#When is Diwali
simmingonthelow · 2 months
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A Dance of Remembrance
gif pictures and inspo below
Gif pics
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Thank you to @missatan for helping with my gif obsession 🥺💖
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peasunflower · 2 years
Yeah diwali is about firecrackers, diyas and new clothes and lanterns, but it's so much more. It's also about dressing up with your bestie while fighting over who was late, and watching how every balcony is adorned with festive lights flickering, it's about jhumkas and bindi and about making tiny paper lanterns, and clicking 17k pictures, and smiling and laughing with family, and complaining about calories to mum while sneaking out another kaju katli. Diwali <3
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mazm-imagines · 7 months
Happy Diwali, Saha! *Sneaks up behind Mihir and jumps on his back, then laughs in triumph*
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"Be careful-" Mihir was forced to bend ever so slightly forward by ths intrusion on his back. It didn't hurt him so much as surprised him.
"Do not do that. That is very impolite. You're lucky I can handle it, but don't try this again alright? As for today... Happy Diwali." After the barrage of scolding, Mihir finally managed to crack a smile.
"I had almost forgotten... wondering why Nabin and Poltu were in such festive spirits. Thank you for reminding me."
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triviareads · 6 months
as I read Match Me If You Can by Swati Hegde, I'm pondering on the true desi girl experience being trying your damnedest to wear a different Indian outfit for every occasion while a guy just rolls up in the same kurta every time but you can't even fault him because he looks good in it 😭😭😭
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fulcrvm · 8 months
you know i say i dont like having restaurant desi food but then i get overcome with an overwhelming love for indian breakfast foods and cant do anything about it
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diomedrian · 7 months
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Burned my hair btw ✌🏼✌🏼
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notquiteaghost · 7 months
i think there shld be some kinda local authority run app that is free & you just tell it where you live and/or work & then whenever you do smth that is gonna make a Notably Loud Noise such as fireworks or whatever the fuck it is they do in the industrial yard that makes the big whump sound, you tell the app before you do it & the app warns everyone else close enough to hear it. so then i do not have to have a brief but intense freakout cuz the degus started alarm calling & when i went to see them one of the girls didn't get up out of bed which is VERY uncharacteristic behaviour and also not getting up is one of the ways we knew our degu who passed unexpectedly was sick so i had to stare at her with my heart in my throat until i saw her move and then when she did move i heard another of the fucking fireworks that they were alarm calling about in the first place because she is fine she was just in freeze mode because of the unexplainable loud banging noises they all hate and i had not been expecting to hear
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neonsbian · 7 months
i dont wanna go thro this week can i just skip to saturday pls
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WtfDYM shahrukh hasn't had a diwali release in 9 years
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deesi-academia · 2 years
This diwali everyone at home is either busy with pooja preparations or angry with me 👍
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Hi Jalebi,
Hope you are doing good. Have been going through your blog and found your recent posts too. Even though its been more than a decade since ipkknd, i am very happy to know that there are people out there who are still immersed in this fandom, as like me. :)
So my ask is the situation that comes after diwali and Arnav got to know about kushis engagement. What do you think Arnav's thought process was? I understand why he got engaged to La after the almost kiss, but he literally told kushi that her existence doesn't matter. And he knows on some level that kushi has feelings for him and his actions will hurt her(atleast i think he knows). Is there not a moment where he tried to think from her shoes? What do you think he expected her to do after getting engaged to another woman and downright rejected her? Did he not realize that it's kind of big deal for a woman who gets shocked when their fingers touched, to let him come this close? No anger here, just trying to understand our complicated main lead of complex feelings.
Thanks for answering.
Hello Anon,
Thank you so much for loving the blog! I think I've answered a similar question here :) Also, Khushi is the another woman in this case - not Lavanya. He didn't expect her to do anything - he was processing his own volatile emotions.
Arnav does NOT think what Khushi is feeling. He never thinks what other people thinks. It's how he is/ He slowly learns the effect his words have on the people around him and restrain the way he callously speaks to people.
The big deal wasn't Arnav and Khushi exploring intimacy (just because someone is experienced, it doesn't lessen what first touch feels with another person and similarly just because someone is inexperienced it doesn't mean the first touch is everything).
The big deal was Arnav-Khushi were going to kiss when he's:-
a) committed to Lavanya
b) no proper conversation about what equation they share
c) are fundamentally incredibly different especially in terms of commitment, love, lust and relationship
Arnav and Khushi aren't even in love at that point and Khushi wants love at that point. Khushi means a lot for him, he has an irrefutable corner in his heart for her but what they share is very complex and as the name of the show suggests - nameless.
He was going through multiple emotions. He called himself weak for losing his resolve in front of lust for a woman he has started to deeply care and the terrible circumstances at hand. Lavanya was getting bullied and character assassinated for his rash decisions (it's what Anjali often tried to make Arnav understand that as a socially traditional family it'll be tough to integrate La into the family while keeping her dignity and respect).
The flight feelings for Khushi, and a loss of control, is what he terms as a mistake and this man is known for making mistakes when he has no idea what's happening to him.
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kim-ruzek · 2 years
We need a general election so fucking badly I do not want more racism that will inevitably come when our new out of touch fucking pm inevitably fucks up this country and people choose to see him only as the asian Hindu pm and not as a rich sell out tory.
Like nothing unites this country more than the working class hating on the tories but there's still so much racism seeped into the bones and those people take any and all opportunity to believe that asian folks aren't people worth their time or country and I just Cannot Deal with more racism.
I don't have the link rn but seriously anyone who's in the UK who follows me, if you haven't already, please please PLEASE sign the petition for a GE. We need it to be discussed in parliament, we need it to happen. Even if you are a conservative yourself (in which case please stop following me I hate your party) you should since it's just a whole mess right now and you honestly need to see that.
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exhaustedwerewolf · 1 year
they’ve started selling kaju katli again at the supermarket for ramadan rip my bank account
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hesitationss · 1 year
forgot i lived in a chinese and indian neighborhood... the fireworks are going off already!!!
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christmas brings up a few dilemmas that i prefer to just simply Not Think About
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thecheesyboi1315 · 2 years
I don't like this necklace it feels too much
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