#a lot of sense for us and about people making up stupid labels like demisexual
Honestly I'm lucky to have found my girlfriend for so so so so many reasons but POLITICALLY??? I thought my best bet would be someone who tolerated us having debates on feminism because I don't fit neatly in any of the intra-feminist intra-lgbt (too feminist for one, too much of a trans ally for the other) ideological camps but no, we just agree on 95% of things. How? Like genuinely how?
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exalok · 3 years
Some Thoughts, as previously mentioned
specifically about daud, his aceness or non-aceness, how it relates to mine, and the limits of my writing -- partly in response to your letter, anonymous
under readmore because this might get long and so you can skip it if you’d rather
okay so. i would like to clarify that i’m going to say stuff that contradicts the things you said, and um, i don’t want you to feel bad about it? maybe you won’t and this is a silly disclaimer to lay down. or maybe you will but for other reasons than what i’m trying to avoid by saying this. what i mean to say is i did have an intention going in to most of my daud-fic, which isn’t the one you seem to believe, but also the author is dead and that intention doesn’t matter if it can’t be seen from the reader’s point of view
specifically, what i’m contradicting is “changing a character’s sexuality” -- i am going to explain my intention, and what i think the problems are with that intention, and if i remember to i will finish by reconnecting it all to what i think of the ace discourse (hopefully i won’t do this entirely backwards in an effort to contextualize)
to be honest the intentions were probably multiple and this is why i confuse myself and leave it unclear.
1) sex is fascinating in what it can show about two characters, and it’s meaty and physical without necessarily getting gory (though i enjoy toeing the line, dunno what that says about me), and it’s considered this Huge Thing by so many of my peers/family/etc or this average entirely normal thing by others of my peers/family/etc all at once and the problem with that heaping pile of contradiction is there is a lot for me to process but i absolutely cannot while anyone else is in the room for various reasons (embarrassment, fear, anxiety, incomprehension) and so the solution is facing it on my own, hence writing -- but also my entire brain latched on to dishonored and specifically corvo & daud, and they have become a comfortable little nook for me to explore otherwise daunting subjects with. the more i think on it the more i love using them both as a vehicle to explore various facets of identity (sexuality, gender, and i’m making forays into politics maybe)
2) i still like ace!daud. i want ace!daud. i want to figure him out. this is mostly difficult because to figure him out, to make him feel real while also being ace, i need to make him familiar to me -- because if i base myself on outside experience, on hearsay or stereotype, he will feel fake -- and i barely feel familiar to myself. i often don’t understand my own experience. i will simultaneously stare at the smallest little detail of my behavior and have the hardest time focusing on what the hell it means, like the most myopic brain analyst.
the result is i try to have both at once: daud as asexual, and not even necessarily demisexual -- daud not caring much for sex, not always even liking it -- but asking for it anyway for his own reasons, often twisty ones that he’s not necessarily aware of
part of this is because i still have a hard time understanding being sexual as, like, a full-time thing, and the only way i have of translating it is through awkward replays of stuff i’ve seen elsewhere (largely present in how i write corvo these days). there are so many parts that perplex me, and so many things that seem to be assumed in some narratives but not at all in others, and i don’t know what is because of focus and what is because of culture and what is because of reality and what the difference between all of those is anyway
part of it is because i can’t pick and choose to save my life and am forever cursed with making Weird Soup out of all the things i want to think about
conclusion: the intention that comes through is probably primarily the sex one, because that’s the most obvious when i refuse to use modern identity labels for a bunch of dudes who haven’t ever properly thought through that shit -- but also! sometimes! i write things that feel like they contradict how i see ace!daud! and those parts always end up feeling a little wrong, but they’re still there to be read and accepted as part of the narrative and they muddle my attempts even more
so. ace!daud discourse. that definitely existed in my vicinity, and as i automatically absorb most of the stuff that passes me by, yes, it did get to me a little. after all, my intentions are contradictory: i want to write the boning, and i want them to enjoy it, but i also want to explore what it might mean for daud not to like it after all. is that not, on some level, disrespectful? what about his taste for control, the giving and the imposition of it, and its relation to where and how he grew up, and the decisions he made later on? is it wrong for me to want it to make sense? am i thinking about it too hard?? that happens, but also i don’t know. i don’t have enough experience with any of it to have feelings or opinions about how i’m treating the subject beyond “yeah i like where this is going”
i am of the strong opinion that writers should write what they like, even if it’s shitty. i am also of the strong opinion that i’m responsible for trying to think through what i’m writing, and not completely trample people in the process. those two opinions don’t always coexist comfortably.
it doesn’t mean i’ll stop writing -- fuck no, i love words so goddamn much, and i love dishonored beyond reason, and i think that with time i’ll get somewhere where what i’m trying to do will make enough sense to me that i’ll be able to have it show up on the page -- but my early efforts will continue to exist as well, however self-contradictory they are in their underpinnings, and i guess sometimes i just need downtime to reevaluate the whole of my progress
i probably forgot where i was going with this partway through??? but i hope it mostly makes sense. have a glimpse of the gears, whoever managed to get to the end
(oh also i only recently decided to start compiling a little something where the intention actually is having daud not be ace so i can see what i’ll do with that now that i have a bit more understanding under my belt -- they’re very stupid about it, as they usually are)
here’s to hashing out one’s feelings about shit they wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole in real life!!! /sets off fireworks, throws confetti, jumps onto a sled and disappears
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ravipanikkar · 3 years
Hi, I saw your ask to your mutual about you being aromatic/asexual and I hope this isn't too personal or too awkward to ask, but how do you know if you're aromatic/asexual because I feel confused if I am or not❤️️
Hi lovely ❤️
I'm fine talking about it, especially if my experience can help someone else!
At the start of June i said i identify as demiromantic, but something changed since then, let me explain.
When i was younger i used to be pretty sad about not having a boyfriend, i thought i was too ugly to deserve anything, but (don't judge me but that was a person I'm not anymore) i kept seeing people i considered uglier being in a relationship. It took me a while to understand that what i really wanted was a closeness to someone, a bond with another person.
And i had someone. So i should have been in love with her. That was the process, right? But there was nothing more than before, not from me. My feelings for her were always the same, sure i loved her, but the relationship, or whatever that was, didn't make them stronger or different.
That didn't end well and i thought that being alone wasn't that bad. I still think that.
Then, and here i allow you to laugh cause it is a little stupid, i adopted a cat. It took me a while to understand that i care about her in a way i didn't ever care about anyone else, not even family.
It took me her to understand that there are different kind of love. And yes, i did know that, but i hadn't ever felt that! That probably says something on my view of friendship, tho 😂
The thing was i didn't know about aromanticism yet. I have a friend who's asexual, i knew about that and i knew i wasn't, but i kept thinking i was something like that but not quite.
Here is where the 911 fandom arrives.
I saw a post or an edit or something on Eddie being demisexual. I looked it up and in that same page there was a link to demiromantic.
That was a trip!!!! Finally something that explained me!!! Something that made sense!!!! I kept it inside for a while then i said it to @simuliius for the first time ever and it was a pretty big deal to me, but she was wonderful as always.
This was a summary on how i understood I'm something, but how do i know?
I don't. This is who i feel i am now, in this moment, where I'm not even sure i know what love actually means. Maybe I'm not and i did love romantically i just expected more. Maybe i just haven't met someone right for me. Maybe it's a fase.
Even if it is, this is who i am now. 2 months ago i was demiromantic, now i think I'm greyromantic, tomorrow i could be aromantic, who knows!
I'm mostly having fun finding out part of me, spending time thinking about my feelings, analyzing what i am. It's a process that a lot of people have when they're younger, but doing it now it's way better for me. And doing it here on Tumblr is the best.
Sorry for the trip, i don't even know if i answered you properly, but the one thing i can say is that this kind of discovery is a process. One that you can go through alone but you don't have to. It's about you and it should be a good thing.
If you're not sure, if you're questioning that's good too!! If you want a label there are a lot and someone are bigger then other and you can always change it! If you don't that's good too!!!
My sweet anon, I'm so glad you came to me, i feel like a big sister that talks for hours 😂 feel free to dm or ask me anything anytime, on or off anon as you like, i promise i only bite Mist ♥️
I hope this helped even a little bit ❤️
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
This is going to sound weird, but I think I'm an ace?? I don't really know though. I've looked it up before and it's kinda confusing all the labels and such, but also makes sense to me??? Since the description says carey is an ace, could you please explain it? Like what's it about, and how did carey find out she was one? How does she know that she's not Pan? Does she come out to others? Sorry if this is a bad ask :(
Hi, Anon! Well, like Carewyn, I identify with the asexual spectrum, though I’m still romantic...so hopefully going into my experiences (which colored Carey’s) might help? Naturally everyone’s experience is a little different, even if they’re the same or a similar sexuality, but sometimes one can find common ground. all the same.
First things first, one must split asexuality up into some categories, for it is a spectrum:
Asexuality (Ace) is feeling little to no sexual attraction. One can feel romantic or even aesthetic attraction even if they don’t have much interest in or are actively disinterested in sex. Some ace people are also sex-repulsed, meaning they are actively turned-off by sex, but a lot of ace people aren’t. People who are asexual can still have sex or masturbate and even enjoy it, but generally don’t have as much interest in it as straight/gay/bi/lesbian/pan/etc. (A.K.A. allosexual, meaning “feeling any kind of sexual attraction”) people do. Some people on the asexual spectrum like to use this word rather than any of the following terms as it’s the most all-encompassing and recognizable, even though asexuality in general still isn’t very well-understood in mainstream society.
Demisexuality (Demi-Ace) is only feeling sexual attraction after creating a close emotional bond with someone.
Graysexuality (Gray-A) is only feeling sexual attraction very sparingly or in limited amounts.
Asexuality can also be refined further depending on what if any kind of romantic attraction one feels.
Some asexuals don’t feel any romantic attraction at all. These people are asexual/aromantic, or aro-ace. These sorts of people are perfectly happy just experiencing platonic love. They also sometimes enter into what are called queerplatonic relationships, which are individualized and customizable relationships that sort of play with the conventions of what’s generally classified as “romantic” and what’s classified as “friendship” (for instance, some queerplatonic relationships involve hand-holding, others don’t; some involve sex, others don’t; some involve two partners living together, others don’t; some involve exclusivity with one partner, others don’t).
Some asexuals, however, do feel romantic attraction, at which point they can be split in a similar way as sexualities are, except romantically. This is how you get people who are asexual/homoromantic (being romantically attracted to the same gender), asexual/heteroromantic (being romantically attracted to the opposite gender), asexual/biromantic or panromantic (being romantically attracted to multiple genders), and so on.
For me, I only first suspected I might be asexual as an adult, as when I was a teenager I hadn’t even known it was a thing. Before then, I’d been romantically attracted to and dated both a woman and a man, and looking back on my experiences, I was very aware of how much less interest I had in intimacy compared to my partners. I just always found myself getting bored whenever we’d share long, deep kisses or restless whenever we were cuddling too long, even if I really enjoyed being with my partner. Whenever sex would come up, I was just never really that interested -- especially in comparison to how interested I’d be in going out and doing things with my partner, like going to the movies or watching a show or even just having a spirited debate about something. When I was younger as well, I always felt very out-of-the-loop whenever anyone my age gushed about how “hot” a celebrity was or made sexual innuendos. It’s not that I didn’t know what the innuendos meant or that I was a prude, either -- there were plenty of times I’d use those terms myself or write “lemon” fanfictions for my fandoms, to fit in -- but I always felt like the things that drew me to people were different than what drew other people to them. My crushes were almost never about how “sexy” someone was -- if anything, I most frequently ended up getting crushes on people for their singing voices. (Yes, I’m serious. XDDD) I’d also have trouble relating to people talking about a certain woman having a great ass or a certain guy’s muscles because my brain really just doesn’t split people up into pieces like that. I’m much more likely to find someone beautiful because of their sparkling eyes or their bright smile than because of their body -- it’s not that I can’t see someone as beautiful all the way around, but it’s much more of an aesthetic attraction, like one might feel toward a piece of art, than anything that gets you hot and bothered. And it took me a long time before I really could figure out the difference and therefore why I had such difficulty relating to the allosexual people around me. At times it made me feel stupid or, worse, like there was something wrong with me. I felt like maybe I’d just been born missing something, and it made me that much more afraid to even open myself up, because I felt like I wouldn’t be able to be what anyone I might fall in love with would need me to be. Fortunately I learned otherwise, and now I feel a lot better, now that I understand this aspect of myself. It also makes it a lot easier for me to talk about LGBT+ issues and about romantic relationships with other people, now that I can better explain where I fit on the spectrum!
I see Carewyn, like me, only really learning about what asexuality is as an adult, and once she did and did the proper amount of soul-searching, she came out to her friends about her identity. I personally HC her “unofficial twin” and fellow Fireball Charlie Weasley being aro-ace and her future love interest Orion being gray-A, so that definitely helps a bit...and I also HC several of Carewyn’s other friends as LGBT+ too, including her ex-boyfriend Andre Egwu, so they’re all pretty accepting. ^.^
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void-official · 5 years
“Micro-identities/’Mogai/ya’ll literally just be making shit up now” OK. i’m sorry im stuck on this and this is the last i’ll talk about it today bc fuck it. I’m gonna be Real for a second. And it’s going to be awkward, and it’s going to be long, and I’m gonna Lose Follower bc defending micro-labels is Cringe. Whatever. I get it. go ahead and unfollow. The rest of you who actually care. and in the spirit of Pride Month, as someone who feels like they’re almost never allowed to express Pride in who I am? Here we go.
I’m bi. Most of you can probably tell, im not exactly subtle about it.
I’m bi. But
my actual interest in dating or having sex with Anyone has been pretty much negligible for my entire life. I just don’t Care. I never have. Dating and sex seem like a hassle to me and I don’t feel like i’m particularly missing out by not taking part in them. It doesn’t negate my enjoyment of peoples bodies necessarily, nor does it mean I never get crushes on people it just means at the end of the day, my desire to go out there and find people to have sex with and/or date has always been like. really really low. Even if the opportunity was there. And i’ve come to terms with this. I accept this about myself.
There is actually a great deal of overlap between bi and ace identity. all those ‘weird little terms’ like ‘demisexual’ you guys hate so much were originally created for people like me, who feel like they are fundamentally not allowed to call themselves something straightforward like ‘bi’ (or straight/gay/lesbian) without people inevitably screaming at them for Doing It Wrong. So they can describe how they feel in a brief word, instead of having to go through the pains of explaining the complex relationship they have with sexual attraction to every fucking person who asks what their sexuality is.
saying ‘well you should just be able to say bi and leave it at that’ doesn’t actually account for the experiences i have when i Just Say i’m Bi. Even me Just Saying ‘im bi’ i’ve always gotta deal with harassment from people whoget weirdly agressive about -why- i’m not out there fucking or dating the people i claim im attracted to. Am I a prude? a Tease? Just an ‘Acey’ lying for brownie points? Am I Actually Just Traumatized? (They ask in a really aggressive condescending way, like thats actually how you should talk to someone you think is potentially traumatized) But by the standards of this discourse, i’m not allowed to call myself ace either, because then people are going to yell at me that if I experience the tiniest smidgen of sexual attraction or romantic inclination sometimes, or post pictures of sexy video game characters, clearly i cant be that either  I literally can’t win. there is not a thing I can call myself that won’t earn me the ire of LGBT people on tumblr who think they know me and what i should call myself better than I do. And believe me i hate talking about this More than you do. I’d rather just shut up and let people Assume i’m whatever they want me to be sometimes but then mutuals i thought i trusted will inevitably openly make fun of the people who outwardly call themselves demisexual or whatever microlabel is trendy to shit on currently, and usually i bite my tongue cause at the end of the day its Just Words, right? I don’t even use that word, right? Its just words and some words can be interchangeable and not everyone knows what they mean which can feel alienating and unnecessary to people who don’t understand them. I -get- why people ‘cringe’ when they see like 10 terms they don’t understand in someones bio. why do you think i don’t even list anything about my sexuality in mine other than my pronouns?
but I always remember like. just bc that label isnt For Me, it doesn’t mean there might be someone in a similar position to me who doesnt feel comfortable just calling themeslves bi, and prefers the label ‘demisexual biromantic’ who feels like that phrase puts them in a place of peace and contentment, and I wouldn’t argue with them about it. Bc thats their fucking choice. Them being happy with who they are takes priority over my personal opinions of the language they use. same with gender nonconforming people who dont want call themselves trans or nonbinary. Thats fucking Fine. I’m not telling you to have to use the same words as me if you don’t feel like they’re necessary or accurate. I literally don’t give a rats ass what words you use to identify yourself so long as they’re not being used to hurt other people. I just want to be able to have Words, for myself, that describe how I feel, that don’t result in people treating my entire identity like some shitty discourse Meme. And right now I have none. No matter what I call myself, people choose tell me it’s not accurate, or its too complicated.
As for all these shitty fucking posts about people ‘forcing’ young people to take up labels. This. This doesn’t actually happen? (OK I won’t say it doesn’t happen ever on an individual level? but that its not something enforced or encouraged by any group as a practice, and that distinction is necessary, bc saying it happens on a large scale literally implies predatory intentions from a massive group of people instead of members of the group behaving poorly as individuals)
Demisexual people as a whole have literally never told me i had to call myself demi just bc my sense of how i experience attraction might be similar to theirs. Ace people as a whole don’t usually tell people whose lack of sexual attraction is caused by trauma or who havent developed enough to experience sexual attraction that they -have- to call themselves ace. Most Bi or Pan people are fine with the fact that their labels have a lot of overlap and that the line between these things can be murky, they arent actually constantly ready to tear each others throats out over whose terminology is correct. All of this shit is made up by hateful people, or people taking a few examples of poor behavior out of context as an excuse to shit on everyone else, and well meaning people keep falling for it bc it -seems- helpful to be. reactive. I guess? to people you’re constantly told are hurtful to the causes of marginalized people. but im telling you. its not true. literally nobody forces you to call yourself any of these words, they just Exist out there in case you want them, and if you think thats somehow a threat to other peoples identities or to Minors just like, conceptually, for existing, for being Too Specific, im sorry but what other word is there for your reaction than phobic? If an individual derails a conversation about Y to be like “You didn’t include _X_” or tries to force their views on a minor who hasn’t developed a stable sense of identity yet, that is an Individual behaving in an inappropriate manner, not an invitation for you to throw the whole group under the bus. I hate to tell you but if you’re using examples of individuals on tumblr who say stupid shit, everyone on tumblr says stupid shit and butts in conversationally where they’re not welcome. Universally. It’s how tumblr is formatted. Trust me, I have like 4 viral posts going right now.
i’m just tired of it at this point. im not cool with people who stretch to make fun of micro-labels all the time and think they’re being woke allies or w/e to the ‘real LGBTs’.  Even if a lot of the time I personally don’t care for all the labels and wouldn’t choose them for myself, I still feel like If you can’t treat people like individuals and assess their character on a case by case basis, i don’t trust you. I don’t like people who stereotype and LGBT people are not immune to this behavior. Like i don’t say it often but it fucking hurts, and it hurts other people I’m close to who I know have similar complicated identities and struggle coming up w/words to describe themselves that the whole of tumblr LGBT+ will approve of and agree with (clearly an impossibility because there are still people who don’t want bi and trans to even be in there). I might tolerate the constant jokes and not block on principle of knowing not everyone has ingested and thought about this discourse in the same way I have, and im a big tough adult, ultimately i can take it. but inside i know no matter what i call myself, if i were earnest with some of you about how i feel I’d probably be just another ‘special snowflake Delusional mogai creep’ to you, and i can’t deny that fucking hurts to think about. I try not to talk about it openly bc it embarrasses me, bc i dont think my sexuality should have to be battle ground for discourse for people who are supposed to be on my side. But there it is. I think most of this discourse is Trash, and clearly not for the reason most people on here say its trash, not bc theres ‘too many specific words, y’all just be Making Shit Up’ but because so many of you are more caught up in the words than the substance of the arguments or the needs of people whose experiences might have a lot of overlap with yours regardless of what word they’re using to describe it.
Anyway. happy pride to LGBTQA+ people who still dont really feel pride in themselves or their identity. I’d say you’re valid, but you don’t need my validation or anyone elses to understand that you’re a person deserving of respect and compassion. You exist as who you are, and you have to come to terms with who that is, regardless of whether or not you feel like you’re accepted for it. if not pride then, settle for confidence in who you are.
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0poole · 5 years
 Gee, I hate being the first one to say this, but it’s Pride month. Wow. How could no one be talking about this? Crazy.
Okay but like, it’s impossible to avoid this stuff, and it probably won’t stop till the end of next month, so might as well dish out some thoughts on everything here. Just thoughts, with no agenda behind them. Gotta make that clear because people tend to go ham with stuff otherwise.
First of all, I’m bi, and basically on the edge of being trans as well. Basically, here’s where I am on that spectrum:
I want to become a girl for fetish purposes. Maybe not entirely that, but it’s close enough to say it. Or, you know, maybe just wanting to get fucked by a dude in a different hole is just what every male-to-female transsexual wants? Apart from that, the only thing stopping me from going through with that is the technology. Basically, what they’ll be doing is giving me a vagina, and that’s pretty much it, unless I want to slap some plastic on my face. It’s not satisfying enough, and considering I’m totally okay with being male, It’s extremely not worth it for me. But, if I woke up one day and by chance I had magically turned into a girl overnight, then I am IN THE MONEY. Sounds dope. Why fondle other peoples’ tits when I can fondle my own?
As for bisexual-ism, I’d have to go far as to say that I’m not just ignoring the concept of pansexuality in lieu of something more familiar (even though that’s kinda-sorta also the reason but not really). I’m actually just not attracted to trans people for some reason. I’m obviously okay with it on a moral standpoint, but like... I just don’t feel it. Maybe it’s just something deep in the back of my mind going like “ehhhh.... something ain’t right here.” What’s weird is that I would DIE for futa girls. Maybe I just like dick and also every womanly part. Who knows.
And, if you’re asking yourself, “why’s this guy bringing up his porn tastes all of a sudden?” then literally WHAT DO YOU THINK SEXUALITY IS? Also thank you kind strawman, for letting me tie this into my main point of how I hope all sexuality will eventually become as pointless and irrelevant to a person’s being as their hair color.
Seriously, sexuality is a sex thing. And as far as I understand it, romantic interest is a different field from sexuality? That’s fair. Some people just want to fuck, others don’t want to fuck. Makes sense, but it kind of ties into one thing I hate about this whole movement: everything’s gotta be a title. Every slight iteration from another thing has it’s own entire label to it. How do you expect people to care about your movement if they have to learn a whole new language to understand what’s going on? It’s kinda the same thing with politics. Instead of saying I’m a “democrat” or whatever, all I want to do is tell you what I believe and go from there, no preconceived notions about things other people with the same title did or said or whatever. Instead of being a “aromantic pansexual,” you could just say “Everyone’s on the table, but I’m not much into dating and all that” and suddenly you as a being become a lot more tangible to other people. Obviously there are worse things people are doing for the cause, but even I’m getting annoyed at some of these extremely specific titles people are using. (I was about to type “demisexual” into that stereotypical example, but I looked it up, and it turns out it’s more on the romantic side of things, I guess? Look it up, it’s literally a “””sexuality””” that applies to most of the population, and yet it needs a label too)
And if you want to make things super specific, you know, to clarify that you’re into literally EVERYONE and not just “”everyone,”” then just realize it doesn’t actually matter to anyone who you’re not considering as a significant other. Like I said, sexuality is a sex thing. You wouldn’t want someone going around saying “Man, I really wish someone would tie me to a table and fuck me with a giant horsecock dildo right about now!” because that’s sex stuff, and we keep that on the DL, as the kids say. Although, I’d have to imagine that people bring it up out of the political-ness of it all, since that’s just how things are nowadays. 
And obviously you got the people who make their sexuality a major part of their person. Everyone knows they suck at this point, no need to beat a dead horse.
Here’s another thing I hate: People who make assumptions on a fictional characters sexuality/gender based on their personality. Like, “Oh, she’s a tomboy? Must be a lesbian.” sort of thing. Believe me, I’m a-go on lesbo porn 100%, but actually seriously assuming a character is gay or something just because of their personality? Isn’t that one of the things we’re trying to avoid? Stereotyping? No? Maybe? It’s even worse when people get angry about other people saying they’re something else, but that ties into my next thing:
When someone sees one person saying/doing something stupid on the internet, and assuming that a tangible amount of people actually do stuff like that. There’s probably a term for it. Like, if you see someone on r/Tumblrinaction or whatever going “It’s okay to rape boys but not girls.” a good number of people would instantly assume even a vaguely noticeable number of people believe that, just because they saw a meme of it online. Then, you get an actually tangible number of people getting angry about the original thing, even though, proportionally speaking, so many more people are angry about it then there are people actually saying/doing the thing. 
Where does it apply here? Well, last I checked there’s like 90K tweets about a so-called “Straight Pride Parade” going on somewhere on planet Earth. Checked the tab, everyone’s exclusively complaining about the concept. No actual news, only people reacting to other people reacting to other people reacting, etc. No, actually, guess what, here’s the news, from good ol’ Twitter Moments themselves: “THREE men in Boston...” THREE. It’s literally a tiny friend group of mindless white guys going “Hey, we should have a pride parade too!” and suddenly the entire internet folds upon them. And now, guess what? Now all the worse straight guys know about it, and feel vindicated to advocate for it, so guess what? You played yoselves.
But, there’s the tie-in to the next thought: What about these “Straight Pride,” “It’s okay to be White,” “It’s okay to be Male” types? You know, people at the top of the charts trying to start the same movements as the people below them. To be honest, I really don’t think these people are worth getting so goddamn uppity about. I mean, assholes aren’t worth getting uppity about in any case, but specifically in this case. The thing about those ideas is that they’re “”””””literally””””””” true and fair, but the thing is that that’s not the issue here. Yes, it’s okay to be white, straight, and male, but like... That’s not the discussion. The whole point of what’s going on is people trying to rise up in the rankings. Some idiots on the internet may want to put the top people below them, but as mentioned 2 ideas ago, that’s not the majority. Reasonable people would only want to put the straight, white, male people below them if they, specifically, individually, are being an asshole about everything. Then, that’s about you as a person, not what you are. 
Back to the Straight Pride Parade specifically, aren’t these “pride parades” supposed to exist to make you feel better about your body and whatnot? If some jackasses feel better about themselves, and do so in a fashion that isn’t harmful to other people, then who cares? I’m assuming it’s not in the spirit of things to go to a normal pride parade and be like “FUCK STRAIGHT PEOPLE” so as long as the straight people don’t do the opposite either, who cares? It’s a net increase of happiness in the world. Sure, they haven’t gone through as many hardships throughout history, but should you really need to go through hardship to get together with other people to feel better about themselves? I hope the answer is no. You know, just because the idea I mentioned 3 ideas ago is bullshit doesn’t mean it doesn’t actually affect people.
Frankly, why can’t we just have a Sexuality Pride Parade, where literally everyone, no matter what, can join in? If unity’s the goal, why not actually be all-inclusive? I mean, like I said, I want to live my life around the idea that sexuality/gender matters as much to any random person as their hair color, but until that becomes the norm at least try and make it fit for everyone to join in. You can’t exactly fix anything if you just keep it all to the people who’d support you anyway because they’re in the same boat. 
Oh and expect me to gush about Pokemon tomorrow, because I most certainly will.
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ashencreations · 2 years
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I posted 5,195 times in 2021
12 posts created (0%)
5183 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 431.9 posts.
I added 708 tags in 2021
#one piece - 238 posts
#law my beloved - 203 posts
#opgraphics - 77 posts
#luffy my beloved - 49 posts
#corazon my beloved - 42 posts
#zosan - 27 posts
#yamato my beloved - 19 posts
#trafalgar law - 18 posts
#lawlu - 18 posts
#chopper my beloved - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#like?? okay?? i can see people simping over them but theyre a tiny bunny baby who is human but can turn into a bunny at will and cant swim
My Top Posts in 2021
I'm happy to reveal the revamped version of Ash and her new reference sheet! I hadn't drawn her in a good while so I decided that this was a good time to tweak things and improve on her design yet again
Here's some of the revamped parts of her vs the last version!
•Fluffier hair! I've always described it as a monster mane but that wasn't really shown in the way I drew her
•New fashion sense! I've decided to lean into a punk/grunge/goth vibe for her- she will still wear cute things!
•squish? Yes, please! As my art has improved, I've gotten better with different body types. Thus I put more effort into really showing how her body is in my head instead of hiding it in a hoodie
•simplier and cleaner sheet. My last one felt so cluttered and the very first one had almost nothing
Thank you for all the support I get from y'all, I appreciate it so much
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13 notes • Posted 2021-01-31 22:50:30 GMT
I don't typically make posts like this but I'm really angry right now.
Let's be really fucking clear, queer is not a fucking slur. It's as much as a slur as gay is and even if you reclaimed the word queer as a fuck you to the people who were yelling it at us, it does not change the fact that queer has and always will be an umbrella term. Not sure what you are but know you aren't straight? Use queer. Not interested in listing labels? Queer. People around you don't understand the terms of the LGBTQ+ community? Queer is very easy to understand.
Queer has not and will never be on the same level as "faggot"
You want to know why? Because the word refers to the actual harm of queer people
Queer is akin to stupid in terms of how it's used. It's just a word to call someone strange
The term faggot comes from people rolling up queer people in carpets and lighting them on fire
The word is also used to refer to a cigarette or bundle of sticks in the UK area
Do you see the fucking difference
Queer just means weird or strange
Faggot originates from a term that came directly from the act of violence against a queer person.
I'm so tired of people conflating the two as if they're comparable
They aren't, learn your fucking history
14 notes • Posted 2021-08-29 15:07:51 GMT
Oc post
I don't really post much of my art or anything on here, mainly because I forget to and get upset when it doesn't get attention
But let's make a post about my current sona, Soren!
Full Name: Bryn D. Soren
Pronunciation: Brin Dee Sor-in
Nickname(s): Jackrabbit, Bunny (Family and friends only)
Preferred Name: Soren
Age: 22
Sexuality: Panromantic; Demisexual 
Pronouns: They/Them
Height: 4’11” (5’4” as a rabbit)
Weight/Build: Slim 
Scars/Birthmarks/Distinguishing Markings: Upper back is littered with scars, Top surgery scars
Notable facts: Ate the rabbit rabbit devil fruit and is able to switch between 3 forms; Human, Midway, Animal 
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15 notes • Posted 2021-06-05 01:07:36 GMT
Looking for a place to hang out with other people who love One Piece?
Join my server!
What's there?
An engaging experience to hang out and talk about One Piece, no matter where you are in the series!
Small contests and giveaways done sporadically with prizes like custom art, small prizes, and more! (I don't have a lot of money so prizes will reflect that 💜)
A weekly watch party watching the entirety of One Piece!
A safe community for all
If this sounds like something you want, consider joining my little server!
17 notes • Posted 2021-07-04 19:27:17 GMT
I haven't posted art on here in a hot minute so I guess y'all get a mini-dump
I've been really into One Piece and have been for a good while. It's become a special interest and drawing things pertaining the show is comforting. The only thing is, I haven't been super happy with my humanoid art as of late. The solution? Furries!
First is my biggest piece I've done in a couple weeks with Corazon, Law, and my OC, Soren
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This was a major comfort art thing for me during a depressive episode with a heaping helping of self-shipping
Next up is designs
I don't have an official reference for Law but I will at some point
Corazon, a happy little deer man
See the full post
39 notes • Posted 2021-01-11 03:09:59 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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saltycharacters · 7 years
This might sound stupid I know... But... Can you explain and describe me all those sexuality. I know straight, lesbians, gays, bi but I never knew what were the others...
I’m assuming you mean the sexualities I’ve been featuring in my pride character uploads, right?
But regardless, not a stupid question at all! Assuming that all you know is the sexualities you described (bi, straight, gay), I’m gonna teach you more about the lgbt+ community than you ever knew and hopefully clear up some of your questions! This goes out to all my other curious followers too. I hope this isn’t too long of a read.
Yes, straight/lesbian/gay/bi are what most people recognize/understand as your typical lgbt+ identities. After all, they’re the main part of the acronym! But it’s actually much more complex and numerous than you may have expected, and it goes beyond what you were taught. It may seem overwhelming, confusing, and hard to memorize- and that’s understandable! You don’t need to know every identity there, is as there are a lot of people on this planet with many different experiences that simply cannot be summarized by “gay, bi, lesbian, or straight.” All you need to do is keep an open mind, and ask questions if something confuses you. And don’t use your confusion as an excuse to brush it off as fake. Just learn, like you’ve been doing since you were little, and accept that you may not know everything.
I will explain to you the ones I know, and I hope that expands your horizons just a lil. Again, no one requires you to memorize all of these- just be respectful of them!
I will also note that it’s possible you’ve never heard of these because some involve the concept of nonbinary genders- genders outside of just female and male. Since as far back as the Egyptians, there’s been people who identified with something other than boy/girl, and once you begin to understand that you can begin to understand these sexualities/romantics.
(Difference between sexual/romantic: _____romantic talks about romantic attraction, _____sexual talks about sexual attraction. It’s good to distinguish them for people who experience sexual and romantic attraction differently. For example, a person may be asexual (lacks sexual attraction to anyone) but homoromantic (romantic attraction to same gender), and any combination can also work.)
Pansexual/Panromantic- Attraction regardless of gender. A pan person could be interested in someone no matter what their gender identity is, and might focus more on personality or etc. Sometimes called “genderblind”, for reasons I just described, and not the same as bisexuality as bisexuality is limited to two+ genders and pansexuality is not.
Polysexual/Polyromantic- attraction to multiple, but not all, genders. This goes beyond bisexuality as it has a much wider range of attraction, but is not quite pansexuality as it still has some limits. For example, bisexuals might say, “I like oranges and apples”, pansexuals may say “I like all fruits”, and polysexuals say “I like a lot of fruits except for pears, strawberries, and bannanas.” or “I like oranges, bananas, grapefruit, starfruit, blueberries and grapes.”
Omnisexual/Omniromantic- Very similar to pansexuality, and it took me a while to figure out the difference, but while pansexuality is an attraction REGARDLESS of gender (they don’t care), omnisexuals actually care about the gender of the people they’re attracted to, but they are attracted to all of them. It might be difficult to grasp so maybe do some more research on it later? I’m not sure how to explain it better, I’m sorry :^(
Ceterosexual/Ceteromantic- Attraction to nonbinary genders. Female/Male may not be of interest to them, but genders outside of the binary are.
The Ace Spectrum- Then there’s a special set of sexualities/romantics that all fall under the Ace spectrum, which is a series of identities that graduate towards asexuality/aromantic, which is the lack of sexual/romantic attraction.
Demisexual/Demiromantic- sexual attraction ONLY after forming an emotional bond with the person. They wouldn’t find strangers, celebrities, or people they don’t know well appealing. Most don’t feel attraction very often for this reason. Only after a while of getting to know the person would they actually find them hot/romantically appealing. It could take months or years for them to be interested in someone.
Greysexua/Greyromantic- Experiencing attraction but very rarely, or under certain circumstances. Not quite asexual/aromantic as they still do feel attraction, but not often enough to be alloromantic/allosexual (term used for people that aren’t under the ace spectrum). This is also an umbrella term for any other identity under the ace umbrella that doesn’t quite fit any other label.
Asexual/Aromantic- No attraction, to anyone (romantically/sexually). Asexuals are also referred as “ace” (idk why) but it might make more sense if you’ve seen that word but didn’t know what it meant.
Polyamourus- Not as much of a sexuality as it is a lifestyle, but this is when someone (with consent from all parties) participates in a relationship with more than one person. Someone that has more than one partner.
Hope this was insightful!! Tell me if I explained/wrote something wrong, I will fix it as soon as I can!
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the-prowling-pan · 7 years
Hi... I'm confused about my sexuality and I think I might be pan, my friend explained it to me the other day but I'm confused... What is exactly pansexuality? What's the difference between pansexuality and bisexuality... do a lot of pans think they're ace? What's the difference between being panromantic and flat out pan? I know this is a lot and kind of stupid, I'm just very confused. I've been trying to figure this out for a while and I just need to know. Thank you, anyone who helps me.
Lots of questions so lots of info- I hope this helps you!What exactly is pansexuality- the prefix "Pan" means all, so literally pansexual means attracted to all genders. People interpret this differently, many take it as "If I like you it doesn't matter what gender you are, I like you." This does not mean pansexuals can't have a preference- example being I prefer women and non binary over men but I still could be, and have been, attracted to men. Pan vs Bi- bisexuals are attracted to two or more genders. This causes overlap between Pan and Bi sexual, but there is a difference. Some of it chalks up to which label is more comfortable to you. Pansexual is more modern, to accommodate for genders past male and female, but bisexuality has also evolved since it first came about. I can't answer how many pans identify as ace. I'm sure there's a number that do, but i can't tell you a statistic or if it's a large/small amount. Just being panromantic means you can love all genders but not necessarily be physically attracted to all genders. Like if you were a panromantic homosexual you could fall in love with a person of the opposite gender, but still not be interested in sex with them. The difference between being flat out Pan and panromantic is usually if you just say Pan or pansexual your romantically and sexually attracted to any gender. if you identify as Panromantic (something else-sexual) you're romantically attracted to every gender but there are genders you may not be sexually attracted to, if you identify as pansexual you can be sexually attracted to any gender. You can have different romantic and sexual orientations, like panromantic demisexual, or homoromantic bisexual. Whatever label makes the most sense to you and you feel comfortable and happy identifying as is your identity, even if you might be one of a very small amount to identify that way. You're the only one who can find the right fit. I hope this helps your confusion, feel free to come back to us if you have more questions. Good luck!~Mod Ama🌺
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about celebrities, love and growing up
Sometimes the weirdest thing for me is to pine after celebrities. I feel like a too-old fangirl, being blown by a cute smile and shiney eyes.
When I was 16/17 I went to a lot of christian concerts more or less close to where my parents live. It was a great time, a time I felt closer to god than I do now, and a time that shaped my occupational outcome to great extends. It’s a complete different story to why that is and I better explain it in another post.
However, going to those concerts almost every other weekend, in combination with writing for a website that posted reviews and photos of said concerts allowed me to get closer to certain band members than other visitors. Not to mention that the Christian Rock/Pop-Scene in Germany isn’t too big. It’s mostly the same bands, the same people and the same locations. I knew band members by name, had done interviews with them, even walked up to them to say hi.
And I fell for a certain singer of one of the bands.
His band doesn’t exist anymore, no matter he still makes music. The last time I talked to him personally is years ago, and when I look at pictures of him now, I shake my head. What I want to say with it is, that today I don’t have any feelings for him anymore. But I still know how it had been to like him.
I am not talking about love. I believe that love requires a certain amount of trust, understanding and is a deeper feeling than pining for a person. But I liked him, I wanted to get to know him better and knew I never really would.
I only ever met him during those concerts, with hunderts of people surrounding us, all of them wanting to talk to him as well, celebrating their music and screaming when they came on stage. Not even the closeness of being able to say hi erased the feeling of just being a fan. And to be honest I was nothing more.
I am drawn to broken people. I don’t know why. There is something in my soul that allows me to see and to understand. Maybe it’s the own brokenness inside me. I believed I saw something broken in his eyes, believed to be able to hold him and make it better. Maybe all I ever wanted was that someone would do exactly that for me.
It’s a strange feeling to go back to that time. When you’re 17 you still believe in love to be easy. Now I know it is everything, but never easy. At least not for me. Love doesn’t come, attraction doesn’t come to me like it comes to other people. I long realized that I am demisexual, probably also demiromantic and no matter those are labels that can’t define everything, they are the closest to describe what I feel or don’t feel in one word.
I still believe in love. And I still hope that one day I find someone who sees that my strength doesn’t erase my weakness and my scars don’t erase that I am not broken beyond repair.
When I was 17, maybe 18 by the time, and slowly realized that loving a singer, no matter how close or far you are of him, will never come to fruition, I swore to myself to never do the same mistake again. There are enough other mistakes to do and believe me when I tell you I made most of them.
Pining for a celebrity is like reaching for clouds. That was what I believed in, and so I feel stupid and childish for doing it again. Especially when this time the celebrity is someone I never met before and only ever saw in the media: TV. Instagram. Twitter.
The internet allows you to believe you know someone to an extend, and still I know I know nothing at all. I wonder if I should know better than to check social media every other day and look for him. I wonder if I should know better than to day-dream how and when we could meet, even fall for each other. My head is perfect to spinning stories that only ever exist in my head, with full understanding they will stay there. It’s why I write. I never been a person to spam celebrities, drive kilometers for a slim chance to see them or similar. I dream. Like I dreamt back then.
Still I feel like 17 again. A time where my heart was broken and restored and broken and restored. It’s not exactely a time to which I want to go back to. I am happier now with 25 than I was with 17.
On the one hand I know I shouldn’t build dream-castles out of sand and some data collected on the internet. On the other hand, I also know that I am not in love with anyone, I am not in a relationship and fantasizing a little isn’t wrong. Those people live by their fans, earn their money through fans and need them to survive. Acknowledging a good actor for his skills or a singer for his voice is appreciating art. It’s what they do, and I have greatest respect for their work.
There is no correct answer to something containing matters of the heart. Maybe there doesn’t need to be one. I know I will always appreciate good actors, musicians, painters, artists. I know I will always be invested in people and things I like. And maybe it’s also okay to not let myself drift away in this appreciation, to be able to open up one day for someone who is real and close and mine to love.
I don’t know. I probably will find out one day.
I decided that should I ever meet this particular actor, I will tell him that I really love his skills. Because that is true in every sense and I think I would need to tell him. I don’t believe it will ever happen, but I guess never say never.
Stranger things have happened...
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oselatra · 7 years
Asexuality in Arkansas
The following is taken from an interview with an Arkansas college student, who — after a series of frustrating relationships — began to identify as asexual in his early 20s.
The following is taken from an interview with an Arkansas college student, who — after a series of frustrating relationships — began to identify as asexual in his early 20s. Asexuality, or "ace," as some involved call themselves, is an increasingly accepted sexual orientation, especially among the millennial generation. Now in his mid-20s and soon to graduate, the young man we spoke to has been in a committed relationship with a non-asexual woman for the past two years. Surprisingly, he said he has sex on occasion and enjoys the closeness of it, but has never known what it is like to have a sexual attraction to another person, or even a libido in the accepted sense of the word.
I feel like I've always kind of been this way, but it was something that didn't make sense until it did make sense. I don't use this terminology anymore, but at the time, I could never figure out what was wrong with me. I can find people attractive, in the sense that I find them pretty. I like the way they look. But I never really have the compulsion to have sex with someone. I'm assuming you're heterosexual? The same way you can look at a guy and think: "That's a good-looking guy!" That's how I am for everyone.
I just kind of felt like I was broken. First and foremost, I was afraid that no one would want to be with someone like me. The teen years aren't that fun to begin with, so it was troubling for a while. I had trouble doing sexual activities with my partners, and it put significant strain on my relationships. It's easy for the woman to interpret that as not finding her attractive. But once I had a name to put to it and understood what was happening, it became more of a relief.
Like a lot of people, I didn't actually know asexuality existed; that this was actually a thing you could be. But eventually, it all just kind of clicked into place and it was like, oh, that makes sense. I found out about asexuality because I was explaining all this to a close friend, and they were like: "That sounds like you're asexual. I don't want to force a label on you, but it really sounds like you're ace."
I guess the kind of upside to being an asexual is that nobody really notices. My most recent relationship has been two years now. For all the world, I look like I'm straight, but I just don't want sex.
Asexual people do have sex sometimes. The way I explain that to people is, even if you never felt hungry, you'd sometimes eat food. Food tastes good. I can absolutely feel love. I'm a hopeless romantic! It's not any different from falling in love when you're gay or straight or what have you. It's not even minus the physical element. I still love to be touched. But there's no impulse to actually have sex. This varies across a wide array of asexuality. After I kind of figured out what was going on, I found ways to fulfill my partner's needs. It's not something I particularly enjoy. It's more like a chore. I know asexuals who are actually repulsed by the physical; repulsed by sex. And I know asexuals who have multiple partners. Just because you don't feel a need for something doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. I'm not some Catholic monk sitting in a monastery. In my case, it's not even something I'm particularly opposed to doing. It's not something I hate doing, it's just something I don't particularly want to do. My girlfriend asking if I want to have sex is like someone asking if I want to play video games. It's a potentially fun thing to do. I don't feel the satisfaction of it. I still have dopamine. I still have serotonin. Those still get released into my brain. I'm still a human being. But to me, the main appeal is the closeness.
I really hate the argument that asexual people "just haven't met the right person." It's kind of like when someone says they're bisexual, and someone says, "Oh, you just haven't met the right person!" My partner isn't asexual. She's actually bisexual. I broached [my asexuality] early on in the relationship, that there would be nights that she might want to do something, and it wasn't going to happen. I would just say no. It kind of leads to a kind of cliche role reversal: "Not tonight, honey," that kind of thing. I told her about two or three weeks after it became clear that it was going to be a serious relationship, instead of just a fling. My partner has a somewhat strained relationship with sex to begin with. She's had abusive partners. So to her, it was kind of a plus to have a partner who she never has to worry about forcing themselves on her. She was understanding, and yeah, there's some nights she goes to bed frustrated, but she loves me. Love is more important than sex.
Something a lot of the asexual community is trying to get out to people: You're not broken. You don't need to be fixed. You don't need to be diagnosed. It's just who you are, and it's OK. If I had to give advice to a person who believes they might be asexual, I'd tell them not to worry about it. It's OK. People will still want to be with you. People will still love you for the person that you are. Sex is not as important as society wants us to think it is.
The size of the community is hard to estimate, because asexuals can seamlessly appear heteronormative. But most of the polls I've seen say that asexuality is about 3 to 6 percent of the population. I personally know about 12 to 16 people who are asexual or demisexual. Asexuality is kind of a catchall for varying degrees of asexuality. But the best way I can explain varying demisexuality is that it functions the same way as asexuality up until the point a really strong emotional connection is made with someone. And then that person will begin to be sexually attractive to you. I personally am a little bit foggy on what it is as well, but that's how I had it explained to me.
I can't see this changing about me. If you'll forgive me the quote: Through God, all things are possible. But I don't see it changing. I find the idea of wanting to have sex — that need to have sex — to be absolutely ... I can't imagine what that feels like. It's one of those things that's normal from your side of the fence, but from my side of the fence, it's sounds weird. I've had it described to me as a hunger. Like needing to eat? I'm sitting here watching television, watching "Game of Thrones." It gets to a sex scene and I'm sitting there, tapping my foot.
Also, I'd like to note that I hate the stupid plant joke. There's a joke that you hear every time you tell someone you're asexual, "Oh, does that mean you reproduce by budding?" It's funny the first two or three times, but after 20 or 30 times, it starts getting really annoying. It's always phrased the exact same way, like they're reading it out of handbook. Personally, I intend to adopt, for moral reasons. I don't want to create children if there are children that need homes.
Asexuality in Arkansas
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