#Winchester’s Folly
kickingitwithkirk · 1 year
Winchester’s Folly
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*Updated 3/24
*Part I
*Part II
*Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
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casgirldykery4ever · 1 year
sondheimnatural is very dear to my heart
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goldenraeofsun · 2 years
Day 8: Sober
Cas arrives back on Earth with very little fanfare, waking up on a park bench in Tucson, Arizona at 12:00 pm, October 14, 2022.
The sun bakes down from the clear skies overhead, and Cas actually has to squint to get his bearings. He gives his wings an experimental stretch, and they feel whole and strong, if a little stiff from disuse.
With a single thought, he flies to the Bunker. He’s going home after one year, eleven months, and nine days.
The Bunker door opens for him with a wince-inducing screech, and Cas crosses the threshold.
The air smells stale; no souls glimmer from within the Bunker fortifications. 
It’s been abandoned. 
Left behind.
Cas descends the stairs to the war room, his insides fluttering with a strange sense of anticipation cut short.
Whatever happened to cause the Winchesters to leave, it wasn’t abrupt. 
The entire war table is clear – no papers lay strewn about or stray research notes are crumpled in piles.
In the main library beyond, a few books are stacked nearly on the table, and the bookshelves sit neat and orderly,
The kitchen has been left in similar good order. A fine layer of dust covers Dean’s favorite cast iron frying pan, and the pantry and refrigerator are empty.
Led by an invisible force he can’t label again, Cas pauses outside Dean’s door. 
He inhales a breath he doesn’t need.
Inside, blank walls stare back at him. A stripped bed, the memory foam mattress bare to the world, occupies the place of honor in the middle of the room.
Cas runs his hand along the surface of Dean’s nightstand, gritty with neglect. His fingers linger where Mary’s photo rested for years. Turning, he takes a seat. The bed compresses a full inch and a half, and, even after all this time, Cas doesn’t understand Dean’s love for this sleeping surface. 
Impossibly, this empty room, above all others, feels quieter than the rest of the Bunker, silent as a tomb. A neatly ransacked mausoleum to what was. Bare of everything that made it special, left with only the bones it started with.
Good bones, of course – but just bones. Bereft of any substance, any soul that made this subterranean, sunlight-deprived Bunker a home.
Eventually, Cas can’t take it any longer, surrounded by the ghost of Dean’s things.
He leaves.
Outside the Bunker, he sees the biggest sign he missed in his initial eagerness to return: the Impala is offensively conspicuous in her absence.
In an almost human folly, he had expected everything to be as he left it. He has returned to the Winchesters after long absences before – more than a few times due to his own demise – and he’s always found them more or less the same.
But something happened differently this time.
Cas pulls out his phone and turns it on. He’s learned his lesson about arriving without prior notice. His finger hovers over Dean’s name before he deliberately presses “call”.
It rings, and Cas clutches the phone tight to his ear, his heart in his throat.
“The number you have dialed is not in service –”
Cas listens, baffled, to the rest of the automatic message. What happened to Dean’s phone?
He tries Dean’s other cell phone.
“The number you have dialed is not service at this time –”
The phone cracks.
Cas pulls it away from his ear, lips pursing at the broken screen. Damn. The glass surface still responds to his touch, so he scrolls down his contact list.
The phone rings once, and Cas half expects another robotic voice, but –
“Cas?” Sam demands.
“Hello, Sam.”
“Hey, man!” Sam says, delighted. “Gotta say, when I picked up I thought someone somehow got ahold of one of your old phones, but it’s really you, isn’t it?”
“I’m at the Bunker –”
“Oh, shit,” Sam cuts him off. “Yeah, we moved out a year ago. Not far, though, just outside Topeka –”
Cas takes off without another thought. 
Sam is still speaking as Cas lands outside Topeka’s City Hall, “ – after everything went down with Chuck, we thought it was time for a change. For once –”
Cas unfolds his grace, searching the city limits for Sam’s familiar signature, and flies to a two-story house surrounded by an overgrown yard.
“ – the world wasn’t ending,” Sam continues, “or about to end.”
Cas reaches out to touch Sam’s mailbox at the end of his driveway, charmingly shaped like a miniature version of his house. “I’m glad.”
“About time, right?” Sam scoffs. “Anyway – hey, are you outside, dude?”
The curtains twitch, and Sam’s face appears in the window, his mouth hanging open. He disappears,and the front door gets yanked open. “Cas!” he calls, smiling broadly.
As Cas approaches, Sam wraps him in a tight hug. “It’s good to see you. My god, how’re you here?”
“I flew.”
Sam’s grin widens. “I meant on Earth.”
Cas’s brow furrows. “I’m not sure,” he admits.
Sam ushers him inside, saying, “I’m sure it was Jack. I mean, he did it last time, right?” Cas nods, unable to get a word in, as Sam chatters on, “We haven’t seen him in nearly as long as you, but maybe one of these days I can find a summoning spell that’ll actually work on him.”
Cas stares around Sam’s house. It’s as cluttered and messy as the abandoned Bunker wasn’t. Books and papers lay scattered on almost every available surface, and Cas counts three half-empty mugs.
“Sorry, you didn’t give me much time to clean up,” Sam says cheerfully as he shuts open laptop resting on the coffee table. 
“My apologies.”
“Forget it, we don’t stand on ceremony here,” Sam says, his tone warm, as he takes a seat on the navy couch underneath the front window.
Cas wanders around the room, perusing the extensive bookshelves lining the whole back wall. He recognizes more than half of them from the many hours he spent researching in the Bunker.
Photos hang on the opposite wall, mostly of Sam and Eileen. Cas hungrily searches every one for Dean’s face. He finds a few, but none taken in the two years since Cas last walked the Earth.
“ – Nowadays, most of the trouble comes from ghosts or vamps, not demigods –”
Oh, Sam has been talking this whole time. Cas turns from the photos to give Sam his full attention.
“ – Which we can totally handle from here. Sitting on the supernatural motherload was great when we were bouncing from apocalypse to apocalypse, but seemed a bit overboard when everything calmed down.”
Cas waits, but Sam’s evidently done catching him up on what he missed while in the Empty. Never mind that he overlooked the most important update. So Cas has to ask, “Does Dean live here too?”
Sam’s enthusiasm dampens a fraction. “No,” he says. “Dean took… everything, you especially, pretty hard.” His brow furrows.
You, especially.
What does that mean? 
But the question feels too dangerous, too big, to ask Sam, so Cas asks instead, “Is he still in Kansas?”
Sam shakes his head. “He moved to North Dakota, near Bobby’s place outside Sioux Falls.” He sighs. “It got… bad, Cas,” Sam says in a low voice. “He was spiraling out, drinking like crazy, taking stupid risks on hunts.”
Cas walks on shaky legs to the couch and sinks down.
Sam continues, “I was really worried, so I started calling around, and Jody came though. She said she could use some drama after Claire and Kaia moved into their own place.” He smiles. “She got him to walk the straight and narrow, drove him to his first AA meeting and everything.” He swallows. “He’s fallen off the wagon a few times, but never as bad as those first six months.”
Cas lets the story wash over him, absorbing the details like a sponge.
“He calls every few months to say he’s not dead,” Sam says wryly. “He quit hunting ’cause the triggers were too much for him,” he says to Cas’s surprise. “He’s doing good, though. Despite everything.”
“I’m glad to hear it.”
Sam laughs. “He’s gonna be pissed you saw me first.”
Cas frowns, his mouth pursing. “Maybe I shouldn’t.”
Sam throws him a bemused look. “Shouldn’t what?”
“See him.”
Sam narrows his eyes. “Why the hell not?”
Cas can’t meet his gaze. “He’s doing well staying away from the supernatural. What am I but another ‘trigger’?”
“Dude, you’re so much more than that,” Sam says, shaking his head. “You need to see him.”
“But he’s been making so much progress,” Cas argues. “Despite his lapses, he’s still trying.”
Sam runs a hand through his hair, pushing it back from his face. “But, Cas, you might be what actually gets it to stick.”
That makes no sense.
“Dean,” Sam starts, at Cas’s look of complete confusion, “is doing this all for you – in your memory, to live up to your last words.”
“But he already has,” Cas says faintly.
“I know that, and you know that,” Sam says with a snort, “but Dean’s pretty dumb when it comes to this kind of stuff.”
Cas stands. “I have to see him.” 
“Tell him I say ‘hi’,” Sam says as he gets up too, reaching out to grasp Cas’s upper arm. “Hey, before you fly off, there’s a standing Sunday dinner invitation with your name on it.”
Touched, Cas envelops Sam in another hug. 
Sam claps him on the back. “Don’t be a stranger, OK?” 
With one final nod, Cas flies to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He touches back to Earth outside a small one-bedroom house with a freshly weeded garden in the back and a one-year-old separate garage for the Impala. From inside, Dean’s soul burns as brightly as ever, puttering around the kitchen.
Cas steps up to the front door and raises a shaking hand to ring the doorbell.
An impossibly long 147 seconds later, the door flies open.
“Hello, Dean.”
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ranwing · 1 year
Why The Wincesters is such a disaster and what can we learn from it.
As The Winchesters limps to its season (and possibly series) finale, I wanted to do something of a deep dive as to what went so colossally wrong. How was it that the first viable spinoff, and helmed by one of the leads of the original series, went so badly off the rails and is now one of the poorest viewed shows currently running on any network? There are lots of elements that played into this folly so let’s dive in.
1) The premise. This was an issue that many had pointed to from the very start but it’s important to understand why the very premise of TW was such a problem. A good spinoff will be able to stand on its own from the original series, even if there are elements linking them together. You should be able to watch the spinoff and be able to understand it without having seen the original series. Watching both would deepen the storyline and give elements that new viewers might miss, so it builds interest for both shows. A well-done spinoff can get viewers who never bothered to watch the original series interested. What happened instead was that viewers who never watched SPN would be hard pressed to understand who these characters were and why they are so important. It didn’t help that John and Mary are pretty polarizing figures in the SPN fandom which could have tempered excitement over the series with the fandom. Many, myself included, had argued that it would have been better to do a storyline that either focused on the distant ancestors of Sam and Dean, or to focus on completely original characters following the end of the SPN series. Revisiting the well-documented story of John and Mary wasn’t going to excite anyone.
2) Poor casting choices. This is not a slam on any of the actors who are clearly trying their best, but casting has been an issue from the start. Especially with the leads. I’m sure that Meg and Drake are lovely people, but they were poor choices to play younger versions of such well established characters. As an audience that already knows John and Mary very well and have clear images of their characters from how Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Samantha Smith played them, it makes the casting of Meg and Drake even more perplexing. Meg especially, as physically it’s impossible to see her maturing into the Mary that we know from SPN. Even if we were to completely divorce TW from SPN, the actors just don’t fit the characters they are supposed to play. Meg is too small and frail looking to be believable as someone raised in the hunter life from childhood, while Drake is too innocent looking to be convincing as a former Marine and Vietnam veteran. It didn’t help that Meg and Drake had little real chemistry between them, making it difficult to buy that they were supposed to an epic love story. Rather than seeing sparks even when their characters were not romantically linked, we often had to wonder why they were in the same room together.
3) Poor production values and writing. I get that TW was being produced by a novice production company on a shoestring budget, but it shows. The early seasons of SPN also were filmed on very tight budgets, but they were able to make the most of what they had and used well staged practical effects to create an atmosphere of danger and tension and then used limited special effects for the big moments. In contrast, the effects on TW look worse than effects on a show from 15 years ago. It also doesn’t help that TW is something of a period piece and very little about the show really gives a feeling of the early 1970s. Period clothing looks like costumes rather than lived-in garments and hair and makeup were anachronistic much of the time. Meg’s eyebrows were especially distracting, as even counterculture women would have had thin, highly arched eyebrows during this period.
The storyline and motivation for the characters was all over the place at times and the dialogue was pretty laughable. John was supposed to be only 19 or 20, yet the audience was supposed to buy that he not only served multiple tours in Vietnam but had also been a POW. Nothing about his character arc made any sense. Nor did Mary’s. For someone who supposedly wanted out of the hunting life before she ever met John, she wasn’t exactly trying too hard to step away from it. The backgrounds for the supporting players in this cut-rate Scooby gang were unconvincing and uninteresting and the storyline as a while was a jumbled mess. There was a lot more tell than show and rather that streamlining the story so that it could be told naturally within the 13 episode season, we just had a lot of unnecessary baggage that prevented it from flowing in an organic manner.
4) The inability of TW to stand on its own. As I stated earlier, a good spinoff can be enjoyed in conjunction with the original series but it needs to be able to be viewed on its own. It’s one thing to have a few easter eggs sprinkled about those longtime fans might catch and enjoy (but don't distract or impact on the overall story), but it’s another to have the constant parade of supporting characters from SPN showing up as exposition fairies. Granted, these are supernatural beings so it would make sense for one of two to pop up as a surprise, but the show treated the appearance of characters like Loki/Gabriel, Rowena and Dean as major events for viewers to tune in for. They were announced and advertised in advance with the goal of trying to convince SPN fans who haven’t show interest in watching TW to give it a chance. Given the poor ratings thus far, the shoehorning of original SPN characters has not helped.
And Dean, acting as both narrator and McGuffin for the show has been problematic on multiple levels. Again, you have to be at least somewhat familiar with SPN to get why Dean is in any way important. And with him at the center of the myth arc for the season/series, you have a tie with SPN that cannot be broken. This crippled TW’s ability to hold its own as a series and it would always be the weaker spin off from SPN. There was no chance of it being able to survive on its own. This wasn’t a bug, but a feature that was built into the show from its very inception.
5) The retconning. For all the protestations that TW would honor SPN lore, it’s very clear that they have been playing fast and loose with the facts established in the series. John’s character especially suffered, as SPN established that he only began to learn about the supernatural world after his wife’s death (though he did have him memory wiped when Sam and Dean did some time traveling). But despite hiring the people behind SPNWiki to help with the lore, many contractions were made that only confused and annoyed the few longtime SPN fans that were watching. It showed a carelessness with the storytelling that they never got a handle on. While SPN often had issues with their own lore and continuity, the issues with TW were particularly glaring.
6) Jensen, Dannell and Prequal-Gate. It cannot be understated just how badly Jensen and Dannell handled the roll out of TW, or their planning of the show in general. Part of it can be chalked up to inexperience, as they had never produced a show before. But Jensen knew the SPN fanbase as well as anyone else and had to be aware that shutting out Jared and all but completely erasing any mention of Sam from the storyline was going to alienate a significant portion of the fandom. We can argue whether or not Jared’s initial response when the news broke was a good one, but it doesn’t change the fact that Jensen designed the show to showcase himself and Dean’s importance in the SPN lore (something never really disputed) and did so by erasing Sam. By apparently shutting Jared out of the show completely, he ensured that Jared’s fans would not give TW a fair shot. And that showed in the ratings. Even the premiere, which was the high point of TW viewership was markedly down from SPN’s low points in the last seasons. 1.23 million viewers watched the premiere of SPN’s final season and nearly half of them didn’t bother to watch TW. That hamstrung TW from the very start, and it was all downhill from there.
When we look at the promotion of TW from the start, it was about Jensen and Dean. He got the primary focus and not the young leads that he should have been featuring. Jensen and Dannell took most of the focus at NYCC, while Meg and Drake were almost afterthoughts. They did little to guide their inexperienced cast and it became obvious very quickly that the premise of the show as less about the John and Mary epic love story and more about how Dean plays into things. For newcomers who didn’t know who Dean was, this was confusing and for Jared’s fans, it was confirmation of their worst suspicions about Jensen’s motives. It hasn't been helped when so many of the remaining fans are all but admitting that the only reason that they are watching is for Jensen/Dean.
In the end, TW was doomed from the very start. There were so many mistakes and missteps and with a short, 13 episode season, the show never found its footing. With the bottom of the barrel viewership that it is receiving, the odds are that it never will. At best, TW was forgettable. At worse, an exercise in hubris that no one is coming out of looking better than when they entered and very possibly killed whatever chances their were of further storytelling in the SPN universe.
Feel free to add anything you think I might have missed here.
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mashpoll · 6 months
The Winchester Tapes (s6 e6): Winchester describes life in a MASH to his parents on a tape recording he's sending home.
Dear Dad (s1 e12): In a letter to his dad, Hawkeye describes the 4077th's follies during the Christmas season.
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natequarter · 4 months
13 (and a hint of 2?) for Humphrey/Sophie if you please! - thelastplantagenet ✨
2: They’re good for each other.
13: You’re the reason I’m still here.
Link | Ao3
“Did you enjoy London?”
This was what Sophie said about most places they went. London was dull, Canterbury desecrated. Dover was nothing to speak of. He dreaded to think what she’d say of the other great cities: York, Winchester, Norwich … nothing flattering, he imagined.
“Was it the smell?” he said lightly, for London was indeed a filthy place. It stank to the high heavens; it reeked of shit and piss, and all the other odours of bodies, alive, dead, and the ugly stages in between. “Or merely the country?”
“Both,” she said. “I don’t like England for itself.”
He had long known this, but he persevered. “What do you like it for, then?”
“You,” Sophie said, her long fingers cupping his face, her thumb tracing small circles into his skin. “You are the reason I’m still here. If I could leave England—no, I would stay here. Not for the sake of England. For you.”
“And not for anyone else here?” he said. “Your ladies would be sore offended, and your friends too—and I think your nieces would make you suffer for it.”
She smiled, faintly, thinking as he was of Meg and Bess—and their baby brother, and his sister, and all his many cousins, who would surely hate to lose her.
“They would drag me back across the Channel themselves, I think.”
“You see? You might not like the country, but you have a home here. Dare I say, even a family?”
She considered it, staring not up at the ceiling, or across at the lavishly decorated walls, or down at the rushes, but into his eyes. Sophie’s were far prettier than his; his were a constant blue, and nothing more. Hers were hazel, a shifting colour which seemed to encompass everything from deep brown to lush green. Like every other element of her, they were beautiful.
“I think that would not be inaccurate.”
And then there was their own family, their own children.
“Hal would throw a fit.” Even Hal was too young to really understand why his mother disliked his homeland, but then that was exactly the thing: he had been born here, raised here, like his father and his father before him. “I think he gets that from you.”
Sophie frowned. “What, petulance?”
“No, stubbornness. Not that that’s a bad thing, except when you’re you, and you’re living in England, it’s really not advisable.”
“We shall have to dissuade him from those tendencies.”
He laughed. “Just him, eh?”
“Yes, definitely,” Sophie said, but there was humour in her smile.
“My sister thinks highly of you, you know. Actually, it’d be more accurate to say she thinks highly of us. Not sure where she got that from, but she said—and I have it in a letter around here somewhere, I’m not just making this up—that she thinks we’re good for each other.”
“I am surprised she didn’t say that you were good for me,” Sophie said, “and nothing more.”
“No, it was definitely mutual.”
“Remarkable,” she said, in what almost seemed to be disbelief. “I suppose … it is a balancing act. Someone must temper your folly.”
“And someone must temper you.”
“In what way?” she said lightly.
“Just generally, I think. Stop you from doing something foolish, like, I don’t know … assassinating the queen? That would be a stupid thing to do.”
“I don’t like to call it assassination,” Sophie said.
“What, you think it’s impolitic?”
“It has too many asses in it.”
“There is that,” Humphrey said. “I’m more worried about your head, and your body, and the ongoing connection of the two.”
“Hmph. If it makes you feel better, I have no intentions of treason.”
“Good,” he said. “At last, I can sleep peacefully at night, knowing you won’t go behind my back and start a civil war.”
“I would make sure to ask your permission before doing so,” she said.
“Well, that’s alright, then.”
“More importantly,” Sophie hummed, turning over so that she was resting on too of him rather than by his side, “I wouldn’t do it.”
“For me?” he grinned.
“Yes, for you, mon chéri, though it is not all about you. I like it here. Not England. But I like it here.”
“I’m starting to think you don’t hate England at all,” Humphrey said.
“How quickly we forget our ancient rivalry,” she said, leaning down to kiss him. He didn’t try to meet her halfway, but he did tangle one hand in her hair, settling the other on her back. They kissed softly in the morning light, until Sophie pulled back (he did not whine, thank you very much), and said, “And I am glad that we did.”
“It’d be a miserable life, wouldn’t it, if we didn’t even have each other?”
“Mm, and then I would not be able to balance you out like this.” She kissed lightly down his jaw, towards his neck. Humphrey shivered.
“I don’t think … that’s quite what that meant…”
Sophie pouted. “It seems a shame to leave you unkissed.”
“Well, I suppose, actually, it’s up to interpretation…”
“That is more like it,” she said. “In all honesty—my life without you does not bear thinking about.”
“Love you too,” Humphrey said. “Sorry, I’ve never been very good at dramatic love confessions.”
“I will take it,” she said, settling down and curling up to him. “If I did not have you, who would I sleep with?”
“If I didn’t have you, who’d steal all the sheets and freeze my bloody feet off at night?”
“Exactly,” Sophie said. “It is a mutual partnership.”
“All I’m saying is, if you just put some stockings on at night—”
“I don’t feel the cold,” she said, with a relaxed smile of betrayal.
“Oh, never mind,” he said. “I’m happy to have you here too.”
“Good,” she hummed. “Now, if I did leave for France, I suppose I would have to take you with me.”
He shuddered. “That’s what my nightmares look like.”
“Here it is, then.”
She rested her head on his chest. On another day she might have been more adventurous—and less content to leave him clothed—but today was a nice, peaceful day. He didn’t really want to move.
He couldn’t think of anything better to do with his morning than this.
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construction-cat · 9 months
FUCK the town of Winchester MA. It is the most abhorrent, wretched excuse of a place in the whole country. Stowed away where no human should ever have dared settle and yet there is a town full of the most vile, entitled and ungrateful of creatures to have ever emerged from primordial sludge. They do not DESERVE the train station we are building them nor would it service anyone if they had one. This is because no sane person would ever DREAM of stepping foot there and no resident should be able to leave. The whole world would be better off if we simply encased the town in concrete and let it stand as a testament to man's folly. The only acknowledgement of its existence a collection of jagged forbidding spikes marring the countryside and a sign left to warn any who stray too close that "this is not a place of honor, no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here. Nothing valued is here. What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us."
Fuck Winchester MA
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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Must Be So Tired
While You Sit and Watch
I’m Your Whore
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All or Nothing at All COMING SOON  - Steve Rogers always doubted your feelings for him.  He was supposed to be your everything, but he fell for someone else.  Bucky Barnes was supposed to be your best friend, and nothing more.  Good thing they both got lost in time.  Or did the?
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A Losing Hand -  Mafia AU, nothing is what is seems. Trust no one, and listen to everything. Alliances will form, and they will fail, but who is playing who?
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Captain Soldier -  When Steve Rogers is on the run, what’s his girlfriend to do when after a year she’s had no response from him?  Well, she gets in a relationship with Soldier Boy….
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The End As It Begins COMING SOON - You are cordially invited to this season’s marriage market. Becoming the rare and sweet Rose of the Ball. Just the perfect and chaste eligible bachelorette. Bring your dance card, and search for the perfect match. Will it be the General Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers the Duke of Lavenham, Lord Dean Winchester, or Prince Charles Brandon. You have caught all their eyes. But be careful, they’re not the only ones watching. Lady Rose Waterton is also watching and reporting on the gossip of the evening. Make sure you have your chaperone…
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Entangled Lust -  Beyond frustrated with Frank Adler, you go in search of a way to work off some of that pent up aggression.  Finding yourself right in the midst of the mysterious Bucky Barnes.  He was patient and kind.  Listened to your wants and needs, at first.  You knew you shouldn’t have got involved with your student’s guardian, but you and Frank couldn’t stay away from each other, until Bucky.
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Just Like the Caged Bird -  You are a widow who moves back to her husband’s hometown after selling your in Georgia home.  Moving in above your brother in law’s garage.  Sharing the space with his friend Bucky Barnes, but your other brother-in-law Andy causes problems, along with your overprotective brothers.
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Keys In Your Ignition -  Caught up in a sexual relationship with your father’s Vice President, and trying to not get caught.  Blind to everything else that’s going on in the club, and even your old crush, Bucky Barnes.  Not even noticing your brother and best friend flirting, until your father suddenly passes, and things in the club drastically change.
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The Legends of Collingswood Glade -  Deep into the woods, and past the veil is a beautiful place.  Beautiful but dangerous.  Faeries are not to be trusted, and in their world rules often change.  Each court is different, but one rules them all...
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The Man That Made You COMING SOON - Bucky struggled.  Years of pent up anger and trauma led him to you.  Little by little you tear his walls down, but he was also able to remove some of your own.  Will his past and your professional lead you to run away from him, just like you always do?  *Part of the Keys in Your Ignition AU*
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The North Princess & the Seven Men -  You are betrothed to Prince Charles, but what happens when he doesn’t want someone so pure, he tests your want to marry him by being corrupted by the seven men who have vowed to protect you.
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Rebuild Your Ruins -  Adopted by Ragnar Lothbrok himself, you train to be a fierce Viking warrior with Bucky.  As children you hated each other.  He despised you for slowing him down, but as you got older you became best friends, and were not ready to be forced into marriage.  Not to mention you may have confusing feelings towards Ari.  Can you navigate relationships with both?  And can Bucky handle him not being the most important man in your life?
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What’s Wrong & What’s Right -  You were the perfect Omega.  Soft, quiet, ready to please an Alpha, but you were used for the folly of desperate Betas.  Betas who wanted to treat an Omega like they were the Alpha.  Nick Fowler kept you mostly guarded.  You were his golden star, never been sullied by an Alpha...and then there was Johnny Storm.
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Man Out of Time -  After Charlie’s parents died in a car crash she moved in with her Uncle Clint and Aunt Laura Barton. Clint helped her work through her pain by training her. She knew his job and knew where he was going the times he would leave. One day Clint and her friend Nat appear at the farm to ask her if she’s interested in joining the Avengers. Charlie doesn’t hesitate to join, but she’s nervous about meeting everyone. Especially Steve Rogers. Once her and Steve meet it’s instant that they are both clearly attracted to one another. Charlie wants to protect the man, and will follow him anywhere. Will he cause her more problems or is a good fit for her? What happens when she meets his best friend, Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier?
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My Prairie Song COMING SOON -  Retiring from the rodeo, Bucky becomes a ranch hand for a local family.  He always enjoyed the quiet life.  Now he needs him someone that’s not so quiet to enjoy it with.  You are the sweet little barista that always talks too fast, but Bucky finds it endearing.  Just means he gets to listen to you more...
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markofcastiel · 11 months
His Majesty, Dean Winchester
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~~Jensen as King Bacchus inspired this~~
"May I enquire: what are you doing?"
Dean almost startles at the deep voice that suddenly comes from behind him. He turns around to face steely blue eyes, and ends up with his mouth slightly parted despite no excuse slipping out. Impala just neighs fondly at the familiar face and scratches her hoof on the soft earth, clearly not catching on to her owner's worry. Dean, on the other hand, looks like a servant boy who was caught stealing fruitcake from the royal kitchens:
"Huh... 's not what you think, Cas."
Castiel, as mysteriously foreign as always, just tilts his head with a deep frown. His silver armor clinks with the movement and gleams bright under the dawning sun, as strong and imposing as the Knight wearing it. Dean catches himself swallowing dryly and staring at the symbol which is so boldly embrazoned on the chest - a large winged lion, the Winchester's family crest. Castiel always wears it so proudly, so decisively, even though he had been born in an enemy nation. Dean never had to ask to know that Castiel never wore Queen Naomi's crest so proudly.
"Is that so?" Castiel's voice thunders once again, deep and guttural like a sea storm. The First Knight of the King's Guard always takes his duty too seriously, and he is clearly not letting Dean get away with his folly.
"Because it would seem Your Majesty is packing his horse and preparing to embark on a journey alone, while disguised as a poor man. Alas, the only thing poor about your attire is its ability to fool anyone."
Dean is a little offended at the jab on his disguise skills but quickly relents, "ok, so... maybe it's exactly what you think."
"My Lord," Castiel begins as he comes closer and Dean is already sighing, "if you want to partake in a small journey, I would gladly consent."
A little voice inside Dean's head that sounds far too much like John Winchester points out that no knight should ever dare imply the King needs consent for anything. But that's what he had always liked about Cas, how sometimes he's like an unstoppable force that cares for no rank, for no rule, and simply does what he deems is right and fair. So Dean shuts the voice down, and settles for looking at Castiel with suspicion.
"But you must take the King's Guard with you."
Dean groans in frustration, finally pulling down the tattered hood he had put on in an attempt to remain unrecognizable. "That's not the point of all this, Cas."
Castiel's frown hardens, but he listens attentively regardless as Dean presses on:
"The point of this entire thing is... I dunno. I wanna- I wanna see how my people are living, if they are happy and well fed, iff they truly bless me as their ruler... and I sure as hell can't do that with a whole parade with me."
Impala starts to get slightly antsy and nervous at the commotion, so Dean huffs to himself and tries to calm down. For the first time, his eyes look away from Castiel's and he focuses on Impala, gently patting her long, soft snout and whispering reassurances before he turns back towards his Knight.
"I just... need to know, Cas. And I'll never know for sure if I go as their King..."
Dean can't help the moisture starting to gather in his eyes, but he manages to keep it from falling down his cheeks.
"Even you are treating me differently since the coronation." Dean knew those were the rules. A Knight can't address the King by name, can't reach out to touch a King's shoulder, can't tell a King what an idiot he's being. It still hurt beyond what Dean could describe. "So how can I expect the people to be honest if they recognize me as their King? They know my father would have taken their heads off for even daring to breathe in his direction."
"Dean..." Castiel's voice is suddenly soft, all too kind and loving, and Dean hates it desperately because it exposes all his weaknesses. It has been so long since Cas had spoken his name that his heart starts beating as wildly and he's weak to his knees.
He's not going to lie - it had been fun at first, seeing Cas suddenly calling him Majesty and Lord with that proud smirk. But once the novelty wore off, Dean craved for a moment like this, of blue eyes dawning on him as the sun breaches the horizon, his name dripping from Castiel's lips like was a treasure, a prayer, a hush of something profound and secret and deeply forbidden... like Dean was important just because he was Dean, Castiel's best friend. Not because he was King Dean Winchester of Lawrence.
Dean wants to reach out, to apologize, but every single lesson that had been ground into him traps his throat shut - a king doesn't ask for permission, a king doesn't apologize, a king is a mountain that no mortal can reach. As always, there is an abyss of distance between them. So Dean simply shrugs, something endlessly sad and lonely in the motion.
"I understand your reasons, my Lord. I just can't let you risk your life. You mean so much to so many people." Castiel comes closer still, and his hand hesitates but then gains a brazen courage, daring to touch the King's shoulder without a care if it's proper. "You mean so much to me. It's only because of your kindness that I have learned to be kind. It's because I have seen you caring so much for this realm, that I cared. Dean, I-"
They are interrupted by the sound of the stable door opening wide and the sight of Jack, the stable boy, running out, harrumphed and panicked. He looks exactly like someone who just woke up, found his Majesty's favored mount gone, and thought he'd have his head decapitated if he didn't find the horse soon. It comes as no surprise that, as soon as he sees the Impala standing peacefully next to the King, the boy heaves a giant sigh of relief before realizing he had interrupted something. He excuses himself awkwardly and retreats back into the stables but the moment is already gone.
With the adrenaline lost, Dean finally starts to feel the crispness of the morning air. He shivers in his too thin clothes, the cold seeping into his bones. He feels stupid, almost ridiculous. Even though Winter was creeping in he was wearing sparse clothing - nothing much aside from trousers, a hemp shirt and the thin hooded robe that, despite old and tattered, was clearly made out of expensive material. In his haste, he had prepared no rations, nor water.
Castiel was right. He was fooling no one.
Dean knew how to fling a sword like a second limb, how to kill without mercy, how to lay a death sentence as easily as a mug of ale, how to reign supreme and unwavering - all the things father had taught him, drilled and beaten into him until they were unquestionable truths. But now John Winchester was gone. And Dean didn't know anything about the world, or of the people. He couldn't dress properly by himself, much less pass off as a peasant. If he didn't die of the cold or the sickness than he'd certainly end up being discovered.
Yet he's somehow supposed to believe he can properly take care of the whole kingdom?
His mind grinds to an halt when he feels a warm cape wrap around him, followed by a pair of arms pulling him in. The hug isn't exactly comfortable against all the metal plating but Dean still melts into it, into the safety of Castiel's arms. A rough, calloused hand caresses the nape of his neck and Dean leans into it, letting himself savour that endless pool of loyalty and devotion.
"You're freezing," Castiel whispers and though Dean can tell it's not chiding, he still feels like a child who doesn't know better.
"I'm a fool..." Dean mutters and Castiel chuckles at first but then Dean is burying his head on his shoulder and his voice sounds so faraway and vulnerable that Cas stops smiling. "I can't do it, Cas. It's too big. I'm not strong enough. Father knew it too. I just followed his orders... I just did what he told me. How 'm I supposed to look after them all?"
That is when Castiel sharply pulls away, looking surprisingly angry.
"Dean Winchester of Lawrence, do not dare compare yourself to your father."
His fingers grip Dean's shoulders almost too hard but Dean doesn't fight it, and just stares at his Knight with eyes wide.
"While he waged war, you made peace. While his people starved to make weapons of death and lay waste to the land, your people have bountiful harvests with the new irrigation systems you designed, and they will trade with the roads you commissioned and learn arts and music with the schools you are building. Even your orphans and your poor have homes. You are above your father in any manner, shape or form. You love with all your being. Trust that your people know, just as I do, what a truly benevolent and kind ruler you are. Trust that they know you are the best King that anyone could hope for."
Dean's eyes are shiny with unshed tears, yet he simply turns his face away. "Yeah, right."
That makes Castiel grow all the angrier and resolute. "So be it. If you don't believe my words, I will make you see it for yourself."
They'll do this, but they'll do it Castiel's way.
"Come with me, My King."
Photo source (x)
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Updated recommendation of mash episodes to watch for people who don’t want to go through the whole thing. I recommend all of them bc I am going for the general tone of the show and characters but will mark the ones that get mentioned later as plot relevant with a *
This goes out to an anon who asked me which episodes to watch over a year ago when I had barely watched any myself. Now I’ve seen it all and can answer honestly.
Also note the show has a lot of goofy A plot serious B plot so try and stick the episodes out in case you aren’t seeing the relevant one.
Yankee Doodle doctor
Sometimes you hear the bullet
Radars report
Dr pierce and mr Hyde
Deal me out
Mail call
Check up
Alcoholics unanimous
Adams ribs
The consultant
Aid station
Love and marriage
Abyssinia Henry*
Welcome to Korea 1/2*
Change of command*
It happened one night
The late captain pierce
Dear Mildred
The kids
Quo Vadis, Captain Chandler?
Dear Peggy
Mail call again
Dear ma
The interview
Bug out 1/2
Margaret’s engagement *
Out of sight out of mind
The nurses * (kind of plot relevant? It’s the turning point for margret becoming more sympathetic so while the episode itself doesn’t get mentioned again it’s imperative to understanding her more so than any other episode focusing on a single character)
The abduction of margret houlinhan
Dear sigmund
Mulcahys war
The Korean surgeon
Hawkeye get your gun
Hawks nightmare
End run
Hanky panky
Post op
Margrets marriage *
Fade out fade in*
Fallen idol
War of nerves
What’s up doc
Dr Winchester and Mr Hyde
Peace on us
Dear comrade
An eye for a tooth
Dear sis
Inga. Listen. Does it have a lot to do with the horrors of war or characterization? No. Does it say fuck womanizing and also canonize Hawkeye as a bottom? Yeah.
Hot lips is back in town
Rally round the Flagg boys
Preventative Medicine
Ain’t love grand
The party
Too many cooks
Are you now Margret
Guerrilla my dreams
Goodbye Radar*
Period of adjustment
The yalu brick road
Stars and Stripes
Yessir that’s my baby
Bottle fatigue
Heal thyself
Morale victory
War Co-Respondent
Best of enemies
Father’s Day
Death takes a holiday
No sweat
Depressing news
No laughing matter
Oh how we danced
Bottoms up
Bless you Hawkeye
Blood brothers
The life you save
Follies of the living concerns of the dead
Birthday girls
A holy mess
The tooth shall set you free
Pressure points
Where there’s a will there’s a war
Sons and Bowlers
Picture this
Hey look me over
Trick or treatment.
Who knew
Settling debts
Run for the money
As time goes by
Goodbye, farewell, amen*
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
I’m watching s11 so time to reflect on s10 part 3: Charles Emerson Winchester (the third)
in my first post I talked about personal wants from s10 and about Margaret and wishing there was more of her journey happening (also edited to include the amazing yelling she does in follies)
in my second post I talked about Klinger getting so much more (deserved) focus as time goes on by the other characters, and about how I read that character as one of the only ones that’s got a stable sense of self
and so we come to Charles, who has no stable sense of self at all (lol) -- no, okay that’s not quite true, his love of art and music and food and surgery are very real, to the point that every time he has a love interest episode it’s like he’s more excited about just having someone to talk to, than actually youknow... in romantic lurve (it’s the aroaceness of it all)
Warning about this one: it got really fucking rambly, and I don’t think I reached a conclusion, so just... so unfiltered thoughtwise
where he’s always butting up against himself is the whole “my family expects me to be so and so,” which also informs some part of his snobbishness, but then sometimes people are just mean to him because he’s a weird kid (the irony ofc being that the MASH 4077th consists of weird kids, but alas, such is the burden of being a Foil)
that being said, I do on occasion go out loud “this could never have happened with Frank” and one of those episodes was of course “sons and bowlers” in which he sits with Hawkeye, while he’s desperately trying to reach his dad
I love that they chose those two for this, because it was pretty clear that Charles’ relationship with his father is probably polar opposite to Hawkeye’s with his, and now they’ve really given us that spelled out by Charles I-will-keep-all-of-my-emotions-right-here-and-then-I-will-die Winchester
I was writing that I felt like there was some great stuff with Charles in these later seasons, but actually now I’ve written out his main episodes I notice that for the most part they’re more comedic in nature -- “communication breakdown” (in which he’s just an autistic mood and the others should be nicer to him imo), “snap judgement/snappier judgement,” in which he is a terrible lawyer, but also calls Hawkeye a third rate lothario, which I rate as one of the funniest throwaway jokes of the season, “the tooth shall set you free,” which is a serious episode in which he has the non-serious part, and “pressure points,” in which he and Hawkeye and BJ wage war in the tent (and also Charles is right once again tbh)
where I think Charles really shines is that he’s so embedded in ensemble narratives and also very seldom lets people know anything about him, so when he does have an episode like “sons and bowlers” it uh... bowls you over.... (I hated that)
I may also be biased because I think he’s such an interesting character, but often his comedic episodes are things where I read him at odds to the comedy framing -- that is, for example the autism mood in “communication breakdown,” or the way “the tooth shall set you free” suggests (as many other things do) a lot of questions about his relationship to asking for help, about being vulnerable, and also... dentists. but also those other things! 
I always have mixed feelings about him being the Foil when he’s well passed being considered part of the family, but there’s something wonderful about thinking about him -- abrasiveness as a person + his pride + his self-confidence (sometimes misplaced) + snobbishness  -- and taking all of those traits and making someone one can really root for (Frank could never because Frank never genuinely tried) 
I think a part of it is also that David Ogden Stiers radiates so much warmth and hilarity that it shines over onto Charles (similar to how BJ would not work if it weren’t for Mike Farrell appearing to genuinely be all those things BJ tries to present himself as) 
this has all gotten a bit unfocused, but there’s something I wonder about in terms of how I feel some characters are a tad too underserved (Margaret  and Father Mulcahy) while others are really shining through (especially Charles and Klinger) in these later seasons, what it is that makes them to my mind when I see them
I think with Klinger, Margaret, and Father Mulcahy I was able to write my way to what I feel about them at this point -- there’s also something about Hawkeye that’s hard to sum up in one post. He has genuinely great focus episodes, but he doesn’t get to exist/have fun/be a part of the ensemble without there being drama so much these days, and I feel like sometimes you’re watching a guy who’s already down getting punched over and over 
with Charles it maybe is a lot vaguer, or else I just haven’t ruminated on the point so much, but I do think the balance of him in the episodes -- light-hearted comedic to sudden single Moments that hit you in the face -- is technically good, even as I also think that the ones where he’s “given his comeuppance” are often not related to anything he’s done so badly wrong (was it @genderquer-klinger who wrote a good post about that?) 
in a lot of ways this has been him since the beginning and in that sense s10 isn’t any different -- in my post about the episodes I think were the most fitting for what I needed from a late season (something deeply exploring characters and furthering their relationships with one another/furthering the narrative/going deeper into Themes) I didn’t have any on there that focused on Charles, although “sons and bowlers” was close and the Hawkeye and Charles parts of it are some of my favourite on the show as a whole
as a conclusion to this (and can you tell you’ve been taken through my brain processing, rather than an actual edited post) I think what I need to do on my next watch is note the ways in which Charles exists in episodes from when he first arrives at the 4077th and until the end
have a hypothesis that he’s a character with some episodes that go really hard (I’m also thinking about “the life you save” end s9), but that a lot of him is found more in comedy episodes that “aren’t meant to be that deep” but a bunch of autistics looked at him and went “one of us!” (and.. yeah... that is what happened)
also I was just perusing through s10 episodes again and in “identity crisis” Charles has another one of the subtly funniest moments on the show, I just
[holds tongue depressor]
Charles: tell me do you know anything about anatomy?
Guy he’s about to fuck with: No
Charles [snaps tongue depressor]: Yes, I thought not
I just... cannot... with the comedic timing of him
(also both in that one and in “sons and bowlers” Charles and BJ team up to fuck with someone by making him think he’s sick)
(also also last note to bring it to the notion of “stable identity” + combined with “some of the comedy comeuppances aren’t that funny” I think some of the lack of stable identity read into him also comes from a bunch of us projecting onto him as someone who is deeply repressed about who he is and what he wants, and so often acting against his actual deeper wishes, and that often when he shows more of his real self he gets rebuffed -- and you know, that’s not technically wrong either, the show does have these moments in canon, for example how he talks about his father in “sons and bowlers” -- it’s just that it never becomes a “you know I may not wish to marry/have children at all, also I’m autistic as they’ll call me 50 years in the future” kind of conversation)
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kickingitwithkirk · 25 days
Winchester's Folly
Summary: When Dean gets into trouble John decides to hide the truth for his family
Pairing: Alpha Dean x Omega!Reader x Alpha Sam
Word Count: 1417
*Dark! Fic-don't continue if you are disturbed by the subject matter
Warnings: A/B/O, non/con elements, dub/con elements, enslavement, pandemic, non/con drug use, collaring/leashing, forced mating, forced breeding, branding, BDSM elements, show-level violence
*Additional warnings to be added
Square filled: @spnabobingo non traditional alpha traits @spnkinkevents free space @j3bingo jewelry/piercing
A/N: * UPDATED 3/24 first three pasts of series
A/N II: Still working on reigning myself in, keeping each part reader-friendly length, and have no clue how many parts this will end up being.
A/N III: a few notes about designations in A/O sub-genders for this story.
Alphas-Dominant (head of the pack/family) Subordinate (obey Dominant) Breeders (rare & highly coveted by the government. Can challenge Dominant for pack/family leadership)
Omegas -Domestic (mostly wiped out by plague, few natural born left) Feral (government-supplied breeders sold commonly called O's) House O’s (3rd generation+ Feral/Dominant breed. Used as servants/sex workers) Pack (rare & highly coveted by the government)
*Divider by @firefly-graphics
*No Beta-all mistakes are mine
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John read through the contract and had to admit that the Dealer was a stickler for details, continuing to the addendum that the original purchaser sold the O as-is to him for one dollar. 
Ignoring the still-fuming Dealer, John signed all three copies before handing them and the payment to an on-site notary who stamped the copies before handing one back to John, one to the suit with their monetary compensation, then disappeared with the last to finish registering the sale.
“Pleasure doing business with you, Winchester,” the suit says as they untether the twin and lead her out of the room. John placed his copy in his canvas jacket pocket and said, “I need the O cleaned up and dressed.” One of the Alphas reached into the cage, attached a cheap dog chain to the D ring on her collar, and used it to drag the O across the floor, dropping it at John's feet as Helms smirked. “Sorry, we would normally comply with your request if it were our merchandise you purchased. You have a nice day, Winchester.” 
They left John alone with his newly acquired property. He scooped up the unconscious O and was surprised at how light she felt, made his way through the open dock door of the building and spotted the Impala. When his sons climbed out, John issued orders.
 “Dean, get your ass over here and take your property. Sam, front seat with me.”
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“There’s a clinic two blocks on the left, sir,” Sam says, climbing back into the Impala, cracking a disposable ice pack, and handing it over the seat to Dean, who places it over the O’s swollen eye. John's thankful it’s a short drive cause the mouth-breathing sounds filling the car were disturbingly similar to that Shtriga he’d hunted. 
Sam bolts out the door before John has the car in park, taking several deep breaths before opening the back door and helping Dean maneuver out with the unconscious O. 
The quartet enters the clinic, and a bored-looking receptionist slides a clipboard over without looking up, telling them to fill out both sides. They cross to the waiting area where John and Dean sit, automatically leaving the chair between them unoccupied. Sam mentally sighs and pulls his hoodie lower to keep his painfully hard cock hidden, sits, and starts mouth breathing again, making John growl and scribble faster before marching back to the receptionist.
Dean shifts the unresponsive girl, and Sam says in a strained voice, “Dude, she’s flashing everyone!” Dean sees his darting eyes peer down, noting the old army blanket gaped open, exposing the O’s breasts. He can’t help himself. “Look at you, Sammy, blushing like a virgin on her wedding night. So adorable.”
“Boys,” John interrupted, “Let's go.” Dean closed the blanket, followed him down the hall to an exam room, and placed the O on the table. “Wait outside the door, Dean. You too, Sam.”  A while later, smallish, fifty-something Beta with their nose in a file came towards them and finally noticed the two tall Alphas slouching by the doorway. Smelling his unsureness, Dean reassured them, “We don’t bite..usually.”
Clearing their throat, the Beta walked between them when Dean slapped his hand against the wall, creating a loud thwack that made them hurry into the room. “Not funny, man,” Sam chastised but couldn’t help grinning.
John insisted on remaining in the room during the examination, knew how these clinics worked, and wanted to be sure the O had no severe injuries or undisclosed maladies. 
“I don’t see your DNA ID on the intake paperwork.”
“DNA? What are you talking about?”
“There have been many fraudulent ownership claims in this state,” the doctor said as he did the exam. “For new registrations, all Alphas in the purchaser's immediate pack must submit their DNA ID number and to STD testing. I assume you were in service?” John affirmed he was. “Good, and your offspring? No? Okay, what state did your Omega whelp them in?” John frowned. “My mate was an Alpha.” 
“It’s almost unheard of for a female Alpha to have more than one pregnancy.” The doctor resumed the physical, noting a mild concussion, but her swollen eye was undamaged, and considering the extensive skin trauma, mainly on her back, she likely had bruised ribs, too. “As a precaution, I will administer fluids and a broad-spectrum antibiotic. I need your help with this part. Please move the O to the scale so I can see if its stats match the paperwork.”
The doctor and John, who’d guesstimated her height earlier, were shocked. Most O’s rarely hit five-four, and she was nearly six feet tall but was thirty pounds underweight. John laid the O back on the table, covered her with a warming blanket as the doctor hooked her to the IV, then collected the other samples from Winchesters except for the STD on Sam, who had to admit he was still a virgin. A tech arrived for the samples and handed the doctor some paperwork. “I see you purchased the O for your elder son, who’s not of age yet. Do you require any additional stipulations for registration?” 
“I want Sam to have proprietary rights in the event of my untimely death.” 
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Dean peeks through the register office's doorway and sees a slightly chubby Beta in her late twenties sitting at the desk. She looks up, giving him an apprentice once-over, and chirpily inquires, “You with the O just brought in?" He responds snarkily. “You got a bunch of other O’s that just arrived?"  Dean pinches the bridge of his nose. “I'm sorry, that was uncalled for.” 
She hummed sympathetically and clicked the mouse, searching for something on the computer. "It’s alright. Things like this can be stressful, so I’ll try to get you through quickly. Help yourself to the coffee. It’s hot." Pouring a cup, Dean sipped it and grimaced. "Okay, here we are. Name?"
"Uh, Dean." He sat down, positioning himself to see out into the hallway, and heard the Betas' long nails tacketing-tacketing over the keys. "And will you be changing the name?" "Huh? Why the hell would I want to do that?” The Beta flinches at his tone. "It's a routine question. Some people don’t like the name of the O they’ve purchased, so they shorten or change it entirely.” It took him a second to catch up. “Oh, sorry. I'm Dean, and ahh, I don’t know what her name is." The tacketa-tacketa resumes. “Hmm, the O only has numerical identification. You could pick something neutral or a favorite nickname. How about leaving it for now? If or when you decide to change it, you can do it through any state registration center."
"Uhh, okay, let’s do that." 
"No problem. Now, has the O been branded yet?" Dean's hand firmly gripped the edge of the desktop. "What the fuck? That's a regular thing you do here!” Dean's loudness makes the Beta frown; she leans over, opens a side drawer, rifles around, and pulls out a pamphlet, pushing it toward him. Dean frowned at the title: Your New Omega and You: An Alpha's Guide to Handling and Training.
 "O branding is the traditional form of marking to deter theft and help with identification. North Dakota is one of a few states that mandate it but all others accept it. A sanctioned clinic, such as ours, uses a local anesthetic, so it’s quick and relatively painless. The unique symbol chosen for the individual owner will be on the lower back to not spoil their aesthetics.”  More tacketa-tack-tacketa. ‘We do piercing for free. Are you interested in having the O’s nipples, clitoral hood, or labia done?” Dean shakes his head negatively. “For low-income families, public assistance will generally cover breast augmentation or genital modification since it doesn't interfere with fertility.”
“Now, state law requires that if testing confirms that the O's are a non-viable carrier, we spay them. I am obligated to inform you this procedure can lead to malaise, but it reduces the chances of other diseases as they age. Since you’re not a resident, if you choose not to, we can provide a doctor's exemption certificate.”
“What kind of fucked-up Deliverance-style place is this? I am not authorizing any fucking modifications of any kind, you hear me!” The courteous attitude disappears. "I don’t appreciate your tone, sir,” as she resumed tacketa-tack-tacks on the keyboard. Dean wasn’t sure how much more he could take before he hit something.
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Part V
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva   @lassie-bird   @nancymcl   @spnbaby-67   @leigh70
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
WF: @slamminmine @ladysparkles78  @deans-spinster-witch  @ilovetaquitosmmmm   @strawblueberrys
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johnnys-helmet · 2 years
MASH: S10E10 Follies of the Living, Concerns of the Dead
My Thoughts
Seeing everyone gather to help Klinger makes me really warm inside. My favorite thing about this show is the found family and this hits it right on the head.
Klinger hallucinating and talking to a pole while the dog looks on in confusion is so funny
So is him just falling onto the cot
This is one of those episodes where I feel really bad for Father Mulcahy. To feel like the only thing you're needed for is sending off the dead...it must hurt so bad.
I also feel really bad for Weston. I know the implication is that Klinger is hallucinating but I believe in spirits and to see a spirit afraid of leaving the waking world is so powerful to me as someone with a fear of death.
The arbitrary things the doctors argue about while Weston is struggling with being dead and fearing what comes next is so sad and so funny at the same time. The juxtaposition is like getting whiplash over and over again. This show really loves juxtapositions and I love that they do.
Kario Salem does such a fantastic job as Jimmy Weston in this episode. He does a fantastic job at making you feel for this poor kid who deserved to live but had his life torn away from him by a war that none of them wanted to be in.
Getting to posthumously go over your final belongings and remember your life through watching other people discuss them is such an interesting idea to me. Getting to connect with people you never knew and never will know.
As someone that has had a 104 fever I feel for Klinger so bad because I had no idea what the fuck was going on at any given time.
Waking up after being torn up like a piece of paper to find out your best friend is dead is so horrifying. I couldn't imagine this.
"Why then do the wicked live, are they advanced, and strengthened with riches?"
Father John Patrick Mulcahy I need you to stop hitting me so hard with religious text that makes me feel things.
Trying desperately to convince your friends not to grieve you is too real.
Klinger: I see dead people vs Potter: Shut the hell up is a very funny moment
I could never imagine being invisible like this. No one being able to hear or see you...it's gotta be so scary and frustrating.
Weston talking about what he'd miss...god.
And Margaret being a badass and him telling her to "go get em slugger" god i will CRY.
"I've written a lot of these letters, son." someone please give potter a hug.
I want so badly to know how I will be remembered. In a way I envy Weston for getting to see that.
Margaret trying to get mad and just stammering god she's so neurodivergent I love her
Winchester, Hawkeye, and BJ drinking together and talking about rats and the plague and playing with clamps are also very neurodivergent and I love their characters so much
Weston starting to drift to the other side and not understanding what's going on while the members of the Swamp toasting to the horrors of war is such a surreal scene.
To Charles!
Hearing the trivial and serious arguments and struggles of the camp only to see Weston passing to the other side is so...whew.
I love that they leave where they're going open-ended. You can believe what you want to believe and they allow that.
I love everyone excitedly greeting Klinger and Klinger just caring about what happened to this kid he never met...I adore Klinger
If people listened to each other more this show would have been over in two episodes.
And that's all for this episode! It's a very memorable one but it's also very hard to watch because it's so sad. (Not nearly on the level of the finale, but sad.) I adore it, and I wish we got to see more surreal stuff like that (like Dreams). They were very good at portraying stuff like this.
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shallowrambles · 1 year
When Dean tells Cas that he and Sam “wouldn’t have let Lucifer in” to fight, do you also spit tea from laughing?
Sam literally already did that. So he not only “would,” he uh—did.
Not to mention the whole Gadreel thing to save Sam. Dean did that.
And Dean had resolved once to let Michael in. Cas is the one who fought for him not to. And ofc Dean eventually teamed up with Michael, anyway, when his younglings were threatened.
The whole point is you do things when family is threatened. The end of season 11 is comical how it just—treats this theme like it’s not there. Or that it’s unique for Cas?
The Winchesters own this theme, like blue-ribbon-first-prize bathe in it.
More charitably… Maybe it was clumsy wording in Dean trying to be nice in his moment before dying, like “we wouldn’t have been able to do that,” and “we thank you for taking on that burden for us.”
Filed under the folly of war and a severe lack of self insight.
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caddyxjellyby · 1 year
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I found it! I found the outtake of Wayne Rogers and the horse.
54 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
It's not that Charles never touches people
He pats Hawkeye on the knee when he's being condescending in Fallen Idol, he briefly touches Hawkeye's arm when he says “Why are you so unfeeling about my feelings?” in The Light That Failed, he attempts to help Margaret off the jeep in Comrades in Arms but BJ gets there first
In Dear Sis when he opens the toboggan cap he pats Radar's cheek, pats Mulcahy on the back then puts his hands on Mulcahy's shoulders
Kisses Margaret's hair while pretending to comfort her over a prank he's pretending he didn't take part in (An Eye for a Tooth), puts his hand on Colonel Baldwin's shoulder before he says “I have groveled”  nevermind I watched the scene again and he’s touching the wall
A quick touch to Klinger's arm in Potter's office in the beginning of They Call the Wind Korea, yet in the next episode (Major Ego) Klinger pats his shoulder and Charles says “Never touch me again” (really, Klinger ought to have smacked him)
He likes to nudge people forward – the reporter in Major Ego, Hawkeye in Bombshells, BJ in Bless You, Hawkeye, Kellye in Too Many Cooks although that last one might be merely a gesture and not a touch, he also dances with Kellye in That's Show Biz
In The Party he touches Klinger's back during one of the attempts to set a date and he pats Radar at the end, he also pats Radar in Rally Round the Flagg, Boys. In Ain't Love Grand he only touches Sooni a little but he puts his hands on Klinger's shoulders. He touches Lt. Park (Guerrilla My Dreams) on the shoulder and the Congressional Aide in Are You Now, Margaret
He gives Hawkeye a little nudge in Yessir, That's Our Baby and he grabs his wrist when they're arguing in Follies of the Living. Despite the emotional intimacy of Sons and Bowlers the only touching in that episode is Hawkeye giving him that shoulder nudge during the bowling game, which he also does in The Young and the Restless. (The blocking in Sons and Bowlers is a topic for another post, I think). Then we have the hug in Temporary Duty, drunk!Charles taking him by the hand in Peace on Us, and falling on him in Settling Debts and Follies.
In the finale he kisses Margaret's hand and obviously we see him kiss Martine and Donna. And Donna says something interesting. “The whole thing was your idea from the beginning. You kept walking around saying 'I can't keep my hands off this angel. Somebody marry us before it's too late.' Mako Nakamura married us just to shut you up.” The implication is that if he were sober he wouldn't have any trouble keeping his hands off her, since he isn't he's not only having trouble, he's recognizing it's wrong and annoying the whole party with it.
I think it's safe to say people touch him more than the other way around – see Margaret's lip peck in Say No More, this bit with Hawk in Foreign Affairs, etc.
68 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
Hawkeye’s book references
If by Rudyard Kipling “If you can keep your head while all about you are losing theirs, you probably haven't checked with your answering service.” - Welcome to Korea
Gunga Din by Kipling “In India's sunny clime, where I used to spend my time...” - Dear Dad Three “You're a better nurse than I am, Gunga Din.” - CAVE
Home Thoughts from Abroad by Robert Browning “Oh, to be in England now that war is here.” - Bug Out “Oh, to be in the latrine, now that spring is here.” - Fade Out, Fade In
Chicago by Carl Sandburg “Hog butcher for the world, tool maker, stacker of wheat.” - Adam's Ribs
The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus “Give me your tired, your poor, your coleslaw.” - Adam's Ribs
When I Consider How My Light is Spent aka On His Blindness by John Milton “They also serve who stand and stuff.” - Officer of the Day “They also serve who stay home and bake cakes.” - Dear Peggy
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge “Laughter, laughter everywhere and not a joke to-” - No Laughing Matter
The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson “Ours not to question why.” - Carry On, Hawkeye “Ours not to reason why, ours not to make them die.” - Welcome to Korea “What about 'Into the valley of Death' or 'Remember the Alamo' or the ever-popular 'Damn the torpedoes'?” - Preventative Medicine
Trees by Joyce Kilmer “Where would we be without Joyce Kilmer?” - Abyssinia, Henry “But that was the year Joyce Kilmer wrote Trees.” - Mail Call Again
Casey at the Bat by Ernest Thayer “There is no joy in Bloodville.” - The Grim Reaper
Man's Inhumanity to Man by Robert Burns “Man's inhumanity to man again.” - I Hate a Mystery
How do I love thee? (Sonnets from the Portuguese 43) by Elizabeth Barrett Browning “Let me count the ways.” - Yankee Doodle Doctor “How do I love me? Let me count the ways.” - Morale Victory
Shakespeare “Some men are born to greatness; others have it thrust upon them. And some of us got it both ways.” - Chief Surgeon Who “Methinks he doth protest too much.” - I Hate a Mystery “Good night, sweet prince.” - Kim “My friends, some men are born great. Others achieve greatness. And some are destined to work with rats.” - Soldier of the Month “Friends, Romans, and corpsmen, lend me your ears. 'Tis nobler in the mind to suffer slings and arrows in order to make an outrageous fortune. I come to bury Sluggo, not to praise him.” - Dr. Winchester and Mr. Hyde “My kingdom for an intelligent octopus.” - Carry On, Hawkeye “Good night, sweet prince.” - A Full Rich Day “Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by these sons of York.” - Hawkeye “Lead on, MacDuff.” - Out of Sight, Out of Mind “It is the east, and Klinger is the nut.” - Souvenirs “Romeo Montague?” - Comrades in Arms “Only Shakespeare, crumpets, Vivien Leigh.” - Tea and Empathy “Lend me your ears.” - Inga saying he played Hamlet in college then saying he lied in The Billford Syndrome “Hamlet was a pile of giggles compared to you.” - Ain't Love Grand “Good night, sweet prince.” - Life Time “Some men are born to garbage, and others have garbage thrust upon them.” - The Life You Save
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams “I have always relied on the kindness of strangers.” - Dear Dad Again (admittedly this is more of a movie reference, but it was a play first)
“Me? Noel the Coward?” - Captain Outrageous
“Oh, yes, of course-- the Marquis de Sade school of bedside manner.” - Tea and Empathy
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Frank: “They invented gunpowder, spaghetti, pigtails.” Hawkeye: “Little feet for women. By Louisa May Alcott.” - Rainbow Bridge
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm by Kate Douglas Wiggin “Just pretend you're in the high school play. You're Rebecca of Sunnybook Farm passing out morphine.” - Major Topper Props to writer Allyn Freeman for this since the novel is set in Maine. OTOH Wiggin was very popular in her day and Shirley Temple starred in a movie so in the '50s the reference still would make sense even if Hawkeye wasn't from Maine.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain “We already whitewashed the fence, Aunt Polly.” - George “Tom Sawyer and Becky are still lost down there.” - None Like It Hot
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde “You look like an 8 by 10 picture of Dorian Gray.” - The Smell of Music
Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle “Got that belly wound finished yet, Moriarty?” - What's Up, Doc “SOP, my dear Watson.” - It Happened One Night “Okay, Sherlock.” - The Light that Failed
Lady Chatterly's Lover by D. H. Lawrence “What is it? Lady Chatterly Visits Boys' Town?” - The Young and the Restless
Jeeves and Wooster by P. G. Wodehouse “Thank you, Jeeves.” - The Party
Fanny Hill by John Cleland “I had a copy of Fanny Hill” - Some 38ths Parallels
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes “I thought tilting at windmills wasn't your game, Sancho?” - Back Pay
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson “A date with Dr. Jekyll.” - Hanky Panky “Oh, so that's what's been getting under Dr. Jekyll's hide.” - Point of View
Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving “That's an associate of ours, Dr. Van Winkle...He's got another 19 years to go.” - The Price
La Dame aux Camelias by Alexandre Dumas fils “Courage, Camille. I think I've got something for you.” - The Moon is Not Blue (again, probably referencing the Greta Garbo movie)
Moby Dick by Herman Melville “I love you in War and Peace, Moby Dick, all the classics.” - Radar's Report “Herman Melville wrote Moby Dick, and he never wrote him back.” - Hanky Panky “Words to live by from the biggest fish of all, Moby Dud.” - Nurse Doctor
See the full post
107 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
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Commentary by Guy Boyd [who played Sergeant Lally in Settling Debts]: “When I asked Alan Alda (as Hawkeye) what happened to my lieutenant, he was supposed to answer ‘chord shock’ (meaning a spinal injury) but, he turned to me and said ‘shord c*ck.’ It took us 17 takes without someone going into total hysterics. It was a great day.”
248 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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“Hawkeye would have become a right wing conservative. BJ would be on this third marriage. Trapper John and his wife would be celebrating their 40th. Houlihan would be living with a woman partner. Radar would be a taxidermist. Klinger would be a Congressman. Potter would be deceased. So would I.”
-Larry Gelbart, on where M*A*S*H people would be, now. From TV’s M*A*S*H: The Ultimate Guide Book.
275 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lyesander · 2 years
Top three episodes from each season:
Season 1
"Chief Surgeon Who" - Goofy, classic early season antics. I loved Hawkeye's initiation ceremony. "You may now kiss my rings."
"Yankee Doodle Doctor" - A lot of fun, ending is fantastic.
"Tuttle" - Probably the funniest episode of the series.
Season 2
"For the Good of the Outfit" - Probably the most overtly anti-military episode of the series. Late season M*A*S*H could never.
5 O'Clock Charlie - Good romp. Loved Hawk and Trap's little outfits. The resolution to the ammunition storage problem is great.
"Carry On, Hawkeye" - Great Hawkeye centric episode. Very whumpy.
Season 3
"O.R." - The epilogue scene really got to me here.
"Adam's Ribs" - Hawkeye's mania on full display. Fun, but there's some hidden darker notes.
"Abyssinia, Henry" - Very sweet episode with a gutpunch ending.
Season 4
"The Late Captain Pierce" - Hawkeye becoming an "unperson" is psychological horror levels terrifying.
"The More I See You" - I think this episode provides a lot of insight into how Hawkeye treats relationships. Great character episode.
"The Interview" - There's a reason this episode is considered one of the best.
Season 5
"The Nurses" - Great Margaret episode. A lot of cute nurse moments. I wish we saw more of them.
"The Abduction of Margaret Houlihan" - I fucking love Flagg. That's really all I have to say here. He turned an average episode into a spectacular episode.
"End Run" - Great Radar episode. Billy Tyler's story is deeply moving.
Season 6
"Fade Out, Fade In" - Winchester's introduction! As good an introduction as any.
"Images" - Radar's tattoo plot fell really flat for me, but Margaret shined in this episode.
"Your Hit Parade" - Good balance of comedy and drama.
Season 7
"The Billfold Syndrome" - Dislike hypnosis on principle, but Sidney's a delight, and the soldier's story is really moving.
"They Call the Wind Korea" - Great Charles and Klinger episode.
"Preventative Medicine" - The girls are fiiiightiiiing. While I’m not a big fan of this episode’s ‘lesson,’ I think it's a good comparison point for Hawkeye and BJ’s dynamic, versus Hawkeye and Trapper’s.
Season 8
"Mr. and Mrs. Who" - Cute episode. Loved Donna.
"Heal Thyself" - I really liked the cinematography in this episode. Excellent portrayal of a PTSD flashback on the part of Hermann.
"Dreams" - Very experimental (and strangely controversial?) episode. But I liked it. It gives a lot of insight into each characters state of mind and how they're coping with the war.
Season 9
"Best of Enemies" - Great episode. Wish this sort of thing was more common in the later seasons.
"Depressing News" - Hawkeye's mania strikes again. Loved the "senseless violence" line.
"The Life You Save" - I honestly can't even remember what the B-plot for this episode was. DOS' fantastic performance outshines everything else.
Season 10
"The Follies of the Living - Concerns of the Dead" - an eerie episode. The main crew don't look great, but that's kind of the point. Squabbling amongst themselves is its own privilege.
"Where There's a Will, There's a War" - This episode is a testament to how deeply Hawkeye cares about everyone in the unit. The stuff he passes on to his friends is mostly symbolic, but it's poignant.
"Sons and Bowlers" - Great Charles and Hawkeye episode.
Season 11
"Say No More” - I like the thematic elements of this episode. The father who loses his son in an aggressive push, but is still callous and unaffected enough that he orders another one at the end of the episode.
"Give and Take" - Great performance by Craig Wasson.
"Goodbye, Farewell and Amen" - Hawkeye and Charles in particular shine in the finale, but every character has their moment. Solid ending to the series.
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