#YAYAYA I am lorde
starrymoonsoup · 5 months
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Another old one!! Another amphibia piece, inspired by tour posters (specifically pinkshift, 10/10 recommend giving them a listen :))
also dam thanks for all the attention on my last post, y'all are great :)
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petrikovvy · 7 months
random images i have saved on my phone - day 19
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(not mine) 😁😁😁
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Dude literally looks like a young Lorde
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sunkissed-zegras · 5 months
I'M BACK! | reason for hiatus, life updates, etc
hey... hey... how y'all doin?.... this is how i feel rn after an unexpected 2 and half month hiatus LOL. anyways, hi everyone i'm back! I MISSED Y'ALL!!
i have not been on tumblr for 2 months because of a bunch of reasons, but the main one is because i got so overwhelmed with irl things 😝. and under the cut (if u care lol) i'll tell u more about it! but here is the important shit y'all need to know:
so firstly, i will be mostly regularly now because everything is semi back to normal! everything will be back to normal, so requests are open (for now).
secondly, my 600 follower celly will be closed just because christmas/the holidays are over for the most part. but i will make another celly soon!!
thats really all, but anyway, here is my life updates:
OKAY. first, i am not living with my roommate anymore and as of january, i will be on my own in an apartment!! yaya!
i am still in jersey because of school obviously but i was SO close to transferring while i was gone. the school i go to is just a workload that i wasn't used to + first semester always sucks ass 😭. finals really got on my head these past couples months but i got the results yesterday and i did SO good on all of them, thank lord 🫡
the last couple months, i've really been like... uninterested with hockey and everything just because of school but because of the holidays and being back home, I AM BACK TO MY PUCK BUNNY WAYS 🤭🫣!! and i am happy to say that i have attended another canucks game this past week and we won 7-4 hehehe, yall can say that i am the good luck charm they needed after their loss to the stars 🫠
ANYWAY, thank you for reading all this and i am so excited to be writing again!!!! yayaya
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fennecfiree · 6 months
I love Sheila so fucking much she literally looks exactly like my mom. Even the bright red hair
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And randy is basically my dad lmao, they have the same personalities I AM LORDE YAYAYA
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hesawiggly-snig · 5 months
lorde? yayaya.
I AM LORDE YA YA YA I AM LORDE YA YA YA 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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mrswagtastic · 10 months
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creepmagnet · 10 months
I am lorde, yayaya
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starrymoonsoup · 6 months
hello great Tumblr void! this is my first time using Tumblr ever, I thought it would be a great place to share some of my art, mainly oc art with some fanart sprinkled in :)
Also just to quickly introduce myself, my name is nat and I'm an 18 y/o artist! here is some of my work:
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some of its old oops, was busy working on college apps and couldn't make for-me art for some time!
I hope to one day be a graphic designer and do comics on the side. I have vast universes of ocs that I would love to share, and hope that maybe y'all will vibe with. I also am in some fandoms, including TOH, Amphibia, and ATSV to name a few. I love music! its a big part of my life and it inspires much of my work, some of these artists include PTV, IDKHBTFM, Taylor Swift, Fever Dolls, Pink Floyd, Marina, etc.
anyways, hope y'all tolerate me and my silly little art heehee, expect a lot more in the future!!
now time to figure out how tags work LMAOOO
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armandism · 10 months
i am lorde yayaya
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bdbdhdjdhdh · 1 year
My Hero PSLE: S4E6 "This city surely doesn't breathe"
"EH WA LAO EH! WHO NEVER OFF RADAR?" "Oh, paiseh, sir, it's me!" "You better off radar ah!" "Ok sir, double confirm plus chop off liao!"
*awkward silence*
*more awkward silence*
*sounds of Xiao Ming and Juqla and Six aggresively sipping the coke-wait where did they even get that coke from? I tot they never order?*
Aiyayaya anyway. "So." Finally Tempest broke the silence. "Care to explain what that all was about?"
*glances passive-aggresively at Rainslasher*
"Wth you looking at me for, remember I'm an outcast, I know nothing about what's going on now!"
Ok fine yayaya whatever.
"Aiya so easy, it's confirm only one of two things: One, that annoying bitch-ass Exuvia already knew we're planning on killing him and proceeded to plan to kill us first, and we just happened to be able to hear it. Two, is that it some sort of secret rebel tribe that communicate in code like this so that they won't be killed by that Exuvian stupid motherfu-"
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH GIGACHADLINESS FOR TODAY MA XIAO TIAO YOU MAY REST NOW. Anyway so it's either a rebel ally or our worst enemy set out to kill us. Nothing more than ruining your 50/50 with this shit am I right. Anyway it's ok, I lost my last 50/50 to Keqing, so this one is guaranteed lmao.
Anyway so no matter what, Xiao Ming and gang have to find out when they plan on striking, whoever they are. Somewhere along the lines they mentioned "Chrysalis" as their name right? Ok, then, just weird to be naming your group after a My Little Pony villain tho-
ANYWAY. Just as they were preparing to leave this god-forsaken city because whether it be rebel group or Exuvia it's best to leave right, they noticed some really sus guy come in to sit with a another sus guy, so they decided to stay and see what going on. Interaction:
Sus guy 1: Alright I'll make this straight. Give me the deal. Now.
Sus guy 2: No can do man. Make a better deal, and I'll consider offering you some.
Sus guy 1: Hah! I didn't know you were such a small dog in the big undercircle. Just bring me your real owner if you're not allowed to make decisions.
Sus guy 2: *visible frustration* ALRIGHT FINE HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT? And how much are you even willing to pay?
Sus guy 1: I'll take your entire stock, mister! But before that, I have a simple task to fulfill: You know I represent the Heavenly Lord before you. So you can trust me. But I need to know if I can trust you-if you really are a devout believer of the Heavenly Lord's glory, you wouldn't mind someone dying in his noble name, would you now?
And then he *hand signaled* to the waiter guy, and then the waiter guy poured a drink, and added some SUS AF substance into it, mixed it in, and then gave it to a little kid to drink.
Well little kid, you might not wanna drink that really sus and confirm poison liao drink.
So sus guy 1 was passively smirking to himself, and then sus guy 2 oso at first smirking, but then quickly got alarmed, rushed to the little kid's table and toppled her drink before she stupidly drank it.
And then the family suddenly screamed out cos they got startled by sus guy 2, and then soon the entire café suddenly got startled and were screaming and staring at sus guy 1 and sus guy 2.
Then sus guy 1 suddenly got up, randomly pulled out a gun from the pocket dimensions of the power of plot convenience, then shot it at sus guy 2, killing him.
*more screaming and more staring*
Then he walked over to his dead body, put his foot on his very dead chest, then like that one cowboy who will stand over the corpses of his dead enemies, stood over it, and announced to the crowd at the café who heard the commotion of the whole gunshot shit:
Lmao and then by that time like the entire street came over to see what was going on at the café cos they heard the gunshot lol.
And then of course Kiefer has to make the stupid mistake of going up to him and asking him: "Alright calm down now, mate, firstly, who tf are you?"
And to that, sus guy 1 simply turned from facing the direction of the general public to facing Xiao Ming and gang, and loudly announced to them and everyone else:
"I am the Commander of Memes, the COM of all,"
"Wait wait can you repeat that?" Xiao Ming asked.
"I am the COM,"
"Um, again, but don't pronounce COM liddat, ya know,"
"Yeah yeah yeah whatever,"
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sharksandlemons · 3 years
Was anyone going to tell me that the new Lorde mv is satire or was I supposed to find out myself from a random tumblr post claiming it is not satire??
I didn’t get it at all when I saw it. I legitimately thought she was into the whole white lady passionate about yoga, horoscope and crystals aesthetic. She fit the role perfectly?
Anyways, not my cup of tea
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longwewillwait · 7 years
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They said I could be anything I wanted, so I became Pure Heroin era Lorde @lordemusic
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profsprostate · 2 years
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Day 14! I am lorde yayaya
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yayaya jack firzt entering hell!! warning for mentionz of classism, queerphobia, and heavy themes of christianity
rbz appreciated!! i work hard on my writing <3
Fear looked at a coffin marked as “Apple Jack.”
It was wooden and had a cross-shaped window in the middle, like all the others were. Though, this one was about to finally open…
“Any minute now,” Fear muttered under his breath, looking at an imaginary watch on her wrist. It pursed its lips in impatience.
The coffin had been here for about 25 years, since the person it belonged to was born. Today was the day they were finally coming.
The coffin started glowing brightly - a neon green light that Fear was all too familiar with. Even then, she was still excited to meet the newcomer. Give them a little taste of Hell before they’re off on their own.
The coffin opened to reveal a thin, slightly tanned man. His pale blonde hair suited him quite well. He was shirtless and wore nothing but overalls, a farmer’s hat, and of course, underwear. He was barefoot.
The frail man opened his eyes groggily to see Fear right up in his face. Frightened by its cat-like eyes, he jumped and attempted to scramble away, only to find himself scratching his coffin.
Upon this realization, he rubbed his eyes and got a better look at this person (were they really a person?), who was laughing, revealing their fangs. Yeah, they’re not a person, he decided.
“You should’ve seen the look on your face!” The “person” giggled, wiping a tear from their eye.
“Shut up,” the man muttered, climbing out of the coffin. He then remembered his situation.
“Where am I? Am I dreaming? Who are you?” He yelled, flailing his arms.
He paused. And sighed.
“Sorry, just- All I remember is being clawed to death by some pretty lady named Miranda, and- and, um-”
“You must be Jack,” Fear interrupted him. “Better known as Apple Jack.”
Jack, better known as Apple Jack, raised an eyebrow. “How do you know that?”
“Hey hey, we shop at the same store,” Fear suddenly appeared next to Jack, wearing the same overalls and farmer’s hat he was wearing. Jack screamed a girlish scream.
“How do you know my name?” Jack repeated his question, although he shrieked it.
“Oh, right,” Fear got out of costume and back to normal. “Look up there.”
Sbe pointed up to the sign above his coffin. Sure enough, there was his name. Apple Jack.
Everything started crashing down on Jack, and his situation sank in.
“I-I’m dead?” He stuttered, bewildered.
Fear nodded.
“Yep, and you’re in Hell, me matey!” They explained in a pirate voice.
Jack fell to his knees. He buried his face in his hands, sobbing. “Oh, christ, what did I do to deserve this? Lord and heaven above, why can’t I come to ya?”
Fear pat his back. “There, there. It’s nothing to woooory about,” they said in a hippie voice. “It’s not as baaaaad as it sounds, I promise.”
Jack looked up at him. It was clear he didn’t believe him. Fear rolled her eyes and sighed.
“You’re in Hell for committing the following quote on quote ‘sins,’ according to God’s high standards,” she began in its normal voice, “sex, poverty, queerness, usage of the Lord’s name in vain - he deserves it to be honest - and finally, having sexual intercourse with a demon.”
“WHAT?” Jack yelled in disbelief. He wasn’t even crying anymore. He was that shocked.
“Yeah, you heard me,” Fear shook its head. “So like, you know how the angels you saw at the gates said that you weren’t allowed because heaven was full or some bullshit?”
He wiped his tears away and thought for a moment. Then he remembered. “Yeah,” he muttered through gritted teeth.
“Well, like I said, it’s bullshit,” it continued. “The only reasons why you’re here is because you had sex, but not to make babies, you’re poor, and you’re queer. God only lets the rich white cishet men and housewives enter heaven, because he’s a piece of shit.”
“No wonder why my mama hated Christians so much,” Jack rolled his eyes.
Fear laughed dryly. “I can see why.
“Anyway, like I said, there’s nothing to worry about,” it said, laying down in front of Jack’s coffin while gently strumming its guitar. “Since most of the people here don’t deserve it, me and Dead Man try to make Hell at least somewhat pleasant.
“It is kinda hard, especially with how some of the people here are,” it shrugged. “Anyway, now’s your chance to go out and explore the world! Cha cha!”
Jack found himself being grabbed by the scruff of his neck, like a misbehaved puppy. He’s then kicked out into the open.
He rubs his pounding head. “What a jerk.”
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goldenlaquer · 3 years
Hi Daddy, I dunno if you've done this yet but:
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Which is very convenient for me because I am 😩:
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Oh good lord... 🥺🥺🥺 THIS IS SO FREAKIN CUTE yayaya shawty like yourself could absolutely use Yan like a swiss army knife 🥺🥺🥺 go ahead and tell him to hold you up to the top selections for easy viewing 🥺🥺🥺
If anyone else would like to, send in your height comparison! THIS MAKE MY KOKORO SQUEEZE IT'S SO DARN PRECIOUS I LOVE IT
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