#YES i'm still Tormented by this NO i will not shut up about it
I was drawing DM Mikey's shell and the more I draw it, the more I realize it looks kinda like Raph's shell...
So I started to imagine...
Raph noticed it first, but hadn't said anything. He wasn't sure why Mikey's shell looked the way it did. But how it happened couldn't be anything good. It was cracked, shattered, split into pieces that rolled over themselves. Mikey's shell had once been a work of art. Now, it was a scribbled out, torn up version of what Raphael's spiky shell looked like. He wasn't sure anyone else had noticed it. But he wasn't going to bring it up just yet. Mikey had been through enough torment, and Raph wasn't sure if this would be a trigger for him or not. Besides... it just served as another mocking reminder of what had happened.
Leo was the one who recognized the similarities next. It had happened while Mikey was scuttling around his little jungle gym, and had his back turned. Leo managed to glance up at him the right way, and suddenly pointed.
"Hey Raph, doesn't Mikey's shell look kinda like--"
Raph immediately slapped his hand over Leon's face.
"Mmmf -- hey!" he yelled, angrily pulling his big brother's hand down so he could speak again. "What was that for?!"
"Don't say anything about it yet," Raph begged. "Please?"
Leo didn't understand, but complied. At the very least, he didn't want to get slapped again. He kept his mouth shut.
But Donnie noticed it too. He and April were in the labs, going over one of Mikey's x-rays when April suddenly pointed out the obvious.
"Ah yes," Donnie replied with a nod. "I was wondering if anyone else had seen that."
"Do you think Raph knows?" she asked.
"I mentioned it to him. Apparently Leo also said something, and I'm pretty sure Papa also noticed it. But Raph said not to mention it again."
"I think he's still on edge about everything. He's been walking on eggshells ever since we got Mikey home. Metaphorically speaking, of course."
That didn't sound like Raph. Sure, he was overly cautious at times, but this felt different. Something was off about this. So she went looking for him to figure it out.
"Raph? Hey, big guy?"
April tapped the door to his train car. He was sitting alone, reading a Lou Jitsu biography. He looked up with a smile when he saw his big sister.
"Oh, hey April! What's up?"
"I, uh, wanted to ask you something."
"Sure, what is it?"
April strolled inside and sat next to Raphael. She took a deep breath and did her best to channel her own version of 'Dr. Delicate Touch'.
"Why'd you tell everyone not to talk about Mikey's shell?"
Raph froze.
"Oh. That type of question."
"What did you think I was gonna ask, something about my homework?"
"I was kinda hoping," Raph said sheepishly with a shrug and a half-smile.
Raph twiddled his fingers and sighed. His tail swung lazily over the side of his bed as he tried to answer the question.
"...I guess... I just felt bad. I mean, Mikey's shell used to be so beautiful, it was bright and colourful and -- well, you get the idea. And now... it's all broken. It's just another reminder that he's different now, and how he's hurting now, and that... it was... my fault."
"Aww, man," April sighed as she took his hand. "You can't just blame yourself for this. You had no idea what would happen --"
"But I should have known something, I should have done better, and now... now he looks like... I dunno. But he doesn't look anything like himself anymore. And the fact that his shattered shell resembles mine? It just serves as a constant sign that he's that way because I failed him."
Raph's hands trembled as he cried. April comforted him as best she could. She knew this whole ordeal was a lot on them, and they were doing all they could to help Mikey get back to normal. She hadn't considered that the fact Mikey's shell looked similar to Raph's would have been even more of a reminder that he was different and broken.
April sighed and went along with Raph's wishes. She didn't agree with Raph's decision; or at least she didn't like his reasons behind the decision. But she stayed quiet.
But then one day Mikey was with Raphael, climbing all over his brother as he usually did to play with him, when he suddenly stopped, and started examining Raph's shell.
"Mikey?" Raph asked, twisting to try and see what his little brother was up to. "What's wrong? Whaddya doin' back there?"
Mikey suddenly gasped and wriggled around to face him, eyes wide and excited.
"Rrrrraphie! Raphie, look!!"
He pointed to Raph's back, tapping the spikes and scutes on his shell before twisting his own back so Raph could see Mikey's beaten, broken, and battered shell.
"My sh-sh-shell looks just l-l-like yours!"
Raph's face fell.
"...Uh, y-yeah, it kinda does. Wait, do you actually like that? You like that our shells look alike now?"
"Yes!!" Mikey cheers. "Mikey looks just Raph now! I-I look just like m-my big brrrotherrr!"
Raph stared in shock at Mikey for a moment. His lip quivered and his forehead wrinkled as he tried to keep from crying. Raphael gently took Mikey off of his shoulders and wrapped him in a hug.
"Thank you, Mikey.... I was so worried that you'd hate it...."
"Huh? W-Why would I hate it? It rrrrreminds me of you! And I love y-you, Raphie. I love you a lot!"
Raph sobbed quietly into Mikey's shoulders as he embraced him tighter. Mikey pat him on the back, not sure why he was crying, but confident that they were tears of joy.
"I love you too, big man...."
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thenightisland · 2 years
“Truth is a matter of the imagination. The soundest fact may fail or prevail in the style of its telling...The story is not all mine, nor told by me alone. Indeed I am not sure whose story it is; you can judge better. But it is all one, and if at moments the facts seem to alter with an altered voice, why then you can choose the fact you like best; yet none of them is false, and it is all one story.”
-Ursula K Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness
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cautuscoralcoast · 2 months
Peas In a Pod
Mikage Reo x Reader x Nagi Seishiro
Synopsis — in which you confront your own feelings of hatred, jealousy, and love towards Nagi and Reo. Whether it be feeling left out or being absolutely smothered with affection—you three are inseparable, just like three peas in a pod.
Can be read as a platonic friendship or romantic relationship
Word Count: 6.1 k
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"—and it summoned another hydra......" You reached for another piece of paper and wrote hydra #16. "Now it's hydra #4's turn." You turned the spin wheel for the hydra's turn for it to only land on, ".....huh, what would you know? It's another hydra—"
"That's it!" Reo slammed his hands on the table, "I swear you're doing this on purpose! There's no way that it landed on 'summon another hydra' eight times in a row!"
Nagi woke up from his short nap and glanced towards Reo. Yawning, Nagi asked, "Is it my turn or what?"
"Nagi! It's another hydra!" Reo pulled him up by the collar and shouted, "what does it mean by another hydra!" Reo turned and pointed a finger at you. "You! You're cheating! There's no way it's another darn hydra!"
"What do you mean? The wheel never lies. If it says to summon another hydra, then so be it." Nagi said as Reo let him go and collapsed in his seat. Exasperated, Reo had no more sanity to continue thinking about the game. Grabbing your notebook, you wrote down "one dead from emotional torment from a hord of seventeen hydras: two still remaining."
Putting the notebook aside, you clapped your hands together and looked at Nagi, "it's up to you and me to save the princess!"
Nagi nodded in agreement and watched as you finished completing the other thirteen hydras' turn.
You two, in fact, could not save the princess.
"Sixty-eight hydras.....How is that possible?" Nagi lied underneath the table, exhausted from staying awake for three hours straight.
"I don't knooooowwwwww." You laid underneath your chair, physically drained from sitting still for so long. You turned to face Reo, who was staring blankly up towards the ceiling. "Reo, we're sorry for laughing at you. Those hydras were serious." You covered your face with your hands and screamed, "ahhhHHHHHHHH! NAgI! Let me stay over! I don't think I'll be getting up anytime soon."
"Hmmmmm....I don't feel like setting up—"
"Let's just sleep together again! There's no way in hell that I'm sleeping on the couch after getting a taste of your bed!" You whined as you inched underneath the table and closer to Nagi. You reached for Reo's arm and pulled between you two. "—besides, rich kid Mikage is staying over this time, and I want to sleep with both of you! It's a bonding thing~" You poked Reo's cheek. You reached over to Reo and tapped Nagi's nose. "I'm sure we all fit in your bed if we all can fit under the table."
Nagi didn't say anything. Reo was still in a daze to even interject.
"So yes?"
"Oh ye—aAHhwjdha!" You coughed aggressively. You had read all the turns for sixty-eight hydras and two players for three hours: you hadn't drunk water in all that time. This would be the first sleepover in which you three actually sleep over rather than stay up late.
"Oh shut up Nagi—!%#%@^qhgehhakakkk!"
After changing and using the bathroom, you stood by the door as you watched Reo and Nagi get comfortable on the bed. Hugging one of Nagi's pillows, you softly spoke, "I think I'll sleep on the couch."
Reo raised his head and looked at you quizzically. "You whined that you wanted to sleep with us—we already made space for you!" Reo rolled to the side of the bed, forming a gap between him and Nagi. "You're short enough to fit in."
You looked towards Nagi, who already dozed off and said, "But he snores hours in, and you—did you call me short?"
Reo stuck out his tongue in response; you clenched the pillow hard and threw it at him. "I'm not short, rich boy! You're just super tall! You jumped onto the empty spot on the bed and attempted to smother Reo with the pillow. "I'm average!"
"Below average, you mean—hey!" You hit him with the pillow.
Though, of course, with the height and strength difference, Reo easily fended you off. He lightly chuckled before pushing you onto the bed and restrained your hands. "I guess you're sleeping here now~"
"You're so doing this because of the hydras, aren't ya?"
"Are you guys going to sleep or what?" Nagi turned to face you both. He angrily pulled the only blanket away from you both.
"Nagi! But he called me short!"
"They tried to kill me!"
"I don't care—now be quiet."
"So mean." "I know, right?"
Nagi eventually allowed you and Reo to be under the blanket. Like three peas in a pod: Reo, you, and Nagi sunk into the bed with how soft and comforting it was. Nagi has the best place for sleepovers......not like Reo's parents would allow you or Nagi to stay over; plus, your parents would disown you before letting you invite two teenage boys over.
"Nagi is my family name just so you know........"
"Wait, really?"
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You're in love with Mikage Reo; You knew that the very moment you laid your eyes upon him during your first year at Hakuho High School. You love how his violet hair framed his face. You love how smooth his face was. You love how kind he was when talking to your classmates. You love how the light reflected in his eyes. You love the sound of his voice and laughter. You love his intelligence and wit. You love his smile and the way his hair moves in the wind. You love how confidently he presents himself.
However, your love was superficial.
You never spoken to Mikage for longer than five minutes. You never knew about his interests or hobbies. You never participated in the same school activities, nor did you know what activities he participated in. You weren't friends or even acquaintances. You were just another face he saw in the crowd. You didn't even know if he was actually friends with anyone in your class. You didn't know a single thing about Mikage Reo, and yet you claim to love him. There was once a time when all you knew about him was that he was the heir to the Mikage Corporation and really good-looking.
You were just another one of the countless others hopelessly in love with him.
You knew in your heart that this love of yours was only surface level. This was merely a crush blinding you with a pink tinted view. You only liked him for his looks: that was the truth. It's because of this that you drowned this feeling in your heart. You never bothered to pursue this infatuation or attempt to befriend Mikage; You knew that if you ever did, it would only be for selfish reasons. Just because you resigned the nonexistent future didn't mean you free of jealousy.
No matter how much you reminded yourself that Mikage would never love you—that your love for him was built upon a fantasy—you still got jealous with each and every confession he got. You didn't understand why girls kept persisting on confessing their romantic feelings to Mikage; though many of the girls in Hakuho High School came from affluent families, none of them could dream of standing next to Mikage. Besides just that, Mikage wasn't known to accept love confessions from random girls—so why bother when they know he won't even consider it? Why can't they just know their place?
Your love may have been superficial, but your jealousy was real. Where you were once able to keep that ugly feeling at bay, the moment you heard a certain name, you felt yourself go insane: Nagi Seishiro.
Some time during your second year, you noticed a change in Mikage's behavior. He began to skip on study sessions with your peers and leave as soon as the bell rung. His smile when talking to your classmates held much more emotion and glow that previously before. He seemed much more genuine than before. So much so that you began to wonder if he began dating someone. You remember feeling so irritable for the entire day after you had that thought.
You remember skipping one of your elective classes to follow and watch Mikage in his. There you saw how close he'd act with that detestable, unlovable, sorry excuse of a human being. Just what did he see in Nagi Seishiro of all people?!
"(L/n)!!! What are you doing outside my classroom?!"
Okay, but Nagi Seishiro? What was so good about him that Mikage spent time out of his day to hang out with him? What was so special about him that you—no one else had?! That good for nothing loser isn't worth the time of day! Why can't he just die and leave Mikage out of it! WHY CAN'T IT BE YOU—It's because you don't even try to insert yourself in his life.
You hated being jealous; you hated hating others just because they had the courage to confess and talk to Mikage. You hated that you were too afraid of being rejected. You hated that you cared about others' thoughts of you. You hated that you even hated Nagi just because of a silly crush.
You shared at least two elective classes with Nagi that Mikage wasn't in; one of which you two were paired together in order to discuss an assignment.
"Are you okay?" Nagi asked; You had your head on your desk, covering your face, and he remembered that this wasn't normal behavior for others.
"....Oh." He didn't expect you to say that.
Nagi wasn't a bad person, and you knew that. However, that didn't stop your jealousy and hatred from growing.
"What does Mikage want with you?" You asked him as soon as the bell rang. You pulled on his sleeve and asked, "Why does he even bother with someone like you?"
You looked towards your shoes as you held tightly onto his sleeve. You didn't dare to look at his face after being so rude and forceful: You didn't dare look at your own jealous reflection in his eyes.
Nagi didn't flinch when you pulled him by his sleeve, nor did he try to pull away. All he did was say, "He wants me to join the football team."
"Then," you looked up at him and stared into his eyes, "don't join! Whatever he does or gives you, don't accept it! I'll do whatever you want! Just stay away from Mikage..."
You hated that he didn't see you as a grotesque, green monster. You hated how soft and gentle he looked in contrast to your jealous self. You hated that he didn't hate you.
"Whatever, just don't bother me." He already had to deal with Reo; he doesn't want to deal with you; but when did his wish ever come true?
"Nagi!" "NAGI WHAT DID I SAY?!" "Why is he all over you like a dog?" "Nagi, I made lunch for you, now hide away!" Nagi, you didn't respond to my messages!" "What did Mikage say to you? Let me see!" "How was he?" "Did he say anything about anything else?" "What did he give you?" "Nagi! NAGI!!! LOOK AT ME!"
No matter what he told you, you always kept coming onto him with so much energy. He didn't want to deal with Reo and his whole obsession with him—and he especially didn't want you to dictate his every move. Not to say he didn't like your cooking.
Nagi was sitting with you during one of your elective classes. He was playing on his phone while you were writing in your planner.
"I said I'd join him. We're having a practice match sometime this week."
"If you're so obsessed with Reo, why don't you talk to him?"
"I can't—"
He got tired of hearing your excuses and continued to interrupt you. "You already talk about how much you don't like me: why can't you tell him how much you like him?"
You couldn't say a thing as you looked away in shame. Nagi wasn't a forceful person; though he never appreciated your rude behavior, he never did lash out. Even so, his eyes and stare scared you so much. You didn't want him to hate you.
Nagi sighed and placed his phone down. You were so annoying and so irrational to the point that he asked himself why he bothered to entertain your delusions. "Why don't you come with me during practice and watch? I'll tell Reo that you're my friend or something."
you did just as Nagi told you and followed him to the football field thing (you didn't even know the school had one to begin with). You brushed your hair and wore your spare uniform; there was no way you would face Mikage looking the mess you usually are!
"Nagi, does my hair look okay? My outfit, there's no dirt or stains?" You pulled on your shirt and inspected every inch of yourself as you two walked.
Nagi let out another heavy sigh, "Your hair looks the same but less frizzy, and you're literally wearing the school uniform." He honestly thinks you have no chance of ever getting married; much less getting Reo to like you.
When you two met up with the rest of the football team, you hid behind Nagi. You felt intimidated by how tall everyone was, and besides, Mikage was there, and you were too nervous to speak to him. You pulled on Nagi's arm from behind and whispered, "Let's go see Mikage!"
Nagi sighed and did as he was told. You were such a pain; he hopes that you'll leave him alone once Reo (hopefully) tells you to leave so as not to disturb the other members.
"I didn't know Nagi had friends!" Reo smiled brightly and held your hands. "Please stay and help me motivate him to actually try!"
You were as red as a tomato and nodded; you felt as if you would melt by how hot you felt when Mikage held your hands. Nagi thought you would actually implode by the heat radiating from you. Either way, Reo didn't seem to notice or care—he was happy to hear that Nagi had friends to encourage him.
You never thought that you would actually talk to Mikage ever—much less have him hold your hands. You never thought you would actually speak to someone about things outside of academics. You never thought you could actually have friends. You never thought you would ever hang out with anyone after school, even if it was to watch them practice playing football.
You held Nagi's hand as you two walked to the playing field.
Mikage was exactly like what you had envisioned in your head. He was indeed the charming prince from fairytales—from your ideation and worship—he was beyond perfect and ever so kind. His smile, intelligence, and natural talent really shined through when you watched the practice match against Aomori Dadada High School's team.
You've done your own research on the team the moment you heard Mikage talking about it. The excitement in his voice was that of something you had never heard before. It was right before the match that you heard how egotistical he could be. When you came back from the restroom, you heard Mikage ranting to Nagi about his dream: how they'll make it to nationals than play internationally and win the World Cup. This was why he wanted Nagi; that is why he began to smile far brighter than you have ever seen him.
You hated how Mikage would look at Nagi when playing. You hated the jealousy you felt in your heart when you saw how he jumped onto Nagi's back when they won. You hated how you never saw him smile as genuinely as then. So, this is what Mikage is passionate about; this is his dream, his religion, his love.
Mikage was nothing like what you had envisioned in your head. Blinded by false love, you failed to see how bland his expressions were during class. Blinded by false love, those pink-tinted windows shattered when you saw how happy he became whenever he looked at Nagi. You became to laugh at yourself by how disillusioned you were.
Did you really think that you had to right to take Nagi away from him? Why did you think it was okay to harass Nagi just because of an infatuation? Did Mikage even mean anything when he smiled at you when he greeted you in the morning? Did he think of you as a foreigner?
You looked away from the cheering Hakuho's football club and collapsed onto the ground. You felt sick: he was right in front of you, and yet, he was so far away. He was heir to the Mikage Corporation and the top student at Hakuho. Charismatic and intelligent, how could anyone not like him? You were just a foreigner who moved to Japan because your parents thought it would be good for them; you only go to Hakuho because their coworkers encouraged them to enroll you there. How does a foreigner have the audacity to think that they could control the people he interacts with?
"—n)...(y/n), you good?"
You snapped out of trance when you heard Nagi call your name. He stood in front of you before sitting next to you. You shifted slightly, fixing yourself in a more comfortable position.
"You and Mikage won your first match, and you're asking me if I'm alright?" You leaned in towards him and grinned. "How could I not be okay! Mikage won, and he's so—!"
You retracted and held your hands close to your chest and squealed. "I'm so going to throw hands first chance I get. The andrenalin rush I got from watching you two absolutely destroy Aomori Dadada is absolutely insane!"
Nagi stared at you as he gave a knowing look. You gave him enough death threats and dirty looks to know when you're not alright. Nevertheless, it was not his place to concern himself with your personal problems.
Reo would soon join you two; he talked about Nagi and how much of "precious treasure" he was (Nagi swore he saw you glaring). Much to Nagi's surprise, you managed to keep a friendly yet civil expression when talking to Reo. Knowing how much of a loser you were whenever the topic of Reo came up, he was rather shocked.
"(L/n)! You should come practice with us! It would really help to encourage Nagi!"
"You sure about that? He's literally dying from just that game."
"I'm dying, Reo..."
This distant friendship of three was quite awkward in the beginning. Reo wanted to be close Nagi for his personal dream; Nagi wanted you and Reo to be his actual friends; You wanted to use Nagi in order to get closer to Mikage. This entire friendship was built upon personal benefit and selfishness. You are genuinely jealous of Nagi for Reo's affection towards him; Reo only conversed with you because he believed you were friends with Nagi; Nagi just wanted the three of you to get along with eachother.
"—is it you 'practice playing football' or 'you you're footballing?' "
Reo gave you the most disappointed look he could muster. Nagi placed down his phone and just stared at you with the deadpan expression he always wore.
"What? I'm asking the important questions here! It's like golf and golfing!"
"I literally just asked 'how was the school lunch,' and this is how you respond." Reo uttered, "you ever say 'footballing' ever again, I'll cut you out of my will."
"I'm in your will?"
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Like a creek, you sometimes felt yourself waver. Whenever you're asked by your parents whether you have a special someone, you always say no. However, when they ask of you love anyone, you can't help but find yourself thinking of Reo and Nagi; how can it be anything other than love?
As you woke in the middle of the night, you sat up and stared at the two boys next to you. Nagi had his arm and leg over you (this heavy piece of sh—), and Reo pulled the blanket away from you two (Reo, you spoiled bitc—). Through hardships and struggle, you managed to escape Nagi's clutches and fell off the bed with a thud. Not surprisingly, those two didn't wake up—you could be dying for all they know, and they still wouldn't wake up.
Standing up, you turned to face the duo. You tilt your head and sighed. You stretched your arms and left Nagi's room. You made it to the kitchen and poured yourself a cup of water. Staring out of the apartment window, you thought about what your parents asked: "Are you happy with your friends?" Are you happy hanging out with Reo and Nagi? Is it okay for you to want to still be their friends after verbally abusing Nagi and stalking Reo? When did the dynamic between the three of you change? When did the dynamic between you and them change?
"Nagi," you held onto his shoulders and stared him dead in the eye, "You're coming home with me."
It was a surprise even to you. The first time you went to visit Nagi at his apartment, you noticed how barren it was; you asked about his parents—you never noticed how lonely he was. You don't what compelled you to do so, but you ended up inviting (forcing) him to eat dinner with your family. You were teased by your parents for inviting a boy, and you angrily told them to stay quiet. The only reason you put up with the teasing after Nagi left was because of how content and relaxed he was whenever he talked to your parents.
"Your parents were nice—"
"—Nagi, drop dead."
"Yeah, I figured."
The day you noticed your feelings for Reo change, you two went shopping with Nagi to pick new clothes. Seeing him wear the same outfits over and over again when the three of you went out together was horrendous. So you and Reo took Nagi out on a date; you'll be choosing his clothes, and Reo will pay for them.
"Reo, this is clearly superior—"
"Yeah, sure—I should've known that someone of your status would have this kind of taste."
"The hell you say?!" "You know what I said!"
".....ah, I lost the 50/50....."
You and Reo were both vocal. You learned how selfish and egotistical he was: he learned how obsessive and controlling you were. Nagi, he was stuck in the middle of the battlefield. He was more surprised at the fact that you could, in fact, get mad at Reo. Nonetheless, you and Reo only fought in good fun—never with malicious intent. Plus, you got to hold his hand afterward (and Nagi's, but the important thing is holding Reo's hand).
After this quarrel, you two apologized to each other; you three stood there in silence and then laughed suddenly. You couldn't believe that you even had the humility to apologize and that Reo could apologize. At least you three (by you three, it means Reo) bought eleven outfit worth of clothes.
Just thinking about that moment made you chuckle. Reo must have felt comfortable enough around you to show that side of him. He was far from the charming prince you had fantasized of him. You remember inviting them over for dinner after shopping and your parents gushing over Reo. The way he'd give you a sly side-eye whenever your parents complimented him.
You looked at your cup of water and saw your reflection: you look tired. You drank the water and tossed the cup in the empty sink. Yawning, you went back to Nagi's room and slipped between Nagi and Reo. You pulled the blanket away from Reo and covered yourself and Nagi. Pushing them towards the edge, you gave yourself room to sleep comfortably. You listened to them breathe softly as you stared at the dark ceiling.
You once hated Nagi so much so that you wished he would just disappear; you once loved Reo so much it became an obsession rather than a simple crush. You don't even remember why you loved and hated those two. You don't obsess over Reo, nor do you hate Nagi—you care so much about them that this friendship can't be anything else other than love. All you know now is that your parents nag you about when you'll bring them over again: "They come over like everyday—they're basically our sons at this point. (Y/n), when are they coming over again?!"
As you three slept together in Nagi's bed, you thought about how you want to be with them for as long you can.
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You noticed it for a while now: the way Reo looks at Nagi isn't a look someone would give a friend. The assortment of affectionate nicknames he had for Nagi, plus the amount of attention he gives Nagi is astronomical. Like, who carries someone everywhere and of their own free will: Reo. Who cooks and cleans their friend's apartment without being paid: you and Reo. Who calls their friends nicknames typical of couples unironically: you and Reo. Who snuggles their face in their friends neck when tired: Nagi. Who kisses their friends goodnight during sleepovers because they demand to have a kiss?...............definitely not you—
" 'Oh, (y/n), you're so obsessed with Reo. Why don't you confess?' "
Like, shut up Nagi—you're totally obsessed with Reo, too!
You see how Nagi's eyes sparkle whenever he looks at Reo. You see how he actively searches for Reo after school. You see how happy he looks whenever Reo praises him. Nagi is so obsessed with Reo that he really got defensive when Reo joked about getting another "Precious Treasure" if Nagi all of sudden sucked at football (you kicked his shins as soon as you heard that). Not to mention, the intense jealousy Nagi has whenever Reo gives attention to others. You can't believe that he had the audacity to call you jealous and obsessive.
You aren't jealous.
It's just that sometimes it gets lonely. The way they talk about football on a level, you'll never understand. They way they somehow just understand what the other is thinking without much effort. You'll never understand Reo's ambition and obsession with the World Cup, just as you'll never understand why Nagi bothers playing football when chewing food is such a pain. Besides, whenever you see them talk and celebrate together, you can't help but watch from afar. Why do they even bother hanging out with you if you can't even understand something as simple as that? You aren't even part of their friendship.
"You don't think they care about you the same you care for them?" Ba-ya stood next to you as you both watched the football club play against another team. You didn't want to look at her as asked the question; this is something you'd rather die than admit to Reo and Nagi.
"I just don't understand why I keep coming here to watch them play. They probably don't even care if I go anyway."
"Hm...aren't they the ones who invite you?"
"They're only doing that to be nice—"
Ba-ya interrupted you, "I believe that you should watch how they behave around you. I'm sure you'll find it's no different with how they treat each other."
Before you could respond, you saw something purple running towards you. Reo threw himself on you, and you both fell onto the grass. Ba-ya just stepped to the side as she watched you both.
"(L/n)! (L/n)! We won!" Reo propped himself over you and smiled. He rolled next to you and sat up.
You groaned as you felt the pain in your back. Still in the ground, you looked up at Reo, "Don't you always win?"
"We're just that good." Reo stuck out his tongue at you. You were seriously considering whether you should tackle him but decided against it when you heard Nagi coming towards you guys.
"Seishiro, come pick me up. Reo was being mean to me again." You reached out towards Nagi, waiting for him to pull you up. He chooses to ignore you and lie right next to you. "Prick."
"Let me rest—I didn't think the match would last that long." Nagi inched closer and used your stomach as a pillow.
"It was literally seven seconds longer than usual—"
"You time our matches?" Reo countered and gave you one of his sly grins.
"Oh, shut up." You sat up and pushed Nagi off you. "And don't touch me after you play— you guys are so sweaty it's actually disturbing."
You turned around and looked Ba-ya; what was that look she was giving you for? You turned back to face Nagi and Reo but were surprised when you were suddenly picked up.
"Re–REO!!! Let me down!" It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that these two were absolute giants (you're just short).
"Reo, carry me too."
Ba-ya watched as the three of you bickered back and forth. The fact you couldn't see how much those two care for you is shocking even to her. Just as you love them dearly, they love you the very same.
"Ba-ya! We'll be staying at (l/n)'s place tonight! Mrs and Mr (l/n) aren't going to be there for like two days—"
"How do you know that?"
"They gave us their phone numbers. I have them as 'mom2' and 'dad2.' Did Reo and I not tell you?"
You three had a sleepover at your place for the first time. The whole time, you couldn't help but wonder when your parents exchanged contact information. Actually, how did Reo know your parents were on a business trip before you did? But hey, it was entertaining!
"Guys, I don't think this was meant to hold three people."
"Why am I here? I didn’t even play or sweat!"
"I'm tired....can't you guys wash me?"
When it came time to sleep, Nagi took the bed, Reo the floor, and you on the floor underneath said bed. When morning came, you got up and stared at the two boys cuddling each other in your own bed. Sure enough, they woke up when they felt something crush them.
The three stretched and took turns using the restroom. You kicked them out of your room when you changed—only to have Nagi mumble, "didn't we bathe together yesterday?" Yeah, and? You had Reo help you cook breakfast as Nagi sat at the dinner table playing games. Though, of course, it can't be an average post-sleepover without you Reo messing with the food and making a big mess; this is why you two never cook together.
Then, as per Reo's request, you three head out to the football field and struggle to play (mostly you, you don't do football). Then Reo treats you two to a high-end restaurant; you and Nagi basically throw yourselves at him. Rich boy Reo loves to spoil his two pets.
With it being the weekend and having the place to yourselves, there was no way you three wouldn't have another gaming session.
"Today we'll playing hit American game 'Helldivers' " You did the salute and followed with, "All hail Super Earth!!! For liberty and beyond!"
"For democracy." Nagi did the Helldivers' salute in instinct. He jumped when he realized that he had saluted.
Reo just watched you two with an amused look. "How did you get your hands on an American game?"
"I have my ways."
Perhaps you shouldn't have ended the day by doing the Maevlon Creek mission.
"......you two do realize I'm doing this solo?"
It's not your fault that you and Reo suck at the game. That's why you have Nagi: carries you both even when you hold him back. Except with the creek, you two had to leave the game for him to beat the level.
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Nagi is possesive: he doesn't want you or Reo to ever leave him. Just as Nagi loves Reo for paying attention to a slacker like him, he loves you for loving him. Life isn't as painful when with the both of you. Reo motivates him to try when playing football, and you motivate him to participate in other activities besides phone games. Your parents are way too caring, in his opinion; when they heard that he lived alone, they often made you bring him leftovers or invited him over for dinner. However, he doesn't hate their constant nagging on his health. Nagi just wants you two to stay by his life for as long as he desires. He wants you two to see him as himself as opposed to as a toy or tool. He doesn't want Reo to look for another talent—he doesn't want you to have any other friends as close as you are to them.
Reo is ambitious: Nagi is his precious treasure that will help him obtain the World Cup—and you are the worm that somehow made its way in his heart. He needs Nagi to validate his own worth; he wants Nagi to only look at him. He wants you to stay by his side; he doesn't want to leave you alone with anyone else. He wants to have many sleepovers and to play as many games as possible before graduation. Reo wants to make as many special memories that you two would never forget. He wants to be in every little moment and the reason for your joy. Life was dull before having you two in his life: he had no dream nor real ambition. Reo wanted a challenge, a change, and then he saw the World Cup. That is his dream; you two are part of his life and goal.
You are in love: you love Reo and Nagi so much it borderlines obsession. You fell in love with Reo once and lost that infatuation once he became your friend. You once hated Nagi because of your jealousy. You fell in love with these two because of how much they loved you. You love Mikage Reo because he's so prideful and selfish; you love Nagi Seishiro because he's so terminally-online and goes along with your oddness. You love these two so much you'd rather die than ever have them love anyone else. There is nothing that can describe this relationship other than love.
With the sun so bright and the sky as blue as it ever could be, the three of you went out to enjoy this lovely day.
"We'll be leaving later today for a special training program." Reo walked next to you with Nagi on his back. "I'm not sure how long we'll be gone, but it will be a considerable amount of time."
"Then you two better text me a whole ton when you get there!" You felt the wind graze your skin and the sun embracing you in its warmth. The day was far too nice to feel sad by the fact that they'll be moving on with their dreams without you. It's because that you love each other, you understand how important this opportunity means to them.
Reo looked at you from his peripheral vision and smiled. He gave a sigh, "I'll be sure to text as much as humanly possible—so, don't go out dying on me! Nagi here wouldn't be able to live without you!"
"What? I'd be fine." Nagi yawned as he placed his chin on Reo's shoulder. "Mrs and Mrs (l/n) would probably adopt me as their new child if that happened. "
Reo stopped walking and chuckled, "That was foul! (L/n), are you really going to take that disrespect?"
"Nagi? Yeah, you—Kys, kys, kys."
"Eh–don't feel like it."
Like three peas in a pod, you three are inseparable. No matter how far away one is, the other two aren't too far behind.
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DefinitelyNotAStalker: guys, guys, text me when u get ur phones back
20%sugar80%daddy: what?
N@●|°: ?
DefinitelyNotAStalker: okay, so the funniest thing happend
N@●|°: you finally found a job
20%sugar80%daddy: you aced your biology exam!
DefinitelyNotAStalker: I got hit by a car
[1 attachment]
Ya girl died but
N@●|°: ?????
20%sugar80%daddy: WHAT? HOW? ARE YOU OKAY?
DefinitelyNotAStalker: I mean—I'm alive???
Just broke one leg but am otherwise
N@●|°: skill issue
DefinitelyNotAStalker: .......
20%sugar80%daddy is typing......
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devourers-of-god · 3 months
Hello again! As I understand it, applications are still open aha... I hope I haven't tormented you (sorry, I'm just wildly delighted with your work, and there are too many ideas in my head)
In general... it seems to me that it is quite difficult for Sally to open up to people, despite the fact that he is a very kind boy. It seems to me that he may be shocked by excessive tactility and emotionality
So, what about an overly active f!reader who likes to hold hands with friends, and hugs at a meeting, and kisses on the cheeks (sorry, this is literally me, and at the same time all my friends are not particularly tactile, aha ...). I was thinking that the reader might like Sal... how do you think he would react? And yes, it can be either fan fiction or headcannons, whatever you want aha. I will read everything with pleasure!!!
HI!! thank you SO much for the compliments, you are the sweetest! You are SO right about Sal D: ANS ALSO you do not torment me !!!! the requests are slow these days and im sooo happy you're taking the time to ask me stuff !I will do a one shot for this lololsorry this took a while to write, I had exams, school and work :P BUTTT I got my drivers licence LOLLL okep thanks for your request!!! and if you ever have more ideas, it will be my pleasure to try and portray your ideas with my writing!
Warnings: None, fluff ? u guys are not dating lololol
Type: Oneshot
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Oneshot -
Everyone described you with few words; bubbly, a social butterfly and VERY affectionate. You were not shy to pour your heart out to someone when needed, but you also were the first one to help a friend in need.
You always thought that being this touchy and nice to people was just common manners, until you be friended Sal Fisher.
Sal Fisher was an interesting individual, his everyday life was affected by years of torment explained by his flashbacks. He wasted a lot of his youth because Sal was isolating himself, not talking to anyone, not even his father. Even though his ''beloved'' father wasn't trying to help him to begin with. Though, this caused the young boy to develop an awkwardness to someone's touch and Sally could not properly explain to someone how he felt, he couldn't quite put words on his true feelings. Being touched, brushed or even just the thought of all this, made Sal feel something he couldn't even express. Sal was hollow, basically a shell of a human.
You luckily moved to Nockfell, the infamous town that your family wanted to move in so bad. You and your family landed in the Addison's apartments, there you met the tall Larry Jonhson. It was easy to get along with this guy anyway, you found yourself very lucky that day because the metalhead introduced you to Sal Fisher. You two will eventually end up together, but you don't know that yet.
For you, it was love at first sight. You Immediately complimented the way Sal presented himself. Basically showering him with compliments, especially his mask and hair. It wasn't your fault that you're this friendly, its the usual y/n. Sal Fisher felt almost claustrophobic by your gestures, weirdly appreciated that. You were not aware but this boy is secretly craving compliments, being this lonely for this long had affected the poor boy.
As the weeks passed, you and the blue haired boy hung out often, which made you delighted. You two were eating lunch together while the others had an art project to complete. Mr. Fisher and you were discussing when suddenly Sal made you laugh, your reflexes got the best of you and pushed him gently. Sal smiled to himself as his face turned crimson. ''God you are so funny, you need to stop my cheeks are hurting!!'' You confessed as you chuckled lightly. ''Pretty sure my name is Sal ,y/n'' your crush responded. You punched his shoulder gently, just as a way of saying to shut it. You knew that Sal was not introduced properly to your love language, but luckily you asked his closest friends about all of this. They approved to you that the masked boy isn't disturbed by it. It motivated you to not hide your true self, since your upcoming boyfriend is fond of it.
In an instant, the bell rang. You got up quickly and held Sal's hand to make sure he's following. You didn't want to lose him in the crowded halls right? Or did you just want an excuse to hold his hand? Sal figured this out but never told you.
Arrived to his locker, you were so happy that day and your nature took over suddenly, you peeked a small kiss on the cheek of Sal's prosthetic. '' See ya Sal! Goodluck with your math test-'' You yelled out as you escaped. You were proud of yourself too, you really liked Sal and the only way to show it is with affection and physical touch. You could not believe you actually did that. The next class felt like it was the longest ever, the school system was seperating you from your future lover.
Meanwhile, Sal's train of thoughts was going faster than usual. He froze in place for a good 5 minutes with his face hotter than when he had the flu. He thought to himself that you might like him, but Sal reasoned himself after saying that you probably do that to everyone. He wasn't so special, he thought. Normally, affecting gestures are not welcome for Sal Fisher, but you stood out. He actually felt great in your embrace. Even though he's not quick enough to hug back sometimes, he melts every time.
''Man I know you like her, you don't even let us touch you dude.'' Larry said after Sal reported everything of today. Sal closed his locker door a bit louder than he should've.
''Fuck off Larry. She's just different I guess.'' Sal retorted, what's left of his face turned a tint of pink, ballet pink to be exact. Sal thought to himself that he was pleased that the school day finally ended, they could finally go home and play som- Sal's thoughts were cut off by you hugging Sal as a way of greeting. He felt his legs soften beneath him. Sal's heart skipped various beats. '' Hi Sal!! Oh hi Larry! What are you guys up to after school?'' You smiled wildly as you got closer to Sal, which made him shiver. Larry started to smirk in a more of an evil way ''Oh I'm actually busy tonight but I know that Sal wanted to hang out with you y/n'' Sal bumped into him ''accidentally''.
Your cheeks flushed as you looked away ''I would love to! My parents are picking me up today so- text me okay?'' You ended your sentence with a small wink directed to Sal. You quickly left to go in your guardian's car. Suddenly you didn't feel like walking like everyone else, you were so happy you skipped your way to the car. Sal's jaw was hanging since Larry opened his ''dumb mouth'' as Sal would say.
''Youre welcome my man!'' Larry chuckled.
'' Get lost.''
HELLO!! hope you liked it :) I don't know why, im less satisfied with this.. if there's anything you guys think I should add please feel free to share your thoughts with me!! Per usual, stay safe and MY REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN!!!! its currently almost 1 am lawd goodnight friends :) P-S: we're almost at 150 followers!!!!!! very exciting :DDDD thank you!!
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forlorn-crows · 2 months
crow I'm going to bite you so damn hard for that swissalps thought I swear
you'll just have to keep biting me i guess. rambling essentially co-written by @askingforthesun bc we wouldn't shut up about it last night
[continuation of this post]
Swiss kneeling between his legs, keeping them open so he can see mountain clench around nothing. Mountain dripping and whining and wriggling bc he wants more, but oh, swiss is nothing but a menace. Big hands on mountains thighs while he stretches him open and mountain is panting and making the loveliest sounds. Moans and hiccups and whines that go through the break in his voice. Hole clenching around the plug begging it to go all the way in
So patient, being such a good boy for me as swiss denies him the one thing he wants. Little dick just throbbing, getting so full from being untouched. 
Swiss-uhh, mountain whines with his head tossed back on the pillow
Mountain-uhhh, swiss only teases back. What you want, baby, hm?
Need it in, please, put it in
Its not all the way in bc he wont let mountains body suck it all the way in, its hovering at the widest part and he just wants to cry. He wants to feel full and swiss is just tormenting him bc he wants to see his wet cunt squeeze around nothing
And swiss being swiss, when he finally does push it all the way in, he does it with his pinky, ring and middle sinking into his cunt simultaneously and trapping mountain’s clit between his thumb and forefinger.
That’s it baby, right there, huh? All sweet and sappy and mountain nearly cries bc gods its so fucking much. Torture and pleasure all at once and he’s drooling so much, he cant think straight
Gonna cum—fuck ‘m gonna— and swiss encouraging him come on, baby, be a good boy and lemme see you cum for me
And mountain whines like a wounded animal, huffing out moans every time his stomach spasms as hes cumming and all swiss can do is watch, eyebrows upturned and groaning out a fuuuuck yes
His own dick is nice and chubby now, so drunk on watching mount’s ass clench around this pretty pink toy and….yeah, he wants in now. Wants to replace that plug with his hard as steel cock, fuck another one out of him. Sweet talkin mount as hes still coming down let me treat you right sweetheart and his hands just alllll over him. Draping himself over the earth ghoul and mouthing at his neck, begging to fuck him and mountain can only whine out a sad uh huh
Swiss slowly turning him onto his belly. Rutting his cock against the flair of the plug and lucifer the noises mountain makes.
Gonna fuck you so good, baby, so much better than that toy groaning and growling right up against mountain’s ear yeah? Gonna take it for me? Shit makes you so wet, doesn’t it? And hes stroking his folds so soft compared to the rest of what hes doing
Mountain just nodding feverishly against the sheets, pressing his ass back against swiss’ length. Claws digging into the fabric, close to ripping and swiss chuckles so deep. Pulling at the plug and relishing in the way it makes him drip
Lets get you filled up, pretty boy
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mhsdatgo · 3 months
What fire and blood version do you read? https://pin.it/5zmnMIik4 this? Alicent and otto start claiming that viserys should name Aegon heir the moment he was born, that's why otto was litterally sent away. And alicent instead of creating a good relationship with rhaenyra cause yk she was an adult and rhaenyra a child, she make every effort to be sure to create dislike between the family. She start spreading gossip about rhaenyra’s sexuality, her first three sons claiming that their eggs would have not hatch and sequentially that viserys egg was a sign of bad omen (like girl none of your children eggs hatch shut your mouth), impressing her sons about them being the rightful heir over rhaenyra's sons, infact the book point out how aegon aemond and daeron were bullying rhaenyra's sons. If there was a damage alicent increased of 1000%. You would like to have a relationship with a woman that spread venom on all your family all the time? Alicent create all of this, rhaenyra had welcomed her when she marry Viserys. She made sure to create animosity only to end up like "rhaenyra will hurt my children!!!! " maybe if she didn't torment her she wouldn't have doubted? And that is really funny you to claim that alicent fight for her children as if rhaenyra wouldn't spare all of them only to aemond killing luke and aegon celebrate it. Please listen to yourself and re read the book, the only one who were in danger were rhaenyra and her children at the hands of alicent and her. The green were litterally write to be the villain stop pretending alicent was acting due to her good heart nor the care for her children. And stop pretending she was a victim of viserys's since she was marry to a men only 10 years older that adore her and cover her with gifs, litterally the only thing he denied her was taking a five years old eye and name Aegon heir, how could she lived with such abuse??
She was in a better situation that most of the ladies of Westeros, rhaenyra was married at 16, same rhaenys with a man of 37, haelena at 13. Also, ask Robert Baratheon or most of the men in Westeros what would they have done if their wife had disrespected them all the time like alicent did with viserys, and you will understand how privileged alicent's situation was.
"And Alicent instead of creating a good relationship with her because yk she was an adult and Rhaenyra a child, she make every effort to be sure to create dislike between the family."
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WHAAAAAAAT a horrible stepmother. LOOK at her, trying in every possible way to break the family she was made to wed inside, look at her disobeying to her KING!!! What a bitch move!
Instead, look at the way our beautiful perfect QWEEN Rhaenyra proved herself to be loving and compassionate towards her brothers, TOTALLY not showing just how much of a threat she was to their lives ❤️:
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Note: sharply questioned means TORTURED. I'm tired of people saying it's not.
Breaking news: people have eyes. People had been whispering about these children's legitimacy since Jace was born. Alicent simply believed it as well, probably out of scorn not gonna lie, wasn't afraid to say it out loud and just happened to be someone with a lot of influence. Moreover I don't think it's ever been mentioned if Alicent's children ever HAD eggs put inside their cradles, it wouldn't be the first time. Neither Daemon nor Viserys had their dragons as hatched eggs in the cradle.
Seriously, we have the court, the whole Queen's party, the kids looking awfully similar to Harwin Strong (and leave Rhaenys out of this, she has black hair and purple eyes and the boys have brown hair and brown eyes) and you still believe all the speculations over Rhaenyra is to blame entirely on... Alicent?
Yes, all six of the children ended up hating each other, and yes, we have a quote entirely about the way their mothers' hate for each other was passed on to them, the key word is that it was both.
Again, blaming ONLY Alicent for what kids and preteens probably repeat from the elder people they hear it from. If saying that "Jace, Luke and Joff stole Aegon and Aemond and Daeron's birthright" and pushing a three year old down sounds like bullying to you then you don't know what bullying is. And honestly, (not saying they are necessarily right) who could blame them for thinking this way? They were the first trueborn sons in the history of that dynasty that were passed on in favour of a woman that basically had the word "treasonous" painted on her forehead, all because of favouritism.
No, Rhaenyra wouldn't spare them. She wouldn't have a choice, no matter if she wanted to or not. To a lot of lords, Rhaenyra's claim had been rid of any kind of ground the moment Aegon and his brothers were born. Viserys of course did nothing but make it worse, by never reaffirming Rhaenyra as the heir during a ceremony like the one we see in S1 or anything public, and never even changing the laws of succession.
If your reference for this is the statement she made after becoming a Queen, namely:
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Then sorry, but after the way she treated them, spoke of them, threatened to do to them, then sorry but I don't believe she wouldn't do anything when most of the lords who had sworn loyalty to her were dead and their sons weren't bound by that oath like Jason Lannister. They were threats, serious threats, and needed to be put down.
And even if Rhae actually cared for them, y'know what? It would change nothing.
"The Greens were written as the villains" you're just proving my point. You didn't understand the whole point of the Dance of the Dragons. There isn't good or bad, there's a family that destroys itself over their own safety and a fucking throne.
Oh yes, I guess Viserys hoping to shut Alicent up (when she was making valid complains that excuse of a man did nothing but ignore) by giving her gifts surely means he adored her, wow. Best marriage ever. But hey, at least she wasn't beaten up, handed over as a child or groomed! How lucky Alicent is! And she still complains?
Greedy Alicent! No way to behave! Should've been slapped across the face like any other man would've rightfully done!
Seriously, calling Alicent "privileged" because her husband reportedly "only" ignored her all the time and saying Viserys adored her because he gave her gifts is... Wow. If you want to see a man who ACTUALLY adored his wife, go see Aegon V and Betha Blackwood.
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I'm back with more Alfred and Jason angst, because I can't get it out of my head.
To continue with the thought of a darling getting (temporarily) rescued by Batman, holing up in some safehouse with Alfred as her protector, and Jason re-capturing darling but obviously being shocked by Alfred being there.
Jason is quiet the entire way back to the hideout. He's got a firm grip on darling, but she's smart enough not to fight when Jason is in such an agitated state--it's a one way ticket to being sedated with one of the syringes he keeps on hand. He gives order to the militia, tells them that security is being upped as soon as they get back. He tells darling without speaking to her that she's getting a tracker put in her, and not to argue about it. (She wants to, but forces herself to just stare straight ahead, tears in her eyes.)
It's not until he's got them back in his "safehouse," members of his militia dispersed, the door to the safe room firmly shut and locked, that the silence between them is broken.
He's upset, borderline hysterical. He immediately clings to them, kissing them hard, clinging them so tightly that the Arkham Knight armor is pinching them and going to give them bruises. This goes on for a while. Just holding them, touching them, reaffirming that they're here. He tells them that he'll never lose them again, EVER.
When he finally does calm down a little, he sits on the bed with darling, next to them. It's quiet for a moment, and then he asks something that's been bothering him ever since they broke into the safehouse.
"How is he?"
He means Alfred, of course. And it's such a soft, broken question. A question asked by some scrap of the former Jason that still lives in him, the Jason who would have taken a bullet for Alfred. Who loved him--still loves him, still cares for him.
And darling just looks at Jason with a sad expression--there's all this bittersweet turmoil raging through them, sympathy and pity towards Jason for what he's gone through and what he's lost, and anger and resentment at what he's doing--and tells him the truth.
Alfred is okay, all things considered. He's strong. Kind. Selfless. He's worried about everyone. Worried about the city. She tells him that Alfred misses him, and how Alfred used to send her flowers on her birthday, and they sometimes shared pictures or stories of Jason between them. She gets choked up and says she wanted to tell Alfred about him being alive so, so badly, but she didn't. She didn't want anything bad to happen to anyone--to Alfred, to Bruce, to Jason--if that secret got out.
Jason doesn't say anything. When darling looks over, he's got his jaw clenched tightly to keep in his sobs. A practiced expression one learns when being tortured and not wanting to give your tormenter the easy satisfaction.
But of course he can't stop his tears from flowing. He's crying.
There are some people in the world that he wants to kill. The Rogues, the villains, of course. Bruce, most of all.
But there are some people in the world that he wants to protect. People that he cares about. People that he loves. Darling is first and foremost. But there is another gallery of faces there, people from his former life, and Alfred is among them.
There' are questions between darling and Jason that will probably never be asked.
What will become of Alfred, in this new Gotham without a Batman?
But more importantly: what will Alfred think of him, once he kills Bruce?
Yes! I think Jason would never willingly hurt Alfred unless it was a Barbara-type situation--like he did kidnap her, she was cut up and scraped, but that was largely from her causing a car crash and pepper spraying a militia member (because Barbara is fucking awesome). He outright threatened that if anyone hurt her, they'd be a dead man.
I think that Alfred would also get that treatment, and Jason would never risk harming him. But I don't know if Darling knows that, deep down. After all, she probably didn't think that he would kidnap her and keep her held captive
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luqinss · 4 months
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Tom Riddle smut
y/n reader. reader is in slytherin.
After an eventful night sneaking around the restricted section you were heading back to you common room soundlessly wandering the corridors of Hogwarts it was sure to be around 1 AM now, Prefect duties were over a while ago so you were sure you were not going to be caught while turning the corner you see a figure walking towards you “fuck.” you whisper while swiftly turning in a hurry around the corner gripping your wand against your chest, feeling the cold cobblestone pressed up against your back
“you can come out y/l/n i know you're there” a voice you could recognise anywhere, a voice that made you dread the interaction about to happen the voice seemingly belonged to the one and only Tom Riddle, the same Tom Riddle that loved to torment you for his own enjoyment.
As he turned the corner his piercing brown eyes caught your’s “Just my luck.” you groan, the thought of him catching you and deducting house points it was unlikely due to the fact you were both slytherin’s but yet it was best to expect the unexpected when it came to Tom, he could always give you a detention though after all he seemed to enjoy your suffering.
“Why are you out past curfew ?” he remarked, interrupting your thoughts with an amused look on his face “just enjoying a late night walk.” you replied uninterested in telling him your actual reasoning for being out so late, he hummed in response and began speaking “For some reason i don't believe you y/l/n ” He said with a hint of sarcasm “That's very unfortunate but if you dont mind im on my way to bed now so please do excuse me.” you stated whilst trying to push past him but his response was to cage you in his hands on either side of your head, you suddenly became aware of how close in proximity you were 
“I'll ask you again, what are you doing out so late ?” he spoke tauntingly “i was in the library” you replied his chocolate brown eyes staring into yours making you feel slightly nervous at the position you were in, he must have sensed your tenseness underneath him as he began smirking at you “In the library at this time, doing what ?” He teased “reading, like people normally do in a library.” you quipped back at him, wishing you had decided to stay in bed and read instead of having a night of rebellion “now can i please go back to bed, since you are so bothered i'm up at this time.” you muttered feeling the lack of sleep catching up to you.
“I don't see why I should let you go if you're not going to tell me the truth. I am a prefect afterall i could easily deduct points from you or give you a detention.” He started almost sounding drunk on the thought of what he could use his power for, “Perfect duties were over an hour ago, I think the real question is what are you still doing out of bed Riddle ?sneaking around in the dark not wanting to be seen, what are you really up to ?” sick of him walking to you as if you were a young child he could scare, he seemed surprised that you had said this “what are you implying y/l/n ?” he questioned, raising his eyebrow “I'm implying that you like to sneak around to do god knows what at night.” a thick tension building between you.
“Well y/n I dont see how it’s any of your business what i do in my spare time.” 
“But it's your business what I do in mine ?” you laughed amused by his hypocrisy, growing more frustrated by the second
“Yes.” he stated bluntly
“How come ?”
“Because it is.”
“That's not a real answer.”
“Yes it is y/n.”
“No it's no- you were quickly shut up as he pressed you closer up against the wall, his lips were on yours the kiss came as a surprise but not an unwelcome one, you kissed back and shortly realised what you were doing and pulled away your skin hot to the touch, the kiss was electric and passionate you had been kissed before but it was never like this. You had wanted it more than you had realised, you scanned his face and pulled him back in by the collar your hands quickly making their way up to his hair tugging on his locks he hummed against your mouth letting his enjoyment be known, you felt him deepen the kiss asking for entrance into you mouth, you obliged and let him enter your tongues dancing together fighting for dominance as he eventually won his wands roamed you body freely, one hand on the back of your neck and the other in your hair he pulled away and began his attack on your neck, he was enticing and alluring you wanted more.
“Tom.” you whispered breathlessly he hummed in response making your body vibrate in return “What was that for ?” “To shut you up.” your pulse was beating rapidly, your cheeks flushed a rosy colour, “Well it worked.” you thought out loud “indeed it did.” he began to take your robes and tie off and started unbuttoning your shirt “is this okay ?” he asked, staring deeply into your eyes ``yes.” you moaned desperate for more, as he finishes unbuttoning your shirt he slowly takes off you looking you in the eyes smirking at the desperate look on your face as he takes it off and lets it drop to the floor he makes his way down to your breasts leaving kisses along your neck until he reaches his destination.
He palms you breasts through your bra until he begins to unclip it and lets it fall to the floor joining your disregarded shirt the places your erect nipple in his moth and begging sucking on it swirling his tongue while massaging your other breast leaving you to whine and whimper at this, he slowly swaps doing the same to your other breast he makes his way up your neck and to you lips he begins kissing you again his hands still massaging your tit’s, you can feel your core getting wetter from each action “Tom please.” you beg, he doesn't reply only smirks at you while making his way down to your skirt he lifts it up and begins tracing your clit with his thumb he groans at your evergrowing wetness, he moves your underwear to the slide and slides his digits into you using your arousal to pump in and out of you at this point you're a mess moaning and squirming against him your hips brush his and he groans he places his other hand on your waist and pushes you against the wall keeping you still you moan at the sudden contact bringing his lips up to your ear he whispers “Be quiet you don't want to get caught now do you ? " he hurried his pace, moving his fingers in and out of you rapidly until it became too intense as waves of excitement coursed through your body as you came.
After coming down from your high you begin reaching for his pants and begin to take his belt off palming him in the process his breathing grow quicker and more intense you pulled his pants down and reveal his budge your breath caught in your throat pulling his underwear as his lengthy cock sprung out of his boxers down you begin to drool at the size of him, you begin stroking his member pre cum coating the tip “fuck.” he drawls out you slide your hand up and down faster, your arousal now dripping down your thighs he begings sucking and nipping at your neck as you pump his manhood his tip now coated with his cum you drop to your knees taking his length into your mouth he begins thrusting into your mouth you can feel he is getting close as he runs his fingers through your hair pulling on your roots as he does you mon at the sensation causing his to thrust harder his body jolts and he cums in your moth he moans at the sight of you cum poled around your mouth as you swallow and lick your lips he lifts you up against the wall and enters you fitting together like two puzzle pieces, you let out a load moan and he kisses you. 
You let him dominate your mouth this time not bothering to fight as he thrusts into you one hand on your arse and the other pulling on your hair your hands around his neck playing with the back of his hair, his thrust become sloppy and he then speeds up you can feel your stomach fluttering and feel yourself getting closer to finishing, he can feel it too he thrust harshly into you over and over again as you finally reach your high and cum at the same time his lips still on yours as you moan into his mouth he pulls out and places you back on the floor his hand on your waste keeping you steady his forehead against yours, your heavy breathing synchronising together, he was intoxicating like a drug.
He was tender with you, he was still in amazement of what had just happened between you two, the warmth of your body was comforting a feeling he never wanted to be without, being by your side felt so natural he was happier than he had ever been before.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
cuddling mark after the alternate attack that you saved him from, just trying everything you can to help soothe his nerves,,,little nightlight, keeping doors locked, tv's unplugged, etc.. so maybe like reverse comfort/angst with fluff in it,,,
i would do anything to make sure that man is happy and comfortable ughh
SO true bestie. In this house, we reverse-comfort traumatized characters <3
"Oh god, oh my god. I-It's back, [y/n]!! It's inside the room a-and it's gonna fucking kill us both-!!"
"Mark, there's nothing there-"
"NO, NO, NO!! GET AWAY FROM THAT THING!! It's wearing his face a-and it's staring right at-!"
"It's a jacket!"
"....it is..?"
"Yes. That's all..see?"
Despite his blurry vision, the Heathcliff boy managed to blink back tears, struggling to catch his breath.. But he could see you approaching the closet door, calmly removing the article of clothing hanging on it before showing it to him.
And slowly, yet surely, he stopped hyperventilating as he stared at it for some time.
You were right.
That's all it was.
Just a stupid jacket he sloppily hung up after coming home from school one random day. He didn't realize that his careless placement of it would become the thing that sent him into a panic attack.
But he couldn't help it.
In the darkness of his room, it so-happened to resemble an amorphous tall black blob....the shape of those monsters that dwelled in the shadows and tormented him for two days.
Even though you saved him from their influence a while ago, he was still too afraid to go back to school...or even be alone, which was understandable. He wasn't officially diagnosed with M.A.D, though he remained delirious from sleep deprivation and overly paranoid that every moving shadow is an Alternate waiting to kill him.
It didn't help that his own mind was making him see things that weren't actually there--like frightening bastardized imagery of his dead friend.
You never realized how seriously traumatized Mark was until he suddenly screamed in terror while you were both cuddling together on the bed. At first you thought he was waking up from a nightmare after falling asleep..
Then he insisted somebody was watching you two from the closet.
For a moment you believed him, getting up (despite him begging you not to leave) and grabbing a baseball bat you brought over to attack the threat..
Only to find out that the "threat" was just a jacket. There was no actual danger present.
Or at least..not to you.
Yet even when you looked back at your partner, you saw he was still deeply-shaken over everything, gazing at the open closet with a thousand yard stare.
That's when you decided to do something about it.
While you couldn't make him forget about what happened, there's things you can physically do to put his mind more at ease and feel safe in his home again.
So you shut the closet door and locked it tight, propping a chair under the knob for good measure.
After that, you noticed the nightlight in the corner of the room was a bit dimmer than usual, so you went over to unplug it, tightening the loose bulb and dusting off its plastic star-shaped exterior.
When you plugged it back in, it shone twice as bright.
"That's better. Now...I'm just gonna go check out the rest of the house, okay?" You turned back to Mark, who was now looking at you in panic. "I promise I'll be back in two minutes. Just two. That's all I need, alright?"
Tears welled in his eyes, but he nodded in understanding. "Just come back..please.."
"I will. I swear it." After giving him a small kiss of reassurance, you left the room, hoping your task will be quick and easy, while he mentally counted down the seconds you were away.
You triple-checked all the TVs to ensure they were unplugged, deciding to cover the screens in case a certain child-stealing asshole could somehow turn them on.
It can't hurt what it can't see, right?
As for the doors, well...you couldn't install brand new locks with passcodes, chains, or iron bars into them right away. So instead you pushed some heavy things in front of them--things that would make loud noises if they were ever moved by the doors being forced open.
It's a temporary fix, but even you felt safer knowing you did something.
Roughly two minutes later, you returned to Mark's bedroom..only to see that he had shut the door on you, locking it tight.
That was only expected.
Sighing softly, you raised your hand and knocked in a unique rhythm, assuring him it was really you on the other side.
It swung open to reveal him standing there, hood drawn over his head as he hugged one of the stuffed animals you gifted him for Valentine's Day. His nose was buried into its fur, inhaling the faint rose scent still infused into it.
Although it's nice that he kept it after all this time, you could see him clearly using it to hide his tears and the heavy bags under his eyes.
It dug a knife deep into your heart. You hated seeing him look so terrified and broken, wishing you could take all his pain away instantly.
You wanted to make the Alternates pay for what they did to him...and get the cop who ignored his cries for help fired.
But all you could do right now was be here for Mark.
"Thank you for doing all of that..." He finally spoke, voice trembling. "I-I'm sorry. I...I knew it was you, b-but...I just-"
"No, no..it's okay, Mark. I understand. But everything's more secure now. None of those bastards are gonna get us." You softly reassured, going back to the bed with him as he set the plushie down.
Before he could say anything else, you pulled him into your arms, gently pushing back his hood so you could run your fingers through his hair. He sniffled in response, burying his face into your chest since he didn't trust himself not to look around the room and find something--or someone--he didn't wish to see.
For now, all he wanted was to be surrounded by you and your presence alone.
Where prayers failed to comfort him, you were here to keep him from falling apart.
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fangirlies · 1 year
AGREEED i love jealous xavier too 👀 what about ajax tired of his bff being tormented around reader that he pretends he has a crush on her so xavier would make a move on her faster
There you sat, cross-legged as you took a bite of your breakfast. Xavier eyed the way you body gently rises as you took in a fresh breath. He watched as you graciously greeted your friends. He noticed how your hair fell almost too flawlessly on your school blazer and you, as usual, played with the ends of it.
"You know, now that I'm really looking at her... she's kinda sexy," Ajax muses. Xavier shifts his gaze from your seated body across the quad to his best friends sitting beside him. It wasn’t like Ajax didn’t know how bad Xavier drooled at the mere thought of you. The gorgon was becoming irritated, hearing and seeing Xavier nearly fall at his feet for you but never doing anything about it. Hell, it wasn't even 8:00 a.m yet, and Xavier already seemed to be in a trance. Ajax noticed his best friend tense up, but Xavier brushed aside his comment. Ajax had him exactly where he wanted him. But to Xavier’s dismay, that wasn’t the last of it.
“She acts all innocent but I’d bet fifty bucks she’s into some kinky shit.” The beanie-wearing boy and the tortured artist sat there and watched you laugh innocently at something Enid said. They watched as you batted your eyelashes and leaned forward, your skirt riding up your thigh.
“Shut up dude,” Xavier said through gritted teeth. He was now tapping his fingers furiously and clenching his jaw to the point of nearly snapping. Ajax realized he was getting to him and still pushed further.
“Shit, if you don’t make a move, I might-”
Xavier jerked up before Ajax finished his sentence, nearly spilling his half-eaten breakfast. He didn’t want to hear it. He couldn’t hear it. The very thought of Ajax getting to you first drove him insane. You were his, even if you didn't even know it yet. Xavier glared at Ajax, who was now fighting back a mischievious grin.
“Y/N” Xavier zeroes in on you, his voice persistent, but hesitant with the impending question. “hey, can we talk?” Xavier interrupted your groups conversation while shoving his hands deep into his sweaters pockets. You were taken aback, but flashed your sweet smile like you always did. The one that made xavier melt each time. When he noticed your friends were paying close attention to the words that were about to depart his lips, he pulled you further away. Away from prying eyes.
“What’s going on?” You inquired. Your expression of worry caused his heart to swell.
“Do you uh. . .” When it finally dawned on him that he was speaking to you, he became a bundle of nerves. As he danced around his words, a small bead of sweat formed on his brow. You stood in front of him with your warm eyes and rosy cheeks, and a worried look plastered on your face. His knees practically buckled. "Would you want to uhm maybe. . . have a coffee some time? With-with me.”
Your sweet smile grew larger, which he didn’t know was even possible, and your rosy cheeks turned into a shade of crimson. “Is Thorpe asking me out on a date?”
“Ye-ah, I mean if, if that’s what you want to call it. If not, it’s cool. I don't want to make you uncomfor-"
"I'd love to go on a date with you, Thorpe."
Ajax’s jaw was left hanging and to say he was speechless would be an understatement. He knew it would drive Xavier crazy, but he never imagined it’d drive him to the point of asking you out. If he had known that, he would have tormented his best friend ages ago.
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
The secret of Leodership
I wanted Leo to have some fun
Ship: Leo x pun-loving!Reader
If you wish to be tagged in future (less puny drabbles) let me know lol
Enjoy or suffer :P
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The battle between you and Mikey began somewhere during the last round of Mario Kart. The pun battle. Raph quit immediately after with a pained: "Not this again!". Donnie held on a while but even he gave up your company. Leo on the other hand was still trying to brave it through it. The fearless leader. Your boyfriend.
"What do you call a fish with no eye," Mikey threw in another pun your way.
"A fsh, come on this one is so stale, you batter be bready to lose," you snorted.
"I am yeast to taste defeat!"
You glanced over at Leo who wore a face of pain and suffering patience.
"Hey, Leo," you leaned his way and he sighed deeply.
"Yes, my love?" he asked slowly. He knew what would happen next.
"Where does a turtle go when it's raining?"
"Home?" His voice was full of pointless hope.
"No," you whispered next to his ear. "A shell-ter."
Mikey behind you snickered. What you didn't expect was the snort coming from Leo. Your eyes widened and you shared a gleeful look with Mikey.
Leo turned his head away from you two, his hand covering his mouth and his eyes shut but his shoulders were shaking.
"Oh honey~" you sing songed.
"What does a ninja wear to work."
"Stop." He was crying from surpressed laughter.
"Close, it's sneakers." You grinned and without mercy continued. "There are two ninjas. The first ninja looks at the second ninja and says: 'Hey, can you hand me that throwing star over there?' The second ninja says 'shuriken!'"
"Please." He was on the floor, wheeze-laughing.
"Won't stop, can't stop. Did you hear about the pope that wanted to be a ninja? He was a blessing in disguise."
"Cause you pretended god knows how long to not like puns, this is your pun-ishment unless you join the dark side," you said. "Mikey?"
Mikey grinned. "The police got called to the monastery after a ninja was caught throwing people about. They commented: 'He was bad at hiding, but he was great with his nun chucks!'"
Leo inhaled deeply. "What- what did one ninja say to the other ninja after being shot by a arrow?
Your mouth fell open in a pure joy. "What?"
"HELP IVE BEEN NINJURED!" He wheezed again, holding his face.
"Bro!" Mikey threw his hands up in victory. "That was so bad!" He laughed and smacked his brother's shoulder. "Why didn't you say anything earlier!?"
"And ruin his pristine reputation?" You scoffed and giggled. "But why didn't you tell me?"
Leo took deep breath in, sitting on his heels. he rubbed his mouth to relax the muscles. "Your face just lits up when you tell the worst puns mankind ever heard and you look so cute, thinking you got me... I couldn't-"
"Aww, I'd say I'm-," you paused wiggling your eyebrows, "shell-shocked."
Leo coughed trying still to cover up his amusement but nuzzled you lovingly. "Terrible." He hugged you and you climbed his lap for cuddles.
"I'll leave you two pun-birds," Mikey winked at you and got up to find Raph to torment. Or Donnie.
"Thanks Mike," Leo sighed relaxing with you in his arms.
You kissed his cheek. "Hey, Leo?"
"Your body is 70% water and I'm thirsty, mind if I take a sip?" You snickered and he glared at you.
"If this means you're going to pun, while we're in bed I'll punt you out," he threatened but the fact he was smiling nullified it.
"Was that a pun?" You teased.
"You'll never know." He kissed your forehead. "But seriously- don't."
"No promises~"
@madammuffins @turtle-babe83
I hope y'all don't regret letting me tag you in my nonsense lol
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere alphabet for Ghostface from Scream, please? Preferably for Billy specifically if that info is needed, thank you!
Sure I can! Been awhile since I saw Scream so I am trying my best to pull him from memory. Aged up as usual.
Alphabet Found Here
Yandere Alphabet - Billy Loomis
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Deception, Sadism, Knife kink, Blood kink, Kidnapping, Toxic themes, Forced relationship, Dehumanization, Licking blood mention, Torture mention, Isolation, Murder, Jealousy, Stalking.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Billy has the ability to at least pretend to be a loving boyfriend. As just Billy, he'd give you the usual hugs, cuddles, and kisses. He plays the role of your protective boyfriend and promises to be the best for you.
In the movies he resorted to thrill killing due to Sidney's family pulling his apart. To gain that sadistic yandere behavior let's say your relationship takes place in an AU after Sidney.
In this case he's still playing the Ghostface persona. He'll say you're his favorite victim and stalk you, wanting to drag his knife across your skin. As Ghostface, he uses his torment towards you to give into his knife play and blood kink (In my eyes, most if not all Ghostface killers have it).
Although as Ghostface he may also cuddle/straddle you, it's very forced- If you're smart you can tell it feels familiar.
Billy would be pretty intense with his behavior towards you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Oh extremely. As Ghostface he'd be covered in blood for you. I'm also convinced he has a blood kink.
Pretending to be your innocent boyfriend, however? He'd pretend that he hates the idea of blood in front of you. In reality, he loves it.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Billy would totally mock you. I think according to my memory, he mocked Sidney in the movie? He'd abduct you and trap you in a basement, teasing and taunting you about it the whole time.
Now it's just you and him, the act is finished, now the real fun begins.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Most likely, yes. He's a sadistic sociopath, of course he'll do anything to make you cry and scream. He finds it entertaining.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He isn't a very vulnerable yandere. His broken mental state doesn't make him show much in terms of emotions unless he's faking it now.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
It's amusing but he'll quickly tire of it. It's funny for a little bit, he likes to make you think you can fight against him. But when you start actually hurting him, he's annoyed and shuts it down.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Yes. Chasing you down, sadistically acting desires out on you, it's all a game. He'd enjoy watching you escape but he knows when it's time to put his toys away. He'll drag you back when he feels it's time.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Really with Billy... you could pick anything. I'd probably have to say the first time he abducts you, honestly. Because then everyone thinks you're dead and he's just... unpredictable. But really any of his little visits as Ghostface would be bad too.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He hasn't really thought of it. Perhaps there was once a time he considered marriage. Now? Well, now he just wants to keep you around to play with. A little doll for him to vent his frustrations about the world to, in anyway he feels.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes and he will lash out. He'll stalk your friends and family and won't mind putting an end to them if it means keeping you to himself. It's best not to make him jealous in the end.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He'd start off as your typical boyfriend then slowly become more sadistic towards you, ever so slightly dropping his act. Other times, Billy will wear the Ghostface persona and stalk you like another victim.
As Ghostface he'd also make you bleed with his knife, lapping at the blood softly as he hears your whimpers.
He plays two personas with you. The sweet boyfriend who'd protect you and the crazed psycho who would hurt you. Soon you can't tell the difference.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
At first you two were probably both seniors in high school and started a relationship. After that he begins stalking you until he's situated in your life. Then he begins his act as both protector and tormentor.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Well, yeah I'd say so. He plays two different people, changing roles when he feel he needs to.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Lots of isolation/torture by his knife. Cause him pain and he'll cause you pain. He may even kill you.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
As many as he feels he needs to in the end.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He has patience in the start with stalking you, but once he has you there's a limit.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Yeah, he most likely would.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Nope and nope.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
His relationship with Sidney's family most likely started it.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He finds it amusing, your attempts are cute.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He has a knife and blood kink, he's also a sociopathic serial killer. I think those count.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Sudden bursts of affection like kissing? Even then he'd probably never let you leave.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He isn't really a worship yandere. He'll just take you instead of winning you over. When he's still pretending, however, he'd do anything to keep up the facade.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He could stalk you for months, but he'll hit a limit before he feels he needs to do something.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
Blue-Eyed Snake {Pt. 3}
Part 1 | Part 2
Phillip Graves x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Hurt + Comfort, Injury Mention, Mildly Suggestive
You just couldn't help the way you were pulled towards the man and he felt the same.
He felt as though this was something he couldn't- shouldn't have. Yet here you were looking so perfect seated in his living room, thumbing through one of his books.
You couldn't resist teasing him about his taste.
"Do you not have any interesting books? Just hunting books and dull shit?"
He chuckled and ruffled your hair, earning a gasp and playful swat from your hand.
"Those books are important. I don't need any of those fantasy books like you have in your house, darlin'."
You rolled your eyes and then he got that cocky little smirk of his.
"Though I must admit- there was one with some interesting parts in it."
You flush red realizing he must of discovered your smutty book. You were convinced he wouldn't really go through them.
Of course the man was curious as all hell... You both had at least that in common.
"Shut up."
It was a weak retort and you knew it but how else should you respond to that. His laugh was ridiculously infectious though- damn it Phillip.
I'm trying to be mad
You thought with a huff biting back the trembles of laughter tumbling out of you.
Ah yes- that shit eating grin of his was back. He never failed to adore how he made you laugh even when you tried to pretend to be mad.
There was a certain weight in the air that was different as he stood in your homes entryway, blue eyes settled on you as you gazed back at him.
A current threatening to drag you under.
"I'll take you on a proper date when I get back, yeah?"
"Is that a promise?"
He stepped closer placing his finger beneath your chin, tilting your head up he leaned in.
Breath caught in your throat and eyes fluttering shut, he gave you the gentlest kiss he ever has. Revelling in how your lips fit with his, he'd do whatever he could to take that pained look from your expression.
Hesitantly he knew he had to go, pulling back he breathed out ever so softly and sincerely, words he intended to keep.
"It's a god damn guarantee, doll."
Of course it wasn't something he could truly for sure say but he was too stubborn to admit that to himself.
It was going on 7 months at this point.
Your home never felt more empty and cold, before Phillip you didn't mind the quiet but now all it did was torment your mind.
He's not coming back.
That thought made you ache, oh how you wished he'd just walk through that door again. Prove those nagging feelings wrong.
It was a guarantee- a guarantee he would come home to you.
You knew it was foolish to believe him- believe in that idea.
What's even worse was that bubbling anger, how could he steal your heart like this? Take it straight from your chest and leave with it.
A hold remaining within that you tried to fill with work and hobbies, none of which amounted to that teasing banter you had grown so fond of.
What you wouldn't give to just hear that southern drawl again, that voice that as time went on grew more distant in the back of your head.
You were torn between the thoughts of how it would be easier to forget and wanting so desperately for it to never fade.
It was late and you passed out asleep on the couch watching TV again, a knock made you jolt awake quite frankly rather startled.
Annoyed and rubbing at your eyes- who the hell would be here at this time of night? A robber? A serial killer?
Carefully you made your way to the door trying to be quiet, peeking out the peep hole you spotted a familiar form and your heart stopped.
Am I still asleep?
You felt as though you were being deceived somehow.
"I'm back, doll."
No further thought was put in as you flung open the door, diving into his arms right there in the dark on your porch, not even bothering to take a better look at him first- you just needed to feel him.
He tugged you closer to his chest and sucked in a harsh breath, it was clear the moment he was back he came to see you.
He moved to shuffle you into the house, shutting the door behind both of you. Your eyes finally landed on his face, his adoring blue eyes were the same...
However there were burn scars covering over half his face, it was clear he still had some healing to do as well.
"How bout' that date tomorrow?"
You were snapped out of your thoughts and couldn't help but chuckle, of course he remembered that and was even smiling. As if he hadn't been gone so long and had a near death experience.
Truly though- holding you and going back to how things were was his way of coping with it all. His main fear was leaving you here- not even being able to give you any closure. Nothing.
That little taste of near death truly made him appreciate everything all that more, he couldn't waste any of this. He was gifted you by the world and he couldn't let that slip away.
Not when the only thought on his mind was you the whole time he was teetering on the edge.
"I'd love to go to that cafe in town."
"Course darlin'."
{I was initially going to do a sad ending but I couldn't do that to y'all.}
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s1 episode 18 thoughts
i have been busy and my nightly watch sessions have fallen to the wayside, so i was really excited to watch this one! a great end to a busy day <3
so we open with a child reciting the bible to bring a dead burn victim back to life. i'm american so this was like an ordinary day for me ngl. like yeah yeah the child who believes he can resurrect, we've all seen it. nothing a good southern hallelujah can't fix in some people's minds.
the preacher says he found the boy on the banks of the mississippi which was SO funny to me. moses who?!
there was another scene of the ministry being cultishly devout and i wrote in my notes "like this isn't even really funny this is just the south i know people like this" and i stand by that assessment
scully wants to go investigate even though it's not an x file because they need someone with medical experience. she seems to think he won't want to come but mulder is soooo happy to join :D "when are we leaving for tennessee?"
(he needs to be out of his office for stimulation)
the preacher was dripping in expensive jewelry, had 4 cadillacs, again, many such cases here in the US of A.
when they meet the miracle healer boy (who has been accidentally killing people lately) he says to scully "do you deny the power of God?" and she says "no". i am storing that information for future use.
scully got deeply uncomfortable and tried to shut it DOWN when the miracle guy brought up mulder's sister, but he wanted to hear more. she even called the sheriff over. she said you are NOT going to mess with that man's head in front of me absolutely NOT.
then we had a plague moment in the courtroom. GRASSHOPPER ATTACK BE UPON YE!
mulder was reading from the old testament... this is so ethel cain coded
then he starts seeing his sister as a little girl and running toward her!!! he runs out during a chat with the preacher and scully is confused
she asks hey man. what did you see. he says "a girl". she says "who, jessica hahn?" (now i had to google who that is but she was a model.)
scully you are quick-witted and good at teasing this man. but he's sad and says "a LITTLE girl". making fun of mulder for having a crush has been temporarily POSTPONED due to his childhood trauma resurfacing.
i actually felt really bad for the healer guy who started killing people by touching them because i find it very believable that religious trauma will have you thinking that your evil hands made people choke to death because you are Sinful. again, seen similar things. in a less dramatic sort of way.
they return to the ministry event and mulder points out a seat in the crowd to scully then guides her with his hand on the small of her back. god, when is my turn? i have seen what you make the fictional men do.
the religious people are blocking an autopsy for religious purposes. which is something i will be googling later because tbh i'm curious if that is still a thing.
! SCULLY LORE REVEAL ! she was raised catholic! she is familiar with scripture and says "God never lets the devil steal the show!" mulder laughs and says "you must have loved the Exorcist" and she says its one of her favorite movies! (DANA SCULLY HORROR FAN?!?!)
we see a person in scrubs sharpening a knife for an autopsy and i did NOT like that so imagine my SHOCK AND HORROR to learn it was none other than scully herself getting to business!!!
mulder is also there and he is very squeamish so he's being a great friend by sitting on the counter while she cuts a body up. thank u for ur service king.
(she makes him look at some lungs and he does NOT want to do this. think of the poor man's stomach, scully!)
when he runs out to go see the healer turned killer kid in jail, i was like yeah he was looking for an excuse to get tf out of there
also scully... in scrubs... <3 yes the sharpening of a knife was impersonal and scary but it's still Her... she's in her Doctor Mode and i love to see it
the healer boy tormented mulder about his sister and had him in the jail cell yelling "IS SHE ALIVE" ohhh i was seated. i was on the edge of that seat i was sat upon. needed to know if he was going to crack some skulls to get answers about his sister.
well no skulls were cracked in THAT scene but in the very next one, the sheriff hires some henchmen to kill the healer guy in jail which is like. not really analyzed a lot throughout the rest of the episode. and i feel like we moved past this a bit too quickly. but okay.
i was worried they were going to make the shady pastor the hero of the episode and thankful they did not do that. we don't need that energy to be encouraged. don't we deal with enough as is? another megachurch pastor might break me.
(our duo breaks into the court room where earlier a plague of locusts had begun) "what exactly are we looking for?" "clues" okay cryptic scooby doo mulder. acting like the guy from blue's clues. dumbass. i love him. (blue skadoo, you can too!)
then he yells "SCULLY! it's potato" in a deadly serious tone. this obviously has Implications for the investigation but "SCULLY! it's potato" is a phrase that had me laughing until my sides hurt. the deadpan delivery. scully. it's potato. new phrase entering my mental roster. rotating it in my mind over and over again.
they realize it's the burn victim the boy healed as a child who killed all those people! and when they get to his house, scully takes a deep sniff of whatever he was drinking and announces it's poison. which again, important to the plot. but it looked like she was just:
(scully takes a deep inhale of some liquid that looks like water) cyanide...
like girl why are you sniffing that! they always tell you not to sniff unknown chemicals when you get to high school chemistry class!!! her med school training flew Out the window. she needs to sniff the poison.
we see them getting packed up to head home and MULDER BROUGHT A PHOTO OF HIS SISTER AND KEPT IT BY HIS BED. does he do this for every single roadtrip? holy fuck i was gonna cry. the impermanence of the hotel room but the permanence of his grief, trying to hold on to what he can remember, her photo as a symbol of what he works for, what he spends his life working toward, why he devotes so many late hours and sleepless nights to the job... because its about getting her back above all else. no i'm Fine it's totally okay.
i enjoyed that for once, this was just a good ol' fashioned murder. a guy was poisoning people and letting someone else take the fall. a totally rational situation! a win for the disbelievers from all backgrounds!
(okay, so we don't know exactly why the guy could heal people in the first place or cause mulder to see his sister. but don't think about that too hard! enjoy the w for skeptics and scully nation!)
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pcr-alice · 5 months
I vaguely remember seeing a prompt that was vivisection but not Danny (please point me to it if you know what I'm talking about). Anyway, something dark came over me and I decided to torment little Superboy Jon.
Check it out on AO3.
cw: vivisection, medical torture
1666 words below cut
Jon could feel that something was wrong. He couldn’t quite place what that something was. His head was fuzzy. He couldn’t focus. He didn’t know where he was, couldn’t remember what happened. Kidnapped? Okay, don’t panic. Damian had taught him what to do in these situations. Stay calm, pay attention, don’t make a scene until it’s beneficial.
First, relax. Clear your head. A sharp mind is crucial. Next, focus on your senses. Don’t open your eyes! Let the kidnappers think you’re still unconscious. Instead...the air smelt strong. Metallic and sharp. Sharp as in sterile. A hospital? That’s bad, vulnerable people are in hospitals. A hostage situation here could really hurt someone.
Now, what could he hear? Some humming and whirring, probably hospital equipment, and...is that sobbing? That means at least one civilian is also here. He’ll have to protect them. Last thing to check (yes Damian, it should have been the first thing to check), was he tied up in any way?
His whole body was slightly numb. Drugged? Maybe. Definitely gagged. And something was tickling his chest. He seemed to be lying on his back on a cold, hard surface. His wrists were bound, but not together? One to each side? Wait, his ankles too? What kind of kidnapping –
Then the pain hit him.
His eyes burst open and he tried to scream, but it died against whatever was tied around his mouth. He lurched up, yanking on his restraints, but his entire chest howled in agony, and he fell back down as his head clouded over and darkness invaded his vision. He panted short, heavy breaths, each one igniting a new inferno in his lungs, barely managing to stay conscious.
After some number of breaths he didn’t have the stability of mind to count, the harsh edge of his pain dulled, and he was left with an agonizing ache and dull haze in his head. Eventually he realized he could still hear the sobbing, but this time there were words between them. One word, specifically. Sorry.
Jon tilted his head as much as he could toward the voice and sluggishly tried to focus his eyes, squinting at the light. There was another boy, about his age. His eyes were wide with panic and tears, long black hair messily cut away from his face. For some reason he seemed to be wearing scrubs. Right, hospital. The pain. Injured somehow. But why was this kid here? Jon tried to speak, but all that came out was a muffled moan.
“Ah!” The boy flinched. “Okay, okay. I can take it off, but you have to promise to keep quiet. I’m not supposed to be here.”
Jon blinked at him dully and tried to nod as best he could. Thankfully the kid understood and reached around his head to unhook the gag. He pulled it away and dropped it to the floor with a clatter.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were awake, I forgot about the morphine ‘cuz it doesn’t work on me,” the kid stammered out.
“Wha –” was all Jon could get out.
The kid scampered around him and began undoing his other restraints, sniffling the whole time. Jon blearily looked around the room. It was the strangest hospital he’d ever seen. There was equipment that looked like it belonged in a junkyard and glowing green liquids and Kryptonite can’t be liquid right?
The last of the restraints was undone, and Jon began to sit up, but the kid stopped him.
“Careful, go slowly, it’s going to hurt a lot I’m sorry, I’ll help you, okay?”
Jon squeezed his eyes shut and had to focus to decode the kid’s words through his constant sobbing.
“You...you’re really hurt. I patched you up, but you’re gonna need time to heal. I’m...I’m really sorry.” He nearly lost himself to the sobs with the apology.
“Wha – why,” Jon was so confused, “what happened?”
“I’m sorry,” he choked out, “they didn’t get what they wanted from me, so they – they thought –”
The kid snapped his head to look somewhere else and his eyes went wide again.
“No no no it’s too soon I can’t –”
He looked back down at Jon, breathing hard, clearly panicking.
“Okay okay it’s okay…”
He took a deep breath and visibly steadied.
“I’ll be right back I promise.”
And he was gone. Jon groaned, half in complaint, half in panic. He heard a crash from where he thought the kid ran off to, then a few seconds later some clattering from his other side. He struggled to sit up again, but the pain stopped him. After a few hazy blinks, the boy was back.
“Okay I’m gonna help you up it’s gonna hurt I’m sorry but we gotta go.”
Jon closed his eyes. The black was encroaching on his vision again, and he couldn’t decipher whatever the kid just said. He gave a small nod anyway. Then he felt hands on him, rolling him to his side. He was pretty sure his chest was screaming at him again, but his mind was too foggy to recognize pain. And suddenly he was sitting, solid blue eyes staring at him, anchoring him to the moment.
Oh, he missed something. Ready for what? He couldn’t figure it out. His eyes drooped and head tilted forward. Then there was a pinch on his thigh.
And he was wide awake.
He sucked in a quick, full breath, and his chest went tight. His eyes shot open and looked around everywhere in sudden awareness. This couldn’t be a hospital room. He didn’t recognize any medical equipment, and those definitely looked like guns of some sort. The floor was angled down toward a single large drain, and his “bed” was a metal table, smudged with red – blood – and who knows what else. He could barely make out the corner of a single steel door hidden behind a huge cabinet, tilted over and resting on a workbench, contents spilled out on the floor.
The kid was holding his shoulder with one hand, the other wrapped around a small green cylinder and pressed into his leg. His own hands were squeezing the boy’s arms with a force that should have shattered his bones. He gently released his grip. The kid’s scrubs were old and tattered, clearly several sizes too big, and stained dark in so many places that the original green barely peeked through. The top fell around him like a dress, and he was barefoot and probably bottomless. The oversized collar fell wide enough around his neck to reveal scars from his sternum to his shoulders, still raw and poorly stitched together.
“...boy! Superboy!”
What? The kid was talking. Yelling. At him? But why? Oh. Oh no. Red sleeves. Jon was in costume. He looked back into the boys eyes, the deep blue cooling his panic just enough to be coherent.
“Where am I?”
“You were captured. I’m sorry. We’re underground in an abandoned town. But I’m gonna get you out.”
The kid was much more coherent now, but Jon could tell he was barely holding it together.
“You’re badly injured and need medical attention. I gave you a shot of epinephrine to get you up. We have to hurry, it won’t last long.”
“Injured how?”
The kid dropped the injector he had been holding to Jon’s knee and pulled him away to the back of the room, opposite the door. Jon was too stunned to resist, too shocked to question how the injection pierced his skin.
“They tried to do...an operation on you. One you didn’t need.”
“What does that mean!?”
Jon made the mistake of looking down at his torso, where he saw his costume unzipped and a thick, red line of blood and flesh trailing down to his waistband. He stumbled and fought back a gag. Something told him that would be a bad idea right now.
“Hey, hey!” The kid grabbed his shoulders and forced him to make eye contact, “It’s okay. Don’t look. You’re gonna be okay.”
He zipped up Jon’s costume while reassuring him and pulled him over to a large cabinet like the one obstructing the door behind them. He then shifted his weight against the side of it and slid it over with a hideous screech. There was a sheet of metal, maybe three feet across, leaning against the painted cinder block wall. He tipped the sheet to the ground to reveal a messily-carved hole in the wall, then grabbed Jon and pulled him down.
A loud thunk sounded from the door behind them.
“Crawl through here. Stay on your side. You’ll come out in an old sewer tunnel. Keep to the right hand wall and follow it all the way to the end. There will be a manhole cover above you. I haven’t assembled the ladder yet, so you’ll have to fly. Here.”
He shoved another injector into Jon’s hand.
“Use this when you get there. Fly up and through the manhole. You can do it.”
“What – Why – How?”
“Once you’re on the surface, call for Superman. You’ve been here for a few hours, so they have to be looking for you by now. Got it?”
“I – What – You’re staying here!?”
Another thunk sounded from the door.
“You’ll be fine on your own. I believe in you. Go!”
He pushed Jon toward the hole.
“Wait! What – I don’t understand.”
He shoved Jon harder into the hole.
Jon felt himself instinctively crawl further into the hole in response to the kid’s increasing panic.
“Are you in danger!?”
The kid gave one final push, and Jon slid fully into the hole, scratching his leg on the jagged concrete floor and barely catching himself on his elbow.
“Wait! Who are you? What’s wrong?”
The kid gave Jon one final look before tipping the metal hole cover back up.
“I’m Danny.”
The light disappeared with a slam. The screech of the cabinet sliding back into place followed.
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Khan, knocking on Uzi's door to her room, Khan slowly opening the door, “Uzi?” he asked his optics adjusting to the darkness of her room looking for her seeing a small bump on her bed Uzi clearly hiding under her blankets Khan then heard a muffled “go away” Khan sitting on her bed “I know this must be a lot to deal with, but I just want you to know that I won't think of you any differently for dating a-” he tried to say before Uzi cut him off saying “NOT DATING HER AND GET OUT” she said using her solver to yank him out of her room then slamming the door shut and locking it. Khan was confused, they weren't dating? But-just then he heard a knock on his door, Khan answering his door “Hello Mr. Uzi I just wanted to come over and see if she is okay?” N asked, holding Tessa in his arms to make sure she didn't hurt herself, “I told you in the past N just call me Khan, and I'm sure she will bounce back from this, but for now she just needs to be by herself.”
He said Tessa mumbling “Uzi and J sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G” she sang giggling a little slurring her words “Do you know what happened I didn't see it myself but from what I heard they both kissed?” Khan asked “Yes they did” N responded “From what I hear apparently Uzi was the one who engaged it, at least that's what one of the party goers said, but why would she do that they both hate each other.” He added, then they all heard a chuckle, “not everyone is as straight forwards about their feelings as you are” V said. “Wait, so are you saying that they like each other but won't admit? Also, weren't you supposed to be going after J” N asked? “For one, I did, and she and I quote told me go fuck yourself V so needless to say she doesn't want to see me right now. And yes, that's what I'm saying” V said, “well what do we do then?” N asked “nothing” V simply said “Don't worry they'll be fine” V added reassuring N.
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“OH, ROBO-GOD, WHAT DID I DO” Uzi screamed into her pillow, “why on copper 9 did she think THAT KISSING HER was a good idea” Uzi chastised herself curling up into a ball. She just needs to stop thinking about it, about last night about her lips against J's the feeling of J's warm embrace. Her mind still tormenting her with memories of what she did and what she yearns for, Uzi felt like her stomach was in knots the humiliation, and the embarrassment making it so much worse. But at the same time, and she hated to admit it, but thinking about J made her feel better Uzi hugging a pillow switching into sleep mode.
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J flying through the skies of copper 9 trying to clear her head, getting that adorable stupid toaster out of her head, why the hell did that toaster do that. “JUST WHAT IN THE GOOD NAME JCJENSON WAS SHE THINKING” J shouted. “I swear, when I get my claws on that purple… THING SHE, she would” her mind replaying Uzi kissing her how J pulled Uzi in closer the feeling of their lips against each other how it made her feel NO SHE DOESN'T FEEL J thought diving to a scrapyard. J let out a scream, switching her hands to guns shooting in all directions, trying to funnel her stress into each shot, then she fell to her knees. Switching her guns back to hands, looking down at her hands, she was shaking “YOU ARE NOT AFRAID NOTHING CAN STOP YOU NOT EVEN DEATH YOU A-a-re n-n-n-ot -a-a-a-fr-aid” J shouted then whispered to herself. She right she's not afraid, she's terrified, she terrified of Uzi of what she can do and how she makes her feel.
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