puns
They're a dumbass but willingly, and for fun
Like "someone says they like dark humour and they'll turn off the lights before telling a joke" kind dumbass for fun
Great at poker
Likes Disney Movies
Very touchy once you get close enough
Not in a sexual way, just likes physical contact
Especially fond of piggyback rides and cuddles
Extreme fear of needles
Entrapta (She-Ra)
She/Her or It/Its
Doesn't bother trying to figure out whether she's cis, trans, nonbinary, or what
Was AMAB though
Short as fuck (4'7)
Strong as fuck though
Cuddle game strong
Physical touch is a fuck yes
Piggyback rides
Anything where she's touching someone is wonderful in her book
As long as she's the one that initiates it
Anyone else touching her without her permission makes her freak
Prefers being high up
Makes it harder for anyone to sneak up on her
An ace at video games
When it comes to sexuality she just says she's Questioning
Ibuki Mioda (SDR2)
Any pronouns + Pup/Pupself + It/Its
No idea what their gender is otherwise
Biromantic Asexual
Just likes sexual jokes
Gets distracted easily
Has severe hearing problems
She's plays her instruments as loud as possible, with the amp right next to her, without ANY ear protection
It's caused some damage
She talks so loud bc she has no idea how loud is considered acceptable
Wears hearings aids most of the time
Several piercings and tattoos
Likes hearing things jingle
She has a bracelet with a few bells hanging from it
She'll shake it whenever she's bored
LOVES hair accessories
Ribbons are a particular favourite
Occasionally she'll hang little charms from her hair "horns"
The kind of person who never takes any pills/medicine bc she keeps forgetting she has to
Frequently uses emojis
Skates everywhere but she isn't very good at it
She keeps crashing into everything
Has broken every bone in her body at least 3 times
Most of which was bc she keeps trying to kick in doors and skating down the stairs
Celestia Ludenberg (THH)
Any pronouns, mainly goes by She/They
Bi, 70:30
Collects mini hand sanitizers and can tabs
Has single handedly gotten Mario Kart, Mario Party, Monopoly, Uno, and Clue banned a grand total of 17 times (and counting)
The kind of person to purposefully target someone regardless of what game was being played
Favourite victim is Byakuya (bc he gets so upset about it and she finds that hilarious)
Mains Waluigi
Has several banned Twitter accounts bc whenever she's bored she'll start discourse on purpose
Hangs with Korekiyo, Ibuki, Byakuya, Yasuhiro, and Leon most often
It's a weird friend group but everyone's sorta gotten used to it
She and Byakuya gamble together occasionally
She tries to avoid it bc he'll willingly blow his entire fortune in an attempt to beat her
Can't stand the feeling of water
Mainly bc she can't swim for shit
Horror movies? Hates them
Gets flustered super easily
Taka is her twin brother
Kotoko, Kokichi, and Gundham are their half siblings (Same father)
Peko and Toko are their cousins
She sucks ass at go fish
Fuck canon she's 4'11 now
C h u b b y
Once she gets comfortable enough with herself she dyes her hair in the peekaboo style
Either black and red or black and blonde
Haven't decided yet
I'll be doing Celesnaegiri hcs as a seperate post but I just feel it's important for you to know that she expresses her affection verbally and is a very touchy person
Went to middle school with Maki and Korekiyo
Has horrible eyesight
She wears contacts most of the time but she always puts off buying more
After the 5th or so time she ended up blindly stumbling around a week after her contacts ran out Kyoko convinced her to buy glasses as well
Religious accessories yo
Like chokers and dangly earrings with crosses and pentagrams and shit
Likes wearing wacky earrings
Can run and do all sorts of tricks in heels
She and Mukuro are exes yo
Keeps her hair short so it's easier to manage
Hair never gets longer than her shoulders if she can help it
She seems like the kind of person who'd keep her bangs grown past her eyes regardless of how frustrating or inconvenient it is
She's a sub yall just don't wanna admit it
Funtime Foxy (FNAF)
I'm going on the record to say this
Funtime Foxy is genderfluid and that is that
Goes by Funtime
Any pronouns, They/Them most commonly
Plays music (keyboard and guitar mainly)
They and Funtime Freddy (Freds) mainly play with the kids
Freds mainly tells stories with Bonbon while Funtime more so plays one-on-one
Has nicknames for everyone
Circus Baby - Ringleader
Ballora - Bells
Funtime Freddy - Partner
Bon Bon - Bun
Peril (WOF)
I like both Nonbinary She/They Peril and Mtf She/Her Peril
They're both such good concepts
She's a lesbian, Harold
She only had a crush on Clay bc he was pretty much everything she was supposed to like in a guy
Gimme a moment while I force all my mental disorders onto this poor child
Autistic, Anxiety (Social anxiety, mainly, but she has most types), Adhd, PTSD
I'd like to reiterate yet again that She's a lesbian
Sunny and Glory were her gay awakening
Peril in Book 1: Damn, Sunny and Glory sure are pretty. Anyone would be lucky to date them. Clay would probably go for them over me. He would be stupid if he didn't. I myself would willingly date them over someone like me. They're just so pretty :(
Peril waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of arc 2: WAIT-
Rarepair alert but Peril/Sora
Peril meeting Sora: "Hmmm She's attractive. I would love to date her. Too bad I'm straight and in love with her brother lmao :P"
Peril, a mere month later, waiting for Ruby to leave Jade Mountain, pacing in her cave, running face first into a wall: WAIT-
I remember reading this one amazing story where Sora taught Peril to read/write and Peril found out she set off the bomb and comforted her/convinced her her run so that's canon now
Btw if anyone can remember what that story was called/what platform it was on and could tell me I'd appreciate it very much
I'd even be willing to draw a character of your's or make you an icon or something
I usually don't accept requests bc I get burnt out easy but this is a special case
She runs into Sora again sometime between the beginning of TOP and the end
I like to imagine she just goes wandering around
Anyway she confesses like a mere few minutes after running into her again bc Peril is just subtle like that
The actual confession takes 15 minutes and the entire time Sora is just sitting here like "👁👄👁 sure"
Bam Peril/Sora
Peril plans to keep it a secret for a little while longer but she spends 3 seconds around Clay and pretty much blurts it out
Clay, who wasn't even aware that Peril was a lesbian, is just "👁👄👁"
I wanna say Clay doesn't know what a lesbian is but in my canon Sunny is a lesbian so Starflight has already told him
Anyway he's super supportive
From that point Peril is sorta open about her sexuality?
Like, she gives Clay permission to tell the rest of the D.O.D bc she isn't about to risk being in front of them when they hear the news
(When Sunny starts actively seeking her out as a hang out buddy and Tsunami, Glory, and Starflight appear to tolerate her presence just a bit more afterwards she pretends she isn't confused by the change)
She's pink, white, and blue bc I said so
If you look at a certain angle in the right lighting her eyes, mouth, fire, and under her scales all look purple
But her fire is normally white and blue bc I said so
Also she pale as fuck bc in my canon their fire just sorta burns their colour away
You know how you leave something outside for too long and it gets sunbleached? Where it gets all washed out?
Like that but more extreme
By the age of 10-12 firescale dragons are just white with pale eyes
That's right not even the eyes are safe
Ram horns :P
I'm also fond of Peril/Sunny
Or maybe Peril/Sora/Sunny
But Peril/Sora is the main thing
On the topic of that bringing in my hc that if one sib in a sib group is fire resistant all of them are
She,,, She can change her scale colour
But only slightly and only if her emotions are strong enough
Bc I don't give a fuck about Darkstalker's scroll we were robbed of hybrid Peril
Unfortunately all of Peril's emotions are strong
Rainwing ruff along her head and neck
It's like a hood
It's mainly smoothed to her sides but when she's startled it flares out
Y'all will know what those look like as soon as I get off my ass :P
She,,, She can mimic bird cries
Hates the summer
She has more than enough body heat already and the outside is just hot enough to add on and make her feel sick
She can somewhat control her heat but most of the time it's based on her emotions
It can go from standing-in-the-middle-of-a-burning-building-cant-see-your-nose-smoke-is-so-thick heat (Strong emotion) to Hey-thats-a-nice-cozy-campfire heat (Calm/"weak" emotion/Sleeping)
I'm just gonna make a different post with all my Peril hcs cuz there isnt enough room for all of them here
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rosethornewrites · 4 years
Fic: Bemuse’d
Relationships: Caline Bustier & Classmates, Caline Bustier & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Caline Bustier & Nadja Chamack
Characters: Caline Bustie, rNadja Chamack, Alec Cataldi, Principal Damocles, Classmates, Ms. Mendeleiev
Additional Tags: caline bustier salt, Enabling, Bullying, Interviews, Bad Teaching, bad adults, call outs, Alec Cataldi salt, Badass Nadja Chamack, ml salt, Salt, Exposure
Summary: Caline Bustier is excited but nervous when invited for an interview by Nadja Chamack about teaching what's become known by Paris as the Akuma Class.
Notes: Many thanks to angelofthequeers for the beta, and to CallMeDale for the conversation that inspired the title. Basically, Caline’s been bemuse’d by becoming the news. Boom. Fic idea inspired by a Discord conversation.
AO3 link
Caline Bustier had hesitated when contacted by Nadja Chamack for an interview, but she realized how much good it could do for Paris to know how she worked with her class. She had learned through the request that Paris had started referring to her class as the Akuma Class, as so many of them had been akumatized. The interview would allow her to dispel some of those unfortunate stereotypes, she hoped.
So, ultimately, she said yes, and set a date.
Principal Damocles was supportive of her representing the school on a platform that was, as he put it, a bit more “reputable” than Alternative Truth. Apparently he had found Mme. Mendeleiev’s appearance on that venue embarrassing.
At least this wouldn’t be with the insensitive boor, Alec Cataldi. Nadja Chamack had a banner reputation, aside from her time as Prime Queen—and Caline couldn’t judge, given her own akumization.
She wore her best professional clothing: white pants, white blazer, a collared shirt that matched her eyes, and a white tank to keep the neckline from dipping too far. Her hair she put in her normal bun, which she felt added to her image.
It was a whirlwind, being prepped with makeup, and she was taken aback a little when they redid her hairstyle, moving her bun lower and making it more ornate. But they were the experts on TV appearances, so Caline said nothing.
Her nerves were jittery when her cue came to join Nadja Chamack on set, and she was relieved to make it to the armchair meant for her without tripping on national television.
“Here with me I have Mme. Caline Bustier of Collège Françoise Dupont, who teaches the class commonly known as the Akuma Class. Thank you for joining us!”
Caline managed a smile. “Thank you. I wish people wouldn’t refer to the class in that manner—they’re all bright young people who shouldn’t be blamed for their emotions.”
Nadja smiled. “Of course they shouldn’t. So many people in Paris have had the misfortune of being targeted by the terrorist Hawkmoth. Your class simply has such a high rate of akumizations, so it unfortunately leads to these things.”
“Yes, I suppose so. We do have a couple students who have not been akumatized, and they serve as positive examples for the others. These students are so important, as they have a lot of love to give. It’s important they learn responsibility.”
“Ah, yes. We of course can’t release their names, as they’re minors,” Nadja warned gently. “I understand you have been akumatized as well?”
Caline flushed, trying not to lose her composure. She had nothing to be embarrassed about, but it was still humiliating. “Yes. A student was unduly upset, and as I was reminding them of the love she had to share, and the forgiveness she should offer, an Akuma targeted her. I was akumatized trying to fend it off.”
Nadja tilted her head. “The student was upset? What had happened?”
“Well, the student made me a birthday gift, and another student had taken a marker to it.”
A shocked murmur went through the audience.
“I hope the other student faced consequences—vandalism isn’t acceptable.”
“I believe it’s more important to teach children forgiveness and help them avoid giving in to feelings of anger.”
Caline was startled by the frown that crossed Nadja’s face.
“So you expected the wronged student to… just be positive?”
The way she said it sounded so… negative.
“That’s—no. Basically, if we can serve as positive examples to people who have trouble thinking beyond themselves, we can set good examples. She could help the other student change in that way.”
“I see.” Nadja Chamack’s voice was icy. “You expect the victim to ‘suck it up,’ essentially. It’s unsurprising an Akuma came for her, in that case.”
Caline was shocked silent.
“Have the other akumizations occurred in similar situations?” Nadja asked.
She thought about it, running through the situations. Ivan because Kim had teased him. Kim because his romantic aspirations hadn’t worked out. Nathaniel had been upset his crush had been revealed. Myléne because she’d been embarrassed about her stage fright. Alya because she had been suspended. Juleka because of the class photo. Rose because her letter to Prince Ali had been torn up. Max over video games. Nino because he’d been upset over not having a party for Adrien’s birthday. Sabrina because of arguments with Chloé. Chloé because she was upset with Ladybug. Lila had been upset once by Ladybug and the other time by Marinette’s accusations.
“I don’t think so… All of them have been different.”
“As I understand it, the mayor’s daughter has been the cause of quite a few of them, and was behind the vandalism of the student’s gift to you. And has never faced any punishment.”
Caline felt like the chair had been pulled out from under her.
“I can’t… Students are minors and I can’t talk about them like this. They are entitled to privacy.”
Nadja’s smile was like the blade of a knife, cutting. “You expect students who have had their belongings vandalized, who have been bullied, to accept their treatment with a smile, Mme. Bustier. And that treatment just continues because there are no consequences for the perpetrators.”
“W-we can’t force people to change, Mme. Chamack—”
“No, but you can make their behavior inconvenient via consequences so it’s in their best interest to change how they act.”
“But that isn’t true change!” Caline protested.
“It is to their victims!” Nadja almost shouted. She looked momentarily surprised at herself, before continuing only slightly less forcefully. “What you are doing is known as enabling, Mme. Bustier, and it is a form of abuse. Goodness, it’s little wonder your class has had so many Akumas!”
Caline stood shakily. “I didn’t come here to be attacked. I came here to clear up misconceptions about my class.”
The look on Nadja Chamack’s face was one of disdain. “Oh, you have. Just not in the way any of us expected.”
The hostess turned toward the camera as though dismissing Caline.
“As you can see, Paris, there is a need for more appropriate training of teachers to handle bullies and bullying, so that victims receive the appropriate support. Perhaps we all should learn how to prevent harcèlement moral, in all levels of society, in an effort to help our heroes fight Hawkmoth. After the break, I’ll be discussing the psychology behind helping Akuma victims with an expert—maybe she’ll weigh in on this issue.”
As the crew broke to commercial, Caline felt as though she might collapse. In five minutes, it had all been turned around. She had been made a villain to all of Paris. Even being interviewed by the ridiculous Alec Cataldi would have been less humiliating.
Nadja stood, looking at her with a measure of pity. “My daughter’s babysitter is in your class. And she deserves better than what you’ve provided.”
Caline could only stare, frozen, as the woman walked off-set. She was escorted off herself by a crew member, too numb to do anything but obey as she was seated in a chair away from the camera lines.
Where had she gone wrong?
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mrmrswales · 4 years
The story behind Kate’s survivor portraits – and what they mean for remembrance
The Duchess of Cambridge’s poignant photographs of Holocaust survivors and their families will help bring this crucial initiative to the attention of millions worldwide – puncturing holes in the narrative of denial that still finds a place in dark corners of the internet.
But it requires further context to fully understand the significance of the future Queen’s involvement, alongside more than 10 professional photographers.
Of course Kensington Palace don’t routinely provide behind-the scenes detail on the machinations that go into such projects but to me, as the grandson of a refugee from the Nazis, it’s important people know this was far from a ‘point and click’ job. I hope that I won’t be sent to the Tower but this time I’ll take the risk.
Having approached the Palace six months ago with the seeds of an idea for a photography project involving the Duchess to mark 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz, I was delighted (not to mention surprised given the weight of requests the Royals receive) to receive a call asking for more details. Further calls followed and it wasn’t long before Palace aides suggested bringing in the Royal Photographic Society, where she is a patron, to help make my vision of 75 images a reality, and involving the families of survivors to highlight their fortitude in building full lives after the horrors.
But I didn’t dare believe this project would happen until I learnt how much time and thought the Duchess was personally putting into it. The fine art graduate spent several days researching what she could bring to the table in order to best capture these individuals for the future. She was at pains to ensure the survivors were comfortable with the vision and that the spotlight was on the heroes to be pictured and not the Duchess herself. The idea of an exhibition bringing together all 75 images – most of which will be taken over the coming months by fellows of the RPS – followed .
Last month, the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust came on board to support the initiative and spoke in strict confidence to survivors to be photographed both by The Duchess and by RPS. We are also honoured to reveal the first cohort of these images today. Before meeting Steven Frank and Yvonne Bernstein, The Duchess spent significant time preparing for the photography session, and once they had arrived she spent nearly two and a half hours with them, getting to know them and their stories, and taking their photographs.  Why give you all this background? It’s crucial because it shows that our Royal Family are determined to follow up oft-repeated words of remembrance with practical steps as, day by day, we bid farewell to more survivors. It shows they are personally ready to take on the message of the survivor generation to challenge all forms of hatred wherever it rears its ugly head. As the Duchess and Prince William wrote in the visitors book at Stutthof concentration camp two years ago: “All of us have an overwhelming responsibility to make sure that we learn the lessons and that the horror of what happened is never forgotten and never repeated.” In other words, the message is about the here and now at least as much as about the past.
It’s a lead the young Royals have no doubt taken from Prince Charles who has gone above and beyond to honour survivors and remember victims; he’s long been a regular at milestone events, has attended several fundraising dinners and, perhaps most notably, came up with the idea for a community centre in Krakow after witnessing first hand the need of survivors for a meeting place. Eleven years on, he still asks for progress reports on the centre’s growth.
I remember several years ago discussing with my grandma, who came to Britain on the Kindertransport in 1939, an upcoming gathering of her fellow former refugees and being struck by her almost casual approach on the question of whether she would receive that golden ticket to meet Charles.
It was a reaction that I assure you had nothing to do with the heir to the throne’s small talk and everything to do with his stand-out commitment on this issue. This had afforded her the honour of previously attending at least two events with HRH – and she understood that it might be someone else’s turn.
This week, it was wholly fitting that Yad Vashem was the centrepiece of HRH’s first official visit to Israel this week. You didn’t need to be a world leader in Jerusalem to see this visit was deeply personal for him and not just because his great-grandmother is honoured at the museum for saving Jews during the Holocaust.
Just as he’s always worn his appreciation for the survivors and their contribution on his sleeve, so too I was always aware how much his support was appreciated by my grandma and her fellow survivors. She often spoke about how important it was to her that her grandchildren knew what happened in order to relay the memory – and the media spotlight that follows the Royals means they can amplify the survivors’ stories to the world like few others.
When she passed away four years ago, we discovered a copy of a special issue of the Jewish News marking the 70th anniversary among the few papers she had kept. It was guest edited by four survivors – only two of whom are still with us. As we bid farewell to the last survivors at a time of rising antisemitism, Islamophobia and other hate crime, the importance of four of the most senior Royals all using their platforms this week to shine a light on what man is capable of can’t be overestimated.
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merrybrides · 4 years
15 Key Secrets To A Successful Marriage
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Wouldn’t you like to know the secret sauce to a happy and long-lasting marriage, especially from those happily married couples who have aced the art of leading a happy relationship?
We unveil 15 secrets of a successful marriage that will help you problem-solve the marital issues, disarm the conflicting spouse and help you create and maintain a successful marriage.
1. Be independent
Independence was rated ‘extremely important’ in a marriage.
In order to be happy in a relationship, we must be happy first. That is, in fact, the key to a successful relationship. With that in mind, wives and husbands must continue to take out time for themselves, enjoy their personal hobbies, and in general, spend some time apart.
Not only does absence make the heart grow fonder, but in the time we spend alone, we get to reunite with our spiritual side, re-establish our sense of self, and check in with the progress of our personal preferences, goals, and achievements.
Being dependent, on the other hand, weakens your resolve and ability to move forward as a free thinker.
When we maintain our independent sense of self, we will always have something to talk about at the dinner table, and we are forever stronger, healthier, and more attractive to our partners.
2. Be a good listener
We need to talk.
Most partners dread this sentence but do you know that if you are wondering how to have a successful relationship then creating a platform for healthy conversations is the way to go?
While all women should work in the art of active listening, we emphasize this as an area of special attention for men. Too often, men do not realize that all their partner needs from them is a listening ear.
This is due to their programming and the way in which they are taught to relate to others.
Remember that listening and hearing are not the same things. Listening involves our hearts. Open yours, hear what she says, look at her while she speaks, paraphrase even, and reassure.
Listening is the real key to a happy marriage, for that matter, to every relationship.
3. Agree to disagree
Being good together does not mean that couples agree on every little thing. Most of the couples we interviewed actually had varying attitudes, opinions, and belief systems; and even held opposing views on major areas in some cases.
All couples should have some level of disagreement somewhere. Successful, loving couples respected the point of view of one another and even had a sense of humor over their points of contention.
Remember, respect is one of the major elements of a successful marriage.
Recognize that of two opposite views, one of them does not have to be right.
4. Communicate – know your partner’s ‘Love Language’
There are several books out there on the Languages of Love. This was developed of the concept in psychology that each individual has his or her own unique way in which they communicate love.
By knowing your partner’s preferences and hobbies, metaphors can be used in communication that relates to something the person understands well.
Observe the physical way in which your partner shows love and you’ll know what makes a successful marriage.
This could be, washing your car, or picking up the kids. From her, it could be keeping the toiletries stocked and ironing his shirts. For others, its words, letters, and affection.
Our advice for a successful marriage? Figure out your partner’s love language so you will always know how to speak to him or her. Love languages are often talked about but couples don’t pay as much attention to this than they should.
Understanding a spouse’s love language is the secret to a happy relationship.
5. Acceptance
A major relationship killer, lack of acceptance is a trait more commonly attributed to women, who are known for their nagging. Remember, we married our spouse for who he was then, and who he is now. Even if we wanted to change him now, we can’t.
The key to a successful marriage lies in realizing this as soon as possible.
When urging or persuading him, you are only focusing on his weaknesses or problems. Change your perspective immediately and start focusing on positive traits instead.
6. Take responsibility
It is that easy and one of the secrets of a successful marriage. When you participate in a project, take responsibility for your successes and your failures.
When you and your partner have a disagreement or argument, remember to take responsibility for your actions, including anything you did or said, especially if it was hurtful, unthoughtful or created adversity.
7. Never take one another for granted
Taking one another for granted may be the most toxic pathogen of all. Once they are comfortable, it is easy for couples to begin to slip into a complacent state – and expectations form.
This is actually only a matter of human nature, as we get comfortable with what is familiar, but in marriage, you absolutely should never come to a place where you take your partner for granted.
Pledge to respect your partner indefinitely no matter what. Avoid assumptions, and offer to do nice things for your partner whenever possible. Most successful marriages have partners who vouch for this.
8. Date night
Among the other tips for a successful marriage, this tip is the most ignored and overlooked by couples, especially those who have been married for a while. It does not matter what a couple does on their date night.
Simply having a night when they spend their time just with each other strengthens the bond and maintains it over time. When you have a date night, you should turn your phones off and put them away so you are free of distractions.
Watch a movie at home with popcorn or go hiking or rollerblading together. Change it up often and be helpful and positive for one another. A romantic and thoughtful date night is not just one of the steps to a successful marriage but indeed one of the main ingredients of a successful marriage as well.
It is important to schedule this monthly if not weekly in order to maintain accountability and establish a pattern of importance in regard to date night.
9. Add romance
Wondering how to make marriage successful? Go old school with your romance. Romantic acts can be many – try giving her a flower someday or place a love note in his briefcase or backpack. Surprise him with his favorite meal, or watch the sunset together.
There is no shortage of ideas, and you’ll be amazed at how far a little romance goes toward strengthening the relationship.
10. Keep intimacy alive
Sex is very important to a healthy marriage. Sex should be regular, and therapists suggest doing it even when you’re not in the mood!
We suggest keeping it interesting by talking about what pleases you and adding any fantasy role-playing, positions, or bedroom props you may want to introduce to keep it exciting.
After all, what is a successful marriage if it doesn’t let you get what you desire?
Life coach Giovanni Maccarrone talks about how making this one conscious decision before getting married can be helpful in making a marriage successful.
11. Compliments
“A compliment a day keeps the divorce attorney away.” Acknowledging your partner’s positive attributes every day, and paying compliments, will go a long way in your relationships.
Stay positive, and keep track of what your spouse does well. When the going gets rough and his not-so-great attributes come forward, rather than focusing on the negative, try switching gears, and point out the positive stuff instead.
12. Look for the soft emotion
Behind every “hard” emotion is a soft one; this is a concept taught by psychologists.
When we feel anger, it’s usually masking another emotion behind it, such as sadness, disappointment, or jealousy. We often just use anger as a disguise to protect our vulnerabilities.
Looking for the “soft” or vulnerable emotions underneath someone’s hard display of anger will help keep you connected as you are better equipped to empathize with that person’s true emotion.
We are often searching for tips for a successful relationship but fail to realize that a simple thing such as identifying the reality of emotions can keep us on the right track.
13. Let go of the fantasy
Unfortunately, we are socialized to believe in fairytale endings and we may carry some false perspectives on reality with us into adulthood. We need to recognize that, while marriage can be a beautiful thing, it is not effortless, nor will it ever be perfect.
Have realistic expectations and do not fall victim to the fairy tale – you may find yourself sorely disappointed. This is not only one of the greatest factors of a successful marriage but plays a huge role in your happiness as an individual too.
14. Do not control
Married people often come to a place where they start to lose themselves, they give in to jealousy or feelings of inadequacy, or they forget that they are separate people away from their partners, and they may try to control their partners.
Most of the time this is done inadvertently, as expectations may grow over time.
What makes a marriage successful are communication, independent time, and healthy indulgences that will keep any couple on track. If you sense you are being controlled or are the controller, get a handle on it or make an appointment for a family counselor.
15. Never use the D- word
Presuming you don’t really want to get a divorce, don’t threaten to. Couples that use the D-word or talk about separation during fights use this as a control mechanism. Couples using it in a threatening way are more likely to see Divorce come to fruition.
Making threats is not a mature strategy for solving any problem, so don’t do it.
Most happy couples swear by these successful marriage tips. Follow these tips on how to have a successful marriage; you will not only be able to save your marriage but also be able to enjoy a highly successful one.
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thatyanderecritic · 4 years
i really like the yandere dynamic but i dont openly post or reblog about it anymore cuz i've had people give me a hard time over it being problematic. and i get told im terrible, get called a freak... idk. do you have any advice for dealing with this...?
Hey anon, sorry for not getting to you sooner. We have a lot of questioned queued up to be answered but I decided to put you first since this is a pretty big issue. 
To be a yandere fan, we’re in a rather precarious position. Like any fandom, we are plagued with bad apples that end up painting the community’s face as a whole. You know the type of bad apples that all fandoms have: the overzealous stans that either attack those outside the community for not sharing a view or catering to our fandom. We also suffer from infighting/bullying between yandere fans because not everyone shares the same views on what a yandere is or even for something as stupid as a yandere headcanon for a character that never was a yandere, to begin with. But unlike most fandoms, the works that we support tend to go against us at times. That is to say... since we’re a bit of an under “funded” (e.g. don’t have enough yandere media. Especially for male yanderes) fandom, people tend to quickly put CrAzY characters on a pedestal without question. And this hurts our credibility, ALOT.  Having group within the fandom worshipping some non-yandere, psychotic girl as a yandere just because she’s kawaii while the more “sane” fans try to explain, “No, we swear yandere’s aren’t like that” doesn’t look good for our case. 
Is there anything we can do about people attacking us for our preference? Not exactly, I’m sorry to say. The moment humans gained self-awareness and free will, universal mental unity became a myth. There will always be a disconnect, even on concepts that all humans should be in agreement on. Would you believe me if I say that some people don’t believe that people should be allowed to have a livable wage? Of course, people will have their reasons as to why they think a certain way regardless if it sounds logical or not. Just because they have a reason doesn’t mean it’s reasonable but in a world where emotions is king, logical will never win.
People who attack you for liking yanderes most likely were victims of abuse and went through some sort of trauma that yanderes are usually identified/linked with. If they weren’t direct victims then they know someone who is a victim. And if it isn’t either of these two, then they’re most likely a bleeding heart with a “higher than thou” sense of morality. Regardless of the reasoning, they all have their hearts in the right places but rigid in their perspective of the world. Already, the decision is cemented and may never change. To most, we’re as egregious as pedophiles and incest-lovers just because we like villains. After all: “How in the world could anyone remotely ‘like’ such awful people?! Clearly, there is something wrong with THEM.” Of course, we have our reasons for liking yanderes but most people close their ears and eyes since they already judged us based on our interest. For those who were victims of abuse or know someone, I understand that they’re reaching out to attack those who seem to defend characters that may or may not be similar to their assailant/abuser. They attack, they defend invisible victims, and in a way, looking for purpose... looking at how they can turn their trauma into a positive. But most of the time, they overstep their boundaries and try to enforce their authority in something they don’t understand. 
The only way we can approach these types of people is to send an open invitation for a diplomatic talk in trying to reach a middle ground. While a change of opinion would be nice, it would be nearly impossible since a lot of people are grounded in their personal moral compass. If they are open for a conversation, then all hope is not lost. Ideally, if a conversation is open then the most important thing is to validate their emotions invested in this situation. 9 out of time 10, people are stubborn in an argument because they feel like they’re getting personally targeted either by their identity, their pride, or their emotions. Therefore, they double down and become louder in their argument, not because of their view but because they believe they are defending themselves. From there, once the other recognize that you aren’t attacking them, you shift the conversation onto yourself and point out how they were making you feel the same away but they were actively attacking you; not only that, treating you as less than human just because you prefer villainous FICTIONAL characters. Ideally, at this point, the other recognizes their hypocrisy and you both agree in staying in your own lanes. If by some miracle they’re open of a different perspective, then you’re given a platform to say why you like yanderes... typical reasons being the idea of unconditional love or coping. 
But this is all hypothetical and the most desirable outcome. But more than often, people are more than comfortable at screaming at you every time you try to open your mouth... most likely something they learned because someone shut them down in such a way. Not only that, they most likely formed their own counter-arguments already since a lot of yandere fans have the same reasons as to why they like yanderes: unconditional love or coping. The counter-argument can usually be boiled down to two reasons: unethical and risking future victims seeking a “yandere” partner. Ethicality... this is a low hanging fruit to argue. Everyone (well the majority of people, again it’s universally impossible to be on the same page) would agree that it’s bad to stalk a person. Even a yandere fan would say never to stalk a person IRL. But because of this, they think they got you in an “ethical checkmate”. It’s a cheap argument and they’re just trying to make you feel like a monster for your preferences in fictional characters. Funny enough, this is a tactic that abusers would use to shame their victim into compliance... hm...
The second counter-argument people use is “think of the youths!” Let’s be real... it’s scientifically proven that kids and teens are easily impressionable because of their underdeveloped brains and lack of experience. Not only the concerns of the younger members of society, they fear that by allowing us to enjoy our media, we are “normalizing” abusive relationships in society. Considering the state of the United State’s government, I understand where the fear is coming from. But they’re barking up the wrong tree and especially using the wrong method in preventing this dystopian future. I always see these people bring up the ‘Jaws’ case as to why there should be no yanderes and no support for them. You know, the case where there was a sudden increase in shark hunting due to public fear which pushed certain shark species into endangerment. It’s always this argument, I swear... anyways, they always toss this without never diving in deeper as to why this happened. 
Before Jaws, people didn’t know anything about sharks in general. There just wasn’t any interest in sharks because we humans just didn’t find time interesting at the time. They were there and we can’t really eat sharks. But, there were already tales about sharks being “man-eaters” from those stranded out at sea or curious citizens. The stereotype was already there. But Jaws brought sharks to the forefront of public scrutiny and shark hunting competitions came up because “what’s the harm? Sharks are man-eaters”. This dropped the shark population, but because of this there was an interest in sharks, funding to research them suddenly increased. Scientist turned their attention on sharks while later on fed to informing the public, making them educated and less scared of shark attacks. Jaws came out in 1975... Shark Week on the discovery channel came out in 1988... there’s a reason, folks. People became interested in sharks. Yes, Jaws hurt the shark population but it’s slowly been going up. Damage takes time to repair. But it also brought about awareness. While the stereotype isn’t dead (that’s just humans at this point and it’s always been a stereotype ever since man was on a boat), it opened a conversation. And that’s the key point here. (Here’s a link. But you can go even further if you research)
Abusive relationships, manipulative people, toxic actions... these are nothing new. “Getting rid” of yandere fans will not solve this issue, just like telling your kid “there are kids starving in Africa” will not end world hunger. For the Jaws example, I point to the argument that politicians make about how video games create violent people. We know that it’s nonsense, you know it’s nonsense. But there is a fear of the “unknown”. People back then thought that cartoons like Tom and Jerry would cause kids to grow up violent. And even further back, people thought that reading books created lazy people. The fear on what’s on TV is a fear people had since the beginning of time. People aren’t as soft as they believe they are but they can lack information... Instead of shutting down people and censor what goes on TV, use it as a stepping stone for the bigger conversation. It’s a lack of knowledge and fear of the unknown that killed the sharks but it is knowledge that is now protecting them. 
This is especially important for our younger peers. Raise of hands, who actually changed their minds as a teenager after someone called you stupid or told you “no” with giving a logical reason besides “because I say so.” I’m going to guess we got an empty room here. Attacking our younger peers or those who are older just because they like a character trope IS NOT HELPING THEM AND ESPECIALLY NOT MAKING THE ATTACKERS LOOK LIKE HEROES. THEY LOOK LIKE JACKASSES. Fuck man, the younger ones want acceptance and looking a supportive group by joining a fandom. Calling them toxic just pushes them to the edge these people never wanted them to be. The same applying to the older ones. We all got our issues and y’all never know what it is. That’s why I hate seeing people in our fandom gatekeep against our younger peers. They’re going to come in even though you say crap like “Lmaooo, my blog/game is 18+! Okay, byeeeee!” If you want to protect them then be their fucking guide, my dudes. You can have a mature conversation with them and explain the difference between fiction and reality and what’s wrong and right. “Yanderes are pretty cool, ay sport? But notice how that guy gaslighted the girl? That is a common tactic people do IRL. Be sure to recognize it as a red flag.” Fuck, is that so fucking hard for everyone? Some people act like they never grew on the internet during the early 2000s.Y’all were a teenager once. If what you’re doing wouldn’t help teenage you in the past, then you’re doing it wrong. Smh. 
Finally, I do want to make a point for those who use coping reasons. While I do understand where you’re coming from, you guys are our most vulnerable to these attacks but also the reason for the attacks as well. It’s the mindset of “How could you support something like this?! You must be a horrible person.” I know a lot of people aren’t like that but also, we got bad apples... people who take this for coping reasons way too far. To them, I ask them to come back from the edge and let’s look for help together. Using yanderes to embrace “yandere tendencies” or rationalizing your abuse as normal isn’t the way. Use it to help you breathe and help you feel grounded but don’t let it define you... especially don’t make it a lifeline. As for those who know the difference and can separate fiction from reality, I applaud you but you got some work in helping those who are too deep. I’ve seen some of the yandere Tumblr group chats on the app. I’ll be real... YIKES. It’s a bit of an echo chamber. I ended up having to message a user on a side since I saw red flags in the group chat when I was lurking. People were trying to give the wrong help by encouraging their actions. Just... don’t do this y’all. I get you relate but don’t get your homie in jail or a court date for a restraining order. 
Anyways, I’m sorry anon for pulling farther and farther away from you specifically since this is a big issue that everyone tackles and I’m also sorry that I can’t give you an “end all” answer. First, you can try having a civil conversation with these people. Try for the middle ground and if you feel like you can push further, then try to do a change of mind. But I know this is hard, especially when tensions build and emotions get heated. But it’s important to never explode that anger... or at least direct that anger into a logical response. The moment you explode and made an error of judgment, you will lose and suffer publically. If a conversation isn’t possible, then encourage these people to stay in their lane and unfollow you. Why the fuck are they following you if they hate the things you reblog? Sounds unhealthy... suggest some hobbies or blogs to follow instead. From there, if they try to continue the hate, just block them and delete the messages. As they say, don’t feed the trolls. Y’all may think you’ve seen all the hate anons we get but we get a lot more than what we answer. We just delete them because they’re typically incoherent or stupid. They don’t come back lol. 
From there, anon, surround yourself with people who you find agreeable and who you relate to. A lot of yandere blogs are down for a talk, I’ll be real. Just be sure you open up that you want to be friends lol. So... yeah. I’m sorry this isn’t perfect, but I hope it helps. Don’t be afraid of being yourself!
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belonglab · 3 years
Gaslighting: A Tool of Oppression and Exclusion
by Alisha Patel, Communications & Research Fellow at GenLead|BelongLab
February 2, 2021
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“I don’t see color.” This is one of the most common phrases people will use to defend themselves against accusations of racism. It isn’t the best, but at least it’s not explicitly racist, right? In a culture where calling out institutional and systemic racism feels like an ongoing battle that’s fought tiny steps at a time, that phrase feels like an adequate place to start. However, this phrase is actually a form of racial gaslighting, and its acceptance only perpetuates stereotypes and the racism we are trying to fight.
Gaslighting in general is a form of manipulation and psychological abuse where the perpetrator convinces the victim that they are imagining or overreacting to abuse. Over time, this can solidify the perpetrator’s position of power over the victim, turning it into an ongoing cycle of abuse. The effects of gaslighting are extensive-- the victim will start to second guess themselves and their judgments. While this form of manipulation is often talked about with regard to personal relationships, it can additionally be used to to cloak bigotry like racism.
Racial Gaslighting
Racial gaslighting often is used to excuse microaggressions in all forms. It can invalidate someone’s experience of perceived racism by subtly denying their feelings and emotions, excusing implicit comments meant to demean or discredit them, or even excusing explicit attacks on them. Its effects are grave; it subtly reinforces and sustains racial and social hierarchies that inevitably hurt minority groups. Not only does racial gaslighting allow stereotypes to continue, but it also degrades the victim’s sense of self and teaches them to invalidate their own instincts and judgments.
For example, imagine if someone had experienced racism in the workplace and attempted to tell a fellow coworker about the incident; instead of empathizing, the coworker reassured the victim “it couldn’t possibly be racism,” “it is all in your head,” or “you’re too sensitive.” Statements like this place the perpetrator in a position of power and control under the guise of morality, while undermining the victim’s experience as lesser-than. In turn, the victim can develop feelings of anxiety and depression as they start believing they cannot trust themselves and cannot express their emotions outwardly. According to clinical psychologist Dr. Roberta Babb, racial gaslighting also, “overtly and covertly erodes a person’s sense of self, self-worth, agency and confidence.” Thus, racial gaslighting feeds internalized oppression and Imposter Syndrome.
Racial gaslighting is so common that it is sometimes difficult to tell when it is happening, and it can even be unconscious or unintentional. Normalized phrases like “I don’t see color” seem to mean well at first glance, but in actuality serve to invalidate the struggles of a minority group while erasing the group’s lived history. It tells the listener, quite unequivocally, “I am not racist. What you are perceiving as racism on my part cannot possibly be racism.” Phrases like these are un-nuanced and oversimplified takes that may have been accepted in the past, but as we learn more about deep and entrenched racism, we see they are outdated, insensitive, and quite frankly, racist.
This type of manipulation often is used by mainstream media and people in power, ingraining its use in our culture and further highlighting the power dynamics underpinning racial gaslighting. Think of Donald Trump and his response to protest movements through the past year: On one hand, he refused to condemn Neo-Nazi protestors, saying there were “fine people on both sides.” But he mischaracterized Black Lives Matter protests calling for an end to police brutality as thugs and threatened them with the National Guard, warning “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.” He then mischaracterized the white supremacist, violent insurrection he incited on January 6th as a march, declaring his love for the insurrectionists. According to Trump, white supremacists are allowed the benefit of the doubt and could possibly be good people at heart. Yet, those in support of black lives are automatically dangerous and should be perceived as a threat. With these statements, Donald Trump at once validates the platform of white supremacists while invalidating black lives in the United States and negating the idea that racism is a problem; he normalizes the presence of white supremacy while revealing the inability of the country to acknowledge its inherent racism and bigotry. Anyone witnessing photos and images of how the BLM protesters were treated versus how the white supremacist insurrectionists were treated at our Capitol can see that racial gaslighting has deeply permeated our country systemically and is a problem that outlives the Trump presidency.
Gender Gaslighting
Also problematic is gender gaslighting, where a woman may not feel comfortable voicing concerns about sexism because her concerns are automatically dismissed. Consider a woman -- let’s call her Jana -- who has been working for a company for many years and is very qualified for a promotion. Yet every time Jana expects to be promoted, a man is given the promotion instead, even though he has had less time at the company and is not as qualified. Jana may attempt to discuss this with her boss, but he insists it has nothing to do with her gender; he tells her she is overanalyzing the situation and being over-sensitive. While it is possible that Jana’s boss could be telling the truth, it is more likely that her gender is in fact playing a role in not receiving a promotion, as this pattern has repeated multiple times. However, Jana has learned that she does not have a space to speak up about this sexism, will likely be negatively judged for speaking up and thus have an even harder time getting that promotion, and therefore most likely will not attempt to speak up again. This is the same situation that is seen with racial gaslighting-- the cycle will continue for Jana, and her emotions may inevitably turn inwards, convincing her that she is not qualified for any promotion and deserves to be limited to her current level.
COVID-19 Gaslighting
We even see gaslighting around COVID-19. As a college student at a very urban university, the pandemic has shaken up every single aspect of college life. Though my school has adjusted as best as possible (we are tested twice a week and receive our results within 24 hours; most classes are online and if they aren’t, there are usually less than five people in-person, all socially-distanced; so on and so forth), interacting with other students and people my age really reveals the mindset around the pandemic.
As the pandemic has raged on, it feels as though people have accepted its presence, or stopped caring altogether. It’s a stark difference from the first lockdown in March, where it felt (at least for the most part) that everyone was on the same page. But now, instead of staying inside and mitigating the impacts of the pandemic, it feels as though it’s now a matter of working around the pandemic to do things we used to do. Those who are still staying inside have become more of the minority than the majority, and are sometimes gaslighted to feel overly paranoid for continuing to take the pandemic seriously. This gaslighting is clearly very harmful to society as a whole, as it simultaneously perpetuates coronavirus while undermining common sense and the empathy to care about the collective nation.
COVID gaslighting can exist on a small interpersonal level. Consider a situation where two friends want to get together, but one is insisting on following social distancing regulations while the other is suggesting to abandon them altogether. The one wanting to abandon social distancing may claim that they have both been isolating themselves since the beginning of the pandemic, and it is unlikely that they could infect each other. They may go on to call their friend overly paranoid of the virus and accuse them of not wanting to get together. Though this is not actually the case, the friend who was attempting to follow COVID regulations is made to be the villain, which is a common gaslighting mechanism.
Even worse, COVID gaslighting has been perpetuated by some people in power, who can afford to preach a careless and selfish mentality around COVID-19 because, even when they contract the virus, they have the money, power, and resources to combat it. Meanwhile, they continue to manipulate the American public into believing that COVID is not something to be taken seriously.Their followers adopt the same invincible mindset, but it is clear that they -- and most other average Americans -- are not in the same situation and do not have the same money and resources to combat COVID if needed. The situation is even worse for identity groups that have been historically oppressed.
Many Black and brown communities are disproportionately affected by COVID-19: African-Americans deaths are two times higher than would be expected for their population, and it is the same for Hispanics and Latinos. On the other hand, white deaths from COVID are “lower than their share of the population in 37 states.” These disparities result from institutionalized and systemic racism (fed by racial gaslighting) that has been snowballing since our country’s inception.
Combatting Racism by Contending with Gaslighting
It is in no way, shape, or form the victim’s responsibility to attempt to change their gaslighter’s behavior. Instead, it is important for us to create safe spaces for these victims to be heard and validated. Thus, putting a stop to gaslighting begins by looking inwardly at our own behavior and preconceived biases; particularly, if you find yourself recognizing some of the behaviors symptomatic of gaslighting, it may be wise to engage in self-introspection and attempt to accept some responsibility. Though some gaslighting may be done unintentionally or what you believed to be well-meaning, it clearly is still harmful and must be mitigated. To confront the biases that may underlie your possible gaslighting of others, you can also take this online test that examines and assesses internal biases that you may not have even noticed (it takes about 10-15 minutes). Attempt to challenge these internal biases, and pay attention to how they affect your interactions with others.
Additionally, be prepared and open to truly listen to and learn from other people and their experiences, and focus on increasing your awareness of others’ circumstances. These steps can begin the process of acknowledging gaslighter responsibility. By first starting on a personal scale, we can expand this introspection to a larger scale and begin holding the racist systems in our country accountable.
If you find yourself a victim of gaslighting, it is important to safeguard your mental health. This can be done by taking a step back from the situation and removing yourself from the environment to consider the hurtful behavior and resulting emotions. You can write down your thoughts to affirm your judgement as valid and for reference if necessary. It also can be helpful to talk with other members of your identity group and share experiences like this. Affirmation from others with similar circumstances can validate your experience of harmful gaslighting and remind you that you are not alone. This can help you to trust yourself more as well as recognize the gaslighting as it is happening.
In the moment gaslighting is occurring, it is important to call out the behavior publicly (when possible and safe to do so), showing the perpetrator and others in proximity that the behavior is inappropriate and will not be tolerated. Further (again, to the extent safe and not harmful), you can talk one-on-one with the perpetrator to discuss the behavior, making sure to describe the behavior and why it is harmful. Setting boundaries (e.g., taking a step back, removing yourself from the situation, as described above) will help to loosen any grip the negative environment or perpetrator may have on you.
As an ally, it is important to help support victims of racial gaslighting by helping to call out the unacceptable behavior, as well as creating a safe space for victims to express themselves and be heard and respected. Make sure that what you are doing is not self-indulgent or performative, but rather is truly helpful to the victim and in their self interest.
Combatting racism in a present day context is not an easy task -- it is extremely complicated and has far-reaching and entrenched roots in the United States. That said, the task should begin with dismantling the practices that perpetuate racism on interpersonal and societal scales. By recognizing racial gaslighting, it is possible to disrupt stereotypes and racial hierarchies, while also offering the historically oppressed, excluded, and marginalized a safe space to speak and be heard, which uncloaks hard truths from underneath imposed false narratives. Those who insist they don’t see color are not seeing people of color and their lived experiences.
Without seeing the hard truths, we are unable to address them.
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fxkthatdairy · 4 years
Panic Room Chapter 10 (Finale): SAFE AND SOUND~ Grayson Dolan
Overview: In the year 2020, to solve the problem of overpopulation. Selected few are thrown into the PANIC ROOM simulation. If the person finds their soulmate in the simulator and manages to survive, they are able to rejoin the rest of the population. If they fail they will become a victim of the PANIC ROOM. What happens when (Y/N) gets thrown in the PANIC ROOM? Will she survive? Or will she fall victim to the simulation?
Warnings:Fluff, smut
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“I’m right here baby, and I’m going nowhere. You are stuck with me for the rest of your life because I love you (Y/F/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) so much and I will love you till the day I die. Now let’s get out of here so that we can see our families again.” Grayson said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. We held hands as we walked back through the hallway and to the exit.
(Y/N)’s POV
As we approached the white waiting room two doors began to open revealing a bright light. We covered our eyes from the beams and continued through the doors. The doors shut behind us and we were in the same room where we started. The sunshine beaded through the windows. Real sunshine, not the artificial bullshit of the simulator. Sparse amounts of couples were in the room, all keeping their distance. Some were in worse shape than others, some were beaten and bruised while others looked just the same as they entered. I finally was able to let out a relaxed breath and laugh and I wrapped my arms Grayson's waist and pulled him into a tight hug.
“We made it! We fucking made it out alive!” I said as I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him passionately.
His hands rested on the small of my back as he kissed back. I felt both our happy tears on my face and I pulled back. I used my thumb to gently stroke his cheek.
“We did it, baby, we get to go home and see our families. I get to show you to my mom and Ethan and I can see your mom. We can go get married, we can live our lives,” Grayson said as he held onto my hand tightly.
“Congratulations, you all have survived the Panic Room Simulation. In a minute the doors to the outside will be opened to you. Your families have been contacted and will be waiting for you. Congratulations again on surviving and God Bless America. Thank you.” The intercom voice rang throughout the whole building.
We walked closer to the exit doors and five minutes later the doors opened wide revealing the city square filled with parents and families. I gripped onto Grayson’s hand tightly as the nerves filled my body. My body shook in anxiety as I scanned the crowd looking for the familiar face of my mom. Grayson’s thumb gently stroked the top of my hand in attempts to soothe my high anxiety. I finally spotted her, sitting on a bench with her head in her hands praying. I kissed Grayson's hand and let go.
“I’ll find you in a minute. I saw here babe. You find Ethan and your mom, they’ve got to be here.” I said as I walked down the stairs and walked fastly, pushing through the crowd of people.
“MOMMA,” I yelled as I approached the bench that she was currently sitting on. Her head shot up and her eyes filled with tears. She stood up and I engulfed her in a hug. Tears filled my eyes as I inhaled her signature perfume and felt her loving touch engulf me.
“My baby, you made it,” my mom let out a happy sigh. I pulled back and kissed her forehead.
“I did momma, and I have someone that I want you to meet. We have to go find him,” I said as I took her hand in mine and drug us through the crowds.
Grayson’ POV
I watched as (Y/N) wandered off into the crowd to go to her mother. I stood on the platform and searched for my mother, Ethan, and Cameron. I felt the presence of my brother her. It was sort of a twin's intuition. I finally spotted them standing by a tree looking for me as well. I walked down the stairs of the platform and sped walked all the way over there. I finally pushed through the crowd and spotted them by the tree.
“Mom! Ethan! Cameron!,” I yelled as I approached them.
“Grayson!,” they all responded and I wrapped my mom up into a hug and Ethan and Cameron hugged around us forming a huge group hug.
“Oh my baby boy, you made it, you made it, I’m so happy. I love you so much,” my mother said as she kissed my forehead.
“Gray, fuck, I missed you so fucking much brother,” Ethan said as he pulled me into a tight hug.
“I missed you too, E, more than you’ll ever know,” I said as I rubbed his back gently.
“I want you all to meet someone who is very important to me. Without her, I wouldn’t have been able to make it through. I mean we’ve known her before but she left,” I said and I looked around trying to spot her out in the crowd.
(Y/N’s) POV
I took my mother's hand and I searched frantically through the crowd. I stood on my tiptoes to see above some people but I finally spotted him in the crowd.
“Grayson!,” I yelled as I saw him and I brought my mother along with me.
“Grayson, as in Dolan. Like Lisa and Sean’s kids,” my mother questioned as I pulled her through the crowd.
“Yes momma, he’s my boyfriend and the reason I survived the simulation,” I said as we approached them.
Grayson ran up and picked me up into a hug. His mother smiled at us as well as mine.
“It’s nice to see you again, Lisa,” My mother said  
 “It’s nice to see you as well (Y/M/N),” Mrs. Dolan said as they hugged each other.
“Mom, this is (Y/N) and she is my girlfriend. I don’t know why I introduced her because you know her but it just felt right.” Grayson rambled as he ran his fingers through his hair which had grown long within the month we were trapped.
“It’s nice to see you again, Mrs. Dolan,” I said with a smile as I wrapped her into a hug.
“You can call me Lisa dear, I’m so happy you make my son happy, welcome to the family (Y/N),” Mrs Dolan said.
“Yeah, welcome to the family, (Y/N)” Ethan and Cameron said as the wrapped me in a hug.
“Mom this is my boyfriend, Grayson,” I said as I brought my mom into the group.
Everyone hugged each other and we all began talking.
“As much as I love that everyone is getting along, I think Grayson and I would love to take a shower and change because these clothes are kind of dirty,” I said with a slight laugh.
“Yeah y’all go ahead and shower at our house and after we can all have a welcome back dinner,” Mrs Dolan said as she grabbed my mothers hand. We all walked to Mrs Dolans car and I took a deep breath and got in and held onto Graysons hand the whole entire time. For once in my life I didn’t feel afraid of cars, as long as I had Grayson.
When we got to Grayson’s house we got out and Cameron handed me a pair of her clothes to borrow since I had none on and I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on and on hot water. I stripped out of the dirty clothes and finally looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was matted and my body was covered in dirt and small bruises. I took a deep breath and took a step into the shower and let the hot water wash the dirt off of my body. My muscles relaxed under the pressure of the water. I ran my fingers through my hair and felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.
“You know, you look beautiful as ever,” Grayson said with a smirk as he placed gentle butterfly kissed up and down my neck.
“Hmmm, our parents are downstairs, Gray,” I said as I felt his hard on pressed against the curve of my ass. My own arousal began to grow as he continued his kisses down my neck. He turned my body around and pressed me up against the shower wall.
“Guess you’re going to have to be quiet then huh beautiful,” he said and lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist.
“Make it quick, my love, wouldn’t want to keeep them waiting for us, after all we are the main attraction,” I said raspidly as he gently entered into me.
“Of course, my queen,” he said as he pressed his lips on mine as he picked up his speed.
“I love you so much, Grayson,” I moaned softly out as I dragged my nails up his back.
“I love you more, (Y/N), more than you’ll ever know,” he said as he placed his head in between my shoulder blade and neck.
I felt my orgasm approach and I smashed my lips against his to drown out my moans as I felt my release. Shortly after my own, he release into me and slowly pulled out and sat me back down on the ground.
“That was amazing, I think I’m addicted to you,” Grayson said as he began to wash my hair for me.
“I think I’m addicted to you as well, thank you for that, I needed it,” I said as I leaned back into his relaxing touches.
He rinsed our my hair and washed my body before washing his own hair and body. We turned off the water and got out and dried off. I pulled on the pair of skinny jeans and forest green sweater that Cameron had give me on my body and brushed my hair into a braid. Grayson wore a simple black shirt and a pair of green pants.
“Wow, you look absolutely stunning,” Grayson said as he placed a gently kiss on my lips.
“Thank you baby, you look absolutely handsome, now let’s go spend time with our family,” I said as I gripped his hand.
The rest of the night we spent time catching up, nobody spoke once about the games, they were understanding on we would talk about it when we were ready. That night Grayson proposed to me and of course I said Yes. I guess some good did come out of bad.
This is it! Wow I can’t believe this is the final part of the main series. Thank you to everyone who has supported this series and I hope you enjoy this series. If you have any concepts I would love to write them. I love you all and thank you for the support.
Tags: @dolanshellyes @graysavant @graydolan12 @flowery-dolan @dolan-bliss @justordinaryjen @dickdowndolan @dolans4lyfe @lanelessdolan @pineappledols @reblogserpent @frickin-bats @cautiouscalum @grays-laugh @youtuberimagines12 @minecraftgamerr @wrcn9fvlcver @buildermangray @highoffdolan @beautorigin
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ninamontagutbordas · 4 years
The first time I joined Facebook, I was thirteen years old. It was 2008 at the time and none of the existing social media platforms were a big thing in Spain yet. I had a total of seven facebook friends and I only used it to talk to my sister, who introduced me to the social network, while she was away during the summer. Actually, facebook was just a great solution to connect with people traveling or living abroad.
I didn’t understand the power of social media then and, to be honest, it’s still difficult for me to have an accurate understanding of how its power can affect people. It sure has affected me countless times to the point where social media was controlling the way I felt and, it still controls me sometimes.
I am about to turn twenty-five and I am very happy with who I’ve become this past decade. Obviously, I had to go through all the faces the majority of kids go through between the ages of fifteen and the mid-twenties (hopefully I’m not the only one!): I was a stupid teenager at times (to be fair, sometimes still am), there were moments were I behaved as a bad daughter, a bad sister, a bad friend, a bad girlfriend and as a bad “all the roles that a human being can possibly be”, but, still, I am very happy with who I am today and I have forgiven myself for all the damage I may have made.
During this past decade, I’ve managed to create different abilities that helped me understand a bit more how to navigate the awkward early twenties, such as pushing away toxicity, standing up for myself, accepting constructive criticism, and facing mistakes as soon as possible.
BUT, what if social media is dictating what’s toxic and what’s not, when do I need to stand up for myself and when I don’t, which criticism is constructive and which is not and which are the things I should see as mistakes and which are not?
It got me thinking.
I feel like the power of this digital “era” we are living in (is it even an era anymore or at this point is just our reality?) has brought us a lot of good, but also a lot of bad. There have been moments in my life where I found social media was actually very dangerous for me and reflecting on it now, I think my experience may be helpful to some of you as well.  
At the beginning of this crazy 2020, I was in a very bad place. I had just quitted a job that was very damaging for me, I wasn’t comfortable with the way I looked, and I felt very isolated from the important things in life. I have suffered from severe anxiety since I was twelve and had to learn to manage that at a very early stage in my life, but it had never been as bad as it was in January. First world problems? Indeed. I totally agree, but it was a very dark period of time for myself and there was nothing I could do to feel better -or at least I thought so-.
I have the most amazing parents and the most amazing family, a great group of friends who have always supported me no matter what and I had a great loving boyfriend who not once made me feel non-deserving of a happiness that seemed impossible to reach at the time. My support system wasn’t the problem.
SO, why wasn’t I happy?
I knew I had to stop complaining and start doing things that would make me feel better, which would make me heel. Had I known at the time social media was a key element to get there, it would have been a lot easier.  
My body had changed a lot during the past few years, I wasn’t exercising, and I handled my anxiety by eating literally my feelings. My pants didn’t fit, my body was way different than my friend’s bodies (yeah, I know, “don’t compare yourself to others” and “all bodies are beautiful” but still, we all know how it works) and I felt very insecure in general. I never have had the patience or the strength before to beat my laziness and it’s safe to say I had zero trust in myself then, but again, it was time. I had to do something.
I decided to start a severe diet.
If you know me, you know I have had a terrible habit in the past where I start things and never finish them, so of course, I didn’t think I was going to go through with an entire diet. I didn’t see myself capable.
It took me six months and nine days to finally feel healthy and good again, but I did it. (Two out of six months I was quarantined at home, which was not great neither mentally nor physically for the process I was going through). I discovered a lot of myself during that time though.
However, not everything I discovered was actually good, believe it or not. I discovered a lot of bad stuff and not necessarily was I aware of all the negative inputs I was receiving from the internet. One of those things was the social media strategies to engage with users in the wrong way and how that can control a person’s feelings. I was a victim of social media.
During the lockdown, I had to beat my anxiety in different ways so that none of them lead me up to interrupting the diet-plan my doctor had provided me. I had a commitment to myself and the more I proved myself wrong, the better I felt. I’m not a quitter and I wasn’t a quitter back then, but I just didn’t know it yet.
One of the ways to beat my anxiety, strangely enough, was sitting home to my computer and lose myself on social media, as many of us did during the quarantine. Without even noticing it, I ended up falling into a rabbit hole: Instagram food accounts.
Isn’t it so paradoxical? I was doing a diet but still, I was spending my hours looking at thousands of videos of people baking cakes, cooking pasta, and reading recipes I know I couldn’t have as long as I wanted to keep doing this.
Some said I should be proud of myself - being able to look at these videos and not once cheat or interrupt my diet is a great way “to train my strength”. I fully disagree. To me, this was not about strength, to me this was about how the channels in my brain had been educated to think this was normal behavior. It was not. Social media was tempting me.
What I’ve realized through this process is that, it wasn’t actually my choice whether to stop looking at them or not. The less I wanted to see, the more videos I had access to because of the complexity of the social media algorithms. They decided I needed to see that kind of content.
Social media was proving myself and it became an interesting yet dangerous dynamic for me, which is why I find myself writing down this essay. For months, I’ve been having conversations with my parents and my friends about the danger of social media.
BUT, where is the real danger?
In the months that followed, I was starting to feel better. Actually, I was feeling pretty good. Not just physically, but also mentally. I was better than ever and people around me started noticing the inside glow I was feeling.
The problem is that feeling good and being in charge of your own life are two very different things. I was happy but my life was not under control, quite the opposite. I wasn’t in control. Social media algorithms were controlling me.
That’s when it got tricky for me – How could I be the happiest I’ve ever been but feel so frustrated? Was I really happy? Was I pretending to be happy because everyone else seemed so happy? Was I really being myself or was I just pretending to be somebody who I wasn’t? Was social media training myself to think I was happy? Was social media LYING to me?
All of these questions were hunting me, and I just did not know what to do. I was back in shape yet all the pictures I saw on Instagram of these beautiful women in their amazing bikinis during their amazing vacations made me feel self-conscious about myself.
Why did I do this diet? Did I do it for myself or for the benefit of a social network that had thousands of pictures of myself where I could prove to people graphically I had lost a lot of weight?
Social media has an interesting way to make people feel bad and create this interesting millennial feeling of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) – the problem is, we only share 10% of what’s really going on with us. That’s why it was important to me to share this story – I wanted to use social media in a different way. Maybe I’m oversharing, but at least I’m oversharing in a true and authentic way, not in an unrealistic scenario.
A while ago, I decided I would delete all the pictures on my Instagram page and I was only going to leave there the ones that captured the moments where I was really happy and really present. From around 600 pictures I had posted over the years, I chose around 20. They could stay. Twenty-something pictures that reminded me of the important things in life, at least the important things to me. But then I said to myself: “Did I just chose when I felt happy because I deleted some Instagram pictures? This makes me so sad”.
Going through these old pictures, I could clearly tell how my body has changed “for the better” this past nine months but I realized very quickly something very unexpected - I was really happy back then. For sure I had that puffy face and a bigger body, but I was really happy and really secure. And that’s when I realized, social media was dictating what should I do and who I should be. Not because I decided to, but because I allowed it to. 
The thing is that I don’t feel threatened by social media itself. I feel threatened by the way we consume digital content without even thinking of the impact this can have not only on ourselves but on others. 
We get carried away because we don’t use social media in a smart way. We use it to compare ourselves and our life with others, directly or indirectly, whether we like it or not. We don’t consume media to complete ourselves with information and use it for our own profits. We consume media to fill the blanks we are missing in our journeys. 
I’m scared of how fast the world is evolving and how fast digital progress is happening. Let’s see where my relationship with the internet stands in five years when my twenties are over. Until then, I’ll try to use social media for the benefit of the people around me. I feel like we all have a responsibility and, I’m going to commit to it.  
The question is, are you?
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mintedwitcher · 4 years
I know its been a while but this is a really important post regarding the tiktok creator romaarmy, so please take the time to read this, follow the links in this post, and go through the evidence that has been compiled by these two women against romaarmy.
Romaarmy is run by a woman named Chloe Sunderland. She runs an illegal, unregistered "charity" through which she is scamming men in particular to give her money, which she then spends on herself.
Chloe has a history of violent behaviour, particularly to women. In one video that I'll link below, she is harassing a pregnant woman and telling her to abort it because the mother is "poor and ugly". Chloe also claims that the baby's father is her ex partner(?) and that this man has Chloe's nudes on his phone. Chloe tells this woman that Chloe herself, and her child, will "always be first in his heart, not you". And a host of other horrible insults.
Chloe also has a history of doxxing anyone with opposing views, or anyone who even remotely tries to speak against her, even men, who she claims to speak on behalf of. She rallies her "army" (followers, many of whom are minors) and sends them off to mass report, doxx, threaten and harass her opponents. The two women I'll be linking to below have BOTH been victims of this, and they both have multiple videos with evidence from other people who have experienced this same form of attack.
Chloe also has a patreon page, where she posts nsfw content. She then encourages her audience - again, many of which are MINORS - to go and subscribe to her patreon. Her patreon is NOT listed as explicit, there are NO warnings to new subscribers. She is deliberately exposing herself to minors and scamming money from them to do it.
Chloe has also been keeping private information like IDs and addresses from the people who subscribe to her patreon, and she has probably done this on other platforms as well. This is a direct violation of patreons ToS, as you're not allowed to keep identifying information from subscribers.
She has repeatedly told people to kill themselves, both in her regular videos and in her livestreams (during which she allegedly lets her very young daughter walk around naked in the background of; 90% of her audience is male, and she is exposing a young child to them).
I've already talked on a previous post about her misogyny and her violent attitudes towards women, but its also worth noting that she believes men should be allowed to force women into staying pregnant for the man's sake.
There are claims that she is currently under investigation by the FBI for fraud, child pornography, and other things, but I haven't been able to confirm or deny that.
Chloe allows, encourages, and houses "proud boys" on her page. Yes. THOSE ones.
Chloe has also recently released a video wherein she heavily implies that COVID19 is a government lie.
I'm going to link to the two women who have been working hard to debunk and discredit Chloe by exposing her dishonesty, and I really hope that everyone reading this takes the time to click through and see the evidence for themselves.
This woman, Chloe Sunderland, AKA romaarmy (and her side account, romaarmybackup), is a danger to everyone she comes in contact with.
(Disclaimer: I do NOT condone anyone sending hate or being cruel to her; all I want is for her to be reported and taken down. She is a predator, a liar, a scammer, and a violent misogynist. Please do not support her, please do not listen to her. Please help us take her down.)
Below: a video by royalrudemood with screencaps of Chloe Sunderland sending rude, hateful and violent messages to a pregnant woman
Below: royalrudemood on tiktok, she has several videos up where she is exposing Chloe's followers for their violence, as well as many callouts and links to other people's callouts aimed at Chloe herself. (This account is also where I came across the info that Chloe may currently be under investigation, once again I cannot confirm or deny this)
Below: a video by hellcathysteria wherein she is searching through a charity database for the so called charity that Chloe Sunderland runs
Below: hellcathysteria on tiktok. This woman has been doing a lot of work in debunking and disproving Chloe's videos, and calling out misinformation, violence and bigotry on Chloe's page
Below: a video by hellcathysteria with screencaps from Chloe's doxxing victims. This includes a screenshot of Chloe saying she would like to burn down someone's home AND asking for the address of said home
Both of the pages Ive linked here have numerous videos talking about Chloe and the roma army scam, and I think this is some really important and valuable information that does need to be preserved elsewhere.
Please take a moment to go through these videos and pages and get the facts about Chloe Sunderland.
If I find more information on the situation I'll add it to this thread.
And please if you take this information on board, do not engage with romaarmy; you will be doxxed and threatened by her fanbase or by her personally. Please be careful. Block and report this woman. She NEEDS to be taken down.
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crazycoke-addict · 5 years
The Gabbie Hanna Drama
YouTube is a platform where creators can create content and videos that people will be interested in watching. Many times, creators will use click bait as their title and the thumbnail can be somewhat over exaggerated. YouTube are also in different communities as well. You got your beauty community which contains Jeffree Star, James Charles, Michelle Phan etc. The Gamers which have Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and Pewdipie. But today, the community I want to talk about is the storytimers because many Youtubers are part of that community are some low-key drama. Storytimers in which the majority of them are females talks about things that happened to them in the past or just recently in order to get views. storytimers are most likely to have a messed up childhood and can’t seem to stay of child and the story mostly includes them making dumb decisions. Although many people actually enjoy watching this community, storytimers can be somewhat untrustworthy. Because they are over exaggerating an incident that happened to them it makes the viewers feel skeptical and wonder what happened to them as they said is true or not. This also will follow them If they are stuck controversy as well. When reading that part, the first you can think of is Tana Mongeau. A 21 year old Youtubers who makes storytime videos and have been a fair share of controversy as well. However this topic isn’t about Tana Mongeau, not this is about another storytimer whom is similar to Tana and that is Gabbie Hanna.
Gabbie Hanna is a youtuber that I did frequently watch at one time but stopped because I found other entertaining Youtubers. Like Tana, Gabbie has made storytime videos and also over exaggerates in her videos just like other any storytimers would. Before going on youtube, Gabbie was a viner. An platform where you can make a video only 16 seconds. However when Vine was shutdown, many of the vines went to YouTube including Gabbie Hanna herself. This gave Gabbie an opportunity to talk about things that happened to her in the past or even just three months ago. Because Gabbie was popular on vine many people had their opinions on her already. Gabbie is 50/50, some love her while others not so much and like Tana, Gabbie has been in controversies which gives people many opinions on her. The biggest one would have to be the incident between her and ricegum. They were at a party, Gabbie was trying to get ricegum to do a rap battle with her, other stuff were mentioned and ricegum broke Gabbie’s phone. This incident happened in 2017 and Gabbie has been in a few controversies like when she faked herself being in coachella and when she encouraged her fans to buy these brushes from a website called but many fans were scammed and got these cheap-like brushes instead. Since than she hasn’t been in any controversies for past 10 months.... until now.
Gabbie has been into another controversy from both different people in different dramas. Trisha Paytas And Jessi Smiles. The first one being with Youtuber Trisha Paytas And the feud between the two is more high school drama. Trisha makes a video talking about how Gabbie told Jason that Trisha had STDs and according to Trisha, she doesn’t have them. Gabbie responded by saying that she didn’t say Trisha had STDs, a close friend of Trisha told her and didn’t know whether or not it was true. She only told Jason Nash whom was dating Trisha Paytas about it so he could be more careful. At one point, Gabbie says that Trisha has been harassing another youtuber Gabi demartino Trisha saw the tweets from Gabbie Hanna and publicly said that she was suing Gabbie Hanna for defamation. There were other things that happened in the drama, but they aren’t that important and also not surprising at the same time. The controversy didn’t end there for Gabbie Hanna and another had come to centre, this time a bit more serious. Gabbie and another youtuber named Jessismiles were at one point, they made videos together and so on. The two had a falling out and are known longer friends. It’s unknown why they aren’t friends anymore but after this recent conflict that Jessi talks about in her recent video, the friendship will be shattered.
Now before explain what happen and my opinions, I do have a controversial opinion. I didn’t want to be another James Charles vs Tati Westbrook drama because that’s what it feels like to be honest. The people are similar but the drama however is different. Tati And Jessi are both Youtubers who not many people know unless because they aren’t well-known like James and Gabbie. They are both rarely in drama which makes people believe them because of this. When Tati made that video called “Bye Sister” and accused of all the things that James did without any reciepts we took her word for it. James And Gabbie are well known Youtubers and gone through a lot of scandals and controversy. So before I watched Jessi’s video that were my mind went to however after finished watching the video and reading the DMs that will be mentioned as well as the statement, I’ve come to realise that James and Gabbie are shown to be different when it comes to defending themselves and trying to save their careers.
Jessi made a video called “Gabbie Hanna needs to be stopped” and in the video it has a lot of exposure on who Gabbie truly is as a person when the camera isn’t on. In the video, Jessi mentions Trisha’s video and one thing that Trisha says how scared she of Gabbie Hanna which gave Jessi anxiety and what Gabbie did yesterday prior to when the video was posted that made her crossed the line. Jessi explains a former fan of Gabbie posted a tweet stating how Gabbie chose Curtis Lepore over Jessi and publicly defended him. If many of you don’t know, in 2014 Curtis Lepore went to the police station to confessed that he raped Jessi while she was unconscious. Gabbie decided to DM Deanna and asked why do people believe that she defended him. Deanna let Gabbie tell her side of the story whether or not if she was ever friends with Curtis. When Gabbie tells her story. She rarely mentions Curtis but instead brings up her friendship to what Deanna was saying. When reading the messages between Gabbie and Deanna, Gabbie seems to be avoiding any questions involving around her alleged friendship with Curtis and instead sneers about Jessi and their friendship they once have. Gabbie also explains how she got an unknown caller which turned out to be Curtis who rang and apologise to her if he was ever mean to her in the past. Jessi explains that part was true but the conversation happened face to face while she was hanging out with Curtis’ friends not through phone because that’s what Gabbie told her. During this part of the video, Jessi seems to be hurt and betrayed. Jessi told Gabbie how messed up it was for Gabbie to hang out with him and his friends. Gabbie defended herself by saying she was only hanging out with his friends and he happened to be there and according to Jessi, Gabbie said to her, “Jessi, his friends didn’t rape you”. It hard to know whether or not this part is true, this wasn’t through text messages but actually through a face to face conversation. Gabbie however said she doesn’t remember saying that. It’s normal for us to not remember things that we have said in the past because apparently the average person speaks somewhere in between 125 to 150 per minute, but interesting that one person can remember while the other person who said it can’t. In that context itself, Gabbie is implying that just because one person caused you trauma doesn’t mean you should punish everyone else around him. However it’s not case for Jessi and people who are victims of rape. They chose to still remain friends with Curtis after what he had confessed and done meaning they are just as equally bad as Curtis. So seeing someone that considered to be friend one time decided to hangout with his friends, Jessi felt hurt by Gabbie for actually doing something that. Although Jessi never bought this up, but another youtuber by the name of ReadytoGlare did however. n the DMs, Gabbie brings up that she lost a lot of friends due to her siding with Jessi during the whole “rape drama”. This rubbed people the wrong way says a lot about Gabbie Hanna. Using the term “rape drama” shows that Gabbie thinks that what happened to Jessi isn’t that big of deal and she only side with her not because she was a good friend but saw Jessi as an experiment she needed to fix. Because Gabbie lost her friends, Gabbie is probably regretting ever siding with Jessi and wonder what could’ve been if she sided with Curtis Lepore instead. Remind you that Gabbie said that she became friends with Jessi after the allegation became public.
During the video, Jessi explains that Gabbie would always paint Jessi as a crazy peris a video that made two years where she mentioned that this person (Jessi) who she’ll be talking about as being a crazy person and somewhat psychotic who is emotionally unstable that Gabbie was destine to fix. However it gets worse when Gabbie told Deanna that Jessi said that she took meds to explain her behaviour and also why she keeps lying. At this moment, Gabbie crossed the line. When it come mental health, it’s none of our business what people like Jessi in how they treat their mental illness unless they are opened to talk about it. Gabbie is also seen as a hypocrite and even belittles by saying that because Jessi takes meds, we shouldn’t take her word whenever Jessi speaks out. The reason why Gabbie looks like hypocrite is because she’s mental health advocate but now it only seems that she’s mental advocate when it benefits her. Gabbie explains in a story on how nice she is despite the fact that she made a tweet talking about how you don’t have proof to people that you’re honest, nice or generous. Gabbie is doing something similar to what Jake Paul after the amounts of hate he was receiving in 2017 by making a music video and list the good things he’s done. Because Gabbie didn’t practice what she preach, it’s hard for people to see as this nice person considered what she did to Deanna and Jessi. Deanna made a statement saying that Gabbie was doing what her abusive boyfriend did by manipulating her and also gaslighting her as well. Gabbie gaslights Deanna by trying to make her feel bad for making the tweet about her defending Curtis without any proof or evidence. Although there isn’t evidence that Gabbie publicly defending Curtis, it’s possible that she secretly supported him in private. The only people who can give us this information are curtis’ friends. I also found out that Curtis was arrested on September 18 2013 and the tweets that Gabbie mentions Curtis send in which people have been using as evidence were both posted on September 24th 2013 and December 4th 2013.
Earlier I brought up on why people skeptical when storytimers like Tana or even Gabbie tell a story about what happened to them because there might a big gap in their story like when they are in a controversy and they don’t hold themselves accountable or even tell the full story and they think people are going to accept it. Their fans might but everyone else would not. Like I said before about the James Charles Situation and how he is different to Gabbie when it comes to saving his career is because James Charles used the reverse and debunked all the evidence and clear up the misunderstanding while Gabbie doesn’t do any of that and did something similar like what Jake Paul did.
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Notes on Season 15- Part 1 (contains spoilers, are mostly complaints about Torres), and are my personal opinions, don’t @ me)
Since Season 15 started rerunning in Australia on 19 November, I’ve decided to write down things I forgot or would like to emphasise upon:
Family Ties (originally Ep. 13, but for some reason it aired as Ep. 12)
Kayla #3 makes her first appearance
Ouch, poor Jimmy
Yuck, Torres is just so sleazy (plus hanging Bishop out to dry, again?)
That court-ordered breathalyser thing should be put in every car (or at least on the first offence rather than repeat offenders)
What sort of idiot would leave their garage unlocked with the keys in the car
Aww, Jackie mention
I love Sloane and Vance’s friendship
Abby doing the same thing she did to Tony and Ziva!
Plot twist, anyone?
‘Shave and a Haircut’, nice knock
Nice inspiration from ‘Family First’ there
More Sloane-and-Faith foreshadowing
Kayla is such a good person- she takes after her parents in loyalty and friendship, among many other things
Vance is such a good father, and it really showed throughout the episode
NCIS is always great at incorporating legal issues into episodes, just like this one
Keep Your Friends Close (originally Ep. 14, but for some reason it aired as Ep. 13)
Stop showing off, Torres
Go, McGee
Classic Fornell humour, I’ve missed it
Fornell and Vance annoying Gibbs will never get old
Poor Gibbs- I’d be acting the exact same way
Aww, Jimmy
Another example of why military personnel, and Americans in general, need better healthcare (not to say that nobody else needs better healthcare, but the US’ is notoriously poor)
Abby’s bedtime story for the twins was so cute
I feel sorry for Hicks’ lawyer
Do all prisons give inmates clothes with their name on them?
Reeves definitely doesn’t believe McGee
I’m with Bishop- that place sounds awesome
I absolutely love Fornell, and I gotta say, this new look is really working for him
Vance, you’re the absolute best
‘brass mole’ is my new favourite phrase
Poor Fornell
That’s usually what ‘victim’ means, lady, and you’re a total asshole for getting a married guy to cheat on his wife
I’m on the wife’s side- she deserves jail time, sure, but she should also get the life insurance money
Fornell and Gibbs have such a great friendship
Keep Your Enemies Closer (originally Ep. 15, but for some reason it aired as Ep. 14)
Being insensitive and showing off- two of Torres’ most prized qualities
Seriously, Torres? Stealing food again, ugh
Hicks really is a great villain
Reeves’ Brummie accent is fascinating when you listen to it properly
Oof, poor McGee- that’s gotta hurt
I love how Fornell rubs the getting-fired in Gibbs’ face every opportunity he gets
I feel sorry for Vance, having to put up with everything the team does
Bishop and Reeves standing close together again, aww
Jimmy is such a good friend
That’s what blowing your nose is for, idiot- also, go Fornell
That was a probie move, McGee
Fornell and Gibbs save the day!
Triff had great lines this episode
Double Down (originally Ep. 10, but for some reason it aired as Ep. 15)
Bishop being intentionally annoying to get the case was great
Chet, while funny, is not someone I’d be want to be stuck with
I miss Analyst Bishop
Bishop and McGee’s sibling bond is the best
Torres has been rubbing off on Bishop way too much, and I do not like it
Stop being such an asshole, Torres- Sloane knows the area way better than you
Can something be uncalled-for but fair at the same time?
The Senator getting shot while saving Chet? Oof
Ouch, hiding stuff from Vance is not good
Poor Senator
Don’t be so dramatic and time-wasting, Torres- nobody likes or appreciates it
Pretty good scam, but pretty illegal (and by ‘pretty’ I mean ‘very’)
NCIS is great at doing emotional moments
Handle With Care
Torres should know by now that you should save everything work-related, especially if it’s financial
Writing a helicopter off as a company car is a power move
The care-package organisation is such a sweet thing
Bishop and Reeves’ standing-close-together is on par with Tony and Ziva’s
Torres, this is nobody’s fault but yours
This Dexter guy is like the Fox News of podcasts, if my knowledge of US TV channels is accurate
I hate it how people shit on the military all the time, especially if they have no idea what it’s like
Go, Gibbs- this guy’s an asshole, and besides, his teeth creep me out
Ugh, seriously, Torres? Neglecting work for personal stuff again
Sloane and Vance are such a great brotp (Voane? Slance?)
That takedown was amazing
Torres is so insufferable
The Sloane-and-John scenes had a lot of foreshadowing to the Faith reveal
One Man’s Trash
Kasie’s first episode!
Don’t be so judgemental, Torres
This Wyatt guy’s collection is pretty impressive
Oof, a stolen war stick is not good
Shut up, Torres
Abby’s lollipop idea was so sweet
God, Torres is such an asshole
Ducky and Kasie have such a cute relationship already
Kasie being a huge Abby fan was super-relatable, and their hug was so cute
It’s pretty cool how they incorporated American Pickers into the episode
Death From Above
At least Ducky’s book is going over better than Deep Six did
Torres is so disrespectful- at the bare minimum he could’ve read at least one page, and not complained loudly for everyone to hear
Trust Torres to slack off and find something to do other than work
Senior! I almost forgot he was in this episode
Reeves is so much taller than everyone else and it’s kinda hilarious- also, he’s honestly the sweetest person ever
Way to state the obvious, Torres
NYB mention, so sad
Poor Reeves, I’d be reacting the exact same way
Aww, Senior protecting Abby (and lying pretty well)
Torres wouldn’t get into half the problems he does if he listened and followed orders once in a while
Seriously, Torres? Yuck, also you’re a terrible liar (but Lady Bait is a great song/piece of music, I gotta admit)
Ari mention, ouch
Is Torres incapable of not having a massive, pigheaded ego for even one second?
Sloane shrinking Leslie was super-awesome
Vance saves the day!
Gibbs knows better than to tell two different people two different lies- I wonder why he did
The scene with Bishop, Jimmy and Vance in the lab was peak comedy
Was the Burke guy talking like Batman on purpose?
The directing of this episode was incredible
The Numerical Limit
Torres has been rubbing off on Bishop way too much
Another day, another insensitive remark
LVM mention!
I don’t like Asshole Bishop as much as Analyst Bishop
Again with Torres assuming that he has a monopoly on speaking more than one language
The ‘bleachorexic’ conversation instantly reminded me of McGee when he over-bleached his teeth
Oof, taking Reeves down is not easy feat
I don’t know why anyone would want or need their own mattress salesman, but you do you, Sloane
I’d absolutely love a whole truck full of icecream
I don’t envy Vance’s situation- he has to be the example even when it sucks
Cue the tears
This episode conveyed such an important message and issue- refugees are such a contentious topic
Sight Unseen
Hypocrite much, Torres?
This is just like the sick lieutenant all over again, ugh
Abby and Reeves have such a sweet friendship- it sucks that we didn’t get to see more of it
I love Petty Sloane
Yuck, can he be any more of an insensitive asshole?
That is a really big tooth
Torres always has to ruin nice moments by opening his big fat mouth
Why is it that lawyers are always involved in the crime
Ugh, the end scene was so awkward
One Step Forward
Neglecting work to slack off yet again
Slance brotp ftw!
Abby’s so sweet- ‘angel in platform shoes’ is right
Poor Reeves, this resonates so much with him and it’s so heartbreaking
The foreshadowing was so sad, especially because we didn’t know it was at the time
Ouch, poor Jimmy
Reeves is the best, I want to cry (I am)
That scene was terrible to watch
Sweetest scene ever
Homeless vets is such a terrible issue, and so unfair- it’s great whenever NCIS features it in an episode
Two Steps Back
I’m digging Fornell’s look (and this poker group)
The reveal was terrible
Aww, Gibbs
Bishop crying made me cry even more
Jimmy and McGee being brothers, aww
Post-autopsy Reeves was even worse than pre-
You have to be nice to Major Mass Spec, Torres- you should know that by now
Tony being Tony
McGee’s voice breaking was tear-inducing
McGee helping Abby with her pigtails was so sweet
Rolodex- now there’s a word I haven’t heard in a while
What do you know, Torres is stating the obvious
‘Wild Goose’ was honestly so funny
Torres is a total dumbass for getting himself trapped in the coffin- he should’ve known Abby would try to trick him somehow (and in a really funny way at that)
Gibbs trying not to smile was hilarious
The in-depth flashback of the shooting was horrible, especially seeing Reeves die
Abby talking to Reeves in Autopsy made me cry so hard
Caf-POW! pills was ingenious
The parallels between these café scenes and in Toxic were so clever and sad at the same time, especially the dialogue
I cried non-stop for the rest of the episode when I watched it for the first time, and I still am now
Abby’s apartment was awesome, and I love how things from past seasons were incorporated- it was so bittersweet seeing all the memories
They really pulled out all the stops in this episode with bringing characters back, and it was so special for Abby’s last episode
The acting in this episode was amazing, and the flashbacks made me cry so much
Torres is so bigheaded
Reeves mention, so painful
I love the way Vance delivers lines
Was Torres the landlord?
Snarky Gibbs!
Aaah, so sad
Bishop and Reeves had such a great friendship
Jimmy time! I love it when he gets moments to shine
I love it when Sloane says ‘hiya’
Deep Six mention!
Poor Phil, that’s one of the worst-ever situations to be in
Aww, that photo is so sweet
Kasie is babie
Phil has BFE (Big Fornell Energy), right down to the puttanesca- I’m glad he wasn’t a one-time character bc he’s great
Date With Destiny
What would Torres know about being handsome
Vance is so supportive, I love his and Sloane’s friendship
Shannon’s birthday, so sad
It’s a ship, not a boat- you tell him, McGee
I’m loving Kasie’s taste in music
Bishop and Sloane are another great brotp
Aww, Admiral mention
Damn straight Torres is sexist- and incorrect, remember the S1 episode with the explosiver hersteller who faked her memory loss (yes, I know Torres wasn’t there then so he likely wouldn’t know, but anyway the main point is that he’s sexist)?
Kasie’s so adwarkable
Not good
Sloane’s got a great innocent face
Jimmy and Kasie have such a great friendship already
That’s such a terrible thing to live through- Sophie’s choices suck, especially when it’s two lives
It’s Ziva’s ‘death’ all over again- no body, no proof
That was incredible, showing the effects of PTSD and how it affects people
Ya think, Torres?
I almost forgot he kidnapped Vance
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