#Whitewed Approved
bonefall · 2 years
Hear me out... what if Cinderheart and Lionblaze were the parents of Ivypool and Dovewing? Think about it;
“Kin of your Kin“ doesn’t arbitrarily include Whitewing, it’s about Firestar’s direct lineage, better setting up Nightheart in ASC many arcs later
Cinderheart and Lionblaze were torn by the loss of Hollyleaf, and were both mourning even as they had their first litter
Finding out Lionblaze’s heritage means his kits are open targets for Breezepelt, and he’s suddenly lost the support of his ‘parents‘
Lionblaze becomes determined to include Dovewing in the prophecy as early as he finds out, because he saw that exclusion hurt and eventually kill Hollyleaf
The horror and tragedy of Cinderheart seeing he’s a terrible father because he’s pushing his children too hard, becoming alienated from both of her daughters as one desperately tries for his approval, while the other buckles under its weight
Sending his own child into the Dark Forest as a spy, when he should have protected her!!
Additionally, making it so Birchfall is Dovewing’s mentor, and he’s butting heads with Lionblaze because he’s always trying to steal his apprentice. Birchfall insists that Dovewing has a normal apprenticeship and is the father figure Dove wishes that she had- to the point where she leaves ThunderClan much later and names one of her children after him.
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cat-denied · 2 years
👻🎁✨ :)
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
My wildest headcanon? That's a hard one. I don't really do a lot of headcanoning! Mostly I just turn stuff into actual fanfic rather than just headcanoning it, and so I keep a layer of separation between the canon and my fic, if that makes sense. I guess I have a lot of headcanons of Fire Emblem characters being lesbians in canon even while not strictly defined as such (like Minerva and Palla in fe11), but those are usually pretty common ones.
Here's a couple of headcanons for you:
Nico Minoru (of Marvel's Runaways and others) realized she was bisexual while on the team of A-FORCE (2016), i.e. while surrounded by gorgeous and powerful women. Because come on. (Context: in the original Runaways series from the early 2000s, Nico was portrayed as straight: in the new Runaways series from 2018, she had since realized her bisexuality.)
In Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, only characters who are lovers and characters with the Thief class can exchange gold. I think this is because the Thief (Dew in the first gen, Patty or Daisy in the second) characters happen to be people who deeply love all their friends.
I also headcanon...pretty much everyone as trans and/or gay. If I like them (especially for Fire Emblem, where characters often have very little character at all) they get the "YOU ARE GAY NOW" seal of approval.
Oh, here's a real wild one! Wolf (from Fire Emblem 11) is a trans woman! This is because YOU saw her and went "she's a girl" and I went "okay" and rolled with it. This may come up in my fanfic sometime, who can say
Putting the rest of this behind a read more because it got long.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
I do! Here's a section from the first chapter of a Minerva/Palla haunted house AU I've been working on in the background.
The room is soaked in dust. At one point in time it had probably been a bedroom, and indeed a bed frame rots grayly in the corner. Rather than any mattress, however, it’s covered in boxes: boxes which have sprawled out to take over the rest of the room like an invasive species of plant. The walls are bare. The edge of the room’s one window can just be made out, the rest of it totally obscured by still more boxes. They stack five feet high easily, and though Palla is tall enough to circumnavigate the undergrowth they form with ease, and Catria at least tall enough to manage, Est can barely see over the box in front of her, and she complains loudly at this. Catria argues lightly back, and Palla smiles under her breath as she makes her way around, simply looking. 
None of the boxes are labeled: the lower ones have more the look of trunks, and Palla idly wonders when cardboard had been invented, whether this was someone else’s reshuffling of the Macedons’ remaining possessions after their departure. She cracks open the nearest top box to find stacks of books: unlabeled volumes in that old style you would see on the shelves of houses that had become museums. Carefully opening one, then another, to their title pages, she sees that they are books of strategy: for warfare and diplomacy. Interesting. 
I just love the Whitewings and Macedon and all that jazz! Also I should write more of this, I was having a load of fun with it.
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
! I love to receive any comments because it tells me that people enjoyed my work enough to tell me about it, and when you write for fandoms that are as relatively obscure as I do (in terms of fanworks), every little bit counts for a lot! The exception to the obscure fandoms of course is the Goncharov fic I wrote, which became hugely popular and now I'm considering writing a second chapter or sequel, just because of the absolutely hogwild response.
Here's a coupla specifics:
"Always happy to see the Nagi tag get a little bigger, and you have a fascinating version of her here! I thought your interpretation of the setting was brilliant and you really brought out the nuances of the characters you portrayed just before such a climactic final battle." from Oricalle on my fic Meetings, Manifestations, and Manaketes. (I have a lot of fun naming my fics.) They left this comment after I read through some of their works and left some comments, which made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Every comment on my Goncharov fic for being brilliantly in on the joke, but especially this one from tinuviel_tinuviel:
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because not only did they call me out by name (blushes), but when I read and commented on one of their Locked Tomb fics, they called me out on it:
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and yeah thats me now i guess. ao3 user road_trip_girl from goncharov fandom. whatup
Also, getting a comment from summer_society whose Robin/Nancy fics I consume like fresh water was an amazing time, seriously.
And finally, this comment from JajaLala on the same fic, because it made me go "! you know who i am!!!" I guess I'm really not used to fanfic sites, where you can be a fan of someone's work and then have them turn around and look at your work, and like it! It's a great feeling. (Also, I just realized we're tumblr mutuals, so, uh. Hi!)
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Thanks for asking!
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estians · 2 years
Est cries and no one ever seems to have the right words.
Palla and Catria coddle and scold in equal measure — she is their youngest, most prone to mistakes, and they forgive but do not often forget. In her own twisted way, Est understands this. Though sisters three are the Whitewings of Macedon, she feels most days like a mere feather upon her sisters’ wings. She is simply there, existing, hardly anything in the grand scheme. But like a pegasus shedding after winter’s passed, feathers upon feathers pile up. In time, it is an annoyance. A burden, even.
Commander Minerva must never see her cry. No, before her commander, Est has only smiled and laughed, as has come to be expected of her. She can be the perfect little soldier if she tries, if only to see the tacit approval on the commander’s face.
And Abel — her darling and beloved Abel — always speaks wrong. Oh, she loves him so, but he says the worst things at the worst times and she wonders if it would have been kinder to them both if neither had ever loved the other at all. Is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all? Because the loss makes her heart ache with a pain she cannot possibly describe.
“Why did you fall in love with me? Please, Abel. I must know.” “Good grief… It was so…natural, I never gave it a second thought.”
And she cries and she cries and she cries for this man whose only curse must be to love her.
She cries for the fact that she is surrounded by good people — and for the fact that she is not good enough to deserve it.
Est cries.
And then, she mounts her pegasus and goes.
It is better this way, you see.
Leaving Archanea, the only home she has ever known, must be done on more than just a whim. It will take time and patience — and though she knows her sisters might call her reckless should they ever meet again, they will never know that this is, perhaps, the least impulsive Est has been in her life.
There is nothing for her to prove and everything for everyone else to gain. She has thought this through countless times; she could recite the steps of her plan in her sleep.
Est does not like to fight, but the sorry truth is that she is good at it. If fate had not intervened, she and Abel might have lived a very happy life indeed, tending to their little shop. But her pegasus can only take her so far before it tires, and to feed it and herself, and find safe passage elsewhere to boot, will take more gold than she carries in her satchel.
She took up her lance, once, to follow after her sisters. Now, she takes it up for what she hopes shall be the last time — for what she knows will not be the last time, despite her deepest desire — and turns to the life of a mercenary. Her poor pegasus stays stabled, for tales of a pegasus-riding mercenary might travel too far for her liking, but well - fed. It will not be long before it can fly free once more, Est promises every evening. It will not be long before she is free, too.
Altogether, for one hoping to take up a mercenary’s path, her strengths do not number too many. You can scarcely find a more talented flier than one of the Whitewings, and she has always been good at working in teams, but these skills are all but useless to her now. Still, Est is fine with a lance, she is fine at fighting on foot, and she is fine on her own.
These are the lies she tells herself, at least. Without the ever - present crutch of her sisters by her side, she feels as though she must stumble through the dark for the first time in her life. No more is Palla’s gentle guidance or Catria’s barbed concern. All Est has ever known is how to fly — she has never had to fall.
But she falls. Fate hammers the truth into her over and over: she will never be as strong as her sisters, as clever as her sisters, as brave as her sisters. Palla and Catria will work alongside the commander to restore Macedon to its former glory — and they will go down in the annals of Archanean history for it. Est is a Whitewing but nothing more, merely the name of a skilled knight that future generations will memorize from a history book then forget.
However, Est isn’t a name in a history book just yet, and she has further still to run.
“Something the matter? What’s got our loveliest merc staring daggers at an innocent mug of ale?”
Est blinks, stirred from her thoughts. The mug before her has gone untouched from the moment the captain slid it over, saying that she looked like she needed a drink. It feels like a trap, mostly, like Palla or Catria will jump out of the shadows and scold her for it if she even dares to take a sip. There’s no time to drink and be merry when there’s always another battle to march off to, after all. That aside, Est is barely eighteen.
With a soft sigh, she glances up to say hello, cracking a small smile. “Emory! The captain told me you wouldn’t make it back in time.”
“Mm, that so? Well, I had to come rushing back when I heard you were leaving! Can’t let you run off without saying goodbye, can I?” Emory reaches over to tap at her nose, and Est leans away with a squeak of protest. “You were frowning real hard just a second ago, though. What’s got you moping?”
Est waves his hand away with a laugh. “I’m not moping, Emory, it’s nothing.”
The mercenary snorts, a brow raising. “Yeah, because the brightest and smiliest of us would get all frowny over nothing. You’ll need a better lie than that.”
It’s nothing or I’m fine have always been her magic words. She smiles and says them and the conversation moves on. With Abel, at least, that’s how it always went, and Est was glad for it. If he knew what she was really thinking, if he knew just what she was planning to do…
For a moment, Est finds herself at a loss.
“If it was a lie, then I’d get a better one,” she eventually says, her arms crossing. “Except it’s not. Seriously, Emory, I’m fine! I’m just a little sad to be leaving.” She has an itch, now, to run, because if she knows anything about Emory, it’s that he likes to push. Still, he’s her friend and she’s leaving in the morning, so Est can suck it up for just one more evening. One more goodbye, both to her new friends here and to her home, before she leaves for good. “You just got back from Macedon, right? Your stories have gotta be way more interesting than whatever I was thinking about.”
Maybe it’s her tone, dripping with a desperation that he’s never heard before. Maybe it’s just pity — and Est is almost inclined to accept pity instead, if it means he’ll stop. But Emory just shrugs, dropping into the seat across from her.
“Sure, I got gossip for days.” His head tilts, considering. “I heard through the grapevine that one of Macedon’s Whitewings has gone missing. Pink - haired fella, good with a lance, has a pegasus and all. Fought under Princess Minerva during the war, right? Sound familiar to you?”
Est stiffens. “What?” She never was a good liar. Words are one thing that she’s got plenty of, though not necessarily the right ones, but her body betrays the truth. “Ahaha…I didn’t know one of the Whitewings went missing. Are they all right?”
Emory, for his part, looks thoroughly unconvinced. “You’d know better, I think. You got nothing to say about how she kinda sounds like you?”
“Pink hair, okay with a lance, and no pegasus in sight. Though it’s a funny coincidence, huh?” Her answering laugh is entirely forced. “Imagine me as a Whitewing! I’d be laughed out of Macedon!”
“Discounting the pegasus you’re hiding in the stables, sure.” Est flinches, and the edge of Emory’s lips quirk upward. “Hell of a coincidence, that.”
She’s so close. All Est needs is one more day, one last evening in a too-uncomfortable bed, one last morning eating a too-bland breakfast, then she’ll be free. Did Emory tell them where she was? Has he led them straight to her doorstep already? If she just runs —
“Reckless,” a voice that sounds like Catria chides. “Did you really think we wouldn’t look?”
And part of her hadn’t been sure, really, if they would’ve cared enough to go and save selfish, little Est from herself a third time. Part of her hadn’t been sure if she wanted them to.
“Emory,” she chokes. Est has always cried easily; she hates it, now. As if she wasn’t already out of place here, smaller and greener than her peers in this line of work, sticking out like a sore thumb. “Please, you can’t —”
Emory sighs, reaching out to rest a hand atop hers. “Hey, what’re those tears for? You don’t think I’m here to rat you out, do you? Listen, obviously you’re running from something, and it ain’t my business what, but if you need somewhere to run to…”
Stay, she thinks he is trying to say — and it wouldn’t be so bad if she did. They have all been kinder to her than is deserved by some passing stranger who was always going to be gone in a few months. It would never be like the Whitewings, but for Est, it might be close enough. Not her sisters, but her friends instead. Maybe they would even grow to be family, with enough time.
Yet, go, the traitorous voice in her head whispers. Run, to somewhere they can’t find you.
Even the furthest tip of Archanea wouldn’t be far enough. If Palla and Catria had chased her even a continent away to Valentia, then she has to go further. She isn’t far enough yet.
“Hey, come on, Est,” Emory says. “You know I’ve got no clue what to do when you cry. The thought of gracing us with your presence a little longer ain’t that bad, is it? I didn’t think we were that awful as company.”
Her breath is a little shaky as she exhales, the ghost of a laugh on her lips as her free hand reaches to wipe at her face. “Hee hee… No, no. You guys are great!” A twinkle sparks in her eyes. “Really, you’ve all been amazing. Thanks, Emory.”
He relaxes now that she’s stopped crying, hand pulling away to grab her ale for himself. “Just think about it, yeah? Stay a day or two longer. We like having you here, y’know? We won’t tell any of them Macedonians that you’re with us if you don’t want us to.”
Est smiles. “I’ll think about it,” she lies. “And it’s sweet of you, Emory, really.” She straightens in her seat as Emory waves down a server to get her some water. “Anyway, you must have brought back some stories from Macedon, right? I’ll trade you for some of mine! Once, I flew all the way to Grust and…”
The coin purse at her side is heavy enough, she thinks, and Est has lingered for too long.
The Whitewings will always be three. Est knows this to be true, knows that despite everything, even if she vanishes for good, her sisters will not let her name disappear with her. Palla, Catria, and Est — immortalized in history. The tender knight, the merciful protector, and…her. The Whitewing who should have been better than to be kidnapped on a routine delivery. The Whitewing who was captured by the enemy and gave her fiancé cause to turn traitor. The Whitewing who does not seem like much of a Whitewing at all, on paper. She is not as talented as Palla nor as dedicated as Catria.
She is simply Est.
Somehow, it is never enough.
She wonders, in quieter moments, slowly lulled to sleep by the rocking of the boat upon the waves, if history will be kind to her. Will they remember the valiant soldier who rushed behind enemy lines to rescue Mercurius from their hands? Or the burdensome girl, needing to be saved time and time again?
To be revered for a false image or to be forgotten for the truth — which fate would be kinder?
Some nights, Est dreams of home.
Home is the smiles of her sisters and their warm embrace. It is soaring through the skies, aloft on her pegasus; hefting her spear at the commander’s command to follow her into battle. Home is Abel and the shop they opened up together, a nice, retired life, away from the horrors of the battlefield and the war cry that she has sung ever since she first held a lance in her hands.
Home is happiness. Home is love. Home is undeserved.
Some nights, Est dreams of the past.
Why did you fall in love with me, she asked Abel once. Not if he was — for that was a truth burned like a brand onto her heart, the blessing and the curse of it all — but why. And the answer, offered so honestly, that he loved because it was merely inherent for him to do so, that he couldn’t help it, that he never had cause to think otherwise, made her heart ache.
Abel thinks she cried because she was unsatisfied with his answer, but Est cries because his answer cemented the last of her resolve, the final nail in the coffin that she must go. Anywhere but here, where she is so, so loved but knows not how to accept it; where she has fought two wars and escaped scathed, wounds of the mind and scars of the heart weighing her down; where she knows she only hurts the ones she loves, a trail of problems left in her wake.
Goodbye, she tells her sisters. Goodbye, she tells the commander. Goodbye, she tells Abel. Come morning, she will be gone, but they do not know it yet. She wants her final farewell to be sweet rather than bitter, something perfectly ordinary. Come morning, they will find her room empty and her essentials missing and her pegasus gone.
Maybe she wants it to hurt. Maybe she wants them to hate her. At least, this way, they will no longer be encumbered by an Est - sized weight in their lives.
Maybe it is easier to convince herself that it is for the best this way.
And, very rarely, Est dreams of a world where fate treats her kindly.
But in this one, the waves take her away and swallow her whole. They shall spit her out elsewhere; it matters not where. So long as it is anywhere but home.
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birdsong-warriors · 4 years
What did Swifthawk think of Birchfall as a mate for Whitewing? Did he approve?
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(I'm really proud of how this turned out shhh.)
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shebpaw · 3 years
I’m not entirely sure how this Bad Timeline DF Battle AU would end. Probably pretty open ended? I want the remaining characters to reach some kind of closure but their ultimate fate could go anywhere.
Do they leave the lake together? Do they stay and form one clan? Scatter on their own paths? Idk
But they’d definitely gather together as one pseudo-clan first. There’s push at first for them all to stick to their own clan, but eventually they join up out of necessity.
Onestar, being the last leader alive, attempts to just claim everybody is WindClan and under his command, but is met with immediate dissent from Squirrelflight. Most cats side with her except what’s left of WindClan.
All except Crowfeather. After losing his entire family, he decides he wants to be closer to the loved ones he has left, Leafpool and Jayfeather. Leafpool, while long over her feelings for him, is sympathetic, but Jayfeather outright rejects him. Crowfeather has no right to come slinking back to them after his favorite son and wife died, he says. He had his chance. Squirrelflight is like-minded, but decides that now isn’t the time to uphold grudges. They’ll need all the cats they can get to survive.
Squirrelflight is the one most cats look to, now. Ivypool tries to compensate for her betrayal of the clans by going above and beyond, neglecting her own well-being. In her mind she can never truly be forgiven, but she can try her best to undo some harm. Squirrelflight notices and tries to reassure her, but Ivypool is waiting for the approval she knows she’ll never get: Dovewing’s.
Onestar’s morale deteriorates. Webfoot joins Squirrelflight.
Brightheart is devastated by the loss of Cloudtail and Whitewing. Ivypool does her best to comfort her grandmother. Webfoot takes a shining to Brightheart and her kits, acting as a grandfather to Amberkit, Dewkit, and Snowkit. He keeps the sole queen company as his health and old age catch up on him.
(Note: BH’s kits should get warrior names at one point so we can name them after people. Amberwing, Snowcloud, and Dewfoot.)
I’ll add more as I think of it lol
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afangelll · 3 years
MYO - 10% AU (Warriors)
omg i love the idea of this au sm!! also hey guys, im new to this app lmaoo ThunderClan survivors: - Rosepetal - Brightheart - Cloudtail - Cinderheart - Foxleap ShadowClan survivors: - Blackstar - Oakfur - Beekit (Pinenose’s daughter) WindClan survivors: - Sunstrike - Heathertail RiverClan survivors: - Podpaw - Dapplenose - Duskfur * it’s a miracle that both Brightheart and Cloudtail are in the list. as mates, they grieved heavily for all their children;  Whitewing, Amberkit, Dewkit, and Snowkit. * Cinderheart, having lost her entire family and Lionblaze, is heartbroken. however, Heathertail is surprisingly eager to know Cinderheart better. even though Heathertail claims that she’s moved on from Lionblaze, they still bond over him, becoming mates themselves in the end. * Rosepetal feels bad that ThunderClan has the most survivors. because of this, she becomes friends with the social butterfly Heathertail, hoping to pull herself out of her sadness. when Blackstar steps down because of his age, she becomes Rosestar in his place, appointing Sunstrike, someone she saw as a great warrior, as her deputy, even though Sunstrike’s trained in the Dark Forest. * as Dustpelt’s son, Foxleap thinks that he’s failed his kin and the Clans. he becomes close to his older brother, Spiderleg’s daughter, Rosepetal, or Rosestar, as she’s probably the only family member he has left. ~ since Blackstar is old, he steps down from his rank as leader and becomes Blackfoot once again. he gives the job to Rosepetal, the current leader, and retires as an elder with Dapplenose. ~ Oakfur, an experienced warrior, often helps the younger cats with their troubles. he’s like a father to Beekit, Pinenose’s kit. ‘ Sunstrike’s full of guilt for training in the Dark Forest, thinking that she deserved to die after what she’s done. she is among one of the hardest to rebuild the group, earning the place of deputy under Rosestar’s approval. + Duskfur, a friend of Willowshine before the medicine cat died, took on the role of the healer. she’s really protective of her son, Podpaw, too. + Dapplenose would’ve been dead, had her Clanmate Minnowtail not sacrificed herself for saving Dapplenose from Hawkfrost. she befriends Cloudtail, someone who’s also lived in the old forest like her.
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raggydraws · 4 years
Just got introduced to Cloudtail/Brambleclaw and honestly?? King shit
Honestly? That's the only Fire / Tiger family ship that I like, approved 👏👏
Just,,,,Cloudtail and Brambleclaw having their sweet baby Whitewing (surrogated by best friend and favorite aunt Brightheart) and just,,,,domestic and wholesome aaahhh
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puppypaw-wc · 4 years
so ngl i saw my old 10% left au generation and. kinda hated it. so i made a new one.
ThunderClan survivors: Thornclaw, Millie, Whitewing, Dustpelt, Hollyleaf
ShadowClan survivors: Shrewfoot, Scorchfur, Olivenose, Smokefoot
WindClan survivors: Sedgewhisker, Sunstrike, Weaselfur
RiverClan survivors: Dapplenose, Mothwing
this one has. a lot of angst potential. so let’s go through some allegiances!
note that outside of thunderclan i only wrote bios for leaders (i wrote one for mothwing since she’s. you’ll see).
leader: hollystar-black she-cat with soft, long fur and green eyes. has a slightly torn left ear, scar on her back paw and a scar over her left eye, which is blind.
siblings: jayfeather, lionblaze
kits: none
hollyleaf had always wanted to be leader, but she hadn’t expected it to happen in this way. she hadn’t expected ivypool to still die when she attempted to save her, she hadn’t expected jayfeather or lionblaze to be killed by breezepelt, she hadn’t expected mapleshade to kill sandstorm and for both her foster mother and biological mother to die avenging her, she hadn’t expected crowfeather and brambleclaw to die saving her from breezepelt (jfc breezepelt calm down-)... brambleclaw hadn’t even been able to take his place as leader, but on his deathbed, he said something she’d never forget.
“i say these words before starclan, so that the spirits of our clanmates current and ancient may hear and approve of my choice. hollyleaf, you are the new deputy and leader of thunderclan. i trust you.”
hollyleaf had watched everyone close to her die. receiving her nine lives and seeing everyone she loved there was painful. but she persisted. she’d never forget when cinderheart, the love of her life, gave her the life of love, telling her to never forget her.
she’d do her best. for cinderheart. for firestar. for brambleclaw. for everyone.
deputy: thornclaw-golden-brown tabby tom with pale blue eyes. has a scar across his torso and on his back left leg, which now has a limp.
siblings: brightheart, cinderpelt, brackenfur
kits: none
thornclaw had fought for the dark forest valiantly in the battle until he realized what he was doing. until he realized that he’d just killed his brother and sister. he regretted it deeply. 
after seeing this, blossomfall hid from him until she was killed by brokenstar, her mentor in the dark forest. 
thornclaw had built up anger towards brokenstar for season-cycles, ever since he kitnapped him and his siblings when they were young, and avenged blossomfall by killing him. 
seeing this after being appointed deputy and leader, hollyleaf appointed thornclaw deputy once they made their way to what was left of thunderclan’s camp.
thornclaw’s determined to do a good job.
acting medicine cat: hollystar-see above.
warriors: dustpelt-dusty dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and a scar across his muzzle.
siblings: ravenpaw, frostfur (adopted), chesnutkit (adopted), cherrypaw (adopted)
kits: spiderleg, shrewpaw, hollykit, larchkit, birchfall, foxleap, icecloud, briarlight (in-law), blossomfall (in-law), bumblestripe (in-law)
for a while, dustpelt had never truly felt at home in thunderclan, being brought to the clan as a young kit. but when ferncloud asked him to sire her kits, he felt at home. they had several litters, but only four survived to adulthood.
and then came the great battle, where he not only lost ferncloud, whom he loved as a sister, but all of his living kits as well. it devastated him. he’d even lost his close friends, firestar, graystripe and sandstorm. he had no one left.
but millie, the former kittypet who had also lost all her kits and mate in the great battle, became a light in the dark to him. he’d never been interested in romance before millie came to his aid after the battle. the she-cat strangely made his heart soar. he wasn’t all that sure what he was in that way. 
but he knew that he was ready to have new kits.
whitewing-fluffy white she-cat with a big scar on her tail and a small scar on her muzzle.
siblings: amberkit, snowkit, dewkit
kits: ivypool, dovewing
losing her kits had devastated whitewing, as had losing her younger siblings and parents. 
the battle had devastated all of the clans, and whitewing soon found herself finding comradery in the riverclan warrior dapplenose. the two became mates, which didn’t surprise anyone.
what did surprise everyone is how quickly it happened, so soon after the great battle. but no one questioned how love happened.
queens: millie-pinkish gray she-cat with blue eyes and a chunk taken out of her left ear. she has a minor scar across her belly, and a scar on her torso, where she was bitten.
siblings: none known
kits: feathertail (in-law), stormfur (in-law), briarlight, blossomfall, bumblestripe
born as a kittypet before coming to thunderclan, millie was devastated when the great battle came. 
she’d barely even gotten to know her clanmates, and now she’d lost almost all of them.
but she stayed optimistic. she helped hollystar when she had nightmares or it just seemed too difficult to go on, she helped thornclaw with his leg when the pain in it was too bad...
and she helped dustpelt. the poor tom had lost everyone important to him, and somedays he couldn’t muster up the energy to do even simple tasks like eat.
over time, she felt herself grow to love the snarky tom, and before she knew it, she was expecting his kits.
she hopes she’ll do better this time.
roster: five (leader, deputy, two warriors, one queen)
leader: scorchstar-dark gray tom with slashed ears, one of which is torn. has scars over both of his orange eyes, which are blind.
siblings: olivenose, shrewfoot, owlclaw, redwillow
kits: cloverkit, ripplekit, berrykit
scorchfur had always been a feisty young tom, though he was caring under a harsh exterior. he had a soft spot for his kits, cloverkit, ripplekit, and berrykit, who he unknowingly sired when he was an apprentice. he loved his mate, snowbird, as well.
however, when the great battle came, he lost all of them. all of the kits simply vanished, their bodies not being found, while snowbird was killed by hawkfrost, right in front of scorchfur.
determined to avenge his family, he took his place as leader, being one of the oldest in the clan, appointing smokefoot as his deputy.
he’s determined to be the best leader he can.
deputy: smokefoot-black tom.
siblings: none known
kits: none
warriors: olivenose-tortoiseshell she-cat with a minor slash to her left ear.
siblings: scorchstar, shrewfoot, owlclaw, redwillow
kits: none
shrewfoot-gray she-cat with black paws. has a scar on her back left leg, which has a limp.
siblings: olivenose, scorchstar, owlclaw, redwillow
kits: none
leader: sedgestar-light brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes. has a small scar on her back right leg, a large scar on her belly, a large scar on her front paw, and a minor scar over her left eye.
siblings: thistleheart, swallowtail
kits: none
sedgestar was left as one of the most injured cats in the clans, a constant reminder of the pain that took place in the great battle.
watching her siblings die was painful, as was watching emberfoot die. only emberfoot’s apprentice, sunstrike, was there to keep his memory alive, apart from sedgestar.
a trainee of the very cats who brought pain and suffering to the clans. but she’d fought on the side of the clans, unlike breezepelt, a trainee who had also died in the battle.
maybe she could be forgiven. just this once.
maybe she could be deputy.
deputy: sunstrike-tortoiseshell she-cat with a large white mark on her forehead. has small scars over both of her eyes, which are partially blinded, a major claw to her jaw, which is crooked, and minor bite mark on her back right leg.
siblings: none known (former kittypet)
kits: none
warriors: weaselfur-lithe ginger tom with two white paws, one of which has a medium length scar on it. he has a medium gash on his right ear, and a minor scar on his muzzle.
siblings: thistlepaw
kits: none
leader and medicine cat: mothwing-dappled golden tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
siblings: hawkfrost, tadpole, brambleclaw (half), tawnypelt (half)
kits: none
mothwing couldn’t believe what happened in the dark forest battle. she’d been unsure about starclan, yes, but here they were, in the living world as spirits.
mistystar, a cat who’d always been like a mother to her, especially after leopardstar’s death, died in the battle, as did almost all of her clanmates, with young dapplenose being the only one of them who survived other then herself.
she couldn’t be leader and medicine cat. she had next to no experience as a warrior. but she had to.
for mistystar.
deputy: dapplenose-mottled gray she-cat with blue eyes.
siblings: pouncetail
kits: dovewing (in-law), ivypool (in-law)
now, about a few things:
-dapplenose is presumably an older apprentice in the sight, meaning that she could be around whitewing’s age. even if not, they’re both consenting adults and the age gap is likely only a year at most.
-sedgestar was chosen as leader by all the clans. there weren’t a lot of options in his clan, but it was important to him.
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fidgetheart · 4 years
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okay finally gave her a color change, and I’m gonna ramble under the cut!! but to start it off, Redthroat is now Quiverspark!
this actually turned out to be a hellavu lot longer than I realized, so I tried separating it into chunks, but I apologize in advanced dfjhfsdjh
Clan: ThunderClan (former), SkyClan Rank: Medicine cat Father: Shrewheart Mother: Squirrelflight Brother(s): Lionstrike, Jayfire, Alderheart, Juniperkit Sister(s): Hollyleaf, Sparkfang, Dandelionkit Mate(s): Honeytail Kit(s): tba Mentor(s): Brightheart, Leafpool Apprentice(s): Alderheart, Fidgetflake
Some quick overviews as a general: Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt were both adopted by Fireheart after Tigerclaw was exiled - he understood being judged by something out of his control (him being born a kittypet), and did his best to help Goldenflower protect them from judgement from their Clanmates
Brambleclaw leaves and goes to ShadowClan, and Tawnypelt stays in ThunderClan - Tawnypelt is apprenticed to Sandstorm, and Brambleclaw was apprenticed to Brackenfur with Russetfur as his ShadowClan mentor
I may change Tawny’s warrior name but idk yet
Tawny, Feather, Bramble, and Crow are still chosen for the journey, and Storm and Squilf still tag along - there’s never any romantic feelings developing between Storm and Squilf or Feather and Crow, instead, Bramble and Storm end up falling in love, and at the end of it all, Storm moves to ShadowClan to be with Bramble; Feather does survive killing sharptooth, but idk if she returns to RiverClan, moves to ThunderClan (because of Hawkfrost growing more antagonistic), or stays with the Tribe
Tawny may end up being mates with Sootfur or Rainwhisker
Graystripe is still captured by twolegs, but he was never deputy - Sand had been named deputy after Whitestorm
Squilf and Leaf have a large friend group, consisting of: Shrewheart, Spiderleg, Whitewing, and Swiftclaw (oc kid of Cloudtail and Brightheart, Whitewing’s littermate); it later expands to include Sorreltail, Thornclaw, Ashfur, Tawnypelt, Rainwhisker, and Sootfur
Ash still tries to get with Squilf but she doesn’t have any romantic interest in him, but he keeps trying to push for a relationship and she snaps at him, but he doesn’t truly back off until Shrew steps in
Squilf and Shrew become mates after they get their warrior names at the lake (speaking of which, Crow may get a different warrior name), and a short while later, Squilf gives birth to Quiver
Quiver is named bc she wouldn’t stop shivering as a kit, but she’s also very skittish, often hiding behind her parents or between their legs - she reminds her grandpa, Fire, of Ravenpaw, but sans the witnessing a murder; still, he worries about her, and wonders if she’ll be happy staying in the Clan
Quiver is apprenticed to Bright, with Fire hoping Bright could help put some confidence in her without scaring her (plus she deserves an apprentice)
Leafpool runs away with Crow, feeling like she’s no longer needed, but returns after Midnight finds them
The badgers attack ThunderClan, resulting in the death of Firestar as well as a few others (idk who yet); Sand takes over as leader, and her deputy might be Brackenfur but I’m not 100% sure just yet - Cinderpelt does survive
When winter rolls around, Squilf and Leaf leave, with Leaf claiming she needs to go under StarClan’s orders - they return with three kits, with Squilf claiming them as hers; Shrew is told the truth, that Holly, Jay, and Lion are the kits of Leaf and Crow, but it doesn’t change the fact they are his
Quiver is still an apprentice, and is thrilled to have little siblings, but feels like she’s no longer really needed or wanted - Squilf and Shrew still love her dearly, but she’s insecure and blames herself, wishing she were stronger and better
A moon before her siblings are made apprentices, Quiver is made a warrior, with her name being Quiverspark - Firestar had actually suggested the name to Sandstar before he died, saying there was a spark in her she needed to see for herself
Ash, while often avoiding Squilf as much as possible, is still rather hostile toward her and her kits when they do interact - this is noticed by Sand, so he doesn’t mentor any of her grandkits
Longtail (who’s still a warrior) mentors Jaypaw, Brackenfur mentors Lionpaw, and Tawnypelt mentors Hollypaw
Quiver begins having dreams of cats living in a gorge, but doesn’t share them, unsure of what they mean, or if they even mean anything
Fire visits her in one of her dreams, seeing as Quiver, despite being a warrior, is still nervous and uncomfortable with her Clanmates - he suggests she leave ThunderClan to find Ravenpaw, so she can find herself in peace, explaining that Raven had blossomed when he was free of Clan life
Quiver agrees, and leaves in the middle of the night, unable to face her family, let alone her Clan, to tell them she was going to leave - however, Fire visits Leaf in dreams to tell her that Quiver is fine and has StarClan’s approval for leaving, that way none of her family panics over her disappearance, much like how he had when Squilf had left with Tawny on the journey
When Leaf explains this to the Clan, most are calmed by the reasoning, seeing that if she was given approval to StarClan it must be important, but some are angry that Quiver left, believing she had abandoned them, and Leaf was simply trying to cover for her kin - Squilf, Shrew, and the three are deeply worried about her safety
Funnily enough, Graystripe returns to ThunderClan with Millie, just missing running into Quiver by a night
Quiver does grow more confident during her journey, but it isn’t until she reaches Raven and Barley that she truly beings to thrive - she later ends up helping Raven and Barley take Bella and Riley to SkyClan, and once they reach the gorge she realizes that her dreams were actually based in reality
Leafstar greets them, after having been alerted by a patrol, and invites them into SkyClan once she hears that Raven is an old friend of Fire and Sand, and Quiver is their grandkit; she also promises to consider letting Bella and Riley join
Quiver and Leaf end up growing close, and Leaf is deeply saddened when she hears of Fire’s passing, but is pleased to hear that Sand took over as leader in his place
She helps the Clan drive off the kittypets, and is there when Bella and Riley are made official apprentices of SkyClan, but knows she’ll need to return back to ThunderClan, having been away for a few moons
During her stay, however, she ends up befriending SkyClan as a whole, and grows especially close to the permaqueen, Honeytail - the two often spend time together, sharing tongues or even going out to hunt
Her journey is delayed as Raven’s health declines, and is there when he dies in Barley’s paws - she does her best to comfort him, and later brings him to Violet’s home so he wouldn’t be alone in the barn just yet; she stays with them overnight, unwilling to let Barley grieve alone, but dreams of ThunderClan’s forest burning, and at dawn tells him and Violet she needs to leave
Quiver is absent during the battle between all four Clans, but witnesses the eclipse on her journey home - it rattles her deeply, and she does her best to shorten her time traveling, but doesn’t believe it’s from StarClan
Her absence during that time only fuels her Clanmates’ anger and frustration, and Ash ends up quietly fueling their anger toward her in revenge against Squilf
She makes it back to the lake in time to see the forest catch fire, and realizes her dream had been a vision - she races back to ThunderClan territory, seeing her Clanmates being to crowd close to the lake, and hears her father wailing, demanding to know where his mate and kits are; instead of stopping to talk to them, she runs past them and into the forest, ignoring their startled cries
Quiver finds Ash blocking Squilf from Holly, Lion, and Jay who are trapped in a ring of fire - Squilf is badly injured from the war, and is unable to fight Ash; Lion is preparing to leap through the fire to attack him, however, knowing he’d be unharmed
However, Quiver launches herself at Ash, taking him off guard, and with her being in better health than him due to missing the war, is able to take him on fair and square - the five of them don’t recognize her at first, however, due to her boldness
She’s able to distract Ash enough to allow her siblings escape with their mother, but this only infuriates Ash - when she knocks him aside, he grabs a burning branch and lashes it against her face, burning the right side
While shrieking and stumbling in agony, Ash pounces and pins her down, slashing her throat - however, Holly and Lion return to save her, and witness his actions; in her fury, Holly kills him, and her and Lion carry Quiver back down to the lake
Leaf rushes to get help from Kestrelflight in WindClan while Cinderpelt starts to treat Quiver, and Leaf soon returns with Kestrel and Nightcloud, who serves as his escort and an aid to carry herbs
Squilf tells the Clan what happens as Shrew comfort her, and Holly interrupts to admit she had killed Ash - despite knowing he had actually deserved it, she still can’t stop herself from feeling horribly guilty
Quiver survives the attack, but remains unconscious for a few days - during this time, her Clanmates begin to gossip about her, a way to distract themselves from everything that had happened, and some begin arguing if she even deserves to stay in ThunderClan after she abandoned them - those mainly against her are Thorn, Spider, Dust, and Berry
She later wakes up, but is blinded in her right eye - she ends up falling back into a skittish cat because of everything that had happened, and begins to question if she should’ve ever left ThunderClan to begin with, feeling as though she had tricked herself into believing her grandfather had encouraged her to leave in the first place
She ends up sneaking out during the night again, but this time goes to the moonpool for answers - Fire greets her, and assures her the Clan will forgive her in time, and that she was not the first cat to leave their Clan, and would certainly not be the last; he also assures her he had indeed encouraged her, and says it was truly good for her
Quiver wakes up and finds Sandstar sitting next to her - Cinder had woken to find Quiver gone, but had a feeling as to where she went, and gotten Sand to follow her, believing it would be better if she had a cat who she looked up to be there
Sand is gentle, and asks her granddaughter how she is - Quiver finally breaks down, telling her how she felt unwanted in ThunderClan before she left, and telling her about Raven and Barley, Bella and Riley, SkyClan, and Raven’s death, before admitting she wished she never left at all
Sand is devastated hearing that Raven was dead, but comforts Quiver, telling her she did what she needed to do, and that she just needed to rest before bring her back home - she also tells her she has nothing to apologize for to her, but says no matter what she does, her Clanmates will always feel one way or another
Sand, Gray, and Dust do hold a private vigil for Raven
Quiver hardly leaves the medicine den, unable to face her Clanmates, but Bright returns to her side, coaxing her out of the den, promising to help her with her impaired vision, and reminds her she’s still loved dearly by her friends and family
When Quiver leaves the den, she’s greeted with harsh looks and urgent whispers, but is nearly tackled by her mother, with her father and siblings quickly following suit - Squilf chides her for leaving without telling them first, with Shrew making a joking remark about how Squilf would never leave without telling the Clan first
She learns that her siblings have been made warriors, and while feels guilty for missing their ceremony, is proud of them - Holly is Hollyleaf, Lion is Lionstrike, and Jay is Jayfire
The three still find out that they’re not actually the kits of Shrew and Squilf, and are told by Leaf that she is their mother and Crow is their father - while they’re hurt, they don’t react like they do in canon (that means they don’t ignore Squilf, Leaf, and Shrew); Leaf does come clean with her mother and former mentor, but Cinder had already figured it out before Leaf even realized she was pregnant, and while Sand was disappointed in the lie, doesn’t punish her - Leaf stays a medicine cat with Cinder, and the Clan doesn’t find out
Breezepelt probably won’t exist in this AU, but if he does, Crow offers to cover for Night, since Breeze would be the kit of a loner or rogue, and they have a far healthier family dynamic - he does learn the three are his kits because Leaf tells him
As Quiver recovers from her injuries, growing stronger everyday, she comes out of her shell and takes any cold judgement from her Clanmates in stride, refusing to let them hold her back - she also begins to take an interest in healing, and asks to become Cinder and Leaf’s apprentice instead of returning to her warrior duties - they accept, with Cinder letting Leaf take over as mentor
She slowly begins to earn the respect and trust from her Clanmates again, and even gains attention outside of her Clan for her injuries, with some regarding her with awe and admiring her scars - tho it is a surprise she became a medicine cat, but her transition isn’t unusual considering it’s happened before
OoTS somehow happens but idk what changes bc I can’t really remember anything from it so that’ll be saved for another time - I just remember the Great Battle
Sand dies in the battle against the Dark Forest, alongside many others (Fern and Sorrel don’t die because the reasons they died in canon are stupid), but Bracken steps down instead of becoming leader and appoints Hollyleaf as leader in his place - not sure who her deputy will be (possibly Rosepetal, Mousewhisker, or Hazeltail - someone not related to Fire oof)
Dust, Fern, Gray, Millie, Cinder, Bright, and Cloud retire; Thorn died during the battle - Bracken, Sorrel, Rain and/or Soot (still need to figure out their roles tbh), and Tawny are senior warriors but don’t retire yet (Bracken and Sorrel will be the first to retire out of the group tho, they just wanna be warriors together for a bit longer)
Squilf and Shrew have their third litter (second bio), but Dandelionkit and Juniperkit unfortunately don’t survive 
Alderkit and Sparkkit are given to Molewhisker and Cherryfall when they’re apprenticed, but not even a moon into his training, Alderpaw admits to Shrew that he doesn’t want to be a warrior apprentice - shortly after, he’s given to Quiver, and she’s more than happy to train her little brother
Quiver begins having dreams of SkyClan once again, but dreams of blood and terrified figures fleeing - it isn’t until Alderpaw confides in her and Leaf about his dreams about cats in a gorge, and she realizes they’ve both been having visions about SkyClan
She encourages Alder to tell Holly about it, and while Holly is reluctant to let her siblings leave, she agrees, tho tells them they need to take a few warriors with them 
Quiver and Alder soon leave with Mole, Cherry, and Spark, with Quiver taking the lead since she knows the way to SkyClan’s gorge - along the way, they run into trouble with foxes, and discover that the ShadowClan apprentice, Needlepaw, had been following them after seeing them leave when exploring RiverClan territory
Alder and Spark get along with Needle, tho Quiver, Mole, and Cherry aren’t thrilled with having the tag along, but Quiver is more willing to let it slide, believing Rowanstar would handle it when they returned, and knowing what it was like to leave without the Clan’s knowledge
They reach the gorge, but SkyClan is gone - instead, they find Darktail and his group, and while Darktail pretends they are SkyClan, Quiver knows they’re not, but does her best to pretend she doesn’t know otherwise
it isn’t until after Alder runs into Mistfeather, and ultimately sees Mist killed by Dark, that they’re able to escape, with Quiver making a detour to ThunderClan’s old territory to throw off Dark and his rogues from their trail
After staying there a few days, Quiver leads them to Barley’s barn, where they’re greeted by an aggressive Barley, believing them to be part of Darktail’s group - however, when he finally recognizes Quiver, he apologizes and invites them in, telling them about how Dark’s group had passed by about a moon or so prior when heading to SkyClan
Quiver and Barley sit outside the barn speaking privately for a bit, with Barley tentatively asking Quiver what had happened to her - she gives him a vague answer, not willing to talk about it, but fills him in with everything that’s happened with her Clan
Barley mentions there are others in the barn with him currently, but before she could ask for clarification, he heads inside - she follows after him, and recognizes his guests: Cherrytail, Cloudpaw, Shrewtooth, and a pregnant Honeytail
Honeytail is the first to recognize Quiver, and rushes up to her, both purring loudly as reunite - it’s after Honye’s reaction that Cherry, Cloud, and Shrew recognize her as well, and are relieved to see a friendly face again
Quiver introduces them to her little siblings and Clanmates, as well as Needle, saying she was a ShadowClan apprentice with a thrill of adventure - Needle’s grown on her during the journey, tho with Needle’s strange reaction to any questions regarding ShadowClan and them worrying about her whereabouts, Quiver’s grown concerned
When Quiver calls Cloud by her apprentice name, Cloud proudly corrects her, saying she’s Cloudmist, and tells her her siblings Blossompaw and Hawkpaw are Blossomheart and Hawkwing - but when asked about Duskpaw, Cloud exchanges a look with her mother and quietly says that he died a few moons prior
As Spark and Needle hunt as many mice as they can, making a competition between themselves, Quiver and the others speak with the SkyClanners, and Cloud and Shrew catches them up with everything that had happened, with the fire and their first meeting with Dark, and Dark driving them out with his rogues - Cherry then interrupts and tells them that she, Cloud, and Honey had stayed behind instead of leaving with the survivors, since she and Honey were in no shape to travel; Shrew had joined them a few weeks after the Clan had left, since he had been one of the few who had been separated from the Clan and unable to return to them in time
Honey and Quiver catch up privately that night while the others sleep, and Honey tells her that she was a surrogate for Shrew and Macgyver, with only a moon left until she gives birth - Quiver congratulates her, guiltily relieved that Honey hadn’t found a mate, but unwilling to actually admit she does like her more than a friend
Honey then asks Quiver what happened to her after she left SkyClan, and Quiver slowly admits to her what she’d gone through - explaining her fight against Ash, becoming a medicine cat, the battle against the Dark Forest, and everything that’s happened with her siblings; Honey presses against her and admits she wishes she’d been there for her, but Quiver assures her not to worry, and says that she and her Clanmates can join them back in ThunderClan
The next day, the lake group and the SkyClanners say goodbye to Barley and head out, making their way back toward the lake - Honey and Quiver stick close, with Shrew occasionally checking in on Honey to make sure she’s alright; both her and Quiver recognize he’s channeling his worry for his mate and doubling down his concern for Honey, but Honey assures him she’s fine, and that Macgyver and the others will be fine as well
On the way back, Needle and Alder get separated from the group after they’re chased by two loose dogs, and when they reunite with the others, they’re carrying two starving kits who they’ve named Twigkit and Violetkit - Honey takes them in, and while Cherry can’t place it, she swears that something about them is familiar
When they reach the lake, Needle tries to take Violet with her back to ShadowClan, but she’s refused by the others, with Alder protesting that she should stay with her sister, and Cherry adamantly insisting that those kits must be Hawkwing’s kits (Twig and Violet are still the kits of Hawk and Pebble, but Pebble is not the daughter of Sparrowpelt and Tinycloud - unsure who her parents will be just yet, she may just be a former daylight-warrior)
Needle heads back to ShadowClan - Cherry, Mole, and Spark race ahead back to ThunderClan to let their Clanmates know that they’ve returned with some SkyClan cats, and Quiver and Alder join them a few moments later with the others in tow
Holly is interested, and agrees to let them stay in ThunderClan, seeing that Quiver trusts them and seeing that they’re warriors who need a place to stay while their Clan is MIA - Honey moves into the nursery, still nursing Violet and Twig, but is warmly greeted by Daisy, Fern, and Lilyheart
While not everyone in the Clan is impressed, no one outright challenges this, and Cherry, Cloud, and Shrew join the warriors’ den, though keep close together, wary of their new situation
The next Gathering, Holly has the SkyClan cats stay in ThunderClan, unwilling to introduce them to the other Clans just yet, but unlike in canon, Twig and Violet stay behind
The Gathering goes as normal, but Rowanstar steps forward and demands that ThunderClan gives ShadowClan one of the kits - Holly denies him this, and coldly reminds him he can’t even control his apprentices, showing he shouldn’t be responsible with a kit; Misty and One pretend not to care, but it’s clear they’re both very interested in this new drama
Rowan snaps that ThunderClan is keeping yet another prophecy silent, but Holly rebukes him, saying that there’s no proof that those kits are in any prophecy, and firmly states that they are SkyClan kits, and will be staying with the other SkyClan kits in ThunderClan until the rest of SkyClan can be found
Alder is hurt that Needle went back on her promise about telling Rowan about the kits and the prophecy he received, and Quiver is furious at Rowan for trying to separate the kits - Quiver even interrupts to deny Rowan his “claim” over a kit, and Rowan finally backs down, realizing it was not something he could win, seeing that ThunderClan was ready to fight to keep both kits, and that neither RiverClan or WindClan were willing to side with him
However, him backing down only fuels the belief that’s a weak leader with some of his Clanmates, and after the Gathering an angry Needle confronts Alder, telling him she thought they were friends and that he’d back her up - Alder tries protesting, telling her that they are friends and that it just wasn’t right to separate the kits from each other, but Needle won’t hear it
Dark moves into ShadowClan territory, and even though Needle knows how dangerous he is, she leads him into the camp and Rowan is driven out, followed by Brambleclaw, Stormfur, and Puddleshine (unsure if Rowan will have a different mate and kits - Bramble and Storm may have kits through adoption or surrogacy)
With increasing tensions from Dark and the Kin, and Onestar suddenly becoming increasingly hostile to everyone outside of WindClan, ThunderClan is tense, and Holly is worried Dark will go after them next and they won’t have help from WindClan or RiverClan
During this time, Quiver, Leaf, Alder, and Puddle meet the other medicine cats at the moonpool, and Quiver gives Alder his full name - Alderheart
Alder gets another vision of the remaining SkyClan cats staying in a barn, and he recognizes it as one they passed by closer toward the lake - he tells Holly and she allows him to share his vision with the rest of the Clan; as he describes the cats he saw, Cherry interrupts, excitedly telling them who he saw, with Hawk being one of them, and when Alder says he looked similar to Twig, Cherry proudly says she knew Twig and Violet were Hawk’s kits
Holly denies anyone looking for them, however, saying she can’t risk any warriors leaving in fear of Dark attacking them - however, Quiver steps forward, saying that she’ll go; before her sister can refuse, Quiver presses on, saying that the SkyClan cats will recognize her, there were three medicine cats there, and that she’s left the Clan alone before to find them
Holly recognizes the last bit as a warning that Quiver was going to leave no matter what, and reluctantly gives in, telling her to be safe - Cherry tries to convince Quiver to let her follow, but Quiver asks that she stay with her daughter and granddaughters, and that she’ll return with the rest of SkyClan soon; before she leaves, Honey, who’s now close to kitting, tells her to be careful
Quiver is able to leave the lake territories without being stopped by rogues or a patrol, and is able to find the barn Alder saw in his vision - there, she’s stopped by a hostile SkyClan patrol consisting of Hawk, Firefern, and Macgyver
Fire is the first to recognize her, and excitedly greets her, apologizing for the hostility, but before she can explain why, Quiver guesses it was because of Dark - they’re surprised she knows, but bring her back to the rest of their Clan
Leaf greets Quiver, and like the rest of her Clan, are surprised by her scars, but no one comments - instead, Leaf admits it’s nice seeing a friendly face again, and asks if they’re close to the lake; Quiver assures them they are, and that she was there to bring them to ThunderClan, telling them that Cherry, Cloud, Shrew, and Honey were already there
Hawk rushes up to her and asks if there was anyone else, but Quiver shakes her head and tells him she and the others had only found them in Barley’s barn, and that they hadn’t come across any other SkyClan cats - she hesitates, and then says that they did find two kits, and Cherry is convinced they’re his
This has a mixed reaction on Hawk, who’s thrilled to hear his kits are alive, but when asked if there was any sign of Pebbleshine, Quiver shakes her head, and he realizes she must’ve died, knowing she would’ve never abandoned them
Quiver comforts him the best she can, and reluctantly explains that Dark and the Kin were now at the lake, and had taken over ShadowClan, with most of the Clan siding with him - Leaf is furious, and demands to know what the other Clans are doing about it; Quiver explains ThunderClan is willing to fight but is unable, as WindClan has shut their borders and is refusing to help anyone outside their Clan, and RiverClan has taken a step back, refusing to do anything unless they’re involved
Although angry and reluctant, Leaf gathers what remains of her Clan and has Quiver bring them to ThunderClan - they’re able to get back to the forest without interruption, and SkyClan is greeted by SkyClan rather warmly despite it at all
Leaf finally meets Squilf and Leaf, and realizes that Leafpool had been named after her
Leafstar and Holly get along well, but Rowan is still bitter, and is rather cold to SkyClan, blaming them for Dark taking over his Clan - Bramble gets fed up and publicly calls Rowan out on his behavior
I haven’t really thought through AVoS too much, but Dark and the Kin attacks RiverClan, Needle realizes her mistakes and turns against them, and the five Clans finally unite to drive the Kin out, with One and Dark both dying in the lake - Needle survives, but asks to join SkyClan, saying ShadowClan was not her home since she’s never fit in; although Leaf knows Needle had brought Dark to ShadowClan, she agrees to let her stay, telling her she’ll need to work hard to prove herself
Needle may get a different name, but I’m not certain
Rowan steps down after all of this, seeing that he is not the leader ShadowClan needs, but Bramble tells him he was a good leader, but was unfortunately leader at the wrong time - unsure who becomes leader in Rowan’s place
The time between SkyClan being reunited in ThunderClan and Dark being driven out is long enough for Twig and Violet to be made apprentices, with both being apprenticed by Leafstar to SkyClan warriors, and Honey has her kits (unsure of how many) - Shrew and Macgyver that they were able to be there when they were born, and are both extremely proud fathers
Before SkyClan moves, Twig admits that she wants to stay in ThunderClan, feeling more at home there despite everything - Hawk and Violet are devastated, but Hawk sees that Twig would be miserable in SkyClan, and gives her his blessing; Violet is hurt, but understands
Violet is still Violetshine and is mates with Tree, but Twig is named Twigfall or Twigshade
SkyClan finds a place to stay deeper in the forest behind ThunderClan, and can travel along the river leading from the moonpool down from the lake without crossing into ThunderClan territory - however, most of those they lost during the journey to the lake don’t return, including Frecklewish, but Fidgetpaw is able to find his way to the lake after finding Barley’s barn and getting directions from him
Leafstar is reluctant to ask the other Clans for help to finish Fidget’s training, but Quiver offers to join until he’s fully trained - Holly has taken notice with how comfortable her sister is amongst SkyClan, and is saddened to see that she’s far more comfortable with SkyClan than she is with her own kin in ThunderClan
Holly pulls Quiver aside and asks her if she wants to join SkyClan permamently - before Quiver could say anything, Holly assures her she wouldn’t hold it against her, and tells her she just wants her to be happy; Quiver finally admits she does feel more comfortable with SkyClan, and after their conversation, Holly and Leafstar talk about it, with Leaf agreeing to let Quiver join them permanently, promising Quiver would be well accepted amongst SkyClan
Quiver says her goodbyes with ThunderClan, promising her family she’ll see them during Gatherings (and maybe the occasional border visit), and moves into SkyClan’s new home as their new medicine cat - there’s some tension between her and Fidget at first, but he soon warms up to her and the two grow close
Quiver and Honey become mates and all of SkyClan knows it, but no one cares and stays quiet about it all - it’s not hurting anyone (plus that rule is stupid in general)
Honey and Quiver both play a large role in Honey’s kits’ lives, so they have two fathers and two mothers - depending on how many, Shrew and Macgyver will name one or two and Honey and Quiver will name one or two as well (leaning more toward four kits tbh)
Finleap and Twig are not a thing - Fin stays in SkyClan and Twig doesn’t take a mate
that was far longer than I meant, so kudos if you’ve read everything!! sdgjhkfsdhj
but yeah I’ve thought out certain plots more than others, and while I really don’t have the interest in writing everything out as a full fan fic, I maaaaay end up writing certain plots as drabbles! there are some I wouldn’t mind writing out, and I’d just include a lil about at the beginning or end of each fic
one day I will also have a full body ref but not now sdjhsdfhj - it’s 3am and I still need to get ready for bed rip
also I didn’t check anything in this post so there’s probably mistakes sfdgjhsdfhj
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katiek101 · 4 years
🌞 Whitewing or Onestar!
I like Whitewing more than Onestar, but I actually have a Onewhisker AU in my doc. Let’s go with him.
ThunderClan!Onewhisker AU
It starts immediately after Fireheart’s patrol arrives in WindClan, when Tigerstar invaded and killed Gorsepaw.
Onewhisker admits to Firestar that he doesn’t think he can stay in WindClan any longer. He loves his Clan deeply, but he’s lost so many friends in the last moons; he has no kin left, either.
He says that the camp reeks like blood and fear now, even though they’ve done their best to clean it. Everytime he passes the spot where Tigerstar held Gorsepaw down, he can still hear his screams.
In this AU, Graystripe is still in RiverClan with his kits. Fireheart misses his best friend now more than ever, so after Onewhisker’s confession, Fireheart invites him to join ThunderClan.
It is not a decision that Onewhisker makes lightly. He’s always been a proud WindClan warrior. He’s never doubted his place in the Clan before. But if something doesn’t change soon then he’s going to go insane.
He takes Fireheart up on his offer. Onewhisker’s Clanmates are furious and call him a mouse-heart and a traitor, and he leaves with his head hanging. ThunderClan aren’t sure how they feel about their new Clanmate, and most of them would like to not trust him, but he looks so pitiful that they can’t bring themselves to hate him.
Bluestar isn’t happy about Onewhisker’s decision to join the Clan, but she treats his situation very similar to Graystripe’s in canon: what difference will one more traitor make?
The WindClan warriors were all starving, so the first thing Fireheart does is pick out the fattest mouse on the fresh-kill pile for Onewhisker. He obviously isn’t used to forest prey, but he’s so hungry that he devours it in only a few bites. Despite the fact that mice are smaller than rabbits, Onewhisker is surprised when the smaller animals fills him up.
By that point it’s getting late, so Fireheart shows Onewhisker where to get the best nesting materials.
As he weaves his nest together, there is a stone of dread in Onewhisker’s chest at the thought of sleeping in a den rather than underneath the stars. He places his nest at the front of the den where the newest warriors typically sleep, so that he can at least see a piece of Silverpelt.
Brackenfur and Cloudtail also sleep at the front of the den. Brackenfur is a very compassionate tom and Cloudtail knows that Onewhisker is a loyal friend of Fireheart’s, so they smile politely at the former WindClanner and do their best to make him feel welcomed.
The night is long and sleep evades him at every turn, but Onewhisker finds slight comfort in the fact that he will be able to make friends.
The next day Fireheart leads a border patrol and assigns Onewhisker to it. As they patrol, he points out landmarks and helps him navigate the bracken and brambles.
Privately, Fireheart is worried about Onewhisker’s future as a ThunderClan warrior. He has a difficult time navigating the territory, and thorns are inexplicably drawn to his paws. After just one patrol, Onewhisker returns exhausted and heads straight to Cinderpelt.
Sandstorm echos his concerns, but when Fireheart tries to defend his friend, she retorts, “If Onewhisker would leave his birth Clan because life there was hard, what’s to stop him from leaving ThunderClan?”
Onewhisker overhears everything. Rather than discourage him, it motivates him to try his hardest to learn ThunderClan’s ways. He doesn’t want to be known as a quitter who can’t be depended on when the going gets tough.
When Fireheart is busy with his deputy duties, Onewhisker explores the territory with Brackenfur, practices his battle moves with Cloudtail, and goes hunting with Sandstorm. Slowly but surely he improves.
“We’ll make a Thundercat out of you yet,” Sandstorm praises him when he catches a mouse. He walks back to camp with his tail high.
When Tigerstar lures the dog pack into ThunderClan territory, Onewhisker demands to be apart of the line that draws them away from the Clan.
“Are you sure?” Fireheart asks. “You know you’re way around the territory now, but the undergrowth still trips you up. If you want to hide with the Clan, no one will fault you.”
Yes, they will. But Onewhisker doesn’t say that.
Instead he says, “I’ve got WindClan blood, Fireheart — I’m the fastest cat you’ve got. Besides, this is personal.” His eyes harden. “I didn’t stand a chance against Tigerstar when I was in WindClan. But here, where I can use my speed, I can actually help.”
Denying Onewhisker this right would be like denying Ashpaw and Fernpaw’s right to avenge their mother. He owes them this.
So Onewhisker will be apart of the line, then.
When his turn comes, he runs like he’s never run before. He pumps his legs as he leaps over tree roots and ducks underneath the undergrowth. He doesn’t trip once, or step on a single thorn.
He can’t help but feel very proud of himself once his turn is over. He’s never moved like that before in his life. For the first time ever — he finally feels like a ThunderClan warrior.
And when Fireheart shares the news that Bluestar is dead, he grieves like one. He grew up hearing stories of the elegant leader. She was never fond of him, but Onewhisker honors her legacy all the same.
Before Fireheart leaves to receive his nine lives, he admits to Onewhisker, “I have no clue who my deputy will be.”
Onewhisker blinks. “You’ll pick Sandstorm, won’t you? You’re very close.”
“That’s the problem,” Fireheart says quietly. “With positions of power comes great danger. If someone wanted to hurt me they would hurt Sandstorm, even though she’s just a warrior. But if she were my deputy, I feel like that would put an even bigger target on her back.”
Onewhisker considers that. “Are you sure?”
Fireheart shrugs, forlorn. “Not really. But am I willing to chance her life like that?”
“Sandstorm can defend herself,” Onewhisker meows quietly.
Sometimes, when he stands tall in the sunlight, Fireheart looks like a blaze of fire. In those moments, Onewhisker truly believes that Fireheart could do anything.
But right now he just looks tired. “I know,” he murmurs. Then he leaves for Highstones with Cinderpelt.
When Fireheart returns he is no longer Fireheart, but Firestar — leader of ThunderClan.
“I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of ThunderClan is Sandstorm.”
The she-cat looks surprised for a heartbeat before she puffs out her chest and proudly accepts the position.
Firestar made the right choice. Together, they will rule the forest in a blaze of glory.
But first, Tigerstar must be dealt with. Especially now that he’s recruited Leopardstar into joining TigerClan.
Even though he doesn’t say anything, it’s clear that Firestar is worried about Graystripe. For awhile no one sees him on patrols or the latest Gathering.
Then Ravenpaw bursts into camp with news of Bonehill. Firestar quickly calls for Sandstorm and Onewhisker, and they race for the RiverClan border.
The scenario plays out very similar to canon, except Graystripe has also been lumped in with the “traitors”.
Blackfoot kills Stonefur. The ThunderClan cats manage to help Graystripe, Mistyfoot, Featherpaw and Stormpaw escape.
“Onewhisker?” Graystripe asks, when he sees the former WindClan warrior.
“Long story,” Onewhisker meows. “We’ll talk later.”
The refugees take shelter in ThunderClan until the battle with BloodClan.
When that battle arrives, Onewhisker fights with all the might of a ThunderClan warrior. He lives to tell about it, too.
Sandstorm does not.
“Scourge went for her first,” Firestar whispers, voice thick with grief. “He thought it would enable me; he was wrong. I fought even harder, for her.” He chokes up and bows his head.
Tears pool in Onewhisker’s eyes. Scourge must have known Sandstorm was special to Firestar after he made her his deputy. He can’t help but think, if it weren’t for him, Firestar would have chose another as his deputy...
But a victory is a victory. That night the Clans celebrate their freedom from Tigerstar and from BloodClan.
“What will you do?” Onewhisker asks Graystripe after the battle.
The warrior gestures to Mistyfoot and his kits across the camp. “Return to RiverClan,” Graystripe says. “I wish I could be here for Firestar, but he has you to keep him out of trouble. Leopardstar isn’t popular right now, and my kits need me now more than ever.” His voice softens ever so slightly. “Mistyfoot, too.”
Graystripe looks back at Onewhisker. “You’ll make sure he’s okay, though, won’t you?”
Onewhisker knows what he means. “He’ll be alright. I’ll let you know if he ever needs you.”
Graystripe nods his thanks, then goes to join his kits.
As the sun sets behind the treeline, Firestar calls a meeting. Everyone knows what it is about.
Considering he just lost his mate and deputy in battle, Onewhisker thinks that Firestar looks impressive. He stands tall in the glow of the sunset, muscles rippling, green eyes like solid emeralds.
“The new deputy is Onewhisker.”
No cat is more surprised than he is to hear his name called. The Clan cheers his name while Onewhisker can only sit there, stunned.
“You accept, don’t you?” Firestar asks, as he descends from the Highrock.
Onewhisker doesn’t know what to say, other than, “... did you just give me a death sentence?”
“I gave you an honor,” Firestar corrects him. He musters a smile. “I don’t regret making Sandstorm my deputy. She was the perfect cat for the job. Besides, the last time I didn’t give her what she deserved, she gave me the silent treatment for days.” His smile softens. “I know she would approve of her successor.”
Onewhisker was never an ambitious tom; he never dreamed of growing up and becoming deputy, much less the deputy of ThunderClan. But when Firestar words it like that...
“I’ll make her proud,” Onewhisker promises. As he speaks, a thrill shoots down his spine; one he hasn’t felt since he led the dog pack away from camp.
Firestar gazes at him like he knows the feeling. “Of course you will.”
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Some WC skits
Dovewing's Phone : *ringing*
Ivypool : *looks over* Aren't you a little old to be calling Birchfall "Daddy"?
Dovewing : *answering the phone with a nonchalant expression* Hey, Tigerheart.
Ivypool : *chokes on her food*
Tigerstar 2 : I told the kits they weren't allowed to play in the snow because the might get sick.
Dovewing : And?
Tigerstar 2 : and they told me if I didn't, then I wasn't their best friend anymore.
Dovewing : What did you do?
Tigerstar 2 : Well they've been playing in the snow for the past six hours and I'm the Greatest person in existence in their eyes.
Dovewing : *sighs* Of course.
Birchfall : So, you're the Tom who wants to be with my daughter?
Tigerstar 2 : Y-yes.
Birchfall : *Eyes him up*I don't care if you're a clan leader, I'll determine what is good for my daughter.
Tigerstar 2 : Y-yes, sir.
Dovewing : Father!
Birchfall : I only want what is best for you.
Whitewing : Honey, he's the father of our grandkits and he kept Dovewing safe on their journey back. I think he's perfect for her.
Ivypool : But he joined the Dark Forest!
Tigerstar 2 : So did you!
Birchfall : Enough! We'll have dinner and afterwards, I'll determine if he's good enough.
Dovewing : *whispering to Tiger* Use the secret weapon
Tigerstar 2 : Uh, ok... Birchfall, if you approve of me and your daughter's relationship, you'll have special visitation rights in Shadowclan to see your grandkits, along with Whitewing.
Birchfall : *thinks about it before looking at Whitewing* Honey, he's the one.
Ivypool : WHAT?!
Tigerstar 2 : *looking at Dovewing* Wow, I can't believe that worked. How did you know it would?
Dovewing : Grandparents can't resist the chance to visit thier grandkits whenever they please.
Tigerstar 2 after a particularly stressful day of leading ShC : *Yawns* So tired! *Falls down and buries himself into Dovewing* Hmmm, warmth. So warm and soft.
Dovewing : Stressful day?
Tigerstar 2 : Oh you don't know the half of it, Dove! First, there was-*cut off by Dovewing kissing him* What was that for?
Dovewing, teasing : You don't like my kisses now?
Tigerstar 2 : Starclan no! They're the best part of my day sometimes. But why?
Dovewing : *shrugs* I don't want to hear about your day. *Licks him on the head* Now sleep, Tigey.
Tigerstar 2 : But the clan-
Dovewing : Will be perfectly fine under Cloverfoot and Tawnypelt's watch. You deserve a full day's rest.
Tigerstar 2 : Well...if you say so. *Closes his eyes and quickly falls asleep, snoring and softly muttering about his love for his family as he does so*
Dovewing : Oh, Tiger, you idiotic fluff ball. I love you so much.
Shadowkit : Dad, can I have candy?
Tigerstar 2 : No.
Shadowkit : B-b-but-
Tigerstar 2 : You already ate a payday an hour ago. You're good.
Shadowkit, tearing up : B-b-b-but...*starts to cry* WAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!
Tigerstar 2, being unsure of how to handle the situation : Aw geez! Please, Shadowkit, don't cry! Please calm down! *Looks around* Do you want that teddy bear? You said your old one was falling apart. *Shadow continues to cry* Yeah, I don't like that idea either. *Looks around again* What about-*roar of a lion is heard close by* Oh no! Please, Shadowkit! Stop crying! Please, before your mother-
Dovewing, hella angry at Tigerstar 2 due to Shadowkit crying : WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY BABY?!
Tigerstar 2 : Well, let the meeting begin.
Fakebramble : You're ugly and Shadowclan deserves better leadership.
Tigerstar 2 : I...no, I can't say that.
Fakebramble : What?
Tigerstar 2 : I can't call you trash.
Fakebramble : Why?
Tigerstar 2 : Because Tawnypelt told it's never a good idea to roast trash. But she never said anything about roasting you!
Tawnypelt : True!
Bramblestar : Hey, Alderheart.
Alderheart : Hey.
Bramblestar : Do you think I'm a good leader?
Alderheart : maybe.
Bramblestar, attempting to gloat : Who's the best leader of the clans?
Alderheart : Tigerstar seems to be doing an alright job.
Bramblestar : *shatters as his son disses him*
Tigerstar 2, across the lake : IN YOUR FACE!
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yokasaris · 5 years
Prompt #30- Darkness
FFXIV 30 Day Writing Challenge Hosted by @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast --Yx’Maja-- Sigun Sul called the forest 'The Dark' to emphasize the fact that it was their home as well as his. Even with the Light gone, the description was more than apt. Moonlight struggled to breach the highest branches, let alone reach the ground. Luckily, his eyes were well suited to the darkness.
Rae-Hann stood watch over the passage to the ruins. If Wren were to return, he would have to pass near here if he wished to avoid the village and its pests. The mystel settled a hand over the broken woven bracelet he had tied to his staff. Time was running out.
Rekhad's foster family had set a lantern on the back stoop for them despite the fact that they could see perfectly well at night. Well, Rekhad could. Zhan'a needed his night-vision goggles, but that was beside the point.
"Kas'a... ain't coming." Rekhad fell back onto the first step, hugging her knees to her chest. "I thought he would help."
"I told you once I would be willing to find your mother for you, and I stand by that. Don't worry about Kas'a." Zhan'a himself could hardly believe that his nephew had refused this request for aid. However, this had been the first time in a long time that he had spoken with the kit without Kas'a drawing a weapon on him. Something was definitely different, and Zhan'a hoped that it was a good sort of different. Maybe that was the only reason he had let the kid go.
None of that meant anything to Rekhad. When a tiny sniff gave her away, she buried her face in her hands.
Zhan'a sat beside her, pushing his goggles up to his forehead. With the lantern's light, he could still see his niece if nothing else. "Look at me, kit. I'll do everything I can to find her, I promise. I know someone who probably knew her better than most in the years before she disappeared." Rekhad wouldn't understand how difficult it would be for him to ask for help from Karaan of all people.
Rekhad looked to him from between her fingers. “Okie," is all she said.
He still didn't approve of her returning to the Whitewings, especially with Sahzi poised to become matriarch soon. There was something changing in the forest, but he couldn't pinpoint exactly what. If only he had the time to dig further into the situation. For now, he had done what he had set out to do. He had a year to find Kas, and for the moment it was time to move on to the next crisis.
On the road, Kas'a let Elli talk, as he usually did. She liked to talk, and he was pretty good at listening, he thought. It also gave him the chance to keep an eye on their surroundings. Until they were safely in Tinolqa, anything could happen.
Elli was different now. He had a pretty good idea why, though. There was a bit of darkness in everyone, after all, and he had awoken hers. He just hadn't expected it to be quite so dangerous.
Everyone thought he was stupid. Sahzi, Waes, Zhan'a, Hunt. Maybe he was, a bit, but he was damned sure that he was going to see this through his way. Not theirs.
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cat-denied · 2 years
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I posted 1,857 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#which is a red & black plaid flannel (it's just a collared shirt but whatever) buttoned up under a black pleather vest (also buttoned up) an
My Top Posts in 2022:
the next time a piece of fucking software forces me to choose between “yes” and “maybe later” i’m shooting it right between the eyes
4 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
👻🎁✨ :)
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
My wildest headcanon? That's a hard one. I don't really do a lot of headcanoning! Mostly I just turn stuff into actual fanfic rather than just headcanoning it, and so I keep a layer of separation between the canon and my fic, if that makes sense. I guess I have a lot of headcanons of Fire Emblem characters being lesbians in canon even while not strictly defined as such (like Minerva and Palla in fe11), but those are usually pretty common ones.
Here's a couple of headcanons for you:
Nico Minoru (of Marvel's Runaways and others) realized she was bisexual while on the team of A-FORCE (2016), i.e. while surrounded by gorgeous and powerful women. Because come on. (Context: in the original Runaways series from the early 2000s, Nico was portrayed as straight: in the new Runaways series from 2018, she had since realized her bisexuality.)
In Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, only characters who are lovers and characters with the Thief class can exchange gold. I think this is because the Thief (Dew in the first gen, Patty or Daisy in the second) characters happen to be people who deeply love all their friends.
I also headcanon...pretty much everyone as trans and/or gay. If I like them (especially for Fire Emblem, where characters often have very little character at all) they get the "YOU ARE GAY NOW" seal of approval.
Oh, here's a real wild one! Wolf (from Fire Emblem 11) is a trans woman! This is because YOU saw her and went "she's a girl" and I went "okay" and rolled with it. This may come up in my fanfic sometime, who can say
Putting the rest of this behind a read more because it got long.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
I do! Here's a section from the first chapter of a Minerva/Palla haunted house AU I've been working on in the background.
The room is soaked in dust. At one point in time it had probably been a bedroom, and indeed a bed frame rots grayly in the corner. Rather than any mattress, however, it’s covered in boxes: boxes which have sprawled out to take over the rest of the room like an invasive species of plant. The walls are bare. The edge of the room’s one window can just be made out, the rest of it totally obscured by still more boxes. They stack five feet high easily, and though Palla is tall enough to circumnavigate the undergrowth they form with ease, and Catria at least tall enough to manage, Est can barely see over the box in front of her, and she complains loudly at this. Catria argues lightly back, and Palla smiles under her breath as she makes her way around, simply looking. 
None of the boxes are labeled: the lower ones have more the look of trunks, and Palla idly wonders when cardboard had been invented, whether this was someone else’s reshuffling of the Macedons’ remaining possessions after their departure. She cracks open the nearest top box to find stacks of books: unlabeled volumes in that old style you would see on the shelves of houses that had become museums. Carefully opening one, then another, to their title pages, she sees that they are books of strategy: for warfare and diplomacy. Interesting. 
I just love the Whitewings and Macedon and all that jazz! Also I should write more of this, I was having a load of fun with it.
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
! I love to receive any comments because it tells me that people enjoyed my work enough to tell me about it, and when you write for fandoms that are as relatively obscure as I do (in terms of fanworks), every little bit counts for a lot! The exception to the obscure fandoms of course is the Goncharov fic I wrote, which became hugely popular and now I'm considering writing a second chapter or sequel, just because of the absolutely hogwild response.
Here's a coupla specifics:
"Always happy to see the Nagi tag get a little bigger, and you have a fascinating version of her here! I thought your interpretation of the setting was brilliant and you really brought out the nuances of the characters you portrayed just before such a climactic final battle." from Oricalle on my fic Meetings, Manifestations, and Manaketes. (I have a lot of fun naming my fics.) They left this comment after I read through some of their works and left some comments, which made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Every comment on my Goncharov fic for being brilliantly in on the joke, but especially this one from tinuviel_tinuviel:
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because not only did they call me out by name (blushes), but when I read and commented on one of their Locked Tomb fics, they called me out on it:
See the full post
4 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
i think the best fire emblem game names are the jugdral ones, i.e. Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. let’s break this down.
1. Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
this one rules firstly because it’s really long and weird. in a series with game names that evoke fantasy tropes and magic (like “blazing blade” and “shadow dragon” and “sacred stones”, or even something like “path of radiance,” or “mystery of the emblem,” which could be a nancy drew novel title), this game name easily stands out the most in the list. like okay, fantasy, fantasy, mystery, magic, artefacts...Genealogy. you know what i associate genealogy with?? my mom looking at ancestry dot com for fun and trying to collate our family history a few years back. i do NOT associate it with magic boys with swords and tragedy and pseudo-medieval political machinations. too bad that’s what you get!
secondly? it’s fully accurate. i mean i know game names are usually relevant to their games (because otherwise whats the fuckin point) but like. “shadow dragon and the blade of light” specifically calls out 1 character (the shadow dragon) and 1 magic artifact (the blade of light). three houses is about 3 houses but you only pick one of them and the only relevance it has to the story is “you pick between 3 groups” and “there are 3 groups in the game that fight each other.” big deal. that’s also true of, like, arguments i have with my family over what game we want to play at thanksgiving.
genealogy of the holy war? you cannot escape the fact that this game is a genealogy of a holy war. 100% of the game is dedicated to being a genealogy of a holy war. (if you’re not familiar: the first half of the game follows a dude named Sigurd as he gets embroiled in political conspiracy as a scapegoat by an evil cult that’s manipulating the government. the second half follows his son (and the kids of all his friends from the first generation) some ~20 years later as they go and fight the evil cult that’s now fully taken over the government.) you wield weapons blessed by your gods and use them to defeat a cult that wields dark magic and a weapon blessed by their (evil) god. this war is really fuckin holy. and hey two generations (AND the pairings in the first generation alter the stats of kids in the second) where it matters who your parents are - thats a genealogy baby! we did it! that’s the name of the game! and it’s Everywhere.
2. Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
what the fuck. what the fuck is this. “thracia”?? that isn’t a real word. all the other fire emblem titles are real words. why is 776 there?? is it seven hundred seventy six?? is it 7:76, the worst time of the day?? is it like 7.76?? it’s the fifth game in the series!! not the 776th one!! no other fire emblem games have numbers in the titles!! what the fuck is going on!?!?
10/10. no notes.
10 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
HEY how come there’s only ONE other goncharov fanfic on ao3???? seriously??? this movie was REVELATORY and it came out 49 years ago i mean what the fuck!
so here’s a little katya/sofia ficlet to remedy that, and to bring more attention to my girls!! love a problematic lesbian relationship
this is set just after the boat scene!! because how else could katya have gotten bandaged up after that if sofia didn’t do it, right
13 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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15 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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need1etail · 5 years
TaS - Chapter One
Alderpaw shuddered as a cool breeze drifted through the entrance of the leader’s den. He couldn’t believe leafbare was already here, so soon. Not long ago, he had been trekking beneath warm, blue skies, almost home from his quest. He sighed.
“So?” Snowbush’s mew snapped Alderpaw out of his thoughts. He turned back to the white-and-ginger tom, whose tail was twitching. He sat next to his mate, Lilyheart. Her pelt was rising as she stared at Bramblestar. “Are we going to get Violetkit back?”
Alderpaw cringed. He’d been wanting to avoid any conversation about Violetkit lately. The thought of the young kit made his belly churn and his chest ache. He didn’t know if she was okay or not, like Twigkit was here, in ThunderClan.
Bramblestar sighed and shared a glance with Leafpool, then Squirrelflight. The deputy’s eyes were cold. “Snowbush, Lilyheart,” he began, blinking at the two cats. “I understand how much you care about Violetkit and Twigkit’s well-beings, but . . .” He paused, as though he needed to choose his words carefully. “Bringing Violetkit back to ThunderClan wouldn’t be worth the trouble.” Lilyheart’s pelt rose and Squirrelflight scoffed. Bramblestar knew he had made a mistake.
“All kits are worth it, Bramblestar,” Lilyheart hissed. Alderpaw’s heart ached for the she-cat. She might be thinking of Seedpaw. Her sister had died in the flood, trying to find the Stick of Fallen Warriors. He wasn’t alive at the time, but Squirrelflight told him how distraught Lilyheart was after her sister’s death. “Violetkit and Twigkit need each other!” Her voice broke.
“Lilyheart, there is nothing we can do now,” her leader sighed. “I am sorry. I cannot cause a war between ThunderClan and ShadowClan.”
Lilyheart hissed and rushed out of the den, her eyes glassy with emotion. Alderpaw’s pelt prickled.
Snowbush let out a long sigh. “I’ll take care of her,” he meowed. “She’s grieving, Bramblestar.”
“I understand.” Bramblestar dipped his head to the younger warrior. “If there is anything else I can do to help, please, don’t hesitate to ask.”
“How are the other kits?” Alderpaw spoke up, getting to his paws. They were close to Violetkit, just like Lilyheart was.
“They’re grieving as well,” Snowbush murmured. His eyes were beginning to glass over with tears. “I’ll go check on them. Thank you for speaking with Lilyheart, Bramblestar.” Alderpaw watched him slink out of the den, his tail dragging in the dirt.
“Let’s return to the medicine den, Alderpaw,” Leafpool meowed, exiting the den behind Snowbush.
Alderpaw looked at Bramblestar, who was staring at his paws with a dull look in his eyes. Alderpaw wished he could speak to his father about Violetkit, but he decided against it. It seemed that Squirrelflight wanted to speak to him anyway.
Alderpaw took a long, deep breath through his nose when he left the den, taking in the crisp, leaffall air. Half of him longed for greenleaf back, but the other half enjoyed the cool air and the changing of the leaves. The ones that already fell crackled under his paws.
Twigkit was sitting outside the medicine den, playing with an orange leaf in her tiny paws. Alderpaw felt guilt rush through him when he saw her. I wish we could bring Violetkit back, he wanted to tell her.
Leafpool pressed against her apprentice, as if she read his mind. “She still has Leafkit, Honeykit, and Larkkit,” she murmured to him as they slipped into the den.
“But they’re nearly five moons old,” Alderpaw reminded her. “They’re far too boisterous for Twigkit.” He sighed and shook his head. “Violetkit and Twigkit need each other.” Anger rushed through him. “Bramblestar could at least do something.”
Leafpool sighed as she began to sort through thyme. “Bramblestar just wants peace.” She blinked at him. “I’m sure that Violetkit is okay in ShadowClan.”
Alderpaw’s heart ached as he thought of Needlepaw ripping Violetkit away from her sister, completely ignoring the kits’ cries. He remembered Tawnypelt’s cold demeanor toward Bramblestar and Squirrelflight. Anger overpowered Alderpaw’s sadness as he thought of Needlepaw. How dare she hurt the kits this way. He growled to himself.
Twigkit’s squeal of excitement caught Alderpaw’s attention. The gray kitten batted the leaf into the air, then leaped, her short tail whipping to balance her as she spun in the air. Nimbly, she caught the leaf between her forepaws.
“She’s agile. I think one day she’ll be able to jump higher than anyone in ThunderClan.” Leafpool watched with approval sparking in her eyes. “Her ears haven’t opened yet. I wonder if they ever will.”
Alderpaw nodded, looking at her folded ears. They were cute. He watched as she tumbled into the medicine den, knocking into a pile of borage. She jumped to her paws and shuffled them. “Sorry,” she mumbled.
Alderpaw sighed. “Don’t worry about it dear,” he mewed. “Why don’t you play with Briarlight for a bit?” He turned to the brown she-cat, who brightened at the idea of playing with the kit.
“Yes!” Briarlight purred, getting herself up on her front paws. “Come on, Twiggy, let’s head outside and play with a moss ball.”
Twigkit squeaked in excitement as she rushed out of the den. Briarlight followed close behind. She blinked when Graystripe nearly ran into her. “Hey, dad!” she purred, rubbing against him. “Are you here for your joints again?”
Graystripe sighed and shook his head. “Not mine,” he told her, “your mother’s.”
“Aw,” Briarlight mewed. “Tell her I hope she feels better.”
“I will,” her father promised. He watched her leave the den, his eyes sparkling at her with pride. “She’s doing so well.” His purr was so loud. Alderpaw was glad the elder was happy. “By the way, Leafpool and Alderpaw, Bramblestar wants to see you.”
Alderpaw blinked in surprise. We were just there, he thought. Why didn’t he ask us to stay?
“You should probably hurry,” Graystripe pushed the rest of the way into the den, “Russetstar is with him.”
Alderpaw’s ears perked. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
“I just did.” The old gray tom purred and grabbed the comfrey he needed between his jaws, before leaving the den.
Alderpaw left the den behind Graystripe and glanced at Twigkit. Did something happen to Violetkit? Anxiety grasped at his chest with two cold claws. Was Needlepaw not able to keep her promise? He glanced at Twigkit, who seemed to want to follow him. “Stay here with Briarlight, okay?” he told her.
“Yeah,” Briarlight purred, nudging the kit. “Come on, little branch, I’ll race you to the fresh-kill pile.”
Twigkit brightened. “Okay!” she squeaked. The two cats dashed toward the fresh-kill pile. Briarlight lifted her legs to make it so that she could run faster, and Alderpaw could see the awe on Twigkit’s face.
“Come on, Alderpaw,” Leafpool meowed.
Alderpaw nodded. He noticed Lilyheart and Daisy stretched outside the nursery, soaking up the meager warmth. Leaffall left a chill in the air, but the cliff of the stone hollow sheltered the camp from the blustery breeze that was stirring the branches outside. Leafkit, Larkkit, and Honeykit were nosing around the fallen beech, poking their noses through the gaps in the woven walls of the apprentice’s den.
“There’s so much room inside!” Leafkit cried.
“I want a nest in the middle,” Larkkit announced.
“Sparkpaw’s nest is there already,” Honeykit sighed. “I can see it.”
Alderpaw missed his days in the apprentice den with an ache. He missed training with his sister, not that he didn’t enjoy being a medicine cat. Sparkpaw was his best friend, now that his journey was over, him and his sister barely spent time together.
Leafpool’s mew distracted Alderpaw from his thoughts. “I hope the patrols come back soon,” she mewed. “The fresh-kill pile is empty.”
Alderpaw glanced at the bare patch of earth. Ivypool, Whitewing, and Dovewing paced beside it. It seemed that one of them had given the last bit of prey to Briarlight and Twigkit. Hadn’t they brought prey back from their own patrol? Perhaps they’d met Russetstar before they had a chance to hunt. They gazed through narrowed eyes at the muscular ginger she-cat as she stood beside Bramblestar on the Highledge. Squirrelflight was there as well, not hiding her clear anger at the ShadowClan leader, and so was Jayflight, who sat next to his mother, shuffling his paws in impatience.
Alderpaw’s pelt prickled as he sat next to Bramblestar. He seemed distracted as he gazed at Russetstar. Alderpaw couldn’t tell if he was angry at the leader or if he was only thinking about Violetkit. A twinge of anger at his father flickered in Alderpaw’s chest for letting Violetkit go so easy.
Then he sighed and turned to them, his expression grave. “Littlecloud is dying.” He lowered his gaze from Leafpool. Alderpaw knew the two medicine cats were very close.
Leafpool’s eyes darkened with grief. “Is he suffering?”
“Snowbird is with him now,” Russetstar told her. “She’s given him poppy seeds to ease his pain, but she doesn’t know what else to do.” There was a flash of desperation in Russetstar’s eyes. Alderpaw suddenly felt bad for the leader. Littlecloud wasn’t just her medicine cat, he was her friend. She must have lost a lot of friends already, depending on her age.
Leafpool flicked her tail. “If only you’d chosen a medicine cat apprentice moons ago,” she fretted. “Littlecloud would have someone to care for him properly.”
“And ShadowClan would have a medicine cat after him,” Squirrelflight huffed.
Russetstar’s fur ruffled as she glared at the bold deputy. “I didn’t come here for your deputy to lecture me!”
Squirrelflight stepped toward her. “Yes, you came here to ask for help,” she spat. Bramblestar sent his mate a warning glance, but she didn’t back down. “After you took Violetkit, you expect us to help you?”
Russetstar sneered. “I would have gladly gone to any other Clan,” she growled, “but Leafpool is one of Littlecloud’s closest medicine cat friends. I decided ThunderClan would be the best to ask.”
Alderpaw looked at his mother, blinking at her. She had been nothing but kind to Twigkit since ShadowClan took Violetkit away. She seemed to want the black-and-white kitten back s much as Lilyheart and Snowbush. But, there was no use getting Russetstar all worked up. If she needed help, Alderpaw knew they should be kind and respectful. “Can I help?” he asked, his voice soft.
Jayflight spoke up from beside Squirrelflight for the first time. “You are not borrowing the medicine cat apprentice,” he told Russetstar, his eyes narrowing. Alderpaw saw how unnerved the russet leader got as he stared at her with his unblinking, blind gaze. He remembered feeling that same way when Jayflight stared directly at him. But now, he was used to Jayflight’s eyes trained on him, especially since they spent a lot of time together, even before the journey to SkyClan.
Russetstar’s unnerved expression changed to a scowl. “I don’t want an apprentice. Littlecloud needs proper care.”
Alderpaw twitched his tail in indignation. I can care for Littlecloud just as well as Leafpool.
“I’ll go then,” Leafpool announced.
“Thank you.” Russetstar let out a sigh of relief. “Grassheart’s kits are due any day. Dawnpelt and Snowbird will be able to help her when she’s kitting, but it’s her first litter. I’d prefer to have a medicine cat close by to help if there are any difficulties.”
Leafpool nodded while Alderpaw shifted his paws. It sounded strange to hear the ShadowClan leader speak with such concern about her Clanmates. After the night Russetstar invaded the camp, Alderpaw felt that the she-cat was only ruthless and cruel. Had he been wrong? Hope flared in his chest. Maybe Violetkit was as safe and loved in ShadowClan as Twigkit was in ThunderClan.
“I’ll fetch the herbs and come as soon as I am able to.” Leafpool turned toward Jayflight. She sighed and blinked at him. “Can you please take care of Alderpaw while I’m away?”
Alderpaw looked at his cousin with a smile. Jayflight’s whiskers twitched in what Alderpaw could guess was frustration. “Very well,” he huffed. “It’s not like I’ve spent half his life as a medicine cat training him, anyway.” Alderpaw laughed and pressed against Jayflight. “You better be on your best behavior, Alder.”
“Promise, big brother,” Alderpaw purred, nudging him with his shoulder.
“Alderpaw, why don’t you help me carry the herbs,” Leafpool mewed. “I won’t be able to carry them all myself.” She then glanced at Jayflight. “Can you care for the Clan while we’re gone?”
“Fine,” Jayflight huffed. “Just send Alderpaw straight back when you’re finished.” Alderpaw could tell that the gray tabby wasn’t angry at Alderpaw, but at Leafpool. Being treated like a medicine cat when you’re a warrior must be frustrating. He nosed his way past Alderpaw and Leafpool. “Let’s see how well you know your herbs before you leave.”
Alderpaw began to follow, but he felt Bramblestar's tail run down his spine. “Wait.”
Alderpaw glanced back in surprised as Bramblestar dipped his head to Russetstar. “You should leave now. Your Clan must need you at a time like this. Leafpool will travel to your camp as soon as she can.”
Russetstar nodded. “Thank you for your help,” she mewed in a formal fashion. Alderpaw wondered what it had cost her to come to ThunderClan for their assistance. ShadowClan cats were not known for swallowing their pride. Chin high, Russetstar padded past Alderpaw and leaped down the tumble of rocks. She crossed the clearing, avoiding the curious of Whitewing, Ivypool, and Dovewing. She disappeared through the thorn tunnel.
Alderpaw faced Bramblestar expectantly. Why had he asked him to wait? Did he have news about Violetkit after all?
“We’re sending a patrol.” Bramblestar’s mew was soft. Squirrelflight’s eyes were scanning the clearing as if searching for twitching ears among her Clanmates. But Dovewing and Whitewing were talking to each other, heads close. Ivypool had followed Russetstar out of the camp. Lilyheart and Daisy were still dozing, Brackenfur now with them, while the kits clambered along the fallen beech. Twigkit and Briarlight were playing with the moss ball once more. Bramblestar went on: “To search for SkyClan.”
Alderpaw’s heart leapt. Thank StarClan! Anger clawed its way though Alderpaw as he remembered his failed journey to find SkyClan. The idea of Darktail’s vicious rogues driving out the long-lost Clan from their home in the gorge made him feel sick. He found one cat, Frecklewish, who he was sure died to Darktail’s claws.
StarClan’s prophecy had been hard to understand since the beginning: Embrace what you find in the shadows, for only they can clear the sky. But it had led to the quest: Bramblestar and Sandstorm had been convinced that they must find SkyClan. Instead, Alderpaw and Needlepaw had found Twigkit and Violetkit, abandoned in a shadowy tunnel. Everyone believed now that the two motherless kits would “clear the sky”, but Alderpaw couldn’t help wondering if they needed to find SkyClan after all. He wanted to finish what he started. “Can I go?”
“We’re sending Squirrelflight, Lionblaze, and Rosepetal,” Bramblestar told him. “We need you here.”
Alderpaw blinked, disappointment replacing his excitement. Half of him felt sorry for Lionblaze and Rosepetal: they just got home from their journey, wouldn’t they want to rest? But he knew Bramblestar was only sending them because they knew the way to the gorge.
“As far as the rest of the Clan knows,” Squirrelflight continued for Bramblestar, “we’re searching for Twigkit and Violetkit’s parents.”
Alderpaw tensed. “Then Twigkit mustn’t hear about it. I don’t want her getting her hopes up.” When he’d found Twigkit and Violetkit, they were only a few days old. No queen would abandon kits so young unless she had no choice, was completely heartless, or she was dead.
Bramblestar shifted his paws. “The Clan will be as worried as you about getting Twigkit’s hopes up unnecessarily. No cat will want to tell her anything. All Twigkit will now is that a patrol is out . . . well, patrolling.”
Alderpaw glanced at the top of the hollow, remembering the long journey to the gorge. Then he looked at Squirrelflight. “Do you think you’ll find SkyClan.”
“Only StarClan knows.” Squirrelflight blinked at Alderpaw, then glanced behind him to the medicine den. “You’d better get back to your duties. It looks like some cats are waiting for you.”
Alderpaw glanced over his shoulder, following his mother’s gaze. He expected to see Jayflight beckoning to him in impatience. Instead, he saw little Twigkit, shifting her paws in impatience, at the edge of the clearing, her eyes fixed on him. How long had she been there? Had she overheard their conversation?
As Bramblestar and Squirrelflight turned toward their den, Alderpaw scrambled down the tumble of rocks.
Twigkit scampered across the clearing to meet him. “Leafpool says you’re going to ShadowClan.” Her eyes were bright with excitement. “Can I come?”
Alderpaw blinked at her, wishing she could. She hadn’t seen her sister since they’d been separated half a moon ago. He wondered for a moment whether to ask Leafpool or Bramblestar for permission. Then he imagined telling Twigkit they needed to leave ShadowClan, taking her sister away from her once more. His heart ached.
“Can I?”  Twigkit asked again, lifting her front paws hopefully.
“No,” Alderpaw told her, regret in his mew. “You’re too young to leave camp.”
Sadness glistened in Twigkit’s green eyes.
“I’m sorry—” he began. But before he could finish, Twigkit hared toward the nursery.
“Wait there!” she called to him. “I won’t be long!”
He watched her go, wondering what she was up to.
Beside the honeysuckle wall of the elder’s den, in a dip that caught the morning sun, Graystripe was washing comfrey pulp into Millie’s fur. Millie’s eyes were half-closed, satisfaction showing in the slits as she worked the herb into her spine. Alderpaw dipped his head as he caught Graystripe’s yellow gaze.
Graystripe lifted his muzzle, green pulp staining his jaws. “Let me know if you need help gathering more comfrey before the frosts comes,” he called. “I may not be fast enough for mice these days but I sure can stalk herbs.”
Millie purred. “You can hunt mice as well as any warrior, my dear,” she told him.
“Why bother,” Graystripe asked, “when I can let the youngsters catch them for me?”
Twigkit squeezed out of the narrow entrance of the bramble nursery. Alderpaw could see that she was carrying a red feather between her jaws.
She trotted toward him and laid it carefully at his paws. “Will you give this to Violetkit?”
“A feather?” Alderpaw looked at it, a pang in his heart. It seemed like a small offer, but Twigkit was staring at it with an excited spark in her eyes.
“Violetkit found one before they took her away,” she told Alderpaw. “She wore it behind her ear cause she thought it was pretty. It was smaller than this one, but Violetkit left hers behind and Lilyheart accidentally threw it away when she was cleaning out the old bedding. But I found this one at the edge of the camp the other day, and I knew Violetkit would love it.” She stared up at Alderpaw, eagerness glistening in her kitten-blue eyes. “You’ll take it to her, won’t you? And tell her it was from me?”
Guilt prickled through Alderpaw’s pelt. If it weren’t for the prophecy StarClan had shared with him, the Clans wouldn’t have squabbled over the kits. They’d still be together, not in different Clans. They could play together instead of sending feathers by messenger. At least they’re alive. Alderpaw shook out his pelt. If it weren’t for the prophecy, he and Needlepaw might never have found them, and they’d have died, alone under the Thunderpath.
He licked Twigkit fondly on the head. “Of course I’ll give it to her. And I’ll tell her that you’re thinking of her.” As Twigkit nuzzled his cheek, purring, he picked up the feather and headed toward the medicine den.
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wyvern-dork · 6 years
Lena and Ethlyn for the meme?
Two very good healers. I approve.
What is your opinion of this character? If you like, explain why you like him/her.I really love her, to be honest. I think it’s great that the first Macedonan the player is introduced to is this kind, caring healer. I guess it helps establish that Macedon isn’t Ultimate Kingdom of Evil, like Doluna (even though someone who plays FE11 for the first time is likely very confused about all these kingdoms and names so it might not matter). I like her gentle nature, I think her reason for running away is pretty great, I just generally like her, though perhaps I like her more for what she Could Be (fanfictions and such) rather than what she Is (not that much, canonically)
Is he/she important to the general plot?No, with her reqruitment (by extension, her brother’s) comes a little more insight in how Michalis treats his subjects, but that’s it, really. Oh no wait, she’s a big deal in FE12, as one of the sacrifices, but out of the four, she’s the least developed (okay maybe that prize goes to Elice… hm)
Can you relate to this character at all? Does he/she grip you emotionally?Honestly I can relate, I feel like she’s what I would be. And I feel for her, a little bit, that I do.
Do you ship this character with any other character? Or, are you particularly intrigued by his/her relationship with any other character(s)? (romance-wise or platonic)Lena keeps her heart to herself, I think, even though she thinks of everyone as her “dear friends”. The one romantic ship I have for her is with Julian, even though that might not even be the “typical romantic” relationship. They love each other, I think, but I have the alternate headcanons that they’re either both ace/aro, or Lena is ace/aro and Julian respects the hell out of that, or neither of them are and they’re just super close and they want to live together for the rest of their lives no matter what. But those are just my thoughts.Platonically, she’s the ultimate mentor to Maria, she cares for Minerva’s well-being, everyone in the camp loves her and she loves them back.
Is there anything about the character you would change?I would have liked her giving more advice to Marth and co about Macedon and Minerva, even just describing Minerva as “she always was a good person”, that would be enough. But I guess I have to look to fanfiction for that
If you were in the fandom with this character or knew this character in real life, how would you see yourself interacting with him/her?I’d think she was super cool, and I’d have liked for her to teach me that healing magic because useful
Does this character make the cut as one of your all time favorites (if you like) or least favorites?She does! 100% out of potential tbh, as with most of the Archanea cast. She shares a second place along with a bunch of others
Would you hype up this character (if you like) or warn about this character (if you dislike) to someone new to fandom?I would hype up Minerva, the Whitewings and Marth, mostly, but sure, I could mention Lena as a sweet character, AND I would always recommend training her a lot. She’s your Gharnef-counter, early game. 27 res, I swoon.
Is this character popular with the fanbase? Actually, I don’t think so. Among the Archanea fans, sure, but among the general Fire Emblemers? Not really.
What is your opinion of this character? If you like, explain why you like him/her.I love her so much, she was so determined to stay and fight, it’s like she doesn’t want to but if her husband and brother (and brother’s super cool wife and Ayra) is out there in the field, so will she be. And she doesn’t pull out her staff like “I will heal you, you fight!” when they get ambushed, but she draws her sword. There’s more to her than meets the eye, I think 
Is he/she important to the general plot?Yeah, as a sister to Sigurd she’s sort of the reason they go to help him, and she’s the mom to two important gen2 characters, and she’s very important for getting the player’s heart absolutely stomped on
Can you relate to this character at all? Does he/she grip you emotionally?Let’s ignore the tale of me desperately googling “is there a way to save Ethlyn and Quan” while crying. Let’s just ignore that and move on
Do you ship this character with any other character? Or, are you particularly intrigued by his/her relationship with any other character(s)? (romance-wise or platonic)Ethlyn/Quan is Major Good, but I am also fond of the myriad of gay ships with her.
Is there anything about the character you would change?I don’t knooooow! Jugdral is just like that, killing your faves like it’s nbd. I wouldn’t mind reading some canon divergences here either, though.
If you were in the fandom with this character or knew this character in real life, how would you see yourself interacting with him/her?Idk, say she has cool hair I guess
Does this character make the cut as one of your all time favorites (if you like) or least favorites?She’s one of my Jugdral faves, yes!
Would you hype up this character (if you like) or warn about this character (if you dislike) to someone new to fandom?If anyone asked, I’d probably down my soda, stare out into the distance and say “don’t get too attached”, or something like that. 
Is this character popular with the fanbase? Ehhh, not particularly?
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caraidean-fics · 6 years
Honorary Whitewing
Characters: Catria, Cynthia
Pairings: None
Setting: Heroes (Act II, post hypothetical Cynthia adding to the roster)
Words: 1,700
Summary: Catria has a fangirl, and she’s initially not that impressed. She reconsiders this assessment during a shared night patrol at a Nifl fort.
Warnings: None
Notes: This was meant to be a RP starter/drabble for @heroismdreams that got really out of hand on the bus home
A03 Link
There was something about the new girl that irritated Catria, she would admit that. While it wasn't that she was opposed to more Pegasus Knights joining the ranks of Askr's Order - far from it, the Macedonian school of thought always valuing air superiority over almost any other battlefield tactic - her actions and personality were...difficult for her to deal with. Never mind the rumors she'd heard, that she had grown up fighting for her life from a young age, mind doubtlessly scarred from the experiences she had to deal with, there was no excuse for such behavior. She was a professional, damn it all, and she hated every second that the girl disgraced her ideal of a Pegasus Knight. 
"Did you really fight two dozen pirates by yourself on the voyage to Valentia?!"
And, of course, there were the endless questions. Catria withheld a groan as she hung her head, eyes rolling slightly as the grip on her lance tightened. Eventually she turned her head, giving her companion on tonight's watch a level stare with a single raised eyebrow. Cynthia paused, mouth half-open to ask another question, before she flinched back and chuckled awkwardly. 
"Sorry. I'm talking too much." She mumbled, looking away. Catria sighed, reminded for an instant of Est's younger years through the sheer energy and enthusiasm, leaning forwards and answering her question after a few moments. She had to take pity on her eventually, after all. 
"Palla was there as well. And there was only six each." She said, pausing. "Of course, there were more, but we mostly evaded them until we grouped up with Lady Celica and looked for Est proper. Eventually we found her, and from there we had bigger issues than fighting a few pirates."
"I know! I know!" Cynthia's energy was returning now that Catria was talking again, beaming. "I, uh...I got Celica to tell me about most of it when I first got here. I didn't know she'd be so nice!"
"She's always been like that." Catria let out a slight laugh. "Quite a difference, moving from Lady Minerva to her as a commander, but they share more in common than most would think. I always thought the two would get along quite well should circumstances arise for them to meet."
"Do they?" Cynthia asked, and Catria blinked in surprise. "I  mean, surely they've met while we're here. They both beat me here, after all."
"...true." She admitted, frowning slightly. "I haven't seen them talk to each other, but I suppose it must have happened by now. Perhaps I'll ask one of them later."
They exited the hall, heading out onto the battlements as their breath started to mist in front of them. The fort they were using as a base in Nifl was caught in one of the kingdom's seemingly endless winters, and while many of the others were complaining about the temperature the two Pegasus Knights were adapting surprisingly well. Then again, Catria reflected, it wasn't that surprising - it got cold up in the sky, particularly if you went high enough. They were already acclimatized to poor climate, no wonder they were put on night watch. 
"Anything?" Cynthia asked eventually, their walk having turned to silence as they headed around the walls. Catria shook her head, wincing as the other girl let out an exaggerated groan. "Augh, this sucks! It's so boring! The Order of Heroes is meant to be about heading around kicking ass and being, well, heroes, not walking around on a wall looking at a whole bunch of snow!"
"It's about doing your duty." Catria said sharply, making Cynthia flinch as she gave her a steady glare. "Not everything is glamorous, Cynthia. If you never learned that in your world, I wonder what kind of commanders you had."
"Hey, Lucy was a good commander!" Cynthia defended her friend, cheeks coloring noticeably further even under the pinched-red look brought on by the gold. "She didn't care about that kind of stuff! Well, okay, maybe a little, but she never got that mad about it!"
"Princess Lucina was under a great deal of pressure from what I heard and likely didn't have the time to deal with your antics." Catria's glare sharpened a little, and Cynthia shrank under her gaze. "You must have made her life far more difficult than it needed to be."
"...that's not true." Cynthia said quietly, but there was doubt in her voice. Catria sighed eventually, closing her eyes. 
"No, that was unfair of me." She said eventually, resting her back against the wall of the ramparts and glancing back over the empty fields. "I know you weren't in a proper military. I imagine discipline was lax all around."
"A little." Cynthia giggled. She paused, looking over at her companion with guilty eyes, and Catria felt a sudden pang. "...do you really think I'm that irritating?"
Catria wasn't sure how to answer that, and the long silence was all the answer Cynthia needed, shoulders slumping. "Yeah. I guess I am. Maybe I should act more like you, or your sister. Like the pegasus knights in the stories my mother used to read me. That's all I ever wanted to be...guess I've got some more work to do, huh?"
That was it, wasn't it? Catria reflected, tapping her fingers against her lance. The entire reason Cynthia sought out her company so much, asked so many questions. She grew up on stories of people like her sisters - and, well, Catria herself. Gods, she must have been an inspiration to the child, and now she was crushing her with endless criticisms, dousing her with the same self-doubt that she used to suffer from before Palla talked her out of it. She smiled gently, putting a hand on the girl's hair and ruffling it slightly. 
"You're acting like Est used to." She said gently, ignoring Cynthia's freezing up and the blush spreading over her face. "My sister is just as much of a real pegasus knight as I am. You don't need to change, Cynthia, just...there is a time and a place, you know?"
"I know." Cynthia mumbled. An idea struck Catria then, and she paused as Cynthia turned away to stare over the grounds, remembering all she'd learned of the other's exploits. Endless fighting from a young age, but more importantly she had saved countless lives. In Catria's reckoning, Cynthia was more of a hero than she was, in both of the timelines that she had served in. She reached up and unhooked her headband as she stared away, brushing blue hair out of her eyes and smiling slightly at the dull white surface. She remembered when she got this, from Minerva herself upon the Whitewing's formation, marking her and her sisters as being in a class of their own. 
She had more of them, she reflected dryly, and tapped Cynthia's shoulder. The younger girl turned to face her again, and her eyes widened as Catria held it out. "Here. Take this."
"But..." Cynthia's hands were trembling as she took it, an awestruck look on her face. "This is..."
"Yes." Catria acknowledged, gently folding her fingers over it. "Put it on."
"But these are for Whitewings!" She blurted out, running a hand through her hair. "I - there's only been eight of you in history! You and your sisters, and five others after you died! It's meant to be a - a symbol of being this great, heroic pegasus knight - oh."
Cynthia's mind caught up to what she was saying, and with trembling hands she strapped it to her head. Catria had to let out a small giggle, the girl putting it on top of her hair in her hurry to fix it in place, resulting in her having a somewhat comical look between the strands caught on top of each other and the one pigtail haphazardly caught under it. 
"I wasn't that experienced when I first got it. You are certainly more qualified than I was when Minerva gave it to me." She said gently, fixing the pigtail that had gotten caught under the headband. "I might not be a Macedonian noble, so I lack the official authority to mark you as one, but...well, surely Honorary Whitewings must exist at some point, hm?"
At that Cynthia turned so bright that Catria was afraid the woman would burst into flame. "I - well, I mean, but - you're so much more-"
"Cynthia. I've had that headband since I was nineteen. Est got hers at fifteen." She assured her quietly. "I may disagree with your attitude, and to be honest I may grow sick of your questions, but understand this - I have never questioned your abilities or deeds. And you deserve to be marked as one just as much as Palla, Est, or myself. Never doubt yourself again, understand?"
"Thank you." Cynthia squeaked, and she seemed torn between fainting and crying. Catria let out a chuckle, patting her on the back and lightly shoving her towards the door. 
"Go on, find a mirror and fix that. You look ridiculous." She turned back to the barren wastes of snow, hearing Cynthia's feet clatter as she headed back inside. So much like Est. She was lost in thought for a while, interrupted by Cynthia joining her again, hair lifted to rest over the headband and looking every part the Whitewing that Catria had marked her as. Well, save that stupid armor and uniform, Catria frowned. Gods, who had approved that damned collar?
"So, uh...I have another question." Cynthia admitted after a second, and Catria groaned a little. "Sorry, sorry! But, uh...where did Est go after it was all over? I couldn't find it in any books, like, anywhere. Why did she leave Abel? Oh, oh, were Palla and Minerva really a thing? Did you ever find someone other than Prince Marth? Say, did you fight in any more wars after your third? Did you ever go back to Valentia?"
...gods, but she still wished she would calm down.
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