#Yeosang is a tired part time worker
9800sblog · 8 months
hi! i was wondering if you can do a reading on ateez members’ views on fanservice and genuine compliments for their fans, since it’s a mandatory requirement to do fanservice when you’re an idol. thanks!
ateez tarot reading
views on fanservice and compliments to fans 🤔
do I have their energy permission to do and share this reading? 2 of cups, the empress
with one of our bravest fanservice soldiers!
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5 of pentacles reversed, 8 of cups reversed
he's probably tired of it, he can't be genuine with fans which is just sad to him, because he has many things he actually wants to say and do for them, but he has to follow a specific plan. he understands how much fans need fanservice, so he does it attentively, I think a lot of times he's automatic tho and just really dreading it.
4 of swords reversed, 10 of wands reversed
he understands how important compliments can be for someone, he sees it as something that doesn't bother him as much but could be a really huge deal, maybe life-saving for some people. he may really dislike it, but feel guilty about it, I think he often checks and studies his interactions with fans to do it better.
king of swords, king of pentacles
finds it cool how much people care about his thoughts and opinions, understands the power it has on people's lives and his career. it's a huge deal, but it's something he may genuinely enjoy doing, I think he overall has a lot of fun with it. his fanservice and compliments seem very rehearsed, as something he's mastered, I don't think he pays much attention to details but he definitely tries to accommodate each person's needs/desires. yunho's fans always ask him funny stuff too, so I don't think it bugs him much, if at all.
9 of pentacles, 2 of pentacles, 4 of pentacles reversed
all about the money, the ego, the material, what we can see and touch. he knows he's not doing it for himself, and he's just trying to make fan's money and effort/support worth it. he thinks it wouldn't be fair if they spent all that time and money on him and then get nothing in return (as if great music and entertainment isn't enough). he knows that the more he does it the more fans and money he'll get, so he doesn't mind that much. I don't see someone that pays a lot of attention to the compliments, I think he just he just gets an overall idea of what the person is expecting and goes for it (someone clearly tried to look cute, so he calls them cute, etc).
ace of pentacles, the moon, justice reversed
now this is the heavier stuff. san knows that these things bring in more fans and more money, he knows it's important for some people but he. is. so. tired! of it. those are not real connections, he doesn't find it fair to fans to blatantly lie to them and he doesn't think it's necessary for his job. this is a responsibility he wishes to run from, he really doesn't like it, and he thinks it just feeds into fans' delusions, he wishes to be more open to create a real connection. he doesnt usually give genuine compliments unless it's something outstanding, usually related to skills and talents or how beautiful/expensive something looks). I majorly respect that opinion.
page of pentacles, 10 of wands, 4 of swords
it's just part of his job, he doesn't like it but he tries to make it lighter. he tries to just do what he's been taught to do, like turn it on and off whenever he wants, but he overthinks a lot about this. I think his interactions with fans are things that keep him up at night, like he can't recognize himself, like "why did I do this? why did I say that?" this seems really heavy for mingi and there's a lot of fear in this energy, I think he wishes he could be like his co-workers that do it casually, but he overcompensates his discomfort and anxiety by doing too much and then hating his job for it. he's definitely in autopilot mode in this, i feel boredom, panic, sadness, anger, it's like killing him inside, the energy is soooo heavy bro, I feel a really tight thing in my chest. it makes him feel unsuccessful too, reminds him that no matter how much he works, he's still in the early stages of his career and life.
I automatically had such a sigh of relief when I finished this reading, I was literally shaking and my jaw was tight.
6 of swords reversed, 3 of wands reversed
there's still strong feelings from the mingi reading, but it feels much lighter and it's even more peaceful in my environment. the cards and the vibes are still not great tho, he doesn't seem to like it a lot either. he may think it's regressive and shallow, dirty way of making money and power. he understands how much confidence people can get from this, but he definitely wishes he could be more honest and open, as he seems to be really rehearsed and not be/not even try being very genuine.
the world, 9 of swords
it's not real, he doesn't like it, but he minds it a lot less, I'd say. he may find this part of his job disencouraging, tiring and boring, I see him trying to have fun with it, he knows he can do anything and fans will like it, he may like to test the limits, see how far he can go until someone says "ew". I'd say he pays attention and tries to be genuine but he exaggerates a bunch too, like totally extrapolated, way more intense and pretty than he genuinely feels inside. he may get constantly bored doing these things.
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writingsofaghost · 1 month
Drinks on Me (non-idol Ateez fanfic) PART 1
Female Y/N x ???
Warnings: 18+, use of cigarettes, swearing, mentions of smut
Synopsis: Y/N starts a new job in a bar. Her new coworkers are fascinating and her boyfriend starts acting strange. Follow her as her life unfolds.
Have you ever sat back and really thought about the events in your life? You just end up sitting there and thinking to yourself, god damn why is this some sort of kdrama shit? I haven't personally, but a friend of mine has. This is not my story. But hers.
Y/N. Fairly average in anything really. Typical childhood to most. Good grades, countless bullies, issues at home, plain looks. The same as every story really. She dotted from place to place, hoping for a place to belong.
Y/N scrolls through her phone when a message pops across the screen.
My mum is always sending me job adverts. As i look through, I notice something familiar. I have worked for them before. This time, they have opened a new bar. As I look through my purse, I find only a penny and a bit of tissue. I really need a job. I guess it will have to do. I send a message to the owners in hopes they will take me back. Within 5 minutes, they text back an immediate yes. Guess they missed me huh? All my education and here I am at 22 years old working as a glass collector in a bar. Any job is better than no job. Optimistic thinking right?
The day of my first shift arrives. I bite down my nerves and head to work. I check my phone for any messages. There is. A message from Yeosamg. Yeosang and I have been dating for a year. We travelled to different countries together and things were going fine. Just fine. He's been slightly off wince I told him about my new job. But he's always been more of the expensive type. I'm sure he'll come around. I text him back a 'Don't worry' as i enter the building. As i look up, I see 2 men in front of me. Co-workers. One is quite relaxed, with an attitude of I could care less. The others eyes light up at the sight of me. He rushes over to me and says in an excited tone "You're the new hire right? You're going to be a bartender right?" I look at him confused. "No. I mean, yes I am here to work but as a glass collector" i stutter out. He looks at me with confusion until I see a familiar face. Seonghwa comes over and greets me "Y/N! Hey! I heard you were coming back!" I relax when I see him. Seonghwa and I have worked together before. We used to be work besties back in the day. "Ignore Mingi. He just wants someone to replace wooyoung as bartender" he grins. Mingi, the excitable one from earlier, pouts and slumps back to the bar. Seonghwa points at the other man. "And that is San. He's a little grumpy but once you get to know him, hes a lot better". Seonghwa shows me around and tells me the basics of the job. Seonghwa doesn't come to the bar as much since he works in the restaurant in the other city. I'm surprised as last I heard, he was the manager. Since they needed one for the restaurant and the bar, mingi was given manager of the bar instead.
When its time for seonghwa to go back to the restaurant, i relaise how daunting it is to be there with new people. I take a deep breathe and try to stay positive. "Sorry about earlier. You running low on bartenders or something?" I say to mingi. He immediately stops pouting and says "Nah. Just sick and tired of how dumb Wooyoung can be" He chuckles. He can't be that bad can he? Famous last words. Turns out this Wooyoung has about the same braincells as a lemon. Holding a mop, he asked what it is for. I have to stifle a laugh as I hear the exasperated sigh of Mingi mext to me. This will certainly be fun.
A few weeks go by, San has really opened up to me. To the point, that we are not allowed to be alone together as we are not serious enough. I have also found out that at 22, I am the oldest there. My own manager is younger than me! By 2 years! You could say its a strange dynamic there. I would say like a family, but its more like a dysfunctional family with the pet they are trying to adopt out.
"So what happens if we mix fireball and sourz shots?" I ask curiously. Mingi looks at me incredulously. "Do you want to kill someone? Hell no" He's used to me asking him these sort of questions. Yet, somehow he is still shocked by the amount of times I can suggest a dangerous combination. Even still, he can shock me. "Hold up. San has never dated? Anyone?" I lookn at mingi in surprise. "Exactly! I've told him he's missing out. Getting your dick wet is the best" I fight the urge to cringe at those words, but i understand his point. "I take it you're the opposite then?" I ask Mingi, who nods. "If I find a girl hot, I don't see a reason not to shag her" I roll my eyes at him. "So we have the virgin, the sexaholic and the tied down housewife. This is like some start of a bad joke" I mutter to which Mingi laughs. "Kinda is, isn't it?".
I feel my phone go off in my pocket. I pull it out and check it. "From the boyfriend I assume?" Mingi asks curiously. I nod. "He's asking what the coworkers are like." I say as i text back. Yeosang doesn't exactly trust men. He says he trusts me but he doesn't think its a good idea for me to be working with guys. I put my phone away, promising myself to deal with it later. As I work, I find myself constantly rolling my eyes at Mingi's antics. He shamelessly flirts with the women at the bar. Has he no standards? At the end of my shift, I wait outside for my taxi when Mingi walks up to me, hands in pockets. "How are you getting home?" He asks curiously. I show him my phone. "Waiting for my taxi" I say calmly. He looks at the destination and cancels my taxi. "Hey! What the hell was that for?" I scramble to book a new one. He, however, just leans against the wall. "Just get a taxi with me. I live around the corner from you" he says, not looking at me. I look at him sceptically, to which he holds both his hands up. "Think of it as a way for your boyfriend to know you're safe" I sigh and put my phone away and nod slightly. We both wait for the taxi in silence. I sigh as I take out a cigarette. Mingi raises his eyebrow at me. "You smoke?" He asks me. I roll my eyes at him and respond "What? You going to tell me its bad for me?" He shakes his head and chuckles. "No. I was going to ask if i could have one actually". My eyes widen in surprise as I pass him one.
He lights up his cigarette and exhales the smoke slowly. "You know, I'm supposed to be quitting. But nothing beats nicotine after work" he smirks. I hit him softly on the shoulder. "You should have said you are quitting. I would have said no" he just smirks again and says "I know."
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just-a-starfruit · 4 years
The Night Sky
This was my submission to the Ateez Storyboard Contest, unfortunately I didn’t make it through to the final voting, but I am proud of myself for even getting the courage to submit something in the first place. It’s been a few years since I’ve written for fun and not for a school assignment, but nonetheless I hope y’all still enjoy it:’) 
Also excuse me if this looks weird, I have never posted to tumblr, please have mercy on me.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: None, but if there is one you feel I need to add, please let me know:)
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Yeosang misses the sight of the stars, the city lights and crowded streets were never something he got used to, no matter how long he had lived in Seoul. He misses mapping those stars, and using them to navigate the Illusion over the vast expanse of the sky. 
 The very sky and stars his mother used to sing him to sleep under, and his father would tell him stories about. The sky was boundless, and full of mystery, but here it just felt like a cage. It felt wrong.
He huffs, pushing open the door to the 24 hour fried chicken take out restaurant he begrudgingly got a job at a year back. It’s not that he doesn’t love the food, hell, he could eat it any day without problem. It’s the stuffy environment, the unreliable coworkers, and the fact that his paycheck never seems to reflect his work. It certainly didn’t hold a candle to his previous occupation.
The only thing that keeps him working the graveyard shift here is that it’s the only job that would take a homeless barely legal teen, who definitely sounded drunk from all of the nonsense he was spewing. When he stumbled into the shop, yelling about how a masked man had taken their ship and he needed help. The employee shot him a weird look but took pity on the teen, and listened to him tell story upon story about the Illusion and it’s crew. They believed it to be fiction, oh, how wrong they were. 
Yeosang slept in the police station that night.
When he woke up, it was early in the morning, sunrise, and Yeosang was startled to not hear the crashing of waves or smell the salt of the air, or see the exact position of the sun in the sky. In a panicked haze, he cried out for help, and the officer on duty told him to settle down to no avail. Yeosang was shaking and sobbing, the unfamiliarity of the world he was in now too much to take in at once. 
When he finally calmed down enough to leave, he was handed a bottle of water by the officer, “Maybe head towards the hospital, get an IV for that nasty hangover.”
The boy just looked at him and left without a word. 
He ended up back at the chicken shop, and the employee who had helped him the night previously, ended up talking to a manager, to give the boy a job and let him crash on his couch if he needed. Yeosang accepted the offer gratefully, and slept there for a month or so, until he saved up the money to rent a shoebox apartment he learned was called a goshiwon. It wasn’t the ideal lifestyle, but it would have to do until he could find everyone else.
The sound of snapping jolts Yeosang out of his train of thought, and he’s met face to face with a not too happy looking man, “Oi, I’d like to order finally. These kids get more and more lazy.”
Trying his best to not roll his eyes in front of a customer, the ex navigator smiles and forces an apology, punching in the order.
It was about 3 in the morning before someone else came barreling through the door, and Yeosang peeled his eyes away from the spider web he had been idly watching for the past hour or so. Then his eyes widened.
The man’s eyes met his, and recognition and relief washed over his face, 
“Yeosang! What in the name of selene are you doing here?”
“I should ask you the same, how have you been? What are you doing now? Most importantly, where did you end up?”
“I ended up in Japan, in an empty Shinjuku alleyway, but the moment I stepped into a crowded area, I was approached by a modelling agent. I had honestly no clue what was going on, so I accepted. That was four years ago though. I’m here for a photo shoot though.”
Yeosang nearly choked, “Four years? I’ve only been here two.” he then began to tell the former gunner about why he was in a dingy fast food restaurant on the outer streets of Seoul, working the graveyard shift. 
“So if you’re some budding big time model, where is your manager?”
“I ran.” San said, barely above a whisper, as if the walls had ears.
“You what now?” Yeosang was at a loss of words, his mouth gaping open like a hooked fish, gasping for air.
“You heard me, I jumped ship, I felt trapped, strangled by the public to be the new “it” boy of the new generation of models. Most of all, I felt homesick, Yeo, I miss the ocean, the crew, the adventure. None of that is here. So when we were at a redlight, I opened the door to the car and ran as fast as I could.” San stood up at some point, the two having sat at the lone table and chairs that occupied the shop before swapping stories. 
“I see. Have you seen any of the others? Have you heard anything about Hongjoong?”
The model shook his head, “You’re the only member of the crew I’ve seen, I’m sorry Yeo.”
An uncomfortable silence filled the room at the news. The strong headed Captain had gone missing just before the masked man arrived, sending the other seven members into wherever they are today. He had seemed distant that whole day before, it had set the crew into unease. About a week prior to his disappearance and Yeosang’s emergence into the modern world, they had a  meeting with their alters that had gone surprisingly well, finally making amends.
The thoughts of the masked man caused Yeosang to shiver. The build of the man was familiar, yet also alien, resembling one of the taller members, even if all of them were in the same room.
The idea of another set of the boys was a crazy thought, but not impossible, as seen by the black clad masked crew of bandits they met with.
San decided to go home with Yeosang when 5AM finally crawled around, despite the tired employee saying time and time again how small his room was. San didn’t care, anywhere but in the claws of his manager and the gaze of the public would do. 
When they entered the housing complex, Yeosang flipped on a small electric kettle resting on a counter, and set a plastic bag from his work next to it. From a small bin resting beneath the counter, he produced two cup noodles and disposable chopsticks. It was definitely different from what the escaped model was expecting, but he could care less, he was starving.
The kettle switched off when the water inside came to a boil, emitting a small amount of steam from the spout. Yeosang peeled open the lids of the noodle cups a little, and poured water into them, then placed the chopsticks on top of the lid to hold it down. He pulled out a pair of boxes from the plastic bag and popped open one of them to reveal wings from his work, then he handed San a cup noodle. 
“Sannie, while I do appreciate seeing you again, you’re sure I won’t get in trouble for harboring a valuable asset to your company?” He shoves a mouthful of noodles in his mouth and winces, he forgot to blow on them. 
“It’ll be fine, I’ll sweet talk my way out of either of us getting in trouble. I ditched my phone in the car, so it’ll take a while.”
He always was one to think ahead, and never made a move without carefully calculating his actions, even reckless ones. The two boys finished their meal in silence, cleaning up when they were finished.
It was an understatement to say Yeosang was relieved to see one of the members again, afterall it had been two years.
Two years of fear and loneliness in an unfamiliar world. As he closed his eyes, he saw the same image he had always seen: an hourglass with glowing sand frozen in place.
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baekhvuns · 3 years
the duke and his general.
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synopsis : in which seonghwa is the duke you’re arranged to, while you’re the general of the royal army.
pairing : seonghwa x reader
themes : angst, romcom & smut.
word count : 15k ( part three + final )
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three weeks.
three weeks since you last saw the man you once loved.
“miss y/n, would you like your breakfast in the room?”
you lift your head up front the mountain of blankets piled up on you, with a hazy smile and tired face you nod. “that would be great, thank you.”
you shut your eyes once the maid leaves, wanting nothing but the nauseous feeling in your stomach to stop, but the pounding headache makes you shoot up in panic.
your hand automatically flies to your mouth and your eyes widen, you run to the bathroom, lifting the toilet seat up before puking your guts out.
you’re breathing heavily and it feels like you’re about to die, as if someone’s squeezing your insides. tears run down you cheeks and you open your mouth once again.
clutching your shirt tightly you swallowed, “s-seonghwa, where are you?” you call out. flushing the toilet, you get up from the ground, stepping towards the sink to clean yourself.
“hwa,” you call out once again, but no one responds. holding your stomach, you walk out to see the maid standing there with worry etched on her face, you smile lightly and take a seat.
“miss, are you alright?” the elderly lady asks you nod through the insane headache you have, “the duke, he’s gone for a trip, he’ll be back before dinner.”
you nod once again and she leaves the tray beside you with a worried face, “thank you.” once she leaves, your eyes settle on the delicious food made for you.
as much as you want to eat it, your stomach is telling you no. it’s as if you have no appetite left, as if all of it was flushed down the toilet. you push the tray away, and shut your eyes before laying on the bed again.
the next time you wake up, it’s the evening. your room is cleaned by the maids and it’s empty. your bed is cold, but the headache seems to disappear, you lift yourself up and glance around the room.
still, no sign of seonghwa.
ever since the day he yelled at you for going to the war, which you were rightfully wrong in, he hasn’t spared you a glance. you know the ‘trip’ he’s gone to is just a way to ignore you, and truthfully, you do deserve it.
after all, you did think recklessly and went to fight on the battlefield. but you had a valid reason, but the man just wasn’t ready to listen to any of your talk.
your hand lifts up to caress your neck, the wound on it patched up in a white bandage. it hurt, you’re sure their might be a scar forming on it already, if not, you’ve already been scarred by his words.
a sigh flees your lips, your hair falls over your shoulders and you stand up to walk outside. the walk to the gardens is short but it feels like forever, there’s no one in the palace.
guards are off for their afternoon break, yet a few of them are having lunch in their quarters. you decide to take a seat on the white bench that overviews the garden, the sun rays pout down on you and the slight wind eases your nauseous mood.
you usually sit beside seonghwa on this bench, his hands around your shoulder and his chin resting on your head. no matter how much you tried to get away from him, he’d pull you even closer, whining in your ear about you not giving him enough attention.
you smile at the sudden memory reeling through your mind, but then it fades, and it reminds you that he’s not beside you. you’re sitting alone in a field of flowers with a hand on your stomach, caressing it slowly.
you wander around the palace, eyes lowered to the floor because you didn’t want to meet the pity stares of the workers. one of them being kind enough to make you something to eat, that which you ate in the silence of the kitchen and again, you felt nauseous.
you held your head in your hands, lips trembling and your eyes watery. low sniffles echoed the kitchen and your hair acted as a curtain, covering your face.
your shoulders shake slightly as tears rolled down your cheeks, you’ve never felt so weak in your entire life. it’s weird, because you’re supposed to be stronger in the time, you’re in, but it really is disappointing when the only person you’ve loved isn’t by your side.
when you hear footsteps from afar, you quickly get up. wiping your eyes so that no traces of tears were visible, you let your hair fall in-front of your swollen eyes and walked by the group of people who you only recognized as your comrades.
you walk straight past them, have been for the last few weeks. avoiding their calls for your name and speed walking down to your room, locking yourself in.
the guys look at each other unsurely, san sighs before leaving them standing in the middle of the hallway. the rest glance at each other, silence enveloping them all.
“what do we do?” yunho breaks the silence, running a hand through his hair.
hongjoong shakes his head, “we can’t do anything, he’s the only who can do something to fix whatever’s happening.”
“but we can’t just do nothing, i don’t think i’ve ever seen her so down.” wooyoung squeaks, swallowing at that thought.
“where even is he?” yeosang breaks his silence, “i haven’t seen him in days.”
“he’s spending time down at the stables, he’ll be back around dinner.” with a tired sigh they all walk to their respective places.
and when night does fall, all of them finding each other sitting down sitting down by the table. the king and queen sitting at the farther end, you sitting opposite seonghwa while the rest sit wherever they wanted.
you play around with the food placed on your plate; you haven’t lifted your eyes ever since you walked in here. choosing to sit quietly in your chair while nibbling on the food that you don’t crave for.
the dinner is silent, if not for the random conversations created by wooyoung and san and occasionally by the rest. seonghwa’s mother talks to you and you could hear the excitement in her voice, she goes on and on about her wish for seonghwa to have kids.
you resist the urge to laugh with her, showing a smile as she handed you extra portions of the food you’ve barely touched.
and as for seonghwa, the man sitting in front of you seems unrecognizable, he’s sitting proper, hair brushed back with a smile on his face that’s so fake that it hurts to look at, he chats with hongjoong who sat beside him.
he hasn’t dared to look at you in the eye but you know him too well, you know it’s hurting him to do this but he’ll do it until it quenches his satisfaction.
just as you bring a bite of food near your mouth, your eyes widen and you stare at seonghwa before glancing at his mother, who thankfully, was already looking at you.
you flash her a look of pain before shooting your hand up to your mouth, eyebrows crossed you cursed in your mind.
“i-“ you start but you’re not able to finish because you make a run for it your room. holding onto your stomach as you ran, leaving the rest in confusion.
seonghwa’s mother immediately rushes behind you, leaving the rest. the guys get up from their seats, face etched in worry as they watch you run with confused yet worried eyes.
seonghwa’s father, the king, himself is worried but when his eyes land on his son sitting calmly, eating his food as if nothing had just happened, made him confused yet irritated.
san’s eyes shot daggers into seonghwa’s skull, jaw clenching at the fact that your husband is blatantly ignorant you while you’re pregnant. his face shows utter anger for the man before he walks to your room, hongjoong follows soon after.
his father gives the rest of the guys a nod and they too find themselves walking to your room, leaving only him and seonghwa in the room.
“what do you think you’re doing.” his father questions, wiping his hands on the napkin.
seonghwa looks up, “having dinner, father.”
his father raises his eyebrows, “oh, and how about y/n? your wife?”
“what about her?”
his father squints his eyes at him, “your wife, who’s pregnant and is sick, while you’re sitting here as if you don’t know her! how inconsiderate you are.”
seonghwa clenches his jaw at his father, but when his father gives him a look, he tones it down. “you’ll behave the same way if you find out what’s she did.”
“i do not care what she has done, what matters is her health and the child she’s carrying, your child!”
“dad, she went to the war!” he yells, finally loosing it. “she went to the war alone knowing she was not in the right condition too!”
his father stands up, “you, go to her right now. what matters is that she’s alive, right now she needs you the most but you’re here sitting as if none of it bothers you!”
“you’re stubborn,” he pauses, “just like your mother.”
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the entire week had been tough for you, you had terrible morning sickness, crazy headaches, uncomfortable sleep patterns, tiredness and barely any appetite.
fortunately, seonghwa’s mother had been by you through all of it, with some special appearances from san and hongjoong who seemed to have made it their schedule to visit you four times a day.
your cravings for certain foods had increased drastically, which made san run to the markets late at night to get you what you wanted. or how sensitive your nose had gotten, almost making hongjoong shower three times.
on the nicer and not hard times, you were able to be in your bed the entire day. or take a walk in the gardens while one of the guys accompanied you, lifting your mood up with their jokes.
but you didn’t want any of that, you wanted seonghwa.
speaking of him, he is in the palace, but sleeps in a different room. eats at a different time as you so he wouldn’t have to see you, or when you two walk by each other, he barely looks at you but you bow your head at him.
“it’s your highness for you.”
you hated doing it, hated it when he didn’t look at you. as much as in the past you’d shoo him away, now you were urging for the said man. hoping he’d at least exchange a few words with you.
but you aren’t blind either, you know he asks the maids to check up on you, or just to check on the baby growing inside of you. you know he sees you walk around the hallways, hiding the pain on your face from the cramps.
his mother and father sympathized with you, offering, and helping you with anything you needed.
but failing to bring one man.
others couldn’t help but be upset at the situation, guards who stood outside your room late at night could hear the faint sound of you weeping.
the guys weren’t blinded to it either, they could hear your cries at the late hours of night. when you think everyone’s fallen asleep, they hadn’t seen such side of you and it shocked them but also made them angry at the man.
so when you decided you have had enough, with his parents permission you pack your bags and leave the palace for a few days or even more. finding home at your parent’s, who welcomed you with bright smiles not knowing what had really happened.
your mother fed you the butteriest meals ever, never not leaving your side even for a minute. or how your father brought a thick book full of names, sitting on his favourite burgundy couch with his glasses on and a lamp turned on beside him, looking over the lists of names to find a contender.
or how your older brother had joined, returning from the navy only to bother you by mentioning ridiculous names to name his niece or nephew. he brought home multiple toys and takes the time to accompany you to the market, lending a hand for holding the bags.
“seriously y/n, if it’s a girl, name her-“
“for the last time sehun, i’m not gonna name my child after some fancy revolver or a alcohol brand!”
“no, but imagine nam-“
“i’m not gonna name my kid ak-47!”
“how about hennessy!”
“get out of my face!”
and as for the the situation in the palace, let’s just say no one has spoken about you for the past two days. you had been living with your parents and they all couldn’t be more happier knowing you’re in a much better environment.
they continue their daily activities at ease, visit you once and in a while and careful not to mention you.
and his royal highness, the duke of eden, park seonghwa sits inside his office. his second home, files piled up to his neck but none of them seem important to him.
his eyes are stuck at the door, waiting for the maid to walk in and put him at ease. by of course, telling him about you.
he’s keeping track of time, eyes flickering from the clock to the door. he finds himself being more and more impatient, tapping his feet under his table repeatedly.
“where is she,” he says, having waited too long he stands up and leaves his office to go and find the maid himself.
when he doesn’t find her, he asks another one who had just walked out a room. she hastily bowed down but he dismissed it all, “where is y/n?” he watches her eyes grow wide.
“you highness, you’ve told us not to talk about her.”
“you see, i’m- just tell me how she is,” he says, and she slowly lifts her head up.
“the duchess, she’s not in the palace.”
“she hasn’t been in then palace for days now, i believe today is the third day.”
his eyes widen, “where is she?”
“that i do not know, your highness.” and with that she walks away, leaving a wide eyed seonghwa panicking in the hallway.
he stops for second, the skin between his eyebrows touches before moving back. he runs a hand through his black hair, eyes wandering left and right.
when it finally clicks in his mind that you’re gone, his face drops in disbelief. he walks down the hallway to your room, wanting to see it for himself and tell himself that you were in the palace.
but when he opens the door his shoulders immediately slump, he walks inside. clenching his jaw as your scent hits his nose, a wave of worry washes over him when he doesn’t see you anymore, not in the room or the bathroom.
instead, it’s empty, his breathing wavers and his voice calls for you. but no one responds, he then walks out, his footsteps turn into him sprinting down the halls, searching every single room in the big palace. he can’t find you anywhere.
he finally turned left and burst open the door, breathing heavily his eyes falling over the guys sparing him a glance before continuing their work.
“where’s y/n?” he breaths out, walking in and slamming his hands on the table.
wooyoung looks up, “what do you want?”
seonghwa bites his lips, ticking his eyebrow at the nonchalant attitude of wooyoung. “where’s y/n, and what’s with that attitude?”
hongjoong drops his files with a bang and glares up at the man, “what’s with your attitude? and why do you even care, you didn’t want to see her face two seconds ago, now what happened?”
“ah, did your brains finally fall back in place?” wooyoung brings his hands behind his head, leaning back on the chair while eyeing seonghwa up and down.
“just tell me where she is,” seonghwa spits out, “why isn’t she in her room?”
“ask yourself that, why isn’t she here? how big of an idiot are you?”
“a big one,” mingi adds.
“she’s not here, and for the better.” san speaks from the back and seonghwa scoffs.
“and what would you know is the better for her?” he retorts.
“she knows what’s better for her, none of you need to decide it. and for your information she’s at her parent’s house,” hongjoong pauses, “because she couldn’t deal with the atmosphere you created.”
seonghwa runs out, ignoring whatever hongjoong mused at him. in his mind, he had to see you and so he walked to the stables and rode a horse to the town, where you were.
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“have you already thought of a name?” you glance shortly at your mother, who cupped her face in her hands, eyes blinking, wide and bright.
“no,” you respond, focusing on the mandarin you were peeling before tossing it in your mouth.
you heard her sigh, and she holds your hand. “y/n, what’s going on,” her warm voice asked, and you shook your head.
“nothing,” you ate another piece and then your mother smacks your hand lightly.
“i know something is!” she exclaims, “you and seonghwa fought, didn’t you?”
“we did,” you confess, and she shoots you a look. “i don’t wanna talk about it.” with that you get up and walk away, ignoring the calls of your name.
you find purchase in sitting on the swinging couch in the small garden your family had, throwing your head back and looking off into nothing. your white dress hung off the swing, arms resting on the armrest.
your mother watches you and elicits a sigh, her body leans on the doorframe, arms crossed over her chest as she watches you with a bitter smile.
when sunset falls around, you’re holding onto a sword. swinging it with one hand while your dad prepares the grill in the back, trying not to burn down the house.
when you sit down to eat, you’ve forgotten about everything. sitting and just eating whatever was on the table, with a content smile you eat doubles of everything.
once it’s over and you’re walking over to your room, your mother pulls you into the kitchen randomly. your wide eyes scan her, and she holds a box of strawberries, nudging it at you.
“oh, thank you,” you grab the box from her, “how’d you know i’ve been craving these.”
your mother smiles knowingly, watching you pop one in your mouth with a grin.
“seonghwa dropped by,” you slowly look up, swallowing.
“okay,” you squeak out, eyes flickering to wall behind.
she then leans back, “he brought the strawberries,” you paused, “he said you would be craving them.”
with a frustrated sigh you put the box on the counter, your mother leaves the room, and you glance at the strawberry you held in your hand.
the only person who knew you were wanting these were san, who you sent at the ungodly hours of night to the market. considering that, seonghwa would have no idea about this unless san told him, which was unlikely, or seonghwa watched over you.
you run to grab your jacket and leave your house to walk to the palace. frowning at the audacity of this man, who can’t seem to talk to you up front and instead becomes a coward.
you march inside the property, dismissing the stares you were getting because first, you’re in the palace, second, you’re marching in furiously and third because you’re not exactly wearing the clothes seeing the weather.
you knew seonghwa wouldn’t be in his new room, so your best option was to barge in his office. and that’s exactly where he was, standing and glancing out the windows.
“park seonghwa,” you burst in through the door, eyes falling on his tall figure dressed in black, leaning on the window frame.
he glances over his shoulder before looking out the window, his eyes are shut and his fingers grip the frame.
“what are you doing?” you say, “hm? sending those stupid strawberries instead of actually coming to talk to me?”
your clench your jaw at the lack of his response, “why do you suddenly seem to care now when you haven’t spared me a glance in the last two weeks!”
you exhale harshly and walk up to him, grabbing his arm and turning him around. his face shows no emotion, and you push his shoulder, “why! why aren’t you saying something?”
“what do you want me to say?” he responds and you bite the insides of your cheek, hearing his voice after so long, it still shoots butterflies in your stomach.
you stare at him in disbelief, “hwa,” you whined. “what’s wrong with you, i’ve apologized so many times and yet you never say anything!”
you continue, “i know you send those meals by the hands of the maids,” your eyes tear up. “i know you see me around the palace but choose to ignore me, i know you walk by our room every night so that you know i’m inside, i kno-“
“god damn it! do you even know why i went to the war?” you yell, eyes flickering between him and the floor.
“to protect you, you don’t know this but a day before the war.” you pause, contemplating if you really want to say this.
the night before the war, yeosang burst through your office doors, yanking your arm and dragging you to his office without even getting the chance to say hi.
“yeosang, w-what’s going on?” you ask the man holding your wrist, stepping in his room only to see a patient bandaged over his legs, arms and head.
you glance at yeosang in confusion, asking him to explain why exactly he brought you here especially when there’s someone he’s tending to.
before yeosang gets the chance respond, the man in front immediately stands up, hissing and then bowing.
“gener- your highness,” his low and gritty voice goes onto introduce himself, “i can’t reveal my name, but i have to tell you something.”
you exchange glances with yeosang who nods, ushering you to a chair, and he comes to stand behind you.
“what happened to you?” you ask out of worry, eyeing the white bandages over him.
“dorado,” the man says, “dorado is after you.”
you tilt your head, “dorado, the one we all helped?” he nods turning to yeosang.
“they’re the one who will be attacking you, they’ll be planning for night, perhaps in the castle as well.”
he stops, “but your highness, they’re also planning to kill off eden’s heir.”
yeosang watches the man, stunned. “seonghwa? the duke?” and the man nods.
you and yeosang exchange glances before looking at the man in unison. “explain everything to us in detail.”
“a messenger had come to the palace telling me and yeosang, that they were after you! the enemies were going to kill you park seonghwa!” you cry out loud, “and you want me to sit back and watch my husband die when i knew what was going to happen?”
“but no! of course you wouldn’t listen,” you breathe out loud and shaky, “did you want our child to grow without their dad?”
your eyes drop to his hands, the ones he’s gripping the windowsill with. “do you think that i, i would let you die?”
“for the love of god, seonghwa say something!”
tears roll down the apples of your cheeks, the wind coming from the window stinging as the man standing in front of you turns his back. looking out the window in silence, pretending as if there is no one in the room screaming at him.
your shoulders slump down, a hand taking through your hair you shut your eyes in frustration as tears rolled down.
all you could feel was emptiness, frustration, anger and pain.
“the day you quit being a general, is the day everything will go back to normal.” you hear his voice cut through the silence.
you stare wide eyed at the man, mouth parting to form out words but you’re so shocked at what he goes on about that nothing comes out.
“seonghwa,” you grit out, “how dare you.” you spit out with such a tone that it has shivers running up his body.
“how dare you ask me to quit something i have spent my entire life working for.” you stare at him with such disgust and anger that you lift your hands up by your head.
��what you do,” he says, “only brings problems, and going to a war?” he says with a scoff and you shoot him a glare.
“i’ve spent my entire life to protect you, your parents and your home.” you take a step forward, “you,” you point at him, “you wouldn’t even have been alive if not for me, you have no right to tell me what to do, you’ve lost it all.”
you hastily grab your wedding ring, the one he gave to you with such adoration and love. but now it burned into your skin, just like the way his words cut you.
“i’m selfish,” you repeat the words he told you, “i’m horrible, park seonghwa i will show you how selfish and horrible i can be.”
clenching your jaw, you slipped off the wedding ring, griping it in your hands tightly because it hurt, it hurt letting everything go.
“go find yourself a princess, who’ll bear your children and make you happy by not going to a fucking war.”
you slam down the jewelry on his table with such force that you’re sure it will create a mark, he jumps at the sound but never looks back.
you stare at his back for a few beats of silence, “i’ll leave.” you wipe the tears rolling off your cheeks.
“but hear this,” you pause, fists shaking and eyes staring at the shiny ring on the table.
“don’t you ever come looking for me, do you want a divorce? send me the paperwork and i’ll sign it, and then i’ll leave.” you pause to inhale, “i’m sorry to you, and to my baby for putting you two in danger.”
seonghwa spins his head, so fast, eyes wide. “my? ‘my baby’ so i’m nothing, it’s not ours?”
“nothing.” you grit out, “never have, never will.”
“i’ll send a letter when the child’s born, until then, don’t you ever come to me, you had the chance to fix this.” you point your finger at him, “we could’ve fixed this right here, but now, don’t come begging for my forgiveness.”
you turn on your heel and with one last glance over your shoulder. “because i won’t forgive you, this comes from general y/n.”
“goodbye, your highness.”
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“yeosang, just go back.”
you stared at the blond, a rag in his hands as he runs everywhere to clean the surroundings.
“t-that won’t happen y/n,” he turns around, leaning his elbow on the table behind. “that’s between you and seonghwa, i’m here as not only a friend but your doctor.”
you lean back on the cushioned chair, “you don’t have to come over every day, i’m fine here alone, really.”
yeosang lets out a sigh, folding the rag and walking forward to sit opposite you. “y/n, i will come over any day i can, the other’s will too, until seonghwa-“
“just don’t,” you stop him, “i don’t want to hear anything from him.”
“y/n.” he gives you a look.
“yeosang.” which you return, pressing your lips together.
he eventually lets out a sigh and then lifts his hands by his side, “you win, whatever.” you grin, grabbing a cushion to throw it at the man, who successfully dodges.
“how long are you planning to stay here?” he quips, blowing the nonexistent dirt of the cushion before ticking an eyebrow at you.
“i...really don’t know,” you shrug, “maybe i just won’t ever return?”
“no, no, you can’t do that!” he immediately interjects. “y/n, you have to understand that as much of an asshole your husband is, you can’t top the asshole level.”
you snort out loud, shaking your head. “is asshole even the right word yeo? he’s left me first, and now i’ve left him.”
“what’s the difference?” you quickly add, finding a particular interest to the carpet.
“you’re still wearing his ring,” he points out and your eyes fly to the black band. “you’re living here as if he won’t find out where y-“
“you won’t tell him nothing,” you add, “neither will you or the guys open your loud mouths in front of that man.”
he shoots his eyebrows to his forehead, an amused smile on his face. “that man,” he mocks, bobbing his head to the side.
you two stay quiet for a few seconds until he speaks once again, “will...will you ever go back to him?”
you chose to stay still, sucking on the insides of your cheek. eyes everywhere except the blond’s who sighs in defeat.
“i’ll ask the workers to send in food supplies every week, i’ll be visiting weekly for your check up and don’t you dare do something stupid when i’m not here.”
you let out a genuine smile, “thank you, yeosang, really.”
he shakes his head with a shy smile, “just don’t die on us, and especially on seonghwa.”
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“hongjoong, i’m not going to go and see him.”
“he’s been asking for you— well to me, more subtly, but you know what i mean.” he grunts, pouring a cup of chamomile tea in the fine china.
ever since the day you left the palace of eden, you found home, not at your parents but the villa seonghwa had owned. the balmoral villa, the one by the seashore, the one you two talked about and the one where you wanted to raise your children in.
it had a rustic feel from the outside, but the inside was modern royalty. when you first entered at night, a large portrait of you and seonghwa hung over the fireplace, on the tall walls welcomed you.
it looked so intimidating at night, but when the moonlight shines through the large windows, it looked ethereal. a picture of you sitting and seonghwa standing behind you framed in gold.
you stared at it for a few minutes before eventually leaving, walking around the small villa, to see every nook of it.
but your favourite was the master bed, where a balcony connected to the outside. a view of the sea, with mountains caving in to make it seem private. you saw the silent horizon that day, so dark and brooding but so calming.
you’ve stayed here for around a week now, and your favourite thing was to stay awake until the late hours of the night. a warm cup of tea in hand, a mahogany fleece blanket wrapped around you and your eyes stuck on the single lighthouse in the distance.
a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere, lonely, just like you.
“i couldn’t care less hongjoong, let him ask for me, keep telling him lies.” you sip on the hot tea, shuddering a little.
“but we can’t keep doing that,” you raise your eyebrows at him.
“and what he did to me was right?” you interject, “hongjoong, imagine your husband blatantly ignoring you throughout one the hardest points in pregnancy.”
“and then, sending a stupid box of strawberries as a what? compensation? and when he could’ve fixed things, he tells me to quit being a general.”
“he cares for you y/n.”
you shake your head, “does he? he cares for our baby, i don’t matter hongjoong.”
“and as much as i know me, i wouldn’t dare hurt my child like that. if i don’t matter to him, what’s the point in going back?”
the man in front stays quiet, silently agreeing to whatever you were saying because you were right. his friend had just lost a piece of his mind that he can’t seem to get back right now, your anger is valid.
hongjoong winces at the fact that seonghwa seemed to forget, that the mother comes first, if there is no mother, then there is no child.
you, have endured almost everything. hongjoong glances at you, remembering what you’ve been through not only from the military but even now and yet you set out with a smile.
“if he’ll come back to his senses,” you shrug, “would you forgive him?”
you let out a tired sign, glancing at the man who stared at you. “i don’t know hongjoong, all i know is i don’t want to see him.”
he nods, bringing the cup to his lips. “how’s your health, you know, the kid.”
he watches your face brighten, a hand immediately resting on your stomach. “there’s a little bit of a bump forming, it’s cute.”
he grins against the cup whispering a, “he would’ve been over the moon,” before lifting his eyes to you, “i think the child’s a girl.”
“really?” you ask, wide eyed. “well, whoever the child is, as long as they stay healthy it doesn’t bother me.”
he smiles one again, slowly standing up. instructing you to take your meds, cook food and make sure to eat and lock all the doors and only then fall asleep.
you nod to every single one of them, grabbing his shoulders before literally pushing him outside because the man wouldn’t shut up.
once he leaves, you lock the big doors and press your back against them. sighing as your eye’s glances around the entrance lobby, your thoughts twisted to seonghwa.
“idiot,” you mutter, lowly but it echoes the room. craning your neck down, your eyes landed on your stomach. “your dad’s a big idiot, you know? i hope you don’t go on him.”
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“yes,” he stares, “father.”
the older man folds his hands on his knees, “where is y/n?”
seonghwa blinks, flickering his eyes from his fathers to the wall behind. “s-uh, i think she’s at her parents.”
“you think?” he tilts his head when his son doesn’t respond and instead chooses to keep his head down.
“seonghwa,” he starts, “i haven’t seen her around for a few weeks now.” the statement comes off more as threat, as if interrogating the man, eyeing his son with a stern face.
“and you don’t know where she is?”
when seonghwa does decide to open his mouth, his father beats him too it. “fath-“
“you imbecile, she’s your wife! she’s pregnant and carrying your child!”
he flinches at the sudden raise in volume, “but father, she’s-“
“no, i’m not going to hear anything from you.” he interrupts him, “go find her, if something happens to her. park seonghwa you best believe you’re dead.”
seonghwa swallows once his father leaves the room, bringing his head in his hands. shutting his eyes for a brief second only to be fly them open when hongjoong walks in.
“seonghwa what are you doing?” he barges in angrily, taking a seat in front of him. “what big of an idiot are you!”
“hongjoong, if you’re here to lecture me about y/n,” he starts, “then leave.”
hongjoong narrows his eyes at him, “do you know she’s not at her parent’s house?”
“w-what,” he cracks, “then where is she? she was at her parent-“
“was,” hongjoong interrupts, “what is going on with you seonghwa?”
“since when did you,” he raises his fingers to point at the man, “become like this?”
“no, you listen.” he puts a hand up, “seonghwa, you and y/n are married.”
“you’ve, okay, not liked each other at first but somewhere along the line you two have fallen for each other without realizing and it only got deeper!”
seonghwa sits quietly, “you love her, i know you do. everyone knows you do, and even y/n does, so why the hell are you doing this? isn’t it only bringing pain?”
hongjoong watches the man’s face twist into different emotions before continuing again, “seonghwa, grow up. you two have been married for almost two and a half years, and just a war broke it all?”
“the war, if she got hurt then what?” seonghwa finally speaks, “what would i have done without her? what would i have done without our child?”
“it’s her job! be it she’s pregnant or not, she knows better, she knows what protective measures she’s got to take just to protect the small life she’s got inside of her, she’s not a general for nothing!”
“you’re not making anything easy either, you’re forgetting that you love her!” hongjoong lifts his voice, “your mind is stuck on the baby and it’s health! but did it ever cross you how you’ve been forgetting y/n?”
“did you care about y/n getting hurt or only the kid? you yelled and screamed at her for taking your child to the war when all she wanted was to protect the father of her child!”
“did you forget that, the mother comes first?” he lowers his voice, stern yet powerful. “you doing this will ruin your already strained relationship with y/n, and it will affect her health.”
when seonghwa stares at him with his mouth parted, hongjoong stands up and jabs his pointer finger in his chest.
“do you realize what you’ve done seonghwa?”
“fuck,” seonghwa whispers, “oh god.”
“you told her to quit something she’s been doing longer than she’s been married to you,” he grits out.
“i-i did,”
“you yelled at her for getting injured, you didn’t care, you only cared for the child.”
“i did, o-oh my god.”
“you ignored her during when she needed you the most, did you know she cried, she cried because of you?”
“then what am i supposed to do!” seonghwa lets out, breathing heavily. “she came to me the other week and all i did was nothing, i stood while she cried for me to fix things.”
“but you only made it worse.”
“but i only made it worse.”
“hongjoong,” he swallows, eyes getting watery. “what do i do? i don’t deserve her, she won’t come back, s-she’s gone i won’t ever see her hongjoong. what do i do, what have i done— hong-“
hongjoong brings his hands over the taller man’s shoulders. “quiet down.”
“no, no i can’t do that.” he shakes his head, “if she’s not at her parent’s house, then you.” he grips hongjoong’s hands, “you know where she is.”
“please tell me where she is, please.”
he sighs, “seonghwa, only you know where she is.”
“i-i don’t, i really don-“
“what was her favourite place?”
“just te-“
“think seonghwa, think.”
“i can’t, i just want to see her already!”
“where did she want to spend the rest of her life with you?”
seonghwa pauses, “by the sea.” and it finally hits him like a truck. “fuck, she’s at balmoral!”
and immediately a bright grin covers his crying face, “she’s at balmoral, the villa she wanted to raise our kids at!” he brings a hand to his forehead, closing his eyes as he feels the final tears drop down.
“what are you waiting for then, go on.”
the excitement in him swirls, wiping his eyes he pulls the shorter man in a hug. “hongjoong you’re the best, thank you, i lov-“
“get out.”
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“i’ll drop by with groceries in a few hours, stay inside the weathers not good!”
“yes, yeosang now go!” you pushed the laughing man outside, waving your hand as he walks to the car with a smile.
you skipped on your toes lightly, humming as you make your way inside. hearing the rapid pitter patter of your dog running to you, nuzzling his face in your leg as you walked.
you plop yourself on the couch, placing your arms on the armrest and your doberman comes to lay by your feet. switching on a movie while a scented candle’s scent made it’s way around the room, a calming scent of warm vanilla.
eerily similar to seonghwa’s, you sighed at that. unconsciously your eyes land on your stomach, caressing it lightly.
you find yourself not focusing on the movie but on the man you married, your eyes then shift to the entrance lobby. you’d do this every day, maybe a small hope burning inside you said that the said man would walk in.
bring you in his arms, place a chaste kiss on your lips— but that’s where you’d stop thinking. clenching your jaw at the thought of him, you’re mad at him, furious even.
but you still want to see him, yet you don’t know how you’ll react once you do. your eyes then shift to the portrait of you two, at the happiest you two were at.
big smiles decorating your face, so warm and happy and inviting unlike now.
a tired sigh leaves your mouth, slowly getting up to walk down to the sea but halt once your eyes land on the window. shifting the curtain to the side, fat water droplets hit the glass from the heavy rain.
the blue ocean now darker like the sky, moving slowly but scarily. just as you’re about to turn around, the sound of the doorbell ringing stops you and a smile graces your lips.
“yeosang, i’m in the living area!” you yell, quickly tidying up the couch. “come on inside!”
you dog immediately gets on his feet, scurrying away to bark at the door. but he won’t, he knows it’s yeosang.
“yeosang! come in!” you say again, this time with furrowed eyebrows and a hesitant walk to the door.
the doorbell rings once again, “you have the keys yeo,” you mutter lowly, unlocking the door and just as you open the door, the ground from underneath you feels as if it’s slipping.
you take a step back, hands falling to your side and your eyes fall upon the man you hadn’t seen in weeks.
you’re just staring at him; he takes a step towards you, and you back up. a feeling of panic swirls in your chest, not because you didn’t want to see him but because you didn’t think it would be so soon.
“y-your highness.”
there’s no reaction on your face, but his eyes are wide and glossy as if he just had cried, or from the rain pouring down his face. his lips twitch at the corners but falter down.
“i’m sorry.”
you feel as if your heart is about to burst out because of how fast it’s beating, a warm lump forming your throat that’s so hard to swallow down. his dark hair shadow over his eyes, shinning under the night light just outside.
he’s standing in a black shirt that’s now clung onto him, and you know it’s a very wrong time, but you can’t help but stare at him up and down.
“why are you here?” your voice comes out on tone that’s barely above a whisper, fingers gripping your dress.
“y/n please, just give me chance,” he pleads, and you hear the desperation in his voice.
you step backwards when he tries to hold onto your hand, back enough that he’s standing inside now. the water from outside following inside, and your eyes stare into his.
“please, please y/n i’m so sorry.”
“you need to go away, you’re not supposed to be here.” you manage to say out loud but it doesn’t affect him the slightest.
“y/n,” his low voice rings the hall, “i’m terrible, i know. but please don’t let go, i’m an idiot that didn’t hear you or fix things when you were there.”
“i ignored you when you were in pain and i only made it worse, i made it so easy for you to hate me y/n.”
“the weathers not great, go back please.”
he shakes his head, finally taking a stride towards you and you stay still. his tall self hovers over you and you shut your eyes, inhaling his scent that you thought you’d never smell again.
“please y/n,” he clasps onto your hand, his cold fingers holding into your warmer hand.
“please what?” you say, “y-you’ve done nothing but hurt me, when i went to the war for you, all for you.”
“i didn’t want you to die...i never did,” you look away, “i knew you’d be mad but not the point where you didn’t even look at me.”
“did you know how much it hurt?” lowering your eyes as if it would hide the tears pooling in. “you said you’d be by my side, that we would raise our kids together.”
you let out a humourless laugh, “but it’s as if that never existed,” you finally look at him, who’s staring at you intently and you swallow.
“did you even want to be-“
“i wanted to be there for all of it,” he cuts you, eyes flickering with a dark glint that displayed pain. “i wanted to be there for it all y/n, but i was selfish.”
you don’t realize that your lips are trembling, holding onto your emotions from pouring out. yes, you two had an argument but that doesn’t stop how you feel about him—
“i love you.”
“stop it.” you barely manage to whisper out, that three worded sentence making your insides swoop, shuddering as the cold wind made its way inside.
he shakes his head and you see the tears roll down his cheeks, “i’m sorry y/n, i don’t deserve you, i will never des-“
“please just shut up.”
“i put you and our child in dang-“
“why do you say you put me and our baby in danger?” he says between his sobs, “when you were the one in danger? hm? does your life not matter? your life is the most precious thing to me, are you insane? why do you hurt yourself like this?”
he then kneels on his knees and your eyes widen, only for the water collected in your eyes to fall. you’re standing and he kneels by your feet, head thrown down as both your emotions match.
he keeps shaking his head, lips letting choked sobs as his shoulders shake. “y/n, please, i’m so sorry, i- please just come back, please.” he begs between sniffles.
you shake your head slowly, biting down on your lips. “n-no, not right now.”
he holds onto your hand and brings it to his lips, you try to jerk it back but he lifts his head up. his red and swollen and puffy, nose red and lips parted.
he manages to smile a little, he glances at the band resting on your fingers. you bring your hand back, “you need to leave, just go away.”
“i’m an idiot, please don’t stay away from me-“ he pauses midway, eyeing your tear filled eyes and then on the small bump of your stomach.
and it only breaks him down more, a shaky hand coming to cup his mouth. eyes flickering from yours to the little bump you have, salty tears prickle down his eyes.
“i-is that...” he hiccups, “ours?”
you swallow hard and it only makes everything worse because you yourself choke out a sob. he watches through wonder and tears, knowing that inside was what you and he created.
he wipes the tears by back his hand, timidly bringing a hand to your stomach but before it does, you take a step back.
“y/n, please.”
“your highness, it’s raining out heavily, please go back to eden before the storm worsens.” lifting your head to look out the door, seeing a car in the car distance, presumably the one he used to come here.
“no,” he pauses, “not without you, and not without our little one.”
“you should’ve thought about that months ago, your highness.” you turn around, and he watches you walk away from him with desperate eyes.
“stop talking like that to me,” he says between sniffles, “since when did you go back to be-“
“a general?” you turn your head to the side, “the second you told me to call you ‘your highness’.”
“leave,” you say, turning your head to the side because you couldn’t look at him. “when our child’s born, i’ll handwrite you a letter to let you know.”
“now please,” you pause, “leave your highness.”
“y/n please, just p-“
“leave.” you say out tiredly, holding onto the couch to support your weight. “go away, seonghwa.”
his eyes widen at your words, using his name brought a certain amount of weight onto him, closing his eyes for a brief second, he stands up, wobbly.
you turn around so fast that in seconds you’re pushing him out the door, ignoring his begging, pleadings, and desperate calls for your name.
you slam the door shut, closing your eyes, and lulling your back. you hear him scream and wail your name repeatedly, but you clench your jaw, closed your eyes and pressed your back against the door.
the two men outside, yunho and mingi watch their duke kneel on his knees. one hand on the door as he calls out your name, they wipe their own tears before walking to seonghwa, holding onto two black umbrellas.
building a shield over the man, the two exchange a look. yunho decides to hold onto seonghwa’s shoulder.
“just give her some time seonghwa,” mingi says, flinching at the sudden thunderstorm.
yunho shakes his head, “i’m sorry, but you had a chance, you let it go too quick.”
both the boys pull seonghwa away from the doorstep, his head hung low as hot tears streamed down his face. he doesn’t bother fighting them and lets them drag him back to the car.
sparing your window one last glance, hoping that you would be standing there. watching him leave, but you didn’t. you couldn’t look at him in the eye.
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you sat down on your desk, the one in the small office. where a large window pooled in sunlight, the desk you say at now covered with coloured papers and stickers and pictures.
a scrapbook, what yeosang said would be a good thing to pass time instead of sparring swords alone or walking your dog down the small town.
the book was rather small, but it did the job. you’ve been writing your experiences with the baby in it, from when you were too sick or intense cravings at five in the morning or when there was excessive back pain.
you were now a little over four months, you had jotted all the entry’s down, pairing it up with stickers and felt pen designs. you’d always end the entry with the date and time, so that maybe in future you could look back at it.
but when you would swivel your chair around, your eyes would land upon the new set of roses sitting on the far desk. everyday you’d get something by your door or by the hands of yeosang.
“here you go,” he’d chuck it at you when walking by, and you knew it was seonghwa sending all these.
so, you would send them back politely through yeosang’s hands, who would glare at you for making him run back and forth.
“oh my god y/n, this is the third time you’ve asked me to send these back to your lover boy!”
“and you will!” you grin, “thank you!”
he sighs and grabs the roses from you, “i’m not going to be stalling this for long, one day i might just do something that you wouldn’t have excepted.”
“sure, sure.”
maybe you should’ve listened to him, because the scrapbook you made documenting your pregnancy had been sent off into the hands of seonghwa.
“you what!” you said, wide eyed.
yeosang shrugged, “i told you, you two need to sort it out.”
you’d throw a finger in the air for him, and he’d laugh mockingly, before one day the doorbell had rang and a person stood on the other side, holding a giant bouquet yellow flowers in front of their face.
“excuse me?”
and then the flowers were shoved down a little revealing, “you?”
seonghwa, of course, standing there with a big grin on his face.
“hi,” he says and then walk past you inside, “the house is still in good condition, how was everything?”
“why are you here?” you ask, eyebrows furrowing.
he grins, takes a small step, and crosses his arms over his chest. “well, my wife lives here and she’s pregnant and i’m here to take care of her.”
you let out a scoff, “oh yeah? i think you’ve got the wrong house.”
“oh, i’m sure i’ve got the right one.” he smiles, coming closer to you and then snaking a hand around your waist, pulling you to his chest.
“y/n,” his low voice mumbles, “i’ll be staying here with you, whether you like it or not.”
you crane your neck up to meet his eyes, and when you did, he smiles brightly and then pecks your nose quickly and then he’s off of you.
turning around, placing his hands on his waist, and nodding at every room. while you stood in the middle with wide eyes, and a cozy feeling in your stomach.
seonghwa watches you brush past him, and he smiles. looking around before settling his eyes on the large portrait, his eyes turn into crescents when he stares at it.
thanking yeosang for mailing him the scrapbook, he remembers it being chucked at his face and before he could get the chance to yell, the blond man had already walked out.
he hesitantly flipped through the entire book, eyes widening when he realizes that is your handwriting and you’re documenting the pregnancy. he finds it hard not to tear up, making sure to read everything written on. and from that’s where he would send you flowers every day, as it said that you liked smelling them this time around. or sending prepped meals, baby clothes, clothes for you and more.
he’s decided that you may not forgive him easily, he’ll still be by your side, to fill in the hole he left when he wasn’t there.
so he makes sure to wake up before you every day, cooking your breakfast, lunch and dinner. doing the cleaning, laundry and looking over you from afar when you would go out a walk.
the only thing missing was, well, your voice.
because you didn’t say a single word to him for the days, he’s been doing this, nonchalantly walking past him or pretending he isn’t even in the villa.
you’d quietly eat the food being made for you, although not saying anything verbally, he already knows what you would say.
sometimes he’d get lucky hearing you talk, precisely when he had started to sleep on the couch because he wanted to give you your outmost privacy.
“your highness,” he grins ear to ear, “this isn’t necessary, go back to your duties in eden.”
“my duty is you, y/n.” he says with a slight tilt of his head, catching the slight widening of your eyes.
“it is-“
“no, never, don’t say a word.” he comes to stand right in front of you, “i’m never leaving you out of my sight again, i’ll stay here with you not caring if you hate me or not.”
your stomach would flip at the words and sometimes you think it’s the baby reacting to their fathers’ words.
“seonghwa,” he interrupts, “but hwa could work too.” he shrugs his shoulders with a pout.
with a wink he would walk past you, doing something in the house and you’d groan before locking yourself in your bedroom once again.
but recently you’ve been leaving your door slightly ajar, or well seonghwa had told you too, forcibly. knowing that if you would be in some type of pain, he wouldn’t have to break the door down and would rather just barge in.
you silently agreed because the night prior you had a slight pain shooting from your stomach, not that serious, but bad enough for you to slip out a few low groans.
so, you didn’t expect to be up at four in the morning, turning on the bed constantly before sitting up tight and immediately feeling an immense amount of pain shoot through you.
you figured it was the surprise movement or the contractions, or whatever because you really couldn’t think right now. your brain screamed at you to get up, but all you could do was groan loudly.
you shift in an effort to make it better, but it only makes it worse, and it’s as if your grunts were so loud you heard rapid footsteps running down the hallway.
you bite down on your lips, clutching the sheets as the pain doubled. squeezing your eyes shut on impulse but they shoot open just as the door breaks open.
there stood a heavily breathing seonghwa, eyes widened, and mouth parted. he yelled your name once again, this time coming by you.
he cringes at your pain and panics, eyes frantically searching your face before he helps you sit up.
“it’s o-okay,” his shaky hands brush your hair away, “stay still i’ll be right back!”
“the medicine is top left drawer!” you manage to yell, falling back on the bed while one hand rested on your forehead.
“hurry up!” you yell, grunting and groaning until seonghwa zooms in right beside you.
he slowly helps you sit up, holding your hand tightly as he kept mumbling sweet nothings. he hands you the medicine and you gulp it down, he holds onto you firmly, brushing away the strands of hair.
you hold onto his shoulders, trying not to let out a scream of pain. he welcomes the tight grip you have on him and places a hand behind your head, lowering it to his shoulder.
his other hand softly rubs your back as you squeeze your eyes shut, “i-it hurts,”
he hums, swallowing and then tucking your face in his neck. “you’re alright baby, you’re okay, you’re with me.” he mumbles against your ear and you tighten your hold onto him.
“get away from me,” you grit out, “go get yeosang.”
he immediately nods, not wanting to leave pull away from the embrace. “o-of course, i’m sorry. do you need anything else? anything at all?”
you shake your head, “get the doctor, get yeosang and get away from me.”
“but you’re hurting,” his quips, voice full of uncertainty. “i’m not going to leave y/n.”
“j-just go.” you push his chest away, curling your fingers around your dress instead.
he nods shakily, “alright, i’ll go get yeosang, if you need any-“
“just go!”
your loud yell makes him flinch and sighs softly, letting go of your body knowing he’s the one to blame of this situation. he stands up, looks over at you in worry before walking out the door.
“alright y/n, i’ll go get him.”
you fall back immediately, wanting for it all to stop. curling up in a fetal position you hold onto the pillow until yeosang comes, seonghwa watches you from the door.
one hand holding the phone to his ear while his eyes flickered glints of pain, he hears every instruction the man says. biting down on his lips, he watches your expression morph into relief, and he thinks the pains over.
he watches you fall asleep, walking in quietly and then lifting the blanket up till your shoulders. bunching up your hair, out of your face.
his knuckles brush lightly against your cheek, and he shudders, “i’m sorry,” he whispers “please forgive me.” and then lowers his face, pecking your cheek for a brief second and then places a pillow by your back.
he finds himself sitting outside your room, the door to your room slightly open. he thinks in case of another situation like this, he’ll be able to get inside quicker to rush to your aid.
he backs himself to the wall right by the door, straightening his legs and then closing his eyes until morning hits.
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when you wake up the next day, your eyes hastily glance at the clock. cursing lowly at how late you’ve woken up, groaning and then getting up to freshen yourself up.
when you walk out, you pause when your eyes fall upon seonghwa sitting on the floor, sleeping.
you clear your throat, “your highness, hey.” you tap your feet on the wood twice. when he doesn’t move, you bite the insides of your cheek and then glance left and right.
slowly lowering yourself to his eye-level, your eyes fall over his face. cheeks swished against his shoulder, hair over his eyes and his lips all pink and pouty.
you find yourself smiling, lifting your hand out and brushing his hair to the side. doing so only made butterflies erupt inside you, caressing his forehead lightly you feel tears trickle in your eyes.
“why do you do this hwa?” you whisper to yourself, “you’re a big idiot you know, i hope our kid doesn’t go on you.”
you poke his cheek, “you made me cry a lot you know?” and then poke his pillowy lips.
“i should hate you,” you whisper, “i do, don’t get me wrong.”
you sniffle a little and then dare to bring your face close to his, quickly wanting to place a peck on his forehead and then leave and then pretend a different nothing had happened.
when you inch closer, his eyes shoot open and he grabs you by the waist, making you fall onto his lap.
your eyes widen, “h-hey! seo- your highness, this is inappropriate!”
he grips your waist, “and what you did wasn’t?” you stare into his eyes and then look away.
“this is how we’re supposed to be y/n,” he says softly, “i love you, i still love you with every fiber in body. i’ll have it engraved to my tombstone, so even death can’t do us apart.”
he inches closer, lips grazing your neck. “so, miss general, please let me back in.”
you stay quiet, looking off into the hallway before shoving his hands away. “go sit at the table, i’ll make the breakfast this time.”
and that’s when he smiles big, squealing and then tucking his face in your neck. giving you a tight hug before letting you go; you hear his excited giggles while you walk away with a small smile.
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“whose shirt is that?” the minute you walk out the shower seonghwa questions you.
sitting on the couch, a book in hand and legs crossed. he watches you walk out, in a white shirt, wet hair and his black ring that brought a smile on his lips.
“where’s yeosang?” you ask, grabbing a glass of water and bringing it up to your lips.
“that’s his shirt?!” he yells, eyes widening he stands up.
you throw him a glance, “i said where’s yeosang?”
“who’s fucking shirt is that?” he smirks, coming up behind you till he’s front is pressed against your back.
“it’s mine, what’s your deal.” you hear him let out a low hum, snaking a hand around your waist. his eyes fall on the collar, and he ticks ups an eyebrow.
and then smiled shyly, resting his chin on your shoulder he brings both his arms around you, intertwining his hands at your front.
“you could’ve told me if you wanted more of my shirts,” he mumbles, “this ones kind of boring hm?”
you grip the glass tightly at that, flickering your eyes from the table to the ground. and then you feel him press against your back, making you shiver.
he kisses your neck and softly taps your stomach, “i’ll be home later, okay?” you inhale sharply the minute you feel his warmth leave and then groan.
when he comes back, the house is quiet. grinning to himself he walks to change in his night clothes, and then jumps onto the couch.
he lets out a sigh of relief, knowing he clocked the doors and you’re fast asleep, and the progress between your relationship is working to a good end.
he brings his hands behind his head and leans back, leaning into the couch as he shut his eyes.  
and it’s as if ten minutes later, his eyes shoot open when he hears a call for his name. he shakes his head and looks around, when he doesn’t hear anything, he pulls the blanket above his head.
but then just two minutes later, he hears a louder cry for his name. this time he yanks the blanket down, panic swirling in his chest once he hears a louder groan.
he stands up, glancing at the clock, frowning at the later hours of might. he quietly walks himself down the hallway to your room, eyes widening when he hears the voices coming from your room.
he steps closer and brings his ear against the door, eyes widening when he hears your low moans for his name. his hand rests in the doorknob and just as he’s about to twist it, he pauses when he hears a breathy call of his name.
his eyebrows furrow, “y/n?” he calls out in worry.
you pause, biting your lip when you hear his voice. you glance down at your fingers against your folds and then to the door, “d-don’t come in!”
you lean yourself against the bed frame, inching your fingers closer to your wet folds and then slowly starting to move them.
“why? what’s going on?”
you hear him say just as you fasten the speed, biting down on your lip so that a mewl won’t escape.
he stops and then he groans, “shit, y/n, baby let me in.”
and you push your fingers in, shuddering as you pumped in and out. your other hand travels to your breast, softly kneading while your fingers worked in and out of you.
he knocks on the door, pressing himself against the door when he hears you moan out his name. swallowing when he hears the pretty voices of yours, he hasn’t heard in a while.
“y/n,” he says lowly, and you cry his name out, he finds himself closing his eyes and letting out shaky breaths.
“seonghwa,” you cry out loudly and the doorknob shakes, parting your lips as you let out a silent scream.
“fuck,” he groans, his own self getting impatient. “baby, open the door for me.”
you shake your head as if he could see you, feeling the wetness starting to pool out of you. your chest heaving up and down while your mouth keys out pretty voices that has his cock twitching in his pants.
“baby, louder,” he says, “i can’t hear you.”
and as if on demand, you whine out loudly. he curls his fists, trying to control himself to not barge in until you say so.
“y/n, let me in please.” he begs, biting his lips, hard enough to perhaps draw blood.
“d-don’t.” you let out shakily, shutting your eyes as the heat started to coil up in your stomach.
“but i can make you feel so good,” he says breathily, “i know that body like my own cock.”
you mewl at his words, “just go away!” you squirm, “or stay put.”
abs he chooses the second option, looking down at the tent forming in his pants before looking at the door.
he finds himself getting needy, palming his own cock slowly. closing his eyes and leaning back on the door, mouth parting when he hears your voices.
he tries to imagine you but whines when he can’t, “y/n,” he says once again, shutting his eyes as he feels his cock twitch.
and then there’s silence from the other side, he places a hand on the doorknob and twists it and to his surprise the door opens wide.
he turns around and inhales sharply when he sees you sitting on the bed, your fingers inside your pussy and moans.
he walks inside when you stare at him, your legs shut close when he stands by the end of your bed. his eyes showing a dark glint and teeth gnawing on his bottom lip, he then gets a hold onto your ankles and pulls you to the end.
you let out a surprise yelp when he spreads your legs wide, he shuts his eyes and rests his forehead on yours. “please let me fuck you properly baby,” he grits out and you whimper, “let me make you feel good.”
he kneels down and placed his larger hands on your thighs, “y/n, look here.” you look away as the heat rushes to your cheeks, you close your legs, but he holds onto them and spreads them wider.
“no baby, let me see this, it’s all for me.” he then trails a finger down your clit and you shiver, he then lowers himself close to your already wet and needy center.
“tell me to stop right now and i will,” he looks straight at you, fiddling with your dress as bunches it up.
“can i?” his hot breath fans against your inner thighs and you close your eyes, “c-“
“yes, just hurry up!” you say out loudly and he smirks, holding onto your waist he dips his head between your legs and you cry out at the sensitively from your previous high.
you lay back on the bed, elbows holding you up as he dives his tongue inside of you. lapping at different speeds and eating you out as if the man has been starved for days.
“shit,” you whine, “h-hwa.”
“so pretty,” he says in between, diving his tongue in making you let out a moan for his name that has his cock twitch, and he moves in and out of you skillfully.
alternating from long slow licks to small circles with his fingers to his tongue lapping sinfully against your clit until he's had his fingers easily sliding in and out of you.
you close your legs, and he growls lowly, using his hands to part them as he finds a particular interest in sucking on the nerves that have you rolling your eyes back.
“c-close,” you whine out and he delivers a particular harsh suck that has you screaming his name and coming off your high.
he places hot trails of kisses by your inner thighs and then looks up at you, your head thrown back, chest heaving up and down heavily and the sweat lined against you.
he then stands up to hover of you, your eyes shut tight, and he smiles. “y/n,” he places his lips onto yours, you respond back after a few seconds and he smiles, finally feeling them on his.
you wrap your arms around his shoulders, “i’m sorry,” he mumbles against your lips and you pull back to rest your head back.
“i’m sorry too,” you mutter, he tucks his face in your neck, wrapping his arm around yours.
“i’m the one at fault,” he says, “you don’t need to apologize.”
you hum, running your hand through his hair. “will you let me back in?” you hear his quiet voice by your ear.
“seonghwa, i’m horny right now,” he chuckles, “you saying that sentence is making me think dirty thoughts.”
“do you want me go in?” he asks, purely out of playfulness.
“hm, do it right now.” you mumble lazily and he shoots his head up.
“are you serious?” he asks, genuinely surprised at your words.
you nod, “i heard pregnancy sex is the best, i want to try it.”
he laughs at your straightforward manner and shakes his head, “baby i don’t want to hurt you,” he moves his hand to your stomach. “or our little one inside.”
“just do it,” you open your eyes to meet his shiny ones, “i won’t let you do later on.”
he puckers his lips, “but won’t it hu-“
“no, it won’t, trust me.” you say, “hurry up!”
he shakes his head, “not right now baby, let’s do it next time.”
you laugh, “next time?” you shake your head, “no next time hwa.”
“just one? what about the five kids we wanted?” you smack his shoulder and then cup his cheeks.
“park seonghwa, the next time you do shit like this i’ll break you.”
he grins, swooping you up in his arms. you yelp but wrap your arms around his neck anyways. he has a grin on his lips that you haven’t seen in a while and it makes you feel as if everything’s settled, he glances at you from time to time and you see the same love you used too.
when you two lay on your bed side by side, he seems to have a permanent pout on his face as he sulks in your neck. you smile and lift your hands to run through his hair, he wraps his arm around your waist and nuzzles into you.
he places a soft peck on your neck before getting comfortable, bringing the blankets up and nuzzling into you. his hand rests on your stomach, caressing it lightly before falling asleep beside you. this was the best sleep you two had gotten, in a while.
and the next morning it’s as if his demeanor changed, he woke up before you but stayed in bed to admire your face. his lips met your forehead, nose, and then your lips as he looked at the glow shinning on your face.
he helps you with your sickness, doing chores that would usually be easier for you, bringing you all the strawberries and meals he had.
and you returned it with having him to run across town to bring you that one thing you ate months ago or shoving him inside the shower fully clothed because you thought he smelled weird, three times.
or him borrowing that book of names from your dad, that he reads every day before sleeping, suggesting you to name the child a name he heard in a movie.
or when he visits the town to bring home little clothes, shoes, hats and socks for your unborn child. he comes in giggling while holding bags full of stuff he bought, he then compares the sizes between his ginormous clothes to the baby ones.
he caresses your stomach one in a while, mumbling how, “good you look filled up with me.” and you smack his arm away.
how when you bump had finally grown more, you screamed his name and lifted your shirt. he came in running, a spoon in his mouth and the plate of pasta he held now chucked to the side.
he pokes at your stomach and feels the bump, kneeling in front of you. when he kisses your stomach, it usually ends up with him crying because he’s way too excited, more excited than you.
and when the guys noticed the bump, they all squealed so loud. especially mingi who seemed to be the most excited out of all, also who seonghwa had to shoo away.
the guys walk in at any given time of the day, sometimes when seonghwa has to tend to his duties, one of the guys would come and keep you company. cracking jokes or guessing the gender or the name you had thought off.
it’s as if time slipped, and your belly was even more swollen. yeosang who comes for your daily checkup, jumps on his feet whenever he feels the baby kick through his stethoscope.
“you’ll be due soon,” he’d say, and it only made you more nervous, because you had heard about the pain one experiences, or how some don’t make it through, or if you would be a good m-
“what’s your pretty little head thinking?” you break off from your trance to look at seonghwa, who laid beside you on the bed.
your hand reaches up to your belly, “nothing, just wondering who the kid will go on.”
he smirks at that, “on me of course, they’ll take my good looks and my brains.”
you snarl at the man and bring the sheets up to your chin, getting comfortable and closing your eyes.
but it’s as if god has different plans, at exactly 3:44 your eyes shoot open. your hand goes to your stomach and then you feel it, your water’s broken.
you look at seonghwa who’s sleeping with a content smile and poke his face, “hwa, hwa get up.”
he stirs in his sleep and lazily opens his eyes and hums, “hmm whaat is it, do you want mo stawbehies?”
“no,” you lean down, “my water broke.”
he squishes his cheek against the pillow and mumbles out a soft, “what?”
you roll your eyes, “the baby’s coming!” you yell, “right now!”
and it takes him no time to jump off his bed, he first looks at you wide eyed and mouth hung open. his hands are up by his head as if someone has arrested him and then he screams, loudly.
you’re sure all the lights of the villa are turning on, seonghwa picks you up from the bed and runs down the room you two had prepared beforehand, he lays you down on the bed and when he sees your face contorting into pain he screams, yet again.
“get the midwife!” he yells at himself, running in his doodle filled pyjamas down to grab the midwife.
at this point, everyone’s awake. the maids who are patiently waiting outside in the hallway, both yours and seonghwa’s parents standing by each other guessing who the baby will go on.
the guys who are half awake standing in their matching pyjamas that you bought for them in a group set, betting money on if it’s the gender they guessed on.
seonghwa’s inside the room, walking back and forth as if he’s the one who’s pregnant. the midwife and her workers help fix the room while telling you breathing exercises, you listen to them as you laid comfortably.
“stop running around,” you tell him, your feelings totally contrasting. he’s panicking and you’re sitting all relaxed.
“your highness,” the midwife bows, “you should wait outside.”
“oh no, no, no!” he immediately disagrees, “i’m staying here, by her side.”
“but yo-“
“no questions asked,” he says and you stare at him wide eyed, you’re about to call out for his name but then you feel the pain kicking in.
“seonghwa!” you yell and he’s immediately kneeling by you, running a hand through your hair as the pain worsened.
“it’s happening,” the midwife says, “hold on tight miss general, you’re in for a ride.”
and you scream immediately.
“it’s okay, it’s okay, you’re doing amazing!”
“park seonghwa, shut up!”
“no no, i read this in the books, if i keep talking to you-“ he’s cut off by him screaming as you grip his hand hard.
“i’m never going to let you do this again!” you yell, breathing heavily as a layer of sweat washes over you.
“you’re doing great, breathe, our child’s almost here.” he watches you groan and yell and push and cry and his respect for you grows every second.
he kneels to your face, wiping away the sweat and tears by a towel. “you know, this isn’t the right time, but you look really hot right now.”
you push his face away and yell, the midwife cries out in happiness as she tells seonghwa to do whatever he did once again.
he nods immediately, holding your hand in his. “are you ready for kid number one?”
your eyes grow wide and the midwife screams, “park seonghwa, this is the one and only-“
“one more time! your highness, one more!”
“i know we just had my birthday, but we should have that night aga-“
“no!” you scream, gripping the sheets tightly and shutting your eyes.
he caresses your forehead while holding your hand, “i bet it’s a prin-“
“it’s a princess!” and you hear the crying of a child.
your body falls in a pool of relief, and your eyes cry out a river. your mouths hung open as you breathe in and out, trying to catch your breath.
the midwife comes with a big smile, carrying a small body frame in her arms, with a smile she places the body on your rising chest. your trembling hands hold onto, your daughter, your newborn daughter.
your eyes immediately move to seonghwa’s and find him hiding his face in his arms, you ask him to lift his head up and once he does his eyes water more. you nod and take his hand to bring it over your daughter, his face quickly breaks out into a big smile.
he inches closer and the midwifes move to the bathroom the room for privacy, his eyes fall out fat droplets of tears as he looks at you and then to the small face tucked into a cloth.
his wide eyes turn onto crescents when he notices the baby, her cute chubby cheeks, her little lips and her small little hands.
“s-she,” he sobs, “our daughter.”
you nod and ask him to hold her, he says no at first, telling you that his hands are too big or what if he drops her. you take his hands and then gently hand him your little princess.
“our princess,” he says, eyes flickering to you and to the baby he coddles.
“our daughter, princess of eden, park hwayoung.”
eight months later.
you and seonghwa huddle up together, opening the door to your daughter’s room slowly in hopes that the noise won’t disturb her sleep.
but when you do open the window, she’s standing with her arms leaning over the crib wall. opening her little mouth yawning, stretching her arms over her head dramatically before falling down on her bed.
seonghwa coos beside you and you hurry inside, “hwayoung-ah!” you say, and her eyes fly to yours, widening and sparkling.
damn it, just like her dad.
she lifts her hands up for you to pick her up, once you do, your brush her short hair back and she giggles before pointing at seonghwa who stood behind you, with his arms wrapped around your waist.
“hi princess,” he says and she reaches for his cheeks, planting her small hands on his skin.
“ha!” she says and you laugh, making seonghwa frown.
“it’s da-da hwayoung, not ha!” he whines in your ear, and she does nothing but call him ‘ha’ again.
you smile sheepishly because you know it’s your deeds, you call seonghwa ‘hwa’ so much that your daughter had picked it up too.
but since she’s little and wobbles over her words, she calls him “ha!” instead of “hwa,” which everyone finds too adorable.
she smiles when she sees seonghwa pout, her little giggles filling the room and you realize how grown she had gotten so quick.
you still remember the very first month, both you and seonghwa didn’t leave hwayoung alone for even a second. building a makeshift bed for her in between you two, she’d sleep half her day away.
her hands curled up onto little fists, sleeping like a starfish, her frame wrapped in a yellow duckie blanket gifted to her by mingi.
the second month was when you two really experienced the chaotic energy she had, waking up at the most spontaneous hours of the night, crying and screaming and then laughing and playing the other second.
the third month was when you and seonghwa would have a breakdown, you remember how when you asked seonghwa to change her diaper and he stared at you with horror.
he would use the tip of his fingers to remove the diaper and then with your help change it for her, while she either slept away or moved way too much.
seonghwa still finds it horrifying when he remembers his own stories with hwayoung.
but as months passed by, at five months was when you two heard her say her very first word.
and you cried out of joy, shoving your face into seonghwa’s, celebrating your win over the small contest you two had over who’s name would she say first.
the next shocker you had was when you were in her room, cleaning her toys up and you looked back and saw her standing up on her feet.
you immediately called seonghwa over and he comes in with a camera with him, filming the very first steps of his daughter.
when it hit eight months, you two had kind of gotten the hang off your daughter. and it was the best feeling to see her every day, screaming or laughing or looking at you with those eyes of her dad’s.
whenever you would scold her, she would widen her eyes and stare into your soul.
needless to say, she’s a carbon copy of seonghwa’s personality and a mixture of both your face.
aside from the eyes, she had the cutest cheeks you had ever seen, pouty lips and a contagious smile that brightened the room wherever she went.
seonghwa had also gone out of his way to get hwayoung anything her eyes laid on, which included dresses with strawberries on them.
one thing your daughter absolutely loved was strawberries, no wonder you had craved them so much during her.
she’s just like her dad and seonghwa makes sure to boast it in your face every day, or whenever hwayoung would waddle her way to him when he would come from work.
but she was your daughter, in the end of the day she runs to you with her arms frantically moving up and down and then finally falling asleep in your embrace.
and when she would sleep on seonghwa’s chest because she found it more comfortable, you’d snap a quick picture while seonghwa smiled, caressing her cheek.
when she finally hit the two-year mark, both you and hwayoung had a portrait taken. where she sat on your lap, a big smile on her face, short hair pulled into two pigtails and a pink dress.
that was your new favourite picture.
ah, and well as for your duty as a general. you decided to retire, wanting to be by hwayoung’s side all the time. you were now an ex-general, still taking the time in between to train a few newbies.
jongho had become the new head of the army and he made sure to boast it in your face and you’d laugh and say, “i trained you!”
you and seonghwa would carry your daughter everywhere, seonghwa would make her sit on his shoulders while her tiny hands played with his hair, and you’d prop her on your waist while she played with the chain around your neck.
in the end of the day, you and seonghwa would huddle together in the bed tiredly because your daughter had way too much energy.
“let’s not have another kid, she’s enough.”
that was funny because you screamed that same sentence on your second. yelling at seonghwa who only held your hand and helped you through the birth while saying ridiculous things that riled you up.
and this time, it was a boy.
seonghwa had chosen the name this time, hwan.
you remember the little guy screaming in the middle of the might that made you and seonghwa run to the room, most of the time it was hwayoung bothering him and others he was crying for no reason.
he had developed more of your personality but looked exactly like seonghwa, jongho would laugh and call it a “double homicide.”
hwan would spend time with hongjoong often, fascinated by the fact how his uncle played the piano.
who would excitedly teach him how to play and hwan would watch with his cat-like eyes, sitting beside hongjoong while his fingers played the keys.
hwayoung would make the rest of the guys dress up in pink tutu’s and invite them to her tea party, handwriting a sign with swirls and rainbows.
and they’d join happily, calling her their “little princess” who’s order they will forever follow.
others would find it surprising that how the big and bad princes and kings and generals (the guys) would be wrapped around the fingers of your kids.
you and seonghwa, worked even close than before. alternating responsibilities from your kids and then to the royal duties, but you made sure you would always spend time with the kids.
which meant taking them to the balmoral villa by the sea, or them jumping onto you and seonghwa first thing in the morning and then cuddle before falling asleep again.
you would discipline the kids while seonghwa spoiled them.
and then when the day had finally come, seonghwa’s parents had stepped down from the throne of eden.
hand in hand you two stood by each other, dressed in the coronation clothes with crowns over your head.
your kids stood in front of you two, playing with their clothes while pointing everywhere. the photographer snapped multiple photos and they would get broadcasted everywhere just like how the coronation.
you and seonghwa walked out the throne room, hearing the public chant your names and hold the flags of eden. waving their hands to yours, and you two glanced at each other and then laughed.
because in the end you two were together, with a small family of your own. your friends and parents supporting you and a new public who looked after you.
hwan and hwayoung ran to you two, yelling for you while holding their arms wide open. you picked hwan up and seonghwa picked hwayoung in his arms.
asking her to wave at the ones standing there for them, hwan would shy away and bury his face in your neck.
you glanced at seonghwa, and he winks, puckering his lips playfully and you shook your head, looking ahead.
this was it, seonghwa became the new king of eden and you, the queen consort of eden.
and you lived happily ever after.
the end.
previous part. 
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tag list : @mingi-ivity : @luvhaos : @mangotexts : @atinyteez​ : @preets-kpop-world : @atozfic : @idiomaticpunk : @ofcjongho : @ateezappreciation : @sparklychangbin : @annasbananas : @happycandynoelle : @seonghwas-shinystar-x​ : @treasure-hwa : @etherealbyeol  : @sktbzc0re : @utopiakys  : @hanflix : @skmoonchild : @uzumakioden : @thiccseokmin​ 
unable to tag : @multi–trash : @rawrrainn : @deobichoice : @hongzkdlin
667 notes · View notes
seongsangsgf · 3 years
Ateez Reaction: Making out during a heated argument
tags/warning:suggestive, implied smut, arguments, slight angst, some reactions may be longer than others A/N:requested by @mypsh. This is so poorly written so I’m sorry if it didn’t turn out good 😭 my first reaction request. Credits to the owners of the gifs used here
Hongjoong promised you that he’d be back by 10 so that he can spend some time with you for your anniversary. He was at the studio making another song for his group. It was already past 10: no sign of your boyfriend.
Now you already grew impatient, feeling like the plans for your anniversary were already falling through. You thought it’d be better to go to sleep since it was getting late. Just when you were about to sleep for the night, the door opened to reveal Hongjoong. When he saw everything that you prepared, he was heart broken.
He tried to explain why he was late but soon it led to the both of you arguing over how he almost forgot that it was your anniversary tonight as how he should’ve stayed home. That was until he saw the robe that you were wearing.
“M-May I?” He asked shyly, curious as to what you were wearing under that robe.
“Go ahead.”
When he was given the signal, he removed the robe, only to reveal lingerie that you bought just for him.
“Oh fuck…” he mumbled under his breath.
“What are you waiting for Joongie? Take me.”
“Will do.” And with that he crashed his lips onto you.
You both were in for a long night.
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The two of you were arguing about where to go out for your date. You wanted to go to a park while Seonghwa wanted to go to some fancy restaurant. He thought that it was more peaceful rather than going to a place where it was crowded.
You reminded me of the last time where the both of you attended a restaurant, he teased you under the table making you feel turned on. You had to admit though you did somewhat enjoyed his little games but at the same time felt a little humiliated. By then you decided to tease him yourself as payback by rubbing his crotch. He let out a low groan at the feeling of your hands stimulating him.
“What was that for?”
“I thought that I can play your ‘little game’ too. Two can play the game right?” You smirked at him.
He pinned you to the couch, making sure that you didn’t land too roughly, leaving some kisses on your neck.
“You just don’t know what you do to me baby.”
The date may have been canceled but at least something better than going to a restaurant or a park was yet to come.
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Yunho was having rough day at his job. He was caught in traffic earlier in the morning, missed the meeting because of it, accidentally spilling some coffee into one of his co-workers, which didn’t ended much well, and had to make 50 extra copies of papers.
When he came home you tried to help him out but he said that it was fine. You thought the opposite though. You told him that it’d be better if he were to talk about his day so that he would at least be over it, but he was still pushing you away as usual, leading the both of you to argue. You suddenly latched your lips onto him and eventually he gave into the kiss.
“I know you want me to help you out Yunho, I can see it in your eyes babyboy” you whispered seductively in his ear.
He nodded before letting you ‘take care of him’ for the rest of the night. By the time you two were done, he thought that you were the best stress reliever.
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Ever since you gave Yeosang a PS5 as a Christmas gift, he had been glued to the gaming console more than ever. He’d often join group chats with his friends on there.
Eventually the two of you were becoming more distant from each other. You had to sleep on your own in your shared bedroom while Yeosang would end up sleeping on the couch in the living room due to the fact that he ended up oversleeping on there.
The two of you never spent time with each other since then. You grew tired of him ignoring you. You actually ended up unplugging the TV just when he was about to win his game of Call of Duty.
Yeosang was pissed to say the least and ended up telling you to stay away from him whenever he was playing his games. You counter-attacked his statement by saying that he hardly ever spoke to you.
When those words came out of your mouth he felt his heart shatter before patting his lap for you to sit on. He apologized for not being able spend more time with you and promised that he’ll pay more attention to you from now on.
“I forgive you Yeosangie.” You smiled at him before giving him a soft kiss.
If Yeosang had to be honest. He missed you and the way you were always affectionate to him. He carried you in bridal style to your bedroom, making sure to make up for lost time by treating you like a princess.
“Say, how about you wear that lingerie that I got you for Christmas?”
You two were both excited for this night to unfold.
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It was San’s birthday and you were baking his cake when he ran into the kitchen and gave you a few kisses, being his usual energetic self.
San wanted to help you with the cake, saying that it wouldn’t be fair for you to just do the work all by yourself, to which you agreed. Baking a cake with your boyfriend wasn’t gonna do any harm right?
Well in the end the kitchen was a mess. Of course you couldn’t blame San for being all happy and excited during his birthday, but you wish he was a little more organized because you both did ended up in a dispute about how he shouldn’t be throwing flour at you.
The poor boy was sad. He didn’t want to make you upset and he just wanted to have some fun with you, but he didn’t think that he’d actually make you feel disappointed.
You gave San a hug and a kiss, letting him know that it was an accident and that he didn’t had the intention to make a mess in the kitchen.
San returned to his happy self until he saw some frosting on your half-exposed chest. He was tempted to have you as his birthday dessert rather than a cake, to which you insisted.
“Why have a cake when I can have you?”
God was San in for a treat.
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(this one is a little similar to HJ’s reaction) You were beginning to grow worried about where Mingi was, despite the fact that he told you that he’d stay at the studio with Hongjoong a little late. You were getting worried because the area that surrounded where the two of you live was dark.
There was a time where he almost got into a confrontation with someone in the ally and since then you became more concerned about Mingi’s safety.
When he got home the two of you went back and forth about him going home at a later time walking in the dark by himself. He thought that you were being too overprotective, reassuring you that he was strong and that he could handle it himself.
But soon he came to realize that you cared about him just like how he did. Mingi promised you that he’ll be more careful from now on.
Mingi noticed that you were still a little tensed so he decided that a little ‘make out session’ would clear your mind off of everything.
“Maybe I should make all of your fears disappear for tonight.”
Soon that make out session would lead to something else.
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You and Wooyoung were getting prepared for a ballroom dance competition. You both decided that it would be a sensual tango routine and there was 2 months left to prepare.
Now the dance wasn’t so easy to begin with. There was a lot of turns and lifts that had to be done for the dance to turn out good. There was a a part in the dance where Wooyoung is supposed lift you up do a 360 degree spin.
While Wooyoung tried to do his spin he almost spinned too fast to the point where he almost let go of you. Luckily you didn’t fell and he kept a steady grip so that you were safe, but of course you had to remind him that he had be more careful, only for the two of you to debate about who should’ve payed more attention and what not.
The both of you decided that it’d be better to take a break and come back to the routine later.
Luckily the argument ended when the two of you started your break and you were both back to getting along with each other, making sure to drink some water and eat some snacks.
During the break you’d thought that it be a good idea to try on the dress that you made for the day of the competition. It was a sequenced dress that had a slit cut on the right and a trail on the back. The color also matched Wooyoung’s oufit for the day of the competition.
When you came back with the dress on, Wooyoung was at a lost for words. E thought that you were looked very pretty.
He approached you in the middle of the room, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. You gave into him but eventually you were the one controlling the kiss.
“Oh Wooyoungie, I think you forgot who’s in charge, do you?”
And from there on, you both would have to come back to the dance some other time.
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You and Jongho both decided to watch a movie in the living room. The popcorn and blankets were ready. Now you both just needed to choose a movie that you want to watch.
Now here’s the thing: you both didn’t know whether to watch Titanic or Fast and Furious. Both of you would claim that one was too exaggerating while the other one was too graphic. But in the end both of you tried to find for another movie until the both of you decided to watch 50 Shades of Gray.
There was a steamy scene during the movie which caused your mind to think about recreating the scene with your boyfriend.
You were too lost in your mind that you actually ended up leaving some kisses on Jongho’s neck. Jongho would give you some kisses as well and eventually the two of you ended up making out on the couch.
“Movies were never really our thing right?”
In the end the both of you continued your session while the movie was playing in the background, rather doing the actual thing than seeing it on a screen.
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springday-aus · 3 years
Disney Prince!AU with Seonghwa
★ Seonghwa as Disney’s Prince Charming ★
moodboard link
Group: ATEEZ 
Member: Park Seonghwa
Genre: fluff, romance, hints of angst 
part of the Disney Prince Series - could also be a prince!au
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: approx. 3k
A/N: I had to spice things up a bit bc after a rewatch of Cinderella, I have realized they have no flavor and got a bit carried away—so enjoy! 
Warnings: family death + mentions of abusive family - you know the classic princess storyline. 
Seonghwa….. is not your average prince
but it’s not depicted in a negative light
so, he’s the prince other nations wished they had
he’s very involved with the state of affairs, often spends time in the villages and conversing with the townsfolk, and often visits schools to read to them or just watch them and it’s so……...wholesome
*cut to him struggling to sit on the carpet with the kids bc his legs can’t fold*
basically everyone loves him because he’s got this angelic aura around him that just makes you feel like you can trust him with anything
and I mean anything
mothers would probably offer him their babies if that was appropriate
he’s just super sweet and tries to remember what he learns in order to take it back and make use of it with the current policies that the parliament is trying to endorse or something
obviously, this is the main image of him to the public
and it’s not fake
but those in the palace know he can get a bit mischievous and sassy
it’s only really seen by those who are close with him, or have been around for a longer time
like assistant!Hongjoong and head butler!Wooyoung
since they’re all close in age and grew up together too, they’re much more comfortable with one another
Hongjoong: *hits his head on a doorway*
Seonghwa: “......... are you an idiot?”
guard!Yeosang and butler-in-training!San: laughing
no, but for real, all of them know he’s basically an angel
the amount of shit he’s putting up with them, but like they make for great entertainment lmao
the older workers at the palace find him adorable
like when Seonghwa tried to sneak-eat the freshly picked strawberries
“my prince, did you just eat a strawberry?”
Seonghwa with a mouthful of them: “no”
he’s like the grandson they all want (and are trying to get, but we’ll get to that later)
other than his charities and visits and public outings, he’s also known to be a good horseback rider
like real good
Wooyoung: “this is the most princely we’ll ever see him”
he’s kidding, but he’s also not kidding
bc lbr: Seonghwa in a horseback riding fit with the shoulder pads and the helmet and the wind and
many gather to see him in his glorious, sweaty state afterwards
it’s funny bc he’s so handsome and there are times when he’ll acknowledge it and other times when he doesn’t
especially since the ateez boys just ignore him or tease him
now it just depends on how he feels that day as to how he’d react
since he’s got such a good reputation, you know what that means?
lots of treaties and lots of marriage proposals
on one hand, many nearby countries know how nice Prince Seonghwa is—and some thought he was naive enough to be deceived by them
and that led to a few wars, but they lost real bad bc they assumed he was too nice
when, in actuality, he’s very knowledgeable since he takes a lot after the king and the queen
that allowed much more respect for the kingdom, especially since he’s the first in line for the throne once he’s married
which leads to the second thing: he gets lots and lots of marriage proposals
have you SEEN him?????
do you know how CAPABLE he is????
the royal family kind of milks this—not in that way tho
it’s in the sense that it’s because they want him to find someone soon and there’s more time for them to learn the ropes about ruling a kingdom
that means lots of balls are thrown in hopes of Seonghwa finding someone to ~catch his eye~ and whatnot
but Seonghwa just uses this as a diplomatic advantage, you know? like a chance for him to meet other royals and build these relationships
and while he has good intentions, the rejected royals are kind of bitter, but they know better than to mess with the Royal Family
meanwhile, party planner!Yunho is lowkey racking in the dough from these events, so he’s fine throwing all these balls lmao
this is where you come in
but, it’s not how others might think
so, you used to be the daughter of a well-of-ish family—you had money for a house and caretakers who adored you and you with parents who loved you dearly
you lived in your own little bubble of love
but then your mother died
when she died, it was almost as if she had taken the lively atmosphere of the household with her
your father buried himself into his work, rarely making time for you anymore and…. there was a drift
one day he came home with a mysterious woman, proclaiming her as your stepmother
along with her came her two daughters, who were as ugly outside as they were on the inside
while you could have done without her passive-aggressiveness, it was nice to see your father happy
but lo-and-behold, you lucked out and he died on a business trip, leaving you alone with strangers to become your only family
it only got worse from there as they openly started to mock you, shame you and push you beyond your boundaries
as they could no longer pay for the staff, they also forced you to clean after them, cook for them, and make all the arrangements that they demanded
or, as your oh-so-lovely stepmother said “you’re below us and you will always be below us”
at first, you put up with it because there’s nowhere else for you
but, slowly, the idea of running away was starting to sound better
and the opportunity came as the palace was starting to look for more servants who would stay in the servants’ quarters
you immediately packed away your things, which wasn’t much to begin with—your mother’s locket being the major trinket you possessed
and ran off to work as a housekeeper, who hid away behind the palace walls and the public eye
since you clean for the palace, it also means cleaning after the balls
other than television appearances, you never really saw the royal family
even as you did work in the palace because……………. they’re running a goddamned country
but, of course, there are rumors and gossip with the other housekeepers which all come from reliable resources
**cough cough definitely Wooyoung cough cough**
so there’s a lot of what you heard, not really from what you’ve seen, despite what some might think when working in the palace
that was until you were called to work at your first ball
which meant you were cleaning after the tables and in the kitchens, going in and out of the ballroom and between dinner tables
getting glimpses of some of the royals
and picking up on some of their juicy conversations
(apparently this one duke almost had an affair with this king’s secret mistress… all the tea)
you get the point
every once in a while you have to work at the balls when they need the extra help
but, there was one that was…………. different
a lot of the balls are for the royals to take and engage and whatever, but there have been so many and Seonghwa………….
Seonghwa hasn’t been interested in a single one despite the purpose being to help him find someone
Hongjoong: “what’s wrong with them?”
Seonghwa: “there’s nothing wrong with them, I don’t want just someone”
Seonghwa: “I want it to happen naturally—call me old fashioned but if this is someone I want to spend the rest of my life with, it has to be someone who knows me”
Wooyoung, in the corner: “that is old fashioned, hasn’t he heard of tinder?”
advisor!Mingi: “I don’t think it would be a good look for the country if the prince is on tinder”
guard!Yeosang: “we should test it out”
butler-in-training!San: “omg reverse pretty woman”
Hongjoong: “everyone get out, you’re all useless”
okay, but like real talk: he’s such a romantic and the whole unofficial arranged marriage is just………. too much
so, his parents were like: so, you want more options?
Seonghwa: “not what I said”
and they expanded the invitation list for one night, meaning ANYONE had a shot with Seonghwa and
he is very popular, so you can imagine how many people were planning on coming and the staff (i.e. you) had to prepare for everything
for the week, the castle was bustling and you were running around to help out and it……. it was all so insane
and then it happens
you’re minding your own business and working and eavesdropping as one does when one works
because everyone is there and who doesn’t love listening to drama that isn’t just from fancy people
but since everyone is here
you failed to remember that a certain group of people were also there
the group of people being your step-mother and step sisters
instinctively, you ducked and hid, moving away from the main room that was swarmed with people who were all trying to obtain Seonghwa’s attention
(who was also trying to hide from everyone else and instinctively failing)
eventually, you found yourself in the gardens, where you tried to make yourself busy
but it ended up being a small walk through the gardens, picking up the occasional liter and small talk with the gardeners
the garden is huge, so you get a bit lost as you wander—physically and emotionally
meanwhile, Seonghwa managed to escape from the others with the help of the other ateez boys
major shoutout to Yunho and Jongho, who insisted on leading the cupid shuffle and cha cha slide
also Yeosang for blocking off people who were trying to shoot their shot with a tired Seonghwa who did not want any of this
he ended up in the gardens as well, walking down a small path with Yeosang trailing a bit farther behind
he spots you on a bench, admiring the flowers under the bright moonlight
and you were absolutely breath-taking
not wanting to disturb your peace, he tried to leave
only to knock into a garden gnome and catch your attention as he tries to not break it
You: “um”
Seonghwa: “I’m so sorry, I was just going to leave, I didn’t mean to disturb you”
You: he looks familiar
You: “I know you from somewhere”
Seonghwa: literally in the most extravagant suit and sparkle make-up as he’s still crouched on the ground trying not to break a gnome that cost like $5 at a Target
also Seonghwa: “have we met before?”
you exchange names and that’s when it clicks
immediately, you try to curtsy or bow or whatever the royals make you do to the ground bc Seonghwa’s still at ground level
and Seonghwa’s just…………. scrambling to try to get you off the ground with flushed ears at you calling him your prince
Seonghwa: “please, you literally do not have to”
You: “I don’t want to be beheaded”
You: “plus, isn’t it like, illegal for me not to?”
Seonghwa: “well, I’m technically giving you orders not to…..”
You: well, can’t argue with that
you slowly get up and dust yourself off, unable to look at him in the eye
even from the corner of your eyes tho, you can see what the fuss is about
bc Seonghwa in that suit and hair swept back is hot™
You: “Prince,  I apologize if I’m speaking out of line, but shouldn’t you be inside?”
Seonghwa: “couldn’t I ask you the same thing?”
You: “but this is in your honor, not mine”
Seonghwa: “is it tho?”
Seonghwa: “I keep telling everyone I would like to fall in love on my own and yet………. everyone keeps meddling and making plans and now everyone in the kingdom is after me when I’m just trying to do my best for our citizens”
you’re a bit silent, unsure as to how to respond
Seonghwa: “I’m sorry for just dumping this on you, but, everyone keeps telling me I shouldn’t be so worried”
You: “well, Prince, I think what you need to hear is that your feelings are valid”
You: “it’s only natural for you to want to find someone on your own—freedom is something everyone wants, which is why it’s so hard to obtain”
there’s a bit of an awkward silence
for one bc you didn’t know what he was really like and if you were allowed to say something like that
two being that you didn’t know if you should leave
but he speaks up
Seonghwa: “you’re right—I did need that”
the air loosens a bit between the two of you
Seonghwa: “so, are you also hiding from an influx of suitors?”
you laugh a little, playing like a twinkling melody to Seonghwa’s ears
You: “no, but I am hiding from people”
Seonghwa: “it’s okay, you don’t have to share if you don’t want to”
you two get to spend a bit more time together, just chatting and getting to know one another
he’s really sweet, but also kind of goofy with a handful of cheesy pickup lines that definitely comes from spending too much time on the internet but also Wooyoung
the time is short but sweet
bc, before you know it, it strikes 12 and Hongjoong has a hold on him by bulldozing past Yeosang who just blinks at the small gust of wind
Hongjoong: “Seonghwa! your parents are looking for you! we gotta go!”
he greets you hastily, before grabbing a hold of Seonghwa and dragging him away—in which Seonghwa is still trying to get one last look at you before you disappear off into the night
or, in your case, back to the kitchen to avoid your stepfamily
the rest of the night passes as expected, at least for you as you busy yourself with washing dishes in the kitchen
but Seonghwa found himself like a mercat, poking his head around trying to find you every once in a while
the time you’d spent together was short, but it was the most fun he’s had at these balls
and it showed, as noted by Hongjoong and Wooyoung with the week that followed after
he was spacing out, wondering what could have been if things were different
basically, homeboy was sulking bc he didn’t know when he could see you again or if you had someone or if you were even interested
Hongjoong: “how are we supposed to help him when we don’t even know who it is?”
Mingi: “didn’t you get a glimpse?”
Hongjoong: “I was busy with other things”
Wooyoung: “so you didn’t even ask for a name?”
Yeosang: “it’s (Y/N)”
all the boys:
Hongjoong: “how do you know that?”
Yeosang: “I was eavesdropping”
San: “um—”
Wooyoung: “wait, we know (Y/N)”
Yunho: “so am I throwing another party or?”
Wooyoung: “we can find (Y/N) first and then throw a party”
so, they kind of hunt you down to where you’re cleaning for the day
and Wooyoung asks you about Seonghwa
lowkey bc he wants the tea but also bc he wanted to make sure you’re not one of those insane people that are completely obsessed with him
(considering what he had to witness during that last ball)
and after passing his vibe check
he sends you to the library “to clean”
which is odd because you already cleaned it for the week but
Wooyoung: “I’m technically your boss, so go”
You: weirded out
also you: “okay”
little did you know, Seonghwa was already there, occupying himself with some new books while Hongjoong and Yeosang were keeping an eye out for you
who was lowkey trying to hide in the shadows and failing miserably bc of all the goddamned windows
Seonghwa spots your shadow, quickly getting up and following you
Seonghwa: “wait! (Y/N)?”
you turn around, a bit startled from the call out
Seonghwa: “I thought it was you”
you give a small bow to greet him
You: “my prince”
Seonghwa: “you can just call me Seonghwa”
Seonghwa: “I didn’t know you were here”
You: “I didn’t know you were here either”
he lets out a small chuckle
Seonghwa: “I meant I didn’t know you were staying in the castle”
You: “I’m not just staying here, I work here prin—Seonghwa”
Seonghwa: “well I guess that makes finding you a bit easier around here”
You: “you were looking for me?”
Seonghwa: “well, I like your company”
You: flushed
Seonghwa: “do you enjoy mine?”
You: “I’d be glad to bask in your presence”
and for a moment, it’s just the two of you
*cut to Hongjoong and Yeosang high-fiving in the back*
after that, the two of you spend more time together
it’s cute bc Seonghwa also likes to clean (which explains why there were never housekeepers needed for him)
so it means he also helps you clean and still have fun doing it
speaking of which, you got to find out how domestic he is and it melts your heart every time
especially when he’s interacting with children who visit the castle
so you can tell he really wants a family
bc he’s so good with kids and knows how to take care of people and what more can you really ask for
he’s also a great listener 
like he really knows what you need based on what you tell him
and when you opened up to him about what happened at home
he was just such a big sweetheart about it, asking if you’re okay and checking with you emotionally and it 
so his parents did find out bc Wooyoung has a big mouth and def blabbed to San and everyone else in the goddamned kingdom who knows Wooyoung
rip Seonghwa
also rip everyone in the kingdom who found out bc again
Seonghwa is very desired amongst many
which also led to a lot of jealous people who gossiped about you but jokes on them bc you still have Seonghwa at the end of the day and they have jack shit :) 
back to what I was saying 
when his parents found out, they were totally accepting of it considering how happy the two of you are
(also you were lowkey fearful they were just gonna straight up kill you bc you aren’t royal, but also, they’re good rulers who care about people) 
which also meant they wanted to train you to help him run the kingdom but that’s a different story
anyways, prince charming!Seonghwa is indeed very charming
and gentlemanly and all that other good stuff
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thelargefrye · 4 years
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── summary. the circus is a mysterious place, don’t believe everything you see.
── roles. circus performers!ateez, circus performer!reader
── genres. circus, supernatural, established poly relationship
── word count. 4.3k
── warnings. cussing, slight harassment (nothing too serious, goes with the next warning), the word “freak” gets used, brief nudity (nonsexual), getting eaten alive, blood, some body gore at the very end
── main menu.
── message. the inspiration and dedication for this story goes to @seacottons​ so credit for some aspects of my story goes to them. their’s is way better than mine please go read it!
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“now, i hoped you all enjoyed the show but unfortunately we have reached the end of the show,” the house lets out a chorus of disappointment making hongjoong laugh lightheartedly. “but do not be sad, for i have one last performance for you all,” he says, quickly getting the crowd to quiet down.
you stood off to the side near the entrance that all the performers had used to enter and exit, along with all the props that they had used. your sparkling blue one piece feeling scratchy on your skin and the fishnet tights are cutting into your thighs. no matter how many times you have performed, you still can’t help but feel nervous. thankfully, you feel a set of hands coming to rest on your shoulders.
“you look beautiful, my flower. blue is definitely your color,” san’s voice is deep sounding and his breath hits your ear as he speaks right into it. 
“you say that about every single color i wear,” you reply back teasingly, you’re glad san decided to come talk to you because you are starting to feel a little less nervous.
“because it’s true,” he says back and presses a kiss to your cheek, “break a leg, y/n.”
“ladies and gentlemen! i present to you… wonderland’s flower!” hongjoong announces and you make your way over to where hongjoong was. you allowed a smile to grace your face as the house clapped for you. there were a few loud wolf whistles that sounded throughout the tent, but you ignored them as it was common by now to hear them.
hongjoong holds a white gloved hand out to you which you happily take and you watch his eyes flash an inhumanly blue before it fades and he hands you the microphone. he kisses your own gloved hand before letting it go and stepping away before making his exit from the ring. 
the lights dimmed, letting a single light shine solely on you as the music began to play throughout the tent. 
it was whirring away in the distance the faint light i'm thinking of moving there like there is not
as if asking who you are when it blinks i have my eyes closed pray to meet you
you watch as the crowd’s eyes all begin to change. their excited expressions now turning tired as you continue to sing.
there, along the bright light we now two you came to me on the shining day a long pain even with darkness we gon' light up towards farther shining places we gonna shine-er
getting closer one step at a time the closer you go we have confidence it's the original one
you felt your lips twitch into a faint smile as you watch small balls of light start to form from everyone in the crowd and leave their bodies.
my shine light true light came with destiny looking at each other in the night sky starlight the moment i looked at each other the dark nights are falling we shine in it
“ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, i hope you had a wonderful time here in the promised wonderland,” you began saying. your voice echoing into the heads of those watching you, “but i’m afraid this will be our last show. please make sure to gather all belongings and parents make sure you don’t lose your kids. because once you leave this tent, you will forget everything you saw.” 
you began singing once again, skipping the verse that was supposed to come next due to you making your exit speech.
in this dream i met in a dream fantasy i do not want to stop this fantasy i dreamed i can not breathe here we let them in take a deep breath new dimensional trip
you sang the rest of the song without pausing and as soon as you stopped and the music faded, everyone got up at once and made their way out of the tent without a word. once the last person was out, the large curtains of the tent closed and that’s when you finally turned to exit the tent.
the workers were quick to start packing things onto the train and hongjoong’s booming voice only fueled them to go faster. props, animals, and equipment all loaded into their respective train cars. you rushed over to your own train car you shared with hongjoong and seonghwa, and was happy to see the eldest of the performers sitting at his small desk.
“seonghwa,” you earn his attention and he sends you a smile as you begin to take off your show outfit. “did i do a good job tonight?” you asked him, making him smile at you as he nods his head.
“of course you did. hongjoong is very proud of you, my flower. he’s very pleased with the souls you collected from tonight,” he tells you, his eyes following you intently as you move around the car in order to put on more comfortable clothing. 
you take this opportunity to look at him to find that he was still in his show outfit except with his jacket hanging over his chair and the first few buttons of his shirt were undone. 
“it’s not nice to stare, y/n,” he teases, making you flush a little as you look from him in order to button up your own shirt. well... it was actually yunho, but since his shirts are so silky and airy that you can’t help but to steal and wear them. 
you let out a small laugh as you feel a wave of tiredness wash over your form. performing into front of big audiences like that always did tire you out quickly. a bad side effect that happens when you hypnotize humans. you walk over to seonghwa before straddling his lap and the two of you look at each other with matching love-filled eyes before you wrap your arms around his neck and rest your head on his shoulder after kissing him.
“i forget that performing wears you out,” seonghwa says, although you felt it was more to himself than to you, so only let out a soft hm-mm in response. “go lay down on the bed, dear,” he says rubbing your back but you only whine.
“i want to rest here, in your lap and arms,” you say and seonghwa is quickly to allow you to do as you please before he continues going back to what he was doing before you entered. you close your eyes letting out a deep breath as you allow sleep to consume you.
hongjoong finally enters the car an hour later after making sure everything was loaded and everyone was where they were supposed to be. soon enough the train starts to move which causes him to move forward a little bit. he’s greeted by the sight of you sleeping soundly in seonghwa’s arms as he counts out the money they had earned for tonight’s show.
slipping his jacket off, hongjoong walks over and presses a kiss to the older man’s cheek before kissing the crown of your head. 
“tonight was a great show, yeah?” seonghwa spoke after several minutes of them sitting in silence. hongjoong was unbuttoning his shirt which slowly revealed his lean chest that seonghwa couldn’t help but admire. 
“it was,” hongjoong began, “the house was full of excitement which always makes for a good meal,” he adds and puts on a clean shirt and pants. he lays down on the bed, feeling tired from having to host the show and make everything went smoothly for everyone else. 
hongjoong was about to drift off to sleep himself before the door to the car slid open so loudly and harshly that it scared hongjoong and made him sit up, but also startled you awake making you cling onto seonghwa for comfort.
“wooyoung, what the hell is wrong with you!” seonghwa furrows his eyebrows as he turns to the acrobatic who is rushing into the car over to him and you.
“y/n! y/n! y/n! me and the others are gonna play pirates and we need you,” wooyoung was pulling on your arm in an attempt to get you to agree and stand up quicker.
“no way! i don’t like playing pirates with you, you always play unfairly,” you say ripping your arm away from him. the blond pouts at you before letting out an annoyed sigh.
“you can be with yunho and yeosang for this game,” wooyoung says, trying to get you to agree to come with him. he can see how you think about it for a second before moving off of seonghwa’s lap to stand up. wooyoung beams at you before grabbing your hand and dragging you with him out of the car and into the next one.
“why didn’t he ask us to play?” hongjoong asks after realizing that the younger male didn’t bother asking or acknowledging the eldest two.
“because i hate that game and you’re too competitive,” seonghwa says as he turns back to writing.
hongjoong huffs a little bit before speaking, “am not.”
“are too.” hongjoong only rolled his eyes before laying back to finally get some sleep.
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when the train arrived in the next town a week later, mingi was quick to drag you and yunho off the train and into town in order to explore. you were a little sad he didn’t give you a chance to give jongho a goodbye kiss, but you had promised to spend more time with him when you returned.
walking through the new town, you couldn’t help smile and laugh at how happy mingi seemed to be. he always enjoyed exploring the towns you all stopped at, it was a great way to learn more about the world you all forced to be a part of. 
you were honestly glad mingi was always so excited to explore. finding his curiosity cute and the way his eyes sparkled when he learned something new always warmed your heart. you on the other hand weren’t really that interested in learning about the humans and their world. you were happy as long as you were with your lovers and not having to stay in one place for too long. 
“should we get some cookies for the others?” mingi’s question snaps you out of your thoughts and you turn to him with a nod. he smiles before quickly running to where the bakery was with you and yunho trailing behind him. 
“what were you thinking about?” yunho’s voice is quiet as he leans closer to your ear as you both wait outside for mingi. 
“how cute mingi is when we come to a new town,” you say and yunho laughs nodding agreement.
“i know. his face lights up and his smile is so big. it makes me want to protect him forever,” yunho says and you can’t help but agree with him as well.
the two of you watch as workers from the train start appearing around the streets in order to promote you all. you look to see the familiar large red and white tent peeking up over the tree line before turning back just as mingi exits the bakery, a bag of cookies in his hand.
“alright! let’s go back!” mingi cheers before the three of you go back to the train and the circus that was quickly being set up.
a few days later and it was time for another show. some people had showed up early in order to look around to see what else the circus had to offer and you and san walked around, arm in arm, to make sure everything was going well outside. 
the two of you were about to go back to the others to prepare before you noticed a group of guys crowding around one of the workers. 
“san…” you trail off tugging on his sleeve and pointing towards the worker. san glares before making his way over to see what was going on. you couldn’t help but follow after him, because the last thing you need was for him to cause unwanted trouble right before the show.
“what’s wrong with you freak?” one of the guys asked, pointing his index finger harshly into the worker’s shoulder. “does the freak not know how to talk?” he questions, making the other guys snicker.
“hey!” san calls out earning their attention, “can i help you guys with something?”
“huh? who are you, punk?”
“i’m one of the owners of this circus,” san said as he stopped walking and you stopped right behind him. you made eye contact with the worker and gestured for them to quickly leave which they did. 
you were glad that you saw what was going on before it took a turn for the worst. most of the workers didn’t know how to speak any of the human languages, so if they spoke then it would come out as an incoherent mess to human ears which would have further provoked these guys. once the worker was out of sight, you turned back to san and the guys only to make eye contact with one of them. the guy smirked at you, looking at you up and down which prompted you to roll your eyes at him.
“...and i would appreciate it if you didn’t bother my workers. if you need help, go to the help desk at the entrance, not someone who is trying to do their job. and i would also like for your friends to stop gawking at my lady,” san’s jaw is clenched at the sight of having these guys stare at you.
“why can’t i look at her? she’s probably just another unwanted freak, so there’s nothing wrong with looking,” the what you assumed to be the leader of the group says with his friends nodding in agreement. “that’s all you circus people are good for anyway.”
“you watch your fucking mouth,” san says, getting ready to charge at the guy but you hold him back. 
“san, they aren’t worth it. come on, we need to get ready,” you say, making san huff in anger as he pulls away from you and turns around, his hand coming out to guide you away from the unwanted and troublesome eyes. their laugh echoing through your skull the further you walk away. 
“i’m gonna kill those fucking humans,” san says as he practically rips his shirt off as he tries to take it off. some of his buttons fly off and roll around on the floor. you frown as you watch one roll underneath the bed. 
“san, it’s fine. don’t worry about them, after tonight we’ll never see them again and they even remember us,” you say sitting down on the bed, his outfit in your hands waiting to hand it off to him.
“you didn’t see how they were fucking you with their eyes. fucking humans, i hate them so damn much, it kills me. fuck!” he says, eyes burning red as he punches the wall next to him. 
“san! calm down!” you hiss, standing up, you can’t see them but you’re sure your eyes are also glowing a golden color. that’s what happens when you let your emotions overwhelm you. san glares at you before letting out an annoyed sigh as turns away from you. 
he takes his shirt off, tossing it to the side before undoing his pants and sliding them off, his underwear comes off soon after. you honestly never understood why he and wooyoung – you’re pretty sure yeosang does it too – preferred going commando, but you assumed it only felt comfortable or something. he turns around and neither of you say a word as you watch him slip into his outfit. his red, black, and silver leotard fitting him perfectly and he moves to put his shoes on and before he could leave, you quickly reach out and stop him. he looks at you as you push him down onto the bed before hovering over him. 
“don’t leave me upset,” you say looking at him, he watches as your eyes become rimmed in the golden color. his hand comes to card through your hair before he gently brings you down for your lips to meet his.
the two of you end up kissing until yunho comes in and startles the both of you with his loud voice. “come on san, go finish getting ready with wooyoung,” he says as you move to sit up so san can go get his makeup and hair done.
once san is gone, you notice yunho is halfway dressed. him not needing anything over the top as his ‘magic’ does all the extravagant work for him. he comes to sit down next to you and you immediately let your head rest on his shoulder.
“one of the workers told me and the others about those humans that were bothering them and how you and san handled the situation.”
“you mean the situation that almost caused san to rip them apart? then yeah sure, it was handled,” you say sarcastically making the male chuckle a little bit.
“i’ll make sure to keep an eye out,” he says before standing up and turns to look at you. his eyes immediately squint as he takes in what you’re wearing. “is that my shirt?” he asks and you look at him in surprise. 
you shake your head, “i don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say looking away from him, making him only laugh again.
“if you say so my flower,” he says, leaning down to kiss you before turning and leaving. you bid each other bye before he closes the door leaving you alone in the train car. 
you find yourself thinking for a few moments before you stand up and make your way out of the train car and over to the worker than was in charge of the music that would play during your performance. the worker immediately turned to you, sensing your form approaching them as they bowed slightly in greeting. 
“play number five today,” you told them and they nodded making the quick adjustments that were needed in order for the right track to play. you thank them and they bow slightly once more before you turn to leave in order to get ready. 
you once more hear the echoing of laughter as you walk towards your train car knowing that it would be the last time they laughed.
“you’re... you’re performing that song tonight?” yeosang’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts as you turn to look at him. he was already changed out of his outfit, having been one of the first ones to perform tonight, but his hair was still pulled back in a small ponytail that it is usually in whenever he performs. he likes his hair long, but the hassle of seeing while performing is the only downside he often says. “did those humans really piss you off that much? or is it because they made san upset?”
“i think you already know,” you answer, making him grin as he lets out a small hum. 
“now, i hoped you all enjoyed the show but unfortunately we have reached the end of the show,” the familiar words ring throughout the tent and the usual response from the house is heard. “but do not be sad, for i have one last performance for you all,” he says, and the house immediately goes quiet as he speaks. 
yeosang bids you good luck before quickly disappearing and you turn to see your dancers all lined up and statue-like. if you didn’t know what they were, you would have thought they were statues. they wore all black in contrast to your silver one, and black silk cloths covered their eyes… well to be honest they don’t have eyes so the cloth is a way to not expose the whole circus to the humans.
“ladies and gentlemen! i present to you… wonderland’s flower!” the crowd cheers as you take graceful steps into the ring in order to meet hongjoong. he looked at you the most beautiful thing to come from existence as he took in your appearance. the familiar and spine chilling blue rimming in his eyes and his smile grew as he saw yours sparkle with gold. 
hongjoong kisses your hand like he always does before turning to make his exit, the dancers passing him as the come to stand behind you.
the lights dim down greatly before they slowly change into a deep artificial blue color that drowns you and the ring in the color. your eyes scan the crowd before landing on the men from earlier who are undoubtedly looking at you like a piece of meat. you hear ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ as the music starts.
as the intro begins you remain in place, the dancers effortlessly dancing to music like it's the only thing they know how to do. the crowd watches in awe at how they move before they snap their attention to one, once you begin to sing. 
way that i move got the whole world watchin’ i’m in a mood and i don’t wanna hide it blue chills and white shivers i’m ice cold, baby on an ocean of glitter
you always did think the lyrics had an odd tone to it considering the only time you really only used this song.
it rains out of control these chains don’t have a hold on me don’t say, i’m a sinner i’m ice cold, baby on an ocean of glitter
you watch as the audience begins to lose the light to their eyes as they continue to watch and listen to you. your voice echoing and throbbing and crashing around in their heads, your eyes slowly turning gold as they stand out from the blue light. the only people in the audience that aren’t affected are the four men who slowly begin to notice the change in atmosphere in the house.
they watch in shock at how balls of light leave all the audience members and disappear to a place they can’t see from their seats. 
feelin’ the danger in every motion don’t be a stranger to your emotion truth hurts but lies wither i’m ice cold, baby on an ocean of glitter
“ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, i hope you had a wonderful time here in the promised wonderland,” you began saying. your voice echoing into the heads of those watching you. the four men beginning to slowly grow fearful of what was happening around them, “but i’m afraid this will be our last show. please make sure to gather all belongings and parents make sure you don’t lose your kids. because once you leave this tent, you will forget everything you saw. expect... you four,” you point to them and you watch their eyes go wide at how you pointed to them.
you near the end of the song and suddenly like always, the audience all get up silently and leave in a quiet fashion. the curtain closes behind the last of the audience and the four males can only watch in horror as they try their best to stand up and run away but it was useless.
“you four… better run for your life.”
you step onto the train car that you share with hongjoong and seonghwa a happy smile on your face as you walk over to your eldest lover and drape your arms over his shoulders from behind. seonghwa notices from the small desk mirror the blood on your face as you lick your lips, eyes full on gold making him smirk at your reflection.
“did you have fun?” he asks although he is sure he knows the answer. you nod as you straighten up and walk over to change your clothes. “it’s been a while since i heard that song,” he says as he hums the familiar tune while bobbing his head from side to side. you laugh at him finding this little action cute. “i forget how scary you can get whenever someone upsets one of us.” 
“of course, no one upsets my loves and gets away with it,” you tease with a smile. you smile absentmindedly as you sit on the bed thinking of the four males that had upset san earlier today. 
“it had been a while since the dancers ate, no?” seonghwa asks and you nod your head thinking of the eyeless statue humanoids that usually remain in one of the last few cars on the train. 
“they’ll eat good tonight,” you said as you twirled a piece of your hair just as hongjoong entered the car. he greeted seonghwa with a brief kiss before he began to change his clothes. you, however, were too lost in thought about what was going on in the last train car that you couldn’t help the sick looking smile and laugh that escaped past your lips.
“no! no! please no, god!” one of the males screamed as he watched as the eyeless creatures ripped apart his friends with their inhumanely sharpe teeth and equally as dangerous claws. one of the creatures snapped their head in his direction at the sounds of his cries. they stood up and made their way over to him in slow steps that made the guy coward in fear as he tried to scoot away from the monster that was nearing him. the creature let out a hissful-screech before lunging at the guy and ripping into his throat.
you continued to laugh and smile hysterically at the thought of the humans being ripped apart. the laughter no longer echoing in your mind, but instead screams and begs for mercy. 
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seokmins · 3 years
The Teezer's: Profiles — Girls
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【ˢᵉʳⁱᵉˢ ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡⁱˢᵗ || ᴬᵀᶻ ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡⁱˢᵗ || ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳᵖᵒˢᵗ】
Please note that each s/o of the boys for The Teezer’s series is given an “oc” name outside of their respective stories. All use she/her pronouns and are biologically female.
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S/O: Hongjoong Occupation: Fashion designer Personality: A constantly tired mother-figure to Ateez Favorite Position: In control
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S/O: Seonghwa Occupation: ??? Personality: Confident in her charms; knows what she likes and wants but rarely gets it Favorite Position: On her knees
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S/O: Yunho Occupation: Library worker Personality: Appears shy and reserved Favorite Position: N/A
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S/O: Yeosang Occupation: Barista by day, streamer at night Personality: Easygoing, laid back, and chill — as long as she has her coffee and her man Favorite Position: In front of a camera
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S/O: San Occupation: Dancer, Model Personality: Confident in everything except acknowledging and expressing her feelings Favorite Position: Any and all
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S/O: Mingi Occupation: Cheerleader captain Personality: Competitive as hell but still chill most times because of laziness in daily life Favorite Position: Preferably on top but that’s just from practice
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S/O: Wooyoung Occupation: Security Trainee Personality: Straightforward and matter of fact; would fight most of the male population Favorite Position: Under anyone, if she feels like it
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S/O: Jongho Occupation: Part-timing anywhere she can Personality: Dedicated and hardworking; gets annoyed by people who ‘have it all’ and seemingly waste time Favorite Position: N/A
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ezralia-writes: July 2021 — The Teezer's Character Profiles: Girls ©
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
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yeosang x reader; secret relationship au
word count: 9k
angst, fluff
as far as secret relationships went, you had never in a million years thought you'd partake in one. it always seemed as if the two people involved were doing something wrong, lying to the ones they loved and sneaking around for their own personal gain. but the moment you met yeosang, you quickly realized you would've done anything to keep him safe.
you hadn't known anything about the boy when you first saw him, just that he was incredibly handsome, caught your attention immediately and was really excited for his chicken dish. he was with seven other boys and seemed to be the calmer of the bunch, elbowing his tall friend with glasses when he got too loud or covering the dimpled mouth of another.
your eyes had lingered over one another the whole night, shy smiles and grazing hands as he took a plate from you or you refilled his glass of coke. you would always hear the boyish chuckles and teasing mumbles of "oooh" when you left, your cheeks flushing because it wasn't hard to miss that you guys seemed to like each other.
"anyone need refills or want to place an order for dessert?" you asked, quirking your eyebrow up as a polite smile stretches across your face. the eight boys stared at one another before looking back at you happily, a giggle leaving your mouth as you hand them a few dessert menus. "i'll be back in a few minutes to-"
"wait," you hear someone say when you turn around, looking back at a boy with dark hair; you'd picked up that he was incredibly bubbly, a contagious laugh that even had you giggling every time you walked away from their table.
"do you know who we are?"
your eyebrow raised at the question, pursing your lips to the side as you look over them. and you know you definitely don't, because you'd remember a group of men this overwhelmingly handsome.
"i don't think so," you say, shaking your head with a small, confused smile. "why? should i?"
"yes!" the dimpled boy says just as another flustered boy mumbles "guys, quiet!" he had worn a pained smile most of the night, trying his best to keep the peace while the smaller blonde just opted to pinch them.
"she doesn't know anything, it's fine," he says, waving his hand casually before turning back to you. "we're kpop idols. our group is called ateez." your mouth falls open and you're quick to nod your head, an excited smile on your face; you had never heard of them but you find it cool that they just waltzed into your place of work at nine o'clock on a sunday.
"and the one you wanna know is yeosang, vocalist and performer of ateez. he has a pure heart."
you see the blonde boy hide his face in embarrassment as the others laugh, biting down on your lip so you don't add on to his obvious discomfort. "and what are your names?" you ask, eyes meeting yeosang as they excitedly introduce themselves and bring the attention away from him. his gaze is soft and grateful looking at you, his cheeks still pink and causing your stomach to flutter; he is so cute.
"get his number!" your co-worker whispered to you when you went back into the kitchen to wait for their dessert.
"they just told me they're famous, why would he want my number? i'm just a measly waitress."
"i'm just a normal, average girl!" she mocks with a roll of her eyes. "shut your mouth and get his number! you've been eye-fucking each other all night!"
"we have not!" you squeal, hitting her arm roughly. she helps you bring out the eight plates of cake and only smirks at you the entire time, watching again as the boy's shy eyes trail over your smiling face; it's actually a little sick to witness.
"we have not," she mocks again under her breath as you two walk away from the table, pinching her arm lightly and causing her to snort.
but because you totally were eye-fucking, as she so eloquently put, after nearly thirty minutes of the boy hyping himself up with the help of seonghwa and yunho, he caught you after he went to the "bathroom," and apologized for his friends.
"i know they're a lot," he chuckles out awkwardly, "but they mean well."
"they're funny," you assure him with a smile. you can't get over how cute he is, seeing just how nervous and anxious he is to be talking to you alone. it almost seems impossible that someone could look like him but be nervous in the presence of anyone. "i'm not surprised you guys are famous."
another chuckle leaves his mouth as he shakes his head, bowing his head slightly in an effort to hide. it only makes you like him more, seeing how humble and down to earth he is.
"we're not that famous," he mumbles but you know when you google them in about twenty minutes, you'll see just how humble he's really being. because you think just being able to google them in the first place shows a certain level of fame.
"oh no?" you quip with an eyebrow raised. he bites down on his lip to hide his growing smile, shrugging his shoulders before finding it in himself to ask for your number.
"no," he says with a smile, "so maybe...i can get your number?" you can't help the big smile that makes its way on your face, never ever being one to accept a customers advances or phone number; but you know you'd be a fool to deny this one.
so just this one time, perhaps you can make an exception; because who are you to deny kang yeosang, vocalist and performer of ateez?
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and thank god you made that exception. because almost a year later, you guys were still together. your relationship had been a whirlwind of texting and facetime calls, meticulously planned out dates and getting to know each and every chaotic member.
when he asked you to be his girlfriend three months after meeting, he had been very straightforward about it. saying that, while the company didn't have a dating ban like most, they weren't too keen on their idols dating. and there'd also be other things to worry about, like crazy fans and paparazzi but most of all:
"to keep you safe," he said hushly in your car. it had been after a quiet date at a movie theater and cafe a few towns away, your hands intertwined and bodies knocking as you walked down the street like any other young couple. "it could be kind of scary and overwhelming and if you got hurt, i would be so-"
"i'll be fine," you told him with a pout. "it's fine. i can handle it."
and for the most part, you'd had been. sure, it was hard for you guys to go weeks apart with sometimes little to no communication. but when you were able to see him, it only made your time together that much more special. you thought there'd be a lot more hiccups than there were, that you'd feel insecure or he'd be tired of spending any free moment he had with you; but that never seemed to happen.
your favorite times were hanging out at the dorm, watching a movie with him and the other boys as you cuddled into his side or ate take out with them on the messy dining room table.
"i think i could pull off being bald."
"you definitely couldn't."
"only if you shave your eyebrows."
"no one is shaving their eyebrows."
"hongjoong, can we please try being bald for our next comeback."
you, yeosang and yunho laugh into your bowls of noodles as hongjoong looks at the boys in annoyance, just one stern look and a shake of the head immediately making it clear no such thing would be happening.
but then the chaos is quickly turned into the form of stealing each other's food, light smacks and whines you're far too familiar with now.
"so your concert's next friday, right?" you chirp, wiggling happily next to yeosang. you'd only seen one other concert of the boys and you hadn't even been there, it was abroad and you couldn't afford the flight so you had to watch online.
but now they're back home and doing shows again, leaving you overwhelmed with excitement that you'll be able to see just how amazing they are live. you sometimes couldn't believe the difference of them on and off stage, knowing all of the long hours and hard work they put into their performances absolutely pays off.
"it is," yeosang says, his voice slightly tight. but it goes unnoticed by you, too excited thinking about what you're gonna wear and telling your friend you guys get to go. hongjoong's eyes are hard and his jaw is tight as he looks at yeosang before moving to yours, immediately deflating when you see how he's looking at you.
because while you got along with everyone, hongjoong was the one person who always gave you a tough time. he thought it was incredibly reckless what you guys were doing, not at all feeling comfortable about you and yeosang potentially putting them all in jeopardy.
you quickly realized his dislike for you, though, when you first visited the dorm.
"i'm five minutes away!" you typed excitedly to your boyfriend, walking down the block to the dorm. it was only your sixth time hanging out with yeosang since you guys had started dating four months ago and you were so excited to see him. you'd only been facetiming or talking on the phone at nights when he didn't pass out and while you loved your conversations with him, you just wanted his arms around you.
you stuck your phone back in your pocket when you rounded the corner, looking up at the familiar address before walking in the building. you made your way to their door and knocked, yeosang answering with his long blonde locks and sweet, almost shy smile; it took everything in you not to throw yourself into him right then and there.
and that's exactly what you would have done, had hongjoong not seen you walk in without a mask or hat on. you smiled and waved at the boy, expecting a hi or how are you but instead getting greeted with "is that how you came in?"
your eyebrows pulled together in confusion, looking down at yourself in fear you had holes in your pants or bird poop on your shirt. but you didn't see anything awry so when you look to yeosang, you see him watching the boy silently, his body language completely different from just a second ago.
"uh, yeah?" you say in confusion, an apprehensive smile on your face. "why, is there something-"
"where's your mask? or your hat?" he snaps, his eyes moving to yeosang. "and why didn't she wait for a staff member to get her like i told you?" your boyfriend doesn't answer though, your eyebrow furrowing because he didn't mention that.
but then your phone vibrates in your pocket and you see a message from two minutes ago, yeosang telling you to wait down for someone to get you.
"oh," you squeak out quietly. "i'm sorry, hongjoong. i put my phone away before i-"
"you can't just waltz in here, y/n, you guys said you would be careful."
you draw your body back at hongjoong's harshly spoken words. you always heard the boy's say he was scary but you never could've imagined how given his smaller stature and sweet face; but now, however, you see exactly what they're talking about.
yeosang pus his hand on your waist noticing your discomfort, squeezing you reassuringly before looking at his older friend. "it was the first time, hongjoong, she didn't know."
"well you guys should've talked about it before," he says, narrowing his eyes as he looks between you and yeosang. seonghwa walks over and greets you with a small smile, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder. "hongjoong," his deep voice says warningly.
but he can only roll his eyes, not shoving his friend's hand away but continuing his lecture. "no, seonghwa. they don't seem to understand how risky this is. we could all get in trouble for this nonsense."
"it isn't nonsense, she's my fucking girlfriend, hongjoong," yeosang snaps. you can tell how tense the room gets once the boy says something, feeling yourself swallow nervously at the escalating tension in the room.
"it is nonsense if it's something that ruins everything," the boy retorts, now shoving seonghwa's arm off of him and taking a step closer. you hold yeosang in place when he tries to move, your hand closing around his warm arm.
"i don't intend to ruin anything," you speak up, voice quiet but firm as you try to prove yourself to the group's leader. "i'll be careful next time, i'm sorry that i didn't-"
"it doesn't matter if you intend to ruin something or not, it could just happen," hongjoong says, the stress of the situation getting to him. "one wrong move and you'll be the one to blame for-"
"go in my room," yeosang mumbles in your ear, cutting hongjoong off before he pulls you behind him. you want to obey because the tension is so thick and you're feeling a pang of anxiousness and sadness in you, but you don't even know where his room is.
"san, can you bring her," yeosang asks, eyes not moving from hongjoong as the boy quickly rushes over and guides you down the hallway. the faint sounds of your apologies and san's assurances quickly gets drowned out when yeosang steps closer to his leader.
mingi and yunho watch huddled into one another on the couch, jongho ready to jump up and separate a brawl as wooyoung debates whipping out his phone to record.
"it was my fault, i should've told her from the beginning," yeosang admits before a dark, harder look is in his eyes. "but you won't talk to her like that again." hongjoong's eyes narrow at him, never once picturing yeosang would seriously talk down to him or challenge him; and it appears he's not taking well to this change in the moment.
"i'll talk to her how ever i see fit. if you two are gonna fuck everything up for us then i'm-"
"you won't if you're gonna make her feel bad," yeosang growls. "this was the first time hongjoong so lay the fuck off. we're not gonna get caught or do something stupid."
"she already did something stupid, she doesn't understand-"
"you don't understand that i just said we're gonna be careful," yeosang snaps, taking another step closer to hongjoong that causes the youngest to stand up. "so don't talk to her like again."
and before yeosang does something he regrets, like pushing the older boy or getting anymore heated, he turns away without another word while the four boys on the couch look at each other behind hongjoong's back.
"that was cute," mingi whispers, yunho smirking as he nudges his friend's arm.
"cute?" wooyoung whisper yells "that was fucking cool, i never thought i'd see him-"
seonghwa's neck snaps back to shake his head at the boys, leading hongjoong into the kitchen as the door to yeosang's room closes. san pads out a few seconds later, looking into the kitchen before at the other boys.
"was she okay?" yunho asks. san can only nod, plopping back down on the couch. "yeah, she's okay."
but that was kind of lie. because the second you were away, you felt tears prick your eyes. you hadn't meant to cause problems or upset hongjoong, you didn't even think to wear some sort of disguise. your brain doesn't think like that, you would never assume someone would take a photo of you or be curious about who you were.
you would hate to be the reason why members got in trouble or were fighting and you mostly certainly won't be the reason all their hard work gets jeopardized. the door opens and san pats your shoulder reassuringly, his soft words and dimply smile calming you every so slightly.
but then yeosang comes in and you feel your composure crack, watching him close the door just a little too loudly.
"yeosang, i'm sorry. i put my phone in my pocket and didn't-"
he's over to you in a second, sitting down on his bed and wrapping his arm around your shoulder. you melt into him and he places a kiss on her head, rubbing your back up and down as his stomach sinks at the tears he saw in your eyes.
"i'm sorry he's such a dick," yeosang grumbles and you feel yourself frown at that; you'd only ever heard him praise hongjoong, say how he's the best leader they could have and always makes sure they're treated fairly.
"he's not, he was right," you say, watching yeosang pull away and look into your watery eyes. "that was stupid. it just didn't occur to me and now i feel bad that i-"
"nothing happened," he says, taking your face in hands gently. "we're getting used to it, baby. it's a weird and new situation but we're gonna be okay."
you don't even realize there's a slight pout on your face until yeosang bend down to kiss your lips. you kiss him back immediately and he hums against your mouth, gently stroking your face with this thumbs as you do so. and then one thing leads to another, his kiss trailing down your cheeks, down to your stomach before he slips off your pants.
you moan into the crook of your arm before he forces you on top of him, lowly spoken praises of you being his good girl and riding him so well until you both come undone.
your head rests on his chest as your heart rates slow, his fingers playing with the ends of your hair as you trace shapes on his skin. "are we really gonna be okay?"
he looks down at your mumbled words, hearing how your voice sounds apprehensive and unsure. his hand moves to your hair, moving the slightly sweaty strands away so he can see your soft, shy gaze.
"of course, baby. why are you asking that?"
"because...it's stressful. and kind of scary. we could ruin not only what you worked so hard for but all the other boys too." you feel him still at your words and you immediately shake your head, in fear that he might be thinking you don't wanna do this.
"i knew that going into this but i'm just...if we have to break up, i don't think i would blame-"
"we won't have to break up," he assures you. his voice is always deep and gruff but much so more after...your time in bed, his lowly spoken words in your ear almost always the reason for another round. but you can't even think about that right now, wanting nothing more to just lay here with him as his fingers stroke your hair.
"how can you be so sure?" you ask him, your chin on his chest as you look at him. he smiles at the soft look in them, grateful to see they're not longer watery with unshed tears.
"because i love you and i won't allow us to break up over something like that. we'll always figure it out, okay?"
and you'll always remember how happy you were that night, the pink blush on your cheeks present until you went home the next morning. he had calmed any and all anxieties you had after hongjoong's scolding and you thought that no matter what happened, you'd be able to endure it.
"i'm... still able to go, right?" you ask quietly, eyes moving from hongjoong to yeosang. he's looking at you with a sad expression, barely able to take seeing the way the light leaves your eyes.
"we'll talk about it later, okay?" he says lowly, throwing hongjoong a dirty look before you nod and move your eyes to the table; this was gonna be a lot harder than he thought.
because just three days ago, the company called them in for a meeting and confessed that they knew about you. about how he was not so discreetly sneaking you into the dorm and has been going out on public dates for months. and they basically gave him two options: end things now or reconsider his goals and see if he still wants to be an idol.
"why can't i have both?" he had asked, shaking his head in bewilderment. he was so mad, he had never felt rage the way he did in that crowded office. "just because i'm with her doesn't mean i'm any less dedicated."
because he hadn't slacked off or missed one practice. he had been doing everything the same and that's how he knew the company had to have found out by something or someone else.
but then they said the same things hongjoong had said months ago, that a public relationship is the last thing an up and coming group needs, that he can't be splitting his time between you and them: he needs to give them 100%.
"so you're basically forcing me to break up with her?" he snapped. it was so out of character and everyone knew it, knowing yeosang as the boy with a shy cute smile despite the way he could lay into the members.
"we're telling you to do what you think is right, for you and everyone else."
he had ended up breaking down the next night, not being able to focus in practice or get down any food, and then the second he crawled into bed and smelt your perfume from a few nights before, he was done.
he didn't wanna break up with you. he loved you more than he thought he could ever love anyone and he doesn't wanna leave you. but he also worked so hard to get here and wouldn't fuck over his members; that's something they all said in the beginning they would never do.
so after much debating and crying on wooyoung's shoulder, he came to his decision.
"so what did we have to talk about?" you ask quietly. you two had snuck into his room a few minutes into the movie the boy's put on, all of them laying on one another like a tired litter of puppies.
"a few things," he hums lowly, the way his stomach is twisting in devastation and anxiety too much for him to handle. he's felt tears pricking his eyes all night, watching you smile at him or throw your head back in laughter and thinking this is this last time he might be able to see this.
you hear the slight shake in his voice and feel your heart sink to your stomach, thinking the worst he's about to tell you is you can't go to their concert. and while you were excited, you guess you understand. it's risky to begin with and if there's a chance anyone recognizes you-
"they found out."
your eyes widen when you hear those words fall from his lips but even more when you see him look up at you with tears in his eyes.
"what? h-how?"
"i don't know," he says lowly, walking over to you and guiding you to his bed. you both sit on the mattress, his body leant against the headboard as you sit in between his legs pretzel style. "but they...told me some things."
you turn your head to the side at his cryptic words, looking just as scared and upset as him. but he said you guys would never break up, that he loved you and you guys would make this work so there's no way that's what this is about...right?
he takes your silence as a sign to speak again, a deep shaky inhale before he lets out a sigh.
"we have to break up."
the moment the words leave his mouth you feel your stomach drop. the tears that were building throughout the last hour of waiting and tension and fear watering your eyes. why? why did it matter if you guys were together? you'd almost been together a whole year and nothing bad has happened.
"did...they say that?" you ask quietly, not being able to keep the tremor from your voice. "or is that what you what want?"
his head snaps up at your words and you've never seen him look so angrily at you before. his eyes are watery and narrowed and staring right into your soul. "what?"
you press your lips into a tight line so you let out a sob, shaking your head as move backward. "i don't know, we haven't done anything bad so why would the company-"
"because they think i'm not giving them 100%," yeosang tells you, hating the way you look so small and defeated. "and they told me to think about the guys. i have other people to think about and i still don't really know what to do, y/n."
"but you know we're gonna have to break up," you say quietly, wiping at the tear falling down your face. "that's what you wanna do."
his jaw clenches at the way you're making it sound, abruptly getting up from the bed and walking to the other side of the room. even with your head down and tears in your eyes, you see his fists are balled while his veins pop out of his arms.
"you know that's not what i want, y/n," you hear him say lowly. you look up at him and see him leaned against wooyoung's bed, his arms crossed as he looks over your small, broken figure.
"then why are you doing this?" you cry. you don't mean for it to sound accusatory or blaming but that's how you feel right now. you haven't even fully grasped what he said but you already feel how much your heart and stomach are hurting.
why would he have said that then, all those months ago? why would he get your hopes up and make it seem like he would've done anything to not end things because other people said so?
"you said we would figure out," you remind him. "why would you tell me that if you didn't plan on keeping your promise?"
he's biting his lip hard enough to draw blood and pops his neck to the side, his heart breaking at how wrong this feels, at how sad you look and how at one time he had truly believed that. and for both you, the anger is coming first.
"that's not fucking fair, y/n," he growls and your head snaps up at his tone. "you don't know how hard it was for me to come to this decision."
"as hard as it for me to accept us breaking up even though we're fine?" you say, your voice raiser as your eyebrow quirks up. "we've been careful and i've never impacted your schedule. i'm smart now and always wear a mask and hat, i won't talk to you for hours when i know you're practicing, i don't even get to go to your shows, yeosang."
"you knew that going into this, y/n, i told you a hundred times."
"you also said you loved me and that we'd figure this out."
"i fucking tried, okay," he snaps and the crack in his voice sends a fresh batch of tears right to your eyes. "i cried to them and asked them why i couldn't have both? that we never got caught or were always careful but they just kept saying how a public relationship, or any relationship at all, isn't good for an up and coming group. that i have to think about seven other people."
and once you hear all that, you know in a few days you'll see he made the right choice. but it doesn't stop you from hurting right now, burying your face in your hands as you allow yourself to cry. you hear his footsteps coming toward you and shake your head, knowing that if he hugs you, you're really gonna lose it.
"i tried, baby, i really did," he mumbles, crouched down as his hands rest on your legs. you can only look at him sadly, sniffling as you wipe at your wet face.
"but what if we just-"
and if your sob hadn't cut you off, yeosang pulling you into a hug would have. guiding you off the bed and into his arms where you buried your in head in his chest for one last time. that's all you both you were able to think, that it'd be last time he'd kiss your head or touch your hair.
you'd never be able to wrap your arms around him and surround yourself in the scent you've grown to love. what's served to calm you down no matter what was going on.
"please stop crying," yeosang says into your hair, even though the boy has tears of his own streaming down his face. but you don't stop and neither does he, not until your feet ache and you move to his bed. you two lay in a sad silence, your head on his chest and his arm around you as two wallow in how horrible this situation is.  
you can barely look at him or the boys when you say goodbye, your hands intertwined as he walked you to the door hours later and you left with a small wave. no one missed the way your face was red and tear stained or the way yeosang looked like he was about to completely break down.
which is exactly what happened.
he closed the door and sat himself on the floor, hid his face in his arms as he bent his knees and tried to ignore the way his chest felt empty. it made it worse knowing you had probably started crying again too and that he can't go out and help you. can't take back what he said and pretend you two are just a normal couple who love each other.
because that's the worst part, he loves you and you love him and yet you can't be together.
the boys scattered around the living room don't know what to do, their own stomachs in knots because they knew how hard that was gonna be for him. how you couldn't even look at them as you left and how yeosang's now crying right on the floor.
san is the first to go over, bending down and taking the boy in a hug. and yeosang tries to push him away at first, embarrassed and angry and hating that this is the situation he's in right now. but then san shushes him, tightening his hold on the boy and welcoming the tears that seep into his t-shirt.
"i'm sorry, yeosang," san says quietly. because while he knows it's not their fault exactly, it still sucks that this is what they have to give up. all of them have to give up the chance for a normal life, with a normal dating life and normal stable relationships with everyone but each other.
"i love her," he hears the boy mumble into his shirt and san can't help the way tears burn his eyes. he only mumbles "i know," as he comforts the boy looking at hongjoong who's watching the whole thing unfold silently. and it's at that moment yeosang picks his head up and sees hongjoong looking at him, jumping up as he directs all of his rage and heartbreak at the boy.
"yeosang, i know that was-"
"did you tell them?"
hongjoong raises his eyebrow at the boy whose face is wet and red as he stares daggers into him.
"you're a fucking liar," yeosang growls, pushing the boy backwards and causing the rest of the group to get up. "you hated us being together the second we started dating."
"you think i want you sitting here crying?" hongjoong growls back, his own eyes narrowed as he looks his friend. "i wouldn't have sold you out, yeosang, but you had to know this was gonna happen eventually."
"you didn't even try to help me," yeosang says, his voice deep but wobbling like a heartbroken child. "why did you say anything? you could've tried to help convince them that-"
"there's a reason most of us don't date, it's just too much," hongjoong says, sympathetically but firmly. "and if fans or other people find out, it causes problems yeosang."
"fuck those other people! i love her and she makes me happy."
you could hear a pin drop in the room after that because there's nothing hongjoong could say. he watched yeosang month after month fall more for you, seeing how much more the boy smiled and laughed and was practically glued to his phone.
but never at practice. never at shows. he knew the right things to do and always waited to talk to you or see you when they had breaks; but still, there was too much at risk. he had to keep everyone in mind, their image and success the most important thing for them right now.
"fuck this," yeosang growls, shaking his head as he's desperate to crawl under the covers and just forget about tonight. "you can tell them it's over now." hongjoong calls the boy's name as he shoulder checks him, his footsteps stomping down the hall until the sound of his door slamming shut echoes through the dorm.
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"y/n it's been a month, can you please smile again?"
you stare blankly at your co-worker, spraying a dollop of whipped cream on a piece of cake before pulling your lips up in an exaggerated smile. "chocolate cake, coming right up!"
she lets out an annoyed huff, frowning at you before walking out of the kitchen. your smile drops and you lean your head on your hand, letting out a tiny sigh because you really have been miserable these past few weeks.
all the boys apart from yeosang and hongjoong had reached out to you, saying that they were sorry and hope to see you sometime soon. you could only bear to answer with a heart emoji, the reminders of him through them already too much.
you guys hadn't spoke since that night, almost cracking so many times when the tears wouldn't stop and you just wanted him. you hated not waking up to a text or picture from him, you hated not falling asleep on facetime and how dull your life seemed now.
when you guys were together, it had seemed as if a month could fly by because of how frequently you talked; but now it seems like it's been years and you're forgetting everything about him. the way he smelt and the way his arms felt around you and the deep chuckle that always made you giggle no matter what.
"my boyfriend's gonna pick me up later " your co-worker says when she enters back in the swinging doors. "should we stay for drinks?"
"absolutely," you respond immediately, the girl letting out a soft giggle as she shakes her head.
and when the restaurant closed two hours later, you three were sat at the bar downing drink after drink. it was your first time meeting him so they told you about they met and what their first date was like. you couldn't help but compare it to you and yeosang, wondering if you were able to date and live freely how much different your times would've been together.
but you're quickly learning that if there's one thing worse than being sad, it's being drunk and sad. because one minute you're laughing at their story and the next, you have angry tears in your eyes.
"why can't me and yeosang be together too?" you blurt out, words slurred and louder than usual. "why wouldn't they want their artists to be happy?"
"it was probably just for your safety, y/n," your friend tried to say, her arm around your shoulder as she looks at her boyfriend with pity. she knew the second you walked into work a month ago that you weren't right. your face was pale and puffy and there was a sad, brokenness in your eyes that she knew could've only been caused by one thing.
"that's such bullshit," you whine, "they kept saying we were go-gonna get caught. but we never did. we were careful and he never missed practice and why did they make him-
"y/n," she says softly, pulling you into a hug that you melt into. this was the breakdown she'd be waiting for, rubbing your back gently as you cry and hiccup into her shoulder. she hears your broken mumbles of "this isn't fair" and "i love him," against her shirt and she feels her heart break for you.
because you're right. it isn't fair and you do love each other. but she doesn't think saying anything will make you calm down or feel better so she lets you get your tears out, rubs your back and hums against you until all of your drunken blubbering stops.
and then as if crying your eyes out wasn't enough, you feel a churning in your stomach that immediately causes you to jump up and flee to the bathroom. you feel hands collecting your hair a few moments later, the defeat that comes with puking in a public bathroom weighing on you when you lean your head against the wall.
"i'm a fucking mess."
"you're a fucking mess."
yeosang looks up at seonghwa from the couch, the boy breathing and sweating heavily from the late night practice they had. all of them have seen how these past few weeks, yeosang's been a shell of a person. he dances and sings and smiles like a robot programmed to do so but there was no life behind it. there was no light in his eyes or smile, just an incredibly defeated man trying to go on with his life.
and it's not so hard to know why.
"what do you mean?" yeosang grumbles, throwing his arm over his sweaty forehead.
"you messed up the dance three times and you look like you're about to pass out." but the boy only closes his eyes, hiding himself further into the couch while grumbling at him to leave him alone. this has been what seonghwa in particular has been dealing with ever since the breakup, his friend's obvious anger and distress but him not fully coming forward about his feelings.
"you can't keep doing this, yeosang. it's been a month."
and even though his friend means well, speaking lowly and trying to comfort him, yeosang can't stand to hear it.
"you don't get it, seonghwa."
"then help me get it. you've barely talked to us."
yeosang's eyes pop open and his head snaps over at the boy, sitting up from the couch as anger and irritation flood through him. "because what does it matter?" he snaps, "it's over and done with. i ended it."
"but you're still upset."
"no shit i'm upset," he says, jumping to his feet to continue his rant. "i didn't wanna break up with her in the first place and you all knew that. but it didn’t fucking matter.”
"they were thinking about all of us, yeosang."
"and what? you guys think i don’t give a shit about you?" yeosang snarls, "i was being careful for everyone. for you guys and her, we didn't want anybody getting hurt."
yeosang feels tears prick his eyes because this is the most he's talked about it aloud since it happened. he almost texted or called you a thousand times but knew if he did, that he'd beg and plead for you to give him another chance. to prove he'll now do anything to stay with you.
"we just wanted to be together," he says, his voice considerably lower and full of emotion. seonghwa feels his heart tug at the boy's words, a frown on his face as he tries to make his way over to the younger boy. "but nobody seemed to care about that."
"we do care, yeosang, we all hate seeing you like this," he says quietly. "and i'm sorry you can't be with her but you knew that's what was gonna happen when we-
it's the voice of hongjoong that makes yeosang's skin prickle. the tension between the boys has been so obvious and it's been the most awkward time for all of them. because they have to fake it at shows and on lives and interviews, smile at each other and laugh and pretend everything is okay.
but yeosang is convinced hongjoong had something to do with it and hongjoong is sick of yeosang moping around and accusing him of things he didn't do.
"hongjoong, we were just-” seonghwa begins to say but hongjoong is quick to cut him off.
"i don't care, we're leaving. let's go."
seonghwa looks between the two boys with a sigh, taking his bag from the couch and meeting hongjoong at the door. but both of them turn around and see yeosang standing in the middle of the room still, his head trained down in front of the mirrors.
"are you coming?" hongjoong asks shortly.
"no," yeosang snaps. "i kept messing up. i'm gonna stay and practice more."
"but you need to rest, too, that's not-"
"let him," hongjoong says, meeting the boy's gaze in the mirror before leaving the room without another word. seonghwa looks at him before letting out another sigh, reminding his friend to drink water before following behind hongjoong.
but yeosang only stays in the room for a few minutes, going over the new choreography twice before making his way outside into the cool night air. the streets are fairly empty and he finds himself walking aimlessly, his mind and brain off like his feet are just leading the way instinctually.
and then his heart nearly falls into his stomach when he hears a male voice call your name, his eyes snapping to see a man catching your stumbling figure by the arm. 
and maybe it's because he can tell you're drunk or because he hasn't seen you or because seeing you with someone else has sent something extremely possessive off in him. but he doesn't even realize he's stomped over and shoved the guy away from you until he pulls your body protectively behind him.
"what the fuck are you doing?"
the man can only look at him in complete shock, his eyes wide and looking between you two before a familiar feminine voice pierces yeosang's ears.
"what are you doing! i told you to help-" her words die when she sees the situation, yeosang looking about ready to kick the other man’s ass while guarding you behind him. her lips quirk to the side as she raises an eyebrow, looking between the two boys before her eyes land on you.
where you look about ready to burst into tears. you grab yeosang by the back of his shirt to spin him around, like you're trying to figure out if he's really in front of you or you're just having some drunken, extremely vivid memory of him before your very eyes.
but when you see it's him, your eyes flood with tears and he immediately feels his heart drop. he can't help the way he smiles softly at you, bringing his hand to your face to wipe at the wetness trickling down your cheek.
"hey, baby."
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the next morning, you wake up and nearly scream when you feel someone's arms wrapped around your stomach. your head’s pounding and your mouth is so disgustingly dry but it's nothing compared to the terror you feel at the prospect that a complete stranger is-
"you up?"
that deep morning voice is one you've missed so much, feeling your eyes widen and heart quicken when you turn around. and then you're met with the sight of yeosang laying right beside you, his long waves sprawled out on the pillow as he smiles so softly at you, you immediately feel your heart lift.
memories of last night immediately flood back, him taking you back to your house and sitting you down on your bed. tucking you in and wiping off your makeup before you outstretched your head and asked him if he could stay. giggling when his smile lit up his face and he tackled you in a hug before peppering kisses over your face and neck.
"yeah," you smile at him. "but my head really hurts." he frowns upon hearing that, even though he absolutely knew you were gonna be hungover today. he pats his chest and you place your head there immediately, cuddling into him and sighing contently against his chest. he wraps his arm around you and immediately brings his hand to your temple, massaging gently as he kisses the side of your head.
"i missed you," you mumble against his chest. and you almost forgot that you guys weren't separated because of his schedule. that you guys were supposed to be broken up and forbidden from seeing each other.
but everything still feels just like before. warm and happy and perfect, like you two are meant to be together despite everything and everyone saying you can't be.
"you don't even know how miserable i've been," yeosang mumbles against your head. you pout at that, stretching your head up to place a peck on his cheek.
"i think i have a good idea," you say, your tone laced with amusement. "i cried and drank until i puked last night." the deep chuckle that leaves his mouth causes a smile to light up your face, watching him scrunch his nose playfully as he looks down at you.
"i can tell," he says, his finger bouncing off your slightly chapped lips. you let out a horrified gasp and try to roll away from him but he's quick to catch you around the waist, tightening his arms around your waist before burying his face in your neck.
"no," he whines, his words tickling the back of your neck and causing you to giggle. you lay against him and immediately still in his hold, closing your eyes because you know this moment isn't gonna last forever; it'd been a miracle in the first place he stayed over last night.
so for what feels like hours, you two just lay there. his arms around you and your leg thrown around him, his light kisses pecking your face and you poking at his sides until you're the one to address the elephant in the room.
"what are we gonna do?"
because it's obvious to the both of you in this moment you can't go on the way you were. he's not gonna walk out of here without a plan to stay together and you're not ever gonna smile again if you both don't just try.
"i don't know...but we'll think of something, okay?" he hums against your head. he reaches out and caresses your cheek gently, his heart softening when you lean into his touch. "i'm sorry i had to do that."
but you shake your head immediately, taking his hand off your face and intertwining your fingers. because even through your heartbreak and anger, you had considered that maybe he was making the right decision. that if he had to choose between doing what he loved and you, you were supportive of that decision.
you know how hard he's worked and how much he loves it, the music and the fans and the experience with his seven friends. you also couldn't help but think what if, somewhere down the road, he resented you. blamed you for his dream being tarnished and things coming to an abrupt end.
"i get why you did," you say softly. "and if you think that's the right thing, then maybe we can just stay frie-”
no," he says firmly and your lips fall into a frown. "you didn't even hear what i was gonna say."
"if it's gonna be some bullshit about staying friends so i don't resent you, then save it," he says, bringing his face down to yours and placing a kiss on your lips. "because that would never happen. we're gonna be fine, baby, you’re not going anywhere.”
you can't help the way your lips fall into a pout, pressing your lips to his again and smiling against them when he kisses back. "i could also never do this if i was your friend," he mumbles against your mouth, his lips trailing further down your neck as giggles and shrieks leave your mouth.
but he's not ignorant of the way his phone has been vibrating all morning, terrified for the repercussions he's gonna get from hongjoong and the other members. but they also can't say anything, today was their free day and he wasn't missing any obligations.
"it's not about that, you fucking asshole," hongjoong growls when yeosang's standing in front of him later that day. "you never came home and we didn't know where you were. we were scared out of your minds."
"i was with y/n," he mumbles quietly and wooyoung's quick to say he told them so, a cocky large smile on his face. but hongjoong doesn't even care or reprimand the boy, stepping forward and pushing yeosang back roughly.
"don't pull that shit again, do you hear me?"
and yeosang has learned to pick his battles with the boy in front of him; because while he's tiny and sweet, there's a power and ferocity behind his eyes sometimes that would scare the shit out of anyone.
"yes," he says lowly. "i'm sorry. i meant to text someone and just...forgot." forgot because he finally had you again and didn't wanna waste a second of it.
"little asshole," hongjoong mumbles and the boys, sensing the lessening tensions, all run over and cling to yeosang. they tell them how worried they were and how sorry they are that they didn't fight for you two, that they made him feel like they didn't care and watched him wallow in misery for the longest month of their lives.
"don't be sorry, i was kind of a dick too," yeosang says honestly. "it even felt selfish but i just so badly want to be with-"
"it's not selfish," hongjoong's quick to defend. "you deserve to be with someone you love." wooyoung and yunho squeal at their leader's sweet words, cuddled into one another like two little girls watching their first ever romantic drama.
"idiots," hongjoong mumbles though the smirk pulling at his lips shows his amusement. "so are you guys back together?" yeosang purses his lips to the side, roaming the boy's eyes that are looking down at him with no judgement. they're clear and curious and waiting, like he's been concocting a plan of his own for the past month.
and when yeosang mumbles the softest "yeah," hongjoong's quick to nod his head approvingly.
"good," is all he says. and he almost laughs at the bewildered look his friend throws him, his eyes wide and brows raised as he stares at him.
"yeah," he smirks, "good." because he didn't wrack his brain for a full month, in between making songs and practicing and shooting videos, just for his speech for the company to go to waste.
but it definitely doesn't. because within the next three days, hongjoong knocks on the door to yeosang's room and smiles at the boy texting on his phone. 
"hey," he says softly, going over to plop down on the boy's bed.
"hey, where were you?"
yeosang almost doesn't believe his ears when he hears hongjoong's words. that he went to talk to the company and promised them you two would be careful, that he personally would take any blame for the problems and that you and him shouldn't be punished for wanting to be together.
"i told them it wasn't worth it losing you over," hongjoong says and the younger boy's eyebrows pull together immediately.
"i never would've left," yeosang is quick to say. because he wouldn't, he loved you and them and was gonna be adamant about finding a way to keep both this time.
but hongjoong can only smirk at the boy, ruffling the boy's long hair as he gives him a knowing look. "well i knew that but they didn't. it seemed to do the trick."
a bright smile lights up yeosang's face as his heart quickens in excitement, the leader in front of him proving once again he's always gonna have their best interests at heart.
"thank you," yeosang says, choked up with emotion that has hongjoong shaking his head.
"i did this so i never have to see you cry again you pussy," he says with a smirk, chuckling when yeosang punches him in the arm. "now call y/n over, we're off today."
and that last thing you expected today was to get a call from yeosang telling you to come over. because you knew he was gonna try to find a way and you believed him but you didn't expect to be greeted the way that you were.
a group of towering, excited boys running over to you and tackling you into a group hug. there softly spoken apologies and whining pleads to forgive them. yeosang eventually pried them all off of you, taking you into his arms and pressing a kiss to your cheek. you meet hongjoong's gaze and immediately stiffen, curling yourself into yeosang's hold in fear that the boy was about to go off on you the way he always did.
but then he only smiles and waves at you, his softly spoken "happy you're back, y/n," causing your eyes to widen. 
you look at yeosang in confusion and he only shakes his head, placing another kiss on your head before the boys drag you over to the couch. you spend the rest of the rainy day laid out on yeosang's chest, giggling at just how scared mingi and san are watching these cheesy movies and the absurd amount of food you guys had ordered today.
yeosang watches you giggle with a soft fondness in his eyes, pressing a kiss to your cheek until he can't take it anymore and brings you into his room.
you fall asleep that night with his arms around your waist, his quiet mumbles of "i love you," the last thing you hear. it's the best sleep you both had gotten in over a month, wrapped in each other's arms with small smiles on your face.
you wake up in a similar fashion, his hand running through your hair until his deep morning voice mumbles "hey, baby," causes your eyes to pop open. and at first you think this is just a dream, that your sad heartbroken brain is just hearing his voice in your head and about to make you even more sad today.
he sees the confusion in your eyes, like you're trying to figure out if this is real or just another sad dream like the ones he had when you guys were apart. so his hands move to cup your cheeks and he's smirks down at you, his thumb rubbing smoothly over your cheeks. "i'm here, pretty girl," he mumbles softly despite the amusement in his tone. "did you forget?"
and then you know that this has to be real. 
because your own brain would've never thought to call you pretty after just waking up, your hair a mess and cheeks red with the possibility of dried drool on your mouth. it's what brings a smile to your face, lighting it up before you tighten your arms around him and hide your face into his chest with a quiet hum of contentment.
he chuckles against your head, allowing his lips to linger as he tightens his hold around you and promises to never leave you again.
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seonghwa-is-babie · 4 years
What we've been missing (pt. 2)
Ateez x male hybrid! Reader
Note: hope you guys enjoyed part 1, I really enjoy writing this series so I hope you will enjoy it too :)
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The following morning, San woke up with y/n still lying on his chest. He smiled and and gently pet the hybrid until he heard shuffling from the bed above his, most likely from wooyoung waking up.
"alright San, time to wake up we have a schedule toda- what's that cat doing there?" wooyoung questioned as he got down from his bed "it's y/n, I think he couldn't sleep so he came here for the night"
Meanwhile, Yunho came down to the living room to check up on and say good morning to y/n, but to his shock, the hybrid wasn't there "good morning yunho, why so shocked?" seonghwa wondered as he walked towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast
"y/n's gone" that made seonghwa stop dead in his tracks "what? How come? I thought he liked it here" he said bummed out "we have to find him" yunho said in a panic "yunho calm down, let's try to think rational before you go out there and get lost. Where do you think he could've gone off to?"
"seonghwa, Yunho, what's all the noise about, are you guys okay?" wooyoung questioned as he came into the living room with San, who was holding y/n "y/n's gone, I don't know where he went but I'm going out to look for him"
"what do you mean he's gone? He's right here" San gestured to the cat in his arms. He put y/n down so he could go towards the two confused males. As he reached yunho, he immediately started rubbing his head on yunho's leg "y/n what happened? I thought you were sleeping on the couch"
Said male turned back human "I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep so I went to look for you, but I didn't know what room you were in so I picked a random door and it was San and wooyoung's room" yunho hugged him "you don't have to apologise, I was just worried I couldn't find you"
"alright, now that that's solved, let's go make breakfast" wooyoung said as he went to the kitchen followed by seonghwa, the others went to the living room, waiting for breakfast "y/n, we should go buy you some extra clothes after our schedule today"
"you don't have to, I-I can just wear my old clothes" y/n protested "it's okay, we really don't mind, how about we check who's schedule ends the earliest and they can take you shopping" y/n didn't feel like arguing so he just leaned into yunho
"apparently jongho and mingi finish today around the same time relatively early, they can take you, y/n" San said, petting the hybrid.
"good morning guys, good morning y/n, did you sleep well?" Hongjoong asked y/n as he stepped into the living room. He nodded, not wanting the other to worry about his less than successful sleep on the couch
"can someone wake the others up, breakfast is ready" y/n shyly volunteered "thank you y/n, mingi and Yeosang are in the same room and jongho shares his with yunho" he nodded at the information given by wooyoung and went to the rooms, back in cat form since he likes being an actual cat "since when can y/n do......that?" he heard Hongjoong say slightly shocked, slightly confused
Since most rooms were open, he picked up yunho's scent fairly quickly. trailing into the room, finding the bottom bunk empty, he concluded jongho was lying on top. Somehow he managed to climb and jump his way to the top, like cats do, and started trying to wake the maknae up
Sadly the latter was still heavy asleep, so y/n started lightly tapping jongho with his paws. He eventually did wake up and was slightly shocked at the random cat on his chest. He looked a bit closer and noticed the ears on the cat were the same as y/n's ears
"y/n? What are you doing here?" the cat gestured towards the end of the bed and meowed "you want me to go down?" he meowed again, confirming jongho's guess. He went down from his bed, helping y/n get down as well
Said hybrid then went to the only room that hadn't opened yet, Yeosang and mingi's room "you gotta wake them up too? I'll open the door for you" and he did, y/n slipping inside afterwards
After he managed to wake them up, they went to the kitchen to join the others for breakfast, y/n back in his human form. "took you long enough sleepyheads" wooyoung teased as they sat down, all except for one
"y/n, why aren't you sitting down?" snapped out of the trance "oh sorry, back home I wasn't supposed to eat with my owners" yunho got out his seat and over to the hybrid "y/n, it's okay, we're not your old home, so you don't have to follow their rules anymore"
yunho gently took hold of y/n's hands, internally gushing about how small they were compared to his, and guided him to sit down between him and san
After everyone finished breakfast and got their stuff ready, they headed towards the kq building for their daily schedules
Y/n didn't know who he should follow so he let himself get dragged by two of the members, which happened to be San and wooyoung "come on y/n, you're coming with us"
The rest of the day was pretty mundane, a regular practice day. Y/n was in awe the firts few times but eventually fell asleep on the floor, due to the lack of sleep from the previous night
San and wooyoung just finished dancing to wonderland, looking over their shoulder to find y/n sleeping, curled up in his cat form. San cooed and went to sit next to y/n
"You're getting attached" wooyoung pointed out "so what? He's cute and I wanna help him" San whined back, gently petting y/n. Wooyoung giggled and went to sit with them "he is pretty cute, and helping him is definitely nice, but what about after that. What are we gonna do when he all set to go on his own?"
San looked down at y/n's sleeping form, wondering what would actually happen? Would he want to stay with them? Would he want to go out on his own? "I-I don't know what's gonna happen, but I know we have to help him now"
They stayed like that for a while, y/n eventually climbing into San's lap. Resting after the tough choreography.
Suddenly the door opened, mingi and jongho coming in all ready to go out after their schedule "where's y/n? Yunho said you guys basically dragged him to your schedule" jongho asked, curious on where the hybrid could've gone off to.
San pointed towards his lap "are you guys going shopping already?" he pouted, bummed out he couldn't spend more time with y/n. Nonetheless he shook him awake
"y/n, it's time to go shopping" mingi said exited, but trying not to scare him off. He tried getting up, but was held back by wooyoung and San clinging onto him "can't he stay with us?" wooyoung whined
"wooyoung, San, he needs clothes" San and wooyoung reluctantly let him go at jongho's argument "fine, but we won't forgive you so easily for taking away our precious kitten!"
"pick out anything you like, y/n, we'll pay for it" they had entered the first of many stores. It seemed to be a hybrid specialist clothing store, where the pants had holes for tails, and hoodies had holes for ears and plenty of collars.
Y/n was browsing through some articles when a store worker approached him "excuse me, where's your owner? Hybrids don't usually come in on their own" she asked concerned, he panicked, realising he was technically a stray, in a desperate attempt, he scanned the store for where mingi and jongho were, finding them not that far from him, finding items they think would look good on him.
He pointed at them "oh alright, just wanted to make sure you had someone in here with you" she smiled and walked away. Little did he know they heard the entire thing and were internally gushing about it
"y/n, we found some things we think you'd like" said boy turned around, curious as to what they brought him. He was surprised they got him quite a few things "go ahead and change, we'll wait here for you"
The remainder of the day was spent with mingi and jongho taking y/n to a bunch of different stores, letting him pick out anything he wants and pay for it. Mingi was helping y/n choose his clothes whilst jongho looked out for them, still slightly worried for the hybrid
His worries were proven right when a stranger came up to them "is this yours?" he asked, pointing at y/n "yeah, what's it to you?" jongho shot back, already not trusting the situation "how come he doesn't have a collar then? Hybrids should have a collar if they have an owner" the stranger said, forcefully lifting y/n's chin to expose his neck
Jongho grabbed the strangers arm, making him let go of the hybrid "he doesn't like collars, now leave him be" he was ready to punch this guys in the face, sadly he still had his idol image to look after
"I'm just saying man, hybrids without collars are automatically seen as strays, and you know what we do to strays" he smirked and walked away, jongho glaring at the guy until he was out of sight. He turned around to make sure y/n was okay, finding him wrapped in mingi's protective hold
"y/n, are you okay?" he still had a fearful expression on his face. Jongho gently pet his head "d-do I have to get a c-collar?"
"of course not, if you're not comfortable with it, you don't have to" the duo gently lead y/n back to the dorms, but something shifted in them when he asked "was he going to take me away?"
Their hearts almost shattered from y/n's fearful tone, then and there, they made a silent promise to protect him no matter what "we wouldn't let that happen" mingi said as he wrapped his arms around the smaller one
Y/n started crying, never had he experienced people so kind and loving as these boys "it's okay y/n, we won't let anything happen to you" mingi said, gently rubbing the other's back
As y/n calmed his sobs down, he realised how tired he was and kept clinging to mingi "do you want me to carry you?" y/n shyly nodded as mingi went pick him up, putting him on his back
"we're home!" jongho said as they walked back in "finally, we were getting worried" wooyoung said as he saw them walking into the living room. Mingi sat y/n down on the couch, where he curled into himself like he did the previous night
"is he okay?" seonghwa asked concerned, noticing how the hybrid was slightly shivering "... Some guy came up to us, asked if he was ours and why he didn't have a collar, he was pretty rough with him. But we got him to back off" seonghwa nodded, concluding that y/n was still shaken up by the event
He reached out, gently caressing his head. Y/n leaned into his hand, eventually turning to face seonghwa and cling onto him. He smiled at the hybrid "I'm guessing Hongjoong's staying the night at the studio again?" he sighed "yeah, so I'm sleeping alone tonight, again"
"why don't you sleep with y/n?" seonghwa looked down at said hybrid "if he's okay with it" y/n snuggled deeper into his side. He smiled and continued petting the hybrid
"goodnight seonghwa, goodnight y/n" yunho said as he went to his room. Seonghwa grabbed a hold of y/n's hand and lead him to his room. "you can choose where you want to sleep, either in mine or Hongjoong's bed" the older went to change into his pajamas whilst y/n simply changed into his cat form and sat down on seonghwa's bed
The older walked back in after changing into his pajamas, a warm smile spread across his face as he saw the hybrid on his bed. He made his way to the bed, turning off the lights on the way "you ready to go to sleep, y/n?" said hybrid meowed and patiently waited for seonghwa to lie down
Once he did and he was under the covers, y/n laid on his chest "is it okay if I pet you?" seonghwa asked, reaching his hand out and like the previous night, y/n nudged his head against seonghwa's hand. He started gently petting him "San didn't lie, you really are as soft as a cloud"
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jinfluffychan · 4 years
Ateez as your classmates
Anon! I hope you like it! 💕
Note: Please leave feedback! You will help me a lot and I will appreciate it very much! Thank you!  
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The president of the class that every teacher loves
A super good student and it's friendly with everyone, even with the people that mock him
Gives personal classes to some students that need helps
Even if he's friendly with everyone, he's usually always alone and that makes him sad
Has a part-time job at a 7/11 so he can save up for the things he likes
Recently a guy that he gives math classes to, named Yunho, invited him to his house to play video games with him and another friend. Seonghwa felt really happy after that.
Favorite Class: Math and physics
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The artistic and kinda rebellious student
He costumized his uniform and even after a lot of reports he keeps wearing them
Stopped skipping classes cause his mom asked for it, he's really smart, but he gets bored easily in class
Sits next to the windows so he can look outside and get lost in his imagination
In the rest periods he works in his music and lyrics
He defends people from the bullies, causing him to get into trouble often, added to that he gets mocked too because of his short height.
Favorite Class: Art and Music.  
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The artistic and good student
Unlike Hongjoong, Yunho is a really good student, he's very respectful and diligent with his work
His only weakness is in math, so he takes the tutorships that Hwa gives, he invited him to play video games after that
He's in the chorus of the school, but also takes singing lessons after school.  
Has a YouTube Channel where he post his songs and covers, sometimes his friend Jongho sings with him
Thinking about taking an audition for a group, but it's not so secure about it
Favorite Class: Music and Literature
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The weird but funny student
Always tries new things and shows it to his friends, like that time he made the gummy beat cult/concert meme or when he shows the others his collection of drones that he's very proud of
Always participate in class and corrects the teacher when it's needed
He's best friends with Wooyoung, but suddenly they stopped seeing each other a lot, he feels sad because of it, but doesn't tell anything to Woo cause he knows he's doing things he likes  
Found a new friend named Seonghwa after a video game afternoon with him and Yunho
Now he works in the 7/11 with Hwa and have fun with him doing "experiments" with no one is around
Favorite class: Science and Chemistry (specially laboratory)
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The lost but kind student
The kind of student that will ask the person next to him something about the class when he doesn't understand
Everyone thinks he's a bad guy because of his features, but in reality it's a cute and soft guy
He's lowkey popular around girls because of his bad boy appearance
He loves the people that brings millions of colors and different types of post-it, always goes near them and ask them if they can take a look at those things
He's always lost with the things and tends to need someone that reminds him that there is a test or homework
He's in dance classes and when it's class day he's the happiest
Favorite Class: Lunch and Art
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The popular and athlete student
Not so much a good student, so he takes tutorships with Seonghwa
It's in the same basketball team as Wooyoung and it's one of the most valuable players
Used to get into fights a lot until he met Hongjoong, after that he found a way to drain his anger in music
Now he follows Hongjoong everywhere he goes, inside he sees HJ as someone that understand him and feels somehow better and secure by his side
Thinking a lot in his future and it's kind scare because of it  
Favorite Class: Sport and Music
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The flirty and good looking student
He always wears his tie loose and his shirt a little bit open
He's in the sport club in the basketball team
Doesn't play with girls, but always give pickup lines to them
He's best friend with Yeosang, no one can understand how they're friends because they're really different from each other, one is wild and free and the other is reserved and calm, but they love each other very much
It's in dance classes, decide to try them when, after his basketball practice, he found  San outside of the building all sweaty and smiley, San convinced him to try them out and after the first one he didn't miss any
Favorite Class: Gym
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The athlete, foodie and artistic student
The student that makes 100000 things and you don't know when he has time to study or to make all those things
He's in the football team and it's one of the strongest, so nobody mess with him
Works in a cafe and gets scolded when he eats some of the food, but because he's such a cute and good worker the boss let it pass and let him keep some of the things that didn't sell when they close
Takes singing lessons with Yunho and it's one of the favorite students
Sleeps in some classes because of how tired he is, but loves to do all those things so he doesn't quit to any of them
Favorite Class: Sports and Music
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sector-i-closed · 5 years
Never Make Me Jealous Again
Requested by a wattpad user.
Warning: Smut and bondage
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You waited for the grueling meeting to be over with so that you could get back to work and then go home to your boyfriend Kang Yeosang.
You watched in silence as your coworkers talked among themselves, seeming as if they could care less about your input in any matters concerning the company that you worked for and you wondered why did they even summon you for the meeting in the first place when there was much needed work yet to be done and it looked like you was going to have to pick up the slack that your coworkers would be laying on you, again.
You boredly withdrew your smartphone from your pocket, intending to send your boyfriend a selfie and an I miss you text.
You snapped a photo of yourself and at the very last second a male coworker clapped a hand on your shoulder, photo bombing you and prompting an awkward smile to spread across your face which was from surprise.
"Hooray the meeting is over." He informed you before trailing out of the room behind his fellow workers.
You had no time to snap another picture as you hurried out of the room so you sent the one that you had just taken, forgetting about it for the rest of the afternoon.
Yeosang heard his text notification alert him that he had received a text and he discreetly pulled his phone from his jacket pocket as he headed out the door of his workplace.
His heart leapt in his chest when he found that it was a text from you.
He eagerly opened the notification and immediately grunted in disapproval at what he saw.
You had sent him a message that read "i miss you sangie" but that wasn't what bothered him.
It was that someone had their hand on your shoulder and was looking as if they were about to get cheeky cheeky with you in the picture.
To make matters worse you was smiling warmly as if you enjoyed the physical contact.
"Missed me? I bet." Yeosang muttered to himself as he pocketed his phone, hurrying home so that he could question you as soon as you got home.
You sighed tiredly as you walked through the front door, being totally unprepared for being swiftly pinned against the door by your boyfriend of a year and a half.
"What the fuck Sang?!" You scowled, looking directly into his eyes with defiance.
"That's what I wanted to ask you! What the fuck was the meaning of sending that photo with that man while you're fucking proclaiming that you miss me?!" Yeosang hissed, pinning your arms firmly above your head. Your eyes widened in confusion as her heart rate sped up immediately.
"I don't know what you're talking about..." Was the clipped answer.
You had completely forgotten about the way the selfie turned out, and you felt too tired for guessing games.
"You don't? Well someone had their fucking hands on your shoulder and you was smiling like you enjoyed it!" Yeosang held eye contact with you, his intense glare contrasting with your e/c eyes.
"I can explain if you'd give me a fucking chance, Sang!" You shot back, feeling an intense sensation of arousal pooling in your stomach that you tried to shake.
"Alright, let me hear it!" Yeosang released your arms but still continued to cage your body in between his arms. His breath ghosted against your face in gentle touches and even that had an effect on your body.
"I was in a meeting and I was waiting for it to end when I took my phone out to send you a selfie," You rushed through your explanation, feeling anxious under the watchful eye of your boyfriend.
"You did succeed in making me jealous. I don't if you realize that or not because I don't know what the fuck you was thinking when you sent that picture!" Yeosang growled.
"Don't think that you won't be punished for being so thoughtless." Your mouth felt dry as if you had been eating cotton. A tingling sensation rushed to your head and you anticipated the punishment with much excitement.
A strangled moan was muffled by the ballgag in your mouth. A blindfold was tied around your head and you was unable to see the sadistic smile on your boyfriend's face as he cracked the flog against your skin once again.
You tugged at the ropes that bound your wrists and ankles, rubbing your skin raw with each time that you experienced friction from the rough texture material.
Without even looking at your stomach and thighs you knew that there was marks all over you from the flog.
A vibrator was inserted inside of your heat, turned on low which caused just enough stimulation to make you uncomfortable.
Yeosang had been at this for over an hour and you knew that he was enjoying himself, watching you writhe wildly in spite of being bound.
"I know you love this. That's why you sent me that photo to piss me off." Yeosang sneered, cracking the flog sharply against your skin.
You winced at the contact and you squirmed, moaning even louder as your heat clenched around the vibrator.
"Does pissing me off make you happy? It does doesn't it? You was so wet when I put the vibrator inside of you I knew you was excited to be punished." Yeosang trailed his fingers along your naval and on down to your heat.
"Mmmph nyumph!!" You moaned in appreciation at his touch, feeling him draw circles roughly against your clit.
Your legs shook as you neared your climax and you felt the sparks of your orgasm begin to tingle your senses.
Yeosang withdraw his fingers from you as soon as the muscles in your gut tightened.
You thrashed frantically in frustration, disliking that he had edged you that much closer without any result.
"This is part of your punishment, Y/N." Your boyfriend spoke in a monotone voice, sending icy chills down up and down your spine.
Yeosang turned off the vibrator and pulled it out of you, further discouraging any climax to happen for you anytime soon.
He dragged his fingers through your juices, finding it amusing that you was turned on by being punished.
"I'm gonna make you come so you better be ready. You may not deserve to yet but I think you've had enough punishment for now." Yeosang pushed a finger inside of you, feeling your muscles clench around him readily and he quickly added another finger inside of you, pumping into your wetness while admiring the way you was so vulnerable right now.
You gasped and moaned in a pleading tone, feeling the warmth build in your stomach again as Yeosang stimulated your walls.
It was a pretty sight to him to see you tied, blindfolded and gagged and he wanted to try it more often.
"Cum for me Y/N." Yeosang ordered, promptly sending you into the throes of the bliss that you had been longing to experience for over an hour.
Pleasure washed over you and you felt exhausted, going limp as your boyfriend untied the ropes from your wrists.
Off went the blindfold and then the ballgag, "Don't ever make me jealous like that again." Yeosang's face seemed to soften back to the sweet boyfriend that you knew.
"I'll try not to. Can I have my reward?" You traced the outline of your boyfriend's dick through his pants.
"If you've learned your lesson."
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ryos-world · 3 years
Ateez As Stupid Stuff I’ve Done
Yes, I’m doing this again. Yes, there’s more
Seonghwa: Getting literally harassed over text by a boy at your school who uses you for your notes and then won't stop texting you. Getting annoyed, and you and one of your guy friends spam him with multiple concerning things, including the concept of cannibalism. He doesn't get deterred. You end up blocking him after spamming him with a deep fake of Ben Shapiro saying Everytime We Touch by Cascada
Hongjoong: Singing where you think no one can hear you except for your one friend and then a random boy just walks into the room to tell you that you sound great and you can even do anything about it because you're too awkward and your friend is laughing at you while your face is as red as a tomato cause you can't accept compliments ever
Yunho: Getting tired and yeeting a friend out of a chair for no apparent reason. This makes him mad, you get into an argument, and so far haven't faced each other in person for the past two weeks. You are in a feud and don't think that you'll get out of it any time soon due to the fact that (1), you are bad at going up to people, and (2) he never starts conversations so the two of you are probably just gonna let go of the friendship due to mutual spite and anxiety
Yeosang:  Having a nonsensical verbal fight with one of your friend's younger brothers where you yell random things including "I will confiscate your spine", "Just the homies and some plastic pants",  "if you leave me alone with your brain, I will steal your nerve endings", and "I'll drink your ashes." He says that you'll pass away and no one will come to the funeral. You say "Perfect, I would like to be hanged. " You end up winning the fight.
San: Visiting the Great Wall of China and going to the only part where you can toboggan down and going at full speed the entire time ignoring the workers yelling at you to slow down and then panicking because you think you're gonna get in trouble, but forgetting that cause hey, you can ram your brother from behind that's fun
Mingi: Going to MegaCon with one of your friends for your birthday, rounding a corner and accidentally losing her in the crowd, causing you to panic severely as you hunted down three different security guards and when you finally found her, you found out that the person at the front desk had made fun of her for getting lost because they didn't know she was still technically underage even though she looks twenty
Wooyoung:  Buying a letter opener in Germany that looks like a knife because you decided after you left the castle that you wanted one since your brother bought one so once you got to the bottom you bought one at the other gift store and it was the same thing but cheaper and your brother yelled at you for cheating the system even though it wasn't your fault and you didn't want to climb 10 flights of stairs again
Jongho: In order to prove to one of your friends that you aren't a Russian spy, you prank text one of your other friends. You end up exuding the energy of the friend who made you prank text the kid so much that the kid you prank texted thinks you are the guy who made you prank text him.
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shining-red-diamond · 4 years
Ch. 2: London
Cast of Characters//Ch. 1//Ch. 2//Ch. 3//Ch. 4//Ch. 5//Ch. 6//Ch. 7//Ch. 8//Ch. 9//Ch. 10//Ch. 11//Ch. 12//Ch. 13//Ch. 14//Ch. 15//Ch. 16//Ch. 17//Ch. 18//Ch. 19//Ch. 20//Ch. 21//Ch. 22//Ch. 23//Ch. 24//Ch. 25//Ch. 26//Ch. 27//Ch. 28 (coming soon)
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Words: 1173
Pairing: OT8 x OCs (Hongjoong x Dahae)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of vomiting and illness
A/N: Italics mean they’re speaking in Korean.
A loud buzzing pounded in Dahae’s ears. She reached to her nightstand and pressed the button on her clock to shut it off. Slowly she sat up and stretched while letting out a silent yawn. Her eyes wandered over to the small window that was allowing the early morning sun to seep through.
This is going to be a good day, she thought.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Hongjoong greeted her while carrying a tray of food and setting it on the small coffee table in the middle of the bedroom. “I had Grace-Anne prepare you a meal that’ll help you with your strength today.”
Dahae had fallen ill with food poisoning two days prior. The crew had visited a dig site in the outskirts of Guatemala City, and she was the only one whose dinner had been wrongly prepared. Her fellow medic Yeosang was quick to diagnose her and make a list of what she needed to eat and take. Thankfully, she was recovering quickly but still felt a little weak. Hongjoong had forbidden her from finishing any of her work until she was completely well.
Hongjoong was a pretty flexible guy, but he also had a particular way of keeping things in order around the ship. If a crewmember was ill, they were quickly limited to what they could and couldn’t do after being checked and diagnosed by either Yeosang or Dahae. On cleaning days, everyone had to take part to clean their bedrooms, do laundry, mop the deck, whatever. He made sure everyone was working together by putting their skills to good use.
“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty,” Hongjoong sing-songed as he stroked his fiancée’s head. Dahae hadn’t realized she dozed off again.
“I’m up,” she claimed as she opened her eyes. Hongjoong’s smiling face was the first thing she saw.
“Stand up and come eat your breakfast, and I’ll believe you,” he chuckled before pecking her forehead.
“Yes, mom,” Dahae teased as she crawled out of bed.
Making her way over to her chair by the coffee, she could still feel her legs feeling as if they were a mix of lead and jelly, but at least her stomach didn’t feel like fire. Her breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, a banana, and orange juice.
“I noticed the weather looked nice today,” she said as she began peeling the banana.
Hongjoong sat in his chair next to Dahae’s and began to study his maps on his computer. “Dinah predicts it’ll be sunny until we get to London.”
“What’s in London?”
“A friend of my dad’s is an archeologist and explorer there,” he explained. “He just returned from an expedition in the Conga and found something he wants us all to see.”
“What did he find?” Dahae sipped her orange juice before starting on her eggs.
“He didn’t exactly say. He just messaged me about it last night, and I told Mingi to set a course for London.”
“I see.”
“Speaking of London,” Hongjoong said as he shut his laptop and turned towards Dahae and took her left hand into his, “I was hoping we could go to a jewelry place and pick out your engagement ring while we’re there.”
Dahae’s eyes lit up. Hongjoong had proposed but didn’t have a diamond to put on her finger, only the white rubber ring she currently wore. She didn’t mind, but Hongjoong had always noticed how much she admired Celestia’s wedding ring and Grace-Anne’s engagement ring. All he wanted was for the woman he loved to be happy.
“I’d love to, Joong,” she smiled. “But will we have time?”
He kissed her cheek. “I plan on having us stay there for at least two nights.”
“Two nights? We usually stay only one night.”
“I’ve been doing some thinking lately, and I know that our explorations are becoming more tiring with each new challenge; so I decided to treat everyone with an extra day in London.”
“So, basically, a vacation day?” Dahae asked, a grin slowly blooming on her face.
Hongjoong nodded.
The crew had been getting more and more tired in the past few months, and Hongjoong had taken note. He had always put others first to a point he sometimes wears himself out doing so. Dahae admired how much he cared for everyone else around him, and she loved that about her fiancé; but the dark circles under his eyes worried her. He was a hard worker, but Dahae didn’t want him to work until his death. When he said they would all take a rest day, her heart was put at ease.
“Seonghwa, Yeosang, and I have been discussing a rest day for a while, but we could never agree on a proper time.”
“When did you decide now was a good time?” Dahae asked as she finished her meal, Hongjoong taking the tray.
“This morning just before I got your breakfast,” he replied as he headed towards the bedroom door. “We’ll be landing in about three hours. Do you feel okay to walk around?”
“Joong, I stopped vomiting yesterday morning.” She stood from her chair and began walking towards the bathroom. “I think I’m more than capable to explore.”
“Alright, but if you still feel bad later, please tell me.”
“Aye, aye, Captain,” Dahae saluted just before shutting the bathroom door.
Hongjoong chuckled at her remark as he strolled out of the room with the tray of empty dishware in his hands.
The captain made his way around the corner, past the dining hall, and into the kitchen where Yunho was busy with a boiling pot. The island counter was covered in utensils, vegetables and herbs. Yunho was dressed in his pajamas still, but his hair was combed.
“Good morning, Yunho,” Hongjoong greeted.
“Good morning, Captain,” his crewmate replied with a bow.
“Dude, it’s just us. You don’t have to call me ‘Captain.’”
“Sorry. Just a habit.”
Hongjoong placed the tray by the sink, and looked around the kitchen. “Where’d Grace-Anne go?”
“She went to go wake Seonghwa and get ready for the day,” Yunho replied. “How’s Dahae feeling?”
“A lot better.” Hongjoong leaned against the counter. “The color is back in her face.”
“I’m happy to hear that, but I’m preparing this soup just in case we have another emergency like that again.”
As much as he was the repairman and engineer for The HALA, Yunho was also a cook alongside Grace-Anne. He always had a recipe book with dishes made for those who were sick or had certain food allergies, and Yunho had been using it the past two and half days to help with Dahae’s illness. Grace-Anne had one similar but mainly used it to prepare Celestia’s meals, as she couldn’t eat certain foods while pregnant.
Yunho pulled the wooden spoon out of the metal pot, placed the lid on it, and turned down the stove. “So where are we going?” he asked as he untied his apron and hung it on the wall hook.
“London,” Hongjoong replied. “We’re arriving there in about three hours, so be ready by then.”
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ghostofvixx · 5 years
Kiss and makeup- PSH
When you thought you had lost your childhood friend but you see him again… as an idol.
Words: 2k
Genre: fluff
Requested by @oceanstae: Cool! can I request a Seonghwa scenario? Maybe one where he goes to a pet cafe with San and he falls in love with the barista? or maybe one where he has a crush on his make up artist! It's up to you! thank you🖤
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The moment you saw Seonghwa you almost dropped your makeup brushes.
It’s not because of how extremely handsome he has gotten from the last time you saw him, but because it had really been ages since that moment. Since you graduated from school, being specific. It’s not that he was your friend, but he was a nice acquaintance and seatmate, he was always worried about you and he even teased you a lot. Actually, now that you think of it, you do were good friends, but your little self just didn’t want to acknowledge it.
“One, two!” Hongjoon said, introducing their official greeting. “Eight makes one team! Hello, we’re Ateez! Nice to meet you.” You smiled at each one of them and bowed.
“Nice to meet you! I’m y/n, and I’ll be Kwang Solhee’s substitute.” You introduced yourself, and you swore you could see a sarcastic smile in Seonghwa’s mouth. “As you may know, she has officially retired, so I’ll try to do my best to do her job nicely!”
You could hear some cheers from some of the members, but you didn’t have the guts to look at the only reaction you cared about, Seonghwa’s. Actually, how were you even going to put makeup on his face if you couldn’t even look at it without blushing? Luckily for you, you didn’t have to do much on your first day, since you only tried to get to know your workmates, the artists and the CEO.
However, one day became seven without even talking to Seonghwa, and it was beginning to be annoying how he didn’t even do much to start the conversation when all the members of Ateez had tried it at least once.
“Hi noona!” Greeted San.
“Good morning, San.” Out of all the members you had worked with (San, Wooyoung and Yeosang) you could say that San was your favourite, for no particular reason. Maybe it’s because he’s the one you’ve worked with the most. “You have something important scheduled for today, right?”
“We do! It’s our first time going on weekly idol.”
“I’m so happy for all of you!” You cheered. “Are you nervous?”
“I think that my heart is going to explode.” That’s a very honest and funny answer, just like San, so you chuckled in response.
“You’ll do great, just be yourself.”
“I will noona! Thank you!” You had no idea if you really had helped the poor boy or if he just wanted to be nice, but you just smiled once again and continued doing his makeup.
That day was a very long journey, but it was also the day Seonghwa finally decided to talk to you. It happened after all of your team went from the weekly idol set to the company building, everyone was picking up their things and leaving, only a few workers were left, and they were all in different floors so you really thought you were alone.
“It’s been a while, don’t you think?” You jumped at the sound of Seonghwa’s voice and laughed hysterically to conceal your nervousness.
“It has.” You said after your heart had calmed itself. “I see you’ve been doing good! I’m glad.”
“I’m glad you’re doing good too.” He commented truthfully, which warmed your heart. His hair was different, he was thinner, stronger, more confident, his face has changed a little, but there was still something left from the Seonghwa you used to know, always as kind.
You only hoped he didn’t bring that up. Your last conversation, because then you would have to admit that you had lost.
“By the way.” He added after a few minutes of silence. “I told you one day you would work for me, right?”
Oh god, you couldn’t believe he actually remembered.
“What are you talking about? I can’t remember! At all!” But the moment the words left your mouth, you knew it was pretty obvious to him that you were lying.
To understand the situation from an outsider’s point of view, we’ll have to turn back time to the moment you kept your last conversation, when you graduated from school, young and innocent.
“I want to be an important person someday.” He commented. “But it’s a secret, you can’t say it!”
“Someone important?” You asked, mocking him. “You?”
“Hey don’t make fun of me!” He punched your arm lightly. “I don’t know what I’ll be, but I know that I’m meant to influence people, I’m meant to be important.”
“You could be an idol.” You suggested. “You’re mister talent after all.”
He thought you were joking, but, in fact, you had never been so sure about anything, ever.
“You’ll see.” He raised his pinky as if he wanted to make a promise. “One day I’ll be important, and I’ll be known around the world! And then, you will work for me.” You entwined your pinky with his.
“Why would I work with you?”
“You’re important to me, that’s why.” Back for then, you thought he meant that you were a good friend on his, not his best friend, but something in between. Now that you thought of that again, and in that situation, you couldn’t help but blush.
And that’s the reason why that stupid smirk wouldn’t leave his mouth.
“I tould you, you would work for me.” He repeated. “I didn’t think you were serious about makeup, though.” He adds since he had lost the count of the times you said you wanted to be a makeup artist. You always loved that world.
“I also told you that you were mister talent, I predicted that you were going to be an idol, why don’t I get recognized for that?” He laughed and shook his head.
“It’s nice to have you around again. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You didn’t talk about the ‘because you’re important to me’, but you supposed that maybe that part wasn’t as important for him after all.
From that conversation, Seonghwa didn’t waste a single second to be with you. He would usually come into the room the first one to sit whenever you were at and make small talk or would ask you if his makeup was okay at least twenty times a day. Something you had never expected was for him to be so clumsy with makeup: he always had something to be fixed.
But it felt so good to be with him like that. It was as if your friendship had to be kept from the rest, but it was something too obvious to be kept. His members would sometimes say that you were strangely close to each other, the only member who won’t say anything was San, but because he was way too busy giving both of you weird looks of approvement.
“Do you have some free time now?” Seonghwa asked.
Ah, how you loved those days when he decided to spend his lunchtime eating with you.
“I do! Sit here.” Thank god not a single soul was there to catch you in the rooftop. You would be fired immediately. “How was it today?”
“It was nice, I took my time to bring you coffee, you must be tired.” You loved those little details of him even more.
“You’re an angel, seriously.” You grabbed the cup from his hands and took a sip. “Ah, I needed this, thank you.”
He smiled in return.
“Please, don’t tell that to the rest, I want to keep my cold facade.”
You laughed loudly.
“Cold? In your dreams, loser.”
And that’s how it usually goes between both of you. But, after working for him for at least a month, being stuck by his side (not that you’re complaining), and talking to him when so much time had gone by, you feel things that you didn’t feel back for then.
And there was no need to say that you beat yourself up every time you saw him because you knew you couldn’t fall for an idol. But you weren’t falling for an idol, you were falling for your friend, that boy you had met a few years ago that hadn’t changed his personality even a little, despite becoming an idol and being such an influence. You really wanted to distance yourself from him, but how could you?
And that’s when you realized that it wasn’t just a simple crush, and that you were never going to be liked back.
“Noona, are you okay?” San asked you one day you were feeling sad at that thought.
“I’m fine San, don’t worry!” You did your best to smile.
“Did Seonghwa hyung do something?”
“What? Of course not, why?” You grabbed a thin makeup brush and began to apply the shadow on his eyes.
“I don’t know, both of you just seem so close, it would be a catastrophe if you ever fight.” You laughed lightly. “He talks about you all the time, you know? It’s funny because I never expected Seonghwa hyung to be the type of person to talk about their crushes all the time but he does and-” He stopped when he realized he had said the word crush. “That was supposed to be a secret.”
“Was it?”
“I’m not good with secrets.”
“I can tell.” You really tried to be mad, but at that moment the only thing you could feel was happiness.
Seonghwa’s turn came since, for the first time, San had been faster than him. You smiled at him, but he was so serious that your smile fell in a matter of seconds.
“How are you today?” You asked lightly, but he hummed in response. “Am I supposed to decipher that?”
He growled and you figured he didn’t want to talk. You tried to make him up as soon as possible, to finish with that awkward moment, but he wasn’t feeling receptive, so it took you longer than you wish it had.
“Are you really not going to talk to me?”
“Go to the rooftop, after our schedule, alone, I want to talk to you.” You literally feared for your life. A happy Seonghwa is the best Seonghwa, but you better not cross paths with an angry Seonghwa, and he seemed angry.
Did you do something?
That question wouldn’t leave your mind. What was happening? Were you going to lose your friend? You spent hours waiting for their schedule to finish, and San had looked at you a couple of times and muted a ‘you’re going to be fine, I promise’. You thanked how nice the boy was to you, but that didn’t calm you down at all.
Finally, the time came, and it was just Seonghwa, you, and a beautiful sunset.
“Did I do something?” You asked, going straight to the point.
Seonghwa sighed.
“No, you didn’t. I did.” He stopped to think and added. “No, actually, San did.” Then you knew exactly what he was talking about. 
You were expecting an ‘I can’t believe he joked around like that’ or a ‘forget what he said, it wasn’t truth’, but definitely not the words that left his mouth.
“I can’t believe he confessed my own feelings, that stupid boy, one of these days I’ll kill him.”
So it was real?
“No, seriously, like we are friends again and he just did that.”
“Seonghwa seriously listen to me-”
“You have nothing to explain, I’m sorry I’ve put you through such a situation, you’re my make up artist and you shouldn’t have known this, besides you’re also my friend.”
“Seongha me too.”
“What?” He finally seemed to put all his attention in you.
“I like you too, but I didn’t want to say it because how on earth would you like me back?”
“Are you seriously telling me that you didn’t realize the stupid amount of times I had to get my makeup done by you? Or how I always was trying to bring you coffee? God, even when we were children I always wanted you to take a seat by my side all the time.”
“Wait.” You say, completely shocked. “When we were children-”
“I had a typical crush on you, those that little children have with their friends.”
“Oh god, Seonghwa I was so stupid.” You say, suddenly feeling the urge to give him a hug. “I’m so sorry.” You said, completely wrapped in his arms.
“That’s fine, I’m glad you’re with me again.” You feel his head on top of yours.
“But, is this okay? I mean, you debuted not long ago and we-”
“We’ll see what happens once it happens, by the moment, let me enjoy this.” And as you felt sweet kisses on your forehead, you closed your eyes and did as he said.
You knew that in Seonghwa’s language, you were something official for just the two of you.
And maybe for the rest of the Ateez members.
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sidereal-fantasies · 5 years
Mayhem Nights [Ateez Witch Hunter AU]
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Character(s): Reader, Hongjoong, Mingi, Yunho, Yeosang
Category: Supernatural AU
Genre: Fantasy, Horror
Warning(s): None for this chapter as of now. Please inform me if anything does trigger you so I can place it here!
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It was decided that Yeri and [Name] would visit [Name]’s home the next morning.
At the end of the discussion, both girls concluded that it would be too soon to return to the scene in fear of the waiting dangers in the shadow; that, and for the sake of [Name]’s mental state. So, for safety precautions, Yeri decided that it was best to let her crash in her apartment for the next few days. The fortunate part was that it was located more in-town and closer to school campus.
Currently, as the evening hours crept by, Yeri and [Name] had their notebooks and textbooks scattered across the floor, scribbling furiously away since the two made the common mistake of procrastinating until the last minute on multiple assignments. The silence amongst them had suddenly grown tense with Yeri sneaking glances over at the [eye color] eyed girl while also trying to focus on the material in front of her. Suddenly, a pencil was abandoned on top of the half-filled page of notes.
“This really irks me,” Yeri grumbled under her breath as she placed her notes down.
“Studying, boy issues, or the guy you mentioned earlier?” [Name] questioned with a rather sarcastic tone. A crumpled piece of paper flew towards the [hair color] haired girl in response which only elicit a few snickers from the intended target as she dodged the poorly thrown ball.
“The guy! Like, I can picture his face and everything, but I can’t recall his name at all. I know he’s in one of my classes as well,” Yeri explained with a huff. The ravenette crashed on the small rug while [Name] continued to scribble away in her open notebook. Then, [Name] stopped and tapped the pencil on the side of her textbook.
“Do you want to order something to eat?” [Name] asked.
Yeri simply pouted, rather frustrated by the lack of hurry in [Name]. Before she could scold the other, however, her stomach protested in favor of the thought of food. Realizing that she couldn’t ignore it, Yeri pushed herself up, pulled her phone out of her pocket, and then dialed a number. A few moments later, she pocketed her phone and dragged her textbooks back in front of her in an attempt to finish her neglected assignments.
“We’re having pizza, if you don’t mind,” Yeri stated. “And you’re paying for it.” Now it was [Name]’s turn to deflate.
About a half hour later, a knock echoed from the apartment door. Yeri and [Name] stood up with [Name] trailing behind as she dug some cash out of her wallet. With a click of the lock, Yeri opened the door and was ready to receive the box of pizza before her eyes suddenly grew wide. A gasp escaped the ravenette which caused [Name]’s own heart to race and grip the cash rather tightly in her hand. After the sudden shock, [Name] peered over to the worker standing at the door front with a large cardboard box containing their greasy meal of the night and a similar perplexed expression.
The delivery worker was a fellow college student with unique visuals. Bleached blonde hair held back by his workplace’s official cap while piercings lined both ears and black nail polish covered his nails. Cat-like eyes trained on the two girls, alert enough to study each reaction, but have obviously suffered from sleep deprivation over the past few weeks. Despite the work shirt, the ripped black jeans were enough to give off the vibe of his own chic appeal.
“[Name]! This is Kim Hongjoong. My friend has a few things she wanted to say to you about your friends,” Yeri introduced the two.
Oh, [Name] thought. The initial impression was just her imagination running wild again. She glanced up at Hongjoong again and was greeted by his warm smile. It seems like all of them have a similar vibe, she thought, reminiscing about the rather odd encounter with Yunho and Mingi the other night. Granted that the settings were different, the naturally accepting aura Hongjoong possessed immediately relaxed her tense muscles as she offered a small wave in return. She swore that she could almost shake off all the doubt that clouded her mind and open up to the blonde without having any fear of judgement. Almost, at least.
“I just wanted to ask if you could tell your friends Yunho and Mingi, I believe, that I’m really thankful for their help the other night,” [Name] said rather quickly.
“Oh, what happened, if you don’t mind me asking?” Hongjoong questioned.
And just like that, [Name]’s train of thought crashed into a wall. Everything went blank just as she felt the blood rushing towards her face faster than lightning. The room became ten times warmer, a hard lump formed in her throat. The entire story was right at the tip of her tongue, yet something wasn’t quite right. She couldn’t pinpoint the exact feeling, but it was obvious enough that she rather keep most of the details behind tight lips.
“It was just nighttime and they just offered to walk me home because of all the witch attacks recently… and because I nearly walked into the sketchy side of town,” [Name] shakily laughed.
She hadn’t meant to completely lie since she assumed that if Yunho and Mingi were involved in that sketchy place, there was a high possibility that Hongjoong was as well. However, her nerves told her to play safe just in case. After all, she barely knows any of them besides their names and that they attend the same university as her. Assumptions are dangerous choices to act upon. She already had enough targets lining up on her back.
Hongjoong’s eyes scrutinized each feature of [Name]’s face, as if picking up the sudden dubiety that crossed her face, before the same beaming expression from earlier appeared again on his own lips.
“Ah, understandable. I’ll tell them that the next time I see them,” Hongjoong replied with a slight chuckle. “I’ll see you two around campus then. Have a good night. Oh, and it was nice meeting you, [Name].”
After handing over the money, Hongjoong left to finish the rest of his delivery route with [Name] gently closing the door after she watched him jog back down the stairs. Once closed, she placed her back against the door and slid to floor after the soft clicked echoed and buried her face into the palms of her hands.
She knew it deep down. The way his eyes, though tired from hours of blue light illuminating back, had picked up on her hesitation. She knew it deep down that she fed him a cover-up story. I hope it’s simply just those three guys, [Name] thought. For if any other person gets involved, she knew she would feel a thousand stones drop on her shoulders.
“I honestly don’t know anymore, Yeri,” [Name]’s mumbled into her hands.
The ravenette knitted her eyebrows before she clicked her tongue and gently padded back over to the [hair color] haired girl. She leaned down and placed a hand on [Name]’s shoulder. Careful eyes scanned [Name] for any sign of discomfort before she sat down in front of her.
“The less people involved, the better,” Yeri stated, “We’re going to hope your parents are well and that this mysterious family scandal you have going disappears with all your worries as well!” Yeri reassured the sulky girl. [Name] looked up and offered a tired smile.
“Thank you, Yeri.”
Yeri pulled [Name] back up to her feet and began to walk back towards the small kitchen.
“And then we get those cute guys’ numbers and go on double dates.”
“Never mind, I take back my unconditional love for you.”
Hongjoong has always been a little strict when it came to outsiders trailing into the base for all witch hunters. While some could have cared less if some citizen recognized what they were doing, Hongjoong had his beliefs that many were not suited to see such a bloody world like this. So, to be notified that such an incident occurred without his knowing as rather a shock to the leader. Nevertheless, he had to accept that it happened and move on in hopes that no trouble will arise from it.
Combat boots clicked across the concrete floor to the desk sitting in front of the room. Maps upon maps were scattered across the surface, some marked beyond recognition with red lines, red circles, and red x’s while others laid bare. Tattered flyers and propaganda pieces also peaked out, but were obviously defaced, hiding whatever message the extreme sides were trying to convey. Gloves hands soon rested on the edge accompanied with a tired sigh.
“Please explain again,” Hongjoong requested Yunho and Mingi who sat comfortably on the other side of the desk.
“It’ll be fine. I’m pretty sure Mingi and I barely have any classes with her,” Yunho reassured the leader. “Plus, even if she had a book, it doesn’t mean she could be a witch of any sorts.”
Hongjoong cocked an eyebrow as he looked up from the plethora of maps and papers. It only took a few seconds before Yunho had gasped at the slip of the tongue. The tall male could only sit there with wide eyes and sweaty palms while he waited on Hongjoong’s response. It completely slipped his mind that the stranger they helped the other night carried a mysterious book with her arms.
“Book?” Hongjoong repeated. The young brunette in the corner rose from his seat and joined the trio in their little dispute. “Explain more.”
“She had a really worn out book with her, but she honestly didn’t look like she was planning to do any harm. It looked like she was actually running away from something,” Yunho responded.
Hongjoong’s shoulders fell slightly before he sat down in the chair behind him. “I wanna hear everyone’s thoughts on this one.” A thought had crossed his mind, making his skin crawl slightly at the possibility of who this stranger could be along with the book that they were carrying.
Yunho glanced at Mingi and the quiet brunette, having already spoken his thoughts earlier. He truly believed she didn’t mean any harm based on how terrified she appeared that night. Yet, with the rise of left handed witches, he understood why everyone would be rather apprehensive about letting a normal citizen go; much less a normal citizen that just so happened to possess a grimoire for some peculiar reason.
“No visions lately,” the brunette suddenly spoke as his eyes darted from each face of the members present in the room. “If she was a witch, neither of you would have remembered much. She would have automatically hexed you out of defense. The witches in Seoul are more aggressive than those in other nearby cities.”
Yunho and Mingi nodded, further convincing Yunho that his assumption was correct for the time being.
“She was rather scared to do anything. Maybe she stole that grimoire?” Mingi proposed.
All eyes fell on the clairvoyant once again. The group was well aware of his past with stealing magical spell books, yet were left without a clue as to how they were disposed. Despite that, he may be the only one to give insight on this new theory.
“Too risky and honestly dumb for any regular to even think about it. I was already asking for a death wish by doing so,” he remarked.
Hongjoong hummed in response. “But look at you now, you’re still alive.” Another fatigued sigh escaped the leader.
“Mingi, Yunho, it’s your job to figure out what exactly happened to the girl. I’ll inform the others later,” Hongjoong decided. “That’s all. If she’s a regular citizen, she’s not going to survive as long as that book is in her hands. If she’s a witch, we may have bigger problems.”
With that, Mingi and Yunho shuffled out of the room, already beginning to discuss how they were going to go about the entire plan. The clairvoyant was the last to leave the room, hesitating to do so as he saw sleep threatening their leader. He was used to seeing how sleep deprived Hongjoong is, but with recent events, he was generally concerned with overall health now. Endless nights piled high as more witches made bolder moves, as if luring out all the hunters to make a show of some sort.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t lie about the newfound fear he developed from previous visions; each vivid and ghastly in it’s own sense. Ranging from simple confrontations to downright bloody murder, he never experienced this many in the past few months. Even if he had spoken up about his recent ones, the ghostly whispers have offered him no insight into when they’ll happen.
And that may be the most frightening aspect of it all.
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